Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA) Service Description V25.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

Balancing and Settlement Code

BSC Service Description for Energy Contract Volume Aggregation

Version 25.0

Date: 07 November 2024




Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/ Panel/ Committee Refs



Baseline version




(ECVAA Interim Release)

CPs 519, 539, 540




Release 2

P2, P4 (CP755), CP503, CP547




June 2003 Release

CP571, CP703, CP725, CP858, CP863, CP869, CP877




November Release

P107, P110, CP739, CP830, CP888




CVA Programme Nov 04 Release

P98 Phase 2, P142, CP974, P152 & CP1009




CVA February 05 Release

P140, CP1091




SVA/CVA February 06 Release





June 2006 Release





February 2007 Release





June 2008 Release





June 2009 Release





November 2009 Release





February 10 Release





31 March 2014





June 2015 Release





November 2015 Release







February 2017 Release

P326 Self-Governance




November 2017 Release

P342 Alternative

Panel 261/07



February 2019 Release


Panel 284C/01



11 December 2019 Standalone Release






27 February 2020 Release

P394 Self-Governance




02 April 2024 Special Release


Panel 345/03



07 November 2024 Release


Panel 339/03

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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.


1.1 This is the Service Description for the ECVAA appointed by BSCCo for the purpose of providing an energy contract volume aggregation service in connection with the BSC.

1.2 The purpose of this Service Description is to describe the responsibilities and obligations of the ECVAA for determining and providing the SAA with the Account Bilateral Contract Volume for each Energy Account in each Settlement Period, and receiving and validating Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications and supplying the Metered Volume Reallocations to the SAA. The responsibilities and obligations of the ECVAA under this Service Description are collectively referred to as 'the ECVAA Service'.

1.3 This Service Description also describes the key interfaces between the ECVAA and BSC Parties and other BSC Agents such as the CRA, the FAA, SAA and the Notification Agents (MVRNAs and the ECVNAs).

1.4 The ECVAA shall:

(a) receive and store registration data from the CRA;

(b) receive and store credit limit data supplied by the FAA;

(c) receive Credits and Debits Reports from the SAA;

(d) receive the Credit Assessment Price (CAP) from BSCCo;

(e) receive and validate Energy Contract Volume Authorisation requests and Authorisation Changes from BSC Trading Parties and ECVNAs;

(f) receive and validate Metered Volume Reallocation Authorisation requests from BSC Trading Parties and MVRNAs;

(g) receive and validate Energy Contract Volume Notifications from ECVNAs;

(h) receive and validate Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications from MVRNAs;

(i) match received Energy Contract Volume Notifications and Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications where the relevant Authorisations specify that two Notification Agents will be used;

(j) perform Credit Check immediately after each Submission Deadline;

(k) receive and process requests from Imbalance Parties to reduce their Credit Cover;

(l) provide Metered Volume Reallocations to the SAA;

(m) aggregate Energy Contract Volume Notifications and provide Account Bilateral Contract Volumes for each Energy Account and Settlement Period to the SAA;

(n) Provide a secure web service (the ECVAA web service, not forming part of the ECVAA System) such that:

i) Parties may view BSC Party specific summary and notification data on the internet in near real time;

ii) ECVNAs and MVRNAs may view notification agent specific summary and notification data on the internet in near real time; and

iii) ECVNAs and MVRNAs may create and submit new notifications.

(o) receive FPN data for Interconnector BM Units, and Credit Qualifying BM Units, from the NETSO; and

(p) receive Metered Volume data from CDCA.

1.5 The ECVAA shall meet the performance standards that are required to be achieved in the delivery of this service as detailed in Part G of Schedule 1 of this Agreement.

1.6 The terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this document shall have the meanings given in the Glossary and Part A of this Agreement.


2.1 The ECVAA shall perform the responsibilities and obligations set out in this Service Description for all Settlement Days for which the ECVAA is appointed by BSCCo.


3.1 The ECVAA shall provide the service of Energy Contract Volume Aggregation so that BSC Trading Parties are able to adjust their contractual positions at any time up to the Submission Deadline for any Settlement Period.


The ECVAA shall:-

4.1 receive from the CRA such data as are necessary to enable it to carry out its obligations under this Service Description and to input this data, having first inspected this data for errors, into its systems. This data shall include the data listed below:

(a) BM Unit identifiers;

(b) BM Unit types;

(c) BM Unit Lead Parties;





(h) BSC Trading Party and Party Agent authentication details;

(i) Energy Account and Virtual Balancing Account details;

(j) SO registration details;

(k) BM Unit Credit Qualifying Flag;

(l) GSP Group Id (where relevant).

4.2 Should the ECVAA be unable to input the registration data (e.g. because it is in the wrong format) it shall report the matter to the CRA and not input any part of the data.

4.3 under exceptional circumstances, manually input data initially rejected by the automatic process, recording whether or not the data was loaded within 1 hour of receipt.

4.4 receive details from the CRA of attempted ECVNA or MVRNA de-registrations and verify that any related authorisations have been terminated. If they have not, send the appropriate notification agent the details of any ECVNA or MVRNA authorisations outstanding for that Party Agent.

4.5 upon request send Withdrawing Party Authorisation and Notification Details to the CRA.


The ECVAA shall:-

5.1 receive CLp data (a MWh value for BSC Imbalance Party p) from the FAA and input this data, having first inspected this data for errors, into its systems.

5.2 Should the ECVAA be unable to input the Credit Limit data (e.g. because the BSC Imbalance Party's identifier p does not exist), it shall report the matter to the FAA and not input any part of the data.


The ECVAA shall:-

5A.1 receive Metered Volume data generated from the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run from the CDCA and input this data, having first inspected this data for errors, into its systems.

5A.2 Should the ECVAA be unable to input the Metered Volume data, or has not received the Metered Volume data, it shall report the matter to the CDCA and not input any part of the data.


The ECVAA shall:-

6.1 receive and validate Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation requests and Authorisation Change requests (‘Change request’). Each Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation request or Change request shall be submitted separately by two BSC Trading Parties and either one or two ECVNAs, where one BSC Trading Party may be the SO. The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) checks to ensure that the following data have been submitted:

    • One or two ECVNA identifiers;

    • Name and contact details of the ECVNA(s);

    • Energy Account identifier for each of the two BSC Trading Parties (or Energy Account identifier of SO if one of the parties is SO) to identify their choices of production activity or consumption activity;

    • Names, contact details, passwords and signatures of both parties;

    • Notification Amendment Type (Additional/Replacement/Both);

    • Notification Amendment Type Effective From Date (only necessary for Change requests);

    • Effective from Settlement Day;

    • Effective to Settlement Day;

(b) the details provided by the ECVNA(s) and the two BSC Trading Parties must be matched and checked against each other for consistency;

(c) the Energy Account identifiers quoted must each be registered to the respective BSC Trading Parties or the SO as the case may be;

(d) the effective from Settlement Day must not be before the BSC start date;

(e) the effective from Settlement Day or Notification Amendment Type Effective From Date shall be the later of:

i) the effective date specified in the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation request or Change request; and

ii) the day following that on which the ECVAA gives confirmation of the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation request or Change request;

(f) there will be no restrictions on the number of Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisations that can be accepted per counterparty/Energy Account pair i.e. the same counterparty/Energy Account pair can have multiple ECVNAs;

6.1.1 determine whether an ECVNAA request matches a previously recorded authorisation where the Effective From Settlement Day / Effective To Settlement Day range overlaps an existing ECVNAA and that it has the same values for:

    • One or two ECVNA identifier(s), as appropriate;

    • BSC Parties;

    • Production/consumption flags for each BSC Party

6.2 reject any Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation request that fails validation and notify the relevant BSC Trading Parties or SO and the relevant ECVNA(s) of the rejection, including the reasons for the rejection (whilst ensuring confidentiality of passwords is maintained);

6.2.1 amend the Effective To Settlement Dates of any Authorisation, where the Effective From date is not in the future, when a successor is received (an ECVNAA request matches a previously recorded Authorisation as described in 6.1.1) to be the day before the Effective From date of the new Authorisation;

6.2.2 delete any Authorisation where the Effective From date is in the future, when a successor is received (as described in 6.2.1);

6.3 notify the relevant BSC Trading Parties or SO and the relevant ECVNA(s) of the acceptance of each valid Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation request or Change request;

6.3.1 where necessary, notify the relevant BSC Trading Parties or SO and the relevant ECVNA(s) of the deletion of an existing Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation which has been superseded by a new one;

6.4 issue a unique Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation identifier and Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation Key for each valid Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation request and notify these to the relevant ECVNA(s);

6.5 input each validated Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation into its systems for use in carrying out the services specified in this Service Description. The data to be recorded for each valid Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation shall include the following:

(a) Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation identifier;

(b) Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation Key(s) (or data allowing the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation Key(s) to be checked);

(c) ECVNA identifier(s);

(d) Name and contact details of the ECVNA(s);

(e) Energy Account identifier for each of the two BSC Trading Parties (or the Energy Account identifier of SO if one of the parties is SO) to identify their choices of production activity or consumption activity;

(f) Names and contact details of both parties;

(g) Notification Amendment Type;

(h) Notification Amendment Type Effective From Date;

(i) Effective from Settlement Day;

(j) Effective to Settlement Day;

6.6 receive and validate requests to terminate Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisations. Each termination request may be submitted by either of the two parties or an ECVNA for the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation. The ECVAA service shall process ECVNAA termination requests within 1 hour of receipt, where the request is received between 8:00am and 5:00pm on a Business Day (Monday to Friday), or between 8:00am and 11:00am on all other days. The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) that either the BSC Trading Party or SO notifying the termination is a party to the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation; or

(b) the ECVNA notifying the termination is a notification agent to the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation;

in addition to validating the request, check whether there are any associated Volume Notification Nullification Requests associated with the authorisation termination request and if so ensure that the authorisation termination is processed first;

6.7 reject any request to terminate an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation that fails validation and notify the relevant ECVNA(s) or BSC Trading Party or SO of the rejection, including the reasons for the rejection;

6.8 notify both BSC Trading Parties and the relevant ECVNA, or the Trading Party, the SO and the relevant ECVNA(s) of any terminations to Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisations that pass validation;

6.9 update its records accordingly for each valid Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation termination. The termination of an Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation will not delete any Energy Contract Volume Notification already lodged under that Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation, but will prevent any further Energy Contract Volume Notifications under that Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation.


The ECVAA shall:-

7.1 receive and validate Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation requests for BM Units other than Secondary BM Units. Each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation request shall be submitted separately by the BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and either one or two MVRNA(s). For the avoidance of doubt, the BM Unit Subsidiary Party could be SO. The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) checks to ensure that the following data have been submitted:

    • MVRNA identifier(s);

    • Name and contact details of the MVRNA(s);

    • BM Unit identifier;

    • Energy Account identifiers of a BM Unit Subsidiary Party (for the appropriate Energy Account, production or consumption);

    • Names, identifiers, contact details, passwords and signatures of the BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party;

    • Effective from Settlement Day;

    • Effective to Settlement Day;

(b) the details provided by the MVRNA(s), the BM Unit Lead Party and the BM Unit Subsidiary Party must be matched and checked against each other for consistency;

(c) the Energy Account identifiers quoted must each be registered to the respective BSC Trading Parties or SO;

(d) the Energy Account identifiers must be consistent with the BM Unit type;

(e) the effective from Settlement Day must not be before the BSC Start Date;

(f) the effective from Settlement Day shall be the later of:

i) the effective date specified in the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation request; and

ii) the day following that on which the ECVAA gives confirmation of the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation request;

(g) there will be no restrictions on the number of Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisations that can be accepted for each BM Unit. i.e. the same BM Unit can have multiple MVRNAs;

(h) the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation is not in relation to a Secondary BM Unit;

7.1.1 determine whether an MVRNAA request matches a previously recorded authorisation where the Effective From Settlement Day / Effective To Settlement Day range overlaps an existing MVRNAA and that it has the same values for:

    • One or two MVRNA identifier(s), as appropriate;

    • BSC Parties;

    • BM Unit;

    • Production/consumption flags for each BSC Party

7.2 reject any Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation request that fails validation and notify the relevant BM Unit Lead Party, BM Unit Subsidiary Party and the relevant MVRNA(s) of the rejection, including the reasons for the rejection (whilst ensuring the confidentiality of passwords is maintained);

7.2.1 amend the Effective To Settlement Dates of any Authorisation, where the Effective From date is not in the future, when a successor is received (an MVRNAA request matches a previously recorded Authorisation as described in 7.1.1) to be the day before the Effective From date of the new Authorisation;

7.2.2 delete any Authorisation where the Effective From date is in the future, when a successor is received (as described in 7.2.1);

7.3 notify the relevant BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party and the relevant MVRNA(s) of the acceptance of each valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation request;

7.3.1 where necessary, notify the relevant BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party and the relevant MVRNA(s) of the deletion of an existing Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation which has been superseded by a new one;

7.4 issue a unique Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation identifier and Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation Key for each valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation request and notify these to the relevant MVRNA(s);

7.5 input each validated Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation into its systems for use in carrying out the services specified in this Service Description. The data to be recorded for each valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation shall include the following:

(a) Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation identifier;

(b) Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation Key(s) (or data allowing the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation Key(s) to be checked);

(c) MVRNA identifier(s);

(d) Name and contact details of the MVRNA(s);

(e) BM Unit identifier;

(f) Energy Account identifiers of BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party (for the appropriate Energy Account, production or consumption);

(g) Names, identifiers and contact details of the BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party;

(h) Effective from Settlement Day;

(i) Effective to Settlement Day;

7.6 receive and validate requests to terminate Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisations. Each termination request may be submitted by a MVRNA, the BM Unit Lead Party or the BM Unit Subsidiary Party of the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Authorisation.

The ECVAA service shall process MVRNAA termination requests within 1 hour of receipt, where the request is received between 8:00am and 5:00pm on a Business Day (Monday to Friday), or between 8:00am and 11:00am on all other days.

The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) that either the BSC Trading Party notifying the termination is a BM Unit Lead Party or BM Unit Subsidiary Party to the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation; or

(b) that the MVRNA notifying the termination is a notification agent to the relevant Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation; and

(c) that the submitter of the termination request has correctly indicated whether there is a corresponding Volume Notification Nullification Request.

in addition to validating the request, check whether there are any associated Volume Notification Nullification Requests associated with the authorisation termination request and if so ensure that the authorisation termination is processed first;

7.7 reject any request to terminate a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation that fails validation and notify the relevant MVRNA or BSC Trading Party of the rejection, including the reasons for the rejection;

7.8 notify the relevant BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party and the relevant MVRNA(s) of any terminations to Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisations that pass validation;

7.9 update its records accordingly for each valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation termination. Termination of a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation will not delete any Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications already lodged under that Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation, but will prevent any further Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications under that Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation;


The ECVAA shall:-

8.1 receive and validate Energy Contract Volume Notifications (ECVNs) from ECVNAs. These will comprise both Energy Contract Volume Day Notifications and Energy Contract Volume Period Notifications. The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) the following data must be submitted for Energy Contract Volume Notifications:

    • ECVNA identifier(s);

    • ECVNAA identifier;

    • ECVNAA Key(s) (noting that where an ECVN is submitted from the ECVAA web service, the ECVNAA Key is not submitted by the user, as authentication is provided by the web login process);

    • ECVN identifier;

    • Energy Account identifiers for the two BSC Trading Parties or SO;

    • Settlement Day start and end dates;

    • Energy Contract Volume Period Data, 48 numbers (46 or 50 on a clock change day) in MWh, corresponding to the 48 Settlement Periods (46 or 50 on a clock change day) in the Settlement Day for each Energy Account identifier;

(b) consistency of Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation identifier, Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation Key(s), ECVNA identifier(s) and Energy Account identifiers of the BSC Trading Parties or SO;

(c) validity of the Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent Authorisation for the Settlement Day;

(d) a check to ensure that the notification end day is not less than the current day;

(e) a check to ensure that the Energy Contract Volume Notification for each Settlement Period has been received at or before the Submission Deadline (data in the ECVN which is for Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has passed will be disregarded and not taken into account in Settlement);

(f) the following range test must be satisfied;

    • –99,999.999 ££ ECQzabj ££ 99,999.999

For an Energy Contract Volume Day Notification involving ECVNA z and Energy Account identifiers a and b for the BSC Trading Parties, for each Settlement Period of any Settlement Day covered by the Energy Contract Volume Day Notification, the following are defined:

ECQzabj denotes the 48 (46 or 50 on clock change days) elements of Energy Contract Volume Day Data in MWh

ECQzbaj = ‑ ECQzabj

For an Energy Contract Volume Period Notification for Settlement Period j:

ECQzabj denotes the Energy Contract Volume Period Data in MWh.

ECQzabj = ‑ ECQzbaj

(g) Perform the following validation for each of the parties to the ECVN:

    • If Credit Cover Percentage > 90% of Credit Limit and the ‘Credit Default Authorisation’ flag is set to Yes for the Party then reject the ECVN in its entirety if any component of the notification increases Energy Indebtedness for that Party. (See section 10 for definition of Energy Indebtedness);

(h) where the Notification Amendment Type of the ECVNAA associated with the ECVN is set as Notification Amendment Type of ‘Additional’ or ‘Replacement’, validate that the use of ECVN and ECVNAA identifiers is consistent with rules in 8.2b(iii) and (v) for Additional and Replacement notifications respectively.

8.2 input each validated Energy Contract Volume Notification into its systems for use in carrying out the services specified in this Service Description:

(a) the following data must be recorded for Energy Contract Volume Notifications:

    • ECVNA identifier(s);

    • ECVNAA identifier;

    • ECVNAA Key(s);

    • ECVN identifier;

    • Energy Account identifiers for the two BSC Trading Parties or SO;

    • Settlement Day start and end dates;

    • Energy Contract Volume Period Data, 48 numbers (46 or 50 on a clock change day) in MWh, corresponding to the 48 Settlement Periods (46 or 50 on a clock change day) in the Settlement Day for each Energy Account identifier;

(b) For the avoidance of doubt, the following rules will apply to Energy Contract Volume Notifications (and, where Energy Contract Volume Notifications have been received from two ECVNAs as described in Section 8.2 c, will apply to the position of each counterparty to the notification and, subsequently, to the matched position of both counterparties):

i) An Energy Contract Volume Notification submitted with an Energy Contract Volume Notification identifier not previously notified to the ECVAA for the same combination of Energy Accounts will be considered a new Energy Contract Volume Notification;

ii) An Energy Contract Volume Notification submitted with an Energy Contract Volume Notification identifier which has previously been notified to the ECVAA for the same combination of Energy Accounts will be considered an amendment to the previous Energy Contract Volume Notification with the same identifier;

iii) A new Energy Contract Volume Notification will add to any previously submitted Energy Contract Volume Notifications for the same combination of Energy Accounts between the dates specified;

iv) For processing purposes, the Current Date is the earliest Settlement Date for which at least one Settlement Period has not passed the Submission Deadline at the time the ECVAA receives the Notification. An Energy Contract Notification will not be applied for any date before the Current Date, so the Applied From Date is either the Effective From Date in the received notification or the Current Date, whichever is the later.

v) An Energy Contract Volume Notification amendment will replace a previously submitted Energy Contract Volume Notification with the same identifier from the Applied from date (see above). Note: the previous Energy Contract Volume Notification will be overwritten in its entirety from the Applied from date and earliest Settlement Period for which the Submission Deadline has not passed;

vi) In respect of submitted Energy Contract Volume Notifications which cover more than one day, the ECVAA will apply defaulting rules for any clock change days covered by the notification, which for short days will ignore values submitted in respect of third and fourth Settlement Periods, and for long days will repeat values submitted for the third and fourth Settlement Periods for such Settlement day;

vii) Settlement Periods not included in the Energy Contract Volume Notification indicate that there is zero Energy Contract Volume for that period or that previously specified Energy Contract Volume is withdrawn. An Energy Contract Volume Notification with Energy Contract Volume data for no Settlement Periods indicates that the Energy Contract Volume Notification has been withdrawn in its entirety from the effective from date specified. As with other amendments, withdrawal of a notification will only be applicable from the Applied from Date, and earliest settlement period for which the Submission Deadline has not passed.

viii) For a new Energy Contract Volume Notification, the Energy Contract Volumes for Settlement Periods that have passed the Submission Deadline will not be stored in the ECVAA systems.

ix) For an amended Energy Contract Volume Notification, the Energy Contract Volumes for Settlement Periods that have passed the Submission Deadline will be disregarded.

x) Where Energy Contract Volumes for Settlement Periods that have passed the Submission Deadline do not match those in the ECVAA database, the ECVAA is not required to inform the Notification Agent of such a mismatch.

xi) Where an Energy Contract Volume Notification is for a range of days or is evergreen and is applicable from the Current Date, a single day view of the data will be recorded by the ECVAA system for the current date. This single day view will be a composite of previously received volumes, for Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has passed, and the volumes in the notification, for the remaining Settlement Periods. In addition, the mapping rules for clock change days, will be applied when recording this single day view. The remaining days of the notification will be recorded by the ECVAA system as received, i.e. with 48 Settlement Periods, but with an Effective From Date of Current Date + 1. The exception to this is where, for a non-clock change Current Date, the received notification’s pre-the Submission Deadline volumes match the previously received volumes. In this case, the notification will be recorded and reported as a single notification effective from the Current Date, and with all period volumes (always 48 periods) as they are in the received notification.

Note: All Energy Contract Volume Notification identifiers must be unique for any given combination of Energy Accounts regardless of the number of ECVNAs authorised to submit notifications on behalf of the parties. If identifiers are not unique this will result in new Energy Contract Volume Notifications being processed as amendments, i.e. being a replacement rather than additional notification.

(c) Where Energy Contract Volume Notifications have been received from two ECVNAs, and the ECVN identifier relates to an ECVNAA that has specified two ECVNAs, ECVAA shall compare the submitted data from each ECVNA on a Settlement Period basis and shall only accept values into the ECVAA system to go forward to Settlement which are matched.

Matching means that both of the notifications have been submitted under the same ECVNAA id and ECVN identifier and have the same contract volume for a Settlement Period and a Settlement Day.

Matching of contract volumes shall only take place in the matching window, which shall consist of a rolling seven day period, defined as the remainder of the Settlement Day on which the submission is made, plus the next seven full calendar days.

All processes described in Section 8.2b. of this document shall also apply to the matched volumes described in this Section 8.2c.

8.3 within 15 minutes of the receipt, validation and input of each Energy Contract Volume Notification into its systems, send to each relevant ECVNA and associated BSC Trading Party, unless a party to the relevant ECVNAA has elected not to receive such information, an Acceptance Feedback Report for valid ECVNs reporting the acceptance of those ECVNs where the effective from date of the ECVN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead.

8.3A the Acceptance Feedback Report may also contain feedback with details of matched volumes, if such has been requested by a party to the relevant ECVNAA.

8.4 reject Energy Contract Volume Notifications that fail validation and notify the relevant ECVNA of the rejection, including the reasons for the rejection.

8.4A accept and input manually, resubmitted Energy Contract Volume Notifications where the relevant ECVNA is not informed that an Energy Contract Volume Notification is not valid within 20 minutes after the Notification was received by the ECVAA providing:

(a) the Energy Contract Volume Notification has:

i) been amended but only so as to correct those matters which gave rise to its invalidity; and

ii) been resubmitted (as so amended) by that Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent at any time not later than the end of the next Business day following:

1. the day on which the ECVAA did inform the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent;

2. in the absence of the ECVAA so informing the relevant Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent, the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period for which the Energy Contract Volume Notification have been taken into account in Settlement;

8.4B deem the resubmitted Energy Contract Volume Notification to have been received at the time at which the original such notification was received and if valid shall, notwithstanding it may be submitted after the Submission Deadline for any such Settlement Period, be in force and effective for Settlement Periods for which the original Energy Contract Volume Notification would have been in force.

8.5 aggregate valid Energy Contract Volume Notifications by Energy Account and Settlement Period giving the Account Bilateral Contract Volume in MWh for each Energy Account for each Settlement Period according to the following formula:

QABCaj = SSz,b ECQzabj - SSz,b ECQzbaj


(a) the summations on z extend to all Energy Contract Volume Notifications in force, and

(b) the summations on b extend to all Energy Accounts of all Contract Trading Parties.

8.6 at the end of each Settlement Day, notify the Account Bilateral Contract Volume for each Energy Account for each Settlement Period (QABCaj) for that Settlement Day to the SAA.

8.7 at the end of each Settlement Day, send a Notification Report to the relevant BSC Trading Parties and ECVNA in respect of the accepted notifications for the given Settlement Day. The report to the BSC Trading Party also includes the following:

    • the Party’s Energy Indebtedness including the Party’s Credit Cover Percentage data for each Settlement Period as computed by the credit check process;

    • the dates for which the Actual Energy Indebtedness was included in the Indebtedness calculation;

    • the Actual Energy Indebtedness;

    • the dates for which the Metered Energy Indebtedness was included in the Indebtedness calculation;

    • the Metered Energy Indebtedness;

    • Cumulative Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness: this being the sum of Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness over all Settlement Periods in the 29-day credit window that weren’t included in the AEI total;

    • Energy Indebtedness, i.e. the sum of Actual Energy Indebtedness, Metered Energy Indebtedness and Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness;

    • the Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume;

    • the Cumulative Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume, i.e. the cumulative sum of the Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume for all of the Settlement Periods included in the Energy Indebtedness calculation, for both ‘Credit Cover calculated using FPNs’ and ‘Credit Cover calculated not using FPNs’;

    • and Cumulative Account Bilateral Volume, i.e. the cumulative sum of the Energy Contract Volume for all of the Settlement Periods included in the Energy Indebtedness calculation.

8.8 four times during each business day, send to the relevant BSC Trading Party a Forward Contract Report relating to notifications submitted and accepted, for an agreed number of forward Settlement Days to be specified by BSCCo, starting with the Settlement Day on which the report is provided.

8.9 as required, receive from a BSC Trading Party and process Forward Contract Report Start Date Override Requests.

8.10 BSC Trading Parties and ECVNAs may specify changes to their notification feedback reporting options for each authorisation (including the ability to opt out of receiving reports), and also to register to use the ECVAA web-based notification submission and reporting service.


The ECVAA shall:-

9.1 receive and validate Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications from MVRNAs. The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) the following data must be submitted for each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification:

    • MVRNA identifier(s);

    • MVRNAA identifier;

    • MVRNAA Key(s) (noting that where an MVRN is submitted from the ECVAA web service, the MVRNAA Key is not submitted by the user, as authentication is provided by the web login process);

    • MVRN identifier;

    • Energy Account numbers of the BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party;

    • Settlement Day start and end dates;

    • Metered Volume Reallocation expressed as a fixed reallocation or a percentage reallocation;

(b) consistency of Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation identifier, Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent Authorisation Key(s), MVRNA identifier(s), Energy Account identifiers of the BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party;

(c) validity of the Settlement Day and Settlement Period;

(d) a check to ensure that the notification end day is not less than the current day;

(e) a check to ensure that the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification for each Settlement Period has been received at or before the Submission Deadline (data in the MVRN which is for Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has passed will be disregarded and not taken into account in Settlement);

(f) the following tests must be satisfied:

    • 0.00££ QMPRaijz ≤£ 100.00

    • SSa QMPRaijz ££ 100.00

Where QMPRaijz is the Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation for Subsidiary Energy Account a, BM Unit i and Settlement Period j for all MVRNs z.

Where the MVRN results from a pair of MVRNs submitted by two MVRNAs and subsequently matched, QMPRaijz shall be deemed to be:

(a) for all settlement days covered by the submitted MVRN; the percentage submitted on behalf of the Lead Party. In such cases, the ECVAA shall validate each MVRN on receipt and shall reject such an MVRN if it is greater than 100%;

(b) for settlement days within the 7 day Matching Window that are covered by the submitted MVRN; the percentage submitted on behalf of either the Lead Party or the Subsidiary Party. In such cases, the ECVAA shall validate each MVRN on receipt and shall reject such an MVRN if it would result in a matched position greater than 100%.

The energy percentage for the Lead Energy Account will default to whatever is remaining from 100.00 after the Subsidiary Energy Accounts' allocation.

(g) Perform the following validation for each of the parties to the MVRN, i.e. Lead Party and Subsidiary Party:

    • If Credit Cover Percentage > 90% of Credit Limit and the ‘Credit Default Authorisation’ flag is set to Yes for the Party then reject the MVRN in its entirety if any component of the notification increases Energy Indebtedness for that Party. (See section 10 for definition of Energy Indebtedness);

9.2 reject any Metered Volume Reallocation Notification that fails validation and notify the relevant MVRNA of the rejection, including the reasons for the rejection.

For the avoidance of doubt, if a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is rejected, the ECVAA will send no new Metered Volume Reallocation Notification to the SAA, and any existing Metered Volume Reallocation Notification will continue to remain in force.

9.2A accept and input manually, resubmitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications where the relevant MVRNA is not informed that a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is not valid within 20 minutes after the Notification was received by the ECVAA providing:

(a) the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification has:

i) been amended but only so as to correct those matters which gave rise to its invalidity; and

ii) been resubmitted (as so amended) by that MVRNA at any time not later than the end of the Business Day next following:

1) the day on which the ECVAA did inform the relevant MVRNA; or

2) in the absence of the ECVAA so informing the relevant MVRNA, the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period for which the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification would have been taken into account in Settlement;

9.2B deem the resubmitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notification to have been received at the time at which the original such notification was received and if valid, notwithstanding it may be submitted after the Submission Deadline for any such Settlement Period, be in force and effective for Settlement Periods for which the original Metered Volume Reallocation Notification would have been in force.

9.3 input each validated Metered Volume Reallocation Notification into its systems for use in carrying out the services specified in this Service Description. The data to be recorded for each valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification shall include the following:

(a) MVRNA identifier(s);

(b) MVRNAA identifier;

(c) MVRNAA Key(s);

(d) MVRN identifier;

(e) Effective from date;

(f) Effective to date;

(g) Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation (QMFRaij) data for Settlement Periods relevant to MVRN

(h) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation (QMPRaij) assigned to the BM Unit Subsidiary Party for the Settlement Period;

(i) Metered Volume Percentage Reallocations for each Subsidiary Energy Account identifier, expressed as a percentage value between 0.00 and 100.00

For the avoidance of doubt, the following rules will apply to Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications:

    • A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted with a Secondary BM Unit shall be rejected;

    • A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted with a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification identifier not previously notified to the ECVAA for the same combination of Lead Energy Account and Subsidiary Energy Account will be considered a new Metered Volume Reallocation Notification;

    • A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification submitted with a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification identifier which has previously been notified to the ECVAA for the same combination of Lead Energy Account and Subsidiary Energy Account will be considered an amendment to the previous Metered Volume Reallocation Notification with the same identifier;

    • A new Metered Volume Reallocation Notification will add to any previously submitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications for the same combination of Lead Energy Account and Subsidiary Energy Account between the dates specified;

    • For processing purposes, the Current Date is the earliest Settlement Date for which at least one Settlement Period has not passed the Submission Deadline at the time the ECVAA receives the Notification. A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification will not be applied for any date before the Current Date, so the Applied From Date is either the Effective From Date in the received notification or the Current Date, whichever is the later;

    • A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification amendment will overwrite a previously submitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notification with the same identifier from the Applied from date (see above). Note: the previous Metered Volume Reallocation Notification will be overwritten in its entirety from the Applied from date and the earliest Settlement Period for which the Submission Deadline has not passed;

    • Settlement Periods not included in the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification indicate that there is zero Metered Volume Reallocation for that period or that previously specified Metered Volume Reallocation is withdrawn. A Metered Volume Reallocation Notification with Metered Volume Reallocation data for no Settlement Periods indicates that the Metered Volume Reallocation Notification has been withdrawn in its entirety from the effective from date specified. As with other amendments, withdrawal of a notification will only be applicable from the Applied from Date, and earliest settlement period for which the Submission Deadline has not passed;

    • Where a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is for a range of days or is evergreen and is applicable from the Current Date, a single day view of the data will be recorded by the ECVAA system for the current date. This single day view will be a composite of previously received volumes, for Settlement Periods for which the Submission Deadline has passed, and the volumes in the notification, for the remaining Settlement Periods. In addition, the mapping rules for clock change days, will be applied when recording this single day view. The remaining days of the notification will be recorded by the ECVAA system as received, i.e. with 48 Settlement Periods, but with an Effective From Date of Current Date + 1. The exception to this is where, for a non-clock change Current Date, the received notification’s pre-Submission Deadline volumes match the previously received volumes. In this case, the notification will be recorded and reported as a single notification effective from the Current Date, and with all period volumes (always 48 periods) as they are in the received notification.

    • In respect of submitted Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications which cover more than one day, the ECVAA will apply defaulting rules for any clock change days covered by the Notification, which for short days will ignore values submitted in respect of the third and fourth Settlement Periods, and for long days will repeat values submitted for the third and fourth Settlement Periods for such Settlement Days;

Note: Metered Volume Reallocation Notification identifiers must be unique for any given Lead Energy Account and Subsidiary Energy Account combination regardless of the number of MVRNAs authorised to submit notifications on behalf of the parties. If identifiers are not unique this will result in new Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications being processed as amendments, i.e. being an overwrite rather than being additive.

9.3A Where Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications have been received from two MVRNAs, and the MVRN identifier relates to an MVRNAA that has specified two MVRNAs, ECVAA shall compare the submitted data from each MVRNA on a Settlement Period basis and shall only accept values into the ECVAA system to go forward to Settlement which are matched.

Matching means that both of the notifications have been submitted under the same MVRNAA id and MVRN identifier and have the same contract volume for a Settlement Period and a Settlement Day.

Matching of contract volumes shall only take place in the matching window, which shall consist of a rolling seven day period, defined as the remainder of the Settlement Day on which the submission is made, plus the next seven full calendar days.

All processes described in Section 9.3 of this document shall also apply to matched volumes submitted by two MVRNAs.

9.4 within 15 minutes following the receipt, validation and input of each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification into its systems, send to each relevant MVRNA and associated BSC Trading Party, unless a party to the relevant MVRNAA has elected not to receive such information, an Acceptance Feedback Report for valid MVRNs reporting the acceptance of those MVRNs where the effective from date of the MVRN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead.

9.4A the Acceptance Feedback Report may also contain feedback with details of matched volumes, if such has been requested by a party to the relevant MVRNAA.

9.5 at the end of each Settlement Day, notify each valid Metered Volume Reallocation Notification for that Settlement Day to the SAA. Where a Metered Volume Reallocation Notification is to be in force for more than one Settlement Day, the Metered Volume Reallocation Data for a given Settlement Period (considered as a period in any day) shall be the same for that period in each Settlement Day for which it is in force.

9.6 at the end of each Settlement Day, send a Notification Report to the relevant BSC Trading Parties and MVRNA in respect of the accepted notifications for the given Settlement Day. The report to the BSC Trading Party also includes the following:

    • the Party’s Energy Indebtedness data for each Settlement Period as computed by the credit check process;

    • the dates for which the Actual Energy Indebtedness was included in the Indebtedness calculation;

    • the Actual Energy Indebtedness;

    • Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness;

    • Energy Indebtedness, i.e. the sum of Actual Energy Indebtedness and Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness;

    • the Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume;

    • the Cumulative Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume, i.e. the cumulative sum of the Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume for all of the Settlement Periods included in the Energy Indebtedness calculation;

    • and Cumulative Account Bilateral Volume, i.e. the cumulative sum of the Account Bilateral Volume for all of the Settlement Periods included in the Energy Indebtedness calculation.

9.7 at four times during each business day, send to the relevant Party a Forward Contract Report relating to notifications submitted and accepted, for an agreed number of forward Settlement Days to be specified by BSCCo, starting with the Settlement Day on which the report is provided.

9.8 BSC Trading Parties and MVRNAs may specify changes to their notification feedback reporting options for each authorisation (including the ability to opt out of receiving reports), and also to register to use the ECVAA web-based notification submission and reporting service.


The ECVAA shall:-

9A.1 Receive and validate Wholesale Market Activity Notifications received from Virtual Trading Parties. The validation checks shall include the following:

    1. the following data must be submitted for each Metered Volume Reallocation Notification:

    • Settlement Date;

    • Settlement Period;

    • BM Unit identifier(s); and

    • Wholesale Market Active BM Unit Indicator.

    1. the Wholesale Market Activity Notification was issued:

    • by a valid Virtual Trading Party; and

    • for valid Secondary BM Unit(s).

9A.2 Load any Wholesale Market Activity Notification, or part thereof, which has been received before Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Period and Settlement Date, and which is otherwise valid, and is the first Wholesale Market Activity Notification received for a Settlement Period and Settlement Date:

9A.3 Where a subsequent valid Wholesale Market Activity Notification is received in respect of a BM Unit, Settlement Period and Settlement Date for which a Wholesale Market Activity Notification has already been received, ECVAA shall overwrite the original Wholesale Market Activity Notification for that a BM Unit, Settlement Period and Settlement Date. 9A.4 Where a Wholesale Market Activity Notification has been received after Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Date and Settlement Period, or has been received from an invalid Virtual Trading Party, reject the entire Wholesale Market Activity Notification and issue a Wholesale Market Activity Notification Rejection to the Virtual Trading Party, giving an appropriate Rejection Reason.

9A.5 Where a Wholesale Market Activity Notification has been received prior to Gate Closure for the relevant Settlement Date and Settlement Period from a valid Virtual Trading Party, but contains one or more invalid Secondary BM Unit, issue a Wholesale Market Activity Notification Rejection, listing each invalid Secondary BM Unit and giving the Rejection Reason for each, to the Virtual Trading Party;

9A.6 Following Gate Closure for the final Settlement Period for a Settlement Date, send to the SVAA (DCP) the ‘Daily Wholesale Market Activity Notification Report’, which shall collate all details of all Wholesale Market Activity Notifications received in respect of that Settlement Date.


10.1 Immediately after each Submission Deadline the ECVAA shall perform a credit check for each Imbalance Party1 in relation to that Settlement Period. The final outcome of the credit check procedure is the determination of an Imbalance Party’s Energy Indebtedness, EIpj in MWh.

10.2 The Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume (CAQCEiaj) of each BM Unit, other than an Interconnector BM Unit or a Secondary BM Unit2, shall be determined for use in the Energy Indebtedness calculation. The procedure differs depending on whether the BM Unit in question is set to production or consumption, and whether the Party for that BM Unit is classed as a Lead Party (with Energy Account A) or a Subsidiary Party (with Energy Account a). ECVAA will determine whether to use a Working Day (WD) or Non-Working Day (NWD) variant of import and export capability for a given BM Unit, using a Bank Holidays calendar that it holds. For BM Units with a GSP Group Id of ‘_N’ or ‘_P’ (i.e. Scotland), ECVAA will consider a day to be a Non-Working Day if it falls on Saturday or Sunday, or if the day falls on a Scottish Bank Holiday. For BM Units with any other GSP Group Id, ECVAA will consider a day to be a Non-Working Day if it falls on Saturday or Sunday, or if the day falls on an England & Wales Bank Holiday:

(a) for each Subsidiary Energy Account, where the BM Unit is a Consumption BM Unit (which is not an Interconnector or Secondary BM Unit), a Production BM Unit whose Relevant Capacity is not greater than zero, not a Supplier BM Unit with a Generation Capacity greater than zero and a Demand Capacity equal to zero, and not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit3,

For Working Days:

CAQCEaij = (SPD  WDBMCAICi)  (QMPRaij/100) + QMFRaij,

For Non-Working Days:

CAQCEaij = (SPD  NWDBMCAICi)  (QMPRaij/100) + QMFRaij,b. for each Subsidiary Energy Account, where the BM Unit is a Production BM Unit (which is not an Interconnector BM Unit) whose Relevant Capacity is greater than zero, a Supplier BM Unit with a Generation Capacity greater than zero and a Demand Capacity equal to zero, and not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit1,

For Working Days:

CAQCEaij = (SPD  WDBMCAECi)  (QMPRaij/100) + QMFRaij,

For Non-Working Days:

CAQCEaij = (SPD  NWDBMCAECi)  (QMPRaij/100) + QMFRaij,c. for the Lead Energy Account where a BM Unit is a Consumption BM Unit (which is not an Interconnector BM Unit), a Production BM Unit whose Relevant Capacity is not greater than zero, not a Supplier BM Unit with a Generation Capacity greater than zero and a Demand Capacity equal to zero, and not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit1,

For Working Days:


For Non-Working Days:


(b) for the Lead Energy Account where a BM Unit is a Production BM Unit (which is not an Interconnector BM Unit) and whose Relevant Capacity is greater than zero, a Supplier BM Unit with a Generation Capacity greater than zero and a Demand Capacity equal to zero, and not a Credit Qualifying BM Unit1,

For Working Days:


For Non-Working Days:


(c) for each Subsidiary Energy Account where the BM Unit is an Interconnector BM Unit or a Credit Qualifying BM Unit1,

CAQCEaij = FPNij * (QMPRaij/100) + QMFRaij

(d) for the Lead Energy Account where the BM Unit is an Interconnector BM Unit or a Credit Qualifying BM Unit1,


where SPD is the Settlement Period Duration (fixed at 0.5 hours); WDBMCAICi is the Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability in MW; NWDBMCAICi is the Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability in MW; WDBMCAECi is the Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability in MW; NWDBMCAECi is the Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability in MW; QMPRaij the Metered Volume Percentage Reallocation; and QMFRaij the Metered Volume Fixed Reallocation in MWh.

For sections (c), (d) and (f), Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts other than Lead Energy Accounts.

For sections (e) and (f), ECVAA will receive FPN data from the SO, and the Period FPN (FPNij) shall be calculated for each Interconnector BM Unit (or Credit Qualifying BM Unit) i, by integrating the value of Final Physical Notification FPNij(t) across all times t, falling within Settlement Period j. The Period FPN is quoted in MWh.

FPNij(t) is calculated for spot times t, falling within Settlement Period j and for Interconnector BM Unit (or Credit Qualifying BM Unit) i by linear interpolation from the values of Point FPN submitted for that Settlement Period j and will be derived from FPN data.

Where such FPN data is not received, the value of FPNij shall be that which was applied in the previous Settlement Period. Where this FPN data is subsequently received, FPNij shall be calculated from it and integrated into the calculation in place of the defaulted data at the next credit check. It should be noted that:

i) When recalculating Period FPN, CAQCE and derived indebtedness, only Settlement Periods in the last 29 days for which Actual Energy Indebtedness values and Metered Energy Indebtedness values have not been received shall be considered.

ii) Period FPN will only be recalculated for a Settlement Period when FPN data is received for that Settlement Period

iii) Any subsequent FPN data corrections received (using Workaround 18 or its successor) will be ignored by the credit check

10.2A The Credit Assessment Credited Deviation Volume (CAQDEiaj) shall only be calculated for Trading Secondary BM Units for Settlement Periods to which a Wholesale Market Activity Notification relates and shall be determined as follows:

(a) where the Relevant Capacity is GC then CAQDEiaj = (0.5 * SBMCAECi)

(b) where the Relevant Capacity is DC then CAQDEiaj = (0.5 * SBMCAICi)

where SBMCAECi is Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability and SBMCAICi is Secondary BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability.

10.3 The Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEIpj) for an Imbalance Party4 for one Settlement Period shall be determined as follows:

CEIpj = - ((Σa,i CAQCEaij + åa,i CAQDEiaj )- Σa QABCaj),

where QABCaj is the Account Bilateral Contract Volume as derived earlier, CAQCEaij the Credit Assessment Credited Energy Volume as calculated in section 10.2 CAQDEiaj the Credit Assessment Credited Deviation Volume as calculated in section 10.2A and Σa the summation over the Imbalance Party’s Consumption and Production Energy Accounts.

The Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEIpj) for a Virtual Lead Party or Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party shall be set to zero for each Settlement Period.

10.4 The Metered Credit Assessment Energy Volume (MAQCEiaj, in MWh) shall be determined for each BM Unit that is a Credit Qualifying BM Unit, is not a Supplier BM Unit or a Secondary BM Unit, and where Metered Volumes were determined by the CDCA for that BM Unit in the Credit Cover Volume Allocation Run for Settlement Period j, by:

(a) for each Energy Account which is a Subsidiary Energy Account for such BM Unit, as follows:

MAQCEiaj = QMij * (QMPRaij/100) + QMFRaij,

(b) for each Energy Account which is a Lead Energy Account:

MAQCEiaj = QMij - Σa CAQCEiaj,

where Σa represents the sum over all Energy Accounts other than the Lead Energy Account

10.5 If a BM Unit does not meet all the requirements of 10.4, the Metered Credit Assessment Energy Volume for each Energy Account shall be determined by:

MAQCEiaj = QCEiaj,

10.5A The Metered Credit Assessment Credited Deviation Volume (MAQDEiaj in MWh) shall be determined:


and shall only be calculated for Trading Secondary BM Units.

10.6 The Metered Energy Indebtedness (MEIpj, in MWh) for an Imbalance Party for one Settlement Period shall be determined as follows:

MEIpj = – (( Σa,i MAQCEiaj + åa,i MAQDEiaj) – Σa QABCaj )

where the summation on 'a' extends to the Production Energy Account and Consumption Energy Account of the Imbalance Party.

The Metered Energy Indebtedness (MEIpj) for a Virtual Lead Party or Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party shall be set to zero for each Settlement Period.

10.7 The Actual Energy Indebtedness (AEIp) shall be determined as follows:

AEIp = Trading Charges / CAP,

where the Trading Charges are the single net credit or debit amount for that Imbalance Party (in £) received from the SAA pertaining to one Settlement Day, and CAP is the Credit Assessment Price (in £/MWh) as received from BSCCo.

10.8 Finally, the Energy Indebtedness, EIpj, for Settlement Period j of Settlement Day d shall be calculated by summation of the Actual Energy Indebtedness (AEIp), the Metered Energy Indebtedness (MEIpj, where applicable) and the Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness (CEIpj), according to the following:

(a) AEIp shall be summed over Settlement Days d-28 to d-1 where the value of AEIp was successfully received from the SAA prior to the time of the Submission Deadline for first Settlement Period of Settlement Day d.

(b) MEIpj shall be summed over Settlement Days d-28 to d-1 where the value of AEIp was not successfully received from the SAA prior to the time of the Submission Deadline for first Settlement Period of Settlement Day d.

(c) CEIpj shall be summed over all Settlement Periods in all Settlement Days d-28 to d-1 where the value of AEIp was not successfully received from the SAA prior to the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period of Settlement Day d, or the value of MEIp is not successfully calculated / not available prior to the Submission Deadline for the first Settlement Period of Settlement Day d.

(d) MEIpj shall be summed over Settlement Day d, from the first Settlement Period to j.

(e) CEIpj shall be summed over Settlement Day d, from the first Settlement Period to j.

10.9 The Imbalance Party’s Energy Indebtedness (EIpj) in MWh is used to calculate Credit Cover Percentage (CCPpjEnergy Indebtedness expressed as a percentage of Credit Cover) which shall be determined as follows;

    • where ECCp does not equal zero:

CCPpj = (EIpj / ECCp ) * 100

    • where ECCp equals zero:


if EIpj = 0, then CCPpj = 0

if EIpj > 0, then CCPpj = + 999.99999

if EIpj < 0, then CCPpj = − 999.99999


ECCp is the amount of the Imbalance Party's Energy Credit Cover most recently notified by the FAA under Section M 2.4.2(c).


11.1 The ECVAA shall receive notice from BSCCo of any BSC Party which is in Section H default.

11.2 The ECVAA shall receive notice from Imbalance Parties wishing to make a reduction in their Credit Cover (a “minimum eligible amount request”).

11.3 On receipt of a “minimum eligible amount request”, the ECVAA shall:

(a) Check whether said party is in Section H Default. If so, inform BSCCo, if not proceed to b.

(b) After a waiting period of 10 Settlement Days, commencing with the day on which the notice was received, the ECVAA shall calculate the Party’s minimum eligible amount of credit. This is the lowest amount for which the Imbalance Party’s Credit Cover Percentage, if it were re-determined for each Settlement Period in the waiting period on the assumption that the Imbalance Party’s Credit Cover were equal to that amount, would be no greater than 75% in relation to any such Settlement Period.

(c) On the first Business Day after the waiting period has expired, the ECVAA shall notify the requesting Party and the FAA of the calculated minimum eligible amount, under which a Party cannot reduce its credit level.

No later than the second Business Day after the end of the waiting period, the FAA will then consent to a Party’s reduction of Credit Cover, provided that the final level is greater than the minimum eligible amount and the Party is not in Credit Default.

11.4 If a Credit Default notice has been sent to an Imbalance Party because their Credit Cover Percentage has risen above 80%, and

(a) the Party has since provided additional Credit Cover, and

(b) the Credit Default notice should not have been given,


    • The waiting period shall be one Settlement Day;

    • The Credit Cover Percentage used to determine the minimum eligible amount shall be 80%.

11.5 The ECVAA shall issue Credit Cover minimum eligible amount Reports to BSCCo, FAA and BSC Parties in response to Credit Cover minimum eligible amount requests.


12.1 The ECVAA shall, where relevant, perform Credit Default Calculations and carry out the obligations and duties pursuant to Section M 3 of the Code.


13.1 Two periods are defined during which ECVNs and MVRNs may be refused or rejected upon their receipt by the ECVAA if a Party’s Credit Cover Percentage has risen above 90% and thus caused Credit Default. If Settlement Period J is the period in which a Party has first entered into such Credit Default, then:

(a) The Credit Default Refusal Period is the period from the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J to the Submission Deadline of the first subsequent Settlement Period where the Party has removed itself from such Credit Default. Any ECVNs or MVRNs received during this period which increase Energy Indebtedness for any Settlement Period, whether valid or not, will be refused and will not become effective.

(b) The Credit Default Rejection Period is the period from the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J+3 to the Submission Deadline for the third Settlement Period after the one in which the Party has removed itself from Credit Default. Any valid ECVNs or MVRNs that increase Energy Indebtedness for the relevant Settlement Period will be rejected for Settlement Periods whose Submission Deadline falls within this Credit Default Rejection Period.

(c) When a Credit Default Rejection Period commences in relation to a particular Imbalance Party, the ECVAA shall inform BMRA, who will then post a notice on the BMRS Website.

13.2 The length of these refusal and rejection periods will be affected by any delays in the credit checking process and shall be adjusted according to the provisions below:

(a) A Credit Default Refusal or Rejection Period shall not commence if credit checking for Settlement Period J has not been completed within the half-hour deadline.

(b) The Credit Default Refusal Period will not include the time between the Submission Deadline for Settlement Period J and the completion of credit checking.

(c) The Credit Default Refusal Period will not include the time between the completion of credit checking for the Submission Deadline of the first subsequent Settlement Period described in 13.1a and the half-hour deadline.

(d) If a Credit Default Refusal Period has begun and credit checking for any Settlement Period is not completed before its half-hour deadline, the refusal period shall be suspended from the time this non-completion is determined by the ECVAA until such point as credit checking is complete.

(e) If a Credit Default Rejection Period has begun and credit checking for any relevant Settlement Period has not been completed by the half-hour deadline, the Submission Deadline for the third Settlement Period after this relevant Settlement Period will not be considered to fall within the Credit Default Rejection Period.


14.1 An ECVAA system failure is defined as a failure or breakdown of the ECVAA System that has the effect that the ECVAA is unable to:

(a) receive Volume Notifications submitted by all or any Notification Agents; and / or

(b) send, within 20 minutes after receipt of Volume Notifications, confirmations of such receipt to all or any Notification Agents;

14.2 Where an ECVAA system failure occurs the ECVAA shall:

(a) as soon as possible notify BSCCo of the failure and the time at which it started;

(b) in collaboration with BSCCo, use all reasonable efforts as soon as practicable to notify all Contract Trading Parties and Notification Agents of the failure and associated start time;

14.3 As soon as practicable after the end of an ECVAA system failure the ECVAA shall notify BSCCo, Trading Parties and Notification Agents that the failure has ended.

14.4 After the end of an ECVAA system failure, the ECVAA shall then receive submissions or re-submissions of Volume Notifications which relate to any Settlement Period having the Submission Deadline between:

(a) the time at which the ECVAA system failure occurred; and

(b) the end of the Business Day following the day on which the ECVAA notified BSCCo that the incident had ended (the ‘resubmission deadline’);

BSCCo may modify the resubmission deadline to a later date if appropriate, in which case the ECVAA will be notified.

Where the ECVAA system failure affects the ability of the ECVAA to receive and/or confirm receipt of Volume Notifications from some but not all Notification Agents, the ECVAA shall inform BSCCo which Notification Agents are affected. In such circumstances this paragraph (14.4) shall only apply to the affected Notification Agent(s).

14.5 The ECVAA will be informed by BSCCo if a Trading Party or Notification Agent considers that they have not been notified of a failure correctly. The matter will be investigated promptly by BSCCo, with the ECVAA providing reasonable assistance as necessary.

14.6 For the avoidance of doubt, the ECVAA web service does not form part of the ECVAA System (although it is part of the ECVAA service). Therefore any unavailability of the ECVAA web service which prevents submission of notifications to the ECVAA will not constitute an ECVAA System Failure.


15.1 If any of the following occur:

(a) partial ECVAA system failure, that is a failure which affects some but not all Notification Agents;

(b) failure which only affects the ECVAA’s ability to receive or confirm the receipt of Volume Notifications; or

(c) any failure which affects the ability of the ECVAA to provide information on the invalidity of Volume Notifications within 20 minutes of receipt of the Notification;

ECVAA or BSCCo may determine, in their opinion, that in order to minimise disruption to Trading Parties’ operations the ECVAA System should be withdrawn to allow time to remedy the problem. It may also be decided that such withdrawal should be carried out earlier than might otherwise be done by way of planned BSC Agent downtime in accordance with the Communications Requirement Document.

15.2 Where the ECVAA withdraws the ECVAA System from operation, with the intention of remedying the problem:

(a) prior to the withdrawal, the ECVAA shall inform BSCCo of the time and date of the withdrawal; and

(b) following the repairs deemed necessary in 15.1, the ECVAA shall restore the ECVAA System to operation as soon as practicably possible.

15.3 After successful restoration of the ECVAA System, the ECVAA shall receive Volume Notification submissions or re-submissions according to the procedures in paragraph 14.4, except that the dates and times will relate to when the ECVAA System was withdrawn and restored, rather than when the System Failure occurred.


16.1 The ECVAA shall ensure its systems are set in accordance with the Universal Time Clock (UTC), adjusting the time as necessary, at least once every 24 hours.


17.1 For the avoidance of doubt, this section 17 applies to Volume Notification Nullification Requests submitted by Parties (in accordance with section P4A of the BSC). It does not apply to nullification of contract volumes carried out by ECVAA in accordance with section 18 of this Service Description (notwithstanding the fact that the section 18 process makes use of the Volume Nullification functionality of the ECVAA system).

The ECVAA shall:-

17.2 receive and validate Volume Notification Nullification Requests. Each Volume Notification Nullification Request shall be submitted by either of the two BSC Contract Trading Parties (for Energy Contract Volume Notifications) or the BM Unit Lead Party and BM Unit Subsidiary Party5 (for Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications) to which Notification pertains. The validation checks shall include the following:

(a) Checks to ensure that the following data have been submitted:

    • Requesting BSC Trading Party Id;

    • Name and Contact Details of the Requesting BSC Party;

    • Energy Account of Requesting Party;

    • Counter Party Id;

    • Counter Party Name;

    • Counter Party Energy Account;

    • Requested Nullification Date and Period;

    • Name of authorised signatory, password or signature;

    • Associated Authorisation Terminations;

    • Requesting Party Reference;

    • Amendment Flag;

(b) the request has been submitted by a BSC Trading Party and not by a notification agent;

(c) the two parties and energy accounts exist and one, or both, of the Energy Accounts belongs to the BSC Trading Party submitting the request;

(d) the request has been authorised by a level K signatory;

(e) all ECVNA and/or MVRNA authorisations between the two specified energy accounts have been terminated, either by one of the BSC Trading Parties or the notification agent, where there are authorisation termination requests associated with this Volume Notification Nullification Request, the authorisation termination requests will be processed first;

17.3 receive and validate amendments to Volume Notification Nullification Requests. The validation checks will include those specified in 17.1 and:

(a) the BSC Trading Party reference issued in the amended request matches that of the previously submitted Volume Notification Nullification Request;

(b) the Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report has not yet been issued for the previously submitted Volume Notification Nullification Request;

Where an amended Volume Notification Nullification Request passes validation the operational hour the ECVAA has to issue the Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report will be reset to one hour, section 17.5 withstanding;

17.4 reject any request to nullify Volume Notifications that fails validation and notify the BSC Trading Party that submitted the request, including the reasons for rejection;

17.5 validate whether the requested Settlement Date and Settlement Period from when the nullification will become effective, is before the Earliest Nullification Period from which Volume Notifications could be nullified. This will be the first Settlement Period on that Settlement Day not to have passed the Submission Deadline at the time that the Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report is expected to be issued;

Where the requested Nullification Effective Period is later than the Earliest Nullification Effective Period, the requested Nullification Effective Period will become the Valid Nullification Effective Period;

Where the requested Nullification Effective Period is earlier than the calculated Earliest Nullification Effective Period, the calculated Earliest Nullification Effective Period will become the Valid Nullification Effective Period;

17.6 within a period of one business hour of receipt of a valid Volume Notification Nullification Request, if that request was received during business hours, defined as 9:00am to 5:00pm, will notify both BSC Trading Parties of the Valid Nullification Effective Period. If a Volume Notification Nullification Request is received out of business hours it will be processed from 9:00am the next Business Day, furthermore requests received within business hours but where the hour period would exceed business hours for that day, the remaining time left of the hour period will continue at 9:00am the next Business Day. ECVAA cannot confirm the Valid Nullification Effective Period outside of Business Hours;

17.7 notify the relevant BSC Trading Parties of the calendar date and time that the nullification process was completed.


18.1 The ECVAA shall receive notice from BSCCo that a Panel decision has been taken to remove all ECVNs and MVRNs from the ECVAA database for a Defaulting Party, from a specified day (D) and Settlement Period (P), and shall proceed as follows:

(a) The ECVAA shall acknowledge receipt of the instruction to BSCCo by email;

(b) Where the specified Settlement Period is Period 01, the ECVAA shall carry out the following process:

After waiting until the Credit Check is complete for period 48 on day D-1 (where D is the day upon which the removal of the ECVNs/MVRNs will become effective from period 1), the ECVAA shall:

i) Ensure that the Credit Check is complete for period 48 on the last day before the removal Effective From Date;

ii) Suspend Credit Check;

iii) Delete relevant Defaulting Party-specific Credit Check data for the removal Effective From Date and later;

iv) Stop input scanners;

v) Terminate ‘BP’ role for the Defaulting Party in ECVAA, prior to midnight;

vi) Amend the ‘Effective To’ date for the ECVNAAs and MVRNAAs to D-2 in order to terminate them;

vii) Start input scanners;

viii) Reinstate the ‘BP’ role for the Party;

ix) Check notification tables;

x) Check that all Authorisations and associated notifications for the Defaulting Party have been removed from the database;

xi) Confirm to BSCCo by email that the above steps have been implemented;

xii) Manually recover any Credit Checks for any missing periods;

xiii) Restart Credit Check;

xiv) Check first normal Credit Check to run is completed successfully; and then

xv) Confirm to BSCCo by email that the Credit Check process has been restarted successfully.

(c) Where the specified Settlement Period is any Period other than Period 01, the ECVAA shall carry out the following process:

i) Ensure that the Credit Check is complete for the period immediately prior to the removal Effective From Period on the Effective From Date;

ii) Suspend Credit Check;

iii) Delete relevant Defaulting Party-specific Credit Check data for the Defaulting Party for all days after, but not on, the removal Effective From Date;

iv) Stop input scanners;

v) Terminate ‘BP’ role for the Defaulting Party in ECVAA;

vi) Amend the ‘Effective To’ date for the ECVNAAs and MVRNAAs to the day before the removal Effective From Date in order to terminate them;

vii) Start input scanners;

viii) Reinstate the ‘BP’ role for the Party;

ix) Check notification tables;

x) Check that all Authorisations and associated notifications for the Defaulting Party have been removed from the database for all days after the removal Effective From Date;

xi) Confirm to BSCCo by email that the above steps have been implemented;

xii) Manually recover any Credit Checks for any missing periods;

xiii) Restart Credit Check;

xiv) Check first normal Credit Check to run is completed successfully;

xv) Confirm to BSCCo by email that the Credit Check process has been restarted successfully;

xvi) Run Volume Notification Nullifications for all Notifications associated with the Defaulting Party’s Authorisations for the Settlement Periods on or after the specified Effective From Period on the specified Effective From Date6;

xvii) Confirm to BSCCo by email when this process has completed; if this process should take more than one day to complete, provide a daily progress report to BSCCo; and.

xviii) On the calendar day following the completion of the process, make checks to ensure that there are no notifications in the database for the Defaulting Party; and

xix) Confirm the results of these checks to the BSCCo

18.2 Any issues arising from this procedure should be communicated to BSCCo at the earliest opportunity7.


18A.1 The ECVAA shall, in the case of an upheld Trading Dispute, the provisions of section 17.5 notwithstanding, be able to input a retrospective Nullification Effective Period for nullification, if directed to do so by BSCCo.


The ECVAA shall:-

19.1 within two hours of the receipt of a request for an Extended Forward Contract Report, where that request is received by 3:00pm on a Business Day, issue the report to the requesting BSC Trading Party as and when requested. The content of the Extended Forward Contract Report may be subdivided into 4 separate date ranges.

The Extended Forward Contract Report can only be issued on Business Days and in its entirety.


In the event that an emergency situation arises where BSCCo is required to enact certain contingency provisions, the ECVAA shall work with BSCCo to develop a process which will ensure that:-

In the case of a System Restoration, if there is a Market Suspension Period:

    • The Credit Assessment Energy Indebtedness CEIpj of all Imbalance Parties for Settlement Periods within the Market Suspension Period is zero;

    • The Metered Energy Indebtedness MEIpj of all Imbalance Parties for Settlement Periods within the Market Suspension Period is zero; and

    • The Actual Energy Indebtedness AEIpj of all Imbalance Parties for Settlement Days within the Market Suspension Period is zero.

In the case of a failure of Supplier, following a change of BM Unit ownership by the CRA any outstanding MVRNs and MVRNA Authorisations in relation to the failing Supplier are terminated and new MVRNs and MVRNA Authorisations established in relation to the new Supplier.


The ECVAA shall support the Trading Disputes process as agreed with the Client such that Settlement Data shall be retained:

(a) up to at least 28 months after the relevant Settlement Day for use in a Settlement Run; and

(b) thereafter, until 40 months after the relevant Settlement Day, in a form that may be retrieved, if requested, within 10 Business days, for use in an Extra-Settlement Determination.


The ECVAA shall provide a service that facilitates web-based reporting and web-based notification submission. For the avoidance of doubt, this service does not form part of the ECVAA System for the purposes of ECVAA System Failure. The ECVAA, when providing the ECVAA web service, shall (noting that it is not limited to):

22.1 Use reasonable endeavours to make the ECVAA web service available at all times (subject to agreed availability service levels).

22.2 Ensure an appropriate level of security for the ECVAA web service, including (but not limited to) provision of:

    • a secure site for internet access to the ECVAA web service wherein systems and data shall be protected against unauthorised access and corruption of data;

    • an interface to the ECVAA web service which is accessible via the public internet and the NETA WAN;

    • suitable encryption of all data transferred between the ECVAA web service and the user to provide appropriate security;

    • access to the ECVAA web service, from any IP address (unless restricted by the user’s log in information), on the receipt of correct user details and password information, at any time;

    • functionality to deny individual users access to the ECVAA web service where a specific login file for a user has been banned;

    • limited validity of passwords and the ability for a user to change a password in a secure manner;

    • disconnection of the user to the ECVAA web service following a system specified or login defined, whichever is the shorter, period of inactivity.

22.3 Provide to the requesting participant, on instruction from the CRA (following successful validation of the relevant request), the relevant supporting documentation for the ECVAA web service including, but not limited to, the Installation Guide, the User Guide (main document), plus the Admin Annex, the Technical Annex, and the Help Text Annex.

22.4 Enable and restrict access to the ECVAA web service for individual users via credentials files, noting that this is a last resort service carried out on instruction from the CRA (following successful validation of the relevant request).

22.5 Display, following access to the ECVAA web service by a BSC Party, ECVNA and / or MVRNA, a timestamp pertaining to the last data refresh performed by the viewing participant. The ECVAA web service shall also report specific information from the latest notification submitted to and processed by the ECVAA for which the participant was one of the counterparties (where it is the BSC Party that is accessing the web service) or one of the submitting notification agents (where it is the ECVNA / MVRNA that is accessing the web service).

22.6 Provide general and context sensitive help, including help with interpreting the presented data, for example presentation and sign conventions.

22.7 Report summary and notification data (as described in paragraph 21.8, 21.9 and 21.10) for a defined period, the ‘reporting window’, where the reporting window encompasses the current day (on the day of viewing) plus a future seven calendar days. It should be noted that the ECVAA shall not be required to publish any data for historical periods, i.e. any day prior to the current day.

22.8 When providing BSC Party (reporting only) access to the ECVAA web service, the ECVAA shall:

(a) Ensure that the BSC Party accessing the web service has access only to summary and notification data for data effective in the reporting window and for which the Party is one (or both) of the counterparties to the notification / underlying notifications;

(b) Not used;

(c) Allow the BSC Party to view summary data and notification data in a number of meaningful ways, for example, by selected counterparty, selected Settlement Day / Settlement Period; and

(d) Highlight summary and notification data to indicate whether any underlying data has not been matched.

22.9 When providing ECVNA and MVRNA (reporting only) access to the ECVAA web service, the ECVAA shall:

(a) Ensure that the ECVNA or MVRNA accessing the web service has access only to summary and notification data for Authorisations effective in the reporting window and for which the notification agent is one (or both) of the submitting notification agents to the Authorisation;

(b) Not used;

(c) Allow the ECVNA or MVRNA to view summary data and notification data in a number of meaningful ways, for example, by selected BSC Party and selected Authorisation and notification; and

d. Highlight summary and notification data to indicate whether any underlying data has not been matched.

22.10 When providing ECVNA and MVRNA notification submission access to the ECVAA web service, the ECVAA shall:

(a) Ensure that the ECVNA or MVRNA accessing the web service has access only to notification data for Authorisations effective in the reporting window and for which the notification agent is one (or both) of the submitting notification agents to the Authorisation;

(b) Not used;

(c) Allow the ECVNA or MVRNA to create and submit notification data in a number of meaningful ways, for example, by creating a new notification against a current Authorisation or by editing a copy of an existing notification under a current Authorisation; and

(d) Provide a message to the viewing ECVNA / MVRNA following submission of a notification via the ECVAA web service either confirming that the communication with the ECVAA System has been successful, or that it has failed.

22.11 For audit purposes, hold information on web based notification submissions which is analogous to that held for ‘normal’ notification submissions.


23.1 If at any time a Party’s Credit Cover Percentage becomes greater than 100% of Credit Limit, regardless of whether the ‘Credit Default Authorisation’ flag is set to Yes or No for the Party, then inform BSCCo and the Party by automated email, and confirm the issuing of the email to BSCCo by telephone.

23.2 Once the Party exits Level 2 Credit Default after a breach of 100% Credit Cover Percentage (i.e. once the Party’s Credit Cover Percentage has been reduced to 90% of Credit Limit or below), then inform BSCCo and the Party by email and telephone.

Appendix A - Input Output Flows

ECVAA Inputs:

Input Flow Description

Flow Received from

BSC Party and BSC Party Agent Authentication data


BM Unit & Energy Account registration data


ECVNA authorisation request

BSC Trading Party and ECVNA

ECVNA authorisation termination request

BSC Trading Party or ECVNA

Notice of reduction of Credit Cover

BSC Imbalance Party

Energy Contract Volume Notification


MVRNA authorisation request

BSC Trading Party and MVRNA

MVRNA authorisation termination request

BSC Trading Party or MVRNA

New authorisation Key request


Metered Volume Reallocation Notification


Credits and Debits Report


Credit Assessment Price (CAP)


Credit Limit data


Volume Notification Nullification Request

BSC Trading Party

Final Physical Notification Data


Metered Volume Data


Wholesale Market Activity Notification


ECVAA Outputs:

Output Flow Description

Flow Sent to

ECVAA response

BSC Trading Party and ECVNA

New authorisation Key response


Rejected ECVNA authorisation termination response

BSC Trading Party or ECVNA

Accepted ECVNA authorisation termination response

BSC Trading Party and ECVNA

ECVNA authorisation response

BSC Trading Party and ECVNA

MVRNA authorisation response

BSC Trading Party and MVRNA

Rejected MVRNA authorisation termination response

BSC Trading Party or MVRNA

Accepted MVRNA authorisation termination response

BSC Trading Party and MVRNA

Notification Report

BSC Trading Party, ECVNA and MVRNA

Performance Reports


Energy Contract Volume Notification Feedback (Rejection) Report

ECVNA and BSC Trading Party

Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Feedback (Rejection) Report

MVRNA and BSC Trading Party

Metered Volume Reallocations for Settlement


Value of minimum eligible amount

FAA and BSC Imbalance Party

Account Bilateral Contract Volume


Party Credit Limit Warning


Forward Contract Report

BSC Trading Party

Acceptance Feedback Report for valid ECVNs/MVRNs

BSC Trading Party, ECVNA or MVRNA

Publish Credit Default Report


Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report

BSC Trading Party

Nullification Completion Report

BSC Trading Party

Withdrawing Party Authorisation and Notification Details


Wholesale Market Activity Notification Exception Report


Daily Wholesale Market Activity Notification Report


1 A Virtual Trading Party is an Imbalance Party, whereas a Virtual Lead Party or Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party is not.

2 CAQCEiaj shall be determined for each Secondary BM Unit registered to a Virtual Trading Party (a ‘Trading Secondary BM Unit’).

3 A BM Unit is a Credit Qualifying BM Unit if it is not an Interconnector or Secondary BM Unit, and where either the Production / Consumption flag is Production, or it is an Exempt Export BM Unit, or it has been assigned BM Unit Credit Qualifying Status by the Panel, in accordance with Section K 3.7 of the BSC.

4 A Virtual Trading Party is an an Imbalance Party, unlike a Virtual Lead Party or Asset Metering Virtual Lead Party.

5 Hereafter BSC Contract Trading Parties, BM Unit Lead Parties and BM Unit Subsidiary Parties shall be referred to as BSC Trading Parties.

6 This step should not be commenced before the completion of steps i – xv.

7 The latest copy of the BSCCo out-of-hours rota can be obtained by contacting the BSC Service Desk.