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Approval of Automatic Standing Data Updates V9.0

Effective From Date:

Approval of Automatic Standing Data Updates

Guidance Note

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

In order to ensure that data sent to the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) by Data Aggregators is as complete as possible and doesn’t contain any data that Suppliers aren’t expecting, the SVAA validates files from Data Aggregators against ‘standing data’. New entrants are required to submit forms to the SVAA setting out:

    • when a Supplier expects to become active (i.e. register their first customer) in a GSP Group (P0030 form);

    • when a Supplier expects a Data Aggregator to first submit data for them in a GSP Group (P0031 form); and

    • when a Non Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) first needs to receive Daily Profile Coefficients for a GSP Group (P0032 form).

The process for submitting these forms is set out in section 3.1 of BSCP507: Supplier Volume Allocation Standing Data Changes.

Once the initial forms have been submitted, standing data is updated automatically, and use of standing data forms P0030 and P0031 becomes optional for Suppliers. Whenever data is received by the SVAA, which is not expected according to the standing data, or data is missing, the SVAA inserts standing data records automatically. The SVAA then reports these automatic updates to Suppliers each month via two ‘turnaround’ documents – the ‘Standing Data Changes for Supplier in a GSP Group’ (P219) report and the ‘Standing Data Changes for Supplier/Data Aggregator in a GSP Group’ (P220) report. Suppliers are required to accept or reject the changes.

1.2 Purpose of this document

This document provides guidance on the process for approving automatic standing data updates. The document describes the content of the P0219 and P0220 flows, together with an overview of the process and actions to be taken by Suppliers before returning the flows to the SVAA.

1.3 Process Overview

The worksheets P0219 and P0220 (see section 1.4 for composition of Excel workbooks) contain the automatic Standing Data changes that have been applied to the SVA System database by the SVA System software, when D00401, D00412 or D02983 files from Data Aggregators (referred to as Data Aggregation files) have been loaded into the SVA System. Automatic Standing Data changes occur where there is a mismatch between the data contained in the files and the Standing Data previously provided by Suppliers (via P0030 and P0031 forms). The automatic Standing Data changes amend the Supplier/Data Aggregator/GSP Group associations in the SVA System database to match the contents of the incoming files so that the files can be loaded and not delay Settlement. These automatic Standing Data changes are effective for one Settlement Day and are repeated for each Settlement Day that the mismatch occurs.

Suppliers are responsible (see BSCP507) for reviewing the changes reported in the workbooks and either accepting each change (providing an Alternative Effective From Settlement Date and/or Alternative Effective To Settlement Date if necessary) or rejecting it. Rejecting a change means the contents of the Data Aggregation files are incorrect and the Supplier will need to address this with the Data Aggregator in question.

Suppliers should return the completed forms to the SVAA within ten working days of receipt. The SVAA will apply the ‘accepted’ Standing Data changes to the database, removing the need for further automatic changes for those particular associations within the date ranges concerned.

This is an ongoing monthly process and any workbooks distributed by the SVAA should always be returned.

Each Supplier is required to nominate two Category A or W authorised signatories as their primary and backup points of contact and all communication from the SVAA is sent to them.

For detailed guidance on how to complete the workbooks and return them to the SVAA, please refer to section 2.

1.4 Composition of the Excel Workbooks

Each month, Suppliers receive an email from the SVAA containing one or two Excel Workbook attachments:

    • P0219002_mpid_mmmyy

    • P0220002_mpid_mmmyy

mpid = the Supplier ID of the recipient

mmmyy = the first three characters of the reporting month and the last two characters of the year. Each workbook contains three worksheets:

1. A Summary Information sheet containing the following details on the content of the workbook:

Supplier ID


Reporting Month

Mm yyyy

Run Date of Report

hh:mm dd/mm/yyyy

Flow Name

P0219002 or P0220002

Version of Report


Number of Records in this Report


The information sheet will also contain an explanation of the Action Taken Codes together with reasons for the original file load condition that required the automatic Standing Data change to be made (see also section 1.5).

2. A Change Form sheet containing a BSCP507/01B form to be completed by the Supplier as authorisation for the SVAA to apply permanent changes to the Standing Data.

3. A P0219002 or P0220002 sheet containing details of the automatic Standing Data changes made for that Supplier during Data Aggregation file loads in the previous calendar month (the reporting month).

The P0219 worksheet contains details of ‘Supplier in GSP Group’ relationships. Note that a P0219 workbook will only be created for those Suppliers for whom such changes have occurred during the month.

The P0220 worksheet contains details of ‘Data Aggregator in GSP Group’ relationships. Note that a P220 workbook will only be distributed to the primary and secondary contacts if there are records present in the workbook.

1.5 Reasons for Failure and Action Taken

The ‘Action Taken Code’ reported within the P0219 and P0220 worksheets indicates the condition that was encountered during the Data Aggregation file load(s) that required an automatic Standing Data change to be made, together with the effective action of the automatic Standing Data change. This is explained in the following table.


Action Taken Code

Explanation of Failure and Action Taken


I (Insert)

Data Aggregation files were sent to the SVAA containing data for a Supplier/GSP Group association that was not set up in the SVA System for the Settlement Days concerned. No data was expected for this association.

The association has been inserted for the Settlement Days in question.


D (Delete)

The Data Aggregation files sent to the SVAA for the Settlement Days being processed did not contain data for a Supplier/GSP Group association that was set up in the SVA System. Data was expected for this association.

The association has been deleted for the Settlement Days in question.


I (Insert)

Data Aggregation files were sent to the SVAA containing data for a Supplier/Data Aggregator/GSP Group association that was not set up in the SVA System for the Settlement Days concerned. No data was expected for this association.

The association has been inserted for the Settlement Days in question.


D (Delete)

The data Aggregation files sent to the SVAA for the Settlement Days being processed did not contain data for a Supplier/Data Aggregator/GSP Group association that was set up in the SVA System. Data was expected for this association.

The association has been deleted for the Settlement Days in question.

2. Guidance for Suppliers

2.1 Guidance on Completing the P0219 and P0220 Worksheets

The monthly email from the SVAA containing the P0219 and P0220 Workbooks will be sent to the Supplier’s Category A or W authorised signatory, who will be responsible for distributing the workbooks to the appropriate person within their organisation.

In accordance with BSCP507, the Supplier has ten Working Days to review the Standing Data changes, accept or reject each change and return the workbooks to the SVAA.

The Standing Data changes contained in the workbooks should be accepted or rejected as follows:

2.1.1 Accepting an Inserted Association

An Insert occurs when a Data Aggregator submits data to the SVAA on behalf of the Supplier for a Settlement Date which was not expected.

    • If the Inserted association is correct, i.e. a Data Aggregator has correctly submitted data on the Supplier’s behalf, enter a Y in the Accept Action field. If the association is incorrect, then see section 2.1.3.

    • Check the Effective From Settlement Date. If the date reported in the workbook is incorrect, enter an Alternative Effective From Settlement Date.

    • When accepting an Insert, an Alternative Effective To Settlement Date must be entered. This should be either the date that the association is due to end (if known), or 31 DEC 2050, which effectively makes the change open-ended. Any inserted association which does not have an Alternative Effective To Settlement Date will be rejected by the SVAA.

2.1.2 Accepting a Deleted Association

    • A Deletion occurs when, based on previously supplied Standing Data relationships, the SVAA is expecting data from a Data Aggregator but does not receive it.

    • If the Deleted association is correct, i.e. the Data Aggregator should not be submitting data on the Supplier’s behalf, enter a Y in the Accept Action field. If the deletion is incorrect and the Data Aggregator should be submitting data for the relationship then see section 2.1.4.

    • By accepting a Delete, the Supplier is confirming that the deleted associations are correct as well as authorising the SVAA to remove any on-going associations that continue to be automatically deleted.

    • When accepting a Delete, the Alternative Effective From Settlement Date and Alternative Effective To Settlement Date must be left blank.

2.1.3 Rejecting an Inserted Association

    • If the Inserted association is inconsistent with the Supplier’s view of the Appointments (i.e. does not match the actual Supplier/DA/GSP Group appointment for the Settlement Date range concerned), enter a Y in the Reject Action column. The implication of this action is that the data provided by the Data Aggregator is incorrect (e.g. there should be no data for the Supplier in that GSP Group for the Settlement Date range concerned, or the data for the Supplier in that GSP Group should be provided by another Data Aggregator for the Settlement Data range concerned). By rejecting the change, the Supplier accepts responsibility for correcting the situation with the Data Aggregator(s) concerned. Once this is done, the Supplier should notify the SVAA via the Standing Data change request procedure defined in BSCP507 section 3.1.

2.1.4 Rejecting a Deleted Association

If the Deleted association is inconsistent with the Supplier’s view of the Appointments (i.e. does not match the actual Supplier/DA/GSP Group appointment for the Settlement Date range concerned), enter a Y in the Reject Action column. The implication of this action is that the data provided by the Data Aggregator is incorrect (e.g. the Data Aggregator should be providing data for the Settlement Date range concerned). By rejecting the change, the Supplier accepts responsibility for correcting the situation with the Data Aggregator(s) concerned. Once this has been done, the Supplier should notify the SVAA via the Standing Data change request procedure defined in BSCP507 section 3.1.

2.1.5 Validation Rules

The following validation rules will be applied when entering data into the worksheets:

• all dates must be entered in the format DD MMM YYYY (e.g. 28 FEB 2005)

• if a date is entered without the day, 01 will be entered automatically

• if a date is entered without the year, the current year will be entered automatically

• if an Alternative Effective From Settlement Date and Alternative Effective To Settlement Date are entered, the Alternative Effective To Settlement Date cannot be earlier than the Alternative Effective From Settlement Date (in column F)

• if an Alternative Effective To Settlement Date is entered without an Alternative Effective From Settlement Date, the Alternative Effective To Settlement Date cannot be earlier than the Effective From Settlement Date (in column D)

• only the character Y (in upper or lower case) can be entered in the Accept Action or Reject Action fields

• it is not possible to enter a Y in both the Accept Action and Reject Action fields for a particular association.

2.2 Guidance on Completing the BSCP507/01B Worksheet

This worksheet contains a ‘Supplier Volume Allocation System Supplier / Supplier Agent Standing Data Change Form’ as defined in BSCP507. Part A of the form must be completed by an authorised signatory for the Supplier organisation and when returning the workbook to the SVAA by email a password is needed

2.3 Returning the Workbook to the SVAA

Before returning the workbook, ensure that all Standing Data changes have been either accepted or rejected, with Alternative Effective From and To Settlement Dates provided where appropriate, and that the BSCP507/01B form Part A has been completed and correctly authorised by a Category A or Category W signatory. Send the workbook from the Supplier’s point of contact email address to the BSC Service Desk.

2.4 Action Taken by the SVAA

On receipt of the completed workbook, the BSC Service Desk will log the call and provide a call number to the sender via email or telephone. The call number can be used for any follow-up queries.

The SVAA will then check the name and the password to verify that it has been authorised by a genuine Category A or Category W signatory for the appropriate Supplier. Part B of the form is then completed.

If the Category A or Category W signatory cannot be verified the request will be rejected. The Supplier will be contacted (via the point of contact authorised signatory) and given an explanation of the rejection and the Service Desk call will be closed.

If the Category A or Category W signatory is verified, the SVAA will apply those Standing Data Changes marked as ‘accepted’ so that they will no longer require automatic changes to be made during file loads for the period concerned, and will not appear in future reports. Part C of the BSCP507/01B form will be completed and the form will be emailed to the Supplier as confirmation that the changes have been applied.

If any queries arise during this process, the SVAA will liaise directly with the Supplier to resolve them. Initial contact will be with the signatory who authorised the BSCP507/01B form for the changes in question.

Any on-going automatic Standing Data changes which are not resolved will be reported again in the following month.

Need more information?

For an overview of the business process please refer to BSCP507.

If you have any queries regarding the P0219 or P0220 workbooks, or this guidance, please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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1 Aggregated Half Hour Data File

2 Supplier Purchase Matrix Data File

3 BM Unit Aggregated Half Hour Data File