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Market Exit Flow Diagram

v 6.0
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Market Exit Flow Diagram

Guidance Note

This high level flow diagram has been designed to help BSC Parties understand the below activities that must be undertaken under each Participation role to complete the Withdrawal process successfully. This document is for guidance only and should be used in conjunction with Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Section A for details of the Withdrawal criteria and BSCP65: Registration of Parties and Exit Procedure. For further guidance and support please contact

complex image of process

BSC Section A

A Party may not withdraw from the Code or cease to be a party to the Framework Agreement (and any Withdrawal Notice shall be of no effect) if, as at 17:00 hours on the day which is 2 Business Days prior to the Withdrawal Date:

(a) any sums accrued and payable under the Code by such Party (whether or not due for payment and whether or not the subject of a dispute) remain, in whole or in part, to be paid by such Party; or

(b) the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run has not been carried out in relation to the last Settlement Day, or the corresponding Payment Date is not yet past; or

(c) the final determination (pursuant to Section D4.4) has not been carried out in respect of BSCCo Charges for the BSC Year in which the last Settlement Day fell, or the due date for payment of amounts payable pursuant to such determination is not yet past; or

(d) such Party continues to be registered under the Code (and/or the Retail Energy Code (REC)) in respect of any Metering Systems or BM Units (except for Base BM Units); or

(e) there is any outstanding Default by such Party (of which notice has been given to the Party) which is capable of remedy and has not been remedied; or

(f) such Party is subject to any Licence condition and/or Exemption condition by virtue of which it is required to be a Party and/or to comply with the Code or which would otherwise be infringed if such Party withdrew from the Code; or

(g) where such Party is an Interconnector Administrator or an Interconnector Error Administrator, no replacement Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator (as the case may) has been appointed and has agreed to act in its place.

Ongoing Liabilities

Parties should also note that in accordance with BSC section A of the BSC:

Any release and discharge referred to in BSC Section A5 shall not extend to:

(a) the rights and liabilities (whether actual, contingent, accrued or otherwise) of a Party as at the Discontinuance Date (including, in the case of the expulsion of a Party, any accrued rights of each other Party in respect of the circumstances giving rise to such expulsion);

(b) any rights and liabilities (whether actual, contingent, accrued or otherwise) of a Party which may accrue pursuant to any Reconciliation Settlement Run or Extra Settlement Determination relating to any Settlement Day up to and including the last Settlement Day;

(c) the obligations of the Discontinuing Party under Section H.

Need more information?

For more information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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