Post | Forms submitted by post will require passwords and authorised signatures for authentication purposes. |
Fax | All forms submitted by fax will require passwords and authorised signatures, and in addition should be followed up by hard copies delivered by post, if requested. |
All forms submitted via email will require a password and must only originate from the email address registered to the relevant Authorised Person via this BSCP. Any email submissions that contain a correct password but an incorrect originating address will fail validation. | |
Electronic | Passwords are required when submitting information via Electronic Data File Transfer as required by the specified structure of each flow in the CVA Data Catalogue. A valid password, together with the access control to a participant’s transfer system, will be used to validate electronic data flows. Therefore, each Authorised Person is responsible for ensuring that there is no unauthorised use of the participant’s data transfer system. |
Self-Service Gateway | The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) provided by the Self-Service Gateway will be used to authenticate online requests. |
BSCP02 | Proving Test Requirements for Central Volume Allocation Metering Systems |
BSCP03 | Data Estimation and Substitution for Central Volume Allocation |
BSCP05 | Meter Advance Reconciliation for Central Volume Allocation |
BSCP06 | CVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in CMRS |
BSCP11 | Trading Disputes |
BSCP15 | BM Unit Registration |
BSCP20 | Registration of Metering System for Central Volume Allocation |
BSCP25 | Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points |
BSCP31 | Registration of Trading Units |
BSCP32 | Metering Dispensations |
BSCP41 | Report Requests and Authorisations |
BSCP65 | Registration of Parties and Exit Procedures |
BSCP68 | Transfer of Registration of Metering Systems between CMRS and SMRS |
BSCP71 | Submission of ECVNs and MVRNs |
BSCP75 | Registration of Metering Aggregation Rules for Volume Allocation Units |
BSCP128 | Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors |
BSCP301 | Clearing, Invoicing and Payment |
BSCP507 | SVA Standing Data Changes |
BSCP509 | Changes to Market Domain Data |
AMSID | Asset Metering System Identifier |
AMVLP | Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party |
BSCCo | Balancing and Settlement Code Company |
CDCA | Central Data Collection Agent |
CMRS | Central Meter Registration Service |
CRA | Central Registration Agent |
CVA | Central Volume Allocation |
CVA MOA | Meter Operator Agent for CVA metering systems |
DSO | Distribution System Operator |
ECVAA | Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent |
ECVNA | Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent |
FAA | Funds Administration Agent |
LDSO | Licensed Distribution System Operator |
MDD | Market Domain Data |
MSID | Metering System Identifier |
MVRNA | Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent |
RBAC | Role-Based Access Control |
SAA | Settlement Administration Agent |
SAD | Self Assessment Document |
SMRS | Supplier Meter Registration Service |
SVA | Supplier Volume Allocation |
VLP | Virtual Lead Party |
WD | Working Day |
Authorisation Register | A list of Authorised Persons maintained by the CRA based on the submission by Parties, ECVNAs, MVRNAs, CVA MOAs and LDSOs of a correctly authorised “Declaration of Authorised Persons Form” to the CRA. |
Authorised Person | An individual identified by a Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO to sanction specific Code activities to be carried out by BSC Agents and BSCCo on behalf of that Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO, as appropriate. |
Central Service Provider | A BSC Agent or the BSCCo undertaking an activity requiring authorisation. |
Self-Service Gateway | An online portal, accessible through the BSC Website, that allows authorised users to provide and maintain registration data, including (but not limited to) the data defined in this BSCP. |
3.1.1 | As requested | Request change to Authorisation Register in the form of:
Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO, as applicable |
Completed relevant Declaration of Authorised Persons Form (BSCP38/5.1) or its online equivalent. | Letter / Fax Email3/ (Self-Service Gateway) |
3.1.2 | Within 5 WD of receipt of 3.1.1 | Confirm change to Authorisation Register | CRA | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO, as applicable | Annotated Declaration of Authorised Persons Form4 or its online equivalent | Letter / Fax / Email/ Self-Service Gateway |
3.2.1 | As requested | Send register of Authorised Persons for confirmation or request confirmation via the Self-Service Gateway that register is complete and accurate. | CRA | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO, as applicable | Authorisation Register specific to each Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA and LDSO. | Post / Fax / Email/ Self-Service Gateway |
3.2.2 | As agreed in 3.2.1 | Check authorisation levels of Authorised Persons and: i) confirm acceptance in a letter on Company stationery and signed by a Category A Authorised Person (or as otherwise requested by the CRA); and / or ii) detail changes to the Authorisation Register in the Declaration of Authorised Persons Form or using the Self-Service Gateway. | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO, as applicable | CRA | Letter confirming contents of Authorisation Register to the CRA (or such other confirmation requested by the CRA); or Declaration of Authorised Persons Form or its online equivalent, as appropriate. | Post / Fax / Email/ Self-Service Gateway |
3.2.3 | Within 5 WD of receipt of 3.2.2 | Confirm any changes submitted on the Declaration of Authorised Persons Form or the Self-Service Gateway. | CRA | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO, as applicable | Annotated Declaration of Authorised Persons Form or its online equivalent. | Post / Fax / Email/ Self-Service Gateway |
Category | Activity | Description | Central Service Provider | BSC Section or BSCP | Authorising Capacity |
A | Changing Authorisations | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA or LDSO to nominate a person to authorise other individual(s) to undertake BSC activities requiring an authorised signature.5 | BSCCo, CDCA, CRA, ECVAA, FAA. | N/A | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA, LDSO |
B | Accept/Reject Data Estimation | Party to accept or reject estimated or substitute data as provided by the CDCA. | CDCA | Party | |
C | Site Witnessing of Meter Readings | Party or their Party Agent (CVA MOA) to witness and confirm meter readings taken by the CDCA for MAR purposes. | CDCA | Party; CVA MOA | |
D | On-site Meter Readings | CVA MOA to take readings. | CDCA | BSCP06 | CVA MOA |
E | This Category will no longer be used |
F | BM Units | Party to register and deregister BM Units, register the seasonal estimates of Demand and Generation Capacities, register and de-register Exempt Export status, elect Production/Consumption Flag (for Exempt Export Primary BM Units and Secondary BM Units) Transfer of Supplier ID, submit Secondary BM Unit MSID Pair Allocations and / or Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Allocations and submit Secondary BM Unit MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and / or Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes. AMVLP to register Asset Metering Systems with the SVAA and receive confirmation and rejection responses from the SVAA.. | CRA, SVAA | Party | |
G | Metering Systems Registration / Deregistration & CVA MOA Appointment | Registrant or its CVA MOA, as appropriate, to register, deregister, appoint a MOA or consent/object to a Metering System registration. | CRA | Registrant; CVA MOA | |
H | Metering System Technical Details & Proving Tests
Commissioning End to End Check | Registrant or its CVA MOA to register technical details, confirm the installation of Metering Equipment, record and submit proving test data and provide changes to Meter Technical Details and its validation requirements.
Registrant to confirm results of Commission End to End Checks are satisfactory; or request data for a different Settlement Date; or, where applicable, provide details of Rectification Plans. | CDCA
| CVA MOA. Registrant
I | This Category will no longer be used |
J | Party Registration and Changes to Details | Applicant Party to register as a Party and to change their own Party details. | CRA | Party | |
K | Submission & Termination of ECVNA or MVRNA Authorisations or Volume Notification Nullification Requests | Party, ECVNA or MVRNA to sign ECVNA and / or MVRNA Authorisation Requests (including key changes, notification feedback reporting requirements) and terminate any such requests. Party to sign Volume Notification Nullification Requests. | ECVAA | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA | |
L | Submitting Aggregation Rules | Lead Parties to submit Meter Aggregation Rules. | CDCA | Party | |
M | Amendments to Non Confidential Report Requirements | Party to amend report transmissions for non confidential reports. | CDCA, CRA, ECVAA, FAA, SAA | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA. | |
N | Banking Details Registration and Changes to Details Provision of Credit Cover | Applicant Parties to register banking details with the FAA and to amend banking details.
Applicant Parties to provide Credit Cover to the FAA and to amend level of Credit Cover | FAA | Party | |
O | Dispute Process | Party to raise a dispute. | BSCCo | Party | |
P | This category will no longer be used. |
Q | Registration & Deregistration of Trading Units | BM Unit Lead Party to register or deregister a Trading Unit. | BSCCo | Party | |
R | Metering Dispensations Applications | Party to apply for specific, generic and confidential Metering Dispensations as well as withdrawals and transfers of dispensation. | BSCCo | Party | |
S | Party Withdrawal | Party to withdraw from the BSC trading arrangements. Withdrawal Notice must be submitted by fax or post. | BSCCo | Party | |
T | Transfer of Metering System between SMRS and CMRS | Party authorised to initiate the transfer of Metering Systems between SMRS and CMRS. | BSCCo | Party | |
U | Party Agent Registration and Changes to Details | Applicant ECVNA / MVRNA / CVA MOA to register as Party Agents and to change their own Party Agent details. | BSCCo | ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA | |
V | Transmission of Reports to all Parties | Party to have named reports circulated to all Parties. | BSCCo | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA, CVA MOA | |
W | Submitting SVA Standing Data Changes Accept or reject automatic Standing Data Changes | Suppliers to submit NHH BM Unit Data.
Suppliers to accept or reject automatic Standing Data Changes. | BSCCo | Supplier | |
X | Submitting CVA and SVA Line Loss Factors | LDSO to submit CVA and SVA Line Loss Factors for approval. | BSCCo | LDSO | |
Y | Submitting MDD Change Requests | Originator (Party, BSCCo, SVAA, Panel Secretary) to submit MDD Change Requests. | BSCCo | Originator (Party, BSCCo, SVAA, Panel Secretary) | |
Z | ECVAA Web Service Administration | Banning/unbanning user access to the ECVAA Web Service. | ECVAA | Party, ECVNA, MVRNA | |
ZA | Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points | The National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) to register Transmission System Boundary Points and GSPs; BSCCo to register GSP Groups and LDSOs to register Distribution Systems Connection Points. | CRA and BSCCo | LDSO, NETSO, and BSCCo | |
ZB | Notification of Voting Parties | Trading Parties and Distribution Businesses to notify BSCCo of any other Trading Parties and/or Distribution Businesses to which they are an Affiliate for the purpose of determining Voting Parties. | BSCCo | Trading Party, DSO | |
ZC | Submitting and voting on Resolutions | Voting Parties to submit a Binding Resolution or a Non-Binding Resolution or vote on a Resolution. | BSCCo | Section C | NETSO, Trading Party, DSO |
To: CRA | Date Sent: | |
From: Participant Details | ||
Party /Party Agent ID: | Name of Sender: | |
Participation Capacity /Party Agent Role: | ||
Contact email address: | ||
Our Ref: | Contact Tel. No | |
Name of Authorised Signatory: | ||
Authorised Signature: | Password: |
Name: |
Position: |
Tel No.: |
| Fax No: |
Signature |
| 8 Character Password |
Email address |
| Yes/No |
A | Changing Authorisation |
B | Accept/ Reject Data Estimation |
C | Site Witnessing of Meter Readings |
D | On-Site Meter Readings |
F | BM Units |
G | Metering System Registration / Deregistration & CVA MOA Appointment |
H | Metering System Technical Details, Proving Tests & Commissioning End to End Checks |
J | Party Registration and Changes to Details |
K | Submission and Termination of EVCNA or MVRNA Authorisations |
L | Submitting Aggregation Rules |
M | Amendments to Non Confidential Report Requirements |
N | Banking Details Registration, Changes to Details and Provision of Credit Cover |
O | Dispute Process |
Q | Registration & Deregistration of Trading Units |
R | Metering Dispensations Applications |
S | Party Withdrawal |
T | Transfer of Metering Systems between SMRS and CMRS |
U | Party Agent Registration & Changes to Details |
V | Transmission of Reports to all Parties |
W | Submitting SVA Standing Data Changes |
X | Submitting CVA and SVA Line Loss Factors |
Y | Submitting MDD Change Requests |
Z | Banning/unbanning user access to the ECVAA Web Service |
ZA | Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points |
ZB | Notification of Voting Parties |
ZC | Submitting and voting on Resolutions |
Name : |
Position: |
Version | Date | Description of Changes | Changes Included | Mods/ Panel/ Committee Refs |
1.0 | 19.12.00 | New BSC Procedure required for Go Live | 243 | 10/006 |
2.0 | 13/08/02 | Change Proposals for BSC Systems Release 2 | CP546, 726 | ISG18/193 |
3.0 | 24/06/03 | Change Proposals for June 03 Release | CP695, 756, 821 |
4.0 | 01/08/03 | Approved Modification P62 | P62 | P62 48/003 |
5.0 | 04/11/03 | Approved Modifications P110 and P82 For November 03 Release | P82 P110 | 54/006 59/011 |
6.0 | 27/11/03 | Approved Change Proposal 923 | CP923 |
7.0 | 30/06/04 | Change Proposals for the CVA Programme June 04 Release | CP971, CP986, CP998, P99, CP1030 | ISG40/003 |
8.0 | 03/11/04 | Changes for CVA Nov 04 Release | P98, CP1032 | 10/06/2004 |
9.0 | 23/02/05 | SVA February 05 Releases | P159, CP1049, CP1056, CP1091 | SVG/47/004 |
10.0 | BETTA Effective Date | BETTA 6.3 | BETTA 6.3 | SVG/48/004 |
11.0 | 02/11/05 | Changes for CVA Nov 05 Release | CP1109 CP1129 CP1061 | ISG52/003 ISG53/002 ISG48/002 |
12.0 | 23/02/06 | SVA February 06 Release | CP1093 |
13.0 | 28/06/06 | June 06 Release | P190 | ISG64/001 |
14.0 | 23/08/07 | P197 Release | P197 |
15.0 | 01/11/07 | November 07 Release | CP1193 CP1194 CP1195 CP1210 CP1215 | ISG77/03 SVG77/04 ISG79/02 SVG79/02 ISG80/05 SVG80/13 |
16.0 | 28/02/08 | February 08 Release | CP1201 | ISG81/01 SVG81/01 |
17.0 | 06/11/08 | November 08 Release | CP1244 | ISG88/01 SVG88/02 PAB88/03 |
18.0 | 20/04/09 | P216 Release | P216 | ISG97/02 SVG97/08 |
19.0 | 04/11/10 | November 10 Release | CP1328 | ISG112/01 SVG112/03 |
20.0 | 11/11/16 | 11 November 2016 Standalone Modification | P324 | Panel 257/04 |
21.0 | 28/02/19 | February 2019 Release | P344 | Panel 284C/01 |
| February 2019 Release | CP1510 | ISG211/06 SVG214/02 |
22.0 | 29/03/19 | March 2019 Standalone Release | P369 | Panel 285/12 |
23.0 | 16/06/20 | June 2020 Standalone Release | P405 Self-Governance | P302/08 |
24.0 | 30/06/2022 | June 2022 Standard Release | P375 | P309/06 |
25.0 | 03/11/2022 | November 2022 Release | CP1566 | ISG257/05, SVG259/09 |
26.0 | 27/02/2025 | February 2025 Release | SC0001 |
Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make. All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved. No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it. |
1 At no time may declarations of authorisations apply retrospectively.
2 A Party that does not have a valid or available Category A Authorised Person who is registered with the CRA, or is in administration, should submit a completed relevant Declaration of Authorised Persons form accompanied by a letter on company stationery signed by a registered company director or an administrator for the company.
4 Changes to an Authorised Person’s email address must be authorised by a Category A person. This notification must be submitted by email via the Category A person’s authorised email or via the Self-Service Gateway account, stating the email address change, Authorised Person’s name and password.
5 Any Party applying for inclusion on the BSC Website list of Suppliers (which have satisfied the criteria to complete a change of BM Unit ownership within 5 WD for a BM Unit with CVA metering and associated with a Customer’s premises) must be authorised by a Category A Authorised Signatory. See BSCP15 for procedure and application form.