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BM Units – How to Register Primary BM Units relating to Generating Plant in the Central Volume Allocation Market

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BM Units – How to register Primary BM Units relating to Generating Plant in the Central Volume Allocation Market

Guidance Note

This guidance note is an overview of the registration of Directly Connected (connected to the GB Transmission System) and Embedded (connected to a Distribution System) Primary Balancing Mechanism (BM) Units relating to Generating Plants in the Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Market. It also includes other areas to consider through the registration process. It does not include the registration of Embedded Generation in the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Market or registration of Plants with a Bilateral Embedded Licence Exemptable Large Power Station Agreement (BELLA) with the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO).

This guidance note also includes information around Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Party Registration as a Primary BM Unit must be registered by a BSC Party.

There is a checklist at the end of this guidance note listing all the steps that need to be completed to register as a BSC Party and for that BSC Party to register a Primary BM Unit.

If your Generating Unit is associated with a Licensable Generating Plant, the BSC Party registering the Generating Unit must be the person that Generates electricity at that Generating Plant. If you are unsure if your activity is licensable please contact the Ofgem Licensing team at

If your Generating Unit is associated with a Licence Exempt (Exemptable) Generating Plant, the BSC Party registering the Generating Unit can be either:

    • The person that Generates electricity at that Generating Plant; or

    • Another BSC Party with the agreement of the person who generates the electricity at that Generating Plant.

      • Registering the Primary BM Unit to another BSC Party (e.g. a Supplier with whom a Generator may have a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) offtake arrangement) is an option to consider if you have a short timescale before the intended energisation date in which to go through the Market Entry process to qualify as a Generator.

BSC Party Registration


This section includes Accession to the BSC and registration as a Generator BSC Party. The normal timescales for completing the Market Entry process can average from between 2 to 4 months, depending on the individual requirements, and whether the Generator has to go through full CVA Qualification Testing, or can Waive CVA Qualification Testing. The process is applicant driven and can therefore have varying timescales. This timescale also includes the BSC Primary BM Unit Registration process, as both the BSC Party and BSC Primary BM Unit Registration1 can usually be completed in parallel.

For a high-level view for the Market Entry process of a Generator, the Market Entry Section of the BSC Website contains a process diagram.

The Participant Management team is happy to have an initial meeting to discuss, understand your requirements and give an overview of the process. To arrange a meeting, please complete the Market Entry Meeting Request Form.


When you are ready to Accede to the BSC, you need to submit:

    • One Accession Form – this can be scanned and sent electronically to the Elexon Participant Management team ( or completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).

    • Two signed & undated paper copies of the Accession Agreement. These are dated and countersigned by our legal secretary on the date of Accession. Elexon require paper copies of the Accession Agreement but if you wish to email a scanned copy to the Elexon Participant Management team to check that it is correct before posting, then please do. Please address the paper copies of the Accession Agreement to:

Participant Management Team

Digital Operations

Elexon Limited

4th Floor

350 Euston Road



    • One-off £500 Accession Fee payable by Cheque, BACS or CHAPS. To obtain the Elexon bank details, please submit your request using the Elexon Support enquiry service

Once Elexon have the above forms and the Accession Fee, they will arrange an Accession Date of your preference, after which you will begin to be invoiced the Elexon base monthly charge.

Costs and Charges

To Accede to the BSC, there is a one off £500 Accession fee with further monthly charges from the Accession date. Please refer to the BSC Costs & Charges section of the BSC Website as this will guide you through the current charging structure for Main and SVA Specified charges.

There is more information on Credit Cover and Credit Default on the Guidance section of the BSC Website as a consideration prior to Trading. There is also a training video on Credit Cover and Credit default on the training section of the BSC Website and on YouTube.

The CVA Qualification process

Once you have acceded to the BSC, you need to complete the following:

    • Register Authorised Signatories via BSCP382

    • Build or procure CVA Software, as Parties and Party Agents’ CVA system must be able to communicate with the CVA BSC Agent systems

    • Carry out CVA Testing (see BSCP703 )

    • Submit Funds Accession Details via BSCP3014

    • Submit Credit Contacts

    • Complete Party Registration via BSCP655

    • Complete Party Agent Registration as Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent (ECVNA)/Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA) via BSCP716 (optional)

    • Appoint your CVA Meter Operator Agent (a list of Qualified CVA Meter Operator Agents can be downloaded from the Qualified Persons Page)

    • Complete Primary BM Unit Registration, detailed in the below section

Balancing and Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs) contain further details and timescales around the above steps. Note that the BSCPs are in pdf, but if you click on 'Forms' under the individual BSCP, this will give you a Word version of the forms.

If you are building your own CVA Software, please refer to the following documents:

If you have further questions on building CVA software please contact, 0370 010 6950, where you will be directed to the technical contacts for CVA testing.

Elexon Primary BM Unit Registration


This section details the registration of Directly Connected and Embedded Generating Primary BM Units. Directly Connected Primary BM Units are connected to the Transmission System. Embedded Primary BM Units are connected to a Distribution System. The normal timescales for completing the Primary BM Unit Registration process can average from between 1½ to 4 months , depending on the particular Metering/Primary BM Unit configuration(s). This timescale also includes the Market Entry process, as both the BSC Party and Primary BM Unit Registration can usually be completed in parallel.

Primary BM Unit Registration

Primary BM Units are the units used under the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) to account for all energy that flows on or off the Total System. Any Generating Plant directly connected to the Transmission System with a Bilateral Connection Agreement (BCA), or connected to a Distribution System with a Bilateral Embedded Generation Agreement (BEGA), with the NETSO must be registered in the BSC as CVA Primary BM Unit(s). For further information on Primary BM Units refer to the Balancing Mechanism Units Guidance or contact

To register your Primary BM Units you need to submit the following:

    • BSCP15/4.17 - By 30 or 60 Working Days (WD)8 prior to the Effective From Date (EFD) (intended energisation date of the Generating Plant). Alternatively, this information can be completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution). This form details the Primary BM Unit being registered. The 60 WD timescale is required if the Primary BM Unit is not of a standard configuration in which case the BSCP15/4.13 form will also need to be submitted. Further details of standard and non-standard Primary BM Units can be found in the Balancing Mechanism Units Guidance. You will also need to provide site diagram(s) showing the location of the Metering Equipment (in particular the Settlement current and voltage transformers (CTs/VTs)), CT/VT Ratios, any System Connection Points at or near the proposed Boundary Point(s) and any back up SVA connection and interlocking arrangements.

    • BSCP75/4.29 - By 20 WD prior to the EFD. This form details the Aggregation Rules for the Primary BM Unit(s). For an embedded (distribution connected) Primary BM Unit, then the rule will also need to include reference to a Line Loss Factor (LLF). Guidance on writing Aggregation Rules can be found in the Aggregation Rules Guidance. Note that the identifiers in the Aggregation Rules need to match those in the Meter Technical Details.

    • For an embedded (distribution connected) Primary BM Unit you will also need to contact the relevant Licenced Distribution System Operator (LDSO) to request that they send CVA Line Loss Factors (LLFs) to Elexon.

    • For an embedded (distribution connected) Primary BM Unit, the relevant LDSO will need to update the relevant GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules. These are prepared by the Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA) and signed off by the LDSO.

    • For a directly connected (Transmission) Primary BM Unit, the NETSO will need to register the Transmission Systems Boundary Point.

Balancing and Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs) contain further details and timescales around the above steps. Note that the BSCPs are in pdf, but if you click on 'Forms' under the individual BSCP, this will give you a Word version of the forms.

Forms should be sent to Elexon at the Central Registration Agent (CRA) / CDCA at Alternatively, the BM Unit registration information can be completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).

If you are intending to or required to submit Bids and Offers, and/or Physical Notifications (PNs), you also need a NGC BM Unit. The BSC Primary BM Unit registration is separate to the NGC BM Unit registration; however the Effective From Date for your BSC Primary BM Unit registration will need to be agreed with the NETSO. When you contact the NETSO BM Unit registration team, the NETSO will provide you with the NGC BM Unit Id, which you should then include on your BSCP15/4.1 form or online via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution). Where you provide an NGC BM Unit Id or where the Final Physical Notification Flag (FPN) = Y, the CRA will ask the NETSO for approval of the registration and intended Effective From Date.

Please note that if the NGC BM Unit requires new Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) and Electronic Dispatch Logging (EDL) to be installed there can be significantly longer lead times to install these than the BSC Primary BM Unit registration process. You should therefore aim to start your NCG BM Unit registration well in advance of your connection date to ensure that the timescales for your BSC Primary BM Unit registration are not impacted. The NETSO BM Unit registration team can be contacted at and

Metering Registration

In parallel with the registration of Primary BM Units you need to register the Metering associated with the Primary BM Units. To do this, the following must be submitted:

    • BSCP20/4.110 – By 20 WD prior to the EFD to and This form details the CVA Metering System Identifier (MSID) being registered for the Primary BM Unit, and the CVA Meter Operator (CVA MOA) appointed by you11 . You can reserve a CVA MSID for the site in advance by emailing the CRA (, stating the Name, whether it is Transmission or Distribution connected, and its location (England and Wales, North of Scotland, or South of Scotland). The CRA will provide details of the CVA MSID. For a Distribution connected Metering System, the LDSO may determine that a separate LLF is required to be applied to the Export and the Import Flows; in this case, two CVA MSIDs would be required.

    • For an embedded (distribution connected) Primary BM Unit, you will also need to contact the relevant LDSO to request that they to cancel any SVA MPANs for the Distribution connection that they may have allocated, as the CVA MSID will be used instead.

    • Metering Equipment should be compliant with the relevant Code of Practice at the time of first registration for Settlement purposes, however should any aspect of your Metering System be unavoidably non-compliant, there is a process for making an application for a Metering Dispensation from the relevant Code Of Practice via BSCP3212 . Elexon can advise prior to submission and we recommend that the signed BSCP32/4.1 Form and any supporting documentation is submitted at least 14 weeks prior to the EFD. Metering Dispensations should be sent to Note that Panel Committees may approve, reject or defer a decision on a Metering Dispensation so the ideal situation is for all metering to be compliant with the relevant Code of Practice. Further information on the Metering Dispensation process can be found on the Metering Dispensations page of the BSC Website.

Approval to Energise

When all the above steps have been completed and checked by Elexon, Elexon will issue an approval to energise the Transmission System Boundary Point to the NETSO (for directly connected Primary BM Units), or an approval to energise the Primary BM Unit connection to the relevant LDSO (for Embedded Primary BM Units). This will be for the date you requested on your BSCP15/4.1 form (or online via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution)), or a later date if that is not achievable. Please keep Elexon informed of changes to your intended energisation date.

All registration requirements should be completed in time to allow the approval to energise email to be issued at least 4 WD before your Effective From Date.

The Effective From Date given in the approval to energise email is the earliest date that you can physically energise your connection to the Transmission / Distribution System and this is the date that the CDCA will begin to collect Metered Data from your site. It does not matter if the physical energisation date of your equipment is after the Effective From Date quoted in the approval to energise email, but it must not be before.

Other Considerations

Electricity Market Reform (EMR)

If you have a Contract for Difference or Capacity Market Contract, this may require you to set up your Primary BM Units in a particular configuration. The EMR Website lists all the latest news and industry information on EMR. You can also contact the team directly at

Licence Exempt Generating Plant

If the site is Exemptable, then you may wish to flag it as Exempt Export under the BSC.

For an embedded (distribution connected) Primary BM Unit, this will give you access to embedded benefits as described in the Embedded Generation and Embedded Benefits Guidance.

For a Transmission connected Primary BM Unit, there will be no embedded benefits, however, Exempt Export status does allow you to set the Primary BM Unit’s Production/Consumption (P/C) Flag to either P or C, which can be useful in situations where you may wish to allocate your energy to another BSC Party.

To flag your Primary BM Unit as an Exempt Export Primary BM Unit under the BSC, you will need to submit:

    • BSCP15/4.5a - By 20 WD prior to the EFD to This form details the site, why you believe that it qualifies as Exemptable status and the required Production/Consumption (P/C) Flag for the Primary BM Unit. On the form please clearly explain with reference to Class or specific exemptions why you believe that the site qualifies as Exemptable. Alternatively, you can flag your Primary BM Unit as an Exempt Export Primary BM Unit via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution). Within 20 WD of receipt, Elexon will then send you a BSCP15/4.5b form confirming/rejecting the application for Exempt Export status or confirm this Unit via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).

      • If the Exempt Export status has been approved, Elexon will confirm Exempt Export status and the P/C Flag to the CRA.

Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (MVRNs)

MVRNs are used to notify the BSC central systems that the energy flowing to or from a particular Primary BM Unit is to be allocated to one or more different Party’s Energy Accounts for the purposes of Energy Imbalance calculations.

There is more information on setting up Volume Notifications, including MVRNA Authorisations, in the Volume Notifications Guidance.

To set up a MVRNA Authorisation, you (the Lead Party), the relevant Notification Agent (MVRNA) and the Subsidiary Party each need to complete the relevant parts of a BSCP71/0215 Form and send to, showing:

    • The relevant MVRNA i.e. the person responsible for submitting the MVRNs to central systems

    • The Lead Party for the Primary BM Unit i.e. the BSC Party FROM whom the metered volumes will be moved

    • The Subsidiary Party for the Primary BM Unit i.e. the BSC Party TO whom the metered volumes will be moved

    • The Lead Party Energy Account. This must be either Production or Consumption and must be the same as the Subsidiary Party Energy Account

    • The Subsidiary Party Energy Account. This must be either Production or Consumption and must be the same as the Lead Party Energy Account

    • The Primary BM Unit Identifier

    • The required Effective From Date

Note that you can only set up a MVRN from your Production Account to another BSC Party’s Production Account OR your Consumption Account to another BSC Party’s Consumption Account.

The Lead and Subsidiary Parties should agree whether the Production or the Consumption Account should be used prior to submitting the forms. This should also be taken into consideration if you are also applying for Exempt Export status, as you can choose the Production / Consumption Flag.

Please note that until Elexon has issued the Approval to Energise email, your Primary BM Unit and the MVRNA Authorisation will not be registered in the BSC central systems. Your MVRNA will not be issued with the MVRNA Authorisation Identifier and unique MVRNA Key until after Elexon has issued the Approval to Energise email.

Please note that if the Approval to Energise Email is issued at least 2 WD before the Primary BM Unit EFD, then the MVRNA Authorisation Identifier and unique MVRNA Key can be issued to the MVRNA at latest 1 WD before the Primary BM Unit EFD, allowing the MVRNA to submit MVRNs from Settlement Period (SP) 1 of the Primary BM Unit EFD.


    1. Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 has an EFD of 01/12/16 (a Thursday)

    1. Elexon issue Approval to Energise Email before 14:00 29/11/16 (a Tuesday)

    1. On 29/11/16, Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 entered into the central systems with an EFD of 01/12/16

    1. On 29/11/16, Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 now entered into the central systems, allowing a MVRNA Authorisation for it to be created with an EFD of the next day, i.e. 30/11/16 (a Wednesday). MVRNA Authorisation Identifier and unique MVRNA Key then issued to MVRNA with an EFD of 30/11/16. (MVRNA Authorisation not valid before 30/11/16 so central System would reject any MVRN submission prior to that date)

    1. On 30/11/16, MVRNA can submit MVRNs for Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 from at earliest SP1 of the Primary BM Unit EFD i.e. 01/12/16 (Primary BM Unit not valid before 01/12/16 so central System would reject any MVRN submission prior to that date)

Please note that if the Approval to Energise Email is not issued until 1 WD before the Primary BM Unit EFD, then the MVRNA Authorisation Identifier and unique MVRNA Key can be issued to the MVRNA, but the MVRNA Authorisation will not be valid until the same EFD as the Primary BM Unit, meaning that the MVRNA will not be able to submit MVRNs until at earliest midnight of the Primary BM Unit EFD, and that there will be a one Settlement Period (SP) gap in the MVRN (for SP 1), as Gate Closure will have passed for SP 1. You as the Lead Party may need to address this issue.


    1. Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 has an EFD of 01/12/16 (a Thursday)

    1. Elexon issue Approval to Energise Email before 14:00 30/11/16 (a Wednesday)

    1. On 30/11/16, Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 entered into the central systems with an EFD of 01/12/16

    1. On 30/11/16, Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1 now entered into the central systems , allowing a MVRNA Authorisation for it to be created with an EFD of the next day, i.e. 01/12/16 (a Thursday). MVRNA Authorisation Identifier and unique MVRNA Key issued to MVRNA with an EFD of 01/12/16. (MVRNA Authorisation not valid before 01/12/16 so central System would reject any MVRN submission prior to that date)

    1. On 01/12/16, MVRNA can, from at earliest midnight, submit MVRNs for Primary BM Unit T_ELEX-1, however the earliest SP will be SP2 on 01/12/16 (Primary BM Unit not valid before 01/12/16, and Gate Closure has passed for SP 1, so central System would reject any MVRN submission prior to that SP)

Trading Units

By default, all directly connected and embedded Primary BM Units are sole Trading Units. If your site consists of more than one Primary BM Unit then you may wish to set up a Trading Unit for the overall site. Being a Trading Unit allows all the Primary BM Units to be treated the same for:

    • Transmission Loss Multipliers (TLMs);

    • Production/Consumption flag;

    • Certain BSC costs; and

    • Balancing Services Use of System (BSUoS) charges.

Further information on Trading Units can be found on the Trading Units Section of the BSC Website, in BSCP3116 or by contacting


This checklist contains the mandatory Market Entry, Primary BM Unit and Metering Registration steps. The Market Entry steps can be ignored for existing Parties. It does not include steps around Exempt Export, MVRNs or Trading Units.

BSC / BSCP Reference

Requirement Topic

Requirement Task

Responsible Party(s)


Market Entry steps

BSC Section A 2.2

Accede to the BSC

Submit Accession Form to ELEXON Market Entry


When you are ready to initiate process

BSC Section A Annex A-1

Accede to the BSC

Submit two signed, undated, paper copies of the Accession Agreement to ELEXON Market Entry


When you are ready to initiate process

BSC Section A 2.2

Accede to the BSC

Pay Accession Fee


When you are ready to initiate process

BSC Section O

Order Communication Line

Submit Communication Line Request form


Post accession and prior to submitting BSCP70


Set up Authorised Signatories

Submit BSCP38/5.1 to the CRA or complete online via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution)


Post accession and prior to submitting BSCP70


Complete CVA Testing (BSCP70)

Submit BSCP70/01 to the CRA


At least 10 WD prior to chosen booking slot


Complete Funds Accession

Submit BSCP301/04a to the CRA


At least 2 WD prior to Party Registration

Section M

Submit Credit Contacts

Submit Credit Contact form to ELEXON Market Entry


At least 2 WD prior to Party Registration


Party Registration (BSCP65)

Submit BSCP65/01 to the CRA or complete online via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution)


Post successful completion of CVA Testing

Primary BM Unit Registration steps


Register Transmission Systems Boundary Point for Directly Connected Primary BM Units

Submit BSCP25/5.1 to the CRA (For Directly Connected Primary BM Units). Alternatively, this information can be completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).


Within 5 WD of the Commissioning Programme Commencement Date


Is a Metering Dispensation required?

If it is identified that the Metering Equipment is not Code of Practice compliant or the measurement transformers are not located at the Defined Metering Point meaning that compensation needs to be applied to the Meters 17, submit BSCP32/4.1 to apply for a Metering Dispensation18 .

If loss compensation is to be applied, the values need to be calculated and included in the Metering Dispensation application to be considered by the Imbalance Settlement Group before they can be included in the Aggregation Rules.


If required and to meet the timescales in the BSCP32 Application Key Dates document contained on the Metering Dispensation page of the BSC Website


Submit Primary BM Unit Registration

Submit BSCP15/4.1 and a single line diagram to the CRA Alternatively, this information can be completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).


At least 30 WD (for standard Primary BM Units or 60 WD (for non-standard Primary BM Units) prior to the EFD


Submit LLFs for embedded Primary BM Units

Request LLFs from the LDSO (for Embedded Primary BM Units) and request cancellation of the SVA MPAN.


There is no BSC timescale for this but in plenty of time to allow the LDSO to submit these to Elexon at least 50 WD prior to the EFD


Submit LLFs for embedded Primary BM Units

Submit LLFs to (for Embedded Primary BM Units)


At least 50 WD prior to the EFD

BSCP25/4.3.14, BSCP20/3.1.3

Register Metering System

Submit BSCP20/4.1 to register the Metering System and appoint the MOA


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date


Submit Site Aggregation Rules

Submit BSCP75/4.2 to the CDCA


At least 20 WD prior to the EFD


Submit Meter Technical Details

Submit BSCP20/4.3 to register the Meter Technical details.

This defines the Metering Sub-System IDs which are required for the Aggregation Rules


At least 16 WD before the Effective From Date


Provide draft GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules for embedded Primary BM Units

CDCA to send LDSO revised GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules


As required

BSCP75/3.1.12, 3.13

Validate and Submit GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules for embedded Primary BM Units

Validate and return signed GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules to CDCA.


Following receipt of revised GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

BSC Section L/3.1.2 / CoP4

Commission Metering Equipment

Commission the Metering Equipment in accordance with CoP4


As required


Receive result of Proving Test

The CDCA will notify the Applicant and MOA of the results of the Proving Test


Within 1 WD of completing the Proving Test

BSC Section K1.4.3 / BSCP25/4.3.1819

Approval to energise or Withhold energisation

When all parties have met their requirements, including the approval of a Metering Dispensation where appropriate, Elexon will issue an approval to energise to the Applicant, CRA, CDCA, NETSO (if appropriate), LDSO (if appropriate)

If any requirements have not been met, Elexon will issue a withhold energisation notice unless we have been informed of a delay to the energisation date


Date At least 4 WD before the Effective From Date

Need more information?



Market Entry Process including booking a Market Entry Meeting

Registration of Primary BM Units, Registration of Metering, Aggregation Rules, Exempt Export

Line Loss Factors

Metering Dispensations

Trading Units

Electricity Market Reform

Generation Licenses / Exemptions


NETSO BM Unit Registration

CVA Software

Tel: 0370 010 6950

For further information, please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 Note that if you also need to register your BM Unit with the NETSO, and if new Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) and Electronic Dispatch Logging (EDL) are required, this may require significantly longer timescales. This may in turn impact your Effective From Date under the BSC. Please contact and for further information and timescales.

2 BSCP38 ‘Authorisations’

3 BSCP70 ‘CVA Qualification Testing for Parties and Party Agents’

4 BSCP301 ‘Clearing, Invoicing and Payment’

5 BSCP65 ‘Registration of Parties and Exit Procedures’

6 BSCP71 ‘Submission of ECVNs and MVRNs’

7 BSCP15 ‘BM Unit Registration’

8 Note that if you also need to register your BM Unit with the NETSO, and if new Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) and Electronic Dispatch Logging (EDL) are required, this may require significantly longer timescales. This may in turn impact your Effective From Date under the BSC. Please contact and for further information and timescales.

9 BSCP75 ‘Registration of Meter Aggregation Rules for Volume Allocation Units

10 BSCP20 ‘Registration of Metering Systems for Central Volume Allocation

11 This form appoints the MOA, however the MOA may object to the appointment if they don’t believe that they are the MOA for the Metering System.

12 BSCP32 ‘Metering Dispensations’

13 Code of Practice 4 ‘The Calibration, Testing and Commissioning Requirements of Metering Equipment for Settlement Purposes’

14 BSCP02 ‘Proving Test Requirements for Central Volume Allocation Metering Systems’

15 BSCP71 ‘Submission of ECVNs and MVRNs’

16 BSCP31 ‘Registration of Trading Units’

17 The Metering Equipment should be as defined in the relevant Code of Practice.

18 The Metering Dispensation form requires an MSID. If this is not known at this stage, TBC can be included on the form and updated when known.

19 Section K1.4.3 requires Elexon to issue the approval to energise notice when all registration requirements are complete. BSCP25 requires the CRA to inform the NETSO and the LDSO not to energise the circuits if the registration is not complete. In practice Elexon issues withhold energisation instructions.