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BSCP601 Protocol Test Script CoP11 Asset Metering V1.0

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BSCP601 Protocol Test Script - CoP 11 Asset Metering

Guidance Note


This document is provided by Elexon as a sample test script for the protocol approval of Half Hourly Asset Metering Equipment used for Settlement purposes for Asset Metering Types in Code of Practice (CoP) Eleven. In most circumstances this test script will satisfy the requirements for protocol testing in accordance with BSCP601. However, in some cases, changes may be necessary to accommodate alternative test methods but these must only be made with the prior agreement of Elexon and before testing commences.

Asset Meters are split into three categories and only Asset Meters in categories 2) and 3) are relevant to this document:

    1. An Asset Meter approved for use in CoP 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 that is a Half Hourly Integral Outstation Meter;

    2. An Asset Meter whose primary purpose is the measurement of Active Power and/or Active Energy that is not an approved Half Hourly Integral Outstation Meter under 1) above; and

    3. An Asset Meter whose primary purpose is not the measurement of Active Power and/or Active Energy and is not a Half Hourly Integral Outstation Meter. These Embedded Metering Devices are embedded within equipment used for purposes other than the measurement of Active Power and/or Active Energy, such as an EV charging unit or a small-scale domestic battery storage unit.

For Asset Meters in category 1) the relevant Data Collector must have completed Protocol Approval to the requirements of BSCP601 for Protocol Testing of Metering Equipment for CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10. A sample test script for this can be found on the Elexon website (BSCP601- Protocol Test Script - CoPs 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10).

Please return the completed test script to the metering team at Elexon for review and agreement - Once agreed, the test script may be used by the Protocol Testing Agent.

Testing Basic Requirements

Where the Asset Meter has the functionality to store data, the samples of Asset Meters are to be pre-loaded with a minimum of 20 days of non-uniform1 data before any testing is carried out. Once populated with data Asset Meters are to be installed in a suitable test environment and connected to communication equipment which enables remote data collection from the Half Hourly Data Collectors (HHDC) or Asset Metering Half Hourly Data Collectors (AMHHDC) (i.e. the HHDC or AMHHDC are the Protocol Testing Agent) system as well as local or remote interrogation using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software.

Where the Asset Meter does not have the functionality to store data, the samples of Asset Meters are to be installed in a suitable test environment and connected to communication equipment which enables remote data collection from the HHDC or AMHHDC (i.e. the HHDC or AMHHDC are the Protocol Testing Agent) system as well as local or remote interrogation using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software.

Application Details

Reference Details


BSCP601 Application Reference Number

HHDC Agent




Protocol(s) in Test

Test Result Summary


Pass / Fail

DR1-1 Initial Data Collection and Data File Creation

DR1-2 Repeated Data Collection

DR2-1 Incorrect Access Protocol

DR2-2 Correct Access Protocol

DR3-1 Clock Resets (UTC minus 10mins) with Incorrect Access Protocol

DR3-2 Clock Resets (UTC minus 10mins) with Correct Access Protocol

DR3-3 Clock Resets (UTC plus 10mins) with Correct Access Protocol

Information to be recorded


Date of Testing:

Tests carried out by:

Location of Tests:

Asset Meters

Asset Meter Type (Make and Model):

Asset Meter Serial Numbers:

Asset Meter’s Protocol and version No:

Asset Meter Firmware version:

Internal clock fitted:

Half Hourly data storage capability:

Any data storage capability:

No. and type of channels set up in the Asset Meter:

Instantaneous power output capability and method:

Energy/Power flow direction capability (Import/Export):

Remote communication method:

Data Collection System

HHDC/AMHHDC Data Collection software System name, version No. and Date:

Software environment hosting the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system:

System Modules details:

System Module version No. and date:

Asset Meter Manufacturer’s Software

Asset Meter manufacturer’s software:

Software Version No.:

Test DR1 – Data Collection

DR1-1 – Initial Data Collection and Data File Creation (if applicable)

Ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system2 and the Asset Meter (where an internal clock fitted) are both set to Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC)3 before starting test.



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system correctly collects data from the Asset Meter.

Populate the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system with the correct standing data and correct access protocol and collect all4 data for a minimum of one day. Then, using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software, collect the same data and compare the results.

Where the Asset Meter does not have internal storage capability data will have to be gathered over the period of one day as a minimum.

Where the Asset Meter does not record in 30-minute Demand Period format the data must be converted to this format.

Both sets of data and time stamps must be the same.

Data should also match the known load injected when converted into 30 minute Demand Period format.

Retain copies of the data collected and append to this report.

DR1-2 – Repeat Data Collection

Where the Asset Meter has no storage capability this test is not required. Ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system and the Asset Meter (where an internal clock fitted) are both set to UTC before starting test.



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system repeated data collection does not corrupt any data previously collected from the Asset Meter.

Collect the same data from test DR1-1 with the correct access protocol. Then, using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software, collect the same data and compare the results.

The data and time stamps collected must be the identical to those collected in test DR1-1 and both sets of data and time stamps must be the same as those from the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software.

Retain copies of the data collected and append to this report.

Test DR2 – Data Security5

Ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system and the Asset Meter (where an internal clock fitted) are both set to UTC before starting tests.

DR2-1 – Incorrect Access Protocol



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system correctly interprets and handles access protocol errors from the Asset Meters.

Populate the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system with the correct standing data and an incorrect access protocol. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of one day where the Asset Meter has storage capability; or where it has not attempt to connect to the Asset Meter and monitor instantaneous data.

The HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system should report an access error and no data is collected.

Retain copies of the HHDC/AMHHDC system messages and append to this report.

DR2-2 – Correct Access Protocol



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system correctly interprets and handles access protocol errors from the Asset Meters.

Populate the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct access protocol. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of one day where the Asset Meter has storage capability; or where it has not attempt to connect to the Asset Meter and monitor instantaneous data.

The HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system should not report an access error and collect data from the Asset Meter.

Retain copies of the data collected and HHDC/AMHHDC system messages and append to this report.

Test DR3 – Clock Resets6

DR3-1 – Clock Reset (UTC minus 10mins) with incorrect access protocol

Where the Asset Meter is fitted with an internal clock, ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system is set to UTC and the Asset Meter is set to UTC minus 10 minutes using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software before starting test.



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system does not attempt a time reset when an incorrect access protocol.

Populate the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the incorrect access protocol. Attempt to collect data for a minimum of one day.

Where the Asset Meter does not have internal storage capability attempt to connect to the meter and start to gather data.

The HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system should report an Asset Meter timing error and is unable to proceed because of an access protocol mismatch.

Retain copies of any HHDC/AMHHDC system messages and append to this report.

DR3-2 – Clock Reset (UTC minus 10mins) with correct access protocol

Where the Asset Meter is fitted with an internal clock, ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system is set to UTC and the Asset Meter is set to UTC minus 10 minutes using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software before starting test.



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system is able to correctly detect and correct Asset Meter clock errors.

Populate the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct access protocol. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of one day, or where the Asset Meter does not have internal storage capability attempt to connect to the meter and start to gather data.

After completing verify that the Asset Meter is set to UTC using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software.

The HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system should report an Asset Meter timing error and proceed to correct the Asset Meter time. Subsequent verification should show that the Asset Meter time has been corrected to UTC.

Confirm if any event alarms reported in the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system.

Retain copies of the data collected and HHDC/AMHHDC System messages and append to this report.

DR3-3 – Clock Reset (UTC plus 10mins) with correct access protocol

Where the Asset Meter is fitted with an internal clock, ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system is set to UTC and the Asset Meter is set to UTC plus 10 minutes using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software before starting test.



Expected Results

Actual Results

Result (Pass/Fail)

To ensure that the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system is able to correctly detect and correct Asset Meter clock errors.

Populate the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system with the correct standing data and the correct access protocol. Attempt to collect all data for a minimum of 1 day, or where the Asset Meter does not have internal storage capability attempt to connect to the meter and start to gather data.

After completing verify that the Asset Meter is set to UTC using the Asset Meter manufacturer’s software.

The HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system should report an Asset Meter timing error and proceed to correct the Asset Meter time. Subsequent verification should show that the Asset Meter time has been corrected to UTC.

Confirm if any event alarms reported in the HHDC’s/AMHHDC’s system.

Retain copies of the data collected and HHDC/AMHHDC System messages and append to this report.

Further Information

For more information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 The requirement for pre loading Asset Meters with non-uniform data is so that the data, when collected, can be differentiated from other half hour data stored in the Asset Meter. This should include data on all channels configured in the Asset Meter i.e. can include Active Import, Active Export, Reactive Import, Reactive Export, Active Import related Import kvarh, Active Import related Export kvarh, Active Export related Import kvarh, Active Export related Export kvarh where available

2 HHDC/AMHHDC Systems may be linked to PCs set to British Summer Time but the underlying HHDC/AMHHDC System must be synched to UTC.

3 UTC means Co-ordinated Universal Time which bears the same meaning as in the document Standard Frequency and Time Signal Emission, International Telecommunication Union - RTF.460

4 All data is dependent on the design of the Asset Meter and can include Active Import, Active Export, Reactive Import, Reactive Export, Active Import related Import kvarh, Active Import related Export kvarh, Active Export related Import kvarh, Active Export related Export kvarh

5 Requirements for Passwords can be found in Section 6.1.5 in CoP 11 -

6 Requirements for Time Keeping can be found in Section 6.1.2 or 6.1.3 (as applicable) in CoP11 -