BSCP 06: CVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in CMRS V15.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code and in particular, to the definition of "BSC Procedure" in Section X, Annex X-1 thereof.

2. This is BSC Procedure 06, Version 15.0 relating to CVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in CMRS.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from 01 October 2024.

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the Panel.


1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Procedure

This procedure defines the obligations on the Meter Operator Agent (MOA) in relation to the work of Meter operations for Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Metering Systems registered in Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS). It also outlines the responsibilities of the MOA, Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA) and Registrant with regard to notification of work and of the sealing and re-sealing of CVA Metering Equipment for the following purposes:

(a) routine inspection testing, calibration and circuit isolations; and

(b) metering faults.

It additionally covers the reading of Meters before the start and on completion of the above work and the subsequent resealing of Metering Equipment. It also specifies the types of seals to be applied to Metering Equipment and the Metering Equipment to be sealed.

This BSCP should be read in conjunction with BSCP27, Technical Assurance of Half Hourly Metering Systems for Settlement Services, which describes key interfaces and timetabled responsibilities for the roles of the SVA and CVA Technical Assurance Agents (TAA), the processes for inspection and testing of Metering Equipment by the TAA and for rectifying non-compliances.

This procedure specifically excludes the following:

    • Metering Equipment for Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) which is covered by BSCP514; and

    • Detailed requirements and intervals for carrying out inspection, testing and calibration of meters, which are covered in Code of Practice Four.

1.2 Main Users of the Procedure and their Responsibilities

This BSCP is to be used by the:

    • MOA to understand its obligations in relation to CVA Meter operations;

    • MOA to notify work which requires seals to be broken;

    • MOA for the breaking of Metering Equipment seals and their resealing, and also for ensuring the necessary audit trail is maintained through the reading of Meters for reconciliation purposes;

    • MOA for the sealing of new metering equipment;

    • MOA for maintaining a local register of sealing pliers and a local register of seals applied;

    • CDCA for maintaining a register of sealing pliers;

    • CDCA for breaking and remaking Metering Equipment seals, where necessary, in order to perform any manual on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s) (in accordance with Section R1.4.3).

    • CDCA to update local on-site register of seals applied;

    • CDCA for notifying the MOA which Metering Equipment seals it has broken, where necessary, and remade following on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s); and

    • BSCCo for maintaining a central register of MOA and the CDCA sealing IDs.

1.3 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This BSCP has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Code. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSCP and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

1.4 Associated BSC Procedures

This procedure interfaces with the following BSCPs:


Data Estimation and Substitution for Central Volume Allocation


Meter Advance Reconciliation for Central Volume Allocation


Registration of Metering System for Central Volume Allocation


Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points


Technical Assurance of Half Hourly Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes




Qualification Process for SVA Parties, SVA Party Agents and CVA MOAs.

1.5 MOA Obligations

1.5.1 General Obligations

(a) Systems and Processes

The MOA shall use systems and processes so approved in accordance with BSCP537 in the operation of CVA Metering Equipment. These systems and processes must also comply with all other applicable requirements set out in the Code, this BSCP06 and its appendices and the BSC Procedures.

(b) Metering Equipment

The MOA shall ensure that the Import or Export of electrical energy by every CVA Metering System for which it is responsible is accurately recorded by Metering Equipment installed and maintained in compliance with the relevant Code of Practice (subject to any Metering Dispensations which may be in place).

(c) Communications

The MOA shall send and receive data and other information relating to its activities as MOA in accordance with BSCP02, BSCP03, BSCP05, this BSCP06, BSCP20 and, where appropriate, the Communication Requirements Document.

1.5.2 Registration Obligations

(a) Recording of Details

(i) The MOA shall record sufficient details, received from its associated Registrant, of its appointment in respect of a CVA Metering System to enable the MOA to perform its functions as MOA. These details shall include the relevant CVA Metering System Number, the associated Registrant’s metering requirements and, where appropriate, the associated Distribution System Operator.

(ii) On appointment to a CVA Metering System and where existing Metering Equipment is to be used, the incoming MOA shall request the transfer of data and other information, in accordance with clause 1.5.2 b) iii), from the outgoing MOA to enable such incoming MOA to assume responsibility for the CVA Metering System.

(b) Termination of Appointment of MOA

(i) The MOA shall prepare and maintain plans that will enable its associated Registrant’s obligations under the Code to continue to be met notwithstanding the expiry or termination of the MOA’s appointment as the MOA. The plans, which the MOA undertakes to implement on any such expiry or termination, will include the immediate transfer of data and other information to an incoming MOA appointed by the associated Registrant or to the Panel.

(ii) On expiry or termination of the MOA’s appointment as MOA in respect of a CVA Metering System, and where the existing Metering Equipment is to be used, the outgoing MOA shall transfer the data and other information, as specified in clause 1.5.2. b) iii) to the incoming MOA within 2 working days, when requested to do so by the incoming MOA.

(iii) Data and other information to be transferred shall include Meter Technical Details including those relating to the associated Communications Equipment as appropriate, commissioning data, mapping data and certification and/or calibration details.

1.5.3 Metering Obligations

(a) Energisation of Meters

(i) The MOA shall only energise a CVA Metering System if requested to do so by its associated Registrant.

(ii) The MOA shall as soon as reasonably practicable inform its associated Registrant and the CDCA of any change in the energisation status of any CVA Metering System to which it has been appointed.

(b) Installation, Removal and Re-programming of Meters

(i) The MOA shall maintain records and comply with systems and processes so approved in accordance with BSCP537 to commission, re-commission, remove, replace or reprogram Metering Equipment and shall inform its associated Registrant, the CDCA and, where applicable, the Distribution System Operator or the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) of the nature and date of any related work carried out within such time as shall allow the CDCA to carry out its obligations to ensure that correct data is taken into Initial Settlement Runs.

(ii) The MOA shall record proving, validation and communications errors found or reported by the CDCA as a result of a proving test and shall rectify any errors reported.

(c) Sealing Service

The MOA shall provide a sealing service and shall ensure that all Metering Equipment is sealed and re-sealed in accordance with this BSCP06.

1.5.4 Interface to Other Agents

(a) Information to the CDCA

(i) Upon any change of Meter Technical Details or upon the MOA’s appointment in respect of a CVA Metering System, the MOA shall give Meter Technical Details, commissioning details and access details of the CVA Metering System and its energisation status to the CDCA.

(ii) The MOA shall inform the CDCA of the installation, repair, removal, reprogramming, energisation or de-energisation of any Metering Equipment for which the CDCA is responsible. The MOA shall use all reasonable endeavours to assist the CDCA in recovering data required for Settlement from any Metering Equipment that is about to be removed or de-energised.

(iii) Except in an emergency, the MOA shall give the CDCA sufficient notice of the installation, repair, removal, reprogramming, energisation or de-energisation of any Metering Equipment for which the CDCA is responsible to enable the CDCA to recover the data required for Settlement using its normal method of data collection.

(iv) When requested by the CDCA, the MOA shall provide opening/final meter readings to the CDCA following installation, removal, reprogramming, fault investigation, energisation, de-energisation or replacement of any Metering Equipment by the MOA in accordance with BSCP20 and this BSCP06.

(b) Meter Fault Reporting

(i) Upon the MOA being notified by any person or discovering that any Metering Equipment for which the MOA is responsible is potentially recording incorrect data, the MOA shall investigate and rectify the problem and notify its associated Registrant and the CDCA of the nature of the fault, the date and time at which it was rectified and the initial reading of the cumulative total registers following rectification.

(ii) The MOA shall report Metering Equipment faults to its associated Registrant and the CDCA and advise the CDCA as to the period covered by the fault. For Metering Equipment faults located at Offshore Power Park Modules, that are subject to access difficulties for more than 5 WD due to health and safety reasons, the MOA shall notify BSCCo using Form BSCP06/4.9 ‘Risk Assessment of Metering Equipment Fault at Offshore Power Park Module’.

(iii) The MOA shall separately identify Metering Equipment faults affecting data quality and those not affecting data quality and shall record the date on which each fault was reported and the date on which each fault was cleared. For this purpose a fault affecting data quality shall be treated as cleared when the relevant Metering System once again records in compliance with the relevant Code of Practice.

1.5.5 Service Levels

The MOA shall perform the services to be performed by it as MOA pursuant to this BSCP06 to standards which shall be at least as good as those specified in Appendix 4.8.

1.5.6 Input, Processing and Output

Controls to ensure that input, processing and output are valid may include the use of software validation checks and exception reporting to identify problems.

1.6 CDCA Obligation

In the event of any fault or failure of a communication link (or any error, or omission, in metered data, or all necessary data not being available from Outstations), and where the CDCA needs to break a Metering Equipment seal(s) in order to perform manual on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s), the CDCA shall:

    • Reseal the Metering Equipment immediately following the manual on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s);

    • Update the local on-site copy of the register of seals applied;

    • Notify the MOA which Metering Equipment seal(s) has been broken and remade, within 2WD following the manual on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s). Details to include are:

      • MSID

      • Circuit name;

      • Metering Equipment sealed;

      • Date seals applied;

      • Sealing pliers number; and

      • The name of the CDCA operative who applied the seal(s); and

    • Keep a record of such notification for audit purposes.

    • The CDCA may only break and remake seals necessary in order to gain access to the local communication port.

1.7 Operational Emergencies

Seals may be broken by others under instruction from operational staff in an operational emergency or for safety reasons in an emergency, providing the MOA is informed at the earliest opportunity, stating the reasons for so doing. The MOA can then arrange to reinstate any seals affected. This includes equipment which is declared a “point of isolation” e.g. secondary fuses associated with metering VTs.

1.8 Routine Work and Metering Faults

All routine work and Metering System faults should be dealt with under Section 3.1 of this procedure.

Routine work shall be regarded as any work planned in advance which:

    • Is not associated with the CVA Metering Equipment but requires secondary metering VT isolation. This type of work is usually circuit planned outages.

    • Associated with the CVA Metering Equipment which is not due to a fault. This type of work is usually replacement of Outstation battery, calibration of Meters, accuracy tests of Meters.

1.9 Register of Sealing Pliers

For the purpose of maintaining an audit trail of the Metering Equipment seals applied, CVA MOAs and the CDCA shall maintain a register of sealing pliers detailing when, to whom and which unique pair(s) of sealing pliers have been issued for use. The register should additionally specify details of any lost or stolen pliers, any pliers sent for repair (CVA MOAs and the CDCA shall ensure that records relating to repairs are kept for at least 10 years) and the dates on which any pliers were destroyed.

CVA MOAs and the CDCA shall ensure their register of sealing pliers is made available for inspection by the BSC Auditor and the TAA for audit purposes.

1.10 Register of Seals Applied

CVA MOAs shall maintain a register containing details of when seals were applied to Metering Equipment for individual circuits. The details shall include:

    • Circuit name;

    • Metering Equipment sealed;

    • Date seals applied;

    • Sealing pliers number; and

    • Signature of person applying seals.

A template for the register of seals applied is provided in Appendix 4.3 of this BSCP, which may be used by CVA MOAs.

Copies of this register shall be kept on-site to enable the CDCA to carry out the visual inspection of Metering Equipment checks required in section 4.3 of BSCP05 ‘Meter Advance Reconciliation for Central Volume Allocation when it carries out Meter Advance Reconciliations (MARs) in accordance with BSCP05.

The CDCA shall update the on-site register of seals applied if it breaks and remakes a seal(s) to carry out an on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s). Upon receiving notification from the CDCA that a Metering Equipment seal(s) has been broken and remade, following the on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s), the CVA MOA shall update its local copy of the register of seals applied form.

In addition, this register of seals applied shall be made available for inspection by the BSC Auditor (off site) and the TAA (on site) for audit purposes.

1.11 Central Register of CVA MOA and the CDCA Sealing IDs

BSCCo shall maintain a central register of CVA MOA and the CDCA sealing IDs and issue a unique ID to each Qualified CVA MOA and the CDCA on request. The CVA MOA sealing ID will be associated with the CVA MOA’s Party Agent ID registered in Central Systems. The CVA MOA sealing ID may only be used by the CVA MOA it was allocated to and therefore cannot be transferred to any existing or new CVA MOAs. Where a CVA MOA ceases to operate in the CVA market, it will be required to destroy the sealing pliers associated with its CVA MOA sealing ID.

A CVA MOA can use an SVA MOA sealing ID in the CVA market where the CVA and SVA MOAs are from the same company. However, where the SVA MOA has more than one sealing ID, only one must be declared by the CVA MOA in order that the BSCCo can ensure that MOA sealing IDs remain unique in the CVA market.

Where the same MOA sealing ID is used in both markets, and the MOA subsequently ceases to operate in the CVA market only, the sealing pliers associated with CVA MOA sealing ID need not be destroyed as the TAA will have an effective from and effective to date for the relevant CVA Party Agent ID and therefore the MOA sealing ID. However, where an MOA subsequently ceases to operate in both SVA and CVA markets, the sealing pliers associated with the CVA MOA sealing ID must be destroyed in line with the SVA requirements.

Where the company performing the role of the CDCA ceases to perform that role it will be required to destroy the sealing pliers associated with its CDCA sealing ID.

The BSCCo will ensure that the up-to-date register of all CVA MOA and the CDCA sealing IDs, along with their effective from and effective to dates, are made available to the BSC Auditor and the TAA for audit purposes.

2 Acronyms and Definitions

2.1 List of Acronyms

The following is a list of acronyms used in BSCP06:


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Central Data Collection Agent


Central Meter Registration Service


Central Volume Allocation


Licensed Distribution System Operator


Meter Operator Agent


Metering System Identifier


Metering Sub System Identifier


National Electricity Transmission System Operator.


Supplier Volume Allocation


Technical Assurance Agent


Co-ordinated Universal Time


Working Day

2.2 List of Definitions

Full definitions of the above acronyms in Section 2.1 are included in the Code.

3 Interface and Timetable Information

3.1 Routine Work and Metering Faults









For routine work, prior to the day work is to be carried out,


for work carried out in respect of a metering fault

If MOA wishes to carry out some work give notification of date, time and place where work required,


Proceed to step 3.1.3



Details of the work to be completed, including date, time and place.

Letter / Fax / Email


Following 3.1.1, and prior to the day work is to be carried out.

If Registrant wishes to attend the site, they provide confirmation.



Confirmation of attendance

Letter / Fax / Email


Day work carried out

Give notification of work to be carried out and where appropriate request CDCA to remotely interrogate Outstation(s)2.



Phone / Fax / Email

Where appropriate, take “before” Meter readings.


BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

This form must be signed by an authorised person as registered under BSCP38.


Break seal(s).




On the day when work has been completed

Where appropriate, take “after” Meter readings, reseal Metering Equipment.


BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet


Update register of seals applied and ensure the details are available for inspection on and off site.

Register of seals applied

Phone / Fax / Email

Where appropriate, request CDCA to remotely interrogate Outstation(s).



Request to remotely interrogate Outstation(s)


Within 3 WD of 3.1.4

Send confirmation and details of work carried out, along with “before” and “after” readings.




BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

Letter / Fax / Email

3.2 New Metering Equipment Sealing

This section is utilised for new registration of Metering System in accordance with BSCP20 where the initial Meter readings and sealing of Metering Equipment is required before the Metering System effective date.









Prior to the Effective From Date of the Metering System

Take “initial” Meter readings, seal all Metering Equipment and update register of seals applied.


BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

Signing witness must be an authorised person as registered under BSCP38.



Within 3 WD of 3.2.1

Provide initial Meter readings.


CDCA, Registrant

BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

Letter / Fax / Email

3.3 Removing Seals From De-Registered Metering Equipment

This section is utilised for newly de-registered Metering System in accordance with BSCP20 where the final Meter readings and removal of seals is required after the Metering System effective date.









On date agreed under BSCP20

BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

Signing witness must be an authorised person as registered under BSCP38



Within 3 WD of 3.3.1

Provide final Meter readings.


CDCA, Registrant

BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

Letter / Fax / Email


Following 3.3.2

Perform Meter Advance Reconciliation in accordance with BSCP05.



3.4 Fault Investigation and Resolution









As soon as aware of inconsistency or possible fault.

Send notification of inconsistencies or possible fault and request investigation.

CDCA3 or BSCCo or any Party




LDSO or NETSO as appropriate

BSCP06/4.5 Part A ‘Metering Equipment Fault Report’.

Fax / Letter / Email


As soon as possible after 3.4.1

Investigate problem:

a) Resolve the issue; or

b) Send request to MOA to inspect and test suspect metering.


a) Internal;

b) MOA

Details of inconsistency.

Fax / Letter / Email


Within 3 WD of receipt of request in 3.4.2

Investigate suspect metering and send report of findings.




BSCP06/4.5 Part B ‘Metering Equipment Fault Report'

Fax / Letter / Email


Following 3.4.3 and where the report of findings indicates that the CDCA needs to carry out on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s) until the fault is resolved

Agree frequency of on-site manual interrogation of Outstation(s) required.




Agreed frequency of on-site manual interrogation of Outstation(s) required.

Phone / Fax / Email


On the date(s) agreed in 3.4.4

Carry out on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s) using approved protocol.

Update local on-site register of seals applied.

If the CDCA needs to break a Metering Equipment seal(s) to enable access to the local interrogation port on the Outstation(s) and remake Metering Equipment seal(s), then additional step 3.4.6 is required.

When fault is resolved go to 3.4.7




Within 2WD of breaking and remaking a Metering Equipment seal(s) to enable access to local interrogation port on the Outstation(s) in 3.4.5

Notify the MOA (and Registrant if required) of the details of any Metering Equipment seals broken and remade by the CDCA in order to gain access to the local interrogation port on the Outstation(s) to enable on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s).


MOA, Registrant (if required)

Details of MSID, circuit name, Metering Equipment sealed, date seals applied, sealing pliers ID and number; and the name of CDCA operative who applied the seal(s).



As soon as possible after receipt of data in 3.4.3 if fault is resolved or, in the case where the CDCA needs to carry out on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s), when the fault is resolved.

Report resolution of problem.



LDSO or NETSO as appropriate

Details of findings and resolution of problem

Fax / Letter / Email


As soon as possible after receipt of data in 3.4.3

Where an investigation indicates that a fault has caused incorrect Metered Data to be recorded, estimate Metered Data in accordance with BSCP03.



LDSO or NETSO as appropriate

Details of estimated Metered Data.

Fax / Letter / Electronic

4 Appendices

4.1 BSCP06/4.1 This form is no longer used

4.2 BSCP06/4.2 This form is no longer used

4.3 BSCP06/4.3 This form is no longer used

Register of Seals Applied: This form is no longer used. However, it may be used by CVA MOAs as a template for a register of seals applied.

4.4 BSCP06/4.4 This form is no longer used

4.5 BSCP06/4.5 Metering Equipment Fault Report

This form is to be used by the CDCA, BSCCo or any other Party to report inconsistencies or possible faults with Metering Equipment, or the MOA to report the action taken to rectify a fault.

4.6 BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

This form is to be used by the MOA (signed by an authorised person as registered under BSCP38 Authorisations) to give details of any work carried out on Metering Equipment, and to provide “before” and “after” Meter readings. It is also used to provide “initial” Meter readings for new Metering Equipment, and “final” Meter readings for de-registered Metering Equipment.

4.7 Equipment to be Sealed, Types of Seals and Responsibilities for Sealing

This appendix specifies the Metering Equipment to be sealed, the types of seals to be applied to the Metering Equipment and where the responsibilities for sealing lie.

4.8 Meter Operator Agent Service Levels

This appendix has effect for the purposes of Section 1.5.5 of this BSCP06 to determine;

(i) the functions to be performed by the Meter Operator Agent, as described in columns 2 to 5 of the table set out in this Appendix, in respect of which minimum standards of performance are required;

(ii) the minimum standards of performance (Service Levels) relating to the functions referred to in paragraph (i) above, as described in columns 6 and 7 of the table set out in this Appendix; and

(iii) a reference number (Serial) in respect of each Service Level, as described in column 1 of the table set out in this Appendix.

4.9 BSCP06/4.3 Register of Seals Applied

This form is no longer used but may be used as a template by CVA MOAs.


MOA: Registrant:

Circuit Name

Metering Equipment Sealed (e.g. Meter, Data Collector, Meter Panel Door, Meter Cabinet Rear Door, Potential Fuses, Test Terminal Block, etc)

Date Seals Applied

Sealing Pliers Number

Signature of Person Applying Seals

4.10 BSCP06/4.4 This form is no longer used

4.11 BSCP06/4.5 Metering Equipment Fault Report

Part A (CDCA-I038) From: CDCA or BSCCo or any Party To: Registrant, BSCCo, MOA, LDSO or NETSO (as appropriate)





CDCA Fault Ref:


Outstation Id:

Comms Address:

Device Type:

Last Successful Call:

Comms Test:


Data Quality


Outstation Id(s):

Subsystem Id:

Channel(s) Affected:


Time Tolerance

Outstation Id:

Time Difference (secs):



Meter Advance Reconciliation

Meter Serial No:

Outstation Id:

Outstation Channel:

Other Details:




Part B (CDCA-I015) From: MOA To: Registrant, CDCA


MOA Fault Ref:

CDCA Fault Ref:


Action Taken:

Other Comments:

4.12 BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet

PAGE 1 OF __

To: ______________________________

Date Sent: __________

From: Participant Details

MOA ID: ______________________________

Name of Sender: _________________________

Contact email address: __________________________________________

Our Ref: _______________________________

Contact Tel. No. _________________________

Name of Authorised Signatory: __________________________________

Authorised Signature: ______________________

Password: ___________________


Site Name:


MSID: Name of Meter Reader:

Circuit Name:

Start date/time (UTC): ………………………………… End date/ time (UTC): …………………………………….

Work Carried Out: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Before Reading

Physical Meter

Outstation (Primary)_

Outstation (Secondary)

Serial No.:

Import MWh




Export MWh




Import MVarh




Export MVarh




After Reading

Physical Meter

Outstation (Primary)_

Outstation (Secondary)

Serial No.:

Import MWh




Export MWh




Import MVarh




Export MVarh




BSCP06/4.6 Notification of Completed Work/Meter Reading Sheet continued

PAGE __ OF __


Circuit Name:

Start date/time (UTC): ………………………………… End date/ time (UTC): …………………………………….

Work Carried Out: …………………………………………...................................………………………………………



Before Reading

Physical Meter

Outstation (Primary)_

Outstation (Secondary)

Serial No.:

Import MWh




Export MWh




Import MVarh




Export MVarh




After Reading

Physical Meter

Outstation (Primary)_

Outstation (Secondary)

Serial No.:

Import MWh




Export MWh




Import MVarh




Export MVarh




Circuit Name:

Start date/time (UTC): ………………………………… End date/ time (UTC): …………………………………….

Work Carried Out: …………………………………………...................................………………………………………



Before Reading

Physical Meter

Outstation (Primary)_

Outstation (Secondary)

Serial No.:

Import MWh




Export MWh




Import MVarh




Export MVarh




After Reading

Physical Meter

Outstation (Primary)_

Outstation (Secondary)

Serial No.:

Import MWh




Export MWh




Import MVarh




Export MVarh




4.13 Equipment to be Sealed, Types of Seals and Responsibilities for Sealing4

This Appendix specifies the minimum requirements for:

    • The equipment to be sealed;

    • The types of seal to be used and their purpose;

    • General sealing practice; and

    • Particular procedures for the control of specified seals and dies.

4.13.1 Equipment to be Sealed

The table below shows equipment to be sealed, the type of seal to be applied and by whom seals may be removed and/or applied.

Measurement Technique

Metering Equipment to be sealed




Generation Co

CT operated Low voltage

Primary voltage fuse only if no secondary fuse


CT chamber



Meter terminal cover


Meter case (cover)


CT terminal cover


Test terminal block


Switch (controlling supply)



Secondary voltage fuse


Communications port


Metering Equipment connections to Load control equipment


Bus bar chamber



CT/VT operated High voltage (additional to LV)

VT racking



VT fuses (on switchgear)



VT Marshalling box



VT fuse (on panel)


Auxiliary fuses


CT Marshalling box



Key: S - Security seal I -Indicative seal P – Padlock

4.13.2 Types of Seal and Purpose

Table 1 identifies three generic types of ‘seal’ by purpose:

    • A security seal shall be used where both protection to avoid danger (to make opening of the equipment difficult) and indication of any interference are required. Where applied to Metering Equipment by a CVA MOA it shall be a specified seal as defined under ‘Specified Seal, Wire Rope and Associated Sealing Equipment’ below;

    • An indicative seal or label shall be used where only an indicative warning is required that work on the equipment could compromise the operation of Metering Equipment; and

    • A padlock shall be used to protect and to avoid danger on certain types of distribution/transmission equipment (to make opening of the equipment very difficult except to authorised persons having keys for the purposes of carrying out operations under required Safety Rules).

Specified Seal, Wire Rope and Associated Sealing Equipment

A specified seal is a particular form of security seal. The requirements of a specified seal are that it shall:

    • be a tin-plated, annealed, copper ferrule;

    • not be less than 5.0mm nor more than 7.0mm long;

    • have an internal diameter which is not less than 1.98mm nor more than 2.28mm;

    • be of some constant cross-section of such a size and shape so that its external perimeter lies within a circle whose diameter is not less than 4.06mm nor more than 4.6mm and the wall is nowhere less than 0.72mm thick; and

    • be crimped and marked on one side with the identification symbol appropriate to the MOA and on the other side with the 3-digit identification number of the Meter Operative. Alternatively, the specified seal can be crimped with up to 3 digits on each side to identify the Meter Operative and the identification symbol appropriate to the MOA, or the MOA's company name, may be impressed on a seal's flange or protuberance, provided that the design of the flange or protuberance is one approved by the BSCCo, from time to time.

The Requirements of Wire Rope are that it shall:

    • be manufactured from 7 strands of drawn, class Z, zinc-coated wire complying with BS 2763:1982;

    • have a diameter of not less than 0.914mm; and

    • have a breaking load of not less than 880N.

The requirements for sealing equipment are that it shall crimp specified seals onto wire rope sufficiently to withstand a tensile load of not less than 200N, in order to secure equipment so as to prevent accidental breaking or removal of the seal or wire rope.

Indicative Seal

The type used may be at the discretion of the party concerned. The main purpose, particularly on CT/VT equipment, is to warn persons intending to work on such equipment that their actions might interfere with metering integrity.


General practice is to use brass bodied, hardened steel hasp locks with a common key suite so that any person with appropriate authority, issued with a master key, can open them. In some cases a coloured sheath (e.g. red) may be applied to indicate danger.

4.13.3 Guidance on Sealing Practice


Metering Equipment and related distribution/transmission equipment shall be sealed following initial energisation and shall be resealed following any subsequent works that require the removal of seals. The party carrying out such works shall be responsible for resealing equipment and for taking the removed seals from the site and destroying them, whether they are owned by that party or are the property of another party.

General Guidance Specific to Meter Operator Agents

Each Meter Operator Agent shall have a system for sealing and resealing, which shall include using a seal uniquely identifiable to it as specified in ‘Specified Seal, Wire Rope and Associated Sealing Equipment’ above.

4.13.4 Control of Specified Seals and Associated Dies

Sealing Pliers and Dies

Sealing pliers, to be used with uniquely identified dies for crimping and marking specified seals, must be provided by MOAs for each Meter Operative. Dies shall not be transferred between MOAs. In addition:

    • No MOA shall retain any duplicate sets of dies.

    • Sealing pliers, dies or specified seals shall not be used other than for sealing Metering Equipment.

    • Sealing pliers with dies that do not make legible marks shall not be used.

Destruction of Dies

A MOA shall be required to destroy sets of dies that have been damaged or are no longer required because the relevant Meter Operative will no longer be sealing Metering Equipment on its behalf.

In the event of a MOA ceasing to operate all sets of sealing pliers and dies shall be destroyed by it forthwith.

4.14 Meter Operator Agent Service Levels

For the purposes of this Appendix:

(a) the references in column 3 of the table below to a numbered paragraph are to the relevant paragraph in Section 1.5 of this BSCP06;

(b) the references in column 4 of the table below to a sub-process/data flow are to the relevant sub-process or data flow as described in the relevant BSC Procedure or Appendix 4.8 to this BSCP06;

(c) references to a Distribution System Operator are to the Distribution System Operator of the Distribution System in whose area the relevant CVA Metering Systems are located (if applicable);

(d) references to “Timescales” are to those specified by BSCP02, BSCP20 and, if applicable, the Settlement Calendar;

(e) references to a certain percentage of tasks being completed within a certain specified period are to be read as a reference to that percentage of tasks being completed during an applicable reporting period as specified by BSCP20;

(f) references to an item being “valid” are to an item which conforms to an applicable Data Catalogue item;

(g) reference to an item being in “correct format” are to an item which complies with the applicable Data Catalogue format or the format specified by BSCP02, BSCP20 and this BSCP06;

(h) references to an item being “accurate” are to an item being correctly recorded; and

(i) in calculating percentages, the performance figures shall be rounded up or down to the nearest two decimal places (with 0.005 being rounded upwards).

4.14.1 Meter Operator Service Levels – BSCP06




Sub-process /

Data Flow


Performance Measure

Service Levels

Reporting Method


Meter Operator Agent

1.5.4 Interface to other Agents

Fault repairs

Meter Operator Agent

Time to rectify faults which would constitute a category 1 or category 2 non compliance as defined in BSCP27

(i) 95% rectified within 5 working days of receipt of notification;

(ii) 99% rectified within 15 working days of notification.

Provision of data under 10.1.1 of PSL100


Meter Operator Agent

1.5.2 Registration Obligations

Meter Technical Details

Incoming Meter Operator Agent

Complete, valid, correct format and accurate within Timescales

(i) 95% within 5 working days in accordance with this BSCP;

(ii) 99% within 10 working days in accordance with this BSCP06.

Provision of data under 10.1.1 of PSL100


Meter Operator Agent

1.5.4 Interface to other Agents

Meter Technical Details


Complete, valid, correct format and accurate within Timescales

(i) 95% within 5 working days in accordance with BSCP02

(ii) 99% within 15 working days in accordance with BSCP02.

Provision of data under 10.1.1 of PSL100


Meter Operator Agent

1.5.4 Interface to other Agents

Fault Resolution Reports



Complete, valid, correct format and accurate within Timescales

(i) 95% within 5 working days in accordance with this BSCP06;

(ii) 99% within 15 working days in accordance with this BSCP06.

Provision of data under 10.1.1 of PSL100

4.15 BSCP06/4.9 Risk Assessment of Metering Equipment Fault at Offshore Power Park Module

Page 1 of 2

To: BSCCo Date Sent:_______________________

From: Participant Details

MOA ID:____________________________ Name of Sender:___________________

Our Ref:_____________________________ Contact Tel. No.:___________________

Name of Authorised Signatory: ___________________________________

Authorised Signature: ___________________ Password:________________________

Metering Equipment Details

Site: ____________________________________ MSID:_______________________

Circuit(s): ______________________________________________________________

Details of Metering Fault

Details of Proposed Rectification and reason for Delay

Proposed Date of Rectification: ____________________

BSCP06/4.9 (Continued) Page 2 of 2

Metering System Component

Impact on Data Quality

Method of Controlling Risk

Primary Plant

CTs and VTs

Cabling and Marshalling Boxes

Metering Panel



Auxiliary Power Supplies

Communications Equipment


Existing Control Measures

Additional Information




Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/ Panel/ Committee Refs


Code Effective Date

Designated Version





Work outstanding at Go Active resolution of inconsistencies inclusion of consultation comments

NCR 221 & 220




CDCA Improvement Project CP





Change Proposal for CVA Programme June 03 Release




Approved Modification P62




Change Proposals for CVA Programme June 04 Release

CP964, CP998




CVA Programme Feb 05 Release

BETTA 6.3, CP1049, CP1054, CP1091

ISG42/003 ISG46/002



June 06 Release






P197 Release




November 08 Release







June 10 Release





November 16 Release





29 March 2019 Standalone Release





26 June 2023 Release





01 October 2024 Non-Standard Release


Directed by Secretary of State

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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, ELEXON Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 Where the Registrant and MOA are the same, the Registrant can initiate the process but only in the role of MOA.

2 In the case of metering faults , located Offshore at Offshore Power Park Modules where access has been prevented for health and safety reasons for more than 5 WD of 3.1.3, the MOA shall notify BSCCo using Form BSCP06/4.9 ‘Risk Assessment of Metering Equipment Fault at Offshore Power Park Module’. BSCCo shall monitor progress and if necessary inform the relevant Panel Committee of any unsatisfactorily controlled risk.

3 In addition to informing the Registrant, BSCCo and LDSO or the NETSO, as appropriate, the CDCA shall also inform the MOA

4 In order to perform on-site interrogation of the Outstation(s) the CDCA may break and remake a Metering Equipment seal(s) in order to access the local communications port. In this circumstance, where reference is made in this Appendix 4.7 to the MOA or its operative(s) such relevant reference(s) shall apply equally to the CDCA or its operative(s).