Change of Measurement Class and Change of Profile Class

v 15.0
Effective From Date:
Other versions

Change of Measurement Class and Change of Profile Class

Guidance Note


This note provides guidance on the Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) and Change of Profile Class (CoPC) processes. It supplements the CoMC and CoPC obligations in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC) and Code Subsidiary Documents. Suppliers, Meter Operator Agents and Data Collectors will find this guidance of most value, as these are the market roles most affected by CoMC and CoPC processes.

For additional information on the CoMC and CoPC processes, please contact your Operational Support Manager (OSM) – details available from Elexon. Or contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

Metering System Definitions

Half-Hourly Metering systems are split into the following two definitions depending on who collects the Metered Data:

Supplier-serviced Metering System; - a Metering System where the Supplier obtains data from a SMETS compliant Meter,

HHDC-serviced Metering System - a Metering System where the HHDC is responsible for collecting data directly from the Metering System.

This guidance covers CoMC for both types of Metering Systems.

Change of Measurement Class

What is a measurement class?

Metering Systems are categorised by seven Measurement Classes:

Measurement Class



Non Half Hourly Metered


Non Half Hourly Unmetered


HH metered in 100kW Premises


Half Hourly Unmetered


Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with current transformer


Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with current transformer or whole current, and at Domestic Premises


Half Hourly Metering Equipment at below 100kW Premises with whole current and not at Domestic Premises

Please note that the distinction between above 100kW Half Hourly (HH) (Measurement Class C) and below 100kW HH (Measurement Classes E, F and G) only applies to HH site definitions. Following the implementation of Modification P339 ‘Introduction of new Consumption Component Classes for Measurement Classes E-G’ on 1 April 2017, export Metering Systems shall be allocated to the same Measurement Class as the associated import Metering System where both are settled on a HH basis.

If either the import or export is settled NHH, the separate Measurement Classes must be used.

Supplier-serviced Metering Systems

How does the process for Supplier-serviced Metering Systems differ from that for advanced or 100 kW Meters?

CP1474 ‘Updating the CoMC processes to facilitate the elective HH Settlement of SMETS Meters introduced a new process for smart Meters. It was implemented on 29 June 2017, as part of the BSC June 2017 Release. One key difference in the new process is that the Non-Half Hourly Meter Operator will remain appointed to the metering system when it is being settled on a HH basis.

Where is the CoMC processes defined for Supplier-serviced Metering Systems?

You can find the detailed CoMC processes in the following documents:

    • BSCP501 – 'Supplier Meter Registration Service' – section 3.3;

    • BSCP502 – 'Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' - sections 3.3.11 to 3.3.14;

    • BSCP504 – 'Non Half Hourly Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' - sections 3.3.16 to 3.3.19;

    • BSCP514 – 'SVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' - sections 7.5 to 7.8.

Does a CoMC to HH require a change of Metering Equipment?

Half Hourly Metering Equipment is defined (in BSC Section X-1) as ‘a Meter which provides measurements on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes’. An advanced (or smart) Meter with the capability to measure half hourly interval data will only meet this definition if the Supplier carries out a CoMC from NHH to HH.

All Metering Equipment that is compliant with the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specifications (SMETS) will be capable of providing half hourly interval data and will not need to be replaced on a CoMC to HH. If the Data Communications Company (DCC) cannot contact the Meter a site visit may be required to replace the Meter or Communications Hub. Metering Equipment for sub-100kW HH Metering Systems (Measurement Classes F or G) must be Code of Practice (CoP)10 compliant (or higher). 100 kW system must have a meter that is CoP 1-5 so CoP 10 meters would need to be replaced where a site exceeds the 100 kW boundary.

How should Suppliers notify the new agents of a CoMC?

The D0155 ‘Notification of Meter Operator and or Data Collector of Appointment and Terms’ should be used to notify the Half-Hourly Data Collector (HH). The Retrieval Method (J0098) data item on the D0155 should be set to ‘S’ to inform the HHDC that it relates to a Supplier-serviced Metering System.

If a new MOA is to be appointed the NHHMOA will be sent the D0155 with the Retrieval Method of ‘S’ to let them know that the Metering System is HH.

Where the Retrieval Method is set to ‘S’, the concurrent CoS and CoMC process should be followed. As the Smart CoS Process Indicator (J2177) in the D0155 only applies to the NHH smart CoS process, it can be set to ‘N’ by the Supplier and ignored by the Data Collector.

If there is no change of Meter Operator, then no data flow is sent. However, the Supplier will need to update the Supplier Meter Registration System (SMRS) with a Meter Operator Type of ‘H’.

How should Suppliers notify the old agents of a CoMC?

When Suppliers initiate the CoMC, they should de-appoint the old agents (if required, noting the NHHMOA may not need de-appointment) using the standard D0151 flow. This flow contains a Termination Reason (J0279) data item. For a CoMC that is not coincident with a Change of Supplier (CoS), this item should be populated with the code ‘MC’ for ‘Change of Measurement Class’. Where a CoMC is coincident with CoS, the old Supplier is likely to be unaware of the CoMC and may set the Termination Reason to ‘LC’ for ‘Loss of Contract to Supply’. We recommend that the new Supplier notifies the old Supplier of a planned concurrent CoMC so that the old Supplier can terminate the old agents with a Termination Reason of ‘MC’, if required.

HHDC-serviced Metering Systems

The CoMC process for HHDC-serviced Metering Systems will be used for metering that is not SMETS compliant and not serviced by the DCC. This will include elective HH Settlement for advanced Meters in Profile Classes 3 and 4, Meters in Profile Classes 5 to 8 that have not yet been migrated under the P272 obligation and NHH Meters that now meet the mandatory 100kW requirement.

Where is the CoMC process defined For HHDC-serviced Metering Systems?

Where a customer is required a move to a HHS and is not serviced by the DCC the BSC definition refers to these as HHDC-serviced Metering System; i.e. a Metering System where the HHDC is responsible for collecting data directly from the Metering System.

You can find the detailed CoMC processes in the following documents:

    • BSCP501 – 'Supplier Meter Registration Service' – section 3.3;

    • BSCP502 – 'Half Hourly Data Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' - sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2

    • BSCP504 – 'Non Half Hourly Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' - sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.2;

    • BSCP514 – 'SVA Meter Operations for Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' - sections 7.1 to 7.4 .

Does a CoMC to HH require a change of Metering Equipment?

Half Hourly Metering Equipment is defined (in BSC Section X-1) as ‘Metering Equipment which provides measurements on a half hourly basis for Settlement purposes’. An advanced (or smart) Meter with the capability to measure half hourly interval data will only meet this definition if the Supplier carries out a CoMC from NHH to HH.

Metering Equipment for above 100kW HH Metering Systems (Measurement Class C) must be Code of Practice 1-5. Metering Equipment for sub-100kW HH Metering Systems (Measurement Classes E, F or G) must be Code of Practice 10 (or higher). A change of Metering Equipment will be required if the existing equipment is not compliant with the relevant Code of Practice.

Is a site visit required for a CoMC to HH?

No site visit is needed on change to HH, if all the following apply:

    • the Meter is HH-capable and CoP compliant;

    • no change of communications method is required;

    • a change of SIM card is not needed;

    • commissioning is not required;

    • any required configuration can be completed remotely.

Proving tests are required on CoMC to HH, except where:

    • the Metering System is in Measurement Class ‘F’ and is not part of a Complex Site and/or;

    • the Outstation is integral to the Meter and has a pulse multiplier of one.

The proving test can be carried out remotely.

For advanced Meters with transformers, the CTs should have been commissioned when the advanced Meter was installed, so there would usually be no need to re-commission.

How should Suppliers notify the new agents of a CoMC?

The D01551 and D01532 flows do not include an identifier for a CoMC. We understand that Suppliers adopt one or more of the following conventions:

    • Use the Contract Reference (J0048) data item on the D0155 and D0153 flows;

    • Use the Additional Information (J0012) data item on the D01423 flow.

The Issue 494 working group considered adding new data items to the D0155 or D0142, but concluded that the current workarounds were fit-for-purpose given the low volumes of NHH-HH CoMC (other than for P272, where Suppliers managed the transition as a project).

How should Suppliers notify the old agents of a CoMC?

When Suppliers initiate the CoMC, they should de-appoint the old agents using the standard D01515 flow. This flow contains a Termination Reason (J0279) data item. For a CoMC that is not coincident with a Change of Supplier (CoS), this item should be populated with the code ‘MC’ for ‘Change of Measurement Class’. Where a CoMC is coincident with CoS, the old Supplier is likely to be unaware of the CoMC and may set the Termination Reason to ‘LC’ for ‘Loss of Contract to Supply’. We recommend that the new Supplier notifies the old Supplier of a planned concurrent CoMC so that the old Supplier can terminate the old agents with a Termination Reason of ‘MC’, if required.

When should Suppliers appoint and de-appoint their agents?

One of the main difficulties with the CoMC process is that it requires high levels of manual oversight. Difficulties in executing the process often arise when the Meter replacement does not occur on the planned date. The agent appointment/de-appointment processes need to be invoked ahead of the Meter replacement in order to allow time for the transfer of data necessary to allow it to take place. If the exchange does not take place on the planned date, the Supplier is left with non-compliant metering installed and agent appointment/de-appointment dates will need to be revised.

Although the timing of the CoMC should be easier when an advanced meter is already installed and no site visit is needed, the Half Hourly Meter Operator Agent (HHMOA) will need to receive the Meter Technical Details (MTD) in advance of the CoMC in order to determine whether a site visit is needed and to arrange one with the customer. So timing issues can arise whether a site visit is needed or not.

How can interoperability issues be resolved?

MTD for NHH Metering Systems is sent by the NHHMOA as a D01506, D01497 and (for advanced Meters) a D03138 flow. For advanced Meters the HHMOA needs to translate the MTD into D02689 format for onward transmission to the HHDC. This is likely to be a manual process, as HHMOA systems may not be set up to process NHH flows. HHMOAs should carry out thorough checking of the D0268s and allow time to do so in P272 plans, as the number of new D0268s will be higher than the Business As Usual levels for HH new connections.

The NHHMOA should transfer commissioning details along with the MTD. This will allow the HHMOA to decide whether a site visit is required to carry out commissioning.

It is recommended that the HHMOA should test the D0268 details and interrogate the Meter before the CoMC date is finalised. Once the HHMOA is able to retrieve HH data from the Meter, they can notify the Supplier that the CoMC can go ahead.

If an advanced Meter has not yet been installed, it would be advisable, where possible, to install it ahead of a CoMC (rather than concurrently).

In order to interrogate the advanced Meter, the HHMOA will need the relevant passwords from the NHHMOA. So the NHHMOA will need to send D0313 flow well in advance of the CoMC. Where the NHHMOA and HHMOA are part of the same organisation, the early transfer of a D0313 should be unproblematic. However, if the NHHMO has system constraints, the Supplier should arrange for the NHHMOA to send the D0313 (and other MTD flows) outside the automated system processes.

Where the HHMOA is from a different organisation, the NHHMOA may be reluctant to release the ‘Outstation Password Level 3’ (J1713) ahead of their de-appointment date, as this password will allow the HHMOA to reconfigure the Meter while the NHHMOA is still responsible for it. Once the NHHMOA has received a D017010 from the Supplier (or HHMOA), it is a BSCP514 requirement to send the MTD within 10 working days.

If the NHHMOA has concerns about releasing the ‘Outstation Password Level 3’, the Supplier should seek assurances from the HHMOA that the password will not be used until the effective date of the CoMC.

There needs to be a balance between releasing the MTD early enough to allow the HHMOA to know whether a site visit is required and arrange the site visit with the customer, but not so early that the NHHMOs responsibilities are compromised. Suppliers and their MOAs are best-placed to agree timescales.

In those cases where the information required to facilitate the CoMC cannot be sent in advance, the Supplier will need to decide whether to delay the CoMC (and back-out the agent appointments/de-appointments) or accept a delay in the provision of HH data. Where the HH data is not available, it would need to be estimated.

How should Suppliers manage the CoMC process?

When the HHMOA replaces a Meter as part of the CoMC, it should take the final reading on the old Meter before removal.

When an advanced Meter remains in place, the HHMOA should try to read the appropriate registers (including the total cumulative register) at (or close to) midnight at the start of the CoMC date.

Whether or not a read is taken at midnight, the HHMOA should include the time of the reading in the ‘Reading Date & Time’ (J0016) data item on the D0010 flow to the HHDC. The HHDC can then process the HH interval data for the CoMC date without the risk of double-counting. The HHDC should provide zero values to the HHDA for any Settlement Periods ending before the time in the Reading Date and Time (J0016) data item in the D0010 flow.

Estimating zeros for Settlement Periods before the final NHH reading will result in all data for the Settlement Day being treated as estimated. To avoid a negative impact on reading performance, the HHMOA should endeavour to take a midnight reading wherever possible. When appointed as both HHMOA and HHDC for a Metering System, the HHDC may calculate a midnight reading using HH interval data to adjust a reading taken later on the same day. This will allow actual HH data to be submitted for the whole day without double-counting consumption.

An HHDC who is not also appointed as the HHMO may take a midnight reading and provide this to the HHMO to facilitate the process. If an HHDC takes a midnight reading and the HHMO submits an identical value, the HHDC may submit actual HH readings for the whole Settlement Day.

When should the HHMOA take the final NHH reading?

The NHHMOA should use the D0150 flow to notify both removal of a NHH Meter and that an advanced Meter is no longer being used as a NHH Meter. Even if the NHH Meter is not being removed physically, the D0150 serves as notification to Suppliers, agents and Meter Asset Providers (MAPs) that records of the NHH Meter should be closed. Please note that Meter Operators are adopting different conventions for notifying the “removal date” when there is no physical Meter removal. Some use the CoMC date, whilst others use the previous day. Recipients of the D0150 should allow for both conventions in their validation.

What process should be followed where a CoMC is carried out at the same time as the upgrading of a service cable?

There will be occasions where a customer needs their service cable to be upgraded due to an increase in their load capacity. The customer may also need a change of metering from NHH to HH. Customers may require the existing NHH supply and connection to co-exist with the new HH supply for a period of time before switching completely to the HH supply. Under these circumstances, Elexon recommends that the Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) should agree with the customer in advance of carrying out the service upgrade whether concurrent supplies are required and for what period. If there are likely to be two cables in service concurrently for a period covering more than one Settlement Day, the LDSO should treat this as a new connection, followed by a disconnection. The LDSO should notify the Supplier of the new MPAN. Before initiating a CoMC, the Supplier should confirm with the customer whether a service upgrade is also required and, if so, liaise with the LDSO to determine whether a new MPAN is needed. Unless the customer requests a CoMC, the Supplier can leave the MPAN trading NHH until it meets the 100 kW or P272 criteria for mandatory HH. The LDSO should disconnect the redundant service and notify the Supplier Meter Registration Agent (SMRA) in reasonable timescales.

CoMC for HHDC-Serviced Metering Systems above 100 kW or with Generating Plant above the Small Scale Third Party Generating Plant Limit (SSTPGPL)

The requirement to install Half Hourly Metering for 100kW Metering Systems and Generating Plant above the SSTPGPL11 is in Section L 2.2 of the BSC.

You can find the definition of a '100kW Metering System' in Annex X-1: General Glossary of the BSC.

The performance Serial for installing mandatory Half Hourly Metering Equipment (SP04) is described in BSC Section S-1 2.4 and 3.5 and in BSCP533 ‘PARMS Data Provision, Reporting and Publication of Peer Comparison Data.

What is a 100kW Metering System?

A 100kW Metering System means:

(i) any Metering System where the average of the maximum monthly electrical demands in the three months of highest maximum demand, either in:

(a) the previous twelve months; or

(b) the period since the most recent Significant Change of Demand (whichever is the shorter) exceeds 100kW; or

(ii) any Metering System where the Profile of a Customer’s electrical demand implies an average of the maximum monthly electrical demands in the three months of highest maximum demand either in:

(a) the previous twelve months; or

(b) the period since the most recent Significant Change of Demand (whichever is the shorter) exceeding 100kW; or

(iii) any CVA Metering Systems; or

(iv) an Unmetered Supply where the relevant Distribution System Operator has agreed that the maximum demand is above 100kW; or

(v) any Metering System which is for the time being declared by a Supplier in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure to have a maximum demand in excess of 100kW.

For example, if a Metering System has maximum demands of January (105 kW), February (98kW), March (101kW), April (50kW), May (43kW), June (41kW) then the premise would qualify as a 100kW premise since the average of the three highest maximum demands is above 100kW (using January, February and March). This would continue to apply even if subsequent months in the 12 month period all had maximum demands below 100kW.

If the use of the premise had significantly changed since March, in this example, the Metering System would no longer qualify. A significant change in demand could occur, for example, as a result of a change of tenancy.

Does this mean that a Profile Class 1 to 4 Metering System cannot qualify as a 100kW Metering System?

No. The definition of a 100kW Metering System includes:

Any Metering System where the Profile of a Customer’s electrical demand implies that an average of the maximum monthly electrical demands in the three months of highest maximum demand either in:

    • the previous twelve months; or

    • the period since the most recent Significant Change of Demand (whichever is the shorter) exceeds 100kW.

This can be calculated using the guidance levels below, which indicate the minimum Annual Consumption for each Profile Class in (kWh) which, when profiled, give rise to a maximum demand of 100kW.

Profile Class


Estimated Minimum Annual Consumption for a 100kW site (kWh)


Domestic Unrestricted



Domestic Economy 7



Non-domestic Unrestricted



Non-domestic Economy 7


In determining whether HH metering should be installed at sites comprising Metering Equipment that does not have a maximum demand register, Suppliers should consider that;

    • Large advances during the Summer season may be the result of abnormal seasonality of demand and hence AA values for the remainder of the year should be considered;

    • Profile coefficients for some Standard Settlement Configuration/Profile Class/GSP Group combinations may sum to less than one over the course of the year, with the result that an artificially large AA can be calculated from a Meter Advance.

Who is responsible for identifying 100kW Metering Systems?

The Non Half Hourly Data Collector (NHHDC) should send a report to the Supplier (the P0028 100kW Demand Report) by the seventh calendar day of each month detailing any candidates for HH Metering. You can find this requirement in BSCP504, section A ‘nil’ report should be sent where no 100kW sites have been identified.

Additionally, for sites where maximum demand is not recorded, the Supplier should identify 100kW premises, as described above.

What should the NHHDC include in the P0028 100kW Demand Report?

The NHHDC should send the report to the relevant Suppliers in the form of a spreadsheet, comma separated value (.csv) file or as otherwise agreed.

The SVA Data Catalogue Volume 1: Data Interfaces Appendix F lists the data items required in the 100kW Demand Report as:

    • Data Collector Id

    • MD Value

    • Meter Register Id

    • Metering System Id

    • Reading Date and Time

Suppliers have indicated that it would be useful to include the following data items when sending this flow:

    • Supplier Id

    • Highest MD Reading Date

    • Third MD Reading Date

What should Suppliers do on receipt of the P0028 100kW Demand Report?

Suppliers should check the Metering Systems listed in the P0028 report and use any information from the customer to determine whether a significant change of usage has occurred since the Maximum Demand readings were taken. Where a NHH Metering System meets the criteria for a 100kW Metering System, the Supplier must install Half Hourly Metering Equipment.

How soon must the Supplier arrange a CoMC?

A Supplier who fails to install HH Metering Equipment for a 100kW Metering System will be liable for a daily charge (under performance serial SP04). However, this charge will only take effect after three months following the date on which the Metering System was identified as a 100kW Metering System. For more information on performance serials, please refer to the PARMS Guidance on the BSC Website.

What happens when a Metering System no longer qualifies as 100kW?

Once a Metering System no longer qualifies as 100kW, the Supplier may choose to perform a CoMC from HH to NHH, subject to the Metering System not meeting the Supply Licence obligation for installing advanced Meters (BSC Section L 2.2.2) in which case a CoMC from Measurement Class C to E, F or G, may be required.

Change of Profile Class

What is a Profile Class?

A Profile Class is defined in the BSC12 as ‘a classification of profiles which represents an exclusive category of customers whose Consumption can be reasonably approximated to a common profile for Settlement purposes’.

The eight Profile Classes are shown in the CoMC section of this guidance note.

Please note that NHH export Metering Systems are always assigned to Profile Class 8.

Where is the Change of Profile Class process defined?

The requirement on Suppliers to allocate a Metering System to a Profile Class and ensure that it remains allocated to the correct Profile Class is in BSC Section S 2.7.4.

The rules for allocating Metering Systems to Profile Classes are defined in BSCP516 – 'Allocation of Profile Classes and SSCs'. The BSCP516 processes include the annual recalculation of Load Factors.

You can find the detailed Change of Profile Class processes in the following documents:

    • BSCP501 – 'Supplier Meter Registration Service' – section 3.3;

    • BSCP504 – 'Non Half Hourly Collection for SVA Metering Systems Registered in SMRS' -section 3.3.10.

When should a Supplier change the Profile Class?

The Supplier should initiate a change of Profile Class under the following circumstances:

    • where there is a shift from a Domestic to a Non-Domestic use or vice versa;

    • where there is a change in the meter configuration which requires a change in the SSC to which the NHH MSID is allocated e.g. a single register meter to a multi-rate meter, switched load;

    • where the Supplier becomes aware of a change to the switched load capability of a meter (whether or not a change of SSC is required);

    • where the Supplier becomes aware that a Metering System allocated to a switched load Profile Class under the applicable rules at the start of the 1998 Trading Arrangements should be allocated to the equivalent non-switched Profile Class under the rules set out in Appendix 4.1 of this procedure (or vice versa);

    • when there is a change in the Load Factor (LF) at the time of the annual LF re-calculation.

From 1 April 2017, where an Advanced Meter for Import has been fitted according to the requirements of Standard Licence Condition (SLC) 12.17 -12.22 of the Electricity Supply Licence, the Metering System should be settled Half Hourly.

What Profile Class should be used if the Supplier does not know whether there is a switched load capability?

When in doubt, Suppliers should assign the Metering System to Profile Class 1 or 3, as appropriate.

How does the Supplier initiate the change of Profile Class process?

Having checked the P0206, the Supplier should send a D0052 ‘Affirmation of Metering System Settlement Details’ flow to the NHHDC and send the D0205 ‘Update registration details’ flow to the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS).

The Supplier will need to populate the D0052 flow with an appropriate effective from date for the revised Profile Class. This can be the date the Profile Class report was received by the Supplier, the date of the maximum demand reading or any other suitable date as agreed with the NHHDC. The EAC/AA calculator and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregation (NHHDA) software allow for a change of Profile Class without a reading, but some NHHDC systems have been designed to expect a reading. The BSCP504 process allows the Supplier to request a reading from the NHHDC before sending a D0052 with the same effective date.

What Profile Class should be used, where there is a DUoS charging requirement for maximum demand recording, before a Load Factor calculation has taken place?

Profile Class 6.

Need more information?

For more information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

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No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.

1 D0155 – ‘Notification of Meter Operator or Data Collector Appointment and Terms’

2 D0153 – ‘Notification of Data Aggregator Appointment and Terms’

3 D0142 - Request for Installation or Change to a Metering System Functionality or the Removal of All Meters

4 Issue 49 - Change of Measurement Class (CoMC) process for Advanced Meters

5 D0151 – ‘Termination of Appointment or Contract by Supplier

6 D0150 - Non Half-hourly Meter Technical Details

7 D0149 - Notification of Mapping Details

8 D0313 - Auxiliary Meter Technical Details

9 D0268 - Half Hourly Meter Technical Details

10 D0170 - Request for Metering System Related Details

11 You can find the latest value of the SSTPGPL on the ‘Operational Data’ page of the Elexon Portal

12 Annex X-2 Table X-6