Reporting Catalogue V22.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

Balancing and Settlement Code

Reporting Catalogue

Version 22.0

Date: 27 February 2025


    1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code dated Code Effective Date and, in particular, to the definition of “Reporting Catalogue” in Section X Annex X-1 thereof.

    2. This Reporting Catalogue is Version 22.0

    1. This Reporting Catalogue is effective from 27 February 2025

    2. This Reporting Catalogue has been approved by the Panel.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in ELEXON or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, ELEXON Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.



Effective Date

Description of Changes

Changes Included

Panel Committee Refs


Code Effective Date

Designated Version




05 January 2001

Work Outstanding at Go Active resolution of inconsistencies inclusion of consultation comments





Extension of ECVAA performance report (presented to ISG as v2.1)




Changes for BSC Systems Delivery Programme Phase B

P6, P10, P18A(Part), P22



Modifications and Change Proposals for BSC Systems Release 2

P2, P4, P8, P18A(Part), P30, P33, P48, P52, CP597, CP678, CP755 & clarifications v the NDFC

ISG 16/166, ISG 18/193



Change Proposals for BSC Systems Phase 2A (Dec 02) Release

CP511, CP532, CP559, CP632 & CP751



Modifications and Change Proposals for the CVA Programme Feb 03 Release

P61, P71, P78, CP754 & CP797



Change Proposals for the CVA Programme Jun 03 Release

CP634, CP703, CP725, CP736, CP841, CP858, CP869, P62



Approved Modifications P82, P100 & P110 and approved Change Proposal CP739 for the CVA Programme Nov 03 Release

P82, P100, P110, CP739, CP962

54/006, 57/007, 59/011, ISG/26/296, ISG/30/343



Approved Modifications P123, P114 for the CVA Programme Feb 04 Release


P123 66/006

P114 58/007



Change Proposal for the CVA Programme Jun 04 Release


ISG/40/003 SVG/40/004



Approved Modification P98 for the CVA Programme Nov 04 Release

P98, P82 Removal



CVA Programme Feb 05 Release and BETTA 6.3

P140, BETTA 6.3, P82 Removal & P169A



CVA Programme Nov 05 Release

CP1061, P172




June 2009 Release




November 2009 Release


Panel 142/06



November 2010 Release





December 2015 Release

P291, P295





June 2017 Release






29 March 2019 Standalone Release





11 December 2019 Standalone Release





27 February 2025 Standard Release


Panel 347/05

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This document is a subsidiary document to the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). Its purpose is to catalogue and provide further information on the contents of reports issued by the BSC Agents. It supplements that information presented in Section V of the Code.

1.2 Scope

This document lists the data items appearing in BSC Agents' reports listed in Annex V-1 of the Code or where appropriate, provides references to the relevant sections of the NETA and FAA Interface Definition Documents (hereafter “the IDD documents”) which hold further detail on the content of the reports. It does not cover all of the reports issued by a BSC Agent. The CVA Data Catalogue and the SVA Data Catalogue cover all BSC Agent reports.

The meaning of the data items is not described or defined nor does the document describe the structure or form of any output files that would contain the data items. This information is contained in the relevant IDD Documents.

1.3 Main Users of the Document

The main users of this subsidiary document are:

(a) Parties;

(b) Party Agents;

(c) Market Index Data Providers

(d) The following BSC Agents:

Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA)

Central Registration Agent (CRA)

Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA)

Settlement Administration Agent (SAA)

Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA)

Funds Administration Agent (FAA)

Technical Assurance Agent (TAA) &

Transmission Loss Factor Agent (TLFA)

(e) Persons other than Parties that have access to the BMRS via the High Grade Service, in accordance with Section V of the BSC. Such users only have access to reports posted on the BMRS;

(f) Persons other than Parties that have access to P114 data, Total Gross Demand per GSP Report (CDCA-I029), Meter Period Data Report (CDCA-I030), Aggregated Data Report (CDCA-I042) and Settlement Reports (SAA-I014 (sub-flow 2), in accordance with Section V of the BSC.

1.4 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This Reporting Catalogue should be read in conjunction with the Code and in particular Section V.

This Reporting Catalogue has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Code. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSC Subsidiary Document and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

2 Reports from the BMRA

2.1 Data Posted on the BMRS

The BMRA shall receive and publish the Balancing Mechanism, Replacement Reserve and System Related Data (including data relating to Emergency Instructions issued by the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO), via the System Warning Function) continuously as it is received from the NETSO. The reports ‘Publish Balancing Mechanism Data’ (BMRA-I004), Publish Replacement Reserve Data (BMRA-I037) and Publish ‘System Related Data’ (BMRA-I005) and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1.

2.2 BMRA Exception Reports to BSCCo

The BMRA shall issue Exception Reports to BSCCo if an input message fails validation, or if insufficient data has been received. This covers errors in all message types. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (Reference BMRA-I010).

2.3 BMRA Performance Reports to BSCCo

The BMRA Service shall issue performance reports to the BSCCo Ltd on a monthly basis detailing any incidents where performance fell short of the required service levels. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 2 (Reference BMRA-I011).

2.4 Credit Default Notices Posted on the BMRS

The BMRA Service shall publish a Credit Default Notice which provides BMR Users with information on the Party in Credit Default along with details of the Credit Default that has occurred. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (Reference BMRA-I019).

2.5 European Regulation Data Posted on the BMRS

The BMRA Service shall receive and publish on a continuous basis, data relating to the Regulation on Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (REMIT)1 and the European Transparency Regulation2 as it is received from the NETSO and/or BMR Users. The reports and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (Reference BMRA-I030 and BMRA-I031).

2.6 Total Exempt Supply Volumes on Insights Solution

The BMRA Service shall provide the Total Exempt Supply Volumes received from the SAA on the 6th calendar day of each month via an API. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (Reference BMRA-I039).

3 Reports from the SAA

3.1 Interim Information Settlement Report

The SAA shall issue Interim Information Settlement Reports for each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and (where applicable) to any other Party (on request), any non-Party (on request) and the NETSO. The reports shall detail Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Interim Information Settlement Runs.

The report issued to Parties and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference SAA-I014, sub-flows 1 and 4). The reports issued to the NETSO (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 2) and BSCCo (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 3) are defined in the NETA IDD Part 2.

3.2 Initial Settlement Report

The SAA shall issue Initial Settlement Reports for each Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party to the relevant Party, any other Party (on request), any non-Party (on request), the NETSO and BSCCo, detailing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Initial Settlement Runs.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference SAA-I014, sub-flows 1 and 4). The report issued to the NETSO (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 2) and BSCCo (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 3) is defined in the NETA IDD Part 2.

3.3 Reconciliation Settlement Reports

The SAA shall issue Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Reports for each Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party to the relevant Party, any other Party (on request), any non-Party (on request), the NETSO and BSCCo, detailing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Runs.

These reports and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference SAA-I014, sub-flows 1 and 4). The report issued to the NETSO (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 2) and BSCCo (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 3) is defined in the NETA IDD Part 2.

3.4 Final Reconciliation Settlement Report

The SAA shall issue Final Reconciliation Settlement Reports for each Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party to the relevant Party, any other Party (on request), any non-Party (on request) and the NETSO, detailing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party or the NETSO, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Final Reconciliation Settlement Runs.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference SAA-I014, sub-flows 1 and 4). The report issued to the NETSO (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 2) and BSCCo (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 3) is defined in the NETA IDD Part 2.

3.5 Post-Final Settlement Report

The SAA shall issue Post-Final Settlement Reports for each Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party to the relevant Party, any other Party (on request), any non-Party (on request) and the NETSO, detailing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from a Post-Final Settlement Run.

These reports and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference SAA-I014, sub-flows 1 and 4). The report issued to the NETSO (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 2) and BSCCo (reference SAA-I014, sub-flow 2) is defined in the NETA IDD Part 2.

3.6 SAA Performance Reports to BSCCo

The SAA Service shall issue SAA Performance Reports to BSCCo each month summarising actual against expected timing for various SAA reports. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 2 (reference SAA-I020).

4 Reports from THE ECVAA

4.1 Notification Report to Parties

The ECVAA Service shall issue Notification Reports to each Contract Trading Party at the end of each Settlement Day. The Notification Reports shall summarise the Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations relating to that Contract Trading Party, in respect of accepted notifications for the given Settlement Day and provide indebtedness data once these notifications are taken into account.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I014).

4.2 ECVN Feedback Report to Parties & ECVNAs

The ECVAA Service shall issue ECVN Feedback to relevant parties providing details of ECVNs rejected or refused or treated as rejected or refused, promptly after a rejection has occurred. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I009).

4.3 MVRN Feedback Report to Parties & MVRNAs

The ECVAA Service shall issue MVRN Feedback to relevant parties providing details of MVRNs rejected or refused or treated as rejected or refused, promptly after a rejection has occurred. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I010).

4.4 ECVN Acceptance Feedback to Parties & ECVNAs

The ECVAA Service shall issue ECVN Acceptance Feedback for each Contract Trading Party, to the submitting ECVNA and the associated Party (or Parties) promptly after successfully matching the components of ECVNs, where the effective date of the ECVN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead. No such report will be issued where the ECVNs are submitted by the same person in respect of both the Relevant Contract Parties which are valid for a Settlement Period, as the Settlement Period shall be deemed to be matched.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I028).

4.5 MVRN Acceptance Feedback to Parties & MVRNAs

The ECVAA Service shall issue MVRN Acceptance Feedback for each Contract Trading Party, to the submitting MVRNA and the associated Party (or Parties) promptly after successfully matching the components of MVRNs, where the effective date of the MVRN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead. No such report will be issued where the MVRNs are submitted by the same person in respect of both the Lead Party and the Subsidiary Party which are valid for a Settlement Period, as the Settlement Period shall be deemed to be matched.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I029).

4.6 ECVAA Performance Report to BSCCo

The ECVAA Service shall issue ECVAA Performance Reports to BSCCo each month summarising ECVAA performance in respect of processing contract notification data received. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 2 (reference ECVAA-I017).

4.7 Forward Contract Report to Parties

The ECVAA Service shall issue Forward Contract Reports daily to each relevant Contract Trading Party summarising notifications received relating to that Contract Trading Party, for a given number of Settlement Days following the Settlement Day on which the report is provided.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I022).

4.8 Notification System Status Report to BSCCo

The ECVAA Service shall issue a status report to BSCCo Ltd. as soon as possible after:

    • The start of an ECVAA System Failure or ECVAA System Withdrawal;

    • A change in the Notification Agents affected by an existing ECVAA System Failure or ECVAA System Withdrawal; or

    • The end of an ECVAA System Failure or ECVAA System Withdrawal.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 2 (reference ECVAA-I040).

4.9 Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Report to Parties

The ECVAA Service shall issue the following Volume Notification Nullification Confirmation Reports (VNNCRs) to each relevant Contract Trading Party to whom the Volume Notification Nullification Request (VNNR) relates promptly follow validation of the VNNR, confirming either the acceptance or rejection of a VNNR.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I038).

4.10 Nullification Completion Report to Parties

The ECVAA Service shall issue a Nullification Completion Report to Parties upon completion of nullification process. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference ECVAA-I039).

5 Reports from the CRA

5.1 Registration to Interested Parties

The CRA shall issue Registration Reports for each Party, to Parties as necessary, summarising any new or changed registration data relating to that Party. This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CRA-I014).

5.2 Operations Registration Report to BSCCo and the NETSO

The CRA shall issue daily Operations Registration Reports to BSCCo and the NETSO which list all registered BM Units, Trading Units and Interconnectors.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 2 (reference CRA-I020).

6 Reports from the CDCA

6.1 Raw Metered Volumes Data Report to Party, NETSO & Licensed Distribution System Operators.

The CDCA shall issue Raw Metered Volume Data Reports daily to the relevant Party(s), including the Distribution Business, and the NETSO, detailing meter for which the Party is a registrant and the status of this data.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I012).

6.2 Estimated Data Report to BSCCo, MOA, Party, NETSO and Licensed Distribution System Operators.

The CDCA shall issue Estimated Data Reports to each relevant Parties (including Distribution Businesses and the NETSO) as required, or on monthly basis. The report shall contain all estimate notifications issued by CDCA in a given period relating to the Registrant, the estimation method used and whether the estimation was agreed.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I014).

6.3 Exception Report for Missing and Invalid Meter Period Data to Responsible Party and MOA

The CDCA shall send daily Exception Reports for Missing and Invalid Meter Period Data to the relevant Party (i.e. the Registrant) and the MOA operating the Metering System, listing any notification of data deemed to be invalid or not available for collection.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I010).

6.4 MAR Reconciliation Reports to Party and MOA

The CDCA shall issue Meter Advance Reconciliation reports to each relevant Party (i.e. the Registrant) and the relevant MOA for each metering system every three months. The reports shall detail the actual difference calculated for each active energy meter or associated outstation register.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I018).

6.5 BM Unit Aggregation Report to Party and on request to any licensed Party or licensed non-Party

The CDCA shall issue BM Unit Aggregation reports daily for each BM Unit to the Party who is the lead party for the BM Unit, any other Party (on request) and any non-Party (on request), detailing aggregated meter flow volumes.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I042).

6.6 Interconnector Aggregation Report

The CDCA shall issue Interconnector Aggregation reports daily for each Interconnector to the Party who is the Interconnector Administrator associated with the Interconnector. The reports shall detail the aggregated meter flows for the Interconnector.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I041).

6.7 Meter Period Data Report to Licensed Distribution System Operators and on request to any licensed Party or licensed non-Party

The CDCA shall issue Meter Period Data Reports daily to Distribution Businesses, any other Party (on request), any non-Party (on request), detailing all Metered Volumes for all Distribution System Connection Points.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I030).

6.8 Report of Aggregation Rules to Parties

The CDCA shall produce a copy of the aggregation rules to relevant Parties to ensure the correct recording of the aggregation rules. This shall be provided on request and as confirmation of the process of loading the rules into the system.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I048).

6.9 Total Demand per GSP to the NETSO and on request to any licensed Party or licensed non-Party

The CDCA shall issue reports daily to Parties, non-Parties and the NETSO, detailing aggregated meter flow volumes for each Grid Supply Point in each GSP Group per Settlement Period.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the NETA IDD Part 1 (reference CDCA-I029).

6.10 CDCA Performance Reports to BSCCo

CDCA shall provide Performance Reports which breakdown actual activities, relative to that expected to BSCCo Ltd on a monthly basis, or immediately if service level falls below agreed service levels.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in NETA IDD Part 2 (reference CDCA-I032).

7 Reports from the FAA

7.1 Quarterly Statements to Parties

The FAA shall issue Quarterly statements to each Trading Party and the NETSO which provide a breakdown per Settlement Day of initial and reconciliation amounts payable by that Party as detailed in Advices Notes, including interest and tax.

This report and the data items contained therein are defined in the FAA IDD Part 1 (reference FAA-I010).

8 Reports from BSCCo

8.1 BSCCo Reports Published on the BSC Website

(a) Parameters Set By the Panel and in the Code

    • Credit Assessment Load Factor (CALFi) as specified in BSC Section M1.5

    • the Credit Assessment Price as specified in BSC Section M1.4

    • Transmission Loss Factor as specified in BSC Section T2.2.1(a)

    • the coefficient 'α' as specified in BSC Section T2.2.1(b)

    • the Market Index Data Provider and associated Individual Liquidity Threshold as specified in BSC Section T1.5

    • the De Minimis Acceptance Threshold as specified in BSC Section T1. 8.1

    • the Continuous Acceptance Duration Limit as specified in BSC Section T1.9.1

    • the Line Loss Factors in respect of SVA Metering Systems as specified in BSC Section K1.7 the Price Average Reference Volume (PAR) as specified in BSC Section T1.10.1

    • the Replacement Price Average Reference Volume (RPAR) as specified in BSC Section T1.11.1

(b) Party Details

    • Name and ID of each Party

    • BM Unit Registration Details:

    • BM Unit ID

    • BM Unit name

    • BM Unit type

    • NGC BM Unit name

    • Grid Supply Point Group ID

    • Grid Supply Point Group name

    • Trading Unit name

    • Generation Capacity (MW)

    • Demand Capacity (MW)

    • Production/Consumption flag

    • Production/Consumption status

    • Transmission Loss Factor

    • Credit Assessment Load Factor

    • BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability

    • BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability

    • Exempt Export flag

    • Base Trading Unit flag

    • Final Physical Notification flag

    • Interconnector ID

    • Effective From Date

    • BM Unit Credit Qualifying flag

    • The Funding Shares of each Trading Party, as specified in BSC Section D1.4.1(a) and (b)

(c) Operational Data

    • The System Sell Price and the System Buy Price for each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day

(d) Trading Dispute Notices

    • Notification of the resolution of a Trading Dispute, as specified in Section M3.5.1 a)

(e) Not Used

(f) Not Used

(g) Market Index Data Provider Report.

    • Market Index Data Provider Details

    • Market Index Data Provider ID

    • Market Index Data Provider Name

    • Market Index Data

This data includes the following for each Settlement Period:

    • Individual Liquidity Threshold

    • Market Index Price (PXPsj)

    • Market Index Volume (QXPsj)

(h) List of Suppliers which can complete a change of BM Unit ownership within 5WDs for a BM Unit with CVA Metering and associated with a Customer premises

    • Name and ID of each Party which has applied and satisfied the following criteria in accordance with BSCP15:

    • The Party has acceded to the BSC and completed Party registration in the role of Supplier

    • The Party has successfully completed registration and trading flows to register as a Supplier and completed metering flows to register CVA BM Units

    • The Party has appropriate registration on the NETSO Systems and use of a qualified trading agent and trading point (as defined in the Grid Code).

(i) Replacement Reserve Data, which shall include

    • RR Bid Data

    • RR Activation Data

    • RR GB Need Met

    • RR Interconnector Schedule

    • Indicative Accepted RR Bid and Offer Volumes, by Settlement Period and Quarter Hour Period

    • Indicative RR Cashflows, by Settlement Period and Quarter Hour Period

    • Aggregated RR information

9 Transmission Loss Factor Data

9.1 Data used in the determination of TLFs

The following data will be published on the BSC Website and made accessible to Parties and other persons as determined by the Panel:

    • Load Flow Model power flows

    • Transmission Network Data

    • HVDC Boundary Data

    • Distribution Network Data

    • Metered Volumes

    • Nodal TLFs

    • Nodal power flows

    • Indicative values of TLMij, TLMO+j and TLMO-j for every Settlement Period in the Reference Year, calculated:

    • where TLFij is zero; and

    • where TLFij is calculated in accordance with BSC Section T, Annex T-2

9.2 BM Unit Specific Transmission Loss Factors

BSCCo will send the following annual TLFA report to the CRA as the CRA-I029:

    • Authentication Details

    • Name

    • Password

    • Transmission Loss Details

    • Proportion of Losses (alpha)

    • Effective From Date

    • BM Unit TLFs

    • BM Unit Id

    • TLFij

    • Effective From Settlement Date

    • Effective To Settlement Date

1 Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011

2 Regulation (EU) No 543/2013