CP1465 Implementation Guide: Sending MTD on Change of NHHMOA V3.0

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Sending MTD on Change of NHHMOA

Guidance Note

Sending updated MTD on a Change of NHHMOA

CP1465 ‘Sending revised MTDs following a change of NHHMOA’, which is due to be implemented in the February 2017 release, noted that occasionally NHHMOAs carry out meter exchange activity or other meter work after they have sent the Meter Technical Details (MTD) on a change of MOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule. In some cases, an outgoing or incoming NHHMOA may carry out the work on a date for which they are not appointed because a scheduled site visit is not cancelled on de-appointment.

This guidance has been developed with NHHMOAs to advise Suppliers and their agents what MTD data should be sent in these scenarios, and relates to the Change of NHHMOA process in four sections REC Metering Operations Schedule.

Change of NHHMOA (No change of Metering System or Change of Supplier)

Where an outgoing NHHMOA determines that a meter exchange or change to the MTD has occurred after they have sent it to the New NHHMOA but prior to their de-appointment date (Effective To Date) in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule, they should resend the revised MTD for the current meter to the New NHHMOA. The New NHHMOA will then distribute the updated MTD to the Supplier, NHHDC and LDSO in accordance with REC Metering Operations Schedule.

Where an outgoing NHHMOA makes changes to a Metering System after their Effective To Date they should resend the MTD to the New NHHMOA. In this instance the D0150 ‘Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details’ should contain details of the current and removed meter (if any). The outgoing NHHMOA should also send the initial and final meter register readings (D0010) to the New NHHMOA. This will allow the New NHHMOA to process a meter exchange within their appointment period.

Where an incoming NHHMOA makes changes to a Metering System prior to their Effective From Date they should send the MTD to the Old NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule. The D0150 Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details should contain details of the current and removed meter (if any). The New NHHMOA should also send the initial and final meter register readings (D0010) to the Old NHHMOA.

Concurrent change of Supplier and NHHMOA

Where a change of NHHMOA is concurrent with a Change of Supplier (CoS), the transfer of MTD between the Old and New NHHMOA should be the same as the scenarios described in 6.2.1, and additionally in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule:

The NHHMOA who carries out the meter exchange or change to MTD outside their appointment period should also notify their Supplier and NHHDC of the meter exchange. This will avoid the Old Supplier and Old NHHDC receiving a Change of Supplier (CoS) reading on an unknown meter.

This is to ensure that the meter exchange is ‘owned’ by the NHHMOA within whose appointment period it was carried out, even if the actual site work was done by a different NHHMOA, and that the MTD are distributed to the Supplier and NHHDC within whose appointment period the meter exchange occurred.

Removal of a Metering System

Where the outgoing NHHMOA determines that the Metering System has been removed after they have sent it to the New NHHMOA. The MOA should send MTD reflecting the meter removal to the new NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule.

Where an outgoing NHHMOA removes a Metering System after their Effective To Date they should resend the MTD to the New NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule. In this instance the D0150 ‘Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details’ should contain details of the removed meter. They should also send the final meter register readings (D0010) to the New NHHMOA. This will allow the New NHHMOA to process the meter removal within their appointment period.

Where an incoming NHHMOA removes a Metering System before their Effective From Date, they should send the MTD reflecting the meter removal to the Old NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule. The D0150 ‘Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details’ should contain details of the removed meter. The incoming NHHMOA should also send the final meter register reading (D0010) to the Old NHHMOA.

Reconfigure or Replace Metering System (No Change of Measurement Class)

Where an outgoing NHHMOA determines that a meter exchange or change to the MTD has occurred after they have sent it to the New NHHMOA they should resend the MTD to the new NHHMOA only (not to the Supplier, NHHDC or LDSO) in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule.

Where an outgoing NHHMOA makes changes to the Metering System after their Effective To Date they should resend the MTD to the New NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule, in this instance the D0150 Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details should contain details of the current and removed meter (if any). They should also send the initial and final meter register readings (D0010) to the New NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule.

Where an incoming NHHMOA makes changes to the Metering System before their Effective From Date they should send the MTD to the Old NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule, the D0150 Non-Half Hourly Meter Technical Details should contain details of the current and removed meter (if any). They should also send the initial and final meter register readings (D0010) to the Old NHHMOA in accordance with the REC Metering Operations Schedule.

About this Guidance Note

Given how infrequently NHHMOAs change MTD after de-appointment, they may wish to deal with these on a case by case basis. It is also not essential that the D0150 (and D0010) flows are sent over the Data Transfer Network (DTN) if system constraints prevent this after de-appointment.

While CP1465 has intentionally not prescribed in detail the process for sending MTD to allow NHHMOAs some flexibility, applying the recommendations in this guidance should ensure completeness of MTD data.

Further Information

For any other information please contact the BSC Service Desk or call 0370 010 6950.

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