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Statement of Generic Metering Dispensations

v 15.0
Effective From Date:
Other versions

Statement of Generic Metering Dispensations

Guidance Note

Ref number

Summary of reason for dispensation

Expiry Date


This is a generic type of dispensation which allows RECs to use existing IMS metering at BSPs where the actual defined metering point under FMS would be to install metering equipment at the root of the feeders at the GSP. For dual circuits this could involve the minority REC in charges of up to £40 000 per annum which would be passed on to their customers. Currently there is IMS equipment at the BSP, located at the tail end of these feeders on the LV side of the BSP transformers. In certain situations there are practical difficulties in installing metering at the rest of the feeder. For either practical or economic reasons it is proposed to make continued use of existing IMS metering. The existing CT/VT units at the BSPs would be used but actual meters would be changed to comply with the general provisions of section 5 of CoP B. The relaxation of these would also be subject to the accuracies as defined in CoP B being achieved. The onus of proof regarding the accuracies would be on the two parties. Loss adjustments to the GSP would have to be applied in CDCS. Also an agreement should be reached for existing generators to utilise existing metering positions subject to installing class 0.2 meters and meeting CoP E accuracies.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 2. This dispensation applies to metering equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5, Issue 1 (dated 4th December 1992) first installed before 1st July 1995, or ordered before 4th August 1994, including subsequent installation at any other site.



The location of the Defined Metering Point is the point of connection to the distribution system of the Public Electricity Supplier. In order to facilitate competition, at the request of the Secretary of State for Energy, Code G metering was installed for all 1MW 1st Tier customers, prior to the introduction of Code 3. This was not registered as customers were 1st Tier. SWEB now wish to register those customers who wish to go 2nd Tier and therefore seek a lifetime dispensation for these meters. This dispensation is made on behalf of the following 12 MoP's: Eastern Electricity, East Midlands Electricity, MANWEB, Midlands Electricity, NORWEB, Schlumberger Electricity Management, Scottish Hydro Electric, Scottish Power, SEABOARD, SWALEC, South Western electricity and Yorkshire Electricity. The capacity of the metered circuits ranges from 1 to 10 MW. The proposed operational date of metering is the 1st October 1994 onwards. This dispensation was approved by the MDC on the 29th September 1994.



Agreed that Code of Practice G Metering Equipment installed prior to 1st April 1993, but not Registered with the SSA until some later date, could remain on circuit provided that there was no material change to that Metering Equipment.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 2. This dispensation applies to metering equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5, Issue 1 (dated 4th December 1992) first installed before 1st July 1995, or ordered before 4th August 1994, including subsequent installation at any other site.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 2. This dispensation applies to metering equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5, Issue 1 (dated 4th December 1992) first installed before 1st July 1995, or ordered before 31st December 1994, including subsequent installation at any other site.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 3. This dispensation applies to metering equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5, Issue 1 (dated 4th December 1992) first installed before 1st July 1995, or ordered before 31st December 1994, including subsequent installation at any other site. This dispensation is not applicable at installations used for the metering of Non Pooled Generation.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 3. This dispensation applies to Metering Equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5, Issue 2 first installed before 31st May 1997. Provided no decision to the contrary is made by MDC, this dispensation shall include subsequent installation at any other site and extend to apply against all subsequent issues of Code of Practice 5. This dispensation is not applicable at installations used for the metering of Non Pooled Generation.



A lifetime dispensation for Code of Practice 5 Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 4. This dispensation applies to Metering Equipment at sites which are not Non Pooled Generation sites that fully meets the requirements of Code of Practice 5 issue 2 (dated 22 September 1994) first installed or ordered before 30 June 1997, including subsequent re-installation at any other site.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from paragraph 5.5.3 (v) of Code of Practice 5 Issue 4. This dispensation applies to metering equipment that otherwise fully meets the requirements of Code of Practice 5 issue 4 (dated 5 December 1996) first installed or ordered before 1 January 1998, including subsequent installation at any other site.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 3. This dispensation applies to Metering Equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5 Issue 1 (dated 4th December 1992) first installed before 1st July 1995, or ordered before 31st December 1994, including subsequent installation at any other site. This dispensation is applicable at installations used for the metering of Non Pooled Generation provided that the Metering Equipment has an export channel meeting the requirements of Code of Practice 5 Issue 3.



A lifetime dispensation for Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 3. This dispensation applies to Metering Equipment meeting fully the requirements of Code of Practice 5, Issue 2 first installed before 31st May 1997. Provided no decision to the contrary is made by the MDC, this dispensation shall include subsequent installation at any other site and extend to apply against all subsequent issues of Code of Practice 5. This dispensation is applicable at installations used for the metering of Non Pooled Generation provided that the Metering Equipment has an export channel meeting the requirements of Code of Practice 5 Issue 3.



A lifetime dispensation for Code of Practice 5 metering equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 4. This dispensation applies to Metering Equipment that fully meets the requirements of Code of Practice 5 Issue 2 (dated 22 September 1994) or Code of Practice 5 Issue 3 (dated 20th March 1996) first installed or ordered before 30 June 1997, including reinstallation at any other site. This dispensation is applicable at installations used for the metering of Non Pooled Generation on the condition that the Metering Equipment provides export data meeting the requirements of Code of Practice 5 Issue 4.



A generic dispensation was sought against Code of Practice 5 Issue 6 version 2 for all PPM Meters (Issue 2) installed after 1st September 1998.

CoP 5 Issue 6 refers to BS EN 61268 for the accuracy of reactive energy measurement. The PPM Meter was originally approved to Code of Practice 5 Issue 2 by OFFER in April 1994.

At the time of approval, there was no standard against which reactive metering could be approved.



Half Hourly (HH) metering systems were installed prior to the start of Stage 2 Trading for customers with a demand of less than 100kW. These customers were Non Half Hourly at that time. These metering systems could not be registered in the Electronic Registration System (ERS). The metering systems were compliant to the issue of the Code of Practice in force at that time, but not to the present issue. The customers then wished to trade as HH customers. Had these customers been above 100kW the meters would have been registered and therefore would be subject to existing dispensations. A generic lifetime dispensation was granted for these metering systems.



This is a lifetime dispensation for Code of Practice 5 Metering Equipment from Code of Practice 5 Issue 6. This dispensation applies to Metering Equipment at sites which have Meters with HH functionality that were installed for the sub 100kW market, to trade as HH without upgrade to the current Code of Practice (Issue 6). TS2 endorsed Dispensation D/258 on the grounds that it is materially the same as D/254 which was approved by TS2 as Generic.



CoP 3 states that meters must meet the requirements of Class 1. Meters have been purchased for use in CoP 3 installations that are plated as Class 2 with a claimed calibration accuracy standard to meet Class 1. Where these meters are to be used in CoP 3 installations, calibration certificates will be available. The meter type concerned is PPM manufactured in between 1 Sept 1994 and 31 Dec 1995. A generic dispensation is required for these Metering Systems for their 10-year calibration life, after which time they will be removed for recalibration, and not installed in CoP 3 Metering Systems.



CoP 3 states that meters must meet the requirements of Class 1. Meters have been purchased for use in CoP 3 installations that are plated as Class 2 with a claimed calibration accuracy standard to meet Class 1. Where these meters are to be used in CoP 3 installations, calibration certificates will be available. The meter type concerned is Calmu 3+. A generic dispensation is required for these Metering Systems for their 10-year calibration life, after which time they will be removed for recalibration, and not installed in CoP 3 Metering Systems.



Dispensation to continue to use mobile generators without metering systems installed.

SSE has one Derogation in Scotland – D143, granted under Schedule 7 of the SAS, which it wishes to carry forward to the BETTA trading arrangements. D143 relates to a number of mobile generators granted a derogation not to install half hourly metering on the grounds that it would be uneconomic and impractical to do so. Mobile generators come complete with a meter, albeit not half hourly and the lack of space available for installation of a panel and other components for half hourly metering means that it would be an almost impossible task to fit. Due to the times that these generators are in use it is not cost effective to install half hourly Metering. SSE seeks a dispensation to continue to operate the above plant without having to install Metering Systems.



An application for the approval of the meter type Premier has been submitted via BSCP601.

This application, raised on behalf of the Panel, is for a temporary generic metering dispensation which is necessary to allow those installed meters to remain in service until the approval is concluded. A generic dispensation is therefore required until 31 May 2006.



No Metering Equipment is currently available which fully meets the requirements for Meters and Outstations as set out in Code of Practice (CoP) 1 Issue 2 and Code of Practice (CoP) 2 Issue 4. This dispensation only applies to Meters and or Outstations that fully meet the requirements for CoP1 Issue 1 and CoP2 Issue 3. Meters and Outstations meeting those requirements may be installed from 23 February 2006 until 23 February 2008.



The Cewe Instrument AB (CEWE) Prometer -R (a rack mounted Meter with integral Outstation) and the CEWE Prometer -W (a wall mounted Meter with integral Outstation) have both received Type Approval from Ofgem. Both Meters were submitted to SGS UK (a Compliance Testing Agent) for formal compliance testing against the ELEXON Test Specification (Specification Compliance Testing of Metering Equipment Codes for Codes of Practice One, two Three and Five) as required under BSCP601 ‘Metering Protocol Approval and Compliance Testing’ processes.). The requirement in the CoPs 1, 2, 3 and 5 for password protection is that they should be alpha numeric and they should be no less than 6 and no more than 12 characters long. Both the Prometer -R and Prometer -W will accept any number of alpha numeric characters for passwords between 1 and 12. An application for a lifetime generic Metering Dispensation Application against Codes of Practice 1, 2, 3 & 5 password requirements was submitted by Cewe Instrument AB on 24 May 2007.

A temporary dispensation was granted. CEWE re-issued a compliant version of the firmware and the dispensation is no longer needed.



A permanent dispensation is requested for the outstation equipment “CM-32”. The CM-32 fails test 075 in section 5.13.2 (battery monitoring tests) of the “Specification for Metering Equipment Compliance Testing for Codes of Practice One, Two, Three and Five”, version 3. This is because the CM-32 has no battery monitoring facility.



This generic Metering Dispensation applies to HH SVA customers of CoPs 3 & 5 within private distribution systems/ Licence Exempt Distribution Networks in which Metering Equipment cannot be located at the Defined Metering Point (DMP) but is otherwise fully compliant with CoP5 or CoP3.

Where this Metering Dispensation is to be applied the SVA Registrant is required to:

  • ensure that the Registrant of the Boundary Point Metering (main L/L supply) is in agreement and has applied the complex metering arrangements for difference metering;

  • fully account for any electrical losses between the DMP and the AMP;

  • appoint and maintain the same HHMOA and HHDC as the Registrant of the Boundary Point Metering;

  • provide ELEXON with the relevant MSIDs to which these arrangements apply (;

  • Provide ELEXON with conformation of compliance in all other respects; and

  • Agree to use the MTC code 997.

Guidance in the use of this Metering Dispensation can be found on the Metering Dispensation page of the BSC Website.



Iskraemeco MT375 Super Capacitor variant.

This generic temporary Metering Dispensation applies to a variant of the Iskraemeco MT375 Meter type for use with CoP10.

The MT375 Meter is available, factory fitted, with either a battery (which fully complies with CoPs 10 Issue 2, 5 Issue 6 and 3 Issue 5) or a super capacitor. The super capacitor variant does not comply with these CoPs as the capacitor will not maintain the Meter’s clock for the required 20 days when without power.

A Metering Dispensation was conditionally approved by the SVG on 26 September 2015 which allows the super capacitor variant to be used with CoP10 up to (but not including) 31 December 2022.

Any Meter that is used under this Metering Dispensation which, is subsequently removed for whatever reason, may not be reused in the HH market.

31 December 2022


Direct Current (DC) metering solution for Offshore wind farm DC supplies.

This generic lifetime Metering Dispensation provides a metering solution for measuring small DC supplies to wind farm generator assets at Offshore substations (or onshore substations) for Offshore wind farms as the BSC doesn’t make provisions for DC metering. The Metering Dispensation is against all the relevant clauses in CoP5 as CoP 5 is specific to the metering of energy transfers on AC circuits. The Metering Dispensation covers the use of a specific hall effect current transducer (Powertek CTH/100A/4-20/TH/9-36V dc type 2), or shunt, and DC Meter type (ACCU Energy AcuDC243-300V-A2-P1-X4-NC-ND) which provides pulses to an approved Outstation (Elster A1700). Please contact the metering team via the BSC Service Desk for additional information on this Metering Dispensation.

A condition of the Metering Dispensation is that the DC metering solution is not used for measuring DC supplies to customers for billing purposes.

The SVG approved D/461 at its SVG180 meeting on 2 February 2016.

Following the approval of D/534, D/461 should not be used after 10 January 2022. Existing registrations using D/461 are covered for the lifetime of the Metering Equipment unless a material change to an item of Metering Equipment occurs (Section L3.2 and Section L3.3). New registrations requiring this solution should use D/534 from 11 January 2022.



Direct Current (DC) metering solution for Offshore wind farm DC supplies.

This generic lifetime Metering Dispensation provides a metering solution for measuring small DC supplies to wind farm generator assets at Offshore substations (or onshore substations) for Offshore wind farms as the BSC doesn’t make provisions for DC metering. The Metering Dispensation is against all the relevant clauses in CoP5 as CoP 5 is specific to the metering of energy transfers on AC circuits.

The Metering Dispensation supplements Metering Dispensation D/461 and covers additional ratios of specific hall effect current transducers (Powertek CTH/20A/4-20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2, Powertek CTH/50A/4-20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2 and Powertek CTH/200A/4-20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2) and DC Meter type (ACCU Energy AcuDC243-300V-A2-P1-X4-NC-ND) which provides pulses to an approved Outstation (Elster A1700). Please contact the metering team via the BSC Service Desk for additional information on this Metering Dispensation.

A condition of the Metering Dispensation is that the DC metering solution is not used for measuring DC supplies to customers for billing purposes.

The SVG approved D/474 at its SVG195 meeting on 2 May 2017.

Following the approval of D/534, D/474 should not be used after 10 January 2022. Existing registrations using D/474 are covered for the lifetime of the Metering Equipment unless a material change to an item of Metering Equipment occurs (Section L3.2 and Section L3.3). New registrations requiring this solution should use D/534 from 11 January 2022.



The ISG (ISG199/01) and the SVG (SVG201/04) approved generic Metering Dispensation D/477 on a lifetime basis. D/477 allows:

  • inductive voltage transformers (tested to and stamped with IEC/BS EN 61869-3 from July 2011);

  • inductive current transformers (tested to and stamped with IEC/BS EN 61869-2 from September 2012); and

  • combined inductive current and voltage transformers (tested to and stamped with IEC/BS EN 61869-4 from November 2013),

to be registered against historic and current versions of:

    • CoPs 1, 2, 3 and 5 for IEC/BS EN 61869-3 and IEC/BS EN 61869-4; and

    • CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10 for IEC/BS EN 61869-2,

since these inductive measurement transformer standards were released, until these CoPs are updated with these standards; and

  • inductive measurement transformers tested to and stamped with IEC/BS EN 61869-2 or IEC/BS EN 61869-3 or IEC/BS EN 61869-4 to not comply with the relevant standard stated in historic and current versions of CoP4 (i.e. BS EN 60044-1 or BS EN 60044-2 or BS EN 60044-3),

since these inductive measurement transformer standards were released, until CoP4 is updated with these standards.



The ISG (ISG238/02) and the SVG (SVG240/02) approved a lifetime Generic Metering Dispensation (D/505) from Code of Practice (CoP) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 for the use of measurement transformers of a different IEC standard from the one specified in the relevant CoP so long as the accuracy class and specified limits of error specified within the relevant IEC standard are unchanged.



“Direct Current (DC) metering solution for Offshore wind farm DC supplies. This generic lifetime Metering Dispensation provides a metering solution for measuring small DC supplies to wind farm generator assets at Offshore substations (or onshore substations) for Offshore wind farms as the BSC doesn’t make provisions for DC metering. The Metering Dispensation is against all the relevant clauses in CoP5 and CoP4 as CoP5 and CoP4 are specific to the metering of energy transfers on AC circuits. D/534 covers the use of:

  • Powertek Hall Effect transducers (accuracy within ±0.5%):

    • Powertek CTH/20A/4- 20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2;

    • Powertek CTH/50A/4-20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2;

    • Powertek CTH/100A/4-20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2; or

    • Powertek CTH/200A/4-20/TH/9-36Vdc type 2; or

  • Any suitable shunts (accuracy within ±0.5%); and

  • ACCUENERGY DC Meter types (accuracy within ±0.5%):

    • AcuDC243-300V-A1-P1-X4-NC-ND (non-communicating meter type (NC) for use with a shunt (A1))

    • AcuDC243-300V-A1-P1-X4-C-ND (communicating meter type (C) for use with a shunt (A1))

    • AcuDC243-300V-A2-P1-X4-NC-ND (non-communicating meter type (NC) for use with a Hall Effect transducer (A2))

    • AcuDC243-300V-A2-P1-X4-C-ND (communicating meter type (C) for use with a Hall Effect transducer (A2)); and

  • Outstation (receiving pulses from any of the above DC Meter types):

    • Any CoP5 compliance tested and protocol approved Outstation dialled by the Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA) for use in Settlement.

  • Calibration and Commissioning

    • All Metering Equipment shall be calibrated (initially and periodically), and commissioned, in accordance with the principles set out in CoP4 to confirm the stated accuracy limits for each item of the Metering System are met over the stated range of measurement outputs (transducers or shunts) and inputs (DC Meter) and the Outstation correctly records the amount (and direction) of energy flows in the primary system conductor(s).

Please contact the metering team via the BSC Service Desk for additional information on this Metering Dispensation.

A condition of the Metering Dispensation is that the DC metering solution is not used for measuring DC supplies to customers for billing purposes”.



This lifetime Metering Dispensation grants a derogation from the new requirements to be implemented via CP1527 on 30 June 2022 for a period of 18 months to 30 December 2023, in effect creating a transition period, to allow Meter manufacturers time to manufacture and MOAs time to install new Meters, whilst using up current and delayed stock that will be non-compliant to the newest Issue and Version of the Codes of Practice (CoPs) post the CP1527 Implementation Date.


This Metering Dispensation grants a derogation from CoP4 Appendix A for a period of 18 months from the requirement to re-calibrate (Type B and Type C Calibration) Meters registered against CoPs 3 and 5 as recommended by the Issue 97 Working Group.

11 July 2023


The ISG and SVG approved CP1553 at their meeting on 11 January 2022 for implementation on 30 June 2022. CP1553 tightened the requirements for the minimum accuracy class of Meters from class 2/A to class 1/class B, for CoP5. CP1553 also tightened the requirements for the minimum accuracy class of current transformers (CTs) from class 0.5 to class 0.5s, for CoP 3, 5 and 10.

In April 2022, Elexon submitted a Metering Dispensation application (D/544) because Affected parties identified a need to use up old stock of class 2 Meters and class 0.5 CTs (primarily because of the Supply Chain Issues). This lifetime Metering Dispensation D/544 creates an 18 month transition period, from the implementation date of CP1553, which allows for old stock to be used up whilst encouraging the tighter accuracy classes to be installed when available. The ISG and SVG approved D/544 at their meeting on 7 June 2022 to allow class 2/A Meters, for CoP5, and class 0.5 CTs, for CoPs 3, 5 and 10, to be registered for Settlement until 30 December 2023


The SVG (273/02) and ISG (271/02 – Ex-Committee)) approved Metering Dispensation D/565 for the CEWE Prometer R/W (against CoPs 1 Issue 3, 2 Issue 5, 3 Issue 6, 5 Issue 7, and 10 Issue 3 and CoP11 Issue 1 for Asset Metering Types 1, 2, 3 or 4)), the Honeywell/Elster A1700 (against CoPs 2 Issue 5, 3 Issue 6, and 5 Issue 7, and CoP11 Issue 1 for Asset Metering Types 2, 3 or 4) and the Honeywell/Elster A1140 (against CoP10 Issue 3 and CoP11 Issue 1 for Asset Metering Type 4) on a lifetime basis, subject to the following condition:

  • The Supplier/Registrant/Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party is consulted with and approves that the relevant Meter/Outstation type can be installed and registered for Settlement;

  • The relevant Meter/Outstation type complies with the minimum data storage requirement set out in the current Issue of the relevant CoP for each Settlement channel programmed, bearing in mind the relevant registration requirement for the number of Outstation channels and any non-Settlement registers programmed;

  • The relevant Meter/Outstation type can only be installed and registered for Settlement between 31 December 2023 and 30 December 2024; and

  • The Metering Dispensation only applies to existing new stock of these Meter/Outstation types (not stock previously used elsewhere or reconditioned stock).

Need more information?

For more information please contact the BSC Service Desk at or call 0370 0106950.

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