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User Requirements Specifications

Describe the detailed requirements for each of the BSC Central Systems applications

v 24.0

The objective of this document is to provide a complete specification of the requirements that the BMRA service must meet, from the users’ point of view. For this purpose, the “users” include Ofgem, the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) as the balancing mechanism operator, BSCCo Ltd (as the client), other Service Providers, BSC Parties, and the BMRA Service Provider’s own operators.

v 19.0

The Central Data Collection Agent is responsible for collecting, validating and aggregating data from metering systems registered by BSC Trading Parties. The purpose of this document is to provide a complete specification of the set of business requirements which the CDCA service must satisfy for all of its various user types. These range from the BSC Parties to BSCCo Ltd and its various agents, including the operators of the CDCA itself and the other BSC services.

v 24.0

The purpose of this document is to provide a complete specification of the set of business requirements that the CRA Service must satisfy for all of its various User types. These range from the BSC Parties, to BSCCo Ltd and its various Agents, including the operators of the CRA itself and the other BSC Services. The Central Registration Agent (CRA) is one of the suite of seven services that support the operation of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). The role of the CRA is to maintain a master register of information relating to the registration of participants, trading units and physical plant such as Boundary Points and interconnectors.

v 24.0

The purpose of this document is to provide a complete specification of the set of business requirements that the CRA Service must satisfy for all of its various User types. These range from the BSC Parties, to BSCCo Ltd and its various Agents, including the operators of the CRA itself and the other BSC Services. The Central Registration Agent (CRA) is one of the suite of seven services that support the operation of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). The role of the CRA is to maintain a master register of information relating to the registration of participants, trading units and physical plant such as Boundary Points and interconnectors.

v 26.0

The objective of this document is to provide a complete specification of the user requirements that the ECVAA service must meet. For this purpose, the “users” include BSCCo Ltd, Ofgem, National Grid as the balancing mechanism operator, other Service Providers, BSC Parties, and the ECVAA Service Provider’s own operators.

v 24.0

This is the Service Description for the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA) appointed by ELEXON to aggregate energy contract volumes under the BSC.

v 15.0

This specification describes the requirements for a system which uses daily profile coefficients determined by the Initial Settlement and Reconciliation Agency (ISRA) system to calculate estimates of annual consumption for individual settlement registers of metering systems. This process comprises the Estimation of Annual Consumption (EAC/AA) system. The system will be nationally developed as part of risk management and Data Collectors will have the option of using it for calculating Estimates of Annual Consumption, Annualised Advances and Deemed Meter Advances.

v 30.0

The Funds Administration Agent is responsible for effecting the transfer of funds between Payment Parties for trades made in the Balancing Mechanism and for imbalance settlement. This document describes the detailed requirements of this service.

v 4.0

The LFM Specification contains the requirements, obligations, assumptions and approximations required to be supported by the LFM. The exact mechanism for the derivation of Nodal Transmission Loss Factors (TLFs) by the TLFA is the required function of the LFM

v 17.0

This document describes the requirements for a system to aggregate consumption for non half hourly Metering Systems and to pass the results to the SVAA (ISRA) system. This process comprises the Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation (NHHDA) system, which could be run by individual Non Half Hourly (NHH) Data Aggregators for a number of Suppliers in each GSP Group. The NHHDA system must work within the defined context of the Trading Arrangements (TA).

v 12.0

This URS specifies the complete set of BSC business requirements that the Performance Assurance and Monitoring System (PARMS) must satisfy for all of its user types.

v 31.0

This URS specifies the complete set of BSC business requirements that the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA) service must satisfy for all of its user types.

v 23.0

This document describes the requirements for a system which supports the Initial volume allocation and subsequent reconciliation between Suppliers, by adjusting Suppliers’ energy volumes as meter data becomes available to replace estimates used in Initial Settlement. The SVAA ISRA system must work within the defined context of the New Electricity Trading Arrangements , therefore this specification includes details of the interfaces between the Initial Settlement and Reconciliation Agency system and the other systems in NETA.

v 25.0

This document describes the requirements for a system which supports the Initial volume allocation and subsequent reconciliation between Suppliers, by adjusting Suppliers’ energy volumes as meter data becomes available to replace estimates used in Initial