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BSCP516: Allocation of Profile Classes and SSCs for Non-Half Hourly Metering System Registered in SMRS

v 13.0
Effective From Date:
Other versions

BSC Procedure 516 relating to Allocation of Profile Classes and SSCs for Non-Half Hourly SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code (the Code) for the Electricity Industry in Great Britain and, in particular, to the definition of "BSC Procedure".

2. This is BSCP516, Version 13.0 relating to Allocation of Profile Classes and SSCs for Non-Half Hourly Metering System Registered in SMRS.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from 15 April 2024

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the Panel.

1. Introduction

1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Procedure

This BSC Procedure defines the process of allocating Profile Classes and Standard Settlement Configurations (SSCs) to all Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Metering Systems1 other than Unmetered Supplies registered in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS). The processes defined within this BSC Procedure are enduring processes and are to be used from the GSP Group implementation date for each Supplier.

The method of allocating Profile Classes to Non-Half Hourly (NHH) Unmetered Supplies is not set out in this BSC Procedure. This is documented in BSCP520: Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS.

The method of allocating a Profile Class is dependent on whether:

i. the Metering System Identifier (MSID) is Import or Export;

ii. meter usage is Domestic or Non-Domestic;

iii. meter has ‘switched load’ capabilities;

iv. Maximum Demand (MD) is required to be recorded.

The Profile Class suite currently consists of 8 Profile Classes (as defined in Appendix 4.1 - Allocation of Profile Classes to NHH MSIDs), two of which are for Domestic usage (Profile Classes 01 and 02) and 6 of which are for Non-Domestic usage (Profile Classes 03 to 08). Each NHH MSID will be assigned to a Profile Class.

From 1 April 2017, import MSIDs for Metering Systems installed under SLC 12.17-12.22, are mandated (except where access to HH data is prohibited under the Electricity Supply Licence) to be settled HH and this BSCP does not apply.

From 1 October 2023, all MSIDs for existing Metering Systems that have been installed under SLC 12.24 or 12.26, are mandated (except where access to HH data is prohibited under the Electricity Supply Licence) to be settled HH and this BSCP does not apply. Where the Advanced Meter has been installed for a new connection after 1 October 2022, the mandate to be settled HH (except where access to HH data is prohibited under the Electricity Supply Licence) applies from the date of meter installation.

Where MSIDs for export metering are registered to be settled on a Non-Half Hourly basis, these must be registered against Profile Class 8

The allocation of SSCs to NHH MSIDs is described in Appendix 4.2 - Allocation of NHH MSIDs to SSCs.

1.2 Main Users of Procedure and their Responsibilities

Suppliers will be responsible for allocating a Profile Class to a NHH MSID based on the criteria i to vi defined in section 1.3 below. The Supplier will send the details of the NHH MSID affected by the allocation of the Profile Class to the Non-Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) and Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA).

In the case of those NHH Import MSIDs allocated to one of the Load Factor (LF) banded MD Profile Classes (codes 05 to 08), the LF must be re-calculated annually by the NHHDC as defined in Appendix 4.4. The NHHDC will send details of these Profile Class changes to the Supplier. The Supplier will then notify the SMRA of the Profile Class changes.

The Supplier may also request the addition of a new Profile Class to the Profile Class suite and this is documented in BSCP509 - Changes to Market Domain Data. In addition an overview of the process is described in a BSC Guidance Note.

1.3 Use of the Procedure

This BSC Procedure will be used:

i as a result of the creation of new NHH MSIDs e.g. new connections, additional meters;

ii where there is a shift from a Domestic to a Non-Domestic use or vice versa;

iii where there is a change in the meter configuration which requires a change in the SSC to which the NHH MSID is allocated e.g. a single register meter to a multi-rate meter, switched load;

iv where the Supplier becomes aware of a change to the switched load capability of a meter (whether or not a change of SSC is required);

v where the Supplier becomes aware that a Metering System allocated to a switched load Profile Class under the applicable rules at the start of the 1998 Trading Arrangements should be allocated to the equivalent non-switched Profile Class under the rules set out in Appendix 4.1 of this procedure (or vice versa);

vi when there is a change in the LF at the time of the annual LF re-calculation; and

vii when there is both an Import and Export MSID registered at a site.

This BSC Procedure does not cover half hourly SVA Metering Systems.

The remaining sections in this document are:

Section 2 – Not Used.

Section 3 - Interface and Timetable Information: this section defines in detail the requirements of each business process.

Section 4 - Appendices: this section contains information which is relevant to Section 3.

1.4 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This BSC Procedure has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Balancing and Settlement Code (the Code). In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSC Procedure and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

1.5 Associated BSC Procedures

BSCP501 Supplier Meter Registration Service

BSCP504 Non-Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS

BSCP509 Changes to Market Domain Data

BSCP520 Unmetered Supplies Registered in SMRS

1.6 Acronyms and Definitions

1.6.1 Acronyms

The terms used in this BSC Procedure are defined as follows:


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Central Teleswitch Control Unit


Load Factor


Non-Half Hourly


Non-Half Hourly Data Aggregator


Non-Half Hourly Data Collector


Maximum Demand


Metering System Identifier(s)


Standard Licence Condition


Standard Settlement Configuration


Special Metering Arrangement


Supplier Meter Registration Agent


Supplier Meter Registration Service


Supplier Volume Allocation


Time Pattern Regime(s)

1.6.2 Definitions

Full definitions of the above acronyms are, where appropriate, included in the Code.

Switched Load Capacity

A switched load is any load supplied by a dedicated circuit that is opened and closed by a time switch or teleswitch receiver that is part of the SVA Metering System.

A Metering System will be deemed to be capable of switching load, if the switch (or meter) is wired to a restricted consumer unit or other consumer circuit. It is this capability, rather than the presence or otherwise of any load (of which the Meter Operator Agent and Supplier cannot reasonably be expected to be aware) that differentiates between switched and normal loads. If a Metering System with a switch is not connected to a switched circuit then the Metering System is not capable of switching load.

2. Not Used

3. Interface and Timetable Information

3.1 Allocate SSC/Profile Class to Non-Half Hourly SVA Metering System









As a result of :

a) new MSID

b) change of use2

c) change in meter configuration (including change of switched load capability)

Identify relevant NHH MSID(s) which require allocation of a Profile Class.


Internal Process.


Within 3 WD of 3.1.1.

Assign NHH MSID(s) to appropriate SSC/Profile Class combination3.


Appendix 4.1 and 4.2.

Internal Process.


Within 3 WD of 3.1.2

Send NHH MSID(s) and SSC/Profile Class details.




D0052 Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details.

D0205 Update Registration Details.

Refer to BSCP504 and BSCP501 respectively for NHHDC and SMRS processing instructions.

Electronic or other method as agreed.

3.2 Re-Calculate Load Factor for Import MSID(s)4









Annually in May.

Identify all NHH Non-Domestic Import MSID(s) where MD is recorded.


Appendix 4.4 - Load Factor Allocation.

Internal Process.


Within 5 WD of 3.2.1.

Carry out the LF calculation for NHH Import MSID(s).


Internal Process.


If calculation indicates a change of Profile Class is required.

Assign NHH Import MSID(s) to appropriate Profile Class combination.


Internal Process.


Within 3 WD of 3.2.3.

Record and send those NHH Import MSID(s) and Profile Class details where the Profile Class has changed.



P0206 Required Change of Profile Class.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 20 WD of 3.2.4

Review information received from the NHHDC. Where appropriate6, send NHH MSID(s) and updated SSC/Profile Class details.

The effective date will be the date of the last meter readings used to calculate the LF.




D0052 Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details.

D0205 Update Registration Details.

Refer to BSCP504 and BSCP501 respectively for NHHDC and SMRS processing instructions.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

4. Appendices

4.1 Allocation of Profile Classes to NHH MSIDs

This Profile Allocation method will be used from the GSP Group implementation date for each Supplier. The table below contains the set of Profile Classes in the current Profile Class suite.

Code Profile Class


Domestic Unrestricted


Domestic Economy 7


Non-Domestic Unrestricted


Non-Domestic Economy 7


Non-domestic, with MD recorded7 and with LF less than or equal to 20%


Non-domestic, with MD recorded7 and with LF less than or equal to 30% and greater than 20%


Non-domestic, with MD recorded7 and with LF less than or equal to 40% and greater than 30%


Non-domestic, with MD recorded7 and with LF greater than 40%8

A Domestic Customer means a customer supplied or requiring to be supplied with electricity at Domestic premises (but excluding such customer in so far as they are supplied or requires to be supplied at premises other than Domestic premises).

A Non-Domestic Customer means any customer not included in the above Domestic Customer definition.

From 1 April 2017, import MSIDs for Metering Systems installed under SLC 12.17-12.22, are mandated (except where access to HH data is prohibited under the Electricity Supply Licence) to be settled HH and this BSCP does not apply.

From 1 October 2023, all MSIDs for existing Metering Systems that have been installed under SLC 12.24 or 12.26, are mandated (except where access to HH data is prohibited under the Electricity Supply Licence) to be settled HH and this BSCP does not apply. Where the Advanced Meter has been installed for a new connection after 1 October 2022, the mandate to be settled HH (except where access to HH data is prohibited under the Electricity Supply Licence) applies from the date of meter installation.

Where MSIDs for export metering are registered to be settled on a Non-Half Hourly basis, these must be registered against Profile Class 8.MSIDs for unmetered connections or for Export metering can continue to be registered against Profile Class 8 after 1 April 2017.

4.1.1 Import Metering used for Domestic Purposes

Procedure 1:

Import Metering used for Domestic purposes with switched load capabilities (as defined in paragraph 1.6.2) must be allocated to the ‘Domestic Economy 7’ Profile Class (Profile Class 2).

Procedure 2:

Metering used for Domestic purposes without switched load capabilities (as defined in paragraph 1.6.2) and all new connections, where the Supplier is not aware of the switched load capabilities of the Metering System, must be allocated to the ‘Domestic Unrestricted’ Profile Class(Profile Class 1).

4.1.2 Import Metering used for Non Domestic Purposes

Procedure 3:

Import Metering used for Non Domestic purposes with switched load capabilities (as defined in paragraph 1.6.2) and where MD is not recorded must be allocated to the ‘Non-Domestic Economy 7’ Profile Class (Profile Class 4).

Procedure 4:

Metering used for Non-Domestic purposes without switched load capabilities (as defined in paragraph 1.6.2) where MD is not recorded and all new connections, where MD is not recorded and the Supplier is not aware of the switched load capabilities of the Metering System, must be allocated to the ‘Non-Domestic Unrestricted’ Profile Class (Profile Class 3).

Procedure 5:

Import Metering registered before 1 April 2017 used for Non-Domestic purposes where MD is recorded must be allocated to one of the MD Load Factor Banded Profile Classes.

4.1.3 Export Metering

Procedure 6:

Export Metering must be allocated to the ‘Non-domestic Profile Class, with MD recorded and with LF greater than 40%’ Profile Class.

4.2 Allocation of NHH MSIDs to SSCs

Each NHH MSID must be allocated to one valid SSC. This allocation will depend on:

i) whether the MSID registers Import or Export energy;

ii) the number of settlement registers associated with the meter;

iii) the TPR governing the switching behaviour of each settlement register;

iv) whether the meter switching behaviour is controlled by timeswitch or teleswitch.

An Import MSID shall be allocated to an Import SSC and an Export MSID shall be allocated to an Export SSC.

Suppliers should only use SSCs for teleswitch regimes when the Metering System’s registers are switched using the Radio Teleswitch Service. Suppliers should assign all other Metering Systems (including smart Meters which are switched remotely or by a switching calendar) to a timeswitched SSC.

Meter Registers and Settlement Registers

Each NHH SVA Metering System contains one or more meter registers. A meter register records consumption during defined time periods. For example, an unrestricted meter contains one meter register e.g. a Domestic tariff, whereas a multi-rate meter e.g. an E7 meter measuring day and night consumption contains two meter registers.

For most NHH SVA Metering Systems, a settlement register will correspond to the physical meter register. This means that a NHH SVA Metering System with two physical meter registers would be mapped to a SSC with two settlement registers (regardless of whether there is only one unit billing rate).

However, the following are exceptions:

a) Where single phase meters are being used to measure a polyphase supply and registers on those meters have the same time periods, then all meter registers measuring concurrent periods within this NHH SVA Metering System are treated as one settlement register.

b) Where a meter has one or more switched registers which are collectively not active all the time and a total register which is active all the time. A settlement register is required for the periods during which the total register only is recording demand. The time periods for this settlement register are derived by differencing; e.g. a meter with a total register and a night register being used for a day and night tariff would have the following settlement registers:

Night Settlement Register = Night Meter Register

Day Settlement Register = Total Meter Register - Night Meter Register.

Where a customer is supplied on an unrestricted tariff but has two rate (e.g. E7) metering, the two meter registers must be mapped to two settlement registers and two TPRs.

Time Pattern Regimes

A TPR is required for each settlement register. This indicates the ‘on’ times of a settlement register. The ‘on’ times of each register can be controlled by either time or teleswitch.

Standard Settlement Configurations

An SSC identifies a population of time or teleswitch NHH SVA Metering Systems with the same combination of time periods sharing the same configurations of registers and switching times. It effectively groups together NHH SVA Metering Systems with common TPRs. For teleswitch regimes, the SSC also groups together NHH SVA Metering Systems which use a specific teleswitch channel and group identifier on the Central Teleswitch Control Unit (CTCU) system. For example, Domestic and Non-Domestic E7 NHH SVA Metering Systems with the same TPRs controlled, say, by timeswitch would be allocated to the same SSC.

4.2.1 Standard Cases for Import MSIDs

One SSC must be allocated to each NHH Import MSID. In order to determine which is the valid SSC, the following must be determined for each NHH Import MSID:

1. whether the metering ‘on’ and ‘off’ times are controlled by time or teleswitch;

2. the number of settlement registers and time periods associated with each settlement register (i.e. the valid TPRs);

3. if controlled by teleswitch, the teleswitch channel and group identifier.

The time and teleswitch details and valid TPRs can then be used to determine the valid SSC.

Some teleswitch NHH SVA Metering Systems receive teleswitch ‘on’ and ‘off’ time messages which change every day. These are known as dynamic teleswitches and must be allocated the appropriate code.

4.2.2 Standard Cases for Export MSIDs

One SSC must be allocated to each NHH Export MSID. In order to determine which is the valid SSC, knowledge is required of which Profile Class the NHH Import MSID at the site is assigned to. The following rules should be followed:

1. if the Supplier of the NHH Export MSID knows the Profile Class of the NHH Import MSID at the site, use an Export SSC relating to the Profile Class of the NHH Import MSID;

2. if the Supplier of the NHH Export MSID knows the Profile Class of the NHH Import MSID at the site is MD, but does not know the LF, the Supplier should assume a Non-domestic Profile Class, with MD recording capability and with LF less than or equal to 30% and greater than 20% (i.e. PC 06), for purposes of choosing an Export SSC;

3. if the Supplier of the NHH Export MSID does not know whether the Profile Class of the NHH Import MSID at the site is MD, the Supplier should assume the site is not MD for purposes of choosing an Export SSC;

4. if the Supplier of the NHH Export MSID knows that the NHH Import MSID at the site is not MD (or has assumed as such) and knows that the site usage is non-domestic, but does not know whether it is Economy 7 or not, the Supplier should assume a Non-Domestic Unrestricted Profile Class (i.e. PC 03) for purposes of choosing an Export SSC;

5. if the Supplier of the NHH Export MSID knows that the NHH Import MSID at the site is not MD (or has assumed as such), but does not know whether it is domestic, the Supplier should assume the site usage is domestic for purposes of choosing an Export SSC; and

6. if the Supplier of the NHH Export MSID knows that the NHH Import MSID at the site is not MD (or has assumed as such) and knows that the site usage is domestic, but does not know whether it is Economy 7 or not, the Supplier should assume a Domestic Unrestricted Profile Class (i.e. PC 01) for purposes of choosing an Export SSC.

4.2.3 Non-Standard Cases

If the configuration cannot be classified to an SSC because, for example, the NHH SVA Metering System has the facility to switch loads, according to locally determined criteria, then an ‘assumed period’ must be determined. If in doubt, refer the case to the relevant Panel sub-committee for a decision.

There are three types of Special Metering Arrangements (SMA) and these are:

1. Switched Load under the Supplier control, with direct load under the customer control.

The Supplier will specify the switching times of the switched load such as space and water heating, but the customer has some control of direct load such as boost to water heating.

2. Optimisation within a switching window.

The Supplier will specify the switching window that the switched load can be ‘on’, but the SMA optimises the take of the load within the window given certain criteria.

3. Site-Specific Switching.

The Supplier has no control of the switching times of the SMA. The site determines the switching time given certain criteria.

4.3 This page has intentionally been left blank.

4.4 Import Load Factor Allocation

This procedure is reserved for NHH Non-domestic Import customers, without an Advanced Meter, registered prior to 1 April 2017 or remaining in Profile Classes 05 to 08 after 1 April 2017.

Where an MD is recorded for a given NHH SVA Metering System, an appropriate LF related Profile Class must be allocated to the NHH SVA Metering System. All NHH Import SVA Metering Systems where LF related Profile Classes exist must be reviewed annually covering 12 months' worth of metering data, using the re-calculation formula defined below. Following the re-calculation, where the LF has changed, the NHHDC will assign the NHH SVA Metering System to the appropriate LF related Profile Class.

The LF is calculated as follows:

LF9 = Total Consumption over the Period (kWh)

MD in the Period (kW) x No. of Hours in Period

Where MD is defined as:

the highest demand (kW) measured in a half-hour during the period, by Metering Equipment capable of recording MD in all of the half hours during the period.

If the MD is recorded in kVA, this must be converted into kW using a 0.95 power factor, unless other metering information is available to calculate the correct power factor.

and where the Period is defined as:

12 months of metering data. Where 12 months of metering data is unavailable for the Period, the NHHDC will apply the following rules:

i) Use valid meter readings spanning a 12 month Period, which were obtained prior to the re-calculation Period; or

ii) If less than 12 months meter readings are available (e.g. due to a new connection) use Profile Class 06 as the default Profile Class until the next annual re-calculation.

Where a change of tenancy has occurred in the previous 12 months, the rules described above must be strictly applied to all available Settlement data relating to the Metering System and not just the data relating to the most recent tenancy.

and where the No. of Hours in Period is defined as:

those hours where the NHH SVA Metering System is energised. However, for those situations where energy is detected on a de-energised NHH SVA Metering System(s), the No. of Hours in Period will include the time periods for which energy was consumed.

Where a change of Supplier occurs resulting in the Supplier gaining an MD customer, the Profile Class used by the new Supplier will be the same as the one used by the old Supplier, until the annual re-calculation is undertaken




Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/ Panel/

Committee Refs


Code Effective Date



Code Effective Date

Incorporated version D.01 review comments


Code Effective Date

Comments embodied following CMC1273


Code Effective Date

Approved for use by the Panel


Code Effective Date

Version alignment changes from AP516 embodied.

NCR 329



Changes relating to change of tenancy included.





Changes relating to Modification P81





SVA February 05 Release and BETTA 6.3

BETTA 6.3, CP1021, CP1091




June 08 Release


CP1176 (part)






June 2015 Release





11 August 2015





February 2016 Release





February 2022 Standard Release





June 2023 Standard Release


Panel 338/04



P432 Special Release



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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.


2 From Domestic to Non-Domestic or vice versa.

3 Should the Profile Class change require the creation of a new combination of Profile Class and SSC, then the Supplier must procure the creation of the valid combination for the GSP Group.

4 This procedure is reserved for NHH Non-domestic Import customers, without an Advanced Meter, registered to Profile Classes 05 to 08 prior to 1 April 2017 or remaining in Profile Classes 05 to 08 after 1 April 2017

5 The Supplier must process Profile Class changes received from the NHHDC unless they can prove that the NHHDC calculation has been done incorrectly. However the NHHDC must not use the new Profile Class when sending EACs/AAs to the NHHDA until notified of the change by the Supplier, via process 3.2.5.

6 The Supplier must process Profile Class changes received from the NHHDC unless the Supplier can show that the NHHDC has carried out the calculation incorrectly.

7 The requirement to record the MD for distribution charging prior to 1 April 2017.

8 Profile Class 08 is also used for all NHH Export MSIDs (see Procedure 6).

9 LF must not be greater than unity.