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BSC Consolidated V

Effective From Date:



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section A sets out:

(a) the capacities which a Party may have under the Code;

(b) the arrangements for admission of new Parties to the Code;

(c) the requirement to provide Party Details to BSCCo and to update Party Details from time to time;

(d) the requirement to register as a Party with the CRA;

(e) the provisions as to withdrawal, expulsion or transfer of a Party from the Code.

1.2 Parties

1.2.1 A Party is a person who is for the time being bound by the Code by virtue of being a party to the Framework Agreement.

1.2.2 Parties include:

(a) BSCCo and the BSC Clearer;

(b) the NETSO;

(c) persons holding Licences (such persons being obliged by conditions in their Licences to become Parties) and persons obliged to become Parties by a condition (if any) in an Exemption applicable to such persons;

(d) other persons who choose to become Parties.

1.2.3 Except in paragraphs 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 2 (other than 2.6) and 5.3, references to Parties in this Section A do not include BSCCo or the BSC Clearer.

1.3 Participation capacities

1.3.1 A Party may or will have one or more of the following capacities ("participation capacities") under the Code:

(a) the NETSO (being the Party which is the holder for the time being of the ESO Licence);

(b) a Distribution System Operator (being a Party which distributes electricity through a Distribution System);

(c) a Trading Party (being a Party, other than the NETSO, which holds Energy Accounts pursuant to paragraph 1.4);

(d) an Interconnector Error Administrator (being a Party which, in accordance with Section K5.4, is for the time being appointed in respect of an Interconnector by the Interconnected System Operator, and has agreed to act as such, or a Party which is otherwise required to act as such);

(e) an Interconnector Administrator (being a Party which, in accordance with Section K5.4, is for the time being appointed in respect of an Interconnector by the Interconnected System Operator, and has agreed to act as such);

(f) a Supplier (being a Party which holds a Supply Licence and is responsible for Exports and/or Imports in respect of which one or more SVA Metering Systems are required to be registered pursuant to Section K);

(g) a Virtual Lead Party (being a Party which, in accordance with Section K8, may register Secondary BM Units)

(h) a Virtual Trading Party (being a Trading Party which, in accordance with Section K8, may register Trading Secondary BM Units)

and, for the avoidance of doubt, the words in paragraphs (a) to (h) in parentheses, following each term, are by way of explanation and are not intended to affect or alter the definition of such terms set out in Annex X-1.

1.3.2 The participation capacities listed in paragraph 1.3.1 are not limiting of any other capacity of a Party which may be provided for or referred to in the Code.

1.4 Energy Accounts

1.4.1 Each of the following Parties shall hold a Production Energy Account and a Consumption Energy Account for the purposes of the Code:

(a) a Party which is or is to be responsible (as defined in Section K) for Imports and/or Exports of electricity at one or more Boundary Points;

(b) a Party which is or is to be appointed and agrees to act as an Interconnector Error Administrator in relation to an Interconnector;

(c) any other Party which wishes to and applies in accordance with the Code to hold Energy Accounts;

(d) a Virtual Trading Party.

1.4.2 Subject to paragraph 1.4.3, no Party shall hold more than one Production Energy Account and more than one Consumption Energy Account and, accordingly, a Party which falls within more than one of the descriptions in paragraph 1.4.1(a), (b) or (c) shall hold one Production Energy Account and one Consumption Energy Account for all such activities.

1.4.3 If at any time the NETSO is appointed (other than pursuant to Section K5.4.5) as Interconnector Error Administrator in relation to an Interconnector, then the NETSO shall hold a Production Energy Account and a Consumption Energy Account in its capacity as Interconnector Error Administrator (and where it is so appointed in relation to more than one Interconnector, it shall hold separate such accounts in relation to each), in addition to and separately from Energy Accounts which it may hold pursuant to paragraph 1.4.1(c).

1.4A Virtual Balancing Accounts

1.4A.1 A Party that registers solely as a Virtual Lead Party shall hold a Virtual Balancing Account unless it has also registered as Virtual Trading Party or it has otherwise applied to hold Energy Accounts in accordance with paragraph 1.4.1(c). A Party may at any point in time only hold either a Virtual Balancing Account or Energy Accounts.

1.4A.2 No Party shall hold more than one Virtual Balancing Account.


2.1 Admission of new Parties

2.1.1 Subject to paragraphs 2.1.2 and 2.2.5, any person shall be entitled to be admitted as a party to the Framework Agreement subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2.

2.1.2 A person which is for the time being a BSC Agent shall not be entitled to be a Party.

2.2 Accession Procedure

2.2.1 A person wishing to accede to the Framework Agreement (a "Party Applicant") shall submit to BSCCo:

(a) a duly completed application form in such form as BSCCo may from time to time prescribe giving its Party Details as at the time of its application;

(b) an undertaking from the Party Applicant (in the form prescribed in the application form) that the Party Details of such Party Applicant are complete and accurate in all material respects; and

(c) the Application Fee.

2.2.2 Upon receipt of the items referred to in paragraph 2.2.1, BSCCo shall as soon as reasonably practicable:

(a) check that the application form has been duly completed by the Party Applicant and the relevant supporting documentation and Application Fee have been provided;

(b) notify:

(i) each Panel Member;

(ii) each Party; and

(iii) the Authority

of the name of the Party Applicant, and the participation capacities (if any) notified by the Party Applicant in its Party Details; and

(c) prepare an Accession Agreement for the Party Applicant and send it to such Party Applicant for execution.

2.2.3 Upon receipt by BSCCo of an Accession Agreement duly executed by a Party Applicant, BSCCo shall promptly:

(a) execute and deliver such Accession Agreement on behalf of all Parties;

(b) send a certified copy of such Accession Agreement, duly executed by the Party Applicant and BSCCo, to the Party Applicant;

(c) give notice of the accession of such Party Applicant to:

(i) the Party Applicant;

(ii) each Panel Member;

(iii) each Party;

(iv) the Authority;

(v) each BSC Agent.

2.2.4 Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2.2, each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorises BSCCo to execute and deliver on behalf of such Party any Accession Agreement duly executed by a Party Applicant, and to admit the Party Applicant as a Party.

2.2.5 No person shall enter into or accede to the Framework Agreement, unless that person has first:

(a) obtained from BSCCo, after giving an undertaking of confidentiality in the form required by and in compliance with the other requirements specified by BSCCo, a copy of the "IPR Litigation Requirements" document; and

(b) complied with the applicable requirements set out in that document.

2.2.6 For the purposes of paragraph 2.2.5:

(a) the "IPR Litigation Requirements" document is the document of that title prepared by BSCCo dated the Code Effective Date;

(b) BSCCo may amend and update such document from time to time as necessary provided that any such amendment shall not seek to impose obligations or restrictions on Party Applicants which are materially more onerous than those which applied prior to such amendment.

2.2.7 The requirements contained in paragraph 2.2.5 and all related requirements in the Code shall not apply to any person acceding to the Framework Agreement after 7th April 2003.

2.3 Disputes as to admission

2.3.1 If:

(a) there is any dispute as to whether a Party Applicant has fulfilled the requirements in paragraph 2.2 (including paragraph 2.2.5) and is entitled to be admitted as a party to the Framework Agreement; and

(b) the Authority determines, as provided by the ESO Licence, that such Party Applicant has fulfilled such requirements and is entitled to be so admitted,

subject to paragraph 2.2.5, such Party Applicant shall be admitted as a party to the Framework Agreement and BSCCo shall forthwith execute and deliver an Accession Agreement, duly executed by the Party Applicant, in order to effect such admission (and shall comply with the other provisions of paragraph 2.2.3).

2.3.2 If BSCCo fails to comply with paragraph 2.3.1 and the Authority directs the NETSO to admit the Party Applicant as a party to the Framework Agreement pursuant to the ESO Licence:

(a) subject to paragraph 2.2.5, the NETSO shall prepare an Accession Agreement to admit such Party Applicant and shall, on behalf of all Parties, execute and deliver such Accession Agreement, duly executed by the Party Applicant, and provide a copy to BSCCo (to enable it to comply with paragraphs 2.2.3(b) and (c));

(b) the NETSO shall be entitled to be reimbursed by BSCCo for its reasonable costs incurred in so doing.

2.3.3 Where the Authority directs the NETSO to admit a Party Applicant as a party to the Framework Agreement pursuant to the ESO Licence, each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorises the NETSO to execute and deliver on behalf of such Party an Accession Agreement, duly executed by such Party Applicant, to admit such Party Applicant.

2.4 Accession

2.4.1 The accession of a Party Applicant to the Framework Agreement shall be effective on and from the date of the Accession Agreement.

2.4.2 The admission of any person as a party to the Framework Agreement and/or the registration or absence of registration of a Party for any purposes of the Code shall not affect or limit in any way the responsibility of each Party to ensure that it complies with each of the requirements of the Code applicable to such Party and with any applicable Legal Requirements, or the rights and obligations of Parties if a Party fails so to comply.

2.5 Application fee

2.5.1 The Panel shall from time to time set the application fee payable by Party Applicants in connection with an application for admission as a party to the Framework Agreement.

2.5.2 The Application Fee shall not exceed the amount which in the Panel's opinion (at the time of setting such fee) represents the reasonable average costs of BSCCo in processing an application for admission as a party to the Framework Agreement.

2.5.3 The Application Fee paid by a Party Applicant shall not be refunded to such Party Applicant for any reason.

2.6 Withdrawal of a Party which does not commence trading

2.6.1 Subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 2.6 and unless the Panel otherwise agrees, if, by the expiry of a period of six months (or any extended period under paragraph 2.6.2) after the effective date of accession of a Party to the Framework Agreement, none of the steps specified in paragraph 2.6.3 has been taken by or in relation to such Party, then:

(a) BSCCo shall give notice to that effect to such Party;

(b) such Party shall automatically cease to be a Party (and cease to be a party to the Framework Agreement) with effect one month after the date on which BSCCo gives such notice (and such Party shall be treated as being a Discontinuing Party and as having withdrawn from the Code for the purposes of paragraph 5.3.1(a)).

2.6.2 The Panel may upon the application of the Party extend (on one or more occasions) the period of six months referred to in paragraph 2.6.1, and (where it has extended such period) may determine that a prior notice given by BSCCo to the Party under paragraph 2.6.1(a) shall be of no effect.

2.6.3 The steps are:

(a) the application to register a Metering System;

(b) the application to register a BM Unit;

(c) the submission of any Energy Contract Volume Notification or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification;

(d) the appointment of such Party as Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator in relation to one or more Interconnectors.

2.6.4 Paragraph 2.6.1 shall not apply:

(a) to a Party which is the holder of a Licence or subject to a condition in an Exemption by virtue of which it is required to be a Party or to comply with the Code;

(b) for a period of fourteen months after the Go-live Date (or such longer period as the Panel may determine), to a Party which was a Pool Member as at the Go-live Date.

2.7 Novation Procedure

2.7.1 A person wishing to be admitted as a party to the Framework Agreement by novation (a "Novation Applicant") shall submit to BSCCo:

(a) a duly completed application form in such form as BSCCo may from time to time prescribe, signed by an Authorised Person, giving its Party Details as at the time of its application and enclosing a Novation Agreement signed by the Novation Applicant and the Party wishing to transfer its rights and obligations under an Accession Agreement ("Transferring Party");

(b) an undertaking from the Novation Applicant (in the form prescribed in the application form) that the Party Details of such Novation Applicant are complete and accurate in all material respects; and

(c) the Novation Fee.

2.7.2 Upon receipt of the items referred to in paragraph 2.7.1, BSCCo shall as soon as reasonably practicable:

(a) check that the application form has been duly completed by the Novation Applicant and the documentation required by paragraph 2.7.1 and the Novation Fee have been duly provided;

(b) notify:

(i) each Panel Member;

(ii) each Party; and

(iii) the Authority

of the name of the Novation Applicant and the Transferring Party, and the participation capacities (if any) notified by the Party Applicant in its Party Details; and

(c) attend a Panel meeting held in accordance with paragraph 2.7.3.

2.7.3 If:

(a) a Novation Applicant has fulfilled the requirements in paragraph 2.7.1; and

(b) at a meeting of the Panel the Panel determines, in its absolute discretion, that a novation request under paragraph 2.7.1 should be granted,

then such Novation Applicant shall be admitted as a party to the Framework Agreement and BSCCo shall forthwith date, execute and deliver a Novation Agreement, duly executed by the Novation Applicant, in order to effect such admission and give notice of the admission of such Novation Applicant as a Party, and the replacement of the Transferring Party, to:

(i) the Novation Applicant;

(ii) each Panel Member;

(iii) each Party;

(iv) the Authority; and

(v) each BSC Agent.

2.7.4 A decision of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.7.3 shall be final and binding on the Novation Applicant and the Novation Applicant shall have no right of appeal. The Panel may at a hearing held under paragraph 2.7.3 request further information be provided by a Novation Applicant. In such an event the Novation Applicant shall provide such information and a further hearing or hearings shall be then held prior to the Panel making its decision under paragraph 2.7.3.

2.7.5 Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2.7, each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally authorises BSCCo to date, execute and deliver on behalf of such Party any Novation Agreement duly executed by a Novation Applicant and a Transferring Party, to admit any Novation Applicant as a Party as of the date of its Novation Agreement ("Novation Date"), to transfer the BSC Party ID and any authorisations and qualifications obtained under the Code from the Transferring Party to the new Party, and to release any Transferring Party under the provisions of paragraph 5.3.

2.7.6 The Panel shall from time to time set the fee payable by Novation Applicants in connection with an application by novation as a party to the Framework Agreement ("Novation Fee"). The Novation Fee shall not exceed the amount which in the Panel's opinion (at the time of setting such fee) represents the reasonable average costs of BSCCo in processing an application by novation as a party to the Framework Agreement. The Novation Fee paid by a Party Applicant shall not be refunded to such Party Applicant for any reason.


3.1 Party Details

3.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, the "Party Details" of a Party (which shall include for the purposes of paragraph 2 a Party Applicant) are the following details and documentation of the Party:

(a) its full name and contact details;

(b) the name, postal address, facsimile number and electronic mail (e-mail) address of the person for whose attention notices or communications issued in accordance with Section H9.2 should be marked;

(c) details for service of process, where the Party is required to provide such details pursuant to Section H9.9.3;

(d) whether the Party is (or intends to be) the holder of a Licence and/or benefits (or intends to benefit) from an Exemption, and (if so) details of such Licence or Exemption (including whether the Party is required by a condition in the Exemption to be Party or to comply with the Code) and the circumstances requiring the Party to hold or benefit from the same;

(e) the participation capacities (if any) which the Party has or (at the time at which such details are notified to BSCCo) intends or expects to have, and the date from which it has or intends or expects to have each such capacity;

(f) such supporting documentation as BSCCo may reasonably require in order to validate that the Party has or will have such participation capacities;

(g) whether the Party was a party to the Pooling and Settlement Agreement at the date of or at any time after the date of execution of the Framework Agreement and, if so, in what capacity(ies);

(h) the identity of any other Party which is an Affiliate of the Party; and

(i) whether the Party is registered for VAT purposes and if so the Party’s VAT registration number.

3.2 Provision of Party Details to BSCCo

3.2.1 Each Party shall:

(a) provide its Party Details to BSCCo; and

(b) ensure that its Party Details for the time being provided to BSCCo remain accurate and complete in all material respects.

3.2.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 3.2.1, if at any time:

(a) a Party wishes to change any of its contact details forming part of such Party Details; or

(b) there is or will be any change in the participation capacities of a Party; or

(c) there is any change in the circumstances of a Party referred to in paragraph 3.1(d); or

(d) the Party Details of a Party otherwise cease for whatever reason to be accurate and complete in all material respects;

such Party shall notify BSCCo as soon as reasonably practicable and, wherever possible, in advance of such change and shall provide such further information and supporting documentation as BSCCo may reasonably require to evidence such change.

3.2.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.1(b), any additional e-mail address(es) submitted by a Party for the purpose of receiving notices or communications in relation to matters contemplated by the Code or Code Subsidiary Documents in accordance with Section H9.2 shall form part of the Party Details of that Party.

3.3 Role of BSCCo

3.3.1 Without prejudice to paragraphs 2.2.1(b), 2.4.2 and 3.2, BSCCo shall be responsible for validating as far as reasonably practicable that a Party has or will have the participation capacities from time to time notified by it in its Party Details; provided that, subject to requesting relevant information from the Authority, the NETSO, the Distribution System Operators and the Interconnector Administrators and to requesting appropriate supporting documentation from such Party, BSCCo shall not be required to undertake any further external validation of such matters.

3.3.2 The NETSO and each Distribution System Operator and each Interconnector Administrator shall provide BSCCo with such information (of a kind which they hold) as BSCCo may reasonably request for the purposes of paragraph 3.3.1; and each Party hereby consents to the disclosure by the NETSO and the Distribution System Operators and each Interconnector Administrator of any such information for that purpose.

3.3.3 If a Party considers that BSCCo has made an error in validating or failing to validate under paragraph 3.3.1 that such Party or another Party holds a particular participation capacity, the Party may refer the matter to the Panel for determination (and BSCCo shall ensure that any confirmation under paragraph 3.3.4 and the list maintained under paragraph 3.3.5 reflect the Panel's determination).

3.3.4 BSCCo shall provide the CRA on request with confirmation as to the matters referred to in paragraph 3.3.1.

3.3.5 BSCCo shall establish and maintain a list of the names, addresses and participation capacities of each Party and shall:

(a) send a copy of such list (as revised and updated from time to time) to the CRA; and

(b) ensure that the current version of such list is available on the BSC Website.


4.1 Registration requirements

4.1.1 Each Party shall register and ensure that it remains registered in the CRS in accordance with this paragraph 4.

4.1.2 A Party is required to be registered, with any participation capacity it may have, in the CRS, before in that capacity:

(a) it registers any Metering System or BM Unit;

(b) it registers any Party Agent;

(c) it takes any other step or action under the Code for which the registration of a Metering System or BM Unit or the appointment of a Party Agent is a pre-requisite.

4.1.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 4.1.1, but subject to paragraph 4.1.4, a Party shall apply for registration in the CRS promptly upon executing or acceding to the Framework Agreement; and it shall be the responsibility of each Party to secure that it is registered in CRS in sufficient time to enable it to comply with any requirements (applying to it) under the Code to do any of the things in paragraph 4.1.2.

4.1.4 A Party Applicant who has applied (in accordance with paragraph 2) to accede to the Framework Agreement may apply for registration in CRS, provided that such registration shall not be effective before the Party Applicant becomes a Party.

4.1.5 The registration of a Party shall not become effective until such Party has complied with the requirements in Sections O3.1 and O3.2.

4.2 Party Registration Data

For the purposes of the Code, the "Party Registration Data" of a Party is:

(a) its full name and contact details;

(b) the participation capacities (if any) which (at the time of its registration in CRS or a revision thereof) it has or intends or expects to have, and the date with effect from which it has or intends or expects to have each such participation capacity;

(c) whether it holds, or wishes or is required (pursuant to paragraph 1.4) to hold, Energy Accounts;

(d) the identity of any Interconnector in relation to which the Party is or is to be Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator;

(e) whether it holds, or wishes or is required (pursuant to paragraph 1.4A) to hold a Virtual Balancing Account.

4.3 Initial registration in CRS

4.3.1 A Party shall apply for registration in CRS by submitting to the CRA in accordance with BSCP65 its Party Registration Data and the date from which it wishes its registration to be effective.

4.3.2 Upon receiving a Party's application for registration in CRS, the CRA shall seek confirmation from BSCCo that such Party is a party to the Framework Agreement, that its application pursuant to paragraph 4.3.1 is consistent with the Party Details held by BSCCo in respect of such Party and that it has complied with the requirements referred to in paragraph 4.1.5.

4.3.3 Subject to receiving confirmation from BSCCo as to the matters in paragraph 4.3.2, the CRA shall in accordance with BSCP65:

(a) enter and maintain the Party Registration Data in CRS;

(b) allocate a registration identity to such Party;

(c) where the Party wishes or (by virtue of paragraph 1.4) is required to hold Energy Accounts, allocate a Production Energy Account and a Consumption Energy Account to such Party; and

(d) where the Party is registering to hold the Virtual Lead Party participation capacity, is not required to hold Energy Accounts (by virtue of paragraph 1.4), and does not hold Energy Accounts, allocate a Virtual Balancing Account to such Party.

4.4 Changes to the Party Registration Data

4.4.1 If at any time:

(a) there is any change in the participation capacities of a Party;

(b) the Party Registration Data of a Party otherwise ceases for whatever reason to be accurate and complete in all material respects;

(c) a Party wishes to become a Trading Party, or (not being required to be a Trading Party by virtue of paragraph 1.4) wishes to cease to be a Trading Party;

(d) a Virtual Lead Party wishes or (by virtue of paragraph 1.4) is required to become a Trading Party;

(e) a Virtual Lead Party (not being required to be a Trading Party by virtue of paragraph 1.4) wishes to cease to be a Trading Party and to hold a Virtual Balancing Account; or

(f) a Virtual Lead Party that is not a Trading Party wishes to cease to be a Virtual Lead Party and to cease holding a Virtual Balancing Account,

such Party shall apply to the CRA in accordance with BSCP65 to revise its registration in order to reflect such change, specifying the date from which such change is to be effective.

4.4.2 Upon receipt of an application pursuant to paragraph 4.4.1 and subject to confirmation from BSCCo that the information contained in such application is consistent with the Party Details held by BSCCo in respect of such Party, the CRA shall:

(a) subject to paragraph 4.4.3, revise the Party Registration Data maintained in CRS to take account of any changes set out in such application;

(b) where the Party wishes or (by virtue of paragraph 1.4) is required to become a Trading Party, allocate a Production Energy Account and a Consumption Energy Account to such Party;

(c) where the Party wishes to cease to be a Trading Party and is not required (by virtue of paragraph 1.4) to be a Trading Party, subject to paragraph 4.4.3, close the Party’s Production Energy Account and Consumption Energy Account;

(d) where the Virtual Lead Party wishes or (by virtue of paragraph 1.4) is required to become a Trading Party, close the Virtual Lead Party’s Virtual Balancing Account;

(e) where the Virtual Lead Party (not being required to be a Trading Party by virtue of paragraph 1.4) wishes to cease to be a Trading Party pursuant to paragraph 4.4.2 (c), subject to paragraph 4.4.3, allocate a Virtual Balancing Account to such Virtual Lead Party; and

(f) where the Virtual Lead Party that is not a Trading Party wishes to cease to be a Virtual Lead Party, close the Virtual Lead Party’s Virtual Balancing Account.

4.4.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 4.4:

(a) a Party may only cease to be a Trading Party if, and from no earlier than the date when, the following conditions have been met:

(i) there are no Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications in force, in respect of which the Party is a Contract Trading Party, relating to Settlement Periods after that date and containing Energy Contract Volume Data or Metered Volume Reallocation Data with non-zero values; and

(ii) the Party has terminated all ECVNA Authorisations and MVRNA Authorisations made under its authority; and

(b) where a Party ceases to be a Trading Party, it shall remain liable for any obligations and entitled to any benefits accrued or accruing to it as a Trading Party under the Code in respect of any Settlement Period or other period prior to the date referred to in paragraph (a) (including in respect of Reconciliation Charges) and, accordingly, from that date, references to a Trading Party under the Code shall include such Party only for those purposes;

(c) where a Virtual Lead Party that holds a Virtual Balancing Account ceases to be a Virtual Lead Party, it shall remain liable for any obligations and entitled to any benefits accrued or accruing to it as a Virtual Lead Party under the Code in respect of any Settlement Period or other period prior to the date referred to in paragraph (a) (including in respect of Reconciliation Charges) and, accordingly, from that date, references to a Virtual Lead Party under the Code shall include such Party only for those purposes.

4.5 General provisions

4.5.1 Any initial registration in CRS pursuant to paragraph 4.3.1, and any revision of a registration in CRS pursuant to paragraph 4.4.1, shall not be effective until the later of the date specified in the application made under paragraph 4.3.1 or 4.4.1 (as the case may be) and the date when BSCCo provides the confirmation to the CRA required pursuant to paragraph 4.3.2 or 4.4.2.

4.5.2 Following entry or revision of any Party's Party Registration Data in CRS pursuant to paragraph 4.3.3 or 4.4.2, the CRA shall notify:

(a) such Party;

(b) BSCCo;

(c) each BSC Agent

of the Party’s registration identity and Energy Account details or Virtual Balancing Account details in accordance with BSCP65.

4.5.3 For the avoidance of doubt, in addition to registration under this paragraph 4, a Party must satisfy further requirements set out or referred to in the Code (including where applicable requirements in Sections J, K, L, N, O, R and S) before it may exercise certain rights (of Parties in relevant participation capacities) under the Code.


5.1 Withdrawal

5.1.1 Subject to paragraph 5.1.3, each Party (the "Withdrawing Party") shall be entitled to withdraw from the Code (and cease to be a party to the Framework Agreement) by giving notice in writing (a "Withdrawal Notice") to BSCCo.

5.1.2 The Withdrawal Notice shall specify the time and date (the "Withdrawal Date"), being not less than twenty-eight days after the date of the Withdrawal Notice, with effect from which the Withdrawing Party wishes to withdraw from the Code and cease to be a party to the Framework Agreement.

5.1.3 A Party may not withdraw from the Code or cease to be a party to the Framework Agreement (and any Withdrawal Notice shall be of no effect) if, as at 1700 hours on the day which is two Business Days prior to the Withdrawal Date:

(a) subject to paragraph 5.1.5, any sums accrued and payable under the Code by such Party (whether or not due for payment and whether or not the subject of a dispute) remain, in whole or in part, to be paid by such Party; or

(b) the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run has not been carried out in relation to the last Settlement Day, or the corresponding Payment Date is not yet past; or

(c) the final determination (pursuant to Section D4.4) has not been carried out in respect of BSCCo Charges for the BSC Year in which the last Settlement Day fell, or the due date for payment of amounts payable pursuant to such determination is not yet past; or

(d) such Party continues to be registered under the Code (and/or the REC) in respect of any Metering Systems or BM Units (except for Base BM Units); or

(e) subject to paragraph 5.1.5 there is any outstanding Default by such Party (of which notice has been given to the Party) which is capable of remedy and has not been remedied; or

(f) such Party is subject to any Licence condition and/or Exemption condition by virtue of which it is required to be a Party and/or to comply with the Code or which would otherwise be infringed if such Party withdrew from the Code; or

(g) where such Party is an Interconnector Administrator or an Interconnector Error Administrator, no replacement Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator (as the case may) has been appointed and has agreed to act in its place.

5.1.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 5, in relation to a Discontinuing Party, the "last" Settlement Day is the final Settlement Day in respect of which any amounts by way of Trading Charges may be payable by or to a Discontinuing Party.

5.1.5 In respect of a Withdrawing Party who is in Default solely by virtue of Section H3.1.1(g):

(i) the Panel may, in its discretion, determine that paragraph 5.1.3(a), shall not apply in respect of any amount payable by way of the Base Monthly Charge or the Base Virtual Lead Party Monthly Charge accruing after the date of the Withdrawal Notice; and

(ii) paragraph 5.1.3(e) shall not apply.

5.1.6 A Withdrawing Party may satisfy the requirements set out in paragraphs 5.1.3 (a) to (c) by transferring, in accordance with paragraph 5.1.7, to another Party (the "transferee Party"):

(a) its BSC Party ID (the "Transferring BSC Party ID");

(b) all of its outstanding obligations and liabilities (whether actual, contingent, accrued or otherwise) referred to in paragraphs 5.1.3 (a) to (c); and

(c) to the extent applicable, any rights and liabilities (whether actual, contingent, accrued or otherwise) in respect of any Credit Cover deposited in cash by the Withdrawing Party with the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section M.

5.1.7 A Withdrawing Party may request such a transfer in accordance with BSCP65 and, subject to the transferee Party confirming its consent to the transfer, the Panel shall determine, in its absolute discretion, whether such request should be granted. In respect of such determination:

(a) the Panel may request such further information from the Withdrawing Party or the transferee Party as it considers necessary;

(b) a decision of the Panel pursuant to this paragraph 5.1.7 shall be final and binding and there shall be no right of appeal.

5.1.8 In respect of a transfer request approved by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 5.1.7:

(a) such transfer shall take effect from 00:00 on the Withdrawal Date;

(b) the transferee Party hereby irrevocably consents to assume, with effect from the Withdrawal Date of the Withdrawing Party, the BSC Party ID, rights, obligations and liabilities set out in paragraph 5.1.6;

(c) BSCCo and the transferee Party shall promptly take such steps as may be necessary (including any steps required by BSCP65) to ensure that the Transferring BSC Party ID is withdrawn.

5.2 Expulsion

5.2.1 Where a Party may be expelled from the Code pursuant to any provision of the Code, the Panel shall decide (in its absolute discretion) whether or not to expel such Party, subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 5.2.

5.2.2 The Panel shall notify the Authority and each other Party of its intention to expel a Party, at least twenty-eight days before giving an Expulsion Notice to that Party, and shall have regard to any representations made to it by the Authority and/or any other Party in respect thereof.

5.2.3 Where a Party is subject to a condition of any Licence or Exemption by virtue of which it is required to be a Party and/or to comply with the Code or which would otherwise be infringed if such Party were expelled from the Code, the Panel shall not be entitled to expel such Party without the prior approval of the Authority.

5.2.4 Where the Panel decides (and is entitled in accordance with this paragraph 5.2) to expel a Party, such expulsion shall take effect (and the Party shall cease to be a party to the Framework Agreement) at the time and on the date specified by the Panel in a notice (the "Expulsion Notice") to such Party provided that such date (the "Expulsion Date") shall not be earlier than twenty-eight days after the date of such notice.

5.3 General provisions

5.3.1 Where a Party (the "Discontinuing Party"):

(a) withdraws from the Code and ceases to be a party to the Framework Agreement pursuant to paragraph 5.1;

(b) is expelled from the Code and ceases to be a party to the Framework Agreement pursuant to paragraph 5.2; or

(c) transfers its Accession Agreement and ceases to be a party to the Framework Agreement pursuant to paragraph 2.7

the provisions of this paragraph 5.3 shall apply.

5.3.2 With effect from the Withdrawal Date, Expulsion Date or Novation Date (as the case may be) (the "Discontinuance Date"):

(a) the Discontinuing Party shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.3.3, be automatically released and discharged from all its obligations and liabilities under the Code (including the Code Subsidiary Documents) and the Framework Agreement;

(b) each other Party shall, subject to the provisions of paragraph 5.3.3, be automatically released and discharged from all its obligations and liabilities to the Discontinuing Party under the Code (including the Code Subsidiary Documents) and the Framework Agreement; and

(c) (without prejudice to paragraph 5.1.3(d)) any registrations and authorisations made by the Discontinuing Party under the Code (other than those transferred by a Transferring Party under a Novation Agreement) shall cease to be effective.

5.3.3 Any release and discharge referred to in paragraph 5.3.2 (other than a release and discharge of a Transferring Party or a release and discharge of a Discontinuing Party to the extent that such Discontinuing Party has novated obligations and liabilities to a transferee Party pursuant to paragraph 5.1.6) shall not extend to:

(a) the rights and liabilities (whether actual, contingent, accrued or otherwise) of a Party as at the Discontinuance Date (including, in the case of the expulsion of a Party, any accrued rights of each other Party in respect of the circumstances giving rise to such expulsion);

(b) any rights and liabilities (whether actual, contingent, accrued or otherwise) of a Party which may accrue pursuant to any Reconciliation Settlement Run or Extra Settlement Determination relating to any Settlement Day up to and including the last Settlement Day;

(c) the obligations of the Discontinuing Party under Section H4.2.

5.3.4 Save as provided in paragraph 5.3.2, the Framework Agreement and Code shall, upon the withdrawal, expulsion or exit by transfer (as the case may be) of any Party, remain in full force and effect and binding on each of the other Parties.

5.3.5 BSCCo shall, where possible before and in any event promptly upon the withdrawal, expulsion or exit by transfer of such Party, notify the same to:

(a) each other Party;

(b) each Panel Member;

(c) the Authority; and

(d) each BSC Agent.


Form of Accession Agreement

THIS ACCESSION AGREEMENT is made on [ ] between:

(1) [Insert name of person authorised under the BSC to sign the Accession Agreement on behalf of Parties] on its own behalf and on behalf of all the other parties to the BSC Framework Agreement (the "Authorised Person"); and

(2) [Insert name of person wishing to be admitted to the BSC] (the "Party Applicant") whose principal office is at [ ]


(A) By the BSC Framework Agreement dated [ ] made between the Original Parties named therein and as now in force between the Parties by virtue of any Accession Agreement entered into by any New Party before the date of this Accession Agreement (the "Framework Agreement"), the Parties agreed to give effect to and be bound by the BSC.

(B) The Party Applicant has complied with the requirements of the BSC as to accession and wishes to be admitted as a Party.


1. In this Accession Agreement, words and expression defined in or for the purposes of the Framework Agreement and not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed thereto under the Framework Agreement.

2. The Authorised Person (acting on its own behalf and on behalf of each of the other Parties) hereby admits the Party Applicant as an additional Party under the Framework Agreement with effect from the date of this Accession Agreement on the terms and conditions hereof.

3. The Party Applicant hereby accepts its admission as a Party and undertakes with the Authorised Person (acting on its own behalf and on behalf of each of the other Parties) to perform and to be bound by the Framework Agreement as a Party as from the date hereof.

4. For all purposes in connection with the Framework Agreement the Party Applicant shall as from the date hereof be treated as if it has been a signatory of the Framework Agreement from the date hereof, and as if this Accession Agreement were part of the Framework Agreement from the date hereof, and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be construed accordingly.

5. This Accession Agreement and the Framework Agreement shall be read and construed as one document and references (in or pursuant to the Framework Agreement) to the Framework Agreement (howsoever expressed) should be read and construed as reference to the Framework Agreement and this Accession Agreement.

6. If any provision of this Accession Agreement is or becomes invalid, unenforceable or illegal or is declared to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction or by any other Competent Authority (as defined in the BSC), such invalidity, unenforceability or illegality shall not prejudice or affect the remaining provisions of this Accession Agreement, which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the same.

7. This Accession Agreement may be executed in counterparts.

8. This Accession Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and the parties hereby submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales and the courts of Scotland only.

9. If the Party Applicant is not a company incorporated under the Companies Act 1985, as amended, it shall provide to the Authorised Person an address in Great Britain for service of process on its behalf in any proceedings; provided that if the Party Applicant fails at any time to provide such address, the Party Applicant shall be deemed to have appointed BSCCo (as defined in the BSC) as its agent to accept service of process on its behalf until and unless it provides to BSCCo an alternative address in Great Britain for these purposes.

AS WITNESS the hands of the duly authorised representatives of the parties hereto the day and year first above written.


Section A

Version 14.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Approval Date

Implementation Date






























P318 Self Governance


























1.1 Establishment and composition

1.1.1 There is hereby established a panel which shall be constituted in accordance with the further provisions of this Section B.

1.1.2 The Panel shall comprise the following members:

(a) the person appointed as chair of the Panel in accordance with paragraph 2.1;

(b) not more than five persons appointed by Trading Parties in accordance with paragraph 2.2;

(c) not more than two persons appointed by Citizens Advice or Consumer Scotland in accordance with paragraph 2.3;

(d) the person appointed by the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 2.4;

(e) not more than two persons appointed by the Panel Chair in accordance with paragraph 2.5; and

(f) the person appointed (if the Panel Chair so decides) by the Panel Chair in accordance with paragraph 2.6.

1.1.3 There shall be a secretary to the Panel who shall be a person nominated and provided by BSCCo and approved by the Panel in accordance with Section C3.2.

1.1.4 In this Section B:

(a) references to a person shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be construed as references to an individual; and

(b) references to appointing a person as a Panel Member include replacing or (subject to paragraph 2.7.6) reappointing such person upon their ceasing to hold office in accordance with paragraph 2.7.4.

1.2 Panel objectives

1.2.1 The Panel shall conduct its business under the Code with a view to achieving the following objectives:

(a) that the Code is given effect fully and promptly and in accordance with its terms;

(b) that the Code is given effect in such manner as will facilitate achievement of the objectives (so far as applicable to the manner in which the Code is given effect) set out in ConditionE1.13(a) to (c) of the ESO Licence, namely:

(i) the efficient discharge by the NETSO of the obligations imposed under the ESO Licence;

(ii) the efficient, economic and co-ordinated operation by the NETSO of the Transmission System, and

(iii) promoting effective competition in the generation and supply of electricity, and (so far as consistent therewith) promoting such competition in the sale and purchase (as defined in the ESO Licence) of electricity;

(c) that the Code is given effect without undue discrimination between Parties or classes of Party;

(d) consistent with the full and proper discharge of the functions and responsibilities of the Panel and BSCCo, that the Code is given effect as economically and efficiently as is reasonably practicable; and

(e) subject to the express provisions of the Code (including provisions as to confidentiality and including paragraph 1.2.2) and to any other duties of confidence owed to third parties, that there is transparency and openness in the conduct of the business of the Panel and BSCCo.

1.2.2 The objective set out in paragraph 1.2.1(e) applies save to the extent that to apply such objective would, in the Panel’s opinion, substantially prejudice the interests of all Parties collectively or of a class of Parties collectively.

1.2.3 Insofar as the Panel Chair or other individual Panel Members or the Panel Secretary have functions under the Code which they may or must carry out individually, the provisions of this paragraph 1.2 shall apply to the Panel Chair, other individual Panel Member or Panel Secretary (as the case may be), as if references to the Panel in this paragraph 1.2 were references to such person, to the extent those provisions are applicable to such function.

1.2.4 When the Panel is exercising its powers and carrying out its functions and responsibilities referred to in paragraphs 3.1.2 (i) and (l):

(a) paragraph 1.2 shall not apply; and

(b) in the context of Supplier Volume Allocation, the Panel shall have regard to the matters set out in Section Z5.1.4.


2.1 Appointment of Panel Chair

2.1.1 The Panel Chair shall be a person nominated, in consultation with the Board, by the Panel (which may follow such procedures as it shall determine for the selection of the person so nominated) and approved by the Authority.

2.1.2 Subject to paragraph 2.1.3, a person shall be appointed as Panel Chair where the Authority has given notice to the Panel Secretary of its approval, with effect from the later of the date specified in such notice and the date on which such notice is given.

2.1.3 A person shall not be appointed as Panel Chair until and unless that person has entered into an agreement in writing with BSCCo setting out terms as to their remuneration and benefits (determined in accordance with paragraph 2.11.3) and any related matters.

2.1.4 A person shall be removed from and shall cease to hold the office of Panel Chair:

(a) subject to paragraph 2.1.6 and 2.1.7, upon expiry of their term of office; or

(b) in the circumstances in paragraph 2.7.4(b) or 2.7.4(d).

2.1.5 The Panel Secretary shall send a copy of any notice under paragraph 2.1.2 to all Panel Members and all Parties promptly upon receiving such notice.

2.1.6 The term of office of the Panel Chair shall be three years from the date of their appointment, provided that this shall not prevent a person holding that office from re-appointment to that office.

2.1.7 If, at the expiry of the term of office or upon the resignation of a person appointed as Panel Chair, no other person has been appointed to that office, that person shall (if willing to do so) continue in office as Panel Chair until such time as another person is so appointed.

2.2 Appointment of Panel Members by Trading Parties

2.2.1 Trading Parties may appoint up to five persons as Panel Members by election in accordance with Annex B-2.

2.3 Appointment of Panel Members by Citizens Advice or Consumer Scotland

2.3.1 Citizens Advice and Consumer Scotland may appoint two persons as Panel Members (to be determined as between themselves), by giving notice of each such appointment to the Panel Secretary.

2.4 Appointment of a Panel Member by the NETSO

2.4.1 The NETSO shall appoint a person as a Panel Member, by giving notice of such appointment to the Panel Secretary.

2.5 Appointment of Panel Members by the Panel Chair

2.5.1 Subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 2.5, the Panel Chair shall appoint two persons as Panel Members, by giving notice of each such appointment to the Panel Secretary.

2.5.2 A person shall not be appointed as Panel Member under paragraph 2.5.1 unless they satisfy the requirements as to independence in paragraph 2.5.3, and shall be removed from such office (by notice given by the Panel Secretary) if at any time the Panel Chair determines (after consultation with other Panel Members) that they have ceased to satisfy those requirements.

2.5.3 The requirements are that:

(a) such person is not, and no Related Person (in relation to such person) is, nor has such person or any such Related Person been at any time in the period of 1 year before the proposed appointment:

(i) a Party; and/or

(ii) a person who participates in the transmission of electricity, generates, supplies or distributes electricity in any part of Great Britain under licence or exemption; and/or

(iii) a BSC Agent or a Market Index Data Provider; and

(b) in the opinion of the Panel Chair, such person has no other interests which would conflict with their independence as a Panel Member.

2.5.4 The Panel Chair will consult with the Panel before appointing any person as Panel Member pursuant to paragraph 2.5.1.

2.6 Appointment of further industry member

2.6.1 If, at any time at which no person is appointed as Panel Member pursuant to this paragraph 2.6, in the opinion of the Panel Chair:

(a) there is any class or category (by type of Plant or Apparatus or otherwise) of person generating or supplying electricity in Great Britain and/or Offshore, whose members (as such a class or category):

(i) are exempt from the requirement to hold a Licence; and

(ii) have interests in respect of the Code; and

(b) those interests:

(i) are not reflected in the composition of Panel Members for the time being appointed, but

(ii) would be so reflected if a particular person were appointed as an additional Panel Member

then the Panel Chair may appoint that person as a Panel Member by giving notice of such appointment to the Panel Secretary.

2.6.2 If at any time:

(a) the Panel Chair has decided not to appoint an additional Panel Member pursuant to paragraph 2.6.1, but

(b) in their opinion, there are Trading Parties of a particular class and/or participation capacity, whose interests are not reflected in the composition of Panel Members for the time being appointed, but would be so reflected if a particular person were appointed as an additional Panel Member

then the Panel Chair may appoint that person as a Panel Member by giving notice of such appointment to the Panel Secretary.

2.6.3 Nothing in paragraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6.2 shall require the Panel Chair to exercise their power to appoint another Panel Member, nor constrain or limit their discretion in doing so if in their opinion there is more than one class or category of person satisfying the conditions in paragraph 2.6.1.

2.6.4 The Panel Chair may consult as they see fit before appointing a person as a Panel Member pursuant to this paragraph 2.6.

2.6.5 A person appointed as a Panel Member pursuant to this paragraph 2.6 shall remain so appointed, subject to paragraph 2.7, notwithstanding that the conditions (in paragraph 2.6.1 or 2.6.2) by virtue of which they were appointed may cease to be satisfied.

2.7 Term of office, and removal from office, of Panel Members

2.7.1 Subject to paragraph 2.8.2, a person appointed or re-appointed by a notice under paragraph 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6 shall be appointed as a Panel Member with effect from:

(i) the day following the next retirement day (as defined in paragraph 2.7.3), or

(ii) if earlier, the date with effect from which an existing relevant Panel Member ceases to hold office pursuant to paragraph 2.7.4(b), (c) or (d), or

(iii) where at the time at which the notice is given the office of a relevant Panel Member is vacant, the later of the date specified in the notice and the date when the notice is given;

for the purposes of which a "relevant" Panel Member is a Panel Member appointed under paragraph 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 or 2.6 respectively.

        1. A person elected pursuant to Annex B-2 shall be appointed as a Panel Member with effect from:

(a) in a case in paragraph 1.1.2(a) of that Annex, 1st October in the election year;

(b) in a case in paragraph 1.1.2(b) of that Annex, the date of BSCCo’s announcement under paragraph 4 thereof.

2.7.3 The term of office of a Panel Member (other than the Panel Chair) shall be a period expiring on the next retirement day (a "retirement day" being 30th September in every second year following the year 2000) following their appointment; provided that a Panel Member whose term of office has expired or is to expire shall be eligible for re-appointment.

2.7.4 A person shall cease to hold office as a Panel Member:

(a) upon expiry of their term of office, unless re-appointed;

(b) if:

(i) they resign their office by notice delivered to the Panel Secretary;

(ii) they become bankrupt or make any arrangement or composition with their creditor generally;

(iii) they are or may be suffering from mental disorder and either they are admitted to hospital in pursuance of an application under the Mental Health Act 1983 or an order is made by a court having jurisdiction in matters concerning mental disorder for their detention or for the appointment of a receiver, curator bonis or other person with respect to their property or affairs;

(iv) they become prohibited by law from being a director of a company under the Companies Act 2006;

(v) they die;

(vi) they are convicted of an indictable offence;

(c) if they are removed from office in accordance with any provision of this paragraph 2; or

(d) if the Panel resolves (and the Authority does not veto such resolution by notice in writing to the Panel Secretary) that they should cease to hold office on grounds of their serious misconduct.

2.7.5 A Panel resolution under paragraph 2.7.4(d) shall, notwithstanding paragraphs 4.3.2 and 4.4.3, require the vote in favour of at least all Panel Members (other than the Panel Member who is the subject of such resolution) less one Panel Member and, for these purposes, an abstention shall count as a vote cast in favour of the resolution.

2.7.6 A person shall not qualify for appointment as a Panel Member if at the time of the proposed appointment they would be required by paragraph 2.7.4(b) to cease to hold that office.

2.7.7 The Panel Secretary shall give prompt notice to all Panel Members, all Parties and the Authority of the appointment or re-appointment of any Panel Member or of any Panel Member ceasing to hold office.

2.8 Duties of Panel Members

2.8.1 A person appointed as Panel Member, when acting in that capacity:

(a) shall act impartially and in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1; and

(b) shall not be representative of, and shall act without undue regard to the particular interests of:

(i) the body or person or persons by whom they were appointed as Panel Member; and

(ii) any Related Person from time to time.

2.8.2 A person shall not be appointed as a Panel Member unless they shall have first:

(a) confirmed in writing to BSCCo for the benefit of all Parties that they agree to act as a Panel Member in accordance with the Code and acknowledge the requirements of paragraphs 2.8.1 and 2.8.3; and

(b) where that person is employed, provided to the Panel Secretary a letter from their employer agreeing that they may act as Panel Member, and that the requirement in paragraph 2.8.1(b) shall prevail over their duties as an employee.

2.8.3 A Panel Member shall, at the time of appointment and upon any change in such interests, disclose (in writing) to the Panel Secretary any such interests (in relation to the Code) as are referred to in paragraph 2.8.1(b).

2.8.4 Upon a change in employment of a Panel Member, that person shall so notify the Panel Secretary and shall endeavour to obtain from their new employer and provide to the Panel Secretary a letter in the terms required in paragraph 2.8.2(b); and they shall be removed from office if they do not do so within a period of sixty days after such change in employment.

2.9 Indemnity of and protections for Panel Members and others

2.9.1 BSCCo shall indemnify and keep indemnified each of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.9.2 (each such person an "indemnity beneficiary") in respect of all costs (including legal costs), expenses, damages and other liabilities properly incurred or suffered by such person when acting in or in connection with their office under the Code, or in what such person in good faith believes to be the proper exercise and discharge of the powers, duties, functions and discretions of that office in accordance with the Code, and all claims, demands and proceedings in connection therewith, other than:

(a) any such costs or expenses in respect of which such person is reimbursed pursuant to paragraph 2.11;

(b) any such costs, expenses, damages or other liabilities incurred or suffered as a result of the wilful default or bad faith of such person.

2.9.2 The persons referred to in paragraph 2.9.1 are each Panel Member, the Panel Secretary, any member of any Panel Committee, the secretary of any Panel Committee, the Modification Secretary and each member of a Workgroup, together with their alternates (where such alternates are permitted to be appointed and are appointed in accordance with the Code).

2.9.3 BSCCo shall enter into and deliver to each Panel Member and, on request, each other indemnity beneficiary a deed of indemnity in the terms in paragraph 2.9.1.

2.9.4 The Parties agree that no indemnity beneficiary shall be liable for anything done when acting properly in or in connection with their office under the Code, or anything done in what that person in good faith believes to be the proper exercise and discharge of the powers, duties, functions and discretions of that office in accordance with the Code; and each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waives any such liability of any indemnity beneficiary, and any rights, remedies and claims against any indemnity beneficiary in respect thereof.

2.9.5 BSCCo acknowledges and agrees that it holds the benefit of paragraph 2.9.4 as trustee and agent for each indemnity beneficiary.

2.9.6 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.9.1, nothing in paragraph 2.9.4 shall exclude or limit the liability of an indemnity beneficiary for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of such indemnity beneficiary.

2.10 Alternates

2.10.1 It is expected that Panel Members will make themselves available to conduct the business of the Panel; but where the Panel Chair (on the application of the Panel Member) accepts that particular circumstances warrant such appointment, a Panel Member (other than the Panel Chair) may, subject to paragraph 2.10.2, appoint a person (whether or not a Panel Member) to be their alternate (provided the person to be appointed has not already been appointed by another Panel Member), and may remove a person so appointed as alternate, by giving notice of such appointment or removal to the Panel Secretary.

2.10.2 Paragraph 2.8.2 shall apply in respect of the appointment of an alternate as though references in that paragraph to a Panel Member were to such alternate.

2.10.3 In the case of an alternate appointed by a Panel Member who is appointed under paragraph 2.5, the provisions of paragraphs 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 shall apply to such alternate as though references in those paragraphs to a Panel Member were to such alternate.

2.10.4 The appointment or removal by a Panel Member of an alternate shall be effective with effect from the later of the time specified in such notice and the time when such notice is given.

2.10.5 The Panel Secretary shall promptly notify all Panel Members of the appointment or removal by any Panel Member of any alternate.

2.10.6 Where a Panel Member has appointed an alternate:

(a) the alternate shall be entitled:

(i) unless the appointing Panel Member shall otherwise notify the Panel Secretary, to receive notices of meetings of the Panel;

(ii) to attend, speak and vote at any meeting of the Panel at which the Panel Member by whom they were appointed is not present, and at such meeting to exercise and discharge all of the functions, duties and powers of such Panel Member;

(b) the alternate shall cast one vote for the Panel Member by whom they were appointed, in addition (where they are a Panel Member ) to their own vote;

(c) the provisions of paragraph 4 shall apply as if they were a Panel Member in relation to any meeting at which they attend;

(d) the alternate shall only stand as an appointed alternate for one Panel Member at a given meeting for which they were appointed as an alternate.

2.10.7 A person appointed as alternate shall automatically cease to be an alternate:

(a) if the appointing Panel Member ceases to be a Panel Member;

(b) if any of the circumstances in paragraph 2.7.4(b) applies in relation to such person;

(c) if the Panel resolves, in accordance with the provisions mutatis mutandis of paragraph 2.7.4(d), that such person should cease to be an alternate.

2.10.8 A reference in the Code to a Panel Member shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include their duly appointed alternate.

2.11 Expenses, remuneration and facilities

2.11.1 Each Panel Member shall be entitled to be reimbursed by BSCCo for the reasonable costs and expenses (including travel and accommodation costs) properly incurred by such Panel Member in attending meetings of or otherwise in the conduct of the business of the Panel.

2.11.2 Where so agreed by the Panel, any member of a Panel Committee who is not employed or engaged by BSCCo shall be entitled to be reimbursed by BSCCo for the reasonable costs and expenses (including travel and accommodation costs) properly incurred by such person in attending meetings of or otherwise in the conduct of the business of such Panel Committee.

2.11.3 In addition to reimbursement under paragraph 2.11.1, the Panel Chair shall be entitled to be paid by BSCCo such remuneration and benefits as may be or have been determined by the Panel (excluding the Panel Chair ).

2.11.4 In addition to reimbursement under paragraph 2.11.1, any Panel Member appointed under paragraph 2.5 shall be entitled to be paid by BSCCo such remuneration and benefits as may be determined by the Panel Chair after consultation with the Panel.

2.11.5 Any remuneration or benefits awarded to the Panel Chair under paragraph 2.11.3 or to a Panel Member under paragraph 2.11.4 shall be disclosed in the Annual BSC Report.

2.11.6 Except as provided in paragraphs 2.11.2, 2.11.3 and 2.11.4, no Panel Member shall be entitled under the Code to be paid any remuneration or benefits other than their costs and expenses in accordance with paragraph 2.11.1.

2.11.7 The Panel Secretary and the Modification Secretary shall not be entitled to remuneration in those capacities respectively, but without prejudice to the terms on which the Panel Secretary and the Modification Secretary are employed or procured by BSCCo.

2.11.8 Where the Panel Chair and the BSCCo Chair are the same person, the Panel and the Board may (but shall not be required to) agree joint arrangements for the remuneration of that person.

2.12 Representative of Authority

2.12.1 A representative of the Authority shall be entitled to attend and speak at any meeting of the Panel, and to receive notice of any such meeting, but such representative shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings and shall not be a Panel Member.

2.13 Representative of Distribution System Operators

2.13.1 A person appointed (in accordance with paragraph 2.13.2) by a distribution-representative body shall be entitled to attend and speak at any meeting of the Panel, and to receive notice of any such meeting, but such person shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings and shall not be a Panel Member.

2.13.2 A person shall be appointed or removed for the purposes of paragraph 2.13.1, where the Panel Secretary has received notice of such appointment or removal from such distribution-representative body, with effect from the later of the date of such appointment or removal specified in such notice and the date on which such notice is given, provided (in the case of an appointment) that no other person is or remains so appointed at such date.

2.13.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.13, a distribution-representative body is a body approved (for such purposes) by the Authority as representing the interests of Distribution System Operators collectively.

2.14 Chief Executive of BSCCo

2.14.1 The Chief Executive of BSCCo shall be entitled to (and, if requested to do so by the Panel Chair, shall be required to) attend and speak at any meeting of the Panel, and to receive notice of any such meeting, but shall not be entitled to vote at such meetings and shall not be a Panel Member.

2.15 Deputy Panel Chair

2.15.1 The Panel Chair may after consulting with the Authority appoint to act as Deputy Panel Chair one of the Panel Members appointed under paragraph 2.5.

2.15.2 A person appointed as Deputy Panel Chair shall (if present) act as Panel Chair of any meeting of the Panel at which the Panel Chair is not present, and subject to paragraph 2.15.3 may at such a meeting (and if the Panel Chair so decides, in other circumstances in which the Panel Chair is not available to do so) exercise such of the powers and functions of the Panel Chair as the Panel Chair may from time to time (by notice to all Panel Members) determine.

2.15.3 The Deputy Panel Chair shall not exercise the power:

(a) to appoint Panel Members under paragraph 2.5 or 2.6; or

(b) to determine the remuneration of Panel Members under paragraph 2.11.4.


3.1 General

3.1.1 The Panel shall have the powers, functions and responsibilities provided in the Code and any Code Subsidiary Document.

3.1.2 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.1, the powers, functions and responsibilities of the Panel shall include the following:

(a) deciding (subject to a reference to or approval of the Authority, as provided in the Code) on the expulsion or suspension of the rights of any Party pursuant to and in accordance with Section H3.2;

(b) implementing or supervising the implementation of the procedures for modification of the Code in Section F;

(c) establishing arrangements for the resolution of Trading Disputes in accordance with Section W;

(d) determining values for parameters (to be applied in the Code) as may be required of the Panel in accordance with any provision of the Code;

(e) adopting and from time to time revising Code Subsidiary Documents in accordance with Section F3;

(f) taking steps to ensure that the Code is given effect in accordance with its terms, and (but only where expressly so provided in the Code) taking steps to ensure compliance by Parties with the provisions of the Code;

(g) providing or arranging for the provision of reports and other information to the Authority in accordance with the further provisions of the Code;

(h) not used;

(i) deciding matters which (pursuant to any provision of the Code providing for such referral) are referred to it following any decision or determination of BSCCo or a BSC Agent;

(j) setting the terms of reference for the BSC Auditor under Section H5 and considering the BSC Audit Report;

(k) if requested by the Authority, conveying any direction or request of the Authority to any Party, BSCCo, the BSC Auditor or any BSC Agent;

(l) preparing, considering, recommending changes (if necessary) and approving documents relating to performance assurance in accordance with Section Z and hearing and determining any Risk Management Determination Appeals; and

(m) approving or rejecting applications for transfer of a Party’s Accession Agreement and BSC Party ID in accordance with Section A;

(n) implementing or supervising the implementation of the procedures for BSC Sandbox Applications and monitoring BSC Derogations in accordance with Section H10; and

(o) providing to the Smart Energy Code Panel such information, support and assistance as it may reasonably request for the purposes of exercising its function of making a determination under either Section L3.29 or Section L.3.30 of the Smart Energy Code, and providing to the Authority such information, support and assistance as it may reasonably request for the purposes of exercising its function of deciding any appeal brought under Section L3.33 of the Smart Energy Code.

3.1.2A Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, the Panel may establish arrangements for resolving disputes pursuant to regulation 14(7) of the Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011 and regulations 14(1) to 14(5) shall apply to such arrangements with the modifications that references to an appeal shall be treated as references to a dispute and references to the Secretary of State shall be treated as references to the person appointed to resolve the dispute.

3.1.2B Where the Panel establishes a Panel Committee to resolve disputes pursuant to regulation 14(7) of the Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011 the provisions of paragraph 5 shall apply to the Panel Committee save for the application of paragraph 1.2 and for the purposes of paragraph 5.5 a decision of such a Panel Committee shall be binding on all Parties.

3.1.3 The Panel may do anything necessary for or reasonably incidental to the discharge of the functions and responsibilities assigned to it in the Code.

3.2 Particular powers

3.2.1 Without prejudice to paragraphs 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, the Panel shall have the power:

(a) to decide any matter which, under any provision of the Code, is or may be referred to the Panel for decision;

(b) to establish Panel Committees in accordance with paragraph 5, and (subject to paragraph 5) to delegate any of the Panel's powers, functions and responsibilities to any such Panel Committee.

3.3 Provisions relating to data

3.3.1 The Panel (and, unless otherwise provided in its terms of reference, any Panel Committee) may use and disclose such data as it sees fit, whether provided by or on behalf of Parties or otherwise obtained under the Code, for the purposes of discharging its functions and duties under the Code in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.2, but only for those purposes, and subject to paragraph 3.3.3.

3.3.2 Not used.

3.3.3 Where the Panel is intending (pursuant to paragraph 3.3.1) to disclose data obtained under the Code, the provisions of Section H11 shall apply and accordingly:

(a) the Panel shall instruct BSCCo to perform the steps set out in Section H11 and:

(b) the provisions of Section H11 shall apply mutais mutandis (as if references to the BCB were references to the Panel).

3.3.4 Not used.

3.3.5 Not used.

3.3.6 Not used.

3.3.7 The provisions of paragraphs 3.3.3 and 3.3.9 shall not apply to the disclosure of data:

(a) to the Authority, BSCCo, any Panel Committee or (to the extent necessary for the purposes of the Code) any BSC Agent; or

(b) where the data is in the public domain; or

(c) where the Panel is required or permitted to disclose such data in compliance with any Legal Requirement; or

(d) where the disclosure of such data is expressly required under the Code.

3.3.8 In relation to any matter falling within the remit of the Performance Assurance Board or the Trading Disputes Committee, no data relating to the affairs of a Party and/or a Qualified Person which might reasonably be considered to be commercially sensitive shall be disclosed save as:

(a) expressly provided by the Code; or

(b) necessary to perform the functions and duties of the Performance Assurance Board or the Trading Disputes Committee respectively in accordance with the Code; or

(c) agreed by that Party or Qualified Person; or

(d) has been assessed and disclosed in accordance with the procedures and criteria set out in Section H11 with such mitigation options having been implemented as may be appropriate having regard to the sensitivity of the data.

3.3.9 In relation to the release Trading Data which, for the purposes of Section V, may only be provided to a "Relevant" Party (as defined in Section V), such data may only be released in a form in which it cannot reasonably be identified as relating to that Party.

3.4 Performance Assurance Board

3.4.1 The Panel shall establish a Panel Committee to act as the Performance Assurance Board and the provisions of Section Z shall apply.

3.5 Claims Committee

3.5.1 The Panel may establish a Panel Committee or Committees to be called the "Claims Committee(s)", from time to time, in accordance with paragraph 5 to determine applications for compensation made pursuant to Sections G3 and G5.

3.6 Generation Curtailment Validation Committee

3.6.1 The Panel may establish a Panel Committee or Committees to be called the " Generation Curtailment Validation Committee(s)", from time to time, in accordance with paragraph 5 to validate Trading Charges relating to Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptances pursuant to Section G6.


4.1 Meetings

4.1.1 Meetings of the Panel shall be held at regular intervals and (subject to paragraph 4.1.2) at least every month at such time and such place as the Panel shall decide.

4.1.2 A regular meeting of the Panel may be cancelled if:

(a) the Panel Chair determines that there is no business for the Panel to conduct, and requests the Panel Secretary to cancel the meeting;

(b) the Panel Secretary notifies all Panel Members, not less than five days before the date for which the meeting is or is to be convened, of the proposal to cancel the meeting, and

(c) by the time three days before the date for which the meeting is or is to be convened, no Panel Member has notified the Panel Secretary that they object to such cancellation.

4.1.3 At the request of the Panel Chair or Modification Secretary, the Panel Secretary will convene a meeting of the Panel, before the next regular meeting, in order to transact any Modification Business.

4.1.4 If (at the request of any Panel Member or otherwise) the Panel Chair wishes to hold a special meeting (in addition to regular meetings under paragraph 4.1.1 and any meeting under paragraph 4.1.3) of the Panel:

(a) the Panel Chair shall request the Panel Secretary to convene such a meeting and inform the Panel Secretary of the matters to be discussed at the meeting;

(b) the Panel Secretary shall promptly convene the special meeting for a day as soon as practicable but not less than five days after such request.

4.1.5 Any meeting of the Panel shall be convened by the Panel Secretary by notice to each Panel Member:

(a) setting out the date, time and place of the meeting and (unless the Panel has otherwise decided) given at least five days before the date of the meeting, and

(b) accompanied by an agenda of the matters for consideration at the meeting and any supporting papers available to the Panel Secretary at the time the notice is given (and the Panel Secretary shall circulate to Panel Members any late papers as and when they receive them).

4.1.6 Subject to paragraph 4.1.13, the Panel Secretary shall send a copy of the notice convening a meeting of the Panel, and the agenda and papers accompanying the notice (and any late papers), to the following persons, at the same time at which the notice is given to Panel Members:

(a) the Authority’s appointed representative;

(b) each Party;

(c) any alternate of any Panel Member entitled to receive the same pursuant to paragraph 2.10.6(a)(i);

(d) any person appointed by a distribution-representative body in accordance with paragraph 2.13;

(e) any other person entitled to receive the same pursuant to any provision of the Code.

4.1.7 Where the Panel Secretary considers that any BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider is or may be required to attend a meeting of the Panel, the Panel Secretary shall send to that BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider a copy of the notice convening the meeting, and such part of the agenda and such accompanying papers as in the Panel Secretary’s opinion concern that BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider, at the same time at which the notice is given to Panel Members; provided that nothing herein creates any entitlement of any BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider to receive such notice or papers or to attend such meeting.

4.1.8 Any Panel Member may notify matters for consideration at a meeting of the Panel, in addition to those notified by the Panel Secretary under paragraph 4.1.5, by notice to all Panel Members and persons entitled to receive notice under paragraph 4.1.6, not less than three days before the date of the meeting.

4.1.9 The proceedings of a meeting of the Panel shall not be invalidated by the accidental omission to give or send notice of the meeting or a copy thereof or any of the accompanying agenda or papers to, or any failure to receive the same by, any person entitled to receive such notice, copy, agenda or paper.

4.1.10 With the consent of all Panel Members (whether obtained before, at or after any such meeting) the requirements of this paragraph 4.1 as to the manner in and notice on which a meeting of the Panel is convened may be waived or modified; provided that no meeting of the Panel shall be held unless notice of the meeting and its agenda has been sent to the persons entitled to receive the same under paragraph 4.1.6 at least twenty four hours before the time of the meeting.

4.1.11 Subject to paragraph 4.1.12, no matter shall be resolved at a meeting of the Panel unless such matter was contained in the agenda accompanying the Panel Secretary's notice under paragraph 4.1.5 or was notified in accordance with paragraph 4.1.8.

4.1.12 Where:

(a) any other matter (not contained in the agenda or so notified) is put before a meeting of the Panel, and

(b) in the opinion of the Panel it is necessary (in view of the urgency of the matter) that the Panel resolve upon such matter at the meeting

the Panel may so resolve upon such matter, and the Panel shall also determine at such meeting whether the decision of the Panel in relation to such matter should stand until the next following meeting of the Panel, in which case (at such next following meeting) the decision shall be reviewed and confirmed or (but not with effect earlier than that meeting, and only so far as the consequences of such revocation do not make implementation of the Code or compliance by Parties with it impracticable) revoked.

4.1.13 If the Panel Secretary considers that it may not be appropriate (having regard to the principles set out in paragraph 3.3) for the agenda for any meeting of the Panel or any accompanying paper to be sent to any class of person (not including the Authority nor any alternate of a Panel Member) under paragraph 4.1.6 or to be made available to third parties on request as provided in Section H4.9:

(a) such agenda or paper shall not be sent to persons of such class or made available, on request, to third parties at the time at which it is sent to Panel Members;

(b) the Panel shall consider at the meeting whether it is appropriate (having regard to the principles set out in paragraph 3.3) for such agenda or paper so to be sent or made available;

(c) unless the Panel decides that it is not appropriate, such agenda or paper shall be sent to persons of such class or (as the case may be) made available to third parties on request promptly following the meeting.

4.2 Proceedings at meetings

4.2.1 Subject as expressly provided in the Code, the Panel may regulate the conduct of and adjourn and reconvene its meetings as it sees fit.

4.2.2 Subject to paragraphs 4.2.3 and 4.2.4, the Panel Chair shall preside as chair of every meeting of the Panel.

4.2.3 If the Panel Chair is unable to attend a meeting:

(a) the Deputy Panel Chair (if appointed) shall act as chair of the meeting;

(b) if the Deputy Panel Chair is unable to attend the meeting or no Deputy Panel Chair is appointed, the Panel Chair shall nominate another Panel Member to act as chair of the meeting.

4.2.4 If the Panel Chair or Deputy Panel Chair or a nominee under paragraph 4.2.3 is not present within thirty minutes after the time for which a Panel Meeting has been convened (and provided the Panel Chair or Deputy Panel Chair or nominee, as the case may be, has not notified the Panel Secretary that they have been delayed and are expected to arrive within a reasonable time), the Panel Members present may appoint one of their number to be chair of the meeting.

4.2.5 As soon as practicable after each meeting of the Panel, the Panel Secretary shall prepare and send to Panel Members the minutes of such meeting, which shall be approved (or amended and approved) at the next meeting of the Panel after they were so sent, and when approved the minutes (excluding any matter which the Panel decided was not appropriate for such publication, having regard to the principles set out in paragraph 3.3) shall be placed on the BSC Website.

4.3 Quorum

4.3.1 No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Panel unless a quorum is in attendance at the meeting.

4.3.2 Subject to paragraph 4.3.3, a quorum shall be such number of Panel Members or alternates in attendance (in person or via telephone conference call or other similar means) as constitutes more than fifty (50) per cent (%) of all Panel Members.

4.3.3 If within thirty minutes after the time for which a Panel meeting has been convened a quorum is not present (and provided the Panel Secretary has not been notified by Panel Members that they have been delayed and are expected to arrive within a reasonable time):

(a) the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day in the following week at the same time;

(b) the Panel Secretary shall give notice of the adjourned meeting as far as practicable in accordance with paragraph 4.1.5, 4.1.6 and 4.1.7;

(c) at the adjourned meeting, if there is not a quorum present within thirty minutes after the time for which the meeting was convened, those present shall be a quorum.

4.4 Voting

4.4.1 At any meeting of the Panel any matter to be decided shall be put to a vote of Panel Members upon the request of the chair of the meeting or of any Panel Member.

4.4.2 Subject to paragraphs 2.10.6(b), 4.4.4 and 4.4.5, in deciding any matter at any meeting of the Panel each Panel Member shall cast one vote.

4.4.3 Except as otherwise expressly provided in the Code, any matter to be decided at any meeting of the Panel shall be decided by simple majority of the votes cast at the meeting (and an abstention shall not be counted as a cast vote).

4.4.4 The Panel Chair shall not cast a vote as a Panel Member but shall have a casting vote on any matter where votes are otherwise cast equally in favour of and against the relevant motion; provided that where any person other than the Panel Chair is chair of a Panel meeting they shall not have a casting vote.

4.4.5 The Panel Member appointed by the NETSO shall not cast a vote in relation to any decision to be taken pursuant to Section F in relation to any Modification Proposal.

4.4.6 A resolution in writing signed by or on behalf of all of the Panel Members entitled to vote in respect of the matter the subject of the resolution shall be valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a duly convened and quorate meeting of the Panel; and such a resolution may consist of several instruments in like form each signed by or on behalf of one or more Panel Members.

4.4.7 Where the Panel Chair considers it appropriate a meeting of the Panel may be validly held by telephone conference call (or other similar means) where all the Panel members present at such meeting can speak to and hear each other; and any decision taken at such meeting shall be validly taken provided that:

(a) the provisions of this paragraph 4 have otherwise been complied with; and

(b) Not used

4.5 Attendance by other persons

4.5.1 Subject to paragraph 4.5.2, any meeting of the Panel or of any Panel Committee shall be open to attendance by a representative of any Party and any other person entitled to receive notice of Panel Meetings under paragraph 4.1.6; and any person so attending such a meeting may speak if invited to do so by the chair of the meeting, but shall not vote at the meeting.

4.5.2 Paragraph 4.5.1 shall not apply:

(a) to meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee or those meetings of the Performance Assurance Board as stated in Section Z, or to any meeting or part of a meeting of the Panel at which a matter referred and/or appealed to the Panel pursuant to Section W3.5.1 and/or Section Z6.3 (respectively) is to be considered; and

(b) to any other meeting or part of a meeting of the Panel or a Panel Committee at which any particular matter (not including any Modification Business, but without prejudice to paragraph 4.6.1(e)) is to be considered, where the chair of the meeting considers that it is not appropriate (having regard to the principles set out in paragraph 3.3, or on the grounds of commercial sensitivity in relation to any person which is not a Party) for such matter to be considered in open session;

4.5.3 The chair of a meeting of the Panel or Panel Committee may invite any person to attend all or any part of the meeting, and may invite any person attending the meeting to speak at the meeting.

4.6 Urgent Modification Proposals

4.6.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the preceding provisions of this paragraph 4, in relation to any Modification Business involving an Urgent Modification Proposal (or a Modification Proposal which the Proposer or BSCCo and/or the NETSO recommend should be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal):

(a) the Panel Chair shall determine the time by which, in their opinion, a decision of the Panel is required in relation to such matter, having regard to the degree of urgency in all the circumstances, and references in this paragraph 4.6 to the 'time available' shall mean the time available, based on any such determination of the Panel Chair;

(b) the Panel Secretary shall, at the request of the Panel Chair, convene a meeting or meetings (including meetings by telephone conference call, where appropriate) of the Panel in such manner and on such notice as the Panel Chair considers appropriate, and such that, where practicable within the time available, as many Panel Members as possible may attend;

(c) each Panel Member shall be deemed to have consented, for the purposes of paragraph 4.1.10, to the convening of such meeting(s) in the manner and on the notice determined by the Panel Chair;

(d) paragraph 4.1.11 shall not apply to any such Modification Business;

(e) any such meeting of the Panel may be in closed session if the Panel Chair considers that it is not reasonably practicable or appropriate in all the circumstances to hold such meetings in open session;

(f) where:

(i) it becomes apparent, in seeking to convene a Panel meeting within the time available, that a quorum will not be present; or

(ii) it transpires that the Panel meeting is not quorate and it is not possible to rearrange such meeting within the time available,

the Panel Chair shall endeavour to contact each Panel Member individually in order to ascertain such Panel Member's vote, and (subject to paragraph (g)) any matter to be decided shall be decided by a majority of those Panel Members who so cast a vote;

(g) where the Panel Chair is unable to contact at least 4 Panel Members within the time available, the Panel Chair may decide the matter (in consultation with the NETSO and with those Panel Members (if any) who have been contacted by the Panel Chair) provided that the Panel Chair shall include details in the relevant Modification Report of the steps they took to contact other Panel Members first.

4.6.2 The measures to be undertaken by the Panel Chair under paragraph 4.6.1 shall be undertaken by the Deputy Panel Chair in the absence of the Panel Chair, and in the absence of both of them by a Panel Member nominated for the purpose by the Panel Chair after consultation with the Authority.

4.7 Urgent Panel Meetings

4.7.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the preceding provisions of this paragraph 4, if any matter (not being Modification Business) arises which, in the Panel Chair’s opinion is of a sufficiently urgent nature as to require a decision of the Panel earlier than may be possible under paragraph 4.1.10:

(a) the Panel Chair shall determine the time by which, in their opinion, a decision of the Panel is required in relation to such matter, having regard to the degree of urgency in all the circumstances, and references in this paragraph 4.7 to the 'time available' shall mean the time available, based on any such determination of the Panel Chair;

(b) the Panel Secretary shall, at the request of the Panel Chair, convene a meeting or meetings (including meetings by telephone conference call, where appropriate) of the Panel in such manner and on such notice (but in any event not less than one hours notice) as the Panel Chair considers appropriate, and such that, where practicable within the time available, as many Panel Members as possible may attend;

(c) each Panel Member shall be deemed to have consented, for the purposes of paragraph 4.1.10, to the convening of such meeting(s) in the manner and on the notice determined by the Panel Chair.


5.1 Establishment

5.1.1 Subject to paragraph 5.1.4, the Panel may establish committees for the purposes of doing or assisting the Panel in doing anything to be done by the Panel pursuant to the Code, and may decide that any such committee (other than one whose establishment is expressly provided for in the Code) shall cease to be established.

5.1.2 A Panel Committee may be established on a standing basis or for a fixed period or a finite purpose or otherwise as expressly provided by the Code.

5.1.3 Subject to paragraph 5.1.6, the Panel may delegate to any Panel Committee any of the powers, responsibilities and functions of the Panel.

5.1.4 A Panel Committee shall not further delegate to any person any of its powers, responsibilities and functions unless the Code or the Panel expressly permits such delegation, and then only to the extent so permitted.

5.1.5 The Panel shall establish a Trading Disputes Committee in accordance with Section W; and the provisions of Section W as to the Trading Disputes Committee shall prevail over, so far as in conflict or inconsistent with, those of this paragraph 5.

5.1.6 The Panel may not establish Panel Committees for the purpose of the discharge of the functions of the Panel under Section F in relation to Code Modifications (but without prejudice to the provisions of that Section as to Workgroups), and the provisions of this paragraph 5 shall not apply in relation to those functions.

5.1.7 The Panel shall establish a Panel Committee to act as the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service Change Board (the "BCB") in respect of which the provisions of this paragraph 5 shall apply except that, in relation to the BCB’s functions and duties in relation to BSC Data, the provisions of Section H11 shall apply.

5.2 Membership

5.2.1 Any Panel Committee shall be composed of such persons of suitable experience and qualifications as the Panel shall decide (having regard to its duties under paragraph 1.2) and as shall be willing to serve thereon.

5.2.2 The members of a Panel Committee may include inter alia any Panel Member, an employee or other nominee of any Party, and any employee of BSCCo.

5.2.3 It is expected that each Party shall, to a reasonable level, make available suitably qualified personnel to act as members from time to time of Panel Committees.

5.2.4 The Authority shall be entitled to receive notice of, and to appoint one or more representatives to attend and speak, but not to vote, at any meeting of any Panel Committee.

5.3 Duties and terms of reference of Panel Committees

5.3.1 Paragraph 1.2 shall apply in relation to any Panel Committee as it applies in relation to the Panel, and paragraph 2.8.1 shall apply in relation to each member of any Panel Committee; and the Panel may (but shall not be required to) obtain confirmation from any member of a Panel Committee and/or the employer of any such member in terms equivalent to those required by paragraph 2.8.2(a) and (b) respectively.

5.3.2 The Panel shall provide written terms of reference to each Panel Committee and may modify such terms of reference as the Panel shall determine (unless such terms of reference are prescribed in the Code).

5.4 Proceedings of Panel Committees

5.4.1 The Panel may prescribe the manner in which the proceedings and business of any Panel Committee shall be conducted, including any matter which is provided for (in relation to the Panel) in paragraph 4; but the Panel may prescribe that any such matter shall be determined by the Panel Committee itself.

5.4.2 To the extent to which the Panel does not prescribe (in accordance with paragraph 5.4.1) the manner in which the proceedings and business of any Panel Committee shall be conducted, the provisions of paragraph 4 (other than paragraphs 4.1.1 to 4.1.4 (inclusive), 4.2, 4.4.5 and 4.6) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, in relation to that Panel Committee.

5.5 Decisions of Panel Committee

5.5.1 Where pursuant to the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document a decision of the Panel as to any matter is to have binding effect on any Party or Parties, a decision of a Panel Committee as to that matter shall be binding on Parties only to the extent that:

(a) the Panel has expressly delegated to the Panel Committee the relevant decision-making powers; or

(b) the Panel has approved the decision of the Panel Committee.

5.5.2 For the purposes of paragraph 5.5.1(a) the unanimous agreement of all Panel Members present and entitled to vote at the meeting at which such matter is to be decided shall be required in order to delegate the relevant decision-making powers to a Panel Committee.

5.5.3 Where (pursuant to paragraph 5.5.1) a decision of a Panel Committee is binding on Parties, that decision shall not be capable of being referred to the Panel unless the Panel so determined when delegating its decision-making powers to the Panel Committee.

5.5.4 In addition to those referred to in paragraph 5.1.6, the following decisions of the Panel shall not be delegated to a Panel Committee:

(a) the decision to approve the Business Strategy (or any revision thereto) pursuant to Section C6.3:

(b) the decision to exercise any of its powers in relation to a Defaulting Party pursuant to Section H3.2;

(c) the decisions of the Panel as to precedence under Section H1.5 and H1.6.

5.5.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the delegation to a Panel Committee of any decision-making powers of the Panel shall not relieve the Panel of its general responsibility to ensure that such powers are exercised in accordance with the Code.


6.1 Annual report

6.1.1 The Panel shall prepare and provide to all Parties and the Authority, no later than 30th June in each BSC Year (the "current" year), a report summarising the implementation of the Code and the activities of the Panel and its committees and of BSCCo in the preceding BSC Year (the "report" year).

6.1.2 The Annual BSC Report shall include:

(a) a review of the operation of Settlement and the implementation of the Code generally;

(b) a review of the implementation of the Modification Procedures and the Modification Proposals which have been subject to those procedures;

(c) a report on the performance by each BSC Agent of its functions under the Code and pursuant to its BSC Agent Contract;

(d) a review against the Business Strategy for that BSC Year of the activities undertaken by BSCCo, and a review against the Annual Budget for that BSC Year of the expenditure of BSCCo;

(e) Not used;

(f) a report in relation to Trading Disputes as provided in Section W5.2;

(g) a report on the performance by each Market Index Data Provider of its functions under the Code and pursuant to its Market Index Data Provider Contract;

in and in respect of the report BSC Year.

6.1.3 The report shall be accompanied by:

(a) the Annual Report and Accounts of BSCCo for the report BSC Year;

(b) the most recent BSC Audit Report and report of the BM Auditor; and

(c) the Business Strategy and Annual Budget adopted by BSCCo pursuant to Section C6 for the current BSC Year.

6.2 Annual BSC Meeting

6.2.1 An Annual BSC Meeting shall be held once in each BSC Year, in the month of July.

6.2.2 One or more representatives of each Party shall be entitled to attend and speak at the Annual BSC Meeting.

6.2.3 Any person entitled (other than pursuant to paragraph 4.5.1) to attend and speak at a meeting of the Panel shall be entitled to attend and speak at the Annual BSC Meeting.

6.2.4 The Panel Secretary shall convene the Annual BSC Meeting by giving not less than twenty eight days' notice, specifying the date, time and place of the meeting, to each Party, each Panel Member, and each person entitled to receive notice of a meeting of the Panel.

6.2.5 Each Panel Member (in person and not via an alternate), each Director of BSCCo and the Chief Executive of BSCCo shall attend the Annual BSC Meeting unless prevented from doing so by exceptional circumstances. The Panel Chair (or in their absence the Deputy Panel Chair failing whom a Panel Member nominated by the Panel) shall chair the meeting except that any part of any Annual BSC Meeting dealing with Resolutions shall be chaired by BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1 of Annex C-2.

6.2.6 The purpose of the Annual BSC Meeting shall be for:

(a) an explanation and discussion of the accounts and reports provided pursuant to paragraph 6.1 for the previous BSC Year, and the Business Strategy and Annual Budget provided pursuant to paragraph 6.1 for the current BSC Year, and a response to any questions which Parties may have in relation to them (including any questions submitted in advance pursuant to paragraph 6.2.8);

(b) Not used.

(c) Voting Parties to vote on the appointment of certain Directors in accordance with Section C4.1.9; and

(d) Voting Parties to vote on any Resolutions raised pursuant to Section C4.9.1 or Section C4.10.1.

6.2.7 Subject to paragraph 6.2.6, the Annual BSC Meeting shall not be a general meeting of BSCCo or a meeting of the Directors of BSCCo or of the Panel; and the Annual BSC Meeting shall have no power to take any decision; and no vote on any matter shall be taken at such meeting; and nothing said by any Panel Member or Director of BSCCo at such meeting shall amount to a decision of the Panel or Board of Directors of BSCCo or have any other binding effect.

6.2.8 Where a Party wishes the Panel, the Directors of BSCCo and/or the Chief Executive of BSCCo to address a particular question at the Annual BSC Meeting (other than a matter raised pursuant to paragraphs 6.2.6(c) or 6.2.6(d), and having regard to the purpose of the meeting as set out in paragraph 6.2.6), such Party may submit such question to BSCCo in writing in advance of such meeting and BSCCo shall copy such question to all Parties.




1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Annex B-2 sets out the basis for election of Industry Panel Members for the purpose of Section B2.2.

1.1.2 This Annex B-2 shall apply:

(a) in relation to each year (the "election year") in which the term of office of Industry Panel Members expires, for the purposes of electing Industry Panel Members to hold office with effect from 1st October in that year;

(b) subject to and in accordance with paragraph 4, upon an Industry Panel Member ceasing to hold office before the expiry of their term of office.

1.1.3 For the purposes of an election under paragraph 1.1.2(a), references to Trading Parties are to persons who are Trading Parties as at 20th June in the election year.

1.1.4 BSCCo shall administer each election of Industry Panel Members pursuant to this Annex B-2.

1.1.5 In this Annex B-2 references to Panel Members are to Industry Panel Members.

1.2 Election timetable

1.2.1 BSCCo shall not later than 1st July in the election year prepare and circulate to all Trading Parties, with a copy to the Authority, an invitation to nominate candidates and a timetable for the election, setting out:

(a) the date by which nominations of candidates are to be received, which shall not be less than three weeks after the timetable is circulated and shall be after the date of the Annual BSC Meeting;

(b) the date by which BSCCo will circulate a list of candidates and voting papers;

(c) the date by which voting papers are to be submitted, which shall not be less than three weeks after the date for circulating voting papers;

(d) the date by which the results of the election will be made known, which shall not be later than 15th September in the election year.

1.2.2 If for any reason it is not practicable to establish an election timetable in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1, or to proceed on the basis of an election timetable which has been established, BSCCo may establish a different timetable, or revise the election timetable, by notice to all Trading Parties, the Panel and the Authority, provided that such timetable or revised timetable shall provide for the election to be completed before 1st October in the election year.

1.2.3 A nomination or voting paper received by BSCCo later than the respective required date under the election timetable (subject to any revision under paragraph 1.2.2) will be disregarded in the election.

1.3 Publication of Election Results

1.3.1 Subject to paragraph 1.3.3, BSCCo shall as soon as reasonably practicable after the date determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1(d), make known the following:

(a) the total number of voting papers received by BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 3.1, but that have not been disregarded under paragraphs 1.2.3, 3.1.4 or 3.2.6;

(b) the total number of first, second and third preference votes allocated to each candidate in all voting papers submitted in accordance with paragraph 3.2 and prior voting rounds;

(c) the total number of remaining voting papers in each voting round;

(d) the total number of remaining Panel Members to be elected in each voting round;

(e) the value of the qualifying total in each voting round; and

(f) the total number of qualifying preference votes allocated to each remaining candidate under all remaining voting papers in each voting round.

1.3.2 The provisions of paragraph 1.3.1 above shall also apply in the case of an election of any replacement Panel Member in accordance with paragraph 4.2.

1.3.3 Where the timetable for an election of a Panel Member is either:

(a) revised in accordance with paragraph 1.2.2; or

(b) expedited in accordance with paragraph 4.2.5;

then BSCCo shall make known the information described in paragraph 1.3.1 in accordance with such revised or expedited timetable.


2.1 Nominations

2.1.1 Nominations for candidates shall be made in accordance with the election timetable.

2.1.2 Subject to paragraph 2.1.3, each Trading Party may nominate one candidate for election by giving notice to BSCCo, accompanied by such documents as BSCCo may reasonably require in order to ascertain that the requirements of Section B2.8.2 are (or will if the candidate is elected) be satisfied.

2.1.3 A person shall not be nominated as a candidate:

(a) if that person would (if a Panel Member) be required to be removed from office under Section B2.7.4(b)(ii), (iii), (iv) or (vi);

(b) unless their nomination is accompanied by the documents referred to in paragraph 2.1.2.

2.1.4 If a Trading Party nominates more than one candidate:

(a) BSCCo shall endeavour to contact the Trading Party to establish which candidate it wishes to nominate;

(b) if BSCCo is unable to do so it will select at random one of the nominations submitted and the others will be disregarded.

2.2 List of candidates

2.2.1 BSCCo shall draw up a list of the nominated candidates for whom the requirements of paragraph 2.1.3 are satisfied and circulate the list to all Trading Parties by the date specified in the election timetable.

2.2.2 The list shall specify the Trading Party by whom each candidate was nominated and any affiliations which the candidate may wish to have drawn to the attention of Trading Parties.

2.2.3 If five or fewer candidates (for whom the requirements of paragraph 2.1.3 are satisfied) are nominated (or where paragraph 4 applies only one such candidate is nominated), no further steps in the election shall take place and such candidate(s) shall be treated as elected and paragraph 3.2.4 shall apply in relation to such candidate(s).


3.1 Voting papers

3.1.1 Voting papers shall be submitted in accordance with the election timetable.

3.1.2 Subject to paragraph 3.1.3, each Trading Party may submit one voting paper for each Energy Account which is held by that Trading Party.

3.1.3 Only one Trading Party (the "voting" Trading Party) in a trading party group may submit voting papers.

3.1.4 If more than one Trading Party in a trading party group submits voting papers:

(a) BSCCo shall endeavour to contact each of such Trading Parties to establish which of them is to be the voting Trading Party;

(b) if one of such Trading Parties is confirmed as the voting Trading Party by each of the Trading Parties which BSCCo contacts, that Trading Party will be the voting Trading Party;

(c) otherwise, BSCCo shall select at random one of such Trading Parties to be the voting Trading Party and the others will be disregarded.

3.1.5 For the purposes of this paragraph 3, a "trading party group" means a Trading Party and every Affiliate of that Trading Party.

3.2 Preference votes and voting rounds

3.2.1 Each Trading Party submitting a voting paper shall vote by indicating on the voting paper a first, second and third preference ("preference votes") among the candidates.

3.2.2 A voting paper need not indicate a second, or a third, preference, but the same candidate may not receive more than one preference vote in a voting paper.

3.2.3 Candidates shall be elected in three voting rounds (together where necessary with a further round under paragraph 3.6) in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 3.

3.2.4 BSCCo will determine which candidates are elected and announce (to the Authority and all Parties) the results of the election in accordance with the election timetable.

3.2.5 BSCCo will not disclose the preference votes cast by individual Trading Parties; but a Trading Party may by notice to BSCCo require that the BSC Auditor scrutinise the conduct of the election, provided that such Trading Party shall bear the costs incurred by the BSC Auditor in doing so unless the BSC Auditor recommended that the election results should be annulled.

3.2.6 Further references to voting papers in this paragraph 3 do not include voting papers which are invalid or are to be disregarded.

3.3 First voting round

3.3.1 In the first voting round:

(a) the number of first preference votes allocated under all voting papers to each candidate shall be determined.

(b) the first round qualifying total shall be:

(T / N) + 1


T is the total number of first preference votes in all voting papers;

N is the number of Panel Members to be elected.

3.3.2 If the number of first preference votes allocated to any candidate is equal to or greater than the first round qualifying total, that candidate shall be elected.

3.4 Second voting round

3.4.1 In the second voting round:

(a) the remaining candidates are those which were not elected in the first voting round;

(b) the remaining voting papers are voting papers other than those under which the first preference votes were for candidates elected in the first voting round;

(c) the number of first and second preference votes allocated under all remaining voting papers to each remaining candidate shall be determined;

(d) the second round qualifying total shall be

( T' / N' ) + 1


T' is the total number of first preference votes and second preference votes allocated under all remaining voting papers;

N' is the number of Panel Members remaining to be elected after the first voting round.

3.4.2 If the number of first and second preference votes allocated to any remaining candidate is equal to or greater than the second round qualifying total, that candidate shall be elected.

3.5 Third voting round

3.5.1 In the third voting round:

(a) the remaining candidates are those which were not elected in the first or second voting rounds;

(b) the remaining voting papers are voting papers other than those under which the first or second preference votes were for candidates elected in the first or second voting rounds;

(c) the number of first, second and third preference votes allocated under all remaining voting papers to each remaining candidate shall be determined;

(d) the third round qualifying total shall be

( T" / N'' ) + 1


T'' is the total number of first preference votes, second preference votes and third preference votes allocated under all remaining voting papers;

N'' is the number of Panel Members remaining to be elected after the first and second voting rounds.

3.5.2 If the number of first, second and third preference votes allocated to any remaining candidate is equal to or greater than the third round qualifying total, that candidate shall be elected.

3.6 Further round

3.6.1 If any Panel Member(s) remain to be elected after the third voting round:

(a) the then remaining candidates shall be ranked in order of the number of first preference votes allocated to them, and the candidate(s) with the greatest number of such votes shall be elected;

(b) in the event of a tie between two or more candidates within paragraph (a), the candidate(s) (among those tied) with the greatest number of second preference votes shall be elected;

(c) in the event of a tie between two or more candidates within paragraph (b), BSCCo shall select the candidate(s) (among those tied) to be elected by drawing lots.


4.1 General

4.1.1 If a Panel Member (the "resigning" Panel Member) ceases to hold office pursuant to Section B2.7.4:

(a) not less than six months before the expiry of the term of their office, paragraph 4.2 shall apply;

(b) less than six months before the expiry of the term of their office, paragraph 4.3 shall apply.

4.1.2 The provisions of paragraph 2.1.2 shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any replacement Panel Member under this paragraph 4.

4.2 Replacement for not less than six months

4.2.1 Where this paragraph 4.2 applies, a replacement Panel Member shall be elected (for the remainder of the term of office of the resigning Panel Member) in accordance with paragraph 2 and 3 but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 4.2.

4.2.2 Only those Trading Parties who voted for the resigning Panel Member, or who did not vote for (and are not Affiliates of any Trading Party which voted for) any elected Panel Member still serving, shall participate in the election by nominating candidates or submitting voting papers (but without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.3).

4.2.3 BSCCo shall circulate to all Trading Parties a list of the Trading Parties who are to participate in the election.

4.2.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 4.2 a Trading Party is considered (in any election of Industry Panel Members) to have voted for an elected candidate where that Trading Party indicated a preference vote in favour of that candidate which was counted (under the first or second or third voting round or further round under paragraph 3.6, as the case may be) in electing that candidate.

4.2.5 The timetable for the election shall be expedited and BSCCo will prepare and obtain the Panel's approval of a timetable accordingly.

4.3 Replacement for less than six months

4.3.1 Where this paragraph 4.3 applies, subject to paragraph 4.3.2, the Trading Party which nominated the resigning Panel Member shall be entitled (by notice to BSCCo) to appoint a replacement Panel Member (for the remainder of the term of office of the resigning Panel Member).

4.3.2 Paragraph 2.1.3 shall apply for the purposes of paragraph 4.3.1 as though references to the nomination of a candidate were to the appointment of a replacement Panel Member.

4.3.3 If such Trading Party does not appoint a replacement, the position shall remain vacant until the next full election.


Section B

Version 34.0

Effective Date: 01/10/2024

Modification Proposal

Approval Date

Implementation Date










































P362 Alternative




P353 Fast Track Self-Governance








P318 Self Governance




P319 Self-Governance




P301 Fast Track Self Governance








ORD004: Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011

DECC 29/06/11





































































1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section C sets out:

(a) provisions as to the constitution of BSCCo and the share capital of the BSCCo ;

(b) the powers, functions and responsibilities of BSCCo;

(c) provisions as to the management of BSCCo;

(d) provisions as to the relationship between BSCCo and Parties;

(e) arrangements for establishing a Business Strategy and Annual Budget for BSCCo; and

(f) provisions relating to Subsidiaries of BSCCo.

1.1.2 In this Section C references to a Party do not include BSCCo or the BSC Clearer.

1.2 Role and powers, functions and responsibilities of BSCCo

1.2.1 The principal role of BSCCo (but subject as provided in this paragraph 1.2) is to provide and procure facilities, resources and services (including providing or procuring resources required by the Panel and Panel Committees, and procuring services under BSC Service Descriptions) required for the proper, effective and efficient implementation of the Code.

1.2.1A Without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.1, a BSC Company (directly or through any agent) may discharge the functions and responsibilities of the WHD Operator as set out in the Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011 subject to the following:

(a) the appointed BSC Company may discharge the functions and responsibilities of the WHD Operator in accordance with any of the provisions, powers and mechanisms set out in the Code and the Code shall be construed accordingly;

(b) each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict such BSC Company from discharging the functions and responsibilities of the WHD Operator and shall (where applicable) co-operate with all requests for information and payment made by such BSC Company in discharging those functions and responsibilities;

(c) each Party (to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature (other than for death or personal injury as a result of negligence or for an equitable remedy) against any BSC Company and releases each BSC Company from any such liability in respect of any breach by such BSC Company in connection with its discharge of the functions and responsibilities of the WHD Operator;

(d) Parties shall have no liability or obligation to provide financial support to the appointed BSC Company in respect of its discharge of the functions and responsibilities of the WHD Operator;

(e) the appointed BSC Company shall account for all costs, expenses, liabilities and resources (incurred or used) and for payments (received and made) in the discharge of the WHD Operator’s functions and responsibilities separately from BSC Costs and Trading Charges respectively;

(f) the appointed BSC Company shall provide all information requested by the Authority or Secretary of State in relation to its discharge of the WHD Operator’s functions and responsibilities;

(g) the appointed BSC Company shall provide the Panel with reports from time to time in relation to its discharge of the WHD Operator’s functions and responsibilities, provided that such BSC Company shall not be required to disclose to the Panel any information that the Secretary of State or the Authority expressly request such BSC Company to keep confidential;

(h) in discharging the WHD Operator’s functions and responsibilities, the appointed BSC Company has the objective of the efficient and economic discharge of the functions and responsibilities under the Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011 and paragraph 1.3.1 shall accordingly not apply to this paragraph 1.2.1A;

(i) paragraphs 3.4.5(b), 5.1, 5.2 and 7 shall not apply to this paragraph 1.2.1A;

(j) notwithstanding Section F2, this paragraph 1.2.1A and paragraphs 3.1.2A and 3.1.2B of Section B may not be amended without the prior written consent of the Secretary of State or the Authority; and

(k) for the purposes of the Code, this paragraph 1.2.1A shall cease to have effect upon the termination of the appointment of a BSC Company as the WHD Operator, save for paragraphs (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (i) which shall continue to apply to the extent and for such period as is necessary.

1.2.1B Without prejudice to paragraphs 1.2.1 and 1.2.1A, and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 3.4, 3.5 and 10, the activities set out in Annex C-1 (the "Permissible Activities") may be undertaken by an Affiliate (or Affiliates) of BSCCo established to undertake those Permissible Activities ("Permitted Affiliate").

1.2.1C Without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.1, BSCCo may perform the functions, role and responsibilities of the EPG Scheme Administrator in accordance with paragraph 14.

1.2.1D Without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.1, BSCCo may perform its functions and responsibilities in respect of the EBR Scheme in accordance with paragraph 15.

1.2.1E Without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.1, BSCCo may perform the functions, role and responsibilities of the Market Facilitator in accordance with paragraph 17.

1.2.2 Subject to the further provisions of this Section C, BSCCo shall have the powers, functions and responsibilities set out in or assigned to it pursuant to the Code, and shall not undertake any business or activity other than as provided for in the Code.

1.2.3 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.2.2, BSCCo shall have the powers, functions and responsibilities set out in paragraph 3.

1.2.4 Subject to the further provisions of this Section C, BSCCo may do anything necessary for or reasonably incidental to the discharge of the functions and responsibilities assigned to it in the Code or by the Panel pursuant to the Code.

1.2.5 The powers of BSCCo shall be subject to the restrictions and limits set out in or imposed pursuant to the Code.

1.2.6 Subject always to Section H1.5.1, BSCCo shall, in the exercise of its powers, functions and responsibilities, have regard to and, to the extent they are relevant, act consistently with the Code Administration Code of Practice Principles.

1.3 Objectives

1.3.1 BSCCo shall exercise its powers and discharge its functions and responsibilities with a view to achieving the objectives set out in Section B1.2.1 (construed as though references to the Panel were to BSCCo).

1.3.2 As provided in paragraph 5.1, BSCCo is not intended to make a profit or loss in any BSC Year.


2.1 Constitution of BSCCo

2.1.1 Subject to paragraph 2.1.2, the Articles of Association of BSCCo shall be in the form designated pursuant to the Implementation Scheme.

2.1.2 The form of the Articles of Association of BSCCo (as amended by paragraphs 2.1.4 and 2.1.5) shall be treated as incorporated in and forming part of the Code for the purposes of enabling such form to be modified, and such form shall accordingly be capable of being modified, by way of Code Modification made pursuant to a Modification Proposal and otherwise in accordance with Section F; and the Articles of Association of BSCCo shall be amended so as to be in any such modified form.

2.2 Share capital of BSCCo

2.2.1 The ownership of the share capital in BSCCo shall be regulated in accordance with Annex C-3.


3.1 General

3.1.1 Without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.2, BSCCo shall have the following powers, functions and responsibilities:

(a) to enter into, manage and enforce contracts with service providers (as BSC Agents) for the supply of the services required by BSC Service Descriptions, and negotiate and agree amendments to such contracts, as further provided in Section E and, where relevant, paragraph 10.1.5;

(b) to advise the Panel and keep it advised as to and in respect of the matters which it is necessary or appropriate that the Panel should consider in order to discharge the Panel's functions and responsibilities in accordance with the Code;

(c) to provide or arrange the provision of such facilities, resources and other support as may be required by the Panel to enable the Panel or any Panel Committee or Workgroup to discharge its functions and responsibilities under the Code;

(d) to provide secretarial and administrative services in connection with meetings of the Panel and Panel Committees and Workgroups, including the convening and holding of such meetings, and taking and circulation of minutes;

(e) to provide and make available to Parties such facilities, services and information in connection with the implementation of the Code as the Code may provide or the Panel may require;

(f) to provide or arrange the provision of facilities, resources and other support in connection with the procedures for modification of the Code in accordance with Section F;

(g) to enter into contracts (in terms complying with any applicable provisions of Section B) of employment or other engagement with persons from time to time to be appointed as Panel Chair or Panel Members under Section B2.5;

(h) to indemnify against liability and, if relevant, to reimburse the expenses of, Panel Members, members of Panel Committees, members of Workgroups and others as provided in the Code or as otherwise required in BSCCo’s discretion in connection with any BSC Agent Contract;

(i) to enter on behalf of all Parties into Accession Agreements with new Parties in accordance with Section A2.2, and to enter on behalf of all Parties into Novation Agreements with Novation Applicants and Transferring Parties in accordance with Section A2.7;

(j) not used;

(k) to act as shareholder of the BSC Clearer in accordance with paragraph 7;

(l) to receive, collect and hold such data and information, and to prepare and maintain such books and records, as may be required under the Code or reasonably necessary to enable BSCCo to comply with its functions and responsibilities under the Code; and to provide data and information held by it to the Panel upon request and to other persons in accordance with any express provision of the Code;

(m) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (l), where it is not the function of a BSC Agent to do so, to maintain records of the extent to which Parties have satisfied requirements of the kind referred to in Section A4.5.3, and to provide details thereof to BSC Agents and other persons as required for the purposes of the Code;

(n) to monitor whether any Party is, or with the lapse of time or giving of notice would be, in Default (in accordance with Section H3), and to give to any Party any notice the giving of which will result in that Party being in Default (but not for the avoidance of doubt to give any notice consequent upon a Party’s being in Default unless expressly authorised to do so by the Panel or by a provision of the Code);

(o) to act as the Performance Assurance Administrator;

(p) to prepare and/or (as the Panel may require) assist the Panel to prepare the Annual BSC Report for each BSC Year in accordance with Section B6.1;

(q) to make recommendations to the Panel as to possible Modification Proposals in the circumstances mentioned in paragraph 3.8.8 and Section F2.1.1(d)(ii) and (iii);

(r) to the extent provided in and in accordance with the policy from time to time established by the Panel, to act as a point of contact for persons from other countries interested in, and to explain to such persons, the arrangements for and developments in wholesale trading of electricity in Great Britain and/or Offshore, and to participate in institutional comparative discussions of such arrangements and developments in other countries;

(s) to provide Profile Administration Services (with the consent of the Panel) and to enter into, manage and (subject to the Code) enforce contracts with service providers for the supply of Profile Administration Services in accordance with paragraph 9;

(t) in conjunction with the other code administrators identified in the Code Administration Code of Practice, to maintain, publish, review and where appropriate (but subject always to the approval of the Authority) amend the Code Administration Code of Practice;

(u) to delegate responsibility for performance of the powers, functions and responsibilities specified in this paragraph 3.1.1 and otherwise provided for in the Code, to the BSC Services Manager (save in respect of paragraph (k) and its obligations and responsibilities under Section E4, );

(v) to provide the MHSS Implementation Manager services in accordance with paragraph 12;

(w) to provide Capacity Market Advisory Group administration and management services in accordance with paragraph 13;

(x) to perform its functions and responsibilities as EPG Scheme Administrator in accordance with paragraph 14;

(y) to perform its functions and responsibilities in respect of the EBR Scheme in accordance with paragraph 15;

(z) to perform the functions and responsibilities of the DIP Manager in accordance with the DIP Rules; and

(aa) to provide Market Facilitator Implementation Services and perform its functions and responsibilities as the Market Facilitator (including providing the Market Facilitator Operational Services) both in accordance with paragraph 17.

3.1.1A BSCCo shall obtain the Panel’s consent prior to raising any potential amendments to the Code Administration Code of Practice.

3.1.2 To the extent to which the terms of reference (pursuant to Section B5.3.2) of a Panel Committee or Workgroup authorise the Panel Committee itself to request from BSCCo facilities, resources or other support (falling within paragraph 3.1.1(c)), BSCCo shall provide or arrange the provision of such facilities, resources or other support as may be so requested.

3.1.3 The facilities, resources and other support which BSCCo may be required to provide to or arrange for the Panel or a Panel Committee or Workgroup include:

(a) facilities for holding meetings;

(b) the provision of advice and expertise in connection with any matter which (pursuant to the Code) is to be considered by the Panel or Panel Committee or Workgroup;

(c) the preparation of draft and final working papers, reports and other documents; and

(d) where BSCCo so decides or the Panel specifically so requests, the services of external firms of advisers and consultants or the attendance at meetings of experts (and paying the fees and expenses of such advisers, consultants and experts).

3.1.4 BSCCo shall have the powers, functions and responsibilities assigned to it in the Implementation Scheme (including without limitation those provided in connection with the Pooling and Settlement Agreement).

3.2 Panel Secretary

3.2.1 BSCCo shall at all times provide a person approved by the Panel to be the Panel Secretary (and shall whenever required to fill a vacancy nominate a person to that position).

3.3 Enforcement of Code

3.3.1 If:

(a) a Party is or may be in breach of any provision of the Code, and

(b) the Panel is of the opinion that the breach or continuance of the breach has or will have a material adverse effect on the operation of the Code consistent with the objectives in Section B1.2.1, as a result of which it is appropriate that proceedings should be commenced for the enforcement of such provision against such Party then the Panel may instruct BSCCo to take proceedings against such Party.

3.3.2 Where the Panel has instructed BSCCo to take proceedings against a Party in breach pursuant to paragraph 3.3.1:

(a) BSCCo shall commence and with reasonable diligence continue such proceedings, for such remedy or remedies as the Panel shall have decided, subject to paragraph (b);

(b) BSCCo shall act in such proceedings (including without limitation any discontinuance or settlement thereof) in accordance with such terms of reference and reporting requirements, and subject to such supervision or instruction, as may be stipulated or provided by the Panel (or where the Panel has established any Panel Committee for that purpose, by that committee in accordance with its terms of reference);

(c) each Party (other than the Party in breach) hereby appoints BSCCo as agent in its name and on its behalf to commence and take such proceedings, and agrees that BSCCo and/or the Panel and/or any Panel Committee (in accordance with arrangements made for the purposes of paragraph (b)) shall exclusively have the conduct of the proceedings;

(d) all costs and expenses incurred by BSCCo in the proceedings (including any amounts awarded to the Party in breach) shall be BSC Costs;

(e) where any amount is recovered from the Party in breach pursuant to such proceedings, such amount shall be paid to Parties in their Annual Funding Shares (as at the time of the breach) or such other proportions and otherwise on such basis as the Panel shall consider fair and reasonable in all the circumstances;

(f) subject to paragraph 3.3.4, a Party shall not commence proceedings directly against the Party in breach without the prior approval of the Panel.

3.3.3 Except pursuant to paragraph 3.3.2, and subject as set out below, BSCCo shall not commence any proceedings against a Party in respect of breach of any provision of the Code.

3.3.4 Paragraph 3.3.2(f) shall not prevent a Party from taking any proceedings for interim relief or other steps against a Party which is or may be in breach of the Code where the first Party reasonably believes that such proceedings or steps need to be taken as a matter of urgency in order to protect its interests.

3.3.5 Except as provided in paragraph 3.3.2, nothing in this paragraph 3.3 shall prevent a Party from itself taking any steps to enforce against any other Party any provision of the Code.

3.3.6 Where:

(a) a Party is or may be in breach of the Code, and

(b) it appears to BSCCo that any proceedings for interim relief or other step should be taken, as a matter of urgency, in relation to that Party, in order to protect the interests of BSCCo and/or other Parties (or classes of Parties) pending such instructions from the Panel

BSCCo may take or arrange for the taking of such interim proceedings or step, after consulting where time permits with the Panel Chair.

3.3.7 In any case where paragraph 3.3.2 does not apply, BSCCo may with the approval of the Panel agree with any Parties to take proceedings on behalf of and at the cost of those Parties against a Party in breach of the Code.

3.3.8 This paragraph 3.3 does not apply in relation to any breach by a Party of any payment obligation under Section D or N.

3.4 Restrictions on powers of BSCCo

3.4.1 Subject to any contrary provision of the Code, any instructions (pursuant to any provision of the Code expressly providing for such instructions to be given to BSCCo) of the Panel, and the objectives referred to in paragraph 1.3.1, BSCCo shall have discretion as to the means by which it discharges, and the manner in which it is managerially organised so as to discharge, its functions and responsibilities under the Code.

3.4.2 In the discharge of its functions and responsibilities and the exercise of its powers, BSCCo will comply with applicable law.

3.4.3 BSCCo shall not, without the prior approval of the Panel:

(a) enter into any borrowings in a cumulative aggregate principal amount exceeding £10,000,000;

(b) make loans or grant any credit to any person, other than to a Subsidiary of BSCCo or in the ordinary course of business or as required or expressly permitted by the Code;

(c) mortgage, charge, assign by way of security, pledge or otherwise encumber any property of BSCCo or enter into any transaction which has a financial effect similar to a secured borrowing, other than:

(i) by way of lien or set-off arising by operation of law and in the ordinary course of trading; or

(ii) by way of reservation of title by the supplier of any property (other than real property) to BSCCo in the normal course of such supplier's business;

(d) except pursuant to any provision of the Code:

(i) dispose (by way of licence, charge, sale or otherwise, other than by way of licence to a BSC Agent in connection with a BSC Agent Contract) of any Intellectual Property Rights or other rights held by BSCCo in or in respect of any BSC Systems, or

(ii) (where any BSC Agent Contract prohibits such disposal without BSCCo’s authority or consent) authorise or consent to any such disposal by a BSC Agent of any such rights held by that BSC Agent;

(e) commence any proceedings against any person, or grant a waiver of any claim against any person, or settle any dispute, proceedings or claim brought by or against BSCCo or any other BSC Company, where the amount of such dispute or claim or subject to such proceedings exceeds (or in BSCCo's reasonable opinion is likely to exceed) such threshold amount as the Panel may from time to time specify for the purposes of this paragraph (e); provided that (without prejudice to the further provisions of the Code) this paragraph (e) does not apply in relation to claims, disputes and proceedings against or with Parties or BSC Agents or Market Index Data Providers.

3.4.4 For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.3, "borrowing" means any obligation (whether present or future, actual or contingent, as principal or surety) for the payment or repayment of money (whether in respect of interest, principal or otherwise) of BSCCo and any Subsidiary of BSCCo (other than the BSC Clearer) incurred in respect of:

(a) moneys borrowed or raised;

(b) any bond, note, loan stock, debenture or similar instrument;

(c) any acceptance credit, bill discounting, note purchase, factoring or documentary credit facility;

(d) any hire purchase agreement, conditional sale agreement or lease, where that agreement has been entered into primarily as a method of raising finance or financing the acquisition of an asset;

(e) any guarantee, bond, stand‑by letter of credit or other similar instrument issued in connection with the performance of contracts;

(f) any interest rate or currency swap agreement or any other hedging or derivatives instrument or agreement; or

(g) any guarantee, indemnity or similar insurance against financial loss given in respect of the obligation of any person.

3.4.5 BSCCo shall not and shall not offer or agree to:

(a) issue, or grant any option, warrant or other instrument, security or right to subscribe for, or which is convertible into or exchangeable for, any shares of BSCCo;

(b) subscribe for, acquire or hold any share or other security in any company other than:

(i) shares in the BSC Clearer; or

(ii) any shares acquired pursuant to the Implementation Scheme;

(c) dispose of any legal or beneficial interest in any shares in the BSC Clearer or any other Subsidiary of BSCCo.

3.4.6 Except where expressly provided for in the Code, BSCCo shall not give any cross-subsidy to, or receive any cross-subsidy from, a Permitted Affiliate.

3.5 BSCCo resources

3.5.1 If at any time the resources (which in this paragraph 3.5 does not mean financial resources) of BSCCo are inadequate to enable it to perform any particular requirement of the Code (including a requirement specified by the Panel or a Panel Committee or Workgroup pursuant to paragraph 3.1.1), BSCCo shall promptly so notify the Panel and discuss the matter with the Panel, and following such discussion shall take such steps and procure such resources as are necessary to enable BSCCo to meet such requirement (as it may have been modified following such discussion) as soon as is reasonably practicable.

3.6 Provision of information to the Authority, etc

3.6.1 If at any time or from time to time requested by the Authority, BSCCo shall:

(a) collect and provide to the Authority all such relevant information as the Authority may specify;

(b) where necessary in order to comply with such a request, subject to paragraph 3.6.3, procure the relevant information from the BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider which holds such information;

(c) undertake and provide to the Authority such analysis of relevant information (but not in whole or in part of information other than relevant information) as the Authority may so request.

3.6.2 A request by the Authority for the purposes of paragraph 3.6.1 may be made on a particular occasion or on a standing basis.

3.6.3 BSCCo shall not be in breach of this paragraph 3.6 by reason of any failure of any BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider to provide any information which BSCCo has requested from it, provided that BSCCo is reasonably diligent in pursuing such request.

3.6.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.6, "relevant information" is information which is or is to be provided to BSCCo or the Panel or to any BSC Agent by or on behalf of any Party pursuant to the Code, or is derived from any such information pursuant to the Code or is otherwise produced or created pursuant to the Code.

3.6.5 Where BSCCo receives a request from the Authority for the purposes of paragraph 3.6.1, BSCCo will so notify all Parties, unless the Authority has requested BSCCo to notify only the Party to whom such information relates, in which case BSCCo will so notify that Party.

3.7 Matters relating to the ESO Licence

3.7.1 If the Authority issues a direction pursuant to the ESO Licence to the NETSO to secure compliance with any relevant provision of the Code:

(a) BSCCo shall provide all such assistance and take all such steps as the NETSO may reasonably require to comply or secure compliance with the relevant provision;

(b) without limitation of paragraph (a), BSCCo hereby appoints and authorises the NETSO to make any request of or issue any instruction to any BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider on behalf of and in the name of BSCCo;

(c) the NETSO is hereby authorised by all Parties to provide to the Authority or (where the relevant provision of the Code so requires) place on the BSC Website or otherwise publish the information in question;

(d) the reasonable costs of the NETSO properly incurred in complying with such direction shall be paid by BSCCo to the NETSO.

3.7.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.7.1 the relevant provisions of the Code are the provisions of paragraph 3.6.1 (subject to paragraph 3.6.3) and any provision of the Code which provides for any information to be placed on the BSC Website or otherwise published.

3.8 Reviews of the Code

3.8.1 BSCCo shall carry out:

(a) periodic reviews of the Code and its implementation and of operations under the Code, and

(b) upon the request of the Authority, a review of any particular aspect (as specified by the Authority) of the Code or its implementation or of operations under the Code

in order to evaluate whether the Code (or such aspect of the Code) continues to facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objectives and to do so in the most effective way.

3.8.2 Reviews under paragraph 3.8.1(a) shall take place at least once every 2 years and not more often than once every year.

3.8.3 BSCCo shall notify all Parties and the Authority of the start of each review under paragraph 3.8.1, and shall endeavour to complete each review within a period of 3 months, or such other period as the Authority may specify in a case under paragraph 3.8.1(b).

3.8.4 In order to assist BSCCo to carry out any review under paragraph 3.8.1, the NETSO shall, at BSCCo’s request, provide to BSCCo an assessment of the effect of the Code (or any aspect of the Code specified by BSCCo) on the matters referred to in Condition E1.13(a) and (b) of the ESO Licence.

3.8.5 For the purposes of paragraph 3.8.4:

(a) the analysis provided by the NETSO shall be prepared with the exercise of reasonable skill and care, and shall include sufficient detail and reasoning to enable a proper understanding of the relevant issues, and the NETSO shall provide any further explanation thereof reasonably requested by BSCCo;

(b) such analysis shall be provided within such period as BSCCo may reasonably request;

(c) the NETSO shall not be required to provide any information of a confidential nature which it is not otherwise obliged to make available to Parties.

3.8.6 Upon completion of each review under paragraph 3.8.1, BSCCo shall:

(a) prepare a report in respect of the review and its conclusions (including any analysis by the NETSO under paragraph 3.8.4);

(b) provide a copy of such report to the Authority; and

(c) subject to paragraph 3.8.7, provide a copy of such report to each Party and place a copy of the report on the BSC Website.

3.8.7 In a case under paragraph 3.8.1(b), if the Authority so requests or approves, the version of the report which is provided to Parties and placed on the BSC Website shall be amended so as to exclude such material, relating to particular Parties or persons, as the Authority shall so request or approve.

3.8.8 In addition to the foregoing, BSCCo shall keep under review whether any possible modification of the Code from time to time would better facilitate the objective in Condition E1.13 (d) of the ESO Licence, and shall recommend to the Panel any particular such modification which in BSCCo’s opinion would do so.

3.9 Not used

3.10 Summary of Code

3.10.1 BSCCo shall prepare and from time to time update a useful summary of the Code, and separately of the Code Subsidiary Documents, and shall provide a copy of each summary to the Panel and the Authority and (upon payment of an amount not exceeding the reasonable costs of making such a copy) to any person who requests such a copy.

3.10.2 The summary of the Code shall include (as a separate document) a summary and explanation of the basis of calculation of System Buy Price and System Sell Price pursuant to Section T.

3.10.3 No person shall be entitled to rely on such summaries for any purpose.


4.1 Appointment of Board of Directors and Chair

4.1.1 The size and composition of the Board shall be determined by the Board’s Nomination Committee but shall reflect the requirements set out in paragraph 4.1.3.

4.1.2 The Board shall establish a Nomination Committee which shall be responsible for:

(a) evaluating the balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge on the Board; and

(b) leading the process for Board appointments including:

(i) preparing a description of the role and capabilities required for a particular appointment; and

(ii) making appointment recommendations to the Board.

4.1.3 The Board shall provide written terms of reference for the Nomination Committee which shall, inter alia, specify that:

(a) the Nomination Committee shall, in recommending appointments to the Board, have appropriate regard to reflecting different classes of, or categories of, industry participants on the Board;

(b) a majority of the Directors (excluding the BSCCo Chair) and Directors appointed under paragraph 4.1.3(d) but including the Panel Chair shall have relevant electricity industry experience;

(c) at least two Directors shall be, in the Nomination Committee's reasonable opinion (having regard, among other things, to any present or future business interests disclosed by those individuals), suitably independent from the electricity industry;

(d) not more than two Directors may be employees of BSCCo, and if any employees are appointed as Directors one of those must be the Chief Executive, provided that in the event that a person ceases to be an employee of BSCCo that person shall immediately cease to be a Director; and

(e) the Panel Chair from time to time shall be appointed as a Director provided that, if that Panel Chair is subsequently removed as a Director pursuant to paragraph 4.1.9 or paragraph 4.10.1, another Panel Member recommended by the Panel shall be appointed as a Director during the remainder of the term of that Panel Chair.

4.1.3A Paragraph 4.1.3(d) shall not apply in respect of the BSCCo Chair to the extent and for such period as the person appointed to that role is an employee of BSCCo.

4.1.4 The Board shall publish the terms of reference on the BSC Website.

4.1.5 Not used.

4.1.6 Not used.

4.1.7 Not used.

4.1.8 The Board may, based on the recommendation of the Nomination Committee:

(a) appoint a Director as chair of its meetings (the "BSCCo Chair"); and

(b) subject to paragraph 4.2.l(a), determine the period for which the BSCCo Chair is to hold office.

4.1.9 BSCCo shall, when Directors have been appointed or re-appointed (in that capacity) since the last Annual BSC Meeting following the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification Proposal P324, prepare and circulate to all Parties not later than 28 days prior to an Annual BSC Meeting the text of a resolution for Voting Parties to approve that appointment or re-appointment ("Appointment Resolution") at the next Annual BSC Meeting in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annex C-2. If an Appointment Resolution is rejected by Voting Parties at a vote then the relevant person shall cease to be a Director either:

(a) five (5) Working Days after results are published under paragraph 4.2.2(b) of Annex C-2; or

(b) if an audit has been commissioned under paragraph 4.3 of Annex C-2, promptly after that audit’s confirmation, if it occurs, of the published results.

4.2 Directors

4.2.1 A person appointed as Director under paragraph 4.1:

(a) shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years, but shall be eligible for re-appointment on expiry of such term;

(b) may resign or be removed from office in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of BSCCo;

(c) not used;

(d) shall, if also a Panel Member, cease to hold office if they also cease to hold office as a Panel Member pursuant to Section B2.7.4(d); and

(e) shall cease to hold office if removed in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4.1.9 or 4.10.1.

4.3 Not used.

4.4 Expenses and remuneration

4.4.1 Each Director shall be entitled to be reimbursed by BSCCo for the reasonable costs and expenses (including travel and accommodation costs) properly incurred by such Director in attending meetings of or otherwise in the conduct of the business of the Board.

4.4.2 In addition to reimbursement under paragraph 4.4.1, any Director, other than a Director appointed under paragraph 4.1.3(d) (without prejudice to the remuneration and benefits payable to such Director under a contract of employment with BSCCo), shall be entitled to be paid by BSCCo such remuneration and benefits for the role of Director as may, subject to Section B2.11.8, be determined by Board.

4.4.3 Not used.

4.4.4 The secretary of BSCCo shall not be entitled to remuneration in that capacity, but without prejudice to the terms on which they are employed by BSCCo.

4.4.5 The remuneration and benefits payable to a Director for the role of Director pursuant to paragraph 4.4.2 shall be disclosed in the Annual BSC Report.

4.5 Indemnity

4.5.1 The Directors of BSCCo shall be indemnified by BSCCo as and to the extent provided in the Articles of Association of BSCCo.

4.6 Chief Executive

4.6.1 After consultation with the Panel, the Board may appoint, and may from time to time remove, reappoint or replace, a person to be the Chief Executive of BSCCo.

4.6.2 Subject to paragraph 4.6.1, the person appointed as Chief Executive shall be employed or otherwise engaged by BSCCo on such terms as the Board shall decide.

4.6.3 The Chief Executive may be a Director, but if they are not a Director they shall be entitled to receive notices of and to attend and speak (but not to vote) at all meetings of the Board, and (if requested by the Chair of the Board) shall be required to attend such meetings, provided that the Board may require them to be absent from any part of a meeting at which any matter concerned with their employment or engagement by BSCCo is to be considered.

4.6.4 The Board shall delegate to the Chief Executive authority to conduct the day to day business of BSCCo.

4.7 Proceedings of the Board

4.7.1 Subject to the provisions of the Code, proceedings of the Board shall be conducted and governed in accordance with the requirements contained in the Articles of Association of BSCCo.

4.8 General Meetings

4.8.1 The Directors of BSCCo may call a General Meeting.

4.8.2 Voting Parties may require the Directors of BSCCo to call a General Meeting.

4.8.3 The Directors of BSCCo shall be required to call a General Meeting in accordance with Annex C-2 once BSCCo has received a request for a Resolution to be voted on from Voting Parties with a combined Actual Voting Share (as published on the BSC Website on the day such request is received) of at least five (5) per cent (%).

4.8.4 A request from a Voting Party:

(a) must state the nature of the business to be dealt with at the General Meeting;

(b) must include the Voting Party’s rationale and any supporting documentation; and

(b) may include the text of a Resolution that is intended to be moved at the General Meeting.

4.8.5 A request:

(a) may be in hard copy form or in electronic form; and

(b) must be authenticated by the Authorised Signatory of the Voting Party or Voting Parties making it.

4.8.6 A vote on a Resolution at any General Meeting or the Annual BSC Meeting shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Annex C-2.

4.9 Non-Binding Resolutions

4.9.1 In respect of any General Meeting or the Annual BSC Meeting, one or more Voting Parties may, subject to paragraph 4.8, propose a vote on a non-binding resolution in relation to any matter related to the activities of the Board ("Non-Binding Resolution").

4.10 Binding Resolutions

4.10.1 In respect of any General Meeting or the Annual BSC Meeting, one or more Voting Parties may, subject to paragraph 4.8, propose a vote on a binding resolution to remove one or more Directors from the Board ("Binding Resolution"). If the Binding Resolution is approved by Voting Parties at a vote then the relevant person shall immediately cease to be a Director. either:

(a) five (5) Working Days after results are published under paragraph 4.2.2(b) of Annex C-2; or

(b) if an audit has been commissioned under paragraph 4.3 of Annex C-2, promptly after that audit’s confirmation, if it occurs, of the published results.


5.1 Liability of BSCCo

5.1.1 It is acknowledged that, by virtue of the arrangements for funding BSCCo set out in Section D:

(a) BSCCo is not intended to make profits or losses in any BSC Year; and

(b) if any Party or Parties were to make any claim against any BSC Company the financial consequences of such claim would be borne by the Trading Parties themselves.

5.1.2 Accordingly, subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 5.1 and paragraph 5.2, the Parties agree that they do not intend that any Party or Parties should be able to make any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature against any BSC Company; and each Party (to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any such claims against any BSC Company and releases each BSC Company from any such liability in respect of any breach by such BSC Company of any provision of the Code or in tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

5.1.3 The obligations of each Trading Party in respect of the funding of BSCCo pursuant to Section D shall not be prejudiced, qualified or affected in any way by any breach by any BSC Company of any provision of the Code, or any other act or omission of any BSC Company.

5.1.4 Nothing in paragraph 5.1.2 shall exclude or limit the liability of a BSC Company for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of such BSC Company or the ability of any Party to seek any equitable remedy against a BSC Company.

5.1.5 Paragraph 5.1.2 is without prejudice to:

(a) the obligations of BSC Clearer to Trading Parties pursuant to Section N;

(b) any provision of the Code which may provide for an indemnity by BSCCo in favour of any Party or other person, or which provides for BSCCo to make a payment to any Party;

and nothing in paragraph 5.1.2 shall prevent any Party from or restrict it in enforcing any obligation by way of debt owed by BSCCo or the BSC Clearer pursuant to any provision of the Code.

5.1.6 No Party shall take any step in relation to a BSC Company which (if Section H3 were expressed to apply in respect of such BSC Company) would or might result in such BSC Company being in Default pursuant to Section H3.1.1(g); provided that this shall not prevent a Party from notifying any BSC Company that such Party requires payment of any amount which is due for payment by such BSC Company to such Party.

5.1.7 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the provisions of this paragraph 5.1 have been the subject of discussion and are fair and reasonable having regard to the circumstances at the Code Effective Date.

5.2 Party particularly prejudiced by BSCCo breach

5.2.1 Subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 5.2, where:

(a) BSCCo is in breach of a provision of the Code, other than any provision specified in paragraph 5.2.2; and

(b) a Party (the "claimant Party") was unfairly and particularly prejudiced by the breach, and in particular the circumstances in which such breach occurred, and in which loss was suffered by the claimant Party as a result of such breach, were not such as to result in some loss being suffered by all Parties or by all Trading Parties

then paragraph 5.1 and Section H6.2.2(a) shall not exclude or limit the liability of BSCCo in damages to the claimant Party in respect of such breach (an "actionable breach"), but without prejudice to Section H6.2.2(b).

5.2.2 Paragraph 5.2.1 shall not apply in respect of a breach by BSCCo:

(a) of any of its obligations as, or provision of the Code relating to, the Performance Assurance Administrator; or

(b) of any provision of Section M; or

(c) not used

(d) of any provision of Section F.

5.2.3 A Party may not bring a claim or commence any proceedings against BSCCo in respect of an actionable breach more than 6 months after the date on which the breach occurred or commenced or (if later) more than 3 months after the Party became or could reasonably be expected to have become aware of the breach.

5.2.4 A Party may not make a claim against BSCCo in respect of an actionable breach if the amount of the Party's loss resulting from such breach is less than £50,000.

5.2.5 The aggregate cumulative amount payable by BSCCo to all Parties in respect of actionable breaches under this paragraph 5.2 for which payments (of damages or otherwise) fall to be made by BSCCo in any BSC Year shall not exceed £3,000,000.

5.2.6 If the aggregate amount so payable by BSCCo in a BSC Year would otherwise exceed the amount specified in paragraph 5.2.5:

(a) the amounts for which BSCCo is liable to each relevant Party shall be reduced pro rata (and if unpaid, BSCCo shall pay such reduced amounts);

(b) where BSCCo has already paid any such amount to a Party, BSCCo shall require and each relevant Party shall make and pay such adjustment amounts as the Panel shall approve for the purposes of giving effect to paragraph (a).

5.3 Capacity of BSCCo

5.3.1 Subject to paragraph 5.3.2, BSCCo shall act as principal and not as agent of Parties in the exercise and discharge of its powers, functions and responsibilities.

5.3.2 Where the Code so provides, BSCCo shall, or (if the Code so provides) may, act as agent for and on behalf of, or as trustee for, Parties or particular Parties.

5.3.3 Except as provided by the Code, BSCCo shall not, and is not authorised to, enter into any commitment or incur any liability as agent for or in the name of any Party (but without prejudice to Parties’ funding obligations under Section D).


6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 For each BSC Year (the "Plan Year") BSCCo shall have:

(a) a Business Strategy, setting out the principal activities which BSCCo expects to be carrying out in the Plan Year and each of the two following BSC Years, on the basis of the functions and responsibilities which are or have been assigned to BSCCo under or pursuant to the Code but excluding the activities of Permitted Affiliates, except as contemplated in paragraph 1.3.1 of Annex C-1;

(b) an Annual Budget, setting out the expenditure which BSCCo considers reasonably necessary in order to carry out such activities in the Plan Year,

each established and from time to time amended in accordance with this paragraph 6.

6.1.2 The Panel and all Parties shall be invited to comment prior to finalisation of the Business Strategy for each BSC Year in accordance with paragraph 6.3.

6.1.3 BSCCo shall provide a copy of each Business Strategy and Annual Budget, and each revision thereof, to the Authority, the Panel and each Party, promptly after adopting or making any revision to such Business Strategy or Annual Budget.

6.2 Scope of Business Strategy and Annual Budget

6.2.1 BSCCo will discuss with the Panel the scope and format from time to time of the Business Strategy and Annual Budget.

6.3 Business Strategy

6.3.1 For each BSC Year, BSCCo shall:

(a) not used;

(b) not later than 1 January in the preceding BSC Year, prepare an initial draft Business Strategy, provide a copy to the Panel and to all Parties, and invite comments from persons eligible to propose Code Modifications thereon;

(c) not later than 20 February in the preceding BSC Year publish a summary of the comments received on the initial draft; and

(d) not later than 15 March in the preceding BSC Year, after considering all comments received by BSCCo, make such further revisions to the draft Business Strategy as BSCCo may consider appropriate having regard to the functions and responsibilities of BSCCo and the objectives in Section B1.2.1, and finalise and adopt the Business Strategy.

6.3.2 Where BSCCo considers that there are options or alternatives as to any activity which BSCCo may carry out in the Plan Year, which or the costs of which are materially different from each other, the initial draft Business Strategy provided under paragraph 6.3.1(b) shall set out such options or alternatives.

6.3.3 With the consent of the Panel, BSCCo may vary the times by which the steps in paragraph 6.3.1 are to be taken.

6.3.4 After adopting the Business Strategy, BSCCo shall keep the Business Strategy (so far as it relates to the Plan Year) under review and shall make any revision to the Business Strategy which appears requisite after seeking such further comments from the Panel and all Parties as the Board considers necessary.

6.4 Annual Budget

6.4.1 At the same time as preparing each draft of the Business Strategy under paragraph 6.3, BSCCo shall prepare or revise, and submit to the persons to whom each draft Business Strategy is submitted, a draft Annual Budget for the Plan Year.

6.4.2 Following finalisation of the Business Strategy, BSCCo shall finalise and adopt the Annual Budget.

6.4.3 Following any revision of the Business Strategy, BSCCo shall review and if appropriate revise the Annual Budget.

6.4.4 The Annual Budget for each BSC Year and any revision (including under paragraph 6.5) of such Annual Budget shall be approved by the Board.

6.5 Budget overspend

6.5.1 If the aggregate amount of BSCCo's expenditure in any BSC Year exceeds, or BSCCo anticipates that it may exceed, the amount contained in the Annual Budget, BSCCo shall promptly:

(a) notify the Panel and all Parties, giving details of the excess expenditure and an explanation of the reasons therefor; and

(b) submit to the Panel and all Parties a draft revision of the Annual Budget, together with its proposal for modifying the Business Strategy if BSCCo considers it appropriate to modify the Business Strategy so as to reduce or limit its expenditure in the relevant BSC Year.

6.5.2 After seeking such further comments from the Panel and Parties as the Board considers necessary, but taking account of any consequent revision of the Business Strategy BSCCo shall revise the Annual Budget.

6.6 MHHS Implementation Management First Year Budget

6.6.1 Each Party acknowledges that the commencement of the MHHS Implementation is unlikely to coincide with the adoption of the Annual Budget pursuant to paragraph 6.4 and consequently, in order to recover the costs incurred as MHHS Implementation Manager, it may be necessary for BSCCo to develop and adopt an amendment to the Annual Budget for the BSC Year in which the MHHS Implementation commences, in which case BSCCo shall:

(a) notify the Panel and all Parties, giving details of the MHHS Implementation additional expenditure; and

(b) submit to the Panel and all Parties a draft revision of the Annual Budget.

6.6.2 After seeking such further comments from the Panel and Parties as the Board considers necessary, BSCCo shall revise the Annual Budget.


7.1 General

7.1.1 BSCCo may discharge any of its powers, functions and responsibilities under the Code through (and by delegation to) a Subsidiary in which BSCCo is permitted to hold shares in accordance with paragraph 3.4.5(b)(ii) (and in particular may hold any BSC Agent Contract through such a Subsidiary); but only to the extent to which the powers, functions or responsibilities relate to activities which were carried out, or which are equivalent to or developed from activities which were carried out, by the relevant company before it became a Subsidiary pursuant to the Implementation Scheme on the Code Effective Date.

7.1.2 No Subsidiary of BSCCo shall, and BSCCo shall procure that any Subsidiary shall not:

(a) have or exercise any powers or functions beyond the powers and functions of BSCCo; or

(b) otherwise do anything which pursuant to the Code may not be done by BSCCo, or may not be done without the consent or approval of the Panel.

7.1.3 For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.3(a) the reference to borrowings in that paragraph shall be to the borrowings of BSCCo and all of its Subsidiaries in aggregate.

7.1.4 Reference in this paragraph 7.1 to Subsidiaries of BSCCo do not include the BSC Clearer.

7.1.5 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 7.1.1, a Subsidiary in which BSCCo is permitted to hold shares in accordance with paragraph 3.4.5(b)(ii) may discharge any of its powers, functions and responsibilities under the Code through (and by delegation to) the BSC Services Manager.

7.2 BSC Clearer

7.2.1 The BSC Clearer shall fulfil the role provided in Section N, and shall have the duties, powers and functions set out in that Section.

7.2.2 The BSC Clearer shall not undertake any business or activity, and shall not take any step or incur any commitment or liability, other than pursuant to and in accordance with Section N and this paragraph 7.

7.3 Duties of BSCCo

7.3.1 BSCCo shall at all times be the registered holder of all of the issued share capital of each of its Subsidiaries.

7.3.2 Neither BSCCo nor any of its Subsidiaries shall authorise or agree to, or permit or take any step for or with a view to, any of the following:

(a) any change in the authorised share capital of any Subsidiary;

(b) the issue of any share capital, or issue or grant of any option, warrant or other instrument, security or right to subscribe for or which is convertible into shares of any Subsidiary;

(c) any transfer of any shares of any Subsidiary;

(d) the creation of any pledge, mortgage, charge or other encumbrance over any shares of any Subsidiary.

7.3.3 BSCCo shall act, and exercise its rights, as shareholder of each Subsidiary so as and only so as to secure that the provisions of the Code are given effect in relation to such Subsidiary.

7.4 Constitution, etc

7.4.1 Subject to paragraph 7.4.2, the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the BSC Clearer shall be in the form designated pursuant to the Implementation Scheme.

7.4.2 The form of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the BSC Clearer shall be treated as incorporated in and forming part of the Code for the purposes of enabling such form to be modified, and such form shall accordingly be capable of being modified, by way of Code Modification made pursuant to a Modification Proposal and otherwise in accordance with Section F; and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the BSC Clearer shall be amended so as to be in any such modified form.

7.4.3 The Memorandum and Articles of Association of each other Subsidiary of BSCCo shall be in the same form as nearly as practicable as those of BSCCo (but with any differences consequent on its being such a Subsidiary).

7.4.4 The registered office, accounting reference date and statutory auditors of each Subsidiary of BSCCo shall be the same as those of BSCCo.

7.5 Directors and secretary

7.5.1 Subject to paragraph 7.5.1A, the board of directors of each Subsidiary of BSCCo shall at all times comprise the persons who are for the time being Directors of BSCCo, and the company secretary of such Subsidiary shall be the person who is for the time being company secretary of BSCCo.

7.5.1A Where any Subsidiary of BSCCo is a Dormant Subsidiary then it shall not be necessary for all of the persons who are for the time being Directors of BSCCo to also be Directors of each Dormant Subsidiary, provided that the chair of BSCCo shall at all times be a Director of each Subsidiary.

7.5.2 Subject to paragraph 7.5.1A, any person who is appointed or re-appointed as, or who resigns or is removed as, Director or company secretary of BSCCo shall be appointed or re-appointed, or shall resign or be removed, as a director or (as the case may be) the company secretary of each Subsidiary of BSCCo; and a director or the company secretary of such a Subsidiary shall not resign as such unless they resign at the same time as a Director or (as the case may be) the company secretary of BSCCo.

7.5.3 Subject to paragraph 4.6.1, the person who is for the time being Chief Executive of BSCCo shall act as chief executive of each Subsidiary of BSCCo, under such terms of reference as the board of directors of such Subsidiary may determine.

7.5.4 Each director of a Subsidiary shall be entitled to be reimbursed by BSCCo for the reasonable costs and expenses (including travel and accommodation costs) properly incurred by such director in attending meetings or otherwise in the conduct of the business of the board of directors of the Subsidiary and not otherwise reimbursed under paragraph 4.4.1.

7.5.5 No director of a Subsidiary shall be entitled (in that capacity) to be paid any remuneration or benefits other than their costs and expenses in accordance with paragraph 7.5.4.

7.6 BSCCo services

7.6.1 BSCCo shall provide to each of its Subsidiaries such administrative, support and other services, and may make such other arrangements with such Subsidiaries, as may be required to enable the Subsidiary to perform its functions.

7.6.2 The arrangements made by BSCCo under paragraph 7.6.1 shall include arrangements which ensure that each Subsidiary has funds sufficient to meet its costs, expenses and other outgoings.

7.6.3 In the case of the BSC Clearer, the services to be provided by BSCCo under paragraph 7.6.1 include, without limitation, to the extent to which (under the Code and the relevant BSC Service Description) the FAA is to provide services to or for the benefit of the BSC Clearer, entering into and managing the relevant BSC Agent Contract with the FAA.

7.6.4 The BSC Clearer and BSCCo will make such further arrangements (including the conferring of appropriate authorities on BSCCo) as are requisite in connection with the provision of services by BSCCo under paragraph 7.6.1.



9.1 Provision of Profile Administration Services in certain circumstances

9.1.1 Subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 9, BSCCo shall where the Panel’s prior consent has been obtained, provide (directly and/or via a service provider) the services set out in Section S4.2 (the "Profile Administration Services").

9.1.2 Where the Panel’s prior consent to BSCCo providing the Profile Administration Services has not been obtained, a Profile Administrator shall be appointed in accordance with Section E.

9.1.3 BSCCo shall obtain further Panel consent to continue to provide the Profile Administration Services if a material change occurs in BSCCo’s provision of the Profile Administration Services and in any event not less than once every five years.

9.1.4 A "material change" for the purposes of this paragraph 9 means a change to BSCCo’s systems, processes or resources which is of such a type or magnitude as to raise the reasonable expectation of an impact on BSCCo’s ability to efficiently meet its obligations to deliver the Profile Administration Services.

9.2 BSCCo’s capacity and obligations

9.2.1 Where the Profile Administration Services are provided by BSCCo, they are provided in its capacity as BSCCo and not as a BSC Agent.

9.2.2 For the duration of any period where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services, Section E shall not apply in respect of the provision of those services.

9.2.3 Subject to paragraphs 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, BSCCo shall provide the Profile Administration Services in accordance with the Code.

9.2.4 Where the Profile Administration Services are provided by BSCCo, all obligations and requirements on Parties and other persons in the Code with respect to Profile Administration Services and/or the Profile Administrator shall continue unaltered (mutatis mutandis) notwithstanding that the Profile Administration Services shall be provided by BSCCo.

9.2.5 For the duration of any period where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services, the following provisions of Section S4 shall be deemed to have been amended as follows:

(a) Section S4.2.1(f) shall not apply;

(b) Section S4.2.2 shall read:

BSCCo shall prepare a set of Regression Coefficients, Group Average Annual Consumption values and Profile Coefficients for each BSC Year on or before 30th November before the beginning of the relevant BSC Year, using data collected from the load research programme carried out by it or its appointee, augmented with data provided by Suppliers which is consistent with the overall sample design;

(c) Section S4.2.3 shall read:

BSCCo shall prepare:

(a) on a quarterly basis, a breakdown by GSP Group of each Profile Class sample, together with a statement of the daily average number of customers for which monitoring equipment has been successfully installed and commissioned for each Profile Class in respect of the previous quarter (a quarter being a period of three months commencing on 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October in any year); and

(b) an annual report and data analysis plan (in such form as may be specified by the Panel) setting out what load research data it proposes to use, together with a load research plan (in such form as the Panel shall specify) setting out the proposed sample design and sample sizes in respect of the following BSC Year.

(d) for the purposes of Sections S4.2.4, S4.2.5, S4.2.6, S4.2.7 and S4.2.8Profile Administrator” shall be read as “BSCCo”.

9.3 Contracts for Profile Administration Services

9.3.1 Where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services, in whole or in part, via a service provider(s), BSCCo shall enter into each contract for the provision of Profile Administration Services in accordance with this paragraph 9.3 (a "Profile Administration Services Contract") and for these purposes:

(a) a service provider providing Profile Administration Services shall not be considered to be a 'BSC Agent' under the Code; and

(b) notwithstanding paragraphs 9.2.2 and 9.3.1(a), the provisions of Section E2.4 and Section E3 shall apply to each Profile Administration Services Contract as if references to a BSC Agent included the service provider and references to a BSC Agent Contract included all Profile Administration Services Contracts subject to the provisions of Section E3.2 applying to a service provider of Profile Administration Services in its capacity as such and not in any other capacity which it may have under the Code.

9.3.2 Each Profile Administration Services Contract shall contain terms which provide that the service provider shall make provision for the BSC Auditor to access those things required by Section H5.5.2.

9.3.3 It is recognised that where paragraph 9.3.1 applies, a service provider of Profile Administration Services may be a Party. Where a service provider of Profile Administration Services is a Party:

(a) such Party shall have no rights, benefits, obligations or liability in its capacity as a service provider to or against any other Party under the Code, but without prejudice to its rights and obligations:

(i) as service provider under its Profile Administration Services Contract; and

(ii) in any other capacity under the Code;

(b) references to a Party or Parties in the Code shall be construed as excluding any service provider of Profile Administration Services (which is a Party) in its capacity as a service provider (but as including such person in any other capacity it may have under the Code); and

(c) the provision, disclosure and use of any data relating to a Party which is used in or in connection with the Profile Administration Services by a service provider shall not be considered or construed as being made pursuant to any provision of the Code.

9.3.4 Notwithstanding paragraph 9.3.1(a):

(a) Section H4.6 shall apply to service providers of Profile Administration Services as if references to BSC Agents included service providers and references to BSC Agent Contracts included Profile Administration Services Contracts;

(b) references to BSC Agents and BSC Agent Contracts in Section W shall be deemed to include, respectively, service providers referred to in paragraph 9.3.1 and Profile Administration Services Contracts; and

(c) references to BSC Agents in Section W1.4.1 shall be deemed to include BSCCo.


10.1 General

10.1.1 In respect of each Permitted Affiliate:

(a) BSCCo shall be entitled to subscribe for, acquire or hold any share or other security in a Permitted Affiliate and paragraph 3.4.5(b) shall not apply;

(b) BSCCo shall not dispose of any legal or beneficial interest in any shares or other security in a Permitted Affiliate undertaking activities and functions specified in paragraph 1 of Annex C-1 except:

(i) to the CfD Counterparty and/or the CM Settlement Body and/or to any nominees of the CfD Counterparty and/or the CM Settlement Body; or

(ii) where otherwise directed to do so by the Secretary of State,

in which case paragraph 3.4.5(c) shall not apply;

(c) the Panel shall have no rights of approval or disapproval in respect of claims or proceedings by or against a Permitted Affiliate, or waivers or settlements of such claims, and paragraph 3.4.3(e) shall not apply; and

(d) paragraph 7 shall not apply.

10.1.2 Each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict a Permitted Affiliate from performing all activities and functions and assuming all responsibilities and duties set out in Annex C-1.

10.1.3 Paragraphs 5.1. and 5.2 shall not apply to a Permitted Affiliate and, subject to paragraph 10.1.4, each Party (to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature against a Permitted Affiliate and releases each Permitted Affiliate from any liability in respect of any breach by such Permitted Affiliate of any provision of the Code or in tort (including negligence) or otherwise.

10.1.4 Nothing in paragraph 10.1.3 shall exclude or limit the liability of a Permitted Affiliate for:

(a) death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of such Permitted Affiliate; or

(b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; or

(c) any claim against that Permitted Affiliate brought by a Party (acting in a capacity other than as a Party) solely to the extent that such Party has a right to bring a claim under an EMR Legal Requirement.

10.1.5 BSCCo may amend any BSC Agent Contract to include the supply of services to support Permissible Activities.

10.1.6 Nothing in this paragraph 10 shall affect or limit BSCCo’s obligation to discharge its functions and responsibilities pursuant to the Code.

10.2 Ring-Fencing of Permitted Affiliates

10.2.1 Without prejudice to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5, but subject to paragraph 10.1, the following provisions shall apply (as relevant) to BSCCo and to each Permitted Affiliate:

(a) without prejudice to paragraph 3, BSCCo shall not transfer, lease, licence, or lend any sum or sums, asset (including non-financial resources), right, or benefit to a Permitted Affiliate except by way of:

(i) a payment properly due for any goods, services, data, information, or assets provided on an arm’s length basis and on normal commercial terms; or

(ii) a transfer, lease, licence, or loan of any sum or sums, data, information, asset, right, or benefit that is on an arm’s length basis and on normal commercial terms;

(b) except as permitted in paragraph 10.2.1(a), BSCCo shall not enter into any borrowing for or on behalf of a Permitted Affiliate where the term "borrowing" has the same meaning as that term in accordance with paragraph 3.4.4;

(c) BSCCo and each Permitted Affiliate shall implement agreed contractual arrangements to ensure that:

(i) where any common or shared costs between BSCCo and a Permitted Affiliate are incurred these costs are allocated reasonably and equitably, provided that in determining such allocation a Permitted Affiliate shall not be obliged to pay in excess of the established market rate, if applicable; and

(ii) where BSCCo incurs any costs (including costs in respect of any liabilities incurred by BSCCo) that arise as a consequence of services provided by BSCCo, or on BSCCo’s behalf by a BSC Agent, to a Permitted Affiliate, such costs shall be recoverable from the Permitted Affiliate on a cost recovery basis; and

(d) Parties shall have no liability or obligation to provide financial support to a Permitted Affiliate in respect of its performance of Permissible Activities.


11.1 Provision of Support to EMR Settlement Services Providers

11.1.1 Without prejudice to paragraph 10, BSCCo may, in its discretion, provide (directly and/or via a BSC Agent) to an EMR Settlement Services Provider such support services (including the provision of assurance services) as may be reasonably incidental to supporting that EMR Settlement Services Provider in discharging its EMR Settlement Functions.

11.2 Agreement between BSCCo and EMR Settlement Services Providers

11.2.1 Subject to the disclosure obligations in Section V5, BSCCo shall enter into an agreement or agreements with any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CM Settlement Services Provider including, inter alia, terms relating to the provision of Relevant EMR Settlement Data in accordance with Section V5, and terms that:

(a) restrict the use of the Relevant EMR Settlement Data to the extent necessary to enable any CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or any CM Settlement Services Provider (and their service providers) to discharge their EMR Settlement Functions;

(b) are consistent with the terms (as to availability and reliability of data) contained in agreements entered into by BSCCo pursuant to Section V3.2.7;

(c) in respect of the CFD Settlement Data, impose restrictions on the use of CFD Settlement Data equivalent to the restrictions on the use of Confidential Information in Section H4 provided that a CFD Settlement Services Provider shall be entitled to share CFD Settlement Data with any CfD Counterparty, and otherwise in accordance with the EMR Legal Requirements;

(d) in respect of the CM Settlement Data, reflect the provisions on the use of protected information contained in the EMR Legal Requirements;

(e) where EMR Settlement Data is to be disclosed to a service provider of an EMR Settlement Services Provider, provide that such EMR Settlement Data shall only be disclosed on a "need-to-know" basis and requiring such service providers to enter into a confidentiality agreement with the relevant EMR Settlement Services Provider on terms equivalent to those contained in an EMR Legal Requirement or, if there is no applicable EMR Legal Requirement, Section H4;

(f) allow for the provision of support services in accordance with paragraph 11.1.1 and which, to the fullest extent permitted by law, restrict BSCCo’s liability to the EMR Settlement Services Provider for any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature relating to the supply of services to the EMR Settlement Services Provider to the amounts payable under the agreement for those services; and

(g) provide for the payment by any CFD Settlement Services Provider of CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs and by any CM Settlement Services Provider of CM Settlement Services Provider Costs, as appropriate to the relevant agreement, in each case in accordance with Section D7.


12.1 Introduction

12.1.1 This paragraph 12 sets out the roles, obligations, governance and assurance for the implementation of market-wide, half-hourly Settlement (referred to as MHHS Implementation).

12.1.2 This paragraph 12 contains obligations on BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager, and on Parties (including BSCCo) as MHHS Participants. It also places obligations on certain entities which are not Parties. Compliance by these entities is required by other Industry Codes to which they are party or by their licences.

12.1.3 Assurance of MHHS Implementation is provided by the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider.

12.2 Interpretation

12.2.1 "DCC Licence" means a smart meter communication licence granted under the Act.

12.2.2 "IT System" means a system for generating, sending, receiving, storing (including for the purposes of back-up), manipulating or otherwise processing electronic communications, including all hardware, software, firmware and data associated with such activities.

12.2.3 "MHHS Affected Code Body" means each of the following entities in respect of the following Industry Codes: (a) for the Connection and Use of System Code (as defined in the ESO Licence), the NETSO; (b) for the Smart Energy Code (as defined in the DCC Licence), SECCo (as defined in that code); (c) for the Retail Energy Code (as defined in the Supplier Licences), RECCo (as defined in that code); and (d) for the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (as defined in the Supplier Licences), DCUSA Ltd (as defined in that agreement).

12.2.4 "MHHS DA" means BSCCo as the 'Design Authority' for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.7.

12.2.5 "MHHS Data Cleansing Plan" means the data cleansing plan for MHHS Implementation.

12.2.6 "MHHS Data Migration Plan" means the data migration plan for MHHS Implementation.

12.2.7 "MHHS Defect Management Plan" means the defect management plan for MHHS Implementation.

12.2.8 "MHHS Governance Framework" means the document or documents setting out the detailed governance and assurance requirements for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.3.

12.2.9 "MHHS Implementation" means the implementation of market-wide, half-hourly Settlement (including data migration and storage and other ancillary and incidental matters), including the following:

(a) the energy licence modifications required to enable and facilitate such implementation;

(b) the modifications to this Code and to other Industry Codes required to enable and facilitate such implementation;

(c) the mobilisation, designing, building, testing, integration and go-live of the IT Systems and business processes required to enable and facilitate such implementation; and

(d) establishing readiness for, and the determination of, relevant stages of MHHS Implementation, including the MHHS System Go-Live Date and the beginning and end of periods for MHHS Qualification, migration, completion of transition to new and completion of existing Settlement Runs and post-implementation steps.

12.2.10 "MHHS Implementation Manager" means BSCCo in its roles as MHHS SRO, MHHS PMO, MHHS DA, MHHS SI and MHHS PPC.

12.2.11 "MHHS Implementation Timetable" means the timetable for MHHS Implementation, as established under (and subject to change in accordance with) the MHHS Governance Framework.

12.2.12 "MHHS Independent Assurance Provider" means the independent assurance provider for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.10.

12.2.13 "MHHS ISMS" means the information security management system arrangements put in place to ensure MHHS Implementation compliance with ISO 27001, or equivalent.

12.2.14 "MHHS Migration Plan" means the plan for the migration of Metering Systems as required for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.8

12.2.15 "MHHS Participant" means each of: (a) BSCCo (but excluding its role as MHHS Implementation Manager); (b) each Supplier; (c) each Licensed Distribution System Operator; (d) the DCC; (e) each MHHS Affected Code Body; (f) each Data Collector; (g) each Data Aggregator; (h) each Meter Operator Agent; and (i) any other person or category of person which the Authority directs.

12.2.16 "MHHS PMO" means BSCCo as the 'Programme Management Office' for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.6.

12.2.17 "MHHS PPC" means BSCCo as the 'Programme Party Coordinator' for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.9.

12.2.18 "MHHS Programme Steering Group" means the group of MHHS Participant representatives established from time to time under the MHHS Governance Framework.

12.2.19 "MHHS Qualification" means written confirmation from the Panel (or the Performance Assurance Board if delegated by the Panel) that, in the opinion of the Panel (or Performance Assurance Board as the case may be), the Party or Party Agent has, (a) met the requirements set out in the MHHS Qualification Plan as those which have to be met by that, or that class of, Party or Party Agent and (b) done so by the date specified in the MHHS Qualification Plan; and shall, if required, include re-Qualification.

12.2.20 "MHHS Qualification Plan" means the plan for the MHHS Qualification of those requiring MHHS Qualification for the purposes of MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.11.2.)

12.2.21 "MHHS SI" means BSCCo as the 'Systems Integrator' for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.8.

12.2.22 "MHHS SRO" means BSCCo as the 'Senior Responsible Owner' for MHHS Implementation, as described in paragraph 12.5.

12.2.23 "MHHS System Go-Live Date" means the time and date designated as such by the MHHS SRO.

12.2.24 "MHHS Target Operating Model" means the target operating model for market-wide, half-hourly Settlement, as set out or referred to in the MHHS Governance Framework, and subject to change in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework.

12.2.25 "MHHS Test Plan" means the test plan for each test phase of MHHS Implementation.

12.3 MHHS Governance Framework

12.3.1 The Authority may designate (and may, if it wishes from time to time, re-designate) one or more documents as the MHHS Governance Framework.

12.3.2 The MHHS Governance Framework shall set out supplementary rights, obligations and processes to apply in respect of MHHS Implementation, which may include some or all of the following:

(a) a governance framework for MHHS Implementation, including the creation of the MHHS Programme Steering Group and other representative and/or specialist groups as are required for MHHS Implementation;

(b) a change control process for MHHS Implementation;

(c) further details in relation to performance assurance for MHHS Implementation;

(d) the initial MHHS Target Operating Model;

(e) the initial MHHS Implementation Timetable;

(f) provision for the Authority to re-assign some or all of the roles of the MHHS Implementation Manager (or parts of those roles) to an entity other than BSCCo; and

(g) the decision-making thresholds for matters which must and/or may be referred to the Authority.

12.4 BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager: General

12.4.1 BSCCo shall (either itself or through external service provider(s)) perform its MHHS Implementation Manager roles:

(a) in accordance with Good Industry Practice;

(b) without undue discrimination between MHHS Participants (or classes of MHHS Participants), which includes ensuring no undue discrimination between BSCCo (as an MHHS Participant) and other MHHS Participants;

(c) economically and efficiently and with due consideration of the total cost to and impact on MHHS Participants, and taking into account (in so far as is relevant and possible) the likely impact on consumers;

(d) in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable;

(e) in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework;

(f) in accordance with the MHHS ISMS;

(g) taking into account the recommendations from time to time of the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider (and, if BSCCo opts not to follow such a recommendation, BSCCo shall notify the Authority of BSCCo's reasons for not following the recommendation); and

(h) in accordance with the Authority’s directions from time to time.

12.4.2 BSCCo shall ensure that it maintains the service providers and personnel (with the necessary qualifications and experience), IT Systems and facilities necessary to enable it to perform its role as MHHS Implementation Manager.

12.4.3 BSCCo shall ensure that the service providers, personnel, IT Systems and facilities it uses to perform its role as MHHS Implementation Manager are sufficiently separated from those it uses as an MHHS Participant, as further described and set out in the MHHS Governance Framework and a business separation plan to be approved by the Authority. The Board shall ensure that BSCCo complies with this paragraph 12.4.3. Without limitation, the Board shall maintain appropriate delegations to specified executive members and the MHHS SRO (and, by extension, the rest of the MHHS Implementation Manager function). BSCCo shall ensure that, where it does need to share any MHHS Implementation Manager information with its executive or board members to facilitate the performance of their oversight responsibilities, such information is anonymised between MHHS Participants. BSCCo shall also ensure that the Authority and the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider are informed that the information has been shared and provided with a record of any decisions in relation to it. Subject to such oversight, and notwithstanding programme information available to MHHS Participants, information available to the MHHS Implementation Manager roles must not be shared with the rest of BSCCo (including the Board). Subject to compliance with the MHHS Governance Framework the Board shall be entitled to meet with the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider and to ask the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider to consider and report on any matter in relation to performance of the MHHS Implementation Manager roles (in which case such reports shall be made available to all MHHS Participants, unless the Authority directs otherwise).

12.4.4 As set out in paragraph 12.4.1, BSCCo has the option to appoint an external service provider to perform some or all of its MHHS Implementation Manager roles. BSCCo can also delegate aspects of each role (including to industry groups). However, BSCCo shall always remain responsible under this Code for the performance of the MHHS Implementation Manager roles (subject to paragraph 12.4.8). As regards each of the MHHS Implementation Manager roles, BSCCo shall publish a statement on the BSC Website providing an explanation of its decision as to whether or not to appoint an external service provider to perform such role. Where directed by the Authority, BSCCo shall appoint an external service provider to provide one or more of the MHHS Implementation Manager roles. Where directed by the Authority, BSCCo shall terminate all or part of a contract between BSCCo and an external service provider of an MHHS Implementation Manager role, and appoint a replacement service provider to that role.

12.4.5 BSCCo shall provide (without prejudice to paragraph 3.6) such reporting and information to the Authority, and shall attend such boards, steering groups and meetings, in each case in connection with the MHHS Implementation as the Authority may specify.

12.4.6 The costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in undertaking the role of MHHS Implementation Manager (including such additional expenses and liabilities as BSCCo may incur, including with respect to service providers, in the event that BSCCo’s appointment or responsibilities pursuant to this paragraph 12 cease prior to the completion of the MHHS Implementation) shall be BSC Costs, but BSCCo shall keep account of such costs, expenses and liabilities separately from all other BSC Costs (including separately from the costs incurred by BSCCo as an MHHS Participant).

12.4.7 BSCCo shall prepare and make available to the Panel and to the MHHS Programme Steering Group regular reports in respect of BSCCo’s activities as MHHS Implementation Manager, and the costs incurred as the MHHS Implementation Manager. However BSCCo shall not be required to disclose any information relating to the MHHS Implementation which the Authority expressly requests BSCCo to keep confidential.

12.4.8 The Authority may, in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework, determine that an entity other than BSCCo is to perform some or all of the roles of the MHHS Implementation Manager (or parts of those roles). In such circumstances:

(a) BSCCo shall cease to perform the relevant role(s), BSCCo shall have no further obligations or responsibilities in the relevant role(s) (other than under this paragraph 12.4.8), and the remainder of this paragraph 12 shall be interpreted accordingly;

(b) the MHHS Implementation Manager (insofar as it has continuing roles) and each MHHS Participant shall co-operate and provide reasonable assistance in relation to the transfer of functions;

(c) BSCCo shall, if so directed by the Authority from time to time (including in the case of successive replacements), enter into a contract with the replacement provider of the relevant role(s) for the payment of the replacement provider's charges on the contract terms directed by the Authority (and comply with such contract); and

(d) the MHHS Implementation Manager (insofar as it has continuing roles) and each MHHS Participant shall continue to comply with its obligations in respect of MHHS Implementation vis-à-vis the replacement provider of the relevant role(s).

12.4.9 If BSCCo identifies a conflict between two or more of its obligations under this paragraph 12 or between its obligations under this paragraph 12 and its obligations under another part of this Code, then BSCCo shall immediately notify the Authority of such conflict, and shall comply with the Authority's directions concerning such conflict.

12.5 BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager: MHHS SRO

12.5.1 BSCCo shall act as and perform the role of the 'Senior Responsible Owner' for MHHS Implementation (the "MHHS SRO"). The MHHS SRO shall be responsible for delivery of MHHS Implementation in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable, and accountable for ensuring that MHHS Implementation delivers the MHHS Target Operating Model and achieves the other outcomes specified by the Authority as part of the market wide half-hourly settlement Significant Code Review. The MHHS SRO shall perform its role in accordance with the design and implementation baselines determined by the Authority, as they are amended from time to time in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework.

12.5.2 The responsibilities of the MHHS SRO shall include (without limitation):

(a) identifying, and informing the Authority of, any and all further modifications to energy licences which are required for MHHS Implementation;

(b) ensuring that the modifications to this Code which are required for MHHS Implementation are developed in consultation with MHHS Participants and provided to the Authority for implementation;

(c) monitoring and co-ordinating the development of the modifications to other Industry Codes which are required for MHHS Implementation (in conjunction with the MHHS Affected Code Bodies and in consultation with MHHS Participants), and ensuring that those modifications are presented to the Authority for implementation;

(d) ensuring the efficient, economical and co-ordinated design, build, testing and delivery of efficient, economical, co-ordinated and secure IT Systems and business processes for MHHS Implementation both centrally and (insofar as within its reasonable control) across all MHHS Participants;

(e) developing and documenting the MHHS ISMS for review by the Authority;

(f) overall responsibility for the governance and change process set out in the MHHS Governance Framework; and

(g) subject to paragraph 12.5.3, being responsible and accountable for all programme decisions made as part of MHHS Implementation.

12.5.3 Where the MHHS Governance Framework identifies a decision which should be escalated to the Authority, or the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider determines that a decision should be escalated to the Authority, then the MHHS SRO shall escalate the decision to the Authority, together with the MHHS SRO's recommendation in respect of the decision.

12.6 BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager: MHHS PMO

12.6.1 BSCCo shall act as and perform the role of the 'Programme Management Office' for MHHS Implementation (the "MHHS PMO"). The MHHS PMO shall be responsible for providing full and effective programme management to support MHHS Implementation.

12.6.2 The responsibilities of the MHHS PMO shall include (without limitation):

(a) establishing and administering the governance groups required by the MHHS Governance Framework, including the organisation of meetings, chairing of meetings, setting of agendas, preparation and circulation of papers, and the production of accurate minutes of meetings;

(b) managing programme documentation, including dissemination of information to and consultation with MHHS Participants, timely provision of documentation, clear and accessible presentation of documentation, strict version control of documents, and baselining of approved documents;

(c) establishing and administering the document change control process as required by the MHHS Governance Framework (where relevant, in conjunction with the MHHS DA), including impact assessment and consultation (which must include consideration against any factors specified in the MHHS Governance Framework, and cover impact on consumers, total and component costs to industry as a whole and to different classes of MHHS Participants, and the likely impact on the ability of MHHS Participants to meet the MHHS Implementation Timetable);

(d) ensuring that any decisions that will ultimately require modifications to this Code or any other Industry Code are developed and consulted upon in accordance with good regulatory practice;

(e) maintaining the MHHS Implementation Timetable, and updating it to reflect changes made in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework;

(f) proposing, consulting on and confirming the timelines and milestones for MHHS Qualification under the MHHS Qualification Plan and the timetable for migration under the MHHS Migration Plan, all of which must be performed in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework, including being consistent with the MHHS Implementation Timetable;

(g) tracking and reporting on progress against the MHHS Implementation Timetable to the Authority, the MHHS SRO and the MHHS Programme Steering Group; and

(h) identifying risks to successful completion of MHHS Implementation Timetable milestones (including via a risk, assumptions, issues and dependencies (RAID) log), reporting on those risks to the Authority, the MHHS SRO and the MHHS Programme Steering Group, and proposing to the MHHS SRO measures to address those risks.

12.7 BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager: MHHS DA

12.7.1 BSCCo shall act as and perform the role of the 'Design Authority' for MHHS Implementation (the "MHHS DA"). The MHHS DA shall be responsible for securing the robust and stable design of the business processes and IT Systems via which market-wide, half-hourly Settlement is to be provided, including the existing and new IT Systems of BSCCo and any other new central IT System and the interface of those IT Systems with those of other MHHS Participants (but excluding the IT Systems of such other MHHS Participants).

12.7.2 The responsibilities of the MHHS DA shall include (without limitation):

(a) identifying the design documents and artefacts that will be required to secure effective MHHS Implementation, and allocating responsibility for producing and maintaining each such design document or artefact;

(b) baselining all design documents and artefacts in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework, and managing changes to those design documents and artefacts in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework;

(c) ensuring that the design documentation and artefacts are complete and adequate and set out the design with a precision and at a level of detail that allows all MHHS Participants to fulfil their obligations in relation to MHHS Implementation;

(d) documenting the policies, processes and procedures required by the MHHS ISMS; and

(e) identifying omissions and other deficiencies in the design documentation and artefacts, reporting on those to the MHHS SRO and MHHS Programme Steering Group, and proposing to the MHHS SRO measures to address those deficiencies.

12.8 BSCCo MHHS Implementation Manager: MHHS SI

12.8.1 BSCCo shall act as and perform the role of the 'Systems Integrator' for MHHS Implementation (the "MHHS SI"). The MHHS SI shall be responsible for securing the robust and stable integration of the business processes and IT Systems to be used by MHHS Participants for the purposes of market-wide, half-hourly Settlement (including integration with the business processes and IT Systems which are the subject of paragraph 12.7).

12.8.2 The responsibilities of the MHHS SI shall include (without limitation):

(a) procuring the production of an end-to-end test plan (consistent with the MHHS Implementation Timetable), which sets out the test phases for MHHS Implementation and the MHHS Participants required to participate in each such test phase (which end-to-end plan shall be subject to change control in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework);

(b) proposing, consulting on, and confirming (in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework) an MHHS Test Plan for each test phase of MHHS Implementation (which shall be subject to change control in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework), which must cover for the relevant test phase:

(i) the MHHS Participants that are required to, or eligible to, participate in the test phase;

(ii) the objectives for the test phase (which may include intermediate stages) and the pass/fail criteria;

(iii) the test tools, test data and test environments to be made available;

(iv) the timetable for the test phase (which may include intermediate stages within the test phase);

(v) the entry criteria for the start of the test phase (and for any intermediate stage);

(vi) the reports required to be produced by the MHHS SI and MHHS Participants;

(vii) the exit criteria for completion of the test phase (and any intermediate stage); and

(viii) the process by which the test phase (and any intermediate stage) will be determined to have been successfully completed;

(c) providing timely and expert assistance to the MHHS Participants in complying with their obligations under each MHHS Test Plan;

(d) proposing , consulting on, and obtaining approval for (in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework) an MHHS Data Cleansing Plan, an MHHS Data Migration Plan and an MHHS Defect Management Plan (which shall each be consistent with the MHHS Implementation Timetable and subject to change control in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework); and

(e) tracking the progress of MHHS Participants against the MHHS Test Plans, and reporting on such progress to the MHHS SRO and the MHHS Programme Steering Group; and

(f) propose, consult on, and obtain approval for (in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework) a plan (the "MHHS Migration Plan") which identifies: (i) which classes of MHHS Participant are to participate in the required migration of Metering Systems; and (ii) the requirements with which each such MHHS Participant must comply (in sufficient detail to enable them to prepare for and complete such migration). The MHHS SI shall also ensure that the MHHS Migration Plan includes the timetable for migration set by the MHHS PMO.

12.9 BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager: MHHS PPC

12.9.1 BSCCo shall act as and perform the role of the 'Programme Party Co-ordinator' for MHHS Implementation (the "MHHS PPC"). The MHHS PPC shall be responsible for full and effective co-ordination of MHHS Participants in relation to MHHS Implementation.

12.9.2 The responsibilities of the MHHS PPC shall include (without limitation):

(a) obtaining individual programme plans from MHHS Participants and verifying that each MHHS Participant has a plan which is consistent with the MHHS Implementation Timetable;

(b) monitoring each MHHS Participant's progress against its programme plan, and reporting to the MHHS SRO and the MHHS Programme Steering Group on such progress;

(c) monitoring each MHHS Participant's progress against key milestones in the MHHS Implementation Timetable, and reporting to the MHHS SRO and the MHHS Programme Steering Group on such progress;

(d) providing support and advice to MHHS Participants on their obligations in respect of MHHS Implementation;

(e) facilitating effective communication with MHHS Participants in respect of MHHS Implementation;

(f) ensuring that MHHS Participants are able to raise issues with the MHHS PMO and the MHHS Programme Steering Group; and

(g) ensuring that MHHS Participants understand and can comply with their obligations under the MHHS ISMS.

12.9A MHHS Implementation Manager: Development of Data Integration Platform

12.9A.1 For the purposes of the BSC, the "Data Integration Platform" means the Event Driven Architecture referred to in the Authority’s "Decision on the reference architecture of the Market-Wide Half Hourly Settlement Target Operating Model" dated 14 December 2021.

12.9A.2 BSCCo, in its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager, may develop the systems and processes that may be necessary to implement the Data Integration Platform provided that:

(a) in accordance with paragraph 12.4.4, BSCCo may appoint an external service provider to design, build, test (including participating in industry testing) and implement the Data Integration Platform;

(b) any costs, expenses and liabilities related to:

(i) the design, build, test (including participating in industry testing) and implementation of the Data Integration Platform; and/or

(ii) the termination of any contract entered into under this paragraph 12.9A that occurs whilst BSCCo remains responsible for the Data Integration Platform,

shall be BSC Costs pursuant to paragraph 12.4.6 and Section D8;

(c) responsibility for the enduring governance, funding and operation of the Data Integration Platform shall be determined by the Authority but:

(i) any contract entered into by BSCCo under paragraph 12.9A.2(a) may incorporate obligations relating to the post-implementation operation of the Data Integration Platform;

(ii) notwithstanding paragraph 12.4.3, and with respect to the matters set out in this paragraph 12.9A, BSCCo shall, in its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager, consult and co-operate with:

(A) the part of BSCCo’s business that is not the MHHS Implementation Manager; and

(B) any other person the Authority identifies as a potential enduring operator of the Data Integration Platform;

(iii) if directed to do so by the Authority, BSCCo shall transfer such contract to any person, and in accordance with such timescales, as the Authority considers appropriate;

(d) where the Authority has directed BSCCo to transfer the contract to another person before completion of the design, build, test (including participating in industry testing) and implementation of the Data Integration Platform, unless directed otherwise by the Authority, BSCCo shall continue to pay for such activities pursuant to paragraph 12.4.6 and Section D8.

12.10 MHHS Independent Assurance Provider

12.10.1 The MHHS SRO shall pay for the services of the entity from time to time contracted by the Authority to perform the role of MHHS Independent Assurance Provider and shall, if required by the Authority, enter into an agreement with the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider in relation to such payment.

12.10.2 Although the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider will be contracted by the Authority, the MHHS SRO shall manage such aspects of the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider’s service provision as are described in the MHHS Governance Framework or as the Authority may from time to time direct.

12.10.3 The MHHS Independent Assurance Provider must not be:

(a) BSCCo, any Party, or any other MHHS Participant;

(b) an Affiliate of BSCCo, of any Party, or of any other MHHS Participant; or

(c) a service provider to the BSCCo in respect of the MHHS Implementation Manager roles.

12.10.4 Insofar as reasonably practicable (given the extent of the MHHS SRO's management function under paragraph 12.10.2), the MHHS SRO shall ensure that the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider performs its role:

(a) in accordance with Good Industry Practice;

(b) without undue discrimination between MHHS Participants (or classes of MHHS Participants);

(c) in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable;

(d) in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework; and

(e) in accordance with this paragraph 12 and the Authority's contract with the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider.

12.10.5 The duties of the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider shall include (without limitation):

(a) providing confidence to the MHHS Participants that MHHS Implementation will be successfully delivered against the MHHS Implementation Timetable, deliver the MHHS Target Operating Model and achieve the other outcomes specified by the Authority as part of the market wide half-hourly settlement Significant Code Review;

(b) managing and giving effect to the assurance principles and mechanisms set out in the MHHS Governance Framework;

(c) monitoring and providing assurance that the MHHS Implementation Manager is complying with its obligations under this paragraph 12;

(d) where there are disagreements between the MHHS Implementation Manager and MHHS Participants in relation to MHHS Implementation, providing an independent assessment of the issue and making recommendations to the MHHS SRO and the Authority for resolution;

(e) delivering independent assurance reporting to the MHHS SRO, to the MHHS Programme Steering Group and to the Authority in relation to MHHS Implementation;

(f) providing advice to the MHHS SRO, to the MHHS Programme Steering Group and to the Authority on any required improvement to MHHS Implementation in order to ensure its successful delivery in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable, and delivery of the MHHS Target Operating Model and achievement of the other outcomes specified by the Authority as part of the market wide half-hourly settlement Significant Code Review; and

(g) ensuring that there is independent assurance of compliance with the MHHS ISMS.

12.11 MHHS Participants BSCCo

12.11.1 Separate from its role as MHHS Implementation Manager, BSCCo is an MHHS Participant. In addition to its general obligations as an MHHS Participant (as to which see paragraph 12.12), BSCCo also has particular responsibilities as an MHHS Participant in respect of the MHHS Qualification Plan and supporting the migration of Metering Systems.

12.11.2 BSCCo shall undertake the following in relation to the MHHS Qualification of Parties and Party Agents in order to participate in market-wide, half-hourly Settlement:

(a) BSCCo shall propose, consult on, and obtain approval for (in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework) a plan (the "MHHS Qualification Plan") which identifies: (i) which classes of Party or Party Agent will require MHHS Qualification in order to participate in market-wide, half-hourly Settlement; and (ii) the requirements to be satisfied by each such Party or Party Agent (in sufficient detail to enable them to prepare for and complete such MHHS Qualification). The BSCCo shall also ensure that the MHHS Qualification Plan includes the timelines and milestones for MHHS Qualification set by the MHHS PMO;

(b) BSCCo shall provide access to any of its IT Systems and business processes necessary to enable the relevant Parties and Party Agents to complete any MHHS Qualification required by them to participate in market-wide, half-hourly Settlement;

(c) BSCCo shall provide such access on the basis that all such Parties and Party Agents can access such systems and processes simultaneously, or (if this is not reasonably practicable) on the basis of a non-discriminatory order of access; and

(d) BSCCo shall provide reasonable information, advice and support to all the relevant Parties and Party Agents to support them in completing MHHS Qualification.

12.11.3 BSCCo shall undertake the following in relation to the migration of Metering Systems required for MHHS Implementation:

(a) BSCCo shall provide access to any of its IT Systems and business processes necessary to enable the relevant MHHS Participants to complete the required migration of Metering Systems; and

(b) BSCCo shall provide such access on the basis that all such MHHS Participants can access such systems and processes simultaneously, or (if this is not reasonably practicable) on the basis of a non-discriminatory order of access.

12.11.4 BSCCo shall provide reasonable information, advice and support to all the relevant MHHS Participants to support them in completing the required migration of Metering Systems.

12.12 MHHS Participants: General

12.12.1 Each MHHS Participant shall:

(a) deliver the new and modified IT Systems and business processes required of it as part of MHHS Implementation, including the mobilisation, design, building and testing of such IT Systems and business processes and their integration with those of other MHHS Participants (and shall do so in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable);

(b) take all reasonable steps within its control to facilitate completion of MHHS Implementation in accordance with the MHHS Implementation Timetable, including taking any action reasonably recommended by the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider;

(c) (in accordance with Good Industry Practice) develop, keep up-to-date and comply with its own programme plan (consistent with the MHHS Implementation Timetable) for MHHS Implementation;

(d) refrain from any action which would unduly compromise or delay MHHS Implementation;

(e) comply with the MHHS Governance Framework;

(f) provide the Authority, the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider or MHHS Implementation Manager with such information as they may reasonably request in relation to MHHS Implementation, including regarding the MHHS Participant's planning for and progress in relation to MHHS Implementation (including progress against its own programme plan);

(g) promptly identify, escalate and report to the MHHS Implementation Manager and MHHS Programme Steering Group any and all risks or disputes that may adversely affect MHHS Implementation;

(h) comply with the Authority's directions from time to time relating to MHHS Implementation;

(i) ensure it is able to meet the various milestones on the dates specified in the MHHS Implementation Timetable; and

(j) comply with its obligations under the MHHS ISMS.

12.12.2 For clarity, an MHHS Participant cannot seek to avoid or delay undertaking its obligations as an MHHS Participant by reason of cost. The MHHS Implementation Timetable has been set on the basis of engagement with parties and evidence as to an appropriate and overall cost effective implementation timetable, and will be subject to evidence-based review and change as appropriate. If an MHHS Participant considers that the costs of compliance become (or are likely to become) disproportionate, then it may raise the issue or seek a change under the MHHS Governance Framework, but shall nevertheless continue to comply with its obligations from time to time as an MHHS Participant.

12.12.3 The following obligations apply to those MHHS Participants required by an MHHS Test Plan to participate in the testing required by that MHHS Test Plan (or who are eligible to participate and choose to do so):

(a) they shall comply with the MHHS Test Plan;

(b) they shall participate in testing under the MHHS Test Plan, and shall in doing so act reasonably, fairly, co-operatively and in accordance with Good Industry Practice;

(c) if they are required by the MHHS Test Plan to make their IT Systems available for other MHHS Participants to use for testing, then they must allow such access on the terms proscribed by the MHHS Test Plan;

(d) if they are required by the MHHS Test Plan to produce test reports demonstrating their successful completion of the test phase (or an intermediate stage), then they must do so; and

(e) they must provide all information, access and co-operation reasonably required by the MHHS SI and act in accordance with the reasonable instructions of the MHHS SI.

12.12.4 The following obligations apply to those MHHS Participants required by the MHHS Data Cleansing Plan and/or MHHS Data Migration Plan to participate in the cleansing and/or migration of data required for MHHS Implementation:

(a) they must comply with their obligations under that plan;

(b) they must report their progress as required by the MHHS SI or MHHS PMO;

(c) they must undertake the cleansing, migration and synchronisation of data in accordance with the specified timetables; and

(d) they must provide all information and co-operation reasonably required by the MHHS SI or MHHS PMO.

12.12.5 The following obligations apply to all MHHS Participants in respect of the MHHS Defect Management Plan:

(a) they must comply with the MHHS Defect Management Plan;

(b) they must report and manage defects arising during MHHS Implementation in accordance with the MHHS Defect Management Plan; and

(c) they must ensure that any defects it identifies are resolved in accordance with the MHHS Defect Management Plan.

12.12.6 Those Parties and Party Agents required by the MHHS Qualification Plan to undertake MHHS Qualification must comply with the MHHS Qualification Plan. No Party or Party Agent will be able to participate in market-wide, half-hourly Settlement until it has successfully completed such MHHS Qualification. Failure to complete such MHHS Qualification by the date set out in the MHHS Qualification Plan shall result in the Party not being able to become a Registrant for Metering Systems for which it is not already a Registrant until such time as it has completed MHHS Qualification.

12.12.7 Each MHHS Participant is responsible for ensuring that its agents, employees, service providers and other contractors (including its Party Agents) undertake the activities necessary to enable such MHHS Participant to comply with its obligations as an MHHS Participant. Lack of co-operation from such third parties shall not excuse delays or failures on the part of an MHHS Participant.

12.13 MHHS Participants: DCC

12.13.1 Although the DCC is not a Party to this Code, the DCC is required under the DCC Licence to comply with the obligations expressed in this Code to apply to the DCC as an MHHS Participant, including those that apply to MHHS Participants generally.

12.14 MHHS Participants: MHHS Affected Code Bodies

12.14.1 Although not all of the MHHS Affected Code Bodies are a Party to this Code, each of those that is not a Party has an obligation in the relevant Industry Code to comply with the obligations expressed in this Code to apply to the MHHS Affected Code Bodies as an MHHS Participant, including those that apply to MHHS Participants generally.

12.14.2 Without limiting the application of paragraph 12.4.1, each MHHS Affected Code Body shall provide such co-operation and information as the MHHS Implementation Manager reasonably requires for the purpose of performing its obligations under this paragraph 12 in respect of the MHHS Affected Code Body's Industry Code.

12.15 MHHS Participants: Party Agent

12.15.1 Although Data Collectors, Data Aggregators and Meter Operator Agents are not Parties, they will have to undergo MHHS Qualification before they are MHHS Qualified to participate in market-wide, half-hourly Settlement.

12.15.2 Without limiting the application of paragraph 12.15.1, each Supplier shall ensure that the Data Collectors, Data Aggregators and Meter Operator Agents appointed by it comply with the obligations expressed in this Code to apply to Data Collectors, Data Aggregators and Meter Operator Agents as MHHS Participants, including those that apply to MHHS Participants generally.

12.16 MHHS Participants: Suppliers

12.16.1 Each Supplier which participates in testing under an MHHS Test Plan shall ensure that such testing includes testing in respect of the IT Systems of its Party Agents.

12.16.2 Each Supplier must comply with the MHHS Migration Plan.

12.17 MHHS Performance Assurance

12.17.1 The MHHS Independent Assurance Provider shall provide performance assurance in respect of MHHS Implementation, as described in the MHHS Governance Framework.

12.17.2 Without prejudice to the Panel’s rights and duties in respect of BSCCo, unless and until the Authority otherwise directs, the Panel and Performance Assurance Board’s roles in respect of compliance or performance assurance of the obligations of MHHS Participants in respect of MHHS Implementation, shall be limited to:

(a) those decisions and actions specified in relation to MHHS Qualification; and

(b) such decisions or actions as are specified in the MHHS Migration Plan.

12.17.3 Further, non-exhaustive, details in respect of the assurance which may be conducted by the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider shall be set out in the MHHS Governance Framework, and may include some or all of the following:

(a) requiring an MHHS Participant to procure its own independent assurance of its readiness to meet specified programme milestones;

(b) requiring a statement by an MHHS Participant signed by one or more board directors (or, if the MHHS Participant is not a company, an equivalent representative) regarding the MHHS Participant's readiness to meet specified programme milestones, accompanied by the evidence they have relied upon to make that statement;

(c) when the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider sees fit, notifying each MHHS Participant of any failure, or expected failure, by a MHHS Participant to meet such MHHS Implementation milestone(s) as the provider considers appropriate; provided that:

(i) the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider shall have regard to all the circumstances when deciding which milestone(s) to issue notifications in respect of and when to issue such notifications; and

(ii) the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider shall also notify each MHHS Participant when the MHHS Participant has met, or is expected to meet, such milestone.

12.17.4 Each MHHS Participant is required to comply with the assurance processes applied by the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider in accordance with the MHHS Governance Framework, and BSCCo shall (insofar as within its control) give effect to any decisions of the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider.

12.18 Tendering for the MHHS Implementation Manager Role

12.18.1 In the event that the appointment of the MHHS Implementation Manager is undertaken through a competitive tender process then BSCCo may participate in that process provided that:

(a) the maximum amount that BSCCo may incur in participating in such process shall not in any event exceed the sum of one hundred thousand pounds sterling (£100,000.00) in connection with:

(i) its third party costs (including in respect of professional advisors), expenses, other outgoings and liabilities incurred in connection with the planning, preparation, negotiation and award (or any other process leading to an award), of the proposed MHHS Implementation Manager role; and

(ii) its overhead costs (including, without limitation, personnel costs),

and any such costs, expenses and liabilities shall be BSC Costs;

(b) BSCCo shall keep account of such costs, expenses and liabilities separately from all other BSC Costs; and

(c) BSCCo shall ensure that such costs are subject to a statutory audit and the findings of such audit are reported to the Panel and Parties.

12.19 MHHS Implementation: Additional Budget Requirements

12.19.1 When BSCCo produces draft Annual Budgets and Annual Budgets under paragraph 6.4, and when BSCCo produces draft revisions and revisions to Annual Budgets under paragraph 6.5 or 6.6, BSCCo shall (in addition to its obligations under paragraph 6):

(a) identify the costs which relate to BSCCo's role as MHHS Implementation separately from BSCCo's other costs;

(b) present those aspects which relate to these costs to the MHHS Programme Steering Group; and

(c) take into account representations received from the MHHS Programme Steering Group, and provide a written explanation to the MHHS Programme Steering Group of the changes which are made as a result of such representations or (if changes are not made) of why BSCCo has not made such changes.

12.19A MHHS Implementation: Data Protection General

12.19A.1 For the purposes of the MHHS Data Protection Provisions:

(a) "Commisioner" has the meaning given to that term in the Data Protection Legislation;

(b) "Controller" has the meaning given to that term in the Data Protection Legislation;

(c) "MHHS Data Controller" means the Parties identified at paragraph 12.19A.3(a);

(d) "MHHS Data Protection Provisions" means paragraphs 12.19A to 12.19C inclusive;

(e) "MHHS Test Data" means the Personal Data used for the MHHS Test Processing Purpose as identified in paragraph 12.19C.7 and as further specified in the MHHS Test Plan;

(f) "MHHS Test Data Subjects" means the electricity consumers to whom the MHHS Test Data relates;

(g) "MHHS Test Industry Participant" means each MHHS Participant that is participating in the MHHS Test Processing Purpose;

(h) "MHHS Test Processing Purpose" means the industry-wide systems integration testing, qualification, migration and transition activities specified in the MHHS Test Plan including the secure transfer of MHHS Test Data and the temporary storage of such data for testing purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, the MHHS Test Processing Purpose relates only to testing and does not relate to any activities or Processing that will be required for the live operation of the MHHS arrangements;

(i) "Personal Data" has the meaning given to that term in the Data Protection Legislation;

(j) "Personal Data Breach" has the meaning given to that term in the Data Protection Legislation;

(k) "Process" and "Processing" has the meaning given to those terms in the Data Protection Legislation; and

(l) "Processor" has the meaning given to that term in the Data Protection Legislation

12.19A.2 The words and expressions used in the MHHS Data Protection Provisions and not defined elsewhere in theCodeshall be interpreted in accordance with any meaning given to them in theData Protection Legislation.

12.19A.3 With respect to the MHHS Test Processing Purpose only, and in relation to any Personal Data contained in MHHS Test Data, the Parties acknowledge and agree that:

(a) where BSCCo is acting its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager, it is a Controller (but only in relation to Processing, and Personal Data Processed in, MHHS test environments); and

(b) the MHHS Test Industry Participants (including BSCCo when acting in its capacity as an MHHS Test Industry Participant, taking into account the separation requirements in paragraph 12.4.3) are Processors.

12.19A.4 Paragraph 12.19A.3 is without prejudice to:

(a) an MHHS Test Industry Participant’s Processing of the MHHS Test Data for its own purposes; and

(b) any determination as to whether an MHHS Test Industry Participant is a Controller for any other purposes,

in each case outside of the MHHS Test Processing Purpose.

12.19B MHHS Implementation: Data Controller Obligations

12.19B.1 This paragraph 12.19B sets out the obligations of any Party when they are acting as a Controller in respect of theProcessing ofMHHS Test Data for the MHHS Test Processing Purpose.

12.19B.2 The MHHS Data Controllerconfirms that it has effected, and undertakes that it shall maintain, all such notices and registrations as it is required to effect and maintain under theData Protection Legislationto enable it lawfully to perform the obligations imposed on it by thisCode, and exercise the rights granted to it by thisCode.

12.19B.3 The MHHS Data Controllerundertakes to comply with theData Protection Legislationin the performance of thisCode, including ensuring, in respect ofMHHS Test Datato be shared or otherwiseProcessed pursuant to thisCode, that the MHHS Data Controllerhas a lawful basis for such sharing and otherProcessing.

12.19B.4 Without limiting paragraph 12.19B.3, the MHHS Data Controllershall:

(a) provide to relevantData Subjects, the information required by theData Protection Legislationto be provided by them in respect of theProcessing ofMHHS Test Data. Where requested by the MHHS Data Controller, MHHS Test Participants shall include information in their notices to Data Subjects about use of Data Subjects’ Personal Data for the MHHS Test Processing Purpose;

(b) comply with theData Protection Legislationas regards the exercise of rights byData Subjects in respect ofMHHS Test Data for which it is the Controller. In particular, each MHHS Data Controllershall designate its own contact point responsible for dealing with data protection queries, requests or complaints raised by relevantData Subjects; and

(c) be responsible for, and shall make its own determination as regards, notifying the Commissioner andData Subjects (if applicable) in case of aPersonal Data Breachrelating toMHHS Test Datain accordance withData Protection Legislation.

12.19C MHHS Implementation: Data Processor Obligations

12.19C.1 This paragraph 12.19C sets out the obligations of any Party when they are acting as a Processor in respect of the Processing ofMHHS Test Data for the MHHS Test Processing Purpose.

12.19C.2 Each Processor shall:

(a) only Process that MHHS Test Data for the MHHS Test Processing Purpose as instructed by BSCCo in its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager, and not in a manner that the Processor knows (or should reasonably know) is likely to cause the MHHS Data Controllers to breach their obligations under the Data Protection Legislation (subject to paragraph (b) below);

(b) if the Processor is of the opinion that any requirement of paragraph (a) above breaches the Data Protection Legislation, the Processor shall immediately inform BSCCo in its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager of this giving details of the breach or potential breach (unless the Processor is prohibited from doing so by any of its other obligations under law);

(c) only Process that MHHS Test Data for so long as it is required to do so for the MHHS Test Processing Purpose;

(d) ensure that the Processor's personnel who are authorised to Process MHHS Test Data are under enforceable obligations of confidentiality;

(e) (having regard to the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of Data Subjects) implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that the MHHS Test Data is Processed in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation and is protected against accidental or unlawful loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure;

(f) (taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor) assist the MHHS Data Controllers with their obligations to comply with Data Subject Rights Requests and Data Subjects' rights under the Data Protection Legislation in respect of that MHHS Test Data (through, insofar as is possible, the use of appropriate technical and organisational measures);

(g) taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor, provide reasonable assistance to the MHHS Data Controllers in complying with any enquiry made, or investigation or assessment initiated, by the Commissioner in respect of the Processing of that MHHS Test Data;

(h) notify, without undue delay after becoming aware of a Personal Data breach, BSCCo (in its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager) in the event that the Processor becomes aware of a Personal Data breach in relation to MHHS Test Data. Taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor, the Processors shall provide all reasonably necessary assistance to the MHHS Data Controller in order to comply with the MHHS Data Controller's obligations under Data Protection Legislation to notify the Commissioner and Data Subjects;

(i) provide all such reasonable and timely assistance as BSCCo may require in order to conduct an impact assessment in accordance with Data Protection Legislation;

(j) upon termination or expiry of the Processing pursuant to MHHS Test Processing Purpose, destroy the MHHS Test Data that is within its possession or control (including where subcontracted to a third party); save that this requirement shall not apply to the extent that the Processor: (i) is required by a Legal Requirement to retain the MHHS Test Data; and/or (ii) continues to process the MHHS Test Data for other lawful purposes (either as a Controller or as a Processor on behalf of other Controllers); and

(k) permit BSCCo, in its capacity as MHHS Implementation Manager, to audit compliance with this paragraph 12.19C and make available to on request from all information reasonably necessary to demonstrate such compliance.

12.19C.3 Each Processor shall ensure that its sub-processors, in respect of the MHHS Test Data, are subject to written contractual obligations in respect of the Processing of that MHHS Test Data which are substantially the same as the Processor obligations under the Code.

12.19C.4 The MHHS Data Controller hereby gives each Processor general authorisation to engage sub-processors who are appointed in accordance with the requirements of the Code. The MHHS Data Controller hereby confirms that it does not object to the engagement of any sub-processors engaged in accordance with such requirements. Where a sub-processor is appointed in accordance with this paragraph, the Processor shall maintain a list of sub-processors (including details of the processing it performs or will perform) and provide such list of sub-processors to the MHHS Data Controller on request.

12.19C.5 Notwithstanding such general consent to appointment of sub-processers under paragraph 12.9C.4, if a MHHS Data Controller objects to the appointment of a sub-processor on reasonable grounds relating to the protection of Personal Data, the Processor will not permit Processing of MHHS Test Data by such sub-processor.

12.19C.6 Each Processor shall not transfer or process the MHHS Test Data outside the United Kingdom and European Economic Area unless the Processor:

(a) has first obtained MHHS Data Controller’s approval; and

(b) takes such measures as are necessary to ensure the transfer is in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, which may include transferring the MHHS Test Data to a recipient: (i) in a country that the Secretary of State has decided provides adequate protection for Personal Data; (ii) that has achieved binding corporate rules authorisation in accordance with Data Protection Legislation; or (iii) that has executed relevant standard contractual clauses adopted or approved by the Secretary of State or otherwise permitted by the Data Protection Legislation.

12.19C.7 This paragraph sets out information about the Personal Data processed by Processors for the MHHS Testing Processing Purpose:

(a) nature of the Processing: the secure transfer of the MHHS Test Data between Industry Participants and the storage of such data;

(b) Purpose and subject matter of the Processing; the MHHS Test Processing Purpose;

(c) Duration of the Processing: the duration of the MHHS Test Processing Purpose as specified in the MHHS Test Plan;

(d) Categories of Data Subject: domestic electricity consumers and sole traders;

(e) Types of Personal Data: MPAN/Metering System details including MPAN Core/Number, MPAN address and Meter Serial Number.

12.20 MHHS Implementation: Sunset Provision

12.20.1 Once the Authority has confirmed for the purposes of this paragraph 12.20 that MHHS Implementation is complete (or sufficiently complete), then this Code shall automatically be modified by the deletion of this paragraph 12 and by any consequential amendments to the remainder of this Code as the Authority may direct.

12.20.2 Such deletion of this paragraph 12 shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising under this paragraph 12 prior to its deletion.

13. Capacity Market Advisory Group Administration

13.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "Capacity Market Advisory Group" or "CMAG" means the group established by the Authority pursuant to the Change Process for the Capacity Market Rules Guidance;

(b) "Change Process for the Capacity Market Rules Guidance" means the guidance relating to the change process for the Capacity Market Rules issued by the Authority from time to time;

13.2 BSCCo shall:

(a) establish and maintain arrangements and processes that support the operation of the CMAG;

(b) provide administration and management services to the CMAG in accordance with the arrangements and processes established under paragraph 13.2(a) and the Change Process for the Capacity Market Rules Guidance,

(collectively "CMAG Services").

13.2 In performing the CMAG Services, BSCCo shall seek such approvals from the Authority, and act in accordance with such directions of the Authority, in each case as may be specified in the arrangements and processes established under paragraph 13.2(a) and the Change Process for the Capacity Market Rules Guidance.

13.3 The costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in connection with delivering the CMAG Services shall be BSC Costs.

13.4 The functions of, and the things done by, BSCCo under and pursuant to this paragraph 13 shall be considered to be functions under and things done pursuant to the Code provided that the Panel shall have no duties or responsibilities in relation to the CMAG Services and BSCCo shall owe no duties to the Panel in the carrying out of such functions.

13.5 For the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph 13 shall not constitute a delegation of any of the Authority’s powers or duties it under Sections 77 or 78 of the Capacity Market Regulations 2014.

14. Energy Price Guarantee Scheme

14.1 BSCCo (either itself, through a service provider, or through another BSC Company, if so permitted in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document) may perform the functions, role and responsibilities of the EPG Scheme Administrator as set out in the EPG Scheme Document, as amended from time to time, (including anything necessary for or reasonably incidental to the performance of such functions, role and responsibilities), and may act as an agent for the Secretary of State in respect of such responsibilities and functions, subject to the following:

(a) the Panel (and each Panel Committee) shall have no duties or responsibilities in relation to the EPG Scheme and BSCCo’s performance of its functions, role or responsibilities as EPG Scheme Administrator, and BSCCo shall owe no duties to the Panel in the carrying out of such functions and responsibilities;

(b) each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict BSCCo from performing the functions, role and responsibilities of the EPG Scheme Administrator and shall (where applicable) co-operate with all requests for information made by BSCCo in performing those functions and responsibilities;

(c) save as may be provided for in the EPG Scheme Document, each Party (to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature whether in contract, tort (including negligence and/or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise at law (other than for death or personal injury as a result of negligence or for an equitable remedy) against BSCCo and releases BSCCo from any such liability in respect of any breach by BSCCo in connection with its performance of the functions and responsibilities of the EPG Scheme Administrator;

(d) the costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in connection with performing its EPG Scheme Administrator functions shall be BSC Costs, subject to paragraph 14.1(e) below;

(e) BSCCo shall account for all payments to EPG Scheme Parties separately from BSC Costs and Trading Charges respectively, and shall receive and hold amounts payable to and by it in respect of EPG Scheme Payments in a separate bank account, in accordance with the requirements of the EPG Scheme Document;

(f) Parties acknowledge that BSCCo, as the EPG Scheme Administrator, is not obliged on any day to make payment to EPG Scheme Supplier Parties of any amount greater than the amount standing to the credit of the EPG Scheme Account on that day (as received from the Secretary of State);

(g) BSCCo may use any BSC Data in performing its functions, role and responsibilities as EPG Scheme Administrator and as required in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document (including using BSC Data as necessary to fulfil its obligations following the end of the EPG Scheme, and providing BSC Data to any other EPG Scheme Administrator appointed in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document);

(h) paragraphs 1.3.1 and 7 shall not apply to this paragraph 14.1;

(i) notwithstanding Section F, paragraph 14 may not be amended without the prior written consent of the Secretary of State;

(j) if another person is designated as the EPG Scheme Administrator in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document, and BSCCo is no longer required to perform such role, BSSCo shall provide such BSC Data as may be required to the EPG Scheme Administrator to enable it to perform its functions in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document; and

(k) notwithstanding Section F, this Code shall automatically be modified by the deletion of paragraph 14 upon BSCCo ceasing to be the EPG Scheme Administrator or an EPG Scheme Party (including where another person is appointed as EPG Scheme Administrator in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document, and BSCCo retains obligations to provide BSC Data to such EPG Scheme Administrator). Such deletion of paragraph 14 shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising under this paragraph 14.1 prior to its deletion (including in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document).

14.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 14:

(a) the "EPG Scheme" means the government Energy Price Guarantee scheme for Domestic Electricity Consumers in Great Britain established by the Secretary of State and set out in the EPG Scheme Document;

(b) the "EPG Scheme Account" means the bank account set up by BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 14.1(e);

(c) the "EPG Scheme Administrator" means a person designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document to discharge functions in connection with the administration of the EPG Scheme;

(d) the "EPG Scheme Agreement" means the agreement, between the Secretary of State, BSCCo (as initial Scheme Administrator) and such EPG Scheme Supplier Parties and other persons as have become party by accession to the EPG Scheme Agreement, by which the Scheme Document is made binding among the EPG Scheme Parties;

(e) the "EPG Scheme Document" means the document of that title issued by the Secretary of State to establish the EPG Scheme, as amended from time to time, and references to the Scheme Document include the contract between the EPG Scheme Parties, incorporating the Scheme Document, established by the Scheme Agreement;

(f) an "EPG Scheme Party" means a party to the EPG Scheme, in accordance with the Scheme Document (including the Secretary of State, the EPG Scheme Administrator, and each EPG Scheme Supplier Party);

(g) an "EPG Scheme Supplier Party" is a Supplier (including a Supplier acting pursuant to a last resort direction) which is party to the EPG Scheme Agreement and has not ceased to be an EPG Scheme Party pursuant to the EPG Scheme Document; and

(h) "EPG Scheme Payment" means an amount payable to an EPG Scheme Supplier Party or the Secretary of State in accordance with the EPG Scheme Document.

15. Energy Bill Discount Scheme

15.1 BSCCo (either itself, through a service provider, or through another BSC Company, if so permitted in accordance with the Scheme Functions Agreement, the Scheme Regulations and the Scheme Rules) may perform the functions and responsibilities in respect of the RelevantSchemes as set out in the Scheme Functions Agreement and the Scheme Rules (including functions delegated to BSCCo by the Secretary of State in accordance with the Scheme Regulations) (the "Scheme Functions"), including anything necessary for or reasonably incidental to the performance of such functions and responsibilities, and BSCCo may act as an agent for the Secretary of State in respect of such responsibilities and functions, subject to the following:

(a) the Panel (and each Panel Committee) shall have no duties or responsibilities in relation to the Relevant Schemes and BSCCo’s performance of its Scheme Functions, and BSCCo shall owe no duties to the Panel in carrying out such functions and responsibilities;

(b) each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict BSCCo from performing its Scheme Functions and shall (where applicable) co-operate with all requests for information made by BSCCo in performing such functions and responsibilities;

(c) save as may be provided for in the Scheme Functions Agreement, the Scheme Regulations or the Scheme Rules, each Party (to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature whether in contract, tort (including negligence and/or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise at law (other than for death or personal injury as a result of negligence or for an equitable remedy) against BSCCo and releases BSCCo from any such liability in respect of any breach by BSCCo in connection with its performance of its Scheme Functions;

(d) the costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in connection with performing its Scheme Functions shall be BSC Costs, subject to paragraph 15.1(e) below;

(e) BSCCo shall account for all Scheme Amounts separately from BSC Costs and Trading Charges respectively, and shall receive and hold Scheme Amounts in a separate bank account, in accordance with the requirements of the Scheme Functions Agreement (for the avoidance of doubt, Scheme Amounts may only be used for the purposes of the Relevant Schemes, and only Scheme Amounts may be used to make payments for the purposes of the Relevant Schemes);

(f) Parties acknowledge that BSCCo, in performing its Scheme Functions, is not obliged on any day to make payment of any EBR Scheme Amounts of any amount greater than the amount standing to the credit of the EBR Scheme Account on that day (as received from the Secretary of State);

(g) BSCCo may use any BSC Data in performing its Scheme Functions as required in accordance with the Scheme Functions Agreement (including using BSC Data as necessary to fulfil its obligations following the end of the Relevant Schemes and as required pursuant to paragraph 15.1(h) below);

(h) BSCCo shall provide information and reporting to the Secretary of State as necessary to perform its Scheme Functions in accordance with the Scheme Functions Agreement, or as otherwise requested by the Secretary of State in order for the Secretary of State to fulfil its functions in relation to the Relevant Schemes;

(i) paragraphs 1.3.1 and 7 shall not apply to this paragraph 15.1;

(j) notwithstanding Section F, this paragraph 15 may not be amended without the prior written consent of the Secretary of State;

(k) if another person is delegated functions and responsibilities by the Secretary of State in relation to the Relevant Scheme(s) in accordance with the Scheme Regulations, and BSCCo is no longer required to perform such Scheme Functions, BSCCo shall provide such BSC Data as may be required to the new delegate to enable it to perform its functions in accordance with the Scheme Regulations, the Scheme Rules, and any agreement entered into between such new delegate and the Secretary of State in the respect of the relevant functions; and

(j) notwithstanding Section F, this Code shall automatically be modified by the deletion of paragraph 15 upon BSCCo ceasing to be a party to the Scheme Functions Agreement (including where another person is delegated functions in accordance with the Scheme Regulations, and BSCCo retains obligations to provide BSC Data to such new delegate). Such deletion of paragraph 15 shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising under this paragraph 15.1 prior to its deletion (including in accordance with the Scheme Functions Agreement, the Scheme Regulations and/or the SchemeRules).

15.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 15:

(a) " Scheme Rules" means, in respect of the Relevant Scheme, any rules issued by the Secretary of State pursuant to the Scheme Regulations, as amended from time to time;

(b) "Relevant Schemes" means the government support scheme in respect of GB non-domestic electricity supply established by the Secretary of State and detailed in the Scheme Regulations and the Scheme Rules;

(c) " Scheme Account" means the bank account set up by BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 15.1(e);

(d) " Scheme Amounts" means amounts payable to or by a Supplier under the Scheme Regulations which (pursuant to the Scheme Functions Agreement) BSCCo is to pay or receive on behalf of the Secretary of State;

(e) " Scheme Functions" has the meaning set out in paragraph 15.1;

(f) " Scheme Functions Agreement" means the agreement between the Secretary of State and BSCCo which sets out the role and functions of BSCCo in respect of the Relevant Schemes; and

(g) " Scheme Regulations" means the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (England, Wales and Scotland) Regulations 2022, and the [Energy Bill Discount Scheme Regulations 2023], in each case as amended from time to time.

16. Electricity Support Payment Scheme

16.1 BSCCo may perform the functions, role and responsibilities of the EII Support Payment Administrator and the EII Levy Administrator as set out in the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024, as amended from time to time, (including anything necessary for or reasonably incidental to the performance of such functions, role and responsibilities), subject to the following:

(a) the Panel (and each Panel Committee) shall have no duties or responsibilities in relation to the ESP Scheme and BSCCo’s performance of its functions, role or responsibilities as EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator, and BSCCo shall owe no duties to the Panel in the carrying out of such functions and responsibilities;

(b) each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict BSCCo from performing the functions, role and responsibilities of the EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator and shall (where applicable) co-operate with all requests for information made by BSCCo in performing those functions and responsibilities;

(c) save as may be provided for in the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024, each Party (to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature whether in contract, tort (including negligence and/or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise at law (other than for death or personal injury as a result of negligence or for an equitable remedy) against BSCCo and releases BSCCo from any such liability in respect of any breach by BSCCo in connection with its performance of the functions and responsibilities of the EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator;

(d) the costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in connection with performing its EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator functions and any other costs identified in the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024 as being costs associated with carrying out the EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator functions shall be recoverable in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024;

(e) BSCCo may use any BSC Data in performing its functions, role and responsibilities as EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator and as required in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024 (including using BSC Data as necessary to fulfil its obligations following the end of the ESP Scheme, and providing BSC Data to any other EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator appointed in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024);

(f) paragraphs 1.3.1 and 7 shall not apply to this paragraph 16.1;

(g) notwithstanding Section F, paragraph 16 may not be amended without the prior written consent of the Secretary of State;

(h) if another person is designated as the EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024, and BSCCo is no longer required to perform such role, BSSCo shall provide such BSC Data as may be required to the EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator to enable it to perform its functions in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024; and

(i) notwithstanding Section F, this Code shall automatically be modified by the deletion of paragraph 16 if BSCCo ceases to be the EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator (including where another person is appointed as EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024, and BSCCo retains obligations to provide BSC Data to such EII Support Payment Administrator and EII Levy Administrator). Such deletion of paragraph 16 shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising under this paragraph 16.1 prior to its deletion.

16.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 16:

(a) an "Electricity Support Payment" has the meaning given to the term in the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024;

(b) the "Electricity Support Payment Scheme" or "ESP Scheme" means the government Electricity Support Payment Scheme in Great Britain established by the Secretary of State and set out in the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024;

(c) the "EII Certificate" has the meaning given to the term in the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024;

(d) the "EII Levy Administrator" means a person designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024 to discharge functions in connection with the administration of the ESP Scheme;

(e) the "EII Support Payment Administrator" means a person designated by the Secretary of State in accordance with the Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024 to discharge functions in connection with the administration of the ESP Scheme; and

f) the "Electricity Support Payments and Levy Regulations 2024" means the document of that title issued by the Secretary of State to establish the ESP Scheme, as amended from time to time.

17. Market Facilitator Arrangements

17.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "Market Facilitator" or "MF" means the market facilitator role performed in accordance with the Authority’s decision letter dated 29 July 2024 and pursuant to the Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document;

(b) "Market Facilitator Arrangements" means the mechanisms, roles, rules and responsibilities set out in the Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document;

(c) “Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document" means the document of that title issued by the Authority to establish the Market Facilitator Arrangements, as amended from time to time;

(d) "Market Facilitator Implementation Services" means the services to be provided by BSCCo in order to facilitate the establishment of the Market Facilitator including:

(i) developing governance and funding arrangements;

(ii) developing a design and implementation plan and approach;

(iii) engaging with interested persons; and

(iv) providing reasonably required additional services as directed by the Authority.

(e) "Market Facilitator Operational Services" means the services to be provided (from such date as to be confirmed at the Authority’s sole discretion) by the Market Facilitator during transition from or completion of the Market Facilitator Implementation Services in accordance with and as detailed in the Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document.

(f) Market Facilitator Reassignmentshall have the meaning given to that term in paragraph 17.10.

(g)Market Facilitator Removalshall have the meaning given to that term in paragraph 17.9.

17.2 It is acknowledged that the enduring governance, funding, design and operation of the Market Facilitator Arrangements shall be determined and established by the Authority pursuant to the Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document.

17.3 BSCCo shall provide the Market Facilitator Implementation Services in accordance with this paragraph 17. In performing the Market Facilitator Implementation Services, BSCCo shall:

(a) provide such reporting and information to the Authority, and shall attend such boards, steering groups and meetings as the Authority may specify; and

(b) comply with any reasonable directions, arrangements or processes established by the Authority from time to time.

17.4 During transition from or after completion of the Market Facilitator Implementation Services (from such date as to be confirmed at the Authority’s sole discretion), BSCCo shall, in accordance with the arrangements and processes set out in the Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document:

(a) implement and maintain arrangements and processes that establish the Market Facilitator Arrangements; and

(b) provide the Market Facilitator Operational Services.

17.5 In performing the Market Facilitator Operational Services, BSCCo shall seek such approvals from the Authority, and act in accordance with such reasonable directions of the Authority, in each case as may be specified in the arrangements and processes set out in the Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document.

17.6 The costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in connection with delivering the Market Facilitator Implementation Services shall be BSC Costs but BSCCo shall keep account of such costs, expenses and liabilities separately from all other BSC Costs.

17.7 The Panel (and each Panel Committee) shall have no duties or responsibilities in relation to the Market Facilitator Arrangements, Market Facilitator Implementation Services or Market Facilitator Operational Services and BSCCo’s performance of its functions, role or responsibilities as Market Facilitator, and BSCCo shall owe no duties to the Panel in the carrying out of such functions and responsibilities.

17.8 EachParty(to the fullest extent permitted by law) waives any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature whether in contract, tort (including negligence and/or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise at law (other than for death or personal injury as a result of negligence or for an equitable remedy) againstBSCCoand releasesBSCCofrom any such liability in respect of any breach byBSCCo in connection with its performance as Market Facilitator.

17.9 The Authority may, upon giving BSCCo reasonable notice, remove from BSCCo some, part of or all of the Market Facilitator Implementation Services, Market Facilitator Operational Services and/or roles of the Market Facilitator (“Market Facilitator Removal).

17.10 The Authority may re-assign some, part of or all of the Market Facilitator Implementation Services, Market Facilitator Operational Services and/or roles of the Market Facilitator to an entity other than BSCCo (“Market Facilitator Reassignment”).

17.11 In the event of Market Facilitator Removal and/or Market Facilitator Reassignment, BSCCo shall provide such reasonable co-operation to the Authority and (where applicable) a replacement Market Facilitator (including the provision of materials and information relating to the Market Facilitator Implementation Services, Market Facilitator Operational Services and/or roles of the Market Facilitator) as may be reasonably necessary.

17.12 Notwithstanding Section F, this Code shall automatically be modified by the deletion of paragraph 17 upon BSCCo ceasing to be the Market Facilitator (including in the event of Market Facilitator Reassignment). Such deletion of paragraph 17 shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations arising under this paragraph 17 prior to its deletion.


1 Activities performed pursuant to the Energy Act 2013

1.1 Settlement Services Provider for Feed in Tariff Contracts for Difference

1.1.1 A Permitted Affiliate may, for the duration of its appointment as a CFD Settlement Services Provider, perform (either itself or through a service provider) all activities and functions and assume all responsibilities and duties relating to, or otherwise (whether specified in any EMR Legal Requirement or in a contract between a Permitted Affiliate and a CfD Counterparty) in connection with:

(a) the calculation, invoicing, reconciliation and, where applicable, settlement of amounts payable or arising under:

(i) Contracts for Difference; and

(ii) the Contracts for Difference Supplier Obligation;

(b) the calculation, collection, administration and enforcement of financial collateral pursuant to Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 and as set out in:

(i) contracts for difference entered into by a CfD Counterparty pursuant to Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013; and

(ii) the Contracts for Difference Supplier Obligation; and

(c) any other matters pursuant to Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013.

1.2 Settlement Services Provider for Capacity Agreements

1.2.1 A Permitted Affiliate may, for the duration of its appointment as a CM Settlement Services Provider, perform (either itself or through a service provider) all activities and functions and assume all responsibilities and duties relating to, or otherwise (whether specified in any EMR Legal Requirement or in a contract between a Permitted Affiliate and the CM Settlement Body) in connection with:

(a) the calculation, administration and, where applicable, settlement of amounts payable or arising under Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 and set out in:

(i) the Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014;

(ii) any other regulations made under Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 which are in force from time to time;

(iii) the Capacity Market Rules; and

(b) the calculation, collection, administration and enforcement of financial collateral pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 and set out in:

(i) the Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014;

(ii) any other regulations made under Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 which are in force from time to time;

(iii) the Capacity Market Rules; and

(c) any other matters pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013.

1.3 EMR Tender Activities

1.3.1 A Permitted Affiliate may prepare for and participate in the process for the award of the activities referred to in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 and if such preparation and participation has been included in a Business Strategy and an Annual Budget which have been approved and adopted under paragraph 6, the costs thereof shall be BSC Costs and Sections C10.2.1(d) and D7.3.1 shall not apply in respect of such BSC Costs.

1A Settlement Services Provider Preparation for Market Changes

1A.1 Preparatory Work

1A.1.1 Subject always to Section C10.2.1(d), the Permitted Affiliate established pursuant to paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of this Annex C-1 may undertake (either itself or through a service provider) preparatory work, including developing the necessary systems and processes that may be necessary, in relation to schemes established by, or proposed to be established by, the Secretary of State from time to time.

2. Uniform Network Code Gas Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA) role

2.1 General

2.1.1 BSCCo shall be entitled to establish or acquire PAFACo for the purpose of investigating and, if the Board of PAFACo decides to do so, participating in a PAFA Tender, and if successful in such PAFA Tender, performing the functions and responsibilities of the PAFA Role, provided that the total consideration for the payment in respect of all of the allotted shares of PAFACo shall not exceed £1.00.

2.2 PAFA tender

2.2.1 Subject to paragraphs 2.2.3 and 2.3, BSCCo may provide a loan or grant credit to PAFACo on such terms as the Board may approve, from time to time, provided always that the maximum amount of the loan or credit granted shall not in any event exceed the total aggregate sum of one hundred thousand pounds sterling (£100,000.00) to enable PAFACo to pay, in aggregate in connection with a PAFA Tender:

(a) its third party costs (including in respect of professional advisors), expenses, other outgoings and liabilities incurred in connection with the planning, preparation, negotiation and award (or any other process leading to an award), of the PAFA Role; and

(b) its overhead costs (including, without limitation, personnel costs), provided that such costs shall in the first instance be incurred by BSCCo on behalf of PAFACo,

(together, "PAFA Tender Costs").

2.2.2 Subject to paragraph 2.2.1, PAFA Tender Costs may be incurred over successive BSC Years.

2.2.3 PAFA Tender Costs shall be BSC Costs and BSCCo shall keep account of such costs, expenses and liabilities separately from all other BSC Costs.

2.2.4 BSCCo shall submit any report it receives from PAFACo pursuant to paragraph 2.4.5(c) to the Panel at its next available meeting and every quarter thereafter until repayment of the Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs or the loan is written off in accordance with paragraph 2.3.6 (as the case may be).

2.2.5 BSCCo shall ensure that PAFA Tender Costs are subject to a statutory audit and such findings are reported to the Panel and Parties.

2.3 Reimbursement of PAFA Tender Costs to Trading Parties

2.3.1 The amounts recoverable by BSCCo as PAFA Tender Costs are amounts expended or funded by or on behalf of Trading Parties pursuant to paragraph 2.2 and any amounts which are otherwise described in the Code as PAFA Tender Costs.

2.3.2 BSCCo shall procure the agreement of PAFACo that in the event PAFACo is successful in a PAFA Tender exercise PAFACo shall repay Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs to BSCCo within the PAFA Tender Recovery Period.

2.3.3 Subject to paragraphs 2.3.2, 2.3.5 and 2.3.6, Trading Parties shall be entitled to recover Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs in accordance with their respective Main Funding Shares at that time.

2.3.4 As soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the statement referred to in paragraph 2.4.5(c), BSCCo shall determine the Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs and the recovery share for each Trading Party and provide its own statement of account to the Panel, the Authority and all Parties (excluding commercially sensitive information). Subject to the Panel’s approval, such statement of account shall be final and binding in the absence of manifest error (provided that such error must be notified no later than six months following receipt of the statement of account, failing which the statement of account shall be a final determination for the purposes of the Code).

2.3.5 Subject to paragraph 2.3.6 it is acknowledged that:

(a) in the event PAFACo is unsuccessful in a PAFA Tender exercise, it is unlikely that BSCCo will be able to recover Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs (in whole or in part) from PAFACo; and

(b) if BSCCo were obliged to reimburse Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs to Trading Parties the financial consequences of such reimbursement would be borne by Trading Parties themselves.

2.3.6 Notwithstanding Section C3.4.6, in accordance with paragraph 2.3.5, the Parties agree that:

(a) subject to paragraph 2.3.6(b), any loan arrangements agreed pursuant to this paragraph 2 may provide that the Board may, in its absolute discretion, resolve to write off any loan or credit provided to PAFACo for PAFA Tender Costs which relates to an unsuccessful PAFA Tender exercise, provided the amount written off shall not exceed the total cumulative amount of £100,000.00 plus any interest agreed to have been paid in the agreement documenting that loan or credit which would otherwise have been receivable; and

(b) for the purposes of the Code, such loan arrangements as referred to in paragraph 2.3.6(a) which permit the Board to write off a loan or credit to PAFACo shall be treated as arrangements concluded at arm’s length and on normal commercial terms.

2.3.7 For the avoidance of doubt, BSCCo shall procure that any PAFA Tender Costs provided pursuant to paragraph 2.2.1(a) which are underspent shall be refunded to BSCCo.

2.4 Shareholder arrangements with PAFACo

2.4.1 At all times BSCCo shall be the registered holder of all of the issued share capital in PAFACo.

2.4.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the form of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of PAFACo shall not form part of the Code, but shall be subject to Board approval.

2.4.3 Subject to the provision of PAFA Tender Costs, but without limitation to paragraph 2.4.4, BSCCo shall not provide any finance or financial support to PAFACo.

2.4.4 BSCCo agrees and undertakes that it shall not cause PAFACo to be in default of the Legal Requirements of the PAFA Role by reason of any act or omission in connection with its capacity as the PAFACo Shareholder, and each Party agrees that BSCCo may contract or otherwise put in place arrangements with PAFACo on such basis, unless:

(a) BSCCo is required to take such step by reason of a Legal Requirement and/or the Code; and

(b) BSCCo has first notified and, where practicable, consulted with PAFACo in relation to such step.

2.4.5 In its capacity as the PAFACo Shareholder, BSCCo shall ensure PAFACo’s contractual agreement, that:

(a) subject always to paragraph 2.4.4:

(i) the Board shall appoint the chair of the PAFACo Board from time to time;

(ii) the initial chair of the PAFACo Board shall, in consultation with the Panel, appoint the other initial directors of PAFACo;

(iii) BSCCo, in its capacity as PAFACo Shareholder, shall have the power to appoint or remove directors of PAFACo; and

(iv) BSCCo, in its capacity as PAFACo Shareholder, shall approve or reject the appointment of directors of PAFACo;

(b) PAFACo shall provide a quarterly summary of PAFA Tender Costs to BSCCo, provided that PAFACo shall:

(i) ensure that it reports on total costs and, subject to paragraph 2.4.5(b)(ii), provides in sufficient detail a breakdown of the costs such as to provide BSC Parties with a reasonable level transparency in respect of the scope and level of expenditure; and

(ii) be entitled to exclude any information from the breakdown of costs provided to Parties which relates to the affairs of PAFACo, a BSC Company or any other third party and is in PAFACo's reasonable opinion confidential and/or commercially sensitive in connection with a PAFA Tender; and

(c) without prejudice to paragraph 2.4.5(b), PAFACo shall, as soon as reasonable practicable after it is notified of its success or not (as the case may be) in a PAFA Tender exercise, submit a statement of its costs incurred in accordance with paragraph 2.2.1(b) to BSCCo.

3. Retail Energy Code (REC) Administrative Services (RECAS) Role

3.1 General

3.1.1 BSCCo shall be entitled to establish or acquire RECASCo for the purpose of:

(a) investigating and, if the Board of RECASCo decides to do so, participating in a RECAS Tender; and

(b) performing the functions and responsibilities of the RECAS Role, provided that the total consideration for the payment in respect of all of the allotted shares of RECASCo shall not exceed £1.00.

3.2 RECAS Tender

3.2.1 Subject to paragraphs 3.2.3 and 3.3, BSCCo may provide a loan or grant credit to RECASCo on such terms as the Board may approve, from time to time, provided always that the maximum amount of the loan or credit granted shall not in any event exceed the total aggregate sum of one hundred thousand pounds sterling (£100,000.00) to enable RECASCo to pay, in aggregate in connection with a RECAS Tender:

(a) its third party costs (including in respect of professional advisors), expenses, other outgoings and liabilities incurred in connection with the planning, preparation, negotiation and award (or any other process leading to an award), of the RECAS Role; and

(b) its overhead costs (including, without limitation, personnel costs), provided that such costs shall in the first instance be incurred by BSCCo on behalf of RECASCo,

(together, "RECAS Tender Costs").

3.2.2 Subject to paragraph 3.2.1, RECAS Tender Costs may be incurred over successive BSC Years.

3.2.3 RECAS Tender Costs shall be BSC Costs and BSCCo shall keep account of such costs, expenses and liabilities separately from all other BSC Costs.

3.2.4 BSCCo shall submit any report it receives from RECASCo pursuant to paragraph 3.4.5(c) to the Panel at its next available meeting and every quarter thereafter until repayment of the Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs or the loan is written off in accordance with paragraph 3.3.6 (as the case may be).

3.2.5 BSCCo shall ensure that RECAS Tender Costs are subject to a statutory audit and such findings are reported to the Panel and Parties.

3.3 Reimbursement of RECAS Tender Costs to Trading Parties

3.3.1 The amounts recoverable by BSCCo as RECAS Tender Costs are amounts expended or funded by or on behalf of Trading Parties pursuant to paragraph 3.2 and any amounts which are otherwise described in the Code as RECAS Tender Costs.

3.3.2 BSCCo shall procure the agreement of RECASCo that in the event RECASCo is successful in a RECAS Tender exercise RECASCo shall repay Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs to BSCCo within the RECAS Tender Recovery Period.

3.3.3 Subject to paragraphs 3.3.2, 3.3.5 and 3.3.6, Trading Parties shall be entitled to recover Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs in accordance with their respective Main Funding Shares at that time.

3.3.4 As soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the statement referred to in paragraph 3.4.5(c), BSCCo shall determine the Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs and the recovery share for each Trading Party and provide its own statement of account to the Panel, the Authority and all Parties (excluding commercially sensitive information). Subject to the Panel’s approval, such statement of account shall be final and binding in the absence of manifest error (provided that such error must be notified no later than six months following receipt of the statement of account, failing which the statement of account shall be a final determination for the purposes of the Code).

3.3.5 Subject to paragraph 3.3.6 it is acknowledged that:

(a) in the event RECASCo is unsuccessful in a RECAS Tender exercise, it is unlikely that BSCCo will be able to recover Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs (in whole or in part) from RECASCo; and

(b) if BSCCo were obliged to reimburse Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs to Trading Parties the financial consequences of such reimbursement would be borne by Trading Parties themselves.

3.3.6 Notwithstanding Section C3.4.6, in accordance with paragraph 3.3.5, the Parties agree that:

(a) subject to paragraph 3.3.6(b), any loan arrangements agreed pursuant to this paragraph 3 may provide that the Board may, in its absolute discretion, resolve to write off any loan or credit provided to RECASCo for RECAS Tender Costs which relates to an unsuccessful RECAS Tender exercise, provided the amount written off shall not exceed the total cumulative amount of £100,000.00 plus any interest agreed to have been paid in the agreement documenting that loan or credit which would otherwise have been receivable; and

(b) for the purposes of the Code, such loan arrangements as referred to in paragraph 3.3.6(a) which permit the Board to write off a loan or credit to RECASCo shall be treated as arrangements concluded at arm’s length and on normal commercial terms.

3.3.7 For the avoidance of doubt, BSCCo shall procure that any RECAS Tender Costs provided pursuant to paragraph 3.2.1(a) which are not spent shall be refunded to BSCCo.

3.4 Shareholder arrangements with RECASCo

3.4.1 At all times BSCCo shall be the registered holder of all of the issued share capital in RECASCo.

3.4.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the form of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of RECASCo shall not form part of the Code, but shall be subject to Board approval.

3.4.3 Subject to the provision of RECAS Tender Costs, but without limitation to paragraph 3.4.4, BSCCo shall not provide any finance or financial support to RECASCo.

3.4.4 BSCCo agrees and undertakes that it shall not cause RECASCo to be in default of the Legal Requirements of the RECAS Role by reason of any act or omission in connection with its capacity as the RECASCo Shareholder, and each Party agrees that BSCCo may contract or otherwise put in place arrangements with RECASCo on such basis, unless:

(a) such act or omission is required by reason of a Legal Requirement and/or the Code; and

(b) BSCCo has first notified and, where practicable, consulted with RECASCo in relation to such act or omission.

3.4.5 In its capacity as the RECASCo Shareholder, BSCCo shall:

(a) subject always to paragraph 3.4.4:

(i) appoint the chair of the RECASCo Board from time to time

(ii) ensure that the initial chair of the RECASCo Board, in consultation with the Panel, appoints the other initial directors of RECASCo;

(iii) have the power to appoint or remove directors of RECASCo; and

(iv) approve or reject the appointment of directors of RECASCo;

(b) ensure that RECASCo provides a quarterly summary of RECAS Tender Costs to BSCCo, provided that RECASCo shall:

(i) ensure that it reports on total costs and, subject to paragraph 3.4.5(b)(ii), provides in sufficient detail a breakdown of the costs such as to provide BSC Parties with a reasonable level transparency in respect of the scope and level of expenditure; and

(ii) be entitled to exclude any information from the breakdown of costs provided to Parties which relates to the affairs of RECASCo, a BSC Company or any other third party and is in RECASCo's reasonable opinion confidential and/or commercially sensitive in connection with a RECAS Tender; and

(c) without prejudice to paragraph 3.4.5(b), ensure that RECASCo submits, as soon as reasonable practicable after it is notified of its success or not (as the case may be) in a RECAS Tender exercise, a statement of its costs incurred in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1(b) to BSCCo.

4. Other Permitted Activities

4.1 General

4.1.1 Subject to paragraph 4.1.2, 4.1.3 and 4.1.4, BSCCo shall be entitled to establish or acquire a company or companies, either solely or together with a third party, to become a Permitted Affiliate carrying out Permissible Activities ("PACo") for the purpose of:

(a) investigating and, if the Board of PACo decides to do so, participating in a Permissible Activity Tender; and

(b) performing the functions and responsibilities of the proposed PACo Role,

provided that the total consideration for the payment in respect of all of the allotted shares of PACo shall not exceed £1.00.

4.1.2 Prior to commencing a tender for a Permissible Activity, BSCCo shall satisfy itself that the proposed PACo Role meets the following conditions:

(a) that the proposed PACo Role relates to the UK and/or the Republic of Ireland;

(b) that the proposed PACo Role relates to the gas, electricity, heat and/or transport sector;

(c) that the proposed PACo Role is linked to BSCCo core competencies;

(d) BSC Parties shall benefit BSCCo undertaking the proposed PACo Role;

(e) that BSCCo undertaking the proposed PACo Role shall not place disproportionate risk on BSC Parties;

(f) that BSCCo undertaking the proposed PACo Role shall not prevent standards of service under the Code from being maintained by BSCCo; and

(g) that BSCCo’s role given to it under the Code shall not give it any undue competitive advantage in a tendering for the proposed PACo Role.

4.1.3 For the avoidance of doubt, if BSCCo is not satisfied that the conditions in paragraph 4.1.2 have been met it shall not pursue the proposed PACo Role.

4.1.4 At any point prior to undertaking substantive work on a formal offer by the Permitted Affiliate for the provision of the proposed PACo Role, BSCCo shall seek the views of Parties, the Panel and interested third parties in accordance with paragraphs 4.1.5, 4.1.6 and Where it is reasonably practicable to do so, BSCCo shall notify the persons referred to in paragraph 4.1.4 that it intends to, or may intend to, seek comments under paragraph 4.1.4.

4.1.6 BSCCo shall send out a notice to the persons referred to in paragraph 4.1.4 inviting them to provide comments on BSCCo’s potential participation in one or more Permissible Activity Tenders within such period as the Board may determine (and in any event, no less than 10 Business Days from the date of the notice) ("Tender Notice"). The Tender Notice shall contain information on the nature and scope of the proposed PACo Role which BSCCo is interested in but shall not include any information that is confidential to third parties or which BSCCo reasonably regards as being commercially sensitive.

4.1.7 As soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the comments referred to in paragraph 4.1.6, BSCCo shall:

(a) publish a summary of the comments received by the persons referred to in paragraph 4.1.4;

(b) send to the Authority:

(i) a copy of the comments received by the persons referred to in paragraph 4.1.4; and

(ii) a summary of BSCCo’s assessment against the conditions referred to in paragraph 4.1.2

together with an invitation to consider PACo’s proposed Permissible Activity Tender for the proposed PACo role (“Request for Permissible Activity Consent”).

4.1.8 The Authority may no later than 15 Business Days after receipt of the Request for Permissible Activity Consent:

    1. reject BSCCo’s Request for Permissible Activity Consent; or

    1. inform BSCCo that it will communicate its decision and, having regard for the timelines applicable to the Permissible Activity Tender, provide a date by when such decision will be made;

    1. if no response is received by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 4.1.8(a) or (b) the Authority shall be deemed for the purposes of the Code to have provided its consent to PACo’s proposed Permissible Activity Tender.

4.2 PACo Tender

4.2.1 Subject to paragraphs 4.2.2, 4.2.4, 4.3 and notwithstanding Section C10.2, BSCCo may provide a loan or grant credit to PACo (interest or non-interest bearing) on such terms as the Board may approve, from time to time, provided always that the maximum amount of the loan or credit granted shall not in any event exceed the sum of one hundred thousand pounds sterling (£100,000.00) per each Permissible Activity Tender with this amount linked to the Retail Price Index to account for inflation ("Total Amount Lent") to enable PACo to pay, in aggregate in connection with a Permissible Activity Tender:

(a) its third party costs (including in respect of professional advisors), expenses, other outgoings and liabilities incurred in connection with the planning, preparation, negotiation and award (or any other process leading to an award), of the proposed Permissible Activity Role; and

(b) its overhead costs (including, without limitation, personnel costs), provided that such costs shall in the first instance be incurred by BSCCo on behalf of PACo,

(together, "PACo Tender Costs").

4.2.2 The total aggregate PACo Tender Costs in any given BSC Year shall in no event exceed 1% of that year’s Annual Budget.

4.2.3 Subject to paragraphs 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 and in relation to each Permissible Activity Tender, PACo Tender Costs may be incurred over successive BSC Years.

4.2.4 PACo Tender Costs shall be BSC Costs and BSCCo shall keep account of such costs, expenses and liabilities separately from all other BSC Costs.

4.2.5 BSCCo shall notify the Panel, the Authority and Parties whether or not it has been successful in a tender exercise as soon as reasonably practicable after the PACo is entitled to publish that information.

4.3 Reimbursement of PACo Tender Costs to Trading Parties

4.3.1 The amounts recoverable by BSCCo as PACo Tender Costs are amounts expended or funded by or on behalf of Trading Parties pursuant to paragraph 4.2 and any amounts which are otherwise described in the Code as PACo Tender Costs.

4.3.2 BSCCo shall procure the agreement of PACo that in the event PACo is successful in a PACo Tender exercise PACo shall repay Aggregate PACo Tender Costs to BSCCo within the PACo Tender Recovery Period.

4.3.3 Subject to paragraphs 4.3.2, 4.3.5 and 4.3.6, Trading Parties shall be entitled to recover Aggregate PACo Tender Costs in accordance with their respective Main Funding Shares at that time.

4.3.4 Subject to paragraph 4.3.5 it is acknowledged that:

(a) in the event PACo is unsuccessful in a PACo Tender exercise, it is unlikely that BSCCo will be able to recover Aggregate PACo Tender Costs (in whole or in part) from PACo; and

(b) if BSCCo were obliged to reimburse Aggregate PACo Tender Costs to Trading Parties the financial consequences of such reimbursement would be borne by Trading Parties themselves.

4.3.5 Notwithstanding Section C3.4.6, in accordance with paragraph 4.3.4, the Parties agree that:

(a) subject to paragraph 4.3.5(b), any loan arrangements agreed pursuant to this paragraph 4 may provide that the Board may, in its absolute discretion, resolve to write off any loan or credit provided to PACo for PACo Tender Costs in the event of:

(i) an unsuccessful PACo Tender exercise; or

(ii) a successful PACo Tender where PACo has subsequently ceased performing the PACo Role prior to the end of the PACo Tender Recovery Period,

provided the amount written off shall not exceed the Total Amount Lent which would otherwise have been receivable and shall in no event exceed 1% of the Annual Budget of the BSC Year in which the loan or credit was granted; and

(b) for the purposes of the Code, such loan arrangements as referred to in paragraph 4.3.6(a) which permit the Board to write off a loan or credit to PACo shall be treated as arrangements concluded at arm’s length and on normal commercial terms.

4.3.6 For the avoidance of doubt, BSCCo shall procure that any PACo Tender Costs provided pursuant to paragraph 4.2.1(a) which are not spent shall be refunded to BSCCo.

4.4 Shareholder arrangements with PACo

4.4.1 For the avoidance of doubt, the form of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of PACo shall not form part of the Code, but shall be subject to Board approval.

4.4.2 BSCCo shall approve a dividend policy issued by PACo from time to time and, notwithstanding Section C3.4.6, any dividend payable to BSCCo shall be subject to that dividend policy.

4.4.3 In its capacity as the PACo Shareholder, BSCCo shall:

(a) appoint the chair of the PACo Board from time to time;

(b) ensure that the initial chair of the PACo Board appoints the other initial directors of PACo;

(c) have the power to appoint or remove directors of PACo; and

(d) approve or reject the appointment of directors of PACo.

4.5 Financial Reporting

4.5.1 BSCCo shall:

(a) ensure that PACo submits, as soon as reasonably practicable after it is notified of its success or not (as the case may be) in a PACo Tender exercise and every year thereafter until repayment of the Aggregate PACo Tender Costs or the loan is written off in accordance with paragraph 4.3.5 (as the case may be), a statement of its costs incurred in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1 to BSCCo;

(b) submit any summary it receives from PACo pursuant to paragraph 4.5.1(a) to the Panel at its next available meeting and every year thereafter until repayment of the Aggregate PACo Tender Costs or the loan is written off in accordance with paragraph 4.3.5 (as the case may be);

(c) as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the statement referred to in paragraph 4.5.1(a), determine the Aggregate PACo Tender Costs and the recovery share for each Trading Party and provide its own statement of account to the Panel, the Authority and all Parties (excluding commercially sensitive information). Subject to the Panel’s approval, such statement of account shall be final and binding in the absence of manifest error (provided that such error must be notified no later than six months following receipt of the statement of account, failing which the statement of account shall be a final determination for the purposes of the Code); and

(d) BSCCo shall ensure that PACo Tender Costs are subject to a statutory audit and such findings are reported to the Panel and Parties.

5 Other Settlement Services Provider Activities

5.1 Nuclear RAB Settlement

5.1.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 5:

(a) "Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement" means the Nuclear Energy (Financing) Act 2022 and any rules, regulation, licence, licence condition or Directive made pursuant to, or in connection with, that Act;

(b) "Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider" means:

(i) the Permitted Affiliate established by BSCCo for the purpose of performing the activities and functions described in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of this Annex C-1; or

(ii) any other Permitted Affiliate established by BSCCo for the purpose of delivering Nuclear RAB Settlement Services and which has been appointed to perform such services by the Revenue Collection Counterparty;

(c) "Nuclear RAB Settlement Services" means:

(i) the calculation, invoicing, reconciliation and, where applicable, settlement of amounts payable or arising pursuant to a Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement;

(ii) the calculation, collection, administration and enforcement of financial collateral pursuant to a Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement; and

(iii) any other related matters pursuant to a Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement; and

(d) "Revenue Collection Counterparty" means the person designated to act in that capacity by the Secretary of State from time to time pursuant to the Nuclear Energy (Financing) Act 2022.

5.1.2 The Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider may perform (either itself of through a service provider) all activities and functions and assume all responsibilities and duties relating to, or otherwise in connection with the Nuclear RAB Settlement Services (whether specified in any Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement or in a contract between the Settlement Services Provider and the Revenue Collection Counterparty).

5.1.3 In respect of the Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider:

(a) the restrictions, liabilities, rights and obligations in the Code that are applicable to the Permitted Affiliate performing the activities and functions described in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of this Annex C-1 shall apply (mutatis mutandis) to the Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider as if:

(i) the activities and functions performed pursuant to this paragraph 5 were activities and functions set out in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of this Annex C-1; and

(ii) any related reference in the Code to an EMR Settlement Services Provider was therefore deemed to be a reference to the Nuclear RAB Settlement Service Provider and any reference to an EMR Legal Requirement was deemed to be a reference to a Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement; and

(b) the provisions of paragraph 4 of this Annex C-1 (including paragraph 4.2) shall not apply to the Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider or to the activities, functions, responsibilities and duties that may be performed by it under this paragraph 5.



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Annex C-2 sets out the basis and procedures which should be used for the raising of and voting on Resolutions by Voting Parties (as described in paragraph 2) at General Meetings or BSC Annual General Meetings in accordance with Section C4.1.9, Section C4.8, Section C4.9.1 or Section C4.10.1 (as appropriate).

1.1.2 For the purposes of this Annex C-2:

(a) "Authorised Signatory" means a person authorised by a BSC Party in writing to act for it in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1 of this Annex C-2;

(b) "Provisional Voting Share" has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2.1.2 of this Annex C-2;

(c) "Voting Party Resolution" means a Binding Resolution or a Non-Binding Resolution;

(d) "Voting Share Cap" has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2.1.2 of this Annex C-2; and

(e) "Quorum Requirements" means the quorum requirements set out in paragraph 3.1 of this Annex C-2.

1.1.3 Each Party shall procure that BSCCo is notified of the persons it authorises as Authorised Signatory from time to time to:

(a) notify a Trading Party Group or Distribution Business Group;

(b) require the Directors of BSCCo to call a General Meeting; or

(c) propose Resolutions and vote on Resolutions under this Annex C-2,

in accordance with the requirements of BSCP38. If for any reason it is unclear which person is the Authorised Signatory for a Voting Party Group for any of the above purposes, the Authorised Signatory shall be determined at random by BSCCo.

1.2 Resolutions raised by Parties (Binding Resolutions and Non-Binding Resolutions)

1.2.1 An Authorised Signatory may require BSCCo to raise a Non-Binding Resolution or Binding Resolution ("Voting Party Resolution") by following the process set out in Section C4.8.

1.2.2 BSCCo shall, (with reference to the process set out in paragraph 2):

(a) within two (2) Working Days of receipt of a proposed Voting Party Resolution, notify an affected Director (in the case of a Binding Resolution) and the Board (in the case of all Resolutions) that a Resolution has been raised; and

(b) within fifteen (15) Working Days of receipt of a proposed Voting Party Resolution, send a notice to all Parties, the Board and the Authority informing them of the details of a General Meeting to be held not earlier than twenty (20) Working Days and not later than thirty (30) Working Days following the date of the notice, and including the information set out in paragraph 1.2.3 together with, in the case of Voting Parties, their Actual Voting Share.

1.2.3 Every notice calling a General Meeting shall specify the place, date and time of the meeting, and include a statement that a Voting Party entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy. The notice shall specify the general nature of the business to be transacted at the meeting, shall set out the text of all resolutions to be considered by the meeting, together with any rationale or supporting documentation provided by the proposer, and may include information provided by the Board or a Director in response to a Resolution.

1.2.4 Voting Parties (other than the NETSO) wishing to appoint a proxy shall notify BSCCo via their Authorised Signatory of the details of that proxy not less than two (2) Working Days prior to the relevant General Meeting. In order to accept the appointment of a proxy BSCCo may require:

(a) such details as it may determine concerning the identity of the proxy; and

(b) the Authorised Signatory’s instructions as to how the proxy is to vote.

1.3 Resolutions raised by BSCCo (Appointment Resolutions)

1.3.1 Where BSCCo wishes to raise an Appointment Resolution in accordance with Section C4.1.9, not later than 28 days prior to an Annual BSC Meeting, it shall prepare and circulate to all Parties, the Board and the Authority a notice including the text of the Resolution and explanatory notes as to how a Voting Party may appoint a proxy or vote in person on the Appointment Resolution at the Annual BSC Meeting, together with a request to Parties to declare any Trading Party Group or Distribution Party Group.

1.3.2 Voting Parties (other than the NETSO) wishing to appoint a proxy shall notify BSCCo via their Authorised Signatory of the details of that proxy not less than two (2) Working Days prior to the relevant Annual BSC Meeting. In order to accept the appointment of a proxy BSCCo may require:

(a) such details as it may determine concerning the identity of the proxy; and

(b) the Authorised Signatory’s instructions as to how the proxy is to vote.

1.4 Distribution Business Groups and Trading Party Groups

1.4.1 Each Party shall notify BSCCo via its Authorised Signatory of its Voting Party Group by 1 June in each year.

1.4.2 Each Party shall promptly notify BSCCo via its Authorised Signatory of any amendment to its Voting Party Group.

1.4.3 Voting Parties for the purposes of voting on a Resolution shall be published on the BSC Website from time to time. Voting Parties Groups shall initially be those most recently published on the BSC Website for the purposes of Panel elections. The register of Voting Parties shall be adjusted and re-published:

(a) annually, within five (5) Working Days of Parties’ provisions of revised information under paragraph 1.4.1; and

(b) at any time, within five (5) Working Days of BSCCo’s receipt of a notification under paragraph 1.4.2.


2.1 Determination of Voting Shares

2.1.1 The base number of votes allocated to eligible voting parties (as described in this paragraph 2) shall be 10,000 votes which shall be allocated on the basis set out in this paragraph 2. Eligible voting parties for the purposes of this Annex C-2 means:

(a) the NETSO;

(b) each Trading Party and/or each Distribution System Operator; and

(c) for Authorised Signatory purposes only, where a Trading Party or a Distribution System Operator is Affiliated to any other Trading Party or Distribution System Operator, the largest aggregation of such Parties that are Affiliated to each other ("Voting Party Group"),

each being referred to in the Code as a "Voting Party".

2.1.2 For the purposes of this Annex C-2:

Defined Term



"Actual Voting Share"


The voting share allocated to a Voting Party v for the purpose of voting on a Resolution following the application of the Voting Share Cap;

"Provisional Voting Share"


The voting share allocated to a Voting Party before the application of the Voting Share Cap.

"Voting Party"


Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2.1.1 and in respect of whom votes will be allocated in accordance with paragraph 2.1.5;

"Voting Share Cap"


The cap applied to a Voting Party’s Provisional Voting Share in order to determine that Voting Party’s Actual Voting Share. The Voting Share Cap is six (6) per cent;

2.1.3 The Actual Voting Share for each Voting Party shall be calculated by BSCCo and published on the BSC Website within 5 Working Days of:

(a) the monthly publication of the Annual Funding Share values for that month; or

(b) BSCCo’s receipt at any time of updated Trading Party Group or Distribution Business Group information from an Authorised Signatory.

2.1.4 The Actual Voting Share for each Voting Party v will be determined as the lesser of the Provisional Voting Share and the Voting Share Cap, or:

VSAv = min(VSPv, VSC)

2.1.5 The Provisional Voting Share for each Voting Party v will be determined as:

(a) For the NETSO:

VSPv = 600

(b) For each Voting Party that is a Trading Party Group but is not a Distribution Business Group:

VSPv = max( (8600 * (Σp(v) FSApm / Σp FSApm)) , 1)

(c) For each Voting Party that is a Trading Party Group and a Distribution Business Group:

VSPv = max( (8600 * (Σp(v) FSApm / Σp FSApm))  +  (800 / D) , 1)

(d) For each Voting Party that is a Distribution Business Group but is not a Trading Party Group:

VSPv = max( (800 / D) , 1)


FSApm is the Annual Funding Share for Trading Party p determined for the month m that is the most recent month for which Annual Funding Shares can be calculated in accordance with Section D1.2.1(e);

Σp(v) is the sum across all Trading Parties p that belong to the Trading Party Group that forms Voting Party v;

Σp is the sum across all Trading Parties p; and

D is the number of individual Distribution Business Groups.

2.1.6 The Voting Share Cap will be determined as:

VSC =  (Σv VSPv) * 0.06 

where Σv is the sum across all Voting Parties v.


3.1 Quorum

3.1.1 No business in relation to a Resolution shall be transacted at a meeting unless the Quorum Requirements have been met.

3.1.2 The Quorum Requirements in respect of votes under this Annex C-2 are as follows:

(a) A minimum of at least ten (10) Voting Parties should be present at the relevant meeting either in person or through a duly appointed proxy;

(b) The Voting Parties casting a vote at the meeting (in person or through a duly appointed proxy) should hold an aggregate Actual Voting Share of at least thirty (30) per cent (%) of the total Actual Voting Share; and

(c) an Authorised Signatory of the NETSO should be present at the meeting.

3.1.3 If within 30 minutes after the time for which a General Meeting has been convened the Quorum Requirements have not been met:

(a) the Board shall fix the time and date of the adjourned meeting; and

(b) BSCCo shall give notice of the adjourned meeting.

3.1.4 If within 30 minutes after the time for which a vote on a Resolution is scheduled at an Annual BSC Meeting has been convened the Quorum Requirements have not been met:

(a) the Board shall fix the time and date of the adjourned meeting; and

(b) BSCCo shall give notice of the adjourned meeting.

3.1.5 For the purposes of this Annex C-2 (including the provisions of this paragraph 3.1) any person (including a proxy) can attend any meeting virtually (including, without limitation, teleconference and videoconference) if that person is able to exercise a right to speak and be heard and to vote.

3.1.6 BSCCo shall review the Quorum Requirements:

(a) from time to time; and

(b) in accordance with a request from the Authority or the Panel.

3.1.7 If a review under paragraph 3.1.6 results in a recommendation that the Quorum Requirements should be modified, the Panel shall decide at the following Panel meeting whether to propose a modification to the Quorum Requirements in accordance with Section F.

3.2 Conduct of Meeting

3.2.1 Each General Meeting and any part of any Annual BSC Meeting dealing with Resolutions shall be chaired by the BSCCo Chair, except:

(a) if the BSCCo Chair is the subject of a Binding Resolution, a vice-chair of the Board (if appointed) will chair the meeting; or

(b) if there is no vice-chair of the Board, or if that person is also the subject of a Binding Resolution, another Director selected by the Board will chair the meeting; or

(c) if the entire Board is the subject of a Binding Resolution, the NETSO attendee will chair the meeting.

3.2.2 Resolutions at Annual BSC Meetings shall, subject to the provisions of this Annex C-2, be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section B6.2.

3.2.3 The following shall be entitled to attend and speak at any General Meeting or, for the purposes only of a vote on a Resolution (but without prejudice to Section B6.2 in respect of other business to be conducted), any Annual BSC Meeting:

(a) the representative (which may include its Authorised Signatory) of any Voting Party;

(b) any proxy that has been duly appointed by a Voting Party;

(c) any Director of BSCCo;

(d) in respect of an Annual BSC Meeting, any person who is entitled to attend the Annual BSC Meeting shall be entitled to attend the business relating to a Resolution but shall not be permitted to speak except pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3(e); and

(e) any other person who the chair has permitted to attend and speak at such meeting.


4.1 Administration of Voting

4.1.1 BSCCo shall administer each vote pursuant to this Annex C-2.

4.1.2 In respect of each Voting Party only an Authorised Signatory may submit a vote or authorise a proxy to submit a vote on their behalf.

4.1.3 A Voting Party’s Actual Voting Share for the purposes of a vote shall be the Actual Voting Share published on the BSC Website at 17:00 on the last Working Day before the day of the vote.

4.2 Voting

4.2.1 Provided the Quorum Requirements are met a vote on any Resolution shall be determined by a simple majority of votes cast.

4.2.2 BSCCo shall count the votes on any Resolution held and:

(a) within one Working Day of the meeting shall publish indicative results of such a vote; and

(b) within five Working Days of the meeting shall publish final confirmation of the result of the vote.

4.3 Audit

4.3.1 Provided a Voting Party requests an audit within five (5) Working Days of a confirmation under paragraph 4.2.2(b), BSCCo shall commission an audit of that vote, which shall be completed within thirty (30) Working Days.


1. BSCCo

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 For the purposes of this Annex, the following words and expressions shall have the following meanings:

(a) BSCCo Nominee means the person selected by the Directors to hold Shares pursuant to paragraph 1.4;

(b) Eligible Party means, other than a Mandated Party and BSCCo, each Party that is subject to a condition of any Licence by virtue of which it is required to comply with the Code;

(c) Mandated Party means a Mandatory Licensee or another Party to which it has delegated the duty to hold a Share in accordance with its Licence;

(d) Mandatory Licensee means each Party that has been directed to be a Shareholder by the Authority or the Secretary of State;

(e) Mandatory Ownership Transfer Date means the date on which the Shares are transferred to the initial Mandated Parties pursuant to a transfer scheme made by the Secretary of State under Schedule 9 of the Energy Act 2023;

(f) Retiring Shareholder means, any Shareholder who ceases to be a Party or any Party which has voluntarily returned its Shareholding, or has been required to return its Shareholding, under paragraph 1.4 or pursuant to Electricity Supply Standard Licence Condition 60 or Generation Standard Licence Condition 21;

(g) Share means an ordinary share of £1 each in the share capital of BSCCo;

(h) Shareholder means a person from time to time registered as a holder of a Share.

1.2 Shareholding

1.2.1 Each Party agrees that BSCCo’s Shareholders from time to time shall be:

(a) each Mandated Party; and

(b) each Eligible Party that has been approved by the Board (subject to paragraph 1.2.4),

in all cases until such date that a Shareholder is a Retiring Shareholder under paragraph 1.4.

1.2.2 The Shareholders’ rights and obligations as Shareholders shall be regulated by the provisions of this Annex. No other provision of this Code shall apply to the regulation of the rights and obligations of Shareholders in their capacity as Shareholders.

1.2.3 It is acknowledged that on the Mandatory Ownership Transfer Date, the initial Mandated Parties became the Shareholders in BSCCo.

1.2.4 The Board may, in its discretion, refuse to register the transfer of a Share to an Eligible Party, or to allot a Share to an Eligible Party.

1.3 New Shareholders

1.3.1 Other than in respect of the initial Mandated Parties that became Shareholders in BSCCo on the Mandatory Ownership Transfer Date, as soon as possible after being directed to do so by the Authority or the Secretary of State (or, where relevant, nominated pursuant to a Licence), each Mandated Party will apply to become a Shareholder. Any Mandated Party from time to time that is not a Shareholder shall apply to become a Shareholder. Upon any such application, BSCCo shall either:

(a) procure the transfer to such Mandated Party of one Share then held by a nominee in accordance with paragraph 1.4; or

(b) allot to such Mandated Party one Share,

and shall register the transfer of such Share.

1.3.2 Where BSCCo has agreed, under paragraph 1.2, to register the transfer of a Share, or approved the allotment of a Share, to an Eligible Party, BSCCo shall either:

(a) procure the transfer to such Eligible Party of one Share then held by a nominee in accordance with paragraph 1.4; or

(b) allot to such Eligible Party one Share.

1.3.3 Save in the case of any nominee for the purposes of paragraphs 1.4.4 and 1.4.5:

(a) no person who is not a Mandated Party or an Eligible Party may at any time become a Shareholder; and

(b) no Mandated Party or Eligible Party shall hold more than one Share at any time,

and the Directors shall refuse to allot and/or to register any transfer of a Share that would result in a breach of this paragraph 1.3.3.

1.3.4 For the purposes of paragraphs 1.3.1(b) and 1.3.2(b) the Shareholders agree that, where no Shares are otherwise available for issue, they will exercise the voting rights attaching to their Shares to procure that all necessary steps are taken to create and/or authorise the issue of further Shares.

1.3.5 The price for each Share transferred or allotted under this Annex shall be £1.00, and:

(a) such amount shall be payable to the transferor on demand; and

(b) no premium may be paid in respect of the Shares.

1.4 Transfers, revocations and returns of Shares

1.4.1 An Eligible Party may transfer its Share to the BSCCo Nominee under this paragraph at any time.

1.4.2 A transfer of a Share by a Mandatory Party shall be permitted where, in respect of that Share and to the extent permitted by the relevant Licence, the Mandatory Licensee:

(a) delegates responsibility for holding that Share to another Party; or

(b) changes the Party to whom it has delegated responsibility for holding that Share,

in which case the Party to whom that Share has been transferred shall notify BSCCo and BSCCo shall (unless directed otherwise by the Authority) register the transfer of such Share.

1.4.3 A Shareholder must transfer its Share to the BSCCo Nominee under this paragraph (and BSCCo may give notice to that effect) where:

(a) that Shareholder ceases to be a Party;

(b) for a Mandated Party:

(i) where the Mandated Party is a Mandatory Licensee, the Licence has been surrendered or revoked;

(ii) where the Mandated Party holds the Share as a result of a delegation by a Mandatory Licensee, the Licence of that Mandatory Licensee has been surrendered or revoked; or

(iii) (unless the Secretary of State or Authority has accepted otherwise) where the Secretary of State or Authority suspends or revokes the direction that requires such Party, or (where such Party holds the Share as a result of a delegation by a Mandatory Licensee) that Mandatory Licensee, to hold a Share;

(c) for an Eligible Party, where BSCCo determines that such Party’s Share must be transferred.

1.4.4 A Retiring Shareholder shall pay up all amounts which remain unpaid on any Share held by it (and BSCCo may give notice to that effect). The Retiring Shareholder will transfer its Shares at par to the BSCCo Nominee who will hold the Shares. The BSCCo Nominee will be selected by the Directors. All costs and expenses of such transfer shall be for the account of the Retiring Shareholder. BSCCo shall (unless directed otherwise by the Authority) ensure that the BSCCo Nominee is registered as the holder of any Shares transferred to it under this paragraph.

1.4.5 If a Retiring Shareholder fails or refuses to transfer any Shares in accordance with its obligations under paragraph 1.4.4, the Retiring Shareholder irrevocably appoints any Director as its agent to execute and deliver a transfer of the Shares from the Retiring Shareholder to the BSCCo Nominee. BSCCo may accept the consideration for the transfer (subject to the Retiring Shareholder paying-up all amounts which remain unpaid on any Share) and hold it on trust for the Retiring Shareholder, which acceptance shall be a good discharge to the BSCCo Nominee, and may set off such amounts against the costs and expenses of the transfer. The Directors shall cause the BSCCo Nominee to be registered as the holder of such Share and, following the registration of the transfer, the validity of the proceedings shall not be questioned by BSCCo, any Party or any Shareholder.

1.4.6 The BSCCo Nominee referred to in paragraphs 1.4.4 and 1.4.5 shall hold Shares transferred to it until such time as it is directed by the Directors to transfer them (or some of them) in accordance with paragraph 1.3 and for such period (and only for such period) as the BSCCo Nominee holds any Shares, all rights attaching to the Share shall be suspended, including the matters referred to in paragraph 1.5.4.

1.5 Further undertakings of Shareholders

1.5.1 No Shareholder shall:

(a) pledge, mortgage (whether by way of fixed or floating charge) or otherwise encumber its legal or beneficial interest in its Shares; or

(b) other than permitted or required by this Annex, or as otherwise directed by the Authority, sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of any of such Shares (or any legal or beneficial interest therein); or

(c) enter into any agreement in respect of the rights attached to Shares (other than agreements entered into in order to transfer a Share in accordance with this Annex); or

(d) agree, whether or not subject to any condition precedent or subsequent, to do any of the foregoing.

1.5.2 Each Shareholder acknowledges and agrees that BSCCo will have complete independence from its Shareholders in its operations and undertakes not to take any action which obstructs or interferes with, or seeks to obstruct or interfere with, the carrying out of by BSCCo of its role, powers, functions and activities under the Code provided that this paragraph shall not:

(a) restrict the exercise of Shareholder rights in order to comply with the requirements of this Annex; or

(b) restrict the exercise by a Party that is also a Shareholder of its rights in its capacity as a Party under the Code.

1.5.3 The Shareholders shall at all times exercise their rights, and take all available steps, as Shareholders, and shall only exercise any such right or take any such step, so as to give effect to the provisions of the Code as to the matters set out in paragraph 1.5.4.

1.5.4 The matters referred to in paragraph 1.5.3 are:

(a) the amendment of the Articles of Association of BSCCo so that they are in any modified form from time to time pursuant to Section C2.1.2;

(b) the appointment, re-appointment or removal of any Director (in accordance with a nomination under or otherwise as required in accordance with Section C4) or the secretary or auditors of BSCCo, provided that (in the case of an appointment or reappointment) the consent of the person to be appointed or reappointed has been obtained;

(c) the creation and/or authorisation of the issuing of further Shares pursuant to paragraph 1.3; and

(d) any other act of or in relation to BSCCo which can, or under any Legal Requirement must, be done by a vote or resolution or other assent of the Shareholders.

1.5.5 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.5.3, the steps which the Shareholders may be required to take pursuant to paragraph 1.5.4 include:

(a) the convening of an annual or extraordinary general meeting of BSCCo;

(b) the waiving of notice or agreeing to short notice of such meeting;

(c) the passing of any shareholders resolution of BSCCo including as a written resolution.

1.6 No obligation to finance

1.6.1 The Parties acknowledge that BSCCo has been established as a company limited by shares and consequently, in accordance with Section 3 of the Companies Act 2006, the liability of each Shareholder, in its capacity as Shareholder, is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid on the Shares held by that Shareholder.

1.6.2 Without prejudice to the obligations on Parties generally under Section D, the Shareholders, in their capacity as Shareholders, shall have no liability or obligation to provide any finance or financial support to BSCCo or any Subsidiary of BSCCo and shall have no liability or obligation to other Parties as Shareholders.

1.7 Winding-up of BSCCo

1.7.1 The principles which are to apply in the event of the winding-up of BSCCo are that, so far as is lawful:

(a) the assets and resources of BSCCo should be transferred (for value or otherwise as may be lawful) to any successor under the Code to BSCCo;

(b) subject to paragraph (c), and after payment or settlement of all liabilities of BSCCo, any amount which would otherwise be available for distribution to the Shareholders should be paid to Trading Parties in their Annual Funding Shares or such other proportions as the Authority may decide;

(c) the Shareholders shall be entitled to be paid out of any such amount as is referred to in paragraph (b) the amount of any taxation for which they may be liable in connection with such winding up and/or the giving effect to such principles;

and BSCCo, the Shareholders and the other Parties shall take such steps as are available and lawful to secure that these principles are given effect.

1.8 Legal Requirements relating to Shareholders

1.8.1 This paragraph 1.8 applies in the event that:

(a) any steps taken by BSCCo or a Subsidiary of BSCCo (or which might be taken); and/or

(b) any steps that a Shareholder is required to take as a consequence of being a Shareholder (including any step required under paragraph 1.3.4 or 1.5.3 of this Annex),

results in, or could result in, that Shareholder, or an Affiliate of that Shareholder, being in breach of, or being required to take action under or make a payment under, or incurring a liability under, a Legal Requirement (or being or doing so in the absence of a notification to or approval of a Competent Authority) (any such step being a "relevant step" for the purposes of this paragraph 1.8).

1.8.2 Such Shareholder may from time to time notify to BSCCo particular Legal Requirements, applying to that Shareholder or its Affiliates, which the Shareholder reasonably considers may fall within paragraph 1.8.1, provided that the Shareholder shall at the same time provide such details of such Legal Requirement as are reasonably necessary to enable BSCCo to determine whether any step which it might take, or which a Shareholder might be required to take, would be a relevant step in relation to such Legal Requirement.

1.8.3 Where the Shareholder has for the time being notified BSCCo of a particular Legal Requirement pursuant to paragraph 1.8.2, BSCCo will take all reasonable measures to ensure that it and its Subsidiaries do not take any relevant step, or require the Shareholder to take a relevant step, in relation to that Legal Requirement unless:

(a) BSCCo has first notified and consulted with the Shareholder in relation to such step, and

(b) either the Shareholder has approved the taking of such step or BSCCo is required to take such step for the purposes of discharging its functions and responsibilities under the Code (but subject always to any Code Modification made following a proposal by any person entitled to do so) or in order to comply with a Legal Requirement.

1.8.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 1.8:

(a) Legal Requirement shall be construed:

(i) as including a requirement of any stock exchange in any country or of the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers or any body in any country having equivalent functions to those of that panel where compliance with the requirements of such body is customary; and

(ii) in accordance with paragraph (b);

(b) Competent Authority shall be construed as though the reference to the United Kingdom in the definition thereof included any country or state to the jurisdiction of which the Shareholder or any of its Affiliates is subject by reason of having a presence in such country or state.

1.9 Taxation and other payments

1.9.1 BSCCo covenants to pay to each Shareholder an amount equal to any liability to corporation tax on chargeable gains for which BSCCo or any of its Subsidiaries is primarily liable for which that Shareholder or any of its Subsidiaries is liable for which any of them would not have been liable but for being treated as being or having been a member of the same group as BSCCo or any of its Subsidiaries for the purposes of corporation tax on chargeable gains.

1.9.2 Each Shareholder covenants to pay to BSCCo an amount equal to any liability for corporation tax on chargeable gains for which that Shareholder or any of its Subsidiaries is primarily liable for which BSCCo or any of its Subsidiaries is liable but for which it would not have been liable but for being treated as being or having been a member of the same group as that Shareholder for the purposes of corporation tax on chargeable gains.

1.10 Conflict with Articles

1.10.1 In the event of any ambiguity created by or discrepancy between the provisions of this Annex and the Articles, it is the intention that the provisions of this Annex shall prevail and accordingly the Shareholders shall exercise all voting and other rights and powers available to them so as to give effect to the provisions of this Annex and shall further, if necessary, procure any required amendment to the Articles to ensure any such ambiguity or discrepancy is resolved.

1.11 Further Assurance

1.11.1 Each Shareholder shall co-operate with the other Shareholders and execute and deliver to the other Shareholders such other instruments and documents and take such other actions as may be reasonably requested from time to time in order to give effect to this Annex.

1.12 Expenses

1.12.1 Where a Shareholder is required to participate in a Shareholders meeting, the representative of that Shareholder shall be entitled to be reimbursed by BSCCo for the reasonable costs and expenses (including travel and accommodation costs) properly incurred by such representative in attending meetings of or otherwise in the conduct of the business of such meeting.


Section C

Version 43.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Approval Date

Implementation Date










































































P394 Self-Governance




P386 Self Governance




P381 Self Governance




















P318 Self Governance









Secretary of State











ORD004: Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011

DECC, 29/06/11



















































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section D sets out:

(a) the basis on which Trading Parties’ various Funding Shares will be determined;

(b) the basis for determining specified charges payable by Parties and others to BSCCo in respect of participation under the Code;

(c) further arrangements pursuant to which BSCCo will recover BSC Costs from Trading Parties; and

(d) not used;

(e) further arrangements pursuant to which BSCCo will recover:

(i) CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs; and

(ii) CM Settlement Services Provider Costs.

1.1.2 In this Section D:

(a) references to Parties exclude BSCCo and the BSC Clearer;

(b) references to a month are to a calendar month, unless the context otherwise requires.

1.1.3 For the purposes of the Code, "BSCCo Charges" means amounts payable by Parties by way of Specified BSC Charges in accordance with paragraph 3.1 and any further charges in accordance with paragraph 3.3, and in respect of the recovery of BSC Costs pursuant to paragraph 4.2.

1.1.4 Nothing in this Section D applies in relation to Trading Charges.

1.2 Funding Shares

1.2.1 For the purposes of the Code, in relation to a month:

(a) the "Main Funding Share" (FSMpm) of a Trading Party is the proportion determined in accordance with Part 1 of Annex D-1;

(b) not used;

(c) the "SVA (Production) Funding Share" (FSPSpm) of a Trading Party is the proportion determined in accordance with Part 3 of Annex D-1;

(d) subject to paragraph 1.2.2, the "General Funding Share" of a Trading Party is the proportion determined in accordance with Part 4 of Annex D-1;

(e) subject to paragraphs 1.2.2, 1.2.3 and 1.2.4, the "Annual Funding Share" of a Trading Party is the sum of its General Funding Shares for the twelve consecutive months ending with and including that month, divided by the sum for all Trading Parties of their General Funding Shares for such twelve months;

(f) "Funding Shares" means Main Funding Shares, SVA (Production) Funding Shares, General Funding Shares, Annual Funding Shares and (where applicable in accordance with paragraph 1.3) Default Funding Shares.

1.2.2 A reference in any provision of the Code to the General Funding Share or Annual Funding Share (in relation to any month) of a Trading Party on a "default basis", in the context of one or more other Trading Parties being in default of a payment obligation under the Code, is to such General Funding Shares or Annual Funding Shares determined, as provided in Part 4 of Annex D-1, so as to disregard the participation of the Trading Party(ies) in default.

1.2.3 Subject to paragraph 1.2.4, for the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1(e) a Trading Party shall be treated as having a General Funding Share of zero for any month for which no General Funding Share was determined for that Trading Party.

1.2.4 In relation to any month which is less than twelve months after the Go-live Date, the number of months referred to in paragraph 1.2.1(e) shall be the number of whole months from the Go-live Date to and including that month.

1.3 Default Funding Shares

1.3.1 For the purposes of this Section D:

(a) a Trading Party is a "defaulting party" in relation to a BSC Year (a "default" BSC Year) where:

(i) the Trading Party failed to pay any amount by way of BSCCo Charges (for which that Party was liable) accruing in respect of the default BSC Year, and

(ii) such unpaid amount was recognised by BSCCo as a bad debt and included in BSC Costs pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1(a)(ii) in relation to the default BSC Year;

(b) in relation to every month in a default BSC Year (irrespective of the month in which any defaulting party failed or first failed to make payment), the "Default Funding Share" (FSDpm) of each Trading Party which was not a defaulting party in that year is its General Funding Share determined on a default basis in relation to all defaulting parties.

1.4 Determination of Funding Shares

1.4.1 BSCCo will:

(a) determine periodically in accordance with paragraph 4 each Trading Party’s Main Funding Share, SVA (Production) Funding Share and General Funding Share, Annual Funding Share and (where applicable) Default Funding Share for each month; and

(b) notify all such Funding Shares to all Trading Parties in the statement provided under paragraph 4.5.1(b).

1.4.2 Annual Funding Shares determined in relation to any month in accordance with paragraph 4:

(a) shall be final and binding on Trading Parties, notwithstanding that (in accordance with paragraph 4.3) they are based on estimated data (used in the determination of General Funding Shares) for certain months; and

(b) shall not be subject to any subsequent adjustment or reconciliation upon actual data becoming available or upon any subsequent redetermination of General Funding Shares.

1.4.3 Each Party shall, upon request of BSCCo, provide to BSCCo any information reasonably requested by it for the purposes of determining Trading Parties' various Funding Shares.

1.4.4 So far as data derived in Volume Allocation is used in the determination of any Funding Shares:

(a) such data shall be that derived from the Initial Volume Allocation Runs for Settlement Days in the relevant month, which shall be final and binding for the purposes of such determination;

(b) no adjustment or reconciliation shall be made in respect of or by reference to any Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run or data derived therefrom, or otherwise as a result of the resolution of any Trading Dispute relating to such data.

1.4.5 If:

(a) at the time at which a Trading Party first raised a Trading Dispute in accordance with Section W, such Party notified the Panel that the Party wishes this paragraph 1.4.5 to apply; and

(b) following resolution of the Trading Dispute (or as the case may be the making of an arbitral award) and the carrying out of a Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, the Panel in its sole discretion considers that such resolution or award amounts to an exceptional circumstance which justifies making an adjustment in respect of the Volume Allocation data used in determining Funding Shares,

then the Panel may require BSCCo to redetermine Funding Shares (for all or any particular purposes of the Code) accordingly, and to make the consequential adjustments in respect of the amounts paid or payable by Trading Parties by way of BSCCo Charges.


2.1 General

2.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, subject to paragraph 2.4:

(a) "BSC Costs" means, subject to paragraph (b):

(i) all costs, expenses and other outgoings of BSCCo and its Subsidiaries and other amounts for which BSCCo or any of its Subsidiaries may be liable (other than amounts payable as trustee for any person), net of recoverable VAT; and

(ii) with effect from such time as BSCCo determines to treat such amount as a bad debt, any amount payable by a Party in respect of BSCCo Charges which was not paid within fifteen Business Days after the due date for payment and remains outstanding at such time, excluding any part of such amount which comprises VAT to the extent to which BSCCo considers that it will recover such VAT from a taxation authority;

(b) BSC Costs do not include:

(i) amounts payable by or to the BSC Clearer in respect of Trading Charges pursuant to Section N;

(ii) (to avoid double counting) amounts paid by BSCCo to its Subsidiaries by way of funding;

(iii) any amounts payable to any Parties in respect of Supplier Charges pursuant to Annex S-1;

(iv) any CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs and/or CM Settlement Services Provider Costs incurred by BSCCo and/or any of its Subsidiaries;

(v) any DIP Costs;

(c) "SVA Costs" are BSC Costs incurred by BSCCo in connection with Supplier Volume Allocation, determined in accordance with Annex D-2;

(d) "Annual BSC Costs" in relation to a BSC Year, means all BSC Costs accruing (in accordance with the BSCCo Accounting Policies) in that year;

(e) "Annual SVA Costs" in relation to a BSC Year, means all SVA Costs accruing (in accordance with the BSCCo Accounting Policies) in that year;

(f) "Annual Default Costs" in relation to a BSC Year, means the aggregate of all unpaid amounts falling to be treated as BSC Costs under paragraph 2.1.1(a)(ii) in that BSC Year.

2.1.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 2.1.1, and subject always to 2.1.1(b)(iv), BSC Costs include amounts for which BSCCo or any of its Subsidiaries is liable:

(a) pursuant to or in connection with any BSC Agent Contract or Market Index Data Provider Contract or any breach by BSCCo thereof or the termination thereof;

(b) pursuant to any indemnity given by it pursuant to the Code or any BSC Agent Contract or Market Index Data Provider Contract or otherwise;

(c) pursuant to any provision of the Implementation Scheme;

(d) should BSCCo in any circumstances be required to pay (other than as trustee) to any Party any amount recovered or recoverable by BSCCo from a BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider;

(e) by way of payment of interest or other charges or repayment (including any prepayment or premature or accelerated repayment) of principal in respect of any borrowing (and including any grossed-up amounts where any deduction is made from payment of interest);

(f) in respect of any taxes (save to the extent to which such amounts are recoverable from any person or authority in the BSC Year in question);

(g) to a Contract Trading Party pursuant to Section M4;

(h) in damages (in contract or tort or otherwise) to any person, including (by virtue of Section C5.2 or otherwise) any Party.

2.2 Recovery of BSC Costs

2.2.1 BSCCo shall and shall be entitled to recover all BSC Costs from Trading Parties severally as provided in this Section D.

2.3 BSC Accounting Policies

2.3.1 BSCCo shall prepare and adopt, and may from time to time amend, after consulting with the Panel, accounting policies, as required by or consistent with requirements of law and generally accepted accounting practice in the United Kingdom, and having regard to the objectives referred to in Section C1.3.1.

2.3.2 BSCCo shall prepare a statement of the accounting policies from time to time adopted or amended pursuant to paragraph 2.3.1 and shall provide a copy of such statement and any amendment thereof to the Panel and upon request to any Trading Party.

2.3.3 BSCCo shall account for its transactions, costs and revenues, and shall maintain and prepare accounting records, statements and other documents, as required by law and as further appropriate to give effect to this Section D and in accordance with the BSC Accounting Policies.

2.4 Taxation

2.4.1 Each Party agrees that it will be bound by any agreement made (whether before or after the entry into force of the Code) between BSCCo (or any of its Subsidiaries) and any tax authority as to the treatment for taxation purposes of any transactions envisaged by the Code between BSCCo (or any of its Subsidiaries) and any other Party.

2.4.2 Each Party further undertakes that it will not act in any way prejudicial to such agreement, including acting on the basis of, assuming, seeking or making any application or request to any tax authority for, any conflicting treatment.

2.4.3 BSCCo shall ensure that details of each such agreement as is referred to in this paragraph 2.4 are provided to each Party upon its becoming a Party and upon any change in such agreement.


3.1 General

3.1.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "Specified BSC Charges" means Main Specified Charges and SVA Specified Charges;

(b) not used;

(c) "Main Specified Charges" means the charges determined in accordance with paragraph 3 of Annex D-3;

(d) "SVA Specified Charges" means the charges determined in accordance with paragraph 4 of Annex D-3.

3.2 Liability to pay Specified BSC Charges

3.2.1 Each Party shall be liable for and shall pay Specified BSC Charges determined in accordance with Annex D-3.

3.2.2 BSCCo shall determine amounts payable by way of Specified BSC Charges, and invoice such amounts to Parties (in accordance with paragraph 4.3 in the case of Trading Parties).

3.3 Further charges

3.3.1 The further provisions of Annex D-3 shall apply for the purposes of determining further charges which may be made by BSCCo; and Parties shall be liable to BSCCo for and shall pay all such amounts which may be so charged and invoiced by BSCCo.


4.1 Net Annual BSC Costs

For each BSC Year:

(a) "Annual Net Main Costs" is the amount of the Annual BSC Costs, less:

(i) all amounts payable by Parties by way of Main Specified Charges and SVA Specified Charges;

(ii) all amounts payable to BSCCo by any BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider by way of credit, damages or liquidated damages or otherwise (unless deducted from amounts payable to such BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider before the latter amounts were counted as BSC Costs), other than amounts falling within paragraph (b)(ii);

(iii) the amount of the Annual Production-Charging SVA Costs;

(iv) any amount recovered by BSCCo from any insurer;

(v) any amounts paid to BSCCo by way of fees pursuant to Section Q7.2.3;

(vi) not used;

(vii) all amounts otherwise paid to BSCCo (other than as trustee) by any person (including any Party, pursuant to any indemnity given by the Party to BSCCo under the Code, or otherwise);

(b) "Annual SVA (Consumption) Costs" is one-half of the amount of the Annual SVA Costs less all amounts payable to BSCCo by any of the BSC Agents referred to in Annex D-2, by way of credit, damages or liquidated damages or otherwise (unless deducted from amounts payable to such BSC Agent before the latter amounts were counted as BSC Costs), in respect of services referred to in Annex D-2;

(c) "Annual Production-Charging SVA Costs" is one-half of the amount of the Annual SVA Costs;

(d) subject to paragraph 4.3.8:

(i) "Monthly Net Main Costs" (MNMCm) is 1/12 of Annual Net Main Costs;

(ii) not used;

(iii) "Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs" (MPSCm) is 1/12 of Annual Production-Charging SVA Costs;

(e) "Monthly Default Costs" (MDCm) is 1/12 of Annual Default Costs.

4.2 Liability in Funding Shares

4.2.1 For each month in any BSC Year, each Trading Party shall be liable to BSCCo for:

(a) its Main Funding Share for that month of the Monthly Net Main Costs;

(b) not used;

(c) its SVA (Production) Funding Share for that month of the Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs;

(d) its Default Funding Share of the Monthly Default Costs.

4.2.2 Amounts for which Trading Parties are liable pursuant to paragraph 4.2.1 shall be invoiced in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 4.

4.3 Invoicing, estimation and reconciliation

4.3.1 In relation to each month (the "invoice month") of each BSC Year, BSCCo shall determine:

(a) the amounts of:

(i) Monthly Net Main Costs,

(ii) Monthly Consumption-Charging Net SVA Costs,

(iii) Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs,

(iv) Monthly Default Costs (if any)

for the invoice month and each preceding month in that year, consistent with the prevailing Annual Budget, and based on its prevailing estimate of Annual Net Main Costs, Annual Production-Charging SVA Costs and Annual Default Costs for the year;

(b) for each Trading Party, in relation to the invoice month and each preceding month in that BSC Year:

(i) the Main Funding Shares, SVA (Production) Funding Shares and (where applicable) Default Funding Shares of such Party; and

(ii) the amounts for which such Party is liable by way of Specified Charges;

(c) for each Trading Party:

(i) on the basis of paragraphs (a) and (b), the aggregate amounts for which such Party is liable in such BSC Year, up to and including the invoice month, by way of BSCCo Charges;

(ii) the aggregate amount (if any) already paid or payable by each Party by way of BSCCo Charges in such BSC Year, up to and including the month preceding the invoice month;

(iii) the amount of the difference (whether positive or negative) between the amounts in paragraphs (i) and (ii).

4.3.2 BSCCo’s determinations under paragraph 4.3.1 shall be made:

(a) as at 1000 hours on the fifteenth Business Day of the month preceding (or if BSCCo has so notified Parties, the second month preceding) the invoice month, subject to paragraph 4.5.2 (and as soon as is practicable after that time and in any event no later than the last Business Day of that month);

(b) on the basis of actual data available to it at the time referred to in paragraph (a), and otherwise on the basis of BSCCo’s estimates of the relevant data; and accordingly actual data received by BSCCo after such time will not be taken into account until the following month.

4.3.3 BSCCo shall prepare and from time to time revise, and make available to the Panel and to Parties, a statement of the principles and methods by which it makes estimates under paragraph 4.3.2(b), but it is acknowledged that such principles and methods will not be applicable in all cases, and in the absence of any such applicable principle or method BSCCo will make such estimates as appear to it to be reasonable.

4.3.4 Subject to paragraph 4.3.5, the amount to be invoiced by BSCCo to each Trading Party each month by way of BSCCo Charges shall be the amount determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3.1(c)(iii) (which amount shall be payable by or to the Trading Party according to whether it is positive or negative).

4.3.5 Where for any Trading Party in relation to any month the magnitude of the amount referred to in paragraph 4.3.4 is less than the minimum invoice amount, no amount shall be invoiced to that Party by way of BSCCo Charges in respect of that month (but without prejudice to the determinations made pursuant to paragraph 4.3.1 in the following month); and for the purposes of this Section D the "minimum invoice amount" shall be such amount as the Panel shall from time to time determine, and shall initially be five hundred pounds sterling (£500).

4.3.6 No interest shall accrue on or be taken into account in the determination of any amounts under paragraph 4.3.1 or upon reconciliation under paragraphs 4.4 or 8.

4.3.7 Notwithstanding paragraph 4.3.1, BSCCo shall apply the formula set out in Annex D-4 for the purposes of determining the amount to be invoiced each month to each Trading Party by way of BSCCo Charges, and in the event of any conflict between this paragraph 4 and that Annex, that Annex shall prevail.

4.3.8 Where upon the application of BSCCo the Panel accepts that a substantial proportion of BSC Costs are or are likely to be incurred on a significantly uneven basis over the course of a BSC Year, and the Annual Budget indicates such basis by specifying the factors (approved by the Panel) referred to in paragraph (b):

(a) for the purposes of its determinations under paragraph 4.3.1 (except pursuant to paragraph 4.4), BSCCo may, with the approval of the Panel, adjust the basis of determining Monthly Net Main Costs and Monthly Net SVA Costs, by recognising the expected profile of such expenditure in accordance with paragraph (b);

(b) such profile will be recognised by applying factors (as approved by the Panel) other than 1/12 in relation to all or certain months for the purposes of paragraph 4.1(d);

(c) BSCCo will inform Trading Parties of such factors (and the month(s) to which each such factor applies) as soon as they have been approved by the Panel; but

(d) Trading Parties' General Funding Shares shall be determined pursuant to Annex D-1 disregarding the recognition of such expected profile (and on the basis of factors of 1/12 in paragraph 4.1(d).

4.4 Reconciliation

4.4.1 In relation to each BSC Year, BSCCo shall, not later than twenty-eight days after publication of its audited accounts for that year, make a final determination and adjustment in respect of the amounts payable by each Trading Party way of BSCCo Charges.

4.4.2 Such determination and adjustment shall be made in accordance with paragraph 4.3 except that:

(a) BSCCo shall use only actual data and shall not (unless any actual data remains unavailable to it at the time of such determination) use estimated data;

(b) paragraph 4.3.4 (providing for a minimum invoiced amount) shall not apply;

(c) paragraph 4.3.8 (providing for recognition of profiled expenditure) shall not apply;

(d) paragraph 4.4.8 shall also apply in respect of MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charges.

4.4.3 BSCCo shall invoice to Trading Parties the amounts determined to be payable pursuant to paragraph 4.4.1 by way of final reconciliation and adjustment in respect of BSCCo Charges payable by Trading Parties in the relevant BSC Year.

4.4.4 Subject only to paragraph 4.4.5, BSCCo’s determination of BSCCo Charges in a BSC Year under paragraph 4.4.1 shall be final and binding, and no further adjustment shall be made (and accordingly any subsequent adjustment in respect of BSC Costs in the BSC Year shall be taken into account in the BSC Costs for the BSC Year in which such adjustment is identified and made).

4.4.5 If, after the final determination under paragraph 4.4.1, the Panel determines that there are exceptional circumstances which justify an adjustment in respect of an extraordinary error in the determination of, or in data used in the determination of, any Funding Shares under that paragraph, the Panel may in its discretion direct, and Trading Parties shall be bound by, and BSCCo shall give effect to, such adjustment in respect of BSCCo Charges (payable by and to Trading Parties) in that BSC Year as appears to the Panel to be appropriate.

4.4.6 It is acknowledged that any BSC Costs referred to in Section H1.7 may, if the Panel decides it is appropriate to do so, be apportioned (on such basis as the Panel shall so decide) over the period from the Go-live Date to the BSC Year in which they are incurred, and in such case the Panel may direct that BSCCo shall redetermine (on such basis of approximation as the Panel may approve) each Trading Party's liability for BSCCo Charges over such period, and each Trading Party shall be bound by such direction and determination and shall be liable to make adjustment payments in respect of BSCCo Charges accordingly.

4.4.7 In respect of Modification Proposal P396:

(a) for the purposes of this paragraph 4.4.7, the "P396 Reconciliation Date" shall be the later of:

(i) the day next following the date on which the Authority issued a notice of modification to the National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited in respect of Modification Proposal P396; or

(ii) the first day of the BSC Year during which the date on which the implementation of Approved Modification P396 takes place (the "P396 Implementation Date");

(b) as soon as practically possible after the P396 Implementation Date, BSCCo shall determine, in accordance with paragraph (c), an adjustment to the amounts paid to or payable by each Party by way of BSCCo Charges;

(c) the adjustment referred to in paragraph (b) shall be determined so as to reconcile the difference between:

(i) the amounts already paid to or payable by each Party by way of BSCCo Charges in relation to the period commencing on the P396 Reconciliation Date and ending on day immediately prior to the P396 Implementation Date; and

(ii) the amounts that would have been payable by each Party over the same period had Modification Proposal P396 been in effect from the P396 Reconciliation Date;

(d) BSCCo shall send an invoice to Parties in respect of the reconciliation amounts determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4.7(c) (and where such amounts are not included in an invoice to be sent to Parties pursuant to paragraph 4.5.1 then, in respect of such invoice, the provisions of paragraph 4.5 shall apply mutatis mutandis);

(e) subject to paragraph 4.4.5, BSCCo’s determination of the reconciliation amounts shall be final and binding.

4.4.8 As part of the reconciliation determined under this paragraph 4.4, BSCCo shall:

    1. recalculate the charge rate for the MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge set for the previous BSC Year but, for the purposes of such recalculation, shall use the actual MHHS Programme Costs incurred by BSCCo during that BSC Year; and

    2. report, to the Panel, the revised charge rate for the MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge together with the outcome of the reconciliation calculated under paragraph 4.4.8(a).

4.5 Invoicing

4.5.1 In respect of each month, not less than five Business Days after making its determination for that month under paragraph 4.3.2, BSCCo shall send to each Trading Party:

(a) an invoice in respect of the amounts accruing in respect of BSCCo Charges in the following month (or where paragraph 4.5.2 applies, accruing in the relevant prior month), setting out:

(i) the net amount determined as payable by or to the Trading Party in pursuant to paragraph 4.3.1(c)(iii);

(ii) applicable VAT in respect of supplies to which the invoice relates;

(iii) the invoice due date in accordance with paragraph 4.5.3;

(b) a statement showing the basis of calculation (pursuant to paragraph 4.3) of the amounts under paragraph (a).

4.5.2 Where BSCCo has sufficient working capital available to it (pursuant to any permitted borrowing in accordance with Section C3.4.3(a)), BSCCo may decide, after consultation with the Panel, to invoice BSCCo Charges (to all Parties) up to three months in arrears.

4.5.3 Following the final determination by BSCCo in respect of the preceding BSC Year in accordance with paragraph 4.4, BSCCo shall send to each Trading Party an invoice and statement setting out the matters specified in paragraph 4.5.1.

4.5.4 The due date of each invoice for BSCCo Charges shall be the tenth Business Day after the date of receipt of the invoice.

4.5.5 Where the right of a Defaulting Party to receive payment has been suspended under Section H3.2.2(h):

(a) no amount becoming due and payable (pursuant to this Section D or Annex S-1) to such Defaulting Party shall be paid by BSCCo to such Defaulting Party (or to any person to whom the Defaulting Party may have assigned or transferred any of its rights pursuant to the Code);

(b) no interest shall run or be payable in respect of any such unpaid amount;

(c) BSCCo (but not the Defaulting Party) may set off, from and against such unpaid amount, any amount subsequently becoming payable (pursuant to this Section D or Annex S-1) by such Defaulting Party.

4.6 Combined invoicing of Supplier charges

4.6.1 It is agreed and acknowledged:

(a) that the Performance Assurance Board may delegate to BSCCo the invoicing and administration of payment of Supplier charges (and any associated amounts in respect of VAT) on behalf of Suppliers and qualifying Trading Parties under Annex S-1,

(b) in such case, that BSCCo may combine the invoicing and administration of payment of BSCCo Charges (on its own behalf) and Supplier charges under Annex S-1, and may submit a single invoice to each Party and require and make or receive a single payment in respect such amounts; and subject to paragraph 4.6.2 each Party authorises BSCCo to do so, notwithstanding any contrary provisions as to the basis (including any express or implied trust) on which such amounts are to be held by the Performance Assurance Board pursuant to Annex S-1.

4.6.2 Where pursuant to paragraph 4.6.1:

(a) BSCCo receives any amount which includes any payment from any Supplier of any amount under Annex S-1, and

(b) BSCCo does not on the same day make payment of the corresponding amount payable to the qualifying Trading Parties entitled thereto pursuant to Annex S-1 (or has not given credit for such corresponding amount in determining the net amount invoiced pursuant to paragraph 4.6.1 to such qualifying Trading Parties)

then BSCCo shall promptly upon receipt of such amount segregate that part of such amount which is referable to the payment from the Supplier pursuant to Annex S-1 into an account separate from that in which amounts paid in respect of BSCCo Charges are held (but without prejudice to paragraph 4.1.12 of Annex S-1).

4.7 Combined invoicing of DIP Charges

4.7.1 It is agreed and acknowledged:

(a) pursuant to and in accordance with the DIP Rules, relevant Parties are required to pay charges to the DIP Manager in respect of the recovery of DIP Costs;

(b) BSCCo may undertake some or all of the invoicing and administration of the collection of DIP Charges (and any associated amounts in respect of VAT) under the DIP Rules;

(b) in such case, BSCCo may combine the invoicing and administration of payment of BSCCo Charges and DIP Charges under the DIP Rules, and may submit a single invoice to each relevant Party (provided that DIP Charges shall be identified separately from BSCCo Charges) and require and make or receive a single payment in respect such amounts.

4.7.2 For the purposes of paragraph 4.7.1, a relevant Party is any Party that is a DIP Payee as defined in the DIP Rules.



6.1 Bank Accounts

6.1.1 Each Trading Party shall notify to BSCCo, and BSCCo shall notify to each Party, details of the banks and accounts to which any payments are to be made (to BSCCo or such Party) in respect of BSCCo Charges and Party Charges.

6.1.2 BSCCo shall establish and notify under paragraph 6.1.1 separate accounts in respect of BSCCo Charges and Party Charges.

6.2 Payment by Parties

6.2.1 Each Party shall pay all amounts invoiced in respect of BSCCo Charges and Party Charges payable by it and applicable VAT thereon no later than the due date for payment in accordance with this Section D.

6.2.2 Payment of BSCCo Charges and Party Charges shall be made in sterling in cleared funds to the relevant account of the payee for the time being notified pursuant to paragraph 6.1.

6.2.3 Payment of BSCCo Charges and Party Charges shall be made in full, free and clear of any restriction, reservation or condition, and except to the extent (if any) required by law, without deduction, withholding, set-off or counter-claim of any kind (but without prejudice to any other remedy).

6.2.4 In this paragraph 6, where the context admits, references to BSCCo Charges and Party Charges include amounts payable by Trading Parties pursuant to paragraph 6.5 upon a failure by a Trading Party to pay such a charge, or by way of cash call pursuant to paragraph 6.6.

6.2.5 Where BSCCo is required by law to make any deduction or withholding, the amount thereof shall be the minimum amount required by law (as modified by the terms of any agreement between BSCCo and any relevant taxation authority), and BSCCo shall make payments and returns to the relevant tax authorities and issue certificates to Parties in respect thereof as required by law (as so modified).

6.2.6 BSCCo may agree with any Party that such Party will pay BSCCo Charges and/or Party Charges by direct debit.

6.3 Disputes

6.3.1 If a Party disputes any amount shown in an invoice or statement as payable by it in respect of any BSCCo Charges or Party Charges, that Party shall nevertheless pay the amount shown in full and may not withhold payment of such amount or any part thereof, but without prejudice to that Party’s right subsequently to dispute such invoice or statement subject to and in accordance with applicable provisions of the Code.

6.3.2 Where a Party notifies BSCCo of any dispute or query as to the amount shown in any invoice or statement as payable by that Party in respect of BSCCo Charges or Party Charges, BSCCo shall as soon as is reasonably practicable (but not necessarily before the due date for payment) investigate the matter and inform the Party of the outcome of its investigation.

6.3.3 Where (pursuant to paragraph 6.3.2 or otherwise) BSCCo establishes that, or it is determined that, any error has been made in the determination of the amounts payable by any Party or Parties in respect of BSCCo Charges or Party Charges (whether such error resulted in over-payments or in under-payment by any such Party), BSCCo will make such adjustments, in respect of the BSCCo Charges or Party Charges respectively next (following such establishment or determination) to be payable in accordance with the Code by or to such Party or Parties, as will ensure that the correct amounts have been so paid.

6.3.4 No amount in respect of interest shall be included in any adjustment under paragraph 6.3.3 unless otherwise ordered in any award of an arbitrator.

6.3.5 Nothing in this Section D shall be construed as preventing BSCCo from withdrawing and replacing (with the same due date for payment) any invoice or other statement, before the due date for payment, by agreement with the Party concerned, where BSCCo is aware of an error in such invoice or statement.

6.4 Interest on late payment

6.4.1 If any amount payable by a Party in respect of BSCCo Charges or Party Charges is not paid on or before the due date, the paying Party shall pay interest, after as well as before judgment, at the Default Interest Rate, on the unpaid amount from the due date until the day on which payment is made.

6.5 Failure to pay

6.5.1 If any Party (a "non-paying" Party) fails to pay in full, within fifteen Business Days after the invoice due date, any amount payable by it in respect of BSCCo Charges or (as the case may be) Party Charges:

(a) BSCCo shall promptly notify all Trading Parties, the Panel and the Authority to that effect, and paragraph 6.5.2 shall apply;

(b) in the case of BSCCo Charges, subject to and with effect from the time referred to in paragraph 2.1.1(a)(ii) and by virtue of paragraph 4.2.1(d), each Trading Party will be liable to pay additional amounts by way of BSCCo Charges, determined by reference to its Default Funding Share (where the non-paying Party is a Trading Party) in respect of the unpaid amount;

(c) in the case of Party Charges:

(i) each other Trading Party shall be severally liable to pay an additional amount to the payee Funding Parties representing the Trading Party's Default Party Charge Share of the unpaid amount;

(ii) BSCCo shall promptly invoice to each Trading Party the amount payable by it under paragraph (i), together with applicable VAT thereon, which amount shall be payable within ten Business Days after the date of the invoice.

6.5.2 Where an amount is unpaid as described in paragraph 6.5.1 (and whether or not any amounts have become payable by Trading Parties as provided in paragraph 6.5.1(b) or (c)):

(a) if the amount is unpaid in respect of BSCCo Charges, unless the Panel (upon the recommendation of BSCCo or otherwise) determines that it would not be worthwhile to do so, BSCCo shall

(b) if the amount is unpaid in respect of Party Charges, if the Panel so instructs BSCCo, BSCCo shall (on behalf of the Trading Parties having an entitlement in respect thereof)

take all reasonable steps and proceedings, in consultation with the Panel, to pursue and recover from the non-paying Party the unpaid amount.

6.5.3 If BSCCo subsequently recovers any amount from the non-paying Trading Party in respect of the unpaid BSCCo Charges or Party Charges:

(a) in the case of a recovery in respect of BSCCo Charges, the amount recovered will be taken into account in determining under paragraph 4.3.2 the amounts payable in subsequent months by Trading Parties in respect of Trading Charges (provided that where such amount is recovered after BSCCo’s final determination under paragraph 4.4.1, such amount will be taken into account in the BSC Year in which it is recovered);

(b) in the case of a recovery in respect of Party Charges, BSCCo will credit such amount to Trading Parties in their respective Default Party Charge Shares which applied under paragraph 6.5.1(c).

6.5.4 Without prejudice to BSCCo’s continuing entitlement to payment by a non-paying Trading Party in respect of BSCCo Charges, a non-paying Trading Party shall indemnify and keep indemnified each other Trading Party on demand in respect of all amounts:

(a) paid by such other Trading Party to BSCCo in respect of its liability under paragraph 6.5.1(b);

(b) paid by such other Trading Party under paragraph 6.5.1(c).

6.5.5 While any amount is outstanding from the non-paying Trading Party in respect of BSCCo Charges, BSCCo will be entitled to withhold any payments which may be due to that Trading Party pursuant to an invoice under paragraph 4.5.

6.5.6 A Trading Party shall give notice to the BSCCo before instituting any action or proceeding to enforce payments due to it under paragraph 6.5.3.

6.5.7 If an unpaid amount has been increased by an amount in respect of VAT because it would constitute the consideration for a taxable supply or deemed taxable supply (as such terms are used in the Value Added Tax Act 1994), then any reference to an unpaid amount in paragraph 6.5.1 shall not include that increased part to the extent that the relevant taxable supply or deemed taxable supply (as such terms are used in the Value Added Tax Act 1994) does not take place. This paragraph 6.5.7 is without prejudice to the fact that any payment pursuant to paragraph 6.5.1 is exclusive of VAT and applicable VAT (if any) should be payable in addition.

6.5.8 Any part of the Code providing that an amount that is payable should be increased by an amount in respect of VAT, or should otherwise be paid with an amount attributable to VAT or in respect of VAT, shall not apply to amounts constituting consideration for a taxable or deemed taxable supply (as such terms are used in the Value Added Tax Act 1994) where the VAT is payable by the recipient of that supply (or any person that is treated as the recipient in accordance with any agreement referred to in paragraph 2.4.1) by way of the reverse charge mechanism.

6.6 Emergency funding

6.6.1 If at any time BSCCo is or anticipates that it will be unable to pay any BSC Costs falling due for payment before BSCCo will receive (from Trading Parties pursuant to invoices issued under paragraph 4.5) funds sufficient to enable it to pay such BSC Costs:

(a) BSCCo may, with the approval of the Panel, give notice by way of cash call to Trading Parties:

(i) requiring them to pay in their Main Funding Shares for the month in which such notice is given such amount as BSCCo requires so as to be sufficiently funded; and

(ii) specifying the date (as approved by the Panel) for payment of such cash call, which shall not be less than three Business Days after the date of such notice;

(b) each Trading Party shall pay the amount so notified as payable by it, not later than the date specified for payment;

(c) amounts so payable by Trading Parties will be BSCCo Charges, treated as accruing due when so notified, and will be taken into account in determining the amounts subsequently payable as BSCCo Charges in the relevant BSC Year (by being taken into account in the invoicing of such charges pursuant to paragraph 4.3.1);

(d) BSCCo shall promptly after making such cash call provide to all Trading Parties an explanation of the circumstances which required it to be made, and (without prejudice to Section C6.5) a statement of whether the BSC Costs in question represent expenditure in excess of the amount in the Annual Budget.

6.7 DIP Charges

6.7.1 For the avoidance of doubt, to the extent that any of the matters or circumstances envisaged by this paragraph 6 apply to DIP Charges, such matters or circumstances shall be resolved in accordance with the DIP Rules.


7.1 CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs to be recovered by BSCCo

7.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, "CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs" means:

(a) the costs directly incurred by BSCCo in providing, or procuring the provision of, CFD Settlement Data to a CFD Settlement Services Provider; and

(b) any other costs directly incurred by BSCCo in providing, or procuring the provision of, those further services to a CFD Settlement Services Provider as are permitted elsewhere in the Code.

7.2 CM Settlement Services Provider Costs to be recovered by BSCCo

7.2.1 For the purposes of the Code, "CM Settlement Services Provider Costs" means:

(a) the costs directly incurred by BSCCo in providing, or procuring the provision of, CM Settlement Data to a CM Settlement Services Provider; and

(b) any other costs directly incurred by BSCCo in providing, or procuring the provision of, those further services to a CM Settlement Services Provider as are permitted elsewhere in the Code.

7.3 General

7.3.1 No Party shall be liable to pay CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs or CM Settlement Services Provider Costs to BSCCo (other than a Party in its capacity as a CFD Settlement Services Provider or a CM Settlement Services Provider, as appropriate, appointed for the time being).


8.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge" means the Specified BSC Charges determined in accordance with Annex D-3 to recover MHHS Implementation Management Costs;

(b) "MHHS Implementation Management Costs" means the BSC Costs incurred by BSCCo as MHHS Implementation Manager (including paying the MHHS Independent Assurance Provider as defined in Section C12.2) as such costs are determined by BSCCo under Section C6 and in accordance with Section C12,

and for the purposes of this paragraph 8:

(c) the "P413 Reconciliation Date" shall be the later of:

(i) 1 April 2021; or

(ii) the first day of the BSC Year during which the P413 Systems Implementation Date falls;

(d) the "P413 Reconciliation Period" shall be the period commencing on the P413 Reconciliation Date and ending on the day immediately preceding the P413 Systems Implementation Date; and

(e) "P413 Systems Implementation Date" means the date notified to Parties in advance by BSCCo on which the system changes needed to determine MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charges are implemented by BSCCo.

8.2 In respect of Modification Proposal P413:

(a) as from the P413 Relevant Implementation Date until the day immediately preceding the P413 Systems Implementation Date (and subject to the remaining provisions of this paragraph), MHHS Implementation Management Costs shall be recovered by BSCCo from each Trading Party in accordance with the provisions of this Section D, including paragraph 4.2; and

(b) as from the P413 Systems Implementation Date, the MHHS Implementation Management Costs shall be recoverable from Suppliers through the MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charges in accordance with this paragraph and paragraph 3 of Annex D-3.

8.3 As soon as practically possible after the P413 Systems Implementation Date, BSCCo shall determine for each Party the difference between:

(a) the amounts already paid to or payable by way of BSCCo Charges in relation to the period commencing on the P413 Reconciliation Date and ending on the day immediately prior to the P413 Systems Implementation Date; and

(b) the amounts that would have been paid or payable by each Supplier by way of MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charges and by each other Party by way of BSCCo Charges over the same period had such MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charges been recovered from Suppliers as from the P413 Reconciliation Date.

8.4 BSCCo shall send an invoice to Parties in respect of the reconciliation amounts determined pursuant to paragraph 8.3 (and where such amounts are not included in an invoice to be sent to Parties pursuant to paragraph 4.5.1 then, in respect of such invoice, the provisions of paragraph 4.5 shall apply mutatis mutandis).

8.5 Subject to paragraph 4.4.5, BSCCo’s determination of such reconciliation amounts shall be final and binding.


1 Main Funding Shares

1.1 A Trading Party’s Main Funding Share (FSMpm) in relation to a month (month ‘m’) reflects its proportionate share of aggregate Credited Energy Volumes for that month and shall be determined as follows:

(a) FSMpm = ½ * {PΣ+ (non-I) (QCEiaj) + PΣ- (non-I) (- QCEiaj)} / Σp {PΣ+(non-I) (QCEiaj) + PΣ- (- QCEiaj)}

+ ½ * {CΣ+(non-I) (QCEiaj) + CΣ-(non-I) (-QCEiaj)} / Σp {CΣ+ (non-I) (QCEiaj) + CΣ-(non-I) (-QCEiaj)}


PΣ+(non-I) represents, for the Production Energy Account a belonging to Party p, a sum over each Settlement Period in month m and each BM Unit that is not an Interconnector BM Unit, where the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs is delivering in the Settlement Period j.

PΣ(non-I) represents, for the Production Energy Account a belonging to Party p, a sum over each Settlement Period in month m and each BM Unit that is not an Interconnector BM Unit, where the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs is offtaking in the Settlement Period j.

CΣ+(non-I) represents, for the Consumption Energy Account a belonging to Party p, a sum over each Settlement Period in month m and each BM Unit that is not an Interconnector BM Unit, where the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs is delivering in the Settlement Period j.

CΣ-(non-I) represents, for the Consumption Energy Account a belonging to Party p, a sum over each Settlement Period in month m and each BM Unit that is not an Interconnector BM Unit, where the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs is offtaking in the Settlement Period j.

Σp represents the sum over all Trading Parties p;

and where delivering and offtaking are construed in accordance with Section T2.1.1.

2 Not Used

3 SVA (Production) Funding Shares

3.1 A Trading Party’s SVA (Production) Funding Share (FSPSpm) in relation to a month (month ‘m’) reflects its proportionate share of aggregate Credited Energy Volumes for Production BM Units for that month and shall be determined as follows:

FSPSpm = {PΣ+(non-I) (QCEiaj) + PΣ-(non-I) (- QCEiaj)} / Σp {PΣ+(non-I) (QCEiaj) + PΣ-(non-I) (- QCEiaj)}

where the summations are the same as in Part 1.

4 General Funding Shares

4.1 General funding shares

4.1.1 A Trading Party’s General Funding Share (FSGpm) in relation to a month (month ‘m’) reflects its proportionate share of the aggregate of certain BSCCo Charges for that month shall be determined as follows:

FSGpm = {TSCpm + (MNMCm * FSMpm) + (MPSCm * FSPSpm)} / Σp {TSCpm + (MNMCm * FSMpm) + (MPSCm * FSPSpm)}


TSCpm = Total Specified BSC Charges, with the exception of Secondary BM Unit Monthly Charges and MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charges, for Trading Party p relating to month m

MNMCm = Monthly Net Main Costs relating to month m

FSMpm = Main Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m

MPSCm = Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs relating to month m

FSPSpm = SVA (Production) Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m

Σp = the sum over all Trading Parties p

4.2 Default basis

4.2.1 Where for any month General Funding Shares are to be determined on a default basis in relation to any defaulting Trading Party or Trading Parties:

(a) paragraph 1 shall apply on the basis that:

Σp = the sum over all Trading Parties p other than the defaulting Trading Party(ies);

(b) FSGpm shall not be determined in respect of the defaulting Trading Party(ies).

5 Determination of Funding Shares

5.1 In accordance with the further provisions of the Code, the following data (or such other data as may be agreed by BSCCo and the relevant BSC Agent) will be provided to BSCCo by the following BSC Agents in order to enable BSCCo to determine Funding Shares in accordance with Section D1.4 each month:

(a) SVAA will provide monthly total values (by Trading Party and BM Unit) of (pmΣZHjNHHSDTHZj );

(b) SAA will provide for each month m, in relation to the Energy Account a of each Party, each BM Unit i and each Settlement Period j, values of QCEiaj.


1. SVA Costs shall be those BSC Costs determined by BSCCo to be operational costs directly or indirectly referable to Supplier Volume Allocation.

2. Subject to paragraph 3 and paragraph 5, SVA Costs shall include the following amounts and costs payable or incurred by BSCCo or any of its Subsidiaries:

(a) amounts payable to the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent;

(b) amounts payable in respect of the use by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent of the Managed Data Network;

(c) amounts payable to the Profile Administrator;

(d) amounts payable to the Teleswitch Agent;

(e) amounts payable to the Technical Assurance Agent for Supplier Volume Allocation;

(f) amounts payable to BSCCo agent (if any), so far as relating to the Qualification of Supplier Agents;

(g) costs of the maintenance and support of the software and systems referred to in paragraph 4;

(h) the costs of resolving Trading Disputes relating to Supplier Volume Allocation;

(i) the costs of implementing, conducting and administering the Qualification Processes relating to Suppliers and Supplier Agents;

(j) amounts payable to the BSC Auditor, in respect of the functions of the BSC Auditor referable to Supplier Volume Allocation;

(k) costs of the operation of the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring Systems (other than any such operation not referable to Supplier Volume Allocation);

(l) costs of providing advice and support to Parties in connection with those provisions of the Code relating to Supplier Volume Allocation.

3. SVA Costs shall not include

(a) any such costs (as described in paragraph 2) in respect of services provided by a BSC Agent in connection with the implementation of an Approved Modification of otherwise for the development of any BSC Systems;

(b) any such costs in respect of services which are not directly or indirectly referable to Supplier Volume Allocation.

4. The software and systems referred to in paragraph 2(g) are software and systems made available by BSCCo to Trading Parties for estimation of annual consumption and annualised advance, and for non half hour data aggregation; and the Supplier Volume Allocation System.

5. SVA Costs shall include the costs of implementing Approved Modification P246 ("Reporting to LDSOs of Aggregated Metering Data for Embedded Networks") which shall be payable by all Licensed Distribution System Operators in equal proportion, provided that such implementation costs shall not be treated as Annual SVA Costs.


1. General

1.1 This Annex D-3 sets out the basis on which Specified BSC Charges will be determined.

1.2 The amounts or rates of each of the Specified BSC Charges, in relation to each BSC Year, shall be the amounts or rates determined and notified to Parties by the Panel, in accordance with this Annex D-3, not later than the start of that BSC Year, provided that:

(a) the amounts or rates prevailing in one BSC Year shall continue to apply in the following BSC Year if the Panel does so not notify any revised such amounts or rates; and

(b) where BSCCo has amended, or proposes to amend, its Annual Budget in accordance with Section C6.6, the Panel may set a rate for the MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge for the relevant BSC Year after the start of that BSC Year.

2. Not Used

3. Main Specified Charges

3.1 The Main Specified Charges payable by Parties in relation to each month are as follows:

(a) a Base Monthly Charge, payable by each Party, with the exception of Virtual Lead Parties that do not hold Energy Accounts, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(b) a CVA Metering System Monthly Charge, for each CVA Metering System (including a Metering System at a Systems Connection Point) of which a Party is Registrant for all or any part of that month, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(c) a CVA BM Unit Monthly Charge, for:

(i) each BM Unit (other than a Supplier BM Unit, Secondary BM Unit and BM Units as provided in paragraph (ii)) for which a Trading Party is Lead Party for all or any part of that month; and

(ii) for:

(1) each Consumption BM Unit associated with an Exemptable Generating Plant for which (Consumption BM Unit) the Trading Party is Lead Party for all or any part of that month (and, in this case, no charge will be made for any Exempt Export BM Units at the Exemptable Generating Plant); or

(2) (if there are no Consumption BM Units associated with an Exemptable Generating Plant) all Exempt Export BM Units at the Exemptable Generating Plant for which the Trading Party is Lead Party for all or any part of that month (as a single charge taking such Exempt Export BM Units in aggregate),

at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(d) a Dataline Monthly Charge, for each data communications line supplied to a Trading Party (as described in paragraph 3.3(a)), at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel in a 'Schedule of Specified Communication Charges' placed on the BSC Website;

(e) a TIBCO Software Support Charge (as described in paragraph 3.3(b)), at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel in a 'Schedule of Specified Communication Charges' placed on the BSC Website;

(f) a Notified Volume Charge, for the Gross Contract MWh determined for a Trading Party in accordance with paragraph 3.2, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(g) a Base BM Unit Monthly Charge, for a set of Base BM Units (in aggregate) automatically allocated (in accordance with Section K3.3.1(a)) to a Supplier (in respect of each of its Supplier IDs), and held by a Supplier for all or any part of that month, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(h) except for Additional BM Units that are comprised of CFD Assets or CM Assets (for which there shall be no Additional BM Unit Monthly Charge), an Additional BM Unit Monthly Charge, for each Supplier BM Unit for which a Supplier is Lead Party for all or any part of that month, and which is not charged for under paragraph (g), at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(i) for a Replacement Supplier BM Unit held by a Replacement Supplier for all or any part of that month:

(i) which corresponds to a Base BM Unit, to the Replacement Supplier, one twelfth of the Base BM Unit Monthly Charge;

(ii) which corresponds to an Additional BM Unit, to the Replacement Supplier, the Additional BM Unit Monthly Charge,

and no charge will be made in respect of Replacement Supplier BM Units under paragraphs (g) or (h) provided that, for the purposes of this paragraph 3.1, a BM Unit shall cease to be considered a Replacement Supplier BM Unit when all the Metering Systems associated with that BM Unit are no longer registered in the name of the relevant failing Supplier;

(j) a Base Virtual Lead Party Monthly Charge, payable by each Virtual Lead Party that is not a Trading Party, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Virtual Lead Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website;

(k) a Secondary BM Unit Monthly Charge, payable by each Party for each Secondary BM Unit for which that Party is Lead Party for all or any part of that month, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website; and

(l) a MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge payable by each Supplier for each SVA Metering System for which a Supplier is Registrant on the first day of that month, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website.

3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.1(f), the Gross Contract MWh for a Trading Party in relation to a month shall be determined as follows:

Σzabj {| ECQ zabj | + | ECQ zbaj |} + Σziaj {| QMFR ziaj |} + Σzibj {| QMFR zibj |}


Σzabj represents the sum over all Energy Accounts b, over the two Energy Accounts a which belong to Party p, over all Energy Contract Volume Notifications z and over all Settlement Periods j in month m

Σziaj represents the sum over all BM Units i for which the Party p is a Subsidiary Party, over the two Energy Accounts a which belong to Party p, over all Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications z and over all Settlement Periods j in month m

Σzibj represents the sum over all BM Units i for which Party p is the Lead Party, over all Energy Accounts b which Subsidiary Energy Accounts for BM Unit i, over all Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications z and over all Settlement Periods j in month m

3.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 3:

(a) the 'Dataline Monthly Charge' is a charge payable by a Party:

(i) for each dedicated communications line (as described in the applicable Communication Requirements Document) supplied whether in respect of the High Grade Service of the BMRS or otherwise; and

(ii) for a minimum period (of supply of each such line) of twelve months; and

(b) where the Party (having requested the High Grade Service) does not already have available and therefore has requested the provision of the software known as 'TIBCO' software (as described in the applicable Communications Requirements Document) for operation with the High Grade Service, the Party is required to pay to BSCCo:

(i) a set-up charge known as the 'TIBCO Set-up Charge' in accordance with paragraph 3.4; and

(ii) a software support charge known as the 'TIBCO Software Support Charge' in accordance with paragraph 3.1(e).

3.4 The TIBCO Set-up Charge is payable in relation to the month in which the TIBCO software is provided, and the amount of such charge shall be as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel in a 'Schedule of Specified Communication Charges' placed on the BSC Website.

3.5 The MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge is a charge payable by Suppliers in order to recover MHHS Implementation Management Costs.

4. SVA Specified Charges

4.1 The SVA Specified Charge payable by each Supplier in order to recover Annual SVA (Consumption) Costs is an SVA Metering System Monthly Charge, for each SVA Metering System for which a Supplier is Registrant on the first day of that month, at a charge rate as determined and notified to Parties by the Panel by publication on the BSC Website.

5. Provision of information to BSCCo

5.1 The following data (or such other data as may be agreed by BSCCo and the relevant BSC Agent) will be provided to BSCCo by the following BSC Agents in order to enable BSCCo to determine Specified BSC Charges in accordance with this Annex D-3 for each month:

(a) the ECVAA will provide for each month m;

(i) in relation to each Energy Contract Volume Notification z, each Energy (From) Account a of each Party, each Energy (To) Account b of each Party and each Settlement Period j, values of ECQzabj;

(ii) in relation to each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification z, the relevant Energy Account a of each Subsidiary Party, each BM Unit i and each Settlement Period j, values of QMFRzaij;

(b) the CRA will provide:

(i) the number of CVA Metering Systems of which each Party is Registrant in each month;

(ii) the number of BM Units (other than Supplier BM Units and Exempt Export BM Units) and the number of Exempt Export BM Units for which each Party is Lead Party in each month;

(iii) the number of Base BM Units, Additional BM Units and Secondary BM Units of which each Supplier is Lead Party in each month;

(c) the BMRA will provide:

(i) details of the Parties which have requested the High Grade Service and the number of data communications lines under supply to each such Party in each month;

(ii) details of the Parties to whom TIBCO software is being provided and the number of additional users of each such Party in each month.

6. Further charges

6.1 Where BSCCo provides or procures any relevant service to or for a relevant person, subject to paragraph 6.3, BSCCo may, and if the Panel so requires shall, make a charge to the relevant person of an amount sufficient to recover the relevant costs.

6.2 For the purposes of paragraph 6.1:

(a) a relevant service is a service (including but not limited to the provision of a copy of any document) provided at the request of and to or for a particular person (not including the Authority) and not provided to Parties or Trading Parties on a routine basis pursuant to the Code;

(b) a relevant person is the person, whether or not a Trading Party or another Party, to whom a relevant service is provided;

(c) the relevant costs are the costs (excluding overhead costs) directly incurred by BSCCo in providing or procuring the relevant service, to the extent to which such costs have not been taken into account by the Panel in determining the rate or amount of any Specified BSC Charge.

6.3 Where BSCCo is required by any provision of the Code or a Code Subsidiary Document to provide (at the request of a Party) the relevant service, BSCCo may only make such a charge with the prior approval of the Panel.

6.4 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 6.1, where a BSC Agent makes a specific charge to BSCCo in respect of the provision on a particular occasion of a relevant service by that BSC Agent, BSCCo may make a charge of an equal amount to the relevant person, provided that the amount of such charge has not been taken into account by the Panel in determining the rate or amount of any Specified BSC Charge.

6.5 In addition to the charges to be made pursuant to the foregoing provisions of this Annex D-3:

(a) fees in respect of Qualification (or re-Qualification) will be charged in accordance with the Menu of Qualification Fees;

(b) application fees are payable by Party Applicants in accordance with Section A2.5;

(c) charges are payable by persons (other than Parties) requesting the High Grade Service of the BMRS as provided in Section V2.3.4(a).


1. Invoicing within year

1.1 For the purposes of Section D4.3.7, the monthly payment (Ppm) for each Trading Party p for month m is determined as follows:

Ppm = Σm (TSCpm) +Σm (MNMCm) * Σm (FSMpm) / Σm (1) +Σm (MPSCm) * Σm (FSPSpm) / Σm (1) +Σm (MDCm) * Σm (FSDpm) / Σm (1) - Σm-1 (Ppm)


TSCpm = the aggregate amount payable by a Trading Party by way of Specified BSC Charges in respect of month m;

MNMCm = Monthly Net Main Costs relating to month m

FSMpm = Main Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m

MPSCm = Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs relating to month m

FSPSpm = SVA (Production) Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m

MDCm = Monthly Default Costs relating to month m

FSDpm = Default Funding Share for Trading Party p relating to month m

Σm = the sum over all of the months of the BSC Year up to and including month m;

Σm-1 = the sum over all of the months of the BSC Year up to and including the month preceding month m;

Σm(1) = the number of months of the BSC Year up to and including month m;

1.2 In accordance with Section D4.3 the data used for the calculation will be estimated data where actual data is not available; and values of monthly BSC Costs (of different types) will be determined in accordance with Section D4.3.8 where that paragraph applies.

2. Reconciliation

2.1 For the purposes of the reconciliation pursuant to Section D4.4 the amount (Pp) payable by each Trading Party p by way of final reconciliation and adjustment is determined as follows:

Pp = Σm (TSCpm) +Σm (MNMCm) * Σm (FSMpm) / 12 +Σm (MPSCm) * Σm(FSPSpm) / 12 +Σm (MDCm) * Σm (FSDpm) / 12 - Σm (Ppm)


Σm = the sum over all of the months of the BSC Year

all other terms have the meanings in paragraph 1.

2.2 In accordance with Section D4.4.2 the data used for the calculation will be actual data (unless not then available); and Section D4.3.8 shall not apply in relation to the determination of values of monthly BSC Costs (of different types).



Section D

Version 31.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Approval Date

Implementation Date






































P394 Self-Governance












P346 Self-Governance





Secretary of State



































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section E sets out:

(a) requirements that certain services be provided by BSC Agents;

(b) the role of BSCCo in contracting with BSC Agents;

(c) provisions relating to the relationship between BSCCo, Parties, and BSC Agents; and

(d) provisions relating to the BSC Services Manager.

1.1.2 It is a requirement of the Code that a person or persons should be appointed at all times by BSCCo for the purposes of providing certain services, necessary for giving effect to the Code, which are to be provided centrally (and not by Parties individually).

1.1.3 The services which are so required to be provided are specified in BSC Service Descriptions.

1.1.4 In this Section E references to Parties do not include BSCCo or the BSC Clearer.

1.2 BSC Agents

1.2.1 The person (or persons) for the time being appointed for the purposes of providing the services specified in a BSC Service Description is a BSC Agent. This does not include:

(a) BSCCo where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services;

(b) a person appointed pursuant to paragraph 1.2.7.

1.2.2 Subject to paragraph 1.2.3, a person may be appointed to act in the capacity of more than one BSC Agent.

1.2.3 The same person may be appointed to act as BSC Auditor and as BSCCo's agent (if any) in relation to the Qualification Process (or any part thereof), but subject thereto the person appointed as BSC Auditor and the person appointed as BSCCo's agent in relation to the Qualification Process (or any part thereof) shall not be appointed in the capacity of another BSC Agent.

1.2.4 A Party shall not be appointed as a BSC Agent.

1.2.5 The names by which each BSC Agent service is known in the Code, are set out below:

BSC Agent Service


Settlement Administration Agent


Funds Administration Agent


Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent


Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent


Central Data Collection Agent


Technical Assurance Agent


Central Registration Agent


Supplier Volume Allocation Agent


Teleswitch Agent


BSC Auditor


Profile Administrator


Transmission Loss Factor Agent


1.2.6 It is acknowledged that:

(a) BSCCo may appoint multiple persons to deliver each BSC Agent service and, subject to paragraph 1.2.7, each person so appointed shall be a BSC Agent; and

(b) where BSCCo has appointed more than one person to deliver a single BSC Agent service, it shall:

(i) reconfigure the relevant BSC Service Description to reflect the allocation of responsibilities between each person appointed pursuant to paragraph 1.2.6(a); and/or

(ii) divide the relevant BSC Service Description into separate documents to reflect the allocation of responsibilities between each person appointed pursuant to paragraph 1.2.6(a),

in each case in accordance with paragraph 1.5,

provided that BSCCo must consult with the Panel prior to taking any of the steps referred to in paragraph 1.2.6 (a) or (b).

1.2.7 For the purposes of Section E:

(a) BSC Agent Services means the services specified in a BSC Service Description or otherwise pursuant to the Code;

(b) Related Technology Services means any Technology Services that are, or may be, a BSC Agent Service but which are ancillary to the performance of Settlement processes, assurance services or audit services by a BSC Agent including, inter alia, data retention and help-desk services;

(c) Technology Services means technology services and products used by BSCCo in the performance of its functions including data and application hosting, service management, systems development, systems support and maintenance, infrastructure management and other related activities;

(d) Technology Services Provider means a person, not being a BSC Agent, who provides Technology Services.

1.2.8 Where BSCCo has appointed a Technology Services Provider to provide Related Technology Services for which a BSC Agent would otherwise be responsible:

(a) the relevant BSC Agent Contract may include provisions relieving the BSC Agent from the obligation to perform those Related Technology Services and relieving that BSC Agent from liability for breaches that, as a consequence, are beyond its reasonable control; and

(b) the provisions of this Section E shall not apply in respect of those Related Technology Services or the Technology Services Provider.

1.3 BSC Service Descriptions

1.3.1 With respect to each BSC Agent service, the BSC Service Description shall specify the services which are required to be provided by each person appointed as the BSC Agent for the purposes of the Code..

1.3.2 A BSC Service Description shall to the extent practicable specify the services to be provided by the BSC Agent by reference to those provisions of the Code and of any other Code Subsidiary Document which relate to the functions to be carried out by the relevant BSC Agent.

1.3.3 A BSC Agent Contract may provide for the BSC Agent to provide services (necessary for or reasonably incidental to giving effect to the Code) in addition to those set out in the BSC Service Description.

1.3.4 Subject to and in accordance with Section F3 (and subject also to paragraph 1.5), the Panel may from time to time, upon the recommendation of BSCCo or otherwise, amend a BSC Service Description (including adding or removing requirements thereunder).

1.3.5 Where a Code Modification is to be made, and/or the Panel decides to amend a BSC Service Description or other Code Subsidiary Document, BSCCo shall take all such steps (in accordance with the change management provisions in and otherwise in accordance with the BSC Agent Contract) as are available with a view to securing that the relevant BSC Agent Contract takes effect by reference to, and the BSC Agent is bound by, the Code as so modified or (as the case may be) the amended BSC Service Description or other Code Subsidiary Document, with effect from the date from which such modification or amendment is to take effect.

1.4 Data flows between certain BSC Agents

1.4.1 Where and for so long as the same person is appointed in the capacity of more than one BSC Agent:

(a) it is not necessary for Code Subsidiary Documents to contain data transfer provisions;

(b) such person in each such capacity of BSC Agent shall be assumed (for the purposes of the Code) to be in possession of all data and information of which it is in possession in any of such capacities, notwithstanding any data transfer provisions which are contained in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document, but without prejudice to any requirements under the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document for validation of such data or information;

and for the purposes of this paragraph 1.4 data transfer provisions are provisions or procedures for the passing of data or information between one such BSC Agent and another.

1.4.2 Where paragraph 1.4.1 applies for the time being, but it is proposed that a BSC Agent Contract is to be entered into with a different person in the capacity of any such BSC Agent, the Panel shall first establish in Code Subsidiary Documents appropriate data transfer provisions (to the extent not already contained in the Code or Code Subsidiary Documents).

1.5 Reconfiguration and/or division of BSC Service Descriptions

1.5.1 If at any time BSCCo proposes to appoint multiple persons to deliver a BSC Agent service and to reconfigure or divide a BSC Service Description in accordance with paragraph 1.2.6 then, subject to paragraphs 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 (and notwithstanding Section F3):

(a) BSCCo shall reconfigure and/or divide the prevailing BSC Service Descriptions (including making minor consequential amendments in order to give effect to such reconfiguration and/or division) so as to reflect the allocation of responsibilities between the persons appointed to perform a BSC Agent service and to give effect to such proposal with effect from the amendment or execution of the relevant BSC Agent Contracts; and

(b) with effect from such reconfiguration and/or division:

(i) references to particular BSC Agents in the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents shall be construed consistent with such modified BSC Service Descriptions;

(ii) references to particular a BSC Agent in the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents shall be construed to be a reference to each person appointed to perform the relevant BSC Agent service (or part thereof); and

(iii) any reference to a particular BSC Service Description in the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents shall be construed to be a reference to the reconfigured BSC Service Description or to each separate document that comprises that BSC Service Description.

1.5.2 Except to the extent permitted by paragraph 1.5.1, any modification to a BSC Service Description shall be subject to the further provisions of the Code as to the amendment of BSC Agent Contracts and modification of BSC Service Descriptions, and subject to the requirements of Section F3.1.2 being complied with in respect of all BSC Service Descriptions taken together.

1.5.3 As soon as possible after reconfiguring or dividing a BSC Service Description, BSCCo shall notify the Panel, each Party and the Authority, and shall promptly publish such BSC Service Description(s).

1.6 Interpretation of Code

1.6.1 The Code sets out or describes certain functions of BSC Agents as obligations of those Agents (to be reflected in the terms of BSC Agent Contracts in accordance with paragraph 2.1.3), but it is acknowledged that (as BSC Agents are not party to the Framework Agreement) the Code does not of itself directly impose obligations on any person appointed as BSC Agent.

1.6.2 The failure of a BSC Agent to perform and discharge any of its functions as provided for in the Code shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of Settlement under the Code (so far as such rights and obligations are capable of being construed and determined notwithstanding such failure), but subject to the express provisions of the Code as to:

(a) the effect of Volume Allocation Runs and Settlement Runs (as provided in Section U2.6);

(b) the resolution of Trading Disputes;

(c) the consequences of an incorrect determination that a Trading Party is in Credit Default (as provided in Section M); and

(d) the implementation of Settlement in any case where data is not available or is invalid or in the case of any omission or error on the part of a BSC Agent;

and to any other provision of the Code which expressly addresses the consequences for Parties of such a failure.


2.1 General

2.1.1 It shall be the responsibility of BSCCo to ensure that there is at all times a person appointed as BSC Agent for the purposes of providing all of the services under each BSC Service Description.

2.1.2 BSCCo shall, subject to and in accordance with the further provisions of this Section E:

(a) select the person to be appointed as each BSC Agent;

(b) enter into (or accept an assignment or novation of) a contract with each person appointed as a BSC Agent;

(c) perform its obligations under and manage and enforce each BSC Agent Contract;

(d) monitor, inspect and supervise the performance of the BSC Agent under each BSC Agent Contract;

(e) amend or vary each BSC Agent Contract as necessary or appropriate for the purposes of giving effect to the Code or in accordance with paragraph 1.3.5;

(f) where appropriate, exercise any rights of termination of each BSC Agent Contract; and

(g) upon expiry or termination of a BSC Agent Contract, extend or renew the contract or (in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b)) select and appoint a different person as the BSC Agent.

2.1.3 Without prejudice to anything contained in a BSC Service Description, (and subject to the application of the change management procedures in that contract upon any Code Modification or change to a Code Subsidiary Document, and subject to paragraph 2.1.4):

(a) subject to paragraph 1.5, that the BSC Agent undertake all of the functions and responsibilities described:

(i) in the Code, and

(ii) any Code Subsidiary Document

as being functions and responsibilities of that BSC Agent (or which have been allocated to that BSC Agent pursuant to paragraphs 1.2.6 and 1.5);

(b) each BSC Agent Contract shall require the BSC Agent to:

(i) undertake the functions and responsibilities described in the Code as being functions and responsibilities applicable to BSC Agents generally; and

(ii) to the extent (if any) to which the Code provides any standard for or requirement as to the quality of such performance, that the BSC Agent performs its functions and responsibilities in accordance with such standard or requirement.

2.1.4 If a person proposed to be appointed as BSC Agent does not agree to enter into a BSC Agent Contract whose terms comply with paragraph 2.1.3, or seeks to introduce into a proposed BSC Agent Contract a term which in BSCCo’s reasonable opinion would qualify any such standard or requirement as is referred to in paragraph 2.1.3(b)(ii):

(a) BSCCo shall not enter into such BSC Agent Contract with such person without approval of the Panel;

(b) the Panel shall consult with Parties if and to the extent it considers appropriate (having regard to the significance of the matter to which the prospective BSC Agent objects) before giving such approval; and the Panel shall, where it considers it appropriate, deal with the matter as a modification to the relevant BSC Service Description;

(c) the Panel shall not in any event give such approval where the prospective BSC Agent objects to any material term of the proposed BSC Agent Contract included to comply with paragraph 2.1.3(a)(i).

2.1.5 Subject to paragraph 1.2.3, a single BSC Agent Contract may relate to services to be provided (by the person entering into such contract) in the capacity of more than one BSC Agent.

2.1.6 In accordance with Section C7.1.1, a BSC Agent Contract may be entered into by a Subsidiary of BSCCo (other than the BSC Clearer, save that this shall not prevent the BSC Clearer from being a party to a contract with the FAA).

2.1.7 Not used.

2.1.8 Nothing in this paragraph 2.1 requires that a BSC Agent Contract should prevent the relevant BSC Agent from sub-contracting the provision of any of the services to be provided thereunder, but without prejudice to paragraph 2.3.4.

2.2 Management of BSC Agent Contracts

2.2.1 BSCCo shall establish and from time to time amend and shall implement arrangements for the proper and efficient management of each BSC Agent Contract, and shall provide a copy of such arrangements (upon establishing or amending the same) to the Panel.

2.2.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 2.1.2(c), BSCCo shall:

(a) if under a BSC Service Description the BSC Agent may be required to provide on an ad-hoc or non-routine basis any service to or for the benefit of a Party individually (rather than Parties or any class of Parties collectively), order the provision of that service in accordance with the reasonable requests of any such Party but subject to that Party's compliance with any relevant procedural requirements, and account for the costs of ordering that service in accordance with any applicable provisions of Section D;

(b) where it is aware of circumstances in which such right or remedy has arisen, but only with the approval of the Panel and subject to recovery (from the individual Party or otherwise) of its costs of so doing on such basis as the Panel may decide, take reasonable steps to enforce any provision of a BSC Agent Contract which provides any right or remedy for or for the benefit of a Party individually (rather than Parties or any class of Parties collectively), keep that Party reasonably informed as to the steps being taken for such enforcement, and account to that Party for any amount recovered pursuant to such enforcement.

2.2.3 Nothing in paragraph 2.2.2 shall prevent a Party from ordering the provision of any service (under a BSC Agent Contract) directly from a BSC Agent in a case in which BSCCo has with the Panel's approval made arrangements with the BSC Agent under which:

(a) Parties (or Parties of any class) may directly order such services; and

(b) all of the charges of the BSC Agent referable to the provision of such service are to be met directly by (or charged as Specified BSC Charges to) the Party ordering the service.

2.2.4 BSCCo shall consult with the Panel before:

(a) commencing any proceedings or arbitration against a BSC Agent under a BSC Agent Contract, or

(b) agreeing a settlement in respect of any proceedings or arbitration (whether brought by BSCCo or the BSC Agent) or any claim by BSCCo or the BSC Agent which might otherwise lead to such proceedings or arbitration, or

(c) granting any waiver of any such claim against a BSC Agent;

and where the amount subject to such proceedings or arbitration or of such claim exceeds (or in BSCCo's reasonable opinion is likely to exceed) such threshold amount as the Panel may from time to time specify for the purposes of this paragraph 2.2.4, BSCCo shall obtain the approval of the Panel before doing any of the foregoing.

2.2.5 BSCCo shall:

(a) inform the Panel of any proceedings or arbitration commenced or threatened by a BSC Agent against BSCCo; and

(b) without prejudice to paragraph 2.2.4, keep the Panel informed as to the progress of and any settlement of any proceedings or arbitration with a BSC Agent (whether commenced by BSCCo or the BSC Agent);

(c) inform the Panel of any substantial and abnormal occurrences in or circumstances affecting the performance of any BSC Agent Contract.

2.2.6 BSCCo shall:

(a) in discussion with the Panel, establish and from time to time amend arrangements for reporting periodically to the Panel in respect of the management of each BSC Agent Contract and the performance of each BSC Agent thereunder;

(b) report to the Panel in accordance with such procedures and arrangements.

2.3 Contract Principles

2.3.1 BSCCo shall, in consultation with the Panel or any Panel Committee established for the purpose, establish and from time to time review and amend, a statement of the principles ("Contract Principles") by which BSCCo is to be guided in setting or agreeing the terms of BSC Agent Contracts or any amendments thereto.

2.3.2 Particular Contract Principles may apply in relation to one, some or all of the contracts entered or to be entered into with BSC Agents.

2.3.3 The Contract Principles shall be consistent with the objectives in Section B1.2.1, with Good Industry Practice and with the further requirements of the Code, and shall include principles as to at least the following matters:

(a) consistent with paragraph 2.4.1(a), the capacity of BSCCo (whether as principal, trustee or agent for the benefit of all or certain Parties, or otherwise) in entering into the contract, and the extent to which the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 is to apply for the benefit of all or certain Parties;

(b) the principles and methods of pricing of services under the contract;

(c) liability and limitations or exclusions of liability for breach of the contract;

(d) the extent to which the BSC Agent is to be relieved from liability for breach resulting from circumstances beyond its reasonable control;

(e) the extent to which the terms of the contract, and information concerning the BSC Agent's performance, may be freely disclosed by BSCCo to Parties;

(f) the ownership of Intellectual Property Rights in materials produced by the BSC Agent pursuant to the contract;

(g) where a single person acts in the capacity of more than one BSC Agent, the extent to which the processes and systems employed by that person in each capacity are to be separated or capable of separation from each other;

(h) principles to apply where the BSC Agent sub-contracts performance of its obligations, and the extent (if any) to which the contract should restrict the ability of the BSC Agent to do so.

2.3.4 In setting or agreeing the terms of BSC Agent Contracts or any amendments thereto, BSCCo will seek to apply the applicable Contract Principles, and will obtain the consent of the Panel before knowingly departing in any material respect from the applicable Contract Principles.

2.4 Contract requirements

2.4.1 Each BSC Agent Contract shall contain terms which:

(a) give effect to the principle that Trading Parties should have the benefit of the main obligations of the BSC Agent under the contract, whether:

(i) by express provision to that effect in the contract, in which case the contract shall not contain provisions which would restrict the application of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 in relation to the relevant terms of the contract, but subject to paragraph 3.2.4;

(ii) by virtue of BSCCo entering into such contract (inter alia) as trustee for or agent for the benefit of Trading Parties;

or otherwise, save that, following BSCCo’s request to the Panel, the Panel may determine in its absolute discretion to approve the exclusion of the provisions of paragraph 2.4.1(a) (i) and (ii) above. The Panel:

(iii) shall, where it deems necessary, undertake a prior consultation with Parties; and

(iv) shall, where it has given an approval under this paragraph, determine the extent to which paragraphs 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and 3.3.4 should apply in respect of that BSC Agent and BSC Agent Contract, and may exclude any part of those paragraphs as a condition of its approval;

(b) provide that such contract may be assigned or novated, without consent of the BSC Agent, to any company acting as successor to BSCCo (and having no lesser financial standing than BSCCo) for the purposes of the Code;

(c) provide that the BSC Agent shall not make claims under or in respect of breaches of the BSC Agent Contract against any Party other than BSCCo; and

(d) reflect the requirement in paragraph 3.2.1;

(e) where such contract includes the supply of services in support of Permissible Activities pursuant to Sections C10 or C11:

(i) prevent the BSC Agent from terminating any part of a BSC Agent Contract that relates to the performance of BSC Agent services as a result solely of any breach by BSCCo of provisions relating to the supply of services by the BSC Agent in respect of Permissible Activities; and

(ii) to the fullest extent permitted by law, restrict BSCCo’s liability to the BSC Agent for any claim in damages or any other claim of a financial nature relating solely to the supply of services by the BSC Agent in support of Permissible Activities to the amounts payable under that BSC Agent Contract for those services.

2.5 Scottish Trading Arrangements

2.5.1 This paragraph 2.5 applies in relation to any BSC Agent Contract where under the terms of such contract the BSC Agent grants any licence to or otherwise confers any rights on BSCCo (for itself or for the benefit of Parties or otherwise) in respect of Intellectual Property Rights ("relevant IPRs") of the BSC Agent.

2.5.2 The BSC Agent Contract shall provide that, upon the request of the Authority, the BSC Agent will grant an equivalent licence or confer equivalent rights, or that BSCCo may grant a sub-licence or otherwise confer equivalent rights, in or to the relevant IPRs, to a designated person (for itself or for the benefit of Scottish Trading Parties) for the approved purposes in Scotland, on terms (as to payment, duration and otherwise) approved by the Authority.

2.5.3 For the purposes of paragraph 2.5.2:

(a) "Scottish Trading Parties" are persons who participate (in capacities equivalent to the capacity of any Party or class of Party under the Code) in any such arrangements as are described in Section F2.12;

(b) a designated person is a person designated by the Authority as fulfilling, in relation to such arrangements, a role equivalent to that of the BSC Agent or BSCCo;

(c) approved purposes are purposes in relation to such arrangements equivalent to the purposes for which the relevant IPRs are used in connection with the arrangements provided for in the Code.

2.6 Termination of BSC Agent Contracts

2.6.1 If BSCCo proposes:

(a) to exercise any right or take any other steps to terminate a BSC Agent Contract before its expiry;

(b) where BSCCo is aware that any such right has arisen, to waive such right;

(c) to give notice of termination of a BSC Agent Contract which continues until terminated by such notice; or

(d) not, upon the expiry of a BSC Agent Contract, to extend or renew the contract

BSCCo shall so notify the Panel, and provide an explanation of its reasons for its proposal.

2.6.2 Where the exercise of a right or the taking of steps to terminate a BSC Agent Contract would, or (in BSCCo’s view, after taking legal advice) might, result in BSCCo being liable:

(a) to pay any amount (by way of fixed compensation or damages, or increases in fees or charges, or otherwise) which would not have been payable but for the exercise of such right or the taking of such steps, and/or

(b) to pay or continue to pay fees, charges or other amounts under the contract in respect of any period after the effective cessation of the provision of services thereunder

in an aggregate amount exceeding such threshold amount as the Panel may from time to time specify for the purposes of this paragraph 2.6.2, BSCCo shall not exercise such right or take such steps without the approval of the Panel.

2.7 Appointment of BSC Agents

2.7.1 Before commencing the procurement of a BSC Agent Contract, BSCCo will prepare, in discussion with the Panel, and obtain the Panel’s approval of a statement ("Procurement Approach Statement") of the approach to be adopted by BSCCo in the procurement and the criteria (consistent with the applicable Contract Principles) to be applied in competitively selecting the person to whom the contract will be awarded.

2.7.2 The Panel may (and if BSCCo so wishes, will) establish as a Panel Committee, or appoint a Panel Member as an observer, and set terms of reference (consistent with this paragraph 2.7) for, a committee ("Procurement Committee") or observer ("Procurement Observer") to advise BSCCo in connection with the conduct of the procurement and the award of the contract.

2.7.3 BSCCo shall:

(a) not vary the Procurement Approach without the approval of the Panel;

(b) conduct the procurement in accordance with the Procurement Approach Statement, and in particular award the contract in accordance with the criteria in the statement;

(c) where the Panel has established a Procurement Committee or appointed an Procurement Observer, keep the committee or observer informed of the conduct and progress of the procurement (generally and by reference to the Procurement Approach Statement), and consult with and seek the advice of the committee or observer, at intervals (including before and awarding the contract) and otherwise in accordance with the committee’s or observer’s terms of reference; and

(d) report to the Panel and (if appointed) Procurement Committee in respect of the outcome of the procurement and the award of the contract.

2.7.4 Without prejudice to any Legal Requirement, BSCCo shall not enter into a BSC Agent Contract except in compliance with this paragraph 2.7.

2.7.5 It is acknowledged that:

(a) pursuant to its obligations under Section C12.12, BSCCo appointed service providers to build new SVAA BSC Agent Systems that will, as part of MHHS Implementation transition activities, replace the legacy SVAA BSC Agent System (the "relevant service providers");

(b) it will reduce the risk to MHHS Implementation for the relevant service providers to deliver, during the MHHS Implementation transition period, the SVAA BSC Agent Services that have been implemented pursuant to MHHS Implementation (the "new SVAA BSC Agent Services"); and

(c) accordingly, and notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph 2.7, it would be beneficial for the BSC Agent Contracts relating to new SVAA BSC Agent Services to be awarded to the relevant service providers.

2.7.6 Pursuant to paragraph 2.7.5, BSCCo may, with the prior approval of the Panel, directly award (without a competitive procurement) the initial BSC Agent Contracts relating to the new SVAA BSC Agent Services provided that such BSC Agent Contracts shall have a duration of no longer than 24 months following the completion of the MHHS Implementation transition (described as "M15" in the MHHS Implementation Timetable).


3.1 General

3.1.1 The provisions of this paragraph 3 apply, inter alia, and the Parties agree that such provisions are desirable and appropriate, for the purposes of enabling BSCCo to conclude contracts with BSC Agents on reasonable terms and on an efficient basis, and ensuring that such contracts can be managed and enforced by BSCCo on a co-ordinated basis and in the interests of Parties collectively.

3.2 Status of BSC Agents

3.2.1 Unless expressly otherwise provided in the Code, a BSC Agent shall not, and BSCCo shall not authorise a BSC Agent to, act as agent for or make any commitment or incur any liability binding on any Party.

3.2.2 The rights and obligations of a BSC Agent shall be set out in the relevant BSC Agent Contract and nothing in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall confer any rights or entitlements on any BSC Agent.

3.2.3 Without prejudice to the generality of Section H9.4, the Parties (including BSCCo and the BSC Clearer) do not intend:

(a) that any BSC Agent (or any agent, contractor or servant of a BSC Agent) shall have any rights, benefits, entitlements or privileges under the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document; and nothing in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall be construed as conferring or purporting to confer any such right, benefit, entitlement or privilege on any such person; or

(b) that any term of the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall be enforceable by any BSC Agent (or any agent, contractor or servant of a BSC Agent) solely by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

3.2.4 Each Party agrees that, in any case where by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 any term of a BSC Agent Contract is enforceable by or for the benefit of that Party, the consent of such Party shall not be required (and the BSC Agent Contract may provide that such consent is not required) to an amendment, variation or rescission of that BSC Agent Contract.

3.3 Role of BSCCo in contracting with BSC Agents

3.3.1 Where, whether by virtue of the application of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, or of BSCCo being party to any BSC Agent Contract as trustee for any Parties or agent (as to the benefit of such contract) for any Parties, or otherwise, any Party or Parties have any right, claim or entitlement against a BSC Agent pursuant to or in relation to any BSC Agent Contract:

(a) each Party hereby appoints and authorises BSCCo to act as its exclusive agent for the purposes of enforcing all rights, claims or entitlements which such Party may have pursuant to or in relation to any BSC Agent Contract, and agrees that BSCCo shall exclusively have the conduct of any proceedings in connection therewith, but subject to paragraphs 2.2.2(b) and 2.2.4;

(b) each Party agrees and undertakes with BSCCo and each other Party, and authorises BSCCo to commit as its agent and on its behalf to the BSC Agent, that such Party will not itself enforce or seek to enforce or take any action with a view to the enforcement of any such rights, claims or entitlements.

3.3.2 Each Party agrees and undertakes that BSCCo may contract with a BSC Agent on the basis that such Party waives and will not make or seek to enforce any claim in tort (including negligence, but not including any claim for fraud or in respect of liability for death or personal injury resulting from the BSC Agent's negligence) against any BSC Agent in relation to any BSC Agent Contract or any act or omission of the BSC Agent pursuant to or in relation to the BSC Agent Contract; provided that (without prejudice to paragraph 3.3.1) this shall not limit any such claim of a Party in a case in which a BSC Agent Contract is not made on such basis.

3.3.3 Where, under any provision of the Code, any Party or Parties expressly agree or undertake:

(a) to confer any permission, consent, approval, licence or right upon any BSC Agent, including without limitation in relation to access to or inspection of premises or Plant or Apparatus, or access to or the provision, use, copying or disclosure of any data, document or information; or

(b) (in accordance with paragraph 3.3.2 or pursuant to any other provision of the Code) to waive or release any BSC Agent from any possible liability (in tort including negligence or otherwise) to or claim by that Party or Parties

then BSCCo may confer, and is hereby authorised to act as agent of and on behalf of that Party or Parties in entering into the BSC Agent Contract for the purposes of conferring (subject to the express provisions of the Code in relation thereto) that permission, consent, approval, licence or right or waiver or release upon the BSC Agent (but in relation to paragraph (a), only for the purposes contemplated by the Code and subject to any restrictions or procedures provided for in or under the Code in relation thereto).

3.3.4 Each Party acknowledges that BSCCo may agree to indemnify a BSC Agent against any breach by the Party of its agreements and undertakings in paragraphs 3.3.1(b), 3.3.2 and 3.3.3; and each Party shall indemnify BSCCo in respect of any loss, liability, damages, costs (including legal costs), expenses, claims and proceedings which BSCCo may suffer or reasonably incur (pursuant to such indemnity or otherwise) by reason of any breach by that Party of its agreements and undertakings in paragraphs 3.3.1(b), 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.

3.3.5 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.3.1, but subject to the provisions of this Section E, where BSCCo is party to a BSC Agent Contract as agent for any Parties, BSCCo is hereby authorised by each Party as its exclusive agent to exercise any right, take any step and do any other thing pursuant to such BSC Agent Contract necessary or in BSCCo's opinion appropriate for the purposes of carrying out its functions (in accordance with this Section E) in respect of such BSC Agent Contract; provided that BSCCo is not thereby authorised to make any commitment or incur any liability on behalf of and in the name of such Party except with the Party's consent or in accordance with any express provision of the Code.

3.3.6 The authorities (to act as agent on behalf of Parties) conferred on BSCCo in this paragraph 3.3 are unconditional and irrevocable.

3.3.7 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.2.2(b), where BSCCo obtains or recovers any amount by way of damages or otherwise from a BSC Agent in respect of a breach of the BSC Agent Contract, and the Panel (on the application of any Party or otherwise) determines that it would be inequitable for all Trading Parties to benefit (by reason of such amount being applied to reduce BSC Costs in accordance with Section D4.1.1(a)(ii)) therefrom in their Main Funding Shares, the Panel may direct that such amount shall be applied in payment to Parties or particular Parties in such proportions as the Panel may determine, and BSCCo shall make such adjustments (in respect of BSCCo Charges or otherwise, and including where necessary not applying such amount to reduce BSC Costs) as shall be appropriate to give effect to the Panel's determination.


4.1 General

4.1.1 Except as expressly stated in this paragraph 4, the preceding provisions of Section E shall not apply to the BSC Services Manager or the BSC Services Manager Contract.

4.1.2 In this paragraph 4 references to Parties do not include BSCCo or BSC Clearer.

4.2 Appointment

4.2.1 Subject to paragraph 4.2.8, BSCCo may, from time to time, appoint a person to act as its agent for the purposes of discharging some or all of BSCCo’s powers, functions and responsibilities in accordance with Section C1.2 and as otherwise specified in the Code (the "BSC Services Manager"), provided that (notwithstanding the provisions of Section F) any amendments to the Code which seek to amend this paragraph 4.2.1 or paragraph 4.2.2 shall require the prior approval of the Board.

4.2.2 Without prejudice to paragraph 4.2.1, the BSC Clearer may discharge any of its powers, functions and responsibilities under the Code through (and by delegation to) the BSC Services Manager.

4.2.3 Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 4, BSCCo may do anything necessary for, or reasonably incidental to, the performance by the BSC Services Manager of the services under the relevant BSC Agent Contract ("BSC Services Manager Contract"), including the provision of such guarantees, indemnities or other assurances to or for the benefit of the BSC Services Manager or others under or in connection with any BSC Services Manager Contract as BSCCo considers appropriate.

4.2.4 Subject always to paragraphs 4.1.1 and 4.2.1, for the purposes of the Code:

(a) the BSC Services Manager shall be regarded as a BSC Agent;

(b) the BSC Services Manager Contract shall be regarded as a BSC Agent Contract;

(c) no person (or any Relevant Affiliate of such person) may perform the roles of the BSC Services Manager and any other BSC Agent at the same time; and

(d) a Party (and any Affiliate thereof) or a BSC Company shall not be appointed as the BSC Services Manager.

4.2.5 Subject to any contrary provision in the Code, BSCCo or relevant BSC Company (as the case may be) may in its absolute discretion grant or transfer such rights or interests held by BSCCo or relevant BSC Company (in their capacity as BSCCo or relevant BSC Company) on such terms as those entities deem appropriate to the BSC Services Manager (or otherwise make available the benefit of such rights or interests) to enable the BSC Services Manager to discharge its powers, functions and responsibilities under the Code.

4.2.6 For the purposes of the Code, each Party, the Panel and Panel Committees acknowledge and agree that the discharge of BSCCo’s functions and responsibilities or the exercise of BSCCo’s rights in accordance with the Code by the BSC Services Manager shall be treated as if such functions and responsibilities or rights had been discharged or exercised by BSCCo.

4.2.7 BSCCo shall, in its absolute discretion, be entitled to authorise the BSC Services Manager to act as agent, make any commitment and incur liabilities on behalf of BSCCo (including without limitation entering into contracts or other arrangements) to enable the BSC Services Manager to perform its functions and responsibilities subject to and in accordance with this paragraph 4 and the Code generally and in accordance with the BSC Services Manager Contract.

4.2.8 For the avoidance of doubt, BSCCo shall not delegate responsibility for the procurement and management of the BSC Services Manager Contract to a BSC Agent.

4.3 Role of BSCCo

4.3.1 Subject always to, any provision to the contrary in this paragraph 4, paragraph 4.2.1 and paragraph 4.3.2, the provisions of paragraphs 1.3, 1.5, 1.6 and 2 shall apply to the BSC Services Manager and the BSC Services Manager Contract.

4.3.2 BSCCo shall ensure that at all times it has sufficient resources (which in this paragraph 4.3.2 does not mean financial resources) to enable it to manage and administer any BSC Services Manager Contract and where it believes, from time to time, that it requires additional resources to meet its requirements it shall take such steps and procure such resources as are necessary as soon as is reasonably practicable.

4.4 Initial BSC Services Manager Contract

4.4.1 It is acknowledged that in respect of any initial contract between BSCCo and the BSC Services Manager ("Initial BSC Services Manager Contract") the provisions of paragraphs 2.3 and 2.7 shall not apply, provided that, notwithstanding any provision of Section F, paragraph 3, the Authority may, in its discretion, approve the creation of any new BSC Service Description related to the Initial BSC Services Manager Contract and/or the process to be adopted for such approval.

4.4.2 BSCCo shall, prior to the execution of any Initial BSC Services Manager Contract:

(a) without prejudice to paragraph 4.4.3, establish a statement of contract principles, to an appropriate level of detail to reasonably inform the Panel and Parties, by which BSCCo shall be guided in agreeing the terms of any Initial BSC Services Manager Contract ("the Initial BSC Services Manager Contract Principles"), provided that in doing so BSCCo shall not be obliged to disclose confidential information and/or information of a commercially sensitive nature;

(b) conduct a consultation with the Panel and Parties on the Initial BSC Services Manager Contract Principles and it shall have due regard to any representation made and not withdrawn during such consultation; and

(c) submit the terms of any proposed Initial BSC Services Manager Contract to the Authority and seek the Authority’s confirmation that it is satisfied that such terms fulfil all of the BSC Services Manager Criteria, and in the absence of such confirmation BSCCo shall not execute any Initial BSC Services Manager Contract.

4.4.3 The Initial BSC Services Manager Contract Principles shall include principles as to at least the following matters:

(a) the principles governing the pricing of services under the contract;

(b) liability and limitations or exclusions of liability for breach of the contract;

(c) the ownership of Intellectual Property Rights;

(d) the grounds for termination of the contract;

(e) the treatment of assets; and

(f) the principles governing the term of the contract.

4.5 Relationship between Parties and BSC Services Manager

4.5.1 The provisions of paragraphs 3.1.1, 3.2.1 and 3.3 shall apply to the BSC Services Manager and the BSC Services Manager Contract, subject to, and in accordance with, the BSC Services Manager Contract.


Section E

Version 12.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Approval Date

Implementation Date























Secretary of State























1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Modification

1.1.1 Subject to paragraph 1.1.8, the Code may be modified from time to time (and may only be modified) pursuant to:

(a) the ESO Licence; and

(b) the Articles 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing, to the extent that any provisions of the Code also constitute EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions.

1.1.2 Upon service by the NETSO to the Modification Secretary of a notice of modification signed by the NETSO in accordance with a direction of the Authority issued pursuant to the ESO Licence (which may, where applicable, incorporate a direction of the Authority issued pursuant to paragraph 4 of Article 5 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing in relation to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions):

(a) the Code shall be modified in accordance with the terms of such notice; and

(b) the Modification Secretary shall forthwith copy such notice to:

(i) each Party;

(ii) each Panel Member;

(iii) the Authority;

(iv) each BSC Agent; and

(v) each Industry Code Owner.

1.1.3 Subject to paragraph 2.11.8, a modification of the Code shall take effect from the time and date specified in the notice referred to in paragraphs 1.1.2 and 6.3.3 or, in the absence of any such time and date, from 00:00 hours on the day next following the date of service of such notice to the Modification Secretary (without prejudice to the Implementation Date. the Self-Governance Implementation Date or the Fast Track Self-Governance Implementation Date (as the case may be), if different).

1.1.4 If the NETSO is notified by the Authority that the Authority does not intend to direct the NETSO to make a modification following submission of a Modification Report pursuant to paragraph 2.7.6, the NETSO shall notify the Modification Secretary and the Modification Secretary shall notify each of the persons referred to in paragraph 1.1.2(b) accordingly.

1.1.5 Paragraphs 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of this Section F set out:

(a) the procedures for modification of the Code as required by the ESO Licence; and

(b) the additional requirements for amending the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing.

1.1.6 A modification made pursuant to and in accordance with paragraph 1.1.2 shall not be impaired or invalidated in any way by any failure to comply with or give effect to the succeeding provisions of this paragraph 1 and/or the provisions of paragraph 2.

1.1.7 Not used.

1.1.8 The provisions of this paragraph 1.1 are subject to paragraphs 6.3 and 6.4.6.

1.1.9 Notwithstanding paragraph 2 and subject to paragraph 1.1.10, the following Code provisions may not be amended without the prior written consent of the Secretary of State:

(b) any paragraph in this Section F to the extent only that it makes reference to the persons referred to in paragraph 1.9.3 or refers to the Capacity Market Rules and/or the AF Rules;

(d) all terms and expressions that are defined in Annex X-1 and that are used only in the Code provisions specified in paragraphs 1.1.9(a), (b) and (c); and

(e) any reference elsewhere in the Code to a CFD Settlement Services Provider, a CfD Counterparty, a Contract for Difference, a CM Settlement Services Provider, the CM Settlement Body, the Capacity Market Rules and/or an EMR Legal Requirement.

1.1.10 Minor modifications (for example, any necessary changes to formatting, paragraph numbering and references to other paragraphs in the Code) to the Code provisions specified in paragraph 1.1.9 that are required as a consequence of a Modification Proposal may be made without the prior written consent of the Secretary of State to the extent necessary to implement that Modification Proposal.

1.1.11 Where a Modification Proposal includes a proposal to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions:

(a) the Modification Procedures set out in this Section F shall also constitute the procedures for amending or supplementing the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions for the purposes of Articles 4, 5, 6 and 10 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing (the "EBGL Amendment Procedures");

(b) that Modification Proposal, the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification shall, in accordance with paragraph 2.2.3(d)(iii) or paragraph 2.6.13(b)(iv), constitute proposal(s) to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions for the purposes of the EBGL Amendment Procedures;

(c) an Approved Modification shall, to the extent that such modification includes an amendment to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, also constitute an amendment to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions that has been approved by the relevant regulatory authority for the purposes of the EBGL Amendment Procedures;

(d) any reference to the Code in this Section F shall include, where appropriate, a reference to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions.

1.2 Role of the Panel, BSCCo and the Modification Secretary

1.2.1 The Panel shall be responsible for the operation of the Modification Procedures in accordance with the provisions of the Code and, in respect of amendments to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, pursuant to the EBGL Delegation Letter.

1.2.2 Without prejudice to the generality of Section B1.2.1 and to the further provisions of this Section F, the Panel shall endeavour at all times to operate the Modification Procedures:

(a) in an efficient, economical and expeditious manner, taking account of the complexity, importance and urgency of particular Modification Proposals;

(b) with a view to ensuring that the Code facilitates achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s);

(c) (subject always to Section H1.5.1) to the extent relevant, in a manner that is consistent with the Code Administration Code of Practice Principles; and

(d) having had regard to the impact of Modification Proposals which seek to amend or supplement the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions on the EBGL Objectives.

1.2.3 BSCCo shall be responsible for implementing Approved Modifications in accordance with the provisions of the Code (on the terms set out in this Section F).

1.2.4 Without prejudice to the generality of Section C1.2 and to the further provisions of this Section F, BSCCo shall implement Approved Modifications in an efficient, economical and expeditious manner and (subject to paragraph 2.11.8) in accordance with the Implementation Date contained in the notice referred to in paragraph 1.1.2.

1.2.4A BSCCo shall be responsible for providing assistance in relation to the Modification Procedures, insofar as is reasonably practicable and on reasonable request, to any of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.1 including assistance with:

(a) drafting a Modification Proposal;

(b) understanding the operation of the Code;

(c) such persons’ involvement in, and representation during, the Modification Procedures (including, for the avoidance of doubt, Panel and/or Workgroup meetings); and

(d) accessing information relating to Modification Proposals, Approved Modifications and/or Code Modifications.

1.2.5 The Panel shall be assisted by a secretary (to be known as the "Modification Secretary"), who shall be a person nominated and provided by BSCCo (and may but need not be the same person as the Panel Secretary) and who shall be responsible for the administration of the Modification Procedures.

1.2.6 In respect of amendments to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, the Panel and BSCCo shall be responsible for performing the tasks delegated to them by the NETSO pursuant to the EBGL Delegation Letter, in each case in accordance with the provisions of the Code.

1.3 Modification Register

1.3.1 The Panel shall establish and maintain a register (the "Modification Register") which shall record, in such form as the Panel may determine, the matters set out in paragraph 1.3.3.

1.3.2 The purpose of the Modification Register shall be to assist the Panel in the operation of the Modification Procedures and to enable Parties and interested third parties to be reasonably informed of the progress of Modification Proposals and Approved Modifications from time to time.

1.3.3 The Modification Register shall record in respect of current outstanding Modification Business:

(a) details of each Modification Proposal (including the name of the Proposer, the date of the Modification Proposal and a brief description of the Modification Proposal);

(b) whether each Modification is an Urgent Modification Proposal;

(c) the current status and progress of each Modification Proposal and the anticipated date for reporting to the Authority in respect thereof;

(d) the current status and progress of each Approved Modification; and

(e) such other matters as the Panel may consider appropriate from time to time in order to achieve the purposes set out in paragraph 1.3.2; and

(f) whether a Modification Proposal has been assessed pursuant to the Modification Procedures as amending, or likely to amend, the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions.

1.3.4 The Modification Register (as updated from time to time and indicating the revisions since the previous issue) shall be published on the BSC Website or (in the absence, for whatever reason, of the BSC Website) in such other manner and with such frequency (being not less than once per month) as the Panel may decide in order to bring it to the attention of Parties and interested third parties.

1.3.5 The Modification Register shall include details of:

(a) each Modification Proposal which has been withdrawn pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12(a) or paragraph 2.1.12A or rejected by the Authority;

(b) each Approved Modification which has been implemented; and

(c) each Modification Proposal that:

(i) has been the subject of a notice from the NETSO either pursuant to paragraphs 1.1.2 or 1.1.4; and

(ii) is the subject of a Relevant Challenge,

for a period of three months after such withdrawal, rejection or implementation, (and in the case of a Modification Proposal as described in sub-paragraph (c) determination of the relevant appeal or judicial review), or such longer period as the Panel may determine.

1.4 Monthly Progress Report

1.4.1 The Panel shall prepare and submit to the Authority each month a progress report (to be known as the "Monthly Progress Report") setting out the matters referred to in paragraph 1.4.2 in respect of the preceding month.

1.4.2 The Monthly Progress Report shall contain:

(a) details of any proposal which has been refused pursuant to paragraph 2.1.3 or paragraph 2.1.4;

(b) the current version of the Modification Register;

(c) details of:

(i) the priority which the Panel is proposing to accord or is according to the Modification Proposals contained in the Modification Register (in accordance with paragraph 2.2.3);

(ii) the scheduling and timetable for consideration of each Modification Proposal and completion of the Modification Report in respect thereof in the context of all other current Modification Proposals;

(iii) the impact of the priority accorded to each Modification Proposal by reference to each other pending Modification Proposal;

(d) details of any decision to amalgamate Modification Proposals in accordance with paragraph 2.3;

(e) details of any decision to suspend a Definition Procedure or an Assessment Procedure in relation to a particular Modification Proposal and to proceed directly to the Report Phase in accordance with paragraph 2.2.11;

(f) details of any circumstances which lead the Panel to believe that the Implementation Date for an Approved Modification is unlikely to be met or should be brought forward and, if so, why;

(g) such other matters as the Authority may request to be included from time to time;

(h) details of any decision of the Panel to recommend a Conditional Implementation Date in relation to any Modification Proposal as described in paragraph 1.3.5(c); and

(i) the basis for each of the decisions referred to above (including, where applicable, the cost and other implications of those decisions).

1.4.3 If, following discussion with the Panel, the Authority issues a notice to the Modification Secretary requesting the Panel (in relation to developments and changes highlighted in the Monthly Progress Report):

(a) not to reject a Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraph 2.1.4; and/or

(b) not to amalgamate Modification Proposals as set out in the Monthly Progress Report; and/or

(c) to accord a different priority to particular Modification Proposals from that set out in the Monthly Progress Report; and/or

(d) to amend the timetable for definition and/or assessment and evaluation of a Modification Proposal,

the Panel shall comply with such notice.

1.4.4 The Modification Secretary shall publish each Monthly Progress Report on the BSC Website within seven Business Days after it is sent to the Authority, provided that the Modification Secretary shall exclude therefrom any matters in respect of which the Authority issues a notice to the Modification Secretary for the purposes of this paragraph 1.4.4.

1.5 Standing Lists

1.5.1 The Panel shall establish and maintain a list of persons with relevant experience and/or expertise who may be willing to be members of a Workgroup established pursuant to paragraph 2.4.

1.5.2 Parties may submit suggestions to the Panel for suitable candidates to be included on such list (together with details of their relevant experience and/or expertise).

1.5.3 It is expected that Parties shall make available a reasonable level of suitably qualified personnel to act as members from time to time of Workgroups established by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.4.

1.6 Change Co-ordination

1.6.1 The Panel shall establish (and, where appropriate, revise from time to time) joint working arrangements, consistent with any IS Policies relating to change co-ordination, with each Industry Code Owner to facilitate the identification, co-ordination, making and implementation of change to Industry Codes consequent on a Code Modification in a full and timely manner.

1.6.1A Not Used.

1.6.1B The Panel shall establish (and, where appropriate, revise from time to time) joint working arrangements, consistent with any IS Policies relating to change co-ordination, with:

(a) the Secretary of State, the CM Settlement Body and any CM Settlement Services Provider (as applicable) to facilitate the identification of potential inconsistencies between a Code Modification and the Capacity Market Documents; and

(b) the Secretary of State to facilitate the identification of potential inconsistencies between a Code Modification and the CFD Documents,

in each case, in a full and timely manner.

1.6.2 The working arrangements referred to in paragraphs 1.6.1 and 1.6.1B shall be such as enable the consideration, development and evaluation of Modification Proposals, and the implementation of Approved Modifications, to proceed in a full and timely manner and enable:

(a) changes to Industry Codes consequent on a Code Modification to be made and given effect wherever possible (subject to any necessary consent of the Authority) at the same time as such Code Modification is made and given effect; and

(b) potential inconsistencies between the Code Modification and the Capacity Market Documents and/or the CFD Documents (as applicable) to be raised with the CM Settlement Body, the CM Settlement Services Provider and the Secretary of State (as applicable).

1.6.2A Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.6.1, BSCCo shall ensure that:

(a) it makes available one or more representatives to be included in the Cross Code Steering Group; and

(b) those representatives have the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience to participate in the Cross Code Steering Group, having regard to the Cross Code Steering Group Terms of Reference.

1.6.2B In respect of changes that impact more than one Energy Code, paragraph 1.6A shall apply.

1.6.2C BSCCo shall ensure that the REC Meta Data for all relevant REC Market Messages and REC Data Items utilised under the Code are defined within the Energy Market Data Specification administered in accordance with the REC Change Management Schedule.

1.6.3 For the purposes of this Section F:

(a) "Core Industry Documents" shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in the ESO Licence;

(b) Not used;

(c) Not Used;

(d) Not Used;

(e) "Capacity Market Documents" means the Capacity Market Rules, The Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014 and any other regulations made under Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 which are in force from time to time; and

(f) "CFD Documents" means the AF Rules, The Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014, The Contracts for Difference (Definition of Eligible Generator) Regulations 2014 and The Contracts for Difference (Supplier Obligation) Regulations 2014 and any other regulations made under Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 which are in force from time to time.

1.6.4 The Parties shall comply with the procedures set out in any IS Policies relating to the co-ordination of change, including ensuring that a person is appointed within their organisation with overall responsibility for changes to the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents.

1.6A Changes that impact multiple Energy Codes

1.6A.1 For the purposes of this Section F:

(a) "Cross Code Change Package" means a group of changes to Energy Codes consisting of a modification to a Lead Code and one or more Consequential Changes;

(b) "Cross Code Steering Group" means the group of that name described in the Change Management Schedule to the REC;

(c) "Consequential Change" means a modification proposal to an Energy Code which the Cross Code Steering Group has designated as such, and which they consider is necessary to give full and timely effect to a potential modification to a different Energy Code;

(d) "Lead Code" means the Energy Code which the Cross Code Steering Group has designated as being the Lead Code for the purpose of progressing a modification proposal that is likely to have an impact on any other Energy Codes;

(e) "Energy Code" means a code or agreement specified as such in the Cross Code Steering Group’s terms of reference;

(f) "Energy Market Data Specification" has the meaning given to the term "Data Specification" in the REC;

(g) "REC Data Item" has the meaning given to the term "Data Item" in the REC;

(h) "REC Market Message" has the meaning given to the term "Market Message" in the REC;

(i) "REC Meta Data" means the meta data described in the Energy Market Data Specification;

1.6A.2 In respect of a Modification Proposal that forms part of a Cross Code Change Package, where the Cross Code Steering Group determines that the Code is to be the Lead Code for that Modification Proposal:

(a) BSCCo and the Panel shall progress that Modification Proposal in accordance with the modification procedures;

(b) BSCCo shall coordinate with the code administrators of the other affected Energy Codes so that they can manage the processes under their Energy Codes in parallel with the Modification Procedures;

(c) where, in respect of a Self-Governance Modification Proposal, the Panel:

(i) approves that Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraph 6; and

(ii) one or more of the associated Consequential Changes raised under another Energy Code is not approved,

the Panel shall, within thirty days of its decision to approve a Modification Proposal, take one of the steps described in paragraph 1.6A.3.

1.6A.3 Where the circumstances referred to in paragraph 1.6A.2(c) have occurred the Panel shall:

(a) refer the Modification Proposal to the Authority (and, as a result, all Consequential Changes shall also be referred to the Authority pursuant to the provisions of the relevant Energy Code(s));

(b) determine that the Modification Proposal is not approved and will not be implemented; or

(c) refer the Modification Proposal to the Proposer or (if the Assessment Procedure has been followed) the Workgroup in accordance with paragraph 1.6A.5(c).

1.6A.4 In respect of a Modification Proposal that forms part of a Cross Code Change Package, where the Cross Code Steering Group determines that another Energy Code is to be the Lead Code, BSCCo and the Panel shall progress the Consequential Change to this Code in accordance with the Modification Procedures, in accordance with the following:

(a) BSCCo and the Panel shall, as far as reasonably possible, progress the Consequential Change to this Code in parallel with the modification to the Lead Code, and subject to the timetable to be determined under the Lead Code;

(b) in respect of a Self-Governance Modification Proposal, the Modification Proposal comprising the Consequential Change to this Code shall only be deemed to be approved where:

(i) the Panel approves that Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraph 6; and

(ii) the modification to the Lead Code is approved,

in each case, and where applicable, subject to the appeal mechanisms available under the respective Energy Codes for self-governance modifications;

(c) where the modification to the Lead Code is approved, and one or more Consequential Changes are rejected, the Lead Code may refer the modification to that Energy Code to the Authority in which case the Consequential Change to this Code shall also be deemed to be referred to the Authority for decision;

(d) where the Panel has rejected the Consequential Change to this Code or the modification to the Lead Code is to be amended to facilitate the approval of the applicable Cross Code Change Package, the Panel may refer the Modification Proposal to the Proposer or (if the Assessment Procedure has been followed) the Workgroup in accordance with paragraph 1.6A.5(c);

(e) subject to paragraph 1.6A.4(d), where the modification to the Lead Code is rejected, the Consequential Change to this Code shall be deemed to be not approved and such Modification Proposal will not be implemented.

1.6A.5 For the purposes of this Section F:

(a) where the Panel makes a recommendation pursuant to paragraph 2.7.7 or a determination pursuant to paragraph 6 in respect of a Modification Proposal forming part of a Cross Code Change Package (or which is otherwise consequential to a change to a Core Industry Document), the Panel’s recommendation or determination may be conditional on the approval of the associated changes or modifications to other Energy Codes or Core Industry Documents;

(b) where a Self-Governance Modification Proposal has been referred to the Authority under paragraph 1.6A.3(a) or 1.6A.4(c), the Panel’s determination under paragraph 6 shall, for the purposes of the Code, be treated as a Modification Report containing a recommendation of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.7.7; and

(c) where a Modification Proposal has been referred back to a Proposer or a Workgroup under paragraph 1.6A3(c) or 1.6A4(d), that referral shall be for the purposes of varying the Modification Proposal (and in making such referral, the Panel may give to the Proposer or Workgroup such guidance as it considers necessary to enable the Proposer or Workgroup to amend the Modification Proposal in such a way as would facilitate the approval(s) of that Modification Proposal and the relevant Cross Code Change Package).

1.7 Role of the NETSO

1.7.1 If the Authority issues a direction to the NETSO pursuant to condition E1 of the ESO Licence in the circumstances described in paragraph 1.7.3, the following provisions shall apply in relation to a particular Modification Proposal or Approved Modification:

(a) the NETSO shall be entitled to, and shall, assume responsibility for the Modification Procedures to the extent, on the terms and for the period set out in such direction;

(b) the Panel, the Panel Chair, the Modification Secretary and BSCCo shall provide such assistance to the NETSO and shall take such steps as the NETSO may reasonably request to enable the NETSO to comply with such direction (and, in the case of BSCCo, such assistance shall include the provision at the cost of BSCCo of all necessary data, facilities, suitably qualified staff and other support and the exercise and enforcement, at the request of the NETSO, of relevant rights under the BSC Agent Contracts);

(c) subject to paragraph 1.7.1(b), the powers, functions and duties of the Panel, the Panel Chair, the Modification Secretary and BSCCo in relation to the Modification Procedures shall be suspended to the extent and for the period that the NETSO is to assume responsibility for the Modification Procedures as set out in such direction;

(d) the NETSO shall assume (and there are hereby conferred on the NETSO) the powers, functions and duties of the Panel, the Panel Chair, the Modification Secretary and BSCCo in relation to the Modification Procedures to the extent and for the period that the NETSO is to assume responsibility for the Modification Procedures as set out in such direction;

(e) the NETSO shall operate the Modification Procedures in accordance with the provisions mutatis mutandis of this Section F and having regard, wherever possible, to the provisions of Section B and Section C as they relate to the Modification Procedures;

(f) the costs and expenses of the NETSO properly incurred in the operation of the Modification Procedures pursuant to such direction (as approved by the Authority) shall be paid by BSCCo to the NETSO and recovered by BSCCo from Trading Parties in accordance with the provisions of Section D;

(g) the benefit of Section B2.9.1 shall be extended to apply to the NETSO, as if references to a Panel Member were to the NETSO, to the extent that the NETSO is carrying out the functions of the Panel pursuant to this paragraph 1.7.

1.7.2 The NETSO shall notify the Modification Secretary as soon as possible after receipt of any direction referred to in paragraph 1.7.1 and the Modification Secretary shall copy such direction forthwith to:

(a) each Party;

(b) each Panel Member;

(c) the Authority;

(d) each BSC Agent; and

(e) where the Modification Proposal or Approved Modification affects a Core Industry Document and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code, the relevant Core Industry Document Owner and/or the STC Committee respectively.

1.7.3 The circumstances referred to in paragraph 1.7.1 are that:

(a) in the Authority's opinion, the Panel and/or BSCCo is failing or is likely to fail in any material respect to comply with the provisions of this Section F as they relate to the operation of the Modification Procedures and/or the implementation of Approved Modifications in respect of a particular Modification Proposal or Approved Modification; and

(b) the Authority has given notice to the Modification Secretary requiring the Panel or BSCCo (as the case may be) to comply with such provisions within the time specified in such notice; and

(c) the Panel or BSCCo (as the case may be) fails to do so in any material respect within the time specified in such notice (or such longer period as the Authority may agree).

1.7.4 The Modification Secretary shall copy any notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.7.3 to:

(a) each Party; and

(b) each Panel Member.

1.8 Transitional Arrangements

1.8.1 The provisions of this Section F as they relate to modification of the Code shall be suspended for the period set out in the Implementation Scheme.

1.8.2 If the Code is modified pursuant to the Implementation Scheme, the Panel may following the Go-live Date or, at the request of any Party, shall order a review of such modification to be carried out by a Workgroup, on such terms as the Panel may decide, within three months after the Go-live Date in order to assess whether the purpose of the modification could be achieved more efficiently in another way.

1.8.3 For the purposes of paragraph 1.8.2, the provisions of paragraph 2.4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the establishment and conduct of a Workgroup charged with undertaking a review pursuant to paragraph 1.8.2.

1.8.4 The results of the review referred to in paragraph 1.8.2 shall be sent to the Authority and to each person referred to in paragraph 1.1.2(b) and published by the Panel in such manner as the Panel sees fit.

1.9 Interpretation

1.9.1 For the purposes of this Section F, in relation to an Approved Modification, 'implement' (and derivative terms) shall mean 'bring into operational effect'.

1.9.2 A reference in any provision of the Code to the "Relevant Implementation Date" is to the Implementation Date of the Approved Modification pursuant to which that provision (in its current form) applies.

1.9.3 For the purposes of this Section F, in relation to the consultation of interested third parties, the term ‘interested third parties’ shall include the Secretary of State, a CfD Counterparty, the CM Settlement Body, a CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CM Settlement Services Provider.

1.9.4 For the purposes of this Section F, "Code Embedded DIP Rule" means:

(a) paragraphs 1.9.4, 1.9.5, 2.1.1(j), 2.6.6(f), 2.7.7(f) and 2.8A of this Section F and Annex F-1 1(k)(v);

(c) any reference elsewhere in the Code to the DIP Applicable Objectives, the DIP Manager, the DIP Change and Advisory Board (DCAB), the DIP Rules or the DIP Supplement; and

(d) all terms and expressions that are defined in the DIP Rules or are defined in Annex X-1 and that are used only in the Code provisions specified in paragraphs 1.9.4(a), (b) and (c).

1.9.5 For the purposes of this Section F, in relation to the consultation of interested third parties, the term ‘interested third parties’ shall include the DIP Manager.


2.1 Modification Proposals

2.1.1 A proposal to modify the Code may be made by any of the following:

(a) a Party (other, subject to paragraph 2.1.1(i) and (j), than BSCCo or the BSC Clearer);

(b) Citizens Advice and Consumer Scotland;

(c) such other Third Party Proposers as may be designated in writing for this purpose by the Panel from time to time in accordance with paragraph 2.1A;

(d) the Panel:

(i) on the recommendation of BSCCo in accordance with Section C3.8.8 or Section H9.8;

(ii) subject to paragraph 2.1.1(i), on the recommendation of BSCCo following receipt by BSCCo of a change request proposing a change to a Core Industry Document and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code which would, if made, have an impact on the Code;

(iii) on the recommendation of BSCCo where BSCCo becomes aware of a change in circumstances, since approval of a Proposed Modification, which would make the implementation of that Approved Modification impossible or significantly more costly than anticipated at the time such Modification was approved or no longer relevant;

(iv) on the recommendation of BSCCo to rectify manifest errors in or to correct minor inconsistencies (or make other minor consequential changes) to the Code;

(v) on the recommendation of the Trading Disputes Committee in consequence of a Trading Dispute;

(vi) on the recommendation of the Performance Assurance Board in accordance with Section Z8.2;

(vii) on the recommendation of a report in relation to a VoLL Review in accordance with Section T1.12;

(viii) on the recommendation of a report in accordance with paragraph 3.1.7 of Annex C-2; or

(ix) in order to address the findings of a review conducted by the Panel in accordance with Section F2.1A.8,

provided that, where the Panel decides to make a proposal in any of the circumstances set out in paragraphs (i) to (viii), such proposal shall be without prejudice to the Panel's decision, pursuant to paragraph 2.7, as to whether or not to recommend to the Authority that such modification should be made;

(e) a CfD Counterparty to reflect a proposed change to the CFD Arrangements which would, if made, have an impact on the Code;

(f) the CM Settlement Body to reflect a proposed change to the CM Arrangements which would, if made, have an impact on the Code;

(g) the Authority in relation to modifications which it reasonably considers are necessary to comply with or implement the Electricity Regulation and/or any relevant legally binding decisions of the European Commission and/or the Agency, but a binding decision does not include a decision that is not, or so much of a decision that is not, Assimilated Law;

(h) the Authority in relation to a Modification Proposal that is in respect of a Significant Code Review;

(i) the REC Code Manager or BSCCo in respect of a Modification Proposal that has been designated as a Consequential Change to this Code by the Cross Code Steering Group; and

(j) the DIP Manager and any DIP User (even where not a Party) in relation only to a Modification Proposal that amends the DIP Supplement or to a Code Embedded DIP Rule.

2.1.2 A proposal made pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1 shall be submitted in writing in accordance with BSCP40, and shall contain the following information in relation to such proposal:

(a) the name of the Proposer;

(b) the name of the representative of the Proposer (and their alternate) who shall represent the Proposer in person for the purposes of this paragraph 2;

(c) a description (in reasonable but not excessive detail) of the issue or defect which the proposed modification seeks to address;

(d) a description (in reasonable but not excessive detail) of the proposed modification and of its nature and purpose;

(e) where possible, an indication of those parts of the Code which would require amendment in order to give effect to (and/or would otherwise be affected by) the proposed modification and an indication of the nature of those amendments or effects;

(f) the reasons why the Proposer believes that the proposed modification would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) as compared with the then current version of the Code and an indication of the impact of the proposed modification on greenhouse gas emissions where the Proposer believes that such impact is likely to be material;

(g) where possible, an indication of the impact of the proposed modification on Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner and/or an Industry Code and an indication of potential inconsistencies of the proposed modification with the Capacity Market Documents and/or the CFD Documents;

(h) where possible, an indication of the impact of the proposed modification on BSC Systems and on other relevant computer systems and processes used by Parties;

(i) where the Proposer has recommended that the proposal should be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.9, its reasons why the proposal should be treated as such;

(j) whether the proposal should be treated as a Self-Governance Modification Proposal and the Proposer’s reasons why the proposal should be treated as such;

(k) where applicable, whether the proposal should be treated as a SCR Exempt Modification Proposal and the Proposer’s reasons why the proposal should be treated as such; and

(l) where possible, an indication of whether the Modification Proposal seeks to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions.

2.1.3 If a submitted proposal fails in any material respect to comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.1.2 (excluding paragraphs (e), (g) (h) and (l) thereof) and with the exception of paragraphs 2.1.1(g) and 8.2, the Modification Secretary may refuse to accept such submission provided that:

(a) the Modification Secretary shall furnish the Proposer with the reasons for such refusal;

(b) the Modification Secretary shall report such refusal to the Panel at the next Panel meeting;

(c) if the Panel decides to reverse the Modification Secretary's decision to refuse the submission, the Modification Secretary shall notify the Proposer accordingly and the proposal shall be dealt with in accordance with the succeeding provisions of this paragraph 2; and

(d) nothing in this paragraph 2.1.3 shall prevent a Proposer from submitting a revised proposal in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2.1.2 in respect of the same subject-matter.

2.1.4 Without prejudice to the development of any Alternative Modification pursuant to paragraph 2.6.2 but subject to paragraph 5.3.2 and 8.5, the Panel may refuse to accept the submission of a proposal made pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1 (with the exception of paragraphs 2.1.1(g) and 2.1.10A) if and to the extent that such proposal has, in the opinion of the Panel, substantially the same effect as:

(a) a Pending Modification Proposal; or

(b) a Rejected Modification Proposal, where such proposal is made at any time within two months after the decision of the Authority not to direct the NETSO to modify the Code pursuant to the ESO Licence in the manner set out in such Modification Proposal.

2.1.5 For the purposes of paragraph 2:

(a) a "Pending Modification Proposal" is a Modification Proposal in respect of which, at the relevant time, the Authority has not yet made a decision as to whether to direct such Proposed Modification to be made pursuant to the ESO Licence (whether or not a Modification Report has been submitted in respect of such Modification Proposal); and

(b) a "Rejected Modification Proposal" is a Modification Proposal in respect of which the Authority has decided not to direct the NETSO to modify the Code pursuant to the ESO Licence in the manner set out therein.

2.1.6 The Modification Secretary shall notify the Proposer if the Panel refuses to accept the submission of a proposal pursuant to paragraph 2.1.4.

2.1.7 A proposal made pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1 and not refused pursuant to paragraph 2.1.3 or 2.1.4 shall be processed as a Modification Proposal as further provided in this paragraph 2.

2.1.8 Subject to paragraph 2.1.14, with a view to assisting the Panel in its determination pursuant to paragraph 2.2.3, BSCCo shall prepare an initial written assessment of the implications of each Modification Proposal as soon as reasonably practicable after such Modification Proposal is made including an indication on whether the Modification Proposal seeks to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions and shall endeavour to complete such assessment such that it can be reviewed by the Panel at the Panel meeting at which such Modification Proposal is first to be considered.

2.1.9 Subject to paragraphs 2.1.14 and 2.9, the Modification Secretary shall place the Modification Proposal on the agenda of the next Panel meeting in accordance with the provisions of Section B4.1.

2.1.10 The Modification Secretary shall as soon as reasonably practicable:

(a) send a copy of the Modification Proposal,(if available) the initial assessment prepared by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 2.1.8 and (if applicable) notice that such Modification Proposal has been submitted by a Third Party Proposer to:

(i) each Party;

(ii) each BSC Agent;

(iii) the Authority;

(iv) each Panel Member;

(v) Citizens Advice and Consumer Scotland;

(vi) not used;

(vii) each Core Industry Document Owner and the STC Committee; and

(viii) each person referred to in paragraph 1.9.3;

(b) post a copy of the Modification Proposal on the BSC Website or, failing that, publish the Modification Proposal in such other manner as may be appropriate to bring it to the attention of interested third parties.

2.1.10A Where a Modification Proposal is raised by the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1 which subsequently the Authority reasonably considers is necessary to comply with or implement the Electricity Regulation and/or any relevant legally binding decision of the European Commission and/or the Agency, the Authority shall inform the Panel accordingly. A binding decision in this paragraph 2.1.10A however does not include a decision that is not, or so much of a decision that is not, Assimilated Law. Such Modification Proposals shall:

(a) be processed by the Panel in accordance with the provisions of the Code;

(b) not be withdrawn by the NETSO and/or the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12 or 2.1.12A without the Authority’s prior consent and in the event that such consent is granted shall fall under paragraph 2.1.12B;

(c) not be amalgamated with any other Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.3 or otherwise without the Authority’s prior consent; and

(d) proceed in accordance with any timetable(s) directed or amended by the Authority for the:

(i) completion of each stage of the Modification Procedure; and/or

(ii) implementation of a modification.

2.1.10B In respect of any Modification Proposal which has been raised pursuant to paragraph 2.1.10A the views of the relevant Workgroup, the voting rights of the Panel or the recommendation of the Panel in respect of such Modification Proposal shall not be fettered or restricted notwithstanding that such Modification Proposal has been so raised under paragraph 2.1.10A.

2.1.11 It shall be a condition to the right to make or adopt a proposal to modify the Code under this paragraph 2.1 that the Proposer:

(a) assigns fully, irrevocably and unconditionally any and all present and future rights, IPRs or moral rights it may have in such proposal (as regards use or application in Great Britain and Offshore) to BSCCo and each Proposer acknowledges and agrees that any such rights, IPRs and moral rights shall vest in BSCCo unconditionally; and

(b) warrants that, to the best of its knowledge, information and belief, no other person has asserted to the Proposer that such person has any IPRs or moral rights or rights of confidence in such proposal.

2.1.12 Subject to paragraphs 2.2.3(b)(iii), 2.5.9(c), 2.9.4A, 2.7A.9, 2.1.10A, 5.3.1(b) and 8.3, a Proposer may:

(a) withdraw their Modification Proposal on notice to the Modification Secretary at any time prior to the final evaluation by the Workgroup (in accordance with its terms of reference and working practices) of that Modification Proposal and, subject to paragraph 2.1.12B, any Modification Proposal so withdrawn shall lapse; or

(b) vary their Modification Proposal on notice (which may be given verbally) to the chair of the Workgroup at any time prior to the final evaluation by the Workgroup (in accordance with its terms of reference and working practices) of that Modification Proposal provided that such varied Modification Proposal:

(i) shall address the same issue or defect originally identified by the Proposer in their Modification Proposal; and

(ii) shall be deemed to be the Proposer’s Modification Proposal.

2.1.12A Subject to paragraph 2.1.10A, 5.3.1(b), 5.3.1A(a) and 8.3, the Panel may (but shall not be obliged to) require a Modification Proposal to be withdrawn at any time if, in the Panel’s opinion, the Proposer of that Modification Proposal is deliberately and persistently disrupting or frustrating the work of the Workgroup and that Modification Proposal shall be deemed to have been so withdrawn. In the event that a Modification Proposal is so withdrawn, the provisions of paragraphs 2.1.12B and 2.1.12C shall apply in respect of that Modification Proposal.

2.1.12B In relation to each Modification Proposal that has been withdrawn pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12(a) or 2.1.12A (other than Urgent Modification Proposals and Modification Proposals withdrawn following a Backstop Direction in accordance with paragraph 5.3B.1 in respect of which this paragraph shall not apply):

(a) the Modification Secretary shall promptly notify the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.10(a);

(b) subject to paragraph 2.1.12B(d), such withdrawn Modification Proposal shall remain open to be adopted, in accordance with paragraph 2.1.12B(c) for a period commencing at 1200 hours on the first Business Day after the date of the Modification Secretary’s notice and ending at 1200 hours on the fifth Business Day thereafter;

(c) any of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.1 may (subject to paragraph 2.1.12B(e) and, if applicable, the circumstances set out in paragraph 2.1.1(d)) adopt the withdrawn Modification Proposal by notifying the Modification Secretary during the period set out in paragraph 2.1.12B(b) in which case:

(i) the adopted Modification Proposal shall continue through the Modification Procedures from the point at which it was withdrawn; and

(ii) the Proposer of the adopted Modification Proposal shall be entitled, pursuant to paragraph 2.4.5(a), to appoint a member of the Workgroup who shall replace any member appointed by the Proposer of the withdrawn Modification Proposal;

(d) the Modification Proposal shall be adopted by the person whose notice is first received by the Modification Secretary in accordance with paragraph 2.1.12B; and

(e) where a Modification Proposal has been withdrawn in accordance with paragraphs 2.1.12(a) or 2.1.12A, neither the Proposer of that Modification Proposal, nor any Affiliate of the Proposer that falls within the categories listed in paragraph 2.1.1, shall be entitled to adopt that Modification Proposal.

2.1.12C In relation to each Modification Proposal that has been withdrawn pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12(a), 2.1.12A, 5.3B.1, or withdrawn and subsequently adopted pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12B, the Modification Secretary shall promptly:

(a) revise the Modification Register; and

(b) notify the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.10(a).

2.1.12D The changes effected by Modification Proposal P247 (in respect of paragraphs 1.3.5(a), 2.1.11, 2.1.12, 2.1.12A, 2.1.12B, 2.1.12C, 2.1.12D, 2.2.3(b)(iii), 2.2.11, 2.3.2(c), 2.4.5(a), 2.4.5C, 2.4.6, 2.4.9, 2.4.9A, 2.5.9(c), 2.9.4A, paragraph 1(a) of Annex F-1 and the definition of Proposer in Section X) shall only be effective in respect of any Modification Proposal raised, pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1, after the Relevant Implementation Date.

2.1.13 The provisions of Section B4 shall apply in relation to the convening and conduct of Panel meetings for the purposes of Modification Business.

2.1.14 Where there is a proposal made by the Panel to modify the Code pursuant to either paragraph 2.1.1(d) or Section G1.5, then the initial written assessment for that proposal may be presented at the same Panel meeting at which that proposal is made and the provisions of paragraph 2.2 shall apply.

2.1A Modification Proposals Submitted by Third Party Proposers

2.1A.1 An application by a person to be designated as a Third Party Proposer (such person being a "Third Party Applicant") shall be submitted in writing in accordance with BSCP40, and shall contain the following in relation to such request:

(a) a modification proposal that complies with paragraph 2.1.2;

(b) the rationale of the Third Party Applicant for requesting designation as an Third Party Proposer (including information on what other steps, if any, have been taken by the Third Party Applicant to have the Code issue or defect addressed);

(c) the reasons why the Third Party Applicant believes that they have an interest in the Code; and

(d) a letter agreement substantially in the form set out in BSCP40.

2.1A.2 If an application under 2.1A.1 fails in any material respect to comply with the requirements of that paragraph then the Modification Secretary may refuse to accept such application and the provisions of paragraph 2.1.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of such refused application.

2.1A.3 The Panel:

(a) subject to paragraphs 2.1A.3(b) and (c), shall consider a proposal made by a Third Party Applicant in accordance with this Section F;

(b) before designating a person as an Third Party Proposer, may conduct such consultation with Parties and interested third parties as it considers necessary; and

(c) may refuse to accept an application for designation as a Third Party Proposer in which case the Modification Secretary shall furnish the Third Party Applicant with the Panel’s reasons for such refusal.

2.1A.4 Subject to paragraphs 2.1A.5 and 2.1A.6, an application by a Third Party Applicant to be designated as a Third Party Proposer made pursuant to paragraph 2.1A.1 and not refused pursuant to paragraph to 2.1A.2 or 2.1A.3 shall be processed as a Modification Proposal as further provided in this paragraph 2 and:

(a) for the purposes of this Section F, the Third Party Proposer shall be the Proposer; and

(b) the Modification Secretary shall promptly notify the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.10(a) that such application has been accepted by the Panel.

2.1A.5 Where a Third Party Applicant disagrees with a decision of the Panel not to designate them as a Third Party Proposer then such person may appeal the decision of the Panel to the Authority and the Panel shall give effect to any direction of the Authority arising from such appeal.

2.1A.6 Where a Party disagrees with the decision of the Panel to designate a person as a Third Party Proposer then such Party may appeal the decision of the Panel to the Authority.

2.1A.7 In respect of an appeal made under paragraph 2.1A.6:

(a) such appeal must be commenced by submitting to the Authority an outline of the objections to the designation by no later than fifteen Business Days after the date of the notice pursuant to paragraph 2.1A.4(b);

(b) the Party making such appeal shall promptly notify the Modification Secretary and the Modification Secretary shall, as soon as reasonably practical after it becomes aware of an appeal, notify each of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.1;

(c) the proposal shall continue to be processed as a Modification Proposal in accordance with this paragraph 2 pending the outcome of the appeal; and

(d) if such appeal is successful then the Modification Proposal shall be nullified provided that:

(i) if any subsequent modification proposal is accepted by the Panel that has, in the opinion of the Panel, substantially the same effect as a nullified Modification Proposal then the Panel shall have due regard to any assessment, analysis and consultations already undertaken in respect of the nullified Modification Proposal when determining which procedure or phase the proposal should be submitted to and the timetable to be followed in progressing such proposal; and

(ii) for the avoidance of doubt, a nullified Modification proposal shall not be a withdrawn Modification Proposal or a Rejected Modification Proposal.

2.1A.8 The Panel shall keep under review the volume of Modification Proposals being proposed by Third Party Proposers, the costs incurred by BSCCo in the administration of such Modification Procedures and the costs incurred by BSCCo in supporting Workgroups involved in the consideration of issues pursuant to paragraph 2.4.23 which have been raised by interested third parties pursuant to BSCP40 and:

(a) shall publish its findings on the BSC Website where it determines that there has been a material increase in volume and cost;

(b) may decide to propose a modification to the Code in order to address the findings of a review published by it pursuant to this paragraph.

2.2 Panel Proceedings

2.2.1 The provisions of this paragraph 2.2 are subject to paragraph 2.9.

2.2.2 The Proposer's representative shall attend the Panel meeting at which their Modification Proposal is first to be considered and the Panel may invite the Proposer's representative to present their Modification Proposal to the Panel.

2.2.3 In relation to each new Modification Proposal, the Panel shall determine:

(a) whether to amalgamate the Modification Proposal with any other Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.3;

(b) whether to:

(i) submit the Modification Proposal to the Definition Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.5; or

(ii) submit the Modification Proposal to the Assessment Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.6; or

(iii) proceed directly to the Report Phase pursuant to paragraph 2.7 (in which case the Proposer’s right to withdraw or vary their Modification Proposal shall lapse);

(c) where the Modification Proposal is to be submitted to the Definition Procedure or the Assessment Procedure pursuant to paragraph (b):

(i) the composition or identity and terms of reference of the Workgroup in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.4;

(ii) subject to paragraphs 2.2.8 and 2.2.9, the priority to be accorded to the Modification Proposal (as compared with other Pending Modification Proposals) and the timetable to apply for completion of the relevant procedure; and

(d) where the Modification Proposal is to proceed directly to the Report Phase pursuant to paragraph (b):

(i) whether the draft Modification Report shall contain a recommendation of the Panel to make the Proposed Modification;

(ii) the proposed Implementation Date for implementation, subject to the consent of the Authority, of the Proposed Modification (whether or not the Panel recommends the making of such Proposed Modification); and

(iii) whether (and the extent to which) the Modification Proposal will amend or supplement the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions in which case:

(A) such Modification Proposal shall also constitute a proposal to amend or supplement the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions for the purposes of Article 6(3) of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing; and

(B) even though such Modification Proposal may not have been raised by the NETSO, the NETSO hereby agrees that it shall constitute a proposal to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions but such agreement shall not fetter or restrict the NETSO’s rights under the Modification Procedures to express its views on that Modification Proposal.

2.2.4 For the avoidance of doubt, it is expected that the Panel would usually proceed directly to the Report Phase pursuant to paragraph 2.2.3(b)(iii) where the Modification Proposal is of a minor or inconsequential nature and/or where the recommendation which the Panel should make to the Authority in relation to such Modification Proposal would generally be considered to be self-evident.

2.2.5 If the Panel considers that there is insufficient information available to it to enable it to take a decision referred to in paragraph 2.2.3 in respect of a particular Modification Proposal, the Panel may in exceptional circumstances and having regard always to the requirements of paragraph 1.2.2 defer consideration of the relevant issue until the next succeeding Panel meeting provided that, in so doing, the Panel shall prescribe the steps which need to be taken (by the Modification Secretary, BSCCo or otherwise) to enable the Panel to decide the matter at such subsequent meeting (including completion, where necessary, of an initial assessment by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 2.1.8).

2.2.6 If the Panel determines that a Modification Proposal is to be submitted to the Definition Procedure or the Assessment Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.2.3, the Modification Secretary shall send a notice to that effect to each of the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) and shall invite them to provide comments to the Workgroup in respect of such Modification Proposal.

2.2.7 At each Panel meeting, the Panel shall consider in turn and vote (if appropriate) on any Modification Business which is outstanding at that time (including any new Modification Proposals, the report of any Workgroup and any draft Modification Reports).

2.2.8 In setting the timetable referred to in paragraph 2.2.3(c)(ii), the Panel shall exercise its discretion such that, in respect of each Modification Proposal, a Modification Report may be submitted to the Authority as soon after the Modification Proposal is made as is consistent with the proper definition and/or assessment and evaluation of such Modification Proposal, taking due account of its complexity, importance and urgency.

2.2.9 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.2.8, the Panel shall set the timetable referred to in paragraph 2.2.3(c)(ii) such that:

(a) in respect of a Definition Procedure, it is no longer than two months; and

(b) in respect of an Assessment Procedure, it is no longer than three months

unless the particular circumstances of the Modification Proposal (taking due account of its complexity, importance and urgency) justify an extension of such timetable (and provided that the Authority has not issued a contrary direction in accordance with paragraph 1.4.3 in respect thereof).

2.2.10 Having regard to the complexity, importance and urgency of particular Modification Proposals, the Panel may determine the priority of Modification Proposals and may (subject to paragraph 1.4.3) adjust the relevant modification timetable for each Modification Proposal accordingly.

2.2.11 The Panel may decide at any time to stop a Definition Procedure and/or an Assessment Procedure and proceed, in either case, directly to the Report Phase, in which case the Proposer’s right to withdraw or vary their Modification Proposal shall lapse.

2.3 Amalgamation

2.3.1 Subject to paragraph 1.4.3, the Panel may decide at any time to amalgamate a Modification Proposal with one or more other Modification Proposals where the subject-matter of such Modification Proposals is sufficiently proximate to justify amalgamation on the grounds of efficiency and/or where such Modification Proposals are logically dependent on each other.

2.3.2 Where Modification Proposals are amalgamated pursuant to paragraph 2.3.1:

(a) such Modification Proposals shall be treated as a single Modification Proposal;

(b) references in this Section F to a Modification Proposal shall include and apply to a group of two or more Modification Proposals so amalgamated;

(c) without prejudice to each Proposer’s right to withdraw their Modification Proposal prior to the amalgamation of their Modification Proposal, the Proposers of each such Modification Proposal shall co-operate in deciding which of them is to be the Proposer of the amalgamated Modification Proposal and, in default of agreement, the Panel shall nominate one of the Proposers for that purpose; and

(d) the Panel shall establish such arrangements as it considers appropriate for the evaluation of the amalgamated Modification Proposals.

2.4 Establishment of Workgroups

2.4.1 A Workgroup may be a group established in order to carry out a Definition Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.5 or a group established in order to carry out an Assessment Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.6.

2.4.2 Where the Panel decides to submit a Modification Proposal to the Definition Procedure or the Assessment Procedure, the Panel shall establish a Workgroup (or designate an existing Workgroup) to carry out such Procedure in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2.4.

2.4.3 A single Workgroup may be responsible for the definition and/or assessment of more than one Modification Proposal at the same time and the Panel may establish one or more Workgroups on a standing basis to carry out definition and assessment of Modification Proposals (which may from time to time be submitted) whose subject-matter falls into a particular area or areas.

2.4.4 A Workgroup shall comprise at least five members selected by the Panel for their relevant experience and/or expertise in the areas forming the subject-matter of the Modification Proposal(s) to be considered by such Workgroup, and in the case of a standing Workgroup, forming the subject matter of the issues determined by the Panel under the terms of reference for that standing Workgroup (and the Panel shall ensure, as far as possible, that an appropriate cross-section of experience, interests and expertise is represented on such Workgroup).

2.4.5 In addition to the members appointed by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.4.4:

(a) the Proposer shall be entitled to appoint its representative as a member of the Workgroup which is to consider the Proposer's Modification Proposal (and who, in the case of a standing Workgroup, shall be a member for the purposes of that Modification Proposal only);

(b) the NETSO shall be entitled to appoint one member of any Workgroup (unless the NETSO is the Proposer, in which case paragraph (a) applies); and

(c) unless the Panel otherwise determines, the Panel shall appoint at least one additional member of each Workgroup who shall be an employee of BSCCo, and BSCCo shall make appropriately qualified BSCCo staff available for this purpose.

2.4.5A If, and only if, the Panel is of the view that a particular Modification Proposal may impact upon the STC, the Panel may invite the STC Committee to appoint a representative to become a member of any Workgroup formed to carry out a Definition Procedure or Assessment Procedure in relation to such a Modification Proposal.

2.4.5B In the event that the STC Committee appoints a representative to become a member of a Workgroup:

(a) the membership of such representative shall not become effective until the representative has complied with paragraph 2.4.6; and

(b) such representative as a member of the Workgroup shall act in accordance with paragraphs 2.4.9 and 2.4.14 and shall be subject to all the other provisions of the Code applicable to a member of a Workgroup.

2.4.5C A Proposer may, pursuant to paragraph 2.4.5(a), appoint a representative of BSCCo as a member of the Workgroup (provided that BSCCo shall act as an impartial representative of the Proposer’s views and shall not act as an advocate of the Modification Proposal and, where the Workgroup’s terms of reference provide for voting, BSCCo shall not have voting rights when appointed in such capacity). If the Proposer appoints a representative of BSCCo as a member of Workgroup, the Proposer shall not have the right to vary their Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12(b).

2.4.6 Prior to establishing the composition of a Workgroup:

(a) each proposed member of the Workgroup shall be required to confirm to the Panel that they will be available as required throughout the relevant Definition Procedure or Assessment Procedure (or, in the case of a standing Workgroup, during such period as the Panel may specify) to attend Workgroup meetings and to carry out work to be undertaken outside those meetings as necessary; and

(b) with the exception of a member appointed pursuant to paragraph 2.4.5(a), where the proposed member is employed, they shall provide to the Modification Secretary a letter from their employer agreeing that they may act as a member of a Workgroup, and that the requirements of paragraph 2.4.9 shall prevail over their duties as an employee.

2.4.7 The Panel shall appoint one of the members of a Workgroup to act as chair of the Workgroup, and the Panel may change the chair of a Workgroup from time to time as it sees fit.

2.4.8 A Workgroup shall not be a Panel Committee for the purposes of Section B5.

2.4.9 A member of a Workgroup shall act impartially and, subject to paragraph 2.4.9A, shall not be representative of a particular person or class of persons (and, accordingly, no member shall agree to follow or be bound by the instructions of any person or body, other than the Panel pursuant to this Section F, in the exercise of their functions as a member of a Workgroup).

2.4.9A The restrictions in paragraph 2.4.9 on a member of a Workgroup not being representative of a particular person or class of persons shall not apply to a member appointed pursuant to paragraph 2.4.5(a) insofar as that member shall be entitled to represent the views of the Proposer.

2.4.10 The Panel may add further members to a Workgroup at any time.

2.4.11 The Panel may (but shall not be obliged to) replace any member of a Workgroup appointed pursuant to paragraph 2.4.4 at any time if, in the Panel’s opinion, such member is unwilling or unable for whatever reason to fulfil that function and/or is deliberately and persistently disrupting or frustrating the work of the Workgroup.

2.4.12 The Panel shall determine the terms of reference of each Workgroup (which in the case of a standing Workgroup may include standing terms of reference as well as specific terms of reference for any particular Modification Proposal) and may change those terms of reference from time to time as it sees fit.

2.4.13 The terms of reference of a Workgroup shall include provision in respect of (among other things) the following matters:

(a) those areas of a Workgroup's powers or activities which require the prior approval of the Panel;

(b) the seeking of instructions, clarification or guidance from the Panel;

(c) in the case of a standing Workgroup, the area(s) of subject-matter of Modification Proposals for which the Group may be designated under paragraph 2.4.3; and

(d) in the case of a standing Workgroup, authorise the Group from time to time to consider (outwith the context of any particular submitted Modification Proposal) issues generally related to the relevant area(s) of subject-matter, designated to the Group by the Panel under 2.4.13(c).

2.4.14 Each Workgroup (and each member of a Workgroup) shall:

(a) act in accordance with its terms of reference as determined (and, if applicable, changed) pursuant to paragraph 2.4.12;

(b) have due regard to the objectives referred to in paragraph 1.2.2 (as if references to the Panel were references to the Workgroup); and

(c) if a Workgroup is unable to reach agreement on any matter, the report of the Workgroup shall instead include a summary of the views of the members of the Workgroup.

2.4.15 In addition to any staff made available to act as members of a Workgroup pursuant to paragraph 2.4.5, BSCCo shall provide such staff, facilities and support to each Workgroup (including the engagement of external consultants and advisers) as such Workgroup may reasonably require to assist with the administration and operation of the business of such Workgroup provided that any material expenditure (as determined by the Panel in respect of a particular Workgroup) shall require the prior approval of the Panel (in consultation with BSCCo).

2.4.16 The Modification Secretary (or their deputy) shall act as secretary to each Workgroup meeting.

2.4.17 The Modification Secretary shall notify the Authority in advance of all Workgroup meetings and a representative of the Authority may attend and speak at any such meeting (provided that any observations such representative may make shall not be taken to bind the Authority in any way in relation to the Modification Proposal being discussed).

2.4.18 Subject to paragraph 2.4.19, any meeting of a Workgroup shall be open to attendance by a representative of any Party and any other person entitled to receive notice of Modification Proposals under paragraph 2.1.10; and any person so attending such a meeting may speak if invited to do so by the chair of the meeting, but (if the Group’s terms of reference provide for voting) shall not vote at the meeting.

2.4.19 Paragraph 2.4.18 shall not apply:

(a) in the case of a meeting held by telephone conference; or

(b) where it is impractical in the opinion of the chair of the meeting to hold the meeting in open session;

2.4.20 Subject to the provisions of this paragraph 2.4 and unless otherwise determined by the Panel, a Workgroup shall develop and adopt its own internal working procedures for the conduct of its business and shall provide a copy of such procedures to the Modification Secretary in respect of each Modification Proposal for which it is responsible.

2.4.21 The Modification Secretary shall ensure that details of the composition, terms of reference, timetable of meetings and internal working procedures of each Workgroup are published on the BSC Website.

2.4.22 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.7.8, each report prepared by a Workgroup under this Section F shall be addressed and furnished to the Panel and none of the facts, opinions or statements contained in such report may be relied upon by any other person.

2.4.23 With a view to facilitating consideration of whether to propose modifications of the Code and how to frame such proposals, BSCCo may convene, in accordance with BSCP40, a group to consider generally issues relating to the Code, its application or implementation, or any manner in which the Code might be modified provided that, save as specified in BSCP40, neither the views of the group nor anything done by it in relation to such an issue shall have any consequence or significance in relation to the Code or its implementation or operation.

2.5 Definition Procedure

2.5.1 The provisions of this paragraph 2.5 shall apply if the Panel decides to submit a Modification Proposal to the Definition Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.2.

2.5.2 The purpose of the Definition Procedure is to define the issues raised by a Modification Proposal in sufficient detail to enable the Panel to determine which of the options set out in paragraph 2.5.9 is the most appropriate in all the circumstances.

2.5.3 The Panel shall establish or designate a Workgroup and shall determine its terms of reference in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.4.

2.5.4 The Workgroup shall review the Modification Proposal for the purpose set out in paragraph 2.5.2 and shall prepare a written report for the Panel (in accordance with the timetable determined by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.2) which shall set out, in relation to the Modification Proposal, the following matters:

(a) an assessment of the issues raised by the Modification Proposal with supporting information and data to explain the effect of such issues by reference to the Applicable BSC Objective(s) and a summary of such assessment;

(b) an analysis of and the views and rationale of the Workgroup as to whether (and, if so, to what extent) the issues raised by the Modification Proposal warrant further assessment and evaluation in accordance with paragraph 2.6;

(c) a detailed summary of the representations made by Parties and interested third parties during the consultation undertaken by the Workgroup (pursuant to paragraph 2.2.6 and, where applicable, paragraph 2.5.5(b)) and the comments and views of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(d) a summary of any analysis prepared by the NETSO and the comments and views of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(e) a summary of any analysis prepared by relevant BSC Agents and the comments and views of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(f) a copy of the terms of reference and a summary of any report or analysis of external consultants or advisers; and

(g) such other matters as the Panel may require in the terms of reference of such Workgroup.

2.5.5 In preparing its report pursuant to paragraph 2.5.4, the Workgroup shall:

(a) analyse the representations made in response to the consultation instigated by the Modification Secretary pursuant to paragraph 2.2.6;

(b) conduct such further consultation with Parties and interested third parties as may be required by its terms of reference or, subject to the Panel's prior approval, as it considers necessary;

(c) where appropriate (and subject to any requirement for Panel approval as set out in its terms of reference), request BSCCo to commission an analysis from BSC Agents and/or external consultants and/or advisers with relevant specialist knowledge;

(d) where such views have been obtained, consider the views expressed by those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) and by those referred to in paragraph 2.5.6(a) to (c).

2.5.6 In respect of each Definition Procedure, BSCCo shall (after appropriate consultation with the Workgroup):

(a) commission an analysis from the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 2.8;

(b) if requested by the Workgroup, commission an analysis from relevant BSC Agents;

(c) if requested by the Workgroup, commission an analysis from external consultants and/or advisers with relevant specialist knowledge.

2.5.7 Upon completion of the Workgroup's report prepared in accordance with paragraph 2.5.4, the Modification Secretary shall promptly:

(a) copy the report to each of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.10(a);

(b) place such report on the agenda for the next following Panel meeting in accordance with Section B4.

2.5.8 The chair or another member (nominated by the chair) of the Workgroup shall attend the next following Panel meeting and may be invited to present the findings of the Workgroup to the Panel and/or answer the questions of Panel Members in respect thereof; other members of the Workgroup may also attend such Panel meeting.

2.5.9 Following completion of the Workgroup's report pursuant to paragraph 2.5.7, the Panel shall consider the Workgroup's report at the next following Panel meeting and shall determine whether to:

(a) refer the Modification Proposal back to the Workgroup for further analysis (in which case, the Panel shall determine the timetable and terms of reference to apply in relation to such further analysis);

(b) submit the Modification Proposal to the Assessment Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.6; or

(c) proceed directly to the Report Phase pursuant to paragraph 2.7 (in which case the Proposer’s right to withdraw or vary their Modification Proposal shall lapse),

and, in the case of paragraphs (a) or (b), the Panel may instruct the Panel Secretary to initiate a further process of consultation (in accordance with the terms of reference determined by the Panel).

2.6 Assessment Procedure

2.6.1 The provisions of this paragraph 2.6 shall apply if the Panel decides to submit a Modification Proposal to the Assessment Procedure pursuant to paragraph 2.2, 2.5.9(b) or 7.3.4(c).

2.6.2 The purpose of the Assessment Procedure is to evaluate whether the Proposed Modification identified in a Modification Proposal better facilitates achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) and whether any alternative modification would, as compared with the Proposed Modification, better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) in relation to the issue or defect identified in the Modification Proposal.

2.6.2A Where a Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification are likely to have a material impact on greenhouse gas emissions then the evaluation pursuant to paragraph 2.6.2, in respect of the Applicable BSC Objective(s), shall include an assessment of the quantifiable impact of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification on greenhouse gas emissions and such assessment shall be conducted in accordance with the guidance (on the treatment of carbon costs and evaluation of greenhouse gas emissions) that may be issued by the Authority from time to time.

2.6.3 The Panel shall establish or designate a Workgroup and shall determine its terms of reference in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.4.

2.6.4 The Workgroup shall:

(a) evaluate the Modification Proposal for the purpose set out in paragraph 2.6.2;

(b) where appropriate, develop an alternative proposed modification (the "Alternative Modification") which, as compared with the Proposed Modification, would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s);

(c) evaluate:

(i) whether, and the extent to which, the Modification Proposal will amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions; and

(ii) where the Workgroup considers that a Modification Proposal may amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, the impact of those amendments on the EBGL Objectives; and

(d) prepare a report for the Panel (in accordance with the timetable determined by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.2 or 2.5.9(b)) which shall set out, in relation to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification, the matters referred to in Annex F-1, to the extent applicable to the proposal in question.

2.6.5 In preparing its report pursuant to paragraph 2.6.4, the Workgroup shall:

(a) analyse the comments made in response to the consultation instigated by the Modification Secretary pursuant to paragraph 2.2.6;

(b) conduct such further consultation with Parties and interested third parties as may be required by its terms of reference or, subject to the Panel's prior approval, as it considers necessary;

(c) where appropriate (and subject to any requirement for Panel approval as set out in its terms of reference), request BSCCo to commission an analysis from BSC Agents and/or external consultants and/or advisers with relevant specialist knowledge;

(d) where such views have been obtained, consider the views expressed by those referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c) and by those referred to in paragraph 2.6.6(a) to (c).

2.6.6 In respect of each Assessment Procedure, BSCCo shall (after appropriate consultation with the Workgroup):

(a) commission an analysis and impact assessment from the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 2.8;

(b) if requested by the Workgroup, commission an impact assessment from relevant BSC Agents;

(c) if requested by the Workgroup, commission an analysis from external consultants and/or advisers with relevant specialist knowledge;

(d) if requested by the Workgroup, commission an analysis from relevant Core Industry Document Owners and/or the STC Committee;

(e) prepare a project brief for the implementation of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification setting out the proposed steps, timetable and programme plan for such implementation consistent with the proposed Implementation Date in accordance with the Code, BSCP40 and the IS Policies; and

(f) where the Proposed Modification (and, if applicable, any Alternative Modification) would impact the DIP Supplement or a Code Embedded DIP Rule, commission an analysis and impact assessment from the DIP Manager in accordance with paragraph 2.8A.

2.6.7 The preceding provisions of this paragraph 2.6 shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.6.8 and 2.6.10 and the requirements of the report to be prepared by the Workgroup pursuant to paragraph 2.6.4 in respect of a particular Modification Proposal shall be amended in consequence of any directions issued by the Panel under paragraphs 2.6.8 or 2.6.10.

2.6.8 Prior to the taking of any steps in an Assessment Procedure which would result in the incurring of significant costs (as determined by the Panel in each case in the relevant terms of reference) for BSCCo, the Workgroup shall seek the views of the Panel as to whether to proceed with such steps and, in giving its views, the Panel may consult with the Authority in respect thereof.

2.6.9 For the purposes of paragraph 2.6.8, the steps include:

(a) the commissioning of detailed impact assessments;

(b) the commissioning of legal text to modify the Code in order to give effect to a Proposed Modification and/or an Alternative Modification.

2.6.10 At any stage during an Assessment Procedure:

(a) the Panel may request the Workgroup to prepare an interim report setting out its provisional findings in respect of the matters referred to in paragraph 2.6.4 (or such of those matters as it has been able by then to evaluate); and

(b) the Panel may seek the views of the Authority as to whether the findings of such report are consistent with the Authority's provisional thinking in respect thereof; and

(c) the Panel may issue such directions as it sees fit to the Workgroup in consequence of the Authority's views.

2.6.11 Upon completion of the Workgroup's report prepared in accordance with paragraph 2.6.4, the Modification Secretary shall promptly:

(a) copy the report to each of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.10(a);

(b) place such report on the agenda for the next following Panel meeting.

2.6.12 The chair or another member (nominated by the chair) of the Workgroup shall attend the next following Panel meeting and may be invited to present the findings of the Workgroup to the Panel and/or answer the questions of Panel Members in respect thereof; other members of the Workgroup may also attend such Panel meeting.

2.6.13 The Panel shall consider the Workgroup's report at the next following Panel meeting and shall determine:

(a) whether to:

(i) submit the Modification Proposal back to the Workgroup for further analysis (in which case, the Panel shall determine the timetable and terms of reference of such further analysis); or

(ii) proceed to the Report Phase in accordance with paragraph 2.7; and

(b) where the Panel decides pursuant to paragraph (a)(ii) to proceed to the Report Phase:

(i) whether the Panel proposes to recommend (subject to paragraph 2.7.5) to the Authority that the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification should be made;

(ii) the reasons (if different from those contained in the report prepared by the Workgroup) why the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification would or would not, in the Panel's opinion, better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s);

(iii) the proposed Implementation Date to be included in the draft Modification Report (whether or not the Panel recommends that the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification should be made); and

(iv) whether (and the extent to which) the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification will amend or supplement the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions in which case:

(A) such Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification shall also constitute proposals to amend or supplement the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions for the purposes of Article 6(3) of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing;

(B) even though such Modification Proposal may not have been raised by the NETSO, the hereby agrees that the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification shall constitute proposals to amend or supplement the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions but NETSO’s agreement shall not fetter or restrict its rights under the Modification Procedures to express its views on that Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification.

2.7 Report Phase

2.7.1 The provisions of this paragraph 2.7 shall apply where the Panel decides, pursuant to paragraphs 2.2.3(b)(iii), 2.2.11, 2.5.9(c) or 2.6.13(a)(ii), that a Modification Proposal should proceed to the Report Phase.

2.7.2 If:

(a) in deciding that a Modification Proposal should proceed to the Report Phase, the Panel determines that it proposes to recommend to the Authority that the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification should be made; and

(b) no proposed text to modify the Code in order to give effect to such Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification, was commissioned during any Assessment Procedure,

the Modification Secretary shall forthwith commission the drafting of proposed text to modify the Code in order to give effect to such Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification and shall seek the views of the relevant Workgroup(s) on such text.

2.7.3 Where the Panel is proposing to recommend to the Authority that a Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification should not be made and no proposed text to modify the Code was commissioned during the Assessment Procedure, the Panel shall consult with the Authority as to whether the Authority would like the Modification Report to include such text and, if the Authority indicates that it would, the Modification Secretary shall forthwith commission the drafting of proposed text to modify the Code in order to give effect to such Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification and shall seek the views of the relevant Workgroup(s) on such text.

2.7.4 Except where 2.7.4A applies, the Modification Secretary shall:

(a) prepare a draft Modification Report which shall set out the matters referred to in paragraph 2.7.7 as soon as possible and, in any event, within fifteen Business Days after the Panel decides that the Modification Proposal should proceed to the Report Phase;

(b) copy such draft report to each of the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a);

(c) publish such draft report in such manner as may be appropriate to bring it to the attention of other persons who may be affected by such report;

(d) invite representations on the draft report within such period as the Panel may determine (and, in any event, not more than fifteen Business Days);

(e) prepare a summary of the representations received during the consultation conducted pursuant to paragraph (d); and

(f) put the draft report and the summary referred to in paragraph (e) on the agenda for the next following Panel meeting.

2.7.4A Where the Panel has determined that a Modification Proposal is amending or supplementing the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, the Modification Secretary shall:

(a) follow the steps set out in paragraphs 2.7.4(a) to (c);

(b) invite representations on the draft report within such period as the Panel may determine (and, in any event not less than one month), in accordance with the requirements set out in BSCP40;

(c) provide a copy of the representations received during the consultation conducted pursuant to paragraph (b); and

(d) either:

(i) where there have been any representations that may require the Modification Proposal to be amended, submit that Modification Proposal back to the Workgroup for further analysis and:

(A) the Proposer and (where the Modification Proposal has been subject to the Assessment Procedure) the Workgroup may amend the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification respectively provided the Modification Proposal continues to address the same issue or defect originally identified by the Proposer in the Modification Proposal;

(B) (where the Modification Proposal has been subject to the Assessment Procedure) the Workgroup shall amend its report to include sound justifications for including or not including the views resulting from the consultation (taking into account the expected impact on the EBGL Objectives) and may amend any other part of its draft report to take account of its further analysis and make its recommendation to the Panel; and

(C) subject to paragraph 2.7.4A(d)(ii)(B) below, follow the steps set out in paragraph 2.7.4 in relation to any such amended Proposed Modification, amended Alternative Modification, and amended report taking into account the amendments made to the report under paragraph (B); or

(ii) where:

(A) there have been no representations that may require the Modification Proposal to be amended; or

(B) the Modification Proposal has been submitted to the Proposer and (where applicable) Workgroup under paragraph (d)(i) above but they have made no amendments to the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification,

put the draft report and the representations referred to in paragraph (c) on the agenda for the next Panel meeting.

2.7.5 The Panel shall consider the draft Modification Report submitted under paragraph 2.7.4 or paragraph 2.7.4A at the next following Panel meeting and, having taken due account of the representations contained in the summary referred to in paragraph 2.7.4(e) and 2.7.4A(c), the Panel shall determine:

(a) whether to recommend to the Authority that the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification should be made;

(b) whether to approve the draft Modification Report or to instruct the Modification Secretary to make such changes to the report as may be specified by the Panel;

(c) (if applicable) whether to approve the proposed text for modifying the Code in order to give effect to any Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification which it is recommending or to instruct the Modification Secretary to make such changes to the text as may be specified by the Panel;

(d) the proposed Implementation Date for implementation of the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification (whether or not the Panel recommends the making of such Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification);

(e) whether to include in the draft Modification Report, where applicable, any further justifications that the Panel may specify for why the views resulting from the consultation undertaken under paragraph 2.7.4A(b) were included or not included.

2.7.6 Subject to paragraph 6.3.2, within seven Business Days after the Panel meeting referred to in paragraph 2.7.4, the Modification Secretary shall finalise the Modification Report and shall forthwith:

(a) submit such Modification Report to the Authority on behalf of the Panel;

(b) copy such Modification Report to:

(i) each Party;

(ii) each Panel Member; and

(iii) each of the persons specified in paragraph 1.9.3;

(c) simultaneously publish such Modification Report on the BSC Website.

2.7.6A Subject to paragraph 2.7.6B, if the Panel intends to instruct (under paragraph 2.7.5(b)) changes to be made to the draft Modification Report as a result of information obtained by BSCCo relating to matters (including those specified in paragraph 1(c) of Annex F-1) which were identified by BSCCo since the draft report was prepared, the Panel may with the approval of the Authority:

(a) instruct the Modification Secretary to publish, and invite further representations (from the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a)) on those changes; and

(b) defer to such date as the Authority may approve the submission of the Modification Report to the Authority, to allow such further consultation to take place.

2.7.6B Where the Panel intends to instruct (under paragraph 2.7.5(b)) changes to be made to a draft Modification Report that has been submitted to it under paragraph 2.7.4A(d)(i) as a result of information obtained by BSCCo relating to matters (including those specified in paragraph 1(c) of Annex F-1) which were not identified through the consultation conducted under paragraph 2.7.4A, the Panel shall instruct the Modification Secretary to publish, and invite further representations (in accordance with BSCP40) on those changes for a period of not less than one month.

2.7.7 The matters to be included in a Modification Report shall be the following (in respect of the Modification Proposal):

(a) the recommendation of the Panel as to whether or not the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification should be made;

(b) subject to paragraph 2.11.20, the proposed Implementation Date for implementation of any Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification;

(c) the other items referred to in Annex F-1, based on the report prepared by the Workgroup (where the proposal was submitted to a Workgroup prior to the Report Phase) except to the extent that the Panel has formed a different view as to any matters contained in such report;

(d) confirmation, where applicable, that the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification proposes to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions; and

(e) the conclusions of the NETSO in relation to its findings pursuant to paragraph 2.8.1(a) and (b);

(f) where the proposal has not been submitted to a Workgroup prior to the Report Phase, and the Modification Proposal impacts the DIP Supplement or a Code Embedded DIP Rule, the analysis by the DIP Manager pursuant to paragraph 2.8A;

together with a copy of the representations made by Parties and interested third parties during the consultation undertaken in respect of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification.

2.7.8 Each Modification Report shall be addressed and furnished to the Authority and none of the facts, opinions or statements contained in such Modification Report may be relied upon by any other person.

2.7A Send Back Process

2.7A.1 Where the Authority considers that it is unable to form an opinion in relation to a Modification Report submitted to it pursuant to paragraph 2.7.6 or paragraph 5.3A.3 then it may issue a direction to the Panel:

(a) specifying any additional steps that it requires in order to form such an opinion including drafting or amending the proposed text to modify the Code, revising the implementation timetable and/or proposed Implementation Date(s), revising or providing additional analysis and/or information; and

(b) requiring such Modification Report to be revised and re-submitted to the Authority,

and the Authority may include in such direction its reasons for why it has been unable to form an opinion (a "Send Back Direction").

2.7A.2 The Panel shall re-submit the revised Modification Report as soon after the Authority’s direction pursuant to paragraph 2.7A.1 as is appropriate (taking into account the complexity, importance and urgency of the Modification Proposal) and the implementation timetable and the proposed Implementation Date(s) specified in the Modification Report (but no other aspect of that Modification Report) shall be deemed to be suspended for the duration of the Send Back Process.

2.7A.3 Subject to paragraph 2.7A.4, in relation to each Send Back Direction BSCCo shall prepare a draft Send Back Process for approval by the Panel which:

(a) shall include a procedure and timetable for the reconsideration by the Panel of its recommendation and the re-submission of the revised Modification Report to the Authority; and

(b) may include such further matters as the Panel considers necessary to address the Send Back Direction including:

(i) further consultation with Parties and interested third parties;

(ii) revised or additional analysis and/or information;

(iii) drafting or amending proposed text to modify the Code;

(iv) revising the proposed Implementation Date(s) (and, without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 2.7A.3(b)(i)), the Panel shall conduct a consultation with Parties and interested third parties in respect of any revised proposed Implementation Date(s); and

(v) any other steps required by the Panel to address the Send Back Direction.

2.7A.4 Where the requirements specified in the Send Back Direction are of a minor nature such that it would be more appropriate for BSCCo to address the matters contained therein without preparing a draft Send Back Process then:

(a) BSCCo may take such steps as are necessary to address the requirements of that Send Back Direction; and

(b) the provisions of paragraphs 2.7A.6(b), 2.7A.6(c), 2.7A.7 and 2.7A.8 shall apply thereto provided that if the Panel does not approve the revised draft Modification Report then it may require BSCCo to prepare a draft Send Back Process in accordance with paragraph 2.7A.3.

2.7A.5 The Panel shall consider the draft Send Back Process and, having considered any comments made or received by the representative of the Authority, shall determine whether to approve the draft Send Back Process or to instruct BSCCo to make such changes to the draft Send Back Process as may be specified by the Panel.

2.7A.6 Following approval by the Panel of the Send Back Process:

(a) BSCCo and (where applicable) the Workgroup shall perform the additional steps set out in the Send Back Process (including, to the extent necessary, the revision by the Workgroup of its views and rationale as to whether the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification better facilitate the achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s));

(b) the Modification Secretary shall notify the persons specified in paragraph 2.7.6(b) that the Authority has issued a Send Back Direction, revise the Modification Report, re-submit that Modification Report to the Panel and take any further steps in relation to it as are set out in this paragraph 2.7A and the Send Back Process; and

(c) the Panel shall consider the revised Modification Report in accordance with paragraph 2.7A.7,

in each case in accordance with the procedure(s) and timetable set out in the Send Back Process.

2.7A.7 The Panel shall consider the revised Modification Report and determine:

(a) whether to revise the recommendation it made to the Authority pursuant to paragraph 2.7.5(a):

(b) whether to approve the revised Modification Report or to instruct the Modification Secretary to make such further changes to the revised report as may be specified by the Panel;

(c) (if applicable) whether to approve any revised proposed text to modify the Code or to instruct the Modification Secretary to make any further changes as may be specified by the Panel; and/or

(d) (if applicable) whether to approve any revised proposed Implementation Date(s) for implementation of the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification (whether or not the Panel recommends the making of such Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification).

2.7A.8 The Modification Secretary shall:

(a) finalise the revised Modification Report which shall, for the purposes of the Code, be deemed to be the Modification Report as from the date of the Panel’s determination pursuant to paragraph 2.7A.7; and

(b) submit such Modification Report to the Authority and copy it to the persons specified in paragraph 2.7.6(b).

2.7A.9 For the avoidance of doubt, a Proposer shall have no right to withdraw or vary their Modification Proposal during the Send Back Process.

2.7B Amendments Required by the Authority (EBGL)

2.7B.1 In respect of a Modification Proposal which amends or supplements EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, where the Authority requires an amendment to such Modification Proposal, in accordance with Article 6(1) of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing, in order to approve such Modification Proposal it may direct the Panel and BSCCo to make such amendment in which case BSCCo and the Panel shall comply with such direction and:

(a) BSCCo shall make such amendments to the Proposed Modification and/or any Alternative Modification as have been directed by the Authority;

(b) BSCCo shall submit such amended Modification Proposal to the Panel;

(c) the Panel may amend its report prepared under paragraph 2.7 to include:

(i) its evaluation of the proposed amendments directed by the Authority;

(ii) revised recommendations (if any) to the Authority as to whether the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification should be made;

(iii) its revised rationale (if any) as to why the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification would or would not, in the Panel’s opinion, better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objectives;

(iv) the Panel’s view, together with rationale, as to whether the proposed Implementation Date needs to be amended and, except to the extent that the Authority has so directed, the revised proposed Implementation Date for the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification; and

(d) the Panel shall submit the revised Modification Report to the Authority within two months of the Authority’s direction under this paragraph.

2.7B.2 Subject always to paragraph 2.7B.1(d), in performing the steps set out in paragraph 2.7B.1, BSCCo and/or the Panel may reconvene the Workgroup and/or conduct such consultation with Parties and interested third parties as it considers necessary.

2.7B.3 Where BSCCo and/or the Panel have been unable to reconvene a Workgroup and/or conduct a consultation despite considering such steps necessary, the Panel may request in its Modification Report submitted under paragraph 2.7B.1(d) that the Authority directs the Panel and/or BSCCo that such further steps are necessary in order for the Authority to approve the Modification Proposal.

2.7B.4 Any direction from the Authority pursuant to this paragraph 2.7B shall not fetter the voting rights of the Panel or the recommendation procedures informing the report described in 2.7B.1.

2.8 Analysis of the NETSO

2.8.1 Subject to paragraph 2.8.1A, at the request of the Panel or BSCCo, the NETSO shall prepare an analysis of any Modification Proposal with:

(a) an assessment of the impact of the Proposed Modification (and, if applicable, any Alternative Modification) on the ability of the NETSO to discharge its obligations efficiently under the ESO Licence, to discharge its obligations under the Guideline on Electricity Balancing (and where relevant the Network Code on Electricity Emergency and Restoration) and on its ability to operate an efficient, economical and co-ordinated transmission system;

(b) the views and rationale of the NETSO as to

(i) whether the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s); and

(ii) where the Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification includes an amendment to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, whether such amendment proposal should be made;

(c) an assessment (where applicable) of:

(i) the impact of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification on the computer systems and processes of the NETSO;

(ii) the changes required to such systems and processes in consequence of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(iii) an estimate of the development, capital and operating costs (broken down in reasonable detail) which the NETSO anticipates that it would incur in and as a result of implementing the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification and any consequential change to Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code;

(d) such other matters as the Panel or BSCCo may reasonably request.

2.8.1A Where a Modification Proposal amends, or is expected to amend, EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions then the NETSO shall be entitled, in its discretion, to provide the analysis referred to in paragraphs 2.8.1(a) and (b) notwithstanding that such analysis has not been requested.

2.8.2 The NETSO shall provide such further explanation of any analysis prepared pursuant to paragraph 2.8.1 as the Panel may reasonably require and shall attend any meeting of the Panel or the Workgroup to answer questions or provide clarification in respect thereof.

2.8.3 Subject to the provision by the NETSO of any analysis requested pursuant to paragraph 2.8.1 and any further explanation or clarification requested pursuant to paragraph 2.8.2, the NETSO shall not be obliged by virtue of any provision of this Section F to disclose or provide access to any information or data relating to its business which is not otherwise generally available.

2.8.4 In formulating its views as to whether a Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) (and, in particular, those Applicable BSC Objective(s) which relate specifically to the NETSO), the Panel and any Workgroup shall have regard to the analysis provided by the NETSO under this paragraph 2.8 and to any other information or data which is generally available in relation to the NETSO or its business.

2.8A Analysis by the DIP Manager

2.8A.1 At the request of the Panel or BSCCo, the DIP Manager shall prepare an analysis of any Modification Proposal which would impact the DIP Supplement or a Code Embedded DIP Rule with:

(a) an assessment of the impact of the Proposed Modification (and, if applicable, any Alternative Modification) on the DIP and the DIP Applicable Objectives; and

(b) any other analysis that the DIP Manager and/or the DCAB reasonably consider relevant to the Proposed Modification (and, if applicable, any Alternative Modification).

2.9 Urgent Code Modifications

2.9.1 Where there has been a recommendation of the NETSO and/or BSCCo or a recommendation of the Proposer (pursuant to paragraph 2.1.2) that a proposal should be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal in accordance with this paragraph 2.9, then the Panel shall make a recommendation to the Authority as to:

(a) whether, in the Panel’s opinion, the proposal should be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal;

(b) the procedure and timetable to be followed in the event that the Authority instructs that the proposal shall be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal; and

in making its recommendation under this paragraph 2.9.1 the Panel may consider any relevant information provided to it by BSCCo and/or the NETSO.

2.9.2 For the avoidance of doubt, in relation to any Modification Business involving an Urgent Modification Proposal (or a Modification Proposal which the Proposer or BSCCo and/or the NETSO recommend should be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal):

(a) the provisions of Section B.4.6 shall apply; and

(b) where the Panel Chair was unable to contact sufficient Panel Members in accordance with Section B4.6, the Panel Chair shall make the recommendation referred to in paragraph 2.9.1.

2.9.3 The Panel shall:

(a) not treat any Modification Proposal as an Urgent Modification Proposal except with the prior consent of the Authority;

(b) comply with the procedure and timetable in respect of any Urgent Modification Proposal approved by the Authority;

(c) comply with any instruction of the Authority not to treat a Modification Proposal as an Urgent Modification Proposal; and

(d) comply with any instruction of the Authority issued in respect of any recommendation of the Panel or the Panel Chair made pursuant to paragraphs 2.9.1 or 2.9.2.

2.9.4 Subject to paragraph 2.9.4B, for the purposes of this paragraph 2.9, the procedure and timetable in respect of an Urgent Modification Proposal may (with the approval of the Authority pursuant to paragraph 2.9.3) deviate from all or part of the Modification Procedures or follow any other procedure or timetable approved by the Authority. The Panel must notify the persons listed in paragraph 1.9.3 of any Urgent Modification Proposal and when approving any alternative procedure or timetable, the Authority must consider whether or not such procedure and timetable should allow for the persons listed in paragraph 1.9.3 to be consulted on the Urgent Modification Proposal and if so how much time should be allowed.

2.9.4A Where the procedure and timetable approved by the Authority in respect of an Urgent Modification Proposal does not provide for the establishment (or designation) of a Workgroup the Proposer’s right to withdraw or vary their Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraph 2.1.12 shall lapse from the time and date of such approval.

2.9.4B Where the Modification Proposal seeks to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, the procedure and timetable recommended by the Panel under paragraph 2.9.1 in respect of an Urgent Modification Proposal must include a consultation on the Modification Proposal for a period of not less than one month, due consideration of the views of stakeholders resulting from such consultation and the publication of the Panel’s sound justifications for including or not including the views resulting from that consultation.

2.9.5 The Modification Report in respect of an Urgent Modification Proposal shall include any statement provided by the Authority as to why the Authority believes that such Modification Proposal should be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal and the extent to which the procedure followed deviated from the Modification Procedures.

2.9.6 Where an Urgent Modification Proposal results in a modification being made in accordance with paragraph 1.1, the Panel may or (where it appears to the Panel that there is a reasonable level of support for a review amongst Parties) shall, following such modification, submit the modification to review by a Workgroup on terms specified by the Panel in order to consider and report as to whether any alternative modification could, as compared with such modification, better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) in respect of the subject matter of such modification.

2.9.7 For the purposes of paragraph 2.9.6, the provisions of paragraph 2.4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the establishment and conduct of a Workgroup charged with undertaking a review pursuant to paragraph 2.9.6.

2.9.8 The Modification Secretary shall copy the report prepared by the Workgroup pursuant to paragraph 2.9.6 to each of the persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.10(a).

2.9.9 Each Party, each Panel Member, each of the persons referred to in paragraph 1.9.3, BSCCo and the Modification Secretary shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that an Urgent Modification Proposal is considered, evaluated and (subject to the approval of the Authority) implemented as soon as reasonably practicable, having regard to the urgency of the matter and, for the avoidance of doubt, an Urgent Modification Proposal may (subject to the Approval of the Authority) result in a Code Modification being made on the day on which such proposal is submitted.

2.10 Confidentiality

2.10.1 Any representations submitted by a person pursuant to the Modification Procedures shall be made publicly available save as otherwise expressly requested by such person by notice in writing to BSCCo.

2.10.2 The Panel and BSCCo shall not be liable for any accidental publication of a representation which is the subject of a request made under paragraph 2.10.1.

2.10.3 For the avoidance of doubt, all representations (whether or not marked confidential) shall be sent to the Authority.

2.10.4 Where any provision of this paragraph 2 provides for data, information or reports to be published or made available to Parties and/or other persons, the Panel shall exclude therefrom any matters in respect of which the Authority issues a notice to the Modification Secretary for the purposes of this paragraph 2.10.4.

2.11 Implementation

2.11.1 BSCCo shall be responsible for implementing the Approved Modification in accordance with the project brief prepared pursuant to paragraph 2.6.6(e) in relation to that Modification.

2.11.2 The Panel shall make such modifications to Code Subsidiary Documents (in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3) and/or adopt such new Code Subsidiary Documents as may be necessary to give full and timely effect to an Approved Modification by the Implementation Date.

2.11.3 BSCCo shall take appropriate steps to secure such amendments to the BSC Agent Contracts as may be necessary to give full and timely effect to an Approved Modification by the Implementation Date.

2.11.4 BSCCo shall take appropriate steps to procure changes to BSC Systems and processes in order to give full and timely effect to an Approved Modification by the Implementation Date.

2.11.5 BSCCo shall promptly provide a report to the Panel where:

(a) it appears, in BSCCo's reasonable opinion, that problems may arise, or have arisen, in the implementation of an Approved Modification in accordance with the project brief prepared pursuant to paragraph 2.6.6(e); and/or

(b) BSCCo has reason to believe that the changes necessary to BSC Systems and processes will not have been completed by the Implementation Date; and/or

(c) BSCCo becomes aware of any circumstances which might otherwise prevent or delay the full and timely implementation of the Approved Modification.

2.11.6 In relation to Approved Modifications:

(a) each Party shall use its reasonable endeavours to implement changes made to Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code in order to give full and timely effect to a Code Modification by the Implementation Date; and

(b) the NETSO shall make such changes to those of its systems which support the operation of the Code as may be necessary in order to give effect to a Code Modification by the Implementation Date.

2.11.7 Without prejudice to the obligations of the Panel and BSCCo under this Section F, the Implementation Date may be extended or brought forward with the prior approval of, or at the direction of, the Authority.

2.11.8 The Panel shall apply to the Authority for an extension to the Implementation Date if it becomes aware of any circumstance which is likely to cause a delay in the implementation of an Approved Modification.

2.11.9 The Panel may, after consultation with the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a), apply to the Authority (providing copies of the representations made in such consultation) to bring forward the Implementation Date if the Panel is reasonably satisfied that an Approved Modification is capable of being implemented sooner than the current Implementation Date and is of the opinion that its implementation should be so brought forward.

2.11.10 Where a Relevant Challenge is made and the Panel considers the Implementation Date or a "Proposed Implementation Date" (as defined in paragraph 2.11.15) relating to a Modification Proposal is or may no longer be appropriate or may expire prior to a determination made in relation to the Relevant Challenge, the Panel shall consult with the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) as to the following:

(a) whether a Conditional Implementation Date in replacement of the current Implementation Date or Proposed Implementation Date is appropriate or advisable as a result of the Relevant Challenge; and

(b) (if the Panel considers it appropriate) whether the Conditional Implementation Date should replace the current Implementation Date or Proposed Implementation Date subject to the condition precedent that it shall be effective only if the determination of the relevant appeal or judicial review is received on or before (or not received after) a specified date.

2.11.11 After undertaking a consultation pursuant to paragraph 2.11.10 the Panel may recommend to the Authority a Conditional Implementation Date which is subject to the condition precedent that it shall be effective only if the determination in the relevant appeal or judicial review is received on or before (or not received after) a specified date.

2.11.12 The Panel shall, at the same time as the making of its recommendation under paragraph 2.11.11, provide copies of the representations made in relation to such consultation and any relevant additional information (including any information or assessment from BSCCo relating to the BSC Systems and processes) to the Authority.

2.11.13 If the Authority decides to accept the Panel’s recommendation referred to in paragraph 2.11.11, the Conditional Implementation Date so accepted (subject to any conditions precedent to its effectiveness imposed by the Authority) shall be deemed to replace the:

(a) current Implementation Date which is applicable (or purportedly applicable) by reason of paragraph 1.1.3; or

(b) Proposed Implementation Date set out in any Modification Report relating to the relevant Modification Proposal.

2.11.14 Where the Panel considers that:

(a) a Conditional Implementation Date (whether or not subject to any condition precedent concerning its effectiveness) imposed in accordance with this paragraph 2.11 is or may no longer be appropriate or may expire prior to a determination being made in relation to the Relevant Challenge; or

(b) where the Authority has previously rejected a recommendation from the Panel made pursuant to paragraph 2.11.11 but, as a result of the progress of the appeal or judicial review or some other relevant circumstance, the Panel considers that it may be appropriate to make or consider making a new recommendation to the Authority concerning a Conditional Implementation Date;

paragraphs 2.11.10, 2.11.11, 2.11.12 and 2.11.13 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

2.11.15 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.11:

(a) there shall be a Relevant Challenge where any necessary consent or permission to bring an appeal or seek a judicial review from or of a decision by the Authority to accept or reject a Modification Proposal is granted and such an appeal or judicial review is made, brought or proceeded with; and

(b) Proposed Implementation Date means a proposed Implementation Date set out in a Modification Report in accordance with Annex F-1 in relation to any Modification Proposal in respect of which a decision has been made (or purportedly made) by the Authority to approve or reject such Modification Proposal.

2.11.16 Where, in relation to a Modification Proposal which is the subject of a notice of the NETSO pursuant to paragraphs 1.1.2 or 1.1.4, a Party either makes:

(a) an application for consent or permission to make or seek an appeal or judicial review; or

(b) a Relevant Challenge;

the Party must submit written notice of such application and/or Relevant Challenge to the Modification Secretary no later than five Business Days from the date such application and/or Relevant Challenge is made.

2.11.17 Upon receiving a notice pursuant to paragraph 2.11.16(b) the Modification Secretary shall send notice of such to the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a).

2.11.18 Where the Authority considers that the proposed Implementation Date specified in a Modification Report in accordance with paragraph 2.7.7(b) (and in respect of which notification of the Authority’s decision pursuant to paragraphs 1.1.2 or 1.1.4 has not been made), is or may no longer be appropriate or might otherwise prevent the Authority from making such decision by reason of the effluxion of time, the Authority may direct the Panel to consult with the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) on a revised proposed Implementation Date.

2.11.19 Following the completion of a consultation held pursuant to paragraph 2.11.18, the Panel shall recommend a revised proposed Implementation Date to the Authority.

2.11.20 If the Authority decides to accept the Panel’s recommendation pursuant to paragraph 2.11.19 the Authority shall notify the Panel of its decision and the revised proposed Implementation Date so accepted shall, for the purposes of the Code, be deemed to have replaced the proposed Implementation Date specified in the relevant Modification Report.

2.11.21 In respect of any consultation held pursuant to paragraph 2.11.18, the Panel may in addition consult on any matters relating to the relevant Modification Report which in the Panel’s opinion have materially changed since the relevant Modification Report was submitted to the Authority in accordance with paragraph 2.7.6 and where it does so, the Panel shall report on such matters as part of its recommendation in accordance with paragraph 2.11.19.

2.11.22 In respect of an Approved Self-Governance Modification Proposal that was comprised in a cross code change package, the provisions of this paragraph 2.11 relating to the Authority’s power to revise proposed Implementation Dates shall apply to the Panel mutatis mutandis.

2.11.22 For the purposes of a direction made pursuant to paragraph 2.11.18, the Authority may:

(a) specify that the revised proposed Implementation Date shall not be prior to a specified date;

(b) specify a reasonable period (taking into account a reasonable period for consultation) within which the Panel shall be obliged to make its recommendation in accordance with paragraph 2.11.19; and/or

(c) provide such reasons as it deems appropriate for such direction including in respect of those matters referred to in paragraphs 2.11.22(a) and 2.11.22(b), where applicable.

2.11.23 The provisions of paragraphs 2.11.18, 2.11.19, 2.11.20, 2.11.21 and 2.11.22 shall only be effective in respect of any Modification Proposals raised pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1 (but subject always to paragraphs 2.1.7 and 2.1.12) after the Relevant Implementation Date.

2.12 Intentionally left blank


3.1 Scope

3.1.1 Subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 3.1, the Panel may modify (whether by way of amendment, deletion, addition, replacement or otherwise) existing Code Subsidiary Documents or create additional Code Subsidiary Documents in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraph 3.2.

3.1.2 The Panel may only make modifications to existing Code Subsidiary Documents or create additional Code Subsidiary Documents if and to the extent that:

(a) the modified Code Subsidiary Document or additional Code Subsidiary Document is consistent with, and does not impair, frustrate or invalidate, the provisions of the Code; and

(b) the modification or addition does not impose new obligations or restrictions of a material nature on Parties or Party Agents (or classes thereof) which are not authorised or envisaged by, or subsidiary to, the rights and obligations of the Parties under, the Code.

3.1.3 The Panel Secretary shall notify:

(a) each Party;

(b) each BSC Agent; and

(c) the Authority,

promptly of any modification to an existing Code Subsidiary Document or the creation of any new Code Subsidiary Document.

3.1.4 A modification to or the addition of a Code Subsidiary Document pursuant to this paragraph 3.1 shall take effect on the later of:

(a) the date specified by the Panel; and

(b) the date of any notice issued pursuant to paragraph 3.1.3.

3.1.5 The Panel may establish a Panel Committee, in accordance with Section B, which shall be responsible for reviewing, considering and recommending changes to Code Subsidiary Documents or the establishment of new Code Subsidiary Documents with a view to ensuring that the Code and the Code Subsidiary Documents together continue to facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s).

3.1.6 Not used.

3.2 Procedures

3.2.1 Subject to paragraph 3.2.4, the Panel shall, prior to making any modification to a Code Subsidiary Document or to establishing a new Code Subsidiary Document pursuant to paragraph 3.1.1, consult with Parties and interested third parties in such manner as it considers appropriate, in the light of the complexity, importance and urgency of the proposed change and shall have regard to any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultation.

3.2.2 In complying with paragraph 3.2.1, the Panel shall ensure that the proposed draft changes are copied to each Party and (subject, to the extent applicable, to Section H1.4.3) otherwise published in such manner as it sees fit, and Parties and interested third parties shall be given a reasonable opportunity to comment on the proposed changes, having regard to the urgency of the matter.

3.2.3 The provisions of BSCP40 shall apply in relation to the modification of any existing or the establishment of any new Code Subsidiary Document pursuant to this paragraph 3.

3.2.4 Where a proposed modification to a Code Subsidiary Document qualifies as a Standard Change in accordance with the Standard Change Criteria outlined in Annex X-1, paragraphs 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 shall not apply and the process set out in BSCP40 shall be followed.


4.1 Establishment

4.1.1 The Panel may establish and implement policies addressing, among other things, the following matters:

(a) the establishment and maintenance of a quality management system;

(b) the establishment of a design authority to oversee changes to BSC Systems;

(c) the establishment of a change co-ordination function to assist in the co-ordination of changes to the BSC Systems;

(d) the establishment and maintenance of appropriate security arrangements (covering, for example, confidentiality, system access control and building access control).

4.1.2 The purpose of the IS Policies shall be to give assurance to Parties that the BSC Systems meet any requirements associated with quality.

4.1.3 The policies described in paragraph 4.1.1 shall be known as "IS Policies" and shall be published in such manner as the Panel sees fit.

4.2 Changes to BSC Systems

4.2.1 Where a change is proposed to a BSC System which does not require a Code Modification or a modification to a Code Subsidiary Document, such change shall be evaluated, developed and, if approved by the Panel, implemented in accordance with the IS Policies and with BSCP40.


5.1 Significant Code Review Phase

5.1.1 The Authority may at any time notify Parties of a Significant Code Review.

5.1.2 The notice referred to in paragraph 5.1.1 shall include:

(a) a statement that the Authority’s review shall constitute a Significant Code Review;

(b) the start date of the Significant Code Review; and

(c) a description of the matters for consideration within the scope of the Significant Code Review.

5.1.3 Subject to paragraphs 5.1.3A and 5.1.4, a Significant Code Review Phase shall commence on the date specified by the Authority pursuant to paragraph 5.1.2(b) and shall be deemed to have ceased for the purposes of the Code on the date that:

(a) the NETSO raises a SCR Modification Proposal in accordance with a direction from the Authority pursuant to paragraph 5.3.1 arising from the relevant Significant Code Review;

(aa) the Authority raises a SCR Modification Proposal arising from the relevant Significant Code Review; or

(b) the Authority issues a statement to Parties to the effect that no direction in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3(a) or SCR Modification Proposal in accordance with 5.1.3(aa) will be issued;

provided that the Authority shall issue a direction pursuant to paragraph 5.3.1(a), raise a SCR Modification Proposal pursuant to 5.1.3(aa) or issue a statement pursuant to paragraphs 5.1.3(b) or 5.1.3A within twenty eight days after the Authority publishes its Significant Code Review Conclusions.

5.1.3A If the Authority issues a statement that it will continue work and/or issue a direction in accordance with paragraph 5.3B, the Significant Code Review Phase will be deemed to have ended when;

(a) the Authority issues a statement that the Significant Code Review Phase has ended;

(b) one of the circumstances in paragraphs 5.1.3(aa) or (b) occurs (irrespective of whether such circumstance occurs within twenty eight days after the Authority has published its Significant Code Review Conclusions); or

(c) the Authority makes a decision consenting or otherwise to the modification of the BSC following the Panel’s submission of its report under paragraph 5.3A.

5.1.4 Unless the Authority issues a statement in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3A, if any of the Authority’s direction described in paragraphs 5.3.1(a), a SCR Modification Proposal as described in paragraph 5.1.3(aa) or the Authority’s statement described in paragraph 5.1.3(b) are not issued within twenty eight days after the date on which the Authority publishes its Significant Code Review Conclusions then, for the purposes of the Code, a Significant Code Review Phase shall be deemed to have ended on the twenty ninth day after publication of the Significant Code Review Conclusions.

5.2 Modifications raised during a Significant Code Review Phase

5.2.1 The Authority may notify the Panel at any time of its determination that a Proposed Modification raised during a Significant Code Review Phase is exempt from the Significant Code Review (a "SCR Exempt Modification Proposal").

5.2.2 Unless the Authority issues a notification pursuant to paragraph 5.2.1 the Panel shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after a Modification Proposal is raised during a Significant Code Review Phase, conduct a SCR Suitability Assessment of the relevant Modification Proposal and submit a SCR Suitability Assessment Report to the Authority which shall include the Panel’s assessment of:

(a) whether such Modification Proposal falls within the scope of a Significant Code Review and its reasons for that assessment;

(b) whether such Modification Proposal is a SCR Modification Proposal; and

(c) any other matters which the Panel considers to be relevant including the urgency or otherwise of the Modification Proposal.

5.2.3 For the purposes of a SCR Suitability Assessment, the Panel may invite representations from Parties or conduct a consultation with such of those persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) as it deems fit in its absolute discretion provided that any associated SCR Suitability Assessment Report shall contain such representations or consultation responses (as the case may be).

5.2.4 Following receipt of a SCR Suitability Assessment Report the Authority may notify the Panel of its determination of whether the relevant Modification Proposal falls within the scope of a relevant Significant Code Review.

5.2.5 Subject to paragraph 5.2.6 but without prejudice to paragraph 2.1.12, a Modification Proposal raised during a Significant Code Review Phase shall proceed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section F until and unless the Authority notifies the Panel of its determination that such Modification Proposal falls within the scope of a Significant Code Review (a "SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal") whereupon the Panel shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, notify those persons listed at paragraph 2.1.10(a) and the Proposer that such SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal shall not proceed further in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section F until the relevant Significant Code Review Phase has ended in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3.

5.2.6 Without prejudice to paragraph 5.2.10, the Authority may notify the Panel that, notwithstanding its determination that a Modification Proposal falls within the scope of the relevant Significant Code Review, having considered all the relevant circumstances including the urgency of the subject matter of the Modification Proposal, such Modification Proposal may proceed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section F.

5.2.7 Subject to paragraph 5.2.9, for the avoidance of doubt, if the Authority determines that a Proposed Modification is a SCR Exempt Modification Proposal then for the purposes of the Code any associated Alternative Proposal shall be treated as a SCR Exempt Modification Proposal.

5.2.8 At any time prior to the submission of a Modification Report in respect of a SCR Exempt Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.7.6, the Authority may direct that the Panel re-submit a SCR Suitability Assessment Report in respect of that SCR Exempt Modification Proposal and/or any associated Alternative Proposal, provided that until and unless the Authority makes a determination in accordance with paragraph 5.2.9 such SCR Exempt Modification Proposal and/or any associated Alternative Proposal shall proceed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Section F.

5.2.9 Following the receipt of a SCR Suitability Assessment Report pursuant to paragraph 5.2.8, if the Authority notifies the Panel of its determination that the relevant Proposed Modification and/or any associated Alternative Modification shall be treated as a SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal for the purposes of the Code then such Modification Proposal shall not proceed further until the relevant Significant Code Review Phase has ended in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3 and the Modification Secretary shall notify the Authority’s determination pursuant to this paragraph 5.2.9 to those persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a).

5.2.10 The provisions of paragraph 2.9 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal as if:

(a) references to a "proposal" and a "Modification Proposal" were references to a "SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal";

(b) references to BSCCo and/or the NETSO were removed in paragraphs 2.9.1 and 2.9.2, such that the right to make a recommendation to the Panel to treat a SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal as an Urgent Modification Proposal were limited to the Proposer; and

(c) the Proposer were obliged to provide reasons for any recommendation to the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.9.1.

5.2.11 For the avoidance of doubt, if the Authority consents to treat a SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal as an Urgent Modification Proposal it shall cease to be treated as a SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal for the purposes of the Code and shall proceed in accordance with paragraph 2.9.

5.3 Significant Code Review Modifications

5.3.1 The Authority may direct the NETSO to raise a SCR Modification Proposal and:

(a) the NETSO shall comply with the Authority’s direction (including any timetable relating thereto);

(b) the NETSO and/or the Panel shall not withdraw the SCR Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraphs 2.1.12 and 2.1.12A respectively without the prior consent of the Authority;

(c) the SCR Modification Proposal shall not be amalgamated with any other Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.3 or otherwise without the prior consent of the Authority; and

(d) the Authority’s Significant Code Review Conclusions (if any) or direction in respect of the SCR Modification Proposal shall not fetter the views of the relevant Workgroup, the voting rights of the Panel or the recommendation of the Modification Report in respect of such SCR Modification Proposal.

5.3.1A The Authority may raise a SCR Modification Proposal and:

(a) the Panel shall not withdraw the SCR Modification Proposal pursuant to paragraphs 2.1.12A without the prior consent of the Authority;

(b) the SCR Modification Proposal shall not be amalgamated with any other Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.3 or otherwise without the prior consent of the Authority; and

(c) the Authority’s Significant Code Review Conclusions (if any) or direction in respect of the SCR Modification Proposal shall not fetter the views of the relevant Workgroup, the voting rights of the Panel or the recommendation of the Modification Report in respect of such SCR Modification Proposal.

5.3.2 The Panel shall not refuse to accept a SCR Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.1.4 or otherwise.

5.3.3 If, pursuant to paragraphs 5.3.1(b) and 5.3.1A(a), the Authority consents to the withdrawal of a SCR Modification Proposal, the provisions of paragraph 2.1.12B shall apply to such SCR Modification Proposal.

5.3A Authority Led SCR Modification

5.3A.1 Where the Authority has issued a statement in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3A and/or a Backstop Direction in accordance with paragraph 5.3B.1, the Authority may submit an Authority Led SCR Modification Proposal for an Authority Led SCR Modification directly to the Panel.

5.3A.2 In response to an Authority Led SCR Modification Proposal the Panel shall prepare an Authority Led SCR Modification Report which shall include;

(a) an evaluation of the proposed Authority Led SCR Modification; and

(b) an assessment of the extent to which the proposed Authority Led SCR Modification would better facilitate achievement of the applicable BSC objective(s); and

(c) a detailed explanation of the Panel’s reasons for that assessment (such assessment to include, where the impact is likely to be material, an assessment of the proposal on greenhouse gas emissions, to be conducted in accordance with such guidance on the treatment of carbon costs and evaluation of the greenhouse gas emissions as may be issued by the Authority from time to time); and

(d) a timetable for implementation of the Authority Led SCR Modification, including the date with effect from which such modification could take effect.

5.3A.3 The Authority Led SCR Modification Report shall be submitted to the Authority as soon after the SCR Modification Proposal is submitted for evaluation as is appropriate (taking into account the complexity, importance and urgency of the modification).

5.3A.4 The Authority can require the revision and re-submission of the Authority Led SCR Modification Report in accordance with paragraph 2.7A.1;

5.3A.5 The timetable referred to in paragraph 5.3A.2(d) for implementation of any modification shall be set by the Authority under paragraph 5.3A.1 or where no timetable has been issued by the Authority under paragraph 5.3A.1, the timetable shall be such as will enable the modification to take effect as soon as practicable, account being taken of the complexity, importance and urgency of the modification with the Authority having discretion to change the timetable.

5.3A.6 The timetable for the completion of the procedural steps for a Authority Led SCR Modification, as outlined in paragraphs 5.3A.2, 5.3A.3 and 5.3A.4, shall be set by the Authority in its sole discretion.

5.3A.7 Subject to paragraph 5.3A.6 the Panel may conduct such consultation with Parties and interested third parties as it considers necessary.

5.3A.8 The Significant Code Review Conclusions and Authority Led SCR Modification Proposal shall not fetter the voting rights of the Panel or the recommendation procedures informing the report described at paragraph 5.3A.2.

5.3B Backstop Direction

5.3B.1 Where a SCR Modification Proposal has been made in accordance with paragraph 5.3.1 or 5.3.1A and it falls within the scope of paragraph 2.1.1(h), the Authority may issue a direction (a "Backstop Direction"), which requires such proposal(s) and any alternatives to be withdrawn and which causes the Significant Code Review phase to recommence. Paragraph 2.1.12B shall not apply when a Backstop Direction is issued.

5.4 Modifications raised prior to a Significant Code Review

5.4.1 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.1.12(a), the Proposer of a Modification Proposal raised prior to a Significant Code Review may at any time prior to completion of the Workgroup’s report prepared in accordance with paragraph 2.6.4, request that the Panel suspend progress of such Modification Proposal until the relevant Significant Code Review ceases in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3.

5.4.2 The Proposer shall specify the reasons for a request submitted in accordance with paragraph 5.4.1.

5.4.3 If the Panel is satisfied that a Modification Proposal should be suspended pursuant to paragraph 5.4.1 ("a SCR Suspended Modification Proposal"), the Modification Secretary shall notify those persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a).

5.4.4 Upon cessation of the relevant Significant Code Review in accordance with paragraph 5.1.3, the Panel shall, subject to paragraph 2.2.9, revise the timetable for completion of the Definition Procedure and/or Assessment Procedure (as the case may be) relating to a SCR Suspended Modification Proposal taking into account the period of suspension.

5.4.5 For the avoidance of doubt, a period of suspension in respect of a SCR Suspended Modification Proposal shall not be treated as a period of extension of the timetable for the purposes of paragraph 2.2.9.


6.1 Determination of Self-Governance

6.1.1 A Modification Proposal shall be treated as suitable for the self-governance route ("a Self-Governance Modification Proposal") where:

(a) subject to paragraphs 6.1.2, 6.1.3 and 6.1.4, the Panel has submitted (and not withdrawn) a Self–Governance Statement to the Authority in respect of such Modification Proposal; or

(b) the Authority notifies the Panel of its determination that such Modification Proposal satisfies the Self-Governance Criteria and is suitable for the self-governance route.

6.1.2 The Panel may conduct a consultation of the relevant persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) prior to submitting a Self-Governance Statement to the Authority but where it does so, it shall unless otherwise directed by the Authority, submit copies of all consultation responses received to the Authority at least seven days prior to the date it intends to make any determination in accordance with paragraph 6.1.3.

6.1.3 Subject to paragraph 6.1.4, the Panel may determine no earlier than seven days after submitting the consultation responses to the Authority in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2 whether or not a Proposed Self-Governance Modification or any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification better facilitates the achievement of the Applicable BSC Objectives when compared to the existing provisions of the Code.

6.1.4 Where paragraph 6.1.1(a) applies, the Panel may determine a Self-Governance Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 6.1.3 until and unless the Authority directs the Panel that such Modification Proposal does not satisfy the Self-Governance Criteria and is not suitable for self-governance provided that such direction occurs no later than any relevant determination by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 6.1.3.

6.1.5 For the avoidance of doubt, if a Modification Proposal is not suitable for self-governance in accordance with paragraph 6.1.1 or as otherwise determined by the Authority, it shall be processed as further provided in paragraph 2 of this Section F.

6.1.6 For the avoidance of doubt (but subject always to the provisions of this paragraph 6) the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Section F shall apply mutatis mutandis to a Self-Governance Modification Proposal as if:

(a) references to a "Proposed Modification" were references to a "Proposed Self-Governance Modification";

(b) references to a "Alternative Modification" were references to a "Alternative Self-Governance Modification"; and

(c) references to a "Modification Report" were references to a "Self-Governance Modification Report".

6.1.7 A Self-Governance Statement shall, wherever possible, include the Panel’s proposed date for the Panel’s determination of a relevant Self-Governance Modification Proposal, provided that without prejudice to the foregoing the Modification Secretary shall notify the Authority as soon as reasonably practicable of the proposed date where it is not stated in the Self-Governance Statement or any revisions to such proposed date.

6.2 Withdrawal of a Self-Governance Statement

6.2.1 The Panel may, prior to making its determination pursuant to paragraph 6.1.3, withdraw an associated Self-Governance Statement provided that it notifies those persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) of its decision and the reasons in respect thereof, and subject to any determination of the Authority pursuant to paragraph 6.1.1(b), such Modification Proposal shall be processed as further provided in paragraph 2 of this Section F.

6.3 Implementation of a Self-Governance Modification Proposal

6.3.1 Within the same day as the Panel determines whether or not the Proposed Self-Governance Modification or any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification should be implemented in accordance with paragraph 6.1.3, the Modification Secretary shall notify the Authority, the NETSO, each of the persons referred to in paragraph 1.9.3 and each Party of the Panel’s determination.

6.3.2 Within three Business Days after the notification pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1, the Modification Secretary shall finalise the relevant Self-Governance Modification Report and shall forthwith:

(a) submit such Self-Governance Modification Report to the Authority and the NETSO; and

(b) copy such Self-Governance Modification Report to:

(i) each Party; and

(ii) each Panel Member; and

(iii) each of the persons referred to in paragraph 1.9.3.

6.3.3 Subject always to paragraph 6.4, following receipt of a Self-Governance Modification Report pursuant to paragraph 6.3.2(a), the NETSO shall serve a notice of modification on the Modification Secretary signed by the NETSO in accordance with the determination of the Panel set out in the relevant Self-Governance Modification Report and furthermore:

(a) the Code shall (if applicable) be modified in accordance with the terms of such notice; and

(b) the Modification Secretary shall send a copy of such notice to all the persons listed in paragraph 1.1.2(b).

6.3.4 The Self-Governance Modification Report shall not specify a Self-Governance Implementation Date (if any) earlier than sixteen Business Days after the Panel’s determination pursuant to paragraph 6.1.3.

6.4 Appeal relating to the Panel’s determination of a Self-Governance Modification Proposal

6.4.1 The Panel’s determination in relation to a Proposed Self-Governance Modification or any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification shall be implemented in accordance with paragraph 6.3.3 unless an appeal is notified by any of the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) to the Authority and the Panel in accordance with paragraphs 6.4.2 and 6.4.10 no later than fifteen Business Days after the relevant Panel determination was notified to Parties pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1.

6.4.2 Subject to paragraph 6.4.2A, any of the persons listed in paragraph 2.1.10(a) (an "appealing party") may raise an appeal in relation to a determination of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1 upon the basis that:

(a) the appealing party is, or is likely to be, unfairly prejudiced by the implementation or non-implementation of a Self-Governance Modification Proposal;

(b) in the case of an Approved Self-Governance Modification Proposal, the Proposed Self-Governance Modification or an associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification (if any) does not better facilitate the achievement of one or more of the Applicable BSC Objectives; or

(c) in the case of a Rejected Self-Governance Modification Proposal, the Proposed Self-Governance Modification or an associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification (if any) better facilitates the achievement of one or more of the Applicable BSC Objectives.

6.4.2A The Secretary of State, a CFD Settlement Services Provider and a CM Settlement Services Provider shall not be entitled to raise an appeal under paragraph 6.4.2.

6.4.3 Where an appeal is raised in relation to a determination of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1 the Authority may:

(a) refuse permission to appeal where:

(i) the appeal does not comply with paragraphs 6.4.1; and/or

(ii) none of the grounds set out in paragraph 6.4.2 have been specified by the appealing party as the basis for their appeal; or

(iii) in the opinion of the Authority the appeal has been brought for reasons which are trivial, vexatious or have no reasonable prospect of success; or

(b) where permission to appeal has not been refused pursuant to paragraph 6.4.3(a), consider the appeal and:

(i) reject the appeal where, in the opinion of the Authority, the criterion set out in paragraph 6.4.2(a) has not been satisfied and/or the determination of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1 was correct; or

(ii) subject to paragraph 6.4.5, uphold the appeal where, in the opinion of the Authority, at least one of the criteria for appeal set out in paragraph 6.4.2 are satisfied.

6.4.4 If permission to appeal is refused in accordance with paragraph 6.4.3(a) or an appeal is rejected in accordance with paragraph 6.4.3(b)(i), the Panel’s determination pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1 shall be implemented and (if applicable) the Code shall be modified in accordance with paragraph 6.3.3(a).

6.4.5 Without prejudice to paragraph 6.4.9, where the Authority upholds an appeal in accordance with paragraph 6.4.3(b)(ii), it shall:

(a) quash the relevant Panel determination appealed against and determine whether or not the relevant Proposed Self-Governance Modification and any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification should be implemented, provided that in such event the relevant Panel determination appealed against shall, for the purposes of the Code, be treated as a Modification Report containing a recommendation of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.7.7; or

(b) remit the Proposed Self-Governance Modification and any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification back to the Panel for re-consideration and a further determination by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 6.1.3.

6.4.6 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 6.3, a Proposed Self-Governance Modification and any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification shall not be implemented pending the outcome of any appeal in respect of that Self-Governance Modification Proposal.

6.4.7 For the avoidance of doubt, if the Authority upholds an appeal in accordance with paragraph 6.4.3(b)(ii) and makes a determination in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5(a), the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Section F shall apply to the relevant Modification Proposal.

6.4.8 For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of paragraphs 6.3 and 6.4 shall apply to any further determination of the Panel made pursuant to a remittal by the Authority in accordance with paragraph 6.4.5(b).

6.4.9 For the avoidance of doubt, the Panel shall comply with any decision or direction of the Authority arising from an appeal under this paragraph 6.4, including the provision of additional analysis or information.

6.4.10 A notice of appeal issued pursuant to paragraph 6.4.1 shall specify:

(a) the basis for the appeal in accordance with paragraph 6.4.2; and

(b) the reasons for the appeal.


7.1 Determination of Fast Track Self-Governance

7.1.1 A Modification Proposal shall be treated as suitable for the fast track self-governance route (a "Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal") where the Panel determines by unanimous vote that a Modification Proposal meets all of the Fast Track Self-Governance Criteria.

7.2 Implementation of Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposals

7.2.1 A Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal shall only be implemented pursuant to paragraph 7 where:

(a) the Panel has unanimously determined that the Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal should be implemented; and

(b) no objections have been received pursuant to paragraph 7.3.

7.2.2 Within one Business Day after the Panel has made its determination under paragraph 7.2.1, the Modification Secretary shall send the Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Report to the Authority, the NETSO and each Party and publish it on the BSC Website.

7.2.3 Subject always to paragraph 7.3, following receipt of a Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Report pursuant to paragraph 7.2.2, the NETSO shall serve a notice of modification on the Modification Secretary signed by the NETSO in accordance with the determination of the Panel set out in the relevant Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Report and:

(a) the Code shall be modified in accordance with the terms of such notice; and

(b) the Modification Secretary shall send a copy of such notice to all the persons listed in paragraph 1.1.2(b).

7.2.4 The Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Report shall not specify a Fast Track Self-Governance Implementation Date (if any) earlier than sixteen Business Days after the date of the notice under paragraph 7.2.2.

7.3 Objections to Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposals

7.3.1 The Panel’s determination in relation to a Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal shall be implemented in accordance with paragraph 7.2.3 unless an objection is raised in accordance with paragraph 7.3.2.

7.3.2 Any of the persons specified in paragraph 7.2.2 may raise an objection to a determination of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1 or 7.2.1 by:

(a) notifying the Modification Secretary of the objection no later than fifteen Business Days after the date of the notice sent under paragraph 7.2.2; and

(b) including in such objection notice an explanation of why the objecting person objects to the Modification Proposal including, where applicable, rationale for why the Modification Proposal does not satisfy all of the Fast Track Self-Governance Criteria.

7.3.3 Within one Business Day of receiving an objection notice the Modification Secretary shall notify each of the persons specified in paragraph 1.1.2 (b) that an objection has been raised in respect of that Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal.

7.3.4 Where an objection is raised pursuant to paragraph 7.3 the Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal shall not be implemented under paragraph 7 and the Panel shall:

(a) determine that such Modification Proposal shall be progressed under paragraph 6 in which case:

(i) the Modification Proposal shall be deemed to be a Self-Governance Modification Proposal;

(ii) the Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Report shall be deemed to be a Self-Governance Statement; and

(iii) the provisions of paragraphs 6.3, 6.4 and (subject always to the provisions of paragraph 6) 2.7 shall apply in respect of that Modification Proposal; or

(b) determine that such Modification Proposal shall be progressed as further provided in paragraph 2.7 of this Section F; or

(c) determine that such Modification Proposal shall be progressed as further provided in paragraph 2.6 of this Section F.

7.3.5 Before making a determination in accordance with paragraphs 7.3.4(a) or 7.3.4(b) the Panel shall first make a determination as to whether the Modification Proposal better facilitates the achievement of the Applicable BSC objectives when compared with the existing provisions of the Code.


8.1 Authority Raised Modification Proposals

8.1.1 Where a Modification Proposal has been raised pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1(g), the Panel shall comply with any direction(s) issued by the Authority in respect of that Modification Proposal setting and/or amending a timetable for the;

(a) completion of each stage of the Modification Procedure; and/or

(b) implementation of the modification.

8.2 Authority Directed Modification Proposals

8.2.1 Subject to paragraph 5.3, the Authority may direct the NETSO to raise a Modification Proposal only in relation to modifications which the Authority reasonably considers are necessary to comply with or implement the Electricity Regulation and/or any relevant legally binding decisions of the European Commission and/or the Agency, but a binding decision does not include a decision that is not, or so much of a decision that is not, Assimilated Law.

8.2.2 The NETSO and the Panel shall comply with any direction(s) issued by the Authority in accordance with paragraph 8.2.1:

(a) requiring the NETSO to raise a modification proposal; and/or

(b) setting or amending a timetable for the:

(i) completion of each of the proposal steps; and/or

(ii) implementation of a modification.

8.3 Acceptance of Authority Raised or Directed Modification Proposals

8.3.1 The Panel shall not refuse to accept such a Modification Proposal which has been raised pursuant to paragraphs 8.1 or 8.2 whether in accordance with paragraph 2.1.4 or otherwise.

8.4 Withdrawal of Authority Raised or Directed Modification Proposals

8.4.1 Modification Proposals raised or directed by the Authority in accordance with paragraphs 8.1 or 8.2 shall not be withdrawn by the NETSO and/or the Panel pursuant to paragraphs 2.1.12 and 2.1.12A respectively without the prior consent of the Authority.

8.4.2 If, pursuant to paragraph 8.4.1, the Authority consents to the withdrawal of a Modification Proposal, the provisions of paragraph 2.1.12B shall apply to such Modification Proposal.

8.5 Amalgamation of Authority Raised or Directed Modification Proposals

8.5.1 The Modification Proposal which has been raised pursuant to paragraph 8.1 or 8.2 shall not be amalgamated with any other Modification Proposal in accordance with paragraph 2.3 or otherwise without the prior consent of the Authority.

8.6 Non-Fettering of Voting Rights

8.6.1 In respect of any Modification Proposal which has been raised pursuant to paragraph 8.1 or 8.2 the views of the relevant Workgroup, the voting rights of the Panel or the recommendation of the Panel in respect of such Modification Proposal shall not be fettered or restricted notwithstanding that such Modification Proposal has been so raised under paragraph 8.1 or 8.2.



1. The matters referred to in Section F2.6.4 are (to the extent applicable to the proposal in question):

(a) a description of the Proposed Modification including the details of, and the rationale for, any variations made (or, as the case may be, omitted) by the Proposer together with the views of the Workgroup, and an analysis of and the views and rationale of the Workgroup as to whether (and, if so, to what extent) the Proposed Modification would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s);

(b) a description and analysis of any Alternative Modification developed by the Workgroup which, as compared with the Proposed Modification, would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) and the views and rationale of the Group in respect thereof;

(c) an assessment or estimate (as the case may be) of:

(i) the impact of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification on BSC Systems;

(ii) any changes and/or developments which would be required to BSC Systems in order to give effect to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(iii) the total development and capital costs of making the changes and/or delivering the developments referred to in paragraph (ii);

(iv) the time period required for the design, build and delivery of the changes and/or developments referred to in paragraph (ii);

(v) the increase or decrease in the payments due under the BSC Agent Contracts in consequence of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(vi) the additional payments (if different from those referred to in paragraph (v)) due in connection with the operation and maintenance of the changes and/or developments to BSC Systems as a result of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(vii) any other costs or liabilities associated with BSC Systems attributable to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(d) an assessment of:

(i) the impact of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification on the Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code and an indication of potential inconsistencies the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification have with the Capacity Market Documents and/or the CFD Documents;

(ii) the changes which would be required to the Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code in order to give effect to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(iii) the mechanism and likely timescale for the making of the changes referred to in paragraph (ii);

(iv) the changes and/or developments which would be required to central computer systems and processes used in connection with the operation of arrangements established under the Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code and/or the Capacity Market Documents and/or the CFD Documents;

(v) the mechanism and likely timescale for the making of the changes referred to in paragraph (iv);

(vi) an estimate of the costs associated with making and delivering the changes referred to in paragraphs (ii) and (iv);

(vii) any potential inconsistencies the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification have with the CFD Arrangements and/or the CM Arrangements;

(viii) whether (and the extent to which) the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification seeks to amend the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions;

(ix) where a Proposed Modification or any Alternative Modification includes an amendment to the Article 18 Terms and Conditions, the expected impact on the EBGL Objectives,

together with a summary of representations in relation to such matters;

(e) an assessment of:

(i) the likely increase or decrease in BSC Costs (to the extent not already taken into account in paragraph (c) above) in consequence of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(ii) the changes required to Systems and processes of BSCCo in order to give effect to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification; and

(iii) the BSC Costs which are expected to be attributable to the implementation of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification, to the extent not taken into account under any other provision of this Annex F-1;

(f) to the extent such information is available to the Workgroup, an assessment of the impact of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification on Parties in general (or classes of Parties in general) and Party Agents in general, including the changes which are likely to be required to their internal systems and processes and an estimate of the development, capital and operating costs associated with implementing the changes to the Code and to Core Industry Documents and/or the System Operator-Transmission Owner Code;

(g) an assessment of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification in the context of the statutory, regulatory and contractual framework within which the Code sits (taking account of relevant utilities, competition and financial services legislation);

(h) a summary of the representations (pursuant to Section F2.2.6 or Section F2.6.5(b)) made by Parties and interested third parties during the consultation undertaken in respect of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification and the views and comments of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(i) a summary of the analysis and impact assessment prepared by the NETSO pursuant to Section F 2.6.6or Section F2.8.1A and, where the Modification Proposal has been subject to the Assessment Procedure, the views and comments of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(j) a summary of the impact assessment prepared by relevant BSC Agents and the views and comments of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(k) a summary of any impact assessment prepared by Core Industry Document Owners and/or the STC Committee, and a summary of any impact assessment prepared by:

(i) the Secretary of State, the CM Settlement Body and/or a CM Settlement Services Provider in relation to the Capacity Market Rules;

(ii) the Secretary of State in relation to the Capacity Market Documents;

(iii) the Secretary of State, any CfD Counterparty and/or any CFD Settlement Services Provider in relation to the AF Rules;

(iv) the Secretary of State in respect of the CFD Documents; or

(v) the DIP Manager in relation to the DIP Rules;and the views and comments of the Workgroup in respect thereof;

(l) a copy of the terms of reference and any report or analysis of external consultants or advisers engaged in respect thereof;

(m) a list of the key assumptions which the Workgroup has made in formulating its views;

(n) any other matters required by the terms of reference of such Workgroup;

(o) any other matters which the Workgroup consider should properly be brought to the attention of the Panel to assist the Panel in forming a view as to whether the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s) including an assessment, conducted in accordance with Section F2.6.2A, of the quantifiable impact of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification on greenhouse gas emissions where such impact is likely to be material;

(p) subject to Section F2.6.8 and Section F2.6.9F, the proposed text to modify the Code in order to give effect to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification, together with a commentary setting out the nature and effect of such text and of other areas of the Code which would be affected by the changes;

(q) subject to Section F2.11.20, the Workgroup's proposed Implementation Date(s) for implementation (subject to the consent of the Authority) of the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification;

(r) an executive summary of the project brief prepared by BSCCo pursuant toSection F2.6.6(e);

(s) a recommendation (where applicable) as to whether, if the Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification is approved, Settlement Runs and Volume Allocation Runs carried out after the Implementation Date of such Approved Modification in respect of Settlement Days prior to that date should be carried out taking account of such Approved Modification or not;

(t) the proposed text (if any) to modify the Memorandum and Articles of Association of BSCCo and/or the BSC Clearer in order to give effect to the Proposed Modification and any Alternative Modification, together with a commentary setting out the nature and effect of such text and of other areas of the Memorandum and Articles of Association and/or the Code which would be affected by the changes; and

(u) a summary of any changes which would be required to Code Subsidiary Documents as a consequence of such Proposed Modification or Alternative Modification.


This table identifies those Sections or parts of the Code that constitute EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions.

The mapping, for the purposes of Article 18 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing, of the terms and conditions for balancing services providers and balancing responsible parties to the GB framework (comprising the Code, the Grid Code, the CUSC and the Standard Contract Terms) was approved by the Authority on 8th October 2019. The rules for suspension and restoration of market activities (pursuant to Article 36 of the Network Code on Electricity Emergency and Restoration) and the rules for settlement in case of market suspension (pursuant to Article 39 of the Network Code on Electricity Emergency and Restoration) were approved by the Authority on 11th June 2021 (and are incorporated in the mapping below in respect of Article 18.2).



BSC Section


The terms and conditions pursuant to paragraph 1 shall also include the rules for suspension and restoration of market activities pursuant to Article 36 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2196 and rules for settlement in case of market suspension pursuant to Article 39 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2196 once approved in accordance with Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2196.

G3, P1.6, P5, Q4.3.4, Q5.4, Q5A and T1.7


The terms and conditions for balancing service providers shall:


define reasonable and justified requirements for the provisions of balancing services;

A, H3, H4.2, H4.7, H4.8, H5.5, H6, H10, J3.3, J3.6, J3.7 and J3.8


allow the aggregation of demand facilities, energy storage facilities and power generating facilities in a scheduling area to offer balancing services subject to conditions referred to in paragraph 5 (c);

K3.3, K8, S6.2, S6.3, S11, S12, S13 and S14


allow demand facility owners, third parties and owners of power generating facilities from conventional and renewable energy sources as well as owners of energy storage units to become balancing service providers;

K3.2, K3.3, K8


require that each balancing energy bid from a balancing service provider is assigned to one or more balance responsible parties to enable the calculation of an imbalance adjustment pursuant to Article 49.

T4, Q7.2, Q6.4


The terms and conditions for balancing service providers shall contain:


the rules for the qualification process to become a balancing service provider pursuant to Article 16;

J3.3, J3.6, J3.7, J3.8, K3.2, K3.3 and K8


the rules and conditions for the aggregation of demand facilities, energy storage facilities and power generating facilities in a scheduling area to become a balancing service provider;

K3.3 and K8


the requirements on data and information to be delivered to the connecting TSO and, where relevant, to the reserve connecting DSO during the prequalification process and operation of the balancing market;



the rules and conditions for the assignment of each balancing energy bid from a balancing service provider to one or more balance responsible parties pursuant to paragraph 4 (d);



the rules for the determination of the volume of balancing energy to be settled with the balancing service provider pursuant to Article 45;



the rules for the settlement of balancing service providers defined pursuant to Chapters 2 and 5 of Title V;

T1.14, T3 and U


a maximum period for the finalisation of the settlement of balancing energy with a balancing service provider in accordance with Article 45, for any given imbalance settlement period;



the consequences in case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions applicable to balancing service providers.

H3, Z7 and A5.2


The terms and conditions for balance responsible parties shall contain:



the definition of balance responsibility for each connection in a way that avoids any gaps or overlaps in the balance responsibility of different market participants providing services to that connection;

K1.2, P3 and T4.5


the requirements for becoming a balance responsible party;

A, H3, H4.2, H4.7, H4.8, H5.5, H6, H10, J3.3, J3.6, J3.7, J3.8, K2, K3.3 and K8


the requirement that all balance responsible parties shall be financially responsible for their imbalances, and that the imbalances shall be settled with the connecting TSO;

N2, N6, N8, N12, and T4,


the requirements on data and information to be delivered to the connecting TSO to calculate the imbalances;

O, Q3, Q5.3, Q5.6, Q6.2, Q6.3, Q6.4


the rules for balance responsible parties to change their schedules prior to and after the intraday energy gate closure time pursuant to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article 17;



the rules for the settlement of balance responsible parties defined pursuant to Chapter 4 of Title V;

T4, U2


the delineation of an imbalance area pursuant to Article 54(2) and an imbalance price area;

GB constitutes one imbalance area and imbalance price area and they are equal to the synchronous area


a maximum period for the finalisation of the settlement of imbalances with balance responsible parties for any given imbalance settlement period pursuant to Article 54;



the consequences in case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions applicable to balance responsible parties;

H3, Z7 and A5.2


an obligation for balance responsible parties to submit to the connecting TSO any modifications of the position;



the settlement rules pursuant to Articles 52, 53, 54 and 55;

T4, U2


Section F

Version 40.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


























P431 Self Governance




P422 Self Governance












P394 Self-Governance




P386 Self-Governance

























Secretary of State








Secretary of State







P301 Fast Track Self Governance




















































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Provisions in Code

1.1.1 This Section G sets out or refers to provisions of the Code which are to apply in certain contingencies, and related provisions.

1.1.2 The following provisions of the Code address the possibility of certain emergencies and other unusual or unexpected events of various kinds:

(a) Section P5, which addresses circumstances in which the ECVAA may be unable to receive Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications;

(b) Section Q7, which addresses the possibility of manifest errors in the submission or acceptance of Bids and Offers;

(c) Section Q8, which addresses circumstances in which the NETSO may be unable to receive Physical Notifications;

(d) paragraph 3, which addresses System Restoration Periods; and

(e) paragraph 4, which applies where the Secretary of State exercises certain emergency powers.

1.1.3 For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 1.1.2 is not intended to be an exclusive list of provisions of the Code which address failures or delays or other abnormalities in the implementation of the Code.

1.1.4 The provisions of the Code referred to in paragraph 1.1.2 are "Contingency Provisions".

1.1.5 Paragraph 5 sets out arrangements for giving effect to the recovery of Exceptional Costs pursuant to the Fuel Security Code.

1.1.6 Paragraph 6 sets out arrangements for validating that Trading Charges relating to Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptances are consistent with the Network Gas Supply Emergency Adjustment Principles, and where appropriate amending data relating to those Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptances better to reflect those principles.

1.2 Exclusion of reconciliation

1.2.1 Where, pursuant to any Contingency Provision, any entitlement or liability by way of Ad-hoc Trading Charge is to be determined in relation to any Settlement Day:

(a) the amount of such Ad-hoc Trading Charge shall be determined on the basis of data derived from the Initial Settlement Run (or if any Reconciliation Settlement Run has already been carried out at the time at which the amount of such charge is to be determined, the latest such Reconciliation Settlement Run);

(b) unless the Panel expressly otherwise decides, no adjustment or reconciliation shall be made in the determination of such Ad-hoc Trading Charge upon or as a result of the later carrying out of any Reconciliation Settlement Run or other adjustment of any such data;

(c) the Ad-hoc Trading Charge itself will have arisen outside any Settlement Run and accordingly shall be excluded from account (in both paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section N6.4) by the FAA in carrying out any reconciliation under that Section.

1.3 Party Daily Reallocation Proportions

1.3.1 For the purposes of the Code, in relation to any Trading Party and any Settlement Day, the "Party Daily Reallocation Proportion" is the proportion determined as:


where Σp represents the sum over all Trading Parties.

1.3.2 It is acknowledged that in certain circumstances the value of Party Daily Reallocation Proportion for a Trading Party might be negative, in which case any reference (in any Contingency Provision) to a liability of that Trading Party as to its Party Daily Reallocation Proportion of any amount shall be construed as an entitlement.

1.3.3 In accordance with paragraph 1.2.1, in the application of any Contingency Provision the Party Daily Reallocation Proportions shall be determined by reference to values of Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow determined in the Settlement Run (excluding the Interim Information Settlement Run) last carried out for the relevant Settlement Day before such proportions are to be determined, and shall not (unless the Panel decides otherwise) subsequently be revised.

1.4 Application of Contingency Provisions

1.4.1 For the avoidance of doubt, the Contingency Provisions shall apply (in accordance with their terms) only in relation to Settlement Periods commencing on or after the Go-live Date, but an event or circumstance giving rise to the application or operation of such provisions may occur or prevail before or on or after the Go-live Date.

1.5 Review of emergency arrangements

1.5.1 If at any time the Secretary of State announces an intention to carry out a review of arrangements which apply or may apply in anticipation of or following the exercise of any of the Secretary of State’s powers under Sections 34 and 35 of the Act, Section 96 of the Act, and sections 1 to 4 of the Energy Act 1976 (including the arrangements provided for in the Fuel Security Code) the provisions of this paragraph 1.5 shall apply.

1.5.2 BSCCo shall participate (as and to the extent requested by or on behalf of the Secretary of State) in any review of the type referred to in paragraph 1.5.1.

1.5.3 Following any review of the type referred to in paragraph 1.5.1 (or during such review if so requested by the Secretary of State), the Panel shall propose a modification of the Code (including the provisions in paragraph 4) which in the opinion of the Panel, on the recommendation of BSCCo, and after consultation with the Secretary of State and the Authority, is appropriate to support and/or to reflect any modifications of the arrangements referred to in that paragraph (including any modifications of the Fuel Security Code), or any new such arrangements, which may be made or established (by or on behalf of or at the behest of the Secretary of State) in consequence of such review.

1.5.4 Where the Panel has proposed a modification of the Code under paragraph 1.5.3, the Panel shall take steps, in consultation with the Authority, to coordinate the application (in relation to such proposal) of the procedures in Section F with other steps taken in consequence of such review for the consideration of modifications to (or establishment of) arrangements referred to in paragraph 1.5.3.


2.1 General

2.1.1 This paragraph 2 applies for the purposes of determining Avoidable Costs (which are used in the calculation of compensation claims for certain Contingency Provisions) in relation to a BM Unit and:

(a) such changes ("relevant changes") in Exports and/or Imports of that BM Unit during a Settlement Period as are specified in or determined pursuant to the relevant Contingency Provision; or

(b) where paragraph 3 (System Restoration) applies, a BM Unit that is the subject of a system restoration instruction (as defined in paragraph 3.3.1C) whether or not relevant changes occur.

2.1.2 Where any such Contingency Provision applies, the Panel shall determine, in its opinion, what is the amount of the net costs of operating the BM Unit which would not have been incurred but for:

(a) the relevant changes in Exports and/or Imports: or

(b) a system restoration instruction.

2.1.3 For the purposes of the Code, the "Avoidable Costs" shall be the amount determined by the Panel under paragraph 2.1.2 (which may for the avoidance of doubt be a negative amount, in a case where net costs were saved or revenues earned).

2.1.4 In determining what are the costs of operating a BM Unit and what such costs would not have been incurred (as provided in paragraph 2.1.2), the Panel shall have regard to the following:

(a) costs include lost revenues, and costs saved include revenues earned;

(b) in the case of a BM Unit comprising premises of a Customer, the costs which are to be counted are the costs incurred by the Customer;

(c) costs are not to be counted unless they are demonstrably:

(i) costs directly incurred in the operation of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit;

(ii) costs which were reasonably and prudently incurred, and incurred pursuant to commitments reasonably and prudently made; and

(iii) costs the amount of which would be expected to differ according to whether there occurred the relevant changes in Exports and/or Imports or changes in operation to comply with a system restoration instruction in the relevant Settlement Period alone;

(d) costs include costs (incurred or saved) of consumption of electricity or fuel;

(e) the following costs are not to be counted:

(i) costs or losses in respect of damage to property (including Plant or Apparatus) or death or injury to persons;

(ii) insurance premia; and

(iii) financing costs and overhead costs;

(f) amounts payable (other than by way of rebate of payment for supply), under any contract or otherwise, by way of compensation for loss of supply or otherwise in consequence of relevant changes in Exports and/or Imports, by the Lead Party to the person referred to in paragraph (b), are to be disregarded; and

(g) amounts payable or receivable under the Code in respect of Trading Charges or BSCCo Charges are to be disregarded. 2.2 Procedures2.2.1 Where under any Contingency Provision the amount of Avoidable Costs is to be determined for any Settlement Period or Periods:

(a) the Lead Party shall prepare, consistently with the principles in paragraphs 2.1.3 and 2.1.4, and submit to BSCCo its estimate (for each such Settlement Period) of the net costs of operating the BM Unit which would not have been incurred:

(i) but for the relevant change in Exports and/or Imports; or

(ii) but for a system restoration instruction,

together with an explanation of and supporting information for its estimate, and shall provide to the Panel such further information as the Panel may require for the purposes of making its determination under paragraph 2.1.2;

(b) if required by the Panel, the Lead Party shall, by such time as the Panel may reasonably stipulate, submit a statement signed by its (or in the case in paragraph 2.1.4(b), the Customer's) statutory auditors to the effect that the Party's estimate of such costs have been prepared on a fair, complete and reasonable basis and consistent with the principles in paragraphs 2.1.3 and 2.1.4; and

(c) BSCCo shall notify the Panel's determination under paragraph 2.1.2 to the Lead Party.

For the sake of clarity it is acknowledged that the Lead Party of a BM Unit subject to a system restoration instruction may be complying with the provisions of and providing the required information under this paragraph on its own behalf or on behalf of a Restoration Contractor owning or operating assets comprising such BM Unit. Restoration Contractor has the meaning given to it in paragraph 3.3.0.

2.2.2 If requested by the Authority, the Panel will discuss with the Authority any determination(s) to be made under paragraph 2.1.2, and will take account of any guidance from the Authority in making such determination(s); and the Panel will exclude from account (in such determination(s)) any cost, or a cost of any description, which the Authority directs the Panel to exclude.


3.1 General

3.1.1 This paragraph 3 will apply if and only if the NETSO informs Users pursuant to OC9.4 of the Grid Code that either a Total Shutdown or a Partial Shutdown exists and that the NETSO intends to implement System Restoration (the terms 'Users', 'Total Shutdown', 'Partial Shutdown', ‘System Restoration’, 'Anchor Plant', 'Top Up Restoration Plant' and 'Total System' each having, for the purposes of this paragraph 3, the meanings given thereto in the Grid Code. The term ‘Restoration Contractor’ has the meaning given to it in paragraph 3.3.0).

3.1.2 Where this paragraph 3 applies:

(a) BSCCo shall (as soon as is practicable following the NETSO’s notification under OC9.4 of the Grid Code) notify all Parties and any CM Settlement Services Provider that a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown exists and that the NETSO intends to implement System Restoration;

(b) the NETSO shall (as soon as is practicable following its notification under OC9.4 of the Grid Code) determine, in its reasonable opinion, the time and date with effect from which the Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown commenced and inform BSCCo of that time and date;

(c) BSCCo shall determine the Settlement Period that corresponds with the time and date from which the Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown commenced (as determined by the NETSO under paragraph (b));

(d) a "System Restoration Period" shall exist with effect from the start of the Settlement Period determined by BSCCo under paragraph 3.1.2(c) until either:

(i) the end of the Settlement Period immediately before the Settlement Period determined by the Panel under paragraph 3.1.8; or

(ii) the end of the Settlement Period determined by BSCCo under paragraph 3.1.9(c);

(e) BSCCo shall, as soon and so far as is practicable, notify all Parties and any CM Settlement Services Provider of the Settlement Period from which the System Restoration Period commenced;

(f) BSCCo shall, as soon and so far as is practicable, keep Parties informed of the operation of BSC Systems and, in so far as it is informed by the NETSO, of the operation of the Transmission System during a System Restoration Period; and

(g) the provisions of paragraph 3.3 shall apply in relation to all Settlement Periods which fall within a System Restoration Period.

3.1.3 Where the NETSO informs Users (pursuant to OC9.4 of the Grid Code) that a Total Shutdown exists, then:

(a) a Market Suspension Period shall exist, and the provisions of paragraphs 3.1.8 and 3.2 shall apply, with effect from the start of the Settlement Period determined by BSCCo under paragraph 3.1.2(c) until the end of the Settlement Period immediately before the Settlement Period determined by the Panel under paragraph 3.1.8; and

(b) BSCCo shall (as soon and so far as is practicable following its determination under paragraph 3.1.2(c)) notify Parties and any CM Settlement Services Provider of the Settlement Period from which the Market Suspension Period commenced.

3.1.4 Where the NETSO informs Users (pursuant to OC9.4 of the Grid Code) that a Partial Shutdown exists, then the NETSO shall, at least once every fifteen minutes from the time and date that the Partial Shutdown commenced (as determined by the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 3.1.2(b)), monitor the spot time Initial National Demand Out-Turn against its spot time National Demand forecast made day-ahead and prior to the commencement of the Partial Shutdown (the "baseline forecast") until the time at which either:

(a) the Market Suspension Threshold is met, or deemed to be met, in accordance with paragraph 3.1.5; or

(b) the NETSO determines (in accordance with paragraph 3.1.9) that the Total System has returned to normal operation.

3.1.5 Where, at any time during the Partial Shutdown:

(a) the NETSO determines, in its reasonable opinion, that the spot time Initial National Demand Out-Turn is equal to or lower than ninety five (95) percent (%) of the baseline forecast (the "Market Suspension Threshold"); or

(b) no more baseline forecast data is available to the NETSO; and

(c) seventy two hours have elapsed since the time and date that the Partial Shutdown commenced (as determined by the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 3.1.2(b));

then the Market Suspension Threshold shall be met, or in the case of paragraphs 3.1.5(b) or 3.1.5(c) shall be deemed to be met, with effect from that time and date.

3.1.6 The NETSO shall (as soon as is practicable) notify BSCCo of the time and date on which the Market Suspension Threshold was met in accordance with paragraph 3.1.5(a), or was deemed to be met in accordance with paragraph 3.1.5(b).

3.1.7 Where the Market Suspension Threshold has been met, or deemed to be met, in accordance with paragraph 3.1.5 then:

(a) BSCCo shall determine the Settlement Period that corresponds with the time and date from when the Market Suspension Threshold was met, or deemed to be met, under paragraph 3.1.5;

(b) a Market Suspension Period shall exist, and the provisions of paragraphs 3.1.8 and 3.2 shall apply, with effect from the start of the Settlement Period determined by BSCCo under paragraph 3.1.7(a) until the end of the Settlement Period immediately before the Settlement Period determined by the Panel under paragraph 3.1.8; and

(c) BSCCo shall (as soon and so far as is practicable) notify Parties and any CM Settlement Services Provider of the Settlement Period from which the Market Suspension Period commenced.

3.1.8 Where there is a Market Suspension Period under either paragraph 3.1.3 or paragraph 3.1.7, then:

(a) following the NETSO's determination (under OC9.4.7.9 of the Grid Code) of the time the Total System could return to normal operation, the Panel shall determine, after consultation with the NETSO, the Settlement Period with effect from which the provisions of paragraph 3.2 are to cease to apply, having regard to the following matters and any other matters or processes set out in the relevant BSCP:

(i) the time the Total System could return to normal operation under the Grid Code determined by the NETSO;

(ii) the desirability of a return to normal operation under the Code at the same time or as soon as practicable thereafter; and

(iii) the amount of time which (in the opinion of the Panel) it is reasonable to allow for Parties to recommence operations under or for the purposes of Sections Q and P;

(b) at any time up until one hour prior to the Settlement Period from which the provisions of paragraph 3.2 would otherwise cease to apply, the NETSO may determine (in accordance with OC9.4.7.9 of the Grid Code) that the Total System could not return to normal operation at that time;

(c) the Panel shall revise its determination under paragraph (a) if the NETSO determines under paragraph (b) that the Total System could not return to normal operation at that time; and

(d) BSCCo shall promptly notify all Parties and any CM Settlement Services Provider of the Panel's determination under paragraph (a) and, where applicable, paragraph (c).

3.1.9 Where a Partial Shutdown exists but there has been no Market Suspension Period:

(a) the NETSO shall inform BSCCo of its determination and, if applicable, any revised determination (under OC9.4.7.9 of the Grid Code) of the time the Total System could return to normal operation;

(b) the NETSO shall inform BSCCo as soon as possible of the time at which (in the NETSO’s determination) the Total System returned to normal operation; and

(c) BSCCo shall determine the Settlement Period that corresponds with the time that the Total System returned to normal operation (as determined by the NETSO under paragraph 3.1.9(b)), and shall promptly notify the Panel, Parties and any CM Settlement Services Provider of that Settlement Period.

3.2 Variation of rules

3.2.1 In relation to all Settlement Periods which fall within a Market Suspension Period:

(a) the operation of the balancing mechanism shall be suspended in accordance with Section Q5.4;

(b) Section Q8 shall not apply;

(c) the notification of contract volumes shall be suspended in accordance with Section P1.6 (and, if otherwise applicable, Section P5 shall not apply);

(d) a single imbalance cash-out price shall apply in accordance with Section T1.7;

(e) the value of Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEIpj) shall be set to zero for all Trading Parties for the purposes of Section M;

(f) the value of Metered Energy Indebtedness (MEIpj) shall be set to zero for all Trading Parties for the purposes of Section M; and

(g) the operation of the TERRE Market shall be suspended in accordance with paragraph Q5A.2.

3.2.1A In relation to all Settlement Days that fall wholly or partially within a Market Suspension Period the value of Actual Energy Indebtedness (AEIp) shall be set to zero for all Trading Parties for the purposes of Section M.

3.2.2 Where this paragraph 3.2 applies, the Panel may, after consultation with the NETSO, for the purposes of making arrangements for a return to normal operations under the Code, determine and notify Parties that:

(a) any data submitted (in accordance with Section Q2, Q3 or Q4) by Lead Parties, and/or

(b) any Volume Notifications submitted by Volume Notification Agents

during any part or parts (as specified by the Panel in such notification to Parties) of the Market Suspension Period, shall be disregarded for the purposes of the Code.

3.3 System restoration compensation

3.3.0 Restoration Contractors owning or operating assets comprising a BM Unit subject to a system restoration instruction may qualify for system restoration compensation amounts under this paragraph 3. Claims for system restoration compensation amounts shall be made by the Lead Party of the BM Unit subject to a system restoration instruction (whether such claim be for itself or on behalf of a Restoration Contractor). Where a claim is made on behalf of a Restoration Contractor, the Lead Party shall pass on any resulting compensation under the terms of the agreements and business arrangements between the Lead Party and such Restoration Contractor. Restoration Contractor has the meaning given to that term as set out in the Grid Code and may be a non-BSC Party.

3.3.1 Subject to the provisions of the Code the Lead Party of any BM Unit (whether or not comprising Plant or Apparatus which is comprised in an Anchor Plant or Top Up Restoration Plant as defined in the Grid Code) which is the subject ofa system restoration instruction as defined in paragraph 3.3.1C,

may, within the period of twenty Business Days after the end of the System Restoration Period, submit to BSCCo a claim for payment of compensation to be determined in accordance with this paragraph 3.3.

3.3.1A The Panel may approve a period longer than twenty Business Days for the submission of a claim for compensation under paragraph 3.3.1:

(a) upon application of the Lead Party within the period of twenty Business Days after the end of the System Restoration Period; or

(b) as the Panel deems appropriate in the circumstances.

3.3.1B A claim for payment of compensation submitted under paragraph 3.3.1 shall comprise:

(a) a claim, the form of which shall be prescribed under the relevant BSCP;

(b) a statement detailing the claim in accordance with paragraph 3.3.5(a); and

(c) any additional supporting material in accordance with paragraph 3.3.5(b).

3.3.1C For the purposes of this paragraph 3.3, a "system restoration instruction" is:

(a) in relation to any Settlement Period(s) which fall within both a System Restoration Period and a Market Suspension Period, an instruction given by the NETSO pursuant to OC9.4, BC2.9.2.12(e)(i) and/or BC2.9.2.2(iii) of the Grid Code; or

(b) in relation to any Settlement Period(s) which fall within a System Restoration Period but not within a Market Suspension Period, an instruction given by the NETSO pursuant to OC9.4, BC2.9.1.2(e)(i) and/or BC2.9.2.2(iv) of the Grid Code.

3.3.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.3, in relation to a Settlement Period in the System Restoration Period and a BM Unit:

(a) the "system restoration compensation amount" shall be an amount determined as:

(A - B)


A is the amount of the Avoidable Costs of the Lead Party in relation to the operation of the BM Unit as determined by the Panel under paragraphs 3.3.4(a) and 3.3.4(c);

B is an amount determined in accordance with paragraph (b) or (c);

(b) if the Settlement Period falls within a Market Suspension Period, the amount B shall be determined as:

(BSCQnij * Pnij)

where Pnij is the System Sell Price (equal, in accordance with Section T1.7.1, to the System Buy Price) for that Settlement Period;

(c) if the Settlement Period falls within a System Restoration Period but not within a Market Suspension Period, the amount B shall be determined as:

a (BSCAEInaj – BSCAEI(n-1)aj)

where ∑a is the sum over the Lead Party Energy Account and all Subsidiary Party Energy Accounts for the BM Unit;

(d) for the purposes of paragraph (c), BSCAEInaj is the Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow calculated for Energy Account a in accordance with Section T4, except that:

(i) for the BM Unit i to which the claim relates, the BM Unit Metered Volume QMij shall be replaced with:

QMij - BSCQnij

(ii) for any BM Unit i' for which the Panel has previously determined a system restoration compensation volume BSCQn'i'j for Settlement Period j, the BM Unit Metered Volume QMi'j shall be replaced with:

QMi'j - BSCQn'i'j

(e) for the purposes of paragraph (c), BSCAEI(n-1)aj is the Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow calculated for Energy Account a in accordance with Section T4, except that for any BM Unit i' for which the Panel has previously determined a system restoration compensation volume BSCQn'i'j for Settlement Period j, the BM Unit Metered Volume QMi'j shall be replaced with:

QMi'j - BSCQn'i'j

(f) for the purposes of paragraphs (b) to (e), BSCQnij is the quantity (in MWh) determined by the Panel under paragraph 3.3.4(b) and shall be called the "system restoration compensation volume";

(g) for the purposes of paragraphs (b) to (e), BSCQnij shall be negative where it represents an increase in net Imports or a reduction in net Exports, zero (0) where it represents no change in Exports and/or Imports and otherwise positive.

3.3.3 Where a claim is submitted under paragraph 3.3.1, each Settlement Period (in the System Restoration Period) shall be a "relevant" Settlement Period for the purposes of this paragraph 3.3, and the amounts to be determined under this paragraph 3.3 shall be determined for all such Settlement Periods.

3.3.4 Where a claim is submitted under paragraph 3.3.1, the Panel shall determine, in its opinion:

(a) what changes in Exports and/or Imports of the BM Unit during each relevant Settlement Period resulted from action taken for the purposes of complying (in accordance with the Grid Code) with system restoration instructions relating to that Settlement Period; and

(b) what is the net quantity (in MWh) of such changes in Exports or Imports of the BM Unit for each such Settlement Period; and

(c) what, if any, other changes occurred in the operation of the BM Unit as a result of a system restoration instruction.

3.3.5 For the purposes of assisting the Panel to determine a claim for compensation under this paragraph 3.3:

(a) the Lead Party shall, at the time at which it submits a claim under paragraph 3.3.1, provide a statement to the Panel of the changes which the Lead Party considers to be the changes described in paragraph 3.3.4(a), the quantity which the Lead Party considers to be the net quantity described in paragraph 3.3.4(b) and the changes which the Lead Party considers to be the changes described in paragraph 3.3.4(c), and shall provide such other information as the Panel may reasonably request for the purposes of determining the matters in paragraphs 3.3.4(a), (b) and (c), for each relevant Settlement Period;

(b) the Lead Party may at the time at which it submits its claim under paragraph 3.3.1 submit additional supporting material to establish the validity of its claim;

(c) the Lead Party shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.2.1 in relation to determination of Avoidable Costs;

(d) the NETSO and each Distribution System Operator shall provide such information as the Panel may reasonably request for the purposes of determining the system restoration compensation volumes; and

(e) the NETSO shall provide such information as the Panel may reasonably request for the purposes of determining the changes in operation of a BM Unit described in paragraph 3.3.4(c).

3.3.6 Where the Lead Party has submitted a claim in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1, subject to the provisions of the Code:

(a) the Lead Party shall be entitled to be paid by the BSC Clearer the net sum, for all relevant BM Units and relevant Settlement Periods, of the system restoration compensation amounts, together with compound interest calculated by applying the Base Rate on a daily basis on each compensation amount from (and including) the Initial Payment Date for the relevant Settlement Period to (but not including) the date (if later) when such payment is made;

(b) for the avoidance of doubt, if the net sum for a Lead Party, of the system restoration compensation amounts, for all relevant BM Units and relevant Settlement Periods is a negative sum, the Lead Party shall not be liable to pay for that sum;

(c) each Trading Party (including the Lead Party) shall be liable to pay to the BSC Clearer its System Restoration Reallocation Proportion of the net amount payable to the Lead Party under paragraph (a);

(d) the amounts of the entitlements and liabilities under paragraphs (a) and (c) shall be Ad-hoc Trading Charges for the purposes of Section N6.9; and

(e) BSCCo shall give such instructions to the FAA as are necessary to give effect to the payment of such Ad-hoc Trading Charges;

3.3.7A The Implementation Date for the application of compound interest pursuant to paragraph 3.3.6(a) shall be the Go-live Date.

3.3.8 For the purposes of the Code, in relation to any Trading Party, the System Restoration Reallocation Proportion is the proportion determined as:

Σd Σa Σi QCEiaj / Σd Σp Σi QCEiaj


Σi represents, for each Energy Account a, in Settlement Period j, the sum over all BM Units i that are in offtaking Trading Units;

Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts a, for Party p;

Σp represents the sum over all Trading Parties p;

Σd represents the sum over all Settlement Periods in the seven Settlement Days immediately preceding the Settlement Day on which the System Restoration Period commenced

provided that, where such seven day period includes any day before the Go-live Date, there shall (in the above formula) be used, in relation to Settlement Periods in any such day, such quantities (pursuant to the Pooling and Settlement Agreement or otherwise) as the Panel shall determine to be appropriate.


4.1 Application of emergency powers

4.1.1 This paragraph 4 applies in any case (whether before, on or after the Go-live Date):

(a) where the Secretary of State gives a direction under Section 34(4)(b) of the Act; or

(b) where:

(i) any action is taken by or on behalf of His Majesty's Government pursuant to and in accordance with the emergency provisions set out in sections 1 to 4 of the Energy Act 1976, and

(ii) the Secretary of State is of the opinion (in their discretion) that such action has, or will or is likely to have, a material effect on the ability of any person or persons to generate, participate in the transmission of, distribute or supply electricity in pursuance of a Licence or Exemption; or

(c) where any action is taken by or on behalf of His Majesty's Government pursuant to and in accordance with the emergency provisions set out in section 96 of the Act;

and (in any such case) for so long as such direction or action continues in force or effect, and for such period (if any) thereafter as appears to the Secretary for State to be appropriate in all the circumstances.

4.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, where this paragraph 4 applies, directions and notices may from time to time be given by the Secretary of State under each of paragraphs 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 independently or together.

4.2 Single Imbalance Price

4.2.1 Where this paragraph 4 applies, if at any time the Secretary of State, in their discretion, after consultation with the Authority, gives a direction to the Panel that this paragraph 4.2.1 is to apply, specifying the time of commencement of such direction in accordance with paragraph 4.2.2(a), a single imbalance cash-out price shall apply in accordance with Section T1.7 in relation to each relevant Settlement Period.

4.2.2 For the purposes of paragraph 4.2.1, a relevant Settlement Period is a Settlement Period for which Gate Closure falls within the period:

(a) commencing at the time specified by the Secretary of State (not being earlier than the time at which their direction is given under paragraph 4.2.1); and

(b) ending at such time as the Secretary of State may (at any time after giving a direction under paragraph 4.2.1) direct by notice of not less than forty eight hours given to the Panel.

4.2.3 Where the Secretary of State gives a direction to the Panel under paragraph 4.2.1 or 4.2.2(b), BSCCo shall send a copy of such direction to all Parties as soon as possible after receiving the same.

4.2.4 For the avoidance of doubt, directions under paragraph 4.2.1 may be given by the Secretary of State on more than one occasion (in relation to the same circumstances giving rise to the application of this paragraph 4) where, following any one such direction, the period referred to in paragraph 4.2.2 is to end or has ended.

4.3 Historic limit on balancing mechanism prices

4.3.1 Where this paragraph 4 applies, if at any time the Secretary of State, in their discretion, after consultation with the Authority, gives a direction to the Panel that this paragraph 4.3.1 is to apply, specifying the matters specified in paragraph 4.3.3, historic price limits shall apply in the Balancing Mechanism in accordance with Section Q5.5 in relation to each relevant BM Unit and relevant Settlement Period.

4.3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 4.3.1:

(a) a relevant BM Unit is a BM Unit specified or of a description specified pursuant to paragraph 4.3.3(b);

(b) a relevant Settlement Period is a Settlement Period for which Gate Closure falls within the period:

(i) commencing at the time specified by the Secretary of State in accordance with paragraph 4.3.3(b), and

(ii) ending at such time as the Secretary of State may (at any time after giving a direction under paragraph 4.3.1) direct by notice of not less than forty eight hours given to the Panel.

4.3.3 The matters to be specified in a direction under paragraph 4.3.1 are:

(a) the time of commencement of such direction (not being earlier than the time at which their direction is given under paragraph 4.3.1);

(b) either:

(i) that historic price limits (in accordance with Section Q5.5) are to apply to all BM Units; or

(ii) the description or identity of the BM Units to which such historic price limits are to apply; and

(c) whether such historic price limits are to be determined by reference to a period other than that determined under Section Q5.5.2(c)(i), and if so what other period.

4.3.4 Where the Secretary of State gives a direction to the Panel under paragraph 4.3.1 or 4.3.2(b)(ii), BSCCo shall send a copy of such direction to all Parties as soon as possible after receiving the same.

4.3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, directions under paragraph 4.3.1 may be given by the Secretary of State on more than one occasion (in relation to the same circumstances giving rise to the application of this paragraph 4):

(a) where, following any one such direction, the period referred to in paragraph 4.3.2(b) is to end or has ended, or

(b) for the purposes of changing the BM Units to which historic price limits (in accordance with Section Q5.5) are to apply or the period by reference to which such historic price limits are to be determined.

4.3.6 If requested to do so, BSCCo shall assist the Secretary of State or their representative in formulating any description of BM Units for the purposes of paragraph 4.3.3(b)(ii).

4.4 Revision of Credit Assessment Price

4.4.1 Where this paragraph 4 applies, if at any time the Secretary of State, in their discretion, after consultation with the Authority, gives a direction to the Panel that this paragraph 4.4.1 is to apply, specifying the time of commencement of such direction (in accordance with paragraph 4.4.2(a)) and the period for which the direction is to apply, the Panel shall determine a reduced value of the Credit Assessment Price in accordance with such principles and/or so as to achieve such objectives as may be specified in such direction.

4.4.2 For the purposes of paragraph 4.4.1:

(a) the reduced value of Credit Assessment Price shall (notwithstanding Section M1.4.2(b)) be effective from the time specified by the Secretary of State (not being earlier than the time at which their direction is given under paragraph 4.4.1) and shall apply for the period so specified;

(b) the Panel may (in accordance with the principles and/or so as to achieve the objectives so specified) determine different reduced values of Credit Assessment Price to apply at different times during such period;

(c) the Panel shall not during such period determine a revised value of Credit Assessment Price other than pursuant to paragraph 4.4.1.

4.4.3 Where the Secretary of State gives a direction to the Panel under paragraph 4.4.1, BSCCo shall send a copy of such direction to all Parties as soon as possible after receiving the same.

4.4.4 For the avoidance of doubt, a direction under paragraph 4.4.1 may be given by the Secretary of State on more than one occasion (in relation to the same circumstances giving rise to the application of this paragraph 4) and whether or not during the period specified in an earlier such direction.


5.1 Interpretation

5.1.1 In this paragraph the terms “Auditors”, “Exceptional Cost”, “Generation Business”, “Generator”, “Licence Holders” and “Security Period” shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in the Fuel Security Code and the term “Claimant Customer” shall have the meaning ascribed to the term “Customer” in the Fuel Security Code.

5.2 Applications For Recovery Of Exceptional Costs

5.2.1 Where a Generator is or has been subject to a direction given by the Secretary of State under section 34 or section 35 of the Act and it considers that it has incurred Exceptional Costs in relation to a BM Unit in anticipation of or during a Security Period, the Lead Party in relation to that BM Unit may apply to the Panel for a determination that, in the opinion of the Panel:

(a) the Generator has incurred Exceptional Costs in carrying on its Generation Business as a result of a direction or directions given by the Secretary of State (whether in anticipation of or during a Security Period) under section 34 or section 35 of the Act; and

(b) the Generator should receive compensation in respect of those Exceptional Costs:

(i) in the sum specified by the Generator in accordance with paragraph 5.4.1; or

(ii) in such other sum as the Panel deems appropriate.

5.3 Timeframe For Applications

5.3.1 An application under paragraph 5.2.1 must be made within sixty days (or such longer period as the Panel may in any case approve) after:

(a) the end of the period which begins with the date on which a direction under section 34(4)(b) of the Act is given by the Secretary of State and ends on:

(i) such later date of commencement of a Security Period as may be specified in that direction; or

(ii) in the case of an application for an interim payment of compensation in respect of Exceptional Costs incurred, such later date as is specified in that application where such application is made before the end of the Security Period; or

(b) the end of the Security Period;

as the case may be during which the Exceptional Costs which are the subject of the application were incurred.

5.3.2 Double recovery of costs by Generators is not permitted.

5.3.3 The procedure for submitting an application for Exceptional Costs (including the written statement and any additional information in support of the application submitted under paragraph 5.4) shall be as set out in the relevant BSCP. The Panel may determine any additional procedural requirements in relation to the progress and procedure of an application for Exceptional Costs.

5.4 Statement and Evidence in Support of Application

5.4.1 The Lead Party shall enclose with its application under paragraph 5.2.1 a written statement (signed by a director of the relevant Generator) of the circumstances in which that Generator considers that it has incurred Exceptional Costs and the amount of the Exceptional Costs which that Generator considers that it has incurred and the Lead Party shall provide a copy of any such application to the Authority.

5.4.2 The Lead Party may submit to the Panel with its application for Exceptional Costs under paragraph 5.2.1 any additional information or explanation in support of its application under paragraph 5.2.1.

5.5 Provision Of Assistance To The Panel

5.5.1 The Lead Party shall obtain and supply to the Panel any information or explanation (and shall provide such other assistance) as the Panel may from time to time request for the purpose of disposing of an application under paragraph 5.2.1.

5.6 Auditor’s Statement

5.6.1 If required to do so by the Panel, the Lead Party shall, within such period as the Panel may reasonably stipulate, submit a statement signed by:

(a) the Lead Party’s Auditors; and

(b) where the Exceptional Costs which are the subject of the application under paragraph 5.2.1 relate to a BM Unit comprising the premises of a Claimant Customer and include costs incurred by that Claimant Customer, the Claimant Customer’s Auditors

to the effect that the Generator’s estimate of Exceptional Costs has been prepared on a basis which is both fair, complete and reasonable and consistent with the definition of the term Exceptional Cost.

5.7 Discussions With The Authority

5.7.1 If required to do so by the Authority, the Panel will discuss with the Authority any determinations to be made under paragraph 5.2.1 and, in making any such determinations, shall take account of any guidance given by the Authority.

5.8 Mechanism For Recovery

5.8.1 When the Panel has made a determination under paragraph 5.2.1, it shall notify the Lead Party of the determination, and that proportion of the Exceptional Costs allowed by the Panel shall be settled as a charge upon Suppliers in a manner to be determined by the Authority.


6.1 General

6.1.1 This paragraph 6 will apply whenever Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance(s) are issued pursuant to Section Q5.1.3(c).

6.1.2 Where this paragraph applies, the Lead Party and Subsidiary Parties of a BM Unit affected by the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance shall take immediate steps to preserve such records as may reasonably be expected to assist the Panel in performing its duties under paragraph 6.1.3, including:

(a) records relating to the volume of Active Energy bought and/or sold by the Lead Party at the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time for the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance;

(b) records that demonstrate (or may allow the Panel to infer) which BM Unit(s) the Lead Party would have used to deliver that Active Energy; and

(c) records that demonstrate (or may allow the Panel to estimate) the Avoidable Costs that the Lead Party incurred or saved as a result of the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance

and shall provide such information in a timely manner to the BSC Panel upon request.

6.1.3 Where this paragraph applies, the Panel shall:

(a) validate whether the Trading Charges calculated in relation to each Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance can reasonably be regarded as complying with the following principles (the "Network Gas Supply Emergency Adjustment Principles"):

(i) that the Network Gas Supply Imbalance Adjustment Volume (QNGSIAij) for each BM Unit ‘i' and Settlement Period ‘j’ is equal to the total volume of Active Energy that:

(1) prior to the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time of the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance the relevant Lead Party or Subsidiary Party intended (or can reasonably be inferred to have intended) should be generated using Generating Unit(s) contained within BM Unit ‘i’;

(2) could not be generated by those Generating Unit(s) as a result of the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance; and

(3) was subject to agreement(s) that are consistent with the requirements of paragraph 6.1.4, and for which:

(a) prior to the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time of the Network Gas Supply Acceptance the relevant Lead Party or Subsidiary Party agreed with the counterparty the volume of energy to be transferred in relation to Settlement Period ‘j’,; and/or

(c) had the effect of reducing the generation expected from the affected Generating Unit(s);

(ii) that the Network Gas Supply Total Bid Payment (TNGSBi) payable by the Lead Party equals the net saving in Avoidable Costs as a result of the Acceptance;

(b) determine whether the Trading Charges relating to each Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance could be made more consistent with the Network Gas Supply Emergency Adjustment Principles by amending data as follows for purposes of Settlement:

(i) amending the Final Physical Notification Data;

(ii) amending the Bid Price;

(iii) amending the Acceptance Data determined pursuant to Section Q5.3.2B;

(iv) creating Final Physical Notification Data, if none was determined pursuant to Section Q3.2;

(v) creating Bid-Offer Data, if none was submitted pursuant to Section Q4.2; and/or

(vi) creating the Acceptance Data, if none was determined pursuant to Section Q5.3.2B.

6.1.4 The agreements that may be taken into account for the purposes of paragraph 6.1.3(a)(i)(3) are:

(a) agreements by the Lead Party or Subsidiary Party to sell Active Energy in relation to which an Energy Contract Volume Notification was submitted pursuant to section P2.3; and

(b) agreements by the Lead Party to purchase Active Energy from Third Party Generators, provided that the agreement requires the Third Party Generator to pay the Lead Party for quantities of Active Energy that are not delivered at a price which (on average, over the period to which the contract relates) is likely in the opinion of the Panel to equal or exceed the System Buy Price.

6.1. 5 Where the Panel determines pursuant to paragraph 6.1.3(b) that an amendment should be made to Settlement data:

(a) The Panel shall provide the Lead Party and Subsidiary Parties with details of the required amendments, and the reason for making them; and

(b) The amendments shall be included in Settlement in accordance with BSCP18.

6.1. 6 Where a Lead Party or Subsidiary Party disagrees with a decision of the Panel pursuant to paragraph 6.1.3(b) they may appeal the decision of the Panel to the Authority and the Panel shall give effect to any direction of the Authority arising from such appeal.


Section G

Version 17.0

Effective Date: 02 April 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date














P403 Self-Governance




P394 Self-Governance









Secretary of State














































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section H sets out:

(a) arrangements for the establishment and designation of Code Subsidiary Documents;

(b) the relationship of the Code with other documents;

(c) arrangements for the commencement of trading under the Code;

(d) the events constituting and the consequences resulting from a Default under the Code;

(e) provisions relating to the ownership, use and disclosure of data;

(f) the limitation of liability of Parties under the Code;

(g) arrangements for the resolution of disputes; and

(h) other provisions defining the legal and contractual relationship between the Parties.

1.2 Internal structure

1.2.1 The Code comprises:

(a) each of the Sections; and

(b) any Annex attached to a Section; and

(c) the DIP Supplement (pursuant to paragraph 1.3A).1.2.2 Not used.

1.2.3 The Code also refers to and creates obligations in respect of Code Subsidiary Documents.

1.2.4 Code Subsidiary Documents comprise each of the following documents:

(a) BSC Procedures;

(b) Codes of Practice;

(c) BSC Service Descriptions;

(d) Party Service Line 100;

(e) Data Catalogues;

(f) Communication Requirements Documents

(g) the Reporting Catalogue; and

(h) the LFM Specification.

1.2.5 Subject to Section L3.2, a reference in the Code or in any Code Subsidiary Document to a Code Subsidiary Document shall be to the version of that Code Subsidiary Document then in force, unless the context otherwise requires.

1.2.6 Code Subsidiary Documents shall have binding effect for the purposes of the Code.

1.2.7 Subject to paragraph 1.2.8:

(a) each Party and each BSC Agent shall comply with (and each Party shall ensure that its Party Agents comply with) each of the Code Subsidiary Documents in force from time to time (whether or not such Code Subsidiary Document is expressly identified or referred to in, or in a particular Section of, the Code) to the extent such Code Subsidiary Document is applicable to such Party, BSC Agent or Party Agent;

(b) without prejudice to paragraph 1.5 and other than in Section A, Section F, Section H and Section X (including Annex X-1 and Annex X-2) references in the Code to the Code shall be interpreted to include all relevant Code Subsidiary Documents, unless the context otherwise requires; and

(c) a breach of any Code Subsidiary Document shall be treated as a breach of the Code for the purposes of paragraph 3.

1.2.8 The provisions of paragraph 1.2.7 shall not apply to the BSC Service Descriptions (but without prejudice to any obligations of BSC Agents under the BSC Agent Contracts).

1.3 Establishment of Code Subsidiary Documents

1.3.1 The Code Subsidiary Documents in force as at the Code Effective Date shall be those listed in the Implementation Scheme and they shall be deemed to be adopted by the Panel, for the purposes of the Code, as at the Code Effective Date (subject to the provisions of the Implementation Scheme).

1.3.2 BSCCo shall:

(a) maintain an up-to-date list of the Code Subsidiary Documents, indicating the version number of each Code Subsidiary Document then in force (and the version numbers of previous versions) together with the date with effect from which each such version applies or applied;

(b) make a copy of such list available to any person on request; and

(c) maintain a library of all past and current versions of each Code Subsidiary Document (including, in the case of Codes of Practice, the versions referred to in Section L3.2.3).

1.3.3 Existing Code Subsidiary Documents may be modified and new Code Subsidiary Documents may be created in accordance with Section F3.

1.4 Access to Code

1.4.1 BSCCo shall provide a copy of the Code and of any Code Subsidiary Document to any person on request, subject (other than in the case of the Authority) to payment by such person of an amount (as approved by the Panel from time to time) not exceeding the reasonable costs of BSCCo in making and providing such copy.

1.4.2 In complying with paragraph 1.4.1 (and without prejudice to the requirements of that paragraph), BSCCo shall, and shall be entitled to, take such steps as it considers appropriate to protect the IPRs which BSCCo holds in such documents pursuant to paragraph 4.7.

1.4.3 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.4.1, BSCCo may, with the prior approval of the Panel, refuse to provide a copy of any Code Subsidiary Document (or part of it) to a third party or to third parties generally (or may make the provision thereof subject to conditions) to the extent only and for the period that the provision of such Code Subsidiary Document (or part of it) to such third party or parties would, in the opinion of BSCCo, substantially prejudice the interests of all Parties collectively or classes of Parties collectively.

1.4.4 Where, with the approval of the Panel, BSCCo determines that a Code Subsidiary Document (or part of it) should not be made available to a third party or to third parties generally pursuant to paragraph 1.4.3, BSCCo shall notify Parties and the Authority accordingly.

1.4.5 Subject to any existing confidentiality obligation, each other Party shall be free to disclose the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document to any third party to the extent that BSCCo would be entitled to make such document(s) available to that third party pursuant to this paragraph 1.4 and subject to compliance with any steps BSCCo may prescribe under paragraph 1.4.2, provided always that, where BSCCo refuses to provide a copy of a Code Subsidiary Document to a third party or third parties pursuant to paragraph 1.4.3, such Party shall not disclose that Code Subsidiary Document to such third party or parties.

1.5 Precedence

1.5.1 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Code and:

(a) the provisions of any Code Subsidiary Document;

(b) the Code Administration Code of Practice Principles; and/or

(c) the provisions of any other document established or adopted under and pursuant to the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document,

the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

1.5.2 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of one type of Code Subsidiary Document and another, or between the provisions of one Code Subsidiary Document and another:

(a) the Codes of Practice shall take precedence over all other types of Code Subsidiary Document;

(b) subject to paragraph (a), the Panel shall determine which provision is to take precedence pending modification of the Code Subsidiary Document(s),

and the Panel shall take steps in accordance with Section F3 to remove such conflict.

1.5.3 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of a Code Subsidiary Document and the provisions of any other document established or adopted under and pursuant to the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document, the provisions of the Code Subsidiary Document shall prevail.

1.5.4 The provisions of this paragraph 1.5 shall be subject to any express provision to the contrary in the Code.

1.5.5 Not used.

1.6 Relationship with other documents

1.6.1 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Retail Energy Code and the provisions of the Code, no Party shall be liable hereunder or under the Retail Energy Code as a result of complying with its obligations under the Code or under the Retail Energy Code provided that each Party shall take such steps within its power as may be necessary, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Code and the Retail Energy Code relating to modifications, to resolve such conflict as soon as possible.

1.6.1A Notwithstanding paragraph 1.6.1, the Parties acknowledge that, depending on the nature of the conflict between the Retail Energy Code and the Code, it may not be practicable or desirable for individual Parties to comply with differing and conflicting obligations and, in that event, the Panel and the REC Code Manager, with the approval of the Authority, may determine which provisions are to prevail pending modification of the Retail Energy Code and/or the Code to remove such conflict.

1.6.2 In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Grid Code and the provisions of the Code, no Party shall be liable hereunder or under the Grid Code as a result of complying with its obligations under the Code or under the Grid Code provided that each Party shall take such steps within its power as may be necessary, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Code and the Grid Code relating to modifications, to resolve such conflict as soon as possible.

1.6.3 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.6.2, the Parties acknowledge that, depending on the nature of the conflict between the Grid Code and the Code, it may not be practicable or desirable for individual Parties to comply with differing and conflicting obligations and, in that event, the Panel and the NETSO, with the approval of the Authority, may determine which provisions are to prevail pending modification of the Grid Code and/or the Code to remove such conflict.

1.6.4 For the avoidance of doubt, a conflict for the purposes of this paragraph 1.6 arises where compliance with the requirements of one document would necessarily (but for the provisions of this paragraph 1.6) result in a breach of the other document and, accordingly, the existence of an additional or supplementary requirement under one or other document in relation to matters forming the subject of both documents does not, of itself, constitute a conflict for the purposes of this paragraph 1.6.

1.6.5 In this paragraph 1.6, references to the Code include each of the Code Subsidiary Documents.

1.6.6 BSCCo shall inform the Panel and the NETSO as soon as reasonably practicable where it becomes aware of any conflict or material inconsistency between the Code and another applicable Industry Code.

1.7 IPR Litigation Requirements Document

1.7.1 With reference to the arrangements described or referred to in the IPR Litigation Requirements document referred to in Section A2.2.5, it is agreed that those arrangements shall take effect in accordance with their terms; and Parties shall be bound by the effect of those arrangements; and the Panel and BSCCo shall have and discharge their respective powers, functions and responsibilities set out in and in accordance with those arrangements; and all costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by BSCCo in connection with or pursuant to those arrangements shall (subject as provided therein) be BSC Costs.


2.1 Term

2.1.1 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.3, the Code shall come into force and take effect on and from the Code Effective Date.

2.1.2 The Code shall have no fixed duration.

2.2 Implementation Scheme

2.2.1 Upon execution of or accession to the Framework Agreement, each Party shall execute or accede to (as the case may be) the Scheme Framework Agreement and shall comply with such parts of the Implementation Scheme as are expressed in the Implementation Scheme to be binding in contract to the extent those parts apply to such Party.

2.2.2 The provisions of the Code and the Code Subsidiary Documents are varied or suspended (and the requirements of the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents are deemed to be satisfied) by or in accordance with, and for the period and to the extent set out in, the Implementation Scheme and the Scheme Subsidiary Documents.

2.2.3 In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of the Code (or any Code Subsidiary Document) and the provisions of the Implementation Scheme (or any Scheme Subsidiary Document), the provisions of the Implementation Scheme (or, as the case may be, the Scheme Subsidiary Document) shall prevail.

2.2.4 The obligations in paragraph 2.2.1 shall not apply to any person who becomes a Party after the date notified by the Secretary of State to the Panel for the purposes of this paragraph 2.2.4 provided that such person shall be bound by the effect of the provisions of the Implementation Scheme and the Scheme Subsidiary Documents (and any steps taken or arrangements made thereunder) as they apply to or affect the Code or any Code Subsidiary Documents (and the rights and obligations of the Parties thereunder) to the extent such provisions, steps or arrangements have an effect beyond that date.

2.2.5 In this Section H, "Scheme Subsidiary Document" has the meaning given to that term in the Implementation Scheme.

2.3 Go-live Date

2.3.1 The trading of electricity (and settlement of financial obligations in respect thereof) in accordance with arrangements established by the Code shall not begin until the Go-live Date and, accordingly, the rights, obligations and liabilities of each Party under the Code in respect of transactions giving rise to Trading Charges shall apply in respect of the First Settlement Period and each Settlement Period thereafter (and shall not apply in respect of any period prior to the First Settlement Period).

2.3.2 The provisions of paragraph 2.3.1 are without prejudice to any other rights, obligations and liabilities of each Party under the Code (including satisfaction of any requirements applicable to such Party in order to be able to effect transactions as referred to in paragraph 2.3.1).

2.3.3 In this paragraph 2.3, the "First Settlement Period" is the Settlement Period commencing at 00:00 hours on the Go-live Date.

2.4 Not Used

2.5 Effective Dates of Modification Proposal P344

2.5.1 Modification Proposal P344 shall take effect from the P344 Relevant Implementation Date provided that:

(a) the following modifications to the Code set out in the P344 Legal Text shall take effect from the time and date specified in the P344 Final Implementation Date Notice:

(i) each modification to Section N;

(ii) each modification to Section Q;

(iii) the modifications to Sections S10.5 and S11 to the extent such paragraphs apply to Virtual Lead Parties and/or Secondary BM Units;

(iv) each modification to Annex S-2 to the extent each such modification applies to Virtual Lead Parties, Secondary BM Units and/or Replacement Reserve;

(v) each modification to Section T;

(vi) each modification to Section V;

(vii) all terms and expressions that are defined in Section X and that are:

(1) used only in those Code provisions modified by the P344 Legal Text; and

(2) contained in those Sections referred to in paragraphs (a)(i) to (vi) (inclusive);

(b) BSCP602 shall take effect from the P344 Relevant Implementation Date except for those rights and obligations in BSCP602 that are authorised or envisaged by, or subsidiary to, the rights and obligations that will take effect pursuant to paragraph 2.5.1.(a):

(c) any provisions in BSCP602 that did not take effect on the P344 Relevant Implementation Date shall take effect from the time and date specified in the P344 Final Implementation Date Notice:

2.5.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.5:

(a) the "P344 Final Implementation Date Notice" means a notice from the NETSO setting out the time and date from which the Code provisions identified in paragraph (a) shall take effect;

(b) the "P344 Legal Text" means the legal text included in the P344 Modification Report (as such legal text may be amended by any process set out in Section F).


3.1 Events of Default

3.1.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 3, there shall have occurred a "Default" in relation to a Party (the "Defaulting Party") in any of the following events or circumstances:

(a) where, in respect of the Defaulting Party's liability for amounts in respect of Trading Charges and in relation to any amount which has become due for payment by the Defaulting Party under the Code in respect thereof:

(i) the Defaulting Party has not paid the amount in full on the due date for payment; and

(ii) on or after the due date for payment BSCCo has given notice to the Defaulting Party requiring payment of such amount; and

(iii) the Defaulting Party has not paid such amount in full by the third Business Day after the date of BSCCo’s notice under paragraph (ii); or

(a)(A) where, in respect of the Defaulting Party's liability for amounts in respect of Trading Charges and in relation to any such amount which has become due for payment by the Defaulting Party under the Code in respect thereof:

(i) the Defaulting Party has not paid the amount in full by 0900 hours on the Second Business Day after the Affected Date in accordance with Section N regardless of whether such sums have otherwise been recovered from Credit Cover pursuant to Section N;

(ii) such amount exceeds the Advice Note Threshold Limit; and

(iii) the circumstances referred to in paragraphs (a)(A)(i) and (a)(A)(ii) have occurred on three or more occasions over a thirty calendar day period or on such other number of occassions and over such period as may be determined by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 3.1A; or

(b) where, in respect of the Defaulting Party's liability for any sums under the Code other than Trading Charges and in relation to any amount which has become due for payment by the Defaulting Party under the Code in respect thereof:

(i) the Defaulting Party has not paid the amount in full on the due date for payment; and

(ii) on or after the due date for payment BSCCo has given notice to the Defaulting Party requiring payment of such amount; and

(iii) the Defaulting Party:

(A) has not paid such amount in full by the fifth Business Day after the date of BSCCo’s notice under paragraph (ii) or by such other period as may be determined by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 3.1A; or

(B) has paid any amounts to which this paragraph (b) relates after the due date for payment but before the expiry of the notice period referred to in paragraph (b)(iii)(A) on three or more occasions during a period of twelve months or on such other number of occasions and over such period as may be determined by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 3.1A; or

(c) where:

(i) a Trading Party is in Level 1 Credit Default for a period that meets or exceeds the relevant Credit Default Thresholds; or;

(ii) a Trading Party is in Level 2 Credit Default for a period that meets or exceeds the relevant Credit Default Thresholds; or

(iii) a Trading Party’s Credit Cover Percentage, as determined by the ECVAA, is not equal to or lower than ninty (90) percent (%) by the end of the same numbered Settlement Period on the second to next occurring Working Day after the Settlement Period during which the Trading Party was in Level 2 Credit Default and had a Credit Cover Percentage exceeding one hundred (100) percent (%); or

(iv) a Trading Party is in Level 1 Credit Default or Level 2 Credit Default (an instance of "Relevant Credit Default") and such Relevant Credit Default is followed by a series of further Relevant Credit Defaults that collectively meet the Relevant Credit Default Series threshold determined in accordance with paragraph c(A)(ii).

(c)(A) For the purposes of:

(i) paragraphs 3.1.1(c)(i) and (ii) a "Credit Default Threshold" shall be a period of time determined by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 3.1A which, if met or exceeded by a Party in Level 1 Credit Default or Level 2 Credit Default, shall constitute a Default. A Credit Default Threshold may be comprised of continuous and/or intermittent time periods;

(ii) paragraph 3.1.1(c)(iv) a "Relevant Credit Default Series" shall be a series of Relevant Credit Defaults that collectively meet or exceed the values determined by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 3.1A including with regard to the following:

(A) the minimum number of Relevant Credit Defaults that must have occured during the time period referred to in paragraph (B) in order to constitute a Relevant Credit Default Series;

(B) the time period during which the Relevant Credit Defaults referred to in paragraph A must have arisen in order to constitute a Relevant Credit Default Series; and

(C) any further parameters that the Panel considers appropriate and which it has determined in accordance with paragraph 3.1A; and

(d) where:

(i) the Defaulting Party is in breach of any material provision of the Code (other than a provision which is the subject of paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above); and

(ii) the breach is capable of remedy by the Defaulting Party; and

(iii) BSCCo has given notice (making reference to this paragraph 3) of such breach to the Defaulting Party; and

(iv) within fourteen days (or such longer period as the Panel may approve) after BSCCo’s notice under paragraph (iii), the Defaulting Party does not either:

(1) remedy the breach in all material respects, where the breach is capable of remedy within such period; or

(2) where the breach is not so capable of remedy, provide to BSCCo a programme (setting out the steps to be taken by the Defaulting Party and the timetable for taking such steps, in each case to be approved by BSCCo) for the remedy as soon as reasonably practicable of the breach; and

(v) in the case in paragraph 3.1.1(d)(iv)(2), the Defaulting Party does not remedy the breach in all material respects with all reasonable diligence and so far as reasonably practicable in accordance with the programme provided under that paragraph (or such revised programme as the Panel may approve); or

(e) where:

(i) the Defaulting Party is in breach of any material provision of the Code (other than a provision which is the subject of paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above); and

(ii) the breach is not capable of remedy; and

(iii) BSCCo has given notice (making reference to this paragraph 3) of the breach to the Defaulting Party; and

(iv) at any time within the period of twelve months following BSCCo's notice under paragraph (iii), there occurs a further breach by the Defaulting Party of the same provision or any other material provision (excluding a provision which is the subject of paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above) of the Code; or

(f) where:

(i) the Defaulting Party is in persistent breach of any provision of the Code (other than a provision which is the subject of paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) above) during a period of six months; and

(ii) after such six-month period has elapsed, BSCCo has given notice (making reference to this paragraph 3) of the persistent breach to the Defaulting Party; and

(iii) the Defaulting Party persists in breaching such provision of the Code for a further period in excess of three months;

(g) where:

(i) the Defaulting Party suspends payment of its debts or admits its inability to pay its debts as they fall due;

(ii) the Defaulting Party is unable to pay its debts (within the meaning of Section 123(l) or (2) of the Insolvency Act 1986, but subject to paragraph 3.1.2), or any voluntary arrangement is proposed in relation to it or it enters into any composition or scheme of arrangement (other than for the purpose of a bona fide solvent reconstruction or amalgamation); or

(iii) the Defaulting Party has a receiver of the whole or any material part of its assets or undertaking appointed; or

(iv) the Defaulting Party has an administrator appointed or a winding-up order made in relation to it; or

(v) the Defaulting Party passes any resolution for winding-up (other than for the purpose of a bona fide solvent reconstruction or amalgamation); or

(vi) a petition is presented or legal proceedings are commenced for making an administration order in relation to, or for the winding up or dissolution of, the Defaulting Party (other than a petition which is vexatious or frivolous and is, in any event, discharged within twenty one days of presentation and before it is advertised); or

(vii) the Defaulting Party ceases carrying on all of its business and/or publically announces that it has ceased carrying on all of its business;

or any analogous events occur in respect of the Defaulting Party in any other jurisdiction; or

(h) where:

(i) the Defaulting Party is or becomes a designated person, or a person owned or controlled by a designated person, for the purposes of the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 or Regulations made under that Act (and where 'owned' and 'controlled' have the meanings given in such Regulations pursuant to s.62(5) of that Act and include direct or indirect ownership of control where so provided in such Regulations); and

(ii) as a consequence of the event or circumstance described in paragraph (i):

(A) the performance by the Defaulting Party, or by any other Party, of any obligation under the Code, or

(B) the carrying out of any activity (by a Party, Party Agent or BSC Agent) pursuant to the Code

is prohibited under that Act or under Regulations made pursuant to that Act,

in any such case for whatever reason and whether or not within the control of the Defaulting Party.

3.1.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.1.1(g)(ii), section 123(1)(a) of the Insolvency Act 1986 shall have effect as if for seven hundred and fifty pounds sterling ("£750") there was substituted ten thousand pounds sterling ("£10,000"); and the Defaulting Party shall not be deemed to be unable to pay its debts for the purposes of that paragraph if any such demand as is mentioned in that section of the Insolvency Act 1986 is being contested in good faith by the Defaulting Party with recourse to all appropriate measures and procedures.

3.1.3 Without prejudice to a Party's obligation to make any payments under the Code (including under Section D, Section N and Annex S-1) in accordance with the requirements of and at the times and in the manner specified in the Code, a Party shall not be in breach of any other provision of the Code to the extent that and for so long as it is not possible for that Party to comply with that provision as a result of Section G4 applying or by reason of a failure of a BSC Agent and/or BSCCo to perform any obligation under the Code provided that the Party shall:

(a) promptly notify BSCCo in writing of such impossibility and the reasons why it is not possible for such Party to comply with the relevant provision of the Code; and

(b) discuss with BSCCo whether there is a possible alternative means of complying with the relevant provision and, if so, take all reasonable steps to do so.

3.1A Default Values or Parameters Established by the Panel

3.1A.1 Where, for the purposes of paragraph 3.1.1, the Panel is required to determine any values or parameters, the Panel shall:

(a) subject to paragraph (c), establish the initial values or parameters to be applied to paragraph 3.1.1;

(b) review such values or parameters from time to time and in any event within one year after the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification P385, and, subject to paragraph (c), determine:

(i) any revisions to such values or parameters; and

(ii) the effective date(s) for implementing the revised values or parameters;

(c) in establishing the initial values or parameters under paragraph (a), or revising such values or parameters and determining an implementation approach in each case under paragraph (b), consult with Parties and take due regard of any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultation,

and for the purposes of paragraph (a), a consultation undertaken prior to the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification P385, including a consultation undertaken pursuant to Section F2 that seeks representations from Parties on the initial values or parameters to be applied to paragraph 3.1.1, shall constitute a consultation for the purposes of paragraph (a).

3.1A.2 BSCCo shall ensure that the values and parameters determined by the Panel pursuant to this paragraph 3.1A are at all times published on the BSC Website.

3.2 Consequences of Default

3.2.1 Upon the occurrence of a Default by a Defaulting Party, the Panel may take one or more of the following steps while such Default persists and for the duration of such Default (in each case at such time as it sees fit and having regard to all the circumstances of the Default):

(a) notify each other Party of such Default;

(b) suspend one or more of the rights or take one or more of the steps referred to in paragraph 3.2.2 (subject to any prior consultation or approval as specified in paragraph 3.2.2) in respect of the Defaulting Party, either generally or progressively and either wholly or partially and for such period as the Panel considers appropriate;

(c) in the case of a Default by an Interconnector Error Administrator of the type referred to in paragraph 3.1.1(a), remove the registration of the Interconnector Error Administrator and require the Interconnected System Operator (with the prior approval of the Authority or, in the case an Interconnector connected to an External System outside the National Electricity Transmission System Operator Area, the Secretary of State) to assume the future responsibilities of such Interconnector Error Administrator acting in that capacity;

(d) with the prior approval of the Authority, require the Defaulting Party and the NETSO or the Distribution System Operator (as the case may be) to de-energise the Plant or Apparatus comprising one or more of the BM Units (other than Interconnector BM Units) for which the Defaulting Party is the Lead Party (and each Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consents to such de-energisation);

(e) expel the Party from the Code subject to and in accordance with Section A5;

(f) notify the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer to treat the Party as a Defaulting Party for the purposes of Section N; and/or

(g) where the Default relates to the DIP Rules, notify the DIP Manager.

3.2.2 The rights and steps referred to in paragraph 3.2.1(b) are:

(a) in relation to Energy Contract Volume Notifications (or, in the case of a Default of the type referred to in paragraph 3.1.1(a) or (b), relevant Energy Contract Volume Notifications, as defined in Section P2.5.3):

(i) the right to submit such Energy Contract Volume Notifications under Section P; and/or

(ii) the disapplication (for the purposes of Settlement) of any such Energy Contract Volume Notifications as have already been submitted at any time (except to the extent that they relate to Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has occurred prior to the time when the Panel notifies the Parties of such disapplication);

(b) in relation to Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (or, in the case of a Default of the type referred to in paragraph 3.1.1(a) or (b), relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications, as defined in Section P3.5.3):

(i) the right to submit such Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications under Section P; and/or

(ii) the disapplication (for the purposes of Settlement) of any such Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications as have already been submitted at any time (except to the extent that they relate to Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has occurred prior to the time when the Panel notifies the Parties of such disapplication);

(c) where the Defaulting Party is an Interconnector User, the rights of such Party to be allocated BM Unit Metered Volumes (of such kinds as the Panel may specify) in respect of its Interconnector BM Units;

(d) following consultation with the NETSO;

(i) the right to submit Bid-Offer Pairs under Section Q and/or

(ii) the right to submit Replacement Reserve Bid Data under Section Q;

(e) with the prior approval of the Authority, the right to register further Metering Systems and BM Units;

(f) the rights to receive reports and data under Section V;

(g) the right to vote pursuant to Annex B-2;

(h) in the case of a Default under paragraph 3.1.1(h), the right to receive payment from the BSC Clearer or BSCCo of any amount becoming due and payable to the Defaulting Party under the Code.

3.2.3 The taking of any steps by the Panel under this paragraph 3.2 in relation to a Defaulting Party shall not affect or alter the liabilities of such Defaulting Party under the Code (accrued or accruing in respect of the period prior to, on or after the date when such step is taken) and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, a Defaulting Party shall be liable for all sums (including VAT) which it is required under the Code to pay in respect of Trading Charges and other sums pending removal, de-energisation or expulsion pursuant to paragraph 3.2.1.

3.2.4 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall ensure that it has the necessary rights to effect or procure the de-energisation of Plant or Apparatus, following an instruction from the Panel pursuant to paragraph 3.2.1(d), which is connected to a Distribution System (not being a Transmission System or the Distribution System of any other Distribution System Operator) forming part of the Total System and having a connection with such Licensed Distribution System Operator's Distribution System.

3.2.5 In relation to any instruction to de-energise Plant or Apparatus issued pursuant to paragraph 3.2.1(d):

(a) the NETSO or the relevant Distribution System Operator (as the case may be) shall use all reasonable endeavours to comply (or procure compliance) as quickly as practicable with any such instruction;

(b) each Lead Party hereby irrevocably and unconditionally consents to such de-energisation; and

(c) the Defaulting Party, failing which each Trading Party (but, in the case of a Trading Party, only in respect of its Annual Funding Share at the time of receipt of the request for indemnification, calculated on a default basis in relation to the Defaulting Party) shall indemnify and keep indemnified the NETSO and/or the Distribution System Operator (as the case may be) on demand against any and all liability, loss or damage which it may suffer by reason of effecting such de-energisation.

3.2.6 If, by virtue of any Legal Requirement, another Party is to assume responsibility for the supply of electricity to Customers through Metering Systems for which the Defaulting Party is the Registrant, BSCCo shall take such steps (and shall require relevant BSC Agents to take such steps) as may be necessary to ensure that such other Party assumes responsibility for such Metering Systems for the purposes of Settlement upon or as soon as reasonably practicable after such requirement arises.

3.2.7 The provisions of this paragraph 3.2 are without prejudice to any other rights or remedies or consequences which are expressly provided under the Code to arise in the event of any failure by a Party to comply with the requirements of the Code.

3.2.8 BSCCo shall, and shall be entitled to, take such steps as may be required by the Panel (including giving instructions to relevant BSC Agents) in order to give effect to the exercise by the Panel of any of its powers under this paragraph 3.2.

3.3 Application

3.3.1 This paragraph 3 does not apply to BSCCo or the BSC Clearer and references to a "Defaulting Party" are to a Party other than BSCCo or the BSC Clearer.


4.1 Interpretation

4.1.1 In this paragraph 4:

(a) "Authorised Recipient" means any Business Person to whom Protected Information has been divulged in accordance with paragraph 4.4 provided that such person:

(i) requires access to such Protected Information for the proper performance of their duties as a Business Person in the course of Permitted Activities; and

(ii) has been informed of the duties of the NETSO in relation to inter alia Protected Information under paragraph 4.4;

(b) "Business Person" means any person who is a Main Business Person or a Corporate Functions Person, and "Business Personnel" shall be construed accordingly;

(c) "Corporate Functions Person" means any person who:

(i) is an officer of the NETSO; or

(ii) is an employee of the NETSO, carrying out any administrative, finance or other corporate services of any kind which in part relate to the Main Business; or

(iii) is engaged by or on behalf of the NETSO as an agent or adviser to or otherwise to perform work in relation to services for the Main Business;

(d) "Disclose" means disclose, reveal, report, publish or transfer by any means and "Disclosure" shall be construed accordingly;

(e) "Main Business" means, in relation to the NETSO, any business of the NETSO as at the Code Effective Date and any business which the NETSO must carry out under the ESO Licence;

(f) "Main Business Person" means any employee of the NETSO who is engaged solely in the Main Business of the NETSO, and "Main Business Personnel" shall be construed accordingly;

(g) "Nominated Agreements" means:

(i) the Code;

(ii) the Code Subsidiary Documents;

(iii) the Implementation Scheme;

(iv) the Scheme Subsidiary Documents;

(v) the Settlement Agreement for Scotland;

(vi) the Retail Energy Code;

(vii) all Connection Agreements;

(viii) the Data Transfer Service Agreement;

(ix) all Contracts for Difference;

(x) the EPG Scheme Document;

(xi) the EBR Scheme Functions Agreement; and

(xii) any other electricity industry agreement or document as may be specified (or of a type specified) as a Nominated Agreement by the Panel from time to time (following such consultation with Parties as the Panel considers appropriate for this purpose);

(h) "Permitted Activities" means activities carried on for the purposes of the Main Business;

(i) "Protected Information" means any information relating to the affairs of a Party which is furnished to Business Personnel pursuant to the Code unless, prior to such information being furnished, such Party has informed the recipient thereof by notice in writing or by endorsement on such information that the said information is not to be regarded as Protected Information;

(j) "Relevant Instrument" means any or, as the context may require, a particular one of the following:

(i) the Act and all subordinate legislation made under the Act;

(ii) the Data Protection Legislation and all subordinate legislation made under it;

(iii) any Licence and any determination or notice made or issued by the Authority pursuant to the terms thereof;

(iv) the Capacity Market Rules;

(v) any Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement,

and whether under any of the foregoing or otherwise, all authorisations, approvals, licences, exemptions, filings, registrations, notarisations, consents, guidelines and other matters which are required or which a Party acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice would obtain or comply with for the purposes of the Code, of or from any Competent Authority.

4.2 Party obligations

4.2.1 The obligations under this paragraph 4.2 apply to each Party (a "Restricted Party") other than the NETSO.

4.2.2 Each Restricted Party hereby undertakes with each other Party that it shall preserve the confidentiality of, and shall not directly or indirectly Disclose or use for its own purposes, Confidential Information, subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.2.3.

4.2.3 A Restricted Party shall be entitled to Disclose or use Confidential Information if and to the extent that one or more of the following apply:

(a) the Restricted Party is required or permitted to Disclose or use Confidential Information pursuant to the terms of a Nominated Agreement, to the extent of such requirement or permission; or

(b) the Restricted Party believes, on reasonable grounds, that market arrangements set out or contemplated by the Code require or permit it to Disclose Confidential Information to another person or to use Confidential Information, to the extent of such requirement or permission; or

(c) the person to whose affairs the Confidential Information relates gives its prior written consent to the Disclosure or use, to the extent of such consent; or

(d) the Confidential Information, before it is furnished to the Restricted Party, is in the public domain; or

(e) the Confidential Information, after it is furnished to the Restricted Party:

(i) is acquired by the Restricted Party in circumstances in which this paragraph 4.2 does not apply; or

(ii) is acquired by the Restricted Party in circumstances in which this paragraph 4.2 does apply and thereafter ceases to be subject to the restrictions imposed by this paragraph 4.2; or

(iii) enters the public domain,

and in any such case otherwise than as a result of either a breach by the Restricted Party of its obligations in this paragraph 4.2 or a breach by the person who disclosed that Confidential Information of any confidentiality obligation of that person where the Restricted Party is aware of such breach by that person; or

(f) the Restricted Party is required or permitted to Disclose to any person Confidential Information or to use Confidential Information:

(i) in compliance with any provisions of any Relevant Instrument; or

(ii) in compliance with any other Legal Requirement; or

(iii) in response to a requirement of any stock exchange or regulatory authority or the Panel on Take-overs and Mergers; or

(iv) pursuant to the arbitration rules of The London Court of International Arbitration or pursuant to any judicial or other arbitral process or tribunal having jurisdiction in relation to the Restricted Party including any disputes committee established under the terms of the Code or, the Settlement Agreement for Scotland; or

(g) the Restricted Party Discloses Confidential Information to its Affiliates or Related Undertakings or to its employees, directors, agents, consultants and professional advisers or those of its Affiliates or Related Undertakings or, where the Restricted Party is a Supplier, to a relevant Exempt Supplier (being an Exempt Supplier as defined in, and with or to whom the Supplier agrees or offers to provide exempt supply services pursuant to Condition 8B of, a PES Supplier Licence or any equivalent condition of another Supply Licence); or

(h) the Restricted Party Discloses Confidential Information to the Authority.

4.2.4 Confidential Information which a Restricted Party is permitted or obliged to Disclose or use pursuant to this paragraph 4.2 shall not cease to be regarded as Confidential Information by virtue of such Disclosure or use.

4.2.5 Each Restricted Party shall adopt procedures within its organisation for ensuring the confidentiality of all Confidential Information, including the following:

(a) Confidential Information will be disseminated within its organisation on a "need-to-know" basis;

(b) the persons referred to in paragraph 4.2.3(g) will be made fully aware of the provisions of this paragraph 4.2; and

(c) any copies of Confidential Information, whether in hard copy, computerised or other (for example, microfiche) form, will clearly identify the information as confidential.

4.2.6 Each Restricted Party shall procure that its Affiliates, Related Undertakings and consultants observe the restrictions set out in this paragraph 4.2 (as if references to "Restricted Party" were references to such Affiliates, Related Undertakings and consultants) and shall be responsible under the Code for any failure by such persons to observe such restrictions.

4.2.7 The obligations of BSCCo and the BSC Clearer under this paragraph 4.2 are subject to the provisions of paragraph 4.3.

4.3 BSCCo and BSC Clearer obligations

4.3.1 BSCCo and the BSC Clearer (and any other BSC Companies) shall be entitled to use Confidential Information for the purposes of discharging their respective duties and functions under and pursuant to the Code and the Code Subsidiary Documents.

4.3.2 The provisions of paragraph 4.2.5(a) and (c) shall not apply to BSCCo or the BSC Clearer.

4.3.3 BSCCo and the BSC Clearer undertake to each of the other Parties that, having regard to the activities in which any employee of BSCCo or the BSC Clearer is engaged and the nature and effective life of the Confidential Information divulged to them by virtue of such activities, BSCCo and BSC Clearer shall not unreasonably continue (taking into account any industrial relations concerns reasonably held by it) to divulge Confidential Information or permit Confidential Information to be divulged to any employee of BSCCo or the BSC Clearer who has notified BSCCo or the BSC Clearer of their intention to become engaged as an employee or agent of any other person who is:

(a) authorised by Licence or Exemption to generate, participate in the transmission of, distribute or supply electricity; or

(b) an electricity broker or who is known to be engaged in the writing of electricity sale and purchase contracts; or

(c) known to be retained as a consultant to any such person who is referred to in paragraphs (a) or (b),

save where BSCCo and the BSC Clearer could not, in all the circumstances, reasonably be expected to refrain from divulging to such employee Confidential Information which is required for the proper performance of their duties.

4.3.4 For the purposes of paragraph 4.2.3(a), where:

(a) a provision of the Code provides that BSCCo shall or may provide or disclose any data to any person(s) or body(ies); and

(b) the data to be provided or disclosed is not specifically identified in or readily identifiable (without the need to exercise any particular judgment as to the content thereof) from such provision

then BSCCo shall be entitled to provide or disclose data in accordance with the provisions, mutatis mutandis, of Section B3.3.1 (as if references to the Panel were references to BSCCo) subject to the further provisions of Section B3.3 (as if references to the fulfilment of the functions and duties of the Panel were references to the fulfilment of the functions and duties of BSCCo).

4.3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 4.2.4 shall not apply to information which is published by BSCCo under the Code (where the Code provides that information may be published) but without prejudice to paragraph 4.7.

4.4 Confidentiality for the NETSO

4.4.1 The NETSO (in each of its capacities under the Code) shall ensure that Protected Information is not:

(a) divulged by Business Personnel to any person unless that person is an Authorised Recipient;

(b) used by Business Personnel for the purposes of obtaining for the NETSO or any of its Affiliates or for any other person:

(i) any Licence; or

(ii) any right to purchase or otherwise acquire, or to distribute, electricity except as and to the extent permitted under the ESO Licence; or

(iii) any contract or arrangement for the supply of electricity to Customers or Suppliers; or

(iv) any contract for the use of any electrical lines or electrical plant belonging to or under the control of a Supplier; or

(v) control of any body corporate which, whether directly or indirectly, has the benefit of any such Licence, contract or arrangement; and

(c) used by Business Personnel for the purpose of carrying on any activities other than Permitted Activities,

except with the prior consent in writing of the Party to whose affairs such Protected Information relates.

4.4.2 Nothing in this paragraph 4.4 shall apply to any Protected Information:

(a) which, before it is furnished to Business Personnel, is in the public domain; or

(b) which, after it is furnished to Business Personnel:

(i) is acquired by the NETSO in circumstances in which this paragraph 4.4 does not apply; or

(ii) is acquired by the NETSO in circumstances in which this paragraph 4.4 does apply and thereafter ceases to be subject to the restrictions imposed by this paragraph 4.4; or

(iii) enters the public domain,

and in any such case otherwise than as a result of either a breach by the NETSO of its obligations in this paragraph 4.4 or a breach by the person who disclosed that Protected Information of any confidentiality obligation of that person where the NETSO is aware of such breach by that person; and/or

(c) disclosed to any person where the NETSO or any Affiliate of the NETSO is required or expressly permitted to make such disclosure to such person:

(i) in compliance with the duties of the NETSO under the Act or any other Legal Requirement; or

(ii) in compliance with the conditions of the ESO Licence or any document referred to in the ESO Licence with which the NETSO or any Affiliate of the NETSO is required by virtue of the Act or the ESO Licence to comply; or

(iii) in compliance with any other Legal Requirement; or

(iv) in response to a requirement of any stock exchange or regulatory authority or the Panel on Take-overs and Mergers; or

(v) pursuant to the arbitration rules of The London Court of International Arbitration or pursuant to any judicial or other arbitral process or tribunal having jurisdiction in relation to the NETSO or its Affiliates; or

(vi) pursuant to an EMR Legal Requirement; or

(d) to the extent that the NETSO or any of its Affiliates is expressly permitted or required to disclose that information under the terms of any agreement or arrangement (including the Code, the Grid Code, the Distribution Codes and the Fuel Security Code) with the Party to whose affairs such Protected Information relates.

4.4.3 The NETSO may use all and any information or data supplied to or acquired by it under the Code from or in relation to the other Parties to the extent necessary in performing Permitted Activities including, for the following purposes:

(a) the operation and planning of the Transmission System;

(b) the calculation of charges and preparation of offers of terms for connection to or use of the Transmission System and for the Transmission Services Activity (as defined in the ESO Licence);

(c) the provision of information under the British Grid Systems Agreement and the EdF Documents,

and may pass the same to Affiliates of the NETSO which carry out such activities and the Parties agree to provide all information to the NETSO and its Affiliates for such purposes provided that the NETSO shall procure that such Affiliates observe the restrictions set out in this paragraph 4.4 as if the references to NETSO were replaced by references to such Affiliates.

4.4.4 The NETSO undertakes to each of the other Parties that, having regard to the activities in which any Business Person is engaged and the nature and effective life of the Protected Information divulged to them by virtue of such activities, neither the NETSO nor any of its Affiliates shall unreasonably continue (taking into account any industrial relations concerns reasonably held by it) to divulge Protected Information or permit Protected Information to be divulged by any Affiliate of the NETSO to any Business Person who has notified the NETSO or the relevant Affiliate of their intention to become engaged as an employee or agent of any other person (other than of the NETSO or any Affiliate thereof) who is:

(a) authorised by Licence or Exemption to generate, participate in the transmission of, distribute or supply electricity; or

(b) an electricity broker or who is known to be engaged in the writing of electricity sale and purchase contracts; or

(c) known to be retained as a consultant to any such person who is referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b),

save where the NETSO or such Affiliate could not, in all the circumstances, reasonably be expected to refrain from divulging to such Business Person Protected Information which is required for the proper performance of their duties.

4.4.5 Without prejudice to the other provisions of this paragraph 4.4, the NETSO shall procure that any additional copies made of the Protected Information, whether in hard copy or computerised form, will clearly identify the Protected Information as protected.

4.4.6 The NETSO undertakes to use all reasonable endeavours to procure that no employee is a Corporate Functions Person unless the same is necessary for the proper performance of their duties.

4.4.7 Without prejudice to paragraph 4.4.3, the NETSO and each of its Affiliates may use and pass to each other any BM Unit Metered Volumes data supplied to or acquired by it under the Code for the purposes of its estimation and calculation of system maximum ACS (Average Cold Spell) demand as required from time to time for the purposes of the ESO Licence.

4.5 Additional provisions

4.5.1 The NETSO and BSCCo shall and may pass any relevant information and data relating to the BM Unit Metered Volumes (including, for the avoidance of doubt, all relevant metered data) of any of the BM Units comprising Generating Units which are the subject of qualifying arrangements (as defined in section 33 of the Act) to such person as may be specified from time to time pursuant to such qualifying arrangements.

4.5.2 The provisions of paragraphs 4.1 to 4.4 shall continue, for a period of three years after a Party ceases to be a Party to the Code irrespective of the reason for such cessation.

4.5.3 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that no Party shall be in breach of any obligation of confidentiality owed to it pursuant to the Code in reporting under Section U1.3.1 any breach of the Code or its belief (in good faith) that any such breach has occurred.

4.5.4 BSCCo shall and may pass to the REC Code Manager:

(a) data and information required under the REC Switching Data Management Schedule; and

(b) any relevant information and data reasonably required under the REC performance assurance framework.

4.6 Data ownership

4.6.1 References in the Code:

(a) to data include any information;

(b) to rights of ownership of data mean all IPRs in data (including IPRs in any database or other compilation or collection of data) and references to a person owning data shall be construed accordingly.

4.6.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 4.6:

(a) "relevant party data" in relation to a Party (other than BSCCo, the BSC Clearer and any Licensed Distribution System Operator acting in its capacity as a SMRA) means data which is to be provided to any relevant person by or on behalf of that Party (including by any Party Agent appointed by that Party) pursuant to any provision of the Code, including metering data derived (but not estimated, where such estimation is carried out by a relevant person other than that Party or its Party Agent) from any Metering System of which such Party is Registrant;

(b) "relevant BSC data" means data, including data derived from any relevant party data (but excluding any relevant party data), which is created, produced or acquired:

(i) pursuant to or for the purposes of the Code, or

(ii) pursuant to any process, procedure, calculation or determination provided for by the Code

by or on behalf of any relevant person;

(c) a "relevant person" is any of:

(i) the Panel, any Panel Committee, any Workgroup, BSCCo, the BSC Clearer, any other Subsidiary of BSCCo, any BSC Agent and any SMRA;

(ii) any Party and any Party Agent appointed by any Party;

(d) references to the Code include any Code Subsidiary Document;

(e) any express provision of any other part of the Code as to the ownership of IPRs in data or to data ownership shall, so far as in conflict with, prevail over the provisions of this paragraph 4.6.

4.6.3 Each Party grants to each relevant person a non-exclusive licence to use the relevant party data provided by or on behalf of that Party to the extent necessary and solely for the purposes contemplated by the Code (including for the avoidance of doubt, pursuant to paragraph 11), together with the right to sub-license the use of such data as necessary solely for those purposes.

4.6.4 Each Party other than BSCCo and the BSC Clearer shall (without payment) use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that, and warrants to BSCCo (for itself and for the benefit of all other relevant persons), in each case in respect of its relevant party data used or to be used in Settlement, that:

(a) the provision to any relevant person pursuant to the Code of all such relevant party data;

(b) the use and disclosure of all such relevant party data by any relevant person pursuant to, or as and for the purposes contemplated, by the Code;

(c) the publication of any such relevant party data as provided for by or contemplated by the Code;

(d) the operation of paragraph 4.6.5 in relation to any such relevant BSC data derived from relevant party data

will not, as far as it is aware, infringe the IPRs of any person, or be contrary to any obligations of confidence or be in breach of any obligation or duty to any third party and each Party hereby indemnifies BSCCo (for itself and for the benefit of each other relevant person (other than itself)) in respect of any loss, liability, damages, costs (including legal costs), expenses, claims and proceedings which such relevant person may suffer or incur by reason of any breach by that Party of its obligations under this paragraph 4.6.4.

4.6.5 So far as there are any IPRs in any relevant BSC data created, produced or acquired by or on behalf of any relevant person:

(a) all IPRs in the relevant BSC data in Great Britain and in relation to Offshore shall (as between BSCCo and all other relevant persons but without prejudice to the provisions of any BSC Agent Contract as to such ownership) be the property of and vest in BSCCo;

(b) subject to the other provisions of this paragraph 4, to the extent to which such data is (pursuant to provisions of the Code) provided to or available to any relevant person, that relevant person is authorised to use and disclose such data for purposes contemplated by the Code and in connection with its operations under the Code; and

(c) the other relevant person shall do all such things and sign all documents or instruments reasonably necessary in the opinion of BSCCo to enable BSCCo to obtain, perfect and prove its rights in the relevant BSC data.

4.6.6 For the purposes of any warranties, undertakings or assurances given or to be given by a Party pursuant to any provision of the Code (including paragraph 4.6.4), such warranties, undertakings and assurances shall be treated as given subject to any matter which is contained or referred to in the "IPR Litigation Requirements" document referred to in Section A2.2.5and accordingly any such matter shall be deemed to be disclosed against any such warranty, undertaking or assurance.

4.7 Other Intellectual Property Rights

4.7.1 The Intellectual Property Rights in and title to the BSCCo Materials in Great Britain and in relation to Offshore shall, as between BSCCo and all other Parties, be owned by BSCCo (or by a Subsidiary of BSCCo on behalf of BSCCo).

4.7.2 Each Party hereby assigns to BSCCo by way of assignment of all present and future rights all IPRs it may have at any time in the BSCCo Materials in Great Britain and in relation to Offshore (except to the extent those rights are already owned by BSCCo).

4.7.3 By virtue of this paragraph 4.7, all IPRs in the BSCCo Materials in Great Britain and in relation to Offshore will vest in BSCCo on their creation or acquisition.

4.7.4 Each Party shall do all things and sign all documents or instruments reasonably necessary in the opinion of BSCCo to enable BSCCo to obtain, perfect and prove its rights in the BSCCo Materials.

4.7.5 Each Party hereby waives, or shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the owner of any moral rights in the BSCCo Materials waives, all such moral rights as may arise in them.

4.7.6 Insofar as BSCCo (or any Subsidiary of BSCCo which owns BSCCo Materials) is permitted subject to the rights of any third party in respect thereof, BSCCo hereby grants (and shall procure that any of its Subsidiaries which own BSCCo Materials shall grant) to each Party a non-exclusive licence to use the BSCCo Materials to the extent necessary and solely for its business in connection with the arrangements established under the Code, together with the right to sub-license the use of such materials as necessary solely for those purposes.

4.8 Data Protection – Controller Obligations

4.8.1 The words and expressions used in this paragraph and not defined elsewhere in the Code shall be interpreted in accordance with any meaning given to them in the Data Protection Legislation.

4.8.2 Where a Party (including BSCCo) acts as a Controller in Processing Relevant BSC Personal Data then it shall be a BSC Controller.

4.8.3 This paragraph 4.8 sets out the obligations of each BSC Controller when acting as a Controller in respect of the Processing of Relevant Personal BSC Data.

4.8.4 Each BSC Controller confirms that it has effected, and undertakes that it shall maintain, all such notices and registrations as it is required to effect and maintain under the Data Protection Legislation to enable it lawfully to perform the obligations imposed on it by the Code, and exercise the rights granted to it by the Code.

4.8.5 In relation to Relevant BSC Personal Data, each BSC Controller undertakes to comply with the Data Protection Legislation, including ensuring, in respect of Relevant BSC Personal Data to be shared or otherwise Processed pursuant to the Code, that the BSC Controller has a lawful basis for such sharing and other Processing.

4.8.6 Without limiting paragraph 4.8.5, the BSC Controller shall:

(a) provide to relevant Data Subjects, the information required by the Data Protection Legislation to be provided by them in respect of the Processing of Relevant BSC Personal Data;

(b) comply with the Data Protection Legislation as regards the exercise of rights by Data Subjects in respect of Relevant BSC Personal Data for which it is the Controller. In particular, each BSC Controller shall designate its own contact point responsible for dealing with data protection queries, requests or complaints raised by relevant Data Subjects; and

(c) be responsible for notifying the Commissioner and Data Subjects (if applicable) in case of a Personal Data Breach relating to Relevant BSC Personal Data in accordance with Data Protection Legislation.4.9 Data Protection – Processor Obligations

4.9.1 The words and expressions used in this paragraph and not defined elsewhere in the Code shall be interpreted in accordance with any meaning given to them in the Data Protection Legislation.

4.9.2 It is acknowledged that (subject to paragraph 4.9A), in performing its Settlement functions under the Code, BSCCo shall be a BSC Processor on behalf of one or more BSC Controllers. Each BSC Controller acknowledges and agrees that:

(a) the nature of the Processing is the collection, storage, validation and aggregation of the Relevant BSC Personal Data together with the use of such data in the determination of amounts payable by way of Trading Charges;

(b) the purpose and the subject matter of the Processing is the performance by BSCCo of its functions, roles and responsibilities set out in the Code (including Settlement);

(c) the duration of the Processing is in relation to Relevant BSC Personal Data used solely in relation to the purpose described in paragraph 4.9.2(b), or for the duration otherwise determined by the Panel;

(d) the categories of Data Subject are domestic electricity consumers and micro business customers (as defined in each Supply Licence);

(e) the types of personal data are the Relevant BSC Personal Data.

4.9.3 Where any other Party acts as a Processor in Processing Relevant BSC Personal Data, then it shall be a BSC Processor on behalf of one or more BSC Controllers. Where this is the case, the purpose of the Processing will be performance of Code obligations, and the subject matter and nature of the Processing, and the type of Personal Data that is being Processed, is described in the relevant BSC Section or Code Subsidiary Document.

4.9.4 Each BSC Processor shall:

(a) only Process the Relevant BSC Personal Data for the purposes permitted by this Code (which represents the documented instructions of the BSC Controllers), and not in a manner that the BSC Processor knows (or should reasonably know) is likely to cause the BSC Controllers to breach their obligations under the Data Protection Legislation (subject to paragraph (b) below);

(b) if the BSC Processor is of the opinion that any requirement of paragraph (a) above breaches the Data Protection Legislation, the BSC Processor shall immediately inform:

(i) the entity (or entities) that the BSC Processor reasonably understands to be the BSC Controller(s); and

(ii) the Panel,

in each case giving details of the breach or potential breach (except to the extent that the Processor is prohibited from doing so by any of its other obligations under law);

(c) ensure that the Processor's personnel who are authorised to Process Relevant BSC Personal Data are under enforceable obligations of confidentiality;

(d) (having regard to the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of Data Subjects) implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure that the Relevant BSC Personal Data is Processed in compliance with the Data Protection Legislation and is protected against accidental or unlawful loss, destruction, damage, alteration or disclosure. Where BSCCo is the BSC Processor, BSCCo shall comply with its security policies, as are in place from time to time, in order to comply with its obligations under this sub-clause;

(e) (taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor) assist the BSC Controllers with their obligations to comply with Data Subject Rights Requests in respect of that Relevant BSC Personal Data (through, insofar as is possible, the use of appropriate technical and organisational measures);

(f) (taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Processor), provide reasonable assistance to the BSC Controllers in complying with any enquiry made, or investigation or assessment initiated, by the Commissioner in respect of the Processing of that Relevant BSC Personal Data;

(g) notify without undue delay after becoming aware of a personal data breach:

(i) the entity (or entities) that the BSC Processor reasonably understands to be the BSC Controller(s); and

(ii) the Panel,

in the event that the BSC Processor becomes aware of a personal data breach in relation to Relevant BSC Personal Data. Taking into account the nature of the Processing and the information available to the BSC Processor, the BSC Processor shall liaise with the Panel to provide all reasonably necessary assistance to the BSC Controllers in order to enable the BSC Controllers to comply with their obligations under Data Protection Legislation to notify the Commissioner and Data Subjects. The BSC Processor shall only take instructions from, and provide information to, the Panel acting on behalf of all relevant BSC Controllers;

(h) upon request by the Panel (on behalf of BSC Controllers generally), provide all such reasonable and timely assistance as the Panel may require in order to conduct an impact assessment in accordance with Data Protection Legislation;

(i) upon termination or expiry of the Processing in connection with which the BSC Processor Processes the Relevant BSC Personal Data, destroy the Relevant BSC Personal Data that is within its possession or control (including where subcontracted to a third party), save that this requirement shall not apply to the extent that the Processor: (i) is required by a Legal Requirement to retain the Relevant BSC Personal Data in which instance the Processor shall become a BSC Controller of such data; and/or (ii) continues to process the Relevant BSC Personal Data for other lawful purposes (either as a Controller or as a Processor on behalf of other Controllers); and

(j) permit any person appointed or approved by the Panel to audit compliance with this paragraph 4.9 and make available, on request, all information reasonably necessary to demonstrate such compliance.

4.9.5 Each BSC Processor shall ensure that its sub-processors, in respect of the Relevant BSC Personal Data, are subject to written contractual obligations in respect of the Processing of that Relevant BSC Personal Data which are substantially the same as the Processor obligations under the Code.

4.9.6 Each BSC Controller hereby gives each BSC Processor general authorisation to engage sub-processors from time to time as deemed necessary by that BSC Processor to fulfil functions required by the Code. Each BSC Controller hereby confirms that it does not object to the engagement of any sub-processors engaged in accordance with this paragraph at any time. Where a sub-processor is appointed (including changes to appointed sub-processors) in accordance with this paragraph, the BSC Processor shall maintain a list of sub-processors (including details of the processing it performs or will perform) and provide such list of then current sub-processors, from time to time, to the Panel (on behalf of the BSC Controllers collectively) and publish that list on the BSC Website.

4.9.7 Notwithstanding such general consent to appointment of sub-processors under paragraph 4.9.6, the Panel (acting on behalf of the BSC Controllers collectively), may object to the appointment of a sub-processor on reasonable grounds relating to the protection of Relevant BSC Personal Data. In the case of such an objection, the BSC Processor will either not appoint the sub-processor or, if already appointed, terminate the sub-processor's services (either immediately if the sub-processor has caused a breach of any of the BSC Processor obligations under this paragraph 4.9 or otherwise within a reasonable timescale of the Panel’s objection, without resulting in a lack of continuity of BSCCo’s obligations under this Code).

4.9.8 Each BSC Processor shall not transfer or process the Relevant BSC Personal Data outside the United Kingdom and European Economic Area unless the BSC Processor has taken such measures as are necessary to ensure the transfer is in compliance with Data Protection Legislation, which may include transferring the Relevant BSC Personal Data to a recipient:

(a) in a country that the Secretary of State has decided provides adequate protection for Personal Data;

(b) that has achieved binding corporate rules authorisation in accordance with Data Protection Legislation; or

(c) with whom it has that has executed relevant standard contractual clauses adopted or approved by the Secretary of State or otherwise permitted by the Data Protection Legislation and in respect of which it has carried out an adequate transfer risk assessment and provided a copy of such assessment to the BSC Controller on request.

4.9A Data Protection – Further Provisions

4.9A.1 It is acknowledged and agreed that BSCCo may need to Process Relevant BSC Personal Data in order to perform its performance assurance obligations, role and functions under the Code. It is further acknowledged and agreed that for such purposes, BSCCo is acting as a BSC Controller in respect of any Relevant BSC Personal Data that it Processes and accordingly paragraph 4.8 applies.

4.9A.2 Other than as required under the Code, BSCCo may only Process Relevant BSC Personal Data (including sharing Relevant BSC Personal Data with a third party controller) where:

(a) that third party is required or permitted to Process Relevant BSC Personal Data pursuant to a Legal Requirement or the terms of a Nominated Agreement or Industry Code;

(b) the basis and terms on which that third party may Process the Relevant BSC Personal Data are specified in, or pursuant to, such Legal Requirement, Nominated Agreement or Industry Code;

(c) BSCCo has entered into data sharing agreements with that third party on terms that, amongst other things, complies with Data Protection Legislation and limits any uses of the Relevant BSC Personal Datato that which is necessary for the purposes of the Code or the purposes of the relevant Legal Requirement, Nominated Agreement or Industry Code.

4.10 Privilege

4.10.1 No Party shall be required to produce documents pursuant to any provision of the Code or Code Subsidiary Documents which such Party could not be compelled to produce in civil proceedings in any court in England or Wales or to supply information which such Party could not be compelled to give in evidence in any such proceedings.

4.10.2 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall require the Panel or BSCCo to disclose documents to any person which BSCCo or any other Party could not be compelled to produce in civil proceedings in any court in England or Wales or to supply information which BSCCo or any other Party could not be compelled to give in evidence in any such proceedings.


5.1 BSC Audit

5.1.1 The BSC Auditor shall be appointed in order to undertake, subject to paragraph 5.1.6, an operational audit in relation to each BSC Year (the "Audit Year"), or such other period of time as the Panel may determine, on behalf of Parties (the "BSC Audit") and such other ad hoc operational audits as the Panel may direct from time to time.

5.1.2 The objective of the BSC Audit is to provide assurance (to such level as the Panel considers appropriate) that the provisions of the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents in relation to Settlement and in relation to the calculation of Funding Shares have been complied with in the Audit Year.

5.1.3 The scope of the BSC Audit (save to the extent covered by the scope of the audit to be carried out by the BM Auditor under paragraph 5.1.6) shall include:

(a) the submission and application of standing and periodic data, used in connection with Settlement, by Parties and Party Agents;

(b) the processes applied to such data pursuant to the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents;

(c) the determinations and calculations made by Market Index Data Providers in the provision of Market Index Data (but only to the extent provided in the relevant Market Index Data Provider Contract);

(d) the determinations and calculations made by BSC Agents and BSCCo where it provides the Profile Administration Services for the purposes of Settlement;

(e) the systems, processes and procedures used and applied (by BSC Agents and BSCCo) for the purposes of or in connection with the foregoing,

provided that from the Performance Assurance Effective Date the Panel may determine a different scope for the BSC Audit with respect to Supplier Volume Allocation.

5.1.4 The scope of the BSC Audit shall not include:

(a) the registration of Metering Systems in accordance with the Retail Energy Code;

(b) the application by BSCCo of the compensation provisions under Section M4.

5.1.5 The Panel may also, at any time, request the BSC Auditor to undertake an ad hoc operational audit, test, review or check, which may include a review of all or any of the Code Subsidiary Documents for the purposes of determining whether they are appropriate to give effect to the Code in accordance with the objectives set out in Section B1.2.

5.1.6 The following matters shall be audited by an independent auditor of internationally recognised standing appointed by the NETSO (the "BM Auditor"), rather than by the BSC Auditor, and the provisions of paragraph 5.7 shall apply to the audits to be carried out by the BM Auditor:

(a) the compiling and submission of Final Physical Notification Data by the NETSO pursuant to and in accordance with Section Q;

(b) the compiling and submission of Bid-Offer Data by the NETSO pursuant to and in accordance with Section Q;

(c) the compiling and submission of Acceptance Data by the NETSO pursuant to and in accordance with Section Q;

(d) the submission of other data by the NETSO pursuant and in accordance with Section Q6.

5.1.7 For the avoidance of doubt, the BSC Auditor and the BM Auditor may be the same person.

5.2 Terms of reference for BSC Auditor

5.2.1 The terms of reference for the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor shall be set by the Panel consistent with the BSC Service Description for Audit.

5.2.2 In establishing and amending the terms of the BSC Service Description for Audit from time to time and in setting the terms of reference from time to time of the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor, the Panel shall have regard to:

(a) the extent to which other aspects of the performance assurance regime provide assurance to Parties as to the matters to which the BSC Audit relates;

(b) the extent to which it is more cost-effective to verify such matters centrally; and

(c) the extent to which such matters are capable of being verified by Parties severally and independently.

5.2.3 The terms of reference shall include:

(a) thresholds of materiality for the purposes of paragraph 5.4.2;

(b) the form and frequency of audit reports and the qualifications permitted to each investigation; and

(c) any specific matters which the Panel wish the BSC Auditor to address.

5.2.4 The Panel may vary the terms of reference for the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor from year to year and within the Audit Year.

5.2.5 BSCCo shall provide a copy of the prevailing terms of reference for the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor to the Authority, each Party and each relevant BSC Agent.

5.3 Required contract terms

5.3.1 The terms of the relevant BSC Agent Contract shall require the BSC Auditor:

(a) to disclose to the Panel the existence and nature of all assignments of the BSC Auditor with any Party or BSC Agent or Market Index Data Provider or service provider of Profile Administration Services referred to in Section C9.3.1 for the carrying out of financial audits;

(b) to permit the external auditors of each Trading Party and the NETSO to liaise with the BSC Auditor in accordance with normal professional standards, including provision of access to working papers;

(c) to require the BSC Auditor to report forthwith any material concerns with respect to matters forming the subject of a BSC Audit;

(d) as a condition precedent to its appointment, to execute a confidentiality undertaking, in such form as may be reasonably required from time to time by the Panel, in favour of:

(i) each BSC Agent;

(ii) each Market Index Data Provider; and

(iii) BSCCo on behalf of each Party;

(e) with (and only with) the consent of the Panel, to execute a confidentiality undertaking, in such form as may be reasonably required from time to time by the Panel, in favour of such other person as may request the BSC Auditor to do so in connection with the BSC Audit.

5.3.2 BSCCo shall take such steps (pursuant to the terms contained in the relevant BSC Agent Contract pursuant to paragraph 5.3.1(b)) as any Trading Party or the NETSO may reasonably request to ensure that the BSC Auditor co-operates with such Trading Party's and the NETSO's external auditors.

5.3.3 The BSC Auditor may be appointed to act as BSCCo's agent (if applicable) in relation to the Qualification Process (or any part thereof) for the purposes of the Code but shall not otherwise be appointed to carry out any functions of any other BSC Agent or any Market Index Data Provider.

5.3.4 If the BSC Auditor is also appointed to act as BSCCo's agent in relation to the Qualification Process (or any part thereof), the BSC Auditor shall not be required to comply with the provisions of this paragraph 5.3 in the exercise of its functions and duties as that agent.

5.4 Reporting

5.4.1 Unless otherwise established by the Panel, the results of the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor will be reported with the delivery of an opinion (the "BSC Audit Report") at a time set out in the terms of reference for the BSC Auditor.

5.4.2 The BSC Auditor will not be required to report in respect of particular matters with a potential financial impact below such threshold as the Panel shall from time to time determine.

5.4.3 The BSC Audit Report shall be addressed to the Panel for and on behalf of Trading Parties and the NETSO in the Audit Year, and shall include all of the BSC Auditor’s findings and conclusion.

5.4.4 The BSC Auditor shall deliver the BSC Audit Report to the Panel and shall, , upon request from the Panel, send copies of the report to the Performance Assurance Board, each Trading Party, the NETSO and the Authority.

5.4.5 BSCCo shall procure the production by the BSC Auditor of a version of the BSC Audit Report that is suitable for publication (having regard to the provisions of paragraph 4.3.4).

5.4.6 BSCCo shall post on the BSC Website the version of the BSC Audit Report referred to in paragraph 5.4.5 and shall provide a copy thereof to any person upon request, subject to payment of the reasonable costs of providing such copy.

5.5 Access/co-operation

5.5.1 Without prejudice to any specific rights of access provided for elsewhere, each of the Parties shall use its reasonable endeavours to procure for the BSC Auditor access to premises, personnel, data, information and records sufficient to enable the BSC Auditor properly to undertake the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor in accordance with the terms of reference and having regard to its purpose as set out in paragraph 5.1.2.

5.5.2 Without prejudice to any specific rights of access provided for elsewhere, each BSC Agent (other than the BSC Auditor) and any service provider of Profile Administration Services referred to in Section C9.3.1 shall be required to provide to the BSC Auditor access to:

(a) the systems, system specifications and other systems documents used by that BSC Agent or service provider in connection with performing its obligations and functions as BSC Agent or service provider of Profile Administration Services; and

(b) its premises, personnel, data, information and records,

sufficient to enable the BSC Auditor properly to undertake the BSC Audit in accordance with its terms of reference.

5.5.3 Upon written request of the BSC Auditor a Party shall promptly provide the BSC Auditor with a written statement of all disputes under or in connection with the Code which relate to the subject matter of the BSC Audit to be carried out by the BSC Auditor, which are then outstanding and which involve such Party or which the relevant Party believes may arise and are likely to involve such Party, and (subject to any supervening obligations of confidentiality binding on such Party) such statement shall include reasonable details of each such dispute.

5.6 Corrective Action

5.6.1 BSCCo shall instruct the relevant BSC Agent(s), Market Index Data Providers and/or service provider of Profile Administration Services referred to in Section C9.3.1 (as applicable) to carry out, or shall carry out, such corrective action as may be required by the Panel consequent on receipt of the BSC Audit Report.

5.6.2 Each relevant BSC Agent, Market Index Data Provider and service provider of Profile Administration Services referred to in Section C9.3.1 shall promptly take such corrective action as may be required by BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 5.6.1.

5.7 BM Auditor

5.7.1 The audits to be carried out by the BM Auditor pursuant to paragraph 5.1.6 in relation to the matters referred to in that paragraph shall:

(a) form part of the BSC Audit for the purposes of the Code;

(b) be carried out to meet the objective set out in paragraph 5.1.2.

5.7.2 The NETSO shall develop the terms of reference for the BM Auditor in consultation with the Panel such as to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph 5.7, and may revise such terms of reference from time to time in consultation with the Panel.

5.7.3 The NETSO shall provide a copy of the terms of reference of the BM Auditor (as revised from time to time) to BSCCo, and BSCCo shall make a copy thereof available to the Authority and each Party.

5.7.4 The provisions of paragraph 5.4 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the audits to be carried out by the BM Auditor (as if references to the BSC Auditor were references to the BM Auditor and references to the BSC Audit Report were references to the audit report prepared by the BM Auditor).

5.7.5 As soon as reasonably practicable after the provision of any audit report by the BM Auditor pursuant to this paragraph 5.7, the NETSO shall propose to the Panel any corrective action which is necessary as a consequence of the audit report and the NETSO shall take such corrective action as may be agreed with the Panel.

5.7.6 The costs of carrying out any such audit by the BM Auditor shall, subject to the prior approval of such costs by the Panel, be charged to BSCCo and shall be treated as BSC Costs for the purposes of Section D.


6.1 Relationship between Parties

6.1.1 Save as otherwise expressly provided in the Code:

(a) the obligations of each Party under the Code are several;

(b) a Party shall not be responsible for the obligations or liabilities of any other Party;

(c) subject to paragraph 3.1.3, the failure of any Party to carry out all or any of its obligations under the Code shall not relieve any other Party of all or any of its obligations under the Code.

6.1.2 In respect of those obligations of a Party under the Code which are several, such Party shall indemnify and keep indemnified each other Party from and against all losses, costs (including legal costs), claims and expenses which such other Party may suffer or incur as a result of being held liable by operation of law for the performance or non-performance of all or any of the obligations of that Party.

6.1.3 In any case where the Code provides for Trading Parties jointly and severally:

(a) to give any indemnity to any person, or

(b) to incur or assume or accept any other liability

then (unless the Code otherwise provides) the Trading Parties shall, as between themselves, be liable under such indemnity or for such other liability severally in their Annual Funding Shares applying in relation to the month in which the request for indemnification was made and shall be entitled to rights of contribution among themselves accordingly.

6.1.4 The rights and obligations of Parties under the Code (as between themselves) are subject to the further provisions of Section E and this Section H.

6.2 Limitation of liability

6.2.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 6.2, references to a Party includes any of its officers, employees or agents.

6.2.2 Subject to the succeeding provisions of this paragraph 6.2, each Party agrees and acknowledges that:

(a) no Party shall be liable to any other Party for loss arising from any breach of the Code other than for loss directly resulting from such breach and which at the Code Effective Date was reasonably foreseeable as not unlikely to occur in the ordinary course of events from such breach in respect of:

(i) physical damage to the property of any other Party, and/or

(ii) the liability (in law) of any other such Party to any other person for loss in respect of physical damage to the property of such person;

(b) no Party shall in any circumstances be liable in respect of any breach of the Code to any other Party for:

(i) any loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of use, loss of contract, loss of goodwill, or increased cost of working; or

(ii) any indirect or consequential loss; or

(iii) except as provided in paragraphs 6.2.2(a)(ii) and 6.2.4, loss resulting from the liability of any other Party to any other person howsoever and whensoever arising.

6.2.3 Paragraph 6.2.2 is without prejudice to any provision of the Code which provides for an indemnity, or which provides for any Party to make a payment to another.

6.2.4 Nothing in the Code shall exclude or limit the liability of any Party for death or personal injury resulting from the negligence of such Party.

6.3 Exclusion of certain rights and remedies

6.3.1 Subject to paragraph 6.3.7, the rights and remedies of the Parties provided under the Code are exclusive and not cumulative and exclude and are in place of all substantive rights or remedies express or implied and provided by common law or statute in respect of the subject matter of the Code, including any rights which any Party may possess in tort (which shall include actions brought in negligence and/or nuisance) or for breach of trust.

6.3.2 Subject to paragraph 6.3.7 and 6.3.5, each of the Parties hereby waives to the fullest extent possible all such rights and remedies provided by common law or statute, and releases a Party which is liable to another (or others), its officers, employees and agents to the same extent from all duties, liabilities, responsibilities or obligations provided by common law or statute in respect of the matters dealt with in the Code and undertakes not to enforce any of the same except as expressly provided herein.

6.3.3 The provisions of paragraphs 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 are without prejudice to a Party's right to any equitable remedies and/or interim relief which may be available to the Party.

6.3.4 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 6.3 shall apply to:

(a) any rights and remedies which one Party may have against another pursuant to any bilateral agreement entered into in connection with or in consequence of the arrangements established by the Code; and

(b) the rights and remedies which a Party may have against another Party pursuant to the Implementation Scheme or any other agreement entered into pursuant to the Code, provided that a Party shall not be entitled to recover damages or an account more than once in respect of the same matter.

6.3.5 Without prejudice to paragraph 6.3.1, where any provision of the Code provides for any amount to be payable by a Party upon or in respect of that Party's breach of any provision of the Code, each Party agrees and acknowledges that the remedy conferred by such provision is exclusive of and is in substitution for any remedy in damages or an account in respect of such breach or the event or circumstance giving rise thereto.

6.3.6 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 6.3 shall prevent any Party from or restrict it in enforcing any obligation (including suing for a debt) owed to it under or pursuant to the Code but without prejudice to the provisions of Section C and Section N in relation to the enforcement of rights under the Code.

6.3.7 Nothing in this paragraph 6.3 shall constitute a waiver by any Party of any right or remedy it may have (other than pursuant to the Code) in respect of a breach by any other Party of any Legal Requirement.

6.4 General provisions

6.4.1 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that each of the other Parties holds the benefit of the provisions of this paragraph 6 for itself and as trustee and agent for its officers, employees and agents.

6.4.2 Each provision of this paragraph 6 shall be construed as a separate and severable contract term, and shall remain in full force and effect and shall continue to bind the Parties even if a Party ceases to be a Party to the Code or the Code is terminated.

6.4.3 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the provisions of this paragraph 6 have been the subject of discussion and are fair and reasonable having regard to the circumstances as at the Code Effective Date.

6.4.4 Where any provision of the Code provides for any amount to be payable by a Party upon or in respect of that Party's breach of any provision of the Code, each Party agrees and acknowledges that such provision has been the subject of discussion, and that the amount provided to be payable represents no more than a genuine pre-estimate of the loss of the Party to which such amount is payable.

6.4.5 References in this paragraph 6 to the Code include the Framework Agreement and Code Subsidiary Documents.


7.1 Arbitration

7.1.1 Save where expressly stated in the Code to the contrary and subject to any contrary provision of the Act, any Licence, any EMR Legal Requirement or the rights, powers, duties and obligations of the Authority or the Secretary of State under the Act, any Licence or otherwise howsoever, any dispute or difference of whatever nature howsoever arising under, out of or in connection with the Code between any one or more Parties shall be and is hereby referred to arbitration pursuant to the arbitration rules of The London Court of International Arbitration in force from time to time.

7.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of paragraph 7.1.1 shall not apply in respect of any dispute by any Party with the Panel, any Panel Committee or any Workgroup.

7.1.3 Whatever the nationality, residence or domicile of any Party and wherever the dispute or difference or any part thereof arose the law of England shall be the proper law of any reference to arbitration hereunder and in particular (but not so as to derogate from the generality of the foregoing) the seat of any such arbitration shall be London, the arbitration proceedings be conducted in the English language and the provisions of the Arbitration Act 1996 shall apply to any such arbitration wherever the same or any part of it shall be conducted.

7.1.4 Where a dispute is referred to arbitration pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1, the Panel may, following consultation with Parties, instruct BSCCo to join in such arbitration proceedings for the purposes of representing, in accordance with terms of reference set by the Panel, the interests of any Party not party to the arbitration proceedings, or the interests of all or any class of Parties collectively.

7.1.5 Each Party shall give notice to BSCCo promptly upon referring any dispute or difference to arbitration pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1.

7.1.6 Subject to any serious irregularity (as defined in section 68(2) of the Arbitration Act 1996) or where a Party successfully appeals the arbitral award on a point of law in accordance with section 69 of the Arbitration Act 1996, the decision of the arbitrator pursuant to a reference under paragraph 7.1.1 shall be final and binding on each of the Parties and the Parties shall comply with such decision provided that (for the avoidance of doubt) the arbitrator shall not have the power to modify the Code.

7.1.7 Subject to any contrary award by the arbitrator, each Party to the arbitration shall bear its own costs in relation to the arbitration and an equal share of the fees and expenses of the arbitrator.

7.1.8 The provisions of this paragraph 7.1 are subject to the provisions of Section W.

7.1.9 References in this paragraph 7.1 to the Code include the Framework Agreement and Code Subsidiary Documents.

7.2 Third Party Claims

7.2.1 Subject always to paragraph 7.2.4, if:

(a) any designated customer (as defined in the Supply Licence) brings any legal proceedings in any court (as referred to in the Civil Procedure Act 1997) against one or more persons, any of which is a Party (the "Defendant Contracting Party"); and

(b) the Defendant Contracting Party wishes to make a Third Party Claim against any other Party (a "Contracting Party") which would, but for this paragraph 7.2, have been a dispute or difference referred to arbitration by virtue of paragraph 7.1

then, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7.1 which shall not apply and in lieu of arbitration, the court in which the legal proceedings have been commenced shall hear and completely determine and adjudicate upon the legal proceedings and the Third Party Claim not only between the designated customer and the Defendant Contracting Party but also between either or both of them and any other Contracting Party whether by way of third party proceedings (pursuant to the Civil Procedure Rules 1998) or otherwise as may be ordered by the court.

7.2.2 Where a Defendant Contracting Party makes a Third Party Claim against any Contracting Party and such Contracting Party wishes to make a Third Party Claim against a further Contracting Party, the provisions of paragraph 7.2.1 shall apply mutatis mutandis as if such Contracting Party had been the Defendant Contracting Party and similarly in relation to any such further Contracting Party.

7.2.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 7.2, "Third Party Claim" shall mean a counterclaim by a defendant or any claim for contribution, indemnity or some other remedy.

7.2.4 The provisions of this paragraph 7.2 shall apply only if at the time the legal proceedings are commenced no arbitration has been commenced between the Defendant Contracting Party and another Contracting Party raising or involving the same or substantially the same issues as would be raised by or involved in the Third Party Claim and the tribunal in any arbitration which has been commenced prior to the commencement of legal proceedings shall determine the question, in the event of dispute, whether the issues raised or involved are the same or substantially the same.


8.1 General provisions

8.1.1 Where the Code expressly provides that a matter or question may be referred to the Authority for determination (as provided in Condition E1of the ESO Licence), the provisions of this paragraph 8 shall apply in the event of any such reference (unless and to the extent otherwise expressly stated).

8.1.2 The NETSO hereby appoints each of the Panel and BSCCo to refer to the Authority on behalf of the NETSO any question or other matter arising under any provision of the Code which pursuant to any such provision may be or is to be so referred.

8.1.3 The Authority may decline to determine the matter for whatever reason, in which case (unless otherwise provided in the Code) the decision of the Panel, Panel Committee or BSCCo (as the case may be) shall take effect, but without prejudice to the rights of any Party to bring a claim in respect of the decision of the Panel, Panel Committee or BSCCo (as the case may be) to the extent permitted in law.

8.1.4 If the Authority agrees to determine the matter:

(a) the Authority may do so in such manner and using such procedures as it considers fit;

(b) the Authority may undertake such investigations and require such information and documentation from Parties, Party Applicants, Party Agents, BSC Agents and Qualified Persons as it considers fit for the purposes of determining the matter provided a Party shall not be compelled to produce any document or provide any information which it could not be compelled to produce or provide in evidence in any civil proceedings in any court in England or Wales;

(c) the decision of the Authority shall be final and binding on the Parties, Party Applicants, Party Agents, BSC Agents and Qualified Persons.

8.1.5 The Panel, each Party and each BSC Agent shall co-operate with the Authority and provide or procure the provision of such information and documentation as the Authority may require (subject to the proviso in paragraph 8.1.4(b)) for the purposes of determining the matter.

8.1.6 Pending:

(a) any decision of the Authority to accept or decline a reference to it pursuant to the Code; or

(b) any determination of the matter,

the decision forming the subject of such reference shall be implemented unless and to the extent that the Authority instructs otherwise and provided that, if the Authority's determination of such matter is different from such decision, the effect of the decision can be reversed without undue difficulty or additional material expense and/or without significant expense incurred in implementing the decision being wasted.

8.1.7 BSCCo shall notify each Party as soon as reasonably practicable of:

(a) the referral of any matter to the Authority under the Code;

(b) any decision of the Authority to decline jurisdiction as envisaged by paragraph 8.1.3;

(c) any instruction given by the Authority as envisaged by paragraph 8.1.6; and

(d) any determination of the Authority in relation to the matter or matters referred to it.


9.1 Assignment

9.1.1 Unless permitted to do so pursuant to Section A2.7 or Section A5.1.6, a Party shall not assign and/or transfer and shall not purport to assign or transfer any of its rights or obligations under the Code or the Framework Agreement, provided that a Party may assign, subject to Section N2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive), by way of security only all or any of its rights over receivables arising under the Code.

9.2 Notices

9.2.1 Save as otherwise expressly provided in the Code or relevant BSC Procedure(s), any notice or other communication to be given by one Party to another under or in connection with the matters contemplated by the Code or the Framework Agreement shall be addressed to the recipient and sent to the postal address, facsimile number or e-mail address(es) of such other Party:

(a) in the case of a Party other than BSCCo, previously notified in accordance with its Party Details; or

(b) in the case of BSCCo, provided on the BSC Website, unless otherwise expressly provided in the relevant BSC Procedure(s).

9.2.2 Such notice or other communication, shall be in writing and shall be given by letter delivered by hand or sent by first class prepaid post (airmail if overseas) or facsimile or by e-mail, and shall be deemed to have been received:

(a) in the case of delivery by hand, when delivered; or

(b) in the case of first class prepaid post, on the second day following the day of posting or (if sent airmail overseas or from overseas) on the fifth day following the day of posting; or

(c) in the case of facsimile, on acknowledgement of the addressee’s facsimile receiving equipment (where such acknowledgement occurs before 1700 hours on the day of acknowledgement) and in any other case on the day following the day of acknowledgement; or

(d) subject to paragraph 9.2.4, in the case of e-mail one hour after being sent, in the absence of any undeliverable return receipt received by the sender during that period.

9.2.3 The provisions of this paragraph 9.2:

(a) extend to any notice or other communication to be given by or to the Panel, any Panel Committee, any Workgroup or any secretary to the Panel, any Panel Committee or a Workgroup; and

(b) apply, mutatis mutandis, to any notice or communication to be given under any Code Subsidiary Document; and

(c) are subject to Section O.

9.2.4 Other than in relation to a notice or communication sent by e-mail in respect of an Urgent Modification Proposal, if the time at which a notice or communication sent by e-mail is deemed to have been received falls after 1700 hours on a day, the notice or communication shall be deemed to have been received at 0900 hours on the following day.

9.2.5 Other forms of communication for the election of Industry Panel Members in accordance with Section B Annex B-2 may be permissible as determined by the Panel from time to time.

9.2.6 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that the recipient of any notice or communication sent by e-mail in accordance with this paragraph 9.2 shall (on deemed receipt) be entitled to rely on the contents of such notice or communication, including for the avoidance of doubt, the identity of the sender.

9.3 Waiver

9.3.1 No delay by or omission of any Party, or the Panel or any Panel Committee in exercising any right, power, privilege or remedy under the Code, the Framework Agreement or any Code Subsidiary Document shall operate to impair such right, power, privilege or remedy or be construed as a waiver thereof.

9.3.2 Any single or partial exercise of any such right, privilege or remedy shall not preclude any other or future exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, privilege or remedy.

9.3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties acknowledge and agree that nothing in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall exclude or restrict or otherwise prejudice or affect any of the rights, powers, privileges, remedies, duties and obligations of the Secretary of State or the Authority under the Act or any Licence or otherwise under applicable law.

9.4 Rights of Third Parties

9.4.1 Subject to paragraphs 6.4.1 and 9.4.4, the Parties do not intend that any third party shall have any rights, benefits, entitlements or privileges under the Code, the Framework Agreement and the Code Subsidiary Documents, and nothing in the Code, the Framework Agreement or any Code Subsidiary Document shall be construed as conferring or purporting to confer any such right, benefit, entitlement or privilege on any such person.

9.4.2 The Parties do not intend that any term of the Code, the Framework Agreement or any Code Subsidiary Document shall be enforceable solely by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person who is not a Party.

9.4.3 Save for the Authority and the Panel as provided in Section F and, in respect of the Secretary of State, to the extent provided in Section C, no third party consent shall be required to rescind, vary or modify the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document (but without prejudice to the rights of BSC Agents under their respective BSC Agent Contracts in respect of any change to such BSC Agent Contract).

9.4.4 Any person who is not a Party but who is permitted to propose a Modification Proposal pursuant to Section F shall have the rights, benefits, entitlements and privileges of a Proposer under Section F from the date when that Modification Proposal is accepted until the earlier of that Modification Proposal being nullified, withdrawn, rejected or approved and the provisions of paragraph 9.4.2 shall be interpreted accordingly.

9.5 Language

9.5.1 Every notice or other communication to be given by one Party to another under the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall be in the English language.

9.6 Severance of Terms

9.6.1 If any provision of the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document is or becomes invalid, unenforceable or illegal, or is declared to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal by any court of competent jurisdiction or by order of any other Competent Authority, such invalidity, unenforceability or illegality shall not prejudice or affect the remaining provisions of the Code and the Code Subsidiary Documents which shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding the same.

9.7 Entire Agreement

9.7.1 The Code, the Framework Agreement and the Code Subsidiary Documents (as respects the Parties thereto) contain or expressly refer to the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter thereof, and supersede all previous agreements or understandings between the Parties with respect thereto; and any warranty, condition or other term implied at law or by custom is (to the fullest extent permitted by law) expressly excluded therefrom.

9.7.2 Each Party acknowledges that in entering into or acceding to the Framework Agreement it does not rely on any representation, warranty or other understanding not expressly contained in the Code.

9.7.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.2, nothing contained in a document (other than a Code Subsidiary Document) referred to in the Code, beyond what is expressly contemplated by the Code as being contained in such document or is necessary for the purposes of giving effect to a provision of the Code, shall modify or have any effect for the purposes of the Code or be construed as relevant to the interpretation of the Code.

9.8 Euro

9.8.1 Unless otherwise prohibited by law, if more than one currency unit are at the same time recognised by the Bank of England as the lawful currency of the United Kingdom, then:

(a) any reference in the Code or Code Subsidiary Documents to, and obligations arising thereunder in, the currency of the United Kingdom shall be translated into, or paid in, the currency or currency unit of the United Kingdom designated by the Panel following consultation with the Parties;

(b) any translation from one currency or currency unit to another shall be at the official rate of exchange recognised by the Bank of England for the conversion of that currency or currency unit into the other, and rounded up or down in accordance with rounding rules recognised by the Bank of England;

(c) to the extent that, following any designation by the Panel pursuant to paragraph (a), the provisions of the Code or Code Subsidiary Documents are incompatible with any generally accepted conventions and market practices in the London interbank market, BSCCo may recommend to the Panel such modifications to the Code and/or Code Subsidiary Documents as it sees fit to accommodate the change in currency.

9.9 Jurisdiction

9.9.1 Subject and without prejudice to paragraph 7, under the Code, all the Parties irrevocably agree that only the courts of England and Wales and the courts of Scotland are to have jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document and that accordingly any suit, action or proceeding (collectively proceedings) arising out of or in connection with the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document may be brought (and may only be brought) in such courts.

9.9.2 Each Party irrevocably waives any objection which it may have now or hereafter to the laying of the venue of any proceedings in any such court as is referred to in paragraph 9.9.1 and any claim that any such proceedings have been brought in an inconvenient forum and further irrevocably agrees that a judgment in any proceedings brought in the English or Welsh courts, or the Scottish courts, shall be conclusive and binding upon such Party and may be enforced in the courts of any other jurisdiction.

9.9.3 Any Party which is not a company incorporated under the Companies Act 2006 shall immediately on becoming a Party (or upon ceasing to be a company so incorporated) provide to BSCCo an address in Great Britain for service of process on its behalf in any proceedings provided that if any such Party fails at any time to provide such address, such Party shall be deemed to have appointed BSCCo as its agent to accept service of process on its behalf until and unless such Party provides BSCCo with an alternative address in Great Britain for these purposes.

9.9.4 For the avoidance of doubt nothing contained in the foregoing provision of this paragraph 9.9 shall be taken as permitting a Party to commence proceedings in the courts where the Code otherwise provides for the proceedings to be referred to arbitration or otherwise determined.

9.10 Governing law

9.10.1 The Code and each Code Subsidiary Document shall be governed by, and construed in all respects in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales.

9.11 Directions related to national security

9.11.1 The Parties acknowledge that:

(a) the Secretary of State may issue a direction to the NETSO as referred to in condition B4 of the ESO Licence where, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, there is a risk relating to national security that may detrimentally impact the resilience, safety or security of the energy system, or the continuity of essential services, and it is in the interest of national security that a direction should be issued to the NETSO ("national security direction");

(b) the NETSO must comply with any such national security direction and is not required to comply with any other obligation in the ESO Licence, where and to the extent that compliance with that obligation would be inconsistent with the requirement to comply with such national security direction, for the period set out in that direction. This includes the requirement set out in condition E3 of the ESO Licence to comply with the Code;

(c) the NETSO is required under condition B4 of its ESO Licence to inform the Secretary of State of any conflict with the obligations as identified in 9.11.1(b) as soon as reasonably practicable after the conflict is identified. The NETSO will include in such a notice, details of any identified impact or non-compliance that will be caused or will be likely to be caused to Parties, and in such a case will also seek clarification of whether this can be shared with the affected Party.

9.11.2 Where reasonably practicable and subject to the agreement of the Secretary of State to share any such specific details, the NETSO will inform affected Parties as identified in 9.11.1(c) of what actions the NETSO will or has taken, or not taken, to comply with a national security direction or amended national security direction (including when such a direction is revoked) and what identified impact or non-compliance this will or is likely to cause to each affected Party.

9.11.3 The NETSO’s obligations under the Code shall be suspended without liability where and to the extent that compliance with any such obligation would be inconsistent with the requirement upon the NETSO to comply with a national security direction.

9.11.4 A Party (other than the NETSO)’s obligations under the Code shall be suspended without liability where and to the extent that the Party (other than the NETSO) is unable to comply with any such obligation as a result of any action taken, or not taken, by the NETSO to comply with a national security direction.

9.11.5 The Secretary of State may at any time amend or revoke any national security direction.

9.12 Advisory and information requests

9.12.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "Information Request Statement" means a statement prepared and published by the NETSO, in accordance with section 172 of the Energy Act 2023 and condition D2.5 of the ESO Licence and GSP Licence, setting out the process that the NETSO will follow when requesting information from relevant Parties by the issue of an Information Request Notice;

(b) "Information Request Notice" means a notice that will be issued by the NETSO to a relevant Party setting out the NETSO’s reasonable requirements for relevant information in accordance with section 172 of the Energy Act 2023. This will be prepared in accordance with the NETSO’s published Information Request Statement;

(c) "Minister of the Crown" has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence.

9.12.2 Parties acknowledge that the NETSO is required to provide advice, analysis or information to the Authority or to a Minister of the Crown when requested in accordance with section 171 of the Energy Act 2023 and condition D1 of the ESO Licence and GSP Licence.

9.12.3 The NETSO may by notice request from Parties such information as it reasonably requires in connection with the exercise of any of its functions, in accordance with section 172 of the Energy Act 2023. It will do so by the issue of an Information Request Notice. The purposes of this may include to assist in the fulfilment of a request for advice, analysis or information as set out in paragraph 9.12.2.

9.12.4 Parties acknowledge that:

(a) the NETSO is required by condition D2 of the ESO Licence to prepare, submit for approval by the Authority, and publish on its website once approved an Information Request Statement that sets out further detail on the process the NETSO expects to follow when requesting information from Parties;

(b) the Information Request Statement must include, but need not be limited to, the following matters as set out in condition D2.5 of the ESO Licence:

(i) the process the NETSO expects to follow when issuing an Information Request Notice, including any further detail around the expected engagement between the NETSO and a recipient of an Information Request Notice; and

(ii) the details to be included in an Information Request Notice issued by the NETSO.

9.12.5 A Party to whom a request is made under paragraph 9.12.3 must, so far as reasonably practicable, provide the requested information within such reasonable period, and in such reasonable form and manner, as may be specified in the Information Request Notice.

9.12.6 The NETSO must, unless the Authority otherwise consents, maintain for a period of 6 years and provide to the Authority where required a record of information requests as detailed in condition D2.12 of the ESO Licence including:

(a) a copy of the Information Request Notice;

(b) any subsequent variations to the original information requested;

(c) the recipient’s response to the notice, including any refusal or challenges to the notice or requested information;

(d) the time taken for the recipient to provide the requested information;

(e) the manner and form the information was provided in; and

(f) the information provided in response to the notice, and whether such information complied, in the NETSO’s view, with the Information Request Notice.


10.1 BSC Derogations

10.1.1 Subject to the provisions of paragraph 10.4.3, the Authority may, in accordance with this paragraph 10, grant any person, other than a BSC Company, a derogation from one or more provisions of the Code in which case paragraph 10.4 shall apply (a "BSC Derogation").

10.2 Applications for a BSC Derogation

10.2.1 Any person other than a BSC Company may make a written request for a BSC Derogation to the Authority pursuant to the Authority’s regulatory sandbox procedures as set by the Authority from time to time and the Authority shall determine whether to pass such request to BSCCo for consideration (a "BSC Sandbox Application").

10.2.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph 10, the Panel may determine, in its absolute discretion, the priority and the timetable for any steps proposed to be undertaken by the Panel or BSCCo in relation to a BSC Sandbox Application.

10.2.3 Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, BSCCo shall not be required to conduct an evaluation of a proposed BSC Derogation or submit a draft Sandbox Report to the Panel until a Sandbox Applicant has:

(a) provided all of the information that BSCCo reasonably requires in order to conduct such evaluation and prepare such report; and

(b) paid to BSCCo a fee which represents the reasonable costs to BSCCo of processing the BSC Sandbox Application, such fee to be approved by the Panel from time to time.

10.2.4 Following receipt of a BSC Sandbox Application, but subject to paragraph 10.2.3, BSCCo shall:

(a) evaluate the risks and impacts of the proposed BSC Derogation in accordance with the BSC Sandbox Procedure;

(b) conduct consultation(s) with:

(i) Parties; and

(ii) such interested third parties as it considers necessary;

(c) publish the responses to such consultation(s) on the BSC Website;

(d) prepare a draft report for the Panel which shall include:

(i) a summary of the representations received during the consultation(s) conducted pursuant to paragraph 10.2.4(b);

(ii) assessment of whether a proposed BSC Derogation meets the BSC Sandbox Eligibility Criteria;

(iii) analysis identifying the provisions of the Code (and for the purposes of this paragraph 10 a reference to the Code shall be deemed to include a reference to each Code Subsidiary Document) from which a BSC Derogation may be required;

(iv) the Trial Period proposed by the Sandbox Applicant, which shall be the shortest period the Sandbox Applicant considers necessary to test the Sandbox Applicant’s proposal;

(v) the Trial Period that BSCCo considers is the shortest period necessary to test the Sandbox Applicant’s proposal;

(vi) the Transition Plan proposed by the Sandbox Applicant, including the Transition Period proposed by the Sandbox Applicant, which shall be the shortest period the Sandbox Applicant considers necessary to allow the Sandbox Applicant to exit from the proposed BSC Derogation;

(vii) the Transition Period that BSCCo considers is the shortest period necessary to allow the Sandbox Applicant to exit from the proposed BSC Derogation;

(viii) BSCCo’s evaluation of the risks and impacts of the proposed BSC Derogation, pursuant to paragraph (a);

(ix) the fees which BSCCo considers represent the reasonable costs to BSCCo of monitoring and administering such BSC Derogation;

(x) the reports that BSCCo considers should be provided to BSCCo by the Sandbox Applicant; and

(xi) such other matters as shall be required by the BSC Sandbox Procedure,

(the "Sandbox Report").

10.2.5 The Panel shall consider the draft Sandbox Report and, having taken due account of any representation contained in the summary referred to in paragraph 10.2.4(d)(i), shall determine:

(a) whether to recommend to the Authority:

(i) that the BSC Sandbox Application should be granted or rejected;

(ii) what, if any, conditions should be set on such proposed BSC Derogation; and

(iii) that the Trial Period and the Transition Plan should be approved; or

(b) whether to require amendments to:

(i) the draft Sandbox Report; and/or

(ii) the proposed Trial Period and/or Transition Plan,

in which case the Panel shall determine the timetable for making such amendments and specify its further requirements, BSCCo shall amend and resubmit the draft Sandbox Report and the Panel shall reconsider the draft Sandbox Report in accordance with paragraphs 10.2.4 and 10.2.5(a).

10.2.6 When considering whether to recommend to the Authority that a BSC Derogation be granted pursuant to paragraph 10.2.5, the Panel shall determine whether such proposed BSC Derogation would:

(a) better facilitate the achievement of the Applicable BSC Objectives (provided that the powers, function and duties of the Panel in respect of the Modification Procedures shall not be fettered or restricted notwithstanding a determination of the Panel in respect of the BSC Sandbox Eligibility Criteria); and

(b) meet the eligibility criteria set out in the BSC Sandbox Procedure,

collectively the ("BSC Sandbox Eligibility Criteria").

10.2.7 Within seven Business Days after the Panel meeting at which the draft Sandbox Report has been approved, BSCCo shall finalise the draft Sandbox Report and shall forthwith:

(a) submit such Sandbox Report to the Authority; and

(b) copy such report to:

(i) each Party and interested third party;

(ii) each Panel Member; and

(iii) the Sandbox Applicant.

10.2.8 If, at any time prior to the Derogation Period Commencement Date, the Panel is notified by the Authority that the Sandbox Applicant intends to withdraw its BSC Sandbox Application, the application shall lapse, and, in respect of the BSC Sandbox Application:

(a) no BSC Derogation shall commence; and

(b) no fee paid by the Sandbox Applicant shall be refunded to the Sandbox Applicant for any reason.

10.2.9 The Panel shall establish, and may revise from time to time, a document containing the processes that the BSC Panel, BSCCo and Sandbox Applicants shall follow with respect to BSC Sandbox Applications and the monitoring of BSC Derogations (the "BSC Sandbox Procedure"). BSCCo shall ensure that a copy of the BSC Sandbox Procedure (as revised from time to time) is published on the BSC Website.

10.3 Sandbox Send Back Process

10.3.1 Where the Authority considers that it is unable to form an opinion in relation to a Sandbox Report submitted to it pursuant to paragraph 10.2.7, it may issue a direction to the Panel:

(a) specifying any additional steps that it requires in order to form such an opinion including amending the proposed conditions on the proposed BSC Derogation, revising the proposed Trial Period or Transition Plan, or providing additional analysis and/or information; and

(b) requiring such Sandbox Report to be revised and re-submitted to the Authority,

and the Authority may include in such direction its reasons for why it has been unable to form an opinion (a "Sandbox Send Back Direction").

10.3.2 The Panel shall re-submit the revised Sandbox Report as soon after the Authority’s direction pursuant to paragraph 10.3.1 as is appropriate, taking into account the complexity, importance and urgency of the proposed BSC Derogation.

10.3.3 Subject to paragraph 10.3.4, in relation to each Sandbox Send Back Direction BSCCo shall prepare a draft Sandbox Send Back Process for approval by the Panel which:

(a) shall include a procedure and timetable for the reconsideration by the Panel of its recommendation and the re-submission of the revised Sandbox Report to the Authority; and

(b) may include such further matters as the Panel considers necessary to address the Sandbox Send Back Direction including:

(i) further consultation with Parties and interested third parties;

(ii) revised or additional analysis and/or information;

(iii) amending the proposed conditions on the proposed BSC Derogation;

(iv) revising the proposed Trial Period or Transition Plan; and

(v) any other steps required by the Panel to address the Sandbox Send Back Direction.

10.3.4 Where the requirements specified in the Sandbox Send Back Direction are of a minor nature such that it would be more appropriate for BSCCo to address the matters contained therein without preparing a draft Sandbox Send Back Process then:

(a) BSCCo may take such steps as are necessary to address the requirements of that Sandbox Send Back Direction; and

(b) the provisions of paragraphs 10.3.6(b), 10.3.6(c), 10.3.7 and 10.3.8 shall apply thereto provided that if the Panel does not approve the revised draft Sandbox Report then it may require BSCCo to prepare a draft Sandbox Send Back Process in accordance with paragraph 10.3.3.

10.3.5 The Panel shall consider the draft Sandbox Send Back Process and, having considered any comments made or received by the representative of the Authority, shall determine whether to approve the draft Sandbox Send Back Process or to instruct BSCCo to make such changes to the draft Sandbox Send Back Process as may be specified by the Panel.

10.3.6 Following approval by the Panel of the Sandbox Send Back Process:

(a) BSCCo shall perform the additional steps set out in the Sandbox Send Back Process;

(b) BSCCo shall:

(i) notify the Sandbox Applicant that the Authority has issued a Send Back Direction;

(ii) revise the Sandbox Report;

(iii) re-submit that Sandbox Report to the Panel; and

(iv) take any further steps in relation to the Sandbox Report as are set out in this paragraph 10.3 and the Sandbox Send Back Process; and

(c) the Panel shall consider the revised Sandbox Report in accordance with paragraph 10.3.7, in each case in accordance with the procedure(s) and timetable set out in the Sandbox Send Back Process.

10.3.7 The Panel shall consider the revised Sandbox Report and determine:

(a) whether to revise the recommendation it made to the Authority pursuant to paragraph 10.2.5;

(b) whether to approve the revised Sandbox Report or to instruct BSCCo make such further changes to the revised report as may be specified by the Panel;

(c) (if applicable) whether to approve any revised proposed conditions on the proposed BSC Derogation; and/or

(d) (if applicable) whether to approve any revised proposed Trial Period or Transition Plan.

10.3.8 After the Panel has considered the revised Sandbox Report, BSCCo shall:

(a) finalise the revised Sandbox Report which shall, for the purposes of the Code, be deemed to be the Sandbox Report as from the date of the Panel’s determination pursuant to paragraph 10.3.7; and

(b) submit such Sandbox Report to the Authority; and

(c) copy such report to:

(i) each Party and interested third party;

(ii) each Panel Member; and

(iii) the Sandbox Applicant.

10.4 Impact of BSC Derogation

10.4.1 Subject to paragraph 10.2.8, any BSC Sandbox Application (including the associated Trial Period and Transition Plan) that has been approved by the Authority shall be a BSC Derogation and, subject to paragraph 10.7.7, such BSC Derogation shall remain in force for the relevant Trial Period together with any relevant Transition Period relating to such Derogation (the "Derogation Period").

10.4.2 Subject to paragraph 10.4.3, for the duration of the Derogation Period:

(a) each Derogation Party shall be relieved of their obligation to comply with the Code to the extent permitted by a BSC Derogation; and

(b) no act or omission by a Derogation Party that would be a breach or Default of the Code shall be deemed to be a breach or Default to the extent only that such act or omission is permitted by a BSC Derogation.

10.4.3 In respect of each BSC Derogation:

(a) a Derogation Party shall be required to comply with all provisions of the Code that are relevant to such Party and which are outside the scope of such BSC Derogation;

(b) a Derogation Party shall be required to comply with any conditions included in such BSC Derogation;

(c) BSCCo may charge, and a Derogation Party shall pay to BSCCo such fees as published in the BSC Sandbox Report;

(d) such BSC Derogation shall have no effect to the extent that it purports to derogate from:

(i) any Licence conditions;

(ii) any other Industry Code (but without prejudice to any other regulatory sandbox arrangements);

(iii) any Legal Requirement (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any Relevant European Legal Requirement);

(iv) any provision of the Code identified in Section F1.1.9; or

(v) any provision of this paragraph 10,

and each Derogation Party acknowledges and agrees that it shall be responsible for its compliance with any such Code provision, Licence condition, Industry Code or Legal Requirement (for the purposes of this paragraph 10.4.3 a "relevant legal requirement");

(e) each Party:

(i) (to the fullest extent permitted by law but excluding any claim for death or personal injury as a result of negligence or any claim for fraud) hereby waives any claims, demands and proceedings against BSCCo in respect of all costs (including legal costs), fines, expenses, damages and other liabilities incurred by such Party (for the purposes of this paragraph 10.4.3 a "claim") in connection with any claim related to a Derogation Party’s acts or omissions under a relevant legal requirement;

(ii) indemnifies and keeps indemnified BSCCo in connection with any claim related to a Derogation Party’s acts or omissions under a relevant legal requirement.

10.4.4 With effect from 00:00 on the day following the Derogation Period End Date, such BSC Derogation shall no longer be in force and the Derogation Party shall comply with the Code in full from such time and date.

10.4.5 The granting of a BSC Derogation to any Party shall not relieve any other Party of all or any of its obligations under the Code.

10.4.6 Subject to paragraphs 10.5 and 10.6, no variation to a BSC Derogation shall be permitted.

10.5 Trial Period Duration

10.5.1 A Trial Period shall take effect from the Derogation Period Commencement Date and, subject to paragraph 10.5.3, shall remain in effect for such period as has been approved by the Authority pursuant to paragraph 10.4.1.

10.5.2 The Trial Period, including any extensions approved thereto pursuant to paragraph 10.5.3, shall on no account exceed a total duration of two years from the Derogation Period Commencement Date.

10.5.3 Subject always to paragraph 10.5.2, the Panel may extend a Trial Period with the approval of, or at the direction of, the Authority provided that the Panel may only recommend an extension to a Trial Period in exceptional circumstances.

10.6 BSC Derogation Transition and Exit

10.6.1 In respect of a BSC Derogation:

(a) a Derogation Party shall comply with the relevant Transition Plan approved by the Authority pursuant to paragraph 10.4.1; and

(b) the applicable Transition Period shall take effect from the end of the Trial Period relating to that BSC Derogation and shall remain in effect until the earlier of:

(i) the Derogation Period End Date;

(ii) the Implementation Date of a Code Modification relating to such BSC Derogation; or

(iii) three years after the Derogation Period Commencement Date.

10.6.2 The Panel may extend a Transition Period (other than a Transition Period that is being implemented pursuant to an Early Cessation Report) with the approval of, or at the direction of, the Authority where a Modification Proposal relating to the BSC Derogation was made before the conclusion of the Trial Period, and that Modification Proposal:

(a) has not been implemented, rejected or withdrawn at the date of the extension request; or

(b) has been withdrawn or rejected and the Panel determines that an extension to the Transition Period is reasonably necessary to allow the Derogation Party to exit from BSC Derogation,

provided that the Transition Period must end no later than three years after the Derogation Period Commencement Date.

10.6.3 BSCCo may charge, and a Derogation Party shall pay to BSCCo, such additional fees as BSCCo:

(a) considers represent the reasonable additional costs to BSCCo of monitoring and administering an extension of the Transition Period in respect of such BSC Derogation; and

(b) has notified to the Derogation Party prior to the extension of the Transition Period.

10.7 Derogation Reporting and Monitoring

10.7.1 A Derogation Party shall provide to BSCCo such reports as may be specified in the Sandbox Report.

10.7.2 Upon receipt of a report pursuant to paragraph 10.7.1, BSCCo shall:

(a) provide a copy of such report to each Panel Member;

(b) if such report has not already been received by the Authority, provide a copy of such report to the Authority; and

(c) publish a copy of such report on the BSC Website, redacting such information as the Derogation Party expressly requests BSCCo keep confidential.

10.7.3 The Panel may recommend to the Authority at any time that a BSC Derogation be removed if the Panel considers that:

(a) a BSC Derogation no longer meets the BSC Sandbox Eligibility Criteria; or

(b) a Derogation Party is in breach of a BSC Derogation,

in which case it may make a recommendation to the Authority in accordance with paragraph 10.7.4.

10.7.4 Before the Panel makes a recommendation pursuant to paragraph 10.7.3, BSCCo shall prepare, and submit to the Panel, a draft report which shall include:

(a) rationale on whether:

(i) a BSC Derogation no longer meets the BSC Sandbox Eligibility Criteria; or

(ii) a Derogation Party is in breach of a BSC Derogation;

(b) an evaluation of the risks and impacts related to the recommendation;

(c) the views of the Derogation Party, if the Derogation Party has provided such views to BSCCo;

(d) such other matters as shall be required by the BSC Sandbox Procedure,

(the "Early Cessation Report").

10.7.5 The Panel shall consider the draft Early Cessation Report and shall determine whether to:

(a) recommend to the Authority that the BSC Derogation be removed prior to the scheduled end of the relevant Derogation Period; or

(b) require amendments to the draft Early Cessation Report in which case the Panel shall determine the timetable for making such amendments and specify its further requirements, BSCCo shall amend and resubmit the draft report in accordance with such requirements and the Panel shall reconsider the draft report.

10.7.6 Within seven Business Days after the Panel meeting at which the Early Cessation Report has been approved, BSCCo shall:

(a) submit such report to the Authority; and

(b) copy such report to:

(i) each Party and interested third party;

(ii) each Panel Member; and

(iii) the Derogation Party.

10.7.7 If the Authority has approved a recommendation to remove a BSC Derogation prior to the scheduled end of the relevant Derogation Period then the Trial Period relating to that BSC Derogation, if such Trial Period is still in effect, shall immediately cease and paragraph 10.6 shall apply.

10.8 BSCCo Derogation Reporting

10.8.1 BSCCo shall from time to time and at least annually submit to the Panel for approval a draft lessons learned report including:

(a) an estimate of the costs incurred by BSCCo in respect of the administration of this paragraph 10; and

(b) such other matters as shall be required by the BSC Sandbox Procedure.

10.8.2 In respect of each lessons learned report approved by the Panel, BSCCo shall:

(a) submit such report to the Authority; and

(b) publish such report on the BSC Website.


11.1 The Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service Change Board

11.1.1 The principal function and power of the BCB under Section H (and without prejudice to any other functions and powers delegated to the BCB by the Panel in relation to the BMRS or otherwise) is to determine whether, the extent to which, and the terms (if any) on which BSC Data may be disclosed.

11.1.2 The Panel shall determine terms of reference ("BCB Terms of Reference") for the BCB in accordance with Section B5 and BSCCo shall publish the BCB Terms of Reference on the BSC Website.

11.1.3 The BCB Terms of Reference may include a right for the BCB to delegate to BSCCo the determination of BSC Data disclosure requests in which case:

(a) the provisions of this paragraph 11 shall apply mutatis mutandis to BSCCo as if references to the BCB were references to BSCCo; and

(b) the BCB shall periodically review whether any such delegated rights remain appropriate.

11.2 Data Disclosure Requests

11.2.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "BSC Data" means data or information held by, or on behalf of, BSCCo (including BSC Agents) and which is received, produced or sent by or on behalf of Parties under the Code (including, for the avoidance of doubt, by BSC Agents and Party Agents) for the purposes of Settlement but excluding any data or information that the Code explicitly identifies as confidential;

(b) "BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation" means a recommendation made by BSCCo under paragraph 11.2.4;

(c) "BSC Data Impact Assessment" means an assessment undertaken by BSCCo in accordance with the BSC Data Request Procedure assessing, in respect of a BSC Data Request, the time, effort and cost required to disclose that BSC Data, the impact of implementing the BSC Data Request identified by BSC Agents, the anticipated benefits of disclosing that BSC Data and the potential impacts on industry;

(d) "BSC Data Request" means a request to disclose BSC Data made in accordance with the BSC Data Request Procedure;

(e) "BSC Data Request Procedure" means the document established and maintained by [the Panel] and published on the BSC Website setting out:

(i) the criteria for assessing BSC Data Requests, the and determining the extent to which BSC Data may be disclosed, together with the classification of BSC Data;

(ii) the procedures for processing BSC Data Requests: and

(iii) any requirements in relation to the form and manner in which BSC Data may be disclosed,

and for the purposes of this paragraph 11, "disclose" shall mean disclose, reveal, report, publish or transfer with or without restrictions, in each case as may be determined in accordance with this paragraph.

11.2.2 Any Party and any person may submit to BSCCo a BSC Data Request and BSCCo shall process such request and, where so approved, disclose that BSC Data in accordance with this paragraph.

11.2.3 Following receipt of a BSC Data Request, BSCCo shall, in accordance with the BSC Data Request Procedure:

(a) identify whether there are any issues which might prevent or limit the disclosure of that BSC Data including whether:

(i) the requested BSC Data includes personal data within the meaning of Data Protection Legislation, data relating to the private administration of a business or which is commercially sensitive, and/or data in respect of which publication is prohibited by a Legal Requirement;

(ii) the BSC Data would, if disclosed have a negative impact on existing or future consumers;

(iii) the disclosure of the BSC Data creates incremental security issues having regard to data that is already openly available, or exacerbates existing security issues, in each case which cannot be mitigated;

(b) identify whether any mitigations can be put in place to allow the disclosure of some or all of the requested BSC Data notwithstanding any issues identified under paragraph 11.2.3(a);

(c) undertake a BSC Data Impact Assessment;

(d) prepare a BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation for the BCB which shall set out, in relation to the BSC Data, BSCCO’s recommendation on whether the BSC Data should be disclosed together with the matters determined or established pursuant to this paragraph 11.2.3; and

(e) consult with Parties and interested third persons for a period of not more than fifteen Working Days on BSCCo’s draft BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation.

11.2.4 Upon completion of the consultation conducted under paragraph 11.2.3(e), BSCCo shall:

(a) finalise its draft BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation taking into account any consultation responses; and

(b) as soon as reasonably practical thereafter submit its BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation to the BCB together with copies of the consultation responses.

11.2.5 The BCB shall, in accordance with the BSC Data Disclosure Procedure, consider the BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation and any consultation responses and shall determine whether, the extent to which, and the terms (if any) on which the BSC Data shall be disclosed (including as to the recovery of the reasonable costs incurred by BSCCo of disclosing such BSC Data). In making such determination, the BCB must take into consideration the presumption that BSC Data should be openly available, and only refuse disclosure to the extent that concerns identified through the BSC Data Request Procedure warrant overriding this presumption.

11.2.6 Following a determination by the BCB, BSCO shall in accordance with the BSC Data Request Procedure:

(a) inform the Party or person who made the BSC Data Request;

(b) publish the outcome of the BCB’s determination together with the rationale supporting that determination; and

(c) no earlier than the expiry of the appeal period set out in paragraph 11.3.2, and subject to paragraph 11.3, implement, or procure the implementation of, the BCB’s determination.

11.2.7 Each Party hereby consents irrevocably and unconditionally to the disclosure of data pursuant to this paragraph.

11.2.8 The provisions of paragraph 11.2 shall not apply to the disclosure of BSC Data:

(a) to the Authority, BSCCo, any Panel Committee or (to the extent necessary for the purposes of the Code) any BSC Agent; or

(b) where the BSC Data is in the public domain; or

(c) where such BSC Data is permitted or required to be disclosed in compliance with any Legal Requirement; or

(d) where the disclosure of such BSC Data is expressly required under the Code.

11.2.9 BSCCo shall keep a copy of all determinations made by itself or the BCB pursuant to paragraph 11.2.5 and shall publish a register of such determinations together with the disclosure rationale.

11.2.10 BSCCo shall, at least annually, submit a report to the Authority in relation to BSC Data Requests during the preceding year.

11.3 Appeals

11.3.1 Where a Party or person who has requested the disclosure of BSC Data disagrees with the determination of the BCB under paragraph 11.2.5, the Party or (as the case may be) person may refer the matter to the Panel in accordance with the BSC Data Request Procedure.

11.3.2 A reference by a Party to the Panel under paragraph 11.3.1 shall be made no later than ten Business Days after the notification given by BSCCo under paragraph 11.2.6(b) in which case the disclosure of the relevant BSC Data shall be suspended pending the outcome of the Panel’s determination.

11.3.3 The Panel shall adopt such procedures as it sees fit (having regard generally to the BSC Data Request Procedure) for the purpose of determining whether such BSC Data should be disclosed; and the Panel Secretary shall notify the decision of the Panel in respect of such BSC Data Request to the person making such appeal and publish the Panel’s determination together with its rationale.


Section H

Version 43.0

Effective Date: 7 March 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


























































P388 Self Governance




P385 Self Governance




P394 Self Governance








P387 Self-Governance




P386 Self Governance
















P362 Alt








P342 Alternative




P318 Self Governance





Secretary of State



P293 Self Governance




































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section J sets out or refers to:

(a) the types of obligations and activities under the Code which Parties are obliged to perform through the use of Party Agents;

(b) the duties of Parties to ensure that Party Agent functions are discharged in accordance with relevant performance levels;

(c) the Qualification Requirements which must be met and the Qualification Process which must be completed by certain Parties and Party Agents under the Code; and

(d) the obligation of Parties to register relevant Party Agents in CMRS, SMRS and, where relevant, in accordance with the REC, or the AMRS (in each case, as the case may be).

1.1.2 In this Section J, in relation to a SVA Metering System:

(a) references to a Data Collector are to a Half Hourly Data Collector or Non Half Hourly Data Collector; and

(b) references to a Data Aggregator are to a Half Hourly Data Aggregator or a Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator,

in each case as applicable depending on whether the relevant Metering System is a Half Hourly Metering System or a Non Half Hourly Metering System.

1.2 Obligation to use Party Agents

1.2.1 Each Party shall secure that the following Party Agents are appointed and used, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this Section J, to perform the obligations and carry out the activities of such Party described in paragraph 1.2.2:

(a) in relation to each Metering System for which such Party is or is to be the Registrant (other than a Metering System which relates to an Unmetered Supply):

(i) a CVA Meter Operator Agent; or

(ii) a SVA Meter Operator Agent provided that the Registrant shall ensure that such SVA Meter Operator Agent:

(A) is appointed in accordance with the provisions of the Retail Energy Code; and

(B) complies with the provisions of this Section J but only to the extent that such provisions are expressed to apply to Party Agents generally and SVA Meter Operator Agents have not otherwise been excluded therefrom;

(b) in relation to each SVA Metering System for which such Party is or is to be the Registrant:

(i) a Data Collector; and

(ii) a Data Aggregator;

(c) in relation to each SVA Metering System which relates to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply and for which such Party is or is to be the Registrant, a Meter Administrator.

(d) in relation to each Asset Metering System a Data Collector;

(e) in relation to each SVA Metering System for which the Supplier requires Eligible Exempt Supply Volumes to be calculated an Exempt Supply Notification Agent.

1.2.2 In respect of Metering Systems (or SVA Metering Systems, as the case may be) for which a Party is the Registrant, the principal obligations and activities which that Party is required to perform through the use of a Party Agent (and which represent the functions of such Party Agent) are as follows:

(a) in the case of a CVA Meter Operator Agent, to install, commission, test and maintain, rectify faults and provide a sealing service in respect of Metering Equipment (including, if applicable, associated Communications Equipment) in accordance with the provisions of Section L (except to the extent that Section L and the relevant Code of Practice requires the Equipment Owner to perform such activities);

(aa) in the case of a SVA Meter Operator Agent and in relation to Metering Equipment, the applicable obligations and activities specified in the Retail Energy Code in relation to Metering Equipment Managers;

(ab) in the case of a Meter Operator Agent and in relation to Asset Metering Equipment, to install, commission, test and maintain, rectify faults and provide a sealing service in respect of Asset Metering Equipment (including, if applicable, associated Communications Equipment) in accordance with the provisions of Section L (except to the extent that Section L and the relevant Code of Practice requires the Equipment Owner to perform such activities);

(b) in the case of a Half Hourly Data Collector, to retrieve, validate and process metering data from Half Hourly Meters and Equivalent Meters in respect of SVA Metering Equipment or Asset Metering Equipment in accordance with the provisions of Section S;

(c) in the case of a Non Half Hourly Data Collector, to retrieve, validate and process metering data from Non Half Hourly Meters in respect of SVA Metering Equipment in accordance with the provisions of Section S;

(d) in the case of a Half Hourly Data Aggregator, to aggregate metering data received from such Party's Half Hourly Data Collectors and provide such aggregated data and the Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption to the SVAA in accordance with the provisions of Section S;

(e) in the case of a Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator, to aggregate metering data received from such Party's Non Half Hourly Data Collectors and provide such aggregated data to the SVAA in accordance with the provisions of Section S;

(f) in the case of a Meter Administrator, to calculate estimated energy consumption for Equivalent Unmetered Supplies and to provide the relevant data to such Party's Half Hourly Data Collector in accordance with the provisions of Section S;

(g) in the case of an Exempt Supply Notification Agent (ESNA), to receive Half Hourly Metered volumes, apply losses caused by transmission and/or distribution, determine exempt supply volumes (using Half Hourly Metered Data and details provided by Suppliers from their arrangement with suppliers operating under an Exemption) and aggregate exempt supply volumes to BM Unit level and submit to BSC Systems for Settlement.

1.2.3 In addition, where a Party wishes to make Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (as the case may be) in accordance with Section P, it may only do so through the following Party Agents who satisfy the requirements of this Section J and are authorised in accordance with the provisions of Section P:

(a) in the case of Energy Contract Volume Notifications, through Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents, the principal functions of which shall be to make Energy Contract Volume Notifications in accordance with Section P and to discharge such other functions, in relation to such Party, as are attributed to an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent in Section P;

(b) in the case of Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications, through Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents, the principal functions of which shall be to make Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications in accordance with Section P and to discharge such other functions, in relation to such Party, as are attributed to a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent in Section P.

1.2.4 In satisfying the requirements of paragraphs 1.2.1 and 1.2.3, a Party may, instead of appointing another person (whether another Party or a third party) to fulfil the role of a Party Agent, discharge the relevant function or functions itself provided it is and remains Qualified to perform such role and, in that event:

(a) references to Party Agent, Meter Operator Agent, CVA Meter Operator Agent, SVA Meter Operator Agent (where, for the purposes of this paragraph 1.2.4, the reference to a Party remaining Qualified to perform such role shall be a reference to the equivalent qualification requirements under the Retail Energy Code), Data Collector, Half Hourly Data Collector, Non Half Hourly Data Collector, Data Aggregator Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Meter Administrator, Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Exempt Supply Notification Agent and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (as the case may be) shall be construed as a reference to such Party (acting in its capacity as such Agent); and

(b) the provisions of the Code shall apply and be interpreted on the basis that such Party shall itself perform the obligations in respect of which it would otherwise be required to ensure compliance by another person.

1.2.5 In respect of Party Agents appointed under the Code:

(a) in the case of a Party Agent appointed by a Party pursuant to paragraph 1.2.1, that Party shall be responsible for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure of such Party Agent (in relation to that Party) and shall itself comply, and shall procure compliance by such Party Agent, with the relevant provisions of the Code and of Code Subsidiary Documents;

(b) in the case of a Party Agent appointed by Contract Trading Parties pursuant to Section P, those Contracting Trading Parties shall be responsible jointly and severally for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure of such Party Agent (in relation to those Contracting Trading Parties jointly) and shall themselves comply, and shall procure compliance by such Party Agent, with the relevant provisions of the Code and of Code Subsidiary Documents,

and, for the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this paragraph 1.2.5 are without prejudice to and shall not affect the rights and obligations as between Parties or between Parties and Party Agents in respect of the appointment or performance of Party Agents (which shall be a matter outside the Code).

1.2.6 Each Party shall, in accordance with any relevant Party Service Lines and BSC Procedures, take such actions and provide such information as is reasonably necessary to enable each Party Agent for which it is responsible to discharge its functions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code, relevant Party Service Lines and relevant BSC Procedures.

1.2.7 For the avoidance of doubt, the requirement of a Party to perform certain obligations and to carry out certain activities of such Party through a Party Agent in accordance with this Section J is without prejudice to such Party's responsibility to perform those obligations and carry out those activities under the Code.

1.2.8 Each Party shall ensure that the Party Agents for which it is responsible comply with the relevant provisions of Section O.

1.3 Other Agents under the Code

1.3.1 In addition to the functions to be carried out by the Party Agents referred to in paragraph 1.2 or by the BSC Agents referred to in Section E, the Code requires certain functions to be carried out:

(a) in respect of its Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s), by the Supplier Meter Registration Agent responsible for such Distribution System(s);

(b) in respect of its Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s), by a Licensed Distribution System Operator when acting in its capacity as an Unmetered Supplies Operator; and

(c) by a Data Transfer Service Provider.

1.3.2 The principal functions of a Supplier Meter Registration Agent are as follows:

(a) to provide and operate a registration service in respect of those Boundary Points on the Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) (if any) of such SMRA which are not registered in the Central Meter Registration Service, in each case in accordance with Section K and Section S and in accordance with the REC;

(b) to provide data from such registration system to Parties, Party Agents and BSC Agents for the purposes of Settlement in accordance with the requirements of the Code; and

(c) to provide BSCCo with data from such registration system for the purposes of monitoring in accordance with BSCP533.

1.3.2A In respect of a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, the Licensed Distribution System Operator that has appointed that Supplier Meter Registration Agent shall be responsible for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure of such Supplier Meter Registration Agent (in relation to that Licensed Distribution System Operator) and shall itself comply, and shall procure compliance by such Supplier Meter Registration Agent, with the relevant provisions of the Code and of Code Subsidiary Documents. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this paragraph 1.3.2A are without prejudice to and shall not affect the rights and obligations as between Licensed Distribution System Operators and Supplier Meter Registration Agents in respect of the appointment or performance of such Supplier Meter Registration Agents (which shall be a matter outside the Code).

1.3.3 The principal function of a Data Transfer Service Provider is to provide a Managed Data Network.

1.3.4 The functions of a Licensed Distribution System Operator when acting in its capacity as an Unmetered Supplies Operator are set out in Section S8.2.


2.1 Application

2.1.1 For those Party Agents referred to in paragraph 2.1.2, a Party shall only appoint and use persons who are Qualified (in respect of the functions to be carried out by that Party Agent) and each Party shall ensure that its Party Agents comply in full with the relevant Qualification Requirements and Qualification Process.

2.1.2 The following persons shall be subject to the Qualification Requirements of this Section J applicable to that type of person or to the functions of that type of person:

(a) CVA Meter Operator Agents;

(b) Data Collectors;

(c) Data Aggregators;

(d) Meter Administrators;

(e) Suppliers;

(f) Licensed Distribution System Operators when acting in their capacity as Unmetered Supplies Operators;

(g) Supplier Meter Registration Agents;

(h) Virtual Lead Parties;

(i) Virtual Trading Parties;

(j) Licensed Distribution System Operators;

(k) Meter Operator Agents for Asset Metering Systems;

(l) Exempt Supply Notification Agent.

2.1.3 Each Supplier and each person carrying out any of the functions referred to in paragraphs 1.2.2 (other than each SVA Meter Operator Agent), 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 is required to be Qualified in accordance with this Section J (and in the case of Suppliers and CVA Meter Operator Agents who are responsible for CVA Metering Equipment they are also required to comply with the testing requirements set out in Section O) before it carries out any of its functions, duties, activities or responsibilities under the Code or any relevant BSCP.

2.1A Transitional Arrangements

2.1A.1 Each Supplier who is already a Party to the Code and has completed the Supplier Entry Process, and each person who has been Accredited and has had their Agency Systems Certified or has completed the SMRS Entry Process, and those persons carrying out those functions referred to in paragraph 1.3.4 pursuant to the Code at the time of the Implementation Date of the Approved Modification that first introduced this paragraph 2.1A.1 ("the relevant Implementation Date") shall automatically be deemed to be Qualified in accordance with this Section J. Such Qualification shall be subject to any relevant conditions applying pursuant to the Code at the relevant Implementation Date.

2.1A.2 Any Party or Party Agent who prior to the relevant Implementation Date has commenced the Accreditation Process, Certification Process, SMRS Entry Process or Supplier Entry Process pursuant to the provisions of the Code or any relevant BSCP which applied prior to the relevant Implementation Date ("the processes") may elect either to remain subject to the processes or to apply for Qualification, provided that if such Party or Party Agent elects to remain subject to the processes and fails to obtain Accreditation or have their Agency Systems Certified or to complete the processes within nine months of the relevant Implementation Date, such Party or Party Agent shall no longer be subject to the processes and shall be obliged to apply for Qualification.

2.1A.3 Any Party or Party Agent who pursuant to paragraph 2.1A.2 elects to remain subject to the processes and subsequently completes the SMRS Entry Process, Supplier Entry Process or is Accredited and their Agency Systems Certified within nine months of the relevant Implementation Date shall automatically be deemed to be Qualified in accordance with this Section J. Such Qualification shall be subject to any relevant conditions applying to such Accreditation, Certification or in relation to the completion of the SMRS Entry Process or Supplier Entry Process.

2.1A.4 For the purposes of paragraph 2.1A, the terms Accreditation Process, Certification Process, SMRS Entry Process, Supplier Entry Process, Accredited, Accreditation, Agency Systems, Certified and Certification shall have the same meanings and applications as those terms or processes had prior to the relevant Implementation Date and shall be enforceable as such. In addition any terms referred to in those terms or processes shall also have the same meanings and applications as such terms had prior to the relevant Implementation Date and shall also be enforceable as such.

2.1A.5 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator who is already a Party to the Code and carrying out functions in its capacity as a Licensed Distribution System Operator pursuant to the Code at the time of the Implementation Date of the Approved Modification that first introduced paragraph 2.1.2(i) shall automatically be deemed to be Qualified in accordance with this Section J in its capacity as a Licensed Distribution System Operator. Such Qualification shall be subject to any relevant conditions applying pursuant to the Code at the Implementation Date of paragraph 2.1.2(i).

2.1B SVA Meter Operator Agents Transitional Arrangements

2.1B.1 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in paragraphs 2 and 3 (and the establishment of a qualification process under the Retail Energy Code in respect of SVA Meter Operator Agents):

(a) any Applicant that wishes to Qualify as an SVA Meter Operator Agent and has commenced the Qualification Process as at the Retail Code Consolidation Date may continue the Qualification Process in accordance with this Section J and BSCP537; and

(b) in relation to any SVA Meter Operator Agent, any Qualification Process (including removal of Qualification, Surrender of Qualification and re-Qualification) that is in progress as at the Retail Code Consolidation Date shall continue in effect until the completion of that Qualification process,

and accordingly, in respect of SVA Meter Operator Agents, the functions, duties responsibilities and (where relevant) powers of each Applicant, each Party, SVA Meter Operator Agents, the Performance Assurance Board, the Panel and BSCCo under Section J and BSCP537 shall continue in effect to the extent necessary.

2.1B.2 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.1B.1, the Performance Assurance Board may agree joint arrangements with the REC Performance Assurance Board for the transfer to the REC Performance Assurance Board of responsibility for completing any Qualification Process in respect of an SVA Meter Operator Agent that is in progress as at the Retail Code Consolidation Date.

2.2 Establishment of Requirements

2.2.1 The Qualification Requirements provide criteria for assessing:

(a) the ability of persons to discharge the functions in respect of which they are or wish to be appointed under the Code; and

(b) the ability of Suppliers to perform their activities and obligations under the Code; and

(c) the ability of systems and processes used by such persons to support such functions, activities and obligations.

2.2.2 The Qualification Requirements of those persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.2 shall be established by the Panel and recorded in this Section J and BSC Procedures, as modified from time to time in accordance with Section F3.

2.3 Reliance on Qualification

2.3.1 Each Party shall be required to satisfy itself as to the financial condition and prospects and the management and operational ability of any Qualified Person which it intends to appoint as its Party Agent (or as the person carrying out the functions referred to in paragraph 1.3.2 and 1.3.4) and shall not rely on the fact of Qualification (or the lack of Qualification) as, or infer therefrom, any representation, warranty or other statement or indication on the part of the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Administrator, any Panel Committee or BSCCo, that the Qualified Person has any or any particular financial condition or prospects or level of management or operational ability.

2.4 Additional functions

2.4.1 Where a Person is to carry out those functions referred to in paragraphs 1.2.2, 1.3.2 and 1.3.4 in respect of which it is not Qualified, the Party responsible for that person (if applicable) shall ensure that such person is Qualified in respect of those functions before such person starts to carry out those functions.

2.4.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 2.4.1:

(a) a Qualified Data Aggregator which is to start aggregating energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2; or

(b) a Qualified Data Collector or Qualified Data Aggregator which is to start collecting or aggregating data in the circumstances where paragraphs 3.3.4 and 3.5.5, respectively, of Annex S-2 apply, or

(c) a Qualified Data Collector which is to start collecting data in the circumstances where there is a variable supplier as referred to in paragraph 3.5.5 of Annex S-2,

shall be Qualified in respect of those functions before starting to do so.


3.1 Performance Assurance Board

3.1.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall be responsible, subject to and in accordance with this Section J and BSCP537, for the Qualification Process relating to those persons referred to in paragraph 2.1.2.

3.1.2 The Performance Assurance Board shall notify BSCCo when a person becomes Qualified.

3.1.3 BSCCo shall maintain an up-to-date list of each person who is Qualified and shall make a copy of such list available to any person on request.

3.1.4 The Performance Assurance Board shall have the authority to exempt Suppliers from Qualification obligations in respect of the Smart Market Segment.

3.1.5 The Performance Assurance Board shall ensure that the necessary reporting mechanisms are in place to monitor and mitigate any instances where Metering Systems are registered by Suppliers that are not Qualified to perform their role in the relevant Market Segment.

3.1.6 Any reference in this paragraph 3.1 to an exemption from Qualification obligations shall mean an exemption from any or all of the Qualification Requirements that are applicable to the relevant Market Segment (as determined by the Performance Assurance Board).

3.1.7 Where the Performance Assurance Board has exempted a Supplier from Qualification obligations under this paragraph 3.1, that Supplier shall be bound by, and shall comply with, any criteria or conditions specified by the Performance Assurance Board relating to that exemption.


3.3 Qualification Process

3.3.1 The Qualification Process shall be conducted in accordance with this Section J and BSCP537.

3.3.1A Subject to paragraph 2.1B, any reference in this paragraph 3 to a Party Agent shall not include a reference to a SVA Meter Operator Agent.

3.3.2 Save where the person which a Party is wishing to or intending to appoint as its Party Agent is already Qualified, each Party shall:

(a) comply with and ensure that its Party Agents (and any person it appoints to perform the functions referred to in paragraphs 1.3.2 and 1.3.4) comply with the relevant Qualification Requirements and the relevant requirements of the Qualification Process such that the Performance Assurance Board can properly determine whether the relevant person should be Qualified; and

(b) if applicable, co-operate with and ensure that its Party Agents (and any person it appoints to perform the functions referred to in paragraphs 1.3.2 and 1.3.4) co-operate with the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Administrator, BSCCo, the Panel and/or any Panel Committee in the execution of their duties.

3.3.2A Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall provide all reasonable assistance to each Supplier and its Supplier Agents in accordance with Section J and BSCP537 as may be required by the relevant Supplier and/or its Supplier Agents for it or them to satisfy the requirements of the Qualification Process.

3.3.3 Subject to paragraphs 3.3.4 and 3.3.5, when an Applicant wishes to Qualify under the Code it shall submit the appropriate application to BSCCo. For the avoidance of doubt no such application shall be considered necessary in relation to any testing processes or otherwise that a Supplier or a CVA Meter Operator Agent who is responsible for CVA Metering Equipment is required to complete under Section O.

3.3.4 In the case where an Applicant has applied to become a Party to the Framework Agreement (in accordance with Section A2.1) and intends to have the participation capacity of a Virtual Trading Party and/or Virtual Lead Party and/or Supplier and/or a Licensed Distribution System Operator under the Code, then BSCCo shall treat the Applicant’s application under Section A2.2.1 as an appropriate application for the purposes of paragraph 3.3.3.

3.3.5 In the case where an Applicant has executed the letter agreement referred to in paragraph 3.3.6, then BSCCo shall treat the execution of such letter agreement as an appropriate application for the purposes of paragraph 3.3.3.

3.3.6 The Applicant’s application to Qualify shall not be accepted or considered until the Applicant has agreed to be bound by and to comply with the Code and has executed, in the case of a Party, the Framework Agreement and, in the case of any other Applicant, a letter agreement in the form and content satisfactory to the Performance Assurance Board.

3.3.7 Following receipt of an Applicant’s application for Qualification pursuant to paragraph 3.3.3 BSCCo shall:

(a) meet or communicate with the Applicant to explain the Qualification Process (including but not limited to the requirement for the Applicant to complete and submit a Qualification Document to BSCCo); and

(b) provide appropriate guidance and support to the Applicant (if requested) during the course of the progress of the application for Qualification, provided that notwithstanding any such guidance or support, the responsibility for the management, progression and completion of the application for Qualification and for establishing the Applicant’s compliance with the Qualification Requirements is that of the Applicant. The amount of guidance and support provided to the Applicant (if any) shall be at the reasonable discretion of BSCCo or as set out in BSCP537.

3.3.8 When the Applicant has submitted its Qualification Document (whether as a fully completed document or in stages), BSCCo shall:

(a) carry out a review and assessment of the Qualification Document (at such level and in such detail as it considers appropriate where the Qualification Document is submitted in stages) and in doing so shall (without limiting the generality of the foregoing) assess any relevant matters including the risk which the Applicant would, if Qualified, pose to Settlement and the operation of the Code and the arrangements described in it; and

(b) review any evidence and verification of the information contained in the Qualification Document (including any test results) and request any tests or further evidence and/or witness any tests which BSCCo may in its reasonable opinion consider it requires in order to assess some or all of the information provided in the Qualification Document.

3.3.9 Where the Applicant is also required to undertake the Entry Assessment under the REC (as defined in the REC):

(a) BSCCo will co-ordinate with the REC Code Manager, as appropriate, when an Applicant has applied to become Qualified under the Code; and

(b) BSCCo may, if it considers it appropriate, co-ordinate or combine the meeting referred to in paragraph 3.3.7 (in whole or in part) or any other meeting relating to the Applicant’s application for Qualification with any similar meeting with the equivalent body responsible for explaining or providing guidance to or assessing the Applicant in relation to the Entry Assessment under the REC; and

(c) where BSCCo or the Performance Assurance Board have been provided, by or on behalf of the Applicant, with any information, self assessment document, documentation and/or evidence or verification relating thereto (including any test results) which the Applicant has produced for or in relation to its Entry Assessment under the REC (or for any other relevant industry body), BSCCo or the Performance Assurance Board may when considering:

(i) the Qualification Document submitted by the Applicant; or

(ii) whether any further information is required, and if so, the nature of such further information; or

(iii) whether any evidence or verification (or further evidence or verification) of information contained in the Qualification Document is required including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, whether any testing or further testing (including systems and communications testing) is required and if so, the nature of such testing or further testing,

take into account such information, self assessment document, documentation and/or evidence or verification relating thereto (including any tests results).

3.3.10 When BSCCo is satisfied that the Applicant has fully completed the Qualification Document and provided all appropriate information, documentation, evidence and verification, BSCCo shall provide the Performance Assurance Board with a report in relation to the Applicant’s application for Qualification and make a recommendation to the Performance Assurance Board in relation to the same. The report may include, where appropriate, a recommendation as to whether the Applicant has fully completed the Qualification Document.

3.3.11 BSCCo shall, at the same time as it provides the Performance Assurance Board with its report and recommendation referred to in paragraph 3.3.10, provide a copy of the same to the Applicant.

3.3.12 The Applicant shall be entitled to:

(a) request the Performance Assurance Board to provide advice or clarification or seek endorsement of the plans described in the Qualification Document; and/or

(b) in the circumstances described in BSCP537, request the Performance Assurance Board to determine its application for Qualification if the Applicant (acting reasonably) considers that it has satisfied the Qualification Requirements and has completed the Qualification Process.

3.3.13 Subject to paragraphs 3.3.6 and 3.3.14, upon receipt of the report and recommendation referred to in paragraph 3.3.10 or the request from the Applicant referred to in paragraph 3.3.12 (b) the Performance Assurance Board, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code and BSCP537, shall make a determination as to whether:

(a) the Applicant’s application for Qualification shall be accepted; or

(b) the Applicant’s application for Qualification shall be accepted, but shall also determine that certain matters are to be complied with or addressed including without limitation a requirement that the Applicant shall undergo a technical assurance check; or

(c) the Applicant’s application for Qualification shall be deferred (including so that the Applicant can provide further information, documentation, evidence, verification and/or testing) until such time as the Applicant can establish that it has satisfactorily completed the Qualification Process and met the Qualification Requirements.

3.3.14 Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3.3.13(b), the Performance Assurance Board may, where it considers that the Applicant has sufficiently completed the Qualification Process and met the Qualification Requirements despite there being matters or requirements of an insignificant or non-material nature which may not have been fully completed or met by the Applicant, accept the Applicant’s application for Qualification but shall also determine that the Applicant completes or meets such matters or requirements to the satisfaction of the Performance Assurance Board at a later date with such later date being mutually agreed between the Applicant and the Performance Assurance Board.

3.3.15 The Applicant may attend that part of a meeting convened by the Performance Assurance Board at which the Applicant’s application for Qualification is being presented.

3.3.16 The Performance Assurance Board shall ensure that copies of the latest version of this Section J and BSCP537 are made available to the Applicants.

3.3.17 Without limiting the generality of paragraph 3.3.11, the Performance Assurance Board shall:

(a) (unless the Applicant has already been provided with such reports) provide each Applicant with, or arrange for each Applicant to be provided with, a copy of all reports submitted to it by BSCCo in relation to such Applicant's application for Qualification at the same time as the Performance Assurance Board notifies such Applicant whether its application for Qualification has been accepted; and

(b) be under no obligation to provide an Applicant with, or arrange for it to be provided with, a copy of any such report at any time before it gives such notification.

3.3.18 The Performance Assurance Board shall make available to the Authority all information held by the Performance Assurance Board which the Authority reasonably requires for the purposes of making any determination pursuant to paragraph 3.7.

3.3.19 The provisions of Section Z shall apply to proceedings of the Performance Assurance Board concerning Qualification pursuant to this Section J.

3.4 Removal of Qualification

3.4.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall have the right at any time and from time to time in accordance with and in the circumstances set out in this paragraph 3.4 and BSCP537 to remove the Qualification of any Qualified Person (other than a Party acting in its capacity as a Supplier, Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party, Licensed Distribution System Operator, SMRA or UMSO), whereupon such person shall cease to be Qualified.

3.4.2 The Performance Assurance Board may only remove a Qualified Person’s Qualification when that Qualified Person has failed to comply with the requirements and/or standards for performance (as described in the Code or any relevant BSCP) relating to the activities or functions which that Qualified Person undertakes under the Code or any relevant BSCP (including any requirement for the Applicant to re-Qualify within a reasonable period of time).

3.4.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall notify (in accordance with BSCP537) the Qualified Person where it is satisfied that the Qualified Person is failing to comply with the requirements and/or standards for performance referred to in paragraph 3.4.2 such that consideration is being given or is likely to be given to the removal of the Qualification of the Qualified Person.

3.4.4 Upon receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph 3.4.3 the Qualified Person shall submit an appropriate rectification plan to the Performance Assurance Board. This rectification plan shall set out the steps which the Qualified Person shall take in order to ensure compliance with the requirements and/or standards for performance referred to in paragraph 3.4.2 and shall include an appropriate timetable for taking such steps.

3.4.5 If the Performance Assurance Board (acting reasonably) refuses to approve the rectification plan referred to in paragraph 3.4.4 (or any revision thereof by the Qualified Person) or considers that the Qualified Person is still failing to comply with the requirements and/or standards for performance referred to in paragraph 3.4.2 and/or has not complied with or adequately complied with the steps described in the rectification plan approved by the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Board may notify any relevant Parties in accordance with BSCP537 that consideration is being given or is likely to be given to the removal of the Qualification of the Qualified Person.

3.4.6 Where the Performance Assurance Board (acting reasonably) remains of the opinion that it is still unable to approve the rectification plan referred to in paragraph 3.4.4 (or any revision thereof by the Qualified Person) or considers that the Qualified Person is still failing to comply with the requirements and/or standards for performance referred to in paragraph 3.4.2 and/or has not complied with or adequately complied with the steps described in the rectification plan approved by the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Board may remove the Qualification of the Qualified Person.

3.4.7 Relevant parties shall be notified as set out in and in accordance with BSCP537 where the Qualification of a Qualified Person has been removed in accordance with this paragraph 3.4.

3.4.8 For the avoidance of doubt, if a Party ceases to be a Party to the Code for whatever reason (including but not limited to by reason of Section A5) then that Party’s Qualification in relation to its role or function as a Supplier, Licensed Distribution System Operator, SMRA or UMSO (as the case may be) shall automatically terminate.

3.4.9 Nothing in this Section J or BSCP537 shall prevent any person whose Qualification has been terminated, removed or surrendered from re-applying for Qualification at any time.

3.5 Re-Qualification

3.5.1 With the exception of a Supplier (in relation to its participation capacity as a Supplier) , a Licensed Distribution System Operator (in relation to its capacity as a Licensed Distribution System Operator), a Virtual Trading Party (in relation to its participation capacity as a Virtual Trading Party) and a Virtual Lead Party (in relation to its participation capacity as a Virtual Lead Party), each Qualified Person shall be required to re-Qualify prior to it being subject to a Material Change. BSCP537 may set out details or criteria as to what events may constitute a Material Change. These details or criteria may include but shall not be limited to.

(a) process, staff or system changes; or

(b) in the case of Party Agents (except Meter Administrators) and SMRAs a significant increase in the number of Metering Systems in relation to which that person performs or intends to perform the relevant functions described under the Code.

3.5.2 A Qualified Person with the exception of a Supplier (in relation to its participation capacity as a Supplier) , a Licensed Distribution System Operator (in relation to its capacity as a Licensed Distribution System Operator), a Virtual Trading Party (in relation to its participation capacity as a Virtual Trading Party) and a Virtual Lead Party (in relation to its participation capacity as a Virtual Lead Party), shall on an annual basis provide to BSCCo a written statement signed by a Board Director of the Qualified Person (or such other authorised person previously approved in accordance with BSCP38) stating whether or not it has been subject to a Material Change (other than such Material Change as may have been previously notified to BSCCo in writing or in respect of which it may have previously re-Qualified).

3.5.3 When a Qualified Person is required to re-Qualify it shall submit the appropriate application (as described in BSCP537) to BSCCo and paragraphs 3.3.1 to 3.3.19 (inclusive) shall apply as if references therein to "Qualification", "Qualify" and "Qualified" were references to "re-Qualification", "re-Qualify" and "re-Qualified".

3.5.4 Where the Performance Assurance Board is of the opinion (acting reasonably) that a Qualified Person must re-Qualify for whatever reason (including but not being limited to that Qualified Person having a number of non compliances identified in relation to it) then such person must undertake re-Qualification in accordance with this paragraph 3.5.

3.5.5 If any such Qualified Person is not so re-Qualified in accordance with this Section J and/or BSCP537, such Qualified Person’s Qualification shall automatically lapse to the extent that the Qualified Person is only allowed to operate and perform their functions, activities, responsibilities and obligations under the Code (as the case may be) in accordance with and to the level of their most recent previously approved Qualification.

3.6 Fees and expenses

3.6.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall determine and publish to Applicants, Qualified Persons (and such other persons who reasonably request the same) a Menu of Qualification Fees which may be charged by the Performance Assurance Board for the purposes of Qualification (or re-Qualification), and the Performance Assurance Board shall have the right to revise such fees from time to time.

3.6.2 Each Qualified Person shall pay its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Qualification Process or re-Qualification Process (as the case may be).

3.7 Referral to the Authority

3.7.1 The sole and exclusive remedy of an Applicant who is dissatisfied with any decision of the Performance Assurance Board in relation to Qualification, re-Qualification or removal of Qualification (as the case may be) (the "Dissatisfied Person") shall be to refer the matter to the Authority in accordance with this paragraph 3.7 for determination.

3.7.2 For a referral to be valid pursuant to paragraph 3.7.1, the Dissatisfied Person must:

(a) refer the matter for determination to the Authority in writing (with a copy to the Panel or the Performance Assurance Board in respect of a decision relating to removal of Qualification) no later than fourteen days after receipt by the Dissatisfied Person of the relevant decision of the Performance Assurance Board; and

(b) set out in its referral to the Authority (with reasons in support) the ground or grounds on which the Dissatisfied Person is making its application to the Authority which shall be one or more of the following (and no other):-

(i) that the Performance Assurance Board has not followed the procedures set out in Section J, Section Z and/or BSCP537; or

(ii) that the Performance Assurance Board has given undue weight to particular evidence submitted or to the lack of particular evidence; or

(iii) that the Performance Assurance Board has misinterpreted all or some of the evidence submitted in connection with such application; or

(iv) that, notwithstanding any restrictions that the Panel may place on the Performance Assurance Board in respect of any decision relating to the removal of Qualification as to how it is to assess and decide the matter, the Performance Assurance Board should not have taken into account the failure by the Dissatisfied Person to satisfy one or more specified requirements as set out in paragraph 3.4 or BSCP537.

3.7.3 On a valid referral pursuant to paragraph 3.7.1 the Authority may either determine the matter itself or, if it thinks fit, refer the matter for determination by an arbitrator appointed by it and, subject to paragraph 3.7.4, the practice and procedure to be followed in connection with any such determination shall be such as the Authority may consider appropriate.

3.7.4 In connection with any referral pursuant to paragraph 3.7.1 which the Authority determines itself, the Authority shall have:

(a) the right to engage an independent consultant selected by the Authority and to take and rely on the advice of such independent consultant; and

(b) the discretion to make a determination that the Dissatisfied Person should or should not be or remain Qualified notwithstanding that the ground on which the Dissatisfied Person has applied to the Authority is either the wrong ground or has not been proven.

3.7.5 The determination of the Authority or, as the case may be, the arbitrator pursuant to paragraph 3.7.3 shall be final, conclusive and binding on the Dissatisfied Person, the Performance Assurance Board, the Panel and all Parties, and may include a provision as to the payment in respect of the costs and expenses incurred by the person making the determination.

3.7.6 The Dissatisfied Person, the Panel or the Performance Assurance Board (as the case may be) and all Parties shall promptly give effect to any such determination.

3.7.7 For the avoidance of doubt, neither Section H7 nor Section H8 shall apply in the case where a Qualified Person is dissatisfied with any decision of the Performance Assurance Board referred to in paragraph 3.7.1.

3.8 Qualified Persons' Responsibilities

3.8.1 Applicants shall agree to be bound by the Qualification Process, the provisions of Section J, Section Z and/or BSCP537.

3.8.2 Each Applicant and each Qualified Person represents, warrants and undertakes to BSCCo (for itself and as trustee and agent for each other Party, the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, any Panel Committee and/or the Performance Assurance Administrator) that:

(a) all information supplied by or on behalf of the Applicant or Qualified Person to the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, any Panel Committee, BSCCo or the Performance Assurance Administrator in connection with the Qualification Process is true, complete and accurate and not misleading because of any omission or ambiguity or for any other reason, subject to disclosure, if any, acceptable to the Performance Assurance Board being made in advance of the provision of the relevant information to the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, any Panel Committee, BSCCo or the Performance Assurance Administrator;

(b) completion of all documentation by or on behalf of the Applicant or Qualified Person in connection with the Qualification Process is and will remain the sole responsibility of the Applicant or Qualified Person;

(c) the Applicant or Qualified Person will duly complete all such documentation and provide all the information required by the Qualification Process within the time periods prescribed by BSCP537; and

(d) the Qualified Person has had the opportunity to take its own legal and other professional advice regarding the Qualification Process.

3.8.3 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 3.8.2, each Applicant and each Qualified Person shall confirm in writing to BSCCo (for itself and on behalf of the each other Party, the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Administrator and/or any Panel Committee,) in accordance with BSCP537 that each of the other representations, warranties and undertakings in this paragraph 3.8 are true and have been complied with as at the date on which it has been notified that its application(s) for Qualification will be considered by the Performance Assurance Board.

3.8.4 Each Applicant and each Qualified Person shall co-operate fully with the Panel, BSCCo, the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Administrator and/or any Panel Committee, in the Qualification Process and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall permit each of them reasonable access to the Applicant’s or Qualified Person’s business records, working papers and employees for the purposes of the Qualification Process upon not less than three Business Days’ advance notice.

3.8.5 Each Applicant and Qualified Person acknowledges and agrees that:

(a) it shall not, and shall not be entitled to, place any reliance on any working papers, opinion, statement, comment, report or other documentation prepared by or for (or any oral or written interpretation of, or any oral or written advice given in relation to, any such working papers, opinion, report or other documentation by or for) BSCCo, the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Administrator and/or any Panel Committee in connection with the Qualification Process unless such working papers, opinion, statement, comment, report or other documentation is expressly addressed to such Applicant or Qualified Person; and

(b) it shall keep confidential on the terms set out in Section H4.2 any working papers, opinions, statements, reports or other documentation referred to in paragraph (a) unless such working papers, opinions, statements, reports or other documentation is expressly addressed to such Applicant or Qualified Person.

3.8.6 It shall be a condition of any Qualification that the Qualified Party complies with the provisions of this Section J and of BSCP537.

3.9 Derogations

3.9.1 The Panel may issue a derogation, in accordance with BSCP537, to any Qualified Person in respect of the Qualification of such Qualified Person.

3.9.2 A derogation issued pursuant to paragraph 3.9.1 may relieve such Qualified Person from its obligation to comply with one or more specified provisions (a "derogated provision") of the Code and/or of a Code Subsidiary Document on such terms as the Panel may determine and such Qualified Person shall not be in breach of the requirements of the Code insofar as it fails to comply with any such derogated provision provided such Qualified Person is otherwise in compliance with the Code and with the terms of any such derogation.

3.9.3 A Qualified Person shall use its best endeavours to comply with the terms and conditions of any applicable derogation for so long as it is in effect.

3.9.4 A Party appointing or using a Qualified Person in respect of whom a derogation has been issued pursuant to this paragraph 3.9 shall have the benefit of such derogation (subject to paragraph 3.9.3) and, accordingly, such Party shall not be in breach of the requirements of the Code insofar as it or its appointed Qualified Person fails to comply with any such derogated provision provided such Party (and such Party's appointed Qualified Person) is otherwise in compliance with the Code and with the terms of any such derogation.

3.9.5 The provisions of this paragraph 3.9 shall not apply to a Qualified Person who is also a Supplier in relation to its participation capacity of a Supplier, a Licensed Distribution System Operator in relation to its participation capacity as a Licensed Distribution System Operator and/or an Unmetered Supplies Operator and/or a SMRA, a Virtual Trading Party in relation to its participation capacity as a Virtual Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party in relation to its participation capacity as a Virtual Lead Party.

3.10 Surrender of Qualification

3.10.1 Subject to paragraph 3.10.2, a Qualified Person shall be entitled to surrender its Qualification by giving notice in writing to BSCCo ("surrender notice") specifying the time and date, being not less than three months after the date of the surrender notice, with effect from which the Qualified Person wishes to surrender its Qualification, and such Qualification shall thereafter terminate.

3.10.2 A Qualified Person shall not surrender its Qualification (and any surrender notice given seeking to do so shall be ineffective) if the Performance Assurance Board considers that it would be inappropriate for such surrender to take place including but not limited to reasons such as:

(a) any sums payable under the Code by such Qualified Person (whether or not due for payment and whether or not the subject of a dispute) remain, in whole or in part, to be paid by such Qualified Person; or

(b) the Qualified Person continues to be registered under the SMRS in respect of any Metering Systems or BM Units (as the case may be); or

(c) the Qualified Person has not provided to any relevant Party all relevant information that may be necessary for that Party to continue to comply with its obligations under the Code; or

(d) in the case of a Data Aggregator, that it has not completed processing all of its Settlement Runs for all Metering Systems for which it is responsible.

3.10.3 Where a Qualified Person is no longer trading as a commercial entity for whatever reason then the Performance Assurance Board may after a period of six months remove that person’s Qualification.

3.10.4 The provisions of this paragraph 3.10 shall only apply to those persons referred to in paragraph 1.2.2 with the exception of SVA Meter Operators.


4.1 Appointment

4.1.1 The provisions of this paragraph 4 apply in respect of those Party Agents referred to in paragraph 1.2.1, provided that in respect of SVA Meter Operator Agents, only paragraphs 4.2.5 to 4.2.9 (inclusive) shall apply.

4.1.2 The identity of each Party Agent for which a Party is responsible shall be determined by that Party save that:

(a) there must always be one and no more than one effective appointment of the relevant type of Party Agent (as applicable) at any time in relation to a particular Metering System in respect of any particular period;

(b) the provisions of paragraph 4.1.4 shall apply in relation to Shared SVA Metering Systems;

(c) the provisions of paragraph 4.1.6 shall apply in relation to Third Party Generation.

4.1.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the same person may be registered as a Party Agent in respect of more than one Metering System and/or as more than one Party Agent in respect of the same Metering System.

4.1.4 In respect of a Shared SVA Metering System, where the same SVA Metering Equipment measures Export Active Energy in respect of supplies to two or more Suppliers or Import Active Energy in respect of supplies by two or more Suppliers (as the case may be):

(a) the Primary Supplier shall:

(i) nominate a SVA Meter Operator Agent in accordance with the Retail Energy Code Metering Operations Schedule and a Data Collector for that Shared SVA Metering System and inform the Secondary Supplier(s) of that nomination; and

(ii) ensure that the nominated Data Collector is provided with the Allocation Schedule for that Shared SVA Metering System in accordance with BSCP550;

(b) all such Suppliers shall:

(i) secure that the nominated SVA Meter Operator Agent and Data Collector is appointed for that Shared SVA Metering System notwithstanding that the Metering System may have more than one SVA Metering System Number for the purposes of registration in CSS;

(ii) arrange for the Primary Supplier to notify the nominated SVA Meter Operator Agent and Data Collector of those SVA Metering System Numbers before their respective appointments as Party Agents come into effect;

(iii) notify the nominated SVA Meter Operator Agent of its appointment and the nominated Data Collector of its appointment at least five Business Days before such appointment is to come into effect and (if practicable) give them at least five Business Days' notice of the termination of their respective appointments; and

(c) each such Supplier shall appoint a Data Aggregator of its choice provided that the Primary Supplier shall in respect of any particular period appoint its Data Aggregator against its related SVA Metering System Number(s) and the Secondary Supplier(s) shall appoint their Data Aggregators against their related SVA Metering System Number(s) for such Shared SVA Metering System.

4.1.5 Where the same SVA Metering Equipment at a Third Party Generating Plant measures both Import Active Energy and Export Active Energy:

(a) the Supplier (or, in the case of a Shared SVA Metering System, the Primary Supplier) which is taking the Export Active Energy shall secure that the same SVA Meter Operator Agent is appointed in accordance with the Retail Energy Code in respect of the measurement of Export Active Energy as has been appointed in respect of the measurement of Import Active Energy; and

(b) the Supplier (or, in the case of a Shared SVA Metering System, the Primary Supplier) which is supplying the Import Active Energy shall provide the Party (or Primary Supplier, as the case may be) which is taking the Export Active Energy with details of the SVA Meter Operator Agent appointed in respect of the measurement of Import Active Energy, in accordance with BSCP550.

4.1.6 Where an Outstation or Outstations associated with a SVA Metering System at a Third Party Generating Plant is being used for the purposes of transferring data relating to both Import Active Energy and Export Active Energy:

(a) the Supplier (or, in the case of a Shared SVA Metering System, the Primary Supplier) which is taking the Export Active Energy shall, subject to paragraph (c) secure that the same Data Collector is appointed as is appointed to collect Import Active Energy from such Outstation;

(b) the Supplier (or, in the case of a Shared SVA Metering System, the Primary Supplier) which is supplying the Import Active Energy shall provide the Party (or Primary Supplier, as the case may be) which is taking the Export Active Energy with details of the Data Collector appointed in respect of the collection of data relating to Import Active Energy; and

(c) both Suppliers shall ensure that the Data Collector so appointed is appropriately Qualified.

4.1.7 Where the same Metering Equipment at an Exemptable Generation Plant is comprised both in an SVA Metering System and a CVA Metering System:

(a) the Party which is Registrant of the CVA Metering System shall secure that the same person is appointed as CVA Meter Operator Agent in relation to the CVA Metering System as is appointed in relation to the SVA Metering System under the Metering Operations Schedule of the Retail Energy Code;

(b) the Supplier which is Registrant of the SVA Metering System shall provide the Registrant of the CVA Metering System with details of the SVA Meter Operator Agent in relation to the SVA Metering System;

(c) both such Parties shall ensure that the person so appointed as CVA Meter Operator Agent and SVA Meter Operator Agent is appropriately Qualified under the relevant Industry Code;

(d) both such Parties shall notify the nominated Meter Operator Agent of its appointment at least five Business Days before such appointment is to come into effect and (if practicable) give it at least five Business Days' notice of the termination of its appointment.

4.1.8 Where the same Metering Equipment at an Exemptable Generating Plant is comprised in both an SVA Metering System and a CVA Metering System, and the same Outstation(s) are used for the purposes of transferring data relating to both Metering Systems:

(a) the Party which is Registrant of the SVA Metering System shall provide the Registrant of the CVA Metering System with details of the Data Collector appointed in relation to the SVA Metering System;

(b) the Party which is Registrant of the CVA Metering System shall request the CDCA to provide to such Data Collector access (pursuant to Section R1.4.7 and subject to the proviso in Section R1.4.6) to the relevant Communications Equipment.

4.2 Replacement

4.2.1 Each Party may arrange for any Party Agent for which it is responsible to be removed from time to time provided that a replacement Party Agent shall have been appointed and registered in accordance with this Section J with effect from the date of removal of the removed Party Agent.

4.2.2 Each Party shall ensure that the appointment of a Party Agent for which it is responsible shall terminate on the termination, surrender or removal of Qualification of such Party Agent.

4.2.3 Each Party shall ensure that there are appropriate arrangements in place in compliance with the relevant Party Services Lines with each Party Agent for which it is responsible from time to time to enable any replacement Party Agent for which it is responsible to take over the functions of a Party Agent whose appointment has expired or been terminated, including arrangements for the transfer of relevant data to such replacement Party Agent.

4.2.4 Any replacement of a Party Agent shall be undertaken in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures relating to that Party Agent.

4.2.5 Subject to paragraph 4.2.6, paragraph 4.2.7 applies where:

(a) a Supplier proposes to carry out, on any day, the replacement of any Supplier Agent(s) appointed in relation to Non Half Hourly Metering Systems (an "agent replacement");

(b) the Panel has for the time being determined a threshold number for the purposes of paragraph (c)(i) or of paragraph (c)(ii);

(c) the number of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems subject to the proposed agent replacement, either:

(i) in aggregate, or

(ii) in any one SMRS,

exceeds the applicable threshold number for the time being determined by the Panel.

4.2.6 Paragraph 4.2.7 shall not apply if:

(a) the appointment of a replacement Supplier Agent(s) is to be made in consequence of the termination of the appointment of the existing Supplier Agent(s) either:

(i) pursuant to paragraph 4.2.2, or

(ii) as a result of the doing by, or occurrence in relation to, the existing Supplier Agent(s) of any of the things or events set out in Section H3.1.1(g) (construed as if references to the Defaulting Party were to the Supplier Agent); and

(b) the Supplier gives notice to the Panel, as much in advance as is reasonably practicable, of the proposed agent replacement, certifying that the case falls within paragraph (a), and specifying the date on which the agent replacement is to be carried out and the SMRSs which are affected.

4.2.7 Where this paragraph applies:

(a) the Supplier shall submit to the Panel, in accordance with BSCP513, an application for approval to carry out the agent replacement, including:

(i) a proposed timetable and methodology for carrying out the agent replacement;

(ii) such confirmation as the Panel may require, from the Supplier, the existing Supplier Agent(s), the proposed replacement Supplier Agent(s) and each relevant SMRA, as to their respective abilities to manage and carry out the agent replacement;

(iii) such further details as may be required in accordance with BSCP513;

and the Supplier shall not carry out the agent replacement without the prior approval of the Panel;

(b) the Supplier shall discuss its application with the Panel, and/or provide such further information to the Panel, as the Panel may require in connection with its consideration of the application;

(c) the Panel may require changes to the proposed timetable (including the day on which the replacement is to be carried out) and methodology and/or may impose additional requirements for the agent replacement as a condition of giving its approval therefor;

(d) the Panel shall consider the application and notify the Supplier whether it is approved as soon as reasonably practicable;

(e) the Panel may (notwithstanding it has already approved the application) require changes or further changes to the proposed timetable or methodology for the agent replacement, if the Panel is subsequently notified that another Supplier will carry out an excepted agent replacement on the same day as the proposed agent replacement;

(f) if the application is approved, the Supplier (if it decides to proceed) shall so notify BSCCo and shall carry out the agent replacement in accordance with the proposed timetable and methodology with such changes, and in accordance with such other requirements, as the Panel may have required under paragraph (c) or (e).

4.2.8 If a Supplier:

(a) notifies BSCCo under paragraph 4.2.7(f) that it will proceed with an agent replacement, or

(b) notifies the Panel of an excepted agent replacement in accordance with paragraph 4.2.6.

BSCCo shall place on the BSC Website a statement to the effect that an agent replacement within paragraph 4.2.5 is to be carried out, specifying the date on which it is to be carried out and the SMRSs affected.

4.2.9 For the purposes of paragraphs 4.2.5 to 4.2.8:

(a) references to carrying out on a day the replacement of a Supplier Agent are to implementing on that day the procedures under the Code for such replacement, irrespective of the date(s) from which such replacement is to be effective;

(b) an "excepted agent replacement" is an agent replacement in a case falling within paragraph 4.2.6 but in relation to which either test in paragraph 4.2.5(c) is met.


5.1 Parties Responsibilities

5.1.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that it and each of its Supplier Agents who are to be responsible for SVA Metering Systems within a SMRS has satisfied the requirements of the Supplier Qualification Process in accordance with this Section J and BSCP537 before any registration of that Supplier in respect of a SVA Metering System in that SMRS becomes effective.

5.1.2 This paragraph 5 shall apply on a Supplier ID basis and its provisions shall be construed accordingly.

5.1.3 Each Virtual Lead Party and Virtual Trading Party or Supplier shall ensure that it and each of its Asset Metering Party Agents who are to be responsible for Asset Metering Systems within the AMRS has satisfied the requirements of the Qualification Process in accordance with this Section J and BSCP537 before any registration of that Asset Metering Party Agent in respect of an Asset Metering System in the AMRS becomes effective.

5.2 Not Used

5.3 Qualification

5.3.1 A Party shall only appoint and use as Party Agents persons who have complied with and satisfied the requirements of Section O3.2 in respect of such Party Agent (to the extent applicable to such Party Agent) with the exception of a Party Agent that is an SVA Meter Operator.

5.3.2 If a Party Agent fails to comply in any material respect with the provisions of Section O applicable to such Party Agent:

(a) the Panel may determine that such Party Agent shall no longer be entitled to carry out the functions for which it is responsible until and unless it has remedied such failure;

(b) if the Panel so determines, each Party which has appointed such Party Agent shall appoint another Party Agent, within a time specified by the Panel, to carry out those functions in its place.

5.3.3 The provisions of paragraph 5.3.2 are without prejudice to a Party's obligations under paragraphs 1.2.5 and 1.2.8.


6.1 Obligation to register

6.1.1 Where a Party is required, by virtue of paragraph 1.2.1, to appoint and use a Party Agent, such Party shall register the identity of the person(s) appointed by such Party to act as its Party Agent (including where such Party is to discharge the relevant function itself pursuant to paragraph 1.2.4) in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 6.1.

6.1.2 In respect of each Metering System and each type of Party Agent responsible for functions in relation to that Metering System, no more than one person may be registered at any one time as such Party Agent, subject to paragraph 4.1.4(c).

6.1.3 In respect of each CVA Metering System for which a Party is or is to be the Registrant:

(a) such Party shall register (and ensure that there is registered at all times) in CMRS the identity of the person appointed to act as its CVA Meter Operator Agent with effect from the time when it becomes the Registrant of such CVA Metering System and for so long as it remains the Registrant of such CVA Metering System.

(b) such registration shall not be effective until BSCCo confirms to the CDCA that such person is Qualified.

6.1.4 In respect of each SVA Metering System for which a Supplier is or is to be the Registrant, such Supplier shall register (and ensure that there is registered at all times) in SMRS the identity of the person(s) appointed to act as the following Supplier Agents (as applicable to such SVA Metering System) with effect from the time when it becomes the Registrant of such SVA Metering System and for so long as it remains the Registrant of such Metering System:

(a) SVA Meter Operator Agent;

(b) Data Collector;

(c) Data Aggregator;

(d) Meter Administrator

in each case in accordance with the provisions of BSCP501 and the provisions of the Retail Energy Code.

6.1.4A In respect of each Asset Metering System for which a Virtual Trading Party or Virtual Lead Party or Supplier is or is to be the Registrant, such Virtual Trading Party or Virtual Lead Party or Supplier shall register (and ensure that there is registered at all times) in AMRS the identity of the person(s) appointed to act as the following Asset Metering Party Agents (as applicable to such Asset Metering System) with effect from the time when it becomes the Registrant of such Asset Metering System and for so long as it remains the Registrant of such Asset Metering System:

(a) Meter Operator Agent;

(b) Data Collector;

in each case in accordance with the provisions of BSCP602.

6.2 Change of registration

6.2.1 The provisions of paragraph 6.1 shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the registration of any replacement Party Agent.

6.3 ECVNAs and MVRNAs

6.3.1 The provisions of Section P shall apply in relation to the submission of ECVNA Authorisations and MVRNA Authorisations.

6.3.2 No ECVNA Authorisation or MVRNA Authorisation shall become effective until and unless BSCCo has confirmed to the ECVAA that the provisions of this Section J, as they relate to ECVNAs or MVRNAs (as the case may be), have been satisfied in respect of the person forming the subject of such Authorisation.


7.1 Performance Assurance

7.1.1 Each Party shall ensure that it and each of its Party Agents comply with the data provision requirements (if any) which relate to the performance of such Party and/or its Party Agents as set out in the Code or any relevant BSC Procedures.

7.1.2 The performance of Party Agents, SMRAs and/or a Licensed Distribution System Operators acting in their capacity as an Unmetered Supplies Operators shall be determined by the Performance Assurance Board in accordance with the process and techniques described in Section Z and any relevant BSC Procedures to the extent applicable to such person.

7.1.3 Those persons referred to in paragraph 7.1.2 shall provide, or procure the provision of, such reports to the Performance Assurance Board as may from time to time be reasonably required in accordance with any relevant BSCP in order to enable the Performance Assurance Board to review the standards of performance of or compliance by that person with the relevant requirements of the Code and any relevant BSCP.

7.1.4 Each person referred to in paragraph 7.1.2. shall provide the Panel and the Performance Assurance Board with access to all of its records, data and other information as may reasonably be required by the Panel or (as the case may be) the Performance Assurance Board in order to carry out their functions in accordance with this paragraph 7 or under the Code and any relevant BSCP, or procure that such access is provided.

7.1.5 Performance Monitoring Reports shall be produced and circulated in accordance with any relevant BSCP.


Section J

Version 24.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


























P433 Self Governance
























P386 Self Governance

























































(This page does not form part of the BSC)




1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section K sets out the basis for:

(a) identifying the Parties which are responsible (for the purposes of the Code) for Exports and Imports of electricity at Boundary Points;

(b) the registration in the names of such Parties of the Metering Systems installed (in accordance with Section L) for the purposes of measuring separately such Exports and Imports;

(c) such Parties to establish and register Primary BM Units comprising the Plant and Apparatus for whose Exports and Imports they are responsible, and to assign those Primary BM Units to Trading Units;

(d) the approval of Line Loss Factors by the Panel;

(e) Virtual Lead Parties to establish and register Secondary BM Units comprising the Plant and Apparatus with which such Virtual Lead Parties may provide Balancing Services;

(f) Virtual Lead Parties and Suppliers to establish and register Asset Metering Systems, where so elected in accordance with BSCP602

(g) Parties to register Baselined BM Units where so elected; and

(h) Virtual Trading Parties to establish and register Trading Secondary BM Units comprising the Plant and Apparatus for the purpose of identifying the Deviation Volumes for which those Virtual Trading Parties are responsible.

1.1.1A References to a BM Unit in this Section K, other than in paragraphs 6 and 8, shall mean a Primary BM Unit unless expressly stated otherwise.

1.1.2 This Section K also sets out the requirements for Parties to register Metering Systems at Systems Connection Points for which they are responsible.

1.1.3 In relation to an Interconnector, in the case of any inconsistency between the provisions of paragraph 5 and the other provisions of this Section K, the provisions of paragraph 5 shall prevail.

1.1.4 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) in relation to the terms Export and Import, references to the Plant or Apparatus of a Party shall be treated as including:

(i) the premises of a Customer supplied by that Party;

(ii) Plant and Apparatus of a Third Party Generator for whose Exports that Party has elected to be responsible in accordance with paragraph 1.2.2(a)(ii)(2);

(iii) Plant or Apparatus (whether or not owned or operated by that Party), not forming part of the Total System, by which electricity is transported from the Total System to premises supplied by the Total System or (as the case may be) to the Total System from Generating Plant providing electricity to the Total System;

(iv) an Interconnector in relation to which that Party is an Interconnector User.

(b) subject to paragraphs (c), (d), (e) and (f), unless otherwise provided:

(i) "Export" means, in relation to a Party, a flow of electricity at any instant in time from any Plant or Apparatus (not comprising part of the Total System) of that Party to the Plant or Apparatus (comprising part of the Total System) of a Party;

(ii) "Import" means, in relation to a Party, a flow of electricity at any instant in time to any Plant or Apparatus (not comprising part of the Total System) of that Party from the Plant or Apparatus (comprising part of the Total System) of a Party;

and Export and Import, as verbs, shall be construed accordingly;

(c) any Export or Import is to be determined at a single Boundary Point;

(d) for the purposes of paragraph (c), in relation to a Party any flow (under paragraph b(i) and (ii) respectively) which occurs at a Boundary Point:

(i) to or from Plant or Apparatus of that Party shall be considered to be a single Export or Import of that Party;

(ii) to or from the Plant or Apparatus of that Party shall be considered to be a separate Export or Import from any Export or Import of any other Party.

(e) notwithstanding paragraphs (c) and (d):

(i) the flow to or from each Generating Unit (where such Generating Unit individually constitutes or is capable of constituting a Licensable Generating Plant) and is not comprised in a CCGT Module and to or from the associated unit transformer of that Generating Unit (if any) shall be combined. Such combined flow shall be considered to be a single Export or Import and separate from any Export or Import of any other Plant or Apparatus; and

(ii) the flow to or from a station transformer associated with a Licensable Generating Plant shall be considered to be a single Export or Import, and separate from any Export or Import of any other Plant or Apparatus.

(f) for the purposes of paragraph (b):

(i) an Export includes:

(1) "Active Export", which is a flow of Active Energy at any instant in time from any Plant or Apparatus (not comprising part of the Total System) of that Party to the Plant or Apparatus (comprising part of the Total System) of a Party; and

(2) "Active Export Related Reactive Energy", which is any flow of Reactive Energy which occurs at the same Boundary Point at the same instant of time as an Active Export,

and shall be treated as a single flow of electricity, the direction of such flow being the direction of flow of the Active Energy; and

(ii) an Import includes:

(1) "Active Import", which is a flow of Active Energy at any instant in time to any Plant or Apparatus (not comprising part of the Total System) of that Party from the Plant or Apparatus (comprising part of the Total System) of a Party; and

(2) "Active Import Related Reactive Energy", which is any flow of Reactive Energy which occurs at the same Boundary Point at the same instant of time as an Active Import,

and shall be treated as a single flow of electricity, the direction of such flow being the direction of flow of the Active Energy.

1.1.5 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.1.4, the Exports or Imports of electricity from or to an Offshore Power Park Module(s) comprised in a BM Unit shall be considered to be a single Export or Import, and (notwithstanding any other provision in the Code) the Party responsible for such Exports and/or Imports may locate the Metering Equipment which it is required to install pursuant to this Section K at any location permitted by the relevant Code of Practice. In the event that the Party does so, such location shall be deemed to be the relevant Boundary Point for the purposes of the Code and to be the only Boundary Point at which Metering Equipment relating to such Exports and Imports is required to be installed.

1.1.6 A Party who has located Metering Equipment at a deemed Boundary Point in accordance with paragraph 1.1.5 shall ensure that appropriate accuracy compensation is applied in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice.

1.2 Obligations of Parties in relation to Exports and Imports

1.2.1 Subject to the further provisions of this Section K, the Party responsible (in accordance with paragraph 1.2.2 below) for any Exports or Imports of electricity at a Boundary Point shall:

(a) install, maintain and operate or secure that there is installed, maintained and operated, subject to and in accordance with Section L, Metering Equipment by which (over periods and otherwise in accordance with the further requirements of the Code) the quantities of such Exports and Imports separately can be measured, but subject to the provisions of paragraph 1.2.6 and Section S8 as to Unmetered Supplies;

(b) register the Metering System(s) which result or will result from installation of such Metering Equipment, in accordance with paragraph 2;

(c) establish and register BM Unit(s) comprising the relevant Plant and Apparatus in accordance with paragraph 3;

(d) assign each BM Unit to a Trading Unit established and registered in accordance with paragraph 4.

1.2.2 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) the Party "responsible" for an Export:

(i) in the case of an Export from a Generating Plant, subject to paragraph (ii), shall be the Party which generates electricity at that Generating Plant;

(ii) in the case of an Export from Exemptable Generating Plant:

(1) where the person which generates electricity at that Generating Plant is a Party and has elected (by applying to register Metering System(s) for that Generating Plant in accordance with paragraph 2) to be responsible for such Export, shall be that Party;

(2) subject to paragraph 2.5, where the person (whether or not a Party) which generates electricity at that Generating Plant has for the time being authorised a Party to accept responsibility for that Export, and that Party has elected (by applying to register Metering System(s) for that Generating Plant in accordance with paragraph 2) to be so responsible, shall be that Party;

provided that no Party shall be so responsible unless it has so elected;

(iii) in the case of an Export from an Interconnector, shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 5;

(iv) in any other case, shall be determined by the Panel after consultation with the Authority, on application of any Party;

(b) the Party "responsible" for an Import:

(i) in the case of an Import constituting the supply of electricity to premises connected to the Total System, whether or not for consumption at those premises, shall be the person who supplies electricity to those premises;

(ii) in the case of an Import to any Generating Plant at which electricity is generated by a Party holding a Generation Licence, shall be that Party;

(iii) in the case of an Import to an Interconnector, shall be determined in accordance with paragraph 5;

(iv) in the case of an Import (not constituting the supply of electricity to premises) to a distribution system connected to a Distribution System, shall be the person recognised under the REC as responsible for such Import;

(v) in any other case, shall be determined by the Panel after consultation with the Authority, on application of any Party;

(c) Generating Plant is "Exemptable" Generating Plant where the person generating electricity at that Generating Plant is, or would (if it generated electricity at no other Generating Plant and/or did not hold a Generation Licence) be, exempt from the requirement to hold a Generation Licence;

(d) Generating Plant which is not Exemptable is "Licensable" Generating Plant;

(e) in paragraph (b)(i), references to the supply of electricity includes the provision of electricity to a person (whether or not the same as the person providing the electricity) at premises connected to the Transmission System.

1.2.3 A Party shall not commence or permit to be commenced any Exports or Imports for which that Party is to be responsible until that Party has complied with the requirements in paragraph 1.2.1 and the registrations under paragraphs (b) and (c) thereof have become effective.

1.2.4 Where a Party has failed for any period to comply with any requirements in paragraph 1.2 in relation to any Plant or Apparatus for which it is responsible, nothing in the Code shall prevent such Party from being held liable for payment of any amount by way of Trading Charges in such period, where (on the basis of retrospective application of steps taken to comply or otherwise) the Code provides for the amount for which the Party is or would have been so liable to be established or determined for the purposes of Settlement.

1.2.5 The Party responsible for any Exports or Imports at a Boundary Point shall ensure that it (or the person otherwise required to do so) has entered into and has in full force and effect all appropriate Connection Agreements with respect to its Exports or Imports at that Boundary Point.

1.2.6 Subject to paragraph 1.2.7, for the purposes of the Code, the Party responsible (in accordance with this paragraph 1.2) for any Imports or Exports of electricity at a single Boundary Point shall ensure that any associated quantities of Active Export Related Reactive Energy and Active Import Related Reactive Energy are measured separately.

1.2.7 The provisions of paragraph 1.2.6 shall not apply in the following circumstances:

(a) where the Metering Equipment is Non Half Hourly Metering Equipment, except as required by the relevant Codes of Practice;

(b) where the Metering Equipment at a Boundary Point is comprised only in CVA Metering Systems, the Registrant of such Metering Systems shall not be required to measure separately Active Export Related Reactive Energy and Active Import Related Reactive Energy, except as required by the relevant Codes of Practice;

(c) where a Metering System:

(i) is not a 100kW Metering System in relation to Imports; and

(ii) does not exceed the Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit in relation to Exports,

and the requirements set out in the relevant Code of Practice in relation thereto provide otherwise; and

(d) the relevant Code of Practice or Metering Dispensation applicable to a Metering System existed prior to the Relevant Implementation Date,

provided that, for the purposes of this paragraph 1.2.7, the term "relevant Code of Practice" shall have the same meaning as set out in Section L3.2.2, subject to Section L paragraphs 3.2.5, 3.2.6 and 3.3.

1.3 Obligations of Parties in relation to Systems Connection Points

1.3.1 Subject to the further provisions of this Section K, the Party responsible for any Systems Connection Point shall:

(a) install, maintain and operate, or secure that there is installed, maintained and operated, in accordance with Section L, Metering Equipment by which (in accordance with the further requirements of the Code), at the Systems Connection Point, the quantities of electricity flowing between the Systems which are connected at that point can be measured; and

(b) register the Metering System(s) which result or will result from such installation in accordance with paragraph 2.

1.3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 1.3.1, the Party responsible for a Systems Connection Point shall be:

(a) in the case of a Grid Supply Point other than an Offshore Transmission Connection Point, the Distribution System Operator whose System is directly connected to the Transmission System at that point;

(b) in the case of a Distribution Systems Connection Point, the Distribution System Operator nominated in accordance with paragraph 1.3.3; and

(c) in the case of an Offshore Transmission Connection Point, the NETSO.

1.3.3 The Distribution System Operators whose Distribution Systems and/or Associated Distribution Systems are connected at a Distribution Systems Connection Point shall, in accordance with BSCP20 and BSCP25, agree between themselves and nominate which of them shall be responsible for such Systems Connection Point.

1.4 Changes in Transmission System Boundary Points and Systems Connection Points

1.4.1 The requirements of this paragraph 1.4 are to be complied with in accordance with BSCP25 by:

(a) the NETSO, in relation to Transmission System Boundary Points and Grid Supply Points;

(b) each Distribution System Operator in relation to Distribution Systems Connection Points and any Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point on its Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) (if any).

1.4.2 The NETSO and each Distribution System Operator (as applicable, in accordance with paragraph 1.4.1) shall ensure that the CRA is informed of the location of each Transmission System Boundary Point, Systems Connection Point and Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point.

1.4.3 Where there is to be a new Transmission System Boundary Point, Systems Connection Point, or Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point, as a result of any new connection to be made to any System, or a decommissioned connection at any Transmission System Boundary Point, Systems Connection Point or Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point is to be re-energised:

(a) the NETSO or the relevant Distribution System Operator(s) (as applicable, in accordance with paragraph 1.4.1) shall inform the CRA of the date from which and location at which such connection is to be made or (as the case may be) of the connection which is to be re-energised;

(b) the CRA shall so inform BSCCo; and

(c) the NETSO or the relevant Distribution System Operators shall not energise or re-energise such connection, or (as the case may be) permit such connection to be energised or reenergised, until BSCCo has confirmed to it that:

(i) a Party has complied with the requirements referred to in paragraph 1.2 in relation to the Transmission System Boundary Point or Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point or (as the case may be) paragraph 1.3 in relation to the Systems Connection Point, and that the Party’s registrations required pursuant to those paragraphs have become effective; and

(ii) in the case of a Systems Connection Point, where applicable, Aggregation Rules have been submitted in accordance with Section R3.2.3(b) pursuant to which the relevant Distribution System(s) are included in a GSP Group.

1.4.4 Where a connection to the Transmission System or any Distribution System, constituting a Transmission System Boundary Point, Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point, is to be or has been decommissioned:

(a) the NETSO or the relevant Distribution System Operator(s) shall so inform the CRA;

(b) the CRA shall so inform BSCCo.

1.5 Exemptable Generating Plant

1.5.1 Where any Party which is or is to be responsible for any Generating Plant intends to effect any registration (other than the making of an election as referred to in paragraph 1.2.2(a)(ii)(2) in the case of an SVA Metering System) or take any other step in pursuance of any provision of this Section K which applies by reason of that Generating Plant being Exemptable, that Party shall first provide to BSCCo:

(a) subject to paragraph 1.5.7, details of the Generating Plant and the reasons for which the Party believes the Generating Plant to be Exemptable; and

(b) in accordance with paragraph 3.5.5, the P/C Status that the Lead Party elects for each BM Unit that comprises such Generating Plant should the Generating Plant be determined to be Exemptable.

1.5.2 Within twenty Business Days after receiving any notification under paragraph 1.5.1 BSCCo shall:

(a) take such measures as it considers appropriate to verify whether or not the Generating Plant is Exemptable, and

(b) notify the Party of its conclusions.

1.5.3 The Party shall provide such further details as BSCCo may reasonably request for the purposes of such verification.

1.5.4 Where the Party disagrees with the conclusions of BSCCo under paragraph 1.5.2(b), that Party may refer the matter to the Panel, and the Panel shall determine whether (in its opinion) the Generating Plant is Exemptable, and notify to the Party its determination which shall be binding for the purposes of the Code subject to paragraph 1.5.5.

1.5.5 Within twenty Business Days after the Panel has notified its determination under paragraph 1.5.4, the Party may, if it wishes the matter to be determined by the Authority, refer to the Authority the question of whether the Generating Plant is Exemptable.

1.5.6 Wherever pursuant to this Section K the CRA or CDCA receives any application for or other notification of a registration or step within paragraph 1.5.1, the CRA or CDCA shall apply to BSCCo for confirmation as to whether the Generating Plant in question is Exemptable, and shall not validate or accept the same unless BSCCo has given such confirmation.

1.5.7 In the case of Generating Plant whose Exports are measured by SVA Metering Systems, BSCCo may:

(a) require the Party to provide (instead of details and reasons as referred to in paragraph 1.5.1) a certificate, signed by a director of that Party, as to the matters referred to in that paragraph (and may require the Party pursuant to Section U1.2.3 to update such certificate from time to time), and

(b) rely on that certificate instead of taking measures under paragraph 1.5.2.

1.5.8 Where:

(a) it has been determined in accordance with the foregoing provisions that particular Generating Plant is Exemptable, and

(b) at any later time BSCCo becomes aware of any change in relevant circumstances or otherwise has good reason to believe that the position may be different,

BSCCo may require that the relevant Party to comply or comply again with paragraph 1.5.1 or 1.5.7(a).

1.6 Identity of Metering Systems

1.6.1 The composition of Metering Systems shall be determined for the purposes of the Code in accordance with the following provisions:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b), (c), (d) and (e), in relation to any Site and any Party, the commissioned Metering Equipment installed for the purposes of measuring the quantities of Exports and Imports at the Boundary Point(s) (collectively) associated with that Site for which that Party is responsible is either:

(i) a single Metering System; or

(ii) such greater number of Metering Systems as that Party applies (in accordance with paragraph 2) to register,

irrespective of whether all or part of the same Metering Equipment is also used to measure the quantities of Imports and/or Exports for which another Party is responsible at that Site, but subject to paragraph 2.5;

(b) in relation to any Site with associated Interconnector Boundary Point(s), the commissioned Metering Equipment installed for the purposes of measuring the quantities of Exports and Imports at the Interconnector Boundary Point(s) (collectively) associated with that Site is either:

(i) a single Metering System; or

(ii) such greater number of Metering Systems as the Party who is to be the Registrant pursuant to paragraph 5.3 applies (in accordance with paragraph 2) to register;

(c) in relation to any Site with associated Systems Connection Point(s) and any Party, the commissioned Metering Equipment installed for the purposes of measuring flows of electricity at the Systems Connection Point(s) (collectively) associated with that Site for which that Party is responsible is either:

(i) a single Metering System; or

(ii) such greater number of Metering Systems as that Party applies (in accordance with paragraph 2) to register,

irrespective of whether all or part of the same Metering Equipment is also used to measure the quantities of Imports and/or Exports for which another Party is responsible at that Site;

(d) where the Metering System is or is to be registered in SMRS, the commissioned Metering Equipment installed for the purposes of measuring the quantities of Exports and Imports for which a Party is responsible at a Metering Point shall be a single Metering System (but subject to paragraph 2.5);

(e) in relation to an Unmetered Supply, the Equivalent Meter or Profiled Unmetered Supply for the purposes of calculating the quantities of Imports and Exports for which a Party is responsible at a Metering Point shall be a single Metering System.

(f) In relation to Plant and/or Apparatus used by a Virtual Lead Party to provide Balancing Services, the commissioned Metering Equipment (not forming part of the Boundary Point Metering System) that is installed, maintained and operated or secured to be installed, maintained and operated by that Virtual Lead Party, to measure the flow of electricity to or from such Plant and/or Apparatus, for Settlement purposes.

(g) In relation to any Asset Metering System registered by a Supplier in accordance with BSCP602 for the purposes of inclusion in an EMR AMSID Declaration.

1.6.2 For the purposes of paragraphs 1.6.1(a) - (f), 5.7.1 and Annex K-2 1.6.1 a "Site" is:

(a) a location containing one or more Boundary Points (other than Interconnector Boundary Point(s)) and at which there is situated:

(i) a single Generating Plant; or

(ii) a single set of premises; or

(iii) any combination of one or more Generating Plants and/or sets of premises which may, in the CDCA's reasonable opinion (having regard, among other things, to their physical proximity), be considered to be managed as a single site; or

(iv) any other collection of Plant or Apparatus which the CDCA approves for these purposes (on a case by case basis) consistent with the principles in paragraphs (i), (ii) and (iii);

(b) a location containing one or more Interconnector Boundary Points and at which there is situated a single sub-station; or

(c) a location containing one or more Systems Connection Points and at which there is situated a single sub-station

provided that a location which satisfies more than one of paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) shall constitute a Site in respect of each of paragraphs (a), (b) and/or (c) (as the case may be) individually.

1.6.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions as to the configuration of Metering Systems contained in this paragraph 1.6 are without prejudice to and shall not affect the rules as to the configuration of BM Units as set out in paragraph 3.1.

1.7 Line Loss Factors

1.7.1 Line Loss Factors applying in respect of Metering Systems on Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) shall be established in accordance with this paragraph 1.7.

1.7.2 Line Loss Factors may be established for a single Metering System or for a class (of a description specified by the Licensed Distribution System Operator) of Metering System.

1.7.3 For the avoidance of doubt, a Line Loss Factor relating to a Metering System at a Boundary Point on a Distribution System where such Distribution System is indirectly connected to the Transmission System must, when applied to data relating to such Metering System, converts such data into a value at the Transmission System Boundary, with such Line Loss Factor to take into account distribution losses both on:

(a) that Distribution System; and

(b) on the Distribution System by which it is indirectly connected to the Transmission System.

1.7.4 Principles ("LLF methodology principles") pursuant to which each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall establish a methodology ("LLF methodology") for calculating the Line Loss Factors applying in respect of each Metering System or any class of Metering System on its Distribution System(s) (or Associated Distribution System(s) (if applicable)) shall be contained in BSCP128.

1.7.5 The LLF methodology principles shall seek to balance the requirements for accuracy and consistency of Line Loss Factors and transparency in the establishment of methodologies for calculating Line Loss Factors with the requirement for administrative convenience.

1.7.6 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall:

(a) prepare a proposed LLF methodology in accordance with BSCP128 and the LLF methodology principles and submit the proposed LLF methodology to BSCCo;

(b) where authorised to do so by the Panel take into account market wide issues in preparing such proposed LLF methodology; and

(c) in accordance with BSCP128, in respect of each BSC Year after the first year for which such LLF methodology was approved by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 1.7.7(d), either:

(i) confirm to BSCCo that the prevailing LLF methodology remains consistent with the LLF methodology principles and has not been revised; or

(ii) prepare a proposed revised LLF methodology in accordance with the LLF methodology principles and submit the proposed revised LLF methodology to BSCCo.

1.7.7 In relation to each BSC Year, in accordance with BSCP128:

(a) BSCCo shall review each proposed LLF methodology (which term in this paragraph 1.7.7 shall include a proposed revised LLF methodology) submitted pursuant to paragraph 1.7.6, as to its compliance with the LLF methodology principles;

(b) BSCCo when carrying out the review in accordance with paragraph 1.7.7(a) shall identify:

(i) any non-compliance in the proposed LLF methodology with the LLF methodology principles; or

(ii) a failure by the Licensed Distribution System Operator to submit a proposed LLF methodology or the confirmation referred to in paragraph 1.7.6(c)(i) within the required time and in accordance with the requirements of BSCP128,

and thereafter BSCCo shall so inform the Licensed Distribution System Operator and may allow the Licensed Distribution System Operator to amend or submit its proposed LLF methodology or confirmation (as applicable) within the further timescales provided in BSCP128;

(c) BSCCo shall prepare and issue to the Panel a final report that shall:

(i) recommend the approval of each proposed LLF methodology where no non-compliance with the LLF methodology principles was identified or where a non-compliance that was identified has been corrected; or

(ii) state if any continuing non-compliance(s) were identified in the proposed LLF methodologies with the LLF methodology principles; or

(iii) state that the Licensed Distribution System Operator has failed (by the required time and in accordance with the requirements of BSCP128) to submit a proposed LLF methodology or (as the case may be) give the confirmation required under paragraph 1.7.6(c)(i);

(d) the Panel shall upon receipt of the report referred to in paragraph 1.7.7(c):

(i) consider whether the proposed LLF methodology complies with the LLF methodology principles and, if it does so comply, approve the proposed LLF methodology; or

(ii) note any non-compliance(s) in respect of each proposed LLF methodology with the LLF methodology principles; or

(iii) note that the Licensed Distribution System Operator failed by the required time and in accordance with the requirements of BSCP128 to submit a proposed LLF methodology or (as the case may be) give the confirmation required under paragraph 1.7.6(c)(i);

(e) BSCCo shall prepare and issue to each Licensed Distribution System Operator a report relating to paragraph 1.7.7(d) which shall, in respect of that Licensed Distribution System Operator:

(i) state whether their proposed LLF methodology has been approved by the Panel; or

(ii) identify any non-compliance(s) in their proposed LLF methodology with the LLF methodology principles that were noted by the Panel; or

(iii) confirm that the Panel has noted that the Licensed Distribution System Operator failed by the required time and in accordance with the requirements of BSCP128 to submit a proposed LLF methodology or (as the case may be) give the confirmation required under paragraph 1.7.6(c)(i); and

(f) BSCCo shall prepare and provide to the Performance Assurance Board a report giving details of all non-compliance(s) noted by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 1.7.7(d)(ii) and any failure referred to in paragraph 1.7.7(d)(iii).

1.7.8 In accordance with BSCP128 each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall:

(a) calculate Line Loss Factors in accordance with its relevant LLF methodology as approved by the Panel under paragraph 1.7.7(d); and

(b) submit to BSCCo such Line Loss Factors in relation to each BSC Year;

in respect of each Metering System or class of Metering System on its Distribution System(s) (or Associated Distribution System(s) (if applicable)).

1.7.9 BSCCo shall, in relation to each BSC Year, in accordance with BSCP128:

(a) carry out an audit, on the basis (including as to representative samples) provided in BSCP128, and in respect of the Line Loss Factors submitted by each Licensed Distribution System Operator, as to their compliance with the applicable approved LLF methodology and other requirements of the Code;

(b) where it identifies any non-compliance by any Line Loss Factor(s) with the applicable approved LLF methodology or any other requirement of the Code, inform the Licensed Distribution System Operator of such non-compliance and allow the Licensed Distribution System Operator to amend the relevant Line Loss Factor(s) within the timescales provided in BSCP128;

(c) prepare and issue to the Panel a final report that shall specify:

(i) the Line Loss Factor(s) (including any Line Loss Factor amended under paragraph (b)) for which the audit did; and

(ii) the Line Loss Factor(s) (including any Line Loss Factor amended under paragraph (b)) for which the audit did not,

identify a non-compliance with the applicable approved LLF methodology and other requirements of the Code;

(d) provide to the Performance Assurance Board a copy of such report referred to in paragraph 1.7.9(c) giving details of all non-compliance(s) so identified; and

(e) prepare and issue to each Licensed Distribution System Operator a final report which shall specify in respect of that Licensed Distribution System Operator those matters set out in paragraphs 1.7.9(c).

1.7.10 The Line Loss Factors for which no non-compliance was identified in BSCCo's report under paragraph 1.7.9(c) shall be subject to the final approval of the Panel.

1.7.11 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall correct any non-compliances identified in BSCCo's report under paragraph 1.7.9(c), and report to the Panel in respect of such correction. The Panel may approve the use of a corrected Line Loss Factor(s) for the remainder of the relevant BSC Year with effect from the date of such approval, and shall notify the Performance Assurance Board and BSCCo of such approval.

1.7.12 In relation to any newly established Metering System(s) for which (in relation to a given BSC Year) Line Loss Factor(s) were not submitted in the annual process under paragraph 1.7.8, and which do not belong to a class of Line Loss Factor approved under paragraph 1.7.10 or 1.7.11, the procedure in paragraphs 1.7.8 to 1.7.11 shall apply but in accordance with the separate timescales set out in BSCP128.

1.7.13 Where and for so long as:

(a) a Licensed Distribution System Operator fails to submit a proposed LLF methodology or the relevant confirmation under paragraph 1.7.6 or the proposed LLF methodology is not approved by the Panel; or

(b) the Line Loss Factor(s) in respect of any Metering System(s) are not approved by the Panel under paragraph 1.7.10 or 1.7.11;

then default values for the Line Loss Factor(s) for the relevant Metering Systems shall be determined and applied in accordance with BSCP128.

1.7.14 An approved Line Loss Factor shall not be revised in the BSC Year for which it is approved except:

(a) for a Site Specific Line Loss Factor which may be revised to apply prospectively in accordance with BSCP128. The Panel may approve such revised Site Specific Line Loss Factor in accordance with BSCP128; or

(b) for a Site Specific Line Loss Factor and/or a Generic Line Loss Factor which may be revised with retrospective effect, where such revision is required to correct material manifest errors. The Panel may approve such a revised Site Specific Line Loss Factor and/or a Generic Line Loss Factor in accordance with BSCP128. A Site Specific Line Loss Factor and/or a Generic Line Loss Factor may be retrospectively revised to apply from the beginning of the BSC Year in which the applicable material manifest error was raised, but may also be revised to apply for a lesser extent of time within the BSC Year, in accordance with BSCP128. This paragraph shall allow revisions to Site Specific Line Loss Factors and/or Generic Line Loss Factors with effect from 1st April 2010 onward, in accordance with BSCP128. For the avoidance of doubt, Site Specific Line Loss Factors and/or Generic Line Loss Factors may be revised with effect from 1st April 2010 to correct material manifest errors raised in the BSC Year commencing 1st April 2010.

1.7.15 BSCCo shall submit the applicable values (approved or default, in accordance with paragraphs 1.7.10, 1.7.11 or 1.7.13) of Line Loss Factors in respect of CVA Metering Systems to the CDCA and in respect of SVA Metering Systems to the SVAA and thereafter publish them on the BSC Website.

1.7.16 In addition to the matters specified in paragraph 1.7.9, BSCCo shall audit (with such audit forming part of the audit under paragraph 1.7.9), on the basis (including as to representative samples) provided in BSCP128, as to whether each Licensed Distribution System Operator has assigned to its Metering Systems the correct Line Loss Factor Class, and shall report its findings to the Panel.

1.7.17 BSCCo shall in accordance with BSCP128 provide to the Performance Assurance Board a copy of the report giving details of any non-compliance(s) identified in paragraph 1.7.16.

1.7.18 BSCCo may contract with another suitably qualified person (not being a Party or Affiliate) to undertake the review under paragraph 1.7.7 and/or audit under paragraph 1.7.9.

1.7.19 A Licensed Distribution System Operator may, with the approval of the Panel, delegate the carrying out of its functions under this paragraph 1.7 in relation to any Metering System(s) to another person.

1.7.20 The Line Loss Factor Class applicable to an Asset Metering System shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Section S-2.

1.8 Establishment of Groups of GSPs

1.8.1 The Grid Supply Point(s) which are comprised in a Group of GSPs shall be:

(a) both

(i) subject to paragraph (b), the Grid Supply Point(s) by reference to which the relevant GSP Group was established as at 1st August 2003; and

(ii) subject to paragraph (b), from the BETTA Effective Date, the Grid Supply Points which were known as Bulk Supply Points under the SAS and fell into groups of Bulk Supply Points known as, respectively, North Scotland _P and South Scotland _N and which have been registered pursuant to BSCP25; or

(b) such other Grid Supply Point(s) as the Panel may determine in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 1.8.

1.8.2 The Panel may determine a revision of the Grid Supply Points comprised in a Group of GSPs (including the establishment of a new Group of GSPs) in accordance with BSCP25:

(a) where there is a new Grid Supply Point or an existing Grid Supply Point is decommissioned; or

(b) where, in the Panel's opinion, it is appropriate (having regard, among other things, to the matters in paragraph 1.8.3) to do so:

(i) as a result of developments of or in relation to the Distribution Systems for the time being comprised in any GSP Group, and/or the associated Distribution Systems Connection Points;

(ii) in other circumstances in the Panel's sole discretion.

1.8.3 In determining any revision of the Grid Supply Points to be comprised in a Group of GSPs the Panel shall have regard, among other things, to:

(a) the effect of geographic factors taken into account in establishing Daily Profile Coefficients in relation to a GSP Group for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation;

(b) the effect of the size of a GSP Group (that is, the numbers of Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Metering Systems at Boundary Points in the GSP Group) on GSP Group Correction Factors for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation;

(c) the effect of the proximity (in terms of electrical connection) of Boundary Points on the value to the NETSO (in the operation of the NETSO) of Physical Notifications and Bid-Offer Pairs submitted in relation to Supplier BM Units.

1.8.4 Before making any revision of the Grid Supply Points to be comprised in a Group of GSPs the Panel shall consult with the Authority, the NETSO, the Distribution System Operators of all Distribution Systems comprised or to be comprised in relevant GSP Groups, and all Suppliers.


2.1 Registration in CMRS

2.1.1 A Boundary Point Metering System shall be registered in CMRS where:

(a) the Metering Equipment measures quantities of Imports to or Exports from Plant or Apparatus which is directly connected to the Transmission System; or

(b) the Metering Equipment measures quantities of Imports to or Exports from a Licensable Generating Plant; or

(c) the Metering Equipment measures quantities of Imports to or Exports from an Interconnector; or

(d) the Panel has determined, upon the application of any Party, that there are special circumstances by reason of which such Metering System should be registered in CMRS.

2.1.2 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.1.1, a Boundary Point Metering System may be registered in CMRS where the Metering Equipment measures quantities of Exports, or Exports and Imports, at the Site of an Exemptable Generating Plant.

2.1.3 A Systems Connection Point Metering System shall be registered in CMRS.

2.1.4 A Metering System may not be registered in CMRS except pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1, 2.1.2 or 2.1.3.

2.1.5 A Metering System may not be registered in CMRS and SMRS at the same time.

2.1.6 There may only be one Registrant of a CVA Metering System at any one time.

2.2 Registration requirements

2.2.1 A Party may apply to register a Metering System in CMRS by submitting a registration application to the CRA specifying:

(a) the identity of the applicant Party;

(b) the Metering System;

(c) the CVA Meter Operator Agent appointed or to be appointed in accordance with Section J6.1; and

(d) the date with effective from which the applicant wishes the registration to be effective.

2.2.2 An application to register a Metering System in CMRS shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP20.

2.2.3 The CRA will validate and process the registration application in accordance with BSCP20.

2.2.4 The following requirements are conditions to a registration of a Metering System in CMRS being effective:

(a) the CRA has been informed of the relevant Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point under paragraph 1.4;

(b) the Metering Equipment has been installed and commissioned in accordance with Section L;

(c) a CVA Meter Operator Agent has been appointed and registered in accordance with Section J;

(d) Meter Technical Details and Aggregation Rules have been submitted to and validated by the CDCA under Section R;

(e) in the case of a Distribution Systems Connection Point, one of the Distribution System Operators has been nominated in accordance with paragraph 1.3.3;

(f) in the case of an Interconnector, an Interconnector Administrator and Interconnector Error Administrator have been appointed in accordance with paragraph 5;

(g) where the applicant is not the Equipment Owner, the consent of the Equipment Owner has been obtained;

(h) (subject to paragraph 5 in relation to Interconnector BM Units) the registrations pursuant to paragraph 3 by the Party of the BM Unit(s) associated with such Metering System (and cancellation or reconfiguration of any existing BM Units by any other Party pursuant to paragraph 3.6.3) are, but for satisfaction of any condition in paragraph 3 as to the effective registration of such Metering System, effective.

2.2.5 Registration of a Metering System in CMRS will become effective on and from the later of:

(a) the date specified by the applicant pursuant to paragraph 2.2.1(d); and

(b) the day following that on which (in accordance with BSCP20):

(i) the CRA has confirmation that all the requirements listed in paragraph 2.2.4 have been satisfied (and, for these purposes, the CDCA shall provide the CRA with the necessary confirmation, where applicable); and

(ii) the Registrant's Party Registration Data have been registered in accordance with Section A.

2.2.6 The Registrant of a CVA Metering System shall, in accordance with BSCP20, keep its registration up-to-date, by notifying the CRA or CDCA (as applicable) of any change in any of the details contained in the registration, promptly upon any such change occurring.

2.3 Withdrawal of registration in CMRS

2.3.1 The Registrant of a CVA Metering System shall continue to be the Registrant until and unless:

(a) the associated Plant and Apparatus is disconnected in accordance with the relevant Connection Agreement and the Metering System is de-registered in accordance with BSCP20;

(b) where permitted under paragraph 2.1, the Metering System becomes registered in SMRS in accordance with paragraph 2.4; or

(c) the Registrant withdraws from the registration in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 2.3.

2.3.2 A Party may withdraw as Registrant of a CVA Metering System if and only if another Party (the "new registrant"), which is or will (at the effective date of withdrawal) be responsible for Imports and/or Exports to or from the relevant Plant and Apparatus, applies (in accordance with paragraph 2.2) for registration and becomes the Registrant of the CVA Metering System.

2.3.3 The new registrant shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 2.2 in respect of registration and with the further provisions of BSCP20 in respect of a change of registrant.

2.3.4 Where a Registrant ceases or will cease to be the Party responsible for Exports or Imports measured by a CVA Metering System, it shall (subject to paragraph 2.3.2) withdraw from, and consent to the new registrant’s application for, registration in respect of the Metering System.

2.3.5 A change of registrant shall be effective, and the withdrawing Party shall cease to be Registrant of the CVA Metering System, conditional upon, and with effect on and from, the new registrant's registration becoming effective in accordance with paragraph 2.2 and the withdrawing Party’s cancellation or reconfiguration of BM Units pursuant to paragraph 3.6.2 becoming effective.

2.3.6 A Party shall not be released, by reason of ceasing to be Registrant of a CVA Metering System, from any accrued liabilities as Registrant or (as Lead Party in respect of the associated BM Unit) in Settlement.

2.4 Registration in CSS and SMRS

2.4.1 Subject to paragraph 2.4.2, where a Boundary Point Metering System is not permitted to be, or (if it is permitted, but not obliged) is not, registered in CMRS, the Metering System shall be registered in CSS; and the responsible Party shall be deemed to comply with the requirement in paragraph 1.2.1(b) by complying with the further requirements of this paragraph 2.4 and of the Code relating to registration in CSS and SMRS.

2.4.2 Only a Supplier may comply with the requirement in paragraph 1.2.1(b) pursuant to paragraph 2.4.1.

2.4.3 Where a Supplier intends:

(a) to supply electricity, or

(b) to receive Export Active Energy from a Third Party Generator,

measured by a Metering System which is or is to be registered in SMRS then in respect of that registration, and following registration of such Metering System in CSS, the Supplier shall, in accordance with BSCP501:

(i) not used;

(ii) provide that SMRA with the appropriate information; and

(iii) inform that SMRA from time to time of any changes to that information.

2.4.4 Section S sets out further requirements applying to each SMRA in relation to SMRS.

2.5 Shared SVA Meter Arrangements

2.5.1 Subject to and in accordance with this paragraph 2.5 and the further provisions of the Code, one or more Supplier(s) may make an arrangement (a "Shared SVA Meter Arrangement") under which there is a single SVA Metering System for Exports or Imports (from or to the same Plant and Apparatus) for which the one or more Supplier(s) are responsible.

2.5.2 A Shared SVA Meter Arrangement may be made only:

(a) in relation to a SVA Metering System comprising Half Hourly Metering Equipment; and

(b) in relation to Exports or (as the case may be) Imports for which the one or more Suppliers are responsible (and not in relation to a combination of Exports and Imports but without prejudice to paragraph 2.5.4(c)(ii)); and

(c) between no more than the maximum number of Suppliers in relation to a SVA Metering System as may from time to time be determined and published by BSCCo in accordance with the procedures set out in BSCP550 (and, where a maximum number is so specified, references in the Code to one or more Supplier(s) under a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement are subject to such maximum limit).

2.5.3 A Shared SVA Meter Arrangement shall be made, and related information submitted, maintained and updated, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of BSCP550.

2.5.4 Where Supplier(s) make a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement:

(a) the Suppliers shall ensure that each is informed of each other's identity by the SVA Customer or (as the case may be) SVA Generator, where applicable;

(b) where the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement is made by two or more Suppliers, the Suppliers shall agree which of them is to act as primary Supplier for the purposes of the Code, failing which the Panel shall nominate one of them to act as primary Supplier;

(c) the Supplier(s) shall:

(i) register the Shared SVA Metering System in the CSS with a different SVA Metering System Number, for which each Supplier shall be respectively responsible;

(ii) where the Supplier is the variable supplier as referred to in paragraph 3.5.5 of Annex S-2, register the Shared SVA Metering System in the CSS with two different SVA Metering System Numbers (one classed as import and the other as export in accordance with BSCP550), for which such Supplier is responsible;

(iii) request a logical disconnection by the SMRA and registration deactivation by the CSS if at any time it ceases to be responsible for the Shared SVA Metering System, provided that:

(1) where the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement is made by two or more Suppliers, all such Suppliers may not cease to be so responsible at the same time unless the relevant SVA Metering System is disconnected and registration deactivated at that time or another Supplier or Suppliers assume responsibility for that Metering System in accordance with the provisions of the Code with effect from the time when all such Suppliers cease to be so responsible; and

(2) where a Supplier ceases to be so responsible as a result of another Supplier assuming such responsibility, that other Supplier (rather than the Supplier ceasing to be so responsible) shall inform the CSS;

(iv) maintain and update the information for which it is responsible in the SMRS;

(d) the Primary Supplier shall ensure that an Allocation Schedule and the associated rules for application and maintenance of the Allocation Schedule are established and submitted in accordance with BSCP550.

2.5.5 In connection with any Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, the Primary Supplier shall:

(a) ensure (in accordance with Section J4.1.4) that only one SVA Meter Operator Agent and one Data Collector is appointed for the Shared SVA Metering System;

(b) request the SMRA to provide (for the purposes of paragraph 2.5.4(c)(i)) and, where applicable, paragraph 2.5.4(c)(ii)) SVA Metering System Number(s) for the Shared SVA Metering System;

(c) notify the Secondary Supplier(s) of their SVA Metering System Number(s) , where applicable;

(d) promptly inform any Secondary Supplier(s) of any changes to information for which the Primary Supplier is solely responsible in relation to the Shared SVA Metering System;

(e) ensure that each Secondary Supplier, if any, has equal access, for so long as the Secondary Supplier remains a Secondary Supplier in respect of the Shared SVA Metering System, to the data recorded by the relevant Metering Equipment;

(f) be the Party responsible for submitting the initial Allocation Schedule and any subsequent Allocation Schedules to the Half Hourly Data Collector and the Secondary Supplier(s);

(g) where the initial or any subsequent Allocation Schedule specifies an amount of energy to be employed by way of fixed block or multiple fixed block in accordance with BSCP550, estimate and notify to the Half Hourly Data Collector the maximum output or consumption capacity (as the case may be) of the Plant or Apparatus associated with the Shared SVA Metering System (expressed in MWh per Settlement Period), and revise such estimate from time to time, in each case in accordance with BSCP550.

2.5.6 Where a Secondary Supplier ceases to be a Secondary Supplier in respect of a Shared SVA Metering System and is not replaced by a new Secondary Supplier (or by the Primary Supplier as part of a single Supplier Shared SVA Meter Arrangement) in accordance with BSCP550, and no other Secondary Suppliers form part of the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement:

(a) the SVA Metering System shall cease to be the subject of a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement;

(b) the Primary Supplier shall assume sole responsibility for such Metering System; and

(c) the SMRA shall be requested to mark the SVA Metering System Number of the Secondary Supplier as disconnected.

2.5.7 Where a Secondary Supplier ceases to be a Secondary Supplier in respect of a Shared SVA Metering System and is not replaced by a new Secondary Supplier in accordance with BSCP550 but other Secondary Suppliers still form part of the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement:

(a) the Primary Supplier shall ensure that a subsequent Allocation Schedule is submitted; and

(b) the SMRA shall be requested to mark the relevant SVA Metering System Number(s) of the Secondary Supplier as disconnected.

2.5.8 Where the Primary Supplier ceases to be the Primary Supplier and is not replaced by a new Primary Supplier (or by the Secondary Supplier as part of a single Supplier Shared Meter Arrangement) in accordance with BSCP550, and there is only one Secondary Supplier which forms part of the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement:

(a) the SVA Metering System shall cease to be the subject of a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement;

(b) the Secondary Supplier shall assume sole responsibility for such Metering System; and

(c) the Secondary Supplier shall request the SMRA to mark its SVA Metering System Number as disconnected and to register the Secondary Supplier as the Registrant of such Metering System with the SVA Metering System Number previously assigned to such Primary Supplier.

2.5.9 Where the Primary Supplier ceases to be the Primary Supplier and is not replaced by a new Primary Supplier in accordance with BSCP550 and there is more than one Secondary Supplier which form part of the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement:

(a) the SVA Metering System shall continue to be the subject of a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement;

(b) the Secondary Suppliers shall agree which of them is to act as Primary Supplier, failing which the Panel shall nominate one of them to act as Primary Supplier;

(c) the Secondary Supplier which assumes the role of Primary Supplier shall:

(i) ensure that a subsequent Allocation Schedule is submitted; and

(ii) request the SMRA to mark its Secondary SVA Metering System Number(s) as disconnected and to register it with the SVA Metering System Number previously assigned to the Primary Supplier.

2.5.10 This paragraph 2.5 shall apply on a Supplier ID basis (and a Supplier may be party to a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement in the capacities of its Supplier IDs) and its provisions shall be construed accordingly.

2.6 Transfer of Registration between CMRS and SMRS

2.6.1 A Party which is or is to be the Registrant of a Metering System in CMRS may transfer the registration to SMRS, and a Party which is or is to be the Registrant of a SVA Metering System in SMRS may transfer the registration to CMRS, subject to and in accordance with this paragraph 2.6; and in this paragraph such a transfer is referred to as a "Registration Transfer".

2.6.2 A Registration Transfer:

(a) may only be made where the Metering System is eligible (in accordance with this paragraph 2) to be registered in both CMRS and SMRS;

(b) shall be made by (and effective from) registration in CMRS or (as the case may be) SMRS at the same time as withdrawal from registration in the other.

2.6.3 A Registration Transfer shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP68.

2.6.4 For the avoidance of doubt, a Registration Transfer may be made in parallel with an application for a change of Registrant and, subject to compliance with this paragraph 2.6 and with paragraphs 2.3 and 2.4, a Registration Transfer may become effective on the same day as a change of Registrant.

2.7 Registration in AMRS

2.7.1 A Virtual Lead Party or Supplier shall register an Asset Metering System in AMRS by submitting a registration application to the SVAA in accordance with and subject to the provisions of BSCP602.

2.7.2 The SVAA will validate and process the registration application in accordance with BSCP602.

2.7.3 The following requirements are conditions which must be met before the registration of an Asset Metering System in AMRS is effective and the Registrant is provided with an AMSID Number:

(a) the Metering Equipment has been installed and commissioned in accordance with Section L;

(b) the Asset Meter has not already been registered within another Asset Metering System;

(c) the Asset Meter is installed in compliance with the requirements of Code of Practice Eleven;

(d) all Associated MSID Pairs have been provided;

(e) where the applicant is not the Equipment Owner, the consent of the Equipment Owner has been obtained; and

(f) the registrations pursuant to paragraph 8 of the BM Unit(s) associated with the Asset Metering System are effective.

2.7.3A For the avoidance of doubt there is no requirement to appoint Asset Metering Party Agents and for these to be effective prior to registering the Asset Metering System. However, the Asset Metering Party Agents must be appointed and be effective before the Asset Metering System is allocated to a BM Unit or used for the purposes of an EMR AMSID Declaration.

2.7.4 Registration of an Asset Metering System in AMRS will become effective on and from the later of:

(a) the date from which the applicant wishes the registration to be effective; and

(b) the day following that on which (in accordance with BSCP602) the SVAA has confirmation that all the requirements listed in paragraph 2.7.3 have been satisfied.

2.7.5 The Registrant of an Asset Metering System shall, in accordance with BSCP602, keep its registration up-to-date, by notifying the SVAA of any change in any of the details contained in the registration, promptly upon any such change occurring.

2.7.6 A Virtual Lead Party shall not be allocated any volumes for Balancing Services as measured by an Asset Metering System until the Asset Metering System registration in the AMRS is effective.

2.8 Withdrawal from AMRS

2.8.1 The Registrant of an Asset Metering System shall continue to be the Registrant until such time as:

(a) where a Virtual Lead Party or Supplier is the registrant of an Asset Metering System and another Virtual Lead Party or Supplier applies (in accordance with paragraph 2.7) for registration of that Asset Metering System and becomes the Registrant (the "New Asset Metering System Registrant"); or

(b) the Asset Metering System is de-registered in accordance with BSCP602; or

(c) the Registrant ceases to be a Virtual Lead Party or Supplier.

2.8.2 The New Registrant shall comply with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 in respect of registration of the Asset Metering System and with the further provisions of BSCP602.


3.1 Configuration of Primary BM Units

3.1.1 Subject to paragraph 3.3 (Supplier BM Units) and paragraph 5 (Interconnectors), a BM Unit shall comprise Plant or Apparatus or a combination of Plant and/or Apparatus for whose Exports and/or Imports a Party is responsible.

3.1.2 Save as provided in paragraph 3.1.4, a BM Unit must satisfy the following registration criteria:

(a) subject to paragraph 3.1.3A only one Party is responsible for the Exports and/or Imports from or to the Plant and/or Apparatus which is comprised in the BM Unit;

(b) subject to paragraph 3.3.9A, the Exports and/or Imports of electricity from and to the Plant and/or Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit are capable of being controlled independently of the Exports or Imports of electricity from or to any Plant or Apparatus which is not comprised in the BM Unit;

(c) on the basis of:

(i) the provisions of the Code as to Volume Allocation, and any options or entitlements which the responsible Party has exercised or intends to exercise pursuant to those provisions; and

(ii) the Metering Equipment which is or is to be installed pursuant to Section L

the quantities (in aggregate) of electricity Exported and Imported in each Settlement Period from or to the Plant and/or Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit are or will be determined (in accordance with the provisions of the Code as to Volume Allocation) and submitted to the SAA for the purposes of Settlement separately from any quantities Exported or Imported from or to any Plant and/or Apparatus which is not comprised in the BM Unit;

(d) subject to paragraph 3.1.3A, the BM Unit does not comprise Plant and Apparatus whose Imports and Exports are measured by both CVA Metering System(s) and SVA Metering System(s); and

(e) subject to 3.1.2B there are no smaller aggregations of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit, for each of which the conditions in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) would be satisfied.

3.1.2A A BM Unit (other than a Supplier BM Unit or Interconnector BM Unit) comprised of EII Assets shall not be comprised of any:

(a) Plant or Apparatus that are not EII Assets; and/or

(b) EII Assets with a different Exemption Proportion.

3.1.2B A collection of smaller aggregations of Plant and Apparatus may be registered as a single BM Unit, provided:

(a) the Registered Capacity of that collection of Plant and/or Apparatus is no larger than that specified in respect of a Small Power Station; and

(b) the Exports from that collection of Plant and/or Apparatus are subject to common control as a single BM Unit.

3.1.3 Subject to paragraphs 3.1.4B and 3.1.4C, the same Plant and Apparatus may be comprised in more than one BM Unit only to the extent that different persons are responsible for the Exports from and the Imports to such Plant and Apparatus or as permitted in paragraph 3.1.3A.

3.1.3A Plant and/or Apparatus comprised in a BM Unit, whose Exports and/or Imports are measured by CVA Metering System(s), may also be comprised in another BM Unit, Imports to which are measured by a Metering System, which may be registered by a different person, in the SMRS, provided that:

(a) there are measures in place to prevent Exports from that Plant and/or Apparatus to the SVA Metering System associated with that Plant and/or Apparatus;

(b) the SVA connection is equal to or less than the limit determined by the Panel from time to time; and

(c) there are measures in place to prevent instantaneous flow through of electricity:

(i) from the Metering System registered in CMRS to the Metering System registered in SMRS; and/or

(ii) between different Systems.

3.1.4 Each of the following shall be a single BM Unit, and shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements in paragraph 3.1.2:

(a) any CCGT Module or Power Park Module for whose Exports the Metering System(s) is or are registered in CMRS;

(b) the Plant and Apparatus which comprises part of, and which Imports electricity through the station transformer(s) of, a Generating Plant, where the Metering System(s) for such Imports is or are registered in CMRS;

(c) premises (of a Customer supplied by a Party) which are directly connected to the Transmission System, provided that such premises are so connected at one Boundary Point only;

(cc) premises (of a Customer supplied by a Party) which are directly connected to the Transmission System at more than one Boundary Point, provided that the total Imports to the Plant and/or Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit are equal to or less than the value limits prescribed in respect of a Small Power Station;

(d) an Interconnector BM Unit, in accordance with paragraph 5;

(e) a Base BM Unit or an Additional BM Unit, in accordance with paragraph 3.3;

(f) any configuration of Plant and Apparatus that was determined as part of the transitional arrangements for the implementation of BETTA; and

(g) any two or more Offshore Power Park Modules (for whose Exports the Metering System(s) is or are registered in CMRS), where the responsible Party wishes to combine these as a single BM Unit and the NETSO in its absolute discretion determines that such a configuration is suitable to constitute a single BM Unit (a "Combined Offshore BM Unit"); and

(h) an Offshore Power Park Module together with any related Plant and Apparatus used to Import electricity to that Offshore Power Park Module and which are connected to the Transmission System at separate Transmission System Boundary Points; and

(i) a Combined Offshore Power Park Module together with any related Plant and Apparatus used to Import electricity to that Combined Offshore Power Park Module and which are connected to the Transmission System at separate Transmission System Boundary Points.

3.1.4A A combination of Power Park Modules (including any Power Park Module(s) comprised in a BM Unit located Offshore), with the same Lead Party, may be identified as a "Switching Group" in accordance with this paragraph 3, in which case each such BM Unit shall be described as "belonging" to that Switching Group.

3.1.4B Power Park Modules may belong to a Switching Group on the basis that Plant and Apparatus can be selected to run in any of the BM Units belonging to that Switching Group.

3.1.4C Subject to Section R3, Plant and Apparatus comprised in Power Park Modules belonging to a Switching Group shall be deemed to be comprised in the BM Unit in which the Plant and Apparatus is selected to run at any given time.

3.1.4D A Power Park Module may not belong to more than one Switching Group at any given time.

3.1.5 Paragraph 3.1.6 applies in any case where (pursuant to this Section K) one or more BM Units are required to be established, comprising particular Plant and/or Apparatus (the "relevant" Plant and Apparatus), if the relevant Plant and Apparatus does not fall into a category listed in paragraph 3.1.4 and:

(a) a Party’s application to register a BM Unit has been rejected by the CRA for not satisfying the registration criteria set out in paragraph 3.1.2, and the Party wishes to refer the question of application of the registration criteria to the Panel; or

(b) the CRA considers that there is a reasonable doubt as to whether a Party’s application to register a BM Unit satisfies the registration criteria set out in paragraph 3.1.2, and the CRA wishes to refer the question of application of the registration criteria to the Panel.

3.1.6 In any case where this paragraph 3.1.6 applies:

(a) the responsible Party and/or the CRA shall refer the question of the establishment of the BM Unit(s) to the Panel;

(b) the Panel shall determine, taking into account any representations of the Party responsible for the relevant Exports and/or Imports, and after consulting the NETSO, whether the proposed configuration of the relevant Plant and Apparatus into BM Unit(s) satisfies the criteria in paragraph 3.1.2;

(c) where the Panel considers that the proposed configuration will not satisfy the criteria in paragraph 3.1.2, the Panel may determine a configuration of the relevant Plant and Apparatus into BM Unit(s) which in the Panel's opinion most nearly achieves the objectives which are reflected in the criteria in paragraph 3.1.2;

(d) the determination of the Panel under this paragraph shall be final and binding.

3.1.7 BSCCo shall keep a copy of all determinations made by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 3.1.6 and any decision regarding a BM Unit that was determined as part of the transitional arrangements for the implementation of BETTA and shall make such determinations and /or decisions available to any Party upon request.

3.1.8 A BM Unit comprised of CFD Assets shall be comprised solely of the CFD Assets specified in the Contract for Difference relating to that BM Unit and shall not include any other Plant or Apparatus (the "Relevant CFD Assets").

3.1.9 Any change in any of the details contained in the registration of a BM Unit must meet the criteria for registration set out in this section K and the Lead Party for the BM Unit shall notify the CRA promptly upon any such change occurring, in accordance with 3.6agraph 3.6 and BSCP15.

3.2 Registration of BM Units

3.2.1 Each Party shall ensure that all Plant and Apparatus, for whose Exports and/or Imports it is responsible, is comprised in BM Units established and registered by it in compliance with this paragraph 3.

3.2.2 The further provisions of this paragraph 3.2 shall only apply to BM Units comprising Plant and/or Apparatus, for whose Exports and/or Imports a Party is responsible, measured by CVA Metering Systems.

3.2.3 A Party may apply to register a BM Unit by submitting a registration application to the CRA specifying:

(a) the identity of the applicant Party;

(b) the date from which the applicant wishes the registration to be effective;

(c) the estimated amounts referred to in paragraph 3.4.1 (for the purposes of establishing the Generation Capacity and the Demand Capacity) for the proposed BM Unit;

(d) the CVA Metering Systems associated with the proposed BM Unit; and

(e) the Switching Group to which the BM Unit belongs (if any).

3.2.4 An application to register a BM Unit shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP15.

3.2.5 The CRA (after consultation with BSCCo and the CDCA) will validate (as to compliance with paragraph 3.2.6 and otherwise) and process the registration application in accordance with BSCP15.

3.2.6 The following requirements are conditions to a registration of a BM Unit being effective:

(a) the BM Unit is configured in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.1;

(b) subject to paragraph 5 (in relation to Interconnector BM Units), the registration(s) pursuant to paragraph 2 of the CVA Metering System(s) associated with such BM Unit are, but for satisfaction (where applicable) of any condition in paragraph 2 as to the effective registration of such BM Unit, effective;

(c) the estimated amounts (for the purposes of establishing the Generation Capacity and Demand Capacity) for the BM Unit have been notified to the CRA in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2(a);

(d) Aggregation Rules for such BM Unit have been submitted to and validated by the CDCA under Section R; and

(e) a Credit Assessment Load Factor has been allocated to the BM Unit in accordance with Section M1.5.

3.2.7 Registration of a BM Unit will become effective, and the applicant will become the Lead Party of that BM Unit, on and from the later of:

(a) the date specified by the applicant pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3(b); and

(b) the day following that on which (in accordance with BSCP15) BSCCo confirms to the CRA that all of the requirements (including those in paragraph 3.2.6) specified for such effectiveness in that BSC Procedure have been satisfied.

3.2.8 The Lead Party for a BM Unit shall, keep its registration up-to-date in accordance with paragraph 3.1.9.

3.3 Supplier BM Units

3.3.1 Each Supplier shall:

(a) automatically be registered as holding one BM Unit for each GSP Group, irrespective of whether it has any Registered SVA Metering Systems in the GSP Group (and, for the purposes of this paragraph (a), a Party shall be deemed to have applied for such registrations upon applying to register itself as a Supplier pursuant to Section A4); and

(b) notify the estimated amounts (for the purposes of establishing the Generation Capacity and Demand Capacity) for each such BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2(a) at or before the registration of such BM Unit, provided that if such Supplier fails to notify such amounts as required by this paragraph (b), it shall be deemed to have notified a value of zero for each such amount (but without prejudice to paragraph 3.4.2(c)).

3.3.2 In addition, a Supplier may apply to register a BM Unit associated with a GSP Group by giving notice to the CRA specifying:

(a) the identity of the Supplier;

(b) the GSP Group with which the BM Unit is to be associated;

(c) the date with effect from which the BM Unit is to be established;

(d) the estimated amounts referred to in paragraph 3.4.1 (for the purposes of establishing the Generation Capacity and the Demand Capacity) for the proposed BM Unit; and

(e) whether the BM Unit constitutes a Baselined BM Unit.

3.3.3 Application for registration of a BM Unit pursuant to paragraph 3.3.2 shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP15, and the registration shall be effective, and the Supplier will become the Lead Party of that BM Unit, on the later of:

(a) the date specified by the applicant pursuant to paragraph 3.3.2(c); and

(b) the date when registration is confirmed by BSCCo to the CRA in accordance with BSCP15.

3.3.4 The CRA shall validate and process applications for registration of a Supplier BM Unit in accordance with and subject to BSCP15.

3.3.5 For any Supplier and any GSP Group, the "Base BM Unit" is the Supplier BM Unit which was registered for the Supplier pursuant to paragraph 3.3.1, and each other Supplier BM Unit is an "Additional BM Unit".

3.3.6 A Supplier may not cancel or withdraw from the registration of a Base BM Unit while it remains a Supplier.

3.3.7 A Supplier may assign the Plant and Apparatus associated with particular SVA Metering Systems (of which it is Registrant) in any GSP Group to any Additional BM Unit registered by it for that GSP Group, subject to the conditions set out in and in accordance with the provisions of Section S6.

3.3.8 All of the Plant and Apparatus associated with a Supplier's Registered SVA Metering Systems in a GSP Group which are not for the time being assigned to an Additional BM Unit shall be comprised in its Base BM Unit for that GSP Group.

3.3.9 Not used.

3.3.9A Paragraph 3.1.2(b) shall not apply to the extent to which Imports of electricity to the Plant and/or Apparatus comprised in a BM Unit are measured by Metering Systems which are part of a Teleswitch Group.

3.3.10 The Lead Party for a Supplier BM Unit shall, in accordance with BSCP15, keep its registration up-to-date, by notifying the CRA of any change in any of the details contained in the registration, promptly upon any such change occurring.

3.3.11 This paragraph 3.3 shall apply on a Supplier ID basis and its provisions shall be construed accordingly, and:

(a) a Supplier will be registered under paragraph 3.3.1 in respect of each of its Supplier IDs as holding one BM Unit for each GSP Group (and accordingly will hold a set of Base BM Units for each of its Supplier IDs); and

(b) a Supplier:

(i) holding one Supplier ID may not cancel or withdraw from the registration of a Base BM Unit relating to that Supplier ID while the Supplier remains a Supplier;

(ii) holding more than one Supplier ID may cancel and withdraw from the registration of the set of Base BM Units relating to an additional Supplier ID:

(A) provided the Supplier has no Registered SVA Metering Systems with the additional Supplier ID in any GSP Group;

(B) following which cancellation and withdrawal the Supplier shall no longer hold, for the purposes of the Code, the additional Supplier ID.

3.3.12 Where a Supplier is the Registrant of SVA Metering System(s) associated with CFD Assets, the Supplier shall in respect of those CFD Assets:

(a) ensure that Additional BM Unit(s) have been registered in accordance with this Section K; and

(b) assign only the Relevant CFD Assets to such Additional BM Unit(s).

3.3.13 If at any time BSCCo receives a notice from an EMR Settlement Services Provider in respect of CFD Assets to register or de-register Additional BM Units in a GSP Group then BSCCo shall:

(a) in respect of the GSP Group to which those CFD Assets are connected, register Additional BM Units for each Supplier identified by BSCCo under paragraph 3.3.14; or

(b) de-register any Additional BM Unit in that GSP Group which were registered under paragraph 3.3.13(a) and which are connected to those CFD Assets but which are no longer required,

in each case in accordance with BSCP15.

3.3.14 In respect of each GSP Group BSCCo shall establish and maintain a list identifying:

(a) Active Power Purchasing Suppliers in that GSP Group; and

(b) any other Qualified Half Hourly Supplier that has requested to be included on that list.

3.3A Exempt Export BM Units

3.3A.1 A Supplier BM Unit shall not be classified as an Exempt Export BM Unit unless (disregarding paragraph 3.1.4(e)) the BM Unit would, if the Metering System(s) comprised in the BM Unit were CVA Metering Systems, satisfy the requirements in paragraph 3.1.2, for which purposes paragraph 3.1.6 shall apply as if the question referred to therein were whether the configuration of Plant and Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit satisfies (or best satisfies) those requirements.

3.4 Demand Capacity and Generation Capacity

3.4.1 The Lead Party of a BM Unit shall estimate and notify to the CRA, in relation to each BSC Season in each year (the "relevant" BSC Season), from time to time in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2, in good faith and as accurately as it reasonably can, what will be:

(a) the positive value of QMij with the maximum magnitude (subject to paragraph 3.4.4) for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season; and

(b) the negative value of QMij with the maximum magnitude (subject to paragraph 3.4.4) for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season,

provided that (in either case) if there is none, the value shall be the most recent declared value of the preceding BSC Season. Where no preceding BSC Season value is available the value shall be zero.

3.4.2 The Lead Party shall estimate and notify to the CRA amounts under paragraph 3.4.1:

(a) initially, at the time of registration of the BM Unit under paragraph 3.2 or 3.3;

(b) not later than the time specified in BSCP15 in the BSC Season preceding the relevant BSC Season; and

(c) within such period after the criteria set out in paragraph 3.4.3 have been met as is specified in paragraph 3.4.5, provided that the Lead Party shall have no obligation to submit a revised estimate of any such amount in circumstances where such criteria have been met as a result of the CRA notifying the Lead Party that the CRA has identified that either or both of the GC and DC Breach Monitoring Criteria have been met, pursuant to paragraph 3.5.7D(b)(ii).

3.4.2A The Lead Party of a Supplier BM Unit may, up to twice in each BSC Season, (subject to paragraph 3.4.4), also estimate and notify to the CRA increases in the negative value of QMij with the maximum magnitude divided by SPD where the Lead Party becomes aware of or believes in good faith that such value will become greater than DC for the remainder of the BSC Season.

3.4.3 The criteria referred to in paragraph 3.4.2(c) are that, for any Settlement Period in the relevant BSC Season, or (as the case may be) the remainder of the relevant BSC Season following a revised estimate notified in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2A:

(a) the positive value of QMij (subject to paragraph 3.4.4) for the BM Unit divided by SPD exceeds or the Lead Party becomes aware or believes in good faith that such value will exceed GC by the GC Limits;

(b) the negative value of QMij (subject to paragraph 3.4.4) with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit divided by SPD is less than or the Lead Party becomes aware or believes in good faith that such value will be less than DC by the DC Limits.

3.4.3A For the purposes of the Code the GC Limits and DC Limits shall be such values as determined by the Panel from time to time after consultation with BSC Parties and in accordance with the published guidance described in 3.4.3B.

3.4.3B The Panel will establish guidance for the determination and review of the GC Limits and DC Limits.

3.4.3C BSCCo will publish GC Limits and DC Limits described in in 3.4.3A and the guidance described 3.4.3B on the BSC Website.

3.4.4 For the purposes of paragraphs 3.4.1(a) and (b), 3.4.2A and 3.4.3(a) and (b), any part of the BM Unit Metered Volume which is delivered or taken or which the Lead Party reasonably believes will be delivered or taken by the Plant or Apparatus associated with that BM Unit in response to an Emergency Instruction (issued pursuant to Balancing Code 2.9 of the Grid Code) shall be disregarded.

3.4.5 In respect of a relevant BSC Season, a revised estimate of the amount referred to in paragraph 3.4.1(a) or (b), shall be notified pursuant to paragraph 3.4.2(c) as soon as reasonably practicable after the Lead Party becomes aware that, or ought reasonably to have become aware that the criteria referred in paragraphs 3.4.3(a) or 3.4.3(b) (as the case may be) have been met, provided that the Lead Party shall have no obligation to submit a revised estimate of any such amount more than twenty Business Days after the Initial Settlement Run in respect of the last Settlement Period in that BSC Season has occurred.

3.4.6 In relation to a BM Unit, any revised estimates notified pursuant to paragraph 3.4.2(c) and 3.4.2A shall take effect in accordance with and from the time specified in BSCP15 and, for the avoidance of doubt, any such revision shall:

(a) in relation to the calculations undertaken by the SAA:

(i) not affect or result in the redetermination or recalculation of any values determined or calculated by the SAA under the Code which are determined or calculated in relation to Settlement Periods which fell in the period prior to the effective date of such revision;

(ii) be used in the determination or calculation of values determined or calculated by the SAA under the Code which are determined or calculated in relation to Settlement Periods which fall in the period on and after the effective date of such revision,

and paragraph 3.5 shall be construed accordingly;

(b) in relation to the contribution to the calculation of Energy Indebtedness for such BM Unit undertaken by the ECVAA:

(i) not result in the recalculation of Energy Indebtedness calculated in relation to Settlement Periods which fell in the period prior to the effective date of such revision;

(ii) be used in the calculation of Energy Indebtedness calculated in relation to Settlement Periods which fall in the period on and after the effective date of such revision,

and in either case, without prejudice to Section H3, the failure by a Party to notify any revised amounts in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2(c) may not give rise to any Trading Dispute.

3.4.7 The Panel may, and upon the reasonable request of the NETSO will, review any estimate made by a Party under paragraph 3.4.1; and if so requested by the Panel in connection with any such review:

(a) the NETSO or any Distribution System Operator will provide reasonable information to the Panel relevant to a review of any estimate under paragraph 3.4.1, and

(b) the Lead Party will:

(i) provide to the Panel reasonable information to justify its prevailing estimates of the amounts under paragraph 3.4.1, and

(ii) re-estimate such amounts after discussion with the Panel.

3.4.7A The CRA shall carry out periodic monitoring ("GC and DC Breach Monitoring") of Metered Volumes in respect of each BM Unit, to identify whether, for any Settlement Period in the relevant BSC Season, or (as the case may be) the remainder of the relevant BSC Season following a revised estimate made in accordance with this paragraph 3.4:

(a) the positive value of QMij (subject to paragraph 3.4.7C) for the BM Unit divided by SPD has exceeded GC by the GC Limits; ("GC Breach Monitoring Criterion") or

(b) the negative value of QMij (subject to paragraph 3.4.7C) with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit divided by SPD has been less than DC by the DC Limits, ("DC Breach Monitoring Criterion")

(together the "GC and DC Breach Monitoring Criteria").

3.4.7B GC and DC Monitoring shall take place at a time and frequency determined by BSCCo.

3.4.7C For the purposes of GC and DC Breach Monitoring, any part of the BM Unit Metered Volume which is delivered or taken by the Plant or Apparatus associated with that BM Unit in response to an Emergency Instruction (issued pursuant to Balancing Code 2.9 of the Grid Code) shall be disregarded.

3.4.7D If the CRA identifies that either or both of the GC and DC Breach Monitoring Criteria have been met in respect of a BM Unit, the CRA shall:

(a) estimate for the BM Unit, in accordance with the BM Unit Volume Estimation Methodology, what will be:

(i) if the GC Breach Monitoring Criterion is met, the positive value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season; and

(ii) if the DC Breach Monitoring Criterion is met, the negative value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season,

(together, the "CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts")

(b) notify the Lead Party of the BM Unit, BSCCo, the CM Settlement Services Provider and the CFD Settlement Services Provider of the following in respect of the BM Unit:

(i) that the CRA has identified that either or both of the GC and DC Breach Monitoring Criteria have been met;

(ii) the Settlement Day and Settlement Period on which the criterion or criteria were met;

(iii) the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts;

(iv) the date on which the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts will take effect in accordance with BSCP15;

(v) that, pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7M, the CRA will publish a notice relating to the relevant BM Unit; and

(vi) any other information specified pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7P; and

(together the "GC or DC Breach Notification")

(c) publish a notice pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7M, in relation to the BM Unit.

3.4.7E For the purposes of estimating the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts, the Panel shall establish and may from time to time revise, and shall provide to BSCCo and make available to all Trading Parties, a methodology for estimating BM Unit Metered Volumes (the "BM Unit Volume Estimation Methodology").

3.4.7F BSCCo shall post the BM Unit Volume Estimation Methodology on the BSC website.

3.4.7G Within two Working Days following the day after a GC or DC Breach Notification is deemed to have been received by the Lead Party of the relevant BM Unit, the Lead Party may:

(a) notify BSCCo that the Lead Party challenges the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts (a "GC or DC Estimation Challenge");

(b) provide evidence that the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts are not correct; and

(c) propose alternative amounts, for what will be, for the BM Unit:

(i) if the GC or DC Breach Notification identified that the GC Breach Monitoring Criterion is met, the positive value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season; and

(ii) if the GC or DC Breach Notification identified that the DC Breach Monitoring Criterion is met, the negative value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season,

estimated in accordance with the BM Unit Volume Estimation Methodology or, if the Lead Party considers another methodology is more appropriate, that other methodology.

(together the "Challenger-Proposed GC or DC Estimates")

3.4.7H After receiving a GC or DC Estimation Challenge, BSCCo:

(a) shall notify the CRA of the GC or DC Estimation Challenge;

(b) shall promptly consider whether BSCCo has substantial evidence that, or other reasons to believe that, there is (in accordance with the GC or DC Estimation Challenge Guidance) a material doubt as to whether the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts for the BM Unit are correct;

(c) may, but shall not be required to make any enquiry of the Lead Party of the BM Unit or any other person, but will take into account any information already provided by the Lead Party pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7G.

(d) shall, within two Working Days:

(i) decide whether to uphold the GC or DC Estimation Challenge, having regard to the matters considered pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (c); and

(ii) notify:

(A) the Lead Party; and

(B) the CRA,

of BSCCo’s decision.

3.4.7I The CRA shall suspend ongoing GC and DC Breach Monitoring in respect of a BM Unit from such time as BSCCo has notified the CRA of a GC or DC Estimation Challenge in respect of that BM Unit, pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7H(a), until:

(a) if BSCCo decides to uphold the GC or DC Estimation Challenge, the date on which the BSCCo-Determined GC or DC Estimates take effect in respect of that BM Unit, in accordance with BSCP15; or

(b) if BSCCo decides not to uphold the GC or DC Estimation Challenge, such time as BSCCo notifies the CRA of that decision, pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7H(d)(ii)(B).

3.4.7J If BSCCo decides to uphold a GC or DC Estimation Challenge pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7H, BSCCo shall notify to the CRA such amounts for:

(a) if the GC or DC Breach Notification identified that the GC Breach Monitoring Criterion is met, the positive value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season; and

(b) if the GC or DC Breach Notification identified that the DC Breach Monitoring Criterion is met, the negative value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season,

as BSCCo considers appropriate, having regard to the Challenger-Proposed GC or DC Estimates and the matters considered pursuant to paragraphs 3.4.7H(b) and 3.4.7H(c).

(together, the "BSCCo-Determined GC or DC Estimates")

3.4.7K For the avoidance of doubt, if BSCCo decides not to uphold a GC or DC Estimation Challenge, the CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts shall remain in place for the purposes of the relevant BM Unit Registration.

3.4.7L For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.7H(b), the Panel shall establish, and may from time to time revise, and shall provide to BSCCo and shall make available to all Trading Parties, principles or guidance as to the basis on which the existence or absence of material doubt is to be established by BSCCo (the "GC or DC Estimation Challenge Guidance").

3.4.7M For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.7D, the Panel shall establish, and may from time to time revise, and shall provide to BSCCo and shall make available to all Trading Parties, a document setting out, in relation to a notice published by the CRA:

(a) the contents of such publication; and

(b) where such publication shall be made.

3.4.7N If, for the purposes of updating the registration details of a particular BM Unit to take effect on a particular day, multiple different amounts for what will be:

(a) the positive value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season; and

(b) the negative value of QMij with the maximum magnitude for the BM Unit in the relevant BSC Season,

have been estimated by or notified to the CRA pursuant to the Code, the CRA must use the amounts with the highest priority pursuant to the GC or DC Conflict Resolution Priority Order.

3.4.7O For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.7N, the order of priority for the amounts, from highest priority to lowest priority, is as follows:

(a) the BSCCo-Determined GC or DC Estimates most recently notified to the CRA by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7J;

(b) CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts; and

(c) amounts most recently notified to the CRA by the Lead Party pursuant to paragraph 3.4.2 or 3.4.2A,

(together the "GC or DC Conflict Resolution Priority Order").

3.4.7P For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.7D(b)(vi), the Panel shall establish, and may from time to time revise, and shall provide to BSCCo and shall make available to all Trading Parties, a document specifying any additional information to be included in a GC or DC Breach Notification.

3.4.8 Subject to paragraph 5.6 and 8.1.8, for each BM Unit, at any time:

(a) the "Generation Capacity" or "GC" shall be the amount determined as:


where G is the value under paragraph 3.4.1(a) most recently notified in relation to the relevant BSC Season under paragraph 3.4.2, or (if another value has been estimated by or notified to the CRA pursuant to the Code) the value determined pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7N;

(b) the "Demand Capacity" or "DC" shall be the amount determined as:


where D is the value under paragraph 3.4.1(b) most recently notified in relation to the BSC Season under paragraphs 3.4.2 or 3.4.2A (as the case may be) , or (if another value has been estimated by or notified to the CRA pursuant to the Code) the value determined pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7N;

(c) the "Relevant Capacity" is:

(i) if GCi + DCi is greater than zero, GCi ;

(ii) otherwise, DCi .

3.4.9 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.4 and paragraph 8.1.6:

(a) a "BSC Season" shall be as follows:

(i) BSC Spring shall be 1st March to 31st May inclusive;

(ii) BSC Summer shall be 1st June to 31st August inclusive;

(iii) BSC Autumn shall be 1st September to 30th November inclusive; and

(iv) BSC Winter shall be 1st December to 28th (or 29th, as the case may be) February inclusive

provided that the first relevant BSC Season shall be the period from the Go-live Date to the end of the next following BSC Season;

(b) a year means any period of twelve months.

3.5 Trading Units and Production and Consumption BM Units

3.5.1 A BM Unit shall be classified as a "Production" or a "Consumption" BM Unit (the applicable such classification at any time being referred to as the "P/C Status" of a BM Unit).

3.5.2 Subject to paragraph 3.5.4, 3.5.5 and 3.5.7, a BM Unit shall be a Production BM Unit where it belongs to a Trading Unit for which the sum of the Relevant Capacities, for all BM Units which belong to that Trading Unit, is positive and greater than zero; and otherwise shall be a Consumption BM Unit.

3.5.3 The P/C Status of a BM Unit shall be redetermined on each occasion on which:

(a) the BM Unit joins or leaves a Trading Unit;

(b) another BM Unit joins or leaves the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs; or

(c) there is any change in the Demand Capacity or Generation Capacity of any of the BM Units which belong to that Trading Unit.

3.5.4 In accordance with paragraph 5, the P/C Status of an Interconnector BM Unit will not change at any time.

3.5.5 In the case of an Exempt Export BM Unit, irrespective of the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs, the Lead Party shall elect, by notice to BSCCo and the CRA in accordance with BSCP15, whether the P/C Status of the BM Unit is to be Production or Consumption:

(a) upon notification to BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1 that the Generating Plant which is comprised by the relevant BM Unit is Exemptable; and

(b) from time to time should the Lead Party wish to change its P/C Status election for the Exempt Export BM Unit.

3.5.5A BSCCo and the CRA shall ensure that an Exempt Export BM Unit has in effect at all times a P/C Status elected by the Lead Party.

3.5.6 In the case of a Storage BM Unit, irrespective of the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs, the Lead Party shall elect, by notice to BSCCo and the CRA in accordance with BSCP15, whether the P/C Status of the BM Unit is to be Production or Consumption, and from time to time should the Lead Party wish to change its P/C Status election for the Storage BM Unit.

3.5.6A BSCCo and the CRA shall ensure that a Storage BM Unit has in effect at all times a P/C Status elected by the Lead Party.

3.5.7 Subject to paragraph 3.5.5, a BM Unit that belongs to a Base Trading Unit shall be a Consumption BM Unit irrespective of the sum of the Relevant Capacities for all BM Units which belong to that Base Trading Unit.

3.6 Changes in BM Unit registration

3.6.1 A Party may from time to time change the configurations of the BM Units which comprise the Plant and Apparatus for whose Exports and Imports it is responsible, by registering different BM Units comprising such Plant and Apparatus, subject to and in accordance with paragraph 3.2.

3.6.2 Where a Party ceases to be the Registrant of a CVA Metering System associated with a BM Unit for which it is the Lead Party:

(a) the Plant and Apparatus (whose Exports or Imports are measured by that Metering System) shall cease to be comprised in that BM Unit; and

(b) the Party shall take such steps (in accordance with BSCP15) as are necessary to give effect to paragraph (a), by cancelling the registration of that BM Unit or reconfiguring the BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.6.1 so as to include any remaining Plant and Apparatus for whose Exports or Imports it remains responsible,

with effect from the effective date of registration of the new registrant or (as the case may be) date on which the Party otherwise ceases to be Registrant in accordance with paragraph 2.3.1.

3.6.3 A Supplier may cancel its registration of an Additional BM Unit in accordance with BSCP15 provided that any Plant or Apparatus associated with SVA Metering Systems (of which it is Registrant) in a GSP Group which are assigned to such Additional BM Unit shall automatically be assigned with effect from the date of cancellation of the Additional BM Unit to such Supplier's Base BM Unit for that GSP Group, in accordance with paragraph 3.3.8.

3.6.4 Where a Supplier ceases to be the Registrant of any SVA Metering System in all GSP Groups (and, accordingly, ceases to be a Supplier for the purposes of the Code), it shall notify the CRA in accordance with BSCP15 and the CRA shall upon application by the Supplier to the CRA cancel the registration of each Base BM Unit for which such Supplier is the Lead Party in accordance with BSCP15.

3.7 Credit Qualifying BM Unit

3.7.1 A BM Unit shall be classified as a "Credit Qualifying BM Unit" if:

(a) it is a BM Unit in respect of which Section Q3 applies; and

(b) it is not an Interconnector BM Unit;

(c) it is not a Trading Secondary BM Unit;

(d) one of the requirements in paragraph 3.7.2 is satisfied in respect of the BM Unit;

and a BM Unit shall cease to be classified as a Credit Qualifying BM Unit if it ceases to meet the requirements in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above.

3.7.2 The requirements referred to in paragraph 3.7.1(c) are that:

(a) the BM Unit is a Production BM Unit; or

(b) the BM Unit is an Exempt Export BM Unit;


4.1 General

4.1.1 A combination of BM Units (other than Secondary BM Units), with the same or different Lead Parties, may be identified as a Trading Unit in accordance with this paragraph 4 and Annex K-2, in which case each such BM Unit shall be described as 'belonging' to that Trading Unit.

4.1.2 The basis on which BM Units belong to Trading Units shall be determined:

(a) in relation to a Supplier BM Unit which is not an Exempt Export BM Unit, in accordance with paragraph 4.7;

(b) in relation to an Exempt Export BM Unit, in accordance with paragraph 4.7 or paragraphs 4.2 to 4.6 as the Lead Party shall (in accordance with paragraph 4.7.3) determine;

(c) in relation to any other BM Unit (subject to paragraph 5.7), in accordance with paragraphs 4.2 to 4.6;

and references to a "relevant" BM Unit in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.6 (and in this paragraph 4.1) shall be construed accordingly.

4.1.3 A relevant BM Unit shall belong to a Trading Unit with effect from the registration of the Trading Unit pursuant to paragraph 4.5.

4.1.4 Where a relevant BM Unit does not belong, or ceases to belong, to a Trading Unit comprising one or more other BM Units, that BM Unit shall itself constitute a Trading Unit.

4.1.5 A BM Unit may not belong to more than one Trading Unit at any given time.

4.2 Application

4.2.1 A Party may apply to the Panel for a combination of relevant BM Units (the "nominated" BM Units) to be treated as a Trading Unit by sending to the Panel a written application ("Trading Unit Application") stating the class of application and containing the other information and supported by the documents and other matters referred to in BSCP31 and signed by or on behalf of the Lead Parties for each of the BM Units concerned.

4.2.2 A Trading Unit Application shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP31.

4.2.3 A Trading Unit Application may be made in advance of registration of the relevant BM Units in accordance with BSCP31.

4.2.4 Annex K-2 shall apply in respect of any Trading Unit Application.

4.3 Decision

4.3.1 The Panel shall consider any Trading Unit Application in accordance with Annex K-2 and BSCP31, and shall make a determination as to whether the nominated BM Units may be treated as a single Trading Unit and shall promptly notify the Trading Unit Applicants and, where the Trading Unit Application is approved, the CRA of its determination.

4.4 Not used

4.5 Registration of Trading Units

4.5.1 Where a Trading Unit Application has been approved, the Trading Unit Applicants may, at any time after the Panel notified its determination under paragraph 4.3 (but subject to paragraph 4.6.6), register the Trading Unit by giving notice to the CRA:

(a) referring to the Panel's determination, and

(b) specifying:

(i) the identity of the Trading Unit Applicants;

(ii) for each such applicant, the relevant BM Unit(s) for which it is Lead Party which are to belong to the Trading Unit;

(iii) the class (in accordance with Annex K-2) of Trading Unit; and

(iv) the date with effect from which the Trading Unit is to be registered.

4.5.2 An application to register a Trading Unit shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP31.

4.5.3 The CRA shall in accordance with BSCP31 validate and process an application to register a Trading Unit.

4.5.4 Registration of a Trading Unit will be effective on and from the later of:

(a) the date specified by the applicants pursuant to paragraph 4.5.1(b)(iv), and

(b) the date on which all of the requirements specified for such effectiveness in BSCP31 have been satisfied.

4.6 Withdrawal

4.6.1 The Lead Party of any relevant BM Unit which belongs to a Trading Unit (other than a Sole Trading Unit) may terminate the registration of the Trading Unit by giving notice to the CRA and each of the Lead Parties for other relevant BM Units belonging to the Trading Unit, specifying the Trading Unit and the date with effect from which such registration is to be terminated.

4.6.2 Notice of termination of the registration of the Trading Unit shall be given in accordance with and subject to BSCP31.

4.6.3 Termination of the registration of the Trading Unit shall be effective from later of the date specified in the notice of termination and the date (in accordance with BSCP31) on which the CRA processes the notice.

4.6.4 With effect from the termination of the registration of a Trading Unit, each of the BM Units belonging to the Trading Unit shall belong to a Sole Trading Unit, except to the extent to which one or more different Trading Units, including any of such relevant BM Units, have been established and registered in accordance with this paragraph 4.

4.6.5 Where a relevant BM Unit belongs to a Sole Trading Unit, it shall automatically cease to do so upon the registration of any other Trading Unit to which it belongs.

4.6.6 If at any time the Panel determines that the relevant BM Units belonging to a Trading Unit no longer satisfy the requirements on the basis of which the Trading Unit was accepted by the Panel, the registration of the Trading Unit shall be terminated.

4.6.7 The Lead Party of each BM Unit belonging to a Trading Unit shall forthwith notify the Panel if the BM Units belonging to a Trading Unit no longer satisfy the requirements referred to in paragraph 4.6.6.

4.7 Base Trading Units

4.7.1 There shall automatically be established a Trading Unit (a "Base Trading Unit") in respect of each GSP Group.

4.7.2 Subject to paragraph 4.7.3:

(a) each Supplier BM Unit shall automatically belong to the Base Trading Unit for the relevant GSP Group; and

(b) each Exempt Export BM Unit in a GSP Group shall automatically belong to the Base Trading Unit for that GSP Group.

4.7.3 The Lead Party of an Exempt Export BM Unit may, by notice in writing to the CRA and BSCCo in accordance with (and with effect as specified in) BSCP31, elect that the BM Unit shall not belong to the applicable Base Trading Unit, in which case the Trading Unit to which such BM Unit belongs shall be determined in accordance with paragraphs 4.2 to 4.6 (or where applicable paragraph 4.1.3).

4.7.4 The Lead Party of an Exempt Export BM Unit may, by notice in writing to the CRA and BSCCo in accordance with (and with effect as specified in) BSCP31, withdraw an election under paragraph 4.7.3.


5.1 General

5.1.1 The provisions of this paragraph 5 apply in relation to each Interconnector, in addition to and (to the extent in conflict with) in substitution for the other provisions of this Section K.

5.1.2 In accordance with paragraph 1.4, the Interconnected System Operator shall inform the CRA and the CRA will maintain a record of the Interconnector Boundary Point(s) for each Interconnector.

5.2 Derogation

5.2.1 If, in relation to a Distribution Interconnector:

(a) a Party other than the relevant Distribution System Operator has made a request to the Panel to be treated as responsible for Exports and Imports at such Interconnector;

(b) the Panel, after making reasonable enquiries of the circumstances giving rise to such request, has approved such request and has not withdrawn its approval;

(c) that Party has complied with the requirements of paragraph 1.2.1,

then for so long as that Party continues to be the Registrant of the relevant CVA Metering System(s), and until and unless the approval of the Panel is withdrawn, the further provisions of this paragraph 5 (other than paragraphs 5.2.2 and 5.2.3) shall not apply in relation to that Interconnector, and such Party shall be allocated a single BM Unit in respect of such CVA Metering System(s) (which shall not be an Interconnector BM Unit).

5.2.2 Where and for so long as the further provisions of this paragraph 5 do not apply to a Distribution Interconnector by virtue of paragraph 5.2.1, the provisions of Section R shall apply to that Interconnector as if it were a BM Unit as referred to in Section R1.1.1(a) and not an Interconnector.

5.2.3 Any Party may:

(a) at any time request the Panel to consider whether to withdraw its approval of a request under paragraph 5.2.1(a); and

(b) where (following such request) the Panel decides not to withdraw such approval, if such Party wishes the matter to be determined by the Authority, refer to the Authority the question whether the provisions of this paragraph 5 should apply in relation to that Interconnector.

5.3 Registration of Metering Systems

5.3.1 For each Interconnector, the Interconnected System Operator shall be required:

(a) to install, maintain and operate (or procure the same) Metering Equipment pursuant to paragraph 1.2.1(a), and

(b) to register Metering System(s) pursuant to paragraph 1.2.1(b),

and accordingly (subject to its complying with those requirements) shall be the Registrant of such Metering System.

5.3.2 Accordingly, but only to the extent of the obligations under paragraphs 1.2.1(a) and (b), the Interconnected System Operator shall be treated as the Party responsible for Exports and Imports at an Interconnector Boundary Point.

5.3.3 Paragraph 2.2 (excluding paragraph 2.2.4(h)) shall apply in relation to the registration of the related Metering Systems in CMRS.

5.4 Appointment of Interconnector Administrator and Interconnector Error Administrator

5.4.1 No Party may Export or Import at an Interconnector Boundary Point unless there is an Interconnector Error Administrator appointed and registered in CRS in relation to the Interconnector.

5.4.2 The Interconnected System Operator shall not energise a new Interconnector until an Interconnector Administrator and an Interconnector Error Administrator is appointed and registered in CRS.

5.4.3 Subject to the requirements of any Licence, a Party shall be appointed as Interconnector Administrator and/or Interconnector Error Administrator in relation to an Interconnector by notice given by the Interconnected System Operator to BSCCo and the CRA, accompanied by that Party’s consent to act and application to be registered as such; and such appointment and registration shall be effective from the later of:

(a) the effective date specified in such notice, and

(b) the day following that on which BSCCo confirms to the CRA that such notice and consent have been given.

5.4.4 In relation to any Interconnector:

(a) without prejudice to Section H3, a Party may not resign or withdraw its consent to act as Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator, and

(b) the Interconnected System Operator may not withdraw or terminate the appointment of a Party as Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator,

unless and until another Party has been appointed and registered as such in its place.

5.4.5 If, in relation to an Interconnector, for any reason:

(a) the Party for the time being appointed as Interconnector Error Administrator ceases to be a Party, or the registration of the Party appointed as Interconnector Error Administrator is removed pursuant to Section H3.2, or

(b) otherwise at any time there is no Party so appointed,

the Interconnected System Operator shall:

(c) within thirty days thereafter, either:

(i) appoint itself as Interconnector Error Administrator; or

(ii) subject to paragraph 5.4.8, de-energise the Interconnector; and

(d) pending one or other of the steps referred to in paragraph (c), assume the responsibilities of the Interconnector Error Administrator for the purposes of the Code.

5.4.6 If, in relation to an Interconnector, for any reason:

(a) the Party for the time being appointed as Interconnector Administrator ceases to be a Party, or

(b) otherwise at any time there is no Party so appointed, or

(c) the Interconnector Administrator is in Default (as defined in Section H3.1), or

(d) the Interconnected System Operator becomes the Interconnector Error Administrator pursuant to paragraph 5.4.5,

the BM Unit Metered Volumes for the Interconnector BM Units of any relevant Interconnector User shall be set to zero by the SAA (and, accordingly, the Interconnector Metered Volume shall be attributed to the relevant Interconnector BM Unit of the Interconnector Error Administrator in accordance with Section T4.1) until and unless a replacement Interconnector Administrator or Interconnector Error Administrator (as the case may be) is appointed and registered in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5.4.3 or (as the case may be) the Interconnector Administrator ceases to be in Default.

5.4.7 BSCCo shall notify the SAA if and when any of the circumstances described in paragraph 5.4.6 occur.

5.4.8 In relation to paragraph 5.4.5(c)(ii):

(a) the NETSO may only de-energise the Interconnector with the approval of the Panel and with the approval, in relation to an Interconnector connected to an External System in the National Electricity Transmission System Operator Area, of the Authority or, in relation to an Interconnector connected to an External System outside the National Electricity Transmission System Operator Area, of the Secretary of State;

(b) subject to paragraph (a), each Party hereby consents to such de-energisation;

(c) each relevant Interconnector User shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Interconnected System Operator on demand against any and all liability, loss or damage which it may suffer by reason of effecting such de-energisation (but without prejudice to any agreement or arrangement between the relevant Interconnector Users and the Interconnected System Operator outside the terms of the Code in respect of such matters).

5.4.9 For the purposes of this paragraph 5.4, a "relevant Interconnector User" means an Interconnector User with Interconnector BM Units associated with the Interconnector in question.

5.5 Interconnector BM Units

5.5.1 For the purposes of the Code, an "Interconnector BM Unit" is a notional BM Unit associated with an Interconnector; and (except in paragraph 3.1 and unless otherwise provided or the context otherwise requires) an Interconnector BM Unit shall be treated as a BM Unit for all purposes of the Code.

5.5.2 The Interconnector Error Administrator shall, upon its appointment as such becoming effective, automatically be allocated (and registered in respect of) two Interconnector BM Units in accordance with paragraph 5.5.5.

5.5.3 Any Trading Party may apply to register Interconnector BM Units in relation to an Interconnector, and paragraphs 3.2.3 to 3.2.8 shall apply in relation to such application and registration, subject as follows:

(a) the Party shall identify the Interconnector in its registration application;

(b) the requirement (to identify the associated Metering Systems) in paragraph 3.2.3(d) shall not apply;

(c) the requirements referred to in paragraph 3.2.6 shall be replaced by the requirements in paragraph 5.5.4.

5.5.4 The requirements are that:

(a) the Interconnected System Operator is Registrant of the related Metering Systems (and such registration is effective in accordance with paragraph 2.2.5);

(b) a Party or Parties are registered as Interconnector Administrator and Interconnector Error Administrator and such registrations are effective in accordance with paragraph 5.4.3.

5.5.5 Each Party who registers Interconnector BM Units in relation to any Interconnector will be allocated (and registered in respect of) two Interconnector BM Units designated as a Production BM Unit and a Consumption BM Unit respectively.

5.5.6 In relation to the NETSO:

(a) where the NETSO is appointed (other than pursuant to paragraph 5.4.5) as Interconnector Error Administrator in respect of an Interconnector, the Interconnector BM Units allocated to the NETSO pursuant to paragraph 5.5.2 for that Interconnector shall be associated with the corresponding TC (IEA) Energy Accounts for that Interconnector;

(b) any other BM Units allocated to the NETSO (under paragraph 5.5.2 or Section R7.5.2) shall be associated with the corresponding TC (Non-IEA) Energy Accounts,

and, for the avoidance of doubt, the NETSO shall apply for and hold the TC (Non-IEA) Energy Accounts in accordance with Section A.

5.6 Demand Capacity and Generation Capacity

5.6.1 In relation to a Production Interconnector BM Unit, Generation Capacity shall be determined under paragraph 3.4.8(a) and the value of Demand Capacity shall at all times be zero.

5.6.2 In relation to a Consumption Interconnector BM Unit, Demand Capacity shall be determined under paragraph 3.4.8(b) and the value of Generation Capacity shall at all times be zero.

5.7 Trading Units

5.7.1 An Interconnector BM Unit that is associated with an Interconnector that has Boundary Points at more than one Site may not belong to a Trading Unit other than a Sole Trading Unit.


6.1 Central Registration Service

6.1.1 The CRA shall:

(a) establish, maintain and operate the CRS;

(b) receive (from Parties, Party Agents, other BSC Agents, BSCCo or others), validate and (if required) process:

(i) applications for registration in CRS, and

(ii) data which is required to be maintained in the CRS, including data relating to Parties, Party Agents, Qualified Persons, BM Units and Trading Units;

and maintain and from time to time update and amend such registrations and data; and

(c) send data from the CRS to Parties, Party Agents, other BSC Agents, BSCCo and others

subject to and in accordance with the requirements of the Code and applicable BSC Procedures.

6.1.2 The CRA shall provide or make available registration data from CRS as follows:

(a) the CRA shall provide each day to the SAA, FAA, ECVAA, NETSO, each Interconnector Administrator and BSCCo, the full registration data in CRS;

(b) the CRA shall provide each day to the BMRA BM Unit registration data;

(c) the CRA shall notify to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP15 details of the Supplier BM Units registered by each Supplier;

(d) the CRA shall notify to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP15 details of the Secondary BM Units registered by each Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party;

(e) the CRA shall make available to each Party in accordance with BSCP65 details of that Party’s registrations in CRS: and

(f) the CRA shall provide to the SAA details of each CVA BM Unit submitted as part of an EMR CVA BM Unit Declaration.

6.2 Central Meter Registration Service

6.2.1 In relation to the CMRS:

(a) the CRA and the CDCA shall establish, maintain and operate the CMRS;

(b) the CRA shall receive (from Parties or Party Agents), validate and process applications for registration of Metering Systems in CMRS and allocate an identification number to each such Metering System, and maintain and from time to time update and amend such registrations and data;

(c) the CDCA shall receive (from Parties or Party Agents), validate and process applications for registration of data relating to Metering Systems which is required to be maintained by the CDCA in CMRS, and maintain and from time to time update and amend such registrations and data;

(d) the CRA and the CDCA shall send data from the CMRS to Parties, Party Agents, other BSC Agents, BSCCo and others

subject to and in accordance with the requirements of the Code and applicable BSC Procedures.

6.2.2 The CRA shall provide or make available registration data from CMRS as follows:

(a) the CRA shall provide each day to the NETSO and BSCCo the identity of each Metering System registered in CMRS and its Registrant;

(b) the CRA shall make available to each Party in accordance with BSCP65 details of that Party’s registrations in CMRS.

6.3 EMR CVA BM Unit Declarations

6.3.1 Where the Registrant of a Metering System that has been registered in CMRS (a “CVA BM Unit”) pursuant to 2.1.1(b) wishes to exclude the Import associated with that Metering System from the calculation by the EMRS of the Registrant’s Final Consumption Levies, the Registrant should register the CVA BM Unit relating to that CVA Metering System by submitting an EMR CVA BM Unit Declaration” in accordance with BSCP15.


7.1 Transfer of responsibility

7.1.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "Supplier of Last Resort" means, in relation to a BM Unit comprising or including premises of one or more Customers, the Trading Party to which a last resort direction is issued by the Authority in respect of those premises;

(b) "last resort direction" has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence;

(c) "Transferee" means, in relation to a BM Unit, the Trading Party identified as the transferee for that BM Unit in a notice which is given and takes effect pursuant to and in accordance with paragraph 7.2;

(d) the "Affected BM Units" are:

(i) in relation to a Supplier of Last Resort, the BM Unit(s) comprising or including premises in respect of which the last resort direction is made and, where applicable, any related BM Units referred to in paragraph 7.3.3;

(ii) in relation to a Transferee, the BM Unit(s) specified in the notice given pursuant toparagraph 7.2 in respect of that Transferee and, where applicable, any related BM Units referred to in paragraph 7.3.3;

and, in each case, an "Affected BM Unit" shall be a particular one of them.

(e) "Replacement Supplier" means, in relation to an Affected BM Unit:

(i) the Supplier of Last Resort; or

(ii) the Transferee,

as the case may be;

(f) "failing Supplier" means:

(i) in relation to a Supplier of Last Resort, the other supplier (as defined in the Supply Licence of the Supplier of Last Resort); and

(ii) in relation to a Transferee, the Lead Party giving (and entitled to give) the notice referred to in paragraph 7.2.1;

(g) the "Appointment Day" means:

(i) in relation to a Supplier of Last Resort (and, where applicable, an Affected BM Unit), the day when the relevant last resort direction takes effect pursuant to the Supply Licence of the Supplier of Last Resort;

(ii) in relation to a Transferee (and, where applicable, an Affected BM Unit), the day next following the day on which the relevant notice referred to in paragraph 7.2 is received by BSCCo; and

(h) references to the 'appointment' of a Replacement Supplier are:

(i) in the case of a Supplier of Last Resort, to the issue of a last resort direction to the relevant Trading Party;

(ii) in the case of a Transferee, to the giving of a notice to BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 7.2 identifying the relevant Trading Party as the transferee,

and derivative terms shall be construed accordingly.

7.1.2 The provisions of this paragraph 7 apply on the appointment of a Replacement Supplier for the purposes of recognising and giving effect, under the Code, to the transfer of responsibility for Exports and Imports of Plant and Apparatus comprised in Affected BM Unit(s) from the failing Supplier to the Replacement Supplier.

7.1.3 Without prejudice to Section N6.10, where a Replacement Supplier is appointed, then in respect of each Affected BM Unit:

(a) such Replacement Supplier shall be treated for the purposes of the Code (notwithstanding any other provision of this Section K but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 7) as becoming:

(i) responsible for Exports and Imports of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in that BM Unit;

(ii) the Registrant in respect of all Metering Systems associated with that BM Unit (and, for the purposes only of the Code, as having appointed and registered the Party Agents of the failing Supplier in respect of such Metering Systems, and otherwise as having complied with any conditions to the appointment or registration thereof, in accordance with the provisions of the Code); and

(iii) subject to the obligations and liabilities and entitled to the rights and benefits (including in respect of Trading Charges and BSCCo Charges) related to or connected with those Metering Systems and Exports and Imports of that Plant and Apparatus; and

(b) the relevant failing Supplier shall be treated for the purposes of the Code (notwithstanding any other provision of this Section K but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 7) as ceasing to be:

(i) responsible for Exports and Imports of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in that BM Unit;

(ii) the Registrant in respect of all Metering Systems comprised in that BM Unit; and

(iii) subject to the obligations and liabilities and entitled to the rights and benefits (including in respect of Trading Charges and BSCCo Charges) related to or connected with those Metering Systems and Exports and Imports of that Plant and Apparatus,

in each case, with effect from the time and date when the transfer of responsibility resulting from such appointment is deemed to take effect in accordance with paragraph 7.1.4 and in respect of each Settlement Period on and after such time, and the provisions of the Code shall be construed accordingly.

7.1.4 The transfer of responsibility resulting from the appointment of a Replacement Supplier shall be deemed to take effect, for the purposes of the Code:

(a) in the case of a Supplier of Last Resort, from 00.00 hours on the Appointment Day;

(b) in the case of a Transferee, from the time and date specified in the relevant notice given pursuant to paragraph 7.2.1 and in accordance with the further provisions of paragraph 7.2,

(such time and date being referred to in the Code as the "Replacement Supplier Transfer Date").

7.1.5 The transfer of responsibility in respect of Exports and Imports of Plant and Apparatus comprised in Affected BM Units from the failing Supplier to the Replacement Supplier pursuant to this paragraph 7.1 shall be without prejudice to and shall not affect:

(a) the rights and liabilities of the failing Supplier under the Code relating to or connected with such BM Units (or Metering Systems associated with such BM Units), including in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges and Ad-hoc Trading Charges) and BSCCo Charges, accrued or accruing in respect of the period prior to the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date;

(b) the rights and liabilities of the failing Supplier under the Code relating to or connected with any other BM Units or Metering Systems for which the failing Supplier is responsible, including in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges and Ad-hoc Trading Charges) and BSCCo Charges, accrued or accruing in respect of the period on, before or after the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date.

7.1.6 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 7 shall affect:

(a) any Energy Contract Volume Notifications for which the failing Supplier is a Contract Trading Party;

(b) any Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications for which the failing Supplier is the Subsidiary Party,

whether submitted or submitted in respect of a period on, before or after the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date, and any such Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications validly submitted in accordance with Section P shall apply and be taken into account in Settlement, subject to and in accordance with the other provisions of the Code, for the purposes of determining any liability or entitlement of the failing Supplier in respect of Trading Charges.

7.1.7 The provisions of paragraph 7.1.3 are without prejudice to the obligations of the Replacement Supplier and the failing Supplier contained in paragraph 7.6.

7.1.8 The provisions of this paragraph 7.1 shall apply for the purposes of Settlement under the Code notwithstanding any other provisions in any Core Industry Document.

7.1.9 Where a last resort direction is issued to a Trading Party, such Trading Party shall forthwith send a copy of the last resort direction to BSCCo, and BSCCo shall send a copy thereof to each other Party.

7.1.10 Until and unless each Supply Licence requires the holder of that Supply Licence to comply with a direction of the Authority to supply electricity to customers of the holder of another Supply Licence upon revocation of that other Supply Licence:

(a) references in this paragraph 7 to a Supplier of Last Resort shall be to the Trading Party which has consented, at the request of the Authority, to supply electricity to customers at premises upon revocation of the Supply Licence of another Trading Party which was supplying such customers immediately prior to revocation; and

(b) in relation to the Supplier of Last Resort, references in this paragraph 7:

(i) to the Affected BM Unit(s) are to the BM Unit(s) comprising or including the premises in respect of which such Trading Party so consents to supply electricity and, where applicable, any related BM Units referred to in paragraph 7.3.3;

(ii) to the Appointment Day are to the day when such Trading Party commences that supply of electricity (under a contract made or deemed, by virtue of schedule 6A of the Act, to have been made with the relevant customer(s)); and

(iii) to the failing Supplier are to the Trading Party which was responsible for the supply of electricity in respect of such premises immediately prior to such day and whose Supply Licence is revoked.

7.2 Trade Sales

7.2.1 Where, in relation to a Lead Party:

(a) one or more of the events referred to in Section H3.1.1(g)(iii), (iv), (v) or (vi) occurs; or

(b) BSCCo determines that one or more of the events referred to in Section H3.1.1(g)(i) or (ii) has occurred,

such Lead Party may give notice to BSCCo that it intends to transfer to another Trading Party its interests in respect of the provision of electrical power to Customers and/or the receipt of electrical power from Generating Plant (such transfer being referred to as the "relevant transfer").

7.2.2 A notice given pursuant to paragraph 7.2.1 shall:

(a) be in writing;

(b) identify:

(i) subject to paragraph 7.2.3, the BM Unit(s) of the Lead Party in respect of which the relevant transfer is to take place;

(ii) the transferee, being the Trading Party to which the relevant transfer is to be made;

(iii) subject to paragraph 7.2.4, the date with effect from which the relevant transfer is to be made;

(iv) subject to paragraph 7.2.5, the time with effect from which the relevant transfer is to be made; and

(c) be signed by or on behalf of both the Lead Party issuing such notice and the Trading Party identified in such notice as the transferee.

7.2.3 A relevant transfer:

(a) may relate to Plant and Apparatus (of the relevant Customer(s) and/or generator(s), as the case may be) associated with one or more BM Units but may not relate to part only of the Plant and Apparatus associated with a BM Unit;

(b) may not include BM Units comprising only Generating Plant (except where the Generating Plant is owned or operated by a SVA Generator) or associated only with an Interconnector.

7.2.4 For the purposes of the Code, the date with effect from which a relevant transfer is to take effect:

(a) may not be earlier than the date of a Settlement Day to be determined at the time by BSCCo such that the transfer of responsibility pursuant to this paragraph 7 can be taken into account for the purposes of the Initial Settlement Run to be carried out for that Settlement Day;

(b) may not be later than the Appointment Day.

7.2.5 Unless otherwise agreed in advance by BSCCo, the time with effect from which a relevant transfer is to take effect, for the purposes of the Code, is 00.00 hours on the date with effect from which such relevant transfer is to take effect in accordance with paragraph 7.2.4.

7.2.6 Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraphs 7.2.3, 7.2.4 and 7.2.5 as they apply for the purposes of the Code, those provisions shall not affect or limit the terms and conditions upon which a relevant transfer is to be made as between the parties to the relevant transfer.

7.2.7 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) a notice may not be given pursuant to paragraph 7.2.1 (and any notice given shall not take effect) in respect of premises for which a Trading Party is appointed as the Supplier of Last Resort (in the same set of circumstances);

(b) where a Lead Party intends to transfer its interests to more than one Trading Party, a separate notice shall be required under paragraph 7.2.1 for each relevant transfer.

7.2.8 BSCCo shall send a copy of any notice given pursuant to paragraph 7.2.1 to the Authority, each Party and the CRA.

7.3 Establishment of BM Units

7.3.1 The provisions of this 7.3agraph 7.3 apply in relation to an Affected BM Unit where a Trading Party becomes, for the purposes of the Code, the Replacement Supplier in respect of that BM Unit.

7.3.2 Where this 7.3agraph 7.3 applies, the CRA shall establish a BM Unit (a "Replacement Supplier BM Unit") for which the Replacement Supplier is the Lead Party corresponding to each Affected BM Unit in respect of which the relevant Trading Party becomes the Replacement Supplier as soon as reasonably practicable after the appointment of such Replacement Supplier.

7.3.3 Where a Replacement Supplier is appointed in respect of an Affected BM Unit which is a Base BM Unit of the failing Supplier, such Replacement Supplier shall also assume responsibility for the Generating Plant comprised in any BM Unit of the failing Supplier in the same GSP Group which comprises only Generating Plant of a SVA Generator, unless responsibility for such Generating Plant is otherwise assumed at the time by another Replacement Supplier.

7.3.4 Unless the context otherwise requires, references to BM Units in the Code shall include Replacement Supplier BM Units.

7.3.5 The establishment of Replacement Supplier BM Unit(s) pursuant to paragraph 7.3.2 shall take effect on and from the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date.

7.3.6 Each Replacement Supplier BM Unit established pursuant to paragraph 7.3.2 shall be configured in the same way and have the same attributes as the Affected BM Unit of the failing Supplier to which it corresponds, including:

(a) the Generation Capacity and the Demand Capacity;

(b) the Credit Assessment Load Factor;

(c) (where applicable) the CVA Metering Systems associated with that BM Unit;

(d) (where applicable) the GSP Group in which that BM Unit is situated;

(e) (where applicable) the status of that BM Unit as a Base BM Unit or an Additional BM Unit;

(f) (where applicable) the SVA Metering Systems associated with that BM Unit;

(g) the P/C Status;

(h) (where applicable) the Aggregation Rules;

(i) the Trading Unit to which that BM Unit belongs;

(j) not used;

(k) whether that BM Unit is considered a relevant BM Unit for the purposes of Section Q,

but without prejudice to the Replacement Supplier's rights and obligations to revise such configuration and attributes, or otherwise to the revision of such configuration and attributes, from time to time pursuant to any other provision of the Code.

7.3.7 Where a Replacement Supplier is appointed in respect of Plant or Apparatus which is subject to a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, then notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in paragraph 2.5:

(a) references in this paragraph 7 to Metering Systems associated with a BM Unit shall include the Shared SVA Metering System;

(b) the transfer of responsibility under this paragraph 7 shall apply in respect of Exports and Imports associated with the SVA Metering System Number(s) of the failing Supplier;

(c) the Allocation Schedule prevailing immediately prior to the Appointment Day shall continue to apply and to bind the Replacement Supplier and the other Supplier(s) (not being the failing Supplier) to the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement;

(d) the Replacement Supplier shall assume the status previously held by the failing Supplier as the Primary Supplier or a Secondary Supplier (as the case may be);

(e) the provisions of paragraph 7.6.7 shall apply.

7.4 Effect of establishment of Replacement Supplier BM Units

7.4.1 The establishment of a Replacement Supplier BM Unit pursuant to paragraph 7.3 shall be treated, for the purposes of the Code, as if:

(a) that new BM Unit had been registered (comprising the same Metering Systems as those comprised in the corresponding BM Unit of the failing Supplier) by the Replacement Supplier with effect from the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date; and

(b) the registration of the corresponding BM Unit of the failing Supplier had been cancelled by the failing Supplier with effect from such date.

7.4.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 7.4.1 and subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 7, in respect of each Settlement Period on and after the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date:

(a) the BM Unit Metered Volumes of the Affected BM Unit to which a Replacement Supplier BM Unit corresponds shall be allocated to the Replacement Supplier BM Unit; and

(b) such BM Unit Metered Volumes shall not be allocated or treated as allocated to the Affected BM Unit to which such Replacement Supplier BM Unit corresponds,

for the purposes of Section T.

7.4.3 Notwithstanding paragraph 7.4.1, in respect of each Settlement Period during the period (if any) between the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date and the Appointment Day:

(a) each MVRNA Authorisation of the failing Supplier relating to an Affected BM Unit, which is effective for such period in accordance with Section P, shall be treated as effective for that period in relation to the Replacement Supplier and the Replacement Supplier BM Unit to which the Affected BM Unit corresponds;

(b) each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification of the failing Supplier (as Lead Party) relating to an Affected BM Unit shall be treated as relating to the Replacement Supplier BM Unit to which it corresponds and to the Replacement Supplier (as Lead Party) instead, and shall be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement accordingly;

(c) each data item submitted by the failing Supplier or established by the NETSO under, and each action taken in pursuance of and as contemplated by Section Q, in relation to an Affected BM Unit shall be treated as applying to or taken in relation to the Replacement Supplier BM Unit to which the Affected BM Unit corresponds and (where applicable) submitted by the Replacement Supplier instead, and shall be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement accordingly,

provided that (for the avoidance of doubt) any Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications and any data item as referred to in paragraph (c) submitted or purportedly submitted by or on behalf of the failing Supplier (as Lead Party) relating to the Affected BM Units in respect of any period on or after the Appointment Day (whether submitted before, on or after the date when the registration of such Affected BM Units is treated as cancelled pursuant to paragraph 7.4.1) shall, by virtue of paragraph 7.4.1, be void and of no effect and shall not be applied to the Replacement Supplier BM Units to which they correspond.

7.4.4 The provisions of Section M3.4.6 shall apply.

7.4.5 Without prejudice to the obligations of the Replacement Supplier in paragraph 7.6, a Replacement Supplier shall not be considered to be in breach of any provision of the Code relating to Metering Systems (and/or Party Agents deemed to be appointed and registered by it pursuant to paragraph 7.1.3(a)(ii)) to the extent that, during the period between the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date and the relevant Replacement Supplier Registration Date, the Replacement Supplier is unable to comply or take steps to comply with such provision by reason (only) of the fact that it is not formally registered in CMRS or SMRS (as the case may be) as the Registrant of Metering System(s) for which it is deemed to be the Registrant by virtue of paragraph 7.1.3(a)(ii), including the provisions of:

(a) Section J5; and

provided that this paragraph 7.4.5 shall not relieve the Replacement Supplier of liability under Section S3.2 and Annex S-1 in relation to such Metering Systems.

7.4.6 The Replacement Supplier shall not be entitled to:

(a) allocate SVA Metering Systems comprised in a Replacement Supplier BM Unit to Additional BM Units, in accordance with Section S6, or otherwise change the allocation of a SVA Metering System to a Replacement Supplier BM Unit until the relevant Replacement Supplier Registration Date for that Metering System;

(b) change the status (as a Base BM Unit or Additional BM Unit) of Replacement Supplier BM Units with which SVA Metering Systems are associated.

7.4.7 Without prejudice to paragraph 7.1.3, the failing Supplier shall remain registered in CMRS or SMRS (as the case may be) in respect of each Metering System associated with the Replacement Supplier BM Unit until the earlier of the relevant Replacement Supplier Registration Date and the date when another Trading Party becomes registered, for the purposes of and in accordance with the Code, in respect of such Metering System.

7.4.8 For the avoidance of doubt, the deemed appointment and registration of Party Agents pursuant to paragraph 7.1.3(a)(ii) applies for the purposes of the Code only and shall not create, affect or change any relationship between the failing Supplier or the Replacement Supplier and those (or any other) Party Agents.

7.5 Data

7.5.1 For the purposes of any provisions in the Code relating to the ownership and use of data (including Section L5), the rights of the failing Supplier in respect thereof, as they relate to the Affected BM Units for which a Trading Party becomes the Replacement Supplier, shall apply to the Replacement Supplier as if it were the actual Registrant of the relevant Metering Systems with effect from the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date, and:

(a) any such rights shall automatically be assigned by the failing Supplier to the Replacement Supplier with effect from and in respect of the period on and after the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date; or

(b) to the extent that it is not possible legally to assign such rights as provided in paragraph (a), the failing Supplier shall make such data available to the Replacement Supplier at all times on terms such that the Replacement Supplier is free to use such data as if the data had been so assigned to it.

7.5.2 The failing Supplier shall take all reasonable steps to co-operate with the Replacement Supplier to give effect to the transfer of responsibility contemplated by this paragraph 7 and to enable the Replacement Supplier to comply with its obligations hereunder.

7.5.3 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 7.5.2, the failing Supplier shall provide the Replacement Supplier with such records, data and information and otherwise take such steps as if, in relation to each Metering System associated with the Affected BM Units, a change of Registrant (from the failing Supplier to the Replacement Supplier) had occurred on the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date.

7.5.4 The failing Supplier shall have a right of access to any records, data and information referred to in this paragraph 7.5 to the extent required by the failing Supplier for the purposes of the Code in relation to any period prior to the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date.

7.5.5 Each SMRA shall, in accordance with BSCP501, provide the Replacement Supplier with such records, data and information that it holds in respect of the Metering Systems for which the failing Supplier was Registrant.

7.6 Obligation to register Metering Systems

7.6.1 Subject to paragraph 7.6.6, each Replacement Supplier shall take such steps as may be necessary:

(a) to effect, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2, the registration of Metering Systems (or, in the case of a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, the Shared SVA Metering System with the relevant SVA Metering System Number) treated, for the purposes of this paragraph 7, as associated with its Replacement Supplier BM Unit(s);

(b) to effect the appointment and registration of Party Agents in relation to those Metering Systems; and

(c) otherwise to comply with the provisions of the Code, including Section J, Section L, Section R and Section S, relating to the registration of Metering Systems and Party Agents.

7.6.2 The Replacement Supplier shall take the steps referred to in paragraph 7.6.1 as soon as reasonably practicable after the Appointment Day and, in any event, within three months after the Appointment Day.

7.6.3 The failing Supplier shall take such steps as may be required under the Code in order to permit the Replacement Supplier to become registered as the Registrant in respect of the Metering Systems referred to in paragraph 7.6.1.

7.6.4 For the purposes of the Code, in respect of a Metering System associated with Plant or Apparatus comprised in an Affected BM Unit for which the Replacement Supplier becomes responsible pursuant to this paragraph 7, the date when the Replacement Supplier becomes registered in CMRS or CSS (as the case may be) as the Registrant in respect of that Metering System shall be referred to as the "Replacement Supplier Registration Date".

7.6.5 In the case of each SVA Metering System in a GSP Group comprised in a Replacement Supplier BM Unit, such Metering System shall with effect from the relevant Replacement Supplier Registration Date be associated with and comprised in the Base BM Unit of the Replacement Supplier (not being the Replacement Supplier BM Unit) for that GSP Group, subject to paragraph 7.6.6 and without prejudice to the rights of the Supplier under Section S6 from that date.

7.6.6 The obligation of the Replacement Supplier under paragraph 7.6.1 to become registered in respect of each Metering System associated with its Replacement Supplier BM Units is without prejudice and subject to the rights and obligations of another Trading Party under the Code to become registered in respect of any such Metering System, in accordance with the provisions of the Code and, where applicable, the REC, if such other Trading Party becomes responsible for Exports and Imports associated with such Metering System prior to the relevant Replacement Supplier Registration Date, in which case such Metering System shall cease to be associated with such Replacement Supplier BM Unit with effect from the effective date of registration by such other Trading Party.

7.6.7 In relation to a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, if the Replacement Supplier and the other Supplier(s) (not being the failing Supplier) fail to reach agreement, prior to the deadline provided in paragraph 7.6.2, on the arrangements which are to apply as between themselves for the purposes of the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, the provisions of paragraph 2.5.6 shall apply as if a Secondary Supplier had ceased to be the Secondary Supplier.

7.6.8 In the case of a relevant transfer made pursuant to paragraph 7.2, where the Lead Party transfers its interests in relation to all its BM Units (subject to paragraph 7.2.3) to a single Transferee:

(a) the provisions of this paragraph 7.6 shall not apply; and

(b) in relation to a Metering System associated with the relevant Replacement Supplier BM Unit:

(i) the reference in paragraphs 7.4.5 and 7.4.7 to the relevant Replacement Supplier Registration Date shall be to the date (if any) with effect from which the Transferee becomes registered, for the purposes of and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2, in respect of such Metering System; and

(ii) the provisions of paragraph 7.4.6 shall not apply.


8.1 Configuration of Secondary BM Units

8.1.1 A Secondary BM Unit shall comprise of Plant and Apparatus

(a) with which the Lead Party of that Secondary BM Unit may provide Balancing Services, and/or;

(b) in respect of which Deviation Volumes are to be determined.

8.1.2 A Secondary BM Unit must satisfy the following conditions:

(a) the Secondary BM Unit does not comprise of Plant and Apparatus whose Imports and Exports are measured by CVA Metering System(s);

(b) the Secondary BM Unit may only comprise of Plant and Apparatus whose Imports and Exports are measured by Half Hourly SVA Metering System(s) and/or flows to and from which are measured by an Asset Metering System;

(c) a Secondary BM Unit shall not have a Half Hourly SVA Metering System allocated to it which is allocated to one other Secondary BM Unit at the same time;

(d) a Secondary BM Unit may have an Asset Metering System allocated to it which is allocated to one other Secondary BM Unit at the same time, provided that the Asset Metering System is used solely for Asset Differencing in one of the Secondary BM Units it is allocated to; and

(e) the Secondary BM Unit does not comprise of Plant and Apparatus associated with Half Hourly SVA Metering Systems and/or Asset Metering Systems that are in more than one GSP Group.

8.1.3 A Secondary BM Unit shall be classified as a "Production" or a "Consumption" Secondary BM Unit (the applicable such classification at any time being referred to as the "P/C Status" of a Secondary BM Unit).

8.1.4 Other than Secondary BM Units registered by Virtual Trading Parties ("Trading Secondary BM Units"), in respect of which paragraph 8.1.10 shall apply, the Lead Party of a Secondary BM Unit shall make an election as to whether the P/C Status of that Secondary BM Unit is to be Production or Consumption:

(a) upon application to register the Secondary BM Unit pursuant to paragraph 8.2; and/or

(b) from time to time where the Lead Party wishes to change the P/C Status for such Secondary BM Unit,

in each case in accordance with BSCP15.

8.1.5 The Lead Party of a Trading Secondary BM Unit shall estimate and notify to the CRA, in relation to each BSC Season in each year (the "relevant" BSC Season), from time to time in accordance with paragraph 8.1.6, in good faith and as accurately as it reasonably can, what will be the Generation Capacity and Demand Capacity for that Trading Secondary BM Unit.

8.1.6 The Lead Party shall estimate and notify to the CRA amounts under paragraph 8.1.5:

(a) initially, at the time of registration of the Trading Secondary BM Unit under paragraph 8.2;

(b) not later than the time specified in BSCP15 in the BSC Season preceding the relevant BSC Season; and

(c) within such period after the criteria set out in paragraph 3.4.3 (but subject to paragraph 8.1.9(b)) have been met as is specified in paragraph 3.4.5, provided that the Lead Party shall have no obligation to submit a revised estimate of any such amount in circumstances where such criteria have been met as a result of the CRA notifying the Lead Party that the CRA has identified that either or both of the GC and DC Breach Monitoring Criteria have been met, pursuant to paragraph 3.4.7D(b).

8.1.7 The Lead Party of a Trading Secondary BM Unit may, up to twice in each BSC Season, (subject to paragraph 3.4.4), also estimate and notify to the CRA increases in the negative value of Deviation Volume with the maximum magnitude divided by SPD where the Lead Party becomes aware of or believes in good faith that such value will become greater than DC for the remainder of the BSC Season.

8.1.8 For each Trading Secondary BM Unit at any time:

(a) the "Generation Capacity" or "GC" shall be the amount determined as:


where G is the maximum positive Deviation Volume estimated under paragraph 8.1.5 for that BSC Season;

(b) the "Demand Capacity" or "DC" shall be the amount determined as:


where D is the maximum negative Deviation Volume estimated under paragraph 8.1.5 for that BSC Season;

(c) the Relevant Capacity is:

(i) if GCi + DCi is greater than zero, GCi ;

(ii) otherwise, DCi .

8.1.9 In respect of Trading Secondary BM Units:

(a) paragraphs 3.4.4 to 3.4.7 shall apply mutatis mutandis; and

(b) the CRA shall carry out GC and DC Breach Monitoring in respect of Trading Secondary BM Units pursuant to paragraphs 3.4.7A to 3.4.7P provided that, for the purposes of monitoring Trading Secondary BM Units, paragraph 3.4 shall be interpreted as follows:

(i) references to BM Unit Metered Volumes, Metered Volumes and QMij shall be deemed to be references to Deviation Volumes; and

(ii) references to GC Limits and DC Limits shall be deemed to be references to the GC Limits and DC Limits applicable to Trading Secondary BM Units.

8.1.10 The P/C Status of a Trading Secondary BM Unit shall be:

(a) Production where the Relevant Capacity of that BM Unit is GC; or

(b) Consumption where the Relevant Capacity of that BM Unit is DC,

in each case where the Relevant Capacity is determined in accordance with paragraph 8.1.8

8.2 Registration of Secondary BM Units

8.2.1 Each Lead Party shall ensure that all Plant and Apparatus with which it intends to provide Balancing Services and/or Deviation Volumes are comprised in Secondary BM Units established and registered by it in compliance with this paragraph 8.2.

8.2.2 A Virtual Lead Party may apply to register a Secondary BM Unit by submitting a registration application to the CRA specifying:

(a) the identity of the applicant Lead Party;

(b) the GSP Group with which the Secondary BM Unit is to be associated;

(c) the date from which the applicant wishes the registration to be effective ; and

(d) whether the BM Unit constitutes a Baselined BM Unit (provided that each Trading Secondary BM Unit must be a Baselined BM Unit).

8.2.3 An application to register a Secondary BM Unit shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP15.

8.2.4 Registration of a Secondary BM Unit will become effective, and the applicant will become the Lead Party of that Secondary BM Unit, on and from the later of:

(a) the date specified by the applicant pursuant to paragraph 8.2.2(c); and

(b) the date when registration is confirmed by BSCCo to the CRA in accordance with BSCP15.

8.2.5 The CRA shall validate and process applications for registration of a Secondary BM Unit in accordance with and subject to BSCP15.

8.2.6 The Lead Party of a Secondary BM Unit shall, in accordance with BSCP15, keep its registration up-to-date, by notifying the CRA of any change in any of the details contained in the registration, promptly upon any such change occurring.



1.1 Provision of Supplier Meter Registration Service

1.1.1 This Annex, Section J1.3.2, J1.3.2A, Section S5.2 and BSCP501 set out the Supplier Meter Registration Service to be provided by each SMRA under the Code in respect of the Metering Points of the relevant Distribution System.

1.1.2 This Annex and BSCP501 set out the terms pursuant to which each LDSO shall, through its SMRA, deliver the Supplier Meter Registration Service including, inter alia:

(a) a description of the services to be provided by SMRAs under the Code;

(b) entry requirements in respect of the obligation to deliver and the right to receive the Supplier Meter Registration Service;

(c) terms relating to the availability of each SMRS;

(d) service levels and liquidated damages; and

(e) charging methodologies and payment and billing terms.

1.2 General

1.2.1 Any payments to be made pursuant to this Annex or BSCP501 shall be determined and paid in accordance with this Annex and BSCP501.

1.2.2 For the purposes of this Annex and BSCP501:

(a) where there is a reference to an obligation of a Data Aggregator such obligation shall be deemed to apply to the Supplier that is the Registrant of the Metering System in respect of which that Data Aggregator has been appointed, and each Supplier shall be required to procure compliance by that Data Aggregator with that obligation and such obligation may be enforced against the Supplier that has appointed that Data Aggregator; and

(b) where there is a reference to an obligation owed to a Data Aggregator from an LDSO or SMRA, that obligation shall be deemed to be owed to the Supplier that is the Registrant of the Metering System in respect of which that Data Aggregator has been appointed, and that Supplier may enforce that obligation.

1.2.3 Any reference in this Annex to the Service shall be a reference to the Supplier Meter Registration Service.

1.3 Service levels in relation to SMRAs

1.3.1 Each LDSO shall, without prejudice to its other obligations pursuant to Sections J, K and elsewhere, ensure that each SMRA for which it is responsible complies with the service levels set out in BSCP501.

1.3.2 Each LDSO and SMRA acknowledges that the service levels represent the minimum requirements to be achieved.

1.3.3 Subject to paragraphs 1.3.4 and 1.3.5, a SMRA shall not be liable to pay liquidated damages to BSCCo, Suppliers or Data Aggregators for a failure to comply with the service levels set out in in BSCP501 to the extent that such failure results from or is caused directly by any event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the SMRA including:

(a) act of public enemy, war declared or undeclared, threat of war, terrorist act, blockade, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, public demonstration, sabotage or act of vandalism;

(b) strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances;

(c) lightning, storm, accumulation of snow or ice, earthquake, fire, flood or act of God;

(d) explosion, fault or failure of plant or machinery which (in each case) could not have been prevented by Good Industry Practice;

(e) governmental restraint, Act of Parliament, other legislation, by-law and Directive (not being any order, regulation or direction under Section 32, 33, 34 or 35 of the Act);

(f) a failure in the Managed Data Network, provided that the SMRA has first used reasonable endeavours to communicate with SVA data parties using a reasonable alternative method of communication,

("SMRA Force Majeure"), provided that this paragraph 1.3.3 is subject to compliance by the SMRA in all respects with the disaster recovery obligations set out in Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant provisions of BSCP501.

1.3.4 Lack of funds shall not be interpreted as a circumstance beyond a SMRA’s reasonable control.

1.3.5 A SMRA which is affected by SMRA Force Majeure shall:

(a) give immediate notice to BSCCo, Suppliers and Data Aggregators;

(b) use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate the impact of the SMRA Force Majeure and to remedy as soon as practicable its inability to perform; and

(c) provide notice to BSCCo, Suppliers and Data Aggregators within one Business Day of the SMRA Force Majeure being resolved or ceasing to apply.

1.3.6 The provisions of paragraph 1.3.5 shall be without prejudice to the disaster recovery obligations set out in Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant provisions of BSCP501.

1.4 Obligations in relation to SMRS data

1.4.1 Without prejudice to any other provisions of the Code, each LDSO (including in its capacity as an SMRA) and Supplier shall comply with the data accuracy requirements in BSCP501.

1.4.2 Each SMRA and Supplier shall provide the Authority with such data as it may request in a defined format and timescale as agreed with the Authority.

1.4.3 Where requested by BSCCo, each SMRA and Supplier shall provide it with any data provided by that SMRA or Supplier pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 in the format and timescale required pursuant to that paragraph.

1.5 Charges in relation to Supplier Meter Registration Service

1.5.1 Subject to paragraph 1.5.2, in relation to the provision of each of the Services referred to in Appendix 4.5 of BSCP501, the Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo shall pay the LDSO the charges set out in its Condition 14 Statement, Condition 18 Statement or Condition 36 Statement, as appropriate. For the purposes of this Annex K-1, a "Condition 14 Statement", a "Condition 18 Statement" and a "Condition 36 Statement" means, in relation to each LDSO, the statements required in relation to charges for the time being in force pursuant to the referenced conditions of the Distribution Licence.

1.5.2 LDSOs shall not charge for any of the Services referred to in Appendix 4.5 of BSCP501 in circumstances where the provision of those Services arose as a result of its failure to achieve the service levels for that Service.

1.5.3 Where a LDSO is intending to revise the charges for Services, it shall give at least three months written notice to all Suppliers, Data Aggregators and BSCCo.

1.5.4 Charges for the provision of those Services not referred to in Appendix 4.5 of BSCP501 shall be recovered by each LDSO as an element of the charges which it levies on Suppliers under the terms of the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement ("DCUSA"). Such charges shall be varied in accordance with the provisions of the DCUSA. Each LDSO shall be entitled to recover from each Supplier the charges relating to those Services not referred to in Appendix 4.5 of BSCP501 but set out in the LDSO’s Condition 14 Statement, Condition 18 Statement or Condition 36 Statement, as appropriate, even where there is no express obligation on the relevant Supplier in the DCUSA to pay those charges.

1.6 Billing in relation to Supplier Meter Registration Service

1.6.1 Within fifteen Working Days after the end of each calendar month each LDSO shall submit to each Supplier, each Data Aggregator and BSCCo a statement specifying:

(a) the Services listed under Appendix 4.5 of BSCP501 provided;

(b) the charges levied with respect to each of those Services; and

(c) any charges from previous monthly statements which have not been paid,

in respect of the Services as set out in Appendix 4.5 of BSCP501 performed during that month for that Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo and setting out the total charges incurred, provided that where the total charges incurred, not including VAT, are less than or equal to one hundred pounds sterling (£100), that payment shall not then become due and shall be included in the statement for the following month. Where the aggregate of any unpaid charges on a monthly statement issued to a Supplier or BSCCo, pursuant to this paragraph, including any unpaid amounts pursuant to paragraph 1.6.1(c), exceeds one hundred pounds sterling (£100), not including any VAT, the LDSO shall submit to that Supplier or BSCCo an invoice setting out the total payment due and any VAT payable thereon, provided that in the monthly statement for April in each year, the LDSO shall submit to that Supplier or BSCCo an invoice setting out the total payment due for that month and any previous months which have not been paid, irrespective of whether the aggregate of those amounts exceeds one hundred pounds sterling (£100).

1.6.2 Subject to paragraph 1.6.3, within twenty Working Days of receipt of an invoice submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.1, the Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo shall pay to the LDSO all sums due in respect of such invoice in pounds sterling by electronic transfer of funds or other agreed means to such bank account (located in the United Kingdom) as is specified in the invoice, together with, where appropriate, an associated remittance advice, quoting the invoice number against which payment is made.

1.6.3 Where any sum included in a statement submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.1 is disputed by a Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo in good faith, that Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo shall within ten Working Days of receipt of such statement provide the LDSO with a statement of the amount in dispute. The Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo shall pay such amount included in the statement in question as is not in dispute and shall be entitled to withhold the balance pending resolution of the dispute.

1.6.4 If a statement is served by a Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo under paragraph 1.6.3, the relevant parties shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve the dispute in question within twenty Working Days of it being raised, failing which the provisions of Section H7 shall apply. Following resolution of the dispute, any amount agreed or determined to be payable, together with any VAT payable, shall be paid within ten Working Days after such agreement or determination and interest shall accrue on such amount, net of any VAT payable, from the date such amount was originally due until the date of payment at the rate of one(1)per cent(%) per annum above the base rate during such period of Barclays Bank plc, as compounded annually.

1.6.5 Should a Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo fail to make payment on or before the due date of any sum due in accordance with paragraph 1.6.2 (other than any sum which is the subject of a bona fide dispute in accordance with paragraph 1.6.3), interest on the amount unpaid shall accrue from the date such amount was due until the date of payment at the rate of three(3) per cent (%) per annum above the base rate during such period of Barclays Bank plc, compounded annually.

1.6.6 Subject to paragraph 1.6.3, all payments to be made by a Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo under the Code shall be made without any set-off or deduction in respect of any claims or disputes or otherwise including any liquidated damages paid under BSCP501 but shall be without prejudice to any claims or rights which a Supplier, Data Aggregator, BSCCo, Trading Parties or any of them may have against the LDSO.

1.6.7 If the Authority determines or the LDSO otherwise agrees that the charges (including any variations thereof) payable by a Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo under this Annex have not been calculated strictly in accordance with the terms of the LDSO’s statement of charges for Supplier Meter Registration Services issued pursuant to Condition 18 or Condition 36, as appropriate, of the Distribution Licence, the LDSO shall pay to the Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo an amount in respect of each charging period equal to the amount, if any, by which that Supplier, Data Aggregator or BSCCo has been overcharged during such charging period as a result together with interest thereon from the date on which such charges were paid until the date of payment of such interest. Such interest shall accrue from day to day at the rate specified in paragraph 1.6.5.

1.6.8 Within fifteen Working Days after the end of each Quarter each LDSO shall submit to each Supplier or BSCCo a statement setting out, in respect of that Quarter, the liquidated damages payments which it reasonably considers to be payable to the Supplier or BSCCo pursuant to BSCP501 as a result of failure by its SMRA to meet the relevant service levels in BSCP501 during the relevant Quarter.

1.6.9 Within ten Working Days of receiving a statement submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.8, the Supplier or BSCCo shall submit to the LDSO a statement setting out any further liquidated damages payments which it considers to be payable by that LDSO as a result of the failure by the relevant SMRA to meet the relevant service levels in BSCP501, as relevant during the relevant Quarter over and above those set out in the statement submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.8 together in each case with reasonable supporting evidence explaining why it considers that further liquidated damages payments are payable.

1.6.10 Subject to paragraph 1.6.11, within ten Working Days of receipt of a statement submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.9 (or, if no such statement is submitted, within twenty Working Days of dispatching its statement in accordance with paragraph 1.6.8) the LDSO shall pay to each relevant Supplier or BSCCo all sums due in respect of:

(a) the liquidated damages payments set out in the statement submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.8;

(b) the undisputed portion of any further liquidated damages payments set out in the statement of the relevant Supplier or BSCCo submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.9; and

(c) the further liquidated damages payments resulting from any undisputed further failures by its SMRA to meet the relevant service levels set out in the statement of a Supplier or BSCCo submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.9.

Any undisputed and unpaid sums from previous Quarters shall be shown on each statement issued pursuant to paragraph 1.6.8 until those sums are paid provided that such sums shall only become payable by the LDSO when the aggregate of the sums set out in paragraph 1.6.10(a) and 1.6.10(b) exceeds one hundred pounds sterling (£100). All sums due shall be paid by the LDSO in pounds sterling by electronic transfer to funds or other agreed means to such bank account (located in the United Kingdom) as is specified by the Supplier or BSCCo together with, where appropriate, an associated remittance advice, stating the period to which the payment relates.

1.6.11 Where any sum included in a statement submitted in accordance with paragraph 1.6.9 is disputed by a LDSO in good faith, that LDSO shall within ten Working Days of receipt of such statement provide the relevant Supplier or BSCCo with a statement of the amount in dispute. The LDSO shall pay such amount included in the statement in question as is not in dispute and shall be entitled to withhold the balance pending resolution of the dispute.

1.6.12 If a statement is served by a LDSO under paragraph 1.6.11 the parties shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve the dispute in question within twenty Working Days of it being raised, failing which the provisions of Section H7 shall apply. Following resolution of the dispute, any amount agreed or determined payable shall be paid within ten Working Days after such agreement or determination and interest shall accrue on such amount from the date such amount was originally due until the date of payment at the rate of one (1) per cent (%) per annum above the base rate during such period of Barclays Bank plc, compounded annually.

1.6.13 Should a LDSO fail to make payment on or before the due date of any sum due in accordance with paragraph 1.6.10 (other than any sum which is the subject of a bona fide dispute and which has been notified by that LDSO in accordance with paragraph 1.6.11), interest on the amount unpaid shall accrue from the date such amount was due until the date of payment at the rate of three (3) per cent (%) per annum above the base rate during such period of Barclays Bank plc compounded annually.



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 The Classes of Trading Unit Application shall be as specified in BSCP31.

1.1.2 Every Trading Unit Application shall state whether it is a Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4 or Class 5 application and the Panel shall consider a Trading Unit Application by reference to the provisions set out in this Annex K-2 for the stated class (or, in the case of paragraph 1.6, as provided therein).

1.1.3 For the purposes of this Annex K-2:

(a) references to Exports and Imports are to Exports and Imports of the nominated BM Units;

(b) references to a Trading Unit shall not include a Sole Trading Unit.

1.2 Class 1

1.2.1 If the Trading Unit Application shall state that it is a Class 1 application then the Panel shall determine from the Trading Unit Application and supporting documentation and other matters (and any further evidence provided in accordance with paragraph 1.7) if the nominated BM Units are or are to be electrically configured in the same manner as is prescribed in one of the line diagrams contained in BSCP31 and fulfil or will fulfil all the conditions specified in such BSC Procedure applicable to a Class 1 application, in which event the nominated combination of BM Units shall be treated as belonging to a single Trading Unit.

1.3 Class 2

1.3.1 If the Trading Unit Application shall state that it is a Class 2 application then the Panel shall determine from the Trading Unit Application and supporting documentation and other matters (and any further evidence provided in accordance with paragraph 1.7) if the nominated BM Units are or are to be electrically connected solely by Dedicated Assets, in which event the BM Units shall be treated as belonging to a single Trading Unit.

1.3.2 In this paragraph 1.3, "Dedicated Assets" means assets and equipment which are used solely to connect electrically (a) the location at which the Exports originate with (b) the location at which the Imports are taken (and no other), and additionally satisfy one of the diagrammatic representations of Dedicated Assets contained in BSCP31.

1.4 Class 3

1.4.1 If the Trading Unit Application shall state that it is a Class 3 application then the Panel shall determine from the Trading Unit Application and supporting documentation and other matters (and any further evidence provided in accordance with paragraph 1.7) if the nominated BM Units are or are to be electrically connected by Contiguous Assets, in which event the nominated BM Units shall be treated as a single Trading Unit.

1.4.2 In this paragraph 1.4:

(a) "Contiguous Assets" means those Specified Assets and Equipment at a location which connect by one continuous electrical connection the location at which the Exports originates with the location at which the Imports are taken, which Specified Assets and Equipment are all owned by the Trading Unit Applicants and/or are Specified Assets and Equipment in respect of which a contribution is or will be made by the Trading Unit Applicants to the provision and installation or maintenance and repair costs thereof or where such Specified Assets and Equipment are already provided and installed, the maintenance and repair costs thereof; and

(b) "Specified Assets and Equipment" means:

(i) assets and equipment identified and quoted in the Connection Agreement of any Trading Unit Applicant where such assets and equipment include assets and equipment identified and quoted in the Connection Agreements relating to all Trading Unit Applicants which form part of the continuous electrical connection for the purposes of (a) above; and/or

(ii) assets and equipment owned by a person other than the Trading Unit Applicant and any other Trading Party which is responsible for BM Unit(s) associated with the Trading Unit Application, and which form part of the continuous electrical connection for the purposes of (a) above.

1.5 Class 4

1.5.1 If the Trading Unit Application shall state that it is a Class 4 application then the Panel shall determine from the Trading Unit Application and supporting documentation and other matters (and any further evidence provided in accordance with paragraph 1.7) if all of the nominated BM Units are Exempt Export BM Units and are located in the same GSP Group, in which event the nominated BM Units shall be treated as belonging to a single Trading Unit.

1.6 Class 5

1.6.1 If the Trading Unit Application shall state that it is a Class 5 application then the Panel shall determine from the Trading Unit Application and supporting documentation and other matters (and any other evidence provided in accordance with paragraph 1.8) if the nominated BM Units are or are to be:

(a) Interconnector BM Units associated with the same Interconnector where such Interconnector is located at one Site only;

(b) a combination of BM Units falling within paragraph 1.6.1(a) and either of the following:

(i) BM Units that are or are to be electrically connected solely by Dedicated Assets, to one or more Boundary Points of that Interconnector; or

(ii) BM Units that are or are to be electrically connected by Contiguous Assets, to one or more Boundary Points of that Interconnector.

1.6.2 In this paragraph 1.6 "Site" shall have the meaning as set out in Section K1.6.2.

1.6.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 1.6:

(a) "Contiguous Assets" shall have the meaning as set out in paragraph 1.4.2; and

(b) "Dedicated Assets" shall have the meaning as set out in paragraph 1.3.2.

1.7 Class 6

1.7.1 If the Trading Unit Application shall state that it is a Class 6 application or if the Panel shall determine that the nominated BM Units the subject of a Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4 or Class 5 Trading Unit Application do not satisfy the conditions specified in paragraphs 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 or (as the case may be) 1.6, the Panel shall determine from the Trading Unit Application and supporting documentation and other matters (and any further evidence provided in accordance with paragraph 1.8) if the nominated BM Units shall be treated as a Trading Unit having regard to the criteria set out in paragraph 1.7.2.

1.7.2 The criteria referred to in paragraph 1.7.1 are:

(a) whether, although not satisfying the conditions applicable to a Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, Class 4 or Class 5 Trading Unit Application, the Trading Unit Application demonstrates (to the reasonable satisfaction of the Panel) sufficient similarities with sites which would satisfy those conditions such that it would be unreasonable not to treat the nominated BM Units as a single Trading Unit;

(b) whether there are any other facts or evidence in support of the Trading Unit Application that in the reasonable opinion of the Panel demonstrate that the nominated BM Units ought to be treated as a single Trading Unit.

1.8 Further evidence

1.8.1 The Panel may request a Trading Unit Applicant to produce such further evidence as the Panel may reasonably require in support of its Trading Unit Application before the Panel makes any determination as to whether the nominated BM Units are to be treated as a Trading Unit, and the Panel shall not be bound to make any determination on the issue of whether the nominated BM Units are a Trading Unit pending receipt of such further evidence.


Section K

Version 52.0

Effective Date: 10 December 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


































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13 Dec 2017




13 Dec 2017




Secretary of State








Secretary of State







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1.1 General

1.1.1 This Section L sets out:

(a) requirements for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Metering Equipment for the measurement of quantities of Active Energy and where relevant Reactive Energy (subject to Section K1.2.6); and

(b) the functions of the TAA in connection with such Metering Equipment; in respect of CVA Metering Systems and SVA Metering Systems, and

(c) requirements for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Asset Metering Equipment for the measurement of quantities of Active Power or Active Energy; and

(d) the functions of the TAA in connection with such Asset Metering Equipment; in respect of Asset Metering Systems.

1.1.2 For the purposes of the Code, subject to paragraph 1.1.3, the quantities of Active Energy and, where relevant, Reactive Energy Exported or Imported by any Party at a Boundary Point or flowing between Systems at a Systems Connection Point shall be measured and recorded through CVA Metering Equipment and/or SVA Metering Equipment installed, commissioned, operated and maintained and otherwise provided for as set out in this Section L.

1.1.2A For the purposes of the Code, the quantities of Asset Exports or Asset Imports, shall be measured and recorded through Asset Metering Equipment installed, commissioned, operated and maintained and otherwise provided for as set out in this Section L.

1.1.3 There is no requirement to install, commission, operate and maintain Metering Equipment or measure and record a flow of Active Energy or Reactive Energy through Metering Equipment in respect of any Import relating to an Unmetered Supply; and nothing in this Section L applies in relation to an Unmetered Supply (or any Metering System in respect of an Unmetered Supply).

1.1.4 In this Section L:

(a) in relation to any Metering System, references to requirements under any Code of Practice shall be construed as requirements in relation to all of the Metering Equipment comprised or required to be comprised in that Metering System;

(b) references to a Metering System include a Metering System which is to comprise Metering Equipment which a Party is or will be required to install, and references to the Registrant of a Metering System include a Party required to be the Registrant of such Metering System;

(c) references to Metering Equipment in the context of a Metering System or its Registrant are to all of the Metering Equipment which is or is to be comprised in such Metering System;

(d) "commission" means commission for the purposes of Settlement in accordance with the relevant Codes of Practice and "commissioned" and other derivative terms shall be construed accordingly.

1.1.5 Where the same Metering Equipment at an Exemptable Generating Plant is comprised in both an SVA Metering System and a CVA Metering System:

(a) the Registrant of each such Metering System shall so inform BSCCo and shall provide to BSCCo details of, and BSCCo shall maintain a record of, such Metering Systems and the identities of the Registrants;

(b) where there is any conflict or inconsistency between the requirements applying (pursuant to this Section L) to such Metering Equipment as CVA Metering Equipment and as SVA Metering Equipment, then the requirements applying to CVA Metering Equipment shall apply.

1.2 Meter Operator Agents

1.2.1 Of the obligations (under this Section L) of the Registrant of a CVA Metering System, those specified in Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures are to be performed, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Section J, by a CVA Meter Operator Agent appointed by such Registrant in accordance with Section J.

1.2.1A Of the obligations (under this Section L) of the Registrant of an Asset Metering System, those specified in the relevant BSC Procedures are to be performed, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Section J, by a Meter Operator Agent appointed by such Registrant in accordance with Section J.

1.2.2 In accordance with Section J, the Registrant of any CVA Metering System shall appoint, and secure that at all times while it is Registrant there is appointed, a CVA Meter Operator Agent in respect of such Metering System.

1.2.3 The principal functions of a CVA Meter Operator Agent shall be to install, commission, test, maintain, rectify faults and provide a sealing service in respect of Metering Equipment (including if applicable associated Communications Equipment), in accordance with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures and Codes of Practice.

1.2.3A The principal functions of a Meter Operator Agent for an Asset Metering System shall be to install, commission, test, maintain, rectify faults and provide a sealing service in respect of Metering Equipment (including if applicable associated Communications Equipment), in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures and Codes of Practice.

1.2.4 The Registrant of each CVA Metering System shall comply with or (as appropriate) procure that the relevant CVA Meter Operator Agent complies with the requirements of Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures.

1.2.4A The Registrant of each Asset Metering System shall comply with or (as appropriate) procure that the relevant Meter Operator Agent complies with the requirements of the relevant BSC Procedures.

1.2.5 In accordance with the Retail Energy Code and, to the extent applicable, Section J, the Registrant of any SVA Metering System shall appoint and secure at all times while they are Registrant there is appointed, a SVA Meter Operator in respect of such Metering System.

1.2.6 In the case of a SVA Meter Operator Agent and in relation to Metering Equipment, the applicable obligations and activities specified in the Retail Energy Code in relation to Metering Equipment Managers.

1.3 Limitation

1.3.1 The provisions of paragraphs 2.5.4(a), 3.7, 6 and 7 shall only apply to, and in respect of, Metering Systems which are not at Domestic Premises and all visiting, access, inspection, audits, testing and similar rights in such provisions shall be read and construed accordingly.

1.4 Third Party Generating Plant

1.4.1 Where a Party is responsible for the Exports of a Third Party Generating Plant, that Party, as Registrant of the relevant Metering System, shall be responsible for obtaining such rights in relation to property of the Third Party Generator as will enable the Party to provide (pursuant to this Section L) such access and other rights as would be required to be provided by the Third Party Generator if it were itself a Party and the Registrant.

1.5 Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit

1.5.1 For the purpose of the Code the “Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit” shall be an amount determined by the Panel and approved by the Authority.

1.5.2 The Panel may revise the amount of the Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit from time to time subject to the approval of the Authority.

1.5.3 In revising the amount of the Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit from time to time the Panel shall consult with Parties and consider the views expressed in the course of such consultation prior to making its determination (and shall provide a detailed summary of such views to the Authority).


2.1 Registrant responsibilities

2.1.1 The Registrant of each CVA Metering System shall ensure that Metering Equipment is:

(a) installed and commissioned (if not already installed and commissioned), and

(b) maintained and operated

for the purposes described in paragraph 1.1.2 in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this Section L and in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice.

2.1.2 The Registrant of each SVA Metering System shall ensure that Metering Equipment is:

(a) installed and commissioned (if not already installed and commissioned), and

(b) maintained and operated

for the purposes described in paragraph 1.1.2 in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this Section L, the Retail Energy Code Metering Operations Schedule and in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice

2.1.3 The Registrant of each Asset Metering System shall ensure that Metering Equipment is:

(a) installed and commissioned (if not already installed and commissioned), and

(b) maintained and operated

for the purposes described in paragraph 1.1.2A, as applicable in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this Section L and in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice.

2.2 Type of Metering Equipment

2.2.1 The Metering Equipment to be installed:

(a) in the case of a CVA Metering System, shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment;

(b) in the case of a SVA Metering System which is 100kW Metering System, shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment;

(c) in the case of a SVA Metering System associated with any Third Party Generating Plant, except in the case of a Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant, shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment;

(d) in the case of a SVA Metering System other than as provided in paragraphs (b), (c) and 2.2.2 shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment or Non-Half Hourly Metering Equipment as the Registrant shall choose;

(e) in the case of an Asset Metering System, shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment.

2.2.2 Where a Supplier is under an obligation in its Supply Licence to install an Advanced Meter at a premises and/or supply electricity to a premises through an Advanced Meter then:

(a) subject to paragraph 2.2.3, where the Advanced Meter uses a current transformer as part of the mechanism for measuring the electric current:

(i) in respect of an Advanced Meter at a new Boundary Point, the Advanced Meter shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment;

(ii) in respect of an Advanced Meter at an existing Boundary Point, from the CT Advanced Meter Mandate Date the Advanced Meter shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment;

(b) subject to paragraph 2.2.3, in all other cases the Advanced Meter shall be Half Hourly Metering Equipment.

(c) Not used

2.2.3 Paragraph 2.2.2 does not apply to the Advanced Meter if and to the extent that:

(a) the Advanced Meter supplies electricity to Domestic Premises or Micro Business Premises; and

(b) the Supplier’s Supply Licence prohibits it (or any other person on behalf of the Supplier) from obtaining or using half hourly Electricity Consumption Data in respect of Domestic Premises or Micro Business Premises.

2.2.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.2:

(a) "CT Advanced Meter Mandate Date" means the date specified in the MHHS Implementation Timetable (as defined in Section C12.2.11) by which all suppliers must be able to accept MSIDs or "MPANs" (‘meter point administration numbers’, as defined in the REC) under the new MHHS Target Operating Model (otherwise described as "M14" in the MHHS Implementation Timetable);

(b) "Domestic Premises" has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence;

(c) "Electricity Consumption Data" has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence; and

(d) "Micro Business Premises" has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence.

2.3 New Metering Systems

2.3.1 In relation to any new CVA Metering System:

(a) the Registrant shall ensure that Metering Equipment is installed and commissioned in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1(a) and that a proving test in accordance with BSCP02 has been successfully completed before the registration of the Metering System becomes effective;

(b) accordingly, in accordance with Section K1.4.3(c), the relevant connection will not be energised until the Registrant has complied with paragraph 2.1.1(a).

2.3.2 In relation to any new SVA Metering System, the Registrant shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that Metering Equipment is installed and commissioned in accordance with paragraph 2.1.2(a) before the registration of the Metering System becomes effective.

2.3.2A In relation to any new Asset Metering System, the Registrant shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that Metering Equipment is installed and commissioned in accordance with paragraph 2.1.3(a) before the Asset Metering System is allocated to a BM Unit or included in an EMR AMSID Declaration.

2.3.3 Without prejudice to any other right of other Parties, if the Registrant of a new SVA Metering System within paragraphs 2.2.1(b), (c) or 2.2.2 fails to ensure that Metering Equipment is installed and commissioned in accordance with paragraph 2.1.2(a) before the registration of the Metering System becomes effective, it shall be liable to a charge to be determined and payable in accordance with Annex S-1.

2.3.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.3, a "new" Metering System is a Metering System which is to comprise Metering Equipment which has not (at the relevant time) been installed and commissioned in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 and, for the avoidance of doubt, a Metering System shall not be considered a new Metering System for the purposes of this paragraph 2.3 by virtue only of a Registration Transfer (as defined in Section K2.6) in respect of such Metering System.

2.4 Meter Technical Details

2.4.1 The Registrant of each Metering System shall, in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures; or the Retail Energy Code Metering Operations Schedule for SVA Metering Systems:

(a) establish and maintain Meter Technical Details in respect of the Metering Equipment;

(b) ensure that such Meter Technical Details are true, complete and accurate;

(c) provide such Meter Technical Details to the CDCA or (as the case may be) to the relevant Data Collector.

2.5 Information and records

2.5.1 The Registrant of each Metering System shall:

(a) comply with the requirements of Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures (as applicable) as to the provision, to the CDCA or (as the case may be) the relevant Data Collector and others, of information relating to the Metering Equipment; and

(b) give to the BSC Auditor all such information regarding the Metering Equipment as the BSC Auditor shall reasonably require for the purposes of carrying out the BSC Audit;

in respect of CVA Metering Systems and SVA Metering Systems; and

(c) comply with the requirements of the relevant BSC Procedures (as applicable) as to the provision, to the relevant Data Collector and others, of information relating to the Metering Equipment; and

(d) give to the BSC Auditor all such information regarding the Metering Equipment as the BSC Auditor shall reasonably require for the purposes of carrying out the BSC Audit;

in respect of Asset Metering Systems.

2.5.2 The information to be provided under paragraphs 2.5.1(a), (b), (c) and (d) includes information regarding the dates and time periods for installation of new Metering Equipment and the dates and periods when such Metering Equipment is out of service.

2.5.3 The Registrant of each Metering System shall:

(a) prepare and maintain for the life of the relevant item of Metering Equipment, complete and accurate records as required by the relevant Code of Practice or the Act (including in relation to the calibration of the Metering Equipment, the dates and results of any tests, readings, adjustments, audits or inspections carried out and the dates on which any seal was applied or broken, the reason for any seal being broken and the persons attending any such tests, readings, inspections or sealings);

(b) provide a copy of such records to the BSC Auditor upon request; and

(c) pass such records or copies of the same to the CVA Meter Operator Agent appointed by its successor as Registrant.

2.5.4 The Registrant of each Metering System shall permit the BSC Auditor unrestricted access (subject to paragraphs 6.5 and 6.6) to:

(a) the Metering Equipment, and

(b) all data used, information held and records kept by it or its agents in operating that Metering Equipment;

and shall make available members of its staff or its CVA Meter Operator Agent to explain the operation of that Metering Equipment and such other issues as the BSC Auditor considers relevant.


3.1 General Obligation

3.1.1 The Registrant of each Metering System shall ensure that the Metering Equipment:

(a) complies with the provisions of this Section L; and

(b) meets the applicable levels of accuracy referred to in paragraph 3.5.

3.1.2 To the extent that the levels of accuracy referred to in paragraph 3.1.1(b) depend upon associated current and voltage transformers which are not in the ownership or control of the Registrant:

(a) the Registrant shall:

(i) where paragraph 1.4 applies, obtain; or

(ii) in any other case, use all reasonable endeavours to obtain

the agreement of the Equipment Owner to assist the Registrant; and

(b) where the Equipment Owner is a Party it shall:

(i) in respect of the calibration, commissioning and testing of measurement transformers, comply with any requirements in the relevant Code of Practice for which the Equipment Owner is explicitly responsible under that Code of Practice; and

(ii) subject as hereinafter provided, be required to provide reasonable assistance to the Registrant (but without prejudice to any rights of such Party to charge for such services),

in complying with the Registrant’s obligations under paragraph 3.1.1 by the maintenance and repair of such current and voltage transformers in accordance with the provisions of this Section L, provided that the Equipment Owner shall not be required by this paragraph 3.1.2 or otherwise by the Registrant to take steps which would cause it to be in breach of its obligations under the Act, its Licence, any Nuclear Site Licence (as defined in paragraph 6.7.1), the Grid Code or Distribution Code.

3.2 Compliance with Codes of Practice

3.2.1 All Metering Equipment shall comply with or exceed the requirements referred to or set out in any relevant Code of Practice (or where no Code of Practice applies, comply with Schedule 7 of the Act) or shall be the subject of and comply with a Metering Dispensation in accordance with paragraph 3.4.

3.2.2 Subject to paragraphs 3.2.5, 3.2.6 and 3.3, the relevant Code of Practice in respect of any Metering Equipment shall be the version of the Code of Practice which is expressed to be applicable to that Metering Equipment at the time that the Metering System comprising that Metering Equipment is first registered pursuant to Section K for the purposes of Settlement, and such Metering Equipment shall only be required to comply with that version of the Code of Practice, and not with any Code of Practice which in any respect later amends, modifies or supersedes that version of the Code of Practice; and references to the relevant Code of Practice in this Section L shall be construed accordingly.

3.2.3 In relation to Metering Equipment comprised in a Metering System which was registered for the purposes of settlement under:

(a) the Pooling and Settlement Agreement before the Go-live Date, paragraph 3.2.2 shall apply on the basis that references to Codes of Practice (and versions thereof) include a reference to the version of the "Code of Practice" (as defined in and for the purposes of the Pooling and Settlement Agreement) with which such Metering Equipment was, immediately before the Go-live Date, required to comply by virtue of the provisions of the Pooling and Settlement Agreement (including provisions equivalent to paragraph 3.2.2 and any savings to those provisions); or

(b) the Settlement Agreement for Scotland before the BETTA Effective Date, paragraph 3.2.2 shall apply on the basis that references to Codes of Practice (and versions thereof) include a reference to the version of the "Code of Practice" (as defined in and for the purposes of the Settlement Agreement for Scotland) with which such Metering Equipment was, immediately before the BETTA Effective Date, required to comply by virtue of the provisions of the Settlement Agreement for Scotland (including provisions equivalent to paragraph 3.2.2 and any savings to those provisions).

3.2.4 For the avoidance of doubt, where a Metering System is transferred for the purposes of Settlement from one registration system to another in accordance with the provisions of Section K, such transfer shall not be treated as:

(a) a new installation of the Metering Equipment comprised in that Metering System and, accordingly, does not need to be re-commissioned (but without prejudice to the requirement to undertake proving tests with the CDCA or the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector); nor

(b) (for the purposes of this paragraph 3.2 only) as a new registration of that Metering System.

3.2.5 In relation to the calibration, testing and commissioning of any Metering Equipment at any time, the relevant Code of Practice shall be the latest version of the applicable Code of Practice prevailing at that time.

3.2.6 Where a Registrant is required by its Supply Licence to install, or arrange to install, Metering Equipment that, at a minimum, is capable of providing:

(a) measured electricity consumption data for multiple periods, and at least half-hourly; and

(b) the Registrant remote access to such data,

the relevant Code of Practice shall be the latest version of the applicable Code of Practice at the date at which such Metering Equipment is installed.

3.3 Material change

3.3.1 Notwithstanding paragraph 3.2, where any material change is made to any Metering Equipment, the version of the Code of Practice current at the time of that material change shall, from that time, be the relevant Code of Practice in respect of that Metering Equipment as so changed as if that date was the date of that Metering System’s first commissioning.

3.3.2 In this paragraph 3.3, "material change" means a change to the Metering Equipment other than a change by way of repair, modification or replacement of any component which is not, a substantial part of the Metering Equipment even where an enhanced or equivalent component is used for the repair, modification or replacement rather than an identical component.

3.4 Metering Dispensations

3.4.1 If, for financial reasons or reasons of practicality, Metering Equipment to which a Code of Practice applies will not or does not comply with some or all of the requirements of that Code of Practice, the Registrant of such Metering System, or prior to the appointment of a Registrant of such Metering System BSCCo, may make an application pursuant to this paragraph for a Metering Dispensation from such requirements.

3.4.2 Subject to 3.4.2A, he Panel shall consider and may agree, on such conditions (if any) as it shall deem fit, or dismiss, such application in accordance with BSCP32.

3.4.2A Subject to paragraph 3.4.2B, BSCCo shall, in accordance with BSCP32, consider and may agree, or dismiss an application for a Metering Dispensation:

(a) where the application states that the physical location at which electricity is to be, or is metered, will not, or does not, coincide with the physical location at which the overall accuracy requirements, as stated in the relevant Code of Practice, are to be met;

(b) provided that:

(i) accuracy compensation is applied to the Metering System to meet the overall accuracy required at that physical location, in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice; and

(ii) the Metering Equipment complies with the relevant Code of Practice in all other respects.

3.4.2B Paragraph 3.4.2A only applies where two, or more, Metering Systems are to be, or are, registered separately, in either CMRS or SMRS, for Settlement purposes and are sharing a connection to the Total System.

3.4.3 Before agreeing a Metering Dispensation under paragraph 3.4.1, the Panel or, subject to paragraph 3.4.2A, BSCCo shall consult with:

(a) where the relevant Metering Equipment is connected to the Transmission System, the NETSO;

(b) where the relevant Metering Equipment is connected to a Distribution System, the Distribution System Operator and, where applicable, the NETSO;

(c) where any Aggregation Rules submitted by any Party (other than the Registrant) relate to the Metering System which comprises such Metering Equipment, such Party; and

(d) such other persons if any as the Panel shall consider appropriate.

3.4.4 The Panel may, of its own initiative or upon the application of a Party or BSCCo, establish from time to time, in accordance with BSCP32, Metering Dispensations from the requirements of any relevant Code of Practice, on such conditions (if any) as it shall deem fit, attaching generally to any item of Metering Equipment.

3.4.5 Before agreeing a Metering Dispensation under paragraph 3.4.4, the Panel shall consult with all Parties, and with such other persons if any as the Panel shall consider appropriate.

3.4.6 BSCCo shall maintain an up-to-date record of all Metering Dispensations agreed or established pursuant to this paragraph 3.4, and those established as part of the transitional arrangements for the implementation of BETTA, and shall provide to the TAA a copy of such record and (promptly following making any such amendment) a copy of each amendment made to such record.

3.4.7 Any dispensations agreed or deemed to have been agreed (pursuant to those provisions of the Pooling and Settlement Agreement equivalent to this paragraph 3.4) by the Pool Executive Committee before the Go-live Date shall be deemed, with effect from the date at which they were so agreed or applied, to have been effectively agreed or established as Metering Dispensations in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 3.4.

3.4.8 The obligations under this Section L of the Registrant of any Metering System shall be construed subject to the terms and any conditions of any applicable Metering Dispensation.

3.5 Calibration And Accuracy Of Metering Equipment

3.5.1 Non Half Hourly Metering Equipment shall be accurate to within the prescribed limits for such Metering Equipment referred to or set out in any relevant Code of Practice or, if no Code of Practice applies, the prescribed limits established under Schedule 7 of the Act.

3.5.2 Half Hourly Metering Equipment shall be accurate to within the prescribed limits for such Metering Equipment referred to or set out in the relevant Code of Practice.

3.5.3 The limits of accuracy referred to in the relevant Code of Practice shall be applied in any case after adjustments have been made to the Metering Equipment to compensate for any errors attributable to measuring transformers and connections thereto.

3.5.4 Beyond the ranges specified in the relevant Code of Practice, and/or at power factors other than unity or zero (as the case may be):

(a) limits of accuracy will depend on the characteristics of the individual meters and measuring transformers specified for such Metering Equipment;

(b) in the event of uncertainty or dispute such limits of accuracy will be determined by the Panel; provided that Metering Equipment which has been commissioned will be required to comply with such levels of accuracy under any determination by the Panel prevailing at the date of its commissioning, and not under any later determination.

3.5.5 In this Section L a reference to the applicable limits of accuracy in relation to any Metering Equipment is to the prescribed limits applicable to that Metering Equipment in accordance with and subject to paragraphs 3.5.1 or 3.5.2 as the case may be.

3.5.6 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 3.2, the Registrant of each Metering System shall ensure that the Metering Equipment shall be calibrated (in accordance with any applicable Code of Practice) in order to meet the applicable limits of accuracy.

3.6 Commissioning and maintenance of Metering Equipment

3.6.1 The Registrant of each Metering System shall ensure

(a) in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems, that the Metering Equipment shall be commissioned (including, where any issues are identified during the commissioning of that Metering Equipment, notifying and consulting with the Distribution System Operator and/or the NETSO, as applicable) in accordance with the relevant issue of Code of Practice Four or Code of Practice Eleven, as applicable; or

(b) in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, that the Metering Equipment shall be commissioned in accordance with the relevant issue of the Code of Practice (if any) relating to the commissioning of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems.

3.6.2 The Registrant of each Metering System shall at its own cost and expense (but without prejudice to its rights to charge any other person for such service pursuant to another agreement or arrangement) ensure that the Metering Equipment is kept in good working order, repair and condition to the extent necessary to allow the correct registration, recording and transmission of the requisite details of the quantities of Active Energy and/or Reactive Energy measured by the relevant Metering System.

3.7 Testing and Inspection

3.7.1 Not less frequently than may be specified in the relevant Code of Practice or as may be required by statute, the Registrant of each Metering System shall ensure that routine testing is carried out to confirm the accuracy of the Metering Equipment.

3.7.2 The Registrant shall ensure that a test of the accuracy of all Metering Equipment which replaces defective or inaccurate Metering Equipment is carried out as soon as is reasonably practicable after its installation.

3.7.3 The Registrant shall:

(a) in relation to any CVA Metering System, and

(b) if and to the extent so required by the Panel, in relation to any SVA Metering System

give BSCCo reasonable prior notice of the date, time, place and nature of every test pursuant to paragraphs 3.7.1 or 3.7.2; and BSCCo (or, if BSCCo so requires in relation to CVA Metering Systems, the CDCA) shall have the right to attend such test.

3.7.4 If the Registrant of any Metering System or any other Party or (in the case of a CVA Metering System) the CDCA has reason to believe that the Metering Equipment is not performing within the applicable limits of accuracy, or otherwise for any reason is incorrectly recording data, the Registrant or such other Party or the CDCA shall so notify:

(a) BSCCo;

(b) (in the case of another Party or the CDCA), the Registrant; and

(c) the relevant Distribution System Operator and/or the NETSO as appropriate.

3.7.5 If BSCCo is notified (under paragraph 3.7.4(a)) or otherwise has reason to believe that any Metering Equipment is not performing within the applicable limits of accuracy:

(a) BSCCo may require the Registrant to inspect and then test the accuracy of such Metering Equipment within a reasonable time after receiving notification of such requirement pursuant to this paragraph 3.7.5, whereupon the Registrant shall carry out such test in the presence of a representative of BSCCo; or

(b) BSCCo may, without giving notice to the relevant Registrant, arrange for the inspection of such Metering Equipment by a person (which may be the CDCA in the case of CVA Metering Equipment) or persons who is/are suitably qualified in the operation of Metering Equipment within a reasonable time, and for such person(s) to make such tests as such person(s) shall deem necessary to determine its accuracy; and the Registrant shall co-operate with such person(s) in carrying out such tests.

3.7.6 Subject to paragraph 3.7.7, the costs of any such test referred to in paragraph 3.7.5 shall be borne by the Registrant (but without prejudice to its right to charge any other person for such service pursuant to another agreement or arrangement), save that BSCCo shall bear the costs of attendance of any person pursuant to paragraph 3.7.5(b).

3.7.7 Where any Metering Equipment passes all inspections and tests required pursuant to paragraph 3.7.5, the costs reasonably incurred by the Registrant in carrying out such inspections and tests shall be borne by BSCCo.

3.7.8 Any test carried out pursuant to this paragraph 3.7 shall comply with the relevant Code of Practice.

3.7.9 In this paragraph 3.7, reference to testing shall include the use and installation of a check meter, if appropriate.

3.8 Sealing and Security

3.8.1 The Registrant of each Metering System shall procure that the Metering Equipment shall be sealed in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice and, if applicable, the Act.

3.8.2 The Registrant shall procure that the Metering Equipment shall be as secure as is practicable in all the circumstances.

3.8.3 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall, with respect to a Half Hourly Metering System registered in SMRS in relation to which data is required to be submitted for Settlement before the Initial Volume Allocation Run, notify the relevant Supplier registered in its SMRS system if any seal relating to that Metering System has been, or is likely to be broken by that Licensed Distribution System Operator for more than 24 hours or which is, or is due to be, remade, in all cases as soon as reasonably practicable (including, if reasonably practicable, before breaking or remaking such seal) stating, in the case of a notification of the breaking of a seal, the reason for breaking such seal.

3.9 Defective Metering Equipment

3.9.1 If at any time any Metering Equipment is destroyed or damaged or otherwise ceases to function, or is or is found to be outside the applicable limits of accuracy, the Registrant shall, subject to compliance with its obligations under paragraph 3.8, adjust, renew or repair the same or replace any defective component so as to ensure that such Metering Equipment is back in service and the Metering Equipment is operating within the applicable limits of accuracy as quickly as is reasonably practicable in all the circumstances.


4.1 Tests in support of disputes

4.1.1 Any testing of Metering Equipment required (in accordance with Section W) to resolve any Trading Dispute shall be carried out or procured by the Registrant:

(a) on the relevant Metering Equipment mounted in its operational position; and

(b) in the presence:

(i) if BSCCo so requires, of a representative of BSCCo or (in the case of CVA Metering Equipment) the CDCA, and

(ii) the relevant Distribution System Operator and/or the NETSO as appropriate.

4.1.2 All such testing will be carried out in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice including, where applicable, any relevant Metering Dispensation.

4.2 Comparison of test performance

4.2.1 The test performance of any Metering Equipment shall be compared with calibrated test equipment by one of the following methods:

(a) injecting into the measuring circuits (excluding the primary current and voltage transformers) and comparing the readings or records over such period as may be required by the relevant Code of Practice including, where applicable, any relevant Metering Dispensation to ensure a reliable comparison; or

(b) where practicable, operating the calibrated test equipment from the same primary current and voltage transformers as the Metering Equipment under operating conditions and comparing the readings or recordings of the Metering Equipment and the calibrated test equipment over such period as may be required by the relevant Code of Practice including, where applicable, any relevant Metering Dispensation; or

(c) in exceptional circumstances, such other method as may be specified by the Panel.

4.3 Laboratory testing

4.3.1 If the Panel so requires, Metering Equipment which fails any test whilst in its operational position shall be tested under laboratory conditions in accordance with the relevant Code of Practice, and the Registrant shall procure such test.

4.4 Witnessing tests

4.4.1 In addition to any persons attending pursuant, where applicable, to paragraph 4.1.1(b), if the Panel so determines, up to two persons nominated by BSCCo and representing all Parties who have an interest in the Trading Dispute, and in addition (unless otherwise attending pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1(b)) the relevant Distribution System Operator or the NETSO, as appropriate, shall be entitled to witness tests taken as a result of a Trading Dispute, including tests confirming the calibration of test equipment, or inspect evidence of valid calibration, or valid calibration certificates, as appropriate.

4.5 Costs of testing

4.5.1 Except as otherwise provided in Section W, the costs reasonably incurred by the Registrant in carrying out any such test as referred to in paragraph 4.1, and the costs of attendance of BSCCo and any person nominated by it under paragraph 4.4, shall be borne by BSCCo.


5.1 Ownership of Metering Data

5.1.1 Subject to paragraphs 5.1.2 and 5.1.3, and without prejudice to Section H4.6, the Registrant of a Metering System shall own the metering data acquired from such Metering System, and may provide to any person access to and use of such data.

5.1.2 Subject to paragraph 5.1.3, the Customer (in relation to a Metering System at any premises) or Third Party Generator (in relation to a Metering System at Third Party Generating Plant) shall be entitled to access, obtain and use metering data relating to that Metering System without charge.

5.1.3 The Registrant shall not exercise any rights in relation to, or provide to any person use of or access to, metering data in a manner which would interfere with Settlement or would otherwise be inconsistent with giving effect to the Code.

5.2 Access to and Use of Metering Data

5.2.1 Without prejudice to Section H4.6, the Registrant of each Metering System shall provide access to, and hereby authorises the use of, metering data, to and by:

(a) the Panel, any Panel Committee, BSCCo and each BSC Agent; and

(b) in the case of an Interconnector, the relevant Interconnector Administrator, Interconnector Error Administrator and Interconnector Users

(each a "data recipient", which term shall include any officer, director, employee, agent or adviser of the same), without charge, for all purposes for which each such data recipient requires such access and use pursuant to or in order to give effect to the Code, but not for any other purposes.

5.2.2 A data recipient may release metering data (which is provided, or access to which is provided, to it pursuant to paragraph 5.2.1) to another person only to the extent to which:

(a) that other person is authorised to have access to and use of such data pursuant to paragraph 5.2.1, or

(b) that other person is entitled to access and use of such data pursuant to any other provision of the Code, or

(c) the Code expressly provides for such release (including pursuant to Section V).

5.2.3 The Registrant of each Metering System shall provide metering data to:

(a) each other Party; and

(b) any other person,

who (in either case) is entitled to receive such data in accordance with the Code.

5.2.4 The Registrant of each Metering System (or, as the case may be and as provided for elsewhere in the Code, the SVAA or the CDCA) shall without charge provide relevant metering data to, and authorises the use of such data by:

(a) the relevant Distribution System Operator for the purposes only of the operation of the relevant Distribution System and the calculation of charges for use of and connection to such Distribution System;

(b) the NETSO for the purposes only of the operation of the Transmission System, and the calculation of charges for use of and connection to the Transmission System.

5.2.5 For the purposes of paragraph 5.2.4, "relevant metering data" means:

(a) in the case of SVA Metering Systems, the metering data specified in BSCP502, BSCP508 and BSCP520;

(b) in the case of CVA Metering Systems, the metering data specified as being sent to the NETSO and/or the relevant Distribution System Operator in Table 5 of Section V.

(c) in the case of Asset Metering Systems, the metering data specified in , BSCP508, BSCP602, and BSCP603.

5.2.6 Each Party agrees to the release and use of data referred to in paragraph 5.2.4 on the terms and conditions of such paragraphs, and confirms that it will not have the right to charge the relevant Distribution System Operator or NETSO for such release or use.


6.1 Grant and procurement of rights

6.1.1 Each Party hereby grants to the Invitees specified in paragraph 6.1.4 the rights specified in that paragraph in relation to any part of the relevant property.

6.1.2 The Registrant of each Metering System shall:

(a) where paragraph 1.4 applies, procure,

(b) in any other case, use all reasonable endeavours to procure

for the benefit of the Invitees specified in paragraph 6.1.4 the rights specified in that paragraph in relation to any part of the relevant property.

6.1.3 In this paragraph 6 the "relevant property" is:

(a) for the purposes of rights to be granted by a Party under paragraph 6.1.1, the property of that Party;

(b) for the purposes of rights to be procured by the Registrant of a Metering System under paragraph 6.1.2, the property:

(i) of each Customer in respect of which the Registrant is the supplier;

(ii) of the Third Party Generator at each Third Party Generating Plant for whose Exports the Registrant is responsible in accordance with Section K1.2.2;

(iii) of any other person who is not a Party (a "Third Party") the exercise of whose rights would prevent the Registrant or any Invitee or any other Party from performing its obligations under this Section L or the Code and the existence of whose rights is known, or ought reasonably be known, to that Registrant.

6.1.4 The rights referred to in paragraphs 6.1.1 and 6.1.2 are:

(a) for any Invitee, full right to enter upon and through and remain upon, or do any other act contemplated by this Section L or Section R or Section S which would otherwise constitute a trespass upon, any part of the relevant property;

(b) for the BSC Auditor, full right to perform such tasks and to do all such acts and things as are necessary for the purpose of performing audits, tests, reviews and checks for the purposes of the BSC Audit, including full right to carry out such tests on Metering Equipment, provided that the person or persons allocated to carry out such tests by the BSC Auditor is or are suitably qualified in the operation of Metering Equipment;

(c) for the CDCA, full right to undertake on-site inspections, tests, checks and readings on Metering Equipment in connection with the validation of Aggregation Rules pursuant to Section R3.4 and in connection with Meter Advance Reconciliation obligations pursuant to Section R6.2, and

(d) for the TAA(s), full right to undertake on-site tests and checks and to report on Metering Systems in relation to their compliance with the relevant Code of Practice and this Section L;

but in each case only to the extent such rights are necessary for the purposes of the Code, and subject to the other provisions of this paragraph 6.

6.1.5 For the avoidance of doubt, the Registrant of any Metering System will need to procure (and is responsible for procuring) appropriate rights of access for its Meter Operator Agent; and this paragraph 6 does not address such rights of access.

6.2 Invitees

6.2.1 For the purposes of the Code, each of the following shall be an Invitee:

(a) the Panel and any Panel Committee acting through any reasonably nominated employee, agent or contractor of BSCCo;

(b) BSCCo acting through any reasonably nominated employee, agent or contractor;

(c) the TAA and the CDCA, acting through any reasonably nominated employee, agent or contractor;

(d) the BSC Auditor acting through any partner or employee;

(e) the NETSO, acting through any reasonably nominated employee, agent or contractor; and

(f) any CfD Counterparty, any CFD Settlement Services Provider, the CM Settlement Body and/or any CM Settlement Services Provider, in each case acting through any reasonably nominated employee, agent or contractor.

6.3 Failure to procure access

6.3.1 If, after having used all such reasonable endeavours to procure access rights in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2, the Registrant of a Metering System has been unable to procure any such rights, the Registrant shall so notify the Panel and the Authority.

6.3.2 Each Invitee shall be entitled to assume that the consents of any Customer, Third Party Generator or Third Party shall have been obtained in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6.1.2 until such time as it is fixed with notice to the contrary.

6.4 Further provisions as to access

6.4.1 The rights of access provided for in paragraph 6.1 shall include, but not be limited to, the right to bring on to the relevant property such vehicles, plant, machinery and maintenance or other materials and such persons as shall be reasonably necessary for the purposes of the Code.

6.4.2 Each Party shall ensure, and the Registrant of each Metering System shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure, that any particular authorisation or clearance which is required to be given to ensure access to any Invitee, in accordance with paragraph 6.1.1 or (as the case may be) 6.1.2, is available on arrival of the Invitee.

6.5 Safe access

6.5.1 Subject to the right of BSCCo to require inspection without notice pursuant to paragraph 3.7.5(b), the Registrant of each Metering System shall use all reasonable endeavours to procure that all reasonable arrangements and provisions are made, and revised from time to time, as and when necessary or desirable to facilitate the safe exercise by any Invitee of any right of access granted pursuant to paragraph 6.1 with the minimum of disruption, disturbance and inconvenience.

6.5.2 Such arrangements and provisions may, to the extent that the same are reasonable, limit or restrict the exercise of such right of access and/or provide for the Registrant to make directions or regulations from time to time in relation to a specified matter.

6.5.3 Matters to be covered by such arrangements and/or provisions include:

(a) the identification of any relevant Metering Equipment;

(b) the particular access routes applicable to the land in question having particular regard to the weight and size limits on those routes;

(c) any limitations on times of exercise of the right of access;

(d) any requirements as to prior notification and as to authorisation or security clearance of individuals exercising such right of access and procedures for obtaining the same;

(e) the means of communication by the Registrant (to all persons, agents, employees and/or contractors who may be authorised from time to time to exercise such right of access) of any relevant directions or regulations made by the Registrant;

(f) the identification of and arrangements applicable to personnel exercising the right of access granted under paragraph 6.1;

(g) where relevant, compliance with any code of practice on procedures with respect to site access approved by the Authority pursuant to any Licence; and

(h) disclosure of any known hazards on the site.

6.5.4 BSCCo shall take all reasonable steps to secure that any Invitee agrees to observe and perform any such arrangements and all provisions (or directions or regulations issued pursuant thereto), failing which in any particular case the Registrant may take reasonable steps to ensure that, as a condition of exercising any right of access pursuant to paragraph 6.1, each Invitee shall agree to observe and perform the same.

6.6 Damage

6.6.1 BSCCo shall take all reasonable steps to secure that each Invitee takes all reasonable steps (or, where the NETSO is the Invitee, the NETSO shall take all reasonable steps), in the exercise of any right of access under paragraph 6.1, to:

(a) avoid or minimise damage in relation to any relevant property; and

(b) cause as little disturbance and inconvenience as possible to any other Party, Customer, Third Party Generator, Third Party or other occupier of any relevant property;

and shall make good any damage caused to such property in the course of the exercise of such rights as soon as may be practicable.

6.6.2 Subject to paragraph 6.6.1, all such rights of access shall be exercisable free of any charge or payment of any kind.

6.7 Licence restricted parties

6.7.1 This paragraph 6.7 shall apply to any area owned or occupied by any Party, Customer, Third Party Generator or Third Party (in this Section L, each a "Licence Restricted Party") which is the holder of or is subject to a licence granted under the Nuclear Installations Act 1965 (in this paragraph 6.7, a "Nuclear Site Licence") or is subject to restrictions in relation to a Nuclear Site Licence, where such area is subject to that Nuclear Site Licence.

6.7.2 This paragraph 6.7 shall take precedence over any contrary provisions of this Section L.

6.7.3 No Party or Invitee shall enter or attempt to enter or permit or suffer any person to enter or attempt to enter any area owned or occupied by the Licence Restricted Party to which a Nuclear Site Licence applies except strictly in accordance with the provisions, restrictions and conditions of the Nuclear Site Licence.

6.7.4 The Licence Restricted Party shall be entitled to take reasonable action of any kind whatsoever relating to or affecting access to its property as it considers on reasonable grounds to be necessary in order to enable the Licence Restricted Party to comply with the provisions, restrictions and conditions of a Nuclear Site Licence or avert or minimise any reasonably anticipated breaches thereof.

6.8 Denial of access

6.8.1 The Panel, any Panel Committee, BSCCo and any BSC Agent shall not be held in breach of any duty or obligation under the Code to the extent that it is unable to perform such duty or obligation by reason of its being denied necessary access to Metering Equipment.


7.1. General

7.1.1 The role of the TAA is to monitor compliance by Parties with the requirements, in relation to Half Hourly Metering Systems, of this Section L, Codes of Practice and BSC Procedures, and identify cases where such requirements are not being complied with ("non-compliance").

7.1.2 For the purposes described in paragraph 7.1.1 and as instructed by BSCCo from time to time pursuant to paragraph 7.3.1, the TAA shall make arrangements for:

(a) On-Site Inspections by suitably qualified inspectors at the sites where Metering Equipment is installed; or

(b) Desktop Audits conducted by suitably qualified inspectors remotely.

7.1.3 In this paragraph 7 references to Metering Systems are to Half Hourly Metering Systems.

7.1.4 Subject to paragraph 7.1.5, references to Metering Systems in this paragraph 7 are to CVA Metering Systems.

7.1.5 Until the Retail Code Consolidation Date (as such date is applicable to this paragraph 7), this paragraph 7 shall continue to apply in respect of SVA Metering Systems. As from the Retail Code Consolidation Date (to the extent the Authority determines such date to apply to this paragraph 7), the provisions of this paragraph 7 shall cease to apply in respect of SVA Metering Systems and consequently, in respect of SVA Metering Systems only, the functions, duties, responsibilities and (where relevant) powers of each Registrant of an SVA Metering System, each SVA Meter Operator Agent, the Performance Assurance Board, the Panel, BSCCo and the TAA shall cease to have effect.

7.1.6 The Performance Assurance Board and BSCCo may make representations in relation to the timing and implementation of the Retail Code Consolidation Date.

7.2 Provision of information

7.2.1 Each SMRA, the CDCA, and the SVAA shall submit to BSCCo details of the Half Hourly Metering Systems and the associated Registrants respectively registered in SMRS or CMRS or AMRS in accordance with BSCP27 or (as respects a SVA Metering Systems) the relevant provisions of the REC.

7.2.2 BSCCo shall periodically submit to the TAA, in accordance with BSCP27, a list of the Metering Systems and the associated Registrants, from which sample On-Site Inspections and Desktop Audits shall be selected in accordance with paragraph 7.3.

7.2.3 The Registrant of each Metering System shall provide the TAA with records, data and other information in accordance with BSCP27, and each Party irrevocably agrees to the release to and use by the TAA of all such records, data and other information in the circumstances described in this Section L.

7.2.4 The CDCA shall provide the TAA with such Meter Technical Details in relation to CVA Metering Systems as the TAA may request in accordance with BSCP27.

7.3 Site Selection

7.3.1 BSCCo shall determine and instruct to the TAA, in relation to each BSC Year, consistent with any guidance or instructions from the Panel, and in accordance with BSCP27:

(a) the total number of Metering Systems to be audited by On-Site Inspection;

(b) the total number of Metering Systems to be audited by Desktop Audit; and

(c) the criteria for assessing which Metering Systems shall be selected for an On-Site Inspection and which Metering Systems shall be selected for a Desktop Audit.

7.3.2 The TAA shall select the sample of Metering Systems to be audited by On-Site Inspection or Desktop Audit in each BSC Year in accordance with BSCCo’s instructions under paragraph 7.3.1 and consistent with the further provisions of this paragraph 7.3 and in accordance with BSCP27.

7.3.3 Until the Performance Assurance Effective Date, the sample selected shall be consistent with the following principles:

(a) the sample shall allow for:

(i) audit ("targeted audit") of a number of Metering Systems in relation to which non-compliance is suspected, as notified by BSCCo to the TAA or on the basis of the information provided to the TAA by other persons; and/or

(ii) audit ("re-audit") of a number of Metering Systems in relation to which non-compliance was previously identified and has subsequently been reported to have been rectified by the Registrant;

(b) the sample shall be representative of the Metering Systems respectively registered in CMRS, AMRS and each SMRS;

(c) the sample shall be representative of:

(i) Meter Operator Agent;

(ii) type of Metering Equipment;

(iii) Code of Practice;

(iv) Registrant;

(v) GSP Group (for SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems);

(vi) previous inspection(s);

and shall not be biased towards any one Registrant, Meter Operator Agent, GSP Group or type of Metering Equipment.

7.3.4 From the Performance Assurance Effective Date the Panel may determine with respect to the sample of Metering Systems to be selected by the TAA under paragraph 7.3.2:

(a) which of the principles set out in paragraph 7.3.3 shall apply; and/or

(b) such further principles as are appropriate which shall apply,

provided that unless the Panel decides otherwise with respect to paragraph 7.3.3(c) the sample shall not be biased towards any one Registrant, Meter Operator Agent, GSP Group or type of Metering Equipment.

7.4 Site Visits

7.4.1 The TAA shall notify the Registrant whose Metering System(s) are selected for inspection, giving the Registrant such period of notice prior to the inspection as may be required in accordance with BSCP27.

7.4.2 The TAA shall invite the Registrant or a nominated representative to attend the inspection, and the Registrant shall ensure that the Meter Operator Agent attends (by a suitably competent person).

7.4.3 The Registrant shall confirm to the TAA in accordance with BSCP27:

(a) the attendance of the Meter Operator Agent; and

(b) the identity of other attendees who will be present.

7.4.4 The Registrant shall, in accordance with BSCP27, make appropriate arrangements to ensure access to all elements of the Metering Equipment being inspected in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 6.

7.4.5 The Registrant shall bear all costs of its and its Meter Operator Agent’s attending an inspection (but without prejudice to its right to charge any other person for such service pursuant to another agreement or arrangement).

7.4A Desktop Audit

7.4A.1 The TAA shall notify the Registrant whose Metering System(s) are selected for a Desktop Audit, giving the Registrant such period of notice prior to the Desktop Audit as may be required in accordance with BSCP27.

7.4A.2 The Registrant or a nominated representative shall submit the documentation in the format and timescales required under BSCP27.

7.4A.3 The Registrant shall bear all costs of its and its nominated representative’s submission.

7.5 Non-Compliance

7.5.1 The TAA shall determine in respect of those matters or things (including those associated with or connected to a Metering System) which it has been requested to audit, that such matter or thing is non-compliant if, after taking account of any applicable Metering Dispensations, the requirements of the Code and the relevant Code(s) of Practice are not being adhered to and/or if configurable meter parameters are not consistent with the Meter Technical Details supplied by the Registrant.

7.5.2 Where a non-compliance has been determined in accordance with paragraph 7.5.1 the Registrant shall:

(a) ensure that the non-compliance is rectified, to the extent to which it can be rectified directly by the Meter Operator Agent;

(b) otherwise, take all reasonable steps to ensure that a person which can directly rectify the non-compliance does so.

7.5.3 Following the rectification of a non-compliance (as determined in accordance with paragraph 7.5.1) which is materially non-compliant, BSCCo shall, where in its discretion it considers it appropriate to do so having regard to the nature of such rectification, require the Registrant to carry out the relevant Code of Practice Four tests in the case of SVA Metering Systems or CVA Metering Systems and, Code of Practice Eleven tests in the case of Asset Metering Systems, and validation testing in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures and the TAA may attend and/or request details of any such testing carried out.

7.5.4 For the purposes of paragraph 7.5.3, a non-compliance (as determined in accordance with paragraph 7.5.1) is "materially non-compliant" if the TAA considers that the non-compliance is likely to affect the quality of data used in Settlement.

7.5.5 The Registrant of a Metering System determined by the TAA to be non-compliant (or of a Metering System in respect of which a matter or thing has been determined to be non-compliant in accordance with paragraph 7.5.1) following an On-Site Inspection or Desktop Audit may refer to the Panel the question of whether the requirements referred to in paragraph 7.5.1 are being adhered to in relation to the Metering System.

7.6 Reporting

7.6.1 On completion of an On-Site Inspection or Desktop Audit, the TAA shall issue notices of compliance or non-compliance to the Registrant and BSCCo by the date required under BSCP27.

7.6.1A Where BSCCo becomes aware of a non-compliance that has impacted metered volumes then it shall, as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, notify any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CM Settlement Services Provider and include in that notice at least the following:

(a) the MSID(s) (if known) relating to the applicable SVA Metering System or CVA Metering System;

(b) the nature of the non-compliance; and

(c) the AMSID(s) and the Asset Meter serial number relating to the applicable Asset Metering System.

7.6.2 Where a non-compliance has been determined in accordance with paragraph 7.5.1, the TAA shall provide the Registrant with a report detailing the areas of non-compliance.

7.6.3 The TAA shall provide the Registrant with a reminder, in the form of a re-issued non-compliance report, if the Registrant has failed to rectify the non-compliance by the date required under BSCP27.

7.6.4 In relation to each month the TAA shall, by the date required under BSCP27:

(a) submit a report (in a format approved by BSCCo) summarising all On-Site Inspections or Desktop Audits falling due within that month; and

(b) after amending the report to take account of any comments of BSCCo, submit the report to the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board and the BSC Auditor.


Section L

Version 29.0

Effective Date: 12 April 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


























P433 Self Governance












P394 Self-Governance




P391 Self-Governance








P338 Fast Track Self Governance




P272 v2.0









Secretary of State



































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section sets out:

(a) the basis on which Energy Indebtedness of an Imbalance Party will be calculated;

(b) the basis on which Imbalance Parties may provide Credit Cover in respect of their Energy Indebtedness;

(c) the basis on which an Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover will be determined;

(d) circumstances which will constitute Credit Default in relation to an Imbalance Party, and the consequences of such Credit Default;

(e) arrangements for payment of compensation to Imbalance Parties in certain circumstances where errors have been made in calculations under this Section M.

1.2 Energy Indebtedness

1.2.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) in relation to a Settlement Period j the "Energy Indebtedness" (EIpj, in MWh) of an Imbalance Party p shall be the algebraic sum of:

(i) the algebraic sum of Actual Energy Indebtedness for Imbalance Party p for those Settlement Days d within the twenty nine day period for which (at the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period j), the Submission Deadline has passed for the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day following that on which the Settlement Calendar specifies that the Interim Information Settlement Run for Settlement Day d is to take place (but excluding those days for which, as a result of a delay in the Interim Information Settlement Run in accordance with Section T1.4, the ECVAA does not receive the Interim Information Settlement Run data from the SAA by the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day containing Settlement Period j);

(ii) the algebraic sum of Metered Energy Indebtedness for Imbalance Party p in relation to those Settlement Days d within the twenty nine day period for which paragraph 1.2.1(a)(i) does not apply, and for which (at the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period j), the Submission Deadline has passed for the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day following that on which the Settlement Calendar specifies that the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run for Settlement Day d is to take place; and

(iii) the algebraic sum of Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness for Imbalance Party p in relation to that Settlement Period and all prior Settlement Periods in days falling within the twenty nine day period for which neither paragraphs 1.2.1(a)(i) or 1.2.1(a)(ii) applies;

(b) a reference to an Imbalance Party's Energy Indebtedness at any time is to its Energy Indebtedness in relation to the latest Settlement Period for which the Submission Deadline occurred before such time;

(c) in relation to a Settlement Period, the twenty nine day period means the period of twenty nine Settlement Days expiring on (and including) the Settlement Day which includes that Settlement Period;

(d) for the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1(a)(i), where (by the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day containing the Settlement Period j), the ECVAA has not received the Interim Information Settlement Run data from the SAA in accordance with Section T5.3.5 for any Settlement Day d within the twenty nine day period to which paragraph 1.2.1(a)(i) applies (other than as a result of a delay in the Interim Information Settlement Run in accordance with Section T1.4), the ECVAA shall use the Metered Energy Indebtedness for the Settlement Periods in that Settlement Day d but without prejudice to paragraph 4;

(e) for the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1(a)(ii), where (by the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day containing the Settlement Period j), the ECVAA has not received the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run data from the CDCA in accordance with Section R5.7.1(d) for any Settlement Day d within the twenty nine day period to which paragraph 1.2.1(a)(ii) applies, the ECVAA shall use the Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness for the Settlement Periods in that Settlement Day d but without prejudice to paragraph 4;

(f) in relation to an Imbalance Party and Settlement Day, where BSCCo:

(i) is aware that the ECVAA has not received relevant Interim Information Settlement Run data from the SAA in accordance with Section T5.3.5; or

(ii) is aware that the ECVAA has not received relevant Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run data from the CDCA in accordance with Section R5.7.1(d); or

(iii) has substantial evidence or other reasons to believe that the data to be derived from the Initial Settlement Run for that Imbalance Party and that Settlement Day are likely to be significantly different (in the context of that particular Imbalance Party) from the corresponding Interim Information Settlement Run data received by the ECVAA from the SAA in accordance with Section T5.3.5; or

(iv) has substantial evidence or other reasons to believe that the data to be derived from the Initial Volume Allocation Run for that Imbalance Party and that Settlement Day are likely to be significantly different (in the context of that particular Imbalance Party) from the corresponding Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run data received from the CDCA in accordance with Section R5.7.1(d);

the absence of such data or the likelihood of such a significant difference (as the case may be) may, if BSCCo so decides and to the extent that it materially affects matters, constitute a material doubt for the purposes of paragraph 3.4.3(a); and

(g) where an Imbalance Party elects to submit, to BSCCo, such evidence as is referred to in paragraph 1.2.1(f), BSCCo must review that evidence as soon as practicable after receiving it, but must verify any opinion formed in relation to such evidence as soon as practicable after receiving a level 1 default notice (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1(a)(ii)) in relation to that Imbalance Party.

1.2.2 For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1, the Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEIpj, in MWh) of a Trading Party p in relation to a Settlement Period shall be determined as follows:

CEIpj = – (( Σa,i CAQCEiaj+ Σa,i CAQDEiaj ) – Σa QABCaj )


(a) summation on 'a' extends to the Production Energy Account and Consumption Energy Account of the Trading Party,

(b) CAQCEiaj is the Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume in accordance with paragraph 1.2.3, and

1.2.2A For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1, the Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEIpj, in MWh) of a Virtual Lead Party p that holds a Virtual Balancing Account in relation to a Settlement Period shall be determined as follows:

CEIpj = 0

1.2.3 The Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (CAQCEiaj, in MWh) shall be determined:

(a) for each BM Unit which is:

(i) a Consumption BM Unit; or

(ii) a Production BM Unit whose Relevant Capacity is not greater than zero,

and in either case is:

(iii) not a Supplier BM Unit whose Demand Capacity is zero and whose Generation Capacity is greater than zero;

(iv) not an Interconnector BM Unit;

(v) not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit; and

(vi) not a Secondary BM Unit,

and for each Energy Account which is a Subsidiary Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

CAQCEiaj = (SPD * BMCAICi) * (QMPRiaj/100) + QMFRiaj

(b) for each BM Unit which is:

(i) a Production BM Unit whose Relevant Capacity is greater than zero; or

(ii) a Supplier BM Unit whose Demand Capacity is zero and whose Generation Capacity is greater than zero,

and in either case is:

(iii) not an Interconnector BM Unit;

(iv) not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit; and

(v) not a Secondary BM Unit,

and for each Energy Account which is a Subsidiary Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

CAQCEiaj = (SPD * BMCAECi) * (QMPRiaj/100) + QMFRiaj

(c) for each BM Unit which is:

(i) a Consumption BM Unit; or

(ii) a Production BM Unit whose Relevant Capacity is not greater than zero ,

and in either case is:

(iii) not a Supplier BM Unit whose Demand Capacity is zero and whose Generation Capacity is greater than zero;

(iv) not an Interconnector BM Unit;

(v) not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit; and

(vi) not a Secondary BM Unit,

and for the Energy Account which is the Lead Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

CAQCEiaj = (SPD * BMCAICi) – Σa CAQCEiaj

(d) for each BM Unit which is:

(i) a Production BM Unit whose Relevant Capacity is greater than zero; or

(ii) a Supplier BM Unit whose Demand Capacity is zero and whose Generation Capacity is greater than zero,

and in either case is:

(iii) not an Interconnector BM Unit;

(iv) not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit; and

(v) not a Secondary BM Unit,

and for the Energy Account which is the Lead Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

CAQCEiaj = (SPD * BMCAECi) – Σa CAQCEiaj

(e) for each Subsidiary Energy Account for each Interconnector BM Unit and for each Credit Qualifying BM Unit, as follows:

CAQCEiaj = FPNij * (QMPRiaj/100) + QMFRiaj

(f) for the Lead Energy Account for each Interconnector BM Unit and for each Credit Qualifying BM Unit, as follows:

CAQCEiaj = FPNij - Σa CAQCEiaj

where, for the purposes of paragraphs 1.2.3(c), 1.2.3(d) and 1.2.3(f) only, Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts other than the Lead Energy Account.

1.2.3A For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.3, FPNij for any Settlement Period shall be calculated using the data received by the ECVAA for that Settlement Period in accordance with Section Q6.1A.1. Where such data is not so received or calculated, the value of FPNij shall be that which was applied in the previous Settlement Period.

1.2.3B For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.2, the Credit Assessment Credited Deviation Volume (CAQDEiaj) shall only be calculated for Trading Secondary BM Units for Settlement Periods to which a Wholesale Market Activity Notification relates and shall be determined as follows:

(a) where the Relevant Capacity is GC then CAQDEiaj = (0.5 * SBMCAECi)

(b) where the Relevant Capacity is DC then CAQDEiaj = (0.5 * SBMCAICi)

where SBMCAECi is Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability and SBMCAICi is Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability determined in accordance with paragraph 1.6.1.

1.2.4 A change in the value of BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability or BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability for a BM Unit shall apply for the purposes of the determination of values of Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (for relevant Imbalance Parties) in respect of Settlement Periods from and including the first Settlement Period of the day on which, in accordance with paragraph 1.6, the change becomes effective.

1.2.4A For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1, the Metered Energy Indebtedness (MEIpj, in MWh) of a Trading Party p in relation to a Settlement Period shall be determined as follows:

MEIpj = – ( Σa,i MAQCEiaj+ Σa,i MAQDEiaj) – Σa QABCaj)


(a) summation on 'a' extends to the Production Energy Account and Consumption Energy Account of the Trading Party; and

(b) MAQCEiaj is the Metered Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.4B; and

(c) MAQDEiaj is the Metered Credit Assessment Credited Deviation Volume determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.4E

1.2.4B The Metered Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (MAQCEiaj in MWh) shall be determined:

(a) for each BM Unit which meets all the requirements in paragraph 1.2.4C, and for each Energy Account which is a Subsidiary Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

MAQCEiaj = QMij * (QMPRiaj/100) + QMFRiaj

(b) for each BM Unit which meets all the requirements in paragraph 1.2.4C, and for the Energy Account which is the Lead Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

MAQCEiaj = QMij - Σa MAQCEiaj

(c) for each BM Unit which does not meet all of the requirements in paragraph 1.2.4C, and for each Energy Account, as follows:


where, for the purpose of paragraph 1.2.4B(b), Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts other than the Lead Energy Account.

1.2.4C The requirements referred to in paragraph 1.2.4B are that:

(a) the BM Unit is a Credit Qualifying BM Unit;

(b) the BM Unit is not a Supplier BM Unit;

(c) the BM Unit is not a Secondary BM Unit; and

(d) Metered Volumes were determined by the CDCA for the BM Unit in the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run for Settlement Period j.

1.2.4D For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1, the Metered Energy Indebtedness (MEIpj, in MWh) of a Virtual Lead Party p that holds a Virtual Balancing Account in relation to a Settlement Period shall be determined as follows:

MEIpj = 0

1.2.4E The Metered Credit Assessment Credited Deviation Volume (MAQDEiaj in MWh) shall be determined:


and shall only be calculated for Trading Secondary BM Units.

1.2.5 For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1, in relation to a Settlement Day d, the Actual Energy Indebtedness of Imbalance Party p (AEIp, expressed in MWh) shall be determined as follows:

AEIp = Trading Charges / CAP


(a) CAP is the Credit Assessment Price in accordance with paragraph 1.4 prevailing at the time the relevant calculation is to be made by the ECVAA; and

(b) The Trading Charges are the single net credit or debit amount (expressed in £) for that Imbalance Party, determined by the Interim Information Settlement Run, for Settlement Day d as referred to in Section T5.3.3(c).

1.2.6 The ECVAA shall determine each Imbalance Party's Energy Indebtedness in relation to each Settlement Period as soon as reasonably practicable after the Submission Deadline for that Settlement Period.

1.3 Authority for steps under Sections M and P

1.3.1 In relation to the provisions of this Section M and Section P (and without prejudice to the generality of Section U2.6, but without prejudice to the ability of an Imbalance Party to raise a Trading Dispute), each Imbalance Party:

(a) acknowledges that the calculation of Energy Indebtedness and other matters to be calculated under this Section M involves the possibility of error;

(b) agrees that (subject to paragraph 3.2.4) the steps provided for in paragraph 3 and Sections P2.5 and P3.5 are to be taken notwithstanding any such error;

(c) acknowledges that such Imbalance Party may avoid any such steps being taken, including by providing additional Credit Cover (on the basis that it may withdraw such additional Credit Cover in accordance with paragraph 2.3.3 following resolution of such error).

1.3.2 Each Imbalance Party:

(a) hereby authorises the Panel, any Panel Committee, BSCCo, the ECVAA and the SAA to take any step contemplated by paragraph 3 and Sections P2.5 and P3.5; and

(b) agrees that (without prejudice to the generality of any other provision of the Code which limits or excludes liability), the Panel, each Panel Committee, BSCCo, and each BSC Agent shall have no liability (in contract or tort including negligence or otherwise) to such Imbalance Party for the taking of any such step, except as provided in paragraph 4, and waives any such liability that any such body or person might otherwise have.

1.3.3 Nothing in paragraph 1.3.2(b) shall exclude or limit the liability of any person for death or personal injury resulting from that person's negligence.

1.4 Credit Assessment Price

1.4.1 For the purposes of the Code the "Credit Assessment Price" shall be such amount (in £/MWh) as the Panel shall from time to time determine, after consultation with Imbalance Parties, as the price which it would be appropriate to use to determine the equivalent financial amount of Imbalance Parties' Energy Indebtedness for the purposes of this Section M.

1.4.2 Whenever the Panel determines to revise the Credit Assessment Price:

(a) the Panel shall notify the revised Credit Assessment Price to each Imbalance Party, the FAA and the ECVAA;

(b) the revised Credit Assessment Price shall be effective for the purposes of the Code from the date determined by the Panel pursuant to paragraph (c), which shall not be earlier than the tenth Business Day following the date of notification by the Panel under paragraph (a);

(c) subject to paragraph (b), the notice period for implementing revisions to the Credit Assessment Price shall be specified by the Panel from time to time after consultation with Imbalance Parties.

1.5 Credit Assessment Load Factor

1.5.1 The Panel shall establish and may from time to time revise, and shall provide to BSCCo and make available to all Trading Parties, principles or guidance as to the basis on which values of Credit Assessment Load Factor are to be assigned to BM Units of different types (of such descriptions as the Panel shall decide).

1.5.2 Where (in accordance with Section K3) a Party applies to register a Primary BM Unit or a Supplier is to be registered as holding Base BM Units:

(a) the CRA shall so notify BSCCo;

(b) BSCCo shall (in accordance with the prevailing principles or guidance established by the Panel under paragraph 1.5.1) determine and notify to the CRA and to the Party a value of Credit Assessment Load Factor for such (or each such) Primary BM Unit.

1.5.3 BSCCo may from time to time determine (in accordance with the prevailing principles or guidance established by the Panel under paragraph 1.5.1) and notify to the CRA and the Lead Party a revised value of Credit Assessment Load Factor for a Primary BM Unit, together with the date (not sooner than twenty Business Days after such notification, unless the Lead Party agrees otherwise) with effect from which such value is to become effective.

1.5.4 A Party shall, if requested by BSCCo, provide to BSCCo such information as BSCCo may reasonably so request for the purposes of determining a value or revised value of Credit Assessment Load Factor for any Primary BM Unit of which that Party is or has applied to be Lead Party.

1.5.5 Any value of Credit Assessment Load Factor determined and notified pursuant to paragraph 1.5.2(b) or 1.5.3 by BSCCo shall be the Credit Assessment Load Factor for the BM Unit upon its registration or (as the case may be) the effective date notified under paragraph 1.5.3, and shall be binding on all Parties for that purpose, but without prejudice to paragraph 1.5.6.

1.5.6 The Lead Party in respect of a Primary BM Unit may, within a period of two months following:

(a) the determination by BSCCo of a value or revised value of Credit Assessment Load Factor, or

(b) any revision by the Panel of the principles or guidance under paragraph 1.5.1

by notice to the Panel Secretary request the Panel to re-determine the value of Credit Assessment Load Factor for the time being applying in respect of the Primary BM Unit.

1.5.7 The Panel will consider any request of a Party pursuant to paragraph 1.5.6, wherever practicable at the next meeting of the Panel, and will either confirm the prevailing value or determine a new value of Credit Assessment Load Factor, and BSCCo shall notify the decision of the Panel to the Party and the CRA.

1.5.8 Where the Panel is requested to redetermine the value of Credit Assessment Load Factor for a Primary BM Unit, the Panel may do so without reference to the principles and guidance for the time being established under paragraph 1.5.1 if it considers it appropriate to do so.

1.5.9 Where the Panel determines (pursuant to paragraph 1.5.7) a new value of Credit Assessment Load Factor, that value shall become the Credit Assessment Load Factor for the Primary BM Unit with effect from the third Business Day (or such later day as the Panel may decide) after the meeting of the Panel at which it was decided.

1.5A Annual Holiday Periods

For purposes associated with the Credit Assessment Load Factor the "Annual Holiday Periods" for any BSC Year shall be the periods:

(a) commencing on the Thursday immediately prior to Good Friday and concluding on the Tuesday next following Easter Monday (inclusive); and

(b) commencing on the relevant commencement day and concluding on the relevant conclusion day (inclusive) in accordance with the following table:

Christmas Eve falls:

commencement day:

New Years Day falls:

conclusion day:


preceding Saturday


following Tuesday


preceding Saturday


following Tuesday


preceding Saturday


following Wednesday


that day


following Thursday


that day


following Sunday


that day


following Sunday


that day


following Tuesday

1.6 Import and Export Capabilities

1.6.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) the BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (BMCAECi) for a Primary BM Unit on a CALF Working Day shall be the quantity (in MW) determined as follows:


(b) the BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (BMCAECi) for a Primary BM Unit on a CALF Non-Working Day shall be the quantity (in MW) determined as follows:


(c) the BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (BMCAICi) for a Primary BM Unit on a CALF Working Day shall be the quantity (in MW) determined as follows:


(d) the BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (BMCAICi) for a BM Unit on a CALF Non-Working Day shall be the quantity (in MW) determined as follows:


(e) the Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (SBMCAECi) for a Trading Secondary BM Unit shall be the quantity (in MW) determined as follows:


(f) the Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (SBMCAICi) for a Trading Secondary BM Unit shall be the quantity (in MW) determined as follows:



WDCALFi is the Credit Assessment Load Factor applying in relation to the relevant Primary BM Unit on a CALF Working Day;

NWDCALFi is the Credit Assessment Load Factor applying in relation to the relevant Primary BM Unit on a CALF Non-Working Day;

SCALFi is the Credit Assessment Load Factor applying in relation to the relevant Trading Secondary BM Unit;

GCi is the Generation Capacity of the Primary BM Unit; and

DCi is the Demand Capacity of the Primary BM Unit.

1.6.2 For each Primary BM Unit the CRA shall:

(a) upon the registration of the Primary BM Unit, and

(b) thereafter upon any change in the Credit Assessment Load Factor, Generation Capacity or (as the case may be) Demand Capacity of the Primary BM Unit

determine and record in the CRS the BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability or (as the case may be) BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability for that Primary BM Unit.

1.7 Material Doubt Guidance

1.7.1 The Panel shall establish, and may from time to time revise, and shall provide to BSCCo and shall make available to all Imbalance Parties, principles or guidance as to the basis on which the existence or absence of material doubt is to be established by BSCCo for the purposes of paragraph 3.4.3(a)(ii).

1.8 Final Physical Notification Data Review

1.8.1 The Panel may review a Lead Party’s compliance with Section Q3.2 and in connection with any such review:

(a) the NETSO or the applicable Distribution System Operator shall provide to the Panel such information reasonably requested by the Panel that is relevant to a review of any submission of Final Physical Notification Data; and

(b) the Lead Party shall provide to the Panel such information reasonably requested by the Panel to justify the Lead Party’s submission of Final Physical Notification Data under Section Q3.2.


2.1 Provision of Credit Cover

2.1.1 An Imbalance Party may on any Business Day provide Credit Cover by delivering to the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer:

(a) a Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product valid for an initial period of not less than three months, and/or

(b) cash which will be credited by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer to the Reserve Account.

2.1.2 An Imbalance Party may from time to time (by giving notice to the FAA) alter the amounts provided (as Credit Cover) between different Letters of Credit and/or Approved Insurance Products and/or by way of Letter of Credit, Approved Insurance Product and cash, provided that (but without prejudice to paragraph 2.3.1) the amount of the Credit Cover provided by the Imbalance Party is not thereby reduced.

2.1.3 The amount of an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover at any time shall be:

(a) the sum of:

(i) the maximum undrawn amount for the time being of any Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product delivered by it, and

(ii) the principal amount of any cash paid by it (for value not later than that time) and credited to the Reserve Account by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer;


(b) the sum of any amounts payable by the Imbalance Party in respect of Trading Charges which:

(i) have become due for payment and have not been paid by the Imbalance Party on the relevant Payment Date in accordance with Section N, and

(ii) remain unpaid at such time.

Provided that if the amount so determined is negative, the amount of the Credit Cover shall be zero.

2.1.4 The forms of the Letter of Credit (as provided in the definition thereof) are set out in Annex M-1, Annex M-2 and Annex M-3.

2.1.5 The requirements for any Approved Insurance Product (as provided in the definition thereof) are set out in Annex M-4.

2.2 Letter of Credit and Approved Insurance Product

2.2.1 Without prejudice to paragraphs 2.1.2 and 2.3, where an Imbalance Party has delivered a Letter of Credit and/or an Approved Insurance Product (the "current" Letter of Credit or the "current" Approved Insurance Product) by way of providing Credit Cover:

(a) not later than ten Business Days before the current Letter of Credit or the current Approved Insurance Product is due to expire, the Imbalance Party shall:

(i) provide to the FAA confirmation from the issuing bank or regulated insurance company that the validity of the current Letter of Credit or the current Approved Insurance Product will be extended by a further period of not less than three months, or

(ii) provide to the FAA a new Letter of Credit or a new Approved Insurance Product, valid for a period of not less than three months commencing not later than the expiry of the current Letter of Credit and/or the current Approved Insurance Product and for an amount not less than that of the current Letter of Credit and/or current Approved Insurance Product;

(b) if at any time the issuing bank or regulated insurance company ceases to have the required credit rating specified in the definition of Letter of Credit or in the definition of Approved Insurance Product, the Imbalance Party shall forthwith and in any event within three Business Days after notice from the FAA, either:

(i) provide to the FAA a new Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product, issued by a bank or a regulated insurance company which has such required credit rating, valid for a period of not less than three months; and/or

(ii) deliver cash to the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1

and the amount of any new Letter of Credit and/or an Approved Insurance Product plus cash so delivered shall not be less than that of the current Letter of Credit or the current Approved Insurance Product;

(c) where paragraph (b) applies, the current Letter of Credit or current Approved Insurance Product shall continue to be counted in determining the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover during the period (of up to three Business Days) until the Imbalance Party provides a new Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product as referred to in that paragraph.

2.2.2 If in relation to a Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product an Imbalance Party fails to comply (by the time therein required) with paragraph 2.2.1(a) or (b), the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall immediately, without notice to the Imbalance Party, demand payment of the entire amount of the Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product and credit the Reserve Account with the proceeds.

2.2.3 Where an Imbalance Party has provided a Letter of Credit or an Approved Insurance Product, the FAA shall notify the Imbalance Party of the date on which it is due to expire, not less than twenty Business Days before that date (but any failure of the FAA to do so shall not prejudice the application of paragraphs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2).

2.3 Reduction of Credit Cover

2.3.1 If an Imbalance Party wishes at any time to reduce the amount of its Credit Cover:

(a) the Imbalance Party shall give notice to that effect to the ECVAA;

(b) the ECVAA shall determine and notify to the FAA and the Imbalance Party, on the first Business Day after the expiry of the waiting period, the minimum eligible amount;

(c) the Imbalance Party may, not later than the second Business Day following the ECVAA's notification under paragraph (b), by notice to the FAA request, and the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall consent to:

(i) a reduction in the amount of a Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product provided by the Imbalance Party, and/or

(ii) a withdrawal of cash deposited by the Imbalance Party

provided that the amount of the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover following such reduction and/or withdrawal is not less than the minimum eligible amount and that that Imbalance Party is not in default of any obligation to make a payment to the BSC Clearer and (subject to paragraph 2.3.1(A) and 2.3A) is not a Defaulting Party (as defined in Section H3).

2.3.1A Where at any time an Imbalance Party:

(a) is in Default solely by virtue of Section H 3.1.1(g); and

(b) has given a Withdrawal Notice pursuant to Section A5.1 which remains effective; and

(c) is not prevented from withdrawing from the Code or ceasing to be a party to the Framework Agreement by virtue of Section A5.1.3,

then such Imbalance Party shall not be precluded from being entitled to:

(1) a reduction in the amount of a Letter of Credit or an Approved Insurance Product provided by it; and/or

(2) a withdrawal of cash deposited by it.

2.3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 2.3.1:

(a) the "waiting period" is the period of ten Settlement Days commencing with the Settlement Day on which the Imbalance Party's notice under paragraph 2.3.1(a) was received by the ECVAA;

(b) the "minimum eligible amount" is the lowest amount for which the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage, if it were redetermined for each Settlement Period in the waiting period on the assumption that the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover were equal to that amount, would be not greater than seventy five (75) per cent (%) in relation to any such Settlement Period.

2.3.3 If at any time:

(a) the ECVAA has given to an Imbalance Party a level 1 default notice which was not cancelled pursuant to paragraph 3.2.4, or notified an Imbalance Party that it is in Credit Default;

(b) following such notice or notification the Imbalance Party provided additional Credit Cover; and

(c) after the Imbalance Party provided additional Credit Cover, the ECVAA established that, or it is determined pursuant to Section W that, the level 1 default notice should not have been given or that the Imbalance Party was not in Credit Default.

then paragraph 2.3.4 shall apply.

2.3.4 In the circumstances described in paragraph 2.3.3:

(a) the Imbalance Party may reduce the amount of its Credit Cover, by an amount not exceeding the amount of the additional Credit Cover provided by it as referred to in paragraph 2.3.3(b), in accordance with paragraph 2.3, but on the basis that:

(i) the waiting period is a period of one Settlement Day;

(ii) the figure of eighty (80) per cent (%) is substituted for seventy five (75) per cent (%) in paragraph 2.3.2(b);

(b) except as provided in paragraph 4, the Imbalance Party shall have no other claim or remedy for having so provided additional Credit Cover.

2.3A Reduction of Credit Cover for Non-Supplier Trading Party

2.3A.1 Where a Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party which is in Default solely by virtue of Section H 3.1.1(g) wishes to reduce the amount of its Credit Cover it shall make a submission in writing.

2.3A.2 Following a request submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.3A.1, at the next Panel meeting following confirmation by BSCCo that the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party meets the conditions set out in paragraph 2.3A.5 the Panel shall consider and take a decision as to whether there is any reason why the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party should not be entitled to:

(a) a reduction in the amount of a Letter of Credit or Approved Insurance Product provided by the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party; and/or

(b) a withdrawal of cash deposited by the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party.

2.3A.3 At the time the Panel makes its decision:

(a) the amount of the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party's Credit Cover following such reduction and/or withdrawal shall be the amount calculated in accordance with paragraph 2.3A.6; and

(b) the Non-Supplier Trading Party is a Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party which is in Default solely by virtue of Section H.3.1.1(g); and

(c) the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party meets the conditions set out in 2.3A.5.

2.3A.4 If the Panel considers that there is insufficient information available to it to enable it to take the decision referred to in paragraph 2.3A.2 in respect of a request by the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party for a reduction in Credit Cover then the Panel may defer consideration of the request until the next succeeding Panel meeting provided that, in so doing, the Panel shall prescribe the steps which need to be taken (by BSCCo, the Non Supplier Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party or otherwise) to enable the Panel to decide the matter at such subsequent meeting.

2.3A.5 In accordance with paragraph 2.3A.2 the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party must meet each of the following conditions:

(a) at the date it gives notice pursuant to paragraph 2.3A.1:

(i) there are no Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications in force, in respect of which the Trading Party is a Contract Trading Party, relating to Settlement Periods after that date and containing Energy Contract Volume Data or Metered Volume Reallocation Data with non-zero values; and

(ii) the Non-Supplier Trading Party has terminated all ECVNA Authorisations and MVRNA Authorisations made under its authority;


(b) the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party shall have paid any and all Trading Charges payable up to or on the Payment Date; and

(c) the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party shall have paid any and all BSC Charges payable up to the date that it gives notice pursuant to paragraph 2.3A.1 in accordance with Section D Annex D4 and D5; and

(d) the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party shall have completed de-registration (in accordance with Section K and BSCP15) from ownership of any BM Units for which it was registered by the date it gives notice pursuant to paragraph 2.3A.1; and

(e) the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party shall have an Energy Indebtedness of zero or less than zero continuously over the period of thirty days immediately preceding to the giving of notice pursuant to paragraph 2.3A.1.

2.3A.6 Any reduction in or withdrawal of Credit Cover in relation to paragraph 2.3A shall be made in accordance with the following sum:

The amount of Credit Required (CR, in £) required by a Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party shall be calculated as follows:

x(1,2,3,F)NRxSPRx(j)max(RxCj,0)RxSP size 12{ Sum cSub { size 8{x func ∈ \( 1,2,3,F \) } } {} ital "NRxSP"* { { Sum rSub { size 8{ ital "Rx" \( j \) } } {"max" \( ital "RxC" rSub { size 8{j} } ,0 \) } } over { ital "RxSP"} } } {}


RxSP is the count of all Settlement Periods falling any time up to a year before the date on which the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party in question ceased trading for which the Rx Reconciliation Run has been performed or if this number is less than 1440 (thirty days) then 1440.

ΣRx(j) represents summation over all Settlement Periods falling within a year before the date on which the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party in question ceased trading for which the Rx Reconciliation Run has been performed or if the number of Settlement Periods in this sum is less than 1440, then the summation over the last 1440 Settlement Periods for which the Rx Reconciliation Run has been performed.

RxCj represents the Reconciliation Charges (as defined in Section N6.4.3) payable by the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party (summed across its accounts) due to the Rx Reconciliation Run in the relevant Settlement Period.

NRxSP represents the count of all Settlement Periods up to and including the date on which the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party ceased trading for which the Rx Reconciliation Run has not been performed.

For the purposes of paragraph2.3A the date that the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party ceased trading shall be the earliest date on which there are no Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications in force in respect of which the Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party is a Contract Trading Party and there is no credited Energy in either the Production or Consumption Account of such Non-Supplier Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party.

2.3A.7 For the purposes of paragraph 2.3A a Non-Supplier Trading Party shall be a Trading Party which is not:

(a) a Supplier; or

(b) a Subsidiary Party in a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification where the Lead Party in the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification was a Supplier where the percentage value is greater than zero;

and in all cases this shall have been the case for any Settlement Day for which a Final Reconciliation Settlement Run has not been performed.

2.3A.8 For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 2.3.3 applies in connection with this paragraph 2.3A.

2.4 Determination of Energy Credit Cover

2.4.1 An Imbalance Party's "Energy Credit Cover" (ECCp) at any time is the amount (in MWh) determined as:



CCp is the amount of the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover at that time;

CAP is the Credit Assessment Price prevailing at such time.

2.4.2 The FAA shall:

(a) monitor the amount of each Imbalance Party's Credit Cover;

(b) determine in accordance with paragraph 2.4.1 the amount from time to time of each Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover;

(c) notify to the ECVAA, the Imbalance Party and BSCCo the amount of each Trading Party's Energy Credit Cover:

(i) on the day on which that Party becomes an Imbalance Party; and

(ii) upon each occasion on which the amount of such Energy Credit Cover changes, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the change.

2.4.3 For the purposes of this Section M, a reference to the amount of an Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover is to the amount most recently notified by the FAA to the ECVAA under paragraph 2.4.2(c) (or to an amount of zero if no such amount has been so notified).

2.4.4 For the purposes of paragraph 4, the time at which (upon a change as referred to in paragraph 2.4.2(c)(ii)) the correct amount of an Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover should be notified by the FAA to the ECVAA, shall be 17:00 hours on the Business Day after the change occurred, or such earlier time as the correct amount was actually so notified.


3.1 General

3.1.1 In relation to any Settlement Period, an Imbalance Party's "Credit Cover Percentage" (CCPpj, %) is:

(a) where ECCp does not equal zero:

CCPpj = (EIpj / ECCp ) * 100

(b) where ECCp equals zero:


if EIpj = 0, then CCPpj = 0

if EIpj > 0, then CCPpj = + 1000

if EIpj < 0, then CCPpj = - 1000


EIpj is the Imbalance Party's Energy Indebtedness in relation to that Settlement Period;

ECCp is the amount of the Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover most recently notified by the FAA under paragraph 2.4.2(c).

3.1.2 In relation to a Settlement Period, an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage "becomes" greater, or not greater, than a specified percentage where:

(a) such Credit Cover Percentage in relation to that Settlement Period is greater, or (as the case may be) not greater, than that percentage, and

(b) the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage in relation to the preceding Settlement Period was not greater, or (as the case may be) was greater, than that percentage.

3.1.3 Where under this Section M:

(a) the ECVAA is required or entitled to take any step in relation to any Settlement Period in which an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes greater, or not greater, or less, than a specified percentage, and

(b) the ECVAA does not (within the time required under this Section M) take that step in relation to that Settlement Period

nothing in this Section M shall prevent the ECVAA from taking that step in relation to any later Settlement Period in relation to which that Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage remains greater, or (as the case may be) not greater, or less, than the specified percentage.

3.1.4 The ECVAA will:

(a) for each Settlement Period, as soon as practicable after the Submission Deadline, determine the Credit Cover Percentage for each Imbalance Party; and

(b) for each Settlement Day, as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of the Settlement Day, notify each Imbalance Party of its Credit Cover Percentage as calculated in respect of the last Settlement Period in that Settlement Day.

3.2 Level 1 Credit Default

3.2.1 If in relation to any Settlement Period an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage, as determined by the ECVAA, becomes greater than eighty (80) per cent (%):

(a) the ECVAA shall, as soon as possible after the Submission Deadline:

(i) give notice ("level 1 default notice") to the Imbalance Party to that effect (in addition to the notification under paragraph 3.1.4); and

(ii) submit a copy of such notice to BSCCo; and

(b) the Imbalance Party may, at any time before the expiry of the Query Period, give notice ("default query notice") to the ECVAA that it considers that its Credit Cover Percentage has been determined erroneously, and may provide information supporting its view.

3.2.2 In relation to any level 1 default notice, the "Query Period" is the period commencing at the Submission Deadline for the Settlement Period in relation to which the ECVAA determines that the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes greater than eighty (80) per cent (%) and ending after the shortest duration to include:

(a) twenty four hours; and

(b) five consecutive hours occurring during Business Hours in a single Business Day

after the time at which the level 1 default notice is treated as received by the Imbalance Party (in accordance with Section O).

3.2.3 If an Imbalance Party gives a default query notice to the ECVAA:

(a) the ECVAA shall, before the expiry of the Query Period, review its determination of the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage and if the Imbalance Party so requests, shall discuss the same by telephone with a representative of the Imbalance Party;

(b) if requested by the ECVAA, the Imbalance Party shall provide further information and explanation in support of its view that the ECVAA's determination of the Credit Cover Percentage was erroneous;

(c) at the expiry of the Query Period (and whether or not any consensus has been reached between the ECVAA and the Imbalance Party as to the matters notified by the Imbalance Party), the ECVAA will redetermine the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage for the relevant Settlement Period (and for the avoidance of doubt, such redetermination may be the same as its original determination), and will give notice to the Imbalance Party of the Credit Cover Percentage as redetermined;

(d) the ECVAA will correct its determination of the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage for any subsequent Settlement Period, so far as such determination is shown to be erroneous by reference to (or to the matters taken into account in) the ECVAA's redetermination under paragraph (c).

3.2.4 If the redetermined Credit Cover Percentage under paragraph 3.2.3(c) is not greater than eighty (80) per cent (%) the level 1 default notice will be deemed to be cancelled and no further action taken under this paragraph 3.2 in relation to Energy Indebtedness in the relevant Settlement Period (but without prejudice to the application of this paragraph 3.2 in relation to any later Settlement Period).

3.2.5 If the redetermined Credit Cover Percentage under paragraph 3.2.3(c) is greater than eighty (80) per cent (%), or if no default query notice was given, the Imbalance Party shall secure that its Credit Cover Percentage becomes not greater than seventy five (75) per cent (%) in relation to at least one Settlement Period in the period (the "Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period"):

(a) commencing on the expiry of the Query Period, and

(b) expiring at 2400 hours on the first Business Day after the day in which the Query Period expires.

3.2.6 At the end of the Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period, if the Credit Cover Percentage (as determined by the ECVAA in relation to each Settlement Period) was greater than seventy five (75) per cent (%) in relation to every Settlement Period in the Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period, then subject to an authorisation notice being in force in relation to that Imbalance Party pursuant to paragraph 3.4 (or if later, with effect from such notice being given):

(a) the Trading Party shall be in "Level 1 Credit Default";

(b) the ECVAA shall (as soon as reasonably practicable following the expiry of the Level 1 Default Cure Period) notify the Imbalance Party that it is in Level 1 Credit Default and post on the BMRS or the BSC Website a Level 1 Credit Default statement in relation to the Imbalance Party.

3.2.7 The Imbalance Party will cease to be in Level 1 Credit Default with effect from the Submission Deadline for the next Settlement Period (if any) in relation to which the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes not greater than seventy five (75) per cent (%); and as soon as practicable after the Submission Deadline for that Settlement Period the ECVAA will cancel the Level 1 Credit Default statement on the BMRS or (as the case may be) the BSC Website.

3.3 Level 2 Credit Default

3.3.1 If, in relation to any Settlement Period (period J), an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage as determined by the ECVAA becomes greater than ninety (90) per cent (%), irrespective of whether or not Settlement Period J falls in a Query Period or a Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period (in accordance with paragraph 3.2), then subject to an authorisation notice being in force in relation to that Imbalance Party pursuant to paragraph 3.4 (or if later, with effect from such notice being given):

(a) the Imbalance Party shall be in "Level 2 Credit Default";

(b) the ECVAA shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J, notify the Imbalance Party that it is in Level 2 Credit Default and post a Level 2 Credit Default statement on the BMRS or the BSC Website in relation to the Imbalance Party.

3.3.2 The Imbalance Party will cease to be in Level 2 Credit Default with effect from the Submission Deadline for the next Settlement Period (if any) in relation to which the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes not greater than ninety (90) per cent (%); and as soon as practicable after the Submission Deadline for that Settlement Period the ECVAA will cancel the Level 2 Credit Default statement on the BMRS or the BSC Website.

3.3.3 Where an Imbalance Party is in Level 2 Credit Default:

(a) for the purposes of the provisions of Section P as to the refusal and rejection of Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications, subject to paragraph 3.3.5:

(i) the "Credit Default Refusal Period" is the period from the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J+4 until the Submission Deadline for the Settlement Period after the first subsequent Settlement Period in relation to which the Credit Cover Percentage for the Imbalance Party becomes not greater than ninety (90) per cent (%);

(ii) the "Credit Default Rejection Period" is the period from the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J+4 until the Submission Deadline for the third Settlement Period after the first subsequent Settlement Period in relation to which the Credit Cover Percentage for the Imbalance Party becomes not greater than ninety (90) per cent (%);

(b) as soon as reasonably practicable after the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J, the ECVAA will post on the BMRS or (as the case may be) the BSC Website a notice of the start of the Credit Default Rejection Period in relation to the Imbalance Party (but a failure to post such notice will have no effect in relation to the start of the Credit Default Rejection Period).

3.3.4 For the purposes of paragraph 3.3.3, a relevant Query Period is the Query Period in relation to any Settlement Period, not later than Settlement Period J, for which the Imbalance Party had given a default query notice.

3.3.5 The following provisions apply for the purposes of addressing delays in the completion of credit checking (and references in the Code to Credit Default Refusal Periods and Credit Default Rejection Periods shall be construed accordingly):

(a) a Credit Default Refusal Period and a Credit Default Rejection Period shall not commence if credit checking for Settlement Period J is not completed by the half-hour deadline, but without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.3;

(b) a Credit Default Refusal Period excludes the period from the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J until credit checking for that Settlement Period is completed;

(c) a Credit Default Refusal Period excludes the period (if any) from completion of credit checking for the Submission Deadline for the first subsequent Settlement Period referred to in paragraph 3.3.3(a)(i) until the half-hour deadline;

(d) if a Credit Default Refusal Period has commenced and credit checking for any Settlement Period has not been completed by the half-hour deadline, the Credit Default Refusal Period shall be suspended (and accordingly exclude the period) from the time at which the ECVAA determines that credit checking has not been completed by the half-hour deadline, until such time as credit checking for a Settlement Period is completed by the half-hour deadline;

(e) if a Credit Default Rejection Period has commenced and credit checking for any Settlement Period (the "relevant" Settlement Period) has not been completed by the half-hour deadline, the Submission Deadline for the third Settlement Period after the relevant Settlement Period shall be considered (for the purposes of the Code including Sections P2.5.2 and P3.5.2) not to fall within the Credit Default Rejection Period.

3.3.6 For the purposes of paragraph 3.3.5, in relation to each Settlement Period:

(a) completion of credit checking means the time (determined by the ECVAA) at which the ECVAA completes the determination, for each Imbalance Party, of Credit Cover Percentage pursuant to paragraph 3.1.4(a); and references to credit checking being completed shall be construed accordingly;

(b) references to a case in which credit checking is not completed by the half-hour deadline include a case where the ECVAA has earlier determined that it will be unable to complete credit checking by that deadline;

(c) if requested by BSCCo in relation to any Settlement Period, the ECVAA will inform BSCCo of the time of completion of credit checking;

(d) the half-hour deadline means the time of the Submission Deadline for the following Settlement Period.

3.3.7 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.3, where an Imbalance Party has not been treated as in Level 2 Credit Default in relation to a Settlement Period, irrespective of any error made by the ECVAA in the application of the provisions of this Section M, no Party may raise a Trading Dispute to the effect that the Imbalance Party should have been treated as being in Credit Default or that a Credit Default Refusal Period or Credit Default Rejection Period should have commenced in relation to the Imbalance Party.

3.3.8 Not used.

3.3.9 Not used.

3.3.10 Not used.

3.3.11 If in relation to any Settlement Period an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage, as determined by the ECVAA, becomes greater than one hundred (100) per cent (%) the ECVAA shall as soon as reasonably practicable after the Submission Deadline:

(a) give a notice to the Imbalance Party which states that Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage and alerts it to the provisions of Section H3.1.1(c); and

(b) submit a copy of such notice to BSCCo.

3.3.12 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) the application of paragraph 3.3.11 to an Imbalance Party in relation to a Settlement Period shall not have the affect of excluding the application of any other relevant paragraph of Section M in relation to that Imbalance Party in that Settlement Period; and

(b) any failure or delay by the ECVAA to give a notice required by paragraph 3.3.11 shall not be taken into account for the purposes of determining the expiry of any of the time periods specified in Section H3.1.1(c).

3.4 Authorisation by BSCCo

3.4.1 In accordance with paragraphs 3.2.6 and 3.3.1, an Imbalance Party will not be in Credit Default unless:

(a) BSCCo has given to the ECVAA an authorisation notice in relation to that Imbalance Party; and

(b) the authorisation notice remains in force.

3.4.2 For the purposes of this Section M, an "authorisation notice" is a notice authorising the ECVAA, at any time while the notice is in force, to take the steps referred to in paragraph 3.2.6(b) and 3.3.1(b) in relation to an Imbalance Party.

3.4.3 Subject to paragraph 3.4.3A, where the ECVAA submits to BSCCo a copy of a level 1 default notice under paragraph 3.2.1 in relation to an Imbalance Party:

(a) BSCCo shall promptly upon the earlier of:

(i) the expiry of the Query Period during which the relevant Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes greater than ninety (90) percent (%);

(ii) the expiry of the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J falling within a Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period during which the relevant Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes greater than ninety (90) per cent (%);

(iii) not used; or

(iv) the expiry of a Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period during which the relevant Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage becomes not greater than ninety (90) per cent (%),

give an authorisation notice to the ECVAA unless:

(1) BSCCo has been notified by the ECVAA that in the ECVAA's opinion there is, or

(2) BSCCo otherwise has substantial evidence that, or other reasons to believe that, there is

(in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1(e) and the prevailing principles or guidance established by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 1.7) a material doubt as to whether, at the time, the systems and processes used by the ECVAA are giving correct determinations of the values of Credit Cover Percentage for that Imbalance Party;

(b) subject to paragraph (c), BSCCo shall not be required to make any enquiry of the Imbalance Party or any other person (but in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1(f) will take into account any information already provided by the Imbalance Party which is relevant to the matter in paragraph (a));

(c) if (pursuant to paragraph (a)(1) or (2)) BSCCo withholds an authorisation notice:

(i) BSCCo shall investigate the matter; and

(ii) if at any time it concludes that there is not (or no longer is) any material doubt as to the matter in paragraph (a), BSCCo shall promptly give the authorisation notice.

3.4.3A BSCCo shall not give an authorisation notice to the ECVAA in relation to an Imbalance Party under paragraph 3.4.3 if:

(a) Section G4 applies to that Imbalance Party; and

(b) that Imbalance Party’s Credit Cover Percentage is greater than eighty (80) per cent (%) as a direct result of it being subject to a direction given by the Secretary of State or action taken on behalf of His Majesty’s Government.

3.4.3B If paragraph 3.4.3A applies:

(a) BSCCo shall investigate the matter; and

(b) if at any time it concludes that the fact that the Imbalance Party’s Credit Cover is greater than eighty (80) per cent (%) is not (or no longer is) the direct result of a direction from the Secretary of State or action taken on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, BSCCo shall promptly give the authorisation notice under paragraph 3.4.3(a).

3.4.3C BSCCo shall not give an authorisation notice to the ECVAA in relation to an Imbalance Party under paragraph 3.4.3(a) if:

(a) that Imbalance Party is the Lead Party or Subsidiary Party of a BM Unit to which Section G6 applies; and

(b) that Imbalance Party’s Credit Cover Percentage is greater than eighty (80) per-cent (%) as a direct result of the BM Unit being subject to a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance.

3.4.3D If paragraph 3.4.3C applies:

(a) BSCCo shall investigate the matter; and

(b) if at any time it concludes that the Imbalance Party’s Credit Cover being greater than eighty (80) percent (%) is not (or no longer is) the direct result of a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, BSCCo shall promptly give the authorisation notice under paragraph 3.4.3(a).

3.4.4 An authorisation notice shall remain in force until such time as:

(a) it is established or determined (as provided in paragraph 3.5.1) that the Credit Cover Percentage of Imbalance Party was not and has not since become greater than eighty (80) percent (%); or

(b) the ECVAA notifies BSCCo that the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage has become lower than seventy five (75) percent (%) for any Settlement Period after the authorisation notice was given; or

(c) BSCCo in its discretion determines that (as a result of the passage of time, or because of any other matter of which notice has been given to BSCCo) the authorisation notice should lapse, and gives notice to that effect to the ECVAA.

3.4.5 For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 3.4.3 is without prejudice to the ability of a Party to raise a Trading Dispute in respect of any step taken or determination made by BSCCo or the ECVAA pursuant to this Section M.

3.4.6 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section M, BSCCo shall and shall be treated as having refused to give to the ECVAA any authorisation notice in relation to the Replacement Supplier in respect of any Settlement Period for which the Submission Deadline falls within the first fourteen days after the Appointment Day for such Replacement Supplier (counting the Appointment Day itself for these purposes).

3.5 Result of Trading Dispute, etc

3.5.1 If at any time a Imbalance Party has been treated as in Credit Default, and it is established or pursuant to the resolution of a Trading Dispute determined that (by reason of such Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage having been erroneously determined or otherwise) such Imbalance Party should not have been so treated:

(a) with effect as soon as practicable following the resolution of such Trading Dispute, BSCCo will post a notice on the BMRS or the BSC Website or both, referring to the relevant notices of Credit Default and stating that the Imbalance Party should not have been in Credit Default;

(b) the ECVAA shall take account of such determination in the further application (in relation to Settlement Periods after such resolution) of this Section M in respect of that Imbalance Party;

(c) the determination that the Imbalance Party should not have been treated as in Credit Default shall not affect or prejudice:

(i) the treatment (as refused or rejected) of any Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications which were treated as refused during the relevant Credit Default Refusal Period or treated as rejected during the relevant Credit Default Refusal Period, and no adjustment or reconciliation shall be made in respect thereof;

(ii) any other step taken under the Code while the Party was treated as in Credit Default,

but subject thereto, the Imbalance Party shall be treated for the purpose of the Code as never having been in Credit Default;

(d) the Imbalance Party shall have no other right or remedy in respect thereof except as described in paragraph (a) and (b) and pursuant to paragraph 4 where applicable.

3.6 BMRS and BSC Website

3.6.1 Provisions of this Section M requiring any statement or notice to be posted or cancelled on the BMRS or the BSC Website shall be subject to the provisions of Section V4.


4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 If an Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage is incorrectly determined and as a result a level 1 default notice was given to the Imbalance Party and/or the Imbalance Party was in Credit Default, the Imbalance Party shall be entitled to be paid compensation ("Credit Cover Error Compensation") subject to and in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 4.

4.1.2 Any Credit Cover Error Compensation paid to an Imbalance Party pursuant to this paragraph 4 shall be paid by BSCCo and accordingly shall be a BSC Cost; provided that BSCCo shall not be required to include any amount in respect of such compensation in the Annual Budget or to revise the Annual Budget if any such compensation becomes payable.

4.1.3 The provisions of this paragraph 4 are independent of any provision of a BSC Agent Contract pursuant to which any amount may be payable (by way of damages, liquidated damages, service credit or otherwise) in respect of the circumstances resulting in a Credit Cover Error; and it is acknowledged and agreed that any such amount will be paid to BSCCo and will accordingly reduce BSC Costs.

4.1.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 4:

(a) there is a "Credit Cover Error" where the Credit Cover Percentage determined (in the application of paragraph 3) for an Imbalance Party in respect of any Settlement Period was incorrect, and as a result (in relation to that or any earlier Settlement Period) a level 1 default notice was given to the Imbalance Party or the Imbalance Party was in Level 2 Credit Default;

(b) in relation to a Credit Cover Error

(i) the "first error" Settlement Period is the first Settlement Period in relation to which the Credit Cover Error occurred (in other words, for which the incorrect Credit Cover Percentage was determined as described in paragraph (a));

(ii) the "Credit Cover Error Period" is the period commencing on the earlier of:

(1) in relation to the first error Settlement Period, the expiry of the Query Period (the "error" Query Period) , and

(2) where as a result of the Credit Cover Error the Imbalance Party was determined to be in Level 2 Credit Default, the start of the Credit Default Rejection Period

and continuing until the first Settlement Period (after the Credit Cover Error has been corrected) for which the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage Energy is determined (in the application of paragraph 3) without such error.

4.2 Credit Cover Error Compensation

4.2.1 The amount of Credit Cover Error Compensation (CCECp, in £) payable to an Imbalance Party in respect of a Credit Cover Error shall be determined as follows:

CCECp = Σj max (ECA pj, ECB pj, 0)


Σj is summation over all Settlement Periods falling within the Credit Cover Error Period;

ECA pj is the Credit Cover Error Interest Amount, determined in accordance with paragraph 4.2.2;

ECB pj is the Credit Cover Error Imbalance Amount, determined in accordance with paragraph 4.2.3.

4.2.2 For a Settlement Period within the Credit Cover Error Period, ECA pj shall be determined as follows:

ECApj = {0.02 / (365 * 48)} * CAP * {( EEIpj / 0.8 ) – max (IECCp, ( EIpj / 0.8 ))}


EEIpj (Erroneous Energy Indebtedness) is an amount (in £), determined as:

(i) (ECCp * CCPpj), or

(ii) if ECCp is zero, EIpj

in respect of the first error Settlement Period, as incorrectly determined or redetermined (on the basis of the Credit Cover Error) in the application of paragraph 3 as at the expiry of the error Query Period;

IECCp (Initial Energy Credit Cover) is the correct amount of the Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover as at the Submission Deadline for the first error Settlement Period;

EIpj is the Imbalance Party's Energy Indebtedness for Settlement Period j, as correctly determined after the Credit Cover Error was corrected.

4.2.3 For a Settlement Period within the Credit Cover Error Period, ECBpj shall be determined as follows:

ECB pj = (SBPjSSPj) * Σa min (REJaj, QAEIaj) * FLAGpj


Σj is summation over both Energy Accounts of the Imbalance Party;

REJaj (Credit Cover Error Rejection Volume) is the volume (in MWh) determined for Energy Account a of the Imbalance Party as the sum of:

(i) the sum of the Energy Contract Volume Data specified in Energy Contract Volume Notifications for which the Imbalance Party holds the Energy (From) Account less the sum of Energy Contract Volume Data specified in Energy Contract Volume Notifications for which the Imbalance Party holds the Energy (To) Account,

(ii) the aggregate of the Metered Volume Reallocation Fixed Data, and the aggregate amount determined in accordance with paragraph 4.2.5 in respect of Metered Volume Reallocation Percentage Data, which was the subject of Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications;

which (pursuant to Section P2.5.2 or P3.5.2) were treated as rejected and ineffective in respect of Settlement Period j by reason of there being a Credit Default Rejection Period in respect of the Imbalance Party;

FLAGpj shall have the value 1 if the condition in paragraph 4.2.4 is satisfied and otherwise the value zero.

4.2.4 The condition (in relation to Settlement Period j) is that, if the Imbalance Party's Credit Cover Percentage had been correctly determined (with the Credit Cover Error corrected), but otherwise assuming that all steps and notifications (by the ECVAA and BSCCo) under paragraphs 3.3 and 3.4 had been taken in accordance with that paragraph, Settlement Period j would not have fallen within a Credit Default Rejection Period.

4.2.5 The value of REJaj (so far as relating to Metered Volume Reallocation Percentage Data) shall be determined:

(a) by reference to the formula in Section T4.5.1 by which Credited Energy Volume is determined, but assuming a value of one for the term TLMij and disregarding the term QMFRiaj in that formula; and

(b) by reference to BM Unit Metered Volumes as determined in the Volume Allocation Run (for the Settlement Period j) most recently carried out before the date upon which the Imbalance Party submits its claim under paragraph 4.3.1(a).

4.3 Procedures

4.3.1 A Imbalance Party shall not be entitled to be paid Credit Cover Error Compensation:

(a) unless the Imbalance Party has submitted a claim for such compensation to BSCCo, within a period of three months after the Settlement Day in which the first error Settlement Period fell, setting out the amount which the Imbalance Party considers to be so payable and the basis on which the Imbalance Party has calculated such amount;

(b) if the amount which would be payable by way of Credit Cover Error Compensation (determined for the whole of the Credit Error Period) is less than one thousand pounds sterling (£1,000).

4.3.2 BSCCo shall determine and make payment of the amount payable by way of Credit Cover Error Compensation to an Imbalance Party as soon as reasonably practicable after the Imbalance Party submits its claim under paragraph 4.3.1(a).

4.3.3 The ECVAA shall provide all such assistance and information as BSCCo may reasonably require to enable it to determine any amount payable by way of Credit Cover Error Compensation.


Form of Letter of Credit (UCP 500)

To: ELEXON Clear Limited (the "BSC Clearer")

At the request of [name of Imbalance Party] (the "applicant") we have opened in favour of the BSC Clearer our irrevocable Letter of Credit Number ( ) for £[ ] (amount in words).

This Letter of Credit is available against sight drafts issued by the BSC Clearer accompanied by a signed statement issued by the BSC Clearer stating either:

(a) that the applicant has failed to pay to BSC Clearer the amount you are claiming under the terms of the Balancing and Settlement Code (as modified from time to time, the "Code"); or

(b) that the amount of the Letter of Credit has become payable pursuant to the Code by reason of the Letter of Credit not being extended or replaced in accordance with the requirements of the Code or that we have ceased to have the credit rating required under the Code.

Payments under this Letter of Credit shall be effected immediately to [insert relevant account details].

Partial drawings are allowed hereunder.

Claims under this Letter of Credit shall be made at the counters of [insert details of the branch of the issuing/advising/confirming bank].

This Letter of Credit expires on [ ].

We waive any right to set off against any amount payable hereunder any claims we may have against you.

Any sight draft and statement to be issued by the BSC Clearer for the purposes of this Letter of Credit may be signed by [insert name of FAA] (the "FAA") on behalf of the BSC Clearer.

Any demand hereunder must comply with all the above requirements and signatures (on behalf of the BSC Clearer or the FAA) thereon must be confirmed by your Bankers.

This Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 1993 Revision, ICC Publication No. 500 (UCP500) published by the International Chamber of Commerce.

We undertake that drafts and documents presented under the terms of this Letter of Credit which are a complying presentation will be honoured upon presentation.

This Letter of Credit shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

For and on behalf of [ ] Bank [Plc].


Form of Letter of Credit (UCP 600)

To: ELEXON Clear Limited (the "BSC Clearer")

At the request of [name of Imbalance Party] (the "applicant") we have opened in favour of the BSC Clearer our irrevocable Letter of Credit Number ( ) for £[ ] (amount in words).

This Letter of Credit is available against sight drafts issued by the BSC Clearer accompanied by a signed statement issued by the BSC Clearer stating either:

(a) that the applicant has failed to pay to BSC Clearer the amount you are claiming under the terms of the Balancing and Settlement Code (as modified from time to time, the "Code"); or

(b) that the amount of the Letter of Credit has become payable pursuant to the Code by reason of the Letter of Credit not being extended or replaced in accordance with the requirements of the Code or that we have ceased to have the credit rating required under the Code.

Payments under this Letter of Credit shall be effected immediately to [insert relevant account details].

Partial drawings are allowed hereunder.

Claims under this Letter of Credit shall be made at the counters of [insert details of the branch of the issuing/advising/confirming bank].

This Letter of Credit expires on [ ].

We waive any right to set off against any amount payable hereunder any claims we may have against you.

Any sight draft and statement to be issued by the BSC Clearer for the purpose of this Letter of Credit may be signed by [insert name of FAA] (the "FAA") on behalf of the BSC Clearer.

Any demand hereunder must comply with all the above requirements and signatures (on behalf of the BSC Clearer or the FAA) thereon must be confirmed by your Bankers.

This Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 2007 Revision, ICC Publication No. 600 (UCP600) published by the International Chamber of Commerce.

We undertake that drafts and documents presented under the terms of this Letter of Credit which are a complying presentation will be honoured upon presentation.

This Letter of Credit shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

For and on behalf of [ ] Bank [Plc].


Form of Letter of Credit (ISP98)

To: ELEXON Clear Limited (the "BSC Clearer")

At the request of [name of Imbalance Party] (the "applicant") we have opened in favour of the BSC Clearer our irrevocable Letter of Credit Number ( ) for £[ ] (amount in words).

This Letter of Credit is available against sight drafts issued by the BSC Clearer accompanied by a signed statement issued by the BSC Clearer stating either:

(a) that the applicant has failed to pay to BSC Clearer the amount you are claiming under the terms of the Balancing and Settlement Code (as modified from time to time, the "Code"); or

(b) that the amount of the Letter of Credit has become payable pursuant to the Code by reason of the Letter of Credit not being extended or replaced in accordance with the requirements of the Code or that we have ceased to have the credit rating required under the Code.

Payments under this Letter of Credit shall be effected immediately to [insert relevant account details].

Partial drawings are allowed hereunder.

Claims under this Letter of Credit shall be made at the counters of [insert details of the branch of the issuing/advising/confirming bank] [insert exact location within the building] at [insert time] to [insert person to whom the Letter of Credit should be presented] by [insert medium of presentation i.e. delivery of paper documents].

This Letter of Credit expires on [ ]

We waive any right to set off against any amount payable hereunder any claims we may have against you.

Any sight draft and statement to be issued by the BSC Clearer for the purpose of this Letter of Credit may be signed by [insert name of FAA] (the "FAA") on behalf of the BSC Clearer.

Any demand hereunder must comply with all the above requirements and signatures (on behalf of the BSC Clearer or the FAA) thereon must be confirmed by your Bankers.

This Letter of Credit is subject to International Standby Practices 1998 (ISP98) published by the International Chamber of Commerce.

We undertake that drafts and documents presented under the terms of this Letter of Credit which are a complying presentation will be honoured upon presentation.

This Letter of Credit shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

For and on behalf of [ ] Bank [Plc].


1. Requirements of an Approved Insurance Product

1.1 Providers of an Approved Insurance Product

1.1.1 A provider of an Approved Insurance Product may be:

(a) an insurance company or insurance companies regulated in the United Kingdom which shall meet the credit rating as specified in the definition of Approved Insurance Product; or

(b) a bank or banks which shall meet the criteria set out in the definition of Letter of Credit.

1.2 Requirements of an Approved Insurance Product

1.2.1 An Approved Insurance Product shall include a guarantee that payments made under it will be effected within three Business Days of a claim being presented in accordance with the specific Approved Insurance Product.

1.2.2 Except as otherwise approved by the Panel, an Approved Insurance Product shall:

(a) be in favour of the BSC Clearer;

(b) be denominated in Sterling and be available for payment in the United Kingdom;

(c) be unconditional and irrevocable;

(d) include a waiver of any rights of set off against any amount payable thereunder;

(e) allow for partial drawings; and

(f) be governed by English Law and shall be enforceable in the courts of England and Wales


Section M

Version 35.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date






















P394 Self-Governance












P342 Alternative




P326 Self-Governance Alternative




P352 Fast Track Self Governance




P345 Self Governance




P310 Self Governance








P306 Self Governance










































































































1.1 General

1.1.1 This Section N sets out:

(a) the means by which the BSC Clearer will receive from, or pay to, each Payment Party an amount in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges on each Payment Date;

(b) data requirements of, and procedures to be followed by, the FAA in order to determine and notify to Payment Parties the amounts payable by them in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges;

(c) procedures for the FAA and Payment Parties to facilitate and make payments in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges;

(d) the obligations of Payment Parties and the BSC Clearer to make payments in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges, and consequences of any of them failing to make such payment; and

(e) the basis on which amounts paid in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges, and on which Credit Cover provided in accordance with Section M, will be held by the BSC Clearer.

1.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, this Section N applies in relation to Trading Charges, Reconciliation Charges and other payments due from Parties pursuant to this Section N only and not to any BSCCo Charges or other payments due from Parties pursuant to the Code.


2.1 General

2.1.1 In this paragraph 2:

(a) references to a Party are to an Imbalance Party or the NETSO and do not include the BSC Clearer; and

(b) references to a Defaulting Party are to a Party in relation to whom:

(i) a Default within Section H3.1.1 (g) has occurred;

(ii) a notice within Section H3.2.1(f) has been received by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer; or

(iii) a Default within Section H3.1.1 (h) has occurred.

2.2 The BSC Clearer as counter party to each Party

2.2.1 Each Party shall be entitled to receive from the BSC Clearer (and not from any other Party), and shall be obliged to pay to the BSC Clearer (and not to any other Party), amounts (pursuant to the Code) in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges (determined pursuant to paragraphs 2.8.2 and 6.4.2 and including Ad-hoc Trading Charges in accordance with paragraph 6.9.1(b)) and the BSC Clearer shall be correspondingly obliged and entitled.

2.2.2 The BSC Clearer’s obligations to pay amounts in respect of Trading Charges and Reconciliation Charges (determined pursuant to paragraphs 2.8.2 and 6.4.2 and including Ad-hoc Trading Charges in accordance with paragraph 6.9.1(b)) shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive).

2.3 Determination of payments for Trading Charges

2.3.1 The obligation to pay an amount in respect of Trading Charges for a Settlement Day shall be calculated in accordance with Section T so that there is one obligation to pay an amount (if any) in respect of those Trading Charges.

2.4 Payment netting

2.4.1 If, on any Business Day, amounts in respect of Trading Charges (determined in accordance with paragraph 2.3 and, where applicable, paragraph 6.10), amounts in respect of Reconciliation Charges (determined in accordance with paragraphs 2.8.2 and 6.4.2 and including Ad-hoc Trading Charges in accordance with paragraph 6.9.1(b)) and amounts in respect of interest (determined in accordance with paragraph 4.6.3) would otherwise be payable by each of a Party and the BSC Clearer to the other, then the obligations to make payment of such amounts will automatically be cancelled and replaced by a single obligation upon the Party or the BSC Clearer (as the case may be) who would have had to pay the larger aggregate amount to pay the net amount (if any) to the other.

2.5 Conditions for payment by the BSC Clearer

2.5.1 Subject to paragraph 2.5.2 and 2.5.6, a Party shall be entitled to payment from the BSC Clearer on a Business Day if, and only if, on that Business Day there is no Amount in Default (as defined in paragraph 9.1(a)) due and payable by that Party to the BSC Clearer and not paid or recovered (within the meaning of paragraph 9.3.1) and so long as an Amount in Default, or any part of it, remains owing to the BSC Clearer, that Party will not request, demand or claim to be entitled to payment by the BSC Clearer.

2.5.2 Subject to paragraph 2.5.4 and paragraph 2.5.5 as the case may be, a Defaulting Party shall be entitled to payment from the BSC Clearer if, and only if, all amounts, liabilities and other obligations due, owing, incurred or payable by that Defaulting Party to the BSC Clearer, whether those liabilities or obligations are actual or contingent, present or future, joint or several (including, without limitation, all interest (after as well as before judgment) and expenses) have been paid or recovered and until that time the Defaulting Party will not request, demand or claim to be entitled to payment by the BSC Clearer.

2.5.3 The FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall credit to the Reserve Account amounts due and payable to a Defaulting Party which:

(a) are unpaid pursuant to paragraph 2.5.1 and are not set off under paragraph 2.6; or

(b) are unpaid pursuant to paragraph 2.5.6,

and while any such amount is credited to the Reserve Account, it shall form part of the relevant Party’s Credit Cover and may be applied by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in accordance with this Section N.

2.5.4 Where at any time a Defaulting Party:

(i) is in Default solely by virtue of Section H3.1.1 (g);

(ii) has given a Withdrawal Notice pursuant to Section A5.1 that continues to be effective; and

(iii) is not prevented from withdrawing from the Code or from ceasing to be a Party to the Framework Agreement by virtue of Section A5.1.3;

then references to amounts, liabilities and other obligations of such Defaulting Party in paragraph 2.5.2 shall not include amounts, liabilities and obligations of a contingent nature.

2.5.5 Where at any time the Panel has determined in accordance with section M2.3A that an Imbalance Party is entitled to:

(a) a reduction in the amount of a Letter of Credit provided by the Imbalance Party, and/or

(b) a withdrawal of cash deposited by the Imbalance Party

then references to amounts, liabilities and other obligations of such Imbalance Party in paragraph 2.5.2 shall not include amounts, liabilities and obligations of a contingent nature.

2.5.6 Where the right of a Defaulting Party to receive payment has been suspended under Section H3.2.2(h), no amount becoming due and payable (pursuant to this Section N) to such Defaulting Party shall be paid by the BSC Clearer to such Defaulting Party (or to any person to whom the Defaulting Party may have assigned or transferred any of its rights pursuant to the Code).

2.6 Set-off

2.6.1 If on any Business Day an amount is due and would but for paragraph 2.5 have been payable from the BSC Clearer to a Party, but before that Business Day there was due from that Party an Amount in Default (as defined in paragraph 9.1(a)) which has not been paid or recovered (within the meaning of paragraph 9.3.1) then notwithstanding paragraph 2.5, the amount owing by the BSC Clearer shall be automatically and unconditionally set off against the Amount(s) in Default.

2.6.2 If in respect of any Non-paying BSC Debtor there is more than one Amount in Default, then any amount due and payable from the BSC Clearer shall be set off against the Amounts in Default in the order in which they originally became due and payable.

2.7 Liability of the BSC Clearer

2.7.1 The liability of the BSC Clearer to make payments on a Business Day under the Code shall be limited so that the aggregate of such payments (excluding the amount (if any) by which each such payment has been increased on account of VAT) does not exceed the aggregate amount of payments (excluding the amount (if any) by which each such payment has been increased on account of VAT) that has been paid to or recovered (within the meaning of paragraph 9.3.1) by the BSC Clearer:

(a) from Parties (including by way of realisation of Credit Cover in accordance with paragraph 9), in respect of that Business Day; and

(b) by way of a Drawing, but only where this Section N provides for such a Drawing to be made, and without prejudice to the further payment obligations of Parties arising following any such Drawing;

and each Party irrevocably and unconditionally releases the BSC Clearer from any other liability in respect of that Business Day other than as provided in this paragraph 2.7.1 and paragraph 2.7.2(b).

2.7.2 Where in relation to any Business Day, the aggregate amount that the BSC Clearer pays to Parties is less than the amount to which those Parties would, but for the operation of paragraph 2.7.1, have been entitled:

(a) the provisions of paragraph 9 shall apply; and

(b) if and to the extent that, after the required time on the Business Day, the BSC Clearer is paid and recovers (within the meaning of paragraph 9.3.1) amounts from any BSC Debtor, the BSC Clearer shall to the extent of such receipts make payments (to certain Parties and/or the BSC Banker) in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9.

2.7.3 Any amounts in respect of VAT that the BSC Clearer is required to pay to Parties on a Business Day under the Code shall be funded:

(a) by amounts that it receives in respect of VAT from Parties under the Code on that Business Day; and

(b) by way of a Drawing, but:

(i) only where this Section N provides for such a Drawing to be made;

(ii) without prejudice to the further payment obligations of Parties arising following any such Drawing; and

(iii) only to the extent that the amount of such a Drawing represents the part of the Amount in Default that is attributable to VAT;

and where such amounts are insufficient BSCCo shall, in advance in accordance with paragraph 7.1.4 or, where such amount is insufficient due to the occurrence of an Amount in Default, as soon as reasonably practicable, fund the excess provided that the BSC Clearer shall only be required to pay that excess as and when it receives such funding from BSCCo.

2.8 Trading Disputes

2.8.1 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 2 shall prevent a Party from raising Trading Disputes.

2.8.2 It is acknowledged and agreed that, where any dispute or difference arises under the Code as to any amount paid or payable by any Party by way of Trading Charge:

(a) where such dispute or difference is resolved, any necessary payments or adjustments required in order to give effect to such resolution (including any arbitral award) shall be effected (and may be given full effect) by way of Reconciliation Settlement Run, giving rise to new Reconciliation Charges, or by way of Ad-hoc Trading Charges under paragraph 6.9.1(a)(ii); and

(b) it is not necessary (in order to enable such dispute or difference to be resolved) for the BSC Clearer to participate in any Trading Dispute under Section W, or to be party to any arbitration pursuant to Section H7;

and accordingly no Party shall commence any proceedings against the BSC Clearer in relation to any such dispute or difference or seek to join or involve the BSC Clearer in any such proceedings.

2.8.3 If, notwithstanding paragraph 2.8.2, a Party commences proceedings against the BSC Clearer:

(a) all costs of the BSC Clearer shall be paid by BSCCo; and

(b) any award against the BSC Clearer shall be paid by BSCCo unless the terms of the award are to the effect that other Parties should pay or be liable for the award in which case such other Parties shall indemnify the BSC Clearer accordingly.

2.9 Assignment

2.9.1 Subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive), nothing in this paragraph 2 shall prevent Parties from assigning by way of security only any or all of their rights to receive from the BSC Clearer amounts determined in accordance with this paragraph 2 or in accordance with any other provision of this Section N.


3.1 Content

3.1.1 No later than 31st January in each year the FAA shall:

(a) determine, in accordance with the requirements in paragraph 3.2 and BSCP301 and subject to approval of BSCCo, the following dates:

(i) the Initial Payment Date; and

(ii) the Initial Notification Date;

for each such Settlement Day in the next following BSC Year, and

(iii) the Payment Date for each Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run; and

(iv) the Notification Date for each Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run,

where the Payment Date is between the earliest and the latest Initial Payment Dates identified in (i) above; and

(b) prepare or cause to be prepared a Payment Calendar showing (for each such Settlement Day) such dates.

3.2 Requirements

3.2.1 The following requirements shall apply to each Payment Calendar:

(a) as an average over the entire BSC Year to which the Payment Calendar relates, each Initial Payment Date shall fall, as nearly as practicable, twenty nine days after the Settlement Day to which it relates;

(b) each Initial Payment Date shall fall as nearly as practicable to the twenty ninth day after the Settlement Day to which it relates;

(c) each Payment Date and each Notification Date shall fall on a Business Day;

(d) no Payment Date shall fall fewer than three Business Days after the relevant Notification Date; and

(e) if possible, it shall not give rise to a requirement for more than fifteen Timetabled Reconciliation and/or Initial Settlement Runs on any day.

3.3 Production

3.3.1 The Payment Calendar shall be in such form as the Panel shall from time to time decide.

3.3.2 The FAA shall distribute any Payment Calendar prepared pursuant to this paragraph 3 promptly to BSCCo, the SAA and each Payment Party; and shall send the prevailing Payment Calendar to any Party upon its becoming an Imbalance Party.


4.1 Establishment of Accounts

4.1.1 The FAA shall establish and operate on behalf of the BSC Clearer the following accounts (each a "BSC Account") in the name of the BSC Clearer:

(a) a Clearing Account with the BSC Banker to and from which all payments determined in accordance with this Section N are to be made;

(b) a Collection Account to which payments from Trading Parties are made;

(c) a Reserve Account with the BSC Banker to which all Cash Cover, proceeds of Letters of Credit, surplus payments received from Payment Parties pursuant to paragraph 7 and other amounts specified in this Section N shall be credited or debited;

(d) a Borrowing Account with the BSC Banker on which the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer may make permitted Drawings or to cover payments due from Payment Parties that are below the Advice Note Threshold Limit during an Advice Note Period; and

(e) any other account that the FAA (with the prior written consent of BSCCo) considers desirable to enable the BSC Clearer to perform any obligations imposed on it by this Section N.

4.1.2 The FAA shall also establish on behalf of the BSC Clearer the means by which to facilitate and manage the transfer of Reserve Account monies between the Reserve Account and an Investment Account(s).

4.2. Funds Transfer Agreement

4.2.1 Not later than the date required by paragraph 4.2.3, the BSC Clearer and the FAA shall enter into a funds transfer agreement, in a form approved by the Panel, with a bank (the "BSC Banker") approved by the Panel, which shall set out the accounts opened in the name of the BSC Clearer and the basis on which the FAA shall operate them.

4.2.2 Neither the BSC Clearer nor the FAA may amend or terminate the Funds Transfer Agreement without the approval of the Panel.

4.2.3 The required date is:

(a) two months after the Code Effective Date; and

(b) if the Panel has approved the termination of any existing Funds Transfer Agreement, ten Business Days before such termination.

4.3 Settlement Account

4.3.1 Each Payment Party shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Panel, at all times maintain a Settlement Account at a Settlement Bank.

4.3.2 Each Payment Party shall also supply to the FAA and the Panel such information or (as the case may be) further information concerning its Settlement Account as the Panel or the FAA reasonably requests.

4.4 Notification of Settlement Account

4.4.1 Not Used.

4.4.2 Each Payment Party shall, not later than the date required by paragraph 4.4.3, deliver to the FAA a duly completed and signed Settlement Account designation providing details of the Settlement Account to which the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer is instructed to make payments to such person.

4.4.3 The required date is:

(a) two months after the Code Effective Date; or

(b) in the case of an Imbalance Party, if later, ten Business Days (or such shorter period as the Panel may approve in relation to that Party) before it becomes an Imbalance Party.

4.5 Change of Settlement Account

4.5.1 Each Payment Party may change its Settlement Account at any time by delivering to the FAA a duly completed and signed notice, and with an effective date, in accordance with BSCP301.

4.6 Reserve Account

4.6.1 Where an Imbalance Party provides Credit Cover by delivering cash (as contemplated by Section M) that Cash Cover shall be:

(a) credited to the Reserve Account (an account in the name of the BSC Clearer);

(b) the absolute property of the BSC Clearer (and the relevant Imbalance Party shall have no beneficial or other interest in the Cash Cover); and

(c) a limited recourse loan to the BSC Clearer which is repayable only in the circumstances set out in paragraph 4.6.3 and subject to the provisions of this Section N.

4.6.2 The purpose of the Cash Cover is to ensure that, on a continuing basis and for so long as the Imbalance Party is not a Discontinuing Party, the BSC Clearer is a debtor to the relevant Imbalance Party and in calculating the amounts due either from the BSC Clearer to the Imbalance Party or from the Imbalance Party to the BSC Clearer in accordance with this Section N, the amount of the Cash Cover shall be ignored.

4.6.3 The FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall pay or repay the following amounts at the times indicated from the Reserve Account to each Payment Party:

(a) (subject to paragraph 4.6.6) quarterly the amount of interest referred to in paragraph 4.6.4;

(b) an amount requested in accordance with Section M2.3; and

(c) if that Payment Party is a Discontinuing Party (as defined in Section A), on the Discontinuance Date the cash paid by or on behalf of that Discontinuing Party credited to the Reserve Account and not subsequently withdrawn or repaid in accordance with this Section N.

4.6.4 The amount of interest is:

(a) an amount equal to interest from time to time received which is proportionate to the amount of monies deposited by the Payment Party from time to time in the Reserve Account; and

(b) credited to the Reserve Account and not subsequently withdrawn, repaid or set off in accordance with this Section N.

4.6.5 The BSC Clearer’s obligation to repay amounts under this paragraph 4.6 shall be subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.6 (inclusive).

4.6.6 While any interest is credited to the Reserve Account, it shall be deemed to form part of the relevant Party’s Credit Cover for the purposes of this Section N only (and not for the purposes of Section M2.1.3 or any other section of the Code) and may be applied by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in accordance with this Section N.

4.6.7 Each Payment Party waives any right and agrees not to make any claim it might otherwise have to set off against any obligation owing to the BSC Clearer any claims such Payment Party may have to repayment of moneys paid to the BSC Clearer and credited to the Reserve Account.

4.7 Details of Accounts

4.7.1 The FAA shall supply bank details, sort code and account numbers for:

(a) the Reserve Account and the Collection Account to each Payment Party; and

(b) the Clearing Account, the Reserve Account, the Collection Account, the Borrowing Account and all other BSC Accounts and the Settlement Accounts to BSCCo and the BSC Clearer.

4.8 Banking Communications Links

4.8.1 The FAA shall set up communications links with the BSC Banker to ensure efficient transfers of funds.

4.8.2 Payments under paragraph 4.8.1 shall be made by such payment methods as may be authorised by BSCCo from time to time.

4.9 Credit Facility

4.9.1 The BSC Clearer shall enter into a facility agreement, in a form approved by the Panel, with the BSC Banker pursuant to which the BSC Banker shall make available to the BSC Clearer not later than the date required by paragraph 4.9.2 a facility of a maximum aggregate principal amount outstanding of four million pounds sterling (£4,000,000) or such other amount (but subject to a maximum amount of ten million pounds sterling (£10,000,000)) approved by the Panel from time to time for the purpose set out in paragraph 4.9.3 below.

4.9.2 The required date is:

(a) the Go-live Date; and

(b) if an existing Credit Facility will not be extended or renewed, upon the expiry of that Credit Facility.

4.9.3 The purpose of the Credit Facility is to cover banking and payment errors and short-term payment defaults and to minimise the need to use Credit Cover provided by Payment Parties in accordance with this Section N and the Credit Facility shall not be used for any other purpose.

4.9.4 All fees and expenses properly due from the BSC Clearer to the BSC Banker (including any additional amounts payable to the BSC Banker under the terms of the Credit Facility which the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer has not been able to pay after acting in accordance with paragraph 9) shall be paid by BSCCo on behalf of the BSC Clearer on the date the fees or expenses are payable to the BSC Banker.

4.9.5 The FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall notify BSCCo and all Payment Parties of, and any changes in, the interest rate notified by the BSC Banker under the Credit Facility to it from time to time.

4.9.6 The FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall:

(a) notify BSCCo forthwith on:

(i) becoming aware of any circumstances which may lead to the BSC Banker withdrawing the Credit Facility;

(ii) receiving a written demand from the BSC Banker as a result of which the Credit Facility ceases to become available;

(iii) receiving notice from the BSC Banker that it requires any additional amount to be paid to it as a result of any change in circumstances or any increased costs; and

(b) notify all Payment Parties as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving notice from the BSC Banker that it requires any additional amount to be paid to it as a result of any change in circumstances or any increased costs.

4.9.7 Neither the BSC Clearer nor the FAA may amend, supplement or cancel the Credit Facility without the prior approval of the Panel.

4.9.8 The FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall:

(a) not earlier than one month before the expiry of the Credit Facility, negotiate with the BSC Banker to extend or renew the Credit Facility on substantially the same terms for a further year, and keep the Panel informed of the progress of these negotiations; and

(b) subject to the approval of the Panel, extend or renew the Credit Facility on the terms so negotiated.

4.10 Treasury Policy and investment of Reserve Account monies

4.10.1 BSCCo may from time to time, and in accordance with the Treasury Policy, direct the FAA in writing to transfer certain monies between the Reserve Account and an Investment Account.

4.10.2 BSCCo shall notify the Parties in the event the Board amends the Treasury Policy. If there is any amendment to the Treasury Policy, such amendment shall not take effect until at least fifteen Business Days after BSCCo has issued notification to the Parties of the amendment.

4.10.3 The Treasury Policy shall be made available to Parties upon request.


5.1 Tax Agreements

5.1.1 Each Payment Party agrees that it will be bound by any agreement made (whether before or after the entry into force of the Code) between the BSC Clearer (or BSCCo on its behalf) and any tax authority as to the treatment for taxation purposes of obligations to pay amounts (pursuant to the Code) in respect of Trading Charges between the BSC Clearer and any Payment Party.

5.1.2 Each Payment Party further undertakes that it will not act in any way prejudicial to such agreement, including acting on the basis of, assuming, seeking or making any application or request to any tax authority for, any conflicting treatment.

5.1.3 BSCCo on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall ensure that details of each such agreement as is referred to in this paragraph 5.1 are provided to each Payment Party upon its becoming a Party and upon any change in such agreement.

5.2 Withholdings on account of taxation

5.2.1 The FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer and any BSC Debtor shall deduct from all payments made by or through it under this Section N any deductions (including withholdings) as are required by law and any such agreement as is referred to in paragraph 5.1.

5.2.2 Such deduction shall be the minimum amount required by law and any such agreement as is referred to in paragraph 5.1.

5.2.3 If any such deductions are made, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer or the relevant BSC Debtor (as the case may be) shall take such further actions as are required by law and any such agreement as is referred to in paragraph 5.1, including making payments and returns to the tax authorities and promptly issuing certificates.

5.3 Taxation of BSC Clearer

5.3.1 Subject to this paragraph 5, if at any time and for any reason the BSC Clearer has an obligation to account for any taxation to any taxation authority, where it has no equivalent credit then available to it but the FAA reasonably believes that such a credit will be receivable from such taxation authority in the future, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall borrow the required amount from BSCCo, and BSCCo shall lend such amount, on such terms (if any) as BSCCo may decide, and the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall repay that amount upon receipt of the equivalent credit from the taxation authority.

5.4 Value Added Tax

5.4.1 Each Party shall, for the purposes of enabling the BSC Clearer to charge and pay the correct amounts in respect of VAT and of enabling BSCCo to account for the correct amounts of VAT, notify BSCCo in accordance with BSCP301 such information about that Party relating to VAT as BSCCo requests.

5.4.2 Each Party shall notify BSCCo (in accordance with BSCP301) as soon as it has actual knowledge that any information which it has given to BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 5.4.1 may change, will change or has changed.

5.4.3 The BSC Clearer, BSCCo and the Parties shall and shall be entitled to charge amounts in respect of VAT in accordance with any agreement referred to in paragraph 5.1.1, on the following basis, subject to paragraph 5.4.4:

(i) if a Party has not notified BSCCo to the contrary in accordance with paragraphs 5.4.1 or 5.4.2, that the address (the "Relevant VAT Address") of such Party's relevant business or fixed establishment (within the meaning of Part 3 of The Value Added Tax (Place of Supply of Goods) Order 2004 as amended by The Value Added Tax (Miscellaneous Amendments and Revocations) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019is in the United Kingdom;

(ii) if a Party has not notified BSCCo to the contrary in accordance with paragraphs 5.4.1 or 5.4.2, that such Party has not been issued with an individual identification number by the Member State where its Relevant VAT Address is located; and

(iii) if a Party has notified BSCCo in accordance with either paragraphs 5.4.1 and 5.4.2, that the information contained in the latest such notification is correct.

5.4.4 If in a particular case BSCCo and/or the BSC Clearer reasonably believe that any of the assumptions referred to in paragraphs 5.4.3(i), (ii) or (iii) is incorrect, they shall be entitled but not obliged to charge amounts in respect of VAT on the basis of that belief.

5.4.5 If, in relation to a payment made to BSC Clearer or BSCCo by a Party, that payment has not been increased on account of VAT, for reasons including but not limited to that Party's Relevant VAT Address not being located in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man, that Party shall (by way of increasing that payment but subject to paragraph 5.4.7) indemnify BSCCo and BSC Clearer in respect of:

(a) any VAT (including interest and penalties) which BSCCo or BSC Clearer becomes liable to pay; and

(b) any reduction in the amount of VAT which BSCCo or BSC Clearer is entitled to recover;

arising because that payment constituted the consideration for a taxable or deemed taxable supply (as such terms are used in the Value Added Tax Act 1994 ("VATA 1994")).

5.4.6 If, in relation to a payment made to a Party by BSC Clearer or BSCCo, that payment has been increased on account of VAT, for reasons including but not limited to that Party's Relevant VAT Address being located in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man, that Party shall (subject to paragraph 5.4.7) indemnify BSCCo to the extent that BSCCo and BSC Clearer are not entitled to a credit for input tax for the increased part of that payment because that payment did not constitute the consideration for a taxable or deemed taxable supply (as such terms are used in VATA 1994).

5.4.7 Paragraphs 5.4.5 and 5.4.6 shall not apply to the extent that BSC Clearer or BSCCo has been compensated by, in the case of paragraph 5.4.5, an increase to the relevant payment, or, in the case of paragraph 5.4.6, a rebate of the relevant payment.

5.4.8 Any part of the Code providing that an amount that is payable should be increased by an amount in respect of VAT, or should otherwise be paid with an amount attributable to VAT or in respect of VAT, shall not apply to amounts constituting consideration for a taxable or deemed taxable supply (as such terms are used in VATA 1994) where the VAT is payable by the recipient of that supply (or any person that is treated as the recipient in accordance with any agreement referred to in paragraph 5.1.1) by way of the reverse charge mechanism.

5.4.9 The FAA shall retain and, on request, grant BSCCo access to the following documents for such period as may be required by law:

(a) sufficient information to allow it to comply with its obligations under applicable VAT legislation; and

(b) copies of all VAT invoices (or other documents that H.M. Customs & Excise have agreed to treat as VAT invoices) for taxable or deemed taxable supplies (as such terms are used in VATA 1994) made to BSCCo.


6.1 Settlement Runs

6.1.1 In relation to each Settlement Day, following each Settlement Run, the information referred to in paragraphs 6.1.2 to 6.1.4 (inclusive) concerning Trading Charges in respect of Settlement Periods in that Settlement Day is to be submitted by 09.00 hours on the relevant Notification Date by the SAA to the FAA.

6.1.2 The following information is to be submitted in relation to each Settlement Run:

(a) the Settlement Day; and

(b) whether the Settlement Run is an Initial Settlement Run, Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run or Post-Final Settlement Run.

6.1.3 The following information (subject to paragraph 6.1.5) is to be submitted for each Imbalance Party:

(a) the identity of the Imbalance Party;

(b) the amount (exclusive of VAT) calculated for the Settlement Day in respect of each of the following Trading Charges separately:

(i) the Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow;

(ii) the Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge;

(iii) the Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow;

(iv) the Daily Party Information Imbalance Charges;

(v) the Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow;

(vi) the Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow;

(vii) the Daily Party RR Cashflow;

(viii) the Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow; and

(ix) the Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow.

(c) the net credit or debit amount (exclusive of VAT) for the Settlement Day for all Trading Charges under paragraph (b) for that Imbalance Party.

6.1.4 The following information (subject to paragraph 6.1.5) is to be submitted in relation to the NETSO: the Daily System Operator Cashflow which shall be a single credit or debit amount (exclusive of VAT) for the Settlement Day.

6.1.5 In relation to any Reconciliation Settlement Run, the amounts referred to in paragraphs 6.1.3 and 6.1.4 are to be determined as though it were the first Settlement Run to be carried out in relation to the relevant Settlement Day, and so disregarding any payments which may on any prior Payment Date have been paid or payable in respect of the relevant Settlement Day.

6.1.6 For the purposes of this Section N, in relation to any Settlement Day and Notification Date, the amount (in relation to an Imbalance Party) under paragraph 6.1.3(c) and the amount (in relation to the NETSO) under paragraph 6.1.4 is the "Trading Charges Amount".

6.2 Validation by FAA

6.2.1 Upon receipt of the information supplied by the SAA, the FAA shall determine whether, on the basis of such information:

(a) the aggregate of the debit Trading Charges Amounts (excluding any amounts attributable to VAT) for all Payment Parties for the relevant Settlement Day (the "total debits") is equal to

(b) the aggregate of the credit Trading Charges Amounts (excluding any amounts attributable to VAT) for all Payment Parties for the relevant Settlement Day (the "total credits").

6.2.2 If difference between the total debits and the total credits is less than ten pounds sterling (£10.00), such information is "valid".

6.2.3 If the information is valid and there is a difference between the total debits and the total credits, the FAA shall account for such difference by adjusting the Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow and the Trading Charges Amount for the Imbalance Party with the largest absolute Trading Charges Amount for the relevant Settlement Day by the amount of such difference and references to "Trading Charges Amounts" in paragraphs 6.4, 6.5, and 7 below are to Trading Charges Amounts so adjusted.

6.3 Rectification of errors

6.3.1 If the FAA determines that the information provided by the SAA is not valid in accordance with paragraph 6.2, it shall as soon as possible notify the SAA accordingly, but if the FAA has not so notified the SAA by the close of business on the Notification Date, the SAA may assume that FAA has determined that the information is valid in accordance with paragraph 6.2.

6.3.2 Upon receiving a notice under paragraph 6.3.1, the SAA will use its best endeavours promptly to provide corrected information as may be necessary for the FAA to determine whether the corrected information is valid and to enable it to issue Advice Notes in accordance with paragraph 7.

6.4 Reconciliation

6.4.1 Upon receipt of the information supplied by the SAA in a Reconciliation Settlement Run, the FAA shall calculate, on the basis of such information, for each Payment Party, the difference (if any) between:

(a) the debit or credit Trading Charges Amount calculated in that Reconciliation Settlement Run for that Payment Party;


(b) either:

(i) the debit or credit Trading Charges Amount calculated for that Payment Party in the Initial Settlement Run for the same Settlement Day; or

(ii) (if a Reconciliation Settlement Run has already been carried out in respect of that Settlement Day) the debit or credit Trading Charges Amount calculated for that Payment Party in the most recent Reconciliation Settlement Run previously carried out for that Settlement Day (other than a Reconciliation Settlement Run not used to calculate Reconciliation Charges in accordance with paragraph 6.6.3).

6.4.2 Subject to paragraph 5, each Payment Party shall following each Reconciliation Settlement Run be liable to pay to, or (as the case may be) entitled to receive from, the BSC Clearer an amount calculated as being:

(a) the amount of the difference determined under paragraph 6.4.1; plus

(b) interest, calculated on a compound basis in accordance with paragraph 6.4.2A ("the interest amount") on the amount of such difference.

6.4.2A The interest amount shall be calculated in respect of the period from (and including) the Payment Date relating to the Initial Settlement Run to (but not including) the relevant Reconciliation Payment Date by applying the Base Rate:

(a) as prevailing at 00:00 hours on the relevant day on a daily basis to the amount of such compounded difference up to (but not including) the Advice Note Date; and

(b) as prevailing at 00:00 hours on the Advice Note Date on a daily basis to the amount of such compounded difference up to (but not including) the relevant Reconciliation Payment Date.

6.4.2B The Implementation Date for paragraphs 6.4.2 and 6.4.2A shall be the Go-live Date.

6.4.3 The amount determined, for a Payment Party and Reconciliation Settlement Run, pursuant to paragraph 6.4.2 shall be a "Reconciliation Charge".

6.4.4 It is hereby acknowledged and agreed that the obligations of Payment Parties and the BSC Clearer under paragraphs 2.8.2 (a) and 6.4.2 are new obligations to pay an amount by way of Trading Charge and not an adjustment or amendment of any existing obligation and those obligations are subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive).

6.5 Amounts in Advice Notes

6.5.1 If the information supplied by the SAA is valid, the amounts to be incorporated in Advice Notes in accordance with paragraph 7.1:

(a) in relation to an Initial Settlement Run, shall be the Trading Charges Amounts; and

(b) in relation to a Reconciliation Settlement Run, shall be the Reconciliation Charges

together with an amount in respect of applicable VAT on the amount payable.

6.6 Postponed Payments

6.6.1 If no information is received by the FAA in respect of a Settlement Run on a Notification Date or for any reason it is not possible, after application of paragraph 6.3, for the FAA to determine by the close of business on the Notification Date the amounts to be incorporated in the Advice Notes:

(a) the Payment Date shall be postponed so that it falls on the second Business Day (or such later day as the Panel shall from time to time decide upon request of the FAA) after the day on which the FAA receives and/or validates the information provided by the SAA pursuant to paragraph 6.2;

(b) the FAA shall inform the Panel, BSCCo, the SAA and each Payment Party:

(i) upon the Notification Date, of such postponement; and

(ii) promptly upon validating such information, of the postponed Payment Date;

(c) such postponed date shall be a "Postponed Payment Date", and a reference to a Payment Date in this Section N shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include a Postponed Payment Date.

6.6.2 In the case of an Initial Settlement Run only, if the Postponed Payment Date falls more than one week after the original Payment Date:

(a) each BSC Debtor shall pay to the BSC Clearer; and

(b) each BSC Creditor shall receive from the BSC Clearer

(but subject to paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive)) interest calculated on a compound basis in accordance with paragraph 6.6.2A.

6.6.2A For the purposes of paragraph 6.6.2, interest shall be calculated on the amount shown in the Advice Note in respect of the period from (and including) the originally scheduled Payment Date to (but not including) the Postponed Payment Date by applying the Base Rate:

(a) as prevailing at 00:00 hours on the relevant day on a daily compounded basis up to (but not including) the Advice Note Date for the Postponed Payment Date; and

(b) as prevailing at 00:00 on the Advice Note Date for the Postponed Payment Date on a daily compounded basis up to (but not including) the Postponed Payment Date.

6.6.2B The Implementation Date for the application of compound interest pursuant to paragraphs 6.6.2 and 6.6.2A shall be the Go-live Date.

6.6.3 In the case of a Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run, other than a Final Reconciliation Settlement Run:

(a) the Panel may at any time after receiving a notice under paragraph 6.6.1(b)(i), but not after the FAA has given a notice under paragraph 6.6.1(b)(ii), determine and instruct the FAA that Reconciliation Charges will not be determined and payable by reference to that Reconciliation Settlement Run;

(b) if the Panel makes such a determination:

(i) the FAA shall promptly notify all Payment Parties and the SAA of the Panel’s determination; and

(ii) there shall be no Postponed Settlement Date;

but without prejudice to the determination of Reconciliation Charges by reference to the next following Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run for the relevant Settlement Day.

6.6.4 Where in accordance with Section T5.4 BSCCo submits to the FAA data and information estimated by the Panel:

(a) the FAA shall determine the amounts to be incorporated in Advice Notes on the basis of such data and information (and this paragraph 6 shall apply as though such data and information were information supplied by the SAA under paragraph 6.1);

(b) the Postponed Payment Date shall accordingly be established in accordance with paragraph 6.6.1(a) by reference to the day on which the FAA receives the data estimated by the Panel.

6.7 Payment by BSC Debtors, the BSC Clearer and BSCCo

6.7.1 On the relevant Payment Date, each BSC Debtor shall (without defence, set-off or counterclaim) pay the BSC Clearer, and the BSC Clearer shall pay each BSC Creditor, the full amount (including an amount in respect of any applicable VAT), but subject to paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive), notified in the Advice Note as being payable by or to it.

6.7.2 Payment shall be made in accordance with the terms of this Section N.

6.7.3 For the avoidance of doubt, no payment by Payment Parties shall be treated as being paid on account or subject to any condition or reservation, notwithstanding any provision of the Code as to Trading Disputes.

6.7.4 Paragraph 11.1 shall apply to any payment insofar as it is or may constitute an overpayment.

6.7.5 A Payment Party may query an amount calculated, and/or notified to it in an Advice Note, by the FAA if, and only if, it has paid the amount in accordance with this Section N.

6.7.6 The FAA shall promptly investigate the query and shall, if so directed by the Panel, issue corrected Advice Notes to all affected Parties for payment by or to the BSC Clearer (subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive)) five Business Days after the date of the corrected Advice Notes.

6.8 Liability several

Save as otherwise expressly provided, the liability of each Payment Party and the BSC Clearer for amounts payable by it pursuant to this Section N is several.

6.9 Ad-hoc Trading Charges

6.9.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) an "Ad-hoc Trading Charge" is an amount which a Party is liable to pay to or entitled to receive from the BSC Clearer:

(i) pursuant to any provision of the Code, where such amount is specified in such provision to be such an Ad-hoc Trading Charge;

(ii) pursuant to an Extra-Settlement Determination in accordance with Section U2.2.3;

(b) the date on which payment in respect of an Ad-hoc Trading Charge is due shall be:

(i) the date established in accordance with the relevant provision of the Code or the decision of the Panel (as referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii) respectively); or

(ii) failing any such date, the tenth Business Day after the FAA received notification from BSCCo under paragraph 6.9.2(a);

(c) references to Reconciliation Charges in the Code, other than in paragraph 2.8, this paragraph 6 and paragraph 7.1.2 (and other than for the purposes of any provision as to Reconciliation Settlement Runs), include Ad-hoc Trading Charges;

(d) it is hereby acknowledged and agreed that the obligations of Parties and the BSC Clearer under the Code in respect of Ad-hoc Trading Charges are new obligations to pay an amount by way of Trading Charge and not an adjustment or amendment of any existing obligation and those obligations are subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive).

6.9.2 Where under any provision of the Code any entitlements or liabilities in respect of Ad-hoc Trading Charge(s) arise:

(a) BSCCo shall so notify the FAA, in accordance with such provision or otherwise as soon as reasonably practicable after such entitlements or liabilities arise, specifying (subject to paragraph (b)):

(i) the identity of each Party entitled or liable in respect thereof; and

(ii) the amount(s) of the Ad-hoc Trading Charge for which each such Party is liable or entitled, or (provided that the FAA has indicated that it is able to make such calculation) the basis on which such amount(s) are to be calculated;

(iii) the due date for payment where established as provided in paragraph 6.9.1(b)(i);

(b) where under the relevant provision:

(i) a particular Party is entitled to or liable for a particular amount by way of Ad-hoc Trading Charge, and

(ii) each Imbalance Party is liable for or entitled to its Party Daily Reallocation Proportion of that amount, by way of Ad-hoc Trading Charge,

BSCCo shall specify to the FAA the identity of the Party and amount of the Ad-hoc Trading Charge in paragraph (i), and the Settlement Day by reference to which such Party Daily Reallocation Proportions are to be determined;

(c) BSCCo shall, at the time at which it gives such notification to the FAA, send to each Imbalance Party and the NETSO the details notified to the FAA under paragraph (a) and (where applicable) paragraph (b).

6.9.3 Where the FAA receives from BSCCo a notification under paragraph 6.9.2, the FAA shall:

(a) make any calculation required under paragraph 6.9.2(a)(ii);

(b) where paragraph 6.9.2(b) applies, determine for each Imbalance Party the amount for or to which it is liable or entitled (including where relevant any VAT and/or interest payable at the Base Rate) under paragraph 6.9.2(b)(ii); and

(c) include the amount(s) for or to which each Party is liable or entitled by way of Ad-hoc Trading Charges in Advice Notes for the Payment Date which is the same as the due date for such charges.

6.10 Replacement Supplier

6.10.1 Where a Replacement Supplier is appointed in accordance with Section K7 and the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date precedes the Appointment Day for that Replacement Supplier, then subject to paragraph 5, the NETSO and each Imbalance Party shall be liable to pay to, or (as the case may be) entitled to receive from, the BSC Clearer a sum in respect of each Settlement Day within the Relevant Period representing the difference between:

(a) the net amount of the Trading Charges for that Party for that Settlement Day determined taking account of the application of Section K7.1.3; and

(b) the net amount of the Trading Charges for that Party for that Settlement Day determined disregarding the application of Section K7.1.3,

which sum shall be payable on the Payment Date for the Initial Settlement Run for that Settlement Day.

6.10.2 It is hereby acknowledged and agreed that the obligations of Payment Parties and the BSC Clearer arising by virtue of paragraph 6.10.1 are new obligations to pay an amount by way of Trading Charges and not an adjustment or amendment to any existing obligation and those obligations are subject to the provisions of paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive).

6.10.3 In respect of each Settlement Day within the Relevant Period and for each Payment Party, the Trading Charges Amount under paragraph 6.1 automatically (by virtue of Section K7) includes the sum referred to in paragraph 6.10.1.

6.10.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 6.10, the "Relevant Period", in relation to the appointment of a Replacement Supplier, is the period of whole Settlement Days from (and including) the Replacement Supplier Transfer Date to (and including) the Settlement Day immediately preceding the Appointment Day.


7.1 Despatch of Advice Notes

7.1.1 On each Advice Note Date, in good time (in accordance with BSCP301) for Payment Parties to give all necessary instructions for payments to be effected on the relevant Payment Date, the FAA shall despatch to each Payment Party an Advice Note showing the amount (including an amount in respect of VAT), but subject to paragraphs 2.4 to 2.7 (inclusive) which, according to the FAA's calculations, is to be paid by that Payment Party to the BSC Clearer or to that Payment Party by the BSC Clearer on that Payment Date in respect of the Advice Note Period.

7.1.2 Each Advice Note shall set out in respect of each Notification Date in the Advice Note Period:

(a) in relation to Initial Settlement Runs:

(i) an amount in respect of each of the items set out in paragraph 6.1.3(b) or paragraph 6.1.4 (as the case may be);

(ii) the Trading Charges Amount; and

(iii) if the Payment Date is a Postponed Payment Date, any interest pursuant to paragraph 6.6.2;

(b) in relation to Reconciliation Settlement Runs,

(i) the Reconciliation Charge;

(ii) the Reconciliation Charge excluding interest and any withholdings on account of taxation;

(iii) the interest included in the Reconciliation Charge pursuant to paragraph 6.4.2;

(iv) the amount of any withholdings on account of taxation; and

(v) the Trading Charges Amounts in respect of which the FAA has calculated there to be a Reconciliation Charge due;

(c) any amount due pursuant to paragraph 4.6.3;

(d) the amount of any Ad-hoc Trading Charge due pursuant to paragraph 6.9;

(e) any amount set off pursuant to paragraph 2.6;

(f) any amount due pursuant to paragraph 9.6.4;

(g) the aggregate amount which is to be paid by that Payment Party to the BSC Clearer or to that Payment Party by the BSC Clearer on the relevant Payment Date over the Advice Note Period; and

(h) the amount of VAT in respect of the total amount payable or total amount receivable.

7.1.3 Not Used.

7.1.4 On each Advice Note Date, the FAA shall provisionally notify BSCCo of the amount in respect of VAT (if any) which, according to its calculations and on the basis that all amounts due are paid, is to be paid by BSCCo to the BSC Clearer or to BSCCo by the BSC Clearer on that Payment Date to ensure that:

(a) BSC Clearer has sufficient funds to pay amounts in respect of VAT to BSC Creditors; and

(b) BSC Clearer is not left with any excess of amounts in respect of VAT that are payable to it over amounts in respect of VAT that are payable by it.

7.1.5 The FAA shall despatch to each Payment Party an Advice Note:

(a) on each Notification Date, where the aggregate amount payable or receivable by the Payment Party, in respect of the Advice Note Period, is equal to or exceeds the Advice Note Threshold Limit; and

(b) where paragraph (a) does not apply, in respect of a Notification Date which is also a Quarter Date, on such date,

(each such Notification Date being an "Advice Note Date") and, subject to paragraph 7.1.7 to 7.1.9 inclusive, the FAA shall not be required to despatch an Advice Note in respect of a Notification Date which is not also an Advice Note Date.

7.1.6 For the purposes of paragraph 7 and in respect of a Payment Party:

(a) the "Advice Note Period" means:

(i) the Notification Date on which an Advice Note is despatched pursuant to this Section N; or

(ii) the period (of consecutive Notification Dates) between (but excluding) the last preceding Advice Note Date and ending on (and including) the latest Advice Note Date;

(b) "Advice Note Threshold Limit" means five hundred pounds sterling (£500) or such other amount as the Panel may determine from time to time.

7.1.7 The FAA shall despatch a corrected Advice Note pursuant to paragraph 6.7.6.

7.1.8 A Payment Party may request (by notice to BSCCo) that the FAA despatch an Advice Note (for such Notification Date or other period specified by the Payment Party) where the Payment Party:

(a) has given a Withdrawal Notice to BSCCo in accordance with Section A5.1;

(b) notifies BSCCo of a change in respect of the information in relation to VAT that the Payment Party previously provided in accordance with paragraph 5.4; or

(c) is a Defaulting Party in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1(b),

and following such a request, the FAA will accordingly despatch an Advice Note to the Payment Party.

7.1.9 Without limitation to the foregoing, the FAA shall despatch an Advice Note to a Payment Party at such other times as may be requested by BSCCo.

7.2 Method of despatch

7.2.1 All Advice Notes shall be despatched by the means established in accordance with Section O, or by such other means as the Panel may reasonably direct.


8.1 Instructions for payment

8.1.1 Each BSC Debtor shall, in respect of each Payment Date on which it is under an obligation to make a payment under this Section N, make such arrangements as will ensure that the payment is credited to the Collection Account as soon as practicable and in any event no later than the end of the Business Day on that Payment Date.

8.1.2 Each BSC Debtor shall ensure all remittances by its bank to the Collection Account shall be remittances for value on the relevant Payment Date.

8.2 FAA’s responsibilities

8.2.1 As soon as practicable and in any event not later than 11.00 hours on the first Business Day following each Payment Date the FAA shall find out whether all amounts required to be credited to the Collection Account on such Payment Date have been so credited.

8.2.2 As soon as practicable and in any event not later than 11.00 hours on the first Business Day following each Payment Date the FAA shall take such action as is required to ensure that all amounts credited to the Collection Account on such Payment Date in accordance with paragraph 8.1 have been remitted to the Clearing Account.

8.2.3 As soon as practicable and in any event not later than 11.00 hours on the first Business Day following each Payment Date the FAA shall reconcile the actual amounts credited to the Collection Account and remitted to the Clearing Account on or before 11.00 hours on the first Business Day following each Payment Date and the aggregate of such amounts.

8.3 Non-payment

8.3.1 If any BSC Debtor becomes aware that a payment for which it is responsible will not be credited to the Collection Account by the end of the Business Day on the relevant Payment Date, it will immediately notify the FAA of the non-payment and the reasons thereof.

8.3.2 The FAA shall, as soon as it becomes aware that a payment has not or will not be credited to the Collection Account or remitted to the Clearing Account on the relevant Payment Date, use its reasonable endeavours to establish the reason.

8.4 Excess payments

8.4.1 If by 11.00 hours on the Business Day following any Payment Date the FAA receives from a BSC Debtor a payment in excess of the amount notified to that BSC Debtor pursuant to paragraph 7.1 in respect of that Payment Date, or amounts greater than the amounts notified pursuant to paragraph 7.1. 5 have been credited to the Clearing Account, the FAA shall use its reasonable endeavours to ascertain the nature of the excess payment, to calculate the entitlement to such payment and to instruct the BSC Banker by 16.00 hours that day to credit the relevant BSC Debtor's Settlement Account or (if so requested by the BSC Debtor) the Reserve Account or such other account authorised by BSCCo.

8.4.2 Any Payment Party who instructs its bank to make a payment in excess of the amount owing by that Payment Party on any Payment Date shall simultaneously with giving such instructions advise the FAA in writing of the amount of the excess payment providing a description of what that Payment Party considers the excess payment relates to.

8.5 Payment to BSC Creditors

8.5.1 By no later than 15.00 hours on each Payment Date, the FAA shall:

(a) estimate the aggregate amounts which will be credited to the Collection Account in accordance with paragraph 8.1;

(b) subject to paragraph 8.5.4, on the basis of such estimate, calculate the amounts available for payment by the BSC Clearer to BSC Creditors, taking account of paragraph 2.7 and anticipating the steps (where relevant) in paragraph 9.2, on that Payment Date;

(c) for the purposes of paragraph 8.5.4, determine, by reference only to the amounts which have by that time on the Payment Date already been credited to the Collection Account:

(i) the amount (if any) which would be required to be drawn on the Credit Facility in order to enable full payment to be made of the amounts due to BSC Creditors;

(ii) whether, and if so the amount (“possible shortfall amount”) by which, the amount in paragraph (i) exceeds the amount then remaining available to make a Drawing;

after allowing for any amounts which the FAA is satisfied will be paid into the Clearing Account on the Payment Date pursuant to paragraphs 9.2.2 (b) and (c).

8.5.2 Subject to paragraph 8.5.4, as soon as practicable and not later than 16.00 hours on the Payment Date the FAA shall arrange for the remittance from the Clearing Account to the relevant Settlement Accounts maintained by the BSC Creditors of the aggregate of amounts determined by the FAA to be available for payment to BSC Creditors and, if required, arrange for the transfer of amounts from the Reserve Account or (subject to paragraph 8.5.3) the Borrowing Account to the Clearing Account or vice versa.

8.5.3 Subject to paragraph 8.5.4, any differences between the amount of the FAA’s estimate under paragraph 8.5.1(a) and the aggregate amount actually credited to the Collection Account in accordance with paragraph 8.1 on the Payment Date shall be addressed by way of adjustment (later on the Payment Date) to the amount of any Drawing, and the FAA shall arrange for such adjustment to be made in respect of the transfer of any amount from the Borrowing Account to the Clearing Account or vice versa.

8.5.4 If the FAA determines that there is a possible shortfall amount, the FAA shall calculate the amounts under paragraph 8.5.1(b) assuming the reduction of payments (by the BSC Clearer to BSC Creditors) under paragraph 9.2.2(d) by an aggregate amount equal to the possible shortfall amount, and arrange remittances under paragraph 8.5.2 accordingly.

8.6 Prohibition on transfers

8.6.1 The FAA shall not at any time instruct the BSC Banker to transfer any sum from a BSC Account to another account (not being a BSC Account) unless that account is a Settlement Account or (in the case of erroneous payments to the BSC Clearer) with the authority of BSCCo and the relevant Payment Party concerned.

8.6.2 Notwithstanding paragraph 8.6.1, the FAA may instruct the BSC Banker to transfer monies between the Reserve Account and an Investment Account. Such instruction by the FAA to the BSC Banker shall only be made by the FAA upon receipt of a written instruction issued by BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 4.10.1.

8.6.3 For the avoidance of doubt the FAA shall not at any time instruct the transfer of any sum from an Investment Account(s) to any other account not being the Reserve Account.

8.7 Clearing of Clearing Account

8.7.1 Any amounts standing to the credit of the Clearing Account at the close of business on any Payment Date shall be transferred to the Reserve Account so that the balance in the Clearing Account shall at the end of such day be nil.


9.1 General

9.1.1 For the purposes of this Section N:

(a) an "Amount in Default" is all or any part of any amount due and payable from a BSC Debtor to the BSC Clearer which is not remitted to the Collection Account by 23.59 hours on the relevant Payment Date and, at any time thereafter, together with interest payable by that Non-paying BSC Debtor pursuant to paragraph 9.4 and less any amounts paid or recovered (as defined in paragraph 9.3.1) in respect thereof at that time;

(b) a "Drawing" is a drawing on the Credit Facility by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer and includes interest and banking charges charged to the BSC Clearer by the BSC Banker from time to time;

(c) the "Default Interest Rate", in relation to an Amount in Default, is the Base Rate plus 2 per cent per annum;

(d) the "VAT Element" means, in respect of any payment, part of that payment equal to the VAT that is chargeable on the taxable supply or deemed taxable supply for which the payment constitutes the consideration; and

(e) the "VAT Exclusive Element" means, in respect of any payment, part of that payment equal to that payment less the VAT Element of that payment.

9.2 Affected Date

9.2.1 Paragraph 9.2.2 shall apply if, on any Payment Date (such date, in respect of the Settlement Day to which it relates, the "Affected Date"), the FAA has been notified by a Settlement Bank or it otherwise has reason to believe there will be an Amount in Default in respect of any BSC Debtor (the "Non-paying BSC Debtor").

9.2.2 Where this paragraph 9.2.2 applies, subject to paragraphs 8.5.4 and 9.2.5, the FAA shall, on behalf of the BSC Clearer, act in accordance with the following provisions (or whichever of them shall apply) in the order in which they appear, until the FAA is satisfied that the Clearing Account will clear to zero not later than the close of business on the Affected Date:

(a) if a Credit Facility is available to the BSC Clearer, the FAA shall make a Drawing by debiting the Borrowing Account and crediting the Clearing Account with a sum being the lesser of the Amount in Default and the amount available for drawing under the Credit Facility;

(b) if the FAA is satisfied that any Cash Cover provided by the Non-paying BSC Debtor will be paid into the Clearing Account in sufficient time to ensure that that Cash Cover can be applied to the Amount in Default by close of business on the Affected Date, the FAA shall debit the Reserve Account and credit the Clearing Account with a sum being the lesser of the Amount in Default (to the extent that it will not be covered by the amount borrowed by application of paragraph (a)) and that Cash Cover;

(c) if the FAA is satisfied that the proceeds of a call under the Letter(s) of Credit supplied by the Non-paying BSC Debtor will be paid into the Clearing Account in sufficient time to ensure that those proceeds can be applied to the Amount in Default by close of business on the Affected Date, the FAA shall make a call under the Letter of Credit(s) in a sum not exceeding the lesser of the Amount in Default (to the extent it will not be covered by the application of paragraph (a) or recovered by the application of paragraph (b)) and the available amount of such Letter(s) of Credit and the FAA shall cause the proceeds of such call to be paid into the Clearing Account; and

(d) if and to the extent that, notwithstanding application of the foregoing measures, it is not possible to credit an amount in cleared funds equal to the Amount in Default to the Clearing Account by close of business on the Affected Date, the FAA shall:

(i) on behalf of the BSC Clearer, reduce the VAT Exclusive Elements of the payments by the BSC Clearer to all BSC Creditors in proportion to the VAT Exclusive Element of the amounts payable to them by the BSC Clearer on and in respect of the Affected Date by an aggregate amount equal to the amount necessary to cover the VAT Exclusive Element of the Amount in Default (to the extent it will not be covered by the application of paragraph (a) or recovered by the application of paragraphs (b) or (c));

(ii) determine and pay the appropriate VAT Elements (if any) of the payments by the BSC Clearer to all BSC Creditors accordingly; and

(iii) (subject to paragraph 2.7) account for such reduction in the Ledger Accounts as amounts due and owing by the BSC Clearer to each BSC Creditor (a "Shortfall Creditor") whose payments were so reduced; and

(e) notify BSCCo and (in the case of action under paragraph (b) or (c)) the Non-paying BSC Debtor as soon as reasonably practicable of the action taken.

9.2.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 9, the amount of the reduction pursuant to paragraph 9.2.2(d) plus interest at the Default Interest Rate from time to time in respect of each Shortfall Creditor is a "Shortfall Amount".

9.2.4 It is acknowledged for the avoidance of doubt that the FAA may (for the purposes of paragraph 9.2.1) have reason to believe, before a given Payment Date, that there will on that Payment Date be an Amount in Default in respect of a BSC Debtor; and in such case the FAA may (if it is feasible to do so) take steps before such date to implement paragraph 9.2.2(b) or (c) on that date.

9.2.5 Where there is an Amount in Default on a Payment Date in respect of a BSC Debtor which is a Defaulting Party, the order in which the FAA shall act in accordance with the provisions (or whichever of them shall apply) of the sub-paragraphs of paragraph 9.2.2 shall be as follows: (b), (c), (a), (d) (and references therein to the application of prior paragraphs shall be construed accordingly).

9.3 Amount in Default

9.3.1 For the purposes of this Section N, an Amount in Default shall be "paid or recovered" on any Business Day, only if, and to the extent that:

(a) an amount has been paid to the BSC Clearer on that Business Day and applied by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer to that Amount in Default; or

(b) it has been recovered from the Non-paying BSC Debtor on that Business Day by operation of set-off pursuant to paragraph 2.6; or

(c) it has been recovered from the Non-paying BSC Debtor on that Business Day by applying its Cash Cover or the proceeds of its Letter of Credit in accordance with this paragraph 9.

9.3.2 Any amount received from a Non-paying BSC Debtor shall be applied by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in or towards Amounts in Default payable by the Non-paying BSC Debtor to the BSC Clearer on each successive Payment Date in respect of which there is an outstanding default, with the longest outstanding default being settled first, and where a day is a Payment Date for more than one Settlement Day, with the default in respect of the earliest Settlement Day being settled first.

9.3.3 As soon as any portion of an Amount in Default (whether attributable to principal or interest) is paid or recovered, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall:

(a) first, apply the proceeds to the Drawing;

(b) secondly, apply the VAT Exclusive Element of any remaining proceeds to (and in proportion to) the VAT Exclusive Elements of the Shortfall Amounts or the Default Share Amounts (in accordance with paragraph 9.6.8 below) in relation to that Amount in Default; and

(c) determine and pay the amount of VAT (if any) attributable to amounts paid pursuant to paragraph 9.3.3(b) accordingly.

9.3.4 Consistent with paragraph 9.3.3, for the purposes of determining amounts payable pursuant to paragraphs 9.5.2 and 9.5.3, references in those paragraphs to certain amounts shall be construed as follows:

(a) in the context of the payment or recovery of all or part of an Amount in Default from a Non-paying BSC Debtor (including payment or recovery by debiting the Reserve Account or making a call under a Letter of Credit), such references are to both the VAT Element and the VAT Exclusive Element of that amount;

(b) in the context of the application of an amount so paid or recovered (including application by way of crediting the Borrowing Account, or payment to Shortfall Creditors):

(i) such references are to the VAT Exclusive Element of that amount;

(ii) the amount of VAT (if any) attributable to amounts so applied shall be separately determined.

9.4 Interest

9.4.1 Each Non-paying BSC Debtor shall pay to the account of the BSC Clearer interest from time to time (after as well as before judgment) calculated on a compound basis by applying the prevailing Default Interest Rate on a daily basis to the part of the Amount in Default (as compounded) not covered by a Drawing from the due date up to (but not including) the day of its payment or recovery from the Non-paying Debtor.

9.4.2 The Implementation Date for the application of compound interest pursuant to paragraph 9.4.1 shall be the Go-live Date.

9.5 D+1

9.5.1 Subject to paragraph 9.6.2A, paragraphs 9.5.2 to 9.5.4 (inclusive) shall apply if:

(a) the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer reduced payments to BSC Creditors in accordance with paragraph 9.2.2 (d); and

(b) the Amount in Default is not paid in full by the Non-paying Debtor and/or recovered by operation of set-off pursuant to paragraph 2.6 by the Business Day after the Affected Date ("D+1").

9.5.2 Where this paragraph 9.5.2 applies, the FAA shall, on behalf of the BSC Clearer, not later than the close of business on D+1 act in accordance with the following provisions (or whichever of them shall apply) in the order in which they appear:

(a) debit the Reserve Account with a sum being the lesser of the Amount in Default (including interest at the Default Interest Rate) and that Non-paying BSC Debtor’s Cash Cover and credit the Settlement Accounts (and the ledger accounts) of the Shortfall Creditors with that sum, in proportion to their respective Shortfall Amounts; and

(b) if, after the application of paragraph (a), there remains any Shortfall Amounts:

(i) make a call under the Non-paying BSC Debtor’s Letter of Credit in a sum not exceeding the lesser of the Amount in Default (including interest due pursuant to paragraph 9.4) and the available amount of such Letter(s) of Credit; and

(ii) cause the proceeds of such call to be paid forthwith into the Reserve Account.

9.5.3 On the next Business Day following receipt of such proceeds under a Letter of Credit in accordance with paragraph 9.5.2 (b), the FAA shall pay on behalf of the BSC Clearer such amounts as have been credited to the Reserve Account to the Shortfall Creditors in full or (as the case may be) in proportion to their respective Shortfall Amounts, except where paragraph 9.6.8 applies.

9.5.4 Where paragraphs 9.5.2 to 9.5.4 apply, the FAA shall promptly notify Shortfall Creditors and BSCCo and (where it takes action under paragraph 9.5.2) the Non-paying BSC Debtor.

9.6 D+2

9.6.1 Subject to paragraph 9.6.2A, paragraph 9.6.2 shall apply if:

(a) the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer has made a Drawing pursuant to paragraph 9.2.2 (a); and

(b) the Amount in Default is not paid in full by the Non-paying Debtor and/or recovered by operation of set-off pursuant to paragraph 2.6 by the second Business Day after the Affected Date ("D+2").

9.6.2 Where this paragraph 9.6.2 applies, the FAA shall, on behalf of the BSC Clearer, not later than 15.30 hours on D+2, act in accordance with the following provisions (or whichever of them shall apply) in the order in which they appear until the BSC Clearer has available sufficient funds in the Clearing Account to repay the Drawing to the BSC Banker:

(a) debit the Reserve Account with a sum being the lesser of the Amount in Default (including interest due pursuant to paragraph 9.4) and that Non-paying BSC Debtor’s Cash Cover and credit the Borrowing Account with that sum; and

(b) if, after the application of paragraph (a), there remains an amount due and owing by the BSC Clearer to the BSC Banker, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall:

(i) make a call under the Non-paying BSC Debtor’s Letter(s) of Credit in a sum not exceeding the lesser of the Amount in Default (including interest due pursuant to paragraph 9.4) and the available amount of such Letter(s) of Credit; and

(ii) cause the proceeds of such call to be paid forthwith into the Borrowing Account.

9.6.2A Where (on the Affected Date) the Non-paying Debtor was a Defaulting Party:

(a) paragraphs 9.6.1 and 9.6.2 shall apply on the basis that the reference in paragraph 9.6.1(b) to the second Business Day after the Affected Date is to the first Business Day after the Affected Date (and references to D+2 shall be construed accordingly);

(b) the FAA shall act in accordance with paragraph 9.6.2 (on such basis) before acting in accordance with paragraph 9.5.2 (if applicable).

9.6.3 Subject to paragraph 9.6.3A and paragraph 9.6.3B, paragraph 9.6.4 shall apply if:

(a) the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer made a Drawing pursuant to paragraph 9.2.2(a), and the BSC Banker has not been repaid in full pursuant to paragraph 9.6.2; or

(b) the FAA on behalf of BSC Clearer reduced payments to BSC Creditors in accordance with paragraph 9.2.2(d), and the Shortfall Amounts have not been paid or credited to the Shortfall Creditors in full pursuant to paragraph 9.5.3

in either case, by 17.00 hours on D+2.

9.6.3A Where:

(a) the Non-paying BSC Debtor has provided Cash Cover but for any reason the Reserve Account has not yet been debited in accordance with paragraph 9.5.2(a) or 9.6.2(a), and/or

(b) the Non-paying BSC Debtor has provided Letter(s) of Credit, the FAA has (in accordance with paragraph 9.5.2(b) or 9.6.2(b)) made call(s) thereon which have not yet been paid, but the FAA has no reason to believe such call(s) will not be paid; and

(c) the sum of the available amount of such Cash Cover and/or (otherwise uncalled) amounts of such Letter(s) of Credit subject to such call is sufficient to enable the outstanding Amount in Default to be paid or recovered,

the FAA, with the approval of BSCCo, may defer acting in accordance with paragraph 9.6.4 for a period not exceeding three Business Days; and accordingly where this paragraph 9.6.3A applies the reference in paragraph 9.6.3 to D+2 shall be a reference to such later day as the FAA shall determine, not being later than five Business Days after the Affected Date.

9.6.3B Where:

(a) the Non-paying BSC Debtor has received an Advice Note in respect of a Notification Date which is also a Quarter Date pursuant to paragraph 7.1.5(b); and

(b) the aggregate amount payable in respect of that Advice Note is less than the Advice Note Threshold Limit,

the FAA, with approval of BSCCo, may defer acting in accordance with paragraph 9.6.4 for a period not exceeding thirteen Business Days; and accordingly where this paragraph 9.6.3B applies the reference in paragraph 9.6.3 to D+2 shall be a reference to such later day as the FAA shall determine, not being later than fifteen Business Days after the Affected Date.

9.6.4 Where this paragraph 9.6.4 applies, the FAA shall:

(a) determine the VAT Exclusive Element of the Amount in Default (including all interest accrued thereon) which has not been paid or recovered;

(b) determine for each Payment Party other than Virtual Lead Parties and the Non-paying BSC Debtor the amount (the "Default Share Amount") of that Payment Party’s Annual Funding Share (on a default basis, for the month in which the Affected Date fell) of that VAT Exclusive Element of the Amount in Default;

(c) in good time (in accordance with BSCP301) for the relevant Payment Parties to give instructions for payments to be effected on the Default Payment Date, despatch to BSCCo and each Payment Party other than the Non-paying BSC Debtor an Advice Note showing the amount or amounts (as applicable to that Payment Party) determined under paragraph 9.6.5 below increased to take VAT into account; and

(d) notify BSCCo, the Panel and each Payment Party.

9.6.5 The amounts are:

(a) for each Payment Party, the Default Share Amount; and

(b) for each Shortfall Creditor:

(i) the VAT Exclusive Element of the outstanding Shortfall Amount (including interest applied at the Default Interest Rate for each day on a compounded basis from and including the Affected Date to, but excluding, the Default Payment Date (as defined below)); and

(ii) the difference between the amounts under paragraph (a) and paragraph (b)(i).

9.6.6 Each Payment Party shall be liable to pay or (where the amount under paragraph 9.6.5(b)(i) is greater than the amount under paragraph 9.6.5(a)) entitled to receive the amount set out in the relevant Advice Note calculated in accordance with paragraph 9.6.5 (a) or if applicable, paragraph 9.6.5(b)(ii), on the second Business Day (the "Default Payment Date") after the date of the Advice Note and any payment made by a Payment Party to the BSC Clearer in accordance with this paragraph is a limited recourse loan on which interest is payable and which is repayable only to the extent set out in paragraph 9.6.8.

9.6.7 The provisions of paragraphs 8 and 9 shall apply to the making of payments under paragraph 9.6.6 and Payment Parties who fail to pay the amount in the Advice Note by the Default Payment Date shall be Non-paying BSC Debtors.

9.6.8 If, after despatching Advice Notes under paragraph 9.6.4(c):

(a) any portion of the Amount in Default attributable to principal is paid or recovered, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall distribute the VAT Exclusive Element (increased by an amount in respect of VAT if applicable) of such amounts to Payment Parties in their Annual Funding Shares (as referred to in paragraph 9.6.4(b)); or

(b) any portion of the Amount in Default attributable to interest is paid or recovered, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall distribute such amounts to Payment Parties in their Annual Funding Shares (as referred to in paragraph 9.6.4(b)).

9.6.9 To the extent that the VAT Element of amounts received by the BSC Clearer (net of the VAT Element of amounts paid by the BSC Clearer) in respect of an Amount in Default under paragraph 9.6.6 are insufficient to repay that part of the Drawing (if any) representing the part of that Amount of Default that is attributable to VAT, BSCCo shall pay an amount equal to the excess into the Credit Facility.

9.6.10 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this paragraph shall apply if, on any Notification Date:

(a) any BSC Debtor is a Defaulting Party; and

(b) the FAA is reasonably satisfied that:

(i) the Credit Cover provided by that Defaulting Party will be insufficient to settle the Amount in Default (including interest due on that sum) of that Defaulting Party; and

(ii) there is no prospect of the Defaulting Party being in a position to settle any Amount in Default (including interest due on that sum) by the Payment Date

then, the FAA may, with the approval of BSCCo, on the basis that it is in the best interests of all BSC Parties not to incur Credit Facility interest in relation to the Amount in Default, immediately apply section 9.6.4 without needing to consider or follow the normal process set out in 9.5, 9.6.1, 9.6.2, 9.6.2A and 9.6.3.

9.7 No liability

9.7.1 The BSC Clearer shall have no liability in respect of any Shortfall Amount or Default Share Amount in accordance with this paragraph 9, save to the extent that the Amount in Default (including interest) is paid or recovered.


10.1 Despatch of Confirmation Notices

10.1.1 Within two Business Days after each Payment Date the FAA shall, on behalf of the BSC Clearer, issue a Confirmation Notice to each Payment Party in respect of that Payment Date setting out the information required in paragraphs 10.2 and 10.3 and any other information, if any, required for the purposes of any VAT and relevant legislation.

10.2 Information – Imbalance Parties

10.2.1 The information required on a Confirmation Notice in respect of each Imbalance Party is as follows:

(a) the identity of the Imbalance Party;

(b) the amount (inclusive of an amount in respect of VAT) received in, or paid out of, the Clearing Account on the relevant Payment Date by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in respect of Trading Charges incurred or received by that Imbalance Party;

(c) the amount received in, or paid out of, the Clearing Account on the relevant Payment Date by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in respect of Trading Charges incurred or received by that Imbalance Party, exclusive of VAT;

(d) the amount in respect of VAT received in, or paid out of, the Clearing Account on the Payment Date by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in respect of Trading Charges incurred or received by that Imbalance Party and the applicable rate at which such VAT is calculated, and where the Imbalance Party is not liable to VAT, the Confirmation Notice shall state that and indicate that the Imbalance Party must account for VAT; and

(e) the VAT number and two digit country code for the Imbalance Party.

10.3 Information - NETSO

10.3.1 The information required on a Confirmation Notice in respect of the NETSO is as follows:

(a) the total amount (inclusive of an amount in respect of VAT) received in, or paid out of, the Clearing Account on the relevant Payment Date by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in respect of Daily System Operator Cashflow incurred or received by the NETSO;

(b) the amount received in, or paid out of, the Clearing Account on the relevant Payment Date by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in respect of System Operator Cashflow incurred or received by the NETSO, exclusive of VAT; and

(c) the amount in respect of VAT received in, or paid out of, the Clearing Account on the Payment Date by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer in respect of System Operator Cashflow incurred or received by the NETSO and the applicable rate at which such VAT is calculated.


11.1 Overpayments

11.1.1 If, for any reason whatsoever, a Payment Party receives from the BSC Clearer on any Payment Date a payment in excess of the amount it is entitled to (an "overpayment"):

(a) the Payment Party shall forthwith on becoming aware of the overpayment notify the FAA of the amount of the overpayment;

(b) the FAA shall (if it has received notice from the BSC Banker or otherwise of the overpayment and the Payment Party has not already notified it) forthwith notify the Payment Party of the amount of the overpayment in writing; and

(c) the Payment Party shall forthwith repay the overpayment to the Collection Account.

11.1.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 11:

(a) the "overpayment notification date" is the day on which a Payment Party notified the FAA or the FAA notified a Payment Party of an overpayment;

(b) the "repayment date" is a Business Day falling two Business Days after the overpayment notification date; and

(c) paragraph 2.6 shall apply as if references to "overpayments" were substituted for "Amount in Default".

11.1.3 Not Used.

11.1.4 A Payment Party shall not be liable to pay interest on all or any part of an overpayment if and to the extent that:

(a) an amount has been paid to the BSC Clearer on the repayment date and applied by the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer to that overpayment; and/or

(b) it has been recovered from that Payment Party on or before the repayment date by operation of set-off pursuant to paragraphs 2.6 and 11.1.2(c).

11.1.5 All interest and banking charges properly due from the BSC Clearer to the BSC Banker as a result of an overpayment shall be paid by BSCCo on behalf of the BSC Clearer on the date the interest and/or banking charges is payable to the BSC Banker.

11.2 Failure to repay overpayments

11.2.1 Paragraph 11.2.2 shall apply if on the repayment date an overpayment has not been repaid in full and/or recovered by operation of set-off pursuant to paragraphs 2.6 and 11.1 2(c).

11.2.2 Where this paragraph 11.2.2 applies, the FAA shall, on behalf of the BSC Clearer, act in accordance with the following provisions (or whichever of them shall apply) in the order in which they appear until the BSC Clearer has available sufficient funds in the Clearing Account on the repayment date to repay the amount of the Drawing to the BSC Banker:

(a) debit the Reserve Account with a sum being the lesser of the overpayment and the relevant Payment Party's Cash Cover and credit the Borrowing Account with that sum; and

(b) if, after the application of paragraph (a), there remains an amount due and owing by the BSC Clearer to the BSC Banker, the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall:

(i) make a call under the relevant Payment Party's Letter(s) of Credit in a sum not exceeding the lesser of the overpayment and the available amount of such Letter(s) of Credit; and

(ii) cause the proceeds of such call to be paid forthwith into the Borrowing Account; and

(c) if and to the extent that, notwithstanding application of the foregoing measures, it is not possible to credit an amount in cleared finds equal to the overpayment to the Borrowing Account, apply paragraphs 9.6.4 to 9.6.8 (inclusive) as if references to "overpayments" were substituted for "Amount in Default" and references to interest were to interest in accordance with paragraph 11.2.3.

11.2.3 If a Payment Party does not repay any overpayment (or part thereof) on the repayment date, it shall pay interest from time to time (after as well as before judgment) at the Default Interest Rate on that overpayment (or part thereof) from the repayment date until the day of its payment.

11.2.4 Paragraph 9.3.3 shall apply to overpayments as if references to "overpayments" were substituted for "Amount in Default".

11.3 Underpayments

11.3.1 If, for any reason whatsoever, a BSC Creditor does not receive on the relevant Payment Date the full amount it is entitled to (an "underpayment"):

(a) that BSC Creditor shall forthwith on becoming aware of any underpayment notify the FAA of the amount of the underpayment;

(b) the FAA after consultation with the BSC Banker and on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall use all reasonable endeavours to promptly to correct the underpayment; and

(c) the FAA on behalf of the BSC Clearer shall pay interest equal to the amount of interest earned by the BSC Clearer as a result of such underpayment to such BSC Creditor.


12.1 Duties of FAA

12.1.1 Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Section N and Section M, neither the FAA nor the BSC Clearer shall be required to ascertain or enquire as to the performance or observance by any Payment Party of its obligations under the Code and neither shall have a duty to inform the Panel or Payment Party of any default, other than a failure to pay, as may come to its attention.

12.2 Action to recover Default Share Amounts

12.2.1 Where a Payment Party has failed to make a payment required under this Section N and pursuant to paragraph 9.6.6 Payment Parties have borne Default Share Amounts of the Amount in Default, BSCCo shall, if the Panel so decides but not otherwise, institute proceedings on behalf of the BSC Clearer against the Non-paying BSC Debtor for the recovery of the Amount in Default and interest thereon.

12.2.2 The Panel shall make a decision for the purposes of paragraph 12.2.1 after consultation with the Payment Parties (other than the Non-paying BSC Debtor) and no later than twenty eight days after the Affected Date, and shall notify its decision to the Payment Parties.

12.2.3 Where the Panel decides that BSCCo should institute proceedings against a Non-paying BSC Debtor:

(a) BSCCo shall institute and prosecute such proceedings with all reasonable diligence;

(b) such proceedings may be instituted by the FAA (if so agreed with BSCCo) on behalf of the BSC Clearer; and

(c) BSCCo shall keep the Panel informed of the progress of such proceedings, and shall not settle or discontinue the same without the Panel’s approval.

12.2.4 Where it appears to BSCCo (on the recommendation of the FAA or otherwise) that any interim proceedings or other step should be taken, in relation to the Non-paying BSC Debtor, in order to protect the interests of the BSC Clearer and/or Payment Parties pending the decision of the Panel under paragraph 12.2.2, BSCCo shall take or instruct the FAA to take such interim proceedings or step on behalf of the BSC Clearer, after consulting where time permits with the Panel Chair.

12.2.5 If the Panel decides under paragraph 12.2.2 that BSCCo should not institute proceedings, or does not make a decision by the time required under that paragraph, or later decides that any such proceedings should be discontinued, the BSC Clearer shall upon the written request of any Payment Party that it wishes to institute proceedings or take any action to recover its Default Share Amount together with interest at the Default Interest Rate:

(a) assign to the requesting Payment Party a part of the Amount in Default equal to that Party's Default Share Amount; and

(b) if that Payment Party shall so request, at the sole cost of that Payment Party and upon such terms (as to indemnity from that Payment Party, payment in advance in respect of costs, and otherwise) as the Panel may require, institute or maintain on behalf of that Payment Party proceedings against the Non-paying BSC Debtor for recovery of its Default Share Amount.

12.2.6 Subject to paragraph 12.2.1, BSCCo on behalf of the BSC Clearer may take any other steps to recover payment from any Non-paying BSC Debtor, including proving in its insolvency, unless the Panel otherwise directs.


13.1 Maintenance of Ledger Accounts

13.1.1 The FAA shall maintain ledger accounts showing all amounts payable and receivable by each Payment Party and the BSC Clearer according to calculations made and notifications issued by the FAA pursuant to this Section N.

13.2 Ledger extracts

13.2.1 Each Payment Party shall be entitled to receive a quarterly extract of the ledger account which is relevant to it showing all amounts debited and credited to its account provided that if a Payment Party so requests of the FAA, it shall be entitled to receive a monthly extract of such ledger account.

13.3 Certified copy extracts

13.3.1 In the event of any enforcement proceedings being brought against a Non-paying BSC Debtor pursuant to paragraph 12.2.3, the FAA shall forthwith upon request being made to it at the cost of the requesting Payment Parties provide a certified copy of an extract of the ledger accounts sufficient to establish the details of each Default Share Amount in respect of which those Payment Parties will have a claim against the Non-paying BSC Debtor upon assignment of that Default Share Amount by the BSC Clearer to those Payment Parties.

13.4 Confidentiality

13.4.1 The ledger accounts maintained by the FAA shall be kept confidential from the Panel and from all Payment Parties except as required:

(a) pursuant to paragraph 13.2 or 13.3; or

(b) for the purposes of calculating the amount of Energy Credit Cover to be provided by an Imbalance Party or monitoring or enforcing compliance by an Imbalance Party with its obligations with respect to the provision and maintenance of Credit Cover; or

(c) to be disclosed to the BSC Auditor for the purpose of any BSC Audit.

13.5 Information

13.5.1 Any extract of a ledger account of any other records, data or information provided pursuant to paragraph 13.2 or paragraph 13.4 (collectively referred to in this paragraph 13 as the "information") shall, save in the case of manifest error, be deemed prima facie evidence of its contents.

13.6 Review of extracts

13.6.1 Each Payment Party shall promptly review all extracts of ledger accounts sent to it and shall (without prejudice to any of its rights under the Code) where practicable within ten Business Days after receiving such information notify the FAA of any errors on the face of such account of which it is aware or, if it is not aware of any such errors on the face of the extracts, so notify the FAA.

13.7 Dispute of accuracy

13.7.1 If the FAA at any time receives a notice disputing the accuracy of any ledger account, records, data or information, it shall consult with the Payment Party who gave the notice and each shall use all reasonable endeavours to agree the information.


Section N

Version 21.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date






















P433 Self Governance
















P337 Self-Governance






















































1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section O sets out:

(a) an outline of the arrangements for Communications under the Code; and

(b) in relation to certain Communications between Parties and certain BSC Agents:

(i) requirements to be complied with by Parties and Party Agents in order to be able to send certain Communications to BSC Agents and ensure that certain Communications are received;

(ii) requirements as to the forms of certain Communications between Parties or Party Agents and BSC Agents;

(iii) the basis on which certain Communications will be treated as received by a Party or BSC Agent for the purposes of the Code.

1.1.2 In this Section O references to a Party do not include BSCCo or BSC Clearer. In this Section O references to a Party Agent do not include SVA Meter Operator Agents.

1.1.3 For the purposes of this Section O:

(a) "Communication" means any communication (including any notification, application, request, approval, acceptance, rejection, report or other data submission or data transfer) to be sent and received under the Code, and includes (where the context admits) the data flow and content comprised in such communication;

(b) "Communications Medium" means a particular method of transmitting Communications, including telefax, e-mail, telephone or other electronic communications system (and includes the Managed Data Network as defined in paragraph 1.4.1);

(c) a "Data Catalogue" is a document (or combination of documents) of that title, as established or adopted and from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code, containing a catalogue of certain Communications, specifying for each such Communication:

(i) the definition of the data items comprised in the Communication;

(ii) the format of the Communication;

(iii) in certain cases, the Communications Medium or alternative Communications Medium by which such Communication may be sent;

(iv) any other requirements as to the form of the Communication.

1.1.4 Data Catalogues are Code Subsidiary Documents.

1.2 Communications

1.2.1 Subject to any other specific provision of the Code, and subject to paragraph 1.2.2 and 1.2.3, the arrangements and requirements (including terms as to when the sending or receipt of a Communication is effective) which apply in relation to the various kinds of Communications are as follows (in each case where applicable to any Communication):

(a) Communications between (1) any Party and (2) the Panel, BSC Clearer (but not the FAA on its behalf) or subject to paragraph 1.2.3 BSCCo, are to be made in accordance with Section H9.2;

(b) Communications between the NETSO and a Party pursuant to Section Q are governed by the Grid Code as provided in Section Q;

(c) Communications between (1) Parties (including for the avoidance of doubt the NETSO pursuant to Section Q) or Party Agents and (2) BSC Agents (not including SVA Communications except as provided in paragraph 2.1.1(b)) are to be made in accordance with the further provisions of this Section O;

(d) SVA Communications are to be made in accordance with paragraph 1.4 (and with the further provisions of this Section O, if and to the extent applicable in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1(b));

(e) the arrangements for making communications between BSC Agents and/or between BSC Agents and Market Index Data Providers shall be contained in the relevant BSC Service Descriptions, BSC Agent Contracts, Market Index Data Provider Contracts and/or BSC Procedures or otherwise as established or approved by the Panel;

(f) unless otherwise provided in the Code, any other Communications between Parties are to be made in accordance with Section H9.2.

1.2.2 A Communication may be made by being posted on the BMRS or (where to be made by BSCCo or the Panel) by being placed on the BSC Website, in a case where any other provision of the Code expressly so provides.

1.2.3 BSCCo may arrange with any BSC Agent to send and receive Communications by any of the Communications Mediums by which Communications are made between that BSC Agent and Parties.

1.3 Data Catalogue

1.3.1 Unless the Panel otherwise approves, any Communication which is specified in a Data Catalogue shall be sent and received in the form and format and using the Communications Medium (where specified) and otherwise in accordance with the requirements set out in that Data Catalogue (or where the Data Catalogue provides options, in accordance with one of the options), but subject as provided in paragraph 1.2.3.

1.4 SVA Communications

1.4.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) the "SVA Data Catalogue" is the Data Catalogue of that title (including a data interfaces document) relating to certain Communications between SVA data parties;

(b) "SVA Communication" means any Communication which is specified in the SVA Data Catalogue or another Code Subsidiary Document as a Communication to be made using the Managed Data Network or an alternative approved method of SVA data transfer;

(c) "SVA data parties" means Suppliers, Supplier Agents, SMRAs, BSCCo, the SVAA and the Teleswitch Agent (but does not include the Profile Administrator or the TAA for SVA Metering Systems);

(d) the "Managed Data Network" is any third party service approved as such from time to time by the Panel for the purposes of transfers of data relating to Supplier Volume Allocation between inter alia SVA data parties;

(e) references to an alternative approved method of SVA data transfer are to such alternative method or methods of data transfer as the Panel may approve for the purposes of transferring data to and from SVA data parties in connection with Supplier Volume Allocation and/or SMRS.

1.4.2 SVA Communications shall be sent and received by the relevant SVA data parties using the Managed Data Network or an alternative approved method of SVA data transfer.

1.4.3 The BSC Agent Contract for the SVAA shall provide for the SVAA to have access to the Managed Data Network and to comply with the requirements of any Code Subsidiary Document in respect of transfers of data using the Managed Data Network, or for an alternative approved method of SVA data transfer, provided that the Panel shall not, save in exceptional circumstances, approve an alternative method of SVA data transfer if the charges for transferring data by that method will exceed the charges for using the Managed Data Network.

1.4.4 Each Supplier shall procure that:

(a) each Supplier Agent for which it is responsible complies with the relevant requirements of applicable BSC Procedures in respect of transfers of data to and from SVA data parties, including the sending of data in accordance with the SVA Data Catalogue;

(b) without prejudice to paragraph (a), except to the extent otherwise specified by the Panel, procure that each such Supplier Agent uses the Managed Data Network or an alternative approved method of SVA data transfer.

1.4.5 Where applicable (in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1(b)) the further provisions of this Section O shall apply (unless in conflict with this paragraph 1.4) in relation to SVA Communications.


2.1 Application of further provisions of this Section O

2.1.1 The further provisions of this Section O apply in relation to:

(a) Communications, other than SVA Communications, to be made between:

(i) Parties or Party Agents other than Supplier Agents, and

(ii) BSC Agents; and

(b) SVA Communications which are to be made using an alternative approved method of SVA data transfer;

and references to "Communications" and to "BSC Agents" in the further provisions of this Section O shall be construed accordingly; and further references to this Section O are to the further provisions of this Section O.

2.1.2 This Section O shall apply in relation to each Party's Party Agents, and each Party shall be responsible for ensuring that its Party Agents send and receive Communications in accordance with and otherwise comply with the requirements of this Section O; and accordingly, where the context admits, a reference in this Section O to a Party includes its Party Agents.

2.2 Interpretation

2.2.1 For the purposes of this Section O:

(a) in relation to a particular BSC Agent and one or more particular Communications Mediums a "Data File Catalogue" is a Data Catalogue applying in respect of Communications to be made between Parties and that BSC Agent by that or those Communications Medium(s);

(b) a "Communication Requirements Document" is a document or documents of that title, as established or adopted and from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code, containing detailed requirements for sending and receiving Communications between Parties and one or more BSC Agents using one or more than one Communications Medium(s);

(c) a "Party System" is the system or systems collectively which (or the use of which) a Party or (pursuant to paragraph 2.1.2) a Party Agent has or is required to have pursuant to paragraph 3.1.1;

(d) "Time Standard" means any time standard specified (in relation to a BSC Agent and Communications Medium) in the relevant Communication Requirements Document.

2.2.2 Where the same person acts in the capacity of more than one BSC Agent, the Panel may decide that a single Data File Catalogue shall apply in relation to that person.

2.2.3 Communications specified in a Data File Catalogue are to be sent and received in accordance with that Data File Catalogue and the further requirements of this Section O and any applicable Communication Requirements Document.

2.2.4 References in the further provisions of this Section O to Communications are to Communications which are specified in a Data File Catalogue.

2.3 Communication Requirements Document

2.3.1 Each Communication Requirements Document sets out, in relation to the BSC Agent and each Communications Medium to which it relates:

(a) a description and specification of the Communications Medium;

(b) requirements (if any) as to the system(s) which are required by a Party in order to send and receive Communications using that Communications Medium;

(c) details of the tests which are required of a Party in relation to its Party System in accordance with paragraph 3.2;

(d) any particular requirements applying to a Party where it wishes to modify its Party System;

(e) any security requirements (as further described in paragraph 3.4) applying in respect of the use of the Communications Medium by a Party;

(f) any further terms applying to the use of such Communications Medium by a Party;

(g) the basis on which (as further described in paragraph 4.2) it will be determined whether and when Communications sent using such Communications Medium are deemed to have been received;

(h) for the purposes of the matters in paragraph 4.2.2, the arrangements which exist within, or the configuration of, each relevant BSC Agent System, and the arrangements which are required to be a part of each Party System, for recording and logging and (in certain circumstances) acknowledging the sending and receipt of communications;

(i) the Time Standard applicable for the purposes in paragraph 4.2;

(j) details relating to planned BSC Agent downtime for the purposes of paragraph 4.3.

2.3.2 A Communication Requirements Document may specify any of the foregoing by reference to another Code Subsidiary Document.

2.3.3 Communication Requirements Documents are Code Subsidiary Documents.


3.1 Requirement to have a Party System

3.1.1 Each Party is required, at its expense, to ensure that:

(a) it has or has the use of, and

(b) it maintains and (where necessary under paragraph 3.3.3) upgrades,

a system or systems, which may include telecommunications facilities, other equipment, software and hardware, up to the interface with each Communications Medium or (as the case may be) BSC Agent System, in compliance with the applicable requirements of the applicable Communication Requirements Document, which enables the Party to send and receive Communications by the relevant Communications Medium and otherwise in the manner required by such Communication Requirements Document.

3.1.2 A Party may use its Party System for any purpose other than a purpose specified under the Code, provided that use does not affect the Party's ability to send Communications and the effective receipt of Communications in accordance with the requirements of this Section O.

3.2 Testing

3.2.1 Each Party shall submit to, and submit its Party System to, tests known as "network access tests" and "business process integration tests", as provided in the applicable Communication Requirements Document(s), in order to establish that:

(a) the Party System is compatible with the relevant Communication Medium;

(b) the Party is capable of sending and receiving Communications using the relevant Communication Medium and otherwise in accordance with the applicable Communication Requirements Document.

3.2.2 The provisions of the applicable Communication Requirements Document shall apply for the purposes of determining if and when a Party and its Party System have satisfied the tests referred to in paragraph 3.2.1.

3.2.3 Each Party is required to comply with paragraph 3.1.1(a) and to satisfy the tests in paragraph 3.2.1 before it is registered in CRS pursuant to Section A4.1.5.

3.3 Changes to Party Systems

3.3.1 A Party may modify its Party System at any time, provided that:

(a) the Party notifies its intention to modify its Party System to BSCCo if required to do so by the Communication Requirements Document;

(b) the modification does not affect the Party's ability to receive and send Communications; and

(c) the modification is made in compliance with the applicable requirements set out in the Communication Requirements Document.

3.3.2 A Party which modifies its Party System may be required to carry out such further testing (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.2) as may be specified in or determined in accordance with each Communication Requirements Document.

3.3.3 It shall be the responsibility of each Party to modify its Party System from time to time and to take any other steps, upon any change (in accordance with Section F) in any Data File Catalogue or Communication Requirements Document (including any change in a Communications Medium), so as to ensure that the Party and its Party System continues to comply with this Section O (and remains compatible with the Communications Medium).

3.4 Security

3.4.1 A Communication Requirements Document may specify, in relation to any particular Communication or in relation to the use of the relevant Communications Medium, requirements as to security of the Communication and/or Communications Medium, including by reference to any one or more of:

(a) passwords and security keys;

(b) firewalls at relevant gateways from and to which Communications will be sent and at which Communications may be received;

(c) other encryption methods as may be specified in the Communication Requirements Document.

3.4.2 Each Party shall, but without prejudice to paragraph 4.1.3, take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to a Communication or Communications Medium and shall exercise care in the use of passwords and security keys in particular, to prevent unauthorised use of them.

3.4.3 If a Party becomes aware of a breach of security in relation to a Communication or Communications Medium, it shall promptly take such steps as may be required under the Communication Requirements Document in relation thereto, including notifying BSCCo and the relevant BSC Agent accordingly.


4.1 Form and effect of Communications

4.1.1 Parties shall send Communications using the applicable Communications Medium and in the format and in accordance with all other applicable requirements set out in the Data File Catalogue or other applicable Communication Requirements Document.

4.1.2 For the purposes of the Code a communication made by a Communications Medium and otherwise in accordance with the requirements specified in or pursuant to this Section O shall be a valid and effective Communication; and the Parties hereby confirm that they intend such communications to have legal effect for the purposes of the Code.

4.1.3 It shall be assumed that any person:

(a) using a Party's Party System, and

(b) where paragraph 3.4 applies, using the relevant identification, password, security key or authorisation or otherwise appearing to comply with the applicable security measures,

for the purposes of sending or receiving any Communication, is authorised to access and use the Party System and to send and receive Communications in the name of and on behalf of the Party; and any Communication so sent or received shall be considered to have been sent or received by that Party.

4.1.4 A Party may not send and shall not be entitled to receive a Communication by a means other than one required or permitted under this Section O, and must otherwise comply with the applicable requirements of this Section O in order to send Communications; and it is acknowledged that:

(a) where a Party does not comply with such requirements:

(i) the Party may be unable to send Communications;

(ii) a Communication sent to the Party in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4.2.3 shall be properly sent and treated as received, notwithstanding that the Party may be unable to receive or access that Communication;

(b) where the Party attempts to send a Communication other than in accordance with such requirements, the Communication shall be treated as not having been sent and shall be of no effect.

4.2 Effective receipt of Communications

4.2.1 The Communication Requirements Document will specify, for the relevant Communications Medium and BSC Agent, and for all or particular Communications, the basis on which and time with effect from which a Communication is treated as received for the purposes of the Code.

4.2.2 In particular, in relation to Communications Mediums comprising electronic forms of communication, the Communication Requirements Document may specify:

(a) the equipment, to form part of the BSC Agent System and/or Party System (each referred to in this paragraph 4.2 as a " system"), by which, and the basis on which, the sending and/or receiving of a Communication is to be logged and recorded; and the basis on which such log or record is to be made available to any Party or other person for audit or other purposes;

(b) whether a Communication is treated as received for the purposes of the Code when logged as sent by the sender's system or as received by the receiver's system;

(c) whether the receiver's system will send an acknowledgement of receipt of a Communication and (if so) whether or not the sending of such acknowledgement of receipt is a condition to the Communication being treated as received for the purposes of the Code;

(d) any requirements applying where a message comprising a Communication is not properly received or is not accessible by the receiver, including any steps to be taken by the receiver and/or sender and whether the taking of or failure to take such steps has any effect in respect of the effective receipt of such Communication for the purposes of the Code;

(e) the basis on which (for the purposes of paragraph (b)) the time of sending or (as the case may be) receipt of a Communication will be logged, using the relevant Time Standard, where applicable.

4.2.3 It is agreed and acknowledged that (subject to paragraph 4.1.4(a)(ii)):

(a) Communications will be treated for the purposes of the Code as received (and as effective) by reference to and in accordance with the relevant arrangements and requirements specified in the Communication Requirements Document, and will not be treated as received other than in accordance with such arrangements and requirements; and

(b) where and to the extent that the Communication Requirements Document so specifies (and provides for arrangements and requirements which include a Time Standard for this purpose), the time with effect from which a Communications will be treated for the purposes of the Code as received will be the time determined in accordance with such arrangements and requirements and the Time Standard therein.

4.3 BSC Agent Downtime

4.3.1 Each Communication Requirements Document sets out, in relation to the relevant BSC Agent and Communications Medium:

(a) the basis on which the BSC Agent System or Communications Medium may be withdrawn (in whole or in part) from operation for maintenance or other purposes or may otherwise be unavailable; and

(b) terms as to the expected notice to be given of such withdrawal or unavailability and the expected duration of each such withdrawal or unavailability.

4.3.2 For the purposes of this Section O "planned BSC Agent downtime" means any period during which a BSC Agent's BSC Agent System or Communications Medium is withdrawn or unavailable in the circumstances referred to in paragraph 4.3.1.

4.3.3 During planned BSC Agent downtime, Parties will not be able or entitled to send or receive Communications to or from the relevant BSC Agent (and to that extent will not have use of or access to the relevant Communications Medium).

4.4 Other obligations

4.4.1 Each Party shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that its use of any Communications Medium does not disrupt the use by other Parties of that or other Communications Mediums.

4.4.2 Parties shall not send Communications containing content which is illegal, immoral, pornographic, inciteful, defamatory or contrary in any way to applicable laws, practises and regulations.


Section O

Version 5.0

Effective Date: 1 September 2021

Modification Proposal

Ofgem Decision Date

Implementation Date




















1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section P sets out:

(a) the basis on which persons may be authorised by Contract Trading Parties to notify Energy Contract Volume Data and Metered Volume Reallocation Data:

(b) the basis on which Energy Contract Volume Data and Metered Volume Reallocation Data:

(i) may be notified on behalf of Contract Trading Parties and validated;

(ii) not used;

(iii) may be treated as refused or rejected in certain cases of Credit Default; and

(iv) will be aggregated in order to be taken into account in Settlement.

1.2 Authorisations - general

1.2.1 Energy Contract Volume Data and Metered Volume Reallocation Data may only be notified by an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent and a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent respectively in accordance with the provisions of this Section P and Section J.

1.2.2 A Contract Trading Party:

(a) shall not include in any ECVNA Authorisation or MVRNA Authorisation any qualification of or condition as to the authority of the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent, other than:

(i) the effective period; and

(ii) in the case of an ECVNA Authorisation submitted after the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification Proposal P309, an authorisation to submit only Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications or only Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications under that ECVNA Authorisation;

(b) shall for the purposes of the Code be bound by, and may not challenge or dispute under or for the purposes of the Code:

(i) any Energy Contract Volume Notification or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted by any Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent; and

(ii) any omission or failure to submit any Energy Contract Volume Notification or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification by any Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent

which has been authorised by that Contract Trading Party and whose authorisation remains effective at the relevant time in accordance with this Section P.

1.2.3 An ECVNA Authorisation or MVRNA Authorisation authorises the submission, while it is effective, of Energy Contract Volume Notifications or (as the case may be) Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications, irrespective of the period for which any such notification is to be in force; and accordingly such a notification will be and remain in force notwithstanding that the corresponding authorisation may cease to be effective.

1.2.4 Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications shall not be in force with respect to any Settlement Period for which, the Submission Deadline is before the time at which such notification is received (in accordance with Section O) by the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent but subject to paragraphs 2.3.10, 3.3.10 and 5.

1.2.5 In respect of Clock Change Days for which Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications are submitted which do not take account of the Clock Change, the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent will apply defaulting rules such as to ignore values submitted in respect of the third and fourth Settlement Periods of that Settlement Day (for a short Clock Change Day) and to repeat values submitted in respect of the third and fourth Settlement Periods of that Settlement Day (for a long Clock Change Day), or such other or supplementary defaulting rules as may be approved from time to time by the Panel and notified by BSCCo to Trading Parties and the NETSO.

1.3 Further provisions

1.3.1 An ECVNA Authorisation or MVRNA Authorisation shall be effective for the period commencing on the later of:

(a) the effective date specified in such authorisation, and

(b) the day following that on which the ECVAA gives notice of confirmation thereof pursuant to this Section P;

and ending on the last day, if specified, of its effectiveness, or otherwise continuing until such authorisation is terminated.

1.3.2 Unless it is not valid (pursuant to paragraph 2.3.4 or 3.3.4) or treated as refused (pursuant to paragraph 2.5.1 or 3.5.1), an Energy Contract Volume Notification or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification shall be in force (subject to paragraphs 1.2.4, 2.5.2 and 3.5.2) in respect of each Settlement Day within the period commencing on its Effective-from Date and ending on its Effective-to Date (if any) or otherwise continuing until and unless replaced pursuant to paragraph 2.3.5(a) or 3.3.5(a).

1.3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the information that an Energy Contract Volume Notification or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is not valid or is (pursuant to paragraph 2.5.1 or 3.5.1) treated as refused, may be given to the Relevant Contract Parties (pursuant to Section V) after its Effective-from Date but without prejudice to paragraphs 2.3.10 and 3.3.10.

1.3.4 Energy Contract Volume Data may have a positive or a negative value.

1.3.5 In relation to any ECVNA Authorisation or Energy Contract Volume Notification:

(a) subject to paragraph 1.4, the "Relevant Contract Parties" are the two Contract Trading Parties by whom the two Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents are to be appointed or (as the case may be) on whose behalf Energy Contract Volumes are notified;

(b) the "Energy (To) Account" is the Energy Account (of one Relevant Contract Party) to which Energy Contract Volume(s) are to be credited or from which Energy Contract Volume(s) are to be nullified;

(c) the "Energy (From) Account" is the Energy Account (of the other Relevant Contract Party) from which Energy Contract Volume(s) are to be debited or from which Energy Contract Volume(s) are to be nullified;

and accordingly where the Energy Contract Volume Data is positive an Energy Contract Volume Notification has the effect of transferring the relevant Energy Contract Volume from the Energy (From) Account of one Relevant Contract Party to the Energy (To) Account of the other Relevant Contract Party.

1.4 Single Relevant Contract Party

1.4.1 An ECVNA Authorisation and Energy Contract Volume Notifications may be submitted on behalf of a single Trading Party in the capacity of both Relevant Contract Parties, who may (by such a notification) transfer Energy Contract Volume(s) from one of its Energy Accounts to the other.

1.4.2 Any provisions of the Code which refer to both, or two, Relevant Contract Parties, or to either Relevant Contract Party, or which otherwise imply that there must be two Relevant Contract Parties, shall be construed so as to give effect to this paragraph 1.4.

1.5 Single Energy Contract Notification Agent or Single Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent

1.5.1 Where the same person is appointed as an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent by each of the Relevant Contract Parties by an ECVNA Authorisation, the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent so appointed shall submit Energy Contract Volume Notifications on behalf of each of the Relevant Contract Parties.

1.5.2 Where the same person is appointed as a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent by each of the Lead Party and the Subsidiary Party by an MVRNA Authorisation, the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent so appointed shall submit Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications on behalf of each of the Lead Party and the Subsidiary Party.

1.5.3 Any provisions of the Code which refer to both, or two, Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents or both, or two, Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents, or to either Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent or either Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent, or which otherwise imply that there must be two Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents or two Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents, shall be construed so as to give effect to this paragraph 1.5.

1.6 Suspension of contract volume notification

1.6.1 Where, for the purposes of any Contingency Provisions, the notification of contract volumes is to be suspended in relation to any Settlement Period:

(a) no Energy Contract Volume Notification shall be taken into account in Settlement as to any Energy Contract Volume Data which relates to that Settlement Period, and accordingly the Account Bilateral Contract Volume shall be zero for all Energy Accounts;

(b) no Metered Volume Reallocation Notification shall be taken into account in Settlement as to any Metered Volume Reallocation Data which relates to that Settlement Period, and accordingly the Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation and the Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation shall be zero for all BM Units and Subsidiary Energy Accounts;

(c) subject to any other provision of the Code relating to Level 2 Credit Default, when (in accordance with the relevant Contingency Provisions) the notification of contract volumes ceases to be suspended, the provisions of this Section P shall apply by reference to all Volume Notifications then in force.


2.1 Submission of ECVNA Authorisation

2.1.1 Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents may be appointed by an ECVNA Authorisation, given by the Relevant Contract Parties by whom such persons are to be appointed, and submitted to the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent.

2.1.2 An ECVNA Authorisation:

(a) shall be made under the authority of both Relevant Contract Parties;

(b) shall specify:

(i) the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents,

(ii) the Relevant Contract Parties,

(iii) the Energy (From) Account,

(iv) the Energy (To) Account, and

(v) the first day on which it is intended to be effective;

(bb) shall, in the case of an ECVNA Authorisation submitted after the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification Proposal P309, specify whether the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent is authorised to submit:

(i) only Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications; or

(ii) only Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications; or

(iii) either Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications,

under that ECVNA Authorisation;

(c) shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP71; and

(d) may specify the last day on which it is to be effective (failing which it is to be effective until otherwise terminated in accordance with paragraph 2.2).

2.1.3 An ECVNA Authorisation shall be valid if and only if it is made in accordance with BSCP71 and the following conditions are met:

(a) each Relevant Contract Party is a Contract Trading Party;

(b) each Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent has qualified in accordance with Section J5.3;

(c) the Energy (From) Account is either the Production Energy Account or the Consumption Energy Account of one of the Relevant Contract Parties;

(d) the Energy (To) Account is either the Production Energy Account or the Consumption Energy Account of the other Relevant Contract Party.

(e) in the case of an ECVNA Authorisation submitted after the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification Proposal P309, the authorisation identifies whether the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent is authorised to submit:

(i) only Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications; or

(ii) only Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications; or

(iii) either Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications,

under that ECVNA Authorisation.

2.1.4 The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall, in accordance with BSCP71:

(a) validate (as to compliance with the requirements in paragraph 2.1.3) each ECVNA Authorisation submitted to it pursuant to this paragraph 2.1; and

(b) on the basis of such validation, confirm or reject, by notice to the Contract Trading Parties and each of the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents, such ECVNA Authorisation.

2.1.5 The Relevant Contract Parties may, subject to and in accordance with BSCP71, submit a change to the authority of an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent to submit Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications (an "Authorisation Change").

2.1.6 The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall, in accordance with BSCP71:

(a) validate an Authorisation Change; and

(b) on the basis of such validation, confirm or reject the Authorisation Change by notice to the Relevant Contract Parties and each of the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents.

2.1.7 An Authorisation Change shall be effective from the later of:

(a) the effective date specified in the Authorisation Change in accordance with BSCP71; and

(b) the day following that on which the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent gives notice of confirmation thereof pursuant to paragraph 2.1.6(b).

2.1.8 An Authorisation Change shall be effective until the earlier of:

(a) the termination or expiry of the associated ECVNA Authorisation; and

(b) confirmation (in accordance with paragraph 2.1.6(b)) of a subsequent Authorisation Change in respect of the same ECVNA Authorisation.

2.1.9 During the period in which an Authorisation Change is effective (in accordance with paragraphs 2.1.7 and 2.1.8), the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent shall be authorised to submit Energy Contract Volume Notifications as authorised by that Authorisation Change.

2.2 Termination of ECVNA Authorisation

2.2.1 An ECVNA Authorisation (if validated pursuant to paragraph 2.1) shall be and remain effective until and only until:

(a) a valid notice of termination is received and validated pursuant to paragraph 2.2.2, or

(b) the end of the last day of its effectiveness (if specified pursuant to paragraph 2.1.2(d)), or

(c) either Relevant Contract Party ceases to be a Contract Trading Party, or

(d) it is replaced by a further ECVNA Authorisation in accordance with paragraph 2.2.3

whichever is the earliest.

2.2.2 An ECVNA Authorisation may be terminated by notice, given in accordance with BSCP71, by either of the Relevant Contract Parties or either of the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents to (and effective when received by) the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent, which notice shall specify:

(a) the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents,

(b) the Energy (To) Account, and

(c) the Energy (From) Account.

2.2.3 If at any time:

(a) an ECVNA Authorisation (the "first" such authorisation) is and remains effective, and

(b) a further ECVNA Authorisation, for which the Relevant Contract Parties, Energy (To) Account, Energy (From) Account, and (subject to paragraph 2.2.5) Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents are the same as those for the first, is submitted to the ECVAA and is valid

then the further ECVNA Authorisation shall, upon and with effect from its becoming effective, replace the first ECVNA Authorisation which shall then cease to be effective.

2.2.4 Where at any time an ECVNA Authorisation ceases to be effective, the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall issue a notification to that effect to the Relevant Contract Parties and the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents in accordance with BSCP71.

2.2.5 Where an ECVNA Authorisation (the "successor" such authorisation) is submitted which:

(a) satisfies the requirements in paragraph 2.2.3(b), except that it specifies a different Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent for either of the Relevant Contract Parties from that for the first authorisation (referred to in paragraph 2.2.3(a)), and

(b) states that it is to replace the first authorisation.

then the successor ECVNA Authorisation shall, upon and with effect from its becoming effective, replace the first ECVNA Authorisation which shall then cease to be effective, and the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agents under the successor ECVNA Authorisation shall be considered to be the same as that under the first for the purposes of paragraph 2.3.5.

2.3 Energy Contract Volume Notifications

2.3.1 Energy Contract Volume Data may be notified by way of an Energy Contract Volume Notification submitted by an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent.

2.3.1A An Energy Contract Volume Notification shall be one or more of the following types:

(a) an Additional Energy Contract Volume Notification;

(b) an Initial Energy Contract Volume Notification;

(c) a Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification.

2.3.2 An Energy Contract Volume Notification:

(a) shall specify:

(i) the ECVNA Authorisation under which it is given (thereby identifying the Energy (From) Account and the Energy (To) Account),

(ii) the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent,

(iii) the first Settlement Day on which it is intended to be in force (the "Effective-from Date"), and

(iv) for each Settlement Period, a quantity of Active Energy (expressed in MWh);

(b) shall be submitted in accordance with and subject to BSCP71; and

(c) may specify:

(i) subject to paragraph 2.3.4(d)(i), that it is to replace, in accordance with paragraph 2.3.5(a), a previous Energy Contract Volume Notification identified (by the ECVN identifier provided for in BSCP71) in such notification; and/or

(ii) the last Settlement Day on which it is to be in force (the "Effective-to Date"), failing which it is to be in force until and unless replaced in accordance with paragraph 2.3.5(a).

2.3.3 Where an Energy Contract Volume Notification is to be in force for more than one Settlement Day, the Energy Contract Volume Data for a given Settlement Period (considered as a period in any day) shall be the same for that period in each Settlement Day for which it is in force.

2.3.4 An Energy Contract Volume Notification shall be valid (but without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.4) if and only if it is made in accordance with BSCP71 and:

(a) there is an effective ECVNA Authorisation with respect to the Energy (From) Account, Energy (To) Account, and the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent submitting the Energy Contract Volume Notification;

(b) the Energy Contract Volume Notification is submitted within the period of effectiveness of such ECVNA Authorisation;

(c) the Energy Contract Volume for each Settlement Period is a number in MWh, positive or negative, with no more than three digits after the decimal point, and between –99,999.999 and 99,999.999; provided that (subject to paragraph 1.2.5) where in relation to a Settlement Period no value for Energy Contract Volume is specified, a value of zero shall be deemed to be specified; and

(d) where the Energy Contract Volume Notification:

(i) is a Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification, the relevant ECVNA Authorisation authorises the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent to submit Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications;

(ii) is an Additional Energy Contract Volume Notification, the relevant ECVNA Authorisation authorises the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent to submit Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications.

2.3.4A For the purpose of paragraph 2.3.4(d):

(a) the references to an ECVNA Authorisation shall include any change to such authorisation pursuant to an effective Authorisation Change; and

(b) an ECVNA Authorisation validated prior to the Implementation Date of Modification Proposal P309 shall be deemed to authorise an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent to submit Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications except to the extent that the Relevant Contract Parties have changed the authority of the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent in accordance with an Authorisation Change.

2.3.4B For the avoidance of doubt, any authorisation to submit:

(a) only Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications; or

(b) only Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications; or

(c) either Additional Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notifications,

as specified in an ECVNA Authorisation, shall not affect the ability to submit, or validity of, an Initial Energy Contract Volume Notification and paragraph 2.3.4(d) shall not apply to such notification.

2.3.5 Where a valid (in accordance with paragraph 2.3.4):

(a) Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification is submitted then, with effect from the Effective-from Date of the Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification (or, if later, the first Settlement Period from which it is in force pursuant to paragraph 1.2.4), the Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification shall replace the earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification and, the earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification shall cease to be in force (or if it is not yet in force, shall not come into force), irrespective of whether the Effective-from Date of the earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification falls before or after the Effective-to Date of the Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification;

(b) Additional Energy Contract Volume Notification is submitted, the Additional Energy Contract Volume Notification shall be additional to the earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification, and the earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification shall (subject to any other provision of this Section P) remain in (or, as the case may be, come into) force.

2.3.6 Subject to paragraph 2.3.10, an Energy Contract Volume Notification may not be amended or varied other than pursuant to paragraph 2.3.5(a).

2.3.7 The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall:

(a) validate (as to compliance with the requirements in paragraph 2.3.4) each Energy Contract Volume Notification submitted to it pursuant to this paragraph 2.3; and

(b) determine whether such Energy Contract Volume Notification is to be treated as refused in accordance with paragraph 2.5.1.

(c) not used.

2.3.8 Subject to paragraph 2.3.11, the ECVAA will inform the Relevant Contract Parties and the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent if it does not validate an Energy Contract Volume Notification submitted to it pursuant to this paragraph 2.3.

2.3.9 If:

(a) an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent submits an Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "original" such notification) which is not valid as provided in paragraph 2.3.4, and

(b) the ECVAA does not so inform the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent pursuant to paragraph 2.3.8 within 20 minutes after the Energy Contract Volume Notification was received,

then (subject to paragraph 2.3.11) paragraph 2.3.10 shall apply.

2.3.10 In the circumstances in paragraph 2.3.9:

(a) the Energy Contract Volume Notification may be:

(i) amended but only so as to correct those matters which gave rise to the invalidity as provided in paragraph 2.3.4, and

(ii) resubmitted (as so amended) by that Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent at any time not later than the end of the Business Day next following:

(1) the day on which the ECVAA did inform the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent pursuant to paragraph 2.3.8, or

(2) in the absence of the ECVAA so informing the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Gate Closure for the first Settlement Period for which the Energy Contract Volume Notification would (if valid, and in accordance with paragraph 1.2.4 where applicable) have been taken into account in Settlement; and

(b) the resubmitted Energy Contract Volume Notification:

(i) shall be deemed (for the purposes of the Code) to have been received at the time at which the original such notification was received; and

(ii) if valid in accordance with paragraph 2.3.4, shall, notwithstanding it may be submitted after Gate Closure for any such Settlement Period, be in force and (subject to paragraph 2.5) effective for the Settlement Periods for which the original Energy Contract Volume Notification would (consistent with paragraph 1.2.4) have been in force.

2.3.11 To the extent that a Relevant Contract Party or Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent has requested the ECVAA not to give the information in paragraph 2.3.8, paragraphs 2.3.8, 2.3.9 and 2.3.10 shall not apply in relation to that Party or Agent.

2.4 Not used

2.5 Refusal and rejection for credit reasons

2.5.1 Where either of the Relevant Contract Parties is in Level 2 Credit Default in accordance with Section M3, a relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification which is submitted during the Credit Default Refusal Period will be treated as refused and will not become effective.

2.5.2 Where:

(a) a relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification is in force; and

(b) either of the Relevant Contract Parties is in Level 2 Credit Default in accordance with Section M3.

such Energy Contract Volume Notification will be treated as rejected, and will have no effect, as to Energy Contract Volume Data which relate to relevant Settlement Period(s) (as defined in paragraph 2.5.3) for which Gate Closure falls within the Credit Default Rejection Period.

2.5.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.5, a relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification is one which, if in force and not treated as rejected in relation to a Settlement Period (a "relevant" Settlement Period) would have the effect in relation to that Settlement Period of increasing the Energy Indebtedness (in accordance with Section M1.2) of the Party in Level 2 Credit Default.

2.6 Energy Contract Volume

2.6.1 For each Settlement Day or (pursuant to paragraph 1.2.4 or 2.5.2) part thereof for which an Energy Contract Volume Notification is in force and not treated as rejected pursuant to paragraph 2.5.2, for each matched Settlement Period specified in that Energy Contract Volume Notification, the Energy Contract Volume ECQzabj shall be the Energy Contract Volume Data specified (for that matched Settlement Period) in the Energy Contract Volume Notification.

2.6.2 Wherever the term ECQzabj (or the term 'ECQ' with first and fourth subscripts 'z' and 'j' and second and third subscripts representing Energy Accounts) is used in the Code, the second subscript represents the Energy (From) Account and the third subscript represents the Energy (To) Account, so that (in this example) the term ECQzabj means an Energy Contract Volume pursuant to an Energy Contract Volume Notification for which Energy Account 'a' is the Energy (From) Account and Energy Account 'b' is the Energy (To) Account.


3.1 Submission of MVRNA Authorisation

3.1.1 Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents may be appointed by a MVRNA Authorisation, given by the Lead Party (for the BM Unit to which it relates) and the Subsidiary Party by whom such persons are to be appointed, and submitted to the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent.

3.1.2 A MVRNA Authorisation:

(a) shall be made under the authority of both the Lead Party and the Subsidiary Party;

(b) shall specify:

(i) the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents,

(ii) the BM Unit to which it relates,

(iii) the Lead Party,

(iv) the Subsidiary Party,

(v) the Subsidiary Energy Account,

(vi) the first day on which it is intended to be effective;

(c) shall be made in accordance with and subject to BSCP71; and

(d) may specify the last day on which it is to be effective (failing which it is to be effective until otherwise terminated in accordance with paragraph 3.2).

3.1.3 A MVRNA Authorisation shall be valid if and only if it is made in accordance with BSCP71 and the following conditions are met:

(a) the person specified as Lead Party is registered as the Lead Party in respect of the BM Unit;

(b) the Subsidiary Party is a Contract Trading Party;

(c) each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent has qualified in accordance with Section J5.3;

(d) the Subsidiary Energy Account is:

(i) where the BM Unit is a Production BM Unit, the Production Energy Account,

(ii) where the BM Unit is a Consumption BM Unit, the Consumption Energy Account

of the Subsidiary Party, and

(e) the BM Unit to which it relates is not a Secondary BM Unit.

3.1.4 The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall, in accordance with BSCP71:

(a) validate (as to compliance with the requirements in paragraph 3.1.3) each MVRNA Authorisation submitted to it pursuant to this paragraph 3.1; and

(b) on the basis of such validation, confirm or reject, by notice to the Lead Party and Subsidiary Party and each of the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents, such MVRNA Authorisation.

3.2 Termination of MVRNA Authorisation

3.2.1 A MVRNA Authorisation (if validated pursuant to paragraph 3.1) shall be and remain effective until and only until:

(a) a valid notice of termination is received and validated pursuant to paragraph 3.2.2, or

(b) the end of the last day of its effectiveness (if specified pursuant to paragraph 3.1.2(d)), or

(c) the Lead Party ceases to be registered as Lead Party of the BM Unit, or

(d) the Subsidiary Party ceases to be a Contract Trading Party, or

(e) if:

(i) the Subsidiary Energy Account is a Consumption Energy Account, the BM Unit becomes a Production BM Unit, or

(ii) the Subsidiary Energy Account is a Production Energy Account, the BM Unit becomes a Consumption BM Unit, or

(f) it is replaced by a further MVRNA Authorisation in accordance with paragraph 3.2.4

(and in the cases in paragraphs (c), (d) and (e), until the relevant information has been provided to and validated by the ECVAA) whichever is the earliest.

3.2.2 A MVRNA Authorisation may be terminated by notice, given in accordance with BSCP71, by any one of the Lead Party, Subsidiary Party or either of the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents to (and effective when received by) the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent, which notice shall specify:

(a) the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents,

(b) the Lead Party,

(c) the Subsidiary Party,

(d) the Subsidiary Energy Account, and

(e) the BM Unit.

3.2.3 If at any time:

(a) a MVRNA Authorisation (the "first" such authorisation) is and remains effective, and

(b) a further MVRNA Authorisation, for which the Lead Party and BM Unit, the Subsidiary Party, Subsidiary Energy Account, and (subject to paragraph 3.2.5) Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents are the same as those for the first, is submitted to the ECVAA and is valid

then the further MVRNA Authorisation shall, upon and with effect from its becoming effective, replace the first MVRNA Authorisation which shall then cease to be effective.

3.2.4 Where at any time a MVRNA Authorisation ceases to be effective, the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall issue a notification to that effect to the Lead Party, Subsidiary Party and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents in accordance with BSCP71.

3.2.5 Where an MVRNA Authorisation (the "successor" such authorisation) is submitted which:

(a) satisfies the requirements in paragraph 3.2.3(b), except that it specifies a different Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent for either the Lead Party or the Subsidiary Party from that for the first authorisation (referred to in paragraph 3.2.3(a)), and

(b) states that it is to replace the first authorisation

then the successor MVRNA Authorisation shall, upon and with effect from its becoming effective, replace the first MVRNA Authorisation which shall then cease to be effective, and the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agents under the successor MVRNA Authorisation shall be considered to be the same as that under the first for the purposes of paragraph 3.3.5.

3.3 Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications

3.3.1 Metered Volume Reallocation Data may be notified by way of a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted by a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent.

3.3.2 A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification:

(a) shall specify:

(i) the MVRNA Authorisation under which it is given (thereby identifying the BM Unit, the Lead and Subsidiary Parties, and the Subsidiary Energy Account to which it relates);

(ii) the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent,

(iii) the first Settlement Day on which it is intended to be in force (the "Effective-from Date"), and

(iv) for each Settlement Period, a quantity of Active Energy and a percentage (either of which may be zero) in accordance with paragraph 3.6.1;

(b) shall be submitted in accordance with and subject to BSCP71; and

(c) may specify:

(i) that it is to replace, in accordance with paragraph 3.3.5(a), a previous Metered Volume Reallocation Notification identified (by the MVRN identifier provided for in BSCP71) in such notification; and/or

(ii) the last Settlement Day on which it is to be in force (the "Effective-to Date"), failing which it is to be in force until and unless replaced in accordance with paragraph 3.3.5(a).

3.3.3 Where a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is to be in force for more than one Settlement Day, the Metered Volume Reallocation Data for a given Settlement Period (considered as a period in any day) shall be the same for that period in each Settlement Day for which it is in force.

3.3.4 A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification shall be valid (but without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.4) if and only if it is made in accordance with BSCP71 and:

(a) there is an effective MVRNA Authorisation with respect to the BM Unit, Subsidiary Energy Account, and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent submitting the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification;

(b) the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is submitted within the period of effectiveness of such MVRNA Authorisation; and

(c) the Metered Volume Reallocation Data complies with the requirements of subsection 3.6.

3.3.5 Where a valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification (the "second" such notification) is submitted for which the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent, BM Unit and Subsidiary Energy Account are the same as those for an earlier-submitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notification (the "first" such notification):

(a) if the second notification specifies (pursuant to paragraph 3.3.2(c)(i)) that it is to replace the first notification, and either

(i) the Effective-from Date of the second notification is the same as or prior to the Effective-to Date of the first notification; or

(ii) the first notification has no Effective-to Date;

then, with effect from the Effective-from Date of the second notification (or, if later, the first Settlement Period from which it is in force pursuant to paragraph 1.2.4), the second notification shall replace the first notification and the first notification shall cease to be in force (or if it is not yet in force, shall not come into force), irrespective of whether the Effective-from Date of the first notification falls before or after the Effective-to Date of the second notification;

(b) otherwise, the second notification shall be additional to the first, and the first notification shall (subject to any other provision of this Section P) remain in (or, as the case may be, come into) force.

3.3.6 Subject to paragraph 3.3.10, a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification may not be amended or varied other than pursuant to paragraph 3.3.5(a).

3.3.7 The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall:

(a) validate (as to compliance with the requirements in paragraph 3.3.4) each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted to it pursuant to this paragraph 3.3; and

(b) determine whether such Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is to be treated as refused in accordance with paragraph 3.5.1.

(c) not used

3.3.8 Subject to paragraph 3.3.11, the ECVAA will inform the Lead and Subsidiary Parties and the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent if it does not validate a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted to it pursuant to this paragraph 3.3.

3.3.9 If:

(a) a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent submits a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification (the "original" such notification) which is not valid as provided in paragraph 3.3.4, and

(b) the ECVAA does not so inform the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent pursuant to paragraph 3.3.8 within 20 minutes after the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification was received,

then (subject to paragraph 3.3.11) paragraph 3.3.10 shall apply.

3.3.10 In the circumstances in paragraph 3.3.9:

(a) the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification may be:

(i) amended but only so as to correct those matters which gave rise to the invalidity as provided in paragraph 3.3.4, and

(ii) resubmitted (as so amended) by that Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent at any time not later than the end of the Business Day next following:

(1) the day on which the ECVAA did inform the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent pursuant to paragraph 3.3.8, or

(2) in the absence of the ECVAA so informing the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent, Gate Closure for the first Settlement Period for which the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification would (if valid, and in accordance with paragraph 1.2.4 where applicable) have been taken into account in Settlement; and

(b) the resubmitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notification:

(i) shall be deemed (for the purposes of the Code) to have been received at the time at which the original such notification was received; and

(ii) if valid in accordance with paragraph 3.3.4, shall, notwithstanding it may be submitted after Gate Closure for any such Settlement Period, be in force and (subject to paragraph 3.5) effective for Settlement Periods for which the original Metered Volume Reallocation Notification would (consistent with paragraph 1.2.4) have been in force.

3.3.11 To the extent that a Lead or Subsidiary Party or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent has requested the ECVAA not to give the information in paragraph 3.3.8, paragraphs 3.3.8, 3.3.9 and 3.3.10 shall not apply in relation to that Party or Agent.

3.4 Not Used

3.5 Refusal and rejection for credit reasons

3.5.1 Where either the Lead Party or the Subsidiary Party is in Level 2 Credit Default in accordance with Section M3, a relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification which is submitted during the Credit Default Refusal Period will be treated as refused and will not become effective.

3.5.2 Where:

(a) a relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is in force; and

(b) either the Lead Party or the Subsidiary Party is in Level 2 Credit Default in accordance with Section M3.

such Metered Volume Reallocation Notification will be treated as rejected, and will have no effect, as to Metered Volume Reallocation Data which relate to relevant Settlement Period(s) (as defined in paragraph 3.5.3) for which Gate Closure falls within the Credit Default Rejection Period.

3.5.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.5, a relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is one which, if in force, and not treated as rejected in relation to a Settlement Period (a "relevant" Settlement Period), would have the effect in relation to that Settlement Period of increasing the Energy Indebtedness (in accordance with Section M1.2) of the Party in Level 2 Credit Default.

3.6 Metered Volume Reallocation Data

3.6.1 A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification shall specify for each Settlement Period:

(a) a MWh value, with no more than three digits after the decimal point, between –99,999.999 and 99,999.999; and

(b) a percentage value, non-negative, with no more than five digits after the decimal point and not exceeding 100;

but for the avoidance of doubt any such data may have zero values; and (subject to paragraph 1.2.5) where in relation to a Settlement Period no value for such data is specified, a value of zero shall be deemed to be specified.

3.6.2 In relation to the Subsidiary Energy Account (‘a’), for each Settlement Day or (pursuant to paragraph 1.2.4 or 3.5.2) part thereof for which a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is in force and not treated as rejected pursuant to paragraph 3.5.2, for each matched Settlement Period specified in that Metered Volume Reallocation Notification:

(a) the Metered Volume Reallocation Fixed Data specified pursuant to paragraph 3.6.1(a) shall be "QMFRziaj";

(b) the Metered Volume Reallocation Percentage Data specified pursuant to paragraph 3.6.1(b) shall be "QMPRziaj";

(c) values of QMFRziaj and QMPRziaj that are not determined pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be set to zero.


4.1 Aggregation of Energy Contract Volumes

4.1.1 For each Energy Account and each Settlement Period, the Account Bilateral Contract Volume QABCaj shall be determined according to the following formula:

QABCaj = Σb, z ECQzabj – Σb,z ECQzbaj


(a) the summations on z extend to all Energy Contract Volume Notifications in force, and

(b) the summations on b extend to all Energy Accounts of all Contract Trading Parties.

4.2 Exclusion of certain Metered Volume Reallocations

4.2.1 Where, in relation to any BM Unit and any Settlement Period, the sum (the ‘aggregate percentage data’ or "APD") of all values of QMPRziaj for all Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications and all Energy Accounts exceeds 100, values of that term:

(a) in the inverse of the chronological order in which the Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications were submitted (so that the data in the most recently submitted shall be the first to be disregarded), and

(b) until the value of APD (determined excluding the disregarded values of QMPRziaj) is not greater than 100,

shall be disregarded and shall not take effect for Settlement as to that Settlement Period.

4.3 Aggregation of Metered Volume Reallocations

4.3.1 For each BM Unit i, Subsidiary Energy Account a, and Settlement Period j, the Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (QMFRiaj) and Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (QMPRiaj) shall be determined as follows:

QMFRiaj = Σz QMFRziaj

QMPRiaj = Σz QMPRziaj

where in each case the summation on z extends to all Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications in force.

4.4 Determination and submission of aggregated data

4.4.1 The Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent shall:

(a) determine, for each Settlement Period, Metered Volume Fixed Reallocations, Metered Volume Percentage Reallocations and Account Bilateral Contract Volumes; and

(b) no later than the Business Day following the Settlement Day, submit such Metered Volume Fixed Reallocations, Metered Volume Percentage Reallocations and Account Bilateral Contract Volume data to the SAA.

4.4.2 Where, following the resolution of a Trading Dispute (but not for the avoidance of doubt in the circumstances described in Section M3.5), any adjustment or other change is to be made in any of the data referred to in paragraph 4.4.1 in relation to a Settlement Day, the ECVAA shall:

(a) make such adjustment or other change, and

(b) resubmit such data (as so adjusted or changed) to the SAA not later than the time required for such data to be taken into account in the next following Reconciliation Settlement Run (whether or not a Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run) for the relevant Settlement Day.

4.4.3 The ECVAA shall submit to BSCCo each month such data concerning Metered Volume Fixed Reallocations, Metered Volume Percentage Reallocations and Account Bilateral Contract Volumes as BSCCo requires to enable it to make the calculations required under Section D.


4A.1 Submission of a Volume Notification Nullification Request

4A.1.1 A request to nullify Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications may be submitted in accordance with this paragraph 4A to the ECVAA by either Contract Trading Party to whom the notifications relate (a "Volume Notification Nullification Request" (VNNR)).

4A.1.2 A VNNR must:

(a) specify:

(i) where Energy Contract Volume Notifications are in force between the relevant Contract Trading Parties, the Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account; and

(ii) where Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications in force between the relevant Contract Trading Parties, the Lead Energy Account and Subsidiary Energy Account,

in relation to which all notified volumes are to be nullified;

(b) specify the intended first effective Settlement Day and Settlement Period (the "Nullification Effective Period"); and

(c) be submitted in accordance with and subject to BSCP71.

4A.2 Validity of a VNNR

4A.2.1 A VNNR shall be valid if and only if:

(a) it is made in accordance with paragraph 4A.1; and

(b) all ECVNA Authorisations and MVRNA Authorisations between the accounts specified in accordance with paragraph 4A.1.2(a), have been terminated in accordance with paragraphs 2.2 and 3.2 (as applicable).

4A.2.2 The ECVAA shall, in accordance with BSCP71, assess the validity of each VNNR.

4A.2.3 For the avoidance of doubt, a VNNR subsequently submitted in relation to the accounts specified in accordance with paragraph 4A.1.2(a) will replace the first Confirmed VNNR unless the VNNR specifies a later Nullification Effective Period or is invalid.

4A.3 Amendment of a VNNR

4A.3.1 Where there is an error in a submitted VNNR, the Contract Trading Party which submitted the VNNR may amend and re-submit the VNNR so as to rectify such error at any time prior to the ECVAA issuing a Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report ("VNNCR") in respect of the original VNNR pursuant to paragraph 4A.4.

4A.3.2 Where a VNNR is re-submitted in accordance with 4A.3.1, the time of receipt of a VNNR for the purposes of paragraph 4A.4 shall be the time of receipt of the last VNNR re-submitted in accordance with paragraph 4A.3.1.

4A.4 ECVAA confirmation

4A.4.1 The ECVAA shall issue a VNNCR:

(a) if valid receipt of a VNNR occurs between 0900 hours and 1600 hours (inclusive) on a Business Day, within one hour of such valid receipt; or

(b) if valid receipt of a VNNR occurs between 1600 hours and 1700 hours on a Business Day, within a period of 60 successive minutes where each minute falls during a Business Day. Such period shall commence on valid receipt of a VNNR and end during the first hour of the next Business Day; or in all other cases

(c) within one hour of the commencement of the next Business Day.

4A.4.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 4A.4, references to a Business Day shall mean the period between 0900 hours and 1700 hours (inclusive) on a Business Day.

4A.4.3 At the time of issue of the VNNCR, the VNNR becomes the Confirmed VNNR.

4A.4.4 If the Confirmed VNNR is:

(a) not valid, the VNNCR shall be issued only to the Contract Trading Party which submitted the Confirmed VNNR and shall state the reason(s) why it is not valid;

(b) valid:

(i) the VNNCR shall be issued to both Contract Trading Parties to whom the Confirmed VNNR relates;

(ii) the VNNCR shall state the Valid Nullification Effective Period; and

(iii) the ECVAA shall commence nullification of all Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations between the accounts specified in accordance with paragraph 4A.1.2(a), with effect from the Valid Nullification Effective Period.

4A.5 Notification of completion of process

4A.5.1 The ECVAA shall, in accordance with BSCP71, provide confirmation to both Contract Trading Parties to whom the Confirmed VNNR relates upon completion of the nullifications detailed in 4A.4.4(b).


5.1 Introduction

5.1.1 For the purposes of this Section P:

(a) "Volume Notification" means an Energy Contract Volume Notification and/or a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification, and "Volume Notification Agent" means an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent and/or a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent;

(b) the "ECVAA System" is the BSC Agent System of the ECVAA, which for the avoidance of doubt does not include hardware or software forming part of any relevant Communications Medium;

(c) an "ECVAA System Failure" is a failure or breakdown of the ECVAA System which has the effect that the ECVAA is unable to receive Volume Notifications submitted to it by all or any Volume Notification Agents, and/or (as the case may be) to send within 20 minutes after such receipt confirmations of such receipt to all or any such agents;

(d) the reference in paragraph (c) to the ECVAA sending confirmations of receipt of Volume Notifications is without prejudice to the provisions of the Communications Requirements Document as to the deemed receipt of such notifications;

(e) for the avoidance of doubt, no failure or breakdown of any Party System or any communications link not forming part of the ECVAA System shall be counted as an ECVAA System Failure;

(f) in relation to an ECVAA System Failure:

(i) the "system failure time" is the start of the ECVAA System Failure, or such earlier time as BSCCo may determine as being appropriate for the purposes described in paragraph (g) and notify to the ECVAA, Contract Trading Parties and Volume Notification Agents;

(ii) the "resubmission deadline" is the end of the Business Day following the day on which the ECVAA notified BSCCo (in accordance with paragraph 5.2.1(c)(i)) that the ECVAA System Failure has ended, or such earlier time (not being earlier than such failure ended) or later time as BSCCo may determine as being appropriate for the purposes described in paragraph (g) and notify to the ECVAA, Contract Trading Parties and Volume Notification Agents;

(g) the purposes referred to in paragraph (f) are to enable Contract Trading Parties and their Volume Notification Agents to take steps to put themselves, so far as is practicable, in the position as respects the submission of Volume Notifications which they would have been had the ECVAA System Failure not occurred.

5.2 Consequences of ECVAA System Failure

5.2.1 Where an ECVAA System Failure occurs:

(a) the ECVAA shall as soon as possible notify BSCCo of the failure and the time at which it started;

(b) the ECVAA and BSCCo shall each use all reasonable efforts as soon as practicable to notify all Contract Trading Parties and Volume Notification Agents of the failure and the time at which it started;

(c) as soon as practicable after the end of the ECVAA System Failure:

(i) the ECVAA shall notify BSCCo, Contract Trading Parties and Volume Notification Agents that the failure has ended;

(ii) BSCCo will notify Contract Trading Parties and Volume Notification Agents that Volume Notifications may be submitted or resubmitted in accordance with paragraph 5.2.2.

5.2.2 Where an ECVAA System Failure has occurred, commencing at the end of such failure, and until the resubmission deadline, Volume Notifications may be submitted or resubmitted to the ECVAA in relation to any Settlement Period for which Gate Closure falls after the system failure time and before the resubmission deadline.

5.2.3 Where an ECVAA System Failure affects the ability of the ECVAA to receive and/or confirm receipt of Volume Notifications (as described in paragraph 5.1.1(c)) from or to some but not all Volume Notification Agents:

(a) the ECVAA shall inform BSCCo which Volume Notification Agents are so affected, and references in paragraph 5.2.1 to Volume Notification Agents shall only be to those agents so affected;

(b) paragraph 5.2.2 shall apply only in relation to the affected Volume Notification Agents.

5.2.4 Any Volume Notification submitted or resubmitted in accordance with paragraph 5.2.2 shall specify the details (as provided in paragraph 2.3.2 or 3.3.2) which were or would (pursuant to commitments made before Gate Closure for any Settlement Period to which such notification relates) have been specified in such notification if it had been submitted before Gate Closure for any Settlement Period to which it relates (and if any question arises in relation to this paragraph 5.2.4, such question shall be decided by the Panel whose decision shall be final and binding on all Parties).

5.2.5 For the avoidance of doubt the existence of an ECVAA System Failure which is known to BSCCo shall constitute a material doubt as referred to in Section M3.4.3(a) in relation to all Trading Parties, except (in relation to a particular Trading Party) in a case where BSCCo is aware that such Party has not appointed any of the Volume Notification Agents affected thereby.

5.2.6 If any Contract Trading Party or Volume Notification Agent considers that:

(a) an ECVAA System Failure has occurred which has not been notified under paragraph 5.2.1(b), or

(b) the ECVAA has given notice under paragraph 5.2.1(c)(i) at a time at which the ECVAA System Failure has not ended, or

(c) (in the case of such an agent, where paragraph 5.2.3 applies) that it was not but should have been informed that it is affected as described in that paragraph;

such Party or agent may so notify BSCCo, as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event not later than the end of the Business Day following the day on which the Party or agent considers that the ECVAA System Failure occurred, or (in a case in paragraph (b)) after the day on which the ECVAA gave notice as therein mentioned.

5.2.7 Upon any Party or Volume Notification Agent giving notification to BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 5.2.6:

(a) BSCCo shall:

(i) notify the ECVAA,

(ii) promptly investigate the matter, and

(iii) determine whether an ECVAA System Failure occurred, or whether the failure had ended, or whether such agent was affected, each as referred to in paragraph 5.2.6;

(b) the ECVAA and upon request any Party or Notification Agent shall provide reasonable assistance to BSCCo in such investigation;

(c) BSCCo shall promptly notify its findings to all Contract Trading Parties and Volume Notification Agents;

(d) BSCCo's determination of such matters shall be final and binding for the purposes of this paragraph 5.2;

(e) where BSCCo determines that an ECVAA System Failure has occurred, BSCCo may determine and notify the resubmission deadline at any time at which it appears to BSCCo that the ECVAA System Failure has ended.

5.3 ECVAA System Withdrawal

5.3.1 Where:

(a) there occurs or has occurred any partial ECVAA System Failure (that is, such a failure affecting some but not all Volume Notification Agents, and/or affecting only the ability of the ECVAA to receive or its ability to confirm receipt (as described in paragraph 5.1.1(c)) of Volume Notifications) and/or any failure or breakdown of the ECVAA System affecting the ability of the ECVAA to provide information of invalidity of Volume Notifications within the timescales contemplated in paragraph 2.3.9(b) and 3.3.9(b), and

(b) the ECVAA or BSCCo determines (in its reasonable opinion) that, in order to minimise disruption to the smooth and efficient implementation of Contract Trading Parties' operations under this Section P and of Settlement, it is necessary:

(i) to withdraw the ECVAA System from operation in order to remedy such failure or breakdown and/or to implement the provisions of paragraph 5.2 (in the case of an ECVAA System Failure giving rise to the application of such provisions); and

(ii) to do so earlier than might otherwise be done by way of planned BSC Agent downtime in accordance with the Communications Requirement Document

then the ECVAA shall withdraw the ECVAA System from operation, for the purposes of remedying the failure or breakdown and/or implementing the provisions of paragraph 5.2.

5.3.2 Where the ECVAA withdraws the ECVAA System from operation pursuant to paragraph 5.3.1:

(a) the ECVAA shall, not later than the time of such withdrawal, give notice thereof to BSCCo specifying the time of such withdrawal;

(b) the ECVAA shall restore the ECVAA System to operation as soon as reasonably practicable, having regard to the purposes (described in paragraph 5.3.1(b)) for which it was withdrawn from operation;

(c) in order to enable Volume Notifications to be submitted to the ECVAA in respect of the period of withdrawal, paragraphs 5.1.1(f) and 5.2 (excluding paragraphs 5.2.1(a), 5.2.3, 5.2.6 and 5.2.7) shall apply as if references in those paragraphs:

(i) to the ECVAA System Failure (or the start of such failure) were to the withdrawal from operation of the ECVAA System;

(ii) to the end of the ECVAA System Failure were to the restoration to operation of the ECVAA System.


Section P

Version 23.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date














P394 Self Governance












P342 Alternative


















05/02/07 (retrospective)




















































1.1 Scope

1.1.1 This Section Q provides for:

(a) the submission of data items in respect of relevant BM Units in accordance with the Grid Code;

(b) the submission of Physical Notifications in accordance with the Grid Code such as to enable Final Physical Notification Data to be submitted by the NETSO and Point FPNs to be established by the SAA in respect of BM Units for each Settlement Period;

(c) the submission of Final Physical Notification Data to enable Period FPNs to be established by the ECVAA in respect of Interconnector BM Units and for each Credit Qualifying BM Unit for each Settlement Period;

(d) arrangements for the submission by Lead Parties of Bid-Offer Pairs in respect of relevant BM Units and for the acceptance of Bids and Offers by the NETSO;

(e) the submission by the NETSO of Acceptance Data for the purposes of Section T and Section V;

(f) the submission by the NETSO of Balancing Services Adjustment Data for the purposes of Settlement;

(g) the submission by the NETSO to the BMRA of other operational data items for the purposes of Section V;

(h) not used;

(i) not used;

(j) the submission by the NETSO of Transparency Regulation Data and EBGL Local Data to the BMRA for the purposes of Section V;

(k) the submission by relevant Market Participants of Inside Information Data to the BMRA via the NETSO or BSCCo (as the case may be) for the purpose of Section V;

(l) the submission by the NETSO of Loss of Load Probability values and Demand Control Event data for the purposes of Section R, Section S, Section T and Section V;

(m) arrangements for the submission by Lead Parties of Replacement Reserve Bids in respect of BM Units to the NETSO;

(n) the submission by the NETSO of Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data for the purposes of Section T and Section V.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 In this Section Q:

(a) at or in relation to a particular time and in relation to a particular data item, "prevailing" means most recently received by the NETSO in accordance with the Grid Code (and not invalidated thereunder) prior to that time or, in the absence of any such receipt and/or during a period of Outage, determined (where applicable) by the NETSO in accordance with the Grid Code;

(b) subject to paragraph 1.2.4, references to a "relevant BM Unit" are to a BM Unit in respect of which the Lead Party wishes to submit Bid-Offer Pairs or a Replacement Reserve Bid from time to time under the Code;

(c) an "Outage" means any withdrawal by the NETSO (for maintenance or otherwise), breakdown or failure of any electronic data communications systems by which the NETSO receives and accesses communications made by Lead Parties, where such withdrawal, breakdown or failure has (and for so long as it has) the effect that all Lead Parties are unable to submit Physical Notifications, Bid-Offer Data, Replacement reserve Bid Data or the NETSO is unable to receive or access such data submitted by all Lead Parties;

(d) references to the period of Outage shall be to the period commencing at the time when such Outage first occurs and ending at the time when the NETSO’s ability to receive and access Physical Notifications, Bid-Offer Data and Replacement Reserve Bid Data is restored.

1.2.2 In respect of the submission of data and the making of other communications under this Section Q:

(a) where a Party (other than the NETSO) or the NETSO is entitled or obliged to submit data items to, or otherwise to communicate with, the NETSO or such a Party (respectively) in accordance with the Grid Code, such submission or communication shall be:

(i) in accordance with the communications requirements; and

(ii) subject to the rules as to when and whether data or communications are treated as received,

set out in the Grid Code;

(b) the NETSO shall ensure that it has appropriate systems and processes in place for the purposes of receiving and responding to the data items to be submitted by Lead Parties, and otherwise communicating with Lead Parties, pursuant to or as contemplated by this Section Q; and

(c) where the NETSO is entitled or obliged to submit data items to a BSC Agent, such submission shall be subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Section O.

1.2.3 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) the Final Physical Notification Data, the Bid-Offer Data and the Acceptance Data submitted by the NETSO pursuant to this Section Q shall be converted into point values by the SAA and the BMRA in accordance with the provisions of Section T and Section V respectively; and

(b) the Final Physical Notification Data submitted by the NETSO pursuant to this Section Q shall be converted into point values by the ECVAA in accordance with the provisions of this Section Q.

1.2.4 From the first occasion on which the Lead Party submits any Bid-Offer Pair in respect of a BM Unit, by virtue of arrangements (for the determination of default data) applying under the Grid Code, the BM Unit will be and at all times continue to be a relevant BM Unit, unless the Lead Party takes any such steps as may be available in accordance with the Grid Code to discontinue the application of such default data arrangements.

1.2.5 The NETSO shall notify BSCCo (as soon as reasonably practicable after the information is available):

(a) of any notice given by the NETSO to Users under the Grid Code that an Outage is to occur and of the period of notice given;

(b) of the time when an Outage occurs;

(c) of the time when such Outage ends.

1.3 Data submission by the NETSO

1.3.1 Where under this Section Q the NETSO is required to send particular data to:

(a) both the BMRA and SAA; or

(b) both the BMRA and the ECVAA

for so long as the same person acts as both the BMRA and SAA, or both the BMRA and the ECVAA (as the case may be), the NETSO shall be treated as having sent such data to both of them if it has sent the data to one of them.


2.1 Dynamic Data Set

2.1.1 For each relevant BM Unit participating in the Balancing Mechanism, the Lead Party shall ensure that those data items forming part of the Dynamic Data Set listed in paragraph 2.1.2(a) to (j) are submitted to the NETSO to the extent required by and in accordance with the provisions of the Grid Code.

2.1.1A For each relevant BM Unit submitting Replacement Reserve Bids, the Lead Party shall ensure that data items 2.1.2 (a) and (b) from the Dynamic Data Set are submitted to the NETSO to the extent required by and in accordance with the provisions of the Grid Code.

2.1.2 The Dynamic Data Set shall comprise the following data items (in each case, as defined in the Grid Code) (the "Dynamic Data Set"):

(a) Run-Up Rate;

(b) Run-Down Rate;

(c) Notice to Deviate from Zero;

(d) Notice to Deliver Offers;

(e) Notice to Deliver Bids;

(f) Minimum Zero Time;

(g) Minimum Non-Zero Time;

(h) Maximum Delivery Volume and associated Maximum Delivery Period;

(i) Stable Export Limit;

(j) Stable Import Limit.

2.1.3 The Lead Party may change any data item included in the Dynamic Data Set for a relevant BM Unit at any time by notifying the NETSO in accordance with the Grid Code, and any such change shall be effective from such time as provided in the Grid Code.

2.2 Maximum Export Limits and Maximum Import Limits

2.2.1 For each relevant BM Unit, the Lead Party shall ensure that the Maximum Export Limit and the Maximum Import Limit (in each case, as defined in the Grid Code) are submitted to the NETSO to the extent required by and in accordance with the provisions of the Grid Code.

2.2.2 In respect of Interconnector BM Units:

(a) the value of Maximum Import Limit for the Production BM Unit shall be zero; and

(b) the value of Maximum Export Limit for the Consumption BM Unit shall be zero.

2.2.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.2.2, the Lead Party may change the Maximum Export Limit and/or the Maximum Import Limit for a relevant BM Unit at any time by notifying the NETSO in accordance with the Grid Code and any such change shall be effective from such time as provided in the Grid Code.

2.3 Not Used


3.1 Application

3.1.1 The provisions of this paragraph 3 shall apply:

(a) in respect of any BM Unit for which (at a given time) there is an obligation under the Grid Code to submit a Physical Notification;

(b) in respect of any BM Unit and any Settlement Period for which the Lead Party wishes to submit one or more Bid-Offer Pairs; and

(c) in respect of any BM Unit for which the Lead Party wishes to submit Physical Notifications so as to be classified under the Code as a Credit Qualifying BM Unit; and

(d) in respect of any BM Unit and any Settlement Period for which the Lead Party wishes to submit one or more Replacement Reserve bids.

3.1.2 References in this paragraph 3 to a BM Unit shall be construed as a reference to a BM Unit in respect of which this paragraph 3 applies by virtue of paragraph 3.1.1.

3.2 Final Physical Notification Data

3.2.1 Where this paragraph 3 applies, the Lead Party shall ensure that Physical Notifications are submitted (or can be determined) in accordance with the Grid Code such as to enable Final Physical Notification Data to be submitted by the NETSO under this Section Q, Point FPNs to be established by the SAA under Section T and Period FPNs to be established by the ECVAA in respect of Interconnector BM Units and each Credit Qualifying BM Unit, consistent with the requirements of paragraph 3.2.3, for each Settlement Period and for each BM Unit.

3.2.2 For each Settlement Period, the Final Physical Notification Data in respect of a BM Unit shall be the data specified in the Physical Notification in respect of that BM Unit prevailing at Gate Closure.

3.2.3 The requirements referred to in paragraph 3.2.1 are:

(a) Final Physical Notification Data shall comprise one or more values, each of which shall comprise a MW 'from' level with an associated 'from' time and a MW 'to' level with an associated 'to' time;

(b) in each case, the MW level shall be an amount representing a quantity of Active Power expressed in whole MW and for spot time 't' falling within the relevant Settlement Period, where 't' is a time expressed in a whole number of minutes;

(c) Final Physical Notification Data shall include a MW level for the spot time at the start of the relevant Settlement Period and a MW level for the spot time at the end of the relevant Settlement Period;

(d) Final Physical Notification Data shall comply with the conventions established in Section X; and

(e) in the case of Interconnector BM Units:

(i) the MW level for a Production BM Unit shall be zero or a positive amount;

(ii) the MW level for a Consumption BM Unit shall be zero or a negative amount; and

(iii) the MW level for each of the pair of BM Units associated with an Interconnector and an Interconnector User shall be such that at no time is the value of FPNij(t) for both such BM Units a non-zero amount for the same spot time.


4.1 Bid-Offer Pairs

4.1.1 For any Settlement Period, the Lead Party of a relevant BM Unit may submit one or more Bid-Offer Pairs in respect of that BM Unit, provided that such Party has complied with paragraph 3.2.1.

4.1.2 Any submission of Bid-Offer Pairs under this paragraph 4.1 shall be made to the NETSO in accordance with the Grid Code and so as to be received no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period, subject to paragraph 4.2.

4.1.3 Each Bid-Offer Pair for a relevant BM Unit for a Settlement Period shall comprise:

(a) a 'from' MW level expressed as a whole number of MW with an associated 'from' time expressed as the spot time at the start of the Settlement Period and a 'to' MW level expressed as a whole number of MW with an associated 'to' time expressed as the spot time at the end of the Settlement Period;

(b) an associated Offer Price (POnij) and Bid Price (PBnij) each expressed in £/MWh and to two decimal places; and

(c) an associated Bid-Offer Pair Number 'n'.

        1. For each Bid-Offer Pair:

(a) the MW 'from' level shall be equal to the MW 'to' level;

(b) the Offer Price shall be not less than the Bid Price.

4.1.5 In respect of each relevant BM Unit for each Settlement Period:

(a) no more than 5 Bid-Offer Pairs may be submitted with positive MW levels, and each such Bid-Offer Pair shall have a positive value of Bid-Offer Pair Number, numbered sequentially starting from one and up to (but not beyond) 5; and

(b) no more than 5 Bid-Offer Pairs may be submitted with negative MW levels, and each such Bid-Offer Pair shall have a negative value of Bid-Offer Pair Number, numbered sequentially starting from -1 and down to (but not beyond) –5;

provided that a Bid-Offer Pair under paragraph (a) or (b) may be submitted with zero MW levels.

4.1.6 If more than one Bid-Offer Pair has been submitted in respect of a Settlement Period for a relevant BM Unit, the associated Bid Prices shall remain constant or increase with the Bid-Offer Pair Number and the associated Offer Prices shall remain constant or increase with the Bid-Offer Pair Number.

4.2 Balancing Mechanism Default Data

4.2.1 If, in respect of a relevant BM Unit and a Settlement Period, no Bid-Offer Pairs are received by the NETSO in accordance with paragraph 4.1, the NETSO shall establish the Bid-Offer Pair data for that BM Unit for that Settlement Period by copying and applying the Bid-Offer Pair data (if any) that was applying for that BM Unit at 1100 hours on the preceding day for the equivalent Settlement Period in that day (or, in the case of Clock Change Days, for the Settlement Period determined under the Grid Code) in accordance with the provisions of the Grid Code; and the Lead Party shall be deemed under this Section Q to have submitted such Bid-Offer Pair(s) in accordance with paragraph 4.1.

4.2.2 For the purposes of paragraph 4.1, where Gate Closure for a Settlement Period occurs during a period of Outage, the NETSO shall establish the Bid-Offer Pair data for each relevant BM Unit by applying the Bid-Offer Pair data for that BM Unit for that Settlement Period most recently received by the NETSO prior to the start of such period of Outage or, in the absence of any such receipt, the data established by the NETSO pursuant to paragraph 4.2.1.

4.3 Replacement Reserve Bid Data Submission and Default Data

4.3.1 For any Replacement Reserve Auction Period, the Lead Party of a relevant BM Unit may submit Replacement Reserve Bid Data in respect of that BM Unit, for one or more Quarter Hour periods (including in relation to the same Quarter Hour period) within the Replacement Reserve Auction Period provided that such Party has complied with paragraph 3.2.1.

4.3.2 Any submission of Replacement Reserve Bid Data under this paragraph 4.3 shall be communicated to the NETSO in accordance with BC4.5 of the Grid Code and so as to be received no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Replacement Reserve Auction Period.

4.3.3 For each relevant BM Unit, the Lead Party shall ensure that any submission of Replacement Reserve Bid Data under this paragraph 4.3 shall be made in accordance with the TERRE Data Validation and Consistency Rules as defined under the Grid Code.

4.3.4 For the purposes of paragraph 4.3, where Gate Closure for a Replacement Reserve Auction Period occurs during a period of Outage, the NETSO shall establish the Replacement Reserve Bid Data for each relevant BM Unit by applying the Replacement Reserve Bid Data for that BM Unit for that Replacement Reserve Auction Period most recently received by the NETSO prior to the start of such period of Outage or, in the absence of any such receipt, no Replacement Reserve Bid Data shall be established by the NETSO.

5. BALANCING MECHANISM Bid-Offer Acceptance

5.1 Bid-Offer Acceptances

5.1.1 The NETSO may accept Bids and/or Offers subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 5.1 and not otherwise.

5.1.2 The NETSO may accept Bid(s) and/or Offer(s) by issuing a communication under the Grid Code of a type which, for the purposes of the Code, is classed as an Acceptance pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3.

5.1.2A A communication issued by a Gas Transporter which is classed as an Acceptance pursuant to 5.1.3(c) shall be deemed, for the purposes of the Code, to be an Acceptance issued by the NETSO under the Grid Code.

5.1.3 The following communications only shall be classed as Acceptances for the purposes of the Code:

(a) a communication issued in respect of a BM Unit in accordance with BC2.7 of the Grid Code which complies with the requirement in paragraph 5.1.4 and which:

(i) was confirmed by the Lead Party (in accordance with BC2.6.1) of the Grid Code; or

(ii) if not so confirmed:

(1) is consistent with the data referred to in paragraph 5.2.1, and

(2) was not rejected by the Lead Party on safety grounds in accordance with BC 2.7.3 of the Grid Code, and

(3) was not withdrawn by the NETSO in accordance with BC2.7.3 of the Grid Code;

(b) a communication issued as an Emergency Instruction in respect of a BM Unit in accordance with BC2.9, excluding BC2.9.1.2(e), of the Grid Code, which:

(i) complies with the requirement in paragraph 5.1.4, and

(ii) was not rejected by the Lead Party on safety grounds in accordance with BC2.9.2.1 of the Grid Code;

(c) an instruction to reduce or discontinue the offtake of gas issued by a Gas Transporter for the purpose of Load Shedding during Stage 2 or higher of a Network Gas Supply Emergency, where the effect of such instruction is to limit the amount of electricity that can be produced by one or more Generating Units within one or more BM Units.

5.1.3A The Lead Party of a BM Unit that receives an Acceptance which falls within paragraph 5.1.3(c) shall inform the NETSO and BSCCo without undue delay.

5.1.4 The requirement referred to in paragraphs 5.1.3(a) and (b)(i) is that the relevant communication comprises a request or instruction which contains the data items set out in paragraph 5.3.1(a), or from which such data items can be derived or reasonably inferred.

5.1.5 Not used.

5.1.6 The NETSO shall log the communications referred to in paragraph 5.1.3 in its system.

5.1.7 The NETSO shall record and maintain a record of each confirmation, rejection or withdrawal under the Grid Code of any such communication as is referred to in paragraph 5.1.3.

5.1.8 For the avoidance of doubt, a communication of the type referred to in this paragraph 5.1 may relate to more than one Settlement Period.

5.1.9 In this paragraph 5.1, references to a Lead Party's rejection or confirmation of a communication (and similar expressions):

(a) shall be construed as meaning rejection or confirmation of the request or instruction contained in such communication; and

(b) shall include a rejection or confirmation which is effected by any person acting for or on behalf of the Lead Party.

5.1.10 In this paragraph 5.1, "consistent" shall be construed as meaning to the nearest integer MW level (where a first decimal place value of a magnitude of 4 or less results in the MW level being rounded to the nearest integer MW level of lower magnitude).

5.1.11 For the purposes of the Code the "Bid-Offer Acceptance Time" in respect of a communication classed as an Acceptance shall be:

(a) in the case of a communication under paragraph 5.1.3(a) or (b), the time at which the communication was issued by the NETSO; and

(b) in the case of a communication under paragraph 5.1.3(c), the time at which the communication was issued by the Gas Transporter.

5.1.11A For the purposes of the Code the "Network Gas Supply Restoration Time" in respect of an Acceptance which falls within paragraph 5.1.3(c) shall be the time from which the BM Unit(s) were permitted to increase or recommence the offtake of gas.

5.1.12 For the avoidance of doubt (and without prejudice to paragraph 5.1.3 or Section T3) nothing prevents the NETSO from sending Acceptance Data to the SAA pursuant to paragraph 6.2.1 which is such that the value of qAkij(t) determined for any time t under Section T3.4 may be:

(a) greater than the value of FPNij(t) + Σn+qBOnij(t) at that time t; or

(b) less than the value of FPNij(t) + Σn-qBOnij(t) at that time t;


Σn+ represents a sum over all positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers; and

Σn- represents a sum over all negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers.

5.1.13 Not used.

5.1.14 The NETSO may classify an Acceptance which falls within paragraph 5.1.3(b) as "Emergency Flagged".

5.1.15 The NETSO shall classify an Acceptance which falls within paragraph 5.1.3(c) as "Emergency Flagged".

5.2 Data Consistency Requirements

5.2.1 The data referred to in paragraph 5.1.3(a)(ii)(1), in respect of the BM Unit to which a communication relates, are:

(a) the Physical Notification prevailing at Gate Closure for each of the Settlement Periods respectively to which the communication relates, adjusted in each case to take account of any previous Acceptances in respect of such Settlement Period;

(b) the Dynamic Data Set prevailing at the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time; and

(c) the Maximum Export Level and Maximum Import Level data referred to in paragraph 2.2.1 prevailing at the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time.

(d) not used

5.2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the consistency of any communication (within paragraph 5.1.3(a)) with any data or information, other than as provided in paragraph 5.2.1, which may be submitted to the NETSO by the Lead Party in respect of a BM Unit, shall be disregarded in determining whether such communication is to be classed as an Acceptance for the purposes of the Code.

5.3 Acceptance Data

5.3.1 Acceptance Data for a BM Unit shall comprise the following data items:

(a) a set comprising one or more Acceptance Volume Pairs, each with a 'from' MW level and an associated 'from' time and a 'to' MW level and an associated 'to' time and where:

(i) the MW levels are expressed in whole MW measured from the zero point (of no energy export or import); and

(ii) the times are expressed in a whole number of minutes and the first 'from' time is not earlier than the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time and the last 'to' time is not later than the end of the last Settlement Period for which Gate Closure fell before the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time; and

(b) the associated Bid-Offer Acceptance Number 'k' expressed as an integer greater than the value of k for the Acceptance Data (for that BM Unit) with the immediately preceding Bid-Offer Acceptance Time or, where any Acceptance Data exists with identical Bid-Offer Acceptance Time, greater than the highest value of k which exists with such Bid-Offer Acceptance Time; and

(c) the associated Bid-Offer Acceptance Time; and

(d) in the case of an Acceptance within paragraph 5.1.3(a), whether the NETSO has classified such Acceptance as "RR Instruction Flagged" or "SO-Flagged" or "STOR Flagged";

(e) in the case of an Acceptance within paragraph 5.1.3(b) that the Acceptance was an Emergency Acceptance; and

(f) in the case of an Acceptance within paragraph 5.1.3(b) whether the NETSO has classified such Acceptance as "Emergency Flagged".

5.3.2 Subject to paragraph 5.3.3, for the purposes of an Acceptance falling under paragraph 5.1.3(b), the Acceptance Data shall be deemed to include a Acceptance Volume Pair for which:

(a) the 'from' time and MW level are the same as the latest 'to' time and MW level which are specified in or can be derived or inferred from the communication;

(b) the 'to' time is the end of the last Settlement Period for which Gate Closure fell before the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time, and the 'to' MW level is the same as the 'from' MW level.

5.3.2A In relation to a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, the "Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance End Time" for each affected BM Unit shall be the earliest time following the Network Gas Supply Restoration Time that the BM Unit could have reached the level of its Final Physical Notification, assuming that:

(a) The BM Unit complied with the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance from the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time to the Network Gas Supply Restoration Time; and

(b) From the Network Gas Supply Restoration Time onwards the BM Unit complied with its Dynamic Data Sets.

5.3.2B For the purposes of a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, the Acceptance Data for each affected BM Unit shall be deemed to include Acceptance Volume Pairs such that:

(a) for spot times from the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time to the Network Gas Supply Restoration Time, the MW levels of the Acceptance Data shall be derived by adjusting the Final Physical Notification to reflect the maximum level of electricity that affected Generating Unit(s) within the BM Unit were able to produce as a result of the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, and shall not exceed the Final Physical Notification;

(b) For spot times from the Network Gas Supply Restoration Time to the Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance End Time, the MW levels of the Acceptance Data shall be derived on the assumption that the BM Unit was returning to the level of its Final Physical Notification as rapidly as possible subject to compliance with its Dynamic Data Sets.

5.3.3 The Lead Party and the NETSO may agree variations in the Acceptance Data in paragraph 5.3.1(a) in respect of an Acceptance pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3(b) provided that no such variation may be made:

(a) in relation to the first Acceptance Volume Pair;

(b) in respect of the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time;

(c) for the avoidance of doubt, which would be inconsistent with the requirements in paragraph 5.3.1(a)(ii);

and provided that such agreed variations are notified by the NETSO to the SAA no later than the end of the Settlement Day following the Settlement Day in which the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time falls.

5.3.4 The NETSO shall submit Acceptance Data to the SAA and the BMRA in accordance with paragraph 6 in respect of each communication which is classed as an Acceptance pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3.

5.4 Suspension of balancing mechanism

5.4.1 Where, for the purposes of any Contingency Provisions, the operation of the balancing mechanism is to be suspended in relation to any Settlement Period:

(a) no communication issued by the NETSO under the Grid Code relating to that Settlement Period shall be classed as an Acceptance;

(b) accordingly (without prejudice to any further provisions applying under the Grid Code in the relevant circumstances):

(i) the arrangements in this paragraph 5 for the acceptance of Bids and Offers, and

(ii) the entitlements and liabilities of Parties pursuant to the provisions in Section T for the determination of Period BM Unit Cashflow and BM Unit Period Non-delivery Charge and (unless otherwise provided in the relevant Contingency Provisions) Information Imbalance Charge,

shall not apply;

(c) the NETSO shall accordingly not submit Bid-Offer Data or Acceptance Data to the BMRA or SAA pursuant to paragraph 6.

5.5 Historic balancing mechanism prices

5.5.1 Where, for the purposes of any Contingency Provisions, historic price limits are to apply in the Balancing Mechanism, the Lead Party in respect of each relevant BM Unit shall secure that, in relation to each Bid-Offer Pair submitted for such BM Unit in relation to a relevant Settlement Period:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), the value of Offer Price shall not be greater than, and the value of Bid Price shall not be less than the median value, for all Settlement Periods in the historic period (or for those of such Settlement Periods for which values for such Offer Price and Bid Price exist), of the Offer Prices or Bid Prices of the Bid-Offer Pairs for that BM Unit respectively determined in accordance with the following table:

Positive Bid-Offer Pair Number (n)

Negative Bid-Offer Pair Number (n)


Offer Price for

n = +1

Offer Price for

n = –1


Bid Price for

n = +1

Bid Price for

n = –1

(b) except where paragraph (c) applies, if there are no values (as referred to in paragraph (a)) of Offer Price or (as the case may be) Bid Price for any of the Settlement Periods in the historic period, the value of Offer Price or (as the case may be) Bid Price shall be equal to zero;

(c) if the direction referred to in paragraph 5.5.2(c)(i)) was given within a period of thirty days commencing on the Go-live Date, the value of Offer Price shall not be greater than, and the value of Bid Price shall not be less than, such values as the Panel shall determine, in its opinion, subject to the approval of the Secretary of State, as being appropriate limits on such prices having regard to any guidance provided by the Secretary of State (and taking into account, inter alia, such Bid Prices and Offer Prices as are referred to in paragraph (a) for Settlement Periods on and after the Go-live Date, and any prices submitted under the Pooling and Settlement Agreement which appear to the Panel to be relevant).


5.5.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 5.5:

(a) a relevant BM Unit is a BM Unit for which, in accordance with the relevant Contingency Provisions, historic prices are to be determined;

(b) a relevant Settlement Period is a Settlement Period for which, in accordance with the relevant Contingency Provisions, historic price limits (for relevant BU Units) are to be determined;

(c) the historic period is:

(i) the period of thirty consecutive Settlement Days expiring with (and excluding) the day on which the Secretary of State gave the direction (in accordance with the relevant Contingency Provisions) pursuant to which this paragraph 5.5 is to apply; or

(ii) such other period as may be determined in accordance with the relevant Contingency Provisions;

(d) where a median value is to be selected from an even number of Offer Prices or Bid Prices, the highest Offer Price or Bid Price shall be disregarded.

5.5.3 In respect of each relevant Settlement Period, the NETSO shall as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event such that any revised data is available in time for use by the SAA in carrying out the Initial Settlement Run for that Settlement Period:

(a) ascertain whether the values of Bid Price and Offer Price for each relevant BM Unit submitted by the Lead Party comply with the requirements in paragraph 5.5.1;

(b) where they do not, substitute (for such value(s)) the greatest value of Offer Price or (as the case may be) the lowest value for Bid Price which complies with such requirements; and

(c) send the revised Bid-Offer Data resulting from any such substitution to the SAA.


5.6.1 For the purposes of the Code the "Replacement Reserve Activation Time" in respect of a communication classed as Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data shall be the time at which the communication was issued by the NETSO.

5.6.2 The Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data submitted by the NETSO shall comprise at least the following data sets:

(a) Replacement Reserve Activation Data for each Replacement Reserve Auction Period;

(b) GB Need Met Data for each Replacement Reserve Auction Period;

(c) Interconnector Schedule Data for each Interconnector for each Replacement Reserve Auction Period.

5.6.3 Replacement Reserve Activation Data for a BM Unit shall comprise at least the following data items:

(a) the Replacement Reserve Auction Period identification number expressed as an integer;

(b) the Flow Direction;

(c) the Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type;

(d) for each Position associated with a Replacement Reserve Auction Period the NETSO shall provide:

(i) a Replacement Reserve Activation Price expressed in £/MWh and to two decimal places; and

(ii) an Activated Quantity expressed in whole MW measured from the zero point (of no energy Export or Import).

5.6.4 GB Need Met Data shall comprise at least the following data items:

(a) the Replacement Reserve Auction Period identification number expressed as an integer;

(b) the Flow Direction;

(c) the Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type;

(d) for each Position associated with the Replacement Reserve Auction Period the NETSO shall provide:

(i) a Replacement Reserve Acceptance Price expressed in £/MWh and to two decimal places; and

(ii) an Activated Quantity expressed in whole MW measured from the zero point (of no energy Export or Import).

5.6.5 Interconnector Schedule Data shall comprise at least the following data items:

(a) the Replacement Reserve Auction Period identification number expressed as an integer;

(b) the Flow Direction;

(c) the Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type;

(d) for each Position associated with the Replacement Reserve Auction Period the NETSO shall provide:

(i) a Replacement Reserve Acceptance Price expressed in £/MWh and to two decimal places; and

(ii) an Activated Quantity expressed in whole MW measured from the zero point (of no energy Export or Import).


5A.1 Outages of computer systems or TERRE Central Platform operator notification leading to the suspension of the TERRE Market

5A.1.1 This paragraph 5A.1 will apply if and only if:

(a) Planned Maintenance Outages or unplanned computer system failures have occurred in one of the circumstances set out in BC 4.9 of the Grid Code and the TERRE Market is or will be suspended pursuant to BC4.10(b) of the Grid Code (the terms 'Users' and ‘Planned Maintenance Outages’ each having, for the purposes of this paragraph 5A.1, the meanings given in the Grid Code), or

(b) the TERRE Market is or will be suspended pursuant to BC4.10(c) of the Grid Code.

5A.1.2 Where paragraph 5A.1 applies:

(a) following the occurrence of any of the circumstances set out in BC4.10(b) or BC4.10(c) of the Grid Code NETSO shall (as soon as is reasonably practicable) notify BSCCo that the TERRE Market will be or has been suspended pursuant to that provision in accordance with paragraph BC4.10 of the Grid Code;

(b) BSCCo shall (as soon as is practicable following the NETSO’s notification under paragraph 5A.1.2(a)) notify all Parties that the TERRE market will be or has been suspended pursuant to BC4.10 of the Grid Code;

(c) the NETSO shall (as soon as is practicable following its notification under paragraph 5A.1.2(a)) determine, in its reasonable opinion, the time and date with effect from which the TERRE Market suspension commenced and inform BSCCo of that time and date in accordance with BC4.10 of the Grid Code;

(d) BSCCo shall determine the Settlement Period that corresponds with the time and date from which the TERRE Market suspension commenced (as determined by the NETSO under paragraph 5A.1.2(b));

(e) BSCCo shall, as soon and so far as is practicable, notify all Parties of the Settlement Period from which the TERRE Market suspension commenced;

(f) the NETSO shall (as soon as is practicable) determine, in its reasonable opinion, the time and date with effect from which the TERRE Market suspension concluded and notify BSCCo of that time and date;

(g) BSCCo shall determine the Settlement Period that corresponds with the time and date from which the TERRE Market suspension concluded (as determined and notified by the NETSO under paragraph 5A.1.2(f));

(h) BSCCo shall, as soon and so far as is practicable following its determination under paragraph 5A.1.2(g), notify all Parties of the Settlement Period from which the TERRE Market suspension concluded;

(i) BSCCo shall, as soon and so far as is practicable, keep Parties informed of the operation of BSC Systems and, in so far as it is informed by the NETSO, of the operation of the Transmission System during TERRE Market suspension; and

(j) the provisions of paragraph 5A.2 shall apply in relation to all Settlement Periods that fall within a period of TERRE Market suspension as determined by the BSCCo in accordance with this paragraph 5A.1, with effect from the start of the Settlement Period determined by BSCCo under paragraph 5A.1.2(d) until the end of the Settlement Period determined by the BSCCo under paragraph 5A.1.2(g).

5A.2 TERRE Market Suspension General Provisions

5A.2.1 Where, for the purposes of paragraph 5A.1 or any Contingency Provisions, the operation of the TERRE Market is to be suspended in relation to any Settlement Period:

(a) no communication issued by the NETSO under the Grid Code relating to that Settlement Period shall be classed as Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data or as "RR Instruction Flagged" Acceptance Data;

(b) accordingly (without prejudice to any further provisions applying under the Grid Code in the relevant circumstances):

(i) the arrangements in paragraph 5 regarding Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, and

(ii) the entitlements and liabilities of Parties pursuant to the provisions in Section T for the determination of Daily Party RR Cashflow, Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow, BM Unit Period Non-delivery Charge (where this charge is derived from Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data and (unless otherwise provided in the relevant Contingency Provisions) Information Imbalance Charge (where this is charge is derived from Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data),

shall not apply;

(c) the NETSO shall accordingly not submit Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data or "RR Instruction Flagged" Acceptance Data to the BMRA or SAA pursuant to paragraph 6.


6.1 Submission of data to the BMRA

6.1.1 In this paragraph 6.1:

(a) times by which the NETSO is to send data to the BMRA are target times, which the NETSO is expected to meet unless abnormal circumstances prevent it from doing so;

(b) capitalised terms shall, unless otherwise defined in the Code, have the meanings given to such terms in the Grid Code;

(c) references to Total Output Usable data are references to Total Output Usable data determined from Output Usable data (and, where the context so requires, expected Interconnector transfer capacity data) for the time being provided to the NETSO by the relevant User pursuant to the Grid Code;

(d) notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Grid Code, references to Output Usable shall exclude (unless, and to the extent, expressly stated otherwise in the Code) expected Interconnector transfer capacity; and

(e) references to a week shall mean a week that begins on a Monday and end on a Sunday, and references to the second week after the current week shall mean the week commencing on the Monday that falls between eight and fourteen days ahead of the current day.

6.1.2 Not later than 1700 hours on the last Business Day of the week, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data for each week from the second week following the current week to the fifty second week following the current week (i.e. two to fifty two weeks ahead):

(a) the National Demand forecast; and

(b) the Transmission System Demand forecast,

in each case, expressed as an average MW value for the Settlement Period at the peak of the week.

6.1.2A At least once per day by no later than 1600 hours and up to every hour, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data for each week from the second week following the current week to the fifty secondweek following the current week (i.e. two to fifty two weeks ahead):

(a) the Total Output Usable;

(b) the Total Output Usable (plus expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by Fuel Type Category (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each Fuel Type Category);

(c) the Output Usable (plus, in respect of Interconnector BM Units, the expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by BM Unit (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each BM Unit); and

(d) the national Surplus forecast; and

(e) the Generating Plant Demand Margin forecast,

in each case, expressed as an average MW value for the Settlement Period at the peak of the week.

6.1.2B Not Used

6.1.3 Not later than 1500 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data applicable for each Operational Day from the second day following the current Operational Day to the fourteenth day following the current Operational Day: the peak National Demand forecast expressed as an average MW value for the Settlement Period at the peak of the day and the peak Transmission System Demand forecast expressed as an average MW value for the Settlement Period at the peak of the day.

6.1.4 At least once per day by no later than 1600 hours and up to every hour, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data applicable for each day from the second day following the current day to the fourteenth day following the current:

(a) and the Total Output Usable;

(b) the Total Output Usable (plus expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by Fuel Type Category (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each Fuel Type Category);

(c) the Output Usable (plus, in respect of Interconnector BM Units, the expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by BM Unit (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each BM Unit);

(d) the national Surplus forecast; and

(e) the Generating Plant Demand Margin forecast,

in each case, expressed as an average MW value for the Settlement Period at the peak of the day.

6.1.4A Not Used.

6.1.4B At least once per day by no later than 1600 hours and up to every hour, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data for each week from the second week following the current week to the one hundred and fifty sixth week following the current week (i.e. two to one hundred and fifty six weeks ahead):

(a) the Total Output Usable;

(b) the Total Output Usable (plus expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by Fuel Type Category (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each Fuel Type Category);

(c) the Output Usable (plus, in respect of Interconnector BM Units, the expected Interconnector transfer capacity into the Transmission System) by BM Unit (to the extent that such data is available to the NETSO for each BM Unit);

(d) the national Surplus forecast; and

(e) the Generating Plant Demand Margin forecast,

in each case, expressed as an average MW value for the Settlement Period at the peak of the week.

6.1.4C The NETSO shall send to the BMRA details of the System Zone boundaries. If pursuant to the Grid Code any changes are made to System Zone definitions or boundaries, details of these changes shall be forwarded to the BMRA by the NETSO prior to implementation and whenever details of such changes are provided to any User pursuant to the Grid Code.

6.1.5 Not later than 0900 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data applicable for the following Operational Day:

(a) the National Demand forecast expressed as an average MW value for each Settlement Period within the Operational Day;

(b) the Transmission System Demand forecast expressed as an average MW value for each Settlement Period within the Operational Day; and

(c) the Zonal Transmission System Demand forecast expressed as an average MW value for each Settlement Period within the Operational Day.

6.1.6 Not later than 1200 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data expressed as an average MW value for each Settlement Period within the following Operational Day:

(a) the Indicated Margin;

(b) the National Indicated Imbalance;

(c) the National Indicated Generation;

(d) the National Indicated Demand;

(e) the National Demand forecast; and

(f) the Transmission System Demand forecast.

6.1.7 The NETSO shall send to the BMRA the data set out in paragraph 6.1.8 as a minimum at the submission times specified in Table 1 below (and may send it more frequently) and such data shall be provided as an average MW value for each of the Settlement Periods within the period defined by columns 2 and 3 in Table 1 (in which 'D' refers to the Settlement Day in which the submission time falls):

Table 1

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Submission time

Data applicable from:

Data applicable to:

0200 Hours

0200 D

0500 D+1

1000 Hours

1000 D

0500 D+1

1600 Hours

0500 D+1

0500 D+2

1630 Hours

1630 D

0500 D+1

2200 Hours

2200 D

0500 D+2

6.1.8 The data items to be provided to the BMRA by the NETSO at the times specified in Table 1 above shall be:

(a) the National Demand forecast;

(b) the National Indicated Margin;

(c) the National Indicated Imbalance;

(d) the National Indicated Demand;

(e) the National Indicated Generation;

(f) the Zonal Transmission System Demand forecast for each BMRS Zone;

(g) the Indicated Constraint Boundary Margin for each BMRS Zone;

(h) the Zonal Indicated Imbalance for each BMRS Zone;

(i) the Zonal Indicated Demand for each BMRS Zone;

(j) the Zonal Indicated Generation for each BMRS Zone; and

(k) the Transmission System Demand forecast.

6.1.9 Not later than five minutes following receipt from the Lead Party, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA any notifications of the Dynamic Data Set submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.1.

6.1.10 Not later than fifteen minutes following Gate Closure for each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data, so far as relating to that Settlement Period, received by Gate Closure, for each BM Unit for which it has so received such data:

(a) the Maximum Export Limit data or the Maximum Import Limit data (including any change to such data) submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.2

(b) any Quiescent Physical Notification data (including any change to such data) submitted in accordance with paragraph 2.3;

and where after Gate Closure the NETSO is notified of any change in any such data (so far as relating to such Settlement Period) the NETSO shall send to the BMRA such changed data, and the time of notification and the effective time of such change, not later than five minutes following receipt of notification of such change.

6.1.11 Not later than fifteen minutes following Gate Closure for each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data for each BM Unit for which it has received or determined such data:

(a) the Final Physical Notification Data established pursuant to paragraph 3.2;

(b) Bid-Offer Data.

6.1.11A Not later than forty minutes before the start of each Replacement Reserve Auction Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Replacement Reserve Bid Data for each BM Unit for which it has received or determined such data.

6.1.12 Not later than fifteen minutes following the issue of a communication or the occurrence of an event which (pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3(a)) is to be treated as an Acceptance, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Acceptance Data.

6.1.12A As soon as practicable after the issue of a communication which (pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3(b) is to be treated as an Acceptance, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following information: the fact that such a communication has been given, the time at which it was given and the BM Unit in respect of which it was given.

6.1.12B Not later than thirty minutes following Gate Closure for each Replacement Reserve Auction Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data for each BM Unit for which it has received or determined such data.

6.1.13 Not later than fifteen minutes following the end of each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Initial National Demand Out-Turn and Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn for that Settlement Period.

6.1.14 At the same as the issue to Users (as defined in the Grid Code) of a System Warning, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the information contained in such System Warning.

6.1.14A If the NETSO becomes aware that a Gas Transporter has issued Load Shedding instructions in relation to Stage 2 or higher of a Network Gas Supply Emergency, the NETSO shall, using reasonable endeavours, notify the BMRA that Load Shedding has been used without undue delay.

6.1.15 No later than 1700 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data applicable for the day preceding the current day: the Out-Turn Temperature, expressed as a single degrees celsius value deemed to be representative of the temperature measured at midday.

6.1.16 No later than 1700 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data applicable for the day preceding the current day:

(a) the Normal Reference Temperature expressed as a degrees celsius value;

(b) the Low Reference Temperature expressed as a degrees celsius value; and

(c) the High Reference Temperature expressed as a degrees celsius value.

6.1.17 No later than 1700 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data for the period commencing at 2100 hours on D and ending at 2130 hours on D+2 (and in respect of which 'D' refers to the Settlement Day in which the submission time falls):

(a) the Forecast Total Power Park Module Generation for a sample of Settlement Periods selected by the NETSO, expressed as an average MW value for each such Settlement Period across all Power Park Modules metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code;

(b) the time associated with each Settlement Period referred to in paragraph 6.1.17 (a); and

(c) the Total Metered Capacity for each Settlement Period referred to in paragraph 6.1.17 (a), expressed as a total MW value of the Registered Capacity of all Power Park Modules metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code.

6.1.18 Every five minutes the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Total Instantaneous Out-Turn Generation, expressed as an instantaneous MW value for each fuel type, energy source or External Interconnection approved, amended or removed as a category from time to time ("Fuel Type Category"). The Fuel Type Categories shall be published on the BSC Website.

6.1.19 No later than fifteen minutes following the end of each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Total Period Out-Turn Generation expressed as an average MW value for that Settlement Period for each of the Fuel Type Categories referred to in paragraph 6.1.18.

6.1.20 The NETSO shall:

(a) prepare, keep up-to-date and maintain, a BM Unit Fuel Type List identifying the Fuel Type Category for each BM Unit which is:

(i) metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code; and

(ii) identified by the NETSO as falling within a Fuel Type Category as referred to in paragraph 6.1.18; and

(b) provide to the BMRA the BM Unit Fuel Type List as updated from time to time.

6.1.21 No later than 1700 hours each day, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following data applicable for the day preceding the current day:

(a) the Transmission Energy transmitted across the Transmission System, expressed in MWh;

(b) the Normal Reference Transmission Energy transmitted across the Transmission System, expressed in MWh;

(c) the Low Reference Transmission Energy transmitted across the Transmission System, expressed in MWh; and

(d) the High Reference Transmission Energy transmitted across the Transmission System, expressed in MWh.

6.1.22 No later than fifteen minutes following the end of each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Non-BM STOR Instructed Volume for that Settlement Period, expressed in MWh.

6.1.23 Every two minutes the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Transmission System Frequency, expressed as a hertz value for one or more spot times within that two minute period.

6.1.24 The NETSO shall send to the BMRA all Inside Information Data that it receives from time to time from a Market Participant (in accordance with the Grid Code), as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt taking into account any technical constraints.

6.1.25 In respect of each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the De-Rated Margin Forecast calculated in accordance with the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement as a minimum (and may send more frequently):

(a) at 1200 hours on each calendar day for all Settlement Periods for which Gate Closure has not yet passed and which occur within the current Operational Day or the following Operational Day; and

(b) at eight, four, two and one hour(s) prior to the beginning of the Settlement Period to which the De-Rated Margin Forecast relates.

6.1A Submission of data to the ECVAA

6.1A.1 Not later than fifteen minutes following Gate Closure for each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the ECVAA the latest Final Physical Notification Data it has received or determined for each Interconnector BM Unit.

6.1B Submission of Transparency Regulation Data and EBGL Local Data to the BMRA

6.1B.1 The NETSO shall submit to the BMRA such data as is required under the Transparency Regulation, except for any such data that is already held by the BMRA.

6.1B.2 The NETSO shall submit the data referred to in paragraph 6.1B.1 to the BMRA in accordance with any requirements specified in the Transparency Regulation. For the purpose of this paragraph 6.1B.2, any timeframes for submission of data to the BMRA are target times, which the NETSO is expected to meet unless exceptional circumstances prevent it from doing so.

6.2 Submission of Balancing Mechanism data to the SAA

6.2.1 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each BM Unit for which such data is received or determined by the NETSO under this Section Q, the NETSO shall send to the SAA (so that such data has been sent by the time which is fifteen minutes following the end of such Settlement Day) the following data:

(a) the Final Physical Notification Data established pursuant to paragraph 3.2 in respect of each Settlement Period within such Settlement Day;

(b) changes to the Dynamic Data Set data received by the NETSO pursuant to the Grid Code to apply in respect of such Settlement Day and the notification time of each such receipt by the NETSO;

(c) changes to the Maximum Export Limit and Maximum Import Limit data received by the NETSO to apply in respect of such the Settlement Day in accordance with paragraph 2.2 and 2.3 respectively;

(d) Bid-Offer Data in respect of each Settlement Period within such Settlement Day submitted or determined in accordance with paragraph 4; and

(e) Acceptance Data, other than in relation to Acceptances which fall within paragraph 5.1.3(b).

6.2.2 The NETSO shall send Acceptance Data for Acceptances which fall within paragraph 5.1.3(b) as soon as reasonably practicable following the relevant Settlement Day, and wherever practicable in time for such Acceptance Data to be taken into account in the Initial Settlement Run.

6.2A Submission of data to the CDCA

6.2A.1 Within the period of five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after cessation of a Demand Control Event, the NETSO shall send to the CDCA:

(a) the BM Unit Identification Number; and

(b) the start and end date and time in Co-ordinated Universal Time for which the BM Unit was subject to Demand Disconnection,

in respect of each disconnected BM Unit that is directly connected to the Transmission System.

6.2B Submission of Data to the SVAA

6.2B.1 The NETSO shall send to the SVAA the data relating to Non-BM STOR Instructions in accordance with Section S9.2.

6.2C Submission of Replacement Reserve data to the SAA

6.2C.1 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each BM Unit for which such data is received or determined by the NETSO under this Section Q, the NETSO shall send to the SAA (so that such data has been sent by the time which is fifteen minutes following the end of such Settlement Day) the following data:

(a) the Final Physical Notification Data established pursuant to paragraph 3.2 in respect of each Settlement Period within such Settlement Day;

(b) changes to the Dynamic Data Set data received by the NETSO pursuant to the Grid Code to apply in respect of such Settlement Day and the notification time of each such receipt by the NETSO;

(c) changes to the Maximum Export Limit and Maximum Import Limit data received by the NETSO to apply in respect of such the Settlement Day in accordance with paragraph 2.2 and 2.3 respectively;

(d) Replacement Reserve Bid Data in respect of each Quarter Hour period within each Replacement Reserve Auction Period within such Settlement Day submitted or determined in accordance with paragraph 4; and

(e) Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data in respect of each Replacement Reserve Auction Period.

6.3 Balancing Services Adjustment Data

6.3.1 In respect of each Settlement Period within a Settlement Day, the NETSO shall send:

(a) subject to paragraph 6.3.4, to the BMRA:

(i) (in relation to all such Settlement Periods) as soon as possible and in any event not later than one hour after either a trade is agreed for Balancing Services Adjustment Actions and entered into the NETSO’s system for recording such trades or instructions are sent for Balancing Services Adjustment Actions (as the case may be), the NETSO’s estimate (at the relevant time of sending) of Balancing Services Adjustment Data as described in paragraph 6.3.2;

(ii) (in relation to each such Settlement Period) as soon as reasonably practicable after Gate Closure for, and in any event not later than the end of, such Settlement Period the NETSO's estimate (at the relevant time of sending) of Balancing Services Adjustment Data as described in paragraph 6.3.2; and

(iii) (in relation to each such Settlement Period) not later than fifteen minutes after the end of the relevant Settlement Period, its estimate of Balancing Services Adjustment Data including (but not limited to) that relating to Non-BM STOR actions and Non-BM Fast Reserve, as described in paragraph 6.3.2;

(b) to:

(i) the SAA, and

(ii) subject to paragraph 6.3.4, the BMRA

on the day next following such Settlement Day, the Balancing Services Adjustment Data as described in paragraph 6.3.2.

6.3.2 The Balancing Services Adjustment Data shall comprise the following data in respect of each Settlement Period:

(a) the unique sequential number for each Balancing Services Adjustment Action;

(b) for each such Balancing Services Adjustment Action:

(i) the Balancing Services Adjustment Volume;

(ii) the Balancing Services Adjustment Cost;

(iii) whether the NETSO has classified such Balancing Services Adjustment Action as "SO-Flagged";

(iv) whether the NETSO has classified such Balancing Services Adjustment Action as "STOR Flagged";

(v) the BSAD Party ID of the person providing the procured Balancing Services Adjustment Action;

(vi) the BSAD Asset ID (if applicable);

(vii) whether the Balancing Service was procured by the NETSO through a tender; and

(viii) the type of Balancing Service procured;

(c) Buy Price Price Adjustment; and

(d) Sell Price Price Adjustment.

6.3.2A The SAA and the BMRA shall calculate the Balancing Services Adjustment Price in respect of each Settlement Period for each Balancing Services Adjustment Action by dividing the Balancing Services Adjustment Cost by the Balancing Services Adjustment Volume for each respective Settlement Period; and the Balancing Services Adjustment Price shall be deemed to be Balancing Services Adjustment Data for the purposes of the Code.

6.3.2B In relation to Balancing Services Adjustment Actions, the NETSO will maintain, keep up-to-date and publish on the NETSO’s Website (as defined in the Grid Code) a register containing:

(a) the name of each person providing procured Balancing Services Adjustment Actions and its corresponding BSAD Party ID; and

(b) the BSAD Asset ID (referenced against the relevant corresponding BSAD Party ID) only where such ID is provided in accordance with paragraph 6.2.3C(b).

6.3.2C For the purposes of this paragraph 6.3, "BSAD Asset ID" means:

(a) the BM Unit Identification Number of the BM Unit providing the relevant Balancing Services Adjustment Action (outside the Balancing Mechanism), where there is a relevant BM Unit Identification Number associated with a Balancing Service Adjustment Action; or

(b) where an interconnector is used to provide a Balancing Services Adjustment Action and there is no associated BM Unit Identification Number, a unique reference assigned by the NETSO that identifies the person providing the Balancing Services Adjustment Action and the interconnector used.

6.3.3 The NETSO may resubmit to the SAA the Balancing Services Adjustment Data in respect of any Settlement Period within a Settlement Day at any time prior to the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run for such Settlement Day and the SAA shall correct such data in the Settlement Run next following such resubmission.

6.3.4 Until such time as the Panel confirms that Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data (as defined in Section V) or Balancing Services Adjustment Data is capable of being displayed on the BMRS:

(a) the NETSO shall comply with paragraph 6.3.1(a) or 6.3.1(b)(ii) respectively by sending such data to BSCCo (and shall separately send Balancing Services Adjustment Data to the SAA pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1(b));

(b) BSCCo will ensure that such data is displayed on the BSC Website.

6.3.5 For the purposes of any Settlement Run to be carried out on or after the date with effect from which this paragraph 6.3.5 takes effect in respect of each Settlement Day between the period 5th April 2001 to 24th September 2001 (both dates inclusive):

(a) the provisions of the Code as modified with effect from 25th September 2001 to include Buy Price Price Adjustment and Sell Price Price Adjustment in the Balancing Services Adjustment Data and to take such Price Adjustments into account in the determination of Energy Imbalance Prices under Section T4.4 shall apply;

(b) the NETSO shall submit or resubmit the Balancing Services Adjustment Data to the SAA and to BSCCo for each Settlement Period of such Settlement Days as soon as reasonably practicable in order to give effect to paragraph 6.3.5(a); and

(c) BSCCo shall arrange for such data to be published in accordance with Section V4.2.

6.3.6 For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 6.3.5 is without prejudice to Settlement Runs carried or to be carried out at any time in respect of Settlement Days commencing with the Settlement Day of 25th September 2001, which have been and shall continue to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Code as modified with effect from 25th September 2001.

6.4 Applicable Balancing Services Volumes Data

6.4.1 In relation to each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day and each BM Unit, the NETSO shall send the BM Unit ABSVD to:

(a) the SAA; and

(b) the BMRA

no later than the second Business Day after such Settlement Day.

6.4.2 BM Unit ABSVD shall:

(a) be expressed in MWh;

(b) follow the sign conventions set out in paragraph 2.4 of Annex X-2; and

(c) represent an aggregate net volume of Active Energy for the whole Settlement Period.

6.4.3 The NETSO may resubmit to the SAA the BM Unit ABSVD in respect of any BM Unit and Settlement Period within a Settlement Day (originally sent under paragraph 6.4.1) at any time prior to the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run for such Settlement Day and the SAA shall correct such data in the Settlement Run following such resubmission.

6.4.4 For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of each Settlement Period and each BM Unit, volumes of Active Energy contained in the BM Unit ABSVD sent pursuant to paragraph 6.4.1 shall not include or be included in any volumes of Active Energy contained in Acceptance Data in respect thereof.

6.4.5 Not Used.

6.4.6 The obligations of the NETSO to send data under paragraph 6.4.1 in respect of Settlement Periods and Settlement Days, and the use of such data in the determination of Trading Charges in respect of Settlement Days in accordance with the provisions of Section T, shall apply in respect of each Settlement Period and Settlement Day from the time when paragraph 6.4.1 comes into effect.

6.4.7 Where the NETSO becomes reasonably aware that it is or may be required to provide ABSVD in relation to a MSID Pair, and that it will not be possible for the NETSO to assign such ABSVD to a BM Unit, the NETSO shall send to the SVAA, in respect of that MSID Par and in relation to any Settlement Period in a Settlement Day, the following ("Non BM Unit ABSVD"):

(a) Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data in accordance with BSCP602 and paragraph 6.4.8; and

(b) the associated MSID Pair Delivered Volume in accordance with paragraph 6.4.9, and such MSID Pair Delivered Volume shall be sent to the SVAA by the fifteenth day after such Settlement Day to the extent such data has been received by the NETSO, and in any event by the forty fifth day after such Settlement Day.

6.4.8 For the purposes of the Code, "Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data" shall contain the following in relation to an MSID Pair:

(a) the GSP Group in which the Import Metering System and (where applicable) Export Metering System are located;

(b) the MSID of the Import Metering System;

(c) the MSID of the associated Export Metering System (where applicable);

(d) the date from when, subject to the provisions of Section S10.2, the NETSO shall provide MSID Pair Delivered Volume in relation to this MSID Pair;

(e) the date to when, subject to the provisions of Section S10.2, the NETSO shall provide MSID Pair Delivered Volume in relation to this MSID Pair;

(f) a Customer Consent Flag for the MSID of the Import Metering System setting out:

(i) the date from when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective; and

(ii) the date to when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective;

(g) a Customer Consent Flag for the MSID of the Export Metering System setting out:

(i) the date from when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective; and

(ii) the date to when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective.

6.4.9 MSID Pair Delivered Volumes shall:

(a) be expressed in MWh;

(b) follow the sign conventions set out in paragraph 2.4 of Annex X-2; and

(c) represent an aggregate net deviation volume of Active Energy for the whole Settlement Period for each MSID Pair.

6.4.10 The NETSO may resubmit to the SVAA the MSID Pair Delivered Volume in respect of any MSID Pair and Settlement Period within a Settlement Day (originally sent pursuant to this paragraph 6.4.8) at any time prior to the Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run for such Settlement Day and the SVAA shall correct such data in the Volume Allocation Run following such resubmission.

6.4.11 For the avoidance of doubt, in respect of each Settlement Period and any MSID Pair, the MSID Pair Delivered Volumes sent pursuant to paragraph 6.4.8 shall not include or be included in any volumes of Active Energy contained in Acceptance Data in respect of any BM Unit(s) that include the MSIDs comprising the MSID Pair.

6.5 Not used

6.6 Outages

6.6.1 Where the NETSO is required to submit data by or within a specified period pursuant to this paragraph 6, such period shall be automatically extended by the period of any relevant Outage, and the NETSO shall submit relevant data in accordance with this paragraph 6 for the period of such Outage as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of such Outage.

6.7 Static Function Loss of Load Probability

6.7.1 The NETSO shall send any Loss of Load Probability function calculated in accordance with the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement to the BMRA not less than three months before it is due to take effect.

6.7.2 Not later than fifteen minutes following Gate Closure for each Settlement Period, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Final Loss of Load Probability value applicable to the relevant Settlement Period calculated in accordance with the Static LoLP Function Methodology.

6.7.3 Paragraph 6.7 shall cease to have effect for all Settlement Periods occurring on or after 00:00 on 1st November 2018.

6.8 Dynamic Function Loss of Load Probability

6.8.1 With effect from 00:00 on 1st November 2018 and for all Settlement Periods thereafter, the NETSO shall:

(a) calculate Indicative Loss of Load Probability values in accordance with the Dynamic LoLP Function Methodology at the following times:

(i) in relation to paragraph 6.8.2, at 1200 hours on each calendar day; and

(ii) in relation to paragraph 6.8.3, at eight hours, four hours and two hours prior to the beginning of the Settlement Period for each Settlement Period during each Settlement Day;

(b) calculate the Final Loss of Load Probability value for each Settlement Period in accordance with the Dynamic LoLP Function Methodology at the same time as Gate Closure for each Settlement Period.

6.8.2 Not later than fifteen minutes following the calculation time set out in paragraph 6.8.1(a)(i), the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Indicative Loss of Load Probability values applicable to all Settlement Periods for which Gate Closure has not yet passed occurring within the current Operational Day and the following Operational Day.

6.8.3 Not later than fifteen minutes following the calculation time set out in paragraph 6.8.1(a)(ii), the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Indicative Loss of Load Probability values applicable to each relevant Settlement Period.

6.8.4 Not later than fifteen minutes following the calculation time set out in paragraph 6.8.1(b), the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the Final Loss of Load Probability values applicable to the relevant Settlement Period.

6.9 Demand Control Instructions

6.9.1 In this paragraph 6.9:

(a) times by which the NETSO is to send data to the BMRA are target times, which the NETSO is expected to meet unless abnormal circumstances prevent it from doing so; and

(b) capitalised terms shall, unless otherwise defined in the Code, have the meanings given to such terms in the Grid Code.

6.9.2 For the purposes of paragraph 6.9, a Demand Control Event shall be:

(a) a demand disconnection instructed by the NETSO;

(b) a voltage reduction instructed by the NETSO; and/or

(c) an automatic low frequency Demand Disconnection,

in each case as set out in OC6 of the Grid Code.

6.9.3 In respect of each Demand Control Event, not later than fifteen minutes after the commencement of a Demand Control Event the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following:

(a) the unique identification number for that Demand Control Instruction;

(b) the relevant stage number for the Demand Control Event Stage (which, for the purposes of this paragraph, shall be the first Demand Control Event Stage);

(c) the Demand Control Event type flag;

(d) the Demand Control Event Start Point;

(e) where known, the Distribution System Operator instructed;

(f) the Demand Control Event Estimate in MW based on the total Demand Control Level anticipated to be delivered; and

(g) a SMAF Flag.

6.9.4 Not later than fifteen minutes after the NETSO has issued an updated Demand Control Instruction, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following:

(a) the relevant Demand Control Instruction identification number;

(b) the updated sequential Demand Control Event Stage number;

(c) the Demand Control Event type flag;

(d) the time and date of the additional Demand Control Instruction;

(e) where known, the Distribution System Operator instructed;

(f) the Demand Control Event Estimate in MW based on the total additional Demand Control Level anticipated to be delivered during the stage being reported; and

(g) a SMAF Flag.

6.9.5 Not later than fifteen minutes after the end of a Demand Control Event, the NETSO shall send to the BMRA the following:

(a) the Demand Control Instruction identification number; and

(b) the Demand Control Event End Point.

6.9.6 For the purposes of the Code, a Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period shall be:

(a) each Settlement Period that corresponds with:

(i) any Demand Control Event Start Point; or

(ii) any Demand Control Event End Point; or

(b) any intervening Settlement Period(s).

6.9.7 As soon as reasonably practical after receipt, the BMRA shall send each Demand Control Event Notice to the SVAA, the SAA and the CDCA.


7.1 Meaning of Manifest Error

7.1.1 For the purposes of this Section Q:

(a) there is a "Manifest Error" in a Bid-Offer Pair or an Acceptance where and only where:

(i) in relation to a Bid-Offer Pair, there was a Manifest Error on the part of the Lead Party of a BM Unit in the Offer Price and/or the Bid Price associated with a Bid-Offer Pair relating to that BM Unit which has been accepted by the NETSO;

(ii) in relation to an Acceptance and one or more of the Bids or Offers thereby accepted, the acceptance of such Bid(s) or Offer(s) was a Manifest Error on the part of the NETSO;

(b) for the purposes of paragraph (a) an error will be considered manifest only where it is self-evidently an error;

(c) in relation to a claim of Manifest Error:

(i) an "Error Bid-Offer Pair" is the Bid-Offer Pair referred to in paragraph (a)(i) or (as the case may be) a Bid-Offer Pair which included one of the accepted Bid(s) or Offer(s) referred to in paragraph (a)(ii);

(ii) the "relevant" Acceptance is the Acceptance by which the Error Bid-Offer Pair(s) were accepted, and references to the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time shall be construed accordingly;

(iii) the "relevant" Settlement Period is the Settlement Period to which the Error Bid-Offer Pair relates;

(iv) references to the Lead Party are to the Lead Party of the BM Unit for which the Error Bid-Offer Pair(s) were submitted.

7.2 Claiming Manifest Errors

7.2.1 Where a Party considers that it has made a Manifest Error in a Bid-Offer Pair, such Party may, subject to paragraph 7.2.3, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the error and in any event no later than four hours after the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time, make a claim to that effect by giving notice of such claim to the NETSO, identifying the Error Bid-Offer Pair.

7.2.2 Where the NETSO considers that it has made a Manifest Error in an Acceptance, the NETSO may, subject to paragraph 7.2.3, as soon as reasonably practicable after becoming aware of the error and in any event no later than four hours after the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time, make a claim to that effect by giving notice of such claim to BSCCo, which notice the NETSO shall also copy promptly to the Lead Party, identifying:

(a) each Error Bid-Offer Pair; and

(b) the relevant Acceptance, by specifying:

(i) subject to paragraph (ii), the Bid-Offer Acceptance Number;

(ii) where (at the time at which the NETSO gives such notice) the Bid-Offer Acceptance Number is not available to the NETSO (or no such number has been established), the Acceptance Data specified in paragraphs 5.3.1 (a) and (c).

7.2.3 Where a Party makes a claim of Manifest Error, such Party shall pay a fee to BSCCo the amount of which (for each such claim) shall be five thousand pounds sterling (£5,000), or such other amount as the Panel may from time to time, after consultation with Parties, determine upon not less than thirty days notice to Parties; which fee shall not be reimbursed in any circumstances.

7.3 Flagging Manifest Errors

7.3.1 Where a Party gives notice of a claim of Manifest Error to the NETSO under paragraph 7.2.1, the NETSO shall within fifteen minutes after receiving such notice forward the notice to BSCCo.

7.3.2 At the same time as giving notice (under paragraph 7.2.2 or 7.3.1) of a claimed Manifest Error, the NETSO shall ensure that a Manifest Error notice is posted on the BMRS, specifying the identity of the BM Unit, the relevant Settlement Period(s) and the Bid Price or Offer Price to which the claimed error relates.

7.4 Determination of Manifest Errors

7.4.1 The Panel shall consider claims of Manifest Error in accordance with this paragraph 7.4.

7.4.2 For the avoidance of doubt the Panel may establish or appoint a Panel Committee to discharge its functions under this paragraph 7; and (notwithstanding Section W2.2) the Panel may appoint the Trading Disputes Committee, and (if so appointed) that Committee shall have the ability and competence, to do so.

7.4.3 Where a claim of Manifest Error is made:

(a) the Panel Secretary shall arrange for the claim to be placed on the agenda of a meeting of the Panel (consistently with paragraph (c)), and shall request:

(i) the Party claiming the error to provide evidence and information supporting its claim;

(ii) the NETSO or the Lead Party (whichever is not the Party claiming the error) to provide comments in relation to the claim;

(iii) the NETSO to provide such information as the Panel Secretary considers may be required under paragraph 7.5.2(c);

(b) the Panel shall determine in its opinion whether there was a Manifest Error and (if so) what adjustments are to be made in accordance with paragraph 7.5;

(c) the Panel shall wherever practicable consider the claim in time for any such adjustments to be taken into account in the Initial Settlement Run;

(d) if the Lead Party claims a payment under paragraph 7.6.1, the Panel shall determine in its opinion what is the error compensation amount under paragraph 7.6;

(e) the Panel Secretary shall notify the Panel's determinations to the NETSO and all Trading Parties;

(f) BSCCo shall give such instructions to the SAA and FAA as are necessary to give effect to any such adjustments and payments;

(g) the fee under paragraph 7.2.3 shall be invoiced as and included in determining BSCCo Charges for the relevant Party for the next month for which BSCCo Charges are invoiced following the notification of the Panel's determination under paragraph (e), and paid accordingly.

7.4.4 The determination of the Panel (or any Panel Committee established or appointed under paragraph 7.4.2) as to whether there was a Manifest Error, and (if so) what adjustments are to be made under paragraph 7.5 and (if claimed) the amount of the error compensation amount to be paid under paragraph 7.6, shall be final and binding on all Parties.

7.5 Adjustments to Bid or Offer Price

7.5.1 Where the Panel determines that there was a Manifest Error, the Bid Price and Offer Price of each Error Bid-Offer Pair shall be adjusted (so that such Bid-Offer Pair shall be treated as if made at the adjusted Bid Price and Offer Price), for all purposes of Settlement, in accordance with paragraph 7.5.2.

7.5.2 For the purposes of paragraph 7.5.1:

(a) the Panel shall determine (in its opinion) in consultation with the :

(i) what other Bid-Offer Pairs (submitted by any Party) were available to, and not already accepted by, the NETSO at the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time;

(ii) which of those other Bid-Offer Pairs would (in the circumstances which gave rise to the NETSO accepting the Error Bid-Offer Pair(s), and having regard to the principles on which the NETSO generally selects Bid-Offer Pairs for acceptance) have been accepted by the NETSO, at the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time, if it had not accepted (by the relevant Acceptance) the Error Bid-Offer Pair;

(iii) the Bid Price or Offer Price of such Bid-Offer Pair (or where it determines that more than one would have been accepted, the average of such prices, weighted according to the quantities (in MWh) of each which would have been accepted)

(and for these purposes it shall be assumed that one or more of the Bid/Offer Pairs referred to in paragraph (a)(i) would have been so accepted);

(b) both the Bid Price and the Offer Price of the Error Bid-Offer Pair shall be adjusted to be equal to the price determined under paragraph (a)(iii);

(c) the NETSO shall provide to the Panel all such information as the Panel may reasonably require to enable it to determine the matters in paragraph (a).

7.6 Error compensation amount

7.6.1 Where the Panel determines that there was a Manifest Error, the Lead Party may, within the period of five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after the Panel determined the adjustment under paragraph 7.5.2, submit to BSCCo a claim for payment of an error compensation amount to be determined in accordance with this paragraph 7.6.

7.6.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 7, in relation to an Acceptance of an Error Bid-Offer Pair:

(a) the "error compensation amount" shall be an amount determined as:

max {(A - B), 0}


A is the amount of the Avoidable Party Costs of the Lead Party in relation to the changes in Exports and/or Imports determined by the Panel under paragraph 7.6.3(a);

B is an amount determined as:

(MECQnij * Pnij);

where Pnij is the adjusted Offer Price or Bid Price (being the same price, in accordance with paragraph 7.5.2(b)) of the Error Bid-Offer Pair in accordance with paragraph 7.5.1;

(b) the "error compensation volume" (MECQnij) is the quantity (in MWh) determined by the Panel under paragraph 7.6.3(b), subject to paragraph (c);

(c) for the purposes of paragraph (b):

(i) MECQnij shall be negative where it represents an increase in net Imports or a reduction in net Exports, and otherwise positive;

(ii) the value of MECQnij shall not exceed the algebraic sum of the Period Accepted Offer Volume and Period Accepted Bid Volume for all Acceptances relating to the Error Bid-Offer Pair;

(iii) the magnitude of MECQnij shall not exceed the magnitude of the amount claimed by the Lead Party under paragraph 7.6.3(a).

7.6.3 Where the Lead Party submits a claim under paragraph 7.6.1, the Panel shall determine, in its opinion:

(a) what changes in Exports and/or Imports of the BM Unit during the relevant Settlement Period resulted from action taken by the Lead Party for the purposes of complying (in accordance with the Grid Code) with the relevant Acceptance; and

(b) what is the net quantity (in MWh) of such changes in Exports or Imports of the BM Unit for such Settlement Period.

7.6.4 For the purposes of this paragraph 7.6:

(a) the Lead Party shall, at the time at which it submits its claim under paragraph 7.6.1, provide a statement to the Panel of the changes which the Lead Party considers to be the changes described in paragraph 7.6.3(a), and the quantity which the Lead Party considers to be the net quantity described in paragraph 7.6.3(b), and shall provide such other information as the Panel may reasonably request for the purposes of determining the matters in paragraphs 7.6.3(a) and (b);

(b) the Lead Party shall comply with the requirements of Section G2.2.1 in relation to determination of Avoidable Costs;

(c) the NETSO and each Distribution Company shall provide such information as the Panel may reasonably request for the purposes of determining the error compensation volume.

7.6.5 Where the Lead Party has submitted a claim in accordance with paragraph 7.6.1, subject to the provisions of the Code:

(a) the Lead Party shall be entitled to be paid by the BSC Clearer the error compensation amount, together with compound interest calculated by applying the Base Rate on a daily basis on the error compensation amount from the Initial Payment Date for the relevant Settlement Period to (but not including) the date (if later) when such payment is made;

(b) in the case of a Manifest Error (on the part of the NETSO) in an Acceptance, the NETSO shall be liable to pay to the BSC Clearer an amount equal to the amount payable to the Lead Party under paragraph (a);

(c) in the case of a Manifest Error (on the part of the Lead Party) in a Bid/Offer Pair, each Trading Party (including the Lead Party) shall be liable to pay to the BSC Clearer its Party Daily Reallocation Proportion (for the Settlement Day which included the relevant Settlement Period) of the amount payable to the Lead Party under paragraph (a); and

(d) the amounts of the entitlements and liabilities under paragraphs (a) to (c) shall be Ad-hoc Trading Charges for the purposes of Section N6.9.

7.6.6 The Implementation Date for the application of compound interest pursuant to paragraph 7.6.5(a) shall be the Go-live Date.


8.1 General

8.1.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 8:

(a) an "outage compensation period" is:

(i) the period of any Outage, where the NETSO gave notice (pursuant to BC1.4.1(c) or BC2.9.7.2 of the Grid Code) of less than twelve hours of the commencement of such Outage, or gave notice thereof after such commencement; or

(ii) irrespective of the period of notice given of the Outage, the period (if any) of an Outage which falls more than two hours after the commencement of the Outage;

(b) a "relevant" Settlement Period is a Settlement Period for which Gate Closure fell within the outage compensation period.

8.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph 8 shall not apply by reason only of any Outage or other withdrawal, failure or breakdown of any system which does not affect the communication of Physical Notifications.

8.1.3 If any dispute arises in connection with this paragraph 8 as to the time of commencement of an Outage, or the period of such an Outage, the Panel shall determine the matter in dispute after consultation with the NETSO and the Party raising the dispute, and the Panel's determination shall be final and binding for the purposes of this paragraph 8.

8.2 Claim for compensation following unplanned outage

8.2.1 Subject to the provisions of the Code, following an outage compensation period, a Party which:

(a) is the Lead Party of any BM Unit(s); and

(b) considers:

(i) it suffered (consistent with the matters set out in paragraph 8.2.5) a material loss, which it could not reasonably have avoided, as a result of its inability to submit Physical Notifications during an outage compensation period; or

(ii) where a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification(s) is in force for any BM Unit(s), that collectively it and all Subsidiary Parties in relation to any BM Unit ("relevant" Subsidiary Parties for the purposes of this paragraph 8) suffered (consistent with the matters set out in paragraph 8.2.5) a net material loss, which could not reasonably have been avoided, as a result of its inability to submit Physical Notifications during an outage compensation period,

may, within the period of ten Business Days after the end of the compensation outage period, submit to BSCCo a claim for payment of compensation to be determined in accordance with this paragraph 8.2.

8.2.1A The Party shall, at the time at which it submits a claim under paragraph 8.2.1:

(a) provide a statement and explanation of the basis on which it considers that it has or it and all relevant Subsidiary Parties have suffered such a loss as is referred to in paragraph 8.2.1; and

(b) for each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification(s) in force for any relevant BM Unit(s) provide:

(i) the MVRNA Authorisation under which it is given (thereby identifying the BM Unit, the Lead Party and relevant Subsidiary Party and the Subsidiary Energy Account to which it relates); and

(ii) for each relevant Settlement Period, the quantity of Active Energy and the percentage (either of which may be zero) of BM Unit Metered Volume allocated to each Subsidiary Energy Account in accordance with Section P3.3.

8.2.2 The Panel will not consider a claim by a Party for compensation under this paragraph 8.2 unless the Party's submission under paragraph 8.2.1 demonstrates (but without prejudice to what the Panel determines under paragraph 8.2.4), to the reasonable satisfaction of the Panel, that it and any relevant Subsidiary Party suffered such a loss as is referred to in paragraph 8.2.1(b).

8.2.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 8.2:

(a) the Party shall provide such other information as the Panel may reasonably request by way of justification of what is claimed in the Party's statement or otherwise for the purposes of the Panel's determination of such matters;

(b) a relevant Subsidiary Party shall provide such other information as the Panel may reasonably request by way of justification of what is claimed in the Party’s statement or otherwise for the purposes of the Panel’s determination of such matters;

(c) to the extent required by the Panel, the Party shall comply with the requirements of Section G2.2.1 in relation to determination of Avoidable Costs for its BM Units; and

(d) the NETSO and each Distribution Company shall provide such information as the Panel may reasonably request for the purposes of determining the matters in paragraph 8.2.

8.2.4 Where the Panel determines (in accordance with paragraph 8.2.2) to consider the Party's claim, the Panel shall determine, in its opinion, the amount of the loss:

(a) which was suffered by the Party and any relevant Subsidiary Party; and

(b) which the Party and any relevant Subsidiary Party could not reasonably have avoided,

as a result of the Party's inability to submit or resubmit Physical Notifications during the outage compensation period.

8.2.5 In determining the amount (if any) of the loss suffered by a Party and any relevant Subsidiary Party, and whether and the extent to which the Party and any relevant Subsidiary Party could reasonably have avoided such loss, the Panel shall have regard to the following:

(a) whether and the extent to which, in the opinion of the Panel, the net financial position of the Party together with all relevant Subsidiary Parties, in respect of Trading Charges, was worse than the net financial position of the Party together with all relevant Subsidiary Parties, in respect of Trading Charges and Avoidable Costs, would have been if the Party had been able to submit or resubmit Physical Notifications during the outage compensation period; where Avoidable Costs refers to Avoidable Costs which would have been incurred in respect of changes which would (if the Party had so been able) have occurred in Exports and/or Imports of the BM Units of which the Party is Lead Party; and

(b) whether and the extent to which, in the opinion of the Panel, the Party acted reasonably and prudently in making commitments which resulted in notification of Energy Contract Volumes relating to relevant Settlement Periods, and otherwise in its operations under the Grid Code and the Code;

and the Panel shall disregard costs and losses (including in respect of amounts payable in respect of such commitments as are referred to in paragraph (b)) other than those referred to in paragraph (a).

8.3 Compensation entitlements

8.3.1 Where a Party has submitted a claim for compensation in accordance with paragraph 8.2:

(a) that Party and any relevant Subsidiary Party shall be informed of the Panel’s determination under paragraph 8.2.4;

(b) that Party shall be entitled to be paid by the BSC Clearer the amount (if any) determined in accordance with paragraph 8.2.4, together with compound interest calculated at the Base Rate on such amount on a daily basis from the Initial Payment Date for the Settlement Period in which the outage compensation period ended to (but not including) the date (if later) when such payment is made;

(c) the NETSO shall be liable to pay to the BSC Clearer an amount equal to the amount payable under paragraph (a);

(d) such entitlements and liabilities shall be Ad-hoc Trading Charges for the purposes of Section N6.9; and

(e) BSCCo shall give such instructions to the FAA as are necessary to give effect to the payment of such Ad-hoc Trading Charges.

8.3.2 The Implementation Date for the application of compound interest pursuant to paragraph 8.3.1(b) shall be the Go-live Date.




11.1 Application

11.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, references in this paragraph 11 to a Party shall be construed as a reference to a Party which is a Market Participant in the Wholesale Energy Market in possession of Inside Information Data.

11.2 Inside Information Data

11.2.1 A Party may submit Inside Information Data to the BMRA via the BSC Website in accordance with Section O2.2.3.

11.2.2 Inside Information Data shall be submitted by an authorised person previously approved or a delegate otherwise approved in accordance with BSCP38.

11.2.3 Not used.

11.2.4 Without prejudice to the generality of Section V1.1.4, each Party acknowledges and agrees that no Party shall have any claim or entitlement against BSCCo (including its agents), BSC Agents, the NETSO or any other Party in respect of the availability, non-availability, accuracy, inaccuracy, completeness or incompleteness of the Inside Information Data published on the BMRS from time to time and nothing in the Code shall operate to relieve a Party, where applicable, from its obligations and responsibilities pursuant to REMIT.

11.3 Submission of Data by BSCCo

11.3.1 BSCCo shall send to the BMRA all Inside Information Data that it receives from time to time from a Market Participant, as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt taking into account any technical constraints.

11.4 Submission of Data by Non-Parties

11.4.1 BSCCo shall ensure that any non-Party wishing to submit Inside Information Data to the BMRS:

(a) undergoes a relevant authorisation process; and

(b) complies with the requirements set out in this Section Q.


Section Q

Version 46.0

Effective Date: 07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


















P433 Self Governance
















P408 Self Governance








P403 Self-Governance




P388 Self Governance








P394 Self Governance




P384 Self Governance




P386 Self Governance




P380 Self Governance




P367 Self-Governance












P373 (Nullification of P297)




P297(Nullified by P373)








P336 Self Governance




P329 Alternative
















P327 Fast Track Self Governance










































































































































1.1 General

1.1.1 This Section R provides for the determination of Metered Volumes for the purposes of Central Volume Allocation in respect of:

(a) BM Units other than Interconnector BM Units, Supplier BM Units and Secondary BM Units (in this Section R, "relevant" BM Units);

(b) Interconnectors;

(c) Grid Supply Points; and

(d) GSP Groups;

(collectively referred to as "Volume Allocation Units" for the purposes of this Section R).

1.1.2 This Section R accordingly sets out:

(a) the basis on which data registered in CRS and Meter Technical Details will be submitted to and validated by the CDCA;

(b) requirements for Parties to prepare Aggregation Rules and submit such rules to the CDCA, and for the validation of such rules;

(c) the basis on which Line Loss Factors will be submitted to CDCA for CVA Metering Systems connected to Distribution Systems; and

(d) the basis on which the CDCA will collect and validate or (where necessary) estimate metered data from Metering Systems, aggregate such data to determine Metered Volumes, and submit such Metered Volumes to the SAA and/or SVAA.

1.1.3 This Section R applies only in relation to CVA Metering Systems (and references in this Section R to Metering Systems shall be construed accordingly).

1.1.4 Paragraph 7 of this Section R provides for the determination of BM Unit Metered Volumes in respect of Interconnector BM Units (other than those for which an Interconnector Error Administrator is Lead Party); and further references to BM Units in paragraphs 1 to 6 do not include Interconnector BM Units.

1.2 Metered Volumes

1.2.1 For the purposes of this Section R, in relation to a Volume Allocation Unit and a Settlement Period, the "Metered Volume" is the net aggregate volume of Active Energy, determined as at the Transmission System Boundary, which flowed in that Settlement Period to or from that Volume Allocation Unit.

1.3 Settlement Calendar

1.3.1 The CDCA shall undertake its duties under this Section R as to the collection, validation, estimation and aggregation of metered data, and the submission of such data to certain Parties and other BSC Agents, in accordance with BSCP01 and the prevailing Settlement Calendar.

1.4 Requirements for data collection

1.4.1 The CDCA shall collect or procure the collection of metered data (as required by paragraph 5) available from Outstations either by means of remote interrogation or by means of manual on-site interrogation.

1.4.2 The CDCA shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of Communications Equipment (other than modems or equivalent exchange links) after it has been installed by the Registrant in accordance with Section L; and for the purposes of remote interrogation the CDCA shall enter into, manage and monitor contracts or other arrangements to provide for the maintenance of all communication links which form part of such Communications Equipment.

1.4.3 In the event of any fault or failure of any communication link or any error or omission in such data or all necessary data not being available from Outstations the CDCA shall collect or procure the collection of such data by manual on-site interrogation.

1.4.4 The CDCA shall cease to be required to maintain communications links in respect of Metering Equipment if, and with effect from the date when, the Metering System ceases to be registered in CMRS.

1.4.5 The CDCA shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of central collector stations.

1.4.6 Communications Equipment need not be dedicated exclusively to the provision of data to the CDCA for the purposes of Central Volume Allocation, provided that any other use shall not interfere at any time with the operation of the Central Volume Allocation processes.

1.4.7 The CDCA shall comply (without charge to the Registrant) with any reasonable request by the Registrant to provide access to Communications Equipment to the Registrant and to other persons nominated by the Registrant (including for the purposes of complying with the Registrant's obligations under Section L5.2).

1.5 Objective of CDCA

1.5.1 The CDCA shall carry out its functions under this Section R with the objective of ensuring that all exports and imports at CVA Boundary Points and Systems Connection Points are properly and accurately taken into account and allocated to the responsible Party in Central Volume Allocation.

1.6 Interpretation

1.6.1 For the purposes of this Section R:

(a) "metered data" means data, relating to a flow (by way of import or export) of Active Energy or Reactive Energy, derived from any meter register of any Metering System;

(b) where the context admits, a reference to metered data shall include estimated data;

(c) "active energy metered data" is metered data relating to a flow of Active Energy;

(d) "reactive energy metered data" is metered data relating to a flow of Reactive Energy;

(e) unless the context otherwise requires, references to metered data are to active energy metered data only; and

(f) "import" and "export" shall be construed as including (in addition to Import and Export in accordance with Section K) a flow of electricity at a Systems Connection Point to or from a given System.

1.6.2 No provision of this Section R (including without limitation paragraphs 1.5 and 3.1.4(a)(iii)) shall be construed as requiring anything to be done which could not be done without the existence of Aggregation Rules specifying data or operations beyond what is permitted to be specified in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1.


2.1 Registration Data

2.1.1 Data registered in CRS will be submitted by the CRA to the CDCA pursuant to Section K6.

2.1.2 The CDCA shall:

(a) validate (as to completeness and form) registration data submitted to it by the CRA;

(b) record and maintain such validated data; and

(c) where the CRA fails to submit any registration data to the CDCA, or any registration data which is submitted fails validation, so inform the CRA and request the CRA to submit or correct and submit the registration data.

2.2 Meter Technical Details

2.2.1 Meter Technical Details for each CVA Metering System will be submitted to the CDCA by the Registrant in accordance with BSCP20 and pursuant to Section L2.4.1(c).

2.2.2 The CDCA shall:

(a) validate (as to completeness and form) Meter Technical Details submitted to it;

(b) record and maintain in CMRS such validated data; and

(c) where the Registrant fails to submit any Meter Technical Details to the CDCA, or any Meter Technical Details which are submitted fail validation, so inform the Registrant and request the Registrant to submit or correct and submit the Meter Technical Details.


3.1 General

3.1.1 For the purposes of the Code "Aggregation Rules" relating to a Volume Allocation Unit are rules by reference to which import or export active energy metered data collected from Outstations relating to meter registers of one or more Metering Systems are to be aggregated so as to provide, in relation to any Settlement Period, the Metered Volume for that Volume Allocation Unit for the purposes of Settlement.

3.1.2 For the purposes of this Section R, references to the "aggregation" of metered data are to the application to such data of any one or more of the arithmetic operations referred to in paragraph 3.3.1(b) (and 'aggregate' and 'aggregated' shall be construed accordingly).

3.1.3 Aggregation Rules must comply with the applicable requirements and criteria in paragraph 3.3.

3.1.4 Where under this Section R a Party is required to prepare and submit to the CDCA any Aggregation Rules in relation to any Volume Allocation Unit:

(a) the Party shall prepare such rules:

(i) in good faith and in accordance with Good Industry Practice;

(ii) so that such rules comply with the applicable requirements and criteria in paragraph 3.3; and

(iii) so that such rules will ensure that the volumes determined by reference to those rules are those which should be so determined as Metered Volumes;

(b) the Party shall ensure that the rules for the time being submitted continue at all times to comply with paragraphs (a)(ii) and (iii);

(c) the Party shall prepare and submit or resubmit such rules, in accordance with BSCP75:

(i) at the time at which that Party or any other Party applies for registration in accordance with Section K2 of any Metering System from which metered data is to be taken into account under such rules;

(ii) at any time at which there is any change in any such Metering System or in composition of the relevant Volume Allocation Unit;

(iii) at any other time at which it is necessary to do so to comply with paragraph (b);

(iv) at any time if reasonably requested to do so by the CDCA pursuant to paragraph 3.1.5.

3.1.5 Without prejudice to the obligations of any Party under this paragraph 3, the CDCA may, at any time, request a Party to submit or re-submit Aggregation Rules which that Party is required under this paragraph 3 to submit.

3.1.6 The fact that the CDCA may for the time being have validated and recorded a set of Aggregation Rules shall not relieve the Party required to submit such rules from responsibility to ensure that such rules continue to comply with the requirements in paragraph 3.1.4(a).

3.1.7 In relation to a Metering System associated with a Distribution Systems Connection Point, the Registrant shall not unreasonably withhold consent (for the purposes of paragraph 3.3.5(d)(i) to a set of Aggregation Rules proposed by the other Distribution System Operator.

3.1.8 For the purposes of this paragraph 3, in relation to any set of Aggregation Rules a "related Party" is a Party whose consent to such Aggregation Rules is required under paragraph 3.3.5(d)(i).

3.2 Duty to prepare and submit Aggregation Rules

3.2.1 The Lead Party of each relevant BM Unit shall prepare a set of Aggregation Rules in respect of that BM Unit, which:

(a) relate to each of the Metering System(s) associated with such BM Unit, and

(b) provides for the determination of the BM Unit Metered Volume.

3.2.2 The NETSO shall prepare a set of Aggregation Rules in respect of each Transmission Interconnector, which:

(a) relate to each of the Metering System(s) associated with such Interconnector, and

(b) provide for the determination of the Interconnector Metered Volume.

3.2.3 Each Distribution System Operator shall prepare:

(a) a set of Aggregation Rules in respect of each Grid Supply Point at which its Distribution System is connected to the Transmission System, which:

(i) relate to each of the Metering System(s) associated with such Grid Supply Point, and

(ii) provide for the determination of the Metered Volume in respect of such Grid Supply Point;

(b) in relation to any GSP Group for which the Distribution System Operator is responsible (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.6), a set of Aggregation Rules which:

(i) relate to each of the Metering System(s) associated with each Systems Connection Point on that GSP Group, and

(ii) provide for the determination of the GSP Group Metered Volume for that GSP Group;

(c) a set of Aggregation Rules in respect of each Distribution Interconnector which is connected to its Distribution System, which:

(i) relate to each of the Metering System(s) associated with such Interconnector, and

(ii) provide for the determination of the Interconnector Metered Volume.

3.2.4 The Party responsible (in accordance with paragraphs 3.2.1 to 3.2.3) for preparing a set of Aggregation Rules shall in accordance with BSCP75:

(a) submit such rules to the CDCA; and

(b) where paragraph 3.3.5(d) applies, at the same time submit to the CDCA evidence of the consent of the related Parties.

3.2.5 In the case of a BM Unit which comprises a Range CCGT Module:

(a) the Lead Party may, subject to and in accordance with BSCP75, and consistent with the information for the time being submitted to the NETSO under the Grid Code:

(i) prepare and submit more than one set of Aggregation Rules (each of which shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 3.3), reflecting different operating configurations of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in the Range CCGT Module; and

(ii) elect and from time to time change its election (by notice to the CDCA given not later than the equivalent data is to be given to the NETSO under the Grid Code) as to which of the sets of Aggregation Rules for the time being so submitted (provided the same is valid in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2) is to be used by the CDCA in determining the BM Unit Metered Volume;

(b) the CDCA shall use the set of Aggregation Rules for the time being so elected by the Lead Party for the purposes of paragraph 5.4.

3.2.5A In the case of a Power Park Module which belongs to a Switching Group:

(a) the Lead Party may, subject to and in accordance with BSCP75, and consistent with the information for the time being submitted to the NETSO under the Grid Code:

(i) prepare and submit more than one set of Aggregation Rules (each of which shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 3.3), reflecting different operating configurations of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in the Switching Group; and

(ii) elect and from time to time change its election (by notice to the CDCA in accordance with BSCP75) as to which of the sets of Aggregation Rules for the time being so submitted (provided the same is valid in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2) is to be used by the CDCA in determining the BM Unit Metered Volume; and

(b) the CDCA shall, as soon as practicable, use the set of Aggregation Rules for the time being so elected by the Lead Party for the purposes of paragraph 5.4; and

(c) where the CDCA (due to technical constraints in the CDCA system) is unable to make the change in Aggregation Rules so elected effective until 00:00 following the time of the change, the Lead Party may request that any resulting error in the BM Unit Metered Volumes is corrected subject to and in accordance with BSCP03.

3.2.6 For the purposes of paragraph 3.2.3(b), in relation to each GSP Group, the Distribution System Operator which is responsible for preparing a set of Aggregation Rules shall be:

(a) subject to paragraph (c), the Licensed Distribution System Operator which was so responsible as at 1st August 2003; or

(b) subject to paragraph (c), in relation to those GSPs described in Section K1.8.1(a)(ii), the Scottish Distribution Licensee in respect of that BSP Group under SAS on 1st August 2003; or

(c) if no Licensed Distribution System Operator or Scottish Distribution Licensee was so responsible, or if the person which was so responsible ceases to be the Distribution System Operator of the principal Distribution System (in that GSP Group) which it operated as at 1st August 2003, or in relation to those GSPs described in Section K1.8.1(a)(ii), the Scottish Distribution Licensee in respect of a BSP Group under SAS on 1st August 2003 ceases to be the Distribution System Operator of the principal Distribution System (in that GSP Group) which it operated as at BETTA Go Active or if (after consultation with the NETSO, relevant Distribution System Operators and the Authority) the Panel consents to such person relinquishing such responsibility:

(i) one of the relevant Distribution System Operator(s), selected and nominated to the Panel by agreement of all of the relevant Distribution System Operators and approved by the Panel as such, or

(ii) failing such agreement and approval, one of the relevant Distribution System Operator(s) designated by the Panel, after consultation with such Distribution System Operator, the NETSO, each other relevant Distribution System Operator and the Authority, to undertake such role;

where (in relation to a GSP Group) the relevant Distribution System Operator(s) are the Distribution System Operators of the Distribution System(s) in that GSP Group which are connected to the Transmission System.

3.3 Requirements for Aggregation Rules

3.3.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) Aggregation Rules shall be algebraic rules complying with the requirements as to form specified in BSCP75;

(b) in particular, Aggregation Rules may only specify:

(i) as data to which such rules are to be applied, (1) metered data, Line Loss Factors, and constants, or (2) intermediate terms derived (consistently with paragraph (ii)) from such data;

(ii) as operations to be applied to such data, the operations (or combinations of the operations) of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and (from the date determined for these purposes by the Panel) logical 'IF' operations;

(c) for the avoidance of doubt, a set of Aggregation Rules may contain sub-sets of rules, or rules requiring iteration, applying to intermediate terms derived consistently with paragraph (b).

3.3.2 Where any Aggregation Rules relate to any Metering System which is connected to a Distribution System, the Aggregation Rules shall specify, or enable the CDCA to determine, which Line Loss Factor(s) are to be applied, and how they are to be applied, to metered data in determining Metered Volumes.

3.3.3 Aggregation Rules must utilise the conventions as to sign set out in Annex X-2, insofar as such conventions are capable of applying in relation to such Aggregation Rules.

3.3.4 In any case in which (as specified in the relevant Meter Technical Details) metered data will have been subject to any operation (equivalent to any of the arithmetic operations referred to in paragraph 3.3.1(b)) performed automatically by the Metering Equipment, the Aggregation Rules shall not provide for such operation.

3.3.5 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1 and to any requirements of BSCP75, the set of Aggregation Rules for any Volume Allocation Unit must satisfy the following criteria:

(a) the Aggregation Rules are consistent with:

(i) any supporting information supplied to the CDCA under paragraph 3.4.4 by the Party submitting such Aggregation Rules;

(ii) the registration data received by the CDCA from the CRA;

(iii) the Metering Technical Details submitted to the CDCA by the Registrant;

(b) the Aggregation Rules relate to each Metering System to which they are required by paragraph 3.2 to relate;

(c) the Aggregation Rules employ only the functions referred to in paragraph 3.3.1, and otherwise are consistent with that paragraph;

(d) in any case where the sets of Aggregation Rules for more than one Volume Allocation Unit relate to the same Metering System:

(i) each of the Parties which is responsible for such Aggregation Rules has consented to each such set of Aggregation Rules;

(ii) such sets of Aggregation Rules, taken together, are consistent with each other and in particular have the effect that there is no double counting (as between such Volume Allocation Units) of metered data derived from such Metering System, and that no such metered data is omitted from being counted;

(e) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (d), in the case of Aggregation Rules which relate to a Metering System associated with a Distribution Systems Connection Point on two GSP Groups, metered data is taken into account so as to have equal and opposite effects in the determination of GSP Group Metered Volume for each such GSP Group;

(f) in the case of Aggregation Rules which relate to a Metering System connected to a Distribution System, the Aggregation Rules provide for the relevant Line Loss Factors to be applied to metered data:

(i) before any combination of metered data to which different Line Loss Factors are to be applied;

(ii) before any combination of import and export active energy metered data.

3.4 Validation of Aggregation Rules

3.4.1 The CDCA shall validate each set of Aggregation Rules submitted or resubmitted to it.

3.4.2 The CDCA shall treat a set of Aggregation Rules as validated if and only if the Aggregation Rules:

(a) comply with the requirements in paragraphs 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.3.4;

(b) satisfy the criteria in paragraph 3.3.5;

(c) in the CDCA’s opinion, comply with the requirement in paragraph 3.1.4(a)(iii);

(d) comply with and were submitted in compliance with BSCP75.

3.4.3 The CDCA shall at all times keep under review, by reference to all information provided to it pursuant to any provision of the Code, and determine whether any Party which should have submitted or re-submitted a set of Aggregation Rules has failed to do.

3.4.4 In connection with the validation under paragraph 3.4.1 of Aggregation Rules or review under paragraph 3.4.3 of whether any Party has failed to submit Aggregation Rules, the CDCA may:

(a) request any Party which is or which the CDCA believes to be responsible for submitting Aggregation Rules to supply information or supporting information (including but not limited to network diagrams, connection agreements and installation documentation) to it;

(b) undertake a site visit to the relevant site, or procure that such a site visit is undertaken and a report on such visit received.

3.4.5 A Party shall comply with any reasonable request for information made by the CDCA for the purpose of validation of Aggregation Rules or review of whether any Party has failed to submit Aggregation Rules.

3.4.6 In relation to any Volume Allocation Unit, where the CDCA determines not to validate (in accordance with paragraph 3.4.2) a set of Aggregation Rules submitted by the responsible Party, or determines that the responsible Party has failed to submit a set of Aggregation Rules:

(a) the CDCA shall so notify the responsible Party:

(i) setting out in brief detail the reasons for which the CDCA has so determined; and

(ii) requesting the responsible Party to submit or resubmit a set of Aggregation Rules;

(b) where there is a prevailing set of Aggregation Rules which are in the CDCA’s opinion appropriate (having regard to the requirements and criteria in paragraphs 3.1.4(a)(iii) and 3.3) to continue to use for the purposes of determining the Metered Volumes in relation to the Volume Allocation Unit, the CDCA will:

(i) continue (until such time as a new set of Aggregation Rules is validated) to use such Aggregation Rules; and

(ii) so inform the Panel, the responsible Party and any related Party (whose consent shall not however be required);

(c) where paragraph (b) does not apply, and the CDCA is for the time being required (under paragraph 5) to determine Metered Volumes in relation to the relevant Volume Aggregation Unit, the CDCA shall (until such time as a valid set of Aggregation Rules is submitted by the responsible Party) and each Party hereby authorises the CDCA to:

(i) determine such Aggregation Rules as are in its reasonable opinion appropriate (having regard to the requirements and criteria in paragraphs 3.1.4(a)(iii) and 3.3) for the relevant Volume Allocation Unit;

(ii) provide such Aggregation Rules to the Panel and to the responsible Party and where relevant to any related Party (whose consent shall not however be required);

(iii) revise such Aggregation Rules in accordance and with effect from the time of any direction to do so given by the Panel;

(iv) apply the Aggregation Rules determined by it under paragraph (i), as revised pursuant to paragraph (iii), in the determination of Metered Volumes for the relevant Volume Allocation Unit.

3.4.7 The use of any Aggregation Rules determined or revised by the CDCA pursuant to paragraph 3.4.6 in any Volume Allocation Run shall (in accordance with Section U2.6) be binding on all Parties, but without prejudice to the ability of any Party to raise a Trading Dispute in relation thereto in accordance with Section W.

3.4.8 Paragraph 3.4.6 shall not prevent the CDCA from using validated Aggregation Rules received after the Settlement Day but in sufficient time to be used in the Interim Information Volume Allocation Run.

3.4.9 The CDCA shall:

(a) record and maintain in CMRS for each Volume Allocation Unit the prevailing Aggregation Rules validated or (where paragraph 3.4.6 applies) determined or revised by it; and

(b) provide a copy of any set of Aggregation Rules maintained by it to the Party responsible for submitting such Aggregation Rules, or to any related Party, upon request from such Party.

3.5 Further review of Aggregation Rules

3.5.1 Without prejudice to its validation of compliance of each particular set of Aggregation Rules pursuant to paragraph 3.4, the CDCA shall at all times keep under review and determine whether:

(a) all sets of Aggregation Rules taken collectively result in the proper determination and allocation of Metered Volumes for Volume Allocation Units; or

(b) there is any Metering System installed pursuant to any provision of the Code metered data derived from which is not fully taken into account in Aggregation Rules.

3.5.2 Where pursuant to paragraph 3.5.1 the CDCA identifies any possible defect or omission in the full and proper determination and allocation of Metered Volumes, the CDCA shall promptly report the same to the Panel and (if requested to do so) shall discuss with the Panel how such defect or omission should be remedied or otherwise addressed.


4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Line Loss Factors for relevant CVA Metering Systems connected to Distribution Systems will be established in accordance with Section K1.7.

4.2 Submission to CDCA

4.2.1 BSCCo shall submit to the CDCA, in accordance with BSCP128, for each relevant Metering System, Line Loss Factors as submitted to and approved by the Panel, or as from time to time applying in default of such submission or approval, pursuant to Section K1.7.

4.2.2 If for any relevant Metering System, Line Loss Factor(s) as specified in the Aggregation Rules have not been submitted to the CDCA, the CDCA shall assume a default Line Loss Factor of 1.0 or as otherwise provided in BSCP128 until such time as the required Line Loss Factor(s) are submitted to it.


5.1 Collection of Meter Data

5.1.1 The CDCA shall in accordance with paragraph 1.4 collect active energy and reactive energy metered data in respect of each Settlement Period from all Outstations associated with CVA Metering Systems.

5.1.2 In any case where a Metering System produces metered data (for a Settlement Period) which is collected in units of power (i.e. kW or MW, or kVAr or MVAr) rather than Active Energy or Reactive Energy:

(a) the CDCA will convert such metered data to an Active Energy or Reactive Energy value by multiplying by Settlement Period Duration;

(b) further references in this Section R to collected metered data are to such data following such conversion;

(c) any Aggregation Rules (as to active energy metered data) which relate to such Metering System shall not provide for such conversion.

5.2 Validation

5.2.1 The CDCA shall validate (according to validation principles from time to time established by the CDCA and approved by the Panel) active energy and reactive energy metered data collected pursuant to paragraph 5.1.

5.2.2 Where the CDCA determines, pursuant to validation under paragraph 5.2.1, that any metered data are invalid or missing, the CDCA shall so notify the relevant Meter Operator Agent and Registrant in accordance with BSCP03.

5.3 Estimation of data

5.3.1 Paragraph 5.3.3 shall apply (in accordance with paragraph 5.3.2 where applicable) in relation to any metered data collected or to be collected pursuant to paragraph 5.1.1, where:

(a) such metered data are invalid or missing, or

(b) in the case of active energy metered data only:

(i) errors in such data are notified to the CDCA by the relevant Meter Operator Agent or Registrant, or

(ii) the CDCA reasonably believes such data to be erroneous, or

(iii) the Metering System has been found to be outside the applicable limits of accuracy for whatever reason.

5.3.2 Where Metering Equipment has ceased to function or is found to be outside the applicable limits of accuracy in accordance with Section L3.5, paragraph 5.3.3 shall apply for the period:

(a) in the case where Metering Equipment ceases to function, from the date of such cessation,

(b) in the case where Metering Equipment is outside the applicable limits of accuracy, from the time when such inaccuracy is known or (if not known) estimated by the CDCA to have first occurred or, if the CDCA cannot estimate such time, from 0000 hours on the day during which such inaccuracy was identified and reported to the CDCA,

until, in either such case, the date when such Metering Equipment is adjusted, replaced, repaired or renewed pursuant to Section L and/or otherwise next conforms to the applicable limits of accuracy.

5.3.3 Where this paragraph applies:

(a) the CDCA shall in accordance with BSCP03 notify the relevant Meter Operator Agent and Registrant of the relevant circumstances under paragraph 5.3.1; and

(b) if the metered data in question is active energy metered data, the CDCA shall in accordance with BSCP03:

(i) estimate such data for the relevant Settlement Period(s);

(ii) notify its estimate of the metered data to the Registrant and Meter Operator Agent, and discuss such estimate with the Registrant if the Registrant so wishes;

(iii) if the CDCA determines (following any such discussion) that its estimate should be revised, make such revision; and

(iv) use its estimate (or any revision thereof made under paragraph (iii)) in determining under this paragraph 5 the Metered Volume for the relevant Volume Allocation Unit(s).

5.3.4 The use (pursuant to paragraph 5.3.3(b)(iv)) of any estimated metered data in any Volume Allocation Run shall (in accordance with Section U2.6) be binding on all Parties, but without prejudice to the ability of any Party to raise a Trading Dispute in relation thereto in accordance with Section W.

5.3.5 The CDCA will not estimate reactive energy metered data pursuant to this paragraph 5.3.

5.3.6 The CDCA shall send a report on any estimated metered data it uses in aggregation under paragraph 5.4 to:

(a) BSCCo, if BSCCo so requests;

(b) the Registrant and Meter Operator Agent for the Metering System for which such estimate was made;

(c) any related Party;

(d) the Distribution System Operator (if any) to whose Distribution System such Metering System is connected; and

(e) the NETSO, if such Metering System is directly connected to the Transmission System.

5.4 Aggregation of Metered Data

5.4.1 References in this paragraph 5.4 to metered data are to active energy metered data collected and validated, or (as the case may be) estimated, by the CDCA in accordance with paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 or 5.3.

5.4.2 In respect of each Settlement Period:

(a) the BM Unit Metered Volume for each relevant BM Unit;

(b) the Interconnector Metered Volume for each Interconnector;

(c) the Metered Volume for each Grid Supply Point; and

(d) the GSP Group Metered Volume for each GSP Group

shall be determined by aggregating the metered data collected from the Metering Systems associated with each such Volume Allocation Unit for such Settlement Period (including where relevant scaling such metered data by the applicable Line Loss Factor(s)) in accordance with the applicable Aggregation Rules.

5.4.3 The CDCA shall aggregate metered data so as to determine the Metered Volume for each Volume Allocation Unit and for each Settlement Period in accordance with paragraph 5.4.2.

5.5 Determination of GSP Group Take

5.5.1 For each GSP Group the CDCA shall:

(a) establish aggregation rules, relating to each relevant BM Unit and Distribution Interconnector in that GSP Group, by reference to which the GSP Group Take can be determined;

(b) keep such rules under review and revise or update the rules upon any change in any of the relevant BM Units or Distribution Interconnectors in that GSP Group, and upon identifying any error in such rules;

(c) provide a copy of such rules to the Panel, BSCCo and each Distribution System Operator whose Distribution System is comprised in such GSP Group and upon request to any other Party;

(d) where the CDCA has identified any error in such rules, notify such error (and the revision to such rules made in accordance with paragraph (b)) and discuss with BSCCo or (if the Panel so requires) with the Panel or the BSC Auditor whether exceptional circumstances justify the making of any adjustment in respect of Settlement relating to Settlement Days before the error was corrected.

5.5.2 The CDCA shall for each GSP Group determine the GSP Group Take in respect of each Settlement Period by applying the rules established under paragraph 5.5.1 to:

(a) the GSP Group Metered Volume;

(b) the Interconnector Metered Volume for any Distribution Interconnector in that GSP Group; and

(c) the BM Unit Metered Volumes for all relevant BM Units in that GSP Group

each as determined by the CDCA for that Settlement Period pursuant to paragraph 5.4.

5.6 Volume Allocation Runs

5.6.1 For each Settlement Period in any Settlement Day the CDCA shall, in accordance with BSCP01, determine or re-determine and (subject to and in accordance with paragraph 5.7) submit Metered Volumes for each Volume Allocation Unit, and GSP Group Take for each GSP Group:

(a) when the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run, Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, the Initial Volume Allocation Run and each of the Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Runs are required in relation to that Settlement Day, in accordance with the Settlement Calendar;

(b) on any occasion on which a Post Final Volume Allocation Run is required by the Panel pursuant to Section U2, in accordance with the timetable set by the Panel.

5.6.2 For each Volume Allocation Run following the Initial Volume Allocation Run in relation to any Settlement Period, where:

(a) any adjustment or revision in relevant data has been or is to be made following resolution of any Trading Dispute, or

(b) pursuant to any other provision of the Code the CDCA is required or entitled to employ any new or revised relevant data for the Settlement Period

the CDCA shall use such adjusted, revised or new relevant data.

5.6.3 In paragraph 5.6.2 relevant data includes registration data, Meter Technical Details, Aggregation Rules, Line Loss Factors and metered data.

5.7 Submission of Aggregated Meter Data

5.7.1 The CDCA shall submit in accordance with BSCP01:

(a) for each relevant BM Unit, Interconnector and GSP Group respectively, BM Unit Metered Volumes, Interconnector Metered Volumes and GSP Group Takes for each Settlement Period to the SAA;

(b) the value of the GSP Group Take for each GSP Group for each Settlement Period to the SVAA (including in relation to any Interim Information Volume Allocation Run);

(c) Interconnector Metered Volumes in relation to each Interconnector for each Settlement Period to the Interconnector Administrator; and

(d) for each Credit Qualifying BM Unit which is not a Supplier BM Unit or Secondary BM Unit, Metered Volumes which have been received by the CDCA for each Settlement Period to the ECVAA.

5.7.2 For the purposes of paragraph 5.7.1(b), the value to be submitted by the CDCA shall be:

(a) positive if the GSP Group Take represents a net import into the relevant Distribution System(s) in a Settlement Period; or

(b) negative if the GSP Group Take represents a net export from the relevant Distribution System(s) in a Settlement Period,

notwithstanding that this is the opposite sign convention to that used in Table X-2 of Annex X-2.


6.1 Proving Tests

6.1.1 In accordance with BSCP02 and in conjunction with the relevant Meter Operator Agent, the CDCA shall carry out proving tests on CVA Metering Systems and shall report any resulting errors to the relevant Meter Operator Agent and Registrant.

6.2 Meter Advance Reconciliation

6.2.1 In relation to each CVA Metering System, the CDCA shall in accordance with BSCP05:

(a) undertake Meter Advance Reconciliation or procure that Meter Advance Reconciliation is undertaken;

(b) send reports on the results of Meter Advance Reconciliation to the Registrant, the Meter Operator Agent and (where BSCP05 so requires) to BSCCo;

(c) where BSCP05 so provides, apply the appropriate correction in a Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run in accordance with paragraph 5.6.2.


7.1 General

7.1.1 This paragraph 7 sets out the basis on which (subject to paragraph 7.1.2) BM Unit Metered Volumes will be determined for each Interconnector BM Unit in respect of each Interconnector.

7.1.2 BM Unit Metered Volumes for the Interconnector BM Units for which the Interconnector Error Administrator is Lead Party will be determined (inter alia, using the Interconnector Metered Volume) in accordance with Section T4.1 and not this paragraph 7, and accordingly:

(a) references in this paragraph 7 to Interconnector BM Units do not include the Interconnector BM Units of which the relevant Interconnector Error Administrator (in that capacity) is Lead Party;

(b) the Interconnector Metered Volume (determined under paragraph 5) is not used for the purposes of this paragraph 7.

7.1.3 For the purposes of this paragraph 7:

(a) the "Interconnector Scheduled Transfer" for each Interconnector in relation to a Settlement Period is the Active Energy flow, scheduled for all Interconnector Users (and not exceeding the physical capability of the Interconnector as from time to time determined under the relevant Interconnection Agreements), across the Interconnector (as a whole), as established pursuant to the relevant Interconnection Agreements between the Interconnected System Operator and the Externally Interconnected System Operator, stated as at the Transmission System Boundary, in the form of a schedule expressed as MW values for the spot times at the start and end of, and other spot times within, the Settlement Period;

(b) after Gate Closure in relation to any Settlement Period, the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer is to be adjusted to reflect:

(i) any failure or derating of the physical capability of the Interconnector (as determined under the relevant Interconnection Agreements), and any subsequent uprating of the physical capability of the Interconnector provided that the uprated capability does not exceed the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer established at Gate Closure;

(ii) the acceptance by the NETSO of any Offer or Bid submitted by an Interconnector User in respect of an Interconnector BM Unit;

(iii) any event occurring in relation to an External System, to the extent so provided in the relevant Interconnection Agreements, as notified to the Interconnector Administrator; or

(iv) in relation to an Interconnector, the results of Single Intraday Coupling provided that such adjustment shall be made following the Intraday Cross-Zonal Gate Closure Time for the relevant Settlement Period,

but shall not otherwise be adjusted;

(c) the "final" Interconnector Scheduled Transfer in relation to a Settlement Period is the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer prevailing at the end of that Settlement Period;

(d) for each Interconnector BM Unit:

(i) the "Expected Transfer" in relation to a Settlement Period is a schedule of expected Active Energy flows, stated as at the Transmission System Boundary, expressed as MW values for the spot times at the start and end of, and other spot times within, the Settlement Period;

(ii) in the case of a Production BM Unit, the Expected Transfer shall relate only to Exports;

(iii) in the case of a Consumption BM Unit, the Expected Transfer shall relate only to Imports.

(e) for the purposes of an Interconnector Scheduled Transfer and an Expected Transfer, MW values are to be specified at particular spot times during (and including the start and end of) the relevant Settlement Period, and MW values at other spot times shall be established by linear interpolation.

7.1.4 For any Interconnector:

(a) the sum of the Expected Transfers (for any spot time in the relevant Settlement Period) for all Interconnector BM Units shall be equal to the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer for that spot time;

(b) wherever the Interconnector Administrator is to determine or adjust Expected Transfers, the Interconnector Administrator shall adjust the MW values in the Expected Transfers (by reference to capacity entitlements under and/or other applicable provisions of the relevant Interconnection Agreements) as required to ensure that paragraph (a) is satisfied.

7.1.5 In any case where Section H3.2.2(c) applies in relation to an Interconnector User, that Interconnector User shall be treated as having a zero Expected Transfer and the Expected Transfers for other Interconnector Users shall be determined (consistent with paragraph 7.1.4(a)) on that basis.

7.1.6 Without prejudice to Section U1.2, each Interconnector User shall ensure that all information provided pursuant to this paragraph 7 to the Interconnector Administrator is true, accurate and complete.

7.2 Expected Transfer at Gate Closure

7.2.1 The Interconnected System Operator shall send or procure that there is sent to the Interconnector Administrator the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer prevailing at Gate Closure.

7.2.2 The Interconnector User for each Interconnector BM Unit shall send or procure that there is sent, no later than Gate Closure, to the Interconnector Administrator a copy of the Physical Notification prevailing at Gate Closure for each Settlement Period (and may do so by providing copies of Physical Notifications and changes thereto submitted at times before Gate Closure).

7.2.3 The Interconnector Administrator shall determine the Expected Transfer for each Interconnector BM Unit at Gate Closure, by reference to (and so that the MW values in the Expected Transfer are derived from) the Physical Notification prevailing at Gate Closure, subject to paragraph 7.1.4.

7.3 Adjustments after Gate Closure

7.3.1 Following Gate Closure and until the end of the Settlement Period:

(a) promptly upon any revision thereto, the Interconnected System Operator shall send or procure that there is sent to the Interconnector Administrator the revised Interconnector Scheduled Transfer;

(b) where the Interconnector Administrator is so notified of a revision to the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer, the Interconnector Administrator shall adjust the Expected Transfer(s) accordingly and consistent with paragraph 7.1.4, provided that:

(i) in the case of a revision to the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer under paragraph 7.1.3(b)(ii), only the Expected Transfer of the Interconnector User which submitted the Bid or Offer therein referred to shall be so adjusted;

(ii) in the case of a revision to the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer under paragraph 7.1.3(b)(iii), the Expected Transfer to be adjusted shall be that of the Interconnector User as determined and notified to the Interconnector Administrator in accordance with the applicable provisions of the relevant Interconnection Agreement;

(iii) in the case of a revision to the Interconnector Scheduled Transfer under paragraph 7.1.3(b)(iv), the Expected Transfer to be adjusted to reflect the results of Single Intraday Coupling shall be that of the Interconnector User as determined and notified to the Interconnector Administrator in accordance with the applicable provisions of the relevant Interconnection Agreement;

(c) no adjustment shall be made to Expected Transfers other than pursuant to paragraph (b).

7.4 Determination of BM Unit Metered Volume

7.4.1 No later than the end of the next Business Day following the Settlement Day:

(a) the Interconnected System Operator shall send or procure that there is sent to the Interconnector Administrator the final Interconnector Scheduled Transfer;

(b) the Interconnector Administrator shall determine the final Expected Transfers for each Interconnector BM Unit;

(c) the Interconnector Administrator shall determine the total Active Energy in the final Expected Transfer for each Interconnector BM Unit by integrating the MW values in such final Expected Transfer over the Settlement Period.

7.4.2 The BM Unit Metered Volume for each Interconnector BM Unit shall be the total Active Energy determined by the Interconnector Administrator in accordance with paragraph 7.4.1(c).

7.4.3 For each Settlement Day, the Interconnector Administrator shall submit to the SAA in accordance with BSCP04 the BM Unit Metered Volumes for each relevant Interconnector BM Unit in respect of each Settlement Period.

7.5 System-to-system flows

7.5.1 This paragraph 7.5 applies where, as a result of an arrangement (outside the arrangements for scheduling flows on behalf of Interconnector Users) between the NETSO and an Externally Interconnected System Operator (and, as the case may be, the system operator of any other system linked to the Total System or the External System), a flow across an Interconnector is scheduled or varied for the purpose of securing stability of operation on the Total System or the External System (or any such other system) or for any other purpose of the NETSO or the Externally Interconnected System Operator (or such other system operator).

7.5.2 For the purposes of allocating and accounting for the Active Energy comprised in any flows as described in paragraph 7.5.1, the NETSO (in that capacity and not in any capacity of Interconnector Error Administrator) shall be:

(a) allocated (and registered in respect of) two notional BM Units, for each Interconnector, designated as a Production BM Unit and a Consumption BM Unit respectively, which shall be treated as BM Units (and as Interconnector BM Units for which the NETSO is the Interconnector User) for the purposes only of paragraphs 7.4.3, 7.5.4 and 7.5.5, Sections K1.1.4(a)(iv), K5.7.1, and Sections T1.3.5, T2, T4.1, T4.5 and T4.6; and

(b) treated as an Interconnector User for that Interconnector accordingly for the purposes only of those paragraphs and Sections.

7.5.3 In relation to each Settlement Period and each Interconnector, not later than the end of the Business Day next following the Settlement Day, the NETSO shall determine (on a basis for the time being approved in writing by the Authority for the purposes of this paragraph 7.5), and notify to the Interconnector Administrator, details of the net amount (in MWh) of any flows as described in paragraph 7.5.1 (the net amount being the "system-to-system flow").

7.5.4 For each Settlement Period, the BM Unit Metered Volumes for the BM Units allocated to the NETSO under paragraph 7.5.2 for each Interconnector shall be as follows:

(a) for the Production BM Unit, the system-to-system flow for the relevant Interconnector as notified by the NETSO to the Interconnector Administrator under paragraph 7.5.3 where the net amount notified is an Export system-to-system flow, and otherwise zero;

(b) for the Consumption BM Unit, the system-to-system flow for the relevant Interconnector as notified by the NETSO to the Interconnector Administrator under paragraph 7.5.3 where the net amount notified is an Import system-to-system flow, and otherwise zero.

7.5.5 The Interconnector Administrator shall submit to the SAA the BM Unit Metered Volumes for each such BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 7.4.3.


8.1 Duties of Distribution System Operator

8.1.1 Subject to Section S9.2A within the period of five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after notification by BSCCo under Section S9.2A.3(b) each Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall send to the CDCA:

(a) the BM Unit Identification Number; and

(b) the start and end date and time in Co-ordinated Universal Time for which the BM Unit was subject to Demand Disconnection,

in respect of each disconnected BM Unit that is embedded in a Distribution System.

8.2 Estimation of Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volumes (QDDij)

8.2.1 In respect of each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period and for each BM Unit that is:

(a) directly connected to the Transmission System as notified under Section Q6.2A.1; or

(b) embedded in a Distribution System as notified under paragraph 8.1.1,

the CDCA shall estimate the Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volume (QDDij) in accordance with BSCP03 and shall notify these volumes to the SAA.


Section R

Version 19.0

Effective Date: 23 February 2023

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


























P279 Self Governance


















































1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section S sets out:

(a) the rights and obligations of Suppliers, and the activities and functions for which Suppliers (and their Party Agents) are responsible, in relation to Supplier Volume Allocation;

(b) the application of performance assurance measures with respect to Parties involved in Supplier Volume Allocation and associated liquidated damages;

(c) the functions of Supplier Meter Registration Agents with respect to Supplier Volume Allocation;

(d) the functions of the SVAA;

(e) the functions of the Profile Administrator;

(f) the basis upon which SVA Metering Systems may be allocated to Additional BM Units;

(g) the basis upon which quantities of Active Energy associated with SVA Metering Systems are determined and allocated to Supplier BM Units for the purposes of Settlement;

(h) the basis upon which Parties may submit MSID Pair Data and, where applicable, AMSID Pair Data to the SVAA to be recorded on the SVA Metering System Register;

(i) the basis upon which Parties shall provide MSID and, where applicable, AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes in relation to providing Balancing Services for the purposes of Settlement;

(j) the basis upon which Suppliers, HHDAs and SVAA may declare SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, and aggregate and report metered data from such facilities to NETSO and the basis upon which BSCCo, SVAA and the Panel may establish related assurance measures;

(k) the obligations of Licensed Distribution System Operators in relation to provision of data to NETSO for the purposes of calculation of transmission use of system charges; and

(l) the basis upon which quantities of Active Energy associated with Asset Metering Systems are determined and allocated to Secondary BM Units for the purposes of Settlement.

(m) the basis on which Suppliers may register Assets in order to raise AMSID Pairs for use in an EMR AMSID Declaration’; and

(n) the basis on which Suppliers may submit an EMR MSID Declaration or an EMR AMSID Declaration.

1.2 Application and interpretation

1.2.1 This Section S, together with the Annexes to this Section S, apply in respect of:

(a) SVA Metering Systems;

(b) BM Units associated with such Metering Systems;

(c) Parties responsible for Imports and Exports which, for the purposes of Section K, are measured by such Metering Systems;

(d) Asset Metering Systems;

(e) Secondary BM Units associated with Asset Metering Systems;

(f) Virtual Lead Parties that have allocated half hourly SVA Metering Systems in one or more of their Secondary BM Units for purpose of providing Balancing Services from such Secondary BM Units;

(g) Virtual Lead Parties that have allocated half hourly Asset Metering Systems in one or more of their Secondary BM Units for purpose of providing Balancing Services from such Secondary BM Units.

(h) Virtual Trading Parties that have allocated half hourly SVA Metering Systems in one or more of their Secondary BM Units for purpose of providing Virtual Trading from such Secondary BM Units; and

(i) Virtual Trading Parties that have allocated half hourly Asset Metering Systems in one or more of their Secondary BM Units for purpose of providing Virtual Trading from such Secondary BM Units.

and references to Half Hourly Metering Systems and Non Half Hourly Metering Systems (and, where applicable, to Metering Systems) shall be construed accordingly, unless the context otherwise requires.

1.2.2 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) a "Supplier Agent" is any Party Agent of a Supplier required to be appointed in respect of SVA Metering Systems; and

(b) references to the allocation of SVA Metering Systems to an Additional BM Unit (and cognate expressions) shall be interpreted to mean the allocation to an Additional BM Unit of Plant and/or Apparatus whose Imports or Exports of electricity are measured by SVA Metering Systems; and

(c) references to the allocation of half hourly SVA Metering Systems to a Secondary BM Unit (and cognate expressions) shall be interpreted to mean the allocation to a Secondary BM Unit of Plant and/or Apparatus whose Imports or Exports of electricity are measured by half hourly SVA Metering Systems, for the purpose of providing Balancing Services or providing Virtual Trading therewith;

(d) an “Asset Metering Party Agent” is any Party Agent of a Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or Supplier required to be appointed in respect of Asset Metering Systems; and

(e) references to the allocation of Asset Metering Systems to a Secondary BM Unit (and cognate expressions) shall be interpreted to mean the allocation to a Secondary BM Unit of Plant and/or Apparatus whose flows of Active Energy are measured by half hourly Asset Metering Systems by a Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party solely for the purpose of providing Balancing Services therewith.

1.2.3 Data created under SAS which is:

(a) in a substantially similar form to the data required under the Code; and

(b) used for a substantially similar purpose to the purpose for which such data is used under the Code; and

(c) produced, created or recorded in connection with Supplier Activity;

("SAS Data") shall be deemed to be data as such term is used in the Code and shall be able to be used where required for the purposes of the Code.

1.2.4 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.2., SAS Data shall not be used in relation to Annex S-1.

1.2.5 For the purposes of the above paragraph 1.2.3 "Supplier Activity" shall mean:

(a) the steps taken by Suppliers and Supplier Agents to comply with the obligations placed on them by the SAS; and

(b) other trading operations undertaken by Suppliers and Supplier Agents which are governed by the SAS.

1.3 Supplier ID

1.3.1 A Supplier ID is a unique reference by which a Supplier is identified in SMRS and CSS and for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation.

1.3.2 A Supplier may hold more than one Supplier ID subject to and in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 1.3.

1.3.3 Where a Supplier holds more than one Supplier ID:

(a) the provisions of the Code referred to in paragraph 1.3.4, and any other provision of the Code which is expressed to apply on a Supplier ID basis, shall apply separately in respect of the Supplier in the capacity of each of its Supplier IDs so far as capable of so applying;

(b) except as otherwise expressly provided, all other provisions of the Code apply in respect of the Supplier without regard to its Supplier IDs,

and references to a Supplier (including the Supplier as Registrant of a Metering System) and Supplier 'Z' in the Code shall be construed accordingly.

1.3.4 The provisions of the Code referred to in paragraph 1.3.3(a) are paragraphs 2, 6 and 7 (subject to the provisions of Annex S-2), Annex S-1 and Annex S-2.

1.3.5 A Supplier may hold:

(a) subject to paragraph 1.3.6, no more than three Supplier IDs in relation to which the Supplier is the first holder of such Supplier ID; and

(b) additional Supplier ID(s) (to those held pursuant to paragraph (a)) provided the additional Supplier ID(s) is held pursuant to a transfer in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 1.

1.3.6 A Supplier may submit to the Panel a request to hold additional Supplier ID(s) (to those held pursuant to paragraph 1.3.5) and the Panel shall determine:

(a) whether to grant the request to hold such additional Supplier ID(s); and

(b) the number of additional Supplier IDs permitted to be held by that Supplier pursuant to its request.

1.4 Transfer of Supplier ID

1.4.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "ID Transferee" means the Trading Party identified as the transferee in a notice which is given and takes effect pursuant to and in accordance with this paragraph 1.4;

(b) "ID Transferor" means the Supplier who gives the notice referred to in paragraph 1.4.3;

(c) "Relevant BM Units" are in relation to a ID Transferor, the Supplier BM Unit(s) to which the relevant Metering Systems are associated;

(d) "relevant Metering Systems" means Metering Systems registered in SMRS and identified by the relevant Supplier ID (and associated with Relevant BM Units); and

(e) "relevant Supplier ID" means the Supplier ID identified in a notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2.

1.4.2 A Supplier may give notice to BSCCo that it intends to transfer its interests in respect of the provision of electrical power to Customers measured by Metering Systems identified in SMRS with a Supplier ID to another Trading Party (such transfer to be effected by a transfer of the Supplier ID and referred to as a "relevant ID transfer").

1.4.3 A notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 shall:

(a) be in writing;

(b) identify:

(i) the Supplier ID to which the relevant ID transfer relates;

(ii) the transferee, being the Trading Party to which the relevant ID transfer is to be made;

(iii) subject to paragraph 1.4.5, the date with effect from which the relevant ID transfer is to be made;

(iv) subject to paragraph 1.4.7, the time with effect from which the relevant ID transfer is to be made; and

(c) be signed by or on behalf of both the Supplier issuing such notice and the Trading Party identified in such notice as the transferee.

1.4.4 A relevant ID transfer may not be made in respect of some but not all of the relevant Metering Systems.

1.4.5 The relevant ID transfer shall take effect for the purposes of the Code from the time and date specified in the relevant notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 and in accordance with paragraphs 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 (such date being the "ID Transfer Date").

1.4.6 For the purposes of the Code the date with effect from which a relevant ID transfer is to take effect may not be earlier than:

(a) where the relevant notice is received by BSCCo before 12:00 hours on a day, the day following;

(b) where the relevant notice is received by BSCCo after 12:00 hours on a day, the second day following

the day on which the relevant notice is received.

1.4.7 The time with effect from which a relevant ID transfer is to take effect, for the purposes of the Code, is 00:00 hours on the ID Transfer Date.

1.4.8 Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 as they apply for the purposes of the Code, those provisions shall not affect or limit the terms and conditions upon which a relevant ID transfer is to be made as between the parties to the relevant ID transfer.

1.4.9 BSCCo shall send a copy of any notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 to the Authority, each Party and the CRA.

1.5 Effect of transfer of Supplier ID

1.5.1 With effect from the time and date that a relevant ID transfer is to take effect:

(a) the ID Transferee shall (notwithstanding the provisions of Section K but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 1) be:

(i) responsible for all Exports and Imports of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in Relevant BM Units (and measured by the relevant Metering Systems);

(ii) the Registrant of the relevant Metering Systems (and shall be treated, for the purposes of the Code, as having appointed and registered the Party Agents of the ID Transferor in respect of the relevant Metering Systems); and

(iii) subject to the obligations and liabilities and entitled to the rights and benefits (including in respect of Trading Charges and BSCCo Charges) related to or connected with the relevant Metering Systems and the Exports and Imports of that Plant and Apparatus (and measured by the relevant Metering Systems);

(b) the ID Transferor shall (notwithstanding the provisions of Section K but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 1) cease to be:

(i) responsible for all Exports and Imports of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in Relevant BM Units (and measured by relevant Metering Systems);

(ii) the Registrant of the relevant Metering Systems; and

(iii) subject to the obligations and liabilities and entitled to the rights and benefits (including in respect of Trading Charges and BSCCo Charges) related to or connected with the relevant Metering Systems and the Exports and Imports of that Plant and Apparatus (and measured by the relevant Metering Systems),

in each case, in respect of each Settlement Period on and after such time, and the provisions of the Code shall be construed accordingly.

1.5.2 The transfer of responsibility in respect of Exports and Imports of Plant and Apparatus comprised in Relevant BM Units from the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1 shall be without prejudice and shall not affect:

(a) the rights and liabilities of the ID Transferor under the Code relating to or connected with Relevant BM Units or the relevant Metering Systems, including in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges and Ad-hoc Trading Charges) and BSCCo Charges, accrued or accruing in respect of the period prior to the ID Transfer Date;

(b) the rights and liabilities of the ID Transferor under the Code relating to or connected with any other BM Units or Metering Systems, including in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges and Ad-hoc Trading Charges) and BSCCo Charges, accrued or accruing in respect of the period on, before or after the ID Transfer Date.

1.5.3 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 1.5 shall affect:

(a) any Energy Contract Volume Notifications for which the ID Transferor is a Contract Trading Party;

(b) any Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications for which the ID Transferor is the Subsidiary Party,

whether submitted or submitted in respect of a period on, before or after the ID Transfer Date, and any such Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications validly submitted in accordance with Section P shall apply and be taken into account in Settlement, subject to and in accordance with the other provisions of the Code, for the purposes of determining any liability or entitlement of the ID Transferor in respect of Trading Charges.

1.5.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the deemed appointment and registration of Party Agents pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1(a)(ii) applies for the purposes of the Code only and shall not create, affect or change any relationship between the ID Transferor or the ID Transferee and those (or any other) Party Agents.

1.5.5 The provisions of this paragraph 1.5 shall apply for the purposes of Settlement under the Code notwithstanding any other provisions in any Core Industry Document.

1.6 Establishment of BM Units following transfer of Supplier ID

1.6.1 The provisions of this paragraph 1.6 apply in relation to a Relevant BM Unit where pursuant to a relevant ID transfer the Supplier ID for the relevant Metering Systems is transferred to a Trading Party.

1.6.2 Where this paragraph 1.6 applies, the CRA shall establish a BM Unit (a "Transferee BM Unit") for which the ID Transferee is the Lead Party corresponding to each Relevant BM Unit as soon as reasonably practicable after the ID Transfer Date.

1.6.3 Unless the context otherwise requires, references to BM Units in the Code shall include Transferee BM Units.

1.6.4 The establishment of Transferee BM Unit(s) pursuant to paragraph 1.6.2 shall take effect on and from the ID Transfer Date.

1.6.5 Each Transferee BM Unit established pursuant to paragraph 1.6.2 shall be configured in the same way and have the same attributes as the Relevant BM Unit of the ID Transferor to which it corresponds, including:

(a) the Generation Capacity and the Demand Capacity;

(b) the Credit Assessment Load Factor;

(c) (where applicable) the GSP Group in which that BM Unit is situated;

(d) (where applicable) the status of that BM Unit as a Base BM Unit or an Additional BM Unit;

(e) the SVA Metering Systems associated with that BM Unit;

(f) the P/C Status;

(g) the Trading Unit to which that BM Unit belongs; and

(h) not used;

(i) whether that BM Unit is considered a relevant BM Unit for the purposes of Section Q,

but without prejudice to the ID Transferee's rights and obligations to revise such configuration and attributes, or otherwise to the revision of such configuration and attributes, from time to time pursuant to any other provision of the Code.

1.6.6 Where a ID Transferee is transferred responsibility for Plant or Apparatus which is subject to a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, then notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in Section K2.5:

(a) the Allocation Schedule prevailing immediately prior to the ID Transfer Date shall continue to apply and to bind the ID Transferee and the other Supplier(s) (not being the ID Transferor) to the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement; and

(b) the ID Transferee shall assume the status previously held by the ID Transferor as the Primary Supplier or a Secondary Supplier (as the case may be).

1.7 Effect of establishment of Transferee BM Units

1.7.1 The establishment of a Transferee BM Unit pursuant to paragraph 1.6 shall be treated, for the purposes of the Code, as if:

(a) that new BM Unit had been registered (comprising the same Metering Systems as those comprised in the corresponding BM Unit of the ID Transferor) by the ID Transferee with effect from the ID Transfer Date; and

(b) the registration of the corresponding BM Unit of the ID Transferor had been cancelled by the ID Transferor with effect from such date.

1.7.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.7.1 and subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 1.7, in respect of each Settlement Period on and after the ID Transfer Date:

(a) the BM Unit Metered Volumes of the Relevant BM Unit to which a Transferee BM Unit corresponds shall be allocated to the Transferee BM Unit; and

(b) such BM Unit Metered Volumes shall not be allocated or treated as allocated to the Relevant BM Unit to which such Transferee BM Unit corresponds,

for the purposes of Section T.

1.7.3 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.7.1, any Metered Volume Reallocation Notification and any data item submitted or purportedly submitted by or on behalf of the ID Transferor (as Lead Party) relating to Relevant BM Units in respect of the period on or after the ID Transfer Date (whether submitted before, on or after the date the registration of the Relevant BM Unit is treated as cancelled pursuant to paragraph 1.7.1) shall, by virtue of paragraph 1.7.1, be void and of no effect and shall not be applied to the Transferee BM Units to which they correspond.

1.8 Data relating to Relevant BM Units

1.8.1 For the purposes of any provisions in the Code relating to the ownership and use of data (including Section L5), the rights of the ID Transferee in respect thereof, as they relate to the Relevant BM Units for which a Trading Party becomes responsible, shall to the extent such rights are not assigned to the ID Transferee by reason of the change of Registrant and with effect from the ID Transfer Date:

(a) automatically be assigned by the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee from and in respect of the period on and after the ID Transfer Date; or

(b) to the extent that it is not possible legally to assign such rights as provided in paragraph (a), the ID Transferor shall make such data available to the ID Transferee at all times on terms such that the ID Transferee is free to use such data as if the data had been so assigned to it.

1.8.2 The ID Transferor shall take all reasonable steps to co-operate with the ID Transferee to give effect to the transfer of responsibility contemplated by paragraphs 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and this paragraph 1.8 and to enable the ID Transferee to comply with its obligations thereunder.

1.8.3 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.8.2, the ID Transferor shall provide the ID Transferee with such records, data and information and otherwise take such steps as if, in relation to the relevant Metering Systems a change of Registrant (from the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee) had occurred on the ID Transfer Date.

1.8.4 The ID Transferee shall have a right of access to any records, data and information referred to in this paragraph 1.8 to the extent required by the ID Transferee for the purposes of the Code in relation to any period prior to the ID Transfer Date.

1.9 EMR MSID Declarations and EMR AMSID Declarations

1.9.1 Where a Metering System registered in the SMRS (a “SVA Metering System”) only supplies generation (including storage facilities) operated by a Generation Licensee and does not supply any Final Demand, the relevant Supplier may exclude the Import associated with that Metering System from the calculation by the EMRS of the Registrant’s Final Consumption Levies, by registering such Metering System in the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System through an “EMR MSID Declaration” in accordance with BSCP602.

1.9.2 Where a SVA Metering System supplies both generation (including storage facilities) operated by a Generation Licensee and Final Demand, the relevant Supplier may exclude the amount of Import associated with that Metering System consumed by licensed generation from the calculation by the EMRS of the Registrant’s Final Consumption Levies, the Registrant should:

    • register each generation asset supplied by that metering system in the AMRS; and

    • register the MSID Pair relating to such Metering System and the AMSID Pair(s) relating to the generation asset(s) in the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System through an “EMR AMSID Declaration” in accordance with BSCP602.

Where a Supplier has more than one SVA Metering System supplying generation (including storage facilities) operated by a Generation Licensee and Final Demand, they should include all relevant MSID Pairs in the “EMR AMSID Declaration


2.1 Supplier Agents

2.1.1 Each Supplier shall, in accordance with Section J and for SVA Meter Operator Agents the Retail Energy Code, appoint and register Supplier Agents in respect of each SVA Metering System for which such Supplier is or is to be the Registrant.

2.1.2 Each Supplier shall be responsible, in accordance with Section J, for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure (in relation to that Supplier) of each Supplier Agent appointed by it and shall comply, and procure compliance by each Supplier Agent, with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures, Codes of Practice (in respect of meter operation) and with the applicable provisions of the Code.

2.1.3 The functions of each Supplier Agent are described in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.5.

2.1.4 Without prejudice to the requirement to perform the obligations and carry out the activities described in Section J1.2.2 through the use of Supplier Agents, each Supplier shall be responsible (for the purposes of the Code) for the discharge of such obligations and the carrying out of such activities in respect of each SVA Metering System for which such Supplier is the Registrant, and any failure by such Supplier to appoint a Supplier Agent in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1 shall not alter or affect such responsibility in any way.

2.1A Asset Metering Party Agents

2.1A.1 Each Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party and Supplier shall, in accordance with Section J, appoint and register Asset Metering Party Agents in respect of each Asset Metering System for which such Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or Supplier is or is to be the Registrant.

2.1A.2 Each Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party and Supplier shall be responsible, in accordance with Section J, for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure (in relation to that Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or Supplier) of each Asset Metering Party Agent appointed by it and shall comply, and procure compliance by each Asset Metering Party Agent, and the relevant BSC Procedures, Codes of Practice (in respect of meter operation) and with the applicable provisions of the Code.

2.1A.3 The functions of each Asset Metering Party Agent are described in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.3.

2.1A.4 Without prejudice to the requirement to perform the obligations and carry out the activities described in Section J1.2.2 through the use of Asset Metering Party Agents, each Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party and Supplier shall be responsible (for the purposes of the Code) for the discharge of such obligations and the carrying out of such activities in respect of each Asset Metering System for which such Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or Supplier is the Registrant, and any failure by such Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or Supplier to appoint a Asset Metering Party Agent in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1A shall not alter or affect such responsibility in any way.

2.2 Meter Operator Agent

2.2.1 The principal functions of a Meter Operator Agent in respect of Asset Metering Systems for which it is responsible are:

(a) to install, commission, test and maintain, and to rectify faults in respect of, Asset Metering Equipment (including, if applicable, associated Communications Equipment) in accordance with Section L; and

(b) to maintain Meter Technical Details and to provide such Details, in accordance with Section L, to the relevant Data Collector Supplier, Virtual Trading Party or Virtual Lead Party to enable such Data Collector to read and process data in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules;

in each case, in accordance with BSCP602 and all relevant Code Subsidiary Documents and.

(c) to maintain such Meter Technical Details as are required in accordance with BSCP603 for Meter Operation and to provide such Meter Technical Details, in accordance with Section L, to the relevant Supplier, Virtual Trading Party or Virtual Lead Party, in each case, in accordance with, BSCP603.

2.2.2 Each Supplier, Virtual Lead Party ad Virtual Trading Party shall, as soon as possible and in any event promptly after the registration of an Asset Metering System becomes effective or following a change in the Meter Operator Agent appointed in relation to a particular Asset Metering System, send to the relevant Meter Operator Agent for each Asset Metering System for which it is the registrant (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Meter Operator Agent):

(a) the related Asset Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Data Collector; and

(b) confirmation of the time and date with effect from which that Meter Operator Agent's appointment in relation to such Asset Metering System is to take effect.

2.2.3 Each Supplier, Virtual Lead Party and Virtual Trading Party shall meet or procure that the relevant Meter Operator Agent meets the service levels specified in BSCP603 in relation to the Asset Metering Systems in respect of which it is registered.

2.3 Data Collectors

2.3.1 The principal functions of a Half Hourly Data Collector are, in accordance with the provisions of this Section S and the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, with BSCP502 or, where relating to Asset Metering Systems, BSCP603 and BSCP520 for SVA Metering Systems, and BSCP603 for Asset Metering Systems, and with Party Service Line 100 except in the case of Asset Metering Systems:

(a) to collect metered data;

(b) to validate data and provide reports;

(c) to enter validated metered data into the relevant data collection system;

(d) to maintain relevant standing data;

(e) to undertake Meter Advance Reconciliation to reconcile half hourly energy values with meter advances;

(f) to sum register level data to produce SVA Metering System level data;

(g) to provide SVA Metering System level data to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator;

(h) to provide validated metered data and SVA Metering System reports to the relevant Supplier and the relevant Distribution System Operator ;

(i) to sum register level data to produce Asset Metering System level data (where applicable); and

(j) to provide Asset Metering System level data to SVAA in accordance with BSCP603

2.3.2 The principal functions of a Non Half Hourly Data Collector are, in accordance with the provisions of this Section S, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP504 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to collect metered data;

(b) to validate data and provide reports;

(c) to maintain relevant standing data;

(d) to enter data into the relevant data collection system and calculate the Meter Advance values;

(e) to receive Daily Profile Coefficients from the SVAA;

(f) to determine Estimated Annual Consumption data and Annualised Advance data based on the Daily Profile Coefficients received from the SVAA;

(g) to provide Estimated Annual Consumption data and Annualised Advance data to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator;

(h) to investigate anomalies relating to Estimated Annual Consumption or Annualised Advances raised by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator; and

(i) to provide validated metered data and SVA Metering System reports to the relevant Supplier and the relevant Distribution System Operator.

2.3.3 Each Supplier shall send to the Data Collector for each SVA Metering System for which it is responsible:

(a) promptly after its registration in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Data Collector appointed in relation to a particular SVA Metering System (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Data Collector) details of:

(i) such Data Collector's registration in SMRS in relation to that SVA Metering System, the related SVA Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the SVA Meter Operator Agent, Data Aggregator and Supplier Meter Registration Agent related to that SVA Metering System; and

(ii) the start of the period for which the Data Collector is appointed; and

(b) promptly after receiving such information, any data in respect of consumption at a SVA Metering System received by it directly from SVA Customers, in order to enable the relevant Data Collector to validate and process such information.

2.3.3A Each Supplier, Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party and Supplier shall send to the Data Collector for each Asset Metering System for which it is the Registrant:

(a) promptly after its registration in respect of a particular Asset Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Data Collector appointed in relation to a particular Asset Metering System (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Data Collector) details of:

(i) the related Asset Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Meter Operator Agent; and

(ii) the start of the period for which the Data Collector is appointed;

2.3.4 In respect of each SVA Metering System in relation to which it is registered in SMRS, a Supplier shall ensure that the appointed Data Collector has such access to the relevant meters as the Data Collector reasonably requires in order to read them all within the timescales required for Settlement.

2.3.5 In relation to a change of Supplier, a Supplier shall not be obliged to provide any of the data referred to in paragraph 2.3.3(b) which the Supplier believes on reasonable grounds and in good faith is not valid.

2.4 Data Aggregators

2.4.1 The principal functions of a Half Hourly Data Aggregator are, in accordance with this Section S, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP503 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to receive half-hourly data from the relevant Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) to validate data and provide reports;

(c) to enter data into the relevant data aggregation system;

(d) to maintain relevant standing data;

(e) to receive and maintain Line Loss Factors provided by BSCCo and approved by the Panel;

(f) to aggregate the metered data in MWh in the relevant data aggregation system;

(g) to receive and maintain Additional BM Unit data for each Supplier (in respect of which such Half Hourly Data Aggregator is appointed) and to receive, validate and maintain details of the SVA Metering Systems for which such Supplier is the Registrant allocated by that Supplier to its Additional BM Units in the same GSP Group;

(h) to provide to the SVAA data aggregated by Supplier BM Unit or by Supplier and by GSP Group in accordance with the further provisions of this Section S;

(i) where applicable, to provide metered data to an EMR Settlement Services Provider in accordance with paragraph 2.9; and

(j) where applicable, to provide to the SVAA Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption data in accordance with paragraph 2.11;

(k) the basis upon which Suppliers, HHDAs and SVAA may declare SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, and aggregate and report metered data from such facilities to NETSO and the basis upon which BSCCo, SVAA and the Panel may establish related assurance measures; and

(l) the basis upon which Suppliers may register generation (including Battery Storage) facilities operated by Generation Licensees for the purposes of establishing the value of Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand that will be provided to the SAA as the basis for the calculation of TLM-adjusted BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand.

2.4.2 The principal functions of a Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator are, in accordance with this Section S, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP505 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to receive Estimated Annual Consumption/Annualised Advances from Non Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) to check Estimated Annual Consumption/Annualised Advances and provide reports;

(c) to enter data into the relevant data aggregation system;

(d) to maintain relevant standing data;

(e) to aggregate the annualised consumption data in MWh;

(f) to provide aggregate annualised consumption data to the SVAA; and

(g) if notice is provided in accordance with paragraph 4.4.19 of Annex S-2, to provide the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator with Estimated Annual Consumption data and Metering System details in respect of Metering Systems located at Boundary Points on the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator’s Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s).

2.4.3 Each Supplier shall, promptly after its registration in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Data Aggregator appointed in relation to a particular SVA Metering System, send to the relevant Data Aggregator appointed by it in accordance with Section J (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Data Aggregator):

(a) details of such Data Aggregator's registration in SMRS in relation to that SVA Metering System, the related SVA Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Data Collector and Supplier Meter Registration Agent related to that SVA Metering System; and

(b) confirmation of the start of the period for which the Data Aggregator is appointed.

2.4.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that any material anomaly reported to it by a Data Aggregator appointed by it in accordance with Section J in relation to data received by that Data Aggregator from Data Collectors for which the Supplier is responsible is recorded and investigated and that a record is kept of the action (if any) taken to prevent a recurrence of the anomaly during the next Volume Allocation Run for that Settlement Day.

2.4.5 For the purposes of paragraph 2.4.4, a "material anomaly" is one which is required to be so recorded and investigated in accordance with Party Service Line 100 or the relevant BSC Procedures or one which the Supplier appreciates or should reasonably appreciate will have an impact on the quality of data for Settlement purposes.

2.5 Meter Administrators

2.5.1 The principal functions of a Meter Administrator are, in accordance with this Section S, BSCP520 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to calculate deemed metered volumes (estimated energy consumption) for half hourly unmetered supplies (known as Equivalent Unmetered Supplies) relating to SVA Customers; and

(b) to provide the relevant data to the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector.

2.5.2 Each Supplier shall, promptly after its registration in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Meter Administrator appointed in relation to a particular SVA Metering System, send to the relevant Meter Administrator appointed by it in accordance with Section J (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Meter Administrator):

(a) details of such Meter Administrator’s registration (where applicable) in SMRS in relation to that SVA Metering System, the related SVA Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Data Collector and the Supplier Meter Registration Agent related to that SVA Metering System; and

(b) confirmation of the start of the period for which the Meter Administrator is appointed.

2.6 Provision of Data

2.6.1 In respect of each SVA Metering System which is a 100kW Metering System in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall promptly submit or procure the submission of the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01 ) by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by it in accordance with Section J to the SVAA before each Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.1A In respect of each SVA Metering System which is an Advanced Meter that is Half Hourly Metering Equipment (except where the Advanced Meter is a 100kW Metering System) in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall submit, or procure the submission of, the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01) to the SVAA promptly after collection of such data and, in any event before the relevant First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01:

2.6.1B Not used,

2.6.2 In respect of each SVA Metering System which is not:

(a) a 100kW Metering System; or

(b) an Advanced Meter that s Half Hourly Metering Equipment,

in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall submit, or procure the submission of, the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01) to the SVAA promptly after collection of such data and, in any event, before the relevant Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.3 A Supplier shall (to the extent that it has not already done so in accordance with the Qualification Process applicable to that Supplier) submit, or procure the submission of, appropriate details to the SVAA of each GSP Group in which the Supplier commences or ceases trading for Supplier Volume Allocation, in accordance with BSCP507.

2.6.4 In respect of each Asset Metering System for which it is the Registrant, a Supplier shall promptly submit or procure the submission of the appropriate data by the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector appointed by it in accordance with Section J to the SVAA before each Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.5 For the avoidance of doubt, an Advance Meter to which Section L2.2.3 applies is not Half Hourly Metering Equipment.

2.7 Additional Supplier, Virtual Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party Obligations

2.7.1 Each Supplier, Virtual Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party shall use all reasonable endeavours to co-operate with and support the Panel, other Trading Parties, the SVAA and other BSC Agents in the integration testing of any relevant system, software or hardware required for the operation of Supplier Volume Allocation.

2.7.2 Each Supplier shall:

(a) use all reasonable endeavours to assist BSCCo's and the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from Supplier Volume Allocation in relation to which that Supplier can reasonably be expected to provide assistance;

(b) provide all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA; and

(c) use all reasonable endeavours to procure that each Supplier Agent from time to time appointed by it in respect of a SVA Metering System or Asset Metering Party Agent in respect of an Asset Metering System, uses all reasonable endeavours to assist the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from their contracts relating to Supplier Volume Allocation and provides all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA, in any such case where that Supplier can reasonably be expected to provide assistance.

2.7.2A Each Virtual Lead Party and Virtual Trading Party shall:

(a) use all reasonable endeavours to assist BSCCo's and the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from Supplier Volume Allocation in relation to which that Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party can reasonably be expected to provide assistance;

(b) provide all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA; and

(c) use all reasonable endeavours to procure that each Asset Metering Party Agent from time to time appointed by it in respect of an Asset Metering System uses all reasonable endeavours to assist the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from their contracts relating to Supplier Volume Allocation and provides all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA, in any such case where that Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party can reasonably be expected to provide assistance.

2.7.3 The provisions of Section O, as they relate to Supplier Volume Allocation, shall apply in relation to the sending and receiving of Communications for the purposes of this Section S.

2.7.4 In respect of each Non Half Hourly Metering System in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall:

(a) if it is the first time that such Metering System is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, allocate such Metering System to:

(i) a Profile Class; and

(ii) a Standard Settlement Configuration and other relevant information in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures; and

(b) in any other case:

(i) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that such Metering System remains at all times allocated to the correct Profile Class; and

(ii) from time to time change the Profile Class to which that Metering System is allocated,

in each case in accordance with the BSCP516.

2.7.5 Each Supplier shall:

(a) co-operate fully with the Profile Administrator in order to assist the Profile Administrator in the performance of its obligations under its BSC Agent Contract, including by complying with the requirements of BSCP510;

(b) provide to the Profile Administrator the information required by BSCP510 and such other information (including in the form and at the times) as the Profile Administrator may reasonably require in order to assist it in the performance of its obligations under its BSC Agent Contract, including:

(i) by providing information to assist the Profile Administrator in the creation and maintenance of a load research sample which includes the sample of the Supplier’s customers required by the Profile Administrator; and

(ii) by providing or procuring the collection of half-hourly demand data for Profile purposes and providing or procuring the provision of that data to the Profile Administrator;

(c) comply with any directions as may from time to time reasonably be made by the Panel in respect of the Profile Administrator’s BSC Agent Contract;

(d) provide from its customers the number of members and replacement members of the load research sample (including the number in a specified class or who satisfy specified criteria (including as to randomness of selection)) requested by the Profile Administrator from time to time;

(e) in accordance with BSCP510, procure the installation and maintenance (including, where appropriate, by authorising and/or entering into an agreement with the Profile Administrator to install and maintain or procure the installation and maintenance on the Supplier’s behalf) of Profile Capable Metering Systems at the premises of those customers of the Supplier who are or are to become members of the Profile Administrator’s load research sample for the purposes of the Profile Administrator’s load research programme; and

(f) annually confirm to the Profile Administrator whether new customers are located at premises in which Profile Capable Metering Systems are providing half-hourly demand data for the purposes of the Profile Administrator’s load research programme and, if they are, provide the Profile Administrator with all relevant details required by the Profile Administrator.

2.7.5A For the purposes of this Section S, references to a "Profile Capable Metering System" means a single Metering System capable of providing both half-hourly demand data and non half hourly demand data and which otherwise complies with the requirements of BSCP510.

2.7.6 In relation to each SVA Metering System for which it is responsible, a Supplier shall (where applicable) ensure that teleswitch data and changes thereto are provided to the SVAA in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure (if any) and (to the extent applicable) the provisions of Section O.

2.7.7 Subject to paragraphs 2.7.7B and 2.7.7C, each Supplier shall provide, or procure the provision by the SVAA of, the appropriate data specified in BSCP508 (being certain output from Volume Allocation Runs) to:

(a) the relevant Distribution System Operators;

(b) any other Licensed Distribution System Operator which operates a Distribution System or has an Associated Distribution System that is upstream of a customer; and

(c) an agent appointed on behalf of Licensed Distribution System Operators for the purpose, inter alia, of receiving such data,

provided that the relevant Distribution System Operators shall receive such data free of charge.

2.7.7A For the avoidance of doubt, the relevant Distribution System Operators may provide the data received by them pursuant to paragraph 2.3.1(h), paragraph 2.7.7(a) or Section L5.2.4 to the Licensed Distribution System Operators specified in paragraph 2.7.7(b) or an agent appointed on behalf of Licensed Distribution System Operators in accordance with paragraph 2.7.7(c).

2.7.7B A Licensed Distribution System Operator which receives data pursuant to paragraph 2.7.7 and/or paragraph 2.7.7A (including via an agent appointed on its behalf) shall only be entitled to use such data for the purposes of the operation of its Distribution System and for the calculation of charges for use of and connection to its Distribution System, but not for any other purposes.

2.7.7C A Licensed Distribution System Operator (but excluding a relevant Distribution System Operator) or an agent appointed on behalf of Licensed Distribution System Operators in accordance with paragraph 2.7.7(c) shall not be entitled to receive the data specified in paragraph 2.7.7 where such data relates to a Distribution System or an Associated Distribution System that is connected directly to the Transmission System.

2.7.7D Each Party agrees to the release and use of data referred to in paragraphs 2.7.7 and 2.7.7A on the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2.7.7B and 2.7.7C.

2.7.8 Each Supplier which is or intends to be registered in SMRS shall comply with the data quality standards specified in the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP501 and with Party Service Line 100.

2.7.8A In relation to each Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible, and which has been installed in compliance with the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification, the Supplier shall establish and maintain Meter Technical Details and provide such Details, in accordance with BSCP504, to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector to enable such Data Collector to process data in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules.

2.7.9 Each Supplier shall at all times hold the following data in relation to each SVA Metering System for which it is responsible:

(a) the Meter Technical Details;

(b) in the case of a Non Half Hourly Metering System, the Metered Data obtained for each relevant Settlement Register on each occasion during the preceding forty months on which valid Metered Data was obtained, and the latest values of Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advance.

2.7.10 If a Supplier appoints a replacement Supplier Agent in relation to any SVA Metering System in the circumstances set out in Section J4.2.6(a)(i) or (ii), the Supplier shall provide to the replacement Supplier Agent the following data:

(a) Not Used

(b) in the case of a Non Half Hourly Data Collector, the data held by the Supplier pursuant to paragraph 2.7.9(b).

2.7.11 To enable the identity of each Equipment Owner to be included in Market Domain Data, a Supplier shall, in accordance with BSCP509, inform the SVAA of the identity of an Equipment Owner (whether or not the Supplier itself) in relation to any Non Half Hourly Metering System for which the Supplier is registered in SMRS (unless such data already exists in Market Domain Data).

2.7.12 For the purposes of this paragraph 2 and Section L5.2.4, the term "relevant Distribution System Operators" means those Licensed Distribution System Operators to whose Distribution System or Associated Distribution System a customer is connected.

2.7.13 For the purposes of paragraph 2.7.7(b), a Distribution System or Associated Distribution System shall be treated as being upstream of a customer if that Distribution System or Associated Distribution System is used (or expected to be used) to distribute electricity from (or to) the Transmission System to (or from) a Distribution System or Associated Distribution System:

(a) to which such customer is connected; or

(b) that is upstream of such customer in accordance with this paragraph 2.7.13.

2.8 Long Term Vacant

2.8.1 Each Supplier who treats or intends to treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall comply with paragraphs 4.3.19 to 4.3.22 (inclusive) of Annex S-2 and the relevant provisions of BSCP504.

2.8.2 A Supplier shall not treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant where:

(a) the criteria set out in paragraph 2.8.3 for determining whether a Non Half Hourly Metering System is Long Term Vacant and any further requirements set out in BSCP504 have not been satisfied;

(b) Metered Data (as described in BSCP504) relating to such Non Half Hourly Metering System becomes available (including by reason of the Supplier receiving such Metered Data from the owner and/or occupier of the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated);

(c) the Supplier becomes aware that consumption of electricity is occurring at the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated (including by reason of receiving communications from the owner and/or occupier or new owner and/or occupier of that property); or

(d) there is a change of Supplier in relation to such Non Half Hourly Metering System.

2.8.3 The criteria for determining whether a Supplier may treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant includes the requirements set out below and any further requirements set out in BSCP504:

(a) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Non Half Hourly Metering System has made two visits (in accordance with the applicable timescales specified in BSCP504) to the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated for the purpose of obtaining Metered Data and has been unable to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System to obtain such Metered Data;

(b) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector has notified the Supplier (in the manner and form required by BSCP504) of such visits and of its failure to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System; and

(c) the Supplier has proactively in accordance with BSCP504 used its utmost reasonable endeavours to identify the owner and/or occupier of the property upon which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated where such owner and/or occupier is unknown and has attempted to gain access for the purpose of obtaining Metered Data.

2.8.4 A Supplier shall cease to treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant if any of the matters set out in paragraph 2.8.2 (a) to (d) (inclusive) occurs or if the Supplier fails to comply with the requirements of the processes referred to in paragraph 2.8.5.

2.8.5 A Supplier who treats or intends to treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall also have in place processes, as required by BSCP504, to ascertain whether the Non Half Hourly Metering System can continue to be treated as Long Term Vacant. BSCP504 shall as a minimum contain the following requirements to ascertain whether the Non Half Hourly Metering System can continue to be treated as Long Term Vacant:

(a) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Non Half Hourly Metering System shall make at least one visit (in accordance with the applicable timescale specified in BSCP504) to the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated for the purpose of obtaining Metered Data and be unable to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System to obtain such Metered Data;

(b) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall notify the Supplier (in the manner and form required by BSCP504) of such visits and of its failure to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System; and

(c) the matters set out in paragraph 2.8.3 (c).

2.8.6 A Supplier treating a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall keep auditable records of its compliance with the requirements of the Code and BSCP504 for treating and continuing to treat such Non Half Hourly Metering System as Long Term Vacant.

2.8.7 In the event that a Licensed Distribution Supplier Operator requests details from a Supplier as to which Non Half Hourly Metering Systems that Supplier is responsible for and is treating as Long Term Vacant then the Supplier shall provide the same.

2.9 Provision of Data to a CM Settlement Services Provider

2.9.1 Where a Supplier that is the Registrant of an SVA Metering System associated with CM Assets is so requested by a Customer or generator that has entered into a Capacity Agreement in respect of those CM Assets then that Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that SVA Metering System to a CM Settlement Services Provider in accordance with BSCP503.

2.10 Provision of Data relating to EII Assets

2.10.1 Where a Supplier is the Registrant of an SVA Metering System associated with EII Assets then that Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that SVA Metering System to an EMR Settlement Services Provider in accordance with BSCP503.

2.11 Provision of Data for SVA Metering Systems

2.11.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that where the SVAA informs its Half Hourly Data Aggregator that it is required to provide Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption data in relation to a Half Hourly Metering System for which that Supplier is the Registrant, the Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that Half Hourly Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP503.

2.11.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregators do not disclose to a Supplier the identity of those Metering Systems for which the SVAA has requested data pursuant to paragraph 2.11.1 unless the relevant SVA Customer or SVA Generator has consented to such disclosure. For the avoidance of doubt, Half Hourly Data Aggregators may disclose to the Supplier the number of Metering Systems for which the SVAA has requested data pursuant to paragraph 2.11.1.

2.12 Provision of data for SVA HH Metering Systems related to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities

2.12.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that where the SVAA informs its Half Hourly Data Aggregator that any half hourly SVA Metering System, for which that Supplier is the Registrant, is related to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities which are the subject of a valid Non-Final Demand Declaration, the Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that half hourly SVA Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with Annex S-2, BSCP503 and BSCP602.

2.13 Provision of data for SVA HH Metering Systems related to EMRS MSID Declarations and EMRS AMSID Declarations

2.13.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that, where the SVAA notifies its Half Hourly Data Aggregator of a half hourly SVA Metering System which has been registered in the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering Register as part a valid EMRS MSID Declaration or a valid EMRS AMSID Declaration, for which that Supplier is the Registrant, the Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that half hourly SVA Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with Annex S-2, BSCP503 and BSCP508.

2.14 Provision of data for Asset Metering Systems related to EMRS AMSID Declarations

2.14.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that, in relation to an Asset Metering System that is related to a valid EMRS AMSID Declaration for which that Supplier is the Registrant, the appointed Half Hourly Data Collector provides metered data relating to that Asset Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with Annex S-2, BSCP603 and BSCP508.

2.15 Exempt Supply Notification Agents

2.15.1 The principal functions of an Exempt Supply Notification Agent are, in accordance with this Section S and BSCP606:

(a) to receive from the relevant Supplier and/or Half Hourly Data Collector validated half-hourly metered data in relation to SVA Metering Systems that may record Import or Export relating to supply of electricity under an Exemption;

(b) to calculate loss-adjusted Metering System data from half hourly Metered Data (“Eligible Exempt Supply Volumes”) by applying the relevant Line Loss Factor and Transmission Loss Factor values to the half-hourly Metered Data;

(c) to identify Eligible Exempt Supply Volumes that meet the requirements of paragraph 2.13.2;

(d) to aggregate Eligible Exempt Supply Volumes to BM Unit level, in order to calculate the BM Unit Eligible Exempt Supply Volume (QBESi1i2j) for each:

(i) Supplier BM Unit ‘i1’ containing customers who were supplied with an Eligible Exempt Supply Volume;

(ii) Supplier BM Unit ‘i2’ containing generators who supplied an Eligible Exempt Supply Volume; and

(iii) Settlement Period ‘j’; and

(e) to provide BM Unit Eligible Exempt Supply Volume values to the SAA.

2.15.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that Eligible Exempt Supply Volumes identified by an Exempt Supply Notification Agent:

(a) represent volumes of electricity supplied under an Exemption;

(b) correspond to a volume of loss-adjusted Metering System data from half hourly Metered Data recorded on the Import Metering System of the customer to whom the electricity was supplied; and

(c) correspond to a volume of loss-adjusted Metering System data half hourly Metered Data recorded on the Export Metering System of the exempt supplier supplying the electricity to the customer.


3.1 Supplier Performance Assurance

3.1.1 Each Supplier shall provide, or procure the provision of such reports to the Performance Assurance Board as may from time to time be reasonably required in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures in order to enable the Performance Assurance Board to review compliance by that Supplier with the requirements of paragraph 2 and compliance by each Supplier Agent for which that Supplier is responsible with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures.

3.1.2 Each Supplier shall provide the Panel and the Performance Assurance Board with access to all of its records, data and other information (and those of its Supplier Agents) as may reasonably be required by the Panel or (as the case may be) the Performance Assurance Board to carry out its functions in accordance with the Code and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents, or procure that such access is provided.

3.1.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.2, each Supplier shall pay, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Annex S-1 any amounts which fall to be paid by it in accordance with paragraph 3.2.

3.1A Asset Metering Performance Assurance

3.1A.1 Each Virtual Lead Party and Supplier shall provide, or procure the provision of such reports to the Performance Assurance Board as may from time to time be reasonably required in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures in order to enable the Performance Assurance Board to review compliance by that Virtual Lead Party or Supplier, in respect of the Asset Metering Systems for which it is the Registrant, with the requirements of paragraph 2 and compliance by each Asset Metering Party Agent for which that Virtual Lead Party or Supplier is responsible in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures.

3.1A.2 Each Virtual Lead Party and Supplier shall provide the Panel and the Performance Assurance Board with access to all of its records, data and other information (and those of its Asset Metering Party Agents), in respect of the Asset Metering Systems for which it is the Registrant, as may reasonably be required by the Panel or (as the case may be) the Performance Assurance Board to carry out its functions in accordance with the Code and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents, or procure that such access is provided.

3.2 Supplier Charges

3.2.1 Without prejudice to any other right of other Parties (other than in respect of claims for damages for loss), a Supplier which fails to comply with:

(a) the reporting requirements imposed on it pursuant to paragraph 3.1.1; or

(b) the requirements in respect of data provision imposed on it pursuant to paragraph 2.6; or

(c) any of the Performance Levels set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges set out in Annex S-1

shall be liable to the relevant charge set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges in Annex S-1, to be payable in accordance with Annex S-1.

3.2A Temporary disapplication of Supplier Charges

3.2A.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.2A:

(a) the "Coronavirus Disapplication Period" shall be the period determined in accordance with paragraphs 3.2 A.3 and 3.2A.4; and

(b) the "Relevant Supplier Charges" shall be those charges associated with Serials SP08.

3.2A.2 In relation to the Relevant Supplier Charges, each Party acknowledges that the Coronavirus epidemic or pandemic is likely to disrupt, prevent or delay Suppliers from complying with the obligations referred to in paragraphs 3.2.1(a) to (c) inclusive and accordingly each Party agrees that:

(a) for the duration of the Coronavirus Disapplication Period, no Supplier shall be liable to any other Party under paragraph 3.2.1 for any of the Relevant Supplier Charges set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges in Annex S-1; and

(b) without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, no Party shall be entitled to bring a claim against another Party pursuant to Annex S-1 in respect of Relevant Supplier Charges that relate to the Coronavirus Disapplication Period.

3.2A.3 The Coronavirus Disapplication Period shall commence on the Relevant Implementation Date and shall remain in force until the Panel determines that such period shall cease by providing three months prior notice pursuant to paragraph 3.2A.4.

3.2A.4 BSCCo shall, on behalf of the Panel, within one Working Day after the determination by the Panel under paragraph 3.2A.3:

(a) send a notification to all Parties and the Authority of the Panel’s determination; and

(b) publish a copy of that notification on the BSC Website.

3.3 Supplier Force Majeure

3.3.1 A Supplier shall not be liable to any other Party for delay or failure in performing its obligations under paragraph 2 or paragraph 3.1.1 to the extent that such delay or failure results from or is caused directly by any event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Supplier including:

(a) act of public enemy, war declared or undeclared, threat of war, terrorist act, blockade, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, public demonstration, sabotage or act of vandalism;

(b) strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances;

(c) lightning, storm, accumulation of snow or ice, earthquake, fire, flood or act of God;

(d) explosion, fault or failure of plant or machinery which (in each case) could not have been prevented by Good Industry Practice;

(e) governmental restraint, Act of Parliament, other legislation, by-law and Directive (not being any order, regulation or direction under Section 32, 33, 34 or 35 of the Act);

(f) a failure by the SVAA to provide Daily Profile Coefficients to a Data Collector for which the Supplier is responsible or to distribute Market Domain Data in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures;

(g) the provision to the Supplier or any Supplier Agent for which it is responsible by the SVAA of Daily Profile Coefficients or Market Domain Data which is incorrect in any material respect;

(h) a failure in the communication network or method used by the Supplier’s Supplier Agent in accordance with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures provided the Supplier has first used reasonable endeavours to ensure that its Supplier Agent has used any reasonable alternative method of communication available,

("Supplier Force Majeure"), provided that this paragraph 3.3 is subject to compliance by the Supplier and its Supplier Agents in all respects with the disaster recovery provisions from time to time set out in Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant BSC Procedures.

3.3.2 Lack of funds shall not be interpreted as a circumstance beyond a Supplier’s reasonable control.

3.3.3 A Supplier which is affected by Supplier Force Majeure shall:

(a) give immediate notice to BSCCo;

(b) use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate the impact of the Supplier Force Majeure and to remedy as soon as practicable its inability to perform;

(c) provide notice to BSCCo within one Business Day of the Supplier Force Majeure being resolved or ceasing to apply.

3.3.4 The provisions of paragraph 3.3.3 shall be without prejudice to the disaster recovery provisions from time to time set out in Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant BSC Procedures.


4.1 Supplier Volume Allocation Agent

4.1.1 The principal functions of the SVAA are, in accordance with the Code and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents (including BSCP508 and BSCP602):

(a) to provide a supplier volume allocation service in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description and the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and to comply with the other requirements of the relevant BSC Service Description;

(b) to provide a daily profile production service in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description involving, inter alia, receiving, obtaining and maintaining data relating to GSP Groups, noon temperatures and times of sunset, the preparation of Daily Profile Coefficients and the provision of reports on profiles and Standard Settlement Configurations to Non Half Hourly Data Collectors and Suppliers;

(c) to provide a Market Domain Data service to the electricity markets of England and Wales and Scotland in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(d) to perform additional related services if and to the extent required by the Panel, including:

(i) the development and maintenance of a contingency plan in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description for approval from time to time by the Panel;

(ii) the provision of a disaster recovery service, and the development and maintenance of a disaster recovery plan, all in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(iii) the provision of a national helpdesk service, a problem management service, a change management service, a committee support service, a performance report service, an ad hoc reporting service, a dispute support service, a software acceptance testing service and an integration testing service, in each case in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(iv) the development and maintenance of a hand-over service, and the provision of an exit management plan, in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(v) the provision of a consultancy service, a technical architecture and design service and a software maintenance service, in each case in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description; and

(vi) such other services as may from time to time be agreed by the Panel;

(e) to provide data to the NETSO and Distribution System Operators necessary for the purposes of calculating transmission and distribution use of system charges respectively in accordance with BSCP508;

(f) to provide such data to the SAA as is necessary for the provision of Relevant EMR Settlement Data to an EMR Settlement Services Provider;

(g) to provide such data to the SAA as is necessary for Settlement in relation to Secondary BM Units;

(h) to establish and maintain a register, hereby known as the SVA Metering System Register, of each half hourly SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System identified in MSID Data, MSID Pair Data and AMSID Pair Data that has been provided to the SVAA;

(i) to provide the Lead Party of a Secondary BM Unit with half hourly Metered Data for each Metering System registered to that Secondary BM Unit;

(j) to establish and maintain a register, hereby known as the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register, of each of the validly declared SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities and related Metering Systems notified to the SVAA by a Supplier in accordance with BSCP602; and

(k) to validate each Asset Registration submitted by a Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or a Supplier in accordance with BSCP602 and to generate an AMSID Pair in respect of each valid Asset Registration and notify the registrant Virtual Lead Party, Virtual Trading Party or Supplier of the Asset Metering System Numbers comprising such AMSID Pair.

4.2 Profile Administrator

4.2.1 The principal functions of the Profile Administrator are, in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents:

(a) to create and maintain a load research sample using customer information provided to it by Suppliers and to carry out a programme of load research in order to collect or obtain half-hourly demand data relating to customers who form part of the load research sample;

(b) to analyse data collected through the load research programme and from other sources approved from time to time by the Panel;

(c) to derive sets of Regression Coefficients for each Profile Class;

(d) to deliver the Regression Coefficients and related data to Parties, the SVAA, Supplier Agents or BSCCo;

(e) to analyse data and to monitor the accuracy of Profiles derived from Regression Coefficients;

(f) to provide such consultancy services as the Panel may from time to time determine; and

(g) to, where agreed between the Profile Administrator and the relevant Supplier and in accordance with any requirements in BSCP510, install and maintain and/or procure the installation and maintenance of Profile Capable Metering Systems at the premises of the customers referred to in paragraph 2.7.5(e) who are identified to the Profile Administrator by the Supplier.

4.2.2 The Profile Administrator shall provide (unless and to the extent otherwise specified from time to time by BSCCo) to BSCCo or as otherwise directed by it a set of Regression Coefficients, Group Average Annual Consumption values and Profile Coefficients for each BSC Year on or before 30th November before the beginning of the relevant BSC Year, using data collected from the load research programme carried out by the Profile Administrator, augmented with data provided by Suppliers which is consistent with the overall sample design.

4.2.3 Unless and to the extent otherwise specified by BSCCo, the Profile Administrator shall deliver to BSCCo or as otherwise directed by it:

(a) on a quarterly basis, a breakdown by GSP Group of each Profile Class sample, together with a statement of the daily average number of customers for which monitoring equipment has been successfully installed and commissioned for each Profile Class in respect of the previous quarter (a quarter being a period of three months commencing on 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October in any year); and

(b) an annual report and data analysis plan (in such form as may be specified by the Panel) setting out what load research data the Profile Administrator proposes to use, together with a load research plan (in such form as the Panel shall specify) setting out the proposed sample design and sample sizes in respect of the following BSC Year.

4.2.4 Unless and to the extent otherwise specified by the Panel, the Profile Administrator shall:

(a) make one or more representatives available, subject to reasonable notice, to attend meetings of the Panel or its representatives in order to provide advice on profiling matters; and

(b) provide advice to the Panel as to the implications of introducing new or modified Profile Classes and GSP Groups and as to the implications of changing sample sizes and profiling methodology.

4.2.5 Where:

(a) at the request of a Supplier, the Profile Administrator installs and maintains or procures the installation and maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System on the Supplier’s behalf at the premises of a customer who forms part of the load research sample, the Profile Administrator’s associated costs shall be treated as BSC Costs under Section D of the Code; and

(b) a Supplier procures the installation and maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System at the premises of a customer who forms part of the load research sample, the Supplier shall be entitled in respect of that customer to be paid the relevant Profile Sum (referred to in paragraph 4.2.7) by the Profile Administrator.

4.2.6 Without prejudice to any other provision in the Code, in the event that the Supplier requests the Profile Administrator to install and maintain or procure the installation and maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System in relation to a customer who forms part of the load research sample, the Supplier shall also request the Profile Administrator to acquire or procure the acquisition of the Profile Capable Metering System and to perform or procure the performance of the relevant functions of a Meter Operator Agent, Data Collector and Data Aggregator in relation to that Metering System.

4.2.7 The relevant Profile Sum shall be the total of the average annual cost per member of the load research sample incurred by the Profile Administrator in each BSC Year in relation to the:

(a) acquisition and installation of a Profile Capable Metering System (provided that this cost shall only be included in the relevant Profile Sum where it has been necessary for the Supplier to procure the acquisition and installation of a Profile Capable Metering System in relation to the relevant customer for the purposes of the load research programme, and then only in relation to the first acquisition and installation thereof or in relation to the necessary replacement thereof);

(b) annual maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System at a customer’s premises and of performing the other functions of a Meter Operator Agent in relation to it (provided that only fifty (50) percent (%) of such cost shall be included in the relevant Profile Sum where the relevant customer has been part of the load research sample for part only of the relevant BSC Year or has been a customer of the relevant Supplier for part only of the relevant BSC Year); and

(c) annual cost of the collection of the half-hourly demand data from a Profile Capable Metering System (provided that only fifty (50) per cent (%) of such cost shall be included in the relevant Profile Sum where the relevant customer has been part of the load research sample for part only of the relevant BSC Year or has been a customer of the relevant Supplier for part only of the relevant BSC Year).

4.2.8 The Profile Sum payable to each Supplier shall be paid annually in accordance with BSCP510 in respect of each BSC Year and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall be treated as BSC Costs under Section D of the Code.

4.3 Teleswitch Agent

4.3.1 The primary functions of the Teleswitch Agent shall be:

(a) to monitor the messages concerning contact switching times sent pursuant to the Radio Teleswitch Agreement to groups of SVA Metering Systems for which the related Metering Equipment is equipped with a teleswitch;

(b) to provide details of those messages to the SVAA (by such means and in accordance with such BSC Procedures as may from time to time be approved by the Panel);

(c) to maintain a log recording the provision of details of teleswitch messages and to provide performance monitoring reports;

(d) to report to the SVAA any known or suspected failures in the monitoring and provision of messages; and

(e) to provide a consultancy and support service and a disaster recovery service.


5.1 Supplier Meter Registration Agents

5.1.1 The principal function of a Supplier Meter Registration Agent is to provide a registration service for SVA Metering Systems and associated data with respect to its Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) in accordance with the REC, Section K, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and BSCP501.

5.1.2 A Supplier Meter Registration Agent shall ensure that, to the extent to which is responsible for establishing or creating data in its SMRS relating to SVA Metering Systems, such data is accurate and complete (and in particular that each SVA Metering System is assigned to the GSP Group which such Metering System is in).

5.2 Licensed Distribution System Operators and Supplier Meter Registration Services

5.2.1 Each LDSO shall:

(a) establish, or procure the establishment of; and

(b) subsequently operate and maintain, or procure the subsequent operation and maintenance of,

a Supplier Meter Registration Service that provides the services specified in the Code in relation to SMRS including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, as set out in Annex K-1.

5.2.2 Each SMRA shall ensure that its SMRS enables only one Supplier to be registered, in respect of a Metering System, as being responsible for Imports at a Metering System for a particular Settlement Day.


6.1 Qualification

6.1.1 A Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall be Qualified:

(a) to aggregate energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2; and/or

(b) to aggregate energy values per Supplier per GSP Group in accordance with paragraph 3.5.9 to 3.5.12 of Annex S-2,

as further provided in this paragraph 6.1 and, in each case, in accordance with the provisions of Section J and BSCP537 applicable to the function (as described in paragraphs (a) and (b)) which such Data Aggregator is to perform.

6.1.2 Without prejudice to the requirements for Qualification set out in paragraph 6.1.1:

(a) in relation to a GSP Group, a Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall aggregate energy values for all SVA Metering Systems for which such Data Aggregator is responsible in that GSP Group either in accordance with paragraph 3.5.9 to 3.5.12 or paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2 (but not both);

(b) where one or more Suppliers within a GSP Group has allocated SVA Metering Systems for which such Data Aggregator is responsible to Additional BM Unit(s) in accordance with paragraph 6.2 and 6.3, such Data Aggregator shall aggregate energy values for all SVA Metering Systems (and all Suppliers) for which it is responsible in that GSP Group in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2.

6.1.3 The provisions of paragraph 6.1.2 shall be without prejudice to the basis upon which a Half Hourly Data Aggregator is required (in accordance with BSCP503) to send reports to the Supplier by whom it is appointed.

6.2 Allocation of SVA Metering Systems to Additional BM Units

6.2.1 In relation to a GSP Group, where a Supplier has registered one or more Additional BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K, the Supplier may allocate SVA Metering Systems in that GSP Group for which such Supplier is the Registrant to such Additional BM Unit(s) subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 6.2 and paragraph 6.3.

6.2.2 An Additional BM Unit may comprise:

(a) one or more Half Hourly Metering Systems; and/or

(b) one or more valid combinations (in accordance with BSCP507) of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, comprising (in each case) all the Non Half Hourly Metering Systems with the same Profile Class and the same Standard Settlement Configuration,

for which the relevant Supplier is the Registrant in a GSP Group.

6.2.3 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) in relation to a GSP Group, any SVA Metering Systems not allocated to an Additional BM Unit in accordance with this paragraph 6.2 for which a Supplier is the Registrant shall be attributed to such Supplier's Base BM Unit for the purposes of Settlement;

(b) a SVA Metering System may not be allocated to more than one Additional BM Unit.

6.2.4 Subject to paragraph 6.2.5:

(a) the allocation of SVA Metering Systems to an Additional BM Unit shall become effective for the purposes of Settlement on the day specified by the Supplier in accordance with paragraph 6.3.1, which shall be a date no earlier than the day next following the date when the SVAA or relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator (as the case may be) has received the Supplier's notification under paragraph 6.3.1, provided such notification is so received by Gate Closure in respect of the first Settlement Period of that day (failing which, the day specified by the Supplier shall be no earlier than the day next following such day); and

(b) in relation to a Half Hourly Metering System, the Supplier shall ensure that the identity of any relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is sent to the SMRA and recorded in SMRS prior to Gate Closure in respect of the first Settlement Period of the day when the allocation of such Metering System to an Additional BM Unit becomes effective pursuant to paragraph (a).

6.2.5 No allocation of Half Hourly Metering Systems to Additional BM Units shall become effective or be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement until and unless the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator has been Qualified in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2.

6.2.6 In this paragraph 6, the "relevant" Half Hourly Data Aggregator means the Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by the Supplier in respect of the Half Hourly Metering System(s) which the Supplier wishes to allocate to an Additional BM Unit in a GSP Group.

6.3 Process

6.3.1 Where a Supplier wishes to allocate SVA Metering Systems to an Additional BM Unit in a GSP Group pursuant to paragraph 6.2, the Supplier shall:

(a) in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems, notify the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator in accordance with BSCP503 of:

(i) the SVA Metering System Number of each Half Hourly Metering System; and

(ii) the identification number of the relevant Additional BM Unit; and

(iii) the date from when, subject to paragraph 6.2.4, the Supplier wishes such Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such Additional BM Unit for the purposes of Settlement;

(b) in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, notify the SVAA in accordance with BSCP507 of:

(i) the Profile Class;

(ii) the Standard Settlement Configuration;

(iii) the identification number of the relevant Additional BM Unit; and

(iv) the date from when, subject to paragraph 6.2.4, the Supplier wishes such Non Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such Additional BM Unit for the purposes of Settlement; and

(c) in the case of both Half Hourly Metering Systems and Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, notify the CRA of the estimates referred to in Section K3.4.1 relating to the relevant Additional BM Unit which is to apply upon allocation of such SVA Metering Systems to that Additional BM Unit.

6.3.2 The relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall in accordance with BSCP503:

(a) validate the data submitted to it by a Supplier under paragraph 6.3.1(a) as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 6;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant allocation by notice to the Supplier; and

(c) where it confirms the relevant allocation in accordance with paragraph (b), record the data in its aggregation system to take effect, for the purposes of Settlement, from the date specified under paragraph 6.3.1(a)(iii).

6.3.3 The SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP507:

(a) validate the data submitted to it by a Supplier under paragraph 6.3.1(b) as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 6;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant allocation by notice to the Supplier; and

(c) where it confirms the relevant allocation in accordance with paragraph (b), record the data in its systems to take effect, for the purposes of Settlement, from the date specified under paragraph 6.3.1(b)(iv).

6.3.4 Further SVA Metering Systems may be allocated (subject to paragraph 6.2.2) to Additional BM Units to which SVA Metering Systems have already been allocated by following the procedures set out in this paragraph 6.3.

6.3.5 A SVA Metering System which is allocated to an Additional BM Unit may be removed from that Additional BM Unit and transferred either to another Additional BM Unit in that GSP Group or to the Supplier's Base BM Unit in respect of that GSP Group, in accordance with BSCP503 (in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems) and BSCP507 (in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems), by:

(a) notifying the relevant Data Aggregator (in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems) or the SVAA (in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems); and

(b) notifying the CRA of the revised Generation Capacity and Demand Capacity of the relevant Additional BM Units or the relevant Additional BM Unit and Base BM Unit (as the case may be) in accordance with Section K3.4.1,

and such transfer shall take effect from the time specified in those BSC Procedures and, in any event, prior to Gate Closure of the first Settlement Period in respect of which it is to take effect.


7.1 Application

7.1.1 The provisions of Annex S-2 shall apply and be given effect as if they were set out in full in this Section S and shall be treated for all purposes as a part of this Section S.

7.1.2 Quantities of Active Energy associated with SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems shall be determined and allocated to BM Units for the purposes of Settlement in accordance with Annex S-2.

7.2 Overview of the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules

7.2.1 Suppliers, Supplier Agents, and Virtual Lead Parties, Virtual Trading Parties and Asset Metering Agents shall provide data to the SVAA in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP508 and BSCP602.

7.2.2 The Supplier Volume Allocation Rules consist of the following principal activities:

(a) the provision of SVA Metering System registration data from the relevant SMRA to Suppliers, Supplier Agents, Distribution System Operators and relevant BSC Agents;

(b) the provision of standing data to the SVAA from Suppliers, Supplier Agents, Distribution System Operators, the Profile Administrator and other BSC Agents;

(c) the provision of periodic data to the SVAA from Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators, Half Hourly Data Aggregators, the Temperature Provider and the Teleswitch Agent;

(d) the derivation and distribution of the Daily Profile Coefficients by the SVAA;

(e) the data collection and data aggregation calculations performed by Data Collectors and Data Aggregators on behalf of Suppliers, Virtual Lead Parties and Virtual Trading Parties;

(f) the determination of the pre-correction consumption and production per Settlement Period per Supplier BM Unit and Secondary BM Unit by the SVAA;

(g) the GSP Group Correction Factor calculation performed by the SVAA which reconciles SVA metered volumes with the GSP Group Take;

(h) determination of the half hourly energy volumes allocated to each Supplier BM Unit and Secondary BM Unit, and the provision of such data to the SAA; and

(i) the determination of Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD for each Supplier BM Unit, and the provision of such data to the SAA.

(j) the determination of Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand, and the provision of such data to the SAA; and

(k) the maintenance of the Metering System and Asset Metering System Register, including the SVA Storage Facilities Register.

7.2.3 The summary in paragraph 7.2.2 (which is included for convenience and ease of reference only) is without prejudice to the provisions of the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules shall prevail over paragraph 7.2.2 in the event of any conflict or inconsistency.

7.2.4 Suppliers , Virtual Lead Parties, Virtual Trading Parties, Supplier Agents and Asset Metering Party Agents shall comply with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and all relevant Code Subsidiary Documents in order that data is provided within the timescales defined in the Settlement Calendar or otherwise as may be required in order to effect a Settlement Run.


8.1 Unmetered Supplies and this Section

8.1.1 The rights and obligations of the Parties in relation to Unmetered Supplies shall be as set out in this paragraph 8, Party Service Line 100 and BSCP520.

8.1.2 If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this paragraph 8 and any other provisions of the Code in relation to Unmetered Supplies, the provisions of this paragraph 8 shall prevail.

8.1.3 The standards of accuracy of data for Unmetered Supplies from time to time shall be no worse than those which at such time apply generally under the Code for metered supplies of electricity.

8.1.4 The Panel may at any time and from time to time commission load research programmes in respect of Unmetered Supplies to support changes made or proposed to be made to Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant BSC Procedures.

8.1.5 Subject to paragraph 8.1.1 each Meter Administrator, Licensed Distribution System Operator, Supplier and Half Hourly Data Collector shall cooperate with each other:

(a) to comply with the obligations set out in BSCP520 relating to the change in Measurement Classes; and

(b) in any Data Cleansing activity.

8.1.6 A "UMS Mandate Go-Live Date" for the purposes of this paragraph 8 and BSCP520 means the relevant date set out in the MHHS Implementation Timetable pursuant to Section C12.2.11 from which the start of 1 year migration for UMS/Advanced Meters commences (otherwise described as "M11").

8.1.7 "Data Cleansing" for the purposes of this paragraph 8 and BSCP520 means the inspection and where applicable resolution of any inaccuracies of data for the purposes of completing the change in Measurement Class process.

8.2 Licensed Distribution System Operators and Unmetered Supplies

8.2.1 A Licensed Distribution System Operator shall determine in relation to supplies of electricity connected to its Distribution System(s) or its Associated Distribution System(s) (if any) whether a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus is to be treated for the purposes of the Code as an Unmetered Supply provided that, if such supply is separately measured and recorded through a SVA Metering System at or near to the point of supply to the Customer, the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall not determine that such supply is an Unmetered Supply.

8.2.2 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator acknowledges that, without prejudice to any other factor to which it may choose to have regard in making its determination, it would not expect to determine that a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus is to be treated for the purposes of the Code as an Unmetered Supply unless it is technically impractical to install a Meter or to carry out meter readings or the cost of installation of a Meter or of carrying out meter readings is wholly disproportionate or the supply of electricity in question is both small (in kWh terms) and reasonably predictable.

8.2.3 If a Licensed Distribution System Operator determines in accordance with paragraph 8.2.1 that a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus qualifies as an Unmetered Supply:

(a) until the date that is 12 months prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date:

(i) it shall on request issue an Unmetered Supply Certificate to the Customer taking such supply in relation to such inventory;

(ii) such Unmetered Supply Certificate shall state whether the Unmetered Supply to which it relates is an Equivalent Unmetered Supply or a Profiled Unmetered Supply, as agreed between the Licensed Distribution System Operator and the Customer;

(b) on or after the date being 12 months prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date it shall on request issue an Unmetered Supply Certificate to the Customer taking such supply in relation to such inventory only for Equivalent Unmetered Supplies. From the date referred to in this paragraph Unmetered Supply Certificates shall no longer be issued in relation to Profiled Unmetered Supplies.

8.2.3A In relation to Unmetered Supply Certificates issued for a Profiled Unmetered Supply the relevant Supplier shall prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date apply for a change of such Unmetered Supply Certificate to reflect the change in Measurement Class from a Profiled Unmetered Supply to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply.

8.2.3B Subject to paragraph 8.2.3A and BSCP520 the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall, on request by the Customer or Supplier only, reissue a new Unmetered Supply Certificate to the Supplier in relation to such inventory for each Equivalent Unmetered Supply.

8.2.4 The inventory of Apparatus relative to a particular Unmetered Supply shall be agreed between the Licensed Distribution System Operator on whose Distribution System or Associated Distribution System the Unmetered Supply takes place and the Customer taking such supply and the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall:

(a) ensure that any such inventory includes the means of identifying the type and number of items connected and taking supply, the location of such items, the wattage and the switch regime; and

(b) prepare and provide in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure a summary inventory of Apparatus based on the information included in the detailed inventory of Apparatus.

8.2.5 A Licensed Distribution System Operator shall assign a unique SVA Metering System Number to each Unmetered Supply Certificate relating to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply on any of its Distribution System(s) or Associated Distribution System(s).

8.2.6 No later than 12 months prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date only, a Licensed Distribution System Operator shall assign a unique SVA Metering System Number to each Standard Settlement Configuration for each Unmetered Supply Certificate relating to a Profiled Unmetered Supply on any of its Distribution System(s) or Associated Distribution System(s).

8.2.7 Not Used.

8.2.8 Not Used.

8.2.9 Not Used.

8.2.10 Not Used.

8.2.11 For each Profiled Unmetered Supply on its Distribution System(s) or Associated Distribution System(s) (if any), the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall calculate an Estimated Annual Consumption and shall notify the relevant Supplier or its Supplier Agent of such Estimated Annual Consumption.

8.2.12 As soon as reasonably practicable after there has been a material change in the inventory of Apparatus to which an Unmetered Supply Certificate relates, the Licensed Distribution System Operator which issued such Unmetered Supply Certificate shall, in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure, provide to the relevant Supplier or its Supplier Agent:-

(a) a revised summary inventory of Apparatus (in the case of an Equivalent Unmetered Supply); and/or

(b) a new Estimated Annual Consumption (in the case of a Profiled Unmetered Supply).

8.2.13 If, at the Go-live Date, a Distribution System Operator (being, or being the successor to, the holder at the Code Effective Date of a PES Supply Licence relating to distribution activities in England and Wales, acting in that capacity) is providing meter administration services to any third party it shall continue to provide meter administration services to Suppliers upon request and upon agreement as to the terms and conditions thereof, provided that such a Distribution System Operator shall not be obliged to offer to provide such services if after the Go-live Date it ceases for more than six consecutive months to provide meter administration services to third parties.

8.2.14 A Licensed Distribution System Operator when carrying out the functions set out in this paragraph 8.2 may be referred to as an "Unmetered Supplies Operator" or "UMSO".

8.2.15 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall ensure that it (or any person performing the relevant functions of an UMSO on its behalf) is Qualified to perform the functions of an UMSO in accordance with Section J and BSCP537 before it (or any person performing the relevant functions on its behalf) provides the functions set out in this paragraph 8.2.

8.3 Suppliers and Unmetered Supplies

8.3.1 Each Supplier shall:

(a) trade Unmetered Supplies on a basis consistent with the terms of the relevant Unmetered Supply Certificate so that Equivalent Unmetered Supplies are treated and traded as such and prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date Profiled Unmetered Supplies are treated and traded as such; and

(b) prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date ensure that Estimated Annual Consumption or summary inventory of Apparatus associated with an Unmetered Supply Certificate is properly submitted for use in Settlement in relation to Profiled Unmetered Supplies..

8.3.2 Subject to paragraph 8.3.3 a change in the treatment and trading of an Unmetered Supply from an Equivalent Unmetered Supply to a Profiled Unmetered Supply (or vice versa) shall only be made if the relevant Unmetered Supply Certificate is withdrawn and cancelled and a new Unmetered Supply Certificate is issued in its place.

8.3.3 Prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date each Supplier shall change an Unmetered Supply from a Profiled Unmetered Supply to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply in accordance with paragraph 8.2.3A and BSCP520.


9.1 Duties of Distribution System Operator

9.1.1 As regards an Embedded Distribution System that is connected to a Distribution System operated by a Host DSO, that Host DSO shall notify the Embedded DSO as soon as reasonably practicable where it becomes aware of any Demand Disconnection Events affecting that Embedded Distribution System.

9.1.2 Following the cessation of a Demand Disconnection Event, for each SVA Metering System impacted by a Demand Disconnection Event a Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall, using the relevant Supplier Meter Registration Service system, identify each MSID that is connected to its Distribution System (either directly or through any private distribution system) but not including any SVA Metering Systems that:

(a) are de-energised;

(b) have been de-registered; or

(c) have voluntarily reduced consumption at the request of the Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO.

9.1.3 Each Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall, in respect of each Impacted SVA Metering System identified under paragraph 9.1.2, notify each Half Hourly Data Collector, Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Non Half Hourly Data Collector and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator and the SVAA of:

(a) the MSID for each disconnected Metering System; and

(b) the start and end date and time in Co-ordinated Universal Time at which the Metering System was subject to Demand Disconnection.

9.1.4 Any notice given under paragraph 9.1.3 shall be given within the period of five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after notification by BSCCo under paragraph 9.2A.3(b).

9.1.5 Each Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall update any notice given under paragraph 9.1.4 as soon as reasonably practical after becoming aware of any necessary amendments to this information.

9.1.6 This paragraph 9.1 is subject to paragraph 9.2A.

9.2 Duties of the NETSO

9.2.1 Subject to paragraph 9.2A, within the period of twenty five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after notification by BSCCo under paragraph 9.2A.3(b) or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, for each Metering System that has been subject to a Non-BM STOR Instruction the NETSO shall send to the SVAA:

(a) the MSID; and

(b) the estimated Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume (NBSVDZaKj) anticipated to have been delivered by the MSID,

during each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period.

9.2.2 Not used

9.2.3 Each Party that is a provider of Non-BM STOR shall co-operate with the NETSO and provide such information as the NETSO may require for the purposes of complying with this paragraph 9.2.

9.2A Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Methodology

9.2A.1 For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a) the "Demand Disconnection Event Threshold" shall be the threshold determined in accordance with the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules pursuant to which BSCCo shall determine whether the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations shall be performed;

(b) the "Demand Disconnection Event Obligations" means the obligations in Sections R8.1, S9.1 and S9.2 together with any consequential obligations which are necessary to calculate BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volumes and Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volumes; and

(c) the "Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules" shall be a document established and maintained by the Panel setting out a process and methodology for determining the anticipated cost and value of performing the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations, the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold and whether the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations should be performed.

9.2A.2 The Panel shall review the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules from time to time and:

(a) in respect of any revisions that it proposes to make to the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules, the Panel shall consult with Parties and other interested parties and have due regard to any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultation;

(b) the Panel shall make such revisions to the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules as may be determined by it;

(c) the revised Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules shall be effective for the purposes of the Code from the date determined by the Panel; and

(c) BSCCo shall notify the Authority, Parties, Data Aggregators and Data Collectors of the effective date determined by the Panel and shall promptly publish the revised Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules on the BSC Website.

9.2A.3 In respect of a Demand Disconnection Event (which, for the purposes of this paragraph 9.2A shall mean the Demand Control Events specified in Section Q6.9.2(a) or (c) only), BSCCo shall:

(a) determine the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold in accordance with the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules; and

(b) within the period of one Business Day commencing on the Business Day after the BMRA receives the data from the NETSO specified in Section Q6.9.5, notify the Panel, Parties, each Data Collector, each Data Aggregator, the CDCA, the SVAA and the SAA (the "impacted participants") that either:

(i) the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations shall not be performed in which case the impacted participants shall, in respect of the Demand Disconnection Event to which such notification relates, be relieved of the duty to comply with the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations; or

(ii) the impacted participants shall, in respect of the Demand Disconnection Event to which such notification relates, comply with the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations in accordance with the Code; and

(c) at the next following Panel meeting after such notice, provide a report to the Panel setting out an explanation of its determination of the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold and the notice issued to impacted participants under this paragraph 9.2A.3.

9.3 Duties of the SVAA

9.3.1 The SVAA shall, in respect of each Impacted SVA Metering System identified under paragraph 9.2.1, notify each Half Hourly Data Collector, Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Non Half Hourly Data Collector and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator of:

(a) the MSID for each Metering System; and

(b) the estimated Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume (NBSVDZaKj) anticipated to have been delivered by each MSID,

for each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period.

9.3.2 Any notice given under paragraph 9.3.1 shall be given within the period of one Business Day following receipt of a notification under paragraph 9.2.1.

9.3.3 The SVAA shall send an update to any notice given under paragraph 9.3.1 as soon as reasonably practical after becoming aware of any necessary amendments to this information.


10.1 Provision of MSID Pair Data

10.1.1 In relation to any Settlement Period where the NETSO is not able to assign ABSVD to a BM Unit, the NETSO shall send to the SVAA Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data subject to and in accordance with Section Q, the provisions of this paragraph 10.1 and paragraph 10.2.

10.1.2 In relation to a GSP Group where a Lead Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units or Additional BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K and intends to offer Balancing Services, the Lead Party shall allocate MSID Pairs in that GSP Group to such BM Unit(s) by submitting BM Unit MSID Pair Data for such BM Units subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.1 and paragraph 10.2.

10.1.2A In relation to a GSP Group where:

(a) a Virtual Lead Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K and intends to offer Balancing Services: or

(b) a Virtual Trading Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K and intends to participate in Virtual Trading,

the Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party shall submit BM Unit MSID Pair Data for such BM Units subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.1 and paragraph 10.2 for all AMSID Pairs which are Associated MSID Pairs of an Asset for which the Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party intends to submit AMSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.1A.

10.1.3 For the purposes of the Code, "BM Unit MSID Pair Data" shall contain the following:

(a) in relation to an MSID Pair, the GSP Group in which the Import Metering System and (where applicable) Export Metering System are located;

(b) the MSID of the Import Metering System;

(c) the MSID of the associated Export Metering System (where applicable);

(d) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1.4, the Lead Party wishes such Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services;

(e) a Customer Consent Flag for the MSID of the Import Metering System setting out:

(i) the date from when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective; and

(ii) the date to when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective;

(f) a Customer Consent Flag for the MSID of the Export Metering System setting out:

(i) the date from when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective; and

(ii) the date to when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective;

(g) the identification number of the relevant BM Unit; and.

(h) an Indicator detailing whether the MSID Pair is:

(i) to be allocated to the BM Unit, and is not an Associated MSID Pair for any AMSID Pair;

(ii) not to be allocated to the BM Unit, and is an Associated MSID Pair of an AMSID Pair which is to be allocated to the BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 10.1A; or

(iii) to be allocated to the BM Unit, and is an Associated MSID Pair for an AMSID Pair which is to be used in Asset Differencing in accordance with paragraph 10.1A.

10.1.3A BM Unit MSID Pair Data submitted by a Lead Party in relation to a Baselined BM Unit shall also contain the following information:

(a) whether the MSID Pair is to be classified as a Baselined MSID Pair;

(b) where the MSID Pair is to be classified as a Baselined MSID Pair, the Baselining Methodology that applies;

(c) the date from which items (a) and (b) are to become effective; and

(d) whether the MSID Pair is to be treated as Inactive, and the effective dates, from and to, in calendar days giving the period when the MSID Pair should be treated as Inactive.

10.1.3B Where a Lead Party does not wish for actual and expected volumes for MSID Pairs allocated to their Secondary BM Unit(s) to be used in Settlement, it may identify the MSID Pairs as “Inactive” for the purposes of paragraph 10.1.3 A (d).

10.1.4 For the avoidance of doubt a Half Hourly Metering System within a MSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one MSID Pair and (where applicable) a MSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one BM Unit that offers Balancing Services for any given time.

10.1.5 MSID Pair Data shall be recorded and stored in the SVA Metering System Register for the purposes of Settlement from the day specified by the Lead Party in accordance with paragraph 10.1.3(d) or the NETSO in accordance with Section Q paragraph 6.4.8 (d).

10.1A Provision of AMSID Pair Data

10.1A.1 In relation to a GSP Group where a Virtual Lead Party or Virtual Trading Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K the Lead Party shall allocate AMSID Pairs in that GSP Group to such BM Unit(s) by submitting Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data for such BM Units subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.1A and paragraph 10.2A.

10.1A.2 For the purposes of the Code, "Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data" shall contain the following:

(a) in relation to an AMSID Pair, the GSP Group in which the Metering System(s) comprising the AMSID Pair are located;

(b) the AMSID(s) of the Metering System(s) comprising the AMSID Pair;

(c) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1A.3 the Lead Party wishes such Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such BM Unit

(d) the identification number of the relevant Secondary BM Unit.

(e) an Indicator identifying whether the flows of electricity recorded by the AMSID Pair are to be:

(i) allocated to the BM Unit; or

(ii) subtracted from the flows of electricity recorded by the Associated MSID Pair(s) (“Asset Differencing”)

10.1A.3 For the avoidance of doubt:

    1. an Asset Metering System within an AMSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one AMSID Pair;

    2. except as provided in this Section S, an AMSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one Secondary BM Unit for any given time; and

    3. an, AMSID Pair may not be used for the purposes of Asset Differencing in relation to more than one Secondary BM Unit.

10.1A.4 AMSID Pair Data shall be recorded and stored in the SVA Metering System Register for the purposes of Settlement from the day specified by the Virtual Lead Party in accordance with paragraph 10.1A.2(c).

10.2 Process for allocating MSID Pairs to a BM Unit

10.2.1 The SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate the MSID Pair Data submitted to it by a Party under paragraph 10.1 as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 10.2;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant MSID Pair Data by notice to the Party;

(c) where it confirms the relevant MSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph (b), the SVAA shall record the relevant data in the SVA Metering System Register;

(d) where the Half Hourly Metering System is to be allocated to either an Additional BM Unit or a Secondary BM Unit and is already allocated to an Additional BM Unit or a Secondary BM Unit on the SVA Metering System Register, the SVAA shall, subject to validation referred to in paragraph (a), confirm the most recent allocation and notify the previous SVA Metering System Register registrant of:

(i) the SVA Metering System Number of each Half Hourly Metering System that is no longer allocated to a BM Unit under this paragraph 10;

(ii) the GSP Group in which such Metering System is located;

(iii) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1.2, such SVA Metering System(s) will no longer be allocated to their BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services in Settlement.

10.2.2 In respect of a Primary BM Unit, upon being informed Half Hourly Metering System will no longer be allocated to that Primary BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services in Settlement (in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1 (d)), it is the responsibility of the Lead Party of that Primary BM Unit to ensure that such Half Hourly Metering System is not subsequently used for any Balancing Services activity.

10.2.3 A Half Hourly Metering System which is allocated to a BM Unit may be removed from that BM Unit, or transferred to another BM Unit in that GSP Group, in accordance with BSCP602 by notifying the SVAA and such transfer shall take effect from the time specified in accordance with that BSCP.

10.2.4 Where MSID Pair Data is submitted to the SVAA pursuant to 10.1.3A on or after the effective date specified in 10.1.3A(c), the SVAA shall reject such MSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1(b).

10.2.5 BM Unit MSID Pair Data provided by a Lead Party pursuant to paragraph 10.1.3A in relation to a BM Unit that is not registered as a Baselined BM Unit shall be rejected by the SVAA.

10.2A Process for allocating AMSID Pairs to a Secondary BM Unit

10.2A.1 The SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate the AMSID Pair Data submitted to it by a Virtual Lead Party under paragraph 10.1A as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 10.2A;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant AMSID Pair Data by notice to the Virtual Lead Party;

(c) where it confirms the relevant AMSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph (b), the SVAA shall record the relevant data in the SVA Metering System Register;

(d) where the Asset Metering System is to be allocated to a Secondary BM Unit, is already allocated to an Secondary BM Unit on the SVA Metering System Register and when allocated the Virtual Lead Party has not selected the Indicator “Differencing”, the SVAA shall, subject to validation referred to in paragraph (a), confirm the most recent allocation and notify the previous SVA Metering System Register registrant of:

(i) the Asset Metering System Number of each Asset Metering System that is no longer allocated to a Secondary BM Unit under this paragraph 10;

(ii) the GSP Group in which such Metering System is located;

(iii) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1.2, such Asset Metering System(s) will no longer be allocated to their Secondary BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services in Settlement.

10.2A.2 An Asset Metering System which is allocated to a Secondary BM Unit may be removed from that BM Unit, or transferred to another Secondary BM Unit in that GSP Group, in accordance with BSCP602 by notifying the SVAA and such transfer shall take effect from the time specified in accordance with that BSCP.

10.2A.3 Where AMSID Pair Data is submitted to the SVAA pursuant to 10.1.3A on or after the effective date specified in 10.1A.2A(c), the SVAA shall reject such AMSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.2A.1(b).

10.2A.4 Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data provided by a Lead Party pursuant to paragraph 10.1A.2A in relation to a BM Unit that is not registered as a Baselined BM Unit shall be rejected by the SVAA.

10.3 Qualification

10.3.1 A Half Hourly Data Aggregator that is Qualified in accordance with paragraph 6.1 shall be deemed as Qualified to provide energy values for an SVA Metering System in accordance with paragraph 3.9 of Annex S-2 and paragraph 10.5.

10.3.2 A Half Hourly Data Collector that is Qualified in accordance with Section J shall be deemed as Qualified to provide energy values per Asset Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with paragraph 3.5.3A of Annex S-2 and this paragraph 10.

10.4 MSID Standing Data

10.4.1 Where the SVAA has received and validated MSID Pair Data associated with one or more of:

    1. a Secondary BM Unit; or

    2. the NETSO; or

    3. an EMR AMSID Declaration

in the SVA Metering System Balancing Services, in respect of each SVA Metering System within an MSID Pair, it shall:

(a) procure the MSID Standing Data in accordance with BSCP507; and

(b) store such MSID Standing Data in the SVA Metering System Register,

in each case in accordance with BSCP602.

10.4.2 "MSID Standing Data" means, in relation to a SVA Metering System:

(a) the GSP Group in which the SVA Metering System is located;

(b) the Supplier ID of the Supplier that has in accordance with section K2.4 registered the SVA Metering System in CSS;

(c) the Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed in relation to that SVA Metering System; and

(d) any other data item defined in BSCP507 as being included in MSID Standing Data.

10.4.3 The SVAA shall, where it confirms the relevant MSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1 and procures the MSID Standing Data in accordance with paragraph 10.4.1, notify the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator(s) of:

(a) the SVA Metering System Number of each Half Hourly Metering System contained within the relevant MSID Pair Data; and

(b) the date from when the Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall be required to provide half hourly Metered Data for such Half Hourly Metering System(s) for the purposes of Settlement.

10.4.4 The relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall, in accordance with BSCP503:

(a) validate the data submitted to it by the SVAA under paragraph 10.4.3 as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 10;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant allocation by notice to the SVAA.

10.5 Provision of metered volumes by the Half Hourly Data Aggregator

10.5.1 Where the Half Hourly Data Aggregator confirms the relevant SVA Metering System Number in accordance with paragraph 10.4.4 it shall record the relevant data in its aggregation system to take effect, for the purposes of Settlement, from the date specified in the notification pursuant to paragraph 10.4.3.

10.5.2 Upon receipt of the half hourly Metered Data from the Half Hourly Data Aggregator(s) the SVAA shall provide, where relevant, the Lead Party of a Secondary BM Unit with the relevant half hourly Metered Data for each Metering System registered to that Secondary BM Unit as per the SVA Metering System Register.


11.1 Provision of MSID Pair Delivered Volume and AMSID Pair Delivered Volume

11.1.1 Where the NETSO, a Virtual Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party has provided MSID Pair Data or AMSID Pair Data in a GSP Group pursuant to paragraph 10.2, the NETSO, a Virtual Trading Party or Virtual Lead Party shall in respect of each relevant MSID Pair or AMSID Pair and each Settlement Period:

(a) subject to paragraph 11.1.1A, provide the MSID Pair Delivered Volume or AMSID Pair Delivered Volume to, as applicable, the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602; and

(b) ensure that such MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes are determined in good faith and in accordance with Good Industry Practice to:

(i) be accurate and complete; and

(ii) (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) accurately reflect the change in the Imports and Exports resulting from the delivery of Balancing Services or Virtual Trading, as such change in the Imports and Exports would be measured by the Metering Systems allocated to that MSID Pair.

11.1.1A The provisions of paragraph 11.1.1 shall not apply to any Baselined MSID Pairs or Baselined AMSID Pairs.

11.1.2 Where the SVAA receives an MSID Pair Delivered Volume or an AMSID Pair Delivered Volume, the SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate that the SVA Metering Systems for which data has been provided are Half Hourly Metering Systems;

(aa) validate that the Asset Metering Systems for which data has been provided are registered in the AMRS;

(b) validate, where relevant, that the Virtual Lead Party is the Lead Party of Secondary BM Units to which the SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems are allocated;

(c) validate, where relevant, whether the MSID(s) relate to SVA Metering Systems specified by the NETSO by reference to the SVA Metering System Register;

(d) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), confirm or reject the relevant delivered volumes by notice to the relevant Party;

(e) where it confirms the relevant delivered volumes in accordance with paragraph (d), record the data in its systems to take effect in the next Volume Allocation Run ; and

(f) validate that MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes does not include volumes for any Baselined MSID Pair or Baselined AMSID Pair.

(g) validate, where relevant, that the Virtual Trading Party is the Lead Party of Trading Secondary BM Units to which the SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems are allocated.

11.1.3 In accordance with BSCP602, a Lead Party may submit revised MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes to the SVAA for SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems and Settlement Periods for which that Party was provided MSID Pair Data and AMSID Pair Data. The SVAA shall validate and process such MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes in accordance with paragraph 11.


12.1 Provision of Billing Data

12.1.1 Within five Working Days of receipt of the DUoS Report for the Initial Volume Allocation Run for the last Settlement Day of each calendar month, each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall provide Billing Data to NETSO, in relation to:

(a) the calendar month where the Licensed Distribution System Operator is in receipt of the DUoS Report for the Initial Volume Allocation Run for the last Settlement Day ofthat calendar month; and

(b) any other calendar month, the last Settlement Day of which, has been the subject of a Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run since the previous submission of the Billing Data to NETSO.

12.1.2 Where a Licensed Distribution System Operator has more than one Distributor ID (MPID), then the Licensed Distribution System Operator must provide Billing Data for each Distributor ID.

12.1.3 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall use data from the most recent Volume Allocation Run for the purposes of paragraph 12.1.1.

12.2 Provision of Tariff Setting Data

12.2.1 Within five Working Days of receipt of the DUoS Report for the Initial Volume Allocation Run for 30th September each year, each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall provide Tariff Setting Data to NETSO, in relation to the preceding twelve month period.

12.2.2 Where a Licensed Distribution System Operator has more than one Distributor ID (MPID), then the Licensed Distribution System Operator must provide Tariff Setting Data for each Distributor ID.

12.2.3 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall use data from the most recent Volume Allocation Run for the purposes of paragraph 12.2.1.

12.2.4 Flows of electricity at Systems Connection Points do not constitute Imports for the purposes of the Code and shall therefore not be included in Tariff Setting Data to be provided by Licensed Distribution System Operators pursuant to this paragraph.


13.1 The Panel shall establish, and have in force at all times thereafter, a document containing the methodologies the SVAA will use to calculate MSID Baseline Values and AMSID Baseline Values for all Baselined MSID Pairs and Baselined AMSID Pairs based on historical volume data.

13.2 The Panel shall review the Baselining Methodology Document from time to time and in any event if there is a significant change which may lead to historic metered data not reflecting future volumes due to but not limited to;

(a) significant changes to Network Charges; and

(b) events which lead to large changes to demand such as a National epidemic

and shall make such revisions to the Baselining Methodology Document as necessary.


14.1 Where the Lead Party has registered a BM Unit as a Baselined BM Unit pursuant to paragraph K3.3.2 or K8.3.2, the Lead Party shall in respect of a Settlement Period:

(a) provide the Submitted Expected Volume to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602;

(b) ensure that the accuracy of the Submitted Expected Volume is commensurate with Good Industry Practice.

(c) where a Baselined BM Unit contains no Baselined MSID Pairs or Baselined AMSID Pairs, , and no Wholesale Market Activity Notification has been submitted, the Submitted Expected Volume sent to the SVAA by a Party must be the same as the Final Physical Notification.

14.2 Where the SVAA receives Submitted Expected Volumes, the SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate that the Party providing the Submitted Expected Volumes is the Lead Party of the BM Unit;

(b) validate that the Submitted Expected Volumes were received prior to Gate Closure for the Settlement Period;

(c) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b), confirm or reject the relevant Submitted Expected Volumes by notice to the relevant Party; and

(d) where it confirms the relevant Submitted Expected Volumes in accordance with paragraph (c), record the data in its systems to take effect in the next Volume Allocation Run.


15.1 Where the Lead Party has registered a BM Unit as a Baselined BM Unit pursuant to paragraph K3.3.2 or K8.3.2, the Lead Party shall inform SVAA of any Event Day(s) within thirty days of their occurrence, in accordance with BSCP602.

15.2 For the purposes of paragraph 15.1, an “Event Day” is a Settlement Day where Metering System Metered Consumption for a Settlement Period relating to a Baselined MSID Pair or Baselined AMSID Pair have been affected by;

(a) the provision of a Balancing Service; and/or

(b) such events as listed in [Appendix A] of the [Baselining Methodology Document].

15.3 Metering System Metered Consumption on an Event Day shall not be included in calculating MSID Baseline Values or AMSID Baseline Values save as provided in the Baselining Methodology Document.


16.1 Where a Lead Party has registered a BM Unit as a Trading Secondary BM Unit pursuant to paragraph K8.2, the Lead Party shall in respect of that Trading Secondary BM Unit and each Settlement Period:

(a) provide the Wholesale Market Activity Notification to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602; and

(b) ensure that the accuracy of the Wholesale Market Activity Notification is commensurate with Good Industry Practice

16.2 Where the SVAA receives Wholesale Market Activity Notifications, the SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate that the Party providing the Wholesale Market Activity Notification is the Lead Party of the BM Unit;

(b) validate that the Wholesale Market Activity Notification were received prior to Gate Closure for the Settlement Period;

(c) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b), confirm or reject the relevant Submitted Expected Volumes by notice to the relevant Party; and

(d) where it confirms the relevant Submitted Expected Volumes in accordance with paragraph (c), record the data in its systems to take effect in the next Volume Allocation Run.


Section S

Version 48.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


















































P433 Self Governance




























P388 Self-Governance








P394 Self-Governance




P386 Self-Governance




P367 Self Governance












P338 Fast Track Self-Governance




P272 v2.0

















Secretary of State




Secretary of State




Secretary of State



































































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Annex S-1 forms a part of Section S.

1.1.2 This Annex S-1 sets out:

(a) the Menu of Supplier Charges (including Performance Levels and Supplier Charges); and

(b) payment arrangements in respect thereof.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 In this Annex S-1, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) references to a Performance Level or Serial shall be to a Performance Level or (as the case may be) Serial as specified in paragraph 2 or 3 respectively;

(b) references to a Metering System shall be to a SVA Metering System;

(c) references to the term "for which a Supplier is responsible" when used in relation to a particular Metering System or Metering Equipment shall mean the relevant Metering System or (as the case may be) Metering Equipment in relation to which the Supplier is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent including for the avoidance of doubt a Metering System for which the Supplier is treated as Registrant pursuant to Section K7.1.3(a)(ii);

(d) references to a paragraph shall be to a paragraph of this Annex S-1;

(e) the acronyms employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions shall bear the respective meanings set out in Annex X-2;

(f) the subscripts and summations used in the formulae shall bear the respective meanings set out in Annex X-2; and

(g) references to the Menu of Supplier Charges are to paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Annex S-1.

1.2.2 For the purposes of this Annex S-1:

(a) "Applicable Settlement Period" means, in relation to any month, a Settlement Period in respect of which the relevant Volume Allocation Run for Supplier Volume Allocation is carried out in that month;

(b) "Applicable Settlement Day" means, in relation to any month, a Settlement Day in respect of which the relevant Volume Allocation Run for Supplier Volume Allocation is carried out in that month.

1.3 Acknowledgement by Parties

1.3.1 Each of the Parties acknowledges and confirms that each of the charges set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges represents a genuine pre-estimate of the loss likely to be suffered by other Parties as a result of a failure by a Supplier to meet the applicable Performance Level and is reasonable in all the circumstances.

1.3.2 Each of the Parties further acknowledges and confirms that the charges set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges constitute the sole remedy of a Party in respect of any claim for damages for any losses arising from any failure by a Supplier to meet the applicable Performance Level or Serial.

1.3.3 Nothing contained in this paragraph 1.3 shall be construed so as to limit a Party’s ability to seek any other form of remedy (such as specific performance or injunctive relief) in respect of a Supplier’s failure to meet a Performance Level or Serial, subject to Section C.


2.1 Compliance with performance levels

2.1.1 Each Supplier shall, without prejudice to its other obligations pursuant to Section S and elsewhere, comply with the Performance Levels set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges.

2.1.2 Each Supplier acknowledges that the Performance Levels represent the minimum requirements to be achieved.

2.1.3 In the Menu of Supplier Charges compliance with the Performance Levels set out in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.5 (both inclusive) shall be measured separately by reference to each GSP Group and not by reference to all GSP Groups.

2.2 Energy and Metering Systems on Annual Advances and Actual Readings at Each Volume Allocation Run - Serial SP08

2.2.1 In relation to each GSP Group, the percentage of total energy attributable to a Supplier in respect of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems settled on the basis of Annualised Advances for each Settlement Day shall be not less than the percentage set out in the table below against the applicable Volume Allocation Run:

Volume Allocation Run

Performance Level

Initial Volume Allocation Run


First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Second Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Third Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


2.2.2 For the purpose of paragraph 2.2.1:

(a) the percentage of total energy attributable to a Supplier settled on the basis of Annualised Advances shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:-

(AHZAHZ+EHZ) size 12{ left ( { { size 10{A rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} }} over { size 12{ size 10{A rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} }+E rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} } } } right )} {} x 100


AHZ means ΣN(AA) Σj (CiNj + CLOSSiNj); and

EHZ means ΣN(EAC) Σj (CiNj + CLOSSiNj);

(b) the following summations shall bear the following respective meanings:

ΣN(AA) means summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) that are associated with Annualised Advances. For the avoidance of doubt, values associated with Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering Systems shall be added to those values associated with all other Consumption Component Classes; and

ΣN(EAC) means summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) that are associated with Estimated Annual Consumptions and are not associated with Unmetered Supplies. For the avoidance of doubt, values associated with Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering Systems shall be added to those values associated with all other Consumption Component Classes;

(c) the relevant values shall be those included in the relevant run of Settlement.

2.2.3 The Performance Levels set out in the table in paragraph 2.2.1 are referred to elsewhere in this Annex S-1 as Serial SP08a.

2.2.4 In relation to each GSP Group and in respect of Half Hourly Metering Systems which are 100kW Metering Systems for which the Supplier is responsible, the Supplier shall ensure that (in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure) in respect of each month, actual (rather than estimated) values in respect of not less than 99 per cent. of total energy attributable to that Supplier relating to such Metering Systems for the aggregate of the Applicable Settlement Periods are provided by its Half Hourly Data Aggregator to the SVAA in time for each Supplier Volume Allocation Run.

2.2.5 For the purposes of paragraph 2.2.4:

(a) the percentage of total energy attributable to a Supplier represented by actual values in respect of any month shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:-

(AHZAHZ + EHZ) size 12{ left ( { { size 10{A rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} }} over { size 12{ size 10{A rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} }" + E" rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} } } } right )} {} x 100


AHZ means Σmd ΣN(HHA) Σj (CiNj + CLOSSiNj); and

EHZ means Σmd ΣN(HHE) Σj (CiNj + CLOSSiNj);

(b) the following summations shall bear the following respective meanings:-

Σmd means summed over all Applicable Settlement Days;

ΣN(HHA) means summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) that are associated with actual values and with half hourly data aggregation in relation to Metering Systems which are 100kW Metering Systems save those Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering System(s);

ΣN(HHE) means summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) that are associated with estimated values and with half hourly data aggregation in relation to Metering Systems which are 100kW Metering Systems save those Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering System(s);

(c) the relevant values shall be those included in the relevant Volume Allocation Run.

2.2.6 In calculating the Performance Levels set out in paragraph 2.2.4, no account shall be taken of any Metering System which is at the relevant time de-energised for the purposes of BSC Procedure BSCP502, unless a consumption value has in fact been provided to the SVAA for the relevant Volume Allocation Run.

2.2.7 The Performance Levels set out in paragraph 2.2.4 are referred to elsewhere in this Annex S-1 as Serial SP08b.

2.2.8 In relation to each GSP Group and in respect of Half Hourly Metering Systems for which a Supplier is responsible which are identified as not being 100kW Metering Systems, the Supplier shall ensure that (in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure) in respect of each month actual (rather than estimated) values in respect of:

(a) except to the extent set out in paragraph 2.2.8(b), not less than 99 per cent; or

(b) subject always to paragraph 2.2.8A, in respect of Metering Systems that are comprised in Measurement Class "F" and "G", not less than 90 per cent,

of the total energy attributable to that Supplier relating to such Metering Systems for the aggregate of the applicable Settlement Periods are provided by its Half Hourly Data Aggregator to the SVAA in time for the relevant First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run and any subsequent Reconciliation Volume Allocation Runs.

2.2.8A Paragraph 2.2.8(b) shall:

(a) only apply to the relevant First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run and shall not apply to any subsequent Reconciliation Volume Allocation Runs (for which the Performance Level shall be not less than 99 per cent as set out in paragraph 2.2.8(a)); and

(b) cease to have effect from and including the Settlement Day that falls on 1st January 2020.

2.2.9 For the purpose of paragraph 2.2.8:

(a) the percentage of total energy attributable to a Supplier represented by actual values in respect of any month shall be calculated in accordance with the following formula:

(AHZAHZ + EHZ) size 12{ left ( { { size 10{A rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} }} over { size 12{ size 10{A rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} }" + E" rSub { size 8{"HZ"}} } } } right )} {} x 100


AHZ means Σmd ΣN(HHA) Σj (CiNj + CLOSSiNj); and

EHZ means Σmd ΣN(HHE) Σj (CiNj + CLOSSiNj);

(b) the following summations shall bear the following respective meanings:-

Σmd means summed over all Applicable Settlement Days;

ΣN(HHA) means summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) that are associated with actual values and with half hourly data aggregation in relation to Metering Systems which are not 100kW Metering Systems save those Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering System(s);

ΣN(HHE) means summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) that are associated with estimated values and with half hourly data aggregation in relation to Metering Systems which are not 100kW Metering Systems save those Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering System(s);

(c) the relevant values shall be those included in the relevant Volume Allocation Run.

2.2.10 In calculating the Performance Levels set out in paragraph 2.2.8, no account shall be taken of any Metering System which is at the relevant time de-energised for the purposes of BSC Procedure BSCP502, unless a consumption value has in fact been provided to the SVAA for the relevant Volume Allocation Run in respect of that Metering System.

2.2.11 The Performance Levels set out in paragraph 2.2.8 are referred to elsewhere in this Annex S-1 as Serial SP08c.

2.3 Use of Default Values of Estimated Annual Consumption - Serial SP09

2.3.1 In relation to each GSP Group and in respect of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems for which the Supplier is responsible, the Supplier shall ensure that the number of such Non Half Hourly Metering Systems (whether metered Metering Systems or Metering Systems for Unmetered Supplies) that are settled on the basis of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems or Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems, as the case may be, expressed as a percentage of the total number of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems (both metered Metering Systems and Metering Systems for Unmetered Supplies) for which the Supplier is responsible, shall be no greater than the values set out in the table below against the applicable Volume Allocation Run, provided that this paragraph 2.3.1 shall not apply where the total number of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems for which the Supplier is responsible is less than one thousand.

Volume Allocation Run

Performance Level

Initial Volume Allocation Run


First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Second Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Third Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


2.3.2 In relation to each GSP Group and in respect of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems for which the Supplier is responsible, the number of such Non Half Hourly Metering Systems (whether metered Metering Systems or Metering Systems for Unmetered Supplies) that are settled on the basis of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems or Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems, as the case may be, shall be no greater than the values set out in the table below against the applicable Volume Allocation Run provided that this paragraph 2.3.2 shall not apply where the total number of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems for which the Supplier is responsible is one thousand or more.

Volume Allocation Run

Performance Level

(number of Metering Systems)

Initial Volume Allocation Run


First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Second Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Third Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


2.3.3 The Performance Levels set out in this paragraph 2.3 are referred to elsewhere in this Menu of Supplier Charges as Serial SP09.

2.4 Not Used

2.5 Reporting by Suppliers - Serial SP02

2.5.1 A Supplier shall update, or procure the updating of, its Performance Monitoring Log in respect of each GSP Group in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure, by not later than 20 Business Days after the end of each month and shall make such updated logs available promptly on request from time to time to the Performance Assurance Board or as it may direct.

2.5.2 The Performance Level set out in paragraphs 2.5.1 and is referred to elsewhere in this Annex S-1 as Serial SP02.


3.1 Application of Charges

3.1.1 This paragraph 3 will have effect in determining the charges payable by a Supplier in respect of any failure to comply with the Performance Levels including the maximum amount payable by a Supplier under paragraph 3.7.

3.1.2 The arrangements for payment, collection and distribution of the charges are set out in paragraph 4 of this Annex S-1.

3.1.3 The charges specified in this paragraph 3 are cumulative and not mutually exclusive one of the other.

3.2 Failure to Comply with Serial SP08a

3.2.1 A Supplier who fails to comply with Serial SP08a shall be liable to the charge set out in the table below against the relevant item in Serial SP08a:

Item in Serial SP08a (as referred to in the table in paragraph 2.2.1)

Amount per Chargeable MWh

Initial Volume Allocation Run

No Charge

First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run

No Charge

Second Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run

No Charge

Third Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


3.2.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.2.1, the Chargeable MWh for a Supplier shall be calculated in respect of a GSP Group for any month for each Settlement Day (if any) in relation to which the relevant Volume Allocation Run was carried out in that month, in respect of which there has been a failure to comply with Serial SP08a, in accordance with the following formula:

SCMWh = NHHEA x p100 size 12{ { { size 10{p}} over {"100"} } } {}


SCMWh is the Chargeable MWh attributable to that Supplier for the relevant Settlement Day in respect of the relevant GSP Group;

NHHEA is the sum of AHZ and EHZ (expressed in MWh) attributable to that Supplier in respect of such GSP Group for such Settlement Day, as determined in accordance with paragraph 2.2.2; and

p is the number of percentage points by which the Performance Level in Serial SP08a was not met by that Supplier in such GSP Group in respect of such Settlement Day, rounded to 1 decimal place.

3.3 Failure to Comply with Serial SP08b

3.3.1 A Supplier who fails to comply with Serial SP08b shall be liable to the charge set out in the table below:-

Item in Serial SP08b (as referred to in paragraph 2.2.4)

Amount per Chargeable MWh

Initial Volume Allocation Run


First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Second Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Third Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


3.3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.3.1, the Chargeable MWh for a Supplier shall be calculated in respect of a GSP Group for any month in respect of which there has been a failure to comply with Serial SP08b in accordance with the following formula:

SCMWh = HHEA x p100 size 12{ { { size 10{p}} over { size 10{"100"}} } } {}


SCMWh is the Chargeable MWh attributable to that Supplier for all Applicable Settlement Periods in respect of the relevant GSP Group;

HHEA is the sum of AHZ and EHZ (expressed in MWh) attributable to that Supplier for such month in respect of the relevant GSP Group for the relevant month, as determined in accordance with paragraph 2.2.5; and

p is the number of percentage points by which the relevant Performance Level in Serial SP08b was not met by the Supplier in such GSP Group in respect of such month, rounded to 2 decimal places.

3.4 Failure to Comply with Serial SP08c

3.4.1 A Supplier who fails to comply with Serial SP08c shall be liable to a charge set out in the table below:-

Item in Serial SP08c (as referred to in paragraph 2.2.8)

Amount per Chargeable MWh

First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Second Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Third Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run


3.4.2 For the purposes of paragraph 3.4.1, the Chargeable MWh for a Supplier shall be calculated in respect of a GSP Group for any month in respect of which there has been a failure to comply with Serial SP08c, in accordance with the following formula:

SCMWh = HHEA x p100 size 12{ { { size 10{p}} over { size 10{"100"}} } } {}


SCMWh is the Chargeable MWh attributable to that Supplier for all Applicable Settlement Periods in the relevant month in respect of the relevant GSP Group;

HHEA is the sum of AHZ and EHZ (expressed in MWh) attributable to that Supplier in respect of the relevant GSP Group for the relevant month, as determined in accordance with paragraph 2.2.9; and

p is the number of percentage points by which the Performance Level in Serial SP08c was not met by the Supplier in such GSP Group in respect of such month, rounded to the nearest 2 decimal places.

3.5 Not Used 3.6 Failure to Comply with Serial SP02

3.6.1 A Supplier who fails to comply with:

Serial SP02 shall be liable to a charge of £25.50 per business day in respect of each Performance Monitoring Log which is not maintained in accordance with the time limits and in the manner specified in Serial SP02.

3.7 Charge Cap

3.7.1 A Supplier’s liability to pay charges in respect of any month in respect of a GSP Group (after taking account of its share of such charges receivable pursuant to paragraph 4.1.13) shall in no circumstances exceed the Supplier’s Monthly Cap.

3.7.2 A Supplier’s Monthly Cap for any month in respect of a GSP Group shall be calculated by the Performance Assurance Board on or before the end of the next succeeding month (on the basis of the then latest available Volume Allocation Run) according to the following formula:

SC=GSPMCx(SCTGSPDT) size 12{ size 10{S rSub { size 8{C} } `=`"GSP" rSub { size 8{"MC"} } `x` left ( size 12{ { {"SCT"} over { size 12{"GSP" rSub { size 8{"DT"} } } } } } right )}} {}


Sc means the Supplier’s Monthly Cap for the relevant month;

GSPMC means the GSP Group liability cap for the relevant month, calculated in accordance with paragraph 3.7.3;

SCT means the total quantity of active import energy attributable to that Supplier determined as the sum of Supplier Cap Take for that Supplier in the relevant GSP Group across all Settlement Periods in the relevant month; and

GSPDT means the total quantity of active import energy attributable to all Suppliers determined as the sum of Supplier Cap Take for all Suppliers in the relevant GSP Group across all Settlement Periods for the relevant month.

3.7.3 The GSP Group liability cap in respect of a GSP Group for any month shall be calculated by the Performance Assurance Board on or before 30th April in each year (in each case, on the basis of the then latest available Volume Allocation Run) according to the following formula:-

GSPMC = £1,275,000 x (GSPAGSPAS) size 12{ left ( { { size 10{"GSP" rSub { size 8{A} } }} over { size 12{"GSP" rSub { size 8{"AS"} } } } } right )} {}


GSPMC means the GSP Group liability cap for the relevant month;

GSPA means the total quantity of energy (rounded to the nearest two decimal places) attributable to all Suppliers determined as the GSP Group Take in that GSP Group across all Settlement Periods in the 12 month period ending on the immediately preceding 31st March, as determined by the Performance Assurance Board on the basis of information provided by the SVAA; and

GSPAS means the total quantity of energy (rounded to the nearest two decimal places) attributable to all Suppliers determined as the sum of all GSP Group Takes for all GSP Groups across all Settlement Periods in the 12 month period ending on the immediately preceding 31st March, as determined by the Performance Assurance Board on the basis of information provided by the SVAA.

3.7.4 The Performance Assurance Board shall, in its discretion, establish reasonable transitional arrangements (by reference to information available to it from the CDCA) for determining the quantity of energy attributable to all Suppliers for the purposes of paragraph 3.7.3 in relation to any 12 month period for which information as to the GSP Group Take is not available in respect of each month in that period.

3.8 Adjustment to Charges and Caps

3.8.1 The charges specified in paragraphs 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.1 and 3.6.1 and the figure of £1,275,000 in paragraph 3.7.3 (for the purposes of this paragraph 3.8 in each case described as the "Base Sum"), shall be calculated, in respect of each 12 month period beginning on 1st April, from and including 1st April, 2001, in accordance with the following formula:

adjusted Base Sum = Base Sum x (1+RPIP100) size 12{ left ( size 10{1+ { { size 10{"RPI" rSub { size 8{P} } }} over { size 12{"100"} } } } right )} {}

where RPIP is the percentage change (whether of a positive or negative value) in the Retail Price Index between that published in, or (as the case may be) the substitute index for, the third month before 1st April, 2000 and that published in, or the substitute index for, the third month before the anniversary from which the adjusted charges and the adjusted GSP Group liability cap are to take effect.

3.9 Timing of Commencement of Charges

3.9.1 The charges specified in this Annex S-1 except paragraph 3.6 shall apply in respect of months commencing on or after the Implementation Date of the Approved Modification pursuant to which this paragraph 3.9.1 was introduced.

3.9.2 The charges specified in paragraph 3.6 shall apply in respect of months (in respect of which Performance Monitoring Reports are to be delivered and Performance Monitoring Logs updated) commencing on or after the date two months after the Implementation Date of the Approved Modification pursuant to which this paragraph 3.9.2 was introduced.

3.10 Temporary Unavailability in Central Monitoring System

3.10.1 The provisions of this paragraph 3.10 shall apply where the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System is temporarily unavailable for whatever reason and, for the avoidance of doubt, a Supplier shall remain liable to pay charges in respect of which the Performance Assurance Board is, for the time being, unable to determine the payment of such charges due to the temporary unavailability of the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System.

3.10.2 Each of the Suppliers acknowledges and confirms that those charges specified in this paragraph 3 which cannot be separately determined by the Performance Assurance Board without the assistance of the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System shall not be payable in respect of a Supplier until such time as the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System is available in order to record data and determine the charges payable by Suppliers pursuant to the Menu of Supplier Charges (as determined by the Performance Assurance Board) provided that such charges shall nevertheless continue to accrue for the purposes of paragraph 3.10.3.

3.10.3 Once the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System is available (as determined by the Performance Assurance Board in accordance with paragraph 3.10.2), a Supplier shall be liable to pay charges in respect of its performance against those Serials in respect of which the Performance Assurance Board could not determine the payment of such charges without the assistance of the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System, for the period from the relevant date when such System became temporarily unavailable.

3.10.4 The charges referred to in paragraph 3.10.3 shall be calculated in accordance with the Menu of Supplier Charges (and shall have deemed due dates for payment) for the purposes of paragraph 4 as if such Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System had been available.


4.1 Supplier Charges - Collection and Recovery

4.1.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall determine whether a Supplier has failed to comply with any of the Serials and the associated charges payable.

4.1.2 Not Used

4.1.3 When making its determination pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1 of whether a Supplier has failed to comply with any of the Serials and the associated charges payable by the Supplier:

(a) the Performance Assurance Board shall compare the Supplier’s Net Liability for the relevant month (calculated as SNL below) with the Supplier’s Monthly Cap;

(b) if the Supplier’s Net Liability exceeds the Supplier’s Monthly Cap then the total charges payable by the Supplier in respect of the relevant month shall be calculated according to the following formula (instead of by general application of the Menu of Supplier Charges):-

Supplier’s charges = STGCx(SCSNL) size 12{ size 10{S rSub { size 8{"TGC"} } x left ( size 12{ { {S rSub { size 8{C} } } over { size 12{S rSub { size 8{"NL"} } } } } } right )}} {}


STGC is the total charges which would be payable by the Supplier for the relevant month under this paragraph 4 in respect of the relevant GSP Group before the application of this paragraph;

SC is the Supplier’s Monthly Cap for the relevant month (calculated pursuant to paragraph 3.8 of the Menu of Supplier Charges); and

SNL is the total charges which would be payable by the Supplier for the relevant month under this paragraph 4 in respect of the relevant GSP Group before the application of this paragraph 4.1.3, less any share of those charges payable by the Supplier which would otherwise be receivable by the Supplier pursuant to paragraph 4.1.13 before the application of this paragraph.

4.1.4 As soon as practicable following a determination pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1, the Performance Assurance Board shall notify each Supplier of the amount (if any) due from it pursuant to this paragraph in respect of any particular month in respect of failures to comply with any of the Serials and any such notice shall specify the GSP Group in relation to which the relevant amount is payable by a Supplier (where relevant).

4.1.5 Each Supplier shall pay the amount notified to it by the Performance Assurance Board in accordance with paragraph 4.1.4 within 15 days after the invoice date. Any such payment shall be made to the Performance Assurance Board (for distribution in accordance with paragraphs 4.1.13 and 4.1.14) in sterling in cleared funds in full without set-off or counterclaim (subject to paragraph 4.1.20), withholding or deduction of any kind whatsoever but without prejudice to any other remedy.

4.1.6 All charges under this paragraph 4.1 are exclusive of VAT which shall be added to such charges, if applicable.

4.1.7 In the event of any dispute regarding charges under this paragraph 4.1 in respect of any month, no Supplier may withhold payment of any invoiced amount.

4.1.8 For the purposes of this paragraph 4.1:

(a) if any amount due under this paragraph 4.1 is not received on the due date, the Supplier required to pay such amount shall pay interest to the Performance Assurance Board on such amount from and including the date of default to the date of actual payment (before as well as after judgment) at the Default Interest Rate from time to time during such period of default;

(b) if the Performance Assurance Board has to calculate any amount due under this paragraph 4.1 following the late receipt of a Performance Monitoring Report (in this paragraph, the “Relevant Report”), the Supplier required to pay such amount shall pay interest to the Performance Assurance Board on such amount for the period of default (before as well as after judgment) at the Default Interest Rate;

(c) if an amount due from a Supplier pursuant to this Annex S-1 in respect of a failure to comply with any of the Serials is subsequently recalculated or redetermined (whether as a result of a dispute or otherwise howsoever), interest shall be payable to the Performance Assurance Board by or for the account of the Supplier and/or the Trading Parties concerned on the difference between the original amount and the amount as so recalculated or redetermined from (and including) the first day of the month following that in respect of which the original charge was levied to (and including) the last day of the month immediately preceding that in which the amount is recalculated or redetermined (before as well as after judgment) at the Base Rate calculated for successive monthly periods and determined as at the first day of each such period;

and, for the purpose of calculating interest under paragraphs 4.1.8(a) and (b):

(i) the period of default shall be deemed to begin on the due date for delivery of the Relevant Report and shall be deemed to end on the due date for delivery of the next succeeding Performance Monitoring Report required to be delivered by that Supplier after receipt by the Performance Assurance Board of the Relevant Report (in this paragraph, the “Next Report”) (or, if the Relevant Report shall be the last report due from that Supplier, the date that would have been the due date for delivery of the Next Report); and

(ii) the Default Interest Rate shall be calculated as at the first day of each month for successive monthly periods beginning with the month in which the period of default is deemed to begin and ending with the month in which such period of default is deemed to end.

4.1.9 If the Performance Assurance Board is unable to calculate any amounts due under this paragraph 4.1 as a result of any temporary unavailability of the Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System, then the Supplier required to pay any such amounts shall pay interest to the Performance Assurance Board from and including the deemed due date for payment, calculated in accordance with paragraph 3.10 of the Menu of Supplier Charges, to the date of payment (before as well as after judgment) at the BSC Interest Rate from time to time during such period.

4.1.10 Any amount received by the Performance Assurance Board pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 shall be applied by the Performance Assurance Board (unless otherwise specified by the paying Supplier) in or towards payment of amounts payable by the Supplier in respect of the longest outstanding invoice and (where there is a shortfall in payment by a Supplier of any amounts specified in a single invoice in respect of different GSP Groups) according to the proportion which the individual amounts payable pursuant to the invoice bear to the total amount payable under that invoice.

4.1.11 Any amounts paid by a Supplier pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 shall be accounted for separately by the Performance Assurance Board by reference to the GSP Group in respect of which the relevant amounts have been collected or appropriated.

4.1.12 The Performance Assurance Board shall not be obliged to segregate any amounts received pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 into separate funds.

4.1.13 Each qualifying Supplier shall be entitled to receive its due proportion of amounts recoverable pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 and available for distribution in respect of a GSP Group and, for this purpose:-

(a) a "qualifying Supplier" is a Supplier who has at any time during the relevant month supplied any Customers in the relevant GSP Group who have Non Half Hourly Metering Systems;

(b) the due proportion relating to a qualifying Supplier is the amount (as near as may be) calculated by the Performance Assurance Board as that Supplier’s share of the total quantity of energy (after adjustment for Line Loss Factors) attributable to Non Half Hourly Metering Systems taken by all Suppliers in the GSP Group during the relevant month pursuant to the Code;

(c) the amount available for distribution in relation to a GSP Group in respect of a particular month is 90 per cent. of the total amount from time to time paid or due and payable from Suppliers pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 in relation to the relevant GSP Group in respect of that month, whether or not then paid; and

(d) the information as to total quantity of energy referred to in paragraph (b) shall be as provided by the SVAA based on the latest available run of Supplier Volume Allocation as at the time when the relevant calculation falls to be made.

4.1.14 Each qualifying Trading Party shall be entitled to receive a share of amounts recoverable pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 and available for distribution in respect of Trading Parties in the proportion to which a Trading Party’s Main Funding Share bears to the Main Funding Shares of all Trading Parties applicable in respect of the relevant month and, for this purpose:-

(a) a "qualifying Trading Party" is a Trading Party who was at any time during the relevant month a Trading Party; and

(b) the amount recoverable pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 and available for distribution to qualifying Trading Parties in respect of a particular month is 10 per cent. of the total amount from time to time paid or due and payable from Parties pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 in relation to the relevant GSP Group in respect of that month, whether or not then paid.

4.1.15 The Performance Assurance Board shall, by no later than the end of each month, calculate the amount (if any) payable to each qualifying Supplier and qualifying Trading Parties pursuant to paragraph 4.1.13 and paragraph 4.1.14 in respect of the relevant preceding month (or months) to which a Supplier’s Performance Monitoring Report relates and any earlier months.

4.1.16 The Performance Assurance Board shall, by no later than the end of each month, notify each qualifying Supplier and qualifying Trading Party of the amounts (if any) so recoverable by them and shall account to each qualifying Supplier and qualifying Trading Party on a monthly basis out of the funds received in respect of any particular GSP Group for the amounts so recoverable.

4.1.17 The Performance Assurance Board shall in no circumstances be obliged to account to a qualifying Supplier or qualifying Trading Party in an amount exceeding the available funds collected pursuant to this paragraph 4.1.

4.1.18 Any amounts paid by the Performance Assurance Board to a qualifying Supplier or qualifying Trading Party shall be deemed to be inclusive of any VAT, if applicable.

4.1.19 The provisions of this paragraph 4.1 shall give rise to rights and obligations as between Suppliers within the same GSP Group and as between qualifying Trading Parties generally and the relevant Supplier and, accordingly, the procedures for collection and payment of amounts by the Performance Assurance Board shall accordingly be without prejudice to the rights of any qualifying Supplier or qualifying Trading Parties to enforce its claim (to the extent not paid or otherwise satisfied) against any Supplier who fails to make payment on the due date.

4.1.20 For administrative convenience, the Performance Assurance Board shall be entitled at any time and from time to time to arrange for the payment and collection of amounts by, and for the payment and account of amounts to, Suppliers and Trading Parties (or particular ones of them) pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 to be made on a net basis (in which case such payments, collections and accounts with respect to, and as between, the Suppliers and Trading Parties in question shall be so made) but any such netting shall be without prejudice to paragraph 4.1.19.

4.1.21 The Performance Assurance Board may request BSCCo to arrange for the FAA or some other person nominated by it from time to time to carry out all or any of its functions pursuant to this paragraph 4.1 (save where the Performance Assurance Board is required to make a determination pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1 or paragraph 4.1.13(b)), in which case references to the Performance Assurance Board in this paragraph 4.1 are to be read as references to FAA or such other person so long as such delegation continues.

4.1.22 A Supplier may query the amounts notified to it pursuant to paragraph 4.1.16 within ten Business Days of receiving such notification in accordance with BSCP536.


Section S-1

Version 13.0

Effective Date: 23 February 2023

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


















P338 Fast Track Self-Governance








P272 v2.0








P288 Self Governance






























1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Annex S-2 forms a part of Section S.

1.1.2 This Annex S-2 sets out the basis upon which quantities of Active Energy associated with SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems are determined and allocated to Supplier BM Units and Suppliers and Secondary BM Units for the purposes of Settlement, including rules in respect of:

(a) Supplier Meter Registration Services;

(b) Half Hourly Data Collection and Aggregation;

(c) Non Half Hourly Data Collection and Aggregation;

(d) Supplier Volume Allocation Standing Data;

(e) Supplier Volume Allocation Periodic Data;

(f) Reconciliation Allocation Data Input;

(g) Daily Profile Coefficients;

(h) Half Hourly Metering System Consumption;

(i) Non Half Hourly Metering System Consumption;

(j) GSP Group Correction;

(k) Adjustment of Supplier Deemed Takes;

(l) Determination of BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes and Secondary BM Unit Demand Volumes;

(m) Reallocation Volumes;

(n) Volume Allocation Runs; and

(o) Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volumes.

1.1.3 This Annex S-2 also sets out the basis upon which quantities of Active Energy associated with SVA Metering Systems are determined and allocated to Supplier BM Units and Suppliers for other purposes, including rules in respect of:

(a) Half Hourly Data Aggregation;

(b) Half Hourly Metering System Consumption;

(c) determination of aggregated Non-Final Demand Metering System Metered Consumption; and

(d) determination of Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 In this Annex S-2:

(a) references to Metering Systems are to SVA Metering Systems, except where they are Asset Metering Systems, (and references to Metering System Numbers and Asset Metering System Numbers shall be construed accordingly);

(b) references to paragraphs are to paragraphs of this Annex S-2,

unless otherwise expressly stated.


2.1 Provision of data

2.1.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that, in respect of each of the Metering Systems for which it is responsible, data is supplied to the SMRA pursuant to this paragraph 2 by itself and/or its agents which is complete and accurate in all material respects, valid and timely.

2.1.2 Each SMRA shall use its reasonable endeavours to procure the provision to it by the SVAA of such data as are specified in BSCP501 as being provided to such SMRA by the SVAA together with the Settlement Days from which such data are to be effective from the SVAA.

2.1.3 The SVAA shall notify the data referred to in paragraph 2.1.2 promptly to the SMRA in accordance with BSCP508 and the SMRA shall ensure that processes are put in place which are designed to ensure that such data is input promptly into its Supplier Meter Registration Service system.

2.1.4 Each SMRA shall make and maintain arrangements with those Distribution System Operators whose Distribution Systems have a connected Metering System for which Metering System the SMRA is required to store information in its Supplier Meter Registration Service system.

2.1.5 The purpose of the arrangements referred to in paragraph 2.1.4 shall be to provide for the transfer of such data as are specified in BSCP501 as being provided by the Distribution System Operators to such SMRA in respect of each such Metering System.

2.1.6 Distribution System Operators shall notify such data promptly to such SMRA and such SMRA shall ensure that processes are put in place which are designed to ensure that such data are promptly input into its Supplier Meter Registration Service system in accordance with BSCP501.

2.1.7 Each SMRA shall make and maintain arrangements with all those Suppliers who are responsible for Metering Systems, details of which are required to be maintained by the SMRA in its Supplier Meter Registration Service system.

2.1.8 The purpose of the arrangements referred to in paragraph 2.1.7 shall be to provide for the transfer of such data as are specified in BSCP501 as being provided by such Supplier to such SMRA together with the Settlement Days on which such data are to be effective from each such Supplier and in respect of each such Metering System.

2.1.9 Each such Supplier shall notify such data promptly to such SMRA and such SMRA shall ensure that processes are put in place which are designed to ensure that such data are input promptly into the Supplier Meter Registration Service system.

2.1.10 Each SMRA shall ensure that processes are put in place which are designed to ensure that the data received by it pursuant to this paragraph 2 are validated and complete in accordance with BSCP501 and that the SMRS identifies the Supplier that is (pursuant to the REC) responsible for each Metering System for which such SMRA has a requirement to store information in its Supplier Meter Registration Service system.

2.1.11 Each Supplier shall ensure that all data sent by it pursuant to this paragraph 2 are valid and complete.

2.1.12 Each SMRA shall:

(a) supply such data as are specified in BSCP501 as being provided by such SMRA to a Data Aggregator, together with the Settlement Days on which such data are to be effective, from such SMRA’s Supplier Meter Registration Service system to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator on initial allocation of such data, on any change of such data and on request from the relevant Data Aggregator;

(b) supply such data in respect of each Metering System for which such SMRA is required to store information in its Supplier Meter Registration Service system and for which such Half Hourly Data Aggregator or Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator, as the case may be, is responsible.

2.1.13 In respect of each Metering System for which a SMRA is required to store information in its Supplier Meter Registration Service system, the SMRA shall supply to the persons specified in BSCP501 (together with the Settlement Days on which such data are to be effective) such data as are specified in BSCP501 in the following circumstances:

(a) on the change of Supplier; and

(b) on deactivation of the registration of such Metering System in CSS.

2.1.14 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each BM Unit for which such data is received the SAA shall send to the SVAA the Replacement Reserve Bid Data in respect of each Quarter Hour period within each Replacement Reserve Auction Period within such Settlement Day.


3.1 Supplier’s responsibility for the collection and aggregation of half hourly data

3.1.1 Subject to paragraph 3.1.2, each Supplier shall ensure that aggregated consumption figures for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day are made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 3, in respect of all of such Supplier’s Metering Systems which are subject to half hourly metering and Unmetered Supplies subject to Equivalent Metering.

3.1.2 If:

(a) a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy through a SVA Metering System and such Export Active Energy is allocated between two or more Suppliers, and/or

(b) a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy through a SVA Metering System and such Import Active Energy is allocated between two or more Suppliers,

each such Supplier shall ensure that aggregated consumption figures for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 3 in respect of all of such Supplier’s Metering System Numbers associated with Metering Systems which are subject to half hourly metering.

3.1.3 Each Supplier shall ensure that all the aggregated consumption figures which it is required to make available to the SVAA pursuant to paragraphs 3.1.1 or 3.1.2 shall be collected, processed and aggregated in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 3.

3.1A Responsibility for the collection of half hourly data for Asset Metering Systems

3.1A.1 Each Virtual Lead Party and Supplier shall ensure that consumption figures for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day are made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 3, in respect of all Asset Metering Systems that such Virtual Lead Party or Supplier is the Registrant of.

3.2 Metered Data

3.2.1 In this "Metered Data" shall mean only Metered Data in respect of

(a) Metering Systems or Asset Metering Systems subject to half hourly metering collected by:

(i) automatic/remote means; or

(ii) site meter reading; and

(b) Unmetered Supplies subject to Equivalent Metering.

3.2.2 Data relating to Unmetered Supplies subject to Equivalent Metering shall be collected pursuant to BSCP520 and processed in the same way as other metered half hourly data.

3.3 Half Hourly Data Collection

3.3.1 Paragraph 3.3.2 and paragraph 3.3.2A shall apply in respect of each Metering System subject to half hourly metering and each Unmetered Supply subject to Equivalent Metering (other than a Metering System through which a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy or a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy and such Export Active Energy or Import Active Energy (as the case may be) is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s), in which case the provisions of paragraph 3.3.4 shall apply).

3.3.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Collectors shall in respect of such Supplier’s Metering Systems and Unmetered Supplies subject to Equivalent Metering (other than those to which the provisions of paragraph 3.3.4 apply) for which such Half Hourly Data Collector is responsible:

(a) collect the Metered Data in accordance with BSCP502 or, as the case may be, BSCP520;

(b) check the Metered Data and provide reports in accordance with BSCP502 or, as the case may be, BSCP520;

(c) enter the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption (SMRCZaKJj) into the relevant data collection system;

(d) update standing data entries provided by the relevant Supplier or, as the case may be, the SVAA, and update the Meter Technical Details (in accordance with BSCP502) to take account of new or revised information as provided by the relevant Meter Operator Agent;

(e) save in the case of an Unmetered Supply subject to Equivalent Metering, carry out meter advance reading and reconcile the actual meter advance with synthesised meter advance derived from the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption input to the relevant data collection system;

(f) process the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption and provide the resulting Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption (SMMCZaKj) to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregators; and

(g) provide the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption report to the relevant Supplier and the relevant Distribution System Operator.

3.3.2A Each Virtual Lead Party and Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Collectors shall in respect of such Asset Metering Systems for which such Half Hourly Data Collector is responsible:

(a) collect the Metered Data in accordance with BSCP603

(b) check the Metered Data and provide reports in accordance with BSCP603

(c) enter the Asset Meter Register Consumption (AMRCKJj) into the relevant data collection system;

(d) update standing data entries and update the Meter Technical Details (in accordance with BSCP603) to take account of new or revised information as provided by the relevant Meter Operator Agent;

(e) carry out meter advance reading and reconcile the actual meter advance with synthesised meter advance derived from the Asset Meter Register Consumption input to the relevant data collection system;

(f) process the Asset Meter Register Consumption in accordance with BSCP603 and provide the resulting Asset Metering System Metered Consumption (AMMCKj) to SVAA in accordance with BSCP603.

(g) provide the Asset Metering System Metered Consumption report to the relevant Virtual Lead Party or Supplier.

3.3.3 Paragraph 3.3.4 shall apply in respect only of each Metering System subject to half hourly metering through which:

(a) a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy and such Export Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s); or

(b) a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy and such Import Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s).

3.3.4 Where this paragraph 3.3.4 applies:

(a) the relevant Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) shall appoint the same Half Hourly Data Collector to be responsible for such Metering System;

(b) the Primary Supplier shall provide an initial Allocation Schedule in respect of such Metering System to such Half Hourly Data Collector and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) pursuant to BSCP550;

(c) the Primary Supplier shall provide any subsequent Allocation Schedules in respect of such Metering System to such Half Hourly Data Collector and to the associated Secondary Supplier(s) pursuant to BSCP550;

(d) each such Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) shall ensure that their Half Hourly Data Collector shall in respect of each such Metering System for which such Half Hourly Data Collector is responsible:

(i) collect the Metered Data in accordance with BSCP550;

(ii) check the Metered Data and provide reports in accordance with BSCP550;

(iii) enter the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption (SMRCZaKJj) into the relevant data collection system (where for such Metering System and such consumption the subscript "Z" shall denote both the Primary Supplier "Z1" and each associated Secondary Supplier "Zn" responsible for such Metering System; and the subscript "a" shall denote both the Primary Supplier's Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a1" (and, where Section K2.5.4(c)(ii) applies to the Primary Supplier, "a1.1") responsible for such Metering System and each associated Secondary Supplier's Half Hourly Data Aggregator "an" (and, where Section K2.5.4(c)(ii) applies to the Secondary Supplier, "an.1") responsible for such Metering System);

(iv) check for consistency of standing data entries provided by the Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) responsible for such Metering System, resolve inconsistencies with such Suppliers and, when consistent, update such standing data entries or, if such inconsistencies cannot be resolved pursuant to BSCP550, carry out the relevant default procedures in accordance with such BSC Procedure;

(v) update standing data entries provided by the SVAA; and update the Meter Technical Details to take account of new or revised information as provided by the relevant Meter Operator Agent;

(vi) carry out meter advance reading and reconcile the actual meter advance with synthesised meter advance derived from the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption input to the relevant data collection system;

(vii) process the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption (SMRCZaKJj) employing the Allocation Schedule in respect of such Metering System for the relevant Settlement Period and Settlement Day (but disregarding, in respect of such Settlement Period, any Allocation Schedule to the extent that it was submitted after Gate Closure for that Settlement Period) and provide the resulting Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumptions (SMMCZaKj) in respect of the Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregators;

(viii) provide the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption report (which, in the event of a dispute related to the Metered Data in respect of such Metering System, shall include the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption in respect of such Metering System and each Settlement Period of the relevant Settlement Day) in respect of the Primary Supplier to the Primary Supplier responsible for such Metering System and the relevant Distribution System Operator; and

(ix) provide the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption report (which, in the event of a dispute related to the Metered Data in respect of such Metering System, shall include the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption in respect of such Metering System and each Settlement Period of the relevant Settlement Day) in respect of each Secondary Supplier to the relevant Secondary Supplier responsible for such Metering System and the relevant Distribution System Operator.

3.3.5 For the avoidance of doubt, each Secondary Supplier shall be bound, for the purposes of the Code, by the Allocation Schedule submitted from time to time by the Primary Supplier in accordance with BSCP550 and no dispute may be raised under the Code as to the accuracy or completeness of an Allocation Schedule submitted in accordance with BSCP550 (but without prejudice to any rights which the Secondary Supplier(s) may have under any other agreement with the Primary Supplier in respect thereof).

3.4 Half Hourly Data Aggregation

3.4.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall in respect of such Supplier’s Metering Systems subject to half hourly metering and Unmetered Supplies subject to Equivalent Metering for which such Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and in respect of a particular Settlement Day:

(a) receive half hourly Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption from the relevant Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) undertake checks and provide reports in accordance with BSCP503;

(c) update standing data entries, notified by the SVAA to the Half Hourly Data Aggregator, to the relevant data aggregation system;

(d) update the Line Loss Factor data provided by BSCCo pursuant to BSCP128 and other data supplied by the SMRA to the Half Hourly Data Aggregator pursuant to BSCP501;

(e) aggregate the Metered Data in MWh in the relevant data aggregation system;

(f) provide either:

(i) Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) (SMCLHZaNj) and Supplier's Metered Consumption (SMCHZaNj) data in accordance with paragraphs 3.5.9 to 3.5.12; or

(ii) BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses) (BMMCLiaNj) and BM Unit's Metered Consumption (BMMCiaNj) data in accordance with paragraph 3.6

to the SVAA;

(g) provide data to the relevant Supplier in accordance with BSCP503; and

(h) where applicable provide to the SVAA the Allocated Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (ASMMCHZaNLKj).

3.5 Determination of Supplier’s Metered Consumption and/or Asset Meter Register Virtual Lead Party’s Consumption

3.5.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that the Supplier’s Meter Register Consumption (SMRCZaKJj) for each Settlement Register "J" within such Supplier's Metering System and Unmetered Supply subject to Equivalent Metering "K" for such Supplier "Z" and which is associated with a particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be collected by the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector.

3.5.1A In the case of an Asset Metering System, the Virtual Lead Party or Supplier that is the Registrant for such Asset Metering System shall ensure that the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector shall for each Settlement Period "j", ensure that the Asset Meter Register Consumption (AMRCKJj), for each Settlement Register "J", within such Asset Metering System "K", shall be collected by the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector.

3.5.2 In the case of a Metering System through which:

(a) a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy and such Export Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s), or

(b) a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy and such Import Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s).

the relevant Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) shall ensure that the Supplier's Meter Register Consumption shall be so collected and the subscripts "Z" and "a" shall be construed as set out in paragraph 3.3.4.

3.5.3 Save where paragraph 3.5.5 or 3.5.7 applies, each Supplier shall ensure that the Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (SMMCZaKj) for each such Supplier's Metering System and Unmetered Supply subject to Equivalent Metering "K" for such Supplier "Z" which is associated with a particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector according to the following formula and shall be provided to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator:


3.5.3A Each Virtual Lead Party and Supplier shall ensure that the Asset Metering System Metered Consumption (AMMCKj) for each Asset Metering System "K" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector according to the following formula and shall be provided to SVAA:


3.5.4 The provisions of paragraph 3.5.5 apply in the case of a Metering System:

(a) through which:

(i) a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy and such Export Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s); or

(ii) a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy and such Import Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s); and

(b) for which the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector appointed to be responsible for such Metering System has not identified or, if it has identified, has resolved, any inconsistencies in notifications from the Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) responsible for such Metering System pursuant to BSCP550; and

(c) for which the Primary Supplier has provided the relevant Allocation Schedule for the Settlement Period being processed to such Half Hourly Data Collector pursuant to such BSC Procedure and no later than Gate Closure for that Settlement Period.

3.5.5 In the case of a Metering System to which this paragraph applies, the Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) responsible for such Metering System shall ensure that the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector shall for each Settlement Period "j":

(a) determine the Shared Suppliers’ Metering System Metered Consumption (SHMMCZaKj) for such Metering System "K" according to the following formula:


where the subscripts "Z" and "a" shall be construed as set out in paragraph 3.3.4;

(b) determine the Primary Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (PSMMCZ1a1K1j) for such Primary Supplier "Z1" for the relevant Primary Metering System Number "K1" which is associated with such Metering System "K" and against which the particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a1" is appointed by the Primary Supplier to be responsible, employing the relevant Allocation Schedule associated with such Metering System and Settlement Day submitted in accordance with BSCP550 and no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period, as:

(i) if a percentage fraction is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed for the relevant Settlement Period, such percentage fraction of the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption; or

    1. if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of capped block for the relevant Settlement Period, the lesser of such amount and the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption; or

(iii) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Primary Supplier is identified as the fixed supplier, such amount of energy or, where such amount exceeds the Relevant Capacity Limit, the amount of energy determined for the equivalent Settlement Period in the preceding Settlement Day; or

(iv) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of multiple fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Primary Supplier is identified as a fixed supplier, the amount of energy allocated to the Primary Supplier or, where the total amount of energy specified in such Allocation Schedule for all Suppliers identified as fixed suppliers exceeds the Relevant Capacity Limit (in accordance with BSCP550), the amount of energy determined in respect of the Primary Supplier for the equivalent Settlement Period in the preceding Settlement Day; or

(v) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Primary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption exceeds the amount of energy allocated to the associated Secondary Supplier and, if no such excess, zero; or

    1. if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of multiple fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Primary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption exceeds the total amount of energy allocated to all the associated Secondary Suppliers and, if no such excess, zero;

(c) where applicable, determine the Primary Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (PSMMCZ1a1.1K1.1j) for such Primary Supplier "Z1" for the relevant Primary Metering System Number "K1.1" which is associated with such Metering System "K" and against which the particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a1.1" is appointed by the Primary Supplier to be responsible, employing the relevant Allocation Schedule associated with such Metering System and Settlement Day submitted in accordance with BSCP550 and no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period, as:

(i) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Primary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption falls short of the amount of energy allocated to the associated Secondary Supplier and, if no such shortfall, zero; or

(ii) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of multiple fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Primary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption falls short of the total amount of energy allocated to all the associated Secondary Suppliers and, if no such shortfall, zero;

(d) determine each Secondary Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (SSMMCZnanKnj) for such Secondary Supplier "Zn" for the relevant Secondary Metering System Number "Kn" which is associated with such Metering System "K" and against which the particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "an" is appointed by the Secondary Supplier to be responsible employing the relevant Allocation Schedule associated with such Metering System and Settlement Day submitted in accordance with BSCP550 and no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period, as:

(i) where paragraph (b)(i) or (b)(ii) above apply in respect of the Primary Supplier:

SSMMCZnanKnj = max ((SHMMCZaKj - PSMMCZ1a1K1j), 0);

where PSMMCZ1a1K1j is the Primary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption associated with such Metering System "K" determined pursuant to paragraph (b)(i) or (b)(ii) as applicable;

(ii) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Secondary Supplier is identified as the fixed supplier, such amount of energy or, where such amount exceeds the Relevant Capacity Limit, the amount of energy specified for the equivalent Settlement Period in the preceding Settlement Day; or

(iii) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of multiple fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Secondary Supplier is identified as a fixed supplier, the amount of energy allocated to the Secondary Supplier or, where the total amount of energy specified in such Allocation Schedule for all Suppliers identified as fixed suppliers exceeds, the amount of energy allocated to the Secondary Supplier for the equivalent Settlement Period in the preceding Settlement Day; or

(iv) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Secondary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption exceeds the amount of energy allocated to the Primary Supplier and, if no such excess, zero; or

(v) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of multiple fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Secondary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption exceeds the total amount of energy allocated to the Primary Supplier and all the other associated Secondary Suppliers and, if no such excess, zero;

(e) where applicable, determine each Secondary Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (SSMMCZnan.1Kn.1j) for such Secondary Supplier "Zn" for the relevant Secondary Metering System Number "Kn.1" which is associated with such Metering System "K" and against which the particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "an.1" is appointed by the Secondary Supplier to be responsible, employing the relevant Allocation Schedule associated with such Metering System and Settlement Day submitted in accordance with BSCP550 and no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period, as:

(i) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Secondary Supplier is identified as the variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption falls short of the amount of energy allocated to the Primary Supplier identified as the fixed supplier and, if no such shortfall, zero; or

(ii) if an amount of energy is specified in such Allocation Schedule to be employed by way of multiple fixed block for the relevant Settlement Period and the Secondary Supplier is identified as a variable supplier, the amount by which the Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption falls short of the total amount of energy allocated to the Primary Supplier and all other Secondary Suppliers identified as fixed suppliers and, if no such shortfall, zero;

(f) determine the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption (SMMCZaKj) in respect of the Primary Supplier as:

(i) where PSMMCZ1a1.1K1.1j has a non-zero value:

SMMCZaKj = PSMMCZ1a1.1K1.1j

(ii) otherwise:


and provide such Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by the Primary Supplier to be responsible for such Metering System against the related Primary Metering System Number where the values of "Z", "a" and "K" are those values applicable to such Primary Supplier, such Half Hourly Data Aggregator and such Primary Metering System Number respectively; and

(g) determine the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption (SMMCZaKj) in respect of each Secondary Supplier as:

(i) where SSMMCZnan.1Kn.1j has a non-zero value:

SMMCZaKj = SSMMCZnan.1Kn.1j

(ii) otherwise:


and provide such Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by the Secondary Supplier to be responsible for such Metering System against the related Secondary Metering System Number where the values of "Z", "a" and "K" are those values applicable to such Secondary Supplier, such Half Hourly Data Aggregator and such Secondary Metering System Number respectively.

3.5.6 Paragraph 3.5.7 applies:

(a) in the case of a Metering System through which:

(i) a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy and such Export Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s); or

(ii) a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy and such Import Active Energy is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s); and

(b) (in either case) either:

(i) the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector appointed to be responsible for such Metering System has identified and has not resolved inconsistencies in notifications from the Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) responsible for such Metering System pursuant to BSCP550; or

(ii) the Primary Supplier has not provided the relevant Allocation Schedule for the Settlement Period being processed to such Half Hourly Data Collector pursuant to BSCP550 and no later than Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period.

3.5.7 Where this paragraph 3.5.7 applies, the Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) responsible for such Metering System shall ensure that the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector shall take such actions as are specified in BSCP550 to be taken by such Half Hourly Data Collector in such circumstances.

3.5.8 The provisions of paragraphs 3.5.9 to 3.5.12 (inclusive) shall apply in the case of a GSP Group "H" where the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is not aggregating energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.6.

3.5.9 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Allocated Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (ASMMCHZaNLKj) by assigning a GSP Group "H", Line Loss Factor Class "L", and Consumption Component Class "N" to the Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption provided, pursuant to paragraph 3.5.3, 3.5.5 or, as the case may be, 3.5.7, by the Half Hourly Data Collector appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for the relevant Metering System "K" for the relevant Settlement Day.

3.5.10 For the purposes of paragraph 3.5.9 and any subsequent processing of Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption and data derived from such processing pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules the term "Metering System" shall be construed to include Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers as if such Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers represented physical metering systems.

3.5.11 Each Supplier shall ensure that the Supplier’s Metered Consumption (SMCHZaNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) within such Supplier "Z" for a particular GSP Group "H", Line Loss Factor Class "L" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:


3.5.12 Each Supplier shall ensure that, for each Supplier’s Metered Consumption (SMCHZaNLj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5.11, one or more values of Supplier’s Metered Consumption (Losses) (SMCLHZaNLj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses), within such Supplier "Z" for a particular GSP Group "H", Line Loss Factor Class "L" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:

SMCLHZaNLj = Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj – 1) * ASMMCHZaNLKj) / 1000

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of SMCLHZaNLj is to be determined.

3.6 Determination of BM Unit’s Metered Consumption

3.6.1 The provisions of paragraphs 3.6.2 to 3.6.5 (inclusive) shall apply in the case of a GSP Group "H" where the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is to aggregate energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with Section S6.

3.6.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Allocated BM Unit's Metering System Metered Consumption (ABMMMCiaNLKj) by assigning a BM Unit "i", Line Loss Factor Class "L", and Consumption Component Class "N" to the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption provided, pursuant to paragraph 3.5.3, 3.5.5 or, as the case may be, 3.5.7, by the Half Hourly Data Collector most recently appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for the relevant Metering System "K", where the BM Unit "i" shall be:

(a) the Additional BM Unit "i" notified by the Supplier to the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in accordance with Section S6.3 for the Metering System "K", provided that the notification was determined by the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in accordance with BSCP503 to be a valid notification; or

(b) if no such notification has been made, the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H" to which the Metering System "K" is assigned.

3.6.3 For the purposes of paragraph 3.6.2 and any subsequent processing of Allocated BM Unit's Metering System Metered Consumption and data derived from such processing pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules the term "Metering System" shall be construed to include Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers as if such Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers represented physical metering systems.

3.6.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that the BM Unit's Metered Consumption (BMMCiaNLj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) within each Supplier BM Unit "i" of such Supplier for a particular Line Loss Factor Class "L" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:


3.6.5 Each Supplier shall ensure that, for each BM Unit's Metered Consumption (BMMCiaNLj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 3.6.4, one or more values of BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses) (BMMCLiaNLj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses), within each Supplier BM Unit "i" of such Supplier for a particular Line Loss Factor Class "L" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:

BMMCLiaNLj = Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj – 1) * ABMMMCiaNLKj) / 1000

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of BMMCLiaNLj is to be determined.

3.7 Estimation of Demand Disconnection Volumes

3.7.1 The provisions of paragraph 3.7.2 shall only apply to Demand Control Impacted Settlement Periods.

3.7.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that, for each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period and each Half Hourly Metering System "K" impacted by a Demand Disconnection, the Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for that Metering System shall estimate the Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume (HDDKj) for each Settlement Period in accordance with the following formula and provides this to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator:

HDDKj = max (0, E – SMMCZaKj NBSVDZaKj)


E is an estimate of the metered data during the Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period in normal conditions calculated in accordance with BSCP502;

SMMCZaKj is the Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption during the Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period; and

NBSVDZaKj is the estimated Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume anticipated to have been delivered during the Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period

3.7.3 The provisions of paragraphs 3.7.4 to 3.7.7 (inclusive) shall only apply to Demand Control Impacted Settlement Periods and shall apply in the case of a GSP Group "H" where the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is not aggregating energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.6.

3.7.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Allocated Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume (ASDDHZaNLKj) by assigning a GSP Group "H", Line Loss Factor Class "L", and Consumption Component Class "N" to the Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume provided, pursuant to paragraph 3.7.2, by the Half Hourly Data Collector appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for the relevant Metering System "K" for the relevant Settlement Day.

3.7.5 For the purposes of paragraph 3.7.4 and any subsequent processing of Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume and data derived from such processing pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules the term "Metering System" shall be construed to include Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers as if such Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers represented physical metering systems.

3.7.6 Each Supplier shall ensure that the Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume (SDDHZaNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) within such Supplier "Z" for a particular GSP Group "H" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:


3.7.7 Each Supplier shall ensure that, for each Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume (SDDHZaNj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 3.7.6, one or more values of Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses) (SDDLHZaNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses), within such Supplier "Z" for a particular GSP Group "H" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:

SDDLHZaNj = Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj – 1) * ASDDHZaNLKj) / 1000

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of SDDLHZaNj is to be determined.

3.8 Estimation of BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volumes

3.8.1 The provisions of paragraphs 3.8.2 to 3.8.5 (inclusive) shall apply in the case of a GSP Group "H" where the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is to aggregate energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with Section S6, and shall only apply to Demand Control Impacted Settlement Periods.

3.8.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Allocated BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (ABDDiaNLKj) by assigning a BM Unit "i", Line Loss Factor Class "L", and Consumption Component Class "N" to the Supplier's Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volumes provided, pursuant to paragraph 3.7.2, by the Half Hourly Data Collector most recently appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for the relevant Metering System "K", where the BM Unit "i" shall be:

(a) the Additional BM Unit "i" notified by the Supplier to the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in accordance with Section S6.3 for the Metering System "K", provided that the notification was determined by the Half Hourly Data Aggregator in accordance with BSCP503 to be a valid notification; or

(b) if no such notification has been made, the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H" to which the Metering System "K" is assigned.

3.8.3 For the purposes of paragraph 3.8.2 and any subsequent processing of Allocated BM Unit's Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume and data derived from such processing pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules the term "Metering System" shall be construed to include Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers as if such Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers represented physical metering systems.

3.8.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that the BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (BMDDiaNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) within each Supplier BM Unit "i" of such Supplier for a particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:

BMDDiaNj = ΣNLK ABDDiaNLKj / 1000

3.8.5 Each Supplier shall ensure that, for each BM Unit's Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume (BMDDiaNj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 3.8.4, one or more values of BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses) (BMDDLiaNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses), within each Supplier BM Unit "i" of such Supplier for a particular Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" shall be determined by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator according to the following formula and shall be provided to the SVAA:

BMDDLiaNj = Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj – 1) * ABDDiaNLKj) / 1000

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of BMDDLiaNj is to be determined.

3.9 Determination of Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption

3.9.1 The provisions of paragraphs 3.9.2 to 3.9.3 (inclusive) shall apply in the case of a GSP Group "H" where the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is to provide energy values for each:

(a) relevant SVA Metering System in accordance with Section S10.5; or

(b) Metering System on the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register in accordance with paragraph 13; or

(c) SVA Metering System on the Metering System and Asset Metering System Register in accordance with Section S2.13.

3.9.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption (AVMMCHZaNLKji) by assigning a Supplier BM Unit "i", GSP Group "H", Consumption Component Class "N" and Line Loss Factor Class "L" to the Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption provided, pursuant to paragraph 3.5.3, 3.5.5 or, as the case may be, 3.5.7, by the Half Hourly Data Collector most recently appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for the relevant Metering System "K" and shall be provided to the SVAA.

3.9.2A SVAA shall determine the Allocated Asset Metering System Metered Consumption (AAVMMCHNLKj) by assigning a, GSP Group "H", Consumption Component Class "N" and Line Loss Factor Class "L" to the Asset Metering System Metered Consumption provided, pursuant to paragraph 3.5.3A by the Half Hourly Data Collector most recently appointed by such Virtual Lead Party to be responsible for the relevant Asset Metering System "K". The Consumption Component Class "N" and Line Loss Factor Class "L" will be assigned by SVAA according to BSCP602.

3.9.3 For the purposes of paragraph 3.9.2 and any subsequent processing of Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption and data derived from such processing pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules the term "Metering System" shall be construed to include Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers as if such Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers represented physical metering systems.

3.10 Determination of Metering System Delivered Volumes

3.10.1 The provisions of this paragraph 3.10 shall apply where:

    1. the relevant Party is to provide MSID Pair Delivered Volume (MPDVj) per MSID Pair and/or AMSID Pair Delivered Volume (AMPDV j) per AMSID Pair that is not identified as Inactive in accordance with Section S11; or

    1. the SVAA is to determine MSID Pair Delivered Volume (MPDVj) per MSID Pair and/or AMSID Pair Delivered Volume (AMPDVj) per MSID Pair in accordance with section 3.11.

3.10.1A For each value of AMPDVj provided by a Virtual Lead Party in accordance with Section S11 or determined by SVAA in accordance with paragraph 3.11.4, SVAA shall determine a value of MSID Pair Delivered Volume (MPDVj) adjusted to take account of losses between the AMSID Pair and Associated MSID Pairs.



LLFAMSID* is Line Loss Factor for a given Settlement Period in a given Settlement Day based on LLFC allocated to an AMSID Pair by SVAA.

LLFMSID* is a Line Loss Factor for a given Settlement Period in a given Settlement Day based on LLFC allocated to a MSID Pair.

3.10.1B For each Settlement Period and MSID Pair, SVAA shall determine the Total MSID Pair Delivered Volume (TMPDVj) in accordance with the formula


where ∑ is the summation of MSID Pair Delivered Volumes (MPDVj) calculated by SVAA in accordance with paragraph 3.10.1A, 3.11.2 or 3.11.6 and/or provided by Virtual Lead Parties in accordance with Section S11 for that Settlement Period and MSID Pair.

3.10.1C For values of MSID Pair Delivered Volume (MPDVj) provided by the NETSO in accordance with Section S11, the Total MSID Pair Delivered Volume (TMPDVj) shall be determined by SVAA as:


3.10.2 For each Settlement Period and for each relevant Metering System per Settlement Run, the SVAA shall determine the Total Metering System Delivered Volume (TQVMDKj) from the Total MSID Pair Delivered Volume (TMPDVj) relating to such MSID Pair and the Metering System Metered Consumption (VMMCHZaNLKji) for the relevant Metering Systems.

3.10.3 If TMPDVj is greater than or equal to zero the following formulae shall apply:

(a) for the Export MSID in the MSID Pair:


(b) for the Import MSID in the MSID Pair:


where QVMDExport is the value of TQVMDKj allocated to the Export MSID in accordance with paragraph (a), or zero if there is no Export MSID in the MSID Pair.

3.10.4 If TMPDVj is less than zero the following formulae shall apply:

(a) for the Import MSID in the MSID Pair, subject to (c):


(b) for the Export MSID in the MSID Pair:


where QVMDImport is the value of TQVMDKj allocated to the Import MSID in accordance with paragraph (a); and

(c) if TMPDV < –VMMCHZaNLKji and there is no Export MSID in the MSID Pair then for the Import MSID:


and the SVAA shall inform the relevant Party and BSCCo that the MSID Pair Delivered Volume could not be allocated to MSIDs.

3.10.4A For each Settlement Period and relevant Metering System, SVAA shall determine a value of Metering System Delivered Volume (QVMDKj) corresponding to each value of MPDVj that was calculated by SVAA in accordance with paragraph 3.10.1A, 3.11.2 or 3.11.6 and/or provided by Virtual Lead Parties in accordance with Section S11 for that Settlement Period and MSID Pair:


where ∑ is the summation of MSID Pair Delivered Volumes (MPDVj) calculated by SVAA in accordance with paragraph 3.10.1A and/or provided by Virtual Lead Parties in accordance with Section S11 for that Settlement Period and MSID Pair.

3.10.4B In relation to values of MSID Pair Delivered Volume (MPDVj) provided by the NETSO in accordance with Section S11, the Metering System Delivered Volume (QVMDKj) shall be determined by SVAA as:


3.10.5 For the purposes of paragraph 3.10.2 and any subsequent processing of Metering System Delivered Volumes and data derived from such processing pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules the term "Metering System" shall be construed to include Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers as if such Primary Metering System Numbers and Secondary Metering System Numbers represented physical metering systems.

3.11 Determination of MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes

3.11.1 The provisions of this paragraph 3.11 shall apply where the SAA has determined an Acceptance Volume in relation to a Secondary BM Unit, and/or the Lead Party has provided a Wholesale Market Activity Notification in relation to a Trading Secondary BM Unit, and shall not apply to MSID Pairs or AMSID Pairs that have been identified as Inactive.

3.11.2 The SVAA shall determine the MSID Pair Delivered Volume for each Baselined MSID Pair that is allocated to the Secondary BM Unit or is an Associated MSID Pair of an AMSID Pair allocated to the BM Unit, in accordance with the following formula:

MPDVj = (MBVKiLj - VBMMCi2aNLKji) – (MBVK'iLj - VBMMCi2aNLK'ji)

where K is the Import MSID within the MSID Pair, and K' is the Export MSID within the MSID Pair (where applicable).

3.11.3 The SVAA shall determine the Total AMSID Pair Delivered Volume (TAPDVj) for each Baselined AMSID Pair that is allocated to the Secondary BM Unit (other than for purposes of Asset Differencing) and is not identified as Inactive, in accordance with the following formula:


where K is the Import AMSID within the AMSID Pair, and K' is the Export AMSID within the AMSID Pair (where applicable).

3.11.4 For each value of Total AMSID Pair Delivered Volume determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.3, the SVAA shall determine a value of AMSID Pair Delivered Volume (AMPDVj) for each Associated MSID Pair of the AMSID Pair as follows:

(a) if the AMSID Pair has a single Associated MSID Pair:


(b) if the AMSID Pair has more than one Associated MSID Pair, and the values of MSID Pair Delivered Volume calculated for those Associated MSID Pairs in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 are either all positive or all negative:


where ∑ is the summation of MSID Pair Delivered Volumes (MPDVj) calculated by SVAA for each Associated MSID Pair in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2; or

(c) if the AMSID Pair has more than one Associated MSID Pair, and the values of MSID Pair Delivered Volume calculated for those Associated MSID Pairs in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 include both positive and negative values:

(i) for those Associated MSID Pairs for which the MSID Pair Delivered Volume and the Total AMSID Pair Delivered Volume either both have positive values or both have negative values:


where ∑ is the summation over those Associated MSID Pairs to which this paragraph 3.11.4(c)(i) applies; and

(ii) for those Associated MSID Pairs for which the MSID Pair Delivered Volume and the Total AMSID Pair Delivered Volume do not either both have positive values or both have negative values:

AMPDVj = 0

3.11.5 The SVAA shall determine the Net Differencing Delivered Volume (NDDVj) for each set of SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems that are related to each other for purposes of differencing in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1CA, in accordance with the following formula:


3.11.6 For each value of Net Differencing Delivered Volume determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.5, the SVAA shall determine a value of MSID Pair Delivered Volume (MPDVj) for each MSID Pair containing SVA Metering System(s) to which the Net Differencing Delivered Volume relates:

(a) if there is one such MSID Pair:


(b) if there is more than one such MSID Pair, and the values of MSID Pair Delivered Volume calculated for those MSID Pairs in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 are either all positive or all negative:

MPDVj = NDDVj * MPDVj * / ∑ MPDVj

where ∑ is the summation of MSID Pair Delivered Volumes (MPDVj) calculated by SVAA for each MSID Pair in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2; or

(c) if there is more than one such MSID Pair, and the values of MSID Pair Delivered Volume calculated for those MSID Pairs in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 include both positive and negative values:

(i) for those MSID Pairs for which the MSID Pair Delivered Volume and the Net Differencing Delivered Volume either both have positive values or both have negative values:

MPDVj = NDDVj * MPDVj * / ∑ MPDVj

where ∑ is the summation over those MSID Pairs to which this paragraph 3.11.6(c)(i) applies; and

(ii) for those MSID Pairs for which the MSID Pair Delivered Volume and the Net Differencing Delivered Volume do not either both have positive values or both have negative values:

MPDVj = 0

3.11A Calculate Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand

3.11A.1 For each Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption (AVMMCHZaNLKji) value for an Import Metering System “K” in an EMR MSID Declaration “D”, SVAA shall determine the Metering System Non-Chargeable Consumption (NCMCiNLKj) and Metering System Non-Chargeable Losses (NCMLiNLKj) for each Import Metering System K included in the Declaration and each Settlement Period j, as follows:


NCMLiNKj = NCMCi(vv)LKj * (LLFLj – 1)

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of NCMLiNKj is to be determined.

3.11A.2 For each EMR AMSID Declaration “D”, SVAA shall determine the Metering System Non-Chargeable Consumption (NCMCiNLKj) and Metering System Non-Chargeable Losses (NCMLiNLKj) for each Import Metering System K included in the Declaration and each Settlement Period j, as follows:

    1. Determine the AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Import (ADBPIDi) as follows:

ADBPIDi = ∑K (AVMMCHZaNLKji * LLFLj / 1000)

where ∑K denotes the summation over all Import Metering Systems “K” associated with the EMR AMSID Declaration “D”;

    1. Determine the AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Export (ADBPEDi) as follows:

ADBPEDi = ∑K (AVMMCHZaNLKji * LLFLj / 1000)

where ∑K denotes the summation over all Export Metering Systems “K” associated with the EMR AMSID Declaration “D”;

    1. Determine the AMSID Declaration Storage Import (ADSIDi) as follows:

ADSIDi = ∑K (AAVMMCHNLKj * LLFLj / 1000)

where ∑K denotes the summation over all Import Asset Metering Systems “K” associated with Storage in the EMR AMSID Declaration “D”;

    1. Determine the AMSID Declaration Storage Export (ADSEDi) as follows:

ADSEDi = ∑K (AAVMMCHNLKj * LLFLj / 1000)

where ∑K denotes the summation over all Export Asset Metering Systems “K” associated with Storage in the EMR AMSID Declaration “D”;

    1. Determine the AMSID Declaration Generation Import (ADGIDi) as follows:

ADGIDi = ∑K (AAVMMCHNLKj * LLFLj / 1000)

where ∑K denotes the summation over all Import Asset Metering Systems “K” associated with Licensed Generation in the EMR AMSID Declaration “D”;

    1. Determine the AMSID Declaration Generation Export (ADGEDi) as follows:

ADGEDi = ∑K (AAVMMCHNLKj * LLFLj / 1000)

where ∑K denotes the summation over all Export Asset Metering Systems “K” associated with Licensed Generation in the EMR AMSID Declaration “D”;

    1. In accordance with the On-Site Energy Allocation Methodology, determine the AMSID Declaration Non‑Chargeable Proportion (ADNCPDj), which is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive representing the proportion of Boundary Point Imports to the Import Metering Systems included in the EMR AMSID Declaration “D” that are deemed Non-Chargeable in that Settlement Period;

    2. For each Import MSID K included in the EMR AMSID Declaration, determine the Metering System Non-Chargeable Consumption (NCMCiNLKj) as follows:


    1. For each Import MSID K included in the Declaration, calculate the Metering System Non-Chargeable Losses (NCMLiNLKj) in accordance with the following formula:

NCMLiNLKj = NCMCi(vv)LKj * (LLFLj – 1)

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of NCMLiNKj is to be determined.

3.11A.3 The SVAA shall determine the Non-Chargeable Consumption (Non Losses) (NCCiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:


where Metering System Non-Chargeable Consumption (NCMCiNLKj) are determined pursuant to paragraphs 3.11.1 and 3.11.2(h).

3.11A.4 The SVAA shall determine the Non-Chargeable Consumption (Losses) (NCCLOSSiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:


where Metering System Non-Chargeable Losses (NCMLiNLKj) are determined pursuant to paragraphs 3.11.1 and 3.11.2(i).

3.11A.5 The SVAA shall determine the Non-Chargeable Corrected Component (NCCORCiNj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:

NCCORCiNj = (NCCiNj + NCCLOSSiNj) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

3.11A.6 The Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand (NCBMUDij) shall be determined by the SVAA by aggregating the Non-Chargeable Corrected Components (NCCORCiNj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" and Settlement Period "j":


3.12 On-Site Energy Allocation Methodology

3.12.1 The Panel shall establish, and have in force at all times thereafter, a document containing detailed requirements for estimating the proportion of Import for Metering Systems contained in an EMR AMSID Declaration that was used by Licensed Generation (including Licensed Storage) (the “On-Site Energy Allocation Methodology Document”).

3.12.2 The Panel may review the On-Site Energy Allocation Methodology Document from time to time, and make such revisions as it considers necessary.

3.13.3 BSCCo shall ensure that a copy of the On-Site Energy Allocation Methodology Document (as revised from time to time) is sent to each Party and the SVAA.


4.1 Supplier’s responsibilities

4.1.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that a Supplier Purchase Matrix for each Settlement Day is made available to the SVAA in respect of all of such Supplier’s metered Metering Systems which are not subject to half hourly metering and Unmetered Supplies not subject to Equivalent Metering.

4.1.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that, where a calculation or determination of a value is specified in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 4, its Non Half Hourly Data Collectors or, as the case may be, Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall make such calculation or, as the case may be, determination in respect of such Supplier's Metering Systems and associated data for which each such Non Half Hourly Data Collector or, as the case may be, Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible.

4.2 Metered Data

4.2.1 In this paragraph 4 "Metered Data" shall mean only Metered Data in respect of:

(a) metered Metering Systems collected by:

(i) automatic/remote means;

(ii) site meter reading; or

(iii) customer reading;

and which are not subject to half hourly metering;

(b) Unmetered Supplies not subject to Equivalent Metering; and

(c) (i) a Meter reading, in relation to a metered Metering System which is not subject to half hourly metering, which is agreed between the old Supplier and the new Supplier in accordance with BSCP504 and is used for the Settlement Day of a change of Supplier; and

(ii) this paragraph 4.2.1(c) shall only apply to Settlement Days occurring on or after the Implementation Date of the Approved Modification that first introduced this paragraph 4.2.1(c).

4.2.2 Each Distribution System Operator shall, in respect of each Unmetered Supply not subject to Equivalent Metering connected to such Distribution System, provide the then current Estimated Annual Consumption data for each such Unmetered Supply to the relevant Supplier's Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System pursuant to BSCP520.

4.3 Non Half Hourly Data Collection

4.3.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Collectors shall in respect of each of the Supplier’s metered Metering Systems "K" for which such Non Half Hourly Data Collector is responsible and which are not subject to half hourly metering:

(a) collect the Metered Data in accordance with BSCP504;

(b) check the Metered Data and provide reports in accordance with BSCP504;

(c) enter the Metered Data in kWh into the relevant data collection system and calculate Meter Advance values;

(d) receive Daily Profile Coefficients and, from time to time, Period Profile Class Coefficients from the SVAA;

(e) investigate reports on inconsistencies in Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advance data provided by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators;

(f) update standing data entries, provided by the relevant Supplier or, as the case may be, by the SVAA, and Meter Technical Details, as provided by the relevant Meter Operator or, as the case may be, the Supplier (in accordance with BSCP504), to the relevant data collection system to take account of new information;

(g) determine Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) data and Annualised Advance (AAKR) data pursuant to this paragraph 4.3;

(h) provide the Annualised Advance data, their Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date, the Estimated Annual Consumption data and their Effective From Settlement Date, and Metering System details to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators;

(i) provide the validated Metered Data and Metering System reports to the relevant Supplier and the relevant Distribution System Operator; and

(j) from time to time receive the details of Metering System that have been subject to Demand Disconnection from Distribution System Operators.

4.3.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that for each metered Metering System "K" for which it is responsible, the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall calculate Meter Advance values (MADVKR) for each Settlement Register and, for this purpose, the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.8 (inclusive) shall apply, except in the cases where:

(a) such Non Half Hourly Data Collector is supplied with an initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) together with its Effective From Settlement Date for such Settlement Register (such date being the Settlement Day on which the event giving rise to the actions taken pursuant to this paragraph (a) occurs), which such Supplier undertakes to supply in the event that:

(i) the Profile Class "P" of such Metering System "K" changes, in which case the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.9 and 4.3.10 only shall apply;

(ii) such Metering System "K" is registered as a new metered Metering System (and for which a Meter Advance has not yet been calculated) in which case the provisions of paragraph 4.3.11 shall apply;

(iii) the physical meter for such metered Metering System "K" changes or, as the case may be, is reconfigured, in which case the provisions of paragraph 4.3.12 shall apply;

(b) such Non Half Hourly Data Collector is notified of a change of Supplier for such metered Metering System for which a Meter Advance Period as described in paragraphs 4.3.13 or 4.3.14 is available, in which case:

(i) if the metered Metering System "K" is not subject to half hourly metering on the Settlement Day of the change of Supplier, then the provisions of paragraph 4.3.13 shall apply; or

(ii) if the metered Metering System "K" is subject to half hourly metering on the Settlement Day of the change of Supplier, then the provisions of paragraph 4.3.14 shall apply;

(c) BSCP504 provides that such Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall and, in particular circumstances, may, calculate a Deemed Meter Advance, in which case:

(i) such Non Half Hourly Data Collector must comply with the provisions of BSCP504; and

(ii) the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.15 to 4.3.17 shall apply

provided that prior to calculating a Deemed Meter Advance the Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall, in all circumstances, make reasonable endeavours to calculate a Meter Advance including taking any steps specified in BSCP504.

(d) the Supplier treats or intends to treat a metered Metering System "K" as Long Term Vacant, in which case paragraphs 4.3.19 to 4.3.22 (inclusive) shall apply.

4.3.3 Each Supplier shall ensure that, for each Meter Advance (MADVKR), for each such Supplier's metered Metering System "K", the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall calculate the Fraction Of Yearly Consumption (FYCKR) for the Meter Advance Period for each Settlement Register according to the following formula:



ΣT DPCHPRT is the sum of the individual Daily Profile Coefficients appropriate to the GSP Group "H", Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" and Profile Class "P" applying to the Metering System on each Settlement Day in the Meter Advance Period as provided by the SVAA and provided pursuant to paragraph 6.8 or paragraph 5.1.7 as applicable; and

ΣT DDDPCHPKRT is the sum of the individual Demand Disconnection Daily Profile Coefficients appropriate to the GSP Group "H", Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" and Profile Class "P" applying to the Metering System "K" on each Settlement Day in the Meter Advance Period as calculated in paragraph 4.3.3A,

and the Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall recalculate the Fraction of Yearly Consumption upon receipt of any updated information in relation to any relevant Demand Disconnection Daily Profile Coefficients.

4.3.3A Each Supplier shall ensure that, in respect of each Settlement Day "T", each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Time Pattern Regime within Standard Settlement Configuration "R", the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for a Metering System "K" shall determine a Demand Disconnection Daily Profile Coefficient (DDDPCHPKRT) as:


where M­Kj shall be set to zero for any MSID notified under Section S9.3.1.

4.3.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that a value of Annualised Advance shall be determined from each Meter Advance by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for each such Supplier’s metered Metering System "K" for each Settlement Register within such Metering System according to the following formula:

if FYCKR ≠ 0 then:


where MADVKR is the Meter Advance obtained by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector for the same Meter Advance Period as employed in the determination of the Fraction of Yearly Consumption pursuant to paragraph 4.3.3;

but if FYCKR = 0 then

AAKR = 0

and the Effective From Settlement Date for each such value of Annualised Advance shall be the date of the first Settlement Day in the Meter Advance Period and the Effective To Settlement Date for each such value of Annualised Advance shall be the date of the last Settlement Day in the Meter Advance Period. Such values so determined shall replace any previous Annualised Advance, Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date determined for such Settlement Days.

4.3.5 NOT USED.

4.3.6 Each Supplier shall ensure that for each of its metered Metering Systems "K", a value for the Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) shall be determined by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System for each Settlement Register according to the formulae set out in paragraph 4.3.7.

4.3.7 For the purposes of this paragraph 4.3.7 the Previous Estimated Annual Consumption (PEACKR) shall be defined as the effective value of EACKR for each Settlement Day in the Meter Advance Period which applies before a new value is determined in accordance with this paragraph. An Annualised Advance Adjustment Factor (AAAFKR) and a new Estimated Annual Consumption shall be determined as follows using the value of Annualised Advance determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3.4:

(a) AAAFKR = max (0, min ((FYCKR * SPAR), 1.0)); and


where SPAR is the value of the Smoothing Parameter set from time to time by the Panel applicable on the last Settlement Day of the Meter Advance Period. The Effective From Settlement Date for each such value of Estimated Annual Consumption shall be the date of the Settlement Day following the last Settlement Day of the Meter Advance Period and shall replace any previous Estimated Annual Consumption effective on such Settlement Days.

4.3.8 Each Supplier shall ensure that for each of its metered Metering Systems "K" the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall provide the Annualised Advance and Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date, Estimated Annual Consumption and Effective From Settlement Date for each Settlement Register determined pursuant to paragraphs 4.3.4 and 4.3.7 to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System.

4.3.9 In the case where the Profile Class "P" of a metered Metering System "K" changes and the Settlement Day from which the change of Profile Class is effective does not fall in a Meter Advance Period, the Supplier responsible for such Metering System shall ensure that the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall for each Settlement Register provide (without adjustment) the initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption provided pursuant to paragraph 4.3.2(a) and its Effective From Settlement Date to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System. Such value shall on the Settlement Days it is effective replace the previous Estimated Annual Consumption effective on such Settlement Days. Once a Meter Advance has been calculated such that such change of Profile Class falls within such Meter Advance Period, the provisions of paragraph 4.3.10 shall apply to such Meter Advance.

4.3.10 In the case where the Profile Class "P" of a metered Metering System "K" changes and the date of the Settlement Day from which the new Profile Class takes effect falls in a Meter Advance Period, then the Supplier responsible for such Metering System shall ensure that the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall:

(a) determine the value of Annualised Advance for each Settlement Register pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 (inclusive);

(b) not determine a value of Estimated Annual Consumption for any Settlement Register within such Metering System "K" and shall not set such value of Estimated Annual Consumption to zero;

(c) provide the value of Annualised Advance so calculated together with its Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date and send unadjusted the initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption provided pursuant to paragraph 4.3.2(a) and its Effective From Settlement Date to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System.

4.3.11 In the case where a metered Metering System "K" is a new Metering System for which a Meter Advance has not yet been calculated the Supplier responsible for such Metering System shall ensure that the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall set the value of Estimated Annual Consumption to be equal to the value of initial Estimated Annual Consumption provided by such Supplier pursuant to paragraph 4.3.2(a) for each Settlement Register and that such Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall pass such value unadjusted to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System. The Effective From Settlement Date for such Estimated Annual Consumption shall be the Settlement Day on which such Metering System is first energised, as determined from data provided by the relevant SMRA by reference to its Supplier Meter Registration Service system. The Supplier shall ensure that the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall not determine a value of Annualised Advance for such Settlement Register and shall not set the value of Annualised Advance to zero until a Meter Advance has been calculated. Once a Meter Advance has been calculated for such new metered Metering System, the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.8 (inclusive) shall apply.

4.3.12 In the case where for a metered Metering System "K" the physical meter changes or, as the case may be, is reconfigured, concurrently with a change to the associated Standard Settlement Configuration "C" and there is a Meter Advance Period ending on the Settlement Day before the physical meter changes or, as the case may be, is reconfigured, the Supplier responsible for such Metering System shall ensure that the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall determine the values of Annualised Advance and Estimated Annual Consumption for each old Settlement Register pursuant to paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.7 (inclusive) and shall provide the Annualised Advance data together with its Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date for such old Settlement Register and, unadjusted, the initial Estimated Annual Consumption together with its Effective From Settlement Date provided by such Supplier pursuant to paragraph 4.3.2(a) for each new Settlement Register to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System. Such Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall not be obliged, however, to provide the Estimated Annual Consumption for the old Settlement Register determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3.7 to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System.

4.3.13 The provisions of this paragraph 4.3.13 shall apply in the case where there is a Meter Advance Period ending on the Settlement Day before there is a change of Supplier for a metered Metering System "K" and the metered Metering System "K" is not subject to half hourly metering on the Settlement Day of the change of Supplier. For this purpose a Meter Advance Period shall end, or as the case may be, shall be deemed to end on such Settlement Day before the change of Supplier in accordance with BSCP504. In this case:

(a) the old Supplier shall ensure that its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall:

(i) in accordance with BSCP504 and on request from the new Supplier’s Non Half Hourly Data Collector provide the Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register for such Metering System effective on such Settlement Day to the new Supplier's Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System;

(ii) determine the values of Annualised Advance and Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register for such Metering System pursuant to paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.7 (inclusive); and

(iii) provide the value of Annualised Advance for each Settlement Register together with its Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date determined pursuant to paragraph (ii) above, which values shall be attributable to the old Supplier, to the old Supplier's relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators responsible for such Metering System; and

(b) except where paragraph (c) applies, the new Supplier shall ensure that its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall:

(i) determine the values of Annualised Advance and Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register for such Metering System pursuant to paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.7 (inclusive) where the Previous Estimated Annual Consumption shall be that value provided by the old Supplier’s Non Half Hourly Data Collector pursuant to paragraph (a) above; and

(ii) provide the value of Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register together with its Effective From Settlement Date determined pursuant to paragraph (i) above, which values shall be attributable to the new Supplier, to such Supplier's relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators responsible for such Metering System; and

(c) if any of the circumstances in paragraph 4.3.13A apply, the new Supplier shall:

(i) in accordance with and in the circumstances set out in BSCP504, send an initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) for each Settlement Register for such Metering System effective on such Settlement Day to its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System; and

(ii) ensure that its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall provide the initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register together with its Effective From Settlement Date received pursuant to paragraph (i) above, which values shall be attributable to the new Supplier, to such Supplier's relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators responsible for such Metering System.

4.3.13A The circumstances referred to in paragraph 4.3.13(c) are that the quantity of energy in respect of the Metering System is recorded by, and available from, a Meter:

(a) serviced by the DCC; or

(b) which has been installed in compliance with the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications and the new Supplier and the old Supplier agree that the process in paragraph 4.3.13(c) shall apply.

4.3.14 The provisions of this paragraph 4.3.14 shall apply in the case where there is a Meter Advance Period ending on the Settlement Day before there is a change of Supplier for a metered Metering System "K", and the metered Metering System "K" is subject to half hourly metering on the Settlement Day of the change of Supplier. For this purpose a Meter Advance Period shall end, or as the case may be, shall be deemed to end on the Settlement Day before the change of Supplier in accordance with BSCP504. In this case, the old Supplier shall ensure that its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall:

(a) determine the values of Annualised Advance and Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register for such Metering System pursuant to paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.7 (inclusive); and

(b) provide the value of Annualised Advance for each Settlement Register together with its Effective From Settlement Date and Effective To Settlement Date determined pursuant to paragraph (a) above, which values shall be attributable to the old Supplier, to the old Supplier's relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators responsible for such Metering System.

4.3.15 Each Supplier shall ensure that for any metered Metering System "K" for which it is responsible and for which BSCP504 provides that a Deemed Meter Advance must or could be calculated for a Deemed Meter Advance Period such Deemed Meter Advance may (where BSCP504 provides that it may) and shall (where BSCP504 provides it must) be calculated for each Settlement Register in accordance with the following formulae:

(a) Where BSCP504 provides that the Deemed Meter Advance shall be calculated using an Estimated Annual Consumption:



ΣT DPCHPRT is the sum of the individual Daily Profile Coefficients appropriate to the GSP Group, Time Pattern Regime, Standard Settlement Configuration and Profile Class applying to the Metering System on each Settlement Day in the applicable Deemed Meter Advance Period as set out in BSCP504.

(b) Where BSCP504 provides that the Deemed Meter Advance shall be calculated using an Annualised Advance:



ΣT DPCHPRT is the sum of the individual Daily Profile Coefficients appropriate to the GSP Group, Time Pattern Regime, Standard Settlement Configuration and Profile Class applying to the Metering System on each Settlement Day in the applicable Deemed Meter Advance Period as set out in BSCP504.

4.3.16 Where a Deemed Meter Advance has been calculated, each Supplier responsible for a metered Metering System "K" shall ensure that the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Metering System shall:

(a) determine values of Annualised Advance and Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Register pursuant to paragraphs 4.3.3 to 4.3.7 (inclusive) using the value of Deemed Meter Advance determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3.15 in place of the value of Meter Advance and substituting the Meter Advance Period with the applicable Deemed Meter Advance Period as described in BSCP504; and

(b) provide the values of Annualised Advance and/or Estimated Annual Consumption and any further data required to be provided in accordance with BSCP504 to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Metering System.

4.3.17 Where a Meter Advance has been calculated in accordance with BSCP504 and this has resulted in a new value of Estimated Annual Consumption which is not consistent with the last valid Estimated Annual Consumption or Annualised Advance, as the case may be, then in the circumstances set out in BSCP504, paragraph 4.3.7(b) shall not apply and the Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall apply a value of Estimated Annual Consumption which is representative of the most likely rate of generation or demand for that Metering System or, where this is not available, a value of initial Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR). The Effective From Settlement Date of the value of Estimated Annual Consumption or initial Estimated Annual Consumption described above shall be the day following the end of the Meter Advance Period or Deemed Meter Advance Period, as the case may be.

4.3.18 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Collectors shall in respect of such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Collector is responsible and which are not subject to Equivalent Metering set the values of Estimated Annual Consumption to be those defined in the relevant Unmetered Supply Certificate and shall, in accordance with BSCP520, pass such value unadjusted to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator responsible for such Unmetered Supply together with the Effective From Settlement Dates of such Estimated Annual Consumption.

4.3.19 Subject to paragraph 4.3.21, each Supplier which treats or intends to treat a metered Metering System "K" for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall instruct (in the manner and form required by BSCP504), and ensure that, its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such metered Metering System "K" calculates a Metered Advance in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.3.2 or (where no relevant Metered Data is available) calculates a Deemed Metered Advance in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.15 to 4.3.16, and an Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) for each Settlement Register (calculated according to the formulae set out in paragraph 4.3.7), and thereafter for all future calculations replace the Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) with an Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) of zero value.

4.3.20 For the purposes of paragraph 4.3.19, the Effective From Settlement Date for the use of an Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) of zero value shall be the earlier of:

(a) the date of the first visit referred to in Section S2.8.3 (a) in respect of which the appropriate notification referred to in Section S2.8.3(b) was given to the Supplier that no access to the metered Metering System "K" had been obtained by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector; or

(b) if the Supplier receives notification from an owner and/or occupier of a property on which the metered Metering System "K" is situated that electricity is or will no longer be consumed on the property, the last date on which electricity is consumed on that property (which shall be treated for the purposes of this paragraph 4.3.20 as the "last consumption date"), provided that:

(i) Metered Data (as described in BSCP504) is also received for the last consumption date;

(ii) the last consumption date is within the applicable timescales specified in BSCP504; and

(iii) Section S2.8.2 does not apply and the Supplier has complied with any relevant requirement in BSCP504 relating to the treatment or entitlement to treat the metered Metering System K as Long Term Vacant.

4.3.21 Where the metered Metering System "K" is not or can no longer be treated as Long Term Vacant then the Supplier shall instruct (in the manner and form set out in BSCP504), and ensure that, its Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such metered Metering System "K" calculates a Metered Advance in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.3.2 or (where no relevant Metered Data is available) calculates a Deemed Meter Advance in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4.3.15 to 4.3.16, and an Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) for each Settlement Register (calculated according to the formulae set out in paragraph 4.3.7), and thereafter for future calculations replace the zero value Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) with any one of the following:

(a) an Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) calculated according to the formulae set out in paragraph 4.3.7; or

(b) an initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR); or

(c) an Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) which the Supplier reasonably believes is representative of the most likely rate of generation or demand for that metered Metering System "K",

4.3.22 For the purposes of paragraph 4.3.21, the Effective From Settlement Date for the replacement of the value of the Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) or initial value of Estimated Annual Consumption (EACKR) shall be:

(a) the day following that upon which the metered Metering System "K" is not or can no longer be treated as Long Term Vacant by reason of Section S2.8.2 (b), (c) and (d); or

(b) where the Suppler has failed to comply with requirements in BSCP504 or Section 2.8.5 and relevant Metered Data (as described in BSCP504) has not been obtained, the date of the last visit by the Non Half Hourly Data Collector which complies with the requirements of Section S2.8.5 (a) and (b).

4.4 Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation

4.4.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that in respect of each Settlement Day for which an Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run or a Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is being undertaken, each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall in respect of each of the Settlement Registers within such Supplier’s Metering Systems, including those Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies, for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and which are not subject to Equivalent Metering:

(a) receive Estimated Annual Consumption data together with their Effective From Settlement Dates and Annualised Advance data, together with their Effective From Settlement Dates and Effective To Settlement Dates and Metering System details provided by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collectors responsible for such Metering System and for each Settlement Register pursuant to paragraph 4.3;

(b) check the Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advance data provided by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector in accordance with BSCP505;

(c) enter the Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advance data as provided pursuant to paragraph (a) into the relevant data aggregation system;

(d) update standing data entries, including data provided by the SVAA and the relevant SMRA, to the relevant data aggregation system to take account of new information;

(e) aggregate annualised Consumption Data in MWh; and

(f) provide the aggregated annualised Consumption Data to the SVAA in the form of Supplier Purchase Matrices.

4.4.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall assign a GSP Group "H", Supplier "Z", Line Loss Factor Class "L", Profile Class "P" and valid combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" to each of such Supplier's Metering Systems for which it is responsible using the data held in the relevant Supplier Meter Registration Service system.

4.4.3 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall, in respect of the Settlement Day for which an Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is being undertaken and in respect only of such Supplier's Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Day, make the determinations set out in this paragraph 4.4 and, when appropriate, paragraph 4.5. For the purposes of such determinations, such Supplier shall ensure that the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall employ:

(a) the values of Annualised Advance effective for such Settlement Day which have:

(i) been received from any Non Half Hourly Data Collector currently or previously appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for such Metering System in respect of all, or any part of, the latest period for which such Supplier is responsible for such Metering System; and

(ii) which have the valid combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" for such Metering System for such Settlement Day according to the data held in the relevant Supplier Meter Registration System.

If there is more than one such value of Annualised Advance, only the value provided by such Non Half Hourly Data Collector with the latest appointment date on or prior to the date on the day on which the determinations in respect of such Settlement Day are being undertaken shall be employed. If a value of Annualised Advance has been identified pursuant to this paragraph (a), then for the purposes of the determinations in this paragraph 4.4, no other value of Annualised Advance or value of Estimated Annual Consumption shall be employed for such Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" for such Metering System for such Settlement Day;

(b) if such values of Annualised Advance are not available, the values of Estimated Annual Consumption effective for such Settlement Day which have:

(i) been received from any Non Half Hourly Data Collector currently or previously appointed by such Supplier to be responsible for such Metering System in respect of all or any part of the latest period for which such Supplier is responsible for such Metering System; and

(ii) the valid combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" for such Metering System for such Settlement Day according to the data held in the relevant Supplier Meter Registration System.

If there is more than one such value, only the value of Estimated Annual Consumption with the latest Effective From Settlement Date shall be employed or if there remains more than one such value, only the value provided by such Non Half Hourly Data Collector with the latest appointment date on or prior to the date on the day on which the determinations in respect of such Settlement Day are being undertaken shall be employed; or

(c) if no such value of Annualised Advance or Estimated Annual Consumption has been identified pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) respectively, then for the purposes of the determinations in this paragraph 4.4, there shall be deemed to be no value of Annualised Advance or Estimated Annual Consumption for such Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R" for such Metering System for such Settlement Day.

4.4.4 Such Supplier shall ensure that the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall in respect of each relevant Metering System and Settlement Day, employing the Annualised Advance or, as the case may be, Estimated Annual Consumption in respect of such Metering System and Settlement Day identified pursuant to paragraph 4.4.3:

(a) if such metered Metering System "K" has a value of Annualised Advance with an Effective From Settlement Date and an Effective To Settlement Date between or, as the case may be, on which such Settlement Day falls, and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (NMAHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 and 4.4.8 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.9 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(b) if such metered Metering System "K" has a value of Annualised Advance with an Effective From Settlement Date and an Effective To Settlement Date between or, as the case may be, on which such Settlement Day falls, and that value is not equal to zero for one or more Settlement Registers within the Metering System, and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (NMAHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 and 4.4.8 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.9 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(c) if such metered Metering System "K" does not have a value of Annualised Advance which is effective for such Settlement Day but does have an Estimated Annual Consumption which is effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (NMMEHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.9 and 4.4.10 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7, 4.4.8 and 4.4.11 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(d) if such metered Metering System "K" has no Annualised Advance or Estimated Annual Consumption effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metered Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring a Default Estimated Annual Consumption (NMMDEHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.11 and 4.4.15 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.10 (inclusive), 4.4.12 to 4.4.14 (inclusive) and 4.4.16 shall not apply to such Metering System;

(e) if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and has a valid Unmetered Supply Certificate effective on the Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Unmetered Supply as contributing towards the value of Number of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (NMUEHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.12 and 4.4.13 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.11 (inclusive) and 4.4.14 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Unmetered Supply;

(f) if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and does not have a valid Unmetered Supply Certificate effective on the Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, or if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and has an Annualised Advance effective for such Settlement Day, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Unmetered Supply as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (NMUDEHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraph 4.4.14 and 4.4.16 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.13 (inclusive) and 4.4.15 shall not apply to such Unmetered Supply;

(g) if such metered Metering System "K" has a value of Annualised Advance with an Effective From Settlement Date and an Effective To Settlement Date between or, as the case may be, on which such Settlement Day falls, and that value is equal to zero for all Settlement Registers within the Metering System, and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, not count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards any of the values set out in this paragraph 4.4.4 and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(h) if such metered Metering System "K" does not have a value of Annualised Advance which is effective for such Settlement Day but does have an Estimated Annual Consumption which is effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, not count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards any of the values set out in this paragraph 4.4.4 and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(i) if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and has a valid Unmetered Supply Certificate which is effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, not count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards any of the values set out in this paragraph 4.4.4 and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(j) if such metered Metering System "K" does not have a value of Annualised Advance or a value of Estimated Annual Consumption which is effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, not count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards any of the values set out in this paragraph 4.4.4 and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System; or

(k) if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and does not have a valid Unmetered Supply Certificate or an Annualised Advance effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, not count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards any of the values set out in this paragraph 4.4.4 and the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.7 to 4.4.16 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System.

4.4.5 Each Supplier shall ensure that its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall maintain the following data items for each Settlement Class within such Supplier for the Settlement Day for which an Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is being undertaken for which that Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible:

(a) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (NMAHZLPR);

(b) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (NMMEHZLPR);

(c) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (NMMDEHZLPR);

(d) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (NMUEHZLPR); and

(e) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (NMUDEHZLPR).

4.4.6 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall maintain the following values according to BSCP505 together with the date of the Settlement Day from which they shall be effective and the date, if any, of the last Settlement Day on which they will be effective:

(a) the value of the Threshold Parameter (TP) which shall be provided for the time being and from time to time by the SVAA and shall be as determined for the time being and from time to time by the Panel;

(b) the values of Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AFYCHPR) by Profile Class and valid combinations of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration within the GSP Group which shall be provided for the time being and from time to time by the SVAA; and

(c) the values of GSP Group Profile Class Default Estimated Annual Consumption (GGPCDEACHP) by GSP Group and Profile Class which shall be provided for the time being and from time to time by the SVAA.

4.4.7 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Initial Total Annualised Advance (ITAAHZLPR) and the Total Annualised Advances (TAAHZLPR) for such Supplier’s non half hourly metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formulae:



4.4.8 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMAHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which a value of Annualised Advance has contributed to the Total Annualised Advance in accordance with paragraph 4.4.7.

4.4.9 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Total Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems (MEHZLPR) for such Supplier's non half hourly metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formula:


4.4.10 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMMEHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which a value of Estimated Annual Consumption has contributed to the Total Estimated Annual Consumption (MEHZLPR) in accordance with paragraph 4.4.9.

4.4.11 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMMDEHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which there is no value of Estimated Annual Consumption and no value of Annualised Advance, and which therefore require a value of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems (DEMHZLPR) to be determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4.15.

4.4.12 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Value of Estimated Annual Consumption for Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems (UEHZLPR) for such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formula:


4.4.13 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMUEHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which there is a value of Estimated Annual Consumption.

4.4.14 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMUDEHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which there is no value of Estimated Annual Consumption, and which therefore require a value of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems (DEUHZLPR) to be determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4.16.

4.4.15 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems (DEMHZLPR) for such Supplier's metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and for which there is no value of Estimated Annual Consumption for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formulae:

if ( NMAHZLPR + NMMEHZLPR ) > TP then:


but in all other cases:


4.4.16 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems (DEUHZLPR) for such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and for which there is no Certificate of Supply for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formulae:

if NMUEHZLPR > TP then:


but in all other cases:


4.4.17 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the values of Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (TMEACHZLPR), Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (TMEACCHZLPR), Total Unmetered Consumption (TUEHZLPR) and Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption (TMUECHZLPR) for such Supplier's Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible according to the following formulae:





4.4.18 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine a Supplier Purchase Matrix (SPMHZaLPR) consisting of the following data for such Supplier's Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible in respect of each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z":

(a) Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (NMAHZLPR);

(b) Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (NMMDEHZLPR);

(c) Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (NMUDEHZLPR);

(d) Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (TMEACCHZLPR);

(e) Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption (TMUECHZLPR);

(f) Total Annualised Advance (TAAHZLPR);

(g) Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (TMEACHZLPR); and

(h) Total Unmetered Consumption (TUEHZLPR).

4.4.19 If a Supplier is notified in writing by a Licensed Distribution System Operator that it requires the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator to provide it with Estimated Annual Consumption data and Metering System details, each Supplier shall ensure that its relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall in accordance with BSCP505, provide the Estimated Annual Consumption data and Metering System details to each relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator in respect of Metering Systems located at Boundary Points on that Licensed Distribution System Operator’s Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s).

4.5 Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation of Demand Disconnection Events

4.5.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that in respect of each Settlement Day that was affected by a Demand Disconnection Event for which an Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run or a Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is being undertaken, each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall in respect of each of the Settlement Registers within such Supplier’s Metering Systems affected by a Demand Disconnection Event, including those Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies, for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and which are not subject to Equivalent Metering:

(a) aggregate annualised Consumption Data related to Metering Systems affected by a Demand Disconnection Event in MWh; and

(b) provide the aggregated annualised Consumption Data to the SVAA in the form of Supplier Disconnection Matrices.

4.5.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator excludes any MSIDs notified under Section S9.3.1 from the processes under this paragraph 4.5 for each relevant Settlement Period, as though that MSID was not affected by the Demand Disconnection Event in that Settlement Period.

4.5.3 Such Supplier shall ensure that the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall in respect of each relevant Metering System and Settlement Day that is affected by a Demand Disconnection Event pursuant to Section S9.1.2, employing the Annualised Advance or, as the case may be, Estimated Annual Consumption in respect of such Metering System and Settlement Day identified pursuant to paragraph 4.4.3:

(a) if such metered Metering System "K" has a value of Annualised Advance with an Effective From Settlement Date and an Effective To Settlement Date between or, as the case may be, on which such Settlement Day falls, and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) (NMADHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.5 and 4.5.6 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.7 to 4.5.12 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(b) if such metered Metering System "K" has a value of Annualised Advance with an Effective From Settlement Date and an Effective To Settlement Date between or, as the case may be, on which such Settlement Day falls, and that value is not equal to zero for one or more Settlement Registers within the Metering System, and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'de-energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) (NMADHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.5 and 4.5.6 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.7 to 4.5.12 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(c) if such metered Metering System "K" does not have a value of Annualised Advance which is effective for such Settlement Day but does have an Estimated Annual Consumption which is effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMMEDHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.7 and 4.5.8 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.5, 4.5.6 and 4.5.9 to 4.5.12 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(d) if such metered Metering System "K" has no Annualised Advance or Estimated Annual Consumption effective for such Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Metered Metering System as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring a Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMMDEDHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.9 and 4.4.15 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.5 to 4.5.8 (inclusive) and 4.5.10 to 4.5.12 (inclusive) shall not apply to such Metering System;

(e) if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and has a valid Unmetered Supply Certificate effective on the Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Unmetered Supply as contributing towards the value of Number of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMUEDHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.10 and 4.5.11 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.5 to 4.5.9 (inclusive) and 4.5.12 shall not apply to such Unmetered Supply; or

(f) if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and does not have a valid Unmetered Supply Certificate effective on the Settlement Day and the Metering System energisation status is determined to be 'energised' by reference to data provided by the relevant SMRA, or if such Metering System "K" is classified as an Unmetered Supply and has an Annualised Advance effective for such Settlement Day, count the number of Settlement Registers within such Unmetered Supply as contributing towards the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMUDEDHZLPR) and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.12 and 4.4.16 shall apply and the provisions of paragraphs 4.5.5 to 4.5.11 shall not apply to such Unmetered Supply.

4.5.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall maintain the following data items for each Settlement Class within such Supplier for the Settlement Day for which an Initial Volume Allocation Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is being undertaken for which that Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible:

(a) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) (NMADHZLPR);

(b) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMMEDHZLPR);

(c) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMMDEDHZLPR);

(d) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMUEDHZLPR); and

(e) the value of Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMUDEDHZLPR).

4.5.5 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Initial Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) (ITAADHZLPR) and the Total Annualised Advances (Disconnected) (TAADHZLPR) for such Supplier’s non half hourly metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formulae:



where such metered Metering Systems have a value of Annualised Advance with an Effective From Settlement Date on or before and an Effective To Settlement Date on or after a Settlement Day or Settlement Days that included Settlement Periods affected by a Demand Disconnection Event.

4.5.6 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMADHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which a value of Annualised Advance has contributed to the Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) in accordance with paragraph 4.5.5.

4.5.7 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Total Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems (Disconnected) (MEDHZLPR) for such Supplier's non half hourly metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formula:


where such metered Metering Systems have a value of Estimated Annual Consumption with an Effective From Settlement Date before or, as the case may be, on a Settlement Day that included Settlement Periods affected by a Demand Disconnection Event.

4.5.8 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMMEDHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which a value of Estimated Annual Consumption has contributed to the Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (MEDHZLPR) in accordance with paragraph 4.5.7.

4.5.9 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMMDEDHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's metered Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which there is no value of Estimated Annual Consumption and no value of Annualised Advance, and which therefore require a value of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems (DEMHZLPR) to be determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4.15.

4.5.10 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the Value of Estimated Annual Consumption for Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems (Disconnected) (UEDHZLPR) for such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" according to the following formula:


where such Metering Systems have a value of Estimated Annual Consumption with an Effective From Settlement Date on or before a Settlement Day that included Settlement Periods affected by a Demand Disconnection Event.

4.5.11 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMUEDHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which there is a value of Estimated Annual Consumption.

4.5.12 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the value of NMUDEDHZLPR for each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z" as equal to the number of such Supplier's Unmetered Supplies for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible for such Settlement Class for which there is no value of Estimated Annual Consumption, and which therefore require a value of Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems (DEUHZLPR) to be determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4.16.

4.5.13 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine the values of Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (TMEACDHZLPR), Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (TMEACCDHZLPR), Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected) (TUEDHZLPR) and Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected) (TMUECDHZLPR) for such Supplier's Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible according to the following formulae:





4.5.14 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall determine a Supplier Disconnection Matrix (SDMHZaLPR) consisting of the following data for such Supplier's Metering Systems for which such Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible in respect of each Settlement Class "HLPR" within such Supplier "Z":

(a) Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) (NMADHZLPR);

(b) Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMMDEDHZLPR);

(c) Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (NMUDEDHZLPR);

(d) Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (TMEACCDHZLPR);

(e) Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected) (TMUECDHZLPR);

(f) Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected) (TAADHZLPR);

(g) Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected) (TMEACDHZLPR); and

(h) Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected) (TUEDHZLPR).

The Supplier Disconnection Matrix should only be sent in relation to Metering Systems and for Settlement Days affected by a Demand Disconnection Event.


5.1 Supplier Volume Allocation Standing Data

5.1.1 Each Supplier shall from time to time notify such data items as are specified in BSCP509 as being provided by such Supplier to the SVAA, to the SVAA, and the SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that such data are input promptly into the Supplier Volume Allocation System.

5.1.2 Each Supplier shall supply such data as are specified in BSCP507 as being provided by such Supplier to the SVAA together with the dates of the first and, as the case may be, the last Settlement Days on which such data are to be effective to the SVAA, and the SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that such data are input promptly into the Supplier Volume Allocation System.

5.1.3 With the exception of Line Loss Factor data which shall be notified in accordance with BSCP128, each Distribution System Operator shall from time to time notify such data as are specified in BSCP507 and BSCP509 as being provided by such Distribution System Operator to the SVAA, to the SVAA, and the SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that such data are input promptly into the Supplier Volume Allocation System.

5.1.4 The SVAA shall procure the following data from the Profile Administrator (or from BSCCo where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services in accordance with Section C9) and the SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that such data are input promptly into the Supplier Volume Allocation System:

(a) Matrix Of Regression Coefficients - MRCQ(aa)(nn)j ;

(b) Group Average Annual Consumption - GAACHQ; and

(c) The identity of the Analysis Class "(aa)" relevant to each GSP Group and Settlement Day.

5.1.5 The SVAA shall procure such data as are specified in BSCP509 as being required by the SVAA and which data do not form part of the data specified in paragraphs 5.1.1 to 5.1.4 (inclusive), from a source or sources from time to time agreed by the Panel.

5.1.6 The SVAA shall procure the data specified in BSCP508 as being required by the SVAA and which data do not form part of the data specified in paragraphs 5.1.1 to 5.1.5 (inclusive), from a source or sources from time to time agreed by the Panel.

5.1.7 The SVAA shall:

(a) hold the Historical Daily Profile Coefficients provided to it in respect of each GSP Group and such Profile Classes, combinations of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration and Settlement Days in each case as shall be specified by the Panel; and

(b) notify such Historical Daily Profile Coefficients or, as the case may be, any subset of such Historical Daily Profile Coefficients, in each case as may from time to time be directed by the Panel, to each Non Half Hourly Data Collector.

5.1.8 The SVAA shall ensure the processes are put in place which ensure that details of:

(a) the Base BM Unit "i"; and

(b) any Additional BM Unit "i"

for each Supplier "Z" within each GSP Group "H" received from time to time from the CRA are input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System in accordance with BSCP509.

5.1.9 In respect of all data referred to in this paragraph 5.1 which a Party and BSC Agents are required to notify to the SVAA or which the SVAA is required to procure, the relevant Party or BSC Agents or, as the case may be, the SVAA, shall ensure:

(a) that all such data is complete and accurate in all material respects;

(b) that any change to all or any of such data is notified promptly to the SVAA; and

(c) any such changed data is consistent with all such data which has not been changed.

and the SVAA shall amend the data input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System to reflect any such changes notified to it.

5.1.10 References in the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules to standing data are to such standing data notified in respect of Supplier Volume Allocation for the time being and from time to time pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules.

5.1.11 The SVAA shall promptly notify all persons involved in Supplier Volume Allocation entitled to receive such data of amendments to standing data used in Supplier Volume Allocation.

5.1.12 The SVAA shall carry out, in accordance with BSCP508, the calculations set out in paragraphs 5.1.12 to 5.1.16 in respect of each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration Class and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" except for combinations of GSP Group "H", Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime "R" for which values of Alternative Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) have been notified to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP509.

5.1.13 The SVAA shall carry out the calculations in respect of each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration Class and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" using the Total Annualised Advance (TAAHZLPR) from the Supplier Purchase Matrix (SPMHZaLPR) for the latest Volume Allocation Run in respect of each Settlement Day over the Calculation Period, where the date range for the Calculation Period has been agreed by the Panel.

5.1.14 The SVAA shall calculate the GSP Group Profile Class Average Estimated Annual Consumption (GGPCAEACHPC) in respect of each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" over the Calculation Period as follows:

(a) determine the Time Pattern Regime Estimated Daily Consumption (TPREDCHPRT) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" in each GSP Group "H" for each Settlement Day "T" in the Calculation Period as follows:


where ΣHPRZL is the summation over all Suppliers and Line Loss Factor Classes for Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" in Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H";

(b) determine the Time Pattern Regime Average Estimated Annual Consumption (TPREACHPR) for each Profile Class "P", Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" in each GSP Group "H" as follows:


where ΣHPRT is the summation over all Settlement Days "T" contained within the Calculation Period for which one or more values of TAAHZLPR was determined for Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" in Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H"; and

(c) determine the GSP Group Profile Class Average Estimated Annual Consumption (GGPCAEACHPC) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" in each GSP Group "H" as follows:


where Days in Year is 365 or, where 29th February appears in the Calculation Period, 366;

DaysHPC is the number of Settlement Days in the Calculation Period for which one or more values of TPREACHPR were determined for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration Class "C" within GSP Group "H"; and

ΣHPCR is the summation over all Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combinations "R" valid for Standard Settlement Configuration "C" and Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H".

5.1.15 The SVAA shall calculate the GSP Group Profile Class Default Estimated Annual Consumption (GGPCDEAC) in respect of each Profile Class "P" within each GSP Group "H" for the Calculation Period as follows:

(a) determine the Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption (SSCEDCHPCT) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" in each GSP Group "H" for each Settlement Day "T" in the Calculation Period as follows:


where ΣHPCTR is the summation of all Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combinations "R" valid for Standard Settlement Configuration "C" in Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H" for Settlement Day "T";

(b) determine the Number of Metering Systems Contributing to the Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption (NMSSCEDCHPCT) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" in each GSP Group "H" for each Settlement Day "T" in the Calculation Period as follows:


where ΣHPCZL is the summation over all Suppliers and Line Loss Factor Classes for any one valid combination of Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime for Standard Settlement Configuration "C" and Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H";

(c) determine the Profile Class Estimated Daily Consumption (PCEDCHPT) for each Profile Class "P" within each GSP Group "H" for each Settlement Day "T" in the Calculation Period as follows:


where ΣHPTC is the summation over all Standard Settlement Configurations "C" for Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H" for Settlement Day "T"; and

(d) determine the GSP Group Profile Class Default Estimated Annual Consumption (GGPCDEACHP) for each Profile Class "P" within each GSP Group "H" as follows:


where DaysHP is the number of Settlement Days in the Calculation Period for which one or more values of TAAHZLPR was determined for Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H"; and

ΣHPT is the summation over all Settlement Days "T" for Profile Class "P" within GSP Group "H".

5.1.16 The SVAA shall calculate the Annual Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AFYCHPR) in respect of each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" within each GSP Group "H" as follows:

(a) calculate the Unadjusted Annual Fraction of Consumption (UAFYCHPR) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination "R" within each GSP Group "H" in accordance with the following formula:


(b) calculate an Annual Fraction of Yearly Consumption Adjustment (AFYCAHPC) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within GSP Group "H" in accordance with the following formula:


(c) for the Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration combination "R" that has the largest value of Unadjusted Annual Fraction of Consumption (UAFYCHPR) for each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H", calculate the Annual Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AFYCHPR) in accordance with the following formula:


(d) for each Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration combination "R" for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within GSP Group "H" other than that to which paragraph (c) applies, calculate the Annual Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AFYCHPR) in accordance with the following formula:


5.2 Supplier Volume Allocation Periodic Data

5.2.1 The SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that the GSP Group Take (GSPGTHj) data notified to it by the CDCA pursuant to Section R5.7 are promptly input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System.

5.2.2 The SVAA shall procure from the Temperature Provider the following data and the SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that such data are promptly input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System:

Grid Supply Point Group Measured Temperature - THT in degrees Fahrenheit;

where the set of THT in respect of GSP Group "H" and Settlement Day "D" are provided from weather stations at locations for the time being and from time to time agreed by the Panel.

5.2.3 The SVAA shall procure from the Teleswitch Agent the following data and the SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that such data are promptly input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System:

Teleswitch Contact Interval Data in respect of each Teleswitch Contact within each Teleswitch Group and in respect of the UTC Day then being processed.

5.2.4 The SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that the following data from time to time supplied to it pursuant to paragraphs 3.5, 3.6 and 4.4 are promptly input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System:

(a) Supplier's Metered Consumption - SMCHZaNLj;

(b) Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) - SMCLHZaNLj;

(c) BM Unit's Metered Consumption - BMMCiaNLj;

(d) BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses) - BMMCLiaNLj; and

(e) Supplier Purchase Matrix - SPMHZaLPR .

5.3 Reconciliation Allocation Data Input

5.3.1 For any Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run for a Settlement Day, each Supplier shall ensure that, in respect of data which are then currently available but which were not previously available for use in the immediately preceding Initial Volume Allocation Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, as the case may be:

(a) its Half Hourly Data Collectors for that Settlement Day shall provide Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption data to the appropriate Half Hourly Data Aggregators in respect of the relevant Metering Systems;

(b) its Non Half Hourly Data Collectors for that Settlement Day shall provide Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advance data to the appropriate Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators in respect of the relevant Metering Systems, replacing the Estimated Annual Consumptions with Annualised Advances for Metering Systems for which Metered Data is then currently available which was not previously available;

(c) its Half Hourly Data Aggregators for that Settlement Day shall provide the following data to the SVAA which data shall incorporate any revised data made available:

(i) in the case of a GSP Group "H" and a Half Hourly Data Aggregator where paragraph 3.6 applies (in accordance with paragraph 3.6.1), the BM Unit's Metered Consumption and BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses) data, pursuant to paragraph 3.6; and

(ii) in the case of a GSP Group "H" and a Half Hourly Data Aggregator where paragraph 3.6 does not apply, the Supplier's Metered Consumption and Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) data, pursuant to paragraph 3.5; and

(d) its Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators for that Settlement Day shall provide Supplier Purchase Matrix data to the SVAA which data shall incorporate any revised data made available.

5.3.2 The SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that the data from time to time supplied to it pursuant to paragraph 5.3.1 are promptly input into the Supplier Volume Allocation System.


6.1 Making of determinations

6.1.1 The determinations in this paragraph 6 shall be carried out by the SVAA in respect of Metering Systems and in respect of each Settlement Day for which it is required to make such determinations and which Settlement Day occurs on or after the Go-live Date.

6.1.2 The SVAA shall ensure that processes are put in place which ensure that values of Alternative Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) notified to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP509 are input promptly into the Supplier Volume Allocation System.

6.2 Derivation of Settlement Register switching times for each Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime

6.2.1 The SVAA shall identify each Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime which is associated with one or more Standard Settlement Configurations of which at least one of such Standard Settlement Configurations:

(a) defines a teleswitched metering configuration; and

(b) is assigned to a Teleswitch Group.

6.2.2 For the purpose of carrying out the processes set out in this paragraph 6.2 which require the use of Teleswitch Contact Interval Data, the SVAA shall employ those Teleswitch Contact Interval Data which:

(a) have been received by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 5.2.3; and

(b) are in respect of the UTC Days which start or end at spot times which fall within the Settlement Day then being processed.

6.2.3 If:

(a) the SVAA has not received Teleswitch Contact Interval Data pursuant to paragraph 5.2.3 in respect of one or more of the UTC Days identified pursuant to paragraph 6.2.2 by the time specified in BSCP508; or

(b) the SVAA has received the data specified in paragraph (a) by the time specified in BSCP508 but such data does not include Teleswitch Contact Interval Data in respect of each Teleswitch Group,

then the matters required to be determined under this paragraph 6.2 for the Settlement Day being processed shall be determined by reference to such default data as BSCP508 requires to be employed for such purpose.

6.2.4 In respect of each Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime identified pursuant to paragraph 6.2.1 within each Teleswitch Group, the SVAA shall employ the Teleswitch Register Rules and Teleswitch Contact Rules in respect of such Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime (which have been notified to the SVAA by each Supplier required to so notify pursuant to paragraph 5.1.1) to determine the set of Teleswitch Intervals associated with such Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime for the Settlement Day being processed as follows:

(a) by reference to the Teleswitch Contact Interval Data in respect of the Teleswitch Group being processed and the UTC Days identified pursuant to paragraph 6.2.2, the SVAA shall:

(i) determine the state of each of the Teleswitch Contacts associated with any such Teleswitch Contact Rule at the start of such Settlement Day; and

(ii) identify each following spot time of the Settlement Day at which any of such Teleswitch Contacts associated with any such Teleswitch Contact Rule change state;

(b) in respect of the spot time that is the start of Settlement Day and each spot time identified pursuant to paragraph (a), the SVAA shall, in chronological order of such spot times:

(i) determine whether each such Teleswitch Contact Rule is satisfied for the period (the "contact period") commencing with such spot time and ending at the earlier of the next following spot time identified pursuant to paragraph (a) and the end of such Settlement Day;

(ii) determine whether each such Teleswitch Register Rule is satisfied for the contact period commencing with such spot time by reference to the results of the determination pursuant to paragraph (i) for the associated Teleswitch Contact Rules;

(iii) (A) if any of such Teleswitch Register Rules is satisfied, determine that the Settlement Register associated with such Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime is recording metered consumption for the contact period; or

(B) if none of such Teleswitch Register Rules is satisfied, determine that the Settlement Register associated with such Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime is not recording metered consumption for the contact period;

(iv) if:

(A) the associated Settlement Register commences to record metered consumption at such spot time; or

(B) such spot time is the start of the Settlement Day and such Settlement Register is determined pursuant to this paragraph as recording metered consumption for the contact period commencing at such spot time,

determine that such spot time is an Unadjusted Interval Start Time but, in any other case, such spot time shall not be an Unadjusted Interval Start Time; and

(v) if:

(A) the associated Settlement Register ceases to record metered consumption at such spot time; or

(B) such spot time is the end of the Settlement Day and such Settlement Register is determined pursuant to this paragraph as recording metered consumption for the contact period ending at such spot time;

determine that such spot time is an Unadjusted Interval End Time but, in any other case, such spot time shall not be an Unadjusted Interval End Time; and

(c) the SVAA shall determine each Teleswitch Interval in such Settlement Day as a period starting at an Unadjusted Interval Start Time and ending at the next following Unadjusted Interval End Time.

6.3 Derivation of time pattern data

6.3.1 The SVAA shall carry out the process set out in this paragraph 6.3:

(a) for each Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime in respect of which Teleswitch Intervals have been determined pursuant to paragraph 6.2 in respect of such Settlement Day; and

(b) for each Time Pattern Regime in respect of which Clock Intervals have been received by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 5.1.1 and which apply in respect of the Settlement Day then being processed.

6.3.2 The SVAA shall update each Time Pattern Regime identified pursuant to paragraph 6.3.1 to take account of the associated Teleswitch Intervals or, as the case may be, Clock Intervals that apply in respect of the Settlement Day then being processed.

6.4 Rounding of Time Pattern data

6.4.1 In respect of each Standard Settlement Configuration, the SVAA shall calculate a set of Adjusted Intervals pursuant to this paragraph 6.4, where subscript "(ai)" refers to a particular Adjusted Interval, subscript "X" refers to a Time Pattern Regime and subscript "R" refers to the combination of such a Time Pattern Regime and such Standard Settlement Configuration. The determinations set out in paragraphs 6.4.2 to 6.4.11 (inclusive) shall be carried out by the SVAA in the sequential order set out in such paragraphs. The determinations set out in paragraphs 6.4.2 to 6.4.6 (inclusive) shall be carried out in respect of a Specimen Settlement Day related to the Settlement Day then being processed and, if required pursuant to such paragraphs, the next following Specimen Settlement Day related to the Settlement Day then being processed.

6.4.2 The SVAA shall:

(a) identify all Time Pattern Regimes associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration being processed;

(b) in respect of each such Time Pattern Regime determine each Unadjusted Interval Start Time (UISTX(ai)) as the time identified by reference to such Time Pattern Regime at which Settlement Registers associated with the Time Pattern Regime commence to record Metered Data and if such Settlement Registers are identified as recording Metered Data at the start of the Settlement Day, the start of the Settlement Day shall also be identified as an Unadjusted Interval Start Time;

(c) for each Unadjusted Interval Start Time determined in respect of a Time Pattern Regime pursuant to paragraph (b) determine an associated Unadjusted Interval End Time (UIETX(ai)) as the earlier of:

(i) the next following time, identified by reference to such Time Pattern Regime, at which the Settlement Registers associated with the Time Pattern Regime cease to record Metered Data; and

(ii) the end of the Settlement Day; and

(d) each such period beginning at an Unadjusted Interval Start Time and ending at its associated Unadjusted Interval End Time shall be known as an "Unadjusted Interval".

6.4.3 The SVAA shall identify each spot time of the Settlement Day at which an Unadjusted Interval Start Time or an Unadjusted Interval End Time occurs for one or more of the Time Pattern Regimes associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration being processed.

6.4.4 The SVAA shall in respect of each spot time identified pursuant to paragraph 6.4.3 carry out the determinations set out in this paragraph 6.4.4 save in the case where such spot time occurs at the start of a Settlement Period or, as the case may be, at the end of the Settlement Day being processed, in which case the provisions of paragraph 6.4.6 shall apply. The determinations set out in this paragraph 6.4.4 or, as the case may require, paragraph 6.4.6 shall be carried out for each such spot time in turn in chronological order of the occurrence of all such spot times associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration being processed. For the purposes of this paragraph 6.4.4 the Settlement Period within which the spot time under consideration falls shall be denoted as Settlement Period "J":

(a) the Rounded-Up Spot Time associated with the spot time under consideration shall be determined to be the spot time at the start of the next following Settlement Period "J+1";

(b) the Rounded-Down Spot Time associated with the spot time under consideration shall be determined as the start of the Settlement Period "J";

(c) the Unrounded Duration (UDX(ai)) of each Unadjusted Interval starting or ending at the spot time under consideration shall be determined as the time duration in minutes between its Unadjusted Interval Start Time and its associated Unadjusted Interval End Time. For the avoidance of doubt, the Unadjusted Interval End Time shall be later than the Unadjusted Interval Start Time, and this determination shall therefore result in a value of the Unrounded Duration which is a positive number of minutes;

(d) the Rounded-Up Duration (RUDR(ai)) of each Unadjusted Interval starting or ending at the spot time under consideration shall be determined as follows:

(i) if the Unadjusted Interval ends at such spot time, the Rounded-Up Duration of such Unadjusted Interval shall be the time duration in minutes between its associated Adjusted Interval Start Time as previously determined pursuant to this paragraph 6.4.4 and the Rounded-Up Spot Time associated with such spot time. In the case in which such Adjusted Interval Start Time is later in time than such Rounded-Up Spot Time the Rounded-Up Duration shall be a negative number of minutes and, in any other case, the Rounded-Up Duration shall be a positive number of minutes; or

(ii) if the Unadjusted Interval starts at such spot time, the Rounded-Up Duration of such Unadjusted Interval shall be the time duration in minutes between the Rounded-Up Spot Time associated with the spot time under consideration and the Interim Adjusted Interval End Time determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4.5. In the case in which such Rounded-Up Spot Time is later in time than such Interim Adjusted Interval End Time the Rounded-Up Duration shall be a negative number of minutes and, in any other case, the Rounded-Up Duration shall be a positive number of minutes;

(e) the Rounded-Down Duration (RDDR(ai)) of each Unadjusted Interval starting or ending at the spot time under consideration shall be determined as follows:

(i) if the Unadjusted Interval ends at such spot time, the Rounded-Down Duration of such Unadjusted Interval shall be the time duration in minutes between its associated Adjusted Interval Start Time as previously determined pursuant to this paragraph and the Rounded-Down Spot Time associated with such spot time. In the case in which such Adjusted Interval Start Time is later in time than such Rounded-Down Spot Time the Rounded-Down Duration shall be a negative number of minutes and, in any other case, the Rounded-Down Duration shall be a positive number of minutes; or

(ii) if the Unadjusted Interval starts at such spot time, the Rounded-Down Duration of such Unadjusted Interval shall be the time duration in minutes between the Rounded-Down Spot Time associated with the spot time under consideration and the Interim Adjusted Interval End Time determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4.5. In the case in which such Rounded-Down Spot Time is later in time than such Interim Adjusted Interval End Time the Rounded-Down Duration shall be a negative number of minutes and, in any other case, the Rounded-Down Duration shall be a positive number of minutes;

(f) for every Unadjusted Interval with an Unadjusted Interval Start Time or an Unadjusted Interval End Time which falls at such spot time, a corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time or, as the case may be, Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined as follows. For the purpose of making such determinations each of the following paragraphs (i) to (vii) (inclusive) shall be considered in the order set out below. In considering such paragraphs the first such paragraph encountered where the condition specified in such paragraph is satisfied for such spot time shall be employed in the determination of the Adjusted Interval Start Time or, as the case may be, Adjusted Interval End Time and all of the following such paragraphs shall be ignored:

(i) if the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RUDR(ai) < 0 is less than the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RDDR(ai) <0, then each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of the next following Settlement Period "J+1";

(ii) if the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RUDR(ai) < 0 is greater than the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RDDR(ai) < 0, then each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of Settlement Period "J";

(iii) if the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RUDR(ai) = 0 is less than the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RDDR(ai) = 0, then each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of the next following Settlement Period "J+1";

(iv) if the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RUDR(ai) = 0 is greater than the number of such Unadjusted Intervals for which RDDR(ai) = 0, then each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of Settlement Period "J";

(v) if Σ(ai) (RUDR(ai) - UDX(ai))2 < Σ(ai) (RDDR(ai) - UDX(ai))2

then each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of the next following Settlement Period "J+1";

(vi) if Σ(ai) (RUDR(ai) - UDX(ai))2 > Σ(ai) (RDDR(ai) - UDX(ai))2

then each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of Settlement Period "J"; or

(vii) in any other case, each corresponding Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be the start time of Settlement Period "J"; and

(g) if a determination set out in paragraph (f) above in respect of a spot time results in an Adjusted Interval End Time which falls at the same spot time as the associated Adjusted Interval Start Time falls, then such Adjusted Interval End Time shall be re-determined such that it falls at the start time of the next following Settlement Period and such re-determination shall be made before the next spot time identified pursuant to paragraph 6.4.3 is processed pursuant to this paragraph.

6.4.5 Where the SVAA is required pursuant to paragraph 6.4.4 to determine an Interim Adjusted Interval End Time in respect of an Unadjusted Interval, such Interim Adjusted Interval End Time (AIETX(ai)) shall be determined as follows:

(a) let the Settlement Period within which the relevant UIETX(ai) falls be identified as Settlement Period J1;

(b) if the duration of the period which begins at the start of Settlement Period J1 and ends at UIETX(ai) is less than half the Settlement Period Duration then the Interim Adjusted Interval End Time shall be set as the start time of Settlement Period J1; and

(c) if the duration of the period which begins at the start of Settlement Period J1 and ends at UIETX(ai) is equal to half the Settlement Period Duration and the start time of Settlement Period J1 is an exact hour then the Interim Adjusted Interval End Time shall be set as the start time of Settlement Period J1;

but in any other case the Interim Adjusted Interval End Time shall be set as the start time of the next following Settlement Period (J1+1).

6.4.6 The provisions of this paragraph 6.4.6 apply in the case where a spot time identified pursuant to paragraph 6.4.4 occurs at the start of a Settlement Period or, as the case may be, the end of the Settlement Day being processed. In such case then:

(a) for any Unadjusted Interval Start Time which occurs at such spot time its associated Adjusted Interval Start Time shall be determined to be that same spot time; and

(b) for any Unadjusted Interval End Time which occurs at such spot time its associated Adjusted Interval End Time shall be determined to be that same spot time.

6.4.7 If the Time Pattern Regime is classified as being in "local time" then the Adjusted Interval Start Times and Adjusted Interval End Times associated with such Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration determined pursuant to paragraphs 6.4.2 to 6.4.6 (inclusive) shall be construed as being in UK local time on such Settlement Day "D" or, as the case may be, the next following Settlement Day "D + 1". For the purposes of this paragraph 6.4.7 and paragraph 6.4.9 such next following Settlement Day "D + 1" is a Replica Settlement Day related to Settlement Day "D". The following provisions shall also apply if the Settlement Day "D" then being processed is a Settlement Day on which there is a Clock Change:

(a) if there is an additional (repeated) hour or hours in such Settlement Day "D" as compared with a related Specimen Settlement Day, then any Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time which would as a result of this operation occur at an hour spot time or, as the case may be, half hour spot time that occurs more than once in such Settlement Day shall be construed so that such Adjusted Interval Start Time or, as the case may be, Adjusted Interval End Time occurs at the first occurrence of the hour spot time or, as the case may be, half hour spot time in such Settlement Day "D"; or

(b) if there is an hour or hours fewer in such Settlement Day "D" as compared with a related Specimen Settlement Day, then each Adjusted Interval Start Time and Adjusted Interval End Time which would, if this operation were done in respect of such Specimen Settlement Day, occur at a spot time on such Specimen Settlement Day and which spot time does not exist on the Settlement Day "D", shall be adjusted so that it occurs at the first following spot time on such Settlement Day "D" which does exist.

6.4.8 If the Time Pattern Regime is classified as being in "GMT" as distinct from "local time" then the Adjusted Interval Start Times and Adjusted Interval End Times determined pursuant to paragraphs 6.4.2 to 6.4.6 (inclusive) shall be construed as being in Greenwich Mean Time. Such times shall then be converted to the corresponding UK local time on the Settlement Day "D" then being processed, taking due account of any Clock Change applying to UK local time on such Settlement Day "D". For the avoidance of doubt such adjustments may result in Adjusted Interval Start Times or Adjusted Interval End Times which fall in the next following Settlement Day "D + 1". For the purposes of this paragraph 6.4.8 and paragraph 6.4.9 such Settlement Day "D + 1" is a Replica Settlement Day related to Settlement Day "D".

6.4.9 If any Adjusted Interval Start Time or Adjusted Interval End Time determined pursuant to paragraphs 6.4.2 to 6.4.8 (inclusive) occurs at a spot time in Settlement Day "D+1", such Settlement Day being that next following the Settlement Day, "D", on which the associated Unadjusted Interval Start Time or, as the case may be, Unadjusted Interval End Time falls, such Adjusted Interval Start Time or, as the case may be, Adjusted Interval End Time shall be modified so that it occurs on Settlement Day "D" at the same spot time as it had, before such modification, occurred on Settlement Day "D+1".

6.4.10 An Adjusted Interval shall be determined as a period of time starting at and including an Adjusted Interval Start Time and ending on but not including the associated Adjusted Interval End Time save in the case where a modification has been made pursuant to paragraph 6.4.9. In such case there shall be two Adjusted Intervals as follows:

(a) a period of time starting at and including the Adjusted Interval Start Time and ending on but not including the end of the Settlement Day "D"; and

(b) a period of time starting at and including the start time of Settlement Day "D" and ending on but not including the Adjusted Interval End Time associated with such Adjusted Interval Start Time.

6.4.11 In respect of each combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration "R", the SVAA shall determine a Period Time Pattern State Indicator (QRj) for each Settlement Period as follows:

(a) if the start time of such Settlement Period falls at an Adjusted Interval Start Time or any time within an Adjusted Interval associated with such Time Pattern Regime determined pursuant to this paragraph 6.4 then:

QRj = 1; and

(b) in any other case QRj = 0.

6.5 Evaluation of Basic Period Profile Coefficients for each Time Pattern Regime

6.5.1 In respect of each GSP Group for each Settlement Day, the SVAA shall determine the Noon Effective Temperature (NETH) as:

NETH = 0.57THT + 0.28THT-1 + 0.15THT-2

where THT ,THT-1 and THT-2 are the Grid Supply Point Group Measured Temperatures procured from the Temperature Provider pursuant to paragraph 5.2.2 for GSP Group "H" in respect of Settlement Day "D", "D-1" and "D-2" respectively and where Settlement Day "D" is the then current Settlement Day, Settlement Day "D-1" is the immediately preceding Settlement Day and Settlement Day "D-2" is the Settlement Day immediately preceding that designated as "D‑1".

6.5.2 In respect of each Settlement Day, the SVAA shall determine the Sunset Variable (S) from the Time of Sunset data provided pursuant to paragraph 5.1.6 as follows:

(a) the Sunset Time (SUNT) in respect of the Settlement Day is the time duration in minutes from the start of the Settlement Day to the time of sunset determined with reference to the Time of Sunset data;

(b) SIX_PM is the time duration in minutes from the start of the Settlement Day to 1800 hours Greenwich Mean Time on that Settlement Day; and

(c) the Sunset Variable (S) shall be determined as:


6.5.3 In respect of each Profile "Q" of each Profile Class "P" within a GSP Group "H", the SVAA shall determine a set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients (PHQj) as set out in paragraphs (a) to (f) (inclusive):

(a) for the purposes of this paragraph the values of MRCQ(aa)(nn)j are the values of the Matrix of Regression Coefficients supplied for the time being and from time to time by the Profile Administrator (or by BSCCo where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services in accordance with Section C9) where the subscript "(nn)" represents individual values of MRCQ(aa)(nn)j and such subscript takes values between 0 and 7 inclusive;

(b) for the avoidance of doubt and for the purpose of this paragraph 6.5 the subscript "j" represents Settlement Periods of the Settlement Day. In both of the cases (i) and (ii), the number of Settlement Periods in respect of which values of MRCQ(aa)(nn)j are supplied by the Profile Administrator (or BSCCo where BSCCo provides the Profile Administration Services in accordance with Section C9) may not correspond to the number of Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day under consideration. In such cases the values of MRCQ(aa)(nn)j supplied shall be employed in the determination of values of Basic Period Profile Coefficient (PHQj) pursuant to this paragraph 6.5. Such values of Basic Period Profile Coefficient shall subsequently be allocated to specific Settlement Periods of the Settlement Day under consideration:

(i) in the case of a Baseload Profile and when there is Clock Change on the Settlement Day under consideration only, such allocation shall be made pursuant to paragraph 6.5.4; or

(ii) in the case of a Profile associated with switched load such allocation shall be made pursuant to paragraph 6.6. For the avoidance of doubt, in this case (ii) such allocation may not result in a value of Basic Period Profile Coefficient for every Settlement Period in the Settlement Day;

(c) the Regression Coefficients (RCHQ(nn)j) shall be determined as equal to the value of those coefficients MRCQ(aa)(nn)j which apply in respect of the relevant Profile "Q" and the Analysis Class "(aa)" which is identified by the data procured from the Profile Administrator pursuant to paragraph 5.1.4 as being relevant to the given Settlement Day and GSP Group;

(d) for the avoidance of doubt, a value of RCHQ(nn)j shall not be determined pursuant to paragraph (c) and shall not be set to zero in respect of any Settlement Period "j" for which a value of MRCQ(aa)(nn)j is not defined. This paragraph (d) shall also apply mutatis mutandis in respect of the determinations of values of Estimated Regional Average Demand Per Customer (yHQj) and Basic Period Profile Coefficient pursuant to paragraphs (e) and (f);

(e) the Estimated Regional Average Demand Per Customer (yHQj) shall be determined as:

yHQj = RCHQ0j +( RCHQ1j * MonT )+ (RCHQ2j * WedT)+ (RCHQ3j * ThuT)+ (RCHQ4j * FriT)+ (RCHQ5j * NETH )+ (RCHQ6j * S) +(RCHQ7j * (S)2);

where MonT = 1 if Settlement Day "D" is a Monday or in any other case MonT = 0; and

WedT, ThuT and FriT are determined mutatis mutandis to MonT but as if references to Settlement Day "D" were to a Wednesday, a Thursday or, as the case may be, a Friday; and

(f) in respect of each value of Estimated Regional Demand Per Customer determined pursuant to paragraph (e) a value of Basic Period Profile Coefficient (PHQj) shall be determined as:

PHQj = max(yHQj / (GAACHQ * 2000), 0)

where GAACHQ is the Group Average Annual Consumption procured, for the time being and from time to time, from the Profile Administrator (or from BSCCo where BSCCo the Profile Administration Services in accordance with Section C9) pursuant to paragraph 5.1.4.

6.5.4 If the Settlement Day "D" is a Settlement Day on which there is a Clock Change then each set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients corresponding to a Profile "Q" determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5.3 shall be modified as follows, save where the Profile "Q" is a switched load Profile in which case the relevant set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients shall not be modified. In the circumstances described in this paragraph, the value of subscript "j" for each value of Basic Period Profile Coefficient determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5.3 and which is to be modified pursuant to this paragraph shall, prior to such modification only, denote the Settlement Period "j" of the related Specimen Settlement Day to which such value corresponds. The terms "lost", "fewer" and "additional" when applied to hours in the Settlement Day "D" on which there is a Clock Change shall be construed as a comparison with such Specimen Settlement Day:

(a) if there is an hour or hours fewer in the Settlement Day "D" then the relevant Basic Period Profile Coefficients in respect of the Settlement Periods corresponding to the hours lost on such Settlement Day "D" shall be deleted and each such value of the resulting reduced set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients shall be re-labelled with new values of subscript "j" in the same order as the original set so that each value of the set corresponds to a Settlement Period that exists on such Settlement Day "D" and each such Settlement Period is associated with one value of the Basic Period Profile Coefficient set;

(b) if there is an additional (repeated) hour or hours in the Settlement Day "D" then the relevant Basic Period Profile Coefficients in respect of the second occurrence of any hour or hours shall be determined by linear interpolation pursuant to paragraph 3.6 of Annex X-2 save in the circumstances described in paragraph (c) in which case the determination described there shall be performed. The resulting increased set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients shall be re-labelled with new values of subscript "j" in the same order as the original set with the insertion of the additional values of Basic Period Profile Coefficient at the appropriate point in the sequence of values to correspond to the second occurrence of any hour or hours so that each value of the set corresponds to a Settlement Period that exists on such Settlement Day "D" and each such Settlement Period is associated with one value of the Basic Period Profile Coefficient set. For this purpose each Settlement Period (including those in respect of the second occurrence of any hour or hours) on such Settlement Day "D" starting from the Settlement Period immediately preceding the second occurrence of any hour or hours to the Settlement Period immediately following such second occurrence of any hour or hours shall be labelled in chronological order with ascending equally spaced values of zn, starting from z0. For the purposes of paragraph 3.6 of Annex X-2:

x0 shall take the value of z0;

x1 shall take the value of zN where N is the highest value of n;

each ascending value of xi shall take the next ascending value of zn starting with z1 and ending with zN-1, each corresponding to one of the Settlement Periods for which a value of Basic Period Profile Coefficient is required to be determined, and the related spot value yi shall be the required value of such Basic Period Profile Coefficient;

y0 shall take the value of the Basic Period Profile Coefficient for the Settlement Period labelled z0; and

y1 shall take the value of the Basic Period Profile Coefficient for the Settlement Period labelled zN; or

(c) if there is an additional (repeated) hour or hours in the Settlement Day "D" and the Clock Change causing such additional hour(s) takes place at the end of the Settlement Day "D" then the relevant Basic Period Profile Coefficients in respect of the second occurrence of any hour or hours shall be determined as follows. The resulting increased set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients shall be re-labelled with new values of subscript "j" in the same manner as described in paragraph (b). For the purposes of this paragraph (c) each Settlement Period (including those in respect of the second occurrence of any hour or hours) on such Settlement Day "D" starting from the Settlement Period which immediately precedes the Settlement Period which itself immediately precedes the second occurrence of any hour or hours to the last Settlement Period of the Settlement Day "D" shall be labelled in chronological order with ascending equally spaced values of zn; starting from z0 . For the purposes of paragraph 3.6 of Annex X-2:

x0 shall take the value of z0;

x1 shall take the value of z1;

each ascending value of xi shall take the next ascending value of zn starting with z2 and ending with zN where N is the highest value of n, each corresponding to one of the Settlement Periods for which a value of Basic Period Profile Coefficient is required to be determined, and the related spot value yi shall be the required value of such Basic Period Profile Coefficient;

y0 shall take the value of the Basic Period Profile Coefficient for the Settlement Period labelled z0; y1 shall take the value of the Basic Period Profile Coefficient for the Settlement Period labelled z1; and

yi = max( y1 + (y1 - y0) * (i-1), 0).

6.6 Calculation of Normal Register Profile Coefficients and Low Register Profile Coefficients for Switched Load Metering Systems

6.6.1 The SVAA shall carry out the determinations set out in this paragraph 6.6 in respect of each Settlement Day "D", each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" for Switched Load Metering Systems.

6.6.2 In respect of each Standard Settlement Configuration "C" identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.1, the SVAA shall determine a Switched Load State Indicator (SQCj) as follows:

(a) if for any Time Pattern Regime associated with the switched load within such Standard Settlement Configuration:

QRj = 1 then SQCj =1; and

(b) in any other case SQCj = 0

6.6.3 In respect of each Standard Settlement Configuration "C" identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.1 the SVAA shall determine a set of Modified Switched Load State Indicators (SQNEWCj) pursuant to paragraphs 6.6.4 to 6.6.10 (inclusive). For the purposes of such paragraphs each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day shall be ordered in chronological order of such Settlement Periods and shall be labelled with ascending integer values of j, the first Settlement Period of such Settlement Day being labelled as j = 1.

6.6.4 If the set of Switched Load State Indicators (SQCj) associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration then being processed has a value of zero for each Settlement Period "j" of the Settlement Day then being processed, then the SVAA shall determine a Modified Switched Load State Indicator for each such Settlement Period as follows:

(a) for first two Settlement Periods of such Settlement Day, such Settlement Periods being labelled as j=1 and j =2 respectively, then:

SQNEWC1 = 1 and SQNEWC2 = 1; and

(b) for every other Settlement Period of such Settlement Day:


6.6.5 Paragraph 6.6.6 shall apply in the case where the set of Switched Load State Indicators associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration and Settlement Day then being processed has:

(a) a value of one for a single Settlement Period of such Settlement Day (for the purposes of paragraph 6.6.6 such Settlement Period being labelled "J1"); and

(b) a value of zero for every other Settlement Period of the Settlement Day then being processed.

6.6.6 Where this paragraph applies then the SVAA shall determine a Modified Switched Load State Indicator (SQNEWCj) for each Settlement Period of the Settlement Day then being processed as follows:

(a) if the Settlement Period labelled as "J1" is the last Settlement Period of the Settlement Day then being processed then:

(i) for the Settlement Period labelled as "J1-1" only, being the Settlement Period immediately preceding that Settlement Period labelled "J1" pursuant to paragraph 6.6.5 in the chronological order of Settlement Periods:

SQNEWC J1-1 = 1 ; and

(ii) for every other Settlement Period of such Settlement Day:

SQNEWCj = SQCj ; or

(b) in any other case:

(i) for the Settlement Period labelled as "J1+1" only, being the Settlement Period next following that Settlement Period labelled "J1" pursuant to paragraph 6.6.5 in the chronological order of Settlement Periods:

SQNEWC J1+1 = 1 ; and

(ii) for every other Settlement Period of such Settlement Day:


6.6.7 If the set of Switched Load State Indicators (SQCj) associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration and Settlement Day then being processed have values which satisfy the condition that:

Σj SQCj > 47

then the SVAA shall determine a Modified Switched Load State Indicator (SQNEWCj) for each Settlement Period of such Settlement Day as follows:

(a) for the purposes of this paragraph the SVAA shall label each such Settlement Period in the chronological order of such Settlement Periods for which the condition that SQCj= 1 is true with ascending integer values of "J" commencing with a value of J = 1 but shall not so label any Settlement Period for which such condition is not true;

(b) for each Settlement Period "j" which is labelled with a value of "J" pursuant to paragraph (a) and where such value is greater than forty-seven, then:

SQNEWCj = 0 ; and

(c) for every other Settlement Period of such Settlement Day:


6.6.8 Paragraph 6.6.9 shall apply in the case where the set of Switched Load State Indicators associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration and Settlement Day then being processed has:

(a) a value of one for each Settlement Period "j" of the Settlement Day then being processed; and

(b) such Settlement Day is a Settlement Day on which there is a Clock Change and there are less than 48 Settlement Periods in such Settlement Day.

6.6.9 Where this paragraph applies then the SVAA shall determine a Modified Switched Load State Indicator (SQNEWCj) for each Settlement Period of the Settlement Day then being processed as follows:

(a) for the last Settlement Period "jlast" of such Settlement Day:

SQNEWC jlast = 0 ; and

(b) for every other Settlement Period of such Settlement Day:


6.6.10 In the case where the provisions of paragraphs 6.6.4, 6.6.6, 6.6.7 or, as the case may be, 6.6.9 do not apply, the SVAA shall determine values of Modified Switched Load State Indicator (SQNEWCj) for each Settlement Period of the Settlement Day then being processed as follows:


6.6.11 The SVAA shall determine the On Period Duration (ODC) as:


6.6.12 The SVAA shall identify the Longest Off Period as the longest period of contiguous Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day being processed for which the condition that SQNEWCj = 0 for each such Settlement Period "j" is true, provided that:

(a) if for both the first Settlement Period and the last Settlement Period of the Settlement Day being processed the condition SQNEWCj = 0 is true for both such Settlement Periods, then:

(i) if for every Settlement Period of such Settlement Day the condition SQNEWCj = 0 is true the SVAA shall not determine Normal Register Profile Coefficients or Low Register Coefficients pursuant to this paragraph for the combination of Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration, GSP Group and Settlement Day then being processed; or

(ii) in any other case, for the purposes of identifying the Longest Off Period, the two periods identified as follows shall be considered as a single period of contiguous Settlement Periods in such Settlement Day for which the condition that SQNEWCj = 0 for each such Settlement Period "j" is true:

(A) the period commencing at the start of the first Settlement Period of such Settlement Day and ending at the start time of the next following Settlement Period in chronological order of Settlement Periods for which SQNEWCj = 1; and

(B) the period commencing at the start of the last Settlement Period "j" of such Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj =0 and SQNEWCj-1 = 1 and ending at the end of such Settlement Day;

(b) if there is no Settlement Period "j" of such Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 0, the SVAA shall identify that there is no Longest Off Period and shall perform the actions specified in paragraph 6.6.14 (a); and

(c) if there are two or more separate periods of equal duration each of which would, if that other period or, as the case may be, those other periods of equal duration did not exist, satisfy the condition to be the Longest Off Period pursuant to this paragraph, the SVAA shall identify that there is no unique Longest Off Period and shall identify the Longest On Period pursuant to paragraph 6.6.13.

6.6.13 In the case in which paragraph 6.6.12(c) applies, the SVAA shall identify the Longest On Period as the longest period of contiguous Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day being processed for which the condition that SQNEWCj = 1 for each such Settlement Period "j" is true, provided that if there are two or more separate periods of equal duration each of which would, if that other period or, as the case may be, those other periods of equal duration did not exist, satisfy the condition to be the Longest On Period pursuant to this paragraph, the SVAA shall identify the last such period in chronological order of such periods as the Longest On Period.

6.6.14 In respect of each Standard Settlement Configuration "C" identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.1, the SVAA shall label those Settlement Periods of the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj has a value of 1 as follows:

(a) if the SVAA has identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.12(b) that there is no Longest Off Period, the SVAA shall label the first Settlement Period of such Settlement Day as J=1 and then shall label the subsequent Settlement Periods in that Settlement Day in ascending chronological order with ascending integer values of J so that each Settlement Period of the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 is labelled with a unique value J;

(b) if the Longest Off Period identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.12 comprises the two periods specified in paragraph 6.6.12(a)(ii), the SVAA shall label the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 as J=1 and then shall label the subsequent Settlement Periods in that Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 in ascending chronological order with ascending integer values of J so that each Settlement Period of the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 is labelled with a unique value J;

(c) if the SVAA identifies that there is no unique Longest Off Period pursuant to paragraph 6.6.12(c) and therefore identifies a Longest On Period pursuant to paragraph 6.6.13, the SVAA shall label the first Settlement Period of such Longest On Period in the chronological order of Settlement Periods as J=1 and then shall label the other Settlement Periods of such Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 pursuant to paragraph 6.6.15; or

(d) in any other case, the SVAA shall label the Settlement Period immediately following the last Settlement Period of the Longest Off Period in chronological order of Settlement Periods as J=1 and then shall label the other Settlement Periods of such Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 pursuant to paragraph 6.6.15.

6.6.15 In the circumstances when this paragraph 6.6.15 applies pursuant to paragraph 6.6.14(c) or paragraph 6.6.14(d) the SVAA shall:

(a) label with ascending integer values of J each Settlement Period subsequent to that labelled as J=1 pursuant to paragraph 6.6.14(c) or 6.6.14(d), as the case may be, in the Settlement Day being processed for which SQNEWCj = 1 counting forwards in time up to and including the last such Settlement Period of such Settlement Day and for the purposes of this paragraph the value of J for this last such Settlement Period is referred to as "End_J";

(b) label the first Settlement Period of the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj =1 and which has not been labelled with a value of J pursuant to paragraph (a) with the value J = End_J + 1; and

(c) then label the subsequent Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj =1 and which have not been labelled with a value of J pursuant to paragraph (a) or (b) in ascending chronological order with ascending integer values of J so that each Settlement Period in the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1 is labelled with a unique value J.

6.6.16 In respect of each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.1, the SVAA shall:

(a) identify the set of Basic Period Profile Coefficients (PHQj) which correspond to the particular switched load profile "Q" of such Profile Class and for which the number of values of PHQj is equal to the On Period Duration; and

(b) determine the set of values of Switched Load Profile Coefficient (SLPHPCj) as follows:

(i) for the Settlement Period identified by J=1 pursuant to paragraph 6.6.14 the Switched Load Profile Coefficient (SLPHPCj ) shall take the first value of PHQj from the set of PHQj determined pursuant to paragraph (a) counting in ascending order of j values of PHQj; and

(ii) for each Settlement Period identified by the next ascending value of J pursuant to paragraph 6.6.14 or, as the case may be, paragraph 6.6.15 the Switched Load Profile Coefficient SLPHPCj shall take the next value of PHQj from the set of PHQj determined pursuant to paragraph (a) counting in ascending order of j values of PHQj which have not already been used in the determination of a value of SLPHPCj pursuant to this paragraph (b) until there has been determined a value of SLPHPCj for each Settlement Period identified by a value J.

6.6.17 In respect of each Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" identified pursuant to paragraph 6.6.1 using the set of values of Basic Period Profile Coefficient (PHQj ) which correspond to the Baseload Profile of the associated Profile Class "P" (such values being the "Baseload Profile Coefficients (BAPHQj)"), the SVAA shall:

(a) determine the Low Fraction Consumption (HHPC) as follows:




where ΣON is the summation overall Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj = 1; and

ΣOFF is the summation overall Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day for which SQNEWCj= 0;

(b) determine the Low Fraction (LOWFHPC) as the sum of the Average Fraction Of Yearly Consumption (AFYCHPR) for all Time Pattern Regimes "X" associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration "C" which are associated with switched load, save in the case where values of Alternate Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) have been notified to the SVAA for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2, in which case determine the Low Fraction (LOWFHPC) as the sum of the Alternate Average Fraction Of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) for all Time Pattern Regimes "X" associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration "C" which are associated with switched load;

(c) determine the Normal Fraction (NFHPC ) as the sum of the Average Fraction Of Yearly Consumption (AFYCHPR) for all Time Pattern Regimes "X" associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration "C" which are not associated with switched load, save in the case where values of Alternate Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) have been notified to the SVAA for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2, in which case determine the Normal Fraction (NFHPC) as the sum of the Alternate Average Fraction Of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) for all Time Pattern Regimes "X" associated with the Standard Settlement Configuration "C" which are not associated with switched load;

(d) determine the Base Fraction (BFHPC) and the Switched Fraction (SWHPC) as follows:

BFHPC = (1 + HHPC) * NFHPC ; and


(e) in respect of each Settlement Period of the Settlement Day determine the Normal Register Profile Coefficients (NRPCHPCj) and the Low Register Profile Coefficients (LRPCHPCj) as follows:

(i) if for such Settlement Period "j", SQCj = 1, then:

LRPCHPCj = max(((BAPHQj * BFHPC) + (SLPHPCj * SWFHPC)), 0); and

NRPCHPCj = 0; or

(ii) if for such Settlement Period "j", SQCj = 0, then:

LRPCHPCj = 0; and

NRPCHPCj = max(( BAPHQj * BFHPC), 0)

6.7 Calculation of Period Profile Class Coefficients for each Time Pattern Regime

6.7.1 In respect of each Settlement Day, each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C", the SVAA shall determine the Period Profile Class Coefficients (PPCCHPRj) for each combination of Time Pattern Regime associated with such Standard Settlement Configuration and such Standard Settlement Configuration "R" as follows:

(a) if the Profile Class "P" represents Switched Load Metering Systems then:

(i) if the combination of Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime "R" is associated with meter registers which measure switched load within such Switched Load Metering Systems, then:


save in the case where values of Alternate Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) have been notified to the SVAA for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2, in which case:


(ii) if the combination of Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime "R" is associated with meter registers within such Switched Load Metering Systems which measure loads other than the switched loads, then:


save in the case where values of Alternate Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) have been notified to the SVAA for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2, in which case:


(b) in any other case,


save in the case where values of Alternate Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption (AAFYCHPR) have been notified to the SVAA for Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "C" within a GSP Group "H" in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2, in which case


where PHQj are the Basic Period Profile Coefficients determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 for the profile "Q" associated with the Profile Class "P".

6.7.2 For all Settlement Days that include at least one Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period, the SVAA shall send the relevant Period Profile Class Coefficients (PPCCHPRj) calculated under paragraph 6.7.1 to all Non Half Hourly Data Collectors.

6.8 Calculation of Daily Profile Coefficients

6.8.1 In respect of each Settlement Day "T", each GSP Group "H" and each valid combination of Profile Class "P" and Time Pattern Regime within Standard Settlement Configuration "R", the SVAA shall determine a Daily Profile Coefficient (DPCHPRT) as:


and the SVAA shall notify the values of Daily Profile Coefficient so determined to each Non Half Hourly Data Collector.


7.1 Determination of Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses)

7.1.1 For each Supplier's Metered Consumption (SMCHZaNLj) value provided pursuant to paragraph 3.5.11, the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit's Metered Consumption (BMMCiaNLj) by assigning the Supplier's Metered Consumption value to the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H" to which the value of Supplier's Metered Consumption applies.

7.1.1A For each Supplier's Demand Disconnection Volume (SDDHZaNj) value provided pursuant to paragraph 3.7.6, the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (BMDDiaNj) by assigning the Supplier's Demand Disconnection Volume value to the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H" to which the value of Supplier's Demand Disconnection Volume applies.

7.1.1B For each Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption (AVMMCHZaNLKji) value provided pursuant to paragraph 3.9.2, the SVAA shall determine the Metering System Metered Consumption (VMMCHZaNLKji) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) within Supplier BM Unit "i" for such Supplier "Z" for a particular GSP Group "H", Metering System "K" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" according to the following formula:


7.1.1BA For each Allocated Asset Metering System Metered Consumption (AAVMMCHNLKj) value provided pursuant to paragraph 3.9.2A the SVAA shall determine the Asset Metering System Metered Consumption (VMMCHNLKj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for a particular GSP Group "H", Metering System "K" according to the following formula:


7.1.1C For each Metering System Metered Consumption (VMMCHZaNLKji) value associated with a Secondary BM Unit in the SVA Metering System Register, determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1B, and each Asset Metering System Metered Consumption (VMMCHNLKj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1BA, excluding any Metering System “K” that is within an MSID Pair or AMSID Pair identified as Inactive the SVAA shall determine the Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (VBMMCi2aNLKji) from Supplier Metering Systems and Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (VBMMCi2NLKj) from Asset Metering Systems by assigning the Metering System Metered Consumption value to the relevant Secondary BM Unit "i2" as allocated by the Virtual Lead Party and recorded in the SVA Metering System Register in accordance with Sections S10.2 and BSCP602 , and to a Consumption Component Class N' determined as follows:

(a) if the Metering System or Asset Metering System K has been allocated to the Secondary BM Unit for purposes of Asset Differencing in accordance with paragraph 10.1.3(h)(iii) or 10.1A.2(e)(i) of Section S:

(i) if the Net Differencing Volume VNDKj is greater than or equal to zero, Consumption Component Class N' shall be the Import Consumption Component Class associated with Consumption Component Class N; and

(ii) if the Net Differencing Volume VNDKj is less than zero, Consumption Component Class N' shall be the Export Consumption Component Class associated with Consumption Component Class N;

where SVAA shall determine the Net Differencing Volume (VNDKj) as:

VNDKj = ∑NAssociatedK (VMMCHaNLKji – VMMCHNLKj)

and ∑AssociatedK means the summation over all Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems that are related for purposes of differencing to Metering System or Asset Metering System K (in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1CA)

(b) otherwise, Consumption Component Class N’ shall be the same as Consumption Component Class N.

7.1.1CA For purposes of paragraphs 7.1.1C and 7.3.1(c), the Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems related for purposes of differencing to a Metering System or Asset Metering System K shall be determined as follows:

(a) In relation to an Asset Metering System K in an AMSID Pair:

(i) The Metering Systems in any Associated MSID Pairs allocated to a Secondary BM Unit for purposes of Asset Differencing; and

(ii) Any Asset Metering Systems that are related for purposes of differencing to the Metering Systems in paragraph (a)(i);

(b) In relation to a Metering System K in an MSID Pair:

(i) The Asset Metering Systems in any AMSID Pairs allocated to a Secondary BM Unit for purposes of Asset Differencing for which the MSID Pair is an Associated MSID Pair; and

(ii) Any Metering Systems that are related for purposes of differencing to the Asset Metering Systems in paragraph (b)(i).

7.1.1D For each Metering System Delivered Volume (QVMDKj) value associated with a Secondary BM Unit in the SVA Metering System Register, determined pursuant to paragraph 3.10, the SVAA shall determine the Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume (QVBMDi2NLKji) by assigning the Metering System Delivered Volume value to the relevant Secondary BM Unit "i2" as allocated by the Virtual Lead Party in accordance with Section S10.2, S10.2A, and BSCP602, Supplier BM Unit "i", Line Loss Factor Class "L" and Consumption Component Class "N".

7.1.1E For each Metering System Delivered Volume (QVMDKj) value for a Metering System associated with the NETSO in the SVA Metering System Register and determined pursuant to paragraph 3.10, the SVAA shall determine the ABSVD BM Unit Delivered Volume (AQVMDiNLKj) by assigning the Metering System Delivered Volume value to the relevant Supplier BM Unit "i" as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, Line Loss Factor Class "L" and Consumption Component Class "N".

7.1.1F Pursuant to paragraph 3.9.2, for each Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption (AVMMCHZaNLKji) value for a Metering System in the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register, the SVAA shall determine the Non-Final Demand Metering System Metered Consumption (SVMMCHZaNLKji) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) within Supplier BM Unit "i" for such Supplier "Z" for a particular GSP Group "H", Metering System "K" and Half Hourly Data Aggregator "a" according to the following formula:


7.1.2 The SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) (CiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:

CiNj = ΣaL BMMCiaNLj

where BM Unit's Metered Consumption (BMMCiaNLj) are determined pursuant to paragraphs 3.6.4 and 7.1.1.

7.1.3 For each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period the SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Disconnection (Non Losses) (DiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:

DiNj = Σa BMDDiaNj

where BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (BMDDiaNj) are determined pursuant to paragraphs 3.8.4 and 7.1.1A.

7.1.4 The SVAA shall determine the Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) (Vi2Nj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" according to the following formula:

Vi2Nj = ΣaK VBMMCi2aNLKji + Σ KNonDiff VBMMCi2NLKj - Σ KDiff VBMMCi2NLKj

where Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (VBMMCi2aNLKji) is derived from Supplier Metering Systems allocated to the Secondary BM Unit including those selected for Asset Differencing in accordance with Section S10.2A and is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C;

7.1.4A Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (VBMMCi2NLKj ) is derived from Asset Metering Systems and is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C. Metered Consumption from those Asset Metering Systems which are selected for Asset Differencing (Diff) in accordance with Section S10.2A are deducted from VBMMCi2NLKj.

The SVAA shall provide the relevant Virtual Lead Party, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, with the Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) (Vi2Nj) for each Metering System "K" in the relevant Secondary BM Unit "i2" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run, where received.

7.1.5 The SVAA shall determine the Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Non Losses) (VDi2NKji) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM unit "i" according to the following formula:


where Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (QVBMDi2NLKji) is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1D.

7.1.6 The SVAA shall determine the MSID ABSVD (Non Losses) (MSABSVDiNKj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Supplier BM unit "i" according to the following formula:


where ABSVD BM Unit Metered Consumption (AQVMDiNLKj) is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C.

7.1.7 The SVAA shall provide the relevant Supplier, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, with the Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Non Losses) (VDi2NKji) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM unit "i" for each Volume Allocation Run where Customer Consent Flag status, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, has been marked as TRUE.

7.1.8 The SVAA shall provide the relevant Supplier, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, with the MSID ABSVD (Non Losses) (MSABSVDiNKj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Supplier BM unit "i" for each Volume Allocation Run where Customer Consent Flag status, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, has been marked as TRUE.

7.2 Determination of Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) by Supplier

7.2.1 For each Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) (SMCLHZaNLj) value provided pursuant to paragraph 3.5.12, the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses) (BMMCLiaNLj) by assigning the Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) value to the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H" to which the value of Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) applies.

7.2.1A For each Supplier's Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses) (SDDLHZaNj) value provided pursuant to paragraph 3.7.7, the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses) (BMDDLiaNj) by assigning the Supplier's Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses) value to the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H" to which the value of Supplier's Demand Disconnection Volume applies.

7.2.2 The SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) (CLOSSiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:


where BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses) (BMMCLiaNLj) are determined pursuant to paragraphs 3.6.5 and 7.2.1.

7.2.3 For each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period the SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Disconnection (Losses) (DLOSSiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:


where BM Unit's Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses) (BMDDLiaNj) are determined pursuant to paragraphs 3.8.5 and 7.2.1A.

7.2.4 The SVAA shall determine the Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) (VLOSSi2Nj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" according to the following formula:

VLOSSi2Nj = Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj - 1) * VBMMCi2aNLKji) + Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj - 1) * VBMMCi2NLKjNonDiff) - Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj - 1) * VBMMCi2NLKjDiff)


Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (VBMMCi2aNLKji) is derived from Supplier Metering Systems allocated to the Secondary BM Unit including those selected for Asset Differencing and is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C;

Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption (VBMMCi2NLKj ) is derived from Asset Metering Systems and is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C, and is then further split into those Asset Metering Systems which are selected for Asset Differencing (Diff) when allocated to the Secondary BM Unit, and those Asset Metering Systems which are not selected for Asset Differencing (Non Diff),and "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of VLOSSi2Nj is to be determined.

The SVAA shall provide the relevant Virtual Lead Party, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, with the Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) (VLOSSi2Nj) for each Metering System "K" in the relevant Secondary BM Unit "i2" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run, where received.

7.2.5 The SVAA shall determine the Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Losses) (VDLOSSi2NKji) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:

VDLOSSi2NKji = Σ(vv)LK ((LLFLj - 1) * QVBMDi2NLKji)

where Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume (QVBMDi2NLKji) is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1D and "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of VDLOSSi2NKji is to be determined.

7.2.6 The SVAA shall determine the MSID ABSVD (Losses) (MSABSVDLiNKj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:

MSABSVDLiNKj = (Σ(vv)L ((LLFLj - 1) * Σ(vv)PR AQVMDiNLKj))

where ABSVD BM Unit Delivered Volume (AQVMDiNLKj) is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C and "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of MSABSVDLiNKj is to be determined.

7.2.7 The SVAA shall provide the relevant Supplier, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, with the Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Losses) (VDLOSSi2NKji) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM unit "i" for each Volume Allocation Run where Customer Consent Flag status, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, has been marked as TRUE.

7.2.8 The SVAA shall provide the relevant Supplier, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, with the MSID ABSVD (Losses) (MSABSVDLiNKj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Metering System "K" for each Supplier BM unit "i" for each Volume Allocation Run where Customer Consent Flag status, as recorded in the SVA Metering System Register, has been marked as TRUE.

7.3 Determination of Settlement Expected Volumes

7.3.1 The SVAA shall for each Settlement Period “j” determine in accordance with the Baselining Methodology specified by the Lead Party in accordance with paragraph S10.1.3A and/or S10.1A.2A:

(a) the MSID Baseline Value (MBVKiLj) for each SVA Metering System “K” in a Baselined MSID Pair:

(b) the AMSID Baseline Value (AMBVKiLj) for each Asset Metering System “K” in a Baselined AMSID Pair: and

(c) the Net Differencing Baseline Value (NDBVij) for each set of SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems that are related to each other for purposes of differencing in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1CA.

7.3.2 For each MSID Baseline Value (MBVKiLj) determined in accordance with paragraph 7.3.1(a), the SVAA shall determine the MSID Baseline Losses (MBLKiLj) in accordance with the following formula:

MBLKiLj = (LLFLj - 1) * MBVKiLj

7.3.2A For each AMSID Baseline Value (AMBVKiLj) determined in accordance with paragraph 7.3.1(b), the SVAA shall determine the AMSID Baseline Losses (AMBLKiLj) in accordance with the following formula:

AMBLKiLj = (LLFLj - 1) * AMBVKiLj

7.3.3 For each Baselined BM Unit “i” and Settlement Period “j”, the SVAA shall: exclude any Metering System “K” that is within an MSID Pair identified as Inactive; and determine the Baselined Expected Volume (BEVij) in accordance with the following formula:

BEVij = ∑K (MBVKiLj + MBLKiLj) + ΣKNonDiff (AMBVKiLj + AMBLKiLj) –


7.3.4 For each Baselined BM Unit “i” and Settlement Period “j”, the SVAA shall determine the Party Submitted Expected Volume (PSEVij) as the Submitted Expected Volume submitted by the Lead Party and validated by the SVAA in accordance with Section S13. Where no such value was submitted and validated:

      1. If all the MSID Pairs and/or AMSID Pairs within the Baselined BM Unit are Baselined MSID Pairs and/or AMSID Pairs, SVAA shall determine the Party Submitted Expected Volume (PSEVij) to be zero; and

      2. Otherwise, SVAA shall not determine a value of Party Submitted Expected Volume (PSEVij).

7.3.5 For each Party Submitted Expected Volume (PSEVij) value determined in accordance with paragraph 7.3.4, the SVAA shall determine the Settlement Expected Volume (SEVij) in accordance with the following formula:

SEVij = BEVij + PSEVij

7.3.6 The SVAA shall provide the SAA with the Settlement Expected Volume (SEVij) for each Baselined BM Unit “i” for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run. Where no such value was determined in accordance with paragraph 7.3.5, the SVAA shall not provide a value to SAA.


8.1 Settlement Period consumption by Supplier

8.1.1 For each Supplier Purchase Matrix (SPMHZaLPR) value provided pursuant to paragraph 4.4, the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit Purchase Matrix (BMPMiaLPR) by assigning a BM Unit "i" to the Supplier Purchase Matrix value, where BM Unit "i" shall be:

(a) the Additional BM Unit "i" notified by the Supplier "Z" to the SVAA in accordance with Section S6.3 for the GSP Group "H", Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "R", provided that the notification was determined by the SVAA in accordance with BSCP507 to be a valid notification; or

(b) if no such notification has been made, the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H".

8.1.2 The SVAA shall determine BM Unit's Profiled Consumption (BMPCiLPRj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for the Consumption Data only according to the following formula:


where PPCCHPRj is the Period Profile Class Coefficient for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

8.1.3 The SVAA shall determine Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) (CiNj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) according to the following formula:


where "N(n)" is a Consumption Component Class for which the data aggregation type is "N".

8.1.4 For each Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) (CiNj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 8.1.3, the SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) (CLOSSiNj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) according to the following formula:

CLOSSiNj = Σ(vv)L ((LLFLj - 1) * Σ(vv)PR BMPCiLPRj) – Σ(vvn)L ((LLFLj - 1) * Σ(vvn)PR BMPDiLPRj)

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with Consumption Component Class "N" for which a value of CLOSSiNj is to be determined and where "(vvn)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with Consumption Component Class "N(n)" for which a value of CLOSSiNj is to be determined.

8.2 Settlement Period disconnection by Supplier

8.2.1 For each Supplier Disconnection Matrix (SDMHZaLPR) value provided pursuant to paragraph 4.5, the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit Disconnection Matrix (BMDMiaLPR) by assigning a BM Unit "i" to the Supplier Disconnection Matrix value, where BM Unit "i" shall be:

(a) the Additional BM Unit "i" notified by the Supplier "Z" to the SVAA in accordance with Section S6.3 for the GSP Group "H", Profile Class "P" and Standard Settlement Configuration "R", provided that the notification was determined by the SVAA in accordance with BSCP507 to be a valid notification; or

(b) if no such notification has been made, the BM Unit "i" which is the Base BM Unit for the Supplier "Z" and GSP Group "H".

8.2.2 The SVAA shall determine BM Unit's Profiled Disconnection (BMPDiLPRj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for the Consumption Data only according to the following formula:


where PPCCHPRj is the Period Profile Class Coefficient for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

8.2.3 The SVAA shall determine Half Hourly Disconnection (Non Losses) (DiNj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) according to the following formula:


8.2.4 For each Half Hourly Disconnection (Non Losses) (DiNj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 8.2.3, the SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Disconnection (Losses) (DLOSSiNj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) according to the following formula:

DLOSSiNj = Σ(vv)L ((LLFLj - 1) * Σ(vv)PR BMPDiLPRj)

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with Consumption Component Class "N" for which a value of DLOSSiNj is to be determined.


9.1 Determination of GSP Group Half Hourly Consumption

9.1.1 The GSP Group Half Hourly Consumption (GCHNj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within GSP Group "H" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:


where Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) (CiNj) and Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) (CLOSSiNj) are calculated pursuant to paragraphs 7 and 8.

9.2 Determination of GSP Group Correction Factor

9.2.1 The GSP Group Correction Factor (CFHj) shall be determined by the SVAA for each GSP Group "H" in accordance with the following formulae:

if for every Consumption Component Class "N", the GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight (WTN ) is equal to zero or if ΣN (GCHNj * WTN) is equal to zero, then:

CFHj = 1; or

in any other case:

CFHj = 1 + (GSPGTHj - ΣN GCHNj) / (ΣN (GCHNj * WTN))

9.2.2 If for any GSP Group "H", the following condition applies, then the GSP Group Correction Factor shall be referred by the SVAA to the Panel:

CFHj = 1 and GSPGTHj ≠ ΣN GCHNj

and the Panel shall determine a replacement GSP Group Correction Factor to be applied in such case or shall determine such other course of action as it may decide is appropriate.

9.3 Determination of Corrected Component

9.3.1 The Corrected Component (CORCiNj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Supplier BM Unit "i" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

CORCiNj = (CiNj + CLOSS iNj ) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

9.3.2 The Corrected Disconnection Component (CORDCiNj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Supplier BM Unit "i" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

CORDCiNj = (DiNj + DLOSS iNj ) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

9.3.3 The SVAA shall provide the SAA with the Corrected Component (CORCiNj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.3.4 The Secondary Corrected Component (VCORCi2Nj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Secondary BM Unit "i2" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

VCORCi2Nj = (Vi2Nj + VLOSS i2Nj ) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Secondary BM Unit "i2".

9.3.5 The Corrected MSID ABSVD Component (CORABSVDCiNKj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Supplier BM Unit "i" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:


where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

9.3.6 The Secondary Corrected Delivered Component (VCORDCi2NKji) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Metering System "K" within Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM Unit "i" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

VCORDCi2NKji = (VDi2NKji + VDLOSS i2NKji ) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Secondary BM Unit "i2".

9.4 Determination of Supplier Deemed Take

9.4.1 The Supplier Deemed Take (SDT HZj) shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:


9.5 Determination of Non Half Hourly Supplier Deemed Take

9.5.1 The Non Half Hourly Supplier Deemed Take (NHHSDTHZj) within GSP Group "H" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:


9.6 Determination of BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume

9.6.1 In respect of each Supplier BM Unit "i", the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume (BMUADVij) for each Settlement Period "j" according the following formula:


9.6.1A In respect of each Supplier BM Unit "i", the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volume (BMUADDVij) for each Settlement Period "j" according the following formula:


9.6.1B In respect of each Secondary BM Unit "i2", the SVAA shall determine the Secondary BM Unit Demand Volume (VBMUDVi2j) for each Settlement Period "j" according the following formula:


where ΣN is the summation over all Consumption Component Classes for SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems in Secondary BM Units.

9.6.1C In respect of each Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM Unit "i", the SVAA shall determine the Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume (VBMUSDVi2ji) for each Settlement Period "j" according the following formula:


where ΣN is the summation over all Consumption Component Classes in a given Metering System and ΣiK is the summation over all SVA Metering Systems allocated to Supplier BM Unit "i".

9.6.1D In respect of each Supplier BM Unit "i", the SVAA shall determine the Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD (SNBABSVDij) for each Settlement Period "j" according the following formula:


9.6.1E In respect of each Supplier BM Unit "i", the SVAA shall determine the BM Unit Gross Demand Volume (BMUGDVij) for each Settlement Period "j" according the following formula:


9.6.2 The SVAA shall provide the SAA with the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume (BMUADVij) and the BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volume (BMUADDVij) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.6.2A The SVAA shall provide the SAA with the B Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand (NCBMUDij) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.6.3 The SVAA shall provide the SAA with the Secondary BM Unit Demand Volume (VBMUDVi2j) for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.6.4 The SVAA shall provide the SAA with the Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume (VBMUSDVi2ji) for each Secondary BM Unit "i2" and Supplier BM Unit "I" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.6.5 Where the SVAA has determined non zero Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD (SNBABSVDij), the SVAA shall provide such data to the SAA for each BM Unit "i" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.6.6 Where the SVAA has determined BM Unit Gross Demand Volume (BMUGDVij), the SVAA shall provide such data to the SAA for each BM Unit "i" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

9.7 Determination of Supplier Cap Take

9.7.1 The Supplier Cap Take (SCTHZj) shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

SCTHZj = max (ΣHZi ΣN(AI) CORCiNj , 0)


9A.1 Determination of the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report

9A.1.1 The SVAA shall determine Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) by Profile Class (CiN(c)Pj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for Profile Class "P" (for which the associated non half hourly active import Consumption Component Class "N(c)" shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) according to the following formula:


9A.1.2 For each Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) by Profile Class (CiN(c)Pj) value determined pursuant to paragraph 9A.1 the SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) by Profile Class (CLOSSiN(c)Pj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" for Profile Class "P" (for which the associated non half hourly active import Consumption Component Class "N(c)" shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) according to the following formula:

CLOSSiN(c)Pj = Σ(vv)L ((LLFLj - 1) * Σ(vv)R BMPCiLPRj)

where "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with Profile Class "P" for which a value of CLOSSiN(c)Pj is to be determined.

9A.1.3 The Corrected Component by Profile Class (CORCiN(c)Pj) for each Profile Class "P" within a non half hourly active import Consumption Component Class "N(c)" within Supplier BM Unit "i" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

CORCiN(c)Pj = (CiN(c)Pj + CLOSSiN(c)Pj) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

9A.1.4 The Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume (CORCZqG) for each Supplier Volume Reporting Group "G" in calendar quarter "q" shall be determined as:

(a) ΣZqGiNPj CORCiN(c)Pj over the relevant Consumption Component Classes and Profile Classes for each of Supplier Volume Reporting Groups 1 to 3 for each Supplier "Z"; and

(b) ΣZqGiNPj CORCiNj over the relevant Consumption Component Classes for each of Supplier Volume Reporting Groups 4 to 8 for each Supplier "Z".

9A.1.5 The Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier (NMZqG) for each Supplier "Z" in Supplier Volume Reporting Group "G" in calendar quarter "q" shall be determined by the calculation:

ΣZqGHd NMZHGd / d(q)

where NMZHGd is the total number of Metering Systems registered to Supplier "Z" in Supplier Volume Reporting Group "G" on day "d", summed over all GSP Groups and all days in calendar quarter "q", and d(q) is the number of days in calendar quarter "q".


10.1 Supplier Volume Allocation Runs

10.1.1 For each Settlement Period in any Settlement Day and for each Supplier BM Unit, the SVAA shall determine or re-determine the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes and provide the same to the SAA and to each other person entitled thereto in accordance with BSCP508:

(a) on each occasion on which an Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run or a Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is required in relation to that Settlement Day, in accordance with the Settlement Calendar; and

(b) on each occasion on which a Post Final Volume Allocation Run is required by the Panel in accordance with the timetable specified by the Panel in accordance with Section W4.2.3.

10.1.2 For each Volume Allocation Run the SVAA shall use the relevant value of GSP Group Take (GSPGTHj) which is derived from the corresponding Volume Allocation Run provided by the CDCA in accordance with Section R5.7.

10.2 Adjustment of BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes

10.2.1 The SVAA shall carry out Reconciliation Volume Allocation Runs for each Settlement Day in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.2.

10.2.2 The SVAA shall recalculate the Supplier Deemed Takes and Non Half Hourly Supplier Deemed Takes pursuant to the requirements of the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules but in each case using the then current values of the Supplier Volume Allocation variables required in respect of such Settlement Day.

10.2.3 The SVAA shall recalculate the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes pursuant to paragraph 9.6 employing the then current values of the data pursuant to the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules or re-determined pursuant to paragraph 10.2.2.


11.1 Provision of Information

11.1.1 Subject to any obligations of confidentiality, the SVAA shall give BSCCo, any other Party or any other BSC Agent which raises a Trading Dispute pursuant to Section W all such explanations, documents, data and information relating to Supplier Volume Allocation as may be required for the purposes of resolving such Dispute.

11.2 Rectification of Errors

11.2.1 The provisions of Section U2.5 and U2.6, and the provisions of Section W1.7, shall apply in relation to the rectification (or otherwise) of errors in relation to Supplier Volume Allocation.


12.1 Aggregated Half Hourly Consumption Data

12.1.1 The provisions of paragraph 12.1.2 apply if, for any reason, on or before such time as may be specified in BSCP508 for this purpose any of the variables referred to in paragraphs 3.5 or 3.6 shall not have been determined in respect of the relevant Settlement Period by the operation of half hourly data aggregation in accordance with this Annex S-2.

12.1.2 Where this paragraph 12.1.2 applies:

(a) the SVAA shall take such actions as are specified in BSCP508 to ascertain the values of the variables referred to in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6 from the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator and/or Supplier;

(b) if all attempts to ascertain such values fail, the SVAA shall derive the missing variables from the data for the previous run in respect of that Settlement Day, provided that:

(i) if this is the Initial Volume Allocation Run or the data for the previous run is not available for any other reason, data for the Settlement Day that most nearly corresponds to the characteristics of the Settlement Day for which variables are to be determined shall be used; and

(ii) in the case where there is no such identifiable Settlement Day, the SVAA shall carry out the Volume Allocation Run or, as the case may, the Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run without the missing half hourly data.

12.1.3 The provisions of paragraph 12.1.4 apply if, for any reason, on or before such time as may be specified in BSCP503 for this purpose any of the variables referred to in paragraph 3.9 shall not have been determined in respect of the relevant Settlement Period by the operation of half hourly data aggregation in accordance with this Annex S-2.

12.1.4 Where this paragraph 12.1.4 applies:

(a) the SVAA shall take such actions as are specified in BSCP503 to ascertain the values of the variables referred to in paragraph 3.9 from the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator;

(b) if all attempts to ascertain such values fail, the SVAA shall derive the missing variables from the data for the previous run in respect of that Settlement Day, provided that if this is the Initial Volume Allocation Run or the data for the previous run is not available for any other reason, the SVAA shall carry out the Volume Allocation Run or, as the case may, the Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run without the missing half hourly data.

12.1.5 The provisions of paragraph 12.1.6 apply if, for any reason, on or before such time as may be specified in BSCP602 for this purpose any of the variables referred to in paragraph 3.10 shall not have been determined in respect of the relevant Settlement Period by the operation of half hourly data aggregation in accordance with this Annex S-2.

12.1.6 Where this paragraph 12.1.6 applies:

(a) the SVAA shall take such actions as are specified in BSCP602 to ascertain the values of the variables referred to in paragraph 3.10 from the relevant Virtual Lead Party;

(b) if all attempts to ascertain such values fail, the SVAA shall carry out the Volume Allocation Run or, as the case may, the Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run without the missing half hourly data.

12.2 Aggregated Estimated Annual Consumptions and Annualised Advances

12.2.1 The provisions of paragraph 12.2.2 apply if, for any reason, on or before such time as may be specified in BSCP508 for this purpose the SVAA becomes aware that any of the variables referred to in paragraph 4.4 shall not have been determined in respect of the relevant Settlement Day by the operation of non half hourly data aggregation in accordance with this Annex S-2.

12.2.2 Where this paragraph 12.2.2 apply, the SVAA shall take such actions as are specified in BSCP508 to ascertain the values of the variables referred to in paragraph 4.4 from the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator and/or Supplier, provided that:

(i) if all attempts to ascertain such values fail, the SVAA shall derive the missing variables from the data for the previous run in respect of the relevant Settlement Day; and

(ii) if this is the Initial Volume Allocation Run, the most recent data for the previous Settlement Day shall be used.

12.3 BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes, DUoS Report and TUoS Report

12.3.1 The provisions of paragraph 12.3.2 apply if, for any reason, the operation of the Supplier Volume Allocation System fails to determine BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes, the DUoS Report or the TUoS Report in respect of any Settlement Period or, as the case may, Settlement Day before the expiry of such time as may be specified in BSCP508 for this purpose.

12.3.2 Where this paragraph 12.3.2 applies, unless the SVAA rectifies the failure so as to permit the operation of the Supplier Volume Allocation System to determine BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes, the DUoS Report or, as the case may be, the TUoS Report on or before the Settlement Day immediately following the relevant Settlement Day specified for this purpose, BSCCo shall determine the Supplier Deemed Take and the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes for the relevant Settlement Periods, using where practicable any relevant data determined or supplied pursuant to this Annex S-2 that is available to enable calculation of the Supplier Deemed Take and the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume amount in respect of any individual Supplier.

12.3.3 Where paragraph 12.3.2 applies the SVAA shall send the values of BM Unit Allocated Demand Volumes for each Settlement Period determined pursuant to paragraph 12.3.2 to the SAA in accordance with paragraph 9.6.2.

12.4 Obligation to assist

12.4.1 Each Supplier shall provide all such advice and assistance as BSCCo or the SVAA may reasonably require to permit the determination of the variables in accordance with paragraphs 12.1.2 and 12.2.2.


13.1 General

13.1.1 This paragraph 13 describes the processes and calculations needed to provide certain data to the NETSO for the purpose of calculating Transmission Network Use of System Charges and Balancing Services Use of System Charges relating to the operation by the NETSO of the Transmission System. For the avoidance of doubt, such data are not used for the purposes of calculating Trading Charges.

13.2 Non-Final Demand Declarations

13.2.1 Where a Supplier intends to register a Metering System on the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register, it shall submit a Non-Final Demand Declaration on behalf of the relevant SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602, and shall keep the SVAA informed of any amendments or updates to that Non-Final Demand Declaration made by the SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator.

13.2.2 Each SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator who is a BSC Party acknowledges and agrees that:

(a) the information contained in any Non-Final Demand Declaration submitted to the SVAA on their behalf is accurate and complete in all material respects; and

(b) they will promptly notify the Supplier(s) who is the Registrant of the Metering System(s) on the Non-Final Demand Declaration of any amendments or updates to the Non-Final Demand Declaration.

13.3 Suppliers’ Responsibilities

13.3.1 Subject to paragraph 13.3.2, each Supplier shall ensure that Metered Data for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day are made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 13.2, in respect of all of such Supplier’s Metering Systems which are listed on the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register and subject to half hourly metering.

13.3.2 If:

(a) a SVA Generator provides Export Active Energy through a SVA Metering System and such Export Active Energy is allocated between two or more Suppliers; and/or

(b) a SVA Customer consumes Import Active Energy through a SVA Metering System and such Import Active Energy is allocated between two or more Suppliers,

each such Supplier shall ensure that Metered Data for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 13.3 in respect of all of such Supplier’s Metering System Numbers associated with Metering Systems which are listed on the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register and subject to half hourly metering.

13.3.3 For the purposes of paragraph 13, Metered Data shall not include Unmetered Supplies subject to Equivalent Metering.

13.4 Half Hourly Data Aggregator’s Responsibilities

13.4.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall in respect of that Supplier’s Metering Systems listed on the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register for which that Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and in respect of a particular Settlement Day:

(a) receive half hourly Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption from the relevant Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) undertake checks and provide reports in accordance with BSCP503; and

(c) provide to the SVAA the Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption.

13.4.2 In respect of Metering Systems relating to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, for any Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run for a Settlement Day, each Supplier shall ensure that:

(a) in respect of data which are then currently available but which were not previously available for use in the immediately preceding Initial Volume Allocation Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, as the case may be;

(b) its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall, for that Settlement Day, provide to the SVAA in the case of a GSP Group "H" and a Half Hourly Data Aggregator, the Supplier's Metered Consumption and Supplier's Metered Consumption (Losses) data, pursuant to paragraph 13.4.1 which data shall incorporate any revised data made available.

13.5 SVAA Responsibilities

13.5.1 The SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Non-Final Demand Consumption (Non Losses (SCiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall not be a Consumption Component Class for line losses or for active export) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:


13.5.2 The SVAA shall determine the Half Hourly Non-Final Demand Consumption (Losses) (SCLOSSiNj) within Consumption Component Class "N" (which Consumption Component Class shall be a Consumption Component Class for line losses) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" according to the following formula:

SCLOSSiNj = ∑(vv)LK ((LLFij - 1) * SVMMCHaNLKji)

where Non-Final Demand Metering System Metered Consumption (SVMMCHZaNLKji) is determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1F and "(vv)" is the Consumption Component Class (not for line losses or active export) associated with the Consumption Component Class "N" for which the value of VLOSSi2Nj is to be determined.

13.5.3 The Non-Final Demand Corrected Component (SCORCiNj) for each Consumption Component Class "N" within Supplier BM Unit "i" shall be determined by the SVAA according to the following formula:

SCORCiNj = (SCiNj + SCLOSSiNj) * (1 + (CFHj - 1) * WTN)

where WTN is the associated GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight and CFHj is the value of GSP Group Correction Factor determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 for the GSP Group "H" associated with the Supplier BM Unit "i".

13.5.4 The Period BM Unit Gross Non-Final Demand (SDBMUimj) shall be determined by the SVAA by aggregating the Non-Final Demand Corrected Components (SCORCiNj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i", Measurement Class "m" and Settlement Period "j":


13.5.5 The Period BM Unit Total Gross Non-Final Demand (SDTBMUij) shall be determined by the SVAA by aggregating the Period BM Unit Gross Non-Final Demand (SDBMUimj) for each Supplier BM Unit "i" and Settlement Period "j":


where ∑m means the summation over all Measurement Classes.

13.5.6 Where the SVAA has determined Period BM Unit Total Gross Non-Final Demand (SDTBMUij), the SVAA shall provide such data to the SAA for each BM Unit "i" for each Settlement Period "j" for each Volume Allocation Run.

13.6 Supplier Volume Allocation Runs

13.6.1 For each Settlement Period in any Settlement Day and for each Supplier BM Unit, the SVAA shall determine or re-determine the Period BM Unit Gross Non-Final Demand and provide the same to NETSO in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) on each occasion on which an Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run or a Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is required in relation to that Settlement Day, in accordance with the Settlement Calendar; and

(b) on each occasion on which a Post Final Volume Allocation Run is required by the Panel in accordance with the timetable specified by the Panel in accordance with Section W4.2.3.

13.7 General Responsibilities in respect of SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities

13.7.1 In respect of SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, and in each case in accordance with BSCP602, the SVAA shall:

(a) validate Non-Final Demand Declarations submitted by Suppliers pursuant to paragraph 13.2.1;

(b) register any SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities that are subject to a valid Non-Final Demand Declaration;

(c) undertake monthly validity checks of SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities;

(d) provide reports and information to BSCCo including submissions and validations made pursuant to this paragraph 13 and associated calculations and data; and

(e) maintain and publish a record of all SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities that have a current and valid Non-Final Demand Declaration.

13.7.2 In respect of SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, and in each case in accordance with BSCP602, BSCCo shall:

(a) undertake analysis of the reports and data provided to it by the SVAA under paragraph 13.7.1(d) and investigate, including seeking representations from the relevant Supplier and SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator, whether there is any evidence suggesting that a Non-Final Demand Declaration is no longer valid either in its entirety or in respect of any Metering System to which that Non-Final Demand Declaration relates;

(b) having regard to any representations made under paragraph 13.7.2(a), report its findings from any analysis undertaken under paragraph 13.7.2(a) to the Panel; and

(c) provide to NETSO such data as NETSO may request in relation to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities as is reasonably necessary to enable it to achieve assurance that TNUOS and/or BSUOS charges are calculated accurately.

13.7.3 BSCCo shall undertake the analysis and investigations referred to in paragraph 13.7.2(a) following receipt of a report from the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 13.7.1(c) or otherwise where notified by the Panel, a Party, SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator or interested persons pursuant to BSCP602.

13.8 Powers of the Panel

13.8.1 In order to provide assurance that the provisions of this paragraph 13 have been complied with including with respect to the validity of Non-Final Demand Declarations and the accuracy and completeness of data and information submitted pursuant to this paragraph 13, the Panel shall be entitled to:

(a) receive such reports, information and data as it considers reasonably necessary; and

(b) require BSCCo to undertake analysis or investigations of such reports, information and data pursuant to paragraph 13.7.2.

13.8.2 Following a report by BSCCo under paragraph 13.7.2(b), the Panel may require Metering System(s) to be excluded from a Non-Final Demand Declaration or a Non-Final Demand Declaration to be invalidated in its entirety in which case:

(a) the SVAA shall amend the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register accordingly; and

(b) for the purposes of the calculations undertaken by the SVAA under this paragraph 13, a reference to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities shall be deemed to exclude such Metering Systems as from such date determined by the Panel.


14.1 General

14.1.1 This paragraph 14 describes the processes and calculations needed to provide Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand data to the SAA for the purposes of calculating TLM-Adjusted BM Unit Chargeable Demand. For the avoidance of doubt, such data are not used for the purposes of calculating Trading Charges.

14.2 Declarations

14.2.1 Where a Supplier intends to register Metering Systems and, where applicable, Asset Metering Systems, on the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register for the purposes of calculating Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand, it shall submit a EMR Declaration, which may be either:

(a) an EMR MSID Declaration containing one or more Metering System Numbers; or

(b) an EMR AMSID Declaration containing one or more MSID Pairs and one or more AMSID Pairs,

to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602, and shall keep the SVAA informed of any amendments or updates to that EMTDeclaration.

14.3 Suppliers’ Responsibilities

14.3.1 Subject to paragraph 14.3.2, each Supplier shall ensure that Metered Data for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day are made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 14.3, in respect of all of such Supplier’s Metering System Numbers and Asset Metering System Numbers which are listed on the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register and subject to half hourly metering.

14.3.2 If a Generator or Storage Facility consumes Import Active Energy through a SVA Metering System and such Import Active Energy is allocated between two or more Suppliers, each such Supplier shall ensure that Metered Data for each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be made available to the SVAA pursuant to this paragraph 14.3 in respect of all of such Supplier’s Metering System Numbers associated with Metering Systems which are listed on the SVA Storage Facilities Register and subject to half hourly metering.

14.4 Half Hourly Data Aggregator’s Responsibilities

14.4.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Aggregators shall in respect of that Supplier’s Metering Systems listed on the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register as part of an EMR Declaration for which that Half Hourly Data Aggregator is responsible and in respect of a particular Settlement Day:

(a) receive half hourly Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption from the relevant Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) undertake checks and provide reports in accordance with BSCP503; and

(c) provide to the SVAA the Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption for each Volume Allocation Run.

14.4.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that each of its Half Hourly Data Collectors shall in respect of that Supplier’s Asset Metering Systems listed on the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register as part of an EMR Declaration for which that Half Hourly Data Collector is responsible and in respect of a particular Settlement Day:

(a) collect or, where such has been appointed by the Supplier, receive from the relevant Asset Metering Half Hourly Data Collector half hourly Asset Metering System Metered Consumption;

(b) undertake checks and provide reports in accordance with BSCP603; and

(c) provide to the SVAA the Actual half hourly Asset Metering System Metered Consumption data for the Initial Settlement Volume Allocation Run where available, otherwise Estimated half hourly Asset Metering System Metered Consumption data;

(d) where Estimated half hourly Asset Metering System Metered Consumption data has been provided for an Asset Metering System Number to the SVAA pursuant to (c), the Half Hourly Data Collector shall be required to provide, where available, Actual data for that Asset Metering System Number for the next Volume Allocation Run; and

(e) where Actual half hourly Asset Metering System Metered Consumption data has been provided for an Asset Metering System Number to the SVAA pursuant to (c) or (d), the Half Hourly Data Collector shall not be required to provide such data for any subsequent Volume Allocation Run;

14.5 SVAA Responsibilities

14.5.1 The SVAA shall determine the Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand in respect of an EMR Declaration as set out in paragraph 3.11.

14.6 General Responsibilities in respect of EMR Declarations

14.6.1 In respect of an EMR Declaration, and in each case in accordance with BSCP508, the SVAA shall:

(a) validate each EMR Declaration submitted by a Supplier pursuant to paragraph 14.2;

(b) register all details submitted in a valid EMR Declaration in the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register;

(c) undertake regular validity checks of the details submitted in each valid EMR Declaration;

(d) provide reports and information to BSCCo including submissions and validations made pursuant to this paragraph 14 and associated calculations and data; and

(e) maintain and publish a record of all Generation and SVA Storage Facilities that have been included in a valid EMR Declaration.

14.6.2 In respect of Generation and SVA Storage Facilities, BSCCo shall:

(a) undertake analysis of the reports and data provided to it by the SVAA under paragraph 14.6.1(d) and investigate, including seeking representations from the relevant Supplier, Generation Licensee whether there is any evidence suggesting that a EMR Declaration is no longer valid either in its entirety or in respect of any Metering System to which that EMR Declaration relates; and

(b) having regard to any representations made under paragraph 14.6.2(a), report its findings from any analysis undertaken under paragraph 14.6.2(a) to the Panel.

14.6.3 BSCCo shall undertake the analysis and investigations referred to in paragraph 14.6.2(a) following receipt of a report from the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 14.6.1(c) or otherwise where notified by the Panel, a Party or interested persons pursuant to BSCP508.

14.7 Powers of the Panel

14.7.1 In order to provide assurance that the provisions of this paragraph 14 have been complied with including with respect to the validity of Declarations and the accuracy and completeness of data and information submitted pursuant to this paragraph 14, the Panel shall be entitled to:

(a) receive such reports, information and data as it considers reasonably necessary; and

(b) require BSCCo to undertake analysis or investigations of such reports, information and data pursuant to paragraph 14.6.2.

14.7.2 Following a report by BSCCo under paragraph 14.6.2(b), the Panel may require Metering System(s) to be excluded from an EMR Declaration or an EMR Declaration to be invalidated in its entirety in which case:

(a) the SVAA shall amend the SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System Register accordingly; and

(b) for the purposes of the calculations undertaken by the SVAA under this paragraph 14, a reference to a EMR Declaration shall be deemed to exclude such Metering Systems as from such date determined by the Panel.


Section S-2

Version 34.0

Effective Date07 November 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


































P433 Self Governance
















P388 Self-Governance








P386 Self-Governance




P367 Self-Governance








P321 Self Governance




P315 Alternative








P327 Fast Track Self Governance
















P273 Self Governance


















































































1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section T sets out:

(a) the basis on which Trading Charges for each Imbalance Party and the NETSO will be determined;

(b) the data required in order to determine such Trading Charges, and the intermediate quantities which are involved in such calculation;

(c) the processes to be undertaken by the SAA for and in connection with the determination of Trading Charges.

1.2 Obligation and entitlement of Parties

1.2.1 Subject to the provisions of the Code, each Imbalance Party and the NETSO shall be liable to pay to, or shall be entitled to be paid by, the BSC Clearer an amount in respect of Trading Charges for each Settlement Day as determined in accordance with this Section T.

1.2.2 For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.1, the Trading Charges for a Party are as follows:

(a) for each Imbalance Party and each Settlement Day:

(i) the Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow for that Imbalance Party, which shall be an amount representing either a credit or a debit to that Imbalance Party (as determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.3);

(ii) the Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge for that Imbalance Party, which shall be an amount representing a debit to that Imbalance Party;

(iii) the Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow for that Imbalance Party, which shall be an amount representing either a credit or a debit to that Imbalance Party (as determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.3);

(iv) the Daily Party Information Imbalance Charge for that Imbalance Party, which shall be an amount representing a debit to that Imbalance Party; and

(v) the Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow for that Imbalance Party, which shall be an amount representing either a credit or a debit to that Imbalance Party (as determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.3);

(vi) the Daily Party RR Cashflow for that Imbalance Party;

(vii) the Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow for that Imbalance Party;

(viii) where that Imbalance Party is a Supplier, the Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow for that Supplier; and

(ix) where that Imbalance Party is a Supplier, the Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow for that Supplier.

and, for each Imbalance Party and each Settlement Day, the amounts referred to in paragraphs (i) to (vii) shall be netted, in accordance with paragraph 5.3.3, to produce a single credit or debit amount for each Imbalance Party;

(b) in respect of the NETSO and for each Settlement Day, the Daily System Operator Cashflow, which shall be a single credit or debit amount (as determined in accordance with paragraph 1.2.3).

1.2.3 For the purposes of paragraph 1.2.2:

(a) in relation to each of:

(i) the Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow;

(ii) the Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow;

(iii) the Daily Party RR Cashflow;

(iv) the Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow; and

(v) the Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow,

a positive value of any such Cashflow represents a credit to the relevant Party and a negative value of any such Cashflow represents a debit to the relevant Party; and

(b) in relation to each of:

(i) the Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow;

(ii) the Daily System Operator Cashflow; and

(iii) the Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow,

a positive value of any such Cashflow represents a debit to the relevant Party and a negative value of any such Cashflow represents a credit to the relevant Party.

1.2.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge and the Daily Party Information Imbalance Charge shall have positive values and shall represent a debit to the relevant Imbalance Party.

1.3 Data requirements

1.3.1 This paragraph 1.3 sets out data required from different persons in order to make the determinations and calculations set out in this Section T.

1.3.2 Data required from the NETSO are:

(a) Final Physical Notification Data;

(b) Bid-Offer Data;

(c) Acceptance Data;

(d) Balancing Services Adjustment Data;

(e) Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data;

(f) Loss of Load Probability and associated data; and

(g) Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data.

1.3.3 Data required from the CDCA are:

(a) BM Unit Metered Volumes for BM Units other than Supplier BM Units, Interconnector BM Units and Secondary BM Units;

(b) Interconnector Metered Volumes; and

(c) the GSP Group Take for each GSP Group.

1.3.4 Data required from the ECVAA are:

(a) Metered Volume Fixed Reallocations by BM Unit and Subsidiary Energy Account;

(b) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocations by BM Unit and Subsidiary Energy Account; and

(c) the Account Bilateral Contract Volume for each Energy Account.

1.3.5 Data required from Interconnector Administrators are BM Unit Metered Volumes for the Interconnector BM Units of each Interconnector User for each Interconnector.

1.3.6 Data required from the SVAA are:

(a) for each Supplier, the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume;

(b) for each Secondary BM Unit, the Secondary BM Unit Demand Volume and the Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume;

(c) for each Supplier BM Unit, the Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD; and

(d) for each Supplier BM Unit:

    • the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume (BMUADVij); and

    • the Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand (NCBMUDij);and

(e) for each BM Unit, the BM Unit Gross Demand Volume and the Period BM Unit Total Gross Non-Final Demand.

1.3.7 Data required from the CRA are:

(a) Data registered in CRS and relevant to Settlement.

(b) CVA BM Units which have been included in an EMR CVA BM Unit Declaration.

1.3.8 Data required from the Market Index Data Provider(s) are Market Index Data.

1.3.9 Data required from the TLFA are Transmission Loss Factors for all BM Units.

1.3.10 Data required from ESNAs are BM Unit Eligible Exempt Supply Volume (QBESi1i2j).

1.4 Data receipt and validation

1.4.1 Whenever the SAA is required to carry out a Settlement Run, the SAA shall receive and validate (in accordance with BSCP01) the data for the relevant Settlement Day described in paragraph 1.3.

1.4.2 Subject to paragraphs 1.4.6, if by the time the SAA is to carry out the Interim Information Settlement Run complete and valid data have not been received by the SAA in accordance with paragraph 1.3 in respect of the relevant Settlement Day, then:

(a) where the invalid or missing data are not, in the SAA's opinion, a significant proportion of the data required to carry out the Interim Information Settlement Run in respect of that Settlement Day, the SAA shall inform BSCCo and shall input default data (in accordance with BSCP01) for the purposes of producing the Interim Information Settlement Run;

(b) where the invalid or missing data are, in the SAA's opinion, a significant proportion of the data required to carry out the Interim Information Settlement Run in respect of that Settlement Day:

(i) if the SAA considers that the invalid data will be corrected and re-submitted or the missing data will be submitted by the end of the next following Business Day, the SAA shall inform BSCCo and shall delay the Interim Information Settlement Run until such data is corrected and re-submitted or submitted (as the case may be);

(ii) if:

(1) the SAA does not consider that the invalid data will be corrected and re-submitted or the missing data will be submitted by the end of the next following Business Day; or

(2) in the case of paragraph (i) above, the SAA does not receive such data by the end of the next following Business Day,

the SAA shall inform BSCCo and BSCCo shall determine whether default data should be substituted for the invalid or missing data (in accordance with BSCP01) for the purposes of producing the Interim Information Settlement Run or whether production of the Interim Information Settlement Run should be delayed for a specified period in order that complete and valid data may be obtained by the SAA;

(c) the SAA shall continue to request the person responsible for submitting such data to resubmit and/or correct the data.

1.4.3 For the purposes of paragraph 1.4.2, "significant" shall be interpreted having regard to the purpose for which the Interim Information Settlement Run is produced, namely to provide a reasonably accurate reflection of what is expected to be contained in the Initial Settlement Run in respect of the relevant Settlement Day (taking into account the fact that the Interim Information Settlement Run does not include any data in respect of Supplier Volume Allocation).

1.4.4 Paragraph 1.4.2 shall not apply to data in respect of Supplier Volume Allocation.

1.4.5 Subject to paragraphs 1.4.6 and 1.4.7, if at any time from the Business Day prior to the day on which the SAA is to carry out the Initial Settlement Run the SAA forms the view that it does not expect to receive substantially complete and valid data in accordance with paragraph 1.3 in respect of the relevant Settlement Day in time to carry out such Settlement Run in accordance with the Settlement Calendar, then:

(a) the SAA shall inform BSCCo; and

(b) BSCCo shall determine whether default data should be substituted for the invalid or missing data (in accordance with BSCP01) for the purposes of producing the Initial Settlement Run or whether production of the Initial Settlement Run should be delayed for a specified period in order that complete and valid data may be obtained by the SAA.

1.4.6 Where and for so long as any of paragraphs (a), (b), (c) or (d) of Section K5.4.6 applies in respect of an Interconnector, all BM Unit Metered Volumes for the Interconnector BM Units of each Interconnector User for that Interconnector (whether or not any such volumes are submitted under paragraph 1.3.5) shall be set to zero.

1.4.7 For those Supplier BM Units or Secondary BM Units with no associated SVA Metering Systems (and in respect of which no data is submitted by the SVAA as a result), the BM Unit Metered Volume shall be zero.

1.4.8 Where Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD has not been received in time for the Interim Information Settlement Run, or any subsequent Settlement Run, paragraphs 1.4.2 and 1.4.5 shall not apply.

1.5 Market Index Definition Statement

1.5.1 The Panel shall establish by no later than the commencement date, and have in force at all times thereafter, a statement having regard to the principles set out in paragraph 1.5.3 and which is approved by the Authority (such statement, as revised from time to time in accordance with this paragraph 1.5, being the "Market Index Definition Statement").

1.5.2 The Market Index Definition Statement shall contain the following:

(a) nomination of the particular entity or entities (each a "Market Index Data Provider") which shall be responsible for making available Market Index Data in respect of each Settlement Period for the purposes of paragraph 4.4;

(b) full definition of the particular data and methodology to be used by the Market Index Data Provider(s) in determining the Market Index Data for each Settlement Period (including, where applicable, identification of the particular products, period of trading and any relevant weighting to be applied); and

(c) definition and determination, for the purposes of paragraph 4.3A.1, of a minimum liquidity requirement per Settlement Period (expressed in MWh) in respect of each Market Index Data Provider individually (in each case, an "Individual Liquidity Threshold") which, for the avoidance of doubt, may be zero in any case and may vary in any case according to the Settlement Period and/or the Settlement Day or otherwise.

1.5.3 The principles referred to in paragraph 1.5.1 are:

(a) the Market Index Data is to be used in Settlement to calculate a price (expressed in £/MWh) in respect of each Settlement Period (in accordance with paragraphs 4.4.2(b) and 4.4.3(b)) which reflects the price of wholesale electricity in Great Britain for delivery in respect of that Settlement Period in the short term market, in circumstances where the levels of liquidity in the market during that period and in respect thereof are not exceptionally low;

(b) for the purposes of paragraph 1.5.3(a):

(i) 'reflects' means 'provides a reasonable reflection of';

(ii) references to the 'market' are to the market in general and not to any particular market or particular type of market (organised or otherwise);

(iii) 'short term' is to be taken as meaning, in respect of a Settlement Period, a period of hours or days immediately prior to the Submission Deadline but in any event no more than three Business Days prior to the Submission Deadline;

(iv) 'delivery' refers to transactions where the intended method of performance is by way of submission of Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications; and

(v) the price of wholesale electricity for delivery in respect of a Settlement Period may include the price for a block of Settlement Periods which include that Settlement Period, provided the block comprises no more than twenty four hours in total.

1.5.4 The Panel shall review the Market Index Definition Statement:

(a) from time to time, and in any event at least once every twelve months; and/or

(b) if any change in circumstances occurs or is expected to occur which affects or is likely to affect in any material way the provision of Market Index Data by a Market Index Data Provider; and/or

(c) where necessary in order to give full and timely effect to any relevant Approved Modification by the Implementation Date for that Approved Modification,

by reference to the principles set out in paragraph 1.5.3, and shall make such revisions to the Market Index Definition Statement as may be determined by it and approved by the Authority following such review.

1.5.5 In establishing and reviewing the Market Index Definition Statement, the Panel shall:

(a) investigate what data exists and is available in respect of the market referred to in paragraph 1.5.3;

(b) consult with Parties and other interested parties in connection with the Market Index Definition Statement and have due regard to any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultations;

(c) provide to the Authority copies of any written representations so made and not withdrawn.

1.5.6 Where a revised Market Index Definition Statement is approved by the Authority:

(a) such revised Market Index Definition Statement shall be effective from such date as the Panel shall determine with the approval of the Authority (and shall apply in respect of Settlement Days from that date); and

(b) the Panel Secretary shall give notice of such date to each Party, the SAA and the BMRA.

1.5.7 BSCCo shall ensure that a copy of the Market Index Definition Statement (as revised from time to time) is:

(a) sent to each Party, the SAA and the BMRA; and

(b) published, and made available on request to any person.

1.5.8 For the purposes of this paragraph 1.5, the "commencement date" is the Settlement Day with effect from which, pursuant to paragraphs 4.4.2(b) and 4.4.3(b), Market Index Price and Market Index Volume data is first to be applied in determining energy imbalance prices for the purposes of Settlement.

1.6 Provision of Market Index Data

1.6.1 The Market Index Data to be provided by each Market Index Data Provider in respect of each Settlement Period shall comprise for that Settlement Period:

(a) a volume expressed in MWh; and

(b) a price expressed in £/MWh,

in each case determined in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement.

1.6.2 For each Settlement Period, each Market Index Data Provider will determine its Market Index Data in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement and submit such data to:

(a) the BMRA, such as to be received by the BMRA no later than the end of the Settlement Period to which the data pertains;

(b) the SAA and BSCCo, by way of daily report containing the data separately for each Settlement Period in the Settlement Day to which the data pertains and such as to be received by the SAA and BSCCo no later than the end of the Business Day next following the relevant Settlement Day.

1.6.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 4.3A.1, if in respect of a Settlement Period and a Market Index Data Provider the Individual Liquidity Threshold for that Market Index Data Provider (as determined in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement) exceeds the Market Index Volume which would otherwise have been submitted by it, the Market Index Data Provider will instead submit a Market Index Volume with a value of zero.

1.6.4 Without prejudice to any rights or remedies available to BSCCo under the Market Index Data Provider Contract, if a Market Index Data Provider is unable to determine and/or submit its Market Index Data or to do so within the timescales set out in paragraph 1.6.2, it will:

(a) inform BSCCo, the BMRA and the SAA immediately, giving details of the cause of such inability, when it expects to be able to determine and submit such data and the Settlement Periods likely to be affected;

(b) endeavour to determine and submit such data as soon as it reasonably can, in which case such data shall be taken into account in the next Settlement Run for the relevant Settlement Day after such submission.

1.6.5 In respect of any Settlement Day for which the SAA does not receive Market Index Data from a Market Index Data Provider:

(a) the provisions of paragraph 1.4, other than paragraph 1.4.1, shall not apply (and the default rules under paragraph 4.3A.1 shall apply instead); and

(b) the SAA shall inform BSCCo.

1.6.6 Without prejudice to Section W1.3.2(c)(iv), where, following the submission by a Market Index Data Provider of Market Index Data in respect of a Settlement Period in accordance with paragraph 1.6.2, a change is made to any underlying data item of the Market Index Data Provider such that the Market Index Data so submitted is no longer the data which would have been submitted by it in respect of that Settlement Period in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement:

(a) the Market Index Data Provider will promptly:

(i) inform BSCCo of such change and its effect on the Market Index Data;

(ii) resubmit the Market Index Data for the relevant Settlement Period(s) taking account of such change; and

(b) where the Market Index Data Provider resubmits any Market Index Data as provided in paragraph (a)(ii) above, such revised Market Index Data shall be taken into account in the next Settlement Run for the relevant Settlement Day after such submission.

1.6.7 It shall be the responsibility of BSCCo to enter into a contract with each person nominated as a Market Index Data Provider for the provision of Market Index Data in accordance with this paragraph 1.6 and for these purposes:

(a) a Market Index Data Provider shall not be considered to be a 'BSC Agent' under the Code;

(b) notwithstanding paragraph 1.6.7(a), the provisions of Sections E2.1.2, E2.2.4, E2.2.5, E2.2.6, E2.4, E2.6 and Section E3 shall apply to each Market Index Data Provider Contract and to the provision of Market Index Data as if references to BSC Agent included the Market Index Data Provider and references to a BSC Agent Contract included the Market Index Data Provider Contract subject to the following:

(i) provisions in Section E2 and E3 relating to the selection and appointment of BSC Agents shall not apply (the selection and appointment of Market Index Data Provider(s) being prescribed in the Market Index Definition Statement);

(ii) references in Section E2 and E3 to BSC Service Descriptions shall be disregarded; and

(iii) the provisions of Section E3.2 apply to a Market Index Data Provider in its capacity as such and not in any other capacity which it may have under the Code.

1.6.8 It is recognised that a Market Index Data Provider may (but need not) be a Party; where a Market Index Data Provider is a Party:

(a) such Party shall have no rights, benefits, obligations or liability in its capacity as Market Index Data Provider to or against any other Party under the Code, but without prejudice to its rights and obligations:

(i) as Market Index Data Provider under its Market Index Data Provider Contract; and

(ii) in any other capacity under the Code;

(b) references to Party or Parties in the Code shall be construed as excluding any Market Index Data Provider (which is a Party) in its capacity as a Market Index Data Provider (but as including such person in any other capacity it may have under the Code);

(c) the provision of Market Index Data shall be made pursuant to the Market Index Data Provider Contract and not pursuant to the Code and, accordingly, such data shall not be considered relevant party data for the purposes of Section H4.6;

(d) the provision, disclosure and use of any market data relating to a Party which is used in or in connection with the determination of Market Index Data by a Market Index Data Provider shall not be considered or construed as being made pursuant to any provision of the Code.

1.6.9 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.6.7(a):

(a) Section H4.6 shall apply to Market Index Data Providers as if references to BSC Agents included Market Index Data Providers and references to BSC Agent Contracts included Market Index Data Provider Contracts;

(b) references to BSC Agents and BSC Agent Contracts in Section W shall be deemed to include, respectively, Market Index Data Providers and Market Index Data Provider Contracts.

1.6.10 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) references to a Market Index Data Provider are to a Market Index Data Provider nominated in the version of the Market Index Definition Statement prevailing at the time in question;

(b) in respect of a Market Index Data Provider, references to Market Index Data are to such data as that Market Index Data Provider is to submit in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement.

1.6A Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement

1.6A.1 The Panel shall establish and maintain a "Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement" which shall be a document approved by the Authority setting out:

(a) in respect of the Static LoLP Function Methodology, the method for calculating a LoLP function; and

(b) the method for calculating a Loss of Load Probability value pursuant to the Static LoLP Function Methodology and the Dynamic LoLP Function Methodology.

1.6A.2 The Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement shall include:

(a) the constant parameters to be used in the determination of Loss of Load Probability;

(b) where applicable, the range of values used to determine Loss of Load Probability values and functions; and

(c) the processes to follow for reviewing, updating and publishing parameters that are to be performed by the NETSO on a regular basis.

1.6A.3 The Panel shall review the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement:

(a) from time to time; and/or

(b) subject to paragraph 1.6A.4, where it considers necessary in order to give full and timely effect to any relevant Approved Modification by the Implementation Date for that Approved Modification,

and shall make such revisions to the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement as may be determined by it and approved by the Authority following such review.

1.6A.4 In reviewing the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement the Panel shall:

(a) consult with Parties and other interested parties and have due regard to any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultation; and

(b) provide to the Authority copies of any written representations so made and not withdrawn.

1.6A.5 Where a revised Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement is approved by the Authority:

(a) such revised Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement shall be effective from such date as the Panel shall determine with the approval of the Authority (and shall apply in respect of Settlement Days from that date); and

(b) the Panel Secretary shall give notice of such date to the NETSO and each Party.

1.6A.6 BSCCo shall ensure that a copy of the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement (as revised from time to time) is:

(a) sent to the NETSO and each Party; and

(b) published, and made available on request to any person.

1.6A.7 The Panel shall not delegate its power to determine changes to the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement (subject to the approval of the Authority) but it may delegate its responsibility to maintain and review the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement.

1.7 Single imbalance price

1.7.1 Where, for the purposes of any Contingency Provisions, a single imbalance price is to apply in relation to any Settlement Period:

(a) paragraph 1.7.1A or paragraph 1.7.2 shall apply;

(b) the provisions of paragraphs 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 in relation to the determination of System Buy Price and System Sell Price shall not apply; and

(c) for all purposes of the Code, the System Buy Price and the System Sell Price for that Settlement Period shall be the same and shall have the value established in accordance with paragraphs 1.7.1A or (as applicable) 1.7.2 (and shall be deemed to have been determined under paragraph 4.4).

1.7.1A Where a single imbalance price is to apply in relation to a relevant Settlement Period for the purposes of Section G3 or Section G4, the Panel shall, subject to the approval of the Authority, determine that single imbalance price in accordance with this paragraph 1.7.1A or, where the Panel, in its opinion, considers this provision unsuitable, in accordance with paragraph 1.7.2. For the purposes of this paragraph 1.7.1A the single imbalance price shall be:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (d), the mean of the System Sell Price and the System Buy Price calculated respectively for each set of corresponding Settlement Periods in the thirty whole Settlement Days immediately preceding the Settlement Day on which the System Restoration Period (as defined in Section G3.1.2(d)) or Security Period (as defined in the Fuel Security Code) commenced;

(b) the NETSO shall determine that certain Settlement Periods within the Settlement Days identified under paragraph (a) be excluded from the single imbalance price calculation if those Settlement Periods occur within a System Restoration Period or Security Period or if during those Settlement Periods emergency instructions were issued under the Grid Code;

(c) where paragraph (b) applies, the Panel shall use the System Sell Price and the System Buy Price from additional Settlement Periods to achieve a mean of 30 System Sell Prices and System Buy Prices for each corresponding Settlement Period. Such additional Settlement Periods shall be those corresponding Settlement Periods in the Settlement Day immediately preceding the Settlement Days identified in paragraph (a);

(d) where a Clock Change Day occurs in the thirty Settlement Days immediately prior to the System Restoration Period or Security Period that Settlement Day is to be excluded for the purposes of this paragraph 1.7.1A and a further Settlement Day in accordance with paragraph (e) is to be selected;

(e) where paragraph (d) applies, the Panel shall use the System Sell Price and the System Buy Price from an additional Settlement Day (immediately prior to the thirty Settlement Days referred to in paragraph (a)) to achieve a mean of 30 System Sell Prices and System Buy Prices for each corresponding Settlement Period;

(f) where a Clock Change Day occurs in a System Restoration Period or Security Period:

(i) if the Clock Change Day is short (forty six Settlement Periods) the third and fourth Settlement Periods (and thus the single imbalance price calculated in accordance with this paragraph 1.7.1A for the third and fourth Settlement Periods) shall be ignored for that Clock Change Day; and

(ii) where the Clock Change Day is long (fifty Settlement Periods) the single imbalance price calculated in accordance with this paragraph 1.7.1A for the third and fourth Settlement Periods shall be repeated for the fifth and sixth Settlement Periods of that Clock Change Day. The single imbalance price for the remaining Settlement Periods for that Clock Change Day will be the single imbalance price calculated in accordance with this paragraph 1.7.1A but (other than for the first and second Settlement Periods) for two Settlement Periods earlier (that is to say the single imbalance price calculated for Settlement Period five will apply to Settlement Period seven on a long Clock Change Day, the single imbalance price calculated for Settlement Period six will apply to Settlement Period eight and so on); and

(g) in this paragraph 1.7.1A, save for paragraph (f), "corresponding" means corresponding in sequence (that is to say, the first Settlement Period of a Settlement Day corresponds to the first Settlement Period of another Settlement Day and so on).

1.7.2 Subject to paragraph 1.7.1A, where this paragraph applies, the Panel shall determine, in its opinion, subject to the approval of the Authority, what is or would have been the market price for bulk electricity in the relevant Settlement Period; and for these purposes:

(a) bulk electricity means electricity traded under contracts which may be performed by the notification of Energy Contract Volumes in accordance with Section P;

(b) the Panel may make reference for the purposes of its determination to reported prices and price indices for bulk electricity for any Settlement Period (on any day) which the Panel considers to be comparable, and to equivalent prices and indices relating to periods prior to the Go-Live Date (making appropriate adjustments in respect of any differing treatment of transmission losses and related matters).

1.7.3 The Panel shall wherever practicable make its determination in time for such determinations to be taken into account in the Initial Settlement Run in relation to the relevant Settlement Period.

1.7.4 BSCCo shall promptly notify the Panel's determination to the SAA and to each Party.

1.8 De Minimis Acceptance Threshold

1.8.1 For the purposes of the Code the "De Minimis Acceptance Threshold" (DMAT) shall be 1 MWh or such other amount (in MWh) as the Panel may from time to time determine, after consultation with, the NETSO and Trading Parties and subject to the approval of the Authority, as the de-minimis level below which it would be appropriate to disregard accepted Bids and accepted Offers from the calculation of the energy imbalance prices.

1.8.2 Where a revised value for the De Minimis Acceptance Threshold is approved by the Authority:

(a) such revised value shall be effective from such date as the Panel shall determine with the approval of the Authority, not being less than twenty Business Days after the date of the Panel’s determination;

(b) the Panel Secretary shall promptly give notice of the revised value and its effective date to each Party, the SAA and the BMRA and shall copy such notice to the Authority;

1.9 Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit (CADL)

1.9.1 For the purposes of the Code the "Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit" (CADL) shall be ten minutes or such other amount (in minutes) determined by the Panel and approved by the Authority.

1.9.2 The Panel may revise such amount from time to time subject to the approval of the Authority.

1.9.3 In revising the amount of the Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit from time to time, the Panel shall consult with Parties and consider the views expressed in the course of such consultation prior to making its determination (and shall provide a detailed summary of such views to the Authority).

1.10 Price Average Reference Volume

1.10.1 Subject to paragraph 1.10.2, for the purposes of the Code the "Price Average Reference Volume" (PAR) shall be 50 MWh.

1.10.2 With effect from 1st November 2018 and for all Settlement Days thereafter, for the purposes of the Code the PAR shall be 1 MWh.

1.11 Replacement Price Average Reference Volume

1.11.1 For the purposes of the Code the "Replacement Price Average Reference Volume" (RPAR) shall be 1 MWh.

1.12 Value of Lost Load

1.12.1 Subject to paragraph 1.12.2, for the purposes of the Code the "Value of Lost Load" (VoLL) shall be £3,000/MWh.

1.12.2 With effect from 1st November 2018 and for all Settlement Days thereafter, for the purposes of the Code the VoLL shall be £6,000/MWh.

1.12.3 The Panel, or any Panel Committee to whom responsibility for conducting a review of the VoLL has been delegated, shall review the VoLL:

(a) from time to time; and/or

(b) upon the request of the Authority,

in each case in accordance with the VoLL Review Process.

1.12.4 The Panel shall establish and maintain a VoLL Review Process which shall document the process for reviewing the VoLL in accordance with paragraph 1.12.3 and shall ensure that:

(a) consideration is given to the views and evidence submitted by the Authority;

(b) a consultation is conducted with Parties and other interested parties;

(c) due regard is given to any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultation; and

(d) the conclusions and any recommendations of the VoLL Review shall be set out in a report prepared for the consideration of the Panel.

1.12.5 Where the VoLL Review includes a recommendation that the VoLL be modified the Panel shall decide at the next following Panel meeting whether to propose a modification to paragraph 1.12 in accordance with Section F.

1.12.6 Where the Panel:

(a) rejects a recommendation of the VoLL Review; or

(b) agrees with a recommendation of the VoLL Review not to modify the VoLL,

the Panel shall submit a report to the Authority in accordance with paragraph 1.12.7.

1.12.7 The report referred to in paragraph 1.12.6 shall:

(a) describe the outcome of the VoLL Review;

(b) set out the views and rationale of Panel Members for why:

(i) no change to the VoLL has been recommended or

(ii) the Panel has rejected the recommendations of the VoLL Review; and

(c) include copies of any written representations made in response the VoLL Review pursuant to paragraph 1.12.4.

1.12.8 The provisions of this paragraph are without prejudice to Section F and the right of any person referred to in Section F2.1.1 to raise a Modification Proposal in respect of the VoLL.

1.13 Annex T-2

1.13.1 Annex T-2 shall apply for the purposes of the determination of Transmission Loss Factors.

1.14 Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document

1.14.1 The Panel shall establish, and have in force at all times thereafter, a document containing detailed requirements for the construction of Point Acceptance Volumes (qAkit) to represent the physical dispatch by the NETSO of a BM Unit to fulfil a Quarter Hour RR Activation (the "Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document").

1.14.2 The Panel shall review the Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document from time to time and in any event if there is a change to the NETSO’s requirements for the physical dispatch of a BM Unit to fulfil a Quarter Hour RR Activation, and shall make such revisions as it considers necessary.

1.14.3 BSCCo shall ensure that a copy of the Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document (as revised from time to time) is sent to each Party, the SAA and the BMRA.

1.15 Winter Contingency BM Units

1.15.1 Where the NETSO has determined that a BM Unit shall be treated as a "Winter Contingency BM Unit" for the purposes of Annex T-1, it shall notify BSCCo and BSCCo shall publish such notification on the BSC Website. Such notification shall identify:

(a) the BM Unit(s) to which the notification relates; and

(b) the Settlement Dates from and to which each BM Unit is to be treated as a Winter Contingency BM Unit, where the end date shall be no later than 31st March 2023.

1.16 Supplier Compensation Reference Price

1.16.1 The Supplier Compensation Reference Price shall be the default tariff cap set by the Authority from time to time as further determined, for the purposes of the Code, in accordance with the Supplier Compensation Reference Price Methodology.

1.16.2 The Panel shall establish, and have in force at all times thereafter, a document containing the methodology for the determination of the Supplier Compensation Reference Price including, without limitation:

(a) required data and data sources;

(b) data validation;

(c) the approach to erroneous or duplicated data;

(d) exception scenarios; and

(e) defaulting rules,

in order to determine the amounts payable to Suppliers by way of compensation for VLP Trading (the "Supplier Compensation Reference Price Methodology Document").

1.16.3 The Panel shall review the Supplier Compensation Reference Price Methodology Document from time to time and in any event if the Authority withdraws the default tariff cap or makes a change to the methodology for determining the default tariff cap that impacts the Supplier Compensation Reference Price Methodology Document, and shall make such revisions as it considers necessary.

1.16.4 BSCCo shall ensure that a copy of the Supplier Compensation Reference Price Methodology Document Methodology Document (as revised from time to time) is sent to each Party, the SAA and the BMRA.


2.1 Delivering and Offtaking Trading Units

2.1.1 For the purpose of scaling for transmission losses, in respect of each Settlement Period,

(a) a Trading Unit is a "delivering" Trading Unit when ΣiQMij > 0 and

(b) a Trading Unit is an "offtaking" Trading Unit when ΣiQMij ≤ 0

where Σi represents the sum over all BM Units belonging to that Trading Unit.

2.2 Transmission Loss Factors

2.2.1 For the purposes of the Code, the Transmission Loss Factor and factor α shall be as follows:

(a) for each BM Unit, TLFij shall be determined in accordance with Annex T-2, and

(b) α = 0.45.

2.3 Determination of the Transmission Loss Multipliers

2.3.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit other than Interconnector BM Units and Secondary BM Units, the Transmission Loss Multiplier shall be calculated as follows:

(a) for all BM Units belonging to Trading Units which in the Settlement Period are delivering Trading Units:

TLMij = 1 + TLFij + TLMO+j

(b) for all BM Units belonging to Trading Units which in the Settlement Period are offtaking Trading Units:

TLMij = 1 + TLFij + TLMO-j


TLMO+j = – {α(Σ+QMij + Σ-QMij) + Σ+(non-I) (QMij * TLFij)} / Σ+(non-I) QMij ;

TLMO-j = {(α–1)(Σ+QMij + Σ-QMij) – Σ-(non-I) (QMij * TLFij)} / Σ-(non-I) QMij ;

Σ+ represents the sum over all BM Units other than Secondary BM Units belonging to Trading Units that are delivering Trading Units in the Settlement Period;

Σ- represents the sum over all BM Units other than Secondary BM Units belonging to Trading Units that are offtaking Trading Units in the Settlement Period;

Σ+(non-I) represents the sum over all BM Units other than Interconnector BM Units and Secondary BM Units belonging to Trading Units that are delivering Trading Units in the Settlement Period; and

Σ-(non-I) represents the sum over all BM Units other than Interconnector BM Units and Secondary BM Units belonging to Trading Units that are offtaking Trading Units in the Settlement Period.

2.3.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Interconnector BM Unit, the Transmission Loss Multiplier shall be calculated as follows:

TLMij = 1

irrespective of whether the Interconnector BM Unit belongs to a delivering or offtaking Trading Unit in the Settlement Period.

2.3.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Secondary BM Unit, the Transmission Loss Multiplier shall be calculated as follows:

TLMij = TLMij(Base)

where TLMij(Base) means the value of TLMij calculated in the Settlement Period for BM Units belonging to the Base Trading Unit in the same GSP Group as the Secondary BM Unit.


3.1 Conversion of Data Received from the NETSO

3.1.1 It is recognised that Final Physical Notification Data, Bid-Offer Pairs and Acceptance Data derived from data submitted or determined under the Grid Code (and received by the SAA from the NETSO) will contain values with associated from/to times whereas the equivalent data required for the purposes of this Section T are required to contain point values (as defined in Annex X-2).

3.1.2 Accordingly, the SAA shall convert such data received from the NETSO for the purposes of Settlement using the following conventions:

(a) in the case of Final Physical Notification Data:

(i) each value, comprising a MW 'from' level and associated 'from' time and a MW 'to' level and associated 'to' time, shall be allocated a Point Value Identification Number;

(ii) the 'to' MW level and associated 'to' time shall be a Point FPN (fFPNijt) which is allocated a Point Value Identification Number of '1';

(iii) the 'from' MW level and associated 'from' time shall be a Point FPN (fFPNijt) which is allocated a Point Value Identification Number of '2';

(iv) the associated time of each Point FPN with a Point Value Identification Number of 2 shall be equal to the associated time of the Point FPN with a Point Value Identification Number of 1 of the immediately preceding pair of Point FPNs;

(b) in the case of Bid-Offer Pairs:

(i) each value, comprising a MW 'from' level and associated 'from' time and a MW 'to' level and associated 'to' time, shall be allocated a Point Value Identification Number;

(ii) the 'to' MW level and associated 'to' time shall be a Point Bid-Offer Volume (fqBOnijt) which is allocated a Point Value Identification Number of '1';

(iii) the 'from' MW level and associated 'from' time shall be a Point Bid-Offer Volume (fqBOnijt) which is allocated a Point Value Identification Number of '2';

(iv) the associated time of each Point Bid-Offer Volume with a Point Value Identification Number of 2 shall be equal to the associated time of the Point Bid-Offer Volume with a Point Value Identification Number of 1 of the immediately preceding pair of Point Bid-Offer Volumes;

(c) in the case of Acceptance Data:

(i) for each Acceptance Volume Pair, a Point Acceptance Volume (qAkit) shall be created where the MW level is set equal to the 'from' MW level of the Acceptance Volume Pair, the time t shall be set equal to the 'from' time of the Acceptance Volume Pair and the value of k shall be set equal to the Bid-Offer Acceptance Number of the Acceptance Volume Pair;

(ii) for each Acceptance Volume Pair, a Point Acceptance Volume (qAkit) shall be created where the MW level is set equal to the 'to' MW level of the Acceptance Volume Pair, the time t shall be set equal to the 'to' time of the Acceptance Volume Pair and the value of k shall be set equal to the Bid-Offer Acceptance Number of the Acceptance Volume Pair; and

(iii) for each Acceptance Volume Pair, a flag stating whether that Acceptance is relating to an RR Instruction.

3.1.3 References in the succeeding paragraphs of this Section T to any point values submitted or issued by the NETSO (and similar expressions) shall be interpreted as references to the relevant to/from values submitted or issued by the NETSO and converted into point values by the SAA pursuant to this paragraph 3.1.

3.1.4 It is recognised that Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data derived from data submitted or determined under the Grid Code (and received by the SAA from the NETSO) will contain values with an associated Position and Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type whereas the equivalent data required for the purposes of this Section T are required to contain Quarter Hour values (as defined in Annex X-2).

3.1.5 Accordingly, the SAA shall convert such data received from the NETSO for the purposes of Settlement using the following conventions:

(a) in the case of, respectively, Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data:

(i) each Position shall be equal to the duration of the Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type and have an associated Flow Direction, Replacement Reserve Activation Price and Activated Quantity;

(ii) for the purposes of the Code, each Position shall be fully comprised of Quarter Hours;

(iii) each Quarter Hour within a Position shall be allocated:

(1) a Quarter Hour 'J' expressed as an integer;

(2) a Quarter Hour Replacement Reserve Activation Price being the price associated with such Position pursuant to paragraph 3.1.5(a)(i) (where a Position is comprised of more than one Quarter Hour then each Quarter Hour in such Position shall be allocated the same Replacement Reserve Activation Price); and

(3) an Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity associated being the Activated Quantity associated with such Position pursuant to paragraph 3.1.5(a)(i) (where a Position is comprised of more than one Quarter Hour then each Quarter Hour in such Position shall be allocated the same Activated Quantity) multiplied by 1 should the associated Flow Direction reference 'UP'; or multiplied by -1 should the associated Flow Direction reference 'DOWN';

(b) in the case of each Position converted to Quarter Hour data pursuant to paragraph 3.1.5(a), such Quarter Hour data shall be deemed to be:

(i) in respect of Replacement Reserve Activation Data, a Quarter Hour RR Activation;

(ii) in respect of GB Need Met Data, a Quarter Hour GB Need Met;

(iii) in respect of Interconnector Schedule Data, a Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule;

(c) for each Quarter Hour RR Activation within a Replacement Reserve Auction Period the SAA shall create Deemed Product Point Variables (qDSPJijt), to be processed in ascending order by reference to the Quarter Hour RR Activation 'J', where;

(i) a point variable shall be created where the time t shall be set five minutes before the 'start time' of the Quarter Hour period that the Quarter Hour RR Activation relates to and the MW level shall be set equal to the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity for the immediately preceding Quarter Hour RR Activation that time t relates to. If no immediately preceding Quarter Hour RR Activation exists then the MW Level shall be set to zero;

(ii) a point variable shall be created where the time t shall be set five minutes after the 'start time' of the Quarter Hour period that the Quarter Hour RR Activation relates to and the MW level shall be set equal to the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity MW level of the Quarter Hour RR Activation;

(iii) a point variable shall be created where the time t shall be set five minutes before the 'end time' of the Quarter Hour period that the Quarter Hour RR Activation relates to and the MW level shall be set equal to the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity MW level of the Quarter Hour RR Activation;

(iv) a point variable shall be created where the time t shall be set five minutes after the 'end time' of the Quarter Hour period that the Quarter Hour RR Activation and the MW level shall be set equal to zero;

(d) for each Quarter Hour RR Activation within a Replacement Reserve Auction Period the SAA shall deem Acceptance Volume Pairs (qAkit), and such Acceptance Volume Pairs shall be classified as Acceptance Data and as RR Schedule flagged in accordance with Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document.

3.2 Establishment of final physical notification (FPNij(t))

3.2.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the value of FPNij(t) for spot times falling within the Settlement Period shall be established by linear interpolation of the values of Point FPN (fFPNijt), established for that Settlement Period pursuant to paragraph 3.1.

3.2.2 If, for a particular time t no value of Point FPN exists within the Settlement Period for which the associated time is at or after time t, the value of the FPNij(t) shall be equal to the value of the Point FPN submitted for the spot time most recently preceding time t and, where more than one Point FPN exists for that spot time, the Point FPN with the higher value of the Point Value Identification Number f.

3.2.3 If no value of Point FPN exists for which the associated time is at or before a particular time, the value of FPNij(t) shall be set equal to zero.

3.3 Establishment of Bid-Offer Volume (qBOnij(t))

3.3.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for any value of Bid-Offer Pair Number, the Bid-Offer Volume (qBOnij(t)) at any spot time shall be established by linear interpolation from the values of Point Bid-Offer Volume (fqBOnijt) submitted for spot times in a Settlement Period.

3.3.2 If, for a particular time no subsequent value of Point Bid-Offer Volume has been submitted within the Settlement Period, then the value of Bid-Offer Volume shall be equal to the value of the Point Bid-Offer Volume submitted for the time most recently prior to the time in question, and this value shall apply until the end of the Settlement Period.

3.4 Establishment of Acceptance Volume (qAkij(t))

3.4.1 The calculations of Acceptance Volume undertaken with respect to a particular Acceptance for a particular BM Unit, described in paragraphs 3.4.2 to 3.4.4, will be made for each Acceptance for that BM Unit, and the Acceptances will be processed in the order in which they are issued, with the exception of Acceptances that are flagged as relating to an RR Schedule, and which shall be treated as issued at the Gate Closure time of the Replacement Reserve Auction Period to which they relate.

3.4.2 In respect of each Settlement Period that falls within the Balancing Mechanism Window Period, for each BM Unit, the Acceptance Volume (qAkij(t)) for spot times shall be established by linear interpolation from the Point Acceptance Volumes qAkit issued by the NETSO for that Acceptance.

3.4.2A No Acceptance Volume (qAkij(t)) shall be calculated for any spot times t where the following criteria are met

(a) qAkij(t) is not flagged as relating to a RR Schedule or a RR Instruction; and

(b) there exists a qAk*ij(t) flagged as relating to a RR Schedule; and

(c) GCT < qAkij(t) Bid-Offer Acceptance Time < qAk*ij(t) Replacement Reserve Activation Time; and

(d) either:

qAk-ij(t) < qAkij(t) < qAk*ij(t)


qAk*ij(t) < qAkij(t) < qAk-ij(t)


qAk-ij(t) represents the latest Acceptance Volume relating to the latest Acceptance issued prior to Gate Closure of the relevant Replacement Reserve Auction Period (GCT). If no such previously calculated value of Acceptance Volume qAk-ij(t) exists, then the Acceptance Volume shall be set to the value of FPNij(t) for those spot times; and

qAkij(t), qAk-ij(t) and qAk*ij(t) represent the associated spot time MW values.

3.4.3 For spot times which are both:

(a) within the Balancing Mechanism Window Period; and

(b) prior to the first time associated with the value of Point Acceptance Volume for the Acceptance,

for each BM Unit, the value of the Acceptance Volume shall be set to the last calculated value of Acceptance Volume for those spot times. If no such previously calculated value of Acceptance Volume exists, then the Acceptance Volume shall be set to the value of FPNij(t) for those spot times.

3.4.4 For spot times which are both:

(a) within the Balancing Mechanism Window Period; and

(b) after the last time associated with a value of Point Acceptance Volume for the Acceptance,

for each BM Unit, the value of the Acceptance Volume shall be set to the last calculated value of Acceptance Volume for those spot times. If no such previously calculated value of Acceptance Volume exists, then the Acceptance Volume shall be set to the value of FPNij(t) for those spot times.

3.4A Establishment of Bid-Offer Upper Range (BOURnij(t)) and Bid-Offer Lower Range (BOLRnij(t)) in relation to FPN and Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs

3.4A.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for each Submitted Bid-Offer Pair for which the associated Bid-Offer Pair Number n is greater than zero (if any), other than the Submitted Bid-Offer Pair with the greatest Bid-Offer Pair Number which is greater than zero, the Bid-Offer Upper Range for each spot time in the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

(a) BOURnij(t) = FPNij(t) + Σn+ qBOnij(t)

where Σn+ represents the sum over the range of positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers 1 to n of Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs; and

(b) BOUR0 ij (t) = FPNij(t)

3.4A.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for the Submitted Bid-Offer Pair with the greatest Bid-Offer Pair Number n which is greater than zero (if any), the Bid-Offer Upper Range for each spot time in the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

(a) if FPNij(t) 0 and qAkij(t) > FPNij(t) + Σn+ qBOnij(t) for any Bid-Offer Acceptance Number k,


BOURnij(t) = Maxk(qAkij(t))

where Maxk(qA kij(t)) represents the maximum value of qAkij(t)) for any value of k for BM Unit i at spot time t in Settlement Period j;

(b) in any other case:

BOURnij(t) = FPNij(t) + Σn+ qBOnij(t)

where Σn+ represents the sum over the range of positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers 1 to n of Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs.

3.4A.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs for which the associated Bid-Offer Pair Number n is less than zero, other than the Submitted Bid-Offer Pair with the least Bid-Offer Pair Number which is less than zero, the Bid-Offer Lower Range for each spot time in the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

(a) BOLRnij(t) = FPNij(t) + Σn-qBOnij(t)

where Σn- represents the sum over the range of negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers -1 to n of Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs; and

(b) BOLR0 ij (t) = FPNij(t).

3.4A.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for the Submitted Bid-Offer Pair with the least Bid-Offer Pair Number n which is less than zero (if any), the Bid-Offer Lower Range for each spot time in the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

(a) if FPNij(t) <= 0 and qAkij(t) < FPNij(t) + Σn- qBOnij(t) for any Bid-Offer Acceptance Number k,


BOLRnij(t) = Mink(qAkij(t))

where Mink(qA kij(t)) represents the minimum value of qA kij(t)) for any value of k for BM Unit i at spot time t in Settlement Period j;

(b) in any other case:

BOLRnij(t) = FPNij(t) + Σn- qBOnij(t)

where Σn- represents the sum over the range of negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers -1 to n of Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs.

3.4B Creation of Bid-Offer Pairs

3.4B.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, a Bid-Offer Pair shall be created in the following circumstances:

(a) if for any spot time t,

(i) FPNij(t)>0; and

(ii) there exists a Submitted Bid-Offer Pair with a Bid-Offer Pair Number of less than zero; and

(iii) qAkij(t) < FPNij(t) + Σn- qBOnij(t) for any value of k;

where Σn- represents the sum over the range of negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for all Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs;

then a Bid-Offer Pair shall be created with a Bid-Offer Pair Number n-1, where n-1 has a negative value equal to 1 less than the lowest Submitted Bid-Offer Pair Number;

(b) if for any spot time t,

(i) FPNij(t)<0; and

(ii) there exists a Submitted Bid-Offer Pair with a Bid-Offer Pair Number of greater than zero; and

(iii) qAkij(t) > FPNij(t) + Σn+ qBOnij(t) for any value of k;

where Σn+ represents the sum over the range of positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for all Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs;

then a Bid-Offer Pair shall be created with a Bid-Offer Pair Number n+1, where n+1 has a positive value equal to 1 greater than the highest Submitted Bid-Offer Pair Number;

(c) if for any spot time t,

(i) there are no Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs with negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers; and

(ii) qAkij(t) < FPNij(t) for any value of k;

then an Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair shall be created with a Bid-Offer Pair Number n, equal to –1;

(d) if for any spot time t,

(i) there are no Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs with positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers; and

(ii) qAkij(t) > FPNij(t) for any value of k;

then an Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair shall be created with a Bid-Offer Pair Number n, equal to 1.

3.4B.2 A Bid-Offer Pair created pursuant to paragraph 3.4B.1 shall be referred to as an "Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair".

3.4B.3 In respect of each Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair with Bid-Offer Pair Number n:

(a) the Offer Price (POnij) and the Bid Price (PBnij) shall both be £0.00/MWh; and

(b) the 'from' MW level and the 'to' MW level associated with the spot time at the start of the Settlement Period, and the spot time at the end of the Settlement Period respectively shall both be 0MW.

3.5 Establishment of Bid-Offer Upper Range (BOURnij(t)) and Bid-Offer Lower Range (BOLRnij(t)) in relation to Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pairs

3.5.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for the Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair with a Bid-Offer Pair Number n which is greater than zero (if any), the Bid-Offer Upper Range for all spot times in the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

(a) if there are no Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs with Bid-Offer Pair Numbers greater than zero,


BOUR1ij(t) = Max{FPNij(t), Maxk(qAkij(t))}

(b) if there are one or more Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs with Bid-Offer Pair Numbers greater than zero,


(i) if FPNij(t) < 0, then

BOURnij(t) = Max{FPNij(t) + Σns+qBOnij(t), Maxk(qAkij(t))}

where Σns+ represents the sum over the range of positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for all Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs;

(ii) in any other case, BOURnij(t) = FPNij(t) + Σn+ qBOnij(t)

where Σn+ represents the sum over the range of positive Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for all Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs and all Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pairs;

where Maxk(qA kij(t)) represents the maximum value of qA kij(t) for any value of k for BM Unit i at spot time t in Settlement Period j and n is the Bid-Offer Pair Number of the Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair.

3.5.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for the Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair with a Bid-Offer Pair Number n which is less than zero (if any), the Bid-Offer Lower Range for all spot times in the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

(a) if there are no Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs with Bid-Offer Pair Numbers less than zero, then

BOLR-1ij(t) = Min{FPNij(t), Mink(qAkij(t))}

(b) if there are one or more Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs with Bid-Offer Pair Numbers less than zero, then

(i) if FPNij(t) > 0, then:

BOLRnij(t) = Min{FPNij(t) + Σns-qBOnij(t), Mink(qAkij(t))}

where Σns- represents the sum over the range of all negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for each Submitted Bid-Offer Pair;

(ii) in any other case:

BOLRnij(t) = FPNij(t) + Σn- qBOnij(t)

where Σn- represents the sum over the range of all negative Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for Submitted Bid-Offer Pairs and all Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pairs;

where Mink(qA kij(t)) represents the minimum value of qA kij(t)) for any value of k for BM Unit i at spot time t in Settlement Period j and n is the Bid-Offer Pair Number of the Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair.

3.6 Determination of Accepted Bid-Offer Volume (qABOknij (t))

3.6.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the volume (in MW) of Bid or Offer from the Bid-Offer Pair accepted as a result of a particular Acceptance k that is not flagged as relating to an RR Instruction shall be the Accepted Bid-Offer Volume and shall be established as follows:

(a) For n>0,

qABOknij (t) = max {min (qAkij(t), BOURn ij (t)), BOURn-1ij(t)}

– max {min (qAk-ij(t), BOURnij(t)), BOURn-1ij(t)}, and

(b) For n<0,

qABOknij (t) = min { max (qAkij(t), BOLRnij(t)), BOLRn+1ij(t)}

– min {max (qAk-ij(t), BOLRnij(t)), BOLRn+1ij(t)}

where, from all Acceptances for which an Acceptance Volume has been determined for the Settlement Period, k- represents that Acceptance with the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time most recently preceding that of the Acceptance.

3.6.2 If there is no Acceptance for which an Acceptance Volume has been determined in the Settlement Period which has a Bid-Offer Acceptance Time that precedes that of the Acceptance, qAk-ij(t) shall be set equal to FPNij(t) for each Acceptance k that is not flagged as relating to an RR Instruction.

3.7 Accepted Offer Volume (qAOknij (t)) and Accepted Bid Volume (qABknij (t))

3.7.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the volume (in MW) of an Offer accepted as a result of an Acceptance at spot times within the Settlement Period shall be the Accepted Offer Volume and shall be established as follows:

qAO knij(t) = max (qABOknij(t), 0)

3.7.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the volume of a Bid accepted as a result of an Acceptance at spot times within the Settlement Period shall be the Accepted Bid Volume and shall be established as follows:

qABknij (t) = min (qABO knij(t), 0)

3.8 Determination of Period Accepted Offer Volume (QAOknij), Period Accepted Bid Volume (QABknij), Period RR Accepted Offer Volume (RRAOknij) and Period RR Accepted Bid Volume (RRABknij)

3.8.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period Accepted Offer Volume shall be established by integrating the Accepted Offer Volume over all spot times in the Settlement Period, for each Acceptance k that is not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

3.8.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period Accepted Bid Volume shall be established by integrating the Accepted Bid Volume over all spot times in the Settlement Period, for each Acceptance k that is not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

3.8.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period RR Accepted Offer Volume shall be established by integrating the Accepted Offer Volume over all spot times in the Settlement Period, for each Acceptance k that is flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

3.8.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period RR Accepted Bid Volume shall be established by integrating the Accepted Bid Volume over all spot times in the Settlement Period, for each Acceptance k that is flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

3.9 Determination of Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume (QAOnij), Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume (QABnij), Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume (RRAOnij), Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume (RRABnij) and Quarter Hour RR Activation Volume (RRAViJ)

3.9.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total MWh volume of the Offer accepted for all Acceptances that are not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule shall be the Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume and shall be established as follows:

QAOnij = ΣkQAOknij

where Σk represents the sum over all Acceptances within the Settlement Period.

3.9.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total MWh volume of the Bid accepted for all Acceptances that are not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule shall be the Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume, and shall be established as follows:

QABnij = ΣkQABknij

where Σk represents the sum over all Acceptances within the Settlement Period.

3.9.2A In respect of each Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, for each Settlement Period and affected BM Unit, the total MWh volume of the Bid for that Acceptance shall be the Network Gas Supply Imbalance Adjustment Volume (QNGSIAij), and shall be established as follows:

QNGSIAij = Σn QABknij

where Σn represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the BM Unit.

3.9.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total MWh volume of Offers accepted for all Acceptances that are flagged as relating to an RR Schedule shall be the Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume and shall be established as follows:

RRAOnij = ΣkRRAOknij

where Σk represents the sum over all Acceptances within the Settlement Period.

3.9.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total MWh volume of Bids accepted for all Acceptances that are flagged as relating to an RR Schedule shall be the Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume, and shall be established as follows:

RRABnij = ΣkRRABknij

where Σk represents the sum over all Acceptances within the Settlement Period.

3.9.5 In respect of each Quarter Hour “J”, for each BM Unit, the MWh volume of a Quarter Hour RR Activation shall be the Quarter Hour RR Activation Volume, and shall be established as follows:

RRAViJ = Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity * 0.25

3.10 Determination of Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow (COnij) and Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow (CBnij)

3.10.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the transmission loss adjusted cashflow for Balancing Mechanism action in the Settlement Period, allocated to an Offer shall be the Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:

COnij = QAOnij * TLMij * POnij

3.10.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the transmission loss adjusted cashflow for Balancing Mechanism action in the Settlement Period, allocated to a Bid shall be the Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:

CBnij = QABnij * TLMij * PBnij

3.11 Determination of Period BM Unit Cashflow (CBMij)

3.11.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total payment in respect of the BM Unit as a result of accepted Balancing Mechanism action in the Settlement Period shall be the Period BM Unit Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:

CBMij = ΣnCOnij + Σn CBnij

where Σn represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the BM Unit.

3.11A Determination of Quarter Hour RR Cashflow (CCRiJ)

3.11A.1 In respect of each Quarter Hour, for each BM Unit, the total payment in respect of the BM Unit as a result of a Quarter Hour RR Activation in the Quarter Hour shall be the Quarter Hour RR Cashflow and shall be determined, as follows:


where RRAPJ represents the Quarter Hour Replacement Reserve Activation Price associated to the Quarter Hour RR Activation

3.11.B Determination of Period RR BM Unit Cashflow (CRRij)

3.11B.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total payment in respect of the BM Unit as a result of Replacement Reserve activations in the Settlement Period shall be the Period RR BM Unit Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:


where ΣJ is the sum over all Quarter Hours J within Settlement Period j.

3.12 Determination of Total System BM Cashflow (TCBMj) and Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow (CBMp)

3.12.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the total payments and charges in respect of Balancing Mechanism action for all BM Units shall be the Total System BM Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:

TCBMj = Σi CBMij

where Σi is the sum over all BM Units.

3.12.2 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow shall be determined as:

CBMp = Σj Σip CBMij

where Σj is the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σip is the sum of all BM Units for which Party p is the Lead Party.

3.12A Determination of Network Gas Supply Total Bid Payment

3.12A.1 In respect of each Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, for each affected BM Unit, the total Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow relating to that Acceptance shall be the Network Gas Supply Total Bid Payment (TNGSBi), and shall be determined as follows:

TNGSBi = Σj Σn CBnij

where Σn represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the BM Unit, and Σj represents the sum over Settlement Periods.

3.13 Determination of Reserve Scarcity Price (RSVPj)

3.13.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Reserve Scarcity Price shall be calculated as:

RSVPj = LoLPj * VoLL

3.13.2 Subject to paragraph 3.13.3, if there is no Final Loss of Load Probability available for a Settlement Period then the Final Loss of Load Probability shall be the most recently calculated Indicative Loss of Load Probability for that Settlement Period.

3.13.3 If there is no Indicative Loss of Load Probability or Final Loss of Load Probability available for a Settlement Period then the Final Loss of Load Probability shall be NULL and the Reserve Scarcity Price shall be calculated as:

RSVPj = 0

3.14 Determination of STOR Action Price (STAPtj)

3.14.1 In respect of each Settlement Period that is in a STOR Availability Window, for each accepted Offer that is a STOR Action, the STOR Action Price (STAPtj) shall be determined as the greater of the Offer Price (POnij) or the Reserve Scarcity Price (RSVPj) applicable to that Settlement Period.

3.14.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Balancing Services Adjustment Action that is a STOR Action, the STAPtj shall be determined as the greater of the Balancing Services Adjustment Price (BSAPmj) or the Reserve Scarcity Price (RSVPj) applicable to that Settlement Period.

3.15 Determination of System and Balancing Demand Control Volumes (QSDCcj and QBDCcj)

3.15.1 In respect of each Demand Control Instruction, for each Demand Control Event Stage:

(a) the Start Point Demand Control Level shall be the Demand Control Event Estimate determined as at the relevant time and date notified by the NETSO in accordance with Section Q6.9.3 or Q6.9.4; and

(b) the End Point Demand Control Level shall be the Demand Control Event Estimate determined as at the Demand Control Event End Point notified by the NETSO in accordance with Section Q6.9.5.

3.15.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Demand Control Volume for each Demand Control Event Stage shall be established by linear interpolation from the values of Start Point Demand Control Level and End Point Demand Control Level.

3.15.3 In respect of each Demand Control Event and each Settlement Period:

(a) the "System Demand Control Volume" (QSDCcj) shall be equal to the sum of the Demand Control Volumes determined under paragraph 3.15.2 where the related Demand Control Instructions have the same Demand Control Instruction identification number and included a SMAF Flag set to "Yes";

(b) the "Balancing Demand Control Volume" (QBDCcj) shall be equal to the sum of the Demand Control Volumes determined under paragraph 3.15.2 where the related Demand Control Instructions have the same Demand Control Instruction identification number and included a SMAF Flag set to "No".

3.16 Not used.

3.17 Determination of Deemed Standard Product Shape (qDSPJij(t))

3.17.1 In respect of each Settlement Period that contains a Deemed Standard Product Point Variable (qDSPJijt), for a particular Quarter Hour RR Activation, for each BM Unit, the Deemed Standard Product Shape (qDSPJij(t)) for spot times shall be established by linear interpolation from the Deemed Standard Product Point Variables (qDSPJijt) created from the Quarter Hour RR Activation issued by the NETSO.

3.17.2 If, for a particular time t no Deemed Standard Product Point Variable (DSPJijt) exists within the Settlement Period, then the value of Deemed Standard Product Shape (qDSPJij(t)) shall be equal to the value of Deemed Standard Product Shape for previous Quarter Hour RR Activation ‘J’. If no activation exists then Deemed Standard Product Shape (qDSPJij(t)) shall equal zero.

3.18 Determination of Deemed Standard Product Volume (qDSPVJij(t))

3.18.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for each Quarter Hour RR Activation ‘J’ the volume (in MW) of Deemed Standard Product Volume shall be established as follows:

qDSPVJij(t) = qDSPJij(t) - qDSPJ-1ij(t)

where, for all Replacement Quarter Hour Replacement Reserve within the Replacement Reserve Auction Period for which a Deemed Standard Product Volume has been determined for the Settlement Period, J-1 represents that Deemed Standard Product Shape from the previous Quarter Hour. If no qDSPJ-1ij(t) has been determined in the Settlement Period which has a qDSPJij(t) then qDSPJ-1ij(t) shall be set equal to zero.

3.18.2 If there is no qDSPJ-1ij(t) has been determined in the Settlement Period which has a qDSPJij(t) then qDSPJ-1ij(t) shall be set equal to zero.

3.19 Determination of Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (qDSPOJij(t)) and Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (qDSPBJij(t))

3.19.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (in MW) of an Offer accepted as a result of a Quarter Hour RR Activation at spot times within the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

qDSPOJij(t)) = max (qDSPVJij(t) , 0 )

3.19.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (in MW) of a Bid accepted as a result of a Quarter Hour RR Activation at spot times within the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:

qDSPBJij(t)) = min (qDSPVJij(t) , 0 )

3.20 Determination of Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (DSPOJij) and Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (DSPBJij)

3.20.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume shall be established by integrating the Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume over all spot times in the Settlement Period, for each Quarter Hour RR Activation J.

3.20.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume shall be established by integrating the Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume over all spot times in the Settlement Period, for each Quarter Hour RR Activation J.

3.21 Determination of Total Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (TDSPOij) and Total Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (TDSPBij)

3.21.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Total Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (in MWh) of Offers accepted as a result of a Replacement Reserve Auction at spot times within the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:


3.21.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Total Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (in MWh) of Bids accepted as a result of a Replacement Reserve Auction at spot times within the Settlement Period shall be established as follows:


3.22 Determination of Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation (IODij) and Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation (IBDij)

3.22.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation (in MWh) of Offers accepted as a result of a Replacement Reserve Auction at spot times within the Settlement Period that deviate from the Deemed Standard Product Shape shall be established as follows:

IODij = ∑ n RRAOnij - TDSPOii

3.22.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation (in MWh) of Offers accepted as a result of a Replacement Reserve Auction at spot times within the Settlement Period that deviate from the Deemed Standard Product Shape shall be established as follows:

IBDij = ∑ n RRABnij - TDSPBii

3.23 Determination of Replacement Reserve Period Instructed Offer Deviation Cashflow (CDOij)and Replacement Reserve Period Instructed Bid Deviation Cashflow (CDBij)

3.23.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation Cashflow of Offers accepted as a result of a Replacement Reserve Auction at spot times within the Settlement Period that deviate from the Deemed Standard Product Shape, shall be determined as follows:

CDOij = IODij * BEDPj

In respect of each Settlement Period, the Balancing Energy Deviation Price (BEDPj) shall be an amount equal to zero.

3.23.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation Cashflow of Bids accepted as a result of a Replacement Reserve Auction at spot times within the Settlement Period that deviate from the Deemed Standard Product Shape, shall be determined as follows:

CDBij = IBDij * BEDPj

In respect of each Settlement Period, the Balancing Energy Deviation Price (BEDPj) shall be an amount equal to zero.

3.24 Determination of the Replacement Reserve Period Instruction Deviation Cashflow (CDRij)

3.24.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the total payment in respect of the BM Unit as a result of deviation from the TERRE Standard Product Shape in the Settlement Period shall be the Replacement Reserve Period Instruction Deviation Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:

CDRij = CDOij + CDBij

3.25 Determination of Total System RR Cashflow (TCRRj), Daily Party RR Cashflow (CRRp) and Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow (CDRp)

3.25.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the total payments and charges in respect of Replacement Reserve activations for all BM Units shall be the Total System RR Cashflow and shall be determined as follows:

TCRRj = Σij CRRij + Σij CDRij

where Σij is the sum over all BM Units i and Settlement Period j.

3.25.2 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party RR Cashflow shall be determined as:

CRRp = Σj Σip CRRij

where Σj is the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σip is the sum of all BM Units for which Party p is the Lead Party in that day.

3.25.3 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow shall be determined as:

CDRp = Σj Σip CDRij

where Σj is the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σip is the sum of all BM Units for which Party p is the Lead Party in that day.


4.1 Treatment of Interconnector BM Units

4.1.1 For each Settlement Period, the BM Unit Metered Volume for the relevant Interconnector BM Unit (as determined in paragraph 4.1.2) of the Interconnector Error Administrator will be determined as follows:

QMij = IMVj – Σi QMij

where Σi is the sum over all Interconnector BM Units for which the Lead Parties are Interconnector Users in relation to the Interconnector in question.

4.1.2 In respect of the Interconnector BM Units of an Interconnector Error Administrator for the Interconnector in question:

(a) where QMij is positive, it shall be the BM Unit Metered Volume for the Production Interconnector BM Unit of the Interconnector Error Administrator, and

(b) where QMij is negative, it shall be the BM Unit Metered Volume for the Consumption Interconnector BM Unit of the Interconnector Error Administrator,

and, in each case, the BM Unit Metered Volume for the other Interconnector BM Unit of the Interconnector Error Administrator for that Interconnector (the Consumption Interconnector BM Unit, in the case of paragraph (a), and the Production Interconnector BM Unit, in the case of paragraph (b)) shall be zero.

4.2 Determination of BM Unit Metered Volume (QMij) for Supplier BM Units

4.2.1 For each Settlement Period, the BM Unit Metered Volume for Supplier BM Units will, subject to paragraph 1.4.7, be determined as follows:

QMij = – BMUADVij

4.2A Determination of BM Unit Metered Volume (QMij) for Secondary BM Units

4.2A.1 For each Settlement Period, the BM Unit Metered Volume for Secondary BM Units will, subject to paragraph 1.4.7, be determined as follows:

QMij = – VBMUDVij

4.3 Determination of Information Imbalance Volumes (QIIij) and Charges (CIIij)

4.3.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period FPN (FPNij) will be calculated by integrating the value of FPNij(t) over all spot times falling within the Settlement Period in question.

4.3.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period BM Unit Balancing Services Volume will be determined as follows:

QBSij = Σn (QAOn ij + QABn ij) +Σn (RRAOn ij + RRABn ij) + QASij + BMUADDVij + SNBABSVDij – QDDij + QBSDij

where Σn represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the BM Unit and QBSDij represents the Period Supplier Primary BM Unit Delivered Volume, calculated in accordance with paragraph 4.3B.5 for Supplier BM Unit i.

4.3.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, which is not a Baselined BM Unit or for which SVAA has not provided the Settlement Expected Volume, the Period Expected Metered Volume will be determined as follows:

QMEij = FPNij + QBSij

4.3.3A In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Baselined BM Unit and for which SVAA has provided a Settlement Expected Volume, the Period Expected Metered Volume will be determined as follows:

QMEij = SEVij + QBSij

4.3.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period Information Imbalance Volume will be determined as follows:

QII ij = |QMijQMEij|

4.3.5 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Information Imbalance Price (IIPj) shall be an amount equal to zero.

4.3.6 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Information Imbalance Charge will be determined as follows:

CII ij = QIIij * IIPj

4.3.7 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Total System Information Imbalance Charge will be determined as follows:


where Σi represents the sum over all BM Units.

4.3.8 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party Information Imbalance Charge shall be determined as:

CIIp = Σj Σip CIIij

where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σip represents the sum over all BM Units for which Party p is the Lead Party.

4.3A Determination of Market Price (MPj)

4.3A.1 Without prejudice to paragraphs 1.6.4(b) and 1.6.6(b), if in respect of a Settlement Period j and a Market Index Data Provider s either:

(a) the Individual Liquidity Threshold exceeds the Market Index Volume (QXPsj); or

(b) the Market Index Data Provider fails for whatever reason to submit the Market Index Data in time such that it can be taken into account in the relevant Settlement Run,

the Market Index Volume (QXPsj) and the Market Index Price (PXPsj) for that Market Index Data Provider shall be deemed to be zero.

4.3A.2 In respect of each Settlement Period the "Market Price" (MPj) is the amount determined as follows:

MPj = Σs {PXPsj * QXPsj} / Σs {QXPsj}

where Σs represents the sum over all Market Index Data Providers.

If Σs {QXPsj} = 0, then the Market Price for the Settlement Period shall be undefined, and the provisions of paragraph 4.4.4 shall apply.

4.3AA Determination of Deviation Volume (QDEij) for Trading Secondary BM Units

4.3.AA.1 In respect of each Trading Secondary BM Unit and each Settlement Period for which either a Bid-Offer Acceptance or a Wholesale Market Activity Notification has been received, the Deviation Volumes (QDEij) shall be determined as follows:

QDEij = QMij - SEVij

Where QM is the BM Unit Metered Volume and SEVij is the Settlement Expected Volume.

4.3B Determination of Period Supplier BM Unit Delivered Volume (QBSDij) for Secondary BM Units

4.3B.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Secondary BM Unit, the Period Secondary BM Unit Non-Delivered Volume (QSNDij) is the amount determined as follows:

QSNDij = Max{ Min( QBSij, QNDOij ) , QNDBij }

4.3B.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Secondary BM Unit, the Period Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume (QSDij) is the amount determined as follows:

QSDij = QBSij - QSNDij

4.3B.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Secondary BM Unit "i2", for each Primary BM Unit "i", the Period Secondary BM Unit Delivered Proportion (SPiji2) is the amount determined as follows:

SPiji2 = VBMUSDVi2ji / ΣiVBMUSDViji2

where Σi represents the summation over all Primary BM Units "i".

4.3B.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Secondary BM Unit "i2", for each Primary BM Unit "i", the Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume (QSDiji2) is the amount determined as follows:

(a) in respect of Trading Secondary BM Units:

QSDiji2 = QDEi2j * SPiji2

where QDEi2j represents Deviation Volume; and

(b) for all other Secondary BM Units:

QSDiji2 = QSDi2j * SPiji2

4.3B.5 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Primary BM Unit "i", the Period Supplier BM Unit Delivered Volume (QBSDij) is the amount determined as follows:

QBSDij = Σi2QSDiji2

where Σi2 represents the sum over all Secondary BM Units i2 for which Primary BM Unit "i" is to be allocated a value of QSDiji2.

4.3C Determination of Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Compensation (QSVij)

4.3C.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Trading Secondary BM Unit with a non-zero value of QDEij, the Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume (WMi2j) is the amount determined as follows:

WMi2j = (QDEi2j - QSDi2j) / QDEi2j

provided that WMi2j shall be equal to or greater than 0 and equal to or less than 1.

4.3C.2 In respect of each Settlement Period the Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Compensation (QCViji2) is the amount determined as follows:

QCViji2 = QSDiji2 * WMi2j

where QSDiji2 represents Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume calculated in accordance paragraph 4.3B.4(a).

4.3C.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Period BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume (QSVij) shall be determined as follows:

QSVij = i2 Σ QCViji2

where QCViji2 represents Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume calculated in accordance with paragraph 4.3C.4 and i2 Σrepresents the summation over Secondary BM Units "i2".

4.3C.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Secondary BM Unit, the Period Secondary BM Unit Compensation Volume is the amount determined as follows:

QCVji2 = i Σ QCViji2

Where iΣrepresents the summation over Primary BM Units"i".

4.4 Determination of Energy Imbalance Prices (SBPj and SSPj)

4.4.1 In respect of each Settlement Period the Final Ranked Set of System Actions shall be established in accordance with Annex T-1.

4.4.2 In respect of each Settlement Period if the Net Imbalance Volume is not equal to zero, and is a positive number, and {ΣiΣnΣk {QAOknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSABmj + Σt QSIVtj + Σc QSDCcj + Σc QBDCcj + ΣJ VGBjJ + RRAUSBj} is not equal to zero:

(a) the System Buy Price will be determined as follows:

SBPj = {ΣiΣnΣk {QAOknij * POnij * TLMij} + Σm {QBSABmj * BSAPmj} + Σt {QSIVtj * STAPtj} + {{QSDCj + QBDCj} * VoLL} + ΣJ {VGBJ * QHRRAPJ} + {RRAUSBj * 0}}

/ {ΣiΣnΣk {QAOknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSABmj + Σt QSIVtj + Σc QSDCcj + Σc QBDCcj + ΣJ VGBjJ + RRAUSBj}

+ {BPAj}

where Σi represents the sum over all BM Units, Σn represents the sum over all accepted Offers in the Final Ranked Set of System Buy Actions, Σk represents the sum over all Acceptances within the Settlement Period, Σm represents the sum over all Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Actions in the Final Ranked Set of System Buy Actions, Σt represents the sum over all STOR Actions in the Final Ranked Set of System Buy Actions, and Σc represents the sum over all Demand Control Instructions in the Final Ranked Set of System Buy Actions; and ΣJ represents the sum overall Quarter Hour Volume GB Need Met in the Final Ranked Set of System Buy Actions; and

(b) the System Sell Price shall be equal to the System Buy Price as determined in 4.4.2(a).

4.4.3 In respect of each Settlement Period if the Net Imbalance Volume is not equal to zero, and is a negative number, and {ΣiΣnΣk {QABknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSASmj } + ΣJ {VGBjJ} + {RRAUSSj} is not equal to zero:

(a) the System Sell Price will be determined as follows:

SSPj = {ΣiΣnΣk {QABknij * PBnij * TLMij} + Σm {QBSASmj * BSAPmj}} + ΣJ {VGBJ * QHRRAPJ} + {RRAUSSj * 0}}

/ {ΣiΣn Σk {QABknij * TLMij} + Σm {QBSASmj } + {SPAj} + ΣJ {VGBjJ} + RRAUSSj}

where Σi represents the sum over all BM Units, Σn represents the sum over all accepted Bids in the Final Ranked Set of System Sell Actions, Σk represents the sum over all Acceptances within the Settlement Period, and Σm represents the sum over all Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Actions in the Final Ranked Set of System Sell Actions; and ΣJ represents the sum overall Quarter Hour Volume GB Need Met in the Final Ranked Set of System Buy Actions; and

(b) the System Buy Price shall be equal to the System Sell Price as determined in 4.4.3(a).

4.4.3A In respect of each Settlement Period, if the Net Imbalance Volume is equal to zero, or if the Net Imbalance Volume is not equal to zero and is a positive number and {ΣiΣnΣk {QAOknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSABmj + Σt QSIVtj + Σc QSDCcj + Σc QBDCcj} + ΣJ {VGBjJ} + {RRAUSBj} is equal to zero, or if the Net Imbalance Volume is not equal to zero and is a negative number and {ΣiΣnΣk {QABknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSASmj} + ΣJ {VGBjJ} + {RRAUSSj} is equal to zero, then:

(a) the System Buy Price will (subject to paragraph 4.4.4) be equal to the Market Price (MPj); and

(b) the System Sell Price shall be equal to the System Buy Price as determined in 4.4.3A(a).

4.4.4 Without prejudice to paragraphs 1.6.4(b) and 1.6.6(b), if for whatever reason (including the submission or deemed submission of zero values or the absence of Market Index Data) in respect of a Settlement Period:

Σs QXPsj = 0

where Σs represents the sum over all Market Index Data Providers,

then, if the Net Imbalance Volume is equal to zero, or if the Net Imbalance Volume is not equal to zero and is a positive number and {ΣiΣnΣk {QAOknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSABmj + Σt QSIVtj + Σc QSDCcj + Σc QBDCcj} + ΣJ {VGBjJ} + {RRAUSBj} } is equal to zero, or if the Net Imbalance Volume is not equal to zero and is a negative number and {ΣiΣnΣk {QABknij * TLMij} + Σm QBSASmj} + ΣJ {VGBjJ} + {RRAUSSj} is equal to zero, then:

(a) the System Buy Price will be equal to zero; and

(b) the System Sell Price shall be equal to the System Buy Price as determined in 4.4.4(a).

4.5 Determination of Credited Energy Volumes (QCEiaj) for each Energy Account

4.5.1 In respect of each Settlement Period and each Energy Account, the Credited Energy Volume for each Primary BM Unit to be allocated to the corresponding Energy Account of the Subsidiary Party and of the Lead Party will be determined as follows:

(a) in the case of the corresponding Energy Account of each Subsidiary Party:

QCEiaj = {(QMijQBSij) * (QMPRiaj/100) + QMFRiaj} * TLMij

where "i" in relation to QMij and QBSij represents Primary BM Units only and values of QCEiaj are then rounded towards zero to the nearest kWh;

(b) in the case of the corresponding Energy Account of the Lead Party:

QCEiaj = (QMij * TLMij) – ΣaQCEiaj

where "i" in relation to QMij and QBSij represents Primary BM Units only andΣa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts for Subsidiary Parties of the Lead Party (not including Energy Accounts for the Lead Party itself).

4.6 Determination of Energy Imbalance (QAEIaj) for each Energy Account

4.6.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account, the Account Credited Energy Volume will be determined as follows:

QACEaj = ΣiQCEiaj

where Σi represents the sum over all Primary BM Units.

4.6.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account and Virtual Balancing Account, the Account Period Balancing Services Volume will be determined as follows:

QABSaj = (ΣiQBSij * TLMij) + (Σi2QSNDi2j * TLMi2j)

where Σi in relation to QBSij represents the sum over all Primary BM Units for which such Energy Account is the corresponding Energy Account of the Lead Party;

Σi2 in relation to QSNDi2j represents the sum over all Secondary BM Units for which such Energy Account or Virtual Balancing Account (as the case may be) is the corresponding Energy Account or Virtual Balancing Account of the Lead Party;

Multiplication by TLMij in relation to QBSij is for the TLMij of that Primary BM Unit i;

Multiplication by TLMi2j in relation to QSNDi2j is for the TLMij of that Secondary BM Unit i2.

4.6.2A In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account, the Account Period Deviation Volume (QADEaj) will be determined as follows:

QADEaj = (∑i QDEij * WMij *TLMij)

where QDEij is the Secondary BM Unit Deviation Volume

4.6.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account and Virtual Balancing Account, the Account Energy Imbalance Volume will be determined as follows:


4.6.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Total System Energy Imbalance Volume will be determined as follows:


where Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts and Virtual Balancing Accounts other than the TC (Non-IEA) Energy Accounts held by the NETSO.

4.6.5 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Total Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume will be determined as follows:


where Σi represents the sum over all BM Units.

4.7 Determination of Energy Imbalance Cashflows (CAEIaj and TCEIj)

4.7.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow for each Energy Account and Virtual Balancing Account, other than the TC (Non-IEA) Energy Accounts held by the NETSO, will be determined as follows:

if QAEIaj > 0 then CAEIaj = – QAEIaj * SSPj

otherwise CAEIaj = – QAEIaj * SBPj

In respect of each Settlement Period, the Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow for each Energy Account held by the NETSO will be determined as follows:

CAEIaj = 0

4.7.2 The Total System Energy Imbalance Cashflow will be determined as follows:


where Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts and Virtual Balancing Accounts.

4.7.3 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow shall be determined as:

CAEIp = Σj Σap CAEIaj

where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σap represents the sum over the Energy Accounts and Virtual Balancing Account of Party p.

4.8 Non-Delivery Rule and Calculations

4.8.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume will be determined as follows:

QNDOij = Min{Max{QMEij QMij, 0},(ΣnQAOnij + ΣnRRAOnij)}

where Σn, in relation to QAOnij, represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the Accepted Offer Volumes and Σn, in relation to RRAOnij, represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the RR Accepted Offer Volumes, for the BM Unit.

4.8.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume will be determined as follows:

QNDBij = Max{Min{QMEij QMij, 0},(ΣnQABnij + ΣnRRABnij)}

where Σn, in relation to QABnij, represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the Accepted Bid Volumes and Σn, in relation to RRABnij, represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the RR Accepted Bid Volumes, for the BM Unit.

4.8.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, if the Period BM Non-Delivered Offer Volume is greater than zero then to determine values of Offer Non-Delivery Volume (QNDOnij), the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume will be apportioned across all accepted Offers (AOnij) (being Accepted Offers Volumes (QAOnij) and for upward Quarter Hour RR Activations within the Settlement Period the associated Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (DSPOJij) and the Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation Volume (IODij)), in the following way.

4.8.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, the set of all accepted Offers will be ranked in order of decreasing price. The accepted Offer with the highest price will be allocated Non-Delivery Order Number 1, the next highest priced accepted Offer will be allocated Non-Delivery Order Number 2 and so on until all accepted Offers for the Settlement Period have been allocated a Non-Delivery Order Number. The set of accepted Offers

{AOn1ij, AOn2ij, …….. AOnuij} is then a ranked set of accepted Offers.

4.8.5 The Offer Non-Delivery Volume will be allocated to the first accepted Offer in the list first, then, once the first accepted Offer has been wholly accepted, to the second accepted Offer and so on until the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume is fully apportioned.

4.8.6 Then the Offer Non-Delivery Volume for accepted Offer n, is:

QNDOnij = Min(AOnuij, RQNDOu-1ij)

where RQNDOu-1ij is the Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume determined as:

RQNDOuij = RQNDOu-1ij – QNDOnu-1ij

and RQNDO0ij = QNDOij

and QNDOn0ij = 0

4.8.7 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, if the Period BM Non-Delivered Bid Volume is less than zero then to determine values of Bid Non-Delivery Volume (QNDBnij), the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume will be apportioned across all accepted Bids (ABnij) (being Accepted Bids Volumes (QABnij) and for downward Quarter Hour RR Activations within the Settlement Period the associated Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (DSPBJij) and the Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation Volume (IBDij)), in the following way.

4.8.8 In respect of each Settlement Period, the set of all accepted Bids will be ranked in order of increasing price. The accepted Bid with the lowest price is allocated Non-Delivery Order Number 1, the next lowest priced accepted Bid is allocated Non-Delivery Order Number 2 and so on until all accepted Bids for the Settlement Period have been allocated a Non-Delivery Order Number. The set of accepted Bids {ABn1ij, ABn2ij, …….. ABnuij} is then a ranked set of accepted Bids.

4.8.9 The Bid Non-Delivery Volume will be allocated to the first accepted Bid in the list first, then, once the first accepted Bid has been wholly accepted, to the second accepted Bid and so on until the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume is fully apportioned.

4.8.10 Then the Bid Non-Delivery Volume for accepted Bid n, is:

QNDBnij = Max(ABnuij, RQNDBu-1ij)

where RQNDBu-1ij is the Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume determined as:

RQNDBuij = RQNDBu-1ij – QNDBnu-1ij

and RQNDB0ij = QNDBij

and QNDBn0ij = 0

4.8.11 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for each accepted Offer, the Non-Delivered Offer Charge will be determined as follows:

CNDOnij = QNDOnij * Max{(NDPOnij SBPj), 0} * TLMij

4.8.12 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, for each accepted Bid, the Non-Delivered Bid Charge will be determined as follows:

CNDBnij = QNDBnij * Min{(NDPBnij SSPj), 0} * TLMij

4.8.13 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge will be determined as follows:

CNDij = Σn (CNDOnij + CNDBnij)

where Σn represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for the BM Unit.

4.8.14 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Total System Non-Delivery Charge will be determined as the sum of all BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charges for BM Units as follows:


where Σi represents the sum over all BM Units.

4.8.15 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge shall be determined as:

CNDp = Σj Σip CNDij

where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σip represents the sum over all BM Units for which Party p is the Lead Party.

4.8.16 For each accepted Offer allocated an Offer Non-Delivery Volume that is an Accepted Offer Volume, the Non-Delivered Offer Price for that accepted Offer n will be determined as follows:

NDPOnij = POnij

4.8.17 For each accepted Offer allocated an Offer Non-Delivery Volume that is a Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume (DSPOJij) associated to an upward Quarter Hour RR Activation, the Non-Delivered Offer Price for that accepted Offer n will be determined as follows:


where RRAPJ represents the Quarter Hour Replacement Reserve Activation Price associated to the Quarter Hour RR Activation.

4.8.18 For each accepted Offer allocated an Offer Non-Delivery Volume that is a Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation Volume (IODij) the Non-Delivered Offer Price for that accepted Offer n will be determined as follows:


In respect of each Settlement Period, the Balancing Energy Deviation Price (BEDPj) shall be an amount equal to zero.

4.8.19 For each accepted Bid allocated a Bid Non-Delivery Volume that is an Accepted Bid, the Non-Delivered Bid Price for that accepted Bid n will be determined as follows:

NDPBnij = PBnij

4.8.20 For each accepted Bid allocated a Bid Non-Delivery Volume that is a Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume (DSPBJij) associated to a downward Quarter Hour RR Activation, the Non-Delivered Bid Price for that accepted Bid n will be determined as follows:


where RRAPJ represents the Quarter Hour Replacement Reserve Activation Price associated to the Quarter Hour RR Activation.

4.8.21 For each accepted Bid allocated a Bid Non-Delivery Volume that is a Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation Volume (IBDij) the Non-Delivered Bid Price for that accepted Bid n will be determined as follows:


In respect of each Settlement Period, the Balancing Energy Deviation Price (BEDPj) shall be an amount equal to zero.

4.9 Determination of System Operator Cashflow (CSOj)

4.9.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the System Operator Cashflow will be determined as follows:

CSOj = (TCBMj + TCRRj) – TCNDj

4.9.2 In respect of each Settlement Day, the Daily System Operator Cashflow will be determined as follows:


where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods.

4.10 Determination of Residual Cashflow Allocations

4.10.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Total System Residual Cashflow will be determined as follows:

TRCj = TCIIj + CSO j + TCNDj – TCBMj - TCRRj + TCEIj

4.10.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account, other than the TC (Non-IEA) Energy Accounts held by the NETSO, the Residual Cashflow Reallocation Proportion will be determined as follows:

RCRPaj = {Σ+i (QCEiaj) + Σ-i (– QCEiaj )}/ {Σa +i (QCEiaj) + Σ-i (– QCEiaj)}}

where Σ+i is, for each Energy Account a in Settlement Period j, the sum over all BM Units i other than Interconnector BM Units that are in delivering Trading Units, and

Σ-i is, for each Energy Account a in Settlement Period j, the sum over all BM Units i other than Interconnector BM Units that are in offtaking Trading Units, and

Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts a, other than the TC (Non-IEA) Energy Accounts held by the NETSO.

In respect of each Settlement Period, for each TC (Non-IEA) Energy Account held by the NETSO, the Residual Cashflow Reallocation Proportion will be determined as follows:

RCRPaj = 0

4.10.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account, the Residual Cashflow Reallocation Cashflow will be determined as follows:

RCRCaj = RCRPaj * TRCj

4.10.4 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow shall be determined as:

RCRCp = Σj Σap RCRCaj

where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σap represents the sum over the Energy Accounts of Party p.

4.11 Determination of Compensation Cashflow Allocations

4.11.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each BM Unit, the Final Demand (FDij) shall be determined as follows:

FDij = MAX(BMUGDVij - SDTBMUij, 0)

4.11.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account held by a Supplier, the Supplier Compensation Proportion (CMPaj) shall be determined as follows:

CMPaj = Σi FDij / Σa Σi FDij

4.11.3 In respect of each Settlement Period, the System Period Compensation Volume (QCVj) shall be determined as follows:

QCVj = Σ i2 QCVji2

4.11.4 In respect of each Settlement Period, for each Energy Account held by a Supplier, the Supplier Compensation Volume (QCVaj) shall be determined as follows:

QCVaj = QCVj * CMPaj

4.11.5 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Settlement Period Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow (SVCCaj) shall be determined as follows:


where SCRP means the Supplier Compensation Reference Price determined in accordance with paragraph 1.16.

4.11.6 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow (SCVp) shall be determined as follows:

SCVp = Σj Σap SVCCaj

where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σap represents the sum over the Energy Accounts of Party p.

4.11.7 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Period Supplier Compensation Cashflow (SPCCij) will be determined as follows:


4.11.8 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Party p, the Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow (SCCp) shall be determined as:

SCCp = Σj Σap SPCCij

where Σj represents the sum over all Settlement Periods and Σap represents the sum over the Energy Accounts of Party p.


5.1 Responsibility of SAA

5.1.1 The SAA shall be responsible for the determination of Trading Charges and shall make all such intermediate and other calculations and determinations as are required to do so in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 and to enable the SAA to comply with its reporting requirements under Section V.

5.2 Requirement to carry out Settlement Runs

5.2.1 In relation to each Settlement Day, the SAA shall carry out:

(a) no later than the relevant dates set out in the Settlement Calendar (subject to paragraph 1.4),

(i) an Interim Information Settlement Run;

(ii) an Initial Settlement Run;

(iii) four Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Runs;

(b) any Post-Final Settlement Run required by the Panel pursuant to Section U2.

5.2.2 Not used.

5.2.3 In carrying out any Reconciliation Settlement Run, the SAA shall:

(a) use data submitted by the CDCA and SVAA pursuant to the corresponding Reconciliation Volume Allocation Runs;

(b) make any adjustment or revision to any data submitted by the NETSO which is to be made following the resolution of any Trading Dispute, and use such adjusted or revised data;

(c) use any adjusted or revised data submitted to it for the relevant Settlement Period by the CRA, the CDCA, the ECVAA, the NETSO, any Interconnector Administrator and any Market Index Data Provider;

(d) should the NETSO submit any revised Balancing Services Adjustment Data, use such revised data.

5.3 Submission of Settlement data

5.3.1 In relation to each Settlement Day, following each Settlement Run, the SAA shall provide to the FAA the data and information specified in paragraphs 5.3.2 to 5.3.4 on the Notification Date (subject to paragraph 1.4):

(a) specified in the Payment Calendar, in the case of the Initial Settlement Run or a Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run;

(b) determined pursuant to Section U2, in the case of a Post-Final Settlement Run.

5.3.2 The following information is to be submitted in relation to the Settlement Run:

(a) the Settlement Day;

(b) whether the Settlement Run is an Initial Settlement Run, Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run or Post-Final Settlement Run.

5.3.3 The following information is to be submitted in relation to each Trading Party:

(a) the identity of the Trading Party;

(b) the amount (shown as a debit or a credit in accordance with the applicable rules and conventions established in paragraph 1.2) for the Settlement Day, in respect of each of the following Trading Charges separately:

(i) Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow;

(ii) Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge;

(iii) Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow;

(iv) Daily Party Information Imbalance Charge;

(v) Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow;

(vi) Daily Party RR Cashflow;

(vii) Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow

(viii) Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow; and

(ix) Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow

(c) the net credit or debit amount for the Settlement Day for all Trading Charges under paragraph (b), determined by the SAA for that Trading Party applying the rules and conventions established in paragraph 1.2.

5.3.4 In relation to the NETSO, the information to be submitted is the credit or debit amount (in accordance with the applicable rules and conventions in paragraph 1.2), for the Settlement Day, for the Daily System Operator Cashflow.

5.3.5 In relation to each Settlement Day, following the Interim Information Settlement Run, the SAA shall provide to the ECVAA the data and information specified in paragraphs 5.3.2 and 5.3.3, relating to each Interim Information Settlement Run, on the day that the Settlement Calendar specifies the Interim Information Settlement Run for the Settlement Day is to take place (subject to paragraph 1.4).

5.4 Failure of SAA's systems, etc

5.4.1 This paragraph 5.4 applies if (other than in the circumstances described in paragraph 1.4.5) the SAA is unable for any reason:

(a) to carry out any Settlement Run (not including an Interim Information Settlement Run); or

(b) to submit to the FAA data and information in accordance with paragraph 5.3

and as a result the data and information referred to in paragraph 5.3 in relation to that Settlement Run has not been submitted to and validated (in accordance with Section N6.2) by the FAA by the twentieth day after the Notification Date.

5.4.2 Where this paragraph 5.4 applies, the Panel shall estimate:

(a) for each Party:

(i) the amounts of the Trading Charges for the relevant Settlement Day; and

(ii) subject as follows, for each Settlement Period, the amounts which (in accordance with paragraph 4) are summed to establish Trading Charges for a Settlement Day;

provided that paragraph (ii) shall not apply to the extent that, in the Panel's opinion (in any particular circumstances), it is not reasonably practicable for the Panel to make or obtain estimates under that paragraph, or to do so in a way which is more specific and less approximate than the basis on which the estimate in paragraph (a) is otherwise to be made;

(b) the amount of the System Buy Price and the System Sell Price for each Settlement Period in the relevant Settlement Day.

5.4.3 The Panel's estimate shall be made on such basis and with such approximation as the Panel considers appropriate, having regard to all the circumstances and to the fact that any Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run remains to be carried out or (as the case may be) any Settlement Run has already been carried out.

5.4.4 Each BSC Agent and each Party shall cooperate with the Panel to the extent reasonably requested to enable the Panel to make the estimates under paragraph 5.4.2.

5.4.5 BSCCo shall submit the amounts estimated by the Panel under paragraph 5.4.2(a):

(a) to the FAA;

(b) to the SAA, for information;

and shall use the amounts estimated by the Panel under paragraph 5.4.2(b) for publication under Section V4.2.6.

5.4.6 The data estimated by the Panel shall be binding on all Parties (but without prejudice to any subsequent Reconciliation Settlement Run).


6.1 Determination of Trading Unit Export and Import Volumes (QTUErj and QTUIrj)

6.1.1 In respect of each Trading Unit for each Settlement Period the "Trading Unit Export Volume" shall be determined as:

QTUErj = Σ(non-S) max(QMij, 0) + ΣN(AE) | CORCiNj |


Σ(non-S) represents the sum over all BM Units other than Supplier BM Units belonging to the Trading Unit; and

ΣN(AE) represents the sum over all Consumption Component Classes that are associated with active export over all Supplier BM Units belonging to the Trading Unit.

6.1.2 In respect of each Trading Unit for each Settlement Period the "Trading Unit Import Volume" shall be determined as:

QTUIrj = Σ(non-S) min(QMij, 0) – ΣN(AI) | CORCiNj |


Σ(non-S) represents the sum over all BM Units other than Supplier BM Units belonging to the Trading Unit; and

ΣN(AI) represents the sum over all Consumption Component Classes that are associated with active import over all Supplier BM Units belonging to the Trading Unit.

6.1.3 In respect of each Trading Unit for each Settlement Period the "Trading Unit Delivery Mode" shall be:

(a) "Delivering" if QTUErj + QTUIrj > 0; or

(b) "Offtaking" if QTUErj + QTUIrj ≤ 0.


7.1.1 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each BM Unit for which such data is received or determined by the NETSO under Section Q, the SAA shall send the SVAA an aggregate report of all Quarter Hour RR Activation Data in respect of each Quarter Hour period within each Replacement Reserve Auction Period for such Settlement Day.


8.1.1 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each Supplier BM Unit, the BM Unit Chargeable Demand CBMUDij shall be:


Where BMUADVij is the BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume and NCBMUDij is the Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand.

8.1.2 In respect of each Settlement Day, for each CVA BM Unit which has been included in an EMR CVA BM Unit declaration, the BM Unit Chargeable Demand CBMUDij shall be:

CBMUDij = 0

And for all other CVA BM Units, the BM Unit Chargeable Demand CBMUDij shall be:


8.1.3 The SAA shall apply the Transmission Loss Multiplier to the BM Unit Chargeable Demand to determine the TLM-adjusted BM Unit Chargeable DemandTCBMUDij”.


8.1.4 The SAA shall, for each Settlement Day and Settlement Run, issue the TLM-adjusted BM Unit Chargeable Demand TCBMUDij to the EMR Settlement Services Provider.

8.1.5 In respect of each Settlement Period ‘j’ and Supplier BM Unit ‘i’, the BM Unit Gross Exempt Supply Purchase (GESBMUij) shall be:

(a) for all BM Units ‘i’ belonging to Trading Units which in the Settlement Period are delivering Trading Units:

GESBMUij = (1 + TLMO+j) * Σ i1=i QBESi1i2j

(b) for all BM Units ‘i’ belonging to Trading Units which in the Settlement Period are offtaking Trading Units:

GESBMUij = (1 + TLMO-j) * Σ i1=i QBESi1i2j

Where Σ i1=i denotes the sum over all Exempt Supply Notification Agents and BM Units ‘i2’ of those values of QBESi1i2j for which i1 is the BM Unit ‘i’.

Annex T-1: Final Ranked Set of System Actions

Part 1 – Derivation of Final Ranked Set of System Actions


1.1 This Annex T-1 sets out:

(a) in this Part 1, the basis on which, for each Settlement Period, the Final Ranked Set of System Actions will be determined for the purposes of calculating the System Buy Price or (as the case may be) the System Sell Price pursuant to Section T4.4;

(b) in Part 2, detailed provisions for CADL Flagging, Arbitrage Tagging, NIV Tagging, determining the Replacement Price, and PAR Tagging for the purposes of Part 1;

(c) in Part 3, the determination of certain terms for reporting purposes.

1.2 For the purposes of the Code, in relation to a Settlement Period:

(a) in relation to a BM Unit and an Acceptance, an "accepted Offer" means the Period Accepted Offer Volume (QAOknij), and an "accepted Bid" means the Period Accepted Bid Volume (QABknij) but excluding Offers and Bids where the value of Period Accepted Offer Volume or Period Accepted Bid Volume (as the case may be) is zero or which are STOR Actions;

(b) a "System Buy Action" (QSBwj) means:

(i) in relation to each BM Unit, an accepted Offer that is not a STOR Action;

(ii) in relation to each Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Action, the Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Volume (QBSABmj) that is not a STOR Action;

(iii) in relation to each STOR Action, the STOR Instructed Volume (QSIVtj);

(iv) in relation to each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period, the System Demand Control Volume (QSDCcj); and

(v) in relation to each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period, the Balancing Demand Control Volume (QBDCcj);

(vii) in relation to Replacement Reserve Auction Results, the positive values of Quarter Hour Volume GB Need Met (VGBJj) in MWh for each Quarter Hour falling within Settlement Period j determined by the SAA as below:

VGBJ = GBJ * 0.25

where GBJ represents the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity associated to the Quarter Hour GB Need Met for Quarter Hour ‘J’

(viii) in relation to Replacement Reserve Auction Results, Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Buy Actions (RRAUSBj) determined by the SAA for each Settlement Period as below:

RRAUSBj = max {(Σni RRAOnij + Σni RRABnij), 0}

+ max (ΣJ VIJj , 0) – max (ΣJ VGBJj, 0)

where VIJ represents the Quarter Hour Volume Interconnector Schedule to be determined from the Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule (IJ) as below;

VIJ = IJ * 0.25

where IJ represents the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity associated to the Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule for Quarter Hour ‘J’.

(c) a "System Sell Action" (QSSwj) means:

(i) in relation to each BM Unit, an accepted Bid that is not a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance;

(ii) in relation to each Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Action, the Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Volume (QBSASmj);

(iii) in relation to Replacement Reserve Auction Results, the negative values of Quarter Hour Volume GB Need Met (VGBJj) in MWh for each Quarter Hour falling within Settlement Period j determined by the SAA as below:

VGBJ = GBJ * 0.25

where GBJ represents the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity associated to the Quarter Hour GB Need Met for Quarter Hour ‘J’

(iv) in relation to Replacement Reserve Auction Results, Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Sell Actions (RRAUSSj) determined by the SAA for each Settlement Period as below:

RRAUSSj = min {(Σni RRAOnij + Σni RRABnij), 0}

+ min (ΣJ VIJj , 0) – min (ΣJ VGBJj, 0)

where VIJ represents the Quarter Hour Volume Interconnector Schedule to be determined from the Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule (IJ) as below;

VIJ = IJ * 0.25

where IJ represents the Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity associated to the Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule for Quarter Hour ‘J’

(d) "System Action" means a System Buy Action or a System Sell Action;

(e) in relation to a System Buy Action or a System Sell Action, the "System Action Price" (SAP wj) is:

(i) in the case of an accepted Offer that is not a STOR Action and does not relate to a Winter Contingency BM Unit, the Offer Price (PO nij);

(ii) in the case of an accepted Bid, the Bid Price (PB nij);

(iii) in the case of an Balancing Services Adjustment Action that is not a STOR Action, the Balancing Services Adjustment Price (BSAPmj);

(iv) in the case of a STOR Action, the STOR Action Price (STAPtj); and

(v) in the case of a System Demand Control Volume or a Balancing Demand Control Volume, the VoLL;

(vii) in the case of Quarter Hour Volume GB Need Met, the associated Quarter Hour Replacement Reserve Activation Price (QHRRAPJ); and

(viii) in the case of Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Actions, the price shall be equal to zero; and

(ix) in the case of an accepted Offer that relates to a Winter Contingency BM Unit, the price shall be equal to £99,999/MWh; and.

(f) a "Ranked Set" is a set of System Actions ranked in accordance with the further provisions of this Part 1; and references to the Ranked Sets are to the two Ranked Sets (of System Buy Actions and System Sell Actions respectively).

1.3 In this Annex T-1, references to summation over System Sell Actions or System Buy Actions are to summation (in relation to accepted Offers or accepted Bids) over all BM Units and Acceptances, and (in relation to Balancing Services Adjustment Actions) over all Balancing Services Adjustment Actions.

1.4 In any provision of this Annex T-1, a System Action is "Flagged" where (in relation to the steps in paragraphs 3, 4 and 5) it is a First-Stage Flagged System Action, or (in relation to the step in paragraph 8) a Second-Stage Flagged System Action; and otherwise (in relation to the relevant such step(s)) is "Unflagged".

1.5 Where (pursuant to any provision of this Annex T-1) a fraction of a System Action is to be defined in a particular way, the System Action shall be treated as if it were two System Actions comprising respectively such fraction, and the remainder, of the original System Action, and respectively defined, and not defined, in that way.


2.1 In relation to each Settlement Period:

(a) all System Buy Actions shall be ranked in order of System Action Price, lowest priced first, and numbered (from 1) accordingly;

(b) all System Sell Actions shall be ranked in order of System Action Price, highest priced first, and numbered (from 1) accordingly;

(c) the sets of System Buy Actions and System Sell Actions so ranked are the Initial Ranked Sets of System Actions.

2.2 Any Balancing Services Adjustment Action for which BSAPmj has a NULL value shall be ranked last in the applicable Ranked Set.

2.3 Following the establishing of the Initial Ranked Sets of System Actions in relation to a Settlement Period, each of the steps in paragraphs 3 to 11 below shall be applied (in the order set out) to each such Ranked Set, and following any such step a System Action in the Ranked Set may be re-classed or modified, or excluded (in whole or in part) from the Ranked Set.

2.4 Following each step in paragraphs 3 to 11 below in relation to a Settlement Period:

(a) each of the two Ranked Sets of System Actions will be re-established (and where relevant the System Actions renumbered) on the basis of such step;

(b) in the application of the following step, references to System Actions in either Ranked Set are to the System Actions as re-classed or modified in, and exclude any System Action which has been excluded from, the Ranked Set pursuant to the application of each preceding step.

2.5 In cases where System Buy Actions or (as the case may be) System Sell Actions have the same System Action Price, or where more than one System Buy Action or (as the case may be) System Sell Action has a NULL value of System Action Price, the ordering of such System Buy Actions or (as the case may be) System Sell Actions in the Ranked Sets (or any other set required under this Annex T-1) shall be random, but subject to the further provisions of paragraphs 13.5, 14.2(f) and 16.1(e) in Part 2.

2.6 Where, following any of the steps in this Part 1 either of the Ranked Sets is empty, no further such step shall be taken in relation to such Ranked Set.


3.1 This paragraph 3 applies in relation to each accepted Offer and accepted Bid in the Initial Ranked Sets of System Actions.

3.2 Each accepted Offer and accepted Bid which is CADL Flagged in accordance with paragraph 12 of Part 2 shall be a First-Stage Flagged System Action.

3.3 The Ranked Sets of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 3 are the CADL Flagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.


4.1 This paragraph 4 applies in relation to each System Action in the CADL Flagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.

4.2 Each accepted Offer and accepted Bid for which the Acceptance was classified by the NETSO as 'SO-Flagged' shall be a First-Stage Flagged System Action.

4.3 Each Balancing Services Adjustment Action which was classified by the NETSO as 'SO-Flagged' shall be a First-Stage Flagged System Action.

4.3A Each System Demand Control Volume shall be a First-Stage Flagged System Action.

4.4 The Ranked Sets of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 4 are the SO-Flagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.


5.1 This paragraph 5 applies in relation to each System Action in the SO-Flagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.

5.2 Each accepted Offer and accepted Bid for which the Acceptance was an Emergency Acceptance classified by the NETSO as 'Emergency Flagged' shall be a First-Stage Flagged System Action.

5.3 The Ranked Sets of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 5 are the Emergency Flagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.


6.1 This paragraph 6 applies in relation to each System Action in the Emergency Flagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.

6.2 Each accepted Offer for which, in relation to the relevant BM Unit and Offer, QAOnij < DMAT is a De Minimis Tagged System Buy Action.

6.3 Each accepted Bid for which, in relation to the relevant BM Unit and Bid, | QABnij | < DMAT is a De Minimis Tagged System Sell Action.

6.4 Each Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Action for which QBSABmj < DMAT is a De Minimis Tagged System Buy Action.

6.5 Each Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Action for which | QBSASmj | < DMAT is a De Minimis Tagged System Sell Action.

6.6 Each De Minimis Tagged System Action shall be excluded from the applicable Ranked Set of System Actions.

6.7 The Ranked Sets of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 6 are the De Minimis Tagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.


7.1 This paragraph 7 applies in relation to each System Action in the De Minimis Tagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.

7.2 Each System Action which is Arbitrage Tagged in accordance with paragraph 13 of Part 2 shall be excluded from the Ranked Sets of System Actions.

7.3 The Ranked Sets of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 7 are the Arbitrage Tagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.


8.1 This paragraph 8 applies in relation to each First-Stage Flagged System Action in the Arbitrage Tagged Ranked Sets of System Actions.

8.2 For each First-Stage Flagged System Buy Action (w') in the Ranked Set of System Buy Actions:

(a) if the System Action Price (SAP w'j) is greater than the System Action Price of the highest-priced Unflagged System Buy Action in the Ranked Set, the System Buy Action (w') shall become a Second-Stage Flagged System Action;

(b) otherwise, the System Buy Action (w') shall become Unflagged, subject to paragraph 8.4.

8.3 For each First-Stage Flagged System Sell Action (w') in the Ranked Set of System Sell Actions:

(a) if the System Action Price (SAP w'j) is less than the System Action Price of the lowest-priced Unflagged System Sell Action in the Ranked Set, the System Sell Action (w') shall become a Second-Stage Flagged System Action;

(b) otherwise, the System Sell Action (w') shall become Unflagged, subject to paragraph 8.4.

8.4 Any Balancing Services Adjustment Action for which BSAPmj has a NULL value shall not become Unflagged under paragraph 8.2(b) or 8.3(b).

8.5 The Ranked Sets of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 8 are the Classified Ranked Sets of System Actions.


9.1 This paragraph 9 applies in relation to each System Action in the Classified Ranked Sets of System Actions.

9.2 Each System Action which is NIV Tagged in accordance with paragraph 14 of Part 2 shall be excluded from the Ranked Sets of System Actions.

9.3 In accordance with paragraph 14 of Part 2, one of the Ranked Sets of System Actions will necessarily be empty following the application of paragraph 9.2.

9.4 The Ranked Set of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 9 which is not necessarily empty is the NIV Tagged Ranked Set of System Actions.


10.1 This paragraph 10 applies in relation to Second-Stage Flagged System Actions (if any) in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set of System Actions.

10.2 If NIV is positive:

(a) the System Action Price of each Second-Stage Flagged System Buy Action in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set of System Buy Actions shall be reset to be equal to the Replacement Buy Price determined in accordance with paragraph 15 of Part 2; and for all further purposes of this Annex T and Section T4 the System Action Price of such System Buy Actions shall be deemed to be the Replacement Buy Price, and such System Buy Actions shall become Unflagged;

(b) the System Buy Actions in the Ranked Set shall be re-ranked in order of their System Action Prices as modified under paragraph (a), cheapest first.

10.3 If NIV is zero or negative:

(a) the System Action Price of each Second-Stage Flagged System Sell Action in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set of System Sell Actions shall be reset to be equal to the Replacement Sell Price determined in accordance with paragraph 15 of Part 2; and for all further purposes of this Annex T and Section T4 the System Action Price of such System Sell Actions shall be deemed to be the Replacement Sell Price, and such System Sell Actions shall become Unflagged;

(b) the System Sell Actions in the Ranked Set shall be re-ranked in order of their System Action Prices as modified under paragraph (a), most expensive first.

10.4 The Ranked Set of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 10 is the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set of System Actions.


11.1 This paragraph 11 applies to the System Actions in the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set of System Actions.

11.2 Each System Action which is PAR Tagged in accordance with paragraph 16 of Part 2 shall be excluded from the Ranked Set of System Actions.

11.3 The Ranked Set of System Actions following the application of this paragraph 11 is the Final Ranked Set of System Actions.

Part 2 - Detailed Provisions


12.1 In relation to each Acceptance, k, for a particular BM Unit, another Acceptance for the same BM Unit is "related" to Acceptance k where such other Acceptance has a Bid-Offer Acceptance Time that falls within the period:

(a) from and including the spot time at the start of the Settlement Period which falls three Settlement Periods prior to the Settlement Period in which the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time for Acceptance k falls, and

(b) to and including the spot time at the end of the Settlement Period which falls three Settlement Periods after the Settlement Period in which the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time for Acceptance k falls.

12.2 In relation to each Acceptance k, another Acceptance is "continuous" with Acceptance k if it is related to Acceptance k, and:

(a) the spot time associated with:

(i) the first Point Acceptance Volume of the Acceptance is earlier, and

(ii) the last Point Acceptance Volume of the Acceptance is not earlier

than the spot time associated with the first Point Acceptance Volume of Acceptance k; or

(b) the spot time associated with:

(i) the last Point Acceptance Volume of the Acceptance is later, and

(ii) the first Point Acceptance Volume of the Acceptance is not later than

the spot time associated with the last Point Acceptance Volume of Acceptance k; or

(c) the Acceptance is continuous (in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b)) with another Acceptance which is determined (including, for the avoidance of doubt, by virtue of this paragraph (c)) to be a continuous Acceptance in relation to Acceptance k.

12.3 In relation to each Acceptance k, for a particular BM Unit, the Continuous Acceptance Duration (CADki) shall be the duration of the period:

(a) commencing at the earliest spot time associated with:

(i) any value of Point Acceptance Volume for Acceptance k; or

(ii) any Point Acceptance Volume for any Acceptance that is a continuous Acceptance in relation to Acceptance k, and

(b) ending at the latest spot time associated with:

(i) any value of Point Acceptance Volume for Acceptance k; or

(ii) any Point Acceptance Volume for any Acceptance that is a continuous Acceptance in relation to Acceptance k.

12.4 In relation to each accepted Offer and accepted Bid in the Ranked Sets of System Actions, if (for the associated Acceptance k) CADki < CADL, then the accepted Offer or accepted Bid shall be CADL Flagged.

12.5 In relation to each Demand Control Volume, the Continuous Acceptance Duration (CAD) shall be the duration of the period:

(a) commencing at the Demand Control Event Start Point; and

(b) ending at the Demand Control Event End Point.

12.6 In relation to each Demand Control Volume in the Ranked Sets of System Actions, if CAD < CADL, then the Demand Control Volume shall be CADL Flagged.


13.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, System Actions in the De Minimis Tagged Ranked Sets of System Actions will be defined as Arbitrage Tagged in the following way.

13.2 If, for the highest priced System Sell Action, QSSgj (if any) which is not already an Arbitrage Tagged System Sell Action, there exists any System Buy Action QSBwj which is not already an Arbitrage Tagged System Buy Action for which it is true that SAPwj SAPgj, then the following procedure will be carried out:

(a) All System Buy Actions for which SAPwj SAPgj will be ranked in price order, lowest priced first.

(b) The set of such System Buy Actions QSBw1j,QSBw2j,,QSBwwj  is then a ranked set of System Buy Actions for all of which it is true that SAPwj SAPgj.

(c) Then for all v in such Ranked Set such that:

 vQSBwvj  -QSSgj

where  v  is the sum over all ranked System Buy Actions up to v,

the QSBwvj will be defined as Arbitrage Tagged and the fraction φ of QSSgj which is equal to  v-QSBwvj  will be defined as Arbitrage Tagged (this fraction may be one (1)).

(d) If:

 vQSBwvj  -QSSgj

where Σv is the sum over all ranked System Buy Actions up to v,

then, if a ranked System Buy Action, v+1 exists, the fraction γ of QSBwv+1j which satisfies

 vQSBwvj+ γ* QSBwv+1j= -QSSgj

will also be defined as Arbitrage Tagged and QSSgj will be defined as Arbitrage Tagged.

13.3 The process in paragraph 13.2 will then be repeated for the highest priced System Sell Action (if any) that remains not Arbitrage Tagged.

13.4 If, for the purposes of carrying out the procedure in paragraph 13.2:

(a) there are two or more System Sell Actions that are not Arbitrage Tagged, that have the same highest System Action Price, or

(b) there are two or more ranked System Buy Actions that have the same System Action Price

then one of the System Sell Actions or (as the case may be) System Buy Actions will be selected at random.

13.5 If the completed application of paragraphs 13.1 to 13.4 inclusive (the 'initial calculation') would result in there being any System Sell Action or ranked System Buy Action which:

(a) is not Arbitrage Tagged, but

(b) has the same price (other than merely by virtue of being a fraction 1-γ or 1-φ pursuant to the initial calculation) as a System Sell Action or (as the case may be) ranked System Buy Action which is Arbitrage Tagged,


(i) all such System Sell Actions QSSwrj or ranked System Buy Actions QSBwrj (whether or not Arbitrage Tagged on the basis of the initial calculation) which have the same price are "threshold" System Actions;

(ii) no threshold System Action shall be defined as Arbitrage Tagged pursuant to the relevant provision, but instead the fraction δ of each threshold System Sell Action QSSwrj or threshold System Buy Action QSBwrj which satisfies the following shall be defined as Arbitrage Tagged:

δ* wrQSSwrj =  wr'QSSwr'j

or (as the case may be)

δ* wrQSBwrj =  wr'QSBwr'j


 wr  is the sum over all threshold System Sell Actions or (as the case may be) threshold System Buy Actions, and

 wr'  is the sum over all threshold System Sell Actions or (as the case may be) threshold System Buy Actions (including a fraction γ or φ ) which, on the basis of the initial calculation would have been defined as Arbitrage Tagged.


14.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Net Imbalance Volume will be determined as follows:

NIVj = Σw QSBwj – Σw (-QSSwj)

where Σw is the sum over all System Actions in the Classified Ranked Sets.

14.2 In respect of each Settlement Period, System Actions in the Classified Ranked Sets will be defined as NIV Tagged in the following way.

(a) If:


where  w'  is the sum over System Sell Actions in the Classified Ranked Set; or


where  w*  is the sum over System Buy Actions in the Classified Ranked Set:

then no System Actions will be NIV Tagged.

Otherwise, the following procedure will be carried out.

(b) If:

 w'-QSSw'j  w*QSBw*j

where  w'  is the sum over the System Sell Actions and  w*  is the sum over the System Buy Actions in the Classified Ranked Sets,

then all the System Sell Actions (for all values of w’) in the Ranked Set of System Sell Actions will be defined as NIV Tagged.

(c) Since  w'-QSSw'j  w*QSBw*j there must exist a number e and a number φ (which may be a fraction or zero) for which

 w'-QSSw'j=  w v>e*QSBw vj*+φ* QSBw ej*

where  w'  is the sum over all System Sell Actions and  w v>e*  is the sum over those System Buy Actions for which v is greater than e.

Subject to paragraph (f), each System Buy Action numbered e+1 or higher in the Classified Ranked Set for which this is true will be defined as NIV Tagged. If φ is a fraction rather than zero, then the fraction φ of the System Buy Action numbered e will be defined as NIV Tagged.

(d) If:

Σw’ (-QSSw’j) > Σw* QSBw*j

where Σw’ is the sum over the System Sell Actions and Σw* is the sum over the System Buy Actions,

then all the System Buy Actions (for all values of w*) in the Ranked Set of System Buy Actions will be defined as NIV Tagged.

(e) Since Σw’ (-QSSw’j) > Σw* QSBw*j there must exist a number e and a number φ (which may be a fraction or zero) for which

 w*QSBw*j=  w'v>e-QSSw'vj+φ* -QSSw'ej

where  w*  is the sum over all System Buy Actions and  w'v>e  is the sum over those System Sell Actions for which v is greater than e.

Subject to paragraph (f), each System Sell Action numbered e+1 or higher in the Classified Ranked Set for which this is true will be defined as NIV Tagged. If φ is a fraction rather than zero, then the fraction φ of the System Sell Action numbered e will be defined as NIV Tagged.

(f) However, for each of paragraphs (c) and (e) (each a "relevant provision") separately, if the application of the relevant provision (the "initial calculation") would result in there being any System Action which:

(1) is not defined as NIV Tagged, but

(2) has the same price (including a NULL price) (other than merely by virtue of being a fraction (1 - φ ) pursuant to the initial calculation) as, in the case of a System Buy Action, a System Buy Action which is NIV Tagged or, in the case of a System Sell Action, a System Sell Action which is NIV Tagged,


(i) all such System Buy Actions QSBw'rj or System Sell Actions QSSw'rj (whether or not NIV Tagged on the basis of the initial calculation) which have the same price are "threshold" System Actions;

(ii) no threshold System Action shall be defined as NIV Tagged pursuant to the relevant provision, but instead the fraction δ of each threshold System Buy Action QSBw'rj or threshold System Sell Action QSSw'rj which satisfies the following shall be defined as NIV Tagged:

δ* w'rQSBw'rj=  w'r'QSBw'r'j

or (as the case may be)

δ* w'rQSSw'rj=  w'r'QSSw'r'j


 w'r  is the sum over all threshold System Buy Actions or (as the case may be) threshold System Sell Actions, and

 w'r'  is the sum over all threshold System Buy Actions or (as the case may be) threshold System Sell Actions (including a fraction φ thereof) which, on the basis of the initial calculation would have been defined as NIV Tagged.


15.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, the Replacement Buy Price or Replacement Sell Price will be determined as follows.

15.2 If NIV is positive:

(a) if there are no Unflagged System Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set, the Replacement Buy Price shall be the Market Price, unless the Market Price is undefined in which case the Replacement Buy Price shall be zero;

(b) otherwise, the Replacement Buy Price shall be determined as:

RBP j = Σw' (QSBw'j * SAPw'j) / Σw' QSBw'j


Σw' is the sum over all Qualifying Unflagged System Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set.

15.3 For the purposes of paragraph 15.2:

(a) if  wQSBwjRPAR , all Unflagged System Buy Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set will be defined as Qualifying;

(b) if  wQSBwj>RPAR :

(i) the Unflagged System Buy Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set shall be ranked in price order, lowest priced first;

(ii) as  wQSBwj>RPAR there must exist a number f and a number (which may be a fraction or zero) for which:

RPAR= w'v>fQSBw'vj+*QSBw'fj


 w'v>f  is the sum over those System Buy Actions for which v is greater than f.

(iii) each of the System Buy Actions numbered f+1 or higher in the Ranked Set of Unflagged System Buy Actions for which this is true will be defined as Qualifying. If is a fraction rather than zero, then the fraction ( ) of the System Buy Action numbered f will be defined as Qualifying.

15.4 If NIV is negative or zero:

(a) if there are no Unflagged System Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set the Replacement Sell Price shall be the Market Price, unless the Market Price is undefined in which case the Replacement Sell Price shall be zero;

(b) otherwise, the Replacement Sell Price shall be determined as:

RSP j = Σw' (QSSw'j * SAPw'j) / Σw' QSSw'j


Σw' is the sum over all Qualifying Unflagged System Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set

15.5 For the purposes of paragraph 15.4:

(a) if ΣwQSSwj £ RPAR, all Unflagged System Sell Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set will be defined as Qualifying;

(b) if ΣwQSSwj > RPAR:

(i) the Unflagged System Sell Actions in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set shall be ranked in price order, highest priced first;

(ii) as Σw -QSSwj > RPAR there must exist a number f and a number (which may be a fraction or zero) for which:

 RPAR= w'v>f-QSSw'vj+*-QSSw'fj

where  w'v>f  is the sum over those System Sell Actions for which v is greater than f;

(iii) each of the System Sell Actions numbered f+1 or higher in the Ranked Set for which this is true will be defined as Qualifying. If is a fraction rather than zero, then the fraction ( ) of the System Sell Action numbered f will be defined as Qualifying.


16.1 In respect of each Settlement Period, System Actions in the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set will be defined as PAR Tagged in the following way:

(a) If:


where  w'  is the sum over the System Buy Actions in the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set

then none of the System Buy Actions (for all values of w') will be defined as PAR Tagged.

(b) If Σw' (QSBw'j) > PAR there must exist a number f and a number (which may be a fraction or zero) for which

 PAR= w' v>fQSBw'vj+*QSBw'fj

where  w'v>f  is the sum over those System Buy Actions for which v is greater than f.

Subject to paragraph (e), each System Buy Action numbered 1 to f-1 in the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set for which this is true will be defined as PAR Tagged. If is a fraction rather than zero, then the fraction 1-φ of the System Buy Action numbered f will be defined as PAR Tagged.

(c) If:


where  w'  is the sum over the System Sell Actions in the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set

then none of the System Sell Actions (for all values of w') will be defined as PAR Tagged.

(d) If Σw' (-QSSw'j) > PAR there must exist a number f and a number (which may be a fraction or zero) for which

PAR= w'v>f-QSSw'vj+*(-QSSw'fj)

where  w'v>f  is the sum over those System Sell Actions for which v is greater than f.

Subject to paragraph (e), each of the System Sell Actions numbered 1 to f-1 in the Replacement-Priced Ranked Set for which this is true will be defined as PAR Tagged. If is a fraction rather than zero, then the fraction 1-φ  of the System Sell Action numbered f will be defined as PAR Tagged.

(e) However, for each of paragraphs (b) and (d) (each a "relevant provision") separately, if the application of the relevant provision (the "initial calculation") would result in there being any System Buy Action or System Sell Action which:

(1) is not defined as PAR Tagged, but

(2) has the same price (including a NULL price) (other than merely by virtue of being a fraction pursuant to the initial calculation) as a System Buy Action or (as the case may be) a System Sell Action which is PAR Tagged,


(i) all such System Buy Actions QSBw'rj or System Sell Actions QSSw'rj (whether or not PAR Tagged) which have the same price are "threshold" System Actions;

(ii) no threshold System Action shall be defined PAR Tagged pursuant to the relevant provision, but instead the fraction δ of each threshold System Buy Action QSBw'rj or threshold System Sell Action QSSw'rj which satisfies the following shall be defined as PAR Tagged:

δ* w'rQSBw'rj= w'r'QSBw'r'j

or (as the case may be)

δ* w'rQSSw'rj= w'r'QSSw'r'j


 w'r  is the sum over all threshold System Buy Actions or (as the case may be) threshold System Sell Actions, and

 w'r'  is the sum over all threshold System Buy Actions or (as the case may be) threshold System Sell Actions (including a fraction 1-φ  thereof) which, on the basis of the initial calculation would have been defined as PAR Tagged.

Part 3 – Terms for Reporting

17. Table of terms

For the purposes of reporting the following amounts shall be determined as set out below:



Basis of determination

1. Amounts by BM Unit and Bid Offer Pair (summed over all Acceptances k)

Period Accepted Offer Volume


Defined in Section T3.8.1

Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume


Defined in Section T3.9.1

Period BM Unit Total Tagged Accepted Offer Volume


The amount (if any) of QAOnij which was excluded from the Ranked Set of System Buy Actions by De Minimis Tagging, Arbitrage Tagging, NIV Tagging and/or PAR Tagging under paragraphs 6, 7, 9 or 11 of Part 1.

Period BM Unit Total Repriced Accepted Offer Volume


The amount (if any) of QAOnij which was not Tagged and which was Second-Stage Flagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly subject to Replacement Pricing under paragraph 10.2(a) of Part 1).

Period BM Unit Total Originally-priced Accepted Offer Volume


The amount (if any) of QAOnij which was not Tagged and which was Unflagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly not subject to Replacement-pricing under paragraph 10.2(a) of Part 1).

Period Accepted Bid Volume


Defined in Section T3.8.2

Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume


Defined in Section T3.9.2

Period BM Unit Total Tagged Accepted Bid Volume


The amount (if any) of QABnij which was excluded from the Ranked Set of System Sell Actions by De Minimis Tagging, Arbitrage Tagging, NIV Tagging and/or PAR Tagging under paragraphs 6, 7, 9 or 11 of Part 1.

Period BM Unit Total Repriced Accepted Bid Volume


The amount (if any) of QABnij which was not Tagged and which was Second-Stage Flagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly subject to Replacement Pricing under paragraph 10.3(a) of Part 1).

Period BM Unit Total Originally-priced Accepted Bid Volume


The amount (if any) of QABnij which was not Tagged and which was Unflagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly not subject to Replacement Pricing under paragraph 10.3(a) of Part 1).

2. Amounts by Balancing Services Adjustment Action

Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Volume


Defined in Table X-2 of Section X-2.

Balancing Services Adjustment Tagged Buy Volume


The amount (if any) of QBSABmj which was excluded from the Ranked Set of System Buy Actions by De Minimis Tagging, Arbitrage Tagging, NIV Tagging and/or PAR Tagging under paragraphs 6, 7, 9 or 11 of Part 1.

Balancing Services Adjustment Repriced Buy Volume


The amount (if any) of QBSABmj which was not Tagged and which was Second-Stage Flagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly subject to Replacement-pricing under paragraph 10.2(a) of Part 1).

Balancing Services Adjustment Originally-priced Buy Volume


The amount (if any) of QBSABmj which was not Tagged and which was Unflagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly not subject to Replacement-pricing under paragraph 10.2(a) of Part 1).

Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Volume


Defined in Table X-2 of Section X-2.

Balancing Services Adjustment Tagged Sell Volume


The amount (if any) of QBSASmj which was excluded from the Ranked Set of System Sell Actions by De Minimis Tagging, Arbitrage Tagging, NIV Tagging and/or PAR Tagging under paragraphs 6, 7, 9 or 11 of Part 1.

Balancing Services Adjustment Repriced Sell Volume


The amount (if any) of QBSASmj which was not Tagged and which was Second-Stage Flagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly subject to Replacement-pricing under paragraph 10.3(a) of Part 1).

Balancing Services Adjustment Originally-priced Sell Volume


The amount (if any) of QBSASmj which was not Tagged and which was Unflagged in the NIV Tagged Ranked Set (and accordingly not subject to Replacement-pricing under paragraph 10.3(a) of Part 1).

3. Amounts by Total SystemBid-Offer Pairs

Total System Accepted Offer Volume


ΣiΣn QAOnij

Total System Tagged Accepted Offer Volume


ΣiΣn QATOnij

Total System Repriced Accepted Offer Volume


ΣiΣn QAROnij

Total System Originally-priced Accepted Offer Volume



Total System Accepted Bid Volume


ΣiΣn QABnij

Total System Tagged Accepted Bid Volume


ΣiΣn QATBnij

Total System Repriced Accepted Bid Volume


ΣiΣn QARBnij

Total System Originally-priced Accepted Bid Volume



4. Amounts by Total SystemBalancing Services Adjustment Actions

Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Tagged Buy Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Repriced Buy Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Originally-priced Buy Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Tagged Sell Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Repriced Sell Volume



Total System Balancing Services Adjustment Originally-priced Sell Volume



5. Amounts by Total System – all System Actions

Total System Buy Volume



Total System Tagged Buy Volume



Total System Repriced Buy Volume



Total System Originally-priced Buy Volume



Total System Sell Volume



Total System Tagged Sell Volume



Total System Repriced Sell Volume



Total System Originally-priced Sell Volume



In the table above Σi represents the sum over all BM Units, Σn represents the sum over all Bid-Offer Pair Numbers for a BM Unit, and Σm represents the sum over all Balancing Services Adjustment Actions.

Annex T-2: Transmission Loss Factors

1. Introduction

1.1 This Annex T-2 sets out the basis for determining Transmission Loss Factors.

1.2 Transmission Loss Factors will be determined by the TLFA:

(a) by reference to Nodal TLFs determined by the application of the Load Flow Model in accordance with paragraph 8.2; and

(b) in accordance with the further provisions of paragraph 8.

1.3 For the purposes of this Annex T-2:

(a) a "node" is a point on an electrical network at which:

(i) a power flow on to or off the network can occur; or

(ii) two or more circuits (forming part of the network) meet;

(b) a "load flow model" is a mathematical model of an electrical network which represents power flows between pairs of adjacent nodes on the network, and from which nodal TLFs can be determined for each node for given power flows;

(c) a "nodal TLF", in relation to a node on a network and a given power flow at the node, is the rate of change of electrical losses on the network with respect to a change of power flow at that node, with network balance being maintained by the slack node;

(d) the "Load Flow Model" is the load flow model established and adopted by the TLFA in accordance with paragraph 3;

(e) the "slack node" is a node that acts:

(i) for the purposes of a load flow model, as a sink for power flow surpluses or as a source for power flow deficits arising from inaccuracies in the load flow model; and

(ii) in relation to each pair of adjacent nodes in a load flow model, as the reference node for calculating the phase angle of the power flow between the nodes;

(f) in relation to a BSC Year, BSC Spring shall be considered to be the periods 1st April to 31st May and 1st March to 31st March in that BSC Year; and

(g) for the avoidance of doubt, this Annex T-2 shall take effect so as to require to be done anything necessary to be done before the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification P350 in order to give effect to this Annex T-2 with effect on and from the Relevant Implementation Date of Modification P350.

2. LFM Specification

2.1 The Panel shall, in consultation with the NETSO and other Parties and the Authority, establish (to form part of the BSC Service Description for the TLFA) a specification ("LFM Specification") for a load flow model for the AC Transmission System, to operate based on the data inputs specified in paragraph 8.2(f), and consistent with the requirements in paragraph 2.2.

2.2 The LFM Specification shall provide for the following assumptions and approximations to be made in the load flow model:

(a) only electrical losses associated with power flows between adjacent nodes (forming part of the network) ("Load Flow Model power flows") will be used in determining nodal TLFs; and

(b) in respect of the power flow between adjacent nodes it is assumed:

(i) there is no Reactive Power component;

(ii) the ratio of the change of power flow over a circuit to the injection of power at a given node is not dependent on the overall electrical load on the network;

(iii) the sine of the voltage phase angle is equal to the phase angle (as measured in radians); and

(iv) the power flow in a circuit is equal to the difference in the voltage phase angles across the circuit multiplied by the circuit susceptance.

3. Load Flow Model

3.1 The TLFA shall establish, and (subject to paragraph 3.2) adopt and from time to time modify, a load flow model which implements and complies with the LFM Specification.

3.2 The TLFA shall not adopt such load flow model or a modification thereof unless the model reviewer has reported to the Panel (in such terms, and as to such materiality, as the Panel may decide) that such model or modification complies with the LFM Specification and the Panel accepts such model or modification; and the TLFA shall not modify the Load Flow Model except as the Panel may instruct or agree.

3.3 The Panel shall appoint, and may from time to time reappoint or replace, an independent expert (the "model reviewer") for the following purposes:

(a) to inspect and test the Load Flow Model and report to the Panel as to the compliance of the Load Flow Model with the LFM Specification or any particular aspect of the LFM Specification:

(i) before the Load Flow Model is first used for the purposes of this Annex T-2;

(ii) upon any modification of the Load Flow Model (whether upon a change to the LFM Specification or otherwise); and

(iii) on any other occasion on which the Panel decides to obtain such a report; and

(b) to verify and report to the Trading Disputes Committee as to whether Nodal TLFs were determined in accordance with the Load Flow Model, on any occasion on which it is necessary to do so for the purposes of any Trading Dispute.

3.4 Any report produced by the model reviewer on Nodal TLFs for the Trading Disputes Committee shall be final and binding on all Parties (save in the case of fraud or manifest error) and if a Party refers a Trading Dispute to arbitration under Section W3.6, then save in the case of fraud or manifest error, the arbitrator(s) appointed in accordance with Section H7 shall not have the power to query, review or in any way revise the model reviewer's report on whether Nodal TLFs were, or were not, determined in accordance with the Load Flow Model.

3.5 BSCCo shall enter into a contract of engagement (for the term for which the model reviewer is appointed) with the model reviewer, which shall, inter alia:

(a) provide terms of reference set or approved by the Panel for the model reviewer; and

(b) require the model reviewer to enter into a confidentiality undertaking in favour of the TLFA in such terms as the Panel shall reasonably require or approve.

3.6 As regards the Load Flow Model:

(a) the TLFA shall deposit a copy of the Load Flow Model in escrow with an escrow agent in such form and on such terms and conditions as BSCCo may require; and

(b) the TLFA shall be responsible for the payment of all fees due to the escrow agent.

3.7 The TLFA shall be required to make the Load Flow Model (and any details thereof) available to the model reviewer and the BSC Auditor (and as may be required by the arbitral tribunal in connection with any arbitration); but shall not be required to make available or disclose the Load Flow Model or details thereof to the Panel, any Panel Committee or Parties other than to BSCCo as required for the provision of the reports set out in Table 9 in Annex V-1 or in accordance with the release terms included in the escrow agreement pursuant to paragraph 3.6.

3.8 Subject to paragraph 3.4, once the Load Flow Model (or any modification thereof) has been adopted by the TLFA, Nodal TLFs which are properly determined by the Load Flow Model shall be definitive; and accordingly:

(a) (without prejudice to any question as to whether such Nodal TLFs were in fact properly determined) no Party may challenge or question on any grounds the validity of any Nodal TLF which was so determined; and

(b) any modification of the Load Flow Model shall have effect only prospectively, that is for the purposes of determining Transmission Loss Factors in respect of BSC Years for which (at the time the modification was made) Transmission Loss Factors have not already been determined in accordance with paragraph 8.

3.9 For the purposes of paragraph 3.8(a), Nodal TLFs are properly determined if they are determined by and only by the application of the Load Flow Model on the basis of data input in compliance with the further provisions of this Annex T-2.

4. Zones, Nodes and Mapping

4.1 For the purposes of this Annex T-2:

(a) a "Zone" is the geographic area:

(i) in which the following lie:

(1) a GSP Group (there being no more than one GSP Group in any one Zone);

(2) any part of an Offshore Transmission System which connects directly to that GSP Group; and/or

(3) any part of an Offshore Transmission System which connects to the onshore AC Transmission System at a point within the geographic area of that GSP Group; and

(ii) which is determined by the Panel (applying such criteria as it shall decide in its discretion) but so that the Zones are mutually exclusive and are contained within the area specified in the terms of the ESO Licence;

(b) the Panel may from time to time review and upon reasonable notice to Parties change its determination of any Zones, where there is any change in the GSP Group, any change to a part of the AC Transmission System contained within the Zone, upon the application of a Party or otherwise on its own initiative; provided that a change in the determination of any Zone(s) shall be effective only in relation to BSC Years for which (at the time the change was made) Transmission Loss Factors have not already been determined in accordance with paragraph 8;

(c) the Panel may, but shall not be required to, consult any Party on the determination of any part of the boundary of a Zone where it considers there is material doubt as to such boundary; and

(d) the Panel shall publish a description of the Zones from time to time (but may do so by referring to any other document which describes or identifies the geographic areas determined by the Panel to be the Zones).

4.2 For the purposes of this Annex T-2:

(a) a "Node" is a node on the AC Transmission System;

(b) the NETSO shall:

(i) identify each Node and prepare, keep up-to-date, and maintain, a list of all Nodes, each identified or capable of being identified geographically; and

(ii) provide to BSCCo, as soon as practicable, each updated list of Nodes; and

(c) BSCCo shall publish the same on the BSC Website.

4.3 For the purposes of this Annex T-2:

(a) a "network mapping statement" is a statement of the following:

(i) for each Volume Allocation Unit (other than a GSP Group, or BM Unit embedded in a Distribution System), the Node which represents or best represents that Volume Allocation Unit or (as the case may be) the Boundary Point(s) at which that Volume Allocation Unit is connected to the AC Transmission System (it being recognised that one Node may represent several such points);

(ii) for each Node which represents or best represents a Volume Allocation Unit in accordance with paragraph (i), the Zone in which the Node lies or should best be considered to lie;

(iii) for each BM Unit, the Zone in which the BM Unit lies, in accordance with what has been established under paragraphs (i) and (ii), except that:

(1) Interconnector BM Units lie in the Zone in which (in accordance with paragraph (ii)) the Node for the relevant Interconnector lies; and

(2) Supplier BM Units, Secondary BM Units and other BM Units embedded in a Distribution System lie in the Zone which incorporates the geographical area of the corresponding GSP Group; and

(iv) for each HVDC Boundary, the Node which represents or best represents the HVDC Boundary; and

(b) in relation to each BSC Year:

(i) the "reference network mapping statement" is the version of the network mapping statement approved by the Panel under paragraph 4.4(b);

(ii) for the purposes of determining Nodal power flows under paragraph 8.2(e) the reference network mapping statement shall be used and any update thereof under paragraph 4.4(d) shall have no effect;

(iii) the "prevailing network mapping statement" is the reference network mapping statement as from time to time updated by BSCCo under paragraph 4.4(d); and

(iv) the prevailing network mapping statement shall be used to determine the Zone in which each BM Unit is located for the purposes of determining from time to time the Transmission Loss Factor applicable to such BM Unit under paragraph 8.6(a).

4.4 For each BSC Year:

(a) BSCCo shall:

(i) prepare (on the basis of data relating to the Reference Year, and taking account of the prevailing network mapping statement for the preceding BSC Year) a draft reference network mapping statement;

(ii) provide a copy of the draft reference network mapping statement to the Panel and each Party, wherever practicable not later than 31st August in the preceding BSC Year; and

(iii) submit to the Panel any representations or comments on the draft statement which were received from Parties within ten Business Days after the statement was provided under paragraph (ii);

(b) the Panel shall approve the draft reference network mapping statement with such amendments (if any) as the Panel may decide, taking into account (inter alia):

(i) any representations and comments submitted to it under paragraph (a)(iii); and

(ii) any determination made by the Panel under paragraph 4.5 in relation to a question or dispute which was raised with the Panel within the ten Business Days referred to in paragraph 4.4(a)(iii) in the preceding BSC Year;

(c) BSCCo shall, no later than 19th October in the preceding BSC Year, provide the approved reference network mapping statement to the TLFA and the NETSO and publish the same on the BSC Website; and

(d) following the approval of the reference network mapping statement under paragraph (b) BSCCo shall:

(i) from time to time update the reference network mapping statement (or prevailing network mapping statement as the case may be) so as to reflect any changes to, or in respect of, the list of Nodes, the definition of any Zone, BM Units, Transmission System Boundary Points, HVDC Boundaries or Systems Connection Points and any determination by the Panel under paragraph 4.5 (such updated reference network mapping statement being the prevailing network mapping statement); and

(ii) publish each such update of the prevailing network mapping statement on the BSC Website.

4.5 Any question or dispute as to the matters in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii) of paragraph 4.3(a) shall be determined by the Panel in its discretion, after consultation with the NETSO and the Lead Party(ies) of the BM Unit(s) affected by such question or dispute, having regard (so far as appears to the Panel to be relevant) to the parts of the AC Transmission System in which power flows are typically most influenced by changes in power flows at the relevant Node or (as the case may be) the relevant BM Unit.

4.6 The NETSO, each Distribution System Operator, the CRA and the CDCA shall cooperate with and provide information as may be required to BSCCo and the Panel in connection with the preparation of each network mapping statement and the determination of any question or dispute under paragraph 4.5.

5. Transmission Network Data and HVDC Boundary Data

5.1 For the purposes of this Annex T-2:

(a) "Transmission Network Data" means the following data relating to the AC Transmission System:

(i) the identity of each pair of adjacent Nodes; and

(ii) for each such pair of Nodes, values of the resistance and the reactance between the Nodes;

(b) Transmission Network Data shall be established on the assumption of an 'intact network', that is disregarding any planned or other outage of any part of the AC Transmission System; and

(c) "HVDC Boundary Data" means the NETSO’s estimate (based on metering or other available data) of the flow of Active Energy to or from each HVDC Boundary.

5.2 The NETSO shall determine Transmission Network Data and the HVDC Boundary Data in good faith and based on its operational knowledge of the Transmission System, and in accordance with any relevant assumption made in the LFM Specification, but in the absence of a manifest error no Party may challenge or question the validity or correctness of the Transmission Network Data or the HVDC Boundary Data determined by the NETSO.

5.3 The NETSO and the TLFA shall cooperate so as to ensure that the form and medium in which Transmission Network Data and the HVDC Boundary Data is provided by the NETSO is compatible with the Load Flow Model and the BSC Agent System on which the Load Flow Model operates.

6. Distribution Network Data

6.1 For the purposes of this Annex T-2:

(a) "Distribution Network Data" means the following data showing power flows from an Offshore Transmission Connection Point to other Grid Supply Points on a Distribution System:

(i) the identity of each Node that represents an Offshore Transmission Connection Point (an "Offshore Transmission Connection Point Node");

(ii) the identity of each Node on a Distribution System (representing a Grid Supply Point) to which power flows from an Offshore Transmission Connection Point Node (a "corresponding Node"); and

(iii) the percentage of net energy received by each corresponding Node, of the total energy flowing from the Offshore Transmission Connection Point Node, as an estimated average value for each Reference Year; and

(b) Distribution Network Data shall be established on the assumption of an 'intact network', that is disregarding any planned or other outage of any part of a Distribution System.

6.2 Each Distribution System Operator shall determine Distribution Network Data in good faith for each Distribution System that it operates, based on the operation of that Distribution System and in accordance with any relevant assumption made in the LFM Specification.

6.3 Each Distribution System Operator and the TLFA shall cooperate so as to ensure that the form and medium in which Distribution Network Data is provided by the Distribution System Operator is compatible with the Load Flow Model and the BSC Agent System on which the Load Flow Model operates.

6.4 Any question or dispute as to the determination of Distribution Network Data pursuant to paragraph 6.2 shall be determined by the Panel in its discretion, after consultation with the relevant Distribution System Operator, the NETSO and the Lead Party(ies) of the BM Unit(s) affected by such question or dispute, having regard (so far as appears to the Panel to be relevant) to the parts of the Total System in which power flows are typically most influenced by changes in power flows at the relevant Node(s) or (as the case may be) the relevant BM Unit.

6.5 Each Distribution System Operator, the NETSO, the CRA and the CDCA shall cooperate with and provide information as may be required to BSCCo and the Panel in connection with the determination of any question or dispute under paragraph 6.4.

7. Sample Settlement Periods

7.1 For each BSC Year, Transmission Loss Factors shall be determined by reference to Nodal TLFs for sample Settlement Periods in the twelve month period (a "Reference Year") ending 31st August in the preceding BSC Year.

7.2 For the purposes of so determining Transmission Loss Factors, the Panel, after consultation with the NETSO and other Parties:

(a) shall divide the Reference Year into a number of different periods (each a "Load Period"), representing (in the opinion of the Panel) typically different levels of load on the AC Transmission System, defined by time of day, day of week, season and such other factors as the Panel considers relevant, such that every Settlement Period in the Reference Year falls into one and only one Load Period;

(b) shall specify, for each Load Period, a representative (in the opinion of the Panel) number of sample Settlement Periods (each a "Sample Settlement Period") within that Load Period; and

(c) will revise the specification of Load Periods or Sample Settlement Periods (if required) for each BSC Year.

7.3 BSCCo shall, not later than 31st August in the preceding BSC Year, notify the specification of each Load Period and the Sample Settlement Periods to the TLFA, the NETSO and the CDCA, and publish such specification on the BSC Website.

8. Determination of TLFs

8.1 For each BSC Year, Transmission Loss Factors for each BM Unit shall be determined in accordance with this paragraph 8.

8.2 For each Sample Settlement Period:

(a) the NETSO shall, not later than 5th October in the preceding BSC Year, send to BSCCo the Transmission Network Data and the HVDC Boundary Data;

(b) each Distribution System Operator shall, not later than 5th October in the preceding BSC Year, send to BSCCo the Distribution Network Data;

(c) the CDCA shall, not later than 5th October in the preceding BSC Year, send to BSCCo Metered Volumes for each Volume Allocation Unit (other than GSP Groups and BM Units embedded in a Distribution System);

(d) BSCCo shall, not later than 19th October in the preceding BSC Year, send to the TLFA the information received by BSCCo pursuant to paragraphs 8.2(a), 8.2(b) and 8.2(c);

(e) the TLFA shall translate the:

(i) Metered Volume data provided by BSCCo; and

(ii) flows of Active Energy at HVDC Boundaries,

to power flows (on the assumption they are constant in a Settlement Period) for each Node by applying the reference network mapping statement ("Nodal power flows"); and

(f) the TLFA shall input into the Load Flow Model the Transmission Network Data under paragraph (a), the Distribution Network Data under paragraph (b) and Nodal power flows under paragraph (e), and apply the Model to derive a nodal TLF for each Node ("Nodal TLF").

8.2A For each Zone and for each Settlement Period in the Reference Year, BSCCo shall, not later than 19th October, send to the TLFA:

(a) the sum of BM Unit Metered Volume (QMij) for all BM Units in the Zone (other than Secondary BM Units and Interconnector BM Units) belonging to Trading Units that are delivering Trading Units in the Settlement Period;

(b) the sum of BM Unit Metered Volume (QMij) for all BM Units in the Zone (other than Secondary BM Units and Interconnector BM Units) belonging to Trading Units that are offtaking Trading Units in the Settlement Period; and

(c) the sum of BM Unit Metered Volume (QMij) for all BM Units in the Zone, Secondary BM Units.

8.3 For each Sample Settlement Period, the TLFA shall determine the Zonal TLF (TLFZj) for each Zone according to the following formula:


where for that Settlement Period, and for each Node in that Zone (determined by the TLFA on the basis of the reference network mapping statement):

TLFNj is the value of Nodal TLF; and

QMNj is the absolute value of the Nodal power flow, disregarding any power flows to or from an Interconnector or an HVDC Boundary;

and where ΣN is summation by Node in a Zone.

8.4 For each BSC Season (the "relevant BSC Season") in each BSC Year, the TLFA shall determine the Seasonal Zonal TLF (TLFZS) for each Zone according to the following formula:

TLFZS = Σp ((ΣS TLFZj / SpS) * JpS) / Σp JpS

where (in relation to the Reference Year):

SpS is the number of Sample Settlement Periods within a Load Period which fall within the relevant BSC Season;

JpS is the total number of Settlement Periods falling within a Load Period which fall within the relevant BSC Season;

ΣS is summation by Sample Settlement Periods within a Load Period which fall within the relevant BSC Season; and

Σp is summation by Load Period within the relevant BSC Season.

8.5 For each BSC Year:

(a) the TLFA shall, not later than 30th November in the preceding BSC Year:

(i) determine the Adjusted Seasonal Zonal TLF (ATLFZS) for each Zone and each BSC Season according to the following formula:


where, for the relevant BSC Season, TLFAS is the Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment value determined in accordance with paragraph 9;

(ii) calculate indicative values of TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j for every Settlement Period in the Reference Year using the rules set out in Section T2 and the metered data provided by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 8.2A save that TLFij shall be zero;

(iii) calculate indicative values of TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j for every Settlement Period in the Reference Year using the rules set out in Section T2 and the metered data provided by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 8.2A save that TLFij shall be determined by applying to the Reference Year the ATLFZS values calculated for the forthcoming BSC Year in accordance with paragraph 8.5(a)(i); and

(iv) send the Seasonal Zonal TLFs, the Adjusted Seasonal Zonal TLFs and the indicative TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j values to BSCCo; and

(b) BSCCo shall, not later than 31st December in the preceding BSC Year, publish on the BSC Website:

(i) the Adjusted Seasonal Zonal TLF (ATLFZS) for each Zone and each BSC Season;

(ii) the Seasonal Zonal TLF (TLFZS) for each Zone and each BSC Season;

(iii) the Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment (TLFAS) for each BSC Season;

(iv) indicative values of TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j for every Settlement Period in the Reference Year calculated by the TLFA pursuant to paragraph (a)(ii); and

(v) indicative values of TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j for every Settlement Period in the Reference Year calculated by the TLFA pursuant to paragraph (a)(iii),

provided that the TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j data referred to in this paragraph 8.5 shall be indicative only and shall not replace and shall be without prejudice to the determination and application of the actual TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j values for the purposes of Settlement in accordance with Section T2.3.

8.6 For each BSC Season in each BSC Year:

(a) the Transmission Loss Factor (TLFij) for each BM Unit shall be the Adjusted Seasonal Zonal TLF (ATLFZS) for the Zone in which that BM Unit is located (allocated on the basis of the prevailing network mapping statement) and for that BSC Season;

(b) the TLFA shall, not later than 30th November in the preceding BSC Year, determine and send the Transmission Loss Factors for each BM Unit to BSCCo;

(c) BSCCo shall, not later than 31st December in the preceding BSC Year, send such Transmission Loss Factors to the CRA; and

(d) upon any revision of the network mapping statement under paragraph 4.4(d), in relation to any BM Unit affected by such revision, BSCCo shall determine the new or revised Transmission Loss Factors (in accordance with the prevailing network mapping statement) and send such Transmission Loss Factors to the CRA.

8.7 The CRA shall maintain in CRS, as BM Unit registration data, the Transmission Loss Factors for each BM Unit.

9. Determination of the Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment (TLFAS)

9.1 Subject to paragraph 9.3, the Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment (TLFAS) shall be the value calculated annually by the TLFA for each BSC Season as follows:

TLFAS = – Σj+(non-I) (QMij * TLFZS * 0.5) / Σ+(non-I) QMij} / N


Σj is summation by Settlement Period in a BSC Season within the Reference Year;

Σ+(non-I) represents the sum over all BM Units (other than Interconnector BM Units) belonging to Trading Units that are delivering Trading Units; and

N is the total number of Settlement Periods in that BSC Season of the Reference Year.

9.2 Subject to paragraph 9.3, the TLFA shall send the Transmission Loss Factor Adjustments to BSCCo by not later than 30th November in the preceding BSC Year.

9.3 The Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment value shall be zero for all BSC Years if the NETSO has received a direction to that effect from the Competition and Markets Authority (or any successor to that body) on or before 23 November 2017 in which case the NETSO shall notify BSCCo as soon as possible after receiving such direction.

10. Role and powers of the NETSO

10.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 10, "determination of Transmission Loss Factors" shall be construed as including the steps and processes:

(a) set out in this Annex T-2 for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors; and

(b) any other steps and processes necessary to enable compliance with the Transmission Losses Principle as set out in the ESO Licence (the "Transmission Losses Principle").

10.2 Where the NETSO is unable or has reasonable grounds to believe that it will be unable to comply with the Transmission Losses Principle, it shall be entitled to assume responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors pursuant to this Annex T-2 by giving prior written notice to the Panel and BSCCo setting out:

(a) the time and date from which the NETSO shall assume responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors;

(b) with reference to this Annex T-2, the extent to which the NETSO shall assume responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors; and

(c) whether the NETSO requires the suspension of the functions and duties of the TLFA,

(the "Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice").

10.3 Upon receipt of a Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice (or any amended notice issued by the NETSO to the Panel and BSCCo), BSCCo shall immediately publish such notice on the BSC Website.

10.4 If the NETSO issues a Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice, the following provisions shall apply with effect from the time and date set out in such notice:

(a) the NETSO shall assume responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors to the extent set out in the Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice;

(b) the Panel, any Panel Committee and BSCCo shall provide such assistance to the NETSO and shall take such steps as the NETSO may reasonably request to enable the NETSO to determine Transmission Loss Factors and, in the case of BSCCo, such assistance shall include:

(i) the provision at the cost of BSCCo of all necessary data, facilities, suitably qualified staff and other support;

(ii) the exercise and enforcement, at the request of the NETSO, of relevant rights under the TLFA BSC Agent Contract; and

(iii) the publication of data pursuant to Section V4.6;

(c) subject to paragraph (b), the powers, functions and duties of the Panel, any Panel Committee and BSCCo in relation to the determination of Transmission Loss Factors shall be suspended to the extent set out in the Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice (or any subsequent amendment to that notice) and for the period that the NETSO assumes responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors;

(d) where requested by the NETSO, BSCCo shall ensure that the functions and duties of the TLFA shall be suspended to the extent set out in the Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice (or any subsequent amendment to that notice) and for the period that the NETSO assumes responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors;

(e) the NETSO shall assume (and there are hereby conferred on the NETSO) the powers, functions and duties of the Panel, BSCCo and, to the extent suspended under paragraph (d), the TLFA as set out in this Annex T-2 for the period that the NETSO assumes responsibility for the determination of Transmission Loss Factors;

(f) the NETSO shall determine Transmission Loss Factors in accordance with the provisions mutatis mutandis of this Annex T-2 but the remaining provisions of Annex T-2 shall not be affected in any way except to the extent set out in this paragraph 10;

(g) the costs and expenses of the NETSO properly incurred in determining Transmission Loss Factors shall be paid by BSCCo to the NETSO and recovered by BSCCo from Trading Parties in accordance with the provisions of Section D; and

(h) the benefit of Section B2.9.1 shall be extended to apply to the NETSO, as if references to a Panel Member were to the NETSO, to the extent that the NETSO is carrying out the functions of the Panel pursuant to this paragraph 10.

10.5 Before ceasing to exercise its powers, functions and responsibilities under this paragraph 10, the NETSO shall deliver a notice to the Panel and BSCCo specifying the date on which the Panel, BSCCo and, where applicable, the TLFA are to resume their roles under Annex T-2 and the provisions of this paragraph 10 shall cease to have effect from that date.


Section T

Version 42.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


















































P388 Self Governance








P386 Self Governance




P367 Self Governance




















P321 Self Governance








P327 Fast Track Self Governance






























































































































1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section U sets out:

(a) general obligations of Parties and BSC Agents relating to data and information under the Code;

(b) general provisions relating to Settlement (including the timing and frequency of Settlement).

1.1.2 In this Section U references to Parties do not include BSCCo or the BSC Clearer.

1.2 Obligations of Parties relating to data and information

1.2.1 Without prejudice to any specific provisions of the Code relating to the accuracy and completeness of data, each Party shall ensure that and undertakes that all information and data submitted or otherwise provided by or on behalf of such Party to the Panel, any Panel Committee, BSCCo, the BSC Clearer or any BSC Agent pursuant to any provision of the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document will as far as reasonably possible be accurate and complete in all material respects.

1.2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, paragraph 1.2.1 does not apply in relation to:

(a) Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications (but without prejudice to any other agreement or arrangement between the relevant Contract Trading Parties and/or their ECVNA or MRVNA);

(b) data submitted to the NETSO pursuant to Section Q (but without prejudice to the provisions of the Grid Code).

1.2.3 Without prejudice to any specific requirement of the Code as to changes in data or information, each Party shall:

(a) keep each of its registrations and registration data (in respect of itself as Party, its Party Agents, Metering Systems, BM Units and all other registrations) up-to-date, by notifying the relevant BSC Agent of any change in any of the details contained in the registration, before or promptly upon any such change occurring (or, in the case of SVA Metering Systems, by taking the steps necessary to change such details in accordance with the relevant provisions of BSCP501 and the Retail Energy Code);

(b) otherwise take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data and information held or maintained (pursuant to the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document) by BSCCo or any BSC Agent or any SMRA relating to that Party is and continues to be accurate and complete.

1.2.4 Any failure or delay by a Party to register or update any information or data in CRS or CMRS (as required by the Code and in compliance with paragraphs 1.2.1 and 1.2.3), or otherwise to provide or update any information or data which is required to be provided to any person under the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document, shall be without prejudice to and shall not affect or alter in any way such Party's other obligations and liabilities under the Code subject to Section W1.7.1.

1.3 Obligations relating to Settlement

1.3.1 If any Party or BSC Agent believes that there has been a non-trivial breach of the rules for Settlement in the Code, such Party shall promptly report the same in writing to the Panel giving details of such breach.

1.3.2 Each Party and each BSC Agent shall promptly notify BSCCo and the BSC Agent responsible for such system in writing of any non-trivial or persistent defects in or in the operation of any BSC System of which it is or becomes aware, and will provide such further information as may reasonably be required by BSCCo or such BSC Agent to identify, isolate and correct such defect.

1.4 Information required by the Panel

1.4.1 Subject to paragraph 1.4.2, each Party shall provide to the Panel, any Panel Committee and BSCCo all such data and information as the Panel may reasonably require in order to enable the Panel, such Panel Committee or BSCCo properly to carry out its functions and responsibilities under the Code.

1.4.2 A Party shall not be required to provide information under paragraph 1.4.1:

(a) to the extent it is prevented from doing so by any duty of confidence (other than pursuant to Section H4.2) binding on such Party; nor

(b) as provided in Section H4.10.

1.5 Rejection by BSC Agents

1.5.1 Subject to paragraph 1.5.2, wherever (pursuant to any provision of the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document) a BSC Agent rejects or refuses any registration, submission or notification made or given by a Party:

(a) the BSC Agent shall indicate to the Party the reason(s) for such rejection or refusal; but

(b) such rejection or refusal shall not be invalidated by, and the obligations and liabilities of the Party under the Code shall not be prejudiced or affected by, any failure of such BSC Agent to give such reasons; and

(c) any failure of a BSC Agent to give reasons for such rejection or refusal may not, of itself, give rise to a Trading Dispute.

1.5.2 Paragraph 1.5.1 does not apply where, during a period of Credit Default, Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications are treated as rejected or refused pursuant to Section P.

1.5.3 Paragraph 1.5.1 is without prejudice to a Party's right (where applicable) under Section W to raise a Trading Dispute in respect of the rejection or refusal of a registration, submission or notification (subject to paragraph 1.5.1(c)).

1.6 Data retention

1.6.1 Without prejudice to the requirement to hold or send data for the purposes of any Initial Settlement Run, Initial Volume Allocation Run, Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run or Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run or to any other requirement to hold data under the Code:

(a) each Party shall, and shall procure that its Party Agents shall; and

(b) each relevant BSC Agent shall

retain settlement data in accordance with this paragraph 1.6, to enable such data to be provided and used for the purposes of the resolution of Trading Disputes, any related arbitration, and the carrying out of any Post-Final Settlement Run, Post-Final Volume Allocation Run or Extra-Settlement Determination.

1.6.2 For the purposes of this paragraph 1.6:

(a) relevant BSC Agents are the CDCA, the CRA, the ECVAA, the SVAA, the SAA, the FAA and the TLFA;

(b) in relation to a Party, relevant BSC Agent or Party Agent, "settlement data" means data which:

(i) in the case of a BSC Agent, is received, produced or sent by that BSC Agent,

(ii) in the case of a Party, relates to that Party and is received, produced or sent by that Party or its Party Agent

pursuant to the Code for the purposes of Settlement.

1.6.3 Settlement data is required to be held pursuant to this paragraph 1.6:

(a) until a date at least twenty eight months after the Settlement Day to which it relates, in a form in which the data can be sent for use and used in carrying out a Settlement Run or Volume Allocation Run;

(b) thereafter, until the date forty months after the Settlement Day to which it relates, subject to paragraph 1.6.4, in an archive or any other form (including, for the avoidance of doubt, in the form referred to in paragraph 1.6.3(a)) in which the data can be retrieved if requested within ten Business Days, sent for use in and used in carrying out an Extra-Settlement Determination as provided in the relevant Code Subsidiary Document.

1.6.4 Where the Panel (on the advice of BSCCo, the Trading Disputes Committee or otherwise) has informed Parties and relevant BSC Agents that settlement data (or particular settlement data) relating to a particular Settlement Day may be required for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1.6.1 after the date specified in paragraph 1.6.3(b) then that settlement data is required to be held pursuant to paragraph 1.6.3(a) or (b) (as the case may be) until such time as the Panel notifies Parties and relevant BSC Agents that such data is no longer required to be so held.

1.6.5 The reference in Section J4.2.3 to "data" shall be construed as including settlement data.


2.1 Settlement frequency and Settlement Runs

2.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, settlement of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges) in respect of a Settlement Day is to take place:

(a) on an initial basis and on each of four further occasions in accordance with the timetable established pursuant to Section N3;

(b) following a Post-Final Settlement Run, in accordance with the timetable established by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.2.5.

2.1.2 Without prejudice to Section T1.4, Settlement Runs and Volume Allocation Runs (for Central Volume Allocation and Supplier Volume Allocation) are to be carried out so as to meet the requirements of paragraph 2.1.1 using the latest data available.

2.1.3 Where at any time:

(a) any Reconciliation Settlement Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run is to be carried out, and

(b) pursuant to any Code Modification, there has been any change since the preceding such run in any provision of the Code applicable to the carrying out of such run,

the Reconciliation Settlement Run or Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run shall be carried out by reference to the provisions of the Code prevailing as at the Settlement Day in respect of which it is to be carried out, unless the relevant Code Modification provided otherwise.

2.2 Post-Final Settlement Runs and Extra-Settlement Determinations

2.2.1 The Parties acknowledge that there may be occasions when it is necessary or appropriate:

(a) to carry out a Settlement Run (and related Volume Allocation Runs) in relation to a Settlement Day, after the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run and related Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run;

(b) to carry out a determination, outside Volume Allocation Runs and Settlement Runs, of Trading Charges (or adjustment and apportionment in respect thereof) in relation to a Settlement Day (whether or not after the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run and related Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run).

2.2.2 Subject to paragraph 2.2.2A and paragraph 2.2.4, the Trading Disputes Committee may determine following resolution of a Trading Dispute:

(a) that, after the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run and related Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, a Post-Final Settlement Run should be carried out in relation to a Settlement Day or part thereof; provided that no more than one Post-Final Settlement Run may be carried out in respect of any one Settlement Day;

(b) that, at any time, an Extra-Settlement Determination should be carried out in accordance with paragraph 2.2.3 in relation to a Settlement Day or part thereof.

2.2.2A The provisions of paragraph 2.2.2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Panel as if the reference therein to:

(a) the Trading Disputes Committee were a reference to the Panel; and

(b) the resolution of a Trading Dispute were a reference to the award of an arbitrator or otherwise in the Panel’s discretion.

2.2.3 Subject to paragraph 2.2.3C, where an Extra-Settlement Determination is to be carried out:

(a) there shall be determined amounts

(i) by reference to the differences between the amounts of Trading Charges determined pursuant to the Extra-Settlement Determination and such amounts as determined in the Settlement Run (for the relevant Settlement Day) preceding such Extra-Settlement Determination, or

(ii) otherwise by way of adjustment and apportionment in respect of Trading Charges as the Trading Disputes Committee shall determine

which each Trading Party and the NETSO shall be entitled to be paid by or liable to pay to the BSC Clearer;

(b) such entitlements and liabilities shall be Ad-Hoc Trading Charges for the purposes of Section N6.9;

(c) the Trading Disputes Committee shall determine the method by which Trading Charges, or adjustment and apportionment in respect thereof, are to be determined;

(d) each Party and each BSC Agent shall comply with the reasonable requests of the Trading Disputes Committee in connection with such method of determination;

(e) such determination may be made on such estimated or approximate basis as the Trading Disputes Committee may decide is appropriate in the circumstances (having regard, without limitation, to whether any further Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run in relation to the relevant Settlement Day is to take place after the Extra-Settlement Determination);

(f) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (e), subject to paragraph (g), unless the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run and related Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run for the relevant Settlement Day have already taken place, such determination may (where appropriate in the Trading Disputes Committee’s opinion) be made so that:

(i) extra-settlement amount(s), so far as being amounts payable to Trading Parties or the NETSO, are determined and payable only as to a proportion (the "interim proportion") of the amounts that would be payable on the basis of an exact determination of the relevant Trading Charge(s) in accordance with the Code; and

(ii) extra settlement amounts so far as relating to Daily Party residual Settlement Cashflow payable by Trading Parties, are determined for and payable by or to some Trading Parties only (each an "included" Trading Party)

where "extra-settlement amounts" means the amounts payable pursuant to paragraph (b) by way of Ad-Hoc Trading Charges pursuant to an Extra-Settlement Determination;

(g) where a determination is made in accordance with paragraph (f), so far as relating to Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow:

(i) the interim proportion shall be determined (for the relevant Extra-Settlement Determination) by the Trading Disputes Committee;

(ii) the included Trading Parties shall be selected as follows, unless the Trading Disputes Committee decides that there are exceptional circumstances which justify a different method of selection:

(1) all Trading Parties shall be ranked in order of the magnitude of RCRCp payable to them in respect of the relevant Settlement Day, largest first;

(2) the Trading Parties to be included shall be selected in the order ranked, until such Trading Parties have been selected that:

ps RCRCp = IP * ∑p RCRCp


RCRCp is the Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow for a Trading Party for the relevant Settlement Day as determined under the Settlement Run preceding the Extra-Settlement Determination;

IP is the interim proportion;

ps is the sum over all selected Trading Parties;

p is the sum over all Trading Parties;

(h) each Party shall be bound by the Extra-Settlement Determination, but without prejudice to paragraph 2.6.1; and

(i) where a relevant Settlement Run in relation to a Settlement Day is carried out after an Extra-Settlement Determination has been carried out in relation to that day:

(i) each Trading Party and the NETSO shall be entitled to be paid by or liable to pay to the BSC Clearer, on or as near as practicable to the Payment Date in respect of such Settlement Run, an amount calculated as:

(1) an amount equal and opposite to the extra-settlement amount paid by or to such Party, plus

(2) interest on the amount in paragraph (1)calculated on a compound basis in accordance with paragraph 2.2.3A; and

(ii) such entitlements and liabilities shall be Ad-Hoc Trading Charges for the purposes of Section N6.9.

A relevant Settlement Run for the purposes of this paragraph 2.2.3(i) is a Settlement Run (or, where relevant, the first Settlement Run) in which the Settlement Error in respect of which the Extra – Settlement Determination was carried out has been corrected.

2.2.3A For the purposes of paragraph 2.2.3(i), interest shall be calculated in respect of the period from (and including) the date when payment of the extra-settlement amount was due to (but not including) the Payment Date in respect of the relevant Settlement Run carried out after the Extra-Settlement Determination by applying the Base Rate:

(a) as prevailing at 00:00 hours on the relevant day on a daily compounded basis up to (but not including) the Advice Note Date for the payment of the relevant Settlement Run; and

(b) as prevailing at 00:00 on the Advice Note Date for the payment of the relevant Settlement Run on a daily compounded basis up to (but not including) the Payment Date.

2.2.3B The Implementation Date for the application of compound interest pursuant to paragraphs 2.2.3(i) and 2.2.3A shall be the Go-live Date.

2.2.3C The provisions of paragraph 2.2.3 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Panel where, pursuant to paragraphs 2.2.2 and 2.2.2A the Panel determines that an Extra Settlement Determination should be carried out, as if references to the Trading Disputes Committee in paragraph 2.2.3 were references to the Panel.

2.2.4 Except pursuant to Section P6.5.1(c), no Settlement Run or Volume Allocation Run shall be carried out on any date which is more than twenty eight months after the Settlement Day to which such runs relate.

2.2.5 Where the Trading Disputes Committee or the Panel (as the case may be) decides that a Post-Final Settlement Run and Post-Final Volume Allocation Runs or an Extra-Settlement Determination should be carried out:

(a) the Panel shall set, after discussion with the SAA, FAA, CDCA and SVAA (and, where applicable, the CRA, ECVAA, NETSO and/or any Interconnector Administrator and/ or any Market Index Data Provider), a timetable for the carrying out of such runs;

(b) the Notification Date for such Settlement Run shall be specified in such timetable;

(c) BSCCo shall inform all Parties and BSC Agents of the decision to carry out such runs and the timetable set by the Panel for such runs.

2.3 Settlement Runs

2.3.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) in relation to a Settlement Day:

(i) the "Initial Settlement Run" and the "Initial Volume Allocation Run" are, respectively, the Settlement Run and Volume Allocation Run carried out for the purposes of initial Settlement in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1(a);

(ii) a "Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run" and a "Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run" are, respectively, a Settlement Run and Volume Allocation Run carried out for the purposes of Settlement on one of the four further occasions pursuant to paragraph 2.1.1(a);

(iii) the "First Reconciliation Settlement Run" and the "First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run" are, respectively, the first required Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run and first required Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run;

(iv) the "Final Reconciliation Settlement Run" and the "Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run" are, respectively, the last required Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run and last required Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run;

(b) a "Post-Final Settlement Run" and a "Post-Final Volume Allocation Run" are, respectively, a Settlement Run and Volume Allocation Run required to be carried out by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 2.2;

(c) an "Extra-Settlement Determination" is a determination, outside Volume Allocation Runs and Settlement Runs, of Trading Charges (or adjustment and apportionment in respect thereof), required to be carried out by the Panel in accordance with paragraph 2.2;

(d) a "Reconciliation Settlement Run" is a Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run or a Post-Final Settlement Run and a "Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run" is a Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run or a Post-Final Volume Allocation Run.

2.3.2 In addition to the foregoing, the following Settlement Runs and Volume Allocation Runs, not giving rise to Settlement, will be carried out before the Initial Settlement Run:

(a) an interim Settlement Run ("Interim Information Settlement Run"), and an interim Volume Allocation Run (an "Interim Information Volume Allocation Run"), for the purposes only of Section M1.2 and informing Trading Parties and the NETSO of the amounts expected to give rise to payments under the Initial Settlement Run and enabling them to identify and seek correction of any errors they believe to have been made in the determination of such amounts; and

(b) a Volume Allocation Run in respect of Central Volume Allocation (a "Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run") for the purposes only of Section M1.2.4A.

2.3.3 The Panel may in exceptional circumstances delay a Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run or a Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run.

2.4 Settlement Calendar

2.4.1 For each BSC Year a Payment Calendar, setting out Payment Dates and Notification Dates in relation to each Settlement Day, will be established pursuant to Section N3.

2.4.2 The SAA shall, following receipt from the FAA of the Payment Calendar under Section N3.3.2, prepare in accordance with BSCP01 and deliver to BSCCo, each other Party, the CDCA, the SVAA and the ECVAA, a Settlement Calendar showing, for the next following BSC Year:

(a) the date upon which, for each Settlement Day in the BSC Year, the Interim Information Settlement Run, the Initial Settlement Run and each of the Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Runs are to be carried out;

(b) the date upon which each of the corresponding Volume Allocation Runs, and the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run, are to be carried out and the resulting data delivered to the SAA and/or other BSC Agents.

2.4.3 The Settlement Calendar shall be consistent with the Payment Calendar.

2.5 Data used in Settlement

2.5.1 Relevant BSC Agents and relevant Parties may not adjust settlement data except in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2.5.

2.5.2 Up to the date of the relevant initial run in relation to a Settlement Day, a relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party may adjust or revise any settlement data, subject to paragraph 2.5.3, where it appears to the relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party that there is a Settlement Error (as defined in Section W).

2.5.3 For the purposes of paragraph 2.5.2, a relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party shall not adjust or revise any settlement data after such data has first been provided or reported to Parties (including pursuant to an Interim Information Settlement Run or Interim Information Volume Allocation Run), except:

(a) where it appears to the relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party that there is a Settlement Error (as defined in Section W) and:

(i) if the data was provided by or on behalf of or otherwise relates to a particular Party, with the consent of that Party; or

(ii) where paragraph (i) does not apply, with the consent of BSCCo;

(b) pursuant to the resolution of a Trading Dispute.

2.5.4 After the date of the relevant initial run in relation to a Settlement Day, a relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party may not adjust or revise any settlement data other than pursuant to the resolution of a Trading Dispute in accordance with Section W or pursuant to any other express provision of the Code.

2.5.5 Section S provides for the circumstances in which data provided to or used by the SVAA for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation may be adjusted or revised.

2.5.6 Where it is apparent to a relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party that any data item or process being used by or on behalf of such person for the purposes of or in connection with Settlement is manifestly erroneous, such person shall correct such data or process for the purposes of Settlement in relation to subsequent Settlement Days notwithstanding the restriction under paragraph 2.5.4 in relation to prior Settlement Days, and shall inform BSCCo accordingly.

2.5.7 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 2.5 entitles a relevant BSC Agent to adjust the data sent to it by another relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party unless otherwise expressly provided in the Code and, where settlement data is to be adjusted or revised pursuant to this paragraph 2.5, the relevant BSC Agent or relevant Party responsible for that data shall, following such adjustment or revision, resubmit such data to the appropriate BSC Agent to enable such data to be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement.

2.5.8 For the purposes of this paragraph 2.5:

(a) relevant BSC Agents are the CDCA, ECVAA and SAA and (for these purposes, notwithstanding Section T1.6.7(a)) each Market Index Data Provider and relevant Parties are the NETSO and each Interconnector Administrator;

(b) settlement data means the data, if any, used by the CDCA for the purposes of a Volume Allocation Run or provided by the ECVAA, the NETSO, an Interconnector Administrator or a Market Index Data Provider to or used by the SAA for the purposes of a Settlement Run;

(c) the date of the relevant initial run is:

(i) in relation to the CDCA, the date on which the Initial Volume Allocation Run is carried out;

(ii) in relation to the SAA, the ECVAA, the NETSO, an Interconnector Administrator or a Market Index Data Provider, the date on which the Initial Settlement Run is carried out.

2.6 Effect of Settlement Runs and Extra-Settlement Determinations

2.6.1 Subject to paragraph 2.2.4, where a Party wishes to dispute or challenge the data used in or the results of any Volume Allocation Run or Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination:

(a) the Party may do so (subject to the provisions of Section W) by raising a Trading Dispute in accordance with Section W but not otherwise;

(b) subject to and in accordance with Section W, the outcome of the Trading Dispute will be taken into account in a subsequent Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run or Post-Final Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination;

(c) the Party shall not be entitled to a remedy (if any, as provided in Section W) sooner than the carrying out of such subsequent Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run or Post-Final Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination unless otherwise permitted following resolution of a Trading Dispute pursuant to Section W.

2.6.2 Without prejudice to paragraph 2.6.1(a) and (b), and in accordance with paragraph 2.6.1(c):

(a) the data provided to and used by the SAA in connection with any Settlement Run shall be deemed for the purposes of that Settlement Run (other than an Interim Information Settlement Run) to be correct; and

(b) Parties shall be bound by each Settlement Run.

2.6.3 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) a Party may not dispute or challenge (as provided in paragraph 2.6.1) an Extra-Settlement Determination on the grounds that such determination was made on an estimated or approximate basis pursuant to paragraph 2.2.3(e);

(b) the reference in Section W1.3.2(a) to the provisions of the Code shall be treated as including any basis of estimation or approximation decided by the Trading Disputes Committee or the Panel (as the case may be) pursuant to paragraph 2.2.3(e).


Section U

Version 17.0

Effective Date: 23 February 2023

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date








































































1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section V sets out:

(a) details of the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service; and

(b) other requirements for reporting of information by BSC Agents to Parties, the Authority and/or for public reporting.

1.1.2 Each of the Authority and BSCCo shall be entitled without payment:

(a) to have, until the BMRS Transition Date as determined by the Panel, the BMRS (High Grade Service) made available to them (with such number of communication links as they may require);

(b) to receive, on request (including by way of standing request), a copy of any other report provided under this Section V (and the relevant BSC Agent shall provide such reports to the Authority and BSCCo in the same timescales as the report is provided to Parties or relevant Parties).

1.1.3 No failure (in whole or in part) to make data available on the BMRS or to provide any report to any Party under this Section V, nor any error, inaccuracy or incompleteness of any such data or report, shall affect or alter in any way the rights and obligations of the Parties in relation to Settlement (including any entitlement to receive or liability to pay amounts in respect of Trading Charges).

1.1.4 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that:

(a) the rights and obligations of Parties (in Settlement and otherwise) under the Code shall not be affected or prejudiced in any way by, and

(b) (subject to paragraph 1.1.5) no Party shall have any claim or entitlement against any BSC Agent, any Market Index Data Provider, any Financial Service Provider, BSCCo, the NETSO or any other Party as a result of,

the availability or non-availability (in whole or in part) of any data on the BMRS or on the BSC Website or otherwise as contemplated to be available under this Section V, or any error or inaccuracy in such data; and no warranty or representation is given (whether expressly or impliedly) by any person as to the accuracy or completeness of any such data.

1.1.5 The provisions of paragraphs 1.1.4(b) are without prejudice to:

(a) the obligations of the NETSO to send specified data to the BMRS and BSCCo pursuant to Section Q6;

(b) the obligations of each Market Index Data Provider to send specified data to the BMRS and BSCCo under the relevant Market Index Data Provider Contract;

(c) the obligations of:

(i) the BMRA under the relevant BSC Agent Contract for the provision of the BMRS as required by paragraph 2;

(ii) other BSC Agents under the relevant BSC Agent Contracts for the provision of reports as required by paragraph 3;

(d) the obligations of the Financial Service Provider to send the Settlement Exchange Rate to the BMRS under paragraph 2.2.2D.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 In the provisions of this Section V which specify the timing and frequency of reporting:

"SP" means Settlement Period and where the context admits refers to each Settlement Period;

"J" means Quarter Hour period with a Settlement Period and where the context refers to each Quarter Hour period;

"D" means day or Settlement Day and where the context admits refers to each day or Settlement Day;

"W" means week (beginning Monday).

1.2.2 In this Section V:

(a) references to data include information;

(b) references to Tables are to the Tables set out in Annex V-1.

1.3 Consent to disclosure

1.3.1 Each Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the publication of data to the extent that such data is to be published:

(a) on the BMRS pursuant to paragraph 2; or

(b) by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 4, where paragraph 4 provides for such data to be published,

and where data is or may be published pursuant to this Section V, such data shall not be regarded as Confidential Information for the purposes of Section H4.2.

1.3.2 Without prejudice to anything contained in Section H4.2.2 or H4.2.3 in relation to the disclosure by a Restricted Party of such data, each Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the disclosure to and use by Parties or other persons of data to be provided or made available to such Parties or other persons pursuant to paragraph 3 or paragraph 4.

1.4 Reporting Catalogue

1.4.1 For the purposes of the Code the Reporting Catalogue is the document of that title which sets out the data items to be contained in each of the reports mentioned in Annex V-1.

1.4.2 The Reporting Catalogue shall be a Code Subsidiary Document.


2.1 General

2.1.1 This paragraph 2 sets out details of the BMRS to be provided by the BMRA.

2.1.2 The BMRS is a service for reporting to Parties and others and publishing:

(a) data relating to the Transmission System (and established pursuant to the Grid Code) or relating to the arrangements provided for or referred to in Section Q (to the extent further provided for in this Section), provided by (or converted from data provided by) the NETSO;

(b) data (derived in whole or part from the data referred to in paragraph (a)) established by the BMRS pursuant to paragraph 2.6;

(c) certain other data as provided or referred to in the BMRS Data Catalogue or elsewhere in the Code;

(d) Inside Information Data which may be submitted by a Party in accordance with Section Q for the purpose of reporting on BMRS; and

(e) the Settlement Exchange Rate which will be submitted by the Financial Service Provider in accordance with paragraph 7.

2.1.3 In this paragraph 2:

(a) "BMRS data" means data to be made available on the BMRS pursuant to this paragraph 2;

(b) the "BMRS Specification" is the technical specification of the BMRS contained in the Communication Requirements Document for the BMRA pursuant to Section O.

2.1.4 The provision of data to the BMRA and the reporting of data on the BMRS are separate arrangements from any arrangements for the submission of data for the purposes of Section Q and/or for the purposes of Settlement, and (without prejudice to the provisions of Section M3.5) nothing contained in this paragraph 2 may give rise to any Trading Dispute.

2.2 Specification of BMRS

2.2.1 The BMRA shall operate and make available the BMRS in accordance with this paragraph 2, the BMRS Specification, and the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.2.2 Not used.

2.2.3 For certain kinds of data set out in the BMRS Data Catalogue, where data (for a particular period) is not provided to the BMRA for inclusion on the BMRS by the time required under Section Q, default values for such data shall be included on the BMRS as and where so provided in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.2.4 All BMRS data will remain available on the BMRS (except that errors in such data may be corrected) until no earlier than the expiry of a period of 12 or as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue (whichever is the longer) months after:

(a) the Settlement Day to which such data relates, or

(b) in the case of forecast data, the day on which such data was provided.

2.3 Grades of service

2.3.1 The BMRA shall make available the BMRS as follows:

(a) until the BMRS Transition Date, as determined by the Panel, a High Grade Service, for which:

(i) a Party (other than BSCCo) is required to pay the relevant Specified BSC Charges in accordance with Section D,

(ii) any other person (other than the Authority) shall be required to make payments as provided in paragraph 2.3.4(a)

shall be made available to any Party and (subject to paragraph 2.3.4) any other person, on request; and

(b) a Low Grade Service shall be made available, without charge, to any person;

in each case, as further specified in the BMRS Specification.

2.3.2 The High Grade Service (until the BMRS Transition Date) and Low Grade Service will be made available by the respective means specified in the BMRS Specification.

2.3.3 BMRS data will be available on the BMRS as follows:

(a) data provided by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q will be available within 5 minutes after the BMRA received such data from the NETSO;

(b) data relating to a Settlement Period and established by the BMRA in accordance with paragraph 2.6 will be available within 30 minutes after the end of the relevant Settlement Period;

(c) data provided by BSCCo pursuant to Section Q will be available within 1 Business Day after the BMRA received such data from BSCCo;

(d) Transparency Regulation Data will be published as soon as reasonably practicable (taking into account any technical constraints) after such data is received by the BMRA;

(e) Inside Information Data will be published as soon as reasonably practicable (taking into account any technical constraints) after being received from the NETSO or BSCCo;

(f) any further data specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue will be published as soon as reasonably practical (taking into account any technical constraints) after such data is received by the BMRA or as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue; and

(g) the Settlement Exchange Rate will be published as soon as reasonably practicable (taking into account any technical constraints) after exchange rate data is received by the BMRA.

2.3.4 The High Grade Service of the BMRS will, until the BMRS Transition Date as determined by the Panel, be made available upon request to a person (other than the Authority) which is not a Party:

(a) subject to the payment by such person of

(i) a one-off administration charge of such amount as the Panel shall from time to time determine (and until the Panel has so determined, of £250);

(ii) charges equivalent to (and in amounts the same as those for the time being determined by the Panel for) the BSC Specified Charges in paragraphs 3.1(d) and (e), 3.3 and 3.4 (as applicable) of Annex D-3; and

(b) provided that such person has entered into and remains party to an agreement with BSCCo, in such form as BSCCo with the approval of the Panel may from time to time determine, providing for the payment of the amounts in paragraph (a) and such other matters as BSCCo may determine in relation to the availability of such service, the provision of any associated hardware and software and the use of such hardware and software by such person.

2.4 Not used.

2.5 Supporting obligations of BMRA – receipt of data

2.5.1 The BMRA shall:

(a) receive data from:

(i) the NETSO, at such times and with such frequency as provided in Section Q, as set out in the BMRS Data Catalogue;

(ii) each Market Index Data Provider, at such times and with such frequency as provided in Section T1.6 and the BMRS Data Catalogue;

(iii) the CRA and BSCCo as provided below in this paragraph 2.5;

(iv) the Financial Service Provider as provided below in paragraph 7;

(v) any other source as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

(b) report to the person providing such data any failure to provide the data or to provide it in the form required under the Code;

(c) store all such data received by the BMRA for a period of at least 12 months or as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue (whichever is the longer) commencing on the Settlement Day or earliest Settlement Day to which such data relates or (in relation to forecast data) the day on which such data was provided;

(d) not used;

(e) store Transparency Regulation Data received by the BMRA for a period of at least five years commencing on the day on which such data was received; and

(f) store Inside Information Data received by the BMRA for a period of at least ten (10) years commencing on the day on which such data was received.

2.5.2 The data to be received by the BMRA is as follows:

(a) from the NETSO (pursuant to Section Q) the data items specified in Section Q6 and/or the BMRS Data Catalogue as being provided to the BMRA;

(b) from each Market Index Data Provider (as provided in Section T) the data items specified in Section T1.6 and/or the BMRS Data Catalogue as being provided to the BMRA;

(c) from the CRA (pursuant to Section K) and/or the BMRS Data Catalogue BM Unit registration data;

(d) from BSCCo the data items listed below:

(i) ETLMO+ following determination by and then as and when revised by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.6.3;

(ii) ETLMO- following determination by and then as and when revised by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.6.3;

(iii) not used;

(iv) Inside Information Data; and

(v) any other data items specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue;

(e) from the Financial Service Provider the exchange rate data specified in paragraph 7.

2.5.3 On receipt of any Balancing Services Adjustment Data from the NETSO, the BMRA shall perform the checks in relation to such data that are specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.6 Indicative data

2.6.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 2:

(a) 'Indicative' in relation to any term defined in the Code (and 'I' as a prefix to the acronym for any such term) means determined on an estimated basis for the purposes of enabling indicative values of such term to be reported on the BMRS before all of the necessary data to calculate such term is available;

(b) Indicative terms are determined by reference:

(i) to the estimates ETLMO+ and ETLMO- (rather than values of TLMO+ and TLMO-), and/or

(ii) to the Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data (rather than values of Balancing Services Adjustment Data); and/or

(iii) to values of any other Indicative such term.

2.6.2 Indicative terms shall be estimates only and are established for the purposes of the BMRS only, and shall not replace and shall be without prejudice to the determination and application of the relevant term (on a definitive and not Indicative basis) for the purposes of Settlement and all other purposes of the Code.

2.6.3 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) ETLMO+ and ETLMO- are such estimated values as the Panel shall from time to time determine to be used as assumed values of Transmission Loss Multipliers for the purposes of this paragraph 2.6;

(b) Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data are the data submitted by the NETSO to the BMRA pursuant to Section Q6.3.1(a) in respect of each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day.

2.6.4 The BMRA shall perform such calculations as are specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.6.5 Not used.

2.6.6 Not used.

2.6.6A Not used.

2.6.7 In the event that the BMRA is unable to calculate INIV, ISBP, ISSP, Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid or Offer Volumes or Indicative Period BM Unit Bid and Offer Cashflows, Indicative Period RR Total Accepted Bid or Offer Volume or Indicative Period RR BM Unit Cashflow in accordance with this paragraph 2.6, it shall:

(a) where such inability is as a result of the receipt or otherwise of data required from the NETSO, contact the NETSO to seek to resolve such matter; and

(b) in any event, report the matter to BSCCo,

provided that, in the case of Market Index Data, where the BMRA has not received Market Index Data in respect of a Settlement Period from a Market Index Data Provider, it shall calculate ISBP and ISSP substituting zero values in place of such missing Market Index Data and, in that event, shall post a warning message to that effect on the BMRS.

2.6.8 In respect of each Settlement Period, the BMRA shall calculate the Demand Control Volume in accordance with the rules in Section T3 provided that where the BMRA has not received a Demand Control Event End Point notification from the NETSO, it shall deem the Demand Control Event End Point as the end time and date of the relevant Settlement Period.

2.7 Not used

3. Reporting By OTHER BSC AGENTS

3.1 Reporting requirements

3.1.1 The SAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 2 in Annex V-1.

3.1.2 The ECVAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 3 in Annex V-1.

3.1.3 The CRA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 4 in Annex V-1.

3.1.4 The CDCA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 5 in Annex V-1.

3.1.5 The FAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 6 in Annex V-1.

3.1.6 The SVAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 7 in Annex V-1.

3.1.7 The reporting requirements referred to in paragraphs 3.1.1 to 3.1.6 are without prejudice to any further reporting requirements set out in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document.

3.2 Reports

3.2.1 Each of Tables 2 to 7 in Annex V-1 sets out:

(a) the name of each report to be provided by the relevant BSC Agent;

(b) a summary description of the data to be contained in each such report;

(c) the frequency with which each such report is to be provided;

(d) the persons and bodies to which each such report is to be provided.

3.2.2 For the purposes of Tables 2 to 7 in Annex V-1, and subject to paragraph 3.2.9:

(a) "Relevant Party" indicates that the data in question is to be provided to the Party or Trading Party or Supplier to which the data relates (and not to other Parties, except for BSCCo);

(b) "Any Party (on request)" indicates that the data in question (irrespective of the Party or Parties to which it relates) is to be provided to any Party which requests receipt of the same pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3;

(c) "All Suppliers" indicates that the data in question is to be provided to all Suppliers in the GSP Group to which the data relates;

(d) "Any person (on request)" indicates that, subject to paragraph 3.2.7, the data in question (irrespective of the Party or Parties to which it relates) is to be provided to any person (whether or not a Party) which requests receipt of the same pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3.

3.2.3 In respect of each of the Tables 2 to 7 in Annex V-1 and in relation to all (but not some) of the data for which the 'Recipient' column in any such Table includes:

(a) 'Any Party (on request)', each Party shall be entitled to receive all such data if it notifies BSCCo to that effect in accordance with BSCP41;

(b) 'Any person (on request)', any person shall be entitled, subject to paragraph 3.2.7, to receive all such data if it notifies BSCCo to that effect in accordance with such procedures as BSCCo may establish for such notification.

3.2.4 Tables 2 to 7 provide a general description of the data to be contained in each report; details of the data to be contained in each report are set out in the Reporting Catalogue.

3.2.5 Reports are to be provided:

(a) to Parties by the means specified in Section O;

(b) to persons other than Parties by such means as the Panel may from time to time determine.

3.2.6 Unless otherwise provided in the Code or the Reporting Catalogue, reports at any time provided pursuant to this paragraph 3 contain data relating only to relevant periods for which such data is (at such time) current, as further provided in the Reporting Catalogue.

3.2.7 Where a person who is not a Party requests the provision of data to which it is entitled pursuant to this paragraph 3.2, such data shall not be required to be made available to such person until and unless such person has agreed to be bound by such terms in such form as BSCCo with the approval of the Panel may from time to time determine relating to the provision of such data which may provide (inter alia) for the payment or periodic payment by such person to BSCCo of a sum (established and revised from time to time by BSCCo) representing the reasonable costs of providing such data to that person.

3.2.8 Subject to paragraph 3.2.9, and without prejudice to paragraph 3.2.7 each Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the publication of the data in Tables 2 to 7, to the extent only that such data:

(a) is to be published pursuant to this paragraph 3, where paragraph 3 provides for such data to be published, and

(b) is to be made available to any person on request.

3.2.9 Where it has been determined, pursuant to Section B3.3 or Section H11, that data referred to in Tables 2 to 7 of Annex V-1 shall be disclosed pursuant to the procedures set out in those Sections then such determination shall take precedence over this paragraph 3.2 and the data to which such determination relates may be disclosed notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section V.


4.1 Parameters

4.1.1 BSCCo shall maintain:

(a) an up-to-date record:

(i) in respect of each type of BM Unit, of the principles and guidance established and revised from time to time by the Panel pursuant to Section M1.5; and

(ii) in respect of each BM Unit, of the Credit Assessment Load Factor (WDCALFi or NWDCALFi as appropriate) determined and revised from time to time by BSCCo or redetermined by the Panel (as the case may be) pursuant to Section M1.5;

(b) an up-to-date list of the following parameters set out in or established and revised from time to time under and in accordance with the Code:

(i) the Credit Assessment Price determined and revised from time to time by the Panel pursuant to Section M1.4;

(ii) the Transmission Loss Factors specified in Section T2.2.1(a);

(iii) the coefficient 'α' specified in Section T2.2.1(b);

(iv) the Line Loss Factors in respect of SVA Metering Systems (or classes of SVA Metering System) approved from time to time by the Panel, or where applicable the default values established in respect thereof, pursuant to Section K1.7 together with a summarised version of such factors (as described in BSCP518).

4.1.2 The record of WDCALFi and NWD CALFi, values referred to in paragraph 4.1.1(a)(ii) (as updated from time to time) shall be made available to any Trading Party on request.

4.1.3 The principles and guidance referred to in paragraph 4.1.1(a)(i) and the list of parameters referred to in paragraph 4.1.1(b) (as updated from time to time) shall be published on the BSC Website and made available to any person on request.

4.2 Market data

4.2.1 BSCCo shall arrange for the data referred to in this paragraph 4.2 ("market data") to be published or made available in the manner specified in this paragraph 4.2, subject to paragraph 4.3.

4.2.2 Market data comprises the following:

(a) the CRS registration data as described in paragraph 4.2.3;

(b) the Funding Shares of each Trading Party as described in paragraph 4.2.4;

(c) the Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data and Balancing Services Adjustment Data as described in paragraph 4.2.5;

(d) the System Sell Price, System Buy Price and Net Imbalance Volume as described in paragraph 4.2.6;

(e) the Credit Default statements as described in paragraph 4.2.7;

(f) the Market Index Data as described in paragraph 4.2.8; and

(g) the Supplier Market Share Data as described in paragraph 4.2.10.

4.2.3 A list containing the name and identification number (allocated by the CRA pursuant to Section A4) of each Party and the registration data of each BM Unit (as received by BSCCo in the operations registration report pursuant to Table 4 in Annex V-1) shall be published on the BSC Website and revised from time to time as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the CRA.

4.2.4 A list containing the Funding Shares of each Trading Party, as specified in Section D1.4.1(a) shall be published on the BSC Website and revised from time to time as the Funding Shares are revised in accordance with that Section.

4.2.5 Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data and Balancing Services Adjustment Data in respect of each Settlement Period for each Settlement Day shall be published (and displayed for a period of 30 days) on the BSC Website in accordance with Section Q6.3.4 as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the NETSO.

4.2.6 The System Sell Price, the System Buy Price and Net Imbalance Volume for each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day shall be published on the BSC Website (and displayed for a period of 30 days), as soon as reasonably practicable after the Initial Settlement Run in respect of such Settlement Day has been carried out and BSCCo has received such data from the SAA.

4.2.7 The statements and notices relating to Credit Default which are to be published on the BSC Website pursuant to Section M or otherwise made available pursuant to Section M shall be published or made available in accordance with the BMRS Data Catalogue or by issuing them to Parties4.2.8 The Market Index Data from each Market Index Data Provider in respect of each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be published (and displayed for a period of 30 days) as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the Market Index Data Provider.

4.2.9 Where market data is sent to BSCCo on a day which is not a Business Day, BSCCo shall publish such data on the BSC Website (or otherwise make it available, as provided in this paragraph 4.2) on the next following Business Day.

4.2.10 For the purposes of paragraph 4.2.10, "Supplier Market Share Data" means

(a) the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report containing information for individual Suppliers, except for data relating to any Suppliers for whom the criteria in paragraph 4.2.11 are satisfied, which BSCCo shall aggregate and attribute to a single anonymous entity called ‘other suppliers’; and

(b) the sum of BM Unit Metered Volumes for each Party that also has Supplier BM Units registered, summed for all BM Units which:

(i) are not Supplier BM Units; and

(ii) are not located at premises occupied for purposes of operating a Licensable Generating Plant,

for all half hour periods in which BM Unit Metered Volume is negative.

4.2.11 This paragraph applies to the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report data that meets the following criteria for a Supplier:

(a) Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier in Supplier Volume Reporting Group 1 is equal to or less than 250,000; and

(b) Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume across Supplier Volume Reporting Groups 2, 3 and 6 is equal to or less than 500,000 MWh.

4.2.12 The Supplier Market Share Data shall be published on the BSC Website as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report from the SVAA.

4.2.13 The relevant BM Unit Metered Volumes for the purposes of paragraph 4.2.10(b) shall be obtained from the First Reconciliation Settlement Run (as defined in Section U2.3.1) of the Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Report (as defined in Table 2 of Annex V-1), which BSCCo will aggregate and sum over the same period as the associated Supplier Quarterly Volume Report.

4.3 Additional provisions

4.3.1 Where the Panel determines that any market data and/or any data referred to in paragraphs 4.1.1(a)(i) and 4.1.1(b) are capable of being displayed on the BMRS, such data shall from the date specified by the Panel (which shall be no earlier than 28 days after such determination) be displayed on the BMRS in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code and otherwise with the terms established by the Panel, and the provisions of paragraph 4.2 or paragraph 4.1.3 (as the case may be) shall cease to apply to such data (including, for the avoidance of doubt the restriction in paragraph 4.2.8).

4.3.2 BSCCo shall:

(a) notify each Party and the Authority;

(b) publish a notice on the BSC Website;

(c) (in the case of data referred to in paragraph 4.2.6) publish a notice in the Financial Times (or such other newspaper as the Panel may determine);

as soon as reasonably practicable after any determination of the Panel under paragraph 4.3.2, specifying the date from which such data is to cease to be published by BSCCo on the BSC Website and to start to be published on the BMRS.

4.4 Anonymised MSID Paid Delivered Volume Data

4.4.1 MSID Pair Delivered Volume Data associated with the NETSO in the SVA Metering System Register (anonymised such that the Metering System(s) to which such data relates is not identifiable) in respect of each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be published as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the SVAA.

4.5 Line Loss Factors

4.5.1 BSCCo shall arrange for the data set out in Table 10 in Annex V-1 to be published on the BSC Website and revised from time to time as soon as reasonably practicable after such data has been approved by the Panel pursuant to Section K1.7.

4.6 Transmission Loss Factor Data

4.6.1 BSCCo shall arrange for the report(s) and data set out in Table 9 in Annex V-1 to be made available as set out in that table.

4.6.2 Paragraph 3.2 shall apply for the purposes of paragraph 4.6.1 as if references in paragraph 3.2:

(a) to BSC Agents included BSCCo; and


5.1 Provision of data and information to the EMR Settlement Services Providers

5.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, CFD Settlement Data and CM Settlement Data shall collectively be referred to as "EMR Settlement Data".

5.2 Provision of data and information to a CFD Settlement Services Provider

5.2.1 Subject to paragraph 5.2.4, BSCCo must provide, or procure that a BSC Agent provides, such data, information and reports to any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CfD Counterparty as any CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or any CfD Counterparty reasonably require in order to discharge their EMR Settlement Functions (the "CFD Settlement Data").

5.2.2 In respect of the CFD Settlement Data, BSCCo shall provide to the Panel:

(a) a schedule of the CFD Settlement Data reasonably required by a CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or a CfD Counterparty;

(b) an explanation of why the CFD Settlement Data is reasonably required to enable any CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or any CfD Counterparty to discharge their EMR Settlement Functions; and

(c) a copy of the agreement required by paragraph 5.4.1.

5.2.3 In respect of any CFD Settlement Data that is:

(a) publicly available;

(b) available to any person on request; or

(c) expressly contemplated under any EMR Legal Requirement,

then each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict BSCCo from providing that CFD Settlement Data to any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CfD Counterparty.

5.2.4 Subject always to paragraph 5.2.3, if the Panel considers that any CFD Settlement Data is not reasonably required to enable a CFD Settlement Services Provider to discharge its EMR Settlement Functions the Panel shall instruct BSCCo to refer the matter to a CfD Counterparty.

5.2.5 Following such referral, a CfD Counterparty may, in its absolute discretion, determine whether that CFD Settlement Data is reasonably required to enable any CFD Settlement Services Provider to discharge its functions and a CfD Counterparty’s determination shall be final and binding for the purposes of the Code.

5.2.6 If at any time a CFD Settlement Services Provider or a CfD Counterparty requests further CFD Settlement Data from BSCCo then the provisions of paragraphs 5.2.1, 5.2.2(b), 5.2.3 , 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 shall apply in respect of that CFD Settlement Data.

5.2.7 BSCCo shall arrange for a schedule of CFD Settlement Data to be published on the BSC Website from time to time and revised as soon as reasonably practicable after any change is made to the schedule of CFD Settlement Data in accordance with paragraph 5.2.5.

5.3 Provision of data and information to the CM Administrative Parties

5.3.1 BSCCo must provide, or procure that a BSC Agent provides, such data, information and reports to the relevant CM Administrative Parties as it is required to provide under any EMR Legal Requirement (the "CM Settlement Data") in accordance with the requirements contained therein.

5.3.2 BSCCo shall provide to the Panel:

(a) a schedule of the CM Settlement Data to be provided to CM Administrative Parties; and

(b) a copy of the agreement required by paragraph 5.4.1,

and BSCCo shall arrange for the schedule of CM Settlement Data to be published on the BSC Website from time to time.

5.3A BM Unit Chargeable Demand Report

5.3A.1 The EMR Settlement Data provided to the EMR Settlement Services Providers in the BM Unit Chargeable Demand Report’ shall only include those volumes of imported energy used for the purposes of Final Demand and shall exclude those volumes of imported energy used for the purposes of generation (including storage facilities) operated by a licensee for generation activities.

5.4 General

5.4.1 Where EMR Settlement Data is provided to an EMR Settlement Services Provider pursuant to this paragraph 5, BSCCo shall enter into and remain a party to an agreement with any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CM Settlement Services Provider (as applicable) in accordance with Section C11 relating to the provision of data provided that any failure to enter into such an agreement must not prevent BSCCo from complying with any EMR Legal Requirement.

5.5 Nuclear RAB Data

5.5.1 The background to this paragraph is that the Revenue Collection Counterparty and the Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider perform functions, services and activities, pursuant to Nuclear RAB Legal Requirements, which require data, information and reports produced for Settlement.

5.5.2 Accordingly, and without prejudice to Section H11, BSCCo must provide (or procure that a BSC Agent provides) to the Revenue Collection Counterparty and the Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider whatever such data, information and reports they reasonably require in order to perform those functions, services and activities.



7.1 Submission of Settlement Exchange Rates to BMRS

7.1.1 BSCCo shall appoint, and may from time to time reappoint or replace, a service provider approved by the Panel to provide daily exchange rate data to the BMRA (the "Financial Service Provider").

7.1.2 As soon as reasonably possible following receipt of exchange rate data from the Financial Service Provider by the BMRA, the BMRA shall publish the Settlement Exchange Rate on the BMRS.

7.1.3 Where, having made reasonable efforts to obtain it, Settlement Exchange Rate data is not provided to the BMRA for inclusion on the BMRS specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue the Settlement Exchange Rate will default to the value provided and/or determined for the previous Settlement Day.









Name of report



General Description

Interim Information Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party (where applicable) and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Interim Information Settlement Runs

Initial Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Initial Settlement Runs

Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Runs

Final Reconciliation Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party or the NETSO, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Final Reconciliation Settlement Runs

Post-Final Settlement Report

Following a Post-Final Settlement Run

Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from a Post-Final Settlement Run

SAA Performance Report

Each month


A report summarising actual against expected timing for various SAA reports


Name of report



General Description

Notification Report

End of each Settlement Day

Relevant Party

For each Contract Trading Party, a summary relating to that Contract Trading Party of Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations in respect of accepted notifications for the given Settlement Day and indebtedness data once these notifications are taken into account

ECVAA Performance Report

Each month


A summary of ECVAA performance in respect of processing contract notification data received

Report of any rejections of ECVN

Promptly after a rejection

Relevant Party

A report relating to a Contract Trading Party of ECVNs rejected or refused or treated as rejected or refused

Report of any rejections of MVRN

Promptly after a rejection

Relevant Party

A report relating to a Contract Trading Party of MVRNs rejected or refused or treated as rejected or refused

Forward Notification Summary


Relevant Party

For each Contract Trading Party, a summary relating to that Contract Trading Party of notifications received, for a given number of Settlement Days following the Settlement Day on which the report is provided

Volume Nullification Notification Confirmation Report or VNNCR

Promptly after successful validation

Relevant Party

For each Contract Trading Party to whom the VNNR relates, a feedback to report either the acceptance or rejection of a VNNR

Acceptance Feedback Report for valid ECVNs

Promptly after successful validation

Parties, ECVNA

For each Contract Trading Party, a positive feedback to report the acceptance of those ECVNs where the effective date of the ECVN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead

Acceptance Feedback Report for valid MVRNs

Promptly after successful validation

Parties, MVRNA

For each Contract Trading Party, a positive feedback to report the acceptance of those MVRNs where the effective date of the MVRN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead


Name of report



General Description

Registration Report

As necessary

Relevant Party

For each Party, a report providing any new or changed registration data relating to that Party

Operations Registration Report




A listing of all registered BM Units and of Trading Units and Interconnectors


Name of Report



General Description

CDCA Performance Report

Daily, monthly, quarterly and by exception


A breakdown of actual activities, relative to that expected

Raw Metered Volume Data Report


Relevant Party


Relevant Distribution System Operator

A report relating to the Registrant, containing raw metered data from each meter and the status of this data

Estimated Data Report

As required or monthly

Relevant Party


Relevant Distribution System Operator

A report relating to the Registrant, containing all estimate notifications issued by CDCA in a given period, the estimation method used and whether the estimation was agreed

Exception Report for Missing (Invalid) Data


Relevant Party

Relevant Meter Operator Agent

A report relating to the Registrant, listing any notifications of data deemed to be invalid or not available for collection

MAR Reconciliation Report

Every 3 months per metering system

Relevant Party

Relevant Meter Operator Agent

A report relating to the Registrant detailing the actual difference calculated for each active energy meter or associated outstation register

Aggregated Data Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

A report relating to the Registrant containing Metered Volumes for each BM Unit, Interconnector or GSP Group

Meter Period Data Report


Relevant Distribution System Operator

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

A report containing all Metered Volumes for all Distribution Systems Connection Points

Report of Aggregation Rules

On request

Relevant Party

A report of the Aggregation Rules for each of the relevant types of Volume Allocation Unit relating to that Registrant

Total Gross Demand per GSP


Any Party (on request)


Any person (on request)

A report of the aggregated meter flows for each Grid Supply Point in each GSP Group per Settlement Period


Name of report



General Description

Statements to Parties


Relevant Party

For each Trading Party and the NETSO, a breakdown per Settlement Day of initial and reconciliation amounts payable by that Party as detailed in Advice Notes, including interest and tax


Category of Data



General Description

Supplier Consumption Information


Relevant Party

Supplier consumption data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day aggregated by Supplier BM Unit and/or Supplier and GSP Group for each such Supplier.

Where appropriate, such data is by Consumption Component Class.

Supplier Quarterly Volume Report



Report containing Supplier volume data (adjusted for distribution losses and GSP Group Correction) summed over a calendar quarter and the related number of Metering Systems averaged over a calendar quarter, grouped by Supplier Volume Reporting Group.

GSP Group Consumption Information


All Suppliers

Any person (on request)

GSP Group consumption data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day in respect of each GSP Group.

Where appropriate, such data is by Consumption Component Class.

GSP Group Market Matrix Report


Any person (on request)

GSP Group annualised consumption data (the sum across all Suppliers) by Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration, Line Loss Factor Class, Distributor and Time Pattern Regime.

GSP Group Profile Information


All Suppliers

Profile information in respect of each Settlement Day.

DUoS Report


Relevant Distribution System Operators

Relevant Party

Various reports containing:

  • Profiled Supplier Purchase Matrix data per Settlement Period and Settlement Day by Line Loss Factor Class, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration, Time Pattern Regime, Supplier and GSP Group; and

  • Supplier consumption data per Settlement Period and Settlement Day by Line Loss Factor Class, Supplier and GSP Group for Metering Systems associated with Measurement Classes F and G. For reporting purposes, this data will be associated with Profile Class and Standard Settlement Configuration specified by the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator in accordance with BSCP507 for each Line Loss Factor Class.

Report containing GSP Group Correction Factor and GSP Group Scaling Weight are provided.

TUoS Report



Various reports containing GSP Group Take, Supplier Deemed Take by Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day in respect of each GSP Group and Supplier, and half hourly and non-half hourly consumption and half hourly Import and Export data as at the Transmission System Boundary by Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day in respect of each Supplier BM Unit and Measurement Class.

Profile Data Report

When requested (the data provided relates to the BSC Year preceding that in which the request is made)

Any person (on request)

Report containing profile coefficients per Settlement Period and Settlement Day, by GSP Group, Profile Class and combination of Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime.

Note: for requests made during the BSC Year ending 31st March 2002, the data will include equivalent data under the Pooling and Settlement Agreement for the period 1st April 2000 to the day before the Go-live Date.

Market Domain Data

All Suppliers: upon registration with the participation capacity of a Supplier; and thereafter whenever updated.

Any Party or any person (on request): When requested; and thereafter whenever updated.

All Suppliers

Any Party (on request)

Excluding Profiling Regression data: any person (on request)

A report containing those data items (or changes to those items) which relate to Supplier Volume Allocation, which is distributed by the SVAA in accordance with BSCP509.

Supplier Metering System Delivered Volume Report


Relevant Supplier

Report containing:

  1. MSID Replacement Reserve delivered volume data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day, where appropriate, in accordance with the Supplier Disclosure Flag status recorded on the SVA Metering System Register; and

  2. MSID ABSVD (Non Losses) and MSID ABSVD (Losses) relating to that Supplier, but excluding any Metering Systems for which the data submitted by the NETSO in accordance with Section Q6.4.7 indicates that MSID ABSVD should not be reported to the Supplier.

Virtual Lead Party Metered Consumption Report


Relevant Party

MSID consumption data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day, where appropriate, in accordance with the SVA Metering System Register.




Name of Report(s) / Category of Data



General Description

Load Flow Model power flows


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the power flows which the LFM Specification provides for and upon which the Load Flow Model is established as described in paragraph 2.2 of Annex T-2.

Transmission Network Data


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the Transmission Network Data determined by the NETSO in accordance with, and in the format specified in, paragraph 5 of Annex T-2.

HVDC Boundary Data


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the HVDC Boundary Data determined by the NETSO in accordance with, and in the format specified in, paragraph 5 of Annex T-2.

Distribution Network Data


Any Party (on request)

Reports containing the Distribution Network Data for each Distribution System determined by the relevant Distribution System Operator in accordance with, and in the format specified in, paragraph 6 of Annex T-2.

Metered Volumes


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the Metered Volume data provided to BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Annex T-2.

Nodal TLFs


Any Party (on request)

For each Node, a report providing Nodal TLFs as determined by the TLFA in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Annex T-2.

Nodal power flows


Any Party (on request)

A report providing Nodal power flows as determined by the TLFA in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Annex T-2.



1. In this table terms shall have the meanings given to them in Section K1.7.

2. Previous, current and year ahead data shall be in respect of a BSC Year.

3. In respect of year ahead data publication shall only occur when that data is available.

4. Column 1 (data) specifies the data to be published and the day, week or other period to which the data relates.


Line Loss Factors in respect of SVA Metering Systems (or classes of SVA Metering System) or where applicable the default values established pursuant to Section K1.7 together with a summarised version.

Previous, current and year ahead.


Section V

Version 50.0

Effective Date: 05 March 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


















P431 Self Governance












P388 Self-Governance








P394 Self-Governance




P384 Self-Governance




P372 Self-Governance












P373 (Nullification of P297)




P297 (Nullified by P373)
















P329 Alternative




P321 Self Governance




P326 Alternative




P340 Self Governance




P315 Alternative

































Secretary of State































































































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section W sets out:

(a) arrangements for the resolution of Trading Disputes under the Code;

(b) arrangements for the establishment and operation of the Trading Disputes Committee;

(c) the actions to be taken under the Code upon resolution of a Trading Dispute; and

(d) the effect of resolution of a Trading Dispute.

1.2 Resolution of Trading Disputes

1.2.1 Subject to paragraphs 1.2.3 and 1.2.4, and save where expressly provided to the contrary under the Code, and subject to any contrary provision of the Act, any Licence, any EMR Legal Requirement or the rights, powers and duties of the Authority or the Secretary of State under the Act or any Licence, each Party hereby agrees that:

(a) all Trading Disputes shall be raised, dealt with and (subject only to paragraph 3.6) decided in accordance with this Section W;

(b) no Party may refer a Trading Dispute to arbitration in accordance with Section H7 unless the Trading Dispute has first been so raised, dealt with and decided in accordance with the provisions of this Section W.

1.2.2 Each Party hereby waives to the fullest extent possible any rights, remedies or procedures which it may have or which may be available to it for the resolution of a Trading Dispute other than as provided in paragraph 1.2.1.

1.2.3 The Panel may, on the application of the Trading Disputes Committee or (provided such application is made reasonably promptly after the relevant query, dispute or difference arose) of a Party, determine in relation to a particular query, dispute or difference which amounts to a Trading Dispute:

(a) that there are also disputed matters, connected to such query, dispute or difference, which are outside the defined scope (in paragraph 1.3) of a Trading Dispute, and

(b) as a result, that paragraph 1.2.1 shall not apply in relation to such query, dispute or difference (or, where it is practicable to do so, that the procedures provided for in this Section W shall be varied so as to be co-ordinated with the procedures for resolving such other dispute);

and where the Panel so determines, paragraph 1.2.1 shall not apply in relation to the Trading Dispute or the procedures in this Section W shall be varied in relation thereto as determined by the Panel.

1.2.4 In a case in which a Party wishes to make a Third Party Claim (as defined in Section H7.2.3, and including a case within Section H7.2.2) and the Third Party Claim amounts to a Trading Dispute, then Section H7.2.1 shall apply and paragraph 1.2.1(a) shall not apply in relation to such Trading Dispute, unless the Trading Dispute has been raised and considered at a meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee before the legal proceedings (referred to in Section H7.2.1) have been commenced.

1.2.5 No Trading Dispute may be raised in respect of an affected Settlement Period after the "Dispute Deadline" as defined in paragraph 3.2; and accordingly a Party may not after such deadline refer to arbitration any matter relating to an affected Settlement Period which would constitute a Trading Dispute (except pursuant to paragraph 3.6 where such matter has been raised as a Trading Dispute before such deadline); and each Party hereby agrees to waive any right, claim or remedy it may have, whatsoever and howsoever arising, in respect of matters which, but for this paragraph 1.2.5, would constitute a Trading Dispute in respect of such affected Settlement Period.

1.2.6 The Dispute Deadline shall not, in any event, be later than:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), the day which is twenty months after the Settlement Day in which the affected Settlement Period occurred; or

(b) if later where the alleged Settlement Error is an error in a Post-Final Settlement Run, either:

(i) where the Trading Disputes Committee or the Panel determine that there are exceptional circumstances, the date two months after the date of the Post-Final Settlement Run in which the Settlement Error first occurred; or

(ii) otherwise, the date one month after the date of the Post-Final Settlement Run in which the Settlement Error first occurred; or

(c) if later where the alleged Settlement Error is an error in an Extra-Settlement Determination the date one month after the date of the Post-Final Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination in which the Settlement Error first occurred.

1.3 Trading Disputes

1.3.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) subject to paragraph 1.3.2, a "Trading Dispute" is any query, difference or dispute of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising under the Code as to:

(i) the existence, nature or effect of errors in:

(1) the data and/or processes used for the purposes of Settlement (including data required under the Retail Energy Code which has, or potentially has, an impact on Settlement); or

(2) the application of the rules for Settlement (whether generally or in relation to a particular Party or class of Parties),

to the extent such errors affect or may affect the allocation and/or determination of Trading Charges or the determination and settlement of amounts payable pursuant to Section N by reference to Trading Charges;

(ii) the existence, nature or effect of errors in the data and/or processes used for the purposes of, or in the application (whether generally or in relation to a particular Party or class of Parties) of the rules as to whether and when a Trading Party is in Credit Default under, Section M;

(b) a Trading Dispute or Settlement Error may, without prejudice to paragraph 3.2.2, refer to one or more Settlement Period(s) and to Settlement Period(s) in one or more Settlement Day(s); and

(c) an "affected Settlement Period" in relation to a Trading Dispute shall mean a Settlement Period in respect of which a Settlement Error has, or is alleged to have, occurred.

1.3.2 For the purposes of paragraph 1.3.1(a):

(a) references to errors in data and/or processes or in the application of rules are to such errors or omissions as a result of which the data produced from Settlement are not those which would have been produced had the provisions of the Code (including the provisions referred to in Section G, where applicable) been followed;

(b) data includes registration or standing data and errors in data include questions as to the validity and effectiveness of registrations;

(c) a Trading Dispute shall not include:

(i) any query, difference or dispute as to whether or to what extent a Party is "responsible" for Exports or Imports for the purposes of Section K;

(ii) (as provided in, and subject to, paragraph 1.7) any dispute as to the identity at any time of the Registrant in CSS of a SVA Metering System;

(iii) disputes as to the charges payable by Suppliers pursuant to Annex S-1; and

(iv) disputes relating to the underlying input data items used by a Market Index Data Provider in the determination of its Market Index Data and/or to their inclusion or otherwise for these purposes (as opposed to queries by or between Parties in relation to Settlement as to whether the Market Index Definition Statement has been followed).

1.3.3 For the avoidance of doubt, a Trading Dispute may affect one or more Parties under the Code.

1.3.4 The Panel shall determine any question or disagreement as to whether or not a query, difference or dispute is a Trading Dispute for the purposes of the Code, and the decision of the Panel shall be binding on each Party and the Trading Disputes Committee; and for the purposes hereof:

(a) any Party or the Trading Disputes Committee may refer a question as to whether or not a query, difference or dispute is a Trading Dispute for determination by the Panel in accordance with this paragraph 1.3.4; provided that no such reference may be made more than seven Business Days after a Party has given notice to BSCCo that the query, difference or dispute has been referred to arbitration under Section H7;

(b) where such a question is referred to the Panel, any relevant arbitration proceedings or proceedings of the Trading Disputes Committee shall be suspended pending determination of the question by the Panel.

1.4 Duties of BSC Agents

1.4.1 Section U sets out the circumstances in which a BSC Agent may correct a Settlement Error without the application of the procedures in this Section W relating to Trading Disputes.

1.4.2 Except as is referred to in paragraph 1.4.1, each BSC Agent shall notify BSCCo promptly if it becomes aware of any matter which would or might reasonably be expected to give rise to a Trading Dispute.

1.4.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this Section W in relation to the resolution of Trading Disputes and the rectification (or otherwise) of Settlement Errors following such resolution are without prejudice to the rights and obligations of BSCCo and BSC Agents under the BSC Agent Contracts.

1.5 Duties of BSCCo

1.5.1 If BSCCo is informed by a BSC Agent pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 or otherwise becomes aware of any matters which would or might reasonably be expected to give rise to a Trading Dispute, it shall:

(a) notify each affected Trading Party and the NETSO; and

(b) raise a Trading Dispute in respect thereof in accordance with paragraph 3.2.

1.5.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the requirements of paragraph 1.5.1 shall not apply:

(a) in relation to a Settlement Error in respect of which a relevant Trading Dispute has already been raised; or

(b) in relation to an affected Settlement Period, after the Dispute Deadline pursuant to paragraph 3.2.2(a).

1.5.3 Where BSCCo becomes aware of any matters which would or might reasonably be expected to give rise to a Trading Dispute under paragraph 1.5.1 then it shall also notify a CfD Counterparty and the CM Settlement Body and include in that notice:

(a) the MSID(s) (if known) relating to the applicable SVA Metering System(s) or CVA Metering System(s) impacted by that matter; and

(b) the nature of the error.

1.6 Duties of Parties

1.6.1 Each Party shall:

(a) provide, and shall procure that any Party Agent appointed by it shall provide, to BSCCo or the Disputes Secretary, in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure(s), such data, reports and other information as may reasonably be required:

(i) by BSCCo, to enable it to assess any Trading Dispute referred to it; or

(ii) by the Trading Disputes Committee, for the purposes of fulfilling its functions set out in this Section W; and

(b) otherwise co-operate (and shall procure that its Party Agents co-operate) with BSCCo, the Disputes Secretary, the Disputes Trading Committee and relevant BSC Agent with a view to the resolution of any Trading Dispute as quickly, efficiently and accurately as reasonably possible.

1.6.2 A Party shall be entitled to withhold documentation requested from it or its Party Agent in accordance with the provisions of Section H4.10.1.

1.6.3 Each Party (including for the avoidance of doubt the NETSO in relation to matters subject to Section Q) shall take, and shall procure that its Party Agents take, such steps as are necessary or requisite to correct or give effect to the correction (in any Settlement Run or otherwise) of a Settlement Error:

(a) in accordance with the instructions of BSCCo (in accordance with paragraph 3.2.7(d)) in relation to a Trading Dispute; or

(b) in accordance with any decision of the Trading Disputes Committee or the Panel pursuant to paragraph 3 or 4 in relation to a Trading Dispute.

1.7 Retail Energy Code

1.7.1 The Parties acknowledge and agree that:

(a) subject to paragraph 1.7.1(b), the information (as to the Registrants of SVA Metering Systems) from time to time contained in CSS and SMRS and provided by the SMRA (pursuant to Section S) for Supplier Volume Allocation shall, for all purposes of the Code, be binding on Parties and shall be deemed to be correct; and

(b) the provisions of paragraph 1.7.1(a) shall not apply to the extent only that the information from time to time contained in SMRS and provided by the SMRA does not accord with the equivalent information contained in CSS. For the avoidance of doubt, information from time to time contained in CSS shall, for all purposes of the Code, be binding on Parties and shall be deemed to be correct.

1.7.2 Except to the extent that the information contained in SMRS does not accord with the equivalent information contained in CSS (in accordance with paragraph 1.7.1(b)), no Trading Dispute may be raised in relation to a question as to whether a Party is wrongly recorded in SMRS as the Registrant of a SVA Metering System.


2.1 Establishment

2.1.1 The Panel shall establish a Trading Disputes Committee in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 2.

2.1.2 The Trading Disputes Committee shall be a Panel Committee for the purposes of Section B, provided that, in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Section W and the provisions of Section B, the provisions of this Section W shall prevail.

2.2 Functions and powers

2.2.1 The principal functions and powers of the Trading Disputes Committee are to:

(a) investigate and resolve all Trading Disputes in accordance with the provisions of this Section W and consistently with the provisions of the Code;

(b) monitor the operation of and recommend modifications to the BSC Procedures which support the procedures for resolving Trading Disputes;

(c) submit recommendations to the Panel for modification of the Code and/or any Code Subsidiary Documents arising out of the activities of the Trading Disputes Committee under this Section W.

2.2.2 The Trading Disputes Committee shall have no ability to determine any matter and no competence to discharge any function or to exercise any power, other than as expressly provided in or assigned to it by the Panel pursuant to this Section W.

2.2.3 The Panel shall not delegate any powers, functions and responsibilities of the Panel to the Trading Disputes Committee under the Code not relating to the resolution of Trading Disputes (but without prejudice to the powers, functions and responsibilities expressly assigned to the Trading Disputes Committee under this Section W).

2.3 Constitution

2.3.1 The Trading Disputes Committee shall be composed (as the Panel shall decide) of not less than 6 and not more than 12 members (each a "TDC Member"), having such experience and expertise in the electricity industry as the Panel decides is appropriate.

2.3.2 Each TDC Member shall act independently of the interests of their employer and of any person or class of persons and, in exercising their functions under this Section W, shall not be bound by or follow the instructions of any person save as set out expressly herein.

2.4 Terms of Reference

2.4.1 The Panel shall determine terms of reference ("TDC Terms of Reference") for the Trading Disputes Committee, which shall address at least the following matters:

(a) rules and requirements (as to all of the matters, mutatis mutandis and so far as applicable, provided for in relation to the Panel in Section B4) as to the proceedings and conduct of the business of the Trading Disputes Committee, but without prejudice to Section B5.4.2;

(b) the restrictions which the Panel considers appropriate (having regard to Sections B1.2.3 and B3.3.2) on the disclosure of data by the Trading Disputes Committee (including in particular requirements for a TDC Member not to disclose to their employer information obtained as a TDC Member);

(c) the identification and declaration of, and steps to be taken in the case of, any conflict of interest of a TDC Member in relation to a Trading Dispute;

(d) circumstances in which other individuals may be or should be invited to attend meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee, and any requirements that individuals so invited should sign undertakings of confidentiality;

(e) the functions of the TDC Chair;

(f) the maintenance and availability to Parties of a register of decisions of the Trading Disputes Committee and the extent to which the Trading Disputes Committee is to have regard to such previous decisions in deciding any Trading Dispute;

(g) requirements (as the Panel considers appropriate) for the TDC Chair and TDC Members to confirm or acknowledge in writing that they will act in accordance with this Section W and the TDC Terms of Reference.

2.4.2 The TDC Terms of Reference may be contained in whole or part in relevant BSC Procedure(s), and a reference in this Section W to the TDC Terms of Reference shall include relevant BSC Procedure(s) and vice versa.

2.5 Chair

2.5.1 The Panel shall from time to time appoint an individual to act as the independent chair of the Trading Disputes Committee (the "TDC Chair"), and may remove and replace such individual so appointed from time to time.

2.5.2 The TDC Chair shall have such functions (in addition to chairing meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee at which they are present) in connection with the conduct of the business of the Trading Disputes Committee as the Panel shall assign to them.

2.5.3 The TDC Chair shall not be a member of the Trading Disputes Committee and shall not have a vote at meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee.

2.6 Disputes Secretary

2.6.1 The Trading Disputes Committee shall have a secretary (the "Disputes Secretary") being a person appointed to such office by BSCCo from time to time.

2.6.2 BSCCo may remove and replace the person appointed as the Disputes Secretary from time to time.

2.6.3 The Disputes Secretary shall not be a member of the Trading Disputes Committee and shall not have a vote at meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee.

2.7 Non-Member Representatives

2.7.1 The following persons may attend any meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee and shall be entitled to receive all notices and documentation relating to such meetings:

(a) a representative of the BSC Auditor appointed from time to time by the BSC Auditor and notified to the Disputes Secretary; and

(b) a representative of the Authority appointed from time to time by the Authority and notified to the Disputes Secretary.

2.7.2 Each person so appointed shall be entitled to attend and speak at any such meeting, but shall have no voting rights and shall not be a member of the Trading Disputes Committee.

2.8 Additional Attendees

2.8.1 Subject to the TDC Terms of Reference, the TDC Chair may (and if such terms so require shall) invite any individual to attend a meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee in order to speak to particular items on the agenda.

2.8.2 Any such individual shall be entitled to attend and speak to such particular items at the relevant meeting but shall have no vote and shall not be a member of the Trading Disputes Committee.

2.8.3 Save where the TDC Chair invites a Party to attend a meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee, a Party shall have no right to attend any meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee.

2.9 Meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee

2.9.1 Meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee shall be convened and its business conducted in accordance with the TDC Terms of Reference.

2.9.2 Unless otherwise provided in (and subject to requirements as to quorum in) the TDC Terms of Reference, any resolution at a meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee shall be determined by a simple majority of the TDC Members present and voting.

2.9.3 The Disputes Secretary shall ensure that minutes of the meetings of the Trading Disputes Committee (including determinations and the failure to make a determination in relation to a Trading Dispute) are taken and circulated to TDC Members, the BSC Auditor and the Authority, in accordance with the TDC Terms of Reference; provided that the discussion in respect of individual Trading Disputes shall not be minuted.

2.10 Postponing meetings and deferring decisions

2.10.1 The TDC Chair may postpone a meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee and/or defer a decision on any Trading Dispute except in the following cases:

(a) the circumstances giving rise to the Dispute are likely to recur until a decision is reached by the Trading Disputes Committee; and/or

(b) the next Reconciliation Settlement Run in respect of an affected Settlement Day is the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run.

2.11 BSCCo and BSC Agents

2.11.1 BSCCo shall provide the Trading Disputes Committee with such support and facilities as the Trading Disputes Committee may reasonably require for the proper exercise of its functions pursuant to this Section W.

2.11.2 Each BSC Agent shall co-operate with and assist in the resolution of Trading Disputes pursuant to this Section W, as requested by BSCCo from time to time.


3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 For the purposes of this Section W:

(a) in relation to a Trading Dispute:

(i) references to the relevant BSC Procedure(s) are to BSCP11;

(ii) references to the next Settlement Run are (unless the context otherwise requires) to the Initial Settlement Run or next following Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run (as the case may be) scheduled to take place after resolution of the Trading Dispute in respect of the Settlement Day(s) to which such Dispute relates;

(b) references to Settlement Runs shall be taken to include Volume Allocation Runs;

(c) references to the materiality of a Trading Dispute shall be determined in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure(s);

(d) references to "affected" Parties in relation to a Trading Dispute are to such Party or Parties as the Trading Disputes Committee (or before the Committee has considered the matter, BSCCo or the Disputes Secretary) considers from time to time to be particularly affected by the Dispute;

(e) references to an "SVA Half Hourly Dispute" shall mean a Trading Dispute raised in respect of those matters which have been taken into account for the purposes of Settlement in respect of those SVA Metering Systems which are associated with Measurement Classes C and D;

(f) references to an "SVA Non Half Hourly Dispute" shall mean a Trading Dispute raised in respect of those matters which have been taken into account for the purposes of Settlement in respect of those SVA Metering Systems which are associated with Measurement Classes A, B, E, F and G.

3.1.2 The Trading Disputes Committee and (where paragraph 3.5 applies) the Panel shall not act as an expert or an arbitrator and the Arbitration Act 1996 shall not apply to the resolution of any Trading Dispute by the Trading Disputes Committee or the Panel under this Section W.

3.1.3 The Trading Disputes Committee (and the Panel where applicable) shall not consider and determine matters relating to a Trading Dispute pursuant to paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 unless the relevant Trading Dispute has been validly raised by BSCCo or a Party in accordance with paragraph 1.5.1 or 3.2.1 respectively.

3.2 Raising a Trading Dispute

3.2.1 A Party may raise a Trading Dispute in respect of an affected Settlement Period by giving notice of such Trading Dispute, in accordance with the provisions of BSCP11, to the Disputes Secretary no later than the Dispute Deadline.

3.2.2 Subject to paragraph 1.2.6, with respect to a Trading Dispute, the Dispute Deadline in relation to an affected Settlement Period is:

(a) subject to paragraphs (b) and (c), the twentieth Business Day following the day on which the relevant Settlement Run was carried out; or

(b) where the Trading Dispute is:

(i) an SVA Non Half Hourly Dispute;

(ii) a Trading Dispute concerning data relating to profile coefficient; or

(iii) a Trading Dispute relating to Market Domain data,

the applicable deadline specified in BSCP11 in relation to Trading Disputes of such kind; or

(c) where the Trading Dispute is an SVA Half Hourly Dispute it is the applicable deadline specified in BSCP11.

3.2.3 For the purposes of paragraph 3.2.2, the "relevant Settlement Run" is the Initial Settlement Run or Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run in which the Settlement Error first occurred in respect of the affected Settlement Period.

3.2.4 If, in relation to a particular Trading Dispute and an affected Settlement Period, the Trading Disputes Committee (or the Panel, pursuant to paragraph 3.5.5) in its sole discretion determines that there are exceptional circumstances as a result of which the requirement pursuant to paragraph 1.2.5 to raise the Trading Dispute with respect to that affected Settlement Period by the Dispute Deadline should not apply, it may waive such requirement provided that such requirement may not be waived so as to allow a Trading Dispute to be raised after the relevant date in paragraph 1.2.6.

3.2.5 Each Trading Dispute shall be treated in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure(s).

3.2.6 A Party who has raised a Trading Dispute shall complete and comply with the process for dispute resolution in accordance with BSCP11.

3.2.7 Following the treatment of a Trading Dispute raised by a Party under paragraph 3.2.1:

(a) if:

(i) BSCCo is not satisfied that:

(1) the Trading Dispute was raised, as to some or all affected Settlement Periods within the applicable Dispute Deadline; and

(2) a Settlement Error exists; and

(3) the materiality of the Trading Dispute is at least equal to the materiality threshold specified in BSCP11, but

(ii) by the time specified in BSCP11, no affected Party has notified BSCCo that it objects to the Trading Dispute proceeding no further

then, subject to paragraph 3.2.8 and paragraph 3.3.1(e), BSCCo shall give notice to that effect to all affected Parties, whereupon the Trading Dispute shall lapse in relation to those affected Settlement Periods for which BSCCo is not satisfied as to any of the matters referred to in paragraph (a)(i);

(b) if BSCCo is satisfied that:

(i) the Trading Dispute was raised as to some or all affected Settlement Periods within the applicable Dispute Deadline; and

(ii) a Settlement Error exists; and

(iii) the materiality of the Trading Dispute is at least equal to the materiality threshold specified in BSCP11,

then the Trading Dispute in relation to those affected Settlement Periods for which BSCCo is satisfied as to the matters referred to in paragraph (b)(i), (ii) and (iii) shall be referred to the Trading Dispute Committee in accordance with paragraph 3.3.1.

3.2.8 BSCCo shall as soon as reasonably practicable publish details of all Trading Disputes which have lapsed pursuant to paragraph 3.2.7(a) on the BSC Website.

3.3 Trading Dispute referral to the Trading Disputes Committee

3.3.1 A Trading Dispute shall be referred to the Trading Disputes Committee:

(a) where BSCCo raised the Trading Dispute pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1;

(b) where BSCCo is unable to reach a determination on any of the matters in paragraph 3.2.7(a) or paragraph 3.2.7(b);

(c) where (in a case within paragraph 3.2.7(a))any affected Party notified (by the time therein referred to) its objection to the Trading Dispute proceeding no further;

(d) where (pursuant to paragraph 3.2.7(b)), BSCCo is satisfied as to the matters in paragraph 3.2.7(b)(i), (ii) and (iii); and

(e) where no later than fourteen days after details of a lapsed Trading Dispute are published pursuant to paragraph 3.2.8 any Party notifies the Disputes Secretary that it considers that it was an affected Party in respect of such Trading Dispute but did not receive notification pursuant to paragraph 3.2.7(a), provided that such Trading Dispute shall not be treated as having lapsed pursuant to paragraph 3.2.7(a).

3.3.1A BSCCo shall prepare a report of its findings pursuant to paragraph 3.2.7(b) (and where appropriate pursuant to paragraph 3.2.7(a)) and submit such report to the Trading Disputes Committee at its next meeting.

3.3.2 If the Trading Disputes Committee resolves that a Trading Dispute, raised by a Party under paragraph 3.2.1, is of a vexatious or frivolous nature, the Trading Disputes Committee may (subject to and in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure(s)) require such Party to pay to BSCCo an amount (as from time to time approved by the Panel) towards the cost of administration of any such Trading Dispute, and such Party shall pay such amount.

3.3.3 Where a Trading Dispute is referred to the Trading Disputes Committee under paragraph 3.3.1, the Disputes Secretary shall:

(a) send a copy of a notice to each affected Party and each relevant BSC Agent;

(b) subject to and in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure(s):

(i) take steps to obtain information and representations and any necessary clarifications from affected Parties, and to obtain the assistance of and any necessary information from each relevant BSC Agent, in relation to the Trading Dispute;

(ii) collate all relevant information, documentation and reports in respect of the Trading Dispute including the report prepared by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 3.3.1(A); and

(iii) include the Trading Dispute on the agenda for the next meeting (or next practicable meeting, allowing for completion of the matters in paragraphs (i) and (ii)) of the Trading Disputes Committee.

3.4 Consideration and Determination by the Trading Disputes Committee

3.4.1 In considering a Trading Dispute, the Trading Disputes Committee may (subject to and in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure(s)):

(a) make such enquiries as it sees fit;

(b) request BSCCo to procure such additional information or data as it reasonably requires to enable it to determine the Trading Dispute; and/or

(c) amend the last occurring affected Settlement Period (if any) relating to a Trading Dispute notified by a Party in accordance with paragraph 3.2.1 to a later affected Settlement Period when the Trading Disputes Committee considers that the Settlement Error in respect of such Trading Dispute last occurred.

3.4.2 The Trading Disputes Committee may decide, subject to paragraph 2.10 and the relevant BSC Procedure(s), to defer a decision in respect of a Trading Dispute to enable further information to be provided.

3.4.3 In relation to each Trading Dispute, having considered all relevant material available to them and any representations made (and evidence submitted) in accordance with this Section W or where relevant the provisions of BSCP11, the Trading Disputes Committee shall:

(a) determine, in relation to each affected Settlement Period, whether the relevant Trading Dispute was raised by the Dispute Deadline or, if applicable, it should exercise its discretion under paragraph 3.2.4; and

(b) in relation to those affected Settlement Periods (if any) for which it determined that the Trading Dispute was raised by the Dispute Deadline, or exercised its discretion under paragraph 3.2.4, determine:

(i) whether there was a Settlement Error; and

(ii) if so, what changes in data, processes or the application of rules (as referred to in paragraph 1.3.1(a)) are appropriate to correct the Settlement Error; and

(iii) (to the extent to which the Trading Disputes Committee can determine such matters) the materiality of the error.

3.4A Determinations of Trading Disputes Committee

3.4A.1 The Disputes Secretary shall, promptly following

(a) the making of a determination by the Trading Disputes Committee in respect of Trading Dispute in accordance with paragraph 3.4.3; or

(b) not used; or

(c) the making of a determination by the Trading Disputes Committee in accordance with paragraph 4.1.1.

notify each Party, each relevant BSC Agent and the BSC Auditor of the determination made (and the reasons given by the Trading Disputes Committee), or where the Trading Disputes Committee failed to reach a majority decision in relation to the Trading Dispute, of that fact.

3.4A.2 Any determination of the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 3.4.3 shall be final and binding on all Parties, and each Party shall comply with such determination, until and unless such determination is referred under paragraph 3.5 or 3.6.

3.4A.3 Any determination of the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1 shall be final and binding on all Parties and each Party shall comply with such determination until and unless such determination is referred under paragraph 3.5.

3.5 References to the Panel

3.5.1 Subject to paragraphs 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 where:

(a) a Party disagrees with the determination of the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 3.4.3; or

(b) the Trading Disputes Committee has sought but failed to reach a majority decision in respect of a Trading Dispute; or

(c) a Party disagrees with the determination of the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1,

the Party or (as the case may be) the Trading Disputes Committee may (and in a case where the TDC Terms of Reference so require, the Trading Disputes Committee shall) refer the matter to the Panel for determination.

3.5.2 A reference by a Party to the Panel under paragraph 3.5.1 shall be made no later than thirty days after the notification given by the Disputes Secretary under paragraph 3.4A.1, failing which:

(a) the decision of the Trading Disputes Committee shall remain final and binding on all Parties, or

(b) where the Trading Disputes Committee failed to reach a decision, no further step or action may be taken by any Party in relation to the Trading Dispute.

3.5.3 In a case within paragraph 3.5.1(a) or (b):

(a) the Trading Disputes Committee, with the approval of all affected Parties,

(b) the Panel (of its own initiative or on the application of any Party)

may decide that the matter shall not be referred to the Panel, in which case the Disputes Secretary or Panel Secretary (as the case may be) shall notify such decision to each Party; each relevant BSC Agent and the BSC Auditor, and paragraph 3.6.1 shall apply.

3.5.4 The Panel shall adopt such procedures as it sees fit (having regard generally to the procedures for the Trading Disputes Committee under this Section W) for the purposes of determining any Trading Dispute referred to it pursuant to paragraph 3.5.1; and the Panel Secretary shall notify the decision of the Panel in respect of such Trading Dispute to each Party; each relevant BSC Agent and the BSC Auditor.

3.5.5 Not used.

3.5.5A A decision by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 3.5.1(c) shall be final and binding on all Parties.

3.6 Arbitration

3.6.1 Subject to paragraph 3.6.2, a Party may refer a matter that is the subject of a Trading Dispute to arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Section H7:

(a) where it disagrees with a decision of the Panel made under paragraph 3.5;

(b) after a decision has been made under paragraph 3.5.3 that the Trading Dispute should not be referred to the Panel.

3.6.2 The reference of any matter to arbitration pursuant to this paragraph 3.6 shall be made no later than thirty days after the relevant decision referred to in paragraph 3.6.1(a) or (b) was notified to Parties, failing which the decision of the Trading Disputes Committee or the Panel (as the case may be) shall be final and binding on all Parties.

3.6.3 Not used.

3.6.4 The provisions of this paragraph 3.6 shall not apply to a decision of the Trading Disputes Committee (or the Panel, if applicable) pursuant to paragraph 3.2.4.


4.1 General

4.1.1 Subject to paragraphs 3.5.5A and 4.1.1A, following a decision of the Trading Disputes Committee, in respect of a Trading Dispute that there was a Settlement Error, the Trading Disputes Committee shall determine:

(a) that the error should be corrected in the next Settlement Run relating to the relevant Settlement Day; or

(b) where the period to the next Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run (considered together with the materiality of the Trading Dispute) is such that the Trading Disputes Committee believes that an Extra Settlement Determination is justified, that an Extra-Settlement Determination should be performed; or

(c) where a Trading Dispute is not resolved until after the relevant Final Reconciliation Settlement Run, that one of the following steps should be taken:

(i) that the error should not be corrected, having regard to all the circumstances (including the materiality of the Trading Dispute and the length of time which has elapsed since the occurrence of the event giving rise to the Trading Dispute);

(ii) that an Extra-Settlement Determination and/or Post-Final Settlement Run should be undertaken.

4.1.1A Following a decision of the Trading Disputes Committee, or (pursuant to a reference under paragraph 3.5) the Panel, in respect of a Trading Dispute that there was a Settlement Error, the Trading Disputes Committee shall determine the materiality of the Trading Dispute and in cases where it is less than the materiality threshold specified in BSCP11 they shall not correct the error.

4.1.2 The Trading Disputes Committee may decide that the taking of any step determined under paragraph 4.1.1 shall be deferred until it is known whether any reference is to be made under paragraph 3.5 (where applicable) or 3.6.

4.1.3 Not used.

4.1.4 Each BSC Agent and (in accordance with paragraph 1.6.3) each Party shall take and procure its Party Agents to take such steps as may be necessary in order to give effect to a determination of the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1.

4.1.5 In this paragraph 4, references to Settlement Runs include Volume Allocation Runs (and references to BSC Agents and Parties and their Party Agents shall be construed accordingly).

4.2 Post-Final Settlement Runs and Extra-Settlement Determinations following a Trading Dispute

4.2.1 If the Trading Disputes Committee determines that a Post-Final Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination should be performed, the Trading Disputes Committee may recommend to the Panel that a particular Party or Parties shall bear all or part of the cost of any such Post-Final Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination, and if the Panel so decides such Party or Parties shall pay such amounts as were so recommended by the Trading Disputes Committee.

4.2.2 Following a determination of the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 4.1.1, that a Post-Final Settlement Run or Extra-Settlement Determination should be undertaken the Panel shall after consultation with the relevant BSC Agents specify the date when such Run or determination is to be undertaken.


5.1 Monthly Report

5.1.1 The Trading Disputes Committee shall submit by the end of each month a written report to the Panel setting out in respect of the preceding month:

(a) details of the number and type of Trading Disputes considered by the Trading Disputes Committee, with brief details of each Trading Dispute; and

(b) procedures or principles agreed by the Trading Disputes Committee for use in the future resolution of disputes.

5.1.2 Copies of the report referred to in paragraph 5.1.1 above shall be provided to each Party and the Authority by the Disputes Secretary on request.

5.2 Annual Report

5.2.1 The Trading Disputes Committee shall prepare that part of the Annual Report concerning Trading Disputes, setting out the following information in respect of the preceding year ended 31st March:

(a) information on the number and type of Trading Disputes considered including details of outstanding and pending work of the Trading Disputes Committee;

(b) procedures agreed by the Trading Disputes Committee for use in the future resolution of Trading Disputes; and

(c) any other matter the Trading Disputes Committee deems appropriate.

5.2.2 If approval of such report at a meeting of the Trading Disputes Committee is not unanimous, the views of any dissenting TDC Members present at the meeting shall be reflected in the report.

5.3 Recommendations

5.3.1 The Trading Disputes Committee may make a recommendation to the Panel at any time that the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document should be modified in order to remedy any error, ambiguity, inconsistency or deficiency therein which emerges as a result of the exercise of its functions under this Section W.

5.3.2 Where the Panel receives a recommendation from the Trading Disputes Committee pursuant to paragraph 5.3.1, the Panel shall decide whether to propose a modification to the Code and/or make a modification to a Code Subsidiary Document consistent with such recommendation in accordance with Section F.

5.4 Co-ordination of disputes with other documents

5.4.1 The Panel shall establish and maintain joint working arrangements with the relevant body associated with the Grid Code for the co-ordination of disputes which affect the BSC.

5.5 Not used


Section W

Version 22.0

Effective Date: 23 February 2023

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


















P394 Self-Governance








P331 Self Governance













Secretary of State























































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 General Definitions

1.1.1 In the Code and in each Code Subsidiary Document, unless the context otherwise requires and subject to any express provisions to the contrary, the words and expressions set out in Annex X-1 shall bear the respective meanings therein set out.


2.1 General

2.1.1 In the Code, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) a reference to a particular Section, paragraph or Annex is to a Section or paragraph of or Annex to a Section of the Code (and shall be construed as meaning such Section, paragraph or Annex as modified from time to time in accordance with the ESO Licence);

(b) a reference in a particular Section or Annex to a particular paragraph is to such paragraph of that Section or Annex (as the case may be);

(c) not used;

(d) a reference to a Section includes any Annex to that Section;

(e) words in the singular may be interpreted as including the plural and vice versa;

(f) the word "including" is to be construed as meaning "including without limitation";

(g) a derivative term of any defined or interpreted term shall be construed in accordance with the relevant definition or interpretation;

(h) a reference to a particular gender may be interpreted as including any other gender.

2.1.2 A reference in the Code to any Legal Requirement shall be construed, at any particular time, as including a reference to any modification, extension or re-enactment (before or after the date of the Code) of that Legal Requirement in force at that time.

2.1.3 A reference in the Code to a particular condition of a Licence shall be construed, at any particular time, as including a reference to any modification (including re-numbering) of that condition in force at that time.

2.1.4 A reference in the Code to the Act includes, where the context permits, a reference to any orders or regulations made pursuant to the Act.

2.1.5 A reference in the Code to:

(a) an agreement is to such agreement as amended, supplemented, novated or replaced from time to time;

(b) a document is to the version of such document in force for the time being,

unless the context otherwise requires and subject to any express provision to the contrary in the Code.

2.1.6 Section and paragraph headings in the Code shall not affect the interpretation of any provision thereof.

2.2 Special rules

2.2.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) a Boundary Point is "associated with" a BM Unit where the BM Unit comprises Plant and/or Apparatus which Exports to and/or Imports from the Total System at that Boundary Point;

(b) Metering Equipment or a Metering System is "associated with" particular Plant and/or Apparatus (including any Generating Plant), or a BM Unit, where such Metering Equipment or the Metering Equipment comprised in such Metering System measures Imports and/or Exports of such Plant and/or Apparatus or (as the case may be) BM Unit;

(c) Metering Equipment or a Metering System is "at" a Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point where such Metering Equipment or the Metering Equipment comprised in such Metering System measures Imports and/or Exports at such Boundary Point or (as the case may be) flows of electricity at such Systems Connection Point;

(d) a BM Unit "comprises" a particular Metering System(s) where the Exports or Imports of that BM Unit are measured by that Metering System or those Metering Systems;

(e) a Boundary Point is "in" a GSP Group where the Boundary Point is the point at which Plant or Apparatus not forming part of the Total System is connected to a Distribution System which is comprised in that GSP Group;

(f) a Metering System is "in" a GSP Group where the Metering Equipment comprised in such Metering System measures Exports or Imports at a Boundary Point in that GSP Group;

(g) a BM Unit is "in" a GSP Group where all the Boundary Point(s) associated with that BM Unit are in that GSP Group;

(h) a Boundary Point is "on" a Distribution System or Associated Distribution System where the Boundary Point is the point at which Plant or Apparatus not forming part of the Total System is connected to that Distribution System or Associated Distribution System.

2.2.2 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) Plant or Apparatus which is connected to the Total System by Remote Transmission Assets shall be treated as directly connected to the Transmission System and not connected to or embedded in a Distribution System and the terms "connected" and "embedded" (whether by reference to such Plant or Apparatus or to Metering Systems or BM Units associated with such Plant or Apparatus) shall be construed accordingly, including (for the avoidance of doubt) in Section K and Section R4;

(b) in relation to a BM Unit:

(i) at any instant in time, the BM Unit is:

(1) Exporting electricity if there is an Export at that time from the Plant or Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit to the Total System; and

(2) Importing electricity if there is an Import at that time to the Plant or Apparatus comprised in the BM Unit from the Total System;

(ii) in relation to a Settlement Period, the BM Unit is:

(1) Exporting electricity if the net amount of the Exports and Imports of the Plant or Apparatus comprised in that BM Unit during that Settlement Period constitutes a net flow of electricity from that Plant or Apparatus to the Total System; and

(2) Importing electricity if the net amount of the Exports and Imports of the Plant or Apparatus comprised in that BM Unit during that Settlement Period constitutes a net flow of electricity to that Plant or Apparatus from the Total System.

2.2.3 In the Code, unless the context otherwise requires:

(a) in relation to a SVA Metering System (or to any data item required to be registered or recorded in respect of a SVA Metering System):

(i) a reference to the Supplier Meter Registration Agent (or SMRA) shall be to the Supplier Meter Registration Agent (or SMRA) on whose Distribution System or Associated Distribution System the Boundary Point associated with such Metering System is located;

(ii) a reference to the Supplier Meter Registration Service (or SMRS) shall be to the Supplier Meter Registration Service (or SMRS) for the Distribution System or Associated Distribution System on which the Boundary Point associated with such Metering System is located;

and registration "in SMRS" or "with the SMRA" (and cognate expressions) shall be construed accordingly;

(b) in relation to a SVA Metering System (or to any data item registered or recorded in respect of a SVA Metering System), where (subject to Section W1.7) any question or dispute arises in relation to the registration, information or data items registered or recorded in SMRS and CSS, the registrations, information or data items registered or recorded in CSS in respect of that SVA Metering System shall take precedence for the purposes of the Code;

(c) references to a person being "registered", "appointed" or "authorised" or to a thing being "registered" are to a person whose registration, appointment or authorisation or to a thing the registration of which (as the case may be) has become and is effective in accordance with the provisions of the Code;

(d) a registration, appointment or authorisation shall be "effective" for the purposes of the Code if it relates to the period on or after the date (or time, as the case may be) from which such registration, appointment or authorisation is to become effective in accordance with the provisions of the Code and before any date (or time, as the case may be) from which such registration, appointment or authorisation is to cease to be effective;

(e) in relation to a BM Unit, a "corresponding" Energy Account is:

(i) in the case of a Production BM Unit, a Production Energy Account; and

(ii) in the case of a Consumption BM Unit, a Consumption Energy Account;

(f) a reference to a Distribution System or Distribution System Operator in the context of a particular Metering System, Metering Equipment, BM Unit or Plant or Apparatus is a reference to the Distribution System or the Distribution System Operator which operates the Distribution System to which that Metering System, Metering Equipment, BM Unit or Plant or Apparatus is connected.

2.2.4 Unless the context otherwise requires, references to Supplier BM Units in Section S, Annex S-1 and Annex S-2 and in those parts of Annex X-2 which relate to Section S (but not elsewhere) are to those Base BM Units and Additional BM Units to which, at a given time, one or more SVA Metering Systems are assigned, and shall not include Base BM Units or Additional BM Units registered in CRS pursuant to Section K comprising no SVA Metering Systems.

2.2.5 In the Code, references to a Trading Party or the NETSO being liable for or entitled to Trading Charges, or to Trading Charges being payable by or paid to a Trading Party or the NETSO (and similar expressions) shall be interpreted as meaning such Party's liability to pay the BSC Clearer or right to be paid by the BSC Clearer amounts in respect of Trading Charges in accordance with Section N.

2.2.6 In relation to any Settlement Period, day, Business Day, month, or quarter or other period (a period of such type, a "relevant period") which is identified for the purposes of any provision of the Code by any identifying letter or letters (letter(s) 'L' for the purposes of this definition), a reference to a relevant period which follows or precedes relevant period L by a number ('n') of relevant periods may be denoted as relevant period "L + n" or "L – n" respectively.

2.2.7 For the purposes of the Code.

    1. BSCCo and any Subsidiary of BSCCo shall be deemed not to be an Affiliate or a Related Undertaking of the NETSO; and

    2. the NETSO and any Affiliate or Related Undertaking of the NETSO shall be deemed not to be an Affiliate or a Related Undertaking of BSCCo or any Subsidiary of BSCCo.

2.2.8 In Where the Code provides that a cost is to be borne by or to the account of BSCCo, such cost shall be a BSC Cost for the purposes of Section D.

2.2.9 In relation to an Offer or a Bid, references to:

    1. ‘cheapest’ are to the Offer or Bid with the minimum Offer Price or Bid Price (as the case may be);

    2. ‘most expensive’ are to the Offer or Bid with the maximum Offer Price or Bid Price (as the case may be),

and minimum and maximum shall be construed in accordance with paragraph 1.2.1(e) of Annex X-2.

2.3 Times and Dates

2.3.1 Except where otherwise provided:

(a) where anything is to be done under the Code by or not later than a day or any period is to run to a day or anything is to be effective to a day, such thing may be done or such period shall run or such thing shall be effective to the end of such day; and

(b) where anything is to be done under the Code from or not earlier than a day or any period under the Code is to run from a day or anything is to be effective from a day, such thing may be done or such period shall run or such thing shall be effective from the start of such day.

2.3.2 Except where otherwise provided:

(a) where anything is to be done under the Code by or not later than a Business Day or any period is to run to a Business Day, such thing may be done or such period shall run up to 1700 hours on such Business Day; and

(b) where anything is to be done under the Code from or not earlier than a Business Day or any period under the Code is to run from a Business Day, such thing may be done or such period shall run from 0900 hours on such Business Day; and

(c) where anything is to be done on a Business Day, it shall be treated as having been done on the next following Business Day if it is done after 1700 hours on that Business Day.

2.3.3 References to times of the day in the Code are to London time.

2.4 Calculation of interest

2.4.1 Where the Code provides for interest to be charged on any amount payable under the Code, such interest shall be calculated at the applicable rate set out in the relevant provision of the Code in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.4.2 unless otherwise expressly provided.

2.4.2 Interest shall be calculated on the basis of the actual number of days elapsed and a 365 day year.

2.5 Value Added Tax

2.5.1 All sums required to be paid pursuant to the Code are expressed exclusive of any applicable VAT which (where applicable) shall be payable in addition to such sums at the rate or rates for the time being in force.

2.6 Application

2.6.1 The provisions of this paragraph 2 shall apply in the interpretation of each of the Code Subsidiary Documents, unless the context otherwise requires.


3.1 Application

3.1.1 In and for the purposes of the Code and each Code Subsidiary Document, unless otherwise stated:

(a) the provisions of Annex X-2 shall apply and be used (including in the implementation and construction thereof); and

(b) in interpreting and processing data submitted by a Party under the Code for the purposes of Settlement (including for the purposes of Section M and Section Q), the conventions and rules of interpretation established in Annex X-2 shall be applied.

3.1.2 This paragraph 3 and Tables X-4, X-5, X-6 and X-7 shall apply on a Supplier ID basis and shall be construed accordingly.


Section X

Version 9.0

Effective Date: 01 October 2024

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date














P394 Self-Governance





















"100kW Metering System":


(i) any Metering System where the average of the maximum monthly electrical demands in the three months of highest maximum demand, either in:

(a) the previous twelve months; or

(b) the period since the most recent Significant Change of Demand

(whichever is the shorter) exceeds 100kW; or

(ii) any Metering System where the Profile of a Customer’s electrical demand implies an average of the maximum monthly electrical demands in the three months of highest maximum demand either in:

(a) the previous twelve months; or

(b) the period since the most recent Significant Change of Demand

(whichever is the shorter) exceeding 100kW; or

(iii) any CVA Metering Systems; or

(iv) an Unmetered Supply where the relevant Distribution System Operator has agreed that the maximum demand is above 100kW; or

(v) any Metering System, which is for the time, being declared by a Supplier in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure to have a maximum demand in excess of 100kW;

"AC Transmission System":

means the Transmission System excluding the HVDC Transmission System;


means a communication which is classed as an "Acceptance" in accordance with Section Q or, where the context so requires, the Acceptance Data and the associated Bid-Offer Acceptance Number k which have been derived from that communication;

"Accession Agreement":

means an agreement in the form set out in Annex A-1 whereby a Party Applicant accedes to the Framework Agreement;


means the Electricity Act 1989 (as amended);

"Active Energy":

means the electrical energy produced, flowing or supplied by an electric circuit during a time interval, being the integral with respect to time of instantaneous Active Power, measured in units of watt-hours or standard multiples thereof;

"Active Export Related Reactive Energy":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K1.1.4(f);

"Active Export":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K1.1.4(f);

"Active Import Related Reactive Energy":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K1.1.4(f);

"Active Import":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K1.1.4(f);

"Active Power Purchasing Supplier":

in respect of a GSP Group, means a Supplier that has recorded a Half Hourly Active Export greater than zero for that GSP Group at any point over a period of the thirty most recent Settlement Days for which data is available;

"Active Power":

means the product of voltage and the in-phase component of alternating current measured in units of watts and standard multiples thereof, that is:

1000 Watts = 1 kW

1000 kW = 1 MW

"Actual Voting Share":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2 of Annex C-2;

"Additional BM Unit Monthly Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.1 of Annex D-3;

"Additional BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.3.5;

"Additional Energy Contract Volume Notification":

means an Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "second" such notification) submitted for which the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account are the same as those for an earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "first" such notification), and:

(a) the second notification does not specify (pursuant to Section P2.3.2(c)(i)) that it is to replace the first notification (by the ECVN identifier provided for in BSCP71); and

(b) the period for which the second notification shall be effective includes one or more Settlement Periods that are within the period for which the first notification is effective;

"Ad-hoc Trading Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N6.9;

"Advanced Market Segment":

means the market segment comprised of Advanced Segment Metering Systems;

"Advanced Meter":

means Metering Equipment which satisfies the definition of ‘advanced meter’ set out in paragraph 12.19 of standard condition 12 (Matters relating to Electricity Meters)of each Supply Licence but which does not form part of a ‘smart metering system’ (as defined in each Supply Licence);

"Advanced Segment Metering System":

means an SVA Metering System operating under the MHHS arrangements where an Advanced Meter is installed, or which uses a current transformer as part of the mechanism for measuring the electric current;

"Advice Note Date":

has the meaning given in Section N7.1.5

"Advice Note Period":

has the meaning given in Section N7.1.6(a)

"Advice Note Threshold Limit":

has the meaning given in Section N7.1.6(b)

"Advice Notes":

means a note issued by the FAA in respect of Notification Date(s) setting out amounts payable by or to a Payment Party on the relevant Payment Date in accordance with Section N7.1;

"AF Rules":

has the meaning given to ‘allocation framework’ in section 13(2) of the Energy Act 2013;

"Affected BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Affected Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.2.1;


means, in relation to any Party, any holding company of that Party, any subsidiary of that Party or any subsidiary of a holding company of that Party, in each case within the meaning of section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006, but subject to Section X2.2.7 in relation to the NETSO;


means the agency for the cooperation of the energy regulators established by Regulation 2009/713/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of the 13th July 2009 establishing an Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators as amended from time to time;

"Aggregate PACo Tender Costs":

means the aggregate amount of PACo Tender Costs incurred in respect of a successful PACo Tender exercise comprising each amount of PACo Tender Costs pursuant to:

(i) Annex C-1 paragraph 4.2.1(a) repayable together with interest at a market commercial rate from the first day of the month after the month in which such amount was paid to PACo until the re-payment date; and

(ii) Annex C-1 paragraph 4.2.1(b) repayable on a capital repayment basis based on BSCCo’s statement of account provided in accordance with paragraph 4.5.1(c);

"Aggregate PAFA Tender Costs":

means the aggregate amount of PAFA Tender Costs incurred in respect of a successful PAFA Tender exercise comprising each amount of PAFA Tender Costs pursuant to:

(i) Annex C-1 paragraph 2.2.1(a) repayable together with interest at a market commercial rate from the first day of the month after the month in which such amount was paid to PAFACo until the re-payment date; and

(ii) Annex C-1 paragraph 2.2.1(b) repayable on a capital repayment basis based on BSCCo’s statement of account provided in accordance with paragraph 2.3.4;

"Aggregate RECAS Tender Costs":

means the aggregate amount of RECAS Tender Costs incurred in respect of a successful RECAS Tender exercise comprising each amount of REC Tender Costs pursuant to:

(i) Annex C-1 paragraph 3.2.1(a) repayable together with interest at a market commercial rate from the first day of the month after the month in which such amount was paid to RECASCo until the re-payment date; and

(ii) Annex C-1 paragraph 3.2.1(b) repayable on a capital repayment basis based on BSCCo’s statement of account provided in accordance with paragraph 3.3.4;

"Aggregation Rules":

has the meaning given to that term in Section R3.1.1;

"Allocation Schedule":

means a schedule prepared in connection with a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement in accordance with BSCP550 which splits the Active Energy measured by the Shared SVA Metering System for each Settlement Period between one or more Suppliers such that the net energy allocation to the Suppliers is equal to such metered Active Energy;

"Alternative Modification":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F2.6.4;

"Alternative Self-Governance Modification":

means an alternative self-governance modification, which as compared with an associated Proposed Self-Governance Modification would better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s);

"Amount in Default":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.1;


has the same meaning as the Asset Metering System Number;

"AMSID Baseline Value":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.3.1(b) of Annex S-2;

"AMSID Baseline Losses":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.3.2A of Annex S-2;

"AMSID Pair":

means one AMSID measuring the flow of electricity to the Asset and, where applicable, one AMSID measuring the flow of electricity from the Asset, whose Half Hourly Metering Systems are used for the purposes of offering Balancing Services;

"Annual BSC Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D2.1.1;

"Annual BSC Meeting":

means the meeting referred to in Section B6.2;

"Annual BSC Report":

means the report to be prepared in respect of each BSC Year pursuant to Section B6.1;

"Annual Budget":

means, in respect of each Plan Year, the budget referred to in Section C6.1.1(b);

"Annual Default Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D2.1.1;

"Annual Funding Share":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.2.1(e);

"Annual Holiday Periods":

has the meaning given in M1.5A;

"Annual Performance Assurance Report":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z8.1;

"Annual Performance Assurance Timetable":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.2.1;

"Annual SVA (Consumption) Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1(b);

"Annual SVA Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D2.1.1;


means all equipment in which electrical conductors are used or supported or of which they form part;

"Appeal Meeting":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z6.3.4(b);

"Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data":

means the data in respect of a Settlement Period representing volume of Active Energy associated with the provision of Applicable Balancing Services as sent by the NETSO to the SAA and BMRA pursuant to Section Q6.4 and may be:

(i) BM Unit ABSVD; or

(ii) Non BM Unit ABSVD;

"Applicable Balancing Services":

means Balancing Services in respect of which the NETSO submits or is to submit data pursuant to Section Q6.4;

"Applicable BSC Objective(s)":

has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;


means a person wishing to carry out one or more of the functions for which Qualification is required pursuant to Section J and who, in accordance with that Section, applies for Qualification and, where the context so admits, shall include a person applying for re-Qualification in accordance with that Section;

"Application Fee":

means the application fee (if any) set by the Panel from time to time in accordance with Section A2.5 as the fee payable by a Party Applicant;

"Appointment Day":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Appointment Resolution":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C4.1.9;

"Approved Insurance Product":

means an insurance product which complies with the requirements set out in Annex M-4 of Section M and is provided by an insurance company regulated in the United Kingdom which has a long term debt rating of not less than single A by Standard & Poor's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Fitch Ratings Limited or such other bank(s), insurance company or insurance companies as the Panel may approve, such rating to be the equivalent to that required of a bank to be able to provide a Letter of Credit. A single A by Standard & Poor's Corporation or Fitch Ratings Limited shall satisfy these requirements if appended with a '+' or '-'. A single A by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. shall satisfy these requirements if appended with a '1', '2' or '3';

"Approved Modification":

means a modification to the Code which has been made pursuant to Section F1.1.1 but which has not yet been implemented;

"Approved Self-Governance Modification Proposal":

means a modification to the Code which has been made pursuant to Section F6.3.3 but which has not yet been implemented;

"Assessment Procedure":

means the procedure described in Section F2.6;


means Plant and/or Apparatus, the flow of electricity to or from which is measured by an Asset Metering System;

" Asset Differencing":

means the process set out in Section S10.1A.2;

"Asset Export":

means the flow of Active Energy from the Asset to the Boundary Point Metering System;

"Asset Import":

means the flow of Active Energy to the Asset from the Boundary Point Metering System;

"Asset Meter":

means a device for measuring Active Power or Active Energy as set out in paragraph 3.1.5 of Code of Practice 11

"Asset Metering Equipment":

means Metering Equipment which measures Active Energy or Active Power comprised in an Asset Metering System;

"Asset Metering Party Agent":

has the meaning given to that term in Section S1.2.2;

"Asset Metering System":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K 1.6 1(f);

"Asset Metering System Number":

means a unique number relating to an Asset Metering System determined by SVAA;

"Asset Meter Register" or "AMR":

means the register established pursuant to Section S10.1A and BSCP602;

"Asset Meter Registration Service" or "AMRS":

means the service provided or to be provided by SVAA for the registration of Asset Metering Systems, in accordance with BSCP602;

"Assimilated Law":

has the same meaning as that given by section 6(7) of the Withdrawal Act 2018;

"Associated MSID Pair":

the MSID Pairs situated at the Boundary Point(s) at which an Asset is connected to the Total System;

"Associated Distribution System":

means, in relation to a Licensed Distribution System Operator (or SMRA, as the case may be), a Distribution System:

(i) which is not operated by a Licensed Distribution System Operator; and

(ii) in respect of which all the entry/exit points are subject to registration in such Licensed Distribution System Operator's (or SMRA's) SMRS;

and, for these purposes, 'entry/exit point' means a point at which electricity may flow on to or off such Distribution System other than from or to the Transmission System or another Distribution System;

"Authorisation Change":

has the meaning given to that term in Section P2.1.5;

"Authorised Recipient":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Authority Led SCR Modification Proposal":

means a proposal for a Authority Led SCR Modification which has been submitted pursuant to and in accordance with Section F5.3A.1;

"Authority Led SCR Modification Report":

means, in relation to an Authority Led SCR Modification Proposal the report prepared pursuant to and in accordance with Section F5.3A.2;

"Authority Led SCR Modification":

means a modification of the Code which directly arises from a Significant Code Review and where the process of the modification is led by the Authority in accordance with its SCR Guidance and submitted to Panel in accordance with Section F5.3A.1;



(i) until both section 1(1) and section 3(1) of the Utilities Act 2000 are brought into force, the Director General of Electricity Supply;

(ii) thereafter, the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority established by section 1(1) of the Utilities Act 2000;

"Backstop Direction":

has the meaning given to it in Section F5.3B.1;

"Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent" or "BMRA":

means the BSC Agent for Balancing Mechanism Reporting in accordance with Section E;

"Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service" or "BMRS":

means the service provided by the BMRA as described in Section V;

"Balancing Services Adjustment Data" or "BSAD":

means the data to be sent by the NETSO to the SAA and the BMRA pursuant to Section Q6.3;

"Balancing Services Use of System Charges" or "BSUoS":

has the meaning given to that term in the CUSC;

"Balancing Services":

has the meaning given to that in the ESO Licence;

"Base BM Unit Monthly Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.1 of Annex D-3;

"Base BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.3.5;

"Base Rate":

means the rate of interest published from time to time by the BSC Banker as its base rate;

"Base Trading Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K4.7.1;

"Base Virtual Lead Party Monthly Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.1 of Annex D-3;

"Baselined BM Unit"

means a BM Unit registered by a Lead Party in accordance with BSCP15 intended to contain at least one Baselined MSID Pair and/or Baselined AMSID Pair;

"Baselined AMSID Pair"

means an AMSID Pair for which the Lead Party requires SVAA to apply a Baselining Methodology for the calculation of the AMSID Baseline Value per Settlement Period (save where such an AMSID Pair has been identified as Inactive in accordance with Section S10.1A.2(f));

"Baselined MSID Pair"

means a MSID Pair for which the Lead Party requires SVAA to apply a Baselining Methodology for the calculation of the MSID Baseline Value per Settlement Period (save where such an MSID Pair has been identified as Inactive in accordance with Section S10.1.3(i));

"Baselined Expected Volume"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.3.3 of Annex S-2;

"Baselining Methodology"

means any methodology set out in the Baselining Methodology Document;

"Baselining Methodology Document"

means the document to be established by the Panel pursuant to Section S12;


means a Balancing Code forming part of the Grid Code;

"BETTA Effective Date":

means the date, being 1 April 2005, that was publicly announced by the Authority as the BETTA Effective Date


has the meaning set out in the Transmission Licence;

"Billing Data":


  1. the count of Final Demand Sites on each Settlement Day reported by Charging Band, GSP Group and Registrant of each Lead Metering System (excluding de-energised Lead Metering Systems); and

the total Import on each Settlement Day to SVA Metering Systems associated with Measurement Classes “B” and “D”.

"Binding Resolution":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C4.10.1;

"Black Start Period":

means the period described in Section G3.1.2(d);

"BM Auditor":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H5.1.6;

"BM Unit Fuel Type List":

means the list identifying the Fuel Type Category for each BM Unit which is:

(i) metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code; and

(ii) identified by the NETSO as falling within a Fuel Type Category;

"BM Unit Volume Estimation Methodology":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7E;

"BM Unit":

means a Primary BM Unit established and registered (or to be established and registered) by a Party in accordance with Section K3 or a Secondary BM Unit established and registered (or to be established and registered) by a Party in accordance with Section K8 or, where the context so requires, the Plant and/or Apparatus treated as comprised in or assigned to such unit for the purposes of the Code;

"BMRS Zone":

means the zones set from time to time by the Panel in consultation with the NETSO for the purposes of Section V;


means the board of Directors of BSCCo;

"Borrowing Account":

means the borrowing account established with the BSC Banker in the name of the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section N4.1.1(d);

"Boundary Point Metering System":

means a Metering System which measures Exports or Imports at a Boundary Point;

"Boundary Point":

means a point at which any Plant or Apparatus not forming part of the Total System is connected to the Total System;

"British Grid Systems Agreement":

"BSAD Asset ID":

"BSAD Party ID":

means the agreement of that title made between the NETSO, Scottish-Hydro Electric PLC and Scottish Power plc inter alia regulating the relationship between their respective grid systems;

has the meaning given to that term in Section Q6.3.2C

means, in relation to a person who provides Balancing Services outside the Balancing Mechanism:

(i) its full name; or

(ii) a unique identifier assigned by the NETSO;

which is to be provided as part of Balancing Services Adjustment Data by the NETSO in accordance with Section Q6.3.2;

"BSC Account":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N4.1;

"BSC Agent Contract":

means a contract between BSCCo and a BSC Agent for the provision of services in accordance with the requirements of Section E;

"BSC Agent System":

the BSC System(s) of a BSC Agent;

"BSC Agent":

means the person or persons for the time being appointed for the purposes of providing the services specified (or as may be specified) in a BSC Service Description and as otherwise described in Section E;

"BSC Audit Report":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H5.4.1;

"BSC Audit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H5.1.1;

"BSC Auditor":

means the BSC Agent for BSC Audit in accordance with Section E;

"BSC Banker":

means the bank for the time being approved by the Panel for the purposes of Section N4.2.1;

"BSC Clearer":

means Elexon Clear Limited (or any successor to that company in the capacity of the BSC Clearer);

"BSC Company":

“BSC Controller”

means BSCCo and each Affiliate of BSCCo other than a Permitted Affiliate; means a Party that is acting as a controller in processing Relevant BSC Personal Data, where controller and processing have the meaning given to those terms in the Data Protection Legislation;

"BSC Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D2.1.1(a);

"BSC Creditor":

means, in relation to a Payment Date in respect of a Settlement Day, any Payment Party to whom an amount is payable by the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section N;

"BSC Data":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H11.2.1;

"BSC Data Disclosure Recommendation":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H11.2.1;

"BSC Data Impact Assessment":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H11.2.1;

"BSC Data Request":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H11.2.1;

"BSC Data Request Procedure":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H11.2.1;

"BSC Debtor":

means, in relation to a Payment Date in respect of a Settlement Day, any Payment Party by whom an amount is payable to the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section N;

"BSC Derogation":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.1.1;

"BSC Party ID":

means an alphanumeric, unique identifier, assigned to a Party by BSCCo;

"BSC Procedure" or "BSCP": “BSC Processor”

means a document of that title, as established or adopted and from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code, setting out procedures to be complied with (by Parties, Party Agents, BSC Agents, BSCCo, the Panel and others) in, and other matters relating to, the implementation of the Code; means a Party that is acting as a processor in processing Relevant BSC Personal Data on behalf of one or more BSC Controllers, where processor and processing have the meaning given to those terms in the Data Protection Legislation;

"BSC Sandbox Application"

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.2.1;

"BSC Sandbox Eligibility Criteria":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.2.6;

"BSC Sandbox Procedure":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.2.9;

"BSC Season":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.9;

"BSC Service Description":

means a document of that title, as established or adopted and from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code, setting out requirements as to particular services which are to be provided centrally as provided in Section E;

"BSC Services Manager Criteria":

means the pre-requisite criteria set out in the Authority’s open letter of 30th April 2012 entitled “Potential expansion of role of Elexon”, namely:

(i) Parties should benefit from any diversification;

(ii) the arrangements should not place disproportionate risk on Parties;

(iii) standards of service under the BSC should be maintained; and

(iv) the BSC Service Manager’s BSC role should not give it any undue competitive advantage in a contestable activity.

"BSC Services Manager":

means any person for the time being appointed by BSCCo for the purposes of providing the services specified in Section E, paragraph 4;

"BSC Systems":


(i) the computer systems and the processes used by each of the BSC Agents and required in connection with the services provided by the BSC Agents as described in Section E; and

(ii) so far as used in Settlement, any other computer systems and processes operated or procured by BSCCo;

or where the context requires, all such systems and processes collectively;

"BSC Website":

means the websites established and maintained by BSCCo in whole or in part for the purposes of the Code;

"BSC Year":

each successive period of twelve months beginning on 1st April in each year, provided that the first BSC Year shall (unless the context otherwise requires) be the period from the Go-live Date to 31st March 2002;

"BSCCo Accounting Policies":

means the accounting policies of BSCCo from time to time pursuant to Section D2.3.1;

"BSCCo Chair":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C4.1.8(a);

"BSCCo Charges":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.1.3;

"BSCCo Materials":


(i) any and all of the Code, Modification Proposals, Proposed Modifications, Alternative Modifications, Approved Modifications, Code Modifications, Code Subsidiary Documents, proposed or approved modifications to Code Subsidiary Documents; and

(ii) any other documents established or adopted under the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document (whether or not referred to in the Code or a Code Subsidiary Document); and

(iii) the documents, materials, reports, diagrams, charts and specifications in respect of which BSCCo or any other BSC Company has rights by virtue of the BSC Agent Contracts (relating to BSC Systems); and

(iv) any other documents, materials, reports, diagrams, charts or specifications relating to any other BSC Systems; and

(v) any other documents, works, materials, ideas, inventions, designs or proposals (in whatever form) arising out of or in connection with the central administration, operation or development (by the Panel, Panel Committees and BSCCo) of the Code and the Code Subsidiary Documents,

howsoever and by whomsoever any of the foregoing are produced or compiled and including all drafts and working papers relating thereto;

"BSCCo Shareholder":

means a person from time to time registered as a holder of a share in BSCCo pursuant to Annex C-3;


means ELEXON Limited (or any successor to that company acting in the capacity as BSCCo);

"BSCCo-Determined GC or DC Estimates":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7J;

"BSP Group":

means either of those distinct electrical systems in place under SAS and consisting of:

(i) all or part of the distribution system;

(ii) exempt distribution system; or

(iii) Grid-connected composite site(s); or

(iv) Grid-connected customer site(s);

supplied from one or more Bulk Supply Points and which were known, under SAS as North Scotland _P and South Scotland N respectively;

"Bulk Supply Point":

means a point of supply from a transmission system to a:

(i) Distribution System; or

(ii) Exempt Distribution System; or

(iii) Grid-connected composite site; or

(iv) Grid-connected customer site;

and which was located in Scotland and known as a Bulk Supply Point under SAS;

"Business Day":

means a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which banks are open in London for general interbank business in Sterling and, in relation to payment in euro, any such day when in addition the Trans European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System is operating;

"Business Hours":

means unless otherwise expressly stated the period from 0900 hours to 1700 hours on a Business Day;

"Business Person/Personnel":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Business Strategy":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C6;

"Capacity Agreement":

has the meaning given to that term in the Capacity Market Rules;

"Capacity Market Documents":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.6.3;

"Capacity Market Rules":

means the rules so called and created pursuant to Section 34 of the Energy Act 2013, and from time to time modified in accordance with The Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014;

"Capacity Provider":

has the meaning given to that term in the Capacity Market Rules;

"Cash Cover":

means (subject to the provisions of Section N) cash for the time being delivered by a Trading Party to the FAA in accordance with Section M2.1.1(b);

"CCGT Module":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Central Data Collection Agent" or "CDCA":

means the BSC Agent for Central Data Collection in accordance with Section E;

"Central Meter Registration Service" or "CMRS":

means the service for registration of data relating to CVA Metering Systems maintained (for the purposes of the Code) by the Central Data Collection Agent;

"Central Registration Agent" or "CRA":

means the BSC Agent for Central Registration in accordance with Section E;

"Central Registration Service" or "CRS":

means the service for registration of data maintained (for the purposes of the Code) by the Central Registration Agent as described in Sections A4 and K;

"Central Switching Service" or "CSS":

has the meaning given to that term in the REC;

"Central Volume Allocation" or "CVA":

means the determination of quantities of Active Energy to be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement in respect of Volume Allocation Units;

"CFD Arrangements":


(i) the contract for difference arrangements specified in Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013;

(ii) any regulation, licence modification or other instrument made by virtue of or pursuant to Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013; and

(iii) the systems and processes used by any CfD Counterparty and/or any CFD Settlement Services Provider in complying with, and delivering the requirements specified in (i) and/or (ii);

"CFD Assets":

means Plant and Apparatus (including apparatus used for station load or other demand required for the purposes of netting under a Contract for Difference to the extent that any arrangements for netting are identified in the Contract for Difference relating to those Plant and Apparatus) that are subject to a Contract for Difference;

"CfD Counterparty":

means a person designated as a "CfD counterparty" under section 7(1) of the Energy Act 2013;

"CFD Documents":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.6.3;

"CFD Settlement Data":

has the meaning given to that term in Section V5.2.1;

"CFD Settlement Services Provider Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D7.1.1;

"CFD Settlement Services Provider":

means any person:

(i) appointed for the time being and from time to time by a CfD Counterparty; or

(ii) who is designated by virtue of Section C1.2.1B,

in either case to carry out any of the CFD settlement activities (or any successor entity performing CFD settlement activities);

"Challenger-Proposed GC or DC Estimates":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7G;


means the Clearing House Automated Payments System;

"Charging Band":

has the meaning given to that term in Schedule 32 of the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement;

"Chief Executive":

means the person appointed from time to time as chief executive of BSCCo by the Board in accordance with Section C4.6;

"Citizens Advice":

means the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux;

"Citizens Advice Scotland":

means the Scottish Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux;


in relation to a Trading Unit Application, means a Class as referred to in Annex K-2;

"Clearing Account":

means the clearing account established with the BSC Banker in the name of the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section N4.1.1(a);

"Clock Change Day"

means the twenty four hour period commencing at 00:00 during which a Clock Change occurs;

"Clock Change":

means a step change in local time in accordance with the beginning and ending of summer time in Great Britain as defined by the Summer Time Act 1972;

"CM Administrative Parties":

has the meaning given to the term ‘administrative parties’ in The Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014 and, for the purposes of the Code only, shall include any CM Settlement Services Provider;

"CM Arrangements":


(i) the capacity market arrangements specified in Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013;

(ii) any regulations, rules, licence modification or other instrument made pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013; and

(iii) the systems and processes used by the CM Settlement Body and/or any CM Settlement Services Provider in complying with, and delivering the requirements specified in, (i) and/or (ii);

"CM Assets":

where a Capacity Provider has elected to use a BSC metering option, means Plant and Apparatus (including apparatus used for station load or other demand required for the purposes of netting under the Capacity Arrangements) that are subject to a Capacity Agreement entered into pursuant to Chapter 3 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013;

"CM Settlement Body":

the Electricity Settlements Company Ltd or such other person as may from time to time be appointed as Settlement Body under regulation 80 of the “Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014; ”

"CM Settlement Data":

has the meaning given to that term in Section V5.3.1;

"CM Settlement Services Provider Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D7.2.1;

"CM Settlement Services Provider":

means any person appointed for the time being and from time to time by the CM Settlement Body to provide services to it in relation to the performance of its functions under the Capacity Market Documents;

"Coal Plant":

means a Power Station which uses coal as the primary source of fuel;

"Code Administration Code of Practice Principles":

means the principles set out in Section 1 of the Code Administration Code of Practice from time to time;

"Code Administration Code of Practice":

means the Code Administration Code of Practice approved by the Authority from time to time;

"Code Effective Date":

means the date of the Framework Agreement;

"Code Modification":

means a modification made to the Code as set out in Section F1.1.1;

"Code of Practice":

means a code of practice, as established or adopted and from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code, relating to Metering Equipment or any part or class thereof;

"Code Subsidiary Document":

means any document referred to in Section H1.2.4 as modified from time to time in accordance with Section F3;


means this Balancing and Settlement Code, as from time to time modified by the NETSO in accordance with the ESO Licence; and references to the Code include the Code as given contractual force and effect by the Framework Agreement;

"Code Embedded DIP Rules":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.9.4;

"Collection Account":

means the collection account established with the BSC Banker in the name of the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section N4.1.1(b);

"Combined Offshore BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.1.4;

"Committee Member":

means a member of a Panel Committee;

"Communication Requirements Document":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O2.2.1(b);


has the meaning given to that term in Section O1.1.3;

Communications Equipment":

means, at or relating to any Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point, in respect of any Metering Equipment, or relating to any Asset Metering Equipment;

(i) the terminating equipment (which may include a modem) necessary to convert data from such Metering Equipment into a state for transmission to the CDCA for the purposes of Central Volume Allocation or to a Data Collector for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation; and

(ii) the exchange link which is connected to that terminating equipment;

but does not include an Outstation;

"Communications Medium":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O1.1.3;

"Competent Authority":

means the Secretary of State, the Authority and any local or national agency, authority, department, inspectorate, minister, ministry, official or public or statutory person (whether autonomous or not) of, or of the government of, the United Kingdom ;

"Conditional Implementation Date":

means in relation to a Modification Proposal as described in Section F1.3.5(c) the date recommended by the Panel pursuant to Section F2.11;

"Confidential Information":

means, in relation to a Party, all data, documents and other information supplied to that Party, that Party's Party Agent or any nominee of that Party by or on behalf of another Party (or Party Agent) or by or on behalf of the Panel, any Panel Committee, any Workgroup, a BSC Agent or a Market Index Data Provider under or pursuant to the provisions of the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document and, additionally, where the Party is a Supplier who was also a Distribution System Operator (being, or being the successor to, the holder at the Code Effective Date of a PES Supply Licence relating to distribution activities in England and Wales or being, or being the successor to, the holder at the BETTA Effective Date of a PES Supply Licence relating to distribution activities in Scotland, acting in that capacity), any data and other information which is held in respect of a Customer and which was previously acquired by that Supplier acting in its capacity as such a Distribution System Operator;

"Confirmation Notice":

means a notice issued pursuant to and in accordance with Section N10.1;

"Confirmed VNNR":

has the meaning given to that term in P4A.4.3;

"Connection Agreements":

means , the Supplier’s Connection Agreements, any Unmetered Supply connection agreement, the Supplier’s Use of System Agreements and the Interconnection Agreements, and "Connection Agreement" means any or (as the context may require) a particular one of them;

"Connection and Use of System Code" or "CUSC":

has the meaning given to the term "CUSC" in the ESO Licence;

"Consumption BM Unit":

means a BM Unit which:

  1. in the case of a BM Unit other than an Interconnector BM Unit, is classified as a Consumption BM Unit in accordance with the provisions of Section K3.5.2 or,

  1. in the case of an Exempt Export BM Unit, the Lead Party has elected to treat as a Consumption BM Unit pursuant to Section K3.5.5; or

  1. in the case of a Storage BM Unit, the Lead Party has elected to treat as a Consumption BM Unit pursuant to Section K3.5.5; and

(iv) in the case of an Interconnector BM Unit, is designated by the CRA as a 'Consumption' BM Unit pursuant to Section K5.5.5; and

(v) in the case of a Trading Secondary BM Unit, is classified as a Consumption BM Unit in accordance with the provisions of Section K8.1.10;

"Consumption Energy Account":

means an Energy Account designated by the CRA as a 'Consumption' Energy Account;

"Consumption Interconnector BM Unit":

an Interconnector BM Unit designated by the CRA as a 'Consumption' BM Unit;

"Contiguous Assets":

has the meaning given to that term in Annex K-2;

"Contingency Provision":

has the meaning given to that term in Section G1.1.4;

"Contract for Difference":

means a contract for difference entered into by a CfD Counterparty pursuant to Chapter 2 of Part 2 of the Energy Act 2013 or any contract treated as a CFD for the purposes of The Contracts for Difference (Electricity Supplier Obligations) Regulations 2014 by virtue of any provision made under paragraph 16(2) of Schedule 2 to the Energy Act 2013;

"Contract Principles":

has the meaning given to that term in Section E2.3.1;

"Contract Trading Party":

means a Trading Party or the NETSO;

"Contracting Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H7.2.1;

"Contracts for Difference Supplier Obligation":

means the obligations of suppliers to make payments, or provide collateral to a CfD Counterparty established pursuant to the Energy Act 2013 and set out in The Contracts for Difference (Supplier Obligation) Regulations 2014;

"Core Industry Document":

has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;

"Corporate Functions Person":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7D;

"Credit Assessment Load Factor Non-Working Day" or "CALF Non-Working Day":

means any day that is a Saturday or a Sunday, or a day designated as a bank holiday in England and Wales (for those GSP Groups in England and Wales), or a day designated as a bank holiday in Scotland (for those GSP Groups in Scotland) in accordance with the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 and the St Andrew's Day Bank Holiday (Scotland) Act 2007 as amended from time to time;

"Credit Assessment Load Factor Working Day" or "CALF Working Day":

means any day that is not a CALF Non-Working Day;

"Credit Assessment Load Factor":

means a factor for the time being applicable in relation to a BM Unit in accordance with Section M1.5 and which shall include, as the context requires, Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor and Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor;

"Credit Assessment Price":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M1.4.1;

"Credit Cover":

means credit cover provided or to be provided by a Trading Party in accordance with Section M;

"Credit Cover Error Compensation":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M4.1.1;

"Credit Cover Error Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M4.1.4(b)(ii);

"Credit Cover Error":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M4.1.4(a);

"Credit Cover Percentage":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.1;

"Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3.2(b);

"Credit Default Refusal Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.3.3;

"Credit Default Rejection Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.3.3;

"Credit Default":

means Level 1 Credit Default or Level 2 Credit Default;

"Credit Facility":

means the facility referred to in Section N4.9.1;

"Credit Qualifying BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.7;


means a CVA Customer or a SVA Customer (or either of them) as the case may be;

"CVA Boundary Point":

means a Boundary Point, the Exports and Imports at which are or are to be measured by CVA Metering System(s);

"CVA Customer":

means a person to whom electrical power is provided, whether or not that person is the provider of that electrical power; and where that electrical power is measured by a CVA Metering System;

"CVA Metering Equipment":

means Metering Equipment which is or is to be comprised in a CVA Metering System (whether or not also comprised in an SVA Metering System);

"CVA Metering System":

means a Metering System (at a Boundary Point or a Systems Connection Point) which in accordance with Section K is or is to be registered in the Central Meter Registration Service;

"CVA Meter Operator Agent":

means a Party Agent appointed in accordance with Section L to install, commission, test and maintain, and rectify faults in respect of, CVA Metering Equipment;


has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.5.1;


has the meaning given to that term in Section N 9.6.1;

"Data Aggregator":

means a Party Agent appointed by a Supplier in accordance with Section S to carry out the aggregation of metering data received from Data Collectors and to forward such aggregated data to the SVAA;

"Data Catalogue":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O1.1.3;

"Data Collector":

means a Party Agent appointed by a Supplier or a Virtual Lead Party in accordance with Section S to retrieve, validate and process metering data in relation to SVA Metering Equipment and/or Asset Metering Equipment (as applicable);

"Data File Catalogue":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O2.2.1;

"Data Protection Legislation":

means all applicable data protection and privacy legislation in force from time to time in the UK including the UK GDPR; the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) (and regulations made thereunder); and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (SI 2003 No. 2426) as amended;

"Data Transfer Service Agreement":

means the agreement for the provision of a data transfer service dated 30th July, 1997 and made between the Service Controller (as therein defined) and users of the Data Transfer Service (as therein defined);

"Data Transfer Service Provider":

means a person providing data transfer services as described in Section J1.3.3;

"DIP Change and Advisory Board (DCAB)":

has the meaning given to that term in the DIP Rules;

"DC Breach Monitoring Criterion":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7A;

"DC Limits":

means the values established and from time to time revised and approved in accordance with Section K3.4.3A;


means Smart DCC Limited (or any successor to that company);

"De Minimis Acceptance Threshold":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.8.1;

"Dedicated Assets":

has the meaning given to that term in Annex K-;


means in relation to any Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point (or the Plant or Apparatus connected to any System at such a point) the movement of any isolator, breaker or switch or the removal of any fuse whereby no electricity can flow at such point to and from a System; and "de-energised" shall be construed accordingly;

"Default Funding Share":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.3.1;

"Default Interest Rate":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.1;

"Default Party Charge Share":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D5.1.5;

"Default Payment Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.6.6;

"Default Share Amount":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.6.4(b);


has the meaning given to that term in Section H3.1.1;

"Defaulting Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H3.1.1;

"Defendant Contracting Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H7.2.1;

"Definition Procedure":

means the procedure described in Section F2.5;

"Demand Capacity" or "DC":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.8 or, in relation to Trading Secondary BM Units only, K8.1.7;

"Demand Control Event End Point":

means the date and time at which a Demand Control Event ceases;

"Demand Control Event Estimate":

means the estimated volume instructed by the NETSO in respect of a Demand Control Event;

"Demand Control Event Notice":

means each of the notifications submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Sections Q6.9.3 to Q6.9.5 inclusive;

"Demand Control Event Stage":

means each stage of a Demand Control Event as determined by the NETSO in accordance with the Grid Code;

"Demand Control Event Start Point":

means the date and time at which a Demand Control Event commences;

"Demand Control Event":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Q6.9.2;

"Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Q6.9.6;

"Demand Control Instruction":

means an instruction sent by the NETSO to a Distribution System Operator in respect of a Demand Control Event;

"Demand Control Level":

means the level of electricity instructed by the NETSO pursuant to a Demand Control Instruction;

"Demand Control Volume":

means the volume of electricity that is subject to a Demand Control Instruction;

"Demand Disconnection Event":

means the parts of a Demand Control Event that consist of a Demand Disconnection;

"Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO":

means a Distribution System Operator impacted by a Demand Control Event;

"Demand Disconnection":

has the meaning given to the terms Demand and Disconnection respectively in the Grid Code;

"Deputy Panel Chair":

means the person appointed to act as deputy panel chair from time to time pursuant to Section B2.15.1;

"Derogation Party":

in respect of a BSC Derogation, means each Party identified in that BSC Derogation as being entitled to rely on such BSC Derogation;

"Derogation Period Commencement Date":

means the date set by the Authority, or determined in accordance with the Authority’s directions, on which a BSC Derogation shall commence;

"Derogation Period End Date":

means the date set by the Authority, or determined in accordance with Section H10 or the Authority’s directions, on which a BSC Derogation shall cease;

"Derogation Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.4.1;

"Desktop Audit":

means an audit undertaken by the TAA in accordance with Section L7.4A;

"DIP Applicable Objectives":

has the meaning given to that term in the DIP Rules;

"DIP Manager":

has the meaning given to that term in the DIP Rules;

"DIP Rules":

means the rules for the governance and operation of the DIP, as amended from time-to-time, established pursuant to the DIP Supplement;

"DIP Supplement":

means the supplement, forming part of the Code, that establishes the DIP Rules;


means any present or future directive, requirement, instruction, direction or rule of any Competent Authority (but only, if not having the force of law, if compliance therewith is in accordance with the general practice of persons to whom such directive, requirement, instruction, direction or rule is addressed) and includes any modification, extension or replacement thereof then in force;


means a director of BSCCo;


has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Discontinuance Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.3.2;

"Discontinuing Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.3.1;

"Disputes Secretary":

has the meaning given to that term in Section W2.6.1;

"Dissatisfied Person":

has the meaning given to that term in Section J3.7.1;

"Distribution Business Group":

means a Distribution System Operator and every Affiliate of that Distribution System Operator (and if it has no Affiliate, only that Distribution System Operator);

"Distribution Code":

has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;

"Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement"

has the meaning given to that term in the Distribution Licence;

"Distribution Interconnector Boundary Point":

means a Boundary Point at which a Distribution Interconnector is connected to a Distribution System;

"Distribution Interconnector":

means an Interconnector whose connection to the Total System is only to a Distribution System;

"Distribution Licence":


(i) until section 28 of the Utilities Act 2000 is brought into force, a PES Supply Licence;

(ii) thereafter, has the meaning given to that term in the Act;

"Distribution Network Data":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 6.1 of Annex T-2;

"Distribution System Operator":


(i) a Licensed Distribution System Operator;

(ii) any other Party which distributes electricity for the purposes of section 4(1)(bb) of the Act (as inserted or to be inserted by section 28 of the Utilities Act 2000) through a Distribution System, acting in that capacity;

"Distribution System":


(i) all or part of a distribution system in Great Britain operated by a Licensed Distribution System Operator; and

(ii) all or part of any other distribution system in Great Britain for which the condition is satisfied that all entry/exit points are subject to registration in SMRS ;

provided that:

(a) such distribution system or part thereof is connected to the Transmission System at Grid Supply Points which fall within only one Group of GSPs, and

(b) where part only of a distribution system is comprised in a Distribution System, each other part thereof must be comprised in one or more other Distribution Systems;


(1) 'distribution system' has the meaning given to that term in section 4(4) of the Act, following amendment of the Act by section 28 of the Utilities Act 2000;

(2) 'entry/exit point' means a point at which electricity may flow on to or off such distribution system other than from or to the Transmission System or another such system or a distribution system referred to in paragraph (i) above;

"Distribution Systems Connection Point":

means a Systems Connection Point at which two Distribution Systems are connected;

"Distributor ID:

means the unique reference by which a Licensed Distribution System Operator is identified for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation;

"Domestic Premises":

has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence;

"Dormant Subsidiary":

means a BSCCo Subsidiary that is dormant within the meaning of section 1169 of the Companies Act 2006;


has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.1.1(b);

"Dynamic Data Set":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Q2.1;

"Dynamic LoLP Function Methodology":

means the method for determining a dynamic Loss of Load Probability function as set out in the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement;

"Earliest Nullification Effective Period":

means the first Settlement Period on that Settlement Day not to have passed the Submission Deadline at the time the ECVAA issues the VNNCR in accordance with P4A.4;

"Early Cessation Report":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.7.4;


means the Guideline on Electricity Balancing;

"EBGL Amendment Procedures":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.1.11;

"EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions"

means the Sections or parts of the Code constituting terms and conditions approved by the Authority as the terms and conditions related to balancing pursuant to Article 18 of the EBGL, as amended or supplemented from time to time (including the rules for suspension and restoration of market activities pursuant to Article 36 of the NCER and the rules for settlement in case of market suspension pursuant to Article 39 of the NCER, approved by the Authority pursuant to Article 4 of the NCER). The Sections or parts of the Code constituting these terms and conditions are identified for convenience in Section F Annex F-2 as amended from time to time;

"EBGL Data":

means the data specified in Article 12 of the Guideline on Electricity Balancing in relation to which there is a requirement on TSOs under the Guideline on Electricity Balancing to submit such data to the information transparency platform established pursuant to the Transparency Regulation. For the purposes of the Code, such data shall be comprised of EBGL Local Data and EBGL Standard Product Data;

"EBGL Delegation Letter":

means the letter dated 20th February 2020 issued by the NETSO delegating specified tasks relating to the amendment of the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions to BSCCo and the Panel;

"EBGL Local Data":

means any EBGL Data that is not EBGL Standard Product Data;

"EBGL Objectives":

means the objectives referred to in Article 5(5) of the EBGL including those objectives set out in the recitals and Article 3 of EBGL;

"EBGL Standard Product Data":

means EBGL Data that relates to ‘standard products’ as such term is defined in the Guideline on Electricity Balancing;

"ECVAA System Failure":

has the meaning given to that term in Section P5.1.1;

"ECVNA Authorisation":

means an authorisation, by or on behalf of a Contract Trading Party pursuant to Section P, of a person to act as Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent;

"EdF Documents":

means any agreement for the time being and from time to time made between the NETSO and Electricité de France, Service National relating to the use or operation of the relevant Interconnector;

"Effective-from Date":

has the meaning, in relation to an Energy Contract Volume Notification or a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification, given to that term respectively in Section P2.3.2(a)(iii) or P3.3.2(a)(v);

"Effective-to Date":

has the meaning, in relation to an Energy Contract Volume Notification or a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification, given to that term respectively in Section P2.3.2(c)(ii) or P3.3.2(c)(ii);

"EII Asset":

means Plant and Apparatus associated with Metering Systems in respect of which an EII Certificate is in force;

"EII Certificate":

means a certificate issued by the Secretary of State pursuant to The Electricity Supplier Obligations (Amendment & Excluded Electricity) Regulations [2015];

"EII Regulations":

means The Electricity Supplier Obligations (Amendment & Excluded Electricity) Regulations [2015];

"Electricity Regulation":

means the Regulation (EU) 2019/943of the European Parliament and of the Council of 5th June 2019 on the internal market for electricity as amended by The Electricity and Gas (Internal Markets and Network Codes) (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020;

"Electricity System Operator or (ESO) Licence":

means the licence granted or treated as granted under section 6(1)(da) of the Act;


means Active Energy and Reactive Energy;

"Eligible Services Facility":

has the meaning given to that term in the CUSC;

"Embedded Distribution System":

means an independent Distribution System that is connected to the Distribution System of a Host DSO;

"Embedded DSO":

means a Distribution System Operator operating an Embedded Distribution System;

EMR AMSID Declaration”

has the meaning given to that term in Section K2.7A.2.

EMR CVA BM Unit Declaration”

has the meaning given to that term in Section K2.7A.3.

EMR Declaration”

means one of:

  • EMR AMSID Declaration;

  • EMR CVA BM Unit Declaration; or

  • EMR MSID Declaration.

EMR MSID Declaration”

has the meaning given to that term in Section K2.7A.1.

"Emergency Instruction":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"EMR Legal Requirement":

means the Energy Act 2013, The Electricity Capacity Regulations 2014, The Capacity Market Rules, The Contracts for Difference (Allocation) Regulations 2014, The Contracts for Difference (Definition of Eligible Generator) Regulations 2014, The Contracts for Difference (Supplier Obligation) Regulations 2014, the AF Rules and any other regulation or instrument made by virtue of or pursuant to Chapter 2 (contracts for difference) or Chapter 3 (capacity market) or Chapter 4 (investment contracts) or Schedule 2 of the Energy Act 2013;

"EMR Settlement Data":

has the meaning given to that term in Section V5.1.1;

"EMR Settlement Functions":

means those functions which are to be performed by a CfD Counterparty or CM Settlement Body (or any EMR Settlement Services Provider on behalf of either of them) in order to give effect to requirements imposed on the CfD Counterparty or CM Settlement Body by the EMR Legal Requirements;

"EMR Settlement Services Provider":

means a CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or a CM Settlement Services Provider;


means, in relation to any Boundary Point or Systems Connection Point (or any Plant or Apparatus connected to any System at such a point), the movement of any isolator, breaker or switch or the insertion of any fuse, so as to enable electricity to flow, at such point to and from a System; and "energise" and "energised", shall be construed accordingly;

"Energy (From) Account":

means has the meaning given to that term in Section P1.3.5;

"Energy (To) Account":

means has the meaning given to that term in Section P1.3.5;

"Energy Account":

means an account held or to be held by a Party for the purposes of accounting in Settlement for quantities of Active Energy;

"Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent" or "ECVAA":

means the BSC Agent for Energy Contract Volume Aggregation in accordance with Section E;

"Energy Contract Volume Data":

means, in relation to any Settlement Period, a quantity (in MWh) of Active Energy as referred to in Section P2.3.2(a)(iv);

"Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent" or "ECVNA":

means a person authorised under Section P and in accordance with Section J as Party Agent by a Contract Trading Party to submit Energy Contract Volume Notifications on its behalf;

"Energy Contract Volume Notification":

means a notification of Energy Contract Volumes in relation to Settlement Periods in any Settlement Day(s);

"Energy Contract Volume":

is defined in Annex X-2;

"Energy Credit Cover":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M2.4.1;

"Energy Indebtedness":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M1.2.1;

"Energy Market Data Specification":

has the meaning given to the term "Data Specification" in the REC;

"EPG Scheme" or "Energy Price Guarantee Scheme":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Account"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Administrator"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Agreement"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Document"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Party"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Supplier Party"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"EPG Scheme Payment"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C14.2;

"Equipment Owner":

means, in relation to a Metering System, a person which is the owner of Metering Equipment comprised in that Metering System but is not the Registrant of that Metering System;

"Equivalent Meter":

means, in relation to an Unmetered Supply, the hardware and software that is used to calculate the half hourly consumption of electricity associated with such Unmetered Supply, which hardware and software meets the specification therefore set out in BSCP520;

"Equivalent Unmetered Supply":

means an Unmetered Supply with a Measurement Class of unmetered half hourly consumption;

"European Commission":

means the institution of that name established under the Treaty on European Union as amended from time to time;

"Exempt Export BM Unit":

means a BM Unit which comprises Exemptable Generating Plant, for which the Lead Party is the Party responsible for Exports, subject to Section K3.3A;

"Exemptable Generating Plant":

means Generating Plant which is Exemptable, as defined in Section K1.2.2;

"Exemption Proportion":

in respect of EII Assets, means the exemption proportion specified in an EII Certificate;

Exempt Supply Notification Agent”:

means an agent who calculates exempt supply in accordance with Section S2.13.


means an exemption granted under section 5 of the Act;

"Expected Transfer":

has the meaning given to that term in Section R7.1.3;

"Export Metering System":

means a Metering System which measures Exports;

"Export MSID":

means the SVA Metering System Number of a Metering System which measures Exports;


has the meaning given to that term in Section K1.1.4(b) as interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Section K1.1.4;

"Expulsion Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.2.4;

"Expulsion Notice":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.2.4;

"External Interconnection":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"External System":

means an electricity transmission system or electricity distribution system which is outside the National Electricity Transmission System Operator Area and is electrically linked to a System;

"Externally Interconnected System Operator":

means the person which operates an External System;

"Extra-Settlement Determination":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"failing Supplier":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Fast Reserve":

means the Balancing Service procured by the NETSO as defined in the Procurement Guidelines;

"Fast Track Self-Governance Criteria":

means a Modification Proposal which:

(i) if implemented would satisfy the Self-Governance Criteria; and

(ii) falls within the scope of Section F2.1.1(d)(iv) (without limiting the right of any person specified in paragraph 2.1.1 to propose a Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal) and which is required to correct an error in the Code or as a result of a factual change, including but not limited to:

(a) updating names or addresses listed in the Code;

(b) correcting minor typographical errors;

(c) correcting formatting and consistency errors, such as paragraph numbering; or

(d) updating out of date references to other documents or paragraphs;

"Fast Track Self-Governance Implementation Date":

means in relation to a Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal, the date with effect from which the Code is to be given effect as modified by that modification, as such date may be extended pursuant to Section F2.11.7;

"Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F7.1.1;

"Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Report":

means in relation to a Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal, a report finalised by the Modification Secretary including:

(i) a description of the Proposed Modification;

(ii) a statement that the Panel has determined that the Proposed Modification meets all of the Fast Track-Self Governance Criteria together with any rationale provided by the Panel in reaching its determination;

(iii) details of how to object to the Proposed Modification being implemented under Section F7.2;

(iv) the proposed text to modify the Code in order to give effect to the Fast Track Self-Governance Modification Proposal; and

(v) the proposed Fast Track Self-Governance Implementation Date;

"Final Demand Site":

means a "Final Demand Site" as defined in Schedule 32 of the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement;

"Final Physical Notification Data":

means, in respect of a Settlement Period and a BM Unit, the data which is referred to in Section Q3.2.2 and which complies with the requirements of Section Q3.2.3;

"Final Reconciliation Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Financial Service Provider":

has the meaning given to that term in Section V7.1.1;

"First Reconciliation Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"First Settlement Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H2.3.3;

"Framework Agreement":

means the BSC Framework Agreement, as defined in the ESO Licence;


has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Fuel Security Code":

means has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;

"Fuel Type Category":

means each of the categories referred to in Section Q6.1.18;

"Funding Party Payment":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D5.1.2;

"Funding Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D5.1.2;

"Funding Shares":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.2.1;

"Funds Administration Agent" or "FAA":

means the BSC Agent for Funds Administration in accordance with Section E1.2.4;

"Funds Transfer Agreement":

means the funds transfer agreement entered or to be entered into by the FAA, the BSC Clearer and the BSC Banker pursuant to Section N4.2.1;

Gas System Planner Licence” or “GSP Licence”:

means a licence granted or treated as granted under section 7AA(1) of the Gas Act 1986 (as amended);

"Gas Transporter":

has the meaning given to that term in Section 7 of the Gas Act 1986.

"Gas Turbine Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Gate Closure":


(i) in relation to a Settlement Period, the spot time one hour before the spot time at the start of that Settlement Period; or

(ii) in relation to a Replacement Reserve Auction Period, the Gate Closure time to be notified to BSCCo by the NETSO following the approval of the relevant proposal under Article 24 of Commission Regulation 2017/2195 provided that:

(A) such spot time shall occur no earlier than one hour before, and no later than fifty five minutes before, the spot time at the start of the Settlement Period that coincides with the start of that Replacement Reserve Auction Period;

(B) such approved Gate Closure shall be published by BSCCo on the BSC Website; and

(C) in the absence of an approved proposal under Article 24 of Commission Regulation 2017/2195, Gate Closure in relation to a Replacement Reserve Auction Period shall be one hour before the spot time at the start of the Settlement Period that coincides with the start of that Replacement Reserve Auction Period;

"GC and DC Breach Monitoring Criteria"

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7A;

"GC and DC Breach Monitoring":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7A;

"GC Breach Monitoring Criterion":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7A;

"GC Limits":

means the values established and from time to time revised and approved in accordance with Section K3.4.3A;

"GC or DC Breach Notification":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7D;

"GC or DC Conflict Resolution Priority Order":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7O;

"GC or DC Estimation Challenge Guidance"

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7L;

"GC or DC Estimation Challenge":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.7G;

"General Meeting":

means a meeting of all Voting Parties to vote on a Voting Party Resolution but shall not be a general meeting of BSCCo as referred to in the Companies Act 2006 and BSCCo’s Articles of Association;

"Generating Plant":

means an installation comprising one or more Generating Units (even where sited separately), other than an Interconnector, owned and/or controlled by the same person, which may reasonably be considered as being managed as one power station;

"Generating Unit":

means any Apparatus which produces electricity;

"Generation Capacity" or "GC":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.8 or, in relation to Trading Secondary BM Units, K8.1.8;

"Generation Licence":

a licence granted pursuant to section 6(1)(a) of the Act, as modified from time to time;

"Go-live Date":

means the date designated by the Secretary of State for the start of trading under the Code; and unless the context otherwise requires, means 00:00 hours on that date;

"Good Industry Practice":

means, in relation to any undertaking and any circumstances, the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced operator engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances;

"Great Britain":

means the landmass of England, Wales and Scotland, including internal waters;

"Grid Code":

has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;

"Grid Supply Point":

means a Systems Connection Point at which the Transmission System is connected to a Distribution System and includes an Offshore Transmission Connection Point;

"Group of GSPs":

means one or more Grid Supply Points for the time being established as forming such a group in accordance with Section K1.8;

"GSP Group liability cap":

means, in relation to any GSP Group, the liability cap in relation to a month calculated in accordance with Annex S-1;

"GSP Group Take":

is defined in Annex X-2;

"GSP Group":

means a distinct electrical system, consisting of:

(i) the Distribution System(s) which are connected to the Transmission System at (and only at) Grid Supply Point(s) which fall within one Group of GSPs, and

(ii) any Distribution System which:

(1) is connected to a Distribution System in paragraph (i), or to any other Distribution System under this paragraph (ii), and

(2) is not connected to the Transmission System at any Grid Supply Point

and the total supply into which is determined by metering for each half hour;

"Guideline on Electricity Balancing (EBGL)":

means Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195;

"Half Hourly Data Aggregator":

means a Data Aggregator which carries out the aggregation of metering data received from Half Hourly Data Collectors: in respect of SVA Metering Systems;

"Half Hourly Data Collector":

means a Data Collector which retrieves, validates and processes metering data from Half Hourly Meters and Equivalent Meters comprised in respect of SVA Metering Systems and from Asset Meters comprised in Asset Metering Systems;

"Half Hourly Meter":

means a Meter which provides measurements on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes;

"Half Hourly Metering Equipment":

means Metering Equipment which provides measurements on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes;

"Half Hourly Metering System":

means a Metering System which provides measurements on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes;

"High Grade Service":

has the meaning given to that term in Section V2.3;

"Host DSO":

means a Distribution System Operator operating a Distribution System that is directly connected to the Transmission System;

"HVDC Boundary Data":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 5.1 of Annex T-2;

"HVDC Boundary":

means the point at which the AC Transmission System is connected to the HVDC Transmission System;

"HVDC Transmission System":

means that part of the Transmission System used for the transmission of high voltage direct current (HVDC);

"ID Transfer Date":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.5 of Section S;

"ID Transferee":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.1 of Section S;

"ID Transferor":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.1 of Section S;


means a unique number and/or letter or, as the case may be, a unique combination of numbers and/or letters;

"Imbalance Party":

means a Trading Party or a Virtual Lead Party that holds a Virtual Balancing Account;

"Impacted SVA Metering System":

means an SVA Metering System impacted by a Demand Disconnection;

"Implementation Date":

means, in relation to an Approved Modification, the date with effect from which the Code is to be given effect as modified by that modification, as such date may be extended pursuant to Section F2.11.7;

"Implementation Scheme":

means the programme implementation scheme that was designated by the Secretary of State pursuant to the Transmission Licence and equivalent conditions of other Licences, as from time to time modified;

"Import Metering System":

means a Metering System which measures Imports;

"Import MSID":

means the SVA Metering System Number of a Metering System which measures Imports;


has the meaning given to that term in Section K1.1.4(b) as interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Section K1.1.4;


has the meaning given to that term in Section S10.1.3.B and S10.1A.2B;

"Independent System Operator and Planner (ISOP) ":

means a person designated by the Secretary of State under section 162 of the Energy Act 2023 as the holder of the ESO Licence and the GSP Licence. For the time being, that person is NESO;

"Individual Liquidity Threshold":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.5.2;

"Industry Code":

means a multilateral code or agreement created and maintained pursuant to a licence granted by the Authority under section 6 of the Electricity Act 1989 or under sections 7, 7ZA or 7A of the Gas Act 1986, including the Core Industry Documents, the Grid Code, the Connection and Use of System Code, the Retail Energy Code, the System Operator Transmission Owner Code and the Uniform Network Code and the Code (unless the context otherwise requires);

"Industry Code Manager":

means in relation to an Industry Code, the body or entity which is responsible for the management of the process for progressing changes to that Industry Code;

"Industry Code Owner":

means in relation to an Industry Code, the body or entity which is responsible for the operation of procedures for making changes to such Industry Code;

"Industry Panel Member":

means a Panel Member appointed pursuant to Section B2.2;

"Initial BSC Services Manager Contract Principles":

has the meaning given to that term in Section E, paragraph 4.4.2(a)

"Initial Energy Contract Volume Notification":


(a) an Energy Contract Volume Notification in respect of which there is no earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification with the same Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account; or

(b) an Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "second" such notification) submitted for which the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account are the same as those for an earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "first" such notification) and the second notification is not an Additional Energy Contract Volume Notification or a Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification in relation to the first notification;

"Initial Notification Date":

means, in respect of any Settlement Day, the Notification Date in relation to the Initial Settlement Run;

"Initial Payment Date":

means, in respect of any Settlement Day, the Payment Date in relation to the Initial Settlement Run;

"Initial Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Initial Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Inside Information Data":

means the data items set out in the CVA Data File Catalogue;

"Inside Information Message":

means a message containing the data items specified in Section Q11.2.3;

"Intellectual Property Rights" or "IPRs":

means patents, trade marks, design rights, copyright, database rights, know-how (whether registrable or otherwise), applications for any of the foregoing, and other similar rights or obligations, whether registrable or not, in any country (including the United Kingdom) for the full term of the rights together with any extensions;

"Interconnected System Operator":

means, in relation to an Interconnector, the NETSO or Distribution System Operator (as the case may be) to whose System such Interconnector is connected;

"Interconnection Agreement":

means an agreement between the Interconnected System Operator and an Externally Interconnected System Operator and/or an Interconnector User relating to an Interconnector and/or an agreement under which an Interconnector User can use an Interconnector;

"Interconnector Administrator":

means, in relation to an Interconnector, the Party for the time being which is appointed and has agreed to act as interconnector administrator in accordance with the provisions of Section K;

"Interconnector BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K5.5.1;

"Interconnector Boundary Point":

means a Boundary Point at which an Interconnector is connected to a System;

"Interconnector Error Administrator":

means, in relation to an Interconnector, the Party for the time being which is appointed and agrees to act as (or the Party which is otherwise required to act as) interconnector error administrator in accordance with the provisions of Section K;

"Interconnector Metered Volume":

means, in relation to an Interconnector, the Metered Volume in respect of a Settlement Period;

"Interconnector Scheduled Transfer":

has the meaning given to that term in Section R7.1.3;

"Interconnector User":

means, in relation to an Interconnector, a Lead Party in respect of an Interconnector BM Unit other than the Interconnector Error Administrator;


means Apparatus, connected to a System, for the transfer of electricity to or from the Total System from or to an External System;

"Interested Person":

means a Party, an Applicant for Qualification whose application has been refused, a Qualified Person or, as the case may be, a person whose Qualification has terminated or been removed;

"Interim Information Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Interim Information Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Intraday Cross-Zonal Gate Closure Time":

has the meaning given to that term in Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24th July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM);

"Investment Account":

means an interest bearing account with a bank or building society into which Reserve Account monies are deposited;


has the meaning given to that term in Section L6.2;

"IS Policies":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F4.1.3;


means kilovoltamperes reactive;


means kilowatt;


means kilowatt-hour;

"last resort direction":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Lead Energy Account":

means, in relation to a BM Unit, the corresponding Energy Account of the Lead Party;

"Lead Metering System":

means the Import Metering System determined by the Licensed Distribution System Operator as the Import Metering System associated with a Single Site whose Registrant will be responsible for the transmission and distribution use of system charges applicable to that Single Site;

"Lead Party":

means, in relation to a BM Unit, the Party registered or to be registered in respect of the BM Unit pursuant to Section K3 and K8;

"Legal Requirement":

means any Act of Parliament, regulation, licence or Directive;

"Letter of Credit":

means an unconditional, irrevocable standby letter of credit substantially in the form set out in Annexes M-1, M-2 or M-3 (or such other form as the Panel may approve) in sterling in favour of the BSC Clearer by any United Kingdom clearing bank(s) or any other bank(s) which has (have) a long term debt rating of not less than single A by Standard & Poor's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Fitch Ratings Limited or such other bank(s) as the Panel may approve, and which shall be available for payment at a United Kingdom branch of the issuing bank. A single A by Standard & Poor's Corporation or Fitch Ratings Limited shall satisfy these requirements if appended with a '+' or '-'. A single A by Moody's Investors Service, Inc. shall satisfy these requirements if appended with a '1', '2' or '3';

"Level 1 Credit Default Cure Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.2.5;

"Level 1 Credit Default":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.2.6;

"Level 2 Credit Default":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.3.1;

"Licence Restricted Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section L6.7.1;


means a licence granted under section 6 of the Act, as modified from time to time in accordance with the Act;

"Licensable Generating Plant":

means Generating Plant which is Licensable as defined in Section K1.2.2;

"Licensed Distribution System Operator" or "LDSO":

means a Party which holds a Distribution Licence in respect of distribution activities in Great Britain, acting in that capacity;

"Load Flow Model Specification" or "LFM Specification":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2.1 of Annex T-2;

"Load Flow Model":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.3 of Annex T-2;

"Load Period":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.2 of Annex T-2;

"Load Shedding":

has the meaning given to the term in the Procedure for Network Gas Supply Emergency issued by National Grid Gas plc.;

"London Court of

International Arbitration (The)")

means the leading London-based arbitral institution and not-for-profit company limited by guarantee of that name with a registered company number of 0204767 providing for the resolution of commercial disputes in accordance with its arbitration rules;

"Long Term Vacant":

means the status of a Non Half Hourly Metering System which is registered in SMRS as energised and where the Supplier has complied with the requirements or criteria set out in Section S 2.8.3 and S 2.8.5;

"Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.6A.1;

"Low Grade Service":

has the meaning given to that term in Section V2.3;

"Main Business Person":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Main Business":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Main Funding Share":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.2.1;

"Main Specified Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D3.1;

"Managed Data Network":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O1.4.1(d);

"Manifest Error":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Q7.1.1(a);

"Market Domain Data":

means data which relate to Supplier Volume Allocation to be provided by the SVAA to all persons involved in Settlement in accordance with BSCP509;

"Market Facilitator":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(a);

"Market Facilitator Arrangements":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(b);

"Market Facilitator Governance Framework Document":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(c);

"Market Facilitator Implementation Services":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(d);

"Market Facilitator Operational Services":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(e);

"Market Facilitator Reassignment":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(f);

"Market Facilitator Removal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C17.1(g);

"Market Index Data Provider Contract":

means that the contract (as amended, supplemented, renewed or replaced from time to time) between BSCCo and a Market Index Data Provider for the provision of Market Index Data;

"Market Index Data Provider":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.5.2;

"Market Index Data":

means that the data to be provided by the Market Index Data Provider(s) in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement or, in relation to a particular Market Index Data Provider, the data to be so provided by that Market Index Data Provider, in each case as set out in Section T1.5 and T1.6;

"Market Index Definition Statement":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.5.1;

"Market Participant":

shall have the same meaning given to the term "market participant" as specified in Article 2(7) of REMIT;

"Market Suspension Period":

the period determined in accordance with Section G3.1.3(a) or G3.1.7(b), as applicable;

"Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Implementation Management" or "MHHS Implementation Management":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C12.1.1;

"Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Implementation Manager" or "MHHS Implementation Manager:"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C12.2;

"Market Suspension Threshold":

has the meaning given to that term in Section G3.1.5;

"Material Change":

means a change to a person’s systems or processes which is of such a type or magnitude as to raise the reasonable expectation of an impact on that person’s ability to meet its obligations under the Code and any Material Changes described as such in Section J and/or BSCP537;

"Menu of Qualification Fees":

means the scale of fees to be charged in connection with the Qualification Process, as set out in BSCP537;

"Menu of Supplier Charges":

has the meaning given to that term in Annex S‑1;

"Meter Administrator":

means a person appointed by a Supplier in accordance with Section S to calculate estimated energy consumption for Equivalent Unmetered Supplies;

"Meter Advance Reconciliation":

means the process of reconciling half hourly energy values with meter advances as described (in the case of CVA Metering Systems) in BSCP05 and (in the case of SVA Metering Systems) in BSCP502;

"Meter Operator Agent":

means an SVA Meter Operator and a CVA Meter Operator and a Meter Operator appointed in respect of Asset Metering Equipment ;

"Meter Technical Details":

means all technical details (including Outstation channel mapping) of a Metering System required to enable metered data to be collected and correctly interpreted from that Metering System as referred to in BSCP20, BSCP502 or (as the case may be) BSCP504 or (as the case may be) BSCP602 and BSCP603;


means a device for measuring Active Energy or Reactive Energy;

"Metered Volume Reallocation Data":

means Metered Volume Reallocation Fixed Data or Metered Volume Reallocation Percentage Data;

"Metered Volume Reallocation Fixed Data":

means, in relation to a BM Unit, a volume of Active Energy (in MWh) as referred to in Section P3.3.2(a)(vi));

"Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent" or "MVRNA":

means a person authorised in accordance with Section P as Party Agent by a Contract Trading Party to submit Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications on its behalf;

"Metered Volume Reallocation Notification":

means a notification of a Metered Volume Reallocation in relation to Settlement Periods in any Settlement Day(s);

"Metered Volume Reallocation Percentage Data":

means, in relation to a BM Unit, a percentage as referred to in Section P3.3.2(a)(vi);

"Metered Volume":

has the meaning given to that term in Section R1.2;

"Metering Dispensation":

means a dispensation (in relation to any Metering Equipment) from compliance with any requirement of a Code of Practice, granted by the Panel in accordance with Section L;

"Metering Equipment":

means Meters, Asset Meters, measurement transformers (voltage, current or combination units), metering protection equipment including alarms, circuitry, associated Communications Equipment and Outstations and wiring;

"Metering Point":

has the meaning given to that term in the REC;

"Metering System":

means particular commissioned Metering Equipment, subject to and in accordance with Section K1.6;

"MHHS Implementation":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C12.2;

"MHHS Implementation Assurance Provider":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C12.2;

"MHHS Implementation Management Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D8.1;

"MHHS Implementation Management Monthly Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D8.1;

"MHHS Implementation Manager":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C12.1.1;

"Modification Business":

means the business of a Panel meeting and/or a Panel resolution which relates to Modification Procedures;

"Modification Procedures":

means the procedures for the modification of the Code (including the implementation of Approved Modifications) as set out in paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6 of Section F;

"Modification Proposal":

means a proposal to modify the Code which has been submitted (and not refused) pursuant to and in accordance with Section F2.1;

"Modification Register":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.3.1;

"Modification Report":

means, in relation to a Proposed Modification (and any associated Alternative Modification), the report prepared or to be prepared in accordance with Section F2.7;

"Modification Secretary":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.2.5;

"Monthly Default Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1;

"Monthly Net Main Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1;

"Monthly Progress Report":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.4.1;

"MSID Baseline Value":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.3.1 of Annex S-2;

"MSID Baseline Losses":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.3.1 of Annex S-2;

"MSID Pair":

means one Import MSID and, where applicable, one Export MSID whose Half Hourly Metering Systems are situated at a single Boundary Point for the purposes of offering Balancing Services;


has the same meaning as SVA Metering System Number;

"MVRNA Authorisation":

means an authorisation, by or on behalf of a Contract Trading Party pursuant to Section P, of a person to act as Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent for it;


means megawatt;


means megawatt-hours;


has the meaning given to NESO, and any reference to “NESO” or “NGC” shall have the same meaning;

"National Electricity Transmission System Operator Area":

has the meaning set out in the terms to the ESO Licence;

"National Electricity Transmission System Operator or “NETSO":

has the meaning given to NESO, and any reference to “NESO” or “NGC” shall have the same meaning;

Net Differencing Baseline Value

has the meaning given to it in Annex S-2 7.3.1(c)

"Net Payment Amount":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N5.1.6;

"New Asset Metering System Registrant":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K2.8.1;

"Network Code on Electricity Emergency and Restoration (NCER)":

means Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2196 of 24th November 2017 establishing a network code on electricity emergency and restoration;

"Network Gas Supply Emergency":

has the meaning given to the term in the Procedure for Network Gas Supply Emergency issued by National Grid Gas plc;

"Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance":

means a communication which is classed as an Acceptance in accordance with Section Q5.1.3(c);

"Network Gas Supply Emergency Adjustment Principle";

means the principles set out in Section G6.1.3;


has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 4.2 of Annex T-2;

"Nominated Agreements":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.4.1;

"Nomination Committee":

means the committee of that name appointed by the Board pursuant to Section C4.1;

"Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator":

means a Data Aggregator which carries out the aggregation of metering data received from Non Half Hourly Data Collectors;

"Non Half Hourly Data Collector":

means a Data Collector which retrieves, validates and processes metering data from Non Half Hourly Meters;

"Non Half Hourly Meter":

means a SVA Meter which provides measurements other than on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes;

"Non Half Hourly Metering Equipment":

means SVA Metering Equipment which is not Half Hourly Metering Equipment;

"Non Half Hourly Metering System":

means a SVA Metering System which is not a Half Hourly Metering System;

"Non Pumped Storage Hydro Plant":

means a Power Station which uses the mechanical force of moving water as the primary source of energy but does not include Pumped Storage Plant;

"Non-Binding Resolution":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C4.9.1;

Non-BM Fast Reserve”:

means Fast Reserve that is procured outside the balancing mechanism;

"Non-BM STOR":

means the balancing service used by the NETSO to provide reserve power in the form of either generation or demand reduction;

"Non-Final Demand Declaration":

means a declaration made by an SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator in respect of SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities in accordance with BSCP602;

"Non-paying BSC Debtor":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.2.1;

"Non-Supplier Trading Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M2.3A;

"Notification Date":

means, for any Settlement Day, in relation to the Initial Settlement Run or any Reconciliation Settlement Run, the day on which the SAA is (pursuant to Section N) to provide data and information to the FAA, and in respect of which the FAA is to provide Advice Notes to Payment Parties, as determined under Section N3 and N7;

"Notified Volume Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.1 of Annex D-3;

"Novation Agreement":

means an agreement in the form prescribed by BSCCo whereby a Party transfers its rights and obligations under an Accession Agreement including its BSC Party ID to a Novation Applicant ;

"Novation Applicant":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A2.7.1;

"Novation Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A2.7.5;

"Novation Fee":

means the application fee (if any) set by the Panel from time to time in accordance with Section A2.7.6 as the fee payable by a Novation Applicant;

"Nuclear Plant":

means a Power Station which uses nuclear energy to generate electricity;

"Nuclear RAB Legal Requirement":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex C-1;

"Nuclear RAB Settlement Services"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex C-1;

"Nuclear RAB Settlement Services Provider"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex C-1;

"Nuclear Site Licence":

has the meaning given to that term in Section L6.7.1;

"Nullification Effective Period":

has the meaning given to that term in P4A.1.2(b);

"Offshore Power Park Module":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Offshore Transmission Connection Point":

means a Systems Connection Point at which the Offshore Transmission System is connected to a Distribution System;

"Offshore Transmission System User Assets":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Offshore Transmission System":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code and, for the purposes of the Code, shall include Offshore Transmission System User Assets;

"Offshore Waters":

has the meaning given to “offshore waters” within Section 90(9) of the Energy Act 2004;


means in Offshore Waters;

"Oil Plant":

means a Power Station which uses oil as the primary source of fuel;

"On-Site Inspection":

means an audit undertaken by the TAA in accordance with Section L7.4;

"Open Cycle Gas Turbine Plant":

means Plant consisting of one or more Gas Turbine Units which are not part of a CCGT Module;

"Operational Day":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;


has the meaning given to that term in Section Q1.2.1(c);


means equipment which receives and stores data from a Meter(s) for the purpose, inter alia, of transfer of that metering data to the CDCA or a Data Collector, as the case may be, and which may perform some processing before such transfer and may be one or more separate units or may be integral with the Meter;

"P/C Status":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.5.1 or, in respect of Trading Secondary Units only, paragraph K8.1.10;

"P272 Implementation Date":

means the Relevant Implementation Date for Modification Proposal P272;

"PAB Functions":

means the functions, duties and responsibilities of the Performance Assurance Board set out or referred to in Section Z1.4.1;


means a company engaging in Permissible Activity in accordance with Section C Annex C-1 and duly incorporated in England and Wales;

"PACo Board":

means the board of directors of PACo;

"PACo Role":

means the role undertaking one or more Permissible Activities following a Permissible Activity Tender;

"PACo Shareholder":

means BSCCo in its capacity as holder of some or all of the issued share capital of PACo;

"PACo Tender Costs":

means the costs referred to in paragraph 4.2 of Section C Annex C-1;

"PACo Tender Recovery Period":

means the period starting from the commencement date of the contract awarding the PACo Role and ending a maximum of five years thereafter;

"PAFA Role":

means the role of ‘Performance Assurance Framework Administrator’ to be awarded under the Uniform Network Code;

"PAFA Tender Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Annex C-1 paragraph 2.2.1;

"PAFA Tender Recovery Period":

means the period commencing on the date PAFA Tender Costs are first paid to PAFACo and ending a maximum of five years thereafter;

"PAFA Tender":

means all activities, by or on behalf of PAFACo, in connection with the planning, preparation, negotiation and award of, or any other process leading to an award of, the PAFA Role;

"PAFACo Board":

means the board of directors of PAFACo;

"PAFACo Shareholder":

means BSCCo in its capacity as holder of all of the issued share capital of PAFACo;


means a company duly incorporated in England and Wales;

"Paid or Recovered":

has the meaning in Section N9.3.1;

"Panel Chair":

means the person appointed by the Authority to be chair of the Panel as described in Section B2.1;

"Panel Committee":

means a committee established by the Panel pursuant to Section B5;

"Panel Member":

means a member for the time being of the Panel;

"Panel Secretary":

means the secretary to the Panel appointed from time to time pursuant to Section B1.1.3;


means the panel established pursuant to Section B1.1.1;

"Party Agent":

means a person (which may include the Party itself) appointed or to be appointed by a Party for the purposes of carrying out functions or performing obligations (of or on behalf of that Party) which under the Code are required to be or may only be carried out or performed by such an agent;

"Party Applicant":

has the meaning given to such term in Section A2.2.1;

"Party Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D5.1.2;

"Party Details":

has the meaning given to such term in Section A3.1;

"Party Registration Data":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A4.2;

"Party Service Line":

means a document of that title, as established or adopted and from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code, setting out the requirements as to particular services which are to be performed by Parties and Party Agents (excluding SVA Meter Operator Agents);

"Party System":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O2.2.1;


means a person who is for the time being bound by the Code by virtue of being a party to the Framework Agreement;

"Party Submitted Expected Volume":

has the meaning given to the term in paragraph 7.3.4 of Annex S-2;

"Payment Calendar":

means, in relation to a BSC Year, the calendar prepared and issued by the FAA in accordance with Section N3;

"Payment Date":

means, in relation to any Settlement Run in respect of any Settlement Day, the date on which notified payments in respect of Trading Charges are to be settled, in accordance with Section N;

"Payment Party":

means a Trading Party, a Virtual Lead Party that holds a Virtual Balancing Account or the NETSO, or (in the context of a Payment Date) any such Party where obliged to make or (subject to Section N2.4 to N2.7 (inclusive)) entitled to receive payment to or from the BSC Clearer of any amount in respect of Trading Charges;

"Pending Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F2.1.5;

"Performance Assurance Administrator":

means the person for the time being and from time to time appointed pursuant to Section Z as the Performance Assurance Administrator for the purposes of the Code;

"Performance Assurance Board":

means the Panel Committee established under Section Z;

"Performance Assurance Effective Date":

means 1st November 2008 or such other date as may be prescribed in the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable as being the date on which the Performance Assurance Board shall make each Performance Assurance Party’s initial Risk Determination;

"Performance Assurance Operating Period":

means the period of time detailed as such in the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable from time to time;

"Performance Assurance Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.1.1(c);

"Performance Assurance Reporting and Monitoring System" or "PARMS":

means the system established inter alia for the purpose of recording and monitoring compliance by Suppliers with their obligations pursuant to Section S;

"Performance Assurance Technique":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.3.2;

"Performance Level":

means any of the standards of performance specified in the Menu of Supplier Charges;

Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand

Means the Demand volume determined in accordance with Annex S-2, 3.11.

"Performance Monitoring Log":

means, in relation to a particular GSP Group, the log to be produced by a Supplier, in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure, in respect of its performance against the Serials contained in the Menu of Supplier Charges;

"Performance Monitoring Report":

means, in relation to a particular GSP Group, the report to be provided by a Supplier, in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure, in respect of its performance against the Serials contained in the Menu of Supplier Charges;

"Permissible Activity":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C1.2.1B;

"Permissible Activity Tender":

means a tender in accordance with paragraph 4 of Section C Annex C-1;

"Permitted Activities":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Permitted Affiliate":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C1.2.1B;

"PES Supplier":

means a Supplier which held or is a successor (in that capacity) to a company which held a PES Supply Licence at the Code Effective Date;

"PES Supply Licence":

means a licence granted under section 6(1)(c) of the Act prior to amendment of that section by section 30 of the Utilities Act 2000;

"Physical Notification":


(i) in respect of a Settlement Period and a BM Unit not subject to a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, a notification made by (or on behalf of) the Lead Party to the NETSO under the Grid Code as to the expected level of Export or Import, as at the Transmission System Boundary, in the absence of any Acceptances, at all times during that Settlement Period;

(ii) in respect of a Settlement Period and a BM Unit subject to a Network Gas Supply Emergency Acceptance, a notification made by (or on behalf of) the Lead Party to the NETSO under the Grid Code as to the contracted position of the BM Unit at the Bid-Offer Acceptance Time;

"Plan Year":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C6.1.1;


means fixed or movable items used in the generation, supply, distribution and/or transmission of electricity, other than Apparatus;

"Pool Executive Committee":

means the Executive Committee as defined in the Pooling and Settlement Agreement;

"Pool Member":

means a Party who was a pool member under the Pooling and Settlement Agreement on or at any time after the Code Effective Date;

"Pooling and Settlement Agreement":

means the Pooling and Settlement Agreement dated 30th March 1990;

"Post-Final Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Post-Final Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Postponed Payment Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N6.6.1;

"Power Park Module"

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Power Station":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Primary BM Unit":

means a unit established and registered (or to be established and registered) by a Lead Party in accordance with Section K3;

"Primary Supplier":

means, in connection with a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, the Supplier agreed or nominated as primary Supplier in accordance with Section K;

"Procurement Guidelines":

means the statement prepared by (and, if appropriate, revised by) the NETSO pursuant to condition C9 of the ESO Licence;

"Production BM Unit":

means a BM Unit which:

  1. in the case of a BM Unit other than an Interconnector BM Unit, is classified as a Production BM Unit in accordance with the provisions of Section K3.5.2 or,

  2. in the case of an Exempt Export BM Unit, the Lead Party has elected to treat as a Production BM Unit pursuant to Section K3.5.5;

  3. in the case of Storage BM Unit, the Lead Party has elected to treat as a Production BM Unit pursuant to Section K3.5.5; and

  4. in the case of an Interconnector BM Unit, is designated by the CRA as a 'Production' BM Unit pursuant to Section K5.5.5; and

  5. (iii) in the case of a Trading Secondary BM Unit, is classified as a Production BM Unit in accordance with the provisions of Section K8.1.10;

"Production Energy Account":

means an Energy Account designated as a 'Production' Energy Account;

"Production Interconnector BM Unit":

means an Interconnector BM Unit designated by the CRA as a 'Production' BM Unit;

"Profile Administration Services Contract":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C9.3.1;

"Profile Administration Services":

shall have the meaning given in Section C9.1;

"Profile Administrator":

means the BSC Agent for Profile Administration pursuant to Section E;

"Profile Class":

is defined in Annex X-2;


has the meaning given to that term in Annex X-2, Table X-6;

"Profiled Unmetered Supply":

means an Unmetered Supply with a Measurement Class of unmetered non-half hourly consumption;

"Proposed Modification":

means a modification to the Code which has been proposed by way of Modification Proposal but which has not or not yet been made in accordance with Section F1.1.1;

"Proposed Self-Governance Modification":

means a modification to the Code which has been proposed by way of a Self-Governance Modification Proposal but which has not yet been made in accordance with Section F6.3.3;


means, in relation to a particular Modification Proposal, the person who makes, or adopts, such Modification Proposal;

"Protected Information":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Pumped Storage Plant":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Qualification Document":

means the Qualification Document that is to be completed by the Applicant in accordance with Section J3.3.5 and which once completed describes how the Applicant will meet its obligations under the Code and any relevant BSCP;

"Qualification Process":

means the process set out in Section J and BSCP537 whereby an Applicant is assessed to determine whether it satisfies the Qualification Requirements (and for the avoidance of doubt where the context allows also includes re-Qualification);

"Qualification Requirements":

means, in relation to an Applicant, the requirements which that Applicant is required to satisfy in order to perform the specific activities or functions for which it is applying to be Qualified being one or more of the activities or functions for which Qualification is required pursuant to Section J, Section S and BSCP537;


means, subject to Section J3.3, written confirmation by the Panel that an Applicant has, in the opinion of the Panel, satisfied the relevant Qualification Requirements (and "Qualify" and "Qualified" shall be construed accordingly);

"Qualified Person":


(i) a person who is Qualified excluding SVA MOAs;

(ii) for the purposes of Section J3.7, a person whose Qualification has been removed by the Performance Assurance Board, or whose Qualification the Performance Assurance Board has decided to remove, pursuant to Section J3.4; and

(iii) where the context so admits, an Applicant;

"Quarter Date":

means 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December;

"Quarter Hour RR Acceptance":

means a communication which is classed as a "Quarter Hour RR Acceptance" for the purposes of a Replacement Reserve auction, and which is notified by the NETSO to the BMRA pursuant to Section Q5A by the submission of Quarter Hour RR Acceptance Data;

"Quarter Hour":

is defined in Annex X-2;


means the period of three calendar months ending on a Quarter Date;

"Query Meeting":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z6.2.2(c);

"Query Period":

has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.2.2;

"Query Response":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z6.1.1(b);

"Range CCGT Module":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Reactive Energy":

means the integral with respect to time of Reactive Power; and for the purposes of the Code, is comprised of Active Export Related Reactive Energy and Active Import Related Reactive Energy

"Reactive Power":

means the product of voltage and current and the sine of the phase angle between them, measured in units of voltamperes reactive and standard multiples thereof;

"REC Code Manager":

has the meaning given to the term Code Manager in the Retail Energy Code;

"RECAS Role":

means the role of ‘Retail Energy Code (REC) Administrative Services (RECAS)’;

"RECAS Tender Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Annex C-1 paragraph 3.2.1;

"RECAS Tender Recovery Period":

means the period commencing on the date RECAS Tender Costs are first paid to RECASCo and ending a maximum of five years thereafter;

"RECAS Tender":

means all activities, by or on behalf of RECASCo, in connection with the planning, preparation, negotiation and award of, or any other process leading to an award of the RECAS Role;

"RECASCo Board":

means the board of directors of RECASCo;

"RECASCo Shareholder":

means BSCCo in its capacity as holder of all of the issued share capital of RECASCo;


means a company duly incorporated in England and Wales;

"Reconciliation Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N6.4.3;

"Reconciliation Payment Date":

means, in respect of a Settlement Day, the Payment Date in relation to a Reconciliation Settlement Run;

"Reconciliation Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Reference Year":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.1 of Annex T-2;


means, in relation to a Metering System, the person for the time being registered in CMRS or (as the case may be) CSS or (as the case may be) AMRS in respect of that Metering System pursuant to Section K;

"Registered Capacity"

Has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Registration Transfer":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K2.6.1;

"Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency" or "REMIT":

means Regulation (EU) 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25th October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency as amended by The Electricity and Gas etc. (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020;

"Rejected Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F2.1.5;

"Rejected Self-Governance Modification Proposal":

means a Self-Governance Modification Proposal in respect of which the Panel has determined that it does not better facilitate achievement of the Applicable BSC Objective(s);

"Related Person":

means, in relation to an individual, any member of their immediate family, their employer (and any former employer of theirs within the previous twelve months), any partner with whom they are in partnership, and any company or Affiliate of a company in which they or any member of their immediate family controls more than twenty (20) per cent (%) of the voting rights in respect of the shares of the company;

"Related Undertaking":

means, in relation to any person, any undertaking in which such person has a participating interest as defined by section 421A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000;

"Relevant Affiliate":

means, in relation to any person, any holding company of that person, any subsidiary of that person or any subsidiary of a holding company of that person, in each case within the meaning of section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006;

"Relevant BM Units":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.1 of Section S;

"Relevant BSC Personal Data":

means personal data (including MPAN core, MPAN address and Meter ID data) which Suppliers and/or Distribution System Operators are required to submit for Settlement purposes (as further described in any relevant interface catalogue which lists Settlement data flows and which is to be published from time to time). For the purposes of this defined term, personal data has the meaning given to that term in the Data Protection Legislation;

"Relevant Capacity Limit":

means, in connection with a Shared SVA Metering System, the prevailing estimate notified from time to time pursuant to Section K2.5.5(g);

"Relevant Capacity":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.4.8 or, in respect of Trading Secondary BM Units only, K8.1.8;

"Relevant CFD Assets":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K3.1.8;

"Relevant Challenge":

shall have the meaning given to that term in Section F2.11.15;

"Relevant Contract Parties":

has the meaning given to that term in Section P1.3.5;

"Relevant EMR Settlement Data":


(i) the CFD Settlement Data where EMR Settlement Data is to be provided to a CFD Settlement Services Provider; and

(ii) the CM Settlement Data where EMR Settlement Data is to be provided to a CM Settlement Services Provider;

"Relevant European Legal Requirement":

means any legal instrument of the European Commission to the extent such instrument remains a Legal Requirement by virtue of an Act of Parliament following the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union;

"Relevant ID Transfer":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.2 of Section S;

"Relevant Implementation Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F1.9.2;

"Relevant Instrument":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H4.1.1;

"Relevant Metering Systems":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.1 of Section S;

"Relevant Scheme":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C15.2;

"Relevant Supplier ID":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.4.1 of Section S;

"Remote Transmission Assets":

has the meaning given to that term in the Transmission Licence;

"Replacement Energy Contract Volume Notification":

means an Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "second" such notification) submitted for which the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, Energy (From) Account and Energy (To) Account are the same as those for an earlier valid Energy Contract Volume Notification (the "first" such notification), and:

(a) the second notification specifies (pursuant to Section P2.3.2(c)(i)) that it is to replace the first notification (by the ECVN identifier provided for in BSCP71); and

(b) either:

(i) the Effective-from Date of the second notification is the same as or prior to the Effective-to Date of the first notification; or

(ii) the first notification has no Effective-to Date;

"Replacement Reserve Auction Period":

means for a given auction, a period of sixty minutes within which Replacement Reserve may be dispatched for each Quarter Hour contained therein;

"Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.13.1;

"Replacement Reserve":

has the meaning given to that term in the Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485 in relation to the product procured under Article 19 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195;

"Replacement Supplier BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.3.2;

"Replacement Supplier Registration Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.6.4;

"Replacement Supplier Transfer Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.4;

"Replacement Supplier":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Report Phase":

means, in relation to a Proposed Modification, the stage described in Section F2.7 (and, where the context so requires, the steps to be taken during that stage);

"Reporting Catalogue":

means the document referred to in Section V1.4, as from time to time modified by the Panel in accordance with the Code;

"Reserve Account":

means the reserve account established with the BSC Banker in the name of the BSC Clearer pursuant to Section N4.1.1(c);

"Retail Code Consolidation Date":

means the date (or dates) designated by the Authority, where such date (or dates) may apply to Section J2.1B, L7 and/or Z5 progressively, wholly or partially;

"Retail Price Index":

means the general index of retail prices published by the Office for National Statistics each month in respect of all items provided that if:

(i) the index for any month in any year shall not have been published on or before the last day of the third month after such month; or

(ii) there is a material change in the basis of the index,

the Panel shall agree a substitute index for such month or (as the case may be) a substitute index;

"Retail Energy Code" or "REC":

has the meaning given to the term “Retail Energy Code” in each Supply Licence;

"Revenue Collection Counterparty"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex C-1;

"Risk Evaluation Methodology":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.4.1;

"Risk Evaluation Register":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.5.1(b);

"Risk Management Determination Appeal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z6.1.1(c);

"Risk Management Determination Query":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z6.1.1(a);

"Risk Management Determination":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.7.1;

"Risk Operating Plan":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.6.1(b);

"RR Instruction":

means Acceptance Data classified by the NETSO as "RR Instruction Flagged";

"Sample Settlement Period":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.2 of Annex T-2;

"Sandbox Applicant":

means any person making a BSC Sandbox Application pursuant to Section H10.2.3;

"Sandbox Report":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H10.2.4;

"Sandbox Send Back Direction":

means a direction issued by the Authority pursuant to

paragraph 10.3.1 of Section H;

"Sandbox Send Back Process":

means, in respect of a proposed BSC Derogation, the process determined in accordance with paragraph 10.3 of Section H;

" Scheme Account":

has the meaning given to that term in C15.2;

" Scheme Amounts":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C15.2;

"Scheme Framework Agreement":

has the meaning given to that term in the Implementation Scheme;

" Scheme Functions":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C15.2;

"Scheme Functions Agreement":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C15.2;

"Scheme Regulations":

has the meaning given to that term in Section C15.2;

"Scheme Rules"

has the meaning given to that term in Section C15.2;

"Scottish Distribution Company":

means Scottish Hydro-Electric Power Distribution Limited and/or SP Transmission & Distribution Ltd and Scottish Distribution Companies means both of those companies;

"Scottish Distribution Licensee":

means the holder of a Distribution Licence in relation to the distribution system as the term "Distribution System" is defined in and for the purposes of the SAS;

"Scottish Trading Parties":

has the meaning given to that term in Section E2.5.3;

"SCR Exempt Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F5.2.1;

"SCR Guidance":

means a document of that title created and maintained by the Authority to provide guidance to interested parties on the conduct of a Significant Code Review by the Authority;

"SCR Modification Proposal":

means a Modification Proposal raised by the NETSO pursuant to a direction from the Authority arising from a Significant Code Review in accordance with Section F5.3.1 or by the Authority in accordance with Section F5.3.1A or Section F5.1.3(aa);

"SCR Subsumed Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F5.2.5;

"SCR Suitability Assessment Report":

means the report submitted by the Panel in accordance with Section F5.2.2;

"SCR Suitability Assessment":

means the Panel’s assessment of whether a Modification Proposal falls within the scope of a Significant Code Review;

"SCR Suspended Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F5.4.3;

"Secondary BM Unit Monthly Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.1 of Annex D-3;

"Secondary BM Unit":

means a unit established and registered (or to be established and registered), in accordance with Section K8, by a Virtual Lead or, in respect of Trading Secondary BM Units, by a Virtual Trading Party;

"Secondary Supplier":

means, in connection with a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, a Supplier which is not the Primary Supplier;

"Secretary of State":

has the meaning given to that term in the Act;

"Self-Governance Criteria":

means, a proposal that, if implemented:

(a) does not involve any amendments whether in whole or in part to the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions, except to the extent required to correct an error in the EBGL Article 18 terms and conditions or as a result of a factual change, including but not limited to:

(i) correcting minor typographical errors;

(ii) correcting formatting and consistency errors, such as paragraph numbering; or

(iii) updating out of date references to other documents or paragraphs;

(b) is unlikely to have a material effect on:

(i) existing or future electricity consumers; and

(ii) competition in the generation, distribution, or supply of electricity or any commercial activities connected with the generation, distribution, or supply of electricity; and

(iii) the operation of the national electricity transmission system; and

(iv) matters relating to sustainable development, safety or security of supply, or the management of market or network emergencies; and

(v) the Code’s governance procedures or modification procedures, and

(c) is unlikely to discriminate between different classes of Parties;

"Self-Governance Implementation Date":

means in relation to an Approved Self-Governance Modification Proposal, the date with effect from which the Code is to be given effect as modified by that modification, as such date may be extended pursuant to Section F2.11.7;

"Self-Governance Modification Proposal":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F6.1.1;

"Self-Governance Modification Report":

means in relation to a Proposed Self-Governance Modification (and any associated Alternative Self-Governance Modification), the report prepared or to be prepared in accordance with Section F6.3.2;

"Self-Governance Statement":

means a statement made by the Panel and submitted to the Authority:

(a) confirming that, in its opinion, the Self-Governance Criteria are met and the Modification Proposal is suitable for the self-governance route; and

(b) providing a detailed explanation of the Panel’s reasons for that opinion;

"Send Back Direction":

means a direction issued by the Authority pursuant to paragraph 2.7A.1 of Section F;

"Send Back Process":

means, in respect of a Modification Proposal, the process determined in accordance with paragraph 2.7A of Section F;


means any one of the standards of Supplier performance set out in any of the Menu of Supplier Charges;

"Settlement Account":

means, in relation to a Trading Party or the NETSO, an account maintained at a Settlement Bank and designated in accordance with Section N;

"Settlement Administration Agent" or "SAA":

means the BSC Agent for Settlement Administration in accordance with Section E;

"Settlement Agreement for Scotland" or "SAS":

means the Settlement Agreement for Scotland, including all Service Requirements and Market Procedures (as therein defined) made under it;

"Settlement Bank":

means a bank which:

(i) has its head office or a branch situated in the United Kingdom and which holds accounts denominated in the lawful currency of the United Kingdom at such office or branch;

(ii) is a settlement member of CHAPS or is a CHAPS participant by virtue of an agency agreement with a settlement member; and

(iii) is either:-

(a) a European institution under the Banking Co-ordination (Second Council Directive) Regulations 1992; or

(b) an authorised institution under the Banking Act 1987;

"Settlement Calendar":

means, in relation to a BSC Year, the calendar prepared and issued by the SAA in accordance with Section U2.4;

"Settlement Day":

means the period from 00:00 hours to 24:00 hours on each day;

"Settlement Error":

means an error as referred to in Section W 1.3.1(a)(i) or (ii);

"Settlement Exchange Rate":

means the exchange rate recorded by the BMRS in accordance with Section V2.1.2;

"Settlement Expected Volume":

has meaning given to that term in paragraph 7.3.5 of Annex S-2;

"Settlement Payment Date":

means, in respect of a Settlement Day, the Payment Date in relation to an Initial Settlement Run;

"Settlement Period":

is defined in Annex X-2;

"Settlement Risk":

has the meaning given to that term in Section Z5.1.1(a);

"Settlement Run":

means a determination (in accordance with Section T), in relation to a Settlement Day, of amounts giving rise, on the part of Trading Parties and the NETSO, to a liability to pay to or a right to be paid by the BSC Clearer amounts in respect of Trading Charges in each Settlement Period in that Settlement Day, and of the net credit or debit in respect of such amounts; and where the context requires a reference to a Settlement Run includes the data and information produced by the SAA following such a determination and delivered to the FAA in accordance with Section N;


means the determination and settlement of amounts payable in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges) in accordance with the Code (including where the context admits Volume Allocation);

"Shared SVA Meter Arrangement":

means an arrangement in accordance with Section K2.5.1 under which there is a single SVA Metering System, comprising Half Hourly Metering Equipment, for Exports or (as the case may be) Imports for which one or more Suppliers are responsible;

"Shared SVA Metering System":

means a SVA Metering System which is for the time being the subject of a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement;

"Short Term Operating Reserve" or "STOR":

means the balancing service procured by the NETSO as defined in the Procurement Guidelines;

"Shortfall Amount":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.2.3;

"Shortfall Creditor":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N9.2.2;

"Significant Change of Demand"

means the point at which, in respect of any Metering System, there is a change of Customer or change in activity at the Metering System such that the Registrant is of the reasonable opinion that such change shall result in the average of the maximum monthly electrical demand in the three months of highest maximum demand in the next twelve months not exceeding 100 kW;

"Significant Code Review Conclusions":

means the document published by the Authority containing its conclusions in respect of a Significant Code Review;

"Significant Code Review Phase":

has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;

"Significant Code Review":

means a review of one or more matters which the Authority considers likely to:

(a) relate to the Code (either on its own or in conjunction with other Industry Code(s)); and

(b) be of particular significance in relation to its principal objective and/or general duties (under section 3A of the Act), statutory functions and/or relevant obligations arising under EU law;

"Single Intraday Coupling":

has the meaning given to that term in Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24th July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM);

"Single Site":


  1. a "Single Site" as defined in Schedule 32 of the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement; or

one or more Domestic Premises;

"Small Power Station":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit"

has the meaning given to that term in Table X-2 of Annex X-2;

"Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant":

means Third Party Generating Plant connected to a Distribution System at a single Boundary Point at which the aggregate maximum generation capacity (measured at the Boundary Point) of all Third Party Generating Plant so connected does not exceed the Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit;

"Smart Market Segment":

means the market segment comprised of SVA Metering Systems, operating under the MHHS arrangements, which are neither Advanced Segment Metering Systems nor Metering Systems in respect of Unmetered Supplies;

"Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications":

means the document of that name as designated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Supply Licence

"Sole Trading Unit":

means a Trading Unit comprising a single BM Unit as described in Section K4.1.4;

"SP04 Completion Date"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.5.3 of Annex S-1;

"SP04 Exclusion Period"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.5.2 of Annex S-1;

"Specified Assets and Equipment":

has the meaning given to that term in Annex K-2;

"Specified BSC Charges":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D3.1;

"Specified SVA Charges":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D3.1;


shall have the meaning given to that term in Procedure for Network Gas Supply Emergency issued by National Grid Gas plc;

"Standard Change":

means a pre-authorised type of change designed for routine changes as set out in BSCP40

"Standard Change Criteria":

Means the following set of conditions that must be met in order for a change to be pre-authorised and classified as a Standard Change:

Low risk - A change is considered low risk when it has a minimal or negligible chance of causing adverse effects to Settlement and the IT environment or the business processes it supports for both BSC central systems and participants. The consequence of failure, if it occurs, is minimal.

Repeatable - This relates to the ability to implement the change consistently over and over again without variations in the process or outcome. For a change to be considered standard, it must be repeatable. This means that the same steps are followed each time.

Predictable – This pertains to the expected outcome of implementing the change. A predictable change is one where the outcome is known, based on the previous implementation or through testing. There should not be any surprises when the change is made;

"Standard Settlement Configuration":

is defined in Annex X-2;

"Static LoLP Function Methodology":

means the method for determining a static Loss of Load Probability function as set out in the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement;

"Sterling" or "£":

means the lawful currency of the United Kingdom for the time being and from time to time;

"STOR Availability Window":

means the time during which providers of STOR are required to be available;

"Storage BM Unit":

means a BM Unit:

(a) where the Metering System associated with that BM Unit is registered in CMRS; and

(b) which is comprised solely of:

(i) Electricity Storage Module(s), as that term is defined in the Grid Code; or

(ii) Pumped Storage Plant;

"Submission Deadline":

means for any Settlement Period the spot time at the start of that Settlement Period;

"Submitted Expected Volume":

means the Lead Party’s best estimate, commensurate to good Industry practice of the total expected quantities of Active Energy Imported and/or Exported from or to all MSID Pairs and AMSID Pairs registered in the BM Unit that are not Baselined MSID Pairs or Baselined AMSID Pairs;

"Subsidiary Energy Account":

means, in relation to a BM Unit, the corresponding Energy Account of a Subsidiary Party;

"Subsidiary Party":

means, in relation to a BM Unit, a Contract Trading Party (not being the Lead Party) to whose Energy Account a quantity of Active Energy or (as the case may be) percentage of the BM Unit Metered Volume is to be allocated pursuant to a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification, or nullified pursuant to a Volume Notification Nullification Request; or in relation to a particular Metered Volume Reallocation Notification or a particular Volume Notification Nullification Request, the relevant such Contract Trading Party;


has the meaning given to that term in section 1159 of the Companies Act 2006;

"Supplier Agent":

has the meaning given to that term in Section S1.2.2;

"Supplier BM Unit":

means a BM Unit registered or to be registered by or allocated or to be allocated to a Supplier pursuant to Section K3.3;

"Supplier BM Unit Chargeable Demand":

has the meaning given to that term in Section T8.

"Supplier Compensation Reference Price":

means that the price to be determined in accordance with Section T1.16;

"Supplier Compensation Reference Price Methodology Document"

has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.16.2;

"Supplier Deemed Take":

is defined in Annex X-2;

"Supplier Force Majeure":

has the meaning given to that term in Section S3.3.1;

"Supplier ID":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.3.1 of Section S;

"Supplier Market Share Data":

means the report described in paragraph 4.2.10 of Section V;

"Supplier Meter Registration Agent" or "SMRA":

means a Licensed Distribution System Operator acting in its capacity as the provider of a Supplier Meter Registration Service;

"Supplier Meter Registration Service" or "SMRS":

means the service provided or to be provided by a Licensed Distribution System Operator for the registration of Metering Systems at Boundary Points on its Distribution System(s) and its Associated Distribution System(s) (if any);

"Supplier of Last Resort":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Supplier Quarterly Volume Report":

means the Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume and Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier for all Suppliers determined in accordance with paragraphs 9A.1.4 and 9A.1.5 of Annex S-2;

"Supplier Volume Allocation Agent" or "SVAA":

means the BSC Agent for Supplier Volume Allocation in accordance with Section E;

"Supplier Volume Allocation Rules":

means the rules contained in Annex S-2 (including any BSC Procedures and Party Service Lines referred to in that Annex);

"Supplier Volume Allocation System":

the BSC Systems used by the SVAA for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation pursuant to Section S;

"Supplier Volume Allocation":

means the determination of quantities of Active Energy to be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement in respect of Supplier BM Units;

"Supplier Volume Reporting Group":

means the grouping levels used to report Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume and Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier for the purposes of the Supplier Market Share Data, and which has the values listed in Table X-9;


means a Party which holds a Supply Licence and is responsible for Exports and/or Imports for which such Party is required, by virtue of Section K, to register one or more SVA Metering Systems;

"Supplier’s Monthly Cap":

means, in relation to a Supplier in a GSP Group, the cap on its liability to pay charges in respect of any month determined in accordance with Annex S-1;

"Supply Licence":

means a licence for the supply of electricity granted under section 6 of the Act, as modified from time to time;

"SVA Communication":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O1.4.1

"SVA Costs":

has the meaning given to that term in Section D2.1.1;

"SVA Customer":

means a person to whom electrical power is provided, whether or not that person is the provider of that electrical power; and where that electrical power is measured by a SVA Metering System;

"SVA Data Catalogue":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O1.4.1;

"SVA Eligible Services Facility":

means an Eligible Services Facility whose Imports and/or Exports are measured by SVA Metering System(s);

"SVA Generator":

means a Third Party Generator, in respect of a Third Party Generating Plant whose Import and/or Exports are measured by SVA Metering System(s);

"SVA Metering Equipment":

means Metering Equipment which is or is to be comprised in a SVA Metering System (whether or not also comprised in a CVA Metering System);

"SVA Metering System Register":

means the register established pursuant to Section S10 and BSCP507;

"SVA Metering System Number":

means a unique number relating to a Metering Point and which consists of the following:

(i) a two digit number determined by reference to the Licensed Distribution System Operator;

(ii) a ten digit reference number provided by the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator;

(iii) a one digit check number provided by the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator;

"SVA Metering System":

means a Metering System which in accordance with Section K is or is to be registered in the Supplier Meter Registration Service;

"SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register":

means the register of SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities maintained by the SVAA;

"SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities":

means either a SVA Generator, a SVA Storage Facility or a SVA Eligible Services Facility;

"SVA Non-Final Demand Facility Operator":

means the operator of an SVA Non-Final Demand Facility;

"SVA Meter Operator Agent":

has the meaning given to the term "Metering Equipment Manager" in the REC, to the extent that the Metering Equipment Manager has been appointed by a Supplier;

"SVA Specified Charge":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 4 of Annex D-3;

"SVA Storage Facilities Register":

means the register of SVA Storage Facilities maintained by the SVAA;

"SVA Storage Facility Operator":

has the meaning given to that term in the CUSC;

"Switching Group":

means a Switching Group as described in Section K3.1.4A;

"System Constraint":

has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code;

"System Management Action Flag" or "SMAF":

means a flag set by the NETSO pursuant to its System Management Action Flagging Methodology;

"System Warning":

has the meaning given to the term National Electricity System Warning in the Grid Code;


means the Transmission System, a Distribution System or Offshore Transmission System User Assets;

"Systems Connection Point Metering System":

means a Metering System which measures flows of electricity at a Systems Connection Point;

"Systems Connection Point":

means a point of connection (whether consisting of one or more circuits) between two or more Systems excluding:

(a) a point of connection between Distribution Systems in the same GSP Group; and

(b) a point of connection between Offshore Transmission System User Assets and the Transmission System;

"System Operator-Transmission Owner Code" or "STC":

means the code so called and created, and from time to time modified by the NETSO, in accordance with the ESO Licence;

"System Restoration Period":

means the period described in Section G3.1.2(d);

"Tariff Setting Data":

means the total Import to Final Demand Sites over a calendar year ending on 30th September reported by Charging Band within each GSP Group.

"TC (IEA) Energy Account":

means an Energy Account of the NETSO held pursuant to Section A1.4.3;

"TC (Non-IEA) Energy Account":

means an Energy Account of the NETSO held pursuant to Section A1.4.1(c);

"TDC Chai":

has the meaning given to that term in Section W2.5.1;

"TDC Member":

has the meaning given to that term in Section W2.3.1;

"TDC Terms of Reference":

has the meaning given to that term in Section W2.3.3;

"Technical Assurance Agent" or "TAA":

means, in relation to CVA Metering Systems or SVA Metering Systems (as the case may be), the BSC Agent for Technical Assurance in accordance with Section E;

"Teleswitch Agent":

means the BSC Agent for Teleswitch Monitoring in accordance with Section E;

"Teleswitch Group":

is defined in Annex X-2;

"Tender Committee":

has the meaning given to that term in Section E2.7.2;

"Tender Framework Statement":

has the meaning given to that term in Section E2.7.1;

"TERRE Market":

means the European market for the exchange of balancing energy from Replacement Reserves (the Trans-European Replacement Reserves Exchange) in accordance with Article 19 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/2195 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2017/1485;

"Third Party Applicant":

has the meaning given to that term in Section F2.1A.1;

"Third Party Claim":

has the meaning given to that term in Section H7.2.3;

"Third Party Generating Plant":

means Exemptable Generating Plant for whose Exports a Party, not being the person (acting in that capacity) who generates electricity at such Generating Plant, has for the time being elected to be responsible in accordance with Section K1.2.2(a)(ii)(2);

"Third Party Generator":

means the person (whether or not a Party) who generates electricity at Third Party Generating Plant, in that capacity;

"Third Party Proposer":

means any interested third party or any body representative of interested third parties in each case designated by the Panel as being permitted to make a proposal to modify the Code pursuant to Section F2.1.1(c);

"Time Standard":

has the meaning given to that term in Section O2.2.1;

"Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U2.3;

"Timetabled Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run":

has the meaning given to that term in Section U.2.3;

"Total Amount Let":

means any amounts lent by BSCCo to PACo in accordance with paragraph 4.2.1 of Section C Annex C-1;

"Total System":

means the Transmission System, each Offshore Transmission System User Asset and each Distribution System;

"Trading Charges Amount":

has the meaning given to that term in Section N6.1;

"Trading Charges":

means the following kinds of charges: Daily Party BM Unit Cashflows, Daily Party BM Unit Non-Delivery Charges, Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflows, Daily Party Information Imbalance Charges, Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow, Daily Party RR Cashflows, Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflows, Daily System Operator Cashflows Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow and Supplier Compensation Cashflow (in each case as determined in accordance with Section T); and where the context requires includes Reconciliation Charges in accordance with Section N;

"Trading Data":

means any data of a kind listed in Annex V-1, Tables 2-7 and 9;

"Trading Dispute":

has the meaning given to that term in Section W1.3.1;

"Trading Disputes Committee":

means the Panel Committee established under Section W2;

"Trading Party Group":

means a Trading Party and every Affiliate of that Trading Party (and if it has no Affiliate, only that Trading Party);

"Trading Party":

means a Party, other than the NETSO, which holds Energy Accounts;

"Trading Secondary BM Unit"

has the meaning given to that term in Section K8.1.4,

"Trading Secondary BM Unit Monthly Charge"

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 3.1 of Annex D-3;

"Trading Unit Applicant":

means the Lead Party of a BM Unit which is the subject of a Trading Unit Application;

"Trading Unit Application":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K4.2.1;

"Trading Unit":

means a BM Unit or a combination of BM Units established in accordance with and satisfying the requirements of Section K4;

"Transferee BM Unit":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.6.2 of Section S;


has the meaning given to that term in Section K7.1.1;

"Transferring Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A2.7.1(a);

"Transition Period":

means the continuous period:

(i) commencing immediately after the conclusion of the Trial Period; and

(ii) ending on the Derogation Period End Date,

as determined pursuant to Section H10;

"Transition Plan":

means a detailed plan and timeline specifying how a Derogation Party will exit from the proposed BSC Derogation, as determined pursuant to Section H10;

"Transmission Company":

means National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, registered number 02366977, and any reference to "NGET” in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall have the same meaning;

"Transmission Interconnector":

means an Interconnector which is not a Distribution Interconnector;

"Transmission Licence":

means a licence granted or treated as granted to the NGET under section 6(l) (b) of the Act;

"Transmission Loss Factor Agent" or "TLFA":

means the BSC Agent for TLF Determination in accordance with Section E1.2.5;

"Transmission Loss Factor Step In Notice":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 10.1 of Annex T-2;

"Transmission Losses Principle":

has the meaning given to that term in the ESO Licence;

"Transmission Network Data":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 5.1 of Annex T-2;

"Transmission Network Use of System Charges" or "TNUoS":

has the meaning given to that term in the CUSC;

"Transmission System Boundary Point":

means a Boundary Point on the Transmission System (including Remote Transmission Assets);

"Transmission System Boundary":

means the boundary between the Transmission System and all Plant or Apparatus (including Distribution Systems and other directly connected Plant and Apparatus) connected to the Transmission System;

"Transmission System":

has the meaning given to the term ‘ National Electricity Transmission System’ in the ESO Licence;

"Transparency Regulation Data":

means the data that the NETSO is required to submit to the BMRAunder the Transparency Regulation;

"Transparency Regulation":

means Regulation (EU) 543/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14th June 2013 on submission and publication of data in electricity markets as amended by the The Electricity and Gas etc. (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020;

"Treasury Policy":

means the policy approved by the Board from time to time which sets out the criteria governing the investment of Reserve Account monies;

"Trial Period":

means the continuous period during which a Derogation Party’s proposal is trialled, as determined pursuant to Section H10;

"TU BM Unit(s)":

has the meaning given to that term in Section K4.4.1;

"Uniform Network Code":

means the Industry Code of that name, as modified from time to time;

"Unmetered Supplies Operator" or "UMSO":

has the meaning given to that term in Section S8.2.14;

"Unmetered Supply Certificate":

means a certificate issued by a Licensed Distribution System Operator permitting a supply of electricity to be made on its Distribution System or Associated Distribution System without the requirement for such supply to be metered, such certificate to be agreed between the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator and the Customer taking the supply and to contain at least the information set out or referred to in the BSCP520;

"Unmetered Supply":

means a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus in respect of which a Licensed Distribution System Operator has issued an Unmetered Supply Certificate;

"Urgent Modification Proposal":

means a Modification Proposal treated or to be treated as an Urgent Modification Proposal in accordance with Section F2.9;

"Valid Nullification Effective Period":


  • if the Nullification Effective Period is earlier than the Earliest Nullification Effective Period, the Earliest Nullification Effective Period; or in all other cases

the Nullification Effective Period;


means voltamperes reactive;


United Kingdom Value Added Tax;

"Virtual Balancing Account":

means an account held or to be held by a Virtual Lead Party, that does not hold or wish to hold Energy Accounts, for purposes of accounting in Settlement for energy imbalance volumes arising from Non-Delivery of Replacement Reserve;

"Virtual Lead Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A1.3.1(g);

"Virtual Trading Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A1.3.1(h);

"Virtual Trading":

means the trading, on the wholesale market only, of wholesale electricity products by Virtual Trading Parties;

"VoLL Review Process":

means the process for reviewing the VoLL established and maintained by the Panel pursuant to Section T1.12.4;

"VoLL Review":

means a review of the VoLL initiated and conducted in accordance with Section T1.12.3;

"Volume Allocation Run":

means a determination, in relation to a Settlement Day, by way of Central Volume Allocation and/or Supplier Volume Allocation, of quantities of Active Energy Exported or Imported (or to be treated as Exported or Imported) by Parties in each Settlement Period in that Settlement Day; and where the context requires a reference to a Volume Allocation Run includes the data and information produced by the CDCA and/or SVAA following such a determination and delivered to the SAA in accordance with Section R or S;

"Volume Allocation Units":

has the meaning given to that term in Section R1.1.1;

"Volume Allocation":

means Central Volume Allocation and Supplier Volume Allocation;

"Volume Notification Agent":

has the meaning given to that term in Section P5.1.1(a);

"Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report" or "VNNCR":

means the report sent by the ECVAA in accordance with P4A.4;

"Volume Notification Nullification Request" or "VNNR":

has the meaning given in P4A.1.1;

"Volume Notification":

has the meaning given to that term in Section P5.1.1(a);

"Voting Party Group":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2.1.1(c) of Annex C-2;

"Voting Party Resolution":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.1.2(c) of Annex C-2;

"Voting Party":

has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 2.1.1 of Annex C-2;


means watt-hours;

"WHD Operator":

has the same meaning given to the term "the Operator" in the Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011;

"Wholesale Energy Market":

has the meaning given to the term "wholesale energy market" as specified in Article 2(6) of REMIT;

"Wholesale Market Activity Notification":

means, in respect of a Settlement Period and a Trading Secondary BM Unit, a notification made by (or on behalf of) the Lead Party to the SVAA that the Trading Secondary BM Unit will be responsible for Deviation Volumes during that Settlement Period;

"Withdrawal Act":

means the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended by the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Act 2020;

"Withdrawal Date":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.1.1;

"Withdrawal Notice":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.1.1;

"Withdrawing Party":

has the meaning given to that term in Section A5.1.1;

"Winter Contingency BM Unit":

means a BM Unit that is the subject of a notification issued to BSCCo by the NETSO in accordance with Section T1.15;


means a group established by the Panel in accordance with and for the purposes set out in Section F2.4;

"Working Day":

shall have the same meaning as Business Day;


has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 4.1 of Annex T-2;


Section X-1

Version 124.0

Effective Date:07 March 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date














































































































P431 Self Governance




P433 Self Governance
























P422 Self Governance




























P404 Self-Governance








P403 Self-Governance




P388 Self-Governance








P394 Self-Governance




P391 Self Governance




P384 Self-Governance








P386 Self Governance




P364 Self-Governance




P367 Self-Governance
























P362 Alt
















P342 Alternative




P329 Alternative








P338 Fast Track Self-Governance




P272 v2.0




P346 Self-Governance




P326 Self-Governance Alternative








P340 Self Governance








P315 Alternative








P318 Self Governance








P319 Self Governance




P309 Alternative

















Secretary of State











P306 Self Governance









Secretary of State











P301 Fast Track Self Governance




























P269 Self-Governance




ORD004: Warm Home Discount (Reconciliation) Regulations 2011

DECC 29/06/11

















































































































05/02/07 (retrospective)










































































































































1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Annex to Section X sets out:

(a) technical definitions and acronyms applicable in the Code other than in relation to Section S;

(b) technical definitions and acronyms applicable only in relation to Section S;

(c) conventions applicable to the Code, including timing conventions, the use of superscripts/subscripts with variables, summations and mathematical operators; and

(d) the method of interpolation of variables.

1.2 Use of Mathematical Operators

1.2.1 The mathematical operators and conventions employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code shall be construed in accordance with the following:

(a) the symbol * requires multiplication to be effected;

(b) in respect of any data items, the symbol ∈ refers to belonging to or falling within. For example a∈p denotes those Energy Accounts 'a' that belong to Party ‘p’, and j∈D denotes those Settlement Periods ‘j’ falling within Settlement Day ‘D’;

(c) the number 0 (zero) shall be treated as a positive whole number;

(d) the convention |FUNC| refers to the absolute value of the expression ‘FUNC’, that is the positive value whether the value obtained is positive or negative;

(e) Where in the Code the minimum value ('min') of a set of numbers is to be selected, then for the avoidance of doubt, the value selected shall be the negative number in that set with the greatest magnitude, or in the absence of any such negative number, the positive number in that set with the lowest magnitude. Where in the Code the maximum value ('max') of a set of numbers is to be selected, then for the avoidance of doubt, the value selected shall be the positive number in that set with the greatest magnitude, or in the absence of any such positive number, the negative number in that set with the lowest magnitude.


2.1 Introduction

2.1.1 Unless the context otherwise requires the provisions of this paragraph 2 as to the use, interpretation or definition of terms, expressions, acronyms, and subscripts and summations shall apply in relation to the Code except in Section S.

2.2 Use of Subscripts and Other Expressions

2.2.1 The subscripts and superscripts employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code shall bear the respective meanings set out in Table X-1.

2.3 Glossary of Terms

2.3.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, and subject as provided in Table X-2, in the Code the words, expressions and acronyms set out in Table X-2 shall bear the respective meanings therein set out.

2.3.2 Table X-3 sets out for convenience the acronyms employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code in alphabetical order of acronym name.

2.4 Sign Convention - Active Energy and Active Power

2.4.1 Subject to paragraph 2.4.2, the sign convention adopted in the Code is that all variables representing Active Energy or Active Power are:

(a) positive in any Settlement Period for which they represent Active Energy or Active Power delivered on to the Total System or (at any Systems Connection Points(s)) the Transmission System; and

(b) negative in any Settlement Period for which they represent Active Energy or Active Power off-taken from the Total System or (at any Systems Connection Points(s)) the Transmission System.

2.4.2 Paragraph 2.4.1 shall not apply in relation to:

(a) GSP Group Take;

(b) Offer Non-Delivery Volume, Period BM Unit Non-Delivery Offer Volume and any other variable representing Active Energy or Active Power derived by calculation undertaken pursuant to Section T,

which shall, for the avoidance of doubt, be positive, negative or zero as determined in accordance with the algebraic determination of such variable pursuant to the Code.

2.5 Sign Convention - Cashflows

2.5.1 The sign convention adopted in the Code in relation to amounts payable in respect of Trading Charges is explained in Section T1.2.3 and T1.2.4.

2.6 Use of Summations

2.6.1 Variables being summated are indicated by the use of the indices placed in preceding or following superscript or subscript position on the summation sign Σ, for example:

(a) Σc FUNCc means the sum of the values of FUNCc over all values of c.

(b) Σd FUNCd means a sum of the values of FUNCd over all values of d.

(c) ΣcΣdFUNCcd means a sum of the values of FUNCcd over all values of d, and c.

(d) ΣdRFUNCd means a sum of the values of FUNCd over values of d belonging to the set R.

2.6.2 In some instances, where the summation over a particular variable is restricted to a subset of the possible values of such a variable as in paragraph 2.6.1(d), instead adopting of the convention in that paragraph, an equivalent result is achieved by limiting the summation in context, for example:


Where Σd represents a sum over all values of d belonging to the set R."

This is equivalent to ΣdRFUNCd.

2.6.3 In some instances, for convenience certain summations deviate from the above conventions and are further defined in context, for example:


Where Σd represents a sum over all values of d belonging to the set R."

Again, this is equivalent to ΣdRFUNCd.


3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Unless the context otherwise requires the provisions of this paragraph 3 as to the use, interpretation or definition of terms, expressions, acronyms, and subscripts and summations shall apply only in relation to Section S.

3.2 Use of Subscripts and Other Expressions

3.2.1 The subscripts and superscripts employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code shall bear the respective meanings set out in Table X-4.

3.3 Use of Summations

3.3.1 The summations employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code shall bear the respective meanings set out in Table X-5.

3.4 Glossary of Terms

3.4.1 Unless the context otherwise requires, in the Code the words, expressions and acronyms set out in Table X-6 shall bear the respective meanings therein set out.

3.4.2 Table X-7 sets out for convenience the acronyms employed in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code in alphabetical order of acronym name.

3.5 Consumption Component Classes

3.5.1 Table X-8 sets out the valid Consumption Component Classes as at the Code Effective Date.

3.5.2 The Panel may from time to time amend the list of valid Consumption Component Classes.

3.6 Linear Interpolation of Variables

3.6.1 In Section S of the Code, unless the context otherwise requires, whenever linear interpolation is referred to, the procedures set out in paragraphs 3.6.2 to 3.6.4 shall be followed.

3.6.2 Where the relationship between two variables, x and y, is defined only for a set of related pairs of spot values, (x1, y1), (x2, y2) ... (xn, yn), and where a value for y, yi, is to be calculated by linear interpolation for a value of x, xi, which is not a spot value contained in the set of related pairs, but which lies within the range of x spanned by the set of related pairs, the following formula shall be applied:

yi = y0 + ((y1 - y0) * (xi - x0)/(x1 - x0))

where x0 refers to the value of x in that related pair in the set of related pairs in which x is less than xi, and where the x of the related pair is the closest x to xi;

x1 refers to the value of x in that related pair in the set of related pairs in which x is greater than xi, and where the x of the related pair is the closest x to xi;

y0 refers to the value of y related to x0; and

y1 refers to the value of y related to x1.

3.6.3 Where xi lies outside the range of x spanned by the set of related pairs, yi shall be set equal to the value of y in that related pair in which the value of x is closest to xi.

3.6.4 Where xi is a value of x referred to in a related pair, yi shall be set equal to the value of y contained in that related pair.

3.7 Sign Convention

        1. With the exception of BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume, for the purposes of collecting and aggregating metered data as part of Supplier Volume Allocation pursuant to Section S, metered data, whether in respect of an Import (or aggregation of Imports) or an Export (or aggregation of Exports), will be held as the magnitude of the quantity which such metered data represents.

3.7.2 BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume shall be positive in any Settlement Period for which it represents Active Energy offtaken from the Total System and negative in any Settlement Period for which it represents Active Energy delivered to the Total System.


4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 A number of variables within the Code are expressed as differing functions of time. This paragraph 4 defines the nomenclature used in such expressions.

4.1.2 Paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3 apply in relation to the Code including Section S but paragraphs 4.4 to 4.6 do not apply in relation to Section S.

4.2 Spot Time

4.2.1 Many input variables and calculated values are given for spot times within the Code.

4.2.2 Spot times are an instant in time, and have no duration.

4.3 Settlement Period Times

4.3.1 Settlement Period j starts at the spot time occurring at the beginning of the half hour and ends at the spot time occurring exactly thirty minutes later. The spot time at the beginning of one period therefore coincides with the spot time at the end of the previous period.

4.3.2 For the avoidance of doubt the first Settlement Period of a Settlement Day begins at the spot time 00:00 on the current Settlement Day (D), and ends at the spot time of 00:30 for the current Settlement Day D.

4.3A Quarter Hour Times

4.3A.1 Quarter Hours start at the spot time occurring at the beginning of the quarter hour and ends at the spot time occurring exactly fifteen minutes later. The spot time at the beginning of one Quarter Hour period therefore coincides with the spot time at the end of the previous Quarter Hour period.

4.4 Point Variables

4.4.1 Where variables are determined in relation to spot times, they are termed ‘point’ variables. The values of point variables and their associated spot times are converted (as provided in Section T3.1) from data provided by the NETSO in a different format. There is a restriction on the resolution of the pre-conversion data, such that values of point variables to which this data is converted may only be for spot times expressed in a whole number of minutes.

4.4.2 Point variables are given the subscript 't', where 't' denotes the spot time to which the point variable applies. As point variables must be submitted in a whole number of minutes, there are 31 spot times for which point data may be submitted for any Settlement Period. Up to two point variables may be submitted for a single spot time. This is to accommodate step changes in the associated variable. As the first and last spot times for any Settlement Period coincide with the adjoining Settlement Periods, only one value may be submitted for these spot times. Thus for example for the period 12:30 – 13:00, only one value of point FPN may be submitted for spot times 12:30 and 13:00 (and up to 2 values for any other spot time which is a whole number of minutes and falls within the Settlement Period).

4.4.3 Whether or not step changes are expected depends upon the variable in question. For example, as FPN Data may normally be expected to comply with dynamic parameters, step changes (especially for generation) might not normally be expected. However, a Party’s view of their operating level may change significantly from one Gate Closure to the next, and step changes may be expected at the start of a Settlement Period.

4.4.4 Where two point values are submitted for the same spot time, the Point Variable Identification Number (f) is used to determine the sequence of the two values (as explained further in paragraph 4.5.4).

4.4.5 An example of a set of Point FPN data for Settlement Period (e.g. 12:30 – 13:00) is as follows:

Spot time, t

Point fFPNijt (MW)









4.4.6 The use of the subscript j is retained to represent the fact that the spot values are being submitted for spot times that fall within a particular Settlement Period.

4.5 Interpolation of Values of Point Variables Between Spot Times Supplied

4.5.1 For certain spot variables it may be necessary to evaluate values applicable to any spot time within a Settlement Period from the discrete point variables supplied. These are:




Calculated from point variable:

Acceptance Volume




Accepted Bid Volume




Accepted Bid-Offer Volume




Accepted Offer Volume




Bid-Offer Volume








Deemed Standard Product Shape




4.5.2 Point variables for a particular parameter are normally used to calculate an associated function that is defined for all spot times in a Settlement Period, or in the time interval between such Point Variables. Such associated functions are expressed as a function of time F(t) and are calculated by linear interpolation from the point variables.

4.5.3 Whenever linear interpolation is referred to, the procedures set out in paragraphs 4.5.4 shall be followed.

4.5.4 Where for the purposes of the Code, a function of time F(t) is to be established by linear interpolation from a set of related pairs of spot values with point identification numbers and associated spot times t (each being a whole number of minutes) the following interpretation shall apply:

(a) For a spot time ti which is not a spot value contained in the set of related pairs, but which lies within the range of t spanned by the set of related pairs, the following formula shall be applied:

F(ti) = HFt0 + (LFt1HFt0)*(ti – t0)/(t1–t0)


t0 refers to the value of t in that related pair in the set of related pairs in which t is less than ti, and where the t of the related pair is the closest t to ti.

t1 refers to the value of t in that related pair in the set of related pairs in which t is greater than ti, and where the t of the related pair is the closest t to ti.

HFt0 refers to the value of fFt related to t0 with the highest value of f; and

LFt1 refers to the value of fFt related to t1 with the lowest value of f.

(b) For a spot time ti that is a value of t referred to in a related pair where a single value of fFt exists, the value of F(ti) shall be set to fFti contained in that related pair.

(c) For a spot time ti that is a value of t referred to in a related pair where two values of fFt exist, the value of F(ti) shall (subject to 4.6.1(a)) and 4.6.1(b)) below) remain undefined for that time ti.

4.6 Evaluation of Period Variables from Supplied and Interpolated Spot Variables

4.6.1 Period Variables represent the integrated MWh value over the Settlement Period j. Period variables are evaluated as follows:

The value of the Period Variable Fj for Settlement Period j, is determined by integrating the associated function of time F(t) with respect to time across the Settlement Period.

(a) Where the spot time ti is the first spot time of the Settlement Period, the value of F(ti) shall be set to the value of HFti for the purposes of evaluating the integral.

(b) Where the spot time ti is the last spot time of the Settlement Period, the value of F(ti) shall be set to the value of LFti for the purposes of evaluating the integral.

(c) Where for one or more spot time(s) (t1, t2 … tn) falling within the Settlement Period, the value of F(ti) remains undefined because two values of fFti exist for those spot times, and the spot times are neither the first nor last spot times in the Settlement Period, the integral will be evaluated pursuant to 4.6.2.

4.6.2 The integral shall be evaluated as the sum of:

(a) the integral for the period from the first spot time of the Settlement Period to the spot time immediately preceding the first such spot time; plus

(b) the integral from the spot time immediately succeeding the last such spot time to the last spot time of the Settlement Period; plus

(c) the integrals for each of the other periods within the Settlement Period, if any, defined by the interval between the spot time immediately succeeding any such spot time and the spot time immediately preceding the next such spot time.

Table X–1 –

Use of Subscripts and Superscripts Applying Except in Relation to Section S

The following subscripts and superscripts are used in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code to refer to the following:




Energy Account / Virtual Balancing Account


Energy Account


Demand Control Instruction




A particular order number of a ranked System Action


Point Value Identification Number


A particular System Action


The higher of two Point Value Identification Numbers f, specified at the same time t for function fF(t)


BM Unit


Settlement Period


Quarter Hour


Bid-Offer Acceptance Number


The lower of two Point Value Identification Numbers f, specified at time t for function fF(t)


Calendar month (except in Section T)

Balancing Services Adjustment Action (in Section T)


Bid-Offer Pair Number




Trading Party, Contract Trading Party, Imbalance Party or Virtual Lead Party as the case may be


The order number of a Ranked Bid Volume or Ranked Offer Volume


Trading Unit


Market Index Data Provider


BSC Season


STOR Action Number


The Non-Delivery Order Number


A particular order number of a ranked System Action


System Action, or the order number of a ranked System Action


The order number of a Ranked Priced Offer


BSC Year


Energy Contract Volume Notification or Metered Volume Reallocation Notification as the case may be.



Table X–2 –

Terms and Expressions Applying Except in Relation to Section S

1. Subject to paragraph 2, unless the context otherwise requires, in the Code the words, expressions and acronyms set out in this Table shall bear the respective meanings set out therein.

2. In the fourth column of this Table, words in italics are explanatory only and shall not affect the interpretation of any term in the Table or otherwise of the Code.

Defined Term



Definition/Explanatory Text


The number 0.45 as specified in Section T2.2.1(b).

The factor α is that proportion of transmission losses to be deducted in total from the BM Unit Metered Volume of BM Units in delivering Trading Units, for the purposes of allocating transmission losses.

For the purposes of the above, transmission losses are defined as the sum of BM Unit Metered Volume over all BM Units (with BM Units that import having a negative value of BM Unit Metered Volume)



An Active Energy value in accordance with Section P3.6.2(a).

In relation to any BM Unit i, for any Settlement Period j, QMFRziaj is a fixed volume of Active Energy to be allocated to the corresponding Energy Account a, of a Contract Trading Party other than the Lead Party from the Energy Account of the Lead Party to which the associated Metered Volume Reallocation Notification z, refers.



A percentage value in accordance with Section P3.6.2(b).

In relation to any BM Unit i, for any Settlement Period j, QMPRziaj is a percentage of the BM Unit Metered Volume to be allocated to the corresponding Energy Account a of a Contract Trading Party other than the Lead Party from the Energy Account of the Lead Party to which the associated Metered Volume Reallocation Notification z, refers.

ABSVD BM Unit Delivered Volume



Has the meaning given to it in Annex S-2 paragraph 7.1.1E.

Acceptance Data

Data (in accordance with Section Q5.3.1) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2.1(e).

Acceptance Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T3.4.

The Acceptance Volume is a quantity of absolute MW for any spot time t obtained by interpolating between Point Acceptance Volumes, qAkit, derived from the Acceptance Volume Pairs submitted as part of Acceptance Data for BM Unit i,. and derived from Quarter Hour RR Activations using the Replacement Reserve Schedule Methodology Document.

Acceptance Volume Pair

A pair of data items expressed in accordance with Section Q5.3.1(a) and submitted as part of the Acceptance Data pursuant to Section Q6.2.1(e).

The Acceptance Volume Pair is a pair of MW levels each with an associated spot time which describe the absolute MW level at which a BM Unit should operate at those spot times as a result of Acceptance k.

accepted Bid


Has the meaning given to that term in Annex T-1.

Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.7.2.

The Accepted Bid Volume is the quantity of Bid n being the negative part of the Accepted Bid-Offer Volume accepted as a result of Bid-Offer Acceptance k from BM Unit i at spot times t within Settlement Period j.

Accepted Bid-Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.6

The Accepted Bid-Offer Volume is the quantity of Bid or Offer from Bid-Offer Pair n accepted as a result of Bid-Offer Acceptance k, that is not flagged as relating to an RR Instruction, in Settlement Period j from BM Unit i, for any spot time t within Settlement Period j

accepted Offer


Has the meaning given to that term in Annex T-1.

Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with . T3.7.1.

The Accepted Offer Volume is the quantity of Offer n being the positive part of the Accepted Bid-Offer Volume accepted as a result of Bid-Offer Acceptance k from BM Unit i at spot times t within Settlement Period j.

Account Bilateral Contract Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section P4.1.1.

The Account Bilateral Contract Volume is the aggregate of all Energy Contract Volumes relating to Energy Account a in Settlement Period j disregarding those that have been rejected and those contained in Energy Contract Volume Notifications that were refused and represents the energy debited from account a and credited to the other accounts (except in the case of the NETSO) for the purpose of calculating Account Energy Imbalance Volume.

Account Credited Energy Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.6.1.

The Account Credited Energy Volume is the aggregate of the BM Unit Metered Volumes allocated to Energy Account a in Settlement Period j.

Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.7.1.

The Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from the Energy Imbalance of Energy Account a in Settlement Period j such that a negative quantity represents a payment to the Trading Party holding Energy Account a and a positive quantity represents a payment by the Trading Party holding Energy Account a.

Account Energy Imbalance Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.6.3.

The Account Energy Imbalance Volume is the sum of the Account Credited Energy Volume, plus the Account Period Bid-Offer Volume less the Account Bilateral Contract Volume for Energy Account a, in Settlement Period j.

Account Period Balancing Services Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.6.2.

The Account Period Balancing Services Volume is the sum of the net quantity of all accepted Bids and Offers, and the net energy associated with delivery of Applicable Balancing Services from all BM Units for which Energy Account a is the Lead Energy Account in Settlement Period j.

Account Period Deviation Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.6.2A.

Activated Quantity


In respect of a Position, the quantity of energy to be activated.

Activated Quantity forms part of the Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data for each Position and is submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q.

Actual Energy Indebtedness



The amount determined as such in accordance with Section M1.2.5.

The Actual Energy Indebtedness is the net energy contribution determined to be allocated to a Trading Party for Settlement Periods as defined in Section M1.2.1.

Arbitrage Tagged

Arbitrage Tagged as provided in paragraph 7 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Balancing Demand Control Volume



Has the meaning given to it in Section T3.15.3(b).

Balancing Energy Deviation Price



The price specified in Section T3.23, being an amount equal to zero.

Balancing Mechanism Window Period

In relation to a particular time, the Balancing Mechanism Window Period is the period from that time to the end of the Settlement Period for which Gate Closure has most recently occurred at that time.

The Balancing Mechanism Window Period has a duration of between one and one hour and thirty minutes .

Balancing Services Adjustment Action


An individual item in the Balancing Services Adjustment Data for which data is provided pursuant to Section Q6.3.2(b).

Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Action


A Balancing Services Adjustment Action for which the Balancing Services Adjustment Volume is positive.

Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Volume



The Balancing Services Adjustment Volume in respect of a Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Action.

Balancing Services Adjustment Cost


The amount sent by the NETSO as 'Balancing Services Adjustment Cost' in respect of a Balancing Services Adjustment Action in accordance with Section Q6.3.

Balancing Services Adjustment Price



The amount calculated by the SAA and the BMRA as 'Balancing Services Adjustment Price' in respect of a Balancing Services Adjustment Action in accordance with Section Q6.3.

Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Action


A Balancing Services Adjustment Action for which the Balancing Services Adjustment Volume is negative.

Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Volume



The Balancing Services Adjustment Volume in respect of a Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Action.

Balancing Services Adjustment Volume



The amount sent by the NETSO as 'Balancing Services Adjustment Volume' in respect of a Balancing Services Adjustment Action in accordance with Section Q6.3.


The quantity (as provided in Section Q4.1.3(a) or, where applicable, established in Section T3.4B.3) in a Bid-Offer Pair if considered as a possible decrease in Export or increase in Import of the relevant BM Unit at a given time.

Bid Non-Delivery Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.8.10.

The Bid Non-Delivery Volume is the quantity of non-delivery apportioned to Bid n from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Bid Price



The amount in £/MWh associated with a Bid and comprising part of a Bid-Offer Pair.

Bid-Offer Acceptance Number


A number used to identify a particular Acceptance.

Bid-Offer Acceptance Time


Spot time

Has the meaning given to that term in Section Q5.1.11.

Bid-Offer Data

Data (comprising the items set out in Section Q4.1.3) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2.1(d).

Bid-Offer Lower Range



The range determined in accordance with Section T3.4A.3, T3.4A.4 or T3.5.2 (as the case may be).

The Bid-Offer Lower Range is that data calculated for spot times t in Settlement Period j and BM Unit i, for a Bid-Offer Pair with a negative Bid-Offer Pair Number n. It is used to determine the operating range (in absolute MW) below FPN in which a particular Bid-Offer Pair applies.

Bid-Offer Pair

Data which may be submitted in relation to a BM Unit for a Settlement Period, being data that comprises the items set out in Section Q4.1.3, or (where applicable) data created pursuant to Section T3.4B.1.

Bid-Offer Pair Number


A number used to identify a particular Bid-Offer Pair.

Values of n are negative for Bid-Offer Pairs that cover operating levels below FPN and positive for those that cover operating levels above FPN.

Bid-Offer Upper Range



The range determined in accordance with Section T3.4A.1, T3.4A.2 or T3.5.1 (as the case may be).

The Bid-Offer Upper Range is that data calculated for spot times t in Settlement Period j and BM Unit i, for a Bid-Offer Pair with a positive Bid-Offer Pair Number n. It is used to determine the operating range (in absolute MW) above FPN in which a particular Bid-Offer Pair applies.

Bid-Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.3Section T3.3

The Bid-Offer Volume is the quantity of power increase or decrease available (relative to FPN) from Bid-Offer Pair n, in Settlement Period j for BM Unit i at spot time t. Initially the Bid-Offer Volume for a Bid-Offer Pair is constant across a particular Settlement Period.

BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volume



The quantity submitted in accordance with paragraph 9.6.2 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume



The quantity submitted in accordance with paragraph 9.6.2 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data or BM Unit ABSVD



In respect of a BM Unit and a Settlement Period, the Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data sent by the NETSO to the SAA pursuant to Section Q6.4.1.

BM Unit Chargeable Demand



The amount determined in accordance with Section T8.

The BM Unit Chargeable Demand is the amount of Demand for a BM Unit which has been adjusted to remove electricity consumed by Generation or Storage Facility under the conditions of the Generation license, which should be subject to the Final Consumption Levy.

BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability



The quantity determined in accordance with Section M1.6.1(a).

BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability



The quantity determined in accordance with Section M1.6.1(b).

BM Unit Identification Number


A unique identifier for each BM Unit.

BM Unit Metered Volume



In respect of a Settlement Period:

(i) in relation to a BM Unit (other than an Interconnector BM Unit) comprising CVA Metering Systems, the Metered Volume (as determined in accordance with Section R);

(ii) in relation to an Interconnector BM Unit of an Interconnector User, the quantity determined in accordance with Section R7.4.2 (but without prejudice to Section T1.4.6);

(iii) in relation to an Interconnector BM Unit allocated to an Interconnector Error Administrator, the quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.1; and

(iv) in relation to a Supplier BM Unit, the quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.2.1 and

(v) in relation to a Secondary BM Unit, the quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.2A.1.

BM Unit MSID Pair Data

Has the meaning given to that term in Section S paragraph 10.1.3.

BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.8.13.

The BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge is the total non-delivery charge associated with the non-deliver of Bids or Offers for BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Buy Price Price Adjustment



The amount sent by the NETSO as the ‘Buy Price Price Adjustment’ in accordance with Section Q6.3.

CADL Flagged

CADL Flagged as provided in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Classified Ranked Set

One of the Classified Ranked Sets as provided in paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Continuous Acceptance Duration



Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 12.3 of Annex T-1.

Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit



The value established and from time to time revised and approved in accordance with Section T1.9.

Corrected Component



The quantity submitted in accordance with paragraph 9.3.3 of Annex S-2.

Corrected MSID ABSVD Component


Has the meaning given to it in Annex S-2 paragraph 9.3.5.

Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume



The amount determined in accordance with Section M1.2.3.

The Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume is the contribution to a Trading Party’s Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness from BM Unit i and Energy Account a in Settlement Period j.

Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness



The amount determined as such in accordance with Section M1.2.2.

The Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness is the net energy contribution determined to be allocated to a Trading Party for Settlement Periods as defined in Section M1.2.1.

Credit Cover



Is defined in Annex X-1

Credit Cover Error Compensation



Has the meaning given to that term in Section M4.1.1.

The Credit Cover Error Compensation is the aggregate payment that may be made to a Trading Party in relation to a Credit Cover Error.

Credit Cover Error Erroneous Rejection Flag


Has the value determined in accordance with Section M4.2.3.

The Credit Cover Error Erroneous Rejection Flag is a flag indicating whether Settlement Period j was determined erroneously to fall within a Credit Default Rejection Period for Trading Party p.

Credit Cover Error Imbalance Amount



The amount determined as such in accordance with Section M4.2.3.

The Credit Cover Error Imbalance Amount represents the Energy Imbalance related compensation that may be paid to a Trading Party in relation to Settlement Period j, as a consequence of a Credit Cover Error.

Credit Cover Error Interest Amount



The amount determined as such in accordance with Section M4.2.2.

The Credit Cover Error Interest Amount represents the interest related compensation that may be paid to a Trading Party in relation to Settlement Period j, as a consequence of a Credit Cover Error.

Credit Cover Error Rejection Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section M4.2.3.

The Credit Cover Error Rejection Volume represents an assessment of the change (whether positive or negative) in the quantity of energy that would have been allocated to Energy Account a, of Trading Party P, in Settlement Period j, had Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Data relating to Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications not been rejected in accordance with Sections P2.5.2, and P3.5.2, by virtue of Trading Party P being in Level 2 Credit Default.

Credit Cover Percentage



Has the meaning given to that term in Section M3.1.1.

Credited Energy Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.5.1.

Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.12.2.

Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.7.3.

Daily Party Information Imbalance Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.3.8.

Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.8.15

Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.10.4.

Daily Party RR Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with T3.25.2.

Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with T3.25.3.

Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.11.8.

Daily System Operator Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.9.2.

Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.11.6

DC Limits

MW and/or %

Is defined in Annex X-1.

De Minimis Acceptance Threshold



The value established and from time to time revised and approved in accordance with Section T1.8.

De Minimis Tagged

De Minimis Tagged as provided in paragraph 6 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.19.2.

The Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume is the quantity of Bid being the negative part of the Deemed Standard Product Volume created as a result of a Quarter Hour RR Activation from BM Unit i at spot times t in Quarter Hour J.

Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.19.1.

The Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume is the quantity of Offer being the positive part of the Deemed Standard Product Volume created as a result of a Quarter Hour RR Activation from BM Unit i at spot times t in Quarter Hour J.

Deemed Standard Product Point Variables



A MW level and associated time created in accordance with Section T3.1.5(c).

A Point Acceptance Volume, created from Quarter Hour RR Activation Data, is a level in absolute MW for spot time t and BM Unit i, used to imply the acceptance of one or more Replacement Reserve Bids.

Deemed Standard Product Shape



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.17.1.

The Deemed Standard Product Shape is a quantity of absolute MW for any spot time t obtained by interpolating between Deemed Standard Product Point Variables, qDSPJijt, derived from the Quarter Hour RR Activation Data submitted as part of the Quarter Hour Auction Result Data for an Replacement Reserve Auction Period

Deemed Standard Product Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.18.1.

The Deemed Standard Product Volume is the quantity of Bid or Offer accepted as a result of a Quarter Hour RR Activation from BM Unit i at spot times t in Quarter Hour J.

Default Funding Share


Has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.3.1(b).

Delivering Transmission Losses Adjustment.


The factor determined as such in accordance with Section T2.3.1.

The factor used in the determination of the Transmission Loss Multiplier for BM Units in Delivering Trading Units in Settlement Period j

De-Rated Margin Forecast


The forecast submitted in accordance with Section Q6.1.25.

Deviation Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3AA.

Emergency Acceptance

An Acceptance which falls within Section Q5.1.3(b).

Emergency Flagged Ranked Set

One of the Emergency Flagged Ranked Sets as provided in paragraph 5 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

End Point Demand Control Level


Has the meaning given to that term in Section T3.15(b).

Energy Contract Volume



An Active Energy value in accordance with Section P2.6.1.

Energy Credit Cover



Has the meaning given to that term in Section M2.4.1.

Energy Indebtedness



Has the meaning given to that term in Section M1.2.1.

Erroneous Energy Indebtedness



The amount determined as such in accordance with Section M4.2.2.

The Erroneous Energy Indebtedness represents an assessment of that amount of Energy Credit Cover that a Trading Party would have had to establish in Settlement Period j, in order to avoid being in level 1 credit default based on the erroneous calculation of Energy Indebtedness.

Final Demand



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.11.1.

Final Loss of Load Probability


In relation to a Settlement Period, the final probability to be provided by the NETSO in accordance with the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement and Section Q6.7.2 or Q6.8.4, as applicable.

Final Ranked Set

The Final Ranked Set as provided in paragraph 11.3 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

First-Stage Flagged

First-Stage Flagged in accordance with paragraph 3, 4 or 5 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Flagged (and Unflagged)

Have the meanings given to those terms in paragraph 1.4 of Annex T-1.

Flow Direction

Indicates the direction of the flow of energy associated with a Position.

Flow Direction forms part of the Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data for each Position and is submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q.

Forecast Total Power Park Module Generation


The forecast of total generation across all Power Park Modules metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code.




The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.2.1.

The final physical notification for BM Unit is the level of import or export (as the case may be) that the Party expects to import or export from BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, in the absence of any Balancing Mechanism Acceptances from the NETSO.

The value of FPNij(t) is calculated for spot times t in Settlement Period by linear interpolation from the discrete values of Point FPN submitted.

Network Gas Supply Imbalance Adjustment Volume



Has the meaning given to that term in Section T3.9.2A.

Network Gas Supply Total Bid Payment



Has the meaning given to that term in Section T3.12A.1.

GB Need Met Data

Data (comprising the items set out in Section Q5.6.3) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2C.1(d).

GC Limits

MW and/or %

Is defined in Annex X-1.

General Funding Share


Has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.2.1(d).

In relation to month m, a Trading Party’s General Funding Share reflects its proportionate share of the aggregate of certain BSCCo Charges for that month.

Generating Plant Demand Margin



Has the meaning given to that term in OC2 of the Grid Code.

Generic Line Loss Factor

A Line Loss Factor established for a class of Metering System as provided for in Section K1.7.2.

Gross Contract MWh


The value established in accordance with Annex D-3 paragraph 3.2.

The Gross Contract MWh is the gross aggregate of all Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Fixed Reallocations relating to a Trading Party over a given month.

GSP Group Metered Volume


In relation to any GSP Group and any Settlement Period, a Metered Volume representing the algebraic sum of:

(i) the quantity of Active Energy flowing into a GSP Group at Grid Supply Points connected to that GSP Group and at Distribution Systems Connections Points connected to that GSP Group, and

(ii) the quantity of Active Energy flowing out of a GSP Group at Grid Supply Points connected to that GSP Group and at Distribution Systems Connections Points connected to that GSP Group

but disregarding Exports and Imports at Boundary Points in that GSP Group.

GSP Group Take


In relation to any GSP Group and any Settlement Period, shall be determined as follows:



GSPGT means the GSP Group Take for that GSP Group and that Settlement Period;

GMV means the GSP Group Metered Volume for that GSP Group and that Settlement Period;

I means the magnitude of the quantities of Imports at CVA Boundary Points in that GSP Group (as at the Transmission Boundary) for that Settlement Period; and

E means the magnitude of the quantities of Exports at CVA Boundary Points in that GSP Group (as at the Transmission Boundary) for that Settlement Period.

High Reference Temperature

Degrees celsius

The daily average temperature for Great Britain which was exceeded on twelve (12) percent (%) of days during a thirty year historic period.

High Reference Transmission Energy


The daily aggregate Transmission Energy which was exceeded on twelve (12) percent (%) of days during a thirty year historic period.

Indicated Constraint Boundary Margin



The import and export constraint limits for a BMRS Zone.

The import constraint limit being calculated as the boundary transfer limit minus the Demand Forecast plus the sum of Maximum Export Limits for exporting BM Units and the export constraint limit being calculated as the boundary transfer limit plus the Demand Forecast minus the sum of Maximum Export Limits for exporting BM Units

Indicated Demand



The half-hour average MW expected demand in each Settlement Period calculated as the sum of all Physical Notifications for that Settlement Period prevailing at the time of the forecast and for BM Units for which the Physical Notifications are negative, i.e. will be importing energy.

Indicated Generation



The half-hour average MW expected generation in each Settlement Period calculated as the sum of all Physical Notifications for that Settlement Period prevailing at the time of the forecast and for BM Units for which the Physical Notifications are positive, i.e. will be exporting energy.

Indicated Imbalance



Has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code.

Calculated as the difference between the sum of all Physical Notifications for exporting BM Units (i.e. the Indicated Generation) and the Transmission System Demand forecast

Indicated Margin


Has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code.

Calculated as the difference between the sum of all Maximum Export Limits for exporting BM Units and the Transmission System Demand forecast

Indicative Loss of Load Probability

In relation to a Settlement Period, the indicative probability to be provided by the NETSO in accordance with the Loss of Load Probability Calculation Statement and Sections Q6.8.2 and Q6.8.3.

Indicative Net Imbalance Volume



The Indicative Net Imbalance Volume calculated in accordance with Section V2.6.5.

Indicative Period Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.4

Indicative Period Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.4

Indicative Period Balancing Mechanism Bid Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section V2.6.6.

Indicative Period Balancing Mechanism Offer Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section V2.6.6.

Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.4

Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume.



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.4

Indicative Period RR BM Unit Cashflow



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.6A

Indicative Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.4

Indicative Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.4

Indicative Quarter-Hour RR Cashflow



The quantity determined in accordance with Section V2.6.6A

Indicative System Buy Price



The Indicative System Buy Price calculated in accordance with Section V2.6.5.

Indicative System Sell Price



The Indicative System Sell Price calculated in accordance with Section V2.6.5.

Information Imbalance Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.3.6.

The Information Imbalance Charge is the charge applicable to the associated Lead Party as a result of the difference in FPN data as modified by Acceptances and BM Unit Metered Volume from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Information Imbalance Price



The price specified in Section T4.3.5, being an amount equal to zero.

Initial Energy Credit Cover



The amount determined as such in accordance with Section M4.2.2.

The Initial Energy Credit Cover is the amount of Credit Cover that a Trading Party p has in place at the start of a Credit Cover Error Period.

Initial National Demand Out-Turn



The demand metered by the NETSO taking into account transmission losses but not including station transformer load, pumped storage demand or Interconnector demand. References to INDO in Section Q6.1.13 and in Table 1 of Section V Annex V-1 mean the half-hour average INDO for a Settlement Period. References to INDO in Section G3.1.4 mean the spot time INDO measured by the NETSO in accordance with that paragraph.

Initial Ranked Set

One of the Initial Ranked Sets of System Actions as provided in paragraph 2.1(c) of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn



The half-hour average MW demand metered by the NETSO taking into account transmission losses and including station transformers load, pumped storage demand and Interconnector demand.

Interconnector Metered Volume



Is defined in Annex X-1.

The net aggregate volume of Active Energy, determined as at the Transmission System Boundary, which flowed from or to the relevant Interconnector in Settlement Period j.

Interconnector Schedule Data

Data (comprising the items set out in Section Q5.6.4) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2C.1(d).

Line Loss Factor

Means a multiplier which, when applied to data from a CVA Metering System connected to a Boundary Point on a Distribution System, converts such data into an equivalent value at the Transmission System Boundary.

Line Loss Factor Class


A set of SVA Metering Systems defined by a Licensed Distribution System Operator relating to any one or more of its Distribution System(s) that are assigned the same Line Loss Factor for the relevant Settlement Period.

Loss of Load Probability

In relation to a Settlement Period, the Final Loss of Load Probability or the Indicative Loss of Load Probability as the context so requires.

Low Reference Temperature

Degrees celsius

The daily average temperature for Great Britain which was exceeded on eighty eight (88) percent (%) of days during a thirty year historic period.

Low Reference Transmission Energy


The daily aggregate Transmission Energy which was exceeded on eighty eight (88) percent (%) of days during a thirty year historic period.

Main Funding Share


Has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.2.1(a).

The Main Funding Share represents a Trading Party’s proportionate share of the aggregate Credited Energy Volumes for month m.

Market Index Price



In relation to a Market Index Data Provider and a Settlement Period, the price data to be provided by that Market Index Data Provider in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement or (where applicable) deemed in accordance with Section T4.3A.1.

Market Index Volume



In relation to a Market Index Data Provider and a Settlement Period, the volume data to be provided by that Market Index Data Provider in accordance with the Market Index Definition Statement or (where applicable) deemed in accordance with Section T4.3A.1.

Market Price



Has the meaning given to that term in Section T4.3A.2.

Maximum Delivery Period

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Maximum Delivery Volume

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Maximum Export Limit

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Maximum Import Limit

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Metered Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume



is defined in Section M1.2.4A.

The Metered Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume is the contribution to a Trading Party’s Metered Energy Indebtedness from BM Unit i and Energy Account a in Settlement Period j.

Metered Energy Indebtedness



is defined in Section M1.2.4A.

The Metered Energy Indebtedness is the net energy contribution determined to be allocated to a Trading Party for Settlement Periods as defined in Section M1.2.4A.

Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation



A MWh value determined in accordance with Section P4.3.1.

In relation to any BM Unit i, for any Settlement Period j, Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation means, for Energy Account a of a Contract trading Party, the aggregate of all Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Fixed Data for Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications relating to such Energy Account.

Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation



A percentage value determined in accordance with Section P4.3.1.

In relation to any BM Unit i, for any Settlement Period j, Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation means, for Energy Account a of Contract Trading Party, the aggregate of all Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Percentage Data for Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications relating to such Party.

Minimum Non-Zero Time

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Minimum Zero Time

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Monthly Consumption-Charging Net SVA Costs



Has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1(d).

Monthly Default Costs



Has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1(e).

Monthly Net Main Costs



Has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1(d).

Monthly payment



Has the meaning given to that term in Annex D 4 1.1.

Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs



Has the meaning given to that term in Section D4.1(d).

MSID Pair Data

The data comprising the data items pursuant to Section S10.1 and may be:

(i) BM Unit MSID Pair Data; or

(ii) Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data

MSID Pair Delivered Volume



The amount determined in accordance with Section Q6.4.10 or S11.1.1.

.MSID Pair Delivered Volume is such volumes of Active Energy notified to the SVAA by the NETSO for the purposes of calculating Non BM Unit ABSVD (SNBABSVDij); or by the Virtual Lead Party for the purposes of aggregating Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume (VBMUSDViZj).

National Demand

Has the meaning given to the term National Demand as defined in the Grid Code.

Net Imbalance Volume



Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 14.1 of Annex T-1.

NIV Tagged

NIV Tagged as provided in paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Non BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data or Non BM Unit ABSVD

The following data:

(i) Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data ;

(ii) the associated MSID Pair Delivered Volume.

Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data

Has the meaning given to that term in Section Q 6.4.8.

Non-BM STOR Instructed Volume


The volume of Short Term Operating Reserve instructed by the NETSO outside of the balancing mechanism in order to increase generation or reduce demand.

Non-BM STOR Instruction

A Short Term Operating Reserve instruction given by the NETSO outside of the balancing mechanism in order to increase generation or reduce demand.

Non-Delivered Bid Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.8.12.

The Non-Delivered Bid Charge is a charge in Settlement Period j, that may relate to an accepted Bid n, that is determined not to have been delivered (either wholly or in part) from BM Unit i.

Non-Delivered Bid Price



The amount determined in accordance Section T4.8.19, T4.8.20 and T4.8.21.

The amount in £/MWh associated with an Accepted Bid (being an Accepted Bid or a downward Quarter Hour RR Activation) that is allocated to Period BM Non-Delivered Bid Volume.

Non-Delivered Offer Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.8.11.

The Non-Delivered Offer Charge is a charge in Settlement Period j, that may relate to an accepted Offer n, that is determined not to have been delivered (either wholly or in part) from BM Unit i.

Non-Delivered Offer Price



The amount determined in accordance Section T4.8.16, T4.8.17 and T4.8.18.

The amount in £/MWh associated with an Accepted Offer (being an Accepted Offer or an upward Quarter Hour RR Activation) that is allocated to Period BM Non-Delivered Offer Volume.

Non-Delivery Order Number


The number allocated to an Offer or Bid in accordance with Section T4.8.4 or T4.8.8.

The Non-Delivery Order Number (u) is an index used to rank non-delivered Offers or Bids from a BM Unit in a particular Settlement Period in order to determine the order of allocation the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume, or the Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume.

Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor


Is defined in Annex X-1.

The factor is used to establish the BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability and BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability for BM Uniti on a CALF Non-Working Day determined for the purposes of Credit Assessment Load Factor.

Normal Reference Temperature

Degrees celsius

The daily average temperature for Great Britain which was exceeded on fifty (50) percent (%) of days during a thirty year historic period.

Normal Reference Transmission Energy


The daily aggregate Transmission Energy which was exceeded on fifty (50) percent (%) of days during a thirty year historic period.

Notice to Deliver Bids

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Notice to Deliver Offers

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Notice to Deviate from Zero

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.


The quantity (as provided in Section Q4.1.3(a) or, where applicable, established in Section T3.4B.3) in a Bid-Offer Pair if considered as a possible increase in Export or decrease in Import of the relevant BM Unit at a given time.

Offer Non-Delivery Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.8.6.

The Offer Non-Delivery Volume is the quantity of non-delivery apportioned to Offer n from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Offer Price



The amount in £/MWh associated with an Offer and comprising part of a Bid-Offer Pair.

Offtaking Transmission Losses Adjustment


The factor determined as such in accordance with Section T2.3.1.

The factor used in the determination of the Transmission Loss Multiplier for BM Units in Offtaking in Trading Units in Settlement Period j

Output Usable


Has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code.

Out-Turn Temperature

Degrees celsius

A single value deemed to be representative of the temperature for Great Britain as measured at midday.

PAR Tagged

PAR Tagged as provided in paragraph 11 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Party Daily Reallocation Proportion

Has the meaning given to that term in Section G1.3.

Party Submitted Expected Volumes



The volume submitted by the Party which represents the Party’s forecast of expected volumes per Settlement Period for all MSID Pairs not selected for Baselining within a BMU providing Balancing Services

Period Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.8.2.

The Period Accepted Bid Volume is the volume of Bid n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, as a result of Acceptance k, where that Acceptance is not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.8.1.

The Period Accepted Offer Volume is the volume of Offer n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of Acceptance k, where that Acceptance is not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period BM Unit Balancing Services Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3.2.

The Period BM Unit Balancing Services Volume is the sum of the net quantity of accepted Bids and Offers and the net quantity of energy associated with delivery of Applicable Balancing Services from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.10.2.

The Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from accepted volumes of Bid n from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period BM Unit Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.11.1.

The Period BM Unit Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from all accepted Bids and Offers from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand



The amount determined in accordance with Annex S-2 3.11 which is used in Section T8.

The Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand is the amount of Demand for a BM Unit which has been consumed by Generation or Storage Facility under the conditions of the Generation license which should not be subject to the Final Consumption Levy.

Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section R8.2.1.

The Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volume is the volume of energy for BM Unit i in Settlement Period j that was subject to Demand Disconnection.

Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.8.2.

The Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume is the quantity of non-delivered Bids from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.8.1.

The Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume is the quantity of non-delivered Offers from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.10.1.

The Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from accepted volumes of Offer n from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.9.2.

The Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume is the quantity of Bid n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, as a result of all Acceptances that are not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.9.1.

The Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume is the quantity of Offer n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, as a result of all Acceptances that are not flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.20.2.

The Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume is the volume of Bid, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of an acceptance of a Replacement Reserve Bid in Quarter Hour J.

Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.20.1.

The Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume is the volume of Offer, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of an acceptance of a Replacement Reserve Bid in Quarter Hour J.

Period Expected Metered Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3.3.

The Period Expected Metered Volume is the quantity of energy that a particular BM Unit i, is expected to export or import in Settlement Period j, after taking account of any accepted offers or bids.

Period FPN



The quantity determined in accordance with T4.3.1.

The Period FPN is the integrated MWh of energy implied by integrating the Final Physical Notification for BM Unit i over Settlement Period j.

Period Information Imbalance Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3.4.

The Period Information Imbalance Volume is the difference between the BM Unit Metered Volume and the Period Expected Metered Volume for BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period RR Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.8.4.

The Period RR Accepted Bid Volume is the volume of Bid n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, as a result of Acceptance k, where that Acceptance is flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period RR Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.8.3.

The Period RR Accepted Offer Volume is the volume of Offer n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of Acceptance k, where that Acceptance is flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period RR BM Unit Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.11B.1.

The Period RR BM Unit Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from all Quarter Hour RR Activations from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.9.4.

The Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume is the quantity of Bid n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, as a result of all Acceptances that are flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.9.3.

The Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume is the quantity of Offer n, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j, as a result of all Acceptances that are flagged as relating to an RR Schedule.

Period Secondary BM Unit Delivered Proportion



This quantity is determined in accordance with Section T4.3B.3.

Period Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume





This quantity is determined in accordance with Section T4.3B.2.

This quantity is represented by the acronym QSDi2j in paragraph T4.3B.4 for the sole reason that the formula in this paragraph refers to both Primary BM Units and Secondary BM Units.

Period Secondary BM Unit Non-Delivered Volume



This quantity is determined in accordance with Section T4.3B.1.

Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Compensation



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3C.2.

Period BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3C.3.

Period Secondary BM Unit Compensation Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.3C.4.

Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume



This quantity is determined in accordance with Section T4.3B.4.

Period Supplier BM Unit Delivered Volume



This quantity is determined in accordance with Section T4.3B.5.

Period Supplier Compensation Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.11.7.

Point Acceptance Volume



A MW level and associated time created in accordance with Section T3.1.2(c)

A Point Acceptance Volume submitted as part of Acceptance Volume Pair, is a level in absolute MW for spot time t and BM Unit i, used to imply the acceptance of one or more Offers and/or Bids.

Point Bid-Offer Volume



A MW level and associated time in accordance with Section T3.1.2(b).

The Point Bid-Offer Volume is one of two MW quantities each with the same or different associated spot time t, determined for each Bid-Offer Pair n, for BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Point FPN



A MW quantity and associated time in accordance with Section T3.1.2(a).

Point FPN data is a series of one or more MW spot values submitted for spot times t in Settlement Period j for BM Unit i. It is used to determine the values of Final Physical Notification.

Point Value Identification Number


A number used to differentiate two values of a point variable determined for the same spot time and established for Point FPN values in Section T3.1.2(a) and for Point Bid-Offer Volumes in Section T3.1.2(b).


The identifier for a specific period of time submitted to the SAA pursuant to Section T3.1.5 with associated Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data.

Each Position is an identifier determined by reference to a Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type. For a PT60 there will be one Position associated with the relevant Replacement Reserve Auction Period, for a PT30 there will be two Positions associated with the relevant Replacement Reserve Auction Period and for a PT15 there will be four Positions associated with the relevant Replacement Reserve Auction Period. The SAA will convert Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data associated with each Position into Quarter Hour data pursuant to Section T3.1.5.

Price Average Reference Volume



The volume determined in accordance with Section T1.10.1

Quarter Hour

A period of fifteen minutes beginning on the hour or each quarter hour thereafter and in accordance with paragraph 4.3A of this Annex X-2.

Quarter Hour GB Need Met

For each Quarter Hour, data derived from GB Need Met Data pursuant to Section T3.1.5.

Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule

For each Quarter Hour, data derived from Interconnector Schedule Data pursuant to Section T3.1.5.

Quarter Hour RR Activated Quantity

For each Quarter Hour, the MW level derived from Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data pursuant to Section T3.1.5.

Quarter Hour RR Activation

For each Quarter Hour, data derived from Replacement Reserve Activation Data pursuant to Section T3.1.5.

Quarter Hour RR Activation Data

Data (comprising the items set out in Section Q5.6.2) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2C.1(d).

Quarter Hour RR Activation Price


The price associated with a RR Activation as defined in Section Q5.6.2(e).

Quarter Hour RR Activation Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.9.5.

The RR Activation Level multiplied by the Quarter Hour duration in hours, for a given Quarter Hour RR Activation.

Quarter Hour RR Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.11A.1.

The Quarter Hour RR Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from a RR Activations from BM Unit i in Quarter Hour J.

Quarter Hour Volume GB Need Met



For each Quarter Hour, data derived from Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule pursuant to Annex T1 paragraph 1.2.(b).vii or paragraph 1.2.(c).vii

Quarter Hour Volume Interconnector Schedule



For each Quarter Hour, data derived from Quarter Hour Interconnector Schedule pursuant to Annex T1 paragraph 1.2.(b).viii or paragraph 1.2.(c).viii

Ranked Set

Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.2 of Annex T-1.

Registered Capacity


Has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code.

Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume



The quantity determined as such in accordance with Section T4.8.10

The Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume is the amount of Non-Delivered Bid Volume remaining to be allocated to Bid u from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume



The quantity determined as such in accordance with Section T4.8.6.

The Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume is the amount of Non-Delivered Offer Volume remaining to be allocated to Offer u from BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Replacement Buy Price



The Replacement Buy Price determined in accordance with paragraph 15 of Part 2 of Annex T-1.

Replacement Price



Means either the Replacement Buy Price or the Replacement Sell Price as determined in accordance with paragraph 15 of Part 2 of Annex T-1, and Replacement Pricing shall have the same meaning.

Replacement Price Average Reference Volume


Has the meaning given to that term in Section T1.11.1.

Replacement Reserve Activation Data

Data (comprising the items set out in Section Q5.6.2) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2C.1(d).

Replacement Reserve Activation Price



The price associated with a Position.

Replacement Reserve Activation Price forms part of the Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data for each Position and is submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q.

Replacement Reserve Activation Time

Spot time

Has the meaning given to that term in Section Q5.6.1.

Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Buy Action


In respect of each Quarter Hour within a Replacement Reserve Auction Period, an aggregated unpriced System Buy Action derived from Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data.

Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Sell Action


In respect of each Quarter Hour within a Replacement Reserve Auction Period, an aggregated unpriced System Sell Action derived from Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data.

Replacement Reserve Auction Period

A period of sixty minutes in relation to which Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data is associated pursuant to Section Q5.6 and which period corresponds to two complete Settlement Periods with the start of that Replacement Reserve Auction Period coinciding with the Settlement Period that begins on the hour.

Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type

Indicates the period of time within the Replacement Reserve Auction Period that the associated Replacement Reserve Activation Data, GB Need Met Data and Interconnector Schedule Data relate to.

A Replacement Reserve Auction Period Resolution Type may be categorised as PT60 which is comprised of a single period of sixty minutes, PT30 which is comprised of two periods of thirty minutes or PT15 which is comprised of four periods of fifteen minutes.

Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data

Data (comprising the items set out in Section Q5.6.1) to be submitted by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2C.1(d).

Replacement Reserve Bid

Has the meaning given to the term TERRE Bid as defined in the Grid Code.

Replacement Reserve Bid Data

In relation to a Replacement Reserve Bid, the data comprising the items set out in the TERRE Data Validation and Consistency Rules (as defined under the Grid Code) to be submitted by the Lead Party of a BM Unit pursuant to Section Q4.3.3 and by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q6.2C.1(d).

Replacement Reserve Bid Price


The price associated with a Replacement Reserve Bid.

Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.22.2.

The Replacement Reserve Bid Deviation Volume is the volume of Bid, in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of all acceptances of a Replacement Reserve Bids in that Settlement Period compared to the volume of Bid determined to be the Total Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume for that Settlement Period.

Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.22.1.

The Replacement Reserve Offer Deviation Volume is the volume of Offer, in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of all acceptances of a Replacement Reserve Offers in that Settlement Period compared to the volume of Offer determined to be the Total Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume for that Settlement Period.

Replacement Reserve Period Instructed Bid Deviation Cashflow



The cashflow determined in accordance with T3.23.2.

Replacement Reserve Period Instructed Offer Deviation Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with T3.23.1.

Replacement Reserve Period Instruction Deviation Cashflow



The cashflow determined in accordance with T3.24.1.

Replacement Sell Price



The Replacement Sell Price determined in accordance with paragraph 15 of Part 2 of Annex T-1.

Replacement-Priced Ranked Set

The Replacement-priced Ranked Set as provided in paragraph 10.4 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Reserve Scarcity Price



In respect of a Settlement Period, the price determined in accordance with Section T3.13.

Residual Cashflow Reallocation Cashflow



The cashflow determined in accordance with Section T4.10.3.

The Residual Cashflow Reallocation Cashflow is the cashflow to Energy Account a in Settlement Period j resulting from the reallocation the Total System Residual Cashflow.

Residual Cashflow Reallocation Proportion


The proportion determined in accordance with Section T4.10.2.

The Residual Cashflow Reallocation Proportion is a fraction expressing the proportion of the Total System Residual Cashflow to be allocated to Energy Account a in Settlement Period j.

RR Schedule

A MW profile constructed by the SAA that provides a baseline for RR Activations with ramping considerations.

This MW profile is processed by Settlement in the same way as Bid-Offer Acceptance but not settled under Bid-Offer Prices.

Run-Down Rate(s)

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Run-Up Rate(s)

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data

Has the meaning given to that term in Section S paragraph 10.1A

Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with 7.1.1D Annex S-2.

Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume



The Secondary BM Unit half hourly Supplier Delivered Volumes determined by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 9.6.1C of Annex S-2.

Second-Stage Flagged

Second-Stage Flagged in accordance with paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Sell Price Price Adjustment



The amount sent by the NETSO as the ‘Sell Price Price Adjustment’ in accordance with Section Q6.3.

Settlement Expected Volumes



The quantity determined in accordance with 7.3.5 Annex S-2.

Settlement Period


A period of thirty minutes beginning on the hour or the half-hour and in accordance with paragraph 4.3 of this Annex X-2.

Settlement Period Duration



0.5 hours.

Settlement Period Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.11.5.

Site Specific Line Loss Factor

A Line Loss Factor established for a single Metering System as provided in Section K1.7.2.

Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit


The quantity established in accordance with Section L1.5

The Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit is the maximum generation capacity (measured at the Boundary Point) of the aggregate Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant connected to a Distribution System at a single Boundary Point.

SO-Flagged Ranked Set

One of the SO-Flagged Ranked Sets as provided in paragraph 4 of Part 1 of Annex T-1.

Stable Export Limit

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Stable Import Limit

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

Start Point Demand Control Level


Has the meaning given to that term in Section T3.15(a)(a).

STOR Action

An Accepted Offer derived from a STOR Flagged BOA taken by the NETSO during a STOR Availability Window in order to increase generation or reduce demand.

STOR Action Price



In relation to each STOR Action, the price determined in accordance with Section T3.14

STOR Instructed Volume



The Period Accepted Offer Volume in respect of each STOR Action instructed by the NETSO in order to increase generation or reduce demand.

Submitted Bid-Offer Pair

A Bid-Offer Pair in respect of which the NETSO submits Bid-Offer Data pursuant to Section Q6.2.

Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD



The amount determined by the SVAA pursuant to Annex S-2 paragraph 9.6.1C.

Supplier Compensation Proportion



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.11.2.

Supplier Compensation Volume



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.11.4.




Has the meaning given to that term in OC2 of the Grid Code

SVA (Production) Funding Share


Has the meaning given to that term in Section D1.2.1(c).

In relation to a month m, the SVA (Production) Funding Share represents a Party’s proportionate share of aggregate Credited Energy Volumes for Production BM Units for that month.

System Action


Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.2 of Annex T-1.

System Action Price

SAP wj


Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.2 of Annex T-1.

System Buy Action



Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.2 of Annex T-1.

System Buy Price



The price determined in accordance with Section T4.4.2.

System Demand Control Volume



Has the meaning given to it in Section T3.15.3(a).

System Operator Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.9.1.

The System Operator Cashflow is the amount paid by or to the System Operator in Settlement Period j in relation to the settlement of the Balancing Services.

System Period Compensation Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.11.3.

System Sell Action



Has the meaning given to that term in paragraph 1.2 of Annex T-1.

System Sell Price



The price determined in accordance with Section T4.4.3.

System Warning

Has the meaning given to that term in BC1 of the Grid Code.

System Zone

Has the meaning given to that term in the Grid Code.

TLM-adjusted BM Unit Chargeable Demand



The amount determined in accordance with Section T8.1.3.

Total Instantaneous Out-Turn Generation


The total instantaneous generation metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code.

Total Metered Capacity


The total value of the Registered Capacity of all Power Park Modules metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code.

Total AMSID Pair Delivered Volume



The amount determined in accordance with Annex S-2 3.11.3.

Total MSID Pair Delivered Volume



The amount determined in accordance with Annex S-2 3.10.1B.

Total Output Usable


Means the sum of Output Usables (as defined in the Grid Code) excluding (unless expressly stated otherwise in the Code) expected Interconnector transfer capacity.

Total Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.6.5.

The Total Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume is the net quantity of energy associated with delivery of Applicable Balancing Services by all BM Units in Settlement Period j.

Total Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.21.2.

The Total Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume is the volume of Bid, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of all acceptances of a Replacement Reserve Bid in that Settlement Period.

Total Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume



The quantity established in accordance with Section T3.21.1.

The Total Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume is the volume of Offer, accepted in respect of BM Unit i, in Settlement Period j as a result of all acceptances of a Replacement Reserve Bid in that Settlement Period.

Total Period Out-Turn Generation


In respect of a Settlement Period, the total generation for that Settlement Period as metered by the NETSO in accordance with CC6.5.6 of the Grid Code.

Total Specified BSC Charges



The sum of the Specified BSC Charges for Trading Party p relating to month m.

Total System Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.12.1.

The Total System Cashflow is the total payments and charges in respect of settlement of Balancing Services action for all BM Units, disregarding any Non-Delivered Offer Charges and Non-Delivered Bid Charges.

Total System Energy Imbalance Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.7.2.

The Total System Energy Imbalance Cashflow is the total cashflow resulting from the Settlement of Energy Imbalances, summed over all Energy Accounts in Settlement Period j.

Total System Energy Imbalance Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with Section T4.6.4.

Total System Energy Imbalance Volume is the sum over all Energy Accounts of the Account Energy Imbalance Volume..

Total System Information Imbalance Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.3.7.

The Total System Information Imbalance Charge is the total charge for information imbalances, summed over all BM Units in Settlement Period j.

Total System Non-Delivery Charge



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.8.14.

The Total System Non-Delivery Charge is the BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge summed over all BM Units in Settlement Period j.

Total System Residual Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T4.10.1.

The Total System Residual Cashflow is the surplus or deficit of funds remaining to be reallocated after the Settlement of Energy Imbalances, Information Imbalances, the Balancing Mechanism (including non-delivery) and the System Operator BM Charge.

Total System RR Cashflow



The amount determined in accordance with Section T3.25.1.

The Total System RR Cashflow is the summation of Quarter Hour RR Cashflow (CRRiJ) across all BM Units i and across both Quarter Hours J falling within a given Settlement Period j.

Trading Unit Delivery Mode

A flag identifying whether a Trading Unit was a delivering Trading Unit or an offtaking Trading Unit determined in accordance with Section T6.1.3.

Trading Unit Export Volume



The volume determined in accordance with Section T6.1.1.

Trading Unit Import Volume



The volume determined in accordance with Section T6.1.2.

Transmission Energy


The integral with respect to time of National Demand.

Transmission Loss Factor


The factor specified in Section T2.2.1(a).

The Transmission Loss Factor is that factor used to allocate transmission losses on a locational basis to BM Unit i in Settlement Period j.

Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment


The value determined in accordance with paragraph 9.1 of Annex T-2.

The Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment is the value calculated to ensure that, as far as possible, the Adjusted Seasonal Zonal TLF (ATLFZS) values have a zero net aggregate effect on Delivering Transmission Losses Adjustment (TLMO+j) values.

Transmission Loss Multiplier


The multiplier calculated in accordance with Section T2.3.1(a) or (b).

The Transmission Loss Multiplier is the factor applied to BM Unit i in Settlement Period j in order to adjust for Transmission Losses.

Transmission System Demand

Has the meaning given to the term National Electricity Transmission System Demand as defined in the Grid Code.

Transmission System Frequency


The Frequency of the Transmission System.

Unsubmitted Bid-Offer Pair

Has the meaning given to that term in Section T3.4B.2.

Utilisation Price


The amount sent by the NETSO as a utilisation payment in respect of a STOR Action which:

(i) in relation to a BM STOR Action shall be the Offer Price; and

(ii) in relation to a Non-BM STOR Action shall be the Balancing Services Adjustment Cost.

Value of Lost Load



Has the meaning given to it in Section T1.12.1.

Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor


Is defined in Annex X-1.

The factor is used to establish the BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability and BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability for BM Uniti on a CALF Working Day determined for the purposes of Credit Assessment Load Factor.

Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume


The volume determined in accordance with Section T4.3C.1.

Zonal Transmission System Demand

The forecast quantity of Transmission System Demand in a BMRS Zone.

Table X-3 –

Glossary of Acronyms Applying Except In Relation To Section S

This table provides a list of the acronyms defined in Table X-2, presented in alphabetical order of the acronym name.



Corresponding Defined Term or Expression



Actual Energy Indebtedness



Balancing Energy Deviation Price



BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability



BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability



BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volume



BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume



Bid-Offer Lower Range



Bid-Offer Upper Range



Buy Price Price Adjustment



Balancing Services Adjustment Price



Continuous Acceptance Duration



Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit



Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow



Daily Party Energy Imbalance Cashflow


Credit Assessment Load Factor



Credit Assessment Price



Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume



Period BM Unit Cashflow



Daily Party BM Unit Cashflow



BM Unit Chargeable Demand



Period BM Unit Bid Cashflow



Credit Cover Error Compensation



Credit Cover



Credit Cover Percentage


Quarter Hour RR Cashflow



Replacement Reserve Period Instructed Bid Deviation Cashflow



Replacement Reserve Period Instructed Offer Deviation Cashflow



Replacement Reserve Period Instruction Deviation Cashflow



Daily Party RR Instruction Deviation Cashflow



Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness



Claim Group non-corrected Account Energy Imbalance Cashflow



Information Imbalance Charge



Daily Party Information Imbalance Charge



Supplier Compensation Proportion



Non-Delivered Bid Charge



BM Unit Period Non-Delivery Charge



Non-Delivered Offer Charge



Daily Party Non-Delivery Charge



Period BM Unit Offer Cashflow



Corrected Component


Corrected MSID ABSVD Component



Period RR BM Unit Cashflow



Daily Party RR Cashflow



Daily System Operator BM Cashflow



System Operator BM Cashflow



De Minimis Acceptance Threshold



Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume



Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume



Credit Cover Error Interest Amount



Credit Cover Error Imbalance Amount



Energy Credit Cover



Energy Contract Volume



Erroneous Energy Indebtedness



Energy Indebtedness


Point Value Identification Number



Final Demand



Point FPN


Credit Cover Error Erroneous Rejection Flag



Period FPN






Point Bid-Offer Volume


General Funding Share


Main Funding Share


SVA (Production) Funding Share


BM Unit Identification Number



Replacement Reserve Instructed Bid Deviation Volume



Indicative Period Balancing Mechanism Bid Cashflow



Indicative Period Balancing Mechanism Offer Cashflow



Initial Energy Credit Cover



Information Imbalance Price



Indicated Imbalance



Interconnector Metered Volume



Indicated Demand



Indicated Generation



Initial National Demand Out-Turn



Indicative Net Imbalance Volume



Replacement Reserve Instructed Offer Deviation Volume



Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume



Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume



Indicative System Buy Price



Indicative System Sell Price



Initial Transmission System Demand Out-Turn


Settlement Period


Bid-Offer Acceptance Number


Line Loss Factor Class


Final Loss of Load Probability


Balancing Services Adjustment Action



Metered Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume



Monthly Default Costs



Metered Energy Indebtedness



Indicated Constraint Boundary Margin



Monthly Net Main Costs



MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Market Price



Monthly Production-Charging SVA Costs


Bid-Offer Pair Number



Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand



Non-Delivered Bid Price



Non-Delivered Offer Price



Net Imbalance Volume









NIV Untagged EBVA



NIV Untagged ESVA


Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor



Generating Plant Demand Margin (daily value)



Generating Plant Demand Margin (weekly value)



Price Average Reference Volume



Bid Price



Offer Price



Market Index Price



Account Bilateral Contract Volume



Period Accepted Bid Volume



Accepted Bid Volume



Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid Volume



Accepted Bid-Offer Volume



Account Period Balancing Services Volume



Account Credited Energy Volume



Account Period Deviation Volume



Account Energy Imbalance Volume



Acceptance Volume



Point Acceptance Volume



Period Accepted Offer Volume



Accepted Offer Volume



Period BM Unit Total Accepted Offer Volume



BM Unit Applicable Balancing Services Volume Data or BM Unit ABSVD



Balancing Demand Control Volume



Bid-Offer Volume



Balancing Services Adjustment Buy Volume



Balancing Services Adjustment Volume



Balancing Services Adjustment Sell Volume



Period Supplier BM Unit Delivered Volume



Period BM Unit Balancing Services Volume



Credited Energy Volume



Supplier Compensation Volume



Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Compensation



System Period Compensation Volume



Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume



Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volume



Deviation Volume



Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume



Deemed Standard Product Shape



Deemed Standard Product Point Variables



Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume



Deemed Standard Product Volume



Network Gas Supply Imbalance Adjustment Volume



Period Information Imbalance Volume



Period Expected Metered Volume



Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation



Metered Volume Reallocation Fixed Data



BM Unit Metered Volume



Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation



Metered Volume Reallocation Percentage Data



Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume



Bid Non-Delivery Volume



Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume



Offer Non-Delivery Volume


System Buy Action



System Demand Control Volume

QSDij or QSDi2j


Period Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume



Period Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume



STOR Instructed Volume



Period Secondary BM Unit Non-Delivered Volume


System Sell Action



Period BM Unit Supplier Compensation Volume



Trading Unit Export Volume



Trading Unit Import Volume



Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume



Market Index Volume



Replacement Buy Price



Residual Cashflow Reallocation Cashflow



Daily Party Residual Settlement Cashflow


No Units

Residual Cashflow Reallocation Proportion



Credit Cover Error Rejection Volume


Replacement Price Average Reference Volume



Replacement Price



Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Bid Volume



Remaining Period BM Unit Non-Delivered Offer Volume



Period RR Accepted Bid Volume



Period RR Total Accepted Bid Volume



Period RR Accepted Offer Volume



Period RR Total Accepted Offer Volume



Replacement Reserve Activation Price


Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Buy Action


Replacement Reserve Aggregated Unpriced System Sell Action



Quarter Hour RR Activated Volume



Replacement Sell Price



Reserve Scarcity Price


System Action Price



System Buy Price



Daily Supplier Compensation Cashflow



Daily Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow



Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD



Sell Price Price Adjustment



Settlement Period BM Unit Energy Indebtedness



Settlement Period Duration



Period Secondary BM Unit Delivered Proportion



Surplus (daily value)



Surplus (weekly value)



System Sell Price


Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit



STOR Action Price



Period Supplier Compensation Cashflow



Settlement Period Virtual Lead Party Compensation Cashflow



Total System BM Cashflow



TLM-adjusted BM Unit Chargeable Demand



Total System Energy Imbalance Cashflow



Total System Information Imbalance Charge



Total System Non-Delivery Charge



Total System RR Cashflow



Total Period Deemed Standard Product Bid Volume



Total Period Deemed Standard Product Offer Volume



Network Gas Supply Total Bid Payment


Spot time

Bid-Offer Acceptance Time


Transmission Loss Factor Adjustment


Transmission Loss Factor


No Units

Transmission Loss Multiplier


Delivering Transmission Losses Adjustment.


Offtaking Transmission Losses Adjustment



Total Period Applicable Balancing Services Volume



Total System Energy Imbalance Volume



Total System Residual Cashflow



Total Specified BSC Charges


Non-Delivery Order Number



Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume



Value of Lost Load


System Action


Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor


Wholesale Market Proportion of Delivered Volume

Table X–4 –

Use of Subscripts and Superscripts Applying to Section S

The following subscripts used in the formulae and other algebraic expressions contained in the Code shall bear the following respective meanings for Section S of the Code:


refers to a Data Aggregator or, as the context may require in paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2, to a Data Aggregator appointed by a Primary Supplier against a Primary SVA Metering System Number and a Data Aggregator appointed by an associated Secondary Supplier against a Secondary SVA Metering System Number;


refers to a Data Aggregator appointed by a Primary Supplier against a Primary SVA Metering System Number K1;


refers to a Data Aggregator appointed by a Primary Supplier against a Primary SVA Metering System Number K1.1;


refers to a Data Aggregator appointed by a Secondary Supplier against a Secondary SVA Metering System Number Kn;


refers to a Data Aggregator appointed by a Secondary Supplier against a Secondary SVA Metering System Number Kn.1;


refers to an Analysis Class;


refers to an Adjusted Interval;


refers to a Settlement Period;


refers to a BM Unit;


refers to a Secondary BM Unit (where applicable);


refers to an individual value of the Regression Coefficient (RC) or of the Matrix of Regression Coefficients (MRC), according to the context;


refers to a Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with Consumption Component Class N;


refers to a Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) associated with Consumption Component Class N for which the data aggregation type is ‘N’;


refers to a calendar quarter;


refers to the number of days in a calendar quarter;


refers to a Standard Settlement Configuration;


refers to a Supplier Volume Reporting Group;


refers to a GSP Group;


refers to a Settlement Register;


Refers to a Metering System associated with an SVA Non-Final Demand Facility; and refers to an SVA Metering System Number and/or Asset Metering System associated with the provision of a Balancing Service;


refers to a Primary SVA Metering System Number;


refers to the "virtual" Primary SVA Metering System Number where Section K2.5.4(c)(ii) applies to the Primary Supplier;


refers to a Secondary SVA Metering System Number;


refers to the "virtual" Secondary SVA Metering System Number where Section K2.5.4(c)(ii) applies to the Secondary Supplier;


refers to a Line Loss Factor Class;


refers to a Consumption Component Class;


refers to a non half hourly active import Consumption Component Class;


refers to a Profile Class;


refers to a Profile;


refers to a valid combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration;


refers to a Settlement Day;


refers to a Time Pattern Regime;


refers to a calendar year;


refers to a Supplier or, as the context may require in paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2, to the Suppliers acting in the capacity of Primary Supplier and associated Secondary Supplier(s) in respect of a particular Shared SVA Metering System;


refers to a Supplier acting in the capacity of Primary Supplier in respect of a Shared SVA Metering System; and


refers to a Supplier acting in the capacity of Secondary Supplier in respect of a Shared SVA Metering System.

Table X–5 –

Use of Summations Applying to Section S

The following summations, used in the formulae and other algebraic expressions in Section S, shall bear the following respective meanings:



summed over all Data Aggregators (a);



summed over all Adjusted Intervals ((ai)) associated with the spot time in question for all Time Pattern Regimes associated with a particular Standard Settlement Configuration;



summed over all Settlement Periods;



summed over all Consumption Component Classes (N) where, in such summation, values associated with Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering Systems shall be subtracted and values associated with all other Consumption Component Classes shall be added, except in the case of ΣN(AA) and ΣN(EAC) for the purposes of Annex S-1 paragraph 2;



summed over all those Consumption Component Classes (N) for which the data aggregation type is ‘N’ and where, in such summation, values associated with Consumption Component Classes associated with Third Party Generating Plant comprised in SVA Metering Systems shall be subtracted and values associated with all other Consumption Component Classes shall be added;



summed over all Settlement Days (T) in a particular Meter Advance Period;



summed over all Suppliers (Z);



summed over all Settlement Registers (J) in a particular SVA Metering System (K);



summed over all Asset Metering Systems “K” allocated to a BM Unit in accordance with paragraph S10.1A.2(e)(i)



summed over all Asset Metering Systems “K” allocated to a BM Unit in accordance with paragraph S10.1A.2(e)(ii)



summed over all SVA Metering Systems (K) within a particular Line Loss Factor Class (L) and Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) (N);



summed over all SVA Metering Systems (K) within a Line Loss Factor Class (L) and Consumption Component Class (for line losses) associated with a particular Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) ((vv));



summed over all Line Loss Factor Classes (L) and Metering Systems K within a Consumption Component Class (for losses) associated with a particular Consumption Component Class (not for losses) ((vv));



summed over all kWh readings within a Settlement Class (LPR) itself within a particular Consumption Component Class (N);



summed over all kWh readings within a Settlement Class (LPR) itself within a particular Consumption Component Class (N) for which the data aggregation type is ‘N’;



summed over all Line Loss Factor Classes (L) within a Consumption Component Class (for losses) associated with a particular Consumption Component Class (not for losses) ((vv));



summed over all Line Loss Factor Classes (L) within a Consumption Component Class (for losses) associated with a particular Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) for which the data aggregation type is ‘N’ ((vvn));



summed over all Profile Classes (P) and Time Pattern Regimes within Standard Settlement Configuration (R) within a Consumption Component Class (for losses) associated with a particular Consumption Component Class (not for losses) ((vv));



summed over all Profile Classes (P) and Time Pattern Regimes within Standard Settlement Configuration (R) within a Consumption Component Class (for losses) associated with a particular Consumption Component Class (not for line losses) for which the data aggregation type is ‘N’ ((vvn));



summed over all non half hourly SVA Metering Systems (K) by Settlement Class (HLPR) for a particular Supplier (Z); and



summed over all Suppliers (Z) active within a particular GSP Group (H).



summed over all Settlement Periods in a Settlement Day for which the Modified Switched Load State Indicator (SQNEWCj) has been determined as equal to one by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent;



summed over all Settlement Periods in a Settlement Day for which the Modified Switched Load State Indicator (SQNEWCj) has been determined as equal to zero by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent;



summed over all Consumption Component Classes N that are associated with Annualised Advances;



summed over all Consumption Component Classes N that are associated with Estimated Annual Consumptions;



summed over all Settlement Days in a month



summed over all Consumption Component Classes that are associated with actual values and with half hourly data aggregation in relation to Metering Systems which are 100kW Metering Systems save those which are associated with SVA Generation and SVA Generation line losses;



summed over all Consumption Component Classes that are associated with estimated values and with half hourly data aggregation in relation to Metering Systems which are 100kW Metering Systems save those which are associated with SVA Generation and SVA Generation line losses.



summed over all Supplier BM Units (i) associated with a particular GSP Group (H);



summed over all Supplier BM Units (i) associated with a particular GSP Group (H) and Supplier (Z);



summed over all Suppliers (Z) and Line Loss Factor Classes (L) for Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination (R) in Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H);



summed over all Settlement Days (T) contained within the Calculation Period for which one or more values of TAAHZLPR was determined for Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combination (R) in Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H);



summed over all Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combinations (R) valid for Standard Configuration (C) and Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H);



summed over all Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime combinations (R) valid for Standard Settlement Configuration (C) in Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H) for Settlement Day (T);



summed over all Suppliers (Z) and Line Loss Factor Classes (L) for any one valid combination of Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime for Standard Settlement Configuration (C) in Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H);



summed over all Standard Settlement Configurations (C) for Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H) for Settlement Day (T);



summed over all Settlement Days (T) for Profile Class (P) within GSP Group (H).



summed over all Consumption Component Classes N that are associated with active import.



summed by Supplier (Z) over a calendar quarter (q) by Supplier Volume Reporting Group (G);

Table X–6 –

Definitions Applying To Section S

Unless otherwise expressly stated the expressions below bear the following meanings in Section S.

The definition of Non Half Hourly Supplier Deemed Take (NHHSDTHZj) also applies to Annex D-1. The definition of Measurement Class also applies to Section V and Section W.







Baseload Profile Consumption during the ‘on’ and ‘off’ periods respectively of switched load Time Pattern Regimes for a valid Standard Settlement Configuration associated with switched load, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.



The time duration from the start of the Settlement Day to 1800 hours Greenwich Mean Time on that Settlement Day, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2.

ABSVD BM Unit Delivered Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1E of Annex S-2.

Adjusted Interval

A period of time associated with a particular Time Pattern Regime based on a time period for which the associated Settlement Registers record Metered Data and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Adjusted Interval End Time

A time associated with a particular Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Adjusted Interval Start Time

A time associated with a particular Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Allocated BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume



The half hour Demand Disconnection volume of a Metering System determined pursuant to paragraph 3.8 of Annex S-2.

Allocated BM Unit’s Metering System Metered Consumption



The half hour metered Consumption of a Metering System determined pursuant to paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2.

Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.9.2 of Annex S-2.

The Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption is the Half Hourly metered volume per Settlement Period of SVA Metering Systems

Allocated Asset Metering System Metered Consumption



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.9.2A of Annex S-2.

The Allocated Asset Metering System Metered Consumption is the Half Hourly metered volume per Settlement Period of Asset Metering Systems

”AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Export”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 of Annex S-2.

The AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Export” is the total metered Line Loss Adjusted Export for an EMR AMSID Declaration.

”AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Import”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 of Annex S-2.

The AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Import” is the total metered Line Loss Adjusted Import for an EMR AMSID Declaration.

”AMSID Declaration Generation Export”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 of Annex S-2.

The AMSID Declaration Generation Export” is the total metered Line Loss Adjusted Export from a Generator or Storage Facility for an EMR AMSID Declaration.

”AMSID Declaration Generation Import”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 of Annex S-2.

The AMSID Declaration Generation Import” is the total metered Line Loss Adjusted Import to a Generator or Storage Facility for an EMR AMSID Declaration.

”AMSID Declaration Non‑Chargeable Proportion”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.2 of Annex S-2.

The AMSID Declaration Non‑Chargeable Proportion is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive representing the proportion of Boundary Point Imports to the Import MSIDs included in the Declaration that are deemed Non-Chargeable in that Settlement Period

Asset Metering System Metered Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption for a SVA Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

Asset Metering System Metered Consumption



The Metering System Metered Consumption for an Asset Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C of Annex S-2.

Allocated Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume



The half hour Demand Disconnection volume of a SVA Metering System determined pursuant to paragraph 3.7 of Annex S-2.

Allocated Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption



The half hour metered Consumption of a SVA Metering System determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

AMSID Pair Data

The data comprising the data items pursuant to Section S10.1A

AMSID Pair Delivered Volume



AMSID Pair Delivered Volume is such volumes of Active Energy notified by the Virtual Lead Party in relation to an AMSID Pair and each Associated MSID Pair for the purposes of aggregating Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume (VBMUSDViZj)

Alternative Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption


A value set from time to time by the Panel for one or more multi‑register Standard Settlement Configurations, and used in place of the corresponding Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption value for the purpose of calculating profile coefficients pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Analysis Class

A combination of Season Type and Day Type.

Annual Fraction of Yearly Consumption Adjustment


The difference due to rounding between unity and the sum of the Unadjusted Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption Values for a Standard Settlement Configuration and Profile Class within a GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Annualised Advance



An estimation of the Meter Advance on a Settlement Register over a period of a year determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2.

Annualised Advance Adjustment Factor



A factor used in the determination of Estimated Annual Consumption and determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2.

Asset Meter Register Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption for a Settlement Register within an Asset Metering System.

Average Fraction Of Yearly Consumption


An estimate of the fraction of the total Consumption of a multi-register Standard Settlement Configuration attributable to each Settlement Register of that Standard Settlement Configuration pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Base Fraction



The deemed proportion of Consumption for a Switched Load Metering System which is baseload determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Baseload Profile

The half-hourly profile of all non-switched loads in the Profile Class population, including non-switched loads taken during the periods when the switched load registers are recording Consumption and referred to in paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Baseload Profile Coefficient



One of the Basic Period Profile Coefficients which correspond to the Baseload Profile associated with a Switched Load Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Basic Period Profile Coefficient



A number determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2 and representing the fraction of annual Consumption in a given Settlement Period for a particular profile.

BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volume



The disconnection volume per Settlement Period for a Supplier BM Unit determined pursuant to paragraph 9.6.1A of Annex S-2.

BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume



The energy volume per Settlement Period for a Supplier BM Unit determined pursuant to paragraph 9.6.1 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit Disconnection Matrix


A matrix of data as determined pursuant to paragraph 8.2 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit Eligible Exempt Supply Volume


The exempt supply volume calculation pursuant to Section S paragraph 2.13.1 (d).

BM Unit Purchase Matrix


A matrix of data as determined pursuant to paragraph 8.1 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume



The half hourly Demand Disconnection volume, determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator pursuant to paragraph 3.8 of Annex S-2, or by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 7.1 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses)



The line losses determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator as resulting from the BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume pursuant to paragraph 3.8 of Annex S-2, or by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 7.2 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit Gross Demand Volume



The quantity established in accordance with paragraph 9.6.1E of Annex S-2.

BM Unit’s Metered Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption, determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator pursuant to paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2, or by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 7.1 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit’s Metered Consumption (Losses)



The line losses determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator as resulting from the BM Unit’s Metered Consumption pursuant to paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2, or by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 7.2 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit’s Profiled Consumption



A Supplier BM Unit’s non half hourly Consumption profiled per Settlement Period for a particular Consumption Component Class, determined pursuant to paragraph 8.1 of Annex S-2.

BM Unit’s Profiled Disconnection



A Supplier BM Unit’s non half hourly Demand Disconnection volume profiled per Settlement Period for a particular Consumption Component Class, determined pursuant to paragraph 8.2 of Annex S-2.

Calculation Period

The period of consecutive Settlement Days (typically but not necessarily one year in duration) on whose Supplier Purchase Matrix data the calculation of Average Fractions of Yearly Consumption pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2 is based.

Certificate of Supply

For the purposes of Annex S-2 the Estimated Annual Consumption for a Non Qualifying Unmetered Supply as provided from time to time by Public Distribution Service Operator.

Clock Interval

A combination of seasons, dates, days and times defining the period over which Consumption is recorded by a Settlement Register the details of which are provided pursuant to paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex S-2.



The amount of electricity produced by a SVA Generator or used by an SVA Customer.

Consumption Component Class

A classification of half hourly Consumption and/or electricity produced or used by an Asset which comprises one element from each of the following categories as shown in Table X-8:

  • metered or unmetered;

  • consumption or SVA generation;

  • SVA Metering System with or without Metering System specific line losses (but a SVA Metering System without Metering System specific line losses can only be combined with unmetered Consumption);

  • Consumption without line losses or line losses;

  • based on actual or estimated half hourly; or

  • based on Annualised Advance or Estimated Annual Consumption.

Consumption Data

That part of the Supplier Purchase Matrix containing the values of Total Annualised Advance, Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption and Total Unmetered Consumption.

Co-ordinated Universal Time



Bears the same meaning as in the document Standard Frequency and Time Signal Emission, International Telecommunication Union - RTF.460(ISBN92-61-05311-4) (colloquially referred to as Rugby Time).

Corrected Component



The Consumption for a Supplier BM Unit's Consumption Component Class after the application of the GSP Group Correction Factor, determined pursuant paragraph 9.3 of Annex S-2.

Corrected Component by Profile Class



The consumption for a Supplier BM Unit's Profile Class after the application of the GSP Group Correction Factor and Line Loss Factor, determined pursuant paragraph 9A.1.3 of Annex S-2.

Corrected Disconnection Component



The Demand Disconnection volume for a Supplier BM Unit's Consumption Component Class after the application of the GSP Group Correction Factor, determined pursuant to paragraph 9.3 of Annex S-2.

Corrected MSID ABSVD Component



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 9.3.5 of Annex S-2.

Customer Consent Flag

A flag in the SVA Metering System Register indicating that, in relation to a Supplier, an SVA Customer or SVA Generator has consented to their Metering System Delivered Volumes being provided to that Supplier in accordance with paragraphs 7.1.8 and 7.2.8 of Annex S-2.

Daily Profile Coefficient



A value which, when applied to an Estimated Annual Consumption or Annualised Advance value, supplies an estimate of Consumption for a Settlement Day and which is equal to the sum of the corresponding Period Profile Class Coefficients for that Settlement Day.

Day Type

A code describing whether a particular Settlement Day is a weekday, a Saturday, a Sunday, or a particular Bank Holiday.

Deemed Meter Advance



An estimated Meter Advance calculated by the relevant Non-Half Hourly Data Collector pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2 and BSCP504.

Deemed Meter Advance Period

A period bearing the same relationship to a Deemed Meter Advance as a Meter Advance Period bears to a Meter Advance.

Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems



The Estimated Annual Consumption value determined by a Non-Half Hourly Data Aggregator pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems



The value of Estimated Annual Consumption determined for an Unmetered Supply pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Demand Disconnection Daily Profile Coefficient



A value which, when applied to an Estimated Annual Consumption or Annualised Advance value, supplies an estimate of Demand Disconnection volume for a Settlement Day and which is equal to the sum of the corresponding Period Profile Class Coefficients for that Settlement Day multiplied by the proportion of each Settlement Period in that Settlement Day for which a given Metering System was subject to Demand Disconnection.

Effective From Settlement Date

The date of the Settlement Day on which an Annualised Advance or an Estimated Annual Consumption becomes effective.

Effective To Settlement Date

The date of the last Settlement Day on which an Annualised Advance is effective.

Eligible Exempt Supply Volumes

The exempt supply volume as calculated pursuant to Section S paragraph 2.13.1 (b).

Estimated Annual Consumption



For each Settlement Register, an estimate of Consumption over a year.

Estimated Regional Average Demand Per Customer



An estimate of customer Consumption by profile and GSP Group in respect of each Settlement Period, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2.

Export Consumption Component Class

a Consumption Component Class as shown in Table X-8 as having a measurement quantity ID of Active Export

Fraction Of Yearly Consumption


The fraction of annual Consumption allocated to a Meter Advance Period pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2.

Grid Supply Point Group Measured Temperature



A temperature taken at locations and times from time to time agreed by the Panel and provided by the Temperature Provider pursuant to paragraph 5.2.2 of Annex S-2.

Group Average Annual Consumption



The average annual Consumption for each GSP Group for each profile as supplied by the Profile Administrator pursuant to paragraph 5.1.4 of Annex S-2.

GSP Group Correction Factor


The factor by which the relevant components of GSP Group Consumption are adjusted and which is determined pursuant to paragraph 9.2 of Annex S-2.

GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight



The weighting for each Consumption Component Class used in GSP Group correction and which is supplied pursuant to paragraph 5.1.5 of Annex S-2.

GSP Group Half Hourly Consumption



The GSP Group half hourly Consumption by Consumption Component Class determined pursuant to paragraph 9.1 of Annex S-2.

GSP Group Profile Class Average Estimated Annual Consumption



The average Estimated Annual Consumption in respect of a GSP Group, Profile Class and Standard Settlement Configuration determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

GSP Group Profile Class Default Estimated Annual Consumption



The average Estimated Annual Consumption provided in respect of a GSP Group and Profile Class pursuant to paragraph 5.1.3 of Annex S-2.

GSP Group Take



In relation to a GSP Group and a Settlement Period, the number submitted to the SVAA by the CDCA pursuant to Section R5.7.1(b).

Half Hourly Consumption (Losses)



The half hourly Consumption for a Consumption Component Class which is defined as line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 7.2 or 8.1 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) by Profile Class



The half hourly consumption for a Profile Class within a non half hourly active import Consumption Component Class which is defined as being for line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 9A.1.2 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses)



The half hourly Consumption for a Consumption Component Class which is defined as not being line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1 or 8.1 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) by Profile Class



The half hourly consumption for a Profile Class within a non half hourly active import Consumption Component Class which is defined as not being for line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 9A.1.1 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume



The quantity established in accordance with S-2 3.7.2.

The Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume (HDDKj) is calculated in reference to, for the Demand Control Impact Settlement Period ZaKj: the estimate of the metered data (E); the Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption (SMMC); and the estimated Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume anticipated to have been delivered (NBSVD).

Half Hourly Disconnection (Losses)



The half hourly Demand Disconnection volume for a Consumption Component Class which is defined as line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 7.2 or 8.2 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Disconnection (Non Losses)



The half hourly Demand Disconnection volume for a Consumption Component Class which is defined as not being line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 7.1 or 8.2 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Non-Final Demand Consumption (Losses)



In respect of an SVA Non-Final Demand Facility, the half hourly Consumption for a Consumption Component Class which is defined as line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 13.5.2 of Annex S-2.

Half Hourly Non-Final Demand Consumption (Non Losses)



In respect of an SVA Non-Final Demand Facility, the half hourly Consumption for a Consumption Component Class which is defined as not being line losses, determined pursuant to paragraph 13.5.1 of Annex S-2.

Historical Daily Profile Coefficient



A particular Daily Profile Coefficient in respect of a Settlement Day which Settlement Day occurs prior to the 1998 Operational Date and which is determined employing a method authorised by the Executive Committee.

Import Consumption Component Class

A Consumption Component Class as shown in Table X-8 as having a measurement quantity ID of Active Import

Initial Total Annualised Advance



The total of all the Annualised Advances for a Supplier in kWh and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Initial Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected)



The total of all the Annualised Advances for a Supplier in kWh subject to Demand Disconnection and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Line Loss Factor


A multiplier which, when applied to the value of a SVA Metering System’s Consumption, converts such value into its estimated value at the Grid Supply Point, that is including distribution losses.

Line Loss Factor Class

A set of SVA Metering Systems defined by a Distribution System Operator and relating to any one or more of its Distribution System(s) and that are assigned the same Line Loss Factor for the relevant Settlement Period.

Longest Off Period

A period used in determining profile coefficients for Switched Load Metering Systems and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Longest On Period

A period used in determining profile coefficients for Switched Load Metering Systems and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Low Fraction



The deemed annual Consumption associated with the switched load Settlement Registers expressed as a fraction of total annual Consumption for a Switched Load Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Low Fraction Consumption



The ratio of electricity Consumption deemed as baseload Consumption during the ‘on’ periods of switched load Time Pattern Regimes to that during the ‘off’ periods of switched load Time Pattern Regimes, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Low Register Profile Coefficient



The deemed fraction of annual Consumption for a Switched Load Metering System in a Settlement Period recorded on those meter registers which are 'on' during times when there is switched load Consumption at such Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Matrix Of Regression Coefficients



The matrix of regression coefficients from time to time supplied by the Profile Administrator pursuant to paragraph 5.1.4 of Annex S-2.

Measurement Class

A classification of Metering Systems which indicates how Consumption is measured

i.e. Non Half Hourly Metering Equipment (equivalent to Measurement Class “A”)

Non Half Hourly Unmetered Supplies (equivalent to Measurement Class “B”)

Half Hourly Metering Equipment at above 100kW Premises (equivalent to Measurement Class “C”)

Half Hourly Unmetered Supplies (equivalent to Measurement Class “D”)

Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with current transformer (equivalent to Measurement Class “E”)

Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with current transformer or whole current, and at Domestic Premises (equivalent to Measurement Class “F”)

Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with whole current and not at Domestic Premises (equivalent to Measurement Class “G”).

Measurement Quantity

An indicator to show whether Metered Data in respect of a Metering System is export or import active energy.

Meter Advance



The difference recorded for a Settlement Register between one reading, or as the case may be, deemed reading of this register and the next reading or, as the case may be, deemed reading of this register (that is over the Meter Advance Period) used in the determination of Annualised Advance pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2. In the case where such next reading is deemed, the Meter Advance may also be known more particularly as a Deemed Meter Advance in which case it shall have an associated Deemed Meter Advance Period.

Meter Advance Period


The period of complete Settlement Days between successive meter readings for a Settlement Register, which shall be the period from and including the Settlement Day on which a meter reading is taken up to and including the Settlement Day prior to the Settlement Day on which the next meter reading is taken.

Metered Data

Data concerning the quantities of Active Energy exported or imported measured, collected, recorded and otherwise determined pursuant to the Code.

Metering System Delivered Volumes



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.10.4A of Annex S-2.

Metering System Metered Consumption



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1B of Annex S-2.

“Metering System Non-Chargeable Consumption”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.1 of Annex S-2.

“Metering System Non-Chargeable Losses” for an EMR MSID Declaration



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.1 of Annex S-2.

Metering System Period Disconnection Duration



The duration in hours in a given Settlement Period for which a given Metering System was subject to Demand Disconnection.

Modified Switched Load State Indicator


Indicator (1 or 0)

A Switched Load State Indicator modified pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

MonT, WedT, ThuT and FriT

Indicators (1 or 0)

A set of indicators whose values are determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2.

MSID ABSVD (Non Losses)



The amount determined in accordance with Annex S-2 paragraph 7.1.6



The data determined by the SVAA in accordance with Annex S-2 paragraph 7.2.6.

MSID Pair Delivered Volume



MSID Pair Delivered Volume is such volumes of Active Energy notified to the SVAA by the NETSO for the purposes of calculating Non BM Unit ABSVD (SNBABSVDij); or by the Virtual Lead Party for the purposes of aggregating Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume (VBMUSDViZj)

MSID Standing Data

The data procured by the SVAA where it has confirmed the allocation of an MSID Pair to a Secondary BM Unit and shall include those data items described in Section S11.2.3.

Net Differencing Delivered Volume



has the meaning given to it in Annex S-2 3.11.5

Non-Final Demand Metering System Metered Consumption



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.1.1D of Annex S-2.

Non-Final Demand Corrected Component



The quantity submitted in accordance with paragraph 13.5.3 of Annex S-2.

Net Differencing Delivered Volume



has the meaning given to it in Annex S-2 3.11.5

Net Differencing Volume



has the meaning given to it in AnnexS-2 7.1.1C

Non Half Hourly Supplier Deemed Take



That part of the corrected Supplier Deemed Take associated with those Consumption Component Classes for which the data aggregation type is ‘N’, determined pursuant to paragraph 9.5 of Annex S-2.

Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume



The estimated volume of demand side Non-BM STOR delivered as determined and notified by the NETSO pursuant to Section S9.2.1.

”Non-Chargeable Consumption (Losses)”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.3 of Annex S-2.

”Non-Chargeable Consumption (Non Losses)”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.3 of Annex S-2.

”Non-Chargeable Corrected Component”



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.11.3 of Annex S-2.

Noon Effective Temperature



A temperature determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2.

Normal Fraction



The deemed annual Consumption associated with the non-switched load Settlement Registers expressed as a fraction of total annual Consumption for a Switched Load Metering System determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Normal Register Profile Coefficient



The deemed fraction of annual Consumption for a Switched Load Metering System in a Settlement Period recorded on those meter registers which are 'on' during times when there is no switched load Consumption at such Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Number of Metering Systems Contributing to the Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption



The number of non half hourly metering systems for which SPM data was used in determining the Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within metered SVA Metering Systems without either an Annualised Advance or an Estimated Annual Consumption and which therefore require a Default Estimated Annual Consumption to be determined, the value of which is maintained pursuant to Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within metered SVA Metering Systems without either an Annualised Advance or an Estimated Annual Consumption and which therefore require a Default Estimated Annual Consumption to be determined which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within SVA Metering Systems contributing to the calculation of Total Annualised Advance, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within metered SVA Metering Systems contributing to the calculation of Total Estimated Annual Consumption, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected)



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within SVA Metering Systems contributing to the calculation of Total Annualised Advance which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within metered SVA Metering Systems contributing to the calculation of Total Estimated Annual Consumption which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies contributing to Total Estimated Annual Consumption, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies contributing to Total Estimated Annual Consumption which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Metering System without an Estimated Annual Consumption and which therefore require a Default Estimated Annual Consumption to be determined, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Metering System without an Estimated Annual Consumption and which therefore require a Default Estimated Annual Consumption to be determined which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Period BM Unit Gross Non-Final Demand


The quantity established in accordance with paragraph 13.5.4 of Annex S-2.

Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand



The amount determined in accordance with Annex S-2 3.11.

The Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand is the amount of Demand for a BM Unit which has been consumed by Generation or Storage Facility under the conditions of the Generation license which should not be subject to the Final Consumption Levy.

Period Profile Class Coefficient



The profile coefficient for a Time Pattern Regime associated with a valid combination of Profile Class and Standard Settlement Configuration determined pursuant to paragraph 6.7 of Annex S-2.

Period Time Pattern State Indicator


Indicator (1 or 0)

An indicator showing for a particular combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration whether the associated Settlement Registers are recording Metered Data, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Previous Estimated Annual Consumption



The value of Estimated Annual Consumption determined pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2.

Primary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption

PSMMCZ1a1K1j or (where applicable) PSMMCZ1a1.1K1.1j


The half hourly metered Consumption for a Primary SVA Metering System Number determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.


A pattern of Consumption specified over a Settlement Day, or part thereof, on a Settlement Period basis.

Profile Class

A classification of profiles which represents an exclusive category of customers whose Consumption can be reasonably approximated to a common profile for Settlement purposes.

Profile Class Estimated Daily Consumption



The average Estimated Daily Consumption in respect of a GSP Group, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration and Settlement Day determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier



The total number of Metering Systems attributed to a Supplier, averaged over a calendar quarter by Supplier Volume Reporting Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 9A.1.5 of Annex S-2.

Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume



The total energy volume attributed to a Supplier, summed over a calendar quarter by Supplier Volume Reporting Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 9A.1.4 of Annex S-2.

Regression Coefficients



A set of regression coefficients determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2.

Replica Settlement Day

In relation to a Settlement Day, a Settlement Day having the same attributes as that Settlement Day including any Clock Change.

Rounded-Down Duration



The duration of a period employed in the rounding of Time Pattern Regime data and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Rounded-Down Spot Time

A spot time associated with a combination of Time Pattern Regimes and Standard Settlement Configuration employed in the rounding of Time Pattern Regime data and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Rounded-Up Duration



The duration of a period employed in the rounding of Time Pattern Regime data and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Rounded-Up Spot Time

A spot time associated with a combination of Time Pattern Regimes and Standard Settlement Configuration employed in the rounding of Time Pattern Regime data and determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with 7.1.1D Annex S-2.

Secondary BM Unit Demand Volume



The quantity is determined in accordance with 9.6.1B Annex S-2.

The energy volume per Settlement Period for a Secondary BM Unit.

Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption



The Secondary BM Unit half hourly metered Consumption, determined by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 7.1.1C of Annex S-2.

Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume



The Secondary BM Unit half hourly Supplier Delivered Volumes determined by the SVAA pursuant to paragraph 9.6.1C of Annex S-2.

Secondary Corrected Component



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 9.3.3 of Annex S-2.

The Consumption for a SVA Metering System allocated to a Secondary BM Unit after the application of the GSP Group Correction.

Secondary Corrected Delivered Component



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 9.3.4 of Annex S-2

The Delivered Volumes for a SVA Metering System allocated to a Secondary BM Unit after the application of the GSP Group Correction.

Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Losses)



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.2.4 of Annex S-2.

The half hourly Consumption for a SVA Metering System allocated to a Secondary BM Unit which is defined as line losses.

Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses)



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.1.4 of Annex S-2.

The half hourly Consumption for a SVA Metering System allocated to a Secondary BM Unit which is defined as not being line losses.

Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Losses)



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.2.5 of Annex S-2.

The half hourly Delivered Volumes for a SVA Metering System allocated to a Secondary BM Unit which is defined as not being line losses.

Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Non Losses)



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 7.1.5 of Annex S-2.

The half hourly Delivered Volumes for a SVA Metering System allocated to a Secondary BM Unit which is defined as line losses.

Secondary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption

SSMMCZnanKnj or (where applicable) SSMMCZnan.1Kn.1j


The half hourly metered Consumption for a Secondary SVA Metering System Number determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

Settlement Class

For a Supplier a unique combination of Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration within a GSP Group provided pursuant to paragraph 5.1.6 of Annex S-2.

Settlement Period


A period of thirty minutes beginning on the hour or the half hour and in accordance with paragraph 4.3.

Settlement Period Duration



0.5 hours.

Settlement Register

A logical register of a Metering System corresponding to one or more physical active import or active export registers (e.g. totalising meters) and, in the case of SVA Metering Systems not subject to half hourly metering, relating to a single valid combination of Time Pattern Regime and Standard Settlement Configuration.

Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption for a SVA Metering System which measures Active Energy that is allocated between a Primary Supplier and the associated Secondary Supplier(s) and which half hourly consumption is determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

Smoothing Parameter



A parameter set by the Panel from time to time is used in the determination of the Annualised Advance Adjustment Factor pursuant to paragraph 4.3 of Annex S-2.

Specimen Settlement Day

In relation to any Settlement Day, a Settlement Day having the same attributes as that Settlement Day other than a Clock Change.

Standard Settlement Configuration

A standard Metering System configuration recognised by the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent System.

Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption



The average Estimated Daily Consumption in respect of a GSP Group, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration and Settlement Day determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Sunset Time



The time duration from the start of the Settlement Day to the time of sunset determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2 with reference to the Time of Sunset Data.

Sunset Variable



The number of minutes after 1800 hours GMT that the sun is deemed to set, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.5 of Annex S-2.

Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD



The amount determined in accordance with Annex S-2 paragraph 9.6.1D.

Supplier Cap Take



The deemed take (active import) at GSP Group level for a SVA Supplier during a Settlement Period pursuant to paragraph 9.7 of Annex S-2.

Supplier Deemed Take



The deemed take at GSP Group level for a SVA Supplier during a Settlement Period determine pursuant to paragraph 9.4 of Annex S-2.

Supplier Disconnection Matrix


A matrix of data as determined pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Supplier Purchase Matrix


A matrix of data as determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume



The half hourly Demand Disconnection volume, determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator pursuant to paragraph 3.7 of Annex S-2.

Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses)



The line losses determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator as resulting from the Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume pursuant to paragraph 3.7 of Annex S-2.

Supplier’s Meter Register Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption for a Settlement Register within a SVA Metering System.

Supplier’s Metered Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption, determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

Supplier’s Metered Consumption (Losses)



The line losses determined by a Half Hourly Data Aggregator as resulting from the Supplier’s Metered Consumption pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption



The half hourly metered Consumption for a SVA Metering System, determined pursuant to paragraph 3.5 of Annex S-2.

Switched Fraction



The deemed proportion of Consumption for a Switched Load Metering System which is switched load determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Switched Load Metering System

A Metering System which has a Profile Class classified as Economy 7 and/or such other classification as may be agreed from time to time by the Panel.

Switched Load Profile Coefficient



A number determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2 and representing the fraction of annual Consumption in a given Settlement Period for a particular switched load profile.

Switched Load State Indicator


Indicator (1 or 0)

An indicator showing if any Time Pattern Regime associated with a switched load within a Standard Settlement Configuration is recording Metered Data in a given Settlement Period, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.6 of Annex S-2.

Teleswitch Contact

One of the logical contacts within each teleswitched meter.

Teleswitch Contact Interval Data

In respect of a Teleswitch Group, the state of a particular Teleswitch Contact within all Metering Systems within such Teleswitch Group at the start of a UTC Day and, for each following change of state of such contact, the new state of such contact and the time in Co-ordinated Universal Time of such change of state.

Teleswitch Contact Rule

The relationship between a Teleswitch Contact and a Teleswitch Register Rule which is notified by a Supplier pursuant to paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex S-2.

Teleswitch Group

A group of Metering Systems which are controlled by the same teleswitch messages which messages are under the control of a particular person.

Teleswitch Interval

A period during which the Settlement Registers associated with a Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime are recording metered consumption and which is determined pursuant to paragraph 6.2 of Annex S-2.

Teleswitch Regime Indicator


An indicator indicating whether a Settlement Register is associated with a Time Pattern Regime provided pursuant to paragraph 5.1.5 of Annex S-2.

Teleswitch Register Rule

A rule defining when the Settlement Registers associated with a Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime are recording metered consumption which is notified by a Supplier pursuant to paragraph 5.1.1 of Annex S-2.

Teleswitch Time Pattern Regime

A Time Pattern Regime associated with a teleswitched Standard Settlement Configuration in a particular Teleswitch Group.

Threshold Parameter



A parameter set by the Panel from time to time and used in the determination of the Default Estimated Annual Consumption pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Time of Sunset


A set of data supplied to the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent pursuant to paragraph 5.1.6 of Annex S-2.

Time Pattern Regime

A pattern of switching behaviour through time that determines when a Settlement Register is or is not recording Metered Data provided pursuant to paragraph 5.1.5 of Annex S-2.

Time Pattern Regime Estimated Annual Consumption



The average Estimated Annual Consumption in respect of a GSP Group, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Time Pattern Regime Estimated Daily Consumption



The average Estimated Daily Consumption in respect of a GSP Group, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration, Time Pattern Regime and Settlement Day determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Timeswitch Regime Indicator


An indicator indicating whether a Settlement Register is associated with a Time Pattern Regime provided pursuant to paragraph 5.1.5 of Annex S-2.

Total Annualised Advance



The total of all the Annualised Advances for a Supplier in MWh and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected)



The total of all the Annualised Advances for a Supplier in MWh and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group which were subject to Demand Disconnection, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Total Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems



The sum of Estimated Annual Consumption for non half hourly metered SVA Metering Systems calculated pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Total Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems (Disconnected)



The sum of Estimated Annual Consumption for non half hourly metered SVA Metering Systems which were subject to Demand Disconnection, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption



The total metered annual Consumption for a SVA Supplier and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)



The total metered annual Consumption for a SVA Supplier subject to Demand Disconnection and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Total Metering System Delivered Volume



The quantity determined in accordance with paragraph 3.10.2 of Annex S-2.

Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption



The number of metered non half hourly Settlement Registers within SVA Metering Systems contributing to the calculation of Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)



The number of metered non half hourly Settlement Registers within SVA Metering Systems contributing to the calculation of Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies contributing to the calculation of Total Unmetered Consumption the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected)



The number of non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies contributing to the calculation of Total Unmetered Consumption which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Total Unmetered Consumption



The total unmetered annual Consumption for a SVA Supplier and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected)



The total unmetered annual Consumption for a SVA Supplier subject to Demand Disconnection and in respect of a Profile Class, Line Loss Factor Class, Time Pattern Regime and GSP Group, determined pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Unadjusted Annual Fraction of Consumption


An estimate of the fraction of the total average consumption of a multi-register Standard Settlement Configuration attributable to each Time Pattern Regime of that Standard Settlement Configuration, prior to adjustment for rounding errors, determined pursuant to paragraph 5.1 of Annex S-2.

Unadjusted Interval

A period of time beginning at an Unadjusted Interval Start Time and ending at its associated Unadjusted Interval End Time, determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Unadjusted Interval End Time


A time associated with a particular Time Pattern Regime determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Unadjusted Interval Start Time


A time associated with a particular Time Pattern Regime determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Unrounded Duration



The time duration of an Unadjusted Interval determined pursuant to paragraph 6.4 of Annex S-2.

Value Of Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems



The value of Estimated Annual Consumption for non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.4 of Annex S-2.

Value Of Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems (Disconnected)



The value of Estimated Annual Consumption for non half hourly Settlement Registers within Unmetered Supplies which were subject to Demand Disconnection, the value of which is maintained pursuant to paragraph 4.5 of Annex S-2.

Table X–7 –

List of Acronyms Applicable to Section S

This table provides a list of the acronyms defined in Table X-6, presented in alphabetical order of the acronym name.


Corresponding Defined Term or Expression


Annualised Advance Adjustment Factor


Alternative Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption


Annualised Advance


Allocated BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume


Allocated BM Unit's Metering System Metered Consumption


“AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Export”


“AMSID Declaration Boundary Point Import”


“AMSID Declaration Generation Export”


“AMSID Declaration Generation Import”


“AMSID Declaration Non‑Chargeable Proportion”


Annual Fraction of Yearly Consumption Adjustment


Average Fraction Of Yearly Consumption


AMSID Pair Delivered Volume


ABSVD BM Unit Delivered Volume


Allocated Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume


Allocated Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption


Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption


Baseload Profile Coefficient


Base Fraction


Baselined Expected Volumes


BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume


BM Unit’s Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses)


BM Unit Disconnection Matrix


BM Unit's Metered Consumption


BM Unit's Metered Consumption (Losses)


BM Unit's Profiled Consumption


BM Unit’s Profiled Disconnection


BM Unit Purchase Matrix


BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volume


BM Unit Allocated Demand Volume


GSP Group Correction Factor


Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses) by Profile Class


Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses)


Half Hourly Consumption (Losses) by Profile Class


Half Hourly Consumption (Losses)


Corrected Component by Profile Class


Corrected Component


Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume


Corrected Disconnection Component


Demand Disconnection Daily Profile Coefficient


Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Metered Metering Systems


Default Estimated Annual Consumption For Unmetered Metering Systems


Half Hourly Disconnection (Non Losses)


Half Hourly Disconnection (Losses)


Deemed Meter Advance


Daily Profile Coefficient


Historical Daily Profile Coefficient


Estimated Annual Consumption


Fraction Of Yearly Consumption


Group Average Annual Consumption


GSP Group Half Hourly Consumption


GSP Group Profile Class Average Estimated Annual Consumption


GSP Group Profile Class Default Estimated Annual Consumption


Half Hourly Demand Disconnection Volume


Low Fraction Consumption


Initial Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected)




Line Loss Factor


Low Fraction


Low Register Profile Coefficient


Meter Advance


Meter Advance Period


Total Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems (Disconnected)


Metering System Period Disconnection Duration


MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Matrix Of Regression Coefficients




MSID ABSVD (Non Losses)


MSID Baseline Value


MSID Baseline Losses


Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume


Net Differencing Delivered Volume


Noon Effective Temperature


Period BM Unit Non Chargeable Demand


Non-Chargeable Consumption (Non Losses)


Non-Chargeable Consumption (Losses)


Non-Chargeable Corrected Component


Metering System Non-Chargeable Consumption


Metering System Non-Chargeable Losses” for an EMR MSID Declaration


Normal Fraction


Non Half Hourly Supplier Deemed Take


Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected)


Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Annualised Advance


Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)


Number Of Non Half Hourly Metered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption


Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)


Number Of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption


Number of Metering Systems Contributing to the Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption


Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)


Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Requiring A Default Estimated Annual Consumption


Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)


Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To The Total Estimated Annual Consumption


Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier


Normal Register Profile Coefficient


Corrected MSID ABSVD Component


Profile Class Estimated Daily Consumption


Previous Estimated Annual Consumption


Basic Period Profile Coefficient


Period Profile Class Coefficient


Party Submitted Expected Volume


Primary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption for Secondary SVA Metering System Number K1.1


Primary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption for Secondary SVA Metering System Number K1


Period Time Pattern State Indicator


Secondary BM Unit Delivered Volume


Metering System Delivered Volume


Regression Coefficients


Rounded-Down Duration


Rounded-Up Duration


Sunset Variable


Half Hourly Non-Final Demand Consumption (Non Losses)


Half Hourly Non-Final Demand Consumption (Losses)


Non-Final Demand Corrected Component


Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume


Supplier’s Demand Disconnection Volume (Losses)


Supplier Disconnection Matrix


Supplier Deemed Take


Settlement Expected Volume


Shared Suppliers' Metering System Metered Consumption



Switched Load Profile Coefficient


Supplier's Metered Consumption


Supplier’s Metered Consumption (Losses)


Supplier’s Metering System Metered Consumption


Supplier’s Meter Register Consumption


Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD


Smoothing Parameter


Settlement Period Duration


Supplier Purchase Matrix


Switched Load State Indicator


Standard Settlement Configuration Estimated Daily Consumption


Secondary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption for Secondary SVA Metering System Number Kn.1


Secondary Supplier's Metering System Metered Consumption for Secondary SVA Metering System Number Kn


Sunset Time


Non-Final Demand Metering System Metered Consumption


Switched Fraction


Total Annualised Advance (Disconnected)


Total AMSID Pair Delivered Volume


Grid Supply Point Group Measured Temperature


Total Number Of Metered Non Half Hourly Metering Systems Contributing To Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)


Total Metered Estimated Annual Consumption (Disconnected)


Total MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Total Number Of Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems Contributing To Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected)


Total Metering System Delivered Volume


Time Pattern Regime Estimated Annual Consumption


Time Pattern Regime Estimated Daily Consumption


Total Unmetered Consumption (Disconnected)


Unadjusted Annual Fraction of Consumption


Value Of Estimated Annual Consumption For Non Half Hourly Unmetered Metering Systems (Disconnected)


Secondary BM Unit Metered Consumption


Secondary BM Unit Demand Volume


Secondary BM Unit Supplier Delivered Volume


Secondary Corrected Component


Secondary Corrected Delivered Component


Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Non Losses)


Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Non Losses)


Secondary Half Hourly Consumption (Non Losses)


Secondary Half Hourly Delivered (Losses)


Metering System Metered Consumption


GSP Group Correction Scaling Weight


Estimated Regional Average Demand Per Customer

Table X-8

List of Valid Consumption Component Classes

The following table shows a list of valid Consumption Component Classes. The Panel may amend such list of valid Consumption Component Classes from time to time.

Consumption Component Class Id

Measurement Quantity ID

Data Aggregation Type

Metered / Unmetered Indicator

Consumption Component Indicator

Actual / Estimated Indicator

AA / EAC Indicator

Consumption Level Indicator

Measurement Class

















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The attributes of such Consumption Component Classes are for the time being and from time to time valid:

(i) measurement quantity ID, which shall have values:

AI active import (consumption); or

AE active export (generation);

(ii) data aggregation type, which shall have values:

H half hourly; or

N non-half hourly;

(iii) metered/ unmetered indicator shall have values:

M metered; or

U unmetered;

(iv) consumption component indicator shall have values:

C basic consumption (or generation);

M metering system specific line losses; or

L metering system non-specific line losses;

(v) actual/ estimated indicator shall have values:

A actual;

E estimated; or


(vi) AA/EAC indicator shall have values:

A Annualised Advance;

E Estimated Annual Consumption; or

Null; and

(vii) Consumption Level Indicators shall have the following values:

A Metering Systems which are not 100kW Metering Systems (equivalent to Measurement Class "E", "F" and "G");

B Metering Systems which are 100kW Metering Systems (equivalent to Measurement Class "C"); or

Null Not applicable, shown as a hyphen (-), including export, NHH and unmetered MSIDs.

(viii) Measurement Class as defined in Table X-6.

Table X–9

List of Supplier Volume Reporting Groups and associated relationships used for the purposes of the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report determined according to paragraph 9A of Annex S-2:

Supplier Volume Reporting Group

Consumption Component Classes

Profile Classes (where used and/or applicable)


17, 18, 20, 21

1, 2


17, 18, 20, 21

3, 4


17, 18, 20, 21

5, 6, 7, 8


19, 22

Not used


32, 33, 34, 35

Not used


1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59

Not applicable


2, 5, 10, 13

Not applicable


6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65

Not applicable

For the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report as set out in paragraph 4.2.10 of Section V, the Supplier Volume Reporting Groups with the numbers in the far left column of the table above shall be given the following descriptive labels in the actual report:

1. "Non half hourly metered import, Profile Classes 1 and 2";

2. "Non half hourly metered import, Profile Classes 3 and 4";

3. "Non half hourly metered import, Profile Classes 5, 6, 7 and 8";

4. "Non half hourly unmetered import";

5. "Non half hourly metered export";

6. "Half hourly metered import";

7. "Half hourly unmetered import"; and

8. "Half hourly metered export".


Section X-2

Version 57.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date






































P433 Self Governance
















P408 Self-Governance




P388 Self-Governance












P386 Self-Governance




P367 Self-Governance












P373 (Nullification of P297)




P297 (Nullified by P373)












P321 Self Governance








P339 Self-Governance




P346 Self-Governance




P326 Self-Governance Alternative




P315 Alternative




















P273 Self-Governance




































































































Removed by P165





Removed P125











































































1.1 General

1.1.1 This Section Z sets out provisions on:

(a) the establishment of the Performance Assurance Board;

(b) the powers, functions, duties and responsibilities of the Performance Assurance Board;

(c) the proceedings of the Performance Assurance Board;

(d) performance assurance procedures;

(e) Risk Management Determination Queries and Risk Management Determination Appeals; and

(f) the implementation of Performance Assurance Techniques.

1.2 Performance Assurance Board

1.2.1 The Panel shall establish a Panel Committee which shall act as, and shall perform the functions of, the Performance Assurance Board.

1.2.2 The Panel shall delegate relevant decision-making powers to the Performance Assurance Board in accordance with Section B 5.5.1(a); and shall not prescribe (pursuant to Section B5.4) the manner in which the proceedings and business of the committee are to be conducted so as to be inconsistent with the application of paragraph 2 in relation to such committee.

1.2.3 The costs, fees, expenses, liabilities and losses of, and all other amounts incurred or paid by, the Performance Assurance Board shall be borne or reimbursed by BSCCo.

1.3 Indemnity

1.3.1 In addition to and without prejudice to paragraph 1.2.3 and Section B2.9, all Trading Parties shall jointly and severally indemnify and keep indemnified:

(a) the Panel Committee and each member of such committee, (including, for the avoidance of doubt, their respective alternates) from and against any and all costs (including legal costs), charges, expenses, damages or liabilities incurred or suffered by it or them in acting as, and in performing the functions of, the Performance Assurance Board or (as the case may be) a member of the Performance Assurance Board;

(b) BSCCo, the Performance Assurance Administrator and any Panel Committee which provides advice to the Performance Assurance Board or the Performance Assurance Administrator or which undertakes work at the request of the Performance Assurance Board, and each member thereof, from and against any and all costs (including legal costs), charges, expenses, damages or liabilities incurred or suffered by it or them in providing such advice or (as the case may be) undertaking such work; and

(c) the Panel and each member of the Panel, (including, for the avoidance of doubt, their respective alternates) from and against any and all costs (including legal costs), charges, expenses, damages or liabilities incurred or suffered by it or them in approving proposals by the Performance Assurance Board pursuant to paragraphs 5.5.4 and 5.6.3, or hearing of Risk Management Determination Appeals pursuant to paragraph 6.3, or performing such other functions, duties and responsibilities in relation to the Performance Assurance Board that are required to be performed by the Panel or (as the case may be) a member of the Panel.

1.3.2 The Trading Parties shall, upon request, provide the members of the Panel, Performance Assurance Board, the Performance Assurance Administrator and the members of any Panel Committee which provides advice to the Performance Assurance Board with a written deed of indemnity to that effect.

1.3.3 Each Party, in any capacity (other than that of an Interested Person, but as though the definition thereof excluded the words "a Party") which that Party may have, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, waives any claims against all of the bodies and persons referred to in paragraph 1.3.1 and releases each such body and person from any liability arising from acting as or performing the functions of the Performance Assurance Board or a member thereof or providing advice or undertaking work as therein referred to.

1.3.4 BSCCo acknowledges and agrees that it holds the benefit of paragraphs 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 as trustee and agent for each member of the Performance Assurance Board, each Panel member, the Performance Assurance Administrator and each member of a Panel Committee referred to in paragraph 1.3.2.

1.4 Powers and Functions of the Performance Assurance Board

1.4.1 The functions of the Performance Assurance Board (the "PAB Functions") are:

(a) the establishment and maintenance of the Risk Evaluation Methodology, the Risk Evaluation Register and the Risk Operating Plan in accordance with paragraph 5;

(aa) making and revising Risk Management Determinations in accordance with paragraph 5;

(b) the administering of Performance Assurance Techniques in accordance with paragraph 7;

(c) the determination of Risk Management Determination Queries in accordance with paragraph 6;

(d) the preparation of the Annual Performance Assurance Report in accordance with paragraph 8.1;

(e) the making of recommendations to the Panel that the Code or a Code Subsidiary Document be modified in accordance with paragraph 8.2;

(f) Not used and

(g) such other responsibilities and functions as the Panel may delegate to it from time to time.

1.4.2 The Performance Assurance Board shall have such powers, authorities and discretions as are necessary for or incidental to the performance of the PAB Functions and such other powers that are delegated to it by the Panel from time to time.

1.4.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall have the right to develop, implement and amend such working practices and procedures as it considers necessary or appropriate for its proper performance of the PAB Functions provided that such working practices and procedures shall not conflict with any other provisions of this Section Z.

1.5 Delegation

1.5.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall have the right at any time and from time to time to delegate or procure the delegation of all or any part of the day-to-day administration of the PAB Functions.

1.5.2 BSCCo shall act as Performance Assurance Administrator and the Performance Assurance Board shall be deemed to have delegated to BSCCo the functions of Performance Assurance Administrator pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1.

1.5.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall not have the right to delegate any decision as to whether an Applicant should be Qualified (or re-Qualified) or as to whether an Applicant’s Qualification should be removed.

1.6 Responsibilities owed to Trading Parties alone

1.6.1 The responsibilities of the Performance Assurance Board under the Code are owed exclusively to Trading Parties collectively, and to no other person.

1.7 Relationship between the Performance Assurance Board and Performance Assurance Parties

1.7.1 Subject always to paragraph 1.6.1, the Performance Assurance Board shall have the powers and functions specified in paragraph 1.4 which it may perform (as applicable) in respect of Performance Assurance Parties from time to time.


2.1 Panel Committee

2.1.1 Subject to paragraph 2.1.2, the following provisions of Section B shall apply in relation to the Panel Committee and each member of such Panel Committee when it is acting as, and performing the functions of, the Performance Assurance Board: paragraphs 2.9 (indemnity), 2.10 (alternates), 3 (powers) and 4 (proceedings).

2.1.2 Notwithstanding paragraph 2.1.1:

(a) notice of meetings of the Performance Assurance Board need be given only to members of it and BSCCo except that notice of a meeting within paragraph 2.1.2(h) shall be given to all Performance Assurance Parties, and notice of a meeting within paragraph 2.1.2(i) shall be given to the Performance Assurance Party referred to in that paragraph; and Section B4.1.6 shall be construed accordingly;

(b) if any member of the Performance Assurance Board wishes to notify additional matters which they wish to be considered at a meeting of the Performance Assurance Board they shall give notice to all other persons entitled to attend that meeting no later than three Business Days before the date of the meeting (or such lesser period as the Performance Assurance Board may from time to time determine); and Section B4.1.6 shall be construed accordingly;

(c) minutes of meetings of the Performance Assurance Board shall be confidential and copies of minutes shall be required to be provided only to those persons who were entitled to attend the relevant meeting except in the case of a meeting within paragraph 2.1.2 (i) where only an extract of the minutes for the part of the meeting which a representative of a Performance Assurance Party attends shall be given to such Performance Assurance Party; and Section B4.2.5 shall be construed accordingly;

(d) the quorum for a meeting of the Performance Assurance Board shall be four (4) of its members present in person or by their respective alternates, and Section B4.3.2 shall be construed accordingly;

(e) in respect of each meeting of the Performance Assurance Board:

(i) the Chief Executive (or their duly appointed representative) shall be entitled and obliged to attend and speak (but not to vote);

(ii) a representative of the Authority shall be entitled to attend and speak (but not to vote);

(iii) and a duly appointed representative of each of Citizens Advice and Consumer Scotland shall be entitled to attend and speak (but not to vote);

(f) upon invitation by the Performance Assurance Board, the BSC Auditor (or its duly appointed representative) may be entitled to attend and speak at meetings of the Performance Assurance Board and Section B4.5 shall not apply;

(g) Section B1.2 shall not apply to the Panel Committee established to act as and perform the functions of the Performance Assurance Board;

(h) in relation to any meeting of the Performance Assurance Board concerning the Risk Evaluation Register at which no confidential information is to be considered all Performance Assurance Parties and other persons entitled to receive notice of such meeting shall be invited to send a representative to such meeting but such representative shall only be entitled to speak at such meeting if so permitted by the chair of the meeting (such permission not to be unreasonably withheld); and

(i) any meetings of the Performance Assurance Board concerning:

(i) the Risk Evaluation Register where confidential information will be considered;

(ii) the Risk Operating Plan;

(iii) any Risk Management Determination;

(iv) the Annual Performance Assurance Report;

(v) any Risk Management Determination Query;

(vi) the performance of a particular Performance Assurance Party; or

(vii) not used.

shall be held in confidence and shall not be open to attendance by representatives of a Performance Assurance Party; except that where the Performance Assurance Board will discuss a Risk Management Determination Query or the performance of a particular Performance Assurance, it may invite such Performance Assurance Party to send a representative to attend the relevant part of such meeting.

2.2 Modification of Proceedings in relation to Qualification

2.2.1 This paragraph 2.2 applies by way of supplement and qualification to this Section Z, relating to matters concerning Qualification, re-Qualification or removal of Qualification of any person referred to in Section J 2.1.1.

2.2.2 Notice of meetings in relation to Qualification, re-Qualification or removal of Qualification shall additionally be given to:

(a) the Performance Assurance Administrator; and

(b) insofar as concerns the Qualification, re-Qualification or removal of Qualification of any Applicant, a representative of that Applicant (such notice constituting an invitation to the Applicant that they may send a representative to attend part of such meeting).

2.2.3 If the Performance Assurance Administrator wishes to advise additional matters which it wishes to be considered at a meeting of the Performance Assurance Board, it shall give notice to all other persons entitled to attend that meeting no later than three Business Days before the date of the meeting (or such lesser period as the Performance Assurance Board may from time to time determine).

2.2.4 Insofar as concerns the Qualification, re-Qualification (or removal of Qualification) of any Applicant, a copy extract of that part of the minutes of the relevant meeting as relates to such matter shall additionally be given to that Applicant.

2.2.5 The Performance Assurance Administrator (or its duly appointed representative) shall have the right to attend and speak (but not to vote) at meetings of the Performance Assurance Board in relation to Qualification, re-Qualification or removal of Qualification.

2.3 Duties of Members

2.3.1 For the purposes of paragraph 2.3.2 the following matters are "relevant matters" in relation to a member of the Performance Assurance Board:

(a) the performance of their employer or any Affiliate of their employer;

(b) the making or revision of a Risk Management Determination in relation to, or a Risk Management Determination Query raised by, their employer or any Affiliate of their employer;

(c) the application of any Performance Assurance Technique to their employer or to any Affiliate of their employer; or

(d) whether their employer or any Affiliate of their employer should be Qualified (or re-Qualified) and/or whether their employer or any Affiliate of their employer should have their Qualification removed.

2.3.2 A member of the Performance Assurance Board shall not:

(a) participate as a member of the Performance Assurance Board in the consideration of any relevant matter;

(b) be counted in ascertaining whether a quorum is present at a meeting of the Performance Assurance Board convened to consider any relevant matter; or

(c) be entitled to receive any working papers, opinions, reports or other documentation which have been prepared for the Performance Assurance Board in connection with any relevant matter insofar as they relate specifically to their employer or any Affiliate of their employer.

2.3.3 A member of the Performance Assurance Board shall not disclose to their employer or any Affiliate of their employer confidential information which they have received in their capacity as a member of the Performance Assurance Board unless required to do so:

(a) by any Legal Requirement;

(b) in order for their employer or any such Affiliate to comply with the conditions of any Licence with which their employer or any such Affiliate, as the case may be, is required to comply;

(c) by any stock exchange or regulatory authority or the Panel on Take-overs and Mergers; or

(d) pursuant to the arbitration rules of The London Court of International Arbitration or pursuant to any judicial or other arbitral process or tribunal having jurisdiction in relation to them or their employer or any such Affiliate, as the case may be,

in any of which events the member of the Performance Assurance Board shall first be required to give written notice of the required disclosure to the Performance Assurance Board.

2.3.4 In this Section Z (and in any of the provisions of Section B referred to in paragraph 2.1.1) a reference to a member of the Performance Assurance Board is to a member of a Panel Committee in the capacity of a member of the Performance Assurance Board.


3.1 Functions of Performance Assurance Administrator

3.1.1 The Performance Assurance Administrator shall perform such functions associated with the day-to-day administration of the PAB Functions as are delegated to it from time to time by the Performance Assurance Board.

3.1.2 A copy of any such delegated functions will be made available by the Performance Assurance Board to members of the Performance Assurance Board and to Trading Parties on request.

3.2 Confidentiality

3.2.1 The Performance Assurance Administrator shall keep confidential information that it receives in its capacity as Performance Assurance Administrator on terms agreed from time to time by it with the Performance Assurance Board (acting in accordance with Section B3.3.7).


4.1 Limit and Exclusion of Liability

4.1.1 The total aggregate liability of the Performance Assurance Board, each member of such board and the Performance Assurance Administrator to an Interested Person whether in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise arising directly or indirectly out of or in connection with the performance or non-performance of its functions (including the contents of any opinion or report prepared by the Performance Assurance Board or the Performance Assurance Administrator) shall in no circumstances exceed one million pounds sterling (£1,000,000) per claim or series of related claims.

4.1.2 Neither the Performance Assurance Board nor any member of such board nor the Performance Assurance Administrator shall be liable to any Interested Person for any loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of contract, loss of goodwill or any indirect or consequential loss arising out of or in connection with the performance or non-performance of its functions.

4.2 Further Provisions

4.2.1 Paragraphs 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 shall not exclude the liability of the Performance Assurance Board or a member thereof or the Performance Assurance Administrator for fraud.

4.2.2 The exclusions from and limitations of liability of the Performance Assurance Board, members of such board and the Performance Assurance Administrator under this Section Z shall not apply to death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the relevant one of the Performance Assurance Board, such member or the Performance Assurance Administrator.

4.2.3 The exclusions from and limitations of liability of the Performance Assurance Board and members thereof and the Performance Assurance Administrator under this Section Z are reasonable because of (amongst other matters) the likelihood that the amount of damages awardable to the Interested Person from the Performance Assurance Board or a member thereof or the Performance Assurance Administrator would otherwise be disproportionate to the charges which it makes in connection with the performance of its functions and because of the limited resources and expertise of the Performance Assurance Board and the Performance Assurance Administrator.

4.2.4 The exclusions from and limitations of liability of the Performance Assurance Board, each member of such board and the Performance Assurance Administrator under this Section Z shall be considered severally and the invalidity or unenforceability of any one paragraph shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other paragraph.


5.1 Settlement Risks, Performance Assurance Parties, SVA Performance Assurance Objectives and Annual Performance Assurance Timetable

5.1.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) a "Settlement Risk" is a risk of any failure or error in a step or process required under the Code (including in each case a risk which has materialised as an actual failure or an error) for the purpose of effecting Settlement or otherwise required in connection with Settlement in accordance with the provisions of the Code;

(b) references to the significance of a Settlement Risk are to be construed in terms of both the probability of the failure or error (referred to in paragraph 5.1.1(a)) and its impact on Settlement;

(c) a "Performance Assurance Party" is a Supplier, Virtual Lead Party, CVA Meter Operator Agent, Data Collector, Data Aggregator, Meter Administrator, Licensed Distribution System Operator, Exempt Supply Notification Agent and/or a Registrant.

(d) a Settlement Risk is "material" to a Performance Assurance Party where:

(i) there is a risk that the Performance Assurance Party may, by failing (in whole or part) to perform any obligation under the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document, cause or contribute to the occurrence of such Settlement Risk; and

(ii) the significance of the Settlement Risk is of a level which the Performance Assurance Board determines (in its opinion) to be material; and

(e) a "within-period revision" means a revision by the Performance Assurance Board of:

(i) the Risk Evaluation Methodology;

(ii) the Risk Evaluation Register; or

(iii) the Risk Operating Plan,

as applicable in relation to a Performance Assurance Operating Period after such methodology, register or plan has been adopted for such Performance Assurance Operating Period;

5.1.1A Until the Retail Code Consolidation Date, each SVA Meter Operator Agent shall continue as a Performance Assurance Party notwithstanding the implementation of the Retail Energy Code performance assurance framework. For the avoidance of doubt, upon the Retail Code Consolidation Date, each SVA Meter Operator Agent shall cease to be a Performance Assurance Party and consequently, in respect of SVA Meter Operator Agents only, the functions, duties, responsibilities and (where relevant) powers of each Performance Assurance Party, the Panel, the Performance Assurance Board, BSCCo and the Performance Assurance Administrator shall cease to have effect.

5.1.1B The Performance Assurance Board and BSCCo may make representations in relation to the timing and implementation of the Retail Code Consolidation Date.

5.1.2 A Settlement Risk may be material to a Performance Assurance Party by reason of factors or circumstances:

(a) relating to Performance Assurance Parties of a class to which the Performance Assurance Party belongs ("class materiality"); or

(b) relating to the Performance Assurance Party individually ("individual materiality").

5.1.3 All Settlement Risks which affect Central Volume Allocation shall be deemed to be significant in terms of both probability of failure and impact on Settlement.

5.1.4 In the context of Supplier Volume Allocation:

(a) the Performance Assurance Board when performing the PAB Functions under this Section Z; and

(b) the Panel when approving the Risk Evaluation Register pursuant to paragraph 5.5.4, approving the Risk Operating Plan pursuant to paragraph 5.6.3 or hearing Risk Management Determination Appeals pursuant to paragraph 6.3,

shall have regard to the following (so far as consistent with the provisions of the Code) save where to do so would, in the opinion of the Performance Assurance Board or Panel as applicable, substantially prejudice the interests of all Performance Assurance Parties collectively or a class of Performance Assurance Parties collectively:

(i) the efficient, equitable and accurate allocation of energy between Suppliers resulting from the aggregated consumption of Metering Systems for which each Supplier is responsible; and

(ii) the efficient, accurate and co-ordinated transfer of Metering Systems data by Performance Assurance Parties between Suppliers and Supplier Agents.

5.2 Annual Performance Assurance Timetable

5.2.1 The Panel shall establish and may from time to time revise an annual timetable ("Annual Performance Assurance Timetable") for the carrying out in relation to each Performance Assurance Operating Period of the procedures in paragraphs 5.4 to 5.6.

5.2.2 The Annual Performance Assurance Timetable shall be published on the BSC Website.

5.3 Performance Assurance Techniques

5.3.1 The Panel shall prepare, and may from time to time amend, a list setting out those provisions of the Code, and/or processes established pursuant to provisions of the Code, which the Panel considers can mitigate (by detecting or preventing the occurrence, or correcting the effects, of) Settlement Risks.

5.3.2 For the purposes of the Code a "Performance Assurance Technique" is the implementation of any provision or process for the time being set out in the list established by the Panel under paragraph 5.3.1.

5.3.3 The list of Performance Assurance Techniques (and any amendments to such list) shall be published on the BSC Website.

5.4 Risk Evaluation Methodology

5.4.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall establish and maintain a methodology (the "Risk Evaluation Methodology") for:

(a) identifying risks which are Settlement Risks;

(b) evaluating risks which have been identified as Settlement Risks; and

(c) assessing the materiality of such Settlement Risks in relation to Performance Assurance Parties.

5.4.2 The Performance Assurance Board shall establish the initial Risk Evaluation Methodology, and thereafter review and update the Risk Evaluation Methodology in accordance with paragraph 5.4.3; and may on an ad-hoc basis revise the Risk Evaluation Methodology in accordance with paragraph 5.4.5.

5.4.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall, in accordance with the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable:

(a) submit a draft of the proposed Risk Evaluation Methodology to all Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons;

(b) after considering comments received from Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons, make such changes (if any) to the proposed Risk Evaluation Methodology which are (in its opinion) appropriate; and

(c) approve and adopt the Risk Evaluation Methodology,

and (subject to paragraph 5.6A.2) references to the Risk Evaluation Methodology are to such methodology as so approved and adopted or revised by the Performance Assurance Board pursuant to paragraph 5.4.5.

5.4.4 The Performance Assurance Board shall publish the Risk Evaluation Methodology (and any within-period revision of it) on the BSC Website.

5.4.5 The procedures in paragraph 5.4.3 shall apply in relation to a proposed within-period revision of the Risk Evaluation Methodology, except that if the Performance Assurance Board considers that the revision is not significant it need not provide a draft of the proposed revised Risk Evaluation Methodology to Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons.

5.5 Risk Evaluation Register

5.5.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall:

(a) identify and evaluate risks which are Settlement Risks, by applying the Risk Evaluation Methodology; and

(b) prepare and maintain a document (the "Risk Evaluation Register") setting out Settlement Risks, and the significance of each such Settlement Risk.

5.5.2 The Risk Evaluation Register will identify and evaluate Settlement Risks generically (and/or by references to classes of Performance Assurance Party) rather than by reference to particular Performance Assurance Parties.

5.5.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall establish the initial Risk Evaluation Register, and thereafter review and update the Risk Evaluation Register, in accordance with paragraph 5.5.4; and may on an ad-hoc basis revise the Risk Evaluation Register in accordance with paragraph 5.5.5.

5.5.4 The Performance Assurance Board shall, in accordance with the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable:

(a) submit a draft of the proposed Risk Evaluation Register to all Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons;

(b) after considering any comments (including suggestions as to what may constitute a Settlement Risk) received from any Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons, prepare and submit to the Panel for its approval a final proposed Risk Evaluation Register;

(c) make such changes (if any) to the proposed Risk Evaluation Register as the Panel may direct; and

(d) adopt the Risk Evaluation Register as so changed and approved by the Panel,

and (subject to paragraph 5.6A.2) references to the Risk Evaluation Register are to such register as so approved and adopted or revised pursuant to paragraph 5.5.5.

5.5.5 Where the Performance Assurance Board proposes a within-period revision of the Risk Evaluation.

(a) identifies a further Settlement Risk or changes its definition or evaluation of an existing Settlement Risk, the approval of the Panel shall not be required for such within-period revisions, and, subject to paragraph (b), the Performance Assurance Board shall;

(i) submit a draft of the proposed Risk Evaluation Register to all Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons;

(ii) after considering comments received from Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons, make such changes (if any) to the proposed Risk Evaluation Register which are (in its opinion) appropriate; and

(iii) approve and adopt the Risk Evaluation Register; and

(b) if the Performance Assurance Board considers that the revision is not significant it need not provide a draft of the proposed Risk Evaluation Register to Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons.

5.5.6 Not used.

5.5.7 The Performance Assurance Board shall publish the Risk Evaluation Register (and any within-period revision of it) on the BSC Website.

5.6 Risk Operating Plan

5.6.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall:

(a) determine what Performance Assurance Technique(s) it considers should be applied in relation to each Settlement Risk identified in the Risk Evaluation Register; and

(b) prepare a plan (the "Risk Operating Plan") setting out:

(i) such Settlement Risks and the Performance Assurance Technique(s) that it has determined should be applied to each such Settlement Risk; and

(ii) the estimated overall cost to BSCCo of implementing such Performance Assurance Technique(s) in the current Performance Assurance Operating Period.

5.6.2 The Performance Assurance Board shall establish the initial Risk Operating Plan, and thereafter review and update the Risk Operating Plan, in accordance with paragraph 5.6.3 and may on a within-period basis review and update the Risk Operating Plan in accordance with paragraph 5.6.4.

5.6.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall, in accordance with the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable:

(a) publish the proposed Risk Operating Plan on the BSC Website so that any Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons may comment on it;

(b) submit the proposed Risk Operating Plan to the Panel for its approval together with any comments received from Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons;

(c) make such changes (if any) to the proposed Risk Operating Plan as the Panel may direct; and

(d) adopt the Risk Operating Plan as so changed and approved by the Panel,

and references to the Risk Operating Plan are to such plan as so approved and adopted or revised pursuant to paragraph 5.6.4.

5.6.4 Where the Performance Assurance Board proposes a within-period revision of the Risk Operating Plan.

(a) the approval of the Panel shall not be required for such within-period revisions, and, subject to paragraph (b), the Performance Assurance Board shall;

(i) submit a draft of the proposed Risk Operating Plan to all Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons;

(ii) after considering comments received from Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons, make such changes (if any) to the proposed Risk Operating Plan which are (in its opinion) appropriate; and

(iii) approve and adopt the Risk Operating Plan; and

(b) if the Performance Assurance Board considers that the revision is not significant it need not provide a draft of the proposed Risk Operating Plan to Performance Assurance Parties and other interested persons.

5.6.5 The Performance Assurance Board shall publish the Risk Operating Plan (and any within-period revision of it) on the BSC Website.

5.6A Simultaneous review of Risk Evaluation Methodology, Risk Evaluation Register and Risk Operating Plan

5.6A.1 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable may provide, in relation to a Performance Assurance Operating Period, that any of the Risk Evaluation Methodology, Risk Evaluation Register and Risk Operating Plan are to be reviewed and updated in conjunction with either or both of the other such documents; and

(b) the Performance Assurance Board may propose (and subsequently make) a within-period revision to any of the Risk Evaluation Methodology, Risk Evaluation Register and Risk Operating Plan in conjunction with either or both of the other such documents.

5.6A.2 Notwithstanding any other provision of the Code:

(a) where the Performance Assurance Board:

(i) reviews and updates the Risk Evaluation Register in conjunction with the Risk Evaluation Methodology, in accordance with the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable; or

(ii) proposes a within-period revision to the Risk Evaluation Register in conjunction a within-period revision to with the Risk Evaluation Methodology,

the proposed Risk Evaluation Register shall be drafted as if the proposed Risk Evaluation Methodology had already been approved and adopted by the Performance Assurance Board; and

(b) where the Performance Assurance Board:

(i) reviews and updates the Risk Operating Plan in conjunction with the Risk Evaluation Register, in accordance with the Annual Performance Assurance Timetable; or

(ii) proposes a within-period revision to the Risk Operating Plan in conjunction with a within-period revision to the Risk Evaluation Register,

the proposed Risk Operating Plan shall be drafted as if the proposed Risk Evaluation Register had already been adopted by the Performance Assurance Board.

5.7 Risk Management Determination

5.7.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall, in relation to each Performance Assurance Party, determine (in accordance with the Risk Evaluation Methodology) which Settlement Risks in the Risk Evaluation Register are material (based on class materiality and individual materiality) in relation to such Performance Assurance Party, and the Performance Assurance Techniques in the Risk Operating Plan to be applied (and the manner in which they are to be applied) in relation to such Performance Assurance Party in respect of each such Settlement Risk ("Risk Management Determination").

5.7.2 The Performance Assurance Board shall:

(a) make an initial Risk Management Determination for each Performance Assurance Party and where applicable such Risk Management Determination should be made in conjunction with the Performance Assurance Party (prior to the Performance Assurance Effective Date or as the case may be upon the party becoming a Performance Assurance Party); and

(b) thereafter on an ad-hoc basis review the Risk Management Determination for each Performance Assurance Party and (where necessary) make a revised Risk Management Determination in consultation with such Performance Assurance Party.

5.7.3 Notwithstanding paragraph 5.7.2(a), the Performance Assurance Board may determine (in its opinion and with the consent of the relevant Performance Assurance Party) that separate Risk Management Determinations should be made in respect of distinct operating unit(s) of the Performance Assurance Party (material business unit(s)) and it:

(a) may make an initial Risk Management Determination for each material business unit:

(i) prior to the Performance Assurance Effective Date or upon the party being a Performance Assurance Party as the case may be; or

(ii) on or after the Performance Assurance Effective Date or after the party becomes a Performance Assurance Party as the case may be and

(b) shall thereafter on an ad-hoc basis review a Risk Management Determination and (where necessary) make a revised Risk Management Determination.

5.7.4 The Performance Assurance Board shall notify each Performance Assurance Party of a Risk Management Determination and references to the Risk Management Determination are to such determination made or revised by the Performance Assurance Board (as the case may be).

5.7.5 Where the Performance Assurance Board makes a within-period revision of the Risk Operating Plan, the Performance Assurance Board shall (if necessary) make a revised Risk Management Determination for each Performance Assurance Party as it considers appropriate.

5.7.6 Where there is a change in the circumstances of a Performance Assurance Party or it becomes aware of circumstances of which it was not previously aware in relation to the Risk Management Determination that applies to that Performance Assurance Party, the Performance Assurance Party may request that the Performance Assurance Board make a revised Risk Management Determination, by notice to the Performance Assurance Board setting out the basis (and supporting evidence) on which the Performance Assurance Party considers such revised Risk Management Determination is justified; and the Performance Assurance Board shall consider the Performance Assurance Party's request and determine (in its discretion) whether or not the requested revised Risk Management Determination is justified and should be made.

5.7.7 Where the Performance Assurance Board becomes aware of a change in the circumstances of a Performance Assurance Party, or of circumstances which the Performance Assurance Board was not previously aware in relation to the Risk Management Determination of a Performance Assurance Party, the Performance Assurance Board shall be entitled to make a revised Risk Management Determination as it considers appropriate.

5.7.8 The Performance Assurance Technique(s) to be applied (in accordance with a Risk Management Determination) in respect of any Settlement Risk shall be techniques specified as applicable to such risk in the Risk Operating Plan; but the techniques to be applied (and the manner and extent to which they are to be applied) to individual Performance Assurance Parties of the same class may vary in cases of individual materiality of Settlement Risks.


6.1 Interpretation

6.1.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) a "Risk Management Determination Query" means a query raised by a Performance Assurance Party regarding the relevant Risk Management Determination where the Performance Assurance Party disagrees with any aspect of such Risk Management Determination;

(b) a "Query Response" means a written response from the Performance Assurance Board setting out its decision on a Risk Management Determination Query given in accordance with paragraph 6.2.3; and

(c) a "Risk Management Determination Appeal" means an appeal to the Panel in accordance with paragraph 6.3.

6.2 Risk Management Determination Query

6.2.1 A Performance Assurance Party may submit in writing a Risk Management Determination Query to the Performance Assurance Board within ten Working Days of the Performance Assurance Party receiving notice that the Performance Assurance Board has:

(a) made the initial Risk Management Determination;

(b) revised the Risk Management Determination (except for a revision in accordance with paragraph 5.7.6); or

(c) decided not to make any revision of the Risk Management Determination requested by the Performance Assurance Party pursuant to paragraph 5.7.6.

6.2.2 Where a Performance Assurance Party raises a Risk Management Determination Query:

(a) it shall specify the manner in which it considers that (by reason of the query) the relevant Risk Management Determination Plan should be revised;

(b) it shall at the same time send the Performance Assurance Board such evidence and information which it reasonably believes supports the Risk Management Determination Query;

(c) the Performance Assurance Board shall ensure that the Risk Management Determination Query is on the agenda for the next reasonably practicable monthly meeting of the Performance Assurance Board (the "Query Meeting") and notify the Performance Assurance Party of the date of the Query Meeting;

(d) the Performance Assurance Board shall invite (but shall not oblige) the Performance Assurance Party to send a representative to attend the relevant part of the Query Meeting;

(e) the Performance Assurance Party shall provide any additional information reasonably requested by the Performance Assurance Board prior to the date of the Query Meeting; and

(f) any representative of the Performance Assurance Party which attends that part of the Query Meeting shall be entitled to make representations on behalf of the Performance Assurance Party.

6.2.3 The Performance Assurance Board shall:

(a) consider all evidence and information submitted by the Performance Assurance Party and any representations which a representative of the Performance Assurance Party makes at the Query Meeting under paragraph 6.2.2;

(b) determine whether or not it accepts (in whole or in part) the Risk Management Determination Query;

(c) prepare and send the Performance Assurance Party the Query Response; and

(d) to the extent to which it accepts the Risk Management Determination Query; make a revised Risk Management Determination.

6.2.4 The determination of the Performance Assurance Board in respect of a Risk Management Determination Query shall be final and binding on the Performance Assurance Party (who shall comply with such determination) unless a Risk Management Determination Appeal is submitted in accordance with paragraph 6.3.

6.2.5 The Performance Assurance Board shall adopt such procedures as it believes fit to determine the Risk Management Determination Query provided that the Query Meeting shall be held in confidence and Section B4.5 shall not apply.

6.3 Risk Management Determination Appeal

6.3.1 Where a Performance Assurance Party disagrees with the determination of the Performance Assurance Board in relation to a Risk Management Determination Query, a Risk Management Determination Appeal may be submitted in writing to the Panel within ten Working Days after such Performance Assurance Party received the Query Response, subject to and in accordance with this paragraph 6.3.

6.3.2 A Risk Management Determination Appeal may be submitted to the Panel:

(a) directly by the Performance Assurance Party if it is a Supplier, Registrant or a LDSO;

(b) by a Performance Assurance Party which is a Supplier, Registrant or a LDSO on behalf of Performance Assurance Party which is a Party Agent where:

(i) the Party Agent has requested that the Supplier, Registrant or LDSO submits the Risk Management Determination Appeal on its behalf; and

(ii) the Supplier, Registrant or LDSO has an interest (deemed by the Panel to be a sufficient interest) in the Settlement Risk affecting the Party Agent and the Risk Management Determination Appeal,

provided that the Supplier, Registrant or LDSO shall at the same time it submits the Risk Management Determination Appeal state to the Panel why it has an interest in the Settlement Risk and the Risk Management Determination Appeal and provide evidence of such interest to the Panel.

6.3.3 A Risk Management Determination Appeal may only be made on one or more of the following grounds:

(a) the Performance Assurance Board has not followed the procedures for the determination of the Risk Management Determination Query under this Section Z and any applicable Code Subsidiary Document;

(b) the Performance Assurance Board has given too little or too much weight to the particular circumstances or evidence submitted or lack of circumstances or evidence submitted by the Performance Assurance Party; or

(c) the Performance Assurance Board has misinterpreted all or some of the evidence submitted by the Performance Assurance Party.

6.3.4 Where a Risk Management Determination Appeal is submitted:

(a) the Performance Assurance Party shall at the same time provide the Panel with such evidence and information which it reasonably believes supports its Risk Management Determination Appeal;

(b) the Panel Secretary shall place the Risk Management Determination Appeal on the confidential section of the agenda for the next reasonably practicable meeting of the Panel (the "Appeal Meeting") and shall notify the Performance Assurance Party of the date of the Appeal Meeting;

(c) the Panel Secretary shall invite (but not oblige) the Performance Assurance Party to send a representative to attend part of the Appeal Meeting and Section B4.1.6 shall be construed accordingly;

(d) the Performance Assurance Party shall provide any additional information reasonably requested by the Panel prior to the date of the Appeal Meeting;

(e) any representative of the Performance Assurance Party which attends that part of the Appeal Meeting shall be entitled to make representations on behalf of that Performance Assurance Party; and

(f) the Panel Secretary shall provide a copy of an extract of the minutes for that part of the meeting which a representative of the Performance Assurance Party attended to the Performance Assurance Party.

6.3.5 The Panel shall adopt such procedures as it believes fit to determine the Risk Management Determination Appeal, and the Appeal Meeting shall be held in confidence and Section B4.5 shall not apply.

6.3.6 The Panel shall:

(a) consider all evidence and information the Performance Assurance Party submits and any representations which a representative of the Performance Assurance Party makes at the Appeal Meeting under paragraph 6.3.4;

(b) determine whether or not it accepts (in whole or in part) the Risk Management Determination Appeal;

(c) prepare and send the Performance Assurance Party a written response setting out its determination which it shall copy to the Performance Assurance Board; and

(d) to the extent which it accepts the Risk Management Determination Appeal, direct the Performance Assurance Board to make a revised Risk Management Determination.

6.3.7 The written response of the Panel shall be final and binding on the Performance Assurance Party whose Risk Management Determination was the subject of the Risk Management Determination Appeal and the Performance Assurance Party shall comply with it.

6.4 General Provisions applying to Risk Management Determination Queries and Risk Management Determination Appeals

6.4.1 Where a Performance Assurance Party raises a Risk Management Determination Query or a Risk Management Determination Appeal in respect of:

(a) the inclusion in the relevant Risk Management Determination of a new Performance Assurance Technique established pursuant to a BSC Modification; or

(b) the application in the relevant Risk Management Determination of a Performance Assurance Technique to the Performance Assurance Party which has not, or in a manner which has not, previously been applied to such Performance Assurance Party,

the application of such Performance Assurance Technique to the Performance Assurance Party shall be suspended from the date on which the Performance Assurance Party raises the Risk Management Determination Query and shall remain suspended if a Risk Management Determination Appeal arises from such Risk Management Determination Query until such date as the Performance Assurance Board or the Panel as applicable may determine under paragraph 6.4.3 or paragraph 6.4.4.

6.4.2 Notwithstanding the suspension of the Performance Assurance Techniques specified under paragraph 6.4.1 the Performance Assurance Board shall continue to apply the rest of the Performance Assurance Techniques set out in the more recent of:

(a) the initial Risk Management Determination; or

(b) the latest revised Risk Management Determination,

of the Performance Assurance Party, provided that where the initial Risk Management Determination has been made as at the date a Risk Management Determination Query or Risk Management Determination Appeal has been submitted, the existing Performance Assurance Techniques applied to that Performance Assurance Party which are set out in the Code or established pursuant to the Code shall be deemed to comprise the Performance Assurance Party's Risk Management Determination and shall continue to apply to it.

6.4.3 If the Performance Assurance Board in the Query Response or the Panel in its written response under paragraph 6.3.6 as the case may be determines that:

(a) the new Performance Assurance Technique established pursuant to a BSC Modification; or

(b) the application of a Performance Assurance Technique which has not or in a manner which it has not previously been applied shall apply to the Performance Assurance Party,

the Performance Assurance Board or the Panel as applicable shall determine the date from which the new Performance Assurance Technique(s) or the new application of the Performance Assurance Techniques shall apply.

6.4.4 If:

(a) the Performance Assurance Board determines not to accept a Risk Management Determination Query pursuant to paragraph 6.2.3(b); or

(b) the Panel determines not to accept a Risk Management Determination Appeal pursuant to paragraph 6.3.6(b),

the Performance Assurance Board or the Panel as applicable shall determine the date from which the suspension under paragraph 6.4.1 shall cease.

6.4.5 If:

(a) the Performance Assurance Board resolves that a Risk Management Determination Query; or

(b) the Panel resolves that a Risk Management Determination Appeal,

is of a vexatious or frivolous nature, the Performance Assurance Board or the Panel as applicable may require such Performance Assurance Party which has submitted the Risk Management Determination Query or the Risk Management Determination Appeal or on behalf of which a Risk Management Determination Appeal is submitted to pay to BSCCo an amount (as from time to time approved by the Panel) towards the cost of administration of any such Risk Management Determination Query and/or such Risk Management Determination Appeal as applicable, and such Performance Assurance Party shall pay such amount.


7.1 Administering and Implementation of Performance Assurance Techniques

7.1.1 From the Performance Assurance Effective Date, the Performance Assurance Board shall apply and implement (or cause the Performance Assurance Administrator to apply or implement) Performance Assurance Techniques in accordance with the Risk Operating Plan and each Risk Management Determination.

7.1.2 Without limitation, the Performance Assurance Board shall carry out the following functions, duties and responsibilities:

(a) the conduct and administration of (including the making of determinations in relation to) the Qualification (or re-Qualification as the case may be) or the removal of Qualification of those persons referred to in Section J2.1.2, and in accordance with Section J3 and BSCP537;

(b) the determination of whether a Supplier has failed to comply with any of the Serials and of the associated charges payable in accordance with Annex S-1 and such other functions, duties and responsibilities as are accorded to it pursuant to that Annex;

(c) the conduct and administration of (including the making of determinations under) the performance assurance standards and tests set out or referred to in BSCP533, including the conduct and administration of, and publication of the results of, any peer group comparison associated with any such performance assurance standards and tests;

(d) the conduct and administration of (including the making of determinations under) the error and failure resolution process and requirements as set out in any relevant BSCP (including the publication of data or information);

(e) the carrying out of those functions, duties and responsibilities accorded to it in BSCP27 and BSCP535 together with such monitoring and technical assurance functions, duties and responsibilities referred to in Section L as are assigned to it by the Panel from time to time;

(f) the carrying out of such functions, duties and responsibilities assigned to it in relation to the BSC Audit by the Panel from time to time; and

(g) such other functions, duties and responsibilities as may be accorded to it from time to time under or pursuant to the Code.

7.2 Publication of Certain Data

7.2.1 In carrying out its functions, duties and responsibilities in relation to applying and implementing Performance Assurance Techniques, the Performance Assurance Board (or the Performance Assurance Administrator where so authorised) may recommend to the Panel, and the Panel may determine, that data or information relating to a Performance Assurance Party’s contribution to a Settlement Risk(s) should be published:

(a) in accordance with any relevant BSCP; or

(b) where the Performance Assurance Party’s contribution to a Settlement Risk(s) results in:

(i) an aggregate financial impact on all Trading Parties equivalent to or greater than the materiality threshold determined by the Panel (upon the recommendation of the Performance Assurance Board or otherwise) for the purpose of this paragraph from time to time; or

(ii) a financial impact on any single Trading Party equivalent to or greater than the materiality threshold determined by the Panel (upon the recommendation of the Performance Assurance Board or otherwise) for the purpose of this paragraph from time to time.

7.2.2 Where the Panel determines that data or information should be published in accordance with paragraph 7.2.1, such data must be published in accordance with the process set out in any relevant BSCP, or as otherwise determined by the Panel.


8.1 Annual Performance Assurance Report

8.1.1 The Performance Assurance Board shall prepare an annual report on performance assurance (the "Annual Performance Assurance Report") which shall set out the following information in respect of the previous Performance Assurance Operating Period:

(a) the results of the risk evaluation and risk assurance procedures, in particular, the extent to which the application of Performance Assurance Techniques mitigated the Settlement Risks in the Risk Evaluation Register;

(b) the actual costs of BSCCo in implementing the Performance Assurance Techniques and a comparison against the estimated costs set out in the Risk Operating Plan for the previous year and an explanation of any differences;

(c) any recommendations to modify existing Performance Assurance Techniques or establish new Performance Assurance Techniques; and

(d) the benefits of any modifications to Performance Assurance Techniques including cost-saving benefits.

8.1.2 The Annual Performance Assurance Report shall be published on the BSC Website.

8.2 Recommendations

8.2.1 The Performance Assurance Board may make a recommendation to the Panel at any time that the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document be modified in order to:

(a) remedy any error, ambiguity, inconsistency or deficiency therein which emerges as a result of the exercise of the Performance Assurance Board's functions; or

(b) establish a new Performance Assurance Technique or modify an existing Performance Assurance Technique.

8.2.2 Where the Panel receives a recommendation from the Performance Assurance Board pursuant to paragraph 8.2.1, the Panel shall decide whether to propose a modification to the Code and/or a modification to a Code Subsidiary Document consistent with such recommendation in accordance with Section F.

8.3 Not Used

8.4 Not Used


Section Z

Version 14.0

Effective Date: 27 February 2025

Modification Proposal

Decision Date

Implementation Date


































P368 Self-Governance




P319 Self-Governance








P301 Fast Track Self Governance




P275 Self Governance

Panel 196/05









