Registration of Systems Connection Points

v 5.0
Effective From Date:

Registration of Systems Connection Points

Guidance Note

Registration of Systems Connection Points

A circuit at a Systems Connection Point must not be physically energised until Elexon has issued an approval to energise it.This approval will be issued once all Settlement requirements have been completed and verified.

This note draws together, as flow diagrams, the requirements set out in various BSCPs for the registration of Systems Connection Points. It also contains checklists of the Licensed Distribution System Operator’s (LDSO) requirements for each type of Systems Connection Point.

What is a Systems Connections Point?

A Systems Connection Point is a point of connection between two or more Systems excluding points of connection between Distribution Systems in the same GSP Group or a point of connection between Offshore Transmission System User Assets and the Transmission System. There are three types of Systems Connection Points:

    • Grid Supply Points (GSPs) – these are points of connection between the Transmission System and a Distribution System of an LDSO. The LDSO is the Registrant of the Metering System for these sites

    • Offshore Transmission Connection Point (OTCP) – these are a GSP where the Systems Connection Point is between a Distribution System and an Offshore Transmission System. At an OTCP the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) is the Registrant of the Metering System as opposed to the LDSO

    • Distribution Systems Connection Points (DSCPs) – these are points of connection between two Distribution Systems. The two LDSOs involved determine which will be the Registrant of the Metering System for these sites

Grid Supply Points and Distribution Systems Connection Points are shown diagrammatically below.

The BSC requirements for the registration of Systems Connection Points are covered in the following Code Subsidiary Documents:

    • BSCP25: Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points

      • To register the Systems Connection Point in Settlements

      • Alternatively, this information can be completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).

    • BSCP20: Registration of Metering systems for Central Volume Allocation

      • To register the Metering System and Meter Technical Details (MTDs) in Settlements

    • BSCP75: Registration of Meter Aggregation Rules for Volume Allocation Units

      • To register the Aggregation Rules for the Systems Connection Point and GSP Group in Settlements

    • Code of Practice 4 (CoP4): The Calibration, Testing and Commissioning Requirements of Metering Equipment for Settlement Purposes

      • Details the commissioning requirements for the Meters associated with the Systems Connection Point

      • Where the NETSO or the LDSO owns the measurement transformers then they are responsible for the commissioning of these and passing commissioning information to the MOA. Where measurement transformers are not owned by a BSC Party, the MOA is responsible for the commissioning of all the Metering Equipment.

    • BSCP02: Proving Test Requirements for Central Volume Allocation Metering systems

      • Details the requirements for a Proving Test for the Meters associated with the Systems Connection Point

    • BSCP128: Production, Submission, Audit and Approval of Line Loss Factors

      • Details the requirements around Line Loss Factors (LLFs) for DSCPs

    • BSCP32: Metering Dispensations

      • The Metering Equipment measuring energy flows at a Systems Connection Point should comply with the Code of Practice applicable for the size of that circuit. This BSCP sets out the process for applying for a Metering Dispensation should any aspect of the Metering Equipment, or the location of the measurement transformers, not meet the requirements in the applicable Code of Practice. If required, a Metering Dispensation should be sought as soon as possible as it may not be granted or may be granted on a time limited basis to allow for compliant Metering Equipment to be installed before an agreed date.

The flow diagrams and checklists below are split into the registration of a new GSP or DSCP and the registration of a new circuit at a GSP or DSCP. OTCPs are not explicitly covered in this guidance note.

Further Advice and Submission of Forms:

    • for further advice on the submission of LLFs and the submission of BSCP128 forms.

    • for the submission of BSCP20, BSCP25, BSCP75, BSCP02 forms

Flow Diagram – Registration of a new Grid Supply Point

complex image of process

complex image of process

complex image of process

complex image of process

LDSO Checklist – Registration of a new GSP

BSC / BSCP Reference

Requirement Topic

Requirement Task

Responsible Party(s)



Agree new GSP ID

NETSO agrees new GSP Id with relevant LDSO(s)


At least 5 Working Days (WD) before the Commissioning Programme Commencement Date1


Is a Metering Dispensation required?

If it is identified that the Metering Equipment is not Code of Practice compliant or the measurement transformers are not located at the Defined Metering Point2 , submit BSCP32/4.1 to apply for a Metering Dispensation3 .

If loss compensation is to be applied, the values need to be calculated and included in the Metering Dispensation application to be considered by the Electrical Loss Validation Agent prior to decision by the Imbalance Settlement Group.


If required and to meet the timescales in the ‘BSCP32 Metering Dispensations Application Key Dates’ document


Registration and allocation of GSP to GSP Group

Elexon to inform relevant LDSO(s) of registration and request initial views regarding which GSP Group the new GSP should be allocated to


Within 1 WD of Elexon receiving the registration of new GSP form from the NETSO


Allocation of GSP to GSP Group

Send Elexon initial views on the GSP allocation to a GSP Group


Within 2 WD of notice from Elexon

BSCP25/4.3.7, 4.3.8

Allocation of GSP to GSP Group

Elexon will issue a consultation on the allocation of the GSP to a GSP Group. Providing a response to this is optional

LDSO, All Parties

In consultation timescales (consultation is 10 WD)


Allocation of GSP to GSP Group

Elexon will notify relevant LDSOs of the Panel’s decision on the allocation of the GSP to a GSP Group


Within 1 WD of the Panel Meeting

BSCP25/4.3.14, BSCP20/3.1.3

Register Metering System

Submit BSCP20/4.1 to register the Metering System and appoint the MOA4


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date


Submit Meter Technical Details

Submit BSCP20/4.3 to register the Meter Technical details.

This defines the Metering Sub-System IDs which are required for the Aggregation Rules


At least 16 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP25/4.3.13, BSCP75/3.1.1

Submit GSP Aggregation Rules

Submit Aggregation Rules for the GSP on BSCP75/4.26


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.2 – 3.1.7

Validate GSP Aggregation Rules

CDCA validates Aggregation Rules and may ask for supporting information. If rules are incorrect they are to be resubmitted and validated until correct. Elexon may also be involved in the validation process

CDCA, Elexon

Within 7 WD of receipt of Aggregation Rules


Provide revised GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules

CDCA requests that the LDSO provides revised GSP Group Metered Volume7 Aggregation Rules.8


Once GSP Aggregation Rules are valid

BSCP25/4.3.13, BSCP75/3.1.9

Provide revised GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules

Submit GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules on BSCP75/4.27


Following request


Provide draft GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

CDCA to send LDSO revised GSP Group Take9 Aggregation Rules


Following receipt of GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules

BSCP75/3.1.12, 3.13

Validate and Submit GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

Validate and return signed GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules to CDCA. If there is a contracted (embedded) LDSO involved nominated (host) LDSO to confirm with contracted LDSO that these are correct.


Following receipt of revised GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

BSC Section L3.1.2 / CoP4

Commission Metering Equipment

Commission, in accordance with CoP4 any parts of the Metering Equipment (e.g. measurement transformers) owned by the LDSO and report the findings to the MOA.


As required


Receive result of Proving Test

The CDCA will notify the LDSO of the results of the Proving Test


Within 1 WD of completing the Proving Test

BSC Section K1.4.3 / BSCP25/4.3.1810

Approval to energise or Withhold energisation

When all parties have met their requirements, including the approval of a Metering Dispensation where appropriate, Elexon will issue an approval to energise

If any requirements have not been met, Elexon will issue a withhold energisation notice


Date At least 4 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.14, 3.1.15

Receive Reports

LDSO receives reports of GSP Aggregation Rules and GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules entered into the system from CDCA


Prior to effective from date

Flow Diagram - Registration of a new circuit at a GSP

complex image of process

complex image of process

LDSO Checklist - Registration of a new circuit at a GSP

BSC / BSCP Reference

Requirement Topic

Requirement Task

Responsible Party(s)



Is a Metering Dispensation required?

If it is identified that the Metering Equipment is not Code of Practice compliant or the measurement transformers are not located at the Defined Metering Point2, submit BSCP32/4.1 to apply for a Metering Dispensation3.

If loss compensation is to be applied, the values need to be calculated and included in the Metering Dispensation application to be considered by the Electrical Loss Validation Agent prior to decision by the Imbalance Settlement Group.


If required and to meet the timescales in the ‘BSCP32 Metering Dispensations Application Key Dates’ document

BSCP25/4.5.4, BSCP20/3.1.3

Register Metering System if required

Submit BSCP20/4.1, to register the Metering System and appoint the MOA if a new MSID is required for the new circuit4


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date


Update Meter Technical Details

Instruct MOA to update Meter Technical Details4


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP20/3.1.9 or BSCP20/3.5.1

Submit Meter Technical Details

Submit BSCP20/4.3 to register the Meter Technical details.

This defines the Metering Sub-System IDs which are required for the Aggregation Rules


At least 16 WD before the Effective From Date (BSCP20/3.1.9 for a new Metering System) or at least 20 WD before the Effective From Date (BSCP20/3.5.1 for changes to Meter Technical Details)

BSCP25/4.5.3, BSCP75/3.1.1

Submit GSP Aggregation Rules

Submit Aggregation Rules for the GSP on BSCP75/4.26


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.2 – 3.1.7

Validate GSP Aggregation Rules

CDCA validates Aggregation Rules and may ask for supporting information. If rules are incorrect they are to be resubmitted and validated until correct. Elexon may also be involved in the validation process

CDCA, Elexon

BSC Section L3.1.2 / CoP4

Commission Metering Equipment

Commission, in accordance with CoP4 any parts of the Metering Equipment (e.g. measurement transformers) owned by the LDSO and report the findings to the MOA.


As required


Receive result of Proving Test

The CDCA will notify the LDSO of the results of the Proving Test


Within 1 WD of completing the Proving Test

BSC Section K1.4.3 / BSCP25/4.3.1810

Approval to energise or Withhold energisation

When all parties have met their requirements, including the approval of a Metering Dispensation where appropriate, Elexon will issue an approval to energise

If any requirements have not been met, Elexon will issue a withhold energisation notice


Date At least 4 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.14, 3.1.15

Receive Reports

LDSO receives reports of GSP aggregation rule entered into the system from CDCA


Prior to effective from date

Systems Connection Point Metering not at Defined Metering Point

As noted above, there are Grid Supply Points where for economic reasons the NETSO and the LDSO have determined that the Settlement Metering System is not at the Systems Connection Point.

For example, for a Shared GSP11 with 8 circuits to LDSO A and 2 circuits to LDSO B, and the GSP busbar being a Transmission asset, the Systems Connection Point will be the individual circuits, and Code of Practice will require that those circuits are individually metered. It is common practice for such sites to be metered at the SGTs, and (under Dispensation) for such metering to determine the Metered Volume for LDSO A with the circuits for LDSO B being registered as a DSCP and appropriately metered.

In such circumstances, additional or replacement SGT circuits are not required to be formally registered as Systems Connection Point circuits but do have the potential to affect Settlement as changes to their Metering System and Aggregation Rules need to be registered and validated. It is therefore intended that such changes are managed as per the process above, and energisation is subject to the approval process.

Flow diagram – Registration of a new DSCP

complex image of process

complex image of process

complex image of process

LDSO Checklist – Registration of a new DSCP

BSC / BSCP Reference

Requirement Topic

Requirement Task

Responsible Party(s)


BSCP25/4.2.3, BSCP20/3.1.3

Register Metering System

Submit BSCP20/4.1 to register the Metering System and appoint the MOA4 12

LDSO who is the registrant of the Metering System

At Least 50 WD before Effective From Date


Register Line Loss Factors (LLFs)

Calculate LLFs and submit Calculation Self-Assessment Document (BSCP128 Appendix 10) containing these to Elexon

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System13

At Least 50 WD before Effective From Date


Is a Metering Dispensation required?

If it is identified that the Metering Equipment is not Code of Practice compliant or the measurement transformers are not located at the Defined Metering Point, submit BSCP32/4.1 to apply for a Metering Dispensation3

If loss compensation is to be applied, the values need to be calculated and included in the Metering Dispensation application to be considered by the Electrical Loss Validation Agent prior to decision by the Imbalance Settlement Group.

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

If required and to meet the timescales in the ‘BSCP32 Metering Dispensations Application Key Dates’ document


Register (LLFs)

Elexon will provide a report of the audit of LLFs and notify the LDSO whether their LLFs were approved by the Panel and of any non-compliances to be addressed

Elexon, LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

Report within 10 WD of submission of LLFs. Notification of Panel approval within 2 WD of Panel meeting considering LLFs


Register DSCP

Submit BSCP25/5.214 form to register the DSCP to the CRA

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

At least 20 WD prior to the Energisation Date of the first circuit of the DSCP


Submit Meter Technical Details

Submit BSCP20/4.3 to register the Meter Technical details.

This defines the Metering Sub-System IDs which are required for the Aggregation Rules

MOA or LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System5

At least 16 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP25/4.2.4, BSCP75/3.1.1

Submit DSCP Aggregation Rules

Submit Aggregation Rules for the DSCP on BSCP75/4.26

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.2 – 3.1.7

Validate DSCP Aggregation Rules

CDCA validates Aggregation Rules and may ask for supporting information. If rules are incorrect they are to be resubmitted and validated until correct. Elexon may also be involved in the validation process

CDCA, Elexon

Within 7 WD of receipt of Aggregation Rules


Provide revised GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules

CDCA requests that the LDSOs provide revised GSP Group Metered Volume7 Aggregation Rules8


Once DSCP Aggregation Rules are valid

BSCP25/4.2.4, BSCP75/3.1.9

Provide revised GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules

Submit GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules on BSCP75/4.27 for BOTH affected GSP Groups

The host LDSOs responsible for submitting the GSP Group Metered Volume Allocation Rules for each GSP Group connected to the DSCP

Following request


Provide draft GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

CDCA to send BOTH LDSOs revised GSP Group Take9 Aggregation Rules


Following receipt of GSP Group Metered Volume Aggregation Rules

BSCP75/3.1.12, 3.13

Validate and Submit GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

Validate and return signed GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules to CDCA. If there is a contracted (embedded) LDSO involved nominated (host) LDSO to confirm with contracted LDSO that these are correct.

Both LDSOs

Following receipt of revised GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules

BSC Section L3.1.2 / CoP4

Commission Metering Equipment

Commission, in accordance with CoP4 any parts of the Metering Equipment (e.g. measurement transformers) owned by the LDSO and report the findings to the MOA.


As required


Receive result of Proving Test

The CDCA will notify the LDSO of the results of the Proving Test

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System, CDCA

Within 1 WD of completing the Proving Test

BSC Section K1.4.3 / BSCP25/4.2.10, 4.2.1110

Approval to energise or Withhold energisation

When all parties have met their requirements, including the approval of a Metering Dispensation where appropriate, ELEXON will issue an approval to energise

If any requirements have not been met, ELEXON will issue a withhold energisation notice


Date At least 4 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.14, 3.1.15

Receive Reports

LDSOs receive reports of DSCP Aggregation Rule and GSP Group Take Aggregation Rule entered into the system from CDCA

CDCA, LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

Prior to effective from date

Flow Diagram – Registration of a new circuit at a DSCP

complex image of process

complex image of process

LDSO Checklist – Registration of a new circuit at a DSCP

BSC / BSCP Reference

Requirement Topic

Requirement Task

Responsible Party(s)


BSCP25/4.5.4, BSCP20/3.1.3

Register Metering System

Submit BSCP20/4.1 to register the Metering System and appoint the MOA4 15 if a new MSID is required for the new circuit.

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

At Least 50 WD before Effective From Date


Register Line Loss Factors (LLFs)

Calculate LLFs and submit Calculation Self-Assessment Document (BSCP128 Appendix 10) containing these to Elexon if new LLFs are required due to the new circuit

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System16

At Least 50 WD before Effective From Date if new site; or

At Least 40 WD before Effective From Date if submission of revised LLFs for an existing site owing to the new circuit


Is a Metering Dispensation required?

If it is identified that the Metering Equipment is not Code of Practice compliant or the measurement transformers are not located at the Defined Metering Point, submit BSCP32/4.1 to apply for a Metering Dispensation3

If loss compensation is to be applied, the values need to be calculated and included in the Metering Dispensation application to be considered by the Electrical Loss Validation Agent prior to decision by the Imbalance Settlement Group.

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

If required and to meet the timescales in the ‘BSCP32 Metering Dispensations Application Key Dates’ document


Register LLFs

Elexon will provide a report of the audit of LLFs and notify the LDSO whether their LLFs were approved by the Panel and of any non-compliances to be addressed

Elexon, LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

Report within 10 WD of submission of LLFs. Notification of Panel approval within 2 WD of Panel meeting considering LLFs


Register DSCP

Submit BSCP25/5.2 form to register the new circuit at DSCP to the CRA

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

At least 20 WD prior to the Circuit Energisation Date

BSCP25/4.5.4, BSCP20/3.1.3

Update Meter Technical Details

Instruct MOA to update Meter Technical Details4


At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP20/3.1.9 or BSCP20/3.5.1

Submit Meter Technical Details

Submit BSCP20/4.3 to register the Meter Technical details.

This defines the Metering Sub-System IDs which are required for the Aggregation Rules

MOA or LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System5

At least 16 WD before the Effective From Date (BSCP20/3.1.9 for a new Metering System) or at least 20 WD before the Effective From Date (BSCP20/3.5.1 for changes to Meter Technical Details)

BSCP25/4.5.3, BSCP75/3.1.1

Submit DSCP Aggregation Rules

Submit Aggregation Rules for the DSCP on BSCP75/4.26

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

At least 20 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.2 – 3.1.7

Validate DSCP Aggregation Rules

CDCA validates Aggregation Rules and may ask for supporting information. If rules are incorrect they are to be resubmitted and validated until correct. Elexon may also be involved in the validation process

CDCA, Elexon

Within 7 WD of receipt of Aggregation Rules

BSC Section L3.1.2 / CoP4

Commission Metering Equipment

Commission, in accordance with CoP4 any parts of the Metering Equipment (e.g. measurement transformers) owned by the LDSO and report the findings to the MOA.


As required


Receive result of Proving Test

The CDCA will notify the LDSO of the results of the Proving Test

LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System, CDCA

Within 1 WD of completing the Proving Test

BSC Section K1.4.3 / BSCP25/4.5.9, 4.5.1010

Approval to energise or Withhold energisation

When all parties have met their requirements, including the approval of a Metering Dispensation where appropriate, Elexon will issue an approval to energise

If any requirements have not been met, Elexon will issue a withhold energisation notice

Elexon, both LDSOs, CRA, CDCA

Date At least 4 WD before the Effective From Date

BSCP75/3.1.14, 3.1.15

Receive Reports

LDSO receives reports of DSCP aggregation rule aggregation rule entered into the system from CDCA

CDCA, LDSO who is the Registrant of the Metering System

Prior to effective from date

Changes to Metering Equipment at Systems Connection Points

If the MOA changes the Metering Equipment at a Systems Connection Point, the Meter Technical Details should be submitted by the MOA to the CDCA in accordance with BSCP20 and Commissioning (CoP4) and Proving should be carried out by the MOA in accordance with BSCP0217 . It is expected that any new Metering Equipment will use the same Metering Subsystem Identifiers as the existing Metering Equipment, however if this is not the case, the Aggregation Rules for the Systems Connection Point will need to be updated by the LDSO to reflect any changes to the Metering Subsystem Identifiers.

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For further information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 Commissioning Programme Commencement Date (CPCD) as defined in the Connection and Use of System Code (CUSC) in relation to a particular User in the Construction Agreement

2 The Systems Connection Point Metering Equipment should be as defined in Code of Practice. For economic reasons, at Shared GSPs (where there are two or more Distribution Systems connecting to the Transmission System at the same busbar, see below) the Metering Equipment may still be on the Supergrid Transformers - such arrangement requires a Metering Dispensation.

3 The Metering Dispensation form requires an MSID. If this is not known at this stage, TBC can be included on the form and updated when known. Or an MSID can be reserved by contacting the CRA and registered at a later stage.

4 This form appoints the MOA, however the MOA may object to the appointment if they don’t believe that they are the MOA for the Metering System

5 Normally this step is completed by the MOA

6 Guidance on writing Aggregation Rules can be found in the Aggregation Rules’ Guidance

7 GSP Group Metered Volume is the algebraic sum of: the Active Energy flowing into Grid Supply Points connected to the GSP Group and at DSCPs connected to that GSP Group, and the quantity of Active Energy flowing out of a GSP Group at Grid Supply Points connected to the GSP Group and at DSCPs connected to the GSP Group only.

8 Note that these steps are often not completed as the CDCA writes the GSP Group Take Aggregation Rules from its own knowledge of the GSP Group

9 GSP Group Take (GSPGT) is determined as GSPGT = GSP Group Metered Volume + I – E

where: I means the magnitude of the quantities of Imports at CVA Boundary Points in that GSP Group (as at the Transmission Boundary) and, E means the magnitude of the quantities of Exports at CVA Boundary Points in that GSP Group (as at the Transmission Boundary).

10Section K1.4.3 requires Elexon to issue the approval to energise notice when all registration requirements are complete. BSCP25 requires the CRA to inform the NETSO and the LDSO not to energise the circuits if the registration is not complete. In practise Elexon issues withhold energisation instructions.

11 A Shared GSP is defined in BSCP25 as a Systems Connection Point at which the Transmission System is connected to two or more Distribution Systems

12 BSCP75 convention for a DSCP is export is from the Registrant’s GSP Group and import is to the Registrant’s GSP Group

13 If necessary, both LDSOs will need to discuss and agree the Line Loss Factor Value but this must be submitted by the LDSO who is Registrant of the Metering System.

14 Alternatively, this information can be completed via the Self-Service Gateway (Elexon Kinnect Customer Solution).

15 BSCP75 convention for a DSCP is export is from the Registrant’s GSP Group and import is to the Registrant’s GSP Group

16 If necessary, both LDSOs will need to discuss and agree the Line Loss Factor Value but this must be submitted by the LDSO who is Registrant of the Metering System.

17 In cases where the measurement transformers were installed by the LDSO on or after 6 November 2014, the MOA will request the Commissioning record from the LDSO if they need to re-commission Metering Equipment following material change. Where the measurement transformers were installed before 6 November 2014 the MOA at the time of the original install should hold the measurement transformers commissioning records.