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Performance Assurance: Report Mapping V1.0

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Performance Assurance:

Report Mapping

Guidance Note


The document highlights the range of Performance Assurance reporting Elexon produces. The paper gives a description of the reporting, maps the 2018/19 Settlement Risk, and notes the relevant 2019/20 Settlement Risk areas.

Summary of Performance Assurance Reports

Volume of Energy Settled on Actuals

Elexon produces a graphical report assessing each Performance Assurance Party’s (PAP) percentage of total Energy settled on Actual readings (in the case of Half Hourly (HH)) or Annualised Advances (AA) (in the case of Non-Half Hourly (NHH)) against industry standards.

This report assesses both the HH and NHH markets, corresponding to Settlement Risks SR0081 and SR0074 respectively. Elexon sends the reports to PAPs on a weekly basis, via their Operational Support Manager (OSM). The report maps to the new Settlement Risk 007 in the 2019/20 Risk Evaluation Register (RER). The report displays a Party’s performance in relation to HH and NHH Settlement.

Settlement Risk 007 is a focus risk for the 2019/20 Performance Assurance Operating Plan (PAOP). Any decrease in performance should lead a Party to investigate their processes, and to rectify any weaknesses in their retrieval of metered data.

Supplier Performance Ranking Report

Elexon produces a table that ranks NHH Suppliers on their performance at various Settlement Runs for the Volume of Energy Settled on Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) or Annualised Advances (AA).

The report anonymises all but the receiving parties Metering Point Identifier (MPID), and is a direct peer comparison of SR0074 and SR0081. Elexon sends the report to Suppliers on a weekly basis, via their OSM. The report maps to Settlement Risk 007 in the 2019/20 RER.

Settlement Risk 007 is a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP. Any decrease in performance should lead a Party to investigate their processes, and to rectify any weaknesses in their retrieval of metered data.

NHH MSIDs Settling on Default EACs

Elexon produces a report assessing the proportion of Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs) settling on a Default EAC for each PAP. A Default EAC is applied when there is limited consumption data available preventing an accurate EAC from being calculated.

The report does not directly map to a Settlement Risk, although can be used to indicate which MSIDs are the root cause of Energy volumes not entering Settlement. Elexon sends the report to PAPs on a weekly basis, via their OSM. Understanding and rectifying MSIDs, which are being settled on a Default EACs, will contribute to performance standards being met.

The reporting relates to Settlement Risk 007 of the 2019/20 RER, a focus risk for the PAOP.

MSID Count Chart

Elexon produce analysis on the proportion of a Suppliers NHH MSIDs settling on AA’s, in each GSP group.

The report does not directly assess a Settlement Risk; the report identifies areas where a Supplier is performing poorly against SR0074 or SR0081. Elexon sends the report to PAPs on a weekly basis, via their OSM. Parties can use this report to rectify areas that may help to improve their performance, in relation to Elexon’s performance standards, as outlined in Settlement Risk 007. Settlement Risk 007 is a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP.

GSP Analysis Report

Elexon produce a report outlining a number of NHH metrics for each Grid Supply Point (GSP) Group for each Supplier, and the market. The report outlines:

        • NHH Energy in Mega Watt hours (MWh) excluding Unmetered Supplier

        • NHH Energy Settling on AAs in MWh

        • Percentage of NHH Energy Settlings on AAs

        • Change in Percentage of NHH Energy Settling on AAs from the previous month (31 days prior to the report) or the previous week (upon request)

The report, specifically 1.9.3, as above, is a direct measure of SR0074; the report displays performance difference between GSP Groups. The report, with its granular detail, can be used to focus resource to manage SR0074 performance. Elexon sends the report to Suppliers on a weekly basis, via their OSM. Rectifying and implementing improvements to the areas identified in the reporting will allow Parties to improve their performance against Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk of the 2019/20 PAOP.

Volume Analysis Report

Elexon provide a detailed report to Suppliers detailing a split and in depth look at MSID counts and Energy attributed for a Supplier ID per GSP Group. It also provides data for the market as a whole.

The report outlines:

        • HH and NHH Energy being Settled on EACs per GSP Group in MWh

        • HH and NHH Energy being Settled on Actuals/AAs per GSP Group in MWh

        • Unmetered Supplies (UMS) Energy in MWh per GSP Group

        • Percentage of HH and NHH Energy Settling on Actuals/AAs

        • Change in Percentage of NHH Energy Settling on AAs from the previous month (31 days prior to the report) or the previous week (upon request)

        • MSID count breakdown between EAC and Actuals/AA as well as UMS per GSP Group

        • MSID count Settling on Actuals/AAs per GSP Group

The report, specifically the Percentage of HH and NHH Energy Settling on Actuals/AAs, is a direct measure of SR0081 and SR0074; the report displays the difference between GSP Groups. The report, with its granular detail, can be used to focus resource to manage SR0081 and SR0074 performance. Elexon sends the report to Suppliers on a weekly basis, via their OSM. Rectifying and implementing improvements to the areas identified in the reporting will allow Parties to improve their performance against Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk of the 2019/20 PAOP.

Cost Report

Elexon provides a report that displays the Supplier’s Cash flow and Volume Imbalance. The report outlines:

        • Figures behind monthly cashflow imbalance and stats relating to overall cashflow imbalance

        • Figures behind your monthly volume imbalance and stats relating to overall volume imbalance

        • System buy / sell prices over previous month (from latest date)

        • Credit cover over month

        • Credit Cover % over month (percentage of credit cover used)

        • Indebtedness over month

The Cost Report does not map directly to any specific Settlement Risk in the Risk Evaluation Register from the 2018/19 PAOP. In relation to the 2019/20 RER; the Cost Report provides information relating to Settlement Risk 027.

The report details system pricing and imbalance charges that correspond directly to the risk factors outlined in Settlement Risk 027. Whilst Settlement Risk 027 is not a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP, thorough understanding and management of the Cost Report will result in better mitigation of a Parties exposure to the risk.

Supplier Reporting Pack

Elexon produces a reporting pack that encompasses a number of the reports outlined above. The report comprises:

        • Volume of Energy Settled on Actuals

        • NHH MSIDs Settling on Default EAC

        • Supplier Performance Ranking Report (% NHH Energy)

        • MSID Count Chart

The report acts as a management level summary, formatted in a word document. Elexon sends the report to Suppliers on a weekly basis, via their OSM. Each of these reports are outlined in further detail in this guidance document, and all relate to Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk of the 2019/20 PAOP.

Non-Confidential Settlement Risk Report (SRR)

Elexon provides a report that summarises and assesses performance against the Top Settlement Risks, as outlined in the RER 2018/19, on a market wide basis.

The report provides information on Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System (PARMS) Serials in both the HH and NHH markets, and provides a link to the Trading Operations Report (TOR), which has GSP Group Maps of market level performance. The Non-Confidential Settlement Risk Report goes on to provide graphical detail of performance against PARMS Serials for HH and NHH Suppliers, including those Serials related to HH and NHH Meter Technical Details.

The report therefore directly maps to Settlement Risks SR0072, SR0074, SR0024, SR0025, SR0081, and SR3019. The report directly uses data from PARMS Serials NC11, NM11, HM11, NM12, HM12, HM13, HM14, SP04, SP07, SP08a, SP08b, SP11, SP12, SP13, SP14, and SP15. The PARMS Serials each provide a measure of key business processes, as outlined in the PARMS Guidance.

Elexon make the report available to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB), as well as making it publicly available via the Elexon website, on a monthly basis.

From the 2018/19 PAOP, the Settlement Risks SR0024, SR0025, and SR3019 map directly to the 2019/20 PAOP Settlement Risk 006. SR0074 and SR0081 map to Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk in the 2019/20 PAOP, whilst SR0072 maps to Settlement Risk 008.

Business Unit Settlement Risk Rating (BUSRR) Report

Elexon produces a report that maps Suppliers performance to a Red, Amber or Green (RAG) rating against the following Settlement Risks: SR0072, SR0074, SR0024, SR0025, SR0081 (SR0081b – is a subset of the data contained within SR0081), and SR3019. The report also does likewise for Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) for Settlement Risks SR0024, SR0025, and SR3019. Elexon presents the report to the PAB on a monthly basis, although the report remains confidential.

From the 2018/19 PAOP, the Settlement Risks SR0024, SR0025, and SR3019 map directly to the 2019/20 PAOP Settlement Risk 006. SR0074 and SR0081 map to Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk in the 2019/20 PAOP, whilst SR0072 maps to Settlement Risk 008.

Supplier Dashboards

Elexon provide a Supplier specific view of the BUSRR Report, as described above, to each Supplier. These reports highlight performance against SR0072, SR0074, SR0024, SR0025, SR0081, and SR3019.

These dashboards are provided to the Suppliers for their information.

From the 2018/19 PAOP, the Settlement Risks SR0024, SR0025, and SR3019 map directly to the 2019/20 PAOP Settlement Risk 006. SR0074 and SR0081 map to Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk in the 2019/20 PAOP, whilst SR0072 maps to Settlement Risk 008. Suppliers are able to utilise the reporting to identify root causes of any identified poor performance, and rectify and improve their processes.

Meter Operator Agent Dashboards

Elexon provide MOA specific view of the BUSRR Report as described above to each MOA. These reports highlight performance against SR0024, SR0025, and SR3019.

These dashboards are provided to the MOAs for their information.

The Settlement Risks outlined in the reporting relate directly to Settlement Risk 006 for the 2019/20 PAOP. MOAs are able to utilise the reporting to identify root causes of any identified poor performance, and rectify and improve their processes.

Serials to Suppliers

Elexon provide each Supplier a specific summary view of PARMS data that has been submitted about it. The report details Suppliers performance in each GSP Group by the data reported through the PARMS Serials NC11, NM11, HM11, NM12, HM12, HM13, HM14, SP04, SP07, SP08a, SP08b, SP11, SP12, SP13, SP14, and SP15.

These PARMS Serials assist in the management of a Supplier performance against Settlement Risks SR0072, SR0074, SR0024, SR0025, SR0081, and SR3019.

From the 2018/19 PAOP, the Settlement Risks SR0024, SR0025, and SR3019 map directly to the 2019/20 PAOP Settlement Risk 006. SR0074 and SR0081 map to Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk in the 2019/20 PAOP, whilst SR0072 maps to Settlement Risk 008. The Supplier is able to investigate with its Agents, to identify the MPANs that are the root cause of any identified poor performance, and rectify any issues. These reports are provided to the Suppliers the day after each PARMS deadline day.

Peer Comparison

Elexon produce peer comparison graphs which display comparative Supplier-level performance for each GSP Group. There are a number of peer comparison graphs distributed; they compare performance against the PARMS Serials HM12, NM12, SP08a, SP08b, SP09, and SP11.

Elexon presents a confidential view of the SP08a and SP08b graphs to the PAB on a quarterly basis; Suppliers also receive a Supplier specific view of the reporting. Elexon provide a monthly, public version of the reporting, that is delivered to Suppliers, which is also published on the Elexon website. Serials HM12 and NM12 relate to 2018/19 Settlement Risks SR0024 and SR0025, which in turn relate to the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 006. Serials SP08a, SP08b, and SP09 relate to 2018/19 Settlement Risks SR0074 and SR0081, which in turn relate to the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 007. Finally, Serial SP11 does not directly relate to a specific 2018/19 Settlement Risk, although identifies potential weaknesses across a number of Settlement Risks relating to the correct and timely appointment of Agents. Therefore, SP11 does relate to a specific 2019/20 Settlement Risk, Settlement Risk 014. The report is intended to incentivise improvements in performance across the risks as outlined.

Supplier Charges

There are two Supplier Charges related reporting streams; one is presented to the PAB whilst the other provides information to Suppliers.

The PAB report assesses the overall capped charges for all Serials, alongside Uncapped Charges per GSP Group, and broken down into SP01, SP04, SP08a, SP08b, and SP08c. The report also identifies the Parties that are the largest contributors with the largest proportion of the SP01 charges, the Parties that failed to provide timely PARMS submissions. The report also identifies Suppliers that are under performing in SP08a and SP08b, detailing the Supplier Charges applicable. The PAB reporting stream is presented to the board for its approval, before the Supplier Charges can be finalised and applied to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Parties.

Elexon provide detailed reporting to Suppliers outlining their Supplier Charges, alongside a more detailed Trading Party report which provides information on every Supplier Charge applied. Elexon distribute the report to Suppliers following the PABs approval, on a monthly basis.

Serials SP08a, SP08b, and SP08c relate to 2018/19 Settlement Risks SR0074 and SR0081, which in turn relates to the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP. SP04 relates to the 2018/19 Settlement Risk SR0119, the timely installation of HH Metering Equipment, which in turn relates to the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 003, also a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP. SP01 relates to the timely submission of PARMS data, and whilst this information is vital for PARMS reporting, there are no Settlement Risks associated to it. The reporting informs Parties in which areas its performance is resulting in charges, acting as an incentive to improve its performance.

Material Error Monitoring (MEM) Reporting

Elexon produce a number of MEM reports; currently three reports which Elexon actively administer and deliver to Parties.

The three reports assess a Suppliers position in relation to Erroneously Large EAC/AAs, Energisation Status, and Unmetered Supplies (UMS). The reports detail instances of failure, and provides assessments of the Materiality of identified failures.

The Large EAC/AA report is sent monthly and directly relates to the 2018/19 Settlement Risk SR0072, and consequently the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP, the report also has impacts for Risk 008.

The Energisation Status report is sent quarterly and directly relates to SR0023, SR0026, SR0031, and SR0041 of the 2018/19 Settlement Risks, which are encompassed by the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 016, also a focus risk of the 2019/20 POAP.

There are 11 Settlement Risks related to Unmetered Supplies, each of which relate to specific failures in the processing of UMS resulting in estimated or default data entering into Settlement - these are outlined in the Table in Appendix 1.The UMS report is sent quarterly. All risk areas relating to Unmetered Supplies have been collated into one Settlement Risk in the 2019/20 RER, Settlement Risk 011, which is a focus risk for the PAOP.

The reporting informs Parties in which areas its performance is resulting in Material Error entering settlement, acting as an incentive to improve its performance in these areas.

Technique Progress Report (TPR)

Elexon produces two reports that summarise the delivery of Performance Assurance Techniques (PATs) that complement the reporting delivered in the BUSRR and Supplier Charges reports.

Elexon produce two versions of the TPR, a monthly update of the Error and Failure Resolution (EFR) PAT, and a quarterly update of all 16 of the PATs. The reports detail Party failures in relation to SR0072, SR0074, and SR0081.

These reports are presented to the PAB. SR0074 and SR0081 map to Settlement Risk 007, a focus risk in the 2019/20 PAOP, whilst SR0072 maps to Settlement Risk 008.

Supplier Energy Allocation Error (SEAE) and Gross Uncorrected Energy Error (GUEE) Report

Elexon produces a report that represents the absolute summation across all active suppliers of their net energy allocation error.

The market level report is produced monthly and delivered to the Trading Disputes Committee (TDC), as well as uploaded to the Elexon website. The confidential version to the TDC report contains Instances above 500MWh, Top 3 Suppliers across all GSP Groups and Top 5 Suppliers in each GSP Group. The report aims to; detect and notify Suppliers of their potential error, identify Non-Half Hourly Data Aggregator (NHHDA) and Supplier combinations which require a GSP group Dispute to rectify, and establishes the overall per GSP Group error.

The reports provide a market-wide assessment of SR0072, which maps to the 2019/20 Settlement Risk 008.

Smart Meter Technical Details (MTD) Report

The smart MTD report is used to monitor compliance with BSC obligations over the foundation and mass roll-out phases of the smart Meter installation programme.

The report provides a market wide view, and is updated on the Elexon website on a monthly basis. The market wide view is used to inform on the deployment of investigative PATs that would identify any risk to Settlement. The report tracks the progress of the smart Meter roll out. The report then offers a drill down of both SMETS1 and SMETS2 meter installations. The report also assesses market performance on the transfer, and the correction, of Meter Technical Details (MTD). The report assesses Meter exchanges broken down by Meter type, giving a detailed view of the exchanges per Meter type. The report also gives a detailed view of the market wide NHH Settlement performance at each Settlement Run (First Reconciliation run (R1) to Final Reconciliation (RF)). The report relies on MTD data sent over the Data Transfer Network (DTN), and therefore provides market insight into performance in these areas, although does not provide a complete view as not all Parties send all data over the DTN (for example, where they have an integrated Supplier Agent business, or mutually agreed to use an alternative method).

The risks evaluated in this report are SMSR0005 and SMSR0006; these risks are associated with the accuracy and transfer of Metered data and the accuracy and availability of MTDs, respectively. Therefore, in the 2019/20 RER, SMSR0005 relates directly to Settlement Risk 008, whilst SMSR0006 is directly related to Settlement Risk 006.

BSC Auditors Report

The BSC Auditor produces a report that surmises the findings of the annual BSC Audit.

The report details high-level issues relating to Metering and data quality in both the HH and NHH markets. The report links identified issues to the Audit work papers that identified them.

Elexon then conduct a mapping process to identify the Settlement Risks impacted by identified issues. The report is presented to the PAB following the completion of the BSC Audit period. The BSC Audit is a PAT deployed to investigate the performance of parties across a wide range of Settlement Risks, and the findings report is mapped to the relevant Settlement Risks following completion.

Technical Assurance of Metering (TAM) Report

The Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) produces a report that summarises the findings of the annual TAM audit.

The report details identified non-compliance in the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) and Central Volume Allocation (CVA) markets. Non-compliance is classified at two levels, Cat. 1 (Settlement impacting non-compliance) and Cat. 2 (Potentially Settlement impacting non-compliance).

The report provides a statement on the health of the audited Metering System population, both the good and bad findings of the SVA and CVA markets. The report also informs on the key issues identified throughout the audit.

Elexon then conduct a mapping process to identify the Settlement Risks impacted by identified issues. The report is presented to the PAB following the completion of the TAM audit period. The report provides an assessment of the 2019/20 Settlement Risks 003 and 020 which represent Metering installation, programming, maintenance and commissioning in the SVA and CVA markets respectively. Settlement Risk 003 is a focus risk for the 2019/20 PAOP.

Annual Performance Assurance Report (APAR)

The APAR summarises the PAOP in which the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF) was applied to the Settlement Risks described in the RER.

The report reviews the PAT implementation and their impact on Settlement Risks across the period. The report details any of the Settlement Risks of note throughout the PAOP, which vary between reports. The report is presented to the PAB following the completion of the PAOP.

TAPAP Findings Report

Elexon produce a Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties (TAPAP) report following completion of a TAPAP audit. TAPAP audits are conducted to investigate specific BSC Parties or processes.

Elexon investigate a potential risk to Settlement, conduct a TAPAP check and then report the findings to the PAB. The reports are provided ad-hoc and assess the impact of poor performance in relation to an identified Settlement Risk.

Performance Assurance Framework Key Performance Indicators

Elexon produce summary reporting, that assesses 13 of its 16 PATs. The report excludes Change Mechanisms, Removal of Qualification, and Material Error Monitoring from the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) reporting.

Change Mechanism KPIs are reported on and managed by the Elexon BSC Change team. Removal of Qualification, whilst an available PAT, is yet to be deployed against a Party, and would require much reporting and analysis prior to deployment. Material Error Monitoring is reporting against identified risks, and does not require KPIs to monitor the production of this reporting.

The report details the specific criteria by which the PATs are given a red, amber or green rating against. The report is produced quarterly and delivered to the PAB prior to being uploaded to the Elexon website.

This reporting is not directly related to Settlement Risks, although it is a measure of PATs meeting standards and Elexon note that these PATs work to mitigate Settlement Risk.

Appendix 1

Appendix 1 – Report Risk Matrix


What is assessed?

2018/19 Settlement Risk

2019/20 Settlement Risk

Delivered to

Volume of Energy Settled on Actuals

HH and NHH Settlement Performance



Risk 007

PAPs – Weekly

Supplier Performance Ranking Report

Rank of PAPs SR0074 performance


Risk 007

PAPs – Weekly

NHH MSIDs Settling on Default EACs

Proportion of MSIDs settling on Default EACs

Indicator of SR0074

Risk 007

PAPs – Weekly

MSID Count Chart

Proportion of a Suppliers NHH MSIDs settling on Actuals

Indicator of SR0074

Risk 007

PAPs – Weekly

GSP Analysis Report

NHH Energy Volumes (MWh)

HH and NHH Energy Volumes settling on Actuals (MWh)

Proportion of NHH Energy Settling on Actuals

Change in Proportion of NHH Energy Settling on Actuals from previous Month


Risk 007

PAPs – Weekly

Volume Analysis Report

HH and NHH Volumes Settling on EACs by GSP Group (MWh)

HH and NHH Volumes Settling on Actuals by GSP Group (MWh)

UMS Energy by GSP Group (MWh)

Proportion of HH and NHH Energy Volumes settling on Actuals

Change in Proportion of NHH Energy Settling on Actuals from previous Month

Count of MSIDs settling on EAC, Actuals, and UMS by GSP Group

Count of MSIDs Settling on Actuals by GSP Group



Risk 007

PAPs – Weekly

Cost Report

Monthly Cashflow Imbalance metrics

Monthly Volume Imbalance Metrics

System Buy/Sell Price for previous month

Credit Cover for previous month

Proportion of Credit Cover for previous month

Indebtedness report

Risk 027

PAPs - Monthly

Supplier Reporting Pack

Volume of Energy Settled on Actuals

NHH MSIDs Settling on Default EACs

Supplier performance ranking report

MSID count chart

Indicator of SR0074 and


Risk 007

PAPs Monthly

Non-Confidential Settlement Risk Report

PARMS Serials Reports in the HH and NHH market

SR0072 SR0074 SR0024 SR0025 SR0081 SR3019

Risk 006

Risk 007

Risk 008

PAB – Monthly

Website - Monthly

Business Unit Settlement Risk Report (BUSRR)

Report of PAPs achieving an Amber or Red BUSRR

SR0072 SR0074 SR0024 SR0025 SR0081 SR3019

Risk 006

Risk 007

Risk 008

PAB – Monthly

Supplier Dashboards

Supplier Specific view of BUSRR

SR0072 SR0074 SR0024 SR0025 SR0081 SR3019

Risk 006

Risk 007

Risk 008

PAPs - Monthly

Meter Operator Agent Dashboards

Meter Operator Agent Specific view of BUSRR

SR0072 SR0074 SR0024 SR0025 SR0081 SR3019

Risk 006

Risk 007

Risk 008

PAPs - Monthly

Serials to Suppliers

Detailed Supplier Specific view of BUSRR by GSP Group

SR0072 SR0074 SR0024 SR0025 SR0081 SR3019

Risk 006

Risk 007

Risk 008

PAPs - Monthly

Peer Comparison

Report displays comparative performance of PAPs

SR0024 SR0025 SR0074 SR0081

Risk 006

Risk 007

Risk 014

PAPs – Monthly

Website - Monthly

Supplier Charges

Detailed breakdown of the Supplier Charges

SR0074 SR0081 SR0119

Risk 007

Risk 003

PAPs – Monthly

Material Error Monitoring (MEM) Reporting

Large EAC/AA


Risk 007

Risk 008

PAPs – Monthly

Energisation Status

SR0023 SR0026 SR0031 SR0041

Risk 016

PAPs – Monthly

Unmetered Supplies

SR0055 SR0058 SR0059 SR0063 SR0064 SR0084 SR0085 SR0086 SR0087 SR0088 SR0093

Risk 011

PAPs – Monthly

Technique Progress Report (TPR)

Summary of PAT Deployment

SR0072 SR0074 SR0081

Risk 007

Risk 008

PAB - Monthly

Supplier Energy Allocation Error (SEAE) and Gross Uncorrected Energy Error (GUEE) Report

Report on active Suppliers net Energy allocation error


Risk 008

TDC - Monthly

SMART Meter Technical Details (MTD) Report

Report of Market wide SMART Meter implementation



Risk 006

Risk 008

Website - Monthly

BSC Auditors Report

Summary of BSC Audit Findings

Many, mapped to each report

Many, mapped to each report

PAB - Annually

Technical Assurance of Metering (TAM) Report

Summary of TAM Findings

Many, mapped to each report

Risk 003

Risk 020

PAB - Annually

Annual Performance Assurance Report (APAR)

Summary of PAT deployment and PAF activities

Many, mapped to each report

Many, mapped to each report

PAB - Annually

Website – Annually

TAPAP Findings Report

Report of TAPAP following completion

Specific to each TAPAP

Specific to each TAPAP

Following TAPAP completion

Performance Assurance Framework Key Performance Indicators

Assessment of 13 of the 16 PATs in deployment

Non-specific to Risk

Non-specific to Risk

PAB - Quarterly

Further Information

For more information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.