Provide information on individual topics or processes associated with the BSC
A user guide detailing how to use all the features available in the Digital Code
This explains Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Qualification and its relationship with the Central Registration System under the BSC.
Elexon explains when BSC Parties receive Advice Notes, backing sheets and Confirmation Notices from the Funds Administration Agent (FAA).
This explains the requirements of BSC Change Proposal CP1434, which changed the 3-digit numeric Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) Id to an Alphanumeric LLFC Id in June 2016.
Elexon explains the process for approving automatic standing data updates, including the P0219 and P0220 flows.
This guidance note relates to the Settlement of Secondary BM Units using metering behind the site Boundary Point. Metering behind the site Boundary Point used for this purpose is referred to as Asset Metering. This document is relevant to Asset Metering VLPs (AMVLP) and their Agents; and covers Asset Metering technical requirements; Registration of Assets, AMVLP Agents and Asset Meters; and Asset Differencing and Complex Sites
Elexon explains how a BSC Party can transfer Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Primary BM Units to another Party. It also explains how a Supplier ID, with all its associated Supplier BM Units, can be transferred to another Supplier.
Elexon explains what Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units are, how they're used and how to register them under the BSC.
Organisations wishing to become a BSC Party must complete this form to start the Market Entry process.
This explains what the BSC Audit is, when it happens and how it impacts Parties.
This explains what the BSC Audit is, when it happens and how it impacts Parties.
Elexon explains the requirements in the BSC's Codes of Practice (CoPs) that Suppliers of smart Meters need to comply with, over and above those in the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications (SMETS).
This explains what Interconnectors are and how they're used, the different roles involved, and how BSC Settlement works for Interconnector Users.
This Guidance Note is for applicants to the BSC Sandbox process as well as anyone wanting a plain English guide to the process. Innovators wishing to carry out a pre-competitive trial of a product or service in a live market environment can apply through the BSC Sandbox for a derogation. A derogation gives temporary permission not to comply with one or more normal BSC rules for the period of the trial
This describes the criteria and process under which BSC Modification Proposals can be progressed as Self-Governance, and how Parties can appeal Self-Governance decisions.
This provides contact details for the submission of BSCP forms. For general BSCP queries, please contact the BSC Service Desk.
Directors of newly-acceded BSC Parties should use this form to declare Category A authorised persons under BSCP38.
BSCP601 Protocol Test Script CoP11 Asset Metering
Sample test script for the protocol approval of Half Hourly Metering Equipment, which provides measurements on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes, for Codes of Practice 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10.
Elexon explains how it procures, contracts with, and manages the BSC Agent service providers. It also gives an overview of each BSC Agent's role.
Elexon explains the methodology used to review and recalculate Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Switch Regime Burn Hours under the BSC in 2010.
Elexon explains what BUSRRs are, how they're calculated and how a BSC Party's performance against them can impact its organisation. It will be removed from the Digital Code Site in Q1 2025.
In relation to Current Transformer (CT) and Voltage Transformer (VT) Ratio's. Including the CT and VT Valid Set, and the process for amending the CT and VT Valid Set.
Guidance on calculating compensation factors where required as part of BSC Metering Dispensation applications.
Elexon explains the BSC's Residual Cashflow Reallocation Cashflow (RCRC). RCRC is the sum of all energy imbalance charges and represents the total amount of money to be redistributed (or collected) from Trading Parties.
BSC participants wishing to cancel their High Grade or Low Grade communications service (including TIBCO licences) should submit this form.
Elexon explains what testing needs to be undertaken before a product can be approved as a CMS Equivalent Meter under the BSC's Unmetered Supplies UMS arrangements.
How Customers can benefit from a Central Management System (CMS) under the BSC's Unmetered Supplies (UMS) arrangements, and how to work with CMS manufacturers, local distribution businesses and electricity Suppliers.
Guidance on CMS manufacturers on how to gain approval for a CMS under the BSC's Unmetered Supplies (UMS) arrangements.
Elexon explains what Measurement Classes and Profile Classes are, and the processes for changing them under the BSC.
Elexon explains what Meter Technical Details (MTDs) should be sent on a change of Non Half Hourly (NHH) Meter Operator Agent (MOA) under BSC Change Proposal CP1465, implemented in February 2017.
Elexon explains how to carry out sample Meter Calibrations under the BSC and Code of Practice 4.
Guidance on how to meet the requirements of metering Code of Practice (CoP) 4 under the BSC.
A record of all changes (and the month and year in which they changed) made to each Code of Practice that resulted in an update to either the issue number or version number of a particular CoP.
Elexon explains the BSC's requirements for commissioning Half Hourly (HH) Metering Equipment in accordance with Code of Practice 4.
BSC participants should submit this form to request their preferred type of Communication Service.It will be removed from the Digital Code Site in Q1 2025.
Guidance for Compliance testing and protocol approval of Settlement Meters and Outstations.
This explains what Aggregation Rules are, why they're required, how they work, and how to construct and submit them under the BSC.
Elexon explains how Credit Assessment Load Factors (CALF) are calculated and used in determining a Trading Party's Energy Indebtedness under the BSC.
Elexon explains when and how the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) is reviewed under the BSC.
This explains why BSC Parties need to lodge Credit Cover and how they can do this, how Elexon calculates Parties' indebtedness, and how Parties can check their Credit Cover Percentage.
Elexon explains what's included in the BSC's credit checking process, what happens if BSC Parties breach the Credit Default thresholds, and how Credit Default interacts with Payment Default and BSC Default.
This guide describes the various reasons why a Data Aggregator can reject a D0209 (‘Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator’) or D0019 ('Metering System EAC/AA Data’) flow and to identify the responsibility for resolution and method of correction in each case.
Elexon explains the Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation (NHHDA) Check Data Collection Data (CDCD) function and guidance on managing and resolving exceptions.
Elexon explains the Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation (NHHDA) Check Data Collection Data (CDCD) function and guidance on managing and resolving exceptions.
Registrants of Metering Systems located within a licence-exempt Distribution System (private network) should submit this form if they wish to make use of Generic Metering Dispensation D/380.
Elexon explains the BSC arrangements that support the ability of customers on private networks to choose their own Supplier, including use of Generic Metering Dispensation D/380.
This explains the ongoing BSC data quality obligations that Non Half Hourly Data Collectors (NHHDCs) and Non Half Hourly Meter Operator Agents (NHHMOAs) have after they are deappointed by a Supplier.
This guidance document supports the processes introduced on 1 April 2021 by P383 ‘Enhanced reporting of demand data to the NETSO to facilitate CUSC Modifications CMP280 and CMP281' and in particular gives information on how to complete the forms required to declare an SVA Storage Facility.
Desktop Audits will be introduced as an ongoing addition to the TAM technique in the 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 audit year and will be undertaken by the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) on behalf of the BSCCo. The audit aims to determine whether a Metering System is affecting the accuracy of data used for Settlement by assessing the quality of the documentation and undertaking proving tests.
Elexon explains how Parties can refer Trading Disputes to the BSC Panel, and how the Panel considers and makes determinations on these Disputes.
Elexon explains how BSC Trading Parties can determine whether they are part of a Trading Party Group, so that they can accurately declare this information for the purposes of BSC Panel elections.
Elexon explains what the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA) Web Service (EWS) is and how BSC Parties can use it.
Guidance for BSC Parties on preparing an Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) plan
This explains what Error & Failure Resolution (EFR) is, how it's applied, the timescales for producing and reviewing action plans, also how issues are escalated to the Performance Assurance Board and the BSC Panel.
Elexon explains how it monitors the BSC Settlement Risk of incorrect Energisation Status for Non Half Hourly (NHH) Metering Systems.
Elexon explains the various categories of embedded generators, the types of bilateral agreements they could have with National Grid, the 'embedded benefits' that may be available to them and the relevant BSC requirements.
This explains how Large EAC/AA (LEA) system uses Annual Billed Unit (ABU) data, how to determine and submit ABU data. (EAC = Estimated Annual Consumption / AA = Annualised Advance).
Elexon explains the Half Hourly Data Aggregation (HHDA) exception reporting process under the BSC. It explains each exception type and guidance on resolving them.
This is for BSC Parties and provides information on raising a claim for exceptional circumstances to be considered when assessing Trading Disputes.
This explains the various charges that BSC Parties must pay as BSC Costs, how Funding Shares are calculated and what happens if a Party doesn't pay its charges.
Generation Capacity (GC) and Demand Capacity (DC) Estimation Methodology and Challenge Guidance
Guidance for Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Customers on how to declare these Charge Codes, Switch Regimes and Variable Power Switch Regimes (VPSR) on their inventories.
Elexon gives guidance for manufacturers wishing to apply for Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Generic LED Charge Code Ranges under the BSC.
Elexon explains the purpose and use of Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group Take, GSP Group Correction, Correction Factors and Scaling Weights under the BSC.
This explains the purpose of GVC, and when and how it can be used under the BSC.
This provides guidance for BSC Parties who may want to participate in the EU Replacement Reserve Market and for those who don’t how they will be affected by these arrangements.
This guidance only relates to HH Import Metering Systems. For Export Metering Systems, the current estimation rules remain applicable. BSCP502, paragraph 4.2.2a requires that HHDC estimate zeroes “until such time that evidence of Export energy transfer is provided”. In the current circumstances, Suppliers and HHDCs should not take too narrow a view of what sort of evidence is acceptable (for example, the availability of a meter advance), to ensure that generators are not settled on zeroes inappropriately.
An explanation of how to use and populate the D0354, D0355, D0356 & D0357 data flows that support the Electricity Market Reform arrangements.
This defines the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) testing procedures undertaken when connecting a new High Grade Service user to the BSC Systems.
This explains the different items that appear within Advice Notes and Confirmation Notices under the BSC.
Interconnector Registration and Entering the Market
Guidance on using the BSC's Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Charge Code Application Form for Switch Regimes and Variable Power Switch Regimes (VPSR).
This appendix is for use with the Application Form for Lamps.
Organisations applying for BSC Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Charge Codes for lamps should complete this form.
Elexon explains the processes for submitting, auditing and approving Line Loss Factors (LLFs) under BSCP128.
Elexon explains what Load Profiles are, how they are created by the Profile Administrator (PrA) and how they are applied under the BSC.
This explains how and when sites can be classified as Long Term Vacant under the BSC, and what this means for Settlement.
This clarifies that Metering System ID (MSID) is the BSC term for a Metering System/Metering Point, while Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN) is the term used in the Master Registration Agreement (MRA) for the same thing. Elexon also explains the composition of MSIDs/MPANs.
Elexon answers the most frequently-asked questions about the BSC's Market Domain Data (MDD).
This covers the Market Domain Data process at a high level. If you’re an SVA market participant, you’ll find this a useful introduction to MDD.
Elexon explains the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Qualification and re-Qualification processes under the BSC.
This illustrates the activities that different types of BSC Party must complete to withdraw from the BSC.
Elexon explains the processes by which different types of BSC Party can withdraw from the BSC.
This explains what could be a Material Change that triggers re-Qualification under the BSC.
Elexon explains the definition of material doubt, what information Parties should provide when claiming it and the process Elexon follows for assessing it under the BSC.
Elexon explains the BSC's requirements for Import and Export Metering Systems that are, or are to be, registered in a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) for a site at which Third Party Generating Plant is installed.
This explains the definition of a Metering System, the BSC's rules about complying with the metering CoPs and the purpose of Metering Dispensations.
Elexon explains how to register microgeneration under the BSC.
Elexon explains how to maintain BSC compliance, and minimise Settlement Risk, before and during installation of smart Meters.
This report, commissioned by Elexon in 2013, determined the actual power consumption of a selection of street lamp types over three months. It will be removed from the Digital Code Site in Q1 2025.
Elexon sets out a Non Half Hourly (NHH) Meter reading validation algorithm that BSC participants may wish to use. Elexon presented this to the Supplier Volume Allocation Group (SVG) in 2002 but it was never formally adopted.
The NMTES records average errors attributable to specific measurement transformers based on sample data that Distributors send to Elexon under BSCP515. It can be used for Technical Assurance of Metering Systems, complying with Codes of Practice 3 and 5, where individual measurement transformer error certificates are not available.
Elexon expands on and explains the P448 solution set out in the BSC and in BSCP18 “Corrections to Bid-Offer Acceptance Related Data”, explains the context for the new processes and provides Elexon contact details
This guidance is primarily aimed at addressing estimation for NHH non-domestic customers whose load may have reduced. The estimation of NHH domestic customers may also need to be adjusted, but due to the number of customers this may not be practical to do at this stage. Suppliers should discuss with their Supplier Agents whether changes to NHH domestic customers should occur and can be managed at this time. We would encourage Suppliers to obtain readings from domestic customers (for example through customer own reads) at this time to provide further accuracy to Settlement – which is preferable to revising EACs manually.
This guidance addresses that; due to the restriction on movement put in place by Government in relation to the COVID-19 lockdown, it may not be possible to be able to visit sites within the timescales set out in BSCP504. Therefore, when this process is examined by the BSC Auditor for the 2020/2021 BSC Audit (and any future BSC Audits, subject to any further future period(s) of lockdown), the days during lockdown, and for three months subsequently (to allow the industry to undertake the backlog of work and return to normal operating tiescales), should note be counted towards the 215 day LTV requirements.
This document provides guidance to all parties involved in the process of Commissioning Metering Equipment following implementation of Change Proposals CP1496 and CP1497 and subsequent new data flows that are required as a result.
This is Appendix B to the Notification of Commissioning Status Guidance and is in Excel format.
This document provides a guide to Unmetered Supplies under the BSC. In particular, the OID gives guidance on how to apply for, and construct, Charge Codes and Switch Regimes; including Elexon's testing requirements.
Elexon explains what services its Operational Support Managers (OSMs) offer, how it appoints OSMs to BSC participants and how you can find your OSM. It will be removed from the Digital Code Site in Q1 2025.
Guidance on Approved BSC Modification P339 'Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement Classes E-G', implemented in April 2017.
Elexon answers some frequently asked questions about Approved BSC Modification P350 ‘Introduction of a seasonal Zonal Transmission Losses scheme’.
An overview of BSC Central Services for organisations intending to become participants in the BSC arrangements.)
Organisations wishing to use Elexon's Participant Test Service should complete and return this form.
This describes the BSC Participant Test Service (PTS), and outlines the actions required by BSC Participants in order to use the service. This does not provide an overall description of the operation of the BSC services – instead it identifies where the PTS differs from the operational service, and provides details for accessing the test service.
An explanation of the process by which Parties can attend the Trading Disputes Committee (TDC). This will be removed from the Digital Code Site in Q1 2025.
Elexon explains how a BSC Party can transfer (novate) its BSC Party ID, including all BSC rights and obligations, to a new company number.
This explains the guiding principles for Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) techniques & how the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) applies them under the BSC.
This highlights the range of Performance Assurance reporting Elexon produces. The paper gives a description of the reporting, maps the 2018/19 Settlement Risk, and notes the relevant 2019/20 Settlement Risk areas.
This illustrates the mapping of the Top Settlement Risks from the 2018/19 Performance assurance Operating Period (PAOP), and the Focus Risks in the 2019/20 PAOP. The document identifies the cross over and differences between the PAOPs, and informs Parties of the rationale behind the judgment Elexon has made.
Elexon explains what Production/Consumption (P/C) Status is, how it's determined and what effect it has under the BSC.
This explains how the BSC's Profiling Administrator Samples, Profile Classes, Strata and Super Strata are defined, how Sample Participants are selected and what checks should be made on selected participants.
Elexon explains how Suppliers should map existing Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) Standard Settlement Configurations (SSCs) to equivalent timeswitched SSCs when RTS Meters are replaced with dynamically-controlled smart Meters; since implementation of CP1443: Standard Settlement Configurations for Smart and advanced Meters in February 2016.
This explains how BSC Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units are used for EMR settlement. It also explains the differences between BM Units for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) and Central Volume Allocation (CVA) EMR assets, and how to register/deregister BM Units for use in the EMR arrangements.
Elexon explains the different types of System Connection Points and gives flow diagrams and checklists of the BSC's registration requirements.
Elexon explains its approach to witness testing when reviewing Supplier Volume Allocation Qualification applications under the BSC.
Elexon provides a set of storyboards and other aids that can be used when designing a test programme to meet the BSC's Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Qualification Requirements.
Elexon sets out the amounts/rates of the Main and Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Specified BSC Charges, as determined by the BSC Panel.
This sets out the amounts/rates of the Dataline Monthly Charge, TIBCO Set-up Charge and TIBCO Software Support Charge from 1 April until 31 March as determined by the Panel in accordance with Section D of the BSC.
Guidance on arranging access for the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) to perform inspections on Half Hourly (HH) Metering Systems.
Elexon's Settlement Calculation Hierarchy gives a visual representation of the core BSC Settlement calculations. It allows you to navigate the calculations, see the relationships between different elements and see how a particular data item fits into the overall picture.
Settlement Calculation Hierarchy: Calculate BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume
Settlement Calculation Hierarchy: Calculate Trading Charges
A high level explanation of the Settlement Cashflows under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). Full information can be found in Section T of the BSC.
Settlement Implications for Suppliers Whose Customers Provide Balancing Services to National Grid (Directly or via Independent Aggregators)
Elexon explains the BSC's requirements for measuring and recording electricity flows, for Settlement purposes, at Offshore wind farms that are subject to the Offshore Transmission Regime. These are Offshore wind farms that connect onshore to the Transmission System or a Distribution System, where the Offshore transmission assets convey electricity from or to shore at or above 132kV.
Elexon advises BSC Parties how to improve performance against SR0024 by understanding the most common causes of failure, and explains what's required if a Party is subject to the Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) process for this risk.
Elexon advises BSC Parties how to improve performance against SR0025 by understanding the most common causes of failure, and explains what's required if a Party is subject to the Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) process for this risk.
This guidance outlines that Elexon will not consider any non-compliances for site inspections which have not been attempted, if these were due to take place during any period(s) of lock down. The initial period of lockdown is defined as starting on 21 March 2020 (or 24 March 2020, depending on the nature of the customer’s business), in line with the government initial directive to close certain businesses, until such a time as the PAB determines that the lockdown has ended.
Guidance on each section within the smart Meter Technical Detail (MTD) report. This report will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) on a monthly basis in its pubic session whilst the Settlement Risk associated with smart MTDs is considered significant.
Statement of Generic Metering Dispensations Valid Set
A list of all Generic Metering Dispensations approved under the BSC.
This report, commissioned by Elexon in 2013, determined the actual power consumption of a selection of street lamp types over three months. It will be removed from the Digital Code Site in Q1 2025.
Submission of declarations for exemption of non-final demand from final consumption levies
This explains what Aggregation Rules are, why they're required, how they work, and how to construct and submit them under the BSC.
If you answer 'yes' to these questions then this document is for you: Are you a Half Hourly Supplier? Do you need to improve or work to maintain your percentage actuals performance? Are you looking to learn or reacquaint yourself with the principles and approach to good Settlement performance?
Guidance on managing Supplier Volume Allocation Half Hourly (HH) Metering Systems under the BSC.
This guidance has been put in place to provide helpful information to the appointed Replacement Supplier following a Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) to enable them to best meet Settlement obligations and minimise Settlement performance impacts.
These documents detail the working practices followed by Elexon's Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) when auditing Metering Systems.
The TAA provides the services described by BSCP27 and it does this in accordance with other BSC documentation, such as the Codes of Practice (CoPs). The purpose of the TAA Working Instructions is to provide a common understanding & approach to instructions and to provide transparency of services performed by the TAA for the benefit of all parties involved (BSCCo, TAA & Industry).
Examples of the common types of BSC non-compliance that the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) may identify for Half Hourly (HH) Metering Systems.
Elexon lists network companies which have provided a Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) Inspector with authorisation to undertake Technical Assurance of Metering work.
Guidance on rectifying BSC non-compliances raised by the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA).
Elexon explains the Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties (TAPAP) process, as set out in BSCP535.
This explains how Elexon tests changes to the BSC software, systems and processes, including the different types of testing.
Elexon explains the New Electricity Trading Arrangements (NETA) introduced to England and Wales in March 2001 through the BSC.
This explains what happens when a Party Defaults under Section H of the BSC, including two possible outcomes: a Trade Sale and Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR).
A beginner's guide to the electricity trading arrangements. It explains trading, imbalance Settlement, Bids and Offers, and the roles of generators, Suppliers and Elexon.
Elexon explains how to manage and resolve Erroneous Large Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) and Annualised Advance (AA) values under the BSC.
Explanation of the BSC obligations and processes that facilitate Third Party Access for electricity customers within private distribution networks (i.e. the right for these customers to choose their own electricity Supplier).
Elexon explains how to raise a BSC Trading Dispute to correct erroneous large values of Estimated Annual Consumption (EACs) / Annualised Advances (AAs) that have crystallised in Settlement.
This explains how Elexon identifies affected Parties during the BSC's Trading Disputes process and how they fit into the process.
This explains what a Trading Unit is, the benefits of registering one and how to do so under the BSC.
This describes the source and purpose of each of the data files available for download from the TLFs Determination page of the Elexon Portal.
Organisations applying for BSC Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Charge Codes for signals and miscellaneous equipment should complete this form.
Elexon explains the purpose of Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Charge Codes and how to apply for one.
Elexon gives guidance on how to analyse and address the root causes of any SR0028 non-compliances raised by the Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) under the BSC.
Elexon explains the different Party and Party Agent roles under the BSC.
Elexon explains how it monitors Non Half Hourly (NHH) Unmetered Supplies (UMS) data for erroneous values.
‘Outstation Type’ is a data item contained within the D0268 Half Hourly (HH) Meter Technical Details flow and is used by HH Meter Operators (MOs) and HH Data Collectors (DCs) to specify and determine which protocols must be used in order to dial into a particular Outstation. It is defined in the MRA Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) as a three-character identifier, along with a Valid Set of available codes. The List of Valid Outstation Types csv file is updated when a new Outstation Type is required (SVA Data Transfer Network data item J0471).
Organisations applying for BSC Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Charge Codes for Switch Regimes and Variable Power Switch Regimes should complete this form.
Elexon explains what Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs) are, how to set up Notification Agent Authorisations and how to submit Volume Notifications.
Wider Access Guidance For Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs), Asset Metering VLPs and Suppliers