BSC Section S : Supplier Volume Allocation

v 43.0
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Section S

Version 43.0

Effective Date: 23 February 2023



1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 This Section S sets out:

(a) the rights and obligations of Suppliers, and the activities and functions for which Suppliers (and their Party Agents) are responsible, in relation to Supplier Volume Allocation;

(b) the application of performance assurance measures with respect to Parties involved in Supplier Volume Allocation and associated liquidated damages;

(c) the functions of Supplier Meter Registration Agents with respect to Supplier Volume Allocation;

(d) the functions of the SVAA;

(e) the functions of the Profile Administrator;

(f) the basis upon which SVA Metering Systems may be allocated to Additional BM Units;

(g) the basis upon which quantities of Active Energy associated with SVA Metering Systems are determined and allocated to Supplier BM Units for the purposes of Settlement;

(h) the basis upon which Parties may submit MSID Pair Data and, where applicable, AMSID Pair Data to the SVAA to be recorded on the SVA Metering System Register;

(i) the basis upon which Parties shall provide MSID and, where applicable, AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes in relation to providing Balancing Services for the purposes of Settlement;

(j) the basis upon which Suppliers, HHDAs and SVAA may declare SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, and aggregate and report metered data from such facilities to NETSO and the basis upon which BSCCo, SVAA and the Panel may establish related assurance measures;

(k) the obligations of Licensed Distribution System Operators in relation to provision of data to NETSO for the purposes of calculation of transmission use of system charges; and

(l) the basis upon which quantities of Active Energy associated with Asset Metering Systems are determined and allocated to Secondary BM Units for the purposes of Settlement.

1.2 Application and interpretation

1.2.1 This Section S, together with the Annexes to this Section S, apply in respect of:

(a) SVA Metering Systems;

(b) BM Units associated with such Metering Systems;

(c) Parties responsible for Imports and Exports which, for the purposes of Section K, are measured by such Metering Systems;

(d) Asset Metering Systems;

(e) Secondary BM Units associated with Asset Metering Systems; and

(f) Virtual Lead Parties that have allocated half hourly SVA Metering Systems in one or more of their Secondary BM Units solely for purpose of providing Balancing Services from such Secondary BM Units;

(g) Virtual Lead Parties that have allocated half hourly Asset Metering Systems in one or more of their Secondary BM Units solely for purpose of providing Balancing Services from such Secondary BM Units.

and references to Half Hourly Metering Systems and Non Half Hourly Metering Systems (and, where applicable, to Metering Systems) shall be construed accordingly, unless the context otherwise requires.

1.2.2 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) a "Supplier Agent" is any Party Agent of a Supplier required to be appointed in respect of SVA Metering Systems; and

(b) references to the allocation of SVA Metering Systems to an Additional BM Unit (and cognate expressions) shall be interpreted to mean the allocation to an Additional BM Unit of Plant and/or Apparatus whose Imports or Exports of electricity are measured by SVA Metering Systems; and

(c) references to the allocation of half hourly SVA Metering Systems to a Secondary BM Unit (and cognate expressions) shall be interpreted to mean the allocation to a Secondary BM Unit of Plant and/or Apparatus whose Imports or Exports of electricity are measured by half hourly SVA Metering Systems, solely for the purpose of providing Balancing Services therewith;

(d) a "Virtual Lead Party Agent" is any Party Agent of a Virtual Lead Party required to be appointed in respect of Asset Metering Systems; and

(e) references to the allocation of Asset Metering Systems to a Secondary BM Unit (and cognate expressions) shall be interpreted to mean the allocation to a Secondary BM Unit of Plant and/or Apparatus whose flows of Active Energy are measured by half hourly Asset Metering Systems, solely for the purpose of providing Balancing Services therewith.

1.2.3 Data created under SAS which is:

(a) in a substantially similar form to the data required under the Code; and

(b) used for a substantially similar purpose to the purpose for which such data is used under the Code; and

(c) produced, created or recorded in connection with Supplier Activity;

("SAS Data") shall be deemed to be data as such term is used in the Code and shall be able to be used where required for the purposes of the Code.

1.2.4 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.2., SAS Data shall not be used in relation to Annex S-1.

1.2.5 For the purposes of the above paragraph 1.2.3 "Supplier Activity" shall mean:

(a) the steps taken by Suppliers and Supplier Agents to comply with the obligations placed on them by the SAS; and

(b) other trading operations undertaken by Suppliers and Supplier Agents which are governed by the SAS.

1.3 Supplier ID

1.3.1 A Supplier ID is a unique reference by which a Supplier is identified in SMRS and CSS and for the purposes of Supplier Volume Allocation.

1.3.2 A Supplier may hold more than one Supplier ID subject to and in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 1.3.

1.3.3 Where a Supplier holds more than one Supplier ID:

(a) the provisions of the Code referred to in paragraph 1.3.4, and any other provision of the Code which is expressed to apply on a Supplier ID basis, shall apply separately in respect of the Supplier in the capacity of each of its Supplier IDs so far as capable of so applying;

(b) except as otherwise expressly provided, all other provisions of the Code apply in respect of the Supplier without regard to its Supplier IDs,

and references to a Supplier (including the Supplier as Registrant of a Metering System) and Supplier 'Z' in the Code shall be construed accordingly.

1.3.4 The provisions of the Code referred to in paragraph 1.3.3(a) are paragraphs 2, 6 and 7 (subject to the provisions of Annex S-2), Annex S-1 and Annex S-2.

1.3.5 A Supplier may hold:

(a) subject to paragraph 1.3.6, no more than three Supplier IDs in relation to which the Supplier is the first holder of such Supplier ID; and

(b) additional Supplier ID(s) (to those held pursuant to paragraph (a)) provided the additional Supplier ID(s) is held pursuant to a transfer in accordance with the further provisions of this paragraph 1.

1.3.6 A Supplier may submit to the Panel a request to hold additional Supplier ID(s) (to those held pursuant to paragraph 1.3.5) and the Panel shall determine:

(a) whether to grant the request to hold such additional Supplier ID(s); and

(b) the number of additional Supplier IDs permitted to be held by that Supplier pursuant to its request.

1.4 Transfer of Supplier ID

1.4.1 For the purposes of the Code:

(a) "ID Transferee" means the Trading Party identified as the transferee in a notice which is given and takes effect pursuant to and in accordance with this paragraph 1.4;

(b) "ID Transferor" means the Supplier who gives the notice referred to in paragraph 1.4.3;

(c) "Relevant BM Units" are in relation to a ID Transferor, the Supplier BM Unit(s) to which the relevant Metering Systems are associated;

(d) "relevant Metering Systems" means Metering Systems registered in SMRS and identified by the relevant Supplier ID (and associated with Relevant BM Units); and

(e) "relevant Supplier ID" means the Supplier ID identified in a notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2.

1.4.2 A Supplier may give notice to BSCCo that it intends to transfer its interests in respect of the provision of electrical power to Customers measured by Metering Systems identified in SMRS with a Supplier ID to another Trading Party (such transfer to be effected by a transfer of the Supplier ID and referred to as a "relevant ID transfer").

1.4.3 A notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 shall:

(a) be in writing;

(b) identify:

(i) the Supplier ID to which the relevant ID transfer relates;

(ii) the transferee, being the Trading Party to which the relevant ID transfer is to be made;

(iii) subject to paragraph 1.4.5, the date with effect from which the relevant ID transfer is to be made;

(iv) subject to paragraph 1.4.7, the time with effect from which the relevant ID transfer is to be made; and

(c) be signed by or on behalf of both the Supplier issuing such notice and the Trading Party identified in such notice as the transferee.

1.4.4 A relevant ID transfer may not be made in respect of some but not all of the relevant Metering Systems.

1.4.5 The relevant ID transfer shall take effect for the purposes of the Code from the time and date specified in the relevant notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 and in accordance with paragraphs 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 (such date being the "ID Transfer Date").

1.4.6 For the purposes of the Code the date with effect from which a relevant ID transfer is to take effect may not be earlier than:

(a) where the relevant notice is received by BSCCo before 12:00 hours on a day, the day following;

(b) where the relevant notice is received by BSCCo after 12:00 hours on a day, the second day following

the day on which the relevant notice is received.

1.4.7 The time with effect from which a relevant ID transfer is to take effect, for the purposes of the Code, is 00:00 hours on the ID Transfer Date.

1.4.8 Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6 and 1.4.7 as they apply for the purposes of the Code, those provisions shall not affect or limit the terms and conditions upon which a relevant ID transfer is to be made as between the parties to the relevant ID transfer.

1.4.9 BSCCo shall send a copy of any notice given pursuant to paragraph 1.4.2 to the Authority, each Party and the CRA.

1.5 Effect of transfer of Supplier ID

1.5.1 With effect from the time and date that a relevant ID transfer is to take effect:

(a) the ID Transferee shall (notwithstanding the provisions of Section K but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 1) be:

(i) responsible for all Exports and Imports of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in Relevant BM Units (and measured by the relevant Metering Systems);

(ii) the Registrant of the relevant Metering Systems (and shall be treated, for the purposes of the Code, as having appointed and registered the Party Agents of the ID Transferor in respect of the relevant Metering Systems); and

(iii) subject to the obligations and liabilities and entitled to the rights and benefits (including in respect of Trading Charges and BSCCo Charges) related to or connected with the relevant Metering Systems and the Exports and Imports of that Plant and Apparatus (and measured by the relevant Metering Systems);

(b) the ID Transferor shall (notwithstanding the provisions of Section K but subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 1) cease to be:

(i) responsible for all Exports and Imports of the Plant and Apparatus comprised in Relevant BM Units (and measured by relevant Metering Systems);

(ii) the Registrant of the relevant Metering Systems; and

(iii) subject to the obligations and liabilities and entitled to the rights and benefits (including in respect of Trading Charges and BSCCo Charges) related to or connected with the relevant Metering Systems and the Exports and Imports of that Plant and Apparatus (and measured by the relevant Metering Systems),

in each case, in respect of each Settlement Period on and after such time, and the provisions of the Code shall be construed accordingly.

1.5.2 The transfer of responsibility in respect of Exports and Imports of Plant and Apparatus comprised in Relevant BM Units from the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1 shall be without prejudice and shall not affect:

(a) the rights and liabilities of the ID Transferor under the Code relating to or connected with Relevant BM Units or the relevant Metering Systems, including in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges and Ad-hoc Trading Charges) and BSCCo Charges, accrued or accruing in respect of the period prior to the ID Transfer Date;

(b) the rights and liabilities of the ID Transferor under the Code relating to or connected with any other BM Units or Metering Systems, including in respect of Trading Charges (including Reconciliation Charges and Ad-hoc Trading Charges) and BSCCo Charges, accrued or accruing in respect of the period on, before or after the ID Transfer Date.

1.5.3 For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph 1.5 shall affect:

(a) any Energy Contract Volume Notifications for which the ID Transferor is a Contract Trading Party;

(b) any Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications for which the ID Transferor is the Subsidiary Party,

whether submitted or submitted in respect of a period on, before or after the ID Transfer Date, and any such Energy Contract Volume Notifications or Metered Volume Reallocation Notifications validly submitted in accordance with Section P shall apply and be taken into account in Settlement, subject to and in accordance with the other provisions of the Code, for the purposes of determining any liability or entitlement of the ID Transferor in respect of Trading Charges.

1.5.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the deemed appointment and registration of Party Agents pursuant to paragraph 1.5.1(a)(ii) applies for the purposes of the Code only and shall not create, affect or change any relationship between the ID Transferor or the ID Transferee and those (or any other) Party Agents.

1.5.5 The provisions of this paragraph 1.5 shall apply for the purposes of Settlement under the Code notwithstanding any other provisions in any Core Industry Document.

1.6 Establishment of BM Units following transfer of Supplier ID

1.6.1 The provisions of this paragraph 1.6 apply in relation to a Relevant BM Unit where pursuant to a relevant ID transfer the Supplier ID for the relevant Metering Systems is transferred to a Trading Party.

1.6.2 Where this paragraph 1.6 applies, the CRA shall establish a BM Unit (a "Transferee BM Unit") for which the ID Transferee is the Lead Party corresponding to each Relevant BM Unit as soon as reasonably practicable after the ID Transfer Date.

1.6.3 Unless the context otherwise requires, references to BM Units in the Code shall include Transferee BM Units.

1.6.4 The establishment of Transferee BM Unit(s) pursuant to paragraph 1.6.2 shall take effect on and from the ID Transfer Date.

1.6.5 Each Transferee BM Unit established pursuant to paragraph 1.6.2 shall be configured in the same way and have the same attributes as the Relevant BM Unit of the ID Transferor to which it corresponds, including:

(a) the Generation Capacity and the Demand Capacity;

(b) the Credit Assessment Load Factor;

(c) (where applicable) the GSP Group in which that BM Unit is situated;

(d) (where applicable) the status of that BM Unit as a Base BM Unit or an Additional BM Unit;

(e) the SVA Metering Systems associated with that BM Unit;

(f) the P/C Status;

(g) the Trading Unit to which that BM Unit belongs; and

(h) not used;

(i) whether that BM Unit is considered a relevant BM Unit for the purposes of Section Q,

but without prejudice to the ID Transferee's rights and obligations to revise such configuration and attributes, or otherwise to the revision of such configuration and attributes, from time to time pursuant to any other provision of the Code.

1.6.6 Where a ID Transferee is transferred responsibility for Plant or Apparatus which is subject to a Shared SVA Meter Arrangement, then notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in Section K2.5:

(a) the Allocation Schedule prevailing immediately prior to the ID Transfer Date shall continue to apply and to bind the ID Transferee and the other Supplier(s) (not being the ID Transferor) to the Shared SVA Meter Arrangement; and

(b) the ID Transferee shall assume the status previously held by the ID Transferor as the Primary Supplier or a Secondary Supplier (as the case may be).

1.7 Effect of establishment of Transferee BM Units

1.7.1 The establishment of a Transferee BM Unit pursuant to paragraph 1.6 shall be treated, for the purposes of the Code, as if:

(a) that new BM Unit had been registered (comprising the same Metering Systems as those comprised in the corresponding BM Unit of the ID Transferor) by the ID Transferee with effect from the ID Transfer Date; and

(b) the registration of the corresponding BM Unit of the ID Transferor had been cancelled by the ID Transferor with effect from such date.

1.7.2 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.7.1 and subject to the further provisions of this paragraph 1.7, in respect of each Settlement Period on and after the ID Transfer Date:

(a) the BM Unit Metered Volumes of the Relevant BM Unit to which a Transferee BM Unit corresponds shall be allocated to the Transferee BM Unit; and

(b) such BM Unit Metered Volumes shall not be allocated or treated as allocated to the Relevant BM Unit to which such Transferee BM Unit corresponds,

for the purposes of Section T.

1.7.3 Notwithstanding paragraph 1.7.1, any Metered Volume Reallocation Notification and any data item submitted or purportedly submitted by or on behalf of the ID Transferor (as Lead Party) relating to Relevant BM Units in respect of the period on or after the ID Transfer Date (whether submitted before, on or after the date the registration of the Relevant BM Unit is treated as cancelled pursuant to paragraph 1.7.1) shall, by virtue of paragraph 1.7.1, be void and of no effect and shall not be applied to the Transferee BM Units to which they correspond.

1.8 Data relating to Relevant BM Units

1.8.1 For the purposes of any provisions in the Code relating to the ownership and use of data (including Section L5), the rights of the ID Transferee in respect thereof, as they relate to the Relevant BM Units for which a Trading Party becomes responsible, shall to the extent such rights are not assigned to the ID Transferee by reason of the change of Registrant and with effect from the ID Transfer Date:

(a) automatically be assigned by the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee from and in respect of the period on and after the ID Transfer Date; or

(b) to the extent that it is not possible legally to assign such rights as provided in paragraph (a), the ID Transferor shall make such data available to the ID Transferee at all times on terms such that the ID Transferee is free to use such data as if the data had been so assigned to it.

1.8.2 The ID Transferor shall take all reasonable steps to co-operate with the ID Transferee to give effect to the transfer of responsibility contemplated by paragraphs 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 and this paragraph 1.8 and to enable the ID Transferee to comply with its obligations thereunder.

1.8.3 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 1.8.2, the ID Transferor shall provide the ID Transferee with such records, data and information and otherwise take such steps as if, in relation to the relevant Metering Systems a change of Registrant (from the ID Transferor to the ID Transferee) had occurred on the ID Transfer Date.

1.8.4 The ID Transferee shall have a right of access to any records, data and information referred to in this paragraph 1.8 to the extent required by the ID Transferee for the purposes of the Code in relation to any period prior to the ID Transfer Date.


2.1 Supplier Agents

2.1.1 Each Supplier shall, in accordance with Section J and for SVA Meter Operator Agents the Retail Energy Code, appoint and register Supplier Agents in respect of each SVA Metering System for which such Supplier is or is to be the Registrant.

2.1.2 Each Supplier shall be responsible, in accordance with Section J, for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure (in relation to that Supplier) of each Supplier Agent appointed by it and shall comply, and procure compliance by each Supplier Agent, with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures, Codes of Practice (in respect of meter operation) and with the applicable provisions of the Code.

2.1.3 The functions of each Supplier Agent are described in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.5.

2.1.4 Without prejudice to the requirement to perform the obligations and carry out the activities described in Section J1.2.2 through the use of Supplier Agents, each Supplier shall be responsible (for the purposes of the Code) for the discharge of such obligations and the carrying out of such activities in respect of each SVA Metering System for which such Supplier is the Registrant, and any failure by such Supplier to appoint a Supplier Agent in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1 shall not alter or affect such responsibility in any way.

2.1A Virtual Lead Party Agents

2.1A.1 Each Virtual Lead Party shall, in accordance with Section J, appoint and register Virtual Lead Party Agents in respect of each Asset Metering System for which such Virtual Lead Party is or is to be the Registrant.

2.1A.2 Each Virtual Lead Party shall be responsible, in accordance with Section J, for every act, breach, omission, neglect and failure (in relation to that Virtual Lead Party) of each Virtual Lead Party Agent appointed by it and shall comply, and procure compliance by each Virtual Party Agent, and the relevant BSC Procedures, Codes of Practice (in respect of meter operation) and with the applicable provisions of the Code.

2.1A.3 The functions of each Virtual Lead Party Agent are described in paragraphs 2.2 to 2.3.

2.1A.4 Without prejudice to the requirement to perform the obligations and carry out the activities described in Section J1.2.2 through the use of Virtual Lead Party Agents, each Virtual Lead Party shall be responsible (for the purposes of the Code) for the discharge of such obligations and the carrying out of such activities in respect of each Asset Metering System for which such Virtual Lead Party is the Registrant, and any failure by such Virtual Lead Party to appoint a Virtual Lead Party Agent in accordance with paragraph 2.1.1A shall not alter or affect such responsibility in any way.

2.2 Meter Operator Agent

2.2.1 The principal functions of a Meter Operator Agent in respect of Asset Metering Systems for which it is responsible are:

(a) to install, commission, test and maintain, and to rectify faults in respect of, Asset Metering Equipment (including, if applicable, associated Communications Equipment) in accordance with Section L; and

(b) to maintain Meter Technical Details and to provide such Details, in accordance with Section L, to the relevant Data Collector or Virtual Lead Party to enable such Data Collector to read and process data in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules;

in each case, in accordance with BSCP602 and all relevant Code Subsidiary Documents.

(c) to maintain such Meter Technical Details as are required in accordance with BSCP603 for Meter Operation and to provide such Meter Technical Details, in accordance with Section L, to the relevant Virtual Lead Party, in each case, in accordance with, BSCP603.

2.2.2 Each Virtual Lead Party shall, as soon as possible and in any event promptly after the registration of an Asset Metering System becomes effective or following a change in the Meter Operator Agent appointed in relation to a particular Asset Metering System, send to the relevant Meter Operator Agent for each Asset Metering System for which it is the registrant (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Meter Operator Agent):

(a) the related Asset Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Data Collector; and

(b) confirmation of the time and date with effect from which that Meter Operator Agent's appointment in relation to such Asset Metering System is to take effect.

2.2.3 Each Virtual Lead Party shall meet or procure that the relevant Meter Operator Agent meets the service levels specified in BSCP603 in relation to the Asset Metering Systems in respect of which it is registered.

2.3 Data Collectors

2.3.1 The principal functions of a Half Hourly Data Collector are, in accordance with the provisions of this Section S and the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, with BSCP502 and BSCP520 for SVA Metering Systems, and BSCP603 for Asset Metering Systems, and with Party Service Line 100 except in the case of Asset Metering Systems:

(a) to collect metered data;

(b) to validate data and provide reports;

(c) to enter validated metered data into the relevant data collection system;

(d) to maintain relevant standing data;

(e) to undertake Meter Advance Reconciliation to reconcile half hourly energy values with meter advances;

(f) to sum register level data to produce SVA Metering System level data;

(g) to provide SVA Metering System level data to the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator;

(h) to provide validated metered data and SVA Metering System reports to the relevant Supplier and the relevant Distribution System Operator ;

(i) to sum register level data to produce Asset Metering System level data (where applicable); and

(j) to provide Asset Metering System level data to SVAA in accordance with BSCP603.2.3.2 The principal functions of a Non Half Hourly Data Collector are, in accordance with the provisions of this Section S, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP504 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to collect metered data;

(b) to validate data and provide reports;

(c) to maintain relevant standing data;

(d) to enter data into the relevant data collection system and calculate the Meter Advance values;

(e) to receive Daily Profile Coefficients from the SVAA;

(f) to determine Estimated Annual Consumption data and Annualised Advance data based on the Daily Profile Coefficients received from the SVAA;

(g) to provide Estimated Annual Consumption data and Annualised Advance data to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator;

(h) to investigate anomalies relating to Estimated Annual Consumption or Annualised Advances raised by the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator; and

(i) to provide validated metered data and SVA Metering System reports to the relevant Supplier and the relevant Distribution System Operator.

2.3.3 Each Supplier shall send to the Data Collector for each SVA Metering System for which it is responsible:

(a) promptly after its registration in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Data Collector appointed in relation to a particular SVA Metering System (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Data Collector) details of:

(i) such Data Collector's registration in SMRS in relation to that SVA Metering System, the related SVA Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the SVA Meter Operator Agent, Data Aggregator and Supplier Meter Registration Agent related to that SVA Metering System; and

(ii) the start of the period for which the Data Collector is appointed; and

(b) promptly after receiving such information, any data in respect of consumption at a SVA Metering System received by it directly from SVA Customers, in order to enable the relevant Data Collector to validate and process such information.

2.3.3A A Supplier shall not be obliged to take the steps required by paragraph 2.3.3 solely because its registration pursuant to the Code in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective as a result of the extension of the Code to Scotland where:

(a) a data collector has been appointed under SAS and following the BETTA Effective Date the relevant Supplier retains it as a Data Collector under the Code; and

(b) the data set out in paragraph 2.3.3 has prior to the BETTA Effective Date been provided to such Data Collector when it was a data collector under SAS.

2.3.3B Each Virtual Lead Party shall send to the Data Collector for each Asset Metering System for which it is the Registrant:

(a) promptly after its registration in respect of a particular Asset Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Data Collector appointed in relation to a particular Asset Metering System (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Data Collector) details of:

(i) the related Asset Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Meter Operator Agent; and

(ii) the start of the period for which the Data Collector is appointed;

2.3.4 In respect of each SVA Metering System in relation to which it is registered in SMRS, a Supplier shall ensure that the appointed Data Collector has such access to the relevant meters as the Data Collector reasonably requires in order to read them all within the timescales required for Settlement.

2.3.5 In relation to a change of Supplier, a Supplier shall not be obliged to provide any of the data referred to in paragraph 2.3.3(b) which the Supplier believes on reasonable grounds and in good faith is not valid.

2.4 Data Aggregators

2.4.1 The principal functions of a Half Hourly Data Aggregator are, in accordance with this Section S, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP503 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to receive half-hourly data from the relevant Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) to validate data and provide reports;

(c) to enter data into the relevant data aggregation system;

(d) to maintain relevant standing data;

(e) to receive and maintain Line Loss Factors provided by BSCCo and approved by the Panel;

(f) to aggregate the metered data in MWh in the relevant data aggregation system;

(g) to receive and maintain Additional BM Unit data for each Supplier (in respect of which such Half Hourly Data Aggregator is appointed) and to receive, validate and maintain details of the SVA Metering Systems for which such Supplier is the Registrant allocated by that Supplier to its Additional BM Units in the same GSP Group;

(h) to provide to the SVAA data aggregated by Supplier BM Unit or by Supplier and by GSP Group in accordance with the further provisions of this Section S;

(i) where applicable, to provide metered data to an EMR Settlement Services Provider in accordance with paragraph 2.9; and

(j) where applicable, to provide to the SVAA Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption data in accordance with paragraph 2.11;and

(k) the basis upon which Suppliers, HHDAs and SVAA may declare SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities, and aggregate and report metered data from such facilities to NETSO and the basis upon which BSCCo, SVAA and the Panel may establish related assurance measures.

2.4.2 The principal functions of a Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator are, in accordance with this Section S, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP505 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to receive Estimated Annual Consumption/Annualised Advances from Non Half Hourly Data Collectors;

(b) to check Estimated Annual Consumption/Annualised Advances and provide reports;

(c) to enter data into the relevant data aggregation system;

(d) to maintain relevant standing data;

(e) to aggregate the annualised consumption data in MWh;

(f) to provide aggregate annualised consumption data to the SVAA; and

(g) if notice is provided in accordance with paragraph 4.4.19 of Annex S-2, to provide the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator with Estimated Annual Consumption data and Metering System details in respect of Metering Systems located at Boundary Points on the relevant Licensed Distribution System Operator’s Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s).

2.4.3 Each Supplier shall, promptly after its registration in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Data Aggregator appointed in relation to a particular SVA Metering System, send to the relevant Data Aggregator appointed by it in accordance with Section J (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Data Aggregator):

(a) details of such Data Aggregator's registration in SMRS in relation to that SVA Metering System, the related SVA Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Data Collector and Supplier Meter Registration Agent related to that SVA Metering System; and

(b) confirmation of the start of the period for which the Data Aggregator is appointed.

2.4.3A A Supplier shall not be obliged to take the steps required by paragraph 2.4.3 solely because its registration pursuant to the Code in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective as a result of the extension of the Code to Scotland where:

(a) a data aggregator has been appointed under SAS and following the BETTA Effective Date the relevant Supplier retains it as a Data Aggregator under the Code; and

(b) the data set out in paragraph 2.4.3 has prior to the BETTA Effective Date been provided to such Data Aggregator when it was a data aggregator under SAS.

2.4.4 Each Supplier shall ensure that any material anomaly reported to it by a Data Aggregator appointed by it in accordance with Section J in relation to data received by that Data Aggregator from Data Collectors for which the Supplier is responsible is recorded and investigated and that a record is kept of the action (if any) taken to prevent a recurrence of the anomaly during the next Volume Allocation Run for that Settlement Day.

2.4.5 For the purposes of paragraph 2.4.4, a "material anomaly" is one which is required to be so recorded and investigated in accordance with Party Service Line 100 or the relevant BSC Procedures or one which the Supplier appreciates or should reasonably appreciate will have an impact on the quality of data for Settlement purposes.

2.5 Meter Administrators

2.5.1 The principal functions of a Meter Administrator are, in accordance with this Section S, BSCP520 and Party Service Line 100:

(a) to calculate deemed metered volumes (estimated energy consumption) for half hourly unmetered supplies (known as Equivalent Unmetered Supplies) relating to SVA Customers; and

(b) to provide the relevant data to the relevant Half Hourly Data Collector.

2.5.2 Each Supplier shall, promptly after its registration in respect of a particular SVA Metering System becomes effective or (as the case may be) following a change in Meter Administrator appointed in relation to a particular SVA Metering System, send to the relevant Meter Administrator appointed by it in accordance with Section J (unless otherwise agreed with the relevant Meter Administrator):

(a) details of such Meter Administrator’s registration (where applicable) in SMRS in relation to that SVA Metering System, the related SVA Metering System Number and the Identifiers for the Data Collector and the Supplier Meter Registration Agent related to that SVA Metering System; and

(b) confirmation of the start of the period for which the Meter Administrator is appointed.

2.6 Provision of Data

2.6.1 In respect of each SVA Metering System which is a 100kW Metering System in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall promptly submit or procure the submission of the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01 ) by the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by it in accordance with Section J to the SVAA before each Interim Information Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.1A In respect of each SVA Metering System which is an Advanced Meter in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall submit, or procure the submission of, the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01) to the SVAA promptly after collection of such data and, in any event:

(a) subject to paragraph 2.6.1B, in respect of the data for Settlement Days before the P272 Implementation Date, before the relevant Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run; and

(b) in respect of the data for Settlement Days on or after P272 Implementation Date, before the relevant First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run,

in each case, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.1B In respect of each SVA Metering System which is:

(a) an Advanced Meter; and

(b) Half Hourly Metering Equipment in accordance with Section L2.2.2,

in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall submit, or procure the submission of, the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01 to the SVAA promptly after collection of such data and, in any event, in respect of data for Settlement Days on or after P272 Implementation Date, before the relevant First Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.2 In respect of each SVA Metering System which is not:

(a) a 100kW Metering System; or

(b) Half Hourly Metering Equipment in accordance with Section L2.2.2,

in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall submit, or procure the submission of, the appropriate data (as specified by BSCP01) to the SVAA promptly after collection of such data and, in any event, before the relevant Final Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run, in accordance with BSCP01.

2.6.3 A Supplier shall (to the extent that it has not already done so in accordance with the Qualification Process applicable to that Supplier) submit, or procure the submission of, appropriate details to the SVAA of each GSP Group in which the Supplier commences or ceases trading for Supplier Volume Allocation, in accordance with BSCP507.

2.7 Additional Supplier and Virtual Lead Party Obligations

2.7.1 Each Supplier and Virtual Lead Party shall use all reasonable endeavours to co-operate with and support the Panel, other Trading Parties, the SVAA and other BSC Agents in the integration testing of any relevant system, software or hardware required for the operation of Supplier Volume Allocation.

2.7.2 Each Supplier shall:

(a) use all reasonable endeavours to assist BSCCo's and the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from Supplier Volume Allocation in relation to which that Supplier can reasonably be expected to provide assistance;

(b) provide all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA; and

(c) use all reasonable endeavours to procure that each Supplier Agent from time to time appointed by it in respect of a SVA Metering System uses all reasonable endeavours to assist the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from their contracts relating to Supplier Volume Allocation and provides all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA, in any such case where that Supplier can reasonably be expected to provide assistance.

2.7A.2 Each Virtual Lead Party shall:

(a) use all reasonable endeavours to assist BSCCo's and the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from Supplier Volume Allocation in relation to which that Virtual Lead Party can reasonably be expected to provide assistance;

(b) provide all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA; and

(c) use all reasonable endeavours to procure that each Virtual Lead Party Agent from time to time appointed by it in respect of an Asset Metering System uses all reasonable endeavours to assist the SVAA’s problem management service in the resolution of any problems arising from their contracts relating to Supplier Volume Allocation and provides all information reasonably requested by the SVAA within a reasonable timescale agreed with the SVAA, in any such case where that Virtual Lead Party can reasonably be expected to provide assistance.

2.7.3 The provisions of Section O, as they relate to Supplier Volume Allocation, shall apply in relation to the sending and receiving of Communications for the purposes of this Section S.

2.7.4 In respect of each Non Half Hourly Metering System in relation to which it is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, a Supplier shall:

(a) if it is the first time that such Metering System is registered with a Supplier Meter Registration Agent, allocate such Metering System to:

(i) a Profile Class; and

(ii) a Standard Settlement Configuration and other relevant information in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures; and

(b) in any other case:

(i) use reasonable endeavours to ensure that such Metering System remains at all times allocated to the correct Profile Class; and

(ii) from time to time change the Profile Class to which that Metering System is allocated,

in each case in accordance with the BSCP516.

2.7.5 Each Supplier shall:

(a) co-operate fully with the Profile Administrator in order to assist the Profile Administrator in the performance of its obligations under its BSC Agent Contract, including by complying with the requirements of BSCP510;

(b) provide to the Profile Administrator the information required by BSCP510 and such other information (including in the form and at the times) as the Profile Administrator may reasonably require in order to assist it in the performance of its obligations under its BSC Agent Contract, including:

(i) by providing information to assist the Profile Administrator in the creation and maintenance of a load research sample which includes the sample of the Supplier’s customers required by the Profile Administrator; and

(ii) by providing or procuring the collection of half-hourly demand data for Profile purposes and providing or procuring the provision of that data to the Profile Administrator;

(c) comply with any directions as may from time to time reasonably be made by the Panel in respect of the Profile Administrator’s BSC Agent Contract;

(d) provide from its customers the number of members and replacement members of the load research sample (including the number in a specified class or who satisfy specified criteria (including as to randomness of selection)) requested by the Profile Administrator from time to time;

(e) in accordance with BSCP510, procure the installation and maintenance (including, where appropriate, by authorising and/or entering into an agreement with the Profile Administrator to install and maintain or procure the installation and maintenance on the Supplier’s behalf) of Profile Capable Metering Systems at the premises of those customers of the Supplier who are or are to become members of the Profile Administrator’s load research sample for the purposes of the Profile Administrator’s load research programme; and

(f) annually confirm to the Profile Administrator whether new customers are located at premises in which Profile Capable Metering Systems are providing half-hourly demand data for the purposes of the Profile Administrator’s load research programme and, if they are, provide the Profile Administrator with all relevant details required by the Profile Administrator.

2.7.5A For the purposes of this Section S, references to a "Profile Capable Metering System" means a single Metering System capable of providing both half-hourly demand data and non half hourly demand data and which otherwise complies with the requirements of BSCP510.

2.7.6 In relation to each SVA Metering System for which it is responsible, a Supplier shall (where applicable) ensure that teleswitch data and changes thereto are provided to the SVAA in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure (if any) and (to the extent applicable) the provisions of Section O.

2.7.7 Subject to paragraphs 2.7.7B and 2.7.7C, each Supplier shall provide, or procure the provision by the SVAA of, the appropriate data specified in BSCP508 (being certain output from Volume Allocation Runs) to:

(a) the relevant Distribution System Operators;

(b) any other Licensed Distribution System Operator which operates a Distribution System or has an Associated Distribution System that is upstream of a customer; and

(c) an agent appointed on behalf of Licensed Distribution System Operators for the purpose, inter alia, of receiving such data,

provided that the relevant Distribution System Operators shall receive such data free of charge.

2.7.7A For the avoidance of doubt, the relevant Distribution System Operators may provide the data received by them pursuant to paragraph 2.3.1(h), paragraph 2.7.7(a) or Section L5.2.4 to the Licensed Distribution System Operators specified in paragraph 2.7.7(b) or an agent appointed on behalf of Licensed Distribution System Operators in accordance with paragraph 2.7.7(c).

2.7.7B A Licensed Distribution System Operator which receives data pursuant to paragraph 2.7.7 and/or paragraph 2.7.7A (including via an agent appointed on its behalf) shall only be entitled to use such data for the purposes of the operation of its Distribution System and for the calculation of charges for use of and connection to its Distribution System, but not for any other purposes.

2.7.7C A Licensed Distribution System Operator (but excluding a relevant Distribution System Operator) or an agent appointed on behalf of Licensed Distribution System Operators in accordance with paragraph 2.7.7(c) shall not be entitled to receive the data specified in paragraph 2.7.7 where such data relates to a Distribution System or an Associated Distribution System that is connected directly to the Transmission System.

2.7.7D Each Party agrees to the release and use of data referred to in paragraphs 2.7.7 and 2.7.7A on the terms and conditions set out in paragraphs 2.7.7B and 2.7.7C.

2.7.8 Each Supplier which is or intends to be registered in SMRS shall comply with the data quality standards specified in the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP501 and with Party Service Line 100.

2.7.8A In relation to each Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible, and which has been installed in compliance with the Smart Metering Equipment Technical Specification, the Supplier shall establish and maintain Meter Technical Details and provide such Details, in accordance with BSCP504, to the relevant Non Half Hourly Data Collector to enable such Data Collector to process data in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules.

2.7.9 Each Supplier shall at all times hold the following data in relation to each SVA Metering System for which it is responsible:

(a) the Meter Technical Details;

(b) in the case of a Non Half Hourly Metering System, the Metered Data obtained for each relevant Settlement Register on each occasion during the preceding forty months on which valid Metered Data was obtained, and the latest values of Estimated Annual Consumption and Annualised Advance.

2.7.10 If a Supplier appoints a replacement Supplier Agent in relation to any SVA Metering System in the circumstances set out in Section J4.2.6(a)(i) or (ii), the Supplier shall provide to the replacement Supplier Agent the following data:

(a) Not Used

(b) in the case of a Non Half Hourly Data Collector, the data held by the Supplier pursuant to paragraph 2.7.9(b).

2.7.11 To enable the identity of each Equipment Owner to be included in Market Domain Data, a Supplier shall, in accordance with BSCP509, inform the SVAA of the identity of an Equipment Owner (whether or not the Supplier itself) in relation to any Non Half Hourly Metering System for which the Supplier is registered in SMRS (unless such data already exists in Market Domain Data).

2.7.12 For the purposes of this paragraph 2 and Section L5.2.4, the term "relevant Distribution System Operators" means those Licensed Distribution System Operators to whose Distribution System or Associated Distribution System a customer is connected.

2.7.13 For the purposes of paragraph 2.7.7(b), a Distribution System or Associated Distribution System shall be treated as being upstream of a customer if that Distribution System or Associated Distribution System is used (or expected to be used) to distribute electricity from (or to) the Transmission System to (or from) a Distribution System or Associated Distribution System:

(a) to which such customer is connected; or

(b) that is upstream of such customer in accordance with this paragraph 2.7.13.

2.8 Long Term Vacant

2.8.1 Each Supplier who treats or intends to treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall comply with paragraphs 4.3.19 to 4.3.22 (inclusive) of Annex S-2 and the relevant provisions of BSCP504.

2.8.2 A Supplier shall not treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant where:

(a) the criteria set out in paragraph 2.8.3 for determining whether a Non Half Hourly Metering System is Long Term Vacant and any further requirements set out in BSCP504 have not been satisfied;

(b) Metered Data (as described in BSCP504) relating to such Non Half Hourly Metering System becomes available (including by reason of the Supplier receiving such Metered Data from the owner and/or occupier of the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated);

(c) the Supplier becomes aware that consumption of electricity is occurring at the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated (including by reason of receiving communications from the owner and/or occupier or new owner and/or occupier of that property); or

(d) there is a change of Supplier in relation to such Non Half Hourly Metering System.

2.8.3 The criteria for determining whether a Supplier may treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant includes the requirements set out below and any further requirements set out in BSCP504:

(a) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Non Half Hourly Metering System has made two visits (in accordance with the applicable timescales specified in BSCP504) to the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated for the purpose of obtaining Metered Data and has been unable to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System to obtain such Metered Data;

(b) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector has notified the Supplier (in the manner and form required by BSCP504) of such visits and of its failure to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System; and

(c) the Supplier has proactively in accordance with BSCP504 used its utmost reasonable endeavours to identify the owner and/or occupier of the property upon which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated where such owner and/or occupier is unknown and has attempted to gain access for the purpose of obtaining Metered Data.

2.8.4 A Supplier shall cease to treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant if any of the matters set out in paragraph 2.8.2 (a) to (d) (inclusive) occurs or if the Supplier fails to comply with the requirements of the processes referred to in paragraph 2.8.5.

2.8.5 A Supplier who treats or intends to treat a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall also have in place processes, as required by BSCP504, to ascertain whether the Non Half Hourly Metering System can continue to be treated as Long Term Vacant. BSCP504 shall as a minimum contain the following requirements to ascertain whether the Non Half Hourly Metering System can continue to be treated as Long Term Vacant:

(a) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector responsible for such Non Half Hourly Metering System shall make at least one visit (in accordance with the applicable timescale specified in BSCP504) to the property on which the Non Half Hourly Metering System is situated for the purpose of obtaining Metered Data and be unable to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System to obtain such Metered Data;

(b) the Non Half Hourly Data Collector shall notify the Supplier (in the manner and form required by BSCP504) of such visits and of its failure to obtain access to the Non Half Hourly Metering System; and

(c) the matters set out in paragraph 2.8.3 (c).

2.8.6 A Supplier treating a Non Half Hourly Metering System for which it is responsible as Long Term Vacant shall keep auditable records of its compliance with the requirements of the Code and BSCP504 for treating and continuing to treat such Non Half Hourly Metering System as Long Term Vacant.

2.8.7 In the event that a Licensed Distribution Supplier Operator requests details from a Supplier as to which Non Half Hourly Metering Systems that Supplier is responsible for and is treating as Long Term Vacant then the Supplier shall provide the same.

2.9 Provision of Data to a CM Settlement Services Provider

2.9.1 Where a Supplier that is the Registrant of an SVA Metering System associated with CM Assets is so requested by a Customer or generator that has entered into a Capacity Agreement in respect of those CM Assets then that Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that SVA Metering System to a CM Settlement Services Provider in accordance with BSCP503.

2.10 Provision of Data relating to EII Assets

2.10.1 Where a Supplier is the Registrant of an SVA Metering System associated with EII Assets then that Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that SVA Metering System to an EMR Settlement Services Provider in accordance with BSCP503.

2.11 Provision of Data for SVA Metering Systems

2.11.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that where the SVAA informs its Half Hourly Data Aggregator that it is required to provide Allocated Metering System Metered Consumption data in relation to a Half Hourly Metering System for which that Supplier is the Registrant, the Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that Half Hourly Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP503.

2.11.2 Each Supplier shall ensure that its Half Hourly Data Aggregators do not disclose to a Supplier the identity of those Metering Systems for which the SVAA has requested data pursuant to paragraph 2.11.1 unless the relevant SVA Customer or SVA Generator has consented to such disclosure. For the avoidance of doubt, Half Hourly Data Aggregators may disclose to the Supplier the number of Metering Systems for which the SVAA has requested data pursuant to paragraph 2.11.1.

2.12 Provision of data for SVA HH Metering Systems related to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities

2.12.1 Each Supplier shall ensure that where the SVAA informs its Half Hourly Data Aggregator that any half hourly SVA Metering System, for which that Supplier is the Registrant, is related to SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities which are the subject of a valid Non-Final Demand Declaration, the Half Hourly Data Aggregator provides metered data relating to that half hourly SVA Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with Annex S-2, BSCP503 and BSCP602.


3.1 Supplier Performance Assurance

3.1.1 Each Supplier shall provide, or procure the provision of such reports to the Performance Assurance Board as may from time to time be reasonably required in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures in order to enable the Performance Assurance Board to review compliance by that Supplier with the requirements of paragraph 2 and compliance by each Supplier Agent for which that Supplier is responsible with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures.

3.1.2 Each Supplier shall provide the Panel and the Performance Assurance Board with access to all of its records, data and other information (and those of its Supplier Agents) as may reasonably be required by the Panel or (as the case may be) the Performance Assurance Board to carry out its functions in accordance with the Code and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents, or procure that such access is provided.

3.1.3 Without prejudice to paragraph 3.1.2, each Supplier shall pay, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Annex S-1 any amounts which fall to be paid by it in accordance with paragraph 3.2.

3.1A Virtual Lead Party Performance Assurance

3.1A.1 Each Virtual Lead Party shall provide, or procure the provision of such reports to the Performance Assurance Board as may from time to time be reasonably required in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures in order to enable the Performance Assurance Board to review compliance by that Virtual Lead Party with the requirements of paragraph 2 and compliance by each Virtual Lead Party Agent for which that Virtual Lead Party is responsible in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures.

3.1A.2 Each Virtual Lead Party shall provide the Panel and the Performance Assurance Board with access to all of its records, data and other information (and those of its Virtual Lead Party Agents) as may reasonably be required by the Panel or (as the case may be) the Performance Assurance Board to carry out its functions in accordance with the Code and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents, or procure that such access is provided.

3.2 Supplier Charges

3.2.1 Without prejudice to any other right of other Parties (other than in respect of claims for damages for loss), a Supplier which fails to comply with:

(a) the reporting requirements imposed on it pursuant to paragraph 3.1.1; or

(b) the requirements in respect of data provision imposed on it pursuant to paragraph 2.6; or

(c) any of the Performance Levels set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges set out in Annex S-1

shall be liable to the relevant charge set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges in Annex S-1, to be payable in accordance with Annex S-1.

3.2A Temporary disapplication of Supplier Charges

3.2A.1 For the purposes of this paragraph 3.2A:

(a) the "Coronavirus Disapplication Period" shall be the period determined in accordance with paragraphs 3.2 A.3 and 3.2A.4; and

(b) the "Relevant Supplier Charges" shall be those charges associated with Serials SP08.

3.2A.2 In relation to the Relevant Supplier Charges, each Party acknowledges that the Coronavirus epidemic or pandemic is likely to disrupt, prevent or delay Suppliers from complying with the obligations referred to in paragraphs 3.2.1(a) to (c) inclusive and accordingly each Party agrees that:

(a) for the duration of the Coronavirus Disapplication Period, no Supplier shall be liable to any other Party under paragraph 3.2.1 for any of the Relevant Supplier Charges set out in the Menu of Supplier Charges in Annex S-1; and

(b) without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, no Party shall be entitled to bring a claim against another Party pursuant to Annex S-1 in respect of Relevant Supplier Charges that relate to the Coronavirus Disapplication Period.

3.2A.3 The Coronavirus Disapplication Period shall commence on the Relevant Implementation Date and shall remain in force until the Panel determines that such period shall cease by providing three months prior notice pursuant to paragraph 3.2A.4.

3.2A.4 BSCCo shall, on behalf of the Panel, within one Working Day after the determination by the Panel under paragraph 3.2A.3:

(a) send a notification to all Parties and the Authority of the Panel’s determination; and

(b) publish a copy of that notification on the BSC Website.

3.3 Supplier Force Majeure

3.3.1 A Supplier shall not be liable to any other Party for delay or failure in performing its obligations under paragraph 2 or paragraph 3.1.1 to the extent that such delay or failure results from or is caused directly by any event or circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the Supplier including:

(a) act of public enemy, war declared or undeclared, threat of war, terrorist act, blockade, revolution, riot, insurrection, civil commotion, public demonstration, sabotage or act of vandalism;

(b) strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances;

(c) lightning, storm, accumulation of snow or ice, earthquake, fire, flood or act of God;

(d) explosion, fault or failure of plant or machinery which (in each case) could not have been prevented by Good Industry Practice;

(e) governmental restraint, Act of Parliament, other legislation, by-law and Directive (not being any order, regulation or direction under Section 32, 33, 34 or 35 of the Act);

(f) a failure by the SVAA to provide Daily Profile Coefficients to a Data Collector for which the Supplier is responsible or to distribute Market Domain Data in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedures;

(g) the provision to the Supplier or any Supplier Agent for which it is responsible by the SVAA of Daily Profile Coefficients or Market Domain Data which is incorrect in any material respect;

(h) a failure in the communication network or method used by the Supplier’s Supplier Agent in accordance with Party Service Line 100 and the relevant BSC Procedures provided the Supplier has first used reasonable endeavours to ensure that its Supplier Agent has used any reasonable alternative method of communication available,

("Supplier Force Majeure"), provided that this paragraph 3.3 is subject to compliance by the Supplier and its Supplier Agents in all respects with the disaster recovery provisions from time to time set out in Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant BSC Procedures.

3.3.2 Lack of funds shall not be interpreted as a circumstance beyond a Supplier’s reasonable control.

3.3.3 A Supplier which is affected by Supplier Force Majeure shall:

(a) give immediate notice to BSCCo;

(b) use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate the impact of the Supplier Force Majeure and to remedy as soon as practicable its inability to perform;

(c) provide notice to BSCCo within one Business Day of the Supplier Force Majeure being resolved or ceasing to apply.

3.3.4 The provisions of paragraph 3.3.3 shall be without prejudice to the disaster recovery provisions from time to time set out in Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant BSC Procedures.


4.1 Supplier Volume Allocation Agent

4.1.1 The principal functions of the SVAA are, in accordance with the Code and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents (including BSCP508 and BSCP602):

(a) to provide a supplier volume allocation service in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description and the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and to comply with the other requirements of the relevant BSC Service Description;

(b) to provide a daily profile production service in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description involving, inter alia, receiving, obtaining and maintaining data relating to GSP Groups, noon temperatures and times of sunset, the preparation of Daily Profile Coefficients and the provision of reports on profiles and Standard Settlement Configurations to Non Half Hourly Data Collectors and Suppliers;

(c) to provide a Market Domain Data service to the electricity markets of England and Wales and Scotland in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(d) to perform additional related services if and to the extent required by the Panel, including:

(i) the development and maintenance of a contingency plan in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description for approval from time to time by the Panel;

(ii) the provision of a disaster recovery service, and the development and maintenance of a disaster recovery plan, all in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(iii) the provision of a national helpdesk service, a problem management service, a change management service, a committee support service, a performance report service, an ad hoc reporting service, a dispute support service, a software acceptance testing service and an integration testing service, in each case in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(iv) the development and maintenance of a hand-over service, and the provision of an exit management plan, in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description;

(v) the provision of a consultancy service, a technical architecture and design service and a software maintenance service, in each case in accordance with the relevant BSC Service Description; and

(vi) such other services as may from time to time be agreed by the Panel;

(e) to provide data to the NETSO and Distribution System Operators necessary for the purposes of calculating transmission and distribution use of system charges respectively in accordance with BSCP508;

(f) to provide such data to the SAA as is necessary for the provision of Relevant EMR Settlement Data to an EMR Settlement Services Provider;

(g) to provide such data to the SAA as is necessary for Settlement in relation to Secondary BM Units;

(h) to establish and maintain a register, hereby known as the SVA Metering System Register, of each half hourly SVA Metering System and Asset Metering System identified in MSID Pair Data and AMSID Pair Data that has been provided to the SVAA;

(i) to provide the Lead Party of a Secondary BM Unit with half hourly Metered Data for each Metering System registered to that Secondary BM Unit; and

(j) to establish and maintain a register, hereby known as the SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities Register, of each of the validly declared SVA Non-Final Demand Facilities and related Metering Systems notified to the SVAA by a Supplier in accordance with BSCP602.

4.2 Profile Administrator

4.2.1 The principal functions of the Profile Administrator are, in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and relevant Code Subsidiary Documents:

(a) to create and maintain a load research sample using customer information provided to it by Suppliers and to carry out a programme of load research in order to collect or obtain half-hourly demand data relating to customers who form part of the load research sample;

(b) to analyse data collected through the load research programme and from other sources approved from time to time by the Panel;

(c) to derive sets of Regression Coefficients for each Profile Class;

(d) to deliver the Regression Coefficients and related data to Parties, the SVAA, Supplier Agents or BSCCo;

(e) to analyse data and to monitor the accuracy of Profiles derived from Regression Coefficients;

(f) to provide such consultancy services as the Panel may from time to time determine; and

(g) to, where agreed between the Profile Administrator and the relevant Supplier and in accordance with any requirements in BSCP510, install and maintain and/or procure the installation and maintenance of Profile Capable Metering Systems at the premises of the customers referred to in paragraph 2.7.5(e) who are identified to the Profile Administrator by the Supplier.

4.2.2 The Profile Administrator shall provide (unless and to the extent otherwise specified from time to time by BSCCo) to BSCCo or as otherwise directed by it a set of Regression Coefficients, Group Average Annual Consumption values and Profile Coefficients for each BSC Year on or before 30th November before the beginning of the relevant BSC Year, using data collected from the load research programme carried out by the Profile Administrator, augmented with data provided by Suppliers which is consistent with the overall sample design.

4.2.3 Unless and to the extent otherwise specified by BSCCo, the Profile Administrator shall deliver to BSCCo or as otherwise directed by it:

(a) on a quarterly basis, a breakdown by GSP Group of each Profile Class sample, together with a statement of the daily average number of customers for which monitoring equipment has been successfully installed and commissioned for each Profile Class in respect of the previous quarter (a quarter being a period of three months commencing on 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October in any year); and

(b) an annual report and data analysis plan (in such form as may be specified by the Panel) setting out what load research data the Profile Administrator proposes to use, together with a load research plan (in such form as the Panel shall specify) setting out the proposed sample design and sample sizes in respect of the following BSC Year.

4.2.4 Unless and to the extent otherwise specified by the Panel, the Profile Administrator shall:

(a) make one or more representatives available, subject to reasonable notice, to attend meetings of the Panel or its representatives in order to provide advice on profiling matters; and

(b) provide advice to the Panel as to the implications of introducing new or modified Profile Classes and GSP Groups and as to the implications of changing sample sizes and profiling methodology.

4.2.5 Where:

(a) at the request of a Supplier, the Profile Administrator installs and maintains or procures the installation and maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System on the Supplier’s behalf at the premises of a customer who forms part of the load research sample, the Profile Administrator’s associated costs shall be treated as BSC Costs under Section D of the Code; and

(b) a Supplier procures the installation and maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System at the premises of a customer who forms part of the load research sample, the Supplier shall be entitled in respect of that customer to be paid the relevant Profile Sum (referred to in paragraph 4.2.7) by the Profile Administrator.

4.2.6 Without prejudice to any other provision in the Code, in the event that the Supplier requests the Profile Administrator to install and maintain or procure the installation and maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System in relation to a customer who forms part of the load research sample, the Supplier shall also request the Profile Administrator to acquire or procure the acquisition of the Profile Capable Metering System and to perform or procure the performance of the relevant functions of a Meter Operator Agent, Data Collector and Data Aggregator in relation to that Metering System.

4.2.7 The relevant Profile Sum shall be the total of the average annual cost per member of the load research sample incurred by the Profile Administrator in each BSC Year in relation to the:

(a) acquisition and installation of a Profile Capable Metering System (provided that this cost shall only be included in the relevant Profile Sum where it has been necessary for the Supplier to procure the acquisition and installation of a Profile Capable Metering System in relation to the relevant customer for the purposes of the load research programme, and then only in relation to the first acquisition and installation thereof or in relation to the necessary replacement thereof);

(b) annual maintenance of a Profile Capable Metering System at a customer’s premises and of performing the other functions of a Meter Operator Agent in relation to it (provided that only fifty (50) percent (%) of such cost shall be included in the relevant Profile Sum where the relevant customer has been part of the load research sample for part only of the relevant BSC Year or has been a customer of the relevant Supplier for part only of the relevant BSC Year); and

(c) annual cost of the collection of the half-hourly demand data from a Profile Capable Metering System (provided that only fifty (50) per cent (%) of such cost shall be included in the relevant Profile Sum where the relevant customer has been part of the load research sample for part only of the relevant BSC Year or has been a customer of the relevant Supplier for part only of the relevant BSC Year).

4.2.8 The Profile Sum payable to each Supplier shall be paid annually in accordance with BSCP510 in respect of each BSC Year and, for the avoidance of doubt, shall be treated as BSC Costs under Section D of the Code.

4.3 Teleswitch Agent

4.3.1 The primary functions of the Teleswitch Agent shall be:

(a) to monitor the messages concerning contact switching times sent pursuant to the Radio Teleswitch Agreement to groups of SVA Metering Systems for which the related Metering Equipment is equipped with a teleswitch;

(b) to provide details of those messages to the SVAA (by such means and in accordance with such BSC Procedures as may from time to time be approved by the Panel);

(c) to maintain a log recording the provision of details of teleswitch messages and to provide performance monitoring reports;

(d) to report to the SVAA any known or suspected failures in the monitoring and provision of messages; and

(e) to provide a consultancy and support service and a disaster recovery service.


5.1 Supplier Meter Registration Agents

5.1.1 The principal function of a Supplier Meter Registration Agent is to provide a registration service for SVA Metering Systems and associated data with respect to its Distribution System(s) and Associated Distribution System(s) in accordance with the REC, Section K, the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and BSCP501.

5.1.2 A Supplier Meter Registration Agent shall ensure that, to the extent to which is responsible for establishing or creating data in its SMRS relating to SVA Metering Systems, such data is accurate and complete (and in particular that each SVA Metering System is assigned to the GSP Group which such Metering System is in).

5.2 Licensed Distribution System Operators and Supplier Meter Registration Services

5.2.1 Each LDSO shall:

(a) establish, or procure the establishment of; and

(b) subsequently operate and maintain, or procure the subsequent operation and maintenance of,

a Supplier Meter Registration Service that provides the services specified in the Code in relation to SMRS including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, as set out in Annex K-1.

5.2.2 Each SMRA shall ensure that its SMRS enables only one Supplier to be registered, in respect of a Metering System, as being responsible for Imports at a Metering System for a particular Settlement Day.


6.1 Qualification

6.1.1 A Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall be Qualified:

(a) to aggregate energy values per Supplier BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2; and/or

(b) to aggregate energy values per Supplier per GSP Group in accordance with paragraph 3.5.9 to 3.5.12 of Annex S-2,

as further provided in this paragraph 6.1 and, in each case, in accordance with the provisions of Section J and BSCP537 applicable to the function (as described in paragraphs (a) and (b)) which such Data Aggregator is to perform.

6.1.2 Without prejudice to the requirements for Qualification set out in paragraph 6.1.1:

(a) in relation to a GSP Group, a Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall aggregate energy values for all SVA Metering Systems for which such Data Aggregator is responsible in that GSP Group either in accordance with paragraph 3.5.9 to 3.5.12 or paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2 (but not both);

(b) where one or more Suppliers within a GSP Group has allocated SVA Metering Systems for which such Data Aggregator is responsible to Additional BM Unit(s) in accordance with paragraph 6.2 and 6.3, such Data Aggregator shall aggregate energy values for all SVA Metering Systems (and all Suppliers) for which it is responsible in that GSP Group in accordance with paragraph 3.6 of Annex S-2.

6.1.3 The provisions of paragraph 6.1.2 shall be without prejudice to the basis upon which a Half Hourly Data Aggregator is required (in accordance with BSCP503) to send reports to the Supplier by whom it is appointed.

6.2 Allocation of SVA Metering Systems to Additional BM Units

6.2.1 In relation to a GSP Group, where a Supplier has registered one or more Additional BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K, the Supplier may allocate SVA Metering Systems in that GSP Group for which such Supplier is the Registrant to such Additional BM Unit(s) subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 6.2 and paragraph 6.3.

6.2.2 An Additional BM Unit may comprise:

(a) one or more Half Hourly Metering Systems; and/or

(b) one or more valid combinations (in accordance with BSCP507) of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, comprising (in each case) all the Non Half Hourly Metering Systems with the same Profile Class and the same Standard Settlement Configuration,

for which the relevant Supplier is the Registrant in a GSP Group.

6.2.3 For the avoidance of doubt:

(a) in relation to a GSP Group, any SVA Metering Systems not allocated to an Additional BM Unit in accordance with this paragraph 6.2 for which a Supplier is the Registrant shall be attributed to such Supplier's Base BM Unit for the purposes of Settlement;

(b) a SVA Metering System may not be allocated to more than one Additional BM Unit.

6.2.4 Subject to paragraph 6.2.5:

(a) the allocation of SVA Metering Systems to an Additional BM Unit shall become effective for the purposes of Settlement on the day specified by the Supplier in accordance with paragraph 6.3.1, which shall be a date no earlier than the day next following the date when the SVAA or relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator (as the case may be) has received the Supplier's notification under paragraph 6.3.1, provided such notification is so received by Gate Closure in respect of the first Settlement Period of that day (failing which, the day specified by the Supplier shall be no earlier than the day next following such day); and

(b) in relation to a Half Hourly Metering System, the Supplier shall ensure that the identity of any relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator is sent to the SMRA and recorded in SMRS prior to Gate Closure in respect of the first Settlement Period of the day when the allocation of such Metering System to an Additional BM Unit becomes effective pursuant to paragraph (a).

6.2.5 No allocation of Half Hourly Metering Systems to Additional BM Units shall become effective or be taken into account for the purposes of Settlement until and unless the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator has been Qualified in accordance with paragraph 6.1.2.

6.2.6 In this paragraph 6, the "relevant" Half Hourly Data Aggregator means the Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed by the Supplier in respect of the Half Hourly Metering System(s) which the Supplier wishes to allocate to an Additional BM Unit in a GSP Group.

6.3 Process

6.3.1 Where a Supplier wishes to allocate SVA Metering Systems to an Additional BM Unit in a GSP Group pursuant to paragraph 6.2, the Supplier shall:

(a) in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems, notify the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator in accordance with BSCP503 of:

(i) the SVA Metering System Number of each Half Hourly Metering System; and

(ii) the identification number of the relevant Additional BM Unit; and

(iii) the date from when, subject to paragraph 6.2.4, the Supplier wishes such Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such Additional BM Unit for the purposes of Settlement;

(b) in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, notify the SVAA in accordance with BSCP507 of:

(i) the Profile Class;

(ii) the Standard Settlement Configuration;

(iii) the identification number of the relevant Additional BM Unit; and

(iv) the date from when, subject to paragraph 6.2.4, the Supplier wishes such Non Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such Additional BM Unit for the purposes of Settlement; and

(c) in the case of both Half Hourly Metering Systems and Non Half Hourly Metering Systems, notify the CRA of the estimates referred to in Section K3.4.1 relating to the relevant Additional BM Unit which is to apply upon allocation of such SVA Metering Systems to that Additional BM Unit.

6.3.2 The relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall in accordance with BSCP503:

(a) validate the data submitted to it by a Supplier under paragraph 6.3.1(a) as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 6;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant allocation by notice to the Supplier; and

(c) where it confirms the relevant allocation in accordance with paragraph (b), record the data in its aggregation system to take effect, for the purposes of Settlement, from the date specified under paragraph 6.3.1(a)(iii).

6.3.3 The SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP507:

(a) validate the data submitted to it by a Supplier under paragraph 6.3.1(b) as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 6;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant allocation by notice to the Supplier; and

(c) where it confirms the relevant allocation in accordance with paragraph (b), record the data in its systems to take effect, for the purposes of Settlement, from the date specified under paragraph 6.3.1(b)(iv).

6.3.4 Further SVA Metering Systems may be allocated (subject to paragraph 6.2.2) to Additional BM Units to which SVA Metering Systems have already been allocated by following the procedures set out in this paragraph 6.3.

6.3.5 A SVA Metering System which is allocated to an Additional BM Unit may be removed from that Additional BM Unit and transferred either to another Additional BM Unit in that GSP Group or to the Supplier's Base BM Unit in respect of that GSP Group, in accordance with BSCP503 (in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems) and BSCP507 (in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems), by:

(a) notifying the relevant Data Aggregator (in the case of Half Hourly Metering Systems) or the SVAA (in the case of Non Half Hourly Metering Systems); and

(b) notifying the CRA of the revised Generation Capacity and Demand Capacity of the relevant Additional BM Units or the relevant Additional BM Unit and Base BM Unit (as the case may be) in accordance with Section K3.4.1,

and such transfer shall take effect from the time specified in those BSC Procedures and, in any event, prior to Gate Closure of the first Settlement Period in respect of which it is to take effect.


7.1 Application

7.1.1 The provisions of Annex S-2 shall apply and be given effect as if they were set out in full in this Section S and shall be treated for all purposes as a part of this Section S.

7.1.2 Quantities of Active Energy associated with SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems shall be determined and allocated to BM Units for the purposes of Settlement in accordance with Annex S-2.

7.2 Overview of the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules

7.2.1 Suppliers and Supplier Agents , and Virtual Lead Parties and Virtual Lead Party Agents shall provide data to the SVAA in accordance with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules, BSCP508 and BSCP602.

7.2.2 The Supplier Volume Allocation Rules consist of the following principal activities:

(a) the provision of SVA Metering System registration data from the relevant SMRA to Suppliers, Supplier Agents, Distribution System Operators and relevant BSC Agents;

(b) the provision of standing data to the SVAA from Suppliers, Supplier Agents, Distribution System Operators, the Profile Administrator and other BSC Agents;

(c) the provision of periodic data to the SVAA from Non Half Hourly Data Aggregators, Half Hourly Data Aggregators, the Temperature Provider and the Teleswitch Agent;

(d) the derivation and distribution of the Daily Profile Coefficients by the SVAA;

(e) the data collection and data aggregation calculations performed by Data Collectors and Data Aggregators on behalf of Suppliers and Virtual Lead Parties;

(f) the determination of the pre-correction consumption and production per Settlement Period per Supplier BM Unit and Secondary BM Unit by the SVAA;

(g) the GSP Group Correction Factor calculation performed by the SVAA which reconciles SVA metered volumes with the GSP Group Take;

(h) determination of the half hourly energy volumes allocated to each Supplier BM Unit and Secondary BM Unit, and the provision of such data to the SAA; and

(i) the determination of Supplier BM Unit Non BM ABSVD for each Supplier BM Unit, and the provision of such data to the SAA.

7.2.3 The summary in paragraph 7.2.2 (which is included for convenience and ease of reference only) is without prejudice to the provisions of the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules shall prevail over paragraph 7.2.2 in the event of any conflict or inconsistency.

7.2.4 Suppliers , Virtual Lead Parties, Supplier Agents and Virtual Lead Party Agents shall comply with the Supplier Volume Allocation Rules and all relevant Code Subsidiary Documents in order that data is provided within the timescales defined in the Settlement Calendar or otherwise as may be required in order to effect a Settlement Run.


8.1 Unmetered Supplies and this Section

8.1.1 The rights and obligations of the Parties in relation to Unmetered Supplies shall be as set out in this paragraph 8, Party Service Line 100 and BSCP520.

8.1.2 If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this paragraph 8 and any other provisions of the Code in relation to Unmetered Supplies, the provisions of this paragraph 8 shall prevail.

8.1.3 The standards of accuracy of data for Unmetered Supplies from time to time shall be no worse than those which at such time apply generally under the Code for metered supplies of electricity.

8.1.4 The Panel may at any time and from time to time commission load research programmes in respect of Unmetered Supplies to support changes made or proposed to be made to Party Service Line 100 and/or the relevant BSC Procedures.

8.1.5 Subject to paragraph 8.1.1 each Meter Administrator, Licensed Distribution System Operator, Supplier and Half Hourly Data Collector shall cooperate with each other:

(a) to comply with the obligations set out in BSCP520 relating to the change in Measurement Classes; and

(b) in any Data Cleansing activity.

8.1.6 A "UMS Mandate Go-Live Date" for the purposes of this paragraph 8 and BSCP520 means the relevant date set out in the MHHS Implementation Timetable pursuant to Section C12.2.11 from which the start of 1 year migration for UMS/Advanced Meters commences (otherwise described as "M11").

8.1.7 "Data Cleansing" for the purposes of this paragraph 8 and BSCP520 means the inspection and where applicable resolution of any inaccuracies of data for the purposes of completing the change in Measurement Class process.

8.2 Licensed Distribution System Operators and Unmetered Supplies

8.2.1 A Licensed Distribution System Operator shall determine in relation to supplies of electricity connected to its Distribution System(s) or its Associated Distribution System(s) (if any) whether a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus is to be treated for the purposes of the Code as an Unmetered Supply provided that, if such supply is separately measured and recorded through a SVA Metering System at or near to the point of supply to the Customer, the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall not determine that such supply is an Unmetered Supply.

8.2.2 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator acknowledges that, without prejudice to any other factor to which it may choose to have regard in making its determination, it would not expect to determine that a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus is to be treated for the purposes of the Code as an Unmetered Supply unless it is technically impractical to install a Meter or to carry out meter readings or the cost of installation of a Meter or of carrying out meter readings is wholly disproportionate or the supply of electricity in question is both small (in kWh terms) and reasonably predictable.

8.2.3 If a Licensed Distribution System Operator determines in accordance with paragraph 8.2.1 that a supply of electricity to a particular inventory of Apparatus qualifies as an Unmetered Supply:

(a) until the date that is 12 months prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date:

(i) it shall on request issue an Unmetered Supply Certificate to the Customer taking such supply in relation to such inventory;

(ii) such Unmetered Supply Certificate shall state whether the Unmetered Supply to which it relates is an Equivalent Unmetered Supply or a Profiled Unmetered Supply, as agreed between the Licensed Distribution System Operator and the Customer;

(b) on or after the date being 12 months prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date it shall on request issue an Unmetered Supply Certificate to the Customer taking such supply in relation to such inventory only for Equivalent Unmetered Supplies. From the date referred to in this paragraph Unmetered Supply Certificates shall no longer be issued in relation to Profiled Unmetered Supplies.

8.2.3A In relation to Unmetered Supply Certificates issued for a Profiled Unmetered Supply the relevant Supplier shall prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date apply for a change of such Unmetered Supply Certificate to reflect the change in Measurement Class from a Profiled Unmetered Supply to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply.

8.2.3B Subject to paragraph 8.2.3A and BSCP520 the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall, on request by the Customer or Supplier only, reissue a new Unmetered Supply Certificate to the Supplier in relation to such inventory for each Equivalent Unmetered Supply.

8.2.4 The inventory of Apparatus relative to a particular Unmetered Supply shall be agreed between the Licensed Distribution System Operator on whose Distribution System or Associated Distribution System the Unmetered Supply takes place and the Customer taking such supply and the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall:

(a) ensure that any such inventory includes the means of identifying the type and number of items connected and taking supply, the location of such items, the wattage and the switch regime; and

(b) prepare and provide in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure a summary inventory of Apparatus based on the information included in the detailed inventory of Apparatus.

8.2.5 A Licensed Distribution System Operator shall assign a unique SVA Metering System Number to each Unmetered Supply Certificate relating to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply on any of its Distribution System(s) or Associated Distribution System(s).

8.2.6 No later than 12 months prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date only, a Licensed Distribution System Operator shall assign a unique SVA Metering System Number to each Standard Settlement Configuration for each Unmetered Supply Certificate relating to a Profiled Unmetered Supply on any of its Distribution System(s) or Associated Distribution System(s).

8.2.7 Not Used.

8.2.8 Not Used.

8.2.9 Not Used.

8.2.10 Not Used.

8.2.11 For each Profiled Unmetered Supply on its Distribution System(s) or Associated Distribution System(s) (if any), the Licensed Distribution System Operator shall calculate an Estimated Annual Consumption and shall notify the relevant Supplier or its Supplier Agent of such Estimated Annual Consumption.

8.2.12 As soon as reasonably practicable after there has been a material change in the inventory of Apparatus to which an Unmetered Supply Certificate relates, the Licensed Distribution System Operator which issued such Unmetered Supply Certificate shall, in accordance with the relevant BSC Procedure, provide to the relevant Supplier or its Supplier Agent:-

(a) a revised summary inventory of Apparatus (in the case of an Equivalent Unmetered Supply); and/or

(b) a new Estimated Annual Consumption (in the case of a Profiled Unmetered Supply).

8.2.13 If, at the Go-live Date, a Distribution System Operator (being, or being the successor to, the holder at the Code Effective Date of a PES Supply Licence relating to distribution activities in England and Wales, acting in that capacity) is providing meter administration services to any third party it shall continue to provide meter administration services to Suppliers upon request and upon agreement as to the terms and conditions thereof, provided that such a Distribution System Operator shall not be obliged to offer to provide such services if after the Go-live Date it ceases for more than six consecutive months to provide meter administration services to third parties.

8.2.14 A Licensed Distribution System Operator when carrying out the functions set out in this paragraph 8.2 may be referred to as an "Unmetered Supplies Operator" or "UMSO".

8.2.15 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall ensure that it (or any person performing the relevant functions of an UMSO on its behalf) is Qualified to perform the functions of an UMSO in accordance with Section J and BSCP537 before it (or any person performing the relevant functions on its behalf) provides the functions set out in this paragraph 8.2.

8.3 Suppliers and Unmetered Supplies

8.3.1 Each Supplier shall:

(a) trade Unmetered Supplies on a basis consistent with the terms of the relevant Unmetered Supply Certificate so that Equivalent Unmetered Supplies are treated and traded as such and prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date Profiled Unmetered Supplies are treated and traded as such; and

(b) prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date ensure that Estimated Annual Consumption or summary inventory of Apparatus associated with an Unmetered Supply Certificate is properly submitted for use in Settlement in relation to Profiled Unmetered Supplies..

8.3.2 Subject to paragraph 8.3.3 a change in the treatment and trading of an Unmetered Supply from an Equivalent Unmetered Supply to a Profiled Unmetered Supply (or vice versa) shall only be made if the relevant Unmetered Supply Certificate is withdrawn and cancelled and a new Unmetered Supply Certificate is issued in its place.

8.3.3 Prior to the UMS Mandate Go-Live Date each Supplier shall change an Unmetered Supply from a Profiled Unmetered Supply to an Equivalent Unmetered Supply in accordance with paragraph 8.2.3A and BSCP520.


9.1 Duties of Distribution System Operator

9.1.1 As regards an Embedded Distribution System that is connected to a Distribution System operated by a Host DSO, that Host DSO shall notify the Embedded DSO as soon as reasonably practicable where it becomes aware of any Demand Disconnection Events affecting that Embedded Distribution System.

9.1.2 Following the cessation of a Demand Disconnection Event, for each SVA Metering System impacted by a Demand Disconnection Event a Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall, using the relevant Supplier Meter Registration Service system, identify each MSID that is connected to its Distribution System (either directly or through any private distribution system) but not including any SVA Metering Systems that:

(a) are de-energised;

(b) have been de-registered; or

(c) have voluntarily reduced consumption at the request of the Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO.

9.1.3 Each Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall, in respect of each Impacted SVA Metering System identified under paragraph 9.1.2, notify each Half Hourly Data Collector, Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Non Half Hourly Data Collector and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator and the SVAA of:

(a) the MSID for each disconnected Metering System; and

(b) the start and end date and time in Co-ordinated Universal Time at which the Metering System was subject to Demand Disconnection.

9.1.4 Any notice given under paragraph 9.1.3 shall be given within the period of five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after notification by BSCCo under paragraph 9.2A.3(b).

9.1.5 Each Demand Disconnection Impacted DSO shall update any notice given under paragraph 9.1.4 as soon as reasonably practical after becoming aware of any necessary amendments to this information.

9.1.6 This paragraph 9.1 is subject to paragraph 9.2A.

9.2 Duties of the NETSO

9.2.1 Subject to paragraph 9.2A, within the period of twenty five Business Days commencing on the Business Day after notification by BSCCo under paragraph 9.2A.3(b) or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter, for each Metering System that has been subject to a Non-BM STOR Instruction the NETSO shall send to the SVAA:

(a) the MSID; and

(b) the estimated Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume (NBSVDZaKj) anticipated to have been delivered by the MSID,

during each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period.

9.2.2 Not used

9.2.3 Each Party that is a provider of Non-BM STOR shall co-operate with the NETSO and provide such information as the NETSO may require for the purposes of complying with this paragraph 9.2.

9.2A Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Methodology

9.2A.1 For the purposes of this paragraph:

(a) the "Demand Disconnection Event Threshold" shall be the threshold determined in accordance with the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules pursuant to which BSCCo shall determine whether the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations shall be performed;

(b) the "Demand Disconnection Event Obligations" means the obligations in Sections R8.1, S9.1 and S9.2 together with any consequential obligations which are necessary to calculate BM Unit Allocated Demand Disconnection Volumes and Period BM Unit Demand Disconnection Volumes; and

(c) the "Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules" shall be a document established and maintained by the Panel setting out a process and methodology for determining the anticipated cost and value of performing the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations, the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold and whether the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations should be performed.

9.2A.2 The Panel shall review the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules from time to time and:

(a) in respect of any revisions that it proposes to make to the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules, the Panel shall consult with Parties and other interested parties and have due regard to any representations made and not withdrawn during such consultation;

(b) the Panel shall make such revisions to the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules as may be determined by it;

(c) the revised Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules shall be effective for the purposes of the Code from the date determined by the Panel; and

(c) BSCCo shall notify the Authority, Parties, Data Aggregators and Data Collectors of the effective date determined by the Panel and shall promptly publish the revised Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules on the BSC Website.

9.2A.3 In respect of a Demand Disconnection Event (which, for the purposes of this paragraph 9.2A shall mean the Demand Control Events specified in Section Q6.9.2(a) or (c) only), BSCCo shall:

(a) determine the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold in accordance with the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold Rules; and

(b) within the period of one Business Day commencing on the Business Day after the BMRA receives the data from the NETSO specified in Section Q6.9.5, notify the Panel, Parties, each Data Collector, each Data Aggregator, the CDCA, the SVAA and the SAA (the "impacted participants") that either:

(i) the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations shall not be performed in which case the impacted participants shall, in respect of the Demand Disconnection Event to which such notification relates, be relieved of the duty to comply with the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations; or

(ii) the impacted participants shall, in respect of the Demand Disconnection Event to which such notification relates, comply with the Demand Disconnection Event Obligations in accordance with the Code; and

(c) at the next following Panel meeting after such notice, provide a report to the Panel setting out an explanation of its determination of the Demand Disconnection Event Threshold and the notice issued to impacted participants under this paragraph 9.2A.3.

9.3 Duties of the SVAA

9.3.1 The SVAA shall, in respect of each Impacted SVA Metering System identified under paragraph 9.2.1, notify each Half Hourly Data Collector, Half Hourly Data Aggregator, Non Half Hourly Data Collector and Non Half Hourly Data Aggregator of:

(a) the MSID for each Metering System; and

(b) the estimated Non-BM STOR Instruction Volume (NBSVDZaKj) anticipated to have been delivered by each MSID,

for each Demand Control Impacted Settlement Period.

9.3.2 Any notice given under paragraph 9.3.1 shall be given within the period of one Business Day following receipt of a notification under paragraph 9.2.1.

9.3.3 The SVAA shall send an update to any notice given under paragraph 9.3.1 as soon as reasonably practical after becoming aware of any necessary amendments to this information.


10.1 Provision of MSID Pair Data

10.1.1 In relation to any Settlement Period where the NETSO is not able to assign ABSVD to a BM Unit, the NETSO shall send to the SVAA Non BM Unit ABSVD MSID Pair Data subject to and in accordance with Section Q, the provisions of this paragraph 10.1 and paragraph 10.2.

10.1.2 In relation to a GSP Group where a Lead Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units or Additional BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K and intends to offer Balancing Services, the Lead Party shall allocate MSID Pairs in that GSP Group to such BM Unit(s) by submitting BM Unit MSID Pair Data for such BM Units subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.1 and paragraph 10.2.

10.1.2A In relation to a GSP Group where a Virtual Lead Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K and intends to offer Balancing Services, the Virtual Lead Party shall submit BM Unit MSID Pair Data for such BM Units subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.1 and paragraph 10.2 for all AMSID Pairs which are Associated MSID Pairs of an Asset for which the Virtual Lead Party intends to submit AMSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.1A.

10.1.3 For the purposes of the Code, "BM Unit MSID Pair Data" shall contain the following:

(a) in relation to an MSID Pair, the GSP Group in which the Import Metering System and (where applicable) Export Metering System are located;

(b) the MSID of the Import Metering System;

(c) the MSID of the associated Export Metering System (where applicable);

(d) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1.4, the Lead Party wishes such Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services;

(e) a Customer Consent Flag for the MSID of the Import Metering System setting out:

(i) the date from when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective; and

(ii) the date to when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective;

(f) a Customer Consent Flag for the MSID of the Export Metering System setting out:

(i) the date from when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective; and

(ii) the date to when the Customer Consent Flag is to be effective;

(g) the identification number of the relevant BM Unit; and.

(h) an Indicator detailing whether the MSID Pair is:

(i) to be allocated to the BM Unit, and is not an Associated MSID Pair for any AMSID Pair;

(ii) not to be allocated to the BM Unit, and is an Associated MSID Pair of an AMSID Pair which is to be allocated to the BM Unit in accordance with paragraph 10.1A; or

(iii) to be allocated to the BM Unit, and is an Associated MSID Pair for an AMSID Pair which is to be used in Asset Differencing in accordance with paragraph 10.1A.

10.1.3A BM Unit MSID Pair Data submitted by a Lead Party in relation to a Baselined BM Unit shall also contain the following information:

(a) whether the MSID Pair is to be classified as a Baselined MSID Pair;

(b) where the MSID Pair is to be classified as a Baselined MSID Pair, the Baselining Methodology that applies;

(c) the date from which items (a) and (b) are to become effective; and

(d) whether the MSID Pair is to be treated as Inactive, and the effective dates, from and to, in calendar days giving the period when the MSID Pair should be treated as Inactive.

10.1.3B Where a Lead Party does not wish for actual and expected volumes for MSID Pairs allocated to their Secondary BM Unit(s) to be used in Settlement, it may identify the MSID Pairs as “Inactive” for the purposes of paragraph 10.1.3 A (d).

10.1.4 For the avoidance of doubt a Half Hourly Metering System within a MSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one MSID Pair and (where applicable) a MSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one BM Unit that offers Balancing Services for any given time.

10.1.5 MSID Pair Data shall be recorded and stored in the SVA Metering System Register for the purposes of Settlement from the day specified by the Lead Party in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1(e) or the NETSO in accordance with Section Q paragraph 6.4.8 (d).

10.1A Provision of AMSID Pair Data

10.1A.1 In relation to a GSP Group where a Virtual Lead Party has registered one or more Secondary BM Units with the CRA in accordance with Section K the Lead Party shall allocate AMSID Pairs in that GSP Group to such BM Unit(s) by submitting Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data for such BM Units subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 10.1A and paragraph 10.2A.

10.1A.2 For the purposes of the Code, "Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data" shall contain the following:

(a) in relation to an AMSID Pair, the GSP Group in which the Metering System(s) comprising the AMSID Pair are located;

(b) the AMSID(s) of the Metering System(s) comprising the AMSID Pair;

(c) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1A.3 the Lead Party wishes such Half Hourly Metering System(s) to be allocated to such BM Unit

(d) the identification number of the relevant Secondary BM Unit.

(e) an Indicator identifying whether the flows of electricity recorded by the AMSID Pair are to be:

(i) allocated to the BM Unit; or

(ii) subtracted from the flows of electricity recorded by the Associated MSID Pair(s)(“Asset Differencing”)

10.1A.3 For the avoidance of doubt:

    1. an Asset Metering System within an AMSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one AMSID Pair;

    2. except as provided in this Section S, an AMSID Pair may not be allocated to more than one Secondary BM Unit for any given time; and

    3. an, AMSID Pair may not be used for the purposes of Asset Differencing in relation to more than one Secondary BM Unit.

10.1A.4 AMSID Pair Data shall be recorded and stored in the SVA Metering System Register for the purposes of Settlement from the day specified by the Virtual Lead Party in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1A(e).

10.2 Process for allocating MSID Pairs to a BM Unit

10.2.1 The SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate the MSID Pair Data submitted to it by a Party under paragraph 10.1 as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 10.2;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant MSID Pair Data by notice to the Party;

(c) where it confirms the relevant MSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph (b), the SVAA shall record the relevant data in the SVA Metering System Register;

(d) where the Half Hourly Metering System is to be allocated to either an Additional BM Unit or a Secondary BM Unit and is already allocated to an Additional BM Unit or a Secondary BM Unit on the SVA Metering System Register, the SVAA shall, subject to validation referred to in paragraph (a), confirm the most recent allocation and notify the previous SVA Metering System Register registrant of:

(i) the SVA Metering System Number of each Half Hourly Metering System that is no longer allocated to a BM Unit under this paragraph 10;

(ii) the GSP Group in which such Metering System is located;

(iii) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1.2, such SVA Metering System(s) will no longer be allocated to their BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services in Settlement.

10.2.2 In respect of a Primary BM Unit, upon being informed Half Hourly Metering System will no longer be allocated to that Primary BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services in Settlement (in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1 (d)), it is the responsibility of the Lead Party of that Primary BM Unit to ensure that such Half Hourly Metering System is not subsequently used for any Balancing Services activity.

10.2.3 A Half Hourly Metering System which is allocated to a BM Unit may be removed from that BM Unit, or transferred to another BM Unit in that GSP Group, in accordance with BSCP602 by notifying the SVAA and such transfer shall take effect from the time specified in accordance with that BSCP.

10.2.4 Where MSID Pair Data is submitted to the SVAA pursuant to 10.1.3A on or after the effective date specified in 10.1.3A(c), the SVAA shall reject such MSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1(b).

10.2.5 BM Unit MSID Pair Data provided by a Lead Party pursuant to paragraph 10.1.3A in relation to a BM Unit that is not registered as a Baselined BM Unit shall be rejected by the SVAA.

10.2A Process for allocating AMSID Pairs to a Secondary BM Unit

10.2A.1 The SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate the AMSID Pair Data submitted to it by a Virtual Lead Party under paragraph 10.1A as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 10.2A;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant AMSID Pair Data by notice to the Virtual Lead Party;

(c) where it confirms the relevant AMSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph (b), the SVAA shall record the relevant data in the SVA Metering System Register;

(d) where the Asset Metering System is to be allocated to a Secondary BM Unit, is already allocated to an Secondary BM Unit on the SVA Metering System Register and when allocated the Virtual Lead Party has not selected the Indicator “Differencing”, the SVAA shall, subject to validation referred to in paragraph (a), confirm the most recent allocation and notify the previous SVA Metering System Register registrant of:

(i) the Asset Metering System Number of each Asset Metering System that is no longer allocated to a Secondary BM Unit under this paragraph 10;

(ii) the GSP Group in which such Metering System is located;

(iii) the date from when, subject to paragraph 10.1.2, such Asset Metering System(s) will no longer be allocated to their Secondary BM Unit for the purposes of providing Balancing Services in Settlement.

10.2A.2 An Asset Metering System which is allocated to a Secondary BM Unit may be removed from that BM Unit, or transferred to another Secondary BM Unit in that GSP Group, in accordance with BSCP602 by notifying the SVAA and such transfer shall take effect from the time specified in accordance with that BSCP.

10.2A.3 Where AMSID Pair Data is submitted to the SVAA pursuant to 10.1.3A on or after the effective date specified in 10.1A.2A(c), the SVAA shall reject such AMSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.2A.1(b).

10.2A.4 Secondary BM Unit AMSID Pair Data provided by a Lead Party pursuant to paragraph 10.1A.2A in relation to a BM Unit that is not registered as a Baselined BM Unit shall be rejected by the SVAA.

10.3 Qualification

10.3.1 A Half Hourly Data Aggregator that is Qualified in accordance with paragraph 6.1 shall be deemed as Qualified to provide energy values for an SVA Metering System in accordance with paragraph 3.9 of Annex S-2 and paragraph 10.5.

10.3.2 A Half Hourly Data Collector that is Qualified in accordance with Section J shall be deemed as Qualified to provide energy values per Asset Metering System to the SVAA in accordance with paragraph 3.5.3A of Annex S-2 and this paragraph 10.

10.4 MSID Standing Data

10.4.1 Where the SVAA has received and validated MSID Pair Data associated with either a Secondary BM Unit or the NETSO in the SVA Metering System Balancing Services, in respect of each SVA Metering System within an MSID Pair, it shall:

(a) procure the MSID Standing Data in accordance with BSCP507; and

(b) store such MSID Standing Data in the SVA Metering System Register,

in each case in accordance with BSCP602.

10.4.2 "MSID Standing Data" means, in relation to a SVA Metering System:

(a) the GSP Group in which the SVA Metering System is located;

(b) the Supplier ID of the Supplier that has in accordance with section K2.4 registered the SVA Metering System in CSS;

(c) the Half Hourly Data Aggregator appointed in relation to that SVA Metering System; and

(d) any other data item defined in BSCP507 as being included in MSID Standing Data.

10.4.3 The SVAA shall, where it confirms the relevant MSID Pair Data in accordance with paragraph 10.2.1 and procures the MSID Standing Data in accordance with paragraph 10.4.1, notify the relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator(s) of:

(a) the SVA Metering System Number of each Half Hourly Metering System contained within the relevant MSID Pair Data; and

(b) the date from when the Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall be required to provide half hourly Metered Data for such Half Hourly Metering System(s) for the purposes of Settlement.

10.4.4 The relevant Half Hourly Data Aggregator shall, in accordance with BSCP503:

(a) validate the data submitted to it by the SVAA under paragraph 10.4.3 as to compliance with the requirements of this paragraph 10;

(b) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraph (a), confirm or reject the relevant allocation by notice to the SVAA.

10.5 Provision of metered volumes by the Half Hourly Data Aggregator

10.5.1 Where the Half Hourly Data Aggregator confirms the relevant SVA Metering System Number in accordance with paragraph 10.4.4 it shall record the relevant data in its aggregation system to take effect, for the purposes of Settlement, from the date specified in the notification pursuant to paragraph 10.4.3.

10.5.2 Upon receipt of the half hourly Metered Data from the Half Hourly Data Aggregator(s) the SVAA shall provide, where relevant, the Lead Party of a Secondary BM Unit with the relevant half hourly Metered Data for each Metering System registered to that Secondary BM Unit as per the SVA Metering System Register.


11.1 Provision of MSID Pair Delivered Volume and AMSID Pair Delivered Volume

11.1.1 Where the NETSO or a Virtual Lead Party has provided MSID Pair Data or AMSID Pair Data in a GSP Group pursuant to paragraph 10.2, the NETSO or Virtual Lead Party shall in respect of each relevant MSID Pair or AMSID Pair and each Settlement Period:

(a) subject to paragraph 11.1.1A, provide the MSID Pair Delivered Volume or AMSID Pair Delivered Volume to, as applicable, the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602; and

(b) ensure that such MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes are determined in good faith and in accordance with Good Industry Practice to:

(i) be accurate and complete; and

(ii) (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) accurately reflect the change in the Imports and Exports resulting from the delivery of Balancing Services, as such change in the Imports and Exports would be measured by the Metering Systems allocated to that MSID Pair.

11.1.1A The provisions of paragraph 11.1.1 shall not apply to any Baselined MSID Pairs or Baselined AMSID Pairs.

11.1.2 Where the SVAA receives an MSID Pair Delivered Volume or an AMSID Pair Delivered Volume, the SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate that the SVA Metering Systems for which data has been provided are Half Hourly Metering Systems;

(aa) validate that the Asset Metering Systems for which data has been provided are registered in the AMRS;

(b) validate, where relevant, that the Virtual Lead Party is the Lead Party of Secondary BM Units to which the SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems are allocated;

(c) validate, where relevant, whether the MSID(s) relate to SVA Metering Systems specified by the NETSO by reference to the SVA Metering System Register;

(d) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c), confirm or reject the relevant delivered volumes by notice to the relevant Party;

(e) where it confirms the relevant delivered volumes in accordance with paragraph (d), record the data in its systems to take effect in the next Volume Allocation Run ; and

(f) validate that MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes does not include volumes for any Baselined MSID Pair or Baselined AMSID Pair.

11.1.3 In accordance with BSCP602, a Lead Party may submit revised MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes to the SVAA for SVA Metering Systems and Asset Metering Systems and Settlement Periods for which that Party was provided MSID Pair Data and AMSID Pair Data. The SVAA shall validate and process such MSID Pair Delivered Volumes and AMSID Pair Delivered Volumes in accordance with paragraph 11.


12.1 Provision of Billing Data

12.1.1 Within five Working Days of receipt of the DUoS Report for the Initial Volume Allocation Run for the last Settlement Day of each calendar month, each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall provide Billing Data to NETSO, in relation to:

(a) the calendar month where the Licensed Distribution System Operator is in receipt of the DUoS Report for the Initial Volume Allocation Run for the last Settlement Day ofthat calendar month; and

(b) any other calendar month, the last Settlement Day of which, has been the subject of a Reconciliation Volume Allocation Run since the previous submission of the Billing Data to NETSO.

12.1.2 Where a Licensed Distribution System Operator has more than one Distributor ID (MPID), then the Licensed Distribution System Operator must provide Billing Data for each Distributor ID.

12.1.3 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall use data from the most recent Volume Allocation Run for the purposes of paragraph 12.1.1.

12.2 Provision of Tariff Setting Data

12.2.1 Within five Working Days of receipt of the DUoS Report for the Initial Volume Allocation Run for 30th September each year, each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall provide Tariff Setting Data to NETSO, in relation to the preceding twelve month period.

12.2.2 Where a Licensed Distribution System Operator has more than one Distributor ID (MPID), then the Licensed Distribution System Operator must provide Tariff Setting Data for each Distributor ID.

12.2.3 Each Licensed Distribution System Operator shall use data from the most recent Volume Allocation Run for the purposes of paragraph 12.2.1.

12.2.4 Flows of electricity at Systems Connection Points do not constitute Imports for the purposes of the Code and shall therefore not be included in Tariff Setting Data to be provided by Licensed Distribution System Operators pursuant to this paragraph.


13.1 The Panel shall establish, and have in force at all times thereafter, a document containing the methodologies the SVAA will use to calculate MSID Baseline Values and AMSID Baseline Values for all Baselined MSID Pairs and Baselined AMSID Pairs based on historical volume data.

13.2 The Panel shall review the Baselining Methodology Document from time to time and in any event if there is a significant change which may lead to historic metered data not reflecting future volumes due to but not limited to;

(a) significant changes to Network Charges; and

(b) events which lead to large changes to demand such as a National epidemic

and shall make such revisions to the Baselining Methodology Document as necessary.


141 Where the Lead Party has registered a BM Unit as a Baselined BM Unit pursuant to paragraph K3.3.2 or K8.3.2, the Lead Party shall in respect of a Settlement Period:

(a) provide the Submitted Expected Volume to the SVAA in accordance with BSCP602;

(b) ensure that the accuracy of the Submitted Expected Volume is commensurate with Good Industry Practice.

(c) where a Baselined BM Unit contains no Baselined MSID Pairs or Baselined AMSID Pairs, the Submitted Expected Volume sent to the SVAA by a Party must be the same as the Final Physical Notification.

14.2 Where the SVAA receives Submitted Expected Volumes, the SVAA shall in accordance with BSCP602:

(a) validate that the Party providing the Submitted Expected Volumes is the Lead Party of the BM Unit;

(b) validate that the Submitted Expected Volumes were received prior to Gate Closure for the Settlement Period;

(c) on the basis of the checks referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b), confirm or reject the relevant Submitted Expected Volumes by notice to the relevant Party; and

(d) where it confirms the relevant Submitted Expected Volumes in accordance with paragraph (c), record the data in its systems to take effect in the next Volume Allocation Run.


15.1 Where the Lead Party has registered a BM Unit as a Baselined BM Unit pursuant to paragraph K3.3.2 or K8.3.2, the Lead Party shall inform SVAA of any Event Day(s) within thirty days of their occurrence, in accordance with BSCP602.

15.2 For the purposes of paragraph 15.1, an “Event Day” is a Settlement Day where Metering System Metered Consumption for a Settlement Period relating to a Baselined MSID Pair or Baselined AMSID Pair have been affected by;

(a) the provision of a Balancing Service; and/or

(b) such events as listed in [Appendix A] of the [Baselining Methodology Document].

15.3 Metering System Metered Consumption on an Event Day shall not be included in calculating MSID Baseline Values or AMSID Baseline Values save as provided in the Baselining Methodology Document.

1 ORD005 was Directed by the Secretary of State on 1 August 2014