NETA Interface Definition and Design: Part 1 Interfaces with BSC Parties and their Agents
Synopsis | This document contains the definition and design of all interfaces between the BSC Service Systems and other Systems. It includes the specification of file formats and structure of electronic files. Part one only contains details for interfaces which involve BSC Parties and their Agents. |
Version | |
Effective date | |
Prepared by | Design Authority |
Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make. All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved. No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it. |
Date | Version | Details of Change | Committee Approval Ref |
04/11/2010 | 26.0 | Document rebadged and amended for November 2010 Release (P243, P244, CP1333) |
03/11/2011 | 27.0 | P253 |
28/06/2012 | 28.0 | CP1364 |
| CP1367, BMRS Zones Review |
27/06/2013 | 29.0 | CP1382 – 27 June 2013 Release | ISG140/02 |
26/06/2014 | 30.0 | CP1397 – 26 June 2014 Release | ISG150/02 |
01/08/14 | 31.0 | ORD005 – Electricity Market Reform | Directed by the Secretary of State |
16/12/14 | 32.0 | P295, P291 – 16 December 2014 Release | ISG162/01 |
25/06/15 | 33.0 | P310 – 25 June 2015 Release | ISG169/05 |
05/11/15 | 34.0 | P305, P309, 5 November 2015 Release | ISG174/04 |
23/02/17 | 35.0 | P326, 23 February 2017 Release | ISG188/05 |
29/06/2017 | 36.0 | P321 Self-Governance, P329 Alternative 29 June 2017 Release | ISG194/02 |
02/11/2017 | 37.0 | P336 Self-Governance; P342 Alternative 2 November 2017 Release | ISG198/04 |
01/11/2018 | 38.0 | CP1503 – 1 November 2018 Release | P277/04 |
| CP1506 – 1 November 2018 Release | P280/09 |
28/02/2019 | 39.0 | February 2019 Release – P344 | P284C/01 |
| February 2019 Release – P359 | ISG212/03 |
| February 2019 Release – P297 | P222/06 |
| February 2019 Release – P373 | P284/04 |
29/03/2019 | 40.0 | March 2019 Standalone Release P369 | P285/12 |
11/12/2019 | 41.0 | 11 December 2019 – Standalone Release CP1517 | ISG220/01 ISG222/03 |
18/12/2019 | 42.0 | 18 December 2019 – December Standalone Release, CP1516 | P292/06 |
01/04/2020 | 43.0 | 01 April 2020 – Standalone Release P354 | ISG227/04 |
03/12/2020 | 44.0 | 03 December 2020 – Standalone Release CP1535 | P305/06 |
18/03/2021 | 45.0 | 18 March 2021 – Standalone Release P408 Self-Governance | ISG234/02 |
01/04/2021 | 46.0 | 01 April 2021 – Standalone Release CP1538 | ISG236/03 |
01/04/2021 | 47.0 | 01 September 2021 Non-Standard Release – P420 | P316/05 |
04/11/2021 | 48.0 | 04 November 2021 Standard Release –P399 | P310/04 |
24/02/2021 | 49.0 | 24 February 2022 Standard Release –CP1548 | ISG247/01 |
30/06/2022 | 50.0 | 30 June 2022 Standard Release – P375, CP1562 | P309/06 ISG253/04 |
23/02/2023 | 51.0 | 23 February 2023 Standard Release - P376,CP1569 | P314/06, ISG259/09 |
29/06/2023 | 52.0 | 29 June 2023 Standard Release –CP1580 | P338/04 |
02/11/2023 | 53.0 | 02 November Standard Release –P395,CP1576 | P339/07 / P340/05 |
01/08/2024 | 54.0 | 01 August 2024 Non Standard Release | P349/03 |
01/10/2024 | 55.0 | 01 October 2024 Non-Standard Release -ORD009 | Directed by Secretary of State |
07/11/2024 | 56.0 | 07 November Standard Release, P415 | Panel 339/03 |
27/02/2025 | 57.0 | 27 February 2025 Standard Release, P442 | Panel 347/05 |
Distribution Business
Distribution System Operator
Public Distribution System Operator(and abbreviation PDSO)
Distribution Company
Public Electricity Suppliers (PES), as operators of a distribution network
Distributor, as operator of a distribution network.
BMRA | Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent |
CDCA | Central Data Collection Agent |
CRA | Central Registration Agent |
ECVAA | Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent |
SAA | Settlement Administration Agent |
SVAA | Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (certain interfaces only) |
Party interfaces – BSC Parties and Agents, including ECVNA, MVRNA, IA, IEA, SMRA and MOA. These interfaces are covered in Part 1 (this document).
System interfaces – to other BSC services: FAA, SVAA, the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) and BSCCo Ltd. These interfaces are covered in Part 2 (a separate document).
Layer | Defined in Section | Source/Based on |
Business Process Definition | 1.3.2 | Business Process Model |
Logical Flow Definition | 1.3.3 & 2.2 | Industry practice |
Physical Message Definition | 1.3.4 | Industry practice (with MV90 for meter data) |
Data Transfer Protocol | 1.3.5 | FTP over TCP/IP |
Originating Party
Destination Party
Initiating event (e.g. user request, another flow, timer expires)
Frequency in unit time
Data content at the business level.
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer or Manual
Volume – frequency * mean message size
Validation rules.
Section 2 describes common interface conventions, in particular defining the approach to interfacing via file transfer.
Section 3 gives a summary of the interfaces, organised by BSC agent and by corresponding party.
Sections 4 to 7.24.3 define the interfaces to each of the BSC Agents.
[SD] | Draft Service Descriptions for Central Data Collection, Energy Contract Volume Aggregation, Central Registration, Balancing Mechanism Reporting, Settlement Administration, |
[BPM] | RETA Business Process Models: |
| Top Level Processes |
| Central Registration |
| Aggregate and Check Contract Volume |
| Balancing Mechanism Reporting |
| Central Data Collection and Aggregation |
| Calculate Settlement Debits and Credits |
| Indicative Reporting Requirement |
| Entity Relationship Model |
[COMMS] | Communications Requirements Document |
AMVLP | Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party |
BM | Balancing Mechanism |
BMRA | Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent |
BMU | Balancing Mechanism Unit |
BSC | Balancing and Settlement Code |
WDCALF | Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor |
NWDCALF | Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor |
CDA | Central Design Authority |
CDCA | Central Data Collection Agent |
CRA | Central Registration Agent |
ECV | Energy Contract Volume |
ECVAA | Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent |
ECVN | Energy Contract Volume Notification |
ECVNA | Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent |
ECVNAA | Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation |
ENTSO-E | European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity |
ESNA | Exempt Supply Notification Agent |
FAA | Funds Administration Agent |
FPN | Final Physical Notification |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GSP | Grid Supply Point |
IA | Interconnector Administrator |
IEA | Interconnector Error Administrator |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
LAN | Local Area Network |
MAR | Meter Advance Reconciliation |
MDP | Maximum Delivery Period |
MDV | Maximum Delivery Volume |
MEL | Maximum Export Limit |
MIDP | Market Index Data Provider |
MIL | Maximum Import Limit |
MOA | Meter Operator Agent |
MPAN | Meter Point Administration Number |
MVR | Meter Volume Reallocation |
MVRN | Meter Volume Reallocation Notification |
MVRNA | Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Agent |
MVRNAA | Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation |
NETSO | National Electricity Transmission System Operator |
NETA | New Electricity Trading Arrangements |
NWDBMCAEC | Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability |
NWDBMCAIC | Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability |
PTFF | Pool Transfer File Format |
QPN | Quiescent (final) Physical Notification |
RETA | Revised Electricity Trading Arrangements |
SAA | Settlement Administration Agent |
SCALF | Secondary Credit Assessment Load Factor |
SECALF | Supplier Export Credit Assessment Load Factor |
SMRA | Supplier Meter Registration Agent |
SVAA | Supplier Volume Allocation Agent |
TAA | Technical Assurance Agent |
TCP/IP | Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
VLP | Virtual Lead Party |
VTP | Virtual Trading Party |
WAN | Wide Area Network |
WDBMCAEC | Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability |
WDBMCAIC | Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability |
SBMCAEC | Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability |
SBMCAIC | Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability |
for flows submitted by post or fax, the signatory’s signature is required;
for those flows which are submitted by email, the sending email address must be that registered for the signatory.
Standard header
Collection of data records using standard format
Standard footer
sequence number added to the header;
Party Ids in the header longer than the 4 character Pool Participant Ids;
Role Codes in the header longer than the 1 character Pool Participant Role Codes;
Message Role (Data/Response) added to the header;
free-format message type allowed
AAA-File Header | |||
Field | Field Name | Type | Comments |
1 | Record Type | Text(3) | = AAA |
2 | File Type | Text(8) | 5 character type plus 3 character version |
3 | Message Role | char | ‘D’ Data or ‘R’ Response Note that the P0283, P0284, P0293, P0294 , P0329 and P0330 files produced by SVAA have Role ‘D’ |
4 | Creation Time | datetime | Date/Time file was created. Specified in GMT. (For Response messages this field contains the Creation Time of the message being replied to) |
5 | From Role Code | Text(2) |
6 | From Participant ID | Text(8) |
7 | To Role Code | Text(2) |
8 | To Participant ID | Text(8) |
9 | Sequence Number | integer(9), rolling over from 999999999 to 0 | A separate Sequence Number is used for each From Role Code / From Participant ID / To Role Code / To Participant ID combination. NB numbers used must be contiguous so recipients can detect missing files. See section 2.2.8 for more details of the use of Sequence Number. (For Response messages this field contains the Sequence Number of the message being replied to. This includes the P0283, P0284, P0293, P0294, P0329 and P0330 files produced by SVAA.) |
10 | Test data flag | Text(4) | Indicates whether this file contains test data =OPER or omitted for operational use, other values for test phases |
‘AV’ | (AMVLP) |
‘BM’ | (BMRA) |
‘BC’ | (BSCCo Ltd) |
‘BP’ | (BSC Party) |
‘CD’ | (CDCA) |
‘CR’ | (CRA) |
‘DB’ | (Distribution Business) |
‘EC’ | (ECVAA) |
‘EN’ | (ECVNA) |
‘ER’ | (Energy Regulator)
‘ES’ | (ESNA) |
‘FA’ | (FAA) |
‘IA’ | (Interconnector Administrator) |
‘MI’ | (Market Index Data Provider) |
‘MO’ | (Meter Operator Agent) |
‘MV’ | (MVRNA) |
‘PA’ | (BSC Party Agent) |
‘PB’ | (Public - also used for files made available for shared access) |
‘SA’ | (SAA) |
‘SG’ | (BSC Service Agent) |
‘SO’ | (NETSO) |
‘SV’ | (SVAA) |
‘TS’ | (Supplier) |
‘VP’ | (VLP) |
‘VT’ | (VTP) |
ZZZ-File Footer | |||
Field | Field Name | Type | Comments |
1 | Record Type | text(3) | = ZZZ |
2 | Record count | integer(10) | Includes header and footer |
3 | Checksum | integer(10) | Although type is shown as integer(10) the value is actually a 32-bit unsigned value and hence will fit in an “unsigned long” C variable. |
initialise to zero
consider each record in turn (including header but excluding trailer)
Break each record into four byte (character) sections (excluding the end of line character), padded with nulls if required, and exclusive OR (XOR) them into checksum.
record type : 3 characters
record delimiter : Line Feed (ASCII 10)
field separator: “|” (ASCII 124)
type | Rules |
integer (n) | optional leading “-“ for negative numbers no leading zeros maximum n digits field may have “-“ and from 1 to n digits |
decimal (n,d) | maximum n digits maximum d digits after decimal point maximum (n-d) digits before decimal point leading “-” required for negative numbers no trailing zeros no leading zeros other than where -1< value <1, then number may start with “0.”
To clarify, the value 0.123 can be represented as: 0.123 or .123, but not: 00.123 (an invalid leading zero) or 0.1230 (an invalid trailing zero)
Valid representations of zero are: 0 0.0 .0 0. –0 –0.0 -.0 -0. but not as a decimal point with no digits. |
text (n) | up to n characters field may not contain field separator no leading spaces no trailing spaces |
boolean | T or F |
date | YYYYMMDD |
time | HHMM |
timestamp | HHMMSS |
char | single character |
null | if a field is no longer needed in a future version of a flow, then its data type will be defined to be null, meaning that its value is always null |
Character | ASCII | Character | ASCII | Character | ASCII |
space | 32 | + | 43 | @ | 64 |
! | 33 | , | 44 | A-Z | 65-90 |
" | 34 | - | 45 | [ | 91 |
# | 35 | . | 46 | \ | 92 |
% | 37 | / | 47 | ] | 93 |
& | 38 | 0-9 | 48-57 | ^ | 94 |
' | 39 | : | 58 | _ | 95 |
( | 40 | ; | 59 | a-z | 97-122 |
) | 41 | = | 61 | { | 123 |
* | 42 | ? | 63 | } | 125 |
Id | Row Type | Flow version / range | L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | data type | valid set | item name/group description (comments) |
C0011 | F (File Type) |
| Title of Flow (plus sub-flow number where appropriate) |
ABC | R (Record Type) |
| record type appears as the first field in an electronic file. Record types are unique across all file types. |
N0001 | D (Data Item) |
| Each data item is assigned a Data Item Id. The Data Item Id is used for all occurrences of the same Data Item. |
| 1-* |
| range indicates how many occurrences of this record type may appear at the current level. (comment may further refine the repeating rules) 0-* indicates unlimited repeat (optional record type) 1-* indicates unlimited repeat with at least one instance of the record type 1 indicates the record type appears exactly once 2 indicates the record type appears exactly twice 46-50 is a special case meaning 46, 48 or 50 (but not 47 or 49) - this applies to the number of Settlement Periods in a Settlement Day (which might be a clock change day) |
| G |
| G indicates that this is a repeating group i.e. a record type |
| 1 |
| 1 indicates that this is a data item within a record type |
| O |
| O indicates that this is an optional data item within the record type (in electronic files, this means that the field may be empty) |
| N |
| N indicates that this is an unused data item within the record type (in electronic files, this means that the field will be empty) |
| Data items and nested record types must appear in the order stated. |
| L1, L2… define the nesting structure. |
| text(9) |
| this field will contain a text string with up to 9 characters |
| integer(n) |
| this field will contain an integer with an optional leading “-“ followed by up to n digits |
| decimal |
| this field will contain a real number |
| decimal (n,d) |
| this field will contain a real number. There will be an optional leading “-“ followed by up to d digits after the decimal point and up to (n-d) before the decimal point |
| char |
| this field will contain a single character |
| boolean |
| this field will contain a single character T or F |
| date |
| this field will contain a date YYYYMMDD |
| datetime |
| this field will contain a date and time YYYYMMDDHHMMSS |
| valid set id | the field’s values are constrained to be within the definition of the identified valid set - see section 2.2.11 |
Id | Row Type | flow version / range | L1 | L2 | L3 | L4 | data type | valid set | item name/group description (comments) |
E0221 | F
| ECVAA-I022: Forward Contract Report |
… | … |
E0221 | F | 002 |
| ECVAA-I022: Forward Contract Report (version 2) |
… | … |
Ad hoc data transfers and text reports
Newly defined messages which have not yet been allocated formal file formats
ADT-Acknowledgement Details | |||
Field | Field Name | Type | Comments |
1 | Record Type | Text(3) | = ADT |
2 | Received Time | datetime (GMT) | Time that the message being acknowledged was received by the receiving party |
3 | Response Time | datetime (GMT) | Time that the response message was generated by the receiving party |
4 | File Name | text(14) | Name of file this response relates to |
5 | Response Code | integer(3) | A code indicating the nature of the acceptance / rejection |
6 | Response Data | text (80) | Any data that gives additional information in fixing the problem |
Response Code | Meaning | Appropriate Action |
| NACK codes | file is rejected |
1 | Syntax Error in Header Record | Correct and resend. |
2 | To Participant details in header record are not correct for the actual recipient. | Correct and resend. |
3 | Unexpected Sequence Number in Header record. | See section 2.2.8 |
4 | Syntax Error in Body. Error Data field contains line number where error detected. | Correct and resend. |
5 | Syntax Error in Footer Record | Correct and resend. |
6 | Incorrect Line Count in Footer Record | Correct and resend. |
7 | Incorrect Checksum in Footer Record | Correct and resend. |
| ACK codes | file has arrived and been accepted |
100 | File received | none - file has arrived and its contents have passed the validation checks covered by the NACK response codes |
101 | Duplicate file received | ensure files are not being resent unnecessarily - a file has arrived with a header identical to one already received |
Rejection of a message may cause a message to be sent to the sender indicating the identifier of the message being rejected, and the reasons for rejection. The way in which rejections are dealt with will be described in the application specifications. In some cases, the Rejection message may be transmitted by a manual mechanism rather than as an electronic data file. Where a rejection message has been identified, it is listed as an interface in this document.
Acceptance of a message will not normally be signalled to the sender. In cases where this is required, a message is explicitly defined for the purpose.
if a file is rejected because of problems with the HEADER the sequence number is not "used up" and so the next expected sequence number remains unchanged (NACK codes 1,2,3);
if a file is rejected because of problems with the BODY or TRAILER (record count, checksum), the sequence number is used up and the next expected sequence number is incremented (NACK codes 4,5,6,7).
- (dash)
- (dash)
_ (underscore)
‘A’ (Changing Authorisations) |
‘B’ (Accept / Reject Data Estimation) |
‘C’ (Site Witness of Meter Readings and on-site Meter Readings) |
‘D’ (Work on Metering Systems) |
‘E’ (Submitting SVA Entry Process Requests) |
‘EA’ – Discontinued (Raise / Agree Standing Data Changes) |
‘F’ (BM Units) |
‘G’ (Metering System Registrations and MOA Appointment) |
‘H’ (Metering System Technical Details and Proving Tests) |
‘I’ – Discontinued (TA Site Visit Acceptance) |
‘J’ (Party Registration / Changes) |
‘K’ (Submit / Terminate ECVNAA or MVRNAA) |
‘L’ (Submitting Aggregation Rules) |
‘M’ (Amend Report Requirements) |
‘N’ (Banking Details Registration / Changes) |
‘O’ (Query / Dispute Process) |
‘P’ (Submitting CVA Line Loss Factors) |
‘Q’ (Registration & Deregistration of Trading Units) |
‘R’ (Metering Dispensations applications) |
‘S’ (Party Withdrawal) |
‘T’ (Transfer of Metering Systems between SMRS and CMRS) |
‘U’ (Party Agent Registration & Changes to Details) |
‘V’ (Transmission of Reports to all Parties) |
‘W’ (Submitting SVA Standing Data Changes) |
‘X’ (Submitting SVA Line Loss Factors) |
‘Y’ (Submitting MDD Change Reports) |
‘Z’ (Manage ECVAA Web Service access) |
‘ZA’ (Register LDSO TSO Boundary Point) |
‘ZB’ (Signing the SAD and the Qualification Letter and delegating authority for the signing of other Qualification related documentation) |
‘ZC’ (A delegated person acting as the signing authority for that company’s Annual Statement of Qualified Status process, re-Qualification Letter and any other documentation relating to Qualification) |
S (Submitted)
I (Inactive)
B (Baselined)
T (Baselined)
F (Non-Baselined)
B (Wholesale Market or Balancing Mechanism Services)
O (Other)
D (Delete)
‘A’ | (SBP = Main price; SSP = Reverse Price) |
‘B’ | (SSP Capped to SBP) |
‘C’ | (SSP Defaulted to SBP) |
‘D’ | (SBP & SSP Defaulted to Market Price) |
‘E’ | (SSP & SBP Defaulted to Zero) |
‘F’ | (SSP = Main Price; SBP = Reverse Price) |
‘G’ | (SBP Capped to SSP) |
‘H’ | (SBP Defaulted to SSP) |
‘I’ | (SBP & SSP Defaulted to Market Price) |
‘J’ | (SSP & SBP Defaulted to Zero) |
‘K’ | (SSP & SBP Defaulted to Market Price) |
‘L’ | (SSP & SBP Defaulted to Zero) |
‘N’ | (SSP Defaulted to Main price; SBP = SSP) |
‘P’ | (SBP Defaulted to Main price; SSP = SBP) |
C0411 | F |
| CDCA-I041: Interconnector Aggregation Report |
AIV | R | 1-* | G |
| Interconnector Aggregation Report |
N0125 | D |
| 1 |
| integer(10) |
| Interconnector Id |
N0200 | D |
| 1 |
| date |
| Settlement Date |
AIP | R | 46-50 |
| G |
| Aggregated Interconnector Volume - Period |
N0201 | D |
| 1 |
| integer(2) |
| Settlement Period |
N0090 | D |
| 1 |
| boolean |
| Estimate Indicator |
N0062 | D |
| 1 |
| date |
| Date of Aggregation |
N0139 | D |
| 1 |
| decimal(10,3) |
| Meter Volume |
N0049 | D |
| 1 |
| integer(2) |
| CDCA Run Number |
N0121 | D |
| 1 |
| char | I/E Flag | Import/Export Indicator |
E0041 | F |
| ECVAA-I004: ECVNs |
EDN | R | 1 | G |
| ECVNs |
N0080 | D |
| 1 |
| text(10) |
N0297 | D |
| 1 |
| text(10) |
| ECVNAA Key |
M0310 | D |
| 1 |
| text(10) |
N0077 | D |
| 1 |
| text(10) |
| ECVN Reference Code |
N0081 | D |
| 1 |
| date |
| Effective From Date |
N0083 | D |
| O |
| date |
| Effective To Date |
OTD2 | R | 0-1 |
| G |
| Omitted Data No Change |
N0483 | D |
| 1 |
| boolean |
| No Change to Existing Data |
CD9 | R | 0-* |
| G |
| Energy Contract Volumes |
N0201 | D |
| 1 |
| integer(2) |
| Settlement Period |
N0085 | D |
| 1 |
| decimal(10,3) | MWh | energy contract volume |
Balancing Mechanism Data
System Related Data
Derived Data
Replacement Reserve Data
Agent-id | Name | Dirn | User | Type |
BMRA-I004 | Publish Balancing Mechanism Data | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I005 | Publish System Related Data | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I006 | Publish Derived Data | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I019 | Publish Credit Default Notices | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I010 | Data Exception Report | to | MIDP | Electronic data file transfer |
BMRA-I015 | Receive Market Index Data | from | MIDP | Electronic data file transfer |
BMRA-I028 | Receive REMIT Data | from | BMR Service User, NETSO | Electronic data file transfer |
BMRA-I030 | Publish REMIT Data | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I031 | Publish Transparency Regulation Data | to | BMR Service User, ENTSO-E | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I035 | Publish Trading Unit Data | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I037 | Publish Replacement Reserve Data | to | BMR Service User | BMRA Publishing Interface |
BMRA-I039 | Publish Exempt Supply Volumes | to | BMR Service User | API only |
Agent-id | Name | Dirn | User | Type |
CDCA-I001 | Aggregation Rules | From | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I003 | Meter Technical Data | From | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I003 | Meter Technical Data | From | Registrant | Manual |
CDCA-I004 | Notify new Meter Protocol | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I005 | Load New Meter Protocol | From | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I006 | Meter Data for Proving Test | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I007 | Proving Test Report/Exceptions | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I007 | Proving Test Report/Exceptions | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I008 | Obtain Metered Data from Metering Systems | From | Physical meters | Meter System Interface |
CDCA-I009 | Meter Period Data collected via site visit | From | Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | Manual |
CDCA-I010 | Exception Report for missing and invalid meter period data | To | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I010 | Exception Report for missing and invalid meter period data | To | MOA | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I011 | Dial Readings from meter, for MAR | From | Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | Manual |
CDCA-I012 | Report raw meter data | To | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I012 | Report raw meter data | To | Distribution Business | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I013 | Response to Estimated data | From | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I014 | Estimated Data Report | To | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I014 | Estimated Data Report | To | MOA | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I015 | Reporting Metering Equipment Faults | From | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I017 | Meter Reading Schedule for MAR | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I017 | Meter Reading Schedule for MAR | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I018 | MAR Reconciliation Report | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I018 | MAR Reconciliation Report | To | Distribution Business | Manual |
CDCA-I018 | MAR Reconciliation Report | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I019 | MAR Remedial Action Report | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I019 | MAR Remedial Action Report | To | Distribution Business | Manual |
CDCA-I019 | MAR Remedial Action Report | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I021 | Notification of Metering Equipment Work | From | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I025 | Aggregation Rule Exceptions | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I026 | Aggregated Meter Volume Exceptions | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I029 | Aggregated GSP Group Take Volumes | To | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I029 | Aggregated GSP Group Take Volumes | To | Distribution Business | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I030 | Meter Period Data for Distribution Area | To | Distribution Business | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I037 | Estimated Data Notification | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I037 | Estimated Data Notification | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I038 | Reporting Metering Equipment Faults | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I038 | Reporting Metering Equipment Faults | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I041 | Interconnector Aggregation Report | To | IA | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I042 | BM Unit Aggregation Report | To | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I044 | Meter System Proving Validation | From | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I045 | Meter Data from routine work and Metering Faults | From | MOA/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | Manual |
CDCA-I046 | Site Visit Inspection Report | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I046 | Site Visit Inspection Report | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I047 | Correspondence Receipt Acknowledgement | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I048 | Report of Aggregation Rules | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I051 | Report Meter Technical Details | To | BSC Party, | Manual |
CDCA-I051 | Report Meter Technical Details | To | Distribution Business | Manual |
CDCA-I051 | Report Meter Technical Details | To | MOA | Manual |
CDCA-I054 | Meter Status Report | To | BSC Party, | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I054 | Meter Status Report | To | Distribution Business | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I054 | Meter Status Report | To | MOA, | Electronic data file transfer |
CDCA-I055 | `Transfer from SMRS information | From | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I057 | Transfer to SMRS information | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I059 | Initial Meter Reading Report | To | BSC Party | Manual |
CDCA-I060 | SVA Party Agent Details | From | SVA Registrant, CVA Registrant | Manual |
CDCA-I067 | Disconnected CVA BM Units | From | Distribution Businesses, NETSO | Manual |
Agent-id | Name | Dirn | User | Type |
CRA-I001 | BSC Party Registration Data | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I002 | Interconnector Admin Registration Data | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I003 | BSC Party Agent Registration Data | from | BSC Party Agent | Manual |
CRA-I005 | BM Unit Registration Data | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I006 | Trading Unit Registration | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I007 | Boundary Point and System Connection Point Registration Data | from | DB | manual |
CRA-I008 | Interconnector Registration | from | Distribution Business | Manual |
CRA-I012 | CRA Encryption Key | to | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I012 | CRA Encryption Key | to | BSC Party Agent | Manual |
CRA-I012 | CRA Encryption Key | to | MIDP | Manual |
CRA-I014 | Registration Report | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CRA-I014 | Registration Report | to | BSC Party Agent | Electronic data file transfer |
CRA-I021 | Registered Service List | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CRA-I021 | Registered Service List | to | Public | Manual |
CRA-I024 | Certification and Accreditation Status Report | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
CRA-I024 | Certification and Accreditation Status Report | to | BSC Party Agents | Electronic data file transfer |
CRA-I027 | GSP Group and GSP Registration | from | Distribution Business | Manual |
CRA-I031 | Metering System Data | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | from | BSC Party Agent | Manual |
CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | from | BSC Service Agent | Manual |
CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | from | BSCCo Ltd | Manual |
CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | from | NETSO | Manual |
CRA-I038 | Transfer from SMRS Information | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I040 | Transfer to SMRS Information | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I048 | GC Breach or DC Breach Notification | to | BSC Party, BSCCo | Manual |
CRA-I049 | GC Breach or DC Breach Estimation Challenge | from | BSC Party | Manual |
CRA-I051 | Notification of Breach Challenge Data | to | BSC Party | Manual |
Agent-id | Name | Dirn | User | Type |
ECVAA-I002 | ECVNAA Data | from | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I002 | ECVNAA Data | from | ECVNA | Manual |
ECVAA-I003 | MVRNAA Data | from | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I003 | MVRNAA Data | from | MVRNA | Manual |
ECVAA-I004 | ECVN | from | ECVNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I005 | MVRNs | from | MVRNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I007 | ECVNAA Feedback | to | BSC Party | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I007 | ECVNAA Feedback | to | ECVNA | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I008 | MVRNAA Feedback | to | BSC Party | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I008 | MVRNAA Feedback | to | MVRNA | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I009 | ECVN Feedback (Rejection) | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I009 | ECVN Feedback (Rejection) | to | ECVNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I010 | MVRN Feedback (Rejection) | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I010 | MVRN Feedback (Rejection) | to | MVRNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I013 | Authorisation Report | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I013 | Authorisation Report | to | ECVNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I013 | Authorisation Report | to | MVRNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I014 | Notification Report | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I014 | Notification Report | to | ECVNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I014 | Notification Report | to | MVRNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I021 | Credit Limit Warning | to | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I022 | Forward Contract Report | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I024 | Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Request | from | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I025 | Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Report | to | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I028 | ECVN Acceptance Feedback | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I028 | ECVN Acceptance Feedback | to | ECVNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I029 | MVRN Acceptance Feedback | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I029 | MVRN Acceptance Feedback | to | MVRNA | Electronic data file transfer |
ECVAA-I035 | Forward Contract Report Start Period Override | from | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I037 | Receive Volume Notification Nullification Request | from | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I038 | Issue Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report | to | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I039 | Issue Nullification Completion Report | to | BSC Party | Manual |
ECVAA-I042 | Banning/Unbanning Individual User Access to the ECVAA Web Service | from | BSC Party ECVNA MVRNA | Manual |
ECVAA-I043 | ECVAA Web Service – BSC Party View ECVNs | to | BSC Party | Electronic |
ECVAA-I044 | ECVAA Web Service – BSC Party View MVRNs | to | BSC Party | Electronic |
ECVAA-I045 | ECVAA Web Service – ECVNA View ECVNs | to | ECVNA | Electronic |
ECVAA-I046 | ECVAA Web Service – MVRNA View MVRNs | to | MVRNA | Electronic |
ECVAA-I051 | Wholesale Market Activity Notification | from | VTP | Electronic |
ECVAA-I052 | Wholesale Market Activity Notification Exception Report | to | VTP | Electronic |
Agent-id | Name | Dirn | User | Type |
SAA-I006 | BM Unit Metered Volumes for Interconnector Users | from | IA | Electronic data file transfer |
SAA-I012 | Dispute Notification | from | BSC Party | Manual |
SAA-I014 | Settlement Reports | to | BSC Party | Electronic data file transfer |
SAA-I016 | Settlement Calendar | to | BSC Party | Manual |
SAA-I016 | Settlement Calendar | to | BSC Party Agent | Manual |
SAA-I017 | SAA Exception Reports | to | BSC Party (IA), MIDP | Electronic data file transfer |
SAA-I018 | Dispute Reports | to | BSC Party | Manual |
SAA-I030 | Receive Market Index Data | From | MIDP | Electronic data file transfer |
SAA-I058 | Aggregated Non-Chargeable Demand Report | To | BSC Party | Elexon Portal3 |
SAA-I061 | BM Unit Eligible Exempt Supply | to | SAA | Electronic data file transfer |
Agent-id | Name | Dirn | User | Type |
P0282 | Delivered Volume Notification | from | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | Electronic data file transfer |
P0283 | Rejection of Delivered Volume | to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | Electronic data file transfer |
P0284 | Confirmation of Delivered Volume | to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | Electronic data file transfer |
P0285 | Delivered Volume Exception Report | to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | Electronic data file transfer |
P0287 | Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments | to | Supplier | Electronic data file transfer |
P0288 | Secondary Half Hourly Consumption Volumes | to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | Electronic data file transfer |
P0297 | Asset Registration | from | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0298 | Rejection of Asset Registration | to | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0299 | Confirmation of Asset Registration | to | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0300 |
Registration of Asset Metering Agents | from | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0301 | Rejection of Asset Metering Agents | to | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0302 | Confirmation of Registration of Asset Metering Agents | to | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0303 | Asset Meter Registration | from | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0304 | Rejection of Asset Meter Registration | to | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0305 | Confirmation of Asset Meter Registration | to | AMVLP Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0306 | AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | from | AMVLP | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0307 | Confirmation of AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | to | AMVLP | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0308 | Rejection of AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | to | AMVLP | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0309 | Notification of use of AMSID Pair by another AMVLP | to | AMVLP | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0310 | Missing Metering System Data | to | HHDA, HHDC, AMVLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0311 | Invalid Metering System Data | to | HHDA, HHDC, AMVLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0320 | Loss of AMSID Pair Allocation | to | AMVLP | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0323 | BM Unit Allocation Event Day | from | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0324 | Rejection of BM Unit Allocation Event Day | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0325 | Confirmation of BM Unit Allocation Event Day | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0326 | BM Unit Allocation Baselining Detail | from | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0327 | Rejection of BM Unit Baselining Allocation Detail | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0328 | BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Notification | from | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0329 | BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Rejection | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0330 | BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Acceptance | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0331 | BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Warning | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0333 | Baselining Expected Volume Report | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Electronic Data Transfer |
P0334 | Confirmation of BM Unit Baselining Allocation Detail
| to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0335 | BM Unit Baselining Status | from | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0336 | Rejection of BM Unit Baselining Status | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
P0337 | Confirmation of BM Unit Baselining Status | to | AMVLP, VLP, Supplier | Self-Service Gateway or email |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
to | BSC Party | BMRA flows | Publish Balancing Mechanism Reports | Publishing |
from | BSC Party | CDCA-I001 | Aggregation Rules | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I007 | Proving Test Report/Exceptions | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I010 | Exception Report for missing and invalid meter period data | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I012 | Report raw meter data | Electronic data file transfer |
from | BSC Party | CDCA-I013 | Response to Estimated data | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I014 | Estimated Data Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I017 | Meter Reading Schedule for MAR | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I018 | MAR Reconciliation Report | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I019 | MAR Remedial Action Report | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I025 | Aggregation Rule Exceptions | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I026 | Aggregated Meter Volume Exceptions | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I029 | Aggregated GSP Group Take Volumes | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I037 | Estimated Data Notification | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I038 | Reporting Metering Equipment Faults | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I042 | BM Unit Aggregation Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I046 | Site Visit Inspection Report | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I047 | Correspondence Receipt Acknowledgement | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I048 | Report of Aggregation Rules | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I051 | Report Meter Technical Details | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I054 | Meter Status Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CDCA-I059 | Initial Meter Reading Report | Manual |
From | SVA Registrant, CVA Registrant | CDCA-I060 | SVA Party Agent Details | Manual |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I001 | BSC Party Registration Data | Manual |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I002 | Interconnector Admin Registration Data | Manual |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I005 | BM Unit Registration Data | Manual |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I006 | Trading Unit Registration | Manual |
From | DB | CRA-I007 | Boundary Point and System Connection Point Registration Data | manual |
to | BSC Party | CRA-I012 | CRA Encryption Key | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CRA-I014 | Registration Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CRA-I021 | Registered Service List | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | CRA-I024 | Certification and Accreditation Status Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I031 | Metering System Data | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CRA-I048 | GC or DC Breach Notification | Manual |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I049 | GC Breach or DC Breach Challenge | Manual |
to | BSC Party | CRA-I051 | Notification of Breach Challenge Data | Manual |
from | BSC Party | ECVAA-I002 | ECVNAA Data | Manual |
from | BSC Party | ECVAA-I003 | MVRNAA Data | Manual |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I007 | ECVNAA Feedback | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I008 | MVRNAA Feedback | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I009 | ECVN Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I010 | MVRN Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I013 | Authorisation Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I014 | Notification Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I021 | Credit Limit Warning | Manual |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I022 | Forward Contract Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | BSC Party | ECVAA-I024 | Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Request | Manual |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I025 | Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Report | Manual |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I028 | ECVN Acceptance Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I029 | MVRN Acceptance Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
from | BSC Party | ECVAA-I035 | Forward Contract Report Start Period Override | Manual |
from | BSC Party | ECVAA-I037 | Receive Volume Notification Nullification Request | Manual |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I038 | Issue Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report | Manual |
to | BSC Party | ECVAA-I039 | Issue Nullification Completion Report | Manual |
from | VTP | ECVAA-I051 | Wholesale Market Activity Notification | Electronic |
to | VTP | ECVAA-I052 | Wholesale Market Activity Notification Exception Report | Electronic |
from | BSC Party | CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | Manual |
from | BSC Party | SAA-I012 | Dispute Notification | Manual |
to | BSC Party | SAA-I014 | Settlement Reports | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | SAA-I016 | Settlement Calendar | Manual |
to | BSC Party | SAA-I017 | SAA Exception Reports | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | SAA-I018 | Dispute Reports | Manual |
to | BSC Party | SAA-I058 | Aggregated Non-Chargeable Demand Report | Elexon Portal3 |
from | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | P0282 | Delivered Volume Notification | Electronic data file transfer |
to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | P0283 | Rejection of Delivered Volume | Electronic data file transfer |
to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | P0284 | Confirmation of Delivered Volume | Electronic data file transfer |
to | VTP, VLP, AMVLP | P0285 | Delivered Volume Exception Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | BSC Party | P0287 | Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments | Electronic data file transfer |
to | VLP, AMVLP, VTP | P0288 | Secondary Half Hourly Consumption Volumes | Electronic data file transfer |
from | AMVLP | P0297 | Asset Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0298 | Rejection of Asset Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0299 | Confirmation of Asset Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
from | AMVLP | P0300 | AMVLP Agent Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0301 | Rejection of AMVLP Agent Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0302 | Confirmation of AMVLP Agent Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
from | AMVLP | P0303 | Registration of Asset Meters | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0304 | Rejection of Asset Meter Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0305 | Confirmation of Asset Meter Registration | Self Service Gateway, Email |
from | AMVLP | P0306 | AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0307 | Rejection of AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0308 | Confirmation of AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | AMVLP | P0309 | Notification of use of AMSID Pair by another AMVLP | Self Service Gateway, Email |
to | HHDA,HHDC, AMVLP | P0310 | Missing Metering System Data | Electronic Data Transfer |
to | HHDA,HHDC, AMVLP | P0311 | Invalid Metering System Data | Electronic Data Transfer |
to | AMVLP | P320 | Loss of AMSID Pair Allocation | Self Service Gateway, Email |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I012 | Report raw meter data | Electronic data file transfer |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I018 | MAR Reconciliation Report | Manual |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I019 | MAR Remedial Action Report | Manual |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I029 | Aggregated GSP Group Take Volumes | Electronic data file transfer |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I030 | Meter Period Data for Distribution Area | Electronic data file transfer |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I051 | Report Meter Technical Details | Manual |
to | Distribution Business | CDCA-I054 | Meter Status Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | Distribution Business | CDCA-I067 | Disconnected BM Units | Manual |
from | Distribution Business | CRA-I008 | Interconnector Registration | Manual |
from | Distribution Business | CRA-I027 | GSP Group and GSP Registration | Manual |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
to | IA | CDCA-I041 | Interconnector Aggregation Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | IA | SAA-I006 | BM Unit Metered Volumes for Interconnector Users | Electronic data file transfer |
to | IA | SAA-I017 | SAA Exception Reports | Electronic data file transfer |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
from | Physical meters | CDCA-I008 | Obtain Metered Data from Metering Systems | Meter System Interface |
from | Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | CDCA-I009 | Meter Period Data collected via site visit | Manual |
from | Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | CDCA-I011 | Dial Readings from meter, for MAR | Manual |
from | MOA/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | CDCA-I045 | Meter Data from routine work and Metering Faults | Manual |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
from | BSC Party Agent | CRA-I003 | BSC Party Agent Registration Data | Manual |
to | BSC Party Agent | CRA-I012 | CRA Encryption Key | Manual |
to | BSC Party Agent | CRA-I014 | Registration Report | Electronic data file transfer |
To | BSC Party Agent | CRA-I024 | Certification and Accreditation Status Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | BSC Party Agent | CRA-I034 | Flexible Reporting Request | Manual |
to | BSC Party Agent | SAA-I016 | Settlement Calendar | Manual |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
to | MOA | TAA-I006 | Notification of Metering Systems to be subject to site visits and request for site details | Manual |
to | MOA | TAA-I024 | Rectification Plan Response | Manual |
from | MOA | CDCA-I003 | Meter Technical Data | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I004 | Notify new Meter Protocol | Manual |
from | MOA | CDCA-I005 | Load New Meter Protocol | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I006 | Meter Data for Proving Test | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I007 | Proving Test Report/Exceptions | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I010 | Exception Report for missing and invalid meter period data | Electronic data file transfer |
to | MOA | CDCA-I014 | Estimated Data Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | MOA | CDCA-I015 | Reporting Metering Equipment Faults | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I017 | Meter Reading Schedule for MAR | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I018 | MAR Reconciliation Report | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I019 | MAR Remedial Action Report | Manual |
from | MOA | CDCA-I021 | Notification of Metering Equipment Work | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I037 | Estimated Data Notification | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I038 | Reporting Metering Equipment Faults | Manual |
from | MOA | CDCA-I044 | Meter System Proving Validation | Manual |
from | MOA | CDCA-I045 | Meter Data from routine work and Metering Faults | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I046 | Site Visit Inspection Report | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I051 | Report Meter Technical Details | Manual |
to | MOA | CDCA-I054 | Meter Status Report | Electronic data file transfer |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
from | MVRNA | ECVAA-I003 | MVRNAA Data | Manual |
from | MVRNA | ECVAA-I005 | MVRNs | Electronic data file transfer |
to | MVRNA | ECVAA-I008 | MVRNAA Feedback | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
to | MVRNA | ECVAA-I010 | MVRN Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
to | MVRNA | ECVAA-I013 | Authorisation Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | MVRNA | ECVAA-I014 | Notification Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | MVRNA | ECVAA-I029 | MVRN Acceptance Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
from | ECVNA | ECVAA-I002 | ECVNAA Data | Manual |
from | ECVNA | ECVAA-I004 | ECVN | Electronic data file transfer |
to | ECVNA | ECVAA-I007 | ECVNAA Feedback | Manual / Electronic data file transfer |
to | ECVNA | ECVAA-I009 | ECVN Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
to | ECVNA | ECVAA-I013 | Authorisation Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | ECVNA | ECVAA-I014 | Notification Report | Electronic data file transfer |
to | ECVNA | ECVAA-I028 | ECVN Acceptance Feedback | Electronic data file transfer |
Dir’n | User | Agent-id | Name | Type |
to | MIDP | CRA-I012 | CRA Encryption Key | Manual |
to | MIDP | BMRA-I010 | Data Exception Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | MIDP | BMRA-I015 | Market Index Data | Electronic data file transfer |
to | MIDP | SAA-I017 | SAA Exception Report | Electronic data file transfer |
from | MIDP | SAA-I030 | Market Index Data | Electronic data file transfer |
Interface ID: BMRA-I004 | User: BMR Service User | Title: Publish Balancing Mechanism Data | BSC reference: BMRA SD 8.2, P71, P217 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Continuous (as made available from the NETSO) | Volumes: Between 1000 - 5000 BM units. In each settlement period, at least 1 FPN data, 1 dynamic data and 1 Bid-Offer Acceptance per BM unit. At most 10 Bid-Offer Pairs per BM unit (estimated 1000) that receives bids and offers. Up to 5000 Balancing Services Volume data items per day. | |
Interface Requirement: The BMRA Service shall publish Balancing Mechanism data continuously, as it is received from the NETSO.
The Balancing Mechanism data consists of the following:
Gate Closure Data Acceptance and Balancing Services Data Declaration Data
Point FPN Data BM Unit ID Time From Level From (MW) Time To Level To (MW) Point Quiescent FPN Data BM Unit ID Time From Level From (MW) Time To Level To (MW)
Bid-Offer Data: BM Unit ID Time From Time To Bid-Offer Pair Number Level From (MW) Level To (MW) Offer Price (£/MWh) Bid Price (£/MWh) |
Maximum Export Limit: BM Unit ID Time From Maximum Export Level From (MW) Time To Maximum Export Level To (MW) Maximum Import Limit: BM Unit ID Time From Maximum Import Level From (MW) Time To Maximum Import Level To (MW) |
For Settlement Dates prior to the P217 effective date:
Bid-Offer Acceptance Level Data: BM Unit ID Acceptance Time Deemed Acceptance Flag Time From Level From (MW) Time To Level To (MW)
For Settlement Dates on or after the P217 effective date:
Bid-Offer Acceptance Level Flagged Data: BM Unit ID Acceptance Time Deemed Acceptance Flag SO-Flag Time From Level From (MW) Time To Level To (MW)
Acceptance STOR Provider Flag (for dates after the P217 effective date and before the P305 effective date the STOR Provider Flag will be reported as null)
Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data BM Unit ID Settlement Date Settlement Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume (MWh) |
Run Up Rates Export BM Unit ID Effective Time Run-Up Rate 1 (MW / minute) Run-Up Elbow 2 (MW) Run-Up Rate 2 (MW / minute) Run-Up Elbow 3 (MW) Run-Up Rate 3 (MW / minute) Run Up Rates Import BM Unit ID Effective Time Run-Up Rate 1 (MW / minute) Run-Up Elbow 2 (MW) Run-Up Rate 2 (MW / minute) Run-Up Elbow 3 (MW) Run-Up Rate 3 (MW / minute) Run Down Rates Export BM Unit ID Effective Time Run-Down Rate 1 (MW / minute) Run-Down Elbow 2 (MW) Run-Down Rate 2 (MW / minute) Run-Down Elbow 3 (MW) Run-Down Rate 3 (MW / minute) Run Down Rates Import BM Unit ID Effective Time Run-Down Rate 1 (MW / minute) Run-Down Elbow 2 (MW) Run-Down Rate 2 (MW / minute) Run-Down Elbow 3 (MW) Run-Down Rate 3 (MW / minute) Notice to Deviate from Zero BM Unit ID Effective Time Notice To Deviate From Zero (Minutes) Notice to Deliver Offers BM Unit ID Effective Time Notice to Deliver Offers (Minutes) Notice to Deliver Bids BM Unit ID Effective Time Notice to Deliver Bids (Minutes) Minimum Zero Time BM Unit ID Effective Time Minimum Zero Time (Minutes) Minimum Non-Zero Time BM Unit ID Effective Time Minimum Non-Zero Time (Minutes) Stable Export Limit BM Unit ID Effective Time Stable Export Limit (MW) Stable Import Limit BM Unit ID Effective Time Stable Import Limit (MW) Maximum Delivery Volume BM Unit ID Effective Time Maximum Delivery Limit (MWh) Maximum Delivery Period BM Unit ID Effective Time Maximum Delivery Period (Minutes)
Physical Interface Details: |
Interface ID: BMRA-I005 | User: BMR Service User | Title: Publish System Related Data | BSC reference: BMRA SD 7.2, P8, P78, P172, P219, P220, P217, P243, P244, CP1333, CP1367, P399 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Continuous (as made available from the NETSO) | Volumes: Various | |
Interface Requirement: The BMRA Service shall publish System data continuously, as it is received from the NETSO.
The System Related data consists of the following:
Indicated Generation Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period National/Boundary Identifier Sum of PN Generation (MW) Indicated Demand Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period National/Boundary Identifier Sum of PN Demand (MW) National Demand Forecast4 Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period National/Boundary Identifier Demand (MW) Transmission System Demand Forecast5 Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period National/Boundary Identifier Demand (MW) Initial National Demand Out-Turn Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period Demand (MW) Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period Demand (MW) National Demand Forecast Day, 2-14 Day Publishing Period Commencing Time Day of Forecast Demand (MW) Transmission System Demand Forecast Day, 2-14 Day Publishing Period Commencing Time Day of Forecast Demand (MW) National Demand Forecast Week, 2-52 Week Publishing Period Commencing Time Calendar Week Number Demand (MW) National Surplus Forecast, 2-156 Week Publishing Period Commencing Time Calendar Week Number Surplus (MW) Transmission System Demand Forecast Week, 2-52 Week Publishing Period Commencing Time Calendar Week Number Demand (MW) National Surplus Forecast, 2-14 Day Publishing Period Commencing Time Day of Forecast Surplus (MW) National Surplus Forecast, 2-52 Week Publishing Period Commencing Time Calendar Week Number Surplus (MW) Indicated Margin Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period National/Boundary Identifier Margin (MW) Indicated Imbalance Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period National/Boundary Identifier Imbalance Value (MW) National Output Usable, 2-14 Day Publication Time System Zone Settlement Date Output Usable (MW)
National Output Usable by Fuel Type, 2-14 Day Fuel Type Publication Time System Zone Settlement Date Output Usable (MW) National Output Usable by Fuel Type and BM Unit, 2-14 Day BM Unit Fuel Type Publication Time System Zone Settlement Date Output Usable (MW)
National Output Usable, 2-52 Week Publication Time System Zone Calendar Week Number Calendar Year Output Usable (MW) National Output Usable, 2-156 Week Publication Time System Zone Calendar Week Number Calendar Year Output Usable (MW) National Output Usable by Fuel Type, 2-52 Week Fuel Type Publication Time System Zone Calendar Week Number Calendar Year Output Usable (MW) National Output Usable by Fuel Type, 2-156 Week Fuel Type Publication Time System Zone Calendar Week Number Calendar Year Output Usable (MW) National Output Usable by Fuel Type and BM Unit, 2-52 Week BM Unit Fuel Type Publication Time System Zone Calendar Week Number Calendar Year Output Usable (MW) National Output Usable by Fuel Type and BM Unit, 2-156 Week BM Unit Fuel Type Publication Time System Zone Calendar Week Number Calendar Year Output Usable (MW) Generating Plant Demand Margin, 2-14 Days Publication Time Settlement Date Generating Plant Demand Margin (MW) Generating Plant Demand Margin, 2-52 Weeks Publication Time Calendar Week Number Generating Plant Demand Margin (MW) Generating Plant Demand Margin, 2-156 Weeks Publication Time Calendar Week Number Generating Plant Demand Margin (MW) System Zone Map NGC-BSC BM Unit Mapping System Warnings SO-SO Prices Balancing Services Adjustment Data: Settlement Date Settlement Period Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment (EBCA) (£) Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment (EBVA) (MWh) Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment (SBVA) (MWh) Buy Price Price Adjustment (BPA) (£/MWh) Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment (ESCA) (£) Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment (ESVA) (MWh) Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment (SSVA) (MWh) Sell Price Price Adjustment (SPA) (£/MWh) Balancing Services Adjustment Action Data (for Settlement Dates after, and including the P217 effective date): Settlement Date Settlement Period Balancing Services Adjustment Action ID (unique for Settlement Period) Balancing Services Adjustment Action Cost (£) Balancing Services Adjustment Action Volume (MWh) Balancing Services Adjustment Action SO-Flag (T/F) Balancing Services Adjustment Action STOR Flag (T/F) (for dates after the P217 effective date and before the P305 effective date the STOR Provider Flag will be reported as null) Balancing Services Adjustment Action Data (for Settlement Dates after, and including the P399 effective date): BSAD Party Id BSAD Asset Id Tendered Status Service Type Market Index Data: Market Index Data Provider Identifier Settlement Date Settlement Period (1-50) Market Index Price Market Index Volume Missing Market Index Data Messages Temperature Data Publishing Period Commencing Time Settlement Date Outturn Temperature (degrees Celsius) Normal Reference Temperature (degrees Celsius) High Reference Temperature (degrees Celsius) Low Reference Temperature (degrees Celsius) Wind Generation Forecast Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period Generation Forecast (MW) Total Registered Capacity (MW) Instantaneous Generation By Fuel Type Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period Spot Time Fuel Type – ID representing one of: CCGT Oil Plant OCGT Coal Nuclear Power Park Module Pumped Storage Plant Non Pumped Storage Hydro Plant External Interconnector Flows from France to England External Interconnector Flows from Northern Ireland to Scotland External Interconnector Flows from the Netherlands to England External Interconnector Flows from Ireland to Wales External Interconnector Flows from Belgium to England Biomass Other Generation (MW) Half Hourly Generation By Fuel Type Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period Fuel Type – ID representing one of: CCGT Oil Plant OCGT Coal Nuclear Power Park Module Pumped Storage Plant Non Pumped Storage Hydro Plant External Interconnector Flows from France to England External Interconnector Flows from Northern Ireland to Scotland External Interconnector Flows from the Netherlands to England External Interconnector Flows from Ireland to Wales External Interconnector Flows from Belgium to England Biomass Other Generation (MW) Daily Energy Volume Data Publishing Period Commencing Time Settlement Date Outturn Volume (MWh) Normal Volume (MWh) High Volume (MWh) Low Volume (MWh) Realtime Transmission System Frequency Data Publishing Period Commencing Time Spot Time Frequency (Hz) Non-BM STOR Out-Turn Publishing Period Commencing Time Start Time of ½ Hour Period Non-BM STOR Volume (MWh) Loss of Load Probability and De-rated Margin Settlement Date Settlement Period 1200 Forecast – LoLP and DRM 8 hour forecast – LoLP and DRM 4 hour forecast – LoLP and DRM 2 hour forecast – LoLP and DRM 1 hour forecast – LoLP and DRM Demand Control Instruction Demand Control ID Affected DSO Instruction Sequence Demand Control Event Flag Time From Time To Demand Control Level SO-Flag STOR Availability Window Season Year Season Number STOR Availability Dates Weekday Start Time Weekday End Time Non-weekday Start Time Non-weekday End Time
| |||
The System Warnings functionality will be utilised, within existing constraints, to report the issuing of all Emergency Instructions, and to notify whether or not each instruction should be treated as an Excluded Emergency Acceptance.
| |||
Balancing Services Adjustment Data for Settlement Dates after, and including the P217 effective date will always have a value of zero for the following data items:
Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment (EBCA) Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment (EBVA) Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment (SBVA) Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment (ESCA) Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment (ESVA) Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment (SSVA)
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Within the Balancing Services Adjustment Action Data the SO-Flag will be set to ‘T’ where the associated Action has been flagged by the NETSO as potentially impacted by transmission constraints.
Interface ID: BMRA-I006 | User: BMR Service User | Title: Publish Derived Data | BSC reference: BMRA SD 9.1, CP560, P18A, P78, P217, CP1333, P305, CP1517 |
Mechanism BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Once, for each settlement period. | Volumes: Between 1000 - 5000 BM units. In each settlement period, at least 1 FPN data and 1 Bid-Offer Acceptance per BM unit. At most 12 Bid-Offer Pairs per BM unit (estimated 1000) that receives bids and offers. | |
Interface Requirement: The BMRA Service shall normally publish Derived data once for each settlement period, as soon as it is calculated. Where as a result of an outage, calculations have been based on incomplete or incorrect data from the NETSO, derived data may be republished.
The Derived data shall include:
Derived BM Unit Data (for all Settlement Dates) Period Bid and Offer Acceptance Volumes (QABknij, QAOknij and CADL Flag) Estimated Period Balancing Mechanism Bid and Offer Cashflows (CBnij and CO nij) Derived BM Unit Data (for Settlement Dates prior to the P217 effective date) Estimated Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid and Offer Volume (QABnij and QAOnij) Derived BM Unit Data (for Settlement Dates after, and including the P217 effective date) Estimated Period BM Unit Original Accepted Bid and Offer Volume (QABnij and QAOnij) Estimated Period BM Unit Tagged Accepted Bid and Offer Volume (QTABnij and QTAOnij) Estimated Period BM Unit Repriced Accepted Bid and Offer Volume (QRABnij and QRAOnij) Estimated Period BM Unit Originally-Priced Accepted Bid and Offer Volume (QOABnij and QOAOnij) Derived System-wide Data (for Settlement Dates prior to the P217 effective date) Estimated System Sell/Buy Prices (SBPj and SSPj) Price Derivation Code (PDCj) Indicative Net Imbalance Volume (NIVj) Total Accepted Bid Volume and Total Accepted Offer Volume Total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume and Total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume and Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume Total Bid Volume and Total Offer Volume Derived System-wide Data (for Settlement Dates after, and including the P217 effective date) Estimated System Sell/Buy Prices (SBPj and SSPj) Price Derivation Code (PDCj) Indicative Net Imbalance Volume (NIVj) Replacement Price (RPj) Replacement Price Calculation Volume (RPVj) Total Accepted Bid Volume Total Accepted Offer Volume Tagged Accepted Bid Volume Tagged Accepted Offer Volume Total Adjustment Buy Volume Total Adjustment Sell Volume Tagged Adjustment Buy Volume Tagged Adjustment Sell Volume Reserve Scarcity Price (for dates after the P217 effective date and before the P305 effective date the STOR Provider Flag will be reported as null)
The BMRA Service shall publish details of the Indicative System Price Stacks once for each Settlement Period. This will detail all items on both the Buy and Sell Stacks including a description of the ordering of items within each stack. Each stack item will have the following data reported against it:
Indicative System Price Stack Item (see below for further details) Index Component Identifier Acceptance Number Bid-Offer Pair Number CADL Flag (T/F) SO-Flag (T/F) Acceptance STOR Provider Flag (T/F) Repriced Indicator (T/F) Bid-Offer Original Price (£/MWh) Volume (MWh) DMAT Adjusted Volume (MWh) Arbitrage Adjusted Volume (MWh) NIV Adjusted Volume (MWh) PAR Adjusted Volume (MWh) Reserve Scarcity Price (£/MWh) Stack Item Original Price (£/MWh) Final Price (£/MWh) Transmission Loss Multiplier TLM Adjusted Volume (MWh) TLM Adjusted Cost (£)
i. The Index will be a unique positive integer representing the item’s relative position in the stack. The first item in the stack has an index of 1. The reported ordering of items reflects the final order of the stack. ii. The Component Identifier will hold any of the following: the associated BM Unit’s Identifier for Acceptance Volume stack items, the NETSO allocated ID for Disaggregated BSAD stack items or a unique ID that BSC Agent System derives for Demand Control Volume stack items, a specific identifier for Replacement Reserve actions and Volume of GB Need Met,. iii. For Disaggregated BSAD and Demand Control Volume stack items no Acceptance Number and Bid Offer Pair Number values will be reported. iv. The Repriced Indicator will reflect whether or not the stack item has been repriced. v. The Price value will be the final derived price for the stack item as used to derive the TLM Adjusted Cost (i.e. it will be the Replacement Price where appropriate). vi. The various “Adjusted Volume” values will be that part of the original volume that remains untagged after applying the associated process – e.g. PAR Adjusted Volume will be that volume which remains untagged after having carried out PAR Tagging. vii. The Transmission Loss Multiplier will be the Transmission Loss Multiplier for the stack item’s associated BM Unit. For Disaggregated BSAD stack items, which have no associated BM Unit, this will always be a value of 1. viii. TLM Adjusted Volume = PAR Adjusted Volume x TLM ix. TLM Adjusted Cost = PAR Adjusted Volume x TLM x Price x. The Bid-Offer Original Price is the Bid or Offer Price associated to the System Action based on its associated Bid-Offer Data or Balancing Services Adjustment Data sent by the NETSO. For STOR Actions, the Bid-Offer Original Price is sometimes referred to as the Utilisation Price. xi. The Reserve Scarcity Price will be null for System Actions that are not STOR Actions. xii. The Stack Item Original Price is a System Action’s initial price when first added to a price stack (i.e. the System Action Price (SAP)). Typically the Stack Item Original Price will be equal to the Bid-Offer Original Price except if it is a STOR Action in which case it will be the greater of the Bid-Offer Original Price and the Reserve Scarcity Price.
For a full derivation of the various data items, refer to the Indicative System Price Calculation in the BMRA URS.
Derived data will be published for each Settlement Period within <CADL> + 15 (parameterised) minutes from the end of the Settlement Period.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
See SAA URS for Price Derivation Codes.
Data Item | Description |
Index | A unique positive integer representing the item’s relative position in the stack. The first item in the stack has an index of 1. The reported ordering of items reflects the final order of the stack. |
Component Identifier | For Acceptance Volume stack items the Component Identifier will represent the associated BM Unit’s Identifier. For Balancing Services Adjustment Action stack items Component Identifier will represent the NETSO allocated ID. For Replacement Reserve actions, the Component Identifier will take the form ‘RRAUSB’ and ‘RRAUSS’ for the Buy and Sell stacks respectively. For Volume of GB Need Met, the Component Identifier will take the form of ‘Q1’ and ‘Q2’ for each of the Quarter Hour periods within the Settlement Period. For Demand Control Volume stack items a unique ID that the BSC Agent’s System derives. |
Acceptance Number | Only reported for Acceptance Volume stack items (null for Balancing Services Adjustment Action and Demand Control Volume stack items.) |
Bid-Offer Pair Number | Only reported for Acceptance Volume stack items (null for Balancing Services Adjustment Action and Demand Control Volume stack items.) |
CADL Flag | A value of ‘T’ indicates where an Acceptance stack item is considered to be a Short Duration Acceptance. |
SO-Flag | A value of ‘T’ indicates where the NETSO has flagged this stack item as potentially impacted by transmission constraints. |
STOR Provider Flag | A value of ‘T’ indicates where the NETSO has flagged this stack item as relating to STOR Providers. This flag only indicates that the action MAY be a STOR Action. |
Repriced Indicator | A value of ‘T’ indicates where a stack item has been repriced. |
Bid-Offer Original Price | The Offer or Bid Price or BSAA Cost of the stack item (£/MWh) as reported in the original BOD or BSAD |
Reserve Scarcity Price | For a particular Settlement Period, the price determined as the product of VOLL and LoLP. |
Stack Item Original Price | The original price of the stack item (£/MWh), typically the Stack Item Original Price will be equal to the Bid-Offer Original Price except if it is a STOR Action in which case it will be the greater of the Bid-Offer Original Price and the Reserve Scarcity Price. |
Volume | The initial volume of the stack item (MWh). |
DMAT Adjusted Volume | The volume of the stack item which is not considered to be impacted by DMAT (MWh). |
Arbitrage Adjusted Volume | The volume of the stack item which is not impacted by Arbitrage (MWh). |
NIV Adjusted Volume | The volume of the stack item which is not NIV tagged (MWh). |
PAR Adjusted Volume | The volume of the stack item which is not PAR tagged (MWh). |
Final Price | The final price of the stack item (as used to determine the TLM Adjusted Cost) (£/MWh). |
Transmission Loss Multiplier | The Transmission Loss Multiplier associated with the stack item. For Acceptance Volume stack items this will be determined from the related BM Unit. For Balancing Services Adjustment Action stack items This will be considered to be 1. |
TLM Adjusted Volume | PAR Adjusted Volume x TLM (MWh) |
TLM Adjusted Cost | TLM Adjusted Volume x Price (£) |
Interface ID: BMRA-I019 | User: BMR Service User | Title: Publish Credit Default Notices | BSC reference: CP703 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Ad-Hoc | Volumes: Low.
| |
Interface Requirement: The BMRA Service shall publish Credit Default Notices, as they are received from the ECVAA.
Credit Default Notices shall include all data listed in BMRA-I018, i.e.:
Credit Default Notice:
BSC Party ID Credit Default Level Entered Default Settlement Day Entered Default Settlement Period Cleared Default Settlement Day Cleared Default Settlement Period Cleared Default Reason
Notes: 1. The Credit Default Level may be one of the following:
2. The Entered Settlement Day and Entered Settlement Period indicate when the BSC Party entered the reported default level. 3. The Cleared Settlement Day and Cleared Settlement Period indicate when the BSC Party cleared the reported default level. 4. The Cleared Default Reason indicates why the Party cleared default as supplied by ECVAA.
Data shall be published according to the formats defined in BMRA URS Appendix C. For more information please refer to the BMRA System Specification and Design Specification.
Credit Default Notices will be published 3 (parameterised) times at 20 minute (parameterised) intervals after receipt.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: BMRA-I010 | User: NETSO, BSCCo Ltd, CRA, MIDP | Title: BMRA Data Exception Reports | BSC reference: BMRA SD 6.2, 7.3, 8.3, 8.4, P78 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: | |
The BMRA Service shall issue Exception Reports to the NETSO, BSCCo Ltd, MIDPs or CRA if an input message fails validation, or if insufficient data has been received or, in the case of Adjustment Data, if a system parameter is set to indicate that an exception file is required. This covers errors in all message types.
| |||
The exception reports shall include:
Header of file being processed File Type Creation Time From Role Code From Participant Id To Role Code To Participant Id Sequence Number Test Data Flag
Header of NGC file being processed NGC Filename
BMRA Data Exceptions Exception Type Exception Description
The header of file being processed may be a NETA File Header, a NGC File Header, or it may be omitted if, for example, the exception is that a file is missing.
The exception type may be one of the following:
Note that the file may contain one or many exception descriptions. A file may contain several problems, all of which will be reported in the one file. For example, exceptions on a FPN file may be reported against two different BMU identifiers which are not recognised by BMRA.
Interface ID: BMRA-I015 | Source: MIDP | Title: Receive Market Index Data | BSC reference: P78 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Continuous for each Settlement Period | Volumes: Up to 5 Providers, each sending data for each Settlement Period. Each Provider will submit either 1 file per period, or 1 file per day. | |
Interface Requirement: The BMRA shall receive Market Index Data, from Market Index Data Providers, for each Settlement Period. The flow shall include:
Market Index Data Market Index Data Provider ID Settlement Date Settlement Period Market Index Data (1-50) Settlement Period Market Index Price Market Index Volume Traded Price (to be ignored) Traded Volume (to be ignored)
1. Data submitted after the related period’s Indicative System Buy and Sell Price calculation has begun will be rejected. 2. Amendments to previously submitted data will be loaded and published by the BMRA as the most recent data, only if received before the related period’s calculation has begun. 3. No validation is carried out between BMRA and SAA to determine whether or not the same Market Index Data is submitted to both systems for each Settlement Period.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: BMRA-I028 | Source: BMR Service User, NETSO | Title: Receive REMIT Data | BSC reference: P291, P329 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer, XML | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: Up to 3000 messages per day | |
Interface Requirement:
The BMRA shall receive REMIT message data from BMR Service Users (via the ELEXON Portal) and the NETSO. The data will be received in individual XML files and will include:
* Only required for ‘Unavailabilities Of Electricity Facilities’ Message Type | |||
Physical Interface Details:
These files will be received in a format defined by an XML Schema (REMIT XSD version 2.0) established and maintained by the BMRA.
Interface ID: BMRA-I030 | User: BMR Service User, | Title: Publish REMIT Data | BSC reference: P291, P329 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Continuous upon receipt | Volumes: Up to 3000 individual messages per day. | |
Interface Requirement:
The BMRA Service shall publish messages submitted under REMIT (Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency) as soon as they are received from BMR Service Users or the NETSO.
REMIT message data shall include:
* Only required for ‘Unavailabilities Of Electricity Facilities’ Message Type | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
The detailed contents of this interface are defined by an XML Schema (REMIT XSD version 2.0) established and maintained by the BMRA. |
Interface ID: BMRA-I031 | Source: BMR Service User, ENTSO-E | Title: Publish Transparency Regulation Data | BSC reference: P295 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface; Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Continuous upon receipt | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement:
The BMRA Service shall publish data provided under the Transparency Regulations as soon as it has been received from the NETSO. Data shall be provided to BMR Service Users through the publishing interface and directly to ENTSO-E for further publication on the Electricity Market Fundamental Information Platform (EMFIP).
Transparency Regulation Data shall include information relating to the following categories:
Details of the individual articles reported are provided in Section 4.10. | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
The interface to ENTSO-e shall comprise an FTP connection to the Energy Communications Platform (ECP). The files will be published in XML and PDF formats defined by ENTSO-e. Data items in XML files will be defined in the relevant XML Schema Definition (XSD) and in accordance to the ENTSO-e’s Manual of Procedures (V2.1); details are available from the Transparency section of the ENTSO-e Website (
Interface ID: BMRA-I035 | Source: BMR Service User,
| Title: Publish Trading Unit Data | BSC reference: P321 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Continuous upon receipt | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement:
The BMRA Service shall publish Trading Unit Data as soon as it has been received from the SAA.
The following data items shall be included:
This information will be available through a BMRS API, although it will not be available through the Tibco service. | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: BMRA-I037 | Source: BMR Service User,
| Title: Publish Replacement Reserve Data | BSC reference: CP1517 |
Mechanism: BMRA Publishing Interface | Frequency: Continuous upon receipt and/or derivation | Volumes: High | |
Interface Requirement:
The BMRA Service shall publish data relating to Replacement Reserve.
The information shall include:
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: BMRA-I039 | Source: BMR Service User,
| Title: Publish Exempt Supply Volume Data | BSC reference: P442 |
Mechanism: API only | Frequency: Upon receipt | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement:
The BMRA Service shall publish data relating to Exempt Supply Volumes.
The information shall include:
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
message types
subject naming conventions
field definitions and formats
message definitions and formats
any special formatting or arrangement of data in messages
| External Interface Requirement | Data Type | Message Type | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Final Physical Notification | FPN | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Quiescent Physical Notification | QPN | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Bid-Offer Pairs | BOD | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Maximum Export Limit | MEL | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Maximum Import Limit | MIL | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Bid-Offer Acceptances | BOAL | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Bid-Offer Acceptance Level Flagged | BOALF | ||
| BMRA-I004 | BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume | QAS | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Run Up Rates Export | RURE | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Run Up Rates Import | RURI | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Run Down Rates Export | RDRE | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Run Down Rates Import | RDRI | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Notice to Deviate from Zero | NDZ | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Notice to Deliver Offers | NTO | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Notice to Deliver Bids | NTB | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Minimum Zero Time | MZT | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Minimum Non-Zero Time | MNZT | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Stable Export Limit | SEL | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Stable Import Limit | SIL | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Maximum Delivery Volume | MDV | ||
| BMRA-I004 | Maximum Delivery Period | MDP | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Indicated Generation | INDGEN | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Indicated Demand | INDDEM | ||
| BMRA-I005 | National Demand Forecast | NDF | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Transmission System Demand Forecast | TSDF | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Initial National Demand Out-turn | INDO | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn | ITSDO | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Demand forecast. 2 -14 days ahead | NDFD | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Demand forecast. 2 -52 weeks ahead | NDFW | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Transmission System Demand Forecast, 2 -14 day | TSDFD | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Transmission System Demand Forecast, 2 -52 week | TSDFW | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Surplus forecast. 2 -14 days ahead | OCNMFD6 | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Surplus forecast. 2 -52 weeks ahead | OCNMFW7 | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Surplus forecast. 2-156 weeks ahead | OCNMF3Y | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Indicated Margin | MELNGC | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Indicated Imbalance | IMBALNGC | ||
| BMRA-I005 | System Warnings | SYSWARN | ||
| BMRA-I005 | SO-SO Prices | SOSO | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Net Balancing Services Adjustment Data | NETBSAD | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Balancing Services Adjustment Action Data | DISBSAD | ||
| BMRA-I005 | System Message | SYSMSG | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Market Index Data | MID | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Temperature Data | TEMP | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Wind Generation Forecast | WINDFOR | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Instantaneous Generation by Fuel Type | FUELINST | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Half-Hourly Generation by Fuel Type | FUELHH | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Daily Energy Volume Data | INDOD | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Realtime Transmission System Frequency Data | FREQ | ||
| BMRA-I005 | Non-BM STOR Out-turn | NONBM | ||
BMRA-I005 | National Output Usable by Fuel Type, 2-14 days ahead | FOU2T14D | |||
BMRA-I005 | National Output Usable by BM Unit and Fuel Type, 2-14 days ahead | UOU2T14D | |||
BMRA-I005 | National Output Usable by Fuel Type, 2-52 weeks ahead | FOU2T52W | |||
BMRA-I005 | National Output Usable by BM Unit and Fuel Type, 2-52 weeks ahead | UOU2T52W | |||
BMRA-I005 | National Output Usable by Fuel Type, 2-156 weeks ahead | FOU2T3YW | |||
BMRA-I005 | National Output Usable by BM Unit and Fuel Type, 2-156 weeks ahead | UOU2T3YW | |||
BMRA-I005 | Generating Plant Demand Margin, 2-14 days ahead | OCNMFD2 | |||
BMRA-I005 | Generating Plant Demand Margin, 2-52 weeks ahead | OCNMFW2 | |||
BMRA-I005 | Generating Plant Demand Margin, 2-156 weeks ahead | OCNMF3Y2 | |||
BMRA-I005 | Loss of Load Probability and De-rated Margin | LOLP | |||
BMRA-I005 | Demand Control Instructions | DCONTROL | |||
BMRA-I006 | Period B-O Acceptance Volumes | BOAV | |||
BMRA-I006 | Period Total B-O Acceptance Volume | PTAV | |||
BMRA-I006 | Disaggregated Period Total B-O Acceptance Volume | DISPTAV | |||
BMRA-I006 | Estimated period B-O cash flows | EBOCF | |||
BMRA-I006 | Net Estimated Buy/Sell Price and Total Accepted Bid/Offer Volumes | NETEBSP | |||
BMRA-I006 | Disaggregated Estimated Buy/Sell Price and Total Accepted Bid/Offer Volumes | DISEBSP | |||
BMRA-I006 | Total Bid Volume and Total Offer Volume | TBOD | |||
BMRA-I006 | Indicative System Price Stack | ISPSTACK | |||
BMRA-I019 | Credit Default Notices | CDN | |||
BMRA-I030 | REMIT Data | REMIT | |||
BMRA-I031 | Transparency Regulation Data | TRANSPARENCY | |||
BMRA-I037 | Replacement Reserve Data | RR |
Data Group | Subject name prefix |
System related data | BMRA.SYSTEM |
BM related data | BMRA.BM.<BM_UNIT> |
Dynamic Data | BMRA.DYNAMIC.<BM_UNIT> |
Party Related Data | BMRA.BP.<PARTICIPANT> |
Transparency Regulation Data | TRANSPARENCY.BMRS.<ARTICLE> |
Replacement Reserve Data | BMRA.RR |
Informational | BMRA.INFO |
Field Data Type : | The data the field represents. |
Field Type : | The reference identity of the field type, as used in message definitions. |
Field Name : | The field name used within the message to identify the field. |
Description : | A brief description of the data the field represents. |
TIB Data Type : | The data type used in the TIB wire format of the message. This is a data type defined in and used internally by the TIBCO Rendezvous software. They are platform and network independent. |
C/Java Type : | The C and Java data types which correspond to the TIB data type. The TIBCO Rendezvous software will convert the incoming TIB data type into this data type when the API is used for bespoke applications. Due to the nature of the C data type “float”, it should be noted that where the data type “float” is given, it is the responsibility of the participant’s API software to perform rounding to the appropriate accuracy (see section 4.10.7 and its subsections for additional information). |
Messages containing field : | The TIB message types which are broadcast by BMRA which contain the field. |
Additional Information : | Any additional information - such as the units of the data and the valid set of values if appropriate (note that £ and £/MWh are always to 2 decimal places). |
Data Type | Field Type |
Acceptance Level Value | VA |
Acceptance Number | NK |
Acceptance Time | TA |
Adjustment Cost | JC |
Adjustment Identifier | AI |
Adjustment Volume | JV |
Amendment Flag | AM |
Applicable Balancing Services Volume | SV |
Arbitrage Adjusted Volume | AV |
Affected LDSO | DS |
Bid Cashflow | BC |
Bid Price | BP |
Bid Volume | BV |
Bid/Offer Indicator | BO |
Bid-Offer Level Value | VB |
Bid-Offer Pair Number | NN |
BMRS Informational Text | IN |
BSAD Asset Id | AX |
BSAD Defaulted | BD |
Buy Price | PB |
BSAD Party Id | PX |
Buy Price Cost Adjustment | A4 |
Buy Price Price Adjustment | A6 |
Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A5 |
CADL Flag | CF |
Calendar Year | CY |
Calendar Week Number | WN |
Cleared Default Settlement Date | CD |
Cleared Default Settlement Period | CP |
Component Identifier | CI |
Contract Identification | IC |
Credit Default Level | DL |
Deemed Bid-Offer Flag | AD |
Demand Control Event Flag | EV |
Demand Control ID | ID |
Demand Control Level | VO |
Demand Margin | DM |
Demand Value | VD |
DMAT Adjusted Volume | DA |
Effective From Time | TE |
Entered Default Settlement Date | ED |
Entered Default Settlement Period | EP |
Energy Volume Daily High Reference | EH |
Energy Volume Daily Low Reference | EL |
Energy Volume Daily Normal Reference | EN |
Energy Volume Outturn | EO |
Export Level Value | VE |
Fuel Type | FT |
Fuel Type Generation | FG |
GB Reference High Noon Temperature | TH |
GB Noon Temperature Outturn | TO |
GB Reference Low Noon Temperature | TL |
GB Reference Normal Noon Temperature | TN |
Generation Value | VG |
Imbalance Value | VI |
Import Level Value | VF |
Indicative Net Imbalance Volume | NI |
Instruction Sequence No | SQ |
Margin/Surplus Value | VM |
Market Index Data Provider ID | MI |
Market Index Price | M1 |
Market Index Volume | M2 |
Maximum Delivery Period | DP |
Maximum Delivery Volume | DV |
Message Type | MT |
Minimum non-Zero Time | MN |
Minimum Zero Time | MZ |
Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment | A9 |
Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A10 |
Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment | A7 |
Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A8 |
Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A12 |
Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A11 |
NIV Adjusted Volume | NV |
Non-BM STOR Volume | NB |
Notice to Deliver Bids | DB |
Notice to Deliver Offers | DO |
Notice to Deviate from Zero | DZ |
Number of Records | NR |
Number Of Spot Points | NP |
Offer Cashflow | OC |
Offer Price | OP |
Offer Volume | OV |
Output Usable | OU |
PAR Adjusted Volume | PV |
Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Bid Volume | P6 |
Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Offer Volume | P3 |
Period Repriced BM Unit Bid Volume | P5 |
Period Repriced BM Unit Offer Volume | P2 |
Period Tagged BM Unit Bid Volume | P4 |
Period Tagged BM Unit Offer Volume | P1 |
PN Level Value | VP |
Price Derivation Code | PD |
Publishing Time | TP |
Replacement Price | RP |
Replacement Price Calculation Volume | RV |
Repriced Indicator | RI |
Reserve Scarcity Price | RSP |
RR Accepted Bid Volume | BI |
RR Accepted Offer Volume | OF |
RR Associated TSO | AT |
RR Auction Period End | AE |
RR Auction Period Start | AS |
RR Bid Resolution | BR |
RR Business Type | TY |
RR Cashflow | CR |
RR Divisible | DI |
RR Exclusive Bid Id | EB |
RR Flow Direction | FD |
RR Instruction Flag | RN |
RR Interconnector Identifier | II |
RR Linking Bid Id | LB |
RR Market Balance Area | BA |
RR Maximum Quantity | QX |
RR Multipart Bid Id | MB |
RR Position | PO |
RR Price | PR |
RR Quantity | QI |
RR Quarter Hour Period | QP |
RR Schedule Flag | SC |
RR Status | RS |
Run Down Elbow 2 | RB |
Run Down Elbow 3 | RC |
Run Down Rate 1 | R1 |
Run Down Rate 2 | R2 |
Run Down Rate 3 | R3 |
Run Up Elbow 2 | UB |
Run Up Elbow 3 | UC |
Run Up Rate 1 | U1 |
Run Up Rate 2 | U2 |
Run Up Rate 3 | U3 |
Sell Price | PS |
Sell Price Cost Adjustment | A1 |
Sell Price Price Adjustment | A3 |
Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A2 |
Sequence Number | SN |
Service Type | SX |
Settlement Date | SD |
Settlement Period | SP |
Short Acceptance Flag | SA |
Spot Time | TS |
Stable Export Limit | SE |
Stable Import Limit | SI |
Stack Item Final Price | FP |
Stack Item Original Price | IP |
Stack Item Volume | IV |
STOR Provider Flag | PF |
SO-Flag | SO |
SO-SO Start Time | ST |
SO-SO Trade Type | TT |
System Frequency | SF |
System Message Text | SM |
System Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume | PC |
System Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume | PP |
System Total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume | AC |
System Total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume | AP |
System Warning Text | SW |
Tagged Accepted Bid Volume | T2 |
Tagged Accepted Offer Volume | T1 |
Tagged Adjustment Buy Volume | J4 |
Tagged Adjustment Sell Volume | J3 |
Tendered Status | TX |
Time From | TF |
Time To | TI |
TLM Adjusted Cost | TC |
TLM Adjusted Volume | TV |
Total Accepted Bid Volume | AB |
Total Accepted Offer Volume | AO |
Total Adjustment Buy Volume | J2 |
Total Adjustment Sell Volume | J1 |
Total Bid Volume | BT |
Total Offer Volume | OT |
Total Registered Capacity | TR |
Total Volume of Activated Bids | BS |
Total Volume of Offered Bids | OS |
Total Volume of Unavailable Bids | US |
Trade Direction | TD |
Trade Price | PT |
Trade Quantity | TQ |
Transmission Loss Multiplier | TM |
Bid-Offer Original Price | UP |
Week Start Date | WD |
Zone Indicator | ZI |
Field Type | Data Type |
A1 | Sell Price Cost Adjustment |
A10 | Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment |
A11 | Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment |
A12 | Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment |
A2 | Sell Price Volume Adjustment |
A3 | Sell Price Price Adjustment |
A4 | Buy Price Cost Adjustment |
A5 | Buy Price Volume Adjustment |
A6 | Buy Price Price Adjustment |
A7 | Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment |
A8 | Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment |
A9 | Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment |
AB | Total Accepted Bid Volume |
AC | System Total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume |
AD | Deemed Bid-Offer Flag |
AE | RR Auction Period End |
AI | Adjustment Identifier |
AM | Amendment Flag |
AO | Total Accepted Offer Volume |
AP | System Total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume |
AS | RR Auction Period Start |
AT | RR Associated TSO |
AV | Arbitrage Adjusted Volume |
AX | BSAD Asset Id |
BA | RR Market Balance Area |
BC | Bid Cashflow |
BD | BSAD Defaulted |
BI | RR Accepted Bid Volume |
BO | Bid/Offer Indicator |
BP | Bid Price |
BR | RR Bid Resolution |
BS | Total Volume of Activated Bids |
BT | Total Bid Volume |
BV | Bid Volume |
CD | Cleared Default Settlement Date |
CF | CADL Flag |
CI | Component Identifier |
CP | Cleared Default Settlement Period |
CR | RR Cashflow |
CY | Calendar Year |
DA | DMAT Adjusted Volume |
DB | Notice to Deliver Bids |
DI | RR Divisible |
DL | Credit Default Level |
DM | Demand Margin |
DO | Notice to Deliver Offers |
DP | Maximum Delivery Period |
DS | Affected LDSO |
DV | Maximum Delivery Volume |
DZ | Notice to Deviate from Zero |
EB | RR Exclusive Bid Id |
ED | Entered Default Settlement Date |
EH | Energy Volume Daily High Reference |
EL | Energy Volume Daily Low Reference |
EN | Energy Volume Daily Normal Reference |
EO | Energy Volume Outturn |
EP | Entered Default Settlement Period |
FD | RR Flow Direction |
FG | Fuel Type Generation |
FP | Stack Item Final Price |
FT | Fuel Type |
IC | Contract Identification |
ID | Demand Control ID |
II | RR Interconnector Identifier |
IN | BMRS Informational Text |
IP | Stack Item Original Price |
IV | Stack Item Volume |
J1 | Total Adjustment Sell Volume |
J2 | Total Adjustment Buy Volume |
J3 | Tagged Adjustment Sell Volume |
J4 | Tagged Adjustment Buy Volume |
JC | Adjustment Cost |
JV | Adjustment Volume |
LB | RR Linking Bid Id |
M1 | Market Index Price |
M2 | Market Index Volume |
MB | RR Multipart Bid Id |
MI | Market Index Data Provider ID |
MN | Minimum non-Zero Time |
MT | Message Type |
MZ | Minimum Zero Time |
NB | Non-BM STOR Volume |
NI | Indicative Net Imbalance Volume |
NK | Acceptance Number |
NN | Bid-Offer Pair Number |
NP | Number Of Spot Points |
NR | Number of Records |
NV | NIV Adjusted Volume |
OC | Offer Cashflow |
OF | RR Accepted Offer Volume |
OP | Offer Price |
OS | Total Volume of Offered Bids |
OT | Total Offer Volume |
OU | Output Usable |
OV | Offer Volume |
P1 | Period Tagged BM Unit Offer Volume |
P2 | Period Repriced BM Unit Offer Volume |
P3 | Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Offer Volume |
P4 | Period Tagged BM Unit Bid Volume |
P5 | Period Repriced BM Unit Bid Volume |
P6 | Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Bid Volume |
PB | Buy Price |
PC | System Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume |
PD | Price Derivation Code |
PF | STOR Provider Flag |
PI | Party Id |
PO | RR Position |
PP | System Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume |
PR | RR Price |
PS | Sell Price |
PT | Trade Price |
PV | PAR Adjusted Volume |
PX | BSAD Party Id |
QI | RR Quantity |
QP | RR Quarter Hour Period |
QX | RR Maximum Quantity |
R1 | Run Down Rate 1 |
R2 | Run Down Rate 2 |
R3 | Run Down Rate 3 |
RB | Run Down Elbow 2 |
RC | Run Down Elbow 3 |
RI | Repriced Indicator |
RN | RR Instruction Flag |
RP | Replacement Price |
RS | RR Status |
RSP | Reserve Scarcity Price |
RV | Replacement Price Calculation Volume |
SA | Short Acceptance Flag |
SC | RR Schedule Flag |
SD | Settlement Date |
SE | Stable Export Limit |
SF | System Frequency |
SI | Stable Import Limit |
SM | System Message Text |
SN | Sequence Number |
SO | SO-Flag |
SP | Settlement Period |
SQ | Instruction Sequence No |
ST | SO-SO Start Time |
SV | Applicable Balancing Services Volume |
SW | System Warning Text |
SX | Service Type |
T1 | Tagged Accepted Offer Volume |
T2 | Tagged Accepted Bid Volume |
TA | Acceptance Time |
TC | TLM Adjusted Cost |
TD | Trade Direction |
TE | Effective From Time |
TF | Time From |
TH | GB Reference High Noon Temperature |
TI | Time To |
TL | GB Reference Low Noon Temperature |
TM | Transmission Loss Multiplier |
TN | GB Reference Normal Noon Temperature |
TO | GB Noon Temperature Outturn |
TP | Publishing Time |
TQ | Trade Quantity |
TR | Total Registered Capacity |
TS | Spot Time |
TT | SO-SO Trade Type |
TV | TLM Adjusted Volume |
TY | RR Business Type |
TX | Tendered Status |
U1 | Run Up Rate 1 |
U2 | Run Up Rate 2 |
U3 | Run Up Rate 3 |
UB | Run Up Elbow 2 |
UC | Run Up Elbow 3 |
UP | Bid-Offer Original Price |
US | Total Volume of Unavailable Bids |
VA | Acceptance Level Value |
VB | Bid-Offer Level Value |
VD | Demand Value |
VE | Export Level Value |
VF | Import Level Value |
VG | Generation Value |
VI | Imbalance Value |
VM | Margin/Surplus Value |
VO | Demand Control Level |
VP | PN Level Value |
WD | Week Start Date |
WN | Calendar Week Number |
ZI | Zone Indicator |
Field Data Type : | Acceptance Level Value |
Field Type : | VA |
Field Name : | “VA” |
Description : | Level of Acceptance. Used to describe either a ‘from level’ or a ‘to level’. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | BOAL, BOALF |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid Values: -9999 to +9999. |
Field Data Type : | Acceptance Number |
Field Type : | NK |
Field Name : | “NK” |
Description : | The number of an individual acceptance. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | BOAL, BOAV, BOALF, ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Valid values: 1 to 2147483647. |
Field Data Type : | Acceptance Time |
Field Type : | TA |
Field Name : | “TA” |
Description : | The time an acceptance was made. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | BOAL, BOALF |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Adjustment Cost |
Field Type : | JC |
Field Name : | “JC” |
Description : | The defined cost of the Adjustment item. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : | Value in £. Can be NULL. |
Field Data Type : | Adjustment Identifier |
Field Type : | AI |
Field Name : | “AI” |
Description : | The unique identifier allocated to a single Balancing Services Adjustment Action item. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : | Unique within each Settlement Period. |
Field Data Type : | Adjustment Volume |
Field Type : | JV |
Field Name : | “JV” |
Description : | The defined volume of the Adjustment item. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume |
Field Type : | SV |
Field Name : | “SV” |
Description : | Energy Volume associated with provision of balancing services |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | QAS |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Arbitrage Adjusted Volume |
Field Type : | AV |
Field Name : | “AV” |
Description : | The volume remaining against a stack item after applying Arbitrage. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Bid Cashflow |
Field Type : | BC |
Field Name : | “BC” |
Description : | The period bid cashflow for a single Bid-Offer pair. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | EBOCF |
Additional Information : | Value in £. |
Field Data Type : | Bid Price |
Field Type : | BP |
Field Name : | “BP” |
Description : | The bid price attached to a Bid-Offer pair for a given settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | BOD |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Bid Volume |
Field Type : | BV |
Field Name : | “BV” |
Description : | Bid volume accepted for a Bid-Offer pair. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | BOAV, PTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Bid/Offer Indicator |
Field Type : | BO |
Field Name : | “BO” |
Description : | Indicates whether the associated stack item is from the Bid or Offer Stack. |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Single character. Can be either “B” or “O”. |
Field Data Type : | Bid-Offer Level Value |
Field Type : | VB |
Field Name : | “VB” |
Description : | Level of Bid-Offer. Used to describe either a ‘from level’ or a ‘to level’. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | BOD |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. |
Field Data Type : | Bid-Offer Pair Number |
Field Type : | NN |
Field Name : | “NN” |
Description : | The number of a Bid-Offer pair. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | BOD, BOAV, PTAV, EBOCF, DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Valid values: -6 to 6. |
Field Data Type : | BMRS Informational Text |
Field Type : | IN |
Field Name : | “IN” |
Description : | General Informational message |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | MSG |
Additional Information : | For future use. Should currently be ignored |
Field Data Type : | BSAD Defaulted |
Field Type : | BD |
Field Name : | “BD” |
Description : | Flag to indicate that the BSAD data shown is default values |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’.
Field Data Type : | Buy Price |
Field Type : | PB |
Field Name : | “PB” |
Description : | The system buy price for a particular settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Buy Price Price Adjustment |
Field Type : | A6 |
Field Name : | “A6” |
Description : | Adjustment applied to quotient in computation of Buy Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | CADL Flag |
Field Type : | CF |
Field Name : | “CF” |
Description : | A value of ‘T’ indicates where the associated stack item is considered to be a Short Duration Acceptance. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type : | Calendar Week Number |
Field Type : | WN |
Field Name : | “WN” |
Description : | The number of a week in the year. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | OCNMFW, NDFW, TSDFW, FOU2T52W, UOU2T52W, OCNMFW2, OCNMF3Y, FOU2T3YW, UOU2T3YW, OCNMF3Y2 |
Additional Information : | Valid values: 1 - 53. The first week in the year with 4 days or more is Week number 1. |
Field Data Type : | Calendar Year |
Field Type : | CY |
Field Name : | “CY” |
Description : | The year to which data in a message pertains. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | FOU2T52W, UOU2T52W, OCNMFW2, FOU2T3YW, UOU2T3YW, OCNMF3Y2 |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Cleared Default Settlement Date |
Field Type : | CD |
Field Name : | “CD” |
Description : | The settlement date on which a party cleared credit default, at the level specified elsewhere in the message. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | CDN |
Additional Information : | The time section of the DateTime is truncated to zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds |
Field Data Type : | Cleared Default Settlement Period |
Field Type : | CP |
Field Name : | “CP” |
Description : | The settlement Period on which a party cleared credit default, at the level specified elsewhere in the message. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | CDN |
Additional Information : | Valid values : 1 – 50 |
Field Data Type : | Cleared Default Text |
Field Type : | CT |
Field Name : | “CT” |
Description : | Reason that a party has cleared credit default, at the level specified elsewhere in the message. |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | CDN |
Additional Information : | The cleared default text will be plain ascii text, in the majority of cases, be less than 128 bytes in length. |
Field Data Type : | Component Identifier |
Field Type : | CI |
Field Name : | “CI” |
Description : | For Acceptance items this is the associated BM Unit’s Identifier. For Balancing Services Adjustment Action items this is the NETSO allocated, unique ID. For RR items this is an identifier that distinguishes the item as being related to Replacement Reserve. |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Contract Identification |
Field Type : | IC |
Field Name : | “IC” |
Description : | A unique identifier for an offered SO-SO trade. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | SOSO |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Credit Default Level |
Field Type : | DL |
Field Name : | “DL” |
Description : | The credit default level. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | CDN |
Additional Information : | Valid values : 1, 2 |
Field Data Type : | Deemed Bid-Offer Flag |
Field Type : | AD |
Field Name : | “AD” |
Description : | Indicates whether Bid-Offer was made for an acceptance. |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | BOAL, BOALF |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type: | Demand Margin |
Field Type : | DM |
Field Name : | “DM” |
Description : | A value of the demand margin from generating plants. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | OCNMFD2, OCNMFW2, OCNMF3Y2 |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: -99999 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | Demand Value |
Field Type : | VD |
Field Name : | “VD” |
Description : | A value of demand. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NDFD, NDFW, INDDEM, INDO, NDF, TSDF, TSDFD, TSDFW, ITSDO |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: INDDEM: -99999 to 0 others: 0 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | DMAT Adjusted Volume |
Field Type : | DA |
Field Name : | “DA” |
Description : | The volume remaining against a stack item after applying DMAT. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Effective From Time |
Field Type : | TE |
Field Name : | “TE” |
Description : | The date and time that a value of dynamic data starts to be effective. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | RURE, RURI, RDRE, RDRI, NDZ, NTO, NTB, MZT, MNZT, SEL, SIL, MDV, MDP |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Energy Volume Daily High Reference |
Field Type : | EH |
Field Name : | “EH” |
Description : | MWh. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | INDOD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Energy Volume Daily Low Reference |
Field Type : | EL |
Field Name : | “EL” |
Description : | MWh. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | INDOD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Energy Volume Daily Normal Reference |
Field Type : | EN |
Field Name : | “EN” |
Description : | MWh. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | INDOD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Energy Volume Daily Outturn |
Field Type : | EO |
Field Name : | “EO” |
Description : | MWh. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | INDOD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Entered Default Settlement Date |
Field Type : | ED |
Field Name : | “ED” |
Description : | The settlement date on which a party entered credit default, at the level specified elsewhere in the message. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | CDN |
Additional Information : | The time section of the DateTime is truncated to zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds |
Field Data Type : | Entered Default Settlement Period |
Field Type : | EP |
Field Name : | “EP” |
Description : | The settlement Period on which a party entered credit default, at the level specified elsewhere in the message. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | CDN |
Additional Information : | Valid values : 1 – 50 |
Field Data Type : | Export Level Value |
Field Type : | VE |
Field Name : | “VE” |
Description : | A level of export capability. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | MEL |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. |
Field Data Type : | Fuel Type | ||||||||||||||
Field Type : | FT | ||||||||||||||
Field Name : | “FT” | ||||||||||||||
Description : | The class of generation fuel type. | ||||||||||||||
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_STRING | ||||||||||||||
C/Java Type : | Char*/String | ||||||||||||||
Messages containing field : | FUELINST, FUELHH, FOU2T14D, FOU2T52W, FOU2T3YW, UOU2T14D, UOU2T52W, UOU2T3YW | ||||||||||||||
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Fuel Type Generation |
Field Type : | FG |
Field Name : | “FG” |
Description : | Fuel Type Generation (MW). |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | FUELINST, FUELHH |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: -99999 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | GB Noon Temperature Outturn |
Field Type : | TO |
Field Name : | “TO” |
Description : | Degree celsius Outturn temperature. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | TEMP |
Additional Information : | Value in degrees Celsius. Valid Values: -99.9 to 99.9 |
Field Data Type : | GB Reference Normal Temperature |
Field Type : | TN |
Field Name : | “TN” |
Description : | Degree celsius temperature. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | TEMP |
Additional Information : | Value in degrees Celsius. Valid Values: -99.9 to 99.9 |
Field Data Type : | GB Reference High Noon Temperature |
Field Type : | TH |
Field Name : | “TH” |
Description : | Degree celsius temperature. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | TEMP |
Additional Information : | Value in degrees Celsius. Valid Values: -99.9 to 99.9 |
Field Data Type : | GB Reference Low Noon Temperature |
Field Type : | TL |
Field Name : | “TL” |
Description : | Degree celsius temperature. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | TEMP |
Additional Information : | Value in degrees Celsius. Valid Values: -99.9 to 99.9 |
Field Data Type : | Generation Value |
Field Type : | VG |
Field Name : | “VG” |
Description : | A value of Generation. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | INDGEN, WINDFOR |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: 0 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | Imbalance Value |
Field Type : | VI |
Field Name : | “VI” |
Description : | A value of Imbalance. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | IMBALNGC |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: -99999 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | Import Level Value |
Field Type : | VF |
Field Name : | “VF” |
Description : | A level of Import capability. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | MIL |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. |
Field Data Type : | Indicative Net Imbalance Volume |
Field Type : | NI |
Field Name : | “NI” |
Description : | The Indicative Net Imbalance Volume |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Margin/Surplus Value |
Field Type : | VM |
Field Name : | “VM” |
Description : | A value of margin or surplus. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | OCNMFD, OCNMFW, OCNMF3Y, MELNGC |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: -99999 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | Market Index Data Provider ID |
Field Type : | MI |
Field Name : | “MI” |
Description : | The Identifier of a Market Index Data Provider. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | MID |
Additional Information : | The Identifier will be plain ascii text, in the majority of cases, be less than 4Kb in length. |
Field Data Type : | Market Index Price |
Field Type : | M1 |
Field Name : | “M1” |
Description : | Market Index Price. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | MID |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Market Index Volume |
Field Type : | M2 |
Field Name : | “M2” |
Description : | Market Index Volume. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | MID |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Maximum Delivery Period |
Field Type : | DP |
Field Name : | “DP” |
Description : | The minimum length of time in which the maximum delivery volume may be delivered. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | MDP |
Additional Information : | Value in Minutes. Valid Values: 1 to 239. |
Field Data Type : | Maximum Delivery Volume |
Field Type : | DV |
Field Name : | “DV” |
Description : | The maximum amount which may be delivered within the maximum delivery period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | MDV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. Valid Values: -99999 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | Message type |
Field Type : | MT |
Field Name : | “MT” |
Description : | A 6 character code that specifies a system message type |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | SYSMSG |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘MIDNP’, and such values that are allocated from time to time. |
Field Data Type : | Minimum non-Zero Time |
Field Type : | MN |
Field Name : | “MN” |
Description : | The minimum time a BM unit may operate at non-zero level as a result of accepted BM action. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | MNZT |
Additional Information : | Value in Minutes. Valid values: 0 to 999. |
Field Data Type : | Minimum Zero Time |
Field Type : | MZ |
Field Name : | “MZ” |
Description : | The minimum time a BM unit must operate at zero or import before returning to export. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | MZT |
Additional Information : | Value in Minutes. Valid values: 0 to 999. |
Field Data Type : | Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment |
Field Type : | A9 |
Field Name : | “A9” |
Description : | Adjustment included in computation of Buy Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £ |
Field Data Type : | Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment |
Field Type : | A10 |
Field Name : | “A10” |
Description : | Adjustment included in computation of Buy Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment |
Field Type : | A7 |
Field Name : | “A7” |
Description : | Adjustment included in computation of Sell Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £ |
Field Data Type : | Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment |
Field Type : | A8 |
Field Name : | “A8” |
Description : | Adjustment included in computation of Sell Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment |
Field Type : | A12 |
Field Name : | “A12” |
Description : | Adjustment included in computation of Buy Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment |
Field Type : | A11 |
Field Name : | “A11” |
Description : | Adjustment included in computation of Sell Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | NIV Adjusted Volume |
Field Type : | NV |
Field Name : | “NV” |
Description : | The volume remaining against a stack item after applying NIV. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Non-BM STOR Volume |
Field Type : | NB |
Field Name : | “NB” |
Description : | Non-BM STOR Instructed Volume (MWh). |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | NONBM |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. Valid values: 0 to +99999. |
Field Data Type : | Notice to Deliver Bids |
Field Type : | DB |
Field Name : | “DB” |
Description : | Notification time for BM unit to deliver a bid |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | NTB |
Additional Information : | Value in Minutes. Valid values: 0 to 239. |
Field Data Type : | Notice to Deliver Offers |
Field Type : | DO |
Field Name : | “DO” |
Description : | Notification time for BM unit to deliver an offer. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | NTO |
Additional Information : | Value in Minutes. Valid values: 0 to 239. |
Field Data Type : | Notice to Deviate from Zero |
Field Type : | DZ |
Field Name : | “DZ” |
Description : | Notification time required for BM unit to change operating level from zero. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | NDZ |
Additional Information : | Value in Minutes. Valid values: 0 to 999. |
Field Data Type : | Number of Records |
Field Type : | NR |
Field Name : | “NR” |
Description : | A number of records contained within the message. The context of this field will be described at the message definition level. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Number of Spot Points |
Field Type : | NP |
Field Name : | “NP” |
Description : | The number of spot times and levels that are contained within a message. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | FPN, QPN, BOD, BOAL, MIL, MEL, BOALF |
Additional Information : | See section on ‘Conversion of Effective From/To Time Data to Spot Time Data’. |
Field Data Type : | Offer Cashflow |
Field Type : | OC |
Field Name : | “OC” |
Description : | The period offer cashflow for a single Bid-Offer pair. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | EBOCF |
Additional Information : | Value in £. |
Field Data Type : | Offer Price |
Field Type : | OP |
Field Name : | “OP” |
Description : | The offer price attached to a Bid-Offer pair for a given settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | BOD |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Offer Volume |
Field Type : | OV |
Field Name : | “OV” |
Description : | The offer volume accepted for a Bid-Offer pair. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | BOAV, PTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Output Usable |
Field Type : | OU |
Field Name : | “OU” |
Description : | The volume of energy expected to be available over a given period (in the case of Interconnectors, this is the expected capacity). |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | FOU2T14D, FOU2T52W, FOU2T3YW, UOU2T14D, UOU2T52W, UOU2T3YW |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid values: 0 to +99999 |
Field Data Type : | PAR Adjusted Volume |
Field Type : | PV |
Field Name : | “PV” |
Description : | The volume remaining against a stack item after applying PAR. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Bid Volume |
Field Type : | P6 |
Field Name : | “P6” |
Description : | The total originally-priced bid volume of the associated BM Unit for a given Bid-Offer pair and settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Offer Volume |
Field Type : | P3 |
Field Name : | “P3” |
Description : | The total originally-priced offer volume of the associated BM Unit for a given Bid-Offer pair and settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Period Repriced BM Unit Bid Volume |
Field Type : | P5 |
Field Name : | “P5” |
Description : | The total repriced bid volume of the associated BM Unit for a given Bid-Offer pair and settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Period Repriced BM Unit Offer Volume |
Field Type : | P2 |
Field Name : | “P2” |
Description : | The total repriced offer volume of the associated BM Unit for a given Bid-Offer pair and settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Period Tagged BM Unit Bid Volume |
Field Type : | P4 |
Field Name : | “P4” |
Description : | The total tagged bid volume of the associated BM Unit for a given Bid-Offer pair and settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Period Tagged BM Unit Offer Volume |
Field Type : | P1 |
Field Name : | “P1” |
Description : | The total tagged offer volume of the associated BM Unit for a given Bid-Offer pair and settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | PN Level Value |
Field Type : | VP |
Field Name : | “VP” |
Description : | Level of Physical Notice. Used to describe either a ‘from level’ or a ‘to level’ of Final or Quiescent PN. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | FPN, QPN |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. |
Field Data Type : | Price Derivation Code |
Field Type : | PD |
Field Name : | “PD” |
Description : | A 2 character code that describes how the SBP and SSP were derived |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: are defined in BMRA-I006 |
Field Data Type : | Publishing Time |
Field Type : | TP |
Field Name : | “TP” |
Description : | The time a message or a particular field was originally published. The context of this field will be described at the message definition level. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Replacement Price |
Field Type : | RP |
Field Name : | “RP” |
Description : | The Replacement Price used for a given settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Replacement Price Calculation Volume |
Field Type : | RV |
Field Name : | “RV” |
Description : | The derived Replacement Price Calculation Volume for a given Settlement Period (as defined in the Indicative System Price Calculation function in the BMRA URS). |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Repriced Indicator |
Field Type : | RI |
Field Name : | “RI” |
Description : | A value of ‘T’ indicates where the associated stack item has been repriced. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 2 |
Field Type : | RB |
Field Name : | “RB” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 2 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 3 |
Field name : | RC |
Field Name : | “RC” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 3 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 4 |
Field Type : | RD |
Field Name : | “RD” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 4 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 5 |
Field Type : | RE |
Field Name : | “RE” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 5 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 6 |
Field Type : | RF |
Field Name : | “RF” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 6 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 7 |
Field Type : | RG |
Field Name : | “RG” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 7 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 8 |
Field Type : | RH |
Field Name : | “RH” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 8 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 9 |
Field Type : | RJ |
Field Name : | “RJ” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 9 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Elbow 10 |
Field Type : | RK |
Field Name : | “RK” |
Description : | The point at which run down rate 10 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Rate 1 |
Field Name : | R1 |
Field Name : | “R1” |
Description : | Decrease in active power consumption between zero and run down elbow 2. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in MW/Minute. Valid values: 0.2 to 999.0. |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Rate 2 |
Field Name : | R2 |
Field Name : | “R2” |
Description : | Decrease in active power consumption between run down elbows 2 and 3. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in MW/Minute. Valid values: 0.2 to 999.0 or 0 (representing a null value). |
Field Data Type : | Run Down Rate 3 |
Field Name : | R3 |
Field Name : | “R3” |
Description : | Decrease in active power consumption after run down elbow 3. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | RDRE, RDRI |
Additional Information : | Value in MW/Minute. Valid values: 0.2 to 999.0 or 0 (representing a null value). |
Field Data Type : | Run Up Elbow 2 |
Field Type : | UB |
Field Name : | “UB” |
Description : | The point at which run up rate 2 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RURE, RURI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Up Elbow 3 |
Field Type : | UC |
Field Name : | “UC” |
Description : | The point at which run up rate 3 applies. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RURE, RURI |
Additional Information : | Value in whole MW. |
Field Data Type : | Run Up Rate 1 |
Field Type : | U1 |
Field Name : | “U1” |
Description : | Increase in active power production between zero and run up elbow 2. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | RURE, RURI |
Additional Information : | Value in MW/Minute. Valid values: 0.2 to 999.0. |
Field Data Type : | Run Up Rate 2 |
Field Type : | U2 |
Field Name : | “U2” |
Description : | Increase in active power production between run up elbows 2 and 3. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | RURE, RURI |
Additional Information : | Value in MW/Minute. Valid values: 0.2 to 999.0 or 0 (representing a null value). |
Field Data Type : | Run Up Rate 3 |
Field Type : | U3 |
Field Name : | “U3” |
Description : | Increase in active power production after run up elbow 3. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | RURE, RURI |
Additional Information : | Value in MW/Minute. Valid values: 0.2 to 999.0 or 0 (representing a null value). |
Field Data Type : | Sell Price |
Field Type : | PS |
Field Name : | “PS” |
Description : | The system sell price for a particular settlement period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Sell Price Price Adjustment |
Field Type : | A3 |
Field Name : | “A3” |
Description : | Adjustment applied to quotient in computation of Sell Price |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | NETBSAD, NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Sequence Number |
Field Type : | SN |
Field Name : | “SN” |
Description : | The stack item’s Index number, representing the relative position of the associated stack item within its related stack. A value of 1 represents the first item in a stack. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | A positive integer greater than zero. |
Field Data Type : | Settlement Date |
Field Type : | SD |
Field Name : | “SD” |
Description : | The settlement date. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Additional Information : | The time section of the DateTime is truncated to zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds |
Field Data Type : | Settlement Period |
Field Type : | SP |
Field Name : | “SP” |
Description : | The settlement Period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Additional Information : | Valid values: 1 - 50 |
Field Data Type : | Short Acceptance Flag |
Field Type : | SA |
Field Name : | “SA” |
Description : | Flag indicating whether the Acceptance was of “short” duration |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | BOAV |
Additional Information : | Valid values: ‘S’ or ‘L’ |
Field Data Type : | SO-Flag |
Field Type : | SO |
Field Name : | “SO” |
Description : | A value of ‘T’ indicates where an Acceptance or Balancing Services Adjustment Action item should be considered to be potentially impacted by transmission constraints. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | BOALF, ISPSTACK, DISBSAD |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type : | SO-SO Start Time |
Field Type : | ST |
Field Name : | “ST” |
Description : | The date and time from which an SO-SO price applies. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | SOSO |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | SO-SO Trade Direction |
Field Type : | TD |
Field Name : | “TD” |
Description : | Flag indicating whether the direction of an SO-SO trade is up or down. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | SOSO |
Additional Information : | Valid values: ‘A01’ (up) or ‘A02’ (down) |
Field Data Type : | SO-SO Trade Type |
Field Type : | TT |
Field Name : | “TT” |
Description : | The type of SO-SO Trade. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | SOSO |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Spot Time |
Field Type : | TS |
Field Name : | “TS” |
Description : | The time applicable to a given value in a Spot Point pair. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | FPN, QPN, BOD, BOAL, MIL, MEL, TEMP, FREQ, FUELINST, BOALF |
Additional Information : | See section on ‘Conversion of Effective From/To times to Spot Times’ |
Field Data Type : | Stable Export Limit |
Field Type : | SE |
Field Name : | “SE” |
Description : | Range in which power export is stable. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | SEL |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid Values: 0 to 9999. |
Field Data Type : | Stable Import Limit |
Field Type : | SI |
Field Name : | “SI” |
Description : | Range in which power import is stable. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | float |
Messages containing field : | SIL |
Additional Information : | Value in MW. Valid Values: -9999 to 0. |
Field Data Type : | Stack Item Final Price |
Field Type : | FP |
Field Name : | “FP” |
Description : | The final price of the associated stack item as used to determine the item’s final cost. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Stack Item Original Price |
Field Type : | IP |
Field Name : | “IP” |
Description : | The original price of the associated stack item. Typically the Bid-Offer Original Price except for STOR Actions where the Stack Item Original Price is the derived price based on either the Bid-Offer Original Price or Reserve Scarcity Price (i.e. the STOR Action Price). |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Stack Item Volume |
Field Type : | IV |
Field Name : | “IV” |
Description : | The volume of the associated stack item. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | System Frequency |
Field Type : | SF |
Field Name : | “SF” |
Description : | System Frequency in Hz. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | FREQ |
Additional Information : | Value in Hz. Valid Values: 0 to 99.999 |
Field Data Type : | System Message text |
Field Type : | SM |
Field Name : | “SM” |
Description : | This field contains the body text of any system messages that are generated by BMRA. |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | SYSMSG |
Additional Information : | The message text will be plain ascii text, in the majority of cases, be less than 4Kb in length. |
Field Data Type : | System Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume |
Field Type : | PC |
Field Name : | “PC” |
Description : | System wide total Priced Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | System Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume |
Field Type : | PP |
Field Name : | “PP” |
Description : | System wide total Priced Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | System Total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume |
Field Type : | AP |
Field Name : | “AP” |
Description : | System wide total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | System Total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume |
Field Type : | AC |
Field Name : | “AC” |
Description : | System wide total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | System Warning text |
Field Type : | SW |
Field Name : | “SW” |
Description : | This field contains the body text of any system warnings that are announced by the NETSO. |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | SYSWARN |
Additional Information : | The warning text will be plain ascii text, in the majority of cases, be less than 4Kb in length. |
Field Data Type : | TLM Adjusted Cost |
Field Type : | TC |
Field Name : | “TC” |
Description : | The derived cost of a stack item based on the final untagged volume, price and associated transmission loss multiplier. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in £. |
Field Data Type : | TLM Adjusted Volume |
Field Type : | TV |
Field Name : | “TV” |
Description : | The derived volume of a stack item based on the final untagged volume and associated transmission loss multiplier. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Total Bid Volume |
Field Type : | BT |
Field Name : | “BT” |
Description : | System wide total Bid Volume for the Settlement Period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | TBOD |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Total Offer Volume |
Field Type : | OT |
Field Name : | “OT” |
Description : | System wide total Offer Volume for the Settlement Period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | TBOD |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Total Registered Capacity |
Field Type : | TR |
Field Name : | “TR” |
Description : | Total Registered Wind Generation Capacity (MW). |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | WINDFOR |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Total System Accepted Bid Volume |
Field Type : | AB |
Field Name : | “AB” |
Description : | System wide total Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Total System Accepted Offer Volume |
Field Type : | AO |
Field Name : | “AO” |
Description : | System wide total Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | NETEBSP, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Total System Adjustment Buy Volume |
Field Type : | J2 |
Field Name : | “J2” |
Description : | Total volume of Adjustment items held on the Buy Stack. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Total System Adjustment Sell Volume |
Field Type : | J1 |
Field Name : | “J1” |
Description : | Total volume of Adjustment items held on the Sell Stack. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Total System Tagged Accepted Bid Volume |
Field Type : | T2 |
Field Name : | “T2” |
Description : | Total tagged Accepted Bid volume. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Total System Tagged Accepted Offer Volume |
Field Type : | T1 |
Field Name : | “T1” |
Description : | Total tagged Accepted Offer volume. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Total System Tagged Adjustment Buy Volume |
Field Type : | J4 |
Field Name : | “J4” |
Description : | Total tagged volume of Adjustment items held on the Buy Stack. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Total System Tagged Adjustment Sell Volume |
Field Type : | J3 |
Field Name : | “J3” |
Description : | Total tagged volume of Adjustment items held on the Sell Stack. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh. |
Field Data Type : | Trade Quantity |
Field Type : | TQ |
Field Name : | “TQ” |
Description : | Level of an offered SO-SO trade. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | SOSO |
Additional Information : | Value in MW |
Field Data Type : | Trade Price |
Field Type : | PT |
Field Name : | “PT” |
Description : | The price of an SO-SO trade. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | SOSO |
Additional Information : | Value in unit currency per MWh. The currency used (e.g. EUR or GBP) will potentially be different for different SO-SO Trade Types (i.e. different Interconnectors and products) |
Field Data Type : | Transmission Loss Multiplier |
Field Type : | TM |
Field Name : | “TM” |
Description : | The Transmission Loss Multiplier for the associated stack item derived from its associated BM Unit (for Balancing Services Adjustment Action items the value is set as 1.) |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Always a positive value. |
Field Data Type : | Week Start Date |
Field Type : | WD |
Field Name : | “WD” |
Description : | The date of the Monday in a particular week. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | OCNMFW, OCNMF3Y, NDFW, TSDFW |
Additional Information : | The time section of the DateTime will be truncated to zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds. |
Field Data Type : | Zone Indicator |
Field Type : | ZI |
Field Name : | “ZI” |
Description : | The Zone that a forecast is applicable to |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | INDDEM, INDGEN, MELNGC, IMBALNGC, NDF, TSDF |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ”B1”, “B2”, “B3”, “B4”, “B5”, “B6”, “B7”, “B8”, “B9”, “B10”, “B11”, “B12”, “B13”, “B14”, “B15”, “B16”, “B17” and “N” |
Field Data Type : | STOR Provider Flag |
Field Type : | PF |
Field Name : | “PF” |
Description : | A value of ‘T’ indicates where an Acceptance or Balancing Services Adjustment Action item should be considered being related to a STOR Provider |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | BOALF, ISPSTACK, DISBSAD |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type : | De-rated Margin |
Field Type : | DR |
Field Name : | “DR” |
Description : | ***. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | LOLP |
Additional Information : | Value in MW |
Field Data Type : | Loss of Load Probability |
Field Type : | LP |
Field Name : | “LP” |
Description : | ***. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | LOLP |
Additional Information : | Always less than or equal to 1 |
Field Data Type : | Affected LDSO |
Field Type : | DS |
Field Name : | “DS” |
Description : | The LDSO affected by a demand control instruction |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Demand Control ID |
Field Type : | ID |
Field Name : | “ID” |
Description : | The unique identifier for a demand control instruction |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Instruction Sequence No |
Field Type : | SQ |
Field Name : | “SQ” |
Description : | The sequence number relating to the demand control event |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_32 |
C/Java Type : | Int |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Demand Control Event Flag |
Field Type : | EV |
Field Name : | “EV” |
Description : | A value of ‘I’ indicates an instruction initiated by the NETSO or an Emergency Manual Disconnection. A Value of ‘L’ indicates an Automatic Low Frequency Demand Disconnection |
C/Java Type : | char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Time From |
Field Type : | TF |
Field Name : | “TF” |
Description : | The time from which the demand control instruction takes effect |
C/Java Type : | Time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Time To |
Field Type : | TI |
Field Name : | “TI” |
Description : | The time to which the demand control instruction takes effect |
C/Java Type : | Time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Demand Control Level |
Field Type : | VO |
Field Name : | “VO” |
Description : | The level of demand during the demand control event in MW |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Amendment Flag |
Field Type : | AM |
Field Name : | “AM” |
Description : | ORI (Original), INS (Insert), UPD (Update) |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DCONTROL |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Reserve Scarcity Price |
Field Type : | RSP |
Field Name : | “RSP” |
Description : | The Reserve Scarcity Price for a given Settlement Period. This field will be NULL where related to an action that is not a STOR Action. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Double |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK, DISEBSP |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh |
Field Data Type : | Bid-Offer Original Price |
Field Type : | UP |
Field Name : | “UP” |
Description : | The Offer or Bid Price or BSAA Cost of the System Action (£/MWh) as derived from the original BOD or BSAD |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Double |
Messages containing field : | ISPSTACK |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh |
Field Data Type : | RR Quarter Hour Period |
Field Type : | QP |
Field Name : | “QP” |
Description : | The Quarter Hour Period within a given Settlement Period. |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_I32 |
C/Java Type : | int |
Messages containing field : | RRBD, AD, GBNM, IS, QRRC |
Additional Information : | Valid values 1 - 2. |
Field Data Type : | Party Id |
Field Type : | PI |
Field Name : | “PI” |
Description : | The unique identifier of a BSC Party |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Market Balance Area |
Field Type : | BA |
Field Name : | “BA” |
Description : | The identifier of the balancing area for Replacement Reserve |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Associated TSO |
Field Type : | AT |
Field Name : | “AT” |
Description : | The identifier of the Transmission System Operator associated with Replacement Reserve data |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Divisible |
Field Type : | DI |
Field Name : | “DI” |
Description : | Indicator of whether a RR bid is divisible |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : | Valid values: ‘A01’ (yes) or ‘A02’ (no) |
Field Data Type : | RR Linking Bid Id |
Field Type : | LB |
Field Name : | “LB” |
Description : | Identifier to link bids, where applicable |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Multipart Bid Id |
Field Type : | MB |
Field Name : | “MB” |
Description : | Identifier to establish multipart bids, where applicable |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Exclusive Bid Id |
Field Type : | EB |
Field Name : | “EB” |
Description : | Identifier to establish exclusive bids, where applicable |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Flow Direction |
Field Type : | FD |
Field Name : | “FD” |
Description : | Indicator of direction of bid |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD, AD, GBNM, IS |
Additional Information : | Valid values: ‘A01’ (up) or ‘A02 (down) |
Field Data Type : | RR Quantity |
Field Type : | QI |
Field Name : | “QI” |
Description : | A quantity of an RR bid |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRBD, AD, GBNM, IS |
Additional Information : | Value in MW |
Field Data Type : | RR Maximum Quantity |
Field Type : | QX |
Field Name : | “QX” |
Description : | Quantity offered in bid |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : | Value in MW |
Field Data Type : | RR Bid Resolution |
Field Type : | BR |
Field Name : | “BR” |
Description : | Resolution of bid |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘PT60M’, ‘PT30M’, ‘PT15M’ |
Field Data Type : | RR Position |
Field Type : | PO |
Field Name : | “PO” |
Description : | Position within the bid resolution interval |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | RR Price |
Field Type : | PR |
Field Name : | “PR” |
Description : | Price of RR bid |
C/Java Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
Messages containing field : | RRBD, AD, GBNM |
Additional Information : | Value in £/MWh |
Field Data Type : | RR Status |
Field Type : | RS |
Field Name : | “RS” |
Description : | Status of the RR bid |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | RRBD |
Additional Information : | Valid values: ‘A06’ (available, ‘A28’ (unshared), ‘A11’ (restricted) |
Field Data Type : | Auction Period Start |
Field Type : | AS |
Field Name : | “AS” |
Description : | The datetime of the start of an Auction Period. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | RRAGGINFO |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Auction Period End |
Field Type : | AE |
Field Name : | “AE” |
Description : | The datetime of the end of an Auction Period. |
C/Java Type : | time_t/Date |
Messages containing field : | RRAGGINFO |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Total Volume of Offered Bids |
Field Type : | OS |
Field Name : | “OS” |
Description : | Total volume of offered RR bids |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRAGGINFO |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Total Volume of Activated Bids |
Field Type : | BS |
Field Name : | “BS” |
Description : | Total volume of activated RR bids |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRAGGINFO |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | Total Volume of Unavailable Bids |
Field Type : | US |
Field Name : | “US” |
Description : | Total volume of unavailable RR bids |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRAGGINFO |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | RR Business Type |
Field Type : | TY |
Field Name : | “TY” |
Description : | Type of Replacement Reserve |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | AD, GBNM, IS |
Additional Information : | Value in MW |
Field Data Type : | RR Interconnector Identifier |
Field Type : | II |
Field Name : | “II” |
Description : | Identifier of interconnector |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | IS |
Additional Information : | Value in MW |
Field Data Type : | RR Cashflow |
Field Type : | CR |
Field Name : | “CR” |
Description : | Cashflow associated with RR |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | QRRC, PRRC |
Additional Information : | Value in £ |
Field Data Type : | RR Accepted Bid Volume |
Field Type : | BV |
Field Name : | “BI” |
Description : | Volume of accepted RR offers |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRBOAV, RRPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | RR Accepted Offer Volume |
Field Type : | OV |
Field Name : | “OV” |
Description : | Volume of accepted RR offers |
TIB Data Type : | TIBRVMSG_F32 |
C/Java Type : | Float |
Messages containing field : | RRBOAV, RRPTAV |
Additional Information : | Value in MWh |
Field Data Type : | RR Instruction Flag |
Field Type : | RN |
Field Name : | “RN” |
Description : | Indicator of whether an acceptance is part of an RR instruction |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | BOALF |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type : | RR Schedule Flag |
Field Type : | SC |
Field Name : | “SC” |
Description : | Indicator of when an acceptance is part of an RR schedule |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | BOALF |
Additional Information : | Valid Values: ‘T’ or ‘F’. |
Field Data Type: | Marketobjectstatus |
Field Type: | MOS |
Field Name: | “MOS” |
Description: | Status of RR Bid |
C/Java Type: | Char*/String |
Messages containing field: | AD |
Additional Information: | Valid values: Ordered, Available and Cancelled, which correspond to the LIBRA codes A10, A06 and A09 respectively |
Field Data Type : | BSAD Party Id |
Field Type : | PX |
Field Name : | “PX” |
Description : | The name or unique identifier of the person who provides Balancing Services outside of the Balancing Mechanism |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | BSAD Asset Id |
Field Type : | AX |
Field Name : | “AX” |
Description : | The name or unique identifier of the asset providing the relevant Balancing Services Adjustment Action |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Tendered Status |
Field Type : | TX |
Field Name : | “TX” |
Description : | Whether the Balancing Service was procured by NETSO through a tender |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : |
Field Data Type : | Service Type |
Field Type : | SX |
Field Name : | “SX” |
Description : | The type of Balancing Service procured |
C/Java Type : | Char*/String |
Messages containing field : | DISBSAD |
Additional Information : |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Margin/Surplus Value | VM | The surplus in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of Records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Week Start Date | WD | The start date of the week (in GMT). |
Margin/Surplus Value | VM | The Surplus in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of Records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Week Start Date | WD | The start date of the week (in GMT). |
Margin/Surplus Value | VM | The Surplus in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of Records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Demand Value | VD | The demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of Records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Demand Value | VD | The demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of Records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Week Start Date | WD | The start date of the week (in GMT). |
Demand Value | VD | The Demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. |
Number of Records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Week Start Date | WD | The start date of the week (in GMT). |
Demand Value | VD | The Demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Zone Indicator | ZI | The zone that this forecast applies to. N for national data. |
Number of Records | NR | This field indicates how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the message. |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which weather forecast the value was based upon. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Demand | VD | The Demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Zone Indicator | ZI | The zone that this forecast applies to. B1-B17 for zonal data, N for national data. |
Number of Records | NR | This field indicates how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the message. |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which weather forecast the value was based upon. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Demand | VtD | The Demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Zone Indicator | ZI | The zone that this forecast applies to. B1-B17 for zonal data, N for national data. |
Number of Records | NR | This field indicates how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the flow. |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which weather forecast the value was based upon. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Indicated Margin | VM | The indicated margin in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Zone Indicator | ZI | The zone that this forecast applies to. B1-B17 for zonal data, N for national data. |
Number of Records | NR | This field will indicate how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the flow. |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which weather forecast the value was based upon. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Indicated Imbalance | VI | The indicated imbalance in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Zone Indicator | ZI | The zone that this forecast applies to. B1-B17 for zonal data, N for national data. |
Number of Records | NR | This field will indicate how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the flow. |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which weather forecast the value was based upon. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Indicated Generation | VG | The indicated generation in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Zone Indicator | ZI | The zone that this forecast applies to. B1-B17 for zonal data, N for national data. |
Number of Records | NR | This field will indicate how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the flow. |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which weather forecast the value was based upon. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Indicated Demand | VD | The indicated demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Time | TP | The time (in GMT) the warning was published by BMRA. |
System Warning Text | SW | The body text of the system warning. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | This is the time that the data was published by the NETSO. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Demand Out-turn | VD | The average demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | This is the time that the data was published by the NETSO. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Demand Out-turn | VD | The average demand in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field | |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO. | |
Spot Time | TS | The datetime at which the temperature was measured. | |
Outturn temperature | TO | Temperature in degrees celsius. | |
Normal Reference temperature | TN | Temperature in degrees celsius. |
Low Reference temperature | TL | Temperature in degrees celsius. |
High Reference temperature | TH | Temperature in degrees celsius. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field | |
Spot Time | TS | The datetime at which the frequency was measured. | |
System Frequency | SF | System Frequency in Hz. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element was originally published by the NETSO. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Spot Time | TS | The datetime at which the generation was measured. |
Fuel Type | FT | Fuel Type. |
Generation | FG | The Generation in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. | |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. | |
Fuel Type | FT | Fuel Type. |
Generation | FG | The Generation in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field | |
Number of Records | NR | This field indicates how many times the next FOUR fields appear in the message. | |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. It is included so users can see which forecast this value comes from, and therefore which forecast the value was based upon. | |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. | |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. | |
Generation | VG | The Generation in MW. | |
Total Registered Capacity | TR | Total Registered Wind Generation Capacity (MW) |
Field | Field Type | Description of field | |
Publishing Date | TP | This is the time that the data was published by the NETSO. | |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. | |
Energy Volume Out-turn | EO | The Outturn Daily Energy Volume in MWh. | |
Energy Volume Low Reference | EL | The Daily Energy Low Reference Volume in MWh. |
Energy Volume High Reference | EH | The Daily Energy High Reference Volume in MWh. |
Energy Volume Normal Reference | EN | The Daily Energy Normal Reference Volume in MWh. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that this element of the forecast was originally published by the NETSO. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. | |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. | |
Non-BM STOR Volume | NB | The Non-BM STOR Instructed Volume in MWh. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Number of Spot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot Time | TS | The time at which the following VP field value is valid. |
FPN Level | VP | FPN in MW at the above spot time. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Number of Spot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot Time | TS | The time at which the following VP field value is valid. |
QPN Level | VP | QPN in MW at the above spot time. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid-Offer pair number | NN | B-O pair number. |
Offer price | OP | Offer price. |
Bid price | BP | Bid price. |
Number of Spot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot time | TS | The time at which the following VB field value is valid. |
Bid-Offer Level Value | VB | Bid-Offer level in MW at the above spot time. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Acceptance number | NK | The acceptance number described in this message. |
Acceptance Time | TA | Time that acceptance was made. |
Deemed Acceptance flag | AD | If true, no Bid-Offer was made. |
Number of Spot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot Time | TS | The time at which the following VA field value is valid. |
Acceptance Level Value | VA | Acceptance in MW at the above spot time. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Acceptance number | NK | The acceptance number described in this message. |
SO-Flag | SO | A value of 'T' indicates the Acceptance should be considered to be potentially impacted by transmission constraints. |
STOR Provider Flag | PF | Indicates the item relates to a STOR Provider |
RR Instruction Flag | RN | Indicates the item relates to an RR Instruction |
RR Schedule Flag | SC | Indicates the item relates to the RR Schedule |
Acceptance Time | TA | Time that acceptance was made. |
Deemed Acceptance flag | AD | If true, no Bid-Offer was made. |
Number of Spot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot Time | TS | The time at which the following VA field value is valid. |
Acceptance Level Value | VA | Acceptance in MW at the above spot time. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Number of Spot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot Time | TS | The time at which the following VE field value is valid. |
MEL | VE | MEL in MW at the above spot time. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Number of Plot Points | NP | The number of spot points. Implies that what follows is a series of spot data points, each of which consist of TWO fields. |
Spot Time | TS | The time at which the following VF field value is valid. |
MIL | VF | MIL in MW at the above spot time |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid-Offer pair number | NN | B-O pair number that the acceptance volumes apply to. |
Acceptance Number | NK | Acceptance number that the volumes apply to. |
Period BM Unit Offer Accepted Volume | OV | Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular B-O pair. |
Period BM Unit Bid Accepted Volume | BV | Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular B-O pair. |
Short Acceptance Flag | SA | Flag indicating whether the Acceptance was of “short” duration |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid-Offer pair number | NN | B-O pair number that the acceptance volumes apply to. |
Period Total BM Unit Offer Volume | OV | Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular B-O pair. |
Period Total BM Unit Bid Volume | BV | Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular B-O pair. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period. |
Bid-Offer Pair Number | NN | B-O Pair Number that the acceptance volumes apply to. |
Period Total BM Unit Offer Volume | OV | Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Tagged BM Unit Offer Volume | P1 | Tagged element of the Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Repriced BM Unit Offer Volume | P2 | Repriced element of the Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Offer Volume | P3 | Originally-priced element of the Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Total BM Unit Bid Volume | BV | Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Tagged BM Unit Bid Volume | P4 | Tagged element of the Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Repriced BM Unit Bid Volume | P5 | Repriced element of the Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Period Originally-Priced BM Unit Bid Volume | P6 | Originally-priced element of the Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular B-O Pair. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid-Offer pair number | NN | B-O pair number that the acceptance volumes apply to. |
Period BM Unit Offer Cash Flow | OC | Period Offer Cash Flow for a particular B-O pair. |
Period BM Unit Bid Cash Flow | BC | Period Bid Cash Flow for a particular B-O pair. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period. |
Buy Price | PB | The price that must be paid for electricity which is out of balance. |
Sell Price | PS | The price received for electricity which is out of balance. |
Price Derivation Code | PD | A code that describes the way in which SSP and SBP were calculated |
Reserve Scarcity Price | RSP | The Reserve Scarcity Price |
Replacement Price | RP | The derived Replacement Price value. This field can be NULL and so may not always be included in the Tibco message. |
Replacement Price Calculation Volume | RV | The volume used to derive the Replacement Price. This field can be NULL and so may not always be included in the Tibco message. |
BSAD Defaulted | BD | If True the following BSAD fields are default values |
Sell Price Price Adjustment | A3 | SPA in £/MWh |
Buy Price Price Adjustment | A6 | BPA in £/MWh |
Indicative Net Imbalance Volume | NI | The Indicative NIV |
Total System Accepted Offer Volume | AO | System wide total Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Accepted Bid Volume | AB | System wide total Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Tagged Accepted Offer Volume | T1 | System wide total tagged Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Tagged Accepted Bid Volume | T2 | System wide total tagged Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
System Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume | PP | System wide total Priced Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
System Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume | PC | System wide total Priced Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Adjustment Sell Volume | J1 | System wide total Adjustment Sell Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Adjustment Buy Volume | J2 | System wide total Adjustment Buy Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Tagged Adjustment Sell Volume | J3 | System wide total tagged Adjustment Sell Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total System Tagged Adjustment Buy Volume | J4 | System wide total tagged Adjustment Buy Volume for the Settlement Period |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following U* field values are effective from. |
Run up rate 1 | U1 |
Run up elbow 2 | UB |
Run up rate 2 | U2 |
Run up elbow 3 | UC |
Run up rate 3 | U3 |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following U* field values are effective from. |
Run up rate 1 | U1 |
Run up elbow 2 | UB |
Run up rate 2 | U2 |
Run up elbow 3 | UC |
run up rate 3 | U3 |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following R* field values are effective from. |
Run down rate 1 | R1 |
Run down elbow 2 | RB |
Run down rate 2 | R2 |
Run down elbow 3 | RC |
run down rate 3 | R3 |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following R* field values are effective from. |
Run down rate 1 | R1 |
Run down elbow 2 | RB |
Run down rate 2 | R2 |
Run down elbow 3 | RC |
run down rate 3 | R3 |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following DE field value is effective from. |
Notice to Deviate from Zero | DZ |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following DO field value is effective from. |
Notice to Deliver Offers | DO |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following DB field value is effective from. |
Notice to Deliver Bids | DB |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following MZ field value is effective from. |
Minimum Zero Time | MZ |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following MN field value is effective from. |
Minimum non-Zero Time | MN |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following SE field value is effective from. |
Stable Export Limit | SE |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following SI field value is effective from. |
Stable Import Limit | SI |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following DV field value is effective from. |
Maximum Delivery Volume | DV |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Effective From Time | TE | Time that the following DP field value is effective from. |
Maximum Delivery Period | DP |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Total Offer Volume | OT | System wide total Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total Bid Volume | BT | System wide total Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period |
Adjustment Identifier | AI | The item’s unique (for the settlement period) identifier |
SO-Flag | SO | A value of 'T' indicates the Balancing Services Adjustment Action should be considered to be potentially impacted by transmission constraints |
STOR Provider Flag | PF | Indicates the item relates to a STOR Provider |
Adjustment Cost | JC | in £. Where an Action has no defined cost then this field will not be included in the Tibco message. |
Adjustment Volume | JV | in MWh |
BSAD Party Id | PX | The name or unique identifier of the person who provides Balancing Services outside of the Balancing Mechanism |
BSAD Asset Id | AX | The name or unique identifier of the asset providing the relevant Balancing Services Adjustment Action |
Tendered Status | TX | Whether the Balancing Service was procured by NETSO through a tender |
Service Type | SX | The type of Balancing Service procured |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Time | TP | The time (in GMT) the information was published by BMRA. |
Information Text | IN | The body text of the informational message. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period. |
Buy Price | PB | The price that must be paid for electricity which is out of balance. |
Sell Price | PS | The price received for electricity which is out of balance. |
Price Derivation Code | PD | A code that describes the way in which SSP and SBP were calculated |
Total Accepted Offer Volume | AO | System wide total Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total Accepted Bid Volume | AB | System wide total Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume | AP | System wide total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume | AC | System wide total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume | PP | System wide total Priced Accepted Offer Volume for the Settlement Period |
Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume | PC | System wide total Priced Accepted Bid Volume for the Settlement Period |
Indicative Net Imbalance Volume | NI | The Indicative NIV |
BSAD Defaulted | BD | If True the following BSAD fields are default values |
Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment | A7 | ESCA in £ |
Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A8 | ESVA in MWh |
Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A11 | SSVA in MWh |
Sell Price Price Adjustment | A3 | SPA in £/MWh |
Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment | A9 | EBCA in £ |
Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A10 | EBVA in MWh |
Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A12 | SBVA in MWh |
Buy Price Price Adjustment | A6 | BPA in £/MWh |
Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment (EBCA)
Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment (EBVA)
Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment (SBVA)
Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment (ESCA)
Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment (ESVA)
Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment (SSVA)
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period |
Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment | A7 | ESCA in £ |
Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A8 | ESVA in MWh |
Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment | A11 | SSVA in MWh |
Sell Price Price Adjustment | A3 | SPA in £/MWh |
Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment | A9 | EBCA in £ |
Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A10 | EBVA in MWh |
Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment | A12 | SBVA in MWh |
Buy Price Price Adjustment | A6 | BPA in £/MWh |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Message Type | MT | The ‘type’ of message being reported. |
Publishing Time | TP | The time (in GMT) the message was published by BMRA. |
System Message Text | SM | The body text of the system message. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Market Index Data Provider ID | MI | Market Index Data Provider Identifier |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period |
Market Index Price | M1 | Market Index Price in £/MWh |
Market Index Volume | M2 | Market Index Volume in MWh |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
SO-SO Trade Type | TT | A code identifying the type of trade being made |
SO-SO Start Time | ST | The start date and time for which a Trade Price applies |
SO-SO Trade Direction | TD | The direction of the trade |
Contract Identification | IC | A unique identifier for an offered trade |
Trade Quantity | TQ | The quantity of an offered trade in MW |
Trade Price | PT | The price of the trade in units of currency per MWh |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period. |
BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume | SV | Energy Volume in MWh for the Settlement Period |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Credit Default Level | DL | The credit default level |
Entered Default Settlement Date | ED | The entered default settlement date. |
Entered Default Settlement Period | EP | The entered default settlement period. |
Cleared Default Settlement Date | CD | (Optional) The cleared default settlement date. |
Cleared Default Settlement Period | CP | (Optional) The cleared default settlement period. |
Cleared Default Text | CT | (Optional) The cleared default text |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid/Offer Indicator | BO | Indicates whether this is a Bid or an Offer item. |
Sequence Number | SN | The stack item’s Index number, representing the relative position of the associated stack item within its related stack. A value of 1 representing the first item in the stack. |
Component Identifier | CI | For an acceptance data item this will hold the associated BM Unit’s Id. For Balancing Services Adjustment Action items this will hold the item’s unique ID as allocated by the SO. For RR actions and Volume of GB Need Met this will be a standard identifer used distinguish these items as being related to Replacement Reserve. For Demand Control Volume stack items a unique ID that BSC Agent’s System derives. |
Acceptance Number | NK | The acceptance number (for Balancing Services Adjustment Action and Demand Control Volume items this will be NULL and therefore not included in the associated Tibco message.) |
Bid-Offer Pair Number | NN | The Bid-Offer Pair number (for Balancing Services Adjustment Action and Demand Control Volume items this will be NULL and therefore not included in the associated Tibco message.) |
CADL Flag | CF | A value of 'T' indicates that an Acceptance is considered to be a Short Duration Acceptance. |
SO-Flag | SO | A value of 'T' indicates that an Acceptance or Balancing Services Adjustment Action item should be considered to be potentially impacted by transmission constraints. |
STOR Provider Flag | PF | Indicates the item relates to a STOR Provider |
Repriced Indicator | RI | Indicates where the item has been repriced. |
Bid-Offer Original Price | UP | The Offer or Bid Price of the stack item (£/MWh) as reported in the original BOD |
Reserve Scarcity Price | RSP | The calculated Reserve Scarcity Price. This field will be NULL where the action is outside of a STOR Availability Window |
Stack Item Original Price | IP | The stack item’s original price in £/MWh (i.e. the Bid-Offer Original Price). For STOR Actions, the Stack Item Original Price is the derived price based on either the Bid-Offer Original Price or Reserve Scarcity Price. For items which are initially unpriced this value will be NULL and therefore not included in the associated Tibco message. |
Stack Item Volume | IV | The stack item’s volume in MWh |
DMAT Adjusted Volume | DA | The item’s volume after DMAT has been applied. |
Arbitrage Adjusted Volume | AV | The item’s volume after Arbitrage has been applied. |
NIV Adjusted Volume | NV | The item’s volume after NIV has been applied, |
PAR Adjusted Volume | PV | The item’s volume after PAR has been applied. |
Stack Item Final Price | FP | The stack item’s final price in £/MWh |
Transmission Loss Multiplier | TM | The associated BM Unit’s Transmission Loss Multiplier value (for Balancing Services Adjustment Action items this will be 1.) |
TLM Adjusted Volume | TV | PAR Adjusted Volume x TLM
TLM Adjusted Cost | TC | PAR Adjusted Volume x TLM x Price
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSP |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next TWO fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Demand Margin | DM | The demand margin for generating plants in MW |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Calendar Year | CY | The year to which the data pertains |
Demand Margin | DM | The demand margin for generating plants in MW |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Calendar Year | CY | The year to which the data pertains |
Demand Margin | DM | The demand margin for generating plants in MW |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Fuel Type | FT | The fuel type. |
Output Usable | OU | The output usable in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next THREE fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Fuel Type | FT | The fuel type. |
Output Usable | OU | The output usable in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next FOUR fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Calendar Year | CY | The year to which the data pertains |
Fuel Type | FT | The fuel type |
Output Usable | OU | The output usable in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next FOUR fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Calendar Year | CY | The year to which the data pertains |
Fuel Type | FT | The fuel type |
Output Usable | OU | The output usable in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next FOUR fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Calendar Year | CY | The year to which the data pertains |
Fuel Type | FT | The fuel type |
Output Usable | OU | The output usable in MW. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next FOUR fields are repeated. |
Calendar Week Number | WN | The number of the week. |
Calendar Year | CY | The year to which the data pertains |
Fuel Type | FT | The fuel type |
Output Usable | OU | The output usable in MW. |
Article ref | Category | Description |
6.1.(a) | Load | Actual Total Load per Bidding Zone |
6.1.(b) | Load | Day Ahead Total Load per Biding Zone |
6.1.(c) | Load | Week Ahead Total Load Forecast per Bidding Zone |
6.1.(d) | Load | Month Ahead Total Load Forecast per Bidding Zone |
6.1.(e) | Load | Year Ahead Total Load Forecast per Bidding Zone |
7.1.(a) | Outages | Planned Unavailability of Consumption Units (>=100MW) |
7.1.(b) | Outages | Changes in Actual Availability of Consumption Units (>=100MW) |
8.1 | Load | Year Ahead Forecast Margin |
9.1 | Transmission | Expansion and Dismantling Projects (≥100MW) |
10.1.(a) | Outages | Planned Unavailability in the Transmission Grid (≥100MW) |
10.1.(b) | Outages | Changes in Actual Availability in the Transmission Grid (≥100MW) |
10.1.(c) | Outages | Changes in Actual Availability of Off-Shore Grid Infrastructure |
13.(b) | Congestion Management | Countertrading |
13.1(c) | Congestion Management | Costs of Congestion Management |
14.1.(a) | Generation | Installed Generation Capacity Aggregated (>1MW) |
14.1.(b) | Generation | Installed Generation Capacity per Unit (>100MW) |
14.1.(c) | Generation | Day-Ahead Aggregated Generation |
14.1.(d) | Generation | Day-Ahead Generation Forecasts for Wind and Solar (MWh) |
15.1.(a) | Outages | Planned Unavailability of Generation Units (>100MW) |
15.1.(b) | Outages | Changes in Actual Availability of Generation Units (>100MW) |
15.1.(c) | Outages | Planned Unavailability of Production Units (≥200 MW including changes of 100 MW or more) |
15.1.(d) | Outages | Changes in Actual Availability of Production Units (≥200 MW) |
16.1.(a) | Generation | Actual Generation Output Per Generation Unit |
16.1.(b) | Generation | Aggregated Generation per Type (units >100MW installed capacity) |
16.1.(c) | Generation | Actual or Estimated Wind and Solar Power Generation |
17.1.(b) | Balancing | Amount of Balancing Reserves under Contract |
17.1.(c) | Balancing | Prices of Procured Balancing Reserves |
17.1.(d) | Balancing | Accepted Aggregated Offers |
17.1.(e) | Balancing | Activated Balancing Energy |
17.1.(f) | Balancing | Prices of Activated Balancing Energy |
17.1.(g) | Balancing | Market Imbalance Prices |
17.1.(h) | Balancing | Aggregated Imbalance Volumes |
17.1.(i) | Balancing | Financial Expenses And Income For Balancing |
17.1.(j) | Balancing | Cross-Border Balancing
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next FOUR fields are repeated. |
Settlement Date | SD | The Settlement Date |
Settlement Period | SP | The Settlement Period |
LoLP | LP | Loss of Load Probability |
De-rated Margin | DR | De-rated Margin in MW |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Publishing Date | TP | The time that the data was originally published by the NETSO |
Number of records | NR | The number of times the next NINE fields are repeated. |
Affected LDSO | DS | The LDSO affected by the instruction |
Demand Control ID | ID | The unique identifier for a demand control instruction |
Instruction Sequence No | SQ | The sequence number relating to the demand control event |
Demand Control Event Flag | EV | A value of ‘I’ indicates an instruction initiated by the NETSO or an Emergency Manual Disconnection. A Value of ‘L’ indicates an Automatic Low Frequency Demand Disconnection. |
Time From | TF | The time from which the instruction takes effect |
Time To | TI | The time to which the instruction takes effect |
Demand Control Level | VO | The level of demand during the event in MW |
SO-Flag | SO | A value of 'T' indicates that an instruction should be considered to be potentially impacted by transmission constraints. |
Amendment Flag | AM | ORI (Original), INS (Insert), UPD (Update) |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
RR Quarter Hour Period | QP | The quarter hour period |
Party ID | PI |
Associated TSO | AT |
Market Balance Area | BA |
Divisible | DI |
Linked Bind ID8 | LB |
Multipart Bid ID8 | MB |
Exclusive Bid ID8 | EB |
RR Flow Direction | FD |
Minimum Quantity | QI |
Maximum Quantity | QX |
Bid Resolution | BR |
Position | PO |
Price | PR |
Status | RS |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid-Offer Pair Number | NN | B-O pair number that the acceptance volumes apply to. |
Acceptance Number | NK | Acceptance number that the volumes apply to. |
Period RR Accepted Bid Volume | BI | Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular RR B-O pair. |
Period RR Accepted Offer Volume | OF | Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular RR B-O pair. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Bid-Offer pair number | NN | B-O pair number that the acceptance volumes apply to. |
Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume | BI | Total Bid Volume accepted for a particular RR B-O pair. |
Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume | OF | Total Offer Volume accepted for a particular RR B-O pair. |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
RR Quarter Hour Period | QP | The Quarter Hour period |
Indicative Quarter Hour RR Cashflow | CR | RR Cashflow for the Quarter Hour Period |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
Indicative Period RR BM Unit Cashflow | CR | RR Cashflow for the settlement period |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
RR Quarter Hour Period | QP | The quarter hour period |
Type | TY | Where TY=B74 |
RR Flow Direction | FD | Up or Down |
Activated Quantity | QI | Quantity in MW |
Activation Price | PR | Price in £/MWh |
Marketobjectstatus | MOS | Available, Ordered or Cancelled |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
RR Quarter Hour Period | QP | The quarter hour period |
Type | TY | Where TY=B75 |
RR Flow Direction | FD | Up or Down |
Activated Quantity | QI | Quantity in MW |
Activation Price | PR | Price in £/MWh |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Interconnector Id | II | Identifier of the interconnector |
Settlement Date | SD | The settlement date. |
Settlement Period | SP | The settlement period. |
RR Quarter Hour Period | QP | The quarter hour period |
Type | TY | Where TY=A05 or B09 |
RR Flow Direction | FD | Up or Down |
Activated Quantity | QI | Quantity in MW |
Field | Field Type | Description of field |
Auction Period Start | AS | Start of auction period |
Auction Period End | AE | End of auction period |
Total Volume of Offered Bids | OS | Total volume of offered RR bids |
Total Volume of Activated Bids | BS | Total volume of activated RR bids |
Total Volume of Unavailable Bids | US | Total volume of unavailable RR bids |
TIB/Rendezvous Concepts, Software Release 6.2, March 2000;
TIB/Rendezvous Administration, Software Release 6.2, March 2000;
TIB/Rendezvous C Reference, Software Release 6.2, March 2000;
TIB/Rendezvous C++ Reference, Software Release 6.2, March 2000;
TIB/Rendezvous Java Reference, Software Release 6.2, March 2000;
To Level | number |
Interface ID: CDCA-I001 | Source: BSC Party | Title: Receive aggregation rules | BSC reference: CDCA SD 4.1, 22.2, A CDCA BPM 3.5, 4.17, CP753, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: On demand. | Volumes: 50 per month | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA receives, from the BSC Party, Aggregation Rules for each of the following:
The flow will include an indication whether the aggregation rules are provided as part of a transfer from SMRS, in which case there are initially only validated. Data entry only occurs once the transfer coordinator has confirmed the effective dates of the transfer.
Other information, as may be required, to support the Aggregation Rules. This may include, but shall not be limited to the following:- network diagrams; NGESO. connection agreement; installation documentation;
The lowest level of measurement value referred to by Aggregation Rules is the Metering Subsystem Quantity. Each Quantity represents one of the four possible quantities that can be measured by physical meters for each single energy flow (e.g. Active Import, Active Export, Reactive Import, Reactive Export), as referenced by the Metering Subsystem. A Metering Subsystem is a virtual entity consisting of the complete set of registers within a single Metering System which measure a single unique energy flow. Metering Subsystem Quantity Id is a text string consisting of the Metering System Id followed by the Subsystem Id followed by the Measurement Quantity. Here Subsystem Id is an identifier unique within the Metering System and Measurement Quantity is ‘AE’,’AI’, ‘RE’ or ‘RI’. e.g. a valid Metering Subsystem Id Quantity Id within Metering System ‘1234’ would be ‘1234SUB1AE’.
Aggregation rules are constructed from unary or binary triplets. Binary rules are specified as triplets (identifier A, identifier B, operator), where: identifier A or B specifies the aggregated entity (either Metering Subsystem Quantity, BM Unit, GSP, Interconnector, Inter-GSP-Group Connection, or another suitable triplet) operator is one of (=, +, -, *, /)
Rules for BM Units, GSPs, Interconnectors and Inter-GSP-Group Connections, can only be made up of Metering Subsystem Quantity aggregations.
Rules for GSP Groups can only be made up of Metering Subsystem Quantity, BM Unit, GSP, Interconnector, or Inter-GSP-Group Connection aggregations.
Valid binary rules include: (GSP ID, Metering Subsystem Quantity Id, operator) (BM Unit ID, Metering Subsystem Quantity Id, operator) (Interconnector ID, Metering Subsystem Quantity Id, operator) (Inter-GSP-Group Connection, Metering Subsystem Quantity Id, operator) (GSP Group ID, Metering Subsystem Quantity Id, operator) (GSP Group ID, GSP ID, operator) (GSP Group ID, BM Unit ID, operator) (GSP Group ID, Interconnector ID, operator) (GSP Group ID, Inter-GSP-Group Connection, operator)
Unary rules are specified as triplets, allowing constant transforms to be applied to meter readings. Unary rules are specified as triplets (identifier, operator, argument), where: identifier specifies the aggregated entity (Metering Subsystem Quantity, BM Unit, GSP, Interconnector or Inter-GSP-Group Connection) operator is one of (=, +, -, *, /) argument is the numeric scaling to apply. This can either be an explicit numeric factor (e.g. for slugging), or may be a scaling category, e.g. “LLF”, which means that the Line Loss Factor applicable given the Settlement Date and Period of the meter reading must be applied during aggregation. This interface covers addition, modification and deletion of Aggregation Rules. Aggregation rules will have effective dates which will be in clock time and may be retrospective.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I003 | Source: MOA, Registrant | Title: Receive meter technical data | BSC reference: CDCA SD 5 BPM 4.20, CP619, CP751, CP753, CP756, CP1201 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: On demand. | Volumes: 50 per month | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA receives records of Metering Equipment Technical Details (including passwords where appropriate) associated with each Metering System, associated data collector outstation and communications facility applicable to that Metering System, as received from the relevant MOA or Registrant. The details will have effective dates which may be retrospective.
This data consists of the following:
Metering System Details Metering System Identifier Effective from Settlement Date Distribution Business Id Energisation Status Energisation Status Effective from date Energisation Status Effective to date Metering System Contact Name Metering System Contact Telephone Number Metering System Contact Fax Number Metering System Address Line 1 Metering System Address Line 2 Metering System Address Line 3 Metering System Address Line 4 Metering System Address Line 5 Metering System Address Line 6 Metering System Address Line 7 Metering System Address Line 8 Metering System Address Line 9 Metering System Postcode Metering System Latitude Metering System Longitude Meter Equipment/Service Location Dispensation Reference; Dispensation Effective From Date; Dispensation Effective To Date; Reason for Dispensation. Transfer flag (indicates this is a transfer from SMRS)
Outstation Details Outstation Id Outstation Type Outstation Serial Number Outstation Number of Channels Outstation Number of Dials Outstation PIN Outstation Password A Outstation Password B Outstation Password C Communications Address Baud Rate Previous Metering System Identifier Previous Outstation Id
Outstation Channel Outstation Id Outstation Channel Number Meter Serial Number Meter Register Id Outstation Channel Precedence (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary etc.) Pulse Multiplier Outstation Channel Multiplier Minimum MWh Value Maximum MWh Value
Physical Meter Details Meter Serial Number Manufacturers Make & Type Meter Current Rating Meter Code of Practice VT Ratio CT Ratio System Voltage Number of Phases
Meter Register Details Meter Register Id Meter Register Multiplier Measurement Quantity Id Metering Subsystem Id (for Main channels only) Number of Register Digits Associated Meter Id (for Check channels pointing to a Main) Associated Meter Register Id (for Check channels pointing to a Main)
Metering Subsystem Id is an identifier associated with Main channels, for the purpose of referencing filtered measurement quantities within aggregation rules supplied by a BSC Party via CDCA-I001.
Other data required by CDCA may include schematics and network diagrams from MOAs or Registrants in order to support validation of meter technical data.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I004 | User: MOA | Title: Notify New Meter Protocol | BSC reference: CDCA SD 6.1-4 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: One or two per year | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA will inform all MOAs registered with the CRA of any newly approved protocol within seven days of approval;
The data will include protocol name effective from date
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I005 | Source: MOA or Protocol Provider | Title: Load New Meter Protocol | BSC reference: CDCA SD 6.1-4, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency:
| Volumes: One or two per year | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA receives notifications of newly approved protocols from an MOA or other Protocol Provider, so that the protocol can be loaded onto its data collection systems, such that data can be collected from the meter.
Details of the interface depend on the data capture device used. This is likely to be MV-90.
The CDCA shall be responsible for procuring whatever translation interface modules or other device drivers necessary to allow the data capture device to remotely interrogate the metering equipment.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
A flow description is not provided for this interface, as different protocols will be provided.
Interface ID: CDCA-I006 | User: MOA | Title: Meter Data for Proving Test | BSC reference: CDCA SD 7.2 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
In the process of proving tests for meter data collection, the CDCA transfers the test data received to the relevant MOA responsible for that Metering System for validation of accuracy.
The data content will be a subset of CDCA-I008 | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I007 | User: MOA, BSC Party | Title: Proving Test Report/Exceptions | BSC reference: CDCA SD 7.6 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
In the process of proving tests for meter data collection, the CDCA reports any proving, validation and communications errors associated with any Metering System to the relevant MOA. and a duplicate report to the registrant BSC Party.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I008 | Source: Physical meters | Title: Obtain metered data from metering systems | BSC reference: CDCA SD 8.1- 8.4, 8.7 |
Mechanism: Meter System interface | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: 1100 - 5000 per day | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA collects meter period data remotely over a communications link, via a data capture device (MV-90).
For each registered meter the CDCA shall collect and record meter period data as follows: a). Export Active Energy; b). Import Active Energy; c). Export Reactive Energy; and d). Import Reactive Energy;
The CDCA shall collect meter period data relating all Main and Check meters, and/or the corresponding data collector outstation registers, where installed and operational, and which are used for settlement purposes.
The CDCA shall record and store all meter period data collected from Metering Systems. The data items recorded and stored shall include, but not be limited to the following:-
Date and Time of Reading Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Channel Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export, Reactive Import, or Reactive Export) Main/Check Indicator Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Meter Reading Volume Meter Reading Status
Meter Reading Status can be one of: A - Valid meter data B - Invalid meter data C - Unavailable meter data
Note that there may be more than one Check channel for the same Main, for a given Measurement Quantity.
This flow includes data collection from all metering systems registered with the CRA, including those associated with both External Interconnectors (points of connection between transmission networks) and Internal Interconnectors (points of connection between distribution networks).
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
No physical structure is defined as protocols vary |
Interface ID: CDCA-I009 | Source: Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | Title: Meter Period Data Collected via Site Visit | BSC reference: CDCA SD 8.5, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: On demand. | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA shall make provisions to collect the meter period data manually, by visit to site, where collection of meter period data via a communication link is not possible.
Meter data will be collected manually using a Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90), and the information collected will then be loaded automatically into CDCA.
The CDCA shall manually collect meter period data relating to all Main and Check meters, and/or the corresponding data collector outstation registers, where installed and operational, and which are used for settlement purposes.
The data items recorded and stored shall include, but not be limited to the following:-
Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Date and time of Reading Channel Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export, Reactive Import, or Reactive Export) Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Meter Reading Volume Meter Reading Status
Meter Reading Status can be one of: A - Valid meter data B - Invalid meter data C - Unavailable meter data
Note that there may be more than one Check channel for the same Main, for a given Measurement Quantity.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
No physical structure is defined as protocols vary |
Interface ID: CDCA-I010 | User: BSC Party, MOA | Title: Exception report for missing and invalid meter period data | BSC reference: CDCA SD 8.6, 19.2 BPM 4.12, CP527 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily. | Volumes: estimate 50 per day (1% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
When meter reading data is either not available for collection or the data is deemed to be invalid, the CDCA sends exception reports to:
The Responsible Party for the Metering System The MOA operating the Metering System
For each exception the report will include:
BSC Party Identifier Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Channel Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export, Reactive Import, or Reactive Export) Main/Check Indicator Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Meter Reading Volume Meter Reading Status Exception Description related to validation rule
Meter Reading Status can be one of: A - Valid meter data B - Invalid meter data C - Unavailable meter data
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I011 | Source: Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | Title: Dial Readings from meter, for MAR | BSC reference: CDCA SD 12.2 CDCA BPM 4.1, CP756 CP1153 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: As Required | Volumes: 1100 - 5000 metering systems | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA shall receive meter readings for MAR
Meter data will be collected manually using a Hand Held Device/Data Capture Device (MV-90), and the information collected will then be loaded automatically into CDCA. The information collected will include:
Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Date and time of Reading Channel Number Meter Serial Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import or Active Export only) Dial Reading | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
No physical structure is defined as protocols vary |
Interface ID: CDCA-I012 | User: BSC Party, Distribution Business, NETSO | Title: Report Raw meter Data | BSC reference: CDCA SD 19.1 CDCA BPM 4.21, CP841 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: up to 240000 period readings to each agent (5000 * 48) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA provides the relevant BSC Party(s), including the Distribution Business, and the NETSO, with a Metering System data collection report relating to the raw meter period data collected from each meter or associated outstation.
The readings will not include any estimated data. All readings reported will not be line loss adjusted. The report will report data in clock time.
The data included, for each BSC Party will consist of those Metering Systems for which the BSC Party is the Responsible Party, and will consist of:
BSC Party Identifier Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Channel Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export, Reactive Import, or Reactive Export) Main/Check Indicator Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Meter Reading Volume Meter Reading Status
Meter Reading Status can be one of: A - Valid meter data B - Invalid meter data C - Unavailable meter data D – Substituted from secondary outstation meter data
Note that there may be more than one Check channel for the same Main, for a given Measurement Quantity.
This report is also sent to the System Operators, covering all metering systems.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I013 | Source: BSC Party | Title: Response to Estimated data | BSC reference: CDCA SD 10.8 CDCA BPM 4.22? CP566, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: estimate 50 per day (1% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
BSC Parties will respond to CDCA-I037 ‘Estimated Data Notification’ messages, indicating their agreement to an estimate made when meter readings are unavailable.
The flow contains at minimum:
Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Channel Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export) Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Agreement Flag (A/P) Estimated Meter Reading Volume (Agreed estimate or Proposed value for estimate) Basis for proposed value
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I014 | User: BSC Party, MOA, BSCCo Ltd, NETSO | Title: Estimated Data Report | BSC reference: CDCA SD 10.7, 10.9, CP751, CP841, CP1245 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: As required | Volumes: estimate 50 per day (1% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The estimated data report contains all estimate notifications issued by CDCA in a given period.
An estimated data report is sent to: 1. BSCCo Ltd (on request) - data for all metering systems 2. MOA (Daily) - data for metering systems operated by the MOA 3. BSC Party (Daily) - data for metering systems for which the party is the responsible party. 4. the host Distribution business or the NETSO, depending who has registered the metering system (Daily).
This report will be run at the end of the working day to report estimates carried out on that day.
The information provided is as follows for each Metering System included in the report:
Total Volume Estimated in Report BSC Party Identifier Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Channel Number Meter Serial Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export) Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Original Meter Reading Volume (if available) Estimated Meter Reading Volume Estimation Method Estimate Agreed Indicator (T/F)
Estimation method is an indicator of the method used for estimation: A - Generation: Main meter data missing or incorrect in Primary and Secondary Outstations, Check meter data available – copied from Primary Check D - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, Check meter data available – copied from Primary Check E - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, Check meter not fully functional, but Main meter or Check meter register advance available – profiled using Meter Reading Estimation Tool I - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, Check meter not fully functional, Main meter and Check meter register advance NOT available – profiled using Trend J - Generation: Main meter data missing, or incorrect, in Primary Outstation, Secondary Outstation main meter data available – substituted from Secondary Main K - Generation: Main and Check meter data missing or incorrect in Primary and Secondary Outstations, data estimated to zero awaiting confirmation of generation L - Demand; Primary Main meter data missing, or incorrect, Secondary Outstation Main meter data available – substituted from Secondary Main M - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, data copied from suitable settlement period(s) N - Validation Failure: Main meter data deemed correct U - Used parties own reading X - Used different estimation method
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I015 | Source: MOA | Title: Reporting metering system faults. | BSC reference: CDCA SD 11.1-11.4 BPM , CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: As required | Volumes: estimate 10 per day (0.2% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA receives reports from the MOA in respect of Metering Equipment faults.
This includes free format text which could be communicated by a letter, email, fax or phone call.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I017 | User: BSC Party, MOA | Title: Meter Reading Schedule for MAR | BSC reference: CDCA SD 12.1 BPM |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Annual | Volumes: One schedule for all metering systems | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA issues a Meter Reading Schedule for MAR for each metering system on an annual basis, at least three months ahead and forward it to the relevant BSC Parties trading at the metering system, and the MOA responsible for the maintenance of the metering system.
The Schedule will contain, for each Metering System:
BSC Party Metering System Id Metering System Location Details Planned date of Site Visit
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
No physical structure is defined for this flow |
Interface ID: CDCA-I018 | User: BSC Party, MOA, BSCCo Ltd, Distribution Business | Title: MAR Reconciliation Report | BSC reference: CDCA SD 12.6, 19.2 CDCA BPM 4.2 CN116 CP1153 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As Required | Volumes: 100 per working day based upon 5000 metering systems | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The results of each Meter Advance Reconciliation is provided to the relevant BSC Party(s) with a reconciliation report detailing the actual difference calculated for each active energy meter or associated outstation register.
The MAR report is sent to the relevant BSC Party, the relevant MOA, and, if appropriate, any other parties such as the Distribution Business. It may also be sent to BSCCo Ltd for dispute resolution. The information, for each metering system, includes:
Metering System Identifier Advance Period Start Date Advance Period End Date Original Energy volume reading for all relevant channels (MWh) (e.g. main, check, active, reactive etc.) MAR Energy volume reading for all relevant channels Percentage Variation BSCP Requirement Compliance Indicator (T/F) Import/Export Indicator (I/E)
The Import/Export indicator indicates the direction of the energy flow: the Meter Volume is therefore unsigned.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I019 | User: BSC Party, MOA, BSCCo Ltd, Distribution Business | Title: MAR Remedial Action Report | BSC reference: CDCA SD 12.9 BPM 4.2 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc
| Volumes: 2 per day based upon 2% of the 100 MARs undertaken each day. | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
When the CDCA initiates remedial action to resolve a Meter Advance Reconciliation discrepancy, it notifies the interested parties of the remedial action(s) taken. The interested parties are the relevant BSC Party, the relevant MOA, and, if appropriate, any other parties such as the Distribution Business. It may also be sent to BSCCo Ltd for dispute resolution.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I021 | Source: MOA | Title: Notification of Metering Equipment Work | BSC reference: CDCA SD 13.5, CP756, CP1152 |
Mechanism: Manual, by telephone | Frequency: Ad hoc. | Volumes: 50 per month | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA receives notifications of work on Metering Equipment from the relevant MOA by telephone.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I022 | Source: BSCCo Ltd | Title: Distribution Line Loss Factors | BSC reference: CDCA SD 15.1 CDCA BPM 4.5 (?) |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Annually | Volumes: 17568000 factors (1000 metering systems * 366 * 48) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA receives Line Loss Factors relating to a Metering System from BSCCo Ltd.
Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Settlement Period Line loss Factor
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I023 | User: BSCCo Ltd | Title: Missing Line Loss Factors | BSC reference: CDCA SD 15.2, CP527 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Annually | Volumes: 17520000 factors (1000 metering systems * 365 * 48) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA shall validate such Line Loss Factors received from the BSCCo Ltd. Any missing or invalid factor values will be reported back to the BSCCo Ltd.
Attributes are likely to include:
File Reference for Line Loss Factors Date LLF File Received File Acceptance Status (all accepted, partially accepted, file rejected) Date of Acceptance Status File Rejection Reason (if File Acceptance Status = file rejected)
Details of any individual exceptions: Metering System Identifier (for site specific Line Losses) Settlement Date Time Period Line Loss Factor Reason for rejection
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I025 | User: BSC Party | Title: Aggregation Rules Exceptions | BSC reference: CDCA SD 19.2, 22.3 BPM 4.12 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On demand. | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA validates all Aggregation Rules received from the relevant BSC Party, and identifies metering systems registered with the CRA for which no aggregation rules exist.
Missing or invalid aggregation rules will be reported to the relevant BSC Party.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I026 | User: BSC Party | Title: Aggregated Meter Volume Exceptions | BSC reference: CDCA SD 19.2 BPM 4.12 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
When an exception occurs exceptions during aggregation process, the CDCA sends an exception report to the relevant BSC Party.
For each exception the report will include:
Settlement Date Settlement Period Exception Type Item being Aggregated Component contributing to Aggregation Factor value contributing to Aggregation Exception Description
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I029 | User: BSC Party, including the Distribution Business; NETSO. | Title: Aggregated GSP Group Take Volumes | BSC reference: CDCA SD 22, 23.1, A, B CDCA BPM 4.4 BPM IRR CDCA2, CP559 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily per aggregation run | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Reports on aggregated meter flow volumes for the GSP Groups are sent to BSC Parties, as follows for each GSP Group:
GSP Group Id Settlement Date Settlement Run Type CDCA Run Number Date of aggregation Settlement Period Estimate Indicator Import/Export Indicator Meter Volume
These reports are distributed to the following BSC Parties: To the distribution business associated with the GSP group To all BSC Parties which are lead parties for the BM Units within the GSP group and to the NETSO.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I030 | User: Distribution Business | Title: Meter Period Data for Distribution Area | BSC reference: CDCA SD 19.4 BPM IRR CDCA8 CR_991027_06b, CP559 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Several hundred Metering Systems | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
CDCA will forward meter period data for all Grid Supply Points Metering Systems, Interconnectors and Inter-GSP-Group Connections, to the relevant host distribution business(es), where required.
A report will be sent to the Distribution Business associated with each GSP Group which shall include the following data:
GSP Group Id Settlement Date Settlement Run Type CDCA Run Number Date of aggregation
GSP Id Settlement Period Estimate Indicator (T/F) Meter Volume Import/Export indicator (I/E)
Interconnector Id Settlement Period Estimate Indicator (T/F) Meter Volume Import/Export indicator (I/E)
Inter-GSP-Group Connection Id Settlement Period Estimate Indicator (T/F) Meter Volume Import/Export indicator (I/E)
The file can be provided on request to a BSC Party which is active within the relevant GSP Group.
The Import/Export indicator indicates the direction of the energy flow: the Meter Volume is therefore unsigned.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I037 | User: BSC Party, MOA | Title: Estimated Data Notification | BSC reference: CDCA SD 10.8 CDCA BPM 4.22? , CP751, CP841 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: estimate 50 per day (1% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
This flow notifies the MOA and BSC Party of an estimate made when a meter readings is unavailable or invalid.
The information provided is as follows:
BSC Party Identifier Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Channel Number Meter Serial Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export) Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Original Meter Reading Volume (if available) Estimated Meter Reading Volume Estimation Method
Estimation method is an indicator of the method used for estimation: A - Generation: Main meter data missing or incorrect in Primary and Secondary Outstations, Check meter data available – copied from Primary Check D - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, Check meter data available – copied from Primary Check E - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, Check meter not fully functional, but Main meter or Check meter register advance available – profiled using Meter Reading Estimation Tool I - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, Check meter not fully functional, Main meter and Check meter register advance NOT available – profiled using Trend K - Generation: Main and Check meter data missing or incorrect in Primary and Secondary Outstations, data estimated to zero awaiting confirmation of generation M - Demand: Main meter data missing or incorrect, data copied from suitable settlement period(s) N - Validation Failure: Main meter data deemed correct U - Used parties own reading X - Used different estimation method
If Estimation method = X, the method used will be described.
Method codes J and L (see CDCA-I014) refer specifically to substitution, rather than estimation, and are therefore not reported via this flow.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I038 | User: MOA, BSC Party | Title: Reporting metering system faults. | BSC reference: CDCA SD 11.1-11.4 BPM |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: estimate 10 per day (0.2% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA reports to the MOA and the BSC party who is responsible for the meter (the Registrant) all suspected metering faults detected while performing its responsibilities. This will include details of the fault. Note that the faults reported may relate to exception reports for missing or invalid meter period data (CDCA-I010).
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I041 | User: IA | Title: Interconnector Aggregation Report | BSC reference: CDCA SD 19.3, B CDCA BPM 4.4 BPM IRR CDCA5, CP559 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily, per aggregation run | Volumes: Initially 96 (2 interconnectors * 48 readings). The number of interconnectors is expected to increase to 5 or 6.
| |
Interface Requirement: | |||
A report on aggregated meter flow volumes for each Interconnector is sent to the BSC party who is the Interconnector Administrator associated with the Interconnector.
The following information is sent:
Interconnector Id Settlement Date Settlement Run Type CDCA Run Number Date of aggregation Settlement Period Estimate Indicator (T/F) Meter Volume Import/Export indicator (I/E)
The Import/Export indicator indicates the direction of the energy flow: the Meter Volume is therefore unsigned.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I042 | User: BSC Party NETSO | Title: BM Unit Aggregation Report | BSC reference: CDCA SD 22, 23.1, A, B CDCA BPM 4.4 BPM IRR CDCA3, CP559 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily, per aggregation run | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: | |||
A report on aggregated meter flow volumes for each BM Unit is sent to the BSC party who is the lead party for the BM Unit, and copied to the NETSO.
The following information is sent:
BM Unit Id Settlement Date Settlement Run Type CDCA Run Number Date of aggregation Settlement Period Estimate Indicator (T/F) Meter Volume Import/Export Indicator (I/E)
The Import/Export indicator indicates the direction of the energy flow: the Meter Volume is therefore unsigned.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I044 | Source: MOA | Title: Meter System Proving Validation | BSC reference: CDCA SD 7.3, CP756
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency:
| Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The MOA will confirm that the data from meter system proving is valid.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I045 | Source: MOA/Data Capture Device (MV-90) | Title: Meter Data from routine work and Metering Faults | BSC reference: CDCA SD 13.1- 13.7, CP756, P190
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency:
| Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Meter data will be collected manually during planned work by the MOA on site and by CDCA using a Data Capture Device (MV-90), and the information collected will then be loaded automatically into CDCA.
This data shall include:
Metering System Identifier Settlement Date Outstation Id Date and Time of Reading Channel Number Meter Serial Number Measurement Quantity (Active Import , Active Export, Reactive Import, or Reactive Export) Settlement Period (46, 48 or 50 occurrences) Meter Reading Volume Meter Reading Status
Meter Reading Status can be one of: A - Valid meter data B - Invalid meter data C - Unavailable meter data
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I046 | User: MOA, BSC Party | Title: Site Visit Inspection Report | BSC reference: CDCA SD 13.1- 13.7, P190 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: 50 per month | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
On completion of a site inspection, the CDCA shall provide the relevant MOA with a written report detailing the outcome of the site inspection including, but not limited to meter readings. A duplicate of this report shall be sent to the relevant BSC Party registrant.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I047 | User: BSC Party, BSCCo Ltd | Title: Correspondence Receipt Acknowledgement | BSC reference: CDCA SD 20.3
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: One per incoming item of manual data | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
CDCA will acknowledge receipt of manual data received from any BSC Party (including BSCCo Ltd). The following information will be sent to the BSC Party:
Correspondence reference Date/Time of receipt
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I048 | User: BSC Party | Title: Report of Aggregation Rules | BSC reference: CDCA SD 4.6 BPM 3.2
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On demand | Volumes: All rules for relevant BSC Party | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA shall produce a physical copy of the aggregation rules to the BSC Party to ensure the correct recording of the aggregation rules. This shall be provided on demand and as confirmation of the process of loading the rules into the system.
The information sent to the BSC Party will be similar to that included in CDCA-I001 and will include a report of the Aggregation Rule(s) for each of the following types of registrations for the BSC Party:
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I051 | User: BSC Party, MOA, Distribution Business, NETSO | Title: Report Meter Technical Details | BSC reference: CR 78a, CP751, CP1201 |
Man/auto: Manual | Frequency: On Demand | Volumes: 50 per month | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CDCA shall report the Meter Technical Details (which are received from Meter Operator Agents or Registrants in flow CDCA-I003) to the MOA, Registrant, Distributor (where appropriate) and NETSO, as confirmation of the process of loading the details into the system. This report shall also be provided on demand.
The information sent will be similar to that included in CDCA-I003, and will include the following:
Metering System Details Metering System Identifier Effective from Settlement Date Distribution Business Id Energisation Status Metering System Contact Name Metering System Contact Telephone Number Metering System Contact Fax Number Metering System Address Line 1 Metering System Address Line 2 Metering System Address Line 3 Metering System Address Line 4 Metering System Address Line 5 Metering System Address Line 6 Metering System Address Line 7 Metering System Address Line 8 Metering System Address Line 9 Metering System Postcode Metering System Latitude Metering System Longitude Meter Equipment/Service Location Dispensation Reference Dispensation Effective From Date Dispensation Effective To Date Reason for Dispensation
Outstation Details Outstation Id Outstation Type Outstation Serial Number Outstation Number of Channels Outstation Number of Dials Outstation PIN Outstation Password A Outstation Password B Outstation Password C Communications Address Baud Rate Previous Metering System Identifier Previous Outstation Id
Outstation Channel Outstation Id Outstation Channel Number Meter Serial Number Meter Register Id Outstation Channel Precedence (Primary, Secondary, tertiary etc.) Pulse Multiplier Outstation Channel Multiplier Min MWh Value Max MWh Value
Physical Meter Details Meter Serial Number Manufacturers Make & Type Meter Current Rating Meter Code of Practice VT Ratio CT Ratio System Voltage Number of Phases
Meter Register Details Meter Serial Number Meter Register Id (1, 2, 3, or 4) Meter Register Multiplier Measurement Quantity Id (AE, AI, RE, RI) Register type (Main, Check) Metering Subsystem Id (for Main channels only) Number of Register Digits Associated Meter Id (for Check channels pointing to a Main) Associated Meter Register Id (for Check channels pointing to a Main)
Metering Subsystem Id is an identifier associated with Main channels, for the purpose of referencing filtered measurement quantities within aggregation rules supplied by a BSC Party via CDCA-I001.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I054 | User: BSC Party MOA Distribution Business | Title: Meter Status Report. | BSC reference: CP511 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data Transfer | Frequency: Daily, reporting on the previous Settlement Day | Volumes: Approximately 100 per day (2% of 5000) | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
This data flow will be sent whenever a potential fault is identified with the metering equipment. The CDCA will send meter status reports to:
The Responsible Party for the Metering System The MOA operating the Metering System The Distribution Business associated with the Metering System (if any)
For each metering system where a fault is identified the report will include:
Settlement Date Settlement Date
BSC Party BSC Party Identifier
Metering System Metering System Identifier Meter Equipment Location
Missing Data (note 1) Outstation ID Number of days since data was last downloaded successfully from the outstation.
Alarms Outstation ID Channel (optional, omit if alarm applies to all channels) Alarm Code First Settlement Period of Alarm Last Settlement Period of Alarm
Main/Check discrepancies over Settlement Day (note 2) Outstation ID for Main Meter Meter Serial Number for Main Meter Meter Register ID for Main Meter Channel Number for Main Meter Outstation ID for Check Meter Meter Serial Number for Check Meter Meter Register ID for Check Meter Channel Number for Check Meter Metering Subsystem ID Measurement Quantity Difference (MWh) Difference (% of main)
Primary/Secondary discrepancies (note 3) Primary Outstation ID Primary Channel Number Secondary Outstation ID Secondary Channel Number Meter Serial Number Meter Register ID Metering Subsystem ID Measurement Quantity Period Data Settlement Period Discrepancy Value Discrepancy, expressed as a percentage of primary
Data outside limits (note 4) Outstation ID Meter Serial Number Meter Register ID Channel Number Metering Subsystem ID Measurement Quantity Minimum Threshold Maximum Threshold Period Data Settlement Period Value Recorded
1. Count of contiguous Settlement Days up to and including the Day being reported on for which no data has been downloaded from any channel for any Settlement Period
2 Main/Check checks using data aggregated over the whole Settlement Day apply the same validation checks that are applied to individual Settlement Periods as defined in CDCA-F007. Note that data will be summed for all periods for which data is available (i.e. missing period data will default to 0)
3. Primary/Secondary checks are those applied in CDCA-F007
4. Data Limits checks are those applied in CDCA-F007
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
If there is nothing to report, a null report will not be issued
Interface ID: CDCA-I055 | User: Transfer Coordinator, BSC Party | Title: Transfer from SMRS information | BSC reference: CP753 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On Demand | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where metering is transferred from SMRS into CDCA, the following information will be provided.
Status (New, rejected, confirmed, confirmation request) Effective from date (if confirmed) Name of Registrant Address Contact for Transfer Telephone number Email address Participant ID Site name Site address
Transfer details Circuit description Measurement quantity Metering System ID Metering Subsystem ID
Metering system details NGC BMU identifiers BMU ID GSP reference CVA MOA | |||
Physical Interface Details: The flow will include a schematic diagram where appropriate
| |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I057 | User: Transfer Coordinator, BSC Party | Title: Transfer to SMRS information | BSC reference: CP753 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On Demand | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where metering is transferred from CDCA into SMRS, the following information will be provided.
Status (New, rejected, confirmed, confirmation request) Effective to date (if confirmed) Name of Registrant Address Contact for Transfer Telephone number Email address Participant ID Site name Site address
Transfer details Circuit description Measurement quantity Metering System ID Metering Subsystem ID
Metering system details NGC BMU identifiers BMU ID GSP reference
CVA MOA Details CVA MOA Contact Name Telephone Number Email address
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
The flow will include a schematic diagram where appropriate
Interface ID: CDCA-I059 | User: BSC Party | Title: Initial Meter Reading Report | BSC reference: CP753 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On Request | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
If requested by the old HHDC or by the new registrant following a transfer from SMRS
Meter Details CVA MSID CVA Metering Subsystem ID Date/time of reading Reading Details Measurement Quantity Reading (MWh)
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I060 | Source: SVA Registrant, CVA Registrant | Title: SVA Party Agent Details | BSC reference: CP753 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On Demand | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
1. Where an Outstation is shared between CDCA (Export) and SMRA (Import), the CDCA will receive from the SVA registrant details of the SVA Half Hourly Data Collector
2. The CVA (CRA) registrant of the Metering System will submit a request to allow the SVA HHDC to access the Import metering system
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CDCA-I067 | Source: SO, Distribution Business | Title: Disconnected CVA BM Units | BSC reference: P305 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where a Demand Control Event occurs, the CDCA will receive details of any CVA BM Units disconnected as a result of the Event from:
The information received shall include:
BM Unit IDs subject to Demand Disconnection as part of a Demand Control Event Demand Disconnection Start Date and Time Demand Disconnection End Date and Time
Note: This interface is not defined in the IDD spreadsheet that accompanies this document. This is because the communication of Disconnected BM Units is a manual flow. The NETSO and DSOs should email the details described above to the CDCA.
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CRA-I001 | Source: BSC Party, BSCCo Ltd. | Title: BSC Party Registration Data | BSC reference: CRA SD 4.1, CRA BPM 3.1, ERM, CRA BPM 4.5, RETA SCH 4,B, 2.4.2, CRAWS-20, CRAWS-22, CR_18_990909, CP508, CP546/CP726, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Mostly at initial setup | |
The CRA shall receive BSC Party information containing the following data content:
Action Description
BSC Party Details BSC Party Name BSC Party ID
Authentication Details Name Password
Party Role Details** Party Type Registration Effective From Date Registration Effective To Date
Role Address Details Contact Name8 Address Telephone No Fax No e-mail Address
Party Stage 2 Participant Details** Stage 2 Participant ID (if BSC Party is a Stage 2 participant)
Party Authentication Key Key Details
Authorised Signatories** Name Password Contact Phone No e-mail Address
Authorisation Levels** Activity Effective From Date Effective To Date
Settlement Report Details Report Type Distribution Method
Interconnector Error Administration Details (if BSC Party is an IEA)** Interconnector ID Effective From Date Effective To Date
** Registration changes relating to participant capacity or authorised person shall be confirmed by BSCCo Ltd in order to ensure that the new registration details are valid and are consistent with the current status of the BSC Party. This confirmation shall be submitted via a CRA-I001 flow from BSCCo Ltd containing the change. The registration changes requiring this confirmation are:
Other registration changes do not require confirmation by BSCCo Ltd. | |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I002 | Source: BSC Party (who is the Interconnector Administrator) | Title: Interconnector Administrator Registration Data | BSC reference: CRA SD 4.1.3, CRA BPM 3.1, CRA BPM 4.11, ERM, RETA SCH 4,B, 2.4.2, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Mostly at initial setup | |
The CRA shall receive Interconnector Administrator Registration Details including the following.
This interface allows for the registration of the Administrator for an Interconnector and as well as defining the definitive notification of the error administrator for the Interconnector at any one time. Registration of the Interconnector itself is provided through requirement CRA-I008.
Action Description
Party Authentication Details Name Password
Interconnector Administrator Details Interconnector Administrator ID
Interconnector Details Interconnector ID
Interconnector Error Administrator Data Interconnector Error Administrator ID Effective From Date Effective To Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. | |||
Interface ID: CRA-I003 | Source: BSC Party Agent, BSCCo Ltd | Title: BSC Party Agent Registration Data | BSC reference: CRA SD 4.2, CRA BPM 3.1, ERM, CRA BPM 4.2, RETA SCH 2.4.2, CP756, P197 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary. | Volumes: Low | |
Initial registration of a BSC party agent will be by BSCCo Ltd. Changes to an agent’s details will be provided by the agent.
Note: Certification/Accreditation refers to Qualification.
The CRA shall receive BSC Party Agent Details including the following:
Action Description
Party Authentication Details (if source is a BSC Party) Name Password
BSC Party Agent Details Agent Name Agent Identifier
Agent Role Details Agent Type Registration Effective From Date Registration Effective To Date
Role Address Details Address Telephone No Fax No e-mail Address
Certification/Accreditation Details Certification/Accreditation Status
Party Agent Authentication Details Name Password
Authorised Signatories Name Password Contact Phone No e-mail Address
Authorisation Levels Activity Effective From Date Effective To Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I005 | Source: BSC Party | Title: BM Unit Registration Data | BSC reference: CRA SD 6.0, CRA BPM 3.2, ERM, CRA BPM 4.3, RETA SCH 4,B, 2.4.2, CP753, CP756, P100 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA shall receive BM Unit Registration Details from a BSC Party. The registrant is the lead party.
The flow is meant to incorporate two forms of data: 1) The individual BM Units may be registered 2) Where required, by the NETSO, the flow may be used to register that a set of individual BM units should form a Joint BM Unit.
The information shall include the following:
Action Description
Authentication Details Name Password
BM Unit Registration Details
BM Unit Details Name BM Unit ID BM Unit Type NGC BM Unit Name Zone NETSO Reference GSP Group ID (where appropriate) Generation Capacity (MW) Demand Capacity (MW) Production / Consumption Flag Base TU Flag (for Exempt Export BM Units only) FPN Flag Interconnector ID (where appropriate) Effective From Date
Effective To Date Transfer flag (indicates this is a transfer from SMRS)
SVA Metering Mapping Details SVA MSID Effective From Date Effective To Date
BM Unit Group Details Joint BM Unit ID Effective From Date Effective To Date Joint BM Unit Details BM Unit ID
| |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. The physical structure does not include SVA Metering Mapping Details as these are always sent manually, on paper. | |||
Interface ID: CRA-I006 | Source: BSC Party | Title: Trading Unit Registration | BSC reference: CRA SD 6.2, CRA BPM 3.2, ERM, CRA BPM 4.17, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA shall receive Trading Unit Registration Details from a BSC Party. The flow may be used to register an individual Trading Unit as well as to add and subtract the BM Units that make up the Trading Unit at a later time.
The flow shall be composed of the following Details
Action Description
Authentication Details Name Password
Trading Unit Details Trading Unit Name
BM Unit Details BM Unit ID Effective From Date Effective To Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I007 | Source:- NETSO, Distribution Business Destination: BSCCo Ltd | Title: Boundary Point and System Connection Point Data | BSC reference: CRA SD 6.4, CRA BPM 3.3, ERM, CRA BPM 4.9, RETA SCH 4,B, 2.4.2, CP615, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA shall receive information concerning the initial registration, decommissioning and changes to registered data for Boundary Points and System Connection Points. The information shall include the following:
Action Description
Authentication Details Name Password
Point Details Boundary Point or System Connection Point Identifier Boundary Point or System Connection Point Type Effective From Date Effective To Date
Where the information concerns a new registration, or the permanent decommissioning of an existing point, then CRA shall forward a copy of the information to BSCCo Ltd. The forwarded copy will include any additional information provided. | |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I008 | Source: NETSO or Distribution Business | Title: Interconnector Registration Details | BSC reference: CRA SD 6.3, CRA BPM 3.5, ERM, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CRA shall receive new registrations and changes to the registration details of Interconnectors. Changes to the administration of the Interconnector are considered within the requirements of the Interconnector Administrator requirements:
Action Description
Authentication Details Name Password
Interconnector Details Name Additional Details (including GSP Group Id where appropriate) Interconnector ID Effective From Date Effective To Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I012 | User: BSC Party, BSC Party Agent, MIDP | Title: CRA Encryption Key | BSC reference: CRA SD 4.1.7, P78 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As necessary | Volumes: Low | |
See [COMMS] for details of the encryption key.
The CRA system shall issue a report containing the authentication details for a BSC Party, Market Index Data Provider and other agents where necessary. The Authentication details shall consist of:
Encryption details CRA public Key Effective Start Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details: |
Interface ID: CRA-I014 | User: BSC Party, BSC Party Agent, BSC Service Agent, NETSO, BSCCo Ltd | Title: Registration Report | BSC reference: CRA SD 4, CRA BPM 3.5, CRA BPM 3.1, CRA BPM 4.16, ERM, CP546/CP726, P78, P100, CP962, P215 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer (except Manual to BSC Service Agents and BSCCo Ltd) | Frequency: As necessary | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA system shall issue a report detailing changes and new registration data once it has been input into the CRA system. The report will be issued to the interested parties in the registration:
In most cases, the update only directly affects the registrant (i.e. the participant that submitted the registration request), but in a few particular cases, additional participants must be informed.
The report is issued to the relevant participants according to the following rules, dependent on the entity updated: 1. If the entity is a BSC Party then the report will be issued to that BSC Party; 2. If the entity is a BSC Party Agent then the report is issued to that BSC Party Agent; 3. If the entity is a BSC Service Agent then the report is issued to that BSC Service Agent; 4. If the entity is a BM Unit then the owning BSC Party of that unit is issued with the report; 5. If the entity is a Joint BM Unit Group then all BSC Parties having BM Units in the Group(s) concerned are issued with the report, as well as the owner of the Joint BM Unit Group; 6. If the entity is a Trading Unit then all BSC Parties having BM Units in the Trading Unit concerned are issued with the report, as well as the owner of the Trading Unit; 7. If the entity is a Metering System, the owning BSC Party and the BSC Party Agent appointed as Meter Operator Agent are issued with the report; 8. If the entity is a Boundary Point, then the owning BSC Party of that Boundary Point is issued with the report; 9. If the entity is a GSP Group, GSP or Distribution Systems Connection Point (DSCP) then the owning BSC Party is issued with the report; 10. If the entity is an Interconnector or an Interconnector Administration appointment then all BSC Parties owning Interconnector-usage BM Units on that Interconnector are issued with the report, as well as the Parties acting as Administrator and Error Administrator, and the owner of the Interconnector. 11. If the entity is a Market Index Data Provider then BSCCo Ltd will be issued with the report.
For Market Index Data Provider Registration a full refresh of the MIDP’s current registration details will be sent as a manual flow, back to BSCCo Ltd. This manual flow will include:
Market Index Data Provider ID Market Index Data Provider Name Registration Details Registration Effective From Registration Effective To Name Address Telephone No Fax No e-mail address
For all other Registration types an automatic flow will be generated, which will meet the following requirements:
The interface may be used to either send updated details (received over the course of a day), or a full refresh of all the BSC Party’s current registration details.
The report shall contain the details of the registration along with the success / failure / pending nature and where appropriate, the reasons for failure / pending status.
The report shall contain a header detailing the status of the registration attempt / change, along with the structure and content of the input data flow for which this is a report. The structure of the individual response shall correspond to that contained on the incoming flow (CRA-I0019, CRA-I002, CRA-I003, CRA-I004, CRA-I005, CRA-I006, CRA-I007, CRA-I008, CRA-I027, CRA-I031).
The content of the report corresponding to incoming flow CRA-I005 shall be extended to include the following data items, in addition to the details contained in the incoming flow:
Updates shall be reported in response to incoming flow CRA-I005 or where any of the data items above have changed. A report may also be issued following changes to the composition of a Trading Unit, or changes to any of the component BM Units belonging to a Trading Unit, that result in re-computation of Production / Consumption Status even though that re-computation may derive the same Status as before.
The header details shall contain the following information:
Registration Details Requesting Registrant, Registration Type (Party, Party Agent, Service Agent, BM Unit etc.) Registration Status (success, failure, pending) Additional Details
The requesting registrant field will normally contain the Id of the registrant; but for the report sent in response to CRA-I003, it will always be the Id of the Party Agent being registered.
The registration status details the result of the registration request. This may be:
Where BSC Parties, BSC Party Agents and BSC Service Agents have registered multiple roles, the report includes a separate registration status for each role.
Followed by the individual registration details, omitting authentication details, but including any additional details (such as identifiers and BM Units automatically assigned).
Each record of the report contains an Action Code, indicating whether the record has a) been added or changed; b) been deleted or c) not changed. When the report is sent as a full refresh, the action code is omitted for each record.
Note that there is no data item “Energy Account ID” since each party has a Production and a Consumption account which are identified by the Party ID and the P/C Indicator. | |||
Physical Interface Details: In the physical report, Registration Status can only be success or pending. Reporting that a registration has failed is a manual process. Accordingly, the physical report does not contain “Additional Details”.
For the response to CRA-I005, where a BM Unit's Production / Consumption Status changes on a date where no other BM Unit attributes change (for example as a result of another BM Unit being added or removed from the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs), the BM Unit information will be reported as separate date ranges in order to accurately report the changing Status.
Interface ID: CRA-I021 | User: BSC Party, Public | Title: Registered Service List | BSC reference: RETA SCH 4,B, 2.2.2, CRA BPM 4.12, P197 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer/Manual | Frequency: On Request | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA system shall issue a report listing the registered services to BSC Parties (automatically) and issue a subset of this information to the public (manually) on request.
Note: Certification/Accreditation refers to Qualification.
This will contain:
BSC Party Agent Details Agent Name Agent Identifier
Agent Role Details Agent Type
Role Address Details Address Telephone No Fax No e-mail Address
Certification/Accreditation Details Certification/Accreditation Status
BSC Service Agent Details Agent Name Agent Identifier
Service Agent Role Details Agent Type Effective From Date Effective To Date
Role Address Details Address Telephone No Fax No e-mail Address
| |||
Physical Interface Details: |
Interface ID: CRA-I027 | Source: BSC Party (Distribution Business) | Title: GSP Group Registration | BSC reference: CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA shall receive GSP Group Registration Details from a Distribution Business. The flow may be used to register an individual GSP Group as well as GSP’s and inter-GSP-Group Connections. The CRA shall not maintain a relationship between the three data items.
The flow shall be composed of the following Details
Action Description
Authentication Details Name Password
GSP Group Details GSP Group ID GSP Group Name Effective From Date Effective To Date
GSP Details GSP ID Effective From Date Effective To Date
Inter-GSP Group Connection Details Inter-GSP Group Connection ID Effective From Date Effective To Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I031 | Source: BSC Party | Title: Metering System Data | BSC reference: CRA SD 6.4, CRA BPM 3.3, ERM, CRA BPM 4.9, RETA SCH 4,B, 2.4.2, CP569, CP753, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
The CRA shall receive Metering System Registration Details. The CRA records the master set of registration details for the Metering Systems. This information is later augmented by the CDCA to record the full details for NETA. The information shall include the following:
Action Description
Authentication Details Name Password
Metering System Details Metering System Identifier Meter Operator Agent ID Effective From Date Effective To Date Transfer flag (indicates this is a transfer from SMRS)
For each new Metering System registration, the Registrant shall include confirmation that either:
| |||
Physical Interface Details: A physical structure is defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information (except for the equipment owner’s confirmation for new registrations) as an electronic data file over the network; the CRA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent. |
Interface ID: CRA-I034 | Source: BSCCo, BSC Party, BSC Party Agent, NETSO, BSC Service Agents | Title: Flexible Reporting Request | BSC reference: CR 53, P8, CP756 |
Mechanism: Manual, by email, letter or fax | Frequency: As Necessary | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CRA shall receive authorisations: a) to start or stop sending copies of reports generated for one organisation to another organisation i) a BSC Party (P) may receive copies of reports generated for another BSC Party (P’). The request must be submitted by BSCCo or, for those reports designated by BSCCo, by BSC Party P. ii) BSCCo may receive copies of reports generated for any organisation. The request must be submitted by BSCCo. b) to specify which version of a report to create for an organisation (If present this requests a specific version of the report be generated for the party. The default is to issue the latest version of a report. Old versions of reports are supported for a limited period (as agreed between the BSC Service Agent providing the report and BSCCo Ltd) following the introduction of a new version) The request will come from the organisation;
Requesting BSC Party Details organisation Id organisation type
Report Copy Details Report Type Effective from date Effective to date organisation Id organisation type Start/Stop Flag
Report Version Details Report Type Effective from date Effective to date Version (specific or “latest”)
Note: If receiving a copy of another party’s report, the version copied will be the version generated for the original party Note: in this specification, “organisation” is any of BSCCo, BSC Party, BSC Party Agent, NETSO, BSC Service Agents | |||
Physical Interface Details: The flow may contain requests from one or more organisation and each request may cover a number of report types/BSC Parties. |
Interface ID: CRA-I038 | Source: Transfer Coordinator, BSC Party | Title: Transfer from SMRS information | BSC reference: CP753 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On Demand | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where metering is transferred from SMRS into CRA, the following information will be provided.
Status (New, rejected, confirmed, confirmation request) Effective from date (if confirmed) Name of Registrant Address Contact for Transfer Telephone number Email address Participant ID Site name Site address
Transfer details Circuit description Measurement quantity Metering System ID Metering Subsystem ID
Metering system details NGC BMU identifiers BM Unit identifier GSP reference CVA MOA | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
The flow will include a schematic diagram where appropriate
Interface ID: CRA-I040 | Source: Transfer Coordinator, BSC Party | Title: Transfer to SMRS information | BSC reference: CP753 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: On Demand | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where metering is transferred from CRA into SMRS, the following information will be provided.
Status (New, rejected, confirmed, confirmation request) Effective to date (if confirmed) Name of CVA Registrant Address Contact for Transfer Telephone number Email address Participant ID Site name Site address
Transfer details Circuit description Measurement quantity Metering System ID Metering Subsystem ID
Metering system details NGC BMU identifiers BM Unit ID GSP reference CVA MOA | |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
The flow will include a schematic diagram where appropriate |
Interface ID: CRA-I048 | User: CRA, BSCCo | Title: GC or DC Breach Notification | BSC reference: P359 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where a GC Breach or a DC Breach has been identified for a BM Unit, the CRA shall provide the following information to the Lead Party:
BM Unit Id GC or DC Breach Type Settlement Day Settlement Period CRA-estimated GC or DC Amount Effective From Date for CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amount Other information deemed by BSCCo to be relevant
| |||
Please note that this notification will also be published on the BSC Website
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CRA-I049 | Source: BSC Party | Title: GC or DC Breach Estimation Challenge | BSC reference: P359 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
Where a BSC Party Challenges a GC or DC Breach Estimation for a BM Unit, they shall provide the following information:
BM Unit Id Type of GC or DC Breach Settlement Day Settlement Period Evidence of error
| |||
Please note that this notification will also be published on the BSC Website
| |||
Physical Interface Details: | |||
Interface ID: CRA-I051 | User: BSC Party | Title: Notification of Breach Challenge Data | BSC reference: P359 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The CRA shall publish data relating to a BM Unit in GC Breach or DC Breach on the BSC Website for not less than 24 calendar months after the date of the Breach notification:
The CRA shall ensure that only the Lead Party of the relevant BM Unit will be entitled to see the above details.
The CRA shall also issue the above details to the Lead Party of the relevant BM Unit by email.
| |||
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
Interface ID: ECVAA-I002 | User: ECVNA, BSC Party14 | Title: ECVNAA Data | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 6.1, 6.6, A ECVAA BPM: 3.1, 4.1, 4.4 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.4, CP547, P110, CP888, P98, P309 |
Mechanism: Manual, by letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic file over the network | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Low | |
The ECVAA Service shall receive the following ECVNAA data on an ad hoc basis.
i. ECVNAA requests. Each request shall be submitted separately by two BSC Parties and either one or two ECVNAs, each providing identical details of the request as shown below along with their individual password/signature. ii. ECVNAA Authorisation Termination requests. Each termination request shall be submitted by either of the two BSC Parties or an ECVNA for the relevant ECVNAA. iii. ECVNAA Key Change requests. Each request shall be submitted by an ECVNA for the relevant ECVNAA. iv. ECVNAA Report Requirement Change requests. Each request shall be submitted by an ECVNA, or BSC Party for the relevant ECVNAA.
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The ECVNAA data shall comprise:
| |||
ECVNAA Requests: ECVNAA Change (‘T’ or ‘F’) ECVNA ID ECVNA Name ECV Party 1 ID ECV Party 1 Name ECV Party 1 production/consumption flag ECVNA ID 2 (optional) ECVNA Name 2 (optional) ECV Party 2 ID ECV Party 2 Name ECV Party 2 production/consumption flag Effective From Date Effective To Date ECVN Amendment Type (Additional/Replacement/Both) Notification Amendment Type Effective From Date Report Requirements (optional – specific to submitter)
| |||
ECVNAA Termination Requests: ECVNAA ID ECVNA ID ECV Party 1 ID ECVNA ID 2 (optional) ECV Party 2 ID Associated VNNR Indicator
ECVNAA Key Change Requests (specific to submitter): ECVNAA ID ECVNA ID ECV Party 1 ID ECVNA ID 2 (optional) ECV Party 2 ID
ECVNAA Report Requirement Change Requests (specific to submitter): ECVNAA ID ECVNA ID ECV Party 1 ID ECVNA ID 2 (optional) ECV Party 2 ID Report Requirement
| |||
Physical Interface Details: Physical flow details are defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the ECVAA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent.. |
Interface ID: ECVAA-I003 | User: MVRNA, BSC Party15 | Title: MVRNAA Data | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 7.1, 7.6, 7.7, A ECVAA BPM: 3.2, 4.6, 4.10, 4.12 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.4 CR 005, CP547, P110, CP888, P98 |
Mechanism: Manual, by letter or fax, or can be sent as an electronic data file over the network | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Low | |
The ECVAA Service shall receive the following MVRNAA data on an ad hoc basis.
i. MVRNAA requests. Each request shall be submitted separately by the BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and either one or two MVRNAs, each providing identical details as shown below along with their individual password/signature. ii. MVRNAA Termination requests. Each termination request shall be submitted by the BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party or a MVRNA of the relevant MVRNAA. iii. MVRNAA Key Change requests. Each request shall be submitted by a MVRNA for the relevant MVRNAA. iv. MVRNAA Report Requirement Change requests. Each request shall be submitted by a MVRNA or BSC Party for the relevant MVRNAA.
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The MVRNAA data shall comprise:
| |||
MVRNAA Requests: MVRNA ID MVRNA Name BM Unit ID Lead Party ID Lead Party Name Lead Party production/consumption flag MVRNA ID 2 (optional) MVRNA Name 2 (optional) Subsidiary Party ID Subsidiary Party Name Subsidiary Party production/consumption flag Effective From Date Effective To Date Report Requirements (optional - specific to submitter)
| |||
MVR Termination Requests: MVRNAA ID MVRNA ID BM Unit ID Lead Party ID MVRNA ID 2 (optional) Subsidiary Party ID Associated VNNR Indicator
MVRNAA Key Change Requests (specific to submitter): MVRNAA ID MVRNA ID BM Unit ID Lead Party ID MVRNA ID 2 (optional) Subsidiary Party ID
MVRNAA Report Requirement Change Requests (specific to submitter): MVRNAA ID MVRNA ID BM Unit ID Lead Party ID MVRNA ID 2 (optional) Subsidiary Party ID Report Requirement
| |||
Physical Interface Details: Physical flow details are defined for this manual interface because the registrant can send this information as an electronic data file over the network; the ECVAA operator enters the information via a screen-based interface however it is sent.. |
Interface ID: ECVAA-I004 | User: ECVNA | Title: ECVNs | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 8.1, A ECVAA BPM: 3.3, 4.18 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.4 CR 008, CP527, P98 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: High | |
Interface Requirement: i. The ECVAA Service shall receive the following ECVNs from ECVNAs continuously for every Settlement Period up until the Submission Deadline (the notification deadline for the purposes of submitting ECVNs and MVRNs for each Settlement Period as defined in Annex X-1).
Note that ECVN Withdrawal is implemented by sending a notification containing a null ECV.
| |||
The ECVNs shall comprise:
| |||
Energy Contract Volume Notification: ECVNA ID ECVNAA ID ECVNAA Key ECVN ECVNAA ID ECVN Reference Code Effective From Date Effective To Date (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Energy Contract Volume (MWh) (volume sold by party 1 to party 2, may be negative)) Omitted Data: No Change (optional)16
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The ECVNA Id is the From Participant Id in the AAA header record of the physical file and so is not included in the EDN record.
The ECVN ECVNAA Id should always be either a) the ECVNAA Id of the Agent submitting the ECVN, or b) an ECVNAA Id that has now expired (i.e. effective to date < todays date) but was for the same pair of trading Party Energy Accounts (specified in the same order in each ECVNAA); An ECVN that does not follow these rules should be rejected in full.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I005 | Source: MVRNA | Title: Meter Volume Reallocation (MVR) Notifications | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 9.1, A RETA ERR 2 ECVAA BPM: 3.3, 4.19 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.4 CR 005, CR 008, CP527, P98 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: High | |
The ECVAA Service shall receive MVRNs from MVRNAs continuously for every Settlement Period up until the Submission Deadline.
The MVRNs shall comprise:
| |||
Meter Volume Reallocation Notification: MVRNA ID MVRNAA ID MVRNAA Key MVRN MVRNAA ID MVRN Reference Code Effective From Date Effective To Date (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%) Omitted Data: No Change (optional)17
| |||
Physical Interface Issues:
The MVRNA Id is the From Participant Id in the AAA header record of the physical file and so is not included in the MVN record.
The MVRN MVRNAA Id should always be either
An MVRN that does not follow these rules should be rejected in full.
| |||
| |||
Interface ID: ECVAA-I007 | User: BSC Party14, ECVNA | Title: ECVNAA Feedback | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, A ECVAA BPM: 3.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.5 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.2, CP547, CP571, CP888, P98, Variation 59 |
Mechanism: Manual for Rejections and Deletions; Electronic Data File Transfer for Confirmations | Frequency: Ad hoc, in response to ECVNAA requests and registration data changes | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue the following ECVNAA Feedback data in response to ECVNAA requests: i. Confirmed ECVNAA - issued to both BSC Parties and ECVNA(s). ii. Rejected ECVNAA - issued to both BSC Parties and ECVNA(s). iii. Confirmed ECVNAA Termination - issued to both BSC Parties and ECVNA(s). iv. Rejected ECVNAA Termination - issued to the BSC Party or ECVNA. v. Confirmed ECVNAA Key Change - issued to the relevant ECVNA. vi. Rejected ECVNAA Key Change - issued to the relevant ECVNA. vii. Confirmed ECVNAA Deletion – issued to the relevant BSC Parties and ECVNA(s). viii. Rejected ECVNAA Deletion – issued to the relevant BSC Party or ECVNA. ix. Confirmed ECVNAA Reporting Option Change - issued to the requesting BSC Party or ECVNA. x. Rejected ECVNAA Reporting Option Change - issued to the requesting BSC Party or ECVNA.
| |||
The ECVNAA Feedback shall include:
| |||
Confirmed ECVNAA: Original details received in ECVAA-I002 Authorisation request plus - ECVNAA ID (to both BSC Parties and relevant ECVNA(s)) ECVNAA Key (to ECVNA only, each ECVNA receives their Key)
Nb confirmation of an Authorisation Change will not include the Notification Amendment Type Effective From Date
| |||
Rejected ECVNAA: Original details received in ECVAA-I002 Authorisation request plus - Rejection Reason Note: if the rejection is due to non-receipt of matching authorisations, then both parties and the ECVNA are still informed, and the feedback sent to each shall not include another’s authentication information
| |||
Confirmed ECVNAA Termination: Original details received in ECVAA-I002 Termination request plus- Effective To Date Termination Reason Note: Termination Reason indicates whether party or ECVNA request or triggered by change to registration data.
| |||
Rejected ECVNAA Termination: Original details received in ECVAA-I002 Termination request plus - Rejection Reason
| |||
Confirmed ECVNAA Key Change: ECVNAA ID ECVNAA Key (new key) Effective From Date
| |||
Rejected ECVNAA Key Change: Original details received in Key Change request plus - Rejection Reason
| |||
Confirmed ECVNAA Deletion: Original details received in Termination request plus- Termination Reason Note: This is sent in response to a Termination request where the Termination Date is before the Effective From Date.
| |||
Rejected ECVNAA Deletion: Original details received in Termination request plus- Rejection Reason Note: This is sent in response to a Termination request where the Termination Date is before the Effective From Date.
| |||
Confirmed ECVNAA Reporting Option Change: Authorisation Details after Reporting Option Change request applied
| |||
Rejected ECVNAA Reporting Option Change: Original details received in Reporting Option Change request plus - Rejection Reason
Note that Reporting Options and details of the second ECVNA will only be reported if the ECVNAA is a dual agent authorisation.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I008 | User: BSC Party15, MVRNA | Title: MVRNAA Feedback | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.7, 7.8, 7.11, 7.12, A ECVAA BPM: 3.2, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.14 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.2# CR 005, CP547, CP571, CP888, P98, Variation 59 |
Mechanism: Manual for Rejections and Deletions; Electronic Data File Transfer for Confirmations | Frequency: Ad hoc, in response to MVRNAA requests and registration data changes | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue the following MVRNAA Feedback data , in response to MVRNAA requests : i. Confirmed MVRNAA - issued to the relevant BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and MVRNA(s). ii. Rejected MVRNAA - issued to the relevant BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and MVRNA(s). iii. Confirmed MVRNAA Termination - issued to the relevant BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and MVRNA(s). iv. Rejected MVRNAA Termination - issued to the relevant BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party or MVRNA. v. Confirmed MVRNAA Key Change - issued to the relevant MVRNA. vi. Rejected MVRNAA Key Change - issued to the relevant MVRNA. vii. Confirmed MVRNAA Deletion - issued to the relevant BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and MVRNA(s). viii. Rejected MVRNAA Deletion - issued to the relevant BM Unit Lead Party or BM Unit Subsidiary Party or MVRNA. ix. Confirmed MVRNAA Reporting Option Change - issued to the requesting BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party or MVRNA. x. Rejected MVRNAA Reporting Option Change - issued to the requesting BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party or MVRNA.
| |||
The MVRNAA Feedback shall include:
| |||
Confirmed MVRNAA: Original details received in ECVAA-I003 Authorisation request plus - MVRNAA ID (to Lead, Subsidiary Party and relevant MVRNA(s)) MVRNAA Key (to MVRNA only, each MVRNA receives their Key)
| |||
Rejected MVRNAA: Original details received in ECVAA-I003 Authorisation request plus - Rejection Reason Note: if the rejection is due to non-receipt of matching authorisations, then both parties and the MVRNA are still informed, and the feedback sent to each shall not include another’s authentication information.
| |||
Confirmed MVRNAA Termination: Original details received in ECVAA-I003 Termination request plus- Effective To Date Termination Reason Note: Termination Reason indicates whether party or MVRNA request or triggered by change to registration data.
| |||
Rejected MVRNAA Termination: Original details received in ECVAA-I003 Termination request plus - Rejection Reason
| |||
Confirmed MVRNAA Key Change: MVRNAA ID MVRNAA Key (new key) Effective From Date
| |||
Rejected MVRNAA Key Change: Original details received in Key Change request plus - Rejection Reason
| |||
Confirmed MVRNAA Deletion: Original details received in Termination request plus- Termination Reason Note: This is sent in response to a Termination request where the Termination Date is before the Effective From Date.
| |||
Rejected MVRNAA Deletion: Original details received in Termination request plus- Rejection Reason Note: This is sent in response to a Termination request where the Termination Date is before the Effective From Date.
| |||
Confirmed MVRNAA Reporting Option Change: Authorisation Details after Reporting Option Change request applied
| |||
Rejected MVRNAA Reporting Option Change: Original details received in Reporting Option Change request plus - Rejection Reason
Note that Reporting Options and details of the second MVRNA will only be reported if the MVRNAA is a dual agent authorisation.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I009 | User: BSC Party14, ECVNA | Title: ECVN Feedback (Rejection) | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 8.3, A ECVAA BPM: 3.3, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.2 CR 12, CP527, CP703, P98, CP1221 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Continuous, for rejected ECVNs and ECVN components | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue ECVN Feedback (rejection) to BSC Parties and ECVNAs continuously to report: i. the rejection of ECVNs on receipt; and ii. the rejection of ECVN components during the half-hourly credit check process.
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The ECVN Feedback (rejection) shall comprise:
| |||
Rejected ECVN: ECVNA Id ECVNAA Id ECVN ECVNAA Id ECVN Reference Code Effective From Date Effective To Date (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Energy Contract Volume (MWh) Rejection Reason, including: Invalid time stamp Level 2 Credit Default
Notes: i. For rejection of ECVNs on receipt, the ECVN Feedback (rejection) shall comprise the original details received in the ECVN (except the ECVNAA Key). ii. For rejection of ECVN components during the half-hourly credit check process, the ECVN Feedback (rejection) shall comprise the single Settlement Period component from the original ECVN which is rejected. iii. Each Party and their ECVNA receives feedback on Notifications as determined from the ECVNAA used in submission (subject to Reporting Options selected by the Party and ECVNA for that ECVNAA - see ECVAA-F003). |
Interface ID: ECVAA-I010 | User: BSC Party, MVRNA15 | Title: MVRN Feedback (Rejection) | BSC reference: ECVAA SD: 9.2, A RETA ERR: 2 ECVAA BPM: 3.3, 4.22, 4.23, 4.24, 4.25 RETA SCH: 4, B, 3.2 CR 12, CP527, CP703, P98 CP1221 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Continuous, for rejected MVRNs and MVRN components | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue MVRN Feedback (rejection) to BSC Parties and MVRNAs continuously to report: i. the rejection of MVRNs on receipt; and ii. the rejection of MVRN components during the half-hourly credit check process.
| |||
The MVRN Feedback (rejection) shall comprise:
| |||
Rejected MVRN: MVRNA Id MVRNAA Id MVRN MVRNAA Id MVRN Reference Code Effective From Date Effective To Date (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%) Rejection Reason, including: Invalid time stamp Level 2 Credit Default 100% Total Exceeded | |||
Notes: i. For rejection of MVRNs on receipt, the MVRN Feedback (rejection) shall comprise the original details received in the MVRN (except the MVRNAA Key). ii. For rejection of MVRN components during the half-hourly credit check process, the MVRN Feedback (rejection) shall comprise the single Settlement Period component from the original MVRN which is rejected. iii. Each Party and their MVRNA receives feedback on Notifications as determined from the MVRNAA used in submission (subject to Reporting Options selected by the Party and MVRNA for that MVRNAA - see ECVAA-F004).
Interface ID: ECVAA-I013 | User: BSC Party14,15, MVRNA ECVNA | Title: Authorisation Report | BSC reference: ECVAA IRR: E1, E2, P98 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Daily, on request | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue Authorisation Reports to BSC Parties, ECVNAs and MVRNAs once a day18.
Note: Reports will only be issued to those parties that have (manually) requested a report (covering a specified date range) to be sent on that day.
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The Authorisation Report shall comprise:
Report Start Date Report End Date
| |||
ECVNAA data: Data same as ‘Confirmed ECVNAA’ described for requirement ECVAA-I007: Issue ECVNAA Feedback, except ECVNAA Key.
| |||
MVRNAA data: Data same as ‘Confirmed MVRNAA’ described for requirement ECVAA-I008: Issue MVRNAA Feedback, except MVRNAA Key.
| |||
Interface ID: ECVAA-I014 | User: MVRNA, ECVNA, BSC Party14,15 | Title: Notification Report | BSC reference: ECVAA IRR: E3, E4 CR 12, CP527, CP858, CP869, P98, P140, P215 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Daily and in support of disputes | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue Notification Reports to BSC Parties, ECVNAs and MVRNAs once a day. At the end of each Settlement Date, the ECVAA shall report notifications which apply to that Settlement Date to all relevant parties. For the avoidance of doubt this is not notifications received on the relevant Settlement Date.
The ECVAA Service shall issue revised Notification Reports to the BSC Parties, ECVNAs and MVRNAs as a result of disputes. A revised report shall only be sent to parties affected by the dispute.
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The Notification Report shall comprise:
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Notification Data: Settlement Date ECVAA Run Number Day Start Energy Indebtedness Data (to BSC Party Only): Actual Energy Indebtedness (MWh) (Σd28 AEIpd) Metered Energy Indebtedness (MWh) (Σd28 MEIpd) Cumulative Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (MWh) (CCEIpj) Actual Energy Indebtedness Dates (identifies which date range(s) have AEI data) From Settlement Date To Settlement Date Metered Energy Indebtedness Dates (identifies which date range(s) have MEI data) From Settlement Date To Settlement Date
Settlement Period Data Settlement Period (1-50)
ECVN Data ECVN ECVNAA ID ECVN Reference Code Energy Contract Volume (MWh) ECVNA ID ++ ECVNAA ID ++ BSC Party 1 ID BSC Party 1 Name BSC Party 1 Energy Account Production/Consumption flag BSC Party 2 ID BSC Party 2 Name BSC Party 2 Energy Account Production/Consumption flag
MVRN Data MVRN MVRNAA ID MVRN Reference Code Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%) MVRNA ID ++ MVRNAA ID ++ BM Unit ID Lead Party ID Lead Party Name Lead Party Energy Account Production/Consumption flag Subsidiary Party ID Subsidiary Party Name Subsidiary Party Energy Account Production/Consumption flag
Indebtedness Data (to BSC Party Only) Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (CAQCEpj) Aggregated Energy Contract Volume (QABCpj) Cumulative Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness* (MWh) (CCEIpj) Energy Indebtedness* (MWh) (EIpj) Credit Cover Percentage (%) Credit Limit Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume by BMU Type FPN Derived Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (MWh) Non FPN Derived Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (MWh) Account Energy Data (to BSC Party Only) Energy Account Production/Consumption flag Account Period CA Credited Energy Volume (MWh) (CAQCEaj) Account Period Energy Contract Volume (MWh) (QABCaj) Account Cumulative CA Credited Energy Volume* (MWh) (CCAQCEaj) Account Cumulative Energy Contract Volume* (MWh) (CQABCaj) Account Energy Data by BMU Type FPN Derived Account Period CA Credited Energy Volume (MWh) FPN Derived Account Cumulative CA Credited Energy Volume* (MWh) Non FPN Derived Account Period CA Credited Energy Volume (MWh) Non FPN Derived Account Cumulative CA Credited Energy Volume* (MWh)
Credit Limit Warning Data BSC Party Id BSC Party Name
| |||
Notes: 1. The “Day Start Indebtedness Data” group will contain cumulative figures for the 28 days up to (but not including) period 1 of the reported Settlement Day as follows: a. the sum of available Actual Energy Indebtedness; b. the sum of Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness for Settlement Days where Actual Energy indebtedness is not available. 2. Data items are marked with a ‘*’ to indicate that they are a “cumulative” figure. That is, the value is aggregated over the 29 days up to and including the reported settlement period. 3. Data items are marked with "++" to indicate that they contain the Agent and Authorisation relevant to the party/agent receiving the report.
When a notification is loaded, the transaction is allocated a transaction number.
The Report Transaction Number is the highest transaction which had been applied when the report snapshot view was taken
The ECVAA-I028 or ECVAA-I029 acceptance feedback flow (which is issued for notifications which are effective within 72 periods of loading) includes the transaction number.
Notification Start date | Notification End date | Notification Period Data | What is reported |
D | D | Includes volume for at least one period >= P | Periods >= P |
D | D | No volumes for periods >= P, at least one volume for a period < P | Notification not reported |
<D | D | Includes volume for at least one period >= P | Periods >= P |
<D | D | No volumes for periods >= P, at least one volume for a period < P | Notification not reported |
>D | >D | Volume for at least one period | All periods |
D | >D | Volume for at least one period | All periods |
<D | >D | Volume for at least one period | All periods |
Any | Any | No volume for any period | Notification not reported |
where Notifications are split into two (Current Date and Future),
where a Notifications Effective From Date is changed from a past day to the Current Date (i.e. the Applied From Date),
where a Notification is truncated by a subsequently received Notification.
where a Dual Notification is split to be consistent with date ranges submitted by a counterparty’s appointed agent.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I022
| User: BSC Party14,15 | Title: Forward Contract Report | BSC reference: CR 051 CR 085 P4, CP725, CP877, P110 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue Forward Contract Reports to BSC Parties once a day to report each party’s contractual position for the current day and the next 7 days. This report shall be based on a snapshot time of 18:30. The flow will not include any notifications which were rejected on receipt, but will include notification data for the current day which has been rejected by the credit check process. All BSC parties will be sent a forward contract report, even if they are not a party to any notifications in the period. A report covering a longer date range can be requested by a Party following receipt of ECVAA-I039.
The Forward Contract Report shall comprise:
Report Start Date Report End Date Report Snapshot Time Report Transaction Number Report Start Period
Energy Account data: Production/Consumption flag
Originator Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation data: ECVNAA ID* ECVNA ID* ECVNAA BSC Party Sequence Other BSC Party ID Other BSC Party P/C Flag ECVNAA Effective From Date ECVNAA Effective To Date (optional)
Energy Contract Volume Notification data: ECVN ECVNAA ID ECVN Reference Code ECVN Effective From Date ECVN Effective To Date (optional) ECVNA ID* (null if authorisation same as Originator record) ECVNAA ID* (null if authorisation same as Originator record) ECVNAA Effective From Date (null if authorisation same as Originator record) ECVNAA Effective To Date (null if authorisation same as Originator record) Settlement Period From Settlement Period To (null if Volume applies to single period) Energy Contract Volume (to other party)
Originator Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation data: MVRNAA ID* MVRNA ID* BM Unit ID Lead or Subsidiary Party indicator Other BSC Party ID Other BSC Party P/C Flag MVRNAA Effective From MVRNAA Effective To (optional)
Meter Volume Reallocation Notification data: MVRN MVRNAA ID MVRN Reference Code MVRN Effective From Date MVRN Effective To Date (optional) MVRNA ID* (null if authorisation same as Originator record) MVRNAA ID* (null if authorisation same as Originator record) MVRNAA Effective From Date (null if authorisation same as Originator record) MVRNAA Effective To Date (null if authorisation same as Originator record) Settlement Period From Settlement Period To (null if Volume/Percentage apply to single period) Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (to Subsidiary party) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (to Subsidiary party)
*- Data as relevant to the BSC Party receiving the report.
| |||
Interface ID: ECVAA-I024 | Source: BSC Party14,15 | Title: Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Request | BSC reference: CP519 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The ECVAA shall receive Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Requests from BSC Parties on an ad hoc basis.
| |||
The Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Request data shall comprise:
BSC Party ID | |||
Interface ID: ECVAA-I025 | User: BSC Party, FAA, BSCCo Ltd | Title: Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Report | BSC reference: CP519, CP1313 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc, in response to Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Requests | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: | |||
The ECVAA shall issue Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Reports to the BSCCo Ltd, FAA and BSC Parties in response to Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Requests.
| |||
The Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Report data shall comprise:
BSC Party ID Waiting Period Start Date Waiting Period End Date Minimum Eligible Amount Rule (75% or 80%) Maximum Indebtedness Settlement Day Maximum Indebtedness Settlement Period (1-50) Minimum Eligible Amount (MWh)
Note: the Waiting Period Start Date is the date of receipt of the Credit Cover Minimum Eligible Amount Request by the ECVAA. | |||
| Submitter | Non-submitter | ||
| Reporting option / Report Field | Match (option 3) | Acceptance (option 2) | Match* (option 3) | Acceptance (option 2) |
Header | ECVN Data (Group) |
| No Report |
ECVNA ID | Submitting ECVNA | Submitting ECVNA | Non-submitting ECVNA |
| |
ECVNAA ID | Submitter’s ECVNAA ID | Submitter’s ECVNAA ID | Not Reported |
| |
| |
ECVN ID Reference Code | ECVN Reference | ECVN Reference | ECVN Reference |
| |
Effective From Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date** |
| |
Effective To Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date** |
| |
First Effective Period | Applied from Period | Applied from Period | Applied from Period** |
| |
ECVN Filename | Submitted Filename | Submitted Filename | Last Filename from non-submitter |
| |
ECVN File Sequence Number | Submitted File Seq Number | Submitted File Seq Number | Last File Seq Num from non-submitter |
| |
ECVAA Transaction Number | Loaded Tx for Submitted File | Loaded Tx for Submitted File | Loaded Tx for Submitted File |
| |
Acc. Feedback | Accepted ECVN Period Data (Group) | Optional – only if period data submitted | Optional – only if period data submitted | Not Reported |
Settlement Period | Settlement Period | Settlement Period |
| |
Energy Contract Volume | Volume | Volume |
| |
Matching / No-match Report | Matched Contract Dates (Group) |
| Not Reported |
Settlement Date | Dates started or starting in the next 72 periods |
| Dates started or starting in the next 72 periods |
| |
Matched Contract Volumes (Group) |
| |
Settlement Period | From Period 1 of Current Day |
| From Period 1 of Current Day |
| |
Recipient Energy Contract Volume | Latest Volume from Submitter |
| Latest Volume from Non-Submitter |
| |
Other Party Energy Contract Volume | Latest Volume from Non-Submitter |
| Latest Volume from Submitter |
| |
Matched Energy Contract Volume | Latest Matched Volume |
| Latest Matched Volume |
Submitter / No match; the basic Acceptance Feedback Report with no matching.
Submitter / Match; full acceptance feedback with matching report.
Non-Submitter / Match; essentially just a matching report.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I028 | User: BSC Party14,15, ECVNA | Title: Energy Contract Volume Notification (ECVN) Acceptance Feedback | BSC reference: P4, CP725, P98 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Continuous, for accepted ECVNs | Volumes: High | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue Energy Contract Volume Notification Acceptance Feedback to the submitting ECVNA and the associated Party (or Parties ) continuously to report the acceptance of ECVNs where settlement period 1 of the effective from date on the ECVN starts within a parameterised 36 hours (72 settlement periods) of receipt of the ECVN.
Where a position has already been received from the non-submitting ECVNA, the ECVAA Service shall also issue Energy Contract Volume Notification (ECVN) Acceptance Feedback reports to the non-submitting ECVNA and their associated BSC Party continuously to report the matching of ECVN period data where settlement period 1 of the settlement date for which the match occurs starts within a parameterised 36 hours (72 settlement periods) of the match being made.
| |||
The ECVN Acceptance Feedback shall comprise:
| |||
Accepted Energy Contract Volume Notification: ECVNA ID ECVNAA ID (optional) ECVN ID - Originator’s ECVNAA ID ECVN ID - Reference Code Effective From Date Effective To Date (optional) First Effective Period ECVN Filename ECVN File Sequence Number ECVAA Transaction Number Energy Contract Volumes (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Energy Contract Volume (MWh) Matched Contract Dates (optional) only for settlement dates within 72 settlement periods of receipt of notification Settlement Date Matched Contract Volumes (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Recipient Party Energy Contract Volume (MWh) Other Party Energy Contract Volume (MWh) Matched Energy Contract Volume (MWh)
Notes: The acceptance feedback message echoes back the data sent in the ECVN (with the exception of the key) with the following additions or modifications:
Effective From Date: This will contain the Applied From Date. This will be the later of the Effective From Date received in the notification and the Current Date. The Current Date is the earliest Settlement Date for which at least one Settlement Period has not passed the Submission Deadline at the time the ECVAA receives the notification.
First Effective Period: This will be set to the number of the first settlement period on the Applied From Date of the ECVN for which the Submission Deadline had not passed at the time of receipt of the ECVN. This value provides an indication of any period data in the ECVN which may have been ignored because the ECVN arrived after the Submission Deadline for some periods. The notification has been applied starting with <first effective period> on the <effective from date> reported here.
ECVAA Transaction Number: This value is the transaction number under which the ECVN was loaded. This can be compared to the transaction number provided in the Forward Contract Report to determine if an ECVN is included in the report. The ECVAA shall ensure that Acceptance Feedback Reports generated in response to notifications from a single Agent have sequence numbers which follow the same order as the transaction numbers which they contain.
Where the recipient is the submitter of the ECVN triggering this report, the ECVNA Id and ECVNAA Id are those of the Agent associated with the recipient of the report. Where the recipient is the non-submitter, the ECVNAA Id is always null.
The Matched Contract Dates group will be reported for any Settlement Date where Settlement Period 1 of that date starts within a parameterised 36 hours (72 settlement periods) of receipt of the ECVN.
The Matched Contract Volumes group contains the latest received Energy Contract Volume for each Party from their nominated ECVNA and the latest matched Energy Contract Volume. Matched data is reported from Settlement Period 1 of the first day covered by the Notification, but only Settlement Periods for which an ECVNA has submitted data will be reported. The sign of matched volume values is consistent with that in the received ECVNs.
The ECVNA or BSC Party will only receive an Energy Contract Volume Notification Acceptance Feedback if they have opted to receive them in their Reporting Options (see ECVAA-F003) for the associated ECVNAA. Furthermore, the matched group will be reported only if the recipient has selected matched data in their Reporting Options
| Submitter | Non-submitter | |||
| Reporting option / Report Field | Match (option 3) | Acceptance (option 2) | Match* (option 3) | Acceptance (option 2) | |
Header | MVRN Data (Group) |
| No Report | |
MVRNA ID | Submitting MVRNA | Submitting MVRNA | Non-submitting MVRNA |
| |
MVRNAA ID | Submitter’s MVRNAA ID | Submitter’s MVRNAA ID | Not Reported |
| |
| |
MVRN ID Reference Code | MVRN Reference | MVRN Reference | MVRN Reference |
| |
Effective From Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date** |
| |
Effective To Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date | Submitted Date** |
| |
First Effective Period | Applied from Period | Applied from Period | Applied from Period** |
| |
MVRN Filename | Submitted Filename | Submitted Filename | Last Filename from non-submitter |
| |
MVRN File Sequence Number | Submitted File Seq Number | Submitted File Seq Number | Last File Seq Num from non-submitter |
| |
MVRAA Transaction Number | Loaded Tx for Submitted File | Loaded Tx for Submitted File | Loaded Tx for Submitted File |
| |
Acc. Feedback | Accepted MVRN Period Data (Group) | Optional – only if period data submitted | Optional – only if period data submitted | Not Reported |
| |
Settlement Period | Settlement Period | Settlement Period |
| |
Meter Volume Fixed Reallocation | Volume | Volume |
| |
Meter Volume Percentage Reallocation | Percentage | Percentage |
| |
Matching /No Match Report | Matched Reallocation Dates (Group) |
| Not Reported |
| |
Settlement Date | Dates started or starting in the next 72 periods |
| Dates started or starting in the next 72 periods |
| |
Matched Reallocations (Group) |
| |
Settlement Period | From Period 1 of Current Day |
| From Period 1 of Current Day |
| |
Recipient Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation | Latest Volume from Submitter |
| Latest Volume from Non-Submitter |
| |
Recipient Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation | Latest Percentage from Submitter |
| Latest Percentage from Non-Submitter |
| |
Other Party Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation | Latest Volume from Non-Submitter |
| Latest Volume from Submitter |
| |
Other Party Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation | Latest Percentage from Non-submitter |
| Latest Percentage from Submitter |
| |
Matched Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation | Latest Matched Volume |
| Latest Matched Volume |
| |
Matched Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation | Latest Matched Percentage |
| Latest Matched Percentage |
Submitter / No match; the basic Acceptance Feedback Report with no matching.
Submitter / Match; full acceptance feedback with matching report.
Non-Submitter / Match; essentially just a matching report.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I029 | User: BSC Party14,15, MVRNA | Title: Meter Volume Reallocation Notification (MVRN) Acceptance Feedback | BSC reference: P4, CP725, P98 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: Continuous, for accepted MVRNs | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Acceptance Feedback to the submitting MVRNA and the associated Party (or Parties) continuously to report the acceptance of MVRNs where settlement period 1 of the effective from date on the MVRN starts within a parameterised 36 hours (72 settlement periods) of receipt of the MVRN.
Where a position has already been received from the non-submitting MVRNA, the ECVAA Service shall also issue Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Acceptance Feedback reports to the non-submitting MVRNA and their associated BSC Party continuously to report the matching of MVRNs where settlement period 1 of the settlement date for which the match occurs starts within a parameterised 36 hours (72 settlement periods) of the match being made.
| |||
The Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Acceptance Feedback shall comprise:
| |||
Accepted Meter Volume Reallocation Notification: MVRNA ID MVRNAA ID (optional) MVRN ID - Originator’s MVRNAA ID MVRN ID - Reference Code Effective From Date Effective To Date (optional) First Effective Period MVRN Filename MVRN File Sequence Number ECVAA Transaction Number MVR Reallocations (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%) Matched Reallocation Dates (optional) only for settlement dates within 72 settlement periods of receipt of matching notification Settlement Date Matched Reallocations (optional) Settlement Period (1-50) Recipient Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Recipient Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%) Other Party Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Other Party Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%) Matched Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (MWh) Matched Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (%)
Notes: The acceptance feedback message echoes back the data sent in the MVRN (with the exception of the key) with the following additions or modifications:
Effective From Date: This will contain the Applied From Date. This will be the later of the Effective From Date received in the notification and the Current Date. The Current Date is the earliest Settlement Date for which at least one Settlement Period has not passed the Submission Deadline at the time the ECVAA receives the notification.
First Effective Period: This will be set to the number of the first settlement period on the Applied From Date of the MVRN for which the Submission Deadline had not passed at the time of receipt of the MVRN. The notification has been applied starting with <first effective period> on the <effective from date> reported here.
ECVAA Transaction Number: This value is the transaction number under which the MVRN was loaded. This can be compared to the transaction number provided in the Forward Contract Report to determine if an MVRN is included in the report. The ECVAA shall ensure that Acceptance Feedback Reports generated in response to notifications from a single Agent have sequence numbers which follow the same order as the transaction numbers which they contain.
Where the recipient is the submitter of the MVRN triggering this report, the MVRNA Id and MVRNAA Id are those of the Agent associated with the recipient of the report. Where the recipient is the non-submitter, the MVRNAA Id is always null.
The Matched Reallocation Dates group will be reported for any Settlement Date where Settlement Period 1 of that date starts within a parameterised 36 hours (72 settlement periods) of receipt of the MVRN.
The Matched Reallocations group contains the latest received Metered Volume Reallocation for each Party from their nominated MVRNA and the latest matched Metered Volume Reallocation. Matched data is reported from Settlement Period 1 of the first day covered by the Notification, but only Settlement Periods for which a MVRNA has submitted data will be reported. The sign of matched volume values is consistent with that in the received MVRNs.
The MVRNA or BSC Party will only receive a Meter Volume Reallocation Notification Acceptance Feedback if they have opted to receive them in their Reporting Options (see ECVAA-F004) for the associated MVRNAA. Furthermore, the matched and unmatched groups will be reported only if the recipient has selected matched data in their Reporting Options.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I035 | User: BSC Party14,15, ECVNA, MVRNA | Title: Forward Contract Report Start Period Override
| BSC reference: P4, P17, CP877 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall receive Forward Contract Report Start Period Override requests from BSC Parties as required.
| |||
The Forward Contract Report Start Period Override request shall comprise:
Participant Id Participant Name Override Default Report Start Period (Y or N)
| |||
Notes: i. The default Report Start Period for the Forward Contract Report (see ECVAA-I022: Issue Forward Contract Report) will be the first period for which the Submission Deadline has not occurred at report generation time. ii. To override this default a participant should submit a request to the ECVAA with an Override Default Report Start Period value of Y. iii. To cancel a previous override request, i.e. to revert to the default, a participant should submit a request to the ECVAA with an Override Default Report Start Period value of N. iv. The override or cancellation request takes affect for all reports issued after the request has been processed by the ECVAA.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I021 | User: BSC Party, BSCCo Ltd | Title: Credit Limit Warning | BSC reference: CR 12, CP703 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc, when credit usage at warning level | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue a Credit Limit Warning to BSCCo Ltd and the relevant BSC Party on an ad hoc basis, when a BSC Party’s credit usage reaches warning level.
The Party Credit Limit Warning shall comprise:
Credit Limit Warning BSC Party Id BSC Party Name Credit Cover Percentage (%) Credit Limit (MWh)
| |||
Interface ID: ECVAA-I037 | Source: BSC Party14,15 | Title: Receive Volume Notification Nullification Request (VNNR) | BSC reference: P110 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall receive VNNR data from BSC Parties as required. Each request shall provide the name, password and signature of an appropriate Authorised Signatory.
The VNNR data shall comprise:
Party ID Party Name Party Energy Account Production/Consumption Flag Party Contact Email Address Party Contact Telephone No. Counter-Party ID Counter-Party Name Counter-Party Energy Account Production/Consumption Flag Requested Nullification Effective Date and Period Associated Authorisation Termination Indicator Party VNNR Reference Amendment Flag
Note: The Associated Authorisation Termination Indicator is used to inform the ECVAA that there are Authorisation Termination Requests associated with this VNNR, and that these should be processed prior to processing the VNNR.
| |||
Physical Interface Issues:
Interface ID: ECVAA-I038 | User: BSC Party14,15 | Title: Issue Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report (VNNCR) | BSC reference: P110 CP1169 |
Mechanism: Manual - via email | Frequency: As Required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue VNNCRs in the following circumstances:
i. To confirm an accepted VNNR - issued to both the requesting party and counter-party ii. In response to a received BSC Panel authorised Section H Volume Notification Nullification – issued to both Parties to the nullified Notification. iii. To confirm a rejected VNNR - issued to the requesting party only, in response to a BSC Party raised VNNR.
The VNNCR shall comprise:
Party ID Party Name Party Energy Account Production/Consumption Flag Counter-Party ID Counter-Party Name Counter-Party Energy Account Production/Consumption Flag Nullification Effective Date and Period (if VNNR is accepted) Party VNNR Reference or the words ‘SECTION H’ in the case of a BSC Panel authorised Volume Notification Nullifications for a Section H Default. ECVAA Reference Acceptance / Rejection Flag Rejection Reason (if VNNR is rejected) Rejection Details (if VNNR is rejected)
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
Rejection Details may include, for example, a list of outstanding authorisations.
VNNCRs shall be issued as emails during Business Hours only, where for the purposes of this requirement, Business Hours are defined as 9am-5pm on a Business Day. Furthermore, the ECVAA Service shall issue VNNCRs within 1 hour from receipt of the associated Volume Notification Nullification, where the hour is measured only during Business Hours. On receipt of a valid amendment VNNR from a Party, the hour will be re-started from the time of receipt of the amendment.
The ECVAA operator shall inform the requesting Party and Counter-Party by telephone that a VNNCR has been issued. Failure to make telephone contact with either the requesting Party or Counter-Party will not delay nullification processing.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I039 | User: BSC Party14,15 | Title: Issue Nullification Completion Report | BSC reference: P110 CP1169 |
Mechanism: Manual - via email | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue a Nullification Completion Report to BSC Parties.
The Nullification Completion Report shall comprise:
Party ID Party Name Party Energy Account Production/Consumption Flag Counter-Party ID Counter-Party Name Counter-Party Energy Account Production/Consumption Flag Nullification Effective Date and Period Party VNNR Reference or the words ‘SECTION H’ in the case of a BSC Panel authorised Volume Notification Nullifications for a Section H Default. ECVAA Reference Completion date and time (GMT)
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The ECVAA systems shall generate and send the Nullification Completion Report as emails.
Party | Buying / Selling | I004 | I014 | I022 |
1 | Selling | Positive | Positive | Positive |
2 | Buying | Positive | Positive | Negative |
1 | Buying | Negative | Negative | Negative |
2 | Selling | Negative | Negative | Positive |
If Effective From = Effective To, the Notification will be stored as received (Multi‑Day flag = "S").
Otherwise (the Notification spans multiple dates):
For Notification with Effective From Date > Current Date: the Notification will be stored as received (Multi‑Day flag = "M")
Otherwise (For a Notification with Applied From Date = Current Date):
If there is an exact match between the Notification and the data already held by ECVAA for the notification (including the case where there is currently no data on the database) for all periods for which the Submission Deadline has passed, then the Notification is stored as a single date range from the Applied From Date to the specified Effective To Date (Multi‑Day flag = "M").
Otherwise, the Notification is stored as two records, a single day for the Current Date (Multi‑Day flag = "M" unless Current Date is a Clock Change Day, in which case the Periods are converted to 46/50 period day and Multi‑Day = "S") and the remainder from Current Date+1 to specified Effective To Date (Multi‑Day flag = "M")
| As stored on the database | ||||
Notification Start date | Notification End date | Ref / Notes | Multi-Day Flag | Effective From date | Effective To Date | Period Data |
Current Date | Current Date | A | S | Current Date | Current Date | As held pre-Submission Deadline, as notification after the Submission Deadline |
Future Date | Future Date | B | S | Future Date | Future Date | As notification |
Future Date | Future Date + n (>0) | C | M | Future Date | Future Date + n (>0) | As notification |
Past Date or Current Date | Future Date | D** | S | Current Date | Current Date | As held pre-Submission Deadline, as notification after the Submission Deadline |
| M | Current Date + 1 | Future Date | As notification | ||
E* | M | Current Date | Future Date | As notification | ||
Past Date | Current Date | F** | S | Current Date | Current Date | As held pre-Submission Deadline, as notification after the Submission Deadline |
G* | M | Current Date | Current Date | As notification |
an existing notification with Effective From Date D and Effective To Date D+5 is overwritten by a Notification with Applied From Date D+3; here the existing Notification’s Effective To Date is set to D+2, with the new Notification starting at D+3.
an existing notification with Effective From Date D and Effective To Date D+5 is overwritten by a Notification Applied From Date D+1; here the existing Notification’s Effective To Date is set to D, with the new Notification starting at D+1.
Interface ID: ECVAA-I042 | User: BSC Party14,15 ECVNA MVRNA | Title: Banning/Unbanning Individual User Access to the ECVAA Web Service | BSC reference: P98 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: As Required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement:
The ECVAA Service shall receive and action, from time to time, requests to ban and unban specific credentials files.
This flow is composed of;
Participant Name Credentials File ID Participant Role Party or Party Agent ID Name of Sender Contact email address Sender reference Contact Tel. No Action required Other details.
Where a participant is unable to ban / un-ban one of its users itself, then the Participant may submit a I042 form requesting that the ECVAA ban or unban a specific credentials file. Such a request must be sanctioned by a category ‘Z’ signatory. This manual process is available only within business hours.
| |||
Interface ID: ECVAA-I043 | Status: Mandatory | Title: ECVAA Web Service – BSC Party View ECVNs | BSC reference: P98 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: As Required | Volumes: Low | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Common Page items. All pages shall display the following;
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. ECVN Position Page (Home page).
This page shall display two tables, one for the logged in BSC Party’s Production Account and the second for the logged in party’s Consumption Account. Each table shall display the following data:
For each counterparty by matching window date;
The following information shall be made available for the latest transaction for the Party:
This information is for the latest ECVN processed and may not directly relate to other data displayed.
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. ECVN Party / Counterparty Summary Page
This page shall display a single table for the logged in BSC Party’s Production or Consumption Account dependent on the choice made in the ECVN Position Page.
The table shall display the following data:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. ECVN Party / Settlement Day Summary Page
This page shall display a single table for the logged in BSC Party’s Production or Consumption Account dependent on the choice made in the ECVN Position Page.
The table shall display the following data:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. ECVN Party / Settlement Period Summary Page
This page shall display a single table for the logged in BSC Party’s Production or Consumption Account dependent on the choice made in the ECVN Position Page.
The table shall display the following data:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6. ECVN Detail Viewer Page
This page shall display a single table for the logged in BSC Party for an individual notification for a single Settlement Date.
The table shall display the following data:
This page will also display the following data about the notification displayed;
Latest transaction panel will be displayed;
Interface ID: ECVAA-I044 | Status: Mandatory | Title: ECVAA Web Service – BSC Party View MVRNs | BSC reference: P98 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: Low | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Common Page items.
All pages will display the following;
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. BSC Party MVRNAA Selection Page
This page shall display a single table displaying each authorisation that the logged in BSC Party is a party to.
The table shall display the following data:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. BSC Party MVRN Selection Page
For the single Authorisation selected in the BSC Party MVRNA Authorisations view. This page shall display two tables for the logged in BSC Party.
The first table shall display the following data:
For the authorisation detailed in the first table, the second table will display the following Notification information;
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. BSC Party MVRN Detail Page
This page shall display the following details about the MVRN Notification selected from the BSC Party MVR Notification Page;
For these Notification Details, the page shall display the following data in a tabular format;
Latest transaction panel will be displayed;
Interface ID: ECVAA-I045 | Status: Mandatory | Title: ECVAA Web Service - ECVNA View ECVNs. | BSC reference: P98 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: Low. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Common Page items.
All pages shall display the following;
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. BSC Party and ECVNAA Selection Page
This page shall allow the logged in agent to select the BSC Party to represent from a list of parties that the agent has a current authorisation under.
This page shall display a single table for the logged in Agent.
For each authorisation that the logged in Agent is a appointed for, filtered by the BSC party selected, the table shall display the following data:
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. ECVN Selection Page
For the single Authorisation selected in the ECVNAA page, this page shall display two tables for the logged in Agent. The first table shall display the following data;
For the Authorisation detailed in the first table, the second table shall display the following Notification information;
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. ECVN Editor Page
This page shall display the following details about the ECVN selected from the ECVN Page;
*Dates as notified by the submitting ECVNAA(s), subject to the storage and reporting requirements described in section 5.16
For these Notification Details, the page shall display the following data in a tabular format;
The latest transaction panel will be displayed;
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. ECVAA Notification Submission/Confirmation Page
The Confirmation page shall contain the following information:
Interface ID: ECVAA-I046 | Status: Mandatory | Title: ECVAA Web Service – MVRNA View MVRNs | BSC reference: P98 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Continuous | Volumes: Low | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Common Page items.
All pages shall display the following;
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. BSC Party and MVRNAA Selection Page
This page shall allow the logged in agent to select the BSC Party to represent from a list of parties that the agent has a current authorisation under.
This page shall display a single table for the logged in Agent.
For each authorisation that the logged in Agent is a appointed for, filtered by the selected BSC Party, the table shall display the following data:
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. MVRN Selection Page
For the single Authorisation selected in the MVRNAA Selection Page. This page shall display two tables for the logged in Agent, the first table shall display the following data:
For the Authorisation detailed in the first table, the second table shall display the following Notification information;
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. MVRN Editor Page
This page shall display the following details about the MVRN selected from the MVRN Selection Page;
*Dates as notified by the submitting ECVNAA(s), subject to the storage and reporting requirements described in section 5.15
For these Notification Details, the page shall display the following data in a tabular format;
Latest transaction panel will be displayed;
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5. MVRN Submission Confirmation Page The Submission/Confirmation shall contain the following information:
Interface ID: ECVAA-I051 | User: VTP | Title: Wholesale Market Activity Notification | BSC reference: P415 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall receive Wholesale Market Activity Notifications from VTPs when required up until Gate Closure.
This flow is composed of;
Settlement Date/Period Settlement Date Settlement Period Wholesale Market Active BM Units BM Unit Id Wholesale Market Active BM Unit Indicator
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
Interface ID: ECVAA-I052 | User: VTP | Title: Wholesale Market Activity Notification Exception Report | BSC reference: P415 |
Mechanism: Electronic Data File Transfer | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement: The ECVAA Service shall issue Wholesale Market Activity Notification Exception Report to VTPs when a Wholesale Market Activity Notification has reason to be Rejected.
This flow is composed of;
Wholesale Market Activity Notification Rejection Settlement Date Settlement Period Rejection Reason Rejected Wholesale Market Active BM Units BM Unit Id Rejection Reason
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
Interface ID: SAA-I006 | Source: IA | Title: BM Unit Metered Volumes for Interconnector Users | BSC reference: RETA SCH: 4, B, 2.4.1 SAA SD: 2.4, A1, CP555 |
Mechanism Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: The SAA Service shall receive BM Unit Metered Volumes for Interconnector Users once a day from Interconnector Administrators.
| |||
The BM Unit Metered Volumes for Interconnector Users data shall include:
| |||
Interconnector ID Settlement Date BM Unit ID Settlement Period (1-50) Energy Volume Reading (MWh) | |||
Interface ID: SAA-I012 | Source: BSC Party, BSCCo Ltd NETSO | Title: Dispute Notification | BSC reference: RETA SCH: 4, B, 2.4.1 SAA SD: 2.9, 5.1.2 SAA BPM: 3.18, 4.16 |
Mechanism: Manual | Frequency: Ad-hoc | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: The SAA Service shall receive Dispute Notifications from BSC Parties, BSCCo Ltd and the NETSO on an ad-hoc basis.
The contents of these notifications are likely to vary according to the nature of the individual dispute, but as a minimum shall include:
| |||
Interface ID: SAA-I014 | User: BSC Party, BSCCo Ltd, BMRA, NETSO, EMR Settlement Services Provider | Title: Settlement Reports | BSC reference: RETA SCH: 4, B, 2.2.1 SAA SD: 3.54, 4.1, 4.2, A2 SAA BPM: 3.19, 4.41 SAA IRR: SAA5, SAA7, SAA8, SAA9, P8, P18A, CP527, CP597, P78, P194, P217, CP1397, EMR, P305, CP1517,P415 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer | Frequency: Daily | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: The SAA Service shall issue Settlement Reports to BSC Parties (including Virtual Lead Parties), BSCCo Ltd, the BMRA, EMR Settlement Services Provider and the NETSO once a day. | |||
The contents of the Settlement Reports sent to the NETSO, BSCCo Ltd, EMR Settlement Services Provider and the BMRA are listed in Part 2 of the IDD.
This Part 1 of the IDD lists the Settlement Reports issued to BSC Parties and Virtual Lead Parties.
Note that within the reports, data for BM Units includes Secondary BM Units, data for Parties includes Virtual Lead Parties, and data for Energy Accounts includes Virtual Balancing Accounts.
| |||
Settlement Reports to a BSC Party shall include:
Settlement Date information: Settlement Date Settlement Run Type SAA Run Number SAA CDCA Settlement Run number SVAA CDCA Settlement Date SVAA CDCA Settlement Run Number SVAA SSR Run Number BSC Party Id Aggregate Party Day Charges (see below)
Settlement Period Information: Settlement Period (1-50) (j) Aggregate Party Period Charges (see below) System Period Data (see below) System Quarter Hour Data (see below)
Market Index Information: Market Index Data (see below)
Balancing Services Adjustment Action Information (post-P217 only): Balancing Services Adjustment Action Data (see below)
Account Period Information: Production/Consumption Flag (a) Account Period Data (see below)
Account Period BMU Information: BM Unit ID (i) Account Period BMU Data (see below)
BM Unit Period Information: BM Unit ID BM Unit Period Data (see below) Trading Unit Name Total Trading Unit Metered Volume (MWh) BM Unit RR Data (see below) Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD Data Period BM Unit Settlement Expected Volume Secondary BM Unit Deviation Volume Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume Flag Period BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume Period Secondary BM Unit Compensation Volume Final Demand Period Supplier Compensation Cashflow
BM Unit Period FPN Spot Points (fFPNit): Time from FPN Value from Time to FPN Value to
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Information: Bid-Offer pair number (n) Bid-Offer Data (see below)
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Spot Points (fQBOnij): Time from Bid-Offer Value from Time to Bid-Offer Value to
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance (for all Settlement Dates): Bid-Offer Acceptance number CADL Flag
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance (for post P217 Settlement Dates): SO-Flag
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance (for post P305 Settlement Dates): Acceptance STOR Provider Flag Reserve Scarcity Price Flag Nb the STOR Provider Flag and RSP Flag will be null for pre-P305 Settlement Dates.
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance (for Effective Dates after the TERRE P344 Final Implementation Date): Acceptance Time RR Instruction Flag RR Schedule Flag
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance Spot Points (qAkit): Time from Bid-Offer Acceptance Level from Time to Bid-Offer Acceptance Level to
BM Unit Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Volume Data (post P217 only): Bid-Offer Pair Number Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Bid Volume Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Offer Volume
BM Unit MVR Information: Subsidiary Party ID and Production/Consumption Flag (a) MVR Data (see below)
Settlement Reports to a VLP shall include:
Settlement Date Information Settlement Date Settlement Run Type SAA Run Number SAA CDCA Settlement Run number SVAA CDCA Settlement Date SVAA CDCA Settlement Run Number SVAA SSR Run Number BSC Party Id Aggregate VLP Day Charges (see below)
Settlement Period Information: Settlement Period (1-50) (j) Aggregate VLP Period Charges VLP System Period Data (see below)
Market Index Information: Market Index Data (see below)
System Quarter Hour Information System Quarter Hour Data (see below)
Balancing Services Adjustment Action Information: Balancing Services Adjustment Action Data (see below)
Virtual Balancing Account Period Information: Virtual Balancing Account Period Data (see below)
BM Unit Period Information: BM Unit ID Secondary BM Unit Period Data (see below)
BM Unit Period FPN Spot Points (fFPNit): Time from FPN Value from Time to FPN Value to
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Information: Bid-Offer pair number (n) Bid-Offer Data (see below)
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Spot Points (fQBOnij): Time from Bid-Offer Value from Time to Bid-Offer Value to
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance: Bid-Offer Acceptance number SO-Flag Acceptance STOR Provider Flag Reserve Scarcity Price Flag Acceptance Time RR Instruction Flag RR Schedule Flag
BM Unit Period Bid-Offer Acceptance Spot Points (qAkit): Time from Bid-Offer Acceptance Level from Time to Bid-Offer Acceptance Level to
BM Unit Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Volume Data (post P217 only): Bid-Offer Pair Number Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Bid Volume Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Offer Volume
| |||
Physical Interface Details: Settlement Reports issued to BSC Parties are delivered in sub-flow 1, file id S0141. Settlement Reports issued to Virtual Lead Parties are delivered in sub-flow 4, file id S0144.
Refer to the IDD spreadsheet for the detailed definition of physical file structure.
minute-by-minute data such as FPNij(t), which can be derived from the spot point data.
intermediate data on bid-offer acceptance such as QABknij which can be derived from the bid-offer and acceptance spot point data.
Data Item | Definition |
BSCCo Ltd Cost Allocation | Σaj CBSCCOaj |
BM Unit Cashflow | Σij CBMij |
Energy Imbalance Cashflow | Σaj CAEIaj |
Information Imbalance Cashflow | Σaj CIIaj |
Non-Delivery Charge | Σaj CNDaj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Charge | Σaj RCRCaj |
System Operator Charge | Σj CSOj |
RR Cashflow | CCRRp |
RR Instructed Deviation Cashflow | CDRp |
Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow | SCVp |
Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow | SCCp |
Data Item | Definition |
BM Unit Cashflow | Σij CBMij |
Energy Imbalance Cashflow | Σaj CAEIaj |
Information Imbalance Cashflow | Σaj CIIaj |
Non-Delivery Charge | Σaj CNDaj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Charge | Σaj RCRCaj |
System Operator Charge | Σj CSOj |
RR Cashflow | CCRRp |
RR Instructed Deviation Cashflow | CDRp |
Data Item | Definition |
BSCCo Ltd Cost Allocation | Σa CBSCCOaj |
BM Unit Cashflow | Σi CBMij |
Energy Imbalance Cashflow | Σa CAEIaj |
Information Imbalance Cashflow | Σa CIIaj |
Non-Delivery Charge | Σa CNDaj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Charge | Σa RCRCaj |
RR Cashflow | ∑iεp CRRij |
RR Instructed Deviation Cashflow | ∑iεp CDRij |
Period Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow | Σa∈p SVCCaj |
Period Supplier Compensation Cashflow | Σa∈p SPCCij |
Data Item | Definition |
BM Unit Cashflow | Σi CBMij |
Energy Imbalance Cashflow | Σa CAEIaj |
Information Imbalance Cashflow | Σa CIIaj |
Non-Delivery Charge | Σa CNDaj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Charge | Σa RCRCaj |
RR Cashflow | ∑iεp CRRij |
RR Instructed Deviation Cashflow | ∑iεp CDRij |
Data Item | Definition |
Period BSCCo Ltd Costs | TCBSCCOj |
System Operator Cashflow | CSOj |
Information Imbalance Price 1 | IIP1j |
Information Imbalance Price 2 | IIP2j |
System Buy Price | SBPj |
System Sell Price | SSPj |
Price Derivation Code | PDCj |
Total System BM Cashflow | TCBMj |
Total System Energy Imbalance Cashflow | TCEIj |
Total System Non-Delivery Charge | TCNDj |
Total System Accepted Bid Volume | TQABj |
System Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume | TQPABj |
Total System Energy Contract Volume | Σa |QABCaj| |
Total System Accepted Offer Volume | TQAOj |
System Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume | TQPAOj |
Total System Energy Imbalance Volume | TQEIj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Denominator | RCRDj |
Total System Residual Cashflow | TRCj |
Total System Information Imbalance Charge | TCIIj |
Sell Price Price Adjustment | SPAj |
Buy Price Price Adjustment | BPAj |
Total Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume | TQASj |
System Operator Production Imbalance [redundant] | QAEIaj |
System Operator Consumption Imbalance [redundant] | QAEIaj |
Net Imbalance Volume | NIVj |
Total NIV Tagged Volume | TCQj |
Data Item | Definition |
System Total Unpriced Accepted Bid Volume | TQUABj |
System Total Unpriced Accepted Offer Volume | TQUAOj |
NIV Tagged System Total Unpriced Bid Volume | TTQUABj |
NIV Tagged System Total Unpriced Offer Volume | TTQUAOj |
Net Energy Sell Price Cost Adjustment | ESCAj |
Net Energy Buy Price Cost Adjustment | EBCAj |
Net Energy Sell Price Volume Adjustment | ESVAj |
Net Energy Buy Price Volume Adjustment | EBVAj |
Net System Sell Price Volume Adjustment | SSVAj |
Net System Buy Price Volume Adjustment | SBVAj |
NIV Tagged System Total Unpriced Bid Volume | TTQUABj |
NIV Tagged System Total Unpriced Offer Volume | TTQUAOj |
NIV Tagged SBVA | TSBVAj |
NIV Tagged SSVA | TSSVAj |
NIV Tagged Energy Buy Volume Adjustment | NTEBVAj |
NIV Tagged Energy Sell Volume Adjustment | NTESVAj |
PAR Tagged Energy Buy Volume Adjustment | PTEBVAj |
PAR Tagged Energy Sell Volume Adjustment | PTESVAj |
Untagged EBCA | UEBCAj |
Untagged EBVA | UEBVAj |
Untagged ESCA | UESCAj |
Untagged ESVA | UESVAj |
Data Item | Definition |
Total System Tagged Accepted Bid Volume | TQTABj |
Total System Tagged Accepted Offer Volume | TQTAOj |
Total System Repriced Accepted Bid Volume | TQRABj |
Total System Repriced Accepted Offer Volume | TQRAOj |
Total System Originally-priced Accepted Bid Volume | TQOABj |
Total System Originally-priced Accepted Offer Volume | TQOAOj |
Total System Adjustment Sell Volume | TSVAj |
Total System Adjustment Buy Volume | TBVAj |
Total System Tagged Adjustment Sell Volume | TSTVAj |
Total System Tagged Adjustment Buy Volume | TBTVAj |
Total System Repriced Adjustment Sell Volume | TSRVAj |
Total System Repriced Adjustment Buy Volume | TBRVAj |
Total System Originally-priced Adjustment Sell Volume | TSOVAj |
Total System Originally-priced Adjustment Buy Volume | TBOVAj |
Replacement Price | RPj |
Replacement Price Calculation Volume | RPVj |
Data Item | Definition |
STOR Availability Window Flag |
Loss of Load Probability | LoLPj |
De-rated Margin |
Value of Lost Load | VoLL |
Reserve Scarcity Price | RSVPj |
Data Item | Definition |
GBP EUR Settlement Exchange Rate | EXCp |
Balancing Energy Deviation Price | BEDPj |
Total System RR Cashflow | TCRRj |
RR Aggregated Unpriced System Buy Action Volume | RRAUSBj |
RR Aggregated Unpriced System Sell Action Volume | RRAUSSj |
Period RR Accepted Offer Volume | ∑n ∑i RRAOnij |
Period RR Accepted Bid Volume | ∑n ∑i RRABnij |
Data Item | Definition |
System Period Compensation Volume | QCVj |
Supplier Compensation Denomination |
Supplier Sourcing Cost | SCRP |
Total System Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow |
Total System Supplier Compensation Cashflow |
| Data Item | Definition |
| System Operator Cashflow | CSOj |
| Information Imbalance Price 1 | IIP1j |
| Information Imbalance Price 2 | IIP2j |
| System Buy Price | SBPj |
| System Sell Price | SSPj |
| Price Derivation Code | PDCj |
| Total System BM Cashflow | TCBMj |
| Total System Energy Imbalance Cashflow | TCEIj |
| Total System Non-Delivery Charge | TCNDj |
| Total System Accepted Bid Volume | TQABj |
| System Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume | TQPABj |
| Total System Energy Contract Volume | Σa |QABCaj| |
| Total System Accepted Offer Volume | TQAOj |
| System Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume | TQPAOj |
| Total System Energy Imbalance Volume | TQEIj |
| Residual Cashflow Reallocation Denominator | RCRDj |
| Total System Residual Cashflow | TRCj |
| Total System Information Imbalance Charge | TCIIj |
| Sell Price Price Adjustment | SPAj |
| Buy Price Price Adjustment | BPAj |
| Total Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume | TQASj |
| System Operator Production Imbalance | QAEIaj |
| System Operator Consumption Imbalance | QAEIaj |
| Net Imbalance Volume | NIVj |
| Total NIV Tagged Volume | TCQj |
| STOR Availability Window Flag |
| Loss of Load Probability | LoLPj |
| De-rated Margin |
| Value of Lost Load | VoLL |
| Reserve Scarcity Price | RSVPj |
GBP EUR Settlement Exchange Rate | EXCp | |
Balancing Energy Deviation Price | BEDPj | |
Total System RR Cashflow | TCRRj | |
RR Aggregated Unpriced System Buy Action Volume | RRAUSBj | |
RR Aggregated Unpriced System Sell Action Volume | RRAUSSj | |
Period RR Accepted Offer Volume | ∑n ∑i RRAOnij | |
Period RR Accepted Bid Volume | ∑n ∑i RRABnij |
Data Item | Definition |
BSCCo Ltd Cost Allocation | CBSCCOaj |
Energy Imbalance Charge | CAEIaj |
Information Imbalance Charge | CIIaj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Charge | RCRCaj |
Account Bilateral Contract Volume | QABCaj |
Account Period Balancing Services Volume | QABSaj |
Account Energy Imbalance Volume | QAEIaj |
Account Credited Energy Volume | QACEaj |
Residual Cashflow Reallocation Proportion | RCRPaj |
Supplier Compensation Proportion | CMPaj |
Supplier Compensation Volume | QCVaj |
Period Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow | SVCCaj |
Account Period Deviation Volume | QADEaj |
Data Item | Definition |
System Period Compensation Volume | QCVj |
Supplier Compensation Denomination |
Supplier Sourcing Cost | SCRP |
Total System Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow |
Total System Supplier Compensation Cashflow |
Data Item | Definition |
Energy Imbalance Charge | CAEIaj |
Information Imbalance Charge | CIIaj |
Account Period Balancing Services Volume | QABSaj |
Account Energy Imbalance Volume | QAEIaj |
Data Item | Definition |
Credited Energy Volume | QCEiaj |
Fixed Metered Volume Reallocation | QMFRiaj |
Percentage Metered Volume Reallocation | QMPRiaj |
Data Item | Definition |
Information Imbalance Cashflow | CIIij |
BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge | CNDij |
Period FPN | FPNij |
Period BM Unit Balancing Services Volume | QBSij |
Period Information Imbalance Volume | QIIij |
Period Expected Metered Volume | QMEij |
BM Unit Metered Volume | QMij |
Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume | QNDBij |
Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume | QNDOij |
Transmission Loss Factor | TLFij |
Transmission Loss Multiplier | TLMij |
BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume | QASij |
Period Supplier BM Unit Delivered Volume | QBSDij |
Period Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD Volume | SNBABSVDij |
Period BM Unit Settlement Expected Volume | QMEij |
Secondary BM Unit Deviation Volume | QDEij |
Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume | WMi2j |
Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume Flag |
Period BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume | QSVij |
Period Secondary BM Unit Compensation Volume | QCVji2 |
Final Demand | FDij |
Period Supplier Compensation Cashflow | SPCCij |
Run Up Rate Export |
Run Up Rate Import |
Run Down Rate Export |
Run Down Rate Import |
Data Item | Definition |
Information Imbalance Cashflow | CIIij |
BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge | CNDij |
Period FPN | FPNij |
Period BM Unit Balancing Services Volume | QBSij |
Period Information Imbalance Volume | QIIij |
Period Expected Metered Volume | QMEij |
BM Unit Metered Volume | QMij |
Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume | QNDBij |
Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume | QNDOij |
Transmission Loss Factor | TLFij |
Transmission Loss Multiplier | TLMij |
Run Up Rate Export |
Run Up Rate Import |
Run Down Rate Export |
Run Down Rate Import |
Data Item | Definition |
Period RR Accepted Offer Volume | ∑n RRAOnij |
Period RR Accepted Bid Volume | ∑n RRABnij |
Period RR Instructed Offer Deviation Volume | IODij |
Period RR Instructed Bid Deviation Volume | IBDij |
RR Cashflow | CRRij |
RR Instructed Deviation Cashflow | CDRij |
Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume | ∑J DSPOJij |
Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume | ∑J DSPBJij |
Data Item | Definition |
Quarter Hour Period | J |
RR Activation Volume | RRAViJ |
RR Cashflow | CRRiJ |
Data Item | Definition |
RR Divisible | DIVb |
RR Linked Bid Id | LINKb |
RR Multipart Bid Id | MULTb |
RR Exclusive Bid Id | EXCLb |
RR Status | STAb |
RR Flow Direction | FDIRb |
RR Auction MRID | AMRIDb |
Data Item | Definition |
Time Interval Start Time | TINTSTab |
Time Interval End Time | TINTETab |
RR Bid Resolution | RESab |
Data Item | Definition |
RR Position | POSpab |
RR Quantity Offered | QOFFpab |
RR Minimum Quantity | MINQpab |
RR Price | PRCpab |
Data Item | Definition |
RR Auction MRID | AMRIDd |
RR Flow Direction | FDIRd |
Data Item | Definition |
RR Position | POSpad |
RR Activation Price | PRCpad |
RR Quantity Activated | ACTQpad |
Data Item | Definition |
Bid Price | Pbnij |
Offer Price | Ponij |
Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume | QABnij |
Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume | QAOnij |
Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow | CBnij |
Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow | COnij |
Data Item | Definition |
Period BM Unit Total Priced Accepted Bid Volume | QAPBnij |
Period BM Unit Total Priced Accepted Offer Volume | QAPOnij |
Data Item | Definition |
Period BM Unit Tagged Bid Volume | QTABnij |
Period BM Unit Tagged Offer Volume | QTAOnij |
Period BM Unit Repriced Bid Volume | QRABnij |
Period BM Unit Repriced Offer Volume | QRAOnij |
Period BM Unit Originally-Priced Bid Volume | QOABnij |
Period BM Unit Originally-Priced Offer Volume | QOAOnij |
Data Item | Definition |
Credited Energy Volume | QCEiaj |
Fixed Metered Volume Reallocation | QMFRiaj |
Percentage Metered Volume Reallocation | QMPRiaj |
Data Item | Definition |
Market Index Data Provider | s |
Individual Liquidity Threshold | n/a |
Market Index Price | PXPsj |
Market Index Volume | QXPsj |
Data Item | Definition |
Balancing Services Adjustment Action Id |
Balancing Services Adjustment Action Cost | BSACmj |
Balancing Services Adjustment Action Volume | QBSAmj |
Tagged Balancing Services Adjustment Action Volume | TQBSAmj |
Repriced Balancing Services Adjustment Action Volume | RQBSAmj |
Originally-Priced Balancing Services Adjustment Action Volume | OQBSAmj |
Balancing Services Adjustment Action SO-Flag |
Data Item | Definition |
Balancing Services Adjustment Action STOR Provider Flag |
Reserve Scarcity Price Flag |
Data Item | Definition |
Bid-Offer Pair Number |
Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Bid Volume | QABknij |
Bid-Offer Pair Acceptance Offer Volume | QAOknij |
Interface ID: From: SAA-I016 To: CDCA-I034 | User: BSC Party, BSC Party Agent, SVAA, BSCCo Ltd, CDCA | Title: Settlement Calendar | BSC reference: RETA SCH: 4, B, 2.1.1, 2.2.1 SAA SD: 5.2.1, A2 SAA BPM: 3.2, 4.40, CP1222 |
Mechanism: Manual, in normal NETA file format, but without header and trailer records, probably as an email attachment | Frequency: Annual | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: The SAA Service shall publish the Settlement Calendar once a year to all BSC Parties and Agents, SVAA, BSCCo Ltd and CDCA.
| |||
The Settlement Calendar shall include the publication date/time of the calendar, and then the following details for each Settlement Date / Settlement Run Type
| |||
Settlement Date Settlement Run Type (II/SF/R1/R2/R3/RF/D/DF) CVA run date (CDCA)++ SVA run date (SVAA, n/a for II for Settlement Days prior to the P253 effective date)++ Settlement Run date (SAA)++ Notification Date (date credit/debit report must reach FAA)** Payment Date (date money changes hands)** Notification Period (days between Settlement Date and Notification Date)** Payment Period (days between Settlement Date and Payment Date)** Elapsed Days SAA after Settlement Working Days SAA after Settlement Working Days SAA before Notification
** indicates fields copied from payment calendar | |||
++ nominal date for runs. Run is any time after 9:00 a.m. on the scheduled date; results to be delivered to next service provider by 9:00 a.m. the next working day. | |||
Physical Interface Details: The physical structure is included in the SAA tab of the IDD spreadsheet, although the file is not sent over the network as a NETA format file. |
Interface ID: From: SAA-I017 To: CRA-I030 To: CDCA-I050 To: ECVAA-I020 | User: IAs ECVAA CDCA CRA NETSO SVAA MIDP | Title: SAA Data Exception Report | BSC reference: SAA IRR: SAA1, SAA4, CP595, P78 |
Mechanism: Electronic data file transfer, unless stated below as Manual (phone call and / or fax)
| Frequency: As required | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement: If an exception occurs while processing a received file, the SAA Service shall issue Exception Report to the sender of the file, one of the following:
| |||
The Exception Reports shall include:
| |||
File Header of file being processed Exception Type Exception Description |
Interface ID: SAA-I030 | Source: MIDPs | Title: Receive Market Index Data | BSC reference: P78 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement:
The SAA shall receive Market Index Data, from Market Index Data Providers, for each Settlement Day.
The flow shall include:
Market Index Data Provider Identifier Settlement Date Period Data (46/48/50) Settlement Period Market Index Price Market Index Volume Traded Price (to be ignored) Traded Volume (to be ignored)
Interface ID: SAA-I058 | User: BSC Parties | Title: Aggregated Non-Chargeable Demand Report | BSC reference: P395 |
Mechanism: Elexon Portal | Frequency: Monthly | Volumes: Six per month - one Report per Settlement Run Type | |
Interface Requirement:
The Elexon Portal shall publish on the sixth working day of each calendar month the Aggregated Non-Chargeable Demand Report calculated by the SAA for a specific Settlement Run Type during the previous calendar month.
The flow shall include:
Month/Year Settlement Run Type Settlement Date Settlement Period GSP Group Id GSP Group Aggregated SVA and Embedded CVA TLM-Adjusted Non-Chargeable Demand Aggregated Directly-Connected CVA TLM-Adjusted Non-Chargeable Demand
Interface ID: P0282 | Source: VLP, AMVLP | Title: Delivered Volume Notification | BSC reference: CP1517, P375 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: High | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall receive Delivered Volumes for:
each Settlement Day.
The flow shall include:
Settlement Date GSP Group Id Secondary BM Unit Id MSID Pair Details Import MSID Export MSID Secondary BM Unit Data Settlement Period Id Delivered Volume AMSID Pair Details Import AMSID Export AMSID Secondary BM Unit Data Settlement Period Id Delivered Volume
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. AMVLPs should submit AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes for AMSID Pairs that are used for Asset Metering and MSID Pair Delivered Volumes for AMSID Pairs that are used for Differencing. |
Interface ID: P0283 | User: VLP, AMVLP | Title: Rejection of Delivered Volume | BSC reference: CP1517, P375 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall issue notifications of rejection to Virtual Lead Parties or AMVLPs where incoming P0282 Delivered Volume Notifications fail business validation.
The flow shall include:
Settlement Date GSP Group Id Secondary BM Unit Id Import MSID Export MSID Import AMSID Export AMSID
Settlement Period Id Delivered Volume Delivered Volume Rejection Reason
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue.
The data included in the P0283 will be as received in the P0282, plus the Delivered Volume Rejection Reason.
Interface ID: P0284 | User: VLP, AMVLP | Title: Confirmation of Delivered Volume | BSC reference: CP1517, P375 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: High | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall issue notifications of confirmation to Virtual Lead Parties VLPs or AMVLPs where incoming P0282 Delivered Volume Notifications are validated successfully.
The flow shall include:
Settlement Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0285 | User: VLP, AMVLP | Title: Delivered Volume Exception Report | BSC reference: CP1517, P375 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Ad hoc | Volumes: Low | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall issue notifications to Virtual Lead Parties VLPs or AMVLPs where Delivered Volumes received via the P0282 cannot be apportioned successfully to the correct Supplier.
The flow shall include:
Settlement Date GSP Group Id Secondary BM Unit Id MSID Details Import MSID Export MSID Secondary BM Unit Period Data – Exception Settlement Period Id Delivered Volume Delivered Volume Exception Reason AMSID Details Import AMSID Export AMSID Secondary BM Unit Data – Exception Settlement Period Id Delivered Volume Delivered Volume Exception Reason
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0287 | User: Supplier | Title: Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments | BSC reference: CP1517 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall report values to Suppliers calculated from the delivered volumes and other adjustments during the main calculation to determine the BM Unit position.
The flow shall include:
Settlement Date Settlement Run Type Settlement Run Number Supplier Id BM Unit Id MPAN Cores MPAN Core GSP Group Id Distributor Id Line Loss Factor Class Id Settlement Period Id Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments Consumption Component Class Id Secondary HH Delivered Volumes (non-losses) MSID Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (non-losses) Secondary HH Delivered Volumes (losses) MSID Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data (losses)
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0288 | User: VLP, AMVLP. | Title: Secondary Half Hourly Consumption Volumes | BSC reference: CP1517, P375 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall report Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments to VLPs and AMVLPs.
The flow shall include: Settlement Date Settlement Run Type Supplier Id BM Unit BM Unit Id MSID Details MSID Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments Settlement Period Consumption Component Class Id (non-losses) Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (non-losses) Consumption Component Class Id (losses) Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (losses) AMSID Details AMSID Asset Metering System Half Hourly Volume Adjustments Settlement Period Consumption Component Class Id (non-losses) Secondary HH Delivered Volumes (non-losses) Consumption Component Class Id (losses) Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (losses)
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0298 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Rejection of Asset Registration | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0297 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0297 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0298 available to the registrant AMVLP or Supplier.
The data items included in the P0298 will be as received in the P0297, plus the Rejection Reason.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0297 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP or Supplier the P0298 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0297 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0298 will be emailed to the AMVLP or Supplier. |
Interface ID: P0299 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Confirmation of Asset Registration | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0297 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0297 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0299 available to the registrant AMVLP or Supplier to confirm that the Asset has been registered successfully and to notify the AMSID Pair Details to the AMVLP or Supplier.
The data items included in the P0299 will be as received in the P0297 and – for New Registrations - the Import AMSID and, where applicable, the Export AMSID.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0297 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP or Supplier, the P0299 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0297 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0299 will be emailed to the AMVLP or Supplier. |
Interface ID: P0300 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Registration of Asset Metering Agents | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Manual Entry, File upload into the Self-Service Gateway or email to the BSC Service Desk | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
AMVLPs or Suppliers are required to submit these data items to the SVAA in order to register Asset Metering Agents as the second stage of the three-stage process for the registration of an Asset Metering System set out in BSCP602:
AMSID Pair Details AMVLP Id Import AMSID Export AMSID Action Indicator HHDC Details HHDC Id HHDC Effective From Date AMHHDC Details AMHHDC Id AMHHDC Effective From Date AMHHDC Effective To Date MOA/AMMOA Details MOA Id/AMMOA Id MOA/AMMOA Effective From Date
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. The valid set for the “Action Indicator” is:
Interface ID: P0301 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Rejection of Asset Metering Agents | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0300 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0300 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0301 available to the registrant AMVLP or Supplier.
The data items included in the P0301 will be as received in the P0300, plus the Rejection Reason. | |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0300 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP or Supplier the P0301 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0300 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0301 will be emailed to the AMVLP or Supplier. |
Interface ID: P0302 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Confirmation of Registration of Asset Metering Agents | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0300 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0300 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0302 available to the registrant AMVLP or Supplier to confirm that the Asset Metering Agents have.
The data items included in the P0300 will be as received in the P0302. | |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0300 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP or Supplier, the P0302 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0300 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0302 will be emailed to the AMVLP or Supplier. |
Interface ID: P0303 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Asset Meter Registration | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Manual Entry, File upload into the Self-Service Gateway or email to the BSC Service Desk | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
AMVLPs or Suppliers are required to submit these data items to the SVAA in order to register of Asset Meters as the third stage of the three-stage process for the registration of an Asset Metering System set out in BSCP602:
AMVLP Details AMVLP Id Import Meter(s) Import AMSID Asset Meter Serial Number Outstation Type Asset Meter make and model Asset Meter Effective From Date Asset Meter Effective To Date Asset Metering Type Export Meter(s) Export AMSID Asset Meter Serial Number Outstation Type Asset Meter make and model Asset Meter Effective From Date Asset Meter Effective To Date Asset Metering Type Action Indicator Action Indicator
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. The valid set for the “Action Indicator” is:
Interface ID: P0304 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Rejection of Asset Meter Registration | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0303 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0303 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0304 available to the registrant AMVLP or Supplier.
The data items included in the P0304 will be as received in the P0303, plus the Rejection Reason.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0303 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP or Supplier, the P0304 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0303 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0304 will be emailed to the AMVLP or Supplier. |
Interface ID: P0305 | User: AMVLP Supplier | Title: Confirmation of Asset Meter Registration | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0303 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0303 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0305 available to the registrant AMVLP or Supplier to confirm that the Asset Meter(s) has been registered successfully.
The data items included in the P0305 will be as received in the P0303. | |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0303 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP or Supplier, the P0305 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0303 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0305 will be emailed to the AMVLP or Supplier. |
Interface ID: P0306 | User: AMVLP | Title: AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | BSC reference: P375 |
Mechanism: Manual Entry, File upload into the Self-Service Gateway or email to the BSC Service Desk | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
AMVLPs may allocate an AMSID Pair to a Secondary BM Unit, as set out in BSCP602:
AMVLP and BM Unit Details AMVLP Id BM Unit Id AMSID Pair Details Import AMSID Export AMSID AMSID Pair Differencing Indicator AMSID Pair in Secondary BM Unit EFD AMSID Pair in Secondary BM Unit ETD Associated MSID Pairs Import MSID Export MSID MSID Pair Indicator
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0307 | User: AMVLP | Title: Confirmation of AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit | BSC reference: P375 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P0306 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0306 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0307 available to the registrant AMVLP to confirm that the AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit has been successful.
The data items included in the P0307 will be as received in the P0306. | |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0306 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, the P0307 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0306 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0307 will be emailed to the AMVLP. |
Interface ID: P0308 | User: AMVLP | Title: Rejection of Asset Meter Registration | BSC reference: P375 |
Mechanism: Self Service Gateway or Email | Frequency: In response to a P03036 received | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0306 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0308 available to the registrant AMVLP to notify them that the AMSID Pair Allocation to a Secondary BM Unit has been unsuccessful.
The data items included in the P0308 will be as received in the P0306, plus the Rejection Reason. | |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0306 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, the P0308 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0306 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0308 will be emailed to the AMVLP. |
Interface ID: P0309 | User: AMVLP | Title: Notification of use of AMSID Pair by another AMVLP | BSC reference: P375 |
Mechanism: | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where an AMVLP has successfully allocated an AMSID Pair for which it is not the Registrant to one of its Secondary BM Units, and this has not resulted in a Loss of AMSID Pair for the registrant AMVLP (in accordance with BSCP602), the SVAA shall issue a P0309 to the registrant AMVLP to notify them that another AMVLP is also using the AMSID Pair Allocation.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0310 | User: Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Half Hourly Data Collector, AMVLP, Supplier | Title: Missing Metering System Data | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: As required | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement:
Where a HHDA has not provided HH Metering System Metered Data (‘D0385’) for a MSID or a HHDC has not provided Actual HH Asset Metering System Metered Data (D0390) for an AMSID when required by the SVAA in accordance with BSCP508, the SVAA shall issue a P0310 to the HHDA or to the HHDC and the AMVLP or the Supplier.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0311 | User: Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Half Hourly Data Collector, AMVLP, Supplier | Title: Invalid Metering System Data | BSC reference: P375 P395 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: As required | Volumes:
| |
Interface Requirement:
Where a HHDA has provided HH Metering System Metered Data (‘D0385’) for a MSID or a HHDC has provided HH Asset Metering System Metered Data (D0390) for an AMSID - which has failed technical and / or business validation, the SVAA shall issue a P0311 to the HHDA or to the HHDC and the AMVLP or the Supplier.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0320 | User: AMVLP | Title: Notification of use of AMSID Pair by another AMVLP | BSC reference: P375 |
Mechanism: | Frequency: As required | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where an AMVLP has successfully allocated an AMSID Pair for which it is not the Registrant to one of its Secondary BM Units, and this has resulted in a Loss of AMSID Pair for the registrant AMVLP in accordance with BSCP602, the SVAA shall issue a P0320 to the registrant AMVLP to notify them that they have the AMSID Pair Allocation to their Secondary BM Unit.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0323 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Allocation Event Day | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The Lead Party may provide Event Days that apply to one or many Settlement Dates for Baselined MSID Pairs or AMSID Pairs to the SVAA.
A Lead Party can be submit Event Day files no more than 30 days before the event and where required, can be updated up to 30 days after the event.
The flow shall include:
Participant Id BM Unit Id MSID Pair Indicator Import AMSID Import MSID Event Day Event Day Type
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0324 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Rejection of BM Unit Allocation Event Day | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0323 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0324 available to the registrant AMVLP, VLP or Supplier to notify them that the BM Unit Allocation Event Day has been unsuccessful.
The data items included in the P0323 will be as received in the P0324, plus the Rejection Reason.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0323 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, VLP or Supplier the P0324 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0323 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0324 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0325 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Confirmation of BM Unit Allocation Event Day | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0323 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0325 available to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP to confirm that the Event Day has been registered successfully.
The flow shall include:
Participant Id BM Unit Id MSID Pair Indicator Import AMSID Import MSID Event Day Event Day Type
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0323 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, VLP or Supplier the P0325 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0323 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0325 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0326 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Allocation Baselining Detail | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The Lead Party may register their Secondary or Additional BM Units to be a Baselined BM Unit where at least one MSID Pair or AMSID Pair will have a baseline settlement volume calculated. The calculated settlement volume will also be used to calculate Delivered Volumes.
A Lead Party will specify a Baselining Indicator for each MSID Pair or AMSID Pair within the Baselined BM Unit:
The flow shall include:
Participant Id BM Unit Id MSID Pair Indicator Import AMSID Import MSID BM Unit Baselining EFD Baselining Indicator
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0327 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Rejection of BM Unit Allocation Baselining Detail | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0326 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0327 available to the registrant AMVLP, VLP or Supplier to notify them that the BM Unit Allocation Baselining Detail has been unsuccessful.
The data items included in the P0326 will be as received in the P0327, plus the Rejection Reason.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0326 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, VLP or Supplier the P0327 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0326 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0327 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0334 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Confirmation of BM Unit Allocation Baselining Detail | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0326 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0334 available to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP to confirm that the BM Unit Allocation Baselining Detail has been registered successfully.
The flow shall include:
Participant Id BM Unit Id MSID Pair Indicator Import AMSID Import MSID BM Unit Baselining EFD Baselining Indicator Baselining Methodology
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0326 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, VLP or Supplier the P0334 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0326 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0334 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0328 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Notification | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The Lead Party will provide Submitted Expected Volumes as a single value per BM Unit and Settlement Period for all non-Baselined MSID Pairs or AMSID Pairs to the SVAA.
This interface may be used to submit either:
Each file will be interpreted as containing either Submitted Expected Volumes or Default Submitted Expected Volumes, depending on whether or not the SEV Effective To Date is populated.
Submitted Expected Volumes files must be received prior to Gate Closure for the first Settlement Period included in the file. Default Submitted Expected Volumes must be received prior to 23:00 on the day before the SEV Effective From Date.
Where a Lead Party has submitted both a Submitted Expected Volume and a Default Submitted Expected Volume (for a given BM Unit and Settlement Period), the Submitted Expected Volume will take precedence.
Submitted Expected Volumes must be in MWh, and use the same sign convention as Final Physical Notifications i.e. positive values indicate Export and negative values indicate Import.
The flow shall include:
SEV Effective From Date SEV Effective To Date SEV BM Unit BM Unit Id SEV BM Unit Period Data Settlement Period Id Submitted Expected Volume
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0329 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Rejection | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0328 fails business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0329 available to the registrant AMVLP, VLP or Supplier to notify them that the BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume has been unsuccessful.
The data items included in the P0329 will be as received in the P0328, plus the Rejection Reason.
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0328 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, VLP or Supplier the P0329 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0328 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0329 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0330 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Acceptance | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0328 passes business validation, the SVAA shall make a P0330 available to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP to confirm that the Submitted Expected Volume has been registered successfully.
The flow shall include:
BM Unit Id
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0328 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, Supplier or VLP the P0330 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0328 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0330 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0331 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Submitted Expected Volume Warning | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The day before each Settlement Day, SVAA will check that no non-zero Submitted Expected Volumes have been provided for that Settlement Day for Baselined BM Units with no MSID Pairs or AMSID Pairs with baseline indicator ‘S’. If such Submitted Expected Volumes have been provided, the SVAA shall make a P0331 available to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP to advise that a non-zero Submitted Expected Volume has been received.
The flow shall include:
SEV Exception Details BM Unit Id Settlement Date SEV Exception BM Unit Period Data Settlement Period Id Submitted Expected Volume Submitted Expected Volume Warning Reason
| |||
Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0333 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Baselining Expected Volume Report | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The SVAA shall issue the Baselining Expected Volume Report to AMVLPs, Suppliers and VLPs for Baselined BM Units. It shall contain calculated baseline values as follows:
Additional Header Settlement Date Settlement Run Type BM Unit BM Unit Id Settlement Period Data Settlement Period Id Submitted Expected Volume Baselined Expected Volume Settlement Expected Volume Allocation T MSID Pair Details MSID Pair Allocation Indicator MSID Pair Baseline Indicator MSID Pair Baseline Methodology Import MSID Export MSID MSID Pair Baseline Calculation Status Allocation T MSID Pair Baseline Volume Settlement Period Id Baselined Volume Allocation A AMSID Pair Details AMSID Pair Allocation Indicator AMSID Pair Baseline Indicator AMSID Pair Baseline Methodology Import AMSID Export AMSID AMSID Pair Baseline Calculation Status Allocation A AMSID Pair Baseline Volume Settlement Period Id Baselined Volume Allocation A MSID Pair Details Import MSID Export MSID MSID Pair Baseline Calculation Status
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Allocation A MSID Pair Baseline Volume Settlement Period Id Baselined Volume Site Differenced Details Site Allocation Indicator Site Baseline Indicator Site Baseline Methodology Site ID Site Baseline Calculation Status Site Differenced Baseline Volume Settlement Period Id Baselined Volume Allocation D AMSID Pair Details Import AMSID Export AMSID AMSID Baseline Calculation Status Allocation D AMSID Pair Baseline Volume Settlement Period Id Baselined Volume Allocation D MSID Pair Details Import MSID Export MSID MSID Baseline Calculation Status Allocation D MSID Pair Baseline Volume Settlement Period Id Baselined Volume
All energy values will be reported in MWh. Values relating to a BM Unit (Submitted Expected Volume, Baselined Expected Volume and Settlement Expected Volume) will be reported using the Central Volume Allocation (CVA) sign convention i.e. positive values indicate Export and negative values indicate Import. Values relating to MSID Pairs and AMSID Pairs will be reported using the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) sign convention i.e. positive values indicate Import and negative values indicate Export.
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Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0335 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: BM Unit Baselining Status | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
The Lead Party may send a file to the CRA to update the status of their Baselined BM Unit.
The flow shall include:
Participant Id BM Unit Id BM Unit Baselining Status Effective From Date BM Unit Baselining Status
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Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. |
Interface ID: P0336 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Rejection of BM Unit Baselining Status | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0335 fails business validation, the CRA shall make a P0336 available to the registrant AMVLP, VLP or Supplier to notify them that the registration of the BM Unit Baselining Status has been unsuccessful.
The data items included in the P0335 will be as received in the P0336, plus the Rejection Reason.
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Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0335 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, VLP or Supplier the P0336 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0335 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0336 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
Interface ID: P0337 | User: AMVLP Supplier VLP | Title: Confirmation of BM Unit Baselining Status | BSC reference: P376 |
Mechanism: Automatic | Frequency: Daily | Volumes: Medium | |
Interface Requirement:
Where a P0335 passes business validation, the CRA shall make a P0337 available to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP to confirm that the BM Unit Baselining Status has been registered successfully.
The flow shall include:
Participant Id BM Unit Id BM Unit Baselining Status Effective From Date BM Unit Baselining Status
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Physical Interface Details:
The physical structure is included in the IDD Part 1 spreadsheet and referenced in the SVA Data Catalogue. Where the P0335 was submitted by manual entry or by file upload into the Self Service Gateway by an AMVLP, Supplier or VLP the P0337 will be available to download from the Self Service Gateway. Where the P0335 was emailed to the BSC Service Desk, the P0337 will be emailed to the AMVLP, Supplier or VLP. |
1 TLFA functionality was added for the Introduction of Zonal Transmission Losses on an Average Basis (P82), but will not be used.
2 The Omitted Data functionality has been developed, but is disabled.
3No licence is required to download the SAA-I058.
4 Note that the DF flow ceases publication in Q1/2009
5 Note that the DF flow ceases publication in Q1/2009
6 Where OCNMFD is referred to throughout this document, it should be interpreted as being equivalent to SPLD.
7 Where OCNMFW is referred to throughout this document, it should be interpreted as being equivalent to SPLW.
8 Note that the Contact Name is not included in the CRA-I014 (sub flow 1) sent in response to new and amended data.
9 Note that the Contact Name is not reported in the CRA-I014
10 With the exception that any WDCALF value exceeding ±9.9999999 shall be capped and reported as ±9.9999999 in the CRA-I014. The values of WDBMCAIC and WDBMCAEC reported in the CRA-I014 will still be derived using the ‘real’ uncapped WDCALF value.
11 With the exception that any NWDCALF value exceeding ±9.9999999 shall be capped and reported as ±9.9999999 in the CRA-I014. The values of NWDBMCAIC and NWDBMCAEC reported in the CRA-I014 will still be derived using the ‘real’ uncapped NWDCALF value.
12 With the exception that any SCALF value exceeding ±9.9999999 shall be capped and reported as ±9.9999999 in the CRA-I014. The value of SBMCAEC reported in the CRA-I014 will still be derived using the ‘real’ uncapped SCALF value.
13 With the exception that any SECALF value exceeding ±9.9999999 shall be capped and reported as ±9.9999999 in the CRA-I014. The values of WDBMCAEC and NWDBMCAEC reported in the CRA-I014 will still be derived using the ‘real’ uncapped SECALF value.
14 [P415]A VTP may be Party to an ECVNAA, but a VLP / AMVLP may not.
15 A VTP may be Subsidiary Party to a MVRNAA, but may not be Lead Party and may not allocate volumes to its Trading Secondary BM Units. A VLP / AMVLP may not be Party to a MVRNAA.
16 The Omitted Data functionality has been developed, but is disabled.
17 The Omitted Data functionality has been developed, but is disabled.
18 P98: Note that because the format of the ECVAA-I007 and ECVAA-I008 flows is changing, this flow will also change. The detail of the change will be contained in the IDD where a new version of the flow will be added. The default version of this report will remain the pre-P98 version (i.e. with no report requirements) until further notice.
19 Variation 43
20 Note that flexible reporting preferences for version numbers overrule specific report requirements. For example, in order to receive Matching Data in the ECVAA-I028 a Party must elect to receive V002 of the flow (V001 will be the default) and specify that it wishes to receive Matching Data via a Report Requirement Change Request (ECVAA-I002); a subsequent reversion to V001 of the ECVAA-I028, effected through flexible reporting would negate the Report Requirement Change Request.
21 Note that flexible reporting preferences for version numbers overrule specific report requirements. For example, in order to receive Matching Data in the ECVAA-I029 a Party must elect to receive V002 of the flow (V001 will be the default) and specify that it wishes to receive Matching Data via a Report Requirement Change Request (ECVAA-I003); a subsequent reversion to V001 of the ECVAA-I029, effected through flexible reporting would negate the Report Requirement Change Request.
22 Applies to AMVLPs as well as to VLPs
23 Applies to AMVLPs as well as to VLPs
24 Applies to AMVLPs as well as to VLPs
25 Applies to AMVLPs as well as to VLPs
26 Applies to AMVLPs as well as to VLPs