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Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties V5.0

Effective From Date:

Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties

Guidance Note


This document provides a high level overview of the Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties (TAPAP) process. Technical Assurance is used as a detective assurance technique and forms part of the Performance Assurance Framework (PAF). The TAPAP process is defined in Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) Procedure BSCP535: Technical Assurance.

Who can be Technically Assured?

The TAPAP process is applied to ‘Performance Assurance Parties’. You’re considered a Performance Assurance Parties if you’re a:

    • Supplier.

    • Supplier Agents:

      • Half Hourly (HH) and Non Half Hourly (NHH) Data Collectors;

      • HH and NHH Data Aggregators; and

      • CVA HH Meter Operators.

    • Licensed Distribution System Operator when acting as:

      • Unmetered Supplies Operator

      • Supplier Meter Registration Agent.

    • Meter Administrator.

The aim of TAPAP is to detect where you are meeting the BSC obligations and to identify weakness in the BSC processes (and other processes as appropriate). Technical Assurance ‘checks’ are targeted at key market performance and risk areas on an annual basis highlighted through the Performance Assurance Processes, which are approved by the Performance Assurance Board.

What is the Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties Scope of Work?

The ‘scope of work’ for the TAPAP technique documents the checks performed by Elexon each year. It’s agreed by the Performance Assurance Board (PAB) through the Risk Operating Plan after the BSC Audit Report is published and covers the ‘Performance Assurance Operating Period’ (01 April – 31 March).

The scope of work is designed to address market issues, including those identified by other PAF techniques like:

The scope of work can also cover:

    • Gap Areas – BSC requirements where minimal assurance is gained by the other PAF techniques e.g. Disaster Recovery arrangements and Change Control procedures.

    • Recently Introduced Requirements – New obligations may be introduced under the BSC change process. As a result, a check may be included within the scope of work for TAPAP to ensure you fulfil these additional obligations.

    • Market Issues – Compliance issues may be identified by Elexon, the BSC Auditor, or other Performance Assurance Parties. This can lead to TAPAP checks being included in the scope of work for relevant groups of Performance Assurance Parties.

The scope of work is published on the TAPAP webpage. The PAB can approve in-period revisions to the scope if necessary based on the output of other PAF techniques and any arising risks or issues.

What are the key steps in the TAPAP Process?

TAPAP checks are performed either remotely, at your offices, or a combination of both. You’re notified of planned checks in advance and should provide access to systems, procedures and data to allow us to carry out the check.

You’re provided the results when the check is completed. If you’re a Supplier Agent, the results are circulated to your associated Suppliers1.

Check results highlight areas of:

    • Non-Compliance – where you fail to meet obligations in the BSC or Code Subsidiary Documents related to the check; and

    • Observation – where an identified issue is not a BSC or CSD non-compliance, but we consider the issue to be a deficiency in your business operation (relevant to the BSC) or application of a BSC process.

You must resolve any non-compliances and usually this will be managed through the Error & Failure Resolution (EFR) PAF technique where you will submit an action plan describing resolution activities and timescales. This plan will then be managed between you and your Operational Support Manager. Any failure to meet this plan may be managed through the EFR escalation route.

If you disagree with a non-compliance raised in the TAPAP check results, we will endeavour to resolve any concerns or disagreement. You can appeal to the PAB if still dissatisfied with any aspect of the check results.

Need more information?

For more information on TAPAP, please email or visit the Technical Assurance of Performance Assurance Parties on the BSC Website.

For further information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 An Associated Supplier is a Supplier that has confirmed a relationship exists with the Supplier Agent and is entitled to receive the Check Results.