BSCP01 | Overview of Trading Arrangements |
BSCP15 | BM Unit Registration |
BSCP20 | Registration of Metering Systems for Central Volume Allocation |
BSCP31 | Registration of Trading Units |
BSCP38 | Authorisations |
BSCP68 | Transfer Registration of Metering Systems between CMRS and SMRS |
BSCP70 | CVA Qualification Testing for Parties and Party Agents |
BSCP71 | Submission of ECVNs and MRVNs |
BSCP75 | Registration of Meter Aggregation Rules for Volume Allocation Units |
BSCP301 | Clearing, Invoicing and Payment |
BSCP501 | Supplier Meter Registration Service |
BSCP507 | Supplier Volume Allocation Standing Data Changes |
BSCP509 | Changes to Market Domain Data |
BSCP515 | Licensed Distribution |
BSCP537 | Qualification Processes for SVA Parties, SVA Party Agents, VLPs, AMVLPs, Asset Metering Agents and CVA MOAs |
BSCP550 | Shared SVA Meter Arrangement of Half Hourly Import and Export Active Energy |
BSCP602 | SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register |
BSCP15 | BM Unit Registration |
BSCP20 | Registration of Metering Systems for Central Volume Allocation |
BSCP71 | Submission of ECVNs and MVRNs |
BSCP501 | Supplier Meter Registration Service |
BSCP509 | Changes to Market Domain Data |
BSCP515 | Licensed Distribution |
Any prevailing system constraints
Use of the Supplier ID is for innovative purpose within the market
AMVLP | Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party |
BMRA | Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent |
CRA | Central Registration Agent |
CRD | Communications Requirement Document |
CRS | Central Registration Service |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
ECVAA | Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent |
ECVNA | Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent |
FAA | Funds Administration Agent |
IA | Interconnector Administrator |
IEA | Interconnector Error Administrator |
IU | Interconnector User |
LDSO | Licensed Distribution System Operator |
MDD | Market Domain Data |
MVRNA | Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent |
NETSO | National Electricity Transmission System Operator |
REC | Retail Energy Code |
SAA | Settlement Administration Agent |
SMRA | Supplier Meter Registration Agent |
SVA | Supplier Volume Allocation |
VLP | Virtual Lead Party |
VTP | Virtual Trading Party |
WD | Working Day |
CVA Qualification | Recognition that a BSC Party or Party Agent has satisfied the Communication requirements specified under Section O of the BSC, and that these systems have been tested according to the Communication Requirements Document. |
CVA Qualification Statement | Certificate of CVA Qualification issued by BSCCo on completion of CVA Qualification. |
CVA Qualification Tests/ CVA Qualification Test | Tests undertaken by a Qualifying CVA Participant. The tests provide the appropriate level of assurance that the necessary communications links between the Qualifying Participant and BSC Agents will function correctly under operational conditions. |
Self-Service Gateway | An online portal, accessible through the BSC Website, that allows authorised users to provide and maintain registration data, including (but not limited to) the data defined in this BSCP. |
Waiver | Recognition that a Qualifying CVA Participant is sharing facilities with another Participant who has previously satisfied the relevant CVA Qualification requirements, and as such that CVA Qualification Tests would be duplicated if undertaken by the Qualifying Participant. |
4.1.1 | After Party Applicant lodges application for Accession with BSCCo | Submit Party registration application and register authorised persons in accordance with BSCP382. If required participation capacity is ‘Supplier’ or ‘DSO’ register Market Participant ID and associated Market Domain Data in accordance with BSCP5093. If required participation capacity is ‘Supplier’ CRA advises Party to register Base BM units in accordance with BSCP15 | Party Applicant | CRA | Party Registration Application Form (BSCP65/01) or its online equivalent
CRA-I001 (input) BSC Party Registration Data or its online equivalent
| Letter, fax, post, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.1.2 | At least 10 WD before an applicant becomes a Trading Party | Complete and submit on-line Trading Charges Account Details Form as detailed in BSCP301 | Party Applicant | FAA | BSCP301 Trading Charges Account Details | Self-Service Gateway |
4.1.3 | Within 1 WD of receipt of form in 4.1.1 or its online equivalent | Request Accession & CVA Qualification status (and Party Details) from BSCCo for each application. Where the Party applicant is a 'Supplier' or 'LDSO' ensure the MDD Coordinator has received information required to register Market Participant ID and associated Market Domain Data in accordance with BSCP509. | CRA | BSCCo |
| Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.1.4 | At the same time as 4.1.3 | Advise Party of the need to finalise the provisions for banking details with the FAA before the Party Registration is effective. | CRA | Party | Fax, email, phone, Self-Service Gateway | |
4.1.5 | Within 1 WD of 4.1.3 | BSCCo confirms accession, Qualification status and Party details | BSCCo | CRA |
| Email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.1.6 | Within 1 WD of receiving notice from BSCCo in 4.1.5 | Enter Party Registration Data, allocate registration ID to Party, notify Party of successful registration and allocate Production and Consumption Energy Accounts, as required. CRA sends registration reports. If Party’s intended participation capacity is “Supplier”, register Base BM Units using registration information provided through BSCP15. | CRA | Party
BSC Agents
NETSO BSCCo | CRA-I014 (Registration Report)
CRA-I013 (Authentication Report)
CRA-I020 (Operations Registration Report) | Fax, email, electronic |
4.2.1 | As determined by Party | Party submits completed Party Change of Registration Details Form or its online equivalent. | Party | CRA | Change of Registration Details Form (BSCP65/01) or its online equivalent or; CRA-I001 (Party Registration Data) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.2.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information from 4.2.1 | CRA checks revised data: If required participation capacity is 'Supplier' or 'LDSO' CRA advises Party to register Market Participant ID and associated Market Domain Data in accordance with BSCP5094. If required participation capacity is ‘Supplier’ CRA advises Party to register Base BM units in accordance with BSCP15. | CRA | Party |
| Fax, email, electronic Self-Service Gateway |
4.2.3 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information from 4.2.1. | CRA confirms Accession, Qualification status and Party details with BSCCo. Where Party has not completed necessary CVA Qualification testing, CRA advises Party to follow the necessary process in BSCP70. | CRA | BSCCo Party |
| Internal process |
4.2.4 | Following 4.2.3 | If advised, Party to qualify in accordance with BSCP70. If required participation capacity is 'Supplier' or 'LDSO' register Market Participant ID and associated Market Domain Data. If required participation capacity is ‘Supplier’ register base BM units. | Party |
BSCP15 |
4.2.5 | Within 1 WD of receiving notice from BSCCo that the Party Applicant has completed necessary CVA Qualification testing | CRA updates Party registration details and notifies Party of successful registration5. CRA sends registration reports. | CRA | Registered Party
BSC Agents | CRA-I014 (Registration Report) or its online equivalent
CRA-I020 (Operations Registration Report) or its online equivalent
CRA-I013 (Authentication Report) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, electronic |
4.3.1 | As determined by Party | Party submits completed Party Change of Registration Details Form or its online equivalent. | Party | CRA | Party Change of Registration Details Form (BSCP65/01) or its online equivalent or; CRA-I001 (Party Registration Data) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.3.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information from 4.3.1 | CRA checks revised data with BSCCo and verifies/clarifies with Party as required. Where the capacity to be deregistered is ‘Supplier’ or ‘LDSO’ CRA checks consistency of data with existing records. | CRA | BSCCo Party | Party Change of Registration Details Form (BSCP65/01) or its online equivalent or; CRA-I001(Details of change to Party Registration Data) or its online equivalent | Email, fax, electronic, phone, Self-Service Gateway |
4.3.3 | At the same time as 4.3.2 | CRA advises Party of actions required to be undertaken prior to deregistering the role/participation capacity. | CRA | Party | Relevant BSCPs | Fax, email, electronic Self-Service Gateway |
4.3.4 | After 4.3.3 | If deregistration participation capacity is: (a) “Supplier”, Party updates Market Domain Data in accordance with BSCP5096 and/or; (b) “Trading Party7”, Party must complete all associated deregistration, and have no ECVNA/MVRNA authorisations or notifications in place after the Effective To Date of the Party role. | Party (Supplier and/or Trading Party) |
| |
4.3.5 | Following 4.3.4 | Party provides confirmation that all associated deregistration actions for their role/participation capacity are complete. | Party | CRA |
| Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.3.6 | Following 4.3.5 | CRA confirms all associated deregistration activities have been completed | CRA | BSCCo |
| Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.3.7 | Within 1 WD of 4.3.6 | CRA updates the Party’s registration data on CRS and issues registration reports. If the Party has: (a) not requested to withdraw from the Code END PROCESS; (b) requested to withdraw from the Code refer to Section 4.5 of this BSCP. | CRA | Party
BSC Agents
NETSO BSCCo | CRA-I014 (Registration Report) or its online equivalent CRA-I013 (Authentication Report) or its online equivalent CRA-I020 (Operations Registration Report) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, electronic, Self-Service Gateway |
4.4.1 | As determined by Party | Party submits completed: (a) Party Change of Registration Details Form or its online equivalent. (b) On-line form for Amendments to Trading Charges Account Details | Party | CRA
FAA | Party Change of Registration Details Form (BSCP65/01) or its online equivalent or;
CRA-I001 (Party Registration Data) BSCP301 | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway
Self-Service Gateway |
4.4.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information from 4.4.1 | CRA checks revised data with BSCCo and verify/clarify with Party if necessary. If changes include an amendment to the Party name, CRA must first obtain authorisation for this change from BSCCo. | CRA | BSCCo Party | Party Change of Registration Details Form (BSCP65/01) or its online equivalent or; Details of changes to Party Registration Data (CRA-I001) | Email / fax/ Self-Service Gateway |
4.4.3 | Within 2 WD of 4.4.2 | CRA updates Party Registration Data. | CRA |
| Internal process |
4.4.4 | Within 4 WD of 4.4.3 | CRA notifies changed registration details of Party. | CRA | Party
BSC Agents
NETSO BSCCo | CRA-I014 (Registration Report)
CRA-I013 (Authentication Report)
CRA-I020 (Operations Registration Report) | Fax, email, electronic |
4.5.1 | At least 28 days before the intended Withdrawal Date | Withdrawing Party completes Withdrawal Notice or its online equivalent and submits to BSCCo. | Withdrawing Party | BSCCo | Completed Withdrawal Notice (BSCP65/03) | Post, fax, email |
4.5.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of notice | BSCCo sends Withdrawing Party acknowledgement of receipt of the Withdrawal Notice. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Confirmation of receipt of Withdrawal Notice | |
4.5.3 | At the same time as 4.5.2 | BSCCo checks and verifies the Withdrawal Notice, then sends Withdrawing Party an acceptance of the Withdrawal Notice subject to meeting the withdrawal criteria. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Letter confirming acceptance of Withdrawal Notice | Fax, post, email |
4.5.4 | Within 1 WD of 4.5.3 | BSCCo requests withdrawal information. | BSCCo | CRA | CRA-I044 (Request for Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| FAA | Details of outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information |
4.5.5 | Within 2 WD of 4.5.4 | Send the withdrawal information to BSCCo. | CRA | BSCCo | CRA-I047 (Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| FAA |
| FAA-I034 (Outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information) |
4.5.6 | Within 1 WD of 4.5.5 | Provide relevant withdrawal information. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Exit Checklist - Appendix 3 | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.5.7 | After 4.5.6 | Withdrawing Party completes relevant actions on the exit checklist, including deregistration of participation capacities in accordance with Section 4.3 of this procedure. | Withdrawing Party |
4.5.8 | At least 20 days prior to the Withdrawal Date | BSCCo carries out initial checks to identify potential issues preventing withdrawal. | BSCCo |
| Outstanding BSCCo Charges Accrued sums payable under the Code paid or waived Disputes that may result in accrued liabilities For IA or IEA market roles, details of replacement appointed | Internal process |
4.5.9 | On same WD as 4.5.8 | BSCCo requests information required to carry out initial checks in order to identify potential issues preventing withdrawal8. | BSCCo | CRA | CRA-I044 (Request for Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| FAA | Details of outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information |
| NETSO The Authority REC Code Manager
SVAA | Other information to facilitate the initial checks |
4.5.10 | Within 5 WD of 4.5.9 | Send responses to request for information required to carry out initial checks. | FAA | BSCCo | FAA-I034 (Outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| CRA and FAA schedule final checks. | CRA |
| CRA-I047 (Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent |
| Any known issues preventing withdrawal |
| The Authority9 |
| Licence or Exemption conditions requiring Code compliance |
| REC Code Manager |
| Outstanding Metering System registrations |
| SVAA |
| Any outstanding issues preventing withdrawal |
4.5.11 | Within 1 WD of 4.5.10 | BSCCo advises Withdrawing Party of any issues identified which will need to be resolved before the final checks. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Outstanding issues preventing withdrawal | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.5.12 | As soon as possible on 2 WD prior to the Withdrawal Date | BSCCo requests information required to carry out final checks. | BSCCo | CRA | CRA-I044 (Request for Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| FAA | Details of outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information |
4.5.13 | At 5pm, 2 WD prior to the Withdrawal Date | CRA and FAA shall run the reports and send the information to BSCCo within an hour. | FAA | BSCCo | FAA-I034 (Outstanding Liabilities and Credit Cover) | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| CRA |
| CRA-I047 (Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent |
4.5.14 | Immediately after 4.5.13 | BSCCo checks whether the Withdrawing Party is prevented from withdrawing under Section A.5.1.3 of the Code. If the checks confirm the Withdrawing Party is not prevented from withdrawing go to step 4.5.15. If the checks confirm the Withdrawing Party is prevented from withdrawing go to steps 4.5.17. | BSCCo |
| Internal process |
4.5.15 | Immediately after 4.5.14 | BSCCo confirms that the Withdrawing Party can withdraw from the Code on the date specified on the Withdrawal Notice. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Letter of formal notification that Withdrawal will proceed on the specified Withdrawal Date | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway Followed by post |
4.5.16 | Following 4.5.15 and prior to the Party’s Withdrawal Date | BSCCo advises of the Withdrawing Party’s impending withdrawal from the Code. END PROCESS. | BSCCo | All Parties BSC Agents NETSO The Panel The Authority | Notification of withdrawal of Party from the Code | |
4.5.17 | Immediately after 4.5.14 | BSCCo confirms that the Withdrawal Notice shall be of no effect and specifies the provisions in Section A5.1.3 which prevent it from withdrawing. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Letter of formal notification that the Party cannot withdraw from the Code on the specified date and why | Fax, email Followed by post |
4.5A.1 | At least 28 days before the intended Withdrawal Date | Withdrawing Applicant completes Withdrawal Notice or its online equivalent and submits to BSCCo. | Withdrawing Applicant | BSCCo | Completed Withdrawal Notice (BSCP65/03A Part 1). | Post, fax, email |
4.5A.2 | At least 28 days before the intended Withdrawal Date | Transferee completes Withdrawal Notice or its online equivalent and submits to BSCCo. | Transferee | BSCCo | Completed Withdrawal Notice (BSCP65/03A Part 2). | Post, fax, email |
4.5A.3 | Within 1 WD of receipt of notice | BSCCo validates the documents | BSCCo |
| Ensure Transferee is registered in the same role. |
4.5A.4 | Within 1 WD of receipt of notice | BSCCo sends Withdrawing Applicant acknowledgement of receipt of the Withdrawal Notice. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Applicant | Confirmation of receipt of Withdrawal Notice | |
4.5A.5 | Following 4.5A.4 | BSCCo liaises with withdrawing Applicant to prepare an application to be presented to the Panel for decision | BSCCo | Withdrawing Applicant | Panel meeting date BSCCo paper day deadlines Supporting information required for Panel decision | Fax, Email |
4.5A.6 | Panel meeting date | BSCCo presents the Withdrawing Applicant’s application to the Panel for decision. | BSCCo | Panel | Novation Applicant’s application | Panel meeting |
4.5A.7 | On same day as Panel meeting | BSCCo informs Withdrawing Party of Panel’s decision. If Panel: (a) approves the application, BSCCo shall execute and deliver a Novation Agreement in line with the Panel decision.10 11 (b) requests further information. The Novation Applicant must, with help of BSCCo, prepare for another Panel presentation (including further input from the PAB, if requested by the Panel). (c) rejects the application, a decision of the Panel shall be final and binding on the Withdrawing Applicant and the Withdrawing Applicant shall have no right of appeal. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Applicant Transferring Party | Panel Decision
| Post, fax, email |
4.5A.8 | On same day as Panel meeting | If Panel approves the application, BSCCo advises of the successful Withdrawal. | BSCCo | Withdrawal Applicant Panel Members BSC Parties The Authority BSC Agents | Panel Decision Name of the Withdrawal Applicant Name of the Transferring Party Participation capacities (if any) notified by the Party Applicant in its Party Details | |
4.5A.9 | Within 14months | Party to proceed to Withdrawal from the Code (Non-Defaulting Party) in Section 4.5 | Party |
| Completed Withdrawal Notice (BSCP65/03) | Post, fax, email |
4.6.1 | At least 28 days before the intended Withdrawal Date12 | Withdrawing Party completes Withdrawal Notice and submits to BSCCo. | Withdrawing Party | BSCCo | Completed Withdrawal Notice (BSCP65/03) | Post, fax, email |
4.6.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of notice | BSCCo sends Withdrawing Party acknowledgement of receipt of the Withdrawal Notice. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Confirmation of receipt of Withdrawal Notice | |
4.6.3 | At the same time as 4.6.2 | BSCCo checks and verifies the Withdrawal Notice and if Party: (a) is compliant, then BSCCo sends an acceptance of the Withdrawal Notice subject to meeting withdrawal criteria or; (b) is not compliant, (including in Default but not solely by virtue of Section H 3.1.1 (g) of the Code), then BSCCo advises Withdrawing Party. END PROCESS. Where Party wishes to submit an application to the Panel in respect of Base Monthly Charge amounts payable prior to withdrawal: perform steps 4.6.4 – 4.6.6 in parallel to this process. Otherwise proceed to step 4.6.7. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Letter confirming acceptance of Withdrawal Notice
Advice of non-compliance with Section A 5.1.5 | Fax, post, email |
4.6.4 | Following 4.6.3 | BSCCo liaises with Withdrawing Party to prepare an application to be presented at the Panel Meeting for decision. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Panel meeting date BSCCo paper day deadlines Supporting information required for Panel application | Fax, email |
4.6.5 | Panel Meeting Date | Present Party’s application to the Panel for decision. | BSCCo | Panel | Panel application and amount payable | Panel meeting |
4.6.6 | Within 1 WD of Panel Meeting | Inform Party of Panel’s decision. If Panel: (a) approves application, BSCCo amends invoicing process in respect of Base Monthly Charges or; (b) refuses application, Party remains liable to settle Base Monthly Charges prior to final compliance checks. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Panel Decision | Fax, email |
4.6.7 | Within 1 WD of 4.6.3 | BSCCo requests Party withdrawal information. | BSCCo | CRA
FAA | CRA-I044 (Request for Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent
Details of outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.6.8 | Within 2 WD of 4.6.7 | Send withdrawal information to BSCCo. | CRA FAA | BSCCo | CRA-I047 (Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent FAA-I034 (Outstanding Liabilities and Credit Cover information) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.6.9 | Within 1 WD of 4.6.8 | Provide relevant withdrawal information. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Exit Checklist - Appendix 3 | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.6.10 | After 4.6.9 | Withdrawing Party completes relevant actions on exit checklist, including deregistration of participation capacities in accordance with Section 4.3 of this procedure. | Withdrawing Party |
4.6.11 | At least 20 days prior to the Withdrawal Date | BSCCo carries out initial checks to identify potential issues preventing withdrawal. | BSCCo |
| Outstanding BSCCo Charges Accrued sums payable under the Code paid or waived Disputes that may result in accrued liabilities For IA or IEA market roles, details of replacement appointed | Internal process |
4.6.12 | On same WD as 4.6.11 | BSCCo requests information required to carry out initial checks in order to identify potential issues preventing withdrawal13. | BSCCo | CRA
NETSO The Authority REC Code Manager
SVAA | CRA-I044 (Request for Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent
Details of outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information
Other information to facilitate the initial checks | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.6.13 | Within 5 WD of 4.6.12 | Send responses to request for information required to carry out initial checks. | FAA | BSCCo | FAA-I034 (Outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover) or its online equivalent | Fax, email or its online equivalent |
| CRA and FAA schedule final checks. | CRA |
| CRA-I047 (Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent |
| Any known issues preventing withdrawal |
| The Authority14 |
| Licence or Exemption conditions requiring Code compliance |
| REC Code Manager |
| Outstanding Metering System registrations |
| SVAA |
| Any outstanding issues preventing withdrawal |
4.6.14 | Within 1 WD of 4.6.13 | BSCCo advises Withdrawing Party of any issues identified which will need to be resolved before the final checks. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Outstanding issues preventing withdrawal | Fax, email |
4.6.15 | 15 WD prior to Withdrawal Date and after 4.6.2 | To retrieve any Credit Cover in place the Withdrawing Party must request minimum eligible amount of Credit Cover calculation, in accordance with BSCP30115. | Withdrawing Party |
| |
4.6.16 | As soon as possible on 2 WD prior to the Withdrawal Date | BSCCo requests information required to carry out final checks. | BSCCo | CRA | CRA-I044 (Request for Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| FAA | Details of outstanding liabilities and Credit Cover information |
4.6.17 | At 5pm, 2 WD prior to the Withdrawal Date | CRA and FAA shall run the reports and send the information to BSCCo within an hour. | FAA | BSCCo | FAA-I034 (Outstanding Liabilities and Credit Cover) or its online equivalent | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
| CRA |
| CRA-I047 (Withdrawals Checklist) or its online equivalent |
4.6.18 | Immediately after 4.6.17 | BSCCo checks whether the Withdrawing Party is prevented from withdrawing under Sections A.5.1.3 and A5.1.5 of the Code: If the checks confirm the Withdrawing Party is not prevented from withdrawing go to step 4.6.19. If the checks confirm the Withdrawing Party is prevented from withdrawing go to steps 4.6.21. | BSCCo |
| Internal process |
4.6.19 | Immediately after 4.6.18 | BSCCo confirms that the Withdrawing Party can withdraw from the Code on the date specified on the Withdrawal Notice. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Letter of formal notification that Withdrawal will proceed on the specified Withdrawal Date. | Fax, email, post |
4.6.20 | Following 4.6.19 and prior to the Party’s Withdrawal Date | BSCCo advises of the Withdrawing Party’s impending withdrawal from the Code. END PROCESS. | BSCCo | All Parties BSC Agents NETSO The Panel The Authority | Notification of withdrawal of Party from the Code | |
4.6.21 | After 4.6.18 | BSCCo confirms that the Withdrawal Notice shall be of no effect and specifies the provisions in Section A5.1.3 which prevent it from withdrawing. | BSCCo | Withdrawing Party | Letter of formal notification that the Party cannot withdraw from the Code on the specified date and why. | Fax, email, post |
4.7.1 | At initial Panel Meeting | Advise BSCCo to gather performance assurance or other information on a Party that is in contravention of the provisions of the Code. | Panel | BSCCo | Request for performance assurance or other information | Meeting minutes |
4.7.2 | 5 days ahead of second Panel meeting | Provides relevant information to Panel. | BSCCo | Panel | Relevant information | Meeting paper |
4.7.3 | At second Panel meeting | Make initial decision re its intention to expel Party, providing grounds for expulsion. | Panel |
| Meeting minutes |
4.7.4 | Second Panel meeting + 1 WD | Acting on behalf of the Panel, notify Authority and each other Party of intention to expel Party and requests written representations to be forwarded. | BSCCo | Parties and Authority | Notice of intention to expel Party, requests for written representations | Written |
4.7.5 | Second Panel meeting + 20 WD | Collate any representations made by Parties or the Authority and present to Panel. | BSCCo | Panel | Collation of representations from Authority and Parties | Meeting Paper |
4.7.6 | At third Panel meeting | Make final decision re intention to expel Party and advise BSCCo in minutes stating effective date and grounds for expulsion. | Panel | BSCCo | Minuted request to BSCCo to forward Expulsion Notice if required | Meeting minutes |
4.7.7 | Third Panel meeting + 1 WD | Forwards Expulsion Notice to Party, stating effective date and grounds for expulsion. | BSCCo | Party | Expulsion Notice | Email, post, fax |
4.7.8 | Third Panel meeting + 1 WD | Advises all Parties and BSC Agents. | BSCCo | All Parties BSC Agents NETSO The Authority | Notification of expulsion | Email, post, fax |
4.8.1 | As determined by the Party | Request additional Supplier ID(s). Liaise with the Market Domain Data Coordinator to agree provisional unique Supplier ID and Register MDD Changes as per BSCP509. | Party | CRA BSCCo | Form BSCP65/05 (Part A) or its online equivalent. With an Effective From Date, which is on or after, the next MDD Go Live date | Fax, post, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.8.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information from 4.8.1 | Validate request and: (a) establish if the Supplier ID limit has been exceeded (see 1.6.1); (b) ensure the Party is in Central Systems and Qualified in the role of Supplier; (c) validate password / signature; (d) liaise with the MDD Co-ordinator to ensure Party has agreed a unique Supplier ID and that MDD has been updated via BSCP509. | CRA BSCCo |
| Internal process. |
4.8.3 | If Supplier ID limit is reached (if not proceed to 4.8.6) | BSCCo liaises with the Party to prepare an application to be presented at the Panel Meeting for decision. | BSCCo | Party | Form BSCP65/05 (Part A) or its online equivalent Panel meeting date BSCCo paper day deadlines Supporting information required for Panel application | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.8.4 | Panel meeting date | BSCCo presents the Party’s application to the Panel for decision. | BSCCo | Panel | Party’s application | Panel meeting |
4.8.5 | Following 4.8.4 | Notify CRA of the Panel decision. The decision of the Panel shall be final and binding. | BSCCo | CRA | Panel decision | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.8.6 | If request rejected Within 2 WD of receipt of form | Notify Party of reason for rejection. | CRA | Party | Form BSCP65/05 (Part B) or its online equivalent Reason for rejection. | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.8.7 | If request accepted Within 2 WD of receipt of form | Notify Party of acceptance. Continue as per: Notification of new Supplier ID, in BSCP15. | CRA | Party | Form BSCP65/05 (Part B) or its online equivalent Acknowledgement Register MDD Changes as per BSCP509 | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.9.1 | As determined by the Party | Request to remove additional Supplier ID(s). Register MDD Changes as per BSCP509. Deregister SVA Standing Data as per BSCP507 (where appropriate). | Party | CRA | Form BSCP65/05 or its online equivalent. With an Effective To Date, which is on or after, the next MDD Go Live date | Fax, post, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.9.2 | At the same time as 4.9.1 | Deregister the additional Supplier ID(s) in MDD in accordance with BSCP509. Deregister SVA Standing Data as per BSCP507 (where appropriate). Deregister BM Units in accordance with BSCP15. | Party
Party | BSCCo
| Fax, post, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.9.3 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information from 4.9.1 | Validate request and: (a) validate password / signature; (b) liaise with the MDD Co-ordinator to ensure that necessary updates to MDD have been made; (c) ensure this request is not for the final Supplier ID16. | CRA |
| Form BSCP65/05 or its online equivalent | Internal process. |
4.9.4 | If request rejected. Within 2 WD of receipt of information from 4.9.1 | Notify Party of reason for rejection. | CRA | Party | Form BSCP65/05 (Part B) or its online equivalent Reason for rejection | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway. |
4.9.5 | If request accepted. Within 2 WD of receipt of information from 4.9.1 | Notify Party of acceptance. | CRA | Party | Form BSCP65/05 (Part B) or its online equivalent Acknowledgement | Fax, email, Self-Service Gateway |
4.9.6 | Within 1 WD of receipt of 4.9.5 | Enter Effective To Date for all Supplier BM Units for that Supplier ID. | CRA |
| Supplier BM Units for that Supplier ID with the Effective To Date | Internal process |
4.9.7 | Within 1 WD of 4.9.6 | Inform the NETSO, BSCCo, Party and BSC Agents of the BM Units Effective To Date. | CRA | BSCCo NETSO
BSC Agents
Party | CRA-I020 (Operations Registration Report)
CRA-I015 (BM Unit and GSP Group Registration Data)
CRA-I014 (Registration Report to Party) containing Supplier name, Supplier ID, Effective To Date, BM Unit IDs | Electronic
Email to BSCCo |
4.10.1 | As determined by the Novation Applicant | Novation Applicant submits completed Novation Application Form. | Novation Applicant | BSCCo | Completed Novation Application Form (BSCP65/06a) Two Novation Agreements (one if provided via email) signed but not dated by the Novation Applicant and Transferring Party (BSCP65/06b) Confirmation of payment of Novation Fee | Post, email, fax |
4.10.2 | Within 1 WD of receipt of information in 4.10.1 | BSCCo confirms receipt of BSCP65/06. | BSCCo | Novation Applicant Transferring Party | Confirmation of receipt of Novation Application form and Novation Agreement Confirmation of receiving Novation Fee | Fax, email |
4.10.3 | Within 5 WD of receipt of information in 4.10.1 | BSCCo advises of the application for Novation. | BSCCo | Panel Members BSC Parties The Authority BSC Agents | Intended Novation Date Name of the Novation Applicant Name of the Transferring Party Participation capacities (if any) notified by the Novation Applicant in its Party Details | |
4.10.4 | Following 4.10.3 | BSCCo liaises with Novation Applicant to prepare an application to be presented at the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) meeting for recommendation. | BSCCo | Novation Applicant | PAB meeting date BSCCo paper day deadlines Supporting information required for PAB recommendation | Fax, Email |
4.10.5 | PAB meeting date | BSCCo presents the Novation Applicant’s application to the PAB for recommendation. | BSCCo | PAB | PAB meeting paper including supporting information required for PAB recommendation | PAB meeting |
4.10.6 | Following 4.10.5 | BSCCo liaises with the Novation Applicant to prepare an application to be presented at the Panel Meeting for decision. | BSCCo | Novation Applicant | Panel meeting date BSCCo paper day deadlines PAB recommendation Supporting information required for Panel application | Fax, Email |
4.10.7 | Panel meeting date | BSCCo presents the Novation Applicant’s application to the Panel for decision. | BSCCo | Panel | Novation Applicant’s application | Panel meeting |
4.10.8 | On same day as Panel meeting | BSCCo informs Novation Applicant of Panel’s decision. If Panel: (a) approves the application, BSCCo shall execute and deliver a Novation Agreement in line with the Panel decision.17 (b) requests further information. The Novation Applicant must, with help of BSCCo, prepare for another Panel presentation (including further input from the PAB, if requested by the Panel). (c) rejects the application, a decision of the Panel shall be final and binding on the Novation Applicant and the Novation Applicant shall have no right of appeal. | BSCCo | Novation Applicant Transferring Party | Panel Decision If applicable, BSCCo countersigned copy of the Novation Agreement | Fax, Email, post |
4.10.9 | On same day as Panel meeting | If Panel approves the application, BSCCo advises of the successful Novation Agreement. | BSCCo | Novation Applicant Panel Members BSC Parties The Authority BSC Agents | Panel Decision Name of the Novation Applicant Name of the Transferring Party Participation capacities (if any) notified by the Party Applicant in its Party Details |
To: CRA | Date Sent: | ||
From: Requesting Participant Details | |||
Party ID: | Name of Sender: | ||
Contact email address: | |||
Our Ref: | Contact Tel. No. | ||
Name of Authorised Signatory: | |||
Authorised Signature: | Password: |
Action Description (Tick one box Only) | |||
Register |
| Amend Registration |
Participation Capacity Details* Tick one Participation Capacity only. Please complete separate forms for each participation capacity or category that applies. | Effective From Date DD/MM/YY | Effective To Date DD/MM/YY | Enter ‘*’ if data has changed | |
Trading Party# |
Distribution System Operator |
Interconnector Administrator |
Interconnector Error Administrator |
Supplier |
Virtual Lead Party |
Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party |
# categories of Trading Parties Please specify the Trading Party role in which you wish to register | Effective From Date DD/MM/YY | Effective To Date DD/MM/YY | Enter ‘*’ if data has changed | |
Generator |
Non-physical Trader |
Interconnector User |
Virtual Trading Party |
Market Participant ID (Only required If Role of Supplier or Licensed Distribution System Operator is requested) |
Address Details | Enter ‘*’ if data has changed | |
Address Line 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
Postcode |
Office Telephone Number |
Office Fax Number |
Email Address |
Contact Name |
Interconnector Error Administrator Details (Only Required if Role of Interconnector Error Administrator is requested) | |
Interconnector ID |
Effective From Date |
Effective To Date |
To: BSCCo | Date Sent: | |
From: Requesting Participant Details | Party Name: | |
Party ID: | Name of Sender: | |
Contact email address: | ||
Our Ref: | Contact Tel. No. | |
Name of Authorised Signatory: | ||
Authorised Signature | Password: |
There must be no sums accrued or payable under the Code by your company (whether or not due for payment and whether or not the subject of a dispute) which remain (in whole or in part) to be paid unconditionally by your company.
The Final Reconciliation Settlement Run must have been carried out in relation to the last day on which you traded, and the corresponding Payment Date passed.
The company must not be registered under the Code (and/or the REC) in respect of any Metering Systems or BM Units.
The company must not be subject to any Licence conditions and/or Exemption conditions by virtue of which it is required to be a Party and/or to comply with the Code or which would otherwise be infringed if your company withdrew from the Code.
If an Interconnector Administrator or an Interconnector Error Administrator, a replacement Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator (as the case may) must have been appointed and agreed to act in your place.
Please give the name of the company that will act in your place. |
Is your company in Default solely by virtue of Section H3.1.1(g)? In order to withdraw, your answer must be YES to this question. | YES/NO |
Do you wish to request that the Panel determine whether or not it is necessary for the Base Monthly Charge (accruing after the date of this Withdrawal Notice20) to be paid as an accrued debt before your company can withdraw from the Code? | YES/NO |
What date (the Effective Date) would you wish the withdrawal of your company from the Code to take effect? |
To: BSCCo | Date Sent: | |
From: Requesting Participant Details | Party Name: | |
Party ID: | Name of Sender: | |
Contact email address: | ||
Our Ref: | Contact Tel. No. | |
Name of Authorised Signatory: | ||
Authorised Signature | Password: |
Please give the name of the company that will be transferring the Party ID: |
Please give the name of the company that the Party ID will be transferred to: |
Is your company in Default solely by virtue of Section H3.1.1(g)? In order to withdraw, your answer must be No to this question. | YES/NO |
What date (the Effective Date) would you wish the withdrawal of your company from the Code to take effect? |
To: BSCCo | Date Sent: | |
From: Requesting Participant Details | Party Name: | |
Party ID: | Name of Sender: | |
Contact email address: | ||
Our Ref: | Contact Tel. No. | |
Name of Authorised Signatory: | ||
Authorised Signature | Password: |
Please give the name of the company that will be transferring the Party ID: |
Please give the name of the company that the Party ID will be transferred to: |
1. |
2. |
3. |
The expulsion will take effect from23: |
| (date) |
Signature: |
Name: |
Position: | Chair Panel |
To: CRA | Date Sent: | |
From: Requesting Party Details | ||
Party ID: | Name of Sender: | |
Contact email address: | ||
Our Ref: | Contact Tel. No. | |
Name of Authorised Signatory: | ||
Authorised Signature: | Password: |
BSC Party Details |
Participation Capacity: |
Additional Supplier ID / SVAA Market Participant ID: (Please enter 4 alpha char. ID) |
Is required / Is no longer required * |
Effective From / To *: |
(The Effective From/To date should be on or after the MDD ‘go live’ date) |
Will this Additional Supplier ID take you over your Supplier ID limit?25 Yes/No If yes, describe the reason for the Additional Supplier ID
Declaration (To be completed when used to deregister a Supplier ID) I certify that: No SVA Metering Systems are associated with this Supplier ID; This is not the final Supplier ID; and No SVAA Standing Data is associated with this Supplier ID. Authorised Signature: ______________________
Name: |
Signature: |
Date: |
To: BSCCo | Date Sent: |
From: Requesting Participant Details | |
Company Name |
Company Number |
Company Address
VAT registration number if applicable |
Name of Sender:
| Contact telephone number: |
Contact email address:
Party ID: |
Party Agent ID: | |
Party and Party Agent Roles: |
What date (the Novation Date) would you wish the Novation Agreement to take effect? |
Elexon Limited, registered in England (number 3782949) whose registered office is at 4th Floor, 350 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AW, on its own behalf and on behalf of all the other parties to the BSC Framework Agreement (Continuing Party).
[FULL COMPANY NAME] incorporated and registered in [England and Wales] with company number [NUMBER] whose registered office is at [REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS] (Outgoing Party).
[FULL COMPANY NAME] incorporated and registered in [England and Wales] with company number [NUMBER] whose registered office is at [REGISTERED OFFICE ADDRESS] (Incoming Party).
The Continuing Party and the Outgoing Party are Party to an Accession Agreement, a copy of which is annexed to this Agreement (Contract), by which the Outgoing Party was admitted as an additional Party under the Framework Agreement.
The Outgoing Party wishes to transfer its rights and obligations under the Contract to the Incoming Party.
The Continuing Party has agreed to release the Outgoing Party from liability for any failure by the Outgoing Party to perform its obligations under the Contract before the Effective Date, provided that the Incoming Party assumes liability for those failures in the Outgoing Party's place.
The parties have therefore agreed to novate the Outgoing Party's rights, obligations and liabilities under the Contract to the Incoming Party on the terms of this Agreement with effect from the date the Continuing Party dates and signs this Agreement (Effective Date).
Where the Party is (or intends to be) the holder of a Distribution Licence in respect of distribution activities in Great Britain , then they will also be known as a Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) and will be registered as a distributor within Supplier Volume Allocation26;
A Party that benefits (or intends to benefit) from an Exemption will only be known as a Distribution System Operator and must provide details of the circumstances that lead to such benefit. Such a Distribution System Operator will not be registered as a distributor27 within Supplier Volume Allocation;
IA | Interconnector Administrator |
IEA | Interconnector Error Administrator |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
IU | Interconnector User |
VLP | Virtual Lead Party |
AMVLP | Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party |
VTP | Virtual Trading Party |
Process | Documents & Information | Generator | Supplier | Non Physical Trader | IU | VTP | IA | IEA | DSO | VLP / AMVLP |
Communication Requirements & Line Acquisition | CRD; BSC Agent contact details; Communication Line Request form | | | | | | | | | |
CVA Qualification Testing | BSCP70; CRD | | | | | | | | | |
Party registration | BSCP65 | | | | | | | | | |
Authorisations | BSCP38 | | | | | | | | | |
Trading Charges Account details, & Credit Cover | BSCP301 | | | | | | | |
| |
Primary or Secondary BM Unit registration | BSCP15 | | |
| | |
| |
| |
Trading Unit registration | BSCP31 | | |
CVA Meter Registration | BSCP20
| | 28 |
Notification Agent Registration & Authorisation | BSCP71 | | | | | |
SVA Meter registration | BSCP501 |
| |
| |
MDD Registration (Market Participant ID) | BSCP509 |
| |
| |
SMRA appointment and entry processes | BSCP501 BSCP515 |
| |
SVA Standing Data changes | BSCP507 |
| |
SVA Metering System Balancing Services Register | BSCP602 |
| |
| |
| |
BP | BSC Party |
IA | Interconnector Administrator |
IE | Interconnector Error Administrator |
TG | Generator |
TI | Interconnector User |
TN | Non-Physical Trader |
TS | Supplier |
VLP | Virtual Lead Party |
AV | Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party |
VT | Virtual Trading Party |
Action | Documents | Role |
| ||||||||||
BP | IA | IE | TG | TI | TN | TS | MV | EN | VP / AV | VT | |||
Deregistration of Supplier Participation Capacity, Market Participant IDs and associated Primary or Secondary BM Units |
| ||||||||||||
Deregistration of Supplier Role: Submit BSCP65/01 to request deregistration of the Supplier participation capacity. The Effective To Date of the Supplier role should be same as the Effective To Date of the Supplier BM Units. The BSCP65/01 form must be received, validated and processed at least 15WDs prior to the targeted MDD Go Live date. | BSCP65/01 |
| |
| |
Deregistration of Market Participant ID in MDD: Submit BSCP509/01 and related entity forms to the MDD Co-ordinator at least 15WDs prior to the targeted MDD Go Live date. | BSCP509/01 |
| |
| |
Deregistration or Transfer of Primary SVA BM Units: Submit a letter to the CRA and BSCCo requesting deregistration of Supplier Primary BM Units, in accordance with BSCP15 at least 30WDs prior to the targeted MDD Go Live date. This should be done at the same time as the submission of form BSCP65/01 to request deregistration of the participation capacity and at least 30WDs prior to the targeted MDD Go Live date. Please ensure the Effective To Date on the BSCP15 forms are on or after the targeted MDD Go Live date Alternatively, transfer the SVA Primary BM Units in accordance with the procedures set out in BSCP15. | BSCP15/4.6 or Letter (in accordance with BSCP15) |
| |
| |
Deregistration of Virtual Lead Party/ Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party Role/ Virtual Trading Party: Submit BSCP65/01 to request deregistration of the Virtual Lead Party/ Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party/ Virtual Trading Party participation capacity. The Effective To Date of the Virtual Lead Party Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party / Virtual Trading Party role should be same as the Effective To Date of the Secondary BM Units. The BSCP65/01 form must be received, validated and processed in accordance with BSCP15. |
| |
| |
Deregistration of Secondary BM Units: Submit a letter to the CRA and BSCCo requesting deregistration of Secondary BM Units, in accordance with BSCP15. This should be done at the same time as the submission of form BSCP65/01 to request deregistration of the participation capacity |
| |
| |
Deregistration or Change of Primary BM Unit Lead Party (CoPBLP) of BM Units and Metering |
| |||||||||||
Deregister Trading Units in accordance with BSCP31 | BSCP31/4.6 |
| 46 |
| 46 |
| |
Deregister or Change of Primary BM Unit Lead Party (CoPBLP) BM Units in accordance with BSCP15 | BSCP15/4.2 or CoPBLP |
| | | |
| |
| |
Deregister CVA Metering Systems in accordance with BSCP20 | BSCP20/4.7 |
| |
| 29 |
| |
Termination of MVRNA/ECVNA Authorisations and deregistration of ECVNA/MVRNA roles (if applicable) |
| |||||||||||
Terminate MVRNA and/or ECVNA authorisations30 | BSCP71/03 and/or BSCP71/04 |
| | | | | | |
| |
Deregister ECVNA/MVRNA roles of the Withdrawing Party | BSCP71/06 |
| | |
| |
Set Effective To Dates within ECVAA web service credentials files | BSCP71 |
| | | | | | |
| |
Notifications |
| |
Request Forward Contract Report and nullify or set an Effective To Date for evergreen notifications in accordance with BSCP71 | BSCP71 |
| | | | |
| |
Deregistration of Participation Capacities (including Trading Party) |
| |||||||||||
Deregister participation capacities and roles (e.g. Trading Party role) in accordance with Section 4.3 of this procedure31 | BSCP65/01 |
| | | | | | |
| |
| |
Credit Cover |
| |||||||||||
Request a Credit Cover reduction in accordance with BSCP301 | BSCP301 |
| | | | | |
| |
| |
Trading Charges and Liabilities |
| |||||||||||
Ensure any outstanding Trading Charges or other liabilities are paid | N/A |
| | | | | |
| |
| |
BSCCo charges |
| |
Ensure that any outstanding BSC Section D charges are paid | N/A | | | | | | | |
| |
| |
Communication Lines and Reports |
| |||||||||||
Submit request to BSCCo for cancellation of Low Grade Service/High Grade Service and access to NETA central systems | Cancellation of HGS/ LGS Form
Cancellation of Access to NETA Central Systems Form |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |
Submit request to stop receiving reports from NETA central systems in accordance with BSCP41 | BSCP41/01 |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |
Licence Issues |
| |||||||||||
Arrange with the Authority withdrawal from license obligations |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Withdrawal Notice |
| |||||||||||
Submit a Withdrawal Notice to BSCCo specifying the intended Withdrawal Date at least 28 days prior to the intended Withdrawal Date, in accordance with Sections 4.5 and 4.6 of this procedure | BSCP65/03 | | | | | | | |
| |
Version | Date | Description of Changes | Changes Included | Mods/ Panel/ Committee Refs |
1.0 | Code Effective Date | Updated to version 1.0 | n/a | n/a |
2.0 | 30/11/00 | Work outstanding at Go Active, resolution of inconsistencies, inclusion of consultation comments | 209, 186, 229, 243 | 08/009 |
3.0 | 13/08/02 | Change Proposal for BSC Systems Release 2 | CP508, 661, 546, 726 | ISG16/166 ISG18/193 SVG17/208 SVG19/233 |
4.0 | 24/06/03 | Incorporates changes for CVA Programme June 03 Release | CP821 P106 |
5.0 | 01/08/03 | Incorporates changes for P62 | P62, P106 additional changes |
6.0 | 19/02/04 | Incorporates changes for CVA Programme P127 interim release | P127 | ISG37/419 SVG37/465 |
7.0 | 30/06/04 | Change Proposals for the CVA Programme June 04 Release | CP971 | ISG40/003 SVG40/004 |
8.0 | 03/11/04 | Changes for CVA Nov04 Release | CP502, CP974, P98 | ISG40/003 ISG40/004 SVG40/004 |
9.0 | 23/02/05 | CVA Programme Feb 05 Release | BETTA 6.3, P159 | 78/007 |
10.0 | 02/11/05 | CVA Programme November 05 Release | CP1128 | ISG54/002 |
11.0 | 22/02/07 | February 07 Release | CP1160 CP1176 | ISG/66/06 SVG/66/06 ISG/68/002 SVG/67/002 |
12.0 | 23/08/07 | P197 Release | P197 |
13.0 | 04/11/10 | November 10 Release | CP1328 | ISG112/01 SVG112/03 |
| CP1331 | ISG112/01 SVG112/03 |
14.0 | 25/02/16 | February 2016 Release | P318 Self Governance | ISG176/01 SVG179/02 |
15.0 | 23/02/17 | February 2017 Release | P343 Self Governance | P259/04 |
16.0 | 28/02/19 | February 2019 Release | P344 | Panel 284C/01 |
| February 2019 Release | CP1510 | ISG211/06 SVG214/02 |
17.0 | 29/03/19 | 29 March 2019 Standalone Release | P369 | Panel 285/12 |
18.0 | 16/06/20 | 16 June 2020 Standalone Release | P405 Self-Governance | P302/08 |
19.0 | 25/02/21 | February 2021 Release | P414 | P309/08 |
20.0 | 01/09/21 | 1 September 2021 Non-Standard Release | P420 | P316/05 |
21.0 | 03/11/22 | November 2022 Release | CP1570 | SVG259/03 and ISG257/01 |
22.0 | 29/06/23 | June 2023 Release | CP1580 | Panel 338/04 |
23.0 | 01/10/24 | 01 October 2024 Non-Standard Release | ORD009 | Directed by Secretary of State |
24.0 | 07/11/24 | 07 November 2024 Release | P415 | Panel 339/03 |
25.0 | 27/02/25 | 27 February 2025 Release | CP1600 |
Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make. All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved. No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it. |
1 A Distribution System Operator (DSO) who is (or intends to be) the holder of a Distribution Licence is known as a Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO). See Appendix 1 for more detail on the difference between the two terms and the implications for BSCP65.
2 Authorisations are required for submission of Party Registration and on-line Trading Charges Account Details forms.
3 Applicants should note that registration of a Supplier role in BSC Central Systems must be coordinated with registration in MDD. The effective from date of the Supplier participation capacity and BM Unit Go-Live Dates in CRA must match the dates registered in MDD for SVAA and CRA systems to interface effectively. If the applicant is registering as an LDSO then the effective from date of the LDSO role in BSC Central Systems must be the same as the registration of the LDSO role in MDD.
4 Applicants should note that registration of a Supplier role in BSC Central Systems must be coordinated with registration in MDD. The effective from date of the Supplier participation capacity and BM Unit Go-Live Dates in CRA must match the dates registered in MDD for SVAA and CRA systems to interface effectively. If the applicant is registering as an LDSO then the effective from date of the LDSO role in BSC Central Systems must be the same as the registration of the LDSO role in MDD.
5 If Party is registering as a Trading Party for the first time, CRA allocates Energy Accounts and Party must complete and submit an on-line Trading Charges Account Details Form as detailed in BSCP301.
6 De-registration of the Supplier in MDD will need to be coordinated with the deregistration of the Supplier in CRS, along with any BM Units still associated with the Supplier ID. The Party is responsible for ensuring that all corresponding changes to MDD are completed in the required timescales, and other relevant SVA Procedures complied with. If the Party intends to cease trading in the participation capacity of “Supplier”, they must first request the CRA to set the “Effective To Date” for their BM Units and participation capacity as “Supplier” to a future Settlement Date, but not less than 20 WD from the date of notification.
7 For the avoidance of doubt, the notes included here do not apply to DSOs.
8 The organisations and BSC Agents consulted as part of this step may vary depending upon the participation capacity or capacities of the Party.
9 The Authority is not obliged to reply to this request. The onus will be on the Withdrawing Party to provide the relevant confirmation.
10 Panel Decision may be conditional until BSCCo receives confirmation that the Authority has revoked the withdrawing applicant’s license or transferred as appropriate.
11 Where the credit cover is held as a Letter of Credit (LoC) or Approved Insurance Product (AIP) the Party must make sure that a new LoC or AIP has been provided in the new name with the same effective from date as the Withdrawal Date.
12 Checks will be carried out against the provisions in Section A 5.1.3 of the Code at 5pm, 2 WD before the Withdrawal Date (the earliest Withdrawal Date will be after the Final Reconciliation Run for the last Settlement Day traded, and the corresponding Payment Date must have passed) to determine whether or not the Party is prevented from withdrawing from the Code. The Withdrawing Party should allow sufficient time for the completion of deregistrations and terminations as described in Appendix 3 of this document.
13 The organisations and BSC Agents consulted as part of this step may vary depending upon the participation capacity or participation capacities of the Party.
14 The Authority is not obliged to reply to this request. The onus is on the Party to provide any relevant proof.
15 Pursuant to Section M2.3.1A of the Code Parties in Default solely by virtue of Section H3.1.1(g) of the Code are entitled to apply for a reduction in the amount provided in their Letter of Credit and/or to withdraw cash it has deposited. Credit Cover reduction can only take place after it has been confirmed, as part of the final checks carried out 2 WD prior to the Withdrawal Date, that the Party is not prevented from withdrawing under A5.1.3 of the Code.
16 This process should not be used for the purposes of removing a Party’s final Supplier ID. This may be achieved by following the process in BSCP15/3.6 and de-registering the Supplier Role by completing form BSCP65/01 or its online equivalent.
17 Panel Decision may be conditional. BSCCo may not execute the Agreement of Novation of Contract for Parties wishing to participate in licensable activities until BSCCo receives confirmation that the Authority has granted the required Licence or Transfer of Licence to the Novation Applicant as appropriate.
18 Use for change of Party Name; a Party name should be a maximum of 30 alphanumeric characters. To change the name associated with an existing Party Agent ID, use BSCP71.
19 This field is not required for initial registration. CRA will update the Party name during the working hours of the Effective From Date specified on the form
20 The date of receipt of this Withdrawal Notice by BSCCo, pursuant to Section H9.2.2.
21 The Party that is transferring their Party ID.
22 The Party that will become responsible for the Party ID.
23 The expulsion will be effective (and you will cease to be a Party to the Code) from the end of the Withdrawal Date specified on this form.
24 This form cannot be used to de-register the last remaining Supplier ID and set of Base BM Units
25 Supplier ID limit is defined in BSCP65 1.6.1
26 In addition to their Market Participant ID, the LDSO applicant will have to provide BSCCo with details of their Distribution Licence, schedule of DUoS charges, REC Party and Qualification status as a distributor, and other details. The LDSO applicant will be assigned a unique LDSO Short Code by BSCCo in conjunction with the REC Code Manager and the Authority. One and only one LDSO Short Code will be allocated to each LDSO applicant.
27 This Party will not to be registered within Supplier Volume Allocation or Market Domain Data. Should the Party be registered in some other capacity, then this registration will not include the Role Codes of “R” or “P”.
28 Where appropriate
29 If applicable
30 Once these authorisations are cancelled, participants will be required to set up new ECVNA/MVRNA Authorisations to make any changes to notifications in place.
31 The Withdrawing Party must not have any ECVNA/MVRNA Authorisations or notifications in place beyond the Effective To Date of its Trading Party role