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BSCP 41: Report Requests and Authorisations V8.0

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BSC Procedure 41 relating to Report Requests & Authorisation

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code and, in particular, to the definition of "BSC Procedure" in Section X, Annex X-1 thereof.

2. This is BSC Procedure 41, Version 8.0 relating to Report Requests & Authorisation.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from 28 February 2019.

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the Panel.

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Procedure

The purpose of this procedure is to enable Parties and Party Agents to select those reports that they require, to request additional reports and to allow Parties and Party Agents to authorise other Parties and / or Party Agents to receive their confidential reports.

By default a Party or Party Agent receives the latest versions of all reports relevant to them, listed in Section V of the Code. If a Party or Party Agent only requires a sub-set or older versions of these reports this procedure is used to instruct the relevant BSC Agent. This is described in Section 3.1.

This procedure also defines how a Party may request to receive another Party’s reports, where Section V defines the report as available to “Any Party on request”. This is described in Section 3.1.

In addition a Party may request to receive another Party’s confidential reports by seeking permission from the Relevant Party. This is described in Section 3.2.

Transmissions and retransmissions of reports that have already been produced are outside the scope of this procedure and should be handled by a request to the BSC Service Desk.

Where a Party has access to the Self-Service Gateway and an equivalent online form is provided, the Party may use the online form as an alternative to the paper forms defined in this BSCP.

Where a Party has provided data using the Self-Service Gateway, BSCCo may use the service to validate and confirm the input data or to request additional data. Where this is the case, these online transactions will represent a valid equivalent to the transactions defined in this BSCP.

Please note that there will not always be a one-to-one equivalence between the data collected via the Self-Service Gateway and the paper forms defined in this BSCP. For example, data collected in one paper form, may be collected by more than one online form. Conversely, a single online form may collect data from more than one paper form.

All references to the provision of information using BSCP forms in this Procedure, should be construed as provision either by a paper form or via the Self-Service Gateway. References to the CRA, including checks performed by the CRA, may include the Self-Service Gateway as applicable.

1.2 Main Users of the Procedure and their Responsibilities

The main users of this procedure are:

    • Parties & Party Agents, to request changes to their reporting requirements and request additional reports;

    • BSCCo, to endorse the circulation of confidential reports to other Parties and / or Party Agents and to instruct the Central Registration Agent of the revised reporting requirements;

    • Central Registration Agent (CRA) and Energy Contract Volume Allocation Agent (ECVAA), to receive and respond to report requests;

    • Other BSC Agents, to deliver the reporting requirements of Parties and Party Agents as instructed by the Party, Party Agent or BSCCo, as appropriate; and

    • Parties and Party Agents requesting reports should be authorised in accordance with BSCP38 Authorisations.

1.3 Key Milestones

Throughout this procedure the key milestones are referred to in relation to numbers of Working Days (WD), unless specified otherwise.

Changes to Party and Party Agent requirements are amended on an on-going basis. The key milestones for Parties and Party Agents are:

    • Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements: To amend individual report requirements the Relevant Parties must use the Self-Service Gateway or notify the CRA, who will update the database within 3WD of the report request being received;

    • Confidential Report Requests: Where a Party or Party Agent agrees for a confidential report to be circulated to a Requesting Party / Party Agent, BSCCo will notify the CRA 5 WD prior to the report being made available; and

    • Extended Forward Contract Reports: To request an Extended Forward Contract Report, the Relevant Party must notify the ECVAA, who will issue the report within two hours where the request is received by 3:00pm, on a Business Day.

1.4 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This BSCP should be read in conjunction with the Code and in particular Section V. This BSCP has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Code. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSCP and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

1.5 Associated BSC Procedures

This procedure interfaces with BSCP38 Authorisations, in relation to the authorisation of signatures and email addresses for report requesting.

1.6 Obligations

Before requesting any electronic data flows using this procedure the Party must have successfully completed the communications testing, the requirements of which are specified in Section O of the Code.

2. Acronyms and Definitions

2.1 List of Acronyms

A master list of acronyms can be found in Section X of the Code. The following acronyms are used in BSCP41:


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Central Registration Agent


Energy Contract Volume Allocation Agent


Working Day

2.2 List of Definitions

A master list of definitions can be found in Section X of the Code. The terms used in this procedure are defined as follows:

Relevant Party

Party or Party Agent who is the usual recipient of a particular report.

Requesting Party

Any Party or Party Agent requesting a report containing data which is confidential to another Party or Party Agent.

Confidential Report

A report listed in Annex V-1 of the Code as being issued only to a Relevant Party, but which may be issued to another Party provided the required consent is given in accordance with this BSC Procedure.

Self-Service Gateway

An online portal, accessible through the BSC Website, that allows authorised users to provide and maintain registration data, including (but not limited to) the data defined in this BSCP.

3. Interface and Timetable Information

3.1 Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements1









At least 3 WD prior to the Effective Date

Submit request to change existing reporting requirements

Party or Party Agent, as appropriate


Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements Form BSCP41/1 or its online equivalent, authorised in accordance with BSCP38

Letter/Fax/ Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 1 WD of receipt of information in 3.1.1

Check password. If request is submitted by letter or fax, check authorised signature. If request is submitted by email, check originating email address.


Signed Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements Form BSCP41/1 or its online equivalent

Internal Process


Within 1 WD of 3.1.2

Confirm receipt of update request


Party or Party Agent, as appropriate

Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements Form BSCP41/1 (CRA Receipt Confirmation section) or its online equivalent

Fax/Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 3 WD of receipt of information in 3.1.1

Input reporting requirements into the relevant systems


Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements Form BSCP41/1 or its online equivalent

Internal Process


Within 1 WD of 3.1.4

Confirm reporting requirements are updated with details of changes


Party or Party Agent, as appropriate

Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements Form BSCP41/1 (BSC Agent Reporting Updated section) or its online equivalent

Fax/Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 2 WD of 3.1.5

Notify CRA if changes have been implemented incorrectly

Party or Party Agent, as appropriate


Details of error(s)

Fax/Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 2 WD of 3.1.6

CRA correct errors


Correct data

Internal Process

3.2 Confidential Report Requests









As determined by the Requesting Party

Request permission to receive confidential report(s)

Requesting Party


Confidential Report Request Form BSCP41/2, Part A or its online equivalent, authorised in accordance with BSCP38.

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 2 WD of 3.2.1

Request permission from Relevant Party


Relevant Parties

Confidential Report Request Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 3 WD of receipt of information in 3.2.2

Completed Part B of form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent either granting or refusing permission for a confidential Report to be made available for issue to requesting party.


Permission not granted go to step 3.2.4; or Permission granted go to step 3.2.5

Relevant Party


Confidential Report Request Form BSCP41/2 Part B or its online equivalent, authorised in accordance with BSCP38

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 1 WD of 3.2.3

Check authorisation and inform Requesting Party of Relevant Party’s decision


Requesting Party

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 1 WD of 3.2.3

Check authorisation of Relevant Party and confirm receipt of request response


Relevant Party

Confidential Report Requests Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent

Internal Process


At the same time as 3.2.5

Inform CRA that a confidential Report has been authorised for issue to requesting party.



Confidential Report Requests Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 5 WD of receipt of information in 3.2.6

Input reporting requirements in relevant BSC Systems


Confidential Report Requests Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent

Internal Process


Within 1 WD of 3.2.7

Confirm reporting requirements have been updated



Confidential Report Requests Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 1 WD of 3.2.8

Confirm reporting requirements have been updated to Requesting Party.


Requesting Party

Confidential Report Requests Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 2 WD of receipt of notification in 3.2.9

Notify BSCCo if changes have been implemented incorrectly.

Requesting Party


Details of errors

Fax / Email / Self-Service Gateway


Within 1 WD of receipt of 3.2.10

Notify CRA if changes have been implemented incorrectly.



Details of errors

Fax / Email/ Self-Service Gateway


Within 2 WD of 3.2.11

CRA correct errors.


Correct data

Internal Process

3.3 This section is no longer used

3.4 Extended Forward Contract Report Requests









As determined by the Requesting BSC Contract Trading Party

Request an Extended Forward Contract Report

Relevant BSC Contract Trading Party

BSC Service Desk

Party ID



Within two business hours of the receipt of the request, where the request is received by 3:00 on a Business Day

Send ECVAA-I022 Extended Forward Contract Report


Relevant BSC Contract Trading Party


Note: The Extended Forward Contract Report can only be issued during Business Hours.

4 Appendices

4.1 Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements

Form BSCP41/1 or its online equivalent is used by existing Parties or Party Agents to notify the CRA of changes to their reporting requirements, this includes requesting reports that are available to any Party on request as listed in Annex V-1 of the Code. The form or its online equivalent cannot be used to request confidential reports issued to other Parties. In this instance BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent should be used.

The non-shaded areas of BSCP41/1 may be completed by a Party or Party Agent. Forms or their online equivalents should by completed by an authorised signatory in accordance with BSCP38 and sent to the CRA with a copy of the form forwarded to BSCCo for information (where the Self-Service Gateway is not being used).

The report should be specified by report ID and / or name as defined in the interface specification documents, and if applicable, the version of the report required. Note that a Requesting Party can only specify the versions of its own reports. When receiving other Parties’ reports, the versions will be those requested by the other Parties.

Upon receipt the form or its online equivalent is checked and the requirements implemented within 3WD for BSCP41/1.

BSCP41/1: Changes to Individual Reporting Requirements

Page 1 of 2

To be used for all changes to reporting with the exception of new Confidential Reports issued to other Parties.

Use continuation sheets where required


Date Sent: __________

From: Participant Details

Party / Party Agent ID: ______________________

Name of Sender: _____________________

Participation Capacity / Party Agent Role: ___________________________________________________

Contact email address: __________________________________________________________________

Our Ref: _______________________________

Contact Tel. No. _____________________

Name of Authorised Signatory: ________________________________________________

Authorised Signature: ________________________________________________

Password: ___________________

Part A – To start or stop a version of a report

Use this part of the form to change which versions of your own reports should be generated by the relevant BSC Agent. Only one version may be requested for any given report.

Report ID

Report Name



Effective Date*

* Dates are calendar dates

Default is current version

Part B – to start or stop a report type, irrespective of version

Use this part of the form to change which of your own reports you wish to receive.

Report ID

Report Name


Effective Date*

* Dates are calendar dates

Page 2 of 2

Part C – to request a non-confidential report of another Party, or stop receiving another Party’s confidential/non-confidential report

Use this part of the form to request other Party’s reports you wish to receive (i.e. those reports listed in Annex V-1 of the Code as being available to any Party on request), except those requiring permission from the Relevant Party, and to stop receiving any other Parties’ confidential and non-confidential reports.

Form BSCP41/2 should be used to request reports requiring relevant party permission.

Report ID

Report Name

Relevant Party ID

Relevant Party Role


Effective Date*

* Dates are calendar dates

Part D - to select the type of Forward Contract Report

Use this part of the form to select the type of ECVAA-I022 Forward Contract Report you wish to receive. Tick the appropriate box to make your selection.



Note: the Default report type starts from the first Settlement Period that has not Gate Closed. The Override option starts the report from Settlement Period 1 on each Settlement Day. Unless otherwise requested, participants will be supplied with the Default type.

Part E Authorisation


Signature: ___________________________ Date: / /

For CRA Use Only:

BSC Agent Receipt Confirmation


Date: / /

Reporting Updated


Date: / /

4.2 Confidential Report Requests

Form BSCP41/2 or its online equivalent is used by a Party or Party Agent to notify the BSCCo of new Reporting requirements relating to confidential reports issued to other Parties or Party Agents. Requests for reports that are listed in Annex V-1 of the Code as being available to any Party on request should be made using BSCP41/1 or its online equivalent. The form or its online equivalent is completed by the Party or Party Agents as appropriate, and must be signed by an authorised signatory in accordance with BSCP38.

After the Party or Party Agent has completed the non-shaded areas of BSCP41/2, specifying the required report(s), the form or its online equivalent is forwarded to the BSCCo for checking. BSCCo then requests permission from the Relevant Parties to release the reports requested, and notifies the CRA as appropriate. The specified reporting requirements are then implemented within 5WD of receipt by the CRA.

BSCP41/2: Confidential Report Requests

Page 1 of 1

Form BSCP41/2 is used by existing Parties or Party Agents to notify BSCCo of new reporting requirements that involve confidential reports of other Parties and therefore require permission of the Relevant Party. These are the reports that are NOT available to any Party on request in Annex V-1 of the Code. To stop receiving a confidential report of another Party Form BSCP41/1 should be used.

PART A: To be completed by Requesting Party / Party Agent


Date Sent: __________

From: Requesting Participant Details

Party / Party Agent ID: _________________________

Name of Sender: ____________________

Participation Capacity / Party Agent Role: __________________________________________________

Contact email address: _________________________________________________________________

Our Ref: _______________________________

Contact Tel. No. _____________________

Name of Authorised Signatory: ________________________________________________

Authorised Signature: ___________________________________________

Password: ___________________

Report ID

Report Name

Relevant Party ID

Relevant Party Role

Requesting Party ID

Requesting Party Role

Effective Date

PART B: to be completed by Relevant Party / Party Agent

Relevant Party Details

Contact Name:

Party / Party Agent Name:


I give / do not give* permission for the above reports to be provided

Authorised Signatory:


Date: / /

For BSCCo / BSC Agent Use Only

BSCCo Receipt Confirmation

Authorised Signatory


Date: / /

BSC Agent Reporting Updated


Date: / /




Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/ Panel/ Committee Refs


Code Effective Date

Designated version





Work outstanding at Go Active resolution of inconsistencies inclusion of consultation comments





Obligation to qualify prior to using electronic flows





Modifications and Change Proposals for BSC Systems Release 2

P8, P18A, CP755, 546, 726





Change Proposals for June 03 Release





Modifications P82 & P110 for November 03 Release







CVA Programme Feb 05 Release

BETTA 6.3, P159,

P82 Removal




28 February 2019 Release




Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in ELEXON or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, ELEXON Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 This section describes the process by which Parties and Party Agents request to stop or start receipt of versions of their own reports, and to request reports that are available to any Party on request. The process for requesting other Parties’ Confidential Reports is described in section 3.2.