Central Registration Agent Service Description V24.0

Effective From Date:
Other versions

Balancing and Settlement Code

BSC Service Description for Central Registration

Version 24.0

Date: 10 December 2024




Description of Changes

Changes Included




Baseline version

NETA Programme



Release 2 and Modification P8

CP503, CP508, CP569, CP615, P8

CVA Programme




P55, CP753




P78, plus residual changes from P55/CP753

P78, P55, CP753

CVA Programme



CVA Programme Jun 03 Release

CP551, CP703, CP756, CP775

CVA Programme



Modification P62


CVA Programme



CVA Programme Nov 03 Release, Approved Modifications P82, P100 and P107

P82, P100, P107

CVA Programme



Change Proposal CP918 and removal of P82 for the CVA Programme June 04 Release


CVA Programme



CVA Nov04 Release incorporating Logica review comments

CP642, P152, CP974

CVA Programme



CVA Feb 05 Release

P140, CP1040, CP1091

CVA Programme



23 August 2007 – Standalone





November 2007 Release





June 2008 Release





June 2009 Release





February 2010 Release





23 February 2012 Release

P268, P269




25 June 2015 Release





23 February 2017 Release





June 2017 Release





February 2019 Release


Panel 284C/01








March 2019 Standalone Release





November 2023 Standard Release


SVG271/07, ISG269/03



01 October 2024 Non-Standard Release


Directed by Secretary of State



10 December 2024 Special Release



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1.1 This is the Service Description for the Central Registration Agent (CRA) appointed by the Balancing and Settlement Code Company (BSCCo) for the purpose of providing a registration service in respect of Parties (including Virtual Lead Parties) and their Energy Accounts, Qualified Central Volume Allocation (CVA) Party Agents, Market Index Data Providers (MIDP), CVA Metering Systems, Interconnectors, Transmission System Boundary Points, Offshore Transmission Connection Points, Grid Supply Points and Grid Supply Point Groups, Distribution Systems Connection Points, Primary and Secondary BM Units and Trading Units.

1.2 The purpose of this Service Description is to describe the responsibilities and obligations of the CRA for the registration, validation and maintenance of valid registration data received from the Parties (including Virtual Lead Parties), CVA Party Agents and BSCCo who are required to register data with the CRA. It describes the reporting and distribution of data from the CRA to the relevant Parties, CVA Party Agents, the National Electricity Transmission System Operator (NETSO), the Supplier Volume Allocation Agent (SVAA), the Balancing Mechanism Reporting Agent (BMRA), the MIDP and BSCCo. The responsibilities and obligations of the CRA under this Service Description are collectively referred to as ‘the CRA Service’ and will be supported by the Self-Service Gateway. The Self-Service Gateway will provide an online portal, accessible through the BSC Website, that allows authorised users to provide and maintain registration data. This will be the master source of registration data, interfacing in the short term with the legacy shared SAA, CRA and CDCA database. The Self-Service Gateway will be available to authorised users including BSC Parties, CRA Agent Operators and BSCCo Wherever this Service Description refers to the registration of data by the CRA, initial data entry may be performed by authorised Self-Service Gateway users (including BSC Parties and Party Agents), with the CRA and/or BSCCo providing the final authorisation of such data, as required. Where applicable, notifications between CRA and BSCCo (or vice versa) may be delivered by shared access to the Self-Service Gateway.

1.3 This Service Description also describes the key interfaces between the CRA, Parties, the Funds Administration Agent (FAA), the Energy Contract Volume Aggregation Agent (ECVAA), the Settlement Administration Agent (SAA), the Central Data Collection Agent (CDCA), the BMRA, the SVAA, the NETSO, Qualified CVA Party Agents, the MIDP and BSCCo.

1.4 The CRA shall:

1.4.1 enter and maintain Party, Party Agent, MIDP and BSC Agent registration data in the Central Registration System (CRS)/Self-Service Gateway; and

1.4.2 enter and maintain other required registration data in the CRS/Self-Service Gateway.

1.5 For any Registration/Change of Registration/Deregistration request that is received by the CRA, the CRA shall:

1.5.1 confirm the Party sending the request is a Qualified Party;

1.5.2 confirm the request has been sent by an Authorised Person; and

1.5.3 send an acknowledgement to the sender confirming the request has been received.

1.6 For each Primary BM Unit, the CRA shall carry out GC and DC Breach Monitoring and where necessary calculate CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts, as set out in Section 16 of this Service Description.

1.7 The terms, definitions and abbreviations used in this Service Description but not defined in this Service Description shall have the meanings given to them in the Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC).

1.8 This document refers to a “Supplier Primary BM Unit”, which means a Primary BM Unit with a BM Unit Type of ‘G’ or ‘S’, as stated by the Lead Party on the ‘Registration of BM Unit’ form in BSCP15. References to Parties shall include Virtual Lead Parties, unless otherwise stated. References to BM Units shall include both Primary and Secondary BM Units unless otherwise stated.


2.1 The CRA shall make its systems and processes available such that the registration and validation of data is completed within the timescales agreed with BSCCo and in accordance with the relevant Balancing and Settlement Code Procedures (BSCPs).


3.1 Party Registration

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP65 ‘Registration of Parties and Exit Procedures’ and BSCP70 ‘CVA Qualification Testing for Parties and Party Agents’, shall do the following.

3.1.1 For each Party and each participation capacity, the CRA shall validate, register and maintain data including, but not limited to, the following:

a) Party name;

b) Party Identifier;

c) Effective-from Dates and Effective-to Dates;

d) name, address, telephone/fax numbers, email address(es) and other relevant contact information;

e) nominated contact individual(s) and telephone numbers;

f) authorised signatory(ies); and

g) where relevant, list of Energy Accounts used by the Party.1

3.1.2 The CRA shall notify Parties when their registration has been successful.

3.1.3 For Parties which are Interconnector Administrators, the CRA shall validate, register and maintain data including, but not limited to, the following:

a) Interconnector Identifier; and

b) Effective-from Date and Effective-to Date for which the Party is so appointed.

3.1.4 For Parties which are Interconnector Error Administrators, the CRA shall validate, register and maintain data including, but not limited to, the following:

a) Interconnector Identifier; and

b) Effective-from Date and Effective-to Date for which the Party is so appointed.

3.1.5 The CRA shall process requests from Parties wishing to change their registration details when required.

3.1.6 Prior to any change of registration, the CRA shall seek confirmation from BSCCo that the new registration details are valid and are consistent with the current status of the Party Identifiers.

3.1.7 Upon receipt of a request for Party Deregistration, the CRA shall send (or make available via the Self-Service Gateway, as applicable) relevant withdrawal information to BSCCo (Withdrawals Checklist), which is to include, but not be limited to, the following:

a) participation capacities registered;

b) BM Units registered;

c) Metering Systems Registered;

d) communication lines;

e) FTP Accounts / Encryption Keys to be terminated;

f) last day of Trading;

g) Settlement details; and

h) authorisation and notification details.

3.1.8 The CRA shall deregister Parties only with the approval of BSCCo.

3.2 CVA Party Agent Registration

3.2.1 The CRA, in accordance with BSCP20 ‘Registration of Metering Systems for Central Volume Allocation’, BSCP70 ‘CVA Qualification Testing for Parties and Party Agents’ and BSCP71 ‘Submission of ECVNs and MVRNs’, shall register and maintain data in respect of the following Party Agents:2

a) Energy Contract Volume Notification Agent (ECVNA);

b) Metered Volume Reallocation Notification Agent (MVRNA); and

c) Meter Operator Agents (MOAs) for CVA Metering Only.

3.2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, maintenance of CVA Party Agent registration includes the ability to de-register or amend the registration details of such Agents.

3.2.3 For each of the CVA Party Agents detailed in 3.2.1 above, the CRA shall register and maintain data including, but not limited to, the following:

a) Party Agent name;

b) Party Agent Identifier;

c) Party Agent role;

d) contact details;

e) Qualification status;

f) authentication information; and

g) Qualification Effective-from Date.

3.2.4 For validated ECVAA Web Service requests, the CRA shall instruct ECVAA to issue an ECVAA Web Service pack and instructions for use to the requesting Party, ECVNA or MVRNA.

3.2.5 Upon ECVNA or MVRNA change of details or deregistration, the CRA shall:

a) contact the ECVAA to ensure that ECVNAs and MVRNAs attempting to de-register have first terminated any relevant ECVNA and MVRNA authorisations.3. Any de-registration applications that do not meet this requirement shall be rejected by the CRA, with the appropriate reason given; and

b) remove ECVNA and MVRNA from CRS/Self-Service Gateway, as appropriate.

3.3 MIDP Registration

3.3.1 The CRA shall, on receipt of a request from BSCCo, register and maintain data including:

a) MIDP name;

b) MIDP Identifier;

c) name and contact details; and

d) Effective-from Date.

3.4 BSC Agent Registration

3.4.1 The CRA shall register and maintain data including:

a) BSC Agent name;

b) BSC Agent Identifier;

c) name and contact details; and

d) Effective-from Date.


The CRA, in accordance with BSCP38 ‘Authorisations’, shall:

4.1 receive, validate, register and report on information related to the nomination, changes to the scope of, annual confirmation and cancellation of Authorised Persons for Parties, CVA Party Agents and BSCCo;

4.2 where a request is received by post or fax, perform an authentication check by validating the senders signature against the reference signature held for the authorised signatory, if such a signature is available; and

4.3 maintain a single Authorisation Register of Authorised Persons.


5.1 BM Unit Registration

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP15 ‘BM Unit Registration’, shall do the following.

5.1.1 For each BM Unit registered with the CRA, the CRA shall maintain data including, but not limited to, and where appropriate to the BM Unit type, the following:

a) BM Unit Identifier;4

b) BM Unit name;

c) BM Unit type;

d) Party Identifier;

e) Effective-from Date and Effective-to Date;

f) Generation Capacity (GC) and Demand Capacity (GC), including GC and DC breaches and the outcome of any GC or DC Estimation Challenge, to be kept updated, as required;

g) Production/Consumption (P/C) Status. This is to be determined (and, where appropriate, redetermined) by the CRA in relation to the BM Unit’s P/C Flag setting as described in Appendix B of this Service Description;

h) Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor (WDCALF);

i) Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor (NWDCALF);j) Supplier Export Credit Assessment Load Factor (SECALF);

k) Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (WDBMCAEC), Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (NWDBMCAEC), Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (WDBMCAIC) and Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (NWDBMCAIC) (see Appendix A);

l) Transmission Loss Factor (TLF);

m) Base Trading Unit;

n) FPN Flag;

o) NETSO name for each BM Unit (mandatory if FPN Flag = ‘Y’, optional if FPN Flag = ‘N’);

p) Exempt Export Flag;

q) BM Unit Credit Qualifying Status;

r) BM Unit Credit Qualifying Flag; and

s) Storage Flag.

5.1.2 The CRA shall validate the registration to ensure that:

a) the referenced Lead Party is contained within the system and is a currently valid Party (and not a Party Agent);

b) the Effective-from Date for the Primary BM Unit or Secondary BM Unit is on or after the Effective-from Date for the Party;

c) the GSP Group referenced is contained within the system (where appropriate for type);

d) the Interconnector referenced is contained within the system (where appropriate for type);

e) the name provided for the BM Unit is not duplicated within the system;

f) valid (non-null) WDCALF and NWDCALF values have been received (where appropriate for the BM Unit type) and entered (for Interconnector BM Units the values of WDCALF and NWDCALF must be zero);

g) if the BM Unit is a “Supplier Primary BM Unit”, then a valid (non-null) SECALF value has been received and entered; and

h) if the BM Unit is a “Supplier Primary BM Unit”, then the Effective-to Date for the BM Unit is open ended.

5.1.3 The CRA shall notify the CDCA, NETSO and BSCCo of any BM Unit registration, notify the SVAA of any Supplier Primary BM Unit registration and notify the Nominated Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) of any Embedded BM Unit registration.

5.1.4 For Embedded BM Units within a Distribution System, the CRA shall inform both the Contracted LDSO and Nominated LDSO (if different from the Contracted LDSO) of the registration.

5.1.5 The CRA shall allocate a Production BM Unit (with a P/C Flag set to Production) and a Consumption BM Unit (with a P/C Flag set to Consumption) to each Party who registers Interconnector BM Units in relation to any Interconnector.

5.1.6 The CRA shall check to ensure the WDCALF, NWDCALF and SECALF values used in the CRA systems match those values published on the BSC website prior to the start of each BSC Season. It shall notify BSCCo of any discrepancies.

5.1.7 The CRA shall calculate and distribute to the SAA and the ECVAA the WDBMCAIC, NWDBMCAIC, WDBMCAEC and the NWDBMCAEC for each relevant BM Unit registered with the CRA (see Appendix A for formula).

5.1.8 For Exempt Export Primary BM Units the CRA shall:

a) set or unset the Exempt Export Flag as appropriate for each BM Unit, as authorised by BSCCo; and

b) set (and, if appropriate, amend) the P/C Flag for the BM Unit in accordance with Appendix B of this Service Description, and notify BSCCo, BSC Agents and the Lead Party of any change.

5.1.8A For Storage BM Units the CRA shall:

a) set or unset the Storage Flag for each BM Unit, as requested by the Lead Party

b) set (and, if appropriate, amend) the P/C Flag for the BM Unit in accordance with Appendix B of this Service Description, and notify, BSC Agents and the Lead Party of any change.

5.1.9 The CRA shall assign Primary BM Unit Credit Qualifying Status to BM Units automatically if it is not an Interconnector BM Unit and:

a) Its BM Unit Credit Qualifying Flag is set as “True” if manually determined to be so by the BSC Panel (the CRA shall receive notification for a manual change in BM Unit Credit Qualifying Status from the BSCCo);

b) Its FPN flag is set to "True", and it is an Exempt Export BM Unit and/or it has a Production/Consumption Status of “Production”.

5.1.10 In the Event of a new Supplier ID, the CRA shall register BM Unit Identifiers, one for each GSP Group, which shall be used for allocating SVA consumption data for the Supplier or Supplier ID.

5.1.11 The CRA shall inform the Nominated LDSO, the NETSO, BSCCo, BSC Agents, the Party deregistering the BM Unit and the Party registering the BM Unit of the change to the CVA Primary BM Unit Lead Party (CoPBLP).

5.1.12 In the event of the transfer of Supplier ID to another Lead Party, the CRA shall:

a) receive authorisation from BSCCo to deregister old Supplier IDs;

b) enter Effective-to Date for all Supplier Primary BM Units for that Supplier ID;

c) establish a Primary BM Unit (a “Transferee BM Unit”) for which the ID Transferee is the Lead Party corresponding to each relevant Primary BM Unit, and transfer the relevant Primary BM Units from the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee; and

d) inform the NETSO, BSCCo, BSC Agents and the Parties involved of the transfer and the Effective-to Date of the transfer.

5.1.13 For BM Unit deregistration the CRA shall:

a) notify the CDCA, NETSO and BSCCo of the BM Unit deregistration request;

b) if deregistration request is for a Supplier Primary BM Unit, notify SVAA of the BM Unit deregistration request;

c) if deregistration request is for a BM Unit embedded in a Distribution Network, notify the Nominated LDSO of the BM Unit deregistration request; and

d) deregister BM Unit only on approval from BSCCo.

5.1.14 The CRA shall support BSCCo in the establishment and maintenance of the network mapping statement, including the resolution of any related disputes.

5.2 Trading Unit Registration

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP31 ‘Registration of Trading Units’, shall do the following.

5.2.1 The CRA shall register and maintain the following data in respect of each Trading Unit:5

a) Trading Unit name;6

b) Component Primary BM Unit Identifier(s); and

c) Effective-from Date and Effective-to Date;

5.2.2 The CRA shall register and maintain a Base Trading Unit for each GSP Group.

5.2.3 The CRA shall ensure that at all times all Supplier Base and Additional (non Exempt Export) Primary BM Units belong to the Base Trading Unit for the relevant GSP Group.

a) the Primary BM Unit is Directly Connected to the Transmission System; and

b) the Lead Party for the Primary BM Unit has not successfully applied to register the BM Unit as part of another Trading Unit.

5.2.4 The CRA shall automatically allocate an Exempt Export Primary BM Unit to a Sole Trading Unit if:

5.2.5 The CRA shall automatically allocate an Exempt Export BM Unit to the Base Trading Unit for the relevant GSP Group if:

a) the Primary BM Unit is Embedded within a Distribution System; and

b) the Lead Party has not elected that the Primary BM Unit should be allocated to a Sole Trading Unit; and

c) the Lead Party has not successfully applied to register the Primary BM Unit as part of another Trading Unit.

5.2.6 If instructed by the Lead Party, the CRA shall amend the allocation of an Embedded Exempt Export Primary BM Unit from the Base Trading Unit to a Sole Trading Unit or vice versa.

5.2.7 For Trading Unit deregistration the CRA shall:

a) notify BSCCo and the applicant that the Trading Unit shall be deregistered;

b) automatically allocate each Directly Connected Exempt Export Primary BM Unit to a Sole Trading Unit unless the Lead Party has successfully applied to register the BM Unit as part of another Trading Unit;

c) automatically allocate each Embedded Exempt Export Primary BM Unit to the Base Trading Unit for the relevant GSP Group, unless the Lead Party has either elected that the BM Unit should be allocated to a Sole Trading Unit or successfully applied to register the BM Unit as part of another Trading Unit; and

d) notify the Applicant Party, BSC Agents and BSCCo of Trading Unit deregistration date and associated data

5.2.8 Upon termination of a Primary BM Unit’s Exempt Export status, the CRA shall concurrently:

a) unset the Primary BM Unit’s Exempt Export Flag;

b) automatically allocate the Primary BM Unit to either:

i) a Sole Trading Unit, if the Primary BM Unit is associated with CVA Metering Systems; or

ii) the Base Trading Unit for the relevant GSP Group, if the Primary BM Unit is a Supplier Base or Additional BM Unit; and

c) reset the Primary BM Unit’s P/C Flag and redetermine the Primary BM Unit’s P/C Status in accordance with Appendix B of this Service Description.

5.3 Metering System Registration

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP20 ‘Registration of Metering Systems for Central Volume Allocation’, shall do the following.

5.3.1 The CRA shall register and maintain the following data in respect of each Metering System:

a) Registrant;

b) Registrant contact details;

c) Metering System Identifier (MSID), allocated by the CRA;

d) MOA name and Identifier;

e) Effective-from Date; and

f) Boundary Point/Systems Connection Point (including Offshore Transmission Connection Point).

5.3.2 The CRA shall check the MOA is Qualified.

5.3.3 The CRA shall:

a) ensure the Registrant has confirmed that, for each new Metering System registration, the Registrant is the Equipment Owner or the Registrant has obtained the Equipment Owner’s consent for the appointment; and

b) notify BSCCo and the Registrant if there is an objection from the MOA.

5.3.4 The CRA shall ensure that registration is not finalised until notification from the CDCA that the aggregation rules and the Meter Technical Details have been submitted and approved.

5.3.5 The CRA shall transfer the Registration of Metering Systems from SMRS to CMRS or vice versa, in accordance with the requirements in BSCP68 ‘Transfer of Registration of Metering Systems between CMRS and SMRS’.

5.3.6 In the event of Change of Registrant, the CRA shall inform the CDCA and BSCCo of any objection from the existing Registrant.

5.3.7 In the event of a change of MOA, the CRA shall:

a) check the new MOA is Qualified;

b) notify the Registrant of any objection from the existing MOA; and

c) notify the CDCA once the change is complete.

5.3.8 In the event of Metering System deregistration, the CRA shall notify BSCCo and the Nominated LDSO (if relevant) once the details of the deregistration have been checked.

5.4 Interconnector Registration

5.4.1 The CRA shall register, validate and maintain data relating to Interconnectors which shall include, but not be limited to:

a) Interconnector Identifier; and

b) associated Metering System Identifier if known.

5.4.2 The CRA shall, in the event of an Interconnector requiring registration or deregistration, contact BSCCo for instruction.

5.5 Transmission System Boundary Point Registration7

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP25 ‘Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points’, shall:

5.5.1 register and maintain data relating to all Transmission System Boundary Points, including Transmission System Boundary Point Identifier(s) and associated Metering System identifiers (if known);

5.5.2 inform the CDCA of any request received to create or decommission a Transmission System Boundary Point; and

5.5.3 for Transmission System Boundary Point deregistration requests, check there is an associated BM Unit deregistration and that the Effective-to Date of the BM Unit deregistration is on or after the Disconnection Date. The CRA shall inform BSCCo if this is not the case.

5.6 Grid Supply Point (GSP) and GSP Group Registration

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP25 ‘Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points’, shall:

5.6.1 register and maintain details for GSP and GSP Groups; and

5.6.2 upon receipt of a GSP or GSP Group deregistration request from the NETSO, forward the GSP deregistration request to the CDCA and check the Disconnection Date for the GSP is on or before the Effective-to Date of the Metering System.

5.7 Distribution Systems Connection Point Registration8

The CRA, in accordance with BSCP25 ‘Registration of Transmission System Boundary Points, Grid Supply Points, GSP Groups and Distribution Systems Connection Points’, shall:

5.7.1 register and maintain data relating to all Distribution Systems Connection Points, including Distribution Systems Connection Point Identifier(s) and associated Metering System Identifiers (if known);

5.7.2 receive notice from the LDSO where there is a request to create or decommission a Distribution Systems Connection Point, along with the date of the proposed action. Upon receipt of such notice, the CRA shall inform BSCCo and the CDCA; and

5.7.3 inform the CDCA of any Distribution Systems Connection Point deregistration request received from the LDSO.

5.8 Transmission Loss Factor Registration

The CRA shall:

5.8.1 receive from BSCCo new and amended TLFs for each BM Unit, both in relation to each BSC Season and BSC Year and on an ad hoc basis;

5.8.2 register and maintain TLF data relating to all BM Units, ensuring that each BM Unit has a TLF registered; and

5.8.3 support BSCCo, as far as is reasonably required, with any dispute on TLF allocation.


6.1 The CRA shall register the factor (alpha, α) which is that proportion of transmission losses to be deducted in total from the BM Unit Metered Volume of BM Units in delivering Trading Units.9 The value of this factor is 0.45 according to Section T 2.2 of the BSC.


The CRA shall:

7.1 provide extracts of registration data to Parties, NETSO and BSC Agents in accordance with the interfaces defined in the CVA Data Catalogue;

7.2 provide a repository on the Self-Service Gateway that allows for addition, modification (changes) and deletion of the data held. The database within the Self-Service Gateway shall have suitable access security to maintain the confidentiality of individual Parties and the security of the data held; and

7.3 provide a suitable secure repository on the Self-Service Gateway for any documents or paper based information provided by Parties in connection with their registration or generated by the CRA in connection with the service described in this document.


8.1 The CRA shall provide a registration report to each Party, CVA Party Agent or BSCCo showing the registration details recorded for its registration application within the Self-Service Gateway and respond to any queries associated with these reports.

8.2 The CRA shall provide revised registration reports to the relevant Party, CVA Party Agent, NETSO or BSCCo on every occasion that the registration details are changed.

8.3 The CRA shall provide a full refresh registration report to BSCCo on a weekly basis, containing all registration details.

8.4 The CRA shall provide an Authorised Persons report from the Authorisation Register to BSCCo on a daily basis or additionally as necessary.

8.5 The CRA shall provide details of Metering Systems to the Technical Assurance Agent, as directed by BSCCo.

8.6 The CRA shall provide Market Index Data Provider registration data to the BMRA, ECVAA and SAA.

8.7 As and when Authentication details of the BSC Party change, the CRA shall send the new Authentication details to the following:

a) FAA;

b) ECVAA; and

c) SAA.

8.8 Upon request, the CRA shall provide the FAA with a hard copy of a sample signature, where available.

8.9 The CRA shall provide registration data for each BM Unit and Energy Account to the ECVAA and SAA on every occasion that the data is amended.

8.10 The CRA shall provide details of any ECVNA or MVRNA de-registrations to the ECVAA.

8.11 The CRA shall provide Supplier Primary BM Unit registration data to the SVAA, BSCCo and the NETSO at least daily or on every occasion that the data is amended. This data shall:

a) consist of the complete set of BM Unit / GSP Group / Supplier relationships from the database within the Self-Service Gateway, and will be sent whenever there is a change;

b) summarise contiguous BM Unit effective date ranges as a single record in the flow with an Effective-from Date equal that of the earliest record in the contiguous block, and an Effective-to Date equal to that of the latest (this may be null for open ended records); and

c) report historic data for a BM Unit in addition to current and future data, that is, the report must contain any BM Unit including those with an effective date range entirely in the past.

8.12 The CRA shall provide, on request from BSCCo, a report of a Party’s existing registrations, authorisations, notifications and Settlement data including the date of the last non-zero metered volumes (Withdrawals Checklist) for a named Party to BSCCo.

The Withdrawals Checklist shall either:

a) be created and sent to BSCCo within 2 Working Days, when requested for information; or

b) be performed on the same day as the request, at 1700, 2 Working Days prior to the Withdrawal Date and sent to BSCCo within 1 hour, when requested for final compliance checks.

8.13 The CRA shall provide a monthly report to BSCCo on the 21st Calendar Day of each month, containing all information required for charging Parties under Section D of the BSC.

8.14 The CRA shall provide Virtual Lead Party and Secondary BM Unit details to the SVAA.

8.15 The CRA shall publish data relating to a BM Unit in GC Breach or DC Breach on the BSC Website for not less than 24 calendar months after the date of the Breach notification. The CRA shall ensure that this data is only available to the Lead Party of the relevant BM Unit.

8.16 The CRA shall provide BM Unit details to the SAA where a Directly-Connected or Embedded CVA BM Unit has been notified to the CRA as part of an EMR CVA BM Unit Declaration.


The CRA, in accordance with BSCP41 ‘Report Requests and Authorisations’ shall do the following:

9.1 The CRA shall process requests from participants wishing to alter their reporting requirements. A participant may ask the CRA to:

a) terminate or initiate the issue of one of the participant’s own confidential reports;

b) send the participant any of the reports, detailed in section [9.3], that are available to any Party on request; or

c) send the participant a specific version of an existing report, in accordance with this section [9].

9.2 In the cases described above, the CRA shall receive requests direct from the participant, which may be a Party, a Party Agent or BSCCo. All requests shall be validated for authorised signatures.

9.3 A participant may request the confidential reports of another Party or Party Agent. Such requests shall only be processed by the CRA if authorized by BSCCo.

9.4 Upon request, the CRA shall provide BSCCo and the Authority with any report, confidential or otherwise, without the need for authorisation from the relevant Party or Party Agent.

9.5 Having updated the relevant systems, the CRA shall send confirmation to the requesting participant that the alterations have been made, along with the date from which the changes are effective.


10.1 The CRA shall, after the introduction of a new version of a BSC Agent report, continue to support the previous version for a period agreed with BSCCo. The length of time that each version is to be supported shall be agreed on a case by case basis.

10.2 By default, the CRA shall arrange for participants to receive the latest versions of all reports as appropriate. However, the CRA shall receive and process requests from participants wishing to use the previous version of a given report pursuant to section [9].

10.3 Any reports copied and issued pursuant to sections 9.1b, 9.4 and 9.5 will be the same versions as those supplied to the original recipients.


The CRA shall:

11.1 when requested by a SMRA, provide such confirmation as is necessary that data for a particular Metering System is being collected, processed and aggregated by the CDCA; and

11.2 upon request from the CDCA, provide to the CDCA a refresh of registration data held by the CRA.


12.1 The CRA shall set its systems in accordance with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), and maintain the time within +/- one second.


13.1 The CRA shall respond to a report from the ECVAA or BMRA that it has received inaccurate data reports.

13.2 If there is no resolution agreed between the CRA and the ECVAA or BMRA, the CRA shall contact the relevant Party to discuss the cause of the exception. If there is an agreed solution between the Party and the CRA, the CRA shall authorise the proposed solution.

13.3 If the Party and the CRA cannot agree on the cause and type of the exception, it shall be classified as a Party error.


14.1 The CRA shall support the Trading Disputes process as agreed with BSCCo such that registration data shall be retained:

a) for at least 28 months after the relevant Settlement Day for use in a Settlement Run; and

b) thereafter, until 40 months after the relevant Settlement Day, in a form that may be retrieved, if requested, within 10 Working Days, for use in an Extra-Settlement Determination;

c) for longer than 40 months upon request by the Panel, in accordance with Section U 1.6.4 of the BSC.

14.2 The CRA shall notify BSCCo if it becomes aware of any matter which would or might reasonably be expected to give rise to a Trading Dispute, and co-operate with BSCCo and assist in the resolution of Trading Disputes pursuant to Section W of the BSC, as requested by BSCCo from time to time.


The CRA shall, in accordance with Section E 1.3.1(c) of the BSC:

15.1 develop and maintain a contingency plan;

15.2 provide a disaster recovery service and develop and maintenance a disaster recovery plan;

15.3 provide the BSC Auditor with access to what is required by the Panel under Section H 5.2.2 of the BSC; and

15.4 provide a help-desk service.


16.1 In relation to a BSC Party’s Generation Capacity (GC) and Demand Capacity (DC) declarations in relation to a BM Unit, the CRA shall:

16.1.1 from time to time10 , as specified by BSCCo, check whether the Metered Volume for a BM Unit in a Settlement Period in the current BSC Season, converted to a MW value, has exceeded the declared GC value by the GC Limits (a “GC breach”) or the DC value by the DC Limits (a “DC breach”), subject to the following all Secondary BM Units are excluded from GC and DC Breach Monitoring; any BM Unit that is subject to an open challenge is excluded from GC and DC Breach Monitoring until the challenge is resolved by BSCCo pursuant to paragraph16.1.6; any BM Unit that is subject to an Emergency Instruction as notified to the CRA by BSCCo shall have the Emergency Instruction’s Period Accepted Offer Volume or Period Accepted Bid Volume subtracted from the corresponding BM Unit’s Metered Volume; and any BM Unit for which the BSC Party has made a mid-season downward declaration of DC, pursuant to K3.4.2A, will only be subject to GC and DC Breach Monitoring for the Settlement Days and Settlement Periods following the most recent to that downward declaration made by the Party that is in effect,

16.1.2 estimate a positive value of QMij (where a GC breach has occurred) or negative value of QMij (where a DC breach has occurred) in accordance with the BM Unit Volume Estimation Methodology as appropriate, for that BM Unit, and subject to the exclusions set out in 16.1.1, and the removal of any volume(s) relating to an Emergency Instruction(s);

16.1.3 apply any CRA-Estimated GC or DC Amounts to the CRA database before 14:00 local time on the same day as a GC or DC breach is identified, in accordance with16.1.1;

16.1.4 following a GC or DC breach, by 15:00 local time notify the relevant BSC Lead Party, and the BSCCo, the Capacity Market Settlement Service Provider and CfD Settlement Services Provider with details of the breach;

16.1.5 on receipt of notification of a GC or DC Estimation Challenge by a BSC Party , the CRA shall set the challenge status for the breach record for the relevant BM Unit to “Appealed”;

16.1.6 on receipt of notification from BSCCo of the outcome of a Challenge, update the challenge status as “appeal Upheld” or “Rejected” as appropriate;

16.1.7 securely publish on the BSC Website, for access by relevant Category A and F Authorised Persons only, details of BM Units’ current and past GC and DC values, Breaches and Challenges:

16.1.8 maintain records relating to the identification of breaches, the estimation of BM Unit Metered Volumes, communications with Parties and the determination of challenges, for BSC Audit purposes;

16.1.9 where for the purposes of updating the registration details of a particular BM Unit different values of BM Unit Metered Volumes are due to take effect on the same day use the amount with the highest priority according to the order shown below, where 1 is highest priority and 3 is lowest priority:

1. A value submitted by ELEXON following the conclusion of a challenge;

2. A value estimated by CRA following the identification of a breach;

3. A value submitted by the Lead Party (not as a consequence of an challenge, but in accordance with K3.4.2 or K3.4.2A).


A.1 Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (WDBMCAIC)

The CRA, in accordance with Section M 1.6.1 of the BSC, shall:

A.1.1 calculate and distribute to the SAA and the ECVAA the Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability, for each Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, in accordance with the following formula:


where WDCALFi is the Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor for Primary BM Unit i determined from time to time by BSCCo; and

A.1.2 when WDCALFi changes for any Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, re-set the value of the Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability, determined in accordance with A.1.1 above, and provide the re-set values to the SAA and the ECVAA.

A.2 Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability (NWDBMCAIC)

The CRA, in accordance with Section M 1.6.1 of the BSC, shall:

A.2.1 calculate and distribute to the SAA and the ECVAA the Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Import Capability, for each Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, in accordance with the following formula:


where NWDCALFi is the Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor for BM Unit i determined from time to time by BSCCo; and

A.2.2 when NWDCALFi changes for any Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, re-set the value of the Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Import Capability, determined in accordance with A.1.1 above, and provide the re-set values to the SAA and the ECVAA.

A.3 Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (WDBMCAEC)

The CRA, in accordance with Section M 1.6.1 of the BSC, shall:

A.3.1 calculate and distribute to the SAA and the ECVAA the Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability, for each Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, in accordance with the following formula:

For Supplier Primary BM Units where DC=0 and GC>0,


Where SECALFi is the Supplier Export Credit Assessment Load Factor for BM Unit i determined from time to time by BSCCo; or

For all other BM Units,


where WDCALFi is the Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor for BM Unit i determined from time to time by BSCCo;


A.3.2 when WDCALFi or SECALFi changes for any Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, re-set the value of the Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability, determined in accordance with A.2.1 above, and provide the re-set values to the SAA and the ECVAA.

A.4 Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability (NWDBMCAEC)

The CRA, in accordance with Section M 1.6.1 of the BSC, shall:

A.4.1 calculate and distribute to the SAA and the ECVAA the Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability, for each BM Unit registered with the CRA, in accordance with the following formula:

For Supplier Primary BM Units where DC=0 and GC>0,


Where SECALFi is the Supplier Export Credit Assessment Load Factor for BM Unit i determined from time to time by BSCCo; or

For all other Primary BM Units,


where NWDCALFi is the Non-Working Day Credit Assessment Load Factor for BM Unit i determined from time to time by BSCCo;


A.4.2 when NWDCALFi or SECALFi changes for any Primary BM Unit registered with the CRA, re-set the value of the Non-Working Day BM Unit Credit Assessment Export Capability, determined in accordance with A.2.1 above, and provide the re-set values to the SAA and the ECVAA.


The CRA, in accordance with Section K3.5 of the Code and BSCP15 'BM Unit Registration', shall do the following.

B.1 Determination of P/C Status for BM Units with a "Null" P/C Flag

B1.1 With the exception of Interconnector BM Units, Exempt Export BM Units, Storage BM Units, Secondary BM Units and BM Units belonging to Base Trading Units, the CRA shall automatically set a BM Unit's P/C Flag to "Null" and shall determine the BM Unit's P/C Status to be:

a) "Production" where the BM Unit belongs to a Trading Unit for which the sum of the Relevant Capacities, for all BM Units which belong to that Trading Unit, is positive and greater than zero; or

b) "Consumption" where the BM Unit belongs to a Trading Unit for which the sum of the Relevant Capacities, for all BM Units which belong to that Trading Unit, is negative or equal to zero.

B1.2 Where the BM Unit's P/C Flag is "Null", the CRA shall redetermine the BM Unit's P/C Status on each occasion on which:

a) there is any change in the Generation Capacity or Demand Capacity of the BM Unit;

b) the BM Unit joins or leaves a Trading Unit;

c) another BM Unit joins or leaves the Trading Unit to which the BM Unit belongs; or

d) there is any change in the Generation Capacity or Demand Capacity of any of the other BM Units belonging to the same Trading Unit.

B2 Determination of P/C Status for Interconnector BM Units

B2.1 The CRA shall ensure that the P/C Status of an Interconnector BM Unit is fixed as either "Production" or "Consumption", as determined by the P/C Flag allocated to the BM Unit in accordance with section 5.1.5 of this Service Description.

B2.2 Once set, the CRA shall not amend the P/C Flag of an Interconnector BM Unit.

B2.3 The P/C Status of an Interconnector BM Unit shall not change at any time.

B3 Determination of P/C Status for Exempt Export BM Units

B3.1 When setting a BM Unit's Exempt Export Flag to "True", the CRA shall concurrently set the P/C Flag for the Exempt Export BM Unit to either "Production" or "Consumption" as elected by the Lead Party and notified to the CRA by BSCCo.

B3.2 The P/C Flag of an Exempt Export BM Unit shall not be "Null".

B3.3 The CRA shall not set a BM Unit's Exempt Export Flag to "True", and shall reject any request by BSCCo to do so, unless it has been notified by BSCCo of the Lead Party's elected P/C Flag.

B3.4 Once set, the CRA shall not amend the P/C Flag of an Exempt Export BM Unit unless instructed by the Lead Party.

B3.5 If instructed by the Lead Party, the CRA shall amend the P/C Flag of an Exempt Export BM Unit from "Production" to "Consumption" or vice versa, in accordance with the Lead Party's instruction.

B3.6 The CRA shall ensure that the P/C Status of an Exempt Export BM Unit is fixed as either "Production" or "Consumption" as determined by its P/C Flag.

B3.7 The P/C Status of an Exempt Export BM Unit shall not change unless its P/C Flag changes.

B3.8 Upon termination of a BM Unit's Exempt Export status, the CRA shall concurrently:

a) unset the BM Unit's Exempt Export Flag;

b) amend the BM Unit's allocated Trading Unit in accordance with section 5.2.8 of this Service Description;

c) set the BM Unit's P/C Flag to "Null"; and

d) redetermine the BM Unit's P/C Status in accordance with either Section B1 or Section B4 of this Appendix as appropriate.

B4 Determination of P/C Status for BM Units in Base Trading Units

B4.1 The CRA shall ensure that a BM Unit is automatically a Consumption BM Unit where:

a) the BM Unit belongs to a Base Trading Unit; and

b) the BM Unit has a "Null" P/C Flag (i.e. it is not an Exempt Export BM Unit for which the Lead Party has elected a P/C Flag of "Production" or "Consumption" in accordance with Section B3 of this Appendix).

B4.2 Where a BM Unit satisfies the conditions in paragraph B4.1 of this Appendix, the CRA shall determine the BM Unit's P/C Status as "Consumption" regardless of the sum of the Relevant Capacities for all BM Units which belong to that Base Trading Unit.

B4.3 The BM Unit's P/C Status shall continue to be fixed as "Consumption", and shall not change, while the BM Unit continues to satisfy the conditions of paragraph B4.1.

B5 Determination of P/C Status for Secondary BM Units

B5.1 The P/C Status of a Secondary BM Unit may be changed by the VLP.

B6 Determination of P/C Status for Storage BM Units

B6.1 When setting a BM Unit's Storage Flag to "True", the CRA shall concurrently set the P/C Flag for the Storage BM Unit to either "Production" or "Consumption" as elected by the Lead Party.

B6.2 The P/C Flag of a Storage BM Unit shall not be "Null".

B6.3 Once set, the CRA shall not amend the P/C Flag of a Storage BM Unit unless instructed by the Lead Party.

B6.4 If instructed by the Lead Party, the CRA shall amend the P/C Flag of a Storage BM Unit from "Production" to "Consumption" or vice versa, in accordance with the Lead Party's instruction.

B6.5 The CRA shall ensure that the P/C Status of a Storage BM Unit is fixed as either "Production" or "Consumption" as determined by its P/C Flag.

B6.6 The P/C Status of a Storage BM Unit shall not change unless its P/C Flag changes.

1 Each Trading Party has two Energy Accounts: a Production Account and a Consumption Account. These are also allocated by the CRA.

2 All Agents are to be registered only with approval of BSCCo. Registration of SVA Party Agents is not the function of the CRA.

3 These authorisations are those specific to ECVNAs and MVRNAs and registered in accordance with BSCP71 ‘Submission of ECVNs and MVRNs’.

4 This is to be advised by the registering party and it cannot be duplicated in the system.

5 Note all Trading Unit registrations and subsequent changes to those registrations must be approved by BSCCo.

6 The Trading Unit name is provided to the CRA by the Lead Party and acts as an ID; it cannot be duplicated.

7 For the purposes of this Service Description, a Boundary Point means a point at which any Plant or Apparatus not forming part of the Total System is connected to the Total System (‘Total System’ means the Transmission System and each Distribution System). A Transmission Boundary Point means a point at which any Plant or Apparatus not forming part of the Total System is connected to the Transmission System.

8 For the purposes of this Service Description a Systems Connection Point is a point at which two or more Systems are connected, including a connection between Distribution Systems in different GSP Groups (but excluding a connection between Distributions Systems in the same GSP Group).

9 The proportion of transmission losses to be added in total from the BM Unit Metered Volume of BM Units in off-taking Trading Units = 1-α.

10 Initially this shall be set to every Tuesday, where this is a Working Day which is not in the first 5 Working Days or in the last 5 Working Days of a BSC Season.