DSD007 - DIP Glossary

v 1.0.0
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DSD007 – DIP Glossary

DSD007 relating to the defined terms used in regard to the DIP and DIP Rules.

1. Reference is made to the DIP Supplement of the Balancing and Settlement Code.

2. This is DIP Subsidiary Document DSD007, Version 1.0 relating to the defined terms used within the DIP Rules in relation to the DIP Rules and the DIP.

3. This DSD is effective from 01 October 2024.

4. This DSD has been approved by the DIP Manager.

1 Introduction

1.1 Scope and Purpose

The purpose of this DSD is to set out the defined terms used in relation to the DIP and DIP Rules.

Any term, when capitalised within the DIP Rules and used in relation to the DIP and/or DIP Rules, shall have the meaning given within this DSD007.

2 Defined terms



Access Agreement

An agreement by which a DIP User agrees to be bound by the DIP Rules, in the form set out in the Access Agreement attached as DSD002 Annex 4 ‘Access Agreement’

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

A specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001


In relation to any DIP Participant, any holding company of that DIP Participant, any subsidiary of that DIP Participant or any subsidiary of a holding company of that DIP Participant, in each case within the Companies Act 2006


Shall mean a person nominated by a DCAB Member to represent them at any meeting where that DCAB Member is unable to attend

Annual DIP Costs (ADC)

The total annual amount in the DIP Budget that the DIP Manager expects the cost of the operation of the DIP to be

Annual DIP Standing Charge (ADSC)

A standing charge to be determined in the DIP Budget, as a proportion of the Annual DIP Costs that shall be applied to DIP Payees invoice and paid by DIP Payees

Annual DIP Standing Charge Percentage (ADSC%)

The percentage amount to be applied to the Annual DIP Cost to determine the Annual DIP Standing Charge


Acts as both a unique identifier and a secret token for authentication and authorisation, and will generally have a set of access rights on the API associated with it.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A mechanism that enables two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols by acting as an intermediary layer that processes data transfers between systems


The process of ensuring that DIP Participants are meeting their obligations under the DIP Rules

Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)

Shall be the document defined in Condition C3 of the Electricity Transmission Standard Licence Conditions

Base Rate

Means the rate of interest published from time to time by the DIP Manager’s bank and Published from time-to-time


A group of binary-to-text encoding schemes that transforms binary data into a sequence of printable characters, limited to a set of 64 unique characters

Basic Constraints Extension

Rules that restrict the length of a Digital Certificate Chain


Has the meaning given to the term Code in the Balancing and Settlement Code


Means Elexon Limited (or any successor to that company acting in the capacity as BSCCo)

Certificate Authority (CA)

A trusted third party specialised in issuing and managing Digital Certificates, for the DIP this is the DIP Verification Service Provider

Certificate Extensions

Provide a means of expanding the original X.509 Digital Certificate information standards.

Certificate Manufacturer (CM)

Provides the infrastructure and operational services for the DIP Manager in relation to the manufacture of Digital Certificates in accordance with DSD002 Annex 3 ‘The DIP-PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Policy’.

Certificate Profile

Defines the usage of a Digital Certificate following as per the table in DSD002 Annex 2 ‘Detailed DIP Operational Requirements’

Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

Has the meaning in DSD002 Annex 2 ‘Detailed DIP Operational Requirements’

Certificate Revocation Request (CRR)

A formal request for a Digital Certificate to be placed on the CRL

Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

A request via the DIP for a Digital Signature

Certificate Subscriber

For the purposes of the DIP Rules, shall be a DIP User

Certification Practice Statement (CPS)

Document by which the CM demonstrates compliance with the DIP-KPI Policy

Code Body

Means in relation to an Industry Code, the body or entity which is responsible for administering that Industry Code

Company Registration Number (CRN)

A unique eight-character code assigned to incorporated businesses in the UK issued by Companies House. For non UK Companies, it shall be the equivalent used in the state where the Applicant is registered as a legal entity

Confidential Information

Shall have the meaning described in chapter 7 of the DIP Supplement

Corporate Group

Shall mean a DIP Participant and all Affiliates of that DIP Participant

Cross-Code Steering Group (CCSG)

The group established by the Authority to ensure alignment of changes that may impact multiple Industry Codes

Cyber Incident Response Plan

A document maintained by a DIP Participant setting out what they will do in the event of a data breach or other form of cyber security incident

Data Best Practice

Guidance issued by the Authority in relation to the management of data

Data Controller

Shall have the meaning given to the term ‘custodian’ in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Data Integration Platform (DIP)

A Cloud hosted event-driven-architecture middleware component to support the flow of events/Messages between DIP Users

Data Mitigation

Actions to reduce the confidentiality rating of data in order to be able to share said data as described further in DSD006 ‘DIP Data Management’

Data Protection Act (DPA)

The Data Protection Act 2018

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

Shall have the same meaning as defined in the GDPR

Data Protection Legislation

Shall mean the combined effect of the DPA, GDPR, as may be amended or re-enacted from time to time, and any regulation or guidance issued under them

Data Services

Responsible for data retrieval, validation, and submission of consumption data into the Settlement process

Data Subject

Shall have the meaning given to that term in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Data Triage

Process to assess the confidentiality rating of data in order to be able to share said data as described further in DSD006 ‘DIP Data Management’

DCAB Chair

The individual appointed from time to time by the DIP Manager to act as DCAB Chair

DCAB Member

A person being a member of the DCAB as described in chapter 2 of the DIP Supplement

DCAB Secretary

DIP Manager or its representative appointed to carry out secretariat functions for DCAB

DCAB Terms of Reference

Those terms set out in DSD001 ‘DIP Governance’


A unique ten-digit number generated by the DIP during the DIP On-boarding process used to identify DCPs when routing Messages and publications


Used to describe how Messages not retrieved within 14 days are stored within the DIP

Digital Certificate

An electronic signature from a trusted third party that guarantees the validity and authenticity of a Public Key. In the context of the DIP, it shall refer to those Digital Certificates issued during DIP On-Boarding

Digital Certificate Path

A logical and ordered sequence of Digital Certificates which, together with the Public Key of the initial object in the Digital Certification Path, can be processed to obtain that of the final object in the Certification Path.

Digital Signature

A mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital Messages or documents

DIP Applicable Objectives

Shall be those Objectives laid out in chapter 1 of the DIP supplement

DIP Applicant

An organisation applying to be a DIP User

DIP Assurance Strategy

The annual strategy submitted in advance of each DIP Year by the DIP Manager setting out Assurance activity to be carried out in that DIP Year

DIP Budget

The budget set by the DIP Manager in accordance with DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP Certificate Authority (DCA)

The Certificate Authority for the DIP

DIP Certificate Authority (DCA)

Synonymous with Issuing Authority – for the purpose of the DIP Rules, this shall be the DIP Manager

DIP Change

Shall mean a change to the DIP Rules and/or the DIP in accordance with chapter 4 of the DIP Supplement

DIP Change and Advisory Board (DCAB)

The group established pursuant to chapter 2 of the DIP Supplement and, dependant on context, shall also mean a meeting of DCAB Members

DIP Change Request (DIP CR)

A request to amend the DIP or DIP Rules submitted pursuant to DSD004 ‘DIP Change and Document Management’

DIP Charge per DIP Payee (DCDP)

The total amount of DIP Charges payable by each DIP Payee for each calendar month

DIP Charges

The amount payable by DIP Payees and calculated as per DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP Code-of Connection (Co-Co) Agreement

A document defining the interface usage requirements and responsibilities for Market Participants to securely exchange information

DIP Code-of Connection Agreement Self-Assessment Document

A document to be completed by an Applicant as part of their DIP On-boarding and DIP Users annually thereafter to attest their compliance with the DIP Code-of-Connection Agreement

DIP Connection Provider (DCP)

A DIP User that sends and receives Messages via the DIP on behalf of Market Participants

DIP Core Service Costs

Shall mean the costs for providing DIP Core Services

DIP Core Services

Any use of the DIP for sharing information between DIP Users as required by an Industry Code

DIP Costs (DC)

The costs incurred in the operation of the DIP and determined as per DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP CR Final Assessment

A document produced by the DIP Manager pursuant to DSD004 ‘DIP Change and Document Management’

DIP Data

Shall mean data used on, by or in relation to the DIP

DIP Ecosystem

The digital ecosystem that gives effect to the DIP

DIP Funding

The processes described in DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’ by which the DIP Manager recovers DIP Costs from DIP Payees

DIP Guidance Documents

Such documents, to be maintained and published by DIP Manager, as DIP Manager considers necessary from time to time to provide information and assistance to DIP Users regarding the DIP and the DIP Rules


A unique ten-digit number generated by the DIP during the DIP On-boarding process used to identify DIP Users that are not DCPs when routing Messages and publications

DIP Manager

The company or organisation appointed by the Authority responsible for the operation of the DIP, including recovery of costs, changes to the DIP and its governance processes, and any other duty as laid out in the DIP Rules

DIP Manager Audit

The audit to be carried out on the DIP Manager as set out in chapter 3 of the DIP Rules

DIP Manager Data

Any data, including data derived from Messages or data (but excluding the Messages and the data) and data created for the purposes of co-operation with Industry Codes and/or Code Bodies, which is created, produced or acquired pursuant to or for the purposes of the DIP Rules

DIP Materials

Any and all documents, materials, reports, charts and tables, diagrams and specifications, and any and all other works, inventions, ideas, designs or proposals (in whatever form, and including Change Requests) arising out of or in connection with the central administration, operation and development of the DIP Rules, including any and all associated drafts and working papers

DIP MPAN Address Maintenance Service (DIP MAMS)

The part of the DIP design used to store a record of all MPANs that have been registered via the DIP with a Registrant and used to address Messages

DIP Non-Core Service charge

Any charge for DIP Non-Core Services

DIP Non-Core Service Costs

The costs as described in DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP Non-Core Services

Shall mean services which are not DIP Core Services

DIP Non-Standing Charge (DNSC)

Any DIP Charge that is not a DIP Standing Charge

DIP Non-Standing Charges

The costs incurred by the DIP Manager in relation to those activities listed in DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP Off-Boarding

The process and/or circumstances by which a DIP User ceases to be able to use the DIP as laid out in DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

DIP On-Boarding

The process set out in DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

DIP Participant

Collective term for the DIP Manager, DIP Service Provider and DIP Users

DIP Payee

Shall have the meaning in DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP Portal

The part of the DIP Website by which DIP Users are able to access the DIP for the purpose of sending and/or receiving Messages

DIP Public Key Infrastructure Policy (DIP-PKI Policy)

The policy contained in DSD002 Annex 3 ‘The DIP-PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Policy’

DIP Risk Register

Shall mean the register of risks maintained by the DIP Manager as set out in DSD003 ‘Assurance and Reporting’

DIP Role

Used to determine which Messages can be sent and/or received by each DIP User, and maps directly to the Market Participant Role in Industry Standing Data (ISD) and shall be those listed in DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

DIP Rules

The DIP Supplement and all associated DSDs

DIP Rules First Compliance Date

Shall have the meaning in DSD001 Annex 1 ‘DIP Rules Implementation Dates and Transition Arrangements’ paragraph 2.2

DIP Service Provider

The company appointed to manage and maintain the middleware that is the DIP

DIP Services

Shall mean the total DIP Core Services and DIP Non-Core Services combined

DIP Standing Charge (DSC)

The amount of ADSC paid by each DIP Payee each month determined in accordance with DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

DIP Subsidiary Documents (DSD)

The detailed operational documents for the DIP established in accordance with chapter 1 of the DIP Supplement as amended from time-to-time

DIP Supplement

The document forming part of the BSC that establishes the rules for the governance and operation of the DIP as amended from time-to-time

DIP Swagger

Used to describe and document RESTful APIs where the DIP Swagger specification defines a set of files required to describe such an API.

DIP Transition Plan

The plan established for the graduated implementation of the DIP Rules and operation of the DIP


The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that is the address for the webpages used to access the DIP

DIP User

An organisation that has completed DIP On-boarding and fulfils one of the DIP Roles listed in DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

DIP Verification Service Provider

The company employed by the DIP Service Provider to verify Applicants as part of DIP On-Boarding

DIP Website

Shall mean the website used by the DIP Manager for publishing

DIP Year

First of April in any year until 31 March the following calendar year

DIP-PKI Repository

The roles, policies, hardware, software and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke Digital Certificates and manage Public-Key encryption


Shall have the meaning described in chapter 7 of the DIP Supplement


Shall have the meaning described in the chapter 7 of the DIP Supplement

Distribution Network Operator (DNO)

A company that holds a distribution license in respect of distribution activities in Great Britain and distributes electricity for the purposes of section 4(1)(bb) of the Energy Act (as inserted or to be inserted by section 28 of the Utilities Act 2000) through a Distribution System, acting in that capacity


Either a DNO, or iDNO as the circumstances of the case dictate

DNS Domain Name

An Internet resource name that is universally understood by Web servers and online organisations, and provides all pertinent destination information


Shall mean Elexon Limited

End Entity

Those using Digital Certificates – shall include DIP Users, DCPs and Relying Parties

Energy Act

The Energy Act 2013

Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS)

Shall mean the repository containing data items of Messages which forms part of the REC’s Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR)


A mathematical method of securely exchanging cryptographic keys, generated for each execution of a key establishment process, over a public channel.

Event of Default


  1. A material breach of the DIP Rules which is not capable of remedy;

  2. A material breach of the DIP Rules which is capable of remedy but has not been remedied within 30 days of notification of the breach;

  3. Persistent breach of the DIP Rules;

  4. Failure sufficiently in the reasonable opinion of the DIP Manager to remedy Assurance issues raised as a result of Assurance;

  5. Failure to comply with any usage stipulations in the DIP Rules; and

  6. Without prejudice to the generality of the above, breach of any terms and/or agreements required by the DIP Service Provider or that may or has resulted in the termination of those terms or agreement

Fair Use Requirement

Shall mean that the DIP User shall not:

  1. use the DIP to perform any acts that are, or for purposes that are, illegal or criminal;

  2. introduce to the DIP any Malware;

  3. send any Messages that are unnecessary or inappropriate for the purposes of the DIP or the legitimate business use of the DIP by the DIP User (including, without limitation, any Messages that are abusive, obscene, discriminatory, racist, harassing, derogatory, defamatory, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate);

  4. attempt to gain unauthorised access to the DIP;

  5. use the DIP in a way that has, or could, prevent the use of the DIP by other DIP Users;

  6. either itself, or allow any other person, to damage, harm or corrupt the DIP or any element of it

Force Majeure

Means, in respect of an affected participant (as defined in paragraph 1.10), any event or circumstance which is beyond the reasonable control of the affected participant, but only to the extent such event or circumstance (or its consequences) could not have been prevented or avoided had the affected participant acted in accordance with Good Industry Practice. Neither lack of funds nor strikes or other industrial disturbances affecting only the employees of the affected participant and/or its contractors shall be interpreted as an event or circumstance beyond the affected participant’s control

Functional On-Boarding Checks

Those DIP On-Boarding functional checks required by DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

Funding Share

The amount of DIP Costs that shall be attributed to a DIP Payee and calculated as per DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)

A mode of operation for symmetric-key cryptographic block ciphers. GCM uses a block cipher with block size 128 bits (commonly AES-128) operated in counter mode for encryption, and uses arithmetic in the Galois field GF(2128) to compute the authentication tag.

General Data protection Regulation (GDPR)

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council

Good Industry Practice

In relation to any undertaking and any circumstances, the exercise of that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and experienced operator engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances

Housekeeping Change

Correction of manifest errors, minor errors and inconsistencies, including typographical errors (e.g. punctuation errors, spelling mistakes, incorrect font, incorrect capitalisation) incorrect cross-referencing, and the removal of redundant text


International Standard that defines how to use X.509 Digital Certificates for secure communications over the Internet.

Impact Assessment

A process to determine the impacts and/or benefits of a DIP CR carried out pursuant to DSD004 ‘DIP Change and Document Management’

Implementation Date

The dates on which the DIP Rules take effect and subsequently, in relation to an approved DIP CR, the date with effect from which the DIP Rules are to be given effect as modified by that DIP CR

Independent Distribution Network Operator (iDNO)

A Licensed Distributor that operates a Distribution Network connected to a Local Transmission or Distribution System, where such network exists for a specific purpose

Industry Code

A multilateral code or agreement created and maintained pursuant to a licence granted by the Authority under section 6 of the Electricity Act 1989 or under sections 7, 7ZA or 7A of the Gas Act 1986, including the Core Industry Documents, the Grid Code, the Connection and Use of System Code, the Retail Energy Code, the System Operator Transmission Owner Code and the Uniform Network Code and the BSC (unless the context otherwise requires)

Industry Code Qualification

Shall mean the process as determined/defined in an Industry Code that a DIP User shall be required to undertake in order to become a Party to that Industry Code

Industry Standing Data (ISD)

BSC system responsible for the sharing of data across the industry

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

The UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights

Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)

Defines and manages controls that an organisation needs to implement to ensure that it is protecting the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of assets from threats and vulnerabilities

Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

Patents, trademarks, design rights, copyright, database rights, know-how (whether registrable or otherwise), applications for any of the foregoing, and other similar rights or obligations, whether registrable or not, in any country (including the United Kingdom) for the full term of the rights together with any extensions


A message format used by DIP Users to share information via the DIP

ISD Entity

The meaning as defined in the BSC

ISO/IEC 27001

International standard for information security setting out the specification for an effective ISMS


International standard covering the worldwide exchange and communication of date and time-related data.

Issuing Authority

The organisation listed in the ‘issuer field’ of a Digital Certificate, and has the responsibility for deciding who may be issued with a Digital Certificate carrying its name – for the purpose of the DIP Rules, this shall be the DIP Manager

JavaScript Object Notification (JSON)

Open standard file format and data interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects consisting of attribute–value pairs and arrays

Key Agreement

A protocol whereby two or more parties (DIP Users and the DIP in respect of the DIP Rules) can agree on a cryptographic key in such a way that both influence the outcome and precludes undesired third parties from forcing a key choice on the agreeing parties

Key Management

The process of keeping Digital keys safe as expected by Good Industry Practice and ISO 27000 Series requirements

Key Pair

In an Asymmetric Cryptosystem - a Private Key and its mathematically related Public Key having the property that the Public Key can verify a Digital Signature that the Private Key creates.

Legal Requirement

means any Act of Parliament, regulation, licence or directive


Licences issued under section 6 (b) of the Electricity Act 1989


Means any code, thing or device which may impair or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer, prevent or hinder access to any program or data, impair the operation of any program or the reliability of any data, or give access to and/or use of a computer or its contents to any person not authorised to have such access or use, including computer viruses and any other invasive, malicious, or damaging code software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system

Market Participant (MP)

Any organisation who enters into transactions, including the placing of orders to trade, in one or more wholesale energy markets

Market Participant ID

Shall have the same meaning as in the BSC

Market Participant Organisation (MPO)

An organisation which has responsibility for the registration and operation of one or more DIP IDs. Several MPOs may be Affiliated where they all share the same DNS Domain name – further detail is provided in DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP)

Is the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme


A flow containing an event or a message sent using the DIP

Meter Data Retrieval Service (MDR)

The MDR Service is a sub-component of the Smart Data Service (SDS) and shall have the meaning in the Smart Energy Code

Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN)

A 13-digit reference used in Great Britain uniquely to uniquely identify electricity supply points

Meter Services

A type of DIP User appointed to install, commission, test and maintain meters, and rectify faults.

Microsoft Management Console (MMC)

A component of Microsoft Windows that provides system administrators and advanced users an interface for configuring and monitoring the system.

Milestone Ten (M10)

Shall have the meaning in DSD001 Annex 1 ‘DIP Rules Implementation Dates and Transition Arrangements’ paragraph 2.3

Milestone Sixteen (M16)

Shall have the meaning in DSD001 Annex 1 ‘DIP Rules Implementation Dates and Transition Arrangements’ paragraph 2.3

Modification Procedures

Shall have the same meaning as in the BSC

Monthly DIP Standing Charge (MDSC)

The Annual DIP Standing Charge divided by twelve to determine the sum of DIP Standing Charge to be recovered from DIP Payees each month and calculated as per DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’

MPANs per Supplier (MPS)

The number of MPANs registered to each Supplier that is a DIP Payee each month and used for the purposes of determining a Supplier’s Funding Share; expressed as a number of MPANs

Mutual Transport Layer System (mTLS)

A method for mutual authentication to verify the identity of the organisations at each end of a network connection by verifying that they both have the correct private key

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

The Government Executive Agency established as the UK's national technical authority for cyber threats and information assurance

National Cyber Security Centre Cyber Assessment Framework (NCSC CAF)

A systematic and comprehensive approach to assessing the extent to which cyber risks to essential functions are being managed by the organisation responsible.

Non-Functional On-Boarding Checks

Those non-functional checks required by DSD002 ‘DIP Connection and Operation’

Non-Party DIP User

A DIP User which is not a BSC Party

Non-production Environment

Any application environment that is not designated for live production i.e. any environment within DIP that is not the Production Environment


Provides assurance of the integrity and origin of data in such a way that the integrity and origin can be verified and validated by a third party as having originated from a specific entity in possession of the Private Key

Off-taking Supplier

The Supplier that has been directed by the Authority to take responsibility for the customers (and by extension MPANs) of the Failing Supplier


A software library for applications that provide secure communications over computer networks against eavesdropping, and identify the party at the other end.

Operator Root CA Certificate

Self-signed Digital Certificates that form the basis of an X.509-based PKI and identifies the top-most Digital Certificate issued by the CA where the CA issues Digital Certificates in the form of a tree structure


An organisation that is for the time being bound by an Industry Code and as further defined in the Industry Code to which they are party

Penetration Test (Pen Test)

A method for gaining assurance in the security of an IT system by attempting to breach some or all of that system's security, using the same tools and techniques as an adversary might

Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

Shall mean the personal data as defined under the Data Protection Legislation

PKI Disclosure Statement (PDS)

An instrument that supplements the DIP-PKI Policy or CPS by disclosing critical information about the policies and practices of a DCA/PKI.

A PDS is a vehicle for disclosing, summarising and emphasising information normally covered in detail by associated DIP-PKI Policy and/or CPS documents. A PDS is not intended to replace a CP or CPS.

Policy Authority

Responsible for control over the issuance, management and usage of Digital Certificates issued under this Policy – for the purpose of the DIP Rules, this shall be the DIP Manager

Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)

a boundary protection device, such as a firewall, that can enforce the controls necessary for data and information security

Private Key

The private part of an asymmetric Key Pair used for Public Key encryption techniques. The Private Key is typically used for signing Digital Signatures or for decrypting Messages.

Production Environment

A real-time setting where the latest versions of software, products, or updates are pushed into live, usable operation for the intended end users. In the case of the DIP, this is the environment in which Messages can be sent and received

Public Key

The public part of an asymmetric Key Pair used for Public Key encryption techniques. The Public Key is typically used for verifying Digital Signatures or to encrypt Messages to the owner of the Private Key.

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

A set of roles, policies, hardware, software and procedures needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store and revoke Digital Certificates and manage public-key encryption

Publication, publish and publishing

Shall mean the provision of and making public of DSDs, DIP Guidance Documents and other data and information under the DIP Rules on the DIP Website by the DIP Manager

Public-Key Cryptographic Standards (PKCS)

Also known as a Personal Information Exchange (PFX) file.


The Retail Energy Code


Shall have the same meaning as the term Code Manager in the Retail Energy Code


Shall have the meaning described in the DIP Supplement

Redemption Link

A hyperlink sent by the DIP Manager to a DIP Applicant as part of DIP On-Boarding


A person being registered in the Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS) or the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS)

Registration Authority

Responsible for ensuring the eligibility of DIP Applicants to be issued with Digital Certificates

Processes and approves requests for the issue, revocation or suspension of Digital Certificates.

For the purpose of the DIP Rules, this shall be the DIP Manager

Relying Party

A recipient of a Digital Certificate who acts in reliance on that Digital Certificate and/or any Digital Signatures verified using that Digital Certificate.

Repository Manager

Responsible for the management of a DIP Repository in accordance with DSD002 Annex 3 ‘The DIP-PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) Policy’

Revised Annual DIP Costs (RADC)

Revised ADC as may be necessary in accordance with DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’


Permanently to disable or block access to DIP to or from a DIP User and “Revoked” and “Revoke” shall be construed accordingly

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

A public-key cryptosystem used for secure data transmission

Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA)

A family of cryptographic functions designed to keep data secured by transforming the data using a hash function: an algorithm that consists of bitwise operations, modular additions, and compression functions.

Security Breach

Where any Message or Data is corrupted, compromised or degraded, or lost; or there is actual or suspected unauthorised access to the DIP; or there is actual or suspected unauthorised access or processing of Data


Shall have the same meaning as the same term in the BSC


The Smart Energy Code

SOLR Cut Over

The point in time at which the Off-taking Supplier takes responsibility for MPANs from the Failing Supplier

Special Administration Regime (SAR)

An exceptional process whereby the Authority and Government may appoint an administrator to run a Supplier following a Supplier failure t. It is an alternative to a SOLR


The power invested in the Authority to notify the DIP Manager that they will make a decision regarding whether a DIP CR shall be approved for implementation

Sum of months

The sum over all of the months of the DIP Year up to and including month m, where month m is the month in which the funding calculation is occurring in accordance with DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’


An organisation which holds a Supply Licence

Supplier of Last Resort (SOLR)

The process by which the Authority appoints an Off-taking Supplier in the event of a Supplier being issued with a Last Resort Supply Direction

Supplier’s DNSC

The Amount each Supplier owes in DNSC for each months up to and including the present month m

Supplier’s Funding Share (SFS)

The number of MPANs each Supplier has registered in DIP MAMS as a percentage of the total number of MPANs registered


Temporarily to disable or block access to DIP to or from a DIP User and “Suspended” and “Suspension” shall be construed accordingly

System Time

The time used by the DIP and shall be Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC) (as defined by international convention)

The Authority

The Gas and Electricity Markets Authority (GEMA) as established by the Utilities Act 2000

Tier One DIP CR

Any DIP CR that meets the criteria set out in the DIP Supplement

Tier Two DIP CR

Any DIP CR that is not a Tier One DIP CR

Total number of DIP Payees

The total number of DIP Payees registered as DIP Users each month

Total number of MPANs

The total number of MPANs registered in the DIP MAMS each month

Trade Sale

The transfer of responsibility of MPANs from one Supplier to another pursuant to a commercial arrangement between them

Trust Service

A trust-enhancing service offered or performed by a Trust Service Provider that supports the assurance, integrity or security of electronically executed activities, (e.g. time-stamping, notarisation, watermarking etc.).

The service offered or performed by an Issuing Authority, Registration Authority, Certificate Manufacturer or other trusted intermediary relating to the issuance and control of Digital Certificates e.g. manufacture, issuance, revocation, publication, registration, validity-checking or defining statements.

Trust Service Provider

An organisation that acts as a supplier of Trust Services – for the purpose of the DIP Rules, this shall be the DIP Manager

Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO)

The service that interfaces with the unmetered supplies customer and other industry stakeholders

Updated Annual DIP Costs

The revised DNSC updated each month as an estimate of what the DNSC will be for the total DIP Year


A method of augmenting or altering the behaviour of a web page or web application with custom callbacks


DIP Participants and other interested stakeholders convened by the DIP Manager to assist the DIP Manager in assessing and/or developing a DIP CR pursuant to DSD004 ‘DIP Change and Document Management’

Working Day (WD)

A day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) on which banks are open in London for general interbank business in Sterling


An International Telecommunication Union standard defining the format of Public Key certificates.

Transition DCAB Member

Shall have the meaning in DSD001 Annex 1 ‘DIP Rules Implementation Dates and Transition Arrangements’

Amendment Record



Description of Change

Approval Reference



01 October Non-Standard Release
