BSCP601 Protocol Test Script - CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 |
Guidance Note |
Reference Details | Details |
BSCP601 Application Reference Number |
HHDC Agent |
Protocol(s) in Test |
Test | Pass / Fail |
DR1-1 Initial Data Collection |
DR1-2 Repeated Data Collection |
DR2-1 Incorrect Level 2 Password |
DR2-2 Correct Level 2 Password |
DR3-1 Clock Resets (UTC minus 10mins) with incorrect Level 2 Password |
DR3-2 Clock Resets (UTC minus 10mins) with correct Level 2 Password |
DR3-3 Clock Resets (UTC plus 10mins) with correct Level 2 Password |
DR4-1a Phase Fail – One Phase/Each Phase in Consecutive Settlement Periods |
DR4-1b Outstation Supply Failure – in Consecutive Settlement Periods |
DR4-2 Battery Monitor (where fitted) |
DR4-3 Equipment Resets – Caused by other than a supply failure (where fitted) |
DR4-4 Interrogation Port Access - Data changes (not date and/or time) |
DR4-5 Reverse Running (where fitted) |
Environment | |
Date of Testing: |
Tests carried out by: |
Location of Tests: |
Outstations | |
Outstation Type: |
Outstation Serial Nos: |
Outstation’s Protocol and version No: |
Outstation Firmware version: |
No. and type of channels set up in the Outstation: |
Remote communication method: |
Data Collection System | |
HHDC Data Collection software System name, version No. and Date: |
Software environment hosting the HHDC’s system: |
System Modules details: |
System Module version No. and date: |
Outstation Manufacturer’s Software | |
Outstation manufacturer’s software: |
Software Version No.: |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly collects data from the Outstation. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and correct Level 2 password and collect all4 data for a minimum of one day. Then, using the Outstation manufacturer’s software, collect the same data and compare the results.
| Both sets of data and time stamps must be the same. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system repeated data collection does not corrupt any data previously collected from the Outstation. | Collect the same data from test DR1-1 with the correct Level 2 password. Then, using the Outstation manufacturer’s software, collect the same data and compare the results.
| The data and time stamps collected must be the identical to those collected in collected in test DR1-1 and both sets of data and time stamps must be the same as those from the Outstation manufacturer’s software. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly interprets and handles password errors from the Outstation. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and an incorrect Level 2 password. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of one day.
| The HHDC’s system should report a password error and no data is collected. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly interprets and handles password errors from the Outstation. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of one day.
| The HHDC’s system should not report a password error and collect data from the Outstation. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system does not attempt a time reset when an incorrect Level 2 password is provided. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the incorrect Level 2 password. Attempt to collect data for a minimum of one day. | The HHDC’s system should report an Outstation timing error and is unable to proceed because of a password mismatch. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system is able to correctly detect and correct Outstation clock errors. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of 1 day. After completing, verify that the Outstation is set to UTC using the Outstation manufacturer’s software. | The HHDC’s system should report an Outstation timing error and proceed to correct the Outstation time. Subsequent verification should show that the Outstation time has been corrected to UTC. The HHDC system shows two event alarms in the Settlement Period in which the time was changed. One showing a truncated Settlement Period and the second that a time reset has occurred. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system is able to correctly detect and correct Outstation clock errors. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of 1 day. After completing, verify that the Outstation is set to UTC using the Outstation manufacturer’s software. | The HHDC’s system should report an Outstation timing error and proceed to correct the Outstation time. Subsequent verification should show that the Outstation time has been corrected to UTC. The HHDC system shows two event alarms in the Settlement Period in which the time was changed. One showing an elongated Settlement Period and the second that a time reset has occurred. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly reports phase failure event alarm flags. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password.
For a period, as a minimum, over a Settlement Period Boundary, remove one phase voltage9 from the Meter feeding the Outstation.
Collect all data for a minimum of one day including the Settlement Periods in which the phase voltage was removed.
| The HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an alarm flag for the Settlement Periods in which the phase voltage was removed. The Alarm should show phase fail. After restoration of the relevant phase voltage, the following Settlement Period should not have an alarm flag. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly reports phase failure event alarm flags. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password.
For a period, as a minimum, over a Settlement Period Boundary remove all phase voltages11 from the Outstation.
Collect all data for a minimum of one day including the Settlement Periods in which all the phase voltages were removed.
Where the Outstation has an auxiliary supply fitted, this test should be repeated with the auxiliary supply (rather than all phase voltages) removed from the Outstation.
| The HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an alarm flag for the Settlement Periods in which all the phase voltages were removed. The Alarm should show phase fail and power outage. The following Settlement Periods, after restoration of all phase voltages, should not have an alarm flag.
Where the Outstation has an auxiliary supply fitted, the HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an alarm flag for the Settlement Periods in which the auxiliary supply was removed. The Alarm should show power outage. The following Settlement Periods, after restoration of the auxiliary supply should not have an alarm flag. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly reports Outstation battery event alarm flags. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password.
Disconnect the Outstation’s battery12 for a period of approx. 5min, then reconnect.
Collect all data for a minimum of one day including the Settlement Period in question.
| The HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an alarm flag for the Settlement Period in which the Outstation battery was disconnected or otherwise simulated to have failed (e.g. by reducing a battery life countdown timer to 0 hours). The Alarm should show battery fail. The following Settlement Period, after restoration, should not have an alarm flag. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly reports Equipment reset event alarm flags. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password.
Using the Outstation manufacturer’s software reset the Outstation with password level 3 or 4 as appropriate.
Collect all data for a minimum of one day including the Settlement Period in question.
| The HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an alarm flag for the Settlement Periods in question. The alarm should show that the Metering Equipment has been reset. The following Settlement Period should not have an alarm flag. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly reports changes to the Outstation other than changes to time and/or date. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password.
Using the Outstation manufacturer’s software change the Outstation data13 using password level 3 or 4 as appropriate.
Collect all data for a minimum of one day including the Settlement Period in question.
| The HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an event alarm flag for the Settlement Period in question. The alarm should show that the Outstation data (other than date/time) has been changed. The following Settlement Period should not have an alarm flag. |
Objective | Method | Expected Results | Actual Results | Result (Pass/Fail) |
To ensure that the HHDC’s system correctly reports reverse running event alarm flags. | Populate the HHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct Level 2 password.
For a period, as a minimum, over a Settlement Period Boundary, configure the prevailing conditions to be Active Export recorded by the Outstation.
Collect all data for a minimum of one day including the Settlement Periods in which the voltage was removed.
| The HHDC’s system should collect all data and show an alarm flag for the two Settlement Periods in which the Outstation was recording Active Export. The Alarm should show reverse running. The following Settlement period, once Active Import being recorded, should not have an alarm flag. |
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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.
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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it. |
1 The requirement for pre loading Outstations with non-uniform data is so that the data, when collected, can be differentiated from other half hour data stored in the Outstation. This should include data on all channels configured in the Outstation i.e. can include Active Import, Active Export, Reactive Import, Reactive Export, Active Import related Import kvarh, Active Import related Export kvarh, Active Export related Import kvarh, Active Export related Export kvarh, where available.
2 HHDC Systems may be linked to PCs set to British Summer Time but the underlying HHDC System must be synched to UTC.
3 UTC means Co-ordinated Universal Time which bears the same meaning as in the document Standard Frequency and Time Signal Emission, International Telecommunication Union - RTF.460
4 All data is dependent on the design of the Outstation and can include Active Import, Active Export, Reactive Import, Reactive Export, Active Import related Import kvarh, Active Import related Export kvarh, Active Export related Import kvarh, Active Export related Export kvarh.
5 Requirements for Passwords can be found in the relevant CoP - - Section 5.6 in CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10.
6 Requirements for Time Keeping can be found in the relevant CoP - - Section 5.5.2 in CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10.
7 Requirements for Monitoring Facilities can be found in the relevant CoP - - Sections 5.1.3 & 5.5.3 in CoPs 1 and 2; Section 5.5.3 in CoPs 3, 5 and 10.
8 Where the Outstation records alarm flags for a specific voltage phase rather than just a generic phase fail alarm that cover any phase this test must be repeated for each possible combination of phase failures that the Outstation will report a separate alarm for.
9 Where the Outstation is fed by a single phase Meter this test can be combined with DR4-1b. For Outstations fed by polyphase Meters repeat for each phase in different Settlement Periods and with each phase failure occurring over a Settlement Period Boundary.
10 The Outstation supply failure for an Outstation powered from the measurement voltage supply will be achieved by removing all voltage phases; where the Outstation is powered from a separate auxiliary supply, it will be achieved by removing that auxiliary supply.
11 Where the Outstation is fed by a single phase Meter this test can be combined with DR4-1a.
12 If battery fitted. If no battery fitted and battery failure cannot be simulated please enter the reason why this test was not performed in the Actual Results cell and mark the Result as ‘Not Performed’
13 For example in the case of an Outstation that is integral with a Meter, changing the display sequence or the time of use tariff scheme programmed into the Outstation. In the Actual Results cell, confirm what was changed in the Outstation.