BSCP602: SVA Metering System Balancing Services Register V3.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

Balancing and Settlement Code

BSC Procedure



Version 3.0

Date: 1 April 2021

BSCP602 relating to the SVA Metering System Register

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code and, in particular, to the definition of “BSC Procedure” in Section X, Annex X-1 thereof.

2. This is BSC Procedure 602, Version 3.0 relating to the SVA Metering System Register.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from1 April 2021.

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the BSC Panel or its relevant delegated Panel Committee(s).

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

Amendment Record



Description of Change

Changes Included

Mods/Panel/Committee Refs.


28 Feb 2019

February 2019 Release


Panel 284C/01


01 Apr 2020

April 2020 Release

P354, P388

Panel 276/04


01 April 2021

April 2021 Release


Panel 312/08

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Procedure

The purpose of this Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure (BSCP) is to set out the processes for MSID Pair allocation and for supporting the calculation of network charges.

1.1.1 MSID Pair allocation

This BSCP sets out the processes that Suppliers, Virtual Lead Parties (VLPs) and the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO) should follow when submitting MSID Pair allocation(s) and, where appropriate, MSID Pair Delivered Volumes to the SVAA.

A MSID Pair allocation is the notification from the Lead Party (i.e. Supplier or VLP) or the NETSO of MSID Pairs that may be used for the purposes of providing Balancing Services1. Where the MSID Pair allocation is notified by a Lead Party, all MSID Pairs must be notified as part of a BM Unit; however, where the MSID Pair allocation is notified by the NETSO, no association with a BM Unit will be required.

An ‘MSID Pair’ means one SVA HH Import Metering System and, where applicable, one SVA HH Export Metering System situated at a single Boundary Point. To clarify, an MSID Pair must contain an SVA HH Import Metering System but does not always have to contain a SVA HH Export Metering System.

This BSC Procedure focuses on the interfaces between Lead Parties or the NETSO and the SVAA seen from the perspective of the Lead Party or the NETSO.

The purpose of this procedure is:

    • to ensure maintenance of an accurate, up-to-date SVA Metering System Register;

    • to ensure the correct working of the SVAA internal processing for use in validating submissions of MSID Pair Allocations to the SVA Metering System Register;

    • to ensure MSID Pair Delivered Volumes are determined in good faith, in accordance with Good Industry Practice and notified in a timely manner; and

    • to ensure the correct working of the SVAA internal processing for use in validating MSID Pair Delivered Volumes.

1.1.2 Supporting the calculation of network charges

The SVAA must regularly produce and send the P0210 ‘TUoS Report’ to the NETSO. The TUoS Report contains details about Supplier BM Units’ net and gross metered volumes (taking account of Imports to SVA Storage Facilities), which NETSO uses in the calculation of TNUoS and BSUoS charges.

The SVAA generates the TUoS Report in accordance with the Settlement Timetable so that it includes calculated and recalculated metered volumes for each Settlement Day for each Volume Allocation Run.

In addition to overall net and gross metered volumes, the SVAA is responsible for receiving Imports to and Exports from declared SVA Storage Facilities and reporting aggregated Import metered volumes to NETSO in the TUoS Report. To do this, the SVAA must validate (and keep under review) declarations made by Suppliers (on behalf of their customers, SVA Storage Facility Operators) and maintain a record of these SVA Storage Facilities. Also, the SVAA must instruct HHDAs to report metered data for specific SVA Storage Facilities, aggregate and report this metered data to the NETSO, and support BSCCo in its periodic review of declared facilities, the volumes reported and the operation of the processes.

This BSCP sets out the processes followed by the SVAA, SVA Storage Facility Operators, Suppliers, HHDAs and BSCCo to support the calculation of Network Charges.

Appendix 3.7.3 sets out the template that SVA Storage Facility Operators must complete, which Suppliers send to the SVAA, when declaring an SVA Storage Facility. Appendix 3.7.4 sets out the template that SVA Storage Facility Operators must use if they wish to stop being an SVA Storage Facility Operator.

1.2 Main Users of the Procedure

This BSC Procedure should be used by:

    • Suppliers

    • VLPs

    • The NETSO

    • SVAA

    • SVA Storage Facility Operators

The systems and processes used by Suppliers, VLPs, the NETSO, the SVAA and SVA Storage Facility Operators must comply with all other applicable requirements set out in the Code, PSL100 and BSCP537.

1.3 Use of Procedure

The remaining sections in this document are:

    • Section 2 – Interface and Timetable Information: this section defines the step by step processes for the SVA Metering System Register.

    • Section 3 – Appendices: this section contains supporting information.

1.4 Balancing and Settlement Code Provisions

This BSC Procedure has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC). In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSC Procedure and the BSC, the provisions of the BSC shall prevail.

1.5 Associated BSC Procedures

This BSC Procedure interfaces with:


Half Hourly Data Aggregation for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS


Supplier Volume Allocation Standing Data Changes


Supplier Volume Allocation Agent


Qualification Process for SVA Parties, SVA Party Agents and CVA MOAs

1.6 Acronyms and Definitions

Any capitalised term that is not defined in this BSCP shall have the same meaning given to it as in the Code.

The acronyms used in this BSC Procedure are defined as follows:




Balancing Mechanism


Balancing and Settlement Code (the “Code”)


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure


Balancing Service Provider


Balancing Services Use of System


Central Registration Agent


Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service


Effective From Settlement Date


Effective To Settlement Date


Half Hourly Data Aggregator




Metering System Identifier




Supplier Volume Allocation


Supplier Volume Allocation Agent


Transmission Network Use of System


Transmission Use of System


Volume Allocation Run


Working Day

2. Interface and Timetable Information

2.1 MSID Pair Allocation Notification

Where a VLP has registered a Secondary BM Unit, or a Supplier intends to use an Additional Primary BM Unit, for the purposes of providing Balancing Services2, the BM Unit must be specified in terms of the component MSID Pairs. Where the NETSO has contracts with non BM Applicable Balancing Services Providers, it must specify the MSID Pairs that may be used to provide those non BM Applicable Balancing Services.









At least 5 WD before the EFSD of the MSID Pair

Send the MSID Pair Allocation

Lead Party,



P0278 – MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.


As required upon receiving additional information

Send an amended MSID Pair Allocation3

Lead Party,



P0278 – MSID Pair Allocation

Appendix 3.2 – Amendments to MSID Pair Allocations

Self-Service Gateway, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 2.1.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.1.2

Log and validate MSID Pair Allocation in accordance with Appendix 3.1 – MSID Pair Allocation File Validation


Appendix 3.1 – MSID Pair Allocation File Validation

Internal Process


Within 1 WD of 2.1.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.1.2

If the file cannot be processed send notification.


Lead Party, NETSO

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

Return to 2.1.1 if Lead Party wishes to provide revised notification.


Within 1 WD of 2.1.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.1.2

If MSID Pair Allocation is invalid, the SVAA shall send notification of the rejection to the Lead Party or the NETSO


Lead Party, NETSO

P0280 – Rejection of MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.

Return to 2.1.1 if Lead Party or the NETSO wishes to provide revised notification.


Within 1 WD of 2.1.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.1.2

If MSID Pair Allocation is valid, the SVAA shall store the MSID Pair in the SVA Metering System Register and send confirmation of acceptance


Lead Party, NETSO

P0279 – Confirmation of MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.


Immediately following 2.1.6

Where an MSID Pair is allocated to a Lead Party and to the NETSO at the same time the SVAA shall notify the NETSO of the dual allocation immediately.

Note that this is allowed, and so the Lead Party will not lose the MSID Pair.



Import MSID and related Secondary BM Unit Id.

Email or other method, as agreed.


If the MSID Pair was already allocated to a different Lead Party, the SVAA shall transfer the MSID Pair allocation from that Lead Party (the ‘Losing Lead Party’) to the new Lead Party (the ‘Gaining Lead Party’) in the SVA Metering System Register.


Internal process


Within 1 WD of 2.1.8

Upon allocation to the Gaining Lead Party the SVAA shall send a Loss of MSID Pair Allocation notification to the Losing Lead Party


Losing Lead Party

P0281 – Loss of MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.

If the Losing Lead Party disagrees with the Loss of MSID Pair Allocation they may initiate the Disputed MSID Pair Allocation Process (go to Section 2.3.1).

2.2A MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification by Virtual Lead Parties

For each Settlement Day where a VLP has provided Balancing Services4, using a Secondary BM Unit, the VLP must notify the SVAA the MSID Pair Delivered Volume, for each MSID Pair allocated to that Secondary BM Unit, for each Settlement Period within that Settlement Day.









Within 1 WD of the provision of a Balancing Service

Submit the MSID Pair Delivered Volume for each MSID Pair used to delivered a Balancing Service



P0282 – MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


As required5

Re-submit MSID Pair Delivered Volume



P0282 – MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 2.2A.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2A.2

Log and validate MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Appendix 3.5 – MSID Pair Delivered Volume File Validation

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 2.2A.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2A.2

If the file cannot be processed send notification.



Negative Acknowledgement

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

Return to 2.2A.1 if VLP wishes to provide revised MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Within 1 WD of 2.2A.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2A.2

If MSID Pair Delivered Volume fails validation send rejection.



P0283 – Rejection of MSID Pair Delivered Volume

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

Return to 2.2A.1 if VLP wishes to provide revised MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Within 1 WD of 2.2A.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2A.2

If MSID Pair Delivered Volume passes validation send confirmation.



P0284 – Confirmation of MSID Pair Delivered Volume

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


As late as possible to meet the relevant VAR for the SD (to ensure most recent data from VLP) to meet the SVAA Calendar.

Perform checks in accordance with Appendix 3.6 and send exception reports



Appendix 3.6 – MSID Pair Delivered Volume Allocation

P0285 –MSID Pair Delivered Volume Exception Report

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

2.2B MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification by the NETSO

For each Settlement Day, the NETSO shall notify to the SVAA the MSID Pair Delivered Volume for each MSID Pair that has been used to provide non BM Applicable Balancing Services for each Settlement Period within that Settlement Day.









Within 45 WD of the provision of a non BM Applicable Balancing Service to the NETSO

Submit the ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume for each MSID Pair used to deliver the Balancing Service



P0292 – ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


As required6

Re-submit ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume



P0292 – ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 2.2B.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2B.2

Log and validate ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Appendix 3.5 – ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume File Validation

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 2.2B.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2B.2

If the file cannot be processed send notification.



Negative Acknowledgement

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

Return to 2.2B.1 if the NETSO wishes to provide revised ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Within 1 WD of 2.2B.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2B.2

If ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume fails validation send rejection.



P0293 – Rejection of ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

Return to 2.2B.1 if the NETSO wishes to provide revised MSID Pair Delivered Volume


Within 1 WD of 2.2B.1

or where appropriate within 1 WD of 2.2.2

If ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume passes validation send confirmation.



P0294 – Confirmation of ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


As late as possible to meet the relevant VAR for the SD (to ensure most recent data from the NETSO) to meet the SVAA Calendar.

Perform calculations in accordance with Appendix 3.6 and, where it has not been possible to allocate an ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume to the MSIDs in that MSID Pair, send an exception report to the NETSO



Appendix 3.6 – ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume Allocation

P0295 – ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume Exception Report

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

2.3 Disputed MSID Pair Allocation Resolution

Where a Lead Party has received a Loss of MSID Pair Allocation notification, and, after discussion with the customer, they believe it to be an erroneous reallocation, they may initiate the Disputed MSID Pair Allocation Procedure.

Note the Disputed MSID Pair Allocation process is anonymised and so the ‘From’ and ‘To’ columns are indicative only.









Within 5 WD of receipt of a Loss of MSID Pair Allocation notification in 2.1.8

Initiate the Disputed MSID Pair Allocation Resolution Process in accordance with Section 3.3 of this document.

Losing Lead Party

Gaining Lead Party

P0286 – Disputed MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.


Within 5 WD of 2.3.1

Respond to Disputed MSID Pair Allocation notification

Gaining Lead Party

Losing Lead Party

P0286 – Disputed MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.


Once the initial request has been made one of the following options shall be taken

  1. The Gaining Lead Party agrees that the MSID Pair is to be allocated to the Losing Lead Party;


  1. After appropriate investigation e.g. checking a valid contract is in place, the Gaining Lead Party disagrees with the Losing Lead Party

Internal Process


Same day as 2.3.3

If both parties agree to the resolution of the erroneous MSID Pair Allocation go to 2.3.6


Following 2.3.3

If the Gaining Lead Party does not agree with the resolution in 2.3.3 and the Losing Lead Party wishes to re-raise the dispute, go to 2.3.1.

See Appendix 3.3.6 for guidance.


Within 1 WD of 2.3.4

Send a revised MSID Pair Allocation with agreed EFSD and ETSD

Gaining Lead Party


P0278 – MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 2.3.4

Send new MSID Pair Allocation with agreed EFSD and ETSD

Losing Lead Party


P0278 – MSID Pair Allocation

Self-Service Gateway or other method, as agreed.

2.4 SVA Storage Facilities – initial declaration of an SVA Storage Facility7 (and, where necessary, an SVA Storage Facility Operator8)









As soon as an SVA Storage Facility Operator identifies that it would like to declare a facility

Complete and send a Declaration Document

Declaration Documents must be signed by an SVA Storage Facility Operator’s director registered with Companies House.

SVA Storage Facility Operator


Director-signed Declaration Document (Part B-D) – see Appendix and Appendix 3.7.3.

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 5WD of 2.4.1

Send SVA Storage Facility Operator’s Declaration Document to the SVAA



Director-signed Declaration Document (Part A-D).



Within 2WD of 2.4.2;


if the SVAA determines that a Declaration is one of a set9 then within 5WD of 2.4.2.

Check that each Declaration Document is complete and valid. The SVAA may liaise with the Supplier that submitted the declaration to seek additional information, corrections or a resubmission of the declaration.

The SVAA must register (or update) details of each SVA Storage Facility declared to it, irrespective of whether successfully validated.


Internal process


Within 1WD of 2.4.3

Notify the Supplier of the outcome of 2.4.3.



The SVAA must inform the relevant Supplier(s) whether the Declaration for an SVA Storage Facility identified in a Declaration Document was successfully validated or not.

Where the SVAA decides a Declaration is invalid or incomplete it must provide a short explanation to the Supplier(s).

Email or, where agreed, by other electronic means


Following receipt of 2.4.4

Suppliers should send details of whether a Declaration(s) was successful or not for each declared SVA Storage Facility sent per 2.4.2.


SVA Storage Facility Operator

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 1WD of 2.4.3

Where an SVA Storage Facility is successfully declared, determine whether for each of the facility’s MSIDs to instruct HHDA to begin reporting metered data to the SVAA10.

If instruction required, follow BSCP503 Section 3.7.



D0354 - Metering System Reporting Notification11

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.

2.5 SVA Storage Facilities – voluntary withdrawal of an SVA Storage Facility’s declaration12









As soon as an SVA Storage Facility Operator identifies that it must send notice that a declaration must end

Complete and send a Declaration Document to Supplier(s)

Declaration Documents must be signed by a Storage Facility Operator’s director registered with Companies House.

SVA Storage Facility Operator


Director-signed Declaration Document (Part B-D) – see Appendix and Appendix 3.7.3.

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 5WD of 2.5.1

Send SVA Storage Facility Operator’s Declaration Document to the SVAA



Director-signed Declaration Document (Part A-D).



Within 2WD of 2.5.2.

Check that each director-signed Declaration Document is complete and valid. The SVAA may liaise with the Supplier that submitted the Declaration Document to seek additional information, corrections or a resubmission of the declaration.

The SVAA must update the details of each SVA Storage Facility identified to it to cease being a valid declared facility.


Internal process


Within 1WD of 2.5.3

Notify the Supplier(s) of the outcome of 2.5.3.



Where the Declaration Document is successfully validated, the SVAA must inform the Supplier(s) that it has updated the registration details for the SVA Storage Facility.

Otherwise, where a Declaration Document fails validation, the SVAA must provide a short explanation to the Supplier.

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.


Following receipt of 2.5.4

Notify the SVA Storage Facility Operator of the outcome of 2.5.3 and whether the SVAA has updated its records


SVA Storage Facility Operator

Confirmation (or otherwise) that SVA Storage Facility’s Declaration has been updated as having/expected to cease/d.

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 1WD of 2.5.3

Where a Declaration for an SVA Storage Facility has ended or is due to end, determine whether, for each of the facility’s MSIDs, to instruct HHDA to cease reporting metered data to the SVAA13.

If instruction required, follow BSCP503 Section 3.8.



D0354– Metering System Reporting Notification14

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.

2.6 SVA Storage Facilities – enforced withdrawal of an SVA Storage Facility’s declaration15









Where the SVAA identifies a need to end a declaration or is instructed by the BSC Panel (via BSCCo) to end a declaration.

Update the details of each SVA Storage Facility identified by or to it16 to cease being a valid declared facility.


Internal SVAA process


Within 1WD of 2.6.1

Notify the Supplier(s) of the action taken.



The SVAA must provide a short explanation to the Supplier(s).

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.


Following receipt of 2.6.2

Notify the SVA Storage Facility Operator of the outcome of 2.6.2


SVA Storage Facility Operator

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 1WD of 2.6.1

Where a Declaration for an SVA Storage Facility has ended or is due to end, determine whether, for each of the facility’s MSIDs, to instruct HHDA to cease reporting metered data to the SVAA17.

If instruction required, follow BSCP503 3.8.



D0354 – Metering System Reporting Notification18

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.

2.7 SVA Storage Facilities – withdrawal of an SVA Storage Operator19









As soon as an SVA Storage Facility Operator identifies that it must or would like to cease to be an SVA Storage Operator

Send a SVA Storage Operator Withdrawal letter to the SVAA

SVA Storage Facility Operator


Director-signed Operator Withdrawal letter – see Appendix and Appendix 3.7.4.



Within 2WD of 2.7.1

Check that each SVA Storage Operator Withdrawal letter is complete and valid.


Internal process


Where SVA Storage Facility Operator Withdrawal Letter successfully validated per 2.7.2


Where Panel instructs the SVAA


Where BSCCo confirms that an SVA Storage Facility Operator is no longer

Update the details of the SVA Storage Facility Operator and end-date each related SVA Storage Facility related to the SVA Storage Facility Operator.


Internal process


Within 1WD of 2.7.2

Where the SVA Storage Facility Operator Withdrawal is successfully validated, notify the SVA Storage Facility Operator and all related Suppliers of the outcome of 2.7.2, and follows the steps in 2.6 to ensure all related SVA Storage Facilities are end-dated.

Where the SVA Storage Facility Operator Withdrawal letter fails validation, notify the SVA Storage Facility Operator of the outcome of 2.7.2


SVA Storage Facility Operator, Supplier(s)

Where the SVA Storage Facility Operator Withdrawal Letter is successfully validated, the SVAA must inform the SVA Storage Facility Operator and the Supplier(s) that it has updated the registration details for the SVA Storage Facility Operator and SVA Storage Facility(ies).

Otherwise, where a Withdrawal Letter fails validation, the SVAA must provide a short explanation to the SVA Storage Facility Operator only.

Email or, where agreed, by other electronic means

2.8 SVA Storage Facilities – update following Change Of Supplier, Change of Agent or change of the Metering Systems registered for the Storage Facility20

A Change of Supplier (CoS) or Change of Metering System (CoM) event would invalidate the SVA Storage Facility’s declaration without an update. Furthermore, a CoS or CoM requires the SVA Storage Facility Operator to resubmit a Declaration Document for each Supplier and all Metering Systems related to the SVA Storage Facility.









As soon as an SVA Storage Facility Operator identifies that it must update an existing declaration

Complete and send a Declaration Document to its Supplier(s)

SVA Storage Facility Operator


Director-signed Declaration Document (Part B-D) – see Appendix and Appendix 3.7.3.

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 5WD of 2.8.1

Send SVA Storage Facility Operator’s director-signed Declaration Document to the SVAA



Director-signed Declaration Document (Part A-D).



Within 2WD of 2.8.2;


if the SVAA determines that a Declaration is one of a set21 then within 5WD of 2.8.2.

Check that each director-signed Declaration Document is complete and valid. The SVAA may liaise with the Supplier that submitted the declaration to seek additional information, corrections or a resubmission of the declaration.

Where successfully validated, the SVAA must update the details of each SVA Storage Facility.


Internal process


Within 1WD of 2.8.3

Notify the Supplier of the outcome of 2.8.3.



Where the Declaration Document is successfully validated, the SVAA must inform the Supplier(s) that it has updated the registration details for the SVA Storage Facility.

Otherwise, where a Declaration Letter fails validation, the SVAA must provide a short explanation to the Supplier.

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.


Following receipt of 2.8.4

Supplier(s) should notify the SVA Storage Facility Operator of the outcome of 2.8.3 and so whether the SVAA has updated its records


SVA Storage Facility Operator

Confirmation (or otherwise) that SVA Storage Facility’s Declaration has been updated as having/expected to cease/d.

Agreed between SVA Storage Facility Operator and Supplier


Within 1WD of 2.8.3

Where a Declaration for an SVA Storage Facility has ended or is due to end, determine whether, for each of the facility’s MSIDs, to instruct HHDA to cease reporting metered data to the SVAA22.

If instruction required, follow BSCP503 3.8.



D0354 - Metering System Reporting Notification23

Electronic, or other method, as agreed.

3 Appendices

3.1 MSID Pair Allocation File Validation

The SVAA will validate the MSID Pair Allocation data it receives prior to recording that data on the SVA Metering System Register, as follows:

Validate Stage 1 – Schema Validation

The SVAA will validate the MSID Pair Allocation data from Suppliers / VLPs or the NETSO. The incoming data will be validated to ensure:

    • Physical integrity; and

    • That the data file contains all mandatory data items in the required formats in accordance with the SVA Data Catalogue

Validate Stage 2 – Business Logic Validation

The SVAA will validate the MSID Pair Allocation in accordance with the requirements in Section S. The MSID Pair Allocation will be validated to ensure that:

    • it is from a valid Lead Party (i.e. a qualified Supplier or VLP) or the NETSO

    • the BM Unit to be allocated is a valid BM Unit24

    • the Lead Party sending the notification is the Lead Party of the specified BM Unit to have a MSID Pair allocated

    • a MSID may not be allocated to more than one MSID Pair at any given time

    • each MSID within the MSID Pair is located within the same GSP group associated with the BM Unit24 to which they are to be allocated to; and

    • the EFSD of the MSID Pair Allocation is at least 5 working Days ahead of the date of receipt of the MSID Pair *

* Note that retrospective amendments are allowed and are detailed in Appendix 3.2

Validate Stage 3 – Data Validation

The SVAA will further validate MSID Pair Notifications to be allocated to Secondary BM Units24 against reference data held by the relevant SMRS and published on the Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES). This validation will ensure that:

    • each MSID is registered in the ECOES Database;

    • each MSID is a HH Metering System;

    • each MSID notified by a Lead Party is allocated to a Secondary BM Unit;

    • each MSID IS not disconnected; and

    • the GSP Group for each MSID has been recorded correctly.

3.2 Amendments to MSID Pair Allocation

Where a Lead Party or the NETSO wishes to retrospectively correct a MSID Pair Allocation error and, where correction of the identified error ensures that the future accuracy of Settlement, the SVAA shall facilitate such amendments for Settlement Days prior to having undergone the R1 VAR Run.

To clarify, only existing MSID Pair Allocations qualify for a Retrospective MSID Pair Allocation error correction.

The obligation remains with the Lead Party or the NETSO to ensure, wherever possible, that accurate data is submitted to the SVA Metering System Register for use in Settlement.

3.3 Disputed MSID Pair Allocation Resolution

Where a Lead Party has received a Loss of MSID Pair Allocation notification (a ‘Losing Lead Party’ and after discussion with the customer they believe it to be an erroneous notification, they may initiate the Disputed Allocation Procedure.

Once the initial request has been made one of the following options shall be taken:

Where the Gaining Lead Party agrees with the Losing Lead Party:

Where Lead Parties are not in agreement:

Where the Gaining Lead Party has received three transfer requests for the same MSID from the same Losing Lead Party and all requests are believed to be validly rejected, and prior to sending the third rejection:

3.4 MSID Pair Delivered Volume Notification

To ensure that MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volumes are determined in good faith and in accordance with Good Industry Practice, VLPs and the NETSO must be able to provide upon request:

3.5 MSID Pair Delivered Volume File Validation

The SVAA will validate the MSID Pair Delivered Volume data it receives prior to allocating those volumes to the constitute MSIDs of the MSID Pair as follows:

Validate Stage 1 – Schema Validation

The SVAA will validate the aggregated MSID Pair Delivered Volume data from VLPs. The incoming data will be validated to ensure:

    • Physical integrity

    • That the data file contains all mandatory data items in the required formats in accordance with the SVA Data Catalogue

Validate Stage 2 – Business Logic Validation

The SVAA will validate the MSID Pair Delivered Volume or ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume in accordance with the requirements in Section S. The incoming data will be validated to ensure that:

    • it is from a valid Lead Party (i.e. a qualified Supplier or VLP) or the NETSO

    • the BM Unit specified is a valid BM Unit24

    • the sender of the notification is the Lead Party of the specified BM Unit for the relevant MSID Pair or the NETSO

    • the MSID Pair Delivered Volume or ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume is for a valid MSID Pair in the SVA Metering System Register.

3.6 Allocation of MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volumes

The SVAA will use the disaggregated kWh MSID metered data provided by HHDAs (in accordance with BSCP503) to allocate the MSID Pair Delivered Volume25 to the component MSIDs in that MSID Pair for each Settlement Period, creating the Metering System Delivered Volume (QVMDKj).

The steps of this process are as follows:

3.7 SVA Storage Facilities

3.7.1 Submission and validation of SVA Storage Facility Declarations

In order for the SVAA to collect, aggregate, and report an SVA Storage Facility’s Imports to the NETSO, the SVA Storage Facility Operator (via their Supplier(s)) must submit and from time to time resubmit a valid director-signed Declaration Document to the SVAA.

Appendix 3.7.3 provides a Declaration Document form (F602/01). The Declaration Document form comprises four parts:

Completed by the Supplier:

    • Part A - provide details about the Supplier and the Authorised Person submitting the entire Declaration Document to the SVAA on behalf of the SVA Storage Facility Operator – the Supplier is responsible for filling out Part A but is responsible for submitting the entire Declaration Document, comprising Part A-D;

Completed by the SVA Storage Facility Operator:

    • Part B – is a declaration letter containing a standard text with elements in square brackets which must be filled in or deleted as appropriate by the SVA Storage Facility Operator depending on the circumstance. The final letter must be signed by one of the SVA Storage Facility Operator’s registered directors;

    • Part C and Part D – provide templates for providing necessary details about a SVA Storage Facility, the SVA Storage Facility Operator and the related Metering Systems.

    • Where the SVA Storage Facility Operator wishes to provide details for more than one SVA Storage Facility in a Declaration Document, it may complete multiple copies of Part C, i.e. for each SVA Storage Facility being declared. No matter how many Part Cs are provided, please list all MSID details in Part D.

Each copy of Part C and D in a single Declaration Document contain details specific to the Supplier submitting the Declaration Document. A separate Declaration Document(s) is produced for Metering Systems registered by other Supplier(s) at the same SVA Storage Facility.

Collectively a single Part A, B, C and D constitute a single declaration. Where multiple Part Cs are provided in a single Declaration Document, there are as many Declarations as there are Part Cs in the Declaration Document.

Should an SVA Storage Facility Operator need to declare, update or withdraw a declaration for an SVA Storage Facility it must use the Declaration Document form (F602/01) provided in Appendix 3.7.3. Additional guidance is provided below in, and

SVA Storage Facility Operators and Suppliers should endeavour to submit Declaration Documents before the date they are to take effect from. It is possible for a Declaration Document to have retroactive effect, i.e. a Declaration Set EFD that is earlier than the date it is submitted, so long as the Declaration Set EFD is less than 12 months earlier than the Declaration Document’s submission date. This is both to ensure that Metered Data can be collected, and before reaching the Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run (RF).

A Declaration Set refers to a single Declaration or several Declarations prepared by an SVA Storage Facility Operator at a particular point in time which collectively provide details for the first time or update details in respect of a single SVA Storage Facility. That is, the SVA Storage Facility may be the subject of Metering Systems registered by more than one Supplier, so the SVA Storage Facility Operator must prepare Declaration Documents for each Supplier to submit.

In accordance with Section 2.4, upon receipt of a Declaration Document, the SVAA will validate the declaration(s) by checking that the SVA Storage Facility Operator has completed the Declaration Document in full, that its contents are (as far as the SVAA is able to determine) accurate and where appropriate that it has received Declaration Documents from all related Suppliers for a/the Storage Facility/ies declared. The SVAA will register details of valid SVA Storage Facilities and keep records of all Declaration Documents sent to it (whether valid or not). The SVAA will confirm to each Supplier that submits a Declaration Document whether the SVA Storage Facilities therein were successfully validated or not, and if not, why not. The SVAA may liaise with the Supplier to clarify or seek further information before deciding whether an SVA Storage Facility’s declaration is accepted or rejected.

The SVAA will publish and maintain on the BSC Website a list of all valid SVA Storage Facilities. The list will show the SVA Storage Facility name and the GSP Group it is located in.

The following subsections provide guidance for declaring an SVA Storage Facility, updating a declaration and withdrawing a declaration.

The following subsections also summarise how an SVA Storage Facility’s declaration may be withdrawn as a consequence of an assurance technique performed by the Panel, BSCCo and/or the SVAA, and how an SVA Storage Facility Operator may withdraw from the BSC arrangements.

In all cases Declaration Documents and Operator Withdrawal letters must be submitted by email using forms F602/01 or F602/02. Declaring an SVA Storage Facility

This subsection describes how to declare an SVA Storage Facility for the first time or when declaring an SVA Storage Facility after it having been withdrawn at some point.

The SVA Storage Facility Operator must complete a Declaration Document(s) using the template in Appendix 3.7.3.

The SVA Storage Facility Operator may include details for more than one Storage Facility in a single Declaration Document, so long as each Storage Facility uses a distinct Storage Facility Name and all of the Metering Systems listed in the Declaration Document are registered by the same Supplier.

Where the Metering Systems at a Storage Facility are registered by more than one Supplier, the SVA Storage Facility Operator must prepare a separate Declaration Document for each Supplier. Each Supplier must then submit the Declaration Document to the SVAA on the SVA Storage Facility Operator’s behalf. In such a scenario, please ensure that each separate Declaration Document uses the same unique Storage Facility Name.

The SVA Storage Facility Operator must ensure that an SVA Storage Facility is the subject of at least one Import and one Export SVA HH Metering System, which it identifies in the director-signed Declaration Document(s).

The Declaration ID should be left blank as this will be assigned by the SVAA where a Supplier is declaring a Facility for the first time. If redeclaring since the Facility’s declaration was withdrawn the Declaration ID should be left blank and SVAA will assign a new Declaration ID.

The Declaration Set ID and Declaration Set Effective From Date is specific to the Storage Facility being declared, is set by the SVA Storage Facility Operator and should be used consistently across all Declaration Documents related to the SVA Storage Facility being declared. The Declaration Set EFD(s) should be the same as the date on the cover letter.

The Declaration Type should be – ‘NEW’.

The Total Count of MSIDs should equal the total number of Metering Systems measuring Imports and Exports at the SVA Storage Facility on the date a Declaration is to take effect, irrespective of whether the Metering Systems are registered by different Suppliers.

Please ensure that SVA Storage Facility Operator details are consistent with those registered with Companies House and with Ofgem. Amending an existing Declaration

Where any of the details relating to a current Declaration change or circumstances or operation of a declared SVA Storage Facility change then the SVA Storage Facility Operator must amend that Declaration(s). In order to do this, the SVA Storage Facility Operator must use the Declaration Document template to create a new Declaration Document(s) that relist all details for the Declaration(s), not just those items to be updated.

The SVA Storage Facility Operator must send its Declaration Document(s) to its Supplier(s), which in turn submit them to the SVAA. Please note that where a Storage Facility is the subject of a Change of Supplier or Change of Metering System(s), even if the change affects a single Metering System or Supplier, the SVA Storage Facility Operator must resubmit Declaration Documents covering all Metering Systems and Suppliers related to the Storage Facility. Only where the SVA Storage Facility Operator is making a Change of Agent update can they submit a single Declaration Document for the Supplier whose Metering System(s) have updated Agent details.

In all cases when updating an existing Declaration the SVA Storage Facility Operator must:

    • use existing Declaration ID

    • use a new Declaration Set ID26

    • use a new Declaration Set EFD27 - i.e. the date on which the Declaration changes take effect. The Declaration Set EFD(s) should be the same as the date added to the letter in Part B.

    • use an appropriate Declaration Type – the SVA Storage Facility Operator must use a Declaration Type that best reflects the purpose of updating the Declaration(s), i.e. ‘CoS’ (change of supplier), ‘CoA’ (change of agent) or ‘CoM’ (change of Metering System details).

      • Where more than one type of update is being made for a SVA Storage Facility, each update should be submitted using a distinct Declaration set and Declaration Type. The exception to this is where a CoA takes effect as a consequence of a CoS, in which case simply use the CoS Declaration Type and include details of the CoS and CoA in the Declaration.

      • Where multiple Declarations are submitted at the same time for the same Storage Facility these should be submitted in chronological order of when updates take effect.

    • ensure the Total MSID Count must equal the number of all MSIDs at the Facility, on the date the Declaration takes effect, which are registered by the Supplier(s), taking account of any new or removed MSIDs.

Where CoS or CoM:

    • The SVA Storage Facility Operator must ensure Declaration Documents are submitted for all Suppliers and all Metering Systems related to the SVA Storage Facility.

Where CoM:

    • Where the SVA Storage Facility Operator updates an existing declaration by adding or removing a Metering System then the updated Metering System’s MSID EFD or ETD will reflect when the MSID was added or removed and all other unchanged MSIDs EFD/ETDs will be relisted as they were originally declared. Please note that the Declaration Set EFD for all rows related to the Storage Facility should be the same, even if other items in a row, e.g. MSID EFD, are not changing.

Where CoA:

    • The SVA Storage Facility Operator need only submit Declaration Documents for the Supplier(s) that is responsible for the Agent(s) that is changing. Withdrawing a Facility – voluntarily

Where any of the details relating to an existing Declaration change, or circumstances or operation of a declared facility change, and these changes would invalidate the Declaration for the SVA Storage Facility then the SVA Storage Facility Operator must withdraw the Declaration by submitting a Declaration Document via one of the Storage Facility’s Suppliers. That is, a single Declaration Document submitted by one Supplier can end all other Declarations for Suppliers related to the same SVA Storage Facility.

Similarly should the SVA Storage Facility Operator choose to voluntarily withdraw its Storage Facility(ies), even if no change in the operation of circumstances of the Facility(ies), then, it must submit a Declaration Document.

The Declaration Type must state ‘SF Withdrawal’.

The SVA Storage Facility Operator must

    • use existing Declaration ID

    • use a new Declaration Set ID28

    • use a new Declaration Set EFD29 - i.e. the date on which the Declaration changes take effect. The Declaration Set EFD(s) should be the same as the date on the cover letter.

    • Set each MSID

    • ensure the Total MSID Count equals the number of all MSIDs at the Facility registered by the Supplier(s) Withdrawing a Facility – enforced

Each month the SVAA and BSCCo perform assurance checks which may result in an SVA Storage Facility’s Declarations being withdrawn.

Where the SVAA is required to change (e.g. add or remove a Metering System) or withdraw a SVA Storage Facility Declaration(s) it will notify the Supplier(s) accordingly. It is then the Supplier’s responsibility to inform the SVA Storage Facility Operator. Withdrawing an SVA Storage Facility Operator’s details

Where an existing SVA Storage Facility Operator with current or historical Declarations chooses to cease participating as a SVA Storage Facility Operator then they may withdraw from that role by sending an Operator Withdrawal Letter to the SVAA. SVA Storage Facility Operators should use the template letter provided in paragraph 3.7.4.

The letter must be signed by a registered Director of the SVA Storage Facility Operator’s company.

Withdrawing as an SVA Storage Facility Operator has the effect of causing all related SVA Storage Facilities to be withdrawn on the same day.

3.7.2 List of Declaration Document data items

The following list of data items are presented using the conventions described in the SVA Data Catalogue Part 2.

Declaration ID

Description: A unique ID generated by the SVAA in respect of a Declaration and therefore the relationship between an SVA Storage Facility, SVA Storage Facility Operator, a Supplier and that Supplier’s Metering System(s) used to measure Imports to and/or Exports from the SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(9)

Default Value: Not required

Acronym: None

Notes: Once a Declaration ID is generated and communicated by SVAA, the SVA Storage Facility Operator should use the Declaration ID in all future Declaration Documents related to the SVA Storage Facility.

Example: STD-01234

Declaration Set Effective From Date

Description: The date from which the Declaration(s) in the Declaration Set takes effect.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: Must be the same as the date specified in Part B of the Declaration Document

Acronym: None

Notes: Also known as ‘Declaration Set EFD’.

The Declaration Set EFD should reflect the date a Storage Facility’s declaration first takes effect or the date on which a change to an existing declaration takes effect, e.g. the date on which a new Supplier is the registrant for one of the the Facility’s Metering Systems.

Declaration Set ID

Description: A unique value assigned by the SVA Storage Facility Operator and used to identify a single Declaration or unite multiple Declarations submitted in a Declaration Document(s) at a particular point in time for an SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: TEXT(80)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: The SVA Storage Facility Operator should assign a new Declaration Set ID when it updates a single Declaration or multiple Declarations for an SVA Storage Facility.

A Declaration Set ID does not need to use all 80 characters.

Declaration Type

Description: The Declaration Type indicates the nature of the change(s) contained within a Declaration.

Units: None

Valid Set: ‘New’ – identifies that the Declaration(s) seek to declare an SVA Storage Facility for the first time or since the SVA Storage Facility may have had an earlier Declaration(s) withdrawn.

CoS’ – Change of Supplier - identifies that at least one MSID related to the SVA Storage Facility has been the subject of a change of Supplier

‘CoA’ – Change of Agent – identifies that at least one MSID related to the SVA Storage Facility is now managed by a different HHDA

‘CoM’ – Change of Metering System - identifies that the SVA Storage Facility has had at least one MSID added or removed from a Declaration(s)

Withdraw – identifies that the SVA Storage Facility’s Declaration(s) should be end-dated

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(15)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: For a single Declaration or set of Declarations for a single facility, the SVA Storage Facility Operator must list each Declaration Type covered by the Declaration(s). For example, if a Declaration for an SVA Storage Facility identifies that one MSID is the subject of a CoS and another is the subject of a CoA then the Declaration should state the type as being ‘CoS CoA’.

Examples: ‘New’, ‘Withdraw’, ‘CoS CoA’, ‘CoS, CoA, CoM’ or ‘CoS CoM CoA’ – examples are indicative and not exhaustive.

GSP Group

Description: The GSP Group within which the SVA Storage Facility is connected. Where the GSP Group is an identifier of a distinct electrical system, consisting of all or part of one or more distribution systems (each owned and operated by an LDSO) that are supplied from one or more Grid Supply Points for which the total supply into the GSP Group can be determined for each half hour.

Units: None

Valid Set: _A














Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(2)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: Also known as GSP Group ID

HHDA Effective From Date

Description: The date from which a Supplier appoints/appointed a Half Hourly Data Aggregator to a Metering System. This date should correspond with the HHDA’s EFD for the Metering System in SMRS.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: None

Acronym: HHDA EFD

Notes: Also note that the HHDA EFD may predate the Declaration Set EFD.

HHDA Market Participant ID

Description: The Market Participant ID for the Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by a Supplier to a Metering System. A Market Participant ID is a unique market wide reference for a Market Participant.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(4)

Default Value: None

Acronym: HHDA MPID

Notes: The SVA Storage Facility Operator may need to liaise with its Supplier(s) to identify the HHDA MPIDs to include in its Declaration Document.

Import/Export Indicator

Description: Identifies whether a Metering System is an Import Metering System or Export Metering System.

Units: None

Valid Set: Import


Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(6)

Default Value: None



Market Participant ID

Description: A Market Participant ID is a unique market wide reference for a Market Participant.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(4)

Default Value: None

Acronym: MPID

Notes: When completing Part A of the Declaration Document, the Supplier should provide its MPID.

Metering System ID

Description: The unique market wide reference for a Metering System.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Identifier

Logical Format: INT(13)

Default Value: None

Acronym: MSID

Notes: Also known as Metering Point Administration Number (MPAN)

MSID Effective From Date (Storage Facility)

Description: The date from which an MSID is associated with an SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: None

Acronym: MSID EFD

Notes: Not to be confused with MSID Supplier EFD

MSID Effective To Date (Storage Facility)

Description: The date from which an MSID’s association with an SVA Storage Facility ends.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: None

Acronym: MSID ETD

Notes: Not to be confused with MSID Supplier ETD

MSID Supplier Effective From Date (Storage Facility)

Description: The date from which an MSID is registered by a Supplier in SMRS.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: None

Acronym: MSID Supplier EFD

Notes: Not to be confused with MSID EFD. Also note that the MSID Supplier EFD may predate the Declaration Set EFD

Party ID

Description: The BSC Party ID is a unique market wide reference for a BSC Party.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(8)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: The Supplier should insert its BSC Party ID when filling in Part A of the Declaration Document.

Storage Facility Address/Location

Description: The address and/or location (e.g. grid reference) at which the Storage Facility is located.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(255)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: None

Storage Facility Description

Description: A short description of the facility, e,g, the type of storage technology and the rated capacity (MW).

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(255)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: None

Storage Facility Effective From Date

Description: The date from which the storage facility should be treated as an SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: None

Acronym: Storage Facility EFD

Notes: Where updating a Declaration, the Storage Facility EFD should be the date the Storage Facility was first declared to SVAA.

Storage Facility Effective To Date

Description: The date from which the storage facility should no longer be treated as an SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Date

Logical Format: DATE(dd/mm/yyyy)

Default Value: None

Acronym: Storage Facility ETD


Storage Facility ID

Description: A unique code used to refer to an SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(30)

Default Value: None

Acronym: Storage Facility EFD

Notes: The Storage Facility ID is assigned by the SVA Storage Facility Operator. Where possible it should be a simple reference (ideally numerical) to reduce the risk of error when reading/processing declarations.

Storage Facility Name

Description: The name of the SVA Storage Facility.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(80)

Default Value: None

Acronym: Storage Facility EFD

Notes: The Storage Facility Name can be its legal or operational name.

Storage Facility Total MSID Count

Description: The total number of all Metering Systems measuring Imports to and Exports from the SVA Storage Facility and which may be registered by one or more Suppliers.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Integer

Logical Format: INT(3)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: The total number of Metering Systems should be the same across all related Declarations in a set.

Storage Facility Operator Company Address

Description: The address registered with Companies House for the SVA Storage Facility Operator.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(255)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None


Storage Facility Operator Company Director

Description: The name of the SVA Storage Facility Operator’s Director, who signed the Declaration Document.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(30)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: The director must be an official registered with Companies House.

Storage Facility Operator Company Name

Description: The trading name of the SVA Storage Facility Operator.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(80)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: The company name must be that which is registered with Companies House and with Ofgem as a Generation Licence holder.

Storage Facility Operator Company Number

Description: The SVA Storage Facility Operator’s Company Number as registered with Companies House.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(40)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: The Company Number must be that which is registered with Companies House and with Ofgem as part of the company’s Generation Licence details.

Storage Facility Operator Contact Email

Description: An email address which SVAA or BSCCo can use to correspond with the SVA Storage Facility Operator.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(80)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: Does not necessarily need to be the email address for the Storage Facility Operator Company Director.

Storage Facility Operator Contact Name

Description: The name of a person that SVAA or BSCCo can contact regarding an SVA Storage Facility Operator’s declaration(s) or related activity.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(30)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: Does not necessarily need to be the name of the Storage Facility Operator Company Director.

Storage Facility Operator Contact Phone

Description: The phone number of a person or team that SVAA or BSCCo can contact regarding an SVA Storage Facility Operator’s declaration(s) or related activity.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(15)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: Does not necessarily need to be the phone number of the Storage Facility Operator Company Director.

Storage Facility Operator Participant ID

Description: A unique ID assigned by the SVA Storage Facility Operator to help it identify itself to SVAA and in related correspondence.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: String

Logical Format: CHAR(8)

Default Value: None

Acronym: None

Notes: Once the SVA Storage Facility Operator has created and shared its Storage Facility Operator Participant ID, it should use it consistently in all future Declaration Documents sent to SVAA.

Supplier Market Participant ID

Description: The Market Participant ID for a Supplier who is a registrant of a Metering System. A Market Participant ID is a unique market wide reference for a Market Participant.

Units: None

Valid Set: None

Domain: Text

Logical Format: CHAR(4)

Default Value: None

Acronym: Supplier MPID

Notes: The SVA Storage Facility Operator may need to liaise with its Supplier(s) to identify the Supplier’s MPID(s) to include in Part D of its Declaration Document.

3.7.3 F602/01 SVA Storage Facility Declaration Document form – Supplier

SVA Storage Facility Declaration Document – F602/01

Part B, C and D are completed by the SVA Storage Facility Operator prior to being sent to the Supplier to complete Part A. Once all parts are completed the Supplier should send to the SVAA by email.

Part A - Completed by Supplier – Category F or Category A Authorised Person

Market Participant Id (MPID)………………...

Authorised Person’s Name ................................................ Company ..............................................

Party ID………………………………………….Password…………………………………………….

Date………………………(Authorised in accordance with BSCP38)

Part B - Completed by SVA Storage Facility Operator (please replace square bracketed text with correct/relevant information)(please see BSCP602 3.7.1 for guidance)

[Insert company name]

[Insert company address]

[Insert current date]

Director’s declaration of SVA Storage Facility(ies)


I [insert full name], being a director of [insert your company name] (company number [insert company number]), hereby declare that, having made all due and careful enquiries, the information contained in this declaration is true, complete and accurate in all material respects and is not misleading by reference to the facts and circumstances at the date of this declaration. Capitalised terms used in this declaration have the meaning given to them in the Balancing and Settlement Code unless stated otherwise.

I declare that as of [insert Declaration Set effective from date] the SVA Storage [Facility/Facilities] identified in the attachments to this letter [comply with the meaning/will cease to comply with the meaning/ceased to comply with the meaning] of an SVA Storage Facility in Section 11 of the Connection and Use of System Code. In particular that each SVA Storage Facility to which this declaration relates:

  1. performs Electricity Storage (as defined in the Connection and Use of System Code) as its sole function;

  2. is operated by [insert your company name], which also holds a valid Generation Licence; and

  3. has its Imports and Exports measured only by Half Hourly Metering Systems which are registered in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) as part of a Supplier BM Unit, and where those Half Hourly Metering Systems only measure activities necessary for performing Electricity Storage.

I declare that any material changes to the operation, configuration or measurement of electricity to or from any SVA Storage Facility identified in the annex to this letter will be notified to you as soon as reasonably practicable.

This director’s declaration is governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.

Yours sincerely,

[Insert Director’s Signature]

[Insert full name]

For and on behalf of: [Insert company name]

Part C - Completed by SVA Storage Facility Operator

(Please note that the following table has been populated for illustrative purposes. Please delete and replace entries as appropriate. Please see BSCP602 3.7.1 for guidance. Data Items are defined in BSCP602 3.7.2.)

Declaration Set details

Declaration Type:


Declaration Set Id:


Declaration Id (where known):

Declaration Set Effective Date:


SVA Storage Facility Operator (SFO) details

SFO Participant ID


SFO Company Number


SFO Company Name

Storage Company Ltd

SFO Company Address

123 Main Street, London, SE35 6PB

SFO Company Director

John Smith

SFO Contact Name

John Smith

SFO Contact Phone


SFO Contact Email

Storage Facility (SF) details

SF Id:


SF Name:

Edenbridge 001

SF Address/Location:

99 Hever Road, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 9XX

SF Description ( Including technology type and size of facility):

5MW Flow Battery

SF Effective From Date:


SF Effective To Date:

SF Total MSIDs Count:


Part D – Completed by SVA Storage Facility Operator

(Please note that the following table has been populated for illustrative purposes. Please delete and replace entries as appropriate, working with your Supplier/s where necessary, e.g. to identify HHDA MPIDs and EFD. Please add more rows as necessary. Please see BSCP602 3.7.1 for guidance. Data Items are defined in BSCP602 3.7.2.)

Declaration Set ID

Storage Facility ID


Import/Export Indicator

GSP Group

MSID EFD (Storage Facility)

MSID ETD (Storage Facility)

Supplier MPID

MSID Supplier EFD























3.7.4 Operator Withdrawal Letter template – F602/02

SVA Storage Facility Operator Withdrawal Letter – F602/02

Completed by SVA Storage Facility Operator and sent to SVA Agent by email (please replace square bracketed text with correct/relevant information). (Please see BSCP602 3.7.1 for guidance.)

[Insert company name]

[Insert company address]

[Insert current date]

SVA Storage Facility Operator withdrawal


I [insert full name], being a director of [insert your company name] (company number [insert company number]), hereby declare that, having made all due and careful enquiries, the information contained in this declaration is true, complete and accurate in all material respects and is not misleading by reference to the facts and circumstances at the date of this declaration. Capitalised terms used in this declaration have the meaning given to them in the Balancing and Settlement Code unless stated otherwise.

I declare that as of [insert date] [insert your company name] will [cease/have ceased] to be an SVA Storage Facility Operator and that all SVA Storage Facilities currently declared by [insert your company name] will cease to be SVA Storage Facilities on the same date.

This director’s declaration is governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.

Yours sincerely,

[Insert Director’s Signature]

[Insert full name]

For and on behalf of: [Insert company name]

1 Balancing Services in this instance refers to the Balancing Mechanism and Replacement Reserve

2 Balancing Services in this instance refers to the Balancing Mechanism and Replacement Reserve

3 Where such amendments correct an identified error that impacts Settlement accuracy, the SVAA shall facilitate such amendments for Settlement Days prior to having undergone the R1 VAR Run

4 Balancing Services in this instance refers to the Balancing Mechanism, Replacement Reserve

5 Upon receipt of revised Delivered Volume data

6 Upon receipt of revised ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volume data

7 Please see Appendix 3.7.1 for guidance.

8 Please note that where an SVA Storage Facility Operator is declaring an SVA Storage Facility for the first time, i.e. where the SVAA has no record of the person acting as an SVA Storage Facility Operator, then the SVAA will create an ‘operator record’ as part of processing the declaration(s) for the SVA Storage Facility. There is no dedicated ‘create operator record’ process.

9 That is, an SVA Storage Facility may have more than one Metering System and each Metering System may be registered by a different Registrant. In such a scenario the SVAA should expect to receive a Declaration from each Supplier that is a Registrant of at least one of the Metering Systems at the SVA Storage Facility. The SVAA determines whether they are expecting more than one declaration (i.e. a Declaration set) by reviewing the numbers of MSIDs declared in a Declaration and comparing it against the Total Number of MSIDs which is also identified in each Declaration.

10 The SVAA may not need to instruct the HHDA to report metered data for an MSID if that MSID is the subject of an existing Metering System Reporting Notification (D0354) for another BSC process.

11 The SVAA shall specify the Effective to Settlement Date (J1870) in the D0354 Metering System Reporting Notification.

12 Please see Appendix 3.7.1 for guidance.

13 The SVAA must not instruct the HHDA to cease reporting metered data for an MSID if that MSID is the subject of an existing Metering System Reporting Notification (D0354) for another BSC process.

14 The SVAA shall specify the Effective to Settlement Date (J1870) in the D0354 Metering System Reporting Notification.

15 Please see Appendix 3.7.1 for guidance.

16 The SVAA may identify that a Storage Facility has become or will become invalid following a routine assurance check. Alternatively, following routine assurance checking by BSCCo, SVAA may be notified by BSCCo following a decision by BSC Panel that an SVA Storage Facility is or should become invalid and have its Declaration withdrawn.

17 The SVAA must not instruct the HHDA to cease reporting metered data for an MSID if that MSID is the subject of an existing Metering System Reporting Notification (D0354) for another BSC process.

18 The SVAA shall specify the Effective to Settlement Date (J1870) in the D0354 Metering System Reporting Notification.

19 Nb there is not an equivalent ‘create operator’ process as this is inherent within 2.4, i.e. the SVAA will create an operator role if none exists. Please see Appendix 3.7.1 for guidance.

20 Please see Appendix 3.7.1 for guidance

21 That is, an SVA Storage Facility may have more than one Metering System and each Metering System may be registered by a different Registrant. In such a scenario the SVAA should expect to receive a Declaration from each Supplier that is a Registrant of at least one of the Metering Systems at the SVA Storage Facility. The SVAA determines whether they are expecting more than one declaration (i.e. a set) by reviewing the numbers of MSIDs declared in a Declaration and comparing it against the Total Number of MSIDs which is also identified in each Declaration.

22 The SVAA must not instruct the HHDA to cease reporting metered data for an MSID if that MSID is the subject of an existing Metering System Reporting Notification (D0354) for another BSC process.

23 The SVAA shall specify the Effective to Settlement Date (J1870) in the D0354 Metering System Reporting Notification.

24 This validation is not applicable where the NETSO has submitted the MSID Pair

25 Or ABS MSID Pair Delivered Volumes, as appropriate

26 The Declaration Set ID and Declaration Set EFD should be refreshed whenever updating, withdrawing or re-declaring a Storage Facility. For example, if on 1 January an SVA Storage Facility Operator declares a Facility for the first time then the Declaration Set ID and Declaration Set EFD should be the same in each Declaration Document submitted on 1 January for the Facility; once declared, should the SVA Storage Facility Operator wish to update the declaration details on 28 February then the Declaration Document(s) submitted must consistently use a new Declaration Set ID and Declaration Set EFD.

27 See footnote 26.

28 See footnote 26.

29 See footnote 26.