BSCP 32: Metering Dispensations V13.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

Balancing and Settlement Code


Metering Dispensations


Version 13.0

Date: 1 September 2021


1. Reference is made to the Balancing and Settlement Code and, in particular, to the definition of "BSC Procedure" in Section X, Annex X-1 thereof.

2. This is BSC Procedure 32, Version 13.0 relating to Metering Dispensations.

3. This BSC Procedure is effective from 1 September 2021

4. This BSC Procedure has been approved by the Panel.

Intellectual Property Rights, Copyright and Disclaimer

The copyright and other intellectual property rights in this document are vested in Elexon or appear with the consent of the copyright owner. These materials are made available for you for the purposes of your participation in the electricity industry. If you have an interest in the electricity industry, you may view, download, copy, distribute, modify, transmit, publish, sell or create derivative works (in whatever format) from this document or in other cases use for personal academic or other non-commercial purposes. All copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the document must be retained on any copy you make.

All other rights of the copyright owner not expressly dealt with above are reserved.

No representation, warranty or guarantee is made that the information in this document is accurate or complete. While care is taken in the collection and provision of this information, Elexon Limited shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any information or damages resulting from the use of this information or action taken in reliance on it.




Description of Changes

Changes Included

Mods/ Panel/ Committee Refs


Code Effective Date

Designated version





Work outstanding at Go Active resolution of inconsistencies inclusion of consultation comments





Change Proposal for BSC Systems Release 2





Change Proposals for CVA June 03 Release





Change Proposals for the CVA Programme June 04 Release






CVA Programme February 05 Release

BETTA 6.3,





CVA Programme November 05 Release





Change Proposals for the February 06 Release






November 2015 Release






November 2017 Release






March 2019 Standalone Release


Panel 285/12



June 2021 Release


Panel 313/12



1 September 2021 Non-Standard Release


Panel 316/05

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose and Scope of the Procedure

Metering Equipment shall, save as otherwise provided in the Code, comply with the minimum requirements referred to or set out in the relevant Code of Practice. If for practical and/or financial reasons any Metering Equipment or Metering System comprised therein does not meet all or any of the requirements referred to, or set out in the relevant Code of Practice, the Metering Equipment or Metering System may be the subject of an application for a Metering Dispensation from that relevant Code of Practice in accordance with this BSCP32 and Section L of the Code.

The relevant Code of Practice in respect of any Metering Equipment comprising any Metering System shall be determined by reference to Section L of the Code.

This procedure outlines the responsibilities with regard to processing applications for Metering Dispensations, and outlines the timeframes involved. It also details the information required for submission with an application, notifications to Parties and records to be maintained in respect of all Metering Dispensations.

This procedure also sets out the criteria to be used by the Panel in considering a Metering Dispensation application and the requirement of the Applicant to declare his intended course of action, in writing to the Panel, within a specified timescale following approval of the application.

Metering Dispensations may be granted on such conditions (if any) as the Panel may deem fit.

This procedure also outlines the responsibilities with regard to validating electrical loss adjustments, where proposed under a site specific Metering Dispensation application or, where proposed when the relevant Code of Practice does not require a Metering Dispensation. It also outlines the timeframes involved. Guidance on standard methods for calculating and compensating for power transformer and cable (or line) losses can be found on the BSC Website.

1.2 Main Users of the Procedure and their Responsibilities

This BSCP is to be used by the following:

    • The Registrant or intended Registrant of the Metering Equipment.

    • The Applicant(s) for generic Metering Dispensations.

    • BSCCo, for processing applications and maintaining records of all Metering Dispensations.

    • The Panel, for endorsing or rejecting Metering Dispensation applications.

1.3 Balancing and Settlement Code Provision

This BSCP should be read in conjunction with the Code and in particular Section L.

This BSCP has been produced in accordance with the provisions of the Code. In the event of an inconsistency between the provisions of this BSCP and the Code, the provisions of the Code shall prevail.

1.4 Associated BSC Procedures

This procedure interfaces with the following BSCPs:

BSCP20 Registration of Metering Systems for CVA

BSCP27 Technical Assurance of Half Hourly Metering Systems for Settlement Purposes

BSCP38 Authorisations

BSCP501 Registration of Metering System for Supplier Volume Allocation

1.5 Metering Dispensation Applications

The Registrant of a Metering System may apply for Metering Dispensations that apply specifically to the Metering Equipment in that Metering System. In addition the Panel may, on its own initiative or upon the application of a Party, establish Metering Dispensations that apply to any item of Metering Equipment.

When making any application, the Applicant must allow sufficient time for the approval process to be completed prior to the installation / commissioning of the associated Metering System. Applicants may request confidentiality via the application form (BSCP32/4.1). Where the Applicant requests confidentiality, it must be clearly stated in the application the information that is considered confidential and the reasons why confidentiality is requested. BSCCo will make available all information necessary for the BSC Panel or its delegated Panel Committees to perform their duties in the technical assessment of the application. This may include any information considered confidential by the Applicant. In all cases, the site name, Metering Dispensation number, expiry date (if time limited) and BSC Panel determinations will be made available in the public domain, unless the Applicant specifically agrees otherwise with BSCCo.

Applications for the extension of time limited Metering Dispensations should be submitted as soon as the Applicant becomes aware that an extension may be required and in any event prior to the termination of the relevant Metering Dispensation. Consideration should be given to the timescales required in order for the Metering Dispensation application to be processed and decided on by the relevant Panel Committee. Failure to do so could result in the Metering System being non-compliant with the BSC and hence be subject to escalation to the BSC Panel.

In all cases, where the BSCP32/4.1 application form is not adequately or properly completed, BSCCo reserves the right to reject the application at the submission stage and request such information to be provided before the application is progressed further.

1.6 Register of Metering Dispensations

BSCCo shall record the progress of such applications and shall provide the appropriate levels of security for both access to and modification of the contents of such register. BSCCo shall provide such reports from the Metering Dispensation register as the Panel may require. BSCCo will provide the TAA with duplicate copies of all existing Metering Dispensations. BSCCo will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the Metering Dispensation register.

1.7 Classification of Metering Dispensations

Metering Dispensations are classified against a number of criteria. Each Metering Dispensation will have an associated term (‘Temporary’ or ‘Lifetime’) and location (‘site specific’ or ‘generic’). Modifications to or extensions of existing Metering Dispensations should be identified as Updates. The Panel may impose conditions on any Metering Dispensations granted. Generic Metering Dispensations apply to specific items of Metering Equipment which may be used to form any number of Metering Systems, subject to the conditions of that Metering Dispensation.

1.8 Notification of CVA Metering Dispensations

BSCCo will notify the Party concerned of the existence of any valid CVA Metering Dispensations during the registration process. In addition, BSCCo will publish and maintain a list of all generic Metering Dispensations on the BSC Website.

1.9 Factors Affecting Metering Dispensations

The Panel shall, in considering an application, take into account location, accuracy, functionality of the proposed Metering Equipment and such other factors as they may consider appropriate in relation to the requirements of the relevant Code of Practice.

If it is shown that the Applicant failed to seek the views of any Affected party then any Metering Dispensation agreed may be rendered void. Where the Applicant fails to receive any response from an Affected party, provided the Applicant can prove that it has taken reasonable steps to ensure delivery of notification of its application this shall be sufficient evidence of such notification.

If the Panel believe at any time that relevant circumstances have changed they may withdraw or amend a Metering Dispensation.


(i) a Metering Dispensation is rendered void; or

(ii) a Metering Dispensation has been agreed for a limited period and such periods have expired; or

(iii) a Metering Dispensation has been agreed on conditions that certain circumstances will subsist and any of such circumstances shall cease to apply,

then the Applicant may submit a further application in respect of the subject matter of such Metering Dispensation providing that there has not been any change to the Metering Equipment or Metering System since the original application was made. Otherwise a new application for a Metering Dispensation shall be submitted.

Holders of time limited Metering Dispensations should, before the expiry date of the Metering Dispensation, have carried out one of the following actions:

(iv) Withdrawn the Metering Dispensation; or

(v) Given written confirmation of compliance to BSCCo; or

(vi) Applied for an extension to the Metering Dispensation.

The Panel may instruct the TAA to carry out a targeted visit at any time, in accordance with BSCP27.

2 Acronyms and Definitions

2.1 List of Acronyms

The following is a list of acronyms used in BSCP32:


Actual Metering Point


Balancing and Settlement Code Procedure


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Central Meter Registration Service


BM Units – Change of CVA Primary BM Unit Lead Party (CoPBLP) and Supplier ID Transfer Process


Code of Practice


Defined Metering Point


Effective From Date


Electrical Loss Validation Agent


Licensed Distribution System Operator


National Electricity Transmission System Operator as the holder of the Transmission Licence and any reference to "NETSO", "NGESO", "National Grid Company" or "NGC" in the Code or any Code Subsidiary Document shall have the same meaning.


Supplier Meter Registration Agent


Supplier Meter Registration Service


Technical Assurance Agent


Working Day

2.2 List of Definitions

Actual Metering Point

The physical location at which electricity is metered.

Affected parties

For site specific Metering Dispensations, Affected parties may include: customers; NETSO; LDSOs; the Low Carbon Contracts Company (LCCC); and any Party other than the Registrant responsible for Aggregation Rules relating to such Metering Equipment.

Where the Metering System has not been registered at the time of application, Affected parties include all BSC Parties.

For generic Metering Dispensations, Affected parties include all BSC Parties.

Appropriate parties

Any person(s) that BSCCo or the Panel considers appropriate for consultation. This may include independent experts such as the Metering Dispensation Review Group (MDRG).

Defined Metering Point

Defined Metering Point means the physical location at which the overall accuracy requirements as stated in the relevant Code of Practice are to be met. The Defined Metering Points are identified in the Codes of Practice and relate to Boundary Points and System Connection Points.

Electrical Loss Validation Agent

The agent who validates the accuracy of electrical loss calculations.

Other terms are defined in the Code.

3 Interface and Timetable Information

3.1 Application for Metering Dispensation (Site Specific, Generic)









Where appropriate, but before submission of application

Notify and seek endorsement from all Affected parties of intention to apply for a Metering Dispensation from relevant Code of Practice

For a site specific Metering Dispensation application where the AMP is not at the DMP and the Registrant needs/wishes to apply electrical loss adjustments to the Metering System see Section 3.3


Affected parties

Details of site involved and Metering Dispensation being applied for

Fax / Post / Email


As required

Submit application requesting a Metering Dispensation



BSCP32/4.1, Application for a Metering Dispensation

For a site specific Metering Dispensation application where the AMP is not at the DMP, include the proposed electrical loss adjustments and information on the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable these loss adjustments to be validated1.

Fax / Post / Email

Where appropriate include letter of endorsement from Affected parties.

Application forms must be signed by a Category R Authorised Person as registered under BSCP38, or include their password and be sent from the Authorised Person’s email address.

Please note that all fields must be filled out in form BSCP32/4.1, or the application will not be progressed. Please see the guidance note on the BSC website for details on how to fill out form BSCP32/4.1.


Within 2 WD of 3.1.2

Acknowledge receipt of application

Check application for validity and completeness

Issue reference number

Record application and reference number in register



BSCP32/4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation

Fax / Post / Email


Within 5 WD of 3.1.3 where appropriate

Where additional information or clarifications are required for a determination to be reached, request such information from the Applicant.



Request for specific information

Fax / Post / Email


As required

If request for more information received, provide requested information as agreed between BSCCo and the Applicant.



Requested information

Fax / Post / Email


Within 2 WD of 3.1.3 or 3.1.5 (as appropriate)

Notify Appropriate parties and request comments


Appropriate parties

BSCP32/4.1, Application for a Metering Dispensation

Additional information as appropriate

Fax /Post /Email


Within 10 WD of 3.1.6

Provide comments

Appropriate parties


Requested comments

Fax /Post /Email


At least 6 WD prior to Panel meeting considering the application

Prepare and submit Panel paper for consideration (including, where relevant for a site specific Metering Dispensation application, the ELVA’s view on any proposed power transformer and/or cable/line electrical loss adjustments)



Panel paper

Internal process


At Panel meeting

Consider application and either approve the Metering Dispensation, defer the Metering Dispensation pending more information, or reject the Metering Dispensation.

The Panel, in deferring a Metering Dispensation, may seek further consultation as appropriate

Notify BSCCo of Panel decision.



Panel decision


Within 3 WD of Panel meeting where application is accepted or rejected

Inform Applicant and TAA of Panel decision




BSCP32/4.4, Notification of Panel Ruling on Metering Dispensation Application

Fax /Post /Email

Update the Metering Dispensations log where appropriate on the Metering Dispensations webpage.


Upload the public Metering Dispensation details (if approved) to the register of site specific Metering Dispensations, or statement of generic Metering Dispensations.


Within 10 WD of 3.1.10

Acknowledge receipt and accept Panel determination



BSCP32/4.4, Notification of Panel Ruling on Metering Dispensation Application

Fax /Post /Email

3.2 Withdrawal of a Proposed or Approved Metering Dispensation.









On or after receipt of Panel decision

Applicant may apply to withdraw provided it wishes to comply with relevant CoPs (this may include a site no longer existing in which case the Metering Dispensation should also be withdrawn)



BSCP32/4.5, Application to Withdraw a Metering Dispensation

Application form must be signed by a Category R Authorised Person as registered under BSCP38.

Letter /Fax /Email


Within 2WD of 3.2.1

Log withdrawal in the register and confirm receipt




BSCP32/4.5, Application to Withdraw a Metering Dispensation

Letter /Fax /Email

3.3 Validation of Power Transformer and Cable/Line Loss Adjustments to be applied to a Metering System

This section applies where the Registrant of a Metering System proposes to apply electrical loss adjustments for power transformers and/or cable or line losses to a Metering System under a site specific Metering Dispensation (see Section 3.1) or proposes to apply relevant electrical loss adjustments to a Metering System where a Metering Dispensation is not required under the relevant Code of Practice.









Before submission of application for a site specific Metering Dispensation (see section 3.1), where the Registrant proposes to apply electrical loss adjustments to the Metering System

Request manufacturer’s information from the owner of the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable relevant electrical loss adjustments to be calculated


Affected parties (e.g. Transmission network owner, LDSO or Customer)

Request for manufacturer’s information from the owner of the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable relevant electrical loss adjustments to be calculated.

Fax / Post / Email


As required, where a Metering Dispensation is not required under the relevant Code of Practice and where the Registrant proposes to apply relevant electrical loss adjustments to the Metering System


Following 3.3.1

Provide manufacturer’s information for the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable relevant electrical loss adjustments to be calculated

Affected parties (e.g. Transmission System owner, LDSO or Customer)


Manufacturer’s information from the owner of the power transformer and or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable relevant electrical loss adjustments to be calculated

Fax / Post / Email


Following 3.3.2

Calculate relevant electrical loss adjustments for the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP


Internal process


As required but at the same time as 3.1.2

Submit application for a site specific Metering Dispensation in accordance with Section 3.1 including information on the power transformer and/or cable/line to enable relevant electrical loss adjustments to be validated and the proposed electrical loss adjustments



BSCP32/4.1, Application for a Metering Dispensation

For a site specific Metering Dispensation application where the AMP is not at the DMP, include the proposed electrical loss adjustments and information on the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable these loss adjustments to be validated. Application forms must be signed by a Category R Authorised Person as registered under BSCP38, or include their password and be sent from the Authorised Person’s email address

Fax / Post / Email


At least 30WD before the EFD of the Metering System

Submit the relevant information required (as set out in Part D1 of BSCP32/4.1) including Site Name, relevant Circuit Identifier(s), MSID(s), Meter Type(s), Meter Serial Number(s) and (if adjustments are to be applied using this method) Aggregation Rule(s)

Relevant information required (as set out in Part D1 of BSCP32/4.1) including Site Name, relevant Circuit Identifier(s), MSID(s), Meter Type(s), Meter Serial Number(s) and (if adjustments are to be applied using this method) Aggregation Rule(s)


Within 2 WD of 3.3.4

Check application for validity and completeness with regard to the proposed electrical loss adjustments and information on the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable these loss adjustments to be validated. Receipt acknowledgement covered by 3.1.3.


Check for validity and completeness with regard to relevant information required (as set out in Part D1 of BSCP32/4.1) including Site Name, relevant Circuit Identifier(s), MSID(s), Meter Type(s), Meter Serial Number(s) and (if adjustments are to be applied using this method) Aggregation Rule(s) and acknowledge receipt



BSCP32/4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation

For a site specific Metering Dispensation application where the AMP is not at the DMP, include the proposed electrical loss adjustments and information on the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable these loss adjustments to be validated.


Relevant information required (as set out in Part D1 of BSCP32/4.1) including Site Name, relevant Circuit Identifier(s), MSID(s), Meter Type(s), Meter Serial Number(s) and (if adjustments are to be applied using this method) Aggregation Rule(s)

Acknowledgment of receipt

Internal process

Internal process

Fax / Post / Email


Within 5 WD of 3.3.5, where appropriate

Where additional information or clarification is required for a determination to be reached as to the validity of the proposed electrical loss adjustments, request such information from the Applicant



Request for specific information or clarification

Fax / Post / Email


As required (bearing in mind time required to apply validated electrical loss adjustments to the Metering System before the Metering System EFD)

If request for additional information or clarification is received, provide requested additional information or clarification as agreed between BSCCo and the Applicant.



Requested additional information or clarification

Fax / Post / Email


Within 2 WD of 3.3.5 or 3.3.7 (as appropriate)

Request ELVA validates proposed electrical loss adjustments



Request to validate proposed electrical loss adjustments

BSCP32/4.1, Application for a Metering Dispensation

Including the proposed electrical loss adjustments and information on the power transformer and/or cable/line between the AMP and the DMP to enable these loss adjustments to be validated.


Relevant information required (as set out in Part D1 of BSCP32/4.1) including Site Name, Circuit Identifier, MSID(s), Meter Type(s), Meter Serial Number(s) and (if adjustments are to be applied using this method) Aggregation Rule(s) and any Additional information, as appropriate

Fax /Post / Email


Within 10WD of 3.3.8

Validate and provide confirmation that the proposed electrical loss adjustments are suitable.

Any requests by the ELVA for further information or clarification from the Applicant on the proposed electrical loss adjustments shall be dealt with via BSCCo



Requested confirmation that the proposed electrical loss adjustments are suitable

Fax /Post / Email


Within 2 WD of receipt of confirmation from ELVA that the proposed electrical loss adjustments are suitable

Provide confirmation from ELVA that the proposed electrical loss adjustments are suitable2 to Applicant.



ELVA confirmation that the proposed electrical loss adjustments are suitable

Fax /Post / Email

4 Appendices

4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation

Form, BSCP32/4.1 should be used by the Applicant when applying for a Metering Dispensation. It is also used by BSCCo to acknowledge receipt of the application.

4.2 Form BSCP32/4.2 is no longer used.

4.3 Form BSCP32/4.3 is no longer used.

4.4 Notification of Panel Ruling on Metering Dispensation Application

Form, BSCP32/4.4 should be used by BSCCo to communicate the Panel decision with regard to a particular Metering Dispensation application to the TAA and the Applicant. It should also be used by the Applicant when acknowledging and accepting the Panel determination.

4.5 Application to Withdraw a Metering Dispensation

Form BSCP32/4.5 should be used by the Applicant when withdrawing a proposed or approved Metering Dispensation. Such a withdrawal implies that the Applicant will now meet the requirements of the Code of Practice from which he may previously have held a Metering Dispensation. BSCCo will also use the form to acknowledge receipt of the withdrawal both to the Applicant and to the TAA.

4.6 Form BSCP32/4.6 is no longer used.

4.7 Forms

All the forms for use in this BSCP are shown below.

BSCP32/4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation

Part A – Applicant Details


Date Sent: __________

From: Requesting Applicant Details

Name of Sender: ______________________________________________________________________________

Contact email address: __________________________________________________________________________

Contact Tel. No. _________________________________

Contact Fax. No.______________________________

Name of Applicant Company:_____________________________________________________________________


Post Code:___________________________________

Our Ref: ___________________________________

Name of Authorised Signatory: ________________________________________________________________

Authorised Signature: _____________________________

Password: _________________________________


Does any part of this application form contain confidential information?

Request for Confidentiality YES/NO* *Delete as applicable

If ‘YES’, please state the parts of the application form that are considered confidential, including justification below. Information that is considered confidential:

Reasons for requesting confidentiality:


number, site name, expiry date (if any) and BSC Panel determinations will routinely be made available in the public domain unless the applicant informs BSCCo otherwise at the time of application

BSCP32/4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation (Cont.)

Part B - Affected Party Details

Number of Affected parties_____3

Does this Metering Dispensation affect the metering arrangements for a generator that has applied for/obtained a CFD Agreement? ☐Yes ☐No

If Yes, you must contact the Low Carbon Contracts Company and advise them of your Metering Dispensation application and include them as an Affected Party.

Have you notified all Affected Parties? ☐Yes ☐No

Contact Name at Affected party:

Contact email address:

Contact Tel. No.

Contact Tel. No.

Company Name of Affected party:


Post Code:

Contact Name at Affected party:

Contact email address:

Contact Tel. No:

Contact Tel. No.

Company Name of Affected party:


Post Code:

Contact Name at Affected party:

Contact email address:

Contact Tel. No.

Contact Tel. No.

Company Name of Affected party:


Post Code:

BSCP32/4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation (Cont.)

Part C – Reason for Application

If the application is an extension or update for an existing Metering Dispensation, enter existing ref: D/……..

Site Specific / Generic* *Delete as applicable.

Describe why you require a Metering Dispensation. Include any steps you propose to limit the impact on Settlement and other Registrants:

Period of Metering Dispensation required

Lifetime / Temporary* *Delete as applicable.

If temporary, indicate for how long the Metering Dispensation is required.

Provide justified reasoning for the period of Metering Dispensation requested in the box below:

Rationale for duration of Metering Dispensation:

Part D1 - Loss Adjustments for Power Transformer and/or Cable/Line Losses

Where loss adjustments are proposed and applied (or are to be applied) to the Metering System for power transformer and/or cable/line losses, provide the following information:

Describe how do you propose to correct the Metering System to account for the losses of this power transformer?

In order to validate the loss adjustments applied (or to be applied) to the Metering System please provide the following information together with supporting data (e.g. power transformer test certificates):

What are the iron losses for this power transformer?

What are the copper losses for this power transformer?

Are there any other losses that have been taken into account? Yes/No*. If Yes what are they?

Demonstrate how these elements of loss have been used in the corrections to the Metering System.

*Delete as applicable.

Describe how do you propose to correct the Metering System to account for the losses of the power cable/line?

In order to validate the loss adjustments applied (or to be applied) to the Metering System please provide the following information together with supporting data (e.g. cable/line manufacturer’s data sheet):

What is the type of power cable/line?

What is the length of this power cable/line?

What is the DC resistance of this power cable/line?

What is the impedance of this power cable/line?

What is the capacitance of this power cable/line?

Are there any other losses that have been taken into account? Yes/No*. If Yes what are they?

Demonstrate how these elements of loss have been used in the corrections to the Metering System.

*Delete as applicable.


Please complete the following:

What is the cost of providing compliant Metering Equipment?

What does this cost entail?

What is the cost of the proposed solution?

What does this cost entail?

What is the impact to Settlement of your proposed solution?


What is the impact to other Registrants of your proposed solution?


Site Details (for Site Specific Metering Dispensation)

Site Name:

Site Address:


Registered in: CMRS / SMRS*:

*Delete as applicable.

For SMRS, please advise of SMRA in space provided.

Manufacturer Details (for Generic Metering Dispensation)

Manufacturer Name:

Metering Equipment Details:

BSCP32/4.1 Application for a Metering Dispensation (Cont.)

Part D - Technical Details

Code of Practice details

Metering Dispensation against Code of Practice*

Issue of Code of Practice*:

Capacity of Metering Circuits/Site Maximum Demand (MW/MVA):

(Proposed) Commissioning Date of Metering:

Accuracy at Defined Metering Point:

Accuracy of Proposed Solution (including loss adjustments):

Outstanding non-compliances on Metering Systems:

Deviations from the Code of Practice (reference to appropriate clause):

* insert Code of Practice number and issue

Any Other Technical Information


We declare that other than as set out above we are in all other respects, in compliance with the requirements of the relevant Code of Practice and the BSC. A schematic is attached to this application for clarification of the metering points involved.

Signature: Date:


Duly authorised for and on behalf of Applicant Company

Confirmation of Receipt and Reference

BSCCo acknowledges receipt of this document and has assigned the reference number as indicated on the first page.

Signature: Date:

Duly authorised for and on behalf of BSCCo

BSCP32/4.2 This form is no longer used and is intentionally left blank

BSCP32/4.3 This form is no longer used and is intentionally left blank

BSCP32/4.4 Notification of Panel Ruling on Metering Dispensation Application

Reference No.:


Balancing and Settlement Code Company


Applicant Company:


Contact Name:

Telephone Number:



Metering Dispensation number:

Your application to the Panel with regard to the above Metering Dispensation from Code of Practice ___________ was considered at the Panel meeting of ___________ and the Panel have:

Agreed to the application*

Dismissed the application*

Referred the application for more information*

* delete as applicable

Other information

Signature: Date:

Duly authorised for and on behalf of the Panel

The above Metering Dispensation and any conditions have been accepted by the Applicant Company.

Signature: Date:

Duly authorised for and on behalf of the Applicant Company

BSCP32/4.5 Application to Withdraw a Metering Dispensation



Reference No.:

Company Details

Name of Applicant Company:


Contact Name:

Telephone Number:


The above named Registrant wishes to inform the Panel that, in respect of the above Metering Dispensation, it now intends to comply fully with the requirements of Code of Practice ___________ and therefore wishes to withdraw either:


b) The proposed Metering Dispensation.

Signature: Date:


Duly authorised for and on behalf of Applicant Company

The above Metering Dispensation withdrawal has been received by BSCCo.

Signature: Date:

Duly authorised for and on behalf of BSCCo

BSCP32/4.6 This form is no longer used and is intentionally left blank

1 Where the Applicant believes that electrical loss adjustments are not necessary, they should provide suitable justification, including calculations to prove this.

2 Where the ELVA considers the proposed electrical loss adjustments as not suitable, the applicant may withdraw the application, propose new electrical loss adjustments or ask BSCCo to proceed with the application and provide additional justification for the proposed electrical loss adjustments to support its use for the Metering System.

3 For more than one Affected party, Part B should be completed for each, using additional copies of Part B as required.