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D0023 Resolving Failed Instructions V1.0

Effective From Date:

Resolving ‘Failed Instructions’ (D0023)

Guidance Note

1 - Introduction

1.1 What is a Failed Instruction?

The Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) sends updates of Metering System Registration and Settlement data using an ‘Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator’ (D0209) flow.

The Non-Half Hourly or Half-Hourly Data Aggregator (NHHDA or HHDA), as applicable, validates each instruction and when it cannot process an instruction sends a ‘Failed Instructions’ (D0023) flow to the SMRS.

Similarly, a Non-Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) sends Annualised Advance (AA) and Estimated Annual Consumption (EAC) values to the NHHDA using a ‘Metering System EAC/AA Data’ (D0019) flow.

If the NHHDA is unable to process the D0019, it sends a D0023 to the NHHDA.

1.2 Content of this guidance note

The purpose of this guide is to describe the various reasons why a Data Aggregator can reject a D0209 or D0019 flow and to identify the responsibility for resolution and method of correction in each case.

Section 2 provides a high-level description of the process for resolving exceptions.

Sections 3 and 4 provide details of the Non-Half Hourly and Half Hourly Instruction Failure Reason Codes respectively.

2 – Resolving Failed Instructions

2.1 What are the timescales for resolving Failed Instructions?

The HHDA should validate D0209 files received from a Supplier Meter Registration Agents (SMRA) within two Working Days of receipt and should send a D0023 to the SMRA within two Working Days of validation. The SMRA should resolve generate and send a refreshed instruction file ‘as soon as possible’ after receipt of the D0023.

Further details can be found in BSCP503 3.2.1 and BSCP501 3.3, 3.10 and 3.11.

There are no equivalent timescales in BSCP505 3.3.1 or 3.4 for the processing of D0019/D0209 files respectively by the NHHDA. The expectation is that D0023 flows are generated and sent as soon as is reasonably practicable following receipt of a D0019 or D0209 containing invalid records.

2.2 Validation by the Data Aggregator

When the Data Aggregator receives a D0019 or a D0209, it validates the contents for consistency with -

    • Standing data / Market Domain Data (MDD);

    • instructions previously received and applied in respect of the same Metering System (i.e. consistency with the Data Aggregation database);

As part of the Non Half Hourly process, all instructions are loaded into the database in the first instance. D0023s are generated separately to the load process to allow Data Aggregators to resolve any MDD exceptions before any exceptions are sent out. There is no centrally developed HHDA system, so this two stage process may not apply.

2.3 How do D0023 Failed Instructions relate to D0095 and D0235 exceptions?

Data Aggregators hold two versions of certain key data items (e.g. Energisation Status), one according to the SMRA and the other according to the Data Collector. The Data Aggregator does not cross-validate between the data received from the Data Collector and that received from the SMRA. This is to allow for timing differences between the two data sources. This comparison is carried out separately, with the exceptions reported to Suppliers via the ‘Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation Exception Report’ (D0095) flow or ‘Half Hourly Aggregation Exception Report’ (D0235) flow.

A Failed Instruction will often result in a Metering System attribute being incorrect in either the Data Collector or the SMRA view within the Data Aggregator database. This, in turn, is likely to result in a data mismatch being reported in the D0095 (and to a lesser extent, the D0235). Resolving the Failed Instruction will clear the D0023 and the D0095 (or D0235) exception.

2.4 What information does a D0023 contain?

The Failed Instruction is uniquely identified by a combination of the Meter System Id (J0083), the Significant Date (J0328) and the Instruction Sequence Number (J1100). The Failed Instruction is categorised by a three character Instruction Failure Reason Code (J1361).

Non-Half Hourly Instruction Failure Reason Codes are in the format NPQ, where P is a category of exception and Q is an exception with that category. These are listed in Section 3.

Half Hourly Instruction Failure Reason Codes are in the format Hnn, where nn is a two digit number. These are listed in Section 4.

The Failure Reason Additional Data (J1101) field provides more information to help resolve the Failed Instruction, for example the data attribute(s) in error or the relevant effective dates.

2.5 Standing Data Errors

Standing data errors are identified by the following Instruction Failure Reason Codes –

    • NIA to NIS;

    • NVG, NVP and NVZ;

    • H02 to H07 and H27.

These are raised when the Settlement details associated with a Metering System in an instruction are inconsistent with the MDD held by the Data Aggregator.

Data item ‘Failure Reason Additional Data’ on the D0023 flow will be populated with the standing data item that is in error, together with the effective date. These details should be checked against the latest version of MDD to establish whether the cause of the exception lies with the SMRS or the Data Aggregator. The latest version of the ‘Market Domain Data Complete Set’ (D0269) or ‘Market Domain Data Incremental Set’ (D0270) should be taken as the definitive version of MDD (rather than the data held within SMRS, which may be out-of-date or inconsistent).

These exceptions can arise where the Data Aggregator has not updated its standing data tables using the latest version of MDD and is validating ‘good data’ against out-of-date reference data. If this appears to be the case, the exception should be referred back to the Data Aggregator. The Data Aggregator should be able to reapply the failed instructions after updating its MDD tables.

If the Data Aggregator appears to have validated against the correct version of MDD, ensure that the SMRS has correctly been updated with the latest version of MDD. If new standing data has not been recorded in SMRS, then this should lead to a rejection of Supplier updates containing this standing data. Therefore such discrepancies would not be expected to give rise to failed instructions. Standing data failures are more likely to arise where standing data has ceased to be effective (but has not been recorded as such in SMRS) or where additional standing data (i.e. outside that defined as MDD) has been used for validation in SMRS.

Where a standing data failure has occurred because the SMRS has processed data which should have been invalidated, resolution is likely to require the relevant Supplier re-submitting data once the standing data has been corrected.

Many Instruction Failures can be resolved using a Selective Refresh i.e. a new D0209 instruction with an earlier Significant Date. Please note that this approach will not be successful for the Instruction Failure Reason Codes listed above. Unless the underlying MDD issue is resolved, Selective Refreshes will lead to further D0023s being reported.

2.6 Instruction Collation Exceptions

In simplified terms, all D0209 and D0019 instructions are intended to refresh the NHHDA database from a point in time, where that point in time is defined by the Significant Date (J0328). The Significant Date is usually the earliest date in the instruction on which a change of data item occurred. The D0209 or D0019 instruction should include any data relationships which begin on or before the Significant Date and are still effective as at the Significant Date. Any data relationships which end before the Significant Date should be excluded.

In the following example, a change of Data Collector takes place following an earlier change of Energisation Status.

complex image of process

The Instruction to notify the change of Data Collector should have a Significant Date equal to the Effective From Date of the Data Collector 2 appointment. The instruction should only include data relationships that were in effect on the Significant Date. So the period where the Metering System was energised, prior to the change of Data Collector should not be included (as shown below).

complex image of process

If the earlier Energisation Status record is included, there will be two Energisation Status records prior to the Significant Data and the update will fail with an Instruction Failure Reason Code of ‘N2E’.

complex image of process

However, it is more likely that D0209 flows will be generated automatically by the SMRS. It should be possible to correct the exception using a Selective Refresh with an earlier Significant Date, in this case equal to the Effective From Date of the earlier Energisation Status record and including the earlier Data Collector appointment. Alternatively, If D0209 flows are generated outside an SMRS system (e.g. manually keyed using an alternative user interface), then errors can be corrected by resubmitting the relevant data in the correct format.

complex image of process

If an instruction collation error is not cleared by a Selective Refresh, it will need to be referred to the software provider. Once the software has been amended, new instructions will need to be generated to replace those that have previously failed.

The Data Aggregator also validates against a number of business rules. For example, Supplier-sourced data items such as Energisation Status and Profile Class are held per Registration. Any changes must be effective within the dates that the Registration is valid (i.e. on or after the Registration start and before any subsequent Registration starts).

Please note that in the case of some types of instruction failure, it is not possible to generalise about whether the cause is a software problem or the failure of an earlier instruction. For example, in validating the business rule described above, the NHHDA system checks that data is not assigned to a Registration that does not already exist (and will not be created by applying the instruction). This could be the result of an instruction collation problem, if the Registration was never included in any instruction. However, it is more likely to be the result of a previous instruction failing to create the Registration.

2.7 Consequential Failures

A significant proportion of Failed Instructions are the result of earlier errors. These are the easiest type of Failed Instruction to resolve as they can be corrected by a Selective Refresh.

Consequential failures are identified by the following Instruction Failure Reason Codes –

    • NM_

    • NZ_

The following Instruction Failure Reason Codes may be the result of previous Failed Instruction and so may be correctable by a Selective Refresh –

    • H11 – H21

    • H24 – H26

    • N2_

    • NA_

    • NC_

    • NN_

    • NR_

If the Selective Refresh generates the same Instructive Failure Reason Code, this would imply an instruction collation exception, in which case a software fix or revised instruction may be needed.

In the earlier example, a change of Energisation Status is followed by a change of Data Collector -

complex image of process

If the update to the Energisation Status failed, the Data Aggregator would hold the following -

complex image of process

If the SMRS then sends a change of Data Collector instruction, it would normally only need to include the period of de-energisation -

complex image of process

This instruction would fail with an Instruction Failure Reason Code of ‘NME’. This is because there is a difference between the Energisation Status in the instruction and that held by the Data Aggregator and this difference pre-dates the Significant Date. The Instruction Failure can be resolved by a Selective Refresh, setting the Significant Date to the de-energisation date and including the earlier DC appointment –

complex image of process

It should normally be possible to resolve these types of failed instructions by means of a Selective Refresh. This should be effective even in those cases where it is not possible to identify what caused the Data Aggregator’s database to be out of line with SMRS.

The SMRA should ensure that the Significant Date in the Selective Refresh instruction is the same as (or earlier than) the date given in the Failure Reason Additional Data (J1101) data item on the D0023. A Selective Refresh with a later Significant Date is unlikely to be effective.

If the Reason Codes indicates a consequential failure, but the instruction failure has occurred for other reasons (particularly standing data problems), a Selective Refresh will not resolve the exception. The standing data (or software) issue will need to be addressed first.

2.8 Changes after the Final Reconciliation Run

Under normal circumstances changes should not be made to Settlement data if the change overlaps with Settlement Dates that have been subject to a Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run (RF Run). Sometimes a Failed Instruction can only be resolved by applying a Selective Refresh with a Significant Date earlier than the latest RF Run. Where this is the case, the SMRA should check whether the latest data held by the NHHDA is correct. If the NHHDA holds the correct data, the D0023 should be left uncorrected as the error is time-bound rather than ongoing.

If the D0023 needs to be resolved in order to realign the NHHDA database with SMRS, the Selective Refresh should be requested and applied even though the Significant Date is earlier than the latest RF Run. This represents a pragmatic solution to an error that would otherwise have an enduring impact.

SMRAs should seek to resolve D0023 exceptions in a timely manner in order to avoid the situations in which changes after the RF Run need to be considered.

3 – Non-Half Hourly Instruction Failure Reason Codes

3.1 N2_ Invalid records before Significant Date

Code Group


Group Name

2 or more before Significant Date

Group Description

A D0209 or D0019 instruction should include a Significant Date, the values of all relevant attributes as at the Significant Date and any changes since that date. As such, there can only be one value of an attribute for a Metering System starting on or before the Significant Date. Correct the SMRS software to ensure that instructions contain only data current on the Significant Date and changes after the Significant Date.

Additional Data

Start Date (first item before the Significant Date)

Start Date (second item before the Significant Date)


N2_ errors occur because D0209 or D0019 instructions are being collated incorrectly, so a software fix may be needed. A Selective Refresh with a Significant Date on or before the earlier start date in the Additional Data field should also clear the error.


The N2Y error applies to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



More than one Data Collector Appointment on a per Registration basis in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one Energisation Status in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one GSP Group in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one Line Loss Factor Class in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one Measurement Class in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one Registration in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date


More than one Estimated Annual Consumption in the instruction has a Start Date on or before the Significant Date

3.2 NA_ Attribute values after Registration end

Code Group


Group Name

Attribute value is After Registration end

Group Description

Some attributes of a Metering System are held on a per-Registration basis. This allows a Supplier to maintain its view of the attribute value independently of the views of earlier or later Suppliers. The NHHDA validates that values of these attributes start within the dates the Registration is valid - i.e. on or after the Registration starts and before any subsequent Registration starts.

Additional Data

Registration Start Date

Attribute (e.g. Energisation Status) Start Date


A Selective Refresh may resolve the error if there is an underlying problem with the Registration records caused by an earlier failure. If there is no underlying problem, the NA_ errors is the result of an incorrectly collated D0209, so a software fix would be needed.

Error Code



Data Aggregator Appointment End Date is after Registration End Date (i.e. after the next Registration starts)


Energisation Status Start Date is after Registration End Date (i.e. after the next Registration starts)


Measurement Class Start Date is after Registration End Date (i.e. after the next Registration starts)


Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration Start Date is after Registration End Date (i.e. after the next Registration starts)

3.3 NC_ Invalid Change

Code Group


Group Name

Change Invalid.

Group Description

A Data Aggregator Appointment end date can only be changed if both the old and new end dates are on or before the Significant Date. If the Data Aggregator Appointment on the database ends before the Significant Date, it should not appear in the instruction. This results in an NCA error.

When any of Energisation Status, Measurement Class, Supplier Registration or Standard Settlement Configuration changes, a meter reading must be taken. So a D0019 should not include a change to any of these attributes during a Meter Advance Period. An NCE, NCM, NCR or NCS error will be reported, as applicable.

Additional Data

For an NCA error – Data Aggregator Appointment Start Date and End Date.

For other errors – the attribute (e.g. Energisation Status) Start Date and the Meter Advance Period Start Date.


For an NCA error –

The instruction to extend the original Data Aggregator Appointment beyond the current Significant Date may have failed or may not have been issued. A new Data Aggregator Appointment instruction should be issued with a Significant Date on or before the database Data Aggregator Appointment end date.

For other errors -

Send a revised D0019 removing the change of attribute or include revised Annualised Advance and EAC values based on a reading for the date the attribute changed, where available.


The NCE to NCS errors apply to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



Data Aggregator Appointment with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date is on the database but database has Effective To Settlement Date before Significant Date


Instruction contains a change to Energisation Status within a Meter Advance period


Instruction contains a change to Measurement Class within a Meter Advance period


Instruction contains a change to Registration within a Meter Advance period


Instruction contains a change to Standard Settlement Configuration within a Meter Advance period

3.4 ND_ Duplicate Start Date

Code Group


Group Name

Duplicate Start Date

Group Description

Instructions indicate the value of each attribute from a stated date. Having two values with the same Start Date is invalid.

Additional Data

Start Date of the relevant attribute.


ND_ errors can occur if D0209 or D0019 instructions are being collated incorrectly, so a software fix would be needed. If more than one value has the same Start Date in the SMRS or NHHDA database, a data fix would be needed.


The NCY error applies to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



Duplicate Data Collector Appointment Start Date in instruction


Duplicate Energisation Status Start Date in instruction


Duplicate GSP Group Start Date in instruction


Duplicate Line Loss Factor Class Start Date in instruction


Duplicate Measurement Class Start Date in instruction


Duplicate Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration Start Date in instruction


Duplicate Registration Start Date in instruction


Duplicate Estimated Annual Consumption Start Date in instruction

3.5 NE_ Early Start/End Date

Code Group


Group Name

Early Start/End Date

Group Description

Some data attributes of a Metering System are held on a per-Registration basis. The NHHDA validates these attributes to ensure that they have Start Dates within the dates of the Registration - i.e. on or after the Registration Start Date and before any subsequent Registration starts.

Where End Dates are specified (i.e. for NHHDA Appointments and Annualised Advances), the End Date must not be before the Significant Date.

Additional Data

For NEA and NEX errors, the Start Date is provided. Other error types include the Registration Start Date and the Start Date of the applicable attribute.


Errors of this type imply either that the SMRS or NHHDC validation is incorrect or that instructions are being collated incorrectly. In either case, a software fix is likely to be needed.


The NEX error applies to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



Data Aggregator Appointment End Date in the instruction is before Significant Date


Data Aggregator Appointment Start Date is before Registration Start Date


Data Collector Appointment Start Date is before Registration Start Date


Energisation Status Start Date is before Registration Start Date


Measurement Class Start Date is before Registration Start Date


Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration Start Date is before Registration Start Date


Annual Advance End Date in the instruction is before Significant Date

3.6 NF_ Missing attributes in first set of consumption data

Code Group


Group Name

First Consumption does not have attribute set

Group Description

There must be a value for each attribute which is current at the start of the first consumption data held for the Metering System.

Additional Data

The earliest Meter Advance Period/EAC Start Date.


The NHHDC should ensure there is a value for the relevant attribute in its database with Effective From Settlement Date on or before the Effective From Settlement Date of the AA or EAC. All relevant data should be included when creating EAC/AA instructions.


NF_ errors apply to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



This instruction will leave no Energisation Status effective at the start of the earliest consumption


This instruction will leave no GSP Group Id effective at the start of the earliest consumption


This instruction will leave no Measurement Class effective at the start of the earliest consumption


This instruction will leave no Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration effective at the start of the earliest consumption


This instruction will leave no Registration effective at the start of the earliest consumption

3.7 NI_ Invalid Identifier

Code Group


Group Name

Invalid Id

Group Description

The reference data in the instruction is invalid i.e. does not exist in the NHHDA database. This may be the result of invalid data being sent by the SMRA or NHHDC or may be due to incomplete or incorrect standing data in the NHHDA system.

Additional Data

The relevant attribute(s) (e.g. Data Collector Id) and Start Date. NIA and NIV errors may also include the End Date.


The SMRA or NHHDC should correct and submit any invalid data or, if the NHHDA does not hold an up-to-date copy of Market Domain Data, it should apply the latest update and reprocess the failed instructions.


NIV errors apply to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



Values of the Grid Supply Point, Profile Class and Standard Settlement Configuration in the instruction will not have corresponding Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption values for all of the Settlement Days possible within the Data Aggregator Appointment.


Data Collector ID in the instruction does not exist on database


Invalid Energisation Status in instruction


GSP Group ID in the instruction does not exist on database


Distributor ID/Line Loss Class ID in the instruction does not exist on database


Invalid Measurement Class in the instruction


Profile Class ID in the instruction does not exist on database


Supplier ID in the instruction does not exist on database


Standard Settlement Configuration ID in the instruction does not exist on database


The EAC value in the file is outside the EAC boundary values defined in the system parameter table or the AA value in the file is outside the AA boundary values defined in the system parameter table.

3.8 NM_ Missing From Database

Code Group


Group Name

Missing from database

Group Description

A valid D0209 or D0019 instruction must include a Significant Date and all relevant Metering System details effective on or after the Significant Date. Values with effective dates earlier than the Significant Date must correspond to those that the NHHDA already holds in its database.

Additional Data

NMR – NMY errors include the Start Date. All other errors include the relevant attribute and the Start Date.


NM_ errors are usually the result of an earlier failure and may be resolved by generating a new DAA instruction from SMRS or an EAC/AA instruction from DC with a Significant Date on or before the Start Date of the item which is reported as missing.


NMX and NMY errors apply to D0019 instructions from NHHDCs only.

Error Code



Data Aggregation Appointment with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date is not already in the database


Data Collector Appointment with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date is not on the database and the Registration has a Data Aggregator Appointment before the significant date


Energisation Status with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date affects a DAA (PRS instruction) or AA/EAC (DC instruction) which is before the significant date and is not on the database


GSP Group with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date affects a DAA (PRS instruction) or AA/EAC (DC instruction) which is before the significant date and is not on the database


Line Loss Factor Class with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date affects a DAA (PRS instruction) which is before the significant date and is not on the database


Measurement Class with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date affects a DAA (PRS instruction) or AA/EAC (DC instruction) which is before the significant date and is not on the database


Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date affects a DAA (PRS instruction) or AA/EAC (DC instruction) which is before the significant date and is not on the database


Registration with Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date affects a DAA (PRS instruction) or AA/EAC (DC instruction) which is before the significant date and is not on the database


Annualised Advance in instruction has Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date but there is no corresponding (identical) set of records on the database


Estimated Annualised Consumption in instruction has Effective From Settlement Date before Significant Date but there is no corresponding (identical) set of records on the database

3.9 NN_ No overlap with Data Aggregator Appointment

Code Group


Group Name

No overlap with Data Aggregator Appointment

Group Description

Instructions should only contain data which is needed by the NHHDA. If an attribute change does not affect the Metering System during a Data Aggregator Appointment, the data is not needed. There must be at least one NHHDA appointment for each Supplier Registration.

Additional Data

Start Date


The Data Aggregator Appointment with which the data should overlap may be missing from the NHHDA database due to an earlier failure or because it was never sent. In this case a new DAA instruction is needed which includes that appointment.

Alternatively, the data may not be needed by the NHHDA, in which case the SMRS software should be corrected to ensure that only relevant changes are sent to the NHHDA.

Error Code



Energisation Status change is not required as it does not overlap any Data Aggregation Appointments


GSP Group change is not required as it does not overlap any Data Aggregation Appointments


Line Loss Factor change is not required as it does not overlap any Data Aggregation Appointments


Measurement Class change is not required as it does not overlap any Data Aggregation Appointments


Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration change is not required as it does not overlap any Data Aggregation Appointments


Registration does not have an associated Data Aggregator Appointment in the present instruction

3.10 NO_ Overlap

Code Group


Group Name


Group Description

Data Aggregator Appointments and Meter Advance Periods must not overlap.

Additional Data

Start Dates of the first and second items


Likely to require a software fix as this is an error in the instruction collation logic of the sending system.

Error Code



The instruction contains overlapping Data Aggregator Appointments


The instruction contains overlapping Meter Advance Periods

3.11 NR_ Attribute value for a Registration which does not exist

Code Group


Group Name

Attribute value for a Registration which does not exist.

Group Description

Some data attributes for a Metering System are held per Supplier Registration. The NHHDA validates to ensure that the instruction references a Registration which it holds in its database. NR_ errors are reported if the Registration does not exist and will not be created by applying the current instruction.

Additional Data

Registration Start Date and Start Date of relevant attribute (e.g. Data Collector Appointment)


Either an earlier instruction which should have created the Registration has failed or the Registration was never included in any instruction. A new DAA instruction is needed which includes all Data Aggregator appointments for the missing Registration.

Error Code



Registration referenced by Data Aggregator Appointment in the instruction does not exist on the database and is not created by this instruction


Registration referenced by Data Collector Appointment in the instruction does not exist on the database and is not created by this instruction


Registration referenced by Energisation Status in the instruction does not exist on the database and is not created by this instruction


Registration referenced by Measurement Class in the instruction does not exist on the database and is not created by this instruction


Registration referenced by Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration in the instruction does not exist on the database and is not created by this instruction

3.12 NS_ Missing attribute value at start of Registration or Data Aggregator Appointment

Code Group


Group Name

Start of Registration/DAA has no value for attribute

Group Description

The NHHDA validates that within each Registration there is data specified for every attribute on or before the first Settlement Date within that Registration for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment.

For data which is not held per Registration, the check is for a value starting on or before the first Settlement Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment. There must be a value of GSP Group and Line Loss Factor Class which starts on or before the first Data Aggregator Appointment.

For each Supplier Registration, there must be a value specified starting sometime from the Registration Start Date to the Data Aggregator Appointment Start Date for the attributes Energisation Status, Measurement Class, Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration and Data Collector Appointment.

Additional Data

Registration Start Date and/or Data Aggregator Appointment State Date


A new DAA instruction is needed which includes all relevant data for the Registration or Data Aggregator Appointment, as indicated by the error code.

Error Code



This instruction will leave no Data Collector Appointment for this Registration effective at the start of the first Data Aggregator Appointment for the Registration


This instruction will leave no Energisation Status effective at the start of the Data Aggregator Appointment


This instruction will leave no GSP Group effective at the start of the Data Aggregator Appointment


This instruction will leave no Line Loss Factor Class effective at the start of the Data Aggregator Appointment


This instruction will leave no Measurement Class effective at the start of the Data Aggregator Appointment


This instruction will leave no Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration effective at the start of the Data Aggregator Appointment

3.13 NT_ Missing or duplicated Time Pattern Regime records

Code Group


Group Name

Time Pattern Regime (TPR) duplicated in set or missing from set.

Group Description

A set of consumption data should contain exactly one figure for each Measurement Requirement (or Settlement Register) of the Metering System. No values or more than one value for a TPR will result in an NT_ exception.

Additional Data

NTV – MAP Start Date and duplicated TPR NTW – EAC Start Date and duplicated TPR

NTX – MAP Start Date

NTZ – EAC Start Date


A data fix or software fix is likely to be needed in order to remove duplicate values or include missing values.


NT_ errors only apply to D0019 flows from the NHHDC.

Error Code



This instruction contains an Annualised Advance set which has more than one consumption figure for the same Time Pattern Regime Id


This instruction contains an Estimated Annualised Consumption set which has more than one consumption figure for the same Time Pattern Regime Id


This instruction contains an Annualised Advance set where data is missing for one or more Measurement Requirements of the Standard Settlement Configuration


This instruction contains an Estimated Annualised Consumption set where data is missing for one or more Measurement Requirements of the Standard Settlement Configuration

3.14 NU_ Invalid Time Pattern Regime

Code Group


Group Name

Unnecessary TPR included in set.

Group Description

The D0019 includes a TPR that is not valid for the specified Standard Settlement Configuration (as defined as a Measurement Requirement in Market Domain Data).

Additional Data

Meter Advance Period (NUX) or EAC (NUY) Start Date and invalid TPR.


A data fix or software fix is likely to be needed in order to remove the invalid TPR record and, if applicable, replace it with a correct value.


NU_ errors only apply to D0019 flows from the NHHDC.

Error Code



This instruction contains an Annualised Advance set which contains consumption for a Time Pattern Regime Id which is not a Measurement Requirement for the Standard Settlement Configuration


This instruction contains an Estimated Annual Consumption set which contains consumption for a Time Pattern Regime Id which is not a Measurement Requirement for the Standard Settlement Configuration

3.15 NV_ Invalid Standing Data

Code Group


Group Name

Standing data not Valid in this context

Group Description

The errors may be due to incomplete or incorrect standing data in the NHHDA system, or the submitted data may be wrong.

Additional Data

NVG – GSP Group Id and Start Date NVP – Profile Class Id / SSC Id NVZ - Distributor Id


If the data is valid according to the published MDD, the latest version of MDD should be uploaded into the NHHDA database and the instruction resubmitted. Otherwise the data should be corrected by the SMRA and resent.

Error Code



GSP group does not have an appointment to the Distribution Business for Metering System on the Effective From Settlement Date.


Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration combination does not exist on the database


Instruction source (SMRA) not appointed to Distribution Business as determined from the first two digits of the Metering System Id within the specified GSP Group

3.16 NX_ End Date before Start Date

Code Group


Group Name

End Date before Start Date

Group Description

End Dates cannot be earlier than Start Dates.

Additional Data

Start Date


Correct the data held on the SMRA/NHHDC database and/or ensure that dates are not reversed when generating instructions.


Error code NXX applies to D0019s from the NHHDC only.

Error Code



The instruction contains a Data Aggregator Appointment which has a Start Date later than the End Date


The instruction contains an Annual Advance set which has a Start Date later than the End Date

3.17 NZ_ Instruction does not contain data already on the database

Code Group


Group Name

Instruction does not contain data already on the database

Group Description

If the database contains a Data Aggregator Appointment or Meter Advance which starts before the Significant Date and ends on or after the Significant Date, then this should be included in the ‘current’ view of the metering system on the Significant Date. If it does not appear then there is a mismatch between the NHHDA database and the SMRS/NHHDC database.

Additional Data

NZA & NZX – Start Date NZC - Date Appointment is required and Registration Start Date

NZE to NZR – date value is required


Instructions are required to contain the data current on the Significant Date, if appropriate. If there is a Data Aggregator Appointment or Meter Advance which spans the Significant Date there must be a value for every attribute to go with that. If the data is missing then a deletion may not have been performed. The error is usually a result of an earlier failure and may be resolved by generating a new DAA instruction (from SMRS) or EAC/AA instruction (from NHHDC) with a Significant Date on or before the date reported in the Additional Data field of the D0023.


Error code NZX applies to D0019s from the NHHDC only.

Error Code



A Data Aggregation Appointment exists in the database which is active on the Significant Date but is not in the instruction (for a Refresh, this is an informational message)


There is no Data Collector Appointment in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment


There is no Energisation Status in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment /Consumption


There is no GSP Group in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment/Consumption


There is no Line Loss Factor Class in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment/Consumption


There is no Measurement Class in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment/Consumption


There is no Profile Class/Standard Settlement Configuration in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment/Consumption


There is no Registration in the instruction which will be effective on or before the earliest date on or after the Significant Date for which there is a Data Aggregator Appointment/Consumption


A Meter Advance Period exists on the database which is active on the Significant Date but is not in the instruction

3.18 N0_/N9_ Miscellaneous

Code Group

N0_ /N9_

Group Name



Please refer to individual error codes. Errors N0I, N0S and N0W are of interest to SMRAs, but the remaining codes relate to NHHDA operations.

Additional Data

Please refer to individual error codes

Error Code



Refresh accepted with validation errors

User has manually set the instruction to Applied. When a refresh instruction is set to Applied using the 'Accept' button on the manage refresh instructions form in NHHDA, this reason is logged. No action is required. Additional Data provides the user name.


Instruction type is not valid for source SMRS instructions may only be sent by an SMRS Agent; EAC/AA instructions may only be sent by an NHHDC. This will never happen as instruction types are validated as part of file loading.


Manual Discard

User has manually set the instruction to Discard. When a refresh instruction is set to Discard using the manage refresh instructions form, this reason is logged. No action is required. Additional Data provides the user name.


Automatic discard due to failure

When a refresh fails, it is set to Discard. This reason indicates that the discard was automatic. A restore is required from the backup taken immediately before the apply refresh was attempted.


Invalid Instruction

Instruction contents are invalid and not covered by another Instruction Failure Reason Code. Additional data identifies the record type, record count of record type and field number. For example, ‘DAA 2 2’ means there is a problem with the second field in the second DAA record in the instruction. The SMRS/DC software is at fault, or the file has been corrupted. A new valid DAA instruction is needed from SMRS or EAC/AA instruction from DC with Significant Date the same or earlier than the failed instruction


Instruction has been superseded

Following an instruction failure, a successful subsequent instruction which overlaps all data which should have been included in the failed instruction will supersede the failed instruction. This reason indicates which instruction caused the status of Superseded. No action is needed.


Refresh Totals

A Refresh has been applied. This record contains information about the numbers of Metering Systems processed.

  • If the current Instruction Status is 'V' (Validation Errors), the NHHDA should use the Manage Refresh form to Accept the changes (set Instruction Status to 'Applied'), or restore from database backup taken before apply attempted.

  • If Instruction Status is 'A' (Applied), no action is required.

There is an entry for each partition plus a total for the whole refresh


Wrong Distributor

All Metering Systems must be for the distribution business based on the SMRS Agent ID specified in the file header. This error indicates a Metering System which belongs to a different distribution business. The Distributor in the LLF record must also match the Distributor according to the short code (the first 2 digits of the Metering System ID). Ensure SMRS software correctly selects only Metering Systems for the one distribution business when creating a refresh instruction.


99 or more failure reasons

This is logged in place of the 99th reason and no further reasons are logged.

4 – Half Hourly Instruction Failure Reason Codes

Reason Code




Instruction numbers inconsistent with those already received

Instruction collation error


Invalid Supplier

Standing data


Invalid Data Collector

Standing data


Invalid GSP group

Standing data


Invalid LLF class

Standing data


Invalid Energisation Status

Standing data


Invalid Measurement Class

Standing data


Invalid Measurement Quantity

Cannot occur as Measurement Quantity not included in the D0209


MPAS Agent not appointed to Distribution Business for the Metering System

Instruction collation error


Not used

Not applicable


Metering System will have no Data Collector appointment

Consequential failure / collation error


Metering System will have no Measurement Class

Consequential failure / collation error


Metering System will have no Energisation Status

Consequential failure / collation error


Metering System will have no Measurement Quantity

Consequential failure / collation error


Metering System will have no GSP Group

Consequential failure / collation error


Metering System will have no LLF Class

Consequential failure / collation error


Data for existing Aggregator appointment not included

Consequential failure / collation error


Data Collector appointment in Registration does not exist

Consequential failure / collation error


Measurement Class in Registration does not exist

Consequential failure / collation error


Energisation status in Registration does not exist

Consequential failure / collation error


Measurement Quantity in Registration does not exist

Consequential failure / collation error


MPAS Agent no appointment to Distribution Business

Instruction collation error


Invalid Metering System

Instruction collation error


Metering System does not exist

Consequential failure


Not appointed Data Aggregator on date of change

Consequential failure / collation error


Supplier Registration not included

Consequential failure / collation error


Invalid Distributor

Standing data