Section J: Party Agents and Qualification under the Code |
BSC Simple Guide |
Section J deals with
Party Agents and how BSC Parties,
Party Agents and
CVA Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) Qualify to participate in the
Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) arrangements of the BSC.
Suppliers, Virtual Lead Parties and
Licensed Distribution System Operators (BSC Parties),
Party Agents don't sign up (Accede) to the full BSC. They are linked into the BSC through the
Section J processes and requirements. The main areas covered in this section are:
the activities undertaken under the BSC through the use of Party Agents;
the responsibility of Parties to ensure that Party Agents perform in accordance with relevant performance levels;
the Qualification Requirements which must be met by BSC Parties and Party Agents; and
the requirement for BSC Parties to register Party Agents.
Parties responsible for Metering Systems are required to appoint and use the following Party Agents:
a CVA MOA (unless the Metering System relates to an Unmetered Supply) or a SVA MOA (unless the Metering System relates to an Unmetered Supply);
for each SVA Metering System, a Data Collector and a Data Aggregator; and
for each SVA Metering System relating to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply, a Meter Administrator.
The activities which the Party is required to perform through the use of a Party Agent are:
the role of the CVA MOA is to install, commission, test and maintain Metering Equipment. Information on the requirements in relation to Metering Equipment can be found in Section L (except to the extent that Section L and relevant Codes of Practices requires the Equipment Owner to perform such activities);
the role of the SVA MOA is to install, commission, test and maintain Metering Equipment. Information on the requirements in relation to Metering Equipment can be found within the provisions of the Retail Energy Code;
the role of the Data Collector is to retrieve, validate and process metering data in respect of SVA Metering Systems, in accordance with the requirements of Section S;
the role of the Data Aggregator is to aggregate metering data provided by Data Collectors and provide the aggregated data to the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA), in accordance with the requirements of Section S; and
the role of the Meter Administrator is to calculate estimated energy consumption for Equivalent Unmetered Supplies and provide the data to the relevant Data Collector, in accordance with the requirements of Section S.
In addition, Parties that wish to submit contract notifications are required to appoint and use:
an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent (ECVNA), if the Party wants to submit Energy Contract Volume Notifications; and
a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA), if the Party wants to submit Meter Volume Reallocation Notifications.
Further details on the submission of contract notifications are set out in
Section P.
A Party may appoint itself to act as a Party Agent in relation to any or all of the above functions, as long as it is and remains Qualified to undertake that function (where Qualification is required).
Parties are responsible under the BSC for the actions of the Party Agents that they have appointed and are responsible for ensuring those Party Agents comply with the requirements of the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents.
Other Agents under the BSC
Section J makes reference to
Supplier Meter Registration Agent (
Licensed Distribution System Operators when acting in their capacity as Unmetered Supplies
System Operators and the
Data Transfer Service Provider. These roles are not undertaken by
BSC Agents or
Party Agents. However:
the BSC stipulates that for each Distribution System and Associated Distribution System, a SMRA provides and operates a registration service in respect of those Boundary Points on its Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) of such SMRA which are not registered in the Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS). The SMRA must provide data from its registration system to Parties, Party Agents and BSC Agents as required for the purposes of Settlement;
the provision of a Managed Data Network is the main function of a Data Transfer Services Provider; and
LDSOs can opt to act as UMSOs. The functions of UMSOs are set out in Section S.
Qualification Requirements
A Supplier can only appoint and use a company that is Qualified (a 'Qualified Person'). A Party must ensure its Party Agents comply with the Qualification Requirements and Qualification Process.
The following market roles are subject to the Qualification Requirements:
SVA Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Data Collectors;
SVA Half Hourly and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators;
Meter Administrators;
CVA Meter Operators;
LDSO when acting in their capacity as Unmetered Suppliers Operators and Supplier Meter Registration Agents;
Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs); and
Licensed Distribution System Operators.
The Qualification Requirements provide standards for checking the ability of companies intending to be Qualified to carry out and the relevant functions and obligations under the BSC. The Qualification Requirements are also designed to check that the systems and processes used can appropriately support the obligations.
Qualification Requirements are established by the
Panel and recorded in
Section J and
BSCP537 can be modified from time to time in accordance with
Section F.
Each Party has to consider the financial conditions, prospects and the management and operational ability of any Qualified Person it intends to appoint as its Party Agent and Qualification should not solely be relied upon.
Performance Assurance Board (PAB) is responsible for the
Qualification process. Elexon keeps and maintains a list of
Qualified Persons which is available on the
BSC website.
Suppliers ,VLPs and LDSOs must Accede to the BSC before starting Qualification. Party Agents have to sign and submit the Qualification Letter.
Following receipt of the Applicant's Qualification Letter (or confirmation of Accession) Elexon will meet with the applicant to explain the Qualification Process and provide appropriate guidance and support.
Qualification Applicants must complete
BSCP537 Appendix 1: Self Assessment Document (SAD). When the
Applicant has completed the SAD, Elexon reviews it and assesses all relevant matters including the risk the applicant would pose to Settlement and the operation of the BSC if Qualified. Elexon also performs a review of evidence and information contained in the SAD and requests any further evidence and/or witnesses any tests reasonable in order to assess some or all information provided in the SAD.
Where the
Applicant is also required to undertake Entry Assessment under the REC, a joint approach has been agreed and this is captured in
Section J.
When Elexon is satisfied that the Applicant has fully completed the Qualification Document and provided all appropriate information, documentation, evidence and verification, Elexon provide the PAB with a report in relation to the Applicant's application for Qualification and make a recommendation to the PAB. The PAB will determine the Applicant's application for Qualification is either:
The PAB can remove the
Qualification of a Qualified
Party Agent if it fails to comply with the requirements and/or standards of performance. The Removal of
Qualification process is detailed within
Section J and in
BSCP537. Performance issues/failures of
Suppliers, VLPs,
UMSOs and
SMRAs are dealt with through the Breach and
Default provisions of
Section H.
If a Party (Supplier/VLP/LDSO) ceases to be a Party to the Code for whatever reason then, that Party's Qualification in relation its role or function as a Supplier, VLP, LDSO, SMRA or UMSO will be automatically terminated.
Section J or
BSCP537 does not prevent any person whose
Qualification has been terminated, removed or surrendered from re-applying for
Qualification at any time.
Qualified Person except for a
Supplier, VLP and
Licensed Distribution System Operator (in relation to its capacity as a
Licensed Distribution System Operator) is required to re-Qualify prior to a
Material Change being active. A
Material Change can be change in processes, staff, systems and/or significant increase in
Metering Systems registered or appointed to that
Qualified Person. The re-
Qualification process is detailed in
Suppliers and VLPs are exempted from re-
On an annual basis, each Qualified Person (with the exception of Suppliers ,VLPs and Licensed Distribution System Operator (in relation to its capacity as a Licensed Distribution System Operator)) provides ELEXON with a written statement signed by a Director stating whether or not it has been subject to a Material Change during the year.
The PAB agrees and publish a Menu of Qualification Fees which are charged by the PAB for the purpose of the Qualification (and/or re-Qualification) Process. The PAB has the right to revise these fees at any time.
The Qualification Fees at present are set at zero. Each Applicant shall be responsible for its own costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Qualification (or re-Qualification) Process.
Referral to the Authority
Applicant who is dissatisfied with any decision made by the PAB in relation to the
Qualification, re-
Qualification or Removal of
Qualification can refer the matter to the
Authority in accordance with
Section J.
Qualified Person's Responsibilities
Applicants must agree to be bound by the
Qualification Process, in
Sections J and Z of the BSC and
BSCP537. This is done through the
Qualification Letter (for
Party Agents) and by Parties signing up to the BSC (Accession).
The Panel may issue a derogation, in accordance with BSCP537, to any Qualified Person in respect of their Qualification. A derogation may relieve that Qualified Person of one or more specific provisions of the Code and Code Subsidiary Documents.
Any Party appointing a Qualified Person who has a derogation, shall also benefit from that derogation.
This provision does not apply to Qualified Persons whose participation capacity is a Supplier, VLP, LDSO, UMSO and/or SMRA
Surrender of Qualification
A Qualified Person is entitled to surrender its Qualification by giving notice in writing to ELEXON, specifying the time and date, being no less than 3 months after the date of the surrender notice at which it's Qualification will terminate. The surrender notice will be ineffective if PAB considers that it would be inappropriate for such surrender to take place.
Where a Qualified Person is no longer trading as a commercial entity for whatever reason then the PAB may after a period of six months remove the person's Qualification.
This provision does not apply to Qualified Persons whose participation capacity is a Supplier, VLP, LDSO, UMSO and/or SMRA.
Appointment and Replacement of Party Agents
A Party cannot appoint more than one Party Agent to undertake the same Party Agent function in relation to a particular Metering System at the same time. However the same person can be registered as Party Agent in respect of more than one Metering System and/or as more than one Party Agent at any time.
In relation to a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, the Primary Supplier is responsible for nominating an MOA and Data Collector. Each Supplier participating in the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement will appoint the same MOA and Data Collector.
Where the same SVA Metering Equipment at a Third Party Generating Plant measures both Import Active Energy and Export Active Energy, the Supplier which is taking the Export Active Energy must appoint the same SVA MOA in relation to the measurement of Export Active Energy as has been appointed in relation to the measurement of Import Active Energy. Similarly for Outstations transferring data relating to such Imports and Exports, the Supplier taking the Export Active Energy must appoint the same Data Collector as is appointed to collect the Import Active Energy from the Outstation.
Where the same Metering Equipment at an Exemptable Generating Plant is comprised both of a SVA Metering System and a CVA Metering System, the CVA Registrant will ensure that the same CVA Meter Operator Agent is appointed and is appropriately Qualified.
Each Party can replace its Party Agent, provided that the appointment of the new Party Agent takes effect from the date of removal of the removed Party Agent. Each Party must ensure that the appointment of the Party Agent for which it is responsible terminates upon surrender or removal of Qualification of such Party Agent.
Panel may, from time to time, set a threshold level, in numbers of
Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, for replacement of
Party Agents per day. This threshold can be set for each
Supplier Meter Registration
System (
SMRS) or in aggregate across all
SMRSs. Where a
Party proposes, on any given day, to undertake a replacement of
Party Agents in respect of numbers of
Metering Systems exceeding the threshold, the
Party shall submit to the
Panel, in accordance with
BSCP513, an application prior to undertaking the transfer of
Party Agent in respect of those
Metering Systems.
Following a successful application to transfer the Party Agent responsible for such Metering Systems, the Party informs Elexon if it intends to proceed with the application. Elexon will place a statement on the BSC Website that an agent replacement is to be carried out, confirming the date it is to be carried out and the SMRSs affected.
The following shall apply on a Supplier ID basis, i.e. references to a Supplier refer to a Supplier ID.
Supplier and its
Supplier Agents who are to be responsible for
SVA Metering Systems within a
SMRS must satisfy the
Qualification Process in accordance with
Section J and
BSCP537 before the registration of that
Supplier in relation to a
SVA Metering System in that
SMRS becomes effective.
Party can only appoint and use a
Party Agent that has complied with the relevant communication requirements of
Section O in respect of such
Party Agent with the exception of a
Party Agent that is an SVA
Meter Operator.
Parties that are required to have in place Party Agents are required to register the identity of the persons acting as their Party Agents.
For each CVA Metering System for which a Party is the Registrant, the Party must register in CMRS the identity of the CVA MOA in relation to that Metering System. However the registration of that Party Agent cannot be effective until Elexon confirms to the Central Registration Agent (CRA) that the person being appointed is Qualified.
For each
SVA Metering System for which a
Supplier is the Registrant, the
Supplier must register in
SMRS the identity of the person(s) appointed to act as the
Supplier Agents. This registration has to comply with the requirements of
BSCP501 and the Master Registration Agreement (MRA).
Each Party shall ensure that its Party Agents comply with the data provisions and requirements which relate to the performance of such Party and/or its Party Agents set out in the BSC or any relevant BSCPs.
The performance of
Party Agents,
SMRAs and/or
UMSOs shall be determined by the PAB in accordance with the process and techniques described in
Section Z and any relevant BSCP. If required, they shall provide reports to the PAB to review performance or compliance and allow access to all records, data and other information required by the
Panel or PAB to carry out the review.
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