DSD001 Annex 1

v 1.0.0
Effective From Date:
Other versions

DSD001 Annex One – DIP Rules Implementation Dates and Transition Arrangements

1.1 Reason for staggering implementation

        1. The DIP is a new system for the electricity industry that is already being used to test systems being developed as part of the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement Programme (MHHSP). It is necessary to stagger handover of responsibility for the DIP from the development teams to the DIP Manager to ensure the Market Participant experience and continuity of provision of service is not effected. This will also mean the DIP Rules will need to be implemented in a staggered manner to reflect the graduated handover of responsibility to the DIP Manager.

        2. The DIP Manager and MHHSP shall work together to develop a DIP Transition Plan to ensure the handover is as efficient and smooth as possible. Once agreed, the DIP Transition Plan shall be published by both MHHSP and the DIP Manager, with overall responsibility resting with MHHSP.

        3. This Annex lays out the process for staggered implementation and provides the details of when different parts of the DIP Rules will be implemented in accordance with the DIP Transition Plan.

2 Implementation process

2.1 Implementation Date

2.1.1 The Implementation date for the DIP rules will be the date directed by the Authority in accordance with their Significant Code Review powers.

2.1.2 For the avoidance of doubt, The Implementation Date in relation to this Annex shall have the meaning given in the DIP Rules Glossary.

2.2 DIP Rules First Compliance Date

2.2.1 The “DIP Rules First Compliance Date” shall be the first date on which specific parts of the DIP Rules shall come into effect. Anyone to whom the specific parts of the DIP Rules apply shall comply with those rules on and from the relevant DIP Rules First Compliance Date.

2.2.2 The DIP Rules First Compliance Date shall apply to an entire Chapter of the DIP Supplement and to an entire DIP Subsidiary Document (DSD).

2.2.3 Where there is a difference between the Implementation Date and the DIP Rules First Compliance Date anyone to whom the DIP Rules would otherwise apply is not required to comply with the chapters of the DIP Supplement and DSDs that have a DIP Rules First Compliance Date later than the Implementation Date of the DIP Rules.

2.2.4 Where a DSD has an annex, the Implementation Date and DIP Rules First Compliance Date for the Annex will be the same as the main document.

2.3 Key dates

2.3.1 The table below shows the key dates for each chapter of the DIP Supplement.



Implementation Date

DIP Rules First Compliance Date



As per paragraph 2.1

Implementation Date



As per paragraph 2.1

Implementation Date


DIP Connections and Operations

As per paragraph 2.1




As per paragraph 2.1



Change Management

As per paragraph 2.1

Implementation Date


Cost Recovery

As per paragraph 2.1



Data Management

As per paragraph 2.1


2.3.2 The table below shows the key dates for each DSD



Implementation Date

DIP Rules First Compliance Date



As per paragraph 2.1

Implementation Date


DIP Connection and Operations

As per paragraph 2.1



Assurance and Reporting

As per paragraph 2.1



DIP Change and Document Management

As per paragraph 2.1

Implementation Date


Funding and Budgeting

As per paragraph 2.1



Data Management

As per paragraph 2.1



DIP Glossary

As per paragraph 2.1


2.3.3 For the purpose of this chapter “Milestone Ten (M10)” shall be the date determined and published by MHHSP as part of their programme plan as the date on which central systems to support the MHHS operating model are ready to commence operations

2.3.4 For the purpose of this chapter “Milestone Sixteen (M16)” shall be the date determined and published by MHHSP as part of their programme plan as the date on which migration from pre-MHHS systems to new systems is complete.

3 Specific arrangements

3.1 Dual running period – Governance and Change Management

3.1.1 To allow for the smooth transition of responsibility for the DIP from MHHSP to the DIP Manager, there shall be a period of dual running from 1 October 2024 or the Implementation Date (which ever comes later) to M10.

3.1.2 The dual running period will mean that any decisions relating to the DIP shall be agreed by the DIP Manager and MHHSP, but with MHHSP having primacy where there is disagreement.

3.1.3 To give effect to the dual running period, the DIP Rules First Compliance Date for matters relating to governance and change management shall be the Implementation Date (see above).

3.1.4 The governance rules will give the DIP Manager and/or DCAB vires to make decisions and give direction in accordance with the DIP Rules. Similarly, the change management parts of the DIP Rules will give the DIP Manager and/or DCAB vires to make decisions relating to any proposed changes to the DIP and/or DIP Rules during the dual running period. This paragraph shall only apply where paragraph 3.1.2 does not apply.

3.2 DCAB nominations

3.2.1 The nomination of DCAB members shall follow the same process as laid out in DSD001 ‘Governance’ with the exception of the dates of the election. However, the dates pertaining to the first DCAB member shall be in accordance with this Annex.

3.2.2 The DIP Manager shall work back from the Implementation Date to ensure the DCAB is in place at least 6 Weeks prior to that date to allow for training, briefing and familiarisation. All members shall be nominated at this time (where a seat cannot be fulfilled the provisions in DSD001 ‘Governance’ shall apply). Persons nominated at this time shall be a Transition DCAB Memberand shall have all rights and responsibilities and be treated as DCAB Members in all respect other than where laid out in this Annex.

3.2.3 The first election for DCAB Members will be in March 2026 as per the timings set out in DSD001 ‘Governance’ for DCAB Members elected in even years, and in March 2027 for DCAB Members elected in odd years. All Transition DCAB Members will be eligible for nomination in March 2026 and March 2027 accordingly.

3.2.4 Transition DCAB Members shall not have their time as a Transition DCAB Member count towards their membership limitation i.e. their first two year period will commence from March 2026 or March 2027 accordingly, and they will be eligible for re-election in 2028 or 2029 as applicable, but not in 2030 or 2031.

3.3 DIP On-Boarding and Off-Boarding

3.3.1 DIP Users undertaking System Integration Testing (SIT) and/or MHHS Qualification will complete a process akin to DIP On-Boarding as part of those processes and details will be issued separately by MHHSP.

3.3.2 However, MHHS Qualification will straddle M10, and responsibility for DIP On-Boarding will transfer from MHHSP to DIP Manager at that date. To ensure a smooth transition, the DIP Manager and MHHSP will collaborate to ensure they are in agreement on how DIP On-boarding will occur to support SIT and Qualification.

3.3.3 In recognition of the uniqueness of SIT and Qualification, and so as not to slow the timeline, the requirements of DSD002 Annex One ‘DIP On-boarding non-functional checks’ and DSD002 Annex Four ‘Access Agreement’ do not have to be completed until a DIP User is ready to commence migration i.e. they are not required prior to commencing MHHS Qualification, but will need to be completed prior to the DIP User being promoted to the Production Environment.

3.3.4 DIP Users that do not take part in SIT or MHHS Qualification will need to complete DIP On-Boarding in accordance with the DIP Rules before M16.

3.3.5 Should any DIP User, for whatever reason, need to go through the DIP Off-Boarding prior to M10, MHHSP will be responsible for DIP Off-Boarding based on the process established in the DIP Rules. Should DIP Off-Boarding occur post-M10, the DIP Manager will follow the process in the DIP Rules.

3.4 Assurance and Risk

3.4.1 The DIP Manager will issue draft guidance and calls for input for the DIP Assurance Strategy and DIP Risk Register in the second half of 2024.

3.4.2 Following calls for input, the draft DIP Assurance Strategy and DIP Risk Register will be published for consultation.

3.4.3 The first DIP Assurance Strategy and DIP Risk Register will be issued no later than one month prior to M10.

3.5 DIP Funding Arrangements

3.5.1 The DIP Cost recovery model is predicated on a Funding Share based on number of MPANs per Supplier registered in the DIP.

3.5.2 Given that the number of Suppliers that will have completed Migration each month will not be representation of actual MPAN percentages, the DIP Cost Recovery mechanism will not be fair to those Suppliers that have completed Migration i.e. the funding share calculation won’t be fair of their actual share of MPANs.

3.5.3 Considering this, the DIP Funding arrangements in accordance with DSD005 will not commence until M16.

3.6 Information Security Management System (ISMS) Arrangements

3.6.1 MHHSP is responsible for the DIP Ecosystem’s ISMS and responsibility for this will pass to the DIP Manager on M10.

3.6.2 The DIP Manager shall be involved with any discussion and/or decision making regarding ISMS prior to M10 so that their needs and considerations are taken into account and due regard shall be given to the DIP Manager’s views and needs.

Amendment Record



Description of Change

Approval Reference



01 October 2024 Non-Standard Release
