FAQs – HHDA Metering Solution for EMR |
Guidance Note |
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This document may also be of interest to Capacity Providers and Energy Intensive Industries (EII).
High-level Overview of the HHDA Metering Solution
The government’s Electricity Market Reform (EMR) includes the establishment of a Capacity Market to help ensure security of supply. It also includes a Contracts for Difference (CFD) scheme designed to encourage investment in low carbon generation, funded by licenced
electricity Suppliers based on their gross demand. A process has been established in
BSCP503: Half Hourly Data Aggregation to allow Half Hourly loss adjusted metered volumes for MPANs to be provided for EMR Settlement.
These metered volumes are used in EMR Settlement to:
Determine a Capacity Provider’s metered volumes, used during CM calculations; or
Reduce a Supplier’s total demand by a proportion of its EII customers. A Supplier’s CFD charges is based on its total demand less EII volumes.
The high level process established in BSCP503 to provide metered volumes to EMR Settlement is:
1. A Supplier notifies their HHDA of MPANs for which data needs to be reported (i.e. the MPANs that the Supplier is using in the Capacity Market, or MPANs that are associated with an eligible EII Certificate).
2. The HHDA processes the instruction and accepts or rejects back to the Supplier.
3. If rejected, the Supplier corrects and re-sends instruction to the HHDA.
4. If accepted, the HHDA flags the relevant MPANs in its systems and sends half hourly loss-adjusted metered data to the EMR Settlement Services Provider (EMRSSP) as part of the scheduled aggregation process.
5. If accepted and the MPAN relates to an EII customer, the Supplier sends details of the successful acceptance (D0355) from the HHDA to the EMR Settlement Services provider.
The changes to the BSC and BSCP503 to support the Capacity Market changes were directed by the
Secretary of State in August 2014, to become effective as part of the February 2015 Release (26 Feb 15), as part of
The changes to the BSC and BSCP503 to support the EII changes were directed by the
Secretary of State in April 2015, to become effective as part of the June 2015 Release (25 Jun 15), as part of
The new processes have been based on the existing
Half Hourly Metering
BM Unit Allocation process. Many of the principles adopted for this existing process apply to this new process. More information on the existing
BM Unit Allocation process can be found in the
Multiple BM Unit Instruction Processing Specification.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What MPID and role code should the HHDA use when sending the D0357 to the EMRSSP?
You should use the ‘ESSP’ MPID and the ‘Z’ role code.
2. How will EMR Settlement Services Provider know what is for CFD or CM Settlement?
The HHDA will not necessarily know which MPAN Cores are relevant to CM or CFD, nor does it need to. The HHDA should therefore send the data flow to either the CFDSSP or the CMSSP (and rely upon the arrangements put in place between the CFD and CMSSP to ensure data is used for the correct purpose). In practice, the CMSSP and CFDSSP have been given a shared
Market Participant Id (ESSP), and the same Market Role (Z).
MDD circular 00545 contains more details.
3. A meter has a ‘Period EMR Metered Data’ (J1782) value of 1000 and a Line Loss Factor of 1.1. Would the value in the ‘Period EMR Line Loss’ (J1873) field in this instance be 1100 or 100?
The ‘Period EMR Line Loss’ (J1873) is just the losses i.e. 100 in the example. When the EMRSSP receives a D0357, the EMR Settlement System sums the J1782 and J1873 data items and stores the total as the distribution loss-adjusted demand.
4. Are retrospective effective from (J1869) and effective to (J1870) settlement dates allowed (EFD/ETD)?
Yes, retrospective EFD and ETD are allowed. Metered data should be provided for any historic Settlement Days during the next Aggregation Run for that Settlement Day.
5. How should the ‘File Sequence Number’ (J0330) and ‘Incoming Instruction Number’ (J1017) be populated?
The ‘File Sequence Number’ (J0330) should be one greater than that of the last D0354 received from that
Supplier, excluding any that themselves had invalid File Sequence Numbers. The ‘Incoming Instruction Number’ (J1017) should be one greater than the last instruction received from that
Supplier, excluding any that themselves had invalid Instruction Numbers. This approach is consistent with the ‘
Multiple BM Unit Instruction Process’ from which this process is based.
6. What metered data should the HHDA provide in the D0357 where no data has been received (actual or estimated) from the appointed Half hourly Data Collector (HHDC)?
The HHDA should use the default EAC value for those MPANs the Supplier has instructed data to be sent for.
7. The ‘File Sequence Number’ (J0330) is optional in the D0355 and mandatory in the D0356. When should this data item be populated?
The J0330 in the D0355 and D0356 should always be populated. There is a business need for it to be populated.
8. Does the D0357 have to be sent to Suppliers?
No. It’s not mandatory to send it to Suppliers. It is not included in BSCP503 as Suppliers are not required to receive it. It has been included in the DTC to allow for it to be provided to Suppliers, at their request.
9. What should be reported in the D0357 when there are no MPANs to report in a GSP Group?
It is not necessary to report GSP Groups where there are no MPANs to report.
10. How does this process work with the change of supply process?
For MPANs related to Capacity Providers: The new Supplier would need to instruct its HHDA to provide the metered data to EMR Settlement from its supply start date. The old Supplier does not need to send the D0354 to instruct its HHDA to stop sending the data, although it is encouraged and would align with the EII process. The old HHDA should treat the last day of its appointment as the last inclusive settlement date that an MPAN is reported to EMR Settlement.
For MPANs related to EIIs: The new Supplier must send the D0354 by the 30th day after the day the new Supplier was notified by its customer that it holds a valid EII certificate, or if the EFD of the EII Certificate is later, then the D0354 must be sent by the EII Certificate EFD. Unlike for MPANs related to Capacity Providers, the old Supplier must send D0354 setting the ETD to the last day of supply, by the 30th after the old Suppliers ceased supplying the EII that held the certificate. The old HHDA should treat the last day of its appointment as the last inclusive settlement date that an MPAN is reported to EMR Settlement.
11. How do Suppliers amend or cancel previously sent instructions (D0354)?
If a Supplier wishes to cancel a D0354 they can send another D0354 with the ETD (J1870) set as the EFD (J1869). This would mean data is sent for that one Settlement Day. Another option would be for the Supplier to request (phone / email) the HHDA to reject the original instruction.
To amend the date, the Supplier should re-send the D0354. If the re-sent D0354 has an EFD earlier than the original D0354, the new EFD should be used. If the re-sent D0354 has a later EFD, and you were the HHDA from the original EFD, you would keep the original EFD. This is similar to where a Supplier would send you a second D0209, with a later EFD than the first.
12. When should File Sequence Numbers (J0330) and Instruction Numbers (J0109) be incremented?
Both File Sequence Numbers and Instruction Numbers should be unique for a given combination of sender, recipient and file type.
13. Can File Sequence Numbers (J0330) and Instruction Numbers (J0109) in rejected D0354s (EMR Reporting Notification) be re-used in subsequent D0354 instructions?
For example, a HHDA receives seven D0354s each with one File Sequence Number. File Sequence Numbers received were 1,2,3,4,4,6,5.
In this instance we would only expect the second file with File Sequence Number 4 to be rejected. The file with Sequence Number 6 would be held and processed following receipt of File Sequence Number 5.
In another example, a HHDA receives three D0354s with valid File Sequence Numbers but the Instruction Number is out of sequence:
Where File Sequence Numbers are valid but the Instruction Numbers are invalid, we would expect the Instruction Number to be reused but a new File Sequence Number used. So, in the example above, the Instruction Number in the second file is invalid and would be rejected; the next file is valid, both in Sequence Number and Instruction Number terms so it can be processed.
14. How would a HHDA notify the Supplier that the D0354 (EMR Reporting Notification) has been rejected due to Missing or Invalid File Sequence/Instruction numbers (J0330/J0109)?
At the moment there isn’t a specific reason code available for notifying invalid Sequence Numbers or Instruction Numbers. To reject the flow our advice is to make use of an available reason code and follow up with an email to the Supplier.
15. When would a HHDA use the ‘02’ and ‘04’ rejection reasons (J1871) in the D0356?
The ‘02’ and ’04’ rejection codes should be used when the EFD/ETD format or logic are not valid. For example, where the EFD is after the ETD, or where text characters are used. The ‘01’ and ’04’ rejection codes should be used when the Supplier sends an instruction for Settlement Days outside the HHDA’s appointment.
16. Is a HHDA expected to use the whole of section 2 in Multiple BM Unit Instruction Processing Specification as a basis for the validation of incoming D0354s (EMR Reporting Notification)?
HHDAs are only expected to use relevant parts of section 2 for validating D0354 files. In practice this means focusing on the File Sequence Number (J0330) and Instruction Number (J0109) rules, and applying basic validation to the data against MDD and SMRS as in section 2.1.
17. When do D0357’s get sent?
D0357 should get sent for all Settlement Runs, including II. This is done at the same time as sending either the D0040/D0298 to SVAA (BSCP503 and The D0357 should be sent for all Settlement Days during the D0354 EFD/ETD, even after the HHDA appointment is terminated.
18. How should HHDAs handle D0354 instructions where multiple D0209 appointments from the same Supplier have been received?
For example, Supplier A sends a D0209 appointment to its HHDA, along with a matching D0354. Supplier A sends a second D0209 (having never terminated the previous appointment) with a later EFD. What should the HHDA do with the first D0354 instruction?
Similarly to the D0209 appointment, where the HHDA would have kept the appointment from the first D0209 EFD, the D0354 instruction should be kept and not terminated. The D0354 instruction should only be ended, where the Supplier sends a new D0354 with a valid ETD, or where the HHDA is de-appointed.
19. When should Suppliers populate the ETD (J1870)?
Suppliers can either set the ETD at the same time as sending the D0354 with the EFD, but it is advised to send the ETD where it is certain that the metered data should no longer be sent. For example, if the customer decides to move to a different Supplier.
20. Can HHDAs submit ‘back dated’ or historic metered volumes to EMRS using the D0357 (Half Hourly Metered Data for EMR)?
HHDAs must submit metered volumes in the D0357 to EMRS from the Effective from Settlement Date (J1869) accepted in the D0355 (EMR Reporting Confirmation) in accordance with the BSC Settlement Calendar. HHDAs may provide D0357s to EMRS for any Settlement Days and Runs that have already been settled outside of the Settlement Calendar, but are not obliged to do so. For example, a Capacity Provider may request historic data to be submitted rather than wait for the next available Settlement Run.
Suppliers with EII Customers:
21. How does the EMRSSP know which volumes are for Capacity providers and which for EII?
The CFDSSP receives the EII details it needs from BSCCo and the CFD Counterparty. The Capacity Provider details are provided by the Capacity Provider, or a nominated third party, to the CMSSP. The EMRSSP will use these details to determine which MPANs to allocate to which EMR Party, via EMR Aggregation Rules.
22. How do I provide the EMR Reporting Confirmation (D0355) information to EMRSSP?
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