BSC Section V: Reporting

v 45.0
Effective From Date:
Other versions


Section V

Version 45.0

Effective Date: 24 June 2021



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section V sets out:

(a) details of the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Service; and

(b) other requirements for reporting of information by BSC Agents to Parties, the Authority and/or for public reporting.

1.1.2 Each of the Authority and BSCCo shall be entitled without payment:

(a) to have the BMRS (High Grade Service) made available to them (with such number of communication links as they may require);

(b) to receive, on request (including by way of standing request), a copy of any other report provided under this Section V (and the relevant BSC Agent shall provide such reports to the Authority and BSCCo in the same timescales as the report is provided to Parties or relevant Parties).

1.1.3 No failure (in whole or in part) to make data available on the BMRS or to provide any report to any Party under this Section V, nor any error, inaccuracy or incompleteness of any such data or report, shall affect or alter in any way the rights and obligations of the Parties in relation to Settlement (including any entitlement to receive or liability to pay amounts in respect of Trading Charges).

1.1.4 Each Party acknowledges and agrees that:

(a) the rights and obligations of Parties (in Settlement and otherwise) under the Code shall not be affected or prejudiced in any way by, and

(b) (subject to paragraph 1.1.5) no Party shall have any claim or entitlement against any BSC Agent, any Market Index Data Provider, any Financial Service Provider, BSCCo, the NETSO or any other Party as a result of,

the availability or non-availability (in whole or in part) of any data on the BMRS or on the BSC Website or otherwise as contemplated to be available under this Section V, or any error or inaccuracy in such data; and no warranty or representation is given (whether expressly or impliedly) by any person as to the accuracy or completeness of any such data.

1.1.5 The provisions of paragraphs 1.1.4(b) are without prejudice to:

(a) the obligations of the NETSO to send specified data to the BMRS and BSCCo pursuant to Section Q6;

(b) the obligations of each Market Index Data Provider to send specified data to the BMRS and BSCCo under the relevant Market Index Data Provider Contract;

(c) the obligations of:

(i) the BMRA under the relevant BSC Agent Contract for the provision of the BMRS as required by paragraph 2;

(ii) other BSC Agents under the relevant BSC Agent Contracts for the provision of reports as required by paragraph 3;

(d) the obligations of the Financial Service Provider to send the Settlement Exchange Rate to the BMRS under paragraph 2.2.2D.

1.2 Interpretation

1.2.1 In the provisions of this Section V which specify the timing and frequency of reporting:

"SP" means Settlement Period and where the context admits refers to each Settlement Period;

"J" means Quarter Hour period with a Settlement Period and where the context refers to each Quarter Hour period;

"D" means day or Settlement Day and where the context admits refers to each day or Settlement Day;

"W" means week (beginning Monday).

1.2.2 In this Section V:

(a) references to data include information;

(b) references to Tables are to the Tables set out in Annex V-1.

1.3 Consent to disclosure

1.3.1 Each Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the publication of data to the extent that such data is to be published:

(a) on the BMRS pursuant to paragraph 2; or

(b) by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph 4, where paragraph 4 provides for such data to be published,

and where data is or may be published pursuant to this Section V, such data shall not be regarded as Confidential Information for the purposes of Section H4.2.

1.3.2 Without prejudice to anything contained in Section H4.2.2 or H4.2.3 in relation to the disclosure by a Restricted Party of such data, each Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the disclosure to and use by Parties or other persons of data to be provided or made available to such Parties or other persons pursuant to paragraph 3 or paragraph 4.

1.4 Reporting Catalogue

1.4.1 For the purposes of the Code the Reporting Catalogue is the document of that title which sets out the data items to be contained in each of the reports mentioned in Annex V-1.

1.4.2 The Reporting Catalogue shall be a Code Subsidiary Document.


2.1 General

2.1.1 This paragraph 2 sets out details of the BMRS to be provided by the BMRA.

2.1.2 The BMRS is a service for reporting to Parties and others and publishing:

(a) data relating to the Transmission System (and established pursuant to the Grid Code) or relating to the arrangements provided for or referred to in Section Q (to the extent further provided for in this Section), provided by (or converted from data provided by) the NETSO;

(b) data (derived in whole or part from the data referred to in paragraph (a)) established by the BMRS pursuant to paragraph 2.6;

(c) certain other data as provided or referred to in the BMRS Data Catalogue or elsewhere in the Code;

(d) Inside Information Data which may be submitted by a Party in accordance with Section Q for the purpose of reporting on BMRS; and

(e) the Settlement Exchange Rate which will be submitted by the Financial Service Provider in accordance with paragraph 7.

2.1.3 In this paragraph 2:

(a) "BMRS data" means data to be made available on the BMRS pursuant to this paragraph 2;

(b) the "BMRS Specification" is the technical specification of the BMRS contained in the Communication Requirements Document for the BMRA pursuant to Section O.

2.1.4 The provision of data to the BMRA and the reporting of data on the BMRS are separate arrangements from any arrangements for the submission of data for the purposes of Section Q and/or for the purposes of Settlement, and (without prejudice to the provisions of Section M3.5) nothing contained in this paragraph 2 may give rise to any Trading Dispute.

2.2 Specification of BMRS

2.2.1 The BMRA shall operate and make available the BMRS in accordance with this paragraph 2, the BMRS Specification, and the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.2.2 Not used.

2.2.3 For certain kinds of data set out in the BMRS Data Catalogue, where data (for a particular period) is not provided to the BMRA for inclusion on the BMRS by the time required under Section Q, default values for such data shall be included on the BMRS as and where so provided in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.2.4 All BMRS data will remain available on the BMRS (except that errors in such data may be corrected) until no earlier than the expiry of a period of 12 or as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue (whichever is the longer) months after:

(a) the Settlement Day to which such data relates, or

(b) in the case of forecast data, the day on which such data was provided.

2.3 Grades of service

2.3.1 The BMRA shall make available the BMRS as follows:

(a) a High Grade Service, for which:

(i) a Party (other than BSCCo) is required to pay the relevant Specified BSC Charges in accordance with Section D,

(ii) any other person (other than the Authority) shall be required to make payments as provided in paragraph 2.3.4(a)

shall be made available to any Party and (subject to paragraph 2.3.4) any other person, on request; and

(b) a Low Grade Service shall be made available, without charge, to any person;

in each case, as further specified in the BMRS Specification.

2.3.2 The High Grade Service and Low Grade Service will be made available by the respective means specified in the BMRS Specification.

2.3.3 BMRS data will be available on the BMRS as follows:

(a) data provided by the NETSO pursuant to Section Q will be available within 5 minutes after the BMRA received such data from the NETSO;

(b) data relating to a Settlement Period and established by the BMRA in accordance with paragraph 2.6 will be available within 30 minutes after the end of the relevant Settlement Period;

(c) data provided by BSCCo pursuant to Section Q will be available within 1 Business Day after the BMRA received such data from BSCCo;

(d) Transparency Regulation Data will be published as soon as reasonably practicable (taking into account any technical constraints) after such data is received by the BMRA;

(e) Inside Information Data will be published as soon as reasonably practicable (taking into account any technical constraints) after being received from the NETSO or BSCCo;

(f) any further data specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue will be published as soon as reasonably practical (taking into account any technical constraints) after such data is received by the BMRA or as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue; and

(g) the Settlement Exchange Rate will be published as soon as reasonably practicable (taking into account any technical constraints) after exchange rate data is received by the BMRA.

2.3.4 The High Grade Service of the BMRS will be made available upon request to a person (other than the Authority) which is not a Party:

(a) subject to the payment by such person of

(i) a one-off administration charge of such amount as the Panel shall from time to time determine (and until the Panel has so determined, of £250);

(ii) charges equivalent to (and in amounts the same as those for the time being determined by the Panel for) the BSC Specified Charges in paragraphs 3.1(d) and (e), 3.3 and 3.4 (as applicable) of Annex D-3; and

(b) provided that such person has entered into and remains party to an agreement with BSCCo, in such form as BSCCo with the approval of the Panel may from time to time determine, providing for the payment of the amounts in paragraph (a) and such other matters as BSCCo may determine in relation to the availability of such service, the provision of any associated hardware and software and the use of such hardware and software by such person.

2.4 Not used.

2.5 Supporting obligations of BMRA – receipt of data

2.5.1 The BMRA shall:

(a) receive data from:

(i) the NETSO, at such times and with such frequency as provided in Section Q, as set out in the BMRS Data Catalogue;

(ii) each Market Index Data Provider, at such times and with such frequency as provided in Section T1.6 and the BMRS Data Catalogue;

(iii) the CRA and BSCCo as provided below in this paragraph 2.5;

(iv) the Financial Service Provider as provided below in paragraph 7;

(v) any other source as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

(b) report to the person providing such data any failure to provide the data or to provide it in the form required under the Code;

(c) store all such data received by the BMRA for a period of at least 12 months or as specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue (whichever is the longer) commencing on the Settlement Day or earliest Settlement Day to which such data relates or (in relation to forecast data) the day on which such data was provided;

(d) not used;

(e) store Transparency Regulation Data received by the BMRA for a period of at least five years commencing on the day on which such data was received; and

(f) store Inside Information Data received by the BMRA for a period of at least ten (10) years commencing on the day on which such data was received.

2.5.2 The data to be received by the BMRA is as follows:

(a) from the NETSO (pursuant to Section Q) the data items specified in Section Q6 and/or the BMRS Data Catalogue as being provided to the BMRA;

(b) from each Market Index Data Provider (as provided in Section T) the data items specified in Section T1.6 and/or the BMRS Data Catalogue as being provided to the BMRA;

(c) from the CRA (pursuant to Section K) and/or the BMRS Data Catalogue BM Unit registration data;

(d) from BSCCo the data items listed below:

(i) ETLMO+ following determination by and then as and when revised by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.6.3;

(ii) ETLMO- following determination by and then as and when revised by the Panel pursuant to paragraph 2.6.3;

(iii) not used;

(iv) Inside Information Data; and

(v) any other data items specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue;

(e) from the Financial Service Provider the exchange rate data specified in paragraph 7.

2.5.3 On receipt of any Balancing Services Adjustment Data from the NETSO, the BMRA shall perform the checks in relation to such data that are specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.6 Indicative data

2.6.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 2:

(a) 'Indicative' in relation to any term defined in the Code (and 'I' as a prefix to the acronym for any such term) means determined on an estimated basis for the purposes of enabling indicative values of such term to be reported on the BMRS before all of the necessary data to calculate such term is available;

(b) Indicative terms are determined by reference:

(i) to the estimates ETLMO+ and ETLMO- (rather than values of TLMO+ and TLMO-), and/or

(ii) to the Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data (rather than values of Balancing Services Adjustment Data); and/or

(iii) to values of any other Indicative such term.

2.6.2 Indicative terms shall be estimates only and are established for the purposes of the BMRS only, and shall not replace and shall be without prejudice to the determination and application of the relevant term (on a definitive and not Indicative basis) for the purposes of Settlement and all other purposes of the Code.

2.6.3 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) ETLMO+ and ETLMO- are such estimated values as the Panel shall from time to time determine to be used as assumed values of Transmission Loss Multipliers for the purposes of this paragraph 2.6;

(b) Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data are the data submitted by the NETSO to the BMRA pursuant to Section Q6.3.1(a) in respect of each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day.

2.6.4 The BMRA shall perform such calculations as are specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue.

2.6.5 Not used.

2.6.6 Not used.

2.6.6A Not used.

2.6.7 In the event that the BMRA is unable to calculate INIV, ISBP, ISSP, Indicative Period BM Unit Total Accepted Bid or Offer Volumes or Indicative Period BM Unit Bid and Offer Cashflows, Indicative Period RR Total Accepted Bid or Offer Volume or Indicative Period RR BM Unit Cashflow in accordance with this paragraph 2.6, it shall:

(a) where such inability is as a result of the receipt or otherwise of data required from the NETSO, contact the NETSO to seek to resolve such matter; and

(b) in any event, report the matter to BSCCo,

provided that, in the case of Market Index Data, where the BMRA has not received Market Index Data in respect of a Settlement Period from a Market Index Data Provider, it shall calculate ISBP and ISSP substituting zero values in place of such missing Market Index Data and, in that event, shall post a warning message to that effect on the BMRS.

2.6.8 In respect of each Settlement Period, the BMRA shall calculate the Demand Control Volume in accordance with the rules in Section T3 provided that where the BMRA has not received a Demand Control Event End Point notification from the NETSO, it shall deem the Demand Control Event End Point as the end time and date of the relevant Settlement Period.

2.7 Not used

3. Reporting By OTHER BSC AGENTS

3.1 Reporting requirements

3.1.1 The SAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 2 in Annex V-1.

3.1.2 The ECVAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 3 in Annex V-1.

3.1.3 The CRA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 4 in Annex V-1.

3.1.4 The CDCA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 5 in Annex V-1.

3.1.5 The FAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 6 in Annex V-1.

3.1.6 The SVAA shall provide reports in accordance with Table 7 in Annex V-1.

3.1.7 The reporting requirements referred to in paragraphs 3.1.1 to 3.1.6 are without prejudice to any further reporting requirements set out in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document.

3.2 Reports

3.2.1 Each of Tables 2 to 7 in Annex V-1 sets out:

(a) the name of each report to be provided by the relevant BSC Agent;

(b) a summary description of the data to be contained in each such report;

(c) the frequency with which each such report is to be provided;

(d) the persons and bodies to which each such report is to be provided.

3.2.2 For the purposes of Tables 2 to 7 in Annex V-1, and subject to paragraph 3.2.9:

(a) "Relevant Party" indicates that the data in question is to be provided to the Party or Trading Party or Supplier to which the data relates (and not to other Parties, except for BSCCo);

(b) "Any Party (on request)" indicates that the data in question (irrespective of the Party or Parties to which it relates) is to be provided to any Party which requests receipt of the same pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3;

(c) "All Suppliers" indicates that the data in question is to be provided to all Suppliers in the GSP Group to which the data relates;

(d) "Any person (on request)" indicates that, subject to paragraph 3.2.7, the data in question (irrespective of the Party or Parties to which it relates) is to be provided to any person (whether or not a Party) which requests receipt of the same pursuant to paragraph 3.2.3.

3.2.3 In respect of each of the Tables 2 to 7 in Annex V-1 and in relation to all (but not some) of the data for which the 'Recipient' column in any such Table includes:

(a) 'Any Party (on request)', each Party shall be entitled to receive all such data if it notifies BSCCo to that effect in accordance with BSCP41;

(b) 'Any person (on request)', any person shall be entitled, subject to paragraph 3.2.7, to receive all such data if it notifies BSCCo to that effect in accordance with such procedures as BSCCo may establish for such notification.

3.2.4 Tables 2 to 7 provide a general description of the data to be contained in each report; details of the data to be contained in each report are set out in the Reporting Catalogue.

3.2.5 Reports are to be provided:

(a) to Parties by the means specified in Section O;

(b) to persons other than Parties by such means as the Panel may from time to time determine.

3.2.6 Unless otherwise provided in the Code or the Reporting Catalogue, reports at any time provided pursuant to this paragraph 3 contain data relating only to relevant periods for which such data is (at such time) current, as further provided in the Reporting Catalogue.

3.2.7 Where a person who is not a Party requests the provision of data to which it is entitled pursuant to this paragraph 3.2, such data shall not be required to be made available to such person until and unless such person has agreed to be bound by such terms in such form as BSCCo with the approval of the Panel may from time to time determine relating to the provision of such data which may provide (inter alia) for the payment or periodic payment by such person to BSCCo of a sum (established and revised from time to time by BSCCo) representing the reasonable costs of providing such data to that person.

3.2.8 Subject to paragraph 3.2.9, and without prejudice to paragraph 3.2.7 each Party irrevocably and unconditionally consents to the publication of the data in Tables 2 to 7, to the extent only that such data:

(a) is to be published pursuant to this paragraph 3, where paragraph 3 provides for such data to be published, and

(b) is to be made available to any person on request.

3.2.9 Where it has been determined, pursuant to Section B3.3 or Section H11, that data referred to in Tables 2 to 7 of Annex V-1 shall be disclosed pursuant to the procedures set out in those Sections then such determination shall take precedence over this paragraph 3.2 and the data to which such determination relates may be disclosed notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section V.


4.1 Parameters

4.1.1 BSCCo shall maintain:

(a) an up-to-date record:

(i) in respect of each type of BM Unit, of the principles and guidance established and revised from time to time by the Panel pursuant to Section M1.5; and

(ii) in respect of each BM Unit, of the Credit Assessment Load Factor (WDCALFi or NWDCALFi as appropriate) determined and revised from time to time by BSCCo or redetermined by the Panel (as the case may be) pursuant to Section M1.5;

(b) an up-to-date list of the following parameters set out in or established and revised from time to time under and in accordance with the Code:

(i) the Credit Assessment Price determined and revised from time to time by the Panel pursuant to Section M1.4;

(ii) the Transmission Loss Factors specified in Section T2.2.1(a);

(iii) the coefficient 'α' specified in Section T2.2.1(b);

(iv) the Line Loss Factors in respect of SVA Metering Systems (or classes of SVA Metering System) approved from time to time by the Panel, or where applicable the default values established in respect thereof, pursuant to Section K1.7 together with a summarised version of such factors (as described in BSCP518).

4.1.2 The record of WDCALFi and NWD CALFi, values referred to in paragraph 4.1.1(a)(ii) (as updated from time to time) shall be made available to any Trading Party on request.

4.1.3 The principles and guidance referred to in paragraph 4.1.1(a)(i) and the list of parameters referred to in paragraph 4.1.1(b) (as updated from time to time) shall be published on the BSC Website and made available to any person on request.

4.2 Market data

4.2.1 BSCCo shall arrange for the data referred to in this paragraph 4.2 ("market data") to be published or made available in the manner specified in this paragraph 4.2, subject to paragraph 4.3.

4.2.2 Market data comprises the following:

(a) the CRS registration data as described in paragraph 4.2.3;

(b) the Funding Shares of each Trading Party as described in paragraph 4.2.4;

(c) the Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data and Balancing Services Adjustment Data as described in paragraph 4.2.5;

(d) the System Sell Price, System Buy Price and Net Imbalance Volume as described in paragraph 4.2.6;

(e) the Credit Default statements as described in paragraph 4.2.7;

(f) the Market Index Data as described in paragraph 4.2.8; and

(g) the Supplier Market Share Data as described in paragraph 4.2.10.

4.2.3 A list containing the name and identification number (allocated by the CRA pursuant to Section A4) of each Party and the registration data of each BM Unit (as received by BSCCo in the operations registration report pursuant to Table 4 in Annex V-1) shall be published on the BSC Website and revised from time to time as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the CRA.

4.2.4 A list containing the Funding Shares of each Trading Party, as specified in Section D1.4.1(a) shall be published on the BSC Website and revised from time to time as the Funding Shares are revised in accordance with that Section.

4.2.5 Indicative Balancing Services Adjustment Data and Balancing Services Adjustment Data in respect of each Settlement Period for each Settlement Day shall be published (and displayed for a period of 30 days) on the BSC Website in accordance with Section Q6.3.4 as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the NETSO.

4.2.6 The System Sell Price, the System Buy Price and Net Imbalance Volume for each Settlement Period in a Settlement Day shall be published on the BSC Website (and displayed for a period of 30 days), as soon as reasonably practicable after the Initial Settlement Run in respect of such Settlement Day has been carried out and BSCCo has received such data from the SAA.

4.2.7 The statements and notices relating to Credit Default which are to be published on the BSC Website pursuant to Section M or otherwise made available pursuant to Section M shall be published or made available in accordance with the BMRS Data Catalogue or by issuing them to Parties4.2.8 The Market Index Data from each Market Index Data Provider in respect of each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be published (and displayed for a period of 30 days) as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the Market Index Data Provider.

4.2.9 Where market data is sent to BSCCo on a day which is not a Business Day, BSCCo shall publish such data on the BSC Website (or otherwise make it available, as provided in this paragraph 4.2) on the next following Business Day.

4.2.10 For the purposes of paragraph 4.2.10, "Supplier Market Share Data" means

(a) the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report containing information for individual Suppliers, except for data relating to any Suppliers for whom the criteria in paragraph 4.2.11 are satisfied, which BSCCo shall aggregate and attribute to a single anonymous entity called ‘other suppliers’; and

(b) the sum of BM Unit Metered Volumes for each Party that also has Supplier BM Units registered, summed for all BM Units which:

(i) are not Supplier BM Units; and

(ii) are not located at premises occupied for purposes of operating a Licensable Generating Plant,

for all half hour periods in which BM Unit Metered Volume is negative.

4.2.11 This paragraph applies to the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report data that meets the following criteria for a Supplier:

(a) Quarterly Metering Systems by Supplier in Supplier Volume Reporting Group 1 is equal to or less than 250,000; and

(b) Quarterly Supplier Energy Volume across Supplier Volume Reporting Groups 2, 3 and 6 is equal to or less than 500,000 MWh.

4.2.12 The Supplier Market Share Data shall be published on the BSC Website as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of the Supplier Quarterly Volume Report from the SVAA.

4.2.13 The relevant BM Unit Metered Volumes for the purposes of paragraph 4.2.10(b) shall be obtained from the First Reconciliation Settlement Run (as defined in Section U2.3.1) of the Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Report (as defined in Table 2 of Annex V-1), which BSCCo will aggregate and sum over the same period as the associated Supplier Quarterly Volume Report.

4.3 Additional provisions

4.3.1 Where the Panel determines that any market data and/or any data referred to in paragraphs 4.1.1(a)(i) and 4.1.1(b) are capable of being displayed on the BMRS, such data shall from the date specified by the Panel (which shall be no earlier than 28 days after such determination) be displayed on the BMRS in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code and otherwise with the terms established by the Panel, and the provisions of paragraph 4.2 or paragraph 4.1.3 (as the case may be) shall cease to apply to such data (including, for the avoidance of doubt the restriction in paragraph 4.2.8).

4.3.2 BSCCo shall:

(a) notify each Party and the Authority;

(b) publish a notice on the BSC Website;

(c) (in the case of data referred to in paragraph 4.2.6) publish a notice in the Financial Times (or such other newspaper as the Panel may determine);

as soon as reasonably practicable after any determination of the Panel under paragraph 4.3.2, specifying the date from which such data is to cease to be published by BSCCo on the BSC Website and to start to be published on the BMRS.

4.4 Anonymised MSID Paid Delivered Volume Data

4.4.1 MSID Pair Delivered Volume Data associated with the NETSO in the SVA Metering System Register (anonymised such that the Metering System(s) to which such data relates is not identifiable) in respect of each Settlement Period of each Settlement Day shall be published as soon as reasonably practicable after BSCCo receives such data from the SVAA.

4.5 Line Loss Factors

4.5.1 BSCCo shall arrange for the data set out in Table 10 in Annex V-1 to be published on the BSC Website and revised from time to time as soon as reasonably practicable after such data has been approved by the Panel pursuant to Section K1.7.

4.6 Transmission Loss Factor Data

4.6.1 BSCCo shall arrange for the report(s) and data set out in Table 9 in Annex V-1 to be made available as set out in that table.

4.6.2 Paragraph 3.2 shall apply for the purposes of paragraph 4.6.1 as if references in paragraph 3.2:

(a) to BSC Agents included BSCCo; and

(b) to Tables in Annex V-1 included Table 9.


5.1 Provision of data and information to the EMR Settlement Services Providers

5.1.1 For the purposes of the Code, CFD Settlement Data and CM Settlement Data shall collectively be referred to as "EMR Settlement Data".

5.2 Provision of data and information to a CFD Settlement Services Provider

5.2.1 Subject to paragraph 5.2.4, BSCCo must provide, or procure that a BSC Agent provides, such data, information and reports to any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CfD Counterparty as any CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or any CfD Counterparty reasonably require in order to discharge their EMR Settlement Functions (the "CFD Settlement Data").

5.2.2 In respect of the CFD Settlement Data, BSCCo shall provide to the Panel:

(a) a schedule of the CFD Settlement Data reasonably required by a CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or a CfD Counterparty;

(b) an explanation of why the CFD Settlement Data is reasonably required to enable any CFD Settlement Services Provider and/or any CfD Counterparty to discharge their EMR Settlement Functions; and

(c) a copy of the agreement required by paragraph 5.4.1.

5.2.3 In respect of any CFD Settlement Data that is:

(a) publicly available;

(b) available to any person on request; or

(c) expressly contemplated under any EMR Legal Requirement,

then each Party and the Panel shall not (whether by action, omission or withholding of consent) prevent or restrict BSCCo from providing that CFD Settlement Data to any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CfD Counterparty.

5.2.4 Subject always to paragraph 5.2.3, if the Panel considers that any CFD Settlement Data is not reasonably required to enable a CFD Settlement Services Provider to discharge its EMR Settlement Functions the Panel shall instruct BSCCo to refer the matter to a CfD Counterparty.

5.2.5 Following such referral, a CfD Counterparty may, in its absolute discretion, determine whether that CFD Settlement Data is reasonably required to enable any CFD Settlement Services Provider to discharge its functions and a CfD Counterparty’s determination shall be final and binding for the purposes of the Code.

5.2.6 If at any time a CFD Settlement Services Provider or a CfD Counterparty requests further CFD Settlement Data from BSCCo then the provisions of paragraphs 5.2.1, 5.2.2(b), 5.2.3 , 5.2.4 and 5.2.5 shall apply in respect of that CFD Settlement Data.

5.2.7 BSCCo shall arrange for a schedule of CFD Settlement Data to be published on the BSC Website from time to time and revised as soon as reasonably practicable after any change is made to the schedule of CFD Settlement Data in accordance with paragraph 5.2.5.

5.3 Provision of data and information to the CM Administrative Parties

5.3.1 BSCCo must provide, or procure that a BSC Agent provides, such data, information and reports to the relevant CM Administrative Parties as it is required to provide under any EMR Legal Requirement (the "CM Settlement Data") in accordance with the requirements contained therein.

5.3.2 BSCCo shall provide to the Panel:

(a) a schedule of the CM Settlement Data to be provided to CM Administrative Parties; and

(b) a copy of the agreement required by paragraph 5.4.1,

and BSCCo shall arrange for the schedule of CM Settlement Data to be published on the BSC Website from time to time.

5.4 General

5.4.1 Where EMR Settlement Data is provided to an EMR Settlement Services Provider pursuant to this paragraph 5, BSCCo shall enter into and remain a party to an agreement with any CFD Settlement Services Provider and any CM Settlement Services Provider (as applicable) in accordance with Section C11 relating to the provision of data provided that any failure to enter into such an agreement must not prevent BSCCo from complying with any EMR Legal Requirement.


6.1 Submission of Transparency Regulation Data and EBGL Local Data to the ENTSO-E

6.1.1 As soon as reasonably possible following receipt by the BMRA of the data submitted by the NETSO under Section Q6.1B.1, the BMRA shall submit that data to the ENTSO-E.

6.1.2 The BMRA shall submit any Transparency Regulation Data and EBGL Local Data that is already held by the BMRA to ENTSO-E in accordance with any requirements specified in the Transparency Regulation and any procedures specified by the ENTSO-E (including timeframes for submission of data and the format of data). For the purpose of this paragraph 6.1.2, any timeframes for submission of data to ENTSO-E are target times, which the BMRA is expected to meet unless exceptional circumstances prevent it from doing so.


7.1 Submission of Settlement Exchange Rates to BMRS

7.1.1 BSCCo shall appoint, and may from time to time reappoint or replace, a service provider approved by the Panel to provide daily exchange rate data to the BMRA (the "Financial Service Provider").

7.1.2 As soon as reasonably possible following receipt of exchange rate data from the Financial Service Provider by the BMRA, the BMRA shall publish the Settlement Exchange Rate on the BMRS.

7.1.3 Where, having made reasonable efforts to obtain it, Settlement Exchange Rate data is not provided to the BMRA for inclusion on the BMRS specified in the BMRS Data Catalogue the Settlement Exchange Rate will default to the value provided and/or determined for the previous Settlement Day.









Name of report



General Description

Interim Information Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party and Virtual Lead Party (where applicable) and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Interim Information Settlement Runs

Initial Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Initial Settlement Runs

Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Timetabled Reconciliation Settlement Runs

Final Reconciliation Settlement Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party or the NETSO, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from the Final Reconciliation Settlement Runs

Post-Final Settlement Report

Following a Post-Final Settlement Run

Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

For each Trading Party, Virtual Lead Party and the NETSO, a report providing Bid-Offer Data, Replacement Reserve Bid Data, Replacement Reserve Auction Result Data, Acceptance Data and Trading Charges relating to that Party, and volumes and prices for the whole system, from a Post-Final Settlement Run

SAA Performance Report

Each month


A report summarising actual against expected timing for various SAA reports


Name of report



General Description

Notification Report

End of each Settlement Day

Relevant Party

For each Contract Trading Party, a summary relating to that Contract Trading Party of Energy Contract Volumes and Metered Volume Reallocations in respect of accepted notifications for the given Settlement Day and indebtedness data once these notifications are taken into account

ECVAA Performance Report

Each month


A summary of ECVAA performance in respect of processing contract notification data received

Report of any rejections of ECVN

Promptly after a rejection

Relevant Party

A report relating to a Contract Trading Party of ECVNs rejected or refused or treated as rejected or refused

Report of any rejections of MVRN

Promptly after a rejection

Relevant Party

A report relating to a Contract Trading Party of MVRNs rejected or refused or treated as rejected or refused

Forward Notification Summary


Relevant Party

For each Contract Trading Party, a summary relating to that Contract Trading Party of notifications received, for a given number of Settlement Days following the Settlement Day on which the report is provided

Volume Nullification Notification Confirmation Report or VNNCR

Promptly after successful validation

Relevant Party

For each Contract Trading Party to whom the VNNR relates, a feedback to report either the acceptance or rejection of a VNNR

Acceptance Feedback Report for valid ECVNs

Promptly after successful validation

Parties, ECVNA

For each Contract Trading Party, a positive feedback to report the acceptance of those ECVNs where the effective date of the ECVN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead

Acceptance Feedback Report for valid MVRNs

Promptly after successful validation

Parties, MVRNA

For each Contract Trading Party, a positive feedback to report the acceptance of those MVRNs where the effective date of the MVRN is no greater than 72 Settlement Periods ahead


Name of report



General Description

Registration Report

As necessary

Relevant Party

For each Party, a report providing any new or changed registration data relating to that Party

Operations Registration Report




A listing of all registered BM Units and of Trading Units and Interconnectors


Name of Report



General Description

CDCA Performance Report

Daily, monthly, quarterly and by exception


A breakdown of actual activities, relative to that expected

Raw Metered Volume Data Report


Relevant Party


Relevant Distribution System Operator

A report relating to the Registrant, containing raw metered data from each meter and the status of this data

Estimated Data Report

As required or monthly

Relevant Party


Relevant Distribution System Operator

A report relating to the Registrant, containing all estimate notifications issued by CDCA in a given period, the estimation method used and whether the estimation was agreed

Exception Report for Missing (Invalid) Data


Relevant Party

Relevant Meter Operator Agent

A report relating to the Registrant, listing any notifications of data deemed to be invalid or not available for collection

MAR Reconciliation Report

Every 3 months per metering system

Relevant Party

Relevant Meter Operator Agent

A report relating to the Registrant detailing the actual difference calculated for each active energy meter or associated outstation register

Aggregated Data Report


Relevant Party

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

A report relating to the Registrant containing Metered Volumes for each BM Unit, Interconnector or GSP Group

Meter Period Data Report


Relevant Distribution System Operator

Any Party (on request)

Any person (on request)

A report containing all Metered Volumes for all Distribution Systems Connection Points

Report of Aggregation Rules

On request

Relevant Party

A report of the Aggregation Rules for each of the relevant types of Volume Allocation Unit relating to that Registrant

Total Gross Demand per GSP


Any Party (on request)


Any person (on request)

A report of the aggregated meter flows for each Grid Supply Point in each GSP Group per Settlement Period


Name of report



General Description

Statements to Parties


Relevant Party

For each Trading Party and the NETSO, a breakdown per Settlement Day of initial and reconciliation amounts payable by that Party as detailed in Advice Notes, including interest and tax


Category of Data



General Description

Supplier Consumption Information


Relevant Party

Supplier consumption data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day aggregated by Supplier BM Unit and/or Supplier and GSP Group for each such Supplier

Where appropriate, such data is by Consumption Component Class

Supplier Quarterly Volume Report



Report containing Supplier volume data (adjusted for distribution losses and GSP Group Correction) summed over a calendar quarter and the related number of Metering Systems averaged over a calendar quarter, grouped by Supplier Volume Reporting Group

GSP Group Consumption Information


All Suppliers

Any person (on request)

GSP Group consumption data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day in respect of each GSP Group

Where appropriate, such data is by Consumption Component Class

GSP Group Market Matrix Report


Any person (on request)

GSP Group annualised consumption data (the sum across all Suppliers) by Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration, Line Loss Factor Class, Distributor and Time Pattern Regime.

GSP Group Profile Information


All Suppliers

Profile information in respect of each Settlement Day

DUoS Report


Relevant Distribution System Operators

Relevant Party

Various reports containing:

  • Profiled Supplier Purchase Matrix data per Settlement Period and Settlement Day by Line Loss Factor Class, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration, Time Pattern Regime, Supplier and GSP Group; and

  • Supplier consumption data per Settlement Period and Settlement Day by Line Loss Factor Class, Supplier and GSP Group for Metering Systems associated with Measurement Classes F and G. For reporting purposes, this data will be associated with Profile Class and Standard Settlement Configuration specified by the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator in accordance with BSCP507 for each Line Loss Factor Class.

Report containing GSP Group Correction Factor and GSP Group Scaling Weight are provided

TUoS Report



Various reports containing GSP Group Take, Supplier Deemed Take by Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day in respect of each GSP Group and Supplier, and half hourly and non-half hourly consumption and half hourly Import and Export data as at the Transmission System Boundary by Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day in respect of each Supplier BM Unit and Measurement Class.

Profile Data Report

When requested (the data provided relates to the BSC Year preceding that in which the request is made)

Any person (on request)

Report containing profile coefficients per Settlement Period and Settlement Day, by GSP Group, Profile Class and combination of Standard Settlement Configuration and Time Pattern Regime

Note: for requests made during the BSC Year ending 31 March 2002, the data will include equivalent data under the Pooling and Settlement Agreement for the period 1 April 2000 to the day before the Go-live Date.

Market Domain Data

All Suppliers: upon registration with the participation capacity of a Supplier; and thereafter whenever updated.

Any Party or any person (on request): When requested; and thereafter whenever updated.

All Suppliers

Any Party (on request)

Excluding Profiling Regression data: any person (on request)

A report containing those data items (or changes to those items) which relate to Supplier Volume Allocation, which is distributed by the SVAA in accordance with BSCP509.

Supplier Metering System Delivered Volume Report


Relevant Supplier

Report containing:

  1. MSID Replacement Reserve delivered volume data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day, where appropriate, in accordance with the Supplier Disclosure Flag status recorded on the SVA Metering System Register; and

  2. MSID ABSVD (Non Losses) and MSID ABSVD (Losses) relating to that Supplier, but excluding any Metering Systems for which the data submitted by the NETSO in accordance with paragraph Q6.4.7 indicates that MSID ABSVD should not be reported to the Supplier.

Virtual Lead Party Metered Consumption Report


Relevant Party

MSID consumption data per Settlement Period and/or Settlement Day, where appropriate, in accordance with the SVA Metering System Register.




Name of Report(s) / Category of Data



General Description

Load Flow Model power flows


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the power flows which the LFM Specification provides for and upon which the Load Flow Model is established as described in paragraph 2.2 of Annex T-2.

Transmission Network Data


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the Transmission Network Data determined by the NETSO in accordance with, and in the format specified in, paragraph 5 of Annex T-2.

HVDC Boundary Data


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the HVDC Boundary Data determined by the NETSO in accordance with, and in the format specified in, paragraph 5 of Annex T-2.

Distribution Network Data


Any Party (on request)

Reports containing the Distribution Network Data for each Distribution System determined by the relevant Distribution System Operator in accordance with, and in the format specified in, paragraph 6 of Annex T-2.

Metered Volumes


Any Party (on request)

A report containing the Metered Volume data provided to BSCCo in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Annex T-2.

Nodal TLFs


Any Party (on request)

For each Node, a report providing Nodal TLFs as determined by the TLFA in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Annex T-2.

Nodal power flows


Any Party (on request)

A report providing Nodal power flows as determined by the TLFA in accordance with paragraph 8.2 of Annex T-2.



1. In this table terms shall have the meanings given to them in Section K1.7.

2. Previous, current and year ahead data shall be in respect of a BSC Year.

3. In respect of year ahead data publication shall only occur when that data is available.

4. Column 1 (data) specifies the data to be published and the day, week or other period to which the data relates.


Line Loss Factors in respect of SVA Metering Systems (or classes of SVA Metering System) or where applicable the default values established pursuant to Section K1.7 together with a summarised version.

Previous, current and year ahead.