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Understanding your Market Role

v 9.0
Effective From Date:

Understanding your Market Role

Guidance Note

Understanding your Market Role

The tables below provide a description of the Party & Party agent’s roles that companies operate within the market. Companies may choose to operate as one or more of these roles.

If you’re still not sure of which role you will operate as, please contact the BSC Service Desk on Tel: 0370 010 6950 or email

BSC Party Roles




Suppliers are licensed by Ofgem to supply electricity to domestic and non-domestic premises. Suppliers buy electricity to meet their customers’ demands from Generators or from other Parties trading in the market. Suppliers are responsible for the Meters that record the amount of energy that their customers are consuming and are also responsible for the performance of their Supplier Agents which include Data collectors, Data Aggregators and Meter Operators.


Generators are licensed by Ofgem to generate electricity. Generators sell this energy to Suppliers and to other Trading Parties in the market. Generators own the plant and apparatus used to produce the electricity and are responsible for the Meters that record the amount of electricity that they produce and consume.

Non-Physical Trader

Non Physical Traders buy and sell electricity from generators, Suppliers and other Trading Parties operating in the market to make a profit but do not produce electricity or supply electricity directly to a metered customer.

Interconnector User

Interconnector Users are Trading Parties that import and export electricity across an Interconnector. Interconnector Users buy and sell electricity from Generators, Suppliers and other Trading Parties operating in the market. Interconnector Users are responsible for the metering systems that record the amount of energy that they are importing and exporting.

Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO)

LDSO’s are licensed by Ofgem to distribute electricity from the Transmission Network operated by National Grid through a network of wires to customer’s premises.

Virtual Lead Party (VLP)

VLPs are aggregators of SVA registered units for the sole purpose of participating in the provision of balancing services. They can participate in both the Balancing Market and Replacement Reserve market (introduced by Project TERRE).

Interconnector Administrator and Interconnector Error Administrator (IA/IEA)

IAs are responsible for determining and submitting Interconnector BM Unit Metered Volumes on the Interconnector User’s behalf into Settlement for each Settlement Period.

IEAs are allocated any difference between the actual Metered Volume and the aggregate position of all Interconnector User’s BM Unit Deemed Metered Volume (deemed to have been delivered) as notified by the IA.

The Interconnected System Operator (ISO) can appoint a different Party to be the IA and the IEA.

Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party (AMVLP)

AMVLP’s are independent aggregators and are defined as parties that bundle changes in consumer’s loads or distributed generation output for sale in organised markets and do not simultaneously supply the customer with energy.

Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Party Agent Roles



Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent (ECVNA)

Parties are required to inform Elexon of the volume of electricity that they are buying or selling in each settlement period. This is done by submitting an Energy Contract Volume Notification (ECVN), which is a contract between two BSC Parties stating who is buying/selling the electricity and the volume of electricity being traded. BSC Parties must appoint an ECVNA to submit the ECVN on behalf of them and their counterparties. An ECVNA is the only entity that can submit energy contracts but many Trading Parties are ECVNAs in their own right.

Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA)

Generators, Suppliers and Interconnector Users with registered Balance Mechanism (BM) Units have the option to reallocate their metered volumes to another BSC Party. This is done by submitting a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification (MVRN), which is a contract between two BSC Parties stating where the energy is being reallocated to/from and the volume or percentage of total energy being transferred. BSC Parties must appoint an MVRNA to submit an MVRN on behalf of them and their counterparty. An MVRNA is the only entity that can submit an MVRN but many trading parties are MVRNAs in their own right.

Central Volume Allocation Meter Operator (CVA MOA)

A CVA Meter Operator is responsible for installing and maintaining electricity meters on behalf of Generators in the CVA market.

Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Party Agent Roles



Half Hourly & Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator (HHDA & NHHDA)

The Data Aggregator receives the metered data from the Data Collector and aggregates the data in accordance with the BSC rules.

Half Hourly & Non Half Hourly Data Collector (HHDC & NHHDC)

The Data Collector is responsible for collecting data from metering systems to determine the electricity consumption in accordance with the BSC rules.

Half Hourly & Non Half Hourly Meter Operator (HHMO & NHHMO)

The Meter Operator is responsible for installing and maintaining electricity meters on behalf of Suppliers operating in the SVA market in accordance with the BSC rules.

Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA).

An SMRA is a sub function of an LDSO and is the provider of a Supplier Meter Registration Service. The agent is responsible for recording Supplier registrations and hold key settlement data items.

Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO)

An UMSO is responsible for establishing new Unmetered Supplies and establishing appropriate Connection Agreements with UMS customers, providing summary inventories to the Meter Administrator (Half Hourly) and issuing Unmetered Supplier Certificates (Non Half Hourly).

Meter Administrator (MA)

The Meter Administrator (MA) is responsible for receiving summary inventory and latitude/longitude information from the Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO) and where relevant inputting this information into the Equivalent Meter (EM). The MA also operates and maintains the EM hardware and software.

Asset Metering Meter Operator Agent (AMMOA)

The AMMOA is responsible for the installation, commissioning and maintenance of Asset Metering Systems where they have been appointed to an AMSID.

Asset Metering Half-Hourly Data Collector (AMHHDC)

The AMHHDC is responsible for the collection, validation, estimation and submission of data for Asset Metering Systems where they have been appointed to an AMSID.

Need more information?

For other information please contact the BSC Service Desk at or call 0370 010 6950.

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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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