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Volume Notifications

v 11.0
Effective From Date:

Volume Notifications

Guidance Note

This document covers:

    • What are Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications

    • How to set up Notification Agent Authorisations

    • How to submit Volume Notifications

1. What are ECVNs and MVRNs?

Parties are required to notify the BSC systems of their contract positions to enable Energy Imbalance Volumes to be calculated. This is done by submitting notifications to the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA). Notifications are submitted in relation to the relevant Party’s Production and/or Consumption Energy Accounts.

There are two types of notification:

    • Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) which notify the ECVAA of the volumes of energy bought and sold between two Energy Accounts. These Energy Accounts could belong to separate Parties or could both belong to the same Party;

    • Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs) which notify the ECVAA that the energy flowing to or from a particular BM Unit is to be allocated to one or more different Party’s Energy Accounts for the purposes of Energy Imbalance calculations. (This must be from Production Account to Production Account or Consumption Account to Consumption Account).

These notifications are submitted on behalf of Parties by Notification Agents, appointed by the Parties specifically for this purpose, and known as Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents (ECVNAs) and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents (MVRNAs) respectively.

2. How do I set up a Notification Agent Authorisation?

If you wish to become a Notification Agent (either ECVNAs or MVRNAs) you must register with the Central Registration Agent (CRA) and undertake Qualification testing to demonstrate that you are capable of carrying out the role. Once you have registered with the CRA, and completed Qualification testing, you can apply to the ECVAA to create ECVNA/MVRNA Authorisations.

The Authorisation allows you to submit notifications on behalf of a pair of Parties.

Authorisation applications should be submitted to ECVAA at the BSC Service Desk using the Authorisation Request forms in BSCP71 or the electronic ECVAA-I002 interface.

ECVNA Authorisation applications must specify:

    • the relevant ECVNA

    • the Contract Trading Parties

    • the Energy (To) Account

    • the Energy (From) Account

    • the day on which the Authorisation takes effect from (no earlier than 00:01 hrs on the day after the authorisation request being processed by ECVAA).

    • the type of notifications to be submitted:

    • Replacement - In this case additional notifications (‘additive’) will be disregarded in Settlement for the Party; or

    • Additional - In this case replacement notifications (‘overwrite’) will be disregarded in Settlement for the Party; or

    • Both replacement and additional - In this case both additional notifications (‘additive’) and replacement notifications (‘overwrite’) can be used in Settlement for the Party.

For the purpose of the ECVNA Authorisation, the two relevant Parties are described as Party 1 and Party 2, where:

    • Party 1 will be the owner of the Energy (From) Account. This can be a Production or Consumption Account.

    • Party 2 will be the owner of the Energy (To) Account. This can be a Production or Consumption Account.

An ECVNA Authorisation is required even when the Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account belong to a single Party.

MVRNA Authorisation applications must specify:

    • the relevant MVRNA

    • the BM Unit to which it relates

    • the identity of the Lead Party of the BM Unit

    • the identity of the Subsidiary Party

    • the Subsidiary Party Energy Account. This Energy Account must be the same type of account (Production of Consumption) as that under which the Lead Party holds the BM Unit

    • the day on which the Authorisation takes effect from

For an Authorisation to be valid all Parties and Notification Agents involved in an Authorisation need to submit matching Authorisation applications. As specified in BSCP71, the ECVAA will undertake the necessary validation checks and notify the Notification Agent and Parties when the Authorisation has been confirmed or rejected.

Each Authorisation will create a unique code that reflects the relationship between the Notification Agent, and the relevant Parties, known as an ECVNAA/MVRNAA ID. The Notification Agent will also be provided with an ECVNAA/MVRNAA Key which allows them to submit notifications (this is similar to a pin number).

An Authorisation remains in place until the specified end date. In the absence of any specified end date an Authorisation is termed ‘evergreen’.

ECVNA Authorisations can be terminated at any time, in accordance with BSCP71, by either of the relevant Parties or the Notification Agent. ECVNA Authorisations will be terminated by the ECVAA if either of the relevant Parties ceases to be a Contract Trading Party.

MVRNA Authorisations can be terminated at any time, in accordance with BSCP71, by the Lead Party, the Subsidiary Party or the Notification Agent. MVRNA Authorisations will be terminated by the ECVAA if any of the following occur to either of the Authorisation’s participants:

    • The BM Unit to which the Authorisation relates ceases to be registered;

    • The Lead Party ceases to be registered

    • The Subsidiary Party ceases to be registered

    • A Production BM Unit becomes a Consumption BM Unit

    • A Consumption BM Unit becomes a Production BM Unit

The termination of an Authorisation does not automatically remove any notifications previously submitted using the Authorisation, it only prevents the submission of further notifications using this Authorisation.

The ECVAA Systems allow for any number of Agents to be authorised in respect of a given pair of Energy Accounts. If a new Authorisation is to replace an existing Authorisation this is described as a second or “successor” Authorisation. Section P of the BSC requires that an Authorisation submitted by a new Agent must state if it’s to replace the first Agent’s Authorisation. The submission of this new Authorisation should automatically terminate the first Agent’s Authorisation. However, in practice, the ECVAA systems make it necessary to separately terminate the existing Authorisation and submit the successor Authorisation.

3. How do I submit Energy Contract Volume Notifications?

This section details the information required to submit notifications to the ECVAA. Once Authorised an ECVNA can submit notifications to the ECVAA on behalf of the Parties for which it has been authorised to do so. These are described as Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs).

ECVNs can only be made in the form specified. There is no scope for Parties to specify any additional qualification or condition in the notification. For instance, notifications cannot be conditional on any external factors, such as the System Buy Price.

Notifications submitted by Authorised Agents are deemed to contain the correct volumes. This means that Parties have no basis to challenge any volumes notified on their behalf and accepted into the ECVAA system.

3.1 Submitting a New ECVN

A new ECVN will be an ‘Initial Energy Contract Volume Notification’ as there is no earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification with the same Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account.

Each new ECVN must specify the following information:

    • The ECVNA Authorisation under which it is given;

    • The ECVNA;

    • The first Settlement Day it’s intended to be effective from;

    • The Settlement Periods to which it relates; and

    • For each Settlement Period a quantity of Active Energy (expressed in MWh).

Additionally, the notification may specify the last Settlement Day the contract applies to, if this is not specified the contract will be evergreen.

ECVNs can be submitted to ECVAA using the ECVAA-I004 ECVN flow or via the ECVAA Web Service. Further information can be found in the ECVAA Web Service guidance on the BSC Website.

The table below shows the information required within an ECVN:






Unique Code that reflects the relationship between the ECVAA Party 1 and Party 2



Think of this as a Pin Number that allows the ECVNA to use the ECVNAA ID



The above two fields relate to the Parties for whom an ECVN is being submitted.

These two fields relate to the actual contract being submitted.

ECVN Reference Code


Effective From Date


The effective from date of the contract

Effective To Date


The effective to date of the contract

Optional field

Settlement Period





Energy Contract Volume





The ECVNAA ID is the unique code generated by the ECVAA when the ECVNA is Authorised and which identifies the Agent, the Energy (from) Account and the Energy (To) Account of the relevant Parties. This ID is used only in conjunction with the relevant ECVNAA Key.

In a new notification the ECVN ECVNAA ID will simply be a repeat of the ECVNAA ID. The ECVN Reference Code is a 10 digit identifier chosen by the Notification Agent with agreement from the relevant Parties. It can, for instance, be a date or a contract number.

The Effective From date is the first Settlement Day on which the contract is intended to be effective from. The Effective To date is an optional field. If left blank then the contract is described as ‘evergreen’, which means that the volumes for each Settlement Period are deemed to be the same for every Settlement Date going forward. An evergreen contract will remain in place until it is cancelled (see Section 3.7 ‘Cancelling Notifications’) or Nullified (see Section 3.8 ‘Nullification’).

The notification must state the quantity of Active Energy (expressed in MWh) together with the Settlement Period(s) to which it applies. This Active Energy value can be a positive or negative number, with no more than three digits after the decimal point, and must be between -99,999.999 and 99,999.999.

Where the ECVN is to be in force for more than one Settlement Day, the energy contract volume for a Settlement Period shall be the same for that period in each Settlement Day to which the notification applies.

For each Settlement Period the Submission Deadline occurs at the beginning of the Settlement Period. Notifications have no effect on Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has already passed.

The ECVAA systems do not record information regarding the price at which energy was bought and sold under a contract, as this information is not necessary to calculate Energy Imbalance Volumes. Any notification submission containing this information will not be Interface Definition and Design (IDD) compliant and will therefore be rejected by the ECVAA.

3.2 Submitting an Overwrite Notification

Once a notification has been submitted to the ECVAA it cannot be withdrawn (other than via nullification request – see section 4.8), therefore amendments should be made by submitting further notifications which either replace or are in addition to the previously submitted notifications. These notifications are generally referred to as ‘overwrite’ and ‘additive’ modes. For an overwrite notification to be accepted, the ECVNA must have authorisation specifying either of the following will be accepted: replacement notifications, or both additional notifications and replacement notifications. Overwrite notifications will effectively replace the information submitted in the initial notification from the Effective From date specified in the overwrite notification onwards, subject to the Submission Deadline constraints.

In this instance the ECVNAA ID, and hence the ECVNAA Key, will be the same as those for the initial contract as the Agent Authorisation has not changed.

For an ECVNA to specify that a contract is to replace an ECVN previously submitted by the same Agent, the ECVN ECVNAA ID and the ECVN Reference Code (collectively known as the ECVN Identifier) must be identical to those of the initial contract. This indicates it’s an overwrite contract.

Once this notification is submitted, the ECVAA system will retain only the information held in the overwrite contract from Settlement Period 1 of its Effective From date (subject to the Submission Deadline constraints). All information from the initial notification ceases to have effect for that Settlement Period onwards. If the previous notification had an Effective To date later than that of the overwrite notification then the data in this period will be overwritten with a contracted energy volume of zero.

The diagram below provides an example of the way the ECVAA System handles the submission of overwrite notifications.

complex image of process

In this diagram a new and original notification is submitted on 2 February, which is effective from 2 March to 14 March and has a notified volume of 10 MWh. The dashed lines represent a contracted volume of zero.

If an overwrite notification is submitted on 8 February, then this notification will have no effect on the original notification as it doesn’t become effective until 16 March.

If, however, a further overwrite notification is submitted on 23 February with an Effective From date of 6 March then this will effectively overwrite all previously submitted information from 6 March onwards. Therefore, the original notification of 10 MWh will be partly overwritten, with data for 6 March onwards being overwritten with the information in the overwrite notification (20 MWh), and the whole of the 8 February overwrite notification will be overwritten with a contracted volume of zero.

3.3 Submitting an Additive Notification

An ECVNA may submit an ‘additive notification’ to the ECVAA where the ECVNA authorisation is appropriate. The authorisation must have been specified for either additional notifications or both additional and replacement. An additive notification is whereby the initial notification remains in place and the subsequent notification will be additional.

The notification is identified as an additive notification as the ECVN Reference Code is different from the original notification. All other information remains the same as the original notification, provided the Notification Agent is the same.

The diagram below gives an example of the way in which the ECVAA system handles an additive notification.

complex image of process

In this diagram a new notification is submitted on 9 April for 10 MWh, which is effective from 2 June to 18 June. On 18 April, an additive notification is submitted with a notified volume of 15 MWh. This notified volume will be additional to the 10 MWh volume submitted in the original notification. Therefore, for the effective days of the additive notification (6 June to 13 June) the total notified volume will be 25 MWh. The latter part of the original 10 MWh notification (14 June to 18 June) isn’t affected by this additive notification.

3.4 Submitting an Overwrite Notification by a New ECVNA

In order for a new ECVNA to submit an overwrite notification the new ECVNA must have the appropriate authorisation. This must specify authorisation for either of the following: replacement notifications or both additional and replacement notifications.

The ECVAA systems allow for any number of Agents to be authorised in respect of a given pair of Energy Accounts. In the event that one of these Authorisations is subsequently terminated any of the pre-existing (or indeed new) Agents with a valid ECVNAA can, by appropriate use of the “ECVNAA ID” and “ECVN ECVNAA ID” fields, modify the notifications submitted under the terminated Authorisation.

If a new ECVNA submits an overwrite notification then the ECVNAA ID and the ECVNAA Key in this overwrite notification will be different from those of the original notification. The ECVNAA ID of the original ECVNA should be shown in the ECVN ECVNAA ID box and the ECVN Reference code should be the same as the original contract.

Should a further overwrite notification be submitted by this or any other ECVNA in the future, then the further overwrite notification must continue to specify the ECVNAA ID of the first ‘original Agent’ in the ECVN ECVNAA ID field.

An overwrite notification submitted by a new ECVNA is treated in the same way as one submitted by the original ECVNA. Therefore, the information contained in the original notification will be overwritten from the Effective From date of the overwrite notification onwards. If the initial notification had an Effective To date later than that of the overwrite notification then the data in this period will be overwritten with a contracted energy volume of zero.

3.5 Submitting an Additive Notification by a New ECVNA

In order for a new ECVNA to submit an additive notification, the new ECVNA must have the appropriate authorisation. This must specify authorisation for either of the following: additional notifications or both additional and replacement notifications. Any ECVNs submitted by different ECVNAs under different ECVNAA IDs and with a new ECVN Reference Code but for the same pairing of Party 1 and Party 2 Energy Accounts will be treated as additive. If a new ECVNA wishes to submit a notification which is additive compared to an original ECVN they can simply submit the volumes to be added to the original notification as a new notification using their ECVNAA ID.

This additive notification will be treated in the same way as one submitted by the original Agent.

3.6 Notification Submission Summary

New Notification

Overwrite Notification

Additive Notification

Overwrite Notification by New Agent

Additive Notification by New Agent


Provided to ECVNA by ECVAA

Same as Original Notification

Same as Original Notification

New Agent ID (determined by ECVAA)

New Agent ID (determined by ECVAA)


Provided to ECVNA by ECVAA

Same as Original Notification

Same as Original Notification

New Agent Key

New Agent Key



Same as Original Notification

Same as Original Notification

Original Agent’s ECVNAA ID

New Agent ECVNAA ID (determined by ECVAA)

ECVN Reference Code

10 digit code chosen by Agent

Same as Original Notification

New 10 Digit Code

Same as Original Notification

New 10 Digit Code

3.7 Cancelling Notifications

Once a notification has been submitted it cannot be withdrawn. However, where overwrite notifications are allowed an overwrite notification can be submitted with an End Date and / or an ECVN of zero, subject to the usual constraints for overwriting a notification. This is described as a ‘cancelling contract’.

The information the ECVNA provides to ECVAA in the cancelling notification is the same as the initial notification except that the Energy Contract Volumes will be blank or contain zeros, and the End Date may be set. If it’s to be submitted by a new ECVNA then the ECVNAA ID and ECVNAA Key will be those of the new ECVNA.

Where only additive notifications are allowed, the party would have to submit an equal and opposite additive ECVN to counteract the existing contract and cancel out the volume to zero.

3.8 Nullification

Where all ECVNA Authorisations between relevant accounts of a pair of Parties are terminated, an authorised signatory (of the appropriate level) from either Party can request ECVAA to nullify all notifications (ECVNs and MVRNs) effective between the two Parties. This can be effective from a Settlement Day or Settlement Period for which the Submission Deadline has not passed when the request is processed. This request is known as a Volume Notification Nullification Request (VNNR).

What information should a VNNR contain?

    • The Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account for the ECVNs/MVRNs to be nullified; and

    • The intended Settlement Day and Settlement Period from when the nullification applies.

When is it effective from?

The nullification request is valid if it contains this information, and all authorisations between the relevant accounts have been terminated. On validation, the ECVAA informs both Parties of the Settlement Period when the nullification will be valid. This is a called a Volume Nullification Notification Confirmation Report (VNNCR).

The requested effective from time must not be earlier than “the first Settlement Period on that Settlement Day not to have passed the Submission Deadline at the time the ECVAA issues the VNNCR”. This defines the Earliest Nullification Effective Period set out in section X-1 of the BSC. After the VNNCR is sent out, the next Settlement Period not to have passed the Submission Deadline is the earliest effective time.

From the requested Settlement Period onwards, the ECVAA nullifies all Energy ECVNs and MVRNs between the relevant Energy Accounts. If a VNNR requests an earlier effective from time, it will be reset to the Earliest Nullification Effective Period. The ECVAA system cannot carry out a retrospective VNNR.

When can I submit a VNNR?

You can submit a VNNR at any time but processing takes place within normal working hours. The ECVAA processes VNNR requests within one hour of receipt and confirms whether it is valid, or not. Confirmation is received by emailing a Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report (VNNCR). If valid, the VNNCR is sent back to both Parties, but if invalid it is sent back to the sending Party only. The ECVAA’s assessment of validity is made in accordance with BSCP71.The BSCP71 form does not need an email address for the non-requesting Party and this email address will be determined by the ECVAA’s records.

Please note:

If the one hour processing time extends beyond 5pm on a Business Day or starts after that time, the one hour period completes after 9am on the following Business Day. For a VNNR to be processed on the same day, the ECVAA must receive it on or before 4pm on that Business Day. Processing the VNNR at 9am on the following Business Day results in availability of a later Earliest Nullification Effective Period.

3.9 ECVNA Authorisation Change

The Relevant Parties may submit a change to the authority of an ECVNA. This will allow them to change the authorisation of the ECVNA to submit Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications (an "Authorisation Change"). This will be validated by the ECVAA who will confirm or reject the request. The change will become effective on the date specified or if it has passed, the day following the ECVAA processing the request.

4. How do I submit Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications?

Contracts submitted by MVRNAs are called Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs). The information above focuses on the submission of ECVNs, however, the same rules and conventions

    • ECVNAA ID is replaced by the term MVRNAA ID;

    • ECVNAA Key is replaced by the term MVRNAA Key;

    • ECVN ECVNAA ID is replaced by the term MVRN MVRNAA ID; and

    • ECVN Reference Code is replaced by the term MVRN Reference Code.

In addition, an MVRN must specify a fixed MWh quantity (between -99,999.999 and 99,999.999) and also a percentage value (between 0% and 100%), which will represent the proportion of the BM Unit’s Metered Volume allocated to the Subsidiary Party for energy imbalance settlement purposes. Either of these values may be zero.

The quantity of energy implied by the percentage value cannot be known until the metered quantities are established (i.e. not until after real time). However, MVRNs for which the percentage value is greater than 0% will still affect Energy Indebtedness, as defined in Section M of the BSC.

Where a Party submits an MVRN reallocating 100% of a BM Unit’s Metered Volume to a Subsidiary Party, the Lead Party will be left with 0MWhs allocated to the relevant BM Unit. However where a Party submits an MVRN reallocating 100% of a BM Unit’s Metered Volume to more than one Subsidiary Party e.g. 50% to two different Parties; then the Lead Party may be left with a small Metered Volume allocated to the BM Unit as a consequence of the rounding up process e.g. 0.001MWh.

5. Can I submit a Large Batch of Volume Notifications?

Notifications can be submitted to the ECVAA system in large batches. Notification Agents will be given a parameter, set in conjunction with the ECVAA, which determines the maximum size of batches. Batches which exceed this parameter can lead to problems in the ECVAA system.

To prevent these problems this parameter can be increased for participants who wish to submit larger batches. However, Parties are discouraged from increasing this parameter where it does not materially affect the participant’s business, as when it is set above normal levels it can cause problems such as ECVAA System failure.

6. What Validation is carried out by ECVAA?

For a notification to be valid it must be made in accordance with BSCP71 and BSCP01.

In addition to this, an ECVN is only valid if:

    • There is an effective ECVNA Authorisation with respect to the Energy (From) Account, Energy (To) Account, and the ECVNA submitting the ECVN;

    • The ECVN is submitted within the period of effectiveness of the ECVNA Authorisation;

    • Each Energy Contract Volume for the Settlement Period is a number in MWh, positive or negative, between -99,999.999 and 99,999.999; and

    • The type of ECVN submitted i.e. initial, additional or replacement matches that with which the ECVNA is authorised to submit.

An MVRN is only valid if:

    • There is an effective MVRNA Authorisation with respect to the Lead Party of the BM Unit, the Subsidiary Party and the MVRNA submitting the notification;

    • The MVRN is submitted within the period of effectiveness of the MVRNA Authorisation;

    • Each Metered Volume Reallocation for the Settlement Period contains a number in MWh, positive or negative, between -99,999.999 and 99,999.999; and a percentage value, non-negative and not exceeding 100; where either of these values may be zero;

    • The Energy Account of the Subsidiary Party is the same type of account (i.e. Production or Consumption) as that under which the Lead Party holds the BM Unit.

For both ECVNs and MVRNs, if any single Settlement Period fails validation then the entire notification is rejected.

Where a notification fails validation, the ECVAA sends an ECVAA-I009 in relation to rejected ECVNs or an ECVAA-I010 in relation to rejected MVRNs to both Parties and the Notification Agent informing them of the rejection. Under BSCPs 41 and 71, Notification Agents may opt out of receiving notification feedback, in this instance the ECVAA is not obliged to report a failed notification.

Exclusion of Certain MVRNs

For each Energy Account and Settlement Period the ECVAA system totals the number of contracts in place. In the case of BM Units, if a percentage MVRN is already in place for that BM Unit then ECVAA will reject any further percentage MVRN submitted effective for the same Settlement Dates if the new MVRN will result in more than 100% of the output for that BM Unit being reallocated and issue an ECVAA-I010 feedback report. A BM Unit can, however, have a 100% reallocation and a fixed reallocation in the same Settlement Period. Contract Refusal and Rejection for Credit Reasons

Rejection due to Credit Default

If either relevant Party is in Credit Default, in accordance with Section M of the BSC, then:

    • All ECVNs (or MVRNs) submitted can be refused if they increase the Energy Indebtedness of the Party in Credit Default. This will continue until the Party’s Credit Cover Percentage is reduced in accordance with Section M.

    • Valid ECVNs (or MVRNs) previously accepted by ECVAA will be rejected for the upcoming Settlement Period and the counterparty to those notifications will be informed by the ECVAA

Effect of Negative Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF)

The ECVAA System assesses whether percentage MVRN increases or decreases indebtedness based on the Consumption/Production status of the BM Unit. If a BM Unit has a negative Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALF) - for instance, when a Production BM Unit is consuming - then the system will refuse and reject MVRNs that actually decrease indebtedness.

Treatment of Overwrite Volumes

In the case of overwrite contracts, the ECVAA refusal/rejection system doesn’t take account of what the notification is overwriting. This can lead to the refusal or rejection of overwrite contracts that would decrease Energy Indebtedness. For instance, if a notification to sell 100 MWh of energy is made by a Party in Level 2 Credit Default then this is rejected or refused by the ECVAA systems as it increases Energy Indebtedness. However, if this 100 MWh notification is overwriting a previous sale of 200 MWh then the notification is decreasing Energy Indebtedness. The ECVAA systems will only consider whether each Settlement Period of a notification is a buy or a sell and will refuse/ reject on that basis.

7. Data Flows

ECVNAs and MVRNAs submit notifications to the ECVAA via an electronic data flow. This data flow is called an ECVAA-I004 for ECVNs and ECVAA-I005 for MVRNs. Within 15 minutes of submitting an ECVAA-I004 (or ECVAA-I005), confirmation of receipt should be received from the ECVAA via an I019 data flow. If a notification is rejected an ECVAA-I009 (or ECVAA-I010) will be sent. If rejection occurs due to a formatting or sequencing error, for instance if the checksum is incorrect, then the sender will receive a negative acknowledgement (NACK).

The ECVNA (or MVRNA) will receive several other reports from the ECVAA via these data flows including: Acceptance Feedback Reports (if requested) (ECVAA-I028/ ECVAA-I029); Notification Reports (ECVAA - I014); and Forward Contract Reports (ECVAA - I022).

Further information on these, and additional, data flows can be found in Interface Definition and Design Part 1 - Interfaces with BSC Parties and their Agents, which is available on the BSC Website.

8. Sign Conventions

The sign conventions applied to notifications are defined so the volumes specified in any notification are deducted from the “Energy (from) Account” and added to the “Energy (To) Account” specified in the Authorisation. However, these volumes can be positive or negative.

The sign conventions related to the data flows are:


I004 / I005


I028 / I029

Acceptance ECVN/MVRN


Notification Report


Forward Contract Report













For instance, consider the I004 data flow: a positive volume is taken from the Energy (From) Account of Party 1 and Party 2 receives a positive Volume to its Energy (To) Account. If the roles are reversed and Party 1 receives energy from Party 2, using the same accounts, then there would be a negative volume going to the Energy (From) Account of Party 1 and a negative value coming from the Energy (To) Account of Party 2.

The I004, I028 and I014 reports all use the sign relative to Party 1. However, the I022 data flow uses the sign relative to the Party receiving the report. So, in the table above, Party 1 has notifications selling to Party 2. The I022 data flow shows this as a positive amount as Party 1 ‘produces’ this energy. The corresponding value for Party 2 will be negative as it is ‘consuming’ this energy.

Further Information

Further information on this subject is contained in:

If you have any questions on Volume Notifications please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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