Declaration of SVA Storage Facility for Exclusion from Transmission Network Changes |
Guidance Note |
performs Electricity Storage as its sole function;
is operated by a Storage Facility Operator who also holds a generation licence;
has its imports and exports, measured only by Half Hourly Metering Systems which are registered in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) as part of a Supplier BM Unit, and where those Half Hourly Metering Systems only measure activities necessary for performing Electricity Storage; and
is the subject of a valid Declaration.’
Declaration Type: | Choose only one from15: New –SVA Storage Facility declared for the first time or redeclared after being withdrawn. CoS – Change of Supplier - identifies that at least one MSID related to the SVA Storage Facility has been the subject of a change of Supplier. CoA – Change of Agent – identifies that at least one MSID related to the SVA Storage Facility is now managed by a different HHDA CoM – Change of Metering System - identifies that the SVA Storage Facility has had at least one MSID added or removed from a Declaration(s) Withdraw – identifies that the SVA Storage Facility’s Declaration(s) should be end-dated |
Declaration Set Id: | A unique value (up to 80 characters) assigned by the SVA Storage Facility Operator and used to identify a single Declaration or unite multiple Declarations in respect of different Suppliers, submitted in Declaration Document(s) at a particular point in time for an SVA Storage Facility. The SVA Storage Facility Operator should assign a new Declaration Set ID when it updates a single Declaration or multiple Declarations for an SVA Storage Facility. |
Declaration Id (where known): | This is a value generated and assigned by SVAA. For new declarations, leave blank. For CoS, COA, CoM or withdraw, the Declaration Id assigned by the SVAA on successful processing of the previous Declaration. |
Declaration Set Effective Date: | The date a Storage Facility’s declaration first takes effect or the date on which a change to an existing declaration takes effect, e.g. the date on which a new Supplier is the registrant for one of the Facility’s Metering Systems. |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Participant ID | A unique, up to eight character ID chosen by the SVA Storage Facility Operator. This cannot be the same as any other SVA Storage Facility Operator Participant IDs. Nor can it be the same as any existing BSC Party Id unless the SVA Storage Facility Operator and the BSC Party are the same entity. Please check the BSC Signatories and Qualified Persons webpage to ensure that your Participant Id is not currently in use by a BSC Party. The SVA Storage Facility Operator Participant IDs are not published but the SVAA will ask you to change your ID if it is already in use. |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Company Number | Storage Facility Operator Company Number as registered with Companies House |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Company Name | Storage Facility Operator Company Name as registered with Companies House and with Ofgem as a Generation Licence holder. |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Company Address | Storage Facility Operator Company Address as registered with Companies House |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Company Director | Storage Facility Operator Company Director as registered with Companies House and the director who signed the Declaration Document. |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Contact Name | The name of the person dealing with the Declaration on a day to day basis who may be the director or another person |
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Contact Phone | The phone number of the SFO Contact
SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) Contact Email |
The email address of the SFO Contact
Storage Facility (SF) Id
| A unique up to 30 Character code assigned by the SVA Storage Facility Operator. Where possible it should be a simple reference (ideally numerical) to reduce the risk of error when reading/processing declarations. |
Storage Facility (SF) Name | The legal or operational name of the Storage Facility. |
Storage Facility (SF) Address/Location: | The address and/or location (e.g. grid reference) at which the Storage Facility is located. |
Storage Facility (SF) Description | A short description of the facility including the type of storage technology and the rated capacity (MW). |
Storage Facility (SF) Effective From Date: | For new, CoS, CoA and CoM declarations: The date from which the storage facility should be treated as an SVA Storage Facility or the date that the CoS, CoA and CoM took place. This date cannot be earlier than the submission date of the form without prior agreement from Elexon. For withdrawals include the date of the last action (initial registration, Cos, CoA or CoM). |
Storage Facility (SF) Effective To Date: | For withdrawals: The date from which the Storage Facility should no longer be treated as an SVA Storage Facility. Leave blank for new, CoS, CoA and CoM declarations. |
Storage Facility (SF) Total MSIDs Count: | The total number of Metering Systems measuring Imports to and Exports from the SVA Storage Facility which may be registered by one or more Suppliers. e.g. if a SVA Storage Facility has a total of four MSIDs, two registered by one Supplier and two registered by another, the total MSID count on each Supplier’s declaration would be four but each Supplier would only provide the details relating to two MSIDs. |
MSID | The unique market wide reference for a Metering System. Also known as Metering Point Administration Number (MPAN) |
Import/Export Indicator | Identifies whether a Metering System is an Import Metering System or Export Metering System |
GSP Group | The GSP Group within which the SVA Storage Facility is connected (_A, _B, _C, _D, _E, _F, _G, _H, _J _K, _L, _M, _N or _P). |
MSID EFD (Storage Facility) | The date from which an MSID is associated with an SVA Storage Facility for the purpose of this declaration process. |
MSID ETD (Storage Facility) | The date from which an MSID’s association with an SVA Storage Facility ends for the purpose of this declaration process. |
Supplier MPID | The Market Participant ID for the Supplier. The SVA Storage Facility Operator may need to liaise with its Supplier(s) to identify the Supplier MPIDs to include in its Declaration Document. |
MSID Supplier EFD | The date from which an MSID is registered by a Supplier in SMRS. |
HHDA MPID | The Market Participant ID for the Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by a Supplier to a Metering System. The SVA Storage Facility Operator may need to liaise with its Supplier(s) to identify the HHDA MPIDs to include in its Declaration Document. |
HHDA EFD | The date from which a Supplier appoints/appointed a Half Hourly Data Aggregator to a Metering System. This date should correspond with the HHDA’s EFD for the Metering System in SMRS. Note that the HHDA EFD may predate the Declaration Set EFD. |
New declaration
The storage facility EFD and MSIDs EFDs in declaration = declaration effective date16
Change of MSID declarations
Any storage facility MSID being added must have MSID EFD in declaration = declaration effective date
Any storage facility MSID being removed must have MSID ETD in declaration = declaration effective date – 1 day
Change of Supplier declaration
Any storage facility MSID changing to new supplier must have MSID Supplier Registration EFD = declaration effective date
The MSID’s previous Supplier Registration ETD = declaration effective date – 1 day
Change of Agent declaration
Any storage facility MSID changing to new HHDA must have MSID HHDA Appointment EFD = declaration effective date
The MSID’s previous HHDA Appointment ETD = declaration effective date – 1 day
Withdraw Storage Facility declaration
The effective date is the first day of withdrawn facility
Storage Facility Effective To Date needs to be set to declaration effective date – 1 day (i.e. last day facility is active)
Withdraw Operator letter
Letter contains an “as of” date which is the effective date of the withdrawal (i.e. first day operator no longer operating)
Storage Facilities Effective To Dates need to be set to declaration effective date – 1 day (i.e. last day each facility is active)
Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make. All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved. No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it. |
1 CMP280 ‘Creation of a New Generator TNUoS Demand Tariff which Removes Liability for TNUoS Demand Residual Charges from Generation and Storage Users’ – at the time of writing Ofgem has not made a decision with regard to this CMP
2 CMP281 ‘Removal of BSUoS Charges From Energy Taken From the National Grid System by Storage Facilities’ – approved by Ofgem on 14 May 2020
3 SVA ‘Supplier Volume Allocation’
4 TNUoS ‘Transmission Network Use of System’
5 BSUoS ‘Balancing Services Use of System’
6 TUoS ‘Transmission Use of System’
7 NETSO ‘National Electricity Transmission System Operator’
8 SVAA ‘Supplier Volume Allocation Agent’
9 MSIDs ‘Metering System Identifiers’
10 Supplier BM Unit gross HH demand is reported as Period BMU Gross HH Demand in the P0210. This represents all gross HH Imports attributed to the Supplier BMU, irrespective of whether Imports are to an SVA Storage Facility. A ‘corrected’ value of Period BMU Gross HH Demand is also reported which is Period BMU Gross HH Demand less any Imports to SVA Storage Facilities (separately reported as Period BMU Gross Storage Demand). The ‘corrected’ value is reported as Corrected Period BMU Gross HH Demand.
11 CVA ‘Central Volume Allocation’
12 SF ‘Initial Settlement Run’
13 RF ‘Final Reconciliation Settlement Run’
14 Part A must be completed by a Supplier’s Category A or F authorised person.
15 Where the operator wishes to inform SVAA of more than one Declaration (and therefore identify different Declaration Types) it may fill in and include multiple versions of Part C in a single Declaration Document.
16 Note that the Supplier and HHDA EFD may predate the Facility and MSID EFDs.