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Category 3 Documents

Relating to BSC processes which do not fall into any of the other categories of Code Subsidiary Documents

v 1.0

The purpose of this document is to set out the process that the BSC Panel, BSCCo and applicants should follow with respect of Sandbox applications.

v 2.0

Baselining Methodology Document

v 8.0

This document contains the principles that underpin the architecture of the BSC's set of Code Subsidiary Documents (CSDs). It sets out principles about the content of each type of CSD and about changing/creating CSDs.

v 2.0

This document sets out the principles and processes for reviewing and determining the Demand Capacity (DC) and Generation Capacity (GC) Limit values, in line with the solution implemented through BSC Modification P357: Removal of GC/DC tolerance parameters from BSC Section K

v 1.0.0

This document sets out the process that should be followed after a Demand Control Event (DCE) to determine the cost and value of following the Demand Disconnection Event (DDE) Obligations.

v 1.0

This explains the Limit on SVA Connection for SMRS Registered Primary BM Units Where Plant and/or Apparatus is Registered in another (CVA) Primary BM Unit

v 3.0

The LoLP Calculation Statement explains how the NETSO calculates Derated Margin (DRM) and LoLP for use in Settlement under the BSC. The DRM is used to determine LoLP. LoLP values are used in the calculation of Reserve Scarcity Prices, as part of the BSC's imbalance price calculation.

v 9.0

The Market Index Definition Statement that is approved by the Authority containing details for each Market Index Data Provider.

v 1.0.0

On-Site Energy Allocation Methodology Document

v 3.0

This Party Service Line (PSL) defines the non-functional requirements that Supplier Agents, LDSOs and CVA MOAs shall comply with to fulfil their functions under the BSC. In this PSL certain common responsibilities and obligations are expressed to be undertaken by all of the following Market Participants.

v 1.0

This document details the process for how Elexon will triage, categorise and mitigate data requests.

v 2.0

This document is the Replacement Reserve (RR) Schedule Methodology Document. Section T of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) requires the BSC Panel to establish this document (and subsequently have it in force at all times), for the purpose of settling Replacement Reserve (RR) delivered by Balancing Service Providers (BSPs) in Great Britain (GB).

v 10.0

The Self Assessment Document (SAD) embodies the requirements for both Qualification and re-Qualification. Applicants are required to complete the SAD in accordance with BSCP537 ‘Qualification’ and Section J of the BSC. The SAD contains both generic and ro

v 7.0

Link to download Word version of Forms from Self Assessment Document