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Smart Meter Technical Detail (MTD) Report V2.0

Effective From Date:

Smart Meter Technical Detail (MTD) Report

Guidance Note

The document provides guidance on each section within the smart Meter Technical Detail (MTD) report. This report will be presented to the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) on a monthly basis in its pubic session whilst the Settlement Risk associated with smart MTDs is considered significant.

Please note: As referenced within the report, the majority of the smart MTD report is based on MTDs sent over the Data Transfer Network (DTN). Therefore, it provides an insight into market performance, but not a complete view. We estimate our coverage of Non-Half Hourly (NHH) MTDs to be in the region of 91.5%.

Approximate smart rollout progress

This section provides an estimation of the smart rollout progress, relating to electricity Meters only. This does not seek to monitor Supplier progress towards the rollout; it seeks to provide the PAB with a view of how much installation activity has already occurred and how much we could feasibly expect to occur in future.

complex image of process

We do this by using our quarterly snapshots of the Supplier Meter Registration Service (the systems that provide data to ECOES1) to identify all energised, metered Profile Class 1-4 sites. This is the total population that Suppliers must take all reasonable steps to complete the roll-out of smart Metering Systems. We then use our database of NHH MTDs (D0150) sent over the DTN to identify the current Meter type installed on each site. Any Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification (SMETS) or Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) Meter types are considered as counting towards the smart roll-out.

Meter exchanges per group

This section provides Meter install volumes for smart and non-smart Meters grouped by the newly installed Meter type.

complex image of process

We assess NHH MTDs sent over the DTN to identify Meter exchanges. As per Annex C of the Master Registration Agreement Data Transfer Catalogue, a NHH MTD that references a removed Meter should only be sent once in response to its removal. On a site by site basis, we identify the initial MTD that references a newly installed and removed Meter which is flagged as a Meter exchange.

The report provides Meter exchange volumes for the latest two previous reporting periods and a total from when our DTN data starts (March 2013). Please see Appendix 1 for the Meter types included in each group. This does not capture Meters installed on a new connection where there is no removed Meter.

NHH Settlement to Actuals

This section provides a view of industry NHH Settlement to actual Meter reads. Percentage Settlement to actual Meter reads is calculated by actual NHH metered energy (AA) divided by the total NHH metered energy (EAC + AA) multiplied by 100. Please see Appendix 1 for the Consumption Component Classes that are used to calculate percentage performance.

complex image of process

A Monday to Sunday weekly aggregated performance will be used to smooth out daily variances which can be attributed to profiling. The default reporting period will be the last 3 years at the First Reconciliation (R1) run. However, a view of performance at the Second Reconciliation (R2) or both over a shorter period may be provided, depending on the insights desired to be presented by the Performance Assurance Administrator (PAA).

Sending Smart Meter Details

Following a NHH Meter exchange, the BSC provides that MTDs shall be received no later than 10 Working Days after the date of install. This section provides industry performance at sending smart MTDs following a Meter exchange.

complex image of process

For all NHH MTDs identified as being the first sent following a Meter exchange, the difference is calculated between the delivery date of the MTD and the effective from date of the Meter exchange, which is grouped into Settlement Run timescales. Please see Appendix 1 for the number of calendar days per Settlement Run banding.

A red/amber/green indicator provides the change in performance from the previous reporting period. A green indicator refers to a decrease in proportion late, a red indicator refers to an increase in the proportion late and an amber indicator refers to no change.

Connecting Smart Meter Details

The BSC provides that all MTDs shall be true, complete and accurate. This section provides industry performance at sending backdated corrections to smart MTDs.

complex image of process

For each NHH MTD identified as being the first sent following a smart Meter exchange, an assessment is made for any subsequent MTD submissions with the same effective from date, to determine whether they provide a back dated correction to a key field. Please see Appendix 1 for the items within a NHH MTD (D0149/D0150) that we are considering as key fields.

For all MTDs identified as backdated corrections, the time it took to apply the correction is calculated and grouped into Settlement Run bandings as per the number of calendar days referenced in Appendix 1. A red/amber/green indicator outlining the change in performance from the previous reporting period is also provided.

SMETS1/2-drill down

These sections provide a month on month cumulative view of performance at sending late and corrected smart MTDs separated by SMETS1 and SMETS2 over the last nine reporting periods. Any smart MTD received or corrected after the initial (SF) Settlement Run are included in the proportions reported.

complex image of process

A total of all Meter exchanges for each Meter type and an indicator outlining the change in performance from the previous reporting period are provided.

Appendix 1 – Additional Detail

The below tables provides Meter types per Meter group.

Meter group

Meter Type(s)






K, N, S or T




S2A, S2B, S2C, S2AD, S2BD, S2CD, S2ADE, S2BDE or S2CDE

The below table provides the Consumption Component Classes used in the NHH Settlement to Actuals calculation. This is a summary of the table provided for in BSC Section X-2 table X-8.




Measurement Quantity






Active Import


Basic consumption




Active Import


Basic consumption

The below tables provides the number of calendar days used for each Settlement Run band.


Calendar days

Before SF

<= 18

SF to R1

Between 19 and 43

R1 to R2

Between 44 and 111

R2 to R3

Between 112 and 210

R3 to RF

Between 211 and 410

After RF

>= 411

The below table provides the items within NHH MTDs considered as key fields.


Item name

Data flow


Standard Settlement Configuration Id



Meter Id (Serial Number)



Meter Register Id



Meter Register Type



Measurement Quantity Id



Meter Register Multiplier



Time Pattern Regime


Further Information

For more information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service