BSCP501: Supplier Meter Registration Service V20.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

Balancing and Settlement Code




Version 20.0

Date: 18 July 2022


relating to

Supplier Meter Registration Service

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code (the Code) for the Electricity Industry in Great Britain and in particular, to the definition of “BSC Procedure”.

2. This is BSCP501, Version 20.0 relating to Supplier Meter Registration Service.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from 18 July 2022.

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the Panel.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.




Description of Changes

CRs Included

Mods Panel Ref


Code Effective Date



Code Effective Date

Incorporated version D.01 review comments.


Code Effective Date

Approved for use by the Panel.


Code Effective Date

Incorporation of SMRS to CMRS Transfers (NCR114) and version alignment changes from AP501 embodied (NCR329).





Further changes embodied for NCR329.




Incorporates changes for P55 and CP753.








SVA Documentation Batch Release.





Incorporates changes for P63.






Updated for Modification P62





SVA November 2003 Release





SVA February 2005 Release and BETTA 6.3

BETTA 6.3, P159, CP981, CP993, CP1091




November 2008 Release

CP1176 (part)









June 2009 Release





November 2010 Release

CP1267 v1.0




June 2015 Release





June 2017 Release





June 2019 Release





June 2020 Release





September 2021 Release





June 2022 Release





July 2022 Release



1. Introduction

1.1 Scope and Purpose of the Procedure

This BSC Procedure (BSCP) defines those activities which enable the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) to fulfil its functions, relating to the following:-

Provide Suppliers with information relating to their Metering System Identifiers (MSIDs).

Provide new Suppliers with the Metering System Registration Data related to their MSIDs.

In the case of ‘fringe’ supplies, the Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA) within whose service area the Supplier Volume Allocation (SVA) Metering System falls, is responsible for providing the SMRS.

Provide Half Hourly Data Aggregators (HHDAs) with MSID information.

Provide HHDAs with Half Hourly (NHH) SVA Metering System Registration Data.

Provide Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators (NHHDAs) with MSID information.

Provide NHHDAs with Non Half Hourly (NHH) SVA Metering System Registration Data.

Receive and process Supplier data.

To update the SMRS database with information when the Supplier is the data source.

Bulk Change of Non Half Hourly Supplier Agent

Where there is to be a change in a NHH Supplier Agent (bulk change of agent) such that the number of SVA Metering Systems affected exceeds a threshold set by the BSC Panel (“the Panel”), a bulk change of agent application will be submitted for approval in accordance with BSCP513. Following such approval, this BSCP will be used to process the bulk change of agent, without adversely impacting the normal daily operations of the SMRA.

Receive and process Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) data.

To update the SMRS database with information when the LDSO is the data source.

Receive and process Market Domain Data (MDD).

To update the SMRS database with MDD.

Enable Registration Transfers between SMRS and CMRS.

To facilitate Registration Transfers of Third Party Generating Plant / Exemptable Generating Plant from SMRS to the Central Meter Registration Service (CMRS) and vice versa.

Enable new connections where the same Metering Equipment at an Exemptable Generating Plant is comprised in both an SVA Metering System and a Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Metering System, where Export Active Energy is traded in CVA and Import Active Energy is traded in SVA.

To ensure that relevant information is passed between appropriate participants and certain checks are carried out in the CVA and SVA registration systems to facilitate this type of registration.

Record Metering System Standing Data

To record the Metering System Standing Data, as defined in Appendix 4.1, for every Settlement Day that the MSID is connected.

1.2 Main Users of Procedure and their Responsibilities

This BSC Procedure should be used in the main by the SMRAs.

Each LDSO is required to provide a single SMRS. As there is no restriction on the number of LDSOs that may operate within a single GSP Group, there may also be a number of different SMRAs operating within that same GSP Group.

Service Users

The users of the SMRS are:

    1. Suppliers – Providing and receiving Metering System Standing Data;

    2. LDSOs – Providing and receiving Metering System Standing Data;

    3. Data Aggregators (DAs) – Receiving Metering System Standing Data;

    4. Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA) as Market Domain Data Manager (MDDM) – Providing MDD;

    5. Electricity Retail Data Agent (ERDA) – Providing and receiving Metering System Standing Data;

    6. Transfer Co-ordinator – Co-ordinating Registration Transfers from SMRS to CMRS and vice versa;

    7. The Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo); and

    8. The Central Registration Agent (CRA).

1.3 Use of the Procedure

This procedure should be referred to by the users to understand the responsibilities and role of the SMRA and the relationships between the SMRA, LDSO, Suppliers, Unmetered Supplies Operator (UMSO), SVAA and DA.

Throughout this procedure, timetables reflect the number of Working Days (WD) within which an activity should be completed.

Although not shown in each interface timetable, there is an assumption that each communication successfully received at the SMRS gateway will be acknowledged by the Data Transfer Network (DTN). The acknowledgements sent will indicate the number of transactions received in each communication. In addition, the SMRA will report to the originator the number of files accepted and the number of files rejected (with reason codes) in accordance with the interface timetable.

The interface timetables in this BSCP show that any changes to registration data in SMRS shall be notified to the LDSO. Although not shown in each interface timetable, there is an assumption that where changes relate to an Unmetered Supply, the details of these changes shall also be notified to the UMSO by the LDSO.

In the case of NHH Supplier Agents, the SMRA will be informed via BSCP513 of any Supplier’s intention to initiate a change of agent where the number of Metering Systems affected exceeds the threshold set by the Panel. The SMRA will be required to confirm whether it can implement the proposed changes without adversely impacting other SMRS activities. Any bulk change of agent must therefore be initiated via BSCP513 before triggering the processes in this BSCP.

The remaining sections in this document are:

Section 2 – Service Description: this section sets out the functional requirements for an SMRA as well as any non-functional requirements specific to SMRAs.

Section 3 – Interface and Timetable Information: this section defines each business process in detail. In addition, there may be references to “D” and “P” data flows in the “Information Required” column.

Section 4 – Appendices: this section contains supporting information.

The SVAA will be managing MDD in addition to performing the SVA role, and therefore SVAA is the MDDM.

1.4 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This BSCP has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Code. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSCP and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

The requirements of SMRAs under the Code can be found in BSC Sections J, K and S. An overview of these requirements is as follows:

The principal functions of an SMRA are to:

• Provide and operate a registration service in respect of those Boundary Points on the Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) (if any) of such SMRA which are not registered in CMRS;

• Provide data from such registration system to Parties, Party Agents and BSCCo for the purposes of Settlement; and

• Provide BSCCo with data from such registration system for the purposes of monitoring in accordance with BSCP533.

1.5 Associated BSC Procedures

The following BSCPs interface with this BSCP and should be read in conjunction with BSCP501.


Registration of Metering Systems for Central Volume Allocation


Transfer of Registration of Metering Systems between CMRS and SMRS


Half Hourly Data Aggregation for Metering Systems Registered in SMRS


Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation for Metering Systems Registered in SMRS


Supplier Volume Allocation Agent


Bulk Change of Non Half Hourly Supplier Agent


Licensed Distribution


PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication of Peer Comparison Data


Qualification Process for SVA Parties, SVA Party Agents and CVA MOAs


Shared SVA Meter Arrangements of Half Hourly Import and Export Active Energy


Error Resolution and Retrospective Manual Amendments

1.6 Associated Party Service Lines

The following Party Service Line interfaces with this BSCP and should be read in conjunction with BSCP501.


Generic Non Functional Requirements for Licensed Distribution System Operators and Party Agents

1.7 Acronyms and Definitions

In addition the following meanings and acronyms are used in this BSCP.


Balancing and Settlement Code (the Code)


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Calendar Days – being all Working Days & non-Working Days


Central Meter Service


Central Registration Agent


Central Switching Service


Central Volume Allocation


Data Aggregator (either HH or NHH)


Those items denoted as used by the SMRS in the SVA Data Catalogue


Data Collector (either HH or NHH)


Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement

DCUSA Limited

The company established under the DCUSA


Data Transfer Network – has the meaning given to the term “Managed Data Network” in the Code


Data Transfer Service


Data Transfer Service Agreement


Distribution Use of System


Effective From Settlement Date {Registration}


Energy Market Data Specification – has the meaning given to the term “Data Specification” in the REC


Electricity Retail Data Agent – has the meaning given to that term in the REC


Electricity Retail Data Service – has the meaning given to that term in the REC

Failing Supplier

Has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence

Full Refresh

Provision of all relevant SMRS data items for all Metering Systems associated with a Supplier registration or DA appointment


Half Hourly Data Aggregator

Invalid data

Data which falls outside pre-defined parameters, or is incomplete or is corrupt

Last resort direction

Has the meaning given to that term in each Supply Licence


Licensed Distribution System Operator


Market Domain Data


Market Domain Data Manager


Electronic data flow between DTS users which conforms to the EMDS

Message Receipt Working Day

For the purposes of meeting the service levels in respect of messages, the Working Day is considered to end at 1800 hours on that day

Metering System Registration Data

All BSCCo Required Data associated with DC appointment; DA appointment and registration plus Metering System Standing Data

Metering System Standing Data

All Code Required Data associated with SVA Metering Systems, Energisation Status, GSP Group, Line Loss Factor Class, Measurement Class, Profile Class, Standard Settlement Configuration and Measurement Quantity


Metering Point Administration Service, which is the former Master Registration Agreement (MRA) term for SMRS and is still used in data flow names


Metering System Identifier


Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator


Performance Assurance Board

Postal Address File

Has the meaning given to that term in the REC


Retail Energy Code


A Full Refresh or Selective Refresh, as appropriate

Registration Transfer

Has the meaning given to that term in BSCP68


A re-submission of one or more files

Selective Refresh

Provision of all relevant SMRS data items for selected Metering Systems associated with a Supplier registration or DA appointment

Skeleton Record

The initial record on an SMRS for a Metering System which contains the MSID, LLFC Id, Metering Point Address and GSP Group Id


Smart Meter Data Service – has the meaning given to that term in the REC


Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications


Supplier Meter Registration Agent

SMRA Force Majeure

Has the meaning given to that term in Annex K-1 of the Code


Supplier Meter Registration Service


Supplier of Last Resort

Supplier-serviced Metering System

A Metering System where the Supplier obtains data from a SMETS compliant Meter, either directly or using a service provider

Supply Start Date

Has the same meaning as EFSD {REGI}


Supplier Volume Allocation


Supplier Volume Allocation Agent


SVA Meter Operator Agent

Total Daily Processing

The total number of notifications delivered to an SMRA's gateway by 0600 hours on the following Working Day or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter


Unmetered Supplies Operator

Valid data

Data which falls within pre-defined parameters, and is complete and is not corrupt


The process by which data is tested in order to establish whether it is “valid data” or “invalid data”


Working Day

All other terms are defined in Section X of the Code.

2. Service Description

The SMRS is a service provided by each LDSO, when acting in its capacity as an SMRA, for the registration of Metering Systems within its Distribution System.

SMRAs are not Parties under the BSC. Where the BSC places an obligation on an SMRA, each LDSO shall ensure that its SMRA complies with the obligations set out in BSCP501. Where an SMRA acts for more than one LDSO, each such LDSO shall be jointly and severally liable for any failure by such SMRA to comply with the obligations placed on the SMRA under the BSC.

Each SMRA shall provide, as a minimum, the following SMRS functions:

    1. Maintain a register of Metering System Standing Data, containing the data items listed in Appendix 4.1, for each Metering System in the applicable Distribution System and for every Settlement Day that the Metering System is connected;

    2. Provide Suppliers, including new Suppliers, with the Metering System Standing Data related to their Metering Systems;

    3. Receive and validate Supplier data to update the register;

    4. Receive and validate LDSO data to update the register;

    5. Receive and validate ERDA data to update the register;

    6. Provide the ERDA with Metering System Standing Data;

    7. Receive and validate MDD to update the register;

    8. Provide DAs with Metering System Standing Data;

    9. Receive and validate Smart Meter Data Service (SMDS) data to update the register;

    10. Support the bulk change of agent process, subject to agreed thresholds and procedures, without adversely impacting the normal daily operations of the SMRS; and

    11. Enable Registration Transfers from SMRS to CMRS and vice versa.

The SMRA shall document the validation procedures applicable to its SMRS and shall provide these to the service users listed in section 1.2. The SMRS validation procedures shall comply with the validation requirements in section 2.8 and Appendix 4.3. The SMRA shall also provide the additional services set out and described in section 2.7.

2.1 Entry Requirements and Qualification

In providing the services specified in this BSCP, the SMRA shall use systems and processes so approved in accordance with BSCP537 that comply with the Code, BSCPs and PSL100.

2.1.1 SMRA Entry Requirements

An SMRA shall not provide an SMRS until:

    1. It is Qualified to provide an SMRS by satisfying the relevant Qualification Requirements;

    2. It is Qualified to provide an Electricity Retail Data Service (ERDS) under the Retail Energy Code (REC);

    3. It is a party to the Data Transfer Service Agreement (DTSA) in its capacity as LDSO and SMRA; and

    4. It has received a valid Market Participant Id from the MDDM in respect of its Market Participant Roles as an LDSO and an SMRA.

2.1.2 Supplier Entry Requirements

A Supplier’s rights to receive an SMRS are subject to:

    1. The Supplier being a party to the Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA) and the DCUSA being in full force and effect and subject to no conditions or suspension (except for any conditions which require the Code to be in full force and effect) between the relevant LDSO and the Supplier in relation to that SVA Metering System;

    2. The Supplier being Qualified to receive an SMRS by satisfying the relevant Qualification Requirements;

    3. The Supplier being Qualified to receive an ERDS under the REC;

    4. The Supplier being a party to the DTSA and being successfully connected to their gateway; and

    5. The Supplier receiving a valid Market Participant Id from the MDDM, and that Id being entered in the SMRS.

2.1.3 Data Aggregator Entry Requirements

A DA’s rights to receive data from the SMRS is subject to:

    1. The DA being Qualified to receive an SMRS by satisfying the relevant Qualification Requirements;

    2. The DA being a party to the DTSA and being successfully connected to their gateway; and

    3. The DA receiving a valid Market Participant Id from the MDDM.

2.2 Service Availability

The SMRA shall provide BSCCo with information derived from its systems and processes so approved in accordance with BSCP537, the SVA Data Catalogue, and BSCP533 and its Appendices, such that the SMRA can comply with the requirements of this BSCP. All such communications shall be date-time stamped by the SMRA.

In addition:

    1. Each SMRA shall provide, operate and maintain its SMRS in accordance with Good Industry Practice and, subject to paragraph (c) below, shall ensure that staff are available between 0900 hours and 1800 hours on all Working Days to receive requests for Full Refreshes, Selective Refreshes, Resends, Retrospective Manual Amendments, and Supplier of Last Resort (SoLR) reporting (in accordance with section 2.7) and to respond to queries from service users in relation to the provision of the service (in accordance with section 2.5).

    2. Each SMRA shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that any planned suspensions in the operation of its SMRS are scheduled so that there is the minimum amount of disruption to the provision of the SMRS. Each SMRA shall provide the service users with as much notice as possible of any planned suspension in the availability of its SMRS.

    3. In the event of any unplanned suspension in the operation of its SMRS, an SMRA shall treat the suspension as an emergency and shall implement its disaster recovery procedures within 48 hours of the start of the suspension. The SMRA shall use its reasonable endeavours to make its SMRS available again as quickly as possible.

Any failure of an SMRA to comply with the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) shall not relieve that SMRA from the application of the service levels referred to in section 2.3, except where such failure is due to a circumstance of SMRA Force Majeure (in which case the provisions of BSC Annex K-1 shall apply).

2.3 Service Levels and Liquidated Damages

2.3.1 Service Levels

Each SMRA shall produce the notifications set out in section 3 and Appendix 4.4 in response to any notifications received by 1800 hours on a Working Day (“Message Receipt Working Day”) and, subject to the obligations set out below, shall operate its SMRS with the intent to deliver the total number of such notifications (“Total Daily Processing”) to its gateway by 0600 hours on the following Working Day or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter. Service Levels in Respect of Suppliers

For the purposes of fulfilling its obligations in respect of Suppliers, each SMRA shall ensure that:

    1. It uses reasonable endeavours so that on not more than four Working Days during each Quarter, the Total Daily Processing will be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time later than 0600 hours on the first Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day;

    2. The Total Daily Processing will be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time not later than 0600 hours on the first Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day, provided that it shall not be in breach of this obligation if it fails to meet this target on not more than five Working Days during each Quarter;

    3. The Total Daily Processing will be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time not later than 0600 hours on the second Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day, provided that it shall not be in breach of this obligation if it fails to meet this target on not more than one Working Day during each Quarter; and

    4. The Total Daily Processing will always be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time not later than 0600 hours on the third Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day. Service Levels in Respect of Data Aggregators

For the purposes of fulfilling its obligations in respect of DAs, each SMRA shall ensure that:

    1. The Total Daily Processing will be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time not later than 0600 hours on the first Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day, provided that it shall not be in breach of this obligation if it fails to meet this target on not more than six Working Days during each Quarter;

    2. If the target in 2(a) is not met, the Total Daily Processing will be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time not later than 0600 hours on the second Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day, provided that it shall not be in breach of this obligation if it fails to meet this target on not more than one Working Day during each Quarter; and

    3. If the target in 2(b) is not met, the Total Daily Processing will be processed and delivered to its gateway at a time not later than 0600 hours on the third Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day. Monitoring Performance Against Service Levels

The SMRA shall record the time on the Working Day when the Total Daily Processing is delivered to its gateway in relation to the Message Receipt Working Day relevant to that Total Daily Processing, and shall measure its performance over each Quarter. Where there is a breach of the requirements set out in,, and, the breach shall be deemed to have occurred in the Quarter in which the second Working Day following the Message Receipt Working Day has occurred.

2.3.2 Supplier Liquidated Damages

Where the number of occasions in any Quarter that an SMRA fails to deliver the Total Daily Processing to its gateway within the timescales indicated in, and exceeds the number of allowable failures, that SMRA shall be liable to pay Suppliers the following amounts:

    1. £200 for each extra failure in that Quarter over and above those allowed in, where a payment is not made under 2.3.2(b) or 2.3.2(c) below;

    2. £250 for each extra failure in that Quarter over and above those allowed in, where a payment is not made under 2.3.2(c) below; or

    3. £5,000 for each failure in that Quarter of the type referred to in

The maximum aggregate liability of an LDSO (in its capacity as the relevant SMRA) to all Suppliers jointly for liquidated damages under any of the above in a BSC Year shall be £1,300,000.

The formula for allocating Supplier liquidated damages is set out in Appendix 4.6.

2.3.3 BSCCo Liquidated Damages

Where the number of occasions in any Quarter that an SMRA fails to deliver the Total Daily Processing to its gateway within the timescales indicated in, and exceeds the number of allowable failures, that SMRA shall pay BSCCo £125 for each such extra occasion on which it has failed to deliver the Total Daily Processing to its gateway.

2.3.4 Data Transfer Service Escalation

Where an SMRA receives a notification from the DTN indicating that a message sent by it in accordance with BSCP501 has not been received by the Supplier or DA, that SMRA shall contact the relevant Supplier or DA as soon as reasonably practicable. The relevant SMRA and Supplier or DA shall use the problem management procedures under the DTSA, which may require the SMRA to resend the message.

2.3.5 BSC Panel Discretion

The Panel, or by delegated authority the BSC Performance Assurance Board (PAB), may at any time decide to change the timescales within which Total Daily Processing is to be carried out and delivered to an SMRA’s gateway and may do so where the number of notifications received by that SMRA on a Working Day is materially greater than the number of notifications which the SMRA acting reasonably expected to receive on any particular Working Day.

The Panel (or PAB), in exercising its discretion in relation to Total Daily Processing timescales, shall consider any instances of the bulk change of agent process.

2.3.6 Review by the BSC Panel

The Panel or PAB may conduct a formal review of liquidated damages.

The liquidated damage payments to Suppliers and BSCCo have been based on assumptions relating to percentages of updates to the SMRS where the Supply Start Date for such updates would be affected by a failure to comply with the service levels set out in section 2.3.1, and the corresponding costs per Total Daily Processing and per Metering System incurred by Suppliers in changing the Supply Start Date for such affected updates of the SMRS.

The Panel, in considering the appropriateness of the level of liquidated damage payments as part of its review, shall take account of the volumes of notifications being received, any interactions with the ERDS and the overall costs incurred by Suppliers as a result of an SMRA failing to meet the performance standards.

Each party shall provide the Panel with all reasonable information that it may require for the purposes of carrying out its review according to this section. This may include information relating to the level of market activity and the average number of Messages within, and the average composition of, Total Daily Processing. The Panel shall copy the results of its review to all parties as soon as reasonably practicable following the conclusion of its review.

2.4 Demand and Capacity

Where a bulk change of agent is required, and the number of affected Metering Systems exceeds the threshold established by the Panel and published on the BSC Website, the Supplier shall notify the SMRA in accordance with the procedures set out in BSCP513.

The Supplier and SMRA shall comply with the procedures set out in BSCP537 and the SMRA shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that agreements set out in this procedure do not adversely impact the service levels set out in section 2.3.1.

2.5 Service Management

Each SMRA shall make available contact details for service users to raise queries or report incidents in respect of its SMRS.

The SMRA shall ensure that suitably skilled individuals are available to address such queries or incidents and shall ensure timely resolution.

2.6 Reporting

2.6.1 SMRA Report to BSCCo

Each SMRA shall provide BSCCo with a report in a format to be agreed by the affected parties, within 15 Working Days of, and in respect of Settlement Days, the fifteenth day of January and the fifteenth day of July in each calendar year, detailing the Metering Systems registered by a Supplier on its SMRS.

The report shall identify the following information for each Metering System:

    • Metering System Id;

    • GSP Group Id;

    • Supplier Id;

    • Measurement Class Id;

    • Profile Class Id (as appropriate);

    • Effective from Settlement Date {REGI};

    • Standard Settlement Configuration Id (as appropriate);

    • Energisation Status;

    • Data Aggregator Id;

    • Data Collector Id;

    • Meter Operator Id;

    • Distributor Id / Line Loss Factor Class Id;

    • Meter Timeswitch Code Id;

    • Metering Point Address; and

    • Metering Point Postcode.

2.6.2 SP07 – SMRA & SVAA MSID Count – SMRA File

On request, each SMRA shall provide BSCCo with the SP07 report within the timescales set out in BSCP533 and in the format set out in BSCP533 Appendix A. See also Appendix 4.7 of this BSCP501.

2.6.3 Supplier Metering System Count Report

Each SMRA shall provide BSCCo with a report detailing, for each Supplier recorded in its SMRS, the number of Metering Systems for which the 1998 Trading Arrangements Indicator is set to "Y", in respect of which that Supplier was registered on the 15th day of each calendar month. This report (the “Supplier Metering System Count Report”) shall be provided within 21 Working Days of the 15th day in each calendar month.

Within 15 Working Days of the end of each calendar month where BSCCo has received a Supplier Metering System Count Report it shall:

    1. Provide to each Supplier a report detailing the information relating to that Supplier for each SMRS in respect of which that Supplier was registered; and

    2. Forward copies of each Supplier Metering Count Report to the Data Transfer Service Provider and DCUSA Limited.

2.6.4 Other Reports

On request, each SMRA shall provide BSCCo and/or a Supplier with a report, in a format to be agreed, detailing its performance against the requirements set out in section 2.3.1 during the relevant Quarter, or any previous Quarter specified by BSCCo or the Supplier in its request. Where requested, this report shall also detail the SMRA’s performance in relation to Full Refreshes, Selective Refreshes and Resends (in accordance with section 2.7).

Each SMRA shall within one Working Day of request, notify the DA, by telephone, email or other agreed method, of the last file sequence number sent to that DA and the date on which the file was sent.

Each SMRA shall provide the Authority with additional data as requested in a defined format and timescale as agreed with the Authority.

2.7 Additional Services

2.7.1 Refreshes

Where, on instruction from the PAB or BSCCo, a DA requests a Full Refresh, the SMRA shall send (in instruction format) a Full Refresh containing all relevant data covering those Settlement Days for which a Final Reconciliation Settlement Run has not yet taken place at the time the Full Refresh is generated. For Selective Refreshes, or additional Full Refreshes initiated by mutual agreement between the SMRA and the DA, a shorter Settlement period may apply. A Full Refresh should include SMRS data for all the GSP Groups relevant to the DA’s activities.

A Supplier or DA may request a Full Refresh from the relevant SMRA using a permitted contact mechanism agreed with the SMRA. Full Refresh

Where the relevant SMRA receives the Supplier’s or DA’s request for a Full Refresh, it shall respond within one Working Day of receipt of such request indicating a scheduled date for the delivery of the Full Refresh.

The relevant SMRA shall be required to provide a Full Refresh within 15 Working Days of receipt of that request. Where more than three requests are received within a five Working Day period, that SMRA shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide as many Full Refreshes as possible, but is only required to provide Full Refreshes in response to the first three requests received during that five Working Day period and within 15 Working Days of the request. Any further requests received during that five Working Day period shall be deemed to have been received on the fifth Working Day after the Working Day on which the first request was received.

Where the request for a Full Refresh is rejected, the SMRA shall, within one Working Day, inform the Supplier or DA that the request has been rejected together with the reasons for that rejection.

The SMRA shall send the Full Refresh requested to the relevant Supplier or DA by an electronic method agreed between that SMRA and Supplier or DA, as appropriate, so that it is deemed to be received by the Supplier or DA by the scheduled date for delivery. Selective Refreshes

Where an SMRA receives the Supplier’s or DA's request by 1500 hours on a Working Day which it accepts, it shall provide the Supplier or DA with the Selective Refresh by 0600 hours on the following Working Day. Where the total number of Selective Refreshes to be provided by that SMRA exceeds 50 in any Working Day, that SMRA shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide as many Selective Refreshes as possible but shall only be required to provide 50 Selective Refreshes requested on that Working Day.

Such Selective Refreshes shall be provided in the following manner:

    1. A maximum of five Selective Refreshes per Supplier or DA, allocated in the order in which those requests are received; and

    2. Where part (a) above has been complied with, any extra requests which have been received shall be provided in the order in which they were received.

Any extra Selective Refreshes in excess of 50 requested in any Working Day, or any received after 1500 hours on a Working Day in relation to which the SMRA has not provided responses, shall be deemed to have been requested at the start of the following Working Day.

Where the request for a Selective Refresh is rejected, the SMRA shall, within one Working Day, inform the Supplier or DA that the request has been rejected together with the reasons for that rejection.

2.7.2 Resends

Where an SMRA receives a Supplier's or DA's request by 1500 hours on a Working Day, it shall provide the Supplier or DA with re-sent information by 0600 hours on the following Working Day. Where the total number of Resends to be provided by that SMRA exceeds 50 in any Working Day, the SMRS shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide as many Resends as possible but is only required to provide the first 50 Resends requested on that Working Day.

Such Resends shall be provided in the following manner:

    1. A maximum of five Resends per Supplier or DA, allocated in the order in which those requests are received;

    2. Where (a) has been fulfilled, any Resends for which requests have been received on that Working Day, provided in the order in which they were received; and

    3. Any requests for Resends in excess of 50 on any Working Day, or requests for Resends received after 1500 hours on a Working Day shall be deemed to have been requested at the start of the following Working Day.

Where a Supplier or DA requires the SMRA to re-transmit one or more files which were originally transmitted to the Supplier or DA during the period of 28 days prior to the date on which that SMRA receives a request for such re-transmission, the Supplier or DA shall request a Resend from the SMRA, indicating which files it requires to be re-sent and the reasons for the request.

Each SMRA shall determine whether the original Message required to be re-sent reached and was accepted on the Supplier's or DA's gateway before the Supplier or DA submitted a request for a Resend, and shall on request provide its reasons for such determination. The SMRA shall only levy a charge where it determines that the Message did reach the Supplier’s or DA's gateway.

2.7.3 Retrospective Amendment of SMRS Data

The SMRA shall provide a facility to complete a Retrospective Manual Amendment of its SMRS database, in accordance with and as defined in BSCP604.

A Supplier or LDSO may request the relevant SMRA to amend its SMRS manually to rectify a Retrospective Error, as defined in BSCP604. Where the relevant SMRA has received a written confirmation from the relevant Supplier (or Suppliers), agreeing to the amendment to the SMRS and any associated charges, that SMRA shall undertake the Retrospective Manual Amendment in the limited circumstances set out in BSCP604, at a charge to be agreed between the relevant SMRA and the Supplier(s).

2.7.4 Supplier of Last Resort

Where an SMRA receives a copy of a direction (the “last resort direction”) from the Authority to a SoLR, which directs the SoLR to inform the Customers of another Supplier whose Supply Licence has been or is about to be revoked (the “failing Supplier”) of such revocation, the relevant SMRA shall notify the SoLR as soon as reasonably possible, but within four Working Days of receiving such copy, of all data items held in its SMRS, in respect of all the Metering Systems in respect of which the failing Supplier is registered on its SMRS. Such details shall be transmitted using the mode of communication agreed between the relevant SMRA and SoLR.

2.8 SMRS Validation Procedures

Each SMRA shall validate all relevant data submitted to the SMRS before accepting or rejecting the data. Upon rejection of data, the SMRA shall set out the reasons for rejection to the sending service user.

The SMRA shall validate that data is sent by the party that is responsible for the provision and maintenance of that data item as listed in Appendix 4.1.

The SMRA shall ensure that all data for all Metering Systems conforms to the data validation rules outlined in Appendix 4.3.

2.9 Records and Audit

2.9.1 Audit Trail and Auditor Access

Each SMRA shall comply with the general audit requirements set out in PSL100 and the following additional requirements:

    • Data shall be stored on magnetic or optical media in a consistent format;

    • The SMRA shall record the effective date of changes in responsibilities;

    • The SMRA shall be able to retrieve values of amended data in order to ensure that a full transaction history is available;

    • The data held in SMRS shall be maintained in order to ensure completeness, accuracy, and timeliness. Any changes to SMRS data require the following:

    • That changes made shall be easily identifiable;

    • The effective date for those changes made;

    • The authoriser of the changes and their authority; and

    • For any manual changes, an explanation of why the changes were made.

Each SMRA shall ensure that BSCCo and the BSC Auditor has access at reasonable times and at reasonable notice to:

    • Software, hardware or information held by the SMRA or its agents, where reasonably required by the BSC Auditor to fulfil its obligations under the Code;

    • The relevant parts of the SMRA’s premises; and

    • Relevant staff members of the SMRA, for a reasonable length of time in any BSC Audit period.

2.10 Non-Functional Requirements

2.10.1 SMRS Access Restrictions, Controls and Constraints

The SMRA shall only permit access to people whose job responsibilities include the operation, support or audit of the SMRS. Access restrictions relating to the SMRA’s commercial role only relate to the BSC requirements and BSCCo Required Data.

Each SMRA shall implement the general controls and constraints set out in PSL100 and the following additional requirements:

    • Use of unique MSIDs in order that the Settlement system can work;

    • Validation checks to ensure that all mandatory data fields are present and that data is input accurately;

    • Controls to ensure that the LDSO disconnects the correct SVA Metering System within SMRS;

    • Controls to ensure that standing data is complete, accurate and up-to-date (i.e. consistent with the most recent valid input), and that there have not been unauthorised (i.e. invalid) changes;

    • Controls to ensure that SVA Metering Systems are allocated to the correct GSP Group;

    • Controls to ensure that information is distributed to only the correct Party and Party Agents; and

    • Controls over input, processing and output (as well as over data and communications) in order to ensure that the rules for valid data processing defined during system design are adhered to, and the data held and processed by the SMRS is accurate, complete, valid and not out of date.

2.10.2 Development, Testing, Documentation and Quality Management

The SMRS shall be developed and operated in line with the following:

    • The SMRS shall allow entry of new Suppliers to the market and the exit of Suppliers from the market;

    • The SMRS shall enable the unambiguous identification of all SVA Metering Systems and their previous and current Suppliers together with dates of any changes;

    • The development and implementation of the SMRS (and the authorisation and co-ordination of transfers of data) shall ensure that:

    • The system is tested prior to going live, with test plans and results documented;

    • Systems documentation is provided in sufficient detail to support ongoing operational and future maintenance;

    • Quality management is used;

    • Migration of data into the SMRS is conducted in a controlled manner, with data validity checks carried out;

    • Users are adequately trained such that they are competent in the use of the system;

    • Separate test and live environments are used; and

    • A fully documented and repeatable system test model is used.

3. Interface and Timetable Information

3.1 SVAA sends Market Domain Data









At any time.

Request MDD.




Electronic or other method as agreed.


Either on request from SMRA or when published by SVAA.

Send MDD.



D0269 Market Domain Data Complete Set.

D0270 Market Domain Data Incremental Set.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of receipt of MDD.

Send acknowledgement that data has been received.

The SMRA can fulfil this obligation by automatic acknowledgement of receipt sent by the SMRA’s gateway.



P0024 Acknowledgement.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


If data in incorrect format, corrupt or otherwise cannot be loaded.

Send notification and await receipt of corrected MDD.



P0035 Invalid Data.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Send corrected MDD.



Refer to 3.1.2 for data flows.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of receipt of MDD.

Send acknowledgement that data has been received.

The SMRA can fulfil this obligation by automatic acknowledgement of receipt sent by the SMRA’s gateway.



P0024 Acknowledgement.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


If data in correct format (as soon as practicable, and in any case within 5 WD).

Update database and maintain a history of the change.


Internal Process.

3.2 Update of SMRS Database by Licensed Distribution System Operator









As soon as possible and in any event within 5 WD of (i) the effective date of the change; or (ii) receiving notification that a change is required if this occurs after the effective date of the change.

Notify any changes to the data items (and corresponding dates from which those changes will be effective) for which the LDSO is responsible according to Appendix 4.1.

Where the effective date of the change is before the current effective date contained in its SMRS, the LDSO shall follow the procedures set out in BSCP604.



Changes to MS data (e.g. MSID; LLF Class Id; GSP Group Id; 1998 Trading Arrangement Indicator; Disconnection Date and address of premises).

Where a default LLF Class Id has been used for a new connection, the LDSO shall use this process to replace it with an actual Line Loss Factor Class where applicable.

Where set as part of a Registration Transfer from SMRS to CMRS, the logical disconnection date should be one day before the Effective From Date in BSCP68 Section 3.1.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On receipt of data.

Perform validation checks as set out in Appendix 4.3 (e.g. that data items are valid as published in MDD).


Appendix 4.3 – Data Validation.

Internal Process.


Unsuccessful validation.

Notify originator of receipt of invalid data.



Original message identifier and reason(s) for failure.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Upon successful validation and within 1WD of 3.2.2 above.

Update database.


Internal Process.


Following 3.2.4.

Confirm changes of data.


Current and / or future DA.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

Future Supplier.

D0171 Notification of Distributor Changes to Metering Point Details.


Following 3.2.4 and where the Effective From Date of the change is earlier than the EFSD {REGI} of the new Supplier’s registration.

Notify current Supplier of changes to data.


Current Supplier

D0171 Notification of Distributor Changes to Metering Point Details.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On notification by the ERDA of a cancelled registration and where the LDSO has notified a change of Line Loss Factor Class with an Effective From Date on or after the Supply Start Date of the cancelled registration.

Notify current Supplier of change of Line Loss Factor Class.


Current Supplier.

D0089 Notification from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.2.5.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.


3.2A Not Used

3.2B Not Used

3.3 Update of SMRS Database by Supplier









As soon as possible and in any event within 5 Working Days of (i) the effective date of the change; or (ii) receiving notification that a change is required if this occurs after the effective date of the change.1

Notify changes of MSID specific changes by Supplier.

Where a bulk change of agent is being initiated, BSCP513 must have been completed prior to triggering this process. Updates to the SMRS database resulting from a bulk change of agent will be conducted without adversely impacting the SMRA’s normal daily operations.

Where the effective date of the change is before the current effective date held in that SMRS, the Supplier shall act in accordance with the procedures set out in BSCP604.

Current and / or future Supplier.


D0205 Update Registration Details.

When updating SMRS for a Supplier-serviced Metering System, the Supplier shall ensure that the Meter Operator Id is for their appointed SVA MOA, and that the Meter Operator Type is valid in SMRS for the Measurement Class.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On receipt of data.

Perform validation checks as set out in Appendix 4.3 (e.g. data items are valid as published in MDD).


Appendix 4.3 – Data Validation.

Internal Process.


Unsuccessful validation.

Notify originator of receipt of invalid data.

Changes should not be rejected due to late receipt of the notification, unless received later than 5 Working Days before the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run, in which case the SMRA may reject the change.


Current and / or future Supplier.

D0172 Confirmation of Changes.

D0203 Rejection of Changes to Metering Point Details.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Successful validation.

Update database.


Internal Process.


Within 1 WD of 3.3.4 above.

Confirm changes of data.



Current Supplier.

Future Supplier.

Current and / or future DA, as appropriate.

MSID; relevant changed data; current Supplier Id; Data Aggregator Id.

D0172 Confirmation of Changes.

D0213 Advice from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.3.5.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.



DA validates instructions from SMRA. If SMRA instructions valid, update database.

If problem with file not caused by DA notify SMRA.

Generate a revised file and send or resend an exact copy of file or if problem caused by DA notify DA.






P0035 Invalid Data (for physical integrity problems) or D0023 Failed Instructions (for instruction level problems).

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Internal Process.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 3.3.4 above.

If NHHDC appointment details changed, confirm changes of data.


Old NHHDA(s).

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

This should be sent to all continuous preceding NHHDAs appointed during the current Supplier registration during the 15 months of the current Supplier registration, prior to the change.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.3.8.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.


3.4 Change of Supplier for SVA Metering System









On notification by the ERDA of a registration for an SVA Metering System.

Notify change of Supplier for MSID and Supply Start Date.

For changes to Settlement data concurrent with the change of Supplier (including agent details) refer to section 3.3.


New Supplier.

Old DA, new DA.

D0171 Notification of Distributor Changes to Metering Point Details.

D0217 Confirmation of the Registration of a Metering Point.

D0260 Notification from MPAS of Old Registration Details.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.4.1.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.


3.5 Change of Data Aggregator for SVA Metering System









On change of DA.

Notify appointment of New DA for MSID.

Current and / or future Supplier.


D0205 Update Registration Details.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On receipt of data.

Perform validation checks. (i.e. Supplier Id etc are valid as published by SVAA (MDDM)).


Appendix 4.3 – Data Validation.

Internal Process.


On unsuccessful validation and within 1 WD of 3.5.2.

Notify originator of receipt of invalid data.


Current and / or future Supplier.

D0203 Rejection of Changes to Metering Point Details.

If MSID is root of error or missing, then this data item may be omitted.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On successful validation and within 1 WD of 3.5.2.

Notify change of appointment of DA.



Current and / or future DA, as appropriate.

Current Supplier.

Future Supplier.

MSID; Supply Start Date; New DA Id; Effective to Settlement Date; Old DA Id.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

D0172 Confirmation of Changes.

D0213 Advice from MPAS of Changed Metering Point Details.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.5.4.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.


3.6 New Connection for SVA Metering System









Within 2 WD of completion of the works associated with the new connection, or LDSO’s decision or agreement with the Supplier to enter a new MSID.

Notify new MSID data.



MSID, GSP Group Id, LLF Class Id, 1998 TA Indicator and Metering Point Address.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On notification by the ERDA of an initial registration for an SVA Metering System.

Notify Supplier for new MSID.



D0171 Notification of Distributor Changes.

D0172 Confirmation of Changes.

D0217 Confirmation of the Registration of a Metering Point.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


If the import Metering System is to be associated with Exemptable Generating Plant and the Export Meter is to be registered in CMRS.

Notify SVA MSIDs associated with Exemptable Generating Plant in accordance with BSCP20 and ensure that the same MOA is appointed to both the SVA Import MSID and the CMRS registered Export MSID.



BSCP20/4.1 form

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following registration in CRA of Exemptable Generating Plant.

Update internal records for Meter(s) at Exemptable Generating Plant comprised in both an SVA Metering System and a CVA Metering System.


Site address, GSP Group, Export CVA MSID, Import SVA MSID, CVA Registrant Details, SVA Supplier Id and Effective From Date of Export CVA MSID.

Internal process.


Following notification by the CSS of confirmed registration and once the Energisation Status of the new connection is known.

Notify registration details.



D0205 Update Registration Details.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On successful validation and within 1 WD of 3.6.5.

Appoint DA and notify registration details.



D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.6.6.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.



DA validates instructions from SMRA. If SMRA instructions valid, update database.


If problem with file not caused by DA, notify SMRA.



P0035 Invalid Data (for physical integrity problems) or D0023 Failed Instructions (for instruction level problems).

Generate a revised file and send or resend an exact copy of file or if problem caused by DA, notify DA.



D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed

3.7 Not Used

3.8 Request for SMRS Information









At any time.

Request Refresh of database.

Further details related to Refreshes can be found in section 2.7.1.

DA or Supplier.


MSID, if for selective refresh.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of 3.8.1 above for Full Refreshes.

Notify applicant of scheduled date for delivery of Full Refresh.


DA or Supplier.

Scheduled date.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 15 WD of 3.8.1 above for Full Refreshes, within 1 WD for Selective Refreshes.

Send Refresh of database.




D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.



D0204 Selective or Full Refresh of MPAS Details.


Following 3.8.3.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.



Within 28 CD of original message.

Request Resend of Instruction File.

Further details related to Resends can be found in section 2.7.2.



Message sequence number and/or Date.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Within 1 WD of receipt of request.

Accept or refuse request.


Internal Process.


Within 1 WD of 3.8.4 above.

Resend message using same file sequence number.



Duplicate of original instruction (including date that file was originally sent).

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Following 3.8.7.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.


3.9 Disconnection and Registration Deactivation of an SVA Metering System









Following the disconnection of an SVA Metering System.

Notify disconnection of SVA Metering System.



Disconnection Date and MSID.

Manual, Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On receipt of notification.

Perform validation checks.


Appendix 4.3 – Data Validation.

Internal Process.


On unsuccessful validation.

Notify originator of receipt of invalid data.



MSID, original message identifier and reason for failure.

(If MSID is root of error or missing, then this data item may be omitted).

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


On successful validation.

Notify disconnection of SVA Metering System.

The SMRA shall not remove any MSID from the SMRS until two years after the registration deactivation date of that MSID as notified by the ERDA.


Current and / or future Supplier.

D0171 Notification of Distributor Changes to Metering Point Details.

Electronic or manual.


Following notification by the ERDA of the registration deactivation of an SVA Metering System.

Terminate DA appointment to SVA Metering System.


Current (and where applicable future) DA.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed


Following 3.9.5.

Process instructions in accordance with section 3.11.



Following notification of registration deactivation by the ERDA.

Notify registration deactivation of SVA Metering System where the SVA Metering System is associated with Exemptable Generating Plant and the Export Meter(s) is registered in CMRS.

Current and / or future Supplier.


Fax / Email


Following notification in 3.9.7.

BSCCo to update internal records.


Update records for Metering Equipment at an Exemptable Generating Plant comprised in both an SVA Metering System and a CVA Metering System.

Internal Process

3.10 Not Used

3.11 Instruction Processing









On receipt of file.

Perform validation checks.


D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Internal Process.


If validation successful.

Update database with instruction data.


D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Internal Process.


If validation unsuccessful.

Notify SMRA of problem.



P0035 Invalid Data (for transmission problems).

D0023 Failed Instructions (for instruction level validation problems).

Electronic or other method, as agreed.


Upon receipt of failure notification.

If transmission problem, resend exact copy of instruction file (with same file sequence number).


DA, Supplier.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

Electronic or other method, as agreed.

If file validation problem, generate and send refresh file (and advise DA of file sequence number).

DA, Supplier.

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

If problem caused by fault on SMRA’s system, resolve failure and generate and send revised file containing all instructions required to rectify the situation (and advise DA of file sequence number).

DA, Supplier

D0209 Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator.

If problem believed to be caused by DA, notify DA and Supplier.

DA, Supplier

As appropriate.

If unable to resolve failure, notify Supplier.


As appropriate.

If problem caused by fault on Managed Data Network, treat failure as request for Resend in accordance with section 3.8.

See section 3.8.

4. Appendices

4.1 Metering System Standing Data

Please note that Legacy (DTC) Reference refers to the identifier in the Master Registration Agreement’s Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) before it was superseded by the REC’s Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS).


Data Item

Legacy DTC Reference

Responsibility for Provision and Maintenance


Distributor Id (Distributor Short Code in MDD)




Unique reference



Check Digit



Profile Class Id




Effective from Settlement Date (MSPC)




Meter Timeswitch Code




Meter Timeswitch Code Effective from Date




Line Loss Factor Class Id




Effective from Settlement Date (MSLLFC)




Not Used

Not Used

Not Used


Supplier Id




Metering Point Address

J1036 - J1044



Metering Point Postcode




Metering Point Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN)*




Effective from Settlement Date {REGI}




Meter Operator Id




Meter Operator Type




Effective from Date (MOA)




Data Collector Id




Data Collector Type




Effective from Date (DCA)




Data Aggregator Id




Data Aggregation Type




Effective from Settlement Date (DAA)




Energisation Status




Effective from Settlement Date (MSES)




GSP Group Id




Effective from Settlement Date (MSGG)




Measurement Class Id




Effective from Settlement Date (MSMC)




Standard Settlement Configuration Id




Effective from Settlement Date (SCON)




1998 Trading Arrangement Indicator




ERS Metering System Id (if relevant)




Disconnection Date












Smart Metering System Operator Id




Effective From Date (SMSO)




SMETS Version




In-Home Display Install Status




Effective from Date (IHDI)




DCC Service Flag




Effective from Date (DCCF)




Primary MPAN




Date of Meter Installation




Date of Meter Removal




Meter Asset Provider Id




Effective From Date (MAPA)




Meter Id (Serial Number)




Meter Type




Metered Indicator




Effective to Settlement Date (REGI)



4.2 Not Used

4.3 Data Validation

When submitting data items to an SMRA for which it is responsible under Appendix 4.1, each Supplier shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that these data items are complete and accurately reflect the circumstances relating to the Metering System.

Each SMRA shall also use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that:

    1. Any data that it provides according to BSCP501 is complete, in the correct format, consistent with the information provided to it, and sent to the correct recipient;

    2. Metering System ID, GSP Group Id and Disconnection Date are complete and accurately reflect the circumstances relating to that Metering System; and

    3. Only one Supplier to be registered as responsible for supplying any Metering System for a particular day.

The SMRS must validate all BSCCo Required Data submitted before accepting or rejecting the data.

Upon rejection of data, the SMRA shall set out the reasons for rejection to the sending market participant.

The SMRA shall ensure that all data for SVA Metering Systems conform with the rules outlined in the following table.


Non Half Hourly

Half Hourly

Profile Class

Valid Profile Class (as specified in MDD) required

Profile Class not required

Standard Settlement Configuration

Valid Standard Settlement Configuration (as specified in MDD) required

Standard Settlement Configuration not required

Data Aggregator Appointment

Data Aggregator required to be specified as Non Half Hourly in MDD

Data Aggregator required to be specified as Half Hourly in MDD

Data Collector Appointment

Data Collector required to be specified as Non Half Hourly in MDD

Data Collector required to be specified as Half Hourly in MDD

LLF Class Id

Valid LLF Class Id (as specified in MDD) required.

Valid LLF Class Id (as specified in MDD) required.

MOA Appointments for Unmetered Supplies

Unmetered Supplies Operator to be specified (from a list of Unmetered Supplies Operators in MDD), in place of the SVA MOA, to ensure a valid Unmetered Supplies Operator is appointed.

Appropriate ‘Measurement Class’ has been recorded for Non Half Hourly Unmetered Supplies

Meter Administrator to be specified (from a list of Meter Administrators in MDD), in place of the SVA MOA, to ensure a valid Meter Administrator is appointed.

Appropriate ‘Measurement Class’ has been recorded for Half Hourly Unmetered Supplies

Please note that during the registration process for NHH or HH Unmetered Supplies, the MOA field containing the UMSO/MA MPID is dependent on the Measurement Class field of the registration flow. Therefore if a change is made to the Measurement Class, it should be accompanied by a change in the SVA MOA field (e.g. if the Measurement Class changes from Non Half Hourly UMS to Half Hourly Unmetered Supply, this should mean a change of agent e.g. UMSO to MA).

For any particular event, the SMRA shall apply one or more of the following validation criteria as appropriate:

• Data will only be accepted from the market participant that is the source of the data as defined in Section 3 of this document;

• Upon receipt of a change to the data within SMRS, the SMRA shall validate that any of the following codes involved in the change are valid (in accordance with MDD) on the effective date of the change:

(a)-Data Aggregator Id;

(b) Data Collector Id;

(c) Energisation Status;

(d) GSP Group Id;

(e) Line Loss Class Id;

(f) Measurement Class Id;

(g) Meter Operator Id;

(h) Profile Class Id; and

(i)Standard Settlement Configuration Id.

For the purposes of maintaining these rules, the SMRA shall apply one or more of the following validation criteria as appropriate:

    • Upon a change to data items Profile Class Id, GSP Group Id or Standard Settlement Configuration Id in respect of a Metering System, the SMRA shall validate that the combination of GSP Group Id, Profile Class Id and Standard Settlement Configuration Id are valid on the effective date of change as specified by the Average Fraction of Yearly Consumption data provided as part of MDD;

• Upon receipt, from a Supplier, of changes to Metering System Registration Data, the SMRA shall validate that the Supplier is liable for the SVA Metering System on the effective date of the change;

• The SMRA shall validate that the Line Loss Factor Class provided by the LDSO for an MSID is a valid Line Loss Factor Class for that LDSO in MDD;

• Upon receipt of creation details for a new SVA Metering System from the LDSO, the SMRA shall validate that the SVA Metering System identifier contains the correct Distributor Id and does not already exist;

• Upon receipt of a registration from a Supplier, SMRA will validate that the SVA Metering System identifier exists;

• An existing SVA Metering System may only be registered for supply if, in respect of the SVA Metering System being registered:

- he LDSO has provided all the relevant data for which it is the source;

- ll the data for which the Supplier is the source have been provided; and

- he 1998 Trading Arrangement Indicator has been set to “Y”;

• A new SVA Metering System, where the Energisation Status has not yet been provided, may be registered for future supply if, in respect of the SVA Metering System being registered:

- he LDSO has provided the MSID, GSP Group Id;

- he Supplier has provided the MSID, Supply Start Date; and

- he 1998 Trading Arrangement Indicator has not been set to “N”;

    • Prior to the Energisation Status being set to “energised” or “de-energised”, the SMRA shall validate that:

- he LDSO has provided all the relevant data for which it is the source; and

- he Supplier has provided all the relevant data for which it is the source.

Where the SMRA has rules used in validating notifications to the SMRS which are additional to those specified in this BSCP and the EMDS, the SMRA shall declare them to the relevant Supplier and DA and shall only change these additional rules in accordance with the relevant procedures.

4.4 Additional Processing Requirements Relating to Section 3

4.4.1 Update of SMRS Database by LDSO

The LDSO shall notify its SMRA of any changes related to Metering Point Address for any Metering Systems registered on its SMRS as soon as possible, and in any event:

    1. Within 60 Working Days of the publication by Royal Mail of an update to the Postal Address File; or

    2. Where a change is notified other than by Royal Mail update, subject to the LDSO accepting the change, within 10 Working Days of the effective date of the change or receipt of a notification, whichever is the later.

4.4.2 Update of SMRS Database by Supplier

A Supplier may only notify the relevant SMRA of changes to data items for which it is responsible in Appendix 4.1 for any Metering System from the date that the SMRA receives an update for that Supplier in relation to that Metering System, such changes to take effect from the later of the Supply Start Date for that Supplier or the date from which such change is to take effect.

Where the Metering System is a Shared SVA Metering System, the Supplier shall ensure that any changes to Measurement Class Id, Meter Operator Id, Data Collector Id and Energisation Status contain the same value as the corresponding data items for the associated Half Hourly Metering System.

Where a Supplier identifies changes to Meter Operator Id, Data Collector Id and/or Data Aggregator Id in respect of Metering Systems for which it is registered, and the number of Metering Systems on a particular SMRS which are affected by such changes exceeds the threshold agreed by the Panel, it shall notify the relevant SMRA of such changes.

Where a change is made to Data Aggregator Id, the SMRA shall notify the following that such change has been made, after it has accepted the change:

    • The DA appointed in relation to the Metering System before the change;

    • The DA the Supplier has appointed in its place;

    • The Supplier;

    • Any new Supplier that has sent a valid update to SMRS in respect of the Metering System for a Supply Start Date after the date of amendment; and

    • Its LDSO.

Where a change is made to Data Collector Id for a NHHDC appointment, the SMRA shall notify all NHHDAs appointed contiguously in relation to the Metering System for that registration in the period of 24 months prior to the later of (i) the effective date of the change; or (ii) the date the change is submitted.

The SMRS must not preclude changes made by a Supplier before the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run. If the effective date of the change is before the current effective date contained in the SMRS, the Supplier will determine whether or not to correct the error as required by BSCP604.

An SMRA may, where reasonably required for the proper operation of the market, request a Supplier to provide it with the data items for which that Supplier is responsible in Appendix 4.1 in respect of Metering Systems which are registered to that Supplier on that SMRS. Where a Supplier receives such a reasonable request, it shall respond within two Working Days of receipt of such request, indicating a scheduled date for delivery. The Supplier shall set such date as is reasonably practicable following receipt of the request taking into account that the Supplier shall use its reasonable endeavours to provide the data items as soon as possible. The Supplier shall process such requests in the order in which they are received.

4.4.3 Change of Supplier for SVA Metering System

On notification by the ERDA of a registration for an SVA Metering System, the Supplier should follow the steps set out in section 3.4 of this BSCP.

Following notification by the ERDA of a registration for an SVA Metering System and until the new Supplier notifies the SMRA of the data items of Profile Class Id, Meter Timeswitch Class, Line Loss Factor Class Id, Data Collector Id, Data Aggregator Id, Meter Operator Id, Energisation Status, Measurement Class Id or Standard Settlement Configuration Id, any valid values for these data items held on the SMRS for that Metering System shall continue to be held on the SMRS and shall be presumed to be valid in respect of the new Supplier's registration.

Where an SMRA is notified of cancellation of a registration for an SVA Metering System, the SMRA shall:

    1. Record the notice of cancellation on its SMRS;

    2. Notify the old Supplier's DA, any DA the old Supplier may have appointed for a future date, the new Supplier's DA, any DA the new Supplier may have appointed for a future date and, where necessary, the LDSO, that a notice of cancellation has been received and accepted;

    3. Delete all data items relating to the new Supplier's registration, including any changes to data items for which the Supplier is responsible in Appendix 4.1;

    4. Notify the old Supplier of all changes made by the new Supplier or the LDSO to data items for which they are listed as responsible in Appendix 4.1 and which were entered on or after the Working Day on which the notification of the new Supplier's registration is received, and which have an effective date which is not later than the Working Day on which the notification of cancellation is received, excluding any items which were provided by the old Supplier.

Where an old Supplier makes a change to one of the data items for which it is responsible in Appendix 4.1 for a Metering System, and its update to SMRS is rejected with the reason for such rejection being the new Supplier's registration, the old Supplier shall contact the new Supplier as soon as possible and inform it of the change.

The new Supplier shall not be able to make any changes to Profile Class Id, Meter Timeswitch Class, Meter Operator Id, Data Collector Id, Data Aggregator Id, Energisation Status, Measurement Class Id and Standard Settlement Configuration Id for a Metering System after a withdrawal is accepted or a cancellation is in progress.

4.4.4 New Connection for SVA Metering System

Where an LDSO:

    1. Creates a new connection to a premises from its Distribution System as set out in section 3.6 and hence creates a new Metering System (unless the Metering System is to be registered in CMRS); or

    2. In circumstances other than those set out in (a), agrees with a Supplier that a new Metering System should be created; or

    3. Decides to enter a new Metering System onto its SMRS, or

    4. Is notified of an approved Registration Transfer from CMRS to SMRS and needs to create a new Metering System on its SMRS,

it shall ensure that a Skeleton Record for the new Metering System is entered on its SMRS, in the case of (a) no later than the end of the second Working Day following completion of the works associated with the new connection and in the case of (b), (c) or (d) no later than the end of the second Working Day following its agreement with the Supplier or its decision to enter a new Metering System, or notification from the Transfer Co-ordinator.

On notification by the ERDA of a Supplier registration for a new SVA Metering System, the Supplier should update the SMRS with the values for the other data items that are the Supplier's responsibility in Appendix 4.1.

Where the update of SMRS relates to a Shared SVA Metering System, the Supplier shall ensure that Meter Operator Id, Data Collector Id, Energisation Status, and Measurement Class Id contain the same value as the corresponding data items for the associated Half Hourly Metering System.

If the Supplier includes the Energisation Status in its Message and all the other data items that are the Supplier's responsibility in Appendix 4.1 have not been included, the relevant SMRA shall reject the Message and shall inform the Supplier that such Message has been rejected together with the reasons for its rejection. An SMRA may also reject an update to SMRS which contains values for other data items for the new Metering System, if they do not conform to the SMRS validation procedures.

Where the Line Loss Factor Class Id for the new Metering System included in the Skeleton Record is a default value and the Supplier has provided the values for Profile Class Id, Meter Timeswitch Class and Standard Settlement Configuration Id for the new Metering System, the LDSO shall provide the correct value for Line Loss Factor Class Id for the new Metering System and the relevant SMRA shall record such data item in the SMRS within five Working Days of (i) the latest of the Effective from Dates provided by the Supplier for these data items, or (ii) the date that the SMRA is made aware of the change, whichever date is the later.

The Supplier shall notify the relevant SMRA as soon as reasonably practicable of the other data items in Appendix 4.1 for which the Supplier is responsible, where it has not already done so according to section 3.6. Such data items may be provided at the same time or at different times provided that where the applicable SMRS validation procedures require such data items to be provided in particular combinations, the Supplier shall provide such combinations of data items at the same time.

On each occasion that the Supplier provides such information and the relevant SMRA accepts such information, it shall confirm its acceptance to the Supplier and, where Energisation Status has a value other than null, where such person is identified in respect of the new Metering System, the Supplier’s DA. Where the information is not accepted, the SMRA shall reject such information and inform the Supplier that the Message has been rejected along with the reasons for its rejection.

If at any time the Supplier attempts to send a Message including the Energisation Status and all the other data items that are the Supplier's responsibility for the new Metering System have not yet been provided to the relevant SMRA, or Line Loss Factor Class Id for the new Metering System is not included in the Skeleton Record, the relevant SMRA shall reject such Message and shall inform the Supplier that the Message has been rejected together with the reasons for its rejection. An SMRA may reject a Message which contains values for other data items for a new Metering System if they do not conform to the SMRS validation procedures.

Where the Supplier notifies the relevant SMRA of the other data items referred to in section 3.6 after the Supply Start Date and such application is rejected, the Supplier shall contact that SMRA and the Supplier and SMRA shall agree on an appropriate means of enabling the Supplier to register all its other data items after that Supply Start Date. This may include use of the procedure for Retrospective Manual Amendments as defined in BSCP604.

Where an LDSO creates a new Metering System in accordance with (b) above and that Metering System is a Shared SVA Metering System, it shall ensure that it maintains a record of the associated Half Hourly Metering System and all associated Shared SVA Metering Systems together with the association between them (i.e. that there is only one physical Metering System). The LDSO shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that no duplicate Metering Systems are created on its SMRS.

4.4.5 Disconnection and Registration Deactivation of an SVA Metering System

Where an SMRA receives a registration deactivation notice from the ERDA, the relevant SMRA shall note on its SMRS that no further registrations can be made in respect of the relevant Metering System. A physical disconnection will not occur where the process in section 3.9 is used in conjunction with BSCP68 for a Registration Transfer to CMRS.

Where an SMRA receives a registration deactivation notice from the ERDA in respect of a Green Deal Metering System, it shall reject the notice and shall inform its LDSO that the notice has been rejected and the reasons for such rejection.

Each SMRA shall ensure that any record of any details relating to a Metering System shall not be archived from its SMRS until at least two years after the date of receipt of the registration deactivation notice received as set out in section 3.9, but such Metering System shall not be included in any reports provided by that SMRA under section 2.6 after receipt of the registration deactivation notice.

4.5 SMRA Services For Which Charges are Levied

    • Undertaking the changes to Agent Id for a volume of Metering Systems where an SMRA agrees to provide this service (section 2.3.5);

    • Undertaking Retrospective Manual Amendments (section 2.7.4);

    • Full Refreshes other than one per year per DA (section;

    • Selective Refreshes (section;

    • Resends when original transmission of data does reach a Supplier's or DA's gateway (section 2.7.2);

    • Reports to the Panel or BSCCo (section 2.6.1); and

    • Report to a DA detailing the last file sequence number (section 2.6.4).

4.6 Supplier Liquidated Damages Calculation

Any Supplier liquidated damage(s) payment for which an SMRA is liable shall be apportioned amongst Suppliers in accordance with the following formula:

SLD=L×AiAin size 12{ ital "SLD"=L times { {A rSub { size 8{i} } } over { Sum {A rSub { size 8{i dotslow n} } } } } } {}


SLD = liquidated damage payment to be made to a Supplier in respect of that Quarter;

L = liquidated damage payment for which the relevant SMRA is liable;

Ai = maximum ((x1 - x0), 0) + maximum ((x2 - x1), 0) + maximum ((x3 - x2), 0) for the relevant Supplier;

Ain size 12{ Sum {} A rSub { size 8{i dotslow n} } } {}= sum of (maximum ((x1 - x0), 0) + maximum ((x2 - x1), 0) + maximum (x3 - x2), 0)) for all Suppliers in the relevant Distribution System;

x0 = the number of Metering Systems in respect of which the Supplier was registered at the 15th day of the third month in the preceding Quarter;

x1 = the number of Metering Systems in respect of which the Supplier was registered at the 15th day of the first month in the relevant Quarter;

x2 = the number of Metering Systems in respect of which the Supplier was registered at the 15th day of the second month in the Quarter; and

x3 = the number of Metering Systems in respect of which the Supplier was registered at the 15th day of the third month in the Quarter.

4.7 Service Level Performance Standards






Performance Measure

Service Levels

Reporting Method



Sections 2.2 and 2.3 - Service Availability and Service Levels



SMRA/SVAA MSID Count Comparison between SMRA and SVAA files


Provision of data under section 2.6.2.

1 The timeframe provided is intended to apply to noted sections of BSCP520, and changes to 3.3.1 should be reflected there.