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BMRS Data Catalogue

v 3.0
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Balancing and Settlement Code

BMRS Data Catalogue

Version 3.0

Date: 02 November 2023

BMRS Data Catalogue

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code and, in particular, to the definition of “General requirements for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service” in Section V and to the definition of “Data Catalogue” in Section X Annex X-1.

2. This is BMRS Data Catalogue Version 3.0 relating to BMRS requirements.

3. This Data Catalogue is effective from 02 November 2023.

4. This Data Catalogue has been approved by the BSC Panel or its relevant delegated Panel Committee(s).

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in ELEXON or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, ELEXON Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

Amendment Record



Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/ Panel/

Committee Refs


27 June 2019

Creation of Document, P372 June 2019 Release

P372 Self-Governance



27 February 2020

February 2020 Release

P394 Self Governance



02 November 2023

November 2023 Standard Release



1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of this document

1.1.1 The purpose of this Data Catalogue is to set out the functional reporting requirements for the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service (BMRS).

1.2 Main Users of this document

1.2.1 This Data Catalogue should be used by:

    • The [BMRS User Group]

    • BSCCo

    • BSC Panel

    • BSC Parties

    • The Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent

    • Persons other than Parties that utilise the BMRS

1.3 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

1.3.1 This Data Catalogue has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the BSC and in particular Section V. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this Data Catalogue and the BSC, the provisions of the BSC shall prevail.

1.4 Associated Code Subsidiary Documents

1.4.1 This BSC Procedure interfaces with:

    1. Service Description for Balancing Mechanism Reporting

    2. Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent User Requirements Specification

    3. Reporting Catalogue

    4. CVA Data Catalogue

    5. SVA Data Catalogue

1.5 Acronyms and Definitions

1.5.1 Any capitalised term that is not defined in this Data Catalogue shall have the same meaning given to it as in the Code.

The acronyms used in this Data Catalogue are defined as follows:


Business As Usual


Balancing Mechanism


Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent


Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service


Balancing and Settlement Code (the “Code”)


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure


Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow


Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow


Energy Contract Volume Allocation Agent


Estimated Delivering Transmission Losses Adjustment


Estimated Offtaking Transmission Losses Adjustment


Indicative Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow


Indicative Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow


Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume


Indicative Period Accepted Bid Volume


Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume


Indicative Period Accepted Bid Volume


Indicative Net Imbalance Volume


Indicative System Buy Price


Indicative System Sell Price


National Electricity Transmission System Operator


Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume


Period Accepted Bid Volume


Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume


Period Accepted Bid Volume


Delivering Transmission Losses Adjustment


Offtaking Transmission Losses Adjustment

2 Functional requirements

2.1 Validation

2.1.1 On receipt of Balancing Services Adjustment Data from the NETSO, the BMRA shall check such data to verify that:

    1. where the Sell Price Volume Adjustment (Energy) is a number other than zero, the Buy Price Volume Adjustment (Energy) is zero, and vice versa; and

    2. where the Sell Price Volume Adjustment (System) is a number other than zero, the Buy Price Volume Adjustment (System) is zero, and vice versa,

and shall inform the NETSO promptly if this is not the case.

2.2 Format

2.2.1 BMRS data will be made available in all cases in the form of a table of data as specified in the BMRS Specification, and in addition, in certain cases specified in the BMRS Specification, in graphic, pictorial or other form as specified.

2.2.2 In certain cases as specified in Table 1, Table 2 and in the case of data referred to in paragraph 2.7.1, BMRS data will be available as a text message only.

2.2.3 Where possible, BMRS data should be made available in a machine readable format.

2.3 Data retention

2.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in this Section 2, or in Section 4, all BMRS data will remain available on the BMRS (except that errors in such data may be corrected) until no earlier than the expiry of a period of 12 months after:

    1. the Settlement Day to which such data relates, or

    2. in the case of forecast data, the day on which such data was provided.

2.4 Default data

2.4.1 For certain kinds of data set out in Table 1, where data (for a particular period) is not provided to the BMRA for inclusion on the BMRS by the time required under Section Q, default values for such data shall be included on the BMRS as and where so provided in Table 1.

3 Reporting requirements

3.1 Indicative data reporting

3.1.1 The BMRA shall calculate:

    1. Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume (IQABnij);

    2. Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume (IQAOnij);

    3. Indicative Period Accepted Bid Volume (IQABknij); and

    4. Indicative Period Accepted Bid Volume (IQAOknij),

    5. Indicative Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume (IRRABnij);

    6. Indicative Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume (IRRAOnij);

    7. Indicative Period RR Accepted Bid Volume (IRRABknij); and

    8. Indicative Period RR Accepted Offer Volume (IRRAOknij),

in accordance with the rules in Section T3 save that in each case the terms IQABnij, IQAOnij, IQABknij, IQAOknij, IRRABnij, IRRAOnij, IRRABknij and IRRAOknij shall (for the purposes of this paragraph 2.6 only) be substituted for the terms QABnij, QAOnij, QABknij, QAOknij, RRABnij, RRAOnij, RRABknij and RRAOknij in Section T.

3.1.2 The BMRA shall calculate:

    1. the Indicative Net Imbalance Volume (INIVj);

    2. the Indicative System Buy Price (ISBPj); and

    3. the Indicative System Sell Price (ISSPj)

in accordance with Section T save that in each case the terms ETLMO+, ETLMO-, the Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data and (where applicable) other Indicative terms shall (for the purposes of this paragraph 3.1 only) be substituted for the terms TLMO+, TLMO-, the Balancing Services Adjustment Data and other relevant terms in Section T.

3.1.3 The BMRA shall calculate:

    1. the Indicative Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow (ICBnij ), and

    2. the Indicative Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow (ICOnij )

in accordance with the rules in Section T3 save that in each case the terms ETLMO+, ETLMO-, IQABnij, IQAOnij, ICBnij and ICOnij shall (for the purposes of this paragraph 3.1 only) be substituted for the terms TLMO+, TLMO-, QABnij, QAOnij, CBnij and COnij in Section T.

3.1.4 The BMRA shall calculate:

    1. the Indicative Quarter-Hour RR Cashflow (ICCRiJ)

    2. the Indicative Period RR BM Unit Cashflow (ICRRij ),

in accordance with the rules in Section T3 save that in each case the terms ICCRiJ, ICRRiJ and IRRAPJ shall (for the purposes of this paragraph 2.6 only) be substituted for the terms CCRiJ, CRRiJ and RRAPJ in Section T.

3.2 Credit Default reporting

3.2.1 The statements and notices relating to Credit Default will be available on the BMRS, pursuant to Section M. For these purposes, where a statement or notice is posted on BMRS:

    1. a Level 1 Credit Default statement posted pursuant to Section M3.2.6(b) and a Level 2 Credit Default statement posted pursuant to Section M3.3.3(b) shall remain on the BSC Website until and unless cancelled by the ECVAA pursuant to the applicable provisions of Section M; and

    1. a notice posted, following resolution of a Trading Dispute, pursuant to Section M3.5(a) shall remain on the BSC Website for a period of one month.

3.3 Additional data reporting

3.3.1 In addition to the data specified in Table 1 the following data will be available on the BMRS:

    1. the data referred to in Section V4.3 if the Panel so determine in accordance with Section V4.3;

    2. the Transparency Regulation Data specified in Table 2, provided that such data has been received by the BMRA

    3. any further data specified in Table 4; and

    4. the Settlement Exchange Rate data specified in Table 5.

4 Reporting Tables

4.1 TABLE 1 – Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service Reporting Requirements

4.1.1 Table 1 sets out:

    1. the data referred to in Section V2.1.2(a) and (b) which is to be available on the BMRS and the periods to which such data relate;

    2. the frequency with which such data is to be available on the BMRS;

    3. the format (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) in which such data is to be available on the BMRS;

    4. the basis for establishing default values (if any) for the purposes of paragraph 2.4.1.


1. Column 1 (data and relevant settlement periods) specifies the data which is to be made available and (where relevant) the half hour(s) or Settlement Period(s) in any day or week to which the data relates. SP refers to the Settlement Period in respect of which data is provided.

2. Column 2 (frequency) specifies the frequency with which data is provided.

3. Column 3 (format) specifies (by reference where relevant to the day D on which data is made available on BMRS) the format in which data is made available.

4. Column 4 (default) specifies whether and, if so, the basis upon which default values will be provided as referred to in paragraph 2.4.1.

5. In all columns, D or W refers to the day on or week in which data is made available on BMRS.

6. Section Q sets out the times by which and the frequency with which the NETSO is required to provide data to the BMRA to be posted on the BMRS.

7. Terms not otherwise defined in the Code have the meanings ascribed to them in the Grid Code.





2-14 day ahead National Demand forecast (NDFD) – daily peak half hour value



Previous forecast

2-14 day ahead Transmission System Demand forecast (TSDFD) – daily peak half hour value



Previous forecast

2-14 day ahead daily Generating Plant Demand Margin forecast (OCNMFD) – daily peak half hour value



Previous forecast

2-14 day ahead daily Zonal Output Usable for each System Zone – daily peak half hour value

Daily where provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

2-14 day ahead daily Total Output Usable and the daily Total Output Usable (plus expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by Fuel Type Category (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each Fuel Type Category)

Daily where provided by the NETSO to a User

Tabular and graphic

Previous submission

2-14 day ahead daily Output Usable (plus, in respect of Interconnector BM Units, the expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by BM Unit (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each BM Unit) – daily peak half hour value

Daily where provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

2-49 day ahead daily Zonal Output Usable for each System Zone and daily Total Output Usable – daily peak half hour value

When provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

2-52 week ahead National Demand forecast (NDFW) – weekly peak half hour value



Previous forecast

2-52 week ahead Transmission System Demand forecast (TSDFW) – weekly peak half hour value



Previous forecast

2-52 week ahead weekly Generating Plant Demand Margin forecast (OCNMFW) – weekly peak half hour value



Previous forecast

2-52 week ahead weekly Zonal Output Usable for each System Zone – weekly peak half hour value

Weekly where provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

2-52 week ahead weekly Total Output Usable and the weekly Total Output Usable (plus expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by Fuel Type Category (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each Fuel Type Category)

Weekly where provided by the NETSO to a User

Tabular and graphic

Previous submission

2-52 week ahead weekly Output Usable (plus, in respect of Interconnector BM Units, the expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by BM Unit (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each BM Unit) – weekly peak half hour value

Weekly where provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

1-2 year ahead weekly Zonal Output Usable for each System Zone and weekly Total Output Usable – weekly peak half hour value

Twice each calendar year at regular intervals of approximately 6 months during that year where provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

3-5 year ahead weekly Zonal Output Usable for each System Zone and weekly Total Output Usable – weekly peak half hour value

Twice each calendar year at regular intervals of approximately 6 months during that year where provided by the NETSO to a User

Download only

Previous submission

Data relating to Emergency Acceptances

As received

Text message only


Day ahead National Demand forecast – value for each half hour


Tabular and graphic for D-1, D to D+1. Otherwise tabular

Previous forecast

Day ahead Transmission System Demand forecast – value for each half hour


Tabular and graphic for D-1, D to D+1. Otherwise tabular

Previous forecast

Day ahead National Indicated Generation (INDGEN) and Demand (INDDEM) forecast – value for each half hour


Tabular and graphic for D-1, D to D+1. Otherwise tabular

Previous forecast

Updates of day ahead Indicated Imbalance (IMBALNGC), INDGEN, INDDEM, National Demand forecast and Transmission System Demand forecast – values for each half hour or each remaining half hour in day D

5 times each day

Tabular and graphic for D-1, D to D+1. Otherwise tabular

Previous forecast

2-14 day ahead Surplus forecast (SPLD) – daily peak half hour value

Each Business Day


Previous forecast

2-52 week ahead Surplus forecast (SPLW) – weekly peak half hour value



Previous forecast

Day ahead Indicated Margin (MELNGC) - values for each half hour


Tabular and graphic for D-1, D to D+1. Otherwise tabular


Update of MELNGC – values for each half hour or each remaining half hour in day D

5 times each day

Tabular and graphic for D-1, D to D+1. Otherwise tabular

Previous forecast

System warnings (SYS_WARN)

When received

Text message only


Balancing Services Adjustment Data (BSAD)




Initial National Demand Out-turn (INDO)

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn (ITSDO)

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Indicative System Buy Price (ISBPj) – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Indicative System Sell Price (ISSPj) – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Indicative Period Accepted Bid and Offer Volumes (IQABknij and IQAOknij) – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Indicative Net Imbalance Volume (INIVj) – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid and Offer Volumes (IQABnij and IQAOnij) – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Indicative Period Balancing Mechanism Bid and Offer Cashflows (ICBnij and ICOnij) – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Final Physical Notification Data per BM Unit

As received

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Bid-Offer Pairs per BM Unit (prices and MW volumes)

As received

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Changes to Dynamic Data Set and Maximum Export Limit/Maximum Import Limit items per BM Unit (MEL, MIL, RURE, RURI, RDRE, RDRI, NDZ, NTO, NTB, MZT, MNZT, SEL, SIL, MDV, MDP) per BM Unit

As received

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular

Previously submitted Dynamic Data Set

Acceptance Data per BM Unit

As received

Tabular and graphic for D-1 and D. Otherwise tabular


Zonal day ahead Transmission System Demand forecast – values for each half hour in each BMRS Zone


Tabular and graphic


Zonal day ahead Indicated Generation and Indicated Demand forecast – values for each half hour in each BMRS Zone


Tabular and graphic


Zonal update of Indicated Demand, Indicated Generation and Indicated Imbalance - values for each BMRS Zone and each half hour or each remaining half hour in day D

5 times each day

Tabular and graphic

Previous forecast

BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume

Daily (published for all days on Business Days only)



Out-Turn Temperature


Tabular and graphic


Normal Reference Temperature


Tabular and graphic


Low Reference Temperature


Tabular and graphic


High Reference Temperature


Tabular and graphic


Forecast Total Power Park Module Generation – value for each SP for which such data is submitted by the NETSO


Tabular and graphic

Previous forecast

Total Metered Capacity – value for each SP for which Forecast Total Power Park Module Generation data is submitted by the NETSO




Total Instantaneous Out-Turn Generation – instantaneous value for each Fuel Type Category

Every 5 minutes

Tabular and graphic


Total Period Out-Turn Generation – value for each Fuel Type Category in each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic


BM Unit Fuel Type List

As received



Transmission Energy


Tabular and graphic


Normal Reference Transmission Energy


Tabular and graphic


High Reference Transmission Energy


Tabular and graphic


Low Reference Transmission Energy


Tabular and graphic


Non-BM STOR Instructed Volume – value for each SP

Half hourly

Tabular and graphic


Transmission System Frequency – value for one or more spot times

Every 2 minutes

Tabular and graphic


System Zone boundaries

Whenever changes are made to System Zone definitions or boundaries

Download only


For each BM STOR Action – the Acceptance Volume Pairs, the Offer Price and the Bid-Offer Acceptance Number

Half hourly



For each Non-BM STOR Action – the Balancing Services Adjustment Volume, the Balancing Services Adjustment Cost and the Bid-Offer Acceptance Number

Half hourly



Utilisation Price for each STOR Action

Half hourly



Reserve Scarcity Price for each STOR Action

Half hourly



Indicative Loss of Load Probability

As received


Most recently received Indicative Loss of Load Probability, otherwise none

Final Loss of Load Probability

As received


Most recently received Indicative Loss of Load Probability, otherwise none

Demand Control Instruction

As received



De-Rated Margin Forecast

As received



4.2 TABLE 2 – Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service: TRANSPARENCY DATA

4.2.1 Table 2 sets out:

    1. the Transparency Regulation Data which is made available on the BMRS by reference to the relevant provision of the Transparency Regulation;

    2. the frequency with which such data is to be available on the BMRS; and

    3. the format (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) in which such data is to be available on the BMRS.


1. Column 1 (data) specifies the data which is to be made available.

2. Column 2 (frequency) specifies the frequency with which the data is to be provided.

3. Column 3 (format) specifies the format in which the data is made available.

4. Where data related to outages is duplicated, it is published under REMIT Data only.




Data specified in Article 6 1.(a) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 6 1.(b) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 6 1.(c) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 6 1.(d) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 6 1.(e) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 8 1. of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 13 1.(a) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 13 1.(c) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 14 1.(a) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 14 1.(b) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 14 1.(c) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 14 1.(d) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 16 1.(a) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 16 1.(b) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 16 1.(c) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 16 1.(d) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 17 1.(b) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 17 1.(c) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


Data specified in Article 17 1.(i) of the Transparency Regulation

As received


4.3 TABLE 3 – Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service: INSIDE INFORMATION DATA

4.3.1 Table 3 sets out:

    1. the data referred to in Section V2.1.2(d) which is to be available on the BMRS and the period to which such data relates;

    2. the frequency with which such data is to be available on the BMRS; and

    3. the format (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) in which such data is to be available on the BMRS.


1. Column 1 (data) specifies the data which is to be made available.

2. Column 2 (frequency) specifies the frequency with which data is provided.

3. Column 3 (format) specifies the format in which data is made available.




Inside Information Message

As received


4.4 TABLE 4 – Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service: FURTHER DATA

4.4.1 Table 4 sets out:

    1. other data to be available on the BMRS in accordance with Section V2.1.2(c) and, where applicable, the period to which such data relates;

    2. the frequency with which such data is to be available on the BMRS; and

    3. the format (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) in which such data is to be available on the BMRS.


1. Column 1 (data) specifies the data which is to be made available.

2. Column 2 (frequency) specifies the frequency with which data is provided.

3. Column 3 (format) specifies the format in which data is made available.




Trading Unit Delivery Mode

As received


Trading Unit Export Volume

As received


Trading Unit Import Volume

As received


4.5 TABLE 5 – Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service: SETTLEMENT EXCHANGE RATE

4.5.1 Table 5 sets out:

    1. the Settlement Exchange Rate referred to in Section V2.1.2(e) which is to be available on the BMRS and the period to which such data relates;

    2. the frequency with which such data is to be available on the BMRS; and

    3. the format (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) in which such data is to be available on the BMRS.


1. Column 1 (data) specifies the data which is to be made available.

2. Column 2 (frequency) specifies the frequency with which data is provided.

3. Column 3 (format) specifies the format in which data is made available.




Settlement Exchange Rate

By 16.00 daily
