Section V: Reporting |
BSC Simple Guide |
details of the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS) BMRS;
other reporting requirements from BSC Agents to Parties, the Authority and/or for public reporting.
Authority and Elexon are entitled to have the
High Grade Service) made available to them and to receive, on request, a copy of any other report specified in
Section V, without charge.
Reporting Catalogue is a
Code Subsidiary Document that specifies the data items to be contained in each of the reports that are listed in
Section V: Annex V-1.
Any failure to make data available on the BMRS or to provide a report to a Party, or any errors or inaccuracies in the data made available, do not alter or affect the rights and obligations of Parties in relation to Settlement. Furthermore no Party can have a claim or entitlement against any BSC Agent, Market Index Data Provider, any Financial Service Provider, Elexon, NETSO or any other Party as a result of the availability or non-availability of data on the BMRS or as a result of any error or inaccuracy in the data.
Section V states that: each
Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to data being published on the
BMRS or by Elexon, to the extent that
Section V provides for the publication of that data. Such data is not regarded as Confidential Information for the purposes of
Section H. Furthermore, each
Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the disclosure to and use by Parties or other people of data made available to them by
BSC Agents other than by the
Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (
BMRA) under
Section V.
BMRS is a service provided by the
BMRS is made available as a
High Grade Service and a
Low Grade Service. The
Low Grade Service is free to BSC Parties, whereas provision of the
High Grade Service is subject to certain charges as specified in
Section D. Any
Party or any other person can request the
High Grade Service. The specification for the
BMRS is in the
Communication Requirements Document and the High Grade and
Low Grade Services must be made available in accordance with that specification. Where the
High Grade Service is made available to a person other than a
Party, the person must enter into an agreement with Elexon. The person must also agree to pay a one-off administration charge and charges equivalent to those payable by Parties for use of the
High Grade Service.
The BMRS reports to Parties and publishes:
data relating to the Transmission System or provided by NETSO relating to balancing services activities (i.e. the arrangements covered in Section Q);
Electricity Balancing Guideline (EBGL) Local Data submitted by the NETSO;
data relating to the aforementioned Transmission System, or NETSO data which has been established by the BMRS; and
other data that the BSC specifies shall be published on the BMRS; and
Inside Information Data; and
the Settlement Exchange Rate
The data referred to in sub-paragraph (b) above includes a range of Indicative values based upon calculations that are, in part, set out in
Section T. This data is labelled Indicative to reflect the fact that the values are estimates only – when they are calculated not all of the data required to calculate the non-indicative values is available (for example, the estimated
Transmission Loss Multipliers ETLMO+ and ETLMO-, are used rather than the actual
Transmission Loss Multipliers, TLMO+ and TLMO-). Actual values will be used in Settlement. If the
BMRA is unable to calculate these indicative values, it must report the matter to Elexon and, where it is unable to calculate the values due to not having received the necessary information from NETSO, contact NETSO to resolve the matter.
The data received by the BMRA is:
data from NETSO (the data specified in Section Q as being provided to the BMRA);
data from each Market Index Data Provider (the data specified in Section T, to the timescales specified therein);
BM Unit registration data (from the Central Registration Agent (CRA));
ETLMO+ ETLMO and Inside Information Data (from Elexon);
Transparency Regulation Data (from the NETSO);
EBGL Local Data (from the NETSO); and
Settlement Exchange Rates (from the Financial Service Provider).
Data provided to the
BMRS by NETSO as specified in
Section Q must be available on the
BMRS within five minutes of its receipt from NETSO or, in the case of
Transparency Regulation Data, as soon as reasonably practicable after such data is received by the
BMRA. Data established by the
BMRA which relates to a
Settlement Period must be made available on the
BMRS within thirty minutes of the end of the
Settlement Period to which it relates.
BMRA Data Catalogue lists the data that is published on the
BMRS, the frequency with which it is published, the format in which it is published and the default values to be applied in the event that information is not provided for a particular period by the times required for that data under
Section Q.
In the event that the BMRA does not receive data, or does not receive data in the form required by the BSC, it must report this to the person responsible for providing the data. The BMRA must store data it receives for at least 12 months after the Settlement Day to which the data relates (or if forecast data, for at least 12 months after the day that the data was provided) or, in the case of Transparency Regulation Data, for a period of at least five years after the day on which the data was provided.
Reporting By Other BSC Agents
Section V also specifies reporting requirements for other
BSC Agents. The reports to be provided by the
Settlement Administration Agent (SAA),
Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (
Central Registration Agent (CRA),
Central Data Collection Agent (
Funds Administration Agent (FAA) and
Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (
SVAA) are listed in the Tables of
Section V: Annex V-1. Further reporting requirements may be specified elsewhere in the BSC and/or in a
Code Subsidiary Document.
The Tables of
Section V: Annex V-1 specify the name of each report to be provided, a summary description of the data to be included in the report, the frequency of the report and the recipients of the report. Details of the data to be provided in each report are contained in the
Reporting Catalogue. If the recipient of the report is described as "Relevant
Party", this means that the report goes to the
Party to which the data contained in the report relates. If the recipient is described as "Any
Party (on request)" then, using the forms provided in
BSCP41, any
Party can request a copy of the report. If the recipient is described as "All
Suppliers" then the report is sent to all
Suppliers in the
GSP Group to which the data relates. If the recipient is described as "Any persons (on request)" then any person or company can request the report (whether an Acceded
Party or not). Note that the same report can have multiple recipients shown as eligible to receive the report.
Reports are sent to Parties in accordance with the communications specified in
Section O or to persons other than Parties by such means as the BSC
Panel may determine from time to time. In addition, as outlined earlier, Elexon and the
Authority are entitled to receive a copy of any report.
When a person who is not a Party requests data to which they are entitled, such data will not be distributed until that person has entered into an agreement with Elexon and until payment (representing the reasonable costs of providing this data) has been received by Elexon. Elexon, with the approval of the BSC Panel, will determine the nature of this agreement.
Elexon maintains an up-to-date record of
Working Day and Non
Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor (WDCALF/NWDCALF) values applying to each
BM Unit, the principles or guidance established by the
Panel for assigning CALF values to
BM Units, the
Credit Assessment Price (CAP), the
Transmission Loss Factors (TLF),
Line Loss Factors and the coefficient α (used in the
calculation of TLMs). Elexon publishes this information on the
BSC website and/or the
Elexon Portal and will make this data available to any person on request via the
BSC Service Desk.
Elexon also makes available certain data referred to as "market data". Market data is the following:
Central Registration Service (CRS) registration data, specifically the name and identification number of each Party and the registration data of each BM Unit (as specified in Section A and Section K);
the Funding Shares of each Trading Party (Section D);
the Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data (IBSAD) and Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD) (Section Q);
the System Sell Price (SSP) and System Buy Price (SBP) (Section T);
Credit Default statements (Section M);
the Market Index Data (Section T); and
Supplier Market Share Data (Annex S-2).
The data referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f) above are published on the
Elexon Portal. The data referred to in paragraph (g) above will be published on the
BSC website.
Panel can determine that from a specified date, any or all of market data, CALF guidance, CAP, TLFs and α(alpha) to be made available on the
BMRS rather than the
BSC website.
EMR Settlement Data Requirements
Elexon must provide such data, information and reports to any CfD Settlement Services Provider and any CfD Counterparty as they reasonably require in order to discharge their EMR settlement functions. Elexon must provide to the Panel a schedule of the data it is providing under these provisions, an explanation of why that data is reasonably required and a copy of the data licence.
If the Panel considers that any data (not being publicly available, available to any person on request or required by EMR legislation) is not reasonably required then the matter should be referred to the CfD Counterparty whose determination is final and binding.
Elexon must provide such data, information and reports to the relevant Capacity Market administrative parties as is required under any EMR legal requirement. Elexon must provide to the Panel a schedule of the data it is providing and a copy of the data licence.
A schedule of data provided by Elexon for CfD settlement and Capacity Market settlement must be published on the
BSC website.
Anonymised MSID Pair Delivered Volume Data
MSID Pair Delivered Volume Data is published monthly on the
BSC website. It is provided at market level in an anonymised format so that the
Metering System(s) to which the data relates are not identifiable.
Transparency Regulation Data Requirements
As soon as reasonably possible following receipt of Transparency Regulation data from the Transmission Company, the BMRA shall submit that data, and any Transparency Regulation data that is already held by the BMRA, to the ENTSO-E.
Requirements for the data, formats and timeframes are specified in the Transparency Regulation and any procedures specified by the ENTSO-E. Timeframes for submission of data to ENTSO-E are target times, which the BMRA is expected to meet unless exceptional circumstances prevent it from doing so.
Settlement Exchange Rate Requirements
Elexon may, from time to time, appoint a service provider (approved by the Panel) to provide daily exchange rate (the Settlement Exchange Rate) data to the BMRA.
The BMRA must publish such Settlement Exchange Rate on BMRS as soon as reasonably possible after receipt. If the Settlement Exchange Rate is not provided to BMRS then the BMRS shall use the previous day’s rate.
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