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BSC Procedures

Define the interactions between participants and specify the information to be exchanged between them

v 25.0

BSCP01 sets out the key BSC Trading Arrangements activities, from submitting trading data before Gate Closure through to the final exchange of funds up to 14 months later. It contains a set of process overview diagrams and the Settlement process timetable.

v 9.0

BSCP02 sets out the minimum BSC requirements for the proving of new, and changes to existing, Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Metering Systems.

v 18.0

BSCP03 sets out the detailed BSC process for agreeing estimated or substituted metered data values for Central Volume Allocation (CVA).

v 5.0

This procedure defines the process by which the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) receives BM Unit metered data for each Interconnector User (IU) from the Interconnector Administrator (IA)

v 10.0

Meter Advance Reconciliation For Central Volume Allocation

v 15.0

BSCP06 sets out Meter Operator Agents' (MOAs') operational BSC obligations relating to Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Metering Systems registered in the Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS). It also outlines the responsibilities of MOAs, the Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA) and Meter Registrants regarding the sealing/re-sealing of Metering Equipment.

v 23.0

BSCP11 sets out the detailed BSC process for raising, resolving and rectifying Settlement Errors through Trading Disputes.

v 10.0

BSCP14 sets out the detailed BSC process for raising, progressing and settling claims for Manifest Errors in Bid-Offer Pairs or Acceptances.

v 34.0

BSCP15 sets out the detailed process for registering and deregistering Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units under the BSC.

v 20.0

BSCP18 sets out the detailed process for correcting errors in Bid-Offer Acceptance Related Data under the BSC. This includes errors in Final Physical Notifications (FPNs), Bid-Offer Data (BOD), Quiescent Physical Notifications (QPNs), Bid-Offer Acceptance Level (BOAL) data and Bid-Offer Acceptance Level Flagged (BOALF) data.

v 22.0

BSCP20 sets out the detailed BSC process for registering and deregistering Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Metering Systems.

v 11.0

BSCP25 Form Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points

v 24.0

BSCP27 sets out the process for TAA inspections of both CVA and SVA HH Metering Systems. Please note that during the REC Transition period, Elexon agreed with the REC and The Authority that, for the purposes for this BSCP only, the SVA MOA governance will remain under the BSC until such time as The Authority decides otherwise.

v 14.0

BSCP31 sets out the detailed process for associating more than one Balancing Mechanism (BM) Unit with a Trading Unit under the BSC.

v 18.0

BSCP32 sets out the detailed process, with timescales, by which Parties can apply for Metering Dispensations under the BSC. It also outlines responsibilities for validating electrical loss adjustments.

v 25.0

BSCP38 sets out the detailed process by which Parties register Authorised Persons to authorise specific processes under the BSC.

v 23.0

BSCP40 sets out the detailed process by which Parties can raise Change Proposals (CPs) to amend BSC Configurable Items. It also provides further information on changing the BSC through Modification Proposals, supporting the rules in BSC Section F.

v 8.0

BSCP41 sets out the detailed BSC process by which Parties and Party Agents can select the reports they require, request additional reports and authorise other Parties/Party Agents to receive their reports.

v 23.0

BSCP65 sets out the detailed process by which Parties enter and exit the BSC arrangements. It covers Party registration and associated registration data, withdrawal and expulsion from the BSC, and requests for granting/removing additional Supplier IDs.

v 19.0

BSCP68 sets out the detailed BSC process by which Third Party Generators can register Third Party Generating Plant (e.g. embedded generators) so that their Exports can be traded in the Balancing Mechanism without having to go through a licensed Supplier. This requires Metering System registrations to be transferred between a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) and the Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS).

v 17.0

BSCP71 sets out the detailed BSC process by which Parties submit Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs). It also covers the registration and authorisation of ECVN Agents (ECVNAs) and MVRN Agents (MVRNAs).

v 16.0

BSCP75 sets out the detailed BSC process by which Parties submit Aggregation Rules for Volume Allocation Units to the Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA).

v 4.0

Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs), with the exception of Embedded LDSOs that Mirror their Host LDSOs' Line Loss Factors (LLFs), should complete this Appendix as part of the LLF audit process under BSCP128

v 2.0

Embedded Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) that Mirror their Host LDSOs' Line Loss Factors (LLFs) should complete this Appendix as part of the LLF audit process under BSCP128

v 7.0

Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs), with the exception of Embedded LDSOs that Mirror their Host LDSOs' Line Loss Factors (LLFs), should complete this Appendix as part of the LLF audit process under BSCP128.

v 4.0

BSCP128 Appendix 4: Line Loss Factor Calculation SAD Embedded LDSOs that Mirror

v 1.0.0

This appendix relates to the CSAD 2.1 and 2.2 tables for all Host and Embedded Submissions and is part of BSCP128 which deals with Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors.

v 2.0

BSCP128 Appendix 6: CVA Long and Short Format data files

v 4.0

BSCP128 Appendix 7: SVA Format data file (D0265)

v 2.0

BSCP128 Appendix 8: SVA Summary Report

v 1.0

This appendix relates to the Site Specific LLF Calculation Audit Evidence Template and is part of BSCP128 which deals with Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors.

v 4.0

Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) should complete this Appendix for Mid-Year Line Loss Factor (LLF) Submissions under BSCP128.

v 12.0

BSCP128 sets out the detailed BSC process by which Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) submit their Line Loss Factor (LLF) methodologies and values for approval, including the annual LLF audit. It provides a set of principles with which each LLF methodology must comply.

v 10.0

BSCP201 sets out the steps to be taken during and following a Black Start Period or a Fuel Security Code event. It supports the rules set out in BSC Section G.

v 19.0

BSCP301 sets out the detailed processes used by the Funds Administration Agent (FAA) to transfer funds between Parties and the BSC Clearer for Settlement. It also defines the process by which Parties can increase or reduce their Credit Cover under the BSC.

v 22.0

BSCP501 sets out the detailed BSC requirements for a Supplier Meter registration Service (SMRS), as provided by a Licensed distribution System Operator (LDSO) in its capacity as a Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA).

v 42.0

BSCP502 sets out the detailed Half Hourly Data Collector (HHDC) processes for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Systems with Half Hourly (HH) Metering Equipment registered in a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS).

v 30.0

BSCP503 sets out the detailed Half Hourly Data Aggregator (HHDA) processes for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Systems with Half Hourly (HH) Metering Equipment registered in a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS)

v 53.0

BSCP504 sets out the detailed Non Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) processes for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Systems with Non Half Hourly (NHH) Metering Equipment registered in a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS).

v 26.0

BSCP505 sets out the detailed Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator (NHHDA) processes for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering Systems with Non Half Hourly (NHH) Metering Equipment registered in a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS).

v 20.0

BSCP507 covers the management and control of all changes made to standing data in the BSC's Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) system.

v 38.0

BSCP508 defines the activities that enable the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) to fulfil its functions under the BSC.

v 22.0

BSCP509 Appendix 1 MDD Entity Change Request Forms

v 3.0

BSCP509 Appendix 2: MDD Change Request Entity Validation

v 23.0

BSCP509: Changes to Market Domain Data

v 7.0

BSCP510 sets out the detailed process by which Suppliers provide customer data for use in the BSC's Non Half Hourly (NHH) profiling samples.

v 24.0

BSCP515 sets out the detailed Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) processes required by the BSC.

v 13.0

BSCP516: Allocation of Profile Classes and SSCs for Non-Half Hourly Metering System Registered in SMRS

v 33.0

BSCP520 sets out the detailed BSC requirements for Unmetered Supplies (UMS) registered in a Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS).

v 19.0
v 22.0

This Appendix contains calculation guidelines for use when submitting data to the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) under BSCP533.

v 23.0

BSCP533: PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication of Peer Comparison Data

v 13.0

BSCP535: Technical Assurance

v 17.0

BSCP536: Supplier Charges

v 18.0

BSCP537 sets out the detailed process by which Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Parties, SVA Party Agents and Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) become Qualified under the BSC.

v 6.0

BSCP538: Error and Failure Resolution

v 18.0

BSCP550 sets out the additional processes and responsibilities involved where two or more Suppliers receive Half Hourly (HH) Active Energy through the same Shared Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering System. This is called a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement.

v 26.0

BSCP601 sets out the detailed process by which Meter Manufactuerers, Meter Operators, Suppliers, Data Collectors and other users apply for Compliance Testing and Protocol Approval of Half Hourly Metering Equipment

v 7.0

BSCP602 sets out the processes that Suppliers and Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs) should follow when submitting MSID Pair allocation(s) and, where appropriate, MSID Pair Delivered Volumes to the SVAA.

v 2.0

Meter Operations and Data Collection for Asset Metering Systems

v 2.0

This BSC Procedure defines the process for the manual correction of errors to data in the Supplier Meter Registration Service that cannot be resolved using standard BSC processes.

v 1.0

BSCP535: Technical Assurance

v 13.0

BSCP 70 sets out the detailed BSC process by which Parties and Party Agents undergo Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Qualification Testing.