BSCP604 'Error Resolution and Retrospective Manual Adjustments' V2.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

BSC Procedure 604 relating to Error Resolution and Retrospective Manual Amendments

1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code and, in particular, to the definition of “BSC Procedure” in Section X, Annex X-1 thereof.

2. This is BSC Procedure BSCP604, Version 2.0 relating to Error Resolution and Retrospective Manual Amendments.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from 29 June 2023.

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the Panel.

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Procedure

This BSC Procedure (BSCP) defines the process for the manual correction of errors to data in the Supplier Meter Registration Service (SMRS) that cannot be resolved using the standard update processes defined in BSCP501.

The objectives of this BSCP are to define the processes by which:

(1) Suppliers and Licensed Distribution System Operators (LDSOs) / Supplier Meter Registration Agents (SMRAs) may correct errors in SMRS, using a Retrospective Manual Amendment (RMA);

(2) Suppliers and LDSOs initiate a request for an RMA and progress that RMA where this is required;

(3) The other impacted Party’s agreement is sought, and may be given or rejected, where a Supplier’s RMA request impacts an LDSO’s SMRS data or vice versa;

(4) SMRAs notify the Data Aggregator (DA) of an implemented RMA; and

(5) SMRAs advise any subsequent Suppliers of an implemented RMA.

1.2 Main Users of Procedure and their Responsibilities

Main users of this procedure are:

Suppliers and LDSOs in their capacity as the Data Owners for those SMRS data items that can be subject to an RMA; and

Suppliers and LDSOs in their respective capacities as users and providers of the SMRS.

1.3 Use of the Procedure

RMAs are an aspect of wider error resolution processes and the relevant Data Owner (Supplier or LDSO) should always use reasonable endeavours to update SMRS in an accurate and timely manner, in accordance with the requirements of the Balancing and Settlement Code (the Code) and BSCP501. RMAs are intended for use in exceptional circumstances only. Existing methods for the resolution of data errors under the Code and BSCP501 should be employed wherever possible to prevent the need for an RMA.

The remaining sections in this document are:

Section 2 – Service Definition: this section sets out the scope of this BSCP in more detail, the principles and timescales to be followed under this BSCP, and other high-level requirements.

Section 3 – Interface and Timetable Information: this section defines in more detail the requirements of each business process.

Section 4 – Appendices: this section contains supporting information.

1.4 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This BSCP has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Code. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSCP and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

1.5 Associated BSC Procedures


Trading Disputes


Supplier Meter Registration Service


Generic Non-functional Requirements for Licensed Distribution System Operators and Party Agents

1.6 Acronyms and Definitions

1.6.1 Acronyms

A full list of acronyms can be found in Section X of the Code. Acronyms used in this BSCP are as follows:


Balancing and Settlement Code (the Code)


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure


Central Switching Service


Data Aggregator


Effective From Date


Effective From Settlement Date


Effective To Date


Energy Market Data Specification


Licensed Distribution System Operator


Market Domain Data


Market Participant Id


Retail Energy Code


Retrospective Manual Amendment


Secure Data Exchange Portal


Supplier Meter Registration Agent


Supplier Meter Registration Service


Supply Start Date


Working Day

1.6.2 Definitions

A full list of definitions can be found in Section X of the Code. Any capitalised term not defined in this BSCP shall gave the meaning given to it in the Code. Definitions given a specific meaning in this BSCP are as follows:

Current EFD

The corresponding Effective From Date that the Current Value for a data item in SMRS is in force.

Current Value

In the context of this BSCP, the value in force in SMRS for the data items listed in Appendix 4.1 of this BSCP, exclusive of Effective From Dates.

Data Owner

The Party (Supplier or LDSO), responsible for the provision and maintenance of an SMRS data item that can be subject to an RMA, as defined in Appendix 4.1 of this BSCP and the EMDS.

Effective From Date

Used in the context of this BSCP as a generalisation of any of the data items of type Effective From Date/Effective From Settlement Date in Appendix 4.1.

Effective From Settlement Date

See Appendix 4.1.

Effective To Date

In the context of this BSCP, the date on which a data value ceases to be effective in SMRS, as it has been superseded by another data value, or is no longer required.

Market Participant Id

As defined in the EMDS.


Has the meaning given to that term in the REC.

Registration Deactivation Request

Has the meaning given to that term in the REC.

Registration Status

Has the meaning given to that term in the REC.

Retrospective Error

An incorrect value recorded for one of the SMRS data items set out in Appendix 4.1 of this BSCP, where the Effective From Date of the corrected value is earlier than the Effective From Date held in SMRS.

Retrospective Manual Amendment

The manual amendment of an incorrect value for one of the SMRS data items set out in Appendix 4.1 of this BSCP, where the date from which the correction is effective is earlier than the latest Effective From Date currently held for the data item in question.

Secure Data Exchange Portal

Has the meaning given to that term in the REC.

Selective Refresh

As defined in BSCP501.

Supply Start Date

As defined in the EMDS. Also known as the Effective From Date {REGI}.

2 Service Definition

2.1 Scope

This BSCP supports the progression of retrospective amendments to data in SMRS, as referenced in BSCP501 section 2.7.3. It sets out a mechanism to be used in the circumstances where an error has been identified for a date prior to the Current Effective From Date (EFD) in SMRS for a data item (a ‘Retrospective Error’), necessitating the rectification of that error in SMRS through an RMA.

This BSCP describes the request and execution of an RMA, but does not attempt to establish all the circumstances which might give rise to an RMA, as these circumstances are diverse. This BSCP enables the Data Owner, or a Supplier or LDSO who identifies a need for an RMA, to instigate the RMA procedures where this has been determined appropriate for error resolution.

Retrospective Errors under this BSCP are only considered within the timescales for the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run. Any RMA that is required outside of these timescales, and which has an impact on Settlement, can only be considered where:

    1. It is supported by a Trading Disputes Committee (TDC) determination in accordance with BSCP11; or

    2. The technical controls or validation procedures of the SMRS require the RMA to be effected for a date beyond the timescales for the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run (for example to enable contiguous data logic) in order to enable the ongoing integrity of the Metering System in question and any relevant Settlement Days.

Where a data item has been cancelled in SMRS using an RMA, this BSCP does not preclude the use of an ‘Update Registration Details’ (D0205) data flow, rather than manual input, to update the correct data, and/or to reinstate historical data that was cancelled in order to implement the RMA.

Examples of RMAs are included as Appendix 4.4.

2.2 Exclusions

This procedure may not be used to correct data items which are maintained within the Central Switching Service (CSS).

Any SMRS data items which are included in Appendix 4.1 of BSCP501, but excluded from Appendix 4.1 of this BSCP604, may not be corrected using an RMA.

2.3 Principles

This BSCP sets out the expectations and processes to be followed when an error in SMRS data has been identified that may be corrected using an RMA. It does not mandate the correction of all Retrospective Errors by an RMA, and anticipates that Parties will make an informed decision as to whether an RMA is appropriate. Having made such a decision, this BSCP sets out the framework and mechanisms for the authorisation and progression of the RMA in SMRS.

    1. In the case of Suppliers, this BSCP is designed for the correction of individual Registrations only (i.e. relating to resolution of error(s) associated with a particular Registration) and the forms supporting this BSCP are designed accordingly. Errors across multiple Registrations should be handled as a set of individual errors, unless otherwise agreed bi-laterally between the parties concerned. Suppliers are only responsible for their respective SMRS data items during their Registration and can only effect changes for this period.

    2. The SMRS data items for which an LDSO is responsible may span multiple Supplier Registrations. Therefore, the LDSO may be required to make RMAs which are effective for more than one Registration period. In this case, the LDSO will ensure that it liaises with, and obtains agreement from, all affected Suppliers prior to implementing the change (in its capacity as SMRA).

    3. Where a Supplier or LDSO requires an RMA, and that change will also have an effect on the other’s data, then both Data Owners should agree to the change, since it is an objective that data is corrected consistently. Suppliers and LDSOs shall use reasonable endeavours to resolve any disagreement, failing which the provisions of Section H7 of the Code shall apply.

    4. Where an RMA has been implemented, the SMRA will inform all relevant DAs of the change using an ‘Instruction(s) to Non Half Hourly or Half Hourly Data Aggregator’ (D0209) data flow, which may be in the form of a Selective Refresh. Should an RMA cancel a DA’s appointment, then the use of a single Metering System refresh to the DA(s) to advise them of this is still an appropriate means of communication, unless otherwise determined by the SMRA.

2.4 Timescales

The Data Owner, or any Supplier or LDSO who identifies a need for an RMA, is responsible for instigating a request for the RMA.

Before initiating an RMA, the Supplier or LDSO will use the Settlement Calendar to establish the latest date for which changes can be made and still be included in the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run.

Where the EFD for a Retrospective Error is near the Final Reconciliation Settlement Run date, the Supplier and LDSO shall discuss the schedule required to implement the RMA. Where the RMA is unlikely to complete, taking into account the timescales in section 3 and the Settlement Calendar, the RMA shall only proceed if subject to an authorised Trading Dispute or the conditions described in 2.1(b) apply.

2.5 Changes to Disconnection Date

Where a Supplier or an LDSO becomes aware that a Disconnection Date in SMRS is in error, the LDSO shall confirm the actual Disconnection Date to its SMRA for the relevant Metering System. The LDSO shall issue a BSCP604/02 form (see Appendix 4.3), or communicate with the Supplier using the Secure Data Exchange Portal (SDEP) or other bilaterally agreed method, noting the correct Disconnection Date, from which date further Registrations are to be prevented.

Amending the Disconnection Date will not impact the Effective To Date (ETD) for data in the Registration. The Supplier will continue to be registered and all related SMRS data items will continue to be effective until the CSS has successfully processed a Registration Deactivation Request. A Disconnection Date cannot be amended, or the status of the Metering System changed from disconnected, once the Registration Status has been set to Inactive.

In all instances where a change to Disconnection Date is made, the SMRA will ensure that affected Supplier(s) are notified of the LDSO changes to Metering System details.

2.6 Communications

The process for requesting, quoting for and authorising an RMA is defined in section 3.

Information exchanges should be via the SDEP or by other means agreed bilaterally by the Supplier and LDSO.

Suppliers and LDSOs/SMRAs should use the forms in Appendices 4.2 and 4.3, or an alternative form of communication by bilateral agreement. In the event that an alternative method of communication has been agreed between the Supplier and LDSO, the appropriate information, authorisations and audit trail shall be maintained in keeping with the forms in Appendices 4.2 and 4.3.

2.7 Data Integrity

When completing RMAs, the requester should ensure that combinations of data items are consistent with Market Domain Data (MDD) and the SMRS validation rules set out in BSCP501 Appendix 4.3.

Where the RMA is in respect of a cancellation of a Supplier Agent appointment, the Supplier shall ensure that both the incorrect and correct Supplier Agents align data with the RMA. Particular care should be taken when an RMA involves the cancellation of an incorrect Supplier Agent and the appointment of another for a period, due to the extra complexity of informational exchange.

Suppliers should ensure that, whenever an RMA is made, all relevant Supplier and Supplier Agent systems are updated as necessary with the correct information so that consistency is maintained.

Suppliers should ensure that they inform their Supplier Agents of intended RMAs, as required.

Once records are updated under an RMA, the SMRA will:

    • Send a D0209 instruction to all affected DAs, which may be in the form of a Selective Refresh;

    • Advise the LDSO of the changes (internal communication); and

    • Advise future Suppliers of the changes.

Notwithstanding the SMRS validation rules, the SMRA shall not be obliged to check the validity or accuracy of any data items provided by a Data Owner in its instruction for an RMA.

2.8 Contacts

Each LDSO/SMRA shall appoint a dedicated contact who will be responsible for RMAs under this BSCP.

Each Supplier shall appoint a dedicated contact who will be responsible for RMAs under this BSCP and who will be the point of contact for SMRAs in fulfilling the requirement to notify future Suppliers, where applicable.

The contact details above should also specify the MPID(s) which each contact represents. This list will be published by BSCCo. Each LDSO/SMRA and Supplier is responsible for providing BSCCo with up-to-date information.

2.9 Audit Requirements

All documents associated with a particular RMA should be retained in keeping with the general requirements under Party Service Line (PSL) 100.

SMRAs should maintain a log of all RMAs that are implemented, recording:

    • The unique log number for the RMA;

    • The Supplier or LDSO Id (as appropriate to the data item that has been amended) and name and designation of the person who authorised the RMA;

    • The reference number specific to the RMA; and

    • The date the RMA was implemented.

The Metering System history should include the user id and relevant access level of the operator who implemented the particular RMA. A data integrity check should be conducted before and after implementing the RMA and should be auditable. A file note should also be made against the relevant Metering System confirming the reference number used for the RMA as appropriate, so that this can be cross-checked.

3 Interface and Timetable Information

3.1 Supplier Initiates Retrospective Amendment









As required.

Supplier requests RMA.



BSCP604/01 Part A form. See also section 2.6.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 10 WD of receipt of BSCP604/01 Part A form.

If the LDSO’s data is also impacted by the RMA and the LDSO rejects the RMA, notify Supplier.

The LDSO and Supplier will progress the matter as in 3.1.4 below.



BSCP604/01 Part B form.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 10 WD of receipt of BSCP604/01 Part A form.

If the LDSO accepts the request, provide a quote for any charges.



BSCP604/01 Part B form.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.

If the LDSO’s data in SMRS is also impacted by the RMA, confirm agreement, indicating the data items that require change(s).



BSCP604/02 Part A form.


If both Supplier and LDSO data impacted by RMA (and/or LDSO rejects request).

Supplier contacts LDSO to discuss way forward in accordance with section 2.3(c). Depending on the outcome, the RMA will either lapse or resume from 3.1.1 or 3.1.3 above.



SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 10 WD of receipt of BSCP604/01 Part B form.

If Supplier wishes to proceed with the RMA, send LDSO agreement to the change and authorisation to proceed.

Otherwise, if authorisation not received by LDSO after 10 WD of sending the BSCP604/01 Part B form, the RMA request lapses.



BSCP604/01 Part C form.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 20 WD of receipt of BSCP604/01 Part C form or by an alternative scheduled date agreed with the Supplier (and assuming that no rejection was sent in step 3.1.2 and discussions in step 3.1.4 are not ongoing).

LDSO, in its capacity as SMRA, schedules and implements the RMA in SMRS and confirms this to the Supplier. Billing and payment for the RMA shall be undertaken in accordance with BSCP501.




SDEP or other method, as agreed.

3.2 LDSO Initiates Retrospective Amendment









As required.

LDSO requests RMA.



BSCP604/02 Part A form.

Including indication of scheduled date, if necessary.

See also section 2.6.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 10 WD of receipt of BSCP604/02 Part A form.

Supplier uses reasonable endeavours to acknowledge the RMA.



BSCP604/02 Part B form.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


After 10 WD of 3.2.1 in the event of a failure to acknowledge the BSCP604/02 Part A form.

SMRA proceeds with RMA in the absence of an acknowledgement, providing that the RMA relates solely to LDSO owned data items, but should use reasonable endeavours to contact Supplier to confirm this.


Internal process.


Within 10 WD of receipt of BSCP604/02 Part A form.

If the Supplier’s data in SMRS is also impacted by the RMA and the Supplier rejects the RMA, notify the LDSO. The LDSO and Supplier will progress the matter as in 3.2.6 below.



BSCP604/02 Part B form.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 10 WD of receipt of BSCP604/02 Part A form.

If the Supplier’s data in SMRS is also impacted by the RMA, but the Supplier agrees to the RMA, notify the LDSO.



BSCP604/01 Part A form.

SDEP or other method, as agreed.


If both LDSO and Supplier data impacted by RMA.

LDSO contacts Supplier to discuss way forward in accordance with section 2.3(c). Depending on the outcome, the RMA will either lapse or resume from 3.2.1 or 3.2.5 above.



SDEP or other method, as agreed.


Within 20 WD of receipt of BSCP604/01 Part C form or by an alternative scheduled date agreed with the Supplier (and assuming that no rejection was sent in step 3.2.4 and discussions in step 3.2.6 are not ongoing).

LDSO, in its capacity as SMRA, schedules and implements the RMA in SMRS and confirms this to the Supplier.



SDEP or other method, as agreed.


4.1 SMRS Data Items Eligible for an RMA under this BSCP

Data Master


DTC Reference

Data Item




GSP Group Id




Line Loss Factor Class Id




Effective from Settlement Date {MSGG}




Disconnection Date




Effective from Settlement Date {MSLLFC}




Import/Export Indicator




Effective from Date {Import/Export}




Connection Type




Connection Type EFD




Connection Type ETD




Associated Import/Export MSID




Associated Import/Export MSID EFD




Associated Import/Export MSID ETD




Profile Class Id




Standard Settlement Configuration Id




Energisation Status




Measurement Class Id




Data Aggregation Type




Meter Operator Id




Data Aggregator Id




Data Collector Id




Effective from Date {MOA}




Data Collector Type




Effective from Date {DCA}




Meter Timeswitch Code




Effective from Settlement Date {MSES}




Effective from Settlement Date {SCON}




Meter Timeswitch Code Effective from Date




Effective from Settlement Date {MSMC}




Effective from Settlement Date {DAA}

4.2 Please note that DTC Reference refers to the identifier in the Master Registration Agreement’s Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) before it was superseded by the REC’s Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS).

Supplier Request and Confirmation of a Retrospective Manual Amendment (form BSP604/01)

Subject to section 2.6, the following should be sent to the appropriate SMRA when requesting an RMA.

BSCP604/01 – Request and Confirmation of a Retrospective Manual Amendment

PART A – Requester Information

Requester must complete all parts


Requester Details

Supplier Name

Unique RMA Id


Tel. No.

Fax No. (optional)

Email Address

Date of Request


Reason for and Details of the Request

Reason for the change (mandatory) and any additional information

BSCP11 Dispute reference (if applicable)

Supplier Id (mandatory for Suppliers with multiple MPIDs)

Requester must provide details of how the Registration should look, including updates to data items, where necessary

Please indicate whether the requested changes will impact, and require agreement from, the LDSO


BSCP604/01A Supplier Data Update

Data Input for Retrospective Manual Amendment

From (i.e. existing data held)

To (i.e. corrected data)

Profile Class Id

Effective from Settlement Date {MSPC}

Meter Timeswitch Code

Meter Timeswitch Code Effective from Date

Meter Operator Id

Meter Operator Type

Effective from Date {MOA}

Data Collector Id

Data Collector Type

Effective from Date {DCA}

Data Aggregator Id

Data Aggregation Type

Effective from Settlement Date {DAA}

Energisation Status

Effective from Settlement Date {MSES}

Measurement Class Id

Effective from Settlement Date {MSMC}

Standard Settlement Configuration Id

Effective from Settlement Date {SCON}

Import/Export Indicator

Effective from Date {Import/Export}

Connection Type

Connection Type EFD

Connection Type ETD

Associated Import/Export MSID

Associated Import/Export MSID EFD

Associated Import/Export MSID ETD

PART B – Quote and/or Agreement/Rejection

LDSO to complete the following section.

If the request for a Retrospective Manual Amendment is rejected, the reasons must be stated here:


LDSO Quote and/or Agreement/Rejection

Company Name

Authenticator’s name and designation

Tel. No.

Fax No. (optional)

Email Address

Date by which Retrospective Manual Amendment will be completed (subject to authorisation to proceed):

Quote Price

LDSO data in SMRS affected?


If Yes, BSCP604/02 attached?


Any other information



PART C – Supplier Confirmation and Authorisation

In order to avoid having to return the form for a second time, the Supplier confirmation and authorisation should be sent by return email and should contain the following information.


Supplier Confirmation and Authorisation

Name of Authoriser


Tel. No.

Fax No. (optional)

Email Address

Confirm scheduled date

Any other information

4.3 LDSO Notification of a Retrospective Manual Amendment (form BSP604/02)

Subject to section 2.6, this form should also be used to confirm changes associated with a Retrospective Manual Amendment initiated by a Supplier, where applicable.

BSCP604/02 – LDSO notification of a Retrospective Manual Amendment

PART A – Requester Information

Requester must complete all parts


Requester Details


Unique RMA Id

Metering System Id


Tel. No.

Fax No. (optional)

Email Address

Date of Request


Reason for and Details of the Request

Reason for the change (mandatory) and any additional information

BSCP11 Dispute reference (if applicable)

Requester must provide details of how the LDSO data should look, including updates to data items, where necessary

Please indicate whether the requested changes will impact, and require agreement from, Supplier


BSCP604/02A LDSO Data Update

Data input for Retrospective Manual Amendment

From (i.e. existing data held)

To (i.e. corrected data)

Line Loss Factor Class Id

Effective from Settlement Date {MSLLFC}

GSP Group Id

Effective from Settlement Date {MSGG}

Disconnection Date

BSCP604/02A scheduled date for RMA to be implemented in SMRS

PART B – Supplier Acknowledgement of Request

In the absence of an acknowledgement to this BSCP604/02A, the LDSO may implement the RMA. It is strongly recommended that Suppliers acknowledge the RMA notification.

Supplier to complete following section.

If the notification of a Retrospective Manual Amendment is rejected, the reasons must be stated here:


Supplier data in SMRS affected by the RMA?


If Yes, BSCP604/01A attached?


In order to avoid having to return the form for a second time, the Supplier acknowledgement should be sent by return email and should contain the following information.


Supplier Acknowledgement


Date by which RMA will be completed (subject to authorisation to proceed)

Authenticator name and designation

Tel. No.

Fax No. (optional)

Email Address

4.4 Retrospective Error Correction Examples

4.4.1 Error in current data value only

Current SMRS details

complex image of process


Standard Settlement Configuration (SSC) value effective from 06/03/2021 should be 0879.


Send a D0205 flow to change SSC value to 0879 with effect from 06/03/2021. An RMA is not needed because the correction is to the latest value of the SSC.

Revised SMRS details

complex image of process

4.4.2 Retrospective Error – previous value in error

Current SMRS details

complex image of process


SSC value effective from 11/09/2020 was assigned in error and should be deleted.


RMA to cancel SSC 0456 and associated EFSD.

Revised SMRS details

complex image of process

4.4.3 Error in Effective From Settlement Date for Current Value – should be earlier

Current SMRS details

complex image of process


Incorrect EFSD for SSC 0789. It should be 06/01/2021.


RMA to cancel SSC 0789 and EFSD 06/03/2021. Either include revised values (SSC 0789 and EFSD 06/01/2021) in BSCP604/01 form, or send a D0205 with correct values after RMA has cancelled incorrect values.

Revised SMRS details

complex image of process

4.4.4 Error in value of previous data item

Current SMRS details

complex image of process


Incorrect value for SSC 0456. It should be 0654.


RMA to cancel SSC 0456 and replace with SSC 0654. RMA needed as 0456 is not the latest value of the SSC.

Revised SMRS details

complex image of process

4.4.5 Error in LDSO data spanning more than one Supplier Registration

Current SMRS details

complex image of process


Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) value and EFSD incorrect. LLFC should be 321 from 01/01/2021.


RMA to change LLFC to 321 from 01/01/2021.

Revised SMRS details

complex image of process

The LDSO should contact both Suppliers before effecting the correction for the period shown in the above example. The example does not reflect any related amendment that the Supplier might need as a result of the LLFC change.

4.4.6 Incorrect EFSD – should be later: RMA should NOT be made

Current SMRS details

complex image of process


EFSD for SSC 0789 should be 12/05/2021.


No RMA should be made as existing functionality can be used.

Send D0205 flow to update the SSC to 0456, effective from 06/03/2021.

Send second D0205 flow to change SSC to 0789, effective from 12/05/2021.

Revised SMRS details

complex image of process




Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/Panel/ Committee Refs



Created from MRA Agreed Procedure (MAP) 04 ‘Procedure for Error Resolution and Retrospective Manual Amendments’, as part of the 18 July 2022 Release for the Switching Significant Code Review.


Panel 325/05



June 2023 Standard Release



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