
v 1.0.0
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DSD004 – DIP Change and Document Management

DSD004 relating to change management and document management in regards to the DIP.

1. Reference is made to the DIP Supplement of the Balancing and Settlement Code.

2. This is DIP Subsidiary Document DSD004, Version 1.0 relating to change management of the DIP and change management and document management of the DIP Supplement and DIP Subsidiary Documents (DSDs).

3. This DSD is effective from 01 October 2024.

4. This DSD has been approved by the DIP Manager.

1 Introduction

1.1 Scope and Purpose

The purpose of this DSD is to set out the rules and processes the DIP Participants are expected to adhere to in relation to the DIP Change process in order to make changes to the DIP and DIP Rules. Changes to Industry Codes are subject to the modification and change processes established by those Industry Codes.

The change management processes allow changes to the DIP and DIP Rules to be made in a controlled and auditable manner to ensure consistency between changes and to maintain quality.

Document management ensures that the DIP Rules are documented in a controlled manner.

2 DIP Change Process

2.1 Types of DIP Change

2.1.1 All DIP Change Requests (DIP CRs) will be either:

    1. A change to the DIP Supplement or Code Embedded DIP Rules – BSC Section F shall apply

    2. a Tier One DIP CR – a material change; or

    3. a Tier Two DIP CR – other changes,

2.1.2 Where the DIP CR is not a change to the DIP Supplement or Code Embedded DIP Rules, the DIP Manager shall determine whether it is a tier one or tier two DIP CR based on criteria in the DIP Supplement.

2.1.3 A change to the DIP Supplement or Code Embedded DIP Rules shall be considered by the BSC Panel in accordance with BSC Section F. BSC Panel determinations are described in more detail further down in this chapter. Where such occurs, the DIP Manager shall notify DIP Users.

2.1.4 The DIP Manager shall keep its determination of the change tier under consideration, and may make changes as circumstances dictate. Where the DIP Manager alters the change tier of a DIP CR, it shall publish the reason for the change.

2.1.5 The criteria for a DIP CR to be considered as material, and therefore a Tier One DIP CR, shall include:

    1. an implementation cost greater than £500,000 for the DIP Manager and/or £250,000 for DIP Users;

    2. placing new obligations on DIP Users and/or the DIP Manager that will require a change to the DIP User’s business operating model;

    3. an Implementation Date will be more than 24 months after the date on which the decision is made.

2.2 Process Overview

2.2.1 Each DIP CR will follow a progression route that is particular to its requirements, with the generic process stages (as described in this section of the DSD) being:

    1. submission;

    2. validation (critical friend review);

    3. initial assessment and raising;

    4. further assessment as required;

    5. final assessment; and

    6. implementation/rejection.

2.2.2 As part of further assessment the DIP Manager may include:

    1. industry workgroup assessment of the DIP CR;

    2. consultation on the proposed solution to be implemented through the DIP CR;

    3. DIP Service Provider Impact Assessment; and

    4. Code Body Impact Assessment.

2.2.3 The DIP Manager shall adhere, to the Authority’s Code Administrator’s Code of Practice (CACoP) principles when progressing a DIP CR so far as they apply to the DIP and DIP Rules.

2.2.4 At any point in the process, where a decision is made (whether by the DIP Manager, DCAB, or Authority), an appeal may be raised against that decision in accordance with DSD001 ‘Governance’.

2.3 Submitting a DIP Change Request

2.3.1 Any person may submit a DIP CR (regardless of whether they are a DIP User). For the avoidance of doubt, this includes the DIP Manager, DCAB and the Authority. DIP CRs shall be submitted electronically via the DIP Portal but may be submitted by other means as agreed with the DIP Manager.

2.3.2 Where a Code Body identifies that a change to their Industry Code may impact the DIP, a DIP CR should be raised by that Code Body pursuant to this DSD to be implemented alongside the Industry Code Change. In this case the DIP Manager shall work with the Code Body to ensure the implementation of the DIP CR and the Industry Code Change(s) are co-ordinated. Co-ordination shall include the DIP Manager formally responding to any consultations or Impact Assessments relating to that Industry Code change and vice versa for the Code Body.

2.3.3 The DIP Manager will prescribe the information that will be required to be submitted by a proposer in support of the DIP CR, and will publish accompanying guidance to assist with the submission of a DIP CR.

2.3.4 The DIP Manager shall provide advice and assistance to anyone interested in submitting a DIP CR, acting as a ‘critical friend’ to help them in developing their DIP CR and/or exploring other options to address the issue raised if relevant.

2.4 Validation and Initial Assessment of DIP Change Request

2.4.1 Upon receipt of a DIP CR, and prior to raising the DIP CR (see below), the DIP Manager will conduct an initial validation to determine if any further information or clarity is needed and discuss this with the proposer. This is a ‘critical-friend’ service provided by the DIP Manager in accordance with the CACoP principles to ensure that if a DIP CR is raised, the proposal is complete.

2.4.2 The DIP Manager will determine whether the DIP CR shall be progressed. When deciding whether to progress a DIP CR, and during ‘critical-friend’ discussions with the proposer, the DIP Manager should consider:

    1. if the DIP CR proposal has been completed fully;

    2. whether a similar change, or a change that would, if implemented, have substantially the same effect, is already being progressed pursuant to the DIP or an Industry Code;

    3. whether the issue seeking to be addressed can be resolved without need to raise a change;

    4. whether the proposed solution is viable, achievable and has a reasonable prospect of being approved (including alignment with the DIP Objectives); and

    5. whether a better solution could be achieved elsewhere e.g. issuing new guidance, or communications to better explain existing provisions within the DIP Rules.

2.4.3 Regardless of the DIP Manager’s decision on whether to progress a DIP CR, the DIP Manager shall complete an Initial Assessment and publish its assessment, including rationale for whether to progress or not accept a DIP CR, and assign a unique identification number as soon as practicable after a DIP CR has completed the validation process described above. As part of the initial assessment the DIP Manager will assess the following factors:

    1. Whether the DIP CR should be considered a Tier One DIP CR or Tier Two DIP CR for decision making purposes (in accordance with the criteria set out in the DIP Supplement, and taking into account any relevant guidance issued by the DIP Manager);

    2. the urgency and associated timeline of progression to include proposed dates for key milestones in the plan e.g. initial workgroup, consultation, impact assessments and decision dates;

    3. high level view of costs and complexity;

    4. impact on the DIP and/or DIP Rules;

    5. impact on DIP Users and stakeholders;

    6. overlap with changes to Industry Codes in progress;

    7. impact on Industry Codes and/or Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS);

    8. DIP funding arrangements – whether the means of recovering DIP Costs should be reviewed in terms of whether a new category of DIP Payee needs to be created, and if so whether the mechanism for recovering costs will need to change;

    9. DCAB membership – whether the constituent representative membership needs to be reviewed;

    10. DIP Assurance – whether the DIP Assurance Strategy or DIP Risk Register should be reviewed;

    11. whether the proposed solution will impact the DIP Manager’s ability to deliver DIP Core Services;

    12. the need for DIP Service Provider impact assessment;

    13. the extent to which workgroup involvement is necessary;

    14. requirement to consult;

    15. whether the cost of the DIP Change will be considered a DIP Cost, or the proposer should meet the cost of the DIP Change (see below and DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’); and

    16. implementation timeframes and implementation date.

2.4.4 The DIP Manager shall review its assessments at each stage of progression and shall publish an updated assessment if there are any changes. The updated assessment shall include an explanation for why the DIP Manager’s assessment has changed.

2.4.5 For the avoidance of doubt, any powers or procedures that may be available to the Authority in order to initiate, develop, approve and/or direct changes to any Industry Code of which the DIP Rules form part shall apply to the DIP Rules. This shall include any powers, rights or functions of the Authority in relation to Significant Code Reviews. Any DIP CR submitted by the Authority using any such powers, rights or functions shall be raised and progressed in the same way as any other DIP CR (but being mindful of any requirements imposed by the Authority e.g. timescales).

2.4.6 Any DIP CR submitted by the Authority not using any such powers, rights or functions described above, i.e. submitting as a DIP stakeholder, shall be considered in the same way as any other DIP CR i.e. the DIP Manager shall be within their right to not progress the DIP CR following validation.

2.5 Workgroup Assessment

2.5.1 The DIP Manager may invite DIP Participants and other interested stakeholders to form a Workgroup to help develop a DIP CR. In considering whether to form a workgroup, the DIP Manager shall consider whether:

    1. Workgroup input is required to determine whether the DIP CR will have a material impact;

    2. the DIP Manager has sufficient expertise to develop the proposal themselves;

    3. where there are multiple potential solutions to the issue, whether a Workgroup can help determine the best course of action i.e. whether different solutions should be considered or the desired outcome can be achieved in a different way; and

    4. a Workgroup would be a more efficient method for collating Code Body input than Industry Code impact assessment requests.

2.5.2 The DIP Manager may maintain a standing-group (or groups) to review and develop proposed DIP CRs.

2.5.3 The DIP Manager shall set, and may vary from time to time as it sees fit, the terms of reference of any industry workgroups, whether established for a specific change or as a standing group. The DIP Manager shall publish such terms of reference.

2.6 Consultations and Impact Assessments

2.6.1 Where the DIP Manager has assessed that industry input is required to determine whether a DIP CR should be approved, the DIP Manager may undertake a consultation in accordance with this paragraph.

2.6.2 Consultations should request feedback on, at least, impacts and costs for DIP Users and stakeholders, potential implementation timescales, and views on impact on DIP Objectives.

2.6.3 The DIP Manager shall determine the duration of a consultation taking into account the materiality, complexity, urgency and range of subjects(s) being consulted on. The duration of consultations shall be at least 15 WD, subject to consideration of urgency.

2.6.4 Where a DIP CR may have cross-code impacts, the DIP Manager shall consult with the Cross Code Steering Group (CCSG) and be bound by their determination and requirements. The DIP Manager shall coordinate with the other affected Code Bodies, and the progression timetable for cross-code changes shall reflect the timetables for progressing the required changes to other Codes.

2.6.5 Where a consultation with DIP Users may not be required, but the impact on Industry Codes needs to be assessed, a cross code impact assessment shall be requested from the potentially impacted Code Bodies to determine any impacts.

2.6.6 If a Code Body’s stakeholders need to be consulted on a DIP CR that impacts both the DIP and an Industry Code, so far as practicable, duplicate consultations shall be avoided and the DIP Manager shall work with Code Bodies so that a single consultation may be issued to cover all impacted Industry Codes and the DIP.

2.6.7 The DIP Manager will, where necessary to assess the impact of a DIP CR on the DIP, undertake a DIP Service Provider impact assessment. In providing its impact assessment, the DIP Service Provider will estimate its implementation and operational costs, and the estimated timescales for implementation. In providing an impact assessment, the DIP Service Provider shall be expected to take account of other DIP CRs already being implemented and/or planned for implementation.

2.6.8 The DIP Manager shall consider the merits of issuing impact assessments and/or consultations individually or in batches, depending on the circumstances e.g. if there are several DIP CRs being progressed simultaneously, it may be better to issue all consultations at once in a single batch.

2.7 DIP CR Final Assessment

2.7.1 The DIP Manager shall prepare a DIP CR Final Assessment for each DIP CR once it has all information required to make a determination. The DIP CR Final Assessment shall include:

    1. a description of the DIP CR;

    2. the impacts of the DIP CR on the items identified in the initial assessment, taking into account any consultations, impact assessments and feedback from Workgroups;

    3. a cost-benefit-analysis of the benefits of the proposed DIP CR assessed against the cost and effort of implementation;

    4. the proposed implementation date taking into account the impact on DIP Users and any other industry changes that are being implemented on or around the proposed implementation date which may impact DIP Users;

    5. an assessment of the DIP CR against the DIP Applicable Objectives;

    6. the DIP Manager’s assessment of whether the DIP CR should be approved or rejected.

2.7.2 Any DIP CR that requires a change to the DIP Rules will include proposed text amending those documents. Changes to supporting documentation are at the DIP Manager’s discretion and are not required to form part of the DIP CR Final Assessment but must be implemented on the same implementation date.

2.7.3 The DIP CR Final Assessment shall be published no later than 10 WD ahead of a decision being made.

2.8 Decision to implement

2.8.1 Where the decision to approve or reject a DIP CR is to be made by the DIP Manager or the DCAB, the determination shall be based on whether the case for approving the DIP CR has been made in the DIP CR Final Assessment, including whether the DIP CR better facilitates the Applicable DIP Objectives (see DSD001 ‘DIP Governance’).

2.8.2 The DIP Manager and the DCAB will make determinations in relation to DIP CRs on the basis of whether proposed DIP CR would better facilitate the DIP Applicable Objectives.

2.8.3 In respect of each Tier One DIP CR:

    1. the DIP Manager shall arrange for the DIP CR Final Assessment to be presented to the DCAB at its next meeting following the publication of the DIP CR Final Assessment;

    2. the DIP CR proposer may make representations at that meeting whether in person or in writing. Where the DIP CR proposer is unable to attend or make representations, the DIP Manager may make representation on behalf of the DIP CR proposer where instructed to do so by the DIP CR proposer and within the scope of those instructions;

    3. the DCAB shall make its determination and the DIP Manager will publish the determination.

2.8.4 In respect of each Tier Two DIP CR:

    1. the DIP Manager shall publish the date when it will make its determination;

    2. where the DIP CR proposer wishes to make representations to the DIP Manager, the DIP Manager shall engage with the DIP CR proposer in order to facilitate those representations;

    3. the DIP Manager shall make and publish its determination.

2.8.5 The DIP Manager will publish each decision made under this paragraph no later than 3 WD after the decision is made. Documentation that captures the rationale for a DIP CR determination shall also be published.

2.8.6 The Authority retains the right, in accordance with the DIP Supplement, to Step-in at any point prior to a determination on whether to approve a DIP CR.

2.9 BSC Panel determinations

2.9.1 The BSC Panel shall consider the views of the DIP Manager and DCAB (where applicable) in making their recommendation to the Authority.

2.9.2 When making reports/submissions to the BSC Panel in respect of proposed changes to the DIP Supplement and the Code Embedded DIP Rules, the DIP Manager shall consider the effect of the proposed changes on the DIP Applicable Objectives.

2.9.3 Where the proposed change to the DIP Supplement and/or the Code Embedded DIP Rules would be determined as a material change in accordance with this DSD, the DIP Manager should seek the DCAB’s views before making reports/submissions to the BSC Panel.

2.9.4 The BSC Panel is required to take any such submissions into account, but shall make recommendations to the Authority on the basis of the impact of the proposal on the BSC Applicable Objectives.

2.9.5 The DIP Manager shall make reports/submissions to the BSC Panel in the manner requested by the BSCCo, and publish such reports.

2.10 Withdrawal

2.10.1 A DIP CR proposer may withdraw its DIP CR at any time before the DCAB, DIP Manager, or Authority (as relevant) makes its determination. Any withdrawal shall be made in writing to the DIP Manager.

2.10.2 As soon as is reasonably practicable after the DIP CR proposer has withdrawn its DIP CR, the DIP Manager shall notify relevant persons that the DIP CR proposer has withdrawn support for the DIP CR.

2.10.3 Any other person may adopt the DIP CR within 10 WD of the notice set out above by informing the DIP Manager that they wish to do so. Where more than one person wishes to adopt a DIP CR, the DIP Manager will decide between the prospective proposers on a first come, first served basis. If the DIP CR is adopted under this paragraph, the DIP CR shall continue along the same progression plan as when it was withdrawn, subject to reasonable adjustment as determined by the DIP Manager.

2.11 Implementation

2.11.1 DIP CRs that are approved will be implemented on the Implementation Date.

2.11.2 The DIP Manager will:

    1. ensure that changes to the DIP will be made by the DIP Service Provider; and

    2. make the necessary documentation, governance and non-DIP changes (with support from the DIP Service Provider (if applicable));

by the Implementation Date.

2.11.3 Prior to implementing any changes to the DIP, the DIP Manager shall publish a notification if there may be any impact on a DIP Users’ ability to use the DIP i.e. planned outages. Such notice shall include, but not be limited to the time frames involved and which parts of the DIP may be impacted.

2.11.4 Should the Implementation Date need to change between determination and the Implementation Date, the DIP Manager shall publish the revised implementation, along with the reason for revision. Where the change to the Implementation Date may impact the actions of DIP Users, Code Bodies or other relevant stakeholders, the DIP Manager should seek their views prior to amending the implementation date.

2.11.5 Any change to the implementation date shall only be made with the approval of the original decision maker in accordance with the DIP Supplement.

2.12 Cross-Code Steering Group (CCSG) Membership

2.12.1 The DIP Manager shall, subject to ongoing Authority agreement, be a member of the CCSG and, in any event, shall attend any CCSG meeting at which changes that may impact the DIP and/or DIP Rules are discussed.

2.12.2 The DIP Manager, shall be subject to the terms of reference of the CCSG i.e. they shall adhere to any direction from the CCSG in regards to cross-industry changes.

2.13 DIP Message definition changes

2.13.1 Message definitions will be recorded in the EMDS maintained by REC Code Manager, and this will be the master copy of all Message formats. The structure and content of Messages is the responsibility of the Industry Code identified as the ‘owner’ in the EMDS.

2.13.2 Changes to the EMDS will follow the change process for the Industry Code that is the ‘owner’ of that Message. The CCSG will normally co-ordinate between Code Bodies (including the DIP Manager in this instance).

2.13.3 It is expected that the DIP Manager will be informed of potential changes to Message definitions and be involved in their development so far as is practicable and reasonable. The expected change process for an EMDS change from the DIP perspective is:

    1. Industry Code change is raised;

    2. REC Code Manager and CCSG are informed;

    3. where multiple Industry Codes are involved, either the CCSG will designate a lead Code Body, or the Industry Code to which the change proposal applies will be the lead Code Body;

    4. the change is progressed pursuant to Industry Code processes with collaboration as required e.g. aligned progression plans, attending each other’s work groups, responding to impact assessments, and responding to consultations. This should be coordinated by the lead Code Body;

    5. once all Industry Code change proposals are finalised, REC Code Manager, the DIP Manager and Code Bodies will agree an implementation plan and dates – this may be co-ordinated via CCSG if required;

    6. Code Bodies will make their final determinations as per their Industry Code; and

    7. Code Bodies and DIP Manager will implement the change in accordance with their own processes.

2.13.4 In this case, a decision will not be required from the DIP Manager/DCAB, and it should be treated in the same way as DIP System only change (see paragraph 2.15 below). For clarity, a DIP CR will be required, with an Initial Assessment and Final Assessment produced as a record of the change being raised and implemented, but a decision will not be required.

2.14 DIP Swagger

2.14.1 Any DIP CRs or Modification Procedures that could result in a change to message event channels, whether as a result of change to message definitions or otherwise, shall consider implications to the DIP Swagger.

2.14.2 Impact Assessments conducted by the DIP Manager and/or DIP Service Provider shall consider the time, effort, cost, etc. to implement changes to the DIP Swagger and this shall be considered when determining Implementation Dates and whether to approve a DIP CR.

2.14.3 The DIP Manager is responsible for amending and maintaining the DIP Swagger.

2.15 DIP system only changes

2.15.1 Where the DIP Service Provider identifies changes (including security updates and patching) required to the DIP software/firmware/hardware, the DIP Manager shall be informed as soon as practicable and the DIP Service Provider shall provide an Impact Assessment of the required change.

2.15.2 Similarly, where the DIP Manager identifies a potential change to the DIP software/firmware/hardware (e.g. by virtue of paragraph 2.12 above), the DIP Service Provider shall provide an Impact Assessment of the required change.

2.15.3 The DIP Manager shall determine whether the change suggested will have any impact beyond actions required by the DIP Service Provider. If there is no impact beyond the DIP Service Provider, then the DIP Manager shall determine whether to approve the change without raising a DIP CR.

2.15.4 In determining the implementation of a change envisaged by this paragraph, the DIP Manager shall be mindful of the choice of implementation date and how it may impact others.

2.15.5 If there is any doubt whether a change will have any impact beyond actions required by the DIP Service Provider then a DIP CR shall be raised.

2.16 Housekeeping

2.16.1 Housekeeping Changes to DIP documentation shall be made by the DIP Manager without any need for wider approval or consultation, and are not expected to follow the change process outlined in this document.

2.16.2 Housekeeping Changes shall be published – showing the ‘red-lining’ of text changes, and shall not be implemented until at least 10WD after publication.

2.16.3 Changes to numbering and formatting may be made by the DIP Manager as part of implementation at any time.

2.16.4 For clarity, a Housekeeping change shall be a ‘decision’ by the DIP Manager and ergo appealable in accordance with DSD001 ‘Governance’.

3 Management of DIP Change process

3.1 Prioritising DIP Change Requests

3.1.1 The DIP Manager shall prioritise changes based on (but not limited to):

    1. benefits to DIP Participants;

    2. urgency;

    3. overlap with changes to Industry Codes;

    4. effort to develop;

    5. effort to implement, which shall include costs and resources; and

    6. impact on DIP Users.

3.1.2 Where the DIP Manager requires DIP CRs to be prioritised, it will publish a prioritisation methodology. Before establishing or changing the prioritisation methodology the DIP Manager will consult the DCAB.

3.2 DCAB updates

3.2.1 The DIP Manager will report the status of DIP CRs to the DCAB at each scheduled DCAB meeting. The content and format of such report shall be agreed between the DIP Manager and the DCAB but shall include at least:

    1. a breakdown of DIP CRs by progression stage (pre-raise/workgroup/consultation and/or impact assessment/pending determination/awaiting implementation);

    2. a brief summary of each DIP CR and any updates since the last DCAB;

    3. any determinations by the DIP Manager to reject/raise/approve DIP CRs;

    4. which DIP CRs are likely to require DCAB determination;

    5. any appeals received within the preceding 5 WD;

    6. any instances of the Authority exercising its right to ‘Step-in’;

    7. any pending Implementation Dates;

    8. any matters on which the DIP Manager is seeking the advice of the DCAB

3.3 Costs

3.3.1 The projected cost of progressing and implementing DIP CRs for the forthcoming DIP Year shall be included in the DIP Budget for that DIP Year, and the cost of managing change processes shall be recovered from DIP Payees in accordance with DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’.

3.3.2 Notwithstanding the previous paragraph, where a DIP CR is submitted that will not benefit the majority of DIP Users and/or DIP stakeholders, the DIP Manager may (in accordance with DSD005 ‘Funding and Budget’) pass the costs of progressing and implementing that DIP CR cost to the DIP CR proposer and/or persons that will benefit from the DIP CR being implemented.

3.3.3 Where the previous paragraph applies, the DIP Manager shall notify, and engage with, the DIP CR proposer during the validation stage for the relevant DIP CR to enable the DIP Manager to reconsider their Proposal if required.

3.4 Communicating DIP Change

3.4.1 DIP Users must be notified where this DSD requires notification and/or publication. In the case of DIP Users, the person to be notified shall be the person identified by the DIP User during DIP On-Boarding, or if no such person has been identified, the Certificate and User Administrators. It will be the responsibility of DIP Users to keep the DIP Manager informed of any changes in personnel for the purposes of this paragraph.

3.4.2 In addition to DIP User, the persons to be notified where this DSD requires notification and/or publication shall be:

    1. the DIP Service Provider;

    2. all DCAB Members;

    3. the Authority;

    4. CCSG Secretary;

    5. BSC change manager (or equivalent);

    6. the BSC Panel Secretary;

    7. REC change manager (or equivalent);

    8. the REC Panel Secretary (or equivalent);

    9. DCUSA change manager (or equivalent);

    10. the DCUSA Panel Secretary (or equivalent);

    11. SEC change manager (or equivalent);

    12. the SEC Panel Secretary (or equivalent);

    13. the change manager (or equivalent) of any other Industry Code Panel wishing to be notified of any DIP change business; and

    14. the secretary of any other Industry Code Panel wishing to be notified of any DIP change business.

3.4.3 The DIP Manager shall be responsible for obtaining the contact details of persons listed above, and will maintain this list.

3.4.4 The DIP Manager shall notify any other persons who have informed the DIP Manager of their wish to receive such notifications, provided that it will be their responsibility to keep the DIP Manager appraised of their latest contact details. The DIP Manager shall provide an easily accessible means for such persons to provide the DIP Manager with their details.

4 DIP Documents

4.1 Document Management

4.1.1 The DIP Manager will establish and maintain a document management system.

4.1.2 All DIP documents will be subject to version control. The first version of a DIP document shall be version 1.0 upon implementation. While drafting, it shall be ‘v0.1’ etc. with the numerator increasing for each draft version. Subsequent versions of a DIP document will be ‘v2.0’, ‘v3.0’ and so on, with draft interim versions being ‘v1.1’, v1.2’ and so on.

4.1.3 DIP Manager will establish create and maintain standardised:

    1. document templates;

    2. style guide for documents;

    3. style guide for digital publication;

    4. metadata catalogue.

4.2 DIP Document Types

4.2.1 DIP Documents are:

    1. DIP Subsidiary Documents (DSDs) – documents that are subsidiaries to the DIP Supplement and will provide detail on how systems and processes are expected to work and be delivered;

    2. Supporting documentation – documents that are intended to provide assistance and information to DIP Users and other stakeholders. This may include guidance documents, FAQs, and summaries of the DIP Rules. Supporting documents are not subject to the DIP change process as laid out in this DSD, but are controlled documents as per this paragraph 4 and are provided on a value added basis.

4.3 Approval for Document Changes

4.3.1 Only the BSC Panel may approve the publication and amendment of DIP Supplement. The DCAB may also approve the publication and amendment of DSDs and supporting documentation required pursuant to a Tier One DIP CRs.

4.3.2 DSDs and supporting documentation may be produced and amended at the DIP Manager’s discretion as per the DIP change process laid out in this DSD.

4.3.3 Prior to submitting redlining for decision, the DIP Manager shall ensure that a configuration review is undertaken to ensure the proposed formatting is consistent with the published DIP documents.

4.4 Baseline Statement

4.4.1 The DIP Manager shall maintain and publish a record of all live DIP Rules and supporting documentation subject to formal document control – a baseline statement.

4.4.2 The register of controlled documents shall identify:

    1. all controlled DIP documents and their type;

    2. the latest version of DIP documents that are in force; and

    3. The DIP CR that resulted in the latest version of each DIP document.

Amendment Record



Description of Change

Approval Reference



01 October Non-Standard Release
