D0095 User Guide Volume 2 |
Guidance Note |
The Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation Exception Report (D0095) provides Suppliers with details of anomalies in the data provided to Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators (NHHDA) by Non Half Hourly Data Collectors (NHHDC) and Supplier Meter Registration Agents (SMRA).
The objective of this guide is to provide assistance to Suppliers and NHHDCs in addressing D0095 exceptions.
The User Guide is not intended to be a definitive reference to all the circumstances that can give rise to D0095 exceptions. Nor does it provide an exhaustive list of the corrective actions required to resolve D0095 exceptions. Rather it provides advice to Suppliers on the processes that need to be put into place in order to effectively manage the resolution of exceptions, as well as looking at common causes of exceptions and how best to resolve them. It is hoped that Suppliers and NHHDCs will use this guide as a starting point for developing their own procedures or that the guide will provide useful material for incorporating into existing procedures.
The User Guide is divided into 2 volumes:
Volume 1 – Process Management Guide
Volume 2 – Technical Guide
This volume provides detailed descriptions of the causes of D0095 exceptions and guidance for Suppliers on how such exceptions can be resolved.
Volume 1 provides an overview of the D0095 Report, including the business case for resolving D0095 exceptions; advice on materiality and prioritisation; and a generic process for managing exceptions.
There are two basic classes of D0095 Exception:
Consumption Data Irregularities [E01 to E07] - where consumption data from the NHHDC does not form a contiguous record covering the NHHDA appointment.
Inconsistent Metering System Attributes [E08 to E14] - where there are inconsistencies between the data provided to the NHHDA by the NHHDC(s) and that provided by the SMRA.
Brief descriptions of the fourteen Exception Types are provided below.
Consumption Data Irregularities |
E01 | No AA or EAC sent to appointed NHHDA. |
E02 | Incomplete consumption. Period after the latest AA for which there is no AA or EAC. |
E03 | AA with no NHHDA appointment. |
E04 | EAC with no NHHDA appointment. |
E05 | Non-zero AA for Metering System that is de-energised (according to NHHDC). |
E06 | Incomplete consumption. Period before the latest AA for which there is no AA. |
E07 | (Different) overlapping AAs received from more than one NHHDC. |
Inconsistent Metering System Attributes |
E08 | Incorrect Supplier. (Exception reported to the Supplier registered in SMRS. See also E14). |
E09 | Measurement Class inconsistent. |
E10 | GSP Group inconsistent. |
E11 | Profile Class inconsistent. |
E12 | Energisation Status inconsistent. |
E13 | Standard Settlement Configuration inconsistent. |
E14 | Supplier inconsistent. (Exception reported to the Supplier according to NHHDC. See also E08). |
Please note that E09 exceptions only relate to discrepancies between Measurement Class A (Non Half Hourly Metered) and B (Non Half Hourly Unmetered).
Section 3 of this User Guide consists of a sub-section for each of the fourteen Exception Types listed above.
The objective of each Exception Type is given, together with a brief description of the Exception Type and a more detailed description of the circumstances under which exceptions of this type are generated. The impact of each Exception Type, on Settlement or otherwise, is described.
When planning and designing exception management processes, it is worth noting that some Exception Types are best addressed in conjunction with other Exception Types. The 14 Exception Types are described sequentially in Section 3, but cross-references to related Exception Types are provided.
The ‘Assessment’, ‘Analysis / Correction’ sub-sections correspond to the three main sub-processes described in Section 3 of
D0095 User Guide Volume 1 Process Management Guide. The steps in the ‘Assessment’ section are carried out to determine whether the exception needs to be addressed. The actions in the ‘Analysis / Correction’ sections are only required where it has been identified that the exception needs to be addressed.
The ‘analysis’ sub-sections consist primarily of a series of checks that the Supplier can make in order to determine the cause of an exception. Suppliers are likely to perform a sub-set of these checks and to add checks of their own based on the local configurations of systems. Suppliers will also need to determine the sequence in which these checks are performed. Less time will be required for analysis, if the most common causes of exception are tested for first. Good quality metrics on the breakdown of exceptions by cause will facilitate the development of efficient local procedures. These procedures will also need to be reviewed periodically, as root causes are addressed and the most common causes change.
Where possible, controls should be applied to the failing business processes that give rise to D0095 exceptions, rather than being applied for diagnostic purposes as part of the D0095 resolution process. For example, controls to ensure that all D0155 appointment flows have a matching acceptance (D0011) of rejection (D0261) flow, will prevent exceptions occurring. If these controls are robust, checking D0011/D0261 flows will assume a lesser importance within the D0095 resolution process.
2.2.1 A Note on Terminology
The NHHDA database stores data received from SMRS and from NHHDCs in different databases tables. Data received from different NHHDCs is held independently in the NHHDC tables. Where this User Guide refers to data items ‘according to’ NHHDC or SMRS (or uses similar expressions), this is shorthand for the data items held within the NHHDC or SMRS ‘views’ within the NHHDA system. The data item values actually held by the NHHDC and SMRS, may of course differ from the NHHDA views of what the NHHDC and SMRS hold (i.e. if there has been a failure in the NHHDC-NHHDA or SMRS-NHHDA interfaces).
2.2.2 References to DTC Flows
Please note that Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) flows are referred to throughout by the five character identifier (e.g. D0010). The full title of each flow referenced by this volume of the User Guide is given in Appendix A.
2.2.3 Interface with Agents
The following section assumes that Suppliers do not have direct access to agent data. Where information is required from agents in order to assess the materiality of an exception, to analyse the cause of an exception or to determine the appropriate corrective action, Suppliers will either need to request information from the agent or to make assumptions based on the latest data from the agent. Some of the actions described in the next section may be circumvented, where agent data is available to the Supplier.
3.1 E01 – No AA or EAC for appointed NHHDA
To identify when the (SMRS) appointed NHHDC is not sending AAs and EACs to the (SMRS) appointed NHHDA.
This exception is raised when there is no AA or EAC at all and is reported to the Supplier registered in SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there is a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x that is without any AA from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
the NHHDA appointment overlaps the Settlement Date range selected for reporting; and
the Metering System is energised (according to SMRS) at some time in the period where the Settlement Date range selected for reporting and the NHHDA appointment overlap; and
the first date the Metering System is energised (according to SMRS) in the period where the Settlement Date range selected for reporting and the NHHDA appointment overlap is not covered by an EAC from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
NHHDC y is the latest NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
The E01 is only raised for the currently appointed Data Collector (according to the SMRS) for the Supplier Registration within which the E01 exception occurs. This will be the last DC appointment not after the date when the check for exceptions is performed.
NHHDA will use a Default EAC in aggregation.
An E01 may occur as a result of a failure to back-out an NHHDA appointment (for example, when an objection to a Supplier Registration has been upheld and the Supplier has cancelled the NHHDC appointment, but the cancellation of the NHHDA appointment by SMRS has been unsuccessful). In this case there is the potential for double-counting of the Metering System in Settlement.
There may be subsequent processing issues if the E01 has arisen from a failure by the Supplier to provide an Initial EAC (via the D0052 flow) or the NHHDC has been unable to process a D0052 (or D0152). The calculation of the first AA for the Metering System (or SSC) requires a previous EAC value in order to calculate a forward EAC. Unless the NHHDC is able to substitute a class average EAC in these circumstances, the absence of an Initial EAC will also prevent the calculation of subsequent AAs.
If a NHHDC has sent consumption data to the wrong NHHDA, this may result in a Supplier receiving an E01 exception from one NHHDA and an E03/E04 from another NHHDA.
An E01 is always material, except where the NHHDA is the subject of a failed de-appointment instruction from the SMRS to the NHHDA. Such failures occur in very low numbers, so it is advisable to treat all E01 exceptions as material.
3.1.5 Analysis / Correction
Registration of Incorrect Metering System
Check whether the D0055 to SMRS was sent in error. If the wrong MSID has been entered when registering in SMRS, the MRA procedure for resolving Erroneous Transfers [Reference 1] will need to be invoked (if the Metering System isn’t already subject to the process). The D0095 exception will not be reported in time to resolve the error via a ‘Co-operative Objection’. In the meantime, agents will need to be appointed to the Metering System. Whilst outside the scope of resolving the E01 exception, the Supplier may still need to register the intended MSID.
Check that the D0095 has been reported by the intended NHHDA for the Metering System. If the D0055 did not include the NHHDA Id and a subsequent D0205 has not been sent or has been rejected (or the resultant D0209 to the NHHDA has been rejected), SMRS will have defaulted to the NHHDA registered by the previous Supplier. In some cases, this may have resulted in an invalid Supplier Hub.
Send a D0205, if not already sent. Unless there has been a subsequent change of NHHDA in SMRS or Final Reconciliation has taken place, a retrospective change should be accepted.
Otherwise check for a D0203 from the SMRS and resolve. If no D0203, refer to the intended NHHDA to check for a failed D0209 (NH01 instruction) and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
Please note that NHHDAs are required to aggregate on the basis of an instruction from SMRS (via a D0209). The Notification of Data Aggregator Appointment and Terms (D0153) flow is used for contractual purposes only, but checking the D0153 and associated D0011/D0261 flows may be useful for diagnostic purposes.
NHHDA appointment not terminated, following an upheld objection
If the NHHDA reporting the E01 exception was registered in SMRS for the Metering System (via a D0055 or D0205), but a subsequent D0093 has been received from SMRS (i.e. notifying that an objection has not been removed by the time of the expiry of the objection resolution period), this would suggest that the NHHDA has failed to process a termination of appointment flow. Refer to NHHDA to check for a D0209 (NH01 instruction) terminating the earlier appointment, which has failed and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
On change of NHHDA, the NHHDC should send the latest EAC to the new NHHDA. If a change of NHHDA has been carried out and the D0095 exception is reported by the new NHHDA, check that a D0148 has been sent notifying the NHHDC of the identity of the new NHHDA. If so, refer to the NHHDC, requesting that the latest EAC is sent to the new NHHDA, or that any relevant Failed Instructions are addressed.
On concurrent change of NHHDA/NHHDC, the Supplier should additionally check that the new NHHDC has been successfully appointed (as below). The new NHHDC needs the latest EAC from the old NHHDC in order to send it to the new NHHDA, so the E01 may be the result of a failed change of NHHDC process.
Registration of NHHDC in SMRS
Check that the E01 exception has been reported in respect of the intended NHHDC for the Metering System – i.e. the latest NHHDC within the Supplier Registration. (Where consumption data has not been received from successive NHHDCs, one of the E01 exceptions reported should be in respect of the intended NHHDC).
A D0011, D0010 or D0019 from a NHHDC other than that (or those) reported on the D0095(s), would be a strong indication that SMRS holds incorrect NHHDC details.
If the D0055 did not include the NHHDC Id and a subsequent D0205 has not been sent or has been rejected (or the resultant D0209 to the NHHDA has been rejected), SMRS will have defaulted to the NHHDC registered by the previous Supplier. In some cases, this may have resulted in an invalid Supplier Hub.
Send a D0205, if not already sent. Unless there has been a subsequent change of NHHDC in SMRS, a retrospective change should be accepted.
Otherwise check for a D0203 from the SMRS and resolve. If no D0203, refer to the intended NHHDA to check for a failed D0209 (NH01 or NH02 instruction) and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
Appointment of NHHDC / MOA
Check that the intended NHHDC has been appointed with a D0155 (and has not been incorrectly de-appointed with a D0151). If the NHHDC has not been appointed or has been de appointed in error, send a D0155 appointment flow.
If a D0155 flow has been sent, but has been rejected (via a D0261), resolve the reason for rejection and send a revised D0155.
If no D0011 or D0261 has been received, chase NHHDC.
Ensure that a D0148 has been sent to the NHHMO (notifying the NHHDC appointment) and to the NHHDC (notifying the NHHDA and NHHMO appointments).
If there has been a change of agent, ensure that a D0148 has been sent to both the NHHMO and the NHHDC notifying the change.
Please note that the NHHDC may not have sent any consumption data to the NHHDA because of a failure to process a D0052 from the Supplier or a D0152 from the previous NHHDC. This, in turn, may be because the MOA has failed to provide Meter Technical Details (D0150) and mapping details (D0149), which may in turn be the result of a problem with the appointment process. The D0155, D0011 and D0261 checks described above may also need to be carried out for the MOA.
Provision of Initial EAC to NHHDC for New Connections
Check whether the Metering System is a new connection (e.g. by checking whether old Supplier registration details, as notified on D0260, are present).
If the Metering System is a new connection and the registration/appointment details appear to be ‘in order’, check whether a D0052 has been sent to the NHHDC notifying an Initial EAC and, if not, send one.
If a D0052 has already been sent, the NHHDC may have been unable to process it or may have failed to generate a corresponding D0019 flow or the NHHDA may have failed to process the D0019 (i.e. a D0023 has been generated). Check for a D0310 flow from the NHHDC and action as appropriate.
New Connections installed after the Supply Start Date
For new connections, determine when the meter was installed (from the D0150 and D0010 from the Meter Operator). If the meter was installed later than the Supply Start Date (SSD) and the SMRS has appointed the NHHDA from the SSD, ensure that the Metering System is registered as de-energised in SMRS for the period between the SSD and the installation date of the meter (by sending a D0205, if necessary). To avoid an E012 exception, the Supplier should ensure (via the Meter Operator) that the NHHDC registers the Metering System as de-energised for this period.
This issue should only arise, where the MPAS system requires the NHHDA appointment to be aligned with the SSD, as described in MRA Working Practice WP122 [reference 2]. Where the MPAS system allows the NHHDA to be appointed from a date later than the SSD, there will be a gap in the consumption data between SSD and the installation date, but there will be no NHHDA appointed for this period to report a D0095 exception.
No consumption data will be provided for the period between SSD and the meter installation date. If SMRS continues to flag the Metering System as energised for this period, an E01 will be reported until such time as an AA effective from the installation date is processed, at which time an E06 exception will be reported.
At the time of writing the biggest causes of E01 exceptions are understood to be failed appointment/de-appointment processes on change of agent and failures to transfer reading histories (D0010) and/or EAC/AA histories (D0152) on change of NHHDC.
Where the lack of consumption data is the result of a Failed Instruction (as reported on the D0023 flow), the Failed Instruction can only be resolved by the NHHDC that sent the original instruction. If a subsequent change of NHHDC has taken place, the Supplier can either refer the exception to the old NHHDC to resolve the Failed Instruction or refer the exception to the new NHHDC. The new NHHDC can resolve the exception by sending consumption data for the period of the old NHHDCs appointment. The exception will always be reported in respect of the new NHHDC.
3.2 E02 – missing subsequent consumption data
To identify when the (SMRS) appointed NHHDC is not sending AAs and EACs to the (SMRS) appointed NHHDA.
This exception is raised when there is an AA but where there is period after the latest AA that does not have an AA or an EAC. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there is a period P, where the Settlement Date range selected for reporting and a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x overlap, that is without an AA from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
there is an earlier period in the NHHDA appointment that has an AA from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
there is no later period in the NHHDA appointment that has an AA from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
NHHDC y is the latest NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
the Metering System is energised (according to SMRS) at some time in period P; and
the first date the Metering System is energised (according to SMRS) in period P is not covered by an EAC from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
The E02 is only raised for the currently appointed Data Collector (according to the SMRS) for the Supplier Registration within which the E02 exception occurs. This will be the last DC appointment not after the date when the check for exceptions is performed.
NHHDA will use a Default EAC in aggregation.
An E02 may be the result of a failure to de-appoint the old NHHDA on change of NHHDA. In this case there is the potential for double-counting of the Metering System in Settlement.
An E02 is always material, except where the NHHDA is the subject of a failed de-appointment instruction from the SMRS to the NHHDA. Such failures occur in very low numbers, so it is advisable to treat all E02 exceptions as material.
3.2.4 Analysis / Correction
An E02 may be the result of a failed change of NHHDA – the old NHHDA has correctly received an AA up to the de-appointment date with no EAC (because the NHHDC has been informed of the de-appointment), but the de-appointment of the NHHDA has failed.
Check whether a change of NHHDA has been initiated with effect from the ‘First Settlement Date With No Data’ (J1152) as notified in the D0095. Check for a D0203 from the SMRS notifying a failed D0205 and resolve.
If no D0203 received, refer to the NHHDA to check for a D0209 (NH01 instruction) terminating the earlier appointment, which has failed and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
NHHDC informed of a change of NHHDA which didn’t take place or was backed out
The NHHDC may have been notified of a change of NHHDA and sent an AA with no associated EAC. However, the change of NHHDA may never have taken place or have been backed out, for example, as the result of an upheld objection to a change of Supplier. The NHHDC may have been incorrectly informed about a change of NHHDA or not informed of a backed out change of NHHDA. Check D0148 flows sent to the NHHDC and send a corrective flow as necessary. Subsequent consumption data from the NHHDC should clear the exception.
The NHHDC may have been de-appointed in error or SMRS has not been updated following a change of NHHDC. If the NHHDC was de-appointed on the effective to date of the AA, the EAC may not have been sent to the NHHDA reporting the exception.
Check whether a change of NHHDC has been initiated with effect from the ‘First Settlement Date With No Data’ as notified in the D0095. If a D0151 has been sent, de-appointing the NHHDC in error, re-appoint the NHHDC by sending a revised D0155 or by other agreed method.
If the NHHDC has been correctly de-appointed, check for a D0205 notifying SMRS of the new NHHDC. If not sent, send. Otherwise, check for a D0203 from the SMRS notifying a failed D0205 and resolve.
If no D0203 received, refer to the NHHDA to check for a D0209 (NH01 instruction) terminating the earlier appointment, which has failed and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
Change of Meter (with change of Standard Settlement Configuration)
The NHHDC may have processed the closing reading on a change of meter (with a change of SSC) and generated an AA, but no associated EAC. If no D0052 flow has been sent, with an Initial EAC for each Settlement Register of the new SSC, it should be sent. If a D0052 has already been sent, check for a D0310 flow from the NHHDC and action as appropriate.
Failed change of Profile Class
An E02 may also occur following a change of Profile Class, where the Supplier has failed to send the NHHDC an Initial EAC(s) for the new Profile Class or the NHHDC has failed to process the EAC. Please note that the EAC/AA calculator does not calculate a forward EAC on change of Profile Class.
If a change of Profile Class has taken place, check whether a D0052 has already been sent to the NHHDC notifying the Initial EAC for the new Profile Class and, if not, send one; if a D0052 has already been sent, check for a D0310 flow from the NHHDC and action as appropriate.
Instruction processing failures
Failure to process D0019 instructions may result in gaps or anomalies in consumption history. Where the Supplier is otherwise unable to identify the cause of the exception, the details should be referred to the NHHDC to determine whether the Metering System is subject to any outstanding D0023s.
Please note that an E02 will be reported where there is no AA after the latest EAC …
Where the lack of consumption data is the result of a Failed Instruction (as reported on the D0023 flow), the Failed Instruction can only be resolved by the NHHDC that sent the original instruction. If a subsequent change of NHHDC has taken place, the Supplier can either refer the exception to the old NHHDC to resolve the Failed Instruction or refer the exception to the new NHHDC. The new NHHDC can resolve the exception by sending consumption data for the period of the old NHHDCs appointment. The exception will always be reported in respect of the new NHHDC.
3.3 E03 – AA with no NHHDA Appointment
To identify when the NHHDC sending AAs is not the (SMRS) appointed NHHDC and/or when the NHHDA receiving AAs is not the (SMRS) appointed NHHDA.
This exception is raised when there is an AA that does not overlap with a period including the NHHDA appointment and the day prior to that appointment.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there is an AA from NHHDC y that overlaps with the Settlement Date range selected for reporting; and
the AA does not overlap with a NHHDA appointment that is for a Supplier registration to which NHHDC y is appointed (which, for the purpose of this exception, also includes the day before the appointment); and
the Supplier according to NHHDC y is Supplier x
Where the AA is sent to the correct NHHDA as well as an incorrect NHHDA, there will be no direct impact on Settlement, as the AA will not be used in Settlement.
Where the AA is sent to an incorrect NHHDA instead of to the correct NHHDA, the misdirected AA will be ignored. There will usually be an associated E01, E02 or E06 exception, which in turn will result in the use of a Default EAC.
Where the AA is sent to the correct NHHDA, but the appointment of the NHHDA (e.g. for new connection or on change of NHHDA) has failed, data will be missing from Settlement.
An E03 exception may be reported in conjunction with an E04 (EAC with no NHHDA appointment) exception. See E04 section for details.
An E03 is always immaterial except when:
the AA has been sent to the correct NHHDA, but the NHHDA does not recognise that it has been appointed (i.e. as a result of a failed instruction)
or the NHHDA is not aware that the NHHDC sending the AA is appointed within its own appointment as NHHDA (i.e. as a result of a failed instruction).
Repeated E03 exceptions for the same Metering System/NHHDA/NHHDC but with different AA Effective From Settlement Dates, followed by a single E04 exception would indicate a failed NHHDC de-appointment issue or failed NHHDA appointment issue that needs to be resolved.
3.3.5 Analysis and Correction
Misdirected Consumption Data
If the NHHDC associated with the E03 exception has been appointed at some time during the Registration effective on the AA Effective From Settlement Date, but the NHHDA reporting the exception is not the correct NHHDA (e.g. is the old NHHDA, following a change of NHHDA), ensure that NHHDC has been notified of the correct NHHDA via the D0148. Send a revised D0148 if required or, if the D0148 shows the correct NHHDA, refer to the NHHDC to investigate.
Failed NHHDC de-appointment on concurrent change of NHHDC and NHHDA
If the NHHDC associated with the E03 exception should not have been appointed on the AA Effective From Settlement Date, check whether a D0151 has been sent and, if not, send one. If a D0151 has been sent, request an investigation by the NHHDC into why the D0151 has not been actioned.
If the NHHDA reporting the E03 exception is the intended NHHDA on the AA Effective From Settlement Date, ensure that the D0205 to SMRS notifying the NHHDA appointment has been sent and has not been rejected – i.e. check for a D0203 from the SMRS and resolve. If no D0203, refer to the intended NHHDA to check for a failed D0209 (NH01 instruction) and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
Withdrawal of superfluous consumption data
Whilst any NHHDA appointment or NHHDC de-appointment issues need to be resolved, there is little benefit in withdrawing any superfluous consumption as this will not be used by the NHHDA.
3.4 E04 – EAC with no NHHDA Appointment
To identify when the NHHDC sending EACs is not the (SMRS) appointed NHHDC and/or when the NHHDA receiving EACs is not the (SMRS) appointed NHHDA.
This exception is raised when there is an EAC that does not overlap with a period including a NHHDA appointment and the day after that appointment.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there is an EAC from NHHDC y that overlaps with the Settlement Date range selected for reporting; and
the EAC does not overlap with a NHHDA appointment that is for a Supplier registration to which NHHDC y is appointed (which, for the purpose of this exception, also includes the day after the appointment); and
the Supplier according to NHHDC y is Supplier x.
For the purpose of this check, EACs which do not have an end date are considered to be terminated by a subsequent EAC from the same NHHDC and to be open ended otherwise.
Where the EAC is sent to the correct NHHDA as well as an incorrect NHHDA, there will be no direct impact on Settlement, as the EAC to the incorrect NHHDA will not be used in Settlement.
Where the EAC is sent to an incorrect NHHDA instead of to the correct NHHDA, the misdirected EAC will be ignored. There will usually be an associated E01, E02 or E06 exception, which in turn will result in the use of a Default EAC.
Where the EAC is sent to the correct NHHDA, but the appointment of the NHHDA has failed, data will be missing from Settlement.
An E04 exception will, depending on the circumstances that gave rise to it, be reported in conjunction with an E03 (AA with no NHHDA appointment).
Where an AA overlaps a change of NHHDA (usually when there is a change of NHHDA with no concurrent change of Supplier) and the NHHDC has incorrectly sent both the AA and associated EAC to both the old and new NHHDA, an E04 will be reported by the old NHHDA.
Where the NHHDC has sent an EAC to the wrong NHHDA, the incorrect NHHDA will report an E04 and an E01 exception may be raised by the correct NHHDA. However, this will only be the case, where the NHHDA has not previously been appointed to the Metering System (or did not receive any consumption during an earlier appointment). If the NHHDA has an EAC from a previous appointment, no E01 will be reported.
If the Supplier can match the E01 exception to an E04 for the same Metering System and same effective dates, it would reasonable to treat the E01 exception as material, but the E04 exception as immaterial.
An E04 is always immaterial except when:
the EAC has been sent to the correct NHHDA, but the NHHDA does not recognise that it has been appointed (i.e. as a result of a failed instruction)
or the NHHDA is not aware that the NHHDC sending the EAC is appointed within its own appointment as NHHDA (i.e. as a result of a failed instruction).
Repeated E03 exceptions for the same Metering System/NHHDA/NHHDC but with different AA Effective From Settlement Dates, followed by a single E04 exception would indicate a failed NHHDC de-appointment issue or failed NHHDA appointment issue that needs to be resolved.
3.4.5 Analysis and Correction
Misdirected Consumption Data
If the NHHDC associated with the E04 exception has been appointed at some time during the Registration effective on the EAC Effective From Settlement Date, but the NHHDA reporting the exception is not the correct NHHDA (e.g. is the old NHHDA, following a change of NHHDA), ensure that the correct NHHDA has been notified in the D0148 sent to the NHHDC. Send a revised D0148 if required or, if the D0148 shows the correct NHHDA, refer to the NHHDC to investigate.
Failed NHHDC de-appointment on concurrent change of NHHDC and NHHDA
If the NHHDC associated with the E04 exception should not have been appointed on the EAC Effective From Settlement Date, check whether a D0151 has been sent and, if not, send one. If a D0151 has been sent, request an investigation by the NHHDC into why the D0151 has not been actioned.
If the NHHDA reporting the E04 exception is the intended NHHDA on the EAC Effective From Settlement Date, ensure that the D0205 to SMRS notifying the NHHDA appointment has not been rejected – i.e. check for a D0203 from the SMRS and resolve. If no D0203, refer to the intended NHHDA to check for a failed D0209 (NH01 instruction) and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
Withdrawal of superfluous consumption data
Whilst any NHHDA appointment or NHHDC de-appointment issues need to be resolved, there is little benefit in withdrawing any superfluous consumption as this will not be used by the NHHDA.
A significant proportion of the D0095 exceptions in the market are E04 exceptions, with a significant proportion of these believed to have no Settlement materiality.
3.5 E05 – Non Zero AA for De-energised Metering System
To identify a non zero AA whilst a Metering System is de-energised.
This exception is raised when a Metering System has a non zero AA whilst it is de-energised (according to NHHDC). The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there is a non zero AA from NHHDC y during a period where the Metering System is de-energised (according to NHHDC y); and
the AA overlaps a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
A non-zero AA on a Metering System that the NHHDC has flagged as de-energised will be used in Settlement. If the readings on which the AA is based are correct, there will be no impact on Settlement.
However, if the Metering System is genuinely de-energised, as flagged by the NHHDC, there is a possibility that illegal abstraction has taken place. Settlement will, however, be correct.
If the AA is based on a Deemed Read (e.g. on change of Supplier for a de-energised site), Settlement will be inaccurate, albeit calculated in accordance with the rules.
3.5.3 Related Exception Types
E05 exceptions should be reviewed in conjunction with E12 (Inconsistent Energisation Status) exceptions, as described below.
Check for an E12 exception for the same Metering System. In conjunction with the E05, the E12 indicates that the Metering System is de-energised according to the NHHDC, but energised according to the SMRS. The combination of a non-zero AA and the status of energised in SMRS, indicates with a high degree of certainty that the Metering System is energised. The fact that the non-zero AA is used in Settlement means that the E05 exception is immaterial. The E12 exception needs to be addressed however, as the NHHDC view of the Energisation Status is incorrect.
If there is no associated E12 exception, this would indicate that the Metering System is de-energised according to both the NHHDC and SMRS.
Check the meter reading associated with the AA reported on the D0095. If the Reading Type (J0171) is ‘D’ (for Deemed) and was deemed under correct circumstances (e.g. on Change of Supplier (CoS) or when the date of previous reading has been subject to Final Reconciliation), then no further action needs to be taken.
If the meter reading is an actual reading (or Customer Own Read - COR), this would suggest either that illegal abstraction has occurred or that both the NHHDC and SMRS hold the incorrect Energisation Status (probably as the result of a failure by the MOA to notify the energisation of the Metering System). In either case, there will be no Settlement impact, but Suppliers may wish to carry out further analysis of the exception, as described below.
This section assumes that the Metering System is recorded as de-energised in SMRS and NHHDC (i.e. there is no associated E12 exception) and that the AA was calculated from an actual reading or COR. No further analysis (in respect of the E05) is required if an E12 is reported for the same Metering System or if the AA was calculated using a Meter Advance based on a deemed reading.
Look for any evidence that the Metering System is energised:
check the ‘Site Visit Check Code’ (J0024) on recent D0010 (or D0086) flows for a value of 09 – Consumption detected on de-energised meter;
check the MOA’s view of the Metering System’s Energisation Status (by request to MOA or by checking any D0139/D0179 flows or the D0150 flow for new connections);
check for a request to the MOA to energise the Metering System (on a D0134/D0180) that may have been actioned, but not confirmed (via a D0139/D0179);
check for a D0213 from SMRS notifying a change of Energisation Status by a previous Supplier;
if the reading (used to calculate the AA reported on the D0095) has been used to bill the customer and the customer has paid the bill, this might indicate that the Metering System is energised (though the customer might be unaware of an error on their bill, so this is not conclusive).
AA based on Deemed Reading
If the AA was based on a deemed reading under inappropriate circumstances, the NHHDC should be instructed to withdraw the reading and associated AA/EAC.
Energisation Status change requested, but not confirmed
If a D0134/D0180 has been sent to the MOA and no D0139/D0179 received, request confirmation from the MOA of whether the Metering System was energised (i.e. via a D0139/D0179 or D0221). Request that the MOA also sends a D0139/D0179 to the NHHDC, if appropriate.
Energisation Status change confirmed, but SMRS not updated successfully
If a D0139/D0179 confirming that the Metering System is energised has not been processed, send a D0205 to SMRS correcting the Energisation Status. Request the NHHDC to correct the Energisation Status. Please note that it is unlikely that both the Supplier and NHHDC have independently failed to process a D0139/D0179 flow. It is more likely that the MOA has not sent a D0139/D0179 to either the Supplier or NHHDC.
Energisation Status change not requested
If no D0134/D0180 sent or D0139/D0179 received, request an investigation by the NHHDC. If notified by the NHHDC that the non-zero consumption is correct, request a Metering System investigation by the MOA (via a D0001 or as otherwise agreed).
If MOA confirms that the Metering System is energised (via a D0002, D0139/D0179 or as otherwise agreed), send a D0205 to SMRS correcting the Energisation Status and ensure that the MOA advises the NHHDC that the Metering System is energised via a D0139/D0179 (or as otherwise agreed). If the MOA confirms the Metering System is de-energised, request a Revenue Protection investigation via a D0238 flow.
3.6 E06 – missing preceding consumption data
To identify when the SMRS appointed NHHDC has not sent an AA in the past.
This exception is raised when there is an AA preceded by a period without an AA. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there is a period P, where the Settlement Date range selected for reporting and a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x overlap, that is without an AA from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
there is a later period in the NHHDA appointment that has an AA from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
NHHDC y is the latest NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
the Metering System is energised (according to SMRS) at some time in period P; and
the first date the Metering System is energised (according to SMRS) in period P is not covered by an EAC from a NHHDC appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
The E06 is only raised for the currently appointed Data Collector (according to the SMRS) for the Supplier Registration within which the E06 exception occurs. This will be the last DC appointment not after the date when the check for exceptions is performed.
If there is no EAC for the period for which an AA is missing, the NHHDA will use a Default EAC in aggregation.
Otherwise, an EAC will be used in place of an AA.
An E06 exception may supersede an E01 (or, albeit less likely, an E02), where consumption had previously been missing, but was subsequently provided, albeit from a point in time later than the NHHDA appointment date. This may be the result, for example, of correcting an appointment issue that gave rise to an E01, but not doing so fully retrospectively.
An E06 is always material, except where the NHHDA is the subject of a failed de-appointment instruction from the SMRS to the NHHDA. Such failures occur in very low numbers, so it is advisable to treat all E06 exceptions as material.
3.6.5 Analysis and Correction
New connections installed after the Supply Start Date
If a new connection is installed after the Supply Start Date, there won’t usually be an AA for the period between SSD and the Date of Meter Installation. An E06 can arise where the NHHDA is appointed from SSD and the Metering System is incorrectly flagged as energised for the period between the SSD and the Date of Meter Installation.
Check whether the Metering System is a new connection (e.g. by checking whether old Supplier registration details, as notified on D0260, are present). If the Date of Meter Installation (as determined from the earliest D0150 from the MOA) was after the SSD, send a D0205 to SMRS notifying that the Metering System was de-energised for the period between the SSD and the Date of Meter Installation.
Failure to obtain an initial reading
An E06 may arise where no valid initial reading is available for a new meter (new connection, change of SSC, Measurement Class or meter), but the NHHDC has processed subsequent readings. Check the reading history for any missing initial readings and refer to the NHHDC or MOA for resolution.
Failure to transfer history on change of NHHDC
An E06 may arise following a change of NHHDC process, where the new NHHDC has been unable to process the advance spanning its appointment date (for example, as a result of the old NHHDC not providing the reading history) and has started processing consumption data with effect from the first reading taken during its appointment.
If a change of NHHDC has taken place and no AAs have ever been received from the old NHHDC, refer to NHHDC for investigation.
Failure to register NHHDC appointment in SMRS
Where a change of NHHDC has taken place, both old and new NHHDCs have sent AA/EAC data, but the old NHHDC was not registered in SMRS, an E06 will be reported. This E06 will supersede the E01 exception that would have been reported prior to the change of NHHDC. Registering the old NHHDC in SMRS will resolve the exception.
Instruction processing failures
Failure to process D0019 instructions may result in gaps or anomalies in consumption history. Where the Supplier is otherwise unable to identify the cause of the exception, the details should be referred to the NHHDC to determine whether the Metering System is subject to any outstanding D0023s.
Please note that an E06 will be reported where there is no consumption prior to an AA -
Where the lack of consumption data is the result of a Failed Instruction (as reported on the D0023 flow), the Failed Instruction can only be resolved by the NHHDC that sent the original instruction. If a subsequent change of NHHDC has taken place, the Supplier can either refer the exception to the old NHHDC to resolve the Failed Instruction or refer the exception to the new NHHDC. The new NHHDC can resolve the exception by sending consumption data for the period of the old NHHDCs appointment. The exception will always be reported in respect of the new NHHDC.
3.7 E07 – Overlapping AA s
To identify when a change of NHHDC process has not worked correctly.
This exception is raised when overlapping AAs are received from two NHHDCs and the AA values, dates or configuration details are different. The exception can only occur if a change of NHHDC has taken place. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
there are overlapping AAs during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
one of the overlapping AAs is from NHHDC y; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
the other overlapping AAs are from NHHDCs appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment; and
the two overlapping AAs differ in one or more of - Effective From Date, Effective To Date, value, SSC, TPR.
The AA from the NHHDC with the most recent appointment will be used in Settlement, so there is no immediate Settlement impact.
However, regardless of the impact on Settlement, Suppliers may wish to investigate E07 exceptions. These exceptions are designed to alert Suppliers to the fact that a change of NHHDC process has not worked correctly and there may be further impacts of the failed NHHDC process, either in respect of the particular Metering System or in relation to the process generally. If more than one NHHDC believes they are appointed, there is a risk that both will attempt to read the meter, with a consequent risk of customer complaints. There may also be contractual implications for the Supplier, if more than one NHHDC is carrying out work in respect of the same Metering System.
All E07 exceptions can be considered to be immaterial. The E07 exceptions reported to each NHHDC are exact duplicates.
Since E07 exceptions have no material impact on Settlement, Suppliers are not obligated to analyse or correct them under the terms of
BSC Section S. However, Suppliers may wish to do so as a result of the potential impact described above.
Determine which agent is the intended current NHHDC.
Use the reading and EAC/AA histories for the Metering System to determine whether the E07 is the result of a corrective action by the new NHHDC or the result of the old NHHDC continuing to process readings after a failed de-appointment.
An E07 may be the result of a corrective action by a new NHHDC – i.e. providing a revised AA for a period for which the previous NHHDC was originally appointed. If a corrective action by the new NHHDC appears to be the cause of the E07, no further action needs to be taken.
If the meter reading history or EAC/AA history suggests that the old NHHDC has not been successfully de-appointed, check whether a D0151 has been sent.
If a D0151 has been sent, request an investigation by the old NHHDC into why the D0151 has not been actioned.
If no D0151 has been sent, establish whether there is an underlying issue that requires further analysis and resolution. E07 exceptions should occur in low numbers. High numbers of E07 exceptions would indicate a systematic issue with the change of NHHDC process.
If no D0151 has been sent, send one. If the NHHDC has been unable to process a D0151, for whatever reason, re-send or resolve as otherwise agreed with the NHHDC.
An E07 will be reported for each pair of overlapping AAs. In the example below, two Data Collectors have processed readings for different dates. This will result in E07 exceptions being reported in respect of three periods:-
the overlapping period between AA 1 from DC 1 and AA 1 from DC 2
the overlapping period between AA 2 from DC 1 and AA 1 from DC 2
the overlapping period between AA 2 from DC 1 and AA 2 from DC 2
The three E07 exceptions will be reported in respect of both NHHDCs, such that the Supplier will receive six E07 exceptions in this example.
3.8 E08 – Supplier Incorrect
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s Supplier.
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s Supplier according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y, when:
the Supplier according to SMRS differs from the Supplier according to NHHDC y during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
N.B. This exception is only generated if consumption data (EACs or AAs) has been received from the DC in the period of the exception.
If the new Supplier has registered the Metering System in error, there will be potential impacts on both the customer registered in error and another customer whose intended change of Supplier was not registered. There will be also be a material impact if the SMRS view of the current Supplier in NHHDA is different to that in SMRS (i.e. there has been a failure in the SMRS-NHHDA interface), as energy will be incorrectly attributed to the old Supplier.
Otherwise a Supplier inconsistency does not create an immediate Settlement error, as the energy will be allocated to the Supplier registered in SMRS. However, there are potential further impacts on Suppliers, such as a customer on two walk orders. If the exception is the result of an appointment problem, Suppliers will have problems obtaining subsequent readings.
Change of Supplier reading not processed
The NHHDC view of a Metering System’s Settlement attributes is updated whenever an AA and/or EAC is sent to the NHHDA by the NHHDC.
If a change of Supplier reading has not been processed and the NHHDA has received an EAC from the NHHDC in a previous appointment, the NHHDC view of the data within NHHDA will still be based on this EAC, which was associated with the old Supplier. The NHHDA will attribute the EAC to the Supplier registered in SMRS, so the exception only has a material impact in Settlement to the extent that an EAC rather than an AA will be used. The failure to process a change of Supplier reading (particularly at later Run Types – R3 and RF) should be addressed, whether it be via the D0095 resolution process or a separate process dealing with outstanding CoS readings.
Where the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last Data Collector data’ (J1219) is earlier than the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last MPAS data’ (J1167) on the D0095, this would suggest that a CoS reading has not yet been processed.
First EAC of Registration associated with old Supplier
On change of Supplier, some NHHDCs will incorrectly associate the first EAC with the old Supplier. These exceptions are usually transient, because once an AA is submitted it should be correctly attributed to the new Supplier. Such exceptions will normally have identical ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last Data Collector Data’ (J1219) and ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last MPAS Data’ (J1167) dates on the D0095.
Under these circumstances the NHHDC sends the correct consumption value (i.e. the EAC), but labelled with the incorrect Supplier. The NHHDA will, however, attribute the EAC to the Supplier registered in SMRS (i.e. the correct Supplier). Thus the correct consumption will be attributed to the correct Supplier. The risk to Settlement of withdrawing and then re-submitting the consumption data outweighs the benefit to Settlement of doing so. Therefore, in this scenario it would be reasonable to judge that the exception is immaterial and not attempt to resolve it.
If this type of transient exception has not cleared ahead of the RF Run, however, this would suggest that no subsequent AA has been processed. The Supplier might wish to target such Metering Systems in terms of settling 97% energy on AAs at RF, even if the D0095 exception is classed as immaterial and requires no action.
Where the first EAC is of the Registration is incorrectly associated with the old Supplier and there is a concurrent change of NHHDA, an E04 exception will also be reported.
3.8.4 Analysis and Correction
Failure to process notification from SMRS of new Supplier appointment
If the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last Data Collector Data’ (J1219) is later than ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last MPAS Data’ (J1167) on the D0095 and the Metering System has been ‘lost’ to another Supplier, this would suggest either a NHHDC de-appointment issue (see below) or that the D0209 from SMRS notifying the NHHDA of the appointment to the new Supplier has failed. This should be referred to the SMRS to check for a D0023. The new Supplier, recipient of the related E14 exception, is better placed to resolve this type of exception.
Change of Supplier reading not processed
Where E08 exceptions have no material impact on Settlement, there is no obligation on Suppliers to resolve them under the terms of
BSC Section S. Where the E08 is the result of a delayed CoS reading (as described above), it is recommended that Suppliers refer the exception to the NHHDC. Whether this is done under the umbrella of D0095 resolution or as part of a change of Supplier escalation process, is down to local procedures. The Supplier should ensure that the agent appointment processes have been completed correctly and should investigate any issues relating to the transfer of reading histories or meter technical details that are preventing the new NHHDC (on concurrent change of Supplier and NHHDC) from providing a CoS reading.
First EAC of Registration associated with old Supplier
As described above, a transient error may occur as a result of the NHHDC incorrectly associating the EAC calculated from the CoS reading with the old Supplier. If subsequent AA’s continue to be associated with the old Supplier, this would indicate a failure by the old Supplier to de-appoint the NHHDC and/or a failure by the NHHDC to act on an appointment by the new Supplier. Checking the de-appointment of the NHHDC by the old Supplier is covered under the section on E14 exceptions.
The new Supplier, receiving the E08, will need to check that the NHHDC has been appointed with a D0155 (and has not been incorrectly de-appointed with a D0151). If the NHHDC has not been appointed or has been de appointed in error, send a D0155 appointment flow.
If a D0155 flow has been sent, but has been rejected (via a D0261), resolve the reason for rejection and send a revised D0155. If no D0011 or D0261 has been received, refer to the NHHDC.
A D0155 may not have been sent if the Metering System was registered in error. Check whether the D0055 to SMRS was sent in error. If so, this would imply that the old Supplier has failed to de-appoint the NHHDC or that the E08 is being reported on the basis of the Supplier Id on the latest EAC from the NHHDC. If the wrong MSID has been entered when registering in SMRS, the MRA procedure for resolving Erroneous Transfers [Reference 1] will need to be invoked (if the Metering System isn’t already subject to the process). The D0095 exception will not be reported in time to resolve the error via a ‘Co-operative Objection’. In the meantime agents will need to be appointed (as above). Whilst outside the scope of resolving the E08 exception, the Supplier may still need to register the intended MSID.
Failure to notify NHHDC of NHHDA
If a D0155 flow has been sent to the NHHDC and has been accepted, ensure that a D0148 has been sent to the NHHDC notifying the identity of the NHHDA.
In general, unless the SMRS registration or contractual appointments are in error, E08 exceptions are largely transient. The risk to Settlement of addressing transient E08 exceptions is likely to outweigh the benefits. As such Suppliers should concentrate on reducing the number of E08 exceptions by seeking to resolve the underlying Change of Supplier and Change of Agent process issues that give rise to them.
3.9 E09 – Inconsistent Measurement Class
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s Measurement Class.
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s Measurement Class according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
the Measurement Class according to SMRS differs from the Measurement Class according to NHHDC y during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
N.B. This exception is only generated if consumption data (EACs or AAs) has been received from the DC in the period of the exception.
If an AA is provided for a Metering System registered as unmetered in SMRS, a Default EAC will be used in aggregation (irrespective of the Energisation Status). Where the NHHDA calculates a Default EAC using an arithmetic average of the AA/EAC values for other Metering Systems in the same Settlement Class (i.e. where the number of Metering Systems in the same Settlement Class exceeds the Threshold Parameter – current value 50), the Default EAC value for an Unmetered Supply may be very different to that for a metered supply.
If the NHHDC incorrectly believes that a metered supply is unmetered, no attempt will be made to read the meter, resulting in a loss of actual data in Settlement.
3.9.3 Related Exception Types
The SSCs applicable for metered and Unmetered Supplies are mutually exclusive. Therefore, if the SMRS and NHHDC views both have a SSC that is consistent with the Measurement Class, it follows that the E09 will be accompanied by an E13 ‘Inconsistent Standard Settlement Configuration’. Where the E09 is accompanied by an E13, the outcome will be a Default EAC, irrespective of whether an AA has been provided and whether the Metering System is registered as unmetered in SMRS.
Whilst there is a small theoretical probability of an E09 having no material impact on Settlement, the likelihood is that an E09 (or its associated E13) will give rise to a Default EAC and there is a strong possibility that a calculated default value will be inappropriate for the Measurement Class. For this reason, and given the low number of E09 exceptions, it would be advisable to treat all E09 exceptions with no associated E13 as material, and all E09 exceptions with associated E13 exceptions as immaterial.
Determine whether the Metering System is metered or unmetered, by checking a number of the following:
whether any actual readings have been received from the NHHDC (or Customer);
the Meter Technical Details;
the SSC – for example, 0429 Unmetered B (“dusk-to-dawn”);
UMS Certificates (or other information) provided by the Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO);
customer/billing details;
D0213 flows from SMRS, indicating that a previous Supplier has corrected the Measurement Class within their Registration.
Please note that whilst an AA may indicate a metered supply, the AA may have been calculated using a Deemed Read, so actual readings provide a better indication of a metered supply.
If SMRS is in error, send a D0205 flow correcting the Measurement Class. If the inconsistency in Measurement Class pre-dates the start of the current Registration, amend the Measurement Class with effect from the Supply Start Date.
If the NHHDC view of the Measurement Class is in error, send a D0052 flow correcting the Measurement Class, or otherwise instruct the NHHDC to make the correction by means agreed bilaterally with the NHHDC.
Please note that E09 exceptions only relate to discrepancies between Measurement Class A (Non Half Hourly Metered) and B (Non Half Hourly Unmetered).
Discrepancies between Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Measurement Classes are likely to manifest themselves as a missing (or unexpected) consumption exception on the D0095 with an opposite i.e. unexpected (or missing) consumption exception on the Half Hourly Aggregation Exception Report (D0235).
A change of Measurement Class from unmetered NHH to metered NHH is a theoretical possibility, but it is unlikely that any such transactions are taking place in the operational market. The guidance above assumes that no such changes of Measurement Class are being carried out and that all E09 exceptions result from incorrectly recorded data rather than failures in the change process.
Low numbers of E09 exceptions are being observed at the time of writing. Where exceptions occur, however, the class average EAC used as a default for an unmetered SSC may be significantly larger than that for a metered SCC, so the impact may be high.
3.10 E10 – Inconsistent GSP Group
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s GSP Group.
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s GSP Group according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y, when:
the GSP Group according to SMRS differs from the GSP Group according to NHHDC y during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
N.B. This exception is only generated if consumption data (EACs or AAs) has been received from the DC in the period of the exception.
The GSP Group recorded in SMRS will be used for aggregation purposes.
If the GSP Group in SMRS is incorrect, energy will be allocated to the wrong GSP Group.
If the GSP Group provided by the NHHDC is incorrect, the wrong Daily Profile Coefficients (DPC) will have been used by the NHHDC to calculate an AA/EAC or the Initial (Class Average) EAC value provided by the Supplier will be for the wrong GSP Group.
3.10.3 Related Exception Types
An E10 exception may be judged to be immaterial, if:
a change of NHHDC has taken place since the exception was first reported; and
the exception has been corrected by the new NHHDC sending an AA for the period during which the old NHHDC was originally appointed with the correct GSP Group; and
the exception is now only being reported in respect of the old NHHDC.
The exception reported in respect of the old NHHDC is immaterial because the AA provided by the new NHHDC (with the correct GSP Group) will be used in Settlement.
Otherwise all E10 exceptions have a material impact on Settlement (however small) and need to be addressed.
It is unlikely that the SMRS view of a Metering System’s GSP Group is incorrect or that Suppliers will have sufficient information to determine that a Metering System’s GSP Group, as notified on a D0217 from SMRS, is incorrect.
Check whether a D0052 has been sent to the NHHDC. If a D0052 has been sent, determine whether the GSP Group matches that in SMRS. If no D0052 has been sent, the NHHDC may have incorrectly derived the GSP Group from the address or have been passed an incorrect GSP Group on a D0152 from the old NHHDC if a change of NHHDC has taken place. Unless the GSP Group on the D0052 is incorrect, Suppliers may need to refer the exception to the NHHDC for further analysis and correction.
If required, the Supplier should send a revised D0052 containing the correct GSP Group for the Metering System, or otherwise instruct the NHHDC to make the correction by means agreed bilaterally with the NHHDC.
Please note that the guidance above assumes that no additions, deletions or boundary changes are being made to the current GSP Groups and, hence, Metering Systems are not being re-assigned from one GSP Group to another.
Numbers of E10 exceptions are virtually zero at the time of writing.
3.11 E11 – Inconsistent Profile Class
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s Profile Class.
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s Profile Class according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
the Profile Class according to SMRS differs from the Profile Class according to NHHDC y during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
N.B. This exception is only generated if consumption data (EACs or AAs) has been received from the DC in the period of the exception.
The NHHDC will use one Profile Class in AA calculation, whilst the SVAA will use a different Profile Class in estimating Half Hourly Supplier volumes (i.e. the Profile Class notified by the NHHDA, which in turn will be that notified by the SMRS). There will thus be an error in the amount of energy accounted for in Settlement to the extent that the profiles are different. Whether the Profile Class in SMRS is the appropriate one for the Metering System is a different question. Addressing the inconsistency between the SMRS and NHHDC views may have the added benefit of reviewing the appropriateness of the Profile Class (as registered in SMRS) for the Metering System in question.
3.11.3 Related Exception Types
The allocation of SSCs and Profile Classes is constrained by the valid combinations defined in Market Domain Data, so it is advisable to address E11 and E13 exceptions together.
An E11 exception may also be judged to be immaterial, if:
a change of NHHDC has taken place since the exception was first reported; and
the exception has been corrected by the new NHHDC sending an AA for the period during which the old NHHDC was originally appointed with the correct Profile Class; and
the exception is now only being reported in respect of the old NHHDC.
The exception reported in respect of the old NHHDC is immaterial because the AA provided by the new NHHDC (with the correct Profile Class) will be used in Settlement.
Otherwise all E11 exceptions have a material impact on Settlement (however small) and need to be addressed.
Profile Class inconsistencies may arise for a number of reasons:
a change of Profile Class has failed;
the NHHDC has not sent any consumption data in respect of the new Profile Class or such consumption has been rejected by the NHHDA and the failed instruction has not been addressed;
the Supplier has re-evaluated the Profile Class on change of Supplier and has failed to notify the SMRS or NHHDC;
the NHHDC is using a Profile Class from a previous appointment and there has been a change of Profile Class in the interim period.
One of these failures may have occurred in an earlier Registration, such that the current Supplier has effectively inherited the exception (or the inconsistency may date back to the population of systems at the start of the 1998 Trading Arrangements).
Determining the Appropriate Profile Class
For Domestic v Non-Domestic Profile Class mismatches – check the billing address of the customer, VAT rate and whether the bills with this rate have been paid. Whilst not wholly conclusive, this will provide a good indication of the correct Profile Class.
For Maximum Demand v Non-Maximum Demand mismatches – check the Meter Technical Details and reading history for evidence of a MD Register and MD readings.
Profile Class 5 to 8 mismatches check data received from the NHHDC at the last annual load factor review (via P0206 ‘Required Change of
Profile Class’ flow), as defined in
BSCP504: Allocation of
Profile Classes & SSCs for Non Half Hourly
SVA Metering Systems Registered in
Switched v Non-Switched Load mismatches are more problematic, as a Supplier may be unaware of the switched load capability of the Metering System. Comparing the ratio of units on each register with the Average Fractions of Yearly Consumption (AFYC) values in MDD may give an indication of whether the customer has storage heating or other switched load. The customer tariff may also be indicative of the switched load capability of the Metering System.
When the E11 is investigated in conjunction with an E13, determining the correct SSC may help to establish the correct Profile Class. However, in many cases a SSC can be valid with more than one Profile Class, so the evaluation described above will still need to be carried out.
Having determined the appropriate Profile Class, establish whether the SMRS or NHHDC holds the incorrect details.
If SMRS appears to hold an incorrect value, check for any corrections made to the Profile Class in SMRS by previous Suppliers (via the D0213). If a previous Supplier has reached the same conclusion about which is the correct Profile Class, this would reinforce the decision to amend the SMRS value.
If the SMRS view is incorrect:
check whether a D0205 has been sent to SMRS notifying the required Profile Class change and, if not, send one. If the inconsistency in Profile Class pre-dates the start of the current Registration, amend the Profile Class with effect from the Supply Start Date. If the inconsistency in Profile Class pre-dates the latest Settlement Date subject to a Final Reconciliation Run, select an appropriate date not yet subject to Final Reconciliation, from which to amend the Profile Class;
if a D0205 has been sent, check whether a D0203 has been received from the SMRS rejecting it and if so re-send, having resolved the problem that caused the original D0205 to be rejected;
if a D0205 has been sent and no D0203 has been received, request that SMRA investigates whether the instruction has failed (D0023) and performs a selective refresh, if required;
if the selective refresh is unsuccessful, determine the cause of rejection and resolve by sending a revised D0205 or as otherwise agreed with the SMRS.
If the NHHDC view is incorrect:
check whether a D0052 has already been sent to the NHHDC notifying the required Profile Class change and, if not, send one;
if a D0052 has already been sent, check for a D0310 flow from the NHHDC;
depending on the reason for rejection, send a revised D0052 containing the correct Profile Class for the Metering System, or otherwise instruct the NHHDC to make the correction by means agreed bilaterally with the NHHDC.
There is the possibility that, in determining the appropriate Profile Class for a Metering System, this value is not held by either the SMRS or NHHDC. In which case, the Supplier will need to decide whether to follow the normal business process, such that, if successful, the exception will be resolved. The alternative is to bring SMRS or NHHDC into line first and then initiate the normal change of Profile Class process.
3.12 E12 – Inconsistent Energisation Status
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s Energisation status.
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s Energisation Status according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
the Energisation Status according to SMRS differs from the Energisation Status according to NHHDC y during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
N.B. This exception is only generated if consumption data (EACs or AAs) has been received from the DC in the period of the exception.
The impact of an E12 exception depends on what is held by NHHDC and SMRS and the actual Energisation Status of the Metering System, as shown in the table below:
Actual status | SMRS status | NHHDC status | Impact |
E | D | E | Any non-zero AA provided by the NHHDC will be correctly included in Settlement. However, any EACs will not be used, creating a potential volume error until such time as the meter is read. If there has been no consumption at the premises (e.g. long-term vacant sites), Settlement will be accurate. |
D | D | E | Any non-zero AA provided by the NHHDC (presumably as a result of deeming a read) will be included in Settlement. Any EAC provided by the NHHDC will be (correctly) ignored. |
E | E | D | There is an obligation on NHHDCs to read de-energised meters and any consumption detected will be used in Settlement. However, it is likely that some meters will not be read, especially if the NNHDC believes the Metering System is de-energised. Therefore, this will have an impact on Settlement as no energy will be accounted for. |
D | E | D | An estimate (which may be non-zero) will be used in Settlement and will be attributed to the Supplier until a zero advance is obtained. A settlement error may arise as a result of deeming a reading on change of Supplier, as the Deemed Meter Advance calculation does not take the Energisation Status into account. |
3.12.3 Related Exception Types
E12 exceptions should be reviewed in conjunction with E05 (Non-zero AA for de-energised Metering System) exceptions.
An E12 exception may also be judged to be immaterial, if:
a change of NHHDC has taken place since the exception was first reported; and
the exception has been corrected by the new NHHDC sending an AA for the period during which the old NHHDC was originally appointed with the correct Energisation Status; and
the exception is now only being reported in respect of the old NHHDC.
The exception reported in respect of the old NHHDC is immaterial because the AA provided by the new NHHDC (with the correct Energisation Status) will be used in Settlement.
Otherwise, as can be seen from the table in 3.12.2 above, all E12 exceptions potentially have a material impact on Settlement and should be investigated (albeit that the investigation may reveal that the exception is not having a material impact on Settlement).
Energisation Status inconsistencies may arise for a number of reasons:
a change of Energisation Status has failed (e.g. Supplier has failed to update SMRS after an Energisation / de-energisation by the MOA or the NHHDC has not been notified by the MOA of a change of Energisation Status.
NHHDC has not sent any consumption to the NHHDA with the new Energisation Status. This may be because a reading taken on the energisation / de-energisation of the Metering System has not been provided or has failed validation. Or consumption data sent to the NHHDA has failed and the resultant D0023 has not been addressed.
the NHHDC is using the Energisation Status from a previous appointment and there has been a change of Energisation Status in the intervening period, of which the NHHDC has not been notified.
One of these failures may have occurred in an earlier Registration, such that the current Supplier has effectively inherited the exception (or the inconsistency may date back to the population of systems at the start of the 1998 Trading Arrangements).
Determining the correct Energisation Status
Check for an E05 exception for the same Metering System. The combination of an E05/E12 implies that the Metering System is de-energised according to the NHHDC, but energised according to the SMRS. The combination of a non-zero AA (except where the AA is derived from a Deemed Reading) and the status of energised in SMRS, indicates with a high degree of certainty that the Metering System is energised. If any of the additional checks below confirm that the Metering System is energised, the exception should be referred to the NHHDC to investigate and correct their view of the Energisation Status.
Look for evidence confirming the Metering System’s Energisation Status:-
check the Energisation Status as notified on the latest D0139/D0179 (or D0150, as appropriate) from the MOA;
check for a request to the MOA to energise or de-energise the Metering System (on a D0134/D0180) that may have been actioned, but not confirmed (via a D0139/D0179);
check for a D0221 notifying a failure to energise/de-energise, where no subsequent D0134/D0180 or further instruction was provided to the MOA (i.e. ensure that a D0205 was not sent to the SMRS on the basis of a change of Energisation Status that never took place);
check for meter advances or evidence of pre-payment cards/keys being ‘topped up’; whether the customer is paying bills (although this may not be an appropriate check for group accounts) or has challenged a bill (e.g. via call centre);
check the Energisation Status on the D0217 received from SMRS on registration of the Metering System. If the current SMRS Energisation Status differs from that on the D0217 and there is no evidence (e.g. D0139/D0179, D0150) to suggest that a subsequent change of Energisation Status has taken place, investigate why a D0205 was sent;
check for a D0213 from SMRS notifying a change of Energisation Status by a previous Supplier.
If the SMRS view is incorrect:
check whether a D0205 has been sent to SMRS notifying the required Energisation Status change and, if not, send one. If the inconsistency in Energisation Status pre-dates the start of the current Registration, amend the Energisation Status with effect from the Supply Start Date. If the inconsistency in Energisation Status pre-dates the latest Settlement Date subject to a Final Reconciliation Run, select an appropriate date not yet subject to Final Reconciliation, from which to amend the Energisation Status;
if a D0205 has been sent, check whether a D0203 has been received from the SMRS rejecting it and if so re-send, having resolved the problem that caused the original D0205 to be rejected;
if a D0205 has been sent and no D0203 has been received, request that SMRA investigates whether the instruction has failed (D0023) and performs a selective refresh, if required;
if the selective refresh is unsuccessful, determine the cause of rejection and resolve by sending a revised D0205 or as otherwise agreed with the SMRS.
If the NHHDC view is incorrect:
A zero advance (or series of zero advances) indicates that a premise is vacant, but this does not mean that the Metering System is de-energised.
3.13 E13 – Inconsistent Standard Settlement Configuration
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s Standard Settlement Configuration (SSC).
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s SSC according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to SMRS.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
The SSC according to SMRS differs from the SSC according to NHHDC y during a period where a NHHDA appointment for Supplier x and the Settlement Date range selected for reporting overlap; and
NHHDC y is appointed to the same Supplier registration as the NHHDA appointment.
N.B. This exception is only generated if consumption data (EACs or AAs) has been received from the DC in the period of the exception.
NHHDA will use a Default EAC for each Time Pattern Regime (TPR) associated with the SSC registered according to SMRS.
3.13.3 Related Exception Types
The allocation of SSCs and Profile Classes is constrained by the valid combinations defined in Market Domain Data, so it is advisable to address E13 and E11 exceptions together.
The SSCs applicable for metered and Unmetered Supplies are mutually exclusive. Therefore, if the SMRS and NHHDC views both have a SSC that is consistent with the Measurement Class, it follows that the E09 will be accompanied by an E13 ‘Inconsistent Standard Settlement Configuration’.
An E13 exception may also be judged to be immaterial, if:
a change of NHHDC has taken place since the exception was first reported; and
the exception has been corrected by the new NHHDC sending an AA with the correct SSC for the period during which the old NHHDC was originally appointed; and
the exception is now only being reported in respect of the old NHHDC.
The exception reported in respect of the old NHHDC is immaterial because the AA provided by the new NHHDC (with the correct SSC) will be used in Settlement.
Otherwise all E13 exceptions have a material impact on Settlement (however small) and need to be addressed.
SSC inconsistencies may arise for a number of reasons:
The Supplier (or a previous Supplier) has registered the incorrect SSC. This may occur on tariff change. The Supplier may have derived the SSC from the commercial tariff, rather using the SSC notified by the MOA. Or the Supplier may have re-evaluated the SSC on gaining the Metering System and arrived at a different SSC to that held in SMRS (or by the NHHDC).
The Supplier has failed to update SMRS after a change of SSC (or the SMRS update to NHHDA has been rejected).
NHHDC has not sent any consumption to the NHHDA in respect of the new SSC. This, in turn may be the result of the Supplier failing to send a D0052 to the NHHDC or of the D0052 being rejected (potentially as a result of a mismatch with the SSC provided by the MOA on the Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details (D0150) flow).
The NHHDC has sent an EAC(s) for a new SSC to the NHHDA, but the D0019 has been rejected and the resultant D0023 has not been acted on.
The Supplier has sent SMRS a new SSC which is effective from a different date to that notified by the MOA. If the NHHDC uses the MOA date then a period of inconsistency will exist.
The NHHDC has used the SSC from a previous appointment and there has been a change in the intervening period.
One of these failures may have occurred in an earlier Registration, such that the current Supplier has effectively inherited the exception (or the inconsistency may date back to the population of systems at the start of the 1998 Trading Arrangements).
Determining the correct SSC
Look for evidence confirming the Metering System’s SSC:
check the SSC as notified on the latest D0150 from the MOA;
check the reading history for the Metering System (see below);
check for a request to the MOA to change the SSC (on a D0142) that may have been actioned, but not confirmed (via a D0150);
check for a P0211 notifying that a request to change the SSC has been rejected, where no subsequent D0142 or further instruction was provided to the MOA (i.e. ensure that a D0205 was not sent to the SMRS on the basis of a change of SSC that never took place);
check the SSC on the D0217 received from SMRS on registration of the Metering System. If the current SMRS SSC differs from that on the D0217 and there is no evidence (e.g. D0150) to suggest that a subsequent change of SSC has taken place, investigate why a D0205 was sent;
check for a D0213 from SMRS notifying a change of SSC by a previous Supplier.
Interpreting the reading history
Check the Metering System’s reading history for any actual readings taken after the ‘Effective From Settlement Date of last MPAS data’ (J1167) reported on the exception. Deemed readings (and, arguably, customer own reads) are not a reliable indication that the NHHDC holds the correct SSC. Neither are Annualised Advances, as these could have been calculated from a deemed or customer own read.
If the NHHDC is processing actual readings and the ‘SSC Id (DC)’ has a different number of registers to the ‘SSC Id (MPAS)’, this provides a good indication that the NHHDC holds the correct SSC (but it is worth checking that the Meter Id on the D0010 from the NHHDC is the same as the Meter Id on the D0150 from the MOA, in case the NHHDC is reading a different meter).
However, if the SSCs have the same number of registers, no firm conclusions can be drawn from the fact that the NHHDC is processing actual readings. For example, SSC 0151, 0152 and 0153 are all Economy 7 configurations, but with switching times of 00:30 – 07:30, 00:45 – 07:45 and 01:00 to 08:00 respectively. The NHHDC could process actual readings for any of these SSCs without knowing the switch times. As the MOA is best placed to know the switching times of such Metering Systems, it would seem sensible to bring the NHHDC and SMRS into line with the SSC on the latest D0150 from the MOA.
If the ‘Effective From Settlement Date of last MPAS data’ (J1167) is later than the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last DC data’ (J1159), a change of SSC may have taken place, but the NHHDC has yet to process the associated readings or an initial EAC. The D0150 and/or D0205 can be used to confirm that a change of SSC has taken place. If so, check that a D0052 has been sent and processed as described in 3.13.6 below. Even if no initial EAC has been processed, the NHHDC view should have been updated when either the Final AA for the old SSC or initial AA for the new SSC was processed. If no valid Final Reading has been received from the NHHDC for the old SSC or no associated AA received or the Final AA does not include both old and new SSCs, the exception should be referred to the NHHDC for further investigation.
If the SMRS view is incorrect:
check whether a D0205 has been sent to SMRS notifying the required SSC change and, if not, send one. If the inconsistency in SSC pre-dates the start of the current Registration, amend the SSC with effect from the Supply Start Date. If the inconsistency in SSC pre-dates the latest Settlement Date subject to a Final Reconciliation Run, select an appropriate date not yet subject to Final Reconciliation, from which to amend the SSC;
if a D0205 has been sent, check whether a D0203 has been received from the SMRS rejecting it and if so re-send, having resolved the problem that caused the original D0205 to be rejected;
if a D0205 has been sent and no D0203 has been received, request that SMRA investigates whether the instruction has failed (D0023) and performs a selective refresh, if required;
if the selective refresh is unsuccessful, determine the cause of rejection and resolve by sending a revised D0205 or as otherwise agreed with the SMRS.
If the NHHDC view is incorrect:
check whether a D0052 has already been sent to the NHHDC notifying the required SSC change;
if not, send one, ensuring that the Effective From Settlement Date{SCON} (J0300) equates to the date of the metering change notified by the Meter Operator on the corresponding D0150 flow. If the SSC inconsistency pre-dates the Registration, it is likely that liaison with the NHHDC and MOA will be required in order to effect a correction;
if a D0052 has already been sent, check for a D0310 flow from the NHHDC;
depending on the reason for rejection, send a revised D0052 containing the correct SSC for the Metering System, or otherwise instruct the NHHDC to make the correction by means agreed bilaterally with the NHHDC.
Liaison with the MOA may also be required if the reason that the NHHDC has failed to process a D0052 is that no D0150 has been received.
Correction of an E13 requires the alignment of Supplier, MOA, NHHDC and SMRS views and changes need to coincide not only with a valid reading(s) but also a change to the Meter Technical Details. Resolution is likely to become more difficult if subsequent changes of Supplier and/or agents take place (particularly where the agent rather than SMRS view is incorrect). As such there are practical benefits in addressing these exceptions sooner rather than later.
If the Meter Operator is required to send (or re-send) a D0150 flow to the NHHDC in order to correct the NHHDC view of the SSC, a request by means other than a D0142 may be required in order to prevent a job instruction/site visit being triggered. Suppliers will need to agree methods with the relevant Meter Operators.
Steps that can be taken to prevent E13 exceptions occurring include ensuring that:
A D0052 is only sent to the NHHDC and a D0205 is only sent to the SMRS when a D0150 has been received from the MOA.
The SSC on the D0052 matches that on the D0150, even if the SSC notified by the MOA isn’t the same as that requested on the D0142. (This is because the NHHDC will also have received the D0150 and is likely to validate the D0052 against it. The D0142 – D0150 discrepancy should be resolved with the MOA and a second D0052 sent if necessary).
The D0052 and D0205 are sent at the same time.
3.14 E14 – No Registration
To identify where SMRS or NHHDC holds an incorrect record of the Metering System’s Supplier.
This exception is raised when a Metering System’s Supplier according to SMRS and NHHDC are inconsistent. The exception is reported to the Supplier according to the NHHDC.
This exception is raised for Supplier x and NHHDC y when:
the Supplier according to NHHDC y is Supplier x;
the Supplier for the latest NHHDA appointment starting on or before the start of the Supplier registration according to NHHDC y is not Supplier x;
this difference occurs within the Settlement Date range specified for reporting.
The E14 is only raised for the period where it overlaps the SMRS Supplier Registration and either:
If the new Supplier has registered the Metering System in error, there will be an impact in terms of the customer not wishing to change Supplier. There will also be a material impact if the SMRS view of the current Supplier in NHHDA is different to that in SMRS (i.e. there has been a failure in the SMRS-NHHDA interface), as energy will be incorrectly attributed to the old Supplier.
Otherwise a Supplier inconsistency does not create an immediate Settlement error, as the energy will be allocated to the Supplier registered in SMRS. However, there are potential further impacts on Suppliers, such as a customer on two walk orders. Additionally, agents may be acting for (and expecting payment from) a Supplier that is not registered against the Metering System in SMRS.
An E14 is always immaterial except when the SMRS registered Supplier is incorrect. Such failures occur in very low numbers, so it is advisable to treat all E14 exceptions as immaterial.
3.14.4 Analysis and Correction
If the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last DC data’ (J1159) is later than the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last MPAS data’ (J1167) and the Metering System is gained (or is believed to have been gained) from another Supplier with effect from the J1159, this would suggest that the appointed NHHDC has processed consumption data, but that there has been a problem registering the Metering System in SMRS. Check that the SMRS registration was successful – i.e. that a D0055 was sent, that a D0217 was received confirming the Registration and no D0093 was received notifying that an objection was not removed by the time of the expiry of the objection resolution period. If the SMRS registration was unsuccessful, back-out the NHHDC appointment. The customer-facing implications of the failed registration (i.e. the fact that a customer wanted to change Supplier) are outside the scope of D0095 resolution for Settlement purposes, but will need to be considered.
If the SMRS registration was successful, but the ‘Effective from Settlement Date of last MPAS data’ (J1167) on the D0095 is not equal to the Supply Start Date confirmed on the D0217, this would suggest that the D0209 from SMRS notifying the NHHDA of the appointment to the new Supplier has failed. Refer to the intended NHHDA to check for a failed D0209 (NH01 instruction) and request that a D0023 flow is sent to the SMRS, if it has not already been sent. If the NHHDA confirms that a D0023 has been sent to SMRS, refer to SMRS for resolution.
Failure to de-appoint NHHDC on change of Supplier
A transient error may occur as a result of the NHHDC incorrectly associating the EAC calculated from the CoS reading with the old Supplier. The first occurrence of this error will result in an E08 exception, but no E14. If subsequent AA’s continue to be associated with the old Supplier, this would indicate a failure by the old Supplier to de-appoint the NHHDC and/or a failure by the NHHDC to act on an appointment by the new Supplier. Failure by the NHHDC to act on an appointment by the new Supplier is covered under the section on E08 exceptions.
The old Supplier, receiving the E14, will need to ensure that the NHHDC has been de-appointed with a D0151. If a D0151 has been sent, but not actioned, refer to the NHHDC.
In general, unless the SMRS registration or contractual appointments are in error, E14 exceptions are largely transient. The risk to Settlement of addressing transient E14 exceptions is likely to outweigh the benefits. As such Suppliers should concentrate on reducing the number of E14 exceptions by seeking to resolve the underlying change of Supplier and change of agent process issues that give rise to them.
APPENDIX A – Index of DTC flows referenced by Volume 2 of the User Guide
ID | Flow Name |
D0010 | Meter Readings |
D0011 | Agreement of Contractual Terms |
D0019 | Metering System EAC/AA data |
D0023 | Failed Instructions |
D0052 | Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details |
D0055 | Registration of Supplier to Specified Metering Point |
D0086 | Notification of Change of Supplier Readings |
D0093 | Advice to a New Supplier of a Change of Supply Registration Deletion |
D0095 | Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation Exception Report |
D0134 | Request to Change Energisation Status |
D0139 | Confirmation or Rejection of Energisation Status Change |
D0142 | Request for Installation of Change to Metering System Functionality |
D0148 | Notification of Change to Other Parties |
D0149 | Notification of Mapping Details |
D0150 | Non Half-Hourly Meter Technical Details |
D0151 | Termination of Appointment or Contract by Supplier |
D0152 | Metering System EAC/AA Historical Data |
D0153 | Notification of Data Aggregator Appointment and Terms |
D0155 | Notification of Meter Operator or Data Collector Appointment and Terms |
D0179 | Confirmation of Energisation/De-Energisation of Prepayment Meter |
D0180 | Request to Energise/De-Energise/Shut Down Prepayment Meter |
D0203 | Rejection of Changes to Metering Point Details |
D0205 | Update Registration Details |
D0209 | Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator |
D0213 | Advice from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details |
D0217 | Confirmation of the Registration of a Metering Point |
D0221 | Notification of Failure to Install or Energise Metering System |
D0235 | Half Hourly Aggregation Exception Report |
D0238 | Request and Information for Revenue Protection Investigation |
D0260 | Notification from MPAS of Old Supplier Registration Details |
D0261 | Rejection of Agent Appointment |
D0310 | Notification of failure to load or receive Metering System Settlement Details |
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